path: root/support/fastpictex/doc/manual/xticlabels2.ltx
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'support/fastpictex/doc/manual/xticlabels2.ltx')
1 files changed, 56 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/support/fastpictex/doc/manual/xticlabels2.ltx b/support/fastpictex/doc/manual/xticlabels2.ltx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0fb3bcb5e5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/support/fastpictex/doc/manual/xticlabels2.ltx
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+% ...... start of pictex file generated by FastPicTeX ......
+% ...... macros for errorbars ......
+\dimen0=\Xdistance{#1} \dimen1=\Ydistance{#2} \dimen2=\Xdistance{#3}
+\unitlength=1pt \setdimensionmode
+\dimen3=\dimen0 \advance \dimen3 by -\dimen2
+\dimen4=\dimen0 \advance \dimen4 by \dimen2
+\dimen5=\dimen1 \advance \dimen5 by -1mm
+\dimen6=\dimen1 \advance \dimen6 by 1mm
+\putrule from {\dimen3} {\dimen1} to {\dimen4} {\dimen1}
+\putrule from {\dimen3} {\dimen5} to {\dimen3} {\dimen6}
+\putrule from {\dimen4} {\dimen5} to {\dimen4} {\dimen6}
+\setcoordinatemode }
+\dimen0=\Xdistance{#1} \dimen1=\Ydistance{#2} \dimen2=\Ydistance{#3}
+\unitlength=1pt \setdimensionmode
+\dimen3=\dimen1 \advance \dimen3 by -\dimen2
+\dimen4=\dimen1 \advance \dimen4 by \dimen2
+\dimen5=\dimen0 \advance \dimen5 by -1mm
+\dimen6=\dimen0 \advance \dimen6 by 1mm
+\putrule from {\dimen0} {\dimen3} to {\dimen0} {\dimen4}
+\putrule from {\dimen5} {\dimen3} to {\dimen6} {\dimen3}
+\putrule from {\dimen5} {\dimen4} to {\dimen6} {\dimen4}
+\setcoordinatemode }
+\setcoordinatesystem units <2cm,0.0625cm> point at 0 0
+\setplotarea x from 0 to 5, y from 0 to 64
+% .......... axis ............
+\axis bottom label {} ticks withvalues {} {1990} {1992} {1994} {1996} {} /
+quantity 6 /
+\axis left label {} ticks numbered from 0 to 64 by 16 /
+% .......... heading ............
+\plotheading {}
+% .......... series .............
+\put {$\bullet$} at 1 12
+\put {} [b] <0mm,0.5\baselineskip> at 1 13.3
+\put {$\bullet$} at 2 54
+\put {} [b] <0mm,0.5\baselineskip> at 2 60.3
+\put {$\bullet$} at 3 34
+\put {} [b] <0mm,0.5\baselineskip> at 3 36.6
+\put {$\bullet$} at 4 42
+\put {} [b] <0mm,0.5\baselineskip> at 4 45.8
+\plot 1 12 2 54 3 34 4 42 /
+\put {} [b] <0mm,0.5\baselineskip> at 1 12
+\put {} [b] <0mm,0.5\baselineskip> at 2 54
+\put {} [b] <0mm,0.5\baselineskip> at 3 34
+\put {} [b] <0mm,0.5\baselineskip> at 4 42
+% ...... end of pictex file generated by FastPicTeX ......