path: root/support/latexindent/documentation/title.tex
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'support/latexindent/documentation/title.tex')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 30 deletions
diff --git a/support/latexindent/documentation/title.tex b/support/latexindent/documentation/title.tex
deleted file mode 100644
index b9b3bdf117..0000000000
--- a/support/latexindent/documentation/title.tex
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
- \begin{tcolorbox}[
- width=5.2cm,
- boxrule=0pt,
- colframe=white!40!black,
- colback=white,
- rightrule=2pt,
- sharp corners,
- enhanced,
- overlay={\node[anchor=north east,outer sep=2pt] at ([xshift=3cm,yshift=4mm]frame.north east) {\includegraphics[width=3cm]{logo}}; }]
- \centering\ttfamily\bfseries\\[1cm] Version 3.18
- \end{tcolorbox}
-\author{Chris Hughes \thanks{and contributors!
- See \vref{sec:contributors}.
- For
- all communication, please visit \cite{latexindent-home}.}}
- \small
- \texttt{} is a \texttt{Perl} script that indents \texttt{.tex} (and other) files according to an indentation scheme that the user can modify to suit their taste.
- Environments, including those with alignment delimiters (such as \texttt{tabular}), and commands, including those that can split braces and brackets across lines, are \emph{usually} handled correctly by the script.
- Options for \texttt{verbatim}-like environments and commands, together with indentation after headings (such as \lstinline!chapter!, \lstinline!section!, etc) are also available.
- The script also has the ability to modify line breaks, and to add comment symbols and blank lines; furthermore, it permits string or
- regex-based substitutions.
- All user options are customisable via the switches and the YAML interface.
- tl;dr, a quick start guide is given in \vref{sec:quickstart}.