path: root/support/hypertex/tanmoy/ghostview-1.5-hacked/Ghostview.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'support/hypertex/tanmoy/ghostview-1.5-hacked/Ghostview.h')
1 files changed, 210 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/support/hypertex/tanmoy/ghostview-1.5-hacked/Ghostview.h b/support/hypertex/tanmoy/ghostview-1.5-hacked/Ghostview.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d6f6fa5780
--- /dev/null
+++ b/support/hypertex/tanmoy/ghostview-1.5-hacked/Ghostview.h
@@ -0,0 +1,210 @@
+ * Ghostview.h -- Public header file for Ghostview widget.
+ * Copyright (C) 1992 Timothy O. Theisen
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
+ *
+ * Author: Tim Theisen Systems Programmer
+ * Internet: Department of Computer Sciences
+ * UUCP: uwvax!tim University of Wisconsin-Madison
+ * Phone: (608)262-0438 1210 West Dayton Street
+ * FAX: (608)262-9777 Madison, WI 53706
+ */
+#ifndef _Ghostview_h
+#define _Ghostview_h
+/* Be sure that FILE* is defined */
+#include <stdio.h>
+ *
+ * Ghostview widget
+ *
+ ****************************************************************/
+/* Resources:
+ Name Class RepType Default Value
+ ---- ----- ------- -------------
+ arguments Arguments String NULL
+ background Background Pixel XtDefaultBackground
+ border BorderColor Pixel XtDefaultForeground
+ borderWidth BorderWidth Dimension 1
+ bottomMargin Margin int 0
+ busyCursor Cursor Cursor watch
+ callback Callback Pointer NULL
+ cursor Cursor Cursor crosshair
+ destroyCallback Callback Pointer NULL
+ filename Filename String "-"
+ foreground Foreground Pixel XtDefaultForeground
+ height Height Dimension 0
+ interpreter Interpreter String "gs"
+ leftMargin Margin int 0
+ llx BoundingBox Int 0
+ lly BoundingBox Int 0
+ mappedWhenManaged MappedWhenManaged Boolean True
+ messageCallback Callback Pointer NULL
+ orientation Orientation PageOrientation Portrait
+ outputCallback Callback Pointer NULL
+ palette Palette Palette Color
+ quiet Quiet Boolean True
+ rightMargin Margin int 0
+ safer Safer Boolean True
+ topMargin Margin int 0
+ urx BoundingBox Int 612
+ ury BoundingBox Int 792
+ useBackingPixmap UseBackingPixmap Boolean True
+ width Width Dimension 0
+ x Position Position 0
+ xdpi Resolution Float **
+ y Position Position 0
+ ydpi Resolution Float **
+ ** automatically calculated from display parameters if width and
+ height are not set.
+/* define any special resource names here that are not in <X11/StringDefs.h> */
+#define XtNbusyCursor "busyCursor"
+#define XtNcursor "cursor"
+#define XtNfilename "filename"
+#define XtNinterpreter "interpreter"
+#define XtNmessageCallback "messageCallback"
+#define XtNoutputCallback "outputCallback"
+#define XtNpalette "palette"
+#define XtNarguments "arguments"
+#define XtNquiet "quiet"
+#define XtNsafer "safer"
+#define XtNllx "llx"
+#define XtNlly "lly"
+#define XtNurx "urx"
+#define XtNury "ury"
+#define XtNuseBackingPixmap "useBackingPixmap"
+#define XtNxdpi "xdpi"
+#define XtNydpi "ydpi"
+#define XtNrightMargin "rightMargin"
+#define XtNleftMargin "leftMargin"
+#define XtNbottomMargin "bottomMargin"
+#define XtNtopMargin "topMargin"
+#define XtCBoundingBox "BoundingBox"
+#define XtCFilename "Filename"
+#define XtCInterpreter "Interpreter"
+#define XtCPalette "Palette"
+#define XtCArguments "Arguments"
+#define XtCQuiet "Quiet"
+#define XtCSafer "Safer"
+#define XtCResolution "Resolution"
+#define XtCUseBackingPixmap "UseBackingPixmap"
+ * XmuCvtStringToPageOrientation
+ */
+/* Number represents clockwise rotation of the paper in degrees */
+typedef enum {
+ XtPageOrientationPortrait = 0, /* Normal portrait orientation */
+ XtPageOrientationLandscape = 90, /* Normal landscape orientation */
+ XtPageOrientationUpsideDown = 180, /* Don't think this will be used much */
+ XtPageOrientationSeascape = 270 /* Landscape rotated the other way */
+} XtPageOrientation;
+#define XtEportrait "portrait"
+#define XtElandscape "landscape"
+#define XtEupsideDown "upside-down"
+#define XtEseascape "seascape"
+#define XtRPageOrientation "PageOrientation"
+extern Boolean XmuCvtStringToPageOrientation();
+ * XmuCvtStringToPalette
+ */
+typedef enum {
+ XtPaletteMonochrome,
+ XtPaletteGrayscale,
+ XtPaletteColor
+} XtPalette;
+#define XtEmonochrome "monochrome"
+#define XtEgrayscale "grayscale"
+#define XtEcolor "color"
+#define XtRPalette "Palette"
+extern Boolean XmuCvtStringToPalette();
+/* declare specific GhostviewWidget class and instance datatypes */
+typedef struct _GhostviewClassRec* GhostviewWidgetClass;
+typedef struct _GhostviewRec* GhostviewWidget;
+/* declare the class constant */
+extern WidgetClass ghostviewWidgetClass;
+/* Public routines */
+extern void GhostviewEnableInterpreter(
+#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
+ Widget /* w */
+extern void GhostviewDisableInterpreter(
+#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
+ Widget /* w */
+extern Boolean GhostviewIsInterpreterReady(
+#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
+ Widget /* w */
+extern Boolean GhostviewIsInterpreterRunning(
+#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
+ Widget /* w */
+extern Pixmap GhostviewGetBackingPixmap(
+#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
+ Widget /* w */
+extern Boolean GhostviewSendPS(
+#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
+ Widget /* widget */,
+ FILE* /* fp */,
+ long /* begin */,
+ unsigned int /* len */,
+ Bool /* close */
+extern Boolean GhostviewNextPage(
+#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
+ Widget /* w */
+/* The structure returned by the regular callback */
+typedef struct _GhostviewReturnStruct {
+ int width, height;
+ int psx, psy;
+ float xdpi, ydpi;
+} GhostviewReturnStruct;
+#endif /* _Ghostview_h */