path: root/support/mnu/cfg.mnu
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'support/mnu/cfg.mnu')
1 files changed, 798 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/support/mnu/cfg.mnu b/support/mnu/cfg.mnu
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7c1fba6761
--- /dev/null
+++ b/support/mnu/cfg.mnu
@@ -0,0 +1,798 @@
+ *********** Config. file for MNU.EXE - CSTeX system ************
+ ****************************************************************
+ 8.8.92 Petr Olsak
+~hotkeys F2{*163}, F3{$27}, F4{"kalk">0}, F5{*125}, F6{$26}, F9{*, "pause > nul">0}
+~beep {400, 100}
+~param {*, *, *, *, 1, 112, 112, 116, 14, 15} ; Basic colors
+~start {!>2} ; reset file %2 (envir.bat) , "%" duplicate
+~final {"set MNU=#">2} ; remember the last item
+^100 \
+~param {9, 1, 62, 5, 1, 23, 30} "<TeX-menu-system>"
+ Main file : |![%MAIN%8]|{} Work file : |![%WORK%8]|{}
+ Format : |![%FMT%8]|{} TeX-version : |![%TEXVER%]|{}
+ F1:help F2:envir F3:edit F4:calc F5:DOS F6:shell F9:hide
+^2, 3, 4, 5, 6 [100] ; ********* Main menu ***********
+~param {9, 6, 62, 1, 0}
+ |F^ile|{21} |T^eX|{31} |P^rint|{41} |M^ETAFONT|{51} |O^ptions|{61}
+^21, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29 [2] <61, 31> ; ****** File menu *******
+~param {10, 7, 15, 12}
+| N^ame ... |{121}
+| Di^skette ...|{123}
+| Cl^ear (dvi) |
+| D^OS ... |{125}
+| S^hell |
+| E^ditor |
+| C^alculation |{"kalk">0, 28}
+| Q^uit |
+^31, 32, 33, 34, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 30 [3] <21, 41>; ******* TeX menu ********
+~param {19, 7, 15, 15}
+| E^dit |
+| [%FFMT%] |
+| V^iew |
+| M^ain edit |{"set MARK=[%MAIN%].tex">2}
+| L^og edit |{"set MARK=[%MAIN%].log">2}
+| S^pell... |{235}
+| Ti^e (vlnka) |
+| O^thers... |{131}
+| U^serCommand |
+| Ex^periment..|{231}
+| C^StoCS... |{141}
+^41, 42, 42, 41, 42, 42, 41, 43, 43, 45, 46 [4] <31, 51> ; ******** Print menu ********
+~param {28, 7, 19, 16}
+| P^review [%DPI24%]dpi |{"set DPI=[%DPI24%]">2}
+| Print - M^atrix |{"set DPI=[%DPI24%]">2, "set MARK=[%OUT24%]">2}
+| Make .lq^ file |{"set DPI=[%DPI24%]">2, "set MARK=[%MAIN%].lq">2}
+| Preview 2^40dpi |{"set DPI=240">2}
+| Print 9^ Matrix |{"set DPI=240">2, "set MARK=[%OUT9%]">2}
+| Make .fx^ file |{"set DPI=240">2, "set MARK=[%MAIN%].fx">2}
+| Preview 3^00dpi |{"set DPI=300">2}
+| Print - L^aser |{"set MARK=[%OUTHP%]">2}
+| Make .h^p file |{"set MARK=[%MAIN%].hp">2}
+| Edit - o^ptions |
+| C^lear - options |
+^51, 52, 53, 54, 56, 57, 58 [5] <41, 61> ; ******* Metafont menu *******
+~param {42, 7, 15, 10}
+| P^arameters..|{150}
+| E^dit (mf) |
+| M^etafont |
+| C^onvertor |
+| Ed^it (mp) |
+| T^eX (mp) |
+| V^iew (mp) |
+^61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66 [6] <51, 21> ; ******* Options menu ********
+~param {57, 7, 13, 8}
+| F^ormat... |{161}
+| T^eX-vers..|{162}
+| E^nvir... |{163}
+| P^orts... |{164}
+| S^ave... |{165}
+| L^oad... |{166}
+^235, 235, 235 [35] ; ******** Dictionaries ********
+~param {31, 13, 11, 5}
+| E^nglish |{"set MARK=ang">2}
+| C^zech |{"set MARK=ces">2}
+| S^lovak |{"set MARK=slv">2}
+^131 132 133 134 135 136 137 [37] ; ******** Others ********
+~param {31, 16, 14, 8}
+| DVI-O^ut |
+| DVIP^S |
+| MakeI^ndex |
+| B^ibTeX |
+| T^eXCad |
+| G^S-View |
+^231, 232, 233 [39] ; ******* Experiment menu ******
+~param {31, 17, 14, 5}
+| E^dit (try) |
+| T^eX (try) |
+| V^iew (try) |
+^141 142 143 144 145 146 [30] ; ******** CStoCS menu ********
+~param {31, 15, 24, 10}
+| Kamenic. -> TeX sec. |
+| TeX sec. -> Kamenic. |
+| PC Latin -> TeX sec. |
+| TeX sec. -> PC Latin |
+| Kamenic. -> PC latin |
+| PC Latin -> Kamenic. |
+^161 [61] ; ******* Formats menu ********
+~param {66, 8, 12, 8}
+| P^lainTeX |{"set FMT=csPLAIN">2, "set FFMT=PlainT^eX">2, "csPLAIN">FMT, "PlainT^eX">FFMT, *61}
+| L^aTeX |{"set FMT=csLATEX">2, "set FFMT=LaT^eX">2, "csLATEX">FMT, "LaT^eX">FFMT, *61}
+| A^MSTeX |{"set FMT=csAMSTEX">2,"set FFMT=AMST^eX">2, "csAMSTEX">FMT,"AMST^eX">FFMT, *61}
+| AMS^LaTeX |{"set FMT=csAMSLAT">2,"set FFMT=AMSLaT^eX">2, "csAMSLAT">FMT,"AMSLaT^eX">FFMT, *61}
+| LAM^STeX |{"set FMT=csLAMST">2, "set FFMT=LAMST^eX">2, "csLAMST">FMT, "LAMST^eX">FFMT, *61}
+| SLi^TeX |{"set FMT=csSLITEX">2,"set FFMT=SLiT^eX">2, "csSLITEX">FMT,"SLiT^eX">FFMT, *61}
+^162 [62] ; ******** TeX - version *********
+~param {66, 9, 11, 4}
+| T^eX |{"set TEXVER=tex">2, "tex">TEXVER, *62}
+| TeX-3^86 |{"set TEXVER=tex386">2, "tex386">TEXVER, *62}
+^163 500 501 502 503 504 505 506 507 508 509 510 511 512 513 514 [63] ; Environment
+~param {2, 7, 60, 18, 1, 31, 30, 30, 14, 14}
+ F3FILE: |#[%F3FILE%48]|{"set F3FILE=#">%2, "#">F3FILE, 500}
+ EDIT: |#[%EDIT%48]|{"set EDIT=#">%2, "#">EDIT, 501}
+ EMTEXED: |#[%EMTEXED%48]|{"set EMTEXED=#">%2, "#">EMTEXED, 502}
+ SHELL: |#[%SHELL%48]|{"set SHELL=#">%2, "#">SHELL, 503}
+ EMTEXOPT:|#[%EMTEXOPT%48]|{"set EMTEXOPT=#">%2, "#">EMTEXOPT,504}
+ SCROPT: |#[%SCROPT%48]|{"set SCROPT=#">%2, "#">SCROPT, 505}
+ SPELLOPT:|#[%SPELLOPT%48]|{"set SPELLOPT=#">%2, "#">SPELLOPT,506}
+ ERRCOM: |#[%ERRCOM%48]|{"set ERRCOM=#">%2, "#">ERRCOM, 507}
+ USERCOM: |#[%USERCOM%48]|{"set USERCOM=#">%2, "#">USERCOM, 508}
+ LASTCOM: |#[%LASTCOM%48]|{"set LASTCOM=#">%2, "#">LASTCOM, 509}
+ FMT: |#[%FMT%48]|{"set FMT=#">%2, "#">FMT, *510}
+ TEXFMT: |#[%TEXFMT%48]|{"set TEXFMT=#">%2, "#">TEXFMT, 511}
+ BTEXFMT: |#[%BTEXFMT%48]|{"set BTEXFMT=#">%2, "#">BTEXFMT, 512}
+ TEXTFM: |#[%TEXTFM%48]|{"set TEXTFM=#">%2, "#">TEXTFM, 513}
+ TEXINPUT:|#[%TEXINPUT%48]|{"set TEXINPUT=#">%2, "#">TEXINPUT,514}
+ MFINPUT: |#[%MFINPUT%48]|{"set MFINPUT=#">%2, "#">MFINPUT, \63}
+^164 521 522 523 [64] ; Ports environment
+~param {16, 12, 63, 6, 1, 31, 30, 30, 14, 14}
+ OUT24 (matrix-24): |#[%OUT24%40]|{"set OUT24=#">%2, "#">OUT24, 521}
+ OUT9 (matrix-9) : |#[%OUT9%40]|{"set OUT9=#">%2, "#">OUT9, 522}
+ OUTHP (laser) : |#[%OUTHP%40]|{"set OUTHP=#">%2, "#">OUTHP, 523}
+ Font-resolution of dot-24 printer. DPI24: |#[%DPI24%]|{"set DPI24=#">2, "#">DPI24, \64}
+^165 168 [65]; Save information
+~param {25, 13, 50, 6, 1, 31, 30, 30, 14, 15}
+ The environment state will be saved
+ to file |#TEXCFG |{"set MARK=#">2, 168}.BAT
+ Old contents of this file will be removed!
+ | OK^ | | C^ancel |{\65}
+^166 169 [66]; Load information
+~param {25, 14, 50, 6, 1, 31, 30, 30, 14, 15}
+ The environment state will be loaded
+ from file |#TEXCFG |{"set MARK=#">2, 169}.BAT
+ Confirm:
+ | OK^ | | C^ancel |{\66}
+^123 [23] ; ******* Diskette menu *******
+~param {22, 9, 29, 7}
+ COPY work and main file:
+ | disk -> A: ... |{"set AR=from">2, "set D=A">2, "A">D, 124}
+ | disk -> B: ... |{"set AR=from">2, "set D=B">2, "B">D, 124}
+ | A: -> disk ... |{"set AR=to">2, "set D=A">2, "A">D, 124}
+ | B: -> disk ... |{"set AR=to">2, "set D=B">2, "B">D, 124}
+~param {23, 17, 33, 5, 1, 31, 30, 28, 14, 15}
+ Insert diskette to drive [%D%]:
+ and confirm OK :
+ | O^K | | C^ancel |{\\23}
+^0 ; ********* final question *******
+~param {32, 21, 17, 4, 1, 31, 30, 28, 14, 12}
+ Exit to DOS ?
+ | Y^es | | N^o |{\3}
+ *********************** changes of system parameters ************************
+^121, 122 [21] ; File names
+~param {15, 10, 48, 6, 1, 31, 30, 30, 14, 14}
+ Write new file names without extension:
+ Main file name: |#[%MAIN%8]|{"set MAIN=#">2, "#">MAIN, "set WORK=#">2, "#">WORK, *122}
+ Work file name: |#[%WORK%8]|{"set WORK=#">2, "#">WORK, *31}
+^125 [25] ; DOS command line
+~param {3, 15, 74, 4, 1, 31, 14, 14, 14, 14}
+ Write DOS command :
+ |#[%3% 1, 1, 70]|{!>3, "#">3}
+^150, 151, 152 [51] ; METAFONT parameters
+~param {1, 12, 80, 7, 1, 31, 30, 30, 14, 14}
+ Write %MF% file name, parameters for METAFONT and convertor:
+ %MF% file (without extension): |#[%MF%8]|{"set MF=#">2, "#">MF 151}
+ METAFONT |#[%4% 31, 1, 66]|{!>4, "[%4% 1, 1, 30]#">4}
+ Convertor |#[%GFOPT%66]|{"set GFOPT=#">%2, "#">GFOPT \51}
+ ********************************* HELPS ************************************
+~param {3, 2, 76, 23, 1, 48, 62} " Help " ; Basic parameters for help windows
+^(2, 3, 4, 5, 6)
+ This is the context help for the system TeX
+ ===========================================
+ 9.8.92 Petr Olsak
+ Each item in the main menu (File, TeX, Print, METAFONT, Options)
+ contains another sub-menu. If you choose some of these lower offers
+ (by the key "Enter" and arrows) and then press F1 key, the help for the
+ corresponding item will be shown.
+~param {5, 23, 70, 1, 0, 48}
+ <||{\\1163} Enter: list of envir. variables, Esc: end of help. >
+^(63 163 500 501 502 503 504 505 506 507 508 509 510 511 512 513 514) 1163
+ Environment variables
+ You can change the implicit configuration by changes the values
+ of special environment variables listed below.
+ | F3FILE |{\1599}.... The file name for F3 editing
+ | EDIT |{\1501}.... The editor call
+ | EMTEXED |{\1502}.... The editor call after the "e" key in TeX
+ | SHELL |{\1503}.... The shell call (file manager, F6 key)
+ | EMTEXOPT |{\1504}.... TeX parameters
+ | SCROPT |{\1505}.... View parameters
+ | SPELLOPT |{\1506}.... SPELL checker parameters
+ | ERRCOM |{\1507}.... The command after error in TeX run
+ | USERCOM |{\1508}.... The command executed by UserCommand item
+ | LASTCOM |{\1509}.... The last command when TeX system terminates
+ | FMT |{\1510}.... The name of .FMT file
+ | TEXFMT |{\1511}.... Path with .FMT files (TeX)
+ | BTEXFMT |{\1512}.... Path with .FMT files (BigTeX)
+ | TEXTFM |{\1513}.... Path with .TFM files
+ | TEXINPUT |{\1514}.... Path with source files for TeX (.STY, .TEX)
+ | MFINPUT |{\1515}.... Path with source files for METAFONT
+ You can save all environment state into file by item
+ | Save |{\1065} and restore this state from file by | Load |{\1066} item.
+^(21, 121, 122) 1021
+ Name
+ ====
+ Opens a window where you can change the name of the main and of
+ the working files.
+ Without terminating and restarting the TeX system you can
+ immediately continue in work on a new document.
+ Names of files are to be given without any extension.
+ MAIN FILE: The file which will be the input for running the TeX program.
+ This file is usually identical with the working file. This file has
+ automatically the extension .TEX .
+ WORKING FILE: The file to which the editor is directed. It is useful
+ to distinguish these files, if the working file is called in the
+ main file by the command \input (or similar). Your work is directed
+ to corrections resp. expansion of the working file.
+ For example the main file has the name MYBOOK and contains the
+ command \imput chapter5, and you are working with the file CHAPTER5 .
+^(23, 123, 124)
+ Diskette:
+ =========
+ Enables to copy files from the disk to a diskette and vice versa. The
+ notion "Disk" is not entirely appropriate; more exactly it is the
+ current directory (i.e. normally the disk). If the current directory is
+ at a diskette, a collision can appear.
+ The configuration of this system consistently keeps the philosophy of
+ the user's directory used as current one. All by-products of the work
+ on a document (e.g. files with extensions .dvi, .log, .aux and so on)
+ are saved in the user's directory. If the user wishes to clean his
+ directory, he can use either the item "Clear" or "Shell".
+ The item "Diskette" copies only files with the extension .TEX
+ (the | main |{\1021} and the | working |{\1021} files.)
+ If you have open other source files (e.g. .mf), you have to copy them
+ using the item "Shell".
+ Clear (dvi):
+ ============
+ Deletes all "useless" files from the users current directory. More
+ exactly, it deletes all files with the name identical to the name of
+ the main or the working file which have one of the following
+ extensions:
+ .bak, .dvi, .log, .aux, .lq, .hp, .fx .
+ If you use other temporary files (.toc, .inx, and so on) you have to
+ delete them yourself.
+^(25, 125, 26)
+ DOS:
+ ====
+ It is possible to execute one DOS command without leaving the TeX
+ system.
+ Shell:
+ ======
+ An external program is executed enabling comfortable operations over
+ files: listing and changing of directories, copying, deleting and many
+ more file operations. Control of this program is generally familiar (it
+ is e.g. Norton Commander or PCTools - in accordance to what is used at
+ your computer). After leaving this program the process returns into the
+ TeX system.
+ The program itself is specified by | environment variable |{\1163} SHELL.
+^(27, 28, 29)
+ Editor
+ ======
+ The editor is started without specification the edited file. The editor
+ asks for the name of the file that you wish to edit.
+ The editor itself is specified by | environment variable |{\1163} EDIT.
+ Calculation:
+ ============
+ A simple external program "calculator" is started. You can simply write
+ the expression (for example 1+1) followed by the "Enter" key. The
+ program replies, for example: 1+1=2.
+ Quit:
+ =====
+ Terminating of the TeX system. The system can be left also by multiple
+ pressing the "Esc" key (depending on the depth of menu expansion). In
+ that case the system asks, whether you really wish to leave it.
+ In both cases, the command specified in | environment variable |{\1163} LASTCOM
+ is executed.
+^(31) 1031
+ Edit:
+ =====
+ Editation of the | working file |{\1021} is started.
+ The way of control of the editor depends on which editor is used.
+ The editor itself is specified by | environment variable |{\1163} EDIT.
+^(32) 1032
+ TeX:
+ ====
+ The proper running of the TeX program.
+ The chosen format (Plain, LaTeX etc.) is used. You can choose the format
+ by the item "Options -> Format" before starting of the TeX program.
+ The TeX program is started. The input is the main file. The result is
+ the .dvi file, i.e the input for View or prints. In the .log file you
+ can find the report of the work of the TeX program. Related to the used
+ format, styles or macros, other output files can be generated. All
+ files are placed into the user's current directory.
+ View:
+ =====
+ Viewer. It enables to examine the .dvi file (result of the TeX program)
+ on the screen. The control depends on the particular program.
+ Basic control keys for emTeX's DVISCR:
+ ======================================
+ Q or ^C ...... quit program
+ arrows ........ move text on the screen
+ F resp. C .... smaller resp. larger step for arrows
+ PgDn / PgUp .. next / previous page
+ P number ..... go to specified page
+ O ............ return to the last viewed page
+ + resp. - .... larger, resp. smaller text
+ R ............ switch on/off ruler
+ ^U or U ...... switch between units on the ruler
+ S text ....... search text
+ Main edit
+ =========
+ Editation of the | main file |{\1021} is started.
+ Log edit
+ ========
+ Editation of the .LOG file is started.
+ The way of control of the editor depends on which editor is used.
+ The editor itself is specified by | environment variable |{\1163} EDIT.
+^(35 235)
+ Spell:
+ ======
+ Correction of typing errors in the working file. The English or the
+ Czech or Slovak dictionary is used in accordance with the sub-menu
+ selection.
+ The spell checker works with | working file |{\1021} only.
+ The additional parameters can be used in the | environment variable |{\1163}
+ Tie (vlnka):
+ ============
+ The program is executed, which includes after every non syllabic
+ preposition a tie, preventing the line break at that place.
+ It is a purely Czech and Slovak speciality. English documents are not
+ to be submitted to it.
+ The program includes ties only into the | working file |{\1021}.
+ Others:
+ =======
+ Next menu appears with following items:
+ DVI-Out : Converts CS-format in .DVI to standard CM format
+ DVIPS : Converts .DVI to PostScript
+ CSIndex : Generates Czech/Slovak indexes
+ Bib-TeX : Bibliography database
+ TeXCad : Easily drawing LaTeX pictures by mouse or arrows
+ UserCommand:
+ ============
+ The command specified in | environment variable |{\1163} USERCOM is executed.
+ User can set this command to his own particular needs.
+ For example the call of DVIPASTE program.
+ This command is simply accessible by pressing "U" key in TeX menu.
+ If you specify a batch call, you must write the word "call" before
+ the batch name!
+ In the user batch, you can operate with environment variables:
+ %MAIN% ... | main file |{\1021}
+ %WORK% ... | working file |{\1021} (both without extension).
+^(39, 231, 232, 233) 1039
+ Experiment:
+ ===========
+ Imagine that you are preparing an extensive document and you want
+ to debug a new table or other complicated TeX text. The permanent
+ "loop" [Running TeX -> Errors resp. View -> Editation] seems
+ to be tedious with the entire document. It is senseless to introduce a
+ new file (e.g. the name is the same and the extension is .try) and
+ to try this experimental text here. When you like the result, you
+ include it into the current document using block operations of the
+ editor.
+ Exactly this is possible due to the item Experiment.
+ The following menu appears:
+ Edit (try) .... editation of the file "name".try
+ TeX (try) .... running TeX to the file "name".try
+ View (try) .... viewer to the "name".dvi file
+ "name" means the name of the | main file |{\1021}. The final including of the
+ file "name".try into the document has to be done using block
+ operations of the editor manually.
+ This way you can save time of long TeX operations with the whole
+ document during marginal experiments.
+^(30 141)
+ CStoCS
+ ======
+ The program CStoCS converts | working file |{\1021} between various coding
+ schemes of nonstandard ASCII characters and standard TeX sequences
+ for these characters. It works with coding schemes:
+ Kamenicky, PC Latin 2, TeX-seq., ISO Latin 2, page 852, koi 8.
+ The menu offers only some conversion. If you need other one, you can
+ call the program from DOS line with appropriate parameters
+ (see to documentation of program CStoCS).
+ Preview 180dpi, resp. Preview 300dpi, resp. Preview 240dpi
+ ==========================================================
+ The viewer, which respects (in contrast to the plain | View |{\1032}) all
+ supplementary | options |{\1045}, which the user has prepared for the print
+ driver. This brings the result of the screen much nearer to the result
+ of printing. Some new problems may appear in this step, that would
+ cause wasting of paper in printer otherwise.
+ Menu offers three Preview items, each of them call viewer
+ which operates with specified fonts (dpi).
+^(42, 43) 1042
+ Print - Matrix, resp. Print - Laser, resp. Print 9 Matrix:
+ ===========================================================
+ The printing by the matrix resp. laser printer. If you have not
+ set any options, the print driver asks for options "on line".
+ Entering a blank line sets the printer in operation. In case of given
+ options (using the item | Edit options |{\1045}) printing starts immediately.
+ More exactly: the printing starts immediately if there is the file
+ "name".opt in the user's current directory. The print driver reads
+ options from this file. This file can be edited by the item
+ | Edit options |{\1045}. On the other hand, the item "Clear options" deletes
+ this file causing that the print driver will require options before
+ printing.
+ Make .lq file, resp. Make .hp file, resp. Make .fx file:
+ ========================================================
+ Creates the file "name".lq/.fx resp. "mane".hp for a future use by a
+ matrix resp. laser printer. These files are usually quite extensive
+ and they are senseful only for transfer to computers with the printer
+ but without TeX installation.
+^(45, 46) 1045
+ Edit - options resp. Clear options:
+ =====================================
+ Editing resp. deleting of print options - see | Print help |{\1042}.
+ The list of possible options and the way of their activating depends on
+ drivers involved.
+^(52, 53, 54)
+ Edit (MF):
+ ==========
+ Editing is started for the "name".mf file ("name" is the name of the
+ MF file, see the | Parameters |{\1051} item).
+ =========
+ Running the METAFONT program depending on the command line
+ specified in | Parameters |{\1051} item.
+ Convert:
+ =======
+ Running the transfer program (for instance to .pk-format) of fonts
+ specified in | Parameters |{\1051} item.
+^(51 150 151 152) 1051
+ Parameters:
+ ===========
+ A window appears where you can edit the line with the METAFONT
+ command, convertor command and MF file.
+ 1. MF file (without extension) is name of file to be edited
+ by "Edit-mf" item. It is the value of MF environment variable.
+ 2. METAFONT parameters. Most frequent parameters are as follows:
+ &plain ......... calls the METAFONT format defined in METAFONTbook
+ &cm ............ format for Computer Modern fonts
+ \mode=proof .... making the font for a test
+ \mode=lqlores .. low resolution font for matrix printer (180dpi)
+ \mode=hplaser .. high resolution font for laser printer (300dpi)
+ mag=<n> ........ the result will be <n> times enlarged
+ input <name> ... the input file will be <name>.mf
+ 3. In the last line of the window, the name of convertor program and
+ the name of the input file and others parameters can be given. In
+ case of mag=1 and \mode=lqlores, the input file has the extension
+ ".180", and in case of \mode=hplaser, the extension is ".300" .
+ In case you use nonstandard magnifications or nonstandard printers,
+ you have to find out the extension of the input file at first.
+^(56, 57, 58)
+ Edit (mp):
+ ===========
+ Starts the editor for the file "name".mp (abbr. METAFONT--picture). In
+ this file, the user includes the font just METAFONTed into TeX. E.g. if
+ he prepares figures, he can try to include all labels and create a
+ complete figure here. When he is satisfied with the result (checking
+ through "View-mp"), he include the figure into the current document
+ using block operations of the editor.
+ TeX (mp):
+ ==========
+ Starts the TeX program with the corresponding format. The input is the
+ file "name".mft
+ View (mp):
+ ===========
+ Viewer of TeX output (.dvi file)
+^(61, 161) 1061
+ Format:
+ =======
+ You can choose some format from menu. The selection influences
+ the appearance of TeX item and the TeX run.
+ If some format is not installed at this computer, the system reports
+ a message after you want to run the TeX program.
+^(62 162) 1062
+ TeX-vers:
+ =========
+ You can select between two "types" of emTeX program:
+ tex.exe ...... it run at XT computers but a noticeable
+ limitations are present
+ tex386.exe ... it run at 386-computers only and use hi-memory
+ if present.
+ F3FILE ... The file name for F3 editing
+ =======================================|^|{1500}
+ So called "hot keys" F3 call the editor from all states of
+ menu system. You can set the file name for this editing
+ in environment variable F3FILE including disk name, path and
+ extension. For example, you want to edit repeatedly the file
+ from other directory or with nonstandard extension.
+ EDIT .... The editor call
+ =========================|^|{1500}
+ You can set the editor program here. If the batch call is set,
+ you must write the word "call" before the file name of batch.
+ Every user can work with his favorite editor.
+ A parameter (file name for editing) is substituted automatically
+ in accordance the item type. The value of EDITPAR is added. It can
+ be set after unsuccessful run of TeX by ERRCOM command and influences
+ the editor start after error in TeX run. For example editor starts
+ with two windows (.TEX and .LOG window) in such case and points
+ the place of error. The value of EDITPAR is removed after first
+ editor call. So, next editor call starts "normally".
+ EMTEXED .... the editor call after "e" key in TeX
+ =================================================|^|{1500}
+ This is the emTeX environment variable. If TeX (METAFONT)
+ prompts the "?" character, you can enter the "e". Then TeX
+ terminates and editor specified here is called. You must write
+ parameters for this editor. The %1, %2 and %3 is substituted as
+ following:
+ %1 ... the line number with error
+ %2 ... the source file with error (including path)
+ %3 ... the .LOG file (including path)
+ For example, if you use QEDIT, you can write some similar as:
+ EMTEXED: c:\editors\qedit %2 %3 -n%1
+ Norton editor can be specified by the following way.
+ EMTEXED: c:\editors\ne +%1 %2
+ SHELL .... The shell call (file manager, F6 key)
+ ================================================|^|{1500}
+ You can specify a program which is called after F6 hot key
+ pressing. The menu system has no possibilities with file
+ handling and therefore some file manager program is recommended
+ here. For example Norton Commander, XTree, PCTools etc.
+ Every user can work with his favorite file manager program.
+ If the batch call is set, you must write the word "call" before
+ the file name of batch.
+ EMTEXOPT .... TeX parameters
+ ============================|^|{1500}
+ /e ... \errorstopmode
+ /s ... \scrollmode
+ /n ... \nonstopmode
+ /b ... \batchmode
+ others parameters ... see the documentation TEXWARE.DOC
+ SCROPT .... View parameters
+ ===========================|^|{1500}
+ // ... interactive mode of parameters setting
+ /? resp. /?? ... shows basic resp. all parameters
+ /ou# ... default measure unit on ruler
+ /oi- ... black on white (default) /oi+ ... white on black
+ /hx# /hy# ... home place of text.
+ /h# /w# ..... The height and width of sheet. Default: A4 format
+ /o# ......... Default scaling (example /o2 : one to 2x2 pixels)
+ The number must be integer
+ Thousands of others parameters are documented in DVIDRV.DOC .
+ This parameters influence behavior of View but not Preview call.
+ SPELLOPT .... SPELL checker parameters
+ ======================================|^|{1500}
+ @K ... Kamenickych code of nonstandard ASCII character (default)
+ @L ... PC Latin 2 code
+ @C ... CSKOI 8 code
+ The character "#" presented ... Checking the TeX sequences too
+ $<file> ... name of working dictionary (including path)
+ !<file> ... output file if different from input
+ + ... acoustic signalization of errors
+ %<number> ... checking from <number>-th line only
+ Example SPELLOPT: # %20 $d:\dict\mydict.ces
+ -------
+ ERRCOM .... The command after error in TeX run
+ ==============================================|^|{1500}
+ You can write the batch call, which is executed after the unsuccessful
+ TeX (METAFONT) run. This auxiliary batch can set the EDITPAR
+ environment variable which influences the editor start.
+ If the batch call is set, you must write the word "call" before
+ the file name of batch.
+^1508 1509
+ USERCOM .... The command executed by UserCom item
+ =================================================|^|{1500}
+ You can find the item UserCommand in the submenu TeX. This item
+ executes the command you specify here.
+ Every user can set his own application here.
+ If the batch call is set, you must write the word "call" before
+ the file name of batch.
+ LASTCOM .... The last command when TeX system terminates
+ ========================================================|^|{1500}
+ If you want to run some special command(s), when you leave the TeX
+ system, you can write this command (batch call) here.
+^1510 1511 1512
+ FMT .... The name of .FMT file
+ ==============================|^|{1500}
+ If you are working with format not included into system offers,
+ you can write this format file name here.
+ TEXFMT .... Path with .FMT files (TeX)
+ =======================================|^|{1500}
+ The search path for format files for tex.exe .
+ BTEXFMT .... Path with .FMT files (BigTeX)
+ =======================================|^|{1500}
+ The search path for format files for tex386.exe .
+^1514 1515 1513
+ TEXINPUT.... Path with source files for TeX (.STY, .TeX)
+ ========================================================|^|{1500}
+ TeX first searches the input file in current directory and if
+ searching fails, TeX continue with search process in directory(ies)
+ specified here.
+ MFINPUT .... Path with source files for METAFONT
+ ================================================|^|{1500}
+ The same as TEXINPUT, but for METAFONT program.
+ TEXTFM .... Path with .TFM files
+ =================================|^|{1500}
+ The search path for TeX font metrics files.
+^(64 164 521 522)
+ Ports:
+ ======
+ You can change the implicit values for I/O ports.
+^(65 165 168 66 166 169) 1065 1066
+ Save:
+ =====
+ You can save the all environment state to so called configuration
+ batch file. After time, you can restore this environment by item Load.
+ The environment state keeps the names of all working files, format file,
+ all particular parameters etc.
+ If the configuration batch file has a name TEXCFG.BAT, the process
+ of restoring of this environment state is done automatically when
+ the TeX menu system starts.
+ Load:
+ =====
+ Restoring the environment state from file.
+ *************** end of file CFG.MNU *******************