path: root/support/dktools/libdk4maiowd.dox
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Diffstat (limited to 'support/dktools/libdk4maiowd.dox')
1 files changed, 39 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/support/dktools/libdk4maiowd.dox b/support/dktools/libdk4maiowd.dox
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..11cb40ef14
--- /dev/null
+++ b/support/dktools/libdk4maiowd.dox
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+/** @page libdk4maiowd libdk4maiowd
+@section secinputwd Convert text to number
+Retrieve integer or double number from wchar_t text in decimal notation.
+Data type | Header | Function
+:-------: | :----: | :-------
+char | dk4maiwdic.h | dk4ma_input_wc_dec_char()
+unsigned char | dk4maiwduc.h | dk4ma_input_wc_dec_uchar()
+short | dk4maiwdis.h | dk4ma_input_wc_dec_short()
+unsigned short | dk4maiwdus.h | dk4ma_input_wc_dec_ushort()
+int | dk4maiwdii.h | dk4ma_input_wc_dec_int()
+unsigned | dk4maiwdui.h | dk4ma_input_wc_dec_uint()
+long | dk4maiwdil.h | dk4ma_input_wc_dec_long()
+unsigned long | dk4maiwdul.h | dk4ma_input_wc_dec_ulong()
+size_t | dk4maiwdsz.h | dk4ma_input_wc_dec_size_t()
+long long | dk4maiwdli.h | dk4ma_input_wc_dec_ll()
+unsigned long long | dk4maiwdlu.h | dk4ma_input_wc_dec_ull()
+intmax_t | dk4maiwdmi.h | dk4ma_input_wc_dec_intmax_t()
+uintmax_t | dk4maiwdmu.h | dk4ma_input_wc_dec_uintmax_t()
+dk4_im_t | dk4maiwddi.h | dk4ma_input_wc_dec_dk4_im_t()
+dk4_um_t | dk4maiwddu.h | dk4ma_input_wc_dec_dk4_um_t()
+double | dk4maiwdbl.h | dk4ma_input_wc_double()
+@section secioutputwd Convert number to text
+Convert integer number to wchar_t text in decimal notation.
+Data type | Header | Function
+:-------: | :----: | :-------
+dk4_im_t | dk4maowd.h | dk4ma_write_wc_decimal_unsigned()
+dk4_um_t | dk4maowd.h | dk4ma_write_wc_decimal_signed()
+double | dk4maowdbl.h | dk4ma_write_wc_double()
+You can cast all other signed integer values to dk4_im_t and all other
+unsigned integer values to dk4_um_t without loss.