path: root/support/mimetex/gfuntype.c
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Diffstat (limited to 'support/mimetex/gfuntype.c')
1 files changed, 763 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/support/mimetex/gfuntype.c b/support/mimetex/gfuntype.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..811112ae30
--- /dev/null
+++ b/support/mimetex/gfuntype.c
@@ -0,0 +1,763 @@
+ *
+ * Copyright(c) 2002-2008, John Forkosh Associates, Inc. All rights reserved.
+ * mailto:
+ * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * This file is part of mimeTeX, which is free software. You may redistribute
+ * and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License,
+ * version 3 or later, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ * MimeTeX is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+ * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY, not even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY.
+ * See the GNU General Public License for specific details.
+ * By using mimeTeX, you warrant that you have read, understood and
+ * agreed to these terms and conditions, and that you possess the legal
+ * right and ability to enter into this agreement and to use mimeTeX
+ * in accordance with it.
+ * Your distribution file should contain the file COPYING,
+ * an ascii text copy of the GNU General Public License, version 3.
+ * If not, point your browser to
+ * or write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+ * 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA.
+ * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ *
+ * Program: gfuntype [-g gformat] [-u isnoname] [-m msglevel]
+ * [-n fontname] [infile [outfile]]
+ *
+ * Purpose: Parses output from gftype -i
+ * and writes pixel bitmap data of the characters
+ * in a format suitable for a C header file, etc.
+ *
+ * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ *
+ * Command-line Arguments:
+ * --- args can be in any order ---
+ * infile name of input file
+ * (defaults to stdin if no filenames given)
+ * outfile name of output file
+ * (defaults to stdout if <2 filenames given)
+ * -g gformat gformat=1(default) for bitmap representation,
+ * or 2,3 for 8-bit,4-bit .gf-like compression,
+ * or 0 to choose smallest format.
+ * Add 10 (gformat=10,12,13,14) to embed scan
+ * line repeat counts in format.
+ * -u isnoname isnoname=1(default) to output symbols not
+ * defined/named in mimetex.h, or 0 to omit them
+ * -m msglevel verbose if msglevel>=9 (vv if >=99)
+ * -n fontname string used for fontname
+ * (defaults to noname)
+ *
+ * Exits: 0=success, 1=some error
+ *
+ * Notes: o To compile
+ * cc gfuntype.c mimetex.c -lm -o gfuntype
+ * needs mimetex.c and mimetex.h
+ *
+ * Source: gfuntype.c
+ *
+ * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * Revision History:
+ * 09/22/02 J.Forkosh Installation.
+ * 10/11/05 J.Forkosh .gf-style format options added.
+ * 09/06/08 J.Forkosh mimeTeX version 1.70 released.
+ *
+ ****************************************************************************/
+/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+standard headers, program parameters, global data and macros
+-------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* --- standard headers --- */
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <ctype.h>
+/* --- application headers --- */
+/* #define SIGNEDCHAR */
+#include "mimetex.h"
+/* --- parameters either -D defined on cc line, or defaulted here --- */
+#ifndef MSGLEVEL
+ #define MSGLEVEL 0
+#ifndef GFORMAT
+ #define GFORMAT 1
+#ifndef ISREPEAT
+ #define ISREPEAT 1
+/* --- message level (verbose test) --- */
+static int msglevel = MSGLEVEL; /* verbose if msglevel >= 9 */
+static FILE *msgfp; /* verbose output goes here */
+/* --- output file format --- */
+static int isnoname = 1; /* true to output unnamed symbols */
+static char *noname = "(noname)"; /* char name used if lookup fails */
+static int gformat = GFORMAT; /* 1=bitmap, */
+static int isrepeat = ISREPEAT; /* true to store line repeat counts*/
+/* extern int imageformat; */ /* as per gformat, 1=bitmap, */
+/* --- miscellaneous other data --- */
+#define CORNER_STUB ".<--" /* start of upper,lower-left line */
+#define BLANKCHAR_STUB "character is entirely blank" /* signals blank char */
+#define TYPECAST "(pixbyte *)" /* typecast for pixmap string */
+/* ==========================================================================
+ * Function: main() for gfuntype.c
+ * Purpose: interprets command-line args, etc
+ * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * Command-Line Arguments:
+ * See above
+ * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * Returns: 0=success, 1=some error
+ * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * Notes: o
+ * ======================================================================= */
+/* --- entry point --- */
+int main ( int argc, char *argv[] )
+/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+Allocations and Declarations
+-------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+int argnum = 0; /* argv[] index for command-line args */
+int inarg=0, outarg=0; /* argv[] indexes for infile, outfile */
+int iserror = 1; /* error signal */
+int charnum, /* character number (nextchar->charnum) */
+ nchars = 0; /* #chars in font */
+char fontname[99] = "noname", /* font name */
+ *getcharname(); /* get character name from its number */
+FILE /* *fopen(),*/ *infp=stdin, *outfp=stdout; /* init file pointers */
+chardef *getnextchar(), *nextchar, /* read and parse next char in infp */
+ *fontdef[256]; /* chars stored using charnum as index */
+int cstruct_chardef(); /* emit C struct for a character map */
+int type_raster(); /* display debugging output */
+char *copyright = /* copyright, gnu/gpl notice */
+ "+-----------------------------------------------------------------------+\n"
+ "|gfuntype ver 1.00, Copyright(c) 2002-2003, John Forkosh Associates, Inc|\n"
+ "+-----------------------------------------------------------------------+\n"
+ "| gfuntype is free software licensed to you under terms of the GNU/GPL, |\n"
+ "| and comes with absolutely no warranty whatsoever. |\n"
+ "+-----------------------------------------------------------------------+";
+/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+interpret command-line arguments
+-------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+while ( argc > ++argnum ) /* check for flags and filenames */
+ if ( *argv[argnum] == '-' ) /* got some '-' flag */
+ {
+ char flag = tolower(*(argv[argnum]+1)); /* char following '-' */
+ argnum++; /* arg following flag is usually its value */
+ switch ( flag ) /* see what user wants to tell us */
+ {
+ /* --- no usage for clueless users yet --- */
+ default: exit(iserror); /* exit quietly for unrecognized input */
+ /* --- adjustable program parameters (not checking input) --- */
+ case 'g': gformat = atoi(argv[argnum]);
+ isrepeat = (gformat>=10?1:0);
+ gformat = gformat%10; break;
+ case 'u': isnoname = atoi(argv[argnum]); break;
+ case 'm': msglevel = atoi(argv[argnum]); break;
+ case 'n': strcpy(fontname,argv[argnum]); break;
+ } /* --- end-of-switch() --- */
+ } /* --- end-of-if(*argv[]=='-') --- */
+ else /* this arg not a -flag, so it must be... */
+ if ( inarg == 0 ) /* no infile arg yet */
+ inarg = argnum; /* so use this one */
+ else /* we already have an infile arg */
+ if ( outarg == 0 ) /* but no outfile arg yet */
+ outarg = argnum; /* so use this one */
+/* --- set verbose file ptr --- */
+msgfp = (outarg>0? stdout : stderr); /* use stdout or stderr */
+/* --- emit copyright, gnu/gpl notice --- */
+fprintf(msgfp,"%s\n",copyright); /* display copyright, gnu/gpl info */
+/* --- display input args if verbose output --- */
+if ( msglevel >= 9 ) /* verbose output requested */
+ fprintf(msgfp,"gfuntype> infile=%s outfile=%s, fontname=%s format=%d.%d\n",
+ (inarg>0?argv[inarg]:"stdin"), (outarg>0?argv[outarg]:"stdout"),
+ fontname, gformat,isrepeat);
+/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* --- initialize font[] array --- */
+for ( charnum=0; charnum<256; charnum++ ) /*for each possible char in font*/
+ fontdef[charnum] = (chardef *)NULL; /* char doesn't exist yet */
+/* --- open input file (if necessary) --- */
+if ( inarg > 0 ) /* input from file, not from stdin */
+ if ( (infp = fopen(argv[inarg],"r")) == NULL ) /*try to open input file*/
+ { fprintf(msgfp,"gfuntype> can't open %s for read\n",argv[inarg]);
+ goto end_of_job; } /* report error and quit */
+/* --- set format for mimetex.c functions --- */
+if ( gformat<0 || gformat>3 ) gformat=1; /* sanity check */
+/* if ( gformat == 1 ) imageformat = 1; */ /* force bitmap format */
+/* else gformat = imageformat = 2; */ /* or force .gf format */
+/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+process input file
+-------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+while ( (nextchar=getnextchar(infp)) != NULL ) /* get each char in file */
+ {
+ /* --- display character info --- */
+ if ( msglevel >= 9 ) /* verbose output requested */
+ fprintf(msgfp,"gfuntype> Char#%3d, loc %4d: ul=(%d,%d) ll=(%d,%d)\n",
+ nextchar->charnum, nextchar->location,
+ nextchar->topleftcol,nextchar->toprow,
+ nextchar->botleftcol,nextchar->botrow);
+ if ( msglevel >= 19 ) /* if a bit more verbose */
+ type_raster(&(nextchar->image),msgfp); /*display ascii image of raster*/
+ /* --- store character in font */
+ charnum = nextchar->charnum; /* get char number of char in font */
+ if ( charnum>=0 && charnum<=255 ) /* check for valid range */
+ fontdef[charnum] = nextchar; /* store char in font */
+ } /* --- end-of-while(charnum>0) --- */
+/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+generate output file
+-------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* --- open output file (if necessary) --- */
+if ( outarg > 0 ) /* output to a file, not to stdout */
+ if ( (outfp = fopen(argv[outarg],"w")) == NULL ) /*try to open output file*/
+ { fprintf(msgfp,"gfuntype> can't open %s for write\n",argv[outarg]);
+ goto end_of_job; } /* report error and quit */
+/* --- header lines --- */
+fprintf(outfp,"/%c --- fontdef for %s --- %c/\n", '*',fontname,'*');
+fprintf(outfp,"static\tchardef %c%s[] =\n {\n", ' ',fontname);
+/* --- write characters comprising font --- */
+for ( charnum=0; charnum<256; charnum++ ) /*for each possible char in font*/
+ if ( fontdef[charnum] != (chardef *)NULL ) /*check if char exists in font*/
+ { char *charname = getcharname(fontname,charnum);
+ if ( charname!=NULL || isnoname ) { /* char defined or want undefined */
+ if ( ++nchars > 1 ) /* bump count */
+ fprintf(outfp,",\n"); /* and terminate preceding chardef */
+ fprintf(outfp," /%c --- pixel bitmap for %s char#%d %s --- %c/\n",
+ '*',fontname,charnum,(charname==NULL?noname:charname),'*');
+ cstruct_chardef(fontdef[charnum],outfp,6); } /*emit chardef struct*/
+ else
+ if(0)fprintf(outfp,"NULL"); /* no character in this position */
+ } /* --- end-of-if(fontdef[]!=NULL) --- */
+ else
+ if(0)fprintf(outfp,"NULL"); /* no character in this position */
+/* --- write trailer chardef and closing brace --- */
+fprintf(outfp,",\n"); /* finish up last map from loop */
+fprintf(outfp," /%c --- trailer --- %c/\n",'*','*'); /* trailer... */
+fprintf(outfp," { -99, -999, 0,0,0,0, { 0,0,0,0, %s\"\\0\" } }\n",
+fprintf(outfp," } ;\n"); /* terminating }; for fontdef */
+/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* --- reset error status for okay exit --- */
+iserror = 0;
+/* --- close files (if they're open and not stdin/out) --- */
+ if ( infp!=NULL && infp!=stdin ) fclose( infp);
+ if ( outfp!=NULL && outfp!=stdout ) fclose(outfp);
+exit ( iserror );
+} /* --- end-of-function main() --- */
+/* ==========================================================================
+ * Function: getnextchar ( fp )
+ * Purpose: Reads and parses the next character definition on fp,
+ * and returns a new chardef struct describing that character.
+ * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * Arguments: fp (I) FILE * to input file
+ * (containing output from gftype -i)
+ * Returns: ( chardef * ) ptr to chardef struct describing character,
+ * or NULL for eof or any error
+ * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * Notes: o fp is left so the next line read from it will be
+ * the one following the final .<-- line.
+ * ======================================================================= */
+/* --- entry point --- */
+chardef *getnextchar ( FILE *fp )
+/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+Allocations and Declarations
+-------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+chardef *new_chardef(), *nextchar=(chardef *)NULL; /*ptr returned to caller*/
+int delete_chardef(); /* free allocated memory if error */
+int findnextchar(), charnum,location; /* get header line for next char */
+int rasterizechar(); /* ascii image --> raster pixmap */
+int parsestat=(-999), parsecorner(); /* get col,row from ".<--" line */
+char *readaline(); /* read next line from fp */
+/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+while ( parsestat == (-999) ) { /* flush entirely blank characters */
+ /* --- find and interpret header line for next character --- */
+ charnum = findnextchar(fp,&location); /* read and parse header line */
+ if ( charnum < 0 ) goto error; /* eof or error, no more chars */
+ /* --- allocate a new chardef struct and begin populating it --- */
+ if ( nextchar == (chardef *)NULL ) /* haven't allocated chardef yet */
+ if ( (nextchar=new_chardef()) /* allocate a new chardef */
+ == (chardef *)NULL ) goto error; /* and quit if we failed */
+ nextchar->charnum = charnum; /* store charnum in struct */
+ nextchar->location = location; /* and location */
+ /* --- get upper-left corner line --- */
+ parsestat = parsecorner(readaline(fp), /* parse corner line */
+ &(nextchar->toprow),&(nextchar->topleftcol)); /* row and col from line */
+ } /* --- end-of-while(parsestat) --- */
+if ( !parsestat ) goto error; /* quit if parsecorner() failed */
+/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+interpret character image (and parse terminating corner line)
+-------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* --- read ascii character image and interpret as integer bitmap --- */
+if ( rasterizechar(fp,&nextchar->image) != 1 ) /* parse image of char */
+ goto error; /* and quit if failed */
+/* --- get lower-left corner line --- */
+if ( !parsecorner(readaline(NULL), /* reread and parse corner line */
+&(nextchar->botrow),&(nextchar->botleftcol)) ) /* row and col from line */
+ goto error; /* and quit if failed */
+/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+goto end_of_job; /* skip error return if successful */
+ if ( nextchar != (chardef *)NULL ) /* have an allocated chardef */
+ delete_chardef(nextchar); /* so deallocate it */
+ nextchar = (chardef *)NULL; /* and reset ptr to null for error */
+ return ( nextchar ); /* back with chardef or null */
+} /* --- end-of-function getnextchar() --- */
+/* ==========================================================================
+ * Function: getcharname ( fontname, charnum )
+ * Purpose: Looks up charnum for the family specified by fontname
+ * and returns the corresponding charname.
+ * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * Arguments: fontname (I) char * containing fontname for font family
+ * (from -n switch on command line)
+ * charnum (I) int containing the character number
+ * whose corresponding name is wanted.
+ * Returns: ( char * ) ptr to character name
+ * or NULL if charnum not found in table
+ * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * Notes: o
+ * ======================================================================= */
+/* --- entry point --- */
+char *getcharname ( char *fontname, int charnum )
+/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+Allocations and Declarations
+-------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* --- recognized font family names and our corresponding numbers --- */
+static char *fnames[] = /*font name from -n switch on command line*/
+ { "cmr","cmmib","cmmi","cmsy","cmex","bbold","rsfs",
+ "stmary","cyr", NULL };
+static int fnums[] = /* corresponding mimetex fontfamily number*/
+ STMARY10, CYR10, -1 };
+static int offsets[] = /* symtable[ichar].charnum = charnum-offset*/
+ { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 65,
+ 0, 0, -1 };
+/* --- other local declarations --- */
+char *charname = NULL; /* character name returned to caller */
+char flower[99] = "noname"; /* lowercase caller's fontname */
+int ifamily = 0, /* fnames[] (and fnums[],offsets[]) index */
+ offset = 0, /* offsets[ifamily] */
+ ichar = 0; /* loop index */
+/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+lowercase caller's fontname and look it up in fnames[]
+-------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* --- lowercase caller's fontname --- */
+for ( ichar=0; *fontname!='\000'; ichar++,fontname++ )/*lowercase each char*/
+ flower[ichar] = (isalpha(*fontname)? tolower(*fontname) : *fontname);
+flower[ichar] = '\000'; /* null-terminate lowercase fontname */
+if ( strlen(flower) < 2 ) goto end_of_job; /* no lookup match possible */
+/* --- look up lowercase fontname in our fnames[] table --- */
+for ( ifamily=0; ;ifamily++ ) /* check fnames[] for flower */
+ if ( fnames[ifamily] == NULL ) goto end_of_job; /* quit at end-of-table */
+ else if ( strstr(flower,fnames[ifamily]) != NULL ) break; /* found it */
+offset = offsets[ifamily]; /* symtable[ichar].charnum = charnum-offset*/
+ifamily = fnums[ifamily]; /* xlate index to font family number */
+/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+now look up name for caller's charnum in ifamily, and return it to caller
+-------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* --- search symtable[] for charnum in ifamily --- */
+for ( ichar=0; ;ichar++ ) /*search symtable[] for charnum in ifamily*/
+ if ( symtable[ichar].symbol == NULL ) goto end_of_job; /* end-of-table */
+ else
+ if ( symtable[ichar].family == ifamily /* found desired family */
+ && symtable[ichar].handler == NULL ) /* and char isn't a "dummy" */
+ if ( symtable[ichar].charnum == charnum-offset ) break; /*got charnum*/
+/* --- return corresponding charname to caller --- */
+charname = symtable[ichar].symbol; /* pointer to symbol name in table */
+ if ( charname==NULL && isnoname ) /* want unnamed/undefined chars */
+ charname = noname; /* so replace null return with noname */
+ return ( charname );
+} /* --- end-of-function getcharname() --- */
+/* ==========================================================================
+ * Function: findnextchar ( fp, location )
+ * Purpose: Finds next "beginning of char" line in fp
+ * and returns the character number,
+ * and (optionally) location if arg provided.
+ * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * Arguments: fp (I) FILE * to input file
+ * (containing output from gftype -i)
+ * location (O) int * returning "location" of character
+ * (or pass NULL and it won't be returned)
+ * Returns: ( int ) character number,
+ * or -1 for eof or any error
+ * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * Notes: o fp is left so the next line read from it will be
+ * the one following the "beginning of char" line
+ * ======================================================================= */
+/* --- entry point --- */
+int findnextchar ( FILE *fp, int *location )
+/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+Allocations and Declarations
+-------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+static char keyword[99]="beginning of char "; /*signals start of next char*/
+char *readaline(), *line; /* read next line from fp */
+char *strstr(), *strchr(), *delim; /* search line for substring, char */
+char token[99]; /* token extracted from line */
+int charnum = (-1); /* character number returned to caller */
+/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+keep reading lines until eof or keyword found
+-------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+while ( (line=readaline(fp)) != NULL ) /* read lines until eof */
+ {
+ if ( msglevel >= 999 ) /* very, very verbose output requested */
+ fprintf(msgfp,"nextchar> line = %s\n",line);
+ if ( (delim=strstr(line,keyword)) != NULL ) /* found keyword on line */
+ {
+ /* --- get character number from line --- */
+ strcpy(token,delim+strlen(keyword)); /* char num follows keyword */
+ charnum = atoi(token); /* interpret token as integer charnum */
+ /* --- get location at beginning of line --- */
+ if ( location != (int *)NULL ) /* caller wants location returned */
+ if ( (delim=strchr(line,':')) != NULL ) /* location precedes colon */
+ { *delim = '\000'; /* terminate line after location */
+ *location = atoi(line); } /* interpret location as integer */
+ break; /* back to caller with charnum */
+ } /* --- end-of-if(delim!=NULL) --- */
+ } /* --- end-of-while(line!=NULL) --- */
+return ( charnum ); /* back to caller with char number or -1 */
+} /* --- end-of-function findnextchar() --- */
+/* ==========================================================================
+ * Function: rasterizechar ( fp, rp )
+ * Purpose: Reads and parses subsequent lines from fp
+ * (until a terminating ".<--" line),
+ * representing the ascii image of the character in fp,
+ * and returns the results in raster struct rp
+ * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * Arguments: fp (I) FILE * to input file
+ * (containing output from gftype -i)
+ * positioned immediately after top .<-- line,
+ * ready to read first line of ascii image
+ * rp (O) raster * returning the rasterized
+ * character represented on fp as an ascii image
+ * Returns: ( int ) 1=okay, or 0=eof or any error
+ * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * Notes: o fp is left so the last line (already) read from it
+ * contains the terminating .<-- corner information
+ * (readaline(NULL) will reread this last line)
+ * o char images on fp can be no wider than 31 pixels
+ * ======================================================================= */
+/* --- entry point --- */
+int rasterizechar ( FILE *fp, raster *image )
+/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+Allocations and Declarations
+-------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+char *readaline(), *line; /* read next scan line for char from fp */
+unsigned char bitvec[1024][128]; /* scan lines parsed up to 1024x1024 bits */
+int bitcmp(); /* compare bit strings */
+int height = 0, /* #scan lines in fp comprising char */
+ width = 0; /* #chars on longest scan line */
+int iscan, /* bitvec[] index */
+ ibit; /* bit along scan (i.e., 0...width-1) */
+int isokay = 0; /* returned status, init for failure */
+/* --- bitmap and .gf-formatted image info (we'll choose smallest) --- */
+int iformat = gformat; /*0=best, 1=bitmap,,*/
+unsigned char gfpixcount[2][65536]; /* .gf black/white flips (max=64K) */
+int npixcounts[2] = {9999999,9999999}; /* #counts for 8-bit,4-bit .gf */
+int nbytes1=9999999,nbytes2=9999999,nbytes3=9999999;/*#bytes for format*/
+/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+read lines till ".<--" terminator, and construct one vector[] int per line
+-------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+memset(bitvec,0,128*1024); /* zero-fill bitvec[] */
+while ( (line=readaline(fp)) != NULL ) /* read lines until eof */
+ {
+ /* --- allocations and declarations --- */
+ int icol, ncols=strlen(line); /* line[] column index, #cols in line[] */
+ /* --- check for end-of-char (when we encounter corner line) --- */
+ if ( memcmp(line,CORNER_STUB,strlen(CORNER_STUB)) == 0 ) /* corner line */
+ break; /* so done with loop */
+ /* --- parse line (encode asterisks comprising character image) --- */
+ memset(bitvec[height],0,128); /* first zero out all bits */
+ for ( icol=0; icol<ncols; icol++ ) /* now check line[] for asterisks */
+ if ( line[icol] == '*' ) /* we want to set this bit */
+ { setlongbit(bitvec[height],icol); /* set bit */
+ if ( icol >= width ) width=icol+1; } /* and check for new width */
+ height++; /* bump character height */
+ } /* --- end-of-while(line!=NULL) --- */
+if ( height<1 || width<1 ) /* some problem parsing character */
+ goto end_of_job; /* so quit */
+/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+init image values
+-------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+if ( image->pixmap != NULL ) /* hmm, somebody already allocated memory */
+ free((void *)image->pixmap); /* so just free it */
+image->width = width; /* set image width within raster struct */
+image->height = height; /* and height */
+image->format = gformat; /* set format (will be reset below) */
+image->pixsz = 1; /* #bits per pixel (or #counts in .gf fmt) */
+if ( gformat==0 || gformat==1 ) /* bitmap representation allowed */
+ { nbytes1 = pixmapsz(image); /* #bytes needed for bitmap */
+ iformat = 1; } /* default to bitmap format */
+/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+perform .gf-like compression on image in bitvec
+-------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+if ( gformat == 0 /* choose optimal/smallest respresentation */
+|| gformat==2 || gformat==3 ) /* .gf-like compressed representation */
+ {
+ /* --- try both 8-bits/count and 4-bits/count for best compression --- */
+ int maxbitcount[2] = {254,14}; /* don't count too much in one byte */
+ int repeatcmds[2] = {255,15}; /* opcode for repeat/duplicate count */
+ int minbytes = 0; /* #bytes needed for smallest format */
+ for ( iformat=2; iformat<=3; iformat++ ) { /* 2=8-bit packing, 3=4-bit */
+ int gfbitcount = 0, /* count of consecutive gfbitval's */
+ gfbitval = 0, /* begin with count of leading 0's */
+ pixcount = 0; /* #packed bytes (#black/white flips) */
+ unsigned char *gfcount = gfpixcount[iformat-2]; /*counts for this format*/
+ if ( gformat!=0 && gformat!=iformat ) /* this format not allowed */
+ continue; /* so just skip it */
+ for ( iscan=0; iscan<height; iscan++ ) /* for each integer in bitvec[] */
+ {
+ int bitval = 0; /* current actual pixel value */
+ int nrepeats=0, nextreps=0; /* #duplicate lines below current,next line*/
+ /* --- check for repeated/duplicate scan lines --- */
+ if ( isrepeat /* we're storing scan line repeat counts */
+ && iscan < height-1 ) { /* current scan line isn't the last line */
+ /* --- count repeats --- */
+ int jscan = iscan; /* compare current scan with lines below it*/
+ while ( ++jscan < height ) { /* until last scan line */
+ if (nrepeats == jscan-iscan-1) /*no intervening non-identical lines*/
+ if ( bitcmp(bitvec[iscan],bitvec[jscan],width) == 0 ) /* identical */
+ nrepeats++; /* so bump repeat count */
+ if ( jscan > iscan+1 ) /* we're below next line */
+ if (nextreps == jscan-iscan-2) /*no intervening non-identical lines*/
+ if ( bitcmp(bitvec[iscan+1],bitvec[jscan],width) == 0 )/*identical*/
+ nextreps++; } /* so bump next lline repeat count */
+ /* --- set repeat command and count --- */
+ if ( nrepeats > 0 ) { /* found repeated lines below current */
+ int maxrepeats = maxbitcount[iformat-2]; /*max count/repeats per byte*/
+ if ( nrepeats > maxrepeats ) nrepeats=maxrepeats; /* don't exceed max */
+ {setbyfmt(iformat,gfcount,pixcount,repeatcmds[iformat-2]);} /*set cmd*/
+ {setbyfmt(iformat,gfcount,pixcount+1,nrepeats);} /* set #repeats */
+ pixcount += 2; } /* don't bump pixcount within macros */
+ } /* --- end-of-if(isrepeat) --- */
+ /* --- set bit counts for current scan line --- */
+ for ( ibit=0; ibit<width; ibit++ ) /* for all bits in this scanline */
+ {
+ bitval = getlongbit(bitvec[iscan],ibit); /* check actual pixel value */
+ if ( bitval != gfbitval ) { /* black-to-white edge (or vice versa) */
+ {setbyfmt(iformat,gfcount,pixcount,gfbitcount);} /*set byte or nibble*/
+ pixcount++; /* don't bump pixcount within macro */
+ gfbitcount = 0; /* reset consecutive bit count */
+ gfbitval = 1-gfbitval; } /* flip bit to be counted */
+ else /* check count if continuing with same val */
+ if ( gfbitcount >= maxbitcount[iformat-2] ) { /* max count per byte */
+ {setbyfmt(iformat,gfcount,pixcount,gfbitcount);} /*set byte or nibble*/
+ clearbyfmt(iformat,gfcount,pixcount+1); /*followed by dummy 0 count*/
+ pixcount += 2; /* don't bump pixcount within macros */
+ gfbitcount = 0; } /* reset consecutive bit count */
+ if ( bitval == gfbitval ) /* same bit val as preceding, or first new */
+ gfbitcount++; /* so just count another pixel */
+ } /* --- end-of-for(ibit) --- */
+ /* --- adjust for repeated scan lines --- */
+ iscan += nrepeats; /* skip repeated/duplicate scan lines */
+ if ( nrepeats>0 || nextreps>0 ) /* emit count to align on full scan */
+ if ( iscan < height-1 ) /* have another scan line below this one */
+ if ( gfbitcount > 0 ) { /* should always have some final count */
+ {setbyfmt(iformat,gfcount,pixcount,gfbitcount);} /*set byte or nibble*/
+ pixcount++; /* don't bump pixcount within macro */
+ gfbitcount = 0; /* reset consecutive bit count */
+ if ( bitval == getlongbit(bitvec[iscan+1],0) ) { /* same bit value */
+ clearbyfmt(iformat,gfcount,pixcount); /*so we need a dummy 0 count*/
+ pixcount++; } /* don't bump pixcount within macros */
+ else /* bitval flips at start of next line */
+ gfbitval = 1-gfbitval; /* so flip bit to be counted */
+ } /* --- end-of-if(nrepeats...gfbitcount>0) --- */
+ } /* --- end-of-for(iscan) --- */
+ /* --- store final count --- */
+ if ( gfbitcount > 0 ) { /* have a final count */
+ {setbyfmt(iformat,gfcount,pixcount,gfbitcount);} /*set byte or nibble*/
+ pixcount++; } /* don't bump pixcount within macro */
+ else /* ended exactly after maxbitcount? */
+ if ( getbyfmt(iformat,gfcount,pixcount-1) == 0 )/*have dummy 0 trailer?*/
+ pixcount--; /* remove unneeded dummy trailer */
+ /* --- save count to choose smallest --- */
+ npixcounts[iformat-2] = pixcount; /* save count */
+ } /* --- end-of-for(iformat) --- */
+ /* --- check for optimal/smallest format --- */
+ nbytes2=npixcounts[0]; nbytes3=(1+npixcounts[1])/2; /* #bytes for count */
+ iformat = (nbytes2<nbytes3? 2:3); /* choose smallest format */
+ minbytes = (iformat==2?nbytes2:nbytes3); /* #bytes for smallest format */
+ if ( gformat == 0 ) /* bitmap representation also permitted */
+ if ( nbytes1 <= minbytes ) /* and it's the optimal/smallest format */
+ iformat = 1; /* so flip format */
+ /* --- move results to returned image --- */
+ if ( iformat != 1 ) { /* using a .gf format */
+ if ( (image->pixmap = (unsigned char *)malloc(minbytes)) /* alloc pixmap */
+ == NULL ) goto end_of_job; /* quit if failed to allocate pixmap */
+ memcpy(image->pixmap,gfpixcount[iformat-2],minbytes); /*copy local counts*/
+ image->format = iformat; /* signal byte counts or nibble counts */
+ image->pixsz = npixcounts[iformat-2]; /*#counts in pixmap for gformat=2,3*/
+ } /* --- end-of-if(iformat!=1) --- */
+ } /* --- end-of-if(gformat==2) --- */
+/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+copy each integer in bitvec[] to raster pixmap, bit by bit
+-------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+if ( iformat == 1 ) /* bit-by-bit representation of image */
+ {
+ int ipixel = 0; /* pixmap index */
+ /* --- first allocate image raster pixmap for character --- */
+ if ( (image->pixmap = (unsigned char *)malloc(pixmapsz(image)))
+ == NULL ) goto end_of_job; /* quit if failed to allocate pixmap */
+ image->format = iformat; /* reset format */
+ /* --- now store bit image in allocated raster --- */
+ for ( iscan=0; iscan<height; iscan++ ) /* for each integer in bitvec[] */
+ for ( ibit=0; ibit<width; ibit++ ) /* for all bits in this scanline */
+ {
+ if ( getlongbit(bitvec[iscan],ibit) != 0 ) /* check current scan pixel */
+ { setlongbit(image->pixmap,ipixel); }
+ else /*turn off corresponding raster bit*/
+ { unsetlongbit(image->pixmap,ipixel); }
+ ipixel++; /* bump image raster pixel */
+ } /* --- end-of-for(iscan,ibit) --- */
+ } /* --- end-of-if(gformat==1) --- */
+/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+isokay = 1; /* reset flag for success */
+ end_of_job:
+ return ( isokay ); /* back with 1=success, 0=failure */
+} /* --- end-of-function rasterizechar() --- */
+/* ==========================================================================
+ * Function: parsecorner ( line, row, col )
+ * Purpose: Parses a "pixel corner" line (upper left or lower left)
+ * and returns the (col,row) information on it as integers.
+ * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * Arguments: line (I) char * to input line containing
+ * ".<--This pixel's..." to be parsed
+ * row (O) int * returning the (,row)
+ * col (O) int * returning the (col,)
+ * Returns: ( int ) 1 if successful, or 0 for any error
+ * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * Notes: o
+ * ======================================================================= */
+/* --- entry point --- */
+int parsecorner ( char *line, int *row, int *col )
+/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+Allocations and Declarations
+-------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+int isokay = 0; /* success/fail flag, init for failure */
+char field[99], *delim; /*(col,row) field and ptr to various delims*/
+/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+extract (col,row) field from line, and interpret col and row as integers
+-------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* --- first, check beginning of line --- */
+if ( line == (char *)NULL ) goto end_of_job; /* no line supplied by caller */
+/* --- check for blank line --- */
+if ( strstr(line,BLANKCHAR_STUB) != NULL ) /* got entirely blank character */
+ return ( -999 ); /* so return special -999 signal */
+/* --- check for corner --- */
+if ( memcmp(line,CORNER_STUB,strlen(CORNER_STUB)) != 0 ) /*not valid corner*/
+ goto end_of_job; /* so quit */
+/* --- extract col,row field from line --- */
+if ( (delim=strchr(line,'(')) == NULL ) goto end_of_job; /*find open paren*/
+strncpy(field,delim+1,10); /* extract next 10 chars */
+field[10] = '\000'; /* and null-terminate field */
+if ( (delim=strchr(field,')')) == NULL ) goto end_of_job; /*find close paren*/
+*delim = '\000'; /* terminate field at close paren */
+/* --- interpret col,row as integers --- */
+if ( (delim=strchr(field,',')) == NULL ) goto end_of_job; /* find comma */
+*delim = '\000'; /* break field into col and row */
+if ( col != (int *)NULL ) /* caller gave us ptr for col */
+ *col = atoi(field); /* so return it to him */
+if ( row != (int *)NULL ) /* caller gave us ptr for row */
+ *row = atoi(delim+1); /* so return it to him */
+/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+isokay = 1; /* reset flag for success */
+ end_of_job:
+ return ( isokay ); /* back with success/fail flag */
+} /* --- end-of-function parsecorner() --- */
+/* ==========================================================================
+ * Function: readaline ( fp )
+ * Purpose: Reads a line from fp, strips terminating newline,
+ * and returns ptr to internal buffer
+ * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * Arguments: fp (I) FILE * to input file to be read.
+ * If null, returns line previously read.
+ * Returns: ( char * ) internal buffer containing line read,
+ * or NULL for eof or error.
+ * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * Notes: o fp is left on the line following the returned line
+ * ======================================================================= */
+/* --- entry point --- */
+char *readaline ( FILE *fp )
+/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+Allocations and Declarations
+-------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+static char buffer[2048]; /* static buffer returned to caller */
+char *fgets(), *bufptr=buffer; /* read line from fp */
+char *strchr(), *delim; /* remove terminating newline */
+/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+Read line and strip trailing newline
+-------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+if ( fp != NULL ) /*if null, return previous line read*/
+ if ( (bufptr=fgets(buffer,2047,fp)) /* read next line from fp */
+ != NULL ) /* and check that we succeeded */
+ {
+ if ( (delim=strchr(bufptr,'\n')) /* look for terminating newline */
+ != NULL ) /* and check that we found it */
+ *delim = '\000'; /* truncate line at newline */
+ } /* --- end-of-if(fgets()!=NULL) --- */
+return ( bufptr ); /*back to caller with buffer or null*/
+} /* --- end-of-function readaline() --- */
+/* ==========================================================================
+ * Function: bitcmp ( bs1, bs2, n )
+ * Purpose: compares the first n bits of two strings
+ * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * Arguments: bs1 (I) unsigned char * to first bit string
+ * bs2 (I) unsigned char * to second bit string
+ * n (I) int containing #bits to compare
+ * Returns: ( int ) 0 if first n bits are identical
+ * -1 if first unmatching bit of bs1 is 0
+ * +1 if first unmatching bit of bs2 id 0
+ * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * Notes: o
+ * ======================================================================= */
+/* --- entry point --- */
+int bitcmp ( unsigned char *bs1, unsigned char *bs2, int n )
+/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+Allocations and Declarations
+-------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+int icmp = 0; /* returned to caller */
+int nbytes = n/8, /* #full bytes we can compare with memcmp()*/
+ nbits = n%8, ibit=0; /* #trailing bits in last byte, index */
+/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+compare leading bytes, then trailing bits
+-------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+if ( nbytes > 0 ) icmp = memcmp(bs1,bs2,nbytes); /* compare leading bytes */
+if ( icmp == 0 ) /* leading bytes identical */
+ if ( nbits > 0 ) /* and we have trailing bits */
+ for ( ibit=0; ibit<nbits; ibit++ ) /* check each bit */
+ { icmp = (int)get1bit(bs1[nbytes],ibit) - (int)get1bit(bs2[nbytes],ibit);
+ if ( icmp != 0 ) break; } /* done at first unmatched bit */
+return ( icmp ); /* back to caller with -1,0,+1 */
+} /* --- end-of-function bitcmp() --- */
+/* --- end-of-file gfuntype.c --- */