path: root/support/tex4ebook/tex4ebook-exec_epub3.lua
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'support/tex4ebook/tex4ebook-exec_epub3.lua')
1 files changed, 282 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/support/tex4ebook/tex4ebook-exec_epub3.lua b/support/tex4ebook/tex4ebook-exec_epub3.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..650eea4e6d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/support/tex4ebook/tex4ebook-exec_epub3.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,282 @@
+local eb = require("tex4ebook-exec_epub")
+local dom = require("luaxml-domobject")
+local log = "exec_epub3"
+local ext = "xhtml"
+local outputdir = nil
+local input = nil
+function prepare(params)
+ local basedir = params.input.."-".. params.format
+ local outputdir_name="OEBPS"
+ outputdir= basedir.."/"..outputdir_name
+ input = params.input
+ params.ext = ext
+ params.tex4ht_sty_par = params.tex4ht_sty_par .. ",html5"
+ params.packages = params.packages .. string.format("\\Configure{ext}{%s}",ext)
+ return eb.prepare(params)
+function run(out,params)
+ return, params)
+local function makeTOC(document)
+ local template = [[
+<!DOCTYPE html>
+<html xmlns=""
+ xmlns:epub=""
+<nav id="pub-toc" epub:type="toc">
+ <h1>Table of contents</h1>
+ <ol class="toc" hidden="hidden">
+ <li>
+ <a href="${document}">Document</a>
+ </li>
+ </ol>
+]] % {document=document}
+ return template
+local function add_media_overlays(content)
+ local add_meta = function(package, attributes, text)
+ local meta = package:create_element("meta",attributes)
+ local dur_el = meta:create_text_node(text)
+ meta:add_child_node(dur_el)
+ package:add_child_node(meta)
+ end
+ -- calculate total audio time
+ local calc_times = function(times)
+ local time = 0
+ for _, curr in ipairs(times) do
+ -- smil file contains timestamps in the H:M:S format, we need to parse it
+ local hours, minutes, seconds = curr:match("(%d+):(%d+):(%d+)")
+ time = time + os.time({year=1970, day=1, month=1, hour=hours, min=minutes, sec=seconds})
+ end
+ return"%H:%M:%S",time)
+ end
+ -- the second parameter for parse is table with void elements. the OPF format has no
+ -- void elements, so it needs to be empty, otherwise we may get parsing error because of
+ -- <meta> element, which is included in the default void elements
+ local opfdom = dom.parse(content, {})
+ local items = opfdom:query_selector("manifest item")
+ local ref = {}
+ local times = {}
+ local package = opfdom:query_selector("metadata")[1]
+ -- we must read all smil files and find references to html files
+ -- it is necessary to add media-overlay attribute to the referenced items
+ for _, item in ipairs(items) do
+ local href = item:get_attribute("href")
+ ref[href] = item
+ -- we must read audio length from the smil file and add it as a <meta> property
+ if href:match("smil$") then
+ local f = .. "/" .. href, "r")
+ if not f then break end
+ local smil = f:read("*all")
+ f:close()
+ local smildom = dom.parse(smil)
+ local audios = smildom:query_selector("audio")
+ local last = audios[#audios]
+ -- add audio duration to the metadata section
+ if last then
+ local duration = last:get_attribute("clipend")
+ if duration then
+ -- todo: calculate total audio length
+ table.insert(times, duration)
+ local audio_id = item:get_attribute("id")
+ add_meta(package, {property="media:duration", refines="#"..audio_id}, duration)
+ end
+ end
+ -- add the media-overlay attribute
+ local textref = smil:match('epub:textref="(.-)"')
+ local id = item:get_attribute("id")
+ local referenced = ref[textref]
+ if referenced then
+ referenced:set_attribute("media-overlay", id)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ -- calculate length of all media overlay audio files
+ if #times > 0 then
+ local totaltime = calc_times(times)
+ add_meta(package,{property="media:duration"}, totaltime)
+ end
+ local serialized = opfdom:serialize()
+ return serialized
+local function remove_spurious_TOC_elements(tocdom)
+ local function count_child_elements(el)
+ -- count children elements of the current element
+ local count = 0
+ for _, curr_el in ipairs(el:get_children()) do
+ if curr_el:is_element() then count = count + 1 end
+ end
+ return count
+ end
+ -- modify the TOC to comply to epubcheck tests
+ -- add a blank <li> to empty <ol>
+ for _, el in ipairs(tocdom:query_selector("ol")) do
+ if count_child_elements(el) == 0 then
+ el:remove_node()
+ -- local newli = el:create_element("li")
+ -- local newspan = newli:create_element("span")
+ -- newli:add_child_node(newspan)
+ -- el:add_child_node(newli)
+ end
+ end
+ -- place child elements of the <li> elements to an <a> element, epubcheck reports
+ -- error for text nodes that are direct child of <li>
+ for _, el in ipairs(tocdom:query_selector("li")) do
+ local text = {}
+ local link -- save the <a> element
+ for i, child in ipairs(el._children) do
+ if child:is_text() then
+ -- trim spurious spaces
+ local childtext = child._text:gsub("^%s*",""):gsub("%s*$","")
+ -- save the text for the later use
+ table.insert(text, childtext)
+ child:remove_node()
+ elseif child:is_element() and child:get_element_name() == "a" then
+ link = child
+ table.insert(text, child:get_text())
+ end
+ end
+ if link then
+ local content = table.concat(text, " ")
+ -- remove the original text
+ link._children = {}
+ local text = link:create_text_node(content)
+ link:add_child_node(text)
+ end
+ end
+ return tocdom
+local function cleanTOC(content)
+ -- remove spurious empty elements from the TOC, to make epubcheck happy
+ -- find the file with TOC ("properties" attribute set to "nav"
+ local opfdom = dom.parse(content,{})
+ for _,item in ipairs(opfdom:query_selector("item")) do
+ local properties = item:get_attribute("properties") or ""
+ if properties:match("nav") then
+ local filename = item:get_attribute("href")
+ if filename then
+ filename = outputdir .. "/" .. filename
+ local f =, "r")
+ local t = f:read("*all")
+ f:close()
+ local tocdom = dom.parse(t)
+ tocdom = remove_spurious_TOC_elements(tocdom)
+ f =,"w")
+ f:write(tocdom:serialize())
+ f:close()
+ end
+ end
+ end
+local function fix_properties(content)
+ -- some properties should be used only in the <spine> element, so we need to move them
+ -- here from the <manifest> section
+ -- because why it should be easy, when you can just make messy specification
+ -- and of course my old code is extremely messy as well.
+ if content:match("page%-spread%-") or content:match("rendition") then
+ local spread_ids = {}
+ local opfdom = dom.parse(content,{})
+ local update_properties = function(id, s)
+ local current_val = spread_ids[id] or {}
+ current_val[#current_val + 1] = s
+ spread_ids[id] = current_val
+ return ""
+ end
+ for _,item in ipairs(opfdom:query_selector("manifest item")) do
+ local properties = item:get_attribute "properties"
+ if properties then
+ local id = item:get_attribute "id"
+ properties = properties:gsub("(page%-spread%-[^%s]+)", function(s) return update_properties(id,s) end)
+ properties = properties:gsub("(rendition%:[^%s]+)", function(s) return update_properties(id,s) end)
+ -- properties attribute cannot be empty, we must disable it if
+ -- it doesn't contain anything after removing of the page spread
+ if properties:match("^%s*$") then properties = nil
+ end
+ item:set_attribute("properties", properties)
+ end
+ end
+ for _, item in ipairs(opfdom:query_selector("spine itemref")) do
+ local idref = item:get_attribute("idref")
+ local spread = spread_ids[idref]
+ if spread then
+ item:set_attribute("properties", table.concat(spread, " "))
+ end
+ end
+ return opfdom:serialize()
+ end
+ return content
+local function cleanOPF()
+ -- in epub3, there must be table of contents
+ -- if there is no toc in the document, we must add generic one
+ local opf = "content.opf"
+ local f =,"r")
+ if not f then
+ log:info("Cannot open "..opf .. " for toc searching")
+ return nil
+ end
+ local content = f:read("*all")
+ f:close()
+ if content:find "properties[%s]*=[%s]*\"[^\"]*nav" then
+ log:info "TOC nav found"
+ cleanTOC(content)
+ else
+ log:info "no TOC, using a generic one"
+ local inputfile = input .. "." .. ext
+ log:info("Main file name: ".. inputfile)
+ -- write toc file
+ local toc_name = "generic_toc" .."."..ext
+ local f = .. "/" .. toc_name, "w")
+ f:write(makeTOC(inputfile))
+ f:close()
+ -- add toc file to the conten.opf
+ content = content:gsub("<manifest>","<manifest>\n<item id='htmltoc'" ..
+ " properties=\"nav\" media-type=\"application/xhtml+xml\" href=\""..
+ toc_name .."\" />\n")
+ content = content:gsub("<spine([^>]*)>", "<spine%1>\n<itemref idref=\"htmltoc\" linear=\"no\"/>\n")
+ -- remove empty guide element
+ end
+ -- content = content:gsub("<guide>%s*</guide>","")
+ content = eb.remove_empty_guide(content)
+ content = add_media_overlays(content)
+ content = fix_properties(content)
+ f = .. "/" ..opf,"w")
+ f:write(content)
+ f:close()
+ --makeTOC(inputfile)
+function writeContainer()
+ --local ret = eb.writeContainer()
+ log:info "write container"
+ eb.make_opf()
+ cleanOPF()
+ local ret = eb.pack_container()
+ return ret
+function clean()
+ return eb.clean()