path: root/support/texdepend/texdepend
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'support/texdepend/texdepend')
1 files changed, 734 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/support/texdepend/texdepend b/support/texdepend/texdepend
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..366023e765
--- /dev/null
+++ b/support/texdepend/texdepend
@@ -0,0 +1,734 @@
+#! /usr/local/bin/perl
+$VERSION=0.92; # 13 Jul 1999 10:11:33
+use vars qw($VERSION);
+$Author='Michael Friendly ('; # Copyright 1999
+$License = 'LPPL'; # released under the LPPL license
+# texdepend: a Perl script for finding dependencies in a LaTeX file
+# Pretty documentation: run pod2man or pod2text on this script
+# Reads a .tex file, and all \input{} and \include{} files referenced therein,
+# and creates the following lists:
+# @includes -- from \input{} and \include{}
+# @packages -- from \usepackage{}, \documentclass, \documentstyle
+# @figs -- from \includegraphics{}
+# If the .log and .aux file for the same basename.tex file exist,
+# texdepend also reads these and parses names of included dependent
+# files:
+# @styles -- the full path names of *all* style files used directly
+# or indirectly (except those config'd in @ignore)
+# @bibfiles -- full path names from \bibdata{} in .aux file
+# @depends -- full path names of *all* dependencies from the .log and .aux
+# These files are found via kpsewhich (if an executable exists) or via
+# the various $TEXINPUTS, $BIBINPUTS, etc paths.
+# Output, to the terminal, or a file, is produced in the form of any one of:
+# make, perl (LatexMK), 1 (one per line)
+# Changes:
+# 0.92 Added .cls files to @packages; added -styles option to append
+# extensions of @styles files parsed in the .log. Fixed small
+# bug re -ignore option. [Thanks to Bernd Schandl
+# <> for suggestions.]
+# This program is released under the LPPL license, copyright: Michael Friendly
+# See: CTAN:: help/Catalog/Licenses.html
+# A lot of the code was stolen from TeXit by Norman Walsh. Thanks, Norm.
+###################### Start of configuration ######################
+$VERBOSE = 0; # Lots of messages...
+@ignore = qw(fd); # file types in .log file to be ignored
+@style_types = qw(sty); # file types in .log file considered as styles
+$def_expand= 0; # default expand to full path name
+$def_format= 'make'; # default output format
+$def_print = 'ipfbs'; # default lists to print
+# patterns for include-type statements, leaving filename in #1
+$include_pat = join('|',
+ ('\\input\b\{?(\S+)\}',
+ '\\include\s*\{(\S+)\}'
+ ));
+## find a more general way to parse graphics files. This pattern is not used.
+$graphics_pat = join('|',
+ ('\\includegraphics\b.*\{(\S+)\}',
+ '\\myincludegraphics\b.*\{(\S+)\}',
+ '\\epsfbox{([^}]+)}',
+ '\\epsfbox\[[^\]]*\]{([^}]+)}',
+ '\\epsfile.*file=(\S+)' #not right
+ ));
+# In this version, we only handle:
+$include_graphics = join('|',
+ qw(includegraphics myincludegraphics epsfbox epsffile));
+# How to search for files on the various TeX paths:
+# If teTeX is installed, use kpsetool to locate tex/bst/sty files before
+# trying the TEXINPUTS path, for efficiency.
+$KPSEWHICH = '/usr/local/teTeX/bin/kpsewhich'; # won't fail if not -x
+# Otherwise, uncomment the following statement
+#undef $KPSEWHICH;
+$TEXINPUTS = "TEXINPUTS"; # Name of TEXINPUTS environment variable
+$BIBINPUTS = "BIBINPUTS"; # Name of BIBINPUTS environment variable
+$TEXFMTS = "TEXFORMATS"; # Name of TEXFORMATS environment variable
+###################### End of configuration ######################
+######################### Initializations ########################
+%DEPENDSON = (); # unique dependencies from the .log/.aux
+%Parens = ();
+$ParenLevel = 0;
+@includes = (); # \inputs and \includes
+@packages = (); # list of \usepackage
+@figs = (); # \includegraphics
+@bibfiles = (); # \bibdata .bib files
+@styles = (); # files treated as @style_types
+# remove path from our name
+ $progname = $0;
+ $progname =~ s@(.*)/@@i;
+################## get and process command options ###############
+ use Getopt::Long;
+ $result = GetOptions ('expand', 'format=s', 'help', 'out=s', 'print=s',
+ 'ignore=s', 'styles=s', 'verbose');
+ &usage() if $opt_help; # and exit
+ $opt_expand = $opt_expand || $def_expand;
+ $opt_format = $opt_format || $def_format;
+ $opt_print = $opt_print || $def_print;
+ if ($opt_out) {
+ open(STDOUT, ">$opt_out") or die "$progname: -out $opt_out: can't create.\n";
+ } else {
+ select(STDOUT); $| = 1;
+ }
+ $VERBOSE=1 if $opt_verbose;
+$texfile = $ARGV[0] || &usage(); # usage doesn't return
+@opt_ignore = grep(s/^\.//, @opt_ignore) if @opt_ignore;
+$ignore_pat = join('|', @ignore, split(' ',$opt_ignore));
+$style_pat = join('|', @style_types, split(' ',$opt_styles));
+# Split the tex filename up into a path, name, and extension
+($TEXFILEPATH,$TEXFILENAME,$TEXFILEEXT) = &splitfn($texfile,".tex");
+# Locate the requested TeX file. It's either in the current (or
+# specified) directory or no path was specified and it's on the
+# TEXINPUTS path.
+$qualifiedtexfile = &cleanup_texfilename($texfile);
+if (! -e $qualifiedtexfile) {
+ if ($texfile !~ /[\/\\]/) { # no path...
+ $qualifiedtexfile = &find_on_path("$ENV{$TEXINPUTS}",
+ "$texfile", 'tex');
+ $qualifiedtexfile = &find_on_path("$ENV{$TEXINPUTS}",
+ "$texfile" . ".tex", 'tex')
+ if $qualifiedtexfile eq "";
+ die "Cannot find \"$texfile\[.tex\]\" on $TEXINPUTS path.\n"
+ if $qualifiedtexfile eq "";
+ $texfile = $qualifiedtexfile;
+ } else {
+ die "Cannot find \"$texfile\[.tex\]\".\n";
+ }
+} else {
+ $texfile = $qualifiedtexfile;
+$DEPENDSON{$texfile} = 1;
+# Main
+&output_entries('includes', @includes) if $opt_print =~ /i/;
+&output_entries('packages', @packages) if $opt_print =~ /p/;
+&output_entries('figs', @figs) if $opt_print =~ /f/;
+&output_entries('bib_files', @bibfiles) if $opt_print =~ /b/;
+&output_entries('styles', @styles) if $opt_print =~ /s/;
+&output_entries('depends', keys(%DEPENDSON)) if $opt_print =~ /d/;
+# Parse the TeX file looking for packages used. Build
+# the lists "@packages", "@includes" to hold the names.
+sub get_direct_depend {
+ local($texfile) = @_;
+ local($in_preamble,$plist,$p);
+ local(*TEXFILE);
+ open (TEXFILE, $texfile) || die "Can't read $texfile.\n";
+ $in_preamble = 1; # are we in the preamble area?
+ while (<TEXFILE>) {
+ chop;
+ s/%.*//; # decomment
+ last if /\\endinput/; # are we done?
+ if (/\\begin\s*\{document\s*\}/) {
+ $in_preamble = 0;
+ }
+ if ($in_preamble) {
+ if (/^\\usepackage\s*[^{]*\{(.*)\}/) {
+ &parse_packages($1, '.sty');
+ }
+ elsif (/^\\documentstyle\s*[^{]*\{(.*)\}/) {
+ &parse_packages($1, '.sty');
+ }
+ elsif (/^\\documentclass\s*[^{]*\{(.*)\}/) {
+ &parse_packages($1, '.cls');
+ }
+ }
+ if (m#\\(input|include)\b\{?([/\w\d.]+)#) {
+ $p = $2;
+ $p .= '.tex' unless $p =~ /\.tex$/;
+ if ($opt_expand) {
+ $fullname = &find_on_path($ENV{"$TEXINPUTS"}, $p, 'tex');
+ if ($fullname ne "" && -r $fullname) {
+ $p = $fullname;
+ }
+ }
+ push (@includes, $p);
+ if (-r $p) {
+ print STDERR "Recursing into $p\n" if $VERBOSE;
+ &get_direct_depend($p);
+ }
+ }
+ elsif (m#($include_graphics).*\{([/\w\d.]+)\}#) {
+ $p = $2;
+ $p .= '.eps' unless $p =~ /\.\w+$/;
+ push (@figs, $p);
+ }
+ }
+ close (TEXFILE);
+sub parse_packages {
+ my ($plist, $ext) = @_;
+ my $p;
+ foreach $p (split (/,/, $plist)) {
+ $p .= $ext unless $p =~ /\./;
+ if ($opt_expand) {
+ $fullname = &find_on_path($ENV{"$TEXINPUTS"}, $p, 'tex');
+ if ($fullname ne "" && -r $fullname) {
+ $p = $fullname;
+ }
+ }
+ push (@packages, $p);
+ }
+# Look through the log file for dependencies.
+sub parse_logfile {
+ # only looks for new dependency files...
+ local ($paren, $rest, $tempfile, $curfile,$type);
+ local ($logfile) = &auxfile("log");
+ &init_parse_log_filenames();
+ if (-r $logfile) {
+ print STDERR "Reading $logfile ..." if $VERBOSE;
+ open (LOGFILE, $logfile);
+ while (<LOGFILE>) {
+ chop;
+ ($paren, $rest, $tempfile) = &parse_log_filenames($_);
+ while ($paren eq "(" || $paren eq ")") {
+ $curfile = $tempfile;
+ ($type = $curfile) =~ s/.*\.([\w\d]+)$/$1/;
+ unless ($type =~ /$ignore_pat/) {
+ print STDERR "Adding .sty dependency for `$curfile'.\n"
+ if !defined($DEPENDSON{$curfile}) && $VERBOSE;
+ push(@styles, $curfile)
+ if ((!defined($DEPENDSON{$curfile})) && $type =~ /$style_pat/);
+ $DEPENDSON{$curfile} = 1;
+ }
+ ($paren, $rest, $tempfile) = &parse_log_filenames($rest);
+ }
+ }
+ close (LOGFILE);
+ print STDERR "done\n" if $VERBOSE;
+ }
+sub parse_auxfile {
+ local ($auxfile) = &auxfile("aux");
+ local ($paren, $rest, $curfile, $tempfile);
+ if (-r $auxfile) {
+ print STDERR "Reading $auxfile ..." if $VERBOSE;
+ open (AUXFILE, $auxfile);
+ while (<AUXFILE>) {
+ chop;
+ if (/\\bibstyle\{(.+)\}/) {
+ local ($name, $fullname);
+ $name = $1 . ".bst";
+ $fullname = &find_on_path($ENV{"$TEXINPUTS"}, $name, 'bst');
+ if ($fullname ne ""
+ && -r $fullname
+ && !defined($DEPENDSON{$fullname})) {
+ print STDERR "Adding .bst dependency for `$fullname'.\n"
+ if !defined($DEPENDSON{$fullname}) && $VERBOSE;
+ push (@styles, $fullname);
+ $DEPENDSON{$fullname} = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ if (/\\bibdata\{(.+)\}/) {
+ local (@filelist, $fullname, $name);
+ @filelist = split(/,/, $1);
+ while (($name = shift @filelist)) {
+ $name = $name . ".bib";
+ $fullname = &find_on_path($ENV{"$BIBINPUTS"}, $name, 'bib');
+ if ($fullname ne ""
+ && -r $fullname
+ && !defined($DEPENDSON{$fullname})) {
+ print STDERR "Adding .bib dependency for `$fullname'.\n"
+ if !defined($DEPENDSON{$fullname}) && $VERBOSE;
+ push (@bibfiles, $fullname);
+ $DEPENDSON{$fullname} = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ close (AUXFILE);
+ print STDERR "done\n" if $VERBOSE;
+ }
+# This routine aids in the parsing of log files be locating filenames
+# within the log. Filenames included in a document always appear as
+# '(filename...' in the log.
+# NOTE: if unbalanced parenthesis occur in the log file (because someone
+# printed them in a \typeout command or some such), all bets are
+# off!
+# FURTHER NOTE: this routine returns the top of the filename stack
+# whenever a close paren is seen, so you will get the
+# same files more than once...
+# This routine uses the global variables %ParenLevel and %Parens which
+# it initializes appropriately...
+# **********************************************************************
+# **********************************************************************
+sub parse_log_filenames {
+ local ($rest) = @_;
+ local ($paren, $curfile);
+ local (@result) = ();
+ undef ($curfile);
+ while ($rest =~ /^[^()]*(\(|\))(.*)/) {
+ $paren = $1;
+ $rest = $2;
+ ($curfile = $rest) =~ s/\s*(\S+)/$1/; # leading whitesp
+ $curfile =~ s/^([^() ]+).*/$1/; # trailing ( and )
+ if ($paren eq "(") {
+ $ParenLevel++;
+ if (-r $curfile) {
+ $Parens{$ParenLevel} = $curfile;
+ } else {
+ $Parens{$ParenLevel} = '*';
+ }
+ } else {
+ $ParenLevel--;
+ $curfile = $Parens{$ParenLevel};
+ }
+ last if -r $curfile;
+ undef ($curfile);
+ }
+ if ($curfile) {
+ @result = ("$paren", "$rest", "$curfile");
+ }
+ @result;
+sub init_parse_log_filenames {
+ %Parens = ();
+ $ParenLevel = 0;
+# Input: an extension, `ext'
+# Output: the filename $TEXFILEPATH . $TEXFILENAME . `.ext'
+# Note: auxilliary files are always placed in the current directory,
+# the path is ignored. This is a change from v1.27 to be more
+# compatible with TeX.
+sub auxfile {
+ local($ext) = @_;
+ local($dot)='';
+ $dot = "." if $ext ne "" && $ext !~ /^\./;
+ $TEXFILENAME . $dot . $ext;
+# Cleanup the TeX filename. Add the extension ".tex" if it doesn't
+# already have an extension.
+sub cleanup_texfilename {
+ local($texfile) = @_;
+ local($path,$base,$ext) = &splitfn($texfile,".tex");
+ $ext = "tex" if ($ext eq "");
+ $path . $base . "." . $ext;
+# This helpful little routine locates a file on a TeX path. The path can
+# be ":" or ";" delimited. If the file is found, it's fully qualified
+# name is returned, otherwise the null string is returned. If the
+# input path contains "/" or "\" then either it is returned (if the file
+# specified exists) or the empty string is returned, the path _is not_
+# searched.
+sub find_on_path {
+ local($path, $file, $type) = @_;
+ local($dir, $filename);
+ $filename = "";
+ if ($KPSEWHICH && -x $KPSEWHICH) {
+ chop($filename = `$KPSEWHICH $type $file`);
+ #print "kpse: $filename\n";
+ $filename = "" if $filename =~ /not found/;
+ }
+ unless ($filename) {
+ if ($file =~ /\/|\\/) {
+ $filename = $file if -e $file;
+ } else {
+ foreach $dir (split(/;|:/,$path)) {
+ #print "looking for $file in $dir\n";
+ $dir =~ s/\\/\//g;
+ $filename = $dir . "/" . $file;
+ last if -e $filename;
+ $filename = "";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ $filename;
+# Break a filename into it's path, basename, and extension components.
+# The path returned always ends with a slash. "./" is returned if the
+# file has no path. If the filename passed in does not exist, the
+# default extension passed in is tried (actually, is assumed to be
+# correct).
+sub splitfn {
+ local ($filename, $defext) = @_;
+ local ($path, $basename, $ext) = ("", "", "");
+ $filename =~ tr/\\/\//; # translate \ into /
+ $filename = $filename . $defext if ! -r $filename;
+ if ($filename =~ /\//) {
+ ($path = $filename) =~ s/\/[^\/]*$//;
+ ($basename = $filename) =~ s/.*\///;
+ }
+ else {
+ $path = ".";
+ $basename = $filename;
+ }
+ if ($basename =~ /\./) {
+ ($ext = $basename) =~ s/.*\.//;
+ $basename =~ s/\.[^.]*$//;
+ }
+ ($path . "/",$basename,$ext);
+# Output a dependency type
+sub output_entries {
+ local ($type) = shift;
+ local (@entries) = @_;
+ return unless scalar @entries;
+ if ($opt_format =~ /make/i) {
+ print uc($type), ' = ', join(' ', @entries), "\n#\n";
+ }
+ elsif ($opt_format =~ /latexmk|perl/i) {
+ print '$',lc($type), " = '", join(' ', @entries), "';\n#\n";
+ }
+ elsif ($opt_format =~ /1/) {
+ print '# ', uc($type), " =\n", join("\n", @entries), "\n";
+ }
+sub usage {
+ print <<"EOF";
+Find LaTex dependencies, Version: $VERSION, $Author
+Usage: $progname <options> texfile[.tex]
+ where <options> may be abbreviated to unique truncations, and are:
+ -help print this measly help
+ -expand expand package/include file to full path names
+ -format = make print dependencies in Makefile format
+ perl print in the form of perl assignments (LatexMk)
+ 1 print one per line (with # separators)
+ -ignore = list list of file types to be ignored in .log [default: fd]
+ -out = filename send output to filename
+ -print = Any one or more of i (includes) p (packages)
+ f (figs) b (bibfiles) s (styles) d (all dependencies)
+ -styles = list list of file types for @styles from .log [default: sty]
+ -verbose
+ exit 1;
+=head1 NAME
+texdepend - Find dependencies for a LaTeX file
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+[B<-format>S< >I<format-spec>]
+[B<-ignore>S< >I<list>]
+[B<-out>S< >I<outfile>]
+[B<-print>S< >I<flags>]
+[B<-styles>S< >I<list>]
+B<texdepend> reads a .tex file, and (recursively) all \input{} and
+\include{} files referenced therein, collecting the names of .tex,
+.sty, .bib, .eps files as it goes. If the .log and .aux file for
+the same F<file.tex> file exist in the current directory, texdepend
+also reads these, and parses names of included dependent files.
+It creates the following lists. Only files which actually exist are
+=over 4
+=item @includes
+from \input{} and \include{} commands in the .tex file and its desendents.
+=item @packages
+the names of all style and class files from \usepackage{},
+\documentclass{} and \documentstyle{}
+commands in the preamble of the main .tex file.
+=item @figs
+the names of all graphics files from \includegraphics{} commands in the .tex file.
+=item @styles
+the full path names of I<all> style/tex/cfg files used directly
+or indirectly, found in the .log file (except those config'd in @ignore
+or specifed with the B<-ignore> option).
+=item @bibfiles
+the full path names of .bib files found in the .aux file
+as \bibdata{} files
+=item @depends
+the full path names of all files found in the .log and .aux files
+(which includes everything in all lists except @figs).
+=back 4
+By default, the program uses kpsewhich (if an executable exists)
+from the teTeX/kpathsea distribution
+to locate tex/bst/sty files before trying the various $TEXINPUTS,
+$BIBINPUTS, and $TEXFMTS paths, to determine the full path names of input
+files. You may need to change the $KPSEWHICH path in the configuration
+section of B<texdepend>
+All options may be abbreviated to their unique truncations, so B<-h>, B<-he>,
+B<-hel> all print help.
+Options which take an argument may be followed by a blank or '='.
+=over 4
+=item B<-help>
+Print a brief help message and exit.
+=item B<-expand>
+Expand all file names found in the .tex file to their full path names.
+(File names listed in the .log file always appear as full path names.)
+=item B<-format>S< >[make | perl | 1]
+Determines the output format. B<-format=make> prints these lists in the form
+of Makefile lists. B<-format=perl> prints in the form of assignments to
+Perl string variables. In these two cases, each list is printed as a single
+line, with filenames separated by one blank space.
+B<-format=1> prints these with one filename per line, each preceeded by
+a line beginning with a '#'.
+=item B<-ignore>S< >I<list>
+Specifies a list (enclosed in ' ' if more than one)
+of one or more file extensions (without the leading '.')
+to be ignored as style files in the set of filenames found in the .log file.
+By default, 'fd' files are always ignored.
+=item B<-out>S< >I<filename>
+Send the output to a file
+=item B<-print>S< >[i|p|f|b|s|d]
+Any one or more of the characters i (includes) p (packages)
+f (figs) b (bibfiles) s (styles) d (all dependencies) to specify which
+lists are produced in the output.
+=item B<-styles>S< >I<list>
+Specifies a list (enclosed in ' ' if more than one)
+of one or more file extensions (without the leading '.')
+to be treated as style files in the set of filenames found in the .log file,
+in addition to 'sty' files.
+=item B<-verbose>
+Lots of messages, written to STDERR.
+=back 4
+=head1 EXAMPLES
+To produce lists suitable for a Makefile,
+ texdepend -out=myfile.mak myfile.tex
+Then in the Makefile, say
+ include myfile.mak
+A Makefile target ('make lists') which updates the lists could be written:
+ MAIN = myfile
+ include $(MAIN).mak
+ lists:
+ texdepend -out=$(MAIN).mak $(MAIN).tex
+A common requirement for submitting a journal article as LaTeX
+source is to include in a .zip or .tar.gz file copies of all packages
+which have been used in the document. One way to do this is to
+create symbolic links from each such package to a ./styles
+ texdepend -pr=p -fo=perl -expand myfile.tex
+ perl -e 'do ""; @p = split( /\s+/, $packages );' \
+ -e 'foreach (@p) {symlink $_, "./styles";}'
+The program is tuned to LaTeX, not TeX.
+The handling of graphics files is rudimentary. No attempt is made to
+parse graphics files (for the @figs list)
+listed in the .log file because of the complex nesting
+of E<lt> E<gt> and "( )". (Some experiments using F<>
+were made, but made the program very inefficient.)
+In parsing the .tex file, only a limited number
+of graphics commands are recognized, including \includegraphics{},
+\epsfbox{}, and \epsffile{}. But, you should be using \includegraphics{}
+Doesn't handle multiple .aux files for a single .tex file, or other
+complexities I've never thought of.
+=head1 BUGS
+Output may break on systems which have a limitation on line length.
+=head1 SEE ALSO
+texfind: CTAN support/texfind
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Michael Friendly <>
+=head1 LICENSE
+B<texdepend> is distributed under the terms of the LaTeX Project Public
+License (LPPL). This means that you may freely copy or distribute this
+software, but if you modify it and distribute it (even locally) you must
+change the name to avoid confusion.
+See: CTAN:: help/Catalog/Licenses.html. \ No newline at end of file