path: root/support/texlab/crates/bibutils_sys/src/ebiin.c
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'support/texlab/crates/bibutils_sys/src/ebiin.c')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 763 deletions
diff --git a/support/texlab/crates/bibutils_sys/src/ebiin.c b/support/texlab/crates/bibutils_sys/src/ebiin.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 3454f0e08f..0000000000
--- a/support/texlab/crates/bibutils_sys/src/ebiin.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,763 +0,0 @@
- * ebiin.c
- *
- * Copyright (c) Chris Putnam 2004-2019
- *
- * Program and source code released under the GPL version 2
- *
- */
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include "is_ws.h"
-#include "str.h"
-#include "str_conv.h"
-#include "fields.h"
-#include "bu_auth.h"
-#include "marc_auth.h"
-#include "xml.h"
-#include "xml_encoding.h"
-#include "bibformats.h"
-static int ebiin_readf( FILE *fp, char *buf, int bufsize, int *bufpos, str *line, str *reference, int *fcharset );
-static int ebiin_processf( fields *ebiin, const char *data, const char *filename, long nref, param *p );
- PUBLIC: void ebiin_initparams()
-ebiin_initparams( param *pm, const char *progname )
- pm->readformat = BIBL_EBIIN;
- pm->charsetin = BIBL_CHARSET_UNICODE;
- pm->charsetin_src = BIBL_SRC_DEFAULT;
- pm->latexin = 0;
- pm->xmlin = 1;
- pm->utf8in = 1;
- pm->nosplittitle = 0;
- pm->verbose = 0;
- pm->addcount = 0;
- pm->output_raw = BIBL_RAW_WITHMAKEREFID |
- pm->readf = ebiin_readf;
- pm->processf = ebiin_processf;
- pm->cleanf = NULL;
- pm->typef = NULL;
- pm->convertf = NULL;
- pm->all = NULL;
- pm->nall = 0;
- slist_init( &(pm->asis) );
- slist_init( &(pm->corps) );
- if ( !progname ) pm->progname = NULL;
- else {
- pm->progname = strdup( progname );
- if ( !pm->progname ) return BIBL_ERR_MEMERR;
- }
- return BIBL_OK;
- PUBLIC: int ebiin_readf()
-static int
-ebiin_readf( FILE *fp, char *buf, int bufsize, int *bufpos, str *line, str *reference, int *fcharset )
- int haveref = 0, inref = 0, file_charset = CHARSET_UNKNOWN, m;
- char *startptr = NULL, *endptr;
- str tmp;
- str_init( &tmp );
- while ( !haveref && str_fget( fp, buf, bufsize, bufpos, line ) ) {
- if ( line->data ) {
- m = xml_getencoding( line );
- if ( m!=CHARSET_UNKNOWN ) file_charset = m;
- }
- if ( line->data )
- startptr = xml_find_start( line->data, "Publication" );
- if ( startptr || inref ) {
- if ( inref ) str_strcat( &tmp, line );
- else {
- str_strcatc( &tmp, startptr );
- inref = 1;
- }
- endptr = xml_find_end( str_cstr( &tmp ), "Publication" );
- if ( endptr ) {
- str_segcpy( reference, str_cstr( &tmp ), endptr );
- haveref = 1;
- }
- }
- }
- str_free( &tmp );
- *fcharset = file_charset;
- return haveref;
- PUBLIC: int ebiin_processf()
-typedef struct xml_convert {
- char *in; /* The input tag */
- char *a, *aval; /* The attribute="attribute_value" pair, if nec. */
- char *out; /* The output tag */
- int level;
-} xml_convert;
-static int
-ebiin_doconvert( xml *node, fields *info, xml_convert *c, int nc, int *found )
- int i, status;
- char *d;
- if ( !xml_has_value( node ) ) goto out;
- d = xml_value_cstr( node );
- for ( i=0; i<nc; ++i ) {
- if ( c[i].a==NULL ) {
- if ( xml_tag_matches( node, c[i].in ) ) {
- *found = 1;
- status = fields_add( info, c[i].out, d, c[i].level );
- if ( status!=FIELDS_OK ) return BIBL_ERR_MEMERR;
- else return BIBL_OK;
- }
- } else {
- if ( xml_tag_has_attribute( node, c[i].in, c[i].a, c[i].aval ) ){
- *found = 1;
- status = fields_add( info, c[i].out, d, c[i].level );
- if ( status!=FIELDS_OK ) return BIBL_ERR_MEMERR;
- else return BIBL_OK;
- }
- }
- }
- *found = 0;
- return BIBL_OK;
-/* <ArticleTitle>Mechanism and.....</ArticleTitle>
- * and
- * <Title>Mechanism and....</Title>
- */
-static int
-ebiin_title( xml *node, fields *info, int title_level )
- int status;
- if ( xml_has_value( node ) ) {
- status = fields_add( info, "TITLE", xml_value_cstr( node ), title_level );
- if ( status!=FIELDS_OK ) return BIBL_ERR_MEMERR;
- }
- return BIBL_OK;
-/* ebiin_medlinedate()
- *
- * - extract medline information from entries like:
- * <MedlineDate>2003 Jan-Feb</MedlineDate>
- */
-static int
-ebiin_medlinedate_year( fields *info, const char *p, int level, const char **end )
- int fstatus, status = BIBL_OK;
- str s;
- str_init( &s );
- *end = str_cpytodelim( &s, p, " \t\n\r", 0 );
- if ( str_memerr( &s ) ) {
- status = BIBL_ERR_MEMERR;
- goto out;
- }
- if ( str_has_value( &s ) ) {
- fstatus = fields_add( info, "PARTDATE:YEAR", str_cstr( &s ), level );
- if ( fstatus!=FIELDS_OK ) status = BIBL_ERR_MEMERR;
- }
- str_free( &s );
- return status;
-static int
-ebiin_medlinedate_month( fields *info, const char *p, int level, const char **end )
- int fstatus, status = BIBL_OK;
- str s;
- str_init( &s );
- *end = str_cpytodelim( &s, p, " \t\n\r", 0 );
- str_findreplace( &s, "-", "/" );
- if ( str_memerr( &s ) ) {
- status = BIBL_ERR_MEMERR;
- goto out;
- }
- if ( str_has_value( &s ) ) {
- fstatus = fields_add( info, "PARTDATE:MONTH", str_cstr( &s ), level );
- if ( fstatus!=FIELDS_OK ) status = BIBL_ERR_MEMERR;
- }
- str_free( &s );
- return status;
-static int
-ebiin_medlinedate_day( fields *info, const char *p, int level, const char **end )
- int fstatus, status = BIBL_OK;
- str s;
- str_init( &s );
- *end = str_cpytodelim( &s, p, " \t\n\r", 0 );
- if ( str_memerr( &s ) ) {
- status = BIBL_ERR_MEMERR;
- goto out;
- }
- if ( str_has_value( &s ) ) {
- fstatus = fields_add( info, "PARTDATE:DAY", str_cstr( &s ), level );
- if ( fstatus!=FIELDS_OK ) status = BIBL_ERR_MEMERR;
- }
- str_free( &s );
- return status;
-static int
-ebiin_medlinedate( fields *info, xml *node, int level )
- int status = BIBL_OK;
- const char *p;
- if ( !xml_has_value( node ) ) return status;
- p = xml_value_cstr( node );
- if ( *p )
- status = ebiin_medlinedate_year( info, skip_ws( p ), level, &p );
- if ( *p && status==BIBL_OK )
- status = ebiin_medlinedate_month( info, skip_ws( p ), level, &p );
- if ( *p && status==BIBL_OK )
- status = ebiin_medlinedate_day( info, skip_ws( p ), level, &p );
- return status;
-/* <Journal>
- * <ISSN>0027-8424</ISSN>
- * <JournalIssue PrintYN="Y">
- * <Volume>100</Volume>
- * <Issue>21</Issue>
- * <PubDate>
- * <Year>2003</Year>
- * <Month>Oct</Month>
- * <Day>14</Day>
- * </PubDate>
- * </Journal Issue>
- * </Journal>
- *
- * or....
- *
- * <Journal>
- * <ISSN IssnType="Print">0735-0414</ISSN>
- * <JournalIssue CitedMedium="Print">
- * <Volume>38</Volume>
- * <Issue>1</Issue>
- * <PubDate>
- * <MedlineDate>2003 Jan-Feb</MedlineDate>
- * </PubDate>
- * </JournalIssue>
- * <Title>Alcohol and alcoholism (Oxford, Oxfordshire) </Title>
- * <ISOAbbreviation>Alcohol Alcohol.</ISOAbbreviation>
- * </Journal>
- */
-static int
-ebiin_journal1( xml *node, fields *info )
- xml_convert c[] = {
- { "ISSN", NULL, NULL, "ISSN", 1 },
- { "Volume", NULL, NULL, "VOLUME", 1 },
- { "Issue", NULL, NULL, "ISSUE", 1 },
- { "Year", NULL, NULL, "PARTDATE:YEAR", 1 },
- { "Month", NULL, NULL, "PARTDATE:MONTH", 1 },
- { "Day", NULL, NULL, "PARTDATE:DAY", 1 },
- { "Language", NULL, NULL, "LANGUAGE", 1 },
- };
- int nc = sizeof( c ) / sizeof( c[0] ), status, found;
- if ( xml_has_value( node ) ) {
- status = ebiin_doconvert( node, info, c, nc, &found );
- if ( status!=BIBL_OK ) return status;
- if ( !found ) {
- if ( xml_tag_matches( node, "MedlineDate" ) ) {
- status = ebiin_medlinedate( info, node, LEVEL_HOST );
- if ( status!=BIBL_OK ) return status;
- }
- }
- }
- if ( node->down ) {
- status = ebiin_journal1( node->down, info );
- if ( status!=BIBL_OK ) return status;
- }
- if ( node->next ) {
- status = ebiin_journal1( node->next, info );
- if ( status!=BIBL_OK ) return status;
- }
- return BIBL_OK;
-/* <Pagination>
- * <MedlinePgn>12111-6</MedlinePgn>
- * </Pagination>
- */
-static int
-ebiin_pages( fields *info, const char *p )
- int i, status, ret = BIBL_OK;
- const int level = 1;
- str sp, ep, *up;
- strs_init( &sp, &ep, NULL );
- /* ...start page */
- p = str_cpytodelim( &sp, skip_ws( p ), "-", 1 );
- if ( str_memerr( &sp ) ) {
- goto out;
- }
- /* ...end page */
- (void) str_cpytodelim( &ep, skip_ws( p ), " \t\n\r", 0 );
- if ( str_memerr( &ep ) ) {
- goto out;
- }
- if ( sp.len ) {
- status = fields_add( info, "PAGES:START",, level );
- if ( status!=FIELDS_OK ) {
- goto out;
- }
- }
- if ( ep.len ) {
- if ( sp.len > ep.len ) {
- for ( i=sp.len-ep.len; i<sp.len; ++i )
-[i] =[i-sp.len+ep.len];
- up = &(sp);
- } else up = &(ep);
- status = fields_add( info, "PAGES:STOP", up->data, level );
- if ( status!=FIELDS_OK ) ret = BIBL_ERR_MEMERR;
- }
- strs_free( &sp, &ep, NULL );
- return ret;
-static int
-ebiin_pagination( xml *node, fields *info )
- int status;
- if ( xml_tag_matches_has_value( node, "Pages" ) ) {
- status = ebiin_pages( info, xml_value_cstr( node ) );
- if ( status!=BIBL_OK ) return status;
- }
- if ( node->down ) {
- status = ebiin_pagination( node->down, info );
- if ( status!=BIBL_OK ) return status;
- }
- if ( node->next ) {
- status = ebiin_pagination( node->next, info );
- if ( status!=BIBL_OK ) return status;
- }
- return BIBL_OK;
-/* <Abstract>
- * <AbstractText>ljwejrelr</AbstractText>
- * </Abstract>
- */
-static int
-ebiin_abstract( xml *node, fields *info )
- int status;
- if ( xml_tag_matches_has_value( node, "AbstractText" ) ) {
- status = fields_add( info, "ABSTRACT", xml_value_cstr( node ), 0 );
- if ( status!=FIELDS_OK ) return BIBL_ERR_MEMERR;
- }
- else if ( node->next ) {
- status = ebiin_abstract( node->next, info );
- if ( status!=BIBL_OK ) return status;
- }
- return BIBL_OK;
-/* <AuthorList CompleteYN="Y">
- * <Author>
- * <LastName>Barondeau</LastName>
- * <ForeName>David P</ForeName>
- * ( or <FirstName>David P</FirstName> )
- * <Initials>DP</Initials>
- * </Author>
- * </AuthorList>
- */
-static int
-ebiin_author( xml *node, str *name )
- int status;
- char *p;
- if ( xml_tag_matches( node, "LastName" ) ) {
- if ( name->len ) {
- str_prepend( name, "|" );
- str_prepend( name, xml_value_cstr( node ) );
- }
- else str_strcat( name, xml_value( node ) );
- } else if ( xml_tag_matches( node, "ForeName" ) ||
- xml_tag_matches( node, "FirstName" ) ) {
- p = xml_value_cstr( node );
- while ( p && *p ) {
- if ( name->len ) str_addchar( name, '|' );
- while ( *p==' ' ) p++;
- while ( *p && *p!=' ' ) str_addchar( name, *p++ );
- }
- } else if ( xml_tag_matches( node, "Initials" ) && !strchr( name->data, '|' ) ) {
- p = xml_value_cstr( node );
- while ( p && *p ) {
- if ( name->len ) str_addchar( name, '|' );
- if ( !is_ws(*p ) ) str_addchar( name, *p++ );
- }
- }
- if ( str_memerr( name ) ) return BIBL_ERR_MEMERR;
- if ( node->down ) {
- status = ebiin_author( node->down, name );
- if ( status!=BIBL_OK ) return status;
- }
- if ( node->next ) {
- status = ebiin_author( node->next, name );
- if ( status!=BIBL_OK ) return status;
- }
- return BIBL_OK;
-static int
-ebiin_authorlist( xml *node, fields *info, int level )
- int fstatus, status = BIBL_OK;
- str name;
- str_init( &name );
- node = node->down;
- while ( node ) {
- if ( xml_tag_matches( node, "Author" ) && node->down ) {
- status = ebiin_author( node->down, &name );
- if ( status!=BIBL_OK ) goto out;
- if ( name.len ) {
- fstatus = fields_add(info,"AUTHOR",,level);
- if ( fstatus!=FIELDS_OK ) { status = BIBL_ERR_MEMERR; goto out; }
- str_empty( &name );
- }
- }
- node = node->next;
- }
- str_free( &name );
- return status;
-/* <PublicationTypeList>
- * <PublicationType>Journal Article</PublicationType>
- * </PublicationTypeList>
- */
-/* <MedlineJournalInfo>
- * <Country>United States</Country>
- * <MedlineTA>Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A</MedlineTA>
- * <NlmUniqueID>7507876</NlmUniqueID>
- * </MedlineJournalInfo>
- */
-static int
-ebiin_journal2( xml *node, fields *info )
- int status;
- if ( xml_tag_matches_has_value( node, "TitleAbbreviation" ) ) {
- status = fields_add( info, "TITLE", xml_value_cstr( node ), 1 );
- if ( status!=FIELDS_OK ) return BIBL_ERR_MEMERR;
- }
- if ( node->down ) {
- status = ebiin_journal2( node->down, info );
- if ( status!=BIBL_OK ) return status;
- }
- if ( node->next ) {
- status = ebiin_journal2( node->next, info );
- if ( status!=BIBL_OK ) return status;
- }
- return BIBL_OK;
- * <MeshHeadingList>
- * <MeshHeading>
- * <DescriptorName MajorTopicYN="N">Biophysics</DescriptorName>
- * </MeshHeading>
- * <MeshHeading>
- * <DescriptorName MajorTopicYN="N">Crystallography, X-Ray</DescriptorName>
- * </MeshHeading>
- * </MeshHeadingList>
-static int
-ebiin_meshheading( xml *node, fields *info )
- int status;
- if ( xml_tag_matches_has_value( node, "DescriptorName" ) ) {
- status = fields_add( info, "KEYWORD", xml_value_cstr( node ), 0 );
- if ( status!=FIELDS_OK ) return BIBL_ERR_MEMERR;
- }
- if ( node->next ) {
- status = ebiin_meshheading( node->next, info );
- if ( status!=BIBL_OK ) return status;
- }
- return BIBL_OK;
-static int
-ebiin_meshheadinglist( xml *node, fields *info )
- int status;
- if ( xml_tag_matches( node, "MeshHeading" ) && node->down ) {
- status = ebiin_meshheading( node->down, info );
- if ( status!=BIBL_OK ) return status;
- }
- if ( node->next ) {
- status = ebiin_meshheadinglist( node->next, info );
- if ( status!=BIBL_OK ) return status;
- }
- return BIBL_OK;
-static int
-ebiin_book( xml *node, fields *info, int book_level )
- xml_convert book[] = {
- { "Publisher", NULL, NULL, "PUBLISHER", 0 },
- { "Language", NULL, NULL, "LANGUAGE", 0 },
- { "ISBN10", NULL, NULL, "ISBN", 0 },
- { "ISBN13", NULL, NULL, "ISBN13", 0 },
- { "Year", NULL, NULL, "DATE:YEAR", 0 },
- { "Month", NULL, NULL, "DATE:MONTH", 0 },
- { "Day", NULL, NULL, "DATE:DAY", 0 },
- { "PageTotal", NULL, NULL, "PAGES:TOTAL", 0 },
- { "SeriesName", NULL, NULL, "TITLE", 1 },
- { "SeriesISSN", NULL, NULL, "ISSN", 0 },
- { "OtherReportInformation", NULL, NULL, "NOTES", 0 },
- { "Edition", NULL, NULL, "EDITION", 0 },
- };
- int nbook = sizeof( book ) / sizeof( book[0] );
- xml_convert inbook[] = {
- { "Publisher", NULL, NULL, "PUBLISHER", 1 },
- { "Language", NULL, NULL, "LANGUAGE", 0 },
- { "ISBN10", NULL, NULL, "ISBN", 1 },
- { "ISBN13", NULL, NULL, "ISBN13", 1 },
- { "Year", NULL, NULL, "PARTDATE:YEAR", 1 },
- { "Month", NULL, NULL, "PARTDATE:MONTH", 1 },
- { "Day", NULL, NULL, "PARTDATE:DAY", 1 },
- { "PageTotal", NULL, NULL, "PAGES:TOTAL", 1 },
- { "SeriesName", NULL, NULL, "TITLE", 2 },
- { "SeriesISSN", NULL, NULL, "ISSN", 1 },
- { "OtherReportInformation", NULL, NULL, "NOTES", 1 },
- { "Edition", NULL, NULL, "EDITION", 1 },
- };
- int ninbook = sizeof( inbook ) / sizeof( inbook[0] );
- int nc, status, found;
- xml_convert *c;
- if ( book_level==0 ) {
- c = book;
- nc = nbook;
- }
- else {
- c = inbook;
- nc = ninbook;
- }
- status = ebiin_doconvert( node, info, c, nc, &found );
- if ( status!=BIBL_OK ) return status;
- if ( !found ) {
- status = BIBL_OK;
- if ( xml_tag_matches( node, "MedlineDate" ) )
- status = ebiin_medlinedate( info, node, book_level );
- else if ( xml_tag_matches( node, "Title" ) )
- status = ebiin_title( node, info, book_level );
- else if ( xml_tag_matches( node, "Pagination" ) && node->down )
- status = ebiin_pagination( node->down, info );
- else if ( xml_tag_matches( node, "Abstract" ) && node->down )
- status = ebiin_abstract( node->down, info );
- else if ( xml_tag_matches( node, "AuthorList" ) )
- status = ebiin_authorlist( node, info, book_level );
- else if ( xml_tag_matches( node, "PubDate" ) && node->down )
- status = ebiin_book( node->down, info, book_level );
- if ( status!=BIBL_OK ) return status;
- }
- if ( node->next ) {
- status = ebiin_book( node->next, info, book_level );
- if ( status!=BIBL_OK ) return status;
- }
- return BIBL_OK;
-static int
-ebiin_article( xml *node, fields *info )
- int status = BIBL_OK;
- if ( xml_tag_matches( node, "Journal" ) )
- status = ebiin_journal1( node, info );
- else if ( node->down && ( xml_tag_matches( node, "Book" ) ||
- xml_tag_matches(node, "Report") ))
- status = ebiin_book( node->down, info, 1 );
- else if ( xml_tag_matches( node, "ArticleTitle" ) )
- status = ebiin_title( node, info, 0 );
- else if ( xml_tag_matches( node, "Pagination" ) && node->down )
- status = ebiin_pagination( node->down, info );
- else if ( xml_tag_matches( node, "Abstract" ) && node->down )
- status = ebiin_abstract( node->down, info );
- else if ( xml_tag_matches( node, "AuthorList" ) )
- status = ebiin_authorlist( node, info, 0 );
- if ( status!=BIBL_OK ) return status;
- if ( node->next ) {
- status = ebiin_article( node->next, info );
- if ( status!=BIBL_OK ) return status;
- }
- return BIBL_OK;
-static int
-ebiin_publication( xml *node, fields *info )
- int status = BIBL_OK;
- if ( node->down ) {
- if ( xml_tag_matches( node, "Article" ) )
- status = ebiin_article( node->down, info );
- else if ( xml_tag_matches( node, "Book" ) )
- status = ebiin_book( node->down, info, 0 );
- else if ( xml_tag_matches( node, "Report" ) )
- status = ebiin_book( node->down, info, 0 );
- else if ( xml_tag_matches( node, "JournalInfo" ) )
- status = ebiin_journal2( node->down, info );
- else if ( xml_tag_matches( node, "MeshHeadingList" ) )
- status = ebiin_meshheadinglist( node->down, info );
- if ( status!=BIBL_OK ) return status;
- }
- if ( node->next ) {
- status = ebiin_publication( node->next, info );
- if ( status!=BIBL_OK ) return status;
- }
- return BIBL_OK;
-/* Call with the "Publication" node */
-static int
-ebiin_fixtype( xml *node, fields *info )
- char *resource = NULL, *issuance = NULL, *genre1 = NULL, *genre2 = NULL;
- str *type;
- int reslvl, isslvl, gen1lvl, gen2lvl;
- int status;
- type = xml_attribute( node, "Type" );
- if ( !type || type->len==0 ) return BIBL_OK;
- if ( !strcmp( type->data, "JournalArticle" ) ) {
- resource = "text";
- issuance = "continuing";
- genre1 = "periodical";
- genre2 = "academic journal";
- reslvl = 0;
- isslvl = 1;
- gen1lvl = 1;
- gen2lvl = 1;
- } else if ( !strcmp( type->data, "Book" ) ) {
- resource = "text";
- issuance = "monographic";
- genre1 = "book";
- reslvl = 0;
- isslvl = 0;
- gen1lvl = 0;
- } else if ( !strcmp( type->data, "BookArticle" ) ) {
- resource = "text";
- issuance = "monographic";
- genre1 = "book";
- reslvl = 0;
- isslvl = 1;
- gen1lvl = 1;
- }
- if ( resource ) {
- status = fields_add( info, "RESOURCE", resource, reslvl );
- if ( status!=FIELDS_OK ) return BIBL_ERR_MEMERR;
- }
- if ( issuance ) {
- status = fields_add( info, "ISSUANCE", issuance, isslvl );
- if ( status!=FIELDS_OK ) return BIBL_ERR_MEMERR;
- }
- if ( genre1 ) {
- if ( is_marc_genre( genre1 ) )
- status = fields_add( info, "GENRE:MARC", genre1, gen1lvl );
- else if ( is_bu_genre( genre1 ) )
- status = fields_add( info, "GENRE:BIBUTILS", genre1, gen1lvl );
- else
- status = fields_add( info, "GENRE:UNKNOWN", genre1, gen1lvl );
- if ( status!=FIELDS_OK ) return BIBL_ERR_MEMERR;
- }
- if ( genre2 ) {
- if ( is_marc_genre( genre2 ) )
- status = fields_add( info, "GENRE:MARC", genre2, gen2lvl );
- else if ( is_bu_genre( genre2 ) )
- status = fields_add( info, "GENRE:BIBUTILS", genre2, gen2lvl );
- else
- status = fields_add( info, "GENRE:UNKNOWN", genre2, gen2lvl );
- if ( status!=FIELDS_OK ) return BIBL_ERR_MEMERR;
- }
- return BIBL_OK;
-static int
-ebiin_assembleref( xml *node, fields *info )
- int status;
- if ( xml_tag_matches( node, "Publication" ) && node->down ) {
- status = ebiin_fixtype( node, info );
- if ( status!=BIBL_OK ) return status;
- status = ebiin_publication( node->down, info );
- if ( status!=BIBL_OK ) return status;
- } else if ( node->down ) {
- status = ebiin_assembleref( node->down, info );
- if ( status!=BIBL_OK ) return status;
- }
- if ( node->next ) {
- status = ebiin_assembleref( node->next, info );
- if ( status!=BIBL_OK ) return status;
- }
- return BIBL_OK;
-static int
-ebiin_processf( fields *ebiin, const char *data, const char *filename, long nref, param *p )
- int status;
- xml top;
- xml_init( &top );
- xml_parse( data, &top );
- status = ebiin_assembleref( &top, ebiin );
- xml_free( &top );
- return ( status==BIBL_OK ) ? 1 : 0;