path: root/support/graphbase/roget.dat
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'support/graphbase/roget.dat')
1 files changed, 1038 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/support/graphbase/roget.dat b/support/graphbase/roget.dat
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2bd92a03e3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/support/graphbase/roget.dat
@@ -0,0 +1,1038 @@
+* File "roget.dat" from the Stanford GraphBase (C) 1992 Stanford University
+* Cross-references in Roget's Thesaurus, 1879
+* This file may be freely copied but please do not change it in any way!
+* (Checksum parameters 1033,184851240)
+1existence:2 69 125 149 156 166 193 455 506 527
+2inexistence:1 4 167 192 194 368 458 526 527 771
+3substantiality:4 323 325
+4unsubstantiality:3 34 194 360 432 452 458 527
+5intrinsicality:6 82 162 182 228 562 657
+6extrinsicality:5 60 227
+7state:8 247 336 457
+8circumstance:6 7 156
+9relation:10 11 12 18 25 46 78 204 474
+10irrelation:9 26 47 86 90
+13identity:14 18 23 29 108 506
+14contrariety:13 32 225 723
+15difference:19 26 30 84 145 475
+16uniformity:17 25 85
+17non-uniformity:16 84 86 161 263
+18similarity:11 13 16 19 20 25 108 506 533 566
+19dissimilarity:15 17 18 78 86 145
+20imitation:21 23 556 566 611
+22variation:17 145 286 298
+23copy:18 20 24 108 557 566
+25agreement:9 16 18 26 29 85 184 500 661 724 729
+26disagreement:10 25 86 723 728
+27quantity:28 199
+28degree:27 33 74 240
+29equality:13 18 25 30 534
+30inequality:15 29 35 36
+31mean:71 643 658 790
+32compensation:29 31 185 733 790 972
+33greatness:34 35 37 53 55 75 86 106 109 178 199 201 506 651 654 657 887
+34smallness:33 38 54 107 165 200 202 655 658
+35superiority:33 36 37 42 201 217 310 656 657 663 892
+36inferiority:34 35 38 202 658 666 893
+37increase:38 39 76 201 312
+38decrease:37 40 179 202 208 313 674
+39addition:37 40 46 91 235 307
+40subduction:38 39 208 806
+41adjunct:39 42 68 91
+42remainder:41 656 660 668 799
+44mixture:45 46 51 62 64 226 235 449
+45simpleness:44 47 667
+46junction:39 47 48 49 51 75 766 921
+47disjunction:46 52 73 76 233 260 337 765 803
+48vinculum:46 212 221 222 767
+49coherence:46 50 328 359
+50incoherence:47 49 51 328
+51combination:44 46 52
+52decomposition:47 51 76 320 668
+53whole:54 55 75 90 657
+54part:34 47 53 59 78 188 211 803
+55completeness:53 56 654 656 665 744
+56incompleteness:55 73 205 311 470 655 666 689 744 745
+57composition:51 58 59 79
+58omission:47 57 470 910
+59component:54 60 795
+60extraneousness:6 58 59 227
+61order:62 63 64 72 74 143
+62disorder:26 44 61 63 64 86 178 225 226 248 255 322 356
+63arrangement:64 563 608 641 688
+64derangement:44 62 63 225 265
+65precedence:35 66 67 121 180 241 287 657
+66sequence:36 65 72 122 242 288
+67precursor:68 121 523 524 688
+69beginning:67 70 129 130 158 238 241 300 688 691
+70end:69 147 238 242 368 744
+71middle:31 229 235 643
+73discontinuity:47 72 143 144 205 235
+75assemblage:33 76 106 297 651 711 727 741 909
+76dispersion:47 75 81 298 803
+77focus:229 297 651
+79inclusion:57 78 80 236
+80exclusion:58 79
+81generality:31 76 82 627
+82speciality:81 86 182
+83rule:24 84 85 506 627 712
+85conformity:16 24 25 83 86 627
+86unconformity:85 480 887
+88numeration:89 477
+90unity:46 47 51 91 910
+91accompaniment:39 41 90 125
+93duplication:94 108 675
+103plurality:90 104 105 106
+104fraction:54 103
+105zero:4 103 194
+106multitude:75 107 109 654
+107fewness:34 106 142
+108repetition:20 141 143 415 416 627 675
+110time:55 111 112 114 115 118 139 698
+112period:114 143
+113contingent duration:114
+114course:110 112 113 127
+115diuturnity:116 117 127 133 138 155 282
+116transientness:115 118 137 154 281 699
+117perpetuity:118 141
+118instantaneity:117 137 699
+120anachronism:119 140
+121priority:67 122 127 137 287 523
+122posteriority:68 121 126 288
+123present time:118 124
+124different time:123
+125synchronism:110 118
+126futurity:127 137 157 519 522
+127preterition:121 126 128 129 171 517
+128newness:129 132 675
+129oldness:69 127 128 133 674
+133age:129 132 135
+135veteran:134 171
+136adolescence:381 382
+137earliness:118 130 138 281 520 697 699
+138lateness:137 140 282 519 651 698
+139occasion:25 137 140 661 692 700 801 806
+140intempestivity:26 120 137 138 139 470 662 698
+141frequency:108 142 627
+142infrequency:107 141
+143periodicity:144 321
+144irregularity:73 143
+145change:64 146 149 151 154 192 225 277 620
+146permanence:145 155 272 619
+147cessation:70 127 148 299 368 639
+148continuance:108 117 147 617
+149conversion:247 277 282
+150reversion:143 226 284 290 675 676
+151revolution:167 557
+152substitution:153 533 774
+153interchange:152 733 811
+154changeableness:116 145 155 321 322 618 621
+155stability:46 115 146 154 191 619
+156eventuality:8 127 157 161 838
+157destiny:126 156 161 166 485 519 613
+158cause:159 160 166 169 171 182 222 635
+159effect:70 158
+160attribution:158 159 161 171 534
+161chance:160 481 613 636
+162power:163 164 173 176 180 752 759
+163impotence:162 165 655 660 719 747
+164strength:162 165 176 675 704 759
+165weakness:132 134 163 164 670 698
+166production:158 167 173 688 744 791
+167destruction:151 166 308 369 660 674 771
+168reproduction:166 675
+169producer:170 705
+170destroyer:167 169 369 678 996
+171paternity:11 172
+173productiveness:166 174 659
+174unproductiveness:163 173 660
+175agency:158 180 642 646 647 695
+176energy:162 164 177 178 400 401 616 697 701 841
+177inertness:146 176 272 618 619 698 843
+178violence:62 179 322 356 515 754 842 880 904
+179moderation:38 165 178 698 755 764 766 843
+180influence:162 181 222 657 752
+181absence of influence:10 163 177 180
+182tendency:183 285 646 659 722
+184concurrence:25 185 500 722 724 727
+185counteraction:14 32 184 284 721 723 734 766
+186space:109 187 188 189 193 194 205
+187inextension:34 186
+188region:186 196 240
+189place:186 190 196 198 251
+190situation:189 285 566
+191location:192 193 196 307 675
+192displacement:64 191 277 300 304 910
+193presence:76 186 191 194 453
+194absence:2 173 193 300
+195inhabitant:60 191 193 196 380
+196abode:166 188 191 193 195 198 230 239 1022
+197contents:198 228
+198receptacle:196 222 239 259 279 651
+199size:33 53 75 109 186 200 201
+200littleness:34 38 54 199 202 208 210 337 658
+201expansion:35 37 199 202 257
+202contraction:36 38 200 201 208 236 608 674 766
+203distance:76 186 204
+204nearness:75 203 206 293 297
+205interval:47 56 73 194 206 235 266 267
+206contiguity:49 204 205 240
+207length:72 208 477 589
+208shortness:200 202 207 584 608
+209thickness:186 199 201 210
+210thinness:200 201 202 205 209 212
+211layer:212 230
+212filament:211 263
+213height:35 55 199 210 214 217 230 251 257 312 314
+214lowness:213 220 259 315
+215depth:205 216 259 317
+217summit:35 70 213 218 230
+218base:217 222
+220horizontality:211 219 258
+221pendency:48 222
+222support:46 48 218 221 722
+223parallelism:224 243
+224obliquity:219 223 250 252
+225inversion:14 244
+226crossing:62 255
+227exteriority:6 228 230 234
+228interiority:5 197 227 229 235 236 259 307
+229centrality:71 77 297
+230covering:196 211 231 232 363 364 433 540 542 732
+232investment:230 233 254 864 899 1021
+233divestment:230 232
+234circumjacence:235 236 237 238
+235interjacence:234 307
+236circumscription:232 234 239 766
+237outline:239 254
+239inclosure:198 236 237 732 767
+241front:67 242
+242rear:241 288
+243laterality:204 244
+244contraposition:225 243
+247form:166 237 248 336 457
+248amorphism:62 64 247 250
+249symmetry:29 229 250 862
+250distortion:201 208 210 224 249 863
+251angularity:219 224 264 265
+252curvature:224 250 253 254 255 286
+253straightness:226 252 255 285 330
+254circularity:234 252 255 256 318
+255convolution:62 226 254
+257convexity:201 213 258 259 260 314 670
+258flatness:220 257 262
+259concavity:198 205 252 257 266 267 350
+260sharpness:47 261 263 269 742
+262smoothness:220 258 263 339
+263roughness:249 260 262
+267opening:205 259 268 357 358 642
+268closure:202 267 270 721
+269perforator:270 742
+270stopper:230 269
+271motion:154 272 273 274 277 283 286 291
+272quiescence:147 155 191 193 196 222 271 299 411 681 698 702
+273journey:274 275 277 279 281 289
+274navigation:273 276 280 300
+277transference:76 153 192 291 292 800
+278carrier:279 280
+280ship:279 741
+281velocity:118 178 271 282 310 697 699
+282slowness:138 281 698
+283impulse:178 260 284 291 731 742 993
+284recoil:283 332 416
+285direction:182 286
+286deviation:252 285 298 321 644
+287precession:65 67 121 241 288 310
+288following:66 122 242 287 637
+289progression:273 277 281 290 673
+290regression:150 284 289 294 674
+291propulsion:283 292 304 319 741 742
+293approach:126 157 294 637
+294recession:284 290 293 300 638
+296repulsion:283 295
+297convergence:75 77 298
+298divergence:47 76 286 297
+299arrival:191 300 301 455 681 744
+300departure:299 302 304 458 638
+301ingress:235 267 302 303 307 357 642
+302egress:267 300 301 306 355 357 358 642 686
+303reception:235 304 305 307
+304ejection:283 291 302 303 356 771 993
+305food:196 303 306 401 652 857 978 980
+306excretion:302 304 305 668
+307insertion:235 267 301 308 317 344 371
+308extraction:302 304 307
+309passage:267 273 274 277 301 302 357 642
+310transcursion:311 312 656
+311shortcoming:56 310 470 655 666 745 747
+312ascent:224 313 316
+313descent:312 315
+314elevation:257 315 648
+315depression:220 259 314
+316leap:317 322 857
+317plunge:316 344
+318circuition:255 644
+320evolution:225 319
+322agitation:62 154 356
+323materiality:324 650
+324immateriality:323 459
+328density:49 329 330
+329rarity:259 327 328 341
+332elasticity:284 333
+333inelasticity:331 332
+334tenacity:49 335 619
+337pulverulence:34 202
+338friction:337 339
+339lubrication:262 338 362 363
+340fluidity:341 342 355
+341gaseity:340 343 360
+342liquefaction:340 343 392
+343vaporization:341 342
+344water:345 346 355
+345air:341 344 356 360
+346moisture:302 344 347 352
+348ocean:349 355
+349land:213 257 325 348 797
+350gulf:351 651
+351plain:220 350
+354stream:256 355 356
+355river:268 302 304 344 356 721
+356wind:178 355
+357conduit:267 358 642
+358air-pipe:267 356 357
+359semiliquidity:49 346 352 360
+360bubble:359 431 435
+362unctuousness:339 361 363
+365organization:336 366 376 377
+367life:1 157 166 168 305 368 675 697
+368death:70 147 367 369 613 670 856
+369killing:672 742 993 996
+372animality:164 373
+374animal:200 278 375
+375vegetable:374 379
+377botany:376 379
+378cicuration:239 369 379 766 767
+379agriculture:196 378 857
+380mankind:195 893
+381man:134 136 382 921
+382woman:134 136 381 921
+383physical sensibility:384 502 839
+384physical insensibility:383 698 840
+385physical pleasure:222 386 402 404 408 422 844 846 862 974
+386physical pain:322 385 419 845 993
+388sensations of touch:389
+389numbness:384 388
+390heat:391 392 397 432
+391cold:390 393
+392calefaction:231 232 342 390 393 394 396
+393refrigeration:328 391 392
+396fuel:363 392 432
+398taste:399 402
+400pungency:400 401 403 405
+403unsavouriness:402 405 847
+409fetor:408 668
+410sound:411 416 592
+411silence:272 410 413 593 597
+412loudness:413 416 419 420 421
+413faintness:412 422 595
+415roll:108 414 416
+416resonance:413 417 419
+419stridor:418 420 421 423
+420cry:412 421 592
+422melody:416 419 423 424 609 846
+423discord:419 422
+424music:422 425 609 856 857
+425musician:422 424 426 609
+426musical instruments:
+427hearing:416 428
+429light:390 392 430 431 432 454
+430darkness:429 431 432 435 440
+431dimness:360 429 430 435 438 456
+432luminary:363 390 429 433 562
+433shade:230 430 432
+434transparency:435 436
+435opacity:360 431 434
+436semitransparency:360 434
+437colour:438 568
+438achromatism:437 439
+440blackness:429 430 439 441
+441gray:440 442
+450vision:193 451 452 453 455 465 467 469 510 519
+451blindness:450 452 540
+452dimsightedness:432 451 454 457 542
+453spectator:193 450 683
+454optical instruments:457
+455visibility:450 456 457 467 537
+456invisibility:431 435 450 451 455 538 540
+457appearance:227 247 452 455 458 537 562 899
+458disappearance:300 304 457 564
+459intellect:324 460 461 510 527 713
+460absence of intellect:459 511
+461thought:462 463 467 468 471 517 527 710
+462incogitancy:461 468 493 511
+463idea:457 464 496 526 527
+464topic:9 461 463 471
+465curiosity:466 471 519 544
+466incuriosity:465 840
+467attention:459 461 464 468 469 470 519 537 562
+468inattention:467 470 518 520 698 883
+469care:61 461 467 470 506 510 519 522 667 679 688 697 881 959
+470neglect:62 467 468 469 507 518 520 668 689 698 745 840 880 950
+471inquiry:461 465 472 473 486 487 545 637 677 710 719 728 780
+472answer:158 471 492 525 534 562 563
+473experiment:471 690
+474comparison:9 204 533
+475discrimination:476 477 510 867
+476indiscrimination:470 475 486
+477measurement:31 88 200 240 251 326 345 390 562
+478evidence:473 479 480 489 500 537 547 562 563 787
+479counter-evidence:167 478 490 548 632 957
+480qualification:86 478 481 486 526 830
+481possibility:25 161 482 486
+482impossibility:26 481 484 488 497 876 887
+483probability:161 457 478 484 496 519 523
+484improbability:142 483 497
+485certainty:155 486 489 496 506 613
+486uncertainty:154 430 456 471 473 485 497 503 531 532 618 636 877
+487reasoning:25 471 488 489 491 548 735
+488intuition:10 487 493 507 509 511 550 556
+489demonstration:473 478 485 487 490 491
+490confutation:167 489
+491judgment:467 471 492 493 496 500 510 536 622
+492discovery:491 506 541 791
+493misjudgment:485 491 494 495 498 507 511 619 714
+494overestimation:495 561 839 897
+495underestimation:470 494 873 898 950 954
+496belief:463 483 485 491 497 498 500 526 547 549 875 1005
+497unbelief:486 496 499 501 507 548 620 1011
+498credulity:493 496 499 557 559 619 1006
+499incredulity:497 498 969 1006 1011
+500assent:25 184 478 501 547 563 614 724 775 777
+501dissent:26 497 500 548 615 620 639 728 779 849 1006
+502knowledge:69 463 491 492 496 503 539 541 549 572 713
+503ignorance:486 502 531 540
+504scholar:502 505 512 553
+505ignoramus:503 504 513 553 559 716
+506truth:1 5 18 83 478 485 492 507 555 959 1005
+507error:4 452 486 488 493 498 506 509 515 527 535 550 556 557 558 559 714\
+ 747 1006
+508maxim:463 491 496 509 712
+509absurdity:62 488 508 511 529 561
+510wisdom:450 459 469 475 502 511 522 530 661 688 697 713 717 867 881
+511folly:459 468 486 488 493 498 509 510 515 619 658 660 662 714 860 880
+512sage:504 513 715 1016
+513fool:505 512 516 559 716
+515insanity:486 511 514 854
+516madman:513 527 854
+517memory:518 539 563 657 900 938
+518oblivion:468 517 564 840 937
+519expectation:137 157 465 469 483 496 520 522 523 688 875 887
+520inexpectation:86 118 468 493 519 521 887
+521disappointment:493 887
+522foresight:137 469 493 510 519 523 641 683 688 881
+523prediction:67 524 641 683 1014
+524omen:67 523 562 683
+525oracle:536 1016
+526supposition:461 481 496 517 641
+527imagination:4 360 432 452 461 507 515 516 561 606 875
+528meaning:5 29 506 529 530 533 534 537 538 539 547 555
+529unmeaningness:509 528 531 538
+530intelligibility:506 528 531 534 537
+531unintelligibility:62 64 430 435 456 486 503 529 530 532 534 535 538 540\
+ 545 887
+532equivocalness:528 540 545 556 859
+534interpretation:29 158 491 492 528 530 535 562 572 574
+535misinterpretation:507 534 556 561
+537manifestation:455 467 492 530 538 541 543 555 718
+538latency:450 456 492 531 537 539 540 541 545 597 682
+539information:273 467 502 528 530 534 537 538 540 541 543 544 546 547 549\
+ 551 562 563 606 718
+540concealment:456 470 486 531 538 539 541 542 545 556 557 597 717 910
+541disclosure:455 492 537 539 542 543 544
+542ambush:540 541 557 681 682
+543publication:537 539 544
+544news:539 541 543 545 606
+545secret:471 503 531 538 540 544 719
+546messenger:539 773
+547affirmation:478 485 496 500 526 537 539 548 563 783 904
+548negation:470 480 490 497 501 547 620 624 771 776 779
+549teaching:69 467 496 534 539 550 551 627 673
+550misteaching:488 507 531 540 549 556 557
+551learning:471 502 539 549 553 614 697 713
+552teacher:24 536 549 553 554 710 1018
+553learner:551 552
+555veracity:506 541 547 556 557 718 959
+556falsehood:20 507 527 535 540 555 557 558 560 561 717 872 960
+557deception:20 23 432 452 507 542 550 556 558 560 629 717 808 960 1014
+558untruth:527 540 542 556 557 561 577 632
+559dupe:498 507 513 557 560 874
+560deceiver:556 557 559 611 716 809
+561exaggeration:201 494 509 527 556 589 852 901
+562indication:24 82 467 473 477 478 523 524 534 539 543 563 566 657 683 684\
+ 748 762
+563record:89 127 478 517 539 562 564 565 606 651 787 900
+564obliteration:562 563
+565recorder:127 606
+566representation:18 20 23 567 568 569 570 606 611
+568painting:364 429 437 566 864
+569sculpture:23 566
+572language:502 504 562 575 578 581 594
+573letter:602 603
+574word:504 506 572 575 576 578 579
+575neology:129 532 533 574 577 859
+576nomenclature:534 562 575 577
+577misnomer:575 576
+578phrase:508 533 534 581
+579grammar:554 572 580
+581style:578 594
+582perspicuity:506 530 537 583
+583obscurity:486 507 531 532 575 582
+584conciseness:202 208 585 608
+585diffuseness:108 584 589 596
+587feebleness:585 586
+588plainness:587 589
+589ornament:533 588 590 591 864
+590elegance:589 591
+591inelegance:575 580 589 590 872
+592voice:410 412 420 422 593
+593aphony:413 419 423 592 597
+594speech:539 585 589 595 596 598 600 601
+595stammering:413 575 593 594
+596loquacity:108 509 585 594 597 600 909
+597taciturnity:411 540 593 594 596
+598allocution:554 594 599 600
+599response:472 598
+600interlocution:594 596 601 711 909
+602writing:23 478 562 563 573 603 605
+603printing:543 570 573 602 605
+604correspondence:546 605
+605book:502 543 604
+606description:89 539 541 547 563 565 566 608
+607dissertation:461 471 487 534
+608compendium:75 202 208
+609poetry:424 592 610
+611drama:20 562 566
+612will:158 613 614 616 622 625 635 756 763
+613necessity:152 612 626 636 645 759 764 1014 1015
+614willingness:331 500 612 615 713 763 777 780 837 882
+615unwillingness:282 501 548 613 614 618 619 638 723 759 779 883 884 885
+616resolution:155 330 491 617 618 619 622 635 691 697 701 878
+617perseverance:108 146 148 155 164 697 701
+618irresolution:145 154 321 331 486 616 620 621 698 877 879
+619obstinacy:155 177 330 493 612 616 617 620
+620tergiversation:154 548 618 619 639 771 970
+621caprice:86 618
+622choice:491 562 612 616 623 624 629 663 665 882
+623absence of choice:29 613 618 622
+624rejection:304 548 622 693 779
+625predetermination:626 635 641
+626spontaneity:612 613 625
+627habit:5 16 85 108 549 551 628 713 869
+628desuetude:86 627 693 714
+629motive:160 283 291 292 557 614 630 631 635 710 777 780 841 846 1015
+630absence of motive:615 621 629 636
+631dissuasion:286 615 619 629 721 766 767 781 884
+632plea:488 537 556 557 558 953 957
+633good:634 659 663 673 677 749 801 844 846 951
+634evil:167 633 664 674 678 750 808 845 847 931 1001
+635intention:182 528 614 616 625 629 636 637 641 691 882
+636non-design:161 481 486 613 626 633 635
+637pursuit:69 178 281 288 374 471 473 635 638 640 691 695 699 780
+638avoidance:284 294 300 615 624 637 639 686 696 723 910
+639relinquishment:147 620 628 771 772 799
+640business:637 691 695 697 764 811 945
+641plan:61 63 152 158 305 527 557 613 625 688 707 717
+642method:196 267 277 357 643 646 707
+643mid-course:31 71 285 644
+644circuit:286 318 643
+645requirement:613 655 756 780 882
+646instrumentality:175 641 647 648 659 722
+647means:175 641 642 646 648 651 652 681 722 817
+648instrument:48 221 222 260 269 274 279 283 314 319 646 742 797 798
+649substitute:152 774
+650materials:305 392 647 689 742 797
+651store:75 198 652 685 819
+652provision:305 647 651 653 722 814 834
+653waste:76 302 652 660 694 792 835
+654sufficiency:31 33 55 166 173 355 651 655 656 820 886 973
+655insufficiency:34 56 163 311 470 647 653 654 666 821 823 825 836
+656redundance:39 42 75 201 310 355 561 585 651 653 654 835 974
+657importance:5 33 35 142 180 367 562 641 658 659 663 890
+658unimportance:31 34 36 163 165 494 495 511 529 627 657 660 668 883 950
+659utility:166 173 182 635 640 646 660 661 663 673 692 695 722 928
+660inutility:108 129 140 163 174 482 653 655 656 658 659 668 674 689 698\
+ 714 747
+661expedience:25 85 139 659 662
+662inexpedience:26 140 656 660 661 719 721
+663goodness:35 506 633 659 664 665 666 671 673 831 846 875 924 951 964 968
+664badness:167 369 634 658 660 662 663 666 670 672 674 678 694 714 847 876\
+ 925 931 952 965 967 993
+665perfection:35 55 217 659 663 666 674 688 744 951
+666imperfection:31 34 56 73 165 205 250 311 655 664 665 674 689 865
+668uncleanness:306 409 660 667 674 974 982
+669health:670 671 673 675 677
+670disease:165 257 368 511 515 556 660 669 672 674 876
+671salubrity:25 659 672 675 677
+672insalubrity:26 369 671 678
+673improvement:37 38 63 164 289 312 314 640 667 674 675 677 722
+674deterioration:38 165 167 202 290 294 313 368 660 664 666 668 673 680 703\
+ 808 876 965
+675restoration:63 108 115 168 676 677 687 704 807 851
+676relapse:290 674 675
+677remedy:222 671 673 675 678 721 851
+678bane:634 664 672 677 847 931 996 1001
+679safety:236 469 665 680 681 683 685 686 688 732 766 875 881 959
+680danger:154 167 183 520 557 679 682 683 684 689 876 877 878 880 927
+681refuge:222 239 542 679 682 686 721 732 767 910
+682pitfall:538 542 557 681
+683warning:469 523 539 562 684 881 927
+685preservation:469 651 679 687 732 734 1015
+686escape:267 300 638 642 679 681 687 765
+687deliverance:675 765
+688preparation:29 63 65 69 222 247 469 519 522 549 551 627 641 652 689 713\
+ 720 722
+689non-preparation:56 158 233 470 520 626 641 650 660 688 778
+690essay:473 701
+691undertaking:69 158 616 640 697 783 785
+692use:175 646 659 693 694
+693disuse:167 304 628 660 692 799
+694misuse:653 692 835
+695action:175 640 641 691 696 697 701 705 707 744 899
+696inaction:147 167 272 470 638 639 695 698 702
+697activity:137 139 176 281 289 467 469 510 616 617 695 698 699 701
+698inactivity:50 138 147 177 179 272 282 618 619 638 696 697 700 840
+699haste:118 137 178 281 697 700
+700leisure:282 696 699 702
+701exertion:176 616 617 697 702
+702repose:147 696 698 701 704
+703fatigue:698 704 858
+704refreshment:164 675 703 851
+705agent:646 648 761 773 774
+707conduct:640 641 642 695 708
+708management:709 711 752
+709director:539 708 710 711 760 773 774 988
+710advice:539 552 629 631 683 708 780 988
+712precept:508 756
+713skill:139 502 510 527 557 633 641 692 697 701 707 714 715 717 746 881
+714unskilfulness:140 282 468 470 498 503 507 511 513 549 621 660 698 713\
+ 716 745 747 880
+715proficient:504 560 716 809 1016
+716bungler:560 715
+717cunning:520 540 556 557 558 641 713 718
+718artlessness:547 717 959 966
+719difficulty:62 255 481 482 486 545 619 720 721 876
+720facility:262 331 339 481 713 719 722 763 775 851
+721hindrance:147 268 270 482 631 639 660 674 677 697 719 722 723 725 732\
+ 746 766 767 776
+722aid:182 222 305 469 646 647 659 663 721 724 726 924
+723opposition:14 26 32 185 721 722 724 734 735 737 766
+724cooperation:46 51 184 500 722 723 727 729
+725opponent:726 908
+726auxiliary:725 761 907
+727party:46 75 171 724
+728dissension:26 62 322 471 501 548 725 729 735 737 906 915
+729concord:25 184 500 724 727 728 736 738 905 914
+730defiance:757 878 927
+731attack:167 283 732 993
+732defence:222 236 239 469 542 679 681 685 721 731 734 742
+733retaliation:12 32 153 284 734 938 958
+734resistance:62 164 617 619 723 731 733 737 740 757 878 952
+735contention:487 723 728 736 737 857 918
+736peace:272 729 735 738 905
+737warfare:735 738 743
+738pacification:179 729 737
+739mediation:738 773 790
+740submission:331 500 758 843 896
+741combatant:276 760
+742arms:283 291 651 732
+743arena:77 611
+744completion:55 70 299 617 688 745
+745non-completion:56 311 470 744
+746success:35 289 692 713 721 744 747 749 764 791 901
+747failure:163 167 290 311 313 482 507 520 521 655 660 714 740 745 746 750 825
+748trophy:562 890 894 899 900
+749prosperity:746 750 820 846
+750adversity:167 634 747 749 821 847
+751mediocrity:179 643
+752authority:708 711 753 754 756 759 760 762 770 774 775 943 986
+753laxity:470 752 755 757 763 944 985
+754severity:755 759 902 925 933
+755lenity:179 754 932
+756command:622 752 759 780 786 984
+757disobedience:62 730 734 758 779 789 985
+758obedience:331 740 757 761 764 788 903
+759compulsion:613 615 754 766
+760master:709 761 796 892 986
+761servant:705 758 760 767 773 903
+762sceptre:562 767 894
+763freedom:612 720 721 764 765 775 832
+764subjection:183 740 746 752 754 758 761 763 766 767
+765liberation:46 47 686 687 763 766 991
+766restraint:46 236 721 759 764 765 767 769 776
+767prison:48 239 721
+768keeper:552 769
+769prisoner:766 768
+770commission:760 771 773 774 775
+771abrogation:167 304 548 620 770
+772resignation:548 639 771 799
+773consignee:546 709 761 774 818
+774deputy:709 760 773
+775permission:500 612 614 755 763 770 776 777 984 991
+776prohibition:548 721 766 775 781 985
+777consent:500 614 775 779 783 951
+778offer:779 780 801 813
+779refusal:501 548 619 624 771 777 778
+780request:756 778 781 1012 1015
+781deprecation:776 780
+783promise:478 547 784 785 787
+784release:763 765 783
+785compact:478 739 773 783 790 811
+786conditions:480 785
+787security:478 563 783 785 804
+788observance:506 758 789 959
+789non-observance:564 757 788 960
+790compromise:32 785
+791acquisition:75 166 633 651 792 801 802 806 808 820 827 994
+792loss:653 791 794 799 806 876
+793possession:791 797 798
+794exemption:194 793
+797property:349 648 752 763 793 796 801 817 820 822 823 827
+798retention:48 651 769 793 799
+799non-retention:42 304 639 693 772 798
+800transfer:152 153 277 791 801 811
+801giving:778 800 802 824 826 832 994
+802receiving:303 791 801 806 827
+804lending:787 805
+805borrowing:804 808 823
+806taking:40 208 303 304 305 791 792 798 807 808
+807restitution:675 791 806
+808stealing:557 806
+811barter:152 153 785
+812purchase:805 813 824 826
+813sale:778 787 811 812 814
+814merchant:727 773 812 813
+815merchandise:197 651
+817money:787 797 820 822 823 824 827 828 830
+819treasury:198 651
+820wealth:654 791 797 817 819 821 827
+821poverty:817 820 823 825
+823debt:805 822 825
+824payment:32 817 818 825 826 994
+825non-payment:655 808 821 823 824 832
+826expenditure:801 812 824 827 829 994
+827receipt:791 797 802 806 826 994
+828accounts:88 817 818
+829price:823 828 830 994
+833liberality:826 834 924
+834economy:651 833 836
+835prodigality:831 833 836
+836parsimony:835 963
+837affections:838 914
+838feeling:156 322 837 841 842 843 844 846 914
+839sensibility:383 840 842 885
+840insensibility:384 468 470 495 658 698 839 843 880 883 902
+841excitation:400 629 838 842 843 846 847 917
+842excitability:178 322 838 841 843 882 917 918
+843inexcitability:177 179 740 766 840 842
+844pleasure:222 385 614 633 845 846 848 853 857 914 1002
+845pain:386 634 750 844 847 849 854 856 858 876 919 1003
+846pleasurableness:385 402 404 629 663 841 844 847 853 857 862 882 1002
+847painfulness:386 664 678 742 750 845 846 863 917 925 931 949 993 996
+848content:500 843 844 846 849 853
+849discontent:501 848 850 854 856
+850regret:664 848 849 856 970
+851relief:222 675 677 704 720 852
+852aggravation:494 561 674 841 851
+853cheerfulness:844 846 854 855 857 859 875
+854dejection:845 847 849 850 853 856 858 876
+855rejoicing:856 857 870 900 901 913 1012
+856lamentation:371 420 421 845 849 850 855 934 952
+857amusement:274 305 316 379 457 566 611 636 637 658 735 844 846 855 858\
+ 859 870 873 900 909
+858weariness:698 703 854 857 886
+859wit:532 545 611 857 860 870 873
+860dulness:511 854 859
+862beauty:25 249 437 629 665 846 863 864
+863ugliness:208 210 248 250 437 438 668 674 847 862 865 866
+864ornamentation:25 257 336 589 865 866 868 869
+865blemish:257 666 668 674 864
+867good taste:475 590 868
+868vulgarity:86 129 575 668 847 863 867 869 870 872 893 912
+869fashion:85 86 232 457 627 864 867 868 890 892 899 911
+870ridiculousness:86 509 529 658 857 863 873 874
+872affectation:556 560 589 871 899 901 902 955
+873ridicule:611 857 949
+874laughing-stock:559 611 859 861
+875hope:222 452 496 519 876 877 882 1002
+876hopelessness:368 482 521 854 875
+877fear:497 618 638 680 847 875 876 879 927 1001
+878courage:155 616 617 730 735 737 879 880
+879cowardice:618 638 877 878
+880rashness:468 470 520 680 714 881
+881caution:137 469 522 651 683 688 713 880
+882desire:614 622 645 837 842 846 875 883 884 885 886 978
+883indifference:399 468 495 658 698 840 880 882 950
+884dislike:403 615 638 847 882 886 915 917
+885fastidiousness:882 950 952
+886satiety:703 858 882
+887wonder:86 520 521 531 888 1014
+888expectance:519 627 858 887
+889prodigy:86 524
+890repute:35 213 312 429 657 665 715 748 760 869 891 892 895 897 901 951 959
+891disrepute:890 896 898 952 960 993
+892nobility:760 869 893
+893commonality:658 892 894
+894title:892 893 994
+895pride:872 896 897 901 902
+896humility:740 843 891 895 898 903 911
+897vanity:493 871 895 898 899 901 902 904 963
+898modesty:896 897
+899ostentation:556 589 864 871 900 951
+900celebration:748 855 899 1012
+901boasting:561 871 897 900 904
+902insolence:547 754 903 904
+903servility:761 764 896 902 953 955 1012
+904blusterer:178 871 901
+905friendship:722 729 736 906 907 909 914 924
+906enmity:728 884 905 915 917 925
+907friend:726 908
+908enemy:725 907
+909sociality:75 600 727 857 905 910 911
+910seclusion:90 174 639 909 1022
+911courtesy:300 867 869 896 903 909 912 920 934 948 1012
+912discourtesy:868 904 911 917 918 919 949
+913congratulation:855 911 934
+914love:882 905 915 916 920 924
+915hate:847 884 906 908 912 914 917 925 938
+917resentment:178 841 912 915 918 919 938 949
+918irascibility:178 735 839 842 904 912 917 919 938
+919sullenness:619 912 917 918
+920endearment:911 914
+921marriage:46 783 922 923
+924benevolence:663 722 905 911 914 925 928 932 962
+925malevolence:369 386 847 906 912 915 917 919 924 933 938 949
+926malediction:927 952
+927threat:523 683 730 877 926
+928philanthropy:924 929 962
+929misanthropy:919 928 963
+930benefactor:726 931 968
+931evil doer:369 678 809 930 969 1001
+932pity:755 780 928 933 934
+933pitilessness:754 925 932 938
+935gratitude:936 1012
+937forgiveness:470 738 938 991
+938revenge:733 925 933 937
+941right:775 942 943 945 959 964 984 994
+942wrong:941 944 965 985
+943dueness:775 787 797 941 944 958 984
+944undueness:753 943 965 985
+945duty:640 754 783 943 946 947 959 964
+946dereliction:945 952 965 967
+947non-ownership:937 945 991
+948respect:903 911 949 951 1009 1012
+949disrespect:873 912 948 950 952 954
+950contempt:470 495 624 658 949
+951approbation:633 663 890 914 948 952 953
+952disapprobation:237 664 856 884 885 926 949 950 951 954 958 965 992
+953flattery:494 561 954
+954detraction:949 952 953 956
+955flatterer:903 956
+956detractor:918 955
+957vindication:632 958 991
+958accusation:733 952 954 957 965 990 992
+959probity:555 718 890 945 960 964 966
+960improbity:556 557 722 789 891 953 959 965
+961knave:620 903 969
+962disinterestedness:616 924 959 963
+963selfishness:836 897 962
+964virtue:616 890 945 959 965 966 973
+965vice:674 925 960 964 967 969
+966innocence:718 957 959 964 967 991
+967guilt:960 965 966
+968good man:665 928 930 966 969 1009
+969bad man:369 809 835 931 961 965 968 1001
+970penitence:541 620 740 850 971 972
+973temperance:616 654 974 979
+976asceticism:910 972 977
+977fasting:882 978
+978gluttony:305 882 977
+980drunkenness:305 979
+982impurity:668 981
+983libertine:975 982
+984legality:622 712 756 775 941 985
+985illegality:86 757 776 984
+986jurisdiction:752 987 988
+988judge:491 958 986 987
+990lawsuit:491 728 766 958
+991acquittal:765 937 992
+992condemnation:747 952 958 991
+993punishment:283 766 994 995 996
+994reward:801 824 894 995 996
+995penalty:972 993 994
+996scourge:767 994
+999satan:998 1001
+1002heaven:675 1003
+1004theology:496 1006
+1005orthodoxy:496 506 1006
+1006heterodoxy:493 498 501 507 527 619 1005 1011 1013 1019
+1007revelation:525 1008
+1008pseudo-revelation:1007 1013
+1009piety:948 1010 1011 1012
+1010impiety:493 556 560 619 926 965 969 1009 1011
+1011irreligion:497 1009
+1012worship:780 838 948 1020
+1014sorcery:523 557 629
+1016sorcerer:525 1001
+1017churchdom:711 1006
+1018clergy:1017 1019
+1020rite:371 921 972 1012 1015 1017
+* End of file "roget.dat"