path: root/support/tex4ebook/exec_epub.lua
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'support/tex4ebook/exec_epub.lua')
1 files changed, 181 insertions, 191 deletions
diff --git a/support/tex4ebook/exec_epub.lua b/support/tex4ebook/exec_epub.lua
index d92a8d103c..24cc626aad 100644
--- a/support/tex4ebook/exec_epub.lua
+++ b/support/tex4ebook/exec_epub.lua
@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ module("exec_epub",package.seeall)
local lfs = require("lfs")
local os = require("os")
local io = require("io")
+local log ="exec_epub")
--local ebookutils = require("ebookutils")
local ebookutils = require "mkutils"
-- font loading doesn't work, font database format changes often
@@ -29,25 +30,19 @@ local function deletedir(dir)
if file ~= "." and file ~= ".." then
if lfs.attributes(file_path, 'mode') == 'file' then
- print('remove file',file_path)
+ log:info('remove file',file_path)
elseif lfs.attributes(file_path, 'mode') == 'directory' then
- print('dir', file_path)
+ log:info('dir', file_path)
- print('remove dir',dir)
+ log:info('remove dir',dir)
function prepare(params)
- local randname=tostring(math.random(12000))
- -- if not ebookutils.file_exists("tex4ht.env") then
- -- local env_file = kpse.find_file("epub2.env")
- --print("Local env file: "..env_file)
- -- ebookutils.copy(env_file,"tex4ht.env")
- -- end
local makedir= function(path)
local current = lfs.currentdir()
local dir = ebookutils.prepare_path(path .. "/")
@@ -60,29 +55,45 @@ function prepare(params)
basedir = params.input.."-".. params.format
- outputdir= basedir.."/"..outputdir_name --"outdir-"..randname --os.tmpdir()
+ outputdir= basedir.."/"..outputdir_name
- -- lfs.mkdir(outputdir)
- --ebookutils.mkdirectories(ebookutils.prepare_path(outputdir.."/"))
- metadir = basedir .."/" .. metadir_name --"metadir-"..randname
+ metadir = basedir .."/" .. metadir_name
if params.outdir ~= "" then
destdir = params.outdir .. "/"
- --local dd = ebookutils.prepare_path(metadir.."/")
- --for _,d in pairs(dd) do print("metadir path: "..d) end
- -- lfs.mkdir(metadir)
- --local status, msg = ebookutils.mkdirectories(ebookutils.prepare_path(metadir.."/"))
- --if not status then print("make mmetadir error:" ..msg) end
mimetype= basedir .. "/" ..mimetype_name --os.tmpname()
- print(outputdir)
- print(mimetype)
tidy = params.tidy
include_fonts = params.include_fonts
params["t4ht_par"] = params["t4ht_par"] -- + "-d"..string.format(params["t4ht_dir_format"],outputdir)
params.tex4ht_sty_par = params.tex4ht_sty_par .. ",uni-html4"
+ params.config_file.Make.params = params
+ local mode = params.mode
+ if params.config_file.Make:length() < 1 then
+ if mode == "draft" then
+ params.config_file.Make:htlatex()
+ else
+ params.config_file.Make:htlatex()
+ params.config_file.Make:htlatex()
+ params.config_file.Make:htlatex()
+ end
+ end
+ if #params.config_file.Make.image_patterns > 0 then
+ params["t4ht_par"] = params["t4ht_par"] .." -p"
+ end
+ params.config_file.Make:tex4ht()
+ params.config_file.Make:t4ht()
+ -- do some cleanup
+ params.config_file.Make:match("tmp$",function(filename, par)
+ -- detect if a tmp file was created for content from STDIN
+ if par.is_tmp_file then
+ -- and remove it
+ log:info("Removing temporary file", par.tex_file)
+ os.remove(par.tex_file)
+ end
+ end)
@@ -90,7 +101,7 @@ function run(out,params)
--local currentdir=
outputfile = outputfilename..".epub"
- print("Output file: "..outputfile)
+ log:info("Output file: "..outputfile)
local m="/container.xml","w")
@@ -107,27 +118,7 @@ media-type="application/oebps-package+xml"/>,"w")
- local htlatex_run = "${htlatex} ${input} \"${config}${tex4ht_sty_par}\" \"${tex4ht_par}\" \"${t4ht_par}\" \"${latex_par}\"" % params
- print("Make4ht run")
- print("-------------------")
- params.config_file.Make.params = params
- local mode = params.mode
- if params.config_file.Make:length() < 1 then
- if mode == "draft" then
- params.config_file.Make:htlatex()
- else
- params.config_file.Make:htlatex()
- params.config_file.Make:htlatex()
- params.config_file.Make:htlatex()
- end
- end
- if #params.config_file.Make.image_patterns > 0 then
- params["t4ht_par"] = params["t4ht_par"] .." -p"
- end
- params.config_file.Make:tex4ht()
- params.config_file.Make:t4ht()
- print("-------------------")
--[[for k,v in pairs(params.config_file.Make) do
print(k.. " : "..type(v))
@@ -162,7 +153,7 @@ function make_opf()
-- Find mimetype and make item tag for each converted file in the lg file
local fname,ext = item:match("([%a%d%_%-]*)%p([%a%d]*)$")
local mimetype = mimetypes[ext] or ""
- if mimetype == "" then print("Mimetype for "..ext.." is not registered"); return nil end
+ if mimetype == "" then log:info("Mimetype for "..ext.." is not registered"); return nil end
local dir_part = item:split("/")
local id=table.concat(dir_part,"-")..fname.."_"..ext
@@ -190,165 +181,164 @@ function make_opf()
--local opf_second_part = outputdir .. "/content-part2.opf"
ebookutils.file_exists(opf_first_part) and ebookutils.file_exists(opf_second_part)
- then
- local h_first =,"r")
- local h_second =,"r")
- local opf_complete = {}
- table.insert(opf_complete,h_first:read("*all"))
- local used_html = find_all_files(opf_complete[1])
- -- local lg_file = ebookutils.parse_lg(outputfilename..".lg")
- -- The lg_file has been already loaded by make4ht, it doesn't make sense to load it again
- -- Furthermore, it is now possible to add new files from Lua build files
- local lg_file = Make.lgfile or ebookutils.parse_lg(outputfilename..".lg")
- local used_files = {}
- for _,filename in ipairs(lg_file["files"]) do
- -- we need to test the filenames in order to prevent duplicates
- -- filenames are tested without paths, so there may be issues if
- -- the same filename is used in different directories. Is that a problem?
- used_files[filename] = true
- end
- local outside_spine = {}
- local all_used_files = find_all_files(opf_complete[1],"([%a%d%-%_]+%.[%a%d]+)")
- local used_paths = {}
- local used_ids = {}
- for _,k in ipairs(lg_file["files"]) do
- local ext = k:match("%.([%a%d]*)$")
- local parts = k:split "/"
- local fn = parts[#parts]
- local allow_in_spine = {html="",xhtml = "", xml = ""}
- table.remove(parts,#parts)
- --table.insert(parts,1,"OEBPS")
- table.insert(parts,1,outputdir)
- -- print("SSSSS "..fn.." ext .." .. ext)
- --if string.find("jpg gif png", ext) and not all_used_files[k] then
- local item,id = lg_item(k)
- if item then
- local path = table.concat(parts)
- if not used_paths[path] then
- ebookutils.mkdirectories(parts)
- used_paths[path]=true
- end
- if allow_in_spine[ext] and tidy then
- if tidyconf then
- print("Tidy: "..k)
- local run ="tidy -c -w 200 -q -utf8 -m -config " .. tidyconf .." " .. k
- os.execute(run)
- else
- print "Tidy: Cannot load tidyconf.conf"
- end
- end
- if not used_ids[id] then
- ebookutils.copy(k, outputdir .. "/"..k)
- if not all_used_files[fn] then
- table.insert(opf_complete,item)
- if allow_in_spine[ext] then
- table.insert(outside_spine,id)
- end
+ then
+ local h_first =,"r")
+ local h_second =,"r")
+ local opf_complete = {}
+ table.insert(opf_complete,h_first:read("*all"))
+ local used_html = find_all_files(opf_complete[1])
+ -- local lg_file = ebookutils.parse_lg(outputfilename..".lg")
+ -- The lg_file has been already loaded by make4ht, it doesn't make sense to load it again
+ -- Furthermore, it is now possible to add new files from Lua build files
+ local lg_file = Make.lgfile or ebookutils.parse_lg(outputfilename..".lg")
+ local used_files = {}
+ for _,filename in ipairs(lg_file["files"]) do
+ -- we need to test the filenames in order to prevent duplicates
+ -- filenames are tested without paths, so there may be issues if
+ -- the same filename is used in different directories. Is that a problem?
+ used_files[filename] = true
+ end
+ local outside_spine = {}
+ local all_used_files = find_all_files(opf_complete[1],"([%a%d%-%_]+%.[%a%d]+)")
+ local used_paths = {}
+ local used_ids = {}
+ for _,k in ipairs(lg_file["files"]) do
+ local ext = k:match("%.([%a%d]*)$")
+ local parts = k:split "/"
+ local fn = parts[#parts]
+ local allow_in_spine = {html="",xhtml = "", xml = ""}
+ table.remove(parts,#parts)
+ --table.insert(parts,1,"OEBPS")
+ table.insert(parts,1,outputdir)
+ -- print("SSSSS "..fn.." ext .." .. ext)
+ --if string.find("jpg gif png", ext) and not all_used_files[k] then
+ local item,id = lg_item(k)
+ if item then
+ local path = table.concat(parts)
+ if not used_paths[path] then
+ ebookutils.mkdirectories(parts)
+ used_paths[path]=true
+ end
+ if allow_in_spine[ext] and tidy then
+ if tidyconf then
+ log:info("Tidy: "..k)
+ local run ="tidy -c -w 200 -q -utf8 -m -config " .. tidyconf .." " .. k
+ os.execute(run)
+ else
+ log:info "Tidy: Cannot load tidyconf.conf"
+ end
+ end
+ if not used_ids[id] then
+ ebookutils.copy(k, outputdir .. "/"..k)
+ if not all_used_files[fn] then
+ table.insert(opf_complete,item)
+ if allow_in_spine[ext] then
+ table.insert(outside_spine,id)
- end
- used_ids[id] = true
- end
- end
- for _,f in ipairs(lg_file["images"]) do
- local f = f.output
- local p, id = lg_item(f)
- -- process the images only if they weren't registered in lg_file["files"]
- -- they would be processed twice otherwise
- if not used_files[f] and not used_ids[id] then
- ebookutils.copy(f, outputdir .. "/"..f)
- table.insert(opf_complete,p)
+ end
used_ids[id] = true
- end
- local end_opf = h_second:read("*all")
- local spine_items = {}
- for _,i in ipairs(outside_spine) do
- table.insert(spine_items,
- '<itemref idref="${idref}" linear="no" />' % {idref=i})
- end
- table.insert(opf_complete,end_opf % {spine = table.concat(spine_items,"\n")})
- h_first:close()
- h_second:close()
- h_first =,"w")
- local opf_completed = table.concat(opf_complete,"\n")
- -- poor man's tidy: remove trailing whitespace befora xml tags
- opf_completed = opf_completed:gsub("[ ]*<","<")
- opf_completed = remove_empty_guide(opf_completed)
- h_first:write(opf_completed)
- h_first:close()
- os.remove(opf_second_part)
- --ebookutils.copy(outputfilename ..".css",outputdir.."/")
- ebookutils.copy(opf_first_part,outputdir.."/"..opf_first_part)
- --for c,v in pairs(lg_file["fonts"]) do
- -- print(c, table.concat(v,", "))
- --end
- --print(table.concat(opf_complete,"\n"))
- else
- print("Missing opf file")
- end
- end
- local function find_zip()
- if io.popen("zip -v","r"):close() then
- return "zip"
- elseif io.popen("miktex-zip -v","r"):close() then
- return "miktex-zip"
+ end
+ end
+ for _,f in ipairs(lg_file["images"]) do
+ local f = f.output
+ local p, id = lg_item(f)
+ -- process the images only if they weren't registered in lg_file["files"]
+ -- they would be processed twice otherwise
+ if not used_files[f] and not used_ids[id] then
+ ebookutils.copy(f, outputdir .. "/"..f)
+ table.insert(opf_complete,p)
+ end
+ used_ids[id] = true
+ end
+ local end_opf = h_second:read("*all")
+ local spine_items = {}
+ for _,i in ipairs(outside_spine) do
+ table.insert(spine_items,
+ '<itemref idref="${idref}" linear="no" />' % {idref=i})
- print "It appears you don't have zip command installed. I can't pack the ebook"
+ table.insert(opf_complete,end_opf % {spine = table.concat(spine_items,"\n")})
+ h_first:close()
+ h_second:close()
+ h_first =,"w")
+ local opf_completed = table.concat(opf_complete,"\n")
+ -- poor man's tidy: remove trailing whitespace befora xml tags
+ opf_completed = opf_completed:gsub("[ ]*<","<")
+ opf_completed = remove_empty_guide(opf_completed)
+ h_first:write(opf_completed)
+ h_first:close()
+ os.remove(opf_second_part)
+ --ebookutils.copy(outputfilename ..".css",outputdir.."/")
+ ebookutils.copy(opf_first_part,outputdir.."/"..opf_first_part)
+ --for c,v in pairs(lg_file["fonts"]) do
+ -- print(c, table.concat(v,", "))
+ --end
+ --print(table.concat(opf_complete,"\n"))
+ else
+ log:warning("Missing opf file")
+ end
+local function find_zip()
+ if io.popen("zip -v","r"):close() then
return "zip"
+ elseif io.popen("miktex-zip -v","r"):close() then
+ return "miktex-zip"
+ log:warning "It appears you don't have zip command installed. I can't pack the ebook"
+ return "zip"
- function pack_container()
- local ncxfilename = outputdir .. "/" .. outputfilename .. ".ncx"
- if os.execute("tidy -v") > 0 then
- print("Warning:\n tidy command seems missing, you should install it" ..
- " in order\n to make valid epub file")
- print("Using regexp based cleaning")
- local lines = {}
- for line in io.lines(ncxfilename) do
- local content = line:gsub("[ ]*<","<")
- if content:len() > 0 then
- table.insert(lines, content)
- end
+function pack_container()
+ local ncxfilename = outputdir .. "/" .. outputfilename .. ".ncx"
+ if os.execute("tidy -v") > 0 then
+ log:warning("tidy command seems missing, you should install it" ..
+ " in order\n to make valid epub file")
+ log:info("Using regexp based cleaning")
+ local lines = {}
+ for line in io.lines(ncxfilename) do
+ local content = line:gsub("[ ]*<","<")
+ if content:len() > 0 then
+ table.insert(lines, content)
- table.insert(lines,"")
- local ncxfile =,"w")
- ncxfile:write(table.concat(lines,"\n"))
- ncxfile:close()
- else
- print("Tidy ncx "..
- os.execute("tidy -xml -i -q -utf8 -m " .. ncxfilename))
- print("Tidy opf "..
- os.execute("tidy -xml -i -q -utf8 -m " ..
- outputdir .. "/" .. "content.opf"))
- end
- print(mimetype)
- local zip = find_zip()
- -- we need to remove the epub file if it exists already, because it may contain files which aren't used anymore
- if ebookutils.file_exists(outputfile) then os.remove(outputfile) end
- print("Pack mimetype " .. os.execute("cd "..basedir.." && "" -q0X "..outputfile .." ".. mimetype_name))
- print("Pack metadir " .. os.execute("cd "..basedir.." && "" -qXr9D " .. outputfile.." "..metadir_name))
- print("Pack outputdir " .. os.execute("cd "..basedir.." && "" -qXr9D " .. outputfile.." "..outputdir_name))
- print("Copy generated epub ")
- ebookutils.cp(basedir .."/"..outputfile, destdir .. outputfile)
+ end
+ table.insert(lines,"")
+ local ncxfile =,"w")
+ ncxfile:write(table.concat(lines,"\n"))
+ ncxfile:close()
+ else
+ log:info("Tidy ncx "..
+ os.execute("tidy -xml -i -q -utf8 -m " .. ncxfilename))
+ log:info("Tidy opf "..
+ os.execute("tidy -xml -i -q -utf8 -m " ..
+ outputdir .. "/" .. "content.opf"))
+ end
+ local zip = find_zip()
+ -- we need to remove the epub file if it exists already, because it may contain files which aren't used anymore
+ if ebookutils.file_exists(outputfile) then os.remove(outputfile) end
+ log:info("Pack mimetype " .. os.execute("cd "..basedir.." && "" -q0X "..outputfile .." ".. mimetype_name))
+ log:info("Pack metadir " .. os.execute("cd "..basedir.." && "" -qXr9D " .. outputfile.." "..metadir_name))
+ log:info("Pack outputdir " .. os.execute("cd "..basedir.." && "" -qXr9D " .. outputfile.." "..outputdir_name))
+ log:info("Copy generated epub ")
+ ebookutils.cp(basedir .."/"..outputfile, destdir .. outputfile)
- function writeContainer()
- make_opf()
- pack_container()
- end
- local function deldir(path)
- for entry in lfs.dir(path) do
- if entry~="." and entry~=".." then
- os.remove(path.."/"..entry)
- end
- end
- os.remove(path)
- --]]
- end
+function writeContainer()
+ make_opf()
+ pack_container()
+local function deldir(path)
+ for entry in lfs.dir(path) do
+ if entry~="." and entry~=".." then
+ os.remove(path.."/"..entry)
+ end
+ end
+ os.remove(path)
+ --]]
- function clean()
- --deldir(outputdir)
- --deldir(metadir)
- --os.remove(mimetype)
+function clean()
+ --deldir(outputdir)
+ --deldir(metadir)
+ --os.remove(mimetype)