path: root/support/splint/cweb/np.w
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'support/splint/cweb/np.w')
1 files changed, 380 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/support/splint/cweb/np.w b/support/splint/cweb/np.w
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..aa20e551c7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/support/splint/cweb/np.w
@@ -0,0 +1,380 @@
+@q Copyright 2012-2014, Alexander Shibakov@>
+@q This file is part of SPLinT@>
+@q SPLinT is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify@>
+@q it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by@>
+@q the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or@>
+@q (at your option) any later version.@>
+@q SPLinT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,@>
+@q but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of@>
+@q GNU General Public License for more details.@>
+@q You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License@>
+@q along with SPLinT. If not, see <>.@>
+@*1 The name parser. What follows is an example parser for the name
+processing. This approach (i.e. using a `full blown' parser/scanner
+combination) is probably not the best way to implement such machinery
+but its main purpose is to demonstrate a way to create a separate
+parser for local purposes.
+% We include the macros here since this file is intended to be
+% included by the documentation `aggregator' so putting bare \TeX\
+% at the beginning of the file runs the risk of producing and error
+% of having \TeX\ material inside a \Cee\ section.
+ \let\parsernamespace\smallnamespace
+ \let\hostparsernamespace\smallnamespace
+ \input stokenset.sty
+@G Switch to generic mode.
+%{@> @<Name parser \Cee\ preamble@> @=%}
+ @> @<Bison options@> @=
+%union {@> @<Union of parser types@> @=}
+%{@> @<Name parser \Cee\ postamble@> @=%}
+ @> @<Token and types ...@> @=
+ @> @<Parser productions@> @=
+@ @<Bison options@>=
+%start full_name
+@ @<Token and types declarations@>=
+%token OPTIONAL
+%token NO_ATTR
+%token INTEGER
+%token EXTENDED
+%token WILDCARD
+@ @<Parser productions@>=
+ identifier_string suffixes.opt {@> @<Compose the full name@> @=}
+ PERCENT_IDENTIFIER {@> @<Attach option name@> @=}
+| IDENTIFIER {@> @<Start with an identifier@> @=}
+| '<' IDENTIFIER '>' {@> @<Start with a tag@> @=}
+| '\'' WILDCARD '\'' {@> @<Start with a quoted string@> @=}
+| '\'' '>' '\'' {@> @<Start with a \prodstyle{'>'} string@> @=}
+| '\'' '<' '\'' {@> @<Start with a \prodstyle{'<'} string@> @=}
+| '\'' '.' '\'' {@> @<Start with a \prodstyle{'.'} string@> @=}
+| '\'' '_' '\'' {@> @<Start with an \prodstyle{'\_'} string@> @=}
+| '\'' '-' '\'' {@> @<Start with a \prodstyle{'-'} string@> @=}
+| qualifier {@> @<Turn a qualifier into an identifier@> @=}
+| identifier_string IDENTIFIER {@> @<Attach an identifier@> @=}
+| identifier_string qualifier {@> @<Attach qualifier to a name@> @=}
+| identifier_string INTEGER {@> @<Attach an integer@> @=}
+ {@> TeX_( "/yy0{}" ); @=}
+| '.' {@> TeX_( "/yy0{/nx/dotsp/nx/sfxnone}" ); @=}
+| '.' suffixes {@> @<Attach suffixes@> @=}
+| '.' qualified_suffixes {@> @<Attach qualified suffixes@> @=}
+ IDENTIFIER {@> @<Start with a named suffix@> @=}
+| INTEGER {@> @<Start with a numeric suffix@> @=}
+| suffixes '.' {@> @<Add a dot separator@> @=}
+| suffixes IDENTIFIER {@> @<Attach a named suffix@> @=}
+| suffixes INTEGER {@> @<Attach integer suffix@> @=}
+| qualifier '.' {@> TeX_( "/yy0{/nx/sfxn/the/yy(1)/nx/dotsp}" ); @=}
+| suffixes qualifier '.' {@> TeX_( "/yy0{/the/yy(1)/nx/sfxn/the/yy(2)/nx/dotsp}" ); @=}
+ suffixes qualifier {@> @<Attach a qualifier@> @=}
+| qualifier {@> @<Start suffixes with a qualifier@> @=}
+ OPTIONAL {@> TeX_( "/yy0{/the/yy(1)}" ); @=}
+| NO_ATTR {@> TeX_( "/yy0{/the/yy(1)}" ); @=}
+| EXTENDED {@> TeX_( "/yy0{/the/yy(1)}" ); @=}
+@ @<Compose the full name@>=
+ @[TeX_( "/yy0{/the/yy(1)/the/yy(2)}/namechars/yyval" );@]@;
+@ @<Attach option name@>=
+ @[TeX_( "/getfirst{/yy(1)}/to/toksa" );@]@;
+ @[TeX_( "/getsecond{/yy(1)}/to/toksb" );@]@;
+ @[TeX_( "/yy0{/nx/optstr{/the/toksa}{/the/toksb}}" );@]@;
+@ @<Start with an identifier@>=
+ @[TeX_( "/getfirst{/yy(1)}/to/toksa" );@]@;
+ @[TeX_( "/getsecond{/yy(1)}/to/toksb" );@]@;
+ @[TeX_( "/yy0{/nx/idstr{/the/toksa}{/the/toksb}}" );@]@;
+@ @<Start with a tag@>=
+ @[TeX_( "/getfirst{/yy(2)}/to/toksa" );@]@;
+ @[TeX_( "/getsecond{/yy(2)}/to/toksb" );@]@;
+ @[TeX_( "/yy0{/nx/idstr{</the/toksa>}{</the/toksb>}}" );@]@;
+@ @<Start with a quoted string@>=
+ @[TeX_( "/getfirst{/yy(2)}/to/toksa" );@]@;
+ @[TeX_( "/getsecond{/yy(2)}/to/toksb" );@]@;
+ @[TeX_( "/yy0{/nx/chstr{/the/toksa}{/the/toksb}}" );@]@;
+@ @<Start with a \prodstyle{'<'} string@>=
+ @[TeX_( "/yy0{/nx/chstr{<}{<}}" );@]@;
+@ @<Start with a \prodstyle{'>'} string@>=
+ @[TeX_( "/yy0{/nx/chstr{/greaterthan}{/greaterthan}}" );@]@;
+@ @<Start with an \prodstyle{'\_'} string@>=
+ @[TeX_( "/yy0{/nx/chstr{/uscoreletter}{/uscoreletter}}" );@]@;
+@ @<Start with a \prodstyle{'-'} string@>=
+ @[TeX_( "/yy0{/nx/chstr{-}{-}}" );@]@;
+@ @<Start with a \prodstyle{'.'} string@>=
+ @[TeX_( "/yy0{/nx/chstr{.}{.}}" );@]@;
+@ @<Turn a qualifier into an identifier@>=
+ @<Start with an identifier@>@;
+@ @<Attach an identifier@>=
+ @[TeX_( "/getsecond{/yy(1)}/to/toksa" );@]@;
+ @[TeX_( "/appendr/toksa{/space}" );@]@;
+ @[TeX_( "/getfirst{/yy(2)}/to/toksb" );@]@;
+ @[TeX_( "/concat/toksa/toksb" );@]@;
+ @[TeX_( "/getthird{/yy(1)}/to/toksb" );@]@;
+ @[TeX_( "/appendr/toksb{/space}" );@]@;
+ @[TeX_( "/getsecond{/yy(2)}/to/toksc" );@]@;
+ @[TeX_( "/concat/toksb/toksc" );@]@;
+ @[TeX_( "/yy0{/nx/idstr{/the/toksa}{/the/toksb}}" );@]@;
+@ @<Attach qualifier to a name@>=
+ @<Attach an identifier@>
+@ @<Attach an integer@>=
+ @<Attach an identifier@>@;
+@ @<Attach suffixes@>=
+ @[TeX_( "/yy0{/nx/dotsp/the/yy(2)}" );@]@;
+@ @<Attach qualified suffixes@>=
+ @<Attach suffixes@>@;
+@ @<Start with a named suffix@>=
+ @[TeX_( "/yy0{/nx/sfxn/the/yy(1)}" );@]@;
+@ @<Start with a numeric suffix@>=
+ @[TeX_( "/yy0{/nx/sfxi/the/yy(1)}" );@]@;
+@ @<Add a dot separator@>=
+ @[TeX_( "/yy0{/the/yy(1)/nx/dotsp}" );@]@;
+@ @<Attach integer suffix@>=
+ @[TeX_( "/yy0{/the/yy(1)/nx/sfxi/the/yy(2)}" );@]@;
+@ @<Attach a named suffix@>=
+ @[TeX_( "/yy0{/the/yy(1)/nx/sfxn/the/yy(2)}" );@]@;
+@ @<Attach a qualifier@>=
+ @[TeX_( "/yy0{/the/yy(1)/nx/qual/the/yy(2)}" );@]@;
+@ @<Start suffixes with a qualifier@>=
+ @[TeX_( "/yy0{/nx/qual/the/yy(1)}" );@]@;
+@ \Cee\ preamble. In this case, there are no `real' actions that our
+grammar performs, only \TeX\ output, so this section is empty.
+@<Name parser \Cee\ preamble@>=
+@ \Cee\ postamble. It is tricky to insert function definitions that use \bison's internal types,
+as they have to be inserted in a place that is aware of the internal definitions but before said
+definitions are used.
+@<Name parser \Cee\ postamble@>=
+#define YYPRINT(file, type, value) @[yyprint (file, type, value)@]
+ static void yyprint (FILE *file, int type, YYSTYPE value){}
+@ Union of types.
+@<Union of parser types@>=
+@*1 The name scanner.
+ @> @<Lexer definitions@> @=
+%{@> @<Lexer \Cee\ preamble@> @=%}
+ @> @<Lexer options@> @=
+ @> @<Regular expressions@> @=
+void define_all_states( void ) {
+ @<Collect all state definitions@>@;
+@ @<Lexer definitions@>=
+ @<Lexer states@>@;
+letter [_abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ]
+wc ([^\\\'\"]{-}[_abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0-9]|\\.)
+id {letter}({letter}|[-0-9])*
+int [0-9]+
+@ @<Collect all state definitions@>=
+#define _register_name( name ) @[Define_State( #name, name )@]
+/* nothing for now */
+#undef _register_name
+@ Strings and characters in directives/rules.
+@<Lexer states@>=
+@ @<Lexer \Cee\ preamble@>=
+#include <stdint.h>
+#include <stdbool.h>
+@ @<Lexer options@>=
+%option bison-bridge
+%option noyywrap nounput noinput reentrant
+%option noyy_top_state
+%option debug
+%option stack
+%option outfile="small_lexer.c"
+@ @<Regular expressions@>=
+ @<Scan white space@>@;
+ @<Scan identifiers@>@;
+@ White space skipping.
+@<Scan white space@>=
+[ \f\n\t\v] {@> @[TeX_( "/yylexnext" );@]@=}
+@ This collection of regular expressions might seem redundant, and in
+its present state, it certainly is. However, if later on the
+typesetting style for some of the keywords would need to be adjusted,
+such changes would be easy to implement, since the template is already
+\yyskipparsefalse % this is not necessary
+@<Scan identifiers@>=
+"%binary" {@> @[TeX_( "/yylexreturnval{PERCENT_IDENTIFIER}" );@]@=}
+"%code" {@> @[TeX_( "/yylexreturnval{PERCENT_IDENTIFIER}" );@]@=}
+"%debug" {@> @[TeX_( "/yylexreturnval{PERCENT_IDENTIFIER}" );@]@=}
+"%default-prec" {@> @[TeX_( "/yylexreturnval{PERCENT_IDENTIFIER}" );@]@=}
+"%define" {@> @[TeX_( "/yylexreturnval{PERCENT_IDENTIFIER}" );@]@=}
+"%defines" {@> @[TeX_( "/yylexreturnval{PERCENT_IDENTIFIER}" );@]@=}
+"%destructor" {@> @[TeX_( "/yylexreturnval{PERCENT_IDENTIFIER}" );@]@=}
+"%dprec" {@> @[TeX_( "/yylexreturnval{PERCENT_IDENTIFIER}" );@]@=}
+"%empty" {@> @[TeX_( "/yylexreturnval{PERCENT_IDENTIFIER}" );@]@=}
+"%error-verbose" {@> @[TeX_( "/yylexreturnval{PERCENT_IDENTIFIER}" );@]@=}
+"%expect" {@> @[TeX_( "/yylexreturnval{PERCENT_IDENTIFIER}" );@]@=}
+"%expect-rr" {@> @[TeX_( "/yylexreturnval{PERCENT_IDENTIFIER}" );@]@=}
+"%file-prefix" {@> @[TeX_( "/yylexreturnval{PERCENT_IDENTIFIER}" );@]@=}
+"%fixed-output-files" {@> @[TeX_( "/yylexreturnval{PERCENT_IDENTIFIER}" );@]@=}
+"%initial-action" {@> @[TeX_( "/yylexreturnval{PERCENT_IDENTIFIER}" );@]@=}
+"%glr-parser" {@> @[TeX_( "/yylexreturnval{PERCENT_IDENTIFIER}" );@]@=}
+"%language" {@> @[TeX_( "/yylexreturnval{PERCENT_IDENTIFIER}" );@]@=}
+"%left" {@> @[TeX_( "/yylexreturnval{PERCENT_IDENTIFIER}" );@]@=}
+"%lex-param" {@> @[TeX_( "/yylexreturnval{PERCENT_IDENTIFIER}" );@]@=}
+"%locations" {@> @[TeX_( "/yylexreturnval{PERCENT_IDENTIFIER}" );@]@=}
+"%merge" {@> @[TeX_( "/yylexreturnval{PERCENT_IDENTIFIER}" );@]@=}
+"%name-prefix" {@> @[TeX_( "/yylexreturnval{PERCENT_IDENTIFIER}" );@]@=}
+"%no-default-prec" {@> @[TeX_( "/yylexreturnval{PERCENT_IDENTIFIER}" );@]@=}
+"%no-lines" {@> @[TeX_( "/yylexreturnval{PERCENT_IDENTIFIER}" );@]@=}
+"%nonassoc" {@> @[TeX_( "/yylexreturnval{PERCENT_IDENTIFIER}" );@]@=}
+"%nondeterministic-parser" {@> @[TeX_( "/yylexreturnval{PERCENT_IDENTIFIER}" );@]@=}
+"%nterm" {@> @[TeX_( "/yylexreturnval{PERCENT_IDENTIFIER}" );@]@=}
+"%output" {@> @[TeX_( "/yylexreturnval{PERCENT_IDENTIFIER}" );@]@=}
+"%param" {@> @[TeX_( "/yylexreturnval{PERCENT_IDENTIFIER}" );@]@=}
+"%parse-param" {@> @[TeX_( "/yylexreturnval{PERCENT_IDENTIFIER}" );@]@=}
+"%prec" {@> @[TeX_( "/yylexreturnval{PERCENT_IDENTIFIER}" );@]@=}
+"%precedence" {@> @[TeX_( "/yylexreturnval{PERCENT_IDENTIFIER}" );@]@=}
+"%printer" {@> @[TeX_( "/yylexreturnval{PERCENT_IDENTIFIER}" );@]@=}
+"%pure-parser" {@> @[TeX_( "/yylexreturnval{PERCENT_IDENTIFIER}" );@]@=}
+"%require" {@> @[TeX_( "/yylexreturnval{PERCENT_IDENTIFIER}" );@]@=}
+"%right" {@> @[TeX_( "/yylexreturnval{PERCENT_IDENTIFIER}" );@]@=}
+"%skeleton" {@> @[TeX_( "/yylexreturnval{PERCENT_IDENTIFIER}" );@]@=}
+"%start" {@> @[TeX_( "/yylexreturnval{PERCENT_IDENTIFIER}" );@]@=}
+"%term" {@> @[TeX_( "/yylexreturnval{PERCENT_IDENTIFIER}" );@]@=}
+"%token" {@> @[TeX_( "/yylexreturnval{PERCENT_IDENTIFIER}" );@]@=}
+"%token-table" {@> @[TeX_( "/yylexreturnval{PERCENT_IDENTIFIER}" );@]@=}
+"%type" {@> @[TeX_( "/yylexreturnval{PERCENT_IDENTIFIER}" );@]@=}
+"%union" {@> @[TeX_( "/yylexreturnval{PERCENT_IDENTIFIER}" );@]@=}
+"%verbose" {@> @[TeX_( "/yylexreturnval{PERCENT_IDENTIFIER}" );@]@=}
+"%yacc" {@> @[TeX_( "/yylexreturnval{PERCENT_IDENTIFIER}" );@]@=}
+"%default"[-_]"prec" {@> @[TeX_( "/yylexreturnval{PERCENT_IDENTIFIER}" );@]@=}
+"%error"[-_]"verbose" {@> @[TeX_( "/yylexreturnval{PERCENT_IDENTIFIER}" );@]@=}
+"%expect"[-_]"rr" {@> @[TeX_( "/yylexreturnval{PERCENT_IDENTIFIER}" );@]@=}
+"%fixed"[-_]"output"[-_]"files" {@> @[TeX_( "/yylexreturnval{PERCENT_IDENTIFIER}" );@]@=}
+"%name"[-_]"prefix" {@> @[TeX_( "/yylexreturnval{PERCENT_IDENTIFIER}" );@]@=}
+"%no"[-_]"default"[-_]"prec" {@> @[TeX_( "/yylexreturnval{PERCENT_IDENTIFIER}" );@]@=}
+"%no"[-_]"lines" {@> @[TeX_( "/yylexreturnval{PERCENT_IDENTIFIER}" );@]@=}
+"%pure"[-_]"parser" {@> @[TeX_( "/yylexreturnval{PERCENT_IDENTIFIER}" );@]@=}
+"%token"[-_]"table" {@> @[TeX_( "/yylexreturnval{PERCENT_IDENTIFIER}" );@]@=}
+"%"({letter}|[0-9]|[-_]|"%"|[<>])+ {@> @[TeX_( "/yylexreturnval{PERCENT_IDENTIFIER}" );@]@=}
+"opt" {@> @[TeX_( "/yylexreturnval{OPTIONAL}" );@]@=}
+"na" {@> @[TeX_( "/yylexreturnval{NO_ATTR}" );@]@=}
+"ext" {@> @[TeX_( "/yylexreturnval{EXTENDED}" );@]@=}
+[<>._\'] {@> @[TeX_( "/yylexreturnchar" );@]@=}
+{wc} {@> @[TeX_( "/yylexreturnval{WILDCARD}" );@]@=}
+{id} {@> @[@<Prepare to process an identifier@>@]@=}
+{int} {@> @[TeX_( "/yylexreturnval{INTEGER}" );@]@=}
+"\"" {@> @[TeX_( "/yylexnext" );@]@=}
+. {@> @[@<React to a bad character@>@]@=}
+@ @<Prepare to process an identifier@>=
+ @[TeX_( "/yylexreturnval{IDENTIFIER}" );@]@;
+@ @<React to a bad character@>=
+ @[TeX_( "/iftracebadchars" );@]@;
+ @[TeX_( " /yycomplain{invalid character(s): /the/yytext}" );@]@;
+ @[TeX_( "/fi" );@]@;
+ @[TeX_( "/yylexreturn{$undefined}" );@]@;