path: root/support/expltools/luatex/explcheck-lexical-analysis.lua
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Diffstat (limited to 'support/expltools/luatex/explcheck-lexical-analysis.lua')
1 files changed, 255 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/support/expltools/luatex/explcheck-lexical-analysis.lua b/support/expltools/luatex/explcheck-lexical-analysis.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7699f50633
--- /dev/null
+++ b/support/expltools/luatex/explcheck-lexical-analysis.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,255 @@
+-- The lexical analysis step of static analysis converts expl3 parts of the input files into TeX tokens.
+local parsers = require("explcheck-parsers")
+local obsolete = require("explcheck-obsolete")
+local lpeg = require("lpeg")
+-- Tokenize the content and register any issues.
+local function lexical_analysis(issues, all_content, expl_ranges, options) -- luacheck: ignore issues options
+ -- Process bytes within a given range similarly to TeX's input processor (TeX's "eyes" [1]) and produce lines.
+ --
+ -- See also:
+ -- - Section 31 on page 16 and Section 362 on page 142 of Knuth (1986) [1]
+ -- - Section 7 on page 36 and Section 8 on page 42 of Knuth (1986) [2]
+ -- - Section 1.2 on page 12 of Olsak (2001) [3]
+ --
+ -- [1]: Donald Ervin Knuth. 1986. TeX: The Program. Addison-Wesley, USA.
+ -- [2]: Donald Ervin Knuth. 1986. The TeXbook. Addison-Wesley, USA.
+ -- [3]: Petr Olsak. 2001. TeXbook naruby. Konvoj, Brno.
+ --
+ --
+ local function get_lines(range)
+ local range_start, range_end = table.unpack(range)
+ local content = all_content:sub(range_start, range_end - 1)
+ for _, line in ipairs(lpeg.match(parsers.tex_lines, content)) do
+ local line_start, line_text, line_end = table.unpack(line)
+ local map_back = (function(line_start, line_text, line_end) -- luacheck: ignore line_start line_text line_end
+ return function (index)
+ assert(index > 0)
+ assert(index <= #line_text + #parsers.expl3_endlinechar)
+ if index > 0 and index <= #line_text then
+ local mapped_index = range_start + line_start + index - 2 -- a line character
+ assert(line_text[index] == content[mapped_index])
+ return mapped_index
+ elseif index > #line_text and index <= #line_text + #parsers.expl3_endlinechar then
+ return range_start + line_end - 2 -- an \endlinechar
+ else
+ assert(false)
+ end
+ end
+ end)(line_start, line_text, line_end)
+ coroutine.yield(line_text .. parsers.expl3_endlinechar, map_back)
+ end
+ end
+ -- Tokenize a line, similarly to TeX's token processor (TeX's "mouth" [1]).
+ --
+ -- See also:
+ -- - Section 303 on page 122 of Knuth (1986) [1]
+ -- - Section 7 on page 36 and Section 8 on page 42 of Knuth (1986) [2]
+ -- - Section 1.3 on page 19 of Olsak (2001) [3]
+ --
+ -- [1]: Donald Ervin Knuth. 1986. TeX: The Program. Addison-Wesley, USA.
+ -- [2]: Donald Ervin Knuth. 1986. The TeXbook. Addison-Wesley, USA.
+ -- [3]: Petr Olsak. 2001. TeXbook naruby. Konvoj, Brno.
+ --
+ --
+ local function get_tokens(lines)
+ local tokens = {}
+ local state
+ local num_open_groups_upper_estimate = 0
+ for line_text, map_back in lines do
+ state = "N"
+ local character_index = 1
+ local function get_character_and_catcode(index)
+ assert(index <= #line_text)
+ local character = line_text:sub(index, index)
+ local catcode = lpeg.match(parsers.determine_expl3_catcode, character)
+ -- Process TeX' double circumflex convention (^^X and ^^XX).
+ local actual_character, index_increment = lpeg.match(parsers.double_superscript_convention, line_text, index)
+ if actual_character ~= nil then
+ local actual_catcode = lpeg.match(parsers.determine_expl3_catcode, actual_character)
+ return actual_character, actual_catcode, index_increment -- double circumflex convention
+ else
+ return character, catcode, 1 -- single character
+ end
+ end
+ local previous_catcode = 9
+ while character_index <= #line_text do
+ local character, catcode, character_index_increment = get_character_and_catcode(character_index)
+ local range_start = map_back(character_index)
+ local range_end = range_start + 1
+ if ( -- a potential missing stylistic whitespace
+ previous_catcode == 0 -- right after a control sequence
+ or previous_catcode == 1 or previous_catcode == 2 -- or a begin/end grouping
+ ) then
+ if (
+ catcode ~= 0 and catcode ~= 1 -- for a control sequence of being grouping, we will handle the lack of whitespace elsewhere
+ and not (previous_catcode == 2 and character == ",") -- allow a comma after end grouping without a whitespace in between
+ and not (previous_catcode == 1 and catcode == 6) -- allow a parameter after begin grouping without a whitespace in between
+ and catcode ~= 9 and catcode ~= 10
+ ) then
+ issues:add('s204', 'missing stylistic whitespaces', range_start, range_end)
+ end
+ end
+ if catcode == 0 then -- control sequence
+ local csname_table = {}
+ local csname_index = character_index + character_index_increment
+ local previous_csname_index = csname_index
+ if csname_index <= #line_text then
+ local csname_index_increment
+ character, catcode, csname_index_increment = get_character_and_catcode(csname_index)
+ table.insert(csname_table, character)
+ csname_index = csname_index + csname_index_increment
+ if catcode == 11 then -- control word
+ state = "S"
+ while csname_index <= #line_text do
+ character, catcode, csname_index_increment = get_character_and_catcode(csname_index)
+ if catcode == 11 then
+ table.insert(csname_table, character)
+ previous_csname_index = csname_index
+ csname_index = csname_index + csname_index_increment
+ else
+ break
+ end
+ end
+ elseif catcode == 10 then -- escaped space
+ state = "S"
+ else -- control symbol
+ state = "M"
+ end
+ end
+ local csname = table.concat(csname_table)
+ range_end = map_back(previous_csname_index) + 1
+ table.insert(tokens, {"control sequence", csname, 0, range_start, range_end})
+ if previous_catcode ~= 9 and previous_catcode ~= 10 then
+ issues:add('s204', 'missing stylistic whitespaces', range_start, range_end)
+ end
+ previous_catcode = 0
+ character_index = csname_index
+ elseif catcode == 5 then -- end of line
+ if state == "N" then
+ table.insert(tokens, {"control sequence", "par", range_start, range_end})
+ elseif state == "M" then
+ table.insert(tokens, {"character", " ", 10, range_start, range_end})
+ end
+ character_index = character_index + character_index_increment
+ elseif catcode == 9 then -- ignored character
+ previous_catcode = catcode
+ character_index = character_index + character_index_increment
+ elseif catcode == 10 then -- space
+ if state == "M" then
+ table.insert(tokens, {"character", " ", 10, range_start, range_end})
+ end
+ previous_catcode = catcode
+ character_index = character_index + character_index_increment
+ elseif catcode == 14 then -- comment character
+ character_index = #line_text + 1
+ elseif catcode == 15 then -- invalid character
+ issues:add('e209', 'invalid characters', range_start, range_end)
+ character_index = character_index + character_index_increment
+ else
+ if catcode == 1 or catcode == 2 then -- begin/end grouping
+ if catcode == 1 then
+ num_open_groups_upper_estimate = num_open_groups_upper_estimate + 1
+ elseif catcode == 2 then
+ if num_open_groups_upper_estimate > 0 then
+ num_open_groups_upper_estimate = num_open_groups_upper_estimate - 1
+ else
+ issues:add('e208', 'too many closing braces', range_start, range_end)
+ end
+ end
+ if previous_catcode ~= 9 and previous_catcode ~= 10 and not (previous_catcode == 6 and catcode == 2) then
+ issues:add('s204', 'missing stylistic whitespaces', range_start, range_end)
+ end
+ previous_catcode = catcode
+ elseif ( -- maybe a parameter?
+ previous_catcode == 6 and catcode == 12
+ and lpeg.match(parsers.decimal_digit, character) ~= nil
+ ) then
+ previous_catcode = 6
+ else -- some other character
+ previous_catcode = catcode
+ end
+ table.insert(tokens, {"character", character, catcode, range_start, range_end})
+ state = "M"
+ character_index = character_index + character_index_increment
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ return tokens
+ end
+ -- Tokenize the content.
+ local all_tokens = {}
+ for _, expl_range in ipairs(expl_ranges) do
+ local lines = (function()
+ local co = coroutine.create(function()
+ get_lines(expl_range)
+ end)
+ return function()
+ local _, line_text, map_back = coroutine.resume(co)
+ return line_text, map_back
+ end
+ end)()
+ local tokens = get_tokens(lines)
+ table.insert(all_tokens, tokens)
+ end
+ for _, tokens in ipairs(all_tokens) do
+ for token_index, token in ipairs(tokens) do
+ local token_type, payload, catcode, range_start, range_end = table.unpack(token) -- luacheck: ignore catcode
+ if token_type == "control sequence" then
+ local csname = payload
+ local _, _, argument_specifiers = csname:find(":(.*)")
+ if argument_specifiers ~= nil then
+ if lpeg.match(parsers.weird_argument_specifiers, argument_specifiers) then
+ issues:add('w200', '"weird" and "do not use" argument specifiers', range_start, range_end)
+ end
+ if lpeg.match(parsers.argument_specifiers, argument_specifiers) == nil then
+ issues:add('e201', 'unknown argument specifiers', range_start, range_end)
+ end
+ end
+ if lpeg.match(obsolete.deprecated_csname, csname) ~= nil then
+ issues:add('w202', 'deprecated control sequences', range_start, range_end)
+ end
+ if lpeg.match(obsolete.removed_csname, csname) ~= nil then
+ issues:add('e203', 'removed control sequences', range_start, range_end)
+ end
+ if token_index + 1 <= #tokens then
+ local next_token = tokens[token_index + 1]
+ local next_token_type, next_csname, _, next_range_start, next_range_end = table.unpack(next_token)
+ if next_token_type == "control sequence" then
+ if (
+ lpeg.match(parsers.expl3_function_assignment_csname, csname) ~= nil
+ and lpeg.match(parsers.expl3_function_csname, next_csname) == nil
+ ) then
+ issues:add('s205', 'malformed function name', next_range_start, next_range_end)
+ end
+ if (
+ lpeg.match(parsers.expl3_variable_or_constant_use_csname, csname) ~= nil
+ and lpeg.match(parsers.expl3_variable_or_constant_csname, next_csname) == nil
+ and lpeg.match(parsers.expl3_scratch_variable_csname, next_csname) == nil
+ ) then
+ issues:add('s206', 'malformed variable or constant name', next_range_start, next_range_end)
+ end
+ if (
+ lpeg.match(parsers.expl3_quark_or_scan_mark_definition_csname, csname) ~= nil
+ and lpeg.match(parsers.expl3_quark_or_scan_mark_csname, next_csname) == nil
+ ) then
+ issues:add('s207', 'malformed quark or scan mark name', next_range_start, next_range_end)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ return all_tokens
+return lexical_analysis