path: root/support/texdirflatten/texdirflatten
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'support/texdirflatten/texdirflatten')
1 files changed, 411 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/support/texdirflatten/texdirflatten b/support/texdirflatten/texdirflatten
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..e820e182a4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/support/texdirflatten/texdirflatten
@@ -0,0 +1,411 @@
+#! /usr/bin/env perl
+# Use:
+# $ perldoc texdirflatten
+# to see embedded documentation. Alternatively, you can create manual
+# or HTML pages using pod2man and pod2html.
+=head1 NAME
+B<texdirflatten> - Collects all components of a (La)TeX file in a
+single output directory -- i.e., flattens its hierarchy.
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+texdirflatten [-1|--onetex] [-f|--file input.tex] [-o outputdir]
+ [--imgexts .ext1,.ext2,...] [--debug] [-V|--version] [-?|--help]
+This Perl script parses a LaTeX file recursively, scanning all child
+files, and collects details of any included and other data files, such
+as graphics and BiBTeX bibliography files. These component files, are
+then all put into a single directory (thus "flattening" the document's
+directory tree). This is useful in distributing manuscripts to
+collaborators or in submitting to journals.
+=for comment
+Run without parameters to see usage.
+=head1 OPTIONS
+=item B<--file>, B<-f> I<input.tex>
+Specifies input (La)TeX file.
+=item B<--onetex>, B<-1>
+If specified, produces a single TeX file by expanding all \input and
+\include commands in place.
+=item B<--output>, B<-o> I<outputdir>
+Directory to collect all files. B<texdirflatten> will copy each source
+file, graphics and bibliography file to this directory. It will be
+created if it is unexistent. If unspecified, it defaults to C<flat/>.
+=item B<--imgexts> I<.ext1,.ext2[,...]>
+Prepends to the prioritized list of image extensions to search when
+trying to find the image to copy to output folder. The first file with
+the extension found will be copied and search stopped. Default order
+is C<"", ".eps", ".pdf", ".pstex"> (note that it includes files with
+no extension). If using pdflatex, one may want to add PDF before EPS
+with C<--imgexts .pdf>. Don't forget the dot before the extension!
+=item B<--debug>
+Enables copious amounts of debugging output - useful if something is going wrong.
+=item B<--version>, B<-V>
+Displays the current version number and the usage and exits.
+=item B<--help>, B<-?>
+Show this manual page.
+=head1 EXAMPLES
+The following example scans C<manuscript.tex> in the current directory
+and gathers it and all its components in the C<submit_01/> directory:
+ $ texdirflatten -f manuscript.tex -o submit_01
+=head1 CAVEATS
+Please take backups before running this command. No warranties
+whatsoever provided.
+You may need to run C<epstopdf> on EPS files if you are using C<pdflatex>:
+ $ for i in *.eps; do epstopdf $i; done
+=head1 BUGS
+Bug reports and patches are welcome.
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Cengiz Gunay <cengique<AT>>
+Copyleft 2003-2017, Cengiz Gunay
+This library is free software; you may redistribute it and/or modify
+it under the same terms as Perl itself.
+# TODO:
+# - parse BIBINPUTS environment variable and search figures and such
+# there as well.
+# - also copy bibtex style file
+package texdirflatten;
+use Getopt::Long qw(GetOptions);
+use Pod::Usage;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use re 'eval';
+# Global
+my $outputdir = "flat"; # Output directory
+my $file = ""; # File to read
+my @imgexts = ("", ".eps", ".pdf", ".pstex"); # Ordered list of image extensions to search and copy
+my $imgexts_pre; # Prepend to @imgexts
+my $onetex = 0; # Indicates all input and include commands be expanded
+my $version = "1.3"; # 2017-02-02
+my $DEBUG = 0; # Enable debugging output
+my $help;
+# parse helpers
+my %texfiles;
+# GetOpt::Long::
+my $result = GetOptions ("output|o=s" => \$outputdir,
+ "onetex|1" => \$onetex,
+ "file|f=s" => \$file,
+ "imgexts=s" => \$imgexts_pre,
+ "debug" => \$DEBUG,
+ "version|V" => sub { print "texdirflatten version $version\n";
+ pod2usage( -section => "SYNOPSIS"); },
+ "help|?" => \$help );
+# regexp for none or an even number of backslashes (\):
+my $unescaped =
+ '(?<! \\\\)(?(?= \\\\) (?: \\\\\\\\)* )?';
+# counter for files translated (like LyX does)
+$::filecount = 0;
+pod2usage( -verbose => 2 ) if ($help);
+pod2usage( -section => "SYNOPSIS") if ($file eq "");
+if ($imgexts_pre) {
+ unshift(@imgexts, split(/,/, $imgexts_pre));
+ print "imgexts: ". join(",", @imgexts) . "\n" if $DEBUG;
+system "mkdir $outputdir" if (not -d $outputdir);
+# start recursing
+parseTeX($file, "", popfile($file), 0);
+sub parseTeX {
+ my $file = shift;
+ my $inputdir = shift;
+ my $outfile = "$outputdir/" . shift;
+ my $level = shift;
+ # Add a proper TeX suffix if it's missing
+ $outfile .= '.tex' if ! ($outfile =~ /\.tex\s*$/i );
+ my @flats;
+ my @longs;
+ my $popped;
+ open my $FILE, $file or die "Cannot find file to read $file\n";
+ # Read to whole file first, and then scan for regexps
+ my $contents = "";
+ while(<$FILE>) {
+ $contents = $contents . $_;
+ }
+ close $FILE;
+ ## First, remove comments so that input commands inside are ignored.
+ # Also remove trailing newline and all whitespace at the beginning
+ # of the following line like TeX does it. Only for %'s following
+ # the proper backslash pattern.
+ $contents =~ s/( $unescaped )\%.*?\n[ \t]*/$1/gx;
+ # Look for graphics include statement
+ if ($contents =~ /\\input\@path\{\{([^}]*)\}\}/) {
+ $inputdir = $1;
+ print "Found input directory: $inputdir\n" if $DEBUG;
+ }
+ print "Parsing '$file' in directory '$inputdir'\n";
+ # Default value
+ #$inputdir = './' if (-z $inputdir);
+ # three cases: graphics, inputs and bibs
+ # an \includegraphics statement
+ @::flats = ();
+ @::longs = ();
+ #$::popped = "";
+ $contents =~
+ s/\\includegraphics(\[[^\]]*\])?\{([^}]*)\}
+ (?{ $::popped = flattenfilename($2);
+ push @::longs, $2; push @::flats, $::popped })
+ /\\includegraphics$1\{$::popped\}/gmx;
+ if ($#::flats > -1) {
+ my ($long, $flat);
+ foreach $long (@::longs) {
+ $flat = shift @::flats;
+ # convert LyX directory dots
+ $long =~ s/\\lyxdot /./g;
+ $flat =~ s/\\lyxdot /./g;
+ print "Looking for graphics: '$long'\n" if $DEBUG;
+ my @dirs = ("", "$inputdir", $inputdir . '../figures/');
+ seekfile($long, $flat, \@imgexts,
+ ["", "$inputdir", $inputdir . '../figures/']);
+ }
+ }
+ # Must do bibs before input commands because, when expanded, they
+ # add new bibs inside.
+ replacebibs(\$contents, $inputdir);
+ # an \input or \include statement
+ @flats = ();
+ @longs = ();
+ $contents =~
+ s/\\(input|include)\{([^}]*)\}/"\\${1}\{" .
+ ($popped = flattenfilename($2) and push @longs, $2 and push @flats,$popped and $popped)
+ . "\}"/egm;
+ if ($#flats > -1) {
+ #print "Found " . scalar @longs . " items on line: '@flats'.\n";
+ my ($long, $flat);
+ foreach $long (@longs) {
+ $flat = shift @flats;
+ print "Found Input/Include: '$long'\n" if $DEBUG;
+ # recurse to parse that tex file unless it's done already
+ if (not exists $texfiles{$flat}) {
+ if (! -r $long ) {
+ if (-r $inputdir . $long) {
+ $long = $inputdir . $long;
+ } elsif (-r "$long.tex") {
+ $long .= '.tex';
+ }
+ }
+ $texfiles{$flat} = $long;
+ my $newcontents = parseTeX($long, basedir($long), $flat, $level + 1); #later
+ if ( $onetex ) {
+ # If specified, expand inclusion directives
+ die "Failed to find input/include to expand for '$flat'!\n"
+ if (! ( $contents =~
+ s/\\(input|include) \{ \Q$flat\E \}
+ (?{ print "===Found \\$1\{$flat\} to expand.\n" if $DEBUG; })
+ / ($1 eq 'include' ? "\\clearpage\n" : '') . "$newcontents"/gxem ) );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ #print "Writing to \"$outfile\"\n" .
+ # "----------------------------------------\n" .
+ # "$contents\n" .
+ # "----------------------------------------\n";
+ if (! $onetex || $level == 0) { # do output at zero recurse level
+ # open flat output file
+ open my $COPY, ">$outfile" or die "Cannot write file $outfile\n";
+ # write to flat copy
+ print $COPY $contents;
+ close $COPY;
+ } else {
+ return $contents;
+ }
+# Look for file to copy
+sub seekfile {
+ my ($file, $dest, $exts, $dirs) = @_;
+ my @exts = @$exts;
+ my @dirs = @$dirs;
+ OUT: foreach my $dir (@dirs) {
+ foreach my $ext (@exts) {
+ my $tryfile = "$dir$file$ext";
+ if (-r $tryfile) {
+ # add the extension to $dest only if it hasn't have any dots
+ #(! ($dest =~ /\./)) ? $ext : ""; => better not to have this
+ my $dext = $ext;
+ if (system("cp $tryfile $outputdir/$dest$dext") != 0) {
+ die "Cannot copy $tryfile!\n";
+ }
+ # If we found it, then get out of the loop
+ print "Copied: '$tryfile' (ext: $ext) -> '$dest$dext'\n" if $DEBUG;
+ last OUT;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+# Return everything after the last /
+sub popfile {
+ my $file = shift (@_);
+ my @a = split /\//, $file;
+ #print "Popping $file... split: @a ($#a), pop: " . pop(@a) . "\n";
+ pop @a;
+# Make a new file by flattening directory names
+sub flattenfilename {
+ local $_ = shift;
+ # convert slashes to pluses, dots to Xs
+ tr|/|+|;
+ tr|\.|X|;
+ # add a unique number at the beginning so files don't start with a
+ # dot
+ $_ = sprintf("%03d_", ++$::filecount) . "$_";
+ print "===Flattened file to '$_'\n" if $DEBUG;
+ return $_;
+sub basedir {
+ my $file = shift (@_);
+ my @a = split /\//, $file;
+ #print "Popping $file... split: @a ($#a), pop: " . pop(@a) . "\n";
+ pop @a; # remove file part
+ my $basedir = join('/', @a); # combine the rest with /'s
+ $basedir .= '/' if (! $basedir =~ /^$/); # add a trailing / if not empty
+ $basedir;
+# get the bibliography files
+sub replacebibs {
+ my ($contentsref, $inputdir) = @_;
+ #my $contents = $$contentsref;
+ my $popped;
+ #print "bib contents: $contents\n";
+ local @::flats = ();
+ local @::longs = ();
+ local @::refs;
+ $" = ','; # set list item separator
+ # search for \bibliography statements
+ $$contentsref =~
+ s/\\bibliography(\[[^\]]*\])? {
+ (?{ @::refs = (); #print "Found bibliography!\n"; #initialize ref list
+ }) (?: \s* ([^}, ]+)(?=[,}]),?
+ (?{ # for each word do:
+ #local (@_flats, @_longs, @_refs);
+ #print "Word: \"$+\", ";
+ $popped = flattenfilename($+); push @::longs, $+;
+ push @::flats,$popped; push @::refs, $popped;
+ }) )+ \s* }
+ (?{ #print "\n+++ $#::flats; $#::refs; $#::longs\n";
+ #push @::flats, @_flats; push @longs, @_longs; push @refs, @_refs;
+ #print "Refs: @::refs\n";
+ })/"\\bibliography" . ($1 || "") . "{@::refs}"/egmx;# &&
+ #print "bib contents: $$contentsref\n";
+ #print "\n*** $#::flats; $#::refs; $#::longs\n";
+ $" = ' '; # restore list item separator
+ if ($#::flats > -1) {
+ #print "Found " . scalar @::longs . " items on line: '@::flats'.\n";
+ my ($long, $flat);
+ foreach $long (@::longs) {
+ $flat = shift @::flats;
+ print "Found bib. file: '$long'\n" if $DEBUG;
+ # recurse to parse that tex file unless it's done already
+ # convert LyX directory dots
+ $long =~ s/\\lyxdot /./g;
+ seekfile($long, "$flat", [".bib"],
+ ["", "$inputdir"]);
+ }
+ }