path: root/support/gtex-letter/manual/html/gui.html
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1 files changed, 158 insertions, 0 deletions
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+<HTML><HEAD><TITLE>Gtex-Letter User Manual</TITLE>
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+<HR ALIGN="LEFT" WIDTH="100%"></DIV><DIV CLASS="CHAPTER"><H1><A NAME="gui">Using Gtex-Letter (The User Interface)</A></H1>
+<DT><B>Table of Contents</B></DT>
+<DT><A HREF="gui.html#address-page">The Address Page</A></DT>
+<DT><A HREF="gui.html#opening-page">The Opening Page</A></DT>
+<DT><A HREF="gui.html#contents-page">The Contents Page</A></DT>
+<DT><A HREF="gui.html#filename-page">The Filename Page</A></DT>
+<DT><A HREF="gui.html#makeup-page">The Makeup Page</A></DT>
+<DIV CLASS="SECT1"><H1 CLASS="SECT1"><A NAME="address-page">The Address Page</A></H1>
+ When you first start gtex-letter, the programms opens with a welcome screen. Clicking the 'Next'-button, you get to the address-page:</P>
+<P><B>Figure 2. The address page</B></P>
+<P><IMG SRC="images/address.jpeg"></P>
+ You can enter the address in the textfield on the left. Divide multiple addresses with an empty line to make a serial letter. (There is <A HREF="XXX.html">more info</A> available on that). You can browse your gnome-card addressbook by clicking on the button 'Browse Addresses'. </P>
+ The addressbook-dialog will only show the people that have either a postal address or a phone number. Email-only contacts will be hidden. Doubleclick to select an address and close the dialog. Otherwise click the 'okay'-button. Multiple addresses can be selected to make a serial letter. You can click on the head of every column to sort the list.</P>
+<DIV CLASS="SECT1"><H1 CLASS="SECT1"><A NAME="opening-page">The Opening Page</A></H1>
+ By clicking the 'Next'-Button on the <A HREF="gui.html#address-page">address page</A> you access the opening page:</P>
+<P><B>Figure 3. The opening page</B></P>
+<P><IMG SRC="images/opening.jpeg"></P>
+ Here, you can set a subject for the letter. Notice, that this subject is optional. Then, a list of values provides you with standard-openings. If you have choosen an address from the address browser on the previous page, the standard-openings are adopted to the address choosen. However, this does not apply to serial letters, where a special format of the opening is displayed. (There is <A HREF="XXX.html">more info</A> on this). You do not need to choose one of the standard openings. You can enter one by yourself. Please note, that entering an address by hand will not update the opening-buttons. Only selecting one from the addressbook will.
+<DIV CLASS="SECT1"><H1 CLASS="SECT1"><A NAME="contents-page">The Contents Page</A></H1>
+<P><B>Figure 4. The contents page</B></P>
+<P><IMG SRC="images/contents.jpeg"></P>
+ Enter your letter in the top textfield.</P>
+ You can import an already written text by clicking the 'Import Textfile'-Button. If you want to save your contents for further use, click the 'Save Contents'. (Note that Gtex-letter saves your letter in the LaTeX-format. For future import of the text, it is easier to save it here.)</P>
+ Choose an appropriate closing for your letter in the 'closing'-textfield. You do not have to choose one from the list. It is possible to enter your own closing.</P>
+<DIV CLASS="SECT1"><H1 CLASS="SECT1"><A NAME="filename-page">The Filename Page</A></H1>
+<P><B>Figure 5. The filename page</B></P>
+<P><IMG SRC="images/filename.jpeg"></P>
+ On this page you can choose a header for your letter and set a filename.</P>
+ There is a list of predefined headers available. You can look for another header using the 'search'-button, that opens a file browser.
+ </P>
+ Gtex-letter will try and guess an appropriate filename for your letter. You can stick with that one or enter a different one. Click on the 'search'-button to open a file browser.</P>
+<DIV CLASS="SECT1"><H1 CLASS="SECT1"><A NAME="makeup-page">The Makeup Page</A></H1>
+<P><B>Figure 6. The Makeup page</B></P>
+<P><IMG SRC="images/makeup.jpeg"></P>
+ This page lets you preview, print and export your letter.</P>
+ Click 'show letter' to get a preview. If you like the preview, you can print it by clicking on the printer icon. If you want to print it later, save it as a postscript. You can export the letter in the widely used Acrobat Format by clicking on 'save as pdf'.</P>
+ At this point, gtex-letter has already saved your letter. The letter is saved in the the LaTeX-format. If you are used to LaTeX, you can edit the raw file using the button called 'continue with editor'.</P>
+ The next and final screen of the programm is just a goodbye screen.
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