path: root/support/lua/lua-uca/lua-uca/lua-uca-collator.lua
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Diffstat (limited to 'support/lua/lua-uca/lua-uca/lua-uca-collator.lua')
1 files changed, 337 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/support/lua/lua-uca/lua-uca/lua-uca-collator.lua b/support/lua/lua-uca/lua-uca/lua-uca-collator.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c009bc9868
--- /dev/null
+++ b/support/lua/lua-uca/lua-uca/lua-uca-collator.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,337 @@
+-- object for Unicode string collation
+local math = require "math"
+local tailoring_lib = require "lua-uca.lua-uca-tailoring"
+local reordering_table = require "lua-uca.lua-uca-reordering-table"
+local collator = {}
+collator.__index = collator
+local function copy_table(tbl)
+ local t = {}
+ for k, v in pairs(tbl) do
+ if type(v) == "table" then
+ t[k] = copy_table(v)
+ else
+ t[k] = v
+ end
+ end
+ return t
+collator.copy_table = copy_table
+ local self = setmetatable({}, collator)
+ -- tree with mappings from codepoints to collation elements
+ = copy_table(codes or {})
+ -- cached sort keys
+ self.stringcache = {}
+ self.tailoring_multiplier = {1, 1, 1, 1}
+ return self
+-- make tree that points weights back to codepoints
+function collator:weight_to_codepoints(codes)
+ local weights = {}
+ local codes = codes or
+ local function insert_weight(element, codepoints, weights)
+ local values = element.value
+ local weights = weights
+ if values and not values.equal then
+ values = values[1]
+ local current = weights
+ for i, weight in ipairs(values) do
+ local new = current[weight] or {}
+ -- multiple characters can have the same weight.
+ if i == #values and not new.codepoints then
+ new.codepoints = codepoints
+ end
+ current[weight] = new
+ current = new
+ end
+ end
+ local children = element.children or {}
+ for codepoint, element in pairs(children) do
+ -- make copy of the codes table, so the new codepoints are not added indefinitely
+ local newcodes = {table.unpack(codepoints)}
+ newcodes[#newcodes + 1] = codepoint
+ insert_weight(element, newcodes, weights)
+ end
+ end
+ for codepoint, element in pairs(codes) do
+ insert_weight(element, {codepoint}, weights)
+ end
+ return weights
+function collator:get_implicit_weight(codepoints, pos)
+ -- implicit weight is based on the codepoint value
+ local codepoint = codepoints[pos]
+ return {{codepoint, 0, 0}}, pos + 1
+function collator:read_weight(codepoints, pos)
+ -- try to find contractions and return weight for longest matched string
+ -- in the database
+ local function read_children(parent, pos)
+ local children = parent.children or {}
+ local newpos = pos + 1
+ newcodepoint = codepoints[newpos]
+ -- if we go out of the codepoint array
+ if not newcodepoint then return nil end
+ local child = children[newcodepoint]
+ if child then
+ local nextchild, nextpos = read_children(child, newpos)
+ if nextchild then return nextchild, nextpos end
+ if child.value then return child.value, newpos end
+ end
+ return nil
+ end
+ local weights
+ local current_codepoint = codepoints[pos]
+ local codes =[current_codepoint]
+ if not codes then return nil, pos + 1 end
+ -- first try to read contractions
+ weights, new_pos = read_children(codes, pos)
+ if weights then return weights, new_pos + 1 end
+ -- if no contraction, weights are in the value field
+ return codes.value, pos + 1
+-- get weights for the next characters
+function collator:get_weights(codepoints, pos)
+ local weights, next_pos = self:read_weight(codepoints, pos)
+ -- return implicit weights for codepoints that are not in the database
+ if not weights then
+ weights, next_pos = self:get_implicit_weight(codepoints, pos)
+ end
+ -- don't step next_pos if it is larger than size of the codepoints array
+ if next_pos > #codepoints then next_pos = nil end
+ return weights, next_pos
+-- get characters with lowest weight at the given point of the codepoint array
+-- useful for index header strings
+function collator:get_lowest_char(codepoints, pos)
+ -- find the lowest key in the table
+ local min = math.min
+ local max = math.max
+ local minimal = 0xffffffffff
+ local maximal = -0xfffffffff
+ local function get_lowest_key(tbl)
+ local minimal, maximal = minimal, maximal
+ if tbl.minimal then return tbl.minimal, tbl.maximal end
+ for k,v in pairs(tbl) do
+ minimal,maximal = min(k, minimal), max(k, maximal)
+ end
+ tbl.minimal, tbl.maximal = minimal, maximal
+ return minimal, maximal
+ end
+ -- traverse tree, select lowest keys and find the codepoints
+ local function find_codepoints(tbl, level)
+ local level = level or 1
+ local tbl = tbl or {}
+ if tbl.codepoints then return tbl.codepoints end
+ local newmin, newmax = get_lowest_key(tbl)
+ -- this shouldn't happen
+ if newmin == minimal then return nil end
+ -- if the collation is set to upperace first, then the lowest character has the hightest
+ -- collation value
+ if self.is_uppercase_first and level == 2 then
+ newmin = newmax
+ end
+ return find_codepoints(tbl[newmin], level + 1)
+ end
+ local weights, next_pos = self:read_weight(codepoints, pos)
+ local x
+ if weights then
+ local weight_to_char = self.weight_to_char or self:weight_to_codepoints()
+ self.weight_to_char = weight_to_char
+ -- find the primary weight of the matched character
+ local first = weights[1][1]
+ local current = weight_to_char[first]
+ -- traverse the tree to find the codepoint with the lowest weight
+ x = find_codepoints(current)
+ end
+ return x, next_pos
+function collator:update_levels(levels, weights)
+ -- process weight weights
+ for _, w in ipairs(weights) do
+ for i, x in ipairs(w) do
+ -- process collation elements
+ if x ~= 0 then -- ignore zero elements
+ -- insert element at the current collation level
+ local current_level = levels[i] or {}
+ table.insert(current_level, x)
+ levels[i] = current_level
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ return levels
+-- make sort key from codepoints array (it can be created using the function
+function collator:make_sort_key(codepoints)
+ local levels = {}
+ local pos = 1
+ local weights
+ local sort_key = {}
+ while true do
+ --
+ weights, pos = self:get_weights(codepoints, pos)
+ levels = self:update_levels(levels, weights)
+ -- break when we reach end of the codepoints array
+ if not pos then break end
+ end
+ for i, elements in ipairs(levels) do
+ for _, element in ipairs(elements) do
+ table.insert(sort_key, element)
+ end
+ -- zero separates levels in the sort key
+ table.insert(sort_key, 0)
+ end
+ return sort_key
+function collator:compare(a, b)
+ -- sort using sort keys
+ local min = math.min(#a, #b)
+ for i = 1, min do
+ if a[i] ~= b[i] then return a[i] < b[i] end
+ end
+ -- this should happen only when the strings are equal
+ -- it needs to return false, otherwise the table.sort function reports
+ -- "invalid order function for sorting" error
+ return #a < #b
+function collator:string_to_codepoints(a)
+ local codepoints = {}
+ for _, code in do codepoints[#codepoints+1] = code end
+ return codepoints
+function collator:compare_strings(a,b)
+ -- sort using strings
+ local cache = self.stringcache
+ local get_sortkey = function(x) return self:make_sort_key(self:string_to_codepoints(x)) end
+ local asortkey = cache[a] or get_sortkey(a)
+ local bsortkey = cache[b] or get_sortkey(b)
+ cache[a], cache[b] = asortkey, bsortkey
+ return self:compare(asortkey, bsortkey)
+-- update collation codes
+function collator:update_codes(key, elements)
+ local keys =
+ local function add_to_tree(tbl, current_pos)
+ local tbl = tbl or {}
+ local current_key = key[current_pos]
+ local el = tbl[current_key] or {}
+ if current_pos < #key then
+ el.children = add_to_tree(el.children, current_pos + 1)
+ elseif current_pos == #key then
+ el.value = elements
+ end
+ tbl[current_key] = el
+ return tbl
+ end
+ keys = add_to_tree(keys, 1)
+--- change sorting ordering
+function collator:tailor(base, target, tailoring_table)
+ -- get the value of the base character
+ local value = self:get_weights(base, 1)
+ local new_value = {}
+ -- create a new collation element
+ for k, v in ipairs(value) do
+ local subtable = {}
+ for x, y in ipairs(v) do
+ subtable[x] = y + ((tailoring_table[x] or 0) * self.tailoring_multiplier[x] or 1)
+ end
+ new_value[k] = subtable
+ end
+ -- when tailoring sets an equivialent character, it needs to be ignored in collator:weight_to_codepoints
+ local is_equivalent = 0
+ for _, x in ipairs(tailoring_table) do is_equivalent = is_equivalent + x end
+ if is_equivalent == 0 then new_value.equal = true end
+ self:update_codes(target, new_value)
+-- support for CLDR style strings
+function collator:tailor_string(s)
+ tailoring_lib.tailor_string(self, s)
+-- reorder scripts
+-- pass table with script names to reorder
+function collator:reorder(tbl)
+ -- make table of the reordering table
+ local t = copy_table(reordering_table)
+ for _, script in ipairs(tbl) do
+ -- reorder scripts
+ tailoring_lib.reorder(script, t)
+ end
+ -- apply reordering to the collator object
+ tailoring_lib.reorder_collator(self, t)
+-- expand characters to another characters
+function collator:equal(base, target)
+ local new_weight = {}
+ local values, pos
+ pos = 1
+ while true do
+ value, pos = self:get_weights(target, pos)
+ for _, v in ipairs(value) do
+ new_weight[#new_weight + 1] = v
+ end
+ if not pos then break end
+ end
+ self:update_codes(base, new_weight)
+-- sort uppercase first
+function collator:uppercase_first()
+ -- table with values for uppercase
+ local uppercase_values = {0x08, 0x09, 0xA, 0xB, 0x0C, 0x0E, 0x11, 0x12, 0x1D}
+ local is_uppercase = {}
+ -- we must invert tertiary element in tailoring
+ self.tailoring_multiplier[3] = -1
+ self.is_uppercase_first = true
+ for k,v in ipairs(uppercase_values) do is_uppercase[v] = true end
+ local function change_case(element)
+ local value = element.value or {}
+ for _, collation_element in ipairs(value) do
+ -- detect if the tertiary element is uppercase
+ local third = collation_element[3]
+ -- make new collation element and insert it before the tertiary element
+ local case = is_uppercase[third] and 1 or 3
+ table.insert(collation_element, 3, case)
+ end
+ -- recursivelly process children
+ local children = element.children or {}
+ for x, child in pairs(children) do
+ change_case(child)
+ end
+ end
+ for _, element in pairs( do
+ change_case(element)
+ end
+return collator