path: root/support/pictex-converter/pictexte.pas
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'support/pictex-converter/pictexte.pas')
1 files changed, 1391 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/support/pictex-converter/pictexte.pas b/support/pictex-converter/pictexte.pas
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..873ab9b1b9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/support/pictex-converter/pictexte.pas
@@ -0,0 +1,1391 @@
+program pictextest;
+uses {cb_util,}dos,crt{,mathfunc};
+type styp = (right,left);
+var aus : text;
+ ausn,oben,unten,rechts,links,eingabe,ausgabe,
+ savename,savekomm,unterschrift,labelstr,ueberschrift : string;
+ unitx,unity, xmax,xmin,ymax,ymin,dx,dy,dxsub,dysub,breite,hoehe,
+ unitry, rymin,rymax,rdy,rdysub : real;
+ fertig,rechteachse,xlog,ylog,rylog,xkreuz,ykreuz,rykreuz : boolean;
+ ydez,xdez,rydez : byte;
+ ch,sprache : char;
+ seite : styp;
+ dos_major_version, dos_minor_version : integer;
+Received: by DEARN (Mailer R2.03B) id 8469; Wed, 14 Feb 90 18:27:58 MEZ
+Date: Wed, 14 Feb 90 01:19:57 CST
+Reply-To: Borland Pascal Discussion Group <PASCAL-L@YALEVM>
+Sender: Borland Pascal Discussion Group <PASCAL-L@YALEVM>
+From: "John M. Kelsey" <C445585@UMCVMB.BITNET>
+Subject: Cursor questions
+To: "Christian Boettger, TU Braunschweig, FRG" <I2010506@DBSTU1>
+I finally got around to looking up the three BIOS interrupst I needed
+to call and got a working package to make the cursor vanish, then restore
+it to the same kind of cursor it was before. (Otherwise, a program which
+uses different cursor-sizes at different times, and uses a generic routine
+to set the cursor off and back to the small cursor, may have the cursor
+size change every time, say, a window is blown open.) I'll type these two
+procedures in here.
+Procedure Cursor_Vanish(VAR W : Word);
+VAR Regs : Registers;
+Begin WITH Regs DO Begin
+ AH := $03;
+ BH := $00;
+ Intr($10,Regs);
+ W := CX;
+ AH := $01;
+ CL := $20;
+ CH := $20;
+ Intr($10,Regs);
+End End; { End procedure }
+Procedure Cursor_Restore(VAR W : Word );
+VAR Regs : Registers;
+Begin WITH Regs DO Begin
+ AH := $01;
+ BH := $00;
+ CX := W;
+ Intr($10,Regs);
+End End; { End procedure }
+These two procedures have to be compiled with the DOS unit available.
+(After the Program line, put uses DOS;)
+I've tried to be pretty careful typing these in, but I don't even pretend
+to be perfect, so if you want to use these procedures, I'd recommend typing
+them in, then saving them, then running a program once as a test. (A test
+program for these two should be pretty simple.)
+Also, regarding the screen saving procedures in _Turbo Pascal, the
+Complete Reference_, I've written some routines that implement a simple
+stack of saved screens, so that you can simply push the present screen
+state, draw your menu, then pop the last screen state off the stack.
+If anyone's interested, I should be able to upload the routines from a PC
+--John Kelsey, C445585@UMCVMB
+Function Zentriere (meldung : string; var status : boolean) : byte;
+{Berechnet X-Position fr zentrierte Ausgabe von MELDUNG mit GotoXY}
+var laenge : byte;
+ laenge := length(meldung);
+ if ((laenge>=80) or (laenge=0)) then status := false else status := true;
+ if status then Zentriere := (80-length(meldung)) DIV 2
+ else Zentriere := 0;
+end; {of Zentriere}
+procedure Ende (var raus : boolean);
+ var screen : string;
+ status : boolean;
+ antwort : char;
+ raus := FALSE;
+ ClrScr;
+ screen := 'Programm wirklich beenden (j/n) ? ';
+ GotoXY(Zentriere(screen,status),12); write(screen);
+ Readln(antwort);
+ antwort := UpCase(antwort);
+ IF antwort = 'J' THEN raus := TRUE;
+ END;
+procedure StandBy;
+ CONST meldung1 = 'Weiter mit beliebiger Taste';
+ meldung2 = ' ';
+ var x,y,x_pos : byte;
+ muell : char;
+ cursor : word;
+ status : boolean;
+ begin
+ Cursor_Vanish(cursor);
+ x:=whereX; y:= WhereY;
+ x_pos := Zentriere(meldung1,status);
+ GotoXY(x_pos,25);
+ HighVideo;
+ write(meldung1);
+ NormVideo;
+ repeat until keypressed;
+ muell := ReadKey;
+ GotoXY(x_pos,25); write(meldung2);
+ GotoXY(x,y);
+ Cursor_Restore(cursor);
+ end;
+Received: from CUNYVM by CUNYVM.BITNET (Mailer R2.03B) with BSMTP id 6339; Tue,
+ 13 Feb 90 21:05:12 EST
+Received: from by CUNYVM.CUNY.EDU (IBM VM SMTP R1.2.2MX) with TCP;
+ Tue, 13 Feb 90 21:05:09 EST
+Received: by (5.59/1.27)
+ id AA01529; Tue, 13 Feb 90 18:06:29 PST
+Date: Tue, 13 Feb 90 18:06:29 PST
+From: (Susan Howell)
+Message-Id: <>
+Subject: Source for supporting unit ERRORCOD
+(**** ERRORCOD.PAS ****)
+(**** This unit maps MS-DOS error codes returned by the ****)
+(**** operating system to strings to give the operator a ****)
+(**** human readable response. ****)
+(**** ****)
+(**** Reference: MS-DOS Version 3 Programmer's Utility Pack ****)
+(**** MS-DOS Reference Guide Volume 1 ****)
+(**** 1986, pp. 4.86-4.88, 4.254-4.257. ****)
+(**** ****)
+(**** Developed by Nelson Ard ****)
+(**** ****)
+(**** Last modificaton Sep 89 ****)
+UNIT ErrorCod;
+USES Dos;
+CONST Error_Code : ARRAY [0..88] OF
+ string[40] = ('No errors',
+ 'Invalid function code',
+ 'File not found',
+ 'Path not found',
+ 'No file handles left',
+ 'Access denied',
+ 'Invalid handle',
+ 'Memory control blocks destroyed',
+ 'Insufficient memory',
+ 'Invalid memory block address',
+ 'Invalid environment',
+ 'Invalid format',
+ 'Invalid access code',
+ 'Invalid data',
+ 'RESERVED error code',
+ 'Invalid drive',
+ 'Attempt to remove the current directory',
+ 'Not same device',
+ 'No more files',
+ 'Disk is write-protected',
+ 'Bad disk unit',
+ 'Drive not ready',
+ 'Invalid disk command',
+ 'CRC error',
+ 'Invalid length (disk operation)',
+ 'Seek error',
+ 'Not an MS-DOS disk',
+ 'Sector not found',
+ 'Out of paper',
+ 'Write fault',
+ 'Read fault',
+ 'General failure',
+ 'Sharing violation',
+ 'Lock violation',
+ 'Wrong disk',
+ 'FCB unavailable',
+ 'RESERVED error code',
+ 'RESERVED error code',
+ 'RESERVED error code',
+ 'RESERVED error code',
+ 'RESERVED error code',
+ 'RESERVED error code',
+ 'RESERVED error code',
+ 'RESERVED error code',
+ 'RESERVED error code',
+ 'RESERVED error code',
+ 'RESERVED error code',
+ 'RESERVED error code',
+ 'RESERVED error code',
+ 'RESERVED error code',
+ 'Network request not supported',
+ 'Remote computer not listening',
+ 'Duplicate name on network',
+ 'Network name not found',
+ 'Network busy',
+ 'Network device no longer exists',
+ 'Net BIOS command limit exceeded',
+ 'Network adapter hardware error',
+ 'Incorrect response from network',
+ 'Unexpected network error',
+ 'Incompatible remote adapt',
+ 'Print queue full',
+ 'Queue not full',
+ 'Not enough space for print file',
+ 'Network name was deleted',
+ 'Access denied',
+ 'Network device type incorrect',
+ 'Network name not found',
+ 'Network name limit exceeded',
+ 'Net BIOS session time exceeded',
+ 'Temporarily paused',
+ 'Network request not accepted',
+ 'Print or disk redirection is paused',
+ 'RESERVED error code',
+ 'RESERVED error code',
+ 'RESERVED error code',
+ 'RESERVED error code',
+ 'RESERVED error code',
+ 'RESERVED error code',
+ 'RESERVED error code',
+ 'File exits',
+ 'Duplicate File Control Block',
+ 'Cannot make',
+ 'Interrupt 24 failure',
+ 'Out of structures',
+ 'Already assigned',
+ 'Invalid password',
+ 'Invalid parameter',
+ 'Net write fault');
+CONST Error_Class : ARRAY [1..12] OF string[40] =
+ ('Out of a resource',
+ 'Temporary situation',
+ 'Permission problem',
+ 'Internal error in system software',
+ 'Hardware failure',
+ 'System software failure',
+ 'Application program error',
+ 'File or item not found',
+ 'File or item of invalid format',
+ 'File or item interlocked',
+ 'Media failure - storage medium',
+ 'Unknown error');
+ Recommended_Error_Action : ARRAY [1..7] OF String[40] =
+ ('Retry, then prompt user',
+ 'Retry after a pause',
+ 'Reprompt user to reenter',
+ 'Terminate with clean up',
+ 'Terminate immediately',
+ 'Observe only',
+ 'Retry after correcting fault');
+ Error_Locus : ARRAY [1..5] OF String[40] =
+ ('Unknown',
+ 'Random Access block device',
+ 'Related to a network',
+ 'Related to serial access device',
+ 'Related to RAM');
+PROCEDURE Extended_Error_Code (VAR Error_Code : INTEGER;
+ VAR Error_Class : Byte;
+ VAR Error_Locus : Byte);
+{ Following an error code returned by an MS-DOS function call or
+ I/O function, this may be called for amplification on the
+ error }
+Var index : integer;
+PROCEDURE Extended_Error_Code (VAR Error_Code : INTEGER;
+ VAR Error_Class : Byte;
+ VAR Error_Locus : Byte);
+Var Regs : Registers;
+ Regs.AH := $59;
+ Regs.BX := 0;
+ Intr($21, Regs);
+ Error_Code := Regs.AX;
+ Error_Class := Regs.BH;
+ Error_Locus := Regs.CH;
+Addressees in 'BOETT.ADD' are:
+{ }
+{ Purpose : To obtain the version number of DOS. }
+{ }
+{ Input : none }
+{ }
+{ Output : dos_major_ver : version of dos }
+{ dos_minor_ver : level of dos_major_ver }
+{ }
+{ Example : DOS 3.1 would yield [dos_major_ver = 3 }
+{ dos_minor_ver = 10] }
+procedure get_dos_version(var maj, min : integer);
+var regs : registers;
+ with regs do begin
+ ah:=$30;
+ msdos(regs);
+ maj := al;
+ min := ah;
+ end;
+procedure GetDOSErrorMessage (code : integer; var message : string);
+ begin
+ case code of
+ 0 : message := 'OK';
+ 2 : message := 'Datei nicht gefunden';
+ 3 : message := 'Suchweg nicht gefunden';
+ 5 : message := 'Zugriff verweigert';
+ 6 : message := 'Handle nicht definiert/ungltig';
+ 8 : message := 'nicht gengend Hauptspeicher frei';
+ 10 : message := 'Environment-Parameter ungltig';
+ 11 : message := 'ungltiges Befehlsformat';
+ 18 : message := 'keine weiteren Dateieintrge/Datei nicht vorhanden';
+ else begin
+ Str(code,message);
+ message := 'DOS - Fehler Nr. ' + message + ' = ' + Error_Code[code];
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+procedure GetCompleteDOSErrorMessage (code : integer;
+ var Error,error_cl,error_l : string);
+ var class,locus : byte;
+ fehler : integer;
+ begin
+ Extended_Error_Code(fehler,class,locus);
+ Error := Error_Code[fehler];
+ error_cl := Error_Class[class];
+ error_l := Error_Locus[locus];
+ if code <> fehler then writeln('NANUNANA!!!');
+ end;
+procedure read_value(var datei : text; var wert : extended);
+ type vorzeichen = (plus,minus,none);
+ zeichentyp = (trennung,sign,value,point,garbage);
+ const o_komma = Ord(',');
+ o_space = Ord(' ');
+ o_semi = Ord(';');
+ o_lf = 10;
+ o_cr = 13;
+ o_null = Ord('0');
+ o_neun = Ord('9');
+ o_punkt = Ord('.');
+ o_e_kl = Ord('e');
+ o_e_gr = Ord('E');
+ o_plus = Ord('+');
+ o_minus = Ord('-');
+ null = '0';
+ var puffer1,puffer2 : char;
+ weiter,raus,basic : boolean;
+ akt_vorz,alt_vorz,
+ vorz2 : vorzeichen;
+ puffer_art,
+ puffer_art_2 : zeichentyp;
+ function CheckDelimiter(test : char) : boolean;
+ var o_test : byte;
+ begin
+ o_test := Ord(test);
+ if ((o_test=o_komma) or (o_test=o_space) or (o_test=o_semi)
+ or (o_test=o_lf) or (o_test=o_cr))
+ then CheckDelimiter := true
+ else CheckDelimiter := false;
+ end;
+ function CheckValue(test : char) : boolean;
+ var o_test : byte;
+ begin
+ o_test := Ord(test);
+ if ((o_test>=o_null) and (o_test<=o_neun))
+ then CheckValue := true
+ else CheckValue := false;
+ end;
+ function CheckPunkt(test : char) : boolean;
+ begin
+ if (Ord(test)=o_punkt)
+ then CheckPunkt := true
+ else CheckPunkt := false;
+ end;
+ function CheckE(test : char) : boolean;
+ var o_test : byte;
+ begin
+ o_test := Ord(test);
+ if ((o_test=o_e_kl) or (o_test=o_e_gr))
+ then CheckE := true
+ else CheckE := false;
+ end;
+ function CheckPlus(test : char) : boolean;
+ begin
+ if (Ord(test)=o_plus)
+ then CheckPlus := true
+ else CheckPlus := false;
+ end;
+ function CheckMinus(test : char) : boolean;
+ begin
+ if (Ord(test)=o_minus)
+ then CheckMinus := true
+ else CheckMinus := false;
+ end;
+ function CheckIOResult : boolean;
+ var code : integer;
+ error_m,error_cl,error_l : string;
+ begin
+ {$I-}
+ code := IOResult;
+ if code<>0
+ then begin
+ CheckIOResult := false;
+ if DOS_Major_Version >= 3 {UNIT ENV}
+ then
+ begin
+ GetCompleteDOSErrorMessage(code,error_m,error_cl,error_l);
+ writeln('I/O-Fehler ',code,' --> ',error_m);
+ writeln('I/O-Fehler-Klasse ',error_cl);
+ writeln('I/O-Fehler-Locus ',error_l);
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ GetDOSErrorMessage(code,error_m);
+ writeln('I/O-Fehler ',code,' --> ',error_m);
+ end;
+ StandBy;
+ end
+ else CheckIOResult := true;
+ end;
+ function puffertest(puffer : char; var vorz : vorzeichen) : zeichentyp;
+ begin {of puffertest}
+ puffertest := garbage;
+ if CheckMinus(puffer) then vorz := minus
+ else if CheckPlus(puffer)
+ then vorz := plus
+ else vorz := none;
+ if vorz<>none
+ then puffertest := sign
+ else if CheckDelimiter(puffer)
+ then puffertest := trennung
+ else if CheckPunkt(puffer)
+ then puffertest := point
+ else if CheckValue(puffer) then puffertest := value;
+ end; {of puffertest}
+ procedure skip(var datei : text; var vorz : vorzeichen; var puffer : char;
+ var puffertyp : zeichentyp);
+ begin {of skip}
+ {$I-}
+ vorz := none;
+ puffertyp := garbage;
+ repeat
+ if eoln(datei) then readln(datei);
+ read(datei,puffer);
+ if not CheckIOResult then begin
+ ende(raus);
+ if raus then halt(300);
+ end;
+ puffertyp := puffertest(puffer,vorz);
+ {
+ case vorz of
+ plus : write('P');
+ minus: write('M');
+ none : write('n');
+ end;
+ }
+ until ((puffertyp<>garbage) or eof(datei));
+ end; {of skip}
+ procedure PickUp(var datei : text; basic : boolean; puffer : char;
+ VAR wert : extended );
+ var zahl : string;
+ stop,punkt,raus : boolean;
+ puffer2 : char;
+ fehler : integer;
+ begin {of PickUp}
+ {$I-}
+ zahl := '';
+ punkt := false;
+ stop := false;
+ if basic then begin zahl := '0.'; punkt := true; end;
+ zahl := zahl+puffer;
+ while ((not eoln(datei) and (not stop))) do
+ begin
+ read(datei,puffer);
+ if not CheckIOResult then begin
+ ende(raus);
+ if raus then halt(300);
+ end;
+ if ((CheckPunkt(puffer) and punkt) or CheckDelimiter(puffer))
+ then stop := true
+ else if (CheckValue(puffer) or (CheckPunkt(puffer) and (not punkt)))
+ then begin
+ zahl := zahl+puffer;
+ if CheckPunkt(puffer) then punkt := true;
+ end
+ else if (not CheckE(puffer))
+ then stop := true
+ else begin
+ if (not eoln(datei))
+ then begin
+ read(datei,puffer2);
+ if not CheckIOResult
+ then begin
+ ende(raus);
+ if raus then halt(300);
+ end;
+ if (CheckMinus(puffer2) or (CheckPlus(puffer2)))
+ then zahl := zahl+puffer+puffer2
+ else stop := true;
+ end
+ else stop := true;
+ end;
+ end;
+ Val(zahl,wert,fehler);
+ if fehler<>0 then begin
+ HighVideo;
+ writeln('Fehler beim Einlesen von >',zahl,'< an Position ',fehler,' !!');
+ NormVideo;
+ StandBy;
+ ende(raus);
+ if raus then halt(301);
+ end;
+ end; {of PickUp}
+ begin {of READ_VALUE}
+ {$I-}
+ akt_vorz := none;
+ alt_vorz := none;
+ weiter := true;
+ wert :=0;
+ while ((not eof(datei)) and weiter) do
+ begin
+ basic := false;
+ alt_vorz := akt_vorz;
+ skip(datei,akt_vorz,puffer1,puffer_art);
+ case puffer_art of
+ value : begin
+ akt_vorz := alt_vorz;
+ PickUp(datei,basic,puffer1,wert);
+ weiter := false;
+ end;
+ point : begin
+ read(datei,puffer2);
+ if not CheckIOResult then begin
+ ende(raus);
+ if raus then halt(300);
+ end;
+ puffer_art_2 := puffertest(puffer2,vorz2);
+ case puffer_art_2 of
+ value : begin
+ basic := true;
+ akt_vorz := alt_vorz;
+ PickUp(datei,basic,puffer2,wert);
+ weiter := false;
+ end;
+ sign : akt_vorz := vorz2;
+ trennung : akt_vorz := none;
+ point : akt_vorz := none;
+ end;
+ end;
+ trennung : akt_vorz := none;
+ sign : begin
+ read(datei,puffer2);
+ if not CheckIOResult then begin
+ ende(raus);
+ if raus then halt(300);
+ end;
+ puffer_art_2 := puffertest(puffer2,vorz2);
+ case puffer_art_2 of
+ value : begin
+ basic := false;
+ PickUp(datei,basic,puffer2,wert);
+ weiter := false;
+ end;
+ sign : akt_vorz := vorz2;
+ trennung : akt_vorz := none;
+ point : begin
+ read(datei,puffer2);
+ if not CheckIOResult
+ then begin
+ ende(raus);
+ if raus then halt(300);
+ end;
+ puffer_art_2 := puffertest(puffer2,vorz2);
+ case puffer_art_2 of
+ value : begin
+ basic := true;
+ PickUp(datei,basic,puffer2,wert);
+ weiter := false;
+ end;
+ sign : akt_vorz := vorz2;
+ trennung : akt_vorz := none;
+ point : akt_vorz := none;
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ if akt_vorz=minus then wert :=-wert;
+ {$I+}
+ end; {of READ_VALUE}
+procedure read_value_eof(var datei : text; var wert : extended; var ende : boolean);
+ begin
+ ende := eof(datei);
+ if not ende then begin
+ read_value(datei,wert);
+ ende := eof(datei);
+ end;
+ end;
+(* Zehner-Logarithmus von 'x': *)
+FUNCTION lg (x: extended): extended;
+CONST rez_ln_10 = 0.4342944819; (* rez_ln_10 = 1 / ln(10) *)
+ lg :=0;
+ IF x > 0.0 THEN
+ lg := Ln(x) * rez_ln_10
+ {CalcError(3, 'lg(x): x <= 0')}
+ writeln('Argumentfehler: lg(x): x <= 0 !!!')
+(* Berechnung von 'x hoch y': *)
+FUNCTION x_hoch_y (x, y: extended): extended;
+VAR ganz_y: INTEGER;
+ IF (x <> 0.0) OR (y <> 0.0) THEN
+ IF x > 0.0 THEN
+ x_hoch_y := Exp(y * Ln(x))
+ ganz_y := Trunc(y);
+ IF ABS(y) > ABS(ganz_y) THEN
+ {CalcError(3, 'x_hoch_y(x,y): nur ganzzahlige Exponenten zulssig bei x<0')}
+ writeln('x_hoch_y(x,y): nur ganzzahlige Exponenten zulssig bei x<0')
+ IF x <> 0.0 THEN
+ IF (ganz_y MOD 2) = 0 THEN
+ x_hoch_y := Exp(Ln(ABS(x)) * y)
+ x_hoch_y := -Exp(Ln(ABS(x)) * y) (* ungerader Exponent *)
+ x_hoch_y := 0
+ {CalcError(3, 'x_hoch_y(x,y): x = 0 und y = 0')}
+ writeln('x_hoch_y(x,y): x = 0 und y = 0')
+procedure process_file(seite : styp;
+ var fertig : boolean;
+ rechteachse,xlogar,ylogar : boolean;
+ var aus : text);
+ function betest(t,v : string): boolean;
+ var t1 : string;
+ i : byte;
+ begin
+ t1:=t;
+ for i:=1 to length(t) do t1[i]:=UpCase(t[i]);
+ while t1[1]=' ' do Delete(t1,1,1);
+ if t1=v then betest := true else betest :=false;
+ end;
+ const b1='BEGIN';
+ e1='END';
+ var einn,symbol,test : string;
+ ein : text;
+ f : SearchRec;
+ anzahl : longint;
+ ch : char;
+ sym,linie,quadratic,clipping,ende : boolean;
+ x,y,xa,ya : extended;
+ begin {of process_file}
+ writeln('Ende durch leere Eingabe !!');
+ repeat
+ write('Daten -Datei (TechPlot-Format!!) : ');
+ readln(einn);
+ if einn='' then fertig:=true;
+ FindFirst(einn,Archive,F);
+ until ((DOSError=0) or fertig);
+ if not fertig then
+ begin
+ anzahl :=0;
+ assign(ein,einn);
+ repeat
+ write('mit Plotsymbol (j/n) ? ');
+ readln(ch);
+ ch := UpCase(ch);
+ until ((ch='J') or (ch='N'));
+ if ch='J' then sym := true else sym := false;
+ repeat
+ write('durchgezogene Linie (j/n) ? ');
+ readln(ch);
+ ch := UpCase(ch);
+ until ((ch='J') or (ch='N'));
+ if ch='J' then linie := true else linie := false;
+ if linie then
+ begin
+ repeat
+ write('Quadratische Interpolation (1) oder Polygonzug (2) ? ');
+ readln(ch);
+ ch := UpCase(ch);
+ until ((ch='1') or (ch='2'));
+ if ch='1' then quadratic := true else quadratic := false;
+ repeat
+ write('Clipping ntig (Achtung, das dauert LANGE) (j/n) ? ');
+ readln(ch);
+ ch := UpCase(ch);
+ until ((ch='J') or (ch='N'));
+ if ch='J' then clipping := true else clipping := false;
+ end;
+ if sym then
+ begin
+ write('Plotsymbol (LaTeX-Text) : ');
+ readln(symbol);
+ reset(ein);
+ writeln(aus,'%Datei ',einn,' (Symbole)');
+ repeat
+ readln(ein,test);
+ writeln(aus,'%% ',test);
+ until ((betest(test,b1)) or eof(ein));
+ ende := false;
+ if eof(ein) then ende := true;
+ write(aus,'% Daten fuer ');
+ if rechteachse then
+ if (seite=left)
+ then write(aus,'linke ')
+ else write (aus,'rechte ');
+ writeln(aus,'y-Achse ...');
+ if not ende then
+ begin
+ writeln('\multiput {',symbol,'} at ');
+ writeln(aus,'\multiput {',symbol,'} at %');
+ end;
+ while not ende do
+ begin
+ read_value_eof(ein,x,ende);
+ read_value_eof(ein,y,ende);
+ if not ende then begin
+ readln(ein);
+ Inc(anzahl);
+ if xlogar then x:=lg(x);
+ if ylogar then y:=lg(y);
+ writeln(aus,' ',x:8:6,' ',y:8:6,' %');
+ writeln(x:8:5,' ',y:8:4);
+ end
+ else begin
+ writeln(' /');
+ writeln(aus,' /');
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ if linie then
+ begin
+ reset(ein);
+ anzahl :=0;
+ writeln(aus,'%Datei ',einn,' (Linie)');
+ repeat
+ readln(ein,test);
+ writeln(aus,'%% ',test);
+ until ((betest(test,b1)) or eof(ein));
+ ende := false;
+ if eof(ein) then ende := true;
+ if clipping then writeln(aus,'\inboundscheckon');
+ if quadratic then writeln(aus,'\setquadratic')
+ else writeln(aus,'\setlinear');
+ writeln(aus,'\plot ');
+ while not ende do
+ begin
+ read_value_eof(ein,x,ende);
+ read_value_eof(ein,y,ende);
+ if not ende then begin
+ readln(ein);
+ Inc(anzahl);
+ if xlogar then x:=lg(x);
+ if ylogar then y:=lg(y);
+ xa :=x;
+ ya :=y;
+ writeln(aus,' ',x:8:6,' ',y:8:6,' %');
+ writeln(x:8:4,' ',y:8:4);
+ end;
+ end;
+ if quadratic then
+ if not odd(anzahl) then
+ writeln(aus,xa*1.00001:8:6,' ',ya*1.00001:8:6,' %');
+ writeln(aus,'/');
+ if clipping then writeln(aus,'\inboundscheckoff');
+ end;
+ close(ein);
+ end;
+ end; {of process_file}
+ procedure Einheiten(var unitx,unity,unitry : real; breite,hoehe : real;
+ rechteachse,xlog,ylog,rylog : boolean);
+ begin
+ if xlog then unitx := breite/(lg(xmax)-lg(xmin))
+ else unitx := breite/(xmax-xmin);
+ if ylog then unity := HOEHE/(lg(ymax)-lg(ymin))
+ else unity := hoehe/(ymax-ymin);
+ if rechteachse then if rylog then unitry := hoehe/(lg(rymax)-lg(rymin))
+ else unitry := hoehe/(rymax-rymin)
+ else unitry :=0;
+ end;
+ procedure skala (var aus : text;
+ seite : styp;
+ unitx,unity : real;
+ xlog,ylog,rechteachse,xkreuz,ykreuz : boolean;
+ xmin,xmax,dx,dxsub,ymin,ymax,dy,dysub : real;
+ xdez,ydez :byte;
+ unten,oben,rechts,links : string);
+ procedure Log_schrift(var aus: text; min,max : real;
+ markiere,kreuz : boolean);
+ {$I float.typ}
+ var ort,o2 : float;
+ expo,code : integer;
+ stellen,i : byte;
+ ex : string;
+ begin
+ writeln(aus,' ticks logged ');
+ if kreuz then write(aus,'andacross ');
+ if markiere then writeln(aus,'numbered ') else writeln(aus,'unlabeled ');
+ if markiere
+ then
+ begin {Zahlen dranschreiben}
+ write(aus,'withvalues ');
+ ort := min/10;
+ repeat
+ Str(lg(ort):1:0,ex);
+ Val(ex,expo,code);
+ {expo := trunc(lg(ort));}
+ o2 := (x_hoch_y(10,expo));
+ if ((o2>=min) and (o2<=max))
+ then write(aus,'$10^{',expo,'}$ ');
+ ort := 2*o2;
+ if ((ort<=max) and (ort>=min))
+ then write(aus,'{\small 2} ');
+ ort := 3*o2;
+ if ((ort>=min) and (ort<=max))
+ then write(aus,'{\small 3} ');
+ ort := 5*o2;
+ if ((ort>=min) and (ort<=max))
+ then write(aus,'{\small 5} ');
+ ort := 10*o2;
+ until ort>max;
+ writeln(aus,' /');
+ end;
+ {ticks setzen, normal lang}
+ write(aus,' at ');
+ ort := min/10;
+ repeat
+ Str(lg(ort):1:0,ex);
+ Val(ex,expo,code);
+ {expo := trunc(lg(ort));}
+ o2 := (x_hoch_y(10,expo));
+ if expo<0 then stellen := abs(expo) else stellen :=0;
+ if ((o2>min) and (o2<max))
+ then write(aus,x_hoch_y(10,expo):1:stellen,' ');
+ {o2 := ort;}
+ ort := 2*o2;
+ if ((ort<max) and (ort>min))
+ then write(aus,ort:1:stellen,' ');
+ ort := 3*o2;
+ if ((ort>min) and (ort<max))
+ then write(aus,ort:1:stellen,' ');
+ ort := 5*o2;
+ if ((ort>min) and (ort<max))
+ then write(aus,ort:1:stellen,' ');
+ ort := 10*o2;
+ until ort>max;
+ writeln(aus,' /');
+ {ticks, immer ohne Beschriftung, lang }
+ writeln(aus,' unlabeled at ');
+ ort := min/10;
+ repeat
+ Str(lg(ort):1:0,ex);
+ Val(ex,expo,code);
+ {expo := trunc(lg(ort));}
+ o2 := (x_hoch_y(10,expo));
+ if expo<0 then stellen := abs(expo) else stellen :=0;
+ ort := 4*o2;
+ if ((ort>min) and (ort<max))
+ then write(aus,ort:1:stellen,' ');
+ for i:=6 to 9 do
+ begin
+ ort := i*o2;
+ if ((ort>min) and (ort<max))
+ then write(aus,ort:1:stellen,' ');
+ end;
+ ort := 10*o2;
+ until ort>max;
+ writeln(aus,' /');
+ {ticks, ohne Beschriftung, kurz }
+ writeln(aus,' unlabeled short at ');
+ ort := min/10;
+ repeat
+ Str(lg(ort):1:0,ex);
+ Val(ex,expo,code);
+ {expo := trunc(lg(ort));}
+ o2 := (x_hoch_y(10,expo));
+ if expo<=0 then stellen := abs(expo)+1 else stellen :=0;
+ for i:=1 to 9 do
+ begin
+ ort := o2*(1+i*0.2); {1.2, 1.4, ... 2.8 }
+ if ((ort>min) and (ort<max))
+ then write(aus,ort:1:stellen,' ');
+ end;
+ ort :=3.5*o2;
+ if ((ort>min) and (ort<max))
+ then write(aus,ort:1:stellen,' ');
+ ort :=4.5*o2;
+ if ((ort>min) and (ort<max))
+ then write(aus,ort:1:stellen,' ');
+ ort := 10*o2;
+ until ort>max;
+ writeln(aus,' /'); {letztes "at"}
+ writeln(aus,' /'); {Ende von "\axis"}
+ end;
+ var con : text;
+ begin
+ assign(con,'con');
+ rewrite(con);
+ write('\setcoordinatesystem units <',unitx:1:5,'mm,',unity:1:5,'mm> point at ');
+ if xlog then write(lg(xmin):1:5,' ')
+ else write(xmin:1:5,' ');
+ if ylog then writeln(lg(ymin):1:5)
+ else writeln(ymin:1:5);
+ write('\setplotarea x from ');
+ if xlog then write(lg(xmin):8:5)
+ else write(xmin:8:5);
+ write(' to ');
+ if xlog then write(lg(xmax):8:5)
+ else write(xmax:8:5);
+ write(', y from ');
+ if ylog then write(lg(ymin):8:5)
+ else write(ymin:8:5);
+ write(' to ');
+ if ylog then writeln(lg(ymax):8:5)
+ else writeln(ymax:8:5);
+ if seite=left
+ then
+ begin
+ write('\axis bottom shiftedto y=');
+ if ylog then write(lg(ymin):8:5)
+ else write(ymin:8:5);
+ write(' label {',unten,'} ');
+ if xlog then Log_schrift(con,xmin,xmax,true,xkreuz)
+ else writeln(' ticks numbered from ',
+ xmin:8:xdez,' to ',xmax:8:xdez,' by ',dx:8:xdez,
+ ' unlabeled short from ',xmin:8:xdez,' to ',
+ xmax:8:xdez,' by ',dxsub:8:xdez,' /');
+ write('\axis top shiftedto y=');
+ if ylog then write(lg(ymax):8:5)
+ else write(ymax:8:5);
+ write(' label {',oben,'} ');
+ if xlog then Log_schrift(con,xmin,xmax,false,false)
+ else writeln(' ticks unlabeled from ',
+ xmin:8:xdez,' to ',xmax:8:xdez,' by ',dx:8:xdez,
+ ' unlabeled short from ',xmin:8:xdez,' to ',
+ xmax:8:xdez,' by ',dxsub:8:xdez,' /');
+ write('\axis left shiftedto x=');
+ if xlog then write(lg(xmin):8:5)
+ else write(xmin:8:5);
+ write(' label {',links,'} ');
+ if ylog then Log_schrift(con,ymin,ymax,true,ykreuz)
+ else writeln(' ticks numbered from ',
+ ymin:8:ydez,' to ',ymax:8:ydez,' by ',dy:8:ydez,
+ ' unlabeled short from ',ymin:8:ydez,' to ',
+ ymax:8:ydez,' by ',dysub:8:ydez,' /');
+ if not rechteachse then
+ begin
+ write('\axis right shiftedto x=');
+ if xlog then write(lg(xmax):8:5)
+ else write(xmax:8:5);
+ write(' label {',rechts,'} ');
+ if ylog then Log_schrift(con,ymin,ymax,false,false)
+ else writeln(' ticks unlabeled from ',
+ ymin:8:ydez,' to ',ymax:8:ydez,' by ',dy:8:ydez,
+ ' unlabeled short from ',ymin:8:ydez,' to ',
+ ymax:8:ydez,' by ',dysub:8:ydez,' /');
+ end;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ write('\axis right shiftedto x=');
+ if xlog then write(lg(xmax):8:5)
+ else write(xmax:8:5);
+ write(' label {',rechts,'} ');
+ if ylog then Log_schrift(con,ymin,ymax,true,ykreuz)
+ else writeln(' ticks numbered from ',
+ ymin:8:ydez,' to ',ymax:8:ydez,' by ',dy:8:ydez,
+ ' unlabeled short from ',ymin:8:ydez,' to ',
+ ymax:8:ydez,' by ',dysub:8:ydez,' /');
+ end;
+ close(con);
+ write(aus,'\setcoordinatesystem units <',unitx:1:5,'mm,',unity:1:5,'mm> point at ');
+ if xlog then write(aus,lg(xmin):1:6,' ')
+ else write(aus,xmin:1:6,' ');
+ if ylog then writeln(aus,lg(ymin):1:6)
+ else writeln(aus,ymin:1:6);
+ write(aus,'\setplotarea x from ');
+ if xlog then write(aus,lg(xmin):1:6)
+ else write(aus,xmin:1:6);
+ write(aus,' to ');
+ if xlog then write(aus,lg(xmax):1:6)
+ else write(aus,xmax:1:6);
+ write(aus,', y from ');
+ if ylog then write(aus,lg(ymin):1:6)
+ else write(aus,ymin:8:5);
+ write(aus,' to ');
+ if ylog then writeln(aus,lg(ymax):1:6)
+ else writeln(aus,ymax:1:6);
+ if seite=left
+ then
+ begin
+ write(aus,'\axis bottom shiftedto y=');
+ if ylog then write(aus,lg(ymin):1:6)
+ else write(aus,ymin:1:6);
+ write(aus,' label {',unten,'} ');
+ if xlog then Log_schrift(aus,xmin,xmax,true,xkreuz)
+ else begin
+ write(aus,' ticks ');
+ if xkreuz then write(aus,'andacross ');
+ writeln(aus,'numbered from ',
+ xmin:1:xdez,' to ',xmax:1:xdez,' by ',dx:1:xdez,
+ ' unlabeled short from ',xmin:1:xdez+3,' to ',
+ xmax:1:xdez+3,' by ',dxsub:1:xdez+3,' /');
+ end;
+ write(aus,'\axis top shiftedto y=');
+ if ylog then write(aus,lg(ymax):1:6)
+ else write(aus,ymax:1:6);
+ write(aus,' label {',oben,'} ');
+ if xlog then Log_schrift(aus,xmin,xmax,false,false)
+ else writeln(aus,' ticks unlabeled from ',
+ xmin:1:xdez+2,' to ',xmax:1:xdez+2,' by ',dx:1:xdez+2,
+ ' unlabeled short from ',xmin:1:xdez+3,' to ',
+ xmax:1:xdez+3,' by ',dxsub:1:xdez+3,' /');
+ write(aus,'\axis left shiftedto x=');
+ if xlog then write(aus,lg(xmin):1:6)
+ else write(aus,xmin:1:6);
+ write(aus,' label {',links,'} ');
+ if ylog then Log_schrift(aus,ymin,ymax,true,ykreuz)
+ else begin
+ write(aus,' ticks ');
+ if ykreuz then write(aus,'andacross ');
+ writeln(aus,'numbered from ',
+ ymin:1:ydez,' to ',ymax:1:ydez,' by ',dy:1:ydez,
+ ' unlabeled short from ',ymin:1:ydez+3,' to ',
+ ymax:1:ydez+3,' by ',dysub:1:ydez+3,' /');
+ end;
+ if not rechteachse then
+ begin
+ write(aus,'\axis right shiftedto x=');
+ if xlog then write(aus,lg(xmax):1:6)
+ else write(aus,xmax:1:6);
+ write(aus,' label {',rechts,'} ');
+ if ylog then Log_schrift(aus,ymin,ymax,false,false)
+ else writeln(aus,' ticks unlabeled from ',
+ ymin:1:ydez+2,' to ',ymax:1:ydez+2,' by ',dy:1:ydez+2,
+ ' unlabeled short from ',ymin:1:ydez+3,' to ',
+ ymax:1:ydez+3,' by ',dysub:1:ydez+3,' /');
+ end;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ write(aus,'\axis right shiftedto x=');
+ if xlog then write(aus,lg(xmax):1:6)
+ else write(aus,xmax:1:6);
+ write(aus,' label {',rechts,'} ');
+ if ylog then Log_schrift(aus,ymin,ymax,true,ykreuz)
+ else begin
+ write(aus,' ticks ');
+ if ykreuz then write(aus,'andacross ');
+ writeln(aus,'numbered from ',
+ ymin:1:ydez,' to ',ymax:1:ydez,' by ',dy:1:ydez,
+ ' unlabeled short from ',ymin:1:ydez+3,' to ',
+ ymax:1:ydez+3,' by ',dysub:1:ydez+3,' /');
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ writeln;
+ writeln(' Datei-Konverter Daten -->PiCTeX input ... ');
+ writeln('(c) Christian Bttger, Inst. f. Metallphysik, TU Braunschweig');
+ writeln(' Version 1.0, 3.7.1991 ');
+ writeln;
+ Get_Dos_Version(dos_major_version,dos_minor_version);
+ write('PiCTeX-Datei : ');readln(ausn) ;
+ assign(aus,ausn);
+ rewrite(aus);
+ writeln;
+ write('X-Achse : Minimum = ');readln(xmin);
+ write('X-Achse : Maximum = ');readln(xmax);
+ repeat
+ write('x-Achse logarithmisch (j/n) ? ');
+ readln(ch);
+ ch := UpCase(ch);
+ until ((ch='N') or (ch='J'));
+ if ch='J' then xlog := true else xlog := false;
+ if not xlog
+ then begin
+ write('X-Achse : Schrittweite = ');readln(dx);
+ write('X-Achse : Schrittweite Sub-Unterteilungen = ');readln(dxsub);
+ write('X-Achse : Dezimalstellen der Beschriftung = ');readln(xdez);
+ end;
+ repeat
+ write('x-Achse Markierungen durchziehen (Gitter) (j/n) ? ');
+ readln(ch);
+ ch := UpCase(ch);
+ until ((ch='N') or (ch='J'));
+ if ch='J' then xkreuz := true else xkreuz := false;
+ writeln;
+ writeln('Eingabe der Daten fr die (linke) Y-Achse ...');
+ write('y-Achse : Minimum = ');readln(ymin);
+ write('y-Achse : Maximum = ');readln(ymax);
+ repeat
+ write('(linke) y-Achse logarithmisch (j/n) ? ');
+ readln(ch);
+ ch := UpCase(ch);
+ until ((ch='N') or (ch='J'));
+ if ch='J' then ylog := true else ylog := false;
+ if not ylog
+ then begin
+ write('y-Achse : Schrittweite = ');readln(dy);
+ write('y-Achse : Schrittweite Sub-Unterteilungen = ');readln(dysub);
+ write('y-Achse : Dezimalstellen der Beschriftung = ');readln(ydez);
+ end;
+ repeat
+ write('(linke) y-Achse Markierungen durchziehen (Gitter) (j/n) ? ');
+ readln(ch);
+ ch := UpCase(ch);
+ until ((ch='N') or (ch='J'));
+ if ch='J' then ykreuz := true else ykreuz := false;
+ writeln;
+ repeat
+ write('zweite unabhngige Skala auf rechter y-Achse (j/n) ? ');
+ readln(ch);
+ ch := UpCase(ch);
+ until ((ch='N') or (ch='J'));
+ if ch='J' then rechteachse :=true else rechteachse:=false;
+ if rechteachse then
+ begin
+ writeln;
+ write('rechte y-Achse : Minimum = ');readln(rymin);
+ write('rechte y-Achse : Maximum = ');readln(rymax);
+ repeat
+ write('rechte y-Achse logarithmisch (j/n) ? ');
+ readln(ch);
+ ch := UpCase(ch);
+ until ((ch='N') or (ch='J'));
+ if ch='J' then rylog := true else rylog := false;
+ if not rylog
+ then begin
+ write('rechte y-Achse : Schrittweite = ');readln(rdy);
+ write('rechte y-Achse : Schrittweite Sub-Unterteilungen = ');readln(rdysub);
+ write('rechte y-Achse : Dezimalstellen der Beschriftung = ');readln(rydez);
+ end;
+ repeat
+ write('rechte y-Achse Markierungen durchziehen (Gitter) (j/n) ? ');
+ readln(ch);
+ ch := UpCase(ch);
+ until ((ch='N') or (ch='J'));
+ if ch='J' then rykreuz := true else rykreuz := false;
+ writeln;
+ end;
+ write('Beschriftung Unterkante : ');readln(unten);
+ write('Beschriftung Oberkante : ');readln(oben);
+ write('Beschriftung rechts : ');readln(rechts);
+ write('Beschriftung links : ');readln(links);
+ writeln;
+ write('Breite des Bildes in mm = ');readln(breite);
+ write('Hhe des Bildes in mm = ');readln(hoehe);
+ writeln;
+ write('Unterschrift des Bildes (\caption) : '); readln(unterschrift);
+ write('berschrift des Bildes : '); readln(ueberschrift);
+ write('LaTeX-Label des Bildes : ');readln(labelstr);
+ repeat
+ writeln('Sprache des Textes:');
+ write(' a=austrian, e=english, f=french, g=german, u=USenglish ? ');
+ readln(sprache);
+ sprache := UpCase(sprache);
+ until sprache in ['A','E','F','G','U'];
+ writeln;
+ writeln('und nun die Zwischenspeicherung ...');
+ savename :='';
+ repeat
+ write('Dateiname fr \savelinesandcurves bzw. \replot = ');
+ readln(savename);
+ until savename<>'';
+ write('Kommentar im Save-File = ');
+ readln(savekomm);
+ Einheiten(unitx,unity,unitry,breite,hoehe,rechteachse,xlog,ylog,rylog);
+ writeln('\begin{figure}[htb]');
+ writeln('\originalTeX');
+ writeln('\[ %horizontal zentrierte Ausgabe an');
+ writeln('\beginpicture');
+ writeln(aus,'\begin{figure}[htb]');
+ writeln(aus,'\originalTeX');
+ writeln(aus,'\[ %zentrierte Ausgabe an');
+ writeln(aus,'\beginpicture');
+ writeln(aus,'\savelinesandcurves on "',savename,'"');
+ writeln(aus,'\writesavefile {',savekomm,'}');
+ skala (aus,left,
+ unitx,unity,
+ xlog,ylog,rechteachse,xkreuz,ykreuz,
+ xmin,xmax,dx,dxsub,ymin,ymax,dy,dysub,xdez,ydez,
+ unten,oben,rechts,links);
+ writeln(aus,'\plotheading {',ueberschrift,'}');
+ writeln(aus,'%\replot "',savename,'"');
+ fertig := false;
+ repeat
+ writeln;
+ if rechteachse then writeln('Nur Daten fr die LINKE (!!) y- Achse jetzt !!!!');
+ process_file(left,fertig,rechteachse,xlog,ylog,aus);
+ until fertig;
+ if rechteachse then
+ begin
+ skala (aus,right,
+ unitx,unitry,
+ xlog,rylog,rechteachse,xkreuz,rykreuz,
+ xmin,xmax,dx,dxsub,rymin,rymax,rdy,rdysub,xdez,rydez,
+ unten,oben,rechts,links);
+ fertig := false;
+ repeat
+ writeln;
+ writeln('Nur Daten fr die RECHTE (!!) y- Achse ab jetzt !!!!');
+ process_file(right,fertig,rechteachse,xlog,rylog,aus);
+ until fertig;
+ end;
+ writeln(aus,'\dontsavelinesandcurves');
+ writeln(aus,'\endpicture');
+ writeln(aus,'\]');
+ writeln(aus,'\germanTeX');
+ write(aus,'\selectlanguage{\');
+ case sprache of
+ 'A' : writeln(aus,'austrian}');
+ 'E' : writeln(aus,'english}');
+ 'F' : writeln(aus,'french}');
+ 'G' : writeln(aus,'german}');
+ 'U' : writeln(aus,'USenglish}');
+ end;
+ writeln(aus,'\caption{',unterschrift,' \label{',labelstr,'}}');
+ writeln(aus,'\end{figure}');
+ writeln('\endpicture');
+ writeln('\]');
+ writeln('\germanTeX');
+ write('\selectlanguage{\');
+ case sprache of
+ 'A' : writeln('austrian}');
+ 'E' : writeln('english}');
+ 'F' : writeln('french}');
+ 'G' : writeln('german}');
+ 'U' : writeln('USenglish}');
+ end;
+ writeln('\caption{',unterschrift,' \label{',labelstr,'}}');
+ writeln('\end{figure}');
+ close(aus);