path: root/support/makedtx/makedtx.dtx
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'support/makedtx/makedtx.dtx')
1 files changed, 1943 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/support/makedtx/makedtx.dtx b/support/makedtx/makedtx.dtx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8bf2eff18f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/support/makedtx/makedtx.dtx
@@ -0,0 +1,1943 @@
+% makedtx.dtx generated using makedtx version 1.2 (c) Nicola Talbot
+% Command line args:
+% -src "CHANGES\.org$=>"
+% -src "makedtx-version\.tex$=>makedtx-version.tex"
+% -src "latexmkrc\.pl$=>"
+% -src "createdtx\.sty$=>createdtx.sty"
+% -src "makedtx\.pl$=>"
+% -author "Nicola L.C. Talbot"
+% -doc "makedtx.tex"
+% -setambles "\.pl$=>\nopreamble\nopostamble"
+% -macrocode "makedtx\.pl$"
+% -macrocode "CHANGES\.org$"
+% -macrocode "makedtx-version\.tex$"
+% -macrocode "latexmkrc\.pl$"
+% -v "1"
+% -comment "makedtx\.pl$"
+% -comment "CHANGES\.org$"
+% -comment "makedtx-version\.tex$"
+% -comment "latexmkrc\.pl$"
+% makedtx
+% Created on 2018/2/21 16:13
+%% \CharacterTable
+%% {Upper-case \A\B\C\D\E\F\G\H\I\J\K\L\M\N\O\P\Q\R\S\T\U\V\W\X\Y\Z
+%% Lower-case \a\b\c\d\e\f\g\h\i\j\k\l\m\n\o\p\q\r\s\t\u\v\w\x\y\z
+%% Digits \0\1\2\3\4\5\6\7\8\9
+%% Exclamation \! Double quote \" Hash (number) \#
+%% Dollar \$ Percent \% Ampersand \&
+%% Acute accent \' Left paren \( Right paren \)
+%% Asterisk \* Plus \+ Comma \,
+%% Minus \- Point \. Solidus \/
+%% Colon \: Semicolon \; Less than \<
+%% Equals \= Greater than \> Question mark \?
+%% Commercial at \@ Left bracket \[ Backslash \\
+%% Right bracket \] Circumflex \^ Underscore \_
+%% Grave accent \` Left brace \{ Vertical bar \|
+%% Right brace \} Tilde \~}
+% \iffalse
+% Doc-Source file to use with LaTeX2e
+% Copyright (C) 2018 Nicola L.C. Talbot, all rights reserved.
+% \fi
+% \iffalse
+ bookmarks,
+ hyperindex=false,
+ bookmarksopen,
+ pdfauthor={Nicola Talbot},
+ pdftitle={makedtx : a Perl script to help create a DTX file from source code}]{hyperref}
+\newcommand{\see}[2]{\emph{see} #1}
+\newcommand{\switch}[1]{\texttt{-#1}\index{makedtx switches=\texttt{makedtx} switches>#1=\texttt{-#1}}}
+%\title{makedtx \version : a Perl script to help create a DTX
+%file from source code}
+%\author{Nicola Talbot\\
+%The \texttt{makedtx} bundle is provided to help developers to write
+%the code and documentation in separate files, and then combine them
+%into a single DTX file for distribution. It automatically generates
+%the character table, and also writes the associated installation
+%(.ins) script.
+%\changes{0.9}{2005/02/11}{Initial beta release}%
+%Authors of \LaTeXe\ class files or packages are encouraged to bundle
+%their source and documentation together into a single DTX file. This
+%makes distribution much easier, as users need only download the DTX
+%file and possibly a corresponding installation script (INS file)
+%instead of a multitude of \texttt{.sty}, \texttt{.cls}, \texttt{.def}
+%etc files. However, having the documentation and code bundled
+%together can cause problems if a developer wants to, say, use
+%\texttt{ispell} to spell check the documentation, or convert the
+%documentation to a format other than DVI, PostScript or PDF (such as
+%Why should I want to convert my documentation to HTML when I can just
+%use \PDFLaTeX? The more general purpose packages that I write (such
+%as \texttt{datetime} and \texttt{glossary}) I upload to CTAN, however
+%most of the packages I write are specific to the School of Computing
+%Sciences at the University of East Anglia, so these I keep on my web
+%site, and as some of the faculty either don't have a PDF plug in or
+%prefer to view HTML rather than PDF documents, I have taken to writing
+%both PDF and HTML versions of my package documentation. However,
+%\latextohtml\ doesn't work on a \texttt{.dtx} file so I used to
+%convert them manually which is fine for one or two small documents,
+%but becomes rather cumbersome as soon as I have large documents or a
+%lot of packages. Therefore I decided to write the documentation
+%separately, and use a Perl script to bundle everything together. It
+%also has the added convenience in that I don't have to keep copying
+%and pasting the character table every time I write a new package, and
+%it saves the laborious task of writing the installation
+%script\footnote{or at least, it's laborious if there are rather a lot
+%of files associated with a package}.
+%This document is structured as follows: Section~\ref{sec:install}
+%describes how to install the \texttt{makedtx} bundle,
+%Section~\ref{sec:makedtx} gives an overview of the \texttt{}
+%Perl script, Section~\ref{sec:creatdtx} describes the
+%\texttt{creatdtx} package, Section~\ref{sec:examples} illustrates the
+%use of the \texttt{makedtx} bundle with examples and
+%Section~\ref{sec:problems} gives a list of possible errors and their
+%You need to download both \texttt{makedtx.dtx} and
+%\texttt{makedtx.ins}, and run the installation script through
+%\LaTeX:\par \texttt{latex makedtx.ins}
+%The following files will be created:
+%\item[\texttt{}] Perl script
+%\item[\texttt{creatdtx.sty}] \LaTeX\ package for use with \texttt{}
+%\item[\texttt{creatdtx.perl}] Corresponding Perl script for use with LaTeX2HTML
+%If you are using UNIX/Linux etc you will need to make
+%\texttt{} executable using
+%\texttt{chmod}:\par\vspace{6pt}\noindent\texttt{chmod a+x}\par\vspace{6pt}\noindent and place it somewhere on your
+%path. If \texttt{perl} is located somewhere other than
+%\texttt{/usr/bin/} you will need to edit the first line of
+%\texttt{}. (If you don't know where \texttt{perl} is
+%located, you can use the command: \texttt{which perl}.) The package
+%\texttt{creatdtx.sty} needs to be placed somewhere on the \LaTeX\ path
+%and \texttt{creatdtx.perl} should be placed in a directory searched by
+%\latextohtml. (See the \latextohtml\ documentation for details.)
+%The Perl script \texttt{} has the following syntax:\par
+%\texttt{} \oarg{options} \switch{src}
+%\switch{doc} \meta{filename} \meta{basename}
+%\subsection{Compulsory Arguments}
+%The very last argument \meta{basename} is the basename of the
+%\texttt{.dtx} and \texttt{.ins} files you want to create. The
+%\switch{doc} \meta{filename} switch indicates the file containing the
+%documentation and \switch{src}
+%\verb!"!\meta{expr1}\verb+=>+\meta{expr2}\verb'"' indicates the
+%original source file(s), given by \meta{expr1}, and the corresponding
+%file name when it has been extracted from the \texttt{.dtx} file,
+%given by \meta{expr2}. This switch is a little complicated, so it's
+%best described using examples.
+%Suppose you have your documentation in the file \texttt{foodoc.tex},
+%and the original source code is in the file \texttt{foosrc.sty}. You
+%want to create the files \texttt{foo.dtx} and \texttt{foo.ins}. When
+%you \LaTeX\ \texttt{foo.dtx} you want the documentation as specified
+%in \texttt{foodoc.tex} and when you \LaTeX\ \texttt{foo.ins} you want
+%the file \texttt{foo.sty} to be created, using the code specified in
+%\texttt{foosrc.sty}. You will need to do:
+%\begin{verbatim} -src "foosrc\.sty=>foo.sty" -doc foodoc.tex foo
+%You may have multiple invocations of the \switch{src} switch. For
+%example, suppose you also have the file \texttt{barsrc.sty} which you
+%want to be extracted from the \texttt{.dtx} file as \texttt{bar.sty},
+%you can do:
+%\begin{verbatim} -src "foosrc\.sty=>foo.sty" -src "barsrc\.sty=>bar.sty" -doc foodoc.tex foo
+%Alternatively, you can use Perl-type regular expressions:
+%\begin{verbatim} -src "(.*)src\.sty=>\1.sty" -doc foodoc.tex foo
+%(Note the use of double quotes to prevent shell expansion.)
+%Appendix~\ref{sec:prex} gives a brief overview of Perl regular
+%expressions for the uninitiated.
+%\item[\switch{h} or \switch{help}] Prints on-line help, and exits.
+%\item[\switch{version}] Prints version number, and exits.
+%\changes{0.93}{2007/08/02}{version switch added}%
+%\item[\switch{v}] Uses verbose mode.
+%\item[\switch{dir} \meta{name}] Specifies directory containing source
+%files, as specified by the \switch{src} switch. For example, suppose
+%you have source files \texttt{foo.sty}, \texttt{bar.sty} in the
+%subdirectory \texttt{sourcefiles} you can do:
+%\begin{verbatim} -dir sourcefiles -src "(.*)\.sty=>\1.sty" -doc foodoc.tex foo
+%\item[\switch{op} \meta{character}] sets the Perl pattern matching
+%operator (the default is set to \texttt{=} symbol since the \texttt{/}
+%character is used as the directory divider).
+%\item[\switch{askforoverwrite}] uses \ics{askforoverwritetrue} in
+%the installation script.
+%\item[\switch{noaskforoverwrite}] uses \ics{askforoverwritefalse}
+%in the installation script (default).
+%\item[\switch{noins}] Don't create the installation script
+%(\texttt{.ins} file). This is useful if you want to tweak the file
+%manually and you don't want your modifications overwritten.
+%\item[\switch{preamble} \meta{text}] Set the preamble to
+%\texttt{text}. The default preamble is:\par
+%\changes{0.94}{2007/08/19}{default preamble changed to one
+%conforming with the LPPL}%
+% \meta{basename}.dtx
+% Copyright \meta{date} \meta{author}
+% This work may be distributed and/or modified under the
+% conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3
+% of this license of (at your option) any later version.
+% The latest version of this license is in
+% and version 1.3 or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX
+% version 2005/12/01 or later.
+% This work has the LPPL maintenance status `maintained'.
+% The Current Maintainer of this work is \meta{author}.
+% This work consists of the files \meta{basename}.dtx and
+% \meta{basename}.ins and the derived files \meta{file list}.
+%where \meta{date} is the copyright date, and \meta{author} is the
+%author's name (see below).
+%\textbf{Note that this has been changed as of makedtx v0.94.
+%Older versions of makedtx do not conform to any of the free
+%\item[\switch{license} \meta{name}]
+%\changes{0.94}{2007/08/19}{license switch added}%
+%This sets the preamble to
+%the license text for the license \meta{name}. Currently \meta{name}
+%may be either \texttt{lppl} (the default, which produces the
+%default preamble detailed above), \texttt{bsd} or \texttt{gpl}.
+%You may use either \switch{license} or \switch{preamble},
+%but not both. (If you have used the \switch{preamble} switch, the
+%\switch{license} switch will be ignored.)
+%\item[\switch{postamble} \meta{text}] Set the postamble to
+%\texttt{text}. If this is omitted the \ics{postamble} command is
+%omitted from the installation script.
+%\item[\switch{author} \meta{name}] The author's name (as used in the
+%default preamble). If omitted the user's name is used.
+%\item[\switch{date} \meta{text}] The copyright date (as used in the
+%default preamble). If omitted the current year is used.
+%\item[\switch{stopeventually} \meta{text}] Insert \meta{text} into the
+%argument of \ics{StopEventually}. For example:
+%\verb+-stopeventually "\\PrintIndex"+ will result in the line:
+%\cs{StopEventually}\verb"{\PrintIndex}". If \texttt{}
+%encounters a \cs{StopEventually} command within the document,
+%this will be used instead. If there is no \cs{StopEventually}
+%command in the document and the \switch{stopeventually} switch is
+%absent \cs{StopEventually}\marg{} will be inserted in the DTX
+%\item[\switch{prefinale} \meta{text}]
+%\changes{0.91}{2006/07/21}{prefinale switch added}%
+%Inset \meta{text} immediately prior to \cs{Finale}
+%in the dtx file.
+%\item[\switch{setambles} \texttt{"}\meta{expr}\texttt{=\symbol{62}}\meta{text}\texttt{"}]
+%Sets the pre- and postambles for files matching \meta{expr} within the
+%\cs{file} command in the installation script. To illustrate this,
+%let's suppose you have source files \texttt{foo.sty}, \texttt{bar.sty}
+%and \texttt{} in the subdirectory \texttt{sourcefiles}.
+%Since \texttt{foo.sty} and \texttt{bar.sty} are \LaTeX\ files, they
+%should have pre- and postambles, but \texttt{} is a Perl
+%file, and since the percent symbol (\%) is not a comment character in
+%Perl, there should be no pre- and postambles for this file. Therefore
+%you would need to do something like:
+%\begin{verbatim} -dir sourcefiles -src "(.*)\.sty=>\1.sty" -src ">"
+%-setambles "foobar\.pl=>\\nopreamble\\nopostamble" -doc foodoc.tex foo
+%(Note that the line is only broken to fit it onto the page, and there
+%should be no line break when entering at the command prompt.)
+%If the argument to \switch{setambles} contains the string
+%\verb"\\nopreamble", the character table will be excluded from the
+%corresponding files. So, in the above example, when you do:
+%\verb"latex foo.ins" the resulting files \texttt{foo.sty} and
+%\texttt{bar.sty} will contain the character table, but
+%\texttt{} won't. (If for some reason you don't want a
+%preamble but you do want the character table included use
+%\verb"\\usepreamble\\empty" instead of \verb'\\nopreamble'.
+%Conversely, if you want a preamble but don't want the character table
+%do something like \verb"\\nopreamble\\usepreamble\\defaultpreamble".
+%Note that the \verb"=>"\meta{text} part is optional. If it is
+%omitted, \meta{text} is assumed to be empty.
+%\item[\switch{macrocode} \texttt{"}\meta{expr}\texttt{"}] If source
+%file matches the Perl regular expression given by \meta{expr}, the
+%source code is inserted into a \texttt{macrocode} environment in the
+%DTX file.
+%Please note that the source code is supposed to be text insensitive to end of line format, as a matter of fact
+%\texttt{} will convert all end of lines of this source code to LF's.
+%Please note also that only the source files given by the \switch{src} switch are considered, the
+%\switch{macrocode} switch by itself does not cause the source file to be insterted into the DTX file, it only
+%affects \emph{how} it is inserted.
+%\item[\switch{comment} \texttt{"}\meta{expr}\texttt{"}]
+%\changes{0.93}{2007/08/02}{comment switch added}%
+%If the source file matches the Perl regular expression given by
+%\meta{expr}, the source code will be inserted between \cs{iffalse}
+%\cs{fi} commands. The contents of this file will be included in the
+%DTX file, but will be excluded from the documentation. Since this
+%is provided mainly for non-TeX files (such as Perl scripts) the
+%\switch{comment} switch will typically need to be used in conjunction
+%with \switch{macrocode}.
+%\item[\switch{codetitle} \texttt{"}\meta{title}\texttt{"}]
+%\changes{0.93}{2007/08/02}{Added codetitle switch}%
+%This sets the title for the code section. The default is
+%\texttt{The Code}.
+%\section{The creatdtx Package}
+%The documentation source code, as specified using the \switch{doc}
+%switch will typically be a standard \LaTeX\ document using the
+%\texttt{ltxdoc} class file. Unlike the DTX file, there is no
+%\ics{DocInput} command, and the lines do not begin with a percent
+%symbol, which means that the document can be, say, passed to the
+%\latextohtml\ converter, or some other application that would
+%otherwise be confused by a DTX file. The \texttt{creatdtx} package
+%can be used in this document using
+%although this package will be not be included in the DTX file by
+%\texttt{}. There is only one command defined in this
+%package:\ics{ifmakedtx}\marg{dtx text}\marg{non dtx text}. The first
+%argument \meta{dtx text} will be copied to the DTX file by
+%\texttt{}, but the second argument \meta{non dtx text}
+%won't. However, if you \LaTeX\ the document, the first argument will
+%be ignored, and the second argument will be used.
+%For example, if your code (in \texttt{foodoc.tex}) contains the
+%\par\vspace{6pt}\noindent the \texttt{html} package will only be
+%loaded if you \LaTeX\ \texttt{foodoc.tex}, but not when you \LaTeX\
+%The Perl script \texttt{creatdtx.perl} ignores the following commands
+%(and any associated arguments): \ics{OnlyDescription},
+%\ics{RecordChanges}, \ics{MakeShortVerb}, \ics{DeleteShortVerb},
+%\ics{DoNotIndex}, \ics{EnableCrossrefs}, \ics{CodelineIndex},
+%\ics{GetFileInfo}, \ics{PrintChanges}, \ics{changes}, \ics{CheckSum},
+%\ics{DescribeMacro} and \ics{DescribeEnvironment}. So even if you don't
+%use the \cs{ifmakedtx} command, using the \texttt{creatdtx} package
+%will help ensure that extraneous text does not appear in the HTML
+%document when using \latextohtml.
+%As from version 0.93b, \texttt{creatdtx.perl} also defines the
+%commands \ics{cs}, \ics{marg}, \ics{oarg} and \ics{parg}, since there
+%is no \latextohtml\ implementation of the \texttt{ltxdoc} class file.
+%Let's first consider a very simple example. Suppose you want to
+%create a package that redefines \cs{today} so that the date is
+%displayed in the form: yyyy-m-d. Let's call this package
+%\texttt{dashdate}. The file \texttt{dashdate.sty} should look
+%something like:
+% % First define package:
+% % \begin{macrocode}
+% \NeedsTeXFormat{LaTeX2e}
+% \ProvidesPackage{dashdate}
+% % \end{macrocode}
+% % Redefine |\today| command:
+% % \begin{macrocode}
+% \renewcommand{\today}{\the\year-\the\month-\the\day}
+% % \end{macrocode}
+%Now let's make some (very brief) documentation. Let's call the file,
+%say \texttt{manual.tex}\footnote{Note: if you want to use
+%\latextohtml\ on this document, you will need to use, e.g.,
+%\cs{verb}\texttt{!\cs{today}!} instead of
+%\texttt{\symbol{124}\cs{today}\symbol{124}} since it doesn't recognise
+%\title{A Sample Package}
+%\author{AN Other}
+%The \texttt{dashdate} package redefines |\today|
+%to produce the current date in the form: yyyy-m-d.
+%Suppose you have saved \texttt{dashdate.sty} and \texttt{manual.tex}
+%in the subdirectory \texttt{source}. You can now create the
+%\texttt{.dtx} and \texttt{.ins} file using the command:
+%\begin{verbatim} -author "AN Other" -dir source -src "dashdate\.sty=>dashdate.sty"
+%-doc source/manual.tex dashdate
+%The file \texttt{dashdate.dtx} is created, and contains the following
+% %\iffalse
+% % dashdate.dtx generated using version 0.9b (c) Nicola Talbot
+% % Command line args:
+% % -dir "source"
+% % -src "dashdate\.sty=>dashdate.sty"
+% % -author "AN Other"
+% % -doc "source/manual.tex"
+% % dashdate
+% % Created on 2005/2/10 22:22
+% %\fi
+% %\iffalse
+% %<*package>
+% %% \CharacterTable
+% %% {Upper-case \A\B\C\D\E\F\G\H\I\J\K\L\M\N\O\P\Q\R\S\T\U\V\W\X\Y\Z
+% %% Lower-case \a\b\c\d\e\f\g\h\i\j\k\l\m\n\o\p\q\r\s\t\u\v\w\x\y\z
+% %% Digits \0\1\2\3\4\5\6\7\8\9
+% %% Exclamation \! Double quote \" Hash (number) \#
+% %% Dollar \$ Percent \% Ampersand \&
+% %% Acute accent \' Left paren \( Right paren \)
+% %% Asterisk \* Plus \+ Comma \,
+% %% Minus \- Point \. Solidus \/
+% %% Colon \: Semicolon \; Less than \<
+% %% Equals \= Greater than \> Question mark \?
+% %% Commercial at \@ Left bracket \[ Backslash \\
+% %% Right bracket \] Circumflex \^ Underscore \_
+% %% Grave accent \` Left brace \{ Vertical bar \|
+% %% Right brace \} Tilde \~}
+% %</package>
+% %\fi
+% % \iffalse
+% % Doc-Source file to use with LaTeX2e
+% % Copyright (C) 2005 AN Other, all rights reserved.
+% % \fi
+% % \iffalse
+% %<*driver>
+% \documentclass{ltxdoc}
+% \begin{document}
+% \DocInput{dashdate.dtx}
+% \end{document}
+% %</driver>
+% %\fi
+% %\title{A Sample Package}
+% %\author{AN Other}
+% %\maketitle
+% %
+% %The \texttt{dashdate} package redefines "\today"
+% %to produce the current date in the form: yyyy-m-d.
+% %\end{document}
+% %
+% %\StopEventually{}
+% %\section{The Code}
+% %\iffalse
+% % \begin{macrocode}
+% %<*dashdate.sty>
+% % \end{macrocode}
+% %\fi
+% % First define package:
+% % \begin{macrocode}
+% \NeedsTeXFormat{LaTeX2e}
+% \ProvidesPackage{dashdate}
+% % \end{macrocode}
+% % Redefine |\today| command:
+% % \begin{macrocode}
+% \renewcommand{\today}{\the\year-\the\month-\the\day}
+% % \end{macrocode}
+% %\iffalse
+% % \begin{macrocode}
+% %</dashdate.sty>
+% % \end{macrocode}
+% %\fi
+% %\Finale
+% \endinput
+%The installation file \texttt{dashdate.ins} looks like:
+% % dashdate.ins generated using version 0.94b 2007/8/19 22:22
+% \input docstrip
+% \preamble
+% dashdate.dtx
+% Copyright 2007 AN Other
+% This work may be distributed and/or modified under the
+% conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3
+% of this license of (at your option) any later version.
+% The latest version of this license is in
+% and version 1.3 or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX
+% version 2005/12/01 or later.
+% This work has the LPPL maintenance status `maintained'.
+% The Current Maintainer of this work is AN Other.
+% This work consists of the files dashdate.dtx and
+% dashdate.ins and the derived file dashdate.sty.
+% \endpreamble
+% \askforoverwritefalse
+% \generate{\file{dashdate.sty}{\usepreamble\defaultpreamble
+% \usepostamble\defaultpostamble\from{dashdate.dtx}{dashdate.sty,package}}
+% }
+% \endbatchfile
+%Note that the command \verb"\usepackage{creatdtx}" has not been
+%transcribed to \texttt{dashdate.dtx} (although in this simple example
+%it's not really needed).
+%Now let's extend the example: suppose you want to create an analogous
+%Perl script for use with \latextohtml. This will need to be called
+%\texttt{dashdate.perl} and will look something like:
+%package main;
+%sub do_cmd_today{
+% local($_) = @_;
+% local($today) = &get_date();
+% $today =~ s|(\d+)/(\d+)/(\d+)|$3-$1-$2|;
+% "$today$_";
+%You will now need to call \texttt{} as follows:
+%\begin{verbatim} -author "AN Other" -dir source -src "dashdate\.sty=>dashdate.sty"
+%-src "dashdate\.perl=>dashdate.perl"
+%-setambles "dashdate\.perl=>\\nopreamble\\nopostamble"
+%-macrocode "dashdate\.perl" -doc source/manual.tex dashdate
+%(Note that the line is only broken to allow it to fit onto the page,
+%there should be no line break when you enter it on the command line.)
+%Alternatively, you could save typing and do:
+%\begin{verbatim} -author "AN Other" -dir source -src "dashdate\.(.*)=>dashdate.\1"
+%-setambles "dashdate\.perl=>\\nopreamble\\nopostamble" -macrocode "dashdate\.perl"
+%-doc source/manual.tex dashdate
+%Note the use of the \switch{setambles} switch which suppresses the
+%insertion of text at the start and end of the Perl script which would
+%only confuse Perl. Note also the use of the \switch{macrocode}
+%switch. This is not needed for \texttt{dashdate.sty} since it has
+%already been included in the source code, but since \% is not a
+%comment character in Perl, the \texttt{macrocode} environment is not
+%included in the source code, and needs to be added. (If you are
+%unfamiliar with DocStrip and the use of the \texttt{macrocode}
+%environment, I suggest you read either \emph{A guide to
+%\LaTeX}~\cite[Appendix~D]{Kopka98} or \emph{The \LaTeX\
+%It's likely that you may not want the Perl code to appear in the
+%document, but you still want it included in the DTX file. In addition
+%to the \switch{macrocode} switch, you would then also need to use
+%the \switch{comment} switch:
+%\begin{verbatim} -author "AN Other" -dir source -src "dashdate\.(.*)=>dashdate.\1"
+%-setambles "dashdate\.perl=>\\nopreamble\\nopostamble" -macrocode "dashdate\.perl"
+%-comment "dashdate\.perl" -doc source/manual.tex dashdate
+%As another example, consider the \texttt{datetime} package. Version
+%2.42 of this package has 2 \texttt{.sty} files and 42 \texttt{.def}
+%files. The documentation is written in the file \texttt{manual.tex},
+%and the \texttt{.sty} and \texttt{.def} files are saved in a
+%subdirectory called \texttt{source}. Since these are the only files
+%in this directory, they can easily be merged into one \texttt{.dtx}
+%file using:
+%\begin{verbatim} -author "Nicola Talbot" -dir source -src "(.+)\.(.+)=>\1.\2"
+%-doc manual.tex datetime
+%This creates the files \texttt{datetime.dtx} and \texttt{datetime.ins} which can then be distributed. The PDF version
+%of the documentation is obtained by doing:
+%pdflatex datetime.dtx
+%and the HTML version (\texttt{manual.html}) is obtained by doing:
+%latex2html -split 0 -nonavigation -nofootnode -numbered_footnotes -noinfo manual
+%Any minor differences between the HTML and PDF versions are dealt by
+%using \cs{ifmakedtx} in the original file \texttt{manual.tex}.
+%The \texttt{makedtx} bundle has only been tested under Linux using
+%Perl v5.6.0. There are no guarantees whether or not it will work on
+%other operating systems or on different versions (in fact, there are
+%no guarantees or warranties at all).
+%\subsection{Known Bugs}
+%It's possible to confuse \texttt{} by placing either the
+%command \cs{end}\marg{document} or the command \ics{ifmakedtx} in a
+%\cs{verb} command, or by having the \ics{ifmakedtx} command on the same
+%line as \cs{begin}\marg{document}. You will also need to take care
+%about lines beginning with a percent symbol (\%) in the documentation,
+%as this will get converted into a line beginning with \verb"%%" in the
+%\texttt{.dtx} file, which has a special meaning. Either place a space
+%immediately prior the percent symbol, or do \verb"\relax%" if you
+%really don't want the extra space (or place your comment in an
+%\cs{iffalse} \ldots\ \cs{fi} conditional).
+%\subsection{Possible errors encountered using \texttt{}}
+%Note: be careful to use double quotes around arguments that contain
+%characters that the shell might try interpreting, e.g.\ \verb"*" or
+%Syntax error messages:
+%\item \texttt{No document source specified (missing -doc)}
+%You must use the \switch{doc} switch.
+%\item \texttt{No source code specified (missing -src)}
+%You must specify at least one \switch{src} switch.
+%\item \texttt{No basename specified}
+%You must specify the basename of the \texttt{.dtx} and \texttt{.ins} files. This should
+%be the last argument passed to \texttt{}.
+%\item \texttt{-src \ldots\ argument invalid (no output file specified)}
+%You have omitted the \verb"=>" separator in the argument of the
+%\switch{src} switch.
+%\item \texttt{-src argument \ldots\ invalid (too many => specified)}
+%You have used too many \verb"=>" separators in the argument of the
+%\switch{src} switch. (Similarly for the \switch{setambles} switch.)
+%\section{Perl Regular Expressions}
+%This section gives a very brief overview of Perl regular expressions. For more detail, look at the Perl
+%documentation (use \verb"man perlre" for the man page.)
+%\verb'\' & Quote the next character\\
+%\verb"." & Match any character\\
+%\verb"|" & Alternation\\
+%\verb"()" & Grouping\\
+%\verb"[]" & Character class\\
+%\verb"*" & Match 0 or more times\\
+%\verb"+" & Match 1 or more times\\
+%\verb"?" & Match 1 or 0 times\\
+%\verb"{n}" & Match exactly \texttt{n} times\\
+%\verb"{n,}" & Match at least \texttt{n} times\\
+%\verb"{n,m}" & Match at least \texttt{n} but no more than \texttt{m} times.
+%In the replacement text, a backslash followed by a number \meta{n} indicates the text from the \meta{n}th group.
+%For example, suppose you have the following files:
+%then if you pass the following switch to \texttt{}:
+%\item \verb'-src "abcsrc\.([styb]+)=>abc.\1"'
+%will be equivalent to:
+%-src "abcsrc.sty=>abc.sty" -src "abcsrc.bst=>abc.bst"
+%since \verb'[styb]+' will match one or more of the letters \texttt{styb} (so it will match \texttt{sty} and \texttt{bst}).
+%\verb'\1' indicates the text found in the first group, which in this example will either be \texttt{sty} or \texttt{bst}.
+%\item \verb'-src "abcsrc\.(.+)=>abc.\1"'
+%will be equivalent to:
+%-src "abcsrc.sty=>abc.sty" -src "abcsrc.bst=>abc.bst" -src "abcsrc.perl=>abc.perl"
+%Note that a full stop represents any character so \texttt{.+} means any string of length 1 or more, whereas
+%\verb"\." means an actual full stop character.
+%\item \verb'-src "foo(.*)src\.sty=>foo\1.sty"'
+%will be equivalent to:
+%-src "foosrc.sty=>foo.sty" -src "foobarsrc.sty=>foobar.sty"
+%\item \verb'-src "(.+)src\.(.+)=>\1.\2"'
+%will be equivalent to
+%-src "abcsrc.sty=>abc.sty"
+%-src "abcsrc.bst=>abc.bst"
+%-src "abcsrc.perl=>abc.perl"
+%-src "foosrc.sty=>foo.sty"
+%-src "foobarsrc.sty=>foobar.sty"
+%\csname begin\endcsname{thebibliography}{1}
+%\bibitem{Goossens93} The \LaTeX\ companion. Michel~Goossens, Frank~Mittelbach and Alexander~Samarin.
+%Addison-Wesley 1993.
+%\bibitem{Kopka98} A guide to \LaTeX. Helmut~Kopka and Patrick~W.~Daly. Addison-Wesley 1998.
+%\csname end\endcsname{thebibliography}
+%\section{The Code}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+* version 1.2 2018/02/19
++ Under MSW use envvar USERNAME rather than getpwuid for getting
+ author default value
++ User Perl I/O layers in order to have LF EOL on output, and accept
+ both LF and CRLF on input
++ Create a test bench --- add a testmode option so that date in output
+ is fixed and output is comparable to a reference value.
++ Fix perl warning about escaping { in regexp.
++ Semi-colonize end of here-documents as recommended in Perl Manual.
++ Fix --version cli argument, so that version is flushed to stdout
+ before script exits.
++ Automate packaging
+* version 0.94 (2007/08/19) :
++ Default preamble changed to one which conforms with the
+ LaTeX Project Public License (LPPL)
++ license switch added
+* version 0.93 (2007/08/02) :
++ version switch added
++ comment switch added
++ codetitle switch added
+* version 0.91 (2006/07/21) :
++ prefinale switch added
+* version 0.9 (2005/02/11) :
++ Initial beta release
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+$dvi_mode = 0;
+$pdf_mode = 1;
+foreach $file (glob('makedtx.{dtx,tex}'))
+ if(-e $file){
+ @default_files=($file);
+ break;
+ }
+$makeindex= "makeindex -s %O -o %D %S";
+# 1. For glossaries using glossary package --- \changes generatated by the ltxdoc \changes directive
+add_cus_dep( 'glo', 'gls', 0, 'makeglo2gls' );
+sub makeglo2gls {
+ system("makeindex -s -t \"$_[0].glg\" -o \"$_[0].gls\" \"$_[0].glo\"" );
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% This is the code for the \texttt{creatdtx} package. This
+% package should not be used in a .dtx file.
+% First define the package:
+% \begin{macrocode}
+\ProvidesPackage{creatdtx}[2005/02/11 v0.9b (N.L.C. Talbot)]
+% \end{macrocode}
+% Define \cmd{ifmakedtx}. The first argument will always be ignored by \LaTeX:
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% Redefine |\StopEventually| so that it simply prints its argument
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+\iffalse Local Variables:\fi
+\iffalse mode: DocTeX\fi
+\iffalse End:\fi%\iffalse
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+# File : makedtx
+# Author : Nicola L. C. Talbot
+# Date : 29 Oct 2004
+# Last Modified : 2017-04-08
+# Version : 1.2
+# usage : makedtx [options] -src <expr>=><expr> -doc <filename> <basename>
+# -h : help message
+# -src <expr>=><expr> : e.g. -src "(foo)src\.(bar)=>$1.$2" will add to <basename>.dtx to be extracted to
+# -doc <filename> : file containing documentation.
+# -prefinale <string> : text to add to dtx file just before \Finale (added to version 0.91b)
+# <basename> : create <basename>.dtx and <basename>.ins
+use Getopt::Long;
+$version = "1.2";
+# process command line options
+ %optctl = ();
+# v1.1 added section switch
+&GetOptions(\%optctl, "h", "help", "v", "src=s@", "doc=s",
+"dir=s", "op=s", "askforoverwrite!", "ins!",
+"preamble=s", "postamble=s", "setambles=s@", "testmode", "macrocode=s@",
+"author=s", "date=s", "stopeventually=s",
+"prefinale=s", "codetitle=s", "comment=s@",
+"version", "license=s", "section=s") or &syntaxerror();
+$srcdir = ".";
+$patternop = "=";
+$verbose = 0;
+$noins = 0;
+$testmode = 0;
+$askforoverwrite = 0;
+$preamble = "";
+$postamble = "";
+my $author;
+if ($^O =~ m/MSWin/)
+ $author = $ENV{"USERNAME"};
+ if ($author eq ""){ $author = 'Unknown';}
+ $author = (getpwuid($<))[6] || 'Unknown';
+$stopeventually = "";
+$prefinale = "";
+$codetitle = "The Code";
+$section = "section";
+$license = "lppl";
+($sec, $min, $hour, $mday, $mon, $year, $wday, $yday, $isdst) = localtime(time);
+$year = $year + 1900;
+$copyright_date = $year;
+$creation_date = "$year/" . ($mon+1) . "/$mday $hour:" . ($min<10?"0$min" : $min);
+foreach $setting (keys %optctl)
+ if (($setting eq "h") || ($setting eq "help"))
+ {
+ &help();
+ }
+ elsif ($setting eq "version")
+ {
+ print "makedtx version $version\n";
+ exit 0;
+ }
+ elsif ($setting eq "doc")
+ {
+ $docsrc = $optctl{$setting};
+ }
+ elsif ($setting eq "src")
+ {
+ @source = @{ $optctl{$setting} };
+ }
+ elsif ($setting eq "dir")
+ {
+ $srcdir = $optctl{$setting};
+ }
+ elsif ($setting eq "op")
+ {
+ $patternop = $optctl{$setting};
+ }
+ elsif ($setting eq "v")
+ {
+ $verbose = 1;
+ }
+ elsif ($setting eq "ins")
+ {
+ $noins = 1-$optctl{$setting};
+ }
+ elsif ($setting eq "askforoverwrite")
+ {
+ $askforoverwrite = $optctl{$setting};
+ }
+ elsif ($setting eq "preamble")
+ {
+ $preamble = $optctl{$setting};
+ }
+ elsif ($setting eq "postamble")
+ {
+ $postamble = $optctl{$setting};
+ }
+ elsif ($setting eq "setambles")
+ {
+ @setambles = @{ $optctl{$setting} };
+ }
+ elsif ($setting eq "macrocode")
+ {
+ @macrocode = @{ $optctl{$setting} };
+ }
+ elsif ($setting eq "author")
+ {
+ $author = $optctl{$setting};
+ }
+ elsif ($setting eq "date")
+ {
+ $copyright_date = $optctl{$setting};
+ }
+ elsif ($setting eq "stopeventually")
+ {
+ $stopeventually = $optctl{$setting};
+ }
+ elsif ($setting eq "prefinale")
+ {
+ $prefinale = $optctl{$setting};
+ }
+ elsif ($setting eq "codetitle")
+ {
+ $codetitle = $optctl{$setting};
+ }
+ elsif ($setting eq "section")
+ {
+ $section = $optctl{$setting};
+ }
+ elsif ($setting eq "testmode")
+ {
+ $testmode = $optctl{$setting};
+ if($testmode)
+ {
+ $version = "x.y";
+ $copyright_date = "YYYY";
+ $creation_date = "YYYY/MM/DD hh:mm";
+ }
+ }
+ elsif ($setting eq "comment")
+ {
+ @comment = @{ $optctl{$setting} };
+ }
+ elsif ($setting eq "license")
+ {
+ $license = $optctl{$setting};
+ }
+if ($#ARGV != 0)
+ print "No basename specified\n";
+ &syntaxerror();
+$basename = $ARGV[0];
+if ($docsrc eq "")
+ print "No document source specified (missing -doc)\n";
+ &syntaxerror();
+if ($#source == -1)
+ print "No source code specified (missing -src)\n";
+ &syntaxerror();
+open DTX, ">:unix","$basename.dtx" or die "Can't open '$basename.dtx'\n";
+if ($verbose)
+ print "Documentation source : " . $docsrc . "\n";
+# work out the derived files
+ @srcdirfile = glob("$srcdir/*");
+ @derivedfiles = ();
+ @outputfiles = ();
+$numoutput = 0;
+foreach $source (@source)
+ ($infile, $outfile, $remainder) = split /=>/, $source;
+ if ($outfile eq "")
+ {
+ print "-src $source argument invalid (no output file specified)\n";
+ &syntaxerror();
+ }
+ if (not ($remainder eq ""))
+ {
+ print "-src $source argument invalid (too many => specified)\n";
+ &syntaxerror();
+ }
+ foreach $srcdirfile (@srcdirfile)
+ {
+ $fileexp = $srcdir . "/" . $infile;
+ $_ = $srcdirfile;
+ $expr = "s$patternop$fileexp$patternop$outfile$patternop";
+ if (eval($expr))
+ {
+ $thisoutfile = $_;
+ $thisinfile = $srcdirfile;
+ $file{$thisinfile} = $thisoutfile;
+ $derivedfiles[$numoutput]{'in'} = $thisinfile;
+ $derivedfiles[$numoutput]{'out'} = $thisoutfile;
+ $outputfiles[$numoutput] = $thisoutfile;
+ $numoutput++;
+ }
+ }
+if ($preamble eq "")
+ if ($license eq "lppl")
+ {
+# v1.2 fixed typo in preamble
+ $preamble = <<_END_LICENSE;
+ $basename.dtx
+ Copyright $copyright_date $author
+ This work may be distributed and/or modified under the
+ conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3
+ of this license or (at your option) any later version.
+ The latest version of this license is in
+ and version 1.3 or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX
+ version 2005/12/01 or later.
+ This work has the LPPL maintenance status `maintained'.
+ The Current Maintainer of this work is $author.
+ }
+ elsif ($license eq 'bsd')
+ {
+ $preamble = <<_END_LICENSE;
+ $basename.dtx
+ Copyright (c) $copyright_date $author
+ All rights reserved.
+Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
+are met:
+1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
+ notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
+ notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
+ documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
+3. The name of the author may not be used to endorse or promote products
+ derived from this software without specific prior written permission.
+ }
+ elsif ($license eq 'gpl')
+ {
+ $preamble = <<_END_LICENSE;
+ $basename.dtx
+ Copyright (c) $copyright_date $author
+ This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ die "Unknown license '$license'\n".
+ "Known licenses: lppl, bsd, gpl";
+ }
+ $preamble .= " This work consists of the files "
+ . "$basename.dtx and $basename.ins and the derived "
+ . ($numoutput > 1 ? "files" : "file")
+ . " " . join(', ', @outputfiles) . ".\n";
+open DOC, '<:crlf',$docsrc or die "Can't open '$docsrc'\n";
+print DTX "\%\\iffalse\n";
+print DTX "\% $basename.dtx generated using makedtx version $version (c) Nicola Talbot\n";
+print DTX "\% Command line args:\n";
+@cmdline_args = ();
+foreach $setting (keys %optctl)
+ if ($setting eq "src")
+ {
+ foreach $source (@source)
+ {
+ push @cmdline_args ,"-src \"$source\"";
+ }
+ }
+ elsif ($setting eq "setambles")
+ {
+ foreach $setamble (@setambles)
+ {
+ push @cmdline_args ,"-setambles \"$setamble\"";
+ }
+ }
+ elsif ($setting eq "macrocode")
+ {
+ foreach $macrocode (@macrocode)
+ {
+ push @cmdline_args ,"-macrocode \"$macrocode\"";
+ }
+ }
+ elsif ($setting eq "comment")
+ {
+ foreach $comment (@comment)
+ {
+ push @cmdline_args ,"-comment \"$comment\"";
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $val = $optctl{$setting};
+ $val=~s/\\/\\\\/g;
+ push @cmdline_args ,("-" . $setting . " \"" . $val . "\"");
+ }
+ @cmdline_args = sort @cmdline_args;
+foreach $arg (@cmdline_args){
+ print DTX "\% ", $arg , "\n";
+print DTX "\% $basename\n";
+print DTX "\% Created on $creation_date\n";
+print DTX "\%\\fi\n";
+print DTX "\%\\iffalse\n";
+print DTX "\%<*package>\n";
+print DTX "\%\% \\CharacterTable\n";
+print DTX "\%\% {Upper-case \\A\\B\\C\\D\\E\\F\\G\\H\\I\\J\\K\\L\\M\\N\\O\\P\\Q\\R\\S\\T\\U\\V\\W\\X\\Y\\Z\n";
+print DTX "\%\% Lower-case \\a\\b\\c\\d\\e\\f\\g\\h\\i\\j\\k\\l\\m\\n\\o\\p\\q\\r\\s\\t\\u\\v\\w\\x\\y\\z\n";
+print DTX "\%\% Digits \\0\\1\\2\\3\\4\\5\\6\\7\\8\\9\n";
+print DTX "\%\% Exclamation \\! Double quote \\\" Hash (number) \\#\n";
+print DTX "\%\% Dollar \\\$ Percent \\\% Ampersand \\&\n";
+print DTX "\%\% Acute accent \\\' Left paren \\( Right paren \\)\n";
+print DTX "\%\% Asterisk \\* Plus \\+ Comma \\,\n";
+print DTX "\%\% Minus \\- Point \\. Solidus \\/\n";
+print DTX "\%\% Colon \\: Semicolon \\; Less than \\<\n";
+print DTX "\%\% Equals \\= Greater than \\> Question mark \\?\n";
+print DTX "\%\% Commercial at \\\@ Left bracket \\[ Backslash \\\\\n";
+print DTX "\%\% Right bracket \\] Circumflex \\^ Underscore \\_\n";
+print DTX "\%\% Grave accent \\\` Left brace \\{ Vertical bar \\|\n";
+print DTX "\%\% Right brace \\} Tilde \\~}\n";
+print DTX "\%</package>\n";
+print DTX "\%\\fi\n";
+print DTX "\% \\iffalse\n";
+print DTX "\% Doc-Source file to use with LaTeX2e\n";
+print DTX "\% Copyright (C) $copyright_date $author, all rights reserved.\n";
+print DTX "\% \\fi\n";
+# driver
+print DTX "\% \\iffalse\n";
+print DTX "\%<*driver>\n";
+while (<DOC>)
+ s/\\usepackage\{creatdtx}//;
+ $restofline = $_;
+ $beginline = "";
+ $line = $restofline;
+ while ($restofline =~ /(.*)\\ifmakedtx(.*)/)
+ {
+ $beginline = $1;
+ ($group,$restofline,$done) = &getnextgroup($2);
+ $startline = $.;
+ while (!$done)
+ {
+ if ($nextline = <DOC>)
+ {
+ $line = $line . $nextline;
+ $restofline = $restofline . $nextline;
+ ($group,$restofline,$done) = &getnextgroup($restofline);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ die "EOF found whilst scanning first argument to \\ifmakedtx on line $startline\n";
+ }
+ }
+ # print first arg, ignore second
+ $beginline = $beginline . $group;
+ ($group,$restofline,$done) = &getnextgroup($restofline);
+ while (!$done)
+ {
+ if ($nextline = <DOC>)
+ {
+ $line = $line . $nextline;
+ $restofline = $restofline . $nextline;
+ ($group,$restofline,$done) = &getnextgroup($restofline);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ die "EOF found whilst scanning second argument to \\ifmakedtx on line $startline\n";
+ }
+ }
+ $line = $restofline;
+ }
+ $line = $beginline . $restofline;
+ print DTX $line;
+ if ($line=~/\\begin\{document}/)
+ {
+ $indoc = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+print DTX "\\DocInput{$basename.dtx}\n";
+print DTX "\\end{document}\n";
+print DTX "\%</driver>\n";
+print DTX "\%\\fi\n";
+print DTX "\%";
+while (<DOC>)
+ if (/\\begin\{verbatim}/)
+ {
+ $inverb=1;
+ }
+ if (/\\end\{verbatim}/)
+ {
+ $inverb=0;
+ }
+ if (/\\StopEventually/ && ($inverb==0))
+ {
+ $stopfound=1;
+ }
+ $restofline = $_;
+ $beginline = "";
+ $line = $restofline;
+ while ($restofline =~ /(.*)\\ifmakedtx(.*)/)
+ {
+ $beginline = $1;
+ ($group,$restofline,$done) = &getnextgroup($2);
+ $startline = $.;
+ while (!$done)
+ {
+ if ($nextline = <DOC>)
+ {
+ $line = $line . $nextline;
+ $restofline = $restofline . $nextline;
+ ($group,$restofline,$done) = &getnextgroup($restofline);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ die "EOF found whilst scanning first argument to \\ifmakedtx on line $startline\n";
+ }
+ }
+ # print first arg, ignore second
+ $beginline = $beginline . $group;
+ ($group,$restofline,$done) = &getnextgroup($restofline);
+ while (!$done)
+ {
+ if ($nextline = <DOC>)
+ {
+ $line = $line . $nextline;
+ $restofline = $restofline . $nextline;
+ ($group,$restofline,$done) = &getnextgroup($restofline);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ die "EOF found whilst scanning second argument to \\ifmakedtx on line $startline\n";
+ }
+ }
+ $line = $restofline;
+ }
+ $line = $beginline . $restofline;
+ if (($line=~/\\end\{document}/) and not $inverb)
+ {
+ $indoc=0;
+ $line=~s/\\end\{document}//;
+ }
+ $line=~s/\n/\n\%/mg;
+ print DTX "$line";
+close DOC;
+print DTX "\n";
+if ($stopfound==0)
+ print DTX "\%\\StopEventually{$stopeventually}\n";
+# v1.0 added check
+if ($codetitle)
+ # v1.1 added section
+ print DTX "\%\\$section\{$codetitle\}\n";
+for (my $idx = 0; $idx <= $#derivedfiles; $idx++)
+ $thisinfile = $derivedfiles[$idx]{'in'};
+ $thisoutfile = $derivedfiles[$idx]{'out'};
+ if ($verbose)
+ {
+ print "$srcdirfile -> $_ \n";
+ }
+ open SRC, "<:crlf", $thisinfile or die "Can't open $thisinfile\n";
+ print DTX "\%\\iffalse\n";
+ print DTX "\% \\begin{macrocode}\n";
+ print DTX "\%<*$thisoutfile>\n";
+ print DTX "\% \\end{macrocode}\n";
+ print DTX "\%\\fi\n";
+ $macrocode = 0;
+ $comment = 0;
+ foreach $expr (@comment)
+ {
+ if ($thisoutfile =~ m/$expr/)
+ {
+ print DTX "\%\\iffalse\n";
+ $comment = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ foreach $expr (@macrocode)
+ {
+ if ($thisoutfile =~ m/$expr/)
+ {
+ print DTX "\% \\begin{macrocode}\n";
+ $macrocode = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ while (<SRC>)
+ {
+ print DTX "$_";
+ }
+ if ($macrocode == 1)
+ {
+ print DTX "\% \\end{macrocode}\n";
+ }
+ if ($comment == 1)
+ {
+ print DTX "\%\\fi\n";
+ }
+ print DTX "\%\\iffalse\n";
+ print DTX "\% \\begin{macrocode}\n";
+ print DTX "\%</$thisoutfile>\n";
+ print DTX "\% \\end{macrocode}\n";
+ print DTX "\%\\fi\n";
+ close SRC;
+print DTX "\%$prefinale\n" if ($prefinale);
+print DTX "\%\\Finale\n";
+print DTX "\\endinput\n";
+close DTX;
+if (!$noins)
+ open INS, ">:unix","$basename.ins" or die "Can't open '$basename.ins'\n";
+ print INS "\% $basename.ins generated using makedtx version $version $creation_date\n";
+ print INS "\\input docstrip\n\n";
+ print INS "\\preamble\n";
+ print INS "$preamble\n";
+ print INS "\\endpreamble\n\n";
+ if ($postamble ne "")
+ {
+ print INS "\\postamble\n";
+ print INS "$postamble\n";
+ print INS "\\endpostamble\n\n";
+ }
+ if ($askforoverwrite)
+ {
+ print INS "\\askforoverwritetrue\n\n";
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ print INS "\\askforoverwritefalse\n\n";
+ }
+ print INS "\\generate{";
+ for (my $idx = 0; $idx <= $#derivedfiles; $idx++)
+ {
+ $file = $derivedfiles[$idx]{'in'};
+ $outfile = $derivedfiles[$idx]{'out'};
+ print INS "\\file{$outfile}{";
+ $ambleset = 0;
+ $noamble = 0;
+ foreach $setamble (@setambles)
+ {
+ ($fileexp, $amble, $remainder) = split /=>/, $setamble;
+ if (not ($remainder eq ""))
+ {
+ die "-setambles $setamble argument invalid (too many => specified)\n";
+ }
+ if ($outfile =~ m/$fileexp/)
+ {
+ if ($verbose)
+ {
+ print "$fileexp matches $outfile -> setting \"$amble\"\n";
+ }
+ print INS $amble;
+ $ambleset = 1;
+ if ($amble =~ m/\\nopreamble/)
+ {
+ $noamble = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (!$ambleset)
+ {
+ print INS "\\usepreamble\\defaultpreamble\n\\usepostamble\\defaultpostamble";
+ }
+ print INS "\\from{$basename.dtx}{$outfile";
+ if ($noamble == 0)
+ {
+ # this will add the character table to all files except those that use \nopreamble
+ print INS ",package";
+ }
+ print INS "}}\n";
+ }
+ print INS "}\n\n";
+ print INS "\\endbatchfile\n";
+ close INS;
+sub syntaxerror
+ die "Syntax : makedtx [options] <basename>\nUse -h for help\n";
+sub help
+ print "makedtx Help\n\n";
+ print "Current Version : $version\n\n";
+ print "usage : makedtx [options] -src \"<expr>=><expr>\" -doc <filename> <basename>\n\n";
+ print "makedtx can be used to construct a LaTeX2e dtx and ins file from\n";
+ print "the specified source code. The final command line argument\n";
+ print "<basename> should be used to specify the basename of the dtx\n";
+ print "and ins files.\n\n";
+ print "-src \"<expr1>=><expr2>\"\n";
+ print "The command line switch -src identifies the original source code and the name\n";
+ print "of the file to which it will utimately be extracted on latexing the ins file\n";
+ print "<expr1> can be a Perl expression, such as (foo)src.(sty), and <expr2> can\n";
+ print "a Perl substitution style expression, such as $1.$2\n";
+ print "Note that double quotes must be used to prevent shell expansion\n";
+ print "Multiple invocations of -src are permitted\n";
+ print "See examples below.\n\n";
+ print "-doc <filename>\n";
+ print "The name of the documentation source code. This should be a LaTeX2e document\n\n";
+ print "Optional Arguments:\n\n";
+ print "-dir <directory> : search for source files in <directory>\n";
+ print "-op <character> : set the pattern matching operator (default '$patternop')\n";
+ print "-askforoverwrite : set askforoverwrite switch in INS file to true\n";
+ print "-noaskforoverwrite : set askforoverwrite switch in INS file to false (default)\n";
+ print "-preamble <text> : set the preamble. Standard one inserted if omitted\n";
+ print "-postamble <text> : set the postamble.\n";
+ print "-setambles \"<pattern>=><text>\" : set pre- and postambles to <text> if file matches pattern\n";
+ print "-author <text> : name of author (inserted into standard preamble. User name inserted if omitted)\n";
+ print "-date <text> : copyright date\n";
+ print "-ins : create the ins file (default)\n";
+ print "-noins : don't create the ins file\n";
+ print "-prefinale <text> : add <text> immediately prior to \\Finale\n";
+ print "-macrocode <expr> : surround any file which matches <expr> in a macrocode environment\n";
+ print "-comment <expr> : surround any file which matches <expr> with \\iffalse \\fi pair\n";
+ print "-codetitle <text> : The title for the documented code section (default: The Code)\n";
+ print "-section <cs> : The sectioning command to use for the documented code section (default: 'section')\n";
+ print "-license <license> : use the given license for the preamble.\n";
+ print " Known licenses: lppl (default), bsd, gpl.\n";
+ print "-h : help message\n";
+ print "-v : verbose\n\n";
+ print "Examples:\n\n";
+ print "Example 1:\n";
+ print "Documenation is in foodoc.tex\n";
+ print "Source code is in foosrc.sty. The final extracted version should be \n";
+ print "called foo.sty. The dtx file should be called foo.dtx and the ins file\n";
+ print " should be called foo.ins\n\n";
+ print "makedtx -src \"foosrc\\.sty=>foo.sty\" -doc foodoc.tex foo\n\n";
+ print "Example 2:\n";
+ print "Documenation is in bardoc.tex\n";
+ print "Source code is in barsrc.sty. The final extracted version should be\n";
+ print "called bar.sty. Source code is also in barsrc.bst. The final extracted\n";
+ print "version should be called bar.bst. The dtx file should be called bar.dtx and\n";
+ print "the ins file should be called bar.ins\n\n";
+ print "makedtx -src \"barsrc\\.sty=>bar.sty\" -src \"barsrc\\.bst=>bar.bst\" -doc bardoc.tex bar\n\n";
+ print "Or\n\n";
+ print "makedtx -src \"barsrc\\.(bst|sty)=>bar.\$1\" -doc bardoc.tex bar\n\n";
+ die;
+sub eatinitialspaces
+ my ($STR) = @_;
+ while (substr($STR,0,1) eq "\s")
+ {
+ $STR = substr($STR,1);
+ }
+ return $STR;
+sub getnextgroup
+ my($curline) = @_;
+ $curline = &eatinitialspaces($curline);
+ # check to see if current string is blank
+ if ($curline!~/[^\s]+/m)
+ {
+ return ("","",0);
+ }
+ if (($group = substr($curline,0,1)) ne "{")
+ {
+ # next group hasn't been delimited with braces
+ # return first non-whitespace character
+ $curline = substr($curline,1);
+ # unless it's a backslash, in which case get command name
+ if ($group eq "\\")
+ {
+ if ($curline=~/([a-zA-Z]+)(^[a-zA-Z].*)/m)
+ {
+ $group = $1;
+ $curline = $2;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ # command is made up of backslash followed by symbol
+ $curline=~/([\W_0-9\s\\])(.*)/m;
+ $group = $1;
+ $curline = $2;
+ }
+ }
+ return ($group,$curline,1);
+ }
+ my $pos=index($curline, "{");
+ my $startpos=$pos;
+ my $posopen=0;
+ my $posclose=0;
+ my $bracelevel = 1;
+ my $done=0;
+ while (!$done)
+ {
+ $pos++;
+ $posopen = index($curline, "{", $pos);
+ # check to make sure it's not a \{
+ while ((substr($curline, $posopen-1,1) eq "\\") and ($posopen > 0))
+ {
+ # count how many backlashes come before it.
+ $i = $posopen-1;
+ $numbs = 1;
+ while ((substr($curline, $i-1,1) eq "\\") and ($i > 0))
+ {
+ $numbs++;
+ $i--;
+ }
+ # is $numbs is odd, we have a \{, otherwise we have \\{
+ if ($numbs%2 == 0)
+ {
+ last;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $posopen = index($curline, "{", $posopen+1);
+ }
+ }
+ $posclose= index($curline, "}", $pos);
+ # check to make sure it's not a \}
+ while ((substr($curline, $posclose-1,1) eq "\\") and ($posclose > 0))
+ {
+ # count how many backlashes come before it.
+ $i = $posclose-1;
+ $numbs = 1;
+ while ((substr($curline, $i-1,1) eq "\\") and ($i > 0))
+ {
+ $numbs++;
+ $i--;
+ }
+ # is $numbs is odd, we have a \}, otherwise we have \\}
+ if ($numbs%2 == 0)
+ {
+ last;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $posclose = index($curline, "}", $posclose+1);
+ }
+ }
+ if (($posopen==-1) and ($posclose==-1))
+ {
+ $done=1;
+ }
+ elsif ($posopen==-1)
+ {
+ $pos=$posclose;
+ $bracelevel--;
+ if ($bracelevel==0)
+ {
+ $group = substr($curline, $startpos+1, $pos-$startpos-1);
+ $curline = substr($curline, $pos+1);
+ return ($group,$curline,1);
+ }
+ }
+ elsif ($posclose==-1)
+ {
+ $pos=$posopen;
+ $bracelevel++;
+ }
+ elsif ($posopen<$posclose)
+ {
+ $pos=$posopen;
+ $bracelevel++;
+ }
+ elsif ($posclose<$posopen)
+ {
+ $pos=$posclose;
+ $bracelevel--;
+ if ($bracelevel==0)
+ {
+ $group = substr($curline, $startpos+1, $pos-$startpos-1);
+ $curline = substr($curline, $pos+1);
+ return ($group,$curline,1);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ # closing brace must be on another line
+ return ("", $curline, 0);
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}