path: root/support/digestif/digestif/data.lua
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'support/digestif/digestif/data.lua')
1 files changed, 384 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/support/digestif/digestif/data.lua b/support/digestif/digestif/data.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..621048f4a9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/support/digestif/digestif/data.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,384 @@
+local lpeg = require "lpeg"
+local util = require "digestif.util"
+local config = require "digestif.config"
+local format, strfind = string.format, string.find
+local concat, unpack = table.concat, table.unpack
+local popen = io.popen
+local P, C, Cg, Ct = lpeg.P, lpeg.C, lpeg.Cg, lpeg.Ct
+local match = lpeg.match
+local many, sequence = util.many, util.sequence
+local gobble, search = util.gobble,
+local nested_get, extend = util.nested_get, util.extend
+local find_file = util.find_file
+local parse_uri, make_uri = util.parse_uri, util.make_uri
+local log = util.log
+local path_split, path_join = util.path_split, util.path_join
+local data = {}
+local loaded_tags = {}
+--* CTAN data
+-- function ctan_package(name)
+-- Return a little tags table with the package's details on CTAN
+-- (package description, ctan link, documentation). No command
+-- information.
+-- function ctan_package_of(file)
+-- The name of the CTAN package to which file belongs.
+local ctan_package, ctan_package_of -- to be defined
+local tlpdb_path = config.tlpdb_path
+ and find_file(config.tlpdb_path)
+ or find_file(config.texmf_dirs, "../tlpkg/texlive.tlpdb")
+if tlpdb_path then
+ local _, tlpdb_text = find_file(tlpdb_path, nil, true)
+ if config.verbose then
+ log("Reading TLPDB from '%s'", tlpdb_path)
+ end
+ local Peol = P"\n"
+ local concat_lines = function(...) return concat({...}, "\n") end
+ local within_item = 1 - Peol * Peol
+ local within_files = (1 - Peol) + Peol * P" "
+ local gobble_to_eol = gobble("\n")
+ -- Pattern to turn an entry in the TLPDB file into a table with
+ -- entries name, summary, details, documentation, runfiles.
+ local tlpdb_item_patt = Ct(
+ sequence(
+ Cg( -- collect the name
+ P"name " * C(gobble_to_eol),
+ "ctan_package"),
+ Cg( -- find a shortdesc or give up
+ search(
+ Peol * "shortdesc " * C(gobble_to_eol),
+ within_item),
+ "summary"),
+ Cg( -- find a longdesc or give up
+ search(
+ (Peol * "longdesc " * C(gobble_to_eol))^1 / concat_lines,
+ within_item),
+ "details"),
+ Cg( -- find docfiles section
+ many(-1, -- or continue
+ sequence(
+ search(Peol * "docfiles " * gobble_to_eol, within_item),
+ Ct(many( -- collect several docfile entries in a list
+ search( -- looking for the interesting ones only
+ Ct( -- parse one docfile entry
+ sequence( -- collect URI, but only if details field exist
+ Peol * " RELOC/",
+ Cg(gobble(" ", 1 - Peol) / "texmf:%0", "uri"),
+ Cg(P" details=\"" * C(gobble"\""), "summary"))),
+ within_files))))),
+ "documentation"),
+ Cg( -- find runfiles section or give up
+ sequence(
+ search(Peol * "runfiles " * gobble_to_eol, within_item),
+ Ct(many( -- collect the runfile entries is a list
+ sequence( -- parse one runfile entry
+ Peol * " ", -- discard the file line marker
+ many(search("/", 1 - Peol)), -- discard folder part
+ C(gobble_to_eol))))), -- collect base name
+ "runfiles")))
+ local tlpdb_items = Ct(many(search(Peol * tlpdb_item_patt))):match(tlpdb_text)
+ function ctan_package(name)
+ for i = 1, #tlpdb_items do
+ local item = tlpdb_items[i]
+ if == name then
+ return item
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ ctan_package = util.memoize1(ctan_package)
+ function ctan_package_of(file)
+ for i = 1, #tlpdb_items do
+ local item = tlpdb_items[i]
+ local runfiles = item.runfiles
+ for j = 1, #runfiles do
+ if runfiles[j] == file then
+ return item
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ ctan_package_of = util.memoize1(ctan_package_of)
+ ctan_package = function() end
+ ctan_package_of = function() end
+ if config.verbose then log("TLPDB not found") end
+--* kpathsea emulation
+-- function kpsewhich(name)
+-- Like the kpsewhich command, return the full path of tex input file
+-- name. We use luatex's kpse bindings if available, and parse the
+-- system's ls-R files otherwise.
+local kpsewhich
+if kpse then -- we're on luatex
+ local kpse_obj ="luatex")
+ function kpsewhich(name)
+ return kpse_obj:find_file(name, "tex")
+ end
+else -- on plain lua, we look for ls-R files
+ local texmf_files = {}
+ local texmf_dirs = config.texmf_dirs
+ local dir_patt = P"./" * C(gobble(":" * P(-1)))
+ for i = 1, #texmf_dirs do
+ local texmf_dir = texmf_dirs[i]
+ local listing_path = find_file(texmf_dir, "ls-R")
+ if listing_path then
+ local current_dir
+ for line in io.lines(listing_path) do
+ local subdir = match(dir_patt, line)
+ if subdir then
+ current_dir = path_join(texmf_dir, subdir)
+ elseif current_dir and not texmf_files[line] then
+ texmf_files[line] = path_join(current_dir, line)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ function kpsewhich(name)
+ return texmf_files[name]
+ end
+--* Generate tags from the user's TeX installation
+local function infer_format(path)
+ local ext = path:sub(-4)
+ if ext == ".bib" then
+ return "bibtex"
+ elseif ext == ".sty" or ext == ".cls" or ext == ".ltx" then
+ return "latex-prog"
+ elseif ext == ".xml" and path:match("%Acontext%A") then
+ return "context-xml"
+ elseif ext == ".tex" then
+ return "latex-prog"
+ end
+local function tags_from_manuscript(script, ctan_data)
+ local commands, environments, dependencies = {}, {}, {}
+ local tags = {
+ generated = true,
+ dependencies = dependencies,
+ commands = commands,
+ environments = environments
+ }
+ if ctan_data then
+ setmetatable(tags, {__index = ctan_data})
+ end
+ for pkg in pairs(script.packages) do
+ dependencies[#dependencies+1] = pkg
+ end
+ table.sort(dependencies)
+ for _, it in script:index_pairs("newcommand") do
+ commands[] = {
+ arguments = it.arguments,
+ }
+ end
+ for _, it in script:index_pairs("newenvironment") do
+ environments[] = {
+ arguments = it.arguments,
+ }
+ end
+ return tags
+-- Generate tags from TeX source code (or ConTeXt interface XML file,
+-- if applicable). The argument is a file name found by kpsewhich.
+local function generate_tags(name)
+ local path = kpsewhich(name)
+ path = path and find_file(config.texmf_dirs, path)
+ if not path then return end
+ local texformat = infer_format(path)
+ if not texformat then return end
+ if config.verbose then log("Generating tags: %s", path) end
+ local pkg = ctan_package_of(name)
+ if texformat == "context-xml" then
+ -- The function below is defined and monkey-patched in
+ -- ManuscriptConTeXt, to keep the XML dependency separated.
+ if not data.tags_from_xml then require "digestif.ManuscriptConTeXt" end
+ return data.tags_from_xml(path, pkg)
+ else
+ loaded_tags[name] = {} -- TODO: this is to avoid loops, find a better way
+ local cache = require "digestif.Cache"()
+ local script = cache:manuscript(path, texformat)
+ return tags_from_manuscript(script, pkg)
+ end
+data.generate_tags = generate_tags
+--* Load tags
+-- function require_tags(name)
+-- Return tags table for input file name. Either loads from a tags
+-- file in the data directory, or generate from source on the fly.
+local require_tags
+local parse_ref = util.matcher(
+ sequence(
+ P"$ref:",
+ C(gobble"#") * P"#",
+ Ct(many(P"/" * C(gobble"/")))))
+local function resolve_refs(tbl, seen)
+ seen = seen or {}
+ for k, v in pairs(tbl) do
+ if type(v) == "string" then
+ local loc, path = parse_ref(v)
+ if loc then
+ tbl[k] = nested_get(require_tags(loc), unpack(path))
+ end
+ elseif type(v) == "table" and not seen[v] then
+ seen[v] = true
+ resolve_refs(v, seen)
+ end
+ end
+-- Load a tags file from the data directory.
+local function load_tags(name)
+ if strfind(name, "..", 1, true) then return end -- bad file name
+ local path, str = find_file(config.data_dirs, name .. ".tags", true)
+ if not path then return end
+ if config.verbose then log("Loading tags: %s", path) end
+ local tags = {}
+ local ok, message = load(str, path, "t", tags)
+ if ok then ok, message = pcall(ok) end
+ if not ok and config.verbose then
+ log("Error loading %s.tags: %s", name, message)
+ return -- TODO: should throw an error?
+ end
+ local pkg = ctan_package(tags.ctan_package) or ctan_package_of(name)
+ setmetatable(tags, {__index = pkg})
+ return tags
+require_tags = function(name)
+ local tags = loaded_tags[name]
+ if not tags then
+ tags = load_tags(name) or generate_tags(name)
+ if tags then
+ loaded_tags[name] = tags
+ resolve_refs(tags)
+ local extra_actions = config.extra_actions or {}
+ for _, kind in ipairs{"commands", "environments"} do
+ for cs, cmd in pairs(tags[kind] or {}) do
+ if not cmd.package then cmd.package = tags end
+ if extra_actions[cs] then cmd.action = extra_actions[cs] end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ return tags
+data.require = require_tags
+data.require_tags = require_tags
+-- Load all data files, and return them in a table. This is intended
+-- for debugging and testing only, and depends on luafilesystem.
+local function load_all_tags()
+ local t = {}
+ local ok, lfs = pcall(require, "lfs")
+ assert(ok, "Function data.load_all() need the luafilesystem library.")
+ for _, data_dir in ipairs(config.data_dirs) do
+ for path in lfs.dir(data_dir) do
+ local pkg = path:match("(.*)%.tags")
+ if pkg then
+ assert(load_tags(pkg), "Error loading data file " .. path)
+ t[pkg] = require_tags(pkg) or error("Error processing data file " .. path)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ return t
+data.load_all = load_all_tags
+--* User-readable documentation
+local function resolve_uri(uri)
+ local scheme, _, location, _, fragment = parse_uri(uri)
+ if scheme == "info" then
+ return uri
+ elseif scheme == "texmf" then
+ local path = find_file(config.texmf_dirs, location)
+ if path then
+ return make_uri("file", "", path, nil, fragment)
+ else
+ return format(
+ config.external_texmf, make_uri(nil, nil, location, nil, fragment)
+ )
+ end
+ else
+ return uri
+ end
+-- Given a list of documentation items, return a markdown-formatted
+-- string of links to these documents.
+local function resolve_doc_items(items)
+ if type(items) == "string" then items = {items} end
+ local t = {}
+ for _, item in ipairs(items) do
+ if type(item) == "string" then
+ t[#t+1] = format("- <%s>", resolve_uri(item))
+ else
+ t[#t+1] = format("- [%s](%s)", item.summary, resolve_uri(item.uri))
+ end
+ end
+ return t
+data.resolve_doc_items = resolve_doc_items
+-- Call info, return the relevant part of the info node.
+local function get_info(uri)
+ if config.info_command then
+ local scheme, _, path, _, fragment = parse_uri(uri)
+ if scheme ~= "info" then return end
+ local cmd = format("%s '(%s)%s'", config.info_command, path, fragment)
+ local pipe = popen(cmd)
+ local str = pipe:read("a")
+ local ok, exitt, exitc = pipe:close()
+ if ok and exitt == "exit" and exitc == 0 then
+ str = str:gsub(".-\n", "", 2) -- discard header line
+ str = str:gsub("\nFile: " .. path .. ".info.*", "\n") -- discard child nodes
+ return str, path, fragment
+ elseif config.verbose then
+ log("Error running info (%s %d)", exitt, exitc)
+ end
+ end
+return data