path: root/support/digestif/data
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'support/digestif/data')
22 files changed, 77928 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/support/digestif/data/amsrefs.sty.tags b/support/digestif/data/amsrefs.sty.tags
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..21bcad5c01
--- /dev/null
+++ b/support/digestif/data/amsrefs.sty.tags
@@ -0,0 +1,612 @@
+-- Copyright 2001-2004, 2007, 2008, 2010-2013 American Mathematical Society
+-- Copyright 2022 Augusto Stoffel
+-- SPDX-License-Identifier: LPPL-1.3c+
+-- Adapted from the amsrefs package documentation, which can be found
+-- at
+ctan_package = "amsrefs"
+package = {
+ options = {
+ alphabetic = {
+ details = [[
+This generates alphabetic labels similar to the `alpha` BibTeX
+style, consisting of the first letter(s) of each author name plus the
+year of publication.
+ },
+ shortalphabetic = {
+ details = [[
+This generates a shorter alphabetic label using only the first letter
+of each author name.
+ },
+ ["author-year"] = {
+ details = [[
+This switches to the popular author-year citation format, similar to
+that described in The Chicago Manual of Style.
+ },
+ y2k = {
+ details = [[
+When using the `alphabetic` option, normally only the last two digits
+of the year are used in the label. The `y2k` option instructs amsrefs
+to use the full year.
+ },
+ ["non-compressed-cites"] = {
+ details = [[
+Turn off range compression; citations will still be sorted. Range
+compression is also automatically turned off if amsrefs detects that
+the hyperref package has been loaded. (In order for this to work
+correctly, the hyperref package must be loaded after the amsrefs
+ },
+ ["non-sorted-cites"] = {
+ details = [[
+Turn off range sorting. This also turns off range compression as a
+ },
+ abbrev = {
+ details = [[
+This is equivalent to requesting all four of the options `initials`,
+`short-journals`,`short-months` and `short-publishers`.
+ },
+ initials = {
+ details = [[
+Replace the given names of all authors, editors, and translators with
+their initials.
+ },
+ ["short-journals"] = {
+ details = [[
+Print short form instead of full form for journal names. This works
+only with abbreviations defined with the `\DefineJournal` command.
+ },
+ ["short-months"] = {
+ details = [[
+Print short version of month names (e.g., Jan. instead of January).
+This works only when you write all dates in ISO 8601 format.
+ },
+ ["short-publishers"] = {
+ details = [[
+Print short form instead of full form for publisher names. This works
+only with abbreviations defined with the `\DefinePublisher` command.
+ },
+ backrefs = {
+ details = [[
+This option causes “back-references” to be printed at the end of each
+bibliography entry to show what page it was cited on. This option
+will work only if the hyperref package is installed.
+ },
+ ["bibtex-style"] = {
+ details = [[
+By default, amsrefs formats references using the AMS house style. The
+`bibtex-style` option instructs it to use a format that is very
+similar to the one implemented by the standard BibTeX styles (plain,
+alpha, abbrv, and unsrt).
+ },
+ ["citation-order"] = {
+ details = [[
+This option applies only when using amsrefs in conjunction with
+BibTeX. Consequently, changing this option will have no effect until
+after the next bibtex run.
+The `citation-order` option corresponds to the standard BibTeX style
+unsrt, where items are printed in the reference list in the order in
+which they are cited in the document.
+ },
+ lite = {
+ details = [[
+Suppress the loading of the following packages, which amsrefs
+will normally automatically load:
+ - mathscinet: Define a number of special characters and accents that
+ are sometimes encountered when downloading data from MathSciNet.
+ - txtcmds: Provide shorthand commands for a number of characters
+ that are usually specified via ligatures (e.g., -- for an en-dash
+ or ?` for ?. Using these ligatures can cause problems if you're
+ using fonts other than the Computer Modern Roman family or if you
+ want to make it easy to convert your document to, say, HTML.
+ LaTeX does provide macros for these characters, but their names
+ tend to be rather unwieldy (e.g., `\textendash` and
+ `\textquestiondown`, so txtcmds provides shorter names (`\ndash`
+ and `\qd` in this case).
+ },
+ ["msc-links"] = {
+ details = [[
+Redefine the `\MR` command to create hypertext links to the
+MathSciNet database. This option will work only if the hyperref
+package is installed.
+ },
+ nobysame = {
+ details = [[
+If two or more consecutive bibliography items have the same authors,
+amsrefs will normally replace the author names in the second and
+succeeding entries by a horizontal rule. This option disables this
+feature, causing the full author names to always be printed.
+ }
+ }
+commands= {
+ bibselect = {
+ summary = "Read \\bib entries from an ltb file.",
+ action = "input",
+ filename = "?.ltb",
+ arguments = {
+ {
+ meta = "*",
+ summary = "If present, print all bibliography items, including not cited.",
+ optional = true,
+ type = "literal"
+ },
+ {
+ meta = "files",
+ summary = "A list of files with ltb extension."
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ bib = {
+ action = "amsrefs_bib",
+ summary = "Create a bibliogprahy item.",
+ arguments = {
+ {
+ meta = "label"
+ },
+ {
+ meta = "type",
+ keys = {
+ article = {
+ details = [[
+A relatively short but self-contained item that is typically published
+as part of a larger collection, such as a journal, a conference
+proceedings, an edited collection published as a book, or even as part
+of a World Wide Web document.
+ },
+ book = {
+ details = [[
+A written work by one or more authors where the authors share credit
+for the work as a whole. For compatibility with BibTeX, the following
+entry types are available as aliases for book: collection,
+proceedings, manual, and unpublished.
+ },
+ misc = {
+ details = [[
+Anything that doesn’t fit into one of the other types.
+ },
+ report = {
+ details = [[
+A technical report, white paper, or the like. Similar to an article
+but usually published and distributed by an organization such as a
+university or corporation whose primary business is usually not
+publishing. Also known as a techreport.
+ },
+ thesis = {
+ details = [[
+Like report but produced by the author for an educational institution
+to satisfy the requirements for a degree. Not (normally) produced by
+a commercial publisher for sale.
+ },
+ webpage = {
+ details = [[
+An online resource. It is limited to the following fields: accessdate,
+author, date, note, subtitle, title, url.
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ meta = "fields",
+ keys = {
+ accessdate = {
+ details = [[
+Used to specify the date on which a webpage was viewed, as opposed to
+the date on which the resource was last modified, which would be put
+in the date field.
+ },
+ address = {
+ details = [[
+Usually the address of the publisher or other issuing organization,
+but inside the conference compound field it refers to the address of
+the conference.
+ },
+ booktitle = {
+ details = [[
+Used in the article type to specify the title of the book in which the
+article appeared. If anything other than a simple book title is
+required, the book compound field should be used instead.
+ },
+ date = {
+ details = [[
+Usually the date of publication, except inside the conference field,
+where it is the date of the conference.
+This replaces BibTeX's year and month fields. Its value should be
+written in ISO 8601 format, e.g., 1967-02-24. The day and/or month
+can be omitted, so all of the following are valid representations of
+February 24, 1967:
+Using this format allows amsrefs maximum flexibility in formatting
+dates, for example, by allowing month names to be printed in full or
+abbreviated as necessary.
+For Winter, Spring, Summer, Fall, either use month numbers of 13, 14,
+15, 16 (respectively) or just put in the text before the year:
+date={Summer 1987},
+For compatibility, year is provided as an alias for date, but its use
+is discouraged.
+ },
+ edition = {
+ details = [[
+For books or reports. If the value of this field is a simple number,
+bib will convert it to cardinal form and add “ed.” (or alternative
+text if specified by the bibliography style). Otherwise it will be
+printed as is.
+ },
+ eprint = {
+ details = [[
+Electronic preprint information such as for <>. See
+<> for recommended form.
+ },
+ hyphenation = {
+ details = [[
+This corresponds to the Babel package notion of language. The
+hyphenation language used for a given bib entry is determined from
+various clues, which are checked in the following order:
+- The Babel language specified by the hyphenation field.
+- The Babel language specified by the \emph{first word} of the
+ language field (after lowercasing).
+- The current Babel language that was in effect before the \cn{bib}
+ command started.
+- The current hyphenation patterns of the document, if there are no
+ Babel language modules loaded.
+The hyphenation field applies to an entire entry. To change the Babel
+language for a single field, see the discussion of the language
+ },
+ journal = {},
+ label = {
+ details = [[
+When the alphabetic or shortalphabetic options are used, amsrefs will
+usually try to generate the label on its own. If necessary, you can
+override the automatically generated label by specifying a label
+ },
+ language = {
+ details = [[
+Language of the work. The language name should be the printed form,
+not a Babel-style language name, since in principle this field could
+contain more complicated remarks such as “Russian, with French
+ },
+ note = {
+ details = [[
+Any additional information that does not fit into one of the other
+ },
+ number = {
+ details = [[
+The issue number of the journal for an article or the technical report
+number for a report.
+ },
+ organization = {
+ details = [[
+The school, university, corporation, or other nonpublisher
+organization that issued the document.
+ },
+ pages = {},
+ part = {},
+ publisher = {},
+ series = {},
+ setup = {
+ details = [[
+This is a special field that can be used to give arbitrary commands to
+be executed at the beginning of the current bib entry, after all the
+fields have been read. The idea is that one can alter the formatting
+of an individual entry through this field to handle special cases.
+ },
+ status = {
+ details = [[
+Typically used for notes such as “to appear” or “in preparation”
+or “unpublished” with journal articles.
+ },
+ subtitle = {
+ details = [[
+Typically used with a multipart journal article to give a subtitle for
+each part, but it can also be used for books.
+ },
+ type = {
+ details = [[
+The type of a thesis, e.g., “Master's Thesis” or “Ph.D. Thesis”.
+ },
+ xref = {
+ },
+ author = {
+ details = [[
+The authors of the item. If there are other contributors that should
+be acknowledged, they should be listed in contribution fields.
+ },
+ editor = {
+ details = [[
+The editors of the item. If there are other contributors that should
+be acknowledged, they should be listed in contribution fields.
+ },
+ translator = {
+ details = [[
+The translators of the item. If there are other contributors that
+should be acknowledged, they should be listed in contribution fields.
+ },
+ isbn, issn = {
+ details = [[
+An International Standard Book or Serial Number. (These are not
+printed by the standard styles, but are reserved for future use.)
+ },
+ review = {
+ details = [[
+A review number or similar pointer to, for example, Mathematical
+Reviews or Zentralblatt. You must supply any special markup for the
+number; i.e., you should write
+ review={\MR{2015463}}
+instead of
+ review={2015463}
+ },
+ book = {
+ details = [[
+This is used for conference articles to make it easier to
+differentiate between an article and the book or proceedings that it
+appeared in. The book field can contain any of the following
+subfields: title, part, subtitle, edition, editor, translator,
+contribution, series, volume, publisher, organization, address, date,
+It is often used in conjunction with the conference field.
+ },
+ conference = {
+ details = [[
+The conference field can contain a title, address, and date.
+ \bib{Burkholder1986a}{article}{
+ author={Burkholder, Donald L.},
+ title={Martingales and Fourier analysis in Banach spaces},
+ conference={
+ title={C.I.M.E. Lectures},
+ address={Varenna, Italy},
+ date={1985}
+ },
+ book={
+ series={Lecture Notes in Math.},
+ volume={1206},
+ publisher={Springer-Verlag},
+ address={Berlin and New York},
+ date={1986},
+ },
+ pages={61--108},
+ review={\MR{0864712}}
+ }
+ },
+ contribution = {
+ details = [[
+This field can be repeated as many times as necessary to list any
+contributors other than authors, editors, or translators.
+ contribution={
+ type={illustrations},
+ author={Gorey, Edward}
+ }
+which in the default style produces
+ with illustrations by Edward Gorey
+Since contributions are potentially complicated, so is the
+contribution field:
+- Sometimes it is necessary to add additional material to the type in
+ order to produce intelligible text:
+ contribution={
+ type={an appendix},
+ author={Doe, John}
+ }
+- amsrefs tries very hard to format multiple contributions, each of
+ which may have multiple authors, in an appropriate way. However,
+ there might be cases where the default rules aren't flexible enough,
+ in which case you can instead use the contribution field as a simple
+ field and format it exactly the way you want:
+ contribution={some arbitrary text about contributions}
+This feature should only be used as a last resort, though.
+ },
+ partial = {
+ details = [[
+This is used with the article type for multipart articles. Like the
+contribution field, it is repeatable. It can contain any of the
+following fields: part, subtitle, contribution, journal, volume, date,
+number, pages.
+ \bib{Zho-fan1972}{article}{
+ author={Zho-fan, Z.},
+ title={Monomials},
+ partial={
+ part={I},
+ journal={Tot. Math.},
+ volume={19},
+ date={1972},
+ pages={335--350}
+ },
+ partial={
+ part={II},
+ journal={Tot. Math.},
+ volume={20},
+ date={1973},
+ pages={19--37}
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ reprint = {
+ details = [[
+This can be used inside an article to indicate another place (usually
+a book) where the article can also be found. It can contain any field
+that the book type can.
+ \bib{Sokal96}{article}{
+ title={Trangressing the boundaries},
+ subtitle={Toward a transformative hermeneutics of quantum
+ gravity},
+ author={Sokal, Alan},
+ journal={Social Text},
+ volume={46/47},
+ date={1996},
+ pages={217--252},
+ reprint={
+ title={Fashionable Nonsense},
+ subtitle={Postmodern Intellectuals' Abuse of Science},
+ author={Sokal, Alan},
+ author={Bricmont, Jean},
+ publisher={Picador USA},
+ address={New York},
+ date={1998}
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ translation = {
+ details = [[
+This is the only compound field that can be used with any bibliography
+type. It can contain any field that its parent type can contain.
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ citelist = {
+ details = [[
+This is used to group a number of individual `\cite` commands into a
+single citation. Among other things, this makes it possible to add an
+optional argument to any of the `\cite` commands unambiguously:
+ \citelist{\cite{xx} \cite{yy}*{Theorem 4.9} \cite{zz}}
+Note that there is no punctuation or other text between the `\cite
+commands. Any necessary commas or other punctuation will be supplied
+automatically. Any attempts to supply it by hand will backfire.
+ },
+ cites = {
+ action = "cite",
+ arguments = {{meta = "labels"}},
+ details = [[
+This is a variant of citelist, provided for convenience:
+ \cites{aa,bb,cc}
+is equivalent to
+ \citelist{\cite{aa}\cite{bb}\cite{cc}}
+Note that cites does not take an optional arguments.
+ },
+ nocite = {
+ action = "cite",
+ arguments = {{meta = "labels"}},
+ details = [[
+This continues to work the same way that it does in standard LaTeX
+when used with BibTeX, but see the manual for limitations when it is
+used with bibselect and ltb files.
+ },
+ ocite = {
+ action = "cite",
+ arguments = {{meta = "label"}},
+ summary = "Cite as an object.",
+ action = "cite"
+ },
+ ycite = {
+ action = "cite",
+ arguments = {{meta = "label"}},
+ summary = "Cite year.",
+ action = "cite",
+ },
+ DefineName = {
+ arguments = {
+ {meta = "label"},
+ {meta = "text"}
+ }
+ },
+ DefinePublisher = {
+ arguments = {
+ {meta = "label"},
+ {meta = "text"}
+ }
+ },
+ DefineJournal = {
+ arguments = {
+ {meta = "label"},
+ {meta = "text"}
+ }
+ }
+environments = {
+ bibdiv = {},
+ biblist = {}
diff --git a/support/digestif/data/amssymb.sty.tags b/support/digestif/data/amssymb.sty.tags
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c7b19b5a3c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/support/digestif/data/amssymb.sty.tags
@@ -0,0 +1,677 @@
+-- Copyright 2006-2019 Will Robertson
+-- Copyright 2010-2017 Philipp Stephani
+-- Copyright 2011-2017 Joseph Wright
+-- Copyright 2012-2015 Khaled Hosny
+-- Copyright 2022 Augusto Stoffel
+-- SPDX-License-Identifier: LPPL-1.3c+
+-- Adapted from the file unicode-math-table.tex, part of the
+-- unicode-math package, which can be found at
+ctan_package = "amsfonts"
+commands = {
+ Bbbk = {
+ summary = "mathematical double-struck small k",
+ symbol = "𝕜"
+ },
+ Bumpeq = {
+ summary = "bumpy equals",
+ symbol = "≎"
+ },
+ Cap = {
+ summary = "/cap /doublecap b: double intersection",
+ symbol = "⋒"
+ },
+ Cup = {
+ summary = "/cup /doublecup b: double union",
+ symbol = "⋓"
+ },
+ Doteq = {
+ summary = "/doteqdot /doteq r: equals, even dots",
+ symbol = "≑"
+ },
+ Finv = {
+ summary = "turned capital f",
+ symbol = "Ⅎ"
+ },
+ Game = {
+ summary = "turned sans-serif capital g",
+ symbol = "⅁"
+ },
+ Lleftarrow = {
+ summary = "left triple arrow",
+ symbol = "⇚"
+ },
+ Lsh = {
+ summary = "/lsh a:",
+ symbol = "↰"
+ },
+ Rrightarrow = {
+ summary = "right triple arrow",
+ symbol = "⇛"
+ },
+ Rsh = {
+ summary = "/rsh a:",
+ symbol = "↱"
+ },
+ Subset = {
+ summary = "double subset",
+ symbol = "⋐"
+ },
+ Supset = {
+ summary = "double superset",
+ symbol = "⋑"
+ },
+ Vdash = {
+ summary = "double vertical, dash",
+ symbol = "⊩"
+ },
+ Vvdash = {
+ summary = "triple vertical, dash",
+ symbol = "⊪"
+ },
+ approxeq = {
+ summary = "approximate, equals",
+ symbol = "≊"
+ },
+ backprime = {
+ summary = "reverse prime, not superscripted",
+ symbol = "‵"
+ },
+ backsim = {
+ summary = "reverse similar",
+ symbol = "∽"
+ },
+ backsimeq = {
+ summary = "reverse similar, equals",
+ symbol = "⋍"
+ },
+ barwedge = {
+ summary = "bar, wedge (large wedge)",
+ symbol = "⊼"
+ },
+ because = {
+ summary = "because",
+ symbol = "∵"
+ },
+ beth = {
+ summary = "beth, hebrew",
+ symbol = "ℶ"
+ },
+ between = {
+ summary = "between",
+ symbol = "≬"
+ },
+ bigstar = {
+ summary = "star, filled",
+ symbol = "★"
+ },
+ blacktriangle = {
+ summary = "up triangle, filled",
+ symbol = "▴"
+ },
+ blacktriangledown = {
+ summary = "down triangle, filled",
+ symbol = "▾"
+ },
+ blacktriangleleft = {
+ summary = "(large) left triangle, filled",
+ symbol = "◀"
+ },
+ blacktriangleright = {
+ summary = "(large) right triangle, filled",
+ symbol = "▶"
+ },
+ boxdot = {
+ summary = "/dotsquare /boxdot b: small dot in box",
+ symbol = "⊡"
+ },
+ boxminus = {
+ summary = "minus sign in box",
+ symbol = "⊟"
+ },
+ boxplus = {
+ summary = "plus sign in box",
+ symbol = "⊞"
+ },
+ boxtimes = {
+ summary = "multiply sign in box",
+ symbol = "⊠"
+ },
+ bumpeq = {
+ summary = "bumpy equals, equals",
+ symbol = "≏"
+ },
+ circeq = {
+ summary = "circle, equals",
+ symbol = "≗"
+ },
+ circledast = {
+ summary = "asterisk in circle",
+ symbol = "⊛"
+ },
+ circledcirc = {
+ summary = "small circle in circle",
+ symbol = "⊚"
+ },
+ circleddash = {
+ summary = "hyphen in circle",
+ symbol = "⊝"
+ },
+ complement = {
+ summary = "complement sign",
+ symbol = "∁"
+ },
+ curlyeqprec = {
+ summary = "curly equals, precedes",
+ symbol = "⋞"
+ },
+ curlyeqsucc = {
+ summary = "curly equals, succeeds",
+ symbol = "⋟"
+ },
+ curlyvee = {
+ summary = "curly logical or",
+ symbol = "⋎"
+ },
+ curlywedge = {
+ summary = "curly logical and",
+ symbol = "⋏"
+ },
+ curvearrowleft = {
+ summary = "left curved arrow",
+ symbol = "↶"
+ },
+ curvearrowright = {
+ summary = "right curved arrow",
+ symbol = "↷"
+ },
+ daleth = {
+ summary = "daleth, hebrew",
+ symbol = "ℸ"
+ },
+ divideontimes = {
+ summary = "division on times",
+ symbol = "⋇"
+ },
+ dotplus = {
+ summary = "plus sign, dot above",
+ symbol = "∔"
+ },
+ doublebarwedge = {
+ summary = "logical and with double overbar",
+ symbol = "⩞"
+ },
+ downdownarrows = {
+ summary = "two down arrows",
+ symbol = "⇊"
+ },
+ downharpoonleft = {
+ summary = "down harpoon-left",
+ symbol = "⇃"
+ },
+ downharpoonright = {
+ summary = "down harpoon-right",
+ symbol = "⇂"
+ },
+ eqcirc = {
+ summary = "circle on equals sign",
+ symbol = "≖"
+ },
+ eqsim = {
+ summary = "equals, similar",
+ symbol = "≂"
+ },
+ eqslantgtr = {
+ summary = "slanted equal to or greater-than",
+ symbol = "⪖"
+ },
+ eqslantless = {
+ summary = "slanted equal to or less-than",
+ symbol = "⪕"
+ },
+ fallingdotseq = {
+ summary = "equals, falling dots",
+ symbol = "≒"
+ },
+ geqq = {
+ summary = "greater, double equals",
+ symbol = "≧"
+ },
+ geqslant = {
+ summary = "greater-than or slanted equal to",
+ symbol = "⩾"
+ },
+ ggg = {
+ summary = "/ggg /gg /gggtr r: triple greater-than",
+ symbol = "⋙"
+ },
+ gimel = {
+ summary = "gimel, hebrew",
+ symbol = "ℷ"
+ },
+ gnapprox = {
+ summary = "greater-than and not approximate",
+ symbol = "⪊"
+ },
+ gneq = {
+ summary = "greater-than and single-line not equal to",
+ symbol = "⪈"
+ },
+ gneqq = {
+ summary = "greater, not double equals",
+ symbol = "≩"
+ },
+ gnsim = {
+ summary = "greater, not similar",
+ symbol = "⋧"
+ },
+ gtrapprox = {
+ summary = "greater-than or approximate",
+ symbol = "⪆"
+ },
+ gtrdot = {
+ summary = "greater than, with dot",
+ symbol = "⋗"
+ },
+ gtreqless = {
+ summary = "greater, equals, less",
+ symbol = "⋛"
+ },
+ gtreqqless = {
+ summary = "greater-than above double-line equal above less-than",
+ symbol = "⪌"
+ },
+ gtrless = {
+ summary = "greater, less",
+ symbol = "≷"
+ },
+ gtrsim = {
+ summary = "greater, similar",
+ symbol = "≳"
+ },
+ hslash = {
+ summary = "/hslash - variant planck's over 2pi",
+ symbol = "ℏ"
+ },
+ intercal = {
+ summary = "intercal",
+ symbol = "⊺"
+ },
+ leftarrowtail = {
+ summary = "left arrow-tailed",
+ symbol = "↢"
+ },
+ leftleftarrows = {
+ summary = "two left arrows",
+ symbol = "⇇"
+ },
+ leftrightarrows = {
+ summary = "left arrow over right arrow",
+ symbol = "⇆"
+ },
+ leftrightharpoons = {
+ summary = "left harpoon over right",
+ symbol = "⇋"
+ },
+ leftrightsquigarrow = {
+ summary = "left and right arr-wavy",
+ symbol = "↭"
+ },
+ leftthreetimes = {
+ summary = "left semidirect product",
+ symbol = "⋋"
+ },
+ leqq = {
+ summary = "less, double equals",
+ symbol = "≦"
+ },
+ leqslant = {
+ summary = "less-than or slanted equal to",
+ symbol = "⩽"
+ },
+ lessapprox = {
+ summary = "less-than or approximate",
+ symbol = "⪅"
+ },
+ lessdot = {
+ summary = "less than, with dot",
+ symbol = "⋖"
+ },
+ lesseqgtr = {
+ summary = "less, equals, greater",
+ symbol = "⋚"
+ },
+ lesseqqgtr = {
+ summary = "less-than above double-line equal above greater-than",
+ symbol = "⪋"
+ },
+ lessgtr = {
+ summary = "less, greater",
+ symbol = "≶"
+ },
+ lesssim = {
+ summary = "less, similar",
+ symbol = "≲"
+ },
+ lll = {
+ summary = "/ll /lll /llless r: triple less-than",
+ symbol = "⋘"
+ },
+ lnapprox = {
+ summary = "less-than and not approximate",
+ symbol = "⪉"
+ },
+ lneq = {
+ summary = "less-than and single-line not equal to",
+ symbol = "⪇"
+ },
+ lneqq = {
+ summary = "less, not double equals",
+ symbol = "≨"
+ },
+ lnsim = {
+ summary = "less, not similar",
+ symbol = "⋦"
+ },
+ looparrowleft = {
+ summary = "left arrow-looped",
+ symbol = "↫"
+ },
+ looparrowright = {
+ summary = "right arrow-looped",
+ symbol = "↬"
+ },
+ ltimes = {
+ summary = "times sign, left closed",
+ symbol = "⋉"
+ },
+ measuredangle = {
+ summary = "angle-measured",
+ symbol = "∡"
+ },
+ multimap = {
+ summary = "/multimap a:",
+ symbol = "⊸"
+ },
+ nLeftarrow = {
+ summary = "not implied by",
+ symbol = "⇍"
+ },
+ nLeftrightarrow = {
+ summary = "not left and right double arrows",
+ symbol = "⇎"
+ },
+ nRightarrow = {
+ summary = "not implies",
+ symbol = "⇏"
+ },
+ nVDash = {
+ summary = "not double vert, double dash",
+ symbol = "⊯"
+ },
+ nVdash = {
+ summary = "not double vertical, dash",
+ symbol = "⊮"
+ },
+ ncong = {
+ summary = "not congruent with",
+ symbol = "≇"
+ },
+ nexists = {
+ summary = "negated exists",
+ symbol = "∄"
+ },
+ ngeq = {
+ summary = "not greater-than-or-equal",
+ symbol = "≱"
+ },
+ ngtr = {
+ summary = "not greater-than",
+ symbol = "≯"
+ },
+ nleftarrow = {
+ summary = "not left arrow",
+ symbol = "↚"
+ },
+ nleftrightarrow = {
+ summary = "not left and right arrow",
+ symbol = "↮"
+ },
+ nleq = {
+ summary = "not less-than-or-equal",
+ symbol = "≰"
+ },
+ nless = {
+ summary = "not less-than",
+ symbol = "≮"
+ },
+ nmid = {
+ summary = "negated mid",
+ symbol = "∤"
+ },
+ nparallel = {
+ summary = "not parallel",
+ symbol = "∦"
+ },
+ nprec = {
+ summary = "not precedes",
+ symbol = "⊀"
+ },
+ nrightarrow = {
+ summary = "not right arrow",
+ symbol = "↛"
+ },
+ nsim = {
+ summary = "not similar",
+ symbol = "≁"
+ },
+ nsubseteq = {
+ summary = "not subset, equals",
+ symbol = "⊈"
+ },
+ nsucc = {
+ summary = "not succeeds",
+ symbol = "⊁"
+ },
+ nsupseteq = {
+ summary = "not superset, equals",
+ symbol = "⊉"
+ },
+ ntrianglelefteq = {
+ summary = "not left triangle, equals",
+ symbol = "⋬"
+ },
+ ntrianglerighteq = {
+ summary = "not right triangle, equals",
+ symbol = "⋭"
+ },
+ nvDash = {
+ summary = "not vertical, double dash",
+ symbol = "⊭"
+ },
+ nvdash = {
+ summary = "not vertical, dash",
+ symbol = "⊬"
+ },
+ pitchfork = {
+ summary = "pitchfork",
+ symbol = "⋔"
+ },
+ precapprox = {
+ summary = "precedes above almost equal to",
+ symbol = "⪷"
+ },
+ preccurlyeq = {
+ summary = "precedes, curly equals",
+ symbol = "≼"
+ },
+ precnapprox = {
+ summary = "precedes above not almost equal to",
+ symbol = "⪹"
+ },
+ precneqq = {
+ summary = "precedes above not equal to",
+ symbol = "⪵"
+ },
+ precnsim = {
+ summary = "precedes, not similar",
+ symbol = "⋨"
+ },
+ precsim = {
+ summary = "precedes, similar",
+ symbol = "≾"
+ },
+ rightarrowtail = {
+ summary = "right arrow-tailed",
+ symbol = "↣"
+ },
+ rightleftarrows = {
+ summary = "right arrow over left arrow",
+ symbol = "⇄"
+ },
+ rightrightarrows = {
+ summary = "two right arrows",
+ symbol = "⇉"
+ },
+ rightsquigarrow = {
+ summary = "rightwards squiggle arrow",
+ symbol = "⇝"
+ },
+ rightthreetimes = {
+ summary = "right semidirect product",
+ symbol = "⋌"
+ },
+ risingdotseq = {
+ summary = "equals, rising dots",
+ symbol = "≓"
+ },
+ rtimes = {
+ summary = "times sign, right closed",
+ symbol = "⋊"
+ },
+ smallsetminus = {
+ summary = "small set minus (cf. reverse solidus)",
+ symbol = "∖"
+ },
+ sphericalangle = {
+ summary = "angle-spherical",
+ symbol = "∢"
+ },
+ subseteqq = {
+ summary = "subset of above equals sign",
+ symbol = "⫅"
+ },
+ subsetneq = {
+ summary = "subset, not equals",
+ symbol = "⊊"
+ },
+ subsetneqq = {
+ summary = "subset of above not equal to",
+ symbol = "⫋"
+ },
+ succapprox = {
+ summary = "succeeds above almost equal to",
+ symbol = "⪸"
+ },
+ succcurlyeq = {
+ summary = "succeeds, curly equals",
+ symbol = "≽"
+ },
+ succnapprox = {
+ summary = "succeeds above not almost equal to",
+ symbol = "⪺"
+ },
+ succneqq = {
+ summary = "succeeds above not equal to",
+ symbol = "⪶"
+ },
+ succnsim = {
+ summary = "succeeds, not similar",
+ symbol = "⋩"
+ },
+ succsim = {
+ summary = "succeeds, similar",
+ symbol = "≿"
+ },
+ supseteqq = {
+ summary = "superset of above equals sign",
+ symbol = "⫆"
+ },
+ supsetneq = {
+ summary = "superset, not equals",
+ symbol = "⊋"
+ },
+ supsetneqq = {
+ summary = "superset of above not equal to",
+ symbol = "⫌"
+ },
+ therefore = {
+ summary = "therefore",
+ symbol = "∴"
+ },
+ triangledown = {
+ summary = "down triangle, open",
+ symbol = "▿"
+ },
+ trianglelefteq = {
+ summary = "left triangle, equals",
+ symbol = "⊴"
+ },
+ triangleq = {
+ summary = "triangle, equals",
+ symbol = "≜"
+ },
+ trianglerighteq = {
+ summary = "right triangle, equals",
+ symbol = "⊵"
+ },
+ twoheadleftarrow = {
+ summary = "left two-headed arrow",
+ symbol = "↞"
+ },
+ twoheadrightarrow = {
+ summary = "right two-headed arrow",
+ symbol = "↠"
+ },
+ upharpoonleft = {
+ summary = "up harpoon-left",
+ symbol = "↿"
+ },
+ upharpoonright = {
+ summary = "/upharpoonright /restriction a: up harpoon-right",
+ symbol = "↾"
+ },
+ upuparrows = {
+ summary = "two up arrows",
+ symbol = "⇈"
+ },
+ vDash = {
+ summary = "vertical, double dash",
+ symbol = "⊨"
+ },
+ varkappa = {
+ summary = "rounded small kappa, greek",
+ symbol = "ϰ"
+ },
+ varnothing = {
+ summary = "circle, slash",
+ symbol = "∅"
+ },
+ vartriangle = {
+ summary = "/triangle - up triangle, open",
+ symbol = "▵"
+ },
+ vartriangleleft = {
+ summary = "left triangle, open, variant",
+ symbol = "⊲"
+ },
+ vartriangleright = {
+ summary = "right triangle, open, variant",
+ symbol = "⊳"
+ },
+ veebar = {
+ summary = "logical or, bar below (large vee); exclusive disjunction",
+ symbol = "⊻"
+ }
diff --git a/support/digestif/data/biblatex.sty.tags b/support/digestif/data/biblatex.sty.tags
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a99a80fe65
--- /dev/null
+++ b/support/digestif/data/biblatex.sty.tags
@@ -0,0 +1,7982 @@
+-- Copyright 2006-2012 Philipp Lehman
+-- Copyright 2012-2022 Philipp Lehman, Joseph Wright, Audrey Boruvka,
+-- Philip Kime
+-- Copyright 2022 Augusto Stoffel
+-- SPDX-License-Identifier: LPPL-1.3c
+-- Adapted from the biblatex package documentation, which can be found
+-- at
+ctan_package = "biblatex"
+dependencies = {
+ "blx-case-expl3.sty",
+ "blx-case-latex2e.sty",
+ "etexcmds.sty",
+ "etoolbox.sty",
+ "expl3.sty",
+ "iftex.sty",
+ "ifthen.sty",
+ "infwarerr.sty",
+ "keyval.sty",
+ "kvoptions-patch.sty",
+ "kvoptions.sty",
+ "kvsetkeys.sty",
+ "logreq.sty",
+ "ltxcmds.sty",
+ "pdftexcmds.sty",
+ "url.sty",
+ "xparse.sty"
+commands = {
+ AtBeginBibliography = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "code"}},
+ details = [[
+Appends the `code` to an internal hook executed at the beginning of the
+bibliography. The `code` is executed at the beginning of the list of
+references, immediately after the `begin code` of `\defbibenvironment`.
+This command may only be used in the preamble.
+ },
+ AtBeginBiblist = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "biblistname"}, {meta = "code"}},
+ details = [[
+Appends the `code` to an internal hook executed at the beginning of the
+bibliography list `biblistname`. The `code` is executed at the beginning
+of the bibliography list, immediately after the `begin code` of
+`\defbibenvironment`. This command may only be used in the preamble.
+ },
+ AtEveryCitekey = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "code"}},
+ details = [[
+Appends the `code` to an internal hook executed once for every entry key
+passed to a citation command. The `code` is executed immediately before
+the `loopcode` of the command (see ??). The bibliographic data of the
+respective entry is available at this point. This command may only be
+used in the preamble.
+ },
+ AtEveryEntrykey = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "code"}, {meta = "success"}, {meta = "failure"}},
+ details = [[
+Appends `code` to an internal hook executed every time an entrykey is
+processed for a citation command or `\nocite`. The `code` is passed one
+argument (`#1`), which contains the entrykey. If the code can be
+appended to the hook `success` is executed, otherwise `failure` is
+executed. Unlike `\AtEveryCitekey` the entry data of the current
+entrykey is not available when `code` is processed, indeed it is not
+even known whether or not there is any entry data at all.
+ },
+ AtEveryLositem = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "code"}},
+ details = [[
+Appends the `code` to an internal hook executed at the beginning of
+every item in the list of shorthands. The `code` is executed immediately
+after the `item code` of `\defbibenvironment`. The bibliographic data of
+the respective entry is available at this point. This command may only
+be used in the preamble.
+This is just an alias for:
+ \AtEveryBiblistitem{shorthand}{code}
+ },
+ AtNextBibliography = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "code"}},
+ details = [[
+Similar to `\AtBeginBibliography` but only affecting the next
+`\printbibliography`. The internal hook is cleared after being executed
+once. This command may be used in the document body.
+ },
+ AtNextCite = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "code"}},
+ details = [[
+Similar to `\AtEveryCite` but only affecting the next citation command.
+The internal hook is cleared after being executed once. This command may
+be used in the document body.
+ },
+ AtNextCitekey = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "code"}},
+ details = [[
+Similar to `\AtEveryCitekey` but only affecting the next entry key. The
+internal hook is cleared after being executed once. This command may be
+used in the document body.
+ },
+ AtUsedriver = {
+ arguments = {{literal = "*", optional = true}, {meta = "code"}},
+ details = [[
+Appends the `code` to an internal hook executed when initializing
+`\usedriver`. The starred variant of the command clears the
+initialisation hook, so the defaults can be overwritten. This command
+may only be used in the preamble. The default setting is:
+ \AtUsedriver{%
+ \delimcontext{bib}%
+ \let\finentry\blx@finentry@usedrv
+ \let\newblock\relax
+ \let\abx@macro@bibindex\@empty
+ \let\abx@macro@pageref\@empty}
+ },
+ AtVolcite = {
+ arguments = {{literal = "*", optional = true}, {meta = "code"}},
+ details = [[
+Appends the `code` to an internal hook executed when initializing
+`\volcite`. The starred variant of the command clears the initialisation
+hook, so the defaults can be overwritten. This command may only be used
+in the preamble. The default setting is:
+ \AtVolcite{%
+ \DeclareFieldAlias{postnote}{volcitenote}}
+ },
+ Autocite = {
+ action = "cite",
+ arguments = {
+ {literal = "*", optional = true},
+ {delimiters = {"[", "]"}, meta = "prenote", optional = true},
+ {delimiters = {"[", "]"}, meta = "postnote", optional = true},
+ {meta = "key"}
+ },
+ details = [[
+In contrast to other citation commands, the `\autocite` command does not
+only scan ahead for punctuation marks following its last argument to
+avoid double punctuation marks, it actually moves them around if
+required. For example, with `autocite=footnote`, a trailing punctuation
+mark will be moved such that the footnote mark is printed after the
+punctuation. `\Autocite` is similar to `\autocite` but capitalizes the
+name prefix of the first name in the citation if the `useprefix` option
+is enabled, provided that there is a name prefix and the citation style
+prints any name at all.
+The starred variants of `\autocite` do not behave differently from the
+regular ones. The asterisk is simply passed on to the backend command.
+For example, if `\autocite` is configured to use `\parencite`, then
+`\autocite*` will execute `\parencite*`.
+ },
+ Autocites = {
+ action = "cite",
+ details = [[
+This is the multicite version of `\autocite`. It also detects and moves
+punctuation if required. Note that there is no starred variant.
+`\Autocites` is similar to `\autocites` but capitalizes the name prefix
+of the first name in the citation if the `useprefix` option is enabled,
+provided that there is a name prefix and the citation style prints any
+name at all.
+ },
+ Avolcite = {
+ action = "cite",
+ arguments = {
+ {delimiters = {"[", "]"}, meta = "prenote", optional = true},
+ {meta = "volume"},
+ {delimiters = {"[", "]"}, meta = "pages", optional = true},
+ {meta = "key"}
+ },
+ details = [[
+Similar to `\volcite` but based on `\autocite`.
+ },
+ Avolcites = {
+ action = "cite",
+ details = [[
+The multicite version of `\avolcite` and `\Avolcite`, respectively.
+ },
+ Cite = {
+ action = "cite",
+ arguments = {
+ {delimiters = {"[", "]"}, meta = "prenote", optional = true},
+ {delimiters = {"[", "]"}, meta = "postnote", optional = true},
+ {meta = "key"}
+ },
+ details = [[
+These are the bare citation commands. They print the citation without
+any additions such as parentheses. The numeric and alphabetic styles
+still wrap the label in square brackets since the reference may be
+ambiguous otherwise. `\Cite` is similar to `\cite` but capitalizes the
+name prefix of the first name in the citation if the `useprefix` option
+is enabled, provided that there is a name prefix and the citation style
+prints any name at all.
+ },
+ Citeauthor = {
+ action = "cite",
+ arguments = {
+ {literal = "*", optional = true},
+ {delimiters = {"[", "]"}, meta = "prenote", optional = true},
+ {delimiters = {"[", "]"}, meta = "postnote", optional = true},
+ {meta = "key"}
+ },
+ details = [[
+These commands print the authors. Strictly speaking, it prints the
+`labelname` list, which may be the `author`, the `editor`, or the
+`translator`. `\Citeauthor` is similar to `\citeauthor` but capitalizes
+the name prefix of the first name in the citation if the `useprefix`
+option is enabled, provided that there is a name prefix. The starred
+variants effectively force maxcitenames to 1 for just this command on so
+only print the first name in the labelname list (potentially followed by
+the «et al» string if there are more names). This allows more natural
+textual flow when refering to a paper in the singular when otherwise
+`\citeauthor` would generate a (naturally plural) list of names.
+ },
+ Cites = {
+ action = "cite",
+ details = [[
+The multicite version of `\cite` and `\Cite`, respectively.
+ },
+ DeclareBabelToExplLanguageMapping = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "babel language"}, {meta = "expl language"}},
+ details = [[
+\DeclareBabelToExplLanguageMapping{babel language}{expl language}
+This command is only available if the `expl3` case changing code is
+Use `expl language` as `language` argument for the `l3text` case
+changing functions when `babel language` is active. This command is only
+required if `babel language` should correspond to a language for which
+`l3text` has special rules set up. The default invocations of this
+command are
+ \DeclareBabelToExplLanguageMapping{dutch}{nl}
+ \DeclareBabelToExplLanguageMapping{greek}{el}
+ \DeclareBabelToExplLanguageMapping{turkish}{tr}
+ },
+ DeclareBibliographyCategory = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "category"}},
+ details = [[
+Declares a new `category`, to be used in conjunction with
+`\addtocategory` and the `category` and `notcategory` filters of
+`\printbibliography`. This command is used in the document preamble.
+ },
+ DeclareBibliographyDriver = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "entrytype"}, {meta = "code"}},
+ details = [[
+Defines a bibliography driver. A &lt;driver> is a macro which handles a
+specific entry type (when printing bibliography lists) or a specific
+named bibliography list (when printing bibliography lists). The
+`entrytype` corresponds to the entry type used in `bib` files, specified
+in lowercase letters (see ??). The `entrytype` argument may also be an
+asterisk. In this case, the driver serves as a fallback which is used if
+no specific driver for the entry type has been defined. The `code` is
+arbitrary code which typesets all bibliography entries of the respective
+`entrytype`. This command is mandatory. Every bibliography style should
+provide a driver for each entry type.
+ },
+ DeclareBibliographyExtras = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "code"}},
+ details = [[
+This command is only available in `lbx` files. It is used to adapt
+language specific features such as the date format and ordinals. The
+`code`, which may be arbitrary LaTeX code, will usually consist of
+redefinitions of the formatting commands from ??.
+ },
+ DeclareBibliographyOption = {
+ arguments = {
+ {delimiters = {"[", "]"}, meta = "datatype", optional = true},
+ {meta = "key"},
+ {delimiters = {"[", "]"}, meta = "value", optional = true},
+ {meta = "code"}
+ },
+ details = [[
+ },
+ DeclareBibliographyStrings = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "definitions"}},
+ details = [[
+This command is only available in `lbx` files. It is used to define
+localisation strings. The `definitions` consist of `key=value`pairs
+which assign an expression to an identifier. A complete list of all keys
+supported by default is given is ??. Note that the syntax of the value
+is different in `lbx` files. The value assigned to a key consists of two
+expressions, each of which is wrapped in an additional pair of brackets.
+This is best shown by example:
+ \DeclareBibliographyStrings{%
+ bibliography = {{Bibliography}{Bibliography}},
+ shorthands = {{List of Abbreviations}{Abbreviations}},
+ editor = {{editor}{ed.}},
+ editors = {{editors}{eds.}},
+ }
+The first value is the long, written out expression, the second one is
+an abbreviated or short form. Both strings must always be given even
+though they may be identical if an expression is always (or never)
+abbreviated. Depending on the setting of the `abbreviate` package option
+(see ??), `biblatex`selects one expression when loading the `lbx` file.
+There is also a special key named `inherit` which copies the strings
+from a different language. This is intended for languages which only
+differ in a few expressions, such as German and Austrian or American and
+British English. For example, here are the complete definitions for
+ \DeclareBibliographyStrings{%
+ inherit = {german},
+ january = {{J\"anner}{J\"an.}},
+ }
+The above examples are slightly simplified. Real localisation files
+should use the punctuation and formatting commands discussed in ??
+instead of literal punctuation. Here is an excerpt from a real
+localisation file:
+ bibliography = {{Bibliography}{Bibliography}},
+ shorthands = {{List of Abbreviations}{Abbreviations}},
+ editor = {{editor}{ed\adddot}},
+ editors = {{editors}{eds\adddot}},
+ byeditor = {{edited by}{ed\adddotspace by}},
+ mathesis = {{Master's thesis}{MA\addabbrvspace thesis}},
+Note the handling of abbreviation dots, the spacing in abbreviated
+expressions, and the capitalization in the example above. All
+expressions should be capitalized as they usually are when used in the
+middle of a sentence. The `biblatex`package will automatically
+capitalize the first word when required at the beginning of a sentence,
+see `\DeclareCapitalPunctuation` in ?? for details. Expressions intended
+for use in headings are special. They should be capitalized in a way
+that is suitable for titling and should not be abbreviated (but they may
+have a short form).
+ },
+ DeclareBiblistFilter = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "name"}, {meta = "specification"}},
+ details = [[
+Defines a bibliography list filter with `name`. The `specification`
+consists of one or more `\filter` or `\filteror` macros, all of which
+must be satisfied for the entry to pass the filter:
+ },
+ DeclareBibstringSet = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "setname"}, {meta = "key, ... "}},
+ details = [[
+\DeclareBibstringSet{setname}{key, ... }
+This commands assigns all `key`s to the bibliography string set
+ },
+ DeclareCapitalPunctuation = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "characters"}},
+ details = [[
+When `biblatex`inserts localisation strings, i.e. key terms such as
+&lt;edition> or &lt;volume>, it automatically capitalizes them after
+terminal punctuation marks. This command defines the punctuation marks
+which will cause localisation strings to be capitalized if one of them
+precedes a string. Note that `characters` is an undelimited list of
+characters. Valid `characters` are period, comma, semicolon, colon,
+exclamation and question mark. The package default is:
+ \DeclareCapitalPunctuation{.!?}
+Using `\DeclareCapitalPunctuation` with an empty argument is equivalent
+to disabling automatic capitalization. Since this feature is language
+specific, this command must be used in the argument to
+`\DefineBibliographyExtras` (when used in the preamble) or
+`\DeclareBibliographyExtras` (when used in a localisation module). See
+?? for details. By default, strings are capitalized after periods,
+exclamation marks, and question marks. All strings are generally
+capitalized at the beginning of a paragraph (in fact whenever TeX is in
+vertical mode).
+ },
+ DeclareCaseLangs = {
+ arguments = {{literal = "*", optional = true}, {meta = "languages"}},
+ details = [[
+Defines the list of languages which are considered by the
+`\MakeSentenceCase*` command as it converts a string to sentence case.
+The `languages` argument is a comma-separated list of
+`babel`/`polyglossia` language identifiers. The regular version of this
+command replaces the current setting, the starred version appends its
+argument to the current list. The default setting is:
+ \DeclareCaseLangs{%
+ american,british,canadian,english,australian,newzealand,USenglish,UKenglish}
+See the `babel`/`polyglossia` manuals and ?? for a list of languages
+ },
+ DeclareCitePunctuationPosition = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "command"}, {meta = "position"}},
+ details = [[
+Set up the cite command `command` to move punctuation marks after the
+citation like `\autocite`. The `position` argument can take the values
+`r`, `l`, `f`, `c`, `o` and `d`. If an unknown `position` identifier is
+used, it defaults to `o`.
+The punctuation mark is not moved and remains to the right of the
+The punctuation mark is moved to the left of the citation and thus
+appears before it.
+Like `r` in footnotes and like `l` otherwise.
+Pass the punctuation on to the internal implementation of the citation
+commands. It will then be executed within the `wrapper` command if
+Retain the default setup of `c` for citation defined commands without
+`wrapper` command and `l` for citation commands defined with a `wrapper`
+Drop the explicit punctuation mark. It will only be available as the
+field `postpunct`.
+This command can not be used for `\autocite`, to configure `\autocite`
+use the optional `position` argument for `\DeclareAutoCiteCommand`.
+ },
+ DeclareDataInheritance = {
+ arguments = {
+ {delimiters = {"[", "]"}, meta = "options", optional = true},
+ {meta = "source, ... "},
+ {meta = "target, ... "},
+ {meta = "rules"}
+ },
+ details = [[
+\DeclareDataInheritance[options]{source, ... }{target, ... }{rules}
+Declares inheritance rules. The `source` and `target` arguments specify
+the parent and the child entry type. Either argument may be a single
+entry type, a comma-separated list of types, or an asterisk. The
+asterisk matches all entry types. The `rules` are an undelimited list of
+`\inherit` and/or `\noinherit` directives. Spaces, tabs, and line
+endings may be used freely to visually arrange the `rules`. Blank lines
+are not permissible. This command may only be used in the preamble. The
+options are:
+`ignore=<csv list of uniqueness options>`
+As the `ignore` option on `\DefaultInheritance` explained above. When
+set here, it takes precedence over any global options set with
+`\DefaultInheritance`. For example, this would ignore `singletitle` and
+`uniquetitle` tracking for a `book` inheriting from a `mvbook`.
+ \DeclareDataInheritance[ignore={singletitle,uniquetitle}]{mvbook}{book}{<<...>>}
+ },
+ DeclareDatafieldSet = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "name"}, {meta = "specification"}},
+ details = [[
+Declare a set of datasource fields with name `name`.
+`name=<set name>`
+The name of the set.
+The `specification` is one or more `\member` items:
+ },
+ DeclareDatamodelConstant = {
+ arguments = {
+ {delimiters = {"[", "]"}, meta = "options", optional = true},
+ {meta = "name"},
+ {meta = "constantdef"}
+ },
+ details = [[
+Declares the `name` as a datamodel constant with definition
+`constantdef`. Such constants are typically used internally by `biber`.
+`type={string, list}`
+A constant can be a simple string (default if the `type` option is
+omitted) or a comma-separated list of strings.
+ },
+ DeclareDatamodelConstraints = {
+ arguments = {
+ {delimiters = {"[", "]"}, meta = "entrytypes", optional = true},
+ {meta = "specification"}
+ },
+ details = [[
+If a comma-separated list of `entrytypes` is given, the constraints
+apply only to those entrytypes. The `specification` is an undelimited
+list of `\constraint` directives which specify a constraint. Spaces,
+tabs, and line endings may be used freely to visually arrange the
+`specification`. Blank lines are not permissible.
+ },
+ DeclareDatamodelFields = {
+ arguments = {
+ {delimiters = {"[", "]"}, meta = "options", optional = true},
+ {meta = "fields"}
+ },
+ details = [[
+Declares the comma-separated list of `fields` to be valid fields in the
+data model with associated comma-separated `options`. The `type` and
+`datatype` options are mandatory. All valid `options` are:
+`type=<field type>`
+Set the type of the field as described in ??, typically &lt;field> or
+`format=<field format>`
+Any special format of the field. Normally unspecified but can take the
+value &lt;xsv> which tells `biber`that this field has a separated values
+format. The exact separator can be controlled with the `biber`option
+`xsvsep` and defaults to the expected comma surrounded by optional
+`datatype=<field datatype>`
+Set the datatype of the field as described in ??. For example, &lt;name>
+or &lt;literal>.
+The field is allowed to be defined but empty.
+The field is not output to the `.bbl` and is therefore not present
+during `biblatex`style processing. As usual in TeX csv lists, make sure
+each element is immediately followed by a comma or the closing
+brace---no extraneous whitespace.
+The field can be used as a label in a bibliography or bibliography list.
+Specifying this causes `biblatex`to create several helper macros for the
+field so that there are some internal lengths and headings etc. defined.
+ },
+ DeclareDelimAlias = {
+ arguments = {
+ {literal = "*", optional = true},
+ {
+ delimiters = {"[", "]"},
+ meta = "alias context, ... ",
+ optional = true
+ },
+ {meta = "alias"},
+ {delimiters = {"[", "]"}, meta = "delim context", optional = true},
+ {meta = "delim"}
+ },
+ deprecated = true,
+ details = [[
+\DeclareDelimAlias*[alias context, ... ]{alias}[delim context]{delim}
+The starred version of `\DeclareDelimAlias` is deprecated in favour of
+using unstarred `\DeclareDelimAlias` with optional arguments.
+It assigns the delimiter alias for specific contexts only. The first
+optional argument `alias context` holds a list of contexts for which the
+assignment is going to be performed. If it is empty or missing the
+global/empty context is assumed. The second optional argument
+`delim context` specifies the context of the target delimiter. This
+argument may not be a list, it can only hold one context. If it is
+missing the `alias context` is assumed (if `alias context` is a list,
+the assignment is performed separately for each list item), if it is
+empty the global context is used.
+ },
+ DeclareDelimFormat = {
+ arguments = {
+ {literal = "*", optional = true},
+ {delimiters = {"[", "]"}, meta = "context, ... ", optional = true},
+ {meta = "name"},
+ {meta = "code"}
+ },
+ details = [[
+\DeclareDelimFormat[context, ... ]{name}{code}
+\DeclareDelimFormat*[context, ... ]{name}{code}
+Declares the delimiter macro `name` with the replacement text `code`. If
+the optional comma-separated list of `contexts` is given, declare `name`
+only for those contexts. `name` defined without any `contexts` behaves
+just like the global delimiter definitions which `\newcommand`
+gives---just a plain macro with a replacement which can be used as
+`\name`. However, you can also call delimiter macros defined in this way
+by using `\printdelim`, which is context-aware. The starred version
+clears all `context` specific declarations for all `names` first.
+ },
+ DeclareDriverSourcemap = {
+ arguments = {
+ {
+ delimiters = {"[", "]"},
+ meta = "datatype=driver",
+ optional = true
+ },
+ {meta = "specification"}
+ },
+ details = [[
+This command sets the driver default source mappings for the specified
+`driver`. Such mappings are conceptually separate from user mappings
+defined with `\DeclareSourcemap` and style mapping defined with
+`\DeclareStyleSourcemap`. They consist of mappings which are part of the
+driver setup. Users should not normally need to change these. Driver
+default mapping are applied after user mappings (`\DeclareSourcemap`)
+and style mappings (`\DeclareStyleSourcemap`). These defaults are
+described in Appendix ??. The `specification` is identical to that for
+`\DeclareSourcemap` but without the `\maps` elements: the
+`specification` is just a list of `\map` elements since each
+`\DeclareDriverSourcemap` only applies to one datatype driver. See the
+default definitions in Appendix ?? for examples.
+ },
+ DeclareEntryOption = {
+ arguments = {
+ {delimiters = {"[", "]"}, meta = "datatype", optional = true},
+ {meta = "key"},
+ {delimiters = {"[", "]"}, meta = "value", optional = true},
+ {meta = "code"}
+ },
+ details = [[
+Similar to `\DeclareBibliographyOption` but defines options which are
+settable on a per-entry basis in the `options` field from ??. The `code`
+is executed whenever `biblatex`prepares the data of the entry for use by
+a citation command or a bibliography driver.
+ },
+ DeclareExtradate = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "specification"}},
+ details = [[
+Defines how `biber`tracks information used to construct the `extradate`
+field. This field (see ??) is printed to disambiguate works by the same
+author which occur in the same date scope. By default, the date scope is
+the year and so two works by the same author within the same year will
+have different `extradate` values which are used to disambiguate the
+works in the bibliography in the usual manner seen in many authoryear
+type styles. The `specification` is one or more `\scope` specifications
+which can contain one or more `\field` specifications. Within a
+`\scope`, the existence of each `\field` will be checked and if found,
+the first `\field` is used and the rest are ignored. This allows a
+fallback in case certain fields are not available in all entries. All
+`\scope`s are used to track information and `\scope`s should be
+specified in decreasing order of generality (e.g. year then month then
+day etc) The default definition is:
+ \DeclareExtradate{%
+ \scope{
+ \field{labelyear}
+ \field{year}
+ }
+ }
+This means that the `labelyear` field only (or `year` if this does not
+exist) will be used to track works by the same author. With the
+following datasource entries:
+ {}
+ @BOOK{extra1,
+ AUTHOR = {John Doe},
+ DATE = {2001-01}
+ }
+ @BOOK{extra2,
+ AUTHOR = {John Doe},
+ DATE = {2001-02}
+ }
+The default definition would result in:
+ {}
+ Doe 2001a
+ Doe 2001b
+Here, `extradate` only considers the `(`(label)year) information and
+since this is identical, disambiguation is required. However, consider
+the following definition:
+ \DeclareExtradate{%
+ \scope{
+ \field{labelyear}
+ \field{year}
+ }
+ \scope{
+ \field{labelmonth}
+ }
+ }
+The result would be:
+ {}
+ Doe 2001
+ Doe 2001
+If only years were printed, this would be ambiguous because `extradate`
+now considers `labelmonth` and since this differs, no disambiguation is
+necessary. Care should therefore be taken to synchronise the printed
+information with the `extradate` disambiguation settings. Notice that
+the second definition is &lt;month-in-year> disambiguation and quite
+different from:
+ \DeclareExtradate{%
+ \scope{
+ \field{labelmonth}
+ }
+ }
+which is just plain &lt;month> disambiguation which is very unlikely to
+be what you ever want to do since this disambiguation only based on
+month and ignores the year entirely. `extradate` calculation should
+almost always be based on all information down to the resolution you
+require. For example, if you wish to disambiguate right down to the hour
+level (perhaps useful in large bibliographies of rapidly changing online
+material), you would specify something like this:
+ \DeclareExtradate{%
+ \scope{
+ \field{labelyear}
+ \field{year}
+ }
+ \scope{
+ \field{labelmonth}
+ }
+ \scope{
+ \field{labelday}
+ }
+ \scope{
+ \field{labelhour}
+ }
+ }
+Entries without the specified granularity of information will
+disambiguate at the lowest granularity they contain, so, for example,
+ \DeclareExtradate{%
+ \scope{
+ \field{labelyear}
+ \field{year}
+ }
+ \scope{
+ \field{labelmonth}
+ }
+ }
+ {}
+ @BOOK{extra1,
+ AUTHOR = {John Doe},
+ DATE = {2001}
+ }
+ @BOOK{extra2,
+ AUTHOR = {John Doe},
+ DATE = {2001}
+ }
+The result would still be:
+ {}
+ Doe 2001a
+ Doe 2001b
+This command may only be used in the preamble.
+ },
+ DeclareFieldFormat = {
+ arguments = {
+ {
+ delimiters = {"[", "]"},
+ meta = "entrytype, ... ",
+ optional = true
+ },
+ {meta = "format"},
+ {meta = "code"}
+ },
+ details = [[
+\DeclareFieldFormat[entrytype, ... ]{format}{code}
+Defines the field format `format`. This formatting directive is
+arbitrary `code` to be executed by `\printfield`. The value of the field
+will be passed to the `code` as its first and only argument. The name of
+the field currently being processed is available to the `code` as
+`\currentfield`. If an `entrytype` is specified, the format is specific
+to that type. The `entrytype` argument may be a comma-separated list of
+values. The starred variant of this command is similar to the regular
+version, except that all type-specific formats are cleared.
+ },
+ DeclareFieldInputHandler = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "field"}, {meta = "code"}},
+ details = [[
+This command can be used to define a data input handler for `field` when
+it is read from the `.bbl`. The `code` is passed one argument (`#1`),
+which contains the input field value, it should then redefine the
+command `\NewValue`, which holds the desired output field value. For
+example, to ignore the `volumes` field when it appears, you could do
+ \DeclareFieldInputHandler{volumes}{\def\NewValue{}}
+Generally, you would want to use `\DeclareSourcemap` (see ??) to remove
+and modify fields but this alternative method may be useful in some
+circumstances when the emphasis is on appearance rather than data since
+the `code` can be arbitraty TeX .
+In general, `\DeclareFieldInputHandler` should not be used to apply
+formatting to a field, since that should happen with
+`\DeclareFieldFormat`, so the following is just a toy example that shows
+how `\DeclareFieldInputHandler` works.
+ \DeclareFieldInputHandler{volumes}{\def\NewValue{\textbf{#1}}}
+ },
+ DeclareIndexFieldAlias = {
+ arguments = {
+ {delimiters = {"[", "]"}, meta = "entry type", optional = true},
+ {meta = "alias"},
+ {
+ delimiters = {"[", "]"},
+ meta = "format entry type",
+ optional = true
+ },
+ {meta = "format"}
+ },
+ details = [[
+\DeclareIndexFieldAlias[entry type]{alias}[format entry type]{format}
+Declares `alias` to be an alias for the field format `format`. If an
+`entrytype` is specified, the alias is specific to that type. The
+`format entry type` is the entry type of the backend format. This is
+only required when declaring an alias for a type-specific formatting
+ },
+ DeclareIndexFieldFormat = {
+ arguments = {
+ {literal = "*", optional = true},
+ {meta = "format"},
+ {meta = "code"}
+ },
+ details = [[
+Defines the field format `format`. This formatting directive is
+arbitrary `code` to be executed by `\indexfield`. The value of the field
+will be passed to the `code` as its first and only argument. The name of
+the field currently being processed is available to the `code` as
+`\currentfield`. If an `entrytype` is specified, the format is specific
+to that type. The `entrytype` argument may be a comma-separated list of
+values. This command is similar to `\DeclareFieldFormat` except that the
+data handled by the `code` is not intended to be printed but written to
+the index. Note that `\indexfield` will execute the `code` as is, i.e.
+the `code` must include `\index` or a similar command. The starred
+variant of this command is similar to the regular version, except that
+all type-specific formats are cleared.
+ },
+ DeclareIndexListFormat = {
+ arguments = {
+ {literal = "*", optional = true},
+ {meta = "format"},
+ {meta = "code"}
+ },
+ details = [[
+Defines the literal list format `format`. This formatting directive is
+arbitrary `code` to be executed for every item in a list processed by
+`\indexlist`. The current item will be passed to the `code` as its only
+argument. The name of the literal list currently being processed is
+available to the `code` as `\currentlist`. If an `entrytype` is
+specified, the format is specific to that type. The `entrytype` argument
+may be a comma-separated list of values. This command is similar to
+`\DeclareListFormat` except that the data handled by the `code` is not
+intended to be printed but written to the index. Note that `\indexlist`
+will execute the `code` as is, i.e. the `code` must include `\index` or
+a similar command. The starred variant of this command is similar to the
+regular version, except that all type-specific formats are cleared.
+ },
+ DeclareIndexNameAlias = {
+ arguments = {
+ {delimiters = {"[", "]"}, meta = "entry type", optional = true},
+ {meta = "alias"},
+ {
+ delimiters = {"[", "]"},
+ meta = "format entry type",
+ optional = true
+ },
+ {meta = "format"}
+ },
+ details = [[
+\DeclareIndexNameAlias[entry type]{alias}[format entry type]{format}
+Declares `alias` to be an alias for the name list format `format`. If an
+`entrytype` is specified, the alias is specific to that type. The
+`format entry type` is the entry type of the backend format. This is
+only required when declaring an alias for a type-specific formatting
+ },
+ DeclareIndexNameFormat = {
+ arguments = {
+ {literal = "*", optional = true},
+ {meta = "format"},
+ {meta = "code"}
+ },
+ details = [[
+Defines the name list format `format`. This formatting directive is
+arbitrary `code` to be executed for every name in a list processed by
+`\indexnames`. The name of the name list currently being processed is
+available to the `code` as `\currentname`. If an `entrytype` is
+specified, the format is specific to that type. The `entrytype` argument
+may be a comma-separated list of values. The parts of the name will be
+passed to the `code` as separate arguments. This command is very similar
+to `\DeclareNameFormat` except that the data handled by the `code` is
+not intended to be printed but written to the index. Note that
+`\indexnames` will execute the `code` as is, i.e. the `code` must
+include `\index` or a similar command. The starred variant of this
+command is similar to the regular version, except that all type-specific
+formats are cleared.
+ },
+ DeclareLabelalphaNameTemplate = {
+ arguments = {
+ {delimiters = {"[", "]"}, meta = "name", optional = true},
+ {meta = "specification"}
+ },
+ details = [[
+Defines the `labelalphaname` template `name`. The `name` is optional and
+defaults to `<global>`.
+Such templates specify how to extract a label string from a name list
+when a `\field` specification in `\DeclareLabelalphaTemplate` contains a
+name list.
+ },
+ DeclareLabelalphaTemplate = {
+ arguments = {
+ {delimiters = {"[", "]"}, meta = "", optional = true},
+ {meta = "specification"}
+ },
+ details = [[
+Defines the alphabetic label template for the given entrytypes. If no
+entrytypes are specified in the first argument, then the global label
+template is defined. The `specification` is an undelimited list of
+`\labelelement` directives which specify the elements used to build the
+label. Spaces, tabs, and line endings may be used freely to visually
+arrange the `specification`. Blank lines are not permissible. This
+command may only be used in the preamble.
+ },
+ DeclareLabelname = {
+ arguments = {
+ {
+ delimiters = {"[", "]"},
+ meta = "entrytype, ... ",
+ optional = true
+ },
+ {meta = "specification"}
+ },
+ details = [[
+\DeclareLabelname[entrytype, ... ]{specification}
+Defines the fields to consider when generating the `labelname` field
+(see ??). The `specification` is an ordered list of `\field` commands.
+The fields are checked in the order listed and the first field which is
+available will be used as `labelname`. This is the default definition:
+ \DeclareLabelname{%
+ \field{shortauthor}
+ \field{author}
+ \field{shorteditor}
+ \field{editor}
+ \field{translator}
+ }
+The `labelname` field may be customized globally or on a per-type basis.
+If the optional `entrytype` argument is given, the specification applies
+to the respective entry type. If not, it is applied globally. The
+`entrytype` argument may be a comma-separated list of values. This
+command may only be used in the preamble.
+ },
+ DeclareLanguageMappingSuffix = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "suffix"}},
+ details = [[
+This command defines a language file suffix which will be added when
+looking for `.lbx` language string definition files. This is intended
+for styles which provide their own `.lbx` files so that they will be
+used automatically. For example, the APA style defines:
+ \DeclareLanguageMappingSuffix{-apa}
+When the document language is &lt;german>, `biblatex`will look for the
+file `german-apa.lbx` which defines some APA specific strings and in
+turn loads `german.lbx`. If `\DeclareLanguageMapping` is defined for a
+language, this overrides `\DeclareLanguageMappingSuffix`.
+The suffix will be applied to other language files loaded recursively by
+the loading of a language file. For example, given the suffix defined
+above, when loading &lt;ngerman>, `biblatex`will look for the file
+`ngerman-apa.lbx` and if this recursively loads &lt;german>, then
+biblatex will look for `german-apa.lbx`. Infinite recursion is of course
+ },
+ DeclareListAlias = {
+ arguments = {
+ {delimiters = {"[", "]"}, meta = "entry type", optional = true},
+ {meta = "alias"},
+ {
+ delimiters = {"[", "]"},
+ meta = "format entry type",
+ optional = true
+ },
+ {meta = "format"}
+ },
+ details = [[
+\DeclareListAlias[entry type]{alias}[format entry type]{format}
+Declares `alias` to be an alias for the literal list format `format`. If
+an `entrytype` is specified, the alias is specific to that type. The
+`format entry type` is the entry type of the backend format. This is
+only required when declaring an alias for a type-specific formatting
+ },
+ DeclareListFormat = {
+ arguments = {
+ {literal = "*", optional = true},
+ {meta = "format"},
+ {meta = "code"}
+ },
+ details = [[
+Defines the literal list format `format`. This formatting directive is
+arbitrary `code` to be executed for every item in a list processed by
+`\printlist`. The current item will be passed to the `code` as its first
+and only argument. The name of the literal list currently being
+processed is available to the `code` as `\currentlist`. If an
+`entrytype` is specified, the format is specific to that type. The
+`entrytype` argument may be a comma-separated list of values. Note that
+the formatting directive also handles the punctuation to be inserted
+between the individual items in the list. You need to check whether you
+are in the middle of or at the end of the list, i.e. whether `listcount`
+is smaller than or equal to `liststop`. The starred variant of this
+command is similar to the regular version, except that all type-specific
+formats are cleared.
+ },
+ DeclareListWrapperAlias = {
+ arguments = {
+ {delimiters = {"[", "]"}, meta = "entry type", optional = true},
+ {meta = "alias"},
+ {
+ delimiters = {"[", "]"},
+ meta = "format entry type",
+ optional = true
+ },
+ {meta = "format"}
+ },
+ details = [[
+\DeclareListWrapperAlias[entry type]{alias}[format entry type]{format}
+Declares `alias` to be an alias for the outer list format `format`. If
+an `entrytype` is specified, the alias is specific to that type. The
+`format entry type` is the entry type of the backend format. This is
+only required when declaring an alias for a type-specific formatting
+ },
+ DeclareListWrapperFormat = {
+ arguments = {
+ {literal = "*", optional = true},
+ {meta = "format"},
+ {meta = "code"}
+ },
+ details = [[
+Defines the list wrapper format `format`. This formatting directive is
+arbitrary `code` to be executed once for the entire list processed by
+`\printlist`. The name of the literal list currently being processed is
+available to the `code` as `\currentlist`. If an `entrytype` is
+specified, the format is specific to that type. The `entrytype` argument
+may be a comma-separated list of values. The starred variant of this
+command is similar to the regular version, except that all type-specific
+formats are cleared.
+ },
+ DeclareMultiCiteCommand = {
+ arguments = {
+ {meta = "command"},
+ {delimiters = {"[", "]"}, meta = "wrapper", optional = true},
+ {meta = "cite"},
+ {meta = "delimiter"}
+ },
+ details = [[
+This command defines &lt;multicite> commands (??). The `command` is the
+multicite command to be defined, for example `\cites`. It is
+automatically made robust. Multicite commands are built on top of
+backend commands defined with `\DeclareCiteCommand` and the `cite`
+argument specifies the name of the backend command to be used. Note that
+the wrapper of the backend command (i.e. the `wrapper` argument passed
+to `\DeclareCiteCommand`) is ignored. Use the optional `wrapper`
+argument to specify an alternative wrapper. The `delimiter` is the
+string to be printed as a separator between the individual citations in
+the list. This will typically be `\multicitedelim`. The following
+examples are real definitions taken from `biblatex.def`:
+ \DeclareMultiCiteCommand{\cites}%
+ {\cite}{\multicitedelim}
+ \DeclareMultiCiteCommand{\parencites}[\mkbibparens]%
+ {\parencite}{\multicitedelim}
+ \DeclareMultiCiteCommand{\footcites}[\mkbibfootnote]%
+ {\footcite}{\multicitedelim}
+ },
+ DeclareNameFormat = {
+ arguments = {
+ {literal = "*", optional = true},
+ {meta = "format"},
+ {meta = "code"}
+ },
+ details = [[
+Defines the name list format `format`. This formatting directive is
+arbitrary `code` to be executed for every name in a list processed by
+`\printnames`. If an `entrytype` is specified, the format is specific to
+that type. The `entrytype` argument may be a comma-separated list of
+values. The individual parts of a name will be available in
+automatically created macros (see below). The default data mode defines
+four name part which correspond to the standard BibTeX name parts
+The family name(s), know as &lt;last> in BibTeX . If a name consists of
+a single part only (for example, &lt;Aristotle>), this part will be
+treated as the family name.
+The given name(s). Note that given names are referred to as the
+&lt;first> names in the BibTeX file format documentation.
+Any name prefices, for example von, van, of, da, de, del, della, etc.
+Note that name prefices are referred to as the &lt;von> part of the name
+in the BibTeX file format documentation.
+Any name suffices, for example Jr, Sr. Note that name suffices are
+referred to as the &lt;Jr> part of the name in the BibTeX file format
+The value of the datamodel &lt;nameparts> constant (see ??) creates two
+macros for each name part in the datamodel for the name. So, for
+example, in the default data model, name formats will have defined the
+following macros:
+ \namepartprefix
+ \namepartprefixi
+ \namepartfamily
+ \namepartfamilyi
+ \namepartsuffix
+ \namepartsuffixi
+ \namepartgiven
+ \namepartgiveni
+If a certain part of a name is not available, the corresponding macro
+will be empty, hence you may use, for example, the `etoolbox` tests like
+`\ifdefvoid` to check for the individual parts of a name. The name of
+the name list currently being processed is available to the `code` as
+`\currentname`. Note that the formatting directive also handles the
+punctuation to be inserted between separate names and between the
+individual parts of a name. You need to check whether you are in the
+middle of or at the end of the list, i.e. whether `listcount` is smaller
+than or equal to `liststop`. See also ??. The starred variant of this
+command is similar to the regular version, except that all type-specific
+formats are cleared.
+ },
+ DeclareNameInputHandler = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "name"}, {meta = "code"}},
+ details = [[
+As `\DeclareFieldInputHandler` but for names. Within the `code`, the
+macro `\NewValue` contains the value of the name, `\NewCount` contains
+the number of individual names in the name and `\NewOption` contains any
+per-name options passed in the `.bbl`. Note that `\NewValue` as well as
+the single argument to `code` contain the internal representation of the
+name list.
+ },
+ DeclareNameWrapperFormat = {
+ arguments = {
+ {literal = "*", optional = true},
+ {meta = "format"},
+ {meta = "code"}
+ },
+ details = [[
+Defines the list wrapper format `format`. This formatting directive is
+arbitrary `code` to be executed once for the entire name list processed
+by `\printnames`. The name of the literal list currently being processed
+is available to the `code` as `\currentname`. If an `entrytype` is
+specified, the format is specific to that type. The `entrytype` argument
+may be a comma-separated list of values. The starred variant of this
+command is similar to the regular version, except that all type-specific
+formats are cleared.
+ },
+ DeclareNoinit = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "specification"}},
+ details = [[
+Defines regular expressions to strip from names before generating
+initials. The `specification` is an undelimited list of `\noinit`
+directives which specify the regular expressions to remove from the
+name. Spaces, tabs and line endings may be used freely to visually
+arrange the `specification`. Blank lines are not permissible. This
+command may only be used in the preamble.
+ },
+ DeclareNolabel = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "specification"}},
+ details = [[
+Defines regular expressions to strip from any field before generating a
+label part for the field. The `specification` is an undelimited list of
+`\nolabel` directives which specify the regular expressions to remove
+from fields. Spaces, tabs and line endings may be used freely to
+visually arrange the `specification`. Blank lines are not permissible.
+This command may only be used in the preamble.
+ },
+ DeclareNolabelwidthcount = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "specification"}},
+ details = [[
+Defines regular expressions to ignore from any field when counting
+characters in fixed-width substrings. The `specification` is an
+undelimited list of `\nolabelwidthcount` directives which specify the
+regular expressions to ignore when counting characters for fixed-width
+substrings. Spaces, tabs and line endings may be used freely to visually
+arrange the `specification`. Blank lines are not permissible. This
+command may only be used in the preamble.
+ },
+ DeclareNonamestring = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "specification"}},
+ details = [[
+Defines regular expressions to strip from name fields when generating
+`fullhash` and `uniquename`. The `specification` is an undelimited list
+of `\nonamestring` directives which specify the regular expressions to
+remove from particular name fields. Spaces, tabs and line endings may be
+used freely to visually arrange the `specification`. Blank lines are not
+permissible. This command may only be used in the preamble.
+ },
+ DeclareNosort = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "specification"}},
+ details = [[
+Defines regular expressions to strip from particular fields or types of
+fields when sorting. The `specification` is an undelimited list of
+`\nosort` directives which specify the regular expressions to remove
+from particular fields or type of field. Spaces, tabs and line endings
+may be used freely to visually arrange the `specification`. Blank lines
+are not permissible. This command may only be used in the preamble.
+ },
+ DeclareNumChars = {
+ arguments = {{literal = "*", optional = true}, {meta = "characters"}},
+ details = [[
+This command configures the `\ifnumeral`, `\ifnumerals`, and `\ifpages`
+tests from ??. The setup will also affect `\iffieldnum`, `\iffieldnums`,
+`\iffieldpages` as well as `\mkpageprefix` and `\mkpagetotal`. The
+`characters` argument is an undelimited list of characters which are to
+be considered as being part of a number. The regular version of this
+command replaces the current setting, the starred version appends its
+argument to the current list. The default setting is:
+ \DeclareNumChars{.}
+This means that a (section or other) number like &lt;3.4.5> will be
+considered as a number. Note that Arabic and Roman numerals are detected
+by default, there is no need to declare them explicitly.
+ },
+ DeclarePageCommands = {
+ arguments = {{literal = "*", optional = true}, {meta = "commands"}},
+ details = [[
+This command is similar to `\DeclareRangeCommands`, except that it only
+affects the `\ifpages` and `\iffieldpages` tests but not `\ifnumerals`
+and `\iffieldnums`. The default setting is:
+ \DeclarePageCommands{\pno\ppno}
+ },
+ DeclarePrefChars = {
+ arguments = {{literal = "*", optional = true}, {meta = "characters"}},
+ details = [[
+This command declares characters that are to be treated specially when
+testing to see if `\bibnamedelimc` is to be inserted between a name
+prefix and a family name. If a character is in the list of `characters`,
+`\bibnamedelimc` is not inserted. It is used to allow abbreviated name
+prefices like &lt;d'Argent> where no space should be inserted after the
+apostrophe. The starred version appends its argument to the list of
+prefix characters, the unstarred version replaces the current setting.
+The default setting is:
+ \DeclarePrefChars{'-}
+For engines that fully support Unicode these defaults are extended with
+ [escapeinside={(*@}{@*)}]
+ \DeclarePrefChars*{(*@’@*)}
+ },
+ DeclarePresort = {
+ arguments = {
+ {
+ delimiters = {"[", "]"},
+ meta = "entrytype, ... ",
+ optional = true
+ },
+ {meta = "string"}
+ },
+ details = [[
+\DeclarePresort[entrytype, ... ]{string}
+Specifies a string to be used to automatically populate the `presort`
+field of entries without a `presort` field. The `presort` may be defined
+globally or on a per-type basis. If the optional `entrytype` argument is
+given, the `string` applies to the respective entry type. If not, it
+serves as the global default value. Specifying an `entrytype` in
+conjunction with a blank `string` will clear the type-specific setting.
+The `entrytype` argument may be a comma-separated list of values. This
+command may only be used in the preamble.
+ },
+ DeclarePrintbibliographyDefaults = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "key=value, ... "}},
+ details = [[
+\DeclarePrintbibliographyDefaults{key=value, ... }
+This command can be used to globally set defaults for some options to
+`\printbibliography`, the `\bibby...` bibliography commands and
+`\printbibheading`. The supported keys are
+- `env`
+- `heading`
+- `title`
+- `prenote`
+- `postnote`
+- `filter`
+ },
+ DeclareQuotePunctuation = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "characters"}},
+ details = [[
+This command controls &lt;American-style> punctuation. The `\mkbibquote`
+wrapper from ?? can interact with the punctuation facilities discussed
+in ??. Punctuation marks after `\mkbibquote` will be moved inside the
+quotes if they have been registered with `\DeclareQuotePunctuation`.
+Note that `characters` is an undelimited list of characters. Valid
+`characters` are period, comma, semicolon, colon, exclamation and
+question mark. Here is an example:
+ \DeclareQuotePunctuation{.,}
+Executing `\DeclareQuotePunctuation{}` is equivalent to disabling this
+feature. This is the package default. Since this feature is language
+specific, this command must be used in the argument to
+`\DefineBibliographyExtras` (when used in the preamble) or
+`\DeclareBibliographyExtras` (when used in a localisation module). See
+?? for details. See also ??.
+ },
+ DeclareRangeChars = {
+ arguments = {{literal = "*", optional = true}, {meta = "characters"}},
+ details = [[
+This command configures the `\ifnumerals` and `\ifpages` tests from ??.
+The setup will also affect `\iffieldnums` and `\iffieldpages` as well as
+`\mkpageprefix` and `\mkpagetotal`. The `characters` argument is an
+undelimited list of characters which are to be considered as range
+indicators. The regular version of this command replaces the current
+setting, the starred version appends its argument to the current list.
+The default setting is:
+ \DeclareRangeChars{~,;-+/}
+For engines that fully support Unicode these defaults are extended with
+ [escapeinside={(*@}{@*)}]
+ \DeclareRangeChars*{(*@–—@*)}
+This means that strings like &lt;3--5>, &lt;35+>, &lt;8/9> and so on
+will be considered as a range by `\ifnumerals` and `\ifpages`. Non-range
+characters in such strings are recognized as numbers. So strings like
+&lt;3a--5a> and &lt;35b+> are not deemed to be ranges by default. See
+also ?? for further details.
+ },
+ DeclareRangeCommands = {
+ arguments = {{literal = "*", optional = true}, {meta = "commands"}},
+ details = [[
+This command is similar to `\DeclareRangeChars`, except that the
+`commands` argument is an undelimited list of commands which are to be
+considered as range indicators. The regular version of this command
+replaces the current setting, the starred version appends its argument
+to the current list. The default list is rather long and should cover
+all common cases; here is a shorter example:
+ \DeclareRangeCommands{\&\bibrangedash\textendash\textemdash\psq\psqq}
+See also ?? for further details.
+ },
+ DeclareRedundantLanguages = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "language, language, ..."}, {meta = "langid, langid, ..."}},
+ details = [[
+\DeclareRedundantLanguages{language, language, ...}{langid, langid, ...}
+This command provides the language mappings required by the `clearlang`
+option from ??. The `language` is the string given in the `language`
+field (without the optional `lang` prefix); `langid` is
+`babel`/`polyglossia`'s language identifier, as given in the optional
+argument of `\usepackage` when loading `babel` or the argument of
+`\setdefaultlanguage` or `\setotherlanguages` when using `polyglossia`.
+This command may be used in `lbx` files or in the document preamble.
+Here are some examples:
+ \DeclareRedundantLanguages{french}{french}
+ \DeclareRedundantLanguages{german}{german,ngerman,austrian,naustrian,
+ nswissgerman,swissgerman}
+ \DeclareRedundantLanguages{english,american}{english,american,british,
+ canadian,australian,newzealand,USenglish,UKenglish}
+Note that this feature needs to be enabled globally with the `clearlang`
+option from ??. If it is disabled, all mappings will be ignored. If the
+`langid` parameter is blank, `biblatex`will clear the mappings for the
+corresponding `language`, i.e. the feature will be disabled for this
+`language` only.
+ },
+ DeclareRefcontext = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "name"}, {meta = "key=value, ... "}},
+ details = [[
+\DeclareRefcontext{name}{key=value, ... }
+Declares a named reference context with name `name`. The `key=value`
+options define the context attributes. All context attributes are
+optional and default to the global settings if absent. The valid options
+Specify a sorting template defined previously with
+`\DeclareSortingTemplate`. This template is used to determine which data
+to retrieve and/or print for an entry in the commands inside the
+Specify a sorting name key template defined previously with
+`\DeclareSortingNamekeyTemplate`. This template is used to construct
+sorting keys for names inside the context. The template name can also be
+specified (in increasing order of preference) per-entry, per-name list
+and per-name. See ?? for information on setting per-option, per-namelist
+and per-name options.
+Specify a uniquename template defined previously with
+`\DeclareUniquenameTemplate` (see ??). This template is used to
+calculate uniqueness information for names inside the context. The
+template name can also be specified (in increasing order of preference)
+per-entry, per-name list and per-name. See ?? for information on setting
+per-option, per-namelist and per-name options.
+Specify a template defined previously with
+`\DeclareLabelalphaNameTemplate` (see ??). This template is used to
+construct name parts of alphabetic labels for names inside the context.
+The template name can also be specified (in increasing order of
+preference) per-entry, per-name list and per-name. See ?? for
+information on setting per-option, per-namelist and per-name options.
+A convenience meta-option which sets `sortingnamekeytemplate`,
+`uniquenametemplate` and `labelalphanametemplate` to the same template
+name. This option can also be specified (in increasing order of
+preference) per-entry, per-name list and per-name. See ?? for
+information on setting per-option, per-namelist and per-name options.
+This option applies to numerical citation/bibliography styles only and
+requires that the `defernumbers` option from ?? be enabled globally.
+Setting this option will implicitly enable `resetnumbers` for the any
+`\printbibliography` in the scope of the context (unless overridden by a
+user-specified value for `resetnumbers`). The option assigns the
+`string` as a prefix to all entries in the reference context. For
+example, if the `string` is `A`, the numerical labels printed will be
+`[A1]`, `[A2]`, `[A3]`, etc. This is useful for subdivided numerical
+bibliographies where each subbibliography uses a different prefix. The
+`string` is available to styles in the `labelprefix` field of all
+affected entries. Note that the `string` is fully expanded, which means
+that you can use context-dependent macros like `\thechapter`, but not
+unexpandable commands such as `\dag`. If you need to pass unexpandable
+code to `string`, protect it from expansion with `\detokenize`. See ??
+for details.
+ },
+ DeclareSortExclusion = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "entrytype, ... "}, {meta = "field, ... "}},
+ details = [[
+\DeclareSortExclusion{entrytype, ... }{field, ... }
+Specifies fields to be excluded from sorting on a per-type basis. The
+`entrytype` argument and the `field` argument may be a comma-separated
+list of values. A blank `field` argument will clear all exclusions for
+this `entrytype`. A value of &lt;\*&gt; for `entrytype` will exclude
+`field,…` for every entrytype. This is equivalent to simply deleting the
+field from the sorting specification and is only normally used in
+combination with `\DeclareSortInclusion` when one wishes to exclude a
+field for all but explicitly included entrytypes. See example in
+`\DeclareSortInclusion` below. This command may only be used in the
+ },
+ DeclareSortingNamekeyTemplate = {
+ arguments = {
+ {delimiters = {"[", "]"}, meta = "name", optional = true},
+ {meta = "specification"}
+ },
+ details = [[
+Defines how the sorting keys for names are constructed. This can change
+the sorting order of names arbitrarily because you can choose how to put
+together the name parts when constructing the string to compare when
+sorting. The sorting key construction template so defined is called
+`name` which defaults to «global» if this optional parameter is absent.
+When constructing the sorting key for a name, a sorting key for each
+name part is constructed and the key for each name is formed into an
+ordered key list with a special internal separator. The point of this
+option is to accommodate languages or situations where sorting of names
+needs to be customised (for example, Icelandic names are sometimes
+sorted by given names rather than by family names). This macro may be
+used multiple times to define templates with different names which can
+then be referred to later. Sorting name key templates can be specified
+at the following scopes, in order of increasing precedence:
+- The default template defined without the optional name argument
+- Given as the `sortingnamekeytemplate` option to a reference context
+ (see ??)
+- Given as a per-entry option `sortnamekeytemplate` in a bibliography
+ data source entry
+- Given as a per-namelist option `sortnamekeytemplate`
+- Given as a per-name option `sortnamekeytemplate`
+By default there is only a global template which has the following
+ \DeclareSortingNamekeyTemplate{
+ \keypart{
+ \namepart[use=true]{<<prefix>>}
+ \namepart{<<family>>}
+ }
+ \keypart{
+ \namepart{<<given>>}
+ }
+ \keypart{
+ \namepart{<<suffix>>}
+ }
+ \keypart{
+ \namepart[use=false]{<<prefix>>}
+ }
+ }
+This means that the key is constructed by concatenating, in order, the
+name prefix (only if the `useprefix` option is true) with the family
+name(s), the given names(s), the name suffix and then the name prefix
+(only if the `useprefix` option is false).
+ },
+ DeclareSortingTemplate = {
+ arguments = {
+ {delimiters = {"[", "]"}, meta = "options", optional = true},
+ {meta = "name"},
+ {meta = "specification"}
+ },
+ details = [[
+Defines the sorting template `name`. The `name` is the identifier passed
+to the `sorting` option (??) when selecting the sorting template. The
+`\DeclareSortingTemplate` command supports the following optional
+The locale for the sorting template which then overrides the global
+sorting locale in the `sortlocale` option discussed in ??.
+The `specification` is an undelimited list of `\sort` directives which
+specify the elements to be considered in the sorting process. Spaces,
+tabs, and line endings may be used freely to visually arrange the
+`specification`. Blank lines are not permissible. This command may only
+be used in the preamble.
+ },
+ DeclareSourcemap = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "specification"}},
+ details = [[
+Defines source data modification (mapping) rules which can be used to
+perform any combination of the following tasks:
+- Map data source entrytypes to different entrytypes
+- Map datasource fields to different fields
+- Add new fields to an entry
+- Remove fields from an entry
+- Modify the contents of a field using standard Perl regular
+ expression match and replace[1]
+- Restrict any of the above operations to entries coming from
+ particular datasources which you defined in `\addresource` macros
+- Restrict any of the above operations to entries only of a certain
+ entrytype
+- Restrict any of the above operations to entries in a particular
+ reference section
+The `specification` is an undelimited list of `\maps` directives which
+specify containers for mappings rules applying to a particular data
+source type (??). Spaces, tabs, and line endings may be used freely to
+visually arrange the `specification`. Blank lines are not permissible.
+This command may only be used in the preamble and can be used multiple
+times, the maps being run in order of definition.
+[1] See for example <>,
+<> and
+<>. There are many more resources
+available about regular expessions in Perl.
+ },
+ DeclareStyleSourcemap = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "specification"}},
+ details = [[
+This command sets the source mappings used by a style. Such mappings are
+conceptually separate from user mappings defined with
+`\DeclareSourcemap` and are applied directly after user maps. The syntax
+is identical to `\DeclareSourcemap`. This command is provided for style
+authors so that any maps defined for the style do not interfere with
+user maps or the default driver maps defined with
+`\DeclareDriverSourcemap`. This command is for use in style files and
+can be used multiple times, the maps being run in order of definition.
+ },
+ DeclareUniquenameTemplate = {
+ arguments = {
+ {delimiters = {"[", "]"}, meta = "name", optional = true},
+ {meta = "specification"}
+ },
+ details = [[
+Defines the `uniquename` template `name`. The `name` is optional and
+defaults to `<global>`.
+The `specification` is an ordered list of `\namepart` commands which
+define the nameparts to use in determining the uniquename information.
+ },
+ DefaultInheritance = {
+ arguments = {
+ {delimiters = {"[", "]"}, meta = "exceptions", optional = true},
+ {meta = "options"}
+ },
+ details = [[
+Configures the default inheritance behavior. This command may only be
+used in the preamble. The default behavior may be customized be setting
+the following `options`:
+Whether or not to inherit all fields from the parent by default.
+`all=true` means that the child entry inherits all fields from the
+parent, unless a more specific inheritance rule has been set up with
+`\DeclareDataInheritance`. If an inheritance rule is defined for a
+field, data inheritance is controlled by that rule. `all=false` means
+that no data is inherited from the parent by default and each field to
+be inherited requires an explicit inheritance rule set up with
+`\DeclareDataInheritance`. The package default is `all=true`.
+Whether or not to overwrite target fields with source fields if both are
+defined. This applies both to automatic inheritance and to explicit
+inheritance rules. The package default is `override=false`, i.e.
+existing fields of the child entry are not overwritten.
+`ignore=<csv list of uniqueness options>`
+This option takes a comma-separated list of one of more of
+&lt;singletitle>, &lt;uniquetitle>, &lt;uniquebaretitle> and/or
+&lt;uniquework>. The purpose of this option is to ignore tracking
+information for these three options when the field which would trigger
+the tracking (??) is inherited. An example---Suppose that you have
+several `book` entries which all crossref a `mvbook` from which they get
+their `author` field. You might reasonably want the `\ifsingletitle`
+test to return &lt;true> for this author as their only &lt;work> is the
+`mvbook`. Similar comments would apply to situations involving the
+`\ifuniquetitle`, `\ifuniquebaretitle` and `\ifuniquework` tests. The
+`ignore` option lists which of these should have their tracking
+information ignored when the fields which would trigger them are
+inherited. The idea is that the presence of an inherited field does not
+contribute towards the determination of whether some combination of
+name/title is unique in the bibliographic data. For example, this
+modified default setting would ignore `singletitle` and `uniquetitle`
+ \DefaultInheritance{ignore={singletitle,uniquetitle}, all=true, override=false}
+Of course, the ignoring of tracking does nothing if the fields inherited
+do not play a role in tracking. Only the fields listed in ?? are
+relevant to this option.
+The optional `exceptions` are an undelimited list of `\except`
+directives. Spaces, tabs, and line endings may be used freely to
+visually arrange the `exceptions`. Blank lines are not permissible.
+ },
+ DefineBibliographyStrings = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "language"}, {meta = "definitions"}},
+ details = [[
+This command is used to define localisation strings. The `language` must
+be a language name known to the `babel`/`polyglossia` packages, i.e. one
+of the identifiers listed in ?? on page ??. The `definitions` are
+`key=value`pairs which assign an expression to an identifier:
+ \DefineBibliographyStrings{american}{%
+ bibliography = {Bibliography},
+ shorthands = {Abbreviations},
+ editor = {editor},
+ editors = {editors},
+ }
+A complete list of all keys supported by default is given is ??. Note
+that all expressions should be capitalized as they usually are when used
+in the middle of a sentence. The `biblatex`package will automatically
+capitalize the first word when required at the beginning of a sentence.
+Expressions intended for use in headings should be capitalized in a way
+that is suitable for titling. In contrast to
+`\DeclareBibliographyStrings`, `\DefineBibliographyStrings` overrides
+both the full and the abbreviated version of the string. See ?? for
+further details.
+ },
+ DeprecateField = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "field"}, {meta = "message"}},
+ details = [[
+When an attempt is made to print `field`, `list`, `name`, a deprecation
+warning is issued with the additional `message`. This aids style authors
+who are changing field names in their style. Note that the deprecated
+item must no longer be defined in the datamodel for this to work;
+`field`, `list` or `name` cannot be listed anywhere as an argument to
+ },
+ DeprecateIndexFieldFormatWithReplacement = {
+ arguments = {
+ {delimiters = {"[", "]"}, meta = "entry type", optional = true},
+ {meta = "alias"},
+ {
+ delimiters = {"[", "]"},
+ meta = "format entry type",
+ optional = true
+ },
+ {meta = "format"}
+ },
+ details = [[
+\DeprecateIndexFieldFormatWithReplacement[entry type]{alias}[format entry type]{format}
+Similar to `\DeprecateFieldFormatWithReplacement` but for index field
+ },
+ DeprecateIndexNameFormatWithReplacement = {
+ arguments = {
+ {delimiters = {"[", "]"}, meta = "entry type", optional = true},
+ {meta = "alias"},
+ {
+ delimiters = {"[", "]"},
+ meta = "format entry type",
+ optional = true
+ },
+ {meta = "format"}
+ },
+ details = [[
+\DeprecateIndexNameFormatWithReplacement[entry type]{alias}[format entry type]{format}
+Similar to `\DeprecateFieldFormatWithReplacement` but for index name
+ },
+ DeprecateList = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "list"}, {meta = "message"}},
+ details = "$ref:biblatex.sty#/commands/DeprecateField/details"
+ },
+ DeprecateListFormatWithReplacement = {
+ arguments = {
+ {delimiters = {"[", "]"}, meta = "entry type", optional = true},
+ {meta = "alias"},
+ {
+ delimiters = {"[", "]"},
+ meta = "format entry type",
+ optional = true
+ },
+ {meta = "format"}
+ },
+ details = [[
+\DeprecateListFormatWithReplacement[entry type]{alias}[format entry type]{format}
+Similar to `\DeprecateFieldFormatWithReplacement` but for list formats.
+ },
+ DeprecateListWithReplacement = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "list"}, {meta = "replacement"}},
+ details = [[
+Similar to `\DeprecateField`, `\DeprecateList` and `\DeprecateName`. The
+commands do not only issue a deprecation warning, they try to define a
+replacement for the deprecated field that is printed in its stead. The
+`\replacement` must be of the same type as the deprecated `field`,
+`list` or `name`. If the formatting of `replacement` should be applied
+when printing the deprecated field, that needs to be requested with
+`\DeclareFieldAlias` (see ??). Note that the deprecated item must no
+longer be defined in the datamodel for this work; `field`, `list` or
+`name` cannot be listed anywhere as an argument to
+ },
+ DeprecateListWrapperFormatWithReplacement = {
+ arguments = {
+ {delimiters = {"[", "]"}, meta = "entry type", optional = true},
+ {meta = "alias"},
+ {
+ delimiters = {"[", "]"},
+ meta = "format entry type",
+ optional = true
+ },
+ {meta = "format"}
+ },
+ details = [[
+\DeprecateListWrapperFormatWithReplacement[entry type]{alias}[format entry type]{format}
+Similar to `\DeprecateFieldFormatWithReplacement` but for outer list
+ },
+ DeprecateName = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "name"}, {meta = "message"}},
+ details = "$ref:biblatex.sty#/commands/DeprecateField/details"
+ },
+ DeprecateNameWithReplacement = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "name"}, {meta = "replacement"}},
+ details = "$ref:biblatex.sty#/commands/DeprecateListWithReplacement/details"
+ },
+ ExecuteBibliographyOptions = {
+ arguments = {
+ {
+ delimiters = {"[", "]"},
+ meta = "entrytype, ... ",
+ optional = true
+ },
+ {meta = "key=value, ... "}
+ },
+ details = [[
+\ExecuteBibliographyOptions[entrytype, ... ]{key=value, ... }
+This command may also be used in the configuration file to modify the
+default setting of a package option. Certain options are also settable
+on a per-type basis. In this case, the optional `entrytype` argument
+specifies the entry type. The `entrytype` argument may be a
+comma-separated list of values.
+ },
+ Fvolcites = {
+ action = "cite",
+ details = [[
+The multicite version of `\fvolcite` and `\Fvolcite`, respectively.
+ },
+ InheritBibliographyExtras = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "language"}},
+ details = [[
+This command is only available in `lbx` files. It copies the
+bibliography extras for `language` to the current language, as specified
+by the name of the `lbx` file.
+ },
+ MakeCapital = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "text"}},
+ details = [[
+Similar to `\MakeUppercase` but only converts the first printable
+character in `text` to uppercase. Note that the restrictions that apply
+to `\MakeUppercase` also apply to this command. Namely, all commands in
+`text` must either be robust or prefixed with `\protect` since the
+`text` is expanded during capitalization. Apart from US-ASCII characters
+and the standard accent commands, this command also handles the active
+characters of the `inputenc` package as well as the shorthands of the
+`babel` package. If the `text` starts with a control sequence, nothing
+is capitalized. This command is robust.
+ },
+ MakeSentenceCase = {
+ arguments = {{literal = "*", optional = true}, {meta = "text"}},
+ details = [[
+Converts its `text` argument to sentence case, i.e. the first word is
+capitalized and the remainder of the string is converted to lowercase.
+This command is robust. The starred variant differs from the regular
+version in that it considers the language of the entry, as specified in
+the `langid` field. If the `langid` field is defined and holds a
+language declared with `\DeclareCaseLangs` (see below)[1], then the
+sentence case conversion is performed. If the `langid` field is
+undefined, then the language list declared with `\DeclareCaseLangs` is
+checked for the presence of the main document language derived from the
+`language` option. If found, sentence case conversion is performed, if
+not, the `text` is not altered in any way. It is recommended to use
+`\MakeSentenceCase*` rather than the regular variant in formatting
+Depending on the option `casechanger` `\MakeCaseChange` and
+`\MakeCaseChange*` are either implemented using the `expl3` module
+`l3text` or original LaTeX2ɛ code.
+Both variants support the traditional BibTeX convention for `bib` files
+that anything wrapped in a pair of curly braces is not modified when
+changing the case. For example:
+ \MakeSentenceCase{an Introduction to LaTeX}
+ \MakeSentenceCase{an Introduction to {LaTeX}}
+would yield:
+ {}
+ An introduction to latex
+ An introduction to LaTeX
+In `bib` files designed with traditional BibTeX in mind, it has been
+fairly common to only wrap single letters in braces to prevent
+ {}
+ title = {An Introduction to {L}a{T}e{X}}
+The problem with this convention is that the braces will suppress the
+kerning on both sides of the enclosed letter. It is preferable to wrap
+the entire word in braces as shown in the first example. Macros in
+titles must also be protected with braces
+ {}
+ title = {The {\TeX book}},
+The behaviour of `\MakeSentenceCase` differs slightly between the
+`latex2e` and `expl3` implementation. Generally speaking, the `expl3`
+code is closer to the BibTeX behaviour of `$`. It is also
+better equipped to deal with non-US-ASCII input and macros than the
+`latex2e` implementation. `\MakeSentenceCase` behaves as follows.
+- The first letter of its argument is capitalised with
+ `\MakeUppercase`. This is different from BibTeX 's `$`,
+ which does not touch the first letter of its argument.
+ Note that with the `latex2e` code a pair of braces that starts with
+ a control sequence will be treated as a single character for
+ capitalisation purposes. This means that the entire argument of a
+ command protected with a single pair of braces is capitalised.
+- With the `latex2e` code expandable commands are expanded before the
+ case change, which means that the case change applies to the
+ replacement text. Unexpandable commands are not touched.
+ BibTeX does not interpret macros and therefore passes commands
+ through unchanged (this does not necessarily apply to the
+ *arguments* of those commands). The `expl3` implementation also does
+ not expand commands and only applies case change to the arguments.
+- Text wrapped in one or more pairs of braces is protected from case
+ change *unless* it starts with a control sequence. This is the same
+ behaviour as with BibTeX . Note that the braces could either be
+ explicit groups or argument delimiters.
+- Text in a single pair of braces that starts with a control sequence
+ is not protected and will be subject to case changes. Note that this
+ need not apply to braces that are argument delimiters, in fact the
+ `latex2e` implementation of `\MakeSentenceCase` may in some cases
+ produce an error or otherwise undesirable output if the argument of
+ a command starts with a control sequence. BibTeX 's case change
+ function does not differentiate between argument delimiters and
+ brace groups and always subjects text at brace level 1 to case
+ change if it starts with a control sequence.
+For most intents and purposes the following rules should give a sensible
+- Protect all words whose case should not be changed by wrapping them
+ in one pair of braces.
+- If words are already in the braced argument of a command such as
+ `\mkbibquote` or `\emph`, they are automatically protected.
+ - To *undo* this protection wrap the command in braces again.
+ - It is not possible to selectively re-apply protection if it has
+ been undone with an additional pair of braces. If a more
+ fine-grained control is needed, work-arounds like splitting the
+ argument could be tried.
+- While it is possible to protect words from case change at the
+ beginning of a field with a pair of braces, it is not possible to
+ undo the case protection that a command automatically implies by
+ wrapping it in braces in that position. In that case work-arounds
+ are necessary.
+ {}
+ title = {The Story of {HMS} \emph{Erebus}
+ in {\emph{Really}} Strong Wind},
+would be converted to sentence case by `\MakeSentenceCase` as
+> The story of HMS *Erebus* in *really* strong wind
+If the `expl3` implementation of the case changing functions is
+selected, the BibTeX case protection behaviour can be exchanged for a
+slightly simpler version. When `bibtexcaseprotection` set to `false`,
+braces no longer automatically imply case protection. Instead words can
+be protected from case change with `\NoCaseChange`. The examples from
+above would then read
+ {}
+ title = {An Introduction to \NoCaseChange{LaTeX}},
+ title = {The Story of \NoCaseChange{HMS \emph{Erebus}}
+ in \emph{Really} Strong Wind},
+Generally, this option should allow for a saner case protection input,
+because curly braces are no longer overloaded with different levels of
+meaning, but it is a big departure from the standard case protection
+input that has been with the LaTeX world for a long time.
+Due to its complex implementation `\MakeSentenceCase` can not accept
+arbitrary input, it only safely operates on raw text or field data. In
+the standard styles the `title` and other `title`-like field formats do
+not work together with `\MakeSentenceCase` because of their argument
+structure, so the standard styles offer a dedicated `titlecase` field
+format to apply this command. To enable sentence casing in standard
+styles for languages that support it you would use:
+ \DeclareFieldFormat{titlecase}{<<\MakeSentenceCase*{#1}>>}
+Sentence casing can then be disabled by resetting that field format to
+ \DeclareFieldFormat{titlecase}{<<#1>>}
+Custom styles may follow a different approach, but style authors are
+encouraged to apply the same general ideas to their styles.
+[1] By default, converting to sentence case is enabled for the following
+language identifiers: `american`, `british`, `canadian`, `english`,
+`australian`, `newzealand` as well as the aliases `USenglish` and
+`UKenglish`. Use `\DeclareCaseLangs` to extend or change this list.
+ },
+ NewBibliographyString = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "key"}},
+ details = [[
+This command declares new localisation strings, i.e. it initializes a
+new `key` to be used in the `definitions` of
+`\DefineBibliographyStrings`. The `key` argument may also be a
+comma-separated list of key names. The keys listed in ?? are defined by
+ },
+ Notecite = {
+ action = "cite",
+ arguments = {
+ {delimiters = {"[", "]"}, meta = "prenote", optional = true},
+ {delimiters = {"[", "]"}, meta = "postnote", optional = true},
+ {meta = "key"}
+ },
+ details = [[
+These commands print the `prenote` and `postnote` arguments but no
+citation. This may be useful for authors who incorporate implicit
+citations in their writing, only giving information not mentioned before
+in the running text, but who still want to take advantage of the
+automatic `postnote` formatting and citation tracking. This is a
+generic, style-independent citation command. Special citation styles may
+provide smarter facilities for the same purpose. The capitalized version
+forces capitalization (note that this is only applicable if the note
+starts with a command which is sensitive to `biblatex`'s punctuation
+ },
+ NumsCheckSetup = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "code"}},
+ details = [[
+Like `\NumCheckSetup` but only applies to `\ifnumerals` and `\ifpages`
+from ?? and their derivative tests.
+ },
+ OnManualCitation = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "code"}},
+ details = [[
+Specifies arbitrary `code` required for a partial reset of the citation
+style. This hook will be executed every time the `\mancite` command from
+?? is used. It is particularly useful in citation styles which replace
+repeated citations by abbreviations like &lt;ibidem> or &lt;op. cit.&gt;
+which may get ambiguous if automatically generated and manual citations
+are mixed. The `\mancite` command also resets the internal &lt;ibidem>
+and &lt;idem> trackers of this package. The reset will affect the
+`\ifciteibid` and `\ifciteidem` tests discussed in ??.
+ },
+ Parencite = {
+ action = "cite",
+ arguments = {
+ {delimiters = {"[", "]"}, meta = "prenote", optional = true},
+ {delimiters = {"[", "]"}, meta = "postnote", optional = true},
+ {meta = "key"}
+ },
+ details = [[
+These commands use a format similar to `\cite` but enclose the entire
+citation in parentheses. The numeric and alphabetic styles use square
+brackets instead. `\Parencite` is similar to `\parencite` but
+capitalizes the name prefix of the first name in the citation if the
+`useprefix` option is enabled, provided that there is a name prefix and
+the citation style prints any name at all.
+ },
+ Parencites = {
+ action = "cite",
+ details = [[
+The multicite version of `\parencite` and `\Parencite`, respectively.
+ },
+ Pnotecite = {
+ action = "cite",
+ arguments = {
+ {delimiters = {"[", "]"}, meta = "prenote", optional = true},
+ {delimiters = {"[", "]"}, meta = "postnote", optional = true},
+ {meta = "key"}
+ },
+ details = [[
+Similar to `\notecite` but the notes are printed in parentheses.
+ },
+ Pvolcite = {
+ action = "cite",
+ arguments = {
+ {delimiters = {"[", "]"}, meta = "prenote", optional = true},
+ {meta = "volume"},
+ {delimiters = {"[", "]"}, meta = "pages", optional = true},
+ {meta = "key"}
+ },
+ details = [[
+Similar to `\volcite` but based on `\parencite`.
+ },
+ Pvolcites = {
+ action = "cite",
+ details = [[
+The multicite version of `\pvolcite` and `\Pvolcite`, respectively.
+ },
+ RequireBibliographyStyle = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "style"}},
+ details = [[
+This command is optional and intended for specialized bibliography
+styles built on top of a more generic style. It loads the bibliography
+style `style.bbx`.
+ },
+ RequireCitationStyle = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "style"}},
+ details = [[
+This command is optional and intended for specialized citation styles
+built on top of a more generic style. It loads the citation style
+ },
+ ResetDatamodelConstraints = {
+ details = [[
+Clear all data model fields Constraints information.
+ },
+ ResetDatamodelFields = {
+ details = [[
+Clear all data model field information.
+ },
+ Rn = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "integer"}},
+ details = [[
+Similar to `\RN` but prints a lowercase Roman numeral. The formatting
+applied to the numeral may be modified by redefining the macro
+ },
+ Smartcite = {
+ action = "cite",
+ arguments = {
+ {delimiters = {"[", "]"}, meta = "prenote", optional = true},
+ {delimiters = {"[", "]"}, meta = "postnote", optional = true},
+ {meta = "key"}
+ },
+ details = [[
+Like `\parencite` in a footnote and like `\footcite` in the body.
+ },
+ Smartcites = {
+ action = "cite",
+ details = [[
+The multicite version of `\smartcite` and `\Smartcite`, respectively.
+ },
+ Svolcite = {
+ action = "cite",
+ arguments = {
+ {delimiters = {"[", "]"}, meta = "prenote", optional = true},
+ {meta = "volume"},
+ {delimiters = {"[", "]"}, meta = "pages", optional = true},
+ {meta = "key"}
+ },
+ details = [[
+Similar to `\volcite` but based on `\smartcite`.
+ },
+ Svolcites = {
+ action = "cite",
+ details = [[
+The multicite version of `\svolcite` and `\Svolcite`, respectively.
+ },
+ Textcite = {
+ action = "cite",
+ arguments = {
+ {delimiters = {"[", "]"}, meta = "prenote", optional = true},
+ {delimiters = {"[", "]"}, meta = "postnote", optional = true},
+ {meta = "key"}
+ },
+ details = [[
+These citation commands are provided by all styles that come with this
+package. They are intended for use in the flow of text, replacing the
+subject of a sentence. They print the authors or editors followed by a
+citation label which is enclosed in parentheses. Depending on the
+citation style, the label may be a number, the year of publication, an
+abridged version of the title, or something else. The numeric and
+alphabetic styles use square brackets instead of parentheses. In the
+verbose styles, the label is provided in a footnote. Trailing
+punctuation is moved between the author or editor names and the footnote
+mark. `\Textcite` is similar to `\textcite` but capitalizes the name
+prefix of the first name in the citation if the `useprefix` option is
+enabled, provided that there is a name prefix.
+ },
+ Textcites = {
+ action = "cite",
+ details = [[
+The multicite version of `\textcite` and `\Textcite`, respectively.
+ },
+ Tvolcite = {
+ action = "cite",
+ arguments = {
+ {delimiters = {"[", "]"}, meta = "prenote", optional = true},
+ {meta = "volume"},
+ {delimiters = {"[", "]"}, meta = "pages", optional = true},
+ {meta = "key"}
+ },
+ details = [[
+Similar to `\volcite` but based on `\textcite`.
+ },
+ Tvolcites = {
+ action = "cite",
+ details = [[
+The multicite version of `\tvolcite` and `\Tvolcite`, respectively.
+ },
+ UndeclareBibstringSets = {
+ details = [[
+Remove all existing bibliography string sets with
+ },
+ UndeclareDelimcontextAlias = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "alias"}},
+ details = [[
+Removes the delimiter context alias declared for `alias`.
+ },
+ UndefineBibliographyExtras = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "language"}, {meta = "code"}},
+ details = [[
+This command is used to restore the original definition of any commands
+modified with `\DefineBibliographyExtras`. If a redefined command is
+included in ??, there is no need to restore its previous definition
+since these commands are adapted by all language modules anyway.
+ },
+ UneclareBibstringSetFormat = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "setname"}},
+ details = [[
+Remove any bibliography string set format defined for `setname`.
+ },
+ UseBibitemHook = {
+ details = [[
+Executes the internal hook corresponding to `\AtEveryBibitem`.
+ },
+ UseEveryCiteHook = {
+ details = [[
+Executes the internal hook corresponding to `\AtEveryCite`.
+ },
+ UseEveryMultiCiteHook = {
+ details = [[
+Executes the internal hook corresponding to `\AtMultiEveryCite`.
+ },
+ UseNextCitekeyHook = {
+ details = [[
+Executes and clears the internal hook corresponding to `\AtNextCitekey`.
+ },
+ UseVolciteHook = {
+ details = [[
+Executes the internal hook corresponding to `\AtVolcite`.
+ },
+ Volcite = {
+ action = "cite",
+ arguments = {
+ {delimiters = {"[", "]"}, meta = "prenote", optional = true},
+ {meta = "volume"},
+ {delimiters = {"[", "]"}, meta = "pages", optional = true},
+ {meta = "key"}
+ },
+ details = [[
+These commands are similar to `\cite` and `\Cite` but intended for
+references to multi-volume works which are cited by volume and page
+number. Instead of the `postnote`, they take a mandatory `volume` and an
+optional `pages` argument. Since they merely compose the postnote and
+pass it to the `\cite` command provided by the citation style as a
+`postnote` argument, these commands are style independent. The volume
+and pages/text portion are formatted with the macro `\mkvolcitenote`
+when they are passed on to the citation command. Additionally they are
+made available in the special fields `volcitevolume` and `volcitevolume`
+(??) The format of the volume portion is controlled by the field
+formatting directive `volcitevolume`, the format of the pages/text
+portion is controlled by the field formatting directive `volcitepages`
+(??). The delimiter printed between the volume portion and the
+pages/text portion may be modified by redefining the macro
+`\volcitedelim` (??).
+ },
+ Volcites = {
+ action = "cite",
+ details = [[
+The multicite version of `\volcite` and `\Volcite`, respectively.
+ },
+ abbrvpenalty = {
+ details = [[
+This counter, which is used by the localisation modules, holds the
+penalty used in short or abbreviated localisation strings. For example,
+a linebreak in expressions such as «et al.» or «ed. by» is unfortunate,
+but should still be possible to prevent overfull boxes. This counter is
+initialized to `\hyphenpenalty` at load-time. The idea is making TeX
+treat the whole expression as if it were a single, hyphenatable word as
+far as line-breaking is concerned. If you dislike such linebreaks, use a
+higher value. If you do not mind them at all, set this counter to zero.
+If you want to suppress them unconditionally, set it to &lt;infinite>
+(10 000 or higher).[1]
+[1] The default values assigned to `abbrvpenalty`, `lownamepenalty`, and
+`highnamepenalty` are deliberately very low to prevent overfull boxes.
+This implies that you will hardly notice any effect on line-breaking if
+the text is set justified. If you set these counters to 10 000 to
+suppress the respective breakpoints, you will notice their effect but
+you may also be confronted with overfull boxes. Keep in mind that
+line-breaking in the bibliography is often more difficult than in the
+body text and that you can not resort to rephrasing a sentence. In some
+cases it may be preferable to set the entire bibliography `\raggedright`
+to prevent suboptimal linebreaks. In this case, even the fairly low
+default penalties will make a visible difference.
+The penalty used by `\addabbrvspace`, `\addabthinspace`, and
+`\adddotspace`, see ?? for details. This counter is initialized to
+`\hyphenpenalty` at load-time.
+ },
+ addabthinspace = {
+ details = [[
+Similar to `\addabbrvspace` but using a thin space.
+ },
+ addbibresource = {
+ action = "input",
+ arguments = {
+ {delimiters = {"[", "]"}, meta = "options", optional = true},
+ {meta = "resource"}
+ },
+ details = [[
+Adds a `resource`, such as a `.bib` file, to the default resource list.
+This command is only available in the preamble. It replaces the
+`\bibliography` legacy command. Note that files must be specified with
+their full name, including the extension. With `biber`, the resource
+name can be a BSD-style glob pattern. This only makes sense when
+resources refer to files with an absolute or relative path and does not
+work when looking for data resources in `biber`s input/output
+directories or with resources located by `kpsewhich` etc. When running
+on Windows, `biber`will switch to a Windows compatible globbing mode
+where backslashes are also useable as path separators and case does not
+matter. If the resources contain duplicate entries (that is, duplicate
+`entrykey`s), it is backend dependent what then happens. For example, by
+default `biber`will ignore further occurrence of `entrykey`s unless its
+`–noskipduplicates` options is used. Invoke `\addbibresource` multiple
+times to add more resources, for example:
+ \addbibresource{bibfile1.bib}
+ \addbibresource{bibfile2.bib}
+ \addbibresource[glob]{bibfiles/bibfile*.bib}
+ \addbibresource[glob]{bibfile-num?.bib}
+ \addbibresource[glob]{bibfile{1,2,3}.bib}
+ \addbibresource[location=remote]{}
+ \addbibresource[location=remote,label=lan]{}
+Since the `resource` string is read in a verbatim-like mode, it may
+contain arbitrary characters. The only restriction is that any curly
+braces must be balanced. The following `options` are available:
+This option can be used to override the global `bibencoding` option for
+a particular `resource`.
+Assigns a label to a resource. The `identifier` may be used in place of
+the full resource name in the optional argument of `refsection` (see
+??). The label is a *unique* identifier for the `resource`, so each
+label should only be used once.
+The location of the resource. The `location` may be either `local` for
+local resources or `remote` for URLs. Remote resources require `biber`.
+The protocols HTTP/HTTPS and FTP are supported. The remote URL must be a
+fully qualified path to a `bib` file or a URL which returns a `bib`
+The type of resource. Currently, the only supported type is `file`.
+The data type (format) of the resource. The following formats are
+currently supported:
+BibTeX format.
+Experimental XML format for `biblatex`. See ??.
+Whether `biber`should glob (expand according to pattern) the datasource
+name. There is a global setting for this in `biber`(false by default and
+settable to true using the `–glob-datasources` option). This option
+allows overriding the `biber`default on a per-resource basis.
+ filename = "?"
+ },
+ adddot = {
+ details = [[
+Adds a period unless it is preceded by any punctuation mark. The purpose
+of this command is inserting the dot after an abbreviation. Any dot
+inserted this way is recognized as such by the other punctuation
+commands. This command may also be used to turn a previously inserted
+literal period into an abbreviation dot.
+ },
+ addhighpenspace = {
+ details = [[
+Adds a space penalized by the value of the `highnamepenalty` counter,
+see ?? for details.
+ },
+ addhpthinspace = {
+ details = [[
+Similar to `\addhighpenspace` but adds a breakable thin space.
+ },
+ addnbspace = {
+ details = [[
+Adds a non-breakable interword space.
+ },
+ addnbthinspace = {
+ details = [[
+Adds a non-breakable thin space. This is similar to `\,` and
+ },
+ addperiod = {
+ details = [[
+Adds a period unless it is preceded by an abbreviation dot or any other
+punctuation mark. This command may also be used to turn a previously
+inserted abbreviation dot into a period, for example at the end of a
+ },
+ addquestion = {
+ details = [[
+Adds a question mark unless it is preceded by any punctuation mark
+except for an abbreviation dot.
+ },
+ addsectionbib = {
+ action = "input",
+ arguments = {
+ {delimiters = {"[", "]"}, meta = "options", optional = true},
+ {meta = "resource"}
+ },
+ details = [[
+This command differs from `\addbibresource` in that the resource
+`options` are registered but the `resource` not added to any resource
+list. This is only required for resources which 1) are given exclusively
+in the optional argument of `refsection` (??) and 2) require options
+different from the default settings. In this case, `\addsectionbib` is
+employed to qualify the `resource` prior to using it by setting the
+appropriate `options` in the preamble. The `label` option may be useful
+to assign a short name to the resource.
+ filename = "?"
+ },
+ addsemicolon = {
+ details = [[
+Adds a semicolon unless it is preceded by a comma, another semicolon, a
+colon, or a period.
+ },
+ addslash = {
+ details = [[
+Adds a breakable slash. This command differs from the `\slash` command
+in the LaTeX kernel in that a linebreak after the slash is not penalized
+at all.
+ },
+ andothersdelim = {
+ details = [[
+The delimiter printed before the localisation string &lt;`andothers`&gt;
+if a name list like `author` or `editor` is truncated. The default is an
+interword space.
+The delimiter to be printed before the localisation string
+&lt;`andothers`&gt; if a name list like `author` or `editor` is
+truncated. This command should be incorporated in all formatting
+directives for name lists. The default is an interword space.
+ },
+ antecedent = {
+ arguments = {
+ {
+ delimiters = {"[", "]"},
+ meta = "quantifier=quantspec",
+ optional = true
+ },
+ {meta = "fields"}
+ },
+ details = [[
+For constraints of `type` &lt;conditional>, specifies a quantified set
+of `\constraintfield`s which must be satisfied before the `\consequent`
+of the constraint is checked. `quantspec` should have one of the
+following values:
+`quantifier={all, one, none}`
+Specifies how many of the `\constrainfield`'s inside the `\antecedent`
+have to be present to satisfy the antecedent of the conditional
+ },
+ assignrefcontextcats = {
+ arguments = {
+ {literal = "*", optional = true},
+ {
+ delimiters = {"[", "]"},
+ meta = "key=value, ... ",
+ optional = true
+ },
+ {meta = "category1, category2, ..."}
+ },
+ details = [[
+\assignrefcontextkeyws[key=value, ... ]{keyword1,keyword2, ...}
+\assignrefcontextkeyws*[key=value, ... ]{keyword1,keyword2, ...}
+\assignrefcontextcats[key=value, ... ]{category1, category2, ...}
+\assignrefcontextcats*[key=value, ... ]{category1, category2, ...}
+\assignrefcontextentries[key=value, ... ]{entrykey1, entrykey2, ...}
+\assignrefcontextentries*[key=value, ... ]{entrykey1, entrykey2, ...}
+\assignrefcontextentries[key=value, ... ]{*}
+\assignrefcontextentries*[key=value, ... ]{*}
+ },
+ assignrefcontextentries = {
+ arguments = {
+ {literal = "*", optional = true},
+ {
+ delimiters = {"[", "]"},
+ meta = "key=value, ... ",
+ optional = true
+ },
+ {meta = "entrykey1, entrykey2, ..."}
+ },
+ details = "$ref:biblatex.sty#/commands/assignrefcontextcats/details"
+ },
+ assignrefcontextkeyws = {
+ arguments = {
+ {literal = "*", optional = true},
+ {
+ delimiters = {"[", "]"},
+ meta = "key=value, ... ",
+ optional = true
+ },
+ {meta = "keyword1,keyword2, ..."}
+ },
+ details = "$ref:biblatex.sty#/commands/assignrefcontextcats/details"
+ },
+ authortypedelim = {
+ details = [[
+The delimiter printed between the author and the `authortype`. The
+default is a comma followed by a space.
+ },
+ autocite = {
+ action = "cite",
+ arguments = {
+ {delimiters = {"[", "]"}, meta = "prenote", optional = true},
+ {delimiters = {"[", "]"}, meta = "postnote", optional = true},
+ {meta = "key"}
+ },
+ details = [[
+In contrast to other citation commands, the `\autocite` command does not
+only scan ahead for punctuation marks following its last argument to
+avoid double punctuation marks, it actually moves them around if
+required. For example, with `autocite=footnote`, a trailing punctuation
+mark will be moved such that the footnote mark is printed after the
+punctuation. `\Autocite` is similar to `\autocite` but capitalizes the
+name prefix of the first name in the citation if the `useprefix` option
+is enabled, provided that there is a name prefix and the citation style
+prints any name at all.
+ },
+ begrelateddelim = {
+ details = [[
+The generic separator before the block of related entries. The default
+definition is `\newunitpunct`.
+ },
+ bibbycategory = {
+ arguments = {
+ {
+ delimiters = {"[", "]"},
+ meta = "key=value, ... ",
+ optional = true
+ }
+ },
+ details = [[
+\bibbycategory[key=value, ... ]
+This command loops over all bibliography categories. This is equivalent
+to giving one `\printbibliography` command for every category but has
+the additional benefit of automatically skipping empty categories. The
+categories are processed in the order in which they were declared. See
+?? for usage examples. The options are a subset of those supported by
+`\printbibliography`. Valid options are `env`, `prenote`, `postnote`,
+`section`. Note that `heading` is not available with this command. The
+name of the current category is automatically used as the heading name.
+This is equivalent to passing `heading=category` to `\printbibliography`
+and implies that there must be a matching heading definition for every
+category. The current bibliography context sorting template is used for
+all categories (see ??).
+ },
+ bibbysection = {
+ arguments = {
+ {
+ delimiters = {"[", "]"},
+ meta = "key=value, ... ",
+ optional = true
+ }
+ },
+ details = [[
+\bibbysection[key=value, ... ]
+This command automatically loops over all reference sections. This is
+equivalent to giving one `\printbibliography` command for every section
+but has the additional benefit of automatically skipping sections
+without references. Note that `\bibbysection` starts looking for
+references in section `1`. It will ignore references given outside of
+`refsection` environments since they are assigned to section 0. See ??
+for usage examples. The options are a subset of those supported by
+`\printbibliography`. Valid options are `env`, `heading`, `prenote`,
+`postnote`. The current bibliography context sorting template is used
+for all sections (see ??).
+ },
+ bibcpsstring = {
+ arguments = {
+ {delimiters = {"[", "]"}, meta = "wrapper", optional = true},
+ {meta = "key"}
+ },
+ details = [[
+Similar to `\bibsstring` but the term is always capitalized.
+ },
+ bibcpstring = {
+ arguments = {
+ {delimiters = {"[", "]"}, meta = "wrapper", optional = true},
+ {meta = "key"}
+ },
+ details = [[
+Similar to `\bibstring` but the term is always capitalized.
+ },
+ bibdateeraprefix = {
+ details = [[
+The language specific marker which is printed as a prefix to beginning
+BCE/BC dates in a date range when the option `dateera` is set to
+&lt;astronomical>. Defaults to `\textminus`, if defined and
+`\textendash` otherwise.
+ },
+ bibdatesep = {
+ details = [[
+The language specific separator used between date components in terse
+date formats. Defaults to `\hyphen`.
+ },
+ bibdatetimesep = {
+ details = [[
+The language specific separator printed between date and time components
+when printing time components along with date components (see the
+`<datetype>dateusetime` option in ??). Defaults to a space for
+non-ISO8601-2 output formats, and 'T' for ISO8601-2 output format.
+ },
+ bibeidpunct = {
+ details = [[
+The separator printed before the `eid` field (similar to
+`\bibpagespunct`). The default is a comma plus an interword space.
+ },
+ bibellipsis = {
+ details = [[
+An ellipsis symbol with brackets: &lt;\[...\]&gt;.
+ },
+ bibfootnotewrapper = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "text"}},
+ details = [[
+An inner wrapper which encloses the `text` argument of `\mkbibfootnote`
+and `\mkbibfootnotetext`. For example, `\mkbibfootnote` eventually boils
+down to this:
+ \footnote{<<\bibfootnotewrapper{>>text<<}>>}
+The wrapper ensures capitalization at the beginning of the note and adds
+a period at the end. The default definition is:
+ \newcommand{\bibfootnotewrapper}[1]{<<\bibsentence>> #1<<\addperiod>>}
+If you don't want capitalization at the beginning or a period at the end
+of the note, do not modify `\mkbibfootnote` but redefine
+`\bibfootnotewrapper` instead.
+ },
+ bibhang = {
+ details = [[
+The hanging indentation of the bibliography, if applicable. This length
+is initialized to `\parindent` at load-time. If `\parindent` is zero
+length for some reason, `\bibhang` will default to `1em`.
+ },
+ bibhyperref = {
+ arguments = {
+ {delimiters = {"[", "]"}, meta = "entrykey", optional = true},
+ {meta = "text"}
+ },
+ details = [[
+Transforms `text` into an internal link pointing to `entrykey` in the
+bibliography. If `entrykey` is omitted, this command uses the key of the
+entry currently being processed. This command is employed to transform
+citations into clickable links pointing to the corresponding entry in
+the bibliography. The link target is marked automatically by `biblatex`.
+If there are multiple bibliographies in a document, the target will be
+the first occurence of `entrykey` in one of the bibliographies. If there
+are `refsection` environments, the links are local to the environment.
+See also the formatting directive `bibhyperref` in ??.
+ },
+ bibhypertarget = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "name"}, {meta = "text"}},
+ details = [[
+A wrapper for `hyperref`'s `\hypertarget` command. The `name` is the
+name of the anchor, the `text` is arbitrary printable text or code which
+serves as an anchor. If there are any `refsection` environments in the
+document, the `name` is local to the current environment. If the
+`hyperref` package option is disabled or the `hyperref` package has not
+been loaded, this command will simply pass on its `text` argument. See
+also the formatting directive `bibhypertarget` in ??.
+ },
+ bibindexinithyphendelim = {
+ details = [[
+Replaces `\bibinithyphendelim` in the index.
+ },
+ bibindexinitperiod = {
+ details = [[
+Replaces `\bibinitperiod` in the index.
+ },
+ bibindexnamedelimb = {
+ details = [[
+Replaces `\bibnamedelimb` in the index.
+ },
+ bibindexnamedelimd = {
+ details = [[
+Replaces `\bibnamedelimd` in the index.
+ },
+ bibinithyphendelim = {
+ details = [[
+The punctuation inserted automatically by the backend between the
+initials of hyphenated name parts, replacing `\bibinitperiod` and
+`\bibinitdelim`. The default definition is a period followed by an
+unbreakable hyphen. Please refer to ?? for further details.
+ },
+ bibinitperiod = {
+ details = [[
+The punctuation inserted automatically by the backend after all initials
+unless `\bibinithyphendelim` applies. The default definition is a period
+(`\adddot`). Please refer to ?? for further details.
+ },
+ bibinitsep = {
+ details = [[
+Vertical space to be inserted between two entries in the bibliography
+whenever an entry starts with a letter which is different from the
+initial letter of the previous entry. The default value is zero. Setting
+this length to a positive value greater than `bibitemsep` will group the
+bibliography alphabetically. Note that `bibitemsep`, `bibnamesep`, and
+`bibinitsep` obey the rules for `\addvspace`, that is, when vertical
+space introduced by any of these commands immediately follows on from
+space introduced by another of them, the resulting total space is equal
+to the largest of them.
+ },
+ bibitemsep = {
+ details = [[
+The vertical space between the individual entries in the bibliography.
+This length is initialized to `\itemsep` at load-time. Note that
+`bibitemsep`, `bibnamesep`, and `bibinitsep` obey the rules for
+`\addvspace`, that is, when vertical space introduced by any of these
+commands immediately follows on from space introduced by another of
+them, the resulting total space is equal to the largest of them.
+The vertical space between the individual entries in the bibliography.
+Bibliography styles using `list` environments should set `itemsep` to
+`bibitemsep` in the definition of the respective environment. This
+length is initialized to `\itemsep` at load-time.
+ },
+ biblcsstring = {
+ arguments = {
+ {delimiters = {"[", "]"}, meta = "wrapper", optional = true},
+ {meta = "key"}
+ },
+ details = [[
+Similar to `\bibsstring` but the whole term is lowercased.
+ },
+ biblcstring = {
+ arguments = {
+ {delimiters = {"[", "]"}, meta = "wrapper", optional = true},
+ {meta = "key"}
+ },
+ details = [[
+Similar to `\bibstring` but the whole term is lowercased.
+ },
+ bibnamedash = {
+ details = [[
+The dash to be used as a replacement for recurrent authors or editors in
+the bibliography. The default is an &lt;em> or an &lt;en> dash,
+depending on the indentation of the list of references.
+ },
+ bibnamedelimb = {
+ details = [[
+This delimiter controls the spacing between the elements which make up a
+name part. It is inserted automatically by the backend between all name
+elements where `\bibnamedelima` does not apply. The default definition
+is `\addlowpenspace`, i.e. a space penalized by the value of the
+`lownamepenalty` counter (??). Please refer to ?? for further details.
+ },
+ bibnamedelimd = {
+ details = [[
+This delimiter controls the spacing between name parts. The default name
+formats use it between all name parts where `\bibnamedelimc` does not
+apply. The default definition is `\addlowpenspace`, i.e. a space
+penalized by the value of the `lownamepenalty` counter (??). Please
+refer to ?? for further details.
+ },
+ bibncplstring = {
+ arguments = {
+ {delimiters = {"[", "]"}, meta = "wrapper", optional = true},
+ {meta = "key"}
+ },
+ details = [[
+Similar to `\biblstring` but the term is never capitalized.
+ },
+ bibopenparen = {
+ details = [[
+Alternative syntax for `\mkbibparens`. This will also work across
+groups. Note that `\bibopenparen` and `\bibcloseparen` must always be
+ },
+ bibpagespunct = {
+ details = [[
+The separator printed before the `pages` field. The default is a comma
+plus an interword space.
+The separator to be printed before the `pages` field. Use this separator
+instead of `\newunitpunct` at this location. The default is a comma plus
+an interword space.
+ },
+ bibrangedash = {
+ details = [[
+The language specific dash to be used for ranges of numbers. Defaults to
+ },
+ bibsentence = {
+ details = [[
+This command marks the beginning of a sentence. A localisation string
+immediately after this command will be capitalized and the punctuation
+tracker is reset, i.e. this command hides all preceding punctuation
+marks from the punctuation tracker and enforces capitalization.
+ },
+ bibsetup = {
+ details = [[
+Arbitrary code to be executed at the beginning of the bibliography,
+intended for commands which affect the layout of the bibliography.
+ },
+ bibsstring = {
+ arguments = {
+ {delimiters = {"[", "]"}, meta = "wrapper", optional = true},
+ {meta = "key"}
+ },
+ details = [[
+Similar to `\bibstring` but always prints the short string, ignoring the
+`abbreviate` option.
+ },
+ bibstring = {
+ arguments = {
+ {delimiters = {"[", "]"}, meta = "wrapper", optional = true},
+ {meta = "key"}
+ },
+ details = [[
+Prints the localisation string `key`, where `key` is an identifier in
+lowercase letters (see ??). The string will be capitalized as required,
+see ?? for details. Depending on the `abbreviate` package option from
+??, `\bibstring` prints the short or the long version of the string. If
+localisation strings are nested, i.e. if `\bibstring` is used in another
+string, it will behave like `\bibxstring`. If the `wrapper` argument is
+given, the string is passed to the `wrapper` for formatting. This is
+intended for font commands such as `\emph`.
+ },
+ bibtimesep = {
+ details = [[
+The language specific marker which separates time components. Defaults
+to a colon.
+The language specific marker which separates time components. Default to
+a colon.
+ },
+ bibtimezonesep = {
+ details = [[
+The language specific marker which separates an optional time zone
+component from a time. Empty by default.
+ },
+ bibuclstring = {
+ arguments = {
+ {delimiters = {"[", "]"}, meta = "wrapper", optional = true},
+ {meta = "key"}
+ },
+ details = [[
+Similar to `\biblstring` but the whole term is uppercased.
+ },
+ biburlbigbreakpenalty = {
+ details = [[
+The `biblatex` version of `url`'s `UrlBigBreakPenalty`. The default
+value is `100`.
+ },
+ biburlbigskip = {
+ details = [[
+The `biblatex` version of `Urlmuskip`. This length holds the additional
+(stretchable) space inserted around breakable characters in the `\url`
+command from the `url` package. The default value is `0mu plus 3mu`.
+ },
+ biburlbreakpenalty = {
+ details = [[
+The `biblatex` version of `url`'s `UrlBreakPenalty`. The default value
+is `200`.
+ },
+ biburlucpenalty = {
+ details = [[
+Similar to `biburlnumpenalty`, except that it will add a breakpoint
+after all uppercase letters.
+ },
+ biburlucskip = {
+ details = [[
+Similar to `biburlnumskip`, except that it will add space after all
+uppercase letters.
+ },
+ bibxlstring = {
+ arguments = {
+ {delimiters = {"[", "]"}, meta = "wrapper", optional = true},
+ {meta = "key"}
+ },
+ details = [[
+Similar to `\bibxstring` but always uses the long string, ignoring the
+`abbreviate` option.
+ },
+ cite = {
+ action = "cite",
+ arguments = {
+ {delimiters = {"[", "]"}, meta = "prenote", optional = true},
+ {delimiters = {"[", "]"}, meta = "postnote", optional = true},
+ {meta = "key"}
+ },
+ details = "$ref:biblatex.sty#/commands/Cite/details"
+ },
+ citeauthor = {
+ action = "cite",
+ arguments = {
+ {literal = "*", optional = true},
+ {delimiters = {"[", "]"}, meta = "prenote", optional = true},
+ {delimiters = {"[", "]"}, meta = "postnote", optional = true},
+ {meta = "key"}
+ },
+ details = "$ref:biblatex.sty#/commands/Citeauthor/details"
+ },
+ citecount = {
+ action = "cite",
+ details = [[
+The `\citecount` element has a special meaning. It requests a sort based
+on the number of times an item was cited. The standard `count` sorting
+template uses this to provide a sort in descending order of number of
+citations. Note that the option `citecounter` must also be enabled for
+this to work. In addition, an additional `biber`run is required in order
+to calculate the data for this option correctly and so the typical
+invocation sequence for this option is
+This counter, which is only available in the `loopcode` of a citation
+command defined with `\DeclareCiteCommand`, holds the number of the
+entry key currently being processed by the `loopcode`.
+ },
+ citecounter = {
+ action = "cite",
+ details = [[
+This counter indicates how many times the entry currently being
+processed is cited in the current reference section. Note that this
+feature needs to be enabled explicitly with the package option
+`citecounter`. If the option is set to `context`, citations in the body
+text and in footnotes are counted separately. In this case,
+`citecounter` will hold the value of the context it is used in.
+ },
+ citedate = {
+ action = "cite",
+ arguments = {
+ {literal = "*", optional = true},
+ {delimiters = {"[", "]"}, meta = "prenote", optional = true},
+ {delimiters = {"[", "]"}, meta = "postnote", optional = true},
+ {meta = "key"}
+ },
+ details = [[
+This command prints the full date (`date` or `year`). The starred
+variant includes the `extradate` information, if any.
+ },
+ citefield = {
+ action = "cite",
+ arguments = {
+ {delimiters = {"[", "]"}, meta = "prenote", optional = true},
+ {delimiters = {"[", "]"}, meta = "postnote", optional = true},
+ {meta = "key"},
+ {delimiters = {"[", "]"}, meta = "format", optional = true},
+ {meta = "field"}
+ },
+ details = [[
+The `format` is a formatting directive defined with
+`\DeclareFieldFormat`. Formatting directives are discussed in ??. If
+this optional argument is omitted, this command falls back to the format
+`citefield`. The last argument is the name of a `field`, in the sense
+explained in ??.
+ },
+ citename = {
+ action = "cite",
+ arguments = {
+ {delimiters = {"[", "]"}, meta = "prenote", optional = true},
+ {delimiters = {"[", "]"}, meta = "postnote", optional = true},
+ {meta = "key"},
+ {delimiters = {"[", "]"}, meta = "format", optional = true},
+ {meta = "name list"}
+ },
+ details = [[
+\citename[prenote][postnote]{key}[format]{name list}
+The `format` is a formatting directive defined with
+`\DeclareNameFormat`. Formatting directives are discussed in ??. If this
+optional argument is omitted, this command falls back to the format
+`citename`. The last argument is the name of a `name list`, in the sense
+explained in ??.
+ },
+ citereset = {
+ details = [[
+This command resets the citation style. This may be useful if the style
+replaces repeated citations with abbreviations like *ibidem*, *idem*,
+*op. cit.*, etc. and you want to force a full citation at the beginning
+of a new chapter, section, or some other location. The command executes
+a style specific initialization hook defined with the
+`\InitializeCitationStyle` command from ??. It also resets the internal
+citation trackers of this package. The reset will affect the
+`\ifciteseen`, `\ifentryseen`, `\ifciteibid`, and `\ifciteidem` tests
+discussed in ??. When used inside a `refsection` environment, the reset
+of the citation tracker is local to the current `refsection`
+environment. Also see the `citereset` package option in ??.
+ },
+ cites = {
+ action = "cites",
+ details = "$ref:biblatex.sty#/commands/Cites/details"
+ },
+ citesetup = {
+ details = [[
+Arbitrary code to be executed at the beginning of each citation command.
+ },
+ citetitle = {
+ action = "cite",
+ arguments = {
+ {literal = "*", optional = true},
+ {delimiters = {"[", "]"}, meta = "prenote", optional = true},
+ {delimiters = {"[", "]"}, meta = "postnote", optional = true},
+ {meta = "key"}
+ },
+ details = [[
+This command prints the title. It will use the abridged title in the
+`shorttitle` field, if available. Otherwise it falls back to the full
+title found in the `title` field. The starred variant always prints the
+full title.
+ },
+ citeyear = {
+ action = "cite",
+ arguments = {
+ {literal = "*", optional = true},
+ {delimiters = {"[", "]"}, meta = "prenote", optional = true},
+ {delimiters = {"[", "]"}, meta = "postnote", optional = true},
+ {meta = "key"}
+ },
+ details = [[
+This command prints the year (`year` field or year component of `date`).
+The starred variant includes the `extradate` information, if any.
+ },
+ clearfield = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "field"}},
+ details = [[
+Clears the `field` within a local scope. A field cleared this way is
+treated as undefined by subsequent data commands.
+ },
+ clearname = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "name list"}},
+ details = [[
+\clearname{name list}
+Clears the `name list` within a local scope. A list cleared this way is
+treated as undefined by subsequent data commands.
+ },
+ command = {
+ arguments = {
+ {delimiters = {"[", "]"}, meta = "prenote", optional = true},
+ {delimiters = {"[", "]"}, meta = "postnote", optional = true},
+ {meta = "keys"}
+ },
+ details = [[
+If the `autopunct` package option from ?? is enabled, they will scan
+ahead for any `punctuation` immediately following their last argument.
+This is useful to avoid spurious punctuation marks after citations. This
+feature is configured with `\DeclareAutoPunctuation`, see ?? for
+ },
+ compcitedelim = {
+ details = [[
+Similar to `\multicitedelim`, but used by certain citation styles when
+&lt;compressing> multiple citations. The default definition is a comma
+plus an interword space.
+Similar to `\multicitedelim`, but intended for citation styles that
+&lt;compress> multiple citations, i.e. print the author only once if
+subsequent citations share the same author etc. The default definition
+is a comma plus an interword space.
+ },
+ constraintfield = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "field"}},
+ details = [[
+For constraints of `type` &lt;data>, the constraint applies to this
+`field`. For constraints of `type` &lt;mandatory>, the entry must
+contain this `field`.
+The data model declaration macros may be used multiple times as they
+append to the previous definitions. In order to replace, change or
+remove existing definitions (such as the default model which is loaded
+with `biblatex`), you should reset (clear) the current definition and
+then set what you want using the following macros. Typically, these
+macros will be the first things in any `biblatex-dm.cfg` file:
+ },
+ constraintfieldsor = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "fields"}},
+ details = [[
+For constraints of `type` &lt;mandatory>, specifies that an entry must
+contain a boolean OR of the `\constraintfield`s.
+ },
+ csfield = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "field"}},
+ details = [[
+Similar to `\thefield`, but prevents expansion.
+ },
+ currentfield = {
+ details = [[
+The name of the field currently being processed by `\printfield`. This
+information is only available locally in field formatting directives.
+ },
+ currentname = {
+ details = [[
+The name of the name list currently being processed by `\printnames`.
+This information is only available locally in name formatting
+ },
+ datecircadelim = {
+ details = [[
+When formatting dates with the global option `datecirca` enabled, the
+delimiter printed after any localised &lt;circa> term. Defaults to
+interword space.
+ },
+ datecircaprint = {
+ details = [[
+Prints date circa information when the global option `datecirca` is
+enabled and the `\ifdatecirca` test is true. By default, prints the
+&lt;circa> localised term (??) and the `datecircadelim` delimiter.
+ },
+ datecircaprintiso = {
+ details = [[
+Prints ISO8601-2 format date circa information when the global option
+`datecirca` is enabled and the `\ifdatecirca` test is true. Prints
+ },
+ dateeradelim = {
+ details = [[
+When formatting dates with the global option `dateera` set, the
+delimiter printed before the localisation era term. Defaults to
+interword space.
+ },
+ dateeraprint = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "yearfield"}},
+ details = [[
+Prints date era information when the global option `dateera` is set to
+&lt;secular> or &lt;christian>. By default, prints the `dateeradelim`
+delimiter and the appropriate localised era term (??). If the
+`dateeraauto` option is set, then the passed `yearfield` (which is the
+name of a year field such as &lt;year>, &lt;origyear>, &lt;endeventyear>
+etc.) is tested to see if its value is earlier than the `dateeraauto`
+threshold and if so, then the BCE/CE localisation will be output too.
+The default setting for `dateeraauto` is 0 and so only BCE/BC
+localisation strings are candidates for output. Detects whether the
+start or end year era information is to be printed by looking at the
+`yearfield` name passed to it.
+ },
+ dateeraprintpre = {
+ details = [[
+Prints date era information when the global option `dateera` is set to
+&lt;astronomical>. By default, prints `bibdataeraprefix`. Detects
+whether the start or end year era information is to be printed by
+looking at the `yearfield` name passed to it.
+ },
+ dateuncertainprint = {
+ details = [[
+Prints date uncertainty information when the global option
+`dateuncertain` is enabled and the `\ifdateuncertain` test is true. By
+default, prints the language specific `\bibdateuncertain` string (??).
+ },
+ defbibcheck = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "name"}, {meta = "code"}},
+ details = [[
+Defines the custom bibliography filter `name`, to be used via the
+`check` option of `\printbibliography`. `\defbibcheck` is similar in
+concept to `\defbibfilter` but much more low-level. Rather than a
+high-level expression, the `code` is LaTeX code, much like the code used
+in driver definitions, which may perform arbitrary tests to decide
+whether or not a given entry is to be printed. The bibliographic data of
+the respective entry is available when the `code` is executed. Issuing
+the command `\skipentry` in the `code` will cause the current entry to
+be skipped. For example, the following filter will only output entries
+with an `abstract` field:
+ \defbibcheck{<<abstract>>}{%
+ \iffieldundef{abstract}{<<\skipentry>>}{}}
+ ...
+ \printbibliography[<<check=abstract>>]
+The following check will exclude all entries published before the year
+ \defbibcheck{recent}{%
+ \iffieldint{year}
+ {\ifnumless{\thefield{year}}{2000}
+ {\skipentry}
+ {}}
+ {\skipentry}}
+See the author guide, in particular ??, for further details.
+ },
+ defbibentryset = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "key"}, {meta = "key1,key2,key3, ... "}},
+ details = [[
+\defbibentryset{key}{key1,key2,key3, ... }
+The `key` is the entry key of the set, which is used like any other
+entry key when referring to the set. The `key` must be unique and it
+must not conflict with any other entry key. The second argument is a
+comma-separated list of the entry keys which make up the set.
+`\defbibentryset` implies the equivalent of a `\nocite` command, i.e.
+all sets which are declared are also added to the bibliography. When
+declaring the same set more than once, only the first invocation of
+`\defbibentryset` will define the set. Subsequent definitions of the
+same `key` are ignored and work like `\nocite``key`. Dynamic entry sets
+defined in the document body are local to the enclosing `refsection`
+environment, if any. Otherwise, they are assigned to reference
+section 0. Those defined in the preamble are assigned to reference
+section 0. See ?? for further details.
+ },
+ defbibenvironment = {
+ arguments = {
+ {meta = "name"},
+ {meta = "begin code"},
+ {meta = "end code"},
+ {meta = "item code"}
+ },
+ details = [[
+\defbibenvironment{name}{begin code}{end code}{item code}
+This command defines bibliography environments. The `name` is an
+identifier passed to the `env` option of `\printbibliography` and
+`\printbiblist` when selecting the environment. The `begin code` is
+LaTeX code to be executed at the beginning of the environment; the
+`end code` is executed at the end of the environment; the `item code` is
+code to be executed at the beginning of each entry in the bibliography
+or a bibliography list. Here is an example of a definition based on the
+standard LaTeX `list` environment:
+ \defbibenvironment{bibliography}
+ {\list{}
+ {\setlength{\leftmargin}{\bibhang}%
+ \setlength{\itemindent}{-\leftmargin}%
+ \setlength{\itemsep}{\bibitemsep}%
+ \setlength{\parsep}{\bibparsep}}}
+ {\endlist}
+ {\item}
+As seen in the above example, usage of `\defbibenvironment` is roughly
+similar to `\newenvironment` except that there is an additional
+mandatory argument for the `item code`.
+ },
+ defbibfilter = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "name"}, {meta = "expression"}},
+ details = [[
+Defines the custom bibliography filter `name`, to be used via the
+`filter` option of `\printbibliography`. The `expression` is a complex
+test based on the logical operators `and`, `or`, `not`, the group
+separator `(...)`, and the following atomic tests:
+ },
+ defbibnote = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "name"}, {meta = "text"}},
+ details = [[
+Defines the bibliography note `name`, to be used via the `prenote` and
+`postnote` options of `\printbibliography` and `\printbiblist`. The
+`text` may be any arbitrary piece of text, possibly spanning several
+paragraphs and containing font declarations. Also see ??.
+ },
+ delimcontext = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "context"}},
+ details = [[
+Set the delimiter context to `context`. This setting is not global so
+that delimiter contexts can be nested using the usual LaTeX group
+ },
+ docsvfield = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "field"}},
+ details = [[
+Similar to the `\docsvlist` command from the `etoolbox` package, except
+that it takes a field name as its argument. The value of this field is
+parsed as a comma-separated list. If the `field` is undefined, this
+command expands to an empty string.
+ },
+ enddatecircaprint = {
+ details = [[
+Prints date circa information when the global option `datecirca` is
+enabled and the `\ifenddatecirca` test is true. By default, prints the
+&lt;circa> localised term (??) and the `datecircadelim` delimiter.
+ },
+ enddatecircaprintiso = {
+ details = [[
+Prints ISO8601-2 format date circa information when the global option
+`datecirca` is enabled and the `\ifenddatecirca` test is true. Prints
+ },
+ enddateuncertainprint = {
+ details = [[
+Prints date uncertainty information when the global option
+`dateuncertain` is enabled and the `\ifenddateuncertain` test is true.
+By default, prints the language specific `\bibdateuncertain` string
+ },
+ entrydata = {
+ arguments = {{literal = "*", optional = true}, {meta = "key"}, {meta = "code"}},
+ details = [[
+Data commands like `\printfield` normally use the data of the entry
+currently being processed. You may use `\entrydata` to switch contexts
+locally. The `key` is the entry key of the entry to use locally. The
+`code` is arbitrary code to be executed in this context. This code will
+be executed in a group. See ?? for an example. Note that this command
+will automatically switch languages if the `autolang` package option is
+enabled. The starred version `\entrydata*` will clone all fields of the
+enclosing entry, using field, counter, and other resource names prefixed
+with the string &lt;`saved`&gt;. This is useful when comparing two data
+sets. For example, inside the `code` argument, the `author` field holds
+the author of entry `key` and the author of the enclosing entry is
+available as `savedauthor`. The `author` counter holds the number of
+names in the `author` field of `key`; the `savedauthor` counter refers
+to the author count of the enclosing entry.
+ },
+ entrysetpunct = {
+ details = [[
+The punctuation printed between bibliography subentries of an entry set.
+The default definition is a semicolon and a space.
+ },
+ extpostnotedelim = {
+ details = [[
+The delimiter printed between the citation and the parenthetical
+`postnote` argument of a citation command when the postnote occurs
+outside of the citation parentheses. In the standard styles, this occurs
+when the citation uses the shorthand field of the entry. The default is
+an interword space.
+ },
+ field = {
+ arguments = {
+ {delimiters = {"[", "]"}, meta = "options", optional = true},
+ {meta = "field"}
+ },
+ details = [[
+If `field` is non-empty, use it as the current label `\labelelement`,
+subject to the options below. Useful values for `field` are typically
+the name list type fields, date fields, and title fields. You may also
+use the 'citekey' or 'entrykey' pseudo-fields to specify the
+citation/entry key as part of the label. Name list fields are treated
+specially and when a name list field is specified, the template defined
+with `\DeclareLabelalphaNameTemplate` is used to extract parts from the
+name which then returns the string that the `\field` option uses.
+This option marks a `\field` directive as the final one in the
+`specification`. If the `field` is non-empty, then this field is used
+for the label and the remainder of the `specification` will be ignored.
+The short form `final` is equivalent to `final=true`.
+Forces the label part derived from the field to lowercase. By default,
+the case is taken from the field source and not modified.
+The number of characters of the `field` to use. This setting may be
+overridden by an individual name part when extracting characters from a
+name. See `\DeclareLabelalphaNameTemplate` below.
+`strside={left, right}`
+The side of the string from which to take the `strwidth` number of
+characters. This setting may be overridden by an individual name part
+when extracting characters from a name. See
+`\DeclareLabelalphaNameTemplate` below.
+`padside={left, right}`
+Side to pad the label part when using the `padchar` option. Only for use
+with fixed-width label strings (`strwidth`).
+If present, pads the label part on the `padside` side with the specified
+character to the length of `strwidth`. Only for use with fixed-width
+label strings (`strwidth`).
+Forces the label part derived from the field to uppercase. By default,
+the case is taken from the field source and not modified.
+Use a variable width, left-side substring of characters from the string
+returned for `field`. The length of the string is determined by the
+minimum length needed to disambiguate the substring from all other
+`field` elements in the same position in the label. For name list
+fields, this means that each name substring is disambiguated from all
+other name substrings which occur in the same position in the name list
+(see examples below). This option overrides `strwidth` if both are used.
+The short form `varwidth` is equivalent to `varwidth=true`. For name
+list fields, the `\namepart`s with the `pre` option set are prepended to
+the string returned from this disambiguation.
+As `varwidth` but will force the disambiguated substrings for the
+`field` to be the same length as the longest disambiguated substring.
+This can be used to regularise the format of the labels if desired. This
+option overrides `strwidth` if both are used. The short form
+`varwidthnorm` is equivalent to `varwidthnorm=true`.
+Alternative method of automatic label disambiguation where the field as
+a whole is disambiguated from all other fields in the same label
+position. For non-name list fields, this is equivalent to `varwidth`.
+For name list fields, names in a name list are not disambiguated from
+other names in the same position in their name lists but instead the
+entire name list is disambiguated as a whole from other name lists (see
+examples below). This option overrides `strwidth` if both are used. The
+short form `varwidthlist` is equivalent to `varwidthlist=true`. For name
+list fields, the `\namepart`s with the `pre` option set are prepended to
+the string returned from this disambiguation.
+When using `varwidth`, this option sets a limit (in number of
+characters) on the length of variable width substrings. This option can
+be used to regularise the label.
+When using `varwidthnorm`, there must be at least `strfixedcount`
+disambiguated substrings with the same, maximal length to trigger the
+forcing of all disambiguated substrings to this same maximal length.
+Only use this `\field` specification if it is a name list field with a
+number of names matching the `ifnames` range value. This allows a
+`\labelelement` to be conditionalised on name length (see below). The
+range can specified as in the following examples:
+ ifnames=3 -> Only apply to name lists containing exactly 3 names
+ ifnames={2-4} -> Only apply to name lists containing minimum 2 and maximum 4 names
+ ifnames={-3} -> Only apply to name lists containing at most 3 names
+ ifnames={2-} -> Only apply to name lists containing at least 2 names
+By default, for name list fields, the names used range from the first
+name to the `maxalphanames`/`minalphanames` truncation. This option can
+be used to override this with an explicit range of names to consider.
+The plus &lt;+> sign is a special end of range marker denoting the
+truncation point of max/minalphanames. The range separator can be any
+number of characters with the Unicode Dash property. For example:
+ names=3 -> Use first 3 names in the name list
+ names={2-3} -> Use second and thirds names only
+ names={-3} -> Same as 1-3
+ names={2-} -> Use all names starting with the second name (ignoring max/minalphanames truncation)
+ names={2-+} -> Use all names starting with the second name (respecting max/minalphanames truncation)
+An arbitrary string separator to put between names in a namelist.
+By default, `\labelalphaothers` is appended to label parts derived from
+name lists if there are more names in the list than are shown in the
+label part. This option can be used to disable the default behaviour.
+\field[key=value, ... ]{field}
+The `\field` element adds a `field` to the sorting specification. If the
+`field` is undefined, the element is skipped. The `\field` command
+supports the following optional arguments:
+`padside={left, right}`
+Pads a field on the `left` or `right` side using `padchar` so that its
+width is `padwidth`. If no padding option is set, no padding is done at
+all. If any padding option is specified, then padding is performed and
+the missing options are assigned built-in default values. If padding and
+substring matching are both specified, the substring match is performed
+The target width in characters.
+The character to be used when padding the field.
+`strside={left, right}`
+Performs a substring match on the `left` or `right` side of the field.
+The number of characters to match is specified by the corresponding
+`strwidth` option. If no substring option is set, no substring matching
+is performed at all. If any substring option is specified, then
+substring matching is performed and the missing options are assigned
+built-in default values. If padding and substring matching are both
+specified, the substring match is performed first.
+The number of characters to match.
+ },
+ fieldhascomputableequivalent = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "field"}, {meta = "true"}, {meta = "false"}},
+ details = [[
+Similar to `\hascomputableequivalent`, but uses the value of a `field`
+rather than a literal string in the test. If the `field` is undefined,
+it executes `false`.
+ },
+ filteror = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "type"}, {meta = "filters"}},
+ details = [[
+A wrapper around one or more `\filter` commands specifying that they
+form a disjunctive set, i.e. any one of the `filters` must be satisfied.
+ },
+ finalandsemicolon = {
+ details = [[
+Prints the semicolon to be inserted before the final &lt;and> in a list
+of lists, if applicable in the respective language. Here is an example:
+ Goossens, Mittelbach, and Samarin; Bertram and Wenworth<<;>> and Knuth
+`\finalandsemicolon` is the semicolon before the word &lt;and>. See also
+`\textcitedelim` in ??.
+Prints the semicolon to be inserted before the final &lt;and> in an
+enumeration, if applicable in the respective language.
+ },
+ finallistdelim = {
+ details = [[
+The delimiter printed instead of `\multilistdelim` before the final item
+in a literal list. The default is the localised term &lt;and>, separated
+by interword spaces. See `\finalnamedelim` for further explanation.
+Use this command instead of `\multilistdelim` before the final item in a
+literal list. The default is the localised term &lt;and>, separated by
+interword spaces.
+ },
+ finalnamedelim = {
+ details = [[
+The delimiter printed instead of `\multinamedelim` before the final name
+in a name list. The default is the localised term &lt;and>, separated by
+interword spaces. Here is an example:
+ Michel Goossens<<,>> Frank Mittelbach <<and>> Alexander Samarin
+ Edward Jones <<and>> Joe Williams
+The comma in the first example is the `\multinamedelim` whereas the
+string &lt;and> in both examples is the `\finalnamedelim`. See also
+`\finalandcomma` in ??.
+Use this command instead of `\multinamedelim` before the final name in a
+name list. The default is the localised term &lt;and>, separated by
+interword spaces.
+ },
+ finentry = {
+ details = [[
+Inserts `\finentrypunct`. This command should be used at the very end of
+every bibliography entry.
+ },
+ footcitetext = {
+ action = "cite",
+ arguments = {
+ {delimiters = {"[", "]"}, meta = "prenote", optional = true},
+ {delimiters = {"[", "]"}, meta = "postnote", optional = true},
+ {meta = "key"}
+ },
+ details = [[
+These command use a format similar to `\cite` but put the entire
+citation in a footnote and add a period at the end. In the footnote,
+they automatically capitalize the name prefix of the first name if the
+`useprefix` option is enabled, provided that there is a name prefix and
+the citation style prints any name at all. `\footcitetext` differs from
+`\footcite` in that it uses `\footnotetext` instead of `\footnote`.
+ },
+ footcitetexts = {
+ action = "cite",
+ details = [[
+The multicite version of `\footcite` and `\footcitetext`, respectively.
+ },
+ footfullcite = {
+ action = "cite",
+ arguments = {
+ {delimiters = {"[", "]"}, meta = "prenote", optional = true},
+ {delimiters = {"[", "]"}, meta = "postnote", optional = true},
+ {meta = "key"}
+ },
+ details = [[
+Similar to `\fullcite` but puts the entire citation in a footnote and
+adds a period at the end.
+ },
+ forceY = {
+ details = [[
+Similar to `\forceE` but enforces &lt;y>.
+ },
+ forcezerosy = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "integer"}},
+ details = [[
+This command adds zeros to a year (or any number supposed to be
+4-digits). It is intended for date formatting and ordinals. The argument
+is expanded with `\protected@edef` before it is processed.
+ },
+ ftvolcite = {
+ action = "cite",
+ arguments = {
+ {delimiters = {"[", "]"}, meta = "prenote", optional = true},
+ {meta = "volume"},
+ {delimiters = {"[", "]"}, meta = "pages", optional = true},
+ {meta = "key"}
+ },
+ details = [[
+Similar to `\volcite` but based on `\footcite` and `\footcitetext`,
+ },
+ getfieldannotation = {
+ arguments = {
+ {delimiters = {"[", "]"}, meta = "field", optional = true},
+ {
+ delimiters = {"[", "]"},
+ meta = "annotationname",
+ optional = true
+ }
+ },
+ details = [[
+Retrieves any literal annotation for the field `field`. If
+`annotationname` is not given, then the annotation named &lt;default> is
+assumed (this is the name given to annotations defined without an
+explicit name). If `field` is not given, the current data field as
+indicated by `\currentfield`, `\currentlist` or `\currentname` (see ??)
+is assumed. Of course, this is only possible if these commands are
+defined, that is, inside formatting directives.
+ },
+ getpartannotation = {
+ arguments = {
+ {delimiters = {"[", "]"}, meta = "field", optional = true},
+ {
+ delimiters = {"[", "]"},
+ meta = "annotationname",
+ optional = true
+ },
+ {delimiters = {"[", "]"}, meta = "item", optional = true},
+ {meta = "part"}
+ },
+ details = [[
+Retrieves any literal annotation for the part `part`. If
+`annotationname` is not given, then the annotation named &lt;default> is
+assumed (this is the name given to annotations defined without an
+explicit name). The two optional arguments `field` and `item` can be
+inferred as in `\getitemannotation`. The parameter `part` can never be
+inferred and is therefore a mandatory argument.
+Date fields are special and handled in a context where `\currentfield`
+is not accessible. Thus there is a fourth command to access literal
+annotations for dates.
+ },
+ hasfieldannotation = {
+ arguments = {
+ {delimiters = {"[", "]"}, meta = "field", optional = true},
+ {
+ delimiters = {"[", "]"},
+ meta = "annotationname",
+ optional = true
+ },
+ {meta = "true"},
+ {meta = "false"}
+ },
+ details = [[
+Executes `true` if the data field `field` has a literal annotation
+`annotationname` defined and false otherwise. If `annotationname` is not
+given, then the annotation named &lt;default> is assumed (this is the
+name given to annotations defined without an explicit name). If `field`
+is not given, the current data field as indicated by `\currentfield`,
+`\currentlist` or `\currentname` (see ??) is assumed. Of course, this is
+only possible if these commands are defined, that is, inside formatting
+ },
+ haspartannotation = {
+ arguments = {
+ {delimiters = {"[", "]"}, meta = "field", optional = true},
+ {
+ delimiters = {"[", "]"},
+ meta = "annotationname",
+ optional = true
+ },
+ {delimiters = {"[", "]"}, meta = "item", optional = true},
+ {meta = "part"},
+ {meta = "true"},
+ {meta = "false"}
+ },
+ details = [[
+Executes `true` if the part named `part` in the item `item` in the data
+field `field` has a literal annotation `annotationname` defined and
+false otherwise. If `annotationname` is not given, then the annotation
+named &lt;default> is assumed (this is the name given to annotations
+defined without an explicit name). The two optional arguments `field`
+and `item` can be inferred as in `\ifitemannotation`. The parameter
+`part` can never be inferred and is therefore a mandatory argument.
+Date fields are special and handled in a context where `\currentfield`
+is not accessible. Thus there is a fourth command to test the existence
+of annotations for dates.
+ },
+ hyphenate = {
+ details = [[
+A conditional hyphen. In contrast to the standard `\-` command, this one
+allows hyphenation in the rest of the word. It is similar to the `"-`
+shorthand provided by some language modules of the `babel`/`polyglossia`
+ },
+ ifbibindex = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "true"}, {meta = "false"}},
+ details = [[
+Expands to `true` or `false` depending on the `indexing` option from ??.
+ },
+ ifbibxstring = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "string"}, {meta = "true"}, {meta = "false"}},
+ details = [[
+Similar to `\ifbibstring`, but the `string` is expanded.
+ },
+ ifboolexpr = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "expression"}, {meta = "true"}, {meta = "false"}},
+ details = [[
+`etoolbox` command which allows for complex tests with boolean operators
+and grouping:
+ {}
+ \ifboolexpr{ (
+ test {\ifnameundef{editor}}
+ and
+ not test {\iflistundef{location}}
+ )
+ or test {\iffieldundef{year}}
+ }
+ {...}
+ {...}
+ },
+ ifcapital = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "true"}, {meta = "false"}},
+ details = [[
+Executes `true` if `biblatex`'s punctuation tracker would capitalize a
+localisation string at the current location, and `false` otherwise. This
+command is robust. It may be useful for conditional capitalization of
+certain parts of a name in a formatting directive.
+ },
+ ifciteibid = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "true"}, {meta = "false"}},
+ details = [[
+Expands to `true` if the entry currently being processed is the same as
+the last one, and to `false` otherwise. This command is intended for use
+in citation styles. If there are any `refsection` environments in the
+document, the tracking is local to these environments. Note that the
+&lt;ibidem> tracker needs to be enabled explicitly with the package
+option `ibidtracker`. The behavior of this test depends on the mode the
+tracker is operating in, see ?? for details. If the tracker is disabled,
+the test always yields `false`. Also see the `\citetrackertrue` and
+`\citetrackerfalse` switches in ??.
+ },
+ ifcurrentlist = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "literal list"}, {meta = "true"}, {meta = "false"}},
+ details = [[
+\ifcurrentlist{literal list}{true}{false}
+Executes `true` if the current list is `literal list`, and `false`
+otherwise. This command is robust. It is intended for use in list
+formatting directives and always executes `false` when used in any other
+ },
+ ifdatehastime = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "datetype"}, {meta = "true"}, {meta = "false"}},
+ details = [[
+Expands to `true` if the `datetype`date is defined, has a time component
+and `<datetype>dateusetime` is true, and to false otherwise.
+ },
+ ifdaterangesequal = {
+ arguments = {
+ {meta = "datetype1"},
+ {meta = "datetype2"},
+ {meta = "true"},
+ {meta = "false"}
+ },
+ details = [[
+Expands to `true` if the two date ranges---that is the start and the end
+date---`datetype1` and `datetype2` are the same.
+ },
+ ifdateunknown = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "true"}, {meta = "false"}},
+ details = [[
+As `\if<datetype>dateunknown` but for use in `\mkbibdate*` formatting
+commands (??) inside which the appropriate `\if<datetype>dateunknown`
+command is aliased to this command.
+ },
+ ifdateyearsequal = {
+ arguments = {
+ {meta = "datetype1"},
+ {meta = "datetype2"},
+ {meta = "true"},
+ {meta = "false"}
+ },
+ details = [[
+Expands to `true` if the two dates `datetype1` and `datetype2` have the
+same year and era. Since the sign of the date is saved in the era field,
+years should be compared using this command to avoid confusion when the
+two years have opposite signs
+ },
+ ifenddateuncertain = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "true"}, {meta = "false"}},
+ details = [[
+As `\ifend<datetype>dateuncertain` but for use in `\mkbibdate*`
+formatting commands (??) inside which the appropriate
+`\ifend<datetype>dateuncertain` command is aliased to this command.
+ },
+ ifentrycategory = {
+ arguments = {
+ {meta = "entrykey"},
+ {meta = "category"},
+ {meta = "true"},
+ {meta = "false"}
+ },
+ details = [[
+A variant of `\ifcategory` which takes an entry key as its first
+argument. This is useful for testing an entry other than the one
+currently processed. A user-facing version of this command is available
+for use in documents see ??
+ },
+ ifentryinbib = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "entrykey"}, {meta = "true"}, {meta = "false"}},
+ details = [[
+ },
+ ifentrykeyword = {
+ arguments = {
+ {meta = "entrykey"},
+ {meta = "keyword"},
+ {meta = "true"},
+ {meta = "false"}
+ },
+ details = [[
+A variant of `\ifkeyword` which takes an entry key as its first
+argument. This is useful for testing an entry other than the one
+currently processed. A user-facing version of this command is available
+for use in documents see ??.
+ },
+ ifentryseen = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "entrykey"}, {meta = "true"}, {meta = "false"}},
+ details = [[
+A variant of `\ifciteseen` which takes an entry key as its first
+argument. Since the `entrykey` is expanded prior to performing the test,
+it is possible to test for entry keys in a field such as `xref`:
+ \ifentryseen{<<\thefield{xref}>>}{true}{false}
+Apart from the additional argument, `\ifentryseen` behaves like
+`\ifciteseen`. A user-facing version of this command is available for
+use in documents see ??.
+ },
+ ifentrytype = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "type"}, {meta = "true"}, {meta = "false"}},
+ details = [[
+Executes `true` if the entry type of the entry currently being processed
+is `type`, and `false` otherwise.
+ },
+ iffieldannotation = {
+ arguments = {
+ {delimiters = {"[", "]"}, meta = "field", optional = true},
+ {
+ delimiters = {"[", "]"},
+ meta = "annotationname",
+ optional = true
+ },
+ {meta = "annotation"},
+ {meta = "true"},
+ {meta = "false"}
+ },
+ details = [[
+Executes `true` if the data field `field` has an annotation `annotation`
+for the annotation called `annotationname` and false otherwise. If
+`annotationname` is not given, then the annotation named &lt;default> is
+assumed (this is the name given to annotations defined without an
+explicit name). If `field` is not given, the current data field as
+indicated by `\currentfield`, `\currentlist` or `\currentname` (see ??)
+is assumed. Of course, this is only possible if these commands are
+defined, that is, inside formatting directives.
+ },
+ iffieldequalcs = {
+ arguments = {
+ {meta = "field"},
+ {meta = "csname"},
+ {meta = "true"},
+ {meta = "false"}
+ },
+ details = [[
+Similar to `\iffieldequals` but takes the control sequence name `csname`
+(without a leading backslash) as an argument, rather than a macro name.
+ },
+ iffieldformatundef = {
+ arguments = {
+ {delimiters = {"[", "]"}, meta = "entry type", optional = true},
+ {meta = "name"},
+ {meta = "true"},
+ {meta = "false"}
+ },
+ details = [[
+\iffieldformatundef[entry type]{name}{true}{false}
+\iflistformatundef[entry type]{name}{true}{false}
+\ifnameformatundef[entry type]{name}{true}{false}
+\iflistwrapperformatundef[entry type]{name}{true}{false}
+\ifnamewrapperformatundef[entry type]{name}{true}{false}
+Expands to `true` if the formatting directive `format` is undefined, and
+to `false` otherwise.
+ },
+ iffieldnum = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "field"}, {meta = "true"}, {meta = "false"}},
+ details = [[
+Similar to `\ifnumeral`, but uses the value of a `field` rather than a
+literal string in the test. If the `field` is undefined, it executes
+ },
+ iffieldpages = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "field"}, {meta = "true"}, {meta = "false"}},
+ details = [[
+Similar to `\ifpages`, but uses the value of a `field` rather than a
+literal string in the test. If the `field` is undefined, it executes
+ },
+ iffieldplusstringbibstring = {
+ arguments = {
+ {meta = "field"},
+ {meta = "string"},
+ {meta = "true"},
+ {meta = "false"}
+ },
+ details = [[
+Similar to `\iffieldbibstring`, but appends `string` to the value of
+`field` and checks if the resulting string is a known localisation key.
+Expands to `false` if `field` is undefined.
+ },
+ iffieldsequal = {
+ arguments = {
+ {meta = "field 1"},
+ {meta = "field 2"},
+ {meta = "true"},
+ {meta = "false"}
+ },
+ details = [[
+\iffieldsequal{field 1}{field 2}{true}{false}
+Expands to `true` if the values of `field 1` and `field 2` are equal,
+and to `false` otherwise.
+ },
+ iffieldxref = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "field"}, {meta = "true"}, {meta = "false"}},
+ details = [[
+If the `crossref`/`xref` field of an entry is defined, this command
+checks if the `field` is related to the cross-referenced parent entry.
+It executes `true` if the `field` of the child entry is equal to the
+corresponding `field` of the parent entry, and `false` otherwise. If the
+`crossref`/`xref` field is undefined, it always executes `false`. This
+command is robust. See the description of the `crossref` and `xref`
+fields in ?? as well as ?? for further information concerning
+ },
+ iffirstcitekey = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "true"}, {meta = "false"}},
+ details = [[
+Executes `true` if the entry currently being processed is the first one
+in the citation list, and `false` otherwise. This command relies on the
+`citecount`, `citetotal`, `multicitecount` and `multicitetotal` counters
+(??) and thus is intended for use only in the `loopcode` of a citation
+command defined with `\DeclareCiteCommand`.
+ },
+ iffirstonpage = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "true"}, {meta = "false"}},
+ details = [[
+The behavior of this command is responsive to the package option
+`pagetracker`. If the option is set to `page`, it expands to `true` if
+the current item is the first one on the page, and to `false` otherwise.
+If the option is set to `spread`, it expands to `true` if the current
+item is the first one on the double-page spread, and to `false`
+otherwise. If the page tracker is disabled, this test always yields
+`false`. Depending on the context, the &lt;item> may be a citation or an
+entry in the bibliography or a bibliography list. Note that this test
+distinguishes between body text and footnotes. For example, if used in
+the first footnote on a page, it will expand to `true` even if there is
+a citation in the body text prior to the footnote. Also see the
+`\pagetrackertrue` and `\pagetrackerfalse` switches in ??.
+ },
+ ifinteger = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "string"}, {meta = "true"}, {meta = "false"}},
+ details = [[
+Executes `true` if the `string` is a positive integer, and `false`
+otherwise. This command is robust.
+ },
+ ifiscomputable = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "string"}, {meta = "true"}, {meta = "false"}},
+ details = [[
+Returns `true` if `\ifinteger` or `\hascomputableequivalent` retrurns
+`true` on `string` and `false` otherwise.
+ },
+ ifkomabibtotoc = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "true"}, {meta = "false"}},
+ deprecated = true,
+ details = [[
+Expands to `true` if the class would add the bibliography to the table
+of contents, and to `false` otherwise. This test is deprecated.
+ },
+ iflabelalphanametemplatename = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "string"}, {meta = "true"}, {meta = "false"}},
+ details = [=[
+Expands to `true` if the `string` is equal to the current in scope
+alphabetic label name template name (see [\[aut:ctm:srt\]][1]), and to
+`false` otherwise.
+ [1]: #aut:ctm:srt
+ },
+ iflabeldateisdate = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "true"}, {meta = "false"}},
+ details = [[
+Expands to `true` if labeldate is defined and was obtained from date,
+and to `false` otherwise.
+ },
+ iflistequals = {
+ arguments = {
+ {meta = "literal list"},
+ {meta = "macro"},
+ {meta = "true"},
+ {meta = "false"}
+ },
+ details = [[
+\iflistequals{literal list}{macro}{true}{false}
+Expands to `true` if the value of the `literal list` is equal to the
+definition of `macro`, and to `false` otherwise.
+ },
+ iflistformatundef = {
+ arguments = {
+ {delimiters = {"[", "]"}, meta = "entry type", optional = true},
+ {meta = "name"},
+ {meta = "true"},
+ {meta = "false"}
+ },
+ details = "$ref:biblatex.sty#/commands/iffieldformatundef/details"
+ },
+ iflistundef = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "literal list"}, {meta = "true"}, {meta = "false"}},
+ details = [[
+\iflistundef{literal list}{true}{false}
+Expands to `true` if the `literal list` is undefined, and to `false`
+ },
+ iflistwrapperformatundef = {
+ arguments = {
+ {delimiters = {"[", "]"}, meta = "entry type", optional = true},
+ {meta = "name"},
+ {meta = "true"},
+ {meta = "false"}
+ },
+ details = "$ref:biblatex.sty#/commands/iffieldformatundef/details"
+ },
+ ifmemoirbibintoc = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "true"}, {meta = "false"}},
+ details = [[
+Expands to `true` or `false`, depending on `memoir`'s `\bibintoc` and
+`\nobibintoc` switches. This is a LaTeX frontend to `memoir`'s
+`\ifnobibintoc` test. Note that the logic of the test is reversed.
+ },
+ ifmorenames = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "true"}, {meta = "false"}},
+ details = [[
+Expands to `true` if the current name list has been or will be
+truncated, and to `false` otherwise. This command is intended for use in
+formatting directives for name lists. It will always expand to `false`
+when used elsewhere. This command performs the equivalent of an
+`\ifandothers` test for the current list. If this test is negative, it
+also checks if the `listtotal` counter is larger than `liststop`. This
+command may be used in a formatting directive to decide if a note such
+as «and others» or «et al.» is to be printed at the end of the list.
+Note that you still need to check whether you are in the middle or at
+the end of the list, i.e. whether `listcount` is smaller than or equal
+to `liststop`, see ?? for details.
+ },
+ ifnameequalcs = {
+ arguments = {
+ {meta = "name list"},
+ {meta = "csname"},
+ {meta = "true"},
+ {meta = "false"}
+ },
+ details = [[
+\ifnameequalcs{name list}{csname}{true}{false}
+Similar to `\ifnameequals` but takes the control sequence name `csname`
+(without a leading backslash) as an argument, rather than a macro name.
+ },
+ ifnameformatundef = {
+ arguments = {
+ {delimiters = {"[", "]"}, meta = "entry type", optional = true},
+ {meta = "name"},
+ {meta = "true"},
+ {meta = "false"}
+ },
+ details = "$ref:biblatex.sty#/commands/iffieldformatundef/details"
+ },
+ ifnamesequal = {
+ arguments = {
+ {meta = "name list 1"},
+ {meta = "name list 2"},
+ {meta = "true"},
+ {meta = "false"}
+ },
+ details = [[
+\ifnamesequal{name list 1}{name list 2}{true}{false}
+Expands to `true` if the values of `name list 1` and `name list 2` are
+equal, and to `false` otherwise.
+ },
+ ifnamewrapperformatundef = {
+ arguments = {
+ {delimiters = {"[", "]"}, meta = "entry type", optional = true},
+ {meta = "name"},
+ {meta = "true"},
+ {meta = "false"}
+ },
+ details = "$ref:biblatex.sty#/commands/iffieldformatundef/details"
+ },
+ ifnamexref = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "name list"}, {meta = "true"}, {meta = "false"}},
+ details = [[
+\ifnamexref{name list}{true}{false}
+Similar to `\iffieldxref` but checks if a `name list` is related to the
+cross-referenced parent entry. See the description of the `crossref` and
+`xref` fields in ?? as well as ?? for further information concerning
+ },
+ ifnatbibmode = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "true"}, {meta = "false"}},
+ details = [[
+Expands to `true` or `false` depending on the `natbib` option from ??.
+ },
+ ifnocite = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "true"}, {meta = "false"}},
+ details = [[
+Expands to `true` if the entry was *only* included in the `.bbl` via
+`\nocite`. That is, returns `false` if an entry was both `\nocite`'d and
+ },
+ ifnumeral = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "string"}, {meta = "true"}, {meta = "false"}},
+ details = [[
+Executes `true` if the `string` is an Arabic or Roman numeral, and
+`false` otherwise. This command is robust. See also `\DeclareNumChars`
+and `\NumCheckSetup` in ??.
+ },
+ ifopcit = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "true"}, {meta = "false"}},
+ details = [[
+This command is similar to `\ifciteibid` except that it expands to
+`true` if the entry currently being processed is the same as the last
+one *by this author or editor*. Note that the &lt;opcit> tracker needs
+to be enabled explicitly with the package option `opcittracker`. The
+behavior of this test depends on the mode the tracker is operating in,
+see ?? for details. If the tracker is disabled, the test always yields
+`false`. Also see the `\citetrackertrue` and `\citetrackerfalse`
+switches in ??.
+ },
+ ifpages = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "string"}, {meta = "true"}, {meta = "false"}},
+ details = [[
+Similar to `\ifnumerals`, but also considers `\DeclarePageCommands` and
+`\PagesCheckSetup` from ??.
+ },
+ ifpartannotation = {
+ arguments = {
+ {delimiters = {"[", "]"}, meta = "field", optional = true},
+ {
+ delimiters = {"[", "]"},
+ meta = "annotationname",
+ optional = true
+ },
+ {delimiters = {"[", "]"}, meta = "item", optional = true},
+ {meta = "part"},
+ {meta = "annotation"},
+ {meta = "true"},
+ {meta = "false"}
+ },
+ details = [[
+Executes `true` if the part named `part` in item `item` in the data
+field `field` has an annotation `annotation` and false otherwise. If
+`annotationname` is not given, then the annotation named &lt;default> is
+assumed (this is the name given to annotations defined without an
+explicit name). The two optional arguments `field` and `item` can be
+inferred as in `\ifitemannotation`. The parameter `part` can never be
+inferred and is therefore a mandatory argument.
+Date fields are special and handled in a context where `\currentfield`
+is not accessible. Thus there is a fourth command to test annotations
+for dates.
+ },
+ ifpunct = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "true"}, {meta = "false"}},
+ details = [[
+Executes `true` if preceded by any punctuation mark except for an
+abbreviation dot, and `false` otherwise.
+ },
+ ifpunctmark = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "character"}, {meta = "true"}, {meta = "false"}},
+ details = [[
+Executes `true` if preceded by the punctuation mark `character`, and
+`false` otherwise. The `character` may be a comma, a semicolon, a colon,
+a period, an exclamation mark, a question mark, or an asterisk. Note
+that a period denotes an end-of-sentence period. Use the asterisk to
+test for the dot after an abbreviation. If this command is used in a
+formatting directive for name lists, i.e. in the argument to
+`\DeclareNameFormat`, the `character` may also be an apostrophe.
+ },
+ ifsortingnamekeytemplatename = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "string"}, {meta = "true"}, {meta = "false"}},
+ details = [=[
+Expands to `true` if the `string` is equal to the current in scope
+sorting name key template name (see [\[aut:ctm:srt\]][1]), and to
+`false` otherwise.
+ [1]: #aut:ctm:srt
+ },
+ ifuniquebaretitle = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "true"}, {meta = "false"}},
+ details = [[
+Expands to `true` if `labelname` is empty and there is only one work
+with the title `labeltitle` and to `false` otherwise. If `labeltitle` is
+not set for an entry, this will always expand to `false`. Note that this
+feature needs to be enabled explicitly with the package option
+ },
+ ifuniqueprimaryauthor = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "true"}, {meta = "false"}},
+ details = [[
+Expands to `true` if the primary (first) author name of `labelname` is
+unique in the bibliography list and to `false` otherwise. This
+effectively answers the question &lt;is there more than one author with
+the same base name>. The base name parts are defined by
+`\DeclareUniquenameTemplate` see ??. This is required by some styles
+(e.g. APA) which mandates primary author disambiguation only and only if
+there are (different) primary authors with the same family name. If
+`labelname` is not set for an entry, this will always expand to `false`.
+Note that this feature needs to be enabled explicitly with the package
+option `uniqueprimaryauthor`.
+ },
+ ifuseeditor = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "true"}, {meta = "false"}},
+ details = [[
+This is just a particular case of the `\ifuse<name>` macro below but is
+mentioned here as `editor` is part of the default data model. Expands to
+`true` if the `useeditor` option is enabled (either globally or for the
+current entry), and `false` otherwise. See ?? for details on this
+ },
+ ifuseprefix = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "true"}, {meta = "false"}},
+ details = [[
+Expands to `true` if the `useprefix` option is enabled (either globally
+or for the current entry), and `false` otherwise. See ?? for details on
+this option.
+ },
+ ifvolcite = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "true"}, {meta = "false"}},
+ details = [[
+Expands to `true` when located in `\volcite` or a related citation
+command (??), and to `false` otherwise.
+ },
+ ifxrefsource = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "true"}, {meta = "false"}},
+ details = [[
+Expands to `true` if the entry was inclued in the `.bbl` due to being
+referenced more than `minxrefs` times and false otherwise. See ??. Also
+expands to false if the entry was directly cited.
+ },
+ indexlist = {
+ arguments = {
+ {delimiters = {"[", "]"}, meta = "format", optional = true},
+ {delimiters = {"[", "]"}, meta = "start--stop", optional = true},
+ {meta = "literal list"}
+ },
+ details = [[
+\indexlist[format][start--stop]{literal list}
+This command is similar to `\printlist` except that the items in the
+list are not printed but added to the index using the formatting
+directive `format`, as defined with `\DeclareIndexListFormat`. If a
+type-specific `format` has been declared, the type-specific formatting
+directive takes precedence over the generic one. If the `literal list`
+is undefined, this command does nothing. If the `format` is omitted,
+`\indexlist` tries using the name of the list as a format name. In this
+case, any type-specific formatting directive will also take precedence
+over the generic one. If all of these formats are undefined, it falls
+back to `default` as a last resort.
+ },
+ instcount = {
+ details = [[
+This counter is incremented by `biblatex`for every citation as well as
+for every entry in the bibliography and bibliography lists. The value of
+this counter uniquely identifies a single instance of a reference in the
+ },
+ labelalphawidth = {
+ details = [[
+This length register indicates the width of the widest `labelalpha`.
+Alphabetic bibliography styles should incorporate this length in the
+definition of the bibliography environment.
+ },
+ letbibmacro = {
+ arguments = {
+ {literal = "*", optional = true},
+ {meta = "alias"},
+ {meta = "name"}
+ },
+ details = [[
+This command defines the macro `alias` to be an alias of the macro
+`name`. The definition is perfomed by `\csletcs`. An error is issued if
+`name` is undefined. The regular variant of this command sanitizes
+`name` while the starred variant does not.
+ },
+ listcount = {
+ details = [[
+This counter holds the number of the list item currently being
+processed. It is intended for use in list formatting directives and does
+not hold a meaningful value when used anywhere else.
+ },
+ liststop = {
+ details = [[
+This counter holds the `stop` argument passed to `\printnames` or
+`\printlist`. It is intended for use in list formatting directives and
+does not hold a meaningful value when used anywhere else.
+ },
+ literal = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "string"}},
+ details = [[
+A literal string to insert into the name sorting key.
+ },
+ lownamepenalty = {
+ details = [[
+Similar to `highnamepenalty`. Please refer to ?? for explanation. The
+counter is initialized to half the `\hyphenpenalty` at load-time. Use a
+higher value if you dislike the respective linebreaks. If you do not
+mind them at all, set this counter to zero.
+The penalty used by `\addlowpenspace` and `\addlpthinspace`, see ?? for
+details. The counter is initialized to half the `\hyphenpenalty` at
+ },
+ mainlang = {
+ deprecated = true,
+ details = [[
+Switches from the current language to the main document language. This
+command is deprecated. Use the text-macro `\textmainlang` instead. With
+`babel` this command will need to be wrapped into *two* groups to have
+purely local effect.
+ },
+ mancite = {
+ details = [[
+Use this command to mark manually inserted citations if you mix
+automatically generated and manual citations. This is particularly
+useful if the citation style replaces repeated citations by an
+abbreviation like *ibidem* which may get ambiguous or misleading
+otherwise. Always use `\mancite` in the same context as the manual
+citation, e.g. if the citation is given in a footnote, include
+`\mancite` in the footnote. The `\mancite` command executes a style
+specific reset hook defined with the `\OnManualCitation` command from
+??. It also resets the internal &lt;ibidem> and &lt;idem> trackers of
+this package. The reset will affect the `\ifciteibid` and `\ifciteidem`
+tests discussed in ??.
+ },
+ map = {
+ arguments = {
+ {delimiters = {"[", "]"}, meta = "options", optional = true},
+ {meta = "restrictions,steps"}
+ },
+ details = [[
+A container for an ordered set of map `\step`s, optionally restricted to
+particular entrytypes or data sources. This is a grouping element to
+allow a set of mapping steps to apply only to specific entrytypes or
+data sources. Mapping steps must always be contained within a `\map`
+element. The `options` are:
+As the same option on the parent `\maps` element. This option allows an
+override on a per-map group basis. If this option is not specified, the
+default is the parent `\maps` element option value. The short form
+`overwrite` is equivalent to `overwrite=true`.
+Loop over all `\step`s in this `\map`, setting the special variable
+`$MAPLOOP` to each of the comma-separated values contained in `loopval`.
+`loopval` can either be the name of a datafield set defined with
+`\DeclareDatafieldSet` (see ??), a datasource field which is fetched and
+parsed as a comma-separated values list or an explicit comma-separated
+values list. `loopval` is determined in this order. This allows the user
+to repeat a group of `\step`s for each value `loopval`. Using regexp
+maps, it is possible to create a CSV field for use with this
+functionality. The special variable `$MAPUNIQ` may also be used in the
+`\step`s to generate a random unique string. This can be useful when
+creating keys for new entries. An example:
+ [style=latex]
+ \DeclareSourcemap{
+ \maps[datatype=bibtex]{
+ \map[overwrite, foreach={author,editor, translator}]{
+ \step[fieldsource=\regexp{$MAPLOOP}, match={Smith}, replace={Jones}]
+ }
+ }
+ }
+Only apply the contained `\step` commands to entries in the reference
+section with number `refsection`.
+ },
+ maxextradate = {
+ details = [[
+This counter holds the highest number found in any `extradate` field.
+ },
+ maxextratitle = {
+ details = [[
+This counter holds the highest number found in any `extratitle` field.
+ },
+ maxitems = {
+ details = [[
+This counter holds the setting of the `maxitems` package option.
+ },
+ maxnames = {
+ details = [[
+This counter holds the setting of the `maxnames` package option.
+ },
+ midsentence = {
+ arguments = {{literal = "*", optional = true}},
+ details = [[
+The starred variant of `\midsentence` differs from the regular one in
+that a preceding abbreviation dot is not hidden from the punctuation
+tracker, i.e. any code after `\midsentence*` will see a preceding
+abbreviation dot. All other punctuation marks are hidden from the
+punctuation tracker and capitalization is suppressed.
+ },
+ mkbibacro = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "text"}},
+ details = [[
+Generic command which typesets an acronym using the small caps variant
+of the current font, if available, and as-is otherwise. The acronym
+should be given in uppercase letters.
+ },
+ mkbibbold = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "text"}},
+ details = [[
+Similar in concept to `\mkbibemph` but prints bold text. This is a
+simple wrapper around the standard `\textbf` command which incorporates
+`\setpunctfont`. If the `punctfont` package option is disabled, this
+command behaves like `\textbf`.
+ },
+ mkbibcompletename = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "text"}},
+ details = [[
+The initial value of all default formatting hooks
+ },
+ ["mkbibcompletename<formatorder>"] = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "text"}},
+ details = [[
+Formatting hook for the complete name in format order &lt;formatorder>.
+The default styles use the name format orders &lt;family>,
+&lt;family-given> and &lt;given-family>, therefore the following macros
+are automatically defined:
+ \mkbibcompletenamefamily
+ \mkbibcompletenamefamilygiven
+ \mkbibcompletenamegivenfamily
+These formatting hooks should enclose the complete name in the
+bibliography macro `\name:<formatorder>`. Initially all hooks expand to
+ },
+ mkbibcompletenamefamilygiven = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "text"}},
+ details = [[
+This command, which takes one argument, is used to format the complete
+name in `family-given` format order.
+ },
+ mkbibdatelong = {
+ details = [[
+Takes the names of three field as arguments which correspond to three
+date components (in the order year/month/day) and uses their values to
+print the date in the language specific long date format.
+ },
+ mkbibemph = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "text"}},
+ details = [[
+A generic command which prints its argument as emphasized text. This is
+a simple wrapper around the standard `\emph` command. Apart from that,
+it uses `\setpunctfont` from ?? to adapt the font of the next
+punctuation mark following the text set in italics. If the `punctfont`
+package option is disabled, this command behaves like `\emph`.
+ },
+ mkbibendnote = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "text"}},
+ details = [[
+Similar in concept to `\mkbibfootnote` except that it prints its
+argument as an endnote. `\mkbibendnote` removes spurious whitespace
+preceding the endnote mark and prevents nested notes. It supports the
+`\endnote` command provided by the `endnotes` package as well as the
+`\pagenote` command provided by the `pagenote` package and the `memoir`
+class. If both commands are available, `\endnote` takes precedence. If
+no endnote support is available, `\mkbibendnote` issues an error and
+falls back to `\footnote`. By default, `\mkbibendnote` requests
+capitalization at the beginning of the note and automatically adds a
+period at the end. You may change this behavior by redefining the
+`\bibendnotewrapper` macro introduced below.
+ },
+ mkbibfootnote = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "text"}},
+ details = [[
+A generic command which prints its argument as a footnote. This is a
+wrapper around the standard LaTeX `\footnote` command which removes
+spurious whitespace preceding the footnote mark and prevents nested
+footnotes. By default, `\mkbibfootnote` requests capitalization at the
+beginning of the note and automatically adds a period at the end. You
+may change this behavior by redefining the `\bibfootnotewrapper` macro
+introduced below.
+ },
+ mkbibmascord = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "integer"}},
+ details = [[
+Similar to `\mkbibordinal`, but prints a masculine ordinal, if
+applicable in the respective language.
+ },
+ ["mkbibname<namepart>"] = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "text"}},
+ details = [[
+This command, which takes one argument, is used to format the name part
+&lt;namepart> of name list fields. The default datamodel defines the
+name parts &lt;family>, &lt;given>, &lt;prefix> and &lt;suffix> and
+therefore the following macros are automatically defined:
+ \mkbibnamefamily
+ \mkbibnamegiven
+ \mkbibnameprefix
+ \mkbibnamesuffix
+For backwards compatibility with the legacy BibTeX name parts, the
+following are also defined, will generate warnings and will set the
+correct macro:
+ \mkbibnamelast
+ \mkbibnamefirst
+ \mkbibnameaffix
+ },
+ mkbibneutord = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "integer"}},
+ details = [[
+Similar to `\mkbibordinal`, but prints a neuter ordinal, if applicable
+in the respective language.
+ },
+ mkbibordseries = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "integer"}},
+ details = [[
+Similar to `\mkbibordinal`, but intended for use with the term
+ },
+ mkbibparens = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "text"}},
+ details = [[
+A generic command which wraps its argument in parentheses. This command
+is nestable. When nested, it will alternate between parentheses and
+brackets, depending on the nesting level.
+ },
+ mkbibsuperscript = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "text"}},
+ details = [[
+A generic command which prints its argument as superscripted text. This
+is a simple wrapper around the standard LaTeX `\textsuperscript` command
+which removes spurious whitespace and allows hyphenation of the
+preceding word.
+ },
+ mkbibtimezone = {
+ details = [[
+Modifies a timezone string passed in as the only argument. By default
+this changes &lt;Z> to the value of `\bibtimezone`.
+ },
+ mkbibyeardivision = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "string"}},
+ deprecated = true,
+ details = [[
+This command takes a year division localisation string and prints the
+version of the string corresponding to the setting of the `dateabbrev`
+package option. Even though the output of this command is language
+specific, its definition is not, hence it is normally not redefined in
+localisation modules.
+ },
+ mkcomprange = {
+ arguments = {
+ {literal = "*", optional = true},
+ {delimiters = {"[", "]"}, meta = "postpro", optional = true},
+ {delimiters = {"[", "]"}, meta = "itempostpro", optional = true},
+ {meta = "text"}
+ },
+ details = [[
+This command, which is intended for use in field formatting directives,
+will parse its `text` argument for page ranges and compress them. For
+example, «125--129» may be formatted as «125--9». You may configure the
+behavior of `\mkcomprange` by adjusting the LaTeX counters
+`mincomprange`, `maxcomprange`, and `mincompwidth`, as illustrated in
+??. The default settings are `10`, `100000`, and `1`, respectively. This
+means that the command tries to compress as much as possible by default.
+Use `\setcounter` to adjust the parameters. The scanner recognises
+`\bibrangedash` and hyphens as range dashes. It will normalize the dash
+by replacing any number of consecutive hyphens with `\bibrangedash`.
+Lists of ranges delimited with `\bibrangessep` are also supported. The
+scanner will normalise any comma or semicolons surrounded by optional
+space by replacing them with `\bibrangessep`. If you want to hide a
+character from the list/range scanner for some reason, wrap the
+character or the entire string in curly braces. The optional `postpro`
+argument specifies a macro to be used for post-processing the `text`.
+This is important if you want to combine `\mkcomprange` with other
+formatting macros which also need to parse their `text` argument, such
+as `\mkpageprefix`. Simply nesting these commands will not work as
+expected. Use the `postpro` argument to set up the processing chain as
+ \DeclareFieldFormat{postnote}{\mkcomprange[<<{>>\mkpageprefix[pagination]<<}>>]{#1}}
+Note that `\mkcomprange` is executed first, using `\mkpageprefix` as
+post-processor. Also note that the `postpro` argument is wrapped in an
+additional pair of braces. This is only required in this particular case
+to prevent LaTeX 's optional argument scanner from getting confused by
+the nested brackets. The starred version of this command differs from
+the regular one in the way the `postpro` argument is applied to a list
+of values. For example:
+ \mkcomprange[\mkpageprefix]{5, 123-129, 423-439}
+ \mkcomprange*[\mkpageprefix]{5, 123-129, 423-439}
+will output:
+ pp. 5, 123-9, 423-39
+ p. 5, pp. 123-9, pp. 423-39
+The second optional argument `itempostpro` is used to post-process each
+individual number item in the formatted list. It can be used to convert
+numbers from cardinals to ordinals. If only one optional argument is
+present, it is treated as `postpro`.
+ },
+ mkdayzeros = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "integer"}},
+ details = [[
+This command strips leading zeros from a day or enforces them, depending
+on the `datezeros` package option (??). It is intended for use in the
+definition of date formatting macros. If zeros are enforced, this
+command calls `\forcezerosmdt` and thus expands its argument with
+ },
+ mkfirstpage = {
+ arguments = {
+ {literal = "*", optional = true},
+ {delimiters = {"[", "]"}, meta = "postpro", optional = true},
+ {delimiters = {"[", "]"}, meta = "itempostpro", optional = true},
+ {meta = "text"}
+ },
+ details = [[
+This command, which is intended for use in field formatting directives,
+will parse its `text` argument for page ranges and print the start page
+of the range only. The scanner recognizes `\bibrangedash` and hyphens as
+range dashes. Lists of ranges delimited with `\bibrangessep` are also
+supported. If you want to hide a character from the list/range scanner
+for some reason, wrap the character or the entire string in curly
+braces. The optional `postpro` argument specifies a macro to be used for
+post-processing the `text`. See `\mkcomprange` on how to use this
+argument. The starred version of this command differs from the regular
+one in the way the `postpro` argument is applied to a list of values.
+The second optional argument `itempostpro` is used to post-process each
+individual number item in the formatted list. It can be used to convert
+numbers from cardinals to ordinals. If only one optional argument is
+present, it is treated as `postpro`. For example:
+ \mkfirstpage[\mkpageprefix]{5, 123-129, 423-439}
+ \mkfirstpage*[\mkpageprefix]{5, 123-129, 423-439}
+will output:
+ pp. 5, 123, 423
+ p. 5, p. 123, p. 423
+ },
+ mknormrange = {
+ arguments = {
+ {literal = "*", optional = true},
+ {delimiters = {"[", "]"}, meta = "postpro", optional = true},
+ {delimiters = {"[", "]"}, meta = "itempostpro", optional = true},
+ {meta = "text"}
+ },
+ details = [[
+This command, which is intended for use in field formatting directives,
+will parse its `text` argument for page ranges and will normalise them.
+The command is similar to `\mkcomprange` except that the page ranges
+will not be compressed. The scanner recognises `\bibrangedash` and
+hyphens as range dashes. It will normalize the dash by replacing any
+number of consecutive hyphens with `\bibrangedash`. Lists of ranges
+delimited with `\bibrangessep` are also supported. The scanner will
+normalise any comma or semicolons surrounded by optional space by
+replacing them with `\bibrangessep`. If you want to hide a character
+from the list/range scanner for some reason, wrap the character or the
+entire string in curly braces. The optional `postpro` argument specifies
+a macro to be used for post-processing the `text`. See `\mkcomprange` on
+how to use this argument. The starred version of this command differs
+from the regular one in the way the `postpro` argument is applied to a
+list of values. The second optional argument `itempostpro` is used to
+post-process each individual number item in the formatted list. It can
+be used to convert numbers from cardinals to ordinals. If only one
+optional argument is present, it is treated as `postpro`.
+ },
+ mkpagetotal = {
+ arguments = {
+ {delimiters = {"[", "]"}, meta = "pagination", optional = true},
+ {delimiters = {"[", "]"}, meta = "postpro", optional = true},
+ {meta = "text"}
+ },
+ details = [[
+This command is similar to `\mkpageprefix` except that it is intended
+for the `pagetotal` field of bibliography entries, i.e. it will print
+«123 pages» rather than «page 123». The optional `pagination` argument
+defaults to `bookpagination`. The spacing inserted between the
+pagination suffix and the `text` may be modified by redefining the macro
+`\ppspace`. The optional `postpro` argument specifies a macro to be used
+for post-processing the `text`. If only one optional argument is given,
+it is taken as `pagination`. Here is a typical example:
+ \DeclareFieldFormat{pagetotal}{<<\mkpagetotal[bookpagination]{#1}>>}
+The optional argument `bookpagination` is omissible in this case. The
+pagination strings are taken from `<pagination>total` and
+@>X@p0.25@p0.25@p0.25@ &
+(r)1-1 & & &
+(r)2-2(r)3-3 11--15 & 11--5 & 11--15 & 11--15
+111--115 & 111--5 & 111--5 & 111--115
+1111--1115 & 1111--5 & 1111--5 & 1111--5
+& & &
+(r)2-2(r)3-3 1111--1115 & 1111--5 & 1111--5 & 1111--5
+1111--1155 & 1111--55 & 1111--55 & 1111--1155
+1111--1555 & 1111--555 & 1111--1555 & 1111--1555
+& & &
+(r)2-2(r)3-3 1111--1115 & 1111--5 & 1111--15 & 1111--115
+1111--1155 & 1111--55 & 1111--55 & 1111--155
+1111--1555 & 1111--555 & 1111--555 & 1111--555
+ },
+ mkvolcitenote = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "volume"}, {meta = "pages"}},
+ details = [[
+This macro formats the `volume` and `pages` arguments of `\volcite` and
+related commands (??) when they are passed on to the underlying citation
+ },
+ mkyearzeros = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "integer"}},
+ details = [[
+This command strips leading zeros from a year or enforces them,
+depending on the `datezeros` package option (??). It is intended for use
+in the definition of date formatting macros. If zeros are enforced, this
+command calls `\forcezerosy` and thus expands its argument with
+ },
+ multicitecount = {
+ details = [[
+This counter is similar to `citecount` but only available in multicite
+commands. It holds the number of the citation currently being processed.
+Note that this citation may consist of more than one entry key. This
+information is provided by the `citetotal` and `citecount` counters.
+ },
+ multicitedelim = {
+ details = [[
+The delimiter printed between citations if multiple entry keys are
+passed to a single citation command. The default is a semicolon plus an
+interword space.
+The delimiter printed between citations if multiple entry keys are
+passed to a single citation command. This command should be incorporated
+in the definition of all citation commands, for example in the `sepcode`
+argument passed to `\DeclareCiteCommand`. See ?? for details. The
+default is a semicolon plus an interword space.
+ },
+ multicitesubentrydelim = {
+ details = [[
+The delimiter printed between subentry citations of the same set. This
+delimiter is only used in citation styles that reduce citations of the
+same set to a more compact form (`subentry` of `numeric-comp`). The
+default is a comma.
+ },
+ multipostnotedelim = {
+ details = [[
+The delimiter to be printed before the `multipostnote` argument of a
+citation command.
+ },
+ multiprenotedelim = {
+ details = [[
+The delimiter printed after the `multiprenote` argument of a citation
+command. See ?? for details. The default is `\prenotedelim`.
+ },
+ namelabeldelim = {
+ details = [[
+The delimiter printed between the name/title and the label by alphabetic
+and numeric citation styles. The default definition is an interword
+The delimiter printed between the name/title and the label. This command
+should be incorporated in the definition of all citation commands of
+alphabetic and numeric citation styles. The default definition is an
+interword space.
+ },
+ nametitledelim = {
+ details = [[
+The delimiter printed between the author/editor and the title by
+author-title and some verbose citation styles and in the bibliography.
+In author-year bibliography styles this delimiter is placed after the
+author/editor and year and before the title. The default definition
+inside bibliographies is the now deprecated `\labelnamepunct` and is a
+comma plus an interword space otherwise.
+The delimiter to be printed between the author/editor and the title.
+This command should be incorporated in the definition of all citation
+commands of author-title and some verbose citation styles and in the
+bibliography drivers---in author-year bibliographies `\nametitledelim`
+may be printed between the author/editor-year block and the title. The
+default definition inside bibliographies is the now deprecated
+`\labelnamepunct` (for backwrds compatibility reasons) and is a comma
+plus an interword space otherwise.
+ },
+ nbhyphen = {
+ details = [[
+An explicit, non-breakable hyphen intended for compound words. In
+contrast to a literal &lt;`-`&gt;, this command does not permit line
+breaks at the hyphen but still allows hyphenation in the rest of the
+word. It is similar to the `"~` shorthand provided by some language
+modules of the `babel`/`polyglossia` packages.
+ },
+ newbibmacro = {
+ arguments = {
+ {literal = "*", optional = true},
+ {meta = "name"},
+ {delimiters = {"[", "]"}, meta = "arguments", optional = true},
+ {delimiters = {"[", "]"}, meta = "optional", optional = true},
+ {meta = "definition"}
+ },
+ details = [[
+Defines a macro to be executed via `\usebibmacro` later. The syntax of
+this command is very similar to `\newcommand` except that `name` may
+contain characters such as numbers and punctuation marks and does not
+start with a backslash. The optional argument `arguments` is an integer
+specifying the number of arguments taken by the macro. If `optional` is
+given, it specifies a default value for the first argument of the macro,
+which automatically becomes an optional argument. In contrast to
+`\newcommand`, `\newbibmacro` issues a warning message if the macro is
+already defined, and automatically falls back to `\renewbibmacro`. As
+with `\newcommand`, the regular variant of this command uses the `\long`
+prefix in the definition while the starred one does not. If a macro has
+been declared to be long, it may take arguments containing `\par`
+tokens. `\newbibmacro` and `\renewbibmacro` are provided for
+convenience. Style authors are free to use `\newcommand` or `\def`
+instead. However, note that most shared definitions found in
+`biblatex.def` are defined with `\newbibmacro`, hence they must be used
+and modified accordingly.
+ },
+ newblock = {
+ details = [[
+Records the end of a block. This command does not print anything, it
+merely marks the end of the block. The block delimiter `\newblockpunct`
+will be inserted by a subsequent `\printtext`, `\printfield`,
+`\printlist`, `\printnames`, or `\bibstring` command. You may use
+`\newblock` at suitable places without having to worry about spurious
+blocks. A new block will only be started by the next `\printfield` (or
+similar) command if this command prints anything. See ?? for further
+ },
+ newrefcontext = {
+ arguments = {
+ {
+ delimiters = {"[", "]"},
+ meta = "key=value, ... ",
+ optional = true
+ },
+ {meta = "name"}
+ },
+ details = [[
+\newrefcontext[key=value, ... ]{name}
+This command is similar to the `refcontext` environment except that it
+is a stand-alone command rather than an environment. It automatically
+ends any previous reference context section begun with `\newrefcontext`
+(if any) and immediately starts a new one. Note that the context section
+started by the last `\newrefcontext` command in the document will extend
+to the very end of the document. Use `\endrefcontext` if you want to
+terminate it earlier.
+ },
+ newunitpunct = {
+ details = [[
+The separator inserted between &lt;units> in the sense explained in ??.
+This will usually be a period or a comma plus an interword space. The
+default definition is a period and a space.
+ },
+ nocite = {
+ action = "cite",
+ arguments = {{meta = "key"}},
+ details = [[
+This command is similar to the standard LaTeX `\nocite` command. It adds
+the `key` to the bibliography without printing a citation. If the `key`
+is an asterisk, all entries available in the in-scope bibliography
+datasource(s) are added to the bibliography. Like all other citation
+commands, `\nocite` commands in the document body are local to the
+enclosing `refsection` environment, if any. In contrast to standard
+LaTeX , `\nocite` may also be used in the document preamble. In this
+case, the references are assigned to reference section 0. For the
+purposes of ordering citations by appearance `\nocite` will behave like
+all other cite commands, with the added rule that a `\nocite` issued in
+the preamble is treated as coming before all explicit citations in
+reference section 0 from the document body.
+ },
+ noinherit = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "source"}},
+ details = [[
+Unconditionally prevents inheritance of the `source` field.
+ },
+ nopunct = {
+ details = [[
+Adds an internal marker which will cause the next punctuation command to
+print nothing.
+ },
+ parencite = {
+ action = "cite",
+ arguments = {
+ {literal = "*", optional = true},
+ {delimiters = {"[", "]"}, meta = "prenote", optional = true},
+ {delimiters = {"[", "]"}, meta = "postnote", optional = true},
+ {meta = "key"}
+ },
+ details = [[
+This command is provided by all author-year and author-title styles. It
+is similar to the regular `\parencite` command but merely prints the
+year or the title, respectively.
+ },
+ parenlevel = {
+ details = [[
+The current nesting level of parentheses and/or brackets. This
+information is only available if the `parentracker` from ?? is enabled.
+ },
+ parentext = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "text"}},
+ details = [[
+This command wraps the `text` in context sensitive parentheses.
+ },
+ pertype = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "entrytype"}},
+ details = [[
+Restricts all `\step`s in this `\map` element to entries of the named
+`entrytype`. Multiple `\pertype` restrictions are allowed within a
+`\map` element.
+ },
+ pnfmt = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "text"}},
+ details = [[
+This command formats its argument `text` in the same format as
+`postnote`. The command can be used to format a page range while adding
+additional text in the postnote argument of a cite command.
+ \autocite[\pnfmt{378-381, 383} and more]{sigfridsson}
+ },
+ postnotedelim = {
+ details = [[
+The delimiter printed before the `postnote` argument of a citation
+command. See ?? for details. The default is a comma plus an interword
+ },
+ ppno = {
+ details = [[
+Similar to `\pno` but forces a range prefix. See ?? for further details
+and usage instructions. Note that this command is only available locally
+in citations and the bibliography.
+ },
+ prenotedelim = {
+ details = [[
+The delimiter to be printed after the `prenote` argument of a citation
+command. The default is an interword space.
+ },
+ printbibliography = {
+ arguments = {
+ {
+ delimiters = {"[", "]"},
+ meta = "key=value, ... ",
+ optional = true
+ }
+ },
+ details = [[
+\printbibliography[key=value, ... ]
+This command prints the bibliography. It takes one optional argument,
+which is a list of options given in `key=value`notation. The following
+options are available:
+ },
+ printbiblist = {
+ arguments = {
+ {
+ delimiters = {"[", "]"},
+ meta = "key=value, ... ",
+ optional = true
+ },
+ {meta = "biblistname"}
+ },
+ details = [[
+\printbiblist[key=value, ... ]{biblistname}
+This command prints a bibliography list. It takes an optional argument,
+which is a list of options given in `key=value`notation. Valid options
+are all options supported by `\printbibliography` (??) except
+`resetnumbers` and `omitnumbers`. Additionaly, the two options `driver`
+and `biblistfilter` are available. If there are any `refsection`
+environments in the document, the bibliography list will be local to
+these environments; see ?? for details. By default, this command uses
+the heading `biblist`. See ?? for details.
+The `biblistname` is a mandatory argument which names the bibliography
+list. This name is used to identify:
+- The default bibliography driver used to print the list entries
+- A default bibliography list filter declared with
+ `\DeclareBiblistFilter` (see ??) used to filter the entries returned
+ from `biber`
+- A default check declared with `\defbibcheck` (see ??) used to
+ post-process the list entries
+- The default bib environment to use
+- The default sorting template to use
+The two additional options can be used to change some of the defaults
+set by the mandatory argument.
+Change the bibliography driver used to print the list entries.
+Change the bibliography list filter used to filter the entries.
+`biblistfilter` must be a valid bibliography list filter defined with
+`\DeclareBiblistFilter` (see ??).
+In terms of sorting the list, the default is to sort using the sorting
+template named after the bibliography list (if it exists) and only then
+to fall back to the current context sorting template if this is not
+defined (see ??).
+The most common bibliography list is a list of shorthand abbreviations
+for certain entries and so this has a convenience alias
+`\printshorthands[…]` for backwards compatibility which is defined as:
+ \printbiblist[...]{shorthand}
+`biblatex`provides automatic support for data source fields in the
+default data model marked as &lt;Label fields> (See ??). Such fields
+automatically have defined for them:
+- A default bib environment (See ??)
+- A bibliography list filter (See ??)
+- Some supporting formats and lengths (See ?? and ??)
+Therefore only a minimal setup is required to print bibliography lists
+with such fields. For example, to print a list of journal title
+abbreviations, you can minimally put this in your preamble:
+ \DeclareBibliographyDriver{shortjournal}{%
+ \printfield{journaltitle}}
+Then you can put this in your document where you want to print the list:
+ \printbiblist[title={Journal Shorthands}]{shortjournal}
+Since `shortjournal` is defined in the default data model as a &lt;Label
+field>, this example:
+- Uses the automatically created &lt;shortjournal> bib environment
+- Uses the automatically created &lt;shortjournal> bibliography list
+ filter to return only entries with a `shortjournal` field in the
+ `.bbl`
+- Uses the defined &lt;shortjournal> bibliography driver to print the
+ entries
+- Uses the default &lt;biblist> heading but overrides the title with
+ &lt;Journal Shorthands>
+- Uses the current bibliography context sorting template if no
+ template exists with the name `shortjournal`
+Often, you will want to sort on the label field of the list and since a
+sorting template is automatically picked up if it is named after the
+list, in this case you could simply do:
+ \DeclareSortingTemplate{shortjournal}{
+ \sort{
+ \field{shortjournal}
+ }
+ }
+Naturally all defaults can be overridden by options to `\printbiblist`
+and definitions of the environments, filters etc. and in this way
+arbitrary types of bibliography lists can be printed containing a
+variety of information from the bibliography data.
+ },
+ printdate = {
+ details = [[
+This command prints the date of the entry, as specified in the fields
+`date` or `month`/`year`. The date format is controlled by the package
+option `date` from ??. Additional formatting (fonts etc.) may be applied
+by adjusting the field format `date` (??). Note that this command
+interfaces with the punctuation tracker. There is no need to wrap it in
+a `\printtext` command.
+ },
+ printlabeldate = {
+ details = [[
+Similar to `\printdate` but prints the date field determined by
+`\DeclareLabeldate`. The date format is controlled by the package option
+`labeldate` from ??. Additional formatting may be applied by adjusting
+the field format `labeldate` (??).
+ },
+ printlist = {
+ arguments = {
+ {delimiters = {"[", "]"}, meta = "format", optional = true},
+ {delimiters = {"[", "]"}, meta = "start--stop", optional = true},
+ {meta = "literal list"}
+ },
+ details = [[
+\printlist[format][start--stop]{literal list}
+This command loops over all items in a `literal list`, starting at item
+number `start` and stopping at item number `stop`, including `start` and
+`stop` (all lists are numbered starting at 1). Each item is printed
+using the formatting directive `format`, as defined with
+`\DeclareListFormat`. If a type-specific `format` has been declared, the
+type-specific formatting directive takes precedence over the generic
+one. If the `literal list` is undefined, nothing is printed. If the
+`format` is omitted, `\printlist` tries using the name of the list as a
+format name. In this case, any type-specific formatting directive will
+also take precedence over the generic one. If all of these formats are
+undefined, it falls back to `default` as a last resort. The `start`
+argument defaults to 1; `stop` defaults to the total number of items in
+the list. If the total number is greater than `maxitems`, `stop`
+defaults to `minitems` (see ??). See `\printnames` for further details.
+Note that `\printlist` provides the name of the literal list currently
+being processed in `\currentlist` for use in list formatting directives.
+ },
+ printtext = {
+ arguments = {
+ {delimiters = {"[", "]"}, meta = "format", optional = true},
+ {meta = "text"}
+ },
+ details = [[
+This command prints `text`, which may be printable text or arbitrary
+code generating printable text. It clears the punctuation buffer before
+inserting `text` and informs `biblatex`that printable text has been
+inserted. This ensures that all preceding and following `\newblock` and
+`\newunit` commands have the desired effect. `\printfield` and
+`\printnames` as well as `\bibstring` and its companion commands (see
+??) do that automatically. Using this command is required if a
+bibliography styles inserts literal text (including the commands from
+??) to ensure that block and unit punctuation works as advertised in ??.
+The optional `format` argument specifies a field formatting directive to
+be used to format `text`. This may also be useful when several fields
+are to be printed as one chunk, for example, by enclosing the entire
+chunk in parentheses or quotation marks. If a type-specific `format` has
+been declared, the type-specific formatting directive takes precedence
+over the generic one. If the `format` is omitted, the `text` is printed
+as is. See also ?? for some practical hints.
+ },
+ printunit = {
+ arguments = {{literal = "*", optional = true}, {meta = "punctuation"}},
+ details = [[
+The `\printunit` command is similar to `\setunit` except that
+`punctuation` persists in the buffer. This ensures that `punctuation` is
+inserted before the next non-empty field printed by the `\printtext`,
+`\printfield`, `\printlist`, `\printnames`, or `\bibstring`
+commands---regardless of any intermediate calls to `\newunit` or
+ },
+ providebibmacro = {
+ arguments = {
+ {literal = "*", optional = true},
+ {meta = "name"},
+ {delimiters = {"[", "]"}, meta = "arguments", optional = true},
+ {delimiters = {"[", "]"}, meta = "optional", optional = true},
+ {meta = "definition"}
+ },
+ details = [[
+Similar to `\newbibmacro` but only defines `name` if it is undefined.
+This command is similar in concept to `\providecommand`.
+ },
+ psq = {
+ details = [[
+In the `postnote` argument to a citation command, this command indicates
+a range of two pages where only the starting page is given. See ?? for
+further details and usage instructions. The suffix printed is the
+localisation string `sequens`, see ??. The spacing inserted between the
+suffix and the page number may be modified by redefining the macro
+`\sqspace`. The default is an unbreakable interword space. Note that
+this command is only available locally in citations and the
+ },
+ refsection = {
+ details = [[
+This counter indicates the current `refsection` environment. When
+queried in a bibliography heading, the counter returns the value of the
+`refsection` option passed to `\printbibliography`.
+ },
+ regexp = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "PCRE"}},
+ details = [[
+This command can be used with any command accepting a regular expression
+key to protect a regular expression from being interpreted by TeX so
+that it is passed through to `biber`correctly. Regular expressions often
+contain sequences of characters that are also valid TeX commands but
+which should not be interpreted as such. The argument is a normal PCRE
+(Perl Compatible Regular Expression<>).
+Perl escape sequences like `\t` for a tab, `\n` for a newline, `\A` for
+the start of a string or `\d` for a digit can be used, without
+TeX trying to execute them as commands, as can be special characters
+like `^`, `_` or `{..}` and `#`. Only the % must be protected: to match
+a single % in the bib, use \\% in the regular expression, a \\% is
+matched by \\\\%.
+ },
+ relateddelim = {
+ details = [[
+The generic separator between the data of multiple related entries. The
+default definition is an optional dot plus linebreak. Here is an example
+where volumes A-E are related entries of the 5 volume main work:
+ Donald E. Knuth. Computers & Typesetting. 5 vols. Reading, Mass.: Addison-Wesley, 1984-1986.
+ Vol. A: The TEXbook. 1984.
+ Vol. B: TEX: The Program. 1986.
+ Vol. C: The METAFONTbook. By. 1986.
+ Vol. D: METAFONT: The Program. 1986.
+ Vol. E: Computer Modern Typefaces. 1986.
+ },
+ relatedpunct = {
+ details = [[
+The separator between the `relatedtype` bibliography localisation string
+and the data from the first related entry.
+ },
+ renewbibmacro = {
+ arguments = {
+ {literal = "*", optional = true},
+ {meta = "name"},
+ {delimiters = {"[", "]"}, meta = "arguments", optional = true},
+ {delimiters = {"[", "]"}, meta = "optional", optional = true},
+ {meta = "definition"}
+ },
+ details = [[
+Similar to `\newbibmacro` but redefines `name`. In contrast to
+`\renewcommand`, `\renewbibmacro` issues a warning message if the macro
+is undefined, and automatically falls back to `\newbibmacro`.
+ },
+ resetpunctfont = {
+ details = [[
+This command resets the unit punctuation font defined with
+`\setpunctfont` before it takes effect. If the `punctfont` package
+option is disabled, this command does nothing.
+ },
+ restorebibmacro = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "name"}},
+ details = [[
+These commands save and restore the macro `name`, where `name` is the
+identifier of a macro defined with `\newbibmacro`. Both commands work
+within a local scope. They are mainly provided for use in localisation
+ },
+ restorecommand = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "command"}},
+ details = [[
+These commands save and restore any `command`, which must be a command
+name starting with a backslash. Both commands work within a local scope.
+They are mainly provided for use in localisation files.
+ },
+ restorefieldformat = {
+ arguments = {
+ {delimiters = {"[", "]"}, meta = "entry type", optional = true},
+ {meta = "format"}
+ },
+ details = [[
+\restorefieldformat[entry type]{format}
+These commands save and restore the formatting directive `format`, as
+defined with `\DeclareFieldFormat`. Both commands work within a local
+scope. They are mainly provided for use in localisation files.
+ },
+ restorelist = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "literal list"}, {meta = "macro"}},
+ details = [[
+\restorelist{literal list}{macro}
+Restores a `literal list` from a `macro` defined with `\savelist`
+before. The list is restored within a local scope.
+ },
+ restorelistformat = {
+ arguments = {
+ {delimiters = {"[", "]"}, meta = "entry type", optional = true},
+ {meta = "format"}
+ },
+ details = [[
+\restorelistformat[entry type]{format}
+These commands save and restore the formatting directive `format`, as
+defined with `\DeclareListFormat`. Both commands work within a local
+scope. They are mainly provided for use in localisation files.
+ },
+ restorelistwrapperformat = {
+ arguments = {
+ {delimiters = {"[", "]"}, meta = "entry type", optional = true},
+ {meta = "format"}
+ },
+ details = [[
+\restorelistwrapperformat[entry type]{format}
+These commands save and restore the formatting directive `format`, as
+defined with `\DeclareListWrapperFormat`. Both commands work within a
+local scope. They are mainly provided for use in localisation files.
+ },
+ restorenameformat = {
+ arguments = {
+ {delimiters = {"[", "]"}, meta = "entry type", optional = true},
+ {meta = "format"}
+ },
+ details = [[
+\restorenameformat[entry type]{format}
+These commands save and restore the formatting directive `format`, as
+defined with `\DeclareNameFormat`. Both commands work within a local
+scope. They are mainly provided for use in localisation files.
+ },
+ restorenamewrapperformat = {
+ arguments = {
+ {delimiters = {"[", "]"}, meta = "entry type", optional = true},
+ {meta = "format"}
+ },
+ details = [[
+\restorenamewrapperformat[entry type]{format}
+These commands save and restore the formatting directive `format`, as
+defined with `\DeclareNameWrapperFormat`. Both commands work within a
+local scope. They are mainly provided for use in localisation files.
+ },
+ savefield = {
+ arguments = {
+ {literal = "*", optional = true},
+ {meta = "field"},
+ {meta = "macro"}
+ },
+ details = [[
+Copies an unformatted `field` to a `macro`. The regular variant of this
+command defines the `macro` globally, the starred one works locally.
+ },
+ savefieldcs = {
+ arguments = {
+ {literal = "*", optional = true},
+ {meta = "field"},
+ {meta = "csname"}
+ },
+ details = [[
+Similar to `\savefield`, but takes the control sequence name `csname`
+(without a leading backslash) as an argument, rather than a macro name.
+ },
+ savelist = {
+ arguments = {
+ {literal = "*", optional = true},
+ {meta = "literal list"},
+ {meta = "macro"}
+ },
+ details = [[
+\savelist*{literal list}{macro}
+Copies an unformatted `literal list` to a `macro`. The regular variant
+of this command defines the `macro` globally, the starred one works
+ },
+ savelistcs = {
+ arguments = {
+ {literal = "*", optional = true},
+ {meta = "literal list"},
+ {meta = "csname"}
+ },
+ details = [[
+\savelistcs*{literal list}{csname}
+Similar to `\savelist`, but takes the control sequence name `csname`
+(without a leading backslash) as an argument, rather than a macro name.
+ },
+ savename = {
+ arguments = {
+ {literal = "*", optional = true},
+ {meta = "name list"},
+ {meta = "macro"}
+ },
+ details = [[
+\savename*{name list}{macro}
+Copies an unformatted `name list` to a `macro`. The regular variant of
+this command defines the `macro` globally, the starred one works
+ },
+ savenamecs = {
+ arguments = {
+ {literal = "*", optional = true},
+ {meta = "name list"},
+ {meta = "csname"}
+ },
+ details = [[
+\savenamecs*{name list}{csname}
+Similar to `\savename`, but takes the control sequence name `csname`
+(without a leading backslash) as an argument, rather than a macro name.
+ },
+ setunit = {
+ arguments = {{literal = "*", optional = true}, {meta = "punctuation"}},
+ details = [[
+The `\setunit` command is similar to `\newunit` except that it uses
+`punctuation` instead of `\newunitpunct`. The starred variant differs
+from the regular version in that it checks if the last `\printtext`,
+`\printfield`, `\printlist`, `\printnames`, or `\bibstring` command did
+actually print anything. If not, it does nothing.
+ },
+ smartand = {
+ details = [[
+This counter controls the behavior of the internal &lt;smart and>
+command. When set to 1, it prints &lt;y> or &lt;e>, depending on the
+context. When set to 2, it always prints &lt;y>. When set to 3, it
+always prints &lt;e>. When set to 0, the &lt;smart and> feature is
+disabled. This counter is initialized to 1 at load-time and may be
+changed in the preamble. Note that setting this counter to a positive
+value implies that the Spanish localisation module ignores
+`\finalnamedelim` and `\finallistdelim`.
+ },
+ sortalphaothers = {
+ details = [[
+Similar to `\labelalphaothers` but used in the sorting process. Setting
+it to a different value is advisable if the latter contains formatting
+commands, for example:
+ \renewcommand*{\labelalphaothers}{\textbf{+}}
+ \renewcommand*{\sortalphaothers}{+}
+If `\sortalphaothers` is not redefined, it defaults to
+Similar to `\labelalphaothers` but used in the sorting process. Setting
+it to a different value is advisable if the latter contains formatting
+commands. If `\sortalphaothers` is not redefined, it defaults to
+ },
+ stdpunctuation = {
+ details = [[
+Undoes the settings applied by `\uspunctuation`, restoring standard
+punctuation. As standard punctuation is the default setting, you only
+need this command to override a previously executed `\uspunctuation`
+command. See ?? for details.
+ },
+ step = {
+ arguments = {{delimiters = {"[", "]"}, meta = "options", optional = true}},
+ details = [[
+A mapping step. Each step is applied sequentially to every relevant
+entry where &lt;relevant> means those entries which correspond to the
+data source type, entrytype and data source name restrictions mentioned
+above. Each step is applied to the entry as it appears after the
+application of all previous steps. The mapping performed by the step is
+determined by the following `option`s:
+For all boolean `\step` options, the short form `option` is equivalent
+to `option=true`. The following rules for a mapping step apply:
+Note that the options `cited`, `nocited`, `citedornocited`, `allnocited`
+and `starnocited` are unique in that they can make the results of a
+sourcemap differ depending on the refsection. This is because a
+datasource to which source mapping applies may be used in several
+refsections and source mappings are applied when fetching the data from
+the datasources for a refsection. Citation commands are local to a
+refsection and therefore may differ for the same entry from refsection
+to refsection. For example, the same entry may be `\cite`d in one
+refsection but `\nocite`d in another, resulting in different source map
+results and therefore data between the refsections. This can be avoided
+if desired, by limiting source maps to specific refsections only (see
+`refsection` option to the `\map` command above).
+- If `entrynew` is set, a new entry is created with the entry key
+ `entrynewkey` and the entry type given in the option `entrynewtype`.
+ This entry is only in-scope during the processing of the current
+ entry and can be referenced by `entrytarget`. In `entrynewkey`, you
+ may use standard Perl regular expression backreferences to captures
+ from a previous `match` step.
+- When a `fieldset` step has `entrytarget` set to the entrykey of an
+ entry created by `entrynew`, the target for the field set will be
+ the `entrytarget` entry rather than the entry being currently
+ processed. This allows users to create new entries and set fields in
+ them.
+- If `entrynocite` is used in a `entrynew` or `entryclone` step, the
+ new/clone entry will be included in the `.bbl` as if the entry/clone
+ had been `\nocite`ed in the document.
+- If `entrynull` is set, processing of the `\map` immediately
+ terminates and the current entry is not created. It is as if it did
+ not exist in the datasource. Obviously, you should select the
+ entries which you want to apply this to using prior mapping steps.
+- If `entryclone` is set, a clone of the entry is created with an
+ entry key `clonekey`. Obviously this may cause labelling problems in
+ author/year styles etc. and should be used with care. The cloned
+ entry is in-scope during the processing of the current entry and can
+ be modified by passing its key as the value to `entrytarget`. In
+ `clonekey`, you may use standard Perl regular expression
+ backreferences to captures from a previous `match` step.
+- If `cited` is used then only apply the step if the entry key of an
+ entry was specifically cited via `\cite`.
+- If `nocited` is used then only apply the step if the entry key of an
+ entry was specifically nocited via `\nocite` or was included via
+ `\nocite{*}`.
+- If `citedornocited` is used then only apply the step if the entry
+ key of an entry was specifically cited via `\cite` or specifically
+ nocited via `\nocite`.
+- If `allnocited` is used then only apply the step if the entry key of
+ an entry was included via `\nocite{*}`.
+- If `starnocited` is used then only apply the step if the entry key
+ of an entry was included solely because of `\nocite{*}`. This
+ implies that the entry was neither explicitly `\cite`ed nor
+ explicitly `\nocite`ed.
+- Change the `typesource` `entrytype` to the `typetarget` `entrytype`,
+ if defined. If `final` is `true` then if the `entrytype` of the
+ entry is not `typesource`, processing of the parent `\map`
+ immediately terminates.
+- Change the `fieldsource` `entryfield` to `fieldtarget`, if defined.
+ If `final` is `true` then if there is no `fieldsource` `entryfield`
+ in the entry, processing of the parent `\map` immediately
+ terminates.
+- If `notfield` is true only if the `entryfield` does not exist.
+ Usually used with `final` so that if an entry does contain
+ `entryfield`, the map terminates.
+- If `match` is defined but `replace` is not, only apply the step if
+ the `fieldsource` `entryfield` matches the `match` regular
+ expression (logic is reversed if you use `notmatch` and
+ case-insensitive if you use the versions ending in &lt;i>)[1]. You
+ may use capture parenthesis as usual and refer to these (\$1...\$9)
+ in later `fieldvalue` specifications. This allows you to pull out
+ parts of some fields and put these parts in other fields.
+- Perform a regular expression match and replace on the value of the
+ `fieldsource` `entryfield` if `match` and `replace` are defined.
+- If `matches` is defined, it should be a comma-separated list of
+ literal strings which are replaced by corresponding locations in a
+ comma-separated list provided in `replace`. The lists must have the
+ same number of elements or the step will be skipped. `matchesi` is
+ the same but case-insensitive.
+- If `fieldset` is defined, then its value is `entryfield` which will
+ be set to a value specified by further options. If `overwrite` is
+ false for this step and the field to set already exists then the map
+ step is ignored. If `final` is also true for this step, then
+ processing of the parent map stops at this point. If `append` is
+ true, then the value to set is appended to the current value of
+ `entryfield`. `appendstrict` only appends to `entryfield` if
+ `entryfield` is not empty. The value to set is specified by a
+ mandatory one and only one of the following options:
+ -  `fieldvalue` --- The `fieldset` `entryfield` is set to the
+ `fieldvalue` `string`
+ -  `null` --- The `fieldset` `entryfield` is ignored, as if it did
+ not exist in the datasource
+ -  `origentrytype` --- The `fieldset` `entryfield` is set to the
+ most recently mentioned `typesource` `entrytype` name
+ -  `origfield` --- The `fieldset` `entryfield` is set to the most
+ recently mentioned `fieldsource` `entryfield` name
+ -  `origfieldval` --- The `fieldset` `entryfield` is set to the
+ most recently mentioned `fieldsource` value
+[1] Regular expressions are full Perl 5.16 regular expressions. This
+means you may need to deal with special characters, see examples.
+ },
+ stripzeros = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "integer"}},
+ details = [[
+This command strips leading zeros from a number. It is intended for date
+formatting and ordinals.
+For every field marked as a &lt;Label field> in the data model, a
+formatting directive is created as per `shorthandwidth` above. Since
+`shorthand` is so marked in the default data model, this functionality
+is a superset of that described for `shorthandwidth`.
+Similar to `shorthandwidth`, but referring to the `labelnumber` field
+and the length register `\labelnumberwidth`. Numeric styles should
+adjust this directive such that it corresponds to the format used in the
+Similar to `shorthandwidth`, but referring to the `labelalpha` field and
+the length register `\labelalphawidth`. Alphabetic styles should adjust
+this directive such that it corresponds to the format used in the
+A special formatting directive for use with `\printfield` and
+`\printtext`. This directive wraps its argument in a `\bibhyperref`
+command, see ?? for details.
+A special formatting directive for use with `\printfield` and
+`\printtext`. It wraps its argument in a `\bibhyperlink` command, see ??
+for details. The `name` argument passed to `\bibhyperlink` is the value
+of the `entrykey` field.
+A special formatting directive for use with `\printfield` and
+`\printtext`. It wraps its argument in a `\bibhypertarget` command, see
+?? for details. The `name` argument passed to `\bibhypertarget` is the
+value of the `entrykey` field.
+A special formatting directive which controls the format of the
+page/text portion in the argument of citation commands like `\volcite`.
+A special formatting directive which controls the format of the volume
+portion in the argument of citation commands like `\volcite`.
+A special formatting directive which controls the format of `\printdate`
+(??). Note that the date format (long/short etc.) is controlled by the
+package option `date` from ??. This formatting directive only controls
+additional formatting such as fonts etc.
+As `date` but controls the format of `\printlabeldate`.
+As `date` but controls the format of `\print<datetype>date`.
+A special formatting directive which controls the format of `\printtime`
+(??). Note that the time format (24h/12h etc.) is controlled by the
+package option `time` from ??. This formatting directive only controls
+additional formatting such as fonts etc.
+As `time` but controls the format of `\printlabeltime`.
+As `time` but controls the format of `\print<datetype>time`.
+ },
+ strname = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "name list"}},
+ details = [[
+\strname{name list}
+Similar to `\thename`, except that the name internal representation is
+automatically sanitized such that its value may safely be used in the
+formation of a control sequence name.
+ },
+ subtitlepunct = {
+ details = [[
+The separator printed between the fields `title` and `subtitle`,
+`booktitle` and `booksubtitle`, as well as `maintitle` and
+`mainsubtitle`. With the default styles, this separator replaces
+`\newunitpunct` at this location. The default definition is
+`\newunitpunct`, i.e. it is not handled differently from regular unit
+The separator to be printed between the fields `title` and `subtitle`,
+`booktitle` and `booksubtitle`, as well as `maintitle` and
+`mainsubtitle`. Use this separator instead of `\newunitpunct` at this
+location. The default is `\newunitpunct`, i.e. it is not handled
+differently from regular unit punctuation but permits convenient
+ },
+ supercitedelim = {
+ details = [[
+Similar to `\multicitedelim`, but used by the `\supercite` command only.
+The default is a comma.
+Similar to `\multinamedelim`, but intended for the `\supercite` command
+only. The default is a comma.
+ },
+ supercitesubentrydelim = {
+ details = [[
+Analogue of `\multicitesubentrydelim` for `\supercite`. The default is
+ },
+ texouterlang = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "text"}},
+ details = [[
+Locally switches from the current language to the surrounding language
+(which was not selected by `biblatex`) to typeset `text`. This can be
+used the `wrapper` argument in the localisation string commands above.
+ },
+ textcite = {
+ action = "cite",
+ arguments = {
+ {delimiters = {"[", "]"}, meta = "prenote", optional = true},
+ {delimiters = {"[", "]"}, meta = "postnote", optional = true},
+ {meta = "key"}
+ },
+ details = "$ref:biblatex.sty#/commands/Textcite/details"
+ },
+ textnohyphenation = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "text"}},
+ details = [[
+Similar to `\nohyphenation` but restricted to the `text` argument.
+ },
+ thefield = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "field"}},
+ details = [[
+Expands to the unformatted `field`. If the `field` is undefined, this
+command expands to an empty string.
+ },
+ thefirstlistitem = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "literal list"}},
+ details = [[
+\thefirstlistitem{literal list}
+Expands to the unformatted first item in `literal list`. If the
+`literal list` is undefined, this command expands to an empty string.
+ },
+ thelist = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "literal list"}},
+ details = [[
+\thelist{literal list}
+Expands to the unformatted `literal list`. If the list is undefined,
+this command expands to an empty string. Note that this command will
+dump the `literal list` in the internal format used by this package.
+This format is not suitable for printing.
+ },
+ translatortypedelim = {
+ details = [[
+The delimiter printed between the translator and the `translator`
+string. The default is a comma followed by a space.
+ },
+ translit = {
+ arguments = {
+ {delimiters = {"[", "]"}, meta = "langids", optional = true},
+ {meta = "field or fieldset"},
+ {meta = "from"},
+ {meta = "to"}
+ },
+ details = [=[
+\translit[langids]{field or fieldset}{from}{to}
+Specifies that the data field `field` or all fields in a fieldset
+`fieldset` declared with `\DeclareDatafieldSet` (see ??) should be
+transliterated from script `from` to script `to` for sorting purposes.
+The field/set argument should be &lt;\*&gt; to apply transliteration to
+all fields. The valid `from` and `to` values are given in table
+[\[tab:translit\]][1]. The optional `langids` parameter is a
+comma-separated list of `langid` fields and the transliteration will
+apply only to bibliography entries containing one of the `langid`s in
+the list. Note that `biblatex`does not aim to support general
+transliteration, only those which are useful for sorting purposes.
+Please open a GitHub ticket for `biblatex` if you think you need
+additional transliterations.
+An example of transliterating titles so that they sort correctly in
+Sanskrit. This example assumes that entries that should have their title
+fields transliterated have a `langid` field set to &lt;sanskrit>.
+ \DeclareDatafieldSet{settitles}{
+ \member[field=title]
+ \member[field=booktitle]
+ \member[field=eventtitle]
+ \member[field=issuetitle]
+ \member[field=journaltitle]
+ \member[field=maintitle]
+ \member[field=origtitle]
+ }
+ \DeclareSortTranslit{
+ \translit[sanskrit]{settitles}{iast}{devanagari}
+ }
+ [1]: #tab:translit
+ },
+ uniquename = {
+ details = [[
+This counter refers to the `labelname` list. It is set on a per-name
+basis. Its value is `0` if the base parts of the name (by default just
+the &lt;family> part of the name) are unique, `1` if adding the other
+non-base parts of the name (as specified in the uniquename template
+defined by `\DeclareUniquenameTemplate`) as initials will make it
+unique, and `2` if adding the full form of the non-base parts of the
+name are required to disambiguate the name. This information is required
+by author-year and author-title citation schemes which add additional
+parts of the name when citing different authors with the same family
+name. For example, (given the default `\DeclareUniquenameTemplate`
+definition) if there is one &lt;John Doe> and one &lt;Edward Doe> in the
+list of references, this counter will be set to `1`. If there is one
+&lt;John Doe> and one &lt;Jane Doe>, the value of the counter will be
+`2`. If the option is set to `init`/`allinit`/`mininit`, the counter
+will be limited to `1`. This is useful for citations styles which use
+initials to disambiguate names but never print the full name in
+citations. If adding the initials is not sufficient to disambiguate the
+name, `uniquename` will also be set to `0` for that name. This feature
+needs to be enabled explicitly with the package option `uniquename`.
+Note that the `uniquename` counter is local to `\printnames` and that it
+is only set for the `labelname` list and for the name list that
+`labelname` has been derived from (typically `author` or `editor`). Its
+value is zero in any other context, i.e., it must be evaluated in the
+name formatting directives handling name lists. See ?? for further
+details and practical examples. This counter can be overridden on a
+per-namepart basis by consulting the `\namepart<namepart>un` macros
+during name formatting, see ??.
+ },
+ unspace = {
+ details = [[
+Removes preceding whitespace, i.e. removes all skips and penalties from
+the end of the current horizontal list. This command is implicitly
+executed by all of the following commands.
+ },
+ usebibmacro = {
+ arguments = {{literal = "*", optional = true}, {meta = "name"}},
+ details = [[
+This command executes the macro `name`, as defined with `\newbibmacro`.
+If the macro takes any arguments, they are simply appended after `name`.
+The regular variant of this command sanitizes `name` while the starred
+variant does not.
+ },
+ usefirstlistitem = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "command"}, {meta = "literal list"}},
+ details = [[
+\usefirstlistitem{command}{literal list}
+Executes `command` using the unformatted first item of `literal list` as
+its argument.
+ }
+environments = {
+ refsection = {
+ arguments = {
+ {
+ delimiters = {"[", "]"},
+ meta = "resource, ... ",
+ optional = true
+ }
+ },
+ details = [[
+\begin{refsection}[resource, ... ] ... \end{refsection}
+The optional argument is a comma-separated list of resources specific to
+the reference section. If the argument is omitted, the reference section
+will use the default resource list, as specified with `\addbibresource`
+in the preamble. If the argument is provided, it replaces the default
+resource list. Global resources specified with `\addglobalbib` are
+always considered. `refsection` environments may not be nested, but you
+may use `refsegment` environments within a `refsection` to subdivide it
+into segments. Use the `section` option of `\printbibliography` to
+select a section when printing the bibliography, and the corresponding
+option of `\printbiblist` when printing bibliography lists. Bibliography
+sections are numbered starting at `1`. The number of the current section
+is also written to the transcript file. All citations given outside a
+`refsection` environment are assigned to section 0. If
+`\printbibliography` is used within a `refsection`, it will
+automatically select the current section. The `section` option is not
+required in this case. This also applies to `\printbiblist`. Beginning a
+new reference section automatically ends the active reference context
+(see ??).
+ },
+ refsegment = {
+ details = [[
+\begin{refsegment} ... \end{refsegment}
+The difference between a `refsection` and a `refsegment` environment is
+that the former creates labels which are local to the environment
+whereas the latter provides a target for the `segment` filter of
+`\printbibliography` without affecting the labels. They will be unique
+across the entire document. `refsegment` environments may not be nested,
+but you may use them in conjunction with `refsection` to subdivide a
+reference section into segments. In this case, the segments are local to
+the enclosing `refsection` environment. Use the `segment` option of
+`\printbibliography` to select a segment when printing the bibliography.
+Within a section, the reference segments are numbered starting at `1`
+and the number of the current segment will be written to the transcript
+file. All citations given outside a `refsegment` environment are
+assigned to segment 0. In contrast to the `refsection` environment, the
+current segment is not selected automatically if `\printbibliography` is
+used within a `refsegment` environment.
+ }
diff --git a/support/digestif/data/cleveref.sty.tags b/support/digestif/data/cleveref.sty.tags
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9e62e98e05
--- /dev/null
+++ b/support/digestif/data/cleveref.sty.tags
@@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
+ctan_package = "cleveref"
+commands = {
+ Cpageref = "$ref:cleveref.sty#/commands/cpageref",
+ Cpagerefrange = "$ref:cleveref.sty#/commands/cpagerefrange",
+ Cref = "$ref:cleveref.sty#/commands/cref",
+ Crefformat = {arguments = "$ref:cleveref.sty#/commands/crefformat/arguments"},
+ Crefmultiformat = {arguments = "$ref:cleveref.sty#/commands/crefmultiformat/arguments"},
+ Crefname = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "type"}, {meta = "singular"}, {meta = "plural"}}
+ },
+ Crefrange = "$ref:cleveref.sty#/commands/crefrange",
+ Crefrangeformat = {arguments = "$ref:cleveref.sty#/commands/crefformat/arguments"},
+ Crefrangemultiformat = {arguments = "$ref:cleveref.sty#/commands/crefmultiformat/arguments"},
+ cpageref = {
+ action = "ref",
+ arguments = {
+ {
+ literal = "*",
+ meta = "star",
+ optional = true,
+ summary = "Do not create a hyperlink."
+ },
+ {list = true, meta = "key"}
+ },
+ summary = "Refer to a page number."
+ },
+ cpagerefrange = {
+ action = "ref",
+ arguments = {
+ {
+ literal = "*",
+ meta = "star",
+ optional = true,
+ summary = "Do not create hyperlinks."
+ },
+ {meta = "key1"},
+ {meta = "key2"}
+ },
+ summary = "Refer to a range of page numbers."
+ },
+ cref = {
+ action = "ref",
+ arguments = {
+ {
+ literal = "*",
+ meta = "star",
+ optional = true,
+ summary = "Do not create a hyperlink."
+ },
+ {list = true, meta = "key"}
+ },
+ summary = "Refer to a section, figure or similar."
+ },
+ crefalias = {arguments = {{meta = "counter"}, {meta = "type"}}},
+ crefdefaultlabelformat = {arguments = "$ref:cleveref.sty#/commands/crefformat/arguments"},
+ crefformat = {arguments = {{meta = "type"}, {meta = "format"}}},
+ creflabelformat = {arguments = "$ref:cleveref.sty#/commands/crefformat/arguments"},
+ crefmultiformat = {
+ arguments = {
+ {meta = "type"},
+ {meta = "first"},
+ {meta = "second"},
+ {meta = "middle"},
+ {meta = "last"}
+ }
+ },
+ crefname = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "type"}, {meta = "singluar"}, {meta = "plural"}}
+ },
+ crefrange = {
+ action = "ref",
+ arguments = {
+ {
+ literal = "*",
+ meta = "star",
+ optional = true,
+ summary = "Do not create hyperlinks."
+ },
+ {meta = "key1"},
+ {meta = "key2"}
+ },
+ summary = "Refer to a range of sections, figures or similar."
+ },
+ crefrangeformat = {arguments = "$ref:cleveref.sty#/commands/crefformat/arguments"},
+ crefrangelabelformat = {arguments = "$ref:cleveref.sty#/commands/crefformat/arguments"},
+ crefrangemultiformat = {arguments = "$ref:cleveref.sty#/commands/crefmultiformat/arguments"},
+ labelcpageref = "$ref:cleveref.sty#/commands/cpageref",
+ labelcref = "$ref:cleveref.sty#/commands/cref",
+ labelcrefformat = {arguments = "$ref:cleveref.sty#/commands/crefformat/arguments"},
+ labelcrefmultiformat = {arguments = "$ref:cleveref.sty#/commands/crefmultiformat/arguments"},
+ labelcrefrangeformat = {arguments = "$ref:cleveref.sty#/commands/crefformat/arguments"},
+ labelcrefrangemultiformat = {arguments = "$ref:cleveref.sty#/commands/crefmultiformat/arguments"},
+ lcnamecref = {arguments = {{meta = "#1"}}},
+ lcnamecrefs = {arguments = {{meta = "#1"}}},
+ nameCref = "$ref:cleveref.sty#/commands/namecref",
+ nameCrefs = "$ref:cleveref.sty#/commands/namecref",
+ namecref = {
+ action = "ref",
+ arguments = {{meta = "key"}},
+ summary = "Print the name of reference (section, figure, etc.)."
+ },
+ namecrefs = "$ref:cleveref.sty#/commands/namecref"
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d3dac638f3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/support/digestif/data/csquotes.sty.tags
@@ -0,0 +1,1113 @@
+-- Copyright 2003-2011 Philipp Lehman
+-- Copyright 2015-2019, 2021, 2022 Joseph Wright
+-- Copyright 2022 Augusto Stoffel
+-- SPDX-License-Identifier: LPPL-1.3c+
+-- Adapted from the csquotes package documentation, which can be found
+-- at
+ctan_package = "csquotes"
+dependencies = {"etoolbox.sty", "keyval.sty"}
+commands = {
+ ["@enablequotes"] = {
+ details = [[
+This command enables all characters allocated as active quotes. It also
+restores their definitions if they were disabled or accidentally
+overwritten. With single-byte encodings, this command (re)defines all
+allocated characters and makes them active. With UTF-8 encoding, it
+redefines the internal macro used by the `inputenc` package to typeset
+the respective UTF-8 sequence (`\u8:``character`). UTF-8 characters in
+the range 0--127 are handled as with single-byte encodings. When using a
+TeX engine with native UTF-8 support, such as XeTeX , all characters are
+handled as with single-byte encodings.
+ },
+ ["@verbatimquotes"] = {
+ details = [[
+For verbatim environments and similar applications, use this command
+rather than `\@disablequotes`. It redefines the active quotes in a way
+that is better suited for verbatim typesetting. With single-byte
+encodings, it will do one of the following things. (1) If a character is
+in the range 0--127, it is redefined such that it expands to itself with
+category code 12. (2) If a character is in the range 128--255, there are
+two possibilities. (a) If it had already been active when it was
+allocated, its former definition is restored. (b) If it had not been
+active before, it is redefined such that it expands to itself with its
+former category code.
+Characters in the range 0--127 are added to the `\dospecials` list.
+Characters in the range 128--255 remain active, permitting the
+`inputenc` package to typeset them verbatim (due to case 2a, which
+implies that you must load `inputenc` before allocating active quotes).
+Case 2b is usually undesirable in verbatim environments. If `inputenc`
+is loaded, however, this should not happen. With UTF-8 encoding, this
+command restores the former definition of the internal macro used by the
+`inputenc` package to typeset the respective UTF-8 sequence. UTF-8
+characters in the range 0--127 are handled as with single-byte
+encodings. When using a TeX engine with native UTF-8 support, such as
+XeTeX , all characters are handled as with single-byte encodings.
+Due to case 1, `\@verbatimquotes` itself is independent of any
+`\dospecials` processing. You may typeset all active quotes verbatim by
+using this command exclusively. The advantage of this approach is that
+it does not require any category code changes, hence this command may
+also be used to modify an argument after it has been read. Also note
+that the standard LaTeX verbatim environments as well as all
+environments provided by or defined via the packages `verbatim`,
+`fancyvrb`, `moreverb`, and `alltt` are catered for automatically. This
+also applies to the `\verb` command and the `shortvrb` package.
+ },
+ BlockquoteDisable = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "code"}},
+ details = [[
+The `code` may be arbitrary LaTeX code which redefines vulnerable
+commands locally such that they work differently during the trial pass.
+The `code` itself should obviously not include any global assignments.
+This solution should be considered as a last ressort but may be the
+quickest way to fix a vulnerable package. Note that there is no need to
+escape parameter characters by doubling them in the `code` argument.
+Simply use this command like `\AtBeginDocument` and similar hooks.
+ },
+ DeclareAutoPunct = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "characters"}},
+ details = [[
+This command defines the punctuation marks to be considered by the
+quotation commands as they scan ahead for punctuation. Note that
+`characters` is an undelimited list of characters. Valid `characters`
+are period, comma, semicolon, colon, exclamation and question mark. The
+default setting is:
+ {}
+ \DeclareAutoPunct{.,;:!?}
+This definition is restored automatically whenever the `autopunct`
+package option is set to `true`. Executing `\DeclareAutoPunctuation{}`
+is equivalent to setting `autopunct=false`, i.e. it disables this
+ },
+ DeclarePlainStyle = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "opening outer mark"}, {meta = "closing outer mark"}},
+ details = [[
+\DeclarePlainStyle{opening outer mark}{closing outer mark}\\
+opening inner markclosing inner mark
+This command may be used in the configuration file or in the document
+preamble. By default, outer quotations get straight double quotes and
+inner quotations straight single quotes. See ?? for additional hints
+concerning PDF strings.
+ },
+ DeclareQuoteAlias = {
+ arguments = {
+ {delimiters = {"[", "]"}, meta = "variant", optional = true},
+ {meta = "style"},
+ {meta = "alias"}
+ },
+ details = [[
+\DeclareQuoteAlias{first-level alias}{second-level alias}
+This command may be used in the configuration file or in the document
+preamble. The alias may point to a backend style or to another alias.
+Most language aliases refer to a backend style, but some point to an
+intermediate alias instead. If the alias is defined for the sake of the
+`babel` or the `polyglossia` package, its name must be identical to the
+language name used by `babel`/`polyglossia`, i.e. the expansion of
+`\languagename`. See ?? for an illustration of how quote styles,
+aliases, and package options interact. A list of all aliases defined by
+default is given in ??.
+ },
+ DeclareQuoteGlyph = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "encoding"}, {meta = "position"}},
+ details = [[
+ },
+ DeclareQuoteOption = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "style"}},
+ details = [[
+When using the new option, the name of the quote style will serve as the
+key. The value may be any style variant defined for the respective
+style. The package option will select a variant by defining an alias
+pointing to the desired backend style. This command is available in the
+configuration file only. See ?? for an illustration of how quote styles,
+aliases, and package options interact.
+ },
+ DeclareQuoteStyle = {
+ arguments = {
+ {delimiters = {"[", "]"}, meta = "variant", optional = true},
+ {meta = "style"},
+ {delimiters = {"[", "]"}, meta = "outer init", optional = true},
+ {delimiters = {"[", "]"}, meta = "inner init", optional = true}
+ },
+ details = [[
+\DeclareQuoteStyle[variant]{style}[outer init][inner init]\\
+opening outer mark\[middle outer mark\]closing outer mark\[kern\]
+opening inner mark\[middle inner mark\]closing inner mark
+This command may be used in the configuration file or in the document
+preamble. The term &lt;outer> refers to the first quotation level,
+&lt;inner> means quotations within another quotation. A &lt;middle mark>
+is a quotation mark inserted at the beginning of every paragraph within
+a quotation spanning multiple paragraphs. In most cases, the arguments
+defining the quotation marks will simply contain one of the commands
+listed in ??. If both an outer and an inner quotation begin or end
+simultaneously, the kerning specified by the value `kern` will be
+inserted between the adjoining quotation marks. While this value can be
+given in any unit known to TeX , it is advisable to use the relative,
+font-dependent unit &lt;em> instead of absolute units such as points,
+inches, or millimeters. Note that `kern` is used as a fallback value
+only. If the font provides kerning data for the respective pair of
+quotation marks the font's kerning takes precedence. `outer init` and
+`inner init` are all-purpose hooks initializing the quote style.
+Selecting a quote style will make these hooks available to all quotation
+commands without expanding them. The execution of `outer init` will take
+place immediately before the opening outer quote is inserted, but inside
+the group formed by the quotation. `inner init` is executed before the
+opening inner quote is inserted. It is advisable to avoid any global
+assignments in this context to prevent interference with other styles.
+Whenever `inner init` is used `outer init` has to be given as well, even
+if the argument is empty. Refer to ?? for a list of all predefined quote
+styles and their variants. These are the backend styles only, see also
+?? for a list of language aliases. See ?? for some examples as well as
+an illustration of how quote styles, aliases, and package options
+ },
+ EnableQuotes = {
+ details = [[
+Enables all active quotes by redefining the allocated characters and
+making them active. It also restores them when disabled, set to
+verbatim, or overwritten.
+ },
+ ExecuteQuoteOptions = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "key=value,\\,... "}},
+ details = [[
+\ExecuteQuoteOptions{key=value,\,... }
+This command permits presetting package options in the configuration
+file. It may also be used in the document preamble.
+ },
+ MakeAutoQuote = {
+ arguments = {
+ {literal = "*", optional = true},
+ {meta = "character 1"},
+ {meta = "character 2"}
+ },
+ details = [[
+\MakeAutoQuote*{character 1}{character 2}
+All active quotes defined with `\MakeAutoQuote` work like `\enquote`.
+Those defined with `\MakeOuterQuote` and `\MakeInnerQuote` cover only a
+part of this functionality. The former correspond to the outer level of
+`\enquote` whereas the latter correspond to the starred version.
+`\MakeAutoQuote*` is similar to `\MakeInnerQuote`, i.e. it corresponds
+to `\enquote*`.
+ },
+ MakeBlockQuote = {
+ arguments = {
+ {meta = "character 1"},
+ {meta = "delimiter"},
+ {meta = "character 2"}
+ },
+ details = [[
+\MakeBlockQuote{character 1}{delimiter}{character 2}
+The arguments are checked for validity, see ?? for details. All active
+quotes defined with `\MakeBlockQuote` behave essentially the same as
+`\blockquote`, but the handling of the citation is slightly different.
+`character 1` will serve as the opening mark in the source file,
+`character 2` as the closing one. The character indicated by the middle
+argument `delimiter` will serve as a delimiter separating the quoted
+text from the citation which is given last as the active quotes are
+ \MakeBlockQuote{<}{|}{>}
+ ...
+ <text|citation>
+If the delimiter is omitted, the entire text between the opening and the
+closing mark will be treated as quotation text.
+ },
+ MakeForeignBlockQuote = {
+ arguments = {
+ {meta = "lang"},
+ {meta = "character 1"},
+ {meta = "delimiter"},
+ {meta = "character 2"}
+ },
+ details = [[
+\MakeForeignBlockQuote{lang}{character 1}{delimiter}{character 2}
+The active quotes defined with this command are similar in concept and
+function to `\foreignblockquote`. The behavior of the delimiter
+character is similar to `\MakeBlockQuote`.
+ },
+ MakeForeignQuote = {
+ arguments = {
+ {literal = "*", optional = true},
+ {meta = "lang"},
+ {meta = "character 1"},
+ {meta = "character 2"}
+ },
+ details = [[
+\MakeForeignQuote{lang}{character 1}{character 2}
+\MakeForeignQuote*{lang}{character 1}{character 2}
+The active quotes defined with the above commands are similar in concept
+and function to `\foreignquote` and `\foreignquote*`, respectively.
+ },
+ MakeHybridBlockQuote = {
+ arguments = {
+ {meta = "lang"},
+ {meta = "character 1"},
+ {meta = "delimiter"},
+ {meta = "character 2"}
+ },
+ details = [[
+\MakeHybridBlockQuote{lang}{character 1}{delimiter}{character 2}
+The active quotes defined with this command are similar in concept and
+function to `\hybridblockquote`. The behavior of the delimiter character
+is similar to `\MakeBlockQuote`.
+ },
+ MakeHyphenQuote = {
+ arguments = {
+ {literal = "*", optional = true},
+ {meta = "lang"},
+ {meta = "character 1"},
+ {meta = "character 2"}
+ },
+ details = [[
+\MakeHyphenQuote*{lang}{character 1}{character 2}
+The active quotes defined with the above commands are similar in concept
+and function to `\hyphenquote` and `\hyphenquote*`, respectively.
+ },
+ MakeInnerQuote = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "character"}},
+ details = [[
+`\MakeAutoQuote` defines active quotes which toggle between outer and
+inner quotations automatically. The two mandatory arguments serve as
+opening and closing mark and must be distinct:
+ },
+ MakeOuterQuote = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "character"}},
+ details = "$ref:csquotes.sty#/commands/MakeInnerQuote/details"
+ },
+ SetBlockEnvironment = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "environment"}},
+ details = [[
+`\SetBlockThreshold` defines the number of lines or words the block
+quotation facilities use as a threshold when determining whether a
+quotation should be typeset in inline or in display mode. The default is
+three. `\SetBlockEnvironment` specifies the environment used for block
+and display quotations. It takes the name of an existing environment as
+its argument. The default is the `quote` environment provided by most
+document classes. The argument to `\SetCiteCommand` specifies a
+replacement for `\cite` which will be used by all integrated quotation
+facilities to handle citations. It must be a single command which takes
+one or two optional arguments followed by a mandatory one, the citation
+key. The default is `\cite`. The citation commands of the `natbib`,
+`jurabib`, and `biblatex` packages, which take two optional arguments,
+are supported.
+ },
+ SetBlockThreshold = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "integer"}},
+ details = "$ref:csquotes.sty#/commands/SetBlockEnvironment/details"
+ },
+ SetCiteCommand = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "command"}},
+ details = "$ref:csquotes.sty#/commands/SetBlockEnvironment/details"
+ },
+ VerbatimQuotes = {
+ details = [[
+Switches to verbatim active quotes. All active quotes will be printed
+verbatim until their default behavior is restored with `\EnableQuotes`.
+ },
+ blockcquote = {
+ arguments = {
+ {delimiters = {"[", "]"}, meta = "prenote", optional = true},
+ {delimiters = {"[", "]"}, meta = "postnote", optional = true},
+ {meta = "key"},
+ {delimiters = {"[", "]"}, meta = "punct", optional = true},
+ {meta = "text"}
+ },
+ details = [[
+The difference between `\blockcquote` and `\blockquote` is that there
+are three citation arguments instead of one. The handling of these
+citation arguments is similar to `\textcquote`; see ?? for details. Also
+see ?? on how to customize block quotations.
+ },
+ blockquote = {
+ arguments = {
+ {delimiters = {"[", "]"}, meta = "cite", optional = true},
+ {delimiters = {"[", "]"}, meta = "punct", optional = true},
+ {meta = "text"}
+ },
+ details = [[
+This command determines the length of the `text`. If the length exceeds
+a certain threshold, the `text` will be typeset in display mode, i.e. as
+a block quotation. If not, `\blockquote` will behave like `\textquote`.
+Depending on the `thresholdtype` option, the threshold may be based on
+the number of lines required to typeset the `text` or on the number of
+words in the `text`. If the `parthreshold` option has been enabled, any
+explicit paragraph or line break in the `text` will trigger the
+threshold, i.e. it will be typeset in display mode regardless of its
+length. The default threshold setup is three lines with `parthreshold`
+enabled. The default environment used for display quotations is the
+`quote` environment. See ?? on how to change these parameters. Note that
+`csquotes` will force inline quotations in footnotes, parboxes,
+minipages, and floats by default. Use the `csdisplay` option from ?? to
+change this behavior. The optional arguments `cite` and `punct` specify
+the citation and any terminal punctuation of the `text`. `tpunct`
+denotes trailing punctuation after the command. If the `autopunct`
+option is enabled, the quotation commands will scan ahead for
+punctuation marks immediately following their last argument and can move
+them around if required. See ?? on how to change the way these arguments
+are handled and ?? for reasons why you may want to specify the
+punctuation as a separate argument.
+ },
+ closeautoquote = {
+ details = [[
+\openautoquote Opens a nestable quotation.
+\closeautoquote Closes a nestable quotation.
+ },
+ closeinnerquote = {
+ details = [[
+\openinnerquote Opens an inner quotation.
+\closeinnerquote Closes an inner quotation.
+ },
+ enquote = {
+ arguments = {{literal = "*", optional = true}, {meta = "text"}},
+ details = [[
+Like all quotation facilities, this command is context sensitive.
+Depending on the nesting level, it will toggle between outer and inner
+quotation marks with plain and nested quotations. The starred version of
+this command skips directly to the inner level. If multilingual support
+is enabled, the style of all quotation marks will be adapted to the
+current language.
+ },
+ foreignblockcquote = {
+ arguments = {
+ {meta = "lang"},
+ {delimiters = {"[", "]"}, meta = "prenote", optional = true},
+ {delimiters = {"[", "]"}, meta = "postnote", optional = true},
+ {meta = "key"},
+ {delimiters = {"[", "]"}, meta = "punct", optional = true},
+ {meta = "text"}
+ },
+ details = [[
+This command combines `\blockcquote` with `\foreignlanguage`. Long
+quotations will be wrapped in an `otherlanguage*` environment. The
+handling of the citation arguments is similar to `\textcquote`.
+ },
+ foreignblockquote = {
+ arguments = {
+ {meta = "lang"},
+ {delimiters = {"[", "]"}, meta = "cite", optional = true},
+ {delimiters = {"[", "]"}, meta = "punct", optional = true},
+ {meta = "text"}
+ },
+ details = [[
+This command behaves like `\foreignquote` if the quotation is short. If
+it exceeds the threshold, it will be wrapped in an `otherlanguage*`
+environment which is in turn wrapped in a block quotation environment.
+The arguments are handled as with `\blockquote`.
+ },
+ foreignquote = {
+ arguments = {{literal = "*", optional = true}, {meta = "lang"}, {meta = "text"}},
+ details = [[
+This command combines `\enquote` with `\foreignlanguage`. It switches
+hyphenation patterns and enables the extra definitions provided by
+`babel`/`polyglossia` for `lang`, which must be a language name known to
+the respective package. The quotation marks will match the language of
+the quoted piece of text.
+ },
+ foreigntextcquote = {
+ arguments = {
+ {literal = "*", optional = true},
+ {meta = "lang"},
+ {delimiters = {"[", "]"}, meta = "prenote", optional = true},
+ {delimiters = {"[", "]"}, meta = "postnote", optional = true},
+ {meta = "key"},
+ {delimiters = {"[", "]"}, meta = "punct", optional = true},
+ {meta = "text"}
+ },
+ details = [[
+This command combines `\textcquote` with `\foreignlanguage`. The
+handling of the arguments is similar to `\textcquote`.
+ },
+ foreigntextquote = {
+ arguments = {
+ {literal = "*", optional = true},
+ {meta = "lang"},
+ {delimiters = {"[", "]"}, meta = "cite", optional = true},
+ {delimiters = {"[", "]"}, meta = "punct", optional = true},
+ {meta = "text"}
+ },
+ details = [[
+This command combines `\textquote` with `\foreignlanguage`. Apart from
+the language, the arguments are handled as with `\textquote`.
+ },
+ hybridblockcquote = {
+ arguments = {
+ {meta = "lang"},
+ {delimiters = {"[", "]"}, meta = "prenote", optional = true},
+ {delimiters = {"[", "]"}, meta = "postnote", optional = true},
+ {meta = "key"},
+ {delimiters = {"[", "]"}, meta = "punct", optional = true},
+ {meta = "text"}
+ },
+ details = [[
+This command behaves like `\hyphenblockcquote` if the quotation is
+short, and like `\foreignblockquote` if it is long. The handling of the
+citation arguments is similar to `\textcquote`.
+ },
+ hybridblockquote = {
+ arguments = {
+ {meta = "lang"},
+ {delimiters = {"[", "]"}, meta = "cite", optional = true},
+ {delimiters = {"[", "]"}, meta = "punct", optional = true},
+ {meta = "text"}
+ },
+ details = [[
+This command behaves like `\hyphenquote` if the quotation is short. If
+it exceeds the threshold, the command behaves like `\foreignblockquote`.
+In other words, it combines features of `\foreignblockquote` and
+`\hyphenblockquote`. The arguments are handled as with `\blockquote`.
+ },
+ hyphenquote = {
+ arguments = {{literal = "*", optional = true}, {meta = "lang"}, {meta = "text"}},
+ details = [[
+This command combines `\enquote` with the `hyphenrules` environment,
+that is, it merely switches hyphenation patterns. The quotation marks
+will match the language of the text surrounding the quotation.
+ },
+ hyphentextcquote = {
+ arguments = {
+ {literal = "*", optional = true},
+ {meta = "lang"},
+ {delimiters = {"[", "]"}, meta = "prenote", optional = true},
+ {delimiters = {"[", "]"}, meta = "postnote", optional = true},
+ {meta = "key"},
+ {delimiters = {"[", "]"}, meta = "punct", optional = true},
+ {meta = "text"}
+ },
+ details = [[
+This command combines `\textcquote` with the `hyphenrules` environment.
+The handling of the arguments is similar to `\textcquote`.
+ },
+ hyphentextquote = {
+ arguments = {
+ {literal = "*", optional = true},
+ {meta = "lang"},
+ {delimiters = {"[", "]"}, meta = "cite", optional = true},
+ {delimiters = {"[", "]"}, meta = "punct", optional = true},
+ {meta = "text"}
+ },
+ details = [[
+This command combines `\textquote` with the `hyphenrules` environment.
+Apart from the language, the arguments are handled as with `\textquote`.
+ },
+ ifblockquote = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "true"}, {meta = "false"}},
+ details = [[
+Expands to `true` in all block and display quotations, and to `false`
+ },
+ ifpunctmark = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "character"}, {meta = "true"}, {meta = "false"}},
+ details = [[
+Expands to `true` if preceeded by the punctuation mark `character`, and
+to `false` otherwise. The `character` may be a period, a comma, a
+semicolon, a colon, an exclamation mark, or a question mark. Note that
+this test is only available in the definition of the hooks from ??.
+ },
+ ifterm = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "true"}, {meta = "false"}},
+ details = [[
+Expands to `true` if preceeded by a terminal punctuation mark (period,
+exclamation mark, or question mark), and to `false` otherwise. Note that
+this test is only available in the definition of the hooks from ??.
+ },
+ iftextpunct = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "text"}, {meta = "true"}, {meta = "false"}},
+ details = [[
+Executes `true` if the `text` ends with any punctuation mark, and to
+`false` otherwise. This command is robust.
+ },
+ initiquote = {
+ details = [[
+\initoquote Executes the outer initialization hook.
+\initiquote Executes the inner initialization hook.
+ },
+ initoquote = {details = "$ref:csquotes.sty#/commands/initiquote/details"},
+ mkbegdispquote = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "punct"}, {meta = "cite"}},
+ details = [[
+The `\mkbegdispquote` and `\mkenddispquote` hooks are used by
+`displayquote` and related environments from ??. These hooks take two
+The `punct` argument passed to the `\begin` line of the environment. If
+there is no `punct` argument, this parameter is empty.
+The `cite` argument passed to the environment, wrapped in `\mkcitation`.
+If there is no `cite` argument, this parameter is empty. With integrated
+quotation environments, this parameter is the citation code, wrapped in
+By default, `\mkenddispquote` adds the `punct` argument as well as the
+`cite` argument or the citation code at the very end of the quotation.
+`\mkbegdispquote` does not insert anything be default. This is
+equivalent to the following definition:
+ \newcommand{<<\mkbegdispquote>>}[2]{}
+ \newcommand{<<\mkenddispquote>>}[2]{#1#2}
+See ?? for practical examples.
+ },
+ mkcitation = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "cite"}},
+ details = [[
+All facilities which take a `cite` argument will pass it to the
+`\mkcitation` hook, which may be redefined to format the citation.
+`\mkcitation` will only be executed if there is a citation. The default
+behavior is to separate the citation from the preceding text by an
+interword space and enclose it in parentheses. This is equivalent to the
+following definition:
+ [showspaces=true]
+ \newcommand*{<<\mkcitation>>}[1]{ (#1)}
+ },
+ mkenddispquote = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "punct"}, {meta = "cite"}},
+ details = "$ref:csquotes.sty#/commands/mkbegdispquote/details"
+ },
+ mktextquote = {
+ arguments = {
+ {meta = "open"},
+ {meta = "text"},
+ {meta = "close"},
+ {meta = "punct"},
+ {meta = "tpunct"},
+ {meta = "cite"}
+ },
+ details = [[
+The `\mktextquote` hook controls the layout of all text quotations. This
+hook is used by `\textquote` and related commands from ??. `\blockquote`
+and related commands from ?? use this hook for short quotations. It
+takes six arguments which may be arranged according to the desired
+The opening quotation mark.
+The `text` argument of the command.
+The closing quotation mark.
+The optional `punct` argument of the command. If there is no `punct`
+argument, this parameter is empty.
+Trailing `tpunct` punctuation immediately after the command. If there is
+no such punctuation or if the `autopunct` feature is disabled, this
+parameter is empty.
+The optional `cite` argument of the command, wrapped in `\mkcitation`.
+If there is no `cite` argument, this parameter is empty. With integrated
+quotation commands, this parameter is the citation code, wrapped in
+By default, `\mktextquote` encloses the `punct` argument in the
+quotation marks along with the `text` and inserts the `cite` argument or
+the citation code before any trailing `tpunct` punctuation. This is
+equivalent to the following definition:
+ \newcommand{<<\mktextquote>>}[6]{#1#2#4#3#6#5}
+The way in which `\mktextquote` hooks into the formatting process is
+best seen when looking at an example. The commands
+ \textquote[<<cite>>]{<<short quote>>}
+ \textcquote[<<55>>]{<<key1>>}[<<.>>]{<<short quote>>}
+ \blockcquote[<<87>>]{<<key2>>}{<<short quote>>}<<.>>
+would execute `\mktextquote` with the following arguments:
+ \mktextquote{open}{<<short quote>>}{close}{}{}{\mkcitation{<<cite>>}}
+ \mktextquote{open}{<<short quote>>}{close}{<<.>>}{}{\mkccitation{\cite[<<55>>]{<<key1>>}}}
+ \mktextquote{open}{<<short quote>>}{close}{}{<<.>>}{\mkccitation{\cite[<<87>>]{<<key2>>}}}
+where `\cite` is the command selected with `\SetCiteCommand` and
+`open`/`close` are internal macros which print the opening and closing
+quotation marks. Note that these internal macros are fully-fledged
+markup elements with grouping and nesting control. They must be placed
+in the correct order, otherwise `csquotes` will report errors about
+unbalanced groups or invalidly nested quotations. Since the `text`
+should obviously be enclosed in the quotation marks, the parameter order
+`#1#2#3` is effectively fixed. The parameters `#4`, `#5`, `#6` may be
+placed freely.
+ },
+ openautoquote = {details = "$ref:csquotes.sty#/commands/closeautoquote/details"},
+ openinnerquote = {details = "$ref:csquotes.sty#/commands/closeinnerquote/details"},
+ setquotestyle = {
+ arguments = {
+ {delimiters = {"[", "]"}, meta = "variant", optional = true},
+ {meta = "style"}
+ },
+ details = [[
+The regular form of this command selects a quote style and disables
+multilingual support. Its mandatory argument may be a quote style or an
+alias. If it is a quote style, the optional argument indicates the style
+variant. The starred version, which takes no arguments, enables
+multilingual support. Please refer to ?? for a list of available styles,
+style variants, and language aliases.
+ },
+ textciquote = {
+ details = [[
+\textciquote Prints the closing inner quotation mark.
+\textmiquote Prints the middle inner quotation mark.
+ },
+ textcoquote = {
+ details = [[
+\textooquote Prints the opening outer quotation mark of the currently active quote style.
+\textcoquote Prints the closing outer quotation mark.
+\textmoquote Prints the middle outer quotation mark.
+ },
+ textcquote = {
+ arguments = {
+ {literal = "*", optional = true},
+ {delimiters = {"[", "]"}, meta = "prenote", optional = true},
+ {delimiters = {"[", "]"}, meta = "postnote", optional = true},
+ {meta = "key"},
+ {delimiters = {"[", "]"}, meta = "punct", optional = true},
+ {meta = "text"}
+ },
+ details = [[
+The `text` may be any arbitrary piece of text to be enclosed in
+quotation marks. The optional arguments `cite` and `punct` specify the
+citation and any terminal punctuation of `text`. `tpunct` denotes
+trailing punctuation after the command. If the `autopunct` option is
+enabled, the quotation commands will scan ahead for punctuation marks
+immediately following their last argument and can move them around if
+required. See ?? on how to change the way these arguments are handled
+and ?? for reasons why you may want to specify the punctuation as a
+separate argument. The starred version of this command skips directly to
+the inner quotation level. The remaining arguments are handed over to
+`\cite`. Note that `\cite` normally supports one optional argument only.
+`prenote` is only available in conjunction with the `natbib`, `jurabib`,
+and `biblatex` packages. How these arguments are handled depends on the
+citation command. With `natbib` and `biblatex`, `prenote` is in fact a
+notice such as &lt;see>. With jurabib, this argument has a different
+function by default. The argument `postnote`, which is always available,
+indicates the citation postnote. This is usually a page number. `key` is
+the citation key. See ?? on how to customize the citation.
+ },
+ textelp = {
+ arguments = {{literal = "*", optional = true}, {meta = "text"}},
+ details = [[
+When used with an empty `text` argument, this command prints an ellipsis
+symbol to indicate the omission of material from the quoted material.
+When used with a non-empty argument, the ellipsis symbol is followed by
+the `text` enclosed in square brackets to indicate that the `text` has
+been added after the omitted material. The starred version reverts the
+order, i.e. it prints the `text` followed by an ellipsis symbol to
+indicate that the `text` has been added before the omitted material. In
+sum, there are three ways to use this command:
+ [escapechar={\%},escapebegin={\rmfamily}]
+ \textelp{} %= \textelp{} %
+ \textelp{text} %= \textelp{text} %
+ \textelp*{text} %= \textelp*{text} %
+The insertion of text or individual letters may be indicated with the
+following command:
+ },
+ textins = {
+ arguments = {{literal = "*", optional = true}, {meta = "text"}},
+ details = [[
+By default, `\textins` will enclose the `text` added to the quoted
+material in square brackets. The starred version is intended for minor
+changes, such as the capitalization of a word, which are required to
+adapt the quoted material to the new context in which it is quoted.
+ [escapechar={\%},escapebegin={\rmfamily}]
+ \textins{text} %= \textins{text} %
+ \textins*{T}ext %= \textins*{T}ext %
+The deletion of individual letters may be indicated with the following
+ },
+ textmiquote = {details = "$ref:csquotes.sty#/commands/textciquote/details"},
+ textmoquote = {details = "$ref:csquotes.sty#/commands/textcoquote/details"},
+ textooquote = {details = "$ref:csquotes.sty#/commands/textcoquote/details"},
+ textquote = {
+ arguments = {
+ {literal = "*", optional = true},
+ {delimiters = {"[", "]"}, meta = "cite", optional = true},
+ {delimiters = {"[", "]"}, meta = "punct", optional = true},
+ {meta = "text"}
+ },
+ details = [[
+The `text` may be any arbitrary piece of text to be enclosed in
+quotation marks. The optional arguments `cite` and `punct` specify the
+citation and any terminal punctuation of `text`. `tpunct` denotes
+trailing punctuation after the command. If the `autopunct` option is
+enabled, the quotation commands will scan ahead for punctuation marks
+immediately following their last argument and can move them around if
+required. See ?? on how to change the way these arguments are handled
+and ?? for reasons why you may want to specify the punctuation as a
+separate argument. The starred version of this command skips directly to
+the inner quotation level. Here are some usage examples:
+ \textquote{...}
+ \textquote[][.]{...}
+ \textquote[Doe 1990, 67]{...}
+ \textquote[{\cite[67]{doe90}}]{...}
+Note the use of the optional arguments in the examples above. As seen in
+the second example, `cite` is required whenever `punct` is used, even if
+it is empty. Also keep in mind that an optional argument containing
+square brackets must be wrapped in an additional pair of curly braces as
+shown in the last example. When working with automated citations, you
+might also want to learn about the integrated quotation facilities
+presented in ??.
+ },
+ unspace = {
+ details = [[
+Removes preceding whitespace, i.e. removes all skips and penalties from
+the end of the current horizontal list.
+ }
+environments = {
+ displaycquote = {
+ arguments = {
+ {delimiters = {"[", "]"}, meta = "prenote", optional = true},
+ {delimiters = {"[", "]"}, meta = "postnote", optional = true},
+ {meta = "key"},
+ {delimiters = {"[", "]"}, meta = "punct", optional = true}
+ },
+ details = [[
+\begin{displaycquote}[prenote][postnote]{key}[punct] ... \end{displaycquote}
+The difference between `displaycquote` and its more basic counterpart is
+that there are three citation arguments instead of one. The placement of
+the citation is similar to `displayquote`. The handling of the citation
+arguments is similar to `\textcquote`, see ?? for details. See ?? on how
+to customize this environment. Also see ?? on how to change the way the
+optional arguments are handled and ?? for reasons why you may want to
+specify the punctuation as a separate argument. There are two
+environments which combine `displaycquote` with the language switches of
+the `babel` or the `polyglossia` package:
+ },
+ displayquote = {
+ arguments = {
+ {delimiters = {"[", "]"}, meta = "cite", optional = true},
+ {delimiters = {"[", "]"}, meta = "punct", optional = true}
+ },
+ details = [[
+\begin{displayquote}[cite][punct] ... \end{displayquote}
+The optional arguments `cite` and `punct` specify the citation and any
+terminal punctuation of the quotation. See ?? on how to customize this
+environment. Also see ?? on how to change the way the optional arguments
+are handled and ?? for reasons why you may want to specify the
+punctuation as a separate argument. Trailing white space at the end of
+the environment is removed automatically. There are two additional
+environments which combine `displayquote` with the language switches of
+the `babel` or the `polyglossia` package:
+ },
+ hyphendisplaycquote = {
+ arguments = {
+ {meta = "lang"},
+ {delimiters = {"[", "]"}, meta = "prenote", optional = true},
+ {delimiters = {"[", "]"}, meta = "postnote", optional = true},
+ {meta = "key"},
+ {delimiters = {"[", "]"}, meta = "punct", optional = true}
+ },
+ details = [[
+\begin{hyphendisplaycquote}{lang}[prenote][postnote]{key}[punct] ... \end{hyphendisplaycquote}
+This environment combines `displaycquote` with `hyphenrules`. Apart from
+the language, the arguments are handled as with `displaycquote`.
+ },
+ hyphendisplayquote = {
+ arguments = {
+ {meta = "lang"},
+ {delimiters = {"[", "]"}, meta = "cite", optional = true},
+ {delimiters = {"[", "]"}, meta = "punct", optional = true}
+ },
+ details = [[
+\begin{hyphendisplayquote}{lang}[cite][punct] ... \end{hyphendisplayquote}
+This environment combines `displayquote` with `hyphenrules`. Apart from
+the language, the arguments are handled as with `displayquote`.
+ }
diff --git a/support/digestif/data/etoolbox.sty.tags b/support/digestif/data/etoolbox.sty.tags
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7e9f06556f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/support/digestif/data/etoolbox.sty.tags
@@ -0,0 +1,1285 @@
+-- Copyright 2007-2011 Philipp Lehman
+-- Copyright 2015-2020 Joseph Wright
+-- Copyright 2022 Augusto Stoffel
+-- SPDX-License-Identifier: LPPL-1.3c+
+-- Adapted form the etoolbox package documentation, which can be found
+-- at
+ctan_package = "etoolbox"
+dependencies = {"etex.sty"}
+commands = {
+ AfterEndPreamble = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "code"}},
+ details = [[
+This hook differs from `\AtBeginDocument` in that the `code` is executed
+at the very end of `\begin{document}`, after any `\AtBeginDocument`
+code. Note that commands whose scope has been restricted to the preamble
+with `\@onlypreamble` are no longer available when this hook is
+ },
+ AfterPreamble = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "code"}},
+ details = [[
+This hook is a variant of `\AtBeginDocument` which may be used in both
+the preamble and the document body. When used in the preamble, it
+behaves exactely like `\AtBeginDocument`. When used in the document
+body, it immediately executes its `code` argument. `\AtBeginDocument`
+would issue an error in this case. This hook is useful to defer code
+which needs to write to the main `aux` file.
+ },
+ AtBeginEnvironment = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "environment"}, {meta = "code"}},
+ details = [[
+Appends arbitrary `code` to a hook executed by the `\begin` command at
+the beginning of a given `environment`, immediately before
+`\environment`, inside the group opened by `\begin`.
+ },
+ BeforeBeginEnvironment = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "environment"}, {meta = "code"}},
+ details = [[
+Appends arbitrary `code` to a hook executed at a very early point by the
+`\begin` command, before the group holding the environment is opened.
+ },
+ DeclareListParser = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "command"}, {meta = "separator"}},
+ details = [[
+This command defines a list parser similar to the `\docsvlist` command
+below, which is defined like this:
+ \DeclareListParser{\docsvlist}{,}
+Note that the list parsers are sensitive to the category code of the
+ },
+ appto = {
+ details = [[
+This command appends arbitrary `code` to a `hook`. If the `code`
+contains any parameter characters, they need not be doubled. This
+command is robust.
+ },
+ booltrue = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "name"}},
+ details = [[
+Sets the boolean flag `name` to `true`. This command is robust and may
+be prefixed with `\global`. It will issue an error if the flag is
+ },
+ csappto = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "csname"}, {meta = "code"}},
+ details = [[
+Similar to `\appto` except that it takes a control sequence name as its
+first argument.
+ },
+ csdef = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "csname"}},
+ details = [[
+\csdef{csname}<arguments>{replacement text}
+Similar to the TeX primitive `\def` except that it takes a control
+sequence name as its first argument. This command is robust and
+corresponds to `\@namedef`.
+ },
+ csdimdef = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "csname"}, {meta = "dimen expression"}},
+ details = [[
+\csdimdef{csname}{dimen expression}
+Similar to `\dimdef` except that it takes a control sequence name as its
+first argument.
+ },
+ cseappto = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "csname"}, {meta = "code"}},
+ details = [[
+Similar to `\eappto` except that it takes a control sequence name as its
+first argument.
+ },
+ csedef = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "csname"}},
+ details = [[
+\csedef{csname}<arguments>{replacement text}
+Similar to the TeX primitive `\edef` except that it takes a control
+sequence name as its first argument. This command is robust.
+ },
+ csepreto = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "csname"}, {meta = "code"}},
+ details = [[
+Similar to `\epreto` except that it takes a control sequence name as its
+first argument.
+ },
+ csgluedef = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "csname"}, {meta = "glue expression"}},
+ details = [[
+\csgluedef{csname}{glue expression}
+Similar to `\gluedef` except that it takes a control sequence name as
+its first argument.
+ },
+ cslet = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "csname"}, {meta = "command"}},
+ details = [[
+Similar to the TeX primitive `\let` except that the first argument is a
+control sequence name. If `command` is undefined, `csname` will be
+undefined as well after the assignment. This command is robust and may
+be prefixed with `\global`.
+ },
+ csletcs = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "csname"}, {meta = "csname"}},
+ details = [[
+Similar to the TeX primitive `\let` except that both arguments are
+control sequence names. If the second `csname` is undefined, the first
+`csname` will be undefined as well after the assignment. This command is
+robust and may be prefixed with `\global`.
+ },
+ csmeaning = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "csname"}},
+ details = [[
+Similar to the TeX primitive `\meaning` but takes a control sequence
+name as its argument. If the control sequence is undefined, this command
+will not implicitly assign a meaning of `\relax` to it.
+ },
+ csmudef = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "csname"}, {meta = "muglue expression"}},
+ details = [[
+\csmudef{csname}{muglue expression}
+Similar to `\mudef` except that it takes a control sequence name as its
+first argument.
+ },
+ csnumdef = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "csname"}, {meta = "integer expression"}},
+ details = [[
+\csnumdef{csname}{integer expression}
+Similar to `\numdef` except that it takes a control sequence name as its
+first argument.
+ },
+ cspreto = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "csname"}, {meta = "code"}},
+ details = [[
+Similar to `\preto` except that it takes a control sequence name as its
+first argument.
+ },
+ csundef = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "csname"}},
+ details = [[
+Similar to `\undef` except that it takes a control sequence name as its
+argument. This command is robust and may be prefixed with `\global`.
+ },
+ defcounter = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "counter"}, {meta = "integer expression"}},
+ details = [[
+\defcounter{counter}{integer expression}
+Assigns a value to a LaTeX `counter` previously initialized with
+`\newcounter`. This command is similar in concept and syntax to
+`\setcounter` except for two major differences. 1) The second argument
+may be an `integer expression` which will be processed with `\numexpr`.
+The `integer expression` may be any arbitrary code which is valid in
+this context. The value assigned to the `counter` will be the result of
+that calculation. 2) In contrast to `\setcounter`, the assignment is
+local by default but `\defcounter` may be prefixed with `\global`. The
+functional equivalent of `\setcounter` would be `\global``\defcounter`.
+ },
+ dimdef = {
+ details = [[
+\dimdef<command>{dimen expression}
+Similar to `\edef` except that the `dimen expression` is processed with
+`\dimexpr`. The `dimen expression` may be any arbitrary code which is
+valid in this context. The replacement text assigned to the `command`
+will be the result of that calculation. If the `command` is undefined,
+it will be initialized to `0pt` before the `dimen expression` is
+ },
+ docsvlist = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "item, item, ..."}},
+ details = [[
+\docsvlist{item, item, ...}
+This command loops over a comma-separated list of items and executes the
+auxiliary command `\do` for every item in the list, passing the item as
+an argument. In contrast to the `\@for` loop in the LaTeX kernel,
+`\docsvlist` is expandable. With a suitable definition of `\do`, lists
+may be processed in an `\edef` or a comparable context. You may use
+`\listbreak` at the end of the replacement text of `\do` to stop
+processing and discard the remaining items in the list. Whitespace after
+list separators is ignored. If an item contains a comma or starts with a
+space, it must be wrapped in curly braces. The braces will be removed as
+the list is processed. Here is a usage example which prints a
+comma-separated list as an `itemize` environment:
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \renewcommand*{\do}[1]{\item #1}
+ \docsvlist{item1, item2, {item3a, item3b}, item4}
+ \end{itemize}
+Here is another example:
+ \renewcommand*{\do}[1]{* #1\MessageBreak}
+ \PackageInfo{mypackage}{%
+ Example list:\MessageBreak
+ \docsvlist{item1, item2, {item3a, item3b}, item4}}
+In this example, the list is written to the log file as part of an
+informational message. The list processing takes place during the
+`\write` operation.
+ },
+ dolistloop = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "listmacro"}},
+ details = [[
+This command loops over all items in a `listmacro` and executes the
+auxiliary command `\do` for every item in the list, passing the item as
+an argument. The list loop itself is expandable. You may use
+`\listbreak` at the end of the replacement text of `\do` to stop
+processing and discard the remaining items in the list. Here is a usage
+example which prints an internal list called `\mylist` as an `itemize`
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \renewcommand*{\do}[1]{\item #1}
+ \dolistloop{\mylist}
+ \end{itemize}
+ },
+ eappto = {
+ details = [[
+This command appends arbitrary `code` to a `hook`. The `code` is
+expanded at definition-time. Only the new `code` is expanded, the
+current replacement text of the `hook` is not. This command is robust.
+ },
+ epreto = {
+ details = [[
+Similar to `\eappto` except that the `code` is prepended.
+ },
+ expandonce = {
+ details = [[
+This command expands a `command` once and prevents further expansion of
+the replacement text. This command is expandable.
+ },
+ forlistloop = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "handler"}, {meta = "listmacro"}},
+ details = [[
+This command is similar to `\dolistloop` except that `\do` is replaced
+by a `handler` specified at invocation time. The `handler` may also be a
+sequence of commands, provided that the command given last takes the
+item as trailing argument. For example, the following code will prefix
+all items in the internal list `\mylist` with `\item`, count the items
+as the list is processed, and append the item count at the end:
+ \newcounter{itemcount}
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \forlistloop{\stepcounter{itemcount}\item}{\mylist}
+ \item Total: \number\value{itemcount} items
+ \end{itemize}
+ },
+ gluedef = {
+ details = [[
+\gluedef<command>{glue expression}
+Similar to `\edef` except that the `glue expression` is processed with
+`\glueexpr`. The `glue expression` may be any arbitrary code which is
+valid in this context. The replacement text assigned to the `command`
+will be the result of that calculation. If the `command` is undefined,
+it will be initialized to `0pt plus 0pt minus 0pt` before the
+`glue expression` is processed.
+ },
+ ifblank = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "string"}, {meta = "true"}, {meta = "false"}},
+ details = [[
+Expands to `true` if the `string` is blank (empty or spaces), and to
+`false` otherwise. The `string` is not expanded in the test.
+ },
+ ifboolexpr = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "expression"}, {meta = "true"}, {meta = "false"}},
+ details = [[
+Evaluates the `expression` and executes `true` if it is true, and
+`false` otherwise. The `expression` is evaluated sequentially from left
+to right. The following elements, discussed in more detail below, are
+available in the `expression`: the test operators `togl`, `bool`,
+`test`; the logical operators `not`, `and`, `or`; and the subexpression
+delimiter `(...)`. Spaces, tabs, and line endings may be used freely to
+arrange the `expression` visually. Blank lines are not permissible in
+the `expression`. This command is robust.
+ },
+ ifcsdimen = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "csname"}, {meta = "true"}, {meta = "false"}},
+ details = [[
+Similar to `\ifdefdimen` except that it takes a control sequence name as
+its first argument.
+ },
+ ifcslength = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "csname"}, {meta = "true"}, {meta = "false"}},
+ details = [[
+Similar to `\ifdeflength` except that it takes a control sequence name
+as its first argument.
+ },
+ ifdef = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "control sequence"}, {meta = "true"}, {meta = "false"}},
+ details = [[
+\ifdef{control sequence}{true}{false}
+Expands to `true` if the `control sequence` is defined, and to `false`
+otherwise. Note that control sequences will be considered as defined
+even if their meaning is `\relax`. This command is a LaTeX wrapper for
+the e-TeX primitive `\ifdefined`.
+ },
+ ifdefcounter = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "control sequence"}, {meta = "true"}, {meta = "false"}},
+ details = [[
+\ifdefcounter{control sequence}{true}{false}
+Expands to `true` if the `control sequence` is a TeX `\count` register
+allocated with `\newcount`, and to `false` otherwise.
+ },
+ ifdefempty = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "control sequence"}, {meta = "true"}, {meta = "false"}},
+ details = [[
+\ifdefempty{control sequence}{true}{false}
+Expands to `true` if the `control sequence` is defined and is a
+parameterless macro whose replacement text is empty, and to `false`
+otherwise. In contrast to `\ifx`, this test ignores the prefixes of the
+ },
+ ifdefequal = {
+ arguments = {
+ {meta = "control sequence"},
+ {meta = "control sequence"},
+ {meta = "true"},
+ {meta = "false"}
+ },
+ details = [[
+\ifdefequal{control sequence}{control sequence}{true}{false}
+Compares two control sequences and expands to `true` if they are equal
+in the sense of `\ifx`, and to `false` otherwise. In contrast to `\ifx`,
+this test will also yield `false` if both control sequences are
+undefined or have a meaning of `\relax`.
+ },
+ ifdefltxprotect = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "control sequence"}, {meta = "true"}, {meta = "false"}},
+ details = [[
+\ifdefltxprotect{control sequence}{true}{false}
+Executes `true` if the `control sequence` is defined and is a LaTeX
+protection shell, and `false` otherwise. This command is robust. It will
+detect commands which have been defined with `\DeclareRobustCommand` or
+by way of a similar technique.
+ },
+ ifdefmacro = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "control sequence"}, {meta = "true"}, {meta = "false"}},
+ details = [[
+\ifdefmacro{control sequence}{true}{false}
+Expands to `true` if the `control sequence` is defined and is a macro,
+and to `false` otherwise.
+ },
+ ifdefparam = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "control sequence"}, {meta = "true"}, {meta = "false"}},
+ details = [[
+\ifdefparam{control sequence}{true}{false}
+Expands to `true` if the `control sequence` is defined and is a macro
+with one or more parameters, and to `false` otherwise.
+ },
+ ifdefprefix = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "control sequence"}, {meta = "true"}, {meta = "false"}},
+ details = [[
+\ifdefprefix{control sequence}{true}{false}
+Expands to `true` if the `control sequence` is defined and is a macro
+prefixed with `\long` and/or `\protected`, and to `false` otherwise.
+Note that `\outer` macros may not be tested.
+ },
+ ifdefprotected = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "control sequence"}, {meta = "true"}, {meta = "false"}},
+ details = [[
+\ifdefprotected{control sequence}{true}{false}
+Expands to `true` if the `control sequence` is defined and is a macro
+prefixed with `\protected`, and to `false` otherwise.
+ },
+ ifdefstrequal = {
+ arguments = {
+ {meta = "command"},
+ {meta = "command"},
+ {meta = "true"},
+ {meta = "false"}
+ },
+ details = [[
+Performs a category code agnostic string comparison of the replacement
+text of two commands. This command is similar to `\ifdefstring` except
+that both arguments to be compared are macros. This command is robust.
+ },
+ ifdefstring = {
+ arguments = {
+ {meta = "command"},
+ {meta = "string"},
+ {meta = "true"},
+ {meta = "false"}
+ },
+ details = [[
+Compares the replacement text of a `command` to a `string` and executes
+`true` if they are equal, and `false` otherwise. Neither the `command`
+nor the `string` is expanded in the test and the comparison is category
+code agnostic. Control sequence tokens in the `string` argument will be
+detokenized and treated as strings. This command is robust. Note that it
+will only consider the replacement text of the `command`. For example,
+this test
+ \long\edef\mymacro#1#2{\string&}
+ \ifdefstring{\mymacro}{&}{true}{false}
+would yield `true`. The prefix and the parameters of `\mymacro` as well
+as the category codes in the replacement text are ignored.
+ },
+ ifdefvoid = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "control sequence"}, {meta = "true"}, {meta = "false"}},
+ details = [[
+\ifdefvoid{control sequence}{true}{false}
+Expands to `true` if the `control sequence` is undefined, or is a
+control sequence whose meaning is `\relax`, or is a parameterless macro
+whose replacement text is empty, and to `false` otherwise.
+ },
+ ifdimequal = {
+ arguments = {
+ {meta = "dimen expression"},
+ {meta = "dimen expression"},
+ {meta = "true"},
+ {meta = "false"}
+ },
+ details = [[
+\ifdimequal{dimen expression}{dimen expression}{true}{false}
+Alternative syntax for `\ifdimcomp{...}{=}{...}{...}{...}`.
+ },
+ ifdimless = {
+ arguments = {
+ {meta = "dimen expression"},
+ {meta = "dimen expression"},
+ {meta = "true"},
+ {meta = "false"}
+ },
+ details = [[
+\ifdimless{dimen expression}{dimen expression}{true}{false}
+Alternative syntax for `\ifdimcomp{...}{<}{...}{...}{...}`.
+ },
+ ifinlist = {
+ arguments = {
+ {meta = "item"},
+ {meta = "listmacro"},
+ {meta = "true"},
+ {meta = "false"}
+ },
+ details = [[
+This command executes `true` if the `item` is included in a `listmacro`,
+and `false` otherwise. Note that this test uses pattern matching based
+on TeX 's argument scanner to check if the search string is included in
+the list. This means that it is usually faster than looping over all
+items in the list, but it also implies that the items must not include
+curly braces which would effectively hide them from the scanner. In
+other words, this macro is most useful when dealing with lists of plain
+strings rather than printable data. When dealing with printable text, it
+is safer to use `\dolistloop` to check if an item is in the list as
+ \renewcommand*{\do}[1]{%
+ \ifstrequal{#1}{<<item>>}
+ {item found!\listbreak}
+ {}}
+ \dolistloop{\mylist}
+ },
+ ifinlistcs = {
+ arguments = {
+ {meta = "item"},
+ {meta = "listcsname"},
+ {meta = "true"},
+ {meta = "false"}
+ },
+ details = [[
+Similar to `\ifinlist` except that it takes a control sequence name as
+its second argument.
+ },
+ ifltxcounter = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "name"}, {meta = "true"}, {meta = "false"}},
+ details = [[
+Expands to `true` if `name` is a LaTeX counter allocated with
+`\newcounter`, and to `false` otherwise.
+ },
+ ifnumcomp = {
+ arguments = {
+ {meta = "integer expression"},
+ {meta = "relation"},
+ {meta = "integer expression"},
+ {meta = "true"},
+ {meta = "false"}
+ },
+ details = [[
+\ifnumcomp{integer expression}{relation}{integer expression}{true}{false}
+Compares two integer expressions according to `relation` and expands to
+`true` or `false` depending on the result. The `relation` may be `<`,
+`>`, or `=`. Both integer expressions will be processed with `\numexpr`.
+An `integer expression` may be any arbitrary code which is valid in this
+context. All arithmetic expressions may contain spaces. Here are some
+ \ifnumcomp{<<3>>}{<<>>>}{<<6>>}{true}{<<false>>}
+ \ifnumcomp{<<(7 + 5) / 2>>}{<<=>>}{<<6>>}{<<true>>}{false}
+ \ifnumcomp{<<(7+5) / 4>>}{<<>>>}{<<3*(12-10)>>}{true}{<<false>>}
+ \newcounter{countA}
+ \setcounter{countA}{<<6>>}
+ \newcounter{countB}
+ \setcounter{countB}{<<5>>}
+ \ifnumcomp{<<\value{countA} * \value{countB}/2}>>{<<=>>}{<<15>>}{<<true>>}{false}
+ \ifnumcomp{<<6/2>>}{<<=>>}{<<5/2>>}{<<true>>}{false}
+Technically, this command is a LaTeX wrapper for the TeX primitive
+`\ifnum`, incorporating `\numexpr`. Note that `\numexpr` will round the
+result of all integer expressions, i.e. both expressions will be
+processed and rounded prior to being compared. In the last line of the
+above examples, the result of the second expression is 2.5, which is
+rounded to 3, hence `\ifnumcomp` will expand to `true`.
+ },
+ ifnumgreater = {
+ arguments = {
+ {meta = "integer expression"},
+ {meta = "integer expression"},
+ {meta = "true"},
+ {meta = "false"}
+ },
+ details = [[
+\ifnumgreater{integer expression}{integer expression}{true}{false}
+Alternative syntax for `\ifnumcomp{...}{>}{...}{...}{...}`.
+ },
+ ifnumodd = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "integer expression"}, {meta = "true"}, {meta = "false"}},
+ details = [[
+\ifnumodd{integer expression}{true}{false}
+Evaluates an integer expression and expands to `true` if the result is
+an odd number, and to `false` otherwise. Technically, this command is a
+LaTeX wrapper for the TeX primitive `\ifodd`, incorporating `\numexpr`.
+ },
+ ifpatchable = {
+ arguments = {
+ {literal = "*", optional = true},
+ {meta = "command"},
+ {meta = "true"},
+ {meta = "false"}
+ },
+ details = [[
+Similar to `\ifpatchable` except that the starred variant does not
+require a search pattern. Use this version to check if a command may be
+patched with `\apptocmd` and `\pretocmd`.
+ },
+ ifstrequal = {
+ arguments = {
+ {meta = "string"},
+ {meta = "string"},
+ {meta = "true"},
+ {meta = "false"}
+ },
+ details = [[
+Compares two strings and executes `true` if they are equal, and `false`
+otherwise. The strings are not expanded in the test and the comparison
+is category code agnostic. Control sequence tokens in any of the
+`string` arguments will be detokenized and treated as strings. This
+command is robust.
+ },
+ ifundef = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "control sequence"}, {meta = "true"}, {meta = "false"}},
+ details = [[
+\ifundef{control sequence}{true}{false}
+Expands to `true` if the `control sequence` is undefined, and to `false`
+otherwise. Apart from reversing the logic of the test, this command also
+differs from `\ifdef` in that commands will be considered as undefined
+if their meaning is `\relax`.
+ },
+ listadd = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "listmacro"}, {meta = "item"}},
+ details = [[
+This command appends an `item` to a `listmacro`. A blank `item` is not
+added to the list.
+ },
+ listcsadd = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "listcsname"}, {meta = "item"}},
+ details = [[
+Similar to `\listadd` except that it takes a control sequence name as
+its first argument.
+ },
+ listcseadd = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "listcsname"}, {meta = "item"}},
+ details = [[
+Similar to `\listeadd` except that it takes a control sequence name as
+its first argument.
+ },
+ listcsremove = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "listcsname"}, {meta = "item"}},
+ details = [[
+Similar to `\listremove` except that it takes a control sequence name as
+its first argument.
+ },
+ listeadd = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "listmacro"}, {meta = "item"}},
+ details = [[
+Similar to `\listadd` except that the `item` is expanded at
+definition-time. Only the new `item` is expanded, the `listmacro` is
+not. If the expanded `item` is blank, it is not added to the list.
+ },
+ listremove = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "listmacro"}, {meta = "item"}},
+ details = [[
+This command removes an `item` from a `listmacro`. A blank `item` is
+ },
+ mudef = {
+ details = [[
+\mudef<command>{muglue expression}
+Similar to `\edef` except that the `muglue expression` is processed with
+`\muexpr`. The `muglue expression` may be any arbitrary code which is
+valid in this context. The replacement text assigned to the `command`
+will be the result of that calculation. If the `command` is undefined,
+it will be initialized to `0mu` before the `muglue expression` is
+ },
+ newbool = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "name"}},
+ details = [[
+Defines a new boolean flag called `name`. If the flag has already been
+defined, this command issues an error. The initial state of newly
+defined flags is `false`. This command is robust.
+ },
+ newrobustcmd = {
+ arguments = {
+ {literal = "*", optional = true},
+ {meta = "command"},
+ {delimiters = {"[", "]"}, meta = "arguments", optional = true},
+ {
+ delimiters = {"[", "]"},
+ meta = "optarg default",
+ optional = true
+ },
+ {meta = "replacement text"}
+ },
+ details = [[
+\newrobustcmd{command}[arguments][optarg default]{replacement text}
+\newrobustcmd*{command}[arguments][optarg default]{replacement text}
+The syntax and behavior of this command is similar to `\newcommand`
+except that the newly defined `command` will be robust. The behavior of
+this command differs from the `\DeclareRobustCommand` command from the
+LaTeX kernel in that it issues an error rather than just an
+informational message if the `command` is already defined. Since it uses
+e-TeX 's low-level protection mechanism rather than the corresponding
+higher-level LaTeX facilities, it does not require an additional macro
+to implement the &lt;robustness>.
+ },
+ newtoggle = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "name"}},
+ details = [[
+Defines a new boolean flag called `name`. If the flag has already been
+defined, this command issues an error. The initial state of newly
+defined flags is `false`. This command is robust.
+ },
+ notbool = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "name"}, {meta = "not true"}, {meta = "not false"}},
+ details = [[
+\notbool{name}{not true}{not false}
+Similar to `\ifbool` but negates the test.
+ },
+ nottoggle = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "name"}, {meta = "not true"}, {meta = "not false"}},
+ details = [[
+\nottoggle{name}{not true}{not false}
+Similar to `\iftoggle` but negates the test.
+ },
+ numdef = {
+ details = [[
+\numdef<command>{integer expression}
+Similar to `\edef` except that the `integer expression` is processed
+with `\numexpr`. The `integer expression` may be any arbitrary code
+which is valid in this context. The replacement text assigned to the
+`command` will be the result of that calculation. If the `command` is
+undefined, it will be initialized to `0` before the `integer expression`
+is processed.
+ },
+ patchcmd = {
+ arguments = {
+ {delimiters = {"[", "]"}, meta = "prefix", optional = true},
+ {meta = "command"},
+ {meta = "search"},
+ {meta = "replace"},
+ {meta = "success"},
+ {meta = "failure"}
+ },
+ details = [[
+This command extracts the replacement text of a `command`, replaces
+`search` with `replace`, and reassembles the `command`. The pattern
+match is category code agnostic and matches the first occurence of the
+`search` pattern in the replacement text of the `command` to be patched.
+Note that the patching process involves detokenizing the replacement
+text of the `command` and retokenizing it under the current category
+code regime after patching. The category code of the @ sign is
+temporarily set to 11. If the replacement text of the `command` includes
+any tokens with non-standard category codes, the respective category
+codes must be adjusted prior to patching. If the code to be replaced or
+inserted refers to the parameters of the `command` to be patched, the
+parameter characters need not be doubled. If an optional `prefix` is
+specified, it replaces the prefixes of the `command`. An empty `prefix`
+argument strips all prefixes from the `command`. The assignment is
+local. This command implicitly performs the equivalent of an
+`\ifpatchable` test prior to patching. If this test succeeds, the
+command applies the patch and executes `success`. If the test fails, it
+executes `failure` without modifying the original `command`. This
+command is robust.
+ },
+ preto = {
+ details = [[
+Similar to `\appto` except that the `code` is prepended.
+ },
+ pretocmd = {
+ arguments = {
+ {meta = "command"},
+ {meta = "code"},
+ {meta = "success"},
+ {meta = "failure"}
+ },
+ details = [=[
+This command is similar to `\apptocmd` except that the `code` is
+inserted at the beginning of the replacement text of the `command`. If
+the `command` is a parameterless macro, it behaves like `\preto` from
+section [\[aut:hok:app\]][1]. In contrast to `\preto`, `\pretocmd` may
+also be used to patch commands with parameters. In this case, it will
+detokenize the replacement text of the `command`, apply the patch, and
+retokenize it under the current category code regime. The category code
+of the @ sign is temporarily set to 11. The `code` may refer to the
+parameters of the `command`. The assignment is local. If patching
+succeeds, this command executes `success`. If patching fails, it
+executes `failure` without modifying the original `command`. This
+command is robust.
+ [1]: #aut:hok:app
+ },
+ ["protected@cseappto"] = {
+ details = [[
+Similar to `\protected@eappto` except that it takes a control sequence
+name as its first argument.
+ },
+ ["protected@csedef"] = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "csname"}},
+ details = [[
+\protected@csedef{csname}<arguments>{replacement text}
+Similar to `\csedef` except that LaTeX 's protection mechanism is
+temporarily enabled. To put it in other words: this command is similar
+to the LaTeX kernel command `\protected@edef` except that it takes a
+control sequence name as its first argument. This command is robust.
+ },
+ ["protected@csepreto"] = {
+ details = [[
+Similar to `\protected@epreto` except that it takes a control sequence
+name as its first argument.
+ },
+ ["protected@eappto"] = {
+ details = [[
+Similar to `\eappto` except that LaTeX 's protection mechanism is
+temporarily enabled.
+ },
+ ["protected@epreto"] = {
+ details = [[
+Similar to `\epreto` except that LaTeX 's protection mechanism is
+temporarily enabled.
+ },
+ protecting = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "code"}},
+ details = [[
+This command applies LaTeX 's protection mechanism, which normally
+requires prefixing each fragile command with `\protect`, to an entire
+chunk of arbitrary `code`. Its behavior depends on the current state of
+`\protect`. Note that the braces around the `code` are mandatory even if
+it is a single token.
+ },
+ providerobustcmd = {
+ arguments = {
+ {literal = "*", optional = true},
+ {meta = "command"},
+ {delimiters = {"[", "]"}, meta = "arguments", optional = true},
+ {
+ delimiters = {"[", "]"},
+ meta = "optarg default",
+ optional = true
+ },
+ {meta = "replacement text"}
+ },
+ details = [[
+\providerobustcmd*{command}[arguments][optarg default]{replacement text}
+The syntax and behavior of this command is similar to `\providecommand`
+except that the newly defined `command` will be robust. Note that this
+command will provide a robust definition of the `command` only if it is
+undefined. It will not make an already defined `command` robust.
+ },
+ renewrobustcmd = {
+ arguments = {
+ {literal = "*", optional = true},
+ {meta = "command"},
+ {delimiters = {"[", "]"}, meta = "arguments", optional = true},
+ {
+ delimiters = {"[", "]"},
+ meta = "optarg default",
+ optional = true
+ },
+ {meta = "replacement text"}
+ },
+ details = [[
+\renewrobustcmd*{command}[arguments][optarg default]{replacement text}
+The syntax and behavior of this command is similar to `\renewcommand`
+except that the redefined `command` will be robust.
+ },
+ rmntonum = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "numeral"}},
+ details = [[
+The TeX primitive `\romannumeral` converts an integer to a Roman numeral
+but TeX or LaTeX provide no command which goes the opposite way.
+`\rmntonum` fills this gap. It takes a Roman numeral as its argument and
+converts it to the corresponding integer. Since it is expandable, it may
+also be used in counter assignments or arithmetic tests:
+ <<\rmntonum>>{<<mcmxcv>>}
+ \setcounter{counter}{<<\rmntonum>>{<<CXVI>>}}
+ \ifnumless{<<\rmntonum>>{<<mcmxcviii>>}}{2000}{true}{false}
+The `numeral` argument must be a literal string. It will be detokenized
+prior to parsing. The parsing of the numeral is case-insensitive and
+whitespace in the argument is ignored. If there is an invalid token in
+the argument, `\rmntonum` will expand to `-1`; an empty argument will
+yield an empty string. Note that `\rmntonum` will not check the numeral
+for formal validity. For example, both `V` and `VX` would yield `5`,
+`IC` would yield `99`, etc.
+ },
+ robustify = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "command"}},
+ details = [[
+Redefines a `command` defined with `\newcommand` such that it is robust,
+without altering its parameters, its prefixes, or its replacement text.
+If the `command` has been defined with `\DeclareRobustCommand`, this
+will be detected automatically and LaTeX 's high-level protection
+mechanism will be replaced by the corresponding low-level e-TeX feature.
+ },
+ setbool = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "name"}, {meta = "value"}},
+ details = [[
+Sets the boolean flag `name` to `value` which may be either `true` or
+`false`. This command is robust and may be prefixed with `\global`. It
+will issue an error if the flag is undefined.
+ },
+ settoggle = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "name"}, {meta = "value"}},
+ details = [[
+Sets the boolean flag `name` to `value` which may be either `true` or
+`false`. This command is robust and may be prefixed with `\global`. It
+will issue an error if the flag is undefined.
+ },
+ toggletrue = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "name"}},
+ details = [[
+Sets the boolean flag `name` to `true`. This command is robust and may
+be prefixed with `\global`. It will issue an error if the flag is
+ },
+ undef = {
+ details = [[
+Clears a `command` such that e-TeX 's `\ifdefined` and `\ifcsname` tests
+will consider it as undefined. This command is robust and may be
+prefixed with `\global`.
+ },
+ whileboolexpr = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "expression"}, {meta = "code"}},
+ details = [[
+Evaluates the `expression` like `\ifboolexpr` and repeatedly executes
+the `code` while the expression is true. The `code` may be any valid TeX
+or LaTeX code. This command is robust.
+ }
diff --git a/support/digestif/data/hyperref.sty.tags b/support/digestif/data/hyperref.sty.tags
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..937767676a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/support/digestif/data/hyperref.sty.tags
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+ctan_package = "hyperref"
+commands = {
+ autopageref = "$ref:hyperref.sty#/commands/pageref",
+ autoref = "$ref:hyperref.sty#/commands/ref",
+ href = {
+ arguments = {
+ {delimiters = {"[", "]"}, meta = "options", optional = true},
+ {meta = "URL"},
+ {meta = "text"}
+ },
+ summary = "Create a hyperlink."
+ },
+ nolinkurl = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "URL"}},
+ summary = "Typeset an URL like `\\url`, but without a hyperlink."
+ },
+ pageref = {
+ arguments = {
+ {
+ literal = "*",
+ meta = "star",
+ optional = true,
+ summary = "Do not create a hyperlink."
+ },
+ {list = true, meta = "key"}
+ },
+ documentation = "info:latex2e#\\pageref",
+ summary = "Refer to a page number."
+ },
+ ref = {
+ action = "ref",
+ arguments = {
+ {
+ literal = "*",
+ meta = "star",
+ optional = true,
+ summary = "Do not create a hyperlink."
+ },
+ {list = true, meta = "key"}
+ },
+ documentation = "info:latex2e#\\ref",
+ summary = "Refer to a section, figure or similar."
+ },
+ url = {arguments = {{meta = "URL"}}, summary = "Typeset an URL."}
diff --git a/support/digestif/data/latex-prog.tags b/support/digestif/data/latex-prog.tags
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8b4e173078
--- /dev/null
+++ b/support/digestif/data/latex-prog.tags
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+package = {
+ dependencies = {
+ "latex"
+ },
+ name = "LaTeX style files"
diff --git a/support/digestif/data/latex.tags b/support/digestif/data/latex.tags
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7d8a3bbd53
--- /dev/null
+++ b/support/digestif/data/latex.tags
@@ -0,0 +1,2489 @@
+-- Copyright 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015,
+-- 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 Karl Berry
+-- Copyright 1988, 1994, 2007 Stephen Gilmore
+-- Copyright 1994, 1995, 1996 Torsten Martinsen
+-- Copyright 2022 Augusto Stoffel
+-- SPDX-License-Identifier: GFDL
+-- Adapted from the LaTeX2e Unofficial Reference Manual, which can be
+-- found at
+ctan_package = "latex"
+dependencies = {"primitives"}
+documentation = {
+ {
+ summary = "A (Not So) Short Introduction to LaTeX 2ε",
+ uri = "texmf:doc/latex/lshort-english/lshort.pdf"
+ },
+ {
+ summary = "LaTeX 2ε for authors",
+ uri = "texmf:doc/latex/base/usrguide.pdf"
+ },
+ {
+ summary = "LaTeX 2ε for class and package writers",
+ uri = "texmf:doc/latex/base/clsguide.pdf"
+ }
+commands = {
+ [" "] = {
+ documentation = "info:latex2e#LaTeX command syntax",
+ summary = "An explicit space."
+ },
+ ["!"] = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Spacing in math mode"},
+ ["\""] = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Accents"},
+ ["#"] = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Reserved characters"},
+ ["$"] = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Reserved characters"},
+ ["%"] = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Reserved characters"},
+ ["&"] = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Reserved characters"},
+ ["'"] = {documentation = "info:latex2e#tabbing"},
+ ["("] = {summary = "Begin inline mathematics."},
+ [")"] = {summary = "End inline mathematics."},
+ ["*"] = {
+ documentation = "info:latex2e#\\*",
+ summary = "Discretionary multiplication."
+ },
+ ["+"] = {documentation = "info:latex2e#tabbing"},
+ [","] = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Spacing in math mode"},
+ ["-"] = {
+ documentation = "info:latex2e#\\- (hyphenation)",
+ summary = "Insert explicit hyphenation."
+ },
+ ["."] = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Accents"},
+ ["/"] = {documentation = "info:latex2e#\\/", summary = "Italic correction."},
+ [":"] = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Spacing in math mode"},
+ [";"] = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Spacing in math mode"},
+ ["<"] = {documentation = "info:latex2e#tabbing"},
+ ["="] = {documentation = "info:latex2e#tabbing"},
+ [">"] = {documentation = "info:latex2e#tabbing"},
+ ["@"] = {
+ documentation = "info:latex2e#\\@",
+ summary = "Distinguish sentence-ending periods from abbreviations."
+ },
+ ["@@beginparpenalty"] = {},
+ ["@@endparpenalty"] = {},
+ ["@@itempenalty"] = {},
+ ["@beginparpenalty"] = {documentation = "info:latex2e#list"},
+ ["@endparpenalty"] = {documentation = "info:latex2e#list"},
+ ["@fnsymbol"] = {documentation = "info:latex2e#\\footnote"},
+ ["@ifstar"] = {
+ documentation = "info:latex2e#\\@ifstar",
+ summary = "Define your own commands with *-variants."
+ },
+ ["@itempenalty"] = {documentation = "info:latex2e#list"},
+ ["@startsection"] = {
+ arguments = {
+ {meta = "name"},
+ {meta = "level"},
+ {meta = "indent"},
+ {meta = "beforeskip"},
+ {meta = "afterskip"},
+ {meta = "style"}
+ },
+ documentation = "info:latex2e#\\@startsection",
+ summary = "Layout of sectional units."
+ },
+ AA = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Additional Latin letters"},
+ AE = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Additional Latin letters"},
+ Alph = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "counter"}},
+ documentation = "info:latex2e#\\alph \\Alph \\arabic \\roman \\Roman \\fnsymbol",
+ summary = "Print value of a counter."
+ },
+ AtBeginDocument = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "code"}},
+ documentation = "info:latex2e#\\AtBeginDocument",
+ summary = "Hook for commands at the start of the document."
+ },
+ AtBeginDvi = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "specials"}},
+ documentation = "info:latex2e#Class and package commands"
+ },
+ AtEndDocument = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "code"}},
+ documentation = "info:latex2e#\\AtEndDocument",
+ summary = "Hook for commands at the end of the document."
+ },
+ AtEndOfClass = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "code"}},
+ documentation = "info:latex2e#Class and package commands"
+ },
+ AtEndOfPackage = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "code"}},
+ documentation = "info:latex2e#Class and package commands"
+ },
+ Big = {arguments = {{meta = "delimiter"}}},
+ Bigg = {arguments = {{meta = "delimiter"}}},
+ Biggl = {arguments = {{meta = "delimiter1"}}},
+ Biggm = {arguments = {{meta = "delimiter"}}},
+ Biggr = {arguments = {{meta = "delimiter2"}}},
+ Bigl = {arguments = {{meta = "delimiter1"}}},
+ Bigm = {arguments = {{meta = "delimiter"}}},
+ Box = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols"},
+ CheckCommand = {
+ arguments = {
+ {literal = "*", meta = "star", optional = true},
+ {meta = "cmd"},
+ {delimiters = {"[", "]"}, meta = "number", optional = true},
+ {delimiters = {"[", "]"}, meta = "default", optional = true},
+ {meta = "definition"}
+ },
+ documentation = "info:latex2e#Class and package commands"
+ },
+ ClassError = {
+ arguments = {
+ {meta = "class name"},
+ {meta = "error text"},
+ {meta = "help text"}
+ },
+ documentation = "info:latex2e#Class and package commands"
+ },
+ ClassInfo = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "class name"}, {meta = "info text"}},
+ documentation = "info:latex2e#Class and package commands"
+ },
+ ClassInfoNoLine = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "class name"}, {meta = "info text"}},
+ documentation = "info:latex2e#Class and package commands"
+ },
+ ClassWarning = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "class name"}, {meta = "warning text"}},
+ documentation = "info:latex2e#Class and package commands"
+ },
+ ClassWarningNoLine = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "class name"}, {meta = "warning text"}},
+ documentation = "info:latex2e#Class and package commands"
+ },
+ CurrentOption = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Class and package commands"},
+ DH = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Additional Latin letters"},
+ DJ = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Additional Latin letters"},
+ DeclareFontEncoding = {
+ arguments = {
+ {meta = "encoding"},
+ {meta = "text-settings"},
+ {meta = "math-settings"}
+ },
+ documentation = "info:latex2e#\\DeclareFontEncoding",
+ summary = "Define an encoding."
+ },
+ DeclareGraphicsExtensions = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "comma-separated list of file extensions"}},
+ documentation = "info:latex2e#\\DeclareGraphicsExtensions",
+ summary = "File types, such as JPG or EPS."
+ },
+ DeclareGraphicsRule = {
+ arguments = {
+ {meta = "extension"},
+ {meta = "type"},
+ {meta = "size-file extension"},
+ {meta = "command"}
+ },
+ documentation = "info:latex2e#\\DeclareGraphicsRule",
+ summary = "How to handle file types."
+ },
+ DeclareOption = {
+ action = "DeclareOption",
+ arguments = {{meta = "option"}, {meta = "code"}},
+ documentation = "info:latex2e#Class and package commands"
+ },
+ DeclareRobustCommand = {
+ action = "newcommand",
+ arguments = {
+ {literal = "*", meta = "star", optional = true},
+ {meta = "command"},
+ {delimiters = {"[", "]"}, meta = "number", optional = true},
+ {delimiters = {"[", "]"}, meta = "default", optional = true},
+ {meta = "definition"}
+ },
+ documentation = "info:latex2e#Class and package commands"
+ },
+ DeclareTextAccent = {
+ action = "newcommand",
+ arguments = {{meta = "command"}, {meta = "encoding"}, {meta = "slot"}},
+ documentation = "info:latex2e#\\DeclareTextAccentDefault",
+ summary = "Define an accent in the encoding."
+ },
+ DeclareTextAccentDefault = {
+ action = "newcommand",
+ arguments = {{meta = "command"}, {meta = "encoding"}},
+ documentation = "info:latex2e#\\DeclareTextAccentDefault",
+ summary = "Fallback for using an accent in the encoding."
+ },
+ DeclareTextCommand = {
+ action = "newcommand",
+ arguments = {
+ {meta = "command"},
+ {meta = "encoding"},
+ {delimiters = {"[", "]"}, meta = "number", optional = true},
+ {delimiters = {"[", "]"}, meta = "default", optional = true},
+ {meta = "code"}
+ },
+ documentation = "info:latex2e#\\DeclareTextCommandDefault & \\ProvideTextCommandDefault",
+ summary = "New encoding-specific command."
+ },
+ DeclareTextCommandDefault = {
+ action = "newcommand",
+ arguments = {{meta = "command"}, {meta = "code"}},
+ documentation = "info:latex2e#\\DeclareTextCommandDefault & \\ProvideTextCommandDefault",
+ summary = "Fallback for encoding-specific commands."
+ },
+ DeclareTextComposite = {
+ action = "newcommand",
+ arguments = {
+ {meta = "command"},
+ {meta = "encoding"},
+ {meta = "simple object"},
+ {meta = "slot"}
+ },
+ documentation = "info:latex2e#\\DeclareTextComposite",
+ summary = "Directly access an accented glyph, in the encoding."
+ },
+ DeclareTextCompositeCommand = {
+ action = "newcommand",
+ arguments = {
+ {meta = "command"},
+ {meta = "encoding"},
+ {meta = "arg"},
+ {meta = "code"}
+ },
+ documentation = "info:latex2e#\\DeclareTextCompositeCommand",
+ summary = "Run code in slot, in the encoding."
+ },
+ DeclareTextSymbol = {
+ action = "newcommand",
+ arguments = {{meta = "command"}, {meta = "encoding"}, {meta = "slot"}},
+ documentation = "info:latex2e#\\DeclareTextSymbolDefault",
+ summary = "Define a symbol in the encoding."
+ },
+ DeclareTextSymbolDefault = {
+ action = "newcommand",
+ arguments = {{meta = "command"}, {meta = "encoding"}},
+ documentation = "info:latex2e#\\DeclareTextSymbolDefault",
+ summary = "Fallback for a symbol in the encoding."
+ },
+ Delta = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "Δ"},
+ Diamond = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols"},
+ Downarrow = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "⇓"},
+ ExecuteOptions = {
+ arguments = {{list = true, meta = "options"}},
+ documentation = "info:latex2e#Class and package commands"
+ },
+ Gamma = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "Γ"},
+ Gls = {arguments = {{meta = "label"}}},
+ Glspl = {arguments = {{meta = "label"}}},
+ H = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Accents"},
+ Huge = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Font sizes"},
+ IJ = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Additional Latin letters"},
+ IfFileExists = {
+ arguments = {
+ {meta = "file name"},
+ {meta = "true code"},
+ {meta = "false code"}
+ },
+ documentation = "info:latex2e#Class and package commands"
+ },
+ Im = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "ℑ"},
+ InputIfFileExists = {
+ arguments = {
+ {meta = "file name"},
+ {meta = "true code"},
+ {meta = "false code"}
+ },
+ documentation = "info:latex2e#Class and package commands"
+ },
+ Join = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "⨝"},
+ L = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Additional Latin letters"},
+ LARGE = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Font sizes"},
+ LaTeX = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Text symbols"},
+ LaTeXe = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Text symbols"},
+ Lambda = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "Λ"},
+ Large = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Font sizes"},
+ LastDeclaredEncoding = {
+ documentation = "info:latex2e#\\LastDeclaredEncoding",
+ summary = "Save most recently declared encoding."
+ },
+ Leftarrow = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "⇐"},
+ Leftrightarrow = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "⇔"},
+ LoadClass = {
+ action = "input",
+ arguments = {
+ {
+ delimiters = {"[", "]"},
+ list = true,
+ meta = "options",
+ optional = true
+ },
+ {meta = "class name"},
+ {
+ delimiters = {"[", "]"},
+ meta = "release date",
+ optional = true
+ }
+ },
+ documentation = "info:latex2e#Class and package commands",
+ filename = "?.cls"
+ },
+ LoadClassWithOptions = {
+ action = "input",
+ arguments = {
+ {meta = "class name"},
+ {
+ delimiters = {"[", "]"},
+ meta = "release date",
+ optional = true
+ }
+ },
+ documentation = "info:latex2e#Class and package commands",
+ filename = "?.cls"
+ },
+ MakeLowercase = {arguments = {{meta = "text"}}},
+ MakeUppercase = {arguments = {{meta = "text"}}},
+ NEWLINE = {documentation = "info:latex2e#\\(SPACE)"},
+ NG = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Additional Latin letters"},
+ NeedsTeXFormat = {
+ arguments = {
+ {meta = "format"},
+ {delimiters = {"[", "]"}, meta = "format date", optional = true}
+ },
+ documentation = "info:latex2e#Class and package commands"
+ },
+ O = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Additional Latin letters"},
+ OE = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Additional Latin letters"},
+ Omega = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "Ω"},
+ OptionNotUsed = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Class and package commands"},
+ P = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Text symbols"},
+ PackageError = {
+ arguments = {
+ {meta = "package name"},
+ {meta = "error text"},
+ {meta = "help text"}
+ },
+ documentation = "info:latex2e#Class and package commands"
+ },
+ PackageInfo = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "package name"}, {meta = "info text"}},
+ documentation = "info:latex2e#Class and package commands"
+ },
+ PackageInfoNoLine = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "package name"}, {meta = "info text"}},
+ documentation = "info:latex2e#Class and package commands"
+ },
+ PackageWarning = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "package name"}, {meta = "warning text"}},
+ documentation = "info:latex2e#Class and package commands"
+ },
+ PackageWarningNoLine = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "package name"}, {meta = "warning text"}},
+ documentation = "info:latex2e#Class and package commands"
+ },
+ PassOptionsToClass = {
+ arguments = {{list = true, meta = "options"}, {meta = "class name"}},
+ documentation = "info:latex2e#Class and package commands"
+ },
+ PassOptionsToPackage = {
+ arguments = {{list = true, meta = "options"}, {meta = "package name"}},
+ documentation = "info:latex2e#Class and package commands"
+ },
+ Phi = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "Φ"},
+ Pi = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "Π"},
+ Pr = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math functions"},
+ ProcessOptions = {
+ arguments = {{literal = "*", meta = "star", optional = true}},
+ documentation = "info:latex2e#Class and package commands"
+ },
+ ProvideTextCommand = {
+ action = "newcommand",
+ arguments = {
+ {meta = "command"},
+ {meta = "encoding"},
+ {delimiters = {"[", "]"}, meta = "number", optional = true},
+ {delimiters = {"[", "]"}, meta = "default", optional = true},
+ {meta = "code"}
+ },
+ documentation = "info:latex2e#\\DeclareTextCommandDefault & \\ProvideTextCommandDefault",
+ summary = "New encoding-specific command."
+ },
+ ProvideTextCommandDefault = {
+ action = "newcommand",
+ arguments = {{meta = "command"}, {meta = "code"}},
+ documentation = "info:latex2e#\\DeclareTextCommandDefault & \\ProvideTextCommandDefault",
+ summary = "Fallback for encoding-specific commands."
+ },
+ ProvidesClass = {
+ arguments = {
+ {meta = "class name"},
+ {
+ delimiters = {"[", "]"},
+ meta = "release date",
+ optional = true
+ }
+ },
+ documentation = "info:latex2e#Class and package commands"
+ },
+ ProvidesFile = {
+ arguments = {
+ {meta = "file name"},
+ {
+ delimiters = {"[", "]"},
+ meta = "additional information",
+ optional = true
+ }
+ },
+ documentation = "info:latex2e#Class and package commands"
+ },
+ ProvidesPackage = {
+ arguments = {
+ {meta = "package name"},
+ {
+ delimiters = {"[", "]"},
+ meta = "release date",
+ optional = true
+ }
+ },
+ documentation = "info:latex2e#Class and package commands"
+ },
+ Psi = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "Ψ"},
+ Re = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "ℜ"},
+ RequirePackage = {
+ action = "input",
+ arguments = {
+ {
+ delimiters = {"[", "]"},
+ list = true,
+ meta = "options",
+ optional = true
+ },
+ {list = true, meta = "package name"},
+ {
+ delimiters = {"[", "]"},
+ meta = "release date",
+ optional = true
+ }
+ },
+ documentation = "info:latex2e#Class and package commands",
+ filename = "?.sty"
+ },
+ RequirePackageWithOptions = {
+ action = "input",
+ arguments = {
+ {list = true, meta = "package name"},
+ {
+ delimiters = {"[", "]"},
+ meta = "release date",
+ optional = true
+ }
+ },
+ documentation = "info:latex2e#Class and package commands",
+ filename = "?.sty"
+ },
+ Rightarrow = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "⇒"},
+ Roman = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "counter"}},
+ documentation = "info:latex2e#\\alph \\Alph \\arabic \\roman \\Roman \\fnsymbol",
+ summary = "Print value of a counter."
+ },
+ S = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Text symbols"},
+ SS = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Additional Latin letters"},
+ Sigma = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "Σ"},
+ TH = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Additional Latin letters"},
+ TeX = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Text symbols"},
+ Uparrow = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "⇑"},
+ Updownarrow = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "⇕"},
+ Upsilon = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "Υ"},
+ UseTextAccent = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "encoding"}, {meta = "command"}, {meta = "text"}},
+ documentation = "info:latex2e#\\UseTextAccent & \\UseTextSymbol",
+ summary = "Temporarily switch to another encoding."
+ },
+ UseTextSymbol = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "encoding"}, {meta = "command"}},
+ documentation = "info:latex2e#\\UseTextAccent & \\UseTextSymbol",
+ summary = "Temporarily switch to another encoding."
+ },
+ Vert = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "‖"},
+ Xi = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "Ξ"},
+ ["\\"] = {
+ arguments = {
+ {literal = "*", meta = "star", optional = true},
+ {delimiters = {"[", "]"}, meta = "morespace", optional = true}
+ },
+ documentation = "info:latex2e#eqnarray",
+ summary = "Start a new line."
+ },
+ ["^"] = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Accents"},
+ _ = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Reserved characters"},
+ ["`"] = {documentation = "info:latex2e#tabbing"},
+ a = {documentation = "info:latex2e#tabbing"},
+ aa = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Additional Latin letters"},
+ accent = {
+ documentation = "info:latex2e#\\accent",
+ summary = "Low level command to produce an accented character."
+ },
+ acute = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math accents", symbol = "◌́"},
+ addcontentsline = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "ext"}, {meta = "unit"}, {meta = "text"}},
+ documentation = "info:latex2e#\\addcontentsline",
+ summary = "Add an entry to table of contents, etc."
+ },
+ address = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "sender's address"}},
+ documentation = "info:latex2e#\\address",
+ summary = "Sender's return address."
+ },
+ addtocontents = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "ext"}, {meta = "text"}},
+ documentation = "info:latex2e#\\addtocontents",
+ summary = "Add text directly to table of contents file, etc."
+ },
+ addtocounter = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "counter"}, {meta = "value"}},
+ documentation = "info:latex2e#\\addtocounter",
+ summary = "Add a quantity to a counter."
+ },
+ addtolength = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "len"}, {meta = "amount"}},
+ documentation = "info:latex2e#\\addtolength",
+ summary = "Add a quantity to a length."
+ },
+ addvspace = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "vert-length"}},
+ documentation = "info:latex2e#\\addvspace",
+ summary = "Add arbitrary vertical space if needed."
+ },
+ ae = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Additional Latin letters"},
+ aleph = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "ℵ"},
+ alph = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "counter"}},
+ documentation = "info:latex2e#\\alph \\Alph \\arabic \\roman \\Roman \\fnsymbol",
+ summary = "Print value of a counter."
+ },
+ alpha = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "α"},
+ alsoname = {documentation = "info:latex2e#\\index"},
+ amalg = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "⨿"},
+ ["and"] = {documentation = "info:latex2e#\\maketitle"},
+ angle = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "∠"},
+ appendix = {
+ documentation = "info:latex2e#\\appendix",
+ summary = "Start appendices."
+ },
+ approx = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "≈"},
+ arabic = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "counter"}},
+ documentation = "info:latex2e#\\alph \\Alph \\arabic \\roman \\Roman \\fnsymbol",
+ summary = "Print value of a counter."
+ },
+ arccos = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math functions"},
+ arcsin = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math functions"},
+ arctan = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math functions"},
+ arg = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math functions"},
+ arraycolsep = {documentation = "info:latex2e#array"},
+ arrayrulewidth = {documentation = "info:latex2e#tabular"},
+ arraystretch = {documentation = "info:latex2e#tabular"},
+ ast = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "∗"},
+ asymp = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "≍"},
+ author = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "names"}},
+ documentation = "info:latex2e#\\maketitle"
+ },
+ b = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Accents"},
+ backmatter = {
+ documentation = "info:latex2e#\\frontmatter & \\mainmatter & \\backmatter",
+ summary = "Start backmatter of a book."
+ },
+ backslash = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "\\"},
+ bar = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math accents", symbol = "◌̄"},
+ baselineskip = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Low-level font commands"},
+ baselinestretch = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Low-level font commands"},
+ begin = {
+ action = "begin",
+ arguments = {{meta = "environment name"}},
+ documentation = "info:latex2e#Environments",
+ snippet = "begin{${1:environment}}$0\n\\end{$1}"
+ },
+ beta = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "β"},
+ bf = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Font styles"},
+ bfseries = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Font styles"},
+ bibitem = {
+ action = "bibitem",
+ arguments = {
+ {delimiters = {"[", "]"}, meta = "label", optional = true},
+ {meta = "cite_key"}
+ },
+ documentation = "info:latex2e#\\bibitem",
+ summary = "Specify a bibliography item."
+ },
+ bibliography = {
+ action = "input",
+ arguments = {{list = true, meta = "bibfiles"}},
+ documentation = "info:latex2e#Using BibTeX",
+ filename = "?.bib"
+ },
+ bibliographystyle = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "bibstyle"}},
+ documentation = "info:latex2e#Using BibTeX"
+ },
+ big = {arguments = {{meta = "delimiter"}}},
+ bigbreak = {summary = "Inter-paragraph space and page breaks."},
+ bigcap = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "⋂"},
+ bigcirc = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols"},
+ bigcup = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "⋃"},
+ bigg = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "delimiter"}},
+ summary = "Manually sized delimiter."
+ },
+ biggl = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "delimiter1"}},
+ summary = "Manually sized delimiter."
+ },
+ biggm = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "delimiter"}},
+ summary = "Manually sized delimiter."
+ },
+ biggr = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "delimiter2"}},
+ summary = "Manually sized delimiter."
+ },
+ bigl = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "delimiter1"}},
+ summary = "Manually sized delimiter."
+ },
+ bigm = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "delimiter"}},
+ summary = "Manually sized delimiter."
+ },
+ bigodot = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "⨀"},
+ bigoplus = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "⨁"},
+ bigotimes = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "⨂"},
+ bigr = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "delimiter2"}},
+ summary = "Manually sized delimiter."
+ },
+ bigskip = {
+ documentation = "info:latex2e#\\bigskip & \\medskip & \\smallskip",
+ summary = "Inter-paragraph vertical spaces."
+ },
+ bigskipamount = {documentation = "info:latex2e#\\bigskip & \\medskip & \\smallskip"},
+ bigsqcup = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "⨆"},
+ bigtriangledown = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "▽"},
+ bigtriangleup = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "△"},
+ biguplus = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "⨄"},
+ bigvee = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "⋁"},
+ bigwedge = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "⋀"},
+ bmod = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math functions"},
+ boldmath = {
+ documentation = "info:latex2e#\\boldmath & \\unboldmath",
+ summary = "Symbols in boldface."
+ },
+ bot = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "⊥"},
+ bottomfraction = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Floats"},
+ bowtie = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "⋈"},
+ breve = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math accents", symbol = "◌̆"},
+ bullet = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols"},
+ c = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Accents"},
+ cal = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Font styles"},
+ cap = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "∩"},
+ capitalacute = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Accents"},
+ capitalbreve = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Accents"},
+ capitalcaron = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Accents"},
+ capitalcedilla = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Accents"},
+ capitalcircumflex = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Accents"},
+ capitaldieresis = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Accents"},
+ capitaldotaccent = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Accents"},
+ capitalgrave = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Accents"},
+ capitalhungarumlaut = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Accents"},
+ capitalmacron = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Accents"},
+ capitalnewtie = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Accents"},
+ capitalogonek = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Accents"},
+ capitalring = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Accents"},
+ capitaltie = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Accents"},
+ capitaltilde = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Accents"},
+ caption = {
+ action = "caption",
+ arguments = {{meta = "text"}},
+ documentation = "info:latex2e#table",
+ summary = "Create a caption for a floating figure or table."
+ },
+ cc = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "name"}},
+ documentation = "info:latex2e#\\cc",
+ summary = "Carbon copy list."
+ },
+ cdot = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "⋅"},
+ cdots = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Dots"},
+ centering = {
+ documentation = "info:latex2e#\\centering",
+ summary = "Declaration form of the center environment."
+ },
+ chapter = {
+ action = "section",
+ arguments = "$ref:latex#/commands/section/arguments",
+ documentation = "info:latex2e#\\chapter",
+ section_level = 0,
+ summary = "Start a chapter."
+ },
+ check = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math accents", symbol = "◌̌"},
+ chi = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "χ"},
+ circ = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols"},
+ circle = {
+ arguments = {
+ {literal = "*", meta = "star", optional = true},
+ {meta = "diameter"}
+ },
+ documentation = "info:latex2e#\\circle",
+ summary = "Draw a circle."
+ },
+ cite = {
+ action = "cite",
+ arguments = {
+ {delimiters = {"[", "]"}, meta = "subcite", optional = true},
+ {list = true, meta = "keys"}
+ },
+ documentation = "info:latex2e#\\cite",
+ summary = "Refer to a bibliography item."
+ },
+ cleardoublepage = {
+ documentation = "info:latex2e#\\clearpage & \\cleardoublepage",
+ summary = "Start a new page; eject floats."
+ },
+ clearpage = {
+ documentation = "info:latex2e#\\clearpage & \\cleardoublepage",
+ summary = "Start a new page; eject floats."
+ },
+ cline = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "i-j"}},
+ documentation = "info:latex2e#\\cline",
+ summary = "Draw a horizontal line spanning some columns."
+ },
+ closein = {documentation = "info:latex2e#\\openin & \\openout"},
+ closeout = {documentation = "info:latex2e#\\openin & \\openout"},
+ closing = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "closing text"}},
+ documentation = "info:latex2e#\\closing",
+ summary = "Saying goodbye."
+ },
+ clubsuit = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "♣"},
+ colon = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Colon character & \\colon"},
+ color = {
+ arguments = {
+ {delimiters = {"[", "]"}, meta = "color model", optional = true},
+ {meta = "specification"}
+ }
+ },
+ colorbox = {
+ arguments = {
+ {delimiters = {"[", "]"}, meta = "model name", optional = true},
+ {meta = "box background color"},
+ {meta = "text"}
+ }
+ },
+ columnsep = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Page layout parameters"},
+ columnseprule = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Page layout parameters"},
+ columnwidth = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Page layout parameters"},
+ complement = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "∁"},
+ cong = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "≅"},
+ contentsline = {documentation = "info:latex2e#\\addcontentsline"},
+ coprod = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "∐"},
+ copyright = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Text symbols"},
+ cos = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math functions"},
+ cosh = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math functions"},
+ cot = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math functions"},
+ coth = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math functions"},
+ csc = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math functions"},
+ cup = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "∪"},
+ d = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Accents"},
+ dag = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Text symbols"},
+ dagger = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "†"},
+ dashbox = {
+ arguments = {
+ {meta = "dash-len"},
+ {delimiters = {"(", ")"}, meta = "rect-width,rect-height"},
+ {delimiters = {"[", "]"}, meta = "position", optional = true},
+ {meta = "text"}
+ },
+ documentation = "info:latex2e#\\dashbox",
+ summary = "Draw a dashed box."
+ },
+ dashv = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "⊣"},
+ date = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "text"}},
+ documentation = "info:latex2e#\\maketitle"
+ },
+ day = {
+ documentation = "info:latex2e#\\day & \\month & \\year",
+ summary = "Numeric date values."
+ },
+ dblfloatpagefraction = {documentation = "info:latex2e#\\twocolumn"},
+ dblfloatsep = {documentation = "info:latex2e#\\twocolumn"},
+ dbltextfloatsep = {documentation = "info:latex2e#\\twocolumn"},
+ dbltopfraction = {documentation = "info:latex2e#\\twocolumn"},
+ dbltopnumber = {documentation = "info:latex2e#\\twocolumn"},
+ ddag = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Text symbols"},
+ ddagger = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "‡"},
+ ddot = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math accents", symbol = "◌̈"},
+ ddots = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Dots", symbol = "⋱"},
+ definecolor = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "name"}, {meta = "model"}, {meta = "specification"}}
+ },
+ deg = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math functions"},
+ delta = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "δ"},
+ det = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math functions"},
+ dh = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Additional Latin letters"},
+ diamond = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols"},
+ diamondsuit = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "♢"},
+ dim = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math functions"},
+ discretionary = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "pre-break"}, {meta = "post-break"}, {meta = "no-break"}},
+ summary = "Explicit control of the hyphen character."
+ },
+ displaystyle = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math formulas"},
+ div = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "÷"},
+ dj = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Additional Latin letters"},
+ documentclass = {
+ action = "input",
+ arguments = {
+ {delimiters = {"[", "]"}, meta = "options", optional = true},
+ {meta = "class"}
+ },
+ documentation = "info:latex2e#Document classes",
+ filename = "?.cls"
+ },
+ dot = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math accents", symbol = "◌̇"},
+ doteq = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "≐"},
+ dotfill = {
+ documentation = "info:latex2e#\\hrulefill & \\dotfill",
+ summary = "Stretchable horizontal dots."
+ },
+ dots = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Text symbols"},
+ doublerulesep = {documentation = "info:latex2e#tabular"},
+ downarrow = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "↓"},
+ ell = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "ℓ"},
+ emph = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Font styles"},
+ emptyset = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols"},
+ encl = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "text"}},
+ documentation = "info:latex2e#\\encl",
+ summary = "List of enclosed material."
+ },
+ ["end"] = {
+ action = "end",
+ arguments = {{meta = "environment name"}},
+ documentation = "info:latex2e#Environments"
+ },
+ endinput = {
+ documentation = "info:latex2e#\\endinput",
+ summary = "Stop including material from a file."
+ },
+ enlargethispage = {
+ documentation = "info:latex2e#\\enlargethispage",
+ summary = "Enlarge the current page a bit."
+ },
+ enspace = {
+ documentation = "info:latex2e#\\enspace & \\quad & \\qquad",
+ summary = "Traditional horizontal spaces. "
+ },
+ ensuremath = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "formula"}},
+ summary = "Ensure that math mode is active."
+ },
+ enumi = {documentation = "info:latex2e#enumerate"},
+ enumii = {documentation = "info:latex2e#enumerate"},
+ enumiii = {documentation = "info:latex2e#enumerate"},
+ enumiv = {documentation = "info:latex2e#enumerate"},
+ epsilon = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "ϵ"},
+ equiv = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "≡"},
+ eta = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "η"},
+ evensidemargin = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Page layout parameters"},
+ exists = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "∃"},
+ exp = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math functions"},
+ extracolsep = {documentation = "info:latex2e#tabular"},
+ fbox = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "text"}},
+ documentation = "info:latex2e#\\fbox & \\framebox",
+ summary = "Put a frame around a box."
+ },
+ fboxrule = {documentation = "info:latex2e#\\fbox & \\framebox"},
+ fboxsep = {documentation = "info:latex2e#\\fbox & \\framebox"},
+ fcolorbox = {
+ arguments = {
+ {delimiters = {"[", "]"}, meta = "model name", optional = true},
+ {meta = "frame color"},
+ {meta = "box background color"},
+ {meta = "text"}
+ }
+ },
+ fill = {documentation = "info:latex2e#\\hfill"},
+ flat = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "♭"},
+ floatpagefraction = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Floats"},
+ floatsep = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Floats"},
+ flushbottom = {
+ documentation = "info:latex2e#\\flushbottom",
+ summary = "Make all text pages the same height."
+ },
+ fnsymbol = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "counter"}},
+ documentation = "info:latex2e#\\alph \\Alph \\arabic \\roman \\Roman \\fnsymbol",
+ summary = "Print value of a counter."
+ },
+ fontencoding = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "encoding"}},
+ documentation = "info:latex2e#Low-level font commands"
+ },
+ fontfamily = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "family"}},
+ documentation = "info:latex2e#Low-level font commands"
+ },
+ fontseries = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "series"}},
+ documentation = "info:latex2e#Low-level font commands"
+ },
+ fontshape = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "shape"}},
+ documentation = "info:latex2e#Low-level font commands"
+ },
+ fontsize = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "size"}, {meta = "skip"}},
+ documentation = "info:latex2e#Low-level font commands"
+ },
+ footnote = {
+ arguments = {
+ {delimiters = {"[", "]"}, meta = "number", optional = true},
+ {meta = "text"}
+ },
+ documentation = "info:latex2e#\\footnote",
+ summary = "Insert a footnote."
+ },
+ footnotemark = {
+ arguments = {{delimiters = {"[", "]"}, meta = "number", optional = true}},
+ documentation = "info:latex2e#\\footnotemark",
+ summary = "Insert footnote mark only."
+ },
+ footnoterule = {documentation = "info:latex2e#\\footnote"},
+ footnotesep = {documentation = "info:latex2e#\\footnote"},
+ footnotesize = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Font sizes"},
+ footnotetext = {
+ arguments = {
+ {delimiters = {"[", "]"}, meta = "number", optional = true},
+ {meta = "text"}
+ },
+ documentation = "info:latex2e#\\footnotetext",
+ summary = "Insert footnote text only."
+ },
+ footskip = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Page layout parameters"},
+ forall = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "∀"},
+ frac = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "numerator"}, {meta = "denominator"}},
+ documentation = "info:latex2e#\\frac",
+ summary = "Fraction."
+ },
+ frame = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "contents"}},
+ documentation = "info:latex2e#\\frame",
+ summary = "Draw a frame around an object."
+ },
+ framebox = {
+ arguments = {
+ {delimiters = {"(", ")"}, meta = "rec-width,rec-height"},
+ {delimiters = {"[", "]"}, meta = "position", optional = true},
+ {meta = "text"}
+ },
+ documentation = "info:latex2e#\\fbox & \\framebox",
+ summary = "Draw a box with a frame around it."
+ },
+ frenchspacing = {
+ documentation = "info:latex2e#\\frenchspacing",
+ summary = "Equal interword and inter-sentence space."
+ },
+ frontmatter = {
+ documentation = "info:latex2e#\\frontmatter & \\mainmatter & \\backmatter",
+ summary = "Start frontmatter of a book."
+ },
+ frown = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "⌢"},
+ fussy = {
+ documentation = "info:latex2e#\\fussy & \\sloppy",
+ summary = "Be more particular with line breaking."
+ },
+ gamma = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "γ"},
+ gcd = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math functions"},
+ ge = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols"},
+ geq = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "≥"},
+ gets = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols"},
+ gg = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "≫"},
+ gls = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "label"}},
+ documentation = "info:latex2e#\\gls",
+ summary = "Give a page reference for a glossary entry."
+ },
+ glspl = {arguments = {{meta = "label"}}},
+ graphicspath = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "list of dir names inside curly brackets"}},
+ documentation = "info:latex2e#\\graphicspath",
+ summary = "Directories to search."
+ },
+ graphpaper = {
+ arguments = {
+ {delimiters = {"[", "]"}, meta = "spacing", optional = true},
+ {delimiters = {"(", ")"}, meta = "x_init,y_init"},
+ {delimiters = {"(", ")"}, meta = "x_dimen,y_dimen"}
+ },
+ documentation = "info:latex2e#\\graphpaper",
+ summary = "Draw graph paper."
+ },
+ grave = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math accents", symbol = "◌̀"},
+ guillemotleft = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Text symbols"},
+ guillemotright = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Text symbols"},
+ guilsinglleft = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Text symbols"},
+ guilsinglright = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Text symbols"},
+ hat = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math accents", symbol = "◌̂"},
+ hbar = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols"},
+ headheight = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Page layout parameters"},
+ headsep = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Page layout parameters"},
+ heartsuit = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "♡"},
+ hfill = {
+ documentation = "info:latex2e#\\hfill",
+ summary = "Stretchable horizontal space. "
+ },
+ hline = {
+ documentation = "info:latex2e#\\hline",
+ summary = "Draw a horizontal line spanning all columns."
+ },
+ hom = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math functions"},
+ hookleftarrow = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "↩"},
+ hookrightarrow = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "↪"},
+ hphantom = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "subformula"}},
+ summary = "Make empty box with the same size as the argument."
+ },
+ hrulefill = {
+ documentation = "info:latex2e#\\hrulefill & \\dotfill",
+ summary = "Stretchable horizontal rule."
+ },
+ hsize = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Page layout parameters"},
+ hspace = {
+ arguments = {
+ {literal = "*", meta = "star", optional = true},
+ {meta = "length"}
+ },
+ documentation = "info:latex2e#\\hspace",
+ summary = "Any horizontal space. "
+ },
+ hss = {
+ documentation = "info:latex2e#\\hss",
+ summary = "Infinitely stretchable/shrinkable horizontal space."
+ },
+ huge = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Font sizes"},
+ hyphenation = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "words"}},
+ documentation = "info:latex2e#\\hyphenation",
+ summary = "Tell LaTeX how to hyphenate a word."
+ },
+ i = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Accents"},
+ iff = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols"},
+ ignorespaces = {
+ documentation = "info:latex2e#\\ignorespaces & \\ignorespacesafterend",
+ summary = "Discard extra spaces."
+ },
+ ignorespacesafterend = {
+ documentation = "info:latex2e#\\ignorespaces & \\ignorespacesafterend",
+ summary = "Discard extra spaces."
+ },
+ ij = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Additional Latin letters"},
+ imath = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "𝚤"},
+ immediate = {},
+ ["in"] = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "∈"},
+ include = {
+ action = "input",
+ arguments = {{meta = "filename"}},
+ documentation = "info:latex2e#\\include & \\includeonly",
+ filename = "?.tex",
+ summary = "Include a file."
+ },
+ includegraphics = {
+ arguments = {
+ {literal = "*", meta = "star", optional = true},
+ {
+ delimiters = {"[", "]"},
+ meta = "key-value list",
+ optional = true
+ },
+ {meta = "filename"}
+ },
+ documentation = "info:latex2e#\\includegraphics",
+ summary = "Using a graphic in your document."
+ },
+ includeonly = {
+ arguments = {{list = true, meta = "files"}},
+ documentation = "info:latex2e#\\include & \\includeonly",
+ summary = "Conditionally include files."
+ },
+ indent = {
+ documentation = "info:latex2e#\\indent & \\noindent",
+ summary = "Go into horizontal mode, with an indent."
+ },
+ index = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "index-entry-string"}},
+ documentation = "info:latex2e#\\index",
+ summary = "Declare an index entry."
+ },
+ indexentry = {documentation = "info:latex2e#\\index"},
+ indexspace = {documentation = "info:latex2e#makeindex"},
+ inf = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math functions"},
+ infty = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "∞"},
+ input = {
+ action = "input",
+ arguments = {{meta = "filename"}},
+ documentation = "info:latex2e#\\input",
+ filename = "?",
+ summary = "Unconditionally include a file."
+ },
+ int = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "∫"},
+ intextsep = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Floats"},
+ iota = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "ι"},
+ it = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Font styles"},
+ item = {
+ arguments = {
+ {
+ delimiters = {"[", "]"},
+ meta = "optional-label",
+ optional = true
+ }
+ },
+ documentation = "info:latex2e#itemize",
+ summary = "An entry in a list."
+ },
+ itemindent = {documentation = "info:latex2e#list"},
+ itemsep = {documentation = "info:latex2e#list"},
+ itshape = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Font styles"},
+ j = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Accents"},
+ jmath = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "𝚥"},
+ k = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Accents"},
+ kappa = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "κ"},
+ ker = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math functions"},
+ kill = {documentation = "info:latex2e#tabbing"},
+ l = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Additional Latin letters"},
+ label = {
+ action = "label",
+ arguments = {{meta = "key"}},
+ documentation = "info:latex2e#\\label",
+ summary = "Assign a symbolic name to a piece of text."
+ },
+ labelenumi = {documentation = "info:latex2e#enumerate"},
+ labelenumii = {documentation = "info:latex2e#enumerate"},
+ labelenumiii = {documentation = "info:latex2e#enumerate"},
+ labelenumiv = {documentation = "info:latex2e#enumerate"},
+ labelitemi = {documentation = "info:latex2e#itemize"},
+ labelitemii = {documentation = "info:latex2e#itemize"},
+ labelitemiii = {documentation = "info:latex2e#itemize"},
+ labelitemiv = {documentation = "info:latex2e#itemize"},
+ labelsep = {documentation = "info:latex2e#list"},
+ labelwidth = {documentation = "info:latex2e#list"},
+ lambda = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "λ"},
+ land = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols"},
+ langle = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "⟨"},
+ large = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Font sizes"},
+ lbrace = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "{"},
+ lbrack = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "["},
+ lceil = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "⌈"},
+ ldots = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Text symbols"},
+ le = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols"},
+ leadsto = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols"},
+ left = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "delimiter"}},
+ documentation = "info:latex2e#\\left & \\right",
+ summary = "Automatically sized delimiters."
+ },
+ leftarrow = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "←"},
+ lefteqn = {documentation = "info:latex2e#eqnarray"},
+ leftharpoondown = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "↽"},
+ leftharpoonup = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "↼"},
+ leftmargin = {documentation = "info:latex2e#list"},
+ leftmargini = {documentation = "info:latex2e#itemize"},
+ leftmarginii = {documentation = "info:latex2e#itemize"},
+ leftmarginiii = {documentation = "info:latex2e#itemize"},
+ leftmarginiv = {documentation = "info:latex2e#itemize"},
+ leftmarginv = {documentation = "info:latex2e#itemize"},
+ leftmarginvi = {documentation = "info:latex2e#itemize"},
+ leftrightarrow = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "↔"},
+ leq = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "≤"},
+ lfloor = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "⌊"},
+ lg = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math functions"},
+ lhd = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols"},
+ lim = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math functions"},
+ liminf = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math functions"},
+ limsup = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math functions"},
+ line = {
+ arguments = {
+ {delimiters = {"(", ")"}, meta = "x_run,y_rise"},
+ {meta = "travel"}
+ },
+ documentation = "info:latex2e#\\line",
+ summary = "Draw a straight line."
+ },
+ linebreak = {
+ arguments = {
+ {
+ delimiters = {"[", "]"},
+ meta = "zero-to-four",
+ optional = true
+ }
+ },
+ documentation = "info:latex2e#\\linebreak & \\nolinebreak",
+ summary = "Force a line break."
+ },
+ linespread = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "factor"}},
+ documentation = "info:latex2e#Low-level font commands"
+ },
+ linethickness = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "dim"}},
+ documentation = "info:latex2e#\\linethickness",
+ summary = "Set thickness of horizontal and vertical lines."
+ },
+ linewidth = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Page layout parameters"},
+ listoffigures = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Table of contents etc"},
+ listoftables = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Table of contents etc"},
+ listparindent = {documentation = "info:latex2e#list"},
+ ll = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "≪"},
+ ln = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math functions"},
+ lnot = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols"},
+ location = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "text"}},
+ documentation = "info:latex2e#\\location",
+ summary = "Sender's organizational location."
+ },
+ log = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math functions"},
+ longleftarrow = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "⟵"},
+ longleftrightarrow = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "⟷"},
+ longmapsto = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "⟼"},
+ longnewglossaryentry = {arguments = {{meta = "label"}}},
+ longrightarrow = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "⟶"},
+ lor = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols"},
+ lq = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Text symbols"},
+ mainmatter = {
+ documentation = "info:latex2e#\\frontmatter & \\mainmatter & \\backmatter",
+ summary = "Start main part of a book."
+ },
+ makeatletter = {summary = "Change the status of the at-sign character."},
+ makeatother = {summary = "Change the status of the at-sign character."},
+ makebox = {
+ arguments = {
+ {delimiters = {"(", ")"}, meta = "rec-width,rec-height"},
+ {delimiters = {"[", "]"}, meta = "position", optional = true},
+ {meta = "text"}
+ },
+ documentation = "info:latex2e#\\makebox (picture)",
+ summary = "Horizontal boxes."
+ },
+ makeglossary = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Glossaries"},
+ makeindex = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Indexes"},
+ makelabel = {documentation = "info:latex2e#list"},
+ makelabels = {
+ documentation = "info:latex2e#\\makelabels",
+ summary = "Make address labels."
+ },
+ maketitle = {
+ documentation = "info:latex2e#\\maketitle",
+ summary = "Generate a title page."
+ },
+ mapsto = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "↦"},
+ marginpar = {
+ arguments = {
+ {delimiters = {"[", "]"}, meta = "left", optional = true},
+ {meta = "right"}
+ },
+ documentation = "info:latex2e#Marginal notes"
+ },
+ marginparpush = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Marginal notes"},
+ marginparsep = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Marginal notes"},
+ marginparwidth = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Marginal notes"},
+ marginsep = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Page layout parameters"},
+ markboth = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "left-head"}, {meta = "right-head"}},
+ documentation = "info:latex2e#\\pagestyle"
+ },
+ markright = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "right"}},
+ documentation = "info:latex2e#\\pagestyle"
+ },
+ mathbb = {arguments = {{meta = "uppercase-letter"}}},
+ mathbf = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Font styles"},
+ mathcal = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "uppercase-letters"}},
+ documentation = "info:latex2e#Font styles"
+ },
+ mathdollar = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "$"},
+ mathit = {},
+ mathnormal = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Font styles"},
+ mathparagraph = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "¶"},
+ mathring = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math accents"},
+ mathrm = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Font styles"},
+ mathsection = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "§"},
+ mathsf = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Font styles"},
+ mathsterling = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "£"},
+ mathtt = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Font styles"},
+ mathunderscore = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols"},
+ mathversion = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Font styles"},
+ max = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math functions"},
+ mbox = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "text"}},
+ documentation = "info:latex2e#\\mbox & \\makebox",
+ summary = "Horizontal boxes."
+ },
+ mdseries = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Font styles"},
+ medbreak = {summary = "Inter-paragraph space and page breaks."},
+ medskip = {
+ documentation = "info:latex2e#\\bigskip & \\medskip & \\smallskip",
+ summary = "Inter-paragraph vertical spaces."
+ },
+ medskipamount = {documentation = "info:latex2e#\\bigskip & \\medskip & \\smallskip"},
+ medspace = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Spacing in math mode"},
+ message = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "string"}},
+ documentation = "info:latex2e#\\message",
+ summary = "Write part of a line to log file and terminal."
+ },
+ mho = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "℧"},
+ mid = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "∣"},
+ min = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math functions"},
+ models = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "⊧"},
+ month = {
+ documentation = "info:latex2e#\\day & \\month & \\year",
+ summary = "Numeric date values."
+ },
+ mp = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "∓"},
+ mu = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "μ"},
+ multicolumn = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "numcols"}, {meta = "cols"}, {meta = "text"}},
+ documentation = "info:latex2e#\\multicolumn",
+ summary = "Make an item spanning several columns."
+ },
+ multiput = {
+ arguments = {
+ {delimiters = {"(", ")"}, meta = "x,y"},
+ {delimiters = {"(", ")"}, meta = "delta_x,delta_y"},
+ {meta = "num-copies"},
+ {meta = "obj"}
+ },
+ documentation = "info:latex2e#\\multiput",
+ summary = "Draw multiple instances of an object."
+ },
+ nabla = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "∇"},
+ name = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "name"}},
+ documentation = "info:latex2e#\\name",
+ summary = "Sender's name, for the return address."
+ },
+ natural = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "♮"},
+ ne = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "≠"},
+ nearrow = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "↗"},
+ neg = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "¬"},
+ negthinspace = {
+ documentation = "info:latex2e#\\thinspace & \\negthinspace",
+ summary = "Negative one-sixth of an em."
+ },
+ neq = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols"},
+ newcommand = {
+ action = "newcommand",
+ arguments = {
+ {literal = "*", meta = "star", optional = true},
+ {meta = "command"},
+ {delimiters = {"[", "]"}, meta = "number", optional = true},
+ {delimiters = {"[", "]"}, meta = "default", optional = true},
+ {meta = "code"}
+ },
+ documentation = "info:latex2e#\\newcommand & \\renewcommand",
+ summary = "Define a new command."
+ },
+ newcounter = {
+ arguments = {
+ {meta = "countername"},
+ {
+ delimiters = {"[", "]"},
+ meta = "supercounter",
+ optional = true
+ }
+ },
+ documentation = "info:latex2e#\\newcounter",
+ summary = "Define a new counter."
+ },
+ newenvironment = {
+ action = "newenvironment",
+ arguments = {
+ {literal = "*", meta = "star", optional = true},
+ {meta = "environment"},
+ {delimiters = {"[", "]"}, meta = "number", optional = true},
+ {delimiters = {"[", "]"}, meta = "default", optional = true},
+ {meta = "begdef"},
+ {meta = "enddef"}
+ },
+ documentation = "info:latex2e#\\newenvironment & \\renewenvironment",
+ summary = "Define a new environment."
+ },
+ newfont = {
+ action = "newcommand",
+ arguments = {{meta = "command"}, {meta = "font description"}},
+ documentation = "info:latex2e#\\newfont",
+ summary = "Define a new font name."
+ },
+ newglossaryentry = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "label"}, {meta = "settings"}},
+ documentation = "info:latex2e#\\newglossaryentry",
+ summary = "Declare the content of a glossary entry."
+ },
+ newlength = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "arg"}},
+ documentation = "info:latex2e#\\newlength",
+ summary = "Define a new length."
+ },
+ newline = {
+ documentation = "info:latex2e#\\newline",
+ summary = "Break the line"
+ },
+ newpage = {
+ documentation = "info:latex2e#\\newpage",
+ summary = "Start a new page."
+ },
+ newsavebox = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "command"}},
+ documentation = "info:latex2e#\\newsavebox",
+ summary = "Define a new box."
+ },
+ newtheorem = {
+ action = "newenvironment",
+ arguments = {
+ {meta = "name"},
+ {
+ delimiters = {"[", "]"},
+ meta = "numbered_like",
+ optional = true
+ },
+ {meta = "title"}
+ },
+ documentation = "info:latex2e#\\newtheorem",
+ summary = "Define a new theorem-like environment."
+ },
+ newtie = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Accents"},
+ ng = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Additional Latin letters"},
+ ni = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "∋"},
+ nocite = {
+ documentation = "info:latex2e#\\nocite",
+ summary = "Include an item in the bibliography."
+ },
+ nocorr = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Font styles"},
+ nocorrlist = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Font styles"},
+ nofiles = {
+ documentation = "info:latex2e#\\nofiles",
+ summary = "Prevent writing to auxiliary files."
+ },
+ noindent = {
+ documentation = "info:latex2e#\\indent & \\noindent",
+ summary = "Go into horizontal mode, without an indent."
+ },
+ nolinebreak = {
+ arguments = {
+ {
+ delimiters = {"[", "]"},
+ meta = "zero-to-four",
+ optional = true
+ }
+ },
+ documentation = "info:latex2e#\\linebreak & \\nolinebreak",
+ summary = "Avoid a line break."
+ },
+ nonfrenchspacing = {documentation = "info:latex2e#\\frenchspacing"},
+ nonumber = {documentation = "info:latex2e#eqnarray"},
+ nopagebreak = {
+ arguments = {
+ {
+ delimiters = {"[", "]"},
+ meta = "zero-to-four",
+ optional = true
+ }
+ },
+ documentation = "info:latex2e#\\pagebreak & \\nopagebreak",
+ summary = "Avoid a page break."
+ },
+ normalfont = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Font styles"},
+ normalmarginpar = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Marginal notes"},
+ normalsfcodes = {
+ documentation = "info:latex2e#\\normalsfcodes",
+ summary = "Restore space factor settings to the default."
+ },
+ normalsize = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Font sizes"},
+ ["not"] = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols"},
+ notin = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "∉"},
+ nu = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "ν"},
+ nwarrow = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "↖"},
+ o = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Additional Latin letters"},
+ obeycr = {
+ documentation = "info:latex2e#\\obeycr & \\restorecr",
+ summary = "Make each input line start a new output line."
+ },
+ oddsidemargin = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Page layout parameters"},
+ odot = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "⊙"},
+ oe = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Additional Latin letters"},
+ oint = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "∮"},
+ oldstylenums = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Font styles"},
+ omega = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "ω"},
+ ominus = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "⊖"},
+ onecolumn = {
+ documentation = "info:latex2e#\\onecolumn",
+ summary = "Use one-column layout."
+ },
+ openin = {
+ documentation = "info:latex2e#\\openin & \\openout",
+ summary = "Open a file."
+ },
+ opening = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "salutation"}},
+ documentation = "info:latex2e#\\opening",
+ summary = "Saying hello."
+ },
+ openout = {
+ documentation = "info:latex2e#\\openin & \\openout",
+ summary = "Open a file."
+ },
+ oplus = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "⊕"},
+ oslash = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "⊘"},
+ otimes = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "⊗"},
+ oval = {
+ arguments = {
+ {delimiters = {"(", ")"}, meta = "width,height"},
+ {delimiters = {"[", "]"}, meta = "portion", optional = true}
+ },
+ documentation = "info:latex2e#\\oval",
+ summary = "Draw an oval."
+ },
+ overbrace = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "math"}},
+ documentation = "info:latex2e#Over- and Underlining",
+ symbol = "⏞"
+ },
+ overline = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "text"}},
+ documentation = "info:latex2e#Over- and Underlining"
+ },
+ owns = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols"},
+ pagebreak = {
+ arguments = {
+ {
+ delimiters = {"[", "]"},
+ meta = "zero-to-four",
+ optional = true
+ }
+ },
+ documentation = "info:latex2e#\\pagebreak & \\nopagebreak",
+ summary = "Force a page break."
+ },
+ pagecolor = {
+ arguments = {
+ {delimiters = {"[", "]"}, meta = "color model", optional = true},
+ {meta = "color specification"}
+ }
+ },
+ pagenumbering = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "number-style"}},
+ documentation = "info:latex2e#\\pagenumbering",
+ summary = "Set the style used for page numbers."
+ },
+ pageref = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "key"}},
+ documentation = "info:latex2e#\\pageref",
+ summary = "Refer to a page number."
+ },
+ pagestyle = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "style"}},
+ documentation = "info:latex2e#\\pagestyle",
+ summary = "Change the headings/footings style."
+ },
+ paperheight = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Page layout parameters"},
+ paperwidth = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Page layout parameters"},
+ par = {
+ documentation = "info:latex2e#\\par",
+ summary = "End the current paragraph."
+ },
+ paragraph = {
+ action = "section",
+ arguments = "$ref:latex#/commands/section/arguments",
+ documentation = "info:latex2e#\\subsubsection & \\paragraph & \\subparagraph",
+ section_level = 5,
+ summary = "Start a paragraph. "
+ },
+ parallel = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "∥"},
+ parbox = {
+ arguments = {
+ {delimiters = {"[", "]"}, meta = "position", optional = true},
+ {delimiters = {"[", "]"}, meta = "height", optional = true},
+ {delimiters = {"[", "]"}, meta = "inner-pos", optional = true},
+ {meta = "width"},
+ {meta = "contents"}
+ },
+ documentation = "info:latex2e#\\parbox",
+ summary = "Box with text in paragraph mode."
+ },
+ parindent = {
+ documentation = "info:latex2e#\\parindent & \\parskip",
+ summary = "Space added before paragraphs."
+ },
+ parsep = {documentation = "info:latex2e#list"},
+ parskip = {
+ documentation = "info:latex2e#itemize",
+ summary = "Space added before paragraphs."
+ },
+ part = {
+ action = "section",
+ arguments = "$ref:latex#/commands/section/arguments",
+ documentation = "info:latex2e#\\part",
+ section_level = -1,
+ summary = "Start a part."
+ },
+ partial = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "∂"},
+ partopsep = {documentation = "info:latex2e#list"},
+ pdfpageheight = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Document class options"},
+ pdfpagewidth = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Document class options"},
+ perp = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "⟂"},
+ phantom = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "subformula"}},
+ summary = "Make empty box with the same size as the argument."
+ },
+ phi = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "ϕ"},
+ pi = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "π"},
+ pm = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "±"},
+ pmod = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math functions"},
+ poptabs = {documentation = "info:latex2e#tabbing"},
+ pounds = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Text symbols"},
+ prec = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "≺"},
+ preceq = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "⪯"},
+ prime = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "′"},
+ printglossaries = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Glossaries"},
+ printindex = {
+ documentation = "info:latex2e#\\printindex",
+ summary = "Put the index here."
+ },
+ prod = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "∏"},
+ propto = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "∝"},
+ protect = {
+ documentation = "info:latex2e#\\protect",
+ summary = "Using tricky commands."
+ },
+ providecommand = {
+ action = "newcommand",
+ arguments = {
+ {literal = "*", meta = "star", optional = true},
+ {meta = "command"},
+ {delimiters = {"[", "]"}, meta = "number", optional = true},
+ {delimiters = {"[", "]"}, meta = "default", optional = true},
+ {meta = "code"}
+ },
+ documentation = "info:latex2e#\\providecommand",
+ summary = "Define a new command, if name not used."
+ },
+ ps = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "text"}},
+ documentation = "info:latex2e#\\ps",
+ summary = "Adding a postscript."
+ },
+ psi = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "ψ"},
+ pushtabs = {documentation = "info:latex2e#tabbing"},
+ put = {
+ arguments = {
+ {delimiters = {"(", ")"}, meta = "xcoord,ycoord"},
+ {meta = "content"}
+ },
+ documentation = "info:latex2e#\\put",
+ summary = "Place an object at a specified place."
+ },
+ qbezier = {
+ arguments = {
+ {delimiters = {"[", "]"}, meta = "number", optional = true},
+ {delimiters = {"(", ")"}, meta = "x1,y1"},
+ {delimiters = {"(", ")"}, meta = "x2,y2"},
+ {delimiters = {"(", ")"}, meta = "x3,y3"}
+ },
+ documentation = "info:latex2e#\\qbezier",
+ summary = "Draw a quadratic Bezier curve."
+ },
+ qquad = {
+ documentation = "info:latex2e#\\enspace & \\quad & \\qquad",
+ summary = "Traditional horizontal spaces."
+ },
+ quad = {
+ documentation = "info:latex2e#\\enspace & \\quad & \\qquad",
+ summary = "Traditional horizontal spaces."
+ },
+ quotedblbase = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Text symbols"},
+ quotesinglbase = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Text symbols"},
+ r = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Accents"},
+ raggedbottom = {
+ documentation = "info:latex2e#\\raggedbottom",
+ summary = "Allow text pages of differing height."
+ },
+ raggedleft = {
+ documentation = "info:latex2e#\\raggedleft",
+ summary = "Declaration form of the flushright environment."
+ },
+ raggedright = {
+ documentation = "info:latex2e#\\raggedright",
+ summary = "Declaration form of the flushleft environment."
+ },
+ raisebox = {
+ arguments = {
+ {meta = "distance"},
+ {delimiters = {"[", "]"}, meta = "height", optional = true},
+ {delimiters = {"[", "]"}, meta = "depth", optional = true},
+ {meta = "text"}
+ },
+ documentation = "info:latex2e#\\raisebox",
+ summary = "Raise or lower text."
+ },
+ rangle = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "⟩"},
+ rbrace = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "}"},
+ rbrack = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "]"},
+ rceil = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "⌉"},
+ read = {
+ documentation = "info:latex2e#\\read",
+ summary = "Read text from a file."
+ },
+ ref = {
+ action = "ref",
+ arguments = {{meta = "key"}},
+ documentation = "info:latex2e#\\ref",
+ summary = "Refer to a section, figure or similar."
+ },
+ reflectbox = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "material"}},
+ documentation = "info:latex2e#\\scalebox"
+ },
+ refstepcounter = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "counter"}},
+ documentation = "info:latex2e#\\refstepcounter",
+ summary = "Add to a counter."
+ },
+ renewcommand = {
+ action = "newcommand",
+ arguments = {
+ {literal = "*", meta = "star", optional = true},
+ {meta = "command"},
+ {delimiters = {"[", "]"}, meta = "number", optional = true},
+ {delimiters = {"[", "]"}, meta = "default", optional = true},
+ {meta = "code"}
+ },
+ summary = "Redefine an existing new command."
+ },
+ renewenvironment = {
+ action = "newenvironment",
+ arguments = {
+ {literal = "*", meta = "star", optional = true},
+ {meta = "environment"},
+ {delimiters = {"[", "]"}, meta = "number", optional = true},
+ {delimiters = {"[", "]"}, meta = "default", optional = true},
+ {meta = "begdef"},
+ {meta = "enddef"}
+ },
+ documentation = "info:latex2e#\\newenvironment & \\renewenvironment",
+ summary = "Redefine an existing environment."
+ },
+ resizebox = {
+ arguments = {
+ {literal = "*", meta = "star", optional = true},
+ {meta = "horizontal length"},
+ {meta = "vertical length"},
+ {meta = "material"}
+ },
+ documentation = "info:latex2e#\\resizebox",
+ summary = "Scaling boxes, including graphics, to a set size."
+ },
+ restorecr = {
+ documentation = "info:latex2e#\\obeycr & \\restorecr",
+ summary = "Make each input line start a new output line."
+ },
+ restriction = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols"},
+ revemptyset = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "⦰"},
+ reversemarginpar = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Marginal notes"},
+ rfloor = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "⌋"},
+ rhd = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols"},
+ rho = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "ρ"},
+ right = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "delimiter"}},
+ documentation = "info:latex2e#\\left & \\right",
+ summary = "Automatically sized delimiters."
+ },
+ rightarrow = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "→"},
+ rightharpoondown = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "⇁"},
+ rightharpoonup = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "⇀"},
+ rightleftharpoons = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "⇌"},
+ rightmargin = {documentation = "info:latex2e#list"},
+ rm = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Font styles"},
+ rmfamily = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Font styles"},
+ roman = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "counter"}},
+ documentation = "info:latex2e#\\alph \\Alph \\arabic \\roman \\Roman \\fnsymbol",
+ summary = "Print value of a counter."
+ },
+ rotatebox = {
+ arguments = {
+ {
+ delimiters = {"[", "]"},
+ meta = "key-value list",
+ optional = true
+ },
+ {meta = "angle"},
+ {meta = "material"}
+ },
+ documentation = "info:latex2e#\\rotatebox",
+ summary = "Rotating boxes, including graphics."
+ },
+ rq = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Text symbols"},
+ rule = {
+ arguments = {
+ {delimiters = {"[", "]"}, meta = "raise", optional = true},
+ {meta = "width"},
+ {meta = "thickness"}
+ },
+ documentation = "info:latex2e#\\rule",
+ summary = "Inserting lines and rectangles."
+ },
+ savebox = {
+ arguments = {
+ {meta = "command"},
+ {delimiters = {"[", "]"}, meta = "width", optional = true},
+ {delimiters = {"[", "]"}, meta = "pos", optional = true},
+ {meta = "text"}
+ },
+ documentation = "info:latex2e#\\sbox & \\savebox",
+ summary = "Like \\makebox but save the text for later."
+ },
+ sbox = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "command"}, {meta = "text"}},
+ documentation = "info:latex2e#\\sbox & \\savebox",
+ summary = "Like \\makebox but save the text for later."
+ },
+ sc = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Font styles"},
+ scalebox = {
+ arguments = {
+ {meta = "horizontal factor"},
+ {
+ delimiters = {"[", "]"},
+ meta = "vertical factor",
+ optional = true
+ },
+ {meta = "material"}
+ },
+ documentation = "info:latex2e#\\scalebox",
+ summary = "Scaling boxes, including graphics."
+ },
+ scriptsize = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Font sizes"},
+ scshape = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Font styles"},
+ searrow = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "↘"},
+ sec = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math functions"},
+ section = {
+ action = "section",
+ arguments = {
+ {
+ literal = "*",
+ meta = "star",
+ optional = true,
+ summary = "If present, make an unnumbered heading."
+ },
+ {
+ delimiters = {"[", "]"},
+ meta = "short title",
+ optional = true,
+ summary = "Short title for table of contents and running headers."
+ },
+ {meta = "title", summary = "The section heading."}
+ },
+ documentation = "info:latex2e#\\section",
+ section_level = 1,
+ summary = "Start a section."
+ },
+ seename = {documentation = "info:latex2e#\\index"},
+ selectfont = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Low-level font commands"},
+ setcounter = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "counter"}, {meta = "value"}},
+ documentation = "info:latex2e#\\setcounter",
+ summary = "Set the value of a counter."
+ },
+ setlength = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "len"}, {meta = "amount"}},
+ documentation = "info:latex2e#\\setlength",
+ summary = "Set the value of a length."
+ },
+ setminus = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "⧵"},
+ settodepth = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "len"}, {meta = "text"}},
+ documentation = "info:latex2e#\\settodepth",
+ summary = "Set a length to the depth of something."
+ },
+ settoheight = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "len"}, {meta = "text"}},
+ documentation = "info:latex2e#\\settoheight",
+ summary = "Set a length to the height of something."
+ },
+ settowidth = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "len"}, {meta = "text"}},
+ documentation = "info:latex2e#\\settowidth",
+ summary = "Set a length to the width of something."
+ },
+ sf = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Font styles"},
+ sffamily = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Font styles"},
+ sharp = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "♯"},
+ shortstack = {
+ arguments = {
+ {delimiters = {"[", "]"}, meta = "position", optional = true},
+ {meta = "lines"}
+ },
+ documentation = "info:latex2e#\\shortstack",
+ summary = "Make a stack of objects."
+ },
+ sigma = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "σ"},
+ signature = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "sender name"}},
+ documentation = "info:latex2e#\\signature",
+ summary = "Sender's signature."
+ },
+ sim = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "∼"},
+ simeq = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "≃"},
+ sin = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math functions"},
+ sinh = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math functions"},
+ sl = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Font styles"},
+ sloppy = {
+ documentation = "info:latex2e#\\fussy & \\sloppy",
+ summary = "Be less particular with line breaking."
+ },
+ slshape = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Font styles"},
+ small = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Font sizes"},
+ smallbreak = {summary = "Inter-paragraph space and page breaks."},
+ smallint = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols"},
+ smallskip = {
+ documentation = "info:latex2e#\\bigskip & \\medskip & \\smallskip",
+ summary = "Inter-paragraph vertical spaces."
+ },
+ smallskipamount = {documentation = "info:latex2e#\\bigskip & \\medskip & \\smallskip"},
+ smash = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "subformula"}},
+ summary = "Eliminate height or depth of a subformula."
+ },
+ smile = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "⌣"},
+ spacefactor = {
+ documentation = "info:latex2e#\\spacefactor",
+ summary = "Stretchability of following space"
+ },
+ spadesuit = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "♠"},
+ sqcap = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "⊓"},
+ sqcup = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "⊔"},
+ sqrt = {
+ arguments = {
+ {delimiters = {"[", "]"}, meta = "root-number", optional = true},
+ {meta = "arg"}
+ },
+ documentation = "info:latex2e#\\sqrt",
+ summary = "Radicals.",
+ symbol = "√"
+ },
+ sqsubset = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "⊏"},
+ sqsubseteq = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "⊑"},
+ sqsupset = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "⊐"},
+ sqsupseteq = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "⊒"},
+ ss = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Additional Latin letters"},
+ stackrel = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "text"}, {meta = "relation"}},
+ documentation = "info:latex2e#\\stackrel",
+ summary = "Text over a relation."
+ },
+ star = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "⋆"},
+ stepcounter = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "counter"}},
+ documentation = "info:latex2e#\\stepcounter",
+ summary = "Add to a counter, resetting subsidiary counters."
+ },
+ stop = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Recovering from errors"},
+ strut = {
+ documentation = "info:latex2e#\\strut",
+ summary = "Ensure height of a line."
+ },
+ subparagraph = {
+ action = "section",
+ arguments = "$ref:latex#/commands/section/arguments",
+ documentation = "info:latex2e#\\subsubsection & \\paragraph & \\subparagraph",
+ section_level = 6,
+ summary = "Start a subparagraph."
+ },
+ subsection = {
+ action = "section",
+ arguments = "$ref:latex#/commands/section/arguments",
+ documentation = "info:latex2e#\\subsection",
+ section_level = 2,
+ summary = "Start a subsection."
+ },
+ subset = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "⊂"},
+ subseteq = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "⊆"},
+ subsubsection = {
+ action = "section",
+ arguments = "$ref:latex#/commands/section/arguments",
+ documentation = "info:latex2e#\\subsubsection & \\paragraph & \\subparagraph",
+ section_level = 4,
+ summary = "Start a subsubsection."
+ },
+ succ = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "≻"},
+ succeq = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "⪰"},
+ sum = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "∑"},
+ sup = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math functions"},
+ suppressfloats = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Floats"},
+ supset = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "⊃"},
+ supseteq = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "⊇"},
+ surd = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "√"},
+ swarrow = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "↙"},
+ symbol = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Symbols by font position"},
+ t = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Accents"},
+ tabbingsep = {documentation = "info:latex2e#tabbing"},
+ tabcolsep = {documentation = "info:latex2e#tabular"},
+ tableofcontents = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Table of contents etc"},
+ tan = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math functions"},
+ tanh = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math functions"},
+ tau = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "τ"},
+ telephone = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "number"}},
+ documentation = "info:latex2e#\\telephone",
+ summary = "Sender's phone number."
+ },
+ textascendercompwordmark = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Text symbols"},
+ textasciicircum = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Text symbols"},
+ textasciitilde = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Text symbols"},
+ textasteriskcentered = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Text symbols"},
+ textbackslash = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Text symbols"},
+ textbar = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Text symbols"},
+ textbardbl = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Text symbols"},
+ textbf = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Font styles"},
+ textbigcircle = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Text symbols"},
+ textbraceleft = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Text symbols"},
+ textbraceright = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Text symbols"},
+ textbullet = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Text symbols"},
+ textcapitalcompwordmark = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Text symbols"},
+ textcircled = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "letter"}},
+ documentation = "info:latex2e#Text symbols"
+ },
+ textcolor = {
+ arguments = {
+ {delimiters = {"[", "]"}, meta = "color model", optional = true},
+ {meta = "color specification"},
+ {meta = "text"}
+ }
+ },
+ textcompwordmark = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Text symbols"},
+ textcopyright = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Text symbols"},
+ textdagger = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Text symbols"},
+ textdaggerdbl = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Text symbols"},
+ textdollar = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Text symbols"},
+ textellipsis = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Text symbols"},
+ textemdash = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Text symbols"},
+ textendash = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Text symbols"},
+ texteuro = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Text symbols"},
+ textexclamdown = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Text symbols"},
+ textfloatsep = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Floats"},
+ textfraction = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Floats"},
+ textgreater = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Text symbols"},
+ textheight = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Page layout parameters"},
+ textit = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Font styles"},
+ textleftarrow = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Text symbols"},
+ textless = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Text symbols"},
+ textmd = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Font styles"},
+ textnormal = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Font styles"},
+ textordfeminine = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Text symbols"},
+ textordmasculine = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Text symbols"},
+ textparagraph = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Text symbols"},
+ textperiodcentered = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Text symbols"},
+ textquestiondown = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Text symbols"},
+ textquotedblleft = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Text symbols"},
+ textquotedblright = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Text symbols"},
+ textquoteleft = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Text symbols"},
+ textquoteright = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Text symbols"},
+ textquotesingle = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Text symbols"},
+ textquotestraightbase = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Text symbols"},
+ textquotestraightdblbase = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Text symbols"},
+ textregistered = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Text symbols"},
+ textrightarrow = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Text symbols"},
+ textrm = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Font styles"},
+ textsc = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Font styles"},
+ textsection = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Text symbols"},
+ textsf = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Font styles"},
+ textsl = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Font styles"},
+ textsterling = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Text symbols"},
+ textthreequartersemdash = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Text symbols"},
+ texttrademark = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Text symbols"},
+ texttt = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Font styles"},
+ texttwelveudash = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Text symbols"},
+ textunderscore = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Text symbols"},
+ textup = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Font styles"},
+ textvisiblespace = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Text symbols"},
+ textwidth = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Page layout parameters"},
+ th = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Additional Latin letters"},
+ thanks = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "text"}},
+ documentation = "info:latex2e#\\maketitle"
+ },
+ theta = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "θ"},
+ thicklines = {
+ documentation = "info:latex2e#\\thicklines",
+ summary = "A heavier line thickness."
+ },
+ thickspace = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Spacing in math mode"},
+ thinlines = {
+ documentation = "info:latex2e#\\thinlines",
+ summary = "The default line thickness."
+ },
+ thinspace = {
+ documentation = "info:latex2e#\\thinspace & \\negthinspace",
+ summary = "One-sixth of an em."
+ },
+ thispagestyle = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "style"}},
+ documentation = "info:latex2e#\\thispagestyle",
+ summary = "Change the headings/footings style for this page."
+ },
+ tilde = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math accents", symbol = "◌̃"},
+ times = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "×"},
+ tiny = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Font sizes"},
+ title = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "text"}},
+ documentation = "info:latex2e#\\maketitle"
+ },
+ to = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols"},
+ today = {
+ documentation = "info:latex2e#\\today",
+ summary = "Inserting today's date."
+ },
+ top = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "⊤"},
+ topfraction = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Floats"},
+ topmargin = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Page layout parameters"},
+ topsep = {documentation = "info:latex2e#list"},
+ topskip = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Page layout parameters"},
+ triangle = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols"},
+ triangleleft = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "◁"},
+ triangleright = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "▷"},
+ tt = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Font styles"},
+ ttfamily = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Font styles"},
+ twocolumn = {
+ arguments = {
+ {
+ delimiters = {"[", "]"},
+ meta = "prelim one column text",
+ optional = true
+ }
+ },
+ documentation = "info:latex2e#\\twocolumn",
+ summary = "Use two-column layout."
+ },
+ typein = {
+ arguments = {{delimiters = {"[", "]"}, meta = "command", optional = true}},
+ documentation = "info:latex2e#\\typein",
+ summary = "Read text from the terminal."
+ },
+ typeout = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "msg"}},
+ documentation = "info:latex2e#\\typeout",
+ summary = "Write text to the terminal."
+ },
+ u = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Accents"},
+ unboldmath = {
+ documentation = "info:latex2e#\\boldmath & \\unboldmath",
+ summary = "Symbols in boldface."
+ },
+ underbar = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Accents"},
+ underbrace = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "math"}},
+ documentation = "info:latex2e#Over- and Underlining",
+ symbol = "⏟"
+ },
+ underline = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "text"}},
+ documentation = "info:latex2e#Over- and Underlining"
+ },
+ unitlength = {documentation = "info:latex2e#picture"},
+ unlhd = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols"},
+ unrhd = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols"},
+ uparrow = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "↑"},
+ updownarrow = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "↕"},
+ upharpoonright = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "↾"},
+ uplus = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "⊎"},
+ upshape = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Font styles"},
+ upsilon = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "υ"},
+ usebox = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "command"}},
+ documentation = "info:latex2e#\\usebox",
+ summary = "Print saved text."
+ },
+ usecounter = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "counter"}},
+ documentation = "info:latex2e#\\usecounter",
+ summary = "Use a specified counter in a list environment."
+ },
+ usefont = {
+ arguments = {
+ {meta = "enc"},
+ {meta = "family"},
+ {meta = "series"},
+ {meta = "shape"}
+ },
+ documentation = "info:latex2e#Low-level font commands"
+ },
+ usepackage = {
+ action = "input",
+ arguments = {
+ {
+ delimiters = {"[", "]"},
+ list = true,
+ meta = "options",
+ optional = true
+ },
+ {list = true, meta = "package"}
+ },
+ documentation = "info:latex2e#Additional packages",
+ filename = "?.sty"
+ },
+ v = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Accents"},
+ value = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "counter"}},
+ documentation = "info:latex2e#\\value",
+ summary = "Use the value of a counter in an expression. "
+ },
+ vanothing = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols"},
+ varepsilon = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "ε"},
+ varphi = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "φ"},
+ varpi = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "ϖ"},
+ varrho = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "ϱ"},
+ varsigma = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "ς"},
+ vartheta = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "ϑ"},
+ vdash = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "⊢"},
+ vdots = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Dots", symbol = "⋮"},
+ vec = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math accents", symbol = "◌⃗"},
+ vector = {
+ arguments = {
+ {delimiters = {"(", ")"}, meta = "x_run,y_rise"},
+ {meta = "travel"}
+ },
+ documentation = "info:latex2e#\\vector",
+ summary = "Draw a line with an arrow."
+ },
+ vee = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "∨"},
+ verb = {
+ arguments = {
+ {literal = "*", meta = "star", optional = true},
+ {meta = "char"},
+ {meta = "literal-text"},
+ {meta = "char"}
+ },
+ documentation = "info:latex2e#\\verb",
+ summary = "The macro form of the verbatim environment."
+ },
+ vert = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "|"},
+ vfill = {
+ documentation = "info:latex2e#\\vfill",
+ summary = "Stretchable vertical space."
+ },
+ vline = {
+ documentation = "info:latex2e#\\vline",
+ summary = "Draw a vertical line."
+ },
+ vphantom = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "subformula"}},
+ summary = "Make empty box with the same size as the argument."
+ },
+ vspace = {
+ arguments = {
+ {literal = "*", meta = "star", optional = true},
+ {meta = "length"}
+ },
+ documentation = "info:latex2e#\\vspace",
+ summary = "Vertical space."
+ },
+ wedge = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "∧"},
+ widehat = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math accents", symbol = "◌̂"},
+ widetilde = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math accents", symbol = "◌̃"},
+ wlog = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "string"}},
+ documentation = "info:latex2e#\\wlog",
+ summary = "Write to the log file."
+ },
+ wp = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "℘"},
+ wr = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "≀"},
+ write = {
+ documentation = "info:latex2e#\\write18",
+ summary = "Write text to a file or terminal."
+ },
+ xi = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "ξ"},
+ year = {documentation = "info:latex2e#\\day & \\month & \\year"},
+ zeta = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "ζ"},
+ ["{"] = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Reserved characters"},
+ ["|"] = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols"},
+ ["}"] = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Reserved characters"},
+ ["~"] = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Accents"}
+environments = {
+ abstract = {
+ documentation = "info:latex2e#abstract",
+ summary = "Produce an abstract."
+ },
+ array = {
+ arguments = {
+ {delimiters = {"[", "]"}, meta = "pos", optional = true},
+ {meta = "cols"}
+ },
+ documentation = "info:latex2e#array",
+ summary = "Math arrays."
+ },
+ center = {
+ documentation = "info:latex2e#center",
+ summary = "Centered lines."
+ },
+ description = {
+ action = "list",
+ documentation = "info:latex2e#description",
+ summary = "Labelled lists."
+ },
+ displaymath = {
+ documentation = "info:latex2e#Math formulas",
+ summary = "Formulas that appear on their own line."
+ },
+ document = {
+ documentation = "info:latex2e#document",
+ summary = "Enclose the whole document."
+ },
+ enumerate = {
+ action = "list",
+ documentation = "info:latex2e#enumerate",
+ summary = "Numbered lists."
+ },
+ eqnarray = {
+ documentation = "info:latex2e#eqnarray",
+ summary = "Sequences of aligned equations."
+ },
+ equation = {
+ documentation = "info:latex2e#Math formulas",
+ summary = "Displayed equation."
+ },
+ figure = {
+ arguments = {{delimiters = {"[", "]"}, meta = "placement", optional = true}},
+ documentation = "info:latex2e#figure",
+ snippet = "begin{figure}${1:[placement]}\n\t$0\n\\caption{${2:caption text}}\n\\end{figure}",
+ summary = "Floating figures."
+ },
+ ["figure*"] = {
+ arguments = {{delimiters = {"[", "]"}, meta = "placement", optional = true}},
+ documentation = "info:latex2e#figure",
+ snippet = "begin{figure*}${1:[placement]}\n\t$0\n\\caption{${2:caption text}}\n\\end{figure*}",
+ summary = "Floating figure spanning both text columns."
+ },
+ filecontents = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "filename"}},
+ documentation = "info:latex2e#filecontents",
+ summary = "Writing multiple files from the source."
+ },
+ ["filecontents*"] = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "filename"}},
+ documentation = "info:latex2e#filecontents"
+ },
+ flushleft = {
+ documentation = "info:latex2e#flushleft",
+ summary = "Flushed left lines."
+ },
+ flushright = {
+ documentation = "info:latex2e#flushright",
+ summary = "Flushed right lines."
+ },
+ itemize = {
+ action = "list",
+ documentation = "info:latex2e#itemize",
+ summary = "Bulleted lists."
+ },
+ letter = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "recipient address"}},
+ documentation = "info:latex2e#letter",
+ summary = "Letters."
+ },
+ list = {
+ action = "list",
+ arguments = {{meta = "labeling"}, {meta = "spacing"}},
+ documentation = "info:latex2e#list",
+ summary = "Generic list environment."
+ },
+ lrbox = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "command"}},
+ summary = "Environment version of \\sbox."
+ },
+ math = {
+ documentation = "info:latex2e#Math formulas",
+ summary = "In-line math."
+ },
+ minipage = {
+ arguments = {
+ {delimiters = {"[", "]"}, meta = "position", optional = true},
+ {delimiters = {"[", "]"}, meta = "height", optional = true},
+ {delimiters = {"[", "]"}, meta = "inner-pos", optional = true},
+ {meta = "width"}
+ },
+ documentation = "info:latex2e#minipage",
+ summary = "Miniature page."
+ },
+ picture = {
+ arguments = {
+ {delimiters = {"(", ")"}, meta = "width,height"},
+ {delimiters = {"(", ")"}, meta = "xoffset,yoffset"}
+ },
+ documentation = "info:latex2e#picture",
+ summary = "Picture with text, arrows, lines and circles."
+ },
+ quotation = {
+ documentation = "info:latex2e#quotation & quote",
+ summary = "Include a quotation."
+ },
+ quote = {
+ documentation = "info:latex2e#quotation & quote",
+ summary = "Include a quotation."
+ },
+ sloppypar = {summary = "Environment version of \\sloppy command."},
+ tabbing = {
+ documentation = "info:latex2e#tabbing",
+ summary = "Align text arbitrarily."
+ },
+ table = {
+ arguments = {{delimiters = {"[", "]"}, meta = "placement", optional = true}},
+ documentation = "info:latex2e#table",
+ summary = "Floating tables."
+ },
+ tabular = {
+ arguments = {
+ {delimiters = {"[", "]"}, meta = "pos", optional = true},
+ {meta = "cols"}
+ },
+ documentation = "info:latex2e#tabular",
+ summary = "Align text in columns."
+ },
+ ["tabular*"] = {
+ arguments = {
+ {meta = "width"},
+ {delimiters = {"[", "]"}, meta = "pos", optional = true},
+ {meta = "cols"}
+ }
+ },
+ thebibliography = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "widest-label"}},
+ documentation = "info:latex2e#thebibliography",
+ summary = "Bibliography or reference list."
+ },
+ theorem = {
+ documentation = "info:latex2e#\\newtheorem",
+ summary = "Theorems, lemmas, etc."
+ },
+ titlepage = {
+ documentation = "info:latex2e#titlepage",
+ summary = "For hand crafted title pages."
+ },
+ trivlist = {summary = "A restricted form of list."},
+ verbatim = {
+ documentation = "info:latex2e#verbatim",
+ summary = "Simulating typed input."
+ },
+ verse = {
+ documentation = "info:latex2e#verse",
+ summary = "For poetry and other things."
+ }
diff --git a/support/digestif/data/natbib.sty.tags b/support/digestif/data/natbib.sty.tags
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..fc62570636
--- /dev/null
+++ b/support/digestif/data/natbib.sty.tags
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+ctan_package = "natbib"
+commands = {
+ Citealp = "$ref:natbib.sty#/commands/cite",
+ Citealt = "$ref:natbib.sty#/commands/cite",
+ Citeauthor = "$ref:natbib.sty#/commands/cite",
+ Citep = "$ref:natbib.sty#/commands/cite",
+ Citet = "$ref:natbib.sty#/commands/cite",
+ cite = {
+ action = "cite",
+ arguments = {
+ {delimiters = {"[", "]"}, meta = "prenote", optional = true},
+ {delimiters = {"[", "]"}, meta = "postnote", optional = true},
+ {list = true, meta = "keys"}
+ },
+ summary = "Refer to a bibliography item."
+ },
+ citealp = "$ref:natbib.sty#/commands/cite",
+ citealt = "$ref:natbib.sty#/commands/cite",
+ citeauthor = "$ref:natbib.sty#/commands/cite",
+ citeauthoryear = "$ref:natbib.sty#/commands/cite",
+ citefullauthor = "$ref:natbib.sty#/commands/cite",
+ citename = "$ref:natbib.sty#/commands/cite",
+ citenum = "$ref:natbib.sty#/commands/cite",
+ citep = "$ref:natbib.sty#/commands/cite",
+ citepalias = "$ref:natbib.sty#/commands/cite",
+ citestarts = "$ref:natbib.sty#/commands/cite",
+ citestyle = {arguments = {{meta = "style"}}},
+ citet = "$ref:natbib.sty#/commands/cite",
+ citetalias = "$ref:natbib.sty#/commands/cite",
+ citetext = {arguments = {{meta = "text"}}},
+ citeyear = "$ref:natbib.sty#/commands/cite",
+ citeyearpar = "$ref:natbib.sty#/commands/cite",
+ shortcites = "$ref:natbib.sty#/commands/cite"
diff --git a/support/digestif/data/pgf.sty.tags b/support/digestif/data/pgf.sty.tags
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..defd5dd50c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/support/digestif/data/pgf.sty.tags
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+dependencies = {"pgf"}
diff --git a/support/digestif/data/pgf.tags b/support/digestif/data/pgf.tags
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..24bdeeec27
--- /dev/null
+++ b/support/digestif/data/pgf.tags
@@ -0,0 +1,20068 @@
+-- Copyright 2007-2013 Till Tantau
+-- Copyright 2022 Augusto Stoffel, Jens Schneider
+-- SPDX-License-Identifier: GFDL-1.2-or-later or LPPL-1.3c+
+-- Adapted from the PGF manual, version 3.1.9a, which can be found at
+ctan_package = "pgf"
+documentation = {{summary = "PGF Manual", uri = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf"}}
+commands = {
+ beginpgfgraphicnamed = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "file name prefix"}},
+ details = [[
+This command indicates that everything up to the next call of
+`\endpgfgraphicnamed` is part of a graphic that should be placed in a
+file named ⟨file name prefix⟩`.`⟨suffix⟩, where the ⟨suffix⟩ depends on
+your backend driver. Typically, ⟨suffix⟩ will be `dvi` or `pdf`.
+Here is a typical example of how this command is used:
+ % In file main.tex:
+ ...
+ As we see in Figure~\ref{fig1}, the world is flat.
+ \begin{figure}
+ \beginpgfgraphicnamed{graphic-of-flat-world}
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \fill (0,0) circle (1cm);
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ \endpgfgraphicnamed
+ \caption{The flat world.}
+ \label{fig1}
+ \end{figure}
+Each graphic to be externalized should have a unique name. Note that
+this name will be used as the name of a file in the file system, so it
+should not contain any funny characters.
+This command can have three different effects:
+1. The easiest situation arises if there does not yet exist a graphic
+ file called ⟨file name prefix⟩`.`⟨suffix⟩, where the ⟨suffix⟩ is one
+ of the suffixes understood by your current backend driver (so `pdf`
+ or `jpg` if you use `pdftex`, `eps` if you use `dvips`, and so on).
+ In this case, both this command and the `\endpgfgraphicnamed`
+ command simply have no effect.
+2. A more complex situation arises when a graphic file named ⟨file name
+ prefix⟩`.`⟨suffix⟩ *does* exist. In this case, this graphic file is
+ included using the `\includegraphics` command [1]. Furthermore, the
+ text between `\beginpgfgraphicnamed` and `\endpgfgraphicnamed` is
+ ignored.
+ When the text is "ignored", what actually happens is that all text
+ up to the next occurrence of `\endpgfgraphicnamed` is thrown away
+ without any macro expansion. This means, in particular, that (a) you
+ cannot put `\endpgfgraphicnamed` inside a macro and (b) the macros
+ used in the graphics need not be defined at all when the graphic
+ file is included.
+3. The most complex behavior arises when current the `\jobname` equals
+ the ⟨file name prefix⟩ and, furthermore, the *real job name* has
+ been declared. The behavior for this case is explained later.
+Note that the `\beginpgfgraphicnamed` does not really have any effect
+until you have generated the graphic files named. Till then, this
+command is simply ignored. Also, if you delete the graphics file later
+on, the graphics are typeset normally once more.
+[1] Actually, the command key `/pgf/images/include external` is invoked
+which calls an appropriate `\includegraphics` command.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/beginpgfgraphicnamed"
+ },
+ endpgfgraphicnamed = {
+ details = [[
+This command just marks the end of the graphic that should be
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/endpgfgraphicnamed"
+ },
+ ifpgfmathmathunitsdeclared = {
+ details = [[
+This TeX-if is similar to `\ifpgfmathunitsdeclared`, but it is only set
+when the unit `mu` is encountered at least once. In this case,
+`\ifpgfmathunitsdeclared` will *also* be set to true. The `scalar`
+function has no effect on this TeX-if.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/ifpgfmathmathunitsdeclared"
+ },
+ ifpgfmathunitsdeclared = {
+ details = [[
+After a call of `\pgfmathparse` this if will be true exactly if some
+unit was encountered in the expression. It is always set globally in
+each call.
+Note that *any* "mentioning" of a unit inside an expression will set
+this TeX-if to true. In particular, even an expressionlike `2pt/1pt`,
+which arguably should be considered "scalar" or "unit-free" will still
+have this TeX-if set to true. However, see the `scalar` function for a
+way to change this.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/ifpgfmathunitsdeclared"
+ },
+ ifpgfrememberpicturepositiononpage = {
+ details = [[
+Determines whether the position of pictures on the page should be
+recorded. The value of this TeX-if at the end of a `{pgfpicture}`
+environment is important, not the value at the beginning.
+If this option is set to true of a picture, PGF will attempt to record
+the position of the picture on the page. (This attempt will fail with
+most drivers and when it works, it typically requires two runs of TeX.)
+The position is not directly accessible. Rather, the nodes mechanism
+will use this position if you access a node from another picture. See
+Sections ?? and ?? for more details.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/ifpgfrememberpicturepositiononpage"
+ },
+ ifpgfshadingmodelcmyk = {
+ details = [[
+Within the ⟨type 4 function⟩ argument of
+textbackslash pgfdeclarefunctionalshading, this command can be used to
+test if the `xcolor` color model is `cmyk` *at the time the shading is
+created*. This can be used to ensure that the data output in the ⟨type 4
+function⟩ correctly matches the active color model.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/ifpgfshadingmodelcmyk"
+ },
+ ifpgfshadingmodelgray = {
+ details = [[
+Within the ⟨type 4 function⟩ argument of
+textbackslash pgfdeclarefunctionalshading, this command can be used to
+test if the `xcolor` color model is `gray` *at the time the shading is
+created*. This can be used to ensure that the data output in the ⟨type 4
+function⟩ correctly matches the active color model.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/ifpgfshadingmodelgray"
+ },
+ ifpgfshadingmodelrgb = {
+ details = [[
+Within the ⟨type 4 function⟩ argument of
+textbackslash pgfdeclarefunctionalshading, this command can be used to
+test if the `xcolor` color model is `rgb` *at the time the shading is
+created*. This can be used to ensure that the data output in the ⟨type 4
+function⟩ correctly matches the active color model.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/ifpgfshadingmodelrgb"
+ },
+ ["ifpgfsys@eorule"] = {
+ details = [[
+Determines whether the even odd rule is used for filling and clipping or
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/ifpgfsys@eorule"
+ },
+ ["ifpgfsys@transparency@group@isolated"] = {
+ details = [[
+Determines whether a transparency group should be isolated.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/ifpgfsys@transparency@group@isolated"
+ },
+ ["ifpgfsys@transparency@group@knockout"] = {
+ details = [[
+Determines whether a transparency group is a knockout group or not.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/ifpgfsys@transparency@group@knockout"
+ },
+ ["pgf@process"] = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "code"}},
+ details = [[
+Executes the ⟨code⟩ in a scope and then makes `\pgf@x` and `\pgf@y`
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgf@process"
+ },
+ ["pgf@protocolsizes"] = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "x-dimension"}, {meta = "y-dimension"}},
+ details = [[
+Updates all of the above dimensions in such a way that the point
+specified by the two arguments is inside both bounding boxes. For the
+picture's bounding box this updating occurs only if
+`\ifpgf@relevantforpicturesize` is true, see below.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgf@protocolsizes"
+ },
+ ["pgf@relevantforpicturesizefalse"] = {
+ details = [[
+Suppresses updating of the picture's bounding box.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgf@relevantforpicturesizefalse"
+ },
+ ["pgf@relevantforpicturesizetrue"] = {
+ details = [[
+Causes updating of the picture's bounding box.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgf@relevantforpicturesizetrue"
+ },
+ ["pgf@sys@bp"] = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "dimension"}},
+ details = [[
+Inserts how many multiples of $\frac{1}{72}\mathrm{in}$ the ⟨dimension⟩
+is into the current protocol stream (buffered).
+`\pgf@sys@bp{\pgf@x}` or `\pgf@sys@bp{1cm}`.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgf@sys@bp"
+ },
+ pgfactualjobname = {
+ details = [[
+Once `\tikzexternalize` has been called, `\pgfactualjobname` contains
+the name of the currently generated output file (which may be `main` or
+`main-figure0` or `main-figure1` in our example above).
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfactualjobname"
+ },
+ pgfaliasid = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "alias"}, {meta = "name"}},
+ details = [[
+Creates an alias of a name inside the current TeX scope. After calling
+this command, you can use ⟨alias⟩ anywhere where you would normally use
+⟨name⟩. Note that the binding between ⟨alias⟩ and ⟨name⟩ is not kept
+when `\pgfuseid` is used on the ⟨name⟩ (or the ⟨alias⟩).
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfaliasid"
+ },
+ pgfaliasimage = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "new image name"}, {meta = "existing image name"}},
+ details = [[
+The `{existing image name}` is "cloned" and the `{new image name}` can
+now be used whenever the original image is used. This command is useful
+for creating aliases for alternate extensions and for accessing the last
+image inserted using `\pgfimage`.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfaliasimage"
+ },
+ pgfalternateextension = {
+ details = [[
+You should redefine this command to install a different alternate
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfalternateextension"
+ },
+ pgfanimateattribute = {
+ arguments = {
+ {meta = "attribute"},
+ {keys = "$ref:pgf#/keys/pgf", meta = "options"}
+ },
+ details = [[
+Adds an animation of the ⟨attribute⟩ of a future *object* to the current
+graphic. Attributes are things like the "fill opacity" or the
+transformation matrix or the line width.
+The ⟨options⟩ are keys that configure how the attribute changes over
+time. Using the `entry` key multiple times, you specify which value the
+chosen attribute should have at different points in time. Unless special
+keys are used, "outside" the specified timeline the animation has no
+ \tikz {
+ \pgfanimateattribute{opacity}{
+ whom = node, begin on = {click}, entry = {0s}{1}, entry = {2s}{0} }
+ \node (node) [fill = blue!20, draw = blue, very thick, circle] {Click me!};
+ }
+Other keys, like `repeats`, allow you to specify how the animation
+behaves "as a whole". These keys are documented later in this section.
+**The Attributes**
+In detail, the `\pgfanimateattribute` command opens a TeX-scope, looks
+up the *type* values of the specified ⟨attribute⟩ have (if you wish to
+animate the `opacity` of an object, the type is "scalar" meaning that
+entries must be scalar numbers; when you animate the `fill` attribute,
+the type is "color" and values must be colors, and so on), and then
+executes the ⟨options⟩ with the path prefix `/pgf/animation`. Finally,
+an appropriate system layer command `\pgfsysanimate...` is called to
+create the actual animation and the scope is closed.
+The following ⟨attributes⟩ are permissible:
+ ------------------------------------------- -----------
+ *Attribute* *Type*
+ `draw`, `fill` color
+ `line width` dimension
+ `motion` scalar
+ `opacity`, `fill opacity`, `draw opacity` scalar
+ `path` path
+ `rotate` scalar
+ `scale` scaling
+ `softpath` softpath
+ `translate` point
+ `view` viewbox
+ `visible` boolean
+ `stage` boolean
+ `xskew`, `yskew` scalar
+ ------------------------------------------- -----------
+These attributes are detailed in Sections ?? to ??, but here is a quick
+- `draw` and `fill` refer to the color used to draw (stroke) and fill
+ paths in an object, respectively. Typical values for this attribute
+ are `red` or `black!10`.
+- `line width` is, of course, the line width used in an object.
+ Typical values are `0.4pt` or `1mm`. Note that you (currently)
+ cannot use keys like `thin` or `thick` here, but this may change in
+ the future.
+- `motion` is a slightly special attribute: It allows you to specify a
+ path along which the object should be moved (using the `along` key).
+ The values given to the `entry` key for this attribute refer to a
+ *fraction of the distance along the path*. See the `along` key for
+ details.
+- `opacity` and the variants `fill opacity` and `draw opacity` animate
+ the opacity of an object. Allowed values range between 0 and 1.
+- `path` allows you to animate a path (it will morph). The "values"
+ are now paths themselves. See Section ?? for details.
+- `rotate` refers to a rotation of the object. Values for the `entry`
+ key are the rotation angles like `0` or `90`.
+- `scale` refers to the scaling of the object. Values are either
+ single scalars values (like `1` or `1.5`) or two numbers separated
+ by a comma (like `1,1.5` or `0.5,2`), referring to the $x$-scaling
+ and $y$-scaling.
+- `softpath` is a special case of the `path` attribute, see Section ??
+ once more.
+- `translate` shifts the object by a certain vector. Values are points
+ like `\pgfpoint{1cm}{2cm}`.
+- `view` allows you to animate the view box of a view, see Section ??
+ for details.
+- `visible` refers to the visibility of an object. Allowed values are
+ `true` and `false`.
+- `stage` is identical to `visible`, but when the object is not
+ animated, it will be hidden by default.
+- `xskew` and `yskew` skew the object. Attributes are angles like `0`
+ or `45` or even `90`.
+**The Target Object**
+As stated earlier, the ⟨options⟩ are used to specify the object whose
+attribute for which an animation should be added to the picture. Indeed,
+you *must* specify the object explicitly using the `whom` key and you
+must do so *before* the object is created. Note that, in contrast, in
+SVG you can specify an animation more or less anywhere and then use
+hyper-references to link the animation to the to-be-animated object;
+PGF insists that you specify the animation before the object. This is a
+bit of a bother in some situations, but it is the only way to ensure
+that PGF has a fighting chance to attach some additional code to the
+object (which is necessary for almost all animations of the
+transformation matrix).
+As explained in the introduction of this chapter, an "animation" is just
+a bit of special text in the output document asking a viewer application
+to animate the object at some later time. The `\pgfanimateattribute`
+command inserts this special text immediately, even though it refers to
+an object created only later on. Normally, this is not a problem, but
+the special text should be on the same page as the to-be-animated
+object. To ensure this, it suffices to call `\pgfanimateattribute` no
+earlier than the beginning of the `pgfpicture` containing the object.
+**Naming the Animation**
+You can assign a name to an animation for later (or early) reference. In
+particular, it is possible to begin *another* animation relative to the
+beginning or end of this animation and for referencing this animation
+must be assigned a name. See the `of` and `of next` keys for details.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfanimateattribute"
+ },
+ pgfanimateattributecode = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "attribute"}, {meta = "code"}},
+ details = [[
+The command works like `\pgfanimateattribute`, only instead of ⟨options⟩
+you specify some ⟨code⟩ whose job is to setup the options.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfanimateattributecode"
+ },
+ pgfapproximatenonlineartransformation = {
+ details = [[
+This command will do two things:
+1. It clears the nonlinear transformations for the rest of the current
+ TeX scope, so only linear transformations apply.
+2. However, before removing the nonlinear transformations, the linear
+ transformation matrix is modified so that it mimics the effect the
+ nonlinear transformation had at the origin. That is, after you call
+ this command, drawing something near the origin will look almost the
+ same as if you had not called it.
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \draw [help lines] (0,0) grid (3,2);
+ \pgftransformnonlinear{\polartransformation}% see above
+ \draw (0pt,0mm) grid [xstep=10pt, ystep=5mm] (90pt, 20mm);
+ \begin{scope}[shift={(45pt,20mm)}]
+ % Draw something near "origin":
+ \draw [red] (-10pt,-10pt) -- (10pt,10pt);
+ \draw [red] (10pt,-10pt) -- (-10pt,10pt);
+ % Now draw the same, but in the "approximate" coordinate system:
+ \pgfapproximatenonlineartransformation
+ \draw [] (-10pt,-10pt) -- (10pt,10pt);
+ \draw [] (10pt,-10pt) -- (-10pt,10pt);
+ \pgftext{foo};
+ \end{scope}
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+This command is used by `\pgftext` and `\pgfnode` to transform text when
+a nonlinear transformation is in force.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfapproximatenonlineartransformation"
+ },
+ pgfapproximatenonlineartranslation = {
+ details = [[
+This command works like the normal approximation command, but it will
+only approximate how the origin gets translated, it will not approximate
+the rotation, skewing, or scaling that is involved. This is useful for
+drawing text at the right position, but without "mutilating" the text.
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \draw [help lines] (0,0) grid (3,2);
+ \pgftransformnonlinear{\polartransformation}% see above
+ \draw (0pt,0mm) grid [xstep=10pt, ystep=5mm] (90pt, 20mm);
+ \begin{scope}[shift={(45pt,20mm)}]
+ % Draw something near "origin":
+ \draw [red] (-10pt,-10pt) -- (10pt,10pt);
+ \draw [red] (10pt,-10pt) -- (-10pt,10pt);
+ % Now draw the same, but in the "approximate" coordinate system:
+ \pgfapproximatenonlineartranslation
+ \draw [] (-10pt,-10pt) -- (10pt,10pt);
+ \draw [] (10pt,-10pt) -- (-10pt,10pt);
+ \pgftext{foo};
+ \end{scope}
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfapproximatenonlineartranslation"
+ },
+ pgfarrowsaddtolateoptions = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "code"}},
+ details = [[
+This command works like `\pgfarrowsaddtooptions`, only the ⟨code⟩ will
+be executed "later" than the code added by the normal version of the
+command. This is useful for keys that depend on the length of an arrow:
+Keys like `width’` want to define the arrow width as a multiple of the
+arrow length, but when the `width’` key is given, the length may not yet
+have been specified. By making the computation of the width a "late"
+option, we ensure that `\pgfarrowlength` will have been setup correctly.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfarrowsaddtolateoptions"
+ },
+ pgfarrowsaddtolengthscalelist = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "dimension register"}},
+ details = [[
+Each time an arrow tip is used, the given ⟨dimension register⟩ will be
+multiplied by the `scale length` factor prior to the actual drawing. You
+call this command only once in the preamble somewhere.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfarrowsaddtolengthscalelist"
+ },
+ pgfarrowsaddtooptions = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "code"}},
+ details = [[
+This command should be called by keys with the prefix `/pgf/arrow keys`
+to add code to the arrow option cache. For our `depth` key example, we
+could use this key as follows:
+ \pgfkeys{/pgf/arrow keys/depth/.code=
+ \pgfarrowsaddtooptions{\pgfmathsetlength{\pgfarrowdepth}{#1}}
+Actually, this is still not optimal since the expensive
+`\pgfmathsetlength` command is now called each time an arrow tip is used
+with the `depth` option set. The trick is to do the expensive operation
+only once and then store only very quick code in the arrow option cache:
+ \pgfkeys{/pgf/arrow keys/depth/.code=
+ \pgfmathsetlength{\somedimen}{#1}
+ \pgfarrowsaddtooptions{\pgfarrowdepth=\somedimen} % buggy
+The above code will not (yet) work since `\somedimen` will surely have a
+different value when the cache is executed. The trick is to use some
+ \pgfkeys{/pgf/arrow keys/depth/.code=
+ \pgfmathsetlength{\somedimen}{#1}
+ \expandafter\pgfarrowsaddtooptions\expandafter{\expandafter\pgfarrowdepth\expandafter=\the\somedimen}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfarrowsaddtooptions"
+ },
+ pgfarrowsaddtowidthscalelist = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "dimension register"}},
+ details = [[
+Works like `\pgfarrowsaddtolengthscalelist`, only for width parameters.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfarrowsaddtowidthscalelist"
+ },
+ pgfarrowshullpoint = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "x dimension"}, {meta = "y dimension"}},
+ details = [[
+Adds a point to the convex hull of the arrow tip. As for the previous
+commands, no math parsing is done; instead PGF says `\pgf@x=`⟨x
+dimension⟩ and then `\pgf@y=`⟨y dimension⟩. Thus, both "dimensions" can
+contain code for advancing and thus modifying `\pgf@x` and `\pgf@y`.
+In our example we would write
+ \pgfarrowshullpoint{1cm}{0pt}
+ \pgfarrowshullpoint{-3cm}{2cm}
+ \pgfarrowshullpoint{-3cm}{-2cm}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfarrowshullpoint"
+ },
+ pgfarrowslengthdependent = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "dimension"}, {meta = "length factor"}, {meta = "dummy"}},
+ details = [[
+This command takes three parameters, of which the last one is ignored,
+and does the "length dependent computation" described for the `width’`
+and `inset’` keys. The result is returned in `\pgf@x`.
+You can setup length dependent keys using code like the following:
+ \pgfkeys{/pgf/arrow keys/depth'/.code={%
+ \pgfarrowsthreeparameters{#1}%
+ \expandafter\pgfarrowsaddtolateoptions\expandafter{%
+ \expandafter\pgfarrowslengthdependent\pgfarrowstheparameters% compute...
+ \pgfarrowdepth\pgf@x% ... and store.
+ }%
+ }
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfarrowslengthdependent"
+ },
+ pgfarrowslinewidthdependent = {
+ arguments = {
+ {meta = "dimension"},
+ {meta = "line width factor"},
+ {meta = "outer factor"}
+ },
+ details = [[
+This command takes three parameters and does the "line width dependent
+computation" described on page ?? for the `length` key. The result is
+returned in `\pgf@x`.
+The idea is that you can setup line-width dependent keys like `length`
+or `width` using code like the following:
+ \pgfkeys{/pgf/arrow keys/depth/.code={%
+ \pgfarrowsthreeparameters{#1}%
+ \expandafter\pgfarrowsaddtolateoptions\expandafter{%
+ \expandafter\pgfarrowslinewidthdependent\pgfarrowstheparameters% compute...
+ \pgfarrowdepth\pgf@x% ... and store.
+ }%
+ }
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfarrowslinewidthdependent"
+ },
+ pgfarrowssave = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "macro"}},
+ details = [[
+As explained earlier, the setup code needs to "communicate" with the
+drawing code via "saved values". This command get the name of a macro
+and will store the value this macro had internally. Then, each time
+drawing code is executed, the value of this macro will be restored.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfarrowssave"
+ },
+ pgfarrowssavethe = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "register"}},
+ details = [[
+Works like `\pgfarrowssave`, only the parameter must be a register and
+`\the`⟨register⟩ will be saved. Typically, you will write something like
+ \pgfarrowssavethe{\pgfarrowlength}
+ \pgfarrowssavethe{\pgfarrowwidth}
+To ensure that inside the drawing code the the dimension registers
+`\pgfarrowlength` and `\pgfarrowwidth` are setup with the values they
+had during the setup.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfarrowssavethe"
+ },
+ pgfarrowssetbackend = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "dimension"}},
+ details = [[
+Works like the command for the tip end, only it sets the back end. In
+our example we would call
+ \pgfarrowssettipend{-3cm}
+Defaults to `0pt`.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfarrowssetbackend"
+ },
+ pgfarrowssetlineend = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "dimension"}},
+ details = [[
+Sets the line end, so in the example we have
+`\pgfarrowssettipend{-1cm}`. Default to `0pt`.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfarrowssetlineend"
+ },
+ pgfarrowssettipend = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "dimension"}},
+ details = [[
+When this command is called inside the setup code of an arrow tip, it
+specifies that the tip of the drawn arrow will end exactly at
+⟨dimension⟩. For example, for our earlier example of the large arrow
+tip, where the tip end was at 1cm, we would call
+ \pgfarrowssettipend{1cm}
+Note that for efficiency reasons, the ⟨dimension⟩ is not passed through
+`\pgfmathsetlength`; rather what happens is that `\pgf@x=`⟨dimension⟩
+gets executed. In particular, you can pack further computations into the
+⟨dimension⟩ by simply starting it with a number and then appending some
+code that modifies `\pgf@x`. Here is an example where instead of 1cm we
+use $1\mathrm{cm} - \frac12\mathrm{linewidth}$ as the tip end:
+ \pgfarrowssettipend{1cm\advance\pgf@x by-.5\pgflinewidth}
+If the command is not called at all inside the setup code, the tip end
+is set to `0pt`.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfarrowssettipend"
+ },
+ pgfarrowssetvisualbackend = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "dimension"}},
+ details = [[
+Sets the visual back end, `\pgfarrowssetvisualbackend{-2cm}` in our
+example. Default to the value of the normal back end.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfarrowssetvisualbackend"
+ },
+ pgfarrowssetvisualtipend = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "dimension"}},
+ details = [[
+Sets the visual tip end. Default to the value of the normal tip end and,
+thus, we need not set it in our example.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfarrowssetvisualtipend"
+ },
+ pgfarrowsthreeparameters = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "line-width dependent size specification"}},
+ details = [[
+This command is useful for parsing the values given to keys like
+`length` or `width` the expect a dimension followed optionally for some
+numbers. This command converts the ⟨line-width dependent size
+specification⟩, which may consist of one, two, or three numbers, into a
+triple of three numbers in curly braces, which gets stored in the macro
+`\pgfarrowstheparameters`. Here is an example, where `\showvalueofmacro`
+is used in this example to show the value stored in a macro:
+ \makeatletter
+ \def\showvalueofmacro#1{%
+ \texttt{\expandafter\expandafter\expandafter\expandafter\expandafter\expandafter\expandafter\pgfutil@gobble\expandafter\expandafter\expandafter\string\expandafter\csname#1\endcsname}
+ }%
+ \pgfarrowsthreeparameters{2pt 1}
+ \showvalueofmacro\pgfarrowstheparameters
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfarrowsthreeparameters"
+ },
+ pgfarrowsupperhullpoint = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "x dimension"}, {meta = "y dimension"}},
+ details = [[
+This command works like the previous command, only it normally adds
+*two* points to the convex hull: First, the point
+$(⟨x dimension⟩,⟨y dimension⟩)$ and, secondly, the point
+$(⟨x dimension⟩,-⟨y dimension⟩)$. However, the second point is only
+added if the arrow is not a harpoon.
+Thus, in our example we could simplify the convex hull to
+ \pgfarrowshullpoint{1cm}{0pt}
+ \pgfarrowsupperhullpoint{-3cm}{2cm}
+If the ⟨y dimension⟩ is zero or less, only one point, namely
+$(⟨x dimension⟩,⟨y dimension⟩)$, is added to the hull. Thus, we could
+also have used the upper convex hull command in the first of the two of
+the above commands.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfarrowsupperhullpoint"
+ },
+ pgfcalendar = {
+ arguments = {
+ {meta = "prefix"},
+ {meta = "start date"},
+ {meta = "end date"},
+ {meta = "rendering code"}
+ },
+ details = [[
+This command can be used to typeset a calendar. It is a very general
+command, the actual work has to be done by giving clever implementations
+of ⟨rendering code⟩. Note that this macro need *not* be called inside a
+`{pgfpicture}` environment (even though it typically will be) and you
+can use it to typeset calendars in normal TeX or using packages other
+than PGF.
+**Basic typesetting process.** A calendar is typeset as follows: The
+⟨start date⟩ and ⟨end date⟩ specify a range of dates. For each date in
+this range the ⟨rendering code⟩ is executed with certain macros setup to
+yield information about the *current date* (the current date in the
+enumeration of dates of the range). Typically, the ⟨rendering code⟩
+places nodes inside a picture, but it can do other things as well. Note
+that it is also the job of the ⟨rendering code⟩ to position the calendar
+The different calls of the ⟨rending code⟩ are not surrounded by
+TeX groups (though you can do so yourself, of course). This means that
+settings can accumulate between different calls, which is often
+desirable and useful.
+**Information about the current date.** Inside the ⟨rendering code⟩,
+different macros can be access:
+- `\pgfcalendarprefix` The ⟨prefix⟩ parameter. This prefix is
+ recommended for nodes inside the calendar, but you have to use it
+ yourself explicitly.
+- `\pgfcalendarbeginiso` The ⟨start date⟩ of range being typeset in
+ ISO format (like 2006-01-10).
+- `\pgfcalendarbeginjulian` Julian day number of ⟨start date⟩.
+- `\pgfcalendarendiso` The ⟨end date⟩ of range being typeset in ISO
+ format.
+- `\pgfcalendarendjulian` Julian day number of ⟨end date⟩.
+- `\pgfcalendarcurrentjulian` This TeX count holds the Julian day
+ number of the day currently being rendered.
+- `\pgfcalendarcurrentweekday` The weekday (a number with zero
+ representing Monday) of the current date.
+- `\pgfcalendarcurrentyear` The year of the current date.
+- `\pgfcalendarcurrentmonth` The month of the current date (always two
+ digits with a leading zero, if necessary).
+- `\pgfcalendarcurrentday` The day of month of the current date
+ (always two digits).
+**The `\ifdate` command.** Inside the `\pgfcalendar` the macro `\ifdate`
+is available locally:
+**Examples.** In a first example, let us create a very simple calendar:
+It just lists the dates in a certain range.
+ \pgfcalendar{cal}{2007-01-20}{2007-02-10}{\pgfcalendarcurrentday\ }
+Let us now make this a little more interesting: Let us add a line break
+after each Sunday.
+ \pgfcalendar{cal}{2007-01-20}{2007-02-10}
+ {
+ \pgfcalendarcurrentday\
+ \ifdate{Sunday}{\par}{}
+ }
+We now want to have all Mondays to be aligned on a column. For this,
+different approaches work. Here is one based positioning each day
+horizontally using a skip.
+ \pgfcalendar{cal}{2007-01-20}{2007-02-10}
+ {%
+ \leavevmode%
+ \hbox to0pt{\hskip\pgfcalendarcurrentweekday cm\pgfcalendarcurrentday\hss}%
+ \ifdate{Sunday}{\par}{}%
+ }
+Let us now typeset two complete months.
+ \pgfcalendar{cal}{2007-01-01}{2007-02-28}{%
+ \ifdate{day of month=1}{
+ \par\bigskip\hbox to7.5cm{\itshape\hss\pgfcalendarshorthand mt\hss}\par
+ }{}%
+ \leavevmode%
+ {%
+ \ifdate{weekend}{\color{black!50}}{\color{black}}%
+ \hbox to0pt{%
+ \hskip\pgfcalendarcurrentweekday cm%
+ \hbox to1cm{\hss\pgfcalendarshorthand d-}\hss%
+ }%
+ }%
+ \ifdate{Sunday}{\par}{}%
+ }
+For our final example, we use a `{tikzpicture}`.
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \pgfcalendar{cal}{2007-01-20}{2007-02-10}{%
+ \ifdate{workday}
+ {\tikzset{filling/.style={fill=blue!20}}}
+ {\tikzset{filling/.style={fill=red!20}}}
+ \node (\pgfcalendarsuggestedname) at (\pgfcalendarcurrentweekday,0)
+ [anchor=base,circle,filling] {\pgfcalendarcurrentday};
+ \ifdate{Sunday}{\pgftransformyshift{-3em}}{}%
+ }
+ \draw (cal-2007-01-21) -- (cal-2007-02-03);
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfcalendar"
+ },
+ pgfcalendardatetojulian = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "date"}, {meta = "counter"}},
+ details = [[
+This macro converts a date in a format to be described in a moment to
+the Julian day number in the Gregorian calendar. The ⟨date⟩ should
+expand to a string of the following form:
+1. It should start with a number representing the year. Use `\year` for
+ the current year, that is, the year the file is being typeset.
+2. The year must be followed by a hyphen.
+3. Next should come a number representing the month. Use `\month` for
+ the current month. You can, but need not, use leading zeros. For
+ example, `02` represents February, just like `2`.
+4. The month must also be followed by a hyphen.
+5. Next you must either provide a day of month (again, a number and,
+ again, `\day` yields the current day of month) or the keyword
+ `last`. This keyword refers to the last day of the month, which is
+ automatically computed (and which is a bit tricky to compute,
+ especially for February).
+6. Optionally, you can next provide a plus sign followed by positive or
+ negative number. This number of days will be added to the computed
+ date.
+Here are some examples:
+- `2006-01-01` refers to the first day of 2006.
+- `2006-02-last` refers to February 28, 2006.
+- `\year-\month-\day` refers to today.
+- `2006-01-01+2` refers to January 3, 2006.
+- `\year-\month-\day+1` refers to tomorrow.
+- `\year-\month-\day+-1` refers to yesterday.
+The conversion method is taken from the English Wikipedia entry on
+Julian days.
+`\pgfcalendardatetojulian{2007-01-14}{\mycount}` sets `\mycount` to .
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfcalendardatetojulian"
+ },
+ pgfcalendareastersunday = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "year"}, {meta = "counter"}},
+ details = [[
+This command computes the date of Easter Sunday as a Julian date and
+stores it in ⟨counter⟩.
+`\pgfcalendareastersunday{2019}{\mycount}` sets `\mycount` to , which
+corresponds to ``.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfcalendareastersunday"
+ },
+ pgfcalendarifdate = {
+ arguments = {
+ {meta = "date"},
+ {meta = "tests"},
+ {meta = "code"},
+ {meta = "else code"}
+ },
+ details = [[
+\[pgfcalendarifdate\] This command is used to execute code based on
+properties of ⟨date⟩. The ⟨date⟩ must be a date in ISO-format. For this
+date, the ⟨tests⟩ are checked (to be detailed later) and if one of the
+tests succeeds, the ⟨code⟩ is executed. If none of the tests succeeds,
+the ⟨else code⟩ is executed.
+`\pgfcalendarifdate{2007-02-07}{Wednesday}{Is a Wednesday}{Is not a Wednesday}`
+yields ``.
+The ⟨tests⟩ is a comma-separated list of key--value pairs. The following
+are defined by default:
+This test is passed by all dates. This test is passed by all dates that
+are Mondays. as above. as above. as above. as above. as above. as above.
+Passed by Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays. Passed
+by Saturdays and Sundays. `=`⟨reference⟩ The ⟨reference⟩ can be in one
+of two forms: Either, it is a full ISO format date like `2007-01-01` or
+the year may be missing as in `12-31`. In the first case, the test is
+passed if ⟨date⟩ is the same as ⟨reference⟩. In the second case, the
+test is passed if the month and day part of ⟨date⟩ is the same as
+For example, the test `equals=2007-01-10` will only be passed by this
+particular date. The test `equals=05-01` will be passed by every first
+of May on any year. `=`⟨reference⟩ This test works similarly to the
+`equals` test, only it is checked whether ⟨date⟩ is equal to ⟨reference⟩
+or to any later date. Again, the ⟨reference⟩ can be a full date like
+`2007-01-01` or a short version like `07-01`. For example,
+`at least=07-01` is true for every day in the second half of any year.
+`=`⟨reference⟩ as above. `=`⟨start reference⟩` and `⟨end reference⟩ This
+test checks whether the current date lies between the two given
+reference dates. Both full and short version may be given.
+For example `between=2007-01-01 and 2007-02-28` is true for the days in
+January and February of 2007.
+For another example, `between=05-01 and 05-07` is true for the days of
+the first week of May of any year. `=`⟨number⟩ Passed by the day of
+month of the ⟨date⟩ that is ⟨number⟩. For example, the test
+`day of month=1` is passed by every first of every month. `=`⟨number⟩
+Passed by the day of month of the ⟨date⟩ that is ⟨number⟩ from the end
+of the month. For example, the test `end of month=1` is passed by the
+last day of every month, the test `end of month=2` is passed by the
+second last day of every month. If ⟨number⟩ is omitted, it is assumed to
+be `1`. `=`⟨number⟩ This test checks whether the given date is Easter
+Sunday. The optional number can be used for offsets from Easter Sunday,
+e.g. `Easter=-3` for Maundy Thursday, `Easter=-2` for Good Friday,
+`Easter=1` for Easter Monday. Since the dates of other Christian
+holidays are determined by the date of Easter, these can be accessed as
+well, e.g. `Easter=39` for Feast of the Ascension, `Easter=49` for
+Pentecost, and `Easter=50` for Whit Monday.
+In addition to the above checks, you can also define new checks. To do
+so, you must add a new key to the path `/pgf/calendar/` using the
+`\pgfkeys` command. The job of the code of this new key is to possibly
+set the TeX-if `\ifpgfcalendarmatches` to true (if it is already true,
+no action should be taken) to indicate that the ⟨date⟩ passes the test
+setup by this new key.
+In order to perform the test, the key code needs to know the date that
+should be checked. The date is available through a macro, but a whole
+bunch of additional information about this date is also available
+through the following macros:
+- `\pgfcalendarifdatejulian` is the Julian day number of the ⟨date⟩ to
+ be checked.
+- `\pgfcalendarifdateweekday` is the weekday of the ⟨date⟩ to be
+ checked.
+- `\pgfcalendarifdateyear` is the year of the ⟨date⟩ to be checked.
+- `\pgfcalendarifdatemonth` is the month of the ⟨date⟩ to be checked.
+- `\pgfcalendarifdateday` is the day of month of the ⟨date⟩ to be
+ checked.
+For example, let us define a new key that checks whether the ⟨date⟩ is a
+Workers day (May 1st). This can be done as follows:
+ \pgfkeys{/pgf/calendar/workers day/.code=%
+ {
+ \ifnum\pgfcalendarifdatemonth=5\relax
+ \ifnum\pgfcalendarifdateday=1\relax
+ \pgfcalendarmatchestrue
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ }}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfcalendarifdate"
+ },
+ pgfcalendarjuliantodate = {
+ arguments = {
+ {meta = "Julian day"},
+ {meta = "year macro"},
+ {meta = "month macro"},
+ {meta = "day macro"}
+ },
+ details = [[
+This command converts a Julian day number to an ISO-date. The ⟨Julian
+day⟩ must be a number or TeX counter, the ⟨year macro⟩, ⟨month macro⟩
+and ⟨day macro⟩ must be TeX macro names. They will be set to numbers
+representing the year, month, and day of the given Julian day in the
+Gregorian calendar.
+The ⟨year macro⟩ will be assigned the year without leading zeros. Note
+that this macro will produce year 0 (as opposed to other calendars,
+where year 0 does not exist). However, if you really need calendars for
+before the year 1, it is expected that you know what you are doing
+The ⟨month macro⟩ gets assigned a two-digit number representing the
+month (with a leading zero, if necessary). Thus, the macro is set to
+`01` for January.
+The ⟨day macro⟩ gets assigned a two-digit number representing the day of
+the month (again, possibly with a leading zero).
+To convert a Julian day number to an ISO-date you use code like the
+ \pgfcalendarjuliantodate{2454115}{\myyear}{\mymonth}{\myday}
+ \edef\isodate{\myyear-\mymonth-\myday}
+The above code sets `\isodate` to ``.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfcalendarjuliantodate"
+ },
+ pgfcalendarjuliantoweekday = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "Julian day"}, {meta = "week day counter"}},
+ details = [[
+This command converts a Julian day to a week day by computing the day
+modulo 7. The ⟨week day counter⟩ must be a TeX counter. It will be set
+to 0 for a Monday, to 1 for a Tuesday, and so on.
+`\pgfcalendarjuliantoweekday{2454115}{\mycount}` sets `\mycount` to  (it
+was a Sunday).
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfcalendarjuliantoweekday"
+ },
+ pgfcalendarmonthname = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "month number"}},
+ details = [[
+This command expands to a textual representation of the month, which is
+given by the ⟨month number⟩.
+`\pgfcalendarmonthname{12}` yields ``.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfcalendarmonthname"
+ },
+ pgfcalendarmonthshortname = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "month number"}},
+ details = [[
+As above, only an abbreviated version is produced.
+`\pgfcalendarmonthshortname{12}` yields ``.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfcalendarmonthshortname"
+ },
+ pgfcalendarshorthand = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "kind"}, {meta = "representation"}},
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfcalendarshorthand"
+ },
+ pgfcalendarsuggestedname = {
+ details = [[
+This macro expands to a suggested name for nodes representing days in a
+calendar. If the ⟨prefix⟩ is empty, it expands to the empty string,
+otherwise it expands to the ⟨prefix⟩ of the calendar, followed by a
+hyphen, followed by the ISO format version of the date. Thus, when the
+date `2007-01-01` is typeset in a calendar for the prefix `mycal`, the
+macro expands to `mycal-2007-01-01`.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfcalendarsuggestedname"
+ },
+ pgfcalendarweekdayname = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "week day number"}},
+ details = [[
+This command expands to a textual representation of the day of week,
+given by the ⟨week day number⟩. Thus, `\pgfcalendarweekdayname{0}`
+expands to `Monday` if the current language is English and to `Montag`
+if the current language is German, and so on. See Section ?? for more
+details on translations.
+`\pgfcalendarweekdayname{2}` yields ``.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfcalendarweekdayname"
+ },
+ pgfcalendarweekdayshortname = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "week day number"}},
+ details = [[
+This command works similarly to the previous command, only an
+abbreviated version of the week day is produced.
+`\pgfcalendarweekdayshortname{2}` yields ``.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfcalendarweekdayshortname"
+ },
+ pgfclearid = {
+ details = [[
+Clears the current id (and type) for the local scope.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfclearid"
+ },
+ pgfcoordinate = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "name"}, {meta = "coordinate"}},
+ details = [[
+This command creates a node of shape `coordinate` at the given
+⟨coordinate⟩. Exactly the same effect can be achieved using first a
+shift of the coordinate system to ⟨coordinate⟩, followed by creating a
+node of shape `coordinate` named ⟨name⟩. However, this command is easier
+and more natural to use and, more importantly, it is much faster.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfcoordinate"
+ },
+ pgfcurvilineardistancetotime = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "distance"}},
+ details = [[
+This command does a "distance-to-time-conversion": It tries to compute a
+time $t$, returned in `\pgf@x`, that corresponds to travelling
+⟨distance⟩ along the curve that has last been installed using the
+command `\pgfsetcurvilinearbeziercurve`. The distance-to-time-conversion
+uses the precomputations done by that command. Note that several
+compromises had to be made between speed and accuracy:
+- The conversion will be best near the start of the curve.
+- The more "degenerate" the curve, the worse the results.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfcurvilineardistancetotime"
+ },
+ pgfdata = {
+ arguments = {
+ {
+ delimiters = {"[", "]"},
+ keys = "$ref:pgf#/keys/pgf",
+ meta = "options",
+ optional = true
+ },
+ {meta = "inline data"}
+ },
+ details = [[
+This command is used to feed data to the visualization pipeline. This
+command can only be used when a data visualization object has been
+properly setup, see Section ??.
+**Basic options.** The `\pgfdata` command may be followed by ⟨options⟩,
+which are executed with the path `/pgf/data/`. Depending on these
+options, the ⟨options⟩ may either be followed by ⟨inline data⟩ or,
+alternatively, no ⟨inline data⟩ is present and the data is read from an
+external source.
+The first important option is ⟨source⟩, which governs which of these two
+alternatives applies:
+The second important key is `format`, which is used to specify the data
+In case all your data is in a certain format, you may wish to generally
+set the above key somewhere at the beginning of your file.
+Alternatively, you can use the following style to setup the `format` key
+and possibly further keys concerning the data format:
+**Gathering of the data.** Once the data format and the source have been
+decided upon, the data is "gathered". During this phase the data is not
+actually parsed in detail, but just gathered so that it can later be
+parsed during the visualization. There are two different ways in which
+the data is gathered:
+- In case you have specified an external source, the data
+ visualization object is told (by means of invoking the `add data`
+ method) that it should (later) read data from the file specified by
+ the `source` key using the format specified by the `format` key. The
+ file is not read at this point, but only later during the actual
+ visualization.
+- Otherwise, namely when data is given inline, depending on which
+ format is used, some catcodes get changed. This is necessary since
+ TeX's special characters are often not-so-special in a certain
+ format.
+ Independently of the format, the end-of-line character (carriage
+ return) is made an active character.
+ Finally, the ⟨inline data⟩ is then read as a normal argument and the
+ data visualization object is told that later on it should parse this
+ data using the given format parser. Note that in this case the data
+ visualization object must store the whole data internally.
+In both cases the "data visualization object" is the object stored in
+the `/pgf/data visualization/obj` key.
+**Parsing of the data.** During the actual data visualization, all code
+that has been added to the data visualization object by means of the
+`add data` method is executed several times. It is the job of this code
+to call the `\pgfdatapoint` method for all data points present in the
+When the `\pgfdata` method calls `add data`, the code that is passed to
+the data visualization object is just a call to internal macros of
+`\pgfdata`, which are able to parse the data stored in an external file
+or in the inlined data. Independently of where the data is stored, these
+macros always do the following:
+1. The catcodes are setup according to what the data format requires.
+2. Format-specific startup code gets called, which can initialize
+ internal variables of the parsing process. (The catcode changes are
+ not part of the startup code since in order to read inline data
+ `\pgfdata` must be able to setup to temporarily setup the catcodes
+ needed later on by the parsers, but since no reading is to be done,
+ no startup code should be called at this point.)
+3. For each line of the data a format-specific code handler, which
+ depends on the data format, is called. This handler gets the current
+ line as input and should call `\pgfdatapoint` once for each data
+ point that is encoded by this line (a line might define multiple
+ data points or none at all). Empty lines are handled by special
+ format-specific code.
+4. At the end, format-specific end code is executed.
+For an example of how this works, see the description of the
+`\pgfdeclaredataformat` command.
+**Data sets.** There are three options that allow you to create *data
+sets*. Such a data set is essentially a macro that stores a pre-parsed
+set of data that can be used multiple times in subsequent visualizations
+(or even in the same visualization).
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfdata"
+ },
+ pgfdeclarearrow = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "config"}},
+ details = [[
+This command is both used to define a new arrow tip kind and to to
+declare a so-called shorthand. We have a look at the case that a
+complete new arrow tip kind is created and then have a look how the
+command can be used to create shorthands.
+**Defining a Complete New Arrow Tip Kind.** The ⟨config⟩ is a key--value
+list in which different keys are used to setup the to-be defined arrow.
+The following keys can be given:
+- `name``=`⟨name⟩ or `name=`⟨start name⟩`-`⟨end name⟩
+ This defines the name of the arrow tip. It is legal to define an
+ arrow tip a second time, in this case the previous definition will
+ be overwritten in the current TeX scope. It is customary to use a
+ name with an uppercase first letter for a "complete" arrow tip kind.
+ Short names and lower case names should be used for shorthands that
+ change their meaning inside a document, while arrow tips with
+ uppercase first letters should not be redefined.
+ If the name contains a hyphen, the second syntax is assumed and
+ everything before the hyphen will be the name used in start arrow
+ specifications, while the text after the hyphen is the name used in
+ end specifications.
+- `parameters``=``{list of macros}`
+ As explained earlier, an arrow tip typically needs to be redrawn
+ each time an option like `length` or `inset` is changed. However,
+ for some arrow tips, the `inset` has no influence, while for other
+ it is important whether the arrow is reversed or not. (How keys like
+ `length` actually set TeX dimensions like `\pgfarrowlength` is
+ explained in Section ??.)
+ The job of the `parameters` key is to specify which dependencies the
+ arrow tip has. Everything that will influence any of the parameters
+ computed in the setup code or used in the drawing code should be
+ listed here.
+ The ⟨list of macros⟩ will be used inside a `\csname`-`\endcsname`
+ pair and should expand to the current values of the relevant
+ parameters have. For example, if the arrow tip depends on the
+ current value of `\pgfarrowlength` and `\pgfarrowwidth` only, then
+ ⟨list of macros⟩ should be set to
+ `\the\pgfarrowlength,\the\pgfarrowwidth`. (Actually, the comma is
+ optional, the ⟨list of macros⟩ does not really have to be a list,
+ just something that can be expanded unambiguously.)
+ Note that the line width (`\pgflinewidth`) and the inner line width
+ (`\pgfinnerlinewidth`) are always parameters and need not be
+ specified in the `parameters`.
+ It is important to get this parameter right. Otherwise, arrow tips
+ may look wrong because PGF thinks that it can reuse some code when,
+ in reality, this code actually depends on a parameter not listed
+ here.
+- `setup code``=``{code}`
+ When an arrow tip is used, the value stored in `parameters` is
+ expanded and it is tested whether the result was encountered before.
+ If not, the ⟨code⟩ gets executed (only this once). The code can now
+ do arbitrarily complicated computations the prepare the later
+ drawing of the arrow tip. Also the ⟨code⟩ must specify the different
+ tip and back ends and the convex hull points. This is done by
+ calling the following macros inside the ⟨code⟩:
+- `drawing code``=``{code}`
+ This code will be executed at least once for each setting of the
+ parameters when the time arrow tip is actually drawn. Usually, this
+ one execution will be all and the low-level commands generated
+ inside the ⟨code⟩ will we stored in a special cache; but in some
+ cases the ⟨code⟩ gets executed each time the arrow tip is used, so
+ do not assume anything about it. Inside the ⟨code⟩, you have access
+ to all values that were saved in the setup code as well as to the
+ line width.
+ The ⟨code⟩ should draw the arrow tip "going right along the
+ $x$-axis". PGF will take care of setting up a canvas transformation
+ beforehand to a rotation such that when the drawing is rendered, the
+ arrow tip that is actually drawn points in the direction of the
+ line. Alternatively, when bending is switched on, even more
+ complicated low-level transformations will be done automatically.
+ The are some special considerations concerning the ⟨code⟩:
+ - In the ⟨code⟩ you may *not* use `\pgfusepath` since this would
+ try to add arrow tips to the arrow tip and lead to a recursion.
+ Use the "quick" versions `\pgfusepathqstroke` and so on instead,
+ which never try to add arrow tips.
+ - If you stroke the path that you construct, you should first set
+ the dashing to solid and set up fixed joins and caps, as needed.
+ This will ensure that the arrow tip will always look the same.
+ - When the arrow tip code is executed, it is automatically put
+ inside a low-level scope, so nothing will "leak out" from the
+ scope.
+ - The high-level coordinate transformation matrix will be set to
+ the identity matrix when the code is executed for the first
+ time.
+- `cache``=`⟨true or false⟩
+ When set to `true`, which is the default, the ⟨code⟩ will be
+ executed only once for a particular value of parameters and the
+ low-level commands created by the drawing code (using the system
+ layer protocol subsystem, see Section ??) will be cached and reused
+ later on. However, when the drawing code contains "uncachable" code
+ like a call to `\pgftext`, caching must be switched off by saying
+ `cache=false`.
+- `bending mode``=`⟨mode⟩
+ This key is important only when the `bend` option is used with an
+ arrow, see Section ?? for an introduction to this option. The `bend`
+ option asks us to, well, bend the arrow head. For some arrow head
+ this is not possible or leads to very strange drawings (for
+ instance, when the `\pgftext` command is used) and then it is better
+ to switch bending off for the arrow head (`flex` will then be used
+ instead). To achieve this, set ⟨mode⟩ to `none`.
+ For most arrow tips it does, however, make sense to bend them. There
+ are (at least) two different mathematical ways of doing so, see
+ Section ?? for details. Which of these ways is use can be configured
+ by setting ⟨mode⟩ to either `orthogonal` or to `polar`. It is best
+ to try simply try out both when designing an arrow tip to see which
+ works better. Since `orthogonal` is quicker and often gives good
+ oder even better results, it is the default. Some arrow tips,
+ however, profit from saying `bending mode=polar`.
+- `defaults``=`⟨arrow keys⟩
+ The ⟨arrow keys⟩ allow you to configure the default values for the
+ parameters on which an arrow tip depends. The ⟨arrow keys⟩ will be
+ executed first before any other arrow tip options are executed, see
+ Section ?? for the exact sequence. Also see Section ?? below for
+ more details on arrow options.
+This concludes the description of the keys you provide for the
+declaration of an arrow. Let us now have a look at a simple example that
+uses these features: We want to define an arrow tip kind `foo` that
+produces the arrow tip we used as our running example. However, to make
+things a bit more interesting, let us make it "configurable" insofar as
+the length of the arrow tip can be configured using the `length` option,
+which sets the `\pgfarrowlength`. By default, this length should be the
+gigantic 4cm we say in the example, but uses should be able to set it to
+anything they like. We will not worry about the arrow width or insets,
+of arrow line width, or harpoons, or anything else in this example to
+keep it simple.
+Here is the code:
+ \pgfdeclarearrow{
+ name = foo,
+ parameters = { \the\pgfarrowlength },
+ setup code = {
+ % The different end values:
+ \pgfarrowssettipend{.25\pgfarrowlength}
+ \pgfarrowssetlineend{-.25\pgfarrowlength}
+ \pgfarrowssetvisualbackend{-.5\pgfarrowlength}
+ \pgfarrowssetbackend{-.75\pgfarrowlength}
+ % The hull
+ \pgfarrowshullpoint{.25\pgfarrowlength}{0pt}
+ \pgfarrowshullpoint{-.75\pgfarrowlength}{.5\pgfarrowlength}
+ \pgfarrowshullpoint{-.75\pgfarrowlength}{-.5\pgfarrowlength}
+ % Saves: Only the length:
+ \pgfarrowssavethe\pgfarrowlength
+ },
+ drawing code = {
+ \pgfpathmoveto{\pgfqpoint{.25\pgfarrowlength}{0pt}}
+ \pgfpathlineto{\pgfqpoint{-.75\pgfarrowlength}{.5\pgfarrowlength}}
+ \pgfpathlineto{\pgfqpoint{-.5\pgfarrowlength}{0pt}}
+ \pgfpathlineto{\pgfqpoint{-.75\pgfarrowlength}{-.5\pgfarrowlength}}
+ \pgfpathclose
+ \pgfusepathqfill
+ },
+ defaults = { length = 4cm }
+ }
+We can now use it:
+ \tikz \draw [-foo] (0,0) -- (8,0);
+ \tikz \draw [-{foo[length=2cm,bend]}] (0,0) to [bend left] (3,0);
+**Defining a Shorthand.** The `\pgfdeclarearrow` command can also used
+to define *shorthands*. This works as follows:
+- First, you must provide a `name` just in the same way as when you
+ define a full-flung new arrow tip kind.
+- Second, instead of all of the other options listed above, you just
+ use one more option:
+ `means``=`⟨end arrow specification⟩
+ This sets up things so that whenever ⟨name⟩ is now used in an arrow
+ specification, it will be replaced by the ⟨end arrow specification⟩
+ (the problems resulting form the ⟨name⟩ begin used in a start arrow
+ specification are taken care of automatically). See also Section ??
+ for details on the order in which options get executed in such
+ cases.
+ Note that the ⟨end arrow specification⟩ will be executed immediately
+ to build the so-called arrow option caches, a concept explored in
+ more detail in Section ??. In practice, this has mainly two effects:
+ First, all arrow tips referred to in the specification must already
+ exist (at least as "dummy" versions). Second, all dimensions
+ mentioned in options of the ⟨end arrow specification⟩ will be
+ evaluated immediately. For instance, when you write
+ \pgfdeclarearrow{ name=foo, means = bar[length=2cm+\mydimen] }
+ The value `2cm+\mydimen` is evaluated immediately. When `foo` is
+ used later on and `\mydimen` has changed, this has no effect.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfdeclarearrow"
+ },
+ pgfdeclaredataformat = {
+ arguments = {
+ {meta = "format name"},
+ {meta = "catcode code"},
+ {meta = "startup code"},
+ {meta = "line arguments"},
+ {meta = "line code"},
+ {meta = "empty line code"},
+ {meta = "end code"}
+ },
+ details = [[
+This command defines a new data format called ⟨format name⟩, which can
+subsequently be used in the `\pgfdata` command. (The TikZ's `data` maps
+directly to `\pgfdata`, so the following applies to TikZ as well.)
+As explained in the description of the `\pgfdata` command, when data is
+being parsed that is formatted according to ⟨format name⟩, the following
+1. The ⟨catcode code⟩ is executed. This code should just contain
+ catcode changes. The ⟨catcode code⟩ will also be executed when
+ inline data is read.
+2. Next, the ⟨startup code⟩ is executed.
+3. Next, for each non-empty line of the data, the line is passed to a
+ macro whose argument list is given by ⟨line arguments⟩ and whose
+ body is given by ⟨line code⟩. The idea is that you can use TeX's
+ powerful pattern matching capabilities to parse the non-empty lines.
+ See also the below example.
+4. Empty lines are not processed by the ⟨line code⟩, but rather by the
+ ⟨empty line code⟩. Typically, empty lines can simply be ignored and
+ in this case you can let this parameter be empty.
+5. At the end of the data, the ⟨end code⟩ is executed.
+As an example, let us now define a simple data format for reading files
+formatted in the following manner: Each line should contain a coordinate
+pair as in `(1.2,3.2)`, so two numbers separated by a comma and
+surrounded by parentheses. To make things more interesting, suppose that
+the hash mark symbol can be used to indicate comments. Here is an
+example of some data given in this format:
+ # This is some data formatted according to the "coordinates" format
+ (0,0)
+ (0.5,0.25)
+ (1,1)
+ (1.5,2.25)
+ (2,4)
+A format parser for this format could be defined as follows:
+ \pgfdeclaredataformat{coordinates}
+ % First comes the catcode argument. We turn the hash mark into a comment character.
+ {\catcode`\#=14\relax}
+ % Second comes the startup code. Since we do not need to setup things, we can leave
+ % it empty. Note that we could also set it to something like \begingroup, provided we
+ % put an \endgroup in the end code
+ {}
+ % Now comes the arguments for non-empty lines. Well, these should be of the form
+ % (#1,#2), so we specify that:
+ {(#1,#2)}
+ % Now we must do something with a line of this form. We store the #1 argument in
+ % /data point/x and #2 in /data point/y. Then we call \pgfdatapoint to create a data point.
+ {
+ \pgfkeyssetvalue{/data point/x}{#1}
+ \pgfkeyssetvalue{/data point/y}{#2}
+ \pgfdatapoint
+ }
+ % We ignore empty lines:
+ {}
+ % And we also have no end-of-line code.
+ {}
+This format could now be used as follows:
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \datavisualization[school book axes, visualize as smooth line]
+ data [format=coordinates] {
+ # This is some data formatted according
+ # to the "coordinates" format
+ (0,0)
+ (0.5,0.25)
+ (1,1)
+ (1.5,2.25)
+ (2,4)
+ };
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfdeclaredataformat"
+ },
+ pgfdeclaredecoration = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "name"}, {meta = "initial state"}, {meta = "states"}},
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfdeclaredecoration"
+ },
+ pgfdeclarefading = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "name"}, {meta = "contents"}},
+ details = [[
+This command declares a fading named ⟨name⟩ for later use. The "picture"
+on which the fading is based is given by the ⟨contents⟩. The ⟨contents⟩
+are normally typeset in a TeX box. The resulting box is then used as the
+"picture". In particular, inside the ⟨contents⟩ you must explicitly open
+a `{pgfpicture}` environment if you wish to use PGF commands.
+Let's start with an easy example. Our first fading picture is just some
+ \pgfdeclarefading{fading1}{\textcolor{white}{Ti\emph{k}Z}}
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \fill [black!20] (0,0) rectangle (2,2);
+ \fill [black!30] (0,0) arc (180:0:1);
+ \pgfsetfading{fading1}{\pgftransformshift{\pgfpoint{1cm}{1cm}}}
+ \fill [red] (0,0) rectangle (2,2);
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+What's happening here? The "fading picture" is mostly transparent,
+except for the pixels that are part of the word Ti*k*Z. Now, these
+pixels are *white* and, thus, have a high luminosity. This in turn means
+that these pixels of the fading will be highly opaque. For this reason,
+only those pixels of the big red rectangle "shine through" that are at
+the positions of these opaque pixels.
+It is somewhat counter-intuitive that the white pixels in a fading
+picture are opaque in a fading. For this reason, the color
+`pgftransparent` is defined to be the same as `black`. This allows one
+to write `pgftransparent` for completely transparent parts of a fading
+picture and `pgftransparent!0` for the opaque parts and things like
+`pgftransparent!20` for parts that are 20% transparent.
+Furthermore, the color `pgftransparent!0` (which is the same as white
+and which corresponds to completely opaque) is installed at the
+beginning of a fading picture. Thus, in the above example the
+`\color{white}` was not really necessary.
+Next, let us create a fading that gets more and more transparent as we
+go from left to right. For this, we put a shading inside the fading
+picture that has the color `pgftransparent!0` at the left-hand side and
+the color `pgftransparent!100` at the right-hand side.
+ \pgfdeclarefading{fading2}
+ {\tikz \shade[left color=pgftransparent!0,
+ right color=pgftransparent!100] (0,0) rectangle (2,2);}
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \fill [black!20] (0,0) rectangle (2,2);
+ \fill [black!30] (0,0) arc (180:0:1);
+ \pgfsetfading{fading2}{\pgftransformshift{\pgfpoint{1cm}{1cm}}}
+ \fill [red] (0,0) rectangle (2,2);
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+In our final example, we create a fading that is based on a radial
+ \pgfdeclareradialshading{myshading}{\pgfpointorigin}
+ {
+ color(0mm)=(pgftransparent!0);
+ color(5mm)=(pgftransparent!0);
+ color(8mm)=(pgftransparent!100);
+ color(15mm)=(pgftransparent!100)
+ }
+ \pgfdeclarefading{fading3}{\pgfuseshading{myshading}}
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \fill [black!20] (0,0) rectangle (2,2);
+ \fill [black!30] (0,0) arc (180:0:1);
+ \pgfsetfading{fading3}{\pgftransformshift{\pgfpoint{1cm}{1cm}}}
+ \fill [red] (0,0) rectangle (2,2);
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfdeclarefading"
+ },
+ pgfdeclarefunctionalshading = {
+ arguments = {
+ {delimiters = {"[", "]"}, meta = "color list", optional = true},
+ {meta = "shading name"},
+ {meta = "lower left corner"},
+ {meta = "upper right corner"},
+ {meta = "init code"},
+ {meta = "type 4 function"}
+ },
+ details = [[
+*Warning: These shadings are the least portable of all and they put the
+heaviest burden of the renderer. They are slow and, possibly, will not
+print correctly!*
+This command creates a *functional shading*. For such a shading, the
+color of each point is calculated by calling a function that takes the
+coordinates of the point as input and yields the color as an output.
+Note that the function is evaluated by the *renderer*, not by PGF or
+TeX or someone else at compile-time. This means that the evaluation of
+this function has to be done *extremely quickly* and the function should
+be *very simple*. For this reason, only a very restricted set of
+operations are possible in the function and functions should be kept
+small. Any errors in the function will only be noticed by the renderer.
+The syntax for specifying functions is the following: You use a
+simplified form of a subset of the PostScript language. This subset will
+be understood by the PDF-renderer (yes, PDF-renderers do have a basic
+understanding of PostScript) and also by PostScript renders. This subset
+is detailed in Section 3.9.4 of the PDF-specification (version 1.7). In
+essence, the specification states that these functions may contain
+"expressions involving integers, real numbers, and boolean values only.
+There are no composite data structures such as strings or arrays, no
+procedures, and no variables or names." The allowed operators are
+(exactly) the following: `abs`, `add`, `atan`, `ceiling`, `cos`, `cvi`,
+`cvr`, `div`, `exp`, `floor`, `idiv`, `ln`, `log`, `mod`, `mul`, `neg`,
+`round`, `sin`, `sqrt`, `sub`, `truncate`, `and`, `bitshift`, `eq`,
+`false`, `ge`, `gt`, `le`, `lt`, `ne`, `not`, `or`, `true`, `xor`, `if`,
+`ifelse`, `copy`, `dup`, `exch`, `index`, `pop`.
+When the function is evaluated, the top two stack elements are the
+coordinates of the point for which the color should be computed. The
+coordinates are dimensionless and given in big points, so for the
+coordinate $(50bp, 72.27pt)$ the top two stack elements would be `50.0`
+and `72.0`. Otherwise, the (virtual) stack is empty (or should be
+treated as if it were empty). The function should then replace these two
+values by three values, representing the red, green, and blue color of
+the point for an RGB shading, four colors, representing the cyan,
+magenta, yellow, and black color of the point for a CMYK shading, or one
+value representing the gray color for a grayscale shading. The numbers
+should be real values, not integers since, Apple's PDF renderer is
+broken in this regard (use `cvr` at the end if necessary).
+Conceptually, the function will be evaluated once for each point of the
+rectangle ⟨lower left corner⟩ to ⟨upper right corner⟩, which should be a
+PGF-point expression like `\pgfpoint{100bp}{100bp}`. A renderer may
+choose to evaluate the function at less points, but, in principle, the
+function will be evaluated for each pixel independently.
+Because of the rather difficult PostScript syntax, use this macro only
+*if you know what you are doing* (or if you are adventurous, of course).
+As for other shadings, the optional ⟨color list⟩ is used to determine
+whether a shading needs to be recalculated when a color has changed.
+The ⟨init code⟩ is executed each time a shading is (re)calculated.
+Typically, it will contain code to extract coordinates from colors.
+ \pgfdeclarefunctionalshading{twospots}
+ {\pgfpointorigin}{\pgfpoint{4cm}{4cm}}{}{
+ % Save coordinates for later
+ 2 copy
+ % Compute distance from (40bp,45bp), with x doubled
+ 45 sub dup mul exch
+ 40 sub dup mul 0.5 mul add sqrt
+ % exponential decay
+ dup mul neg 1.0005 exch exp 1.0 exch sub
+ % Compute distance from (70bp,70bp) from stored coordinate, scaled
+ 3 1 roll
+ 70 sub dup mul .5 mul exch
+ 70 sub dup mul add sqrt
+ % Decay
+ dup mul neg 1.002 exch exp 1.0 exch sub
+ % red component
+ 1.0 3 1 roll
+ }
+ \pgfuseshading{twospots}
+Inside the PostScript function ⟨type 4 function⟩ you cannot use colors
+directly. Rather, you must push the color components on the stack. For
+this, it is useful to call one of `\pgfshadecolortorgb`,
+`\pgfshadecolortocmyk`, or `\pgfshadecolortogray` in the ⟨init code⟩:
+ \pgfdeclarefunctionalshading[col1,col2,col3,col4]{bilinear interpolation}
+ {\pgfpointorigin}{\pgfpoint{100bp}{100bp}}
+ {
+ \pgfshadecolortorgb{col1}{\first}\pgfshadecolortorgb{col2}{\second}
+ \pgfshadecolortorgb{col3}{\third}\pgfshadecolortorgb{col4}{\fourth}
+ }{
+ 100 div exch 100 div 2 copy % Calculate y/100 x/100.
+ neg 1 add exch neg 1 add % Calculate 1-y/100 1-x/100.
+ 3 1 roll 2 copy exch 5 2 roll 6 copy 6 copy % Set up stack.
+ \firstred mul exch \secondred mul add mul % Process red component.
+ 4 1 roll
+ \thirdred mul exch \fourthred mul add mul
+ add
+ 13 1 roll
+ \firstgreen mul exch \secondgreen mul add mul % Process green component.
+ 4 1 roll
+ \thirdgreen mul exch \fourthgreen mul add mul
+ add
+ 7 1 roll
+ \firstblue mul exch \secondblue mul add mul % Process blue component.
+ 4 1 roll
+ \thirdblue mul exch \fourthblue mul add mul
+ add
+ }
+ \colorlet{col1}{blue}
+ \colorlet{col2}{yellow}
+ \colorlet{col3}{red}
+ \colorlet{col4}{green}
+ \pgfuseshading{bilinear interpolation}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfdeclarefunctionalshading"
+ },
+ pgfdeclarehorizontalshading = {
+ arguments = {
+ {delimiters = {"[", "]"}, meta = "color list", optional = true},
+ {meta = "shading name"},
+ {meta = "shading height"},
+ {meta = "color specification"}
+ },
+ details = [[
+Declares a horizontal shading named ⟨shading name⟩ of the specified
+⟨height⟩ with the specified colors. The width of the bar is deduced
+automatically from the maximum dimension in the specification.
+ \pgfdeclarehorizontalshading{myshadingA}
+ {1cm}{rgb(0cm)=(1,0,0); color(2cm)=(green); color(4cm)=(blue)}
+ \pgfuseshading{myshadingA}
+The effect of the ⟨color list⟩, which is a comma-separated list of
+colors, is the following: Normally, when this list is empty, once a
+shading has been declared, it becomes "frozen". This means that even if
+you change a color that was used in the declaration of the shading later
+on, the shading will not change. By specifying a ⟨color list⟩ you can
+specify that the shading should be recalculated whenever one of the
+colors listed in the list changes (this includes effects like color
+mixins and `xcolor` color models). Thus, when you specify a ⟨color
+list⟩, whenever the shading is used, PGF first converts the colors in
+the list to tuples in the current `xcolor` color model using the current
+values of the colors and taking any mixins and blends into account. If
+the resulting tuples have not yet been used, a new shading is internally
+created and used. Note that if the option ⟨color list⟩ is used, then no
+shading is created until the first use of `\pgfuseshading`. In
+particular, the colors mentioned in the shading need not be defined when
+the declaration is given.
+When a shading is recalculated because of a change in the colors
+mentioned in ⟨color list⟩, the complete shading is recalculated. Thus
+even colors not mentioned in the list will be used with their current
+values, not with the values they had upon declaration.
+ \pgfdeclarehorizontalshading[mycolor]{myshadingB}
+ {1cm}{rgb(0cm)=(1,0,0); color(2cm)=(mycolor)}
+ \colorlet{mycolor}{green}
+ \pgfuseshading{myshadingB}
+ \colorlet{mycolor}{blue}
+ \pgfuseshading{myshadingB}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfdeclarehorizontalshading"
+ },
+ pgfdeclareimage = {
+ arguments = {
+ {
+ delimiters = {"[", "]"},
+ keys = "$ref:pgf#/keys/pgf",
+ meta = "options",
+ optional = true
+ },
+ {meta = "image name"},
+ {meta = "filename"}
+ },
+ details = [[
+Declares an image, but does not paint anything. To draw the image, use
+`\pgfuseimage{`⟨image name⟩`}`. The ⟨filename⟩ may not have an
+extension. For PDF, the extensions `.pdf`, `.jpg`, and `.png` will
+automatically tried. For PostScript, the extensions `.eps`, `.epsi`, and
+`.ps` will be tried.
+The following options are possible:
+- `height=`⟨dimension⟩ sets the height of the image. If the width is
+ not specified simultaneously, the aspect ratio of the image is kept.
+- `width=`⟨dimension⟩ sets the width of the image. If the height is
+ not specified simultaneously, the aspect ratio of the image is kept.
+- `page=`⟨page number⟩ selects a given page number from a multipage
+ document. Specifying this option will have the following effect:
+ first, PGF tries to find a file named
+ > ⟨filename⟩`.page`⟨page number⟩`.`⟨extension⟩
+ If such a file is found, it will be used instead of the originally
+ specified filename. If not, PGF inserts the image stored in
+ ⟨filename⟩`.`⟨extension⟩ and if a recent version of `pdflatex` is
+ used, only the selected page is inserted. For older versions of
+ `pdflatex` and for `dvips` the complete document is inserted and a
+ warning is printed.
+- `interpolate=`⟨true or false⟩ selects whether the image should be
+ "smoothed" when zoomed. False by default.
+- `mask=`⟨mask name⟩ selects a transparency mask. The mask must
+ previously be declared using `\pgfdeclaremask` (see below). This
+ option only has an effect for `pdf`. Not all viewers support
+ masking.
+ \pgfdeclareimage[interpolate=true,height=1cm]{image1}{brave-gnu-world-logo}
+ \pgfdeclareimage[interpolate=true,width=1cm,height=1cm]{image2}{brave-gnu-world-logo}
+ \pgfdeclareimage[interpolate=true,height=1cm]{image3}{brave-gnu-world-logo}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfdeclareimage"
+ },
+ pgfdeclarelayer = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "name"}},
+ details = [[
+This command declares a layer named ⟨name⟩ for later use. Mainly, this
+will set up some internal bookkeeping.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfdeclarelayer"
+ },
+ pgfdeclarelindenmayersystem = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "name"}, {meta = "specification"}},
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfdeclarelindenmayersystem"
+ },
+ pgfdeclaremask = {
+ arguments = {
+ {
+ delimiters = {"[", "]"},
+ keys = "$ref:pgf#/keys/pgf",
+ meta = "options",
+ optional = true
+ },
+ {meta = "mask name"},
+ {meta = "filename"}
+ },
+ details = [[
+Declares a transparency mask named ⟨mask name⟩ (called a *soft mask* in
+the PDF specification). This mask is read from the file ⟨filename⟩. This
+file should contain a grayscale image that is as large as the actual
+image. A white pixel in the mask will correspond to "transparent", a
+black pixel to "solid", and gray values correspond to intermediate
+values. The mask must have a single "color channel". This means that the
+mask must be a "real" grayscale image, not an RGB-image in which all
+RGB-triples happen to have the same components.
+You can only mask images that are in a "pixel format". For drivers with
+PDF output, these are `.jpg` and `.png` image files; you cannot mask
+`.pdf` images in this way. Pixel images for the `dvips`+`ps2pdf`
+workflow must be provided as `.eps` or `.ps` files. Also, again, the
+mask file and the image file must have the same size.
+The following options may be given:
+- `matte=``{color components}` sets the so-called *matte* of the
+ actual image (strangely, this has to be specified together with the
+ mask, not with the image itself). The matte is the color that has
+ been used to preblend the image. For example, if the image has been
+ preblended with a red background, then ⟨color components⟩ should be
+ set to `{1 0 0}`. The default is `{1 1 1}`, which is white in the
+ rgb model.
+ The matte is specified in terms of the parent's image color space.
+ Thus, if the parent is a grayscale image, the matte has to be set to
+ `{1}`.
+ %% Draw a large colorful background
+ \pgfdeclarehorizontalshading{colorful}{5cm}{color(0cm)=(red);
+ color(2cm)=(green); color(4cm)=(blue); color(6cm)=(red);
+ color(8cm)=(green); color(10cm)=(blue); color(12cm)=(red);
+ color(14cm)=(green)}
+ \hbox{\pgfuseshading{colorful}\hskip-14cm\hskip1cm
+ \pgfimage[height=4cm]{brave-gnu-world-logo}\hskip1cm
+ \pgfimage[height=4cm]{brave-gnu-world-logo-mask}\hskip1cm
+ \pgfdeclaremask{mymask}{brave-gnu-world-logo-mask}
+ \pgfimage[mask=mymask,height=4cm,interpolate=true]{brave-gnu-world-logo}}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfdeclaremask"
+ },
+ pgfdeclaremetadecorate = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "name"}, {meta = "initial state"}, {meta = "states"}},
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfdeclaremetadecorate"
+ },
+ pgfdeclarepattern = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "config"}},
+ details = [[
+This command is used to declare a new pattern. In contrast to the normal
+patterns and in the spirit of `arrows.meta` this command takes a list of
+keys and values to define the pattern. The following keys are available:
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfdeclarepattern"
+ },
+ pgfdeclarepatternformonly = {
+ arguments = {
+ {delimiters = {"[", "]"}, meta = "variables", optional = true},
+ {meta = "name"},
+ {meta = "bottom left"},
+ {meta = "top right"},
+ {meta = "tile size"},
+ {meta = "code"}
+ },
+ details = [[
+This command declares a new form-only pattern. The ⟨name⟩ is a name for
+later reference. The two parameters ⟨lower left⟩ and ⟨upper right⟩ must
+describe a bounding box that is large enough to encompass the complete
+The size of a tile is given by ⟨tile size⟩, that is, a tile is a
+rectangle whose lower left corner is the origin and whose upper right
+corner is given by ⟨tile size⟩. This might make you wonder why the
+second and third parameters are needed. First, the bounding box might be
+smaller than the tile size if the tile is larger than the picture on the
+tile. Second, the bounding box might be bigger, in which case the
+picture will "bleed" over the tile.
+The ⟨code⟩ should be PGF code than can be protocolled. It should not
+contain any color code.
+ \pgfdeclarepatternformonly{stars}
+ {\pgfpointorigin}{\pgfpoint{1cm}{1cm}}
+ {\pgfpoint{1cm}{1cm}}
+ {
+ \pgftransformshift{\pgfpoint{.5cm}{.5cm}}
+ \pgfpathmoveto{\pgfpointpolar{0}{4mm}}
+ \pgfpathlineto{\pgfpointpolar{144}{4mm}}
+ \pgfpathlineto{\pgfpointpolar{288}{4mm}}
+ \pgfpathlineto{\pgfpointpolar{72}{4mm}}
+ \pgfpathlineto{\pgfpointpolar{216}{4mm}}
+ \pgfpathclose%
+ \pgfusepath{fill}
+ }
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \filldraw[pattern=stars] (0,0) rectangle (1.5,2);
+ \filldraw[pattern=stars,pattern color=red]
+ (1.5,0) rectangle (3,2);
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+The optional argument ⟨variables⟩ consists of a comma separated list of
+macros, registers or keys, representing the parameters of the pattern
+that may vary. If a variable is a key, then the full path name must be
+used (specifically, it must start with `/`). As an example, a list might
+look like the following: `\mymacro,\mydimen,/pgf/my key`. Note that
+macros and keys should be "simple". They should only store values in
+The effect of ⟨variables⟩, is the following: Normally, when this
+argument is empty, once a pattern has been declared, it becomes
+"frozen". This means that it is not possible to enlarge the pattern or
+change the line width later on. By specifying ⟨variables⟩, no pattern is
+actually created. Instead, the arguments are stored away (so the macros,
+registers or keys do not have to be defined in advance).
+When the fill pattern is set, PGF checks if the pattern has already been
+created with the ⟨variables⟩ set to their current values (PGF is usually
+"smart enough" to distinguish between macros, registers and keys). If
+so, this already-declared-pattern is used as the fill pattern. If not, a
+new instance of the pattern (which will have a unique internal name) is
+declared using the current values of ⟨variables⟩. These values are then
+saved and the fill pattern set accordingly.
+The following shows an example of a pattern which varies according to
+the values of the macro `\size`, the key `/tikz/radius`, and the TeX
+dimension `\thickness`.
+ \pgfdeclarepatternformonly[/tikz/radius,\thickness,\size]{rings}
+ {\pgfpoint{-0.5*\size}{-0.5*\size}}
+ {\pgfpoint{0.5*\size}{0.5*\size}}
+ {\pgfpoint{\size}{\size}}
+ {
+ \pgfsetlinewidth{\thickness}
+ \pgfpathcircle\pgfpointorigin{\pgfkeysvalueof{/tikz/radius}}
+ \pgfusepath{stroke}
+ }
+ \newdimen\thickness
+ \tikzset{
+ radius/.initial=4pt,
+ size/.store in=\size, size=20pt,
+ thickness/.code={\thickness=#1},
+ thickness=0.75pt
+ }
+ \begin{tikzpicture}[rings/.style={pattern=rings}]
+ \filldraw [rings, radius=2pt, size=6pt] (0,0) rectangle +(1.5,2);
+ \filldraw [rings, radius=2pt, size=8pt] (2,0) rectangle +(1.5,2);
+ \filldraw [rings, radius=6pt, thickness=2pt] (0,2.5) rectangle +(1.5,2);
+ \filldraw [rings, radius=8pt, thickness=4pt] (2,2.5) rectangle +(1.5,2);
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfdeclarepatternformonly"
+ },
+ pgfdeclarepatterninherentlycolored = {
+ arguments = {
+ {delimiters = {"[", "]"}, meta = "variables", optional = true},
+ {meta = "name"},
+ {meta = "lower left"},
+ {meta = "upper right"},
+ {meta = "tile size"},
+ {meta = "code"}
+ },
+ details = [[
+This command works like `\pgfdeclarepatternuncolored`, only the pattern
+will have an inherent color. To set the color, you should use PGF's
+color commands, not the `\color` command, since this fill is not
+ \pgfdeclarepatterninherentlycolored{green stars}
+ {\pgfpointorigin}{\pgfpoint{1cm}{1cm}}
+ {\pgfpoint{1cm}{1cm}}
+ {
+ \pgfsetfillcolor{green!50!black}
+ \pgftransformshift{\pgfpoint{.5cm}{.5cm}}
+ \pgfpathmoveto{\pgfpointpolar{0}{4mm}}
+ \pgfpathlineto{\pgfpointpolar{144}{4mm}}
+ \pgfpathlineto{\pgfpointpolar{288}{4mm}}
+ \pgfpathlineto{\pgfpointpolar{72}{4mm}}
+ \pgfpathlineto{\pgfpointpolar{216}{4mm}}
+ \pgfpathclose%
+ \pgfusepath{stroke,fill}
+ }
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \filldraw[pattern=green stars] (0,0) rectangle (3,2);
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfdeclarepatterninherentlycolored"
+ },
+ pgfdeclareplothandler = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "macro"}, {meta = "arguments"}, {meta = "configuration"}},
+ details = [[
+This command creates a new plot handler that can subsequently be called
+using the macro ⟨macro⟩. This macro take the arguments given in
+⟨arguments⟩, which can be a list like `# 1# 2` if ⟨macro⟩ should be
+invoked with two arguments. Here is a typical example:
+ \pgfdeclareplothandler{\myhandler}{#1}{...}
+ ...
+ \myhandler{foo}
+ \pgfplotstreamstart
+ ...
+ \pgfplotstreamend
+The ⟨configuration⟩ is used to define the behavior of the handler. It is
+a list of key--value pairs, where the following keys are allowed:
+- `start=`⟨code⟩. The ⟨code⟩ will be executed whenever
+ `\pgfplotstreamstart` is used while the handler ⟨macro⟩ is selected.
+ Inside the ⟨code⟩, you can use `# 1`, `# 2`, and so on to refer to
+ the parameters that were given to ⟨macro⟩:
+ \pgfdeclareplothandler{\myhandler}{#1}{
+ start = Hi #1.,
+ end = Bye #1.,
+ }
+ \myhandler{foo}
+ \pgfplotstreamstart
+ \pgfplotstreamend
+ \myhandler{bar}
+ \pgfplotstreamstart
+ \pgfplotstreamend
+- `end=`⟨code⟩ Works just like `start`.
+- `point=`⟨code⟩. The ⟨code⟩ will be executed whenever
+ `\pgfplotstreampoint` is used while the handler ⟨macro⟩ is in force.
+ Inside the ⟨code⟩, you can use `# 1`, `# 2`, and so on to refer to
+ the arguments give to ⟨macro⟩, while you can use `# # 1` to refer to
+ the argument given to `\pgfplotstreampoint` itself (this will be the
+ coordinate).
+ \pgfdeclareplothandler{\myhandler}{#1}{
+ point=\pgfpathcircle{##1}{#1} % ##1 is the coordinate,
+ % #1 the parameter for \myhandler
+ }
+ \begin{pgfpicture}
+ \myhandler{1pt}
+ \pgfplotstreamstart
+ \pgfplotstreampoint{\pgfpoint{0pt}{0pt}}
+ \pgfplotstreampoint{\pgfpoint{3pt}{3pt}}
+ \pgfplotstreampoint{\pgfpoint{6pt}{3pt}}
+ \pgfplotstreampoint{\pgfpoint{9pt}{0pt}}
+ \pgfplotstreamend
+ \pgfusepath{stroke}
+ \myhandler{3pt}
+ \pgfplotstreamstart
+ \pgfplotstreampoint{\pgfpoint{0pt}{0pt}}
+ \pgfplotstreampoint{\pgfpoint{9pt}{0pt}}
+ \pgfplotstreamend
+ \pgfusepath{stroke}
+ \end{pgfpicture}
+ The ⟨code⟩ will also be called for `\pgfplotstreampointoutlier` when
+ this command has been configured to `plot` the outliers.
+- `jump=`⟨code⟩ The ⟨code⟩ will be called whenever a jump has been
+ requested indirectly via an outlier point, and undefined point, or a
+ new data set (for each of which the command needs to be configured
+ to `jump`). As always, inside the ⟨code⟩ you can access `# 1` and so
+ on.
+- `special=`⟨code⟩ Causes ⟨code⟩ to be executed whenever
+ `\pgfplotstreamspecial``{something}` is used. Inside the ⟨code⟩, you
+ can access ⟨something⟩ via `# # 1` and the parameters of ⟨macro⟩ as
+ `# 1`, `# 2`, and so on.
+In addition to the above keys, there exist also "code macro versions" of
+- `point macro=`⟨some macro⟩. Causes `\pgfplotstreampoint` to call
+ ⟨some macro⟩ directly (actually, `\pgf@plotstreampoint` is set to be
+ equal to ⟨some macro⟩). Inside the ⟨some macro⟩ you can use `# 1` to
+ access the coordinate passed to `\pgfplotstreampoint` and you can no
+ longer access the parameters passed to the original call to ⟨macro⟩
+ that installed the handler. So, ⟨some macro⟩ must take exactly one
+ argument, namely `# 1`.
+- `special macro=`⟨some macro⟩. As `point macro`, only for specials.
+- `start macro=`⟨some macro⟩. Causes ⟨some macro⟩ to be executed at
+ the start. This macro, like the below ones, may not take any
+ parameters and will not have access to the parameters passed to the
+ original ⟨macro⟩.
+- `end macro=`⟨some macro⟩. As above.
+- `jump macro=`⟨some macro⟩. As above.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfdeclareplothandler"
+ },
+ pgfdeclareplotmark = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "plot mark name"}, {meta = "code"}},
+ details = [[
+Declares a plot mark for later used with the `\pgfuseplotmark` command.
+ \pgfdeclareplotmark{my plot mark}
+ {\pgfpathcircle{\pgfpoint{0cm}{1ex}}{1ex}\pgfusepathqstroke}
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \draw[gray] (0,0) node {x} (1,1) node {y} (2,.5) node {z};
+ \pgfplothandlermark{\pgfuseplotmark{my plot mark}}
+ \pgfplotstreamstart
+ \pgfplotstreampoint{\pgfpoint{0cm}{0cm}}
+ \pgfplotstreampoint{\pgfpoint{1cm}{1cm}}
+ \pgfplotstreampoint{\pgfpoint{2cm}{0.5cm}}
+ \pgfplotstreamend
+ \pgfusepath{stroke}
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfdeclareplotmark"
+ },
+ pgfdeclareradialshading = {
+ arguments = {
+ {delimiters = {"[", "]"}, meta = "color list", optional = true},
+ {meta = "shading name"},
+ {meta = "center point"},
+ {meta = "color specification"}
+ },
+ details = [[
+Declares a radial shading. A radial shading is a circle whose inner
+color changes as specified by the color specification. Assuming that the
+center of the shading is at the origin, the color of the center will be
+the color specified for 0cm and the color of the border of the circle
+will be the color for the maximum dimension given in the ⟨color
+specified⟩. This maximum will also be the radius of the circle. If the
+⟨center point⟩ is not at the origin, the whole shading inside the circle
+(whose size remains exactly the same) will be distorted such that the
+given center now has the color specified for 0cm. The effect of ⟨color
+list⟩ is the same as for horizontal shadings.
+ \pgfdeclareradialshading{sphere}{\pgfpoint{0.5cm}{0.5cm}}%
+ {rgb(0cm)=(0.9,0,0);
+ rgb(0.7cm)=(0.7,0,0);
+ rgb(1cm)=(0.5,0,0);
+ rgb(1.05cm)=(1,1,1)}
+ \pgfuseshading{sphere}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfdeclareradialshading"
+ },
+ pgfdeclareshape = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "shape name"}, {meta = "shape specification"}},
+ details = [[
+This command declares a new shape named ⟨shape name⟩. The shape name can
+later be used in commands like `\pgfnode`.
+The ⟨shape specification⟩ is some TeX code containing calls to special
+commands that are only defined inside the ⟨shape specification⟩
+(similarly to commands like `\draw` that are only available inside the
+`{tikzpicture}` environment).
+Here is the code of the `coordinate` shape:
+ \pgfdeclareshape{coordinate}
+ {
+ \savedanchor\centerpoint{%
+ \pgf@x=.5\wd\pgfnodeparttextbox%
+ \pgf@y=.5\ht\pgfnodeparttextbox%
+ \advance\pgf@y by -.5\dp\pgfnodeparttextbox%
+ }
+ \anchor{center}{\centerpoint}
+ \anchorborder{\centerpoint}
+ }
+The special commands are explained next. In the examples given for the
+special commands a new shape will be constructed, which we might call
+`simple rectangle`. It should behave like the normal rectangle shape,
+only without bothering about the fine details like inner and outer
+separations. The skeleton for the shape is the following.
+ \pgfdeclareshape{simple rectangle}{
+ ...
+ }
+The following example shows how a shape can be defined that relies
+heavily on inheritance:
+ \pgfdeclareshape{document}{
+ \inheritsavedanchors[from=rectangle] % this is nearly a rectangle
+ \inheritanchorborder[from=rectangle]
+ \inheritanchor[from=rectangle]{center}
+ \inheritanchor[from=rectangle]{north}
+ \inheritanchor[from=rectangle]{south}
+ \inheritanchor[from=rectangle]{west}
+ \inheritanchor[from=rectangle]{east}
+ % ... and possibly more
+ \backgroundpath{% this is new
+ % store lower right in xa/ya and upper right in xb/yb
+ \southwest \pgf@xa=\pgf@x \pgf@ya=\pgf@y
+ \northeast \pgf@xb=\pgf@x \pgf@yb=\pgf@y
+ % compute corner of ``flipped page''
+ \pgf@xc=\pgf@xb \advance\pgf@xc by-5pt % this should be a parameter
+ \pgf@yc=\pgf@yb \advance\pgf@yc by-5pt
+ % construct main path
+ \pgfpathmoveto{\pgfpoint{\pgf@xa}{\pgf@ya}}
+ \pgfpathlineto{\pgfpoint{\pgf@xa}{\pgf@yb}}
+ \pgfpathlineto{\pgfpoint{\pgf@xc}{\pgf@yb}}
+ \pgfpathlineto{\pgfpoint{\pgf@xb}{\pgf@yc}}
+ \pgfpathlineto{\pgfpoint{\pgf@xb}{\pgf@ya}}
+ \pgfpathclose
+ % add little corner
+ \pgfpathmoveto{\pgfpoint{\pgf@xc}{\pgf@yb}}
+ \pgfpathlineto{\pgfpoint{\pgf@xc}{\pgf@yc}}
+ \pgfpathlineto{\pgfpoint{\pgf@xb}{\pgf@yc}}
+ \pgfpathlineto{\pgfpoint{\pgf@xc}{\pgf@yc}}
+ }
+ }\hskip-1.2cm
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \node[shade,draw,shape=document,inner sep=2ex] (x) {Remark};
+ \node[fill=yellow!80!black,draw,ellipse,double]
+ at ([shift=(-80:3cm)]x) (y) {Use Case};
+ \draw[dashed] (x) -- (y);
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfdeclareshape"
+ },
+ pgfdeclareverticalshading = {
+ arguments = {
+ {delimiters = {"[", "]"}, meta = "color list", optional = true},
+ {meta = "shading name"},
+ {meta = "shading width"},
+ {meta = "color specification"}
+ },
+ details = [[
+Declares a vertical shading named ⟨shading name⟩ of the specified
+⟨width⟩. The height of the bar is deduced automatically. The effect of
+⟨color list⟩ is the same as for horizontal shadings.
+ \pgfdeclareverticalshading{myshadingC}
+ {4cm}{rgb(0cm)=(1,0,0); rgb(1.5cm)=(0,1,0); rgb(2cm)=(0,0,1)}
+ \pgfuseshading{myshadingC}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfdeclareverticalshading"
+ },
+ pgfdecorateaftercode = {
+ details = [[
+Code executed as ⟨after code⟩, see the description of `\pgfdecorate`.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfdecorateaftercode"
+ },
+ pgfdecoratebeforecode = {
+ details = [[
+Code executed as ⟨before code⟩, see the description of `\pgfdecorate`.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfdecoratebeforecode"
+ },
+ pgfdecoratecurrentpath = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "name"}},
+ details = [[
+Decorate the preexisting path with the decoration ⟨name⟩.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfdecoratecurrentpath"
+ },
+ pgfdecoratedangle = {
+ details = [[
+The angle of the tangent to the decorated path at the *origin* of the
+current segment. The transformation matrix applied at the beginning of a
+state includes a rotation equivalent to this angle.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfdecoratedangle"
+ },
+ pgfdecoratedcompleteddistance = {
+ details = [[
+The completed distance on the input path.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfdecoratedcompleteddistance"
+ },
+ pgfdecoratedinputsegmentcompleteddistance = {
+ details = [[
+The completed distance on the current input segment of the input path.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfdecoratedinputsegmentcompleteddistance"
+ },
+ pgfdecoratedinputsegmentlength = {
+ details = [[
+The length of the current input segment of the input path. "Current
+input segment" refers to the input segment on which the current point
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfdecoratedinputsegmentlength"
+ },
+ pgfdecoratedinputsegmentremainingdistance = {
+ details = [[
+The remaining distance on the current input segment of the input path.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfdecoratedinputsegmentremainingdistance"
+ },
+ pgfdecoratedpath = {
+ details = [[
+The (total) input path (that is, the path created by the environment
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfdecoratedpath"
+ },
+ pgfdecoratedpathlength = {
+ details = [[
+The length of the input path. If the input path consists of several
+input segments, this number is the sum of the lengths of the input
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfdecoratedpathlength"
+ },
+ pgfdecoratedremainingdistance = {
+ details = [[
+The remaining distance on the input path.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfdecoratedremainingdistance"
+ },
+ pgfdecorateexistingpath = {
+ details = [[
+The preexisting path before the environment was entered.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfdecorateexistingpath"
+ },
+ pgfdecoratepath = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "name"}, {meta = "path commands"}},
+ details = [[
+Decorate the path described by ⟨path commands⟩ with the decoration
+⟨name⟩. This is equivalent to
+ \pgfdecorate{{name}{\pgfdecoratedpathlength}
+ {\pgfdecoratebeforecode}{\pgfdecorateaftercode}}
+ // the path commands.
+ \endpgfdecorate
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfdecoratepath"
+ },
+ pgfdecorationpath = {
+ details = [[
+The output path. If the path is used, this macro contains only the last
+unused part of the output path.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfdecorationpath"
+ },
+ pgfdvdeclarestylesheet = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "name"}, {meta = "keys"}},
+ details = [[
+This command executes the ⟨keys⟩ with the path prefix
+`/pgf/data visualization/style sheets/`⟨name⟩. The above definition of
+the traffic light style sheet could be rewritten as follows:
+ \pgfdvdeclarestylesheet{traffic light}{
+ 1/.style={green!50!black},
+ 2/.style={yellow!90!black},
+ 3/.style={red!80!black},
+ default style/.style={black}
+ }
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfdvdeclarestylesheet"
+ },
+ pgferror = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "message"}},
+ details = [[
+Stops the processing of the current document and prints out the
+⟨message⟩. In LaTeX, this will be done using `\PackageError`, otherwise
+`\errmessage` is used directly.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgferror"
+ },
+ pgfextra = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "code"}},
+ details = [[
+This command may only be used inside a TikZ path. There it is used like
+a normal path operation. The construction of the path is temporarily
+suspended and the ⟨code⟩ is executed. Then, the path construction is
+ \newdimen\mydim
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \mydim=1cm
+ \draw (0pt,\mydim) \pgfextra{\mydim=2cm} -- (0pt,\mydim);
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfextra"
+ },
+ pgfextractx = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "dimension"}, {meta = "point"}},
+ details = [[
+Sets the TeX-⟨dimension⟩ to the $x$-coordinate of the point.
+ \newdimen\mydim
+ \pgfextractx{\mydim}{\pgfpoint{2cm}{4pt}}
+ %% \mydim is now 2cm
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfextractx"
+ },
+ pgfextracty = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "dimension"}, {meta = "point"}},
+ details = [[
+Like `\pgfextractx`, except for the $y$-coordinate.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfextracty"
+ },
+ pgffuncshadingcmyktogray = {
+ details = [[
+Within the ⟨type 4 function⟩ argument of
+textbackslash pgfdeclarefunctionalshading, this command can be used to
+convert the top 4 elements on the stack from CMYK to grayscale. In
+combination with the
+textbackslash ifpgfshadingmodelgray conditional this macro can be used
+to make functional shading declarations more portable across color
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgffuncshadingcmyktogray"
+ },
+ pgffuncshadingcmyktorgb = {
+ details = [[
+Within the ⟨type 4 function⟩ argument of
+textbackslash pgfdeclarefunctionalshading, this command can be used to
+convert the top 4 elements on the stack from CMYK to RGB. In combination
+with the
+textbackslash ifpgfshadingmodelrgb conditional this macro can be used to
+make functional shading declarations more portable across color models.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgffuncshadingcmyktorgb"
+ },
+ pgffuncshadinggraytocmyk = {
+ details = [[
+Within the ⟨type 4 function⟩ argument of
+textbackslash pgfdeclarefunctionalshading, this command can be used to
+convert the top element on the stack from grayscale to CMYK. In
+combination with the
+textbackslash ifpgfshadingmodelcmyk conditional this macro can be used
+to make functional shading declarations more portable across color
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgffuncshadinggraytocmyk"
+ },
+ pgffuncshadinggraytorgb = {
+ details = [[
+Within the ⟨type 4 function⟩ argument of
+textbackslash pgfdeclarefunctionalshading, this command can be used to
+convert the top element on the stack from grayscale to RGB. In
+combination with the
+textbackslash ifpgfshadingmodelrgb conditional this macro can be used to
+make functional shading declarations more portable across color models.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgffuncshadinggraytorgb"
+ },
+ pgffuncshadingrgbtocmyk = {
+ details = [[
+Within the ⟨type 4 function⟩ argument of
+textbackslash pgfdeclarefunctionalshading, this command can be used to
+convert the top 3 elements on the stack from RGB to CMYK. In combination
+with the
+textbackslash ifpgfshadingmodelcmyk conditional this macro can be used
+to make functional shading declarations more portable across color
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgffuncshadingrgbtocmyk"
+ },
+ pgffuncshadingrgbtogray = {
+ details = [[
+Within the ⟨type 4 function⟩ argument of
+textbackslash pgfdeclarefunctionalshading, this command can be used to
+convert the top 3 elements on the stack from RGB to grayscale. In
+combination with the
+textbackslash ifpgfshadingmodelgray conditional this macro can be used
+to make functional shading declarations more portable across color
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgffuncshadingrgbtogray"
+ },
+ pgfgaliasid = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "1"}, {meta = "2"}},
+ details = [[
+Like `\pgfaliasid`, only the alias is set globally.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfgaliasid"
+ },
+ pgfgdaddspecificationhook = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "code"}},
+ details = [[
+This command adds the ⟨code⟩ to the code that is executed whenever a
+graph drawing scope starts. For instance, the TikZ library
+`graphdrawing` uses this macro to add some ⟨code⟩ that will redirect the
+`edge` and `edge from parent` path commands to `\pgfgdedge`.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfgdaddspecificationhook"
+ },
+ pgfgdbegineventgroup = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "parameter"}},
+ details = [[
+Starts an event group. This just means that an `Event` of kind `begin`
+is created with the given ⟨parameter⟩.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfgdbegineventgroup"
+ },
+ pgfgdbeginlayout = {
+ details = [[
+This command first starts a new TeX scope and then informs the display
+layer that a new (sub)layout should be started. For each graph there may
+be a hierarchy of layouts, each of which contains a certain number of
+vertices and edges. This hierarchy is created through calls to this
+macros and the corresponding calls of `\pgfgdendlayout`. For each graph
+drawing scope there has to be exactly one main layout that encompasses
+all nodes and edges and also all sublayouts. Thus, after a graph drawing
+scope has been opened, a layout scope also needs to be opened almost
+For each layout created via this macro, a graph drawing algorithm will
+be run later on the subgraph of all nodes that make up the layout. Which
+algorithm is run for the layout is dictated by which layout key (one of
+the `... layout` keys) is "in force" when the macro is called. Thus,
+using a layout key for selecting an algorithm must always be done
+*before* the layout is started. (However, see the discussion of layout
+keys in the next subsection for more details on what really happens.)
+A vertex can be part of several layouts, either because they are nested
+or because they overlap (this happens when a node is later on added to
+another layout by calling `\pgfgdsetlatenodeoption`). This means that it
+is not immediately obvious how conflicts arising from the different ways
+different algorithms "would like to place nodes" should be resolved. The
+method for this resolving is detailed in Section ??.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfgdbeginlayout"
+ },
+ pgfgdbeginscope = {
+ details = [[
+This macro starts a TeX scope inside which the following things happen:
+1. The display layer method `beginGraphDrawingScope` is called, which
+ created a new graph drawing scope inside the graph drawing system
+ and places it on top of an internal stack. From now on, all
+ subsequent interface calls will refer to this scope until
+ `\pgfgdendscope` is called, which will pop the scope once more.
+2. Inside the TeX scope, nodes are not placed immediately. Rather,
+ `\pgfpositionnodelater`, see Section ??, is used to call
+ `InterfaceToDisplay.createVertex` for all nodes created inside the
+ scope. This will cause them to be put inside some internal table.
+3. Some additional ⟨code⟩ is executed, which has been set using the
+ following command:
+4. `\pgftransformreset` is called.
+5. The following TeX-if is set to true:
+ Will be true inside a graph drawing scope.
+The above has a number of consequences for what can happen inside a
+graph drawing scope:
+- Since nodes are not actually created before the end of the scope,
+ you cannot reference these nodes. Thus, you cannot write
+ \tikz [spring layout] {
+ \node (a) {a};
+ \node (b) {b};
+ \draw (a) -- (b);
+ }
+ The problem is that we cannot connect `(a)` and `(b)` via a straight
+ line since these nodes do not exist at that point (they are
+ available only deeply inside the Lua).
+- In order to create edges between nodes inside a graph drawing scope,
+ you need to call the `\pgfgdedge` command, described below.
+Additionally, when TikZ is used, the following things also happen:
+- If the `graphs` library has been loaded, the default positioning
+ mechanisms of this library are switched off, leaving the positioning
+ to the graph drawing engine. Also, when an edge is created by the
+ `graphs` library, this is signalled to the `graphdrawing` library.
+ (To be more precise: The keys `new ->` and so on are redefined so
+ that they call `\pgfgdedge` instead of creating an edge.
+- The `edge` path command is modified so that it also calls
+ `\pgfgdedge` instead of immediately creating any edges.
+- The `edge from parent` path command is modified so that is also
+ calls `\pgfgdedge`.
+- The keys `append after command` and `prefix after command` keys are
+ modified so that they are executed only via `late options` when the
+ node has "reached its final parking position".
+Note that inside a graph drawing scope you first have to open a (main)
+layout scope (using the `\pgfgdbeginlayout` command described later on)
+before you can add nodes and edges to the scope.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfgdbeginscope"
+ },
+ pgfgdedge = {
+ arguments = {
+ {meta = "first node"},
+ {meta = "second node"},
+ {meta = "edge direction"},
+ {meta = "edge options"},
+ {meta = "edge nodes"}
+ },
+ details = [[
+This command is used to tell the graph drawing engine that there is an
+edge between ⟨first node⟩ and ⟨second node⟩ in your graph. The "kind" of
+connection is indicated by ⟨direction⟩, which may be one of the
+- `->` indicates a directed edge (also known as an arc) from ⟨first
+ node⟩ to ⟨second node⟩.
+- `–` indicates an undirected edge between ⟨first node⟩ and ⟨second
+ node⟩,
+- `<-` indicates a directed edge from ⟨second node⟩ to ⟨first node⟩,
+ but with the "additional hint" that this is a "backward" edge. A
+ graph drawing algorithm may or may not take this hint into account.
+- `<->` indicates a bi-directed edge between ⟨first node⟩ and ⟨second
+ node⟩.
+- `-!-` indicates that the edge from ⟨first node⟩ to ⟨second node⟩ is
+ "missing".
+Note that in all cases, the syntactic digraph will contain an arc from
+⟨first node⟩ to ⟨second node⟩, regardless of the value of ⟨direction⟩.
+The ⟨direction⟩ is "just" a "semantic annotation".
+The parameters ⟨edge options⟩ and ⟨edge nodes⟩ are a bit more tricky.
+When an edge between two vertices of a graph is created via
+`\pgfgdedge`, nothing is actually done immediately. After all, without
+knowing the final positions of the nodes ⟨first node⟩ and ⟨second node⟩,
+there is no way of creating the actual drawing commands for the edge.
+Thus, the actual drawing of the edge is done only when the graph drawing
+algorithm is done (namely in the macro `\pgfgdedgecallback`, see later).
+Because of this "delayed" drawing of edges, options that influence the
+edge must be retained until the moment when the edge is actually drawn.
+Parameters ⟨edge options⟩ and ⟨edge nodes⟩ store such options.
+Let us start with ⟨edge options⟩. This parameter should be set to a list
+of key--value pairs like
+ /tikz/.cd, color=red, very thick, orient=down
+Some of these options may be of interest to the graph drawing algorithm
+(like the last option) while others will only be important during the
+drawing of edge (like the first option). The options that are important
+for the graph drawing algorithm must be pushed onto the graph drawing
+system's option stack.
+The tricky part is that options that are of interest to the graph
+drawing algorithm must be executed *before* the algorithm starts, but
+the options as a whole are usually only executed during the drawing of
+the edges, which is *after* the algorithm has finished. To overcome this
+problem, the following happens:
+The options in ⟨edge options⟩ are executed "tentatively" inside
+`\pgfgdedge`. However, this execution is done in a "heavily guarded
+sandbox" where all effects of the options (like changing the color or
+the line width) do not propagate beyond the sandbox. Only the changes of
+the graph drawing edge parameters leave the sandbox. These parameters
+are then passed down to the graph drawing system.
+Later, when the edge is drawn using `\pgfgdedgecallback`, the options
+⟨edge options⟩ are available once more and then they are executed
+Note that when the options in ⟨edge options⟩ are executed, no path is
+preset. Thus, you typically need to start it with, say, `/tikz/.cd`.
+Also note that the sandbox is not perfect and changing global values
+will have an effect outside the sandbox. Indeed, "putting things in a
+sandbox" just means that the options are executed inside a TeX scope
+inside an interrupted path inside a TeX box that is thrown away
+The text in ⟨edge nodes⟩ is some "auxiliary" text that is simply stored
+away and later directed to `\pgfgdedgecallback`. This is used for
+instance by TikZ to store its node labels.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfgdedge"
+ },
+ pgfgdendeventgroup = {
+ details = [[
+Ends an event group. This is done by adding an event of kind `end`
+without any parameters to the event string.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfgdendeventgroup"
+ },
+ pgfgdendlayout = {
+ details = [[
+This command ends the TeX scope of the current layout. Once closed, no
+nodes or edges can be added to a layout.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfgdendlayout"
+ },
+ pgfgdendscope = {
+ details = [[
+This macro is used to end a graph drawing scope. It must be given on the
+same TeX grouping level as the corresponding `\pgfgdbeginscope`. When
+the macro is called, it triggers a lot of new calls:
+1. The special treatment of newly created boxes is ended. Nodes are
+ once more created normally.
+2. The effects of the ⟨code⟩ that was inserted via the specification
+ hook command also ends (provided it had no global effects).
+3. We call `InterfaceToDisplay.runGraphDrawingAlgorithm`. This will
+ cause the algorithm(s) for the graph to be executed (since a graph
+ can have sublayouts, several algorithms may be run). See Section ??
+ below.
+4. Next, we call `InterfaceToDisplay.endGraphDrawingScope`. This causes
+ all nodes that were intercepted during the graph drawing scope to be
+ reinserted into the output stream at the positions that were
+ computed for them. Also, for each edge that was requested via
+ `\pgfgdedge`, the callback macro is called (see below).
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfgdendscope"
+ },
+ pgfgdevent = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "kind"}, {meta = "parameter"}},
+ details = [[
+Calls `createEvent` of the graph drawing system's interface class. This
+creates a new `Event` object on the Lua layer whose `kind` field is set
+to ⟨kind⟩ and the `parameters` field to ⟨parameter⟩. You must be inside
+a graph drawing scope to use this command.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfgdevent"
+ },
+ pgfgdeventgroup = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "parameters"}},
+ details = [[
+Starts an event group just like `\pgfgdbegineventgroup`, but adds a
+corresponding closing `end` event at the end of the current TeX group
+(using `\aftergroup`).
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfgdeventgroup"
+ },
+ pgfgdsetedgecallback = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "macro"}},
+ details = [[
+This command allows you to change the ⟨macro⟩ that gets called form
+inside the graph drawing system at the end of the creation of a graph,
+when the nodes have been positioned. The ⟨macro⟩ will be called once for
+each edge with the following parameters:
+> ⟨macro⟩`{first node}``{second node}``{direction}``{edge options}``{edge nodes}`
+> `{algorithm-generated options}``{bend information}``{animations}`
+The first five parameters are the original values that were passed down
+to the `\pgfgdedge` command.
+The ⟨algorithm-generated options⟩ have been "computed by the algorithm".
+For instance, an algorithm might have determined, say, flow capacities
+for edges and it might now wish to communicate this information back to
+the upper layers. These options should be executed with the path
+`/graph drawing`.
+The parameter ⟨bend information⟩ contains algorithmically-computed
+information concerning how the edge should bend. This will be a text
+like `(10pt,20pt)–(30pt,40pt)` in TikZ-syntax and may include the path
+commands `–`, `..` (followed by Bézier coordinates), and `–cycle`.
+The parameter ⟨animations⟩ contains algorithmically-generated animation
+commands (calls to `\pgfanimateattribute`. The `whom` will be set to
+The default ⟨macro⟩ simply draws a line between the nodes. When the
+`graphdrawing` library of the TikZ layer is loaded, a more fancy ⟨macro⟩
+is used that takes all of the parameters into account.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfgdsetedgecallback"
+ },
+ pgfgdsetlatenodeoption = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "node name"}},
+ details = [[
+This command can only be called when the node named ⟨node name⟩ has
+already been created inside the current graph drawing scope. The effect
+of calling this macro will be that all options currently on the graph
+drawing system's option stack will be added to the node's option,
+possibly overwriting the original option settings. Furthermore, the node
+will become part of all layouts currently on the option stack. This
+means that you can use this command to add a node to several layouts
+that are not included in one another.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfgdsetlatenodeoption"
+ },
+ pgfgdsetrequestcallback = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "macro"}},
+ details = [[
+This command sets up ⟨macro⟩ as the macro that is called whenever a
+layout key "requests" that a layout and, possibly, a graph drawing scope
+is opened. When ⟨macro⟩ is called, it gets two parameters, the ⟨begin
+code⟩ and the ⟨end code⟩. In addition to whatever setup the ⟨macro⟩
+would like to do, it should execute the ⟨begin code⟩ at the beginning of
+a TeX scope (the code will open graph drawing and layout scopes) and the
+⟨end code⟩ at the end of the same TeX scope.
+The need for this slightly strange macro arises from the fact that in
+TikZ we often write things like `[spring layout,node sep=2cm]`. The
+point is that when the `spring layout` key is executed, we do *not* wish
+to open a layout scope immediately. Rather, this should happen only
+after the option `nodes sep=2cm` has been executed. For this reason,
+TikZ sets up a special ⟨macro⟩ that "delays" the execution of the ⟨begin
+code⟩ until the end of the opening of the next scope.
+Because of this, in TikZ layout keys can only be used as an option when
+a TikZ scope is started. Thus, you can pass them to `\tikz`, to
+`{tikzpicture}`, to `\scoped`, to `{scope}`, to `graph`, and to
+`{graph}`. For instance, the `tree layout` option can be used in the
+following ways:
+ \tikz [tree layout] \graph {1 -> {b,c}};
+ \tikz \graph [tree layout] {2 -> {b,c}};
+ \tikz \path graph [tree layout] {3 -> {b,c}};
+ \begin{tikzpicture}[tree layout]
+ \graph {4 -> {b,c}};
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \scoped [tree layout] \graph {5 -> {b,c}};
+ \begin{scope}[tree layout, xshift=1.5cm]
+ \graph {6 -> {b,c}};
+ \end{scope}
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+You can *not* use layout keys with a single node or on a path. In
+particular, to typeset a tree given in the `child` syntax somewhere
+inside a `{tikzpicture}`, you must prefix it with the `\scoped` command:
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \scoped [tree layout]
+ \node {root}
+ child { node {left child} }
+ child { node {right child} };
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+Naturally, the above could have been written more succinctly as
+ \tikz [tree layout]
+ \node {root}
+ child { node {left child} }
+ child { node {right child} };
+Or even more succinctly:
+ \tikz \graph [tree layout] { root -- {left child, right child} };
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfgdsetrequestcallback"
+ },
+ pgfgdsubgraphnode = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "name"}, {meta = "node options"}, {meta = "node text"}},
+ details = [[
+A subgraph node is a node that "surrounds" the nodes of a subgraph. The
+special property of a subgraph node opposed to a normal node is that it
+is created only after the subgraph has been laid out. However, the
+difference to a collection like `hyper` is that the node is available
+immediately as a normal node in the sense that you can connect edges to
+What happens internally is that subgraph nodes get "registered"
+immediately both on the PGF level and on the Lua level, but the actual
+node is only created inside the layout pipeline using a callback. The
+actual node creation happens when the innermost layout in which the
+subgraph node is declared has finished.
+When you create a subgraph node using this macro, you also start a
+collection (of an internal kind) that stores the subgraph. All following
+nodes in the current TeX scope will become part of this collection.
+The ⟨name⟩ is the node name by which you can refer to this node in the
+following. The ⟨node options⟩ are normal PGF options (like `red` or
+`draw` or `circle`) that will influence the appearance when it is
+created later on. The ⟨node text⟩ is the text that will be passed to
+`\pgfnode` upon creation of the node.
+See `InterfaceToDisplay.pushSubgraphVertex` for more details.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfgdsubgraphnode"
+ },
+ pgfgetlastxy = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "macro for $x$"}, {meta = "macro for $y$"}},
+ details = [[
+Stores the most recently used $(x,y)$ coordinates into two macros.
+ \pgfpoint{2cm}{4cm}
+ \pgfgetlastxy{\macrox}{\macroy}
+ Macro $x$ is `\macrox' and macro $y$ is `\macroy'.
+Since $(x,y)$ coordinates are usually assigned globally, it is safe to
+use this command after path operations.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfgetlastxy"
+ },
+ pgfgettransform = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "macro"}},
+ details = [[
+This command will (locally) define ⟨macro⟩ to a representation of the
+current coordinate transformation matrix. This matrix can later on be
+reinstalled using `\pgfsettransform`.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfgettransform"
+ },
+ pgfgettransformentries = {
+ arguments = {
+ {meta = "macro for a"},
+ {meta = "macro for b"},
+ {meta = "macro for c"},
+ {meta = "macro for d"},
+ {meta = "macro for shift x"},
+ {meta = "macro for shift y"}
+ },
+ details = [[
+This command is similar to `\pgfgettransform` except that it stores the
+current coordinate transformation matrix in a set of six macros.
+The matrix can later on be reinstalled using `\pgfsettransformentries`.
+Furthermore, all these macros (or just a few of them) can be used as
+arguments for `\pgftransformcm`.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfgettransformentries"
+ },
+ pgfhorizontaltransformationadjustment = {
+ details = [[
+When you scale the length of a horizontal line by this factor in the
+current transformation, you compensate for the scaling. Formally, it is
+$1/\\texttt{\textbackslash mathit\{transform\}(1,0)\textbackslash }_2$,
+where $\mathit{transform}$ applies the current transformations matrix to
+the given number.
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \draw [help lines] (0,0) grid (2,2);
+ \begin{scope}[xscale=2,thick]
+ \draw [red] (1,1) -- ++(1,0);
+ \pgftransformationadjustments
+ \draw [blue] (1,0) -- ++(\pgfhorizontaltransformationadjustment,0);
+ \end{scope}
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \draw [help lines] (0,0) grid (2,2);
+ \begin{scope}[xscale=2,thick,rotate=90]
+ \draw [red] (1,1) -- ++(1,0);
+ \pgftransformationadjustments
+ \draw [blue] (1,0) -- ++(\pgfhorizontaltransformationadjustment,0);
+ \end{scope}
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfhorizontaltransformationadjustment"
+ },
+ pgfidrefnextuse = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "macro"}, {meta = "name"}},
+ details = [[
+This command assigns a system layer identifier (the identifier returned
+by `\pgfsys@new@id`) to the ⟨macro⟩, namely the one that will be used
+the *next* time `\pgfuseid` is used. You use this command for "forward
+A typical use case is the following: A key like `whom` for animations
+uses this command to get the system identifier that will be used for a
+future object. Then, this identifier can be passed to system layer
+commands like `\pgfsys@animation@whom`.
+Note that the "next" use need not be on the same page (or there may not
+even be any use at all), in which case the reference will not refer to
+any object.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfidrefnextuse"
+ },
+ pgfidrefprevuse = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "macro"}, {meta = "name"}},
+ details = [[
+Works like `\pgfidrefnextuse`, only it references the most recent
+*previous* use of the ⟨name⟩. As for `\pgfidrefnextuse`, the most recent
+use need not be on the same page.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfidrefprevuse"
+ },
+ pgfifidreferenced = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "name"}, {meta = "then code"}, {meta = "else code"}},
+ details = [[
+If ⟨name⟩ has been referenced, ⟨then code⟩ is executed, otherwise ⟨else
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfifidreferenced"
+ },
+ pgfimage = {
+ arguments = {
+ {
+ delimiters = {"[", "]"},
+ keys = "$ref:pgf#/keys/pgf",
+ meta = "options",
+ optional = true
+ },
+ {meta = "filename"}
+ },
+ details = [[
+Declares the image under the name `pgflastimage` and immediately uses
+it. You can "save" the image for later usage by invoking
+`\pgfaliasimage` on `pgflastimage`.
+ \begin{colormixin}{25!white}
+ \begin{pgfpicture}
+ \pgftext[at=\pgfpoint{1cm}{5cm},left,base]
+ {\pgfimage[interpolate=true,width=1cm,height=1cm]{brave-gnu-world-logo}}
+ \pgftext[at=\pgfpoint{1cm}{3cm},left,base]
+ {\pgfimage[interpolate=true,width=1cm]{brave-gnu-world-logo}}
+ \pgftext[at=\pgfpoint{1cm}{1cm},left,base]
+ {\pgfimage[interpolate=true,height=1cm]{brave-gnu-world-logo}}
+ \pgfpathrectangle{\pgfpoint{1cm}{5cm}}{\pgfpoint{1cm}{1cm}}
+ \pgfpathrectangle{\pgfpoint{1cm}{3cm}}{\pgfpoint{1cm}{1cm}}
+ \pgfpathrectangle{\pgfpoint{1cm}{1cm}}{\pgfpoint{1cm}{1cm}}
+ \pgfusepath{stroke}
+ \end{pgfpicture}
+ \end{colormixin}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfimage"
+ },
+ pgfintersectionofpaths = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "path 1"}, {meta = "path 2"}},
+ details = [[
+This command finds the intersection points on the paths ⟨path 1⟩ and
+⟨path 2⟩. The number of intersection points ("solutions") that are found
+will be stored, and each point can be accessed afterward. The code for
+⟨path 1⟩ and ⟨path 2⟩ is executed within a TeX group and so can contain
+transformations (which will be in addition to any existing
+transformations). The code should not use the path in any way, unless
+the path is saved first and restored afterward. PGF will regard
+solutions as "a bit special", in that the points returned will be
+"absolute" and unaffected by any further transformations.
+ \begin{pgfpicture}
+ \pgfintersectionofpaths
+ {
+ \pgfpathellipse{\pgfpointxy{0}{0}}{\pgfpointxy{1}{0}}{\pgfpointxy{0}{2}}
+ \pgfgetpath\temppath
+ \pgfusepath{stroke}
+ \pgfsetpath\temppath
+ }
+ {
+ \pgftransformrotate{-30}
+ \pgfpathrectangle{\pgfpointorigin}{\pgfpointxy{2}{2}}
+ \pgfgetpath\temppath
+ \pgfusepath{stroke}
+ \pgfsetpath\temppath
+ }
+ \foreach \s in {1,...,\pgfintersectionsolutions}
+ {\pgfpathcircle{\pgfpointintersectionsolution{\s}}{2pt}}
+ \pgfusepath{stroke}
+ \end{pgfpicture}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfintersectionofpaths"
+ },
+ pgfintersectionsolutions = {
+ details = [[
+After using the `\pgfintersectionofpaths` command, this TeX-macro will
+indicate the number of solutions found.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfintersectionsolutions"
+ },
+ pgfintersectionsortbyfirstpath = {
+ details = [[
+Using this command will mean the solutions will be sorted along ⟨path
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfintersectionsortbyfirstpath"
+ },
+ pgfintersectionsortbysecondpath = {
+ details = [[
+Using this command will mean the solutions will be sorted along ⟨path
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfintersectionsortbysecondpath"
+ },
+ pgfkeys = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "key list"}},
+ details = [[
+The ⟨key list⟩ should be a list of key--value pairs, separated by
+commas. A key--value pair can have the following two forms:
+⟨key⟩`=`⟨value⟩ or just ⟨key⟩. Any spaces around the ⟨key⟩ or around the
+⟨value⟩ are removed. It is permissible to surround both the ⟨key⟩ or the
+⟨value⟩ in curly braces, which are also removed. Especially putting the
+⟨value⟩ in curly braces needs to be done quite often, namely whenever
+the ⟨value⟩ contains an equal-sign or a comma.
+The key--value pairs in the list are handled in the order they appear.
+How this handling is done, exactly, is described in the rest of this
+If a ⟨key⟩ is a partial key, the current value of the default path is
+prefixed to the ⟨key⟩ and this "upgraded" key is then used. The default
+path is just the root path `/` when the first key is handled, but it may
+change later on. At the end of the command, the default path is reset to
+the value it had before this command was executed.
+Calls of this command may be nested. Thus, it is permissible to call
+`\pgfkeys` inside the code that is executed for a key. Since the default
+path is restored after a call of `\pgfkeys`, the default path will not
+change when you call `\pgfkeys` while executing code for a key (which is
+exactly what you want).
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfkeys"
+ },
+ pgfkeysactivatefamilies = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "family list"}, {meta = "deactivate macro name"}},
+ details = [[
+Activates each family in ⟨family list⟩ and creates a macro ⟨deactivate
+macro name⟩ which deactivates each family in ⟨family list⟩.
+ \pgfkeysactivatefamilies{/family 1,/family 2,/family 3}{\deactivatename}
+ \pgfkeysfiltered{foo,bar}
+ \deactivatename
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfkeysactivatefamilies"
+ },
+ pgfkeysactivatefamiliesandfilteroptions = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "family list"}, {meta = "key--value-list"}},
+ details = [[
+A simple shortcut macro which activates any family in the comma
+separated `{family list}`, invokes `\pgfkeysfiltered`⟨key--value-list⟩
+and deactivates the families afterwards.
+Please note that you will need to install a family key filter, otherwise
+family activation has no effect.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfkeysactivatefamiliesandfilteroptions"
+ },
+ pgfkeysactivatefamily = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "family name"}},
+ details = [[
+Equivalent to `\pgfkeys{`⟨family name⟩`/.activate family}`.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfkeysactivatefamily"
+ },
+ pgfkeysactivatesinglefamilyandfilteroptions = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "family name"}, {meta = "key--value-list"}},
+ details = [[
+A shortcut macro which activates a single family and invokes
+Please note that you will need to install a family key filter, otherwise
+family activation has no effect.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfkeysactivatesinglefamilyandfilteroptions"
+ },
+ pgfkeysalso = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "key list"}},
+ details = [[
+This command has exactly the same effect as `\pgfkeys`, only the default
+path is not modified before or after the keys are being set. This
+command is mainly intended to be called by the code that is being
+processed for a key.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfkeysalso"
+ },
+ pgfkeysalsofiltered = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "key--value-list"}},
+ details = [[
+This command works as `\pgfkeysfiltered`, but it does not change the
+current default path. See the documentation of `\pgfkeysalso` for more
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfkeysalsofiltered"
+ },
+ pgfkeysalsofilteredfrom = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "macro"}},
+ details = [[
+A variant of `\pgfkeysalsofiltered` which loads its key list from
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfkeysalsofilteredfrom"
+ },
+ pgfkeysalsofrom = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "macro"}},
+ details = [[
+A variant of `\pgfkeysalso` which loads its key list from `{macro}`.
+It is useful in conjunction with the
+`/pgf/key filter handlers/append filtered to=`⟨macro⟩ handler.
+The following example uses the same settings as in the intro section ??.
+ \pgfkeys{/pgf/key filter handlers/append filtered to/.install key filter handler=\remainingoptions}
+ \def\remainingoptions{}
+ \pgfkeysfiltered{/my group/A1=a1, /my group/A2=a2,
+ /my group/B=b, /my group/C=c, /tikz/color=blue, /my group/A3=a3}
+ Remaining: `\remainingoptions'.
+ \pgfkeysalsofrom{\remainingoptions}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfkeysalsofrom"
+ },
+ pgfkeysdeactivatefamily = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "family name"}},
+ details = [[
+Equivalent to `\pgfkeys{`⟨family name⟩`/.deactivate family}`.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfkeysdeactivatefamily"
+ },
+ pgfkeysdef = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "key"}, {meta = "code"}},
+ details = [[
+This command temporarily defines a TeX-macro with the argument list
+`# 1\pgfeov` and then lets ⟨key⟩`/.@cmd` be equal to this macro. The net
+effect of all this is that you have then set up code for the key ⟨key⟩
+so that when you write `\pgfkeys{`⟨key⟩`=`⟨value⟩`}`, then the ⟨code⟩ is
+executed with all occurrences of `# 1` in ⟨code⟩ being replaced by
+⟨value⟩. (This behavior is quite similar to the `\define@key` command of
+`keyval` and `xkeyval`).
+ \pgfkeysdef{/my key}{#1, #1.}
+ \pgfkeys{/my key=hello}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfkeysdef"
+ },
+ pgfkeysdefargs = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "key"}, {meta = "argument pattern"}, {meta = "code"}},
+ details = [[
+This command works like `\pgfkeysdefnargs`, but it allows you to provide
+an arbitrary ⟨argument pattern⟩ rather than just a number of arguments.
+ \pgfkeysdefargs{/my key}{#1+#2}{\def\a{#1}\def\b{#2}}
+ \pgfkeys{/my key=hello+world}
+ |\a| is \a, |\b| is \b.
+Note that `\pgfkeysdefnargs` is *better* when it comes to simple
+argument *counts*[1].
+[1] When the resulting keys are used, the `defnargs` variant allows
+spaces between arguments whereas the `defargs` variant does not; it
+considers the spaces as part of the argument.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfkeysdefargs"
+ },
+ pgfkeysdefnargs = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "key"}, {meta = "argument count"}, {meta = "code"}},
+ details = [[
+This command works like `\pgfkeysdef`, but it allows you to provide an
+arbitrary ⟨argument count⟩ between $0$ and $9$ (inclusive).
+ \pgfkeysdefnargs{/my key}{2}{\def\a{#1}\def\b{#2}}
+ \pgfkeys{/my key=
+ {hello}
+ {world}}
+ |\a| is `\a', |\b| is `\b'.
+The resulting key will expect exactly `{argument count}` arguments.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfkeysdefnargs"
+ },
+ pgfkeysedef = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "key"}, {meta = "code"}},
+ details = [[
+This command works like `\pgfkeysdef`, but it uses `\edef` rather than
+`\def` when defining the key macro. If you do not know the difference
+between the two, then you will not need this command; and if you know
+the difference, then you will know when you need this command.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfkeysedef"
+ },
+ pgfkeysedefargs = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "key"}, {meta = "argument pattern"}, {meta = "code"}},
+ details = [[
+The `\edef` version of `\pgfkeysdefargs`.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfkeysedefargs"
+ },
+ pgfkeysedefnargs = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "key"}, {meta = "argument count"}, {meta = "code"}},
+ details = [[
+The `\edef` version of `\pgfkeysdefnargs`.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfkeysedefnargs"
+ },
+ pgfkeysevalkeyfilterwith = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "full key"}, {literal = "="}, {meta = "filter arguments"}},
+ details = [[
+Evaluates a fully qualified key filter ⟨full key⟩ with argument(s)
+⟨filter arguments⟩.
+ \pgfkeysevalkeyfilterwith{/pgf/key filters/equals=/tikz}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfkeysevalkeyfilterwith"
+ },
+ pgfkeysfiltered = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "key--value-list"}},
+ details = [[
+Processes all options in exactly the same way as
+`\pgfkeys``{key–value-list}`, but a key filter is considered as soon as
+key identification is complete.
+The key filter tells `\pgfkeysfiltered` whether it should continue to
+apply the current option (return value is 'true') or whether something
+different shall be done (filter returns 'false').
+There is exactly one key filter in effect, and it is installed by the
+`.install key filter` handler or by `\pgfkeysinstallkeyfilter`.
+If the key filter returns 'false', a unique key filter handler gets
+control. This handler is installed by the `.install key filter handler`
+method and has access to the key's full name, value and (possibly) path.
+Key filtering applies to any (possibly nested) call to `\pgfkeys`,
+`\pgfkeysalso`, `\pgfqkeys` and `\pgfqkeysalso` during the evaluation of
+`{key–value-list}`. It does *not* apply to routines like
+`\pgfkeyssetvalue` or `\pgfkeysgetvalue`. Furthermore, keys belonging to
+`/errors` are always processed. Key filtering routines can't be nested:
+you can't combine different key filters automatically.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfkeysfiltered"
+ },
+ pgfkeysgetfamily = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "full key"}, {meta = "resultmacro"}},
+ details = [[
+Returns the family associated to a ⟨full key⟩ into macro ⟨resultmacro⟩.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfkeysgetfamily"
+ },
+ pgfkeysgetvalue = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "full key"}, {meta = "macro"}},
+ details = [[
+Retrieves the tokens stored in the ⟨full key⟩ and lets ⟨macro⟩ be equal
+to these tokens. If the key has not been set, the ⟨macro⟩ will be equal
+to `\relax`.
+ \pgfkeyssetvalue{/my family/my key}{Hello, world!}
+ \pgfkeysgetvalue{/my family/my key}{\helloworld}
+ \helloworld
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfkeysgetvalue"
+ },
+ pgfkeysifdefined = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "full key"}, {meta = "if"}, {meta = "else"}},
+ details = [[
+Checks whether this key was previously set using either
+`\pgfkeyssetvalue` or `\pgfkeyslet`. If so, the code in ⟨if⟩ is
+executed, otherwise the code in ⟨else⟩.
+This command will use eTeX's `\ifcsname` command, if available, for
+efficiency. This means, however, that it may behave differently for
+TeX and for eTeX when you set keys to `\relax`. For this reason you
+should not do so.
+ \pgfkeyssetvalue{/my family/my key}{Hello, world!}
+ \pgfkeysifdefined{/my family/my key}{yes}{no}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfkeysifdefined"
+ },
+ pgfkeysiffamilydefined = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "family"}, {meta = "true case"}, {meta = "false case"}},
+ details = [[
+Checks whether the full key ⟨family⟩ is a family and executes either
+⟨true case⟩ or ⟨false case⟩.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfkeysiffamilydefined"
+ },
+ pgfkeysinstallkeyfilter = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "full key"}, {meta = "optional arguments"}},
+ details = [[
+The command `\pgfkeysinstallkeyfilter{`⟨full key⟩`}{`⟨optional
+arguments⟩`}` has the same effect as `\pgfkeys{`⟨full
+key⟩`/.install key filter={`⟨optional arguments⟩`}}`.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfkeysinstallkeyfilter"
+ },
+ pgfkeysinstallkeyfilterhandler = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "full key"}, {meta = "optional arguments"}},
+ details = [[
+The command `\pgfkeysinstallkeyfilterhandler{`⟨full key⟩`}{`⟨optional
+arguments⟩`}` has the same effect as `\pgfkeys{`⟨full
+key⟩`/.install key filter handler={`⟨optional arguments⟩`}}`.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfkeysinstallkeyfilterhandler"
+ },
+ pgfkeysisfamilyactive = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "family"}},
+ details = [[
+Sets the TeX-boolean `\ifpgfkeysfiltercontinue` to whether ⟨family⟩ is
+active or not.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfkeysisfamilyactive"
+ },
+ pgfkeyslet = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "full key"}, {meta = "macro"}},
+ details = [[
+Performs a `\let` statement so the ⟨full key⟩ points to the contents of
+ \def\helloworld{Hello, world!}
+ \pgfkeyslet{/my family/my key}{\helloworld}
+ \pgfkeysvalueof{/my family/my key}
+You should never let a key be equal to `\relax`. Such a key may or may
+not be indistinguishable from an undefined key.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfkeyslet"
+ },
+ pgfkeyssavekeyfilterstateto = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "macro"}},
+ details = [[
+Creates `{macro}` which contains commands to re-activate the current key
+filter and key filter handler. It can be used to temporarily switch the
+key filter.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfkeyssavekeyfilterstateto"
+ },
+ pgfkeyssetevalue = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "full key"}, {meta = "token text"}},
+ details = [[
+The `\edef` version of `\pgfkeyssetvalue`.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfkeyssetevalue"
+ },
+ pgfkeyssetfamily = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "full key"}, {meta = "family"}},
+ details = [[
+The command `\pgfkeyssetfamily``{full key}``{family}` has the same
+effect as `\pgfkeys{`⟨full key⟩`/.belongs to family=``{family}``}`.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfkeyssetfamily"
+ },
+ pgfkeyssetvalue = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "full key"}, {meta = "token text"}},
+ details = [[
+Stores the ⟨token text⟩ in the ⟨full key⟩. The ⟨full key⟩ may not be a
+partial key, so no default-path-adding is done. The ⟨token text⟩ can be
+arbitrary tokens and may even contain things like `# ` or unbalanced
+ \pgfkeyssetvalue{/my family/my key}{Hello, world!}
+ \pgfkeysvalueof{/my family/my key}
+The setting of a key is always local to the current TeX group.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfkeyssetvalue"
+ },
+ pgfkeysvalueof = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "full key"}},
+ details = [[
+Inserts the value stored in ⟨full key⟩ at the current position into the
+ \pgfkeyssetvalue{/my family/my key}{Hello, world!}
+ \pgfkeysvalueof{/my family/my key}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfkeysvalueof"
+ },
+ pgflibraryfpuifactive = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "true-code"}, {meta = "false-code"}},
+ details = [[
+This command can be used to execute either ⟨true-code⟩ or ⟨false-code⟩,
+depending on whether the FPU has been activated or not.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgflibraryfpuifactive"
+ },
+ pgflindenmayersystem = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "name"}, {meta = "axiom"}, {meta = "order"}},
+ details = [[
+Runs the L-system called ⟨name⟩ using the input string ⟨axiom⟩ for
+⟨order⟩ iterations. In general, prior to calling this command, the
+transformation matrix should be set appropriately for shifting and
+rotating, and a move-to to the (transformed) origin should be executed.
+This origin will be where the L-system starts. In addition, the relevant
+keys should be set appropriately.
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \draw [help lines] grid (3,2);
+ \pgfset{lindenmayer system/.cd, angle=60, step=2pt}
+ \foreach \x/\y in {0cm/1cm, 1.5cm/1.5cm, 2.5cm/0.5cm, 1cm/0cm}{
+ \pgftransformshift{\pgfqpoint{\x}{\y}}
+ \pgfpathmoveto{\pgfpointorigin}
+ \pgflindenmayersystem{Koch curve}{F++F++F}{2}
+ \pgfusepath{stroke}
+ }
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+Note that it is perfectly feasible for an L-system to define special
+symbols which perform the move-to and use-path operations.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgflindenmayersystem"
+ },
+ pgflowlevel = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "transformation code"}},
+ details = [[
+This command concatenates the canvas transformation matrix with the
+coordinate transformation specified by ⟨transformation code⟩.
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \draw[help lines] (0,0) grid (3,2);
+ \pgfsetlinewidth{1pt}
+ \pgflowlevel{\pgftransformscale{5}}
+ \draw (0,0) -- (0.4,.2);
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgflowlevel"
+ },
+ pgflowlevelobj = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "transformation code"}, {meta = "code"}},
+ details = [[
+This command creates a local `{pgfscope}`. Inside this scope,
+`\pgflowlevel` is first called with the argument ⟨transformation code⟩,
+then the ⟨code⟩ is inserted.
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \draw[help lines] (0,0) grid (3,2);
+ \pgfsetlinewidth{1pt}
+ \pgflowlevelobj{\pgftransformscale{5}} {\draw (0,0) -- (0.4,.2);}
+ \pgflowlevelobj{\pgftransformxshift{-1cm}}{\draw (0,0) -- (0.4,.2);}
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgflowlevelobj"
+ },
+ pgflowlevelsynccm = {
+ details = [[
+This command concatenates the canvas transformation matrix with the
+current coordinate transformation matrix. Afterward, the coordinate
+transformation matrix is reset.
+The effect of this command is to "synchronize" the coordinate
+transformation matrix and the canvas transformation matrix. All
+transformations that were previously applied by the coordinate
+transformations matrix are now applied by the canvas transformation
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \draw[help lines] (0,0) grid (3,2);
+ \pgfsetlinewidth{1pt}
+ \pgftransformscale{5}
+ \draw (0,0) -- (0.4,.2);
+ \pgftransformxshift{0.2cm}
+ \pgflowlevelsynccm
+ \draw[red] (0,0) -- (0.4,.2);
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgflowlevelsynccm"
+ },
+ pgflsystemcurrentleftangle = {
+ details = [[
+The angle the L-system will turn when it turns left. The value stored in
+this macro may be changed if `\pgflsystemrandomizeleftangle` is used.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgflsystemcurrentleftangle"
+ },
+ pgflsystemcurrentrightangle = {
+ details = [[
+The angle the L-system will turn when it turns right. The value stored
+in this macro may be changed if `\pgflsystemrandomizerightangle` is
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgflsystemcurrentrightangle"
+ },
+ pgflsystemcurrentstep = {
+ details = [[
+The current "step" of the L-system (i.e., how far the system will move
+forward if required). This is initially set to the value in the
+TeX-dimensions `\pgflsystemstep`, but the actual value may be changed if
+`\pgflsystemrandomizestep` is used (see below).
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgflsystemcurrentstep"
+ },
+ pgflsystemdrawforward = {
+ details = [[
+Move forward in the current direction, by `\pgflsystemcurrentstep`,
+drawing a line in the process. This macro calls
+`\pgflsystemrandomizestep`. Internally, PGF simply shifts the
+transformation matrix in the positive direction of the current
+(transformed) x-axis by `\pgflsystemstep` and then executes a line-to to
+the (newly transformed) origin.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgflsystemdrawforward"
+ },
+ pgflsystemmoveforward = {
+ details = [[
+Move forward in the current direction, by `\pgflsystemcurrentstep`,
+without drawing a line. This macro calls `\pgflsystemrandomizestep`. PGF
+executes a transformation as above, but executes a move-to to the (newly
+transformed) origin.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgflsystemmoveforward"
+ },
+ pgflsystemrandomizeleftangle = {
+ details = [[
+Randomizes the value in `\pgflsystemcurrentleftangle` according to the
+value of the `randomize angle percent` key.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgflsystemrandomizeleftangle"
+ },
+ pgflsystemrandomizerightangle = {
+ details = [[
+Randomizes the value in `\pgflsystemcurrentrightangle` according to the
+value of the `randomize angle` key.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgflsystemrandomizerightangle"
+ },
+ pgflsystemrandomizestep = {
+ details = [[
+Randomizes the value in `\pgflsystemcurrentstep` according to the
+current value of the key `randomize step percent`.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgflsystemrandomizestep"
+ },
+ pgflsystemrestorestate = {
+ details = [[
+Restore the last saved position and orientation. Internally, PGF closes
+a TeX-group, restoring the transformation matrix of the outer scope, and
+a move-to command is executed to the (transformed) origin.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgflsystemrestorestate"
+ },
+ pgflsystemsavestate = {
+ details = [[
+Save the current position and orientation. Internally, PGF simply starts
+a new TeX-group.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgflsystemsavestate"
+ },
+ pgflsystemturnleft = {
+ details = [[
+Turn left by `\pgflsystemcurrentleftangle`. Internally, PGF simply
+rotates the transformation matrix. This macro calls
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgflsystemturnleft"
+ },
+ pgflsystemturnright = {
+ details = [[
+Turn right by `\pgflsystemcurrentrightangle`. Internally, PGF simply
+rotates the transformation matrix. This macro calls
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgflsystemturnright"
+ },
+ pgfmathaddtocount = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "count register"}, {meta = "expression"}},
+ details = [[
+Adds the *truncated* value of ⟨expression⟩ to the TeX ⟨count register⟩.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfmathaddtocount"
+ },
+ pgfmathaddtocounter = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "counter"}, {meta = "expression"}},
+ details = [[
+Adds the *truncated* value of ⟨expression⟩ to ⟨counter⟩.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfmathaddtocounter"
+ },
+ pgfmathaddtolength = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "register"}, {meta = "expression"}},
+ details = [[
+Adds the value of ⟨expression⟩ to the TeX ⟨register⟩. All of the special
+consideration mentioned for `\pgfmathsetlength` also apply here in the
+same way.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfmathaddtolength"
+ },
+ pgfmathanglebetweenlines = {
+ arguments = {
+ {meta = "$p_1$"},
+ {meta = "$q_1$"},
+ {meta = "$p_2$"},
+ {meta = "$q_2$"}
+ },
+ details = [[
+Returns the clockwise angle between a line going through $p_1$ and $q_1$
+and a line going through $p_2$ and $q_2$.
+ \pgfmathanglebetweenlines{\pgfpoint{1cm}{3cm}}{\pgfpoint{2cm}{4cm}}
+ {\pgfpoint{0cm}{1cm}}{\pgfpoint{1cm}{0cm}}
+ \pgfmathresult
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfmathanglebetweenlines"
+ },
+ pgfmathanglebetweenpoints = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "p"}, {meta = "q"}},
+ details = [[
+Returns the angle of a line from ⟨p⟩ to ⟨q⟩ relative to a line going
+straight right from ⟨p⟩.
+ \pgfmathanglebetweenpoints{\pgfpoint{1cm}{3cm}}{\pgfpoint{2cm}{4cm}}
+ \pgfmathresult
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfmathanglebetweenpoints"
+ },
+ pgfmathapproxequalto = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "x"}, {meta = "y"}},
+ details = [[
+Defines `\pgfmathresult` 1.0 if $\rvert ⟨x⟩ - ⟨y⟩ \lvert <
+ 0.0001$, but 0.0 otherwise. As a side-effect, the global boolean
+`\ifpgfmathcomparison` will be set accordingly.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfmathapproxequalto"
+ },
+ pgfmathbasetoBase = {
+ arguments = {
+ {meta = "macro"},
+ {meta = "number"},
+ {meta = "base-1"},
+ {meta = "base-2"}
+ },
+ details = [[
+Defines ⟨macro⟩ as the result of converting ⟨number⟩ from base ⟨base-1⟩
+to base ⟨base-2⟩. Alphabetic digits in ⟨number⟩ can be upper or lower
+case, but any resulting alphabetic digits are in *upper case*.
+ \pgfmathbasetoBase\mynumber{121212}{3}{12} \mynumber
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfmathbasetoBase"
+ },
+ pgfmathbasetobase = {
+ arguments = {
+ {meta = "macro"},
+ {meta = "number"},
+ {meta = "base-1"},
+ {meta = "base-2"}
+ },
+ details = [[
+Defines ⟨macro⟩ as the result of converting ⟨number⟩ from base ⟨base-1⟩
+to base ⟨base-2⟩. Alphabetic digits in ⟨number⟩ can be upper or lower
+case, but any resulting alphabetic digits are in *lower case*.
+ \pgfmathbasetobase\mynumber{11011011}{2}{16} \mynumber
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfmathbasetobase"
+ },
+ pgfmathbasetodec = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "macro"}, {meta = "number"}, {meta = "base"}},
+ details = [[
+Defines ⟨macro⟩ as the result of converting ⟨number⟩ from base ⟨base⟩ to
+base 10. Alphabetic digits can be upper or lower case.
+ \pgfmathbasetodec\mynumber{107f}{16} \mynumber
+Note that, as usual in TeX, the braces around an argument can be omitted
+if the argument is just a single token (a macro name is a single token).
+ \pgfmathbasetodec\mynumber{33FC}{20} \mynumber
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfmathbasetodec"
+ },
+ pgfmathdeclarefunction = {
+ arguments = {
+ {literal = "*"},
+ {meta = "function name"},
+ {meta = "number of arguments"},
+ {meta = "code"}
+ },
+ details = [[
+This will set up the parser to recognize a function called ⟨name⟩. The
+name of the function can consist of, uppercase or lowercase letters,
+numbers or the underscore `_ `. In line with many programming languages,
+a function name cannot begin with a number or contain any spaces. The
+function may not have been declared earlier, unless the optional star
+(`*`) is provided, which forces an "overwriting" of the function by the
+new function. Note that you *should never change the arity of standard
+functions* and you should normally use `\pgfmathredeclarefunction`,
+which does not allow you to do anything wrong here.
+The ⟨number of arguments⟩ can be any positive integer, zero, or the
+value `...`, which indicates a variable number of arguments. PGF treats
+constants, such as `pi` and `e`, as functions with zero arguments.
+Functions with more than nine arguments or with a variable number of
+arguments are a "bit special" and are discussed below.
+The effect of ⟨code⟩ should be to set the macro `\pgfmathresult` to the
+correct value (namely to the result of the computation without units).
+Furthermore, the function should have no other side effects, that is, it
+should not change any global values. As an example, consider the
+creation of a new function `double`, which takes one argument, and
+returns the value of that argument times two.
+ \makeatletter
+ \pgfmathdeclarefunction{double}{1}{
+ \begingroup
+ \pgf@x=#1pt\relax
+ \multiply\pgf@x by2\relax
+ \pgfmathreturn\pgf@x
+ \endgroup
+ }
+ \makeatother
+ \pgfmathparse{double(44.3)}\pgfmathresult
+The macro `\pgfmathreturn`⟨tokens⟩ must be directly followed by an
+`\endgroup` and will save the result of the computation, by defining
+`\pgfmathresult` as the expansion of ⟨tokens⟩ (without units) outside
+the group, so ⟨tokens⟩ must be something that can be assigned to a
+dimension register.
+Alternatively, the `\pgfmathsmuggle`⟨macro⟩ can be used. This must also
+be directly followed by an `\endgroup` and will simply "smuggle" the
+definition of ⟨macro⟩ outside the TeX-group.
+By performing computations within a TeX-group, PGF registers such as
+`\pgf@x`, `\pgf@y` and `\c@pgf@counta`, `\c@pgfcountb`, and so forth,
+can be used at will.
+Beyond setting up the parser, this command also defines two macros which
+provide access to the function independently of the parser:
+- `\pgfmath`⟨function name⟩
+ This macro will provide a "public" interface for the function
+ ⟨function name⟩ allowing the function to be called independently of
+ the parser. All arguments passed to this macro are evaluated using
+ `\pgfmathparse` and then passed on to the following macro:
+- `\pgfmath`⟨function name⟩`@`
+ This macro is the "private" implementation of the function's
+ algorithm (but note that, for speed, the parser calls this macro
+ rather than the "public" one). Arguments passed to this macro are
+ expected to be numbers without units. It is defined using ⟨code⟩,
+ but need not be self-contained.
+For functions that are declared with less than ten arguments, the public
+macro is defined in the same way as normal TeX macros using, for
+example, `\def\pgfmathNoArgs{`⟨code⟩`}` for a function with no
+arguments, or `\def\pgfmathThreeArgs# 1# 2# 3{`⟨code⟩`}` for a function
+with three arguments. The private macro is defined in the same way, and
+each argument can therefore be accessed in ⟨code⟩ using `# 1`, `# 2` and
+so on.
+For functions with more than nine arguments, or functions with a
+variable number of arguments, these macros are only defined as taking
+*one* argument. The public macro expects its arguments to be comma
+separated, for example, `\pgfmathVariableArgs{1.1,3.5,-1.5,2.6}`. Each
+argument is parsed and passed on to the private macro as follows:
+`\pgfmathVariableArgs@{{1.1}{3.5}{-1.5}{2.6}}`. This means that some
+"extra work" will be required to access each argument (although it is a
+fairly simple task).
+Note that there are two exceptions to this arrangement: the public
+versions of the `min` and `max` functions still take two arguments for
+compatibility with older versions, but each of these arguments can take
+several comma separated values.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfmathdeclarefunction"
+ },
+ pgfmathdeclarerandomlist = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "list name"}},
+ details = [[
+This creates a list of items with the name ⟨list name⟩.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfmathdeclarerandomlist"
+ },
+ pgfmathdectoBase = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "macro"}, {meta = "number"}, {meta = "base"}},
+ details = [[
+Defines ⟨macro⟩ as the result of converting ⟨number⟩ from base 10 to
+base ⟨base⟩. Any resulting alphabetic digits are in *upper case*.
+ \pgfmathdectoBase\mynumber{65535}{16} \mynumber
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfmathdectoBase"
+ },
+ pgfmathdectobase = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "macro"}, {meta = "number"}, {meta = "base"}},
+ details = [[
+Defines ⟨macro⟩ as the result of converting ⟨number⟩ from base 10 to
+base ⟨base⟩. Any resulting alphabetic digits are in *lower case*.
+ \pgfmathdectobase\mynumber{65535}{16} \mynumber
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfmathdectobase"
+ },
+ pgfmathfloat = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "op"}},
+ details = [[
+Methods of this form constitute the replacement operations where ⟨op⟩
+can be any of the well-known math operations.
+Thus, `\pgfmathfloatadd` is the counterpart for `\pgfmathadd` and so on.
+The semantics and number of arguments is the same, but all input and
+output arguments are *expected* to be floating point numbers.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfmathfloat"
+ },
+ pgfmathfloatabserror = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "x"}, {meta = "y"}},
+ details = [[
+Defines `\pgfmathresult` to be the absolute error between two floating
+point numbers $x$ and $y$, $\lvert x - y\rvert$ and returns the result
+as floating point number.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfmathfloatabserror"
+ },
+ pgfmathfloatcreate = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "flags"}, {meta = "mantissa"}, {meta = "exponent"}},
+ details = [[
+Defines `\pgfmathresult` as the floating point number encoded by
+⟨flags⟩, ⟨mantissa⟩ and ⟨exponent⟩.
+All arguments are characters and will be expanded using `\edef`.
+ \pgfmathfloatcreate{1}{1.0}{327}
+ \pgfmathfloattomacro{\pgfmathresult}{\F}{\M}{\E}
+ Flags: \F; Mantissa \M; Exponent \E
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfmathfloatcreate"
+ },
+ pgfmathfloatgetexponent = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "x"}, {meta = "exponentcount"}},
+ details = [[
+Extracts the exponent of ⟨x⟩ into the count register ⟨exponentcount⟩.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfmathfloatgetexponent"
+ },
+ pgfmathfloatgetflags = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "x"}, {meta = "flagscount"}},
+ details = [[
+Extracts the flags of ⟨x⟩ into the count register ⟨flagscount⟩.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfmathfloatgetflags"
+ },
+ pgfmathfloatgetflagstomacro = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "x"}, {meta = "macro"}},
+ details = [[
+Extracts the flags of ⟨x⟩ into the macro ⟨macro⟩.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfmathfloatgetflagstomacro"
+ },
+ pgfmathfloatgetmantissa = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "x"}, {meta = "mantissadimen"}},
+ details = [[
+Extracts the mantissa of ⟨x⟩ into the dimen register ⟨mantissadimen⟩.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfmathfloatgetmantissa"
+ },
+ pgfmathfloatgetmantissatok = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "x"}, {meta = "mantissatoks"}},
+ details = [[
+Extracts the mantissa of ⟨x⟩ into the token register ⟨mantissatoks⟩.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfmathfloatgetmantissatok"
+ },
+ pgfmathfloatifapproxequalrel = {
+ arguments = {
+ {meta = "a"},
+ {meta = "b"},
+ {meta = "true-code"},
+ {meta = "false-code"}
+ },
+ details = [[
+Computes the relative error between ⟨a⟩ and ⟨b⟩ (assuming ⟨b⟩$\neq 0$)
+and invokes ⟨true-code⟩ if the relative error is below
+`/pgf/fpu/rel thresh` and ⟨false-code⟩ if that is not the case.
+The input arguments will be parsed with `\pgfmathfloatparsenumber`.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfmathfloatifapproxequalrel"
+ },
+ pgfmathfloatifflags = {
+ arguments = {
+ {meta = "floating point number"},
+ {meta = "flag"},
+ {meta = "true-code"},
+ {meta = "false-code"}
+ },
+ details = [[
+Invokes ⟨true-code⟩ if the flag of ⟨floating point number⟩ equals ⟨flag⟩
+and ⟨false-code⟩ otherwise.
+The argument ⟨flag⟩ can be one of
+to test for zero,
+to test for positive numbers,
+to test for positive numbers,
+to test for negative numbers,
+to test for negative numbers,
+for "not-a-number",
+for $+\infty$,
+for $-\infty$.
+ \pgfmathfloatparsenumber{42}
+ \pgfmathfloatifflags{\pgfmathresult}{0}{It's zero!}{It's not zero!}
+ \pgfmathfloatifflags{\pgfmathresult}{1}{It's positive!}{It's not positive!}
+ \pgfmathfloatifflags{\pgfmathresult}{2}{It's negative!}{It's not negative!}
+ % or, equivalently
+ \pgfmathfloatifflags{\pgfmathresult}{+}{It's positive!}{It's not positive!}
+ \pgfmathfloatifflags{\pgfmathresult}{-}{It's negative!}{It's not negative!}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfmathfloatifflags"
+ },
+ pgfmathfloatint = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "x"}},
+ details = [[
+Returns the integer part of the floating point number ⟨x⟩, by truncating
+any digits after the period. This methods truncates the absolute value
+$\rvert x \lvert$ to the next smaller integer and restores the original
+sign afterwards.
+The result is returned as floating point number as well.
+See also `\pgfmathfloattoint` which returns the number in integer
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfmathfloatint"
+ },
+ pgfmathfloatlessthan = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "x"}, {meta = "y"}},
+ details = [[
+Defines `\pgfmathresult` as $1.0$ if $⟨x⟩ < ⟨y⟩$, but $0.0$ otherwise.
+It also sets the global TeX-boolean `\pgfmathfloatcomparison`
+accordingly. The arguments ⟨x⟩ and ⟨y⟩ are expected to be numbers which
+have already been processed by `\pgfmathfloatparsenumber`. Arithmetic is
+carried out using TeX-registers for exponent- and mantissa comparison.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfmathfloatlessthan"
+ },
+ pgfmathfloatmultiplyfixed = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "float"}, {meta = "fixed"}},
+ details = [[
+Defines `\pgfmathresult` to be $⟨float⟩ \cdot ⟨fixed⟩$ where ⟨float⟩ is
+a floating point number and ⟨fixed⟩ is a fixed point number. The
+computation is performed in floating point arithmetics, that means we
+compute $m \cdot ⟨fixed⟩$ and renormalize the result where $m$ is the
+mantissa of ⟨float⟩.
+This operation renormalizes ⟨float⟩ with
+`\pgfmathfloattoextentedprecision` before the operation, that means it
+is intended for relatively small arguments of ⟨fixed⟩. The result is a
+floating point number.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfmathfloatmultiplyfixed"
+ },
+ pgfmathfloatparsenumber = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "x"}},
+ details = [[
+Reads a number of arbitrary magnitude and precision and stores its
+result into `\pgfmathresult` as floating point number $m \cdot 10^e$
+with mantissa and exponent base $10$.
+The algorithm and the storage format is purely text-based. The number is
+stored as a triple of flags, a positive mantissa and an exponent, such
+ \pgfmathfloatparsenumber{2}
+ \pgfmathresult
+Please do not rely on the low-level representation here, use
+`\pgfmathfloattomacro` (and its variants) and `\pgfmathfloatcreate` if
+you want to work with these components.
+The flags encoded in `\pgfmathresult` are represented as a digit where
+'$0$' stands for the number $\pm 0\cdot 10^0$, '$1$' stands for a
+positive sign, '$2$' means a negative sign, '$3$' stands for 'not a
+number', '$4$' means $+\infty$ and '$5$' stands for $-\infty$.
+The mantissa is a normalized real number $m \in \mathbb{R}$, $1 \le m <
+ 10$. It always contains a period and at least one digit after the
+period. The exponent is an integer.
+ \pgfmathfloatparsenumber{0}
+ \pgfmathfloattomacro{\pgfmathresult}{\F}{\M}{\E}
+ Flags: \F; Mantissa \M; Exponent \E.
+ \pgfmathfloatparsenumber{0.2}
+ \pgfmathfloattomacro{\pgfmathresult}{\F}{\M}{\E}
+ Flags: \F; Mantissa \M; Exponent \E.
+ \pgfmathfloatparsenumber{42}
+ \pgfmathfloattomacro{\pgfmathresult}{\F}{\M}{\E}
+ Flags: \F; Mantissa \M; Exponent \E.
+ \pgfmathfloatparsenumber{20.5E+2}
+ \pgfmathfloattomacro{\pgfmathresult}{\F}{\M}{\E}
+ Flags: \F; Mantissa \M; Exponent \E.
+ \pgfmathfloatparsenumber{1e6}
+ \pgfmathfloattomacro{\pgfmathresult}{\F}{\M}{\E}
+ Flags: \F; Mantissa \M; Exponent \E.
+ \pgfmathfloatparsenumber{5.21513e-11}
+ \pgfmathfloattomacro{\pgfmathresult}{\F}{\M}{\E}
+ Flags: \F; Mantissa \M; Exponent \E.
+The argument ⟨x⟩ may be given in fixed point format or the scientific
+"e" (or "E") notation. The scientific notation does not necessarily need
+to be normalized. The supported exponent range is (currently) only
+limited by the TeX-integer range (which uses 31 bit integer numbers).
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfmathfloatparsenumber"
+ },
+ pgfmathfloatqparsenumber = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "x"}},
+ details = [[
+The same as `\pgfmathfloatparsenumber`, but does not perform sanity
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfmathfloatqparsenumber"
+ },
+ pgfmathfloatrelerror = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "x"}, {meta = "y"}},
+ details = [[
+Defines `\pgfmathresult` to be the relative error between two floating
+point numbers $x$ and $y$, $\lvert x - y\rvert / \lvert y \rvert$ and
+returns the result as floating point number.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfmathfloatrelerror"
+ },
+ pgfmathfloatround = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "x"}},
+ details = [[
+Rounds a normalized floating point number to a prescribed precision and
+writes the result to `\pgfmathresult`.
+The desired precision can be configured with
+`/pgf/number format/precision`, see section ??.
+This method employs `\pgfmathroundto` to round the mantissa and applies
+renormalization if necessary.
+As a side effect, the global boolean `\ifpgfmathfloatroundhasperiod`
+will be set to true if and only if the resulting mantissa has a period.
+ \pgfmathfloatparsenumber{52.5864}
+ \pgfmathfloatround{\pgfmathresult}
+ \pgfmathfloattosci{\pgfmathresult}
+ \pgfmathresult
+ \pgfmathfloatparsenumber{9.995}
+ \pgfmathfloatround{\pgfmathresult}
+ \pgfmathfloattosci{\pgfmathresult}
+ \pgfmathresult
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfmathfloatround"
+ },
+ pgfmathfloatroundzerofill = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "x"}},
+ details = [[
+A variant of `\pgfmathfloatround` produces always the same number of
+digits after the period (it includes zeros if necessary).
+ \pgfmathfloatparsenumber{52.5864}
+ \pgfmathfloatroundzerofill{\pgfmathresult}
+ \pgfmathfloattosci{\pgfmathresult}
+ \pgfmathresult
+ \pgfmathfloatparsenumber{9.995}
+ \pgfmathfloatroundzerofill{\pgfmathresult}
+ \pgfmathfloattosci{\pgfmathresult}
+ \pgfmathresult
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfmathfloatroundzerofill"
+ },
+ pgfmathfloatsetextprecision = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "shift"}},
+ details = [[
+Sets the precision used inside of `\pgfmathfloattoextentedprecision` to
+The different choices are
+ --- ------------------ -------- ----------------- -------------------------------------------------
+ 0 normalization to $0$ $\le m < 1$ (disable extended precision)
+ 1 normalization to $10$ $\le m < 100$
+ 2 normalization to $100$ $\le m < 1000$ (default of `\pgfmathfloattoextentedprecision`)
+ 3 normalization to $1000$ $\le m < 10000$
+ --- ------------------ -------- ----------------- -------------------------------------------------
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfmathfloatsetextprecision"
+ },
+ pgfmathfloatshift = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "x"}, {meta = "num"}},
+ details = [[
+Defines `\pgfmathresult` to be $⟨x⟩ \cdot 10^{⟨num⟩}$. The operation is
+an arithmetic shift base ten and modifies only the exponent of ⟨x⟩. The
+argument ⟨num⟩ is expected to be a (positive or negative) integer.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfmathfloatshift"
+ },
+ pgfmathfloattoextentedprecision = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "x"}},
+ details = [[
+Renormalizes ⟨x⟩ to extended precision mantissa, meaning $100 \le m <
+ 1000$ instead of $1 \le m < 10$.
+The "extended precision" means we have higher accuracy when we apply
+pgfmath operations to mantissas.
+The input argument is expected to be a normalized floating point number;
+the output argument is a non-normalized floating point number (well,
+normalized to extended precision).
+The operation is supposed to be very fast.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfmathfloattoextentedprecision"
+ },
+ pgfmathfloattofixed = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "x"}},
+ details = [[
+Converts a number in floating point representation to a fixed point
+number. It is a counterpart to `\pgfmathfloatparsenumber`. The algorithm
+is purely text based and defines `\pgfmathresult` as a string sequence
+which represents the floating point number ⟨x⟩ as a fixed point number
+(of arbitrary precision).
+ \pgfmathfloatparsenumber{0.00052}
+ \pgfmathfloattomacro{\pgfmathresult}{\F}{\M}{\E}
+ Flags: \F; Mantissa \M; Exponent \E
+ $\to$
+ \pgfmathfloattofixed{\pgfmathresult}
+ \pgfmathresult
+ \pgfmathfloatparsenumber{123.456e4}
+ \pgfmathfloattomacro{\pgfmathresult}{\F}{\M}{\E}
+ Flags: \F; Mantissa \M; Exponent \E
+ $\to$
+ \pgfmathfloattofixed{\pgfmathresult}
+ \pgfmathresult
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfmathfloattofixed"
+ },
+ pgfmathfloattoint = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "x"}},
+ details = [[
+Converts a number from low-level floating point representation to an
+integer (by truncating the fractional part).
+ \pgfmathfloatparsenumber{123456}
+ \pgfmathfloattoint{\pgfmathresult}
+ \pgfmathresult
+See also `\pgfmathfloatint` which returns the result as float.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfmathfloattoint"
+ },
+ pgfmathfloattomacro = {
+ arguments = {
+ {meta = "x"},
+ {meta = "flagsmacro"},
+ {meta = "mantissamacro"},
+ {meta = "exponentmacro"}
+ },
+ details = [[
+Extracts the flags of a floating point number ⟨x⟩ to ⟨flagsmacro⟩, the
+mantissa to ⟨mantissamacro⟩ and the exponent to ⟨exponentmacro⟩.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfmathfloattomacro"
+ },
+ pgfmathfloattoregisters = {
+ arguments = {
+ {meta = "x"},
+ {meta = "flagscount"},
+ {meta = "mantissadimen"},
+ {meta = "exponentcount"}
+ },
+ details = [[
+Takes a floating point number ⟨x⟩ as input and writes flags to count
+register ⟨flagscount⟩, mantissa to dimen register ⟨mantissadimen⟩ and
+exponent to count register ⟨exponentcount⟩.
+Please note that this method rounds the mantissa to TeX-precision.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfmathfloattoregisters"
+ },
+ pgfmathfloattoregisterstok = {
+ arguments = {
+ {meta = "x"},
+ {meta = "flagscount"},
+ {meta = "mantissatoks"},
+ {meta = "exponentcount"}
+ },
+ details = [[
+A variant of `\pgfmathfloattoregisters` which writes the mantissa into a
+token register. It maintains the full input precision.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfmathfloattoregisterstok"
+ },
+ pgfmathfloattosci = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "float"}},
+ details = [[
+Converts a number from low-level floating point representation to
+scientific format, $1.234e4$. The result will be assigned to the macro
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfmathfloattosci"
+ },
+ pgfmathfloatvalueof = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "float"}},
+ details = [[
+Expands a number from low-level floating point representation to
+scientific format, $1.234e4$.
+Use `\pgfmathfloatvalueof` in contexts where only expandable macros are
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfmathfloatvalueof"
+ },
+ pgfmathgeneratepseudorandomnumber = {
+ details = [[
+Defines `\pgfmathresult` as a pseudo-random integer between 1 and
+$2^{31}-1$. This uses a linear congruency generator, based on ideas of
+Erich Janka.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfmathgeneratepseudorandomnumber"
+ },
+ pgfmathifisint = {
+ arguments = {
+ {meta = "number constant"},
+ {meta = "true code"},
+ {meta = "false code"}
+ },
+ details = [[
+A command which does the same check as `int detect`, but it invokes
+⟨true code⟩ if the ⟨number constant⟩ actually is an integer and the
+⟨false code⟩ if not.
+As a side-effect, `\pgfretval` will contain the parsed number, either in
+integer format or as parsed floating point number.
+The argument ⟨number constant⟩ will be parsed with
+ 15 \pgfmathifisint{15}{is an int: \pgfretval.}{is no int}\hspace{1em}
+ 15.5 \pgfmathifisint{15.5}{is an int: \pgfretval.}{is no int}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfmathifisint"
+ },
+ pgfmathlog = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "x"}},
+ details = [[
+Defines `\pgfmathresult` to be the natural logarithm of ⟨x⟩, $\ln(⟨x⟩)$.
+This method is logically the same as `\pgfmathln`, but it applies
+floating point arithmetics to read number ⟨x⟩ and employs the logarithm
+identity $$\ln(m \cdot 10^e) = \ln(m) + e \cdot \ln(10)$$ to get the
+result. The factor $\ln(10)$ is a constant, so only $\ln(m)$ with
+$1 \le m < 10$ needs to be computed. This is done using standard pgf
+math operations.
+Please note that ⟨x⟩ needs to be a number, expression parsing is not
+possible here.
+If ⟨x⟩ is *not* a bounded positive real number (for example
+$⟨x⟩ \le 0$), `\pgfmathresult` will be *empty*, no error message will be
+ \pgfmathlog{1.452e-7}
+ \pgfmathresult
+ \pgfmathlog{6.426e+8}
+ \pgfmathresult
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfmathlog"
+ },
+ pgfmathparse = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "expression"}},
+ details = [[
+This macro parses ⟨expression⟩ and returns the result without units in
+the macro `\pgfmathresult`.
+`\pgfmathparse{2pt+3.5pt}` will set `\pgfmathresult` to the text `5.5`.
+In the following, the special properties of this command are explained.
+The exact syntax of mathematical expressions is explained in Sections ??
+and ??.
+- The result stored in the macro `\pgfmathresult` is a decimal
+ *without units*. This is true regardless of whether the ⟨expression⟩
+ contains any unit specification. All numbers with units are
+ converted to points first. See Section ?? for details on units.
+- The parser will recognize TeX registers and box dimensions, so
+ `\mydimen`, `0.5\mydimen`, `\wd\mybox`, `0.5\dp\mybox`,
+ `\mycount\mydimen` and so on can be parsed.
+- The $\varepsilon$-TeX extensions `\dimexpr`, `\numexpr`,
+ `\glueexpr`, and `\muexpr` are recognized and evaluated. The values
+ they result in will be used in the further evaluation, as if you had
+ put `\the` before them.
+- Parenthesis can be used to change the order of the evaluation.
+- Various functions are recognized, so it is possible to parse
+ `sin(.5*pi r)*60`, which means "the sine of $0.5$ times $\pi$
+ radians, multiplied by 60". The argument of functions can be any
+ expression.
+- Scientific notation in the form `1.234e+4` is recognized (but the
+ restriction on the range of values still applies). The exponent
+ symbol can be upper or lower case (i.e., `E` or `e`).
+- An integer with a zero-prefix (excluding, of course zero itself), is
+ interpreted as an octal number and is automatically converted to
+ base 10.
+- An integer with prefix `0x` or `0X` is interpreted as a hexadecimal
+ number and is automatically converted to base 10. Alphabetic digits
+ can be in uppercase or lowercase.
+- An integer with prefix `0b` or `0B` is interpreted as a binary
+ number and is automatically converted to base 10.
+- An expression (or part of an expression) surrounded with double
+ quotes (i.e., the character `"`) will not be evaluated. Obviously
+ this should be used with great care.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfmathparse"
+ },
+ pgfmathpostparse = {
+ details = [[
+At the end of the parse this command is executed, allowing some custom
+action to be performed on the result of the parse. When this command is
+executed, the macro `\pgfmathresult` will hold the result of the parse
+(as always, without units). The result of the custom action should be
+used to redefine `\pgfmathresult` appropriately. By default, this
+command is equivalent to `\relax`. This differs from previous versions,
+where, if the parsed expression contained no units, the result of the
+parse was scaled according to the value in `\pgfmathresultunitscale`
+(which by default was `1`).
+This scaling can be turned on again using:
+`\let\pgfmathpostparse=\pgfmathscaleresult`. Note, however that by
+scaling the result, the base conversion functions will not work, and the
+`"` character should not be used to quote parts of an expression.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfmathpostparse"
+ },
+ pgfmathprintnumber = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "x"}},
+ details = [[
+Generates pretty-printed output for the (real) number ⟨x⟩. The input
+number ⟨x⟩ is parsed using `\pgfmathfloatparsenumber` which allows
+arbitrary precision.
+Numbers are typeset in math mode using the current set of number
+printing options, see below. Optional arguments can also be provided
+using `\pgfmathprintnumber[`⟨options⟩`]`⟨x⟩.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfmathprintnumber"
+ },
+ pgfmathprintnumberto = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "x"}, {meta = "macro"}},
+ details = [[
+Returns the resulting number into ⟨macro⟩ instead of typesetting it
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfmathprintnumberto"
+ },
+ pgfmathqparse = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "expression"}},
+ details = [[
+This macro is similar to `\pgfmathparse`: it parses ⟨expression⟩ and
+returns the result in the macro `\pgfmathresult`. It differs in two
+respects. Firstly, `\pgfmathqparse` does not parse functions, scientific
+notation, the prefixes for binary octal, or hexadecimal numbers, nor
+does it accept the special use of `"`, `?` or `:` characters. Secondly,
+numbers in ⟨expression⟩ *must* specify a TeX unit (except in such
+instances as `0.5\pgf@x`), which greatly simplifies the problem of
+parsing real numbers. As a result of these restrictions `\pgfmathqparse`
+is about twice as fast as `\pgfmathparse`. Note that the result will
+still be a number without units.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfmathqparse"
+ },
+ pgfmathrandominteger = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "macro"}, {meta = "minimum"}, {meta = "maximum"}},
+ details = [[
+This defines ⟨macro⟩ as a pseudo-randomly generated integer from the
+range ⟨minimum⟩ to ⟨maximum⟩ (inclusive).
+ \begin{pgfpicture}
+ \foreach \x in {1,...,50}{
+ \pgfmathrandominteger{\a}{1}{50}
+ \pgfmathrandominteger{\b}{1}{50}
+ \pgfpathcircle{\pgfpoint{+\a pt}{+\b pt}}{+2pt}
+ \color{blue!40!white}
+ \pgfsetstrokecolor{blue!80!black}
+ \pgfusepath{stroke, fill}
+ }
+ \end{pgfpicture}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfmathrandominteger"
+ },
+ pgfmathrandomitem = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "macro"}, {meta = "list name"}},
+ details = [[
+Select an item from a random list ⟨list name⟩. The selected item is
+placed in ⟨macro⟩.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfmathrandomitem"
+ },
+ pgfmathreciprocal = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "x"}},
+ details = [[
+Defines `\pgfmathresult` as $1\div⟨x⟩$. This provides greatest accuracy
+when x is small.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfmathreciprocal"
+ },
+ pgfmathredeclarefunction = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "function name"}, {meta = "code"}},
+ details = [[
+This command redefines the `\pgfmath`⟨function name⟩`@` macro with the
+new ⟨code⟩. See the description of the `\pgfmathdeclarefunction` for
+details. You cannot change the number of arguments for an existing
+ \makeatletter
+ \pgfmathdeclarefunction{foo}{1}{
+ \begingroup
+ \pgf@x=#1pt\relax
+ \multiply\pgf@x by2\relax
+ \pgfmathreturn\pgf@x
+ \endgroup
+ }
+ \pgfmathparse{foo(42)}\pgfmathresult
+ \pgfmathredeclarefunction{foo}{
+ \begingroup
+ \pgf@x=#1pt\relax
+ \multiply\pgf@x by3\relax
+ \pgfmathreturn\pgf@x
+ \endgroup
+ }
+ \pgfmathparse{foo(42)}\pgfmathresult
+ \makeatother
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfmathredeclarefunction"
+ },
+ pgfmathroundto = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "x"}},
+ details = [[
+Rounds a fixed point number to prescribed precision and writes the
+result to `\pgfmathresult`.
+The desired precision can be configured with
+`/pgf/number format/precision`, see section ??. This section does also
+contain application examples.
+Any trailing zeros after the period are discarded. The algorithm is
+purely text based and allows to deal with precisions beyond TeX's fixed
+point support.
+As a side effect, the global boolean `\ifpgfmathfloatroundhasperiod`
+will be set to true if and only if the resulting mantissa has a period.
+Furthermore, `\ifpgfmathfloatroundmayneedrenormalize` will be set to
+true if and only if the rounding result's floating point representation
+would have a larger exponent than ⟨x⟩.
+ \pgfmathroundto{1}
+ \pgfmathresult
+ \pgfmathroundto{4.685}
+ \pgfmathresult
+ \pgfmathroundto{19999.9996}
+ \pgfmathresult
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfmathroundto"
+ },
+ pgfmathroundtozerofill = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "x"}},
+ details = [[
+A variant of `\pgfmathroundto` which always uses a fixed number of
+digits behind the period. It fills missing digits with zeros.
+ \pgfmathroundtozerofill{1}
+ \pgfmathresult
+ \pgfmathroundto{4.685}
+ \pgfmathresult
+ \pgfmathroundtozerofill{19999.9996}
+ \pgfmathresult
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfmathroundtozerofill"
+ },
+ pgfmathsetbasenumberlength = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "integer"}},
+ details = [[
+Sets the number of digits in the result of a base conversion to
+⟨integer⟩. If the result of a conversion has less digits than this
+number, it is prefixed with zeros.
+ \pgfmathsetbasenumberlength{8}
+ \pgfmathdectobase\mynumber{15}{2} \mynumber
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfmathsetbasenumberlength"
+ },
+ pgfmathsetcount = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "count register"}, {meta = "expression"}},
+ details = [[
+Sets the value of the TeX ⟨count register⟩, to the *truncated* value
+specified by ⟨expression⟩.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfmathsetcount"
+ },
+ pgfmathsetcounter = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "counter"}, {meta = "expression"}},
+ details = [[
+Sets the value of the LaTeX ⟨counter⟩ to the *truncated* value specified
+by ⟨expression⟩.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfmathsetcounter"
+ },
+ pgfmathsetlength = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "register"}, {meta = "expression"}},
+ details = [[
+Basically, this command sets the length of the TeX ⟨register⟩ to the
+value specified by ⟨expression⟩. However, there is some fine print:
+First, in case ⟨expression⟩ starts with a `+`, a simple TeX assignment
+is done. In particular, ⟨register⟩ can be a glue register and
+⟨expression⟩ be something like `+1pt plus 1fil` and the ⟨register⟩ will
+be assigned the expected value.
+Second, when the ⟨expression⟩ does not start with `+`, it is first
+parsed using `\pgfmathparse`, resulting in a (dimensionless) value
+`\pgfmathresult`. Now, if the parser encountered the unit `mu` somewhere
+in the expression, it assumes that ⟨register⟩ is a `\muskip` register
+and will try to assign to ⟨register⟩ the value `\pgfmathresult` followed
+by `mu`. Otherwise, in case `mu` was not encountered, it is assumed that
+⟨register⟩ is a dimension register or a glue register and we assign
+`\pgfmathresult` followed by `pt` to it.
+The net effect of the above is that you can write things like
+ \muskipdef\mymuskip=0
+ \pgfmathsetlength{\mymuskip}{1mu+3*4mu} \the\mymuskip
+ \dimendef\mydimen=0
+ \pgfmathsetlength{\mydimen}{1pt+3*4pt} \the\mydimen
+ \skipdef\myskip=0
+ \pgfmathsetlength{\myskip}{1pt+3*4pt} \the\myskip
+One thing that will *not* work is
+`\pgfmathsetlength{\myskip}{1pt plus 1fil}` since the parser does not
+support fill's. You can, however, use the `+` notation in this case:
+ \skipdef\myskip=0
+ \pgfmathsetlength{\myskip}{+1pt plus 1fil} \the\myskip
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfmathsetlength"
+ },
+ pgfmathsetlengthmacro = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "macro"}, {meta = "expression"}},
+ details = [[
+Defines ⟨macro⟩ as the value of ⟨expression⟩ LaTeX *in points*.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfmathsetlengthmacro"
+ },
+ pgfmathsetmacro = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "macro"}, {meta = "expression"}},
+ details = [[
+Defines ⟨macro⟩ as the value of ⟨expression⟩. The result is a decimal
+without units.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfmathsetmacro"
+ },
+ pgfmathsetseed = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "integer"}},
+ details = [[
+Explicitly sets the seed for the pseudo-random number generator. By
+default it is set to the value of `\time`$\times$`\year`.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfmathsetseed"
+ },
+ pgfmathtodigitlist = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "macro"}, {meta = "number"}},
+ details = [[
+This command converts ⟨number⟩ into a comma-separated list of digits and
+stores the result in ⟨macro⟩. The `{number}` is *not* parsed before
+ \pgfmathsetbasenumberlength{8}
+ \begin{tikzpicture}[x=0.25cm, y=0.25cm]
+ \foreach \n [count=\y] in {0, 60, 102, 102, 126, 102, 102, 102, 0}{
+ \pgfmathdectobase{\binary}{\n}{2}
+ \pgfmathtodigitlist{\digitlist}{\binary}
+ \foreach \digit [count=\x, evaluate={\c=\digit*50+15;}] in \digitlist
+ \fill [fill=black!\c] (\x, -\y) rectangle ++(1,1);
+ }
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfmathtodigitlist"
+ },
+ pgfmathtruncatemacro = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "macro"}, {meta = "expression"}},
+ details = [[
+Defines ⟨macro⟩ as the truncated value of ⟨expression⟩.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfmathtruncatemacro"
+ },
+ pgfmatrix = {
+ arguments = {
+ {meta = "shape"},
+ {meta = "anchor"},
+ {meta = "name"},
+ {meta = "usage"},
+ {meta = "shift"},
+ {meta = "pre-code"},
+ {meta = "matrix cells"}
+ },
+ details = [[
+This command creates a node that contains a matrix. The name of the node
+is ⟨name⟩, its shape is ⟨shape⟩ and the node is anchored at ⟨anchor⟩.
+The ⟨matrix cell⟩ parameter contains the cells of the matrix. In each
+cell drawing commands may be given, which create a so-called cell
+picture. For each cell picture a bounding box is computed and the cells
+are aligned according to the rules outlined in the previous section.
+The resulting matrix is used as the `text` box of the node. As for a
+normal node, the ⟨usage⟩ commands are applied, so that the path(s) of
+the resulting node is (are) stroked or filled or whatever.
+**Specifying the cells and rows. ** Even though this command uses
+`\halign` internally, there are two special rules for indicating cells:
+1. Cells in the same row must be separated using the macro
+ `\pgfmatrixnextcell` rather than `& `. Using `& ` will result in an
+ error message.
+ However, you can make `& ` an active character and have it expand to
+ `\pgfmatrixnextcell`. This way, it will "look" as if `& ` is used.
+2. Rows are ended using the command `\pgfmatrixendrow`, but `\\` is set
+ up to mean the same by default. However, some environments like
+ `{minipage}` redefine `\\`, so it is good to have `\pgfmatrixendrow`
+ as a "fallback".
+3. Every row *including the last row* must be ended using the command
+ `\\` or `\pgfmatrixendrow`.
+Both `\pgfmatrixnextcell` and `\pgfmatrixendrow` (and, thus, also `\\`)
+take an optional argument as explained in the Section ??
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \pgfmatrix{rectangle}{center}{mymatrix}
+ {\pgfusepath{}}{\pgfpointorigin}{}
+ {
+ \node {a}; \pgfmatrixnextcell \node {b}; \pgfmatrixendrow
+ \node {c}; \pgfmatrixnextcell \node {d}; \pgfmatrixendrow
+ }
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+**Anchoring matrices at nodes inside the matrix. ** The parameter
+⟨shift⟩ is an additional negative shift for the node. Normally, such a
+shift could be given beforehand (that is, the shift could be preapplied
+to the current transformation matrix). However, when ⟨shift⟩ is
+evaluated, you can refer to *temporary* positions of nodes inside the
+matrix. In detail, the following happens: When the matrix has been
+typeset, all nodes in the matrix temporarily get assigned their
+positions in the matrix box. The origin of this coordinate system is at
+the left baseline end of the matrix box, which corresponds to the `text`
+anchor. The position ⟨shift⟩ is then interpreted inside this coordinate
+system and then used for shifting.
+This allows you to use the parameter ⟨shift⟩ in the following way: If
+you use `text` as the ⟨anchor⟩ and specify
+`\pgfpointanchor{inner node}{some anchor}` for the parameter ⟨shift⟩,
+where `inner node` is a node that is created in the matrix, then the
+whole matrix will be shifted such that `inner node.some anchor` lies at
+the origin of the whole picture.
+**Rotations and scaling. ** The matrix node is never rotated or scaled,
+because the current coordinate transformation matrix is reset (except
+for the translational part) at the beginning of `\pgfmatrix`. This is
+intentional and will not change in the future. If you need to rotate or
+scale the matrix, you must install an appropriate canvas transformation
+However, nodes and stuff inside the cell pictures can be rotated and
+scaled normally.
+**Callbacks. ** At the beginning and at the end of each cell the special
+macros `\pgfmatrixbegincode`, `\pgfmatrixendcode` and possibly
+`\pgfmatrixemptycode` are called. The effect is explained in Section ??.
+**Executing extra code. ** The parameter ⟨pre-code⟩ is executed at the
+beginning of the outermost TeX-group enclosing the matrix node. It is
+inside this TeX-group, but outside the matrix itself. It can be used for
+different purposes:
+1. It can be used to simplify the next cell macro. For example, saying
+ `\let\& =\pgfmatrixnextcell` allows you to use `\& ` instead of
+ `\pgfmatrixnextcell`. You can also set the catcode of `& ` to
+ active.
+2. It can be used to issue an `\aftergroup` command. This allows you to
+ regain control after the `\pgfmatrix` command. (If you do not know
+ the `\aftergroup` command, you are probably blessed with a simple
+ and happy life.)
+**Special considerations concerning macro expansion. ** As said before,
+the matrix is typeset using `\halign` internally. This command does a
+lot of strange and magic things like expanding the first macro of every
+cell in a most unusual manner. Here are some effects you may wish to be
+aware of:
+- It is not necessary to actually mention `\pgfmatrixnextcell` or
+ `\pgfmatrixendrow` inside the ⟨matrix cells⟩. It suffices that the
+ macros inside ⟨matrix cells⟩ expand to these macros sooner or later.
+- In particular, you can define clever macros that insert columns and
+ rows as needed for special effects.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfmatrix"
+ },
+ pgfmatrixbegincode = {
+ details = [[
+This macro is executed at the beginning of non-empty cells.
+Correspondingly, `\pgfmatrixendcode` is added at the end of every
+non-empty cell.
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \def\pgfmatrixbegincode{\node[draw]\bgroup}
+ \def\pgfmatrixendcode{\egroup;}
+ \pgfmatrix{rectangle}{center}{mymatrix}
+ {\pgfusepath{}}{\pgfpointorigin}{\let\&=\pgfmatrixnextcell}
+ {
+ a \& b \& c \\
+ d \& \& e \\
+ }
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+Note that between `\pgfmatrixbegincode` and `\pgfmatrixendcode` there
+will *not* only be the contents of the cell. Rather, PGF will add some
+(invisible) commands for book-keeping purposes that involve `\let` and
+`\gdef`. In particular, it is not a good idea to have
+`\pgfmatrixbegincode` end with `\csname` and `\pgfmatrixendcode` start
+with `\endcsname`.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfmatrixbegincode"
+ },
+ pgfmatrixcurrentcolumn = {
+ details = [[
+This counter stores the current column of the current cell of the
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfmatrixcurrentcolumn"
+ },
+ pgfmatrixcurrentrow = {
+ details = [[
+This counter stores the current row of the current cell of the matrix.
+Do not even think about changing this counter.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfmatrixcurrentrow"
+ },
+ pgfmatrixemptycode = {
+ details = [[
+This macro is executed for empty cells. This means that PGF uses some
+macro magic to determine whether a cell is empty (it immediately ends
+with `\pgfmatrixemptycode` or `\pgfmatrixendrow`) and, if so, put this
+macro inside the cell.
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \def\pgfmatrixemptycode{\node{empty};}
+ \pgfmatrix{rectangle}{center}{mymatrix}
+ {\pgfusepath{}}{\pgfpointorigin}{\let\&=\pgfmatrixnextcell}
+ {
+ \node {a}; \& \& \node {b}; \\
+ \& \node{c}; \& \node {d}; \& \\
+ }
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+As can be seen, the macro is not executed for empty cells at the end of
+row when columns are added only later on.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfmatrixemptycode"
+ },
+ pgfmatrixendcode = {
+ details = [[
+See the explanation above.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfmatrixendcode"
+ },
+ pgfmatrixendrow = {
+ arguments = {
+ {
+ delimiters = {"[", "]"},
+ meta = "additional sep list",
+ optional = true
+ }
+ },
+ details = [[
+This command ends a line. The optional ⟨additional sep list⟩ is used to
+determine the spacing between the row being ended and the next row. The
+modes and the computation of $d$ is done in the same way as for columns.
+For the last row the optional argument has no effect.
+Inside matrices (and only there) the command `\\` is set up to mean the
+same as this command.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfmatrixendrow"
+ },
+ pgfmatrixnextcell = {
+ arguments = {
+ {
+ delimiters = {"[", "]"},
+ meta = "additional sep list",
+ optional = true
+ }
+ },
+ details = [[
+This command has two purposes: First, it is used to separate cells.
+Second, by providing the optional argument ⟨additional sep list⟩ you can
+modify the spacing between the columns that are separated by this
+The optional ⟨additional sep list⟩ may only be provided when the
+`\pgfmatrixnextcell` command starts a new column. Normally, this will
+only be the case in the first row, but sometimes a later row has more
+elements than the first row. In this case, the `\pgfmatrixnextcell`
+commands that start the new columns in the later row may also have the
+optional argument. Once a column has been started, subsequent uses of
+this optional argument for the column have no effect.
+To determine the space between the two columns that are separated by
+`\pgfmatrixnextcell`, the following algorithm is executed:
+1. Both the default separation list (as set up by
+ `\pgfsetmatrixcolumnsep`) and the ⟨additional sep list⟩ are
+ processed, in this order. If the ⟨additional sep list⟩ argument is
+ missing, only the default separation list is processed.
+2. Both lists may contain dimensions, separated by commas, as well as
+ occurrences of the keywords `between origins` and `between borders`.
+3. All dimensions occurring in either list are added together to arrive
+ at a dimension $d$.
+4. The last occurrence of either of the keywords is located. If neither
+ keyword is present, we proceed as if `between borders` were present.
+At the end of the algorithm, a dimension $d$ has been computed and one
+of the two *modes* `between borders` and `between origins` has been
+determined. Depending on which mode has been determined, the following
+- For the `between borders` mode, an additional horizontal space of
+ $d$ is added between the two columns. Note that $d$ may be negative.
+- For the `between origins` mode, the spacing between the two columns
+ is computed differently: Recall that the origins of the cell
+ pictures in both pictures lie on two vertical lines. The spacing
+ between the two columns is set up such that the horizontal distance
+ between these two lines is exactly $d$.
+ This mode may only be used between columns *already introduced in
+ the first row*.
+All of the above rules boil down to the following effects:
+- A default spacing between columns should be set up using
+ `\pgfsetmatrixcolumnsep`. For example, you might say
+ `\pgfsetmatrixcolumnsep{5pt}` to have columns spaced apart by `5pt`.
+ You could say
+ \pgfsetmatrixcolumnsep{1cm,between origins}
+ to specify that horizontal space between the origins of cell
+ pictures in adjacent columns should be 1cm by default -- regardless
+ of the actual size of the cell pictures.
+- You can now use the optional argument of `\pgfmatrixnextcell` to
+ locally overrule the spacing between two columns. By saying
+ `\pgfmatrixnextcell[5pt]` you *add* 5pt to the space between of the
+ two columns, regardless of the mode.
+ You can also (locally) change the spacing mode for these two
+ columns. For example, even if the normal spacing mode is
+ `between origins`, you can say
+ \pgfmatrixnextcell[5pt,between borders]
+ to locally change the mode for these columns to `between borders`.
+ \begin{tikzpicture}[every node/.style=draw]
+ \pgfsetmatrixcolumnsep{1mm}
+ \pgfmatrix{rectangle}{center}{mymatrix}
+ {\pgfusepath{}}{\pgfpointorigin}{\let\&=\pgfmatrixnextcell}
+ {
+ \node {8}; \&[2mm] \node{1}; \&[-1mm] \node {6}; \\
+ \node {3}; \& \node{5}; \& \node {7}; \\
+ \node {4}; \& \node{9}; \& \node {2}; \\
+ }
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ \begin{tikzpicture}[every node/.style=draw]
+ \pgfsetmatrixcolumnsep{1mm}
+ \pgfmatrix{rectangle}{center}{mymatrix}
+ {\pgfusepath{}}{\pgfpointorigin}{\let\&=\pgfmatrixnextcell}
+ {
+ \node {8}; \&[2mm] \node(a){1}; \&[1cm,between origins] \node(b){6}; \\
+ \node {3}; \& \node {5}; \& \node {7}; \\
+ \node {4}; \& \node {9}; \& \node {2}; \\
+ }
+ \draw [<->,red,thick,every node/.style=] ( -- (
+ node [above,midway] {11mm};
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ \begin{tikzpicture}[every node/.style=draw]
+ \pgfsetmatrixcolumnsep{1cm,between origins}
+ \pgfmatrix{rectangle}{center}{mymatrix}
+ {\pgfusepath{}}{\pgfpointorigin}{\let\&=\pgfmatrixnextcell}
+ {
+ \node (a) {8}; \& \node (b) {1}; \&[between borders] \node (c) {6}; \\
+ \node {3}; \& \node {5}; \& \node {7}; \\
+ \node {4}; \& \node {9}; \& \node {2}; \\
+ }
+ \begin{scope}[every node/.style=]
+ \draw [<->,red,thick] ( -- ( node [above,midway] {10mm};
+ \draw [<->,red,thick] (b.east) -- (c.west) node [above,midway]
+ {10mm};
+ \end{scope}
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfmatrixnextcell"
+ },
+ pgfmetadecoratedcompleteddistance = {
+ details = [[
+The completed distance on the entire input path.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfmetadecoratedcompleteddistance"
+ },
+ pgfmetadecoratedinputsegmentcompleteddistance = {
+ details = [[
+The completed distance on the current input segment of the entire input
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfmetadecoratedinputsegmentcompleteddistance"
+ },
+ pgfmetadecoratedinputsegmentremainingdistance = {
+ details = [[
+The remaining distance on the current input segment of the entire input
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfmetadecoratedinputsegmentremainingdistance"
+ },
+ pgfmetadecoratedpathlength = {
+ details = [[
+The entire length of the entire input path.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfmetadecoratedpathlength"
+ },
+ pgfmetadecoratedremainingdistance = {
+ details = [[
+The remaining distance on the entire input path.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfmetadecoratedremainingdistance"
+ },
+ pgfmultipartnode = {
+ arguments = {
+ {meta = "shape"},
+ {meta = "anchor"},
+ {meta = "name"},
+ {meta = "path usage command"}
+ },
+ details = [[
+This command is the more general (and less user-friendly) version of the
+`\pgfnode` command. While the `\pgfnode` command can only be used for
+shapes that have a single part (which is the case for most shapes), this
+command can also be used with multi-part nodes.
+When this command is called, for each node part of the node you must
+have set up one TeX-box. Suppose the shape has two parts: The `text`
+part and the `lower` part. Then, prior to calling `\pgfmultipartnode`,
+you must have set up the boxes `\pgfnodeparttextbox` and
+`\pgfnodepartlowerbox`. These boxes may contain any TeX-text. The shape
+code will then compute the positions of the shape's anchors based on the
+sizes of the these shapes. Finally, when the node is drawn, the boxes
+are placed at the anchor positions `text` and `lower`.
+ \setbox\pgfnodeparttextbox=\hbox{$q_1$}
+ \setbox\pgfnodepartlowerbox=\hbox{01}
+ \begin{pgfpicture}
+ \pgfmultipartnode{circle split}{center}{my state}{\pgfusepath{stroke}}
+ \end{pgfpicture}
+*Note:* Be careful when using the `\setbox` command inside a
+`{pgfpicture}` command. You will have to use `\pgfinterruptpath` at the
+beginning of the box and `\endpgfinterruptpath` at the end of the box to
+make sure that the box is typeset correctly. In the above example this
+problem was sidestepped by moving the box construction outside the
+*Note:* It is not necessary to use `\newbox` for every node part name.
+Although you need a different box for each part of a single shape, two
+different shapes may very well use the same box even when the names of
+the parts are different. Suppose you have a `circle split` shape that
+has a `lower` part and you have a `uml class` shape that has a `methods`
+part. Then, in order to avoid exhausting TeX's limited number of box
+registers, you can say
+ \newbox\pgfnodepartlowerbox
+ \let\pgfnodepartmethodsbox=\pgfnodepartlowerbox
+Also, when you have a node part name with spaces like `class name`, it
+may be useful to create an alias:
+ \newbox\mybox
+ \expandafter\let\csname pgfnodepartclass namebox\endcsname=\mybox
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfmultipartnode"
+ },
+ pgfnode = {
+ arguments = {
+ {meta = "shape"},
+ {meta = "anchor"},
+ {meta = "label text"},
+ {meta = "name"},
+ {meta = "path usage command"}
+ },
+ details = [[
+This command creates a new node. The ⟨shape⟩ of the node must have been
+declared previously using `\pgfdeclareshape`.
+The shape is shifted such that the ⟨anchor⟩ is at the origin. In order
+to place the shape somewhere else, use the coordinate transformation
+prior to calling this command.
+The ⟨name⟩ is a name for later reference. If no name is given, nothing
+will be "saved" for the node, it will just be drawn.
+The ⟨path usage command⟩ is executed for the background and the
+foreground path (if the shape defines them).
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \draw[help lines] (0,0) grid (4,3);
+ {
+ \pgftransformshift{\pgfpoint{1.5cm}{1cm}}
+ \pgfnode{rectangle}{north}{Hello World}{hellonode}{\pgfusepath{stroke}}
+ }
+ {
+ \color{red!20}
+ \pgftransformrotate{10}
+ \pgftransformshift{\pgfpoint{3cm}{1cm}}
+ \pgfnode{rectangle}{center}
+ {\color{black}Hello World}{hellonode}{\pgfusepath{fill}}
+ }
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+As can be seen, all coordinate transformations are also applied to the
+text of the shape. Sometimes, it is desirable that the transformations
+are applied to the point where the shape will be anchored, but you do
+not wish the shape itself to be transformed. In this case, you should
+call `\pgftransformresetnontranslations` prior to calling the `\pgfnode`
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \draw[help lines] (0,0) grid (4,3);
+ {
+ \color{red!20}
+ \pgftransformrotate{10}
+ \pgftransformshift{\pgfpoint{3cm}{1cm}}
+ \pgftransformresetnontranslations
+ \pgfnode{rectangle}{center}
+ {\color{black}Hello World}{hellonode}{\pgfusepath{fill}}
+ }
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+The ⟨label text⟩ is typeset inside the TeX-box `\pgfnodeparttextbox`.
+This box is shown at the `text` anchor of the node, if the node has a
+`text` part. See the description of `\pgfmultipartnode` for details.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfnode"
+ },
+ pgfnodealias = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "new name"}, {meta = "existing node"}},
+ details = [[
+This command does not actually create a new node. Rather, it allows you
+to subsequently access the node ⟨existing node⟩ using the name ⟨new
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfnodealias"
+ },
+ pgfnodepostsetupcode = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "node name"}, {meta = "code"}},
+ details = [[
+When you call this macro inside a scope for which the
+`\pgfpositionnodelater` has been called, the ⟨code⟩ will be stored
+internally. Later, when the node named ⟨node name⟩ is actually
+positioned using `\pgfpositionnodenow`, the ⟨code⟩ will be executed.
+When this macro is called multiple times with the same ⟨node name⟩, the
+⟨code⟩ accumulates. However, When `\pgfpositionnodenow` is called, the
+code stored for the node is cleared.
+The main purpose of this mechanism is to allow TikZ to store so-called
+"late options" with a node that will be positioned only later.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfnodepostsetupcode"
+ },
+ pgfnoderename = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "new name"}, {meta = "existing node"}},
+ details = [[
+This command renames an existing node.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfnoderename"
+ },
+ pgfooappend = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "attribute"}, {meta = "value"}},
+ details = [[
+This method adds the given ⟨value⟩ to the ⟨attribute⟩ at the end.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfooappend"
+ },
+ pgfooclass = {
+ arguments = {
+ {delimiters = {"(", ")"}, meta = "list of superclasses"},
+ {meta = "class name"},
+ {meta = "body"}
+ },
+ details = [[
+This command defines a class named ⟨class name⟩. The name of the class
+can contain spaces and most other characters, but no periods. So, valid
+class names are `MyClass` or `my class` or `Class_ C++_ emulation??1`.
+The ⟨list of superclasses⟩ is optional just like the parenthesis around
+The ⟨body⟩ is actually just executed, so any normal TeX-code is
+permissible here. However, while the ⟨body⟩ is being executed, the
+macros `\method` and `\attribute` are set up so that they can be used to
+define methods and attributes for this class (the original meanings are
+restored afterward).
+The definition of a class is local to the scope where the class has been
+ \pgfooclass{stamp}{
+ % This is the class stamp
+ \attribute text;
+ \attribute rotation angle=20;
+ \method stamp(#1) { % The constructor
+ ...
+ }
+ \method apply(#1,#2) { % Causes the stamp to be shown at coordinate (#1,#2)
+ ...
+ }
+ }
+ % We can now create objects of type "stamp"
+Concerning the list of base classes, the Method Resolution Order (MRO)
+is computed using the C3 algorithm also used in Python, v2.3 and higher.
+The linearization computed by the algorithm respects both local
+precedence ordering and monotonicity. Resolution of both methods and
+attributes depends on the MRO: when a method method name is called on an
+object of class $C$, the system invokes method method name from the
+first class in the MRO of $C$ which defines method method name; when an
+object is created, each attribute `attr` is initialized to the value
+specified in the first class in the MRO of $C$ which declares attribute
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfooclass"
+ },
+ pgfooeset = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "attribute"}, {meta = "value"}},
+ details = [[
+Performs the same action as `\pgfooset` but in an `\edef` full expansion
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfooeset"
+ },
+ pgfoogc = {
+ details = [[
+This command causes the "garbage collector" to be invoked. The job of
+this garbage collector is to free the global TeX-macros that are used by
+"dead" objects (objects whose life-time has ended). This macro is called
+automatically after every scope in which an object has been created, so
+you normally do not need to call this macro yourself.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfoogc"
+ },
+ pgfooget = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "attribute"}, {meta = "macro"}},
+ details = [[
+Reads the current value of ⟨attribute⟩ and stores the result in ⟨macro⟩.
+ ...
+ \method get rotation (#1) {
+ \pgfooget{rotation angle}{#1}
+ }
+ ...
+ \mystamp.get rotation(\therotation)
+ ``\therotation'' is now ``20'' (or whatever).
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfooget"
+ },
+ pgfoolet = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "attribute"}, {meta = "macro"}},
+ details = [[
+Sets the ⟨attribute⟩ of the current value to the current value of
+⟨macro⟩ using TeX's `\let` command.
+ \method foo () {
+ \pgfoolet{my func}\myfunc
+ % Changing \myfunc now has no effect on the value of attribute my func
+ }
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfoolet"
+ },
+ pgfoonew = {
+ arguments = {
+ {meta = "object handle or attribute"},
+ {literal = "="},
+ {literal = "new "},
+ {meta = "class name"},
+ {delimiters = {"(", ")"}, meta = "constructor arguments"}
+ },
+ details = [[
+Causes a new object to be created. The class of the object will be
+⟨class name⟩, which must previously have been declared using
+`\pgfooclass`. Once the object has been created, the constructor method
+of the object will be called with the parameter list set to ⟨constructor
+The resulting object is stored internally and its lifetime will end
+exactly at the end of the current scope.
+Here is an example in which three stamp objects are created.
+ \pgfoonew \firststamp=new stamp()
+ \pgfoonew \secondstamp=new stamp()
+ {
+ \pgfoonew \thirdstamp=new stamp()
+ ...
+ }
+ % \thirdstamp no longer exists, but \firststamp and \secondstamp do
+ % even if you try to store \thirdstamp in a global variable, trying
+ % to access it will result in an error.
+The optional ⟨object handle or attribute⟩ can either be an ⟨object
+handle⟩ or an ⟨attribute⟩. When an ⟨object handle⟩ is given, it must be
+a normal TeX macro name that will "point" to the object (handles are
+discussed in more detail in Section ??). You can use this macro to call
+methods of the object as discussed in the following section. When an
+⟨attribute⟩ is given, it must be given in curly braces (the curly braces
+are used to detect the presence of an attribute). In this case, a handle
+to the newly created object is stored in this attribute.
+ \pgfooclass{foo}
+ {
+ \attribute stamp obj;
+ \attribute another object;
+ \method foo() {
+ \pgfoonew{stamp obj}=new stamp()
+ \pgfoonew{another object}=new bar()
+ }
+ ...
+ }
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfoonew"
+ },
+ pgfooobj = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "id"}},
+ details = [[
+Provided that ⟨id⟩ is the id of an existing object (an object whose
+life-time has not expired), calling this command yields a handle to this
+object. The handle can then be used to call methods:
+ % Create a new object:
+ \pgfoonew \mystamp=new stamp()
+ % Get the object's id and store it in \myid:
+ \mystamp.get id(\myid)
+ % The following two calls have the same effect:
+ \mystamp.apply(1,1)
+ \pgfooobj{\myid}.apply(1,1)
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfooobj"
+ },
+ pgfooprefix = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "attribute"}, {meta = "value"}},
+ details = [[
+This method adds the given ⟨value⟩ to the ⟨attribute⟩ at the beginning.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfooprefix"
+ },
+ pgfooset = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "attribute"}, {meta = "value"}},
+ details = [[
+Sets the ⟨attribute⟩ of the current object to ⟨value⟩.
+ \method set rotation (#1) {
+ \pgfooset{rotation angle}{#1}
+ }
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfooset"
+ },
+ pgfoosuper = {
+ arguments = {{literal = "("}, {meta = "class"}},
+ details = [[
+This macro gives you finer control over which method gets invoked in
+case of multiple inheritance. This macro calls ⟨method name⟩ of the
+object specified by ⟨object handle⟩, but which implementation of the
+method is called is determined as follows: it will be the implementation
+in the first class (in the method resolution order) after ⟨class⟩ that
+defines ⟨method name⟩.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfoosuper"
+ },
+ pgfoothis = {
+ details = [[
+This object handle is well-defined only when a method is being executed.
+There, it is then set to point to the object for which the method is
+being called, which allows you to call another method for the same
+ \pgfooclass{stamp}{
+ % This is the class stamp
+ \method stamp() {}
+ \method apply(#1,#2) {
+ \pgfoothis.shift origin(#1,#2)
+ % Draw the stamp:
+ \node [rotate=20,font=\huge] {Passed};
+ }
+ % Private method:
+ \method shift origin(#1,#2) {
+ \tikzset{xshift=#1,yshift=#2}
+ }
+ }
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfoothis"
+ },
+ pgfoovalueof = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "attribute"}},
+ details = [[
+Expands (eventually) to the current value of ⟨attribute⟩ of the current
+ \method apply(#1,#2) {
+ \pgfoothis.shift origin(#1,#2)
+ \node [rotate=\pgfoovalueof{rotation angle},font=\huge]
+ {\pgfoovalueof{text}};
+ }
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfoovalueof"
+ },
+ pgfpagescurrentpagewillbelogicalpage = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "number"}},
+ details = [[
+When the current TeX page has been typeset, it will be become the given
+logical page ⟨number⟩. This command "interrupts" the normal order of
+logical pages, that is, it behaves like the previous command and does
+not update the ⟨current logical page⟩ counter.
+ \pgfpagesuselayout{two screens with optional second}
+ ...
+ Text for main page.
+ \clearpage
+ \pgfpagescurrentpagewillbelogicalpage{2}
+ Text that goes to second page
+ \clearpage
+ Text for main page.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfpagescurrentpagewillbelogicalpage"
+ },
+ pgfpagesdeclarelayout = {
+ arguments = {
+ {meta = "layout"},
+ {meta = "before actions"},
+ {meta = "after actions"}
+ },
+ details = [[
+This command predefines a ⟨layout⟩ that can later be installed using the
+`\pgfpagesuselayout` command.
+When `\pgfpagesuselayout``{layout}``[options]` is called, the following
+happens: First, the ⟨before actions⟩ are executed. They can be used, for
+example, to set up default values for keys. Next,
+`\setkeys{pgfpagesuselayoutoption}``{options}` is executed. Finally, the
+⟨after actions⟩ are executed.
+Here is an example:
+ \pgfpagesdeclarelayout{resize to}
+ {
+ \def\pgfpageoptionborder{0pt}
+ }
+ {
+ \pgfpagesphysicalpageoptions
+ {%
+ logical pages=1,%
+ physical height=\pgfpageoptionheight,%
+ physical width=\pgfpageoptionwidth%
+ }
+ \pgfpageslogicalpageoptions{1}
+ {%
+ resized width=\pgfphysicalwidth,%
+ resized height=\pgfphysicalheight,%
+ border shrink=\pgfpageoptionborder,%
+ center=\pgfpoint{.5\pgfphysicalwidth}{.5\pgfphysicalheight}%
+ }%
+ }
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfpagesdeclarelayout"
+ },
+ pgfpageslogicalpageoptions = {
+ arguments = {
+ {meta = "logical page number"},
+ {keys = "$ref:pgf#/keys/pgf", meta = "options"}
+ },
+ details = [[
+This command is used to specify where the logical page number ⟨logical
+page number⟩ will be placed on the physical page. In addition, this
+command can be used to install additional "code" to be executed when
+this page is put on the physical page.
+The number ⟨logical page number⟩ should be between 1 and ⟨logical
+pages⟩, which has previously been installed using the
+`\pgfpagesphysicalpageoptions` command.
+The following ⟨options⟩ may be given:
+- `center=`⟨pgf point⟩ specifies the center of the logical page inside
+ the physical page as a PGF-point. The origin of the coordinate
+ system of the physical page is at the *lower* left corner.
+ \pgfpageslogicalpageoptions{1}
+ {% center logical page on middle of left side
+ center=\pgfpoint{.25\pgfphysicalwidth}{.5\pgfphysicalheight}%
+ resized width=.5\pgfphysicalwidth,%
+ resized height=\pgfphysicalheight,%
+ }
+- `resized width=`⟨size⟩ specifies the width that the logical page
+ should have *at most* on the physical page. To achieve this width,
+ the pages is scaled down appropriately *or more*. The "or more" part
+ can happen if the `resize height` option is also used. In this case,
+ the scaling is chosen such that both the specified height and width
+ are met. The aspect ratio of a logical page is not modified.
+- `resized height=`⟨height⟩ specifies the maximum height of the
+ logical page.
+- `original width=`⟨width⟩ specifies the width the TeX "thinks" that
+ the logical page has. This width is `\paperwidth` at the point of
+ invocation, by default. Note that setting this width to something
+ different from `\paperwidth` does *not* change the `\pagewidth`
+ during TeX's typesetting. You have to do that yourself.
+ You need this option only for special logical pages that have a
+ height or width different from the normal one and for which you will
+ (later on) set these sizes yourself.
+- `original height=`⟨height⟩ works like `original width`.
+- `scale=`⟨factor⟩ scales the page by at least the given ⟨factor⟩. A
+ ⟨factor⟩ of `0.5` will half the size of the page, a factor or `2`
+ will double the size. "At least" means that if options like
+ `resize height` are given and if the scaling required to meet that
+ option is less than ⟨factor⟩, that other scaling is used instead.
+- `xscale=`⟨factor⟩ scales the logical page along the $x$-axis by the
+ given ⟨factor⟩. This scaling is done independently of any other
+ scaling. Mostly, this option is useful for a factor of `-1`, which
+ flips the page along the $y$-axis. The aspect ratio is not kept.
+- `yscale=`⟨factor⟩ works like `xscale`, only for the $y$-axis.
+- `rotation=`⟨degree⟩ rotates the page by ⟨degree⟩ around its center.
+ Use a degree of `90` or `-90` to go from portrait to landscape and
+ back. The rotation need not be a multiple of `90`.
+- `copy from=`⟨logical page number⟩. Normally, after a physical
+ shipout has occurred, all logical pages are voided in a loop.
+ However, if this option is given, the current logical page is filled
+ with the contents of the old logical page number ⟨logical page
+ number⟩.
+ Have logical page 2 retain its contents:
+ \pgfpageslogicalpageoptions{2}{copy from=2}
+ Let logical page 2 show what logical page 1 showed on the
+ just-shipped-out physical page:
+ \pgfpageslogicalpageoptions{2}{copy from=1}
+- `border shrink`=⟨size⟩ specifies an additional reduction of the size
+ to which the page is page is scaled.
+- `border code`=⟨code⟩. When this option is given, the ⟨code⟩ is
+ executed before the page box is inserted with a path preinstalled
+ that is a rectangle around the current logical page. Thus, setting
+ ⟨code⟩ to `\pgfstroke` draws a rectangle around the logical page.
+ Setting ⟨code⟩ to `\pgfsetlinewidth{3pt}\pgfstroke` results in a
+ thick (ugly) frame. Adding dashes and filling can result in
+ arbitrarily funky and distracting borders.
+ You can also call `\pgfdiscardpath` and add your own path
+ construction code (for example to paint a rectangle with rounded
+ corners). The coordinate system is set up in such a way that a
+ rectangle starting at the origin and having the height and width of
+ TeX-box 0 will result in a rectangle filling exactly the logical
+ page currently being put on the physical page. The logical page is
+ inserted *after* these commands have been executed.
+ Add a rectangle around the page:
+ \pgfpageslogicalpageoptions{1}{border code=\pgfstroke}
+- `corner width`=⟨size⟩ adds black "rounded corners" to the page. See
+ the description of the predefined layout `rounded corners` on
+ page ??.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfpageslogicalpageoptions"
+ },
+ pgfpagesphysicalpageoptions = {
+ arguments = {{keys = "$ref:pgf#/keys/pgf", meta = "options"}},
+ details = [[
+This command sets the characteristics of the "physical" page. For
+example, it is used to specify how many logical pages there are and how
+many logical pages must be accumulated before a physical page is shipped
+out. How each individual logical page is typeset is specified using the
+command `\pgfpageslogicalpageoptions`, described later.
+A layout for putting two portrait pages on a single landscape page:
+ \pgfpagesphysicalpageoptions
+ {%
+ logical pages=2,%
+ physical height=\paperwidth,%
+ physical width=\paperheight,%
+ }
+ \pgfpageslogicalpageoptions{1}
+ {%
+ resized width=.5\pgfphysicalwidth,%
+ resized height=\pgfphysicalheight,%
+ center=\pgfpoint{.25\pgfphysicalwidth}{.5\pgfphysicalheight}%
+ }%
+ \pgfpageslogicalpageoptions{2}
+ {%
+ resized width=.5\pgfphysicalwidth,%
+ resized height=\pgfphysicalheight,%
+ center=\pgfpoint{.75\pgfphysicalwidth}{.5\pgfphysicalheight}%
+ }%
+The following ⟨options⟩ may be set:
+- `logical pages=`⟨logical pages⟩ specified how many logical pages
+ there are, in total. These are numbered 1 to ⟨logical pages⟩.
+- `first logical shipout=`⟨first⟩. See the next option. By default,
+ ⟨first⟩ is 1.
+- `last logical shipout=`⟨last⟩. Together with the previous option,
+ these two options define an interval of pages inside the range 1 to
+ ⟨logical pages⟩. Only this range is used to store the pages that are
+ shipped out by TeX. This means that after a physical shipout has
+ just occurred (or at the beginning), the first time TeX wishes to
+ perform a shipout, the page to be shipped out is stored in logical
+ page ⟨first⟩. The next time TeX performs a shipout, the page is
+ stored in logical page $⟨first⟩ +1$ and so on, until the logical
+ page ⟨last⟩ is also filled. Once this happens, a physical shipout
+ occurs and the process starts once more.
+ Note that logical pages that lie outside the interval between
+ ⟨first⟩ and ⟨last⟩ are filled only indirectly or when special
+ commands are used.
+ By default, ⟨last⟩ equals ⟨logical pages⟩.
+- `current logical shipout=`⟨current⟩ changes an internal counter such
+ that TeX's next logical shipout will be stored in logical page
+ ⟨current⟩.
+ This option can be used to "warp" the logical page filling mechanism
+ to a certain page. You can both skip logical pages and overwrite
+ already filled logical pages. After the logical page ⟨current⟩ has
+ been filled, the internal counter is incremented normally as if the
+ logical page ⟨current⟩ had been "reached" normally. If you specify a
+ ⟨current⟩ larger than ⟨last⟩, a physical shipout will occur after
+ the logical page ⟨current⟩ has been filled.
+- `physical height=`⟨height⟩ specifies the height of the physical
+ pages. This height is typically different from the normal
+ `\paperheight`, which is used by TeX for its typesetting and page
+ breaking purposes.
+- `physical width=`⟨width⟩ specifies the physical width.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfpagesphysicalpageoptions"
+ },
+ pgfpagesshipoutlogicalpage = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "number"}, {meta = "box"}},
+ details = [[
+This command sets to logical page ⟨number⟩ to ⟨box⟩. The ⟨box⟩ should be
+the code of a TeX box command. This command does not influence the
+counter ⟨current logical page⟩ and does not cause a physical shipout.
+ \pgfpagesshipoutlogicalpage{0}\vbox{Hi!}
+This command can be used to set the contents of logical pages that are
+normally not filled.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfpagesshipoutlogicalpage"
+ },
+ pgfpagesuselayout = {
+ arguments = {
+ {meta = "layout"},
+ {
+ delimiters = {"[", "]"},
+ keys = "$ref:pgf#/keys/pgf",
+ meta = "options",
+ optional = true
+ }
+ },
+ details = [[
+Installs the specified ⟨layout⟩ with the given ⟨options⟩. The predefined
+layouts and their permissible options are explained below.
+If this function is called multiple times, only the last call "wins".
+You can thereby overwrite any previous settings. In particular, layouts
+*do not* accumulate.
+`\pgfpagesuselayout{resize to}[a4paper]`
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfpagesuselayout"
+ },
+ pgfparserdeffinal = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "parser name"}, {meta = "action"}},
+ details = [[
+Every parser can call a final ⟨action⟩ after the state was switched to
+`final`. This ⟨action⟩ is executed after everything else, so you can use
+something that grabs more arguments if you want to.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfparserdeffinal"
+ },
+ pgfparserdefunknown = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "parser name"}, {meta = "state"}, {meta = "action"}},
+ details = [[
+With this macro you can define an ⟨action⟩ for the ⟨parser name⟩ parser
+in ⟨state⟩ if no action was defined for the letter which was
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfparserdefunknown"
+ },
+ pgfparserifmark = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "arg"}, {meta = "true"}, {meta = "false"}},
+ details = [[
+Remember that some of the optional argument types set special marks?
+With `\pgfparserifmark` you can test whether ⟨arg⟩ is such a mark. So if
+there was no optional argument for the argument types `o` and `d` the
+⟨true⟩ branch will be executed, else the ⟨false⟩ branch. For the `t`
+type argument the ⟨true⟩ branch is executed if the token was
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfparserifmark"
+ },
+ pgfparserletter = {
+ details = [[
+This macro stores the letter to which `\pgfparsertoken` was let. So if
+you'd use `\pgfparserparse{foo}a` this macro would be defined with
+`\def\pgfparserletter{a}`. This definition is done before any action
+code is executed. There are four special cases: If the next token is of
+category code 1, 2, 6, or 10, so with standard category codes the tokens
+`{`, `}`, `# `, and  (a space), it would be treated differently. In
+those cases this macro expands to `\bgroup`, `\egroup`, `# # `, and  for
+the categories 1, 2, 6, and 10, respectively.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfparserletter"
+ },
+ pgfparserparse = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "parser name"}, {meta = "text"}},
+ details = [[
+This command is used to parse the ⟨text⟩ using the (previously defined)
+parser named ⟨parser name⟩.
+The ⟨text⟩ is not contained in curly braces, rather it is all the text
+that follows. The end of the text is determined implicitly, namely when
+the final state of the parser has been reached. If you defined a final
+action for the parser using `\pgfparserdeffinal` it is executed now.
+The parser works as follows: At any moment, it is in a certain *state*,
+initially this state is called `initial`. Then, the first letter of the
+⟨text⟩ is examined (using the `\futurelet` command). For each possible
+state and each possible letter, some action code is stored in the parser
+in a table. This code is then executed. This code may, but need not,
+trigger a *state switch*, causing a new state to be set. The parser then
+moves on to the next character of the text and repeats the whole
+procedure, unless it is in the state `final`, which causes the parsing
+process to stop immediately.
+In the following example, the parser counts the number of `a`'s in the
+text, ignoring any `b`'s. The ⟨text⟩ ends with the first `c`.
+ \newcount\mycount
+ \pgfparserdef{myparser}{initial}{the letter a}%
+ {\advance\mycount by 1\relax}%
+ \pgfparserdef{myparser}{initial}{the letter b}%
+ {} % do nothing
+ \pgfparserdef{myparser}{initial}{the letter c}%
+ {\pgfparserswitch{final}}% done!
+ \pgfparserparse{myparser}aabaabababbbbbabaabcccc
+ There are \the\mycount\ a's.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfparserparse"
+ },
+ pgfparserreinsert = {
+ details = [[
+You can use this as the final macro in an action of `\pgfparserdef` or
+`\pgfparserdefunknown`. This has the effect that the contents of
+`\pgfparserletter` will be parsed next. Without any redefinition the
+result will be that the last token will be parsed again. You can change
+the definition of `\pgfparserletter` just before `\pgfparserreinsert` as
+well to parse some specific tokens next.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfparserreinsert"
+ },
+ pgfparserset = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "key list"}},
+ details = [[
+The `pgfparser` module has a few keys you can access through this macro.
+It is just a shortcut for `\pgfset{/pgfparser/.cd,# 1}`. The available
+keys are listed in subsection ??.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfparserset"
+ },
+ pgfparserstate = {
+ details = [[
+Expands to the current state of the parser.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfparserstate"
+ },
+ pgfparserswitch = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "state"}},
+ details = [[
+This command can be called inside the action code of a parser to cause a
+state switch to ⟨state⟩.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfparserswitch"
+ },
+ pgfparsertoken = {
+ details = [[
+This is the macro which is let to the following token with `\futurelet`.
+You can use it inside an action code.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfparsertoken"
+ },
+ pgfparsetime = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "time"}},
+ details = [[
+This command works like `\pgfmathparse` (indeed, it calls is
+internally), but returns the result in the macro `\pgftimeresult` rather
+than `\pgfmathresult`. Furthermore, the following changes are installed:
+- The postfix operator `s` is added, which has no effect.
+- The postfix operator `ms` is added, which divides a number by 1000,
+ so `2ms` equals 0.002s.
+- The postfix operator `min` is added, which multiplies a number
+ by 60.
+- The postfix operator `h` is added, which multiplies a number
+ by 3600.
+- The infix operator `:` is redefined, so that it multiplies its first
+ argument by 60 and adds the second. This implies that `1:20` equals
+ 80s and `01:00:00` equals 3600s.
+- The parsing of octal numbers is switched off to allow things like
+ `01:08` for 68s.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfparsetime"
+ },
+ pgfpatharc = {
+ arguments = {
+ {meta = "start angle"},
+ {meta = "end angle"},
+ {literal = "{"},
+ {meta = "radius"},
+ {literal = " and "},
+ {meta = "y-radius"},
+ {literal = "}"}
+ },
+ details = [[
+This command appends a part of a circle (or an ellipse) to the current
+path. Imagine the curve between ⟨start angle⟩ and ⟨end angle⟩ on a
+circle of radius ⟨radius⟩ (if $⟨start angle⟩ < ⟨end
+ angle⟩$, the curve goes around the circle counterclockwise,
+otherwise clockwise). This curve is now moved such that the point where
+the curve starts is the previous last point of the path. Note that this
+command will *not* start a new part of the path, which is important for
+example for filling purposes.
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \draw[help lines] (0,0) grid (3,2);
+ \pgfpathmoveto{\pgfpointorigin}
+ \pgfpathlineto{\pgfpoint{0cm}{1cm}}
+ \pgfpatharc{180}{90}{.5cm}
+ \pgfpathlineto{\pgfpoint{3cm}{1.5cm}}
+ \pgfpatharc{90}{-45}{.5cm}
+ \pgfusepath{fill}
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+Saying `\pgfpatharc{0}{360}{1cm}` "nearly" gives you a full circle. The
+"nearly" refers to the fact that the circle will not be closed. You can
+close it using `\pgfpathclose`.
+If the optional ⟨y-radius⟩ is given, the ⟨radius⟩ is the $x$-radius and
+the ⟨y-radius⟩ the $y$-radius of the ellipse from which the curve is
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \draw[help lines] (0,0) grid (3,2);
+ \pgfpathmoveto{\pgfpointorigin}
+ \pgfpatharc{180}{45}{2cm and 1cm}
+ \pgfusepath{draw}
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+The axes of the circle or ellipse from which the arc is "taken" always
+point up and right. However, the current coordinate transformation
+matrix will have an effect on the arc. This can be used to, say, rotate
+an arc:
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \draw[help lines] (0,0) grid (3,2);
+ \pgftransformrotate{30}
+ \pgfpathmoveto{\pgfpointorigin}
+ \pgfpatharc{180}{45}{2cm and 1cm}
+ \pgfusepath{draw}
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+The command will update the bounding box of the current path and
+picture, if necessary. Unless rotation or shearing transformations are
+applied, the bounding box will be tight.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfpatharc"
+ },
+ pgfpatharcaxes = {
+ arguments = {
+ {meta = "start angle"},
+ {meta = "end angle"},
+ {meta = "first axis"},
+ {meta = "second axis"}
+ },
+ details = [[
+This command is similar to `\pgfpatharc`. The main difference is how the
+ellipse or circle is specified from which the arc is taken. The two
+parameters ⟨first axis⟩ and ⟨second axis⟩ are the $0^\circ$-axis and the
+$90^\circ$-axis of the ellipse from which the path is taken. Thus,
+`\pgfpatharc{0}{90}{1cm and 2cm}` has the same effect as
+ \pgfpatharcaxes{0}{90}{\pgfpoint{1cm}{0cm}}{\pgfpoint{0cm}{2cm}}
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \draw[help lines] (0,0) grid (3,2);
+ \draw (0,0) -- (2cm,5mm) (0,0) -- (0cm,1cm);
+ \pgfpathmoveto{\pgfpoint{2cm}{5mm}}
+ \pgfpatharcaxes{0}{90}{\pgfpoint{2cm}{5mm}}{\pgfpoint{0cm}{1cm}}
+ \pgfusepath{draw}
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfpatharcaxes"
+ },
+ pgfpatharcto = {
+ arguments = {
+ {meta = "x-radius"},
+ {meta = "y-radius"},
+ {meta = "rotation"},
+ {meta = "large arc flag"},
+ {meta = "counterclockwise flag"},
+ {meta = "target point"}
+ },
+ details = [[
+This command (which directly corresponds to the arc-path command of SVG)
+is used to add an arc to the path that starts at the current point and
+ends at ⟨target point⟩. This arc is part of an ellipse that is
+determined in the following way: Imagine an ellipse with radii
+⟨x-radius⟩ and ⟨y-radius⟩ that is rotated around its center by
+⟨rotation⟩ degrees. When you move this ellipse around in the plane,
+there will be exactly two positions such that the two current point and
+the target point lie on the border of the ellipse (excluding
+pathological cases). The flags ⟨large arc flag⟩ and ⟨clockwise flag⟩ are
+then used to decide which of these ellipses should be picked and which
+arc on the picked ellipsis should be used.
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \draw[help lines] (0,0) grid (3,2);
+ \pgfpathmoveto{\pgfpoint{0mm}{20mm}}
+ \pgfpatharcto{3cm}{1cm}{0}{0}{0}{\pgfpoint{3cm}{1cm}}
+ \pgfusepath{draw}
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+Both flags are considered to be false exactly if they evaluate to `0`,
+otherwise they are true. If the ⟨large arc flag⟩ is true, then the angle
+spanned by the arc will be greater than $180^\circ$, otherwise it will
+be less than $180^\circ$. The ⟨clockwise flag⟩ is used to determine
+which of the two ellipses should be used: if the flag is true, then the
+arc goes from the current point to the target point in a
+counterclockwise direction, otherwise in a clockwise fashion.
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \pgfsetlinewidth{2pt}
+ % Flags 0 0: red
+ \pgfsetstrokecolor{red}
+ \pgfpathmoveto{\pgfpointorigin}
+ \pgfpatharcto{20pt}{10pt}{0}{0}{0}{\pgfpoint{20pt}{10pt}}
+ \pgfusepath{stroke}
+ % Flags 0 1: blue
+ \pgfsetstrokecolor{blue}
+ \pgfpathmoveto{\pgfpointorigin}
+ \pgfpatharcto{20pt}{10pt}{0}{0}{1}{\pgfpoint{20pt}{10pt}}
+ \pgfusepath{stroke}
+ % Flags 1 0: orange
+ \pgfsetstrokecolor{orange}
+ \pgfpathmoveto{\pgfpointorigin}
+ \pgfpatharcto{20pt}{10pt}{0}{1}{0}{\pgfpoint{20pt}{10pt}}
+ \pgfusepath{stroke}
+ % Flags 1 1: black
+ \pgfsetstrokecolor{black}
+ \pgfpathmoveto{\pgfpointorigin}
+ \pgfpatharcto{20pt}{10pt}{0}{1}{1}{\pgfpoint{20pt}{10pt}}
+ \pgfusepath{stroke}
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+*Warning:* The internal computations necessary for this command are
+numerically very unstable. In particular, the arc will not always really
+end at the ⟨target coordinate⟩, but may be off by up to several points.
+A more precise positioning is currently infeasible due to TeX's
+numerical weaknesses. The only case it works quite nicely is when the
+resulting angle is a multiple of $90^\circ$.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfpatharcto"
+ },
+ pgfpatharctomaxstepsize = {
+ details = [[
+The quality of arc approximation taken by `\pgfpatharctoprecomputed` by
+means of Bézier splines is controlled by a mesh width, which is
+The mesh width is provided in (full!) degrees. The smaller the mesh
+width, the more precise the arc approximation.
+Use an empty value to disable spline approximation (uses a single cubic
+polynomial for the complete arc).
+The value must be an integer!
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfpatharctomaxstepsize"
+ },
+ pgfpatharctoprecomputed = {
+ arguments = {
+ {meta = "center point"},
+ {meta = "start angle"},
+ {meta = "end angle"},
+ {meta = "end point"},
+ {meta = "x-radius"},
+ {meta = "y-radius"},
+ {meta = "ratio x-radius/y-radius"},
+ {meta = "ratio y-radius/x-radius"}
+ },
+ details = [[
+A specialized arc operation which is fast and numerically stable,
+provided a lot of information is given in advance.
+In contrast to `\pgfpatharc`, it explicitly interpolates start and end
+In contrast to `\pgfpatharcto`, this routine is numerically stable and
+quite fast since it relies on a lot of available information.
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \draw[help lines] (0,0) grid (3,2);
+ \def\cx{1.5cm}% center x
+ \def\cy{1cm}% center y
+ \def\startangle{0}%
+ \def\endangle{270}%
+ \def\a{1.5cm}% xradius
+ \def\b{0.5cm}% yradius
+ \pgfmathparse{\a/\b}\let\abratio=\pgfmathresult
+ \pgfmathparse{\b/\a}\let\baratio=\pgfmathresult
+ %
+ % start point:
+ \pgfpathmoveto{\pgfpoint{\cx+\a*cos(\startangle)}{\cy+\b*sin(\startangle)}}%
+ \pgfpatharctoprecomputed
+ {\pgfpoint{\cx}{\cy}}
+ {\startangle}
+ {\endangle}
+ {\pgfpoint{\cx+\a*cos(\endangle)}{\cy+\b*sin(\endangle)}}% end point
+ {\a}
+ {\b}
+ {\abratio}
+ {\baratio}
+ \pgfusepath{draw}
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfpatharctoprecomputed"
+ },
+ pgfpathcircle = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "center"}, {meta = "radius"}},
+ details = [[
+A shorthand for `\pgfpathellipse` applied to ⟨center⟩ and the two axis
+vectors $(⟨radius⟩,0)$ and $(0,⟨radius⟩)$.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfpathcircle"
+ },
+ pgfpathclose = {
+ details = [[
+This command closes the current part of the path by appending a straight
+line to the start point of the current part. Note that there *is* a
+difference between closing a path and using the line-to operation to add
+a straight line to the start of the current path. The difference is
+demonstrated by the upper corners of the triangles in the following
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \draw[help lines] (0,0) grid (3,2);
+ \pgfsetlinewidth{5pt}
+ \pgfpathmoveto{\pgfpoint{1cm}{1cm}}
+ \pgfpathlineto{\pgfpoint{0cm}{-1cm}}
+ \pgfpathlineto{\pgfpoint{1cm}{-1cm}}
+ \pgfpathclose
+ \pgfpathmoveto{\pgfpoint{2.5cm}{1cm}}
+ \pgfpathlineto{\pgfpoint{1.5cm}{-1cm}}
+ \pgfpathlineto{\pgfpoint{2.5cm}{-1cm}}
+ \pgfpathlineto{\pgfpoint{2.5cm}{1cm}}
+ \pgfusepath{stroke}
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfpathclose"
+ },
+ pgfpathcosine = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "vector"}},
+ details = [[
+This command appends a cosine curve in the interval $[0,\pi/2]$ to the
+current path. The curve is squeezed or stretched such that the curve
+starts at the current point and ends at the current point plus ⟨vector⟩.
+Using several sine and cosine operations in sequence allows you to
+produce a complete sine or cosine curve
+ \begin{pgfpicture}
+ \pgfpathmoveto{\pgfpoint{0cm}{0cm}}
+ \pgfpathsine{\pgfpoint{1cm}{1cm}}
+ \pgfpathcosine{\pgfpoint{1cm}{-1cm}}
+ \pgfpathsine{\pgfpoint{1cm}{-1cm}}
+ \pgfpathcosine{\pgfpoint{1cm}{1cm}}
+ \pgfsetfillcolor{yellow!80!black}
+ \pgfusepath{fill,stroke}
+ \end{pgfpicture}
+The command will apply coordinate transformations and update the
+bounding boxes.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfpathcosine"
+ },
+ pgfpathcurvebetweentime = {
+ arguments = {
+ {meta = "time $t_1$"},
+ {meta = "time $t_2$"},
+ {meta = "point p"},
+ {meta = "point $s_1$"},
+ {meta = "point $s_2$"},
+ {meta = "point q"}
+ },
+ details = [[
+This command draws the part of the curve described by $p$, $s_1$, $s_2$
+and $q$ between the times $t_1$ and $t_2$. A time value of 0 indicates
+the point $p$ and a time value of 1 indicates point $q$. This command
+includes a moveto operation to the first point.
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \draw [thin] (0,0) .. controls (0,2) and (3,0) .. (3,2);
+ \pgfpathcurvebetweentime{0.25}{0.9}{\pgfpointxy{0}{0}}{\pgfpointxy{0}{2}}
+ {\pgfpointxy{3}{0}}{\pgfpointxy{3}{2}}
+ \pgfsetstrokecolor{red}
+ \pgfsetstrokeopacity{0.5}
+ \pgfsetlinewidth{2pt}
+ \pgfusepath{stroke}
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfpathcurvebetweentime"
+ },
+ pgfpathcurvebetweentimecontinue = {
+ arguments = {
+ {meta = "time $t_1$"},
+ {meta = "time $t_2$"},
+ {meta = "point p"},
+ {meta = "point $s_1$"},
+ {meta = "point $s_2$"},
+ {meta = "point q"}
+ },
+ details = [[
+This command works like `\pgfpathcurvebetweentime`, except that a moveto
+operation is *not* made to the first point.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfpathcurvebetweentimecontinue"
+ },
+ pgfpathcurveto = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "support 1"}, {meta = "support 2"}, {meta = "coordinate"}},
+ details = [[
+This command extends the current path with a Bézier curve from the last
+point of the path to ⟨coordinate⟩. The ⟨support 1⟩ and ⟨support 2⟩ are
+the first and second support point of the Bézier curve. For more
+information on Bézier curves, please consult a standard textbook on
+computer graphics.
+Like the line-to command, this command may not be the first path
+construction command in a path.
+ \begin{pgfpicture}
+ \pgfpathmoveto{\pgfpointorigin}
+ \pgfpathcurveto
+ {\pgfpoint{1cm}{1cm}}{\pgfpoint{2cm}{1cm}}{\pgfpoint{3cm}{0cm}}
+ \pgfsetfillcolor{yellow!80!black}
+ \pgfusepath{fill,stroke}
+ \end{pgfpicture}
+The command will apply the current coordinate transformation matrix to
+⟨coordinate⟩ before using it.
+It will update the bounding box of the current path and picture, if
+necessary. However, the bounding box is simply made large enough such
+that it encompasses all of the support points and the ⟨coordinate⟩. This
+will guarantee that the curve is completely inside the bounding box, but
+the bounding box will typically be quite a bit too large. It is not
+clear (to me) how this can be avoided without resorting to "some serious
+math" in order to calculate a precise bounding box.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfpathcurveto"
+ },
+ pgfpathellipse = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "center"}, {meta = "first axis"}, {meta = "second axis"}},
+ details = [[
+The effect of this command is to append an ellipse to the current path
+(if the path is not empty, a new part is started). The ellipse's center
+will be ⟨center⟩ and ⟨first axis⟩ and ⟨second axis⟩ are the axis
+*vectors*. The same effect as this command can also be achieved using an
+appropriate sequence of move-to, arc, and close operations, but this
+command is easier and faster.
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \draw[help lines] (0,0) grid (3,2);
+ \pgfpathellipse{\pgfpoint{1cm}{0cm}}
+ {\pgfpoint{1.5cm}{0cm}}
+ {\pgfpoint{0cm}{1cm}}
+ \pgfusepath{draw}
+ \color{red}
+ \pgfpathellipse{\pgfpoint{1cm}{0cm}}
+ {\pgfpoint{1cm}{1cm}}
+ {\pgfpoint{-0.5cm}{0.5cm}}
+ \pgfusepath{draw}
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+The command will apply coordinate transformations to all coordinates of
+the ellipse. However, the coordinate transformations are applied only
+after the ellipse is "finished conceptually". Thus, a transformation of
+1cm to the right will simply shift the ellipse one centimeter to the
+right; it will not add 1cm to the $x$-coordinates of the two axis
+The command will update the bounding box of the current path and
+picture, if necessary.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfpathellipse"
+ },
+ pgfpathgrid = {
+ arguments = {
+ {
+ delimiters = {"[", "]"},
+ keys = "$ref:pgf#/keys/pgf",
+ meta = "options",
+ optional = true
+ },
+ {meta = "first corner"},
+ {meta = "second corner"}
+ },
+ details = [[
+Appends a grid to the current path. That is, a (possibly large) number
+of parts are added to the path, each part consisting of a single
+horizontal or vertical straight line segment.
+Conceptually, the origin is part of the grid and the grid is clipped to
+the rectangle specified by the ⟨first corner⟩ and the ⟨second corner⟩.
+However, no clipping occurs (this command just adds parts to the current
+path) and the points where the lines enter and leave the "clipping area"
+are computed and used to add simple lines to the current path.
+The following keys influence the grid:
+ \begin{pgfpicture}
+ \pgfsetlinewidth{0.8pt}
+ \pgfpathgrid[step={\pgfpoint{1cm}{1cm}}]
+ {\pgfpoint{-3mm}{-3mm}}{\pgfpoint{33mm}{23mm}}
+ \pgfusepath{stroke}
+ \pgfsetlinewidth{0.4pt}
+ \pgfpathgrid[stepx=1mm,stepy=1mm]
+ {\pgfpoint{-1.5mm}{-1.5mm}}{\pgfpoint{31.5mm}{21.5mm}}
+ \pgfusepath{stroke}
+ \end{pgfpicture}
+The command will apply coordinate transformations and update the
+bounding boxes. As for ellipses, the transformations are applied to the
+"conceptually finished" grid.
+ \begin{pgfpicture}
+ \pgftransformrotate{10}
+ \pgfpathgrid[stepx=1mm,stepy=2mm]{\pgfpoint{0mm}{0mm}}{\pgfpoint{30mm}{30mm}}
+ \pgfusepath{stroke}
+ \end{pgfpicture}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfpathgrid"
+ },
+ pgfpathlineto = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "coordinate"}},
+ details = [[
+This command extends the current path in a straight line to the given
+⟨coordinate⟩. If this command is given at the beginning of path without
+any other path construction command given before (in particular without
+a move-to operation), the TeX file may compile without an error message,
+but a viewer application may display an error message when trying to
+render the picture.
+ \begin{pgfpicture}
+ \pgfpathmoveto{\pgfpointorigin}
+ \pgfpathlineto{\pgfpoint{1cm}{1cm}}
+ \pgfpathlineto{\pgfpoint{2cm}{1cm}}
+ \pgfsetfillcolor{yellow!80!black}
+ \pgfusepath{fill,stroke}
+ \end{pgfpicture}
+The command will apply the current coordinate transformation matrix to
+⟨coordinate⟩ before using it.
+It will update the bounding box of the current path and picture, if
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfpathlineto"
+ },
+ pgfpathmoveto = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "coordinate"}},
+ details = [[
+This command expects a PGF-coordinate like `\pgfpointorigin` as its
+parameter. When the current path is empty, this operation will start the
+path at the given ⟨coordinate⟩. If a path has already been partly
+constructed, this command will end the current part of the path and
+start a new one.
+ \begin{pgfpicture}
+ \pgfpathmoveto{\pgfpointorigin}
+ \pgfpathlineto{\pgfpoint{1cm}{1cm}}
+ \pgfpathlineto{\pgfpoint{2cm}{1cm}}
+ \pgfpathlineto{\pgfpoint{3cm}{0.5cm}}
+ \pgfpathlineto{\pgfpoint{3cm}{0cm}}
+ \pgfsetfillcolor{yellow!80!black}
+ \pgfusepath{fill,stroke}
+ \end{pgfpicture}
+ \begin{pgfpicture}
+ \pgfpathmoveto{\pgfpointorigin}
+ \pgfpathlineto{\pgfpoint{1cm}{1cm}}
+ \pgfpathlineto{\pgfpoint{2cm}{1cm}}
+ \pgfpathmoveto{\pgfpoint{2cm}{1cm}} % New part
+ \pgfpathlineto{\pgfpoint{3cm}{0.5cm}}
+ \pgfpathlineto{\pgfpoint{3cm}{0cm}}
+ \pgfsetfillcolor{yellow!80!black}
+ \pgfusepath{fill,stroke}
+ \end{pgfpicture}
+The command will apply the current coordinate transformation matrix to
+⟨coordinate⟩ before using it.
+It will update the bounding box of the current path and picture, if
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfpathmoveto"
+ },
+ pgfpathparabola = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "bend vector"}, {meta = "end vector"}},
+ details = [[
+This command appends two half-parabolas to the current path. The first
+starts at the current point and ends at the current point plus ⟨bend
+vector⟩. At this point, it has its bend. The second half parabola starts
+at that bend point and ends at point that is given by the bend plus ⟨end
+If you set ⟨end vector⟩ to the null vector, you append only a half
+parabola that goes from the current point to the bend; by setting ⟨bend
+vector⟩ to the null vector, you append only a half parabola that goes
+through the current point and ⟨end vector⟩ and has its bend at the
+current point.
+It is not possible to use this command to draw a part of a parabola that
+does not contain the bend.
+ \begin{pgfpicture}
+ % Half-parabola going ``up and right''
+ \pgfpathmoveto{\pgfpointorigin}
+ \pgfpathparabola{\pgfpointorigin}{\pgfpoint{2cm}{4cm}}
+ \color{red}
+ \pgfusepath{stroke}
+ % Half-parabola going ``down and right''
+ \pgfpathmoveto{\pgfpointorigin}
+ \pgfpathparabola{\pgfpoint{-2cm}{4cm}}{\pgfpointorigin}
+ \color{blue}
+ \pgfusepath{stroke}
+ % Full parabola
+ \pgfpathmoveto{\pgfpoint{-2cm}{2cm}}
+ \pgfpathparabola{\pgfpoint{1cm}{-1cm}}{\pgfpoint{2cm}{4cm}}
+ \color{orange}
+ \pgfusepath{stroke}
+ \end{pgfpicture}
+The command will apply coordinate transformations and update the
+bounding boxes.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfpathparabola"
+ },
+ pgfpathqcircle = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "radius"}},
+ details = [[
+Adds a radius around the origin of the given ⟨radius⟩. This command is
+orders of magnitude faster than
+ \colorlet{examplefill}{yellow!80!black}
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \draw[help lines] (0,0) grid (1,1);
+ \pgfpathqcircle{10pt}
+ \pgfsetfillcolor{examplefill}
+ \pgfusepath{stroke,fill}
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfpathqcircle"
+ },
+ pgfpathqcurveto = {
+ arguments = {
+ {meta = "$s^1_x$"},
+ {meta = "$s^1_y$"},
+ {meta = "$s^2_x$"},
+ {meta = "$s^2_y$"},
+ {meta = "$t_x$"},
+ {meta = "$t_y$"}
+ },
+ details = [[
+The quick version of the curve-to operation. The first support point is
+$(s^1_x,s^1_y)$, the second support point is $(s^2_x,s^2_y)$, and the
+target is $(t_x,t_y)$.
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \draw[help lines] (0,0) grid (3,2);
+ \pgfpathqmoveto{0pt}{0pt}
+ \pgfpathqcurveto{1cm}{1cm}{2cm}{1cm}{3cm}{0cm}
+ \pgfusepath{stroke}
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfpathqcurveto"
+ },
+ pgfpathqlineto = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "x dimension"}, {meta = "y dimension"}},
+ details = [[
+The quick version of the line-to operation.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfpathqlineto"
+ },
+ pgfpathqmoveto = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "x dimension"}, {meta = "y dimension"}},
+ details = [[
+Either starts a path or starts a new part of a path at the coordinate
+$(⟨x dimension⟩,⟨y dimension⟩)$. The coordinate is *not* transformed by
+the current coordinate transformation matrix. However, any low-level
+transformations apply.
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \draw[help lines] (0,0) grid (3,2);
+ \pgftransformxshift{1cm}
+ \pgfpathqmoveto{0pt}{0pt} % not transformed
+ \pgfpathqlineto{1cm}{1cm} % not transformed
+ \pgfpathlineto{\pgfpoint{2cm}{0cm}}
+ \pgfusepath{stroke}
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfpathqmoveto"
+ },
+ pgfpathquadraticcurveto = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "support"}, {meta = "coordinate"}},
+ details = [[
+This command works like `\pgfpathcurveto`, only it uses a quadratic
+Bézier curve rather than a cubic one. This means that only one support
+point is needed.
+ \begin{pgfpicture}
+ \pgfpathmoveto{\pgfpointorigin}
+ \pgfpathquadraticcurveto
+ {\pgfpoint{1cm}{1cm}}{\pgfpoint{2cm}{0cm}}
+ \pgfsetfillcolor{yellow!80!black}
+ \pgfusepath{fill,stroke}
+ \end{pgfpicture}
+Internally, the quadratic curve is converted into a cubic curve. The
+only noticeable effect of this is that the points used for computing the
+bounding box are the control points of the converted curve rather than
+⟨support⟩. The main effect of this is that the bounding box will be a
+bit tighter than might be expected. In particular, ⟨support⟩ will not
+always be part of the bounding box.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfpathquadraticcurveto"
+ },
+ pgfpathrectangle = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "corner"}, {meta = "diagonal vector"}},
+ details = [[
+Adds a rectangle to the path whose one corner is ⟨corner⟩ and whose
+opposite corner is given by $⟨corner⟩ + ⟨diagonal vector⟩$.
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \draw[help lines] (0,0) grid (3,2);
+ \pgfpathrectangle{\pgfpoint{1cm}{0cm}}{\pgfpoint{1.5cm}{1cm}}
+ \pgfpathrectangle{\pgfpoint{1.5cm}{0.25cm}}{\pgfpoint{1.5cm}{1cm}}
+ \pgfpathrectangle{\pgfpoint{2cm}{0.5cm}}{\pgfpoint{1.5cm}{1cm}}
+ \pgfusepath{draw}
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+The command will apply coordinate transformations and update the
+bounding boxes tightly.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfpathrectangle"
+ },
+ pgfpathrectanglecorners = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "corner"}, {meta = "opposite corner"}},
+ details = [[
+Adds a rectangle to the path whose two opposing corners are ⟨corner⟩ and
+⟨opposite corner⟩.
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \draw[help lines] (0,0) grid (3,2);
+ \pgfpathrectanglecorners{\pgfpoint{1cm}{0cm}}{\pgfpoint{1.5cm}{1cm}}
+ \pgfusepath{draw}
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+The command will apply coordinate transformations and update the
+bounding boxes tightly.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfpathrectanglecorners"
+ },
+ pgfpathsine = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "vector"}},
+ details = [[
+This command appends a sine curve in the interval $[0,\pi/2]$ to the
+current path. The sine curve is squeezed or stretched such that the
+curve starts at the current point and ends at the current point plus
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \draw[help lines] (0,0) grid (3,1);
+ \pgfpathmoveto{\pgfpoint{1cm}{0cm}}
+ \pgfpathsine{\pgfpoint{1cm}{1cm}}
+ \pgfusepath{stroke}
+ \color{red}
+ \pgfpathmoveto{\pgfpoint{1cm}{0cm}}
+ \pgfpathsine{\pgfpoint{-2cm}{-2cm}}
+ \pgfusepath{stroke}
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+The command will apply coordinate transformations and update the
+bounding boxes.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfpathsine"
+ },
+ pgfpathsvg = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "path"}},
+ details = [[
+This command extends the current path by a ⟨path⟩ given in the
+SVG-path-data syntax. This syntax is described in detail in Section 8.3
+of the SVG-specification, Version 1.1.
+In principle, the complete syntax is supported and the library just
+provides a parser and a mapping to basic layer commands. For instance,
+`M 0 10` is mapped to `\pgfpathmoveto{\pgfpoint{0pt}{10pt}}`. There are,
+however, a few things to be aware of:
+- The computation underlying the arc commands `A` and `a` are not
+ numerically stable, which may result in quite imprecise arcs. Bézier
+ curves, both quadratic and cubic, are not affected, neither are arcs
+ spanning degrees that are multiples of $90^{\circ}$.
+- The dimensionless units of SVG are always interpreted as points
+ (`pt`). This is a problem with paths like `M 20000 0`, which will
+ raise an error message since TeX cannot handle dimensions larger
+ than about 16 000 points.
+- All coordinate and canvas transformations apply to the path in the
+ usual fashion.
+- The `\pgfpathsvg` command can be freely intermixed with other path
+ commands.
+ \begin{pgfpicture}
+ \pgfpathsvg{M 0 0 l 20 0 0 20 -20 0 q 10 0 10 10
+ t 10 10 10 10 h -50 z}
+ \pgfusepath{stroke}
+ \end{pgfpicture}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfpathsvg"
+ },
+ pgfplotbarwidth = {
+ details = [[
+Expands to the value of `/pgf/bar width`.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfplotbarwidth"
+ },
+ pgfplotfunction = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "variable"}, {meta = "sample list"}, {meta = "point"}},
+ details = [[
+This command will produce coordinates by iterating the ⟨variable⟩ over
+all values in ⟨sample list⟩, which should be a list in the `\foreach`
+syntax. For each value of ⟨variable⟩, the ⟨point⟩ is evaluated and the
+resulting coordinate is inserted into the plot stream.
+ \begin{tikzpicture}[x=3.8cm/360]
+ \pgfplothandlerlineto
+ \pgfplotfunction{\x}{0,5,...,360}{\pgfpointxy{\x}{sin(\x)+sin(3*\x)}}
+ \pgfusepath{stroke}
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ \begin{tikzpicture}[y=3cm/360]
+ \pgfplothandlerlineto
+ \pgfplotfunction{\y}{0,5,...,360}{\pgfpointxyz{sin(2*\y)}{\y}{cos(2*\y)}}
+ \pgfusepath{stroke}
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+Be warned that if the expressions that need to evaluated for each point
+are complex, then this command can be very slow.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfplotfunction"
+ },
+ pgfplotgnuplot = {
+ arguments = {
+ {delimiters = {"[", "]"}, meta = "prefix", optional = true},
+ {meta = "function"}
+ },
+ details = [[
+This command will "try" to call the GNUPLOT program to generate the
+coordinates of the ⟨function⟩. In detail, the following happens:
+This command works with two files: ⟨prefix⟩`.gnuplot` and
+⟨prefix⟩`.table`. If the optional argument ⟨prefix⟩ is not given, it is
+set to `\jobname`.
+Let us start with the situation where none of these files exists. Then
+PGF will first generate the file ⟨prefix⟩`.gnuplot`. In this file it
+ set table "#1.table"; set format "%.5f"
+where `# 1` is replaced by ⟨prefix⟩. Then, in a second line, it writes
+the text ⟨function⟩.
+Next, PGF will try to invoke the program `gnuplot` with the argument
+⟨prefix⟩`.gnuplot`. This call may or may not succeed, depending on
+whether the `\write18` mechanism (also known as shell escape) is
+switched on and whether the `gnuplot` program is available.
+Assuming that the call succeeded, the next step is to invoke
+`\pgfplotxyfile` on the file ⟨prefix⟩`.table`; which is exactly the file
+that has just been created by `gnuplot`.
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \draw[help lines] (0,-1) grid (4,1);
+ \pgfplothandlerlineto
+ \pgfplotgnuplot[plots/pgfplotgnuplot-example]{plot [x=0:3.5] x*sin(x)}
+ \pgfusepath{stroke}
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+The more difficult situation arises when the `.gnuplot` file exists,
+which will be the case on the second run of TeX on the TeX file. In this
+case PGF will read this file and check whether it contains exactly what
+PGF "would have written" into this file. If this is not the case, the
+file contents is overwritten with what "should be there" and, as above,
+`gnuplot` is invoked to generate a new `.table` file. However, if the
+file contents is "as expected", the external `gnuplot` program is *not*
+called. Instead, the ⟨prefix⟩`.table` file is immediately read.
+As explained in Section ??, the net effect of the above mechanism is
+that `gnuplot` is called as seldom as possible and that when you pass
+along the `.gnuplot` and `.table` files with your `.tex` file to someone
+else, that person can TeX the `.tex` file without having `gnuplot`
+installed and without having the `\write18` mechanism switched on.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfplotgnuplot"
+ },
+ pgfplothandlerclosedcurve = {
+ details = [[
+This handler works like the curve-to plot handler, only it will add a
+new part to the current path that is a closed curve through the plot
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \draw[gray] (0,0) node {x} (1,1) node {y} (2,.5) node {z};
+ \pgfplothandlerclosedcurve
+ \pgfplotstreamstart
+ \pgfplotstreampoint{\pgfpoint{0cm}{0cm}}
+ \pgfplotstreampoint{\pgfpoint{1cm}{1cm}}
+ \pgfplotstreampoint{\pgfpoint{2cm}{0.5cm}}
+ \pgfplotstreamend
+ \pgfusepath{stroke}
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfplothandlerclosedcurve"
+ },
+ pgfplothandlerconstantlineto = {
+ details = [[
+This handler works like the line-to plot handler, only it will produce a
+connected, piecewise constant path to connect the points.
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \draw[gray] (0,0) node {x} (1,1) node {y} (2,.5) node {z};
+ \pgfplothandlerconstantlineto
+ \pgfplotstreamstart
+ \pgfplotstreampoint{\pgfpoint{0cm}{0cm}}
+ \pgfplotstreampoint{\pgfpoint{1cm}{1cm}}
+ \pgfplotstreampoint{\pgfpoint{2cm}{0.5cm}}
+ \pgfplotstreamend
+ \pgfusepath{stroke}
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfplothandlerconstantlineto"
+ },
+ pgfplothandlerconstantlinetomarkmid = {
+ details = [[
+A variant of `\pgfplothandlerconstantlineto` which places its mark on
+the center of the line.
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \draw[gray] (0,0) node {x} (1,1) node {y} (2,.5) node {z};
+ \pgfplothandlerconstantlinetomarkmid
+ \pgfplotstreamstart
+ \pgfplotstreampoint{\pgfpoint{0cm}{0cm}}
+ \pgfplotstreampoint{\pgfpoint{1cm}{1cm}}
+ \pgfplotstreampoint{\pgfpoint{2cm}{0.5cm}}
+ \pgfplotstreamend
+ \pgfusepath{stroke}
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+The plot handler always connects two data points by a horizontal line
+starting from the previous data points, followed by a vertical line in
+the middle between the two data points, followed by a horizontal line
+between the middle and the current data point. This results in a
+symmetric constant plot handler for constant mesh width.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfplothandlerconstantlinetomarkmid"
+ },
+ pgfplothandlerconstantlinetomarkright = {
+ details = [[
+A variant of `\pgfplothandlerconstantlineto` which places its mark on
+the right line ends.
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \draw[gray] (0,0) node {x} (1,1) node {y} (2,.5) node {z};
+ \pgfplothandlerconstantlinetomarkright
+ \pgfplotstreamstart
+ \pgfplotstreampoint{\pgfpoint{0cm}{0cm}}
+ \pgfplotstreampoint{\pgfpoint{1cm}{1cm}}
+ \pgfplotstreampoint{\pgfpoint{2cm}{0.5cm}}
+ \pgfplotstreamend
+ \pgfusepath{stroke}
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfplothandlerconstantlinetomarkright"
+ },
+ pgfplothandlercurveto = {
+ details = [[
+This handler will issue a `\pgfpathcurveto` command for each point of
+the plot, *except* possibly for the first. As for the line-to handler,
+what happens with the first point can be specified using
+`\pgfsetmovetofirstplotpoint` or `\pgfsetlinetofirstplotpoint`.
+Obviously, the `\pgfpathcurveto` command needs, in addition to the
+points on the path, some control points. These are generated
+automatically using a somewhat "dumb" algorithm: Suppose you have three
+points $x$, $y$, and $z$ on the curve such that $y$ is between $x$ and
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \draw[gray] (0,0) node {x} (1,1) node {y} (2,.5) node {z};
+ \pgfplothandlercurveto
+ \pgfplotstreamstart
+ \pgfplotstreampoint{\pgfpoint{0cm}{0cm}}
+ \pgfplotstreampoint{\pgfpoint{1cm}{1cm}}
+ \pgfplotstreampoint{\pgfpoint{2cm}{.5cm}}
+ \pgfplotstreamend
+ \pgfusepath{stroke}
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+In order to determine the control points of the curve at the point $y$,
+the handler computes the vector $z-x$ and scales it by the tension
+factor (see below). Let us call the resulting vector $s$. Then $y+s$ and
+$y-s$ will be the control points around $y$. The first control point at
+the beginning of the curve will be the beginning itself, once more;
+likewise the last control point is the end itself.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfplothandlercurveto"
+ },
+ pgfplothandlerdiscard = {
+ details = [[
+This handler will simply throw away the stream.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfplothandlerdiscard"
+ },
+ pgfplothandlergapcycle = {
+ details = [[
+Works like `\pgfplothandlergaplineto`, but the last point is connected
+to the first in the same fashion:
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \pgfplothandlergapcycle
+ \pgfplotstreamstart
+ \pgfplotstreampoint{\pgfpoint{0cm}{0cm}}
+ \pgfplotstreampoint{\pgfpoint{1cm}{1cm}}
+ \pgfplotstreampoint{\pgfpoint{2cm}{0.5cm}}
+ \pgfplotstreamend
+ \pgfusepath{stroke}
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfplothandlergapcycle"
+ },
+ pgfplothandlergaplineto = {
+ details = [[
+This handler will connect the points of the plots by straight line
+segments. However, at the start and the end of the lines there will be a
+small gap, given by the following key:
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \pgfplothandlergaplineto
+ \pgfplotstreamstart
+ \pgfplotstreampoint{\pgfpoint{0cm}{0cm}}
+ \pgfplotstreampoint{\pgfpoint{1cm}{1cm}}
+ \pgfplotstreampoint{\pgfpoint{2cm}{0.5cm}}
+ \pgfplotstreamend
+ \pgfusepath{stroke}
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfplothandlergaplineto"
+ },
+ pgfplothandlerjumpmarkleft = {
+ details = [[
+This handler works like the line-to plot handler, only it will produce a
+non-connected, piecewise constant path to connect the points. If there
+are any plot marks, they will be placed on the left open pieces.
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \draw[gray] (0,0) node {x} (1,1) node {y} (2,.5) node {z};
+ \pgfplothandlerjumpmarkleft
+ \pgfplotstreamstart
+ \pgfplotstreampoint{\pgfpoint{0cm}{0cm}}
+ \pgfplotstreampoint{\pgfpoint{1cm}{1cm}}
+ \pgfplotstreampoint{\pgfpoint{2cm}{0.5cm}}
+ \pgfplotstreamend
+ \pgfusepath{stroke}
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfplothandlerjumpmarkleft"
+ },
+ pgfplothandlerjumpmarkmid = {
+ details = [[
+This handler works like the `\pgfplothandlerconstantlinetomarkmid`, but
+it will produce a non-connected, piecewise constant path to connect the
+points. If there are any plot marks, they will be placed in the center
+of the horizontal line segment..
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \draw[gray] (0,0) node {x} (1,1) node {y} (2,.5) node {z};
+ \pgfplothandlerjumpmarkmid
+ \pgfplotstreamstart
+ \pgfplotstreampoint{\pgfpoint{0cm}{0cm}}
+ \pgfplotstreampoint{\pgfpoint{1cm}{1cm}}
+ \pgfplotstreampoint{\pgfpoint{2cm}{0.5cm}}
+ \pgfplotstreamend
+ \pgfusepath{stroke}
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+See `\pgfplothandlerconstantlinetomarkmid` for details.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfplothandlerjumpmarkmid"
+ },
+ pgfplothandlerjumpmarkright = {
+ details = [[
+This handler works like the line-to plot handler, only it will produce a
+non-connected, piecewise constant path to connect the points. If there
+are any plot marks, they will be placed on the right open pieces.
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \draw[gray] (0,0) node {x} (1,1) node {y} (2,.5) node {z};
+ \pgfplothandlerjumpmarkright
+ \pgfplotstreamstart
+ \pgfplotstreampoint{\pgfpoint{0cm}{0cm}}
+ \pgfplotstreampoint{\pgfpoint{1cm}{1cm}}
+ \pgfplotstreampoint{\pgfpoint{2cm}{0.5cm}}
+ \pgfplotstreamend
+ \pgfusepath{stroke}
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfplothandlerjumpmarkright"
+ },
+ pgfplothandlerlineto = {
+ details = [[
+This handler will issue a `\pgfpathlineto` command for each point of the
+plot, *except* possibly for the first. What happens with the first point
+can be specified using the two commands described below.
+ \begin{pgfpicture}
+ \pgfpathmoveto{\pgfpointorigin}
+ \pgfplothandlerlineto
+ \pgfplotstreamstart
+ \pgfplotstreampoint{\pgfpoint{1cm}{0cm}}
+ \pgfplotstreampoint{\pgfpoint{2cm}{1cm}}
+ \pgfplotstreampoint{\pgfpoint{3cm}{2cm}}
+ \pgfplotstreampoint{\pgfpoint{1cm}{2cm}}
+ \pgfplotstreamend
+ \pgfusepath{stroke}
+ \end{pgfpicture}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfplothandlerlineto"
+ },
+ pgfplothandlermark = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "mark code"}},
+ details = [[
+This command will execute the ⟨mark code⟩ for some points of the plot,
+but each time the coordinate transformation matrix will be set up such
+that the origin is at the position of the point to be plotted. This way,
+if the ⟨mark code⟩ draws a little circle around the origin, little
+circles will be drawn at some point of the plot.
+By default, a mark is drawn at all points of the plot. However, two
+parameters $r$ and $p$ influence this. First, only every $r$th mark is
+drawn. Second, the first mark drawn is the $p$th. These parameters can
+be influenced using the commands below.
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \draw[gray] (0,0) node {x} (1,1) node {y} (2,.5) node {z};
+ \pgfplothandlermark{\pgfpathcircle{\pgfpointorigin}{4pt}\pgfusepath{stroke}}
+ \pgfplotstreamstart
+ \pgfplotstreampoint{\pgfpoint{0cm}{0cm}}
+ \pgfplotstreampoint{\pgfpoint{1cm}{1cm}}
+ \pgfplotstreampoint{\pgfpoint{2cm}{0.5cm}}
+ \pgfplotstreamend
+ \pgfusepath{stroke}
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+Typically, the ⟨code⟩ will be `\pgfuseplotmark{`⟨plot mark name⟩`}`,
+where ⟨plot mark name⟩ is the name of a predefined plot mark.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfplothandlermark"
+ },
+ pgfplothandlermarklisted = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "mark code"}, {meta = "index list"}},
+ details = [[
+This command works similar to the previous one. However, marks will only
+be placed at those indices in the given ⟨index list⟩. The syntax for the
+list is the same as for the `\foreach` statement. For example, if you
+provide the list `1,3,...,25`, a mark will be placed only at every
+second point. Similarly, `1,2,4,8,16,32` yields marks only at those
+points that are powers of two.
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \draw[gray] (0,0) node {x} (1,1) node {y} (2,.5) node {z};
+ \pgfplothandlermarklisted
+ {\pgfpathcircle{\pgfpointorigin}{4pt}\pgfusepath{stroke}}
+ {1,3}
+ \pgfplotstreamstart
+ \pgfplotstreampoint{\pgfpoint{0cm}{0cm}}
+ \pgfplotstreampoint{\pgfpoint{1cm}{1cm}}
+ \pgfplotstreampoint{\pgfpoint{2cm}{0.5cm}}
+ \pgfplotstreamend
+ \pgfusepath{stroke}
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfplothandlermarklisted"
+ },
+ pgfplothandlerpolarcomb = {
+ details = [[
+This handler converts each point in the plot stream into a line from the
+origin to the point's coordinate.
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \draw[gray] (0,0) node {x} (1,1) node {y} (2,.5) node {z};
+ \pgfplothandlerpolarcomb
+ \pgfplotstreamstart
+ \pgfplotstreampoint{\pgfpoint{0cm}{0cm}}
+ \pgfplotstreampoint{\pgfpoint{1cm}{1cm}}
+ \pgfplotstreampoint{\pgfpoint{2cm}{0.5cm}}
+ \pgfplotstreamend
+ \pgfusepath{stroke}
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfplothandlerpolarcomb"
+ },
+ pgfplothandlerpolygon = {
+ details = [[
+This handler works like the line-to plot handler, only the line is
+closed at the end using `\pgfpathclose`, resulting in a polygon.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfplothandlerpolygon"
+ },
+ pgfplothandlerrecord = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "macro"}},
+ details = [[
+When this handler is installed, each time a plot stream command is
+called, this command will be appended to ⟨macro⟩. Thus, at the end of
+the stream, ⟨macro⟩ will contain all the commands that were issued on
+the stream. You can then install another handler and invoke ⟨macro⟩ to
+"replay" the stream (possibly many times).
+ \begin{pgfpicture}
+ \pgfplothandlerrecord{\mystream}
+ \pgfplotstreamstart
+ \pgfplotstreampoint{\pgfpoint{1cm}{0cm}}
+ \pgfplotstreampoint{\pgfpoint{2cm}{1cm}}
+ \pgfplotstreampoint{\pgfpoint{3cm}{1cm}}
+ \pgfplotstreampoint{\pgfpoint{1cm}{2cm}}
+ \pgfplotstreamend
+ \pgfplothandlerlineto
+ \mystream
+ \pgfplothandlerclosedcurve
+ \mystream
+ \pgfusepath{stroke}
+ \end{pgfpicture}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfplothandlerrecord"
+ },
+ pgfplothandlerxbar = {
+ details = [[
+This handler converts each point in the plot stream into a rectangle
+from the $y$-axis to the point's coordinate. The rectangle is placed
+centered at the $y$-axis.
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \draw[gray] (0,0) node {x} (1,1) node {y} (2,.5) node {z};
+ \pgfplothandlerxbar
+ \pgfplotstreamstart
+ \pgfplotstreampoint{\pgfpoint{0cm}{0cm}}
+ \pgfplotstreampoint{\pgfpoint{1cm}{1cm}}
+ \pgfplotstreampoint{\pgfpoint{2cm}{0.5cm}}
+ \pgfplotstreamend
+ \pgfusepath{stroke}
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfplothandlerxbar"
+ },
+ pgfplothandlerxbarinterval = {
+ details = [[
+As `\pgfplothandlerybarinterval`, this handler provides bar plots with
+relative bar sizes and offsets, one bar for each $y$ coordinate
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfplothandlerxbarinterval"
+ },
+ pgfplothandlerxcomb = {
+ details = [[
+This handler converts each point in the plot stream into a line from the
+$y$-axis to the point's coordinate, resulting in a "horizontal comb".
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \draw[gray] (0,0) node {x} (1,1) node {y} (2,.5) node {z};
+ \pgfplothandlerxcomb
+ \pgfplotstreamstart
+ \pgfplotstreampoint{\pgfpoint{0cm}{0cm}}
+ \pgfplotstreampoint{\pgfpoint{1cm}{1cm}}
+ \pgfplotstreampoint{\pgfpoint{2cm}{0.5cm}}
+ \pgfplotstreamend
+ \pgfusepath{stroke}
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfplothandlerxcomb"
+ },
+ pgfplothandlerybar = {
+ details = [[
+This handler converts each point in the plot stream into a rectangle
+from the $x$-axis to the point's coordinate. The rectangle is placed
+centered at the $x$-axis.
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \draw[gray] (0,0) node {x} (1,1) node {y} (2,.5) node {z};
+ \pgfplothandlerybar
+ \pgfplotstreamstart
+ \pgfplotstreampoint{\pgfpoint{0cm}{0cm}}
+ \pgfplotstreampoint{\pgfpoint{1cm}{1cm}}
+ \pgfplotstreampoint{\pgfpoint{2cm}{0.5cm}}
+ \pgfplotstreamend
+ \pgfusepath{stroke}
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfplothandlerybar"
+ },
+ pgfplothandlerybarinterval = {
+ details = [[
+This handler is a variant of `\pgfplothandlerybar` which works with
+intervals instead of points.
+Bars are drawn between successive input coordinates and the width is
+determined relatively to the interval length.
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \draw[gray] (0,2) node {$x_1$} (1,1) node {$x_2$} (2,.5) node {$x_3$} (4,0.7) node {$x_4$};
+ \pgfplothandlerybarinterval
+ \pgfplotstreamstart
+ \pgfplotstreampoint{\pgfpoint{0cm}{2cm}}
+ \pgfplotstreampoint{\pgfpoint{1cm}{1cm}}
+ \pgfplotstreampoint{\pgfpoint{2cm}{0.5cm}}
+ \pgfplotstreampoint{\pgfpoint{4cm}{0.7cm}}
+ \pgfplotstreamend
+ \pgfusepath{stroke}
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+In more detail, if $(x_i,y_i)$ and $(x_{i+1},y_{i+1})$ denote successive
+input coordinates, the bar will be placed above the interval
+$[x_i,x_{i+1}]$, centered at
+$$x_i + ⟨bar interval shift⟩ \cdot (x_{i+1} - x_i)$$ with width
+$$⟨bar interval width⟩ \cdot (x_{i+1} - x_i).$$ Here, ⟨bar interval
+shift⟩ and ⟨bar interval width⟩ denote the current values of the
+associated options.
+If you have $N+1$ input points, you will get $N$ bars (one for each
+interval). The $y$ value of the last point will be ignored.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfplothandlerybarinterval"
+ },
+ pgfplothandlerycomb = {
+ details = [[
+This handler converts each point in the plot stream into a line from the
+$x$-axis to the point's coordinate, resulting in a "vertical comb".
+This handler is useful for creating "bar diagrams".
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \draw[gray] (0,0) node {x} (1,1) node {y} (2,.5) node {z};
+ \pgfplothandlerycomb
+ \pgfplotstreamstart
+ \pgfplotstreampoint{\pgfpoint{0cm}{0cm}}
+ \pgfplotstreampoint{\pgfpoint{1cm}{1cm}}
+ \pgfplotstreampoint{\pgfpoint{2cm}{0.5cm}}
+ \pgfplotstreamend
+ \pgfusepath{stroke}
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfplothandlerycomb"
+ },
+ pgfplotstreamend = {
+ details = [[
+This command signals that a plot stream ends. It calls
+`\pgf@plotstreamend`, which should now do any necessary "cleanup".
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfplotstreamend"
+ },
+ pgfplotstreamnewdataset = {
+ details = [[
+This command indicated that in the stream a "new data set" starts. So,
+the stream does not end, but there is a logical break in the data. For
+example, when a table is read from a file, empty lines are interpreted
+as indicating new data sets. What happens when a new data set is
+encountered is governed by the following key:
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfplotstreamnewdataset"
+ },
+ pgfplotstreampoint = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "point"}},
+ details = [[
+This command adds a ⟨point⟩ to the current plot stream. The effect of
+this command is to call the internal command `\pgf@plotstreampoint`,
+which is also set by the current plot handler. This command should now
+"handle" the point in some sensible way. For example, a line-to command
+might be issued for the point.
+When a plot handler is installed, it will setup the internal command
+`\pgf@plotstreampoint` in some way. It is permissible to change the
+meaning of this internal command during a stream. For instance, a
+handler might setup `\pgf@plotstreampoint` in some sensible way for the
+first point and then redefine it so that subsequent points are handled
+in some other way.
+As mentioned earlier, the `\pgfplotstreamstart` will always reset the
+definition of the internal command to the initial meaning it had when
+the handler was installed. This is true for the other commands mentioned
+in the following.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfplotstreampoint"
+ },
+ pgfplotstreampointoutlier = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "point"}},
+ details = [[
+An *outlier* is a point that is "out of bounds" in some way. For
+instance, it might have very large coordinates or the coordinates might
+just be outside some specified range. Nevertheless, an outlier is still
+a well-defined point. This command is issued, for instance, by GNUPLOT
+when a value is outside the specified range.
+You can configure how outliers are treated using the following key:
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfplotstreampointoutlier"
+ },
+ pgfplotstreampointundefined = {
+ details = [[
+This command indicated that the stream contains an "undefined" point
+like a point where some coordinate results for a division by zero. Such
+a point cannot be plotted, which is why it is not given as a parameter.
+However, such a point *can* result in a jump in the plot, depending on
+the setting of the following key:
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfplotstreampointundefined"
+ },
+ pgfplotstreamspecial = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "text"}},
+ details = [[
+This command causes `\pgf@plotstreamspecial` to be called with ⟨text⟩ as
+its parameter. This allows handler-specific information to be passed to
+the handler. All normal handlers ignore this command.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfplotstreamspecial"
+ },
+ pgfplotstreamstart = {
+ details = [[
+This command signals that a plot stream starts. The effect of this
+command is to call the internal command `\pgf@plotstreamstart`, which is
+set by the current plot handler to do whatever needs to be done at the
+beginning of the plot. It will also reset the meaning of the internal
+commands like `\pgf@plotstreampoint` to the initial setting for the plot
+handler (what this means will be explained in a moment).
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfplotstreamstart"
+ },
+ pgfplotxyfile = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "filename"}},
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfplotxyfile"
+ },
+ pgfplotxyzfile = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "filename"}},
+ details = [[
+This command works like `\pgfplotxyfile`, only *three* numbers are
+expected on each non-empty line. They are converted into points in the
+$xyz$-coordinate system. Consider, the following file:
+ % Some comments
+ # more comments
+ 2 -5 1 first entry
+ 2 -.2 2 o
+ 2 -5 2 third entry
+It is turned into the following stream:
+ \pgfplotstreamstart
+ \pgfplotstreamnewdataset
+ \pgfplotstreamnewdataset
+ \pgfplotstreampoint{\pgfpointxyz{2}{-5}{1}}
+ \pgfplotstreampointoutlier{\pgfpointxyz{2}{-.2}{2}}
+ \pgfplotstreampoint{\pgfpointxyz{2}{-5}{2}}
+ \pgfplotstreamend
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfplotxyzfile"
+ },
+ pgfplotxzerolevelstreamconstant = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "dimension"}},
+ details = [[
+This zero level stream always returns `{dimension}` instead of $x=0$pt.
+It is used for `xcomb` and `xbar`.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfplotxzerolevelstreamconstant"
+ },
+ pgfplotyzerolevelstreamconstant = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "dimension"}},
+ details = [[
+This zero level stream always returns `{dimension}` instead of $y=0$pt.
+It is used for `ycomb` and `ybar`.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfplotyzerolevelstreamconstant"
+ },
+ pgfpoint = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "x coordinate"}, {meta = "y coordinate"}},
+ details = [[
+Yields a point location. The coordinates are given as TeX dimensions.
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \draw[help lines] (0,0) grid (3,2);
+ \pgfpathcircle{\pgfpoint{1cm}{1cm}} {2pt}
+ \pgfpathcircle{\pgfpoint{2cm}{5pt}} {2pt}
+ \pgfpathcircle{\pgfpoint{0pt}{.5in}}{2pt}
+ \pgfusepath{fill}
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfpoint"
+ },
+ pgfpointadd = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "$v_1$"}, {meta = "$v_2$"}},
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfpointadd"
+ },
+ pgfpointanchor = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "node"}, {meta = "anchor"}},
+ details = [[
+This command is another "point command" like the commands described in
+Section ??. It returns the coordinate of the given ⟨anchor⟩ in the given
+⟨node⟩. The command can be used in commands like `\pgfpathmoveto`.
+ \begin{pgfpicture}
+ \pgftransformrotate{30}
+ \pgfnode{rectangle}{center}{Hello World!}{x}{\pgfusepath{stroke}}
+ \pgfpathcircle{\pgfpointanchor{x}{north}}{2pt}
+ \pgfpathcircle{\pgfpointanchor{x}{south}}{2pt}
+ \pgfpathcircle{\pgfpointanchor{x}{east}}{2pt}
+ \pgfpathcircle{\pgfpointanchor{x}{west}}{2pt}
+ \pgfpathcircle{\pgfpointanchor{x}{north east}}{2pt}
+ \pgfusepath{fill}
+ \end{pgfpicture}
+In the above example, you may have noticed something curious: The
+rotation transformation is still in force when the anchors are invoked,
+but it does not seem to have an effect. You might expect that the
+rotation should apply to the already rotated points once more.
+However, `\pgfpointanchor` returns a point that takes the current
+transformation matrix into account: *The inverse transformation to the
+current coordinate transformation is applied to an anchor point before
+returning it.*
+This behavior may seem a bit strange, but you will find it very natural
+in most cases. If you really want to apply a transformation to an anchor
+point (for example, to "shift it away" a little bit), you have to invoke
+`\pgfpointanchor` without any transformations in force. Here is an
+ \begin{pgfpicture}
+ \pgftransformrotate{30}
+ \pgfnode{rectangle}{center}{Hello World!}{x}{\pgfusepath{stroke}}
+ {
+ \pgftransformreset
+ \pgfpointanchor{x}{east}
+ \xdef\mycoordinate{\noexpand\pgfpoint{\the\pgf@x}{\the\pgf@y}}
+ }
+ \pgfpathcircle{\mycoordinate}{2pt}
+ \pgfusepath{fill}
+ \end{pgfpicture}
+A special situation arises when the ⟨node⟩ lies in a picture different
+from the current picture. In this case, if you have not told PGF that
+the picture should be "remembered", the ⟨node⟩ will be treated as if it
+lay in the current picture. For example, if the ⟨node⟩ was at position
+$(3,2)$ in the original picture, it is treated as if it lay at position
+$(3,2)$ in the current picture. However, if you have told PGF to
+remember the picture position of the node's picture and also of the
+current picture, then `\pgfpointanchor` will return a coordinate that
+corresponds to the position of the node's anchor on the page,
+transformed into the current coordinate system. For examples and more
+details see Section ??.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfpointanchor"
+ },
+ pgfpointarcaxesattime = {
+ arguments = {
+ {meta = "time $t$"},
+ {meta = "center"},
+ {meta = "0-degree axis"},
+ {meta = "90-degree axis"},
+ {meta = "start angle"},
+ {meta = "end angle"}
+ },
+ details = [[
+Yields a point on the arc between ⟨start angle⟩ and ⟨end angle⟩ on an
+ellipse whose center is at ⟨center⟩ and whose two principal axes are
+⟨0-degree axis⟩ and ⟨90-degree axis⟩. For $t=0$ the point at the ⟨start
+angle⟩ is returned and for $t=1$ the point at the ⟨end angle⟩.
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \draw[help lines] (0,0) grid (3,2);
+ \pgfpathmoveto{\pgfpoint{2cm}{1cm}}
+ \pgfpatharcaxes{0}{60}{\pgfpoint{2cm}{0cm}}{\pgfpoint{0cm}{1cm}}
+ \pgfusepath{stroke}
+ \foreach \t in {0,0.25,0.5,0.75,1}
+ {\pgftext[at=\pgfpointarcaxesattime{\t}{\pgfpoint{0cm}{1cm}}
+ {\pgfpoint{2cm}{0cm}}{\pgfpoint{0cm}{1cm}}{0}{60}]{\t}}
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfpointarcaxesattime"
+ },
+ pgfpointborderellipse = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "direction point"}, {meta = "corner"}},
+ details = [[
+This command works like the corresponding command for rectangles, only
+this time the ⟨corner⟩ is the corner of the bounding rectangle of an
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \draw[help lines] (0,0) grid (2,1.5);
+ \pgfpathellipse{\pgfpointorigin}{\pgfpoint{1cm}{0cm}}{\pgfpoint{0cm}{1.25cm}}
+ \pgfusepath{stroke}
+ \pgfpathcircle{\pgfpoint{5pt}{5pt}}{2pt}
+ \pgfpathcircle{\pgfpoint{-10pt}{5pt}}{2pt}
+ \pgfusepath{fill}
+ \color{red}
+ \pgfpathcircle{\pgfpointborderellipse
+ {\pgfpoint{5pt}{5pt}}{\pgfpoint{1cm}{1.25cm}}}{2pt}
+ \pgfpathcircle{\pgfpointborderellipse
+ {\pgfpoint{-10pt}{5pt}}{\pgfpoint{1cm}{1.25cm}}}{2pt}
+ \pgfusepath{fill}
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfpointborderellipse"
+ },
+ pgfpointborderrectangle = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "direction point"}, {meta = "corner"}},
+ details = [[
+This command returns a point that lies on the intersection of a line
+starting at the origin and going towards the point ⟨direction point⟩ and
+a rectangle whose center is in the origin and whose upper right corner
+is at ⟨corner⟩.
+The ⟨direction point⟩ should have length "about 1pt", but it will be
+normalized automatically. Nevertheless, the "nearer" the length is to
+1pt, the less rounding errors.
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \draw[help lines] (0,0) grid (2,1.5);
+ \pgfpathrectanglecorners{\pgfpoint{-1cm}{-1.25cm}}{\pgfpoint{1cm}{1.25cm}}
+ \pgfusepath{stroke}
+ \pgfpathcircle{\pgfpoint{5pt}{5pt}}{2pt}
+ \pgfpathcircle{\pgfpoint{-10pt}{5pt}}{2pt}
+ \pgfusepath{fill}
+ \color{red}
+ \pgfpathcircle{\pgfpointborderrectangle
+ {\pgfpoint{5pt}{5pt}}{\pgfpoint{1cm}{1.25cm}}}{2pt}
+ \pgfpathcircle{\pgfpointborderrectangle
+ {\pgfpoint{-10pt}{5pt}}{\pgfpoint{1cm}{1.25cm}}}{2pt}
+ \pgfusepath{fill}
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfpointborderrectangle"
+ },
+ pgfpointcurveattime = {
+ arguments = {
+ {meta = "time $t$"},
+ {meta = "point $p$"},
+ {meta = "point $s_1$"},
+ {meta = "point $s_2$"},
+ {meta = "point $q$"}
+ },
+ details = [[
+Yields a point that is on the Bézier curve from $p$ to $q$ with the
+support points $s_1$ and $s_2$. The time $t$ is used to determine the
+location, where $t=0$ yields $p$ and $t=1$ yields $q$.
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \draw[help lines] (0,0) grid (3,2);
+ \pgfpathmoveto{\pgfpointorigin}
+ \pgfpathcurveto
+ {\pgfpoint{0cm}{2cm}}{\pgfpoint{0cm}{2cm}}{\pgfpoint{3cm}{2cm}}
+ \pgfusepath{stroke}
+ \foreach \t in {0,0.25,0.5,0.75,1}
+ {\pgftext[at=\pgfpointcurveattime{\t}{\pgfpointorigin}
+ {\pgfpoint{0cm}{2cm}}
+ {\pgfpoint{0cm}{2cm}}
+ {\pgfpoint{3cm}{2cm}}]{\t}}
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfpointcurveattime"
+ },
+ pgfpointcurvilinearbezierorthogonal = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "distance"}, {meta = "offset"}},
+ details = [[
+This command computes the following point: Consider the curve last
+installed using the command `\pgfsetcurvilinearbeziercurve`. We travel
+along this curve by ⟨distance⟩, arriving at a point $p$. Then, we turn
+by $90^\circ$ and travel by ⟨offset⟩ units "always from the curve",
+arriving at a point $q$. This point $q$ will now be returned in `\pgf@x`
+and `\pgf@y`; furthermore, the transformed local coordinate system at
+point $q$ will also be returned `\pgf@xa` and the other registers, see
+`\pgftransformnonlinear` for details.
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \draw [help lines] (0,0) grid (3,2);
+ {
+ \pgfsetcurvilinearbeziercurve
+ {\pgfpoint{0mm}{20mm}}
+ {\pgfpoint{11mm}{20mm}}
+ {\pgfpoint{20mm}{11mm}}
+ {\pgfpoint{20mm}{0mm}}
+ \pgftransformnonlinear{\pgfpointcurvilinearbezierorthogonal\pgf@x\pgf@y}%
+ \draw (0,-30pt) grid [step=10pt] (80pt,30pt);
+ }
+ \draw[red, very thick]
+ (0mm,20mm) .. controls (11mm,20mm) and (20mm,11mm) .. (20mm,0mm);
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \draw [help lines] (0,0) grid (3,2);
+ {
+ \pgfsetcurvilinearbeziercurve
+ {\pgfpoint{0mm}{20mm}}
+ {\pgfpoint{10mm}{20mm}}
+ {\pgfpoint{10mm}{10mm}}
+ {\pgfpoint{20mm}{10mm}}
+ \pgftransformnonlinear{\pgfpointcurvilinearbezierorthogonal\pgf@x\pgf@y}%
+ \draw (0,-30pt) grid [step=10pt] (80pt,30pt);
+ }
+ \draw[red, very thick]
+ (0mm,20mm) .. controls (10mm,20mm) and (10mm,10mm) .. (20mm,10mm);
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfpointcurvilinearbezierorthogonal"
+ },
+ pgfpointcurvilinearbezierpolar = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "x"}, {meta = "y"}},
+ details = [[
+This command is similar to the previous version, but the transformation
+is different: The idea is that a line form $(0,0)$ to $(x,0)$ gets
+transformed to the curve from the start of the curve to a point at
+distance $x$ along the curve. This is identical to what the "orthogonal"
+transformation above also does. The difference is that a line from
+$(0,0)$ to $(0,y)$ gets still transformed to an initial segment of the
+curve of a length of $y$, but now rotated by $90^\circ$. In general, the
+point $p = (x,y)$ gets transferred to a point that at distance
+$\texttt{p} = \sqrt{x^2+y^2}$ along the curve, but rotated by the angle
+of $p$ relative to the $x$-axis.
+All of these computations mainly have the following effect: Two straight
+lines from the start of the curve as in a `Straight Barb` arrow tip get
+transformed to an initial segment of the curve whose length is the
+length of the two lines, but this segment gets rotated by the angle of
+the two lines.
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \draw [help lines] (0,0) grid (3,2);
+ {
+ \pgfsetcurvilinearbeziercurve
+ {\pgfpoint{0mm}{20mm}}
+ {\pgfpoint{11mm}{20mm}}
+ {\pgfpoint{20mm}{11mm}}
+ {\pgfpoint{20mm}{0mm}}
+ \pgftransformnonlinear{\pgfpointcurvilinearbezierpolar\pgf@x\pgf@y}%
+ \draw (0,-30pt) grid [step=10pt] (80pt,30pt);
+ % Add a "barb":
+ \draw [blue, very thick] (20pt,10pt) -- (0,0) -- (20pt,-10pt);
+ }
+ \draw[red, very thick]
+ (0mm,20mm) .. controls (11mm,20mm) and (20mm,11mm) .. (20mm,0mm);
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \draw [help lines] (0,0) grid (3,2);
+ {
+ \pgfsetcurvilinearbeziercurve
+ {\pgfpoint{0mm}{20mm}}
+ {\pgfpoint{10mm}{20mm}}
+ {\pgfpoint{10mm}{10mm}}
+ {\pgfpoint{20mm}{10mm}}
+ \pgftransformnonlinear{\pgfpointcurvilinearbezierpolar\pgf@x\pgf@y}%
+ \draw (0,-30pt) grid [step=10pt] (80pt,30pt);
+ % Add a "barb":
+ \draw [blue, very thick] (20pt,10pt) -- (0,0) -- (20pt,-10pt);
+ }
+ \draw[red, very thick]
+ (0mm,20mm) .. controls (10mm,20mm) and (10mm,10mm) .. (20mm,10mm);
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfpointcurvilinearbezierpolar"
+ },
+ pgfpointcylindrical = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "degree"}, {meta = "radius"}, {meta = "height"}},
+ details = [[
+This command yields the same as
+ \pgfpointadd{\pgfpointpolarxy{degree}{radius}}{\pgfpointxyz{0}{0}{height}}
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \draw [->] (0,0) -- (1,0,0) node [right] {$x$};
+ \draw [->] (0,0) -- (0,1,0) node [above] {$y$};
+ \draw [->] (0,0) -- (0,0,1) node [below left] {$z$};
+ \pgfpathcircle{\pgfpointcylindrical{80}{1}{.5}}{2pt}
+ \pgfusepath{fill}
+ \draw[red] (0,0) -- (0,0,.5) -- +(80:1);
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfpointcylindrical"
+ },
+ pgfpointdecoratedinputsegmentlast = {
+ details = [[
+The final point of the current input segment of the input path.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfpointdecoratedinputsegmentlast"
+ },
+ pgfpointdecoratedpathfirst = {
+ details = [[
+Returns the point corresponding to the start of the current input path.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfpointdecoratedpathfirst"
+ },
+ pgfpointdecoratedpathlast = {
+ details = [[
+The final point of the input path.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfpointdecoratedpathlast"
+ },
+ pgfpointdecorationpathlast = {
+ details = [[
+The final point of the output path.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfpointdecorationpathlast"
+ },
+ pgfpointdiff = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "start"}, {meta = "end"}},
+ details = [[
+Returns the difference vector $⟨end⟩ - ⟨start⟩$.
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \draw[help lines] (0,0) grid (3,2);
+ \pgfpathcircle{\pgfpointdiff{\pgfpoint{1cm}{0cm}}{\pgfpoint{1cm}{1cm}}}{2pt}
+ \pgfusepath{fill}
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfpointdiff"
+ },
+ pgfpointintersectionofcircles = {
+ arguments = {
+ {meta = "$p_1$"},
+ {meta = "$p_2$"},
+ {meta = "$r_1$"},
+ {meta = "$r_2$"},
+ {meta = "solution"}
+ },
+ details = [[
+This command returns the intersection of the two circles centered at
+$p_1$ and $p_2$ with radii $r_1$ and $r_2$. If ⟨solution⟩ is `1`, the
+first intersection is returned, otherwise the second one is returned.
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \draw[help lines] (0,0) grid (2,2);
+ \draw (0.5,0) circle (1);
+ \draw (1.5,1) circle (.8);
+ \pgfpathcircle{%
+ \pgfpointintersectionofcircles
+ {\pgfpointxy{.5}{0}}{\pgfpointxy{1.5}{1}}
+ {1cm}{0.8cm}{1}}
+ {2pt}
+ \pgfusepath{stroke}
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfpointintersectionofcircles"
+ },
+ pgfpointintersectionoflines = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "$p$"}, {meta = "$q$"}, {meta = "$s$"}, {meta = "$t$"}},
+ details = [[
+This command returns the intersection of a line going through $p$ and
+$q$ and a line going through $s$ and $t$. If the lines do not
+intersection, an arithmetic overflow will occur.
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \draw[help lines] (0,0) grid (2,2);
+ \draw (.5,0) -- (2,2);
+ \draw (1,2) -- (2,0);
+ \pgfpathcircle{%
+ \pgfpointintersectionoflines
+ {\pgfpointxy{.5}{0}}{\pgfpointxy{2}{2}}
+ {\pgfpointxy{1}{2}}{\pgfpointxy{2}{0}}}
+ {2pt}
+ \pgfusepath{stroke}
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfpointintersectionoflines"
+ },
+ pgfpointintersectionsolution = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "number"}},
+ details = [[
+After using the `\pgfintersectionofpaths` command, this command will
+return the point for solution ⟨number⟩ or the origin if this solution
+was not found. By default, the intersections are simply returned in the
+order that the intersection algorithm finds them. Unfortunately, this is
+not necessarily a "helpful" ordering. However the following two commands
+can be used to order the solutions more helpfully.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfpointintersectionsolution"
+ },
+ pgfpointlineatdistance = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "distance"}, {meta = "start point"}, {meta = "end point"}},
+ details = [[
+Yields a point that is located ⟨distance⟩ many units away from the start
+point in the direction of the end point. In other words, this is the
+point that results if we travel ⟨distance⟩ steps from ⟨start point⟩
+towards ⟨end point⟩.
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \draw[help lines] (0,0) grid (3,2);
+ \pgfpathmoveto{\pgfpointorigin}
+ \pgfpathlineto{\pgfpoint{3cm}{2cm}}
+ \pgfusepath{stroke}
+ \foreach \d in {0pt,20pt,40pt,70pt}
+ {\pgftext[at=
+ \pgfpointlineatdistance{\d}{\pgfpointorigin}{\pgfpoint{3cm}{2cm}}]{\d}}
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfpointlineatdistance"
+ },
+ pgfpointlineattime = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "time $t$"}, {meta = "point $p$"}, {meta = "point $q$"}},
+ details = [[
+Yields a point that is the $t$th fraction between $p$ and $q$, that is,
+ + t(q-p)$. For $t=1/2$ this is the middle of $p$ and $q$.
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \draw[help lines] (0,0) grid (3,2);
+ \pgfpathmoveto{\pgfpointorigin}
+ \pgfpathlineto{\pgfpoint{2cm}{2cm}}
+ \pgfusepath{stroke}
+ \foreach \t in {0,0.25,...,1.25}
+ {\pgftext[at=
+ \pgfpointlineattime{\t}{\pgfpointorigin}{\pgfpoint{2cm}{2cm}}]{\t}}
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfpointlineattime"
+ },
+ pgfpointmetadecoratedpathfirst = {
+ details = [[
+When the ⟨before code⟩ is executed, this macro stores the first point on
+the current sub-input-path.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfpointmetadecoratedpathfirst"
+ },
+ pgfpointmetadecoratedpathlast = {
+ details = [[
+When the ⟨after code⟩ is executed, this macro stores the last point on
+the current sub-input-path.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfpointmetadecoratedpathlast"
+ },
+ pgfpointnormalised = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "point"}},
+ details = [[
+This command returns a normalised version of ⟨point⟩, that is, a vector
+of length 1pt pointing in the direction of ⟨point⟩. If ⟨point⟩ is the
+$0$-vector or extremely short, a vector of length 1pt pointing upwards
+is returned.
+This command is *not* implemented by calculating the length of the
+vector, but rather by calculating the angle of the vector and then using
+(something equivalent to) the `\pgfpointpolar` command. This ensures
+that the point will really have length 1pt, but it is not guaranteed
+that the vector will *precisely* point in the direction of ⟨point⟩ due
+to the fact that the polar tables are accurate only up to one degree.
+Normally, this is not a problem.
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \draw[help lines] (0,0) grid (3,2);
+ \pgfpathcircle{\pgfpoint{2cm}{1cm}}{2pt}
+ \pgfpathcircle{\pgfpointscale{20}
+ {\pgfpointnormalised{\pgfpoint{2cm}{1cm}}}}{2pt}
+ \pgfusepath{fill}
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfpointnormalised"
+ },
+ pgfpointorigin = {
+ details = [[
+Yields the origin. Same as `\pgfpoint{0pt}{0pt}`.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfpointorigin"
+ },
+ pgfpointpolar = {
+ arguments = {
+ {meta = "degree"},
+ {literal = "{"},
+ {meta = "radius"},
+ {literal = "/"},
+ {meta = "y-radius"},
+ {literal = "}"}
+ },
+ details = [[
+Yields a point location given in polar coordinates. You can specify the
+angle only in degrees, radians are not supported, currently.
+If the optional ⟨y-radius⟩ is given, the polar coordinate is actually a
+coordinate on an ellipse whose $x$-radius is given by ⟨radius⟩ and whose
+$y$-radius is given by ⟨y-radius⟩.
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \draw[help lines] (0,0) grid (3,2);
+ \foreach \angle in {0,10,...,90}
+ {\pgfpathcircle{\pgfpointpolar{\angle}{1cm}}{2pt}}
+ \pgfusepath{fill}
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \draw[help lines] (0,0) grid (3,2);
+ \foreach \angle in {0,10,...,90}
+ {\pgfpathcircle{\pgfpointpolar{\angle}{1cm and 2cm}}{2pt}}
+ \pgfusepath{fill}
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfpointpolar"
+ },
+ pgfpointpolarxy = {
+ arguments = {
+ {meta = "degree"},
+ {literal = "{"},
+ {meta = "radius"},
+ {literal = "/"},
+ {meta = "y-radius"},
+ {literal = "}"}
+ },
+ details = [[
+This command is similar to the `\pgfpointpolar` command, but the
+⟨radius⟩ is now a factor to be interpreted in the $xy$-coordinate
+system. This means that a degree of `0` is the same as the $x$-vector of
+the $xy$-coordinate system times ⟨radius⟩ and a degree of `90` is the
+$y$-vector times ⟨radius⟩. As for `\pgfpointpolar`, a ⟨radius⟩ can also
+be a pair separated by a slash. In this case, the $x$- and $y$-vectors
+are multiplied by different factors.
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \draw[help lines] (0,0) grid (3,2);
+ \begin{scope}[x={(1cm,-5mm)},y=1.5cm]
+ \foreach \angle in {0,10,...,90}
+ {\pgfpathcircle{\pgfpointpolarxy{\angle}{1}}{2pt}}
+ \pgfusepath{fill}
+ \end{scope}
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfpointpolarxy"
+ },
+ pgfpointscale = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "factor"}, {meta = "coordinate"}},
+ details = [[
+Returns the vector $⟨factor⟩⟨coordinate⟩$.
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \draw[help lines] (0,0) grid (3,2);
+ \pgfpathcircle{\pgfpointscale{1.5}{\pgfpoint{1cm}{0cm}}}{2pt}
+ \pgfusepath{fill}
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfpointscale"
+ },
+ pgfpointshapeborder = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "node"}, {meta = "point"}},
+ details = [[
+This command returns the point on the border of the shape that lies on a
+straight line from the center of the node to ⟨point⟩. For complex shapes
+it is not guaranteed that this point will actually lie on the border, it
+may be on the border of a "simplified" version of the shape.
+ \begin{pgfpicture}
+ \begin{pgfscope}
+ \pgftransformrotate{30}
+ \pgfnode{rectangle}{center}{Hello World!}{x}{\pgfusepath{stroke}}
+ \end{pgfscope}
+ \pgfpathcircle{\pgfpointshapeborder{x}{\pgfpoint{2cm}{1cm}}}{2pt}
+ \pgfpathcircle{\pgfpoint{2cm}{1cm}}{2pt}
+ \pgfpathcircle{\pgfpointshapeborder{x}{\pgfpoint{-1cm}{1cm}}}{2pt}
+ \pgfpathcircle{\pgfpoint{-1cm}{1cm}}{2pt}
+ \pgfusepath{fill}
+ \end{pgfpicture}
+*Remark:* If the given ⟨point⟩ is almost identical to the center of
+⟨node⟩, the node center is returned and a warning message will be
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfpointshapeborder"
+ },
+ pgfpointspherical = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "longitude"}, {meta = "latitude"}, {meta = "radius"}},
+ details = [[
+This command yields a point "on the surface of the earth" specified by
+the ⟨longitude⟩ and the ⟨latitude⟩. The radius of the earth is given by
+⟨radius⟩. The equator lies in the $xy$-plane.
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \pgfsetfillcolor{lightgray}
+ \foreach \latitude in {-90,-75,...,30}
+ {
+ \foreach \longitude in {0,20,...,360}
+ {
+ \pgfpathmoveto{\pgfpointspherical{\longitude}{\latitude}{1}}
+ \pgfpathlineto{\pgfpointspherical{\longitude+20}{\latitude}{1}}
+ \pgfpathlineto{\pgfpointspherical{\longitude+20}{\latitude+15}{1}}
+ \pgfpathlineto{\pgfpointspherical{\longitude}{\latitude+15}{1}}
+ \pgfpathclose
+ }
+ \pgfusepath{fill,stroke}
+ }
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfpointspherical"
+ },
+ pgfpointtransformed = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "point"}},
+ details = [[
+Applies current transformation matrix to `{point}` $(x,y)$ and returns a
+transformed point $(ax+cy+s,bx+dy+t)$. Normally, this is done
+automatically by commands like `\pgfpathlineto` or `\pgfpathmoveto`, but
+sometimes you may wish to access a transformed point yourself.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfpointtransformed"
+ },
+ pgfpointtransformednonlinear = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "point"}},
+ details = [[
+Works like `\pgfpointtransformed`, but also applies the current
+nonlinear transformation; that is, it first applies the current linear
+transformation and then the current nonlinear transformations. Note
+that, just like `\pgfpointtransformed`, you normally do not call this
+function directly since it is called internally by the path drawing
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfpointtransformednonlinear"
+ },
+ pgfpointxy = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "$s_x$"}, {meta = "$s_y$"}},
+ details = [[
+Yields a point that is situated at $s_x$ times the $x$-vector plus $s_y$
+times the $y$-vector.
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \draw[help lines] (0,0) grid (3,2);
+ \pgfpathmoveto{\pgfpointxy{1}{0}}
+ \pgfpathlineto{\pgfpointxy{2}{2}}
+ \pgfusepath{stroke}
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfpointxy"
+ },
+ pgfpointxyz = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "$s_x$"}, {meta = "$s_y$"}, {meta = "$s_z$"}},
+ details = [[
+Yields a point that is situated at $s_x$ times the $x$-vector plus $s_y$
+times the $y$-vector plus $s_z$ times the $z$-vector.
+ \begin{pgfpicture}
+ \pgfsetarrowsend{to}
+ \pgfpathmoveto{\pgfpointorigin}
+ \pgfpathlineto{\pgfpointxyz{0}{0}{1}}
+ \pgfusepath{stroke}
+ \pgfpathmoveto{\pgfpointorigin}
+ \pgfpathlineto{\pgfpointxyz{0}{1}{0}}
+ \pgfusepath{stroke}
+ \pgfpathmoveto{\pgfpointorigin}
+ \pgfpathlineto{\pgfpointxyz{1}{0}{0}}
+ \pgfusepath{stroke}
+ \end{pgfpicture}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfpointxyz"
+ },
+ pgfpoptype = {
+ details = [[
+Restores the most recent type from the internal global stack of types.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfpoptype"
+ },
+ pgfpositionnodelater = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "macro name"}},
+ details = [[
+This command is not a replacement for `\pgfnode`. Rather, when this
+command is used in a scope, all subsequent node creations in this scope
+will be affected in the following way: When a node is created, it is not
+inserted into the current picture. Instead, it is stored in the box
+`\pgfpositionnodelaterbox`. Furthermore, the node is not relevant for
+the picture's bounding box, but a bounding box for the node is computed
+and stored in the macros `\pgfpositionnodelaterminx` to
+`\pgfpositionnodelatermaxy`. Then, the ⟨macro name⟩ is called with the
+following macros set up:
+Once a late node has been created, you can add arbitrary code in the
+same picture. Then, at some later point, you call `\pgfpositionnodenow`
+to finally position the node at a given position. At this point, the
+above macros must have the exact same values they had when ⟨macro name⟩
+was called. Note that the above macros are local to a scope that ends
+right after the call to ⟨macro name⟩, so it is your job to copy the
+values to safety inside ⟨macro name⟩.
+The following two macros will also be set inside the call to ⟨macro
+name⟩, but they are only "informative" in the sense that you need *not*
+restore these macros when `\pgfpositionnodenow` is called.
+By setting ⟨macro name⟩ to `\relax` (which is the default), you can
+switch off the whole mechanism. When a picture is interrupted, this is
+done automatically.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfpositionnodelater"
+ },
+ pgfpositionnodelaterbox = {
+ details = [[
+A box register number (`0` currently) that stores the node's paths and
+texts. You should move the contents of this box to a box of your choice
+inside ⟨macro name⟩.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfpositionnodelaterbox"
+ },
+ pgfpositionnodelatermaxx = {
+ details = [[
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfpositionnodelatermaxx"
+ },
+ pgfpositionnodelatermaxy = {
+ details = [[
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfpositionnodelatermaxy"
+ },
+ pgfpositionnodelaterminx = {
+ details = [[
+The minimal $x$-position of a bounding box of the node. This bounding
+box refers to the node when it is positioned with the anchor at the
+origin. It is guaranteed, that this macro will contain a dimension in
+the format ⟨number⟩`pt`.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfpositionnodelaterminx"
+ },
+ pgfpositionnodelaterminy = {
+ details = [[
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfpositionnodelaterminy"
+ },
+ pgfpositionnodelatername = {
+ details = [[
+The name of the just-created-node. This name will be the originally
+"desired" name of the box plus the fixed prefix
+`not yet positionedPGFINTERNAL`. The idea is to ensure that the original
+name is not inadvertently used before the node is actually positioned.
+When `\pgfpositionnodenow` is called, it will change the name to the
+original name.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfpositionnodelatername"
+ },
+ pgfpositionnodelaterpath = {
+ details = [[
+This macro stores the path of the background of the node. See Section ??
+for an overview of how these paths are encode.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfpositionnodelaterpath"
+ },
+ pgfpositionnodenow = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "coordinate"}},
+ details = [[
+This command is used to position a node that has previously been created
+using the command `\pgfpositionnodelater`. When `\pgfpositionnodenow` is
+called, the macros and boxes mentioned in the description of
+`\pgfpositionnodenow` must be set to the value they had when the ⟨macro
+name⟩ was called. Provided this is the case, this command will insert
+the box into the current picture, shifted by ⟨coordinate⟩. Then, the
+late code (see below) is called. Subsequently, you can refer to the node
+with its original name as if it had just been created.
+ \newbox\mybox
+ \def\mysaver{
+ \global\setbox\mybox=\box\pgfpositionnodelaterbox
+ \global\let\myname=\pgfpositionnodelatername
+ \global\let\myminx=\pgfpositionnodelaterminx
+ \global\let\myminy=\pgfpositionnodelaterminy
+ \global\let\mymaxx=\pgfpositionnodelatermaxx
+ \global\let\mymaxy=\pgfpositionnodelatermaxy
+ }
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ {
+ \pgfpositionnodelater{\mysaver}
+ \node [fill=blue!20,below,rotate=30] (hi) {Hello world};
+ }
+ \draw [help lines] (0,0) grid (3,2);
+ \let\pgfpositionnodelatername=\myname
+ \let\pgfpositionnodelaterminx=\myminx
+ \let\pgfpositionnodelaterminy=\myminy
+ \let\pgfpositionnodelatermaxx=\mymaxx
+ \let\pgfpositionnodelatermaxy=\mymaxy
+ \setbox\pgfpositionnodelaterbox=\box\mybox
+ \pgfpositionnodenow{\pgfqpoint{2cm}{2cm}}
+ \draw (hi) -- (0,0);
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfpositionnodenow"
+ },
+ pgfprofileend = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "profiler entry name"}},
+ details = [[
+Stops (or interrupts) timing of ⟨profiler entry name⟩.
+This command finishes a preceding call to `\pgfprofilestart`.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfprofileend"
+ },
+ pgfprofileifisrunning = {
+ arguments = {
+ {meta = "profiler entry name"},
+ {meta = "true code"},
+ {meta = "false code"}
+ },
+ details = [[
+Invokes `{true code}` if `{profiler entry name}` is currently running
+and `{false code}` otherwise.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfprofileifisrunning"
+ },
+ pgfprofilenew = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "name"}},
+ details = [[
+Defines a new profiler entry named ⟨name⟩.
+This updates a set of internal registers used to track the profiler
+entry. The ⟨name⟩ can be arbitrary, it doesn't need to be related to any
+TeX macro.
+The actual job of counting seconds is accomplished using
+`\pgfprofilestart``{name}` followed eventually by the command
+It doesn't hurt if `\pgfprofilenew` is called multiple times with the
+same name.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfprofilenew"
+ },
+ pgfprofilenewforcommand = {
+ arguments = {
+ {
+ delimiters = {"[", "]"},
+ meta = "profiler entry name",
+ optional = true
+ },
+ {meta = "\\textbackslash macro"},
+ {meta = "arguments"}
+ },
+ details = [[
+Defines a new profiler entry which will measure the time spent in
+⟨\\macro⟩. This calls `\pgfprofilenew` and replaces the current
+definition of ⟨\\macro⟩ with a new one.
+If `[profiler entry name]` has been provided, this defines the argument
+for `\pgfprofilenew`. It is allowed to use the same name for multiple
+commands; in this case, they are treated as if it where the same
+command. If the optional argument is not used, the profiler entry will
+be called '`\pgfprofilecs`⟨macro⟩' (⟨macro⟩ without backslash) where
+`\pgfprofilecs` is predefined to be `<CS>`.
+The replacement macro will collect all required arguments, start
+counting, invoke the original macro definition and stop counting.
+The following macro types are supported within
+- commands which take one (optional) argument in square brackets
+ followed by one optional argument which has to be delimited by curly
+ braces (use an empty argument for ⟨arguments⟩ in this case),
+- commands which take one (optional) argument in square brackets and
+ *exactly* ⟨arguments⟩ arguments afterwards.
+Take a look at `\pgfprofilenewforcommandpattern` in case you have more
+complicated commands.
+Note that the library can't detect if a command has been redefined
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfprofilenewforcommand"
+ },
+ pgfprofilenewforcommandpattern = {
+ arguments = {
+ {
+ delimiters = {"[", "]"},
+ meta = "profiler entry name",
+ optional = true
+ },
+ {meta = "\\textbackslash macro"},
+ {meta = "argument pattern"},
+ {meta = "invocation pattern"}
+ },
+ details = [[
+A variant of `\pgfprofilenewforcommand` which can be used with arbitrary
+⟨argument patterns⟩. Example:
+ \def\mymacro#1\to#2\in#3{ ... }
+ \pgfprofilenewforcommandpattern{\mymacro}{#1\to#2\in#3}{{#1}\to{#2}\in{#3}}
+Note that `\pgfprofilenewforcommand` is a special case of
+ \def\mymacro#1#2{ ... }
+ \pgfprofilenewforcommand\macro{2}
+ \pgfprofilenewforcommandpattern{\mymacro}{#1#2}{{#1}{#2}}
+Thus, ⟨argument pattern⟩ is a copy-paste from the definition of your
+command. The ⟨invocation pattern⟩ is used by the `profiler` library to
+invoke the *original* command, so it is closely related to ⟨argument
+pattern⟩, but it needs extra curly braces around each argument.
+The behavior of `\pgfprofilenewforcommandpattern` is the same as
+discussed above: it defines a new profiler entry which will measure the
+time spent in ⟨\\macro⟩. The details about this definition has already
+been described. Note that up to one optional argument in square brackets
+is also checked automatically.
+If you like to profile a command which doesn't match here for whatever
+reasons, you'll have to redefine it manually and insert
+`\pgfprofilestart` and `\pgfprofileend` in appropriate places.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfprofilenewforcommandpattern"
+ },
+ pgfprofilenewforenvironment = {
+ arguments = {
+ {
+ delimiters = {"[", "]"},
+ meta = "profiler entry name",
+ optional = true
+ },
+ {meta = "environment name"}
+ },
+ details = [[
+Defines a new profiler entry which measures time spent in the
+environment ⟨environment name⟩.
+This calls `\pgfprofilenew` and handles the begin/end of the environment
+The argument for `\pgfprofilenew` is ⟨profiler entry name⟩, or, if this
+optional argument is not used, it is '`\pgfprofileenv`⟨environment
+name⟩' where `\pgfprofileenv` is predefined as `<ENV>`. Again, it is
+permitted to use the same ⟨profiler entry name⟩ multiple times to merge
+different commands into one output section.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfprofilenewforenvironment"
+ },
+ pgfprofilepostprocess = {
+ details = [[
+For LaTeX, this command is installed automatically in `\end{document}`.
+It stops all running timings, evaluates them and returns the result into
+the logfile. Furthermore, it generates a text table called
+`\jobname.profiler.`⟨YYYY⟩`-`⟨MM⟩`-`⟨DD⟩`_ `⟨HH⟩`h_ `⟨MM⟩`m.dat` with
+the same information.
+Note that the `profiler` library predefines two profiler entries, namely
+`main job` which counts time from the beginning of the document until
+`\pgfprofilepostprocess` and `preamble` which counts time from the
+beginning of the document until `\begin{document}`.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfprofilepostprocess"
+ },
+ pgfprofilesetrel = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "profiler entry name"}},
+ details = [[
+Sets the profiler entry whose total time will be used to compute all
+other relative times. Thus, ⟨profiler entry name⟩ will use $100\%$ of
+the total time per definition, all other relative times are relative to
+this one.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfprofilesetrel"
+ },
+ pgfprofileshowinvocationsexpandedfor = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "profiler entry name"}},
+ details = [[
+A variant of `\pgfprofileshowinvocationsfor` which will expand all
+arguments for ⟨profiler entry name⟩ before showing them. The invocation
+as such is not affected by this expansion.
+This expansion (with `\edef`) might yield unrecoverable errors for some
+commands. Handle with care.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfprofileshowinvocationsexpandedfor"
+ },
+ pgfprofileshowinvocationsfor = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "profiler entry name"}},
+ details = [[
+Enables verbose output for *every* invocation of ⟨profiler entry name⟩.
+This is only available for profiler entries for commands (those created
+by `\pgfprofilenewforcommand` for example). It will also show all given
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfprofileshowinvocationsfor"
+ },
+ pgfprofilestart = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "profiler entry name"}},
+ details = [[
+Starts (or resumes) timing of ⟨profiler entry name⟩. The argument must
+have been declared in the preamble using `\pgfprofilenew`.
+Nested calls of `\pgfprofilestart` with the same argument will be
+The invocation of this command doesn't change the environment: it
+doesn't introduce any TeX groups nor does it modify the token list.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfprofilestart"
+ },
+ pgfpushtype = {
+ details = [[
+Pushes the current type on an internal global stack. The idea is to
+allow you to temporarily change the current type without having to open
+a TeX scope.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfpushtype"
+ },
+ pgfqbox = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "box number"}},
+ details = [[
+This command inserts a TeX box into a `{pgfpicture}` by "escaping" to
+TeX, inserting the box number ⟨box number⟩ at the origin, and then
+returning to the typesetting the picture.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfqbox"
+ },
+ pgfqboxsynced = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "box number"}},
+ details = [[
+This command works similarly to the `\pgfqbox` command. However, before
+inserting the text in ⟨box number⟩, the current coordinate
+transformation matrix is applied to the current canvas transformation
+matrix (is it "synced" with this matrix, hence the name).
+Thus, this command basically has the same effect as if you first called
+`\pgflowlevelsynccm` followed by `\pgfqbox`. However, this command will
+use `\hskip` and `\raise` commands for the "translational part" of the
+coordinate transformation matrix, instead of adding the translational
+part to the current canvas transformation matrix directly. Both methods
+have the same effect (box ⟨box number⟩ is translated to where it should
+be), but the method used by `\pgfqboxsynced` ensures that hyperlinks are
+placed correctly. Note that scaling and rotation will not (cannot, even)
+apply to hyperlinks.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfqboxsynced"
+ },
+ pgfqkeys = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "default path"}, {meta = "key list"}},
+ details = [[
+This command has the same effect as `\pgfkeys{`⟨default path⟩`/.cd,`⟨key
+list⟩`}`, it is only marginally quicker. This command should not be used
+in user code, but rather in commands like `\tikzset` or `\pgfset` that
+get called very often.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfqkeys"
+ },
+ pgfqkeysactivatefamiliesandfilteroptions = {
+ arguments = {
+ {meta = "family list"},
+ {meta = "default path"},
+ {meta = "key--value-list"}
+ },
+ details = [[
+The 'quick' default path variant of
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfqkeysactivatefamiliesandfilteroptions"
+ },
+ pgfqkeysactivatesinglefamilyandfilteroptions = {
+ arguments = {
+ {meta = "family name"},
+ {meta = "default path"},
+ {meta = "key--value-list"}
+ },
+ details = [[
+The 'quick' default path variant of
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfqkeysactivatesinglefamilyandfilteroptions"
+ },
+ pgfqkeysalso = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "default path"}, {meta = "key list"}},
+ details = [[
+This command has the same effect as `\pgfkeysalso{`⟨default
+path⟩`/.cd,`⟨key list⟩`}`, it is only quicker. Changing the default path
+inside a `\pgfkeyalso` is dangerous, so use with care. A rather safe
+place to call this command is at the beginning of a TeX group.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfqkeysalso"
+ },
+ pgfqkeysfiltered = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "default-path"}, {meta = "key--value-list"}},
+ details = [[
+A variant of `\pgfkeysfiltered` which uses the 'quick' search path
+setting. It is the `\pgfqkeys` variant of `\pgfkeysfiltered`, see the
+documentation for `\pgfqkeys` for more details.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfqkeysfiltered"
+ },
+ pgfqpoint = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "x"}, {meta = "y"}},
+ details = [[
+This command does the same as `\pgfpoint`, but ⟨x⟩ and ⟨y⟩ must be
+simple dimensions like `1pt` or `1cm`. Things like `2ex` or `2cm+1pt`
+are not allowed.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfqpoint"
+ },
+ pgfqpointscale = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "factor"}, {meta = "coordinate"}},
+ details = [[
+As `\pgfpointscale`, but `{factor}` must be a simple number without
+unit, as for the other "quick" commands.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfqpointscale"
+ },
+ pgfqpointxy = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "$s_x$"}, {meta = "$s_y$"}},
+ details = [[
+This command does the same as `\pgfpointxy`, but ⟨$s_x$⟩ and ⟨$s_y$⟩
+must be simple numbers without unit, like `1.234` or `5.0`. Mathematical
+expressions or units are not allowed.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfqpointxy"
+ },
+ pgfqpointxyz = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "$s_x$"}, {meta = "$s_y$"}, {meta = "$s_z$"}},
+ details = [[
+As `\pgfqpointxy`, but for three-dimensional coordinates. Any argument
+needs to be a number without unit.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfqpointxyz"
+ },
+ pgfrdfabout = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "text"}},
+ details = [[
+Adds the RDF attribute `about="`⟨text⟩`"` to the next id scope (please
+see the RDFa specification for details on the semantics of `about` in
+the context of the resource description framework).
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfrdfabout"
+ },
+ pgfrdfcontent = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "text"}},
+ details = [[
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfrdfcontent"
+ },
+ pgfrdfdatatype = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "text"}},
+ details = [[
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfrdfdatatype"
+ },
+ pgfrdfhref = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "text"}},
+ details = [[
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfrdfhref"
+ },
+ pgfrdfinlist = {
+ details = [[
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfrdfinlist"
+ },
+ pgfrdfprefix = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "text"}},
+ details = [[
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfrdfprefix"
+ },
+ pgfrdfproperty = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "text"}},
+ details = [[
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfrdfproperty"
+ },
+ pgfrdfrel = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "text"}},
+ details = [[
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfrdfrel"
+ },
+ pgfrdfresource = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "text"}},
+ details = [[
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfrdfresource"
+ },
+ pgfrdfrev = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "text"}},
+ details = [[
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfrdfrev"
+ },
+ pgfrdfsrc = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "text"}},
+ details = [[
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfrdfsrc"
+ },
+ pgfrdftypeof = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "text"}},
+ details = [[
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfrdftypeof"
+ },
+ pgfrdfvocab = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "text"}},
+ details = [[
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfrdfvocab"
+ },
+ pgfrealjobname = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "name"}},
+ details = [[
+Tells PGF the real name of your job. For instance, if you have a file
+called `survey.tex` that contains two graphics that you wish to be
+called `survey-graphic1` and `survey-graphic2`, then you should write
+the following.
+ % This is file survey.tex
+ \documentclass{article}
+ ...
+ \usepackage{tikz}
+ \pgfrealjobname{survey}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfrealjobname"
+ },
+ pgfresetboundingbox = {
+ details = [[
+Resets the picture's bounding box. The picture will simply forget any
+previous bounding box updates and start collecting from scratch.
+You can use this together with `\pgfusepath{use as bounding box}` to
+replace the bounding box by the one of a particular path (ignoring
+subsequent paths).
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfresetboundingbox"
+ },
+ pgfsetadditionalshadetransform = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "transformation"}},
+ details = [[
+This command allows you to specify an additional transformation that
+should be applied to shadings when the `\pgfshadepath` command is used.
+The ⟨transformation⟩ should be transformation code like
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfsetadditionalshadetransform"
+ },
+ pgfsetarrows = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "argument"}},
+ details = [[
+The ⟨argument⟩ can be of the form ⟨start arrow tip specification⟩`-`⟨end
+arrow tip specification⟩. In this case, both the start and the end arrow
+specification are set:
+ \begin{pgfpicture}
+ \pgfsetarrows{Latex[length=10pt]->>}
+ \pgfpathmoveto{\pgfpointorigin}
+ \pgfpathlineto{\pgfpoint{1cm}{0cm}}
+ \pgfusepath{stroke}
+ \end{pgfpicture}
+Alternatively, ⟨argument⟩ can be of the form `[`⟨arrow keys⟩`]`. In this
+case, the ⟨arrow keys⟩ will be set for all arrow tips in the current
+scope, see Section ??.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfsetarrows"
+ },
+ pgfsetarrowsend = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "end arrow tip specification"}},
+ details = [[
+Sets the arrow tip kind used at the end of a path.
+ \begin{pgfpicture}
+ \pgfsetarrowsstart{Latex[length=10pt]}
+ \pgfsetarrowsend{Computer Modern Rightarrow}
+ \pgfpathmoveto{\pgfpointorigin}
+ \pgfpathlineto{\pgfpoint{1cm}{0cm}}
+ \pgfusepath{stroke}
+ \end{pgfpicture}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfsetarrowsend"
+ },
+ pgfsetarrowsstart = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "start arrow tip specification"}},
+ details = [[
+Sets the arrow tip kind used at the start of a (possibly curved) path.
+The syntax of the ⟨start arrow specification⟩ is detailed in Section ??.
+To "clear" the start arrow, say `\pgfsetarrowsstart{}`.
+ \begin{pgfpicture}
+ \pgfsetarrowsstart{Latex[length=10pt]}
+ \pgfpathmoveto{\pgfpointorigin}
+ \pgfpathlineto{\pgfpoint{1cm}{0cm}}
+ \pgfusepath{stroke}
+ \pgfsetarrowsstart{Computer Modern Rightarrow}
+ \pgfpathmoveto{\pgfpoint{0cm}{2mm}}
+ \pgfpathlineto{\pgfpoint{1cm}{2mm}}
+ \pgfusepath{stroke}
+ \end{pgfpicture}
+The effect of this command persists only till the end of the current
+TeX scope.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfsetarrowsstart"
+ },
+ pgfsetbaseline = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "dimension"}},
+ details = [[
+This command specifies a $y$-coordinate of the picture that should be
+used as the baseline of the whole picture. When a PGF picture has been
+typeset completely, PGF must decide at which height the baseline of the
+picture should lie. Normally, the baseline is set to the $y$-coordinate
+of the bottom of the picture, but it is often desirable to use a
+different height.
+ Text
+ \begin{pgfpicture}
+ \pgfpathcircle{\pgfpointorigin}{1ex}\pgfusepath{stroke}
+ \end{pgfpicture},
+ \begin{pgfpicture}
+ \pgfsetbaseline{0pt}
+ \pgfpathcircle{\pgfpointorigin}{1ex}\pgfusepath{stroke}
+ \end{pgfpicture},
+ \begin{pgfpicture}
+ \pgfsetbaseline{.5ex}
+ \pgfpathcircle{\pgfpointorigin}{1ex}\pgfusepath{stroke}
+ \end{pgfpicture},
+ \begin{pgfpicture}
+ \pgfsetbaseline{-1ex}
+ \pgfpathcircle{\pgfpointorigin}{1ex}\pgfusepath{stroke}
+ \end{pgfpicture}.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfsetbaseline"
+ },
+ pgfsetbaselinepointlater = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "point"}},
+ details = [[
+This command also specifies the baseline indirectly, but the
+$y$-coordinate of the given ⟨point⟩ is only computed at the end of the
+ Hello
+ \begin{pgfpicture}
+ \pgfsetbaselinepointlater{\pgfpointanchor{X}{base}}
+ % Note: no shape X, yet
+ \pgfnode{cross out}{center}{world.}{X}{\pgfusepath{stroke}}
+ \end{pgfpicture}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfsetbaselinepointlater"
+ },
+ pgfsetbaselinepointnow = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "point"}},
+ details = [[
+This command specifies the baseline indirectly, namely as the
+$y$-coordinate that the given ⟨point⟩ has when the command is called.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfsetbaselinepointnow"
+ },
+ pgfsetbeveljoin = {
+ details = [[
+Sets the line join to a bevel join. See again Section ??.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfsetbeveljoin"
+ },
+ pgfsetblendmode = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "mode"}},
+ details = [[
+Sets the blend mode to one of the values described in Section ??. As
+described there, blend modes are an advanced feature of PDF and not
+always rendered correctly.
+ \tikz [transparency group] {
+ \pgfsetblendmode{screen}
+ \fill[red!90!black] ( 90:.6) circle (1);
+ \fill[green!80!black] (210:.6) circle (1);
+ \fill[blue!90!black] (330:.6) circle (1);
+ }
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfsetblendmode"
+ },
+ pgfsetbuttcap = {
+ details = [[
+Sets the line cap to a butt cap. See Section ?? for an explanation of
+what this is.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfsetbuttcap"
+ },
+ pgfsetcolor = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "color"}},
+ details = [[
+Sets both the stroke and fill color. The difference to the normal
+`\color` command is that the effect lasts till the end of the current
+`{pgfscope}`, not only till the end of the current TeX group.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfsetcolor"
+ },
+ pgfsetcornersarced = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "point"}},
+ details = [[
+This command causes all subsequent corners to be replaced by little
+arcs. The effect of this command lasts till the end of the current
+TeX scope.
+The ⟨point⟩ dictates how large the corner arc will be. Consider a corner
+made by two lines $l$ and $r$ and assume that the line $l$ comes first
+on the path. The $x$-dimension of the ⟨point⟩ decides by how much the
+line $l$ will be shortened, the $y$-dimension of ⟨point⟩ decides by how
+much the line $r$ will be shortened. Then, the shortened lines are
+connected by an arc.
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \draw[help lines] (0,0) grid (3,2);
+ \pgfsetcornersarced{\pgfpoint{5mm}{5mm}}
+ \pgfpathrectanglecorners{\pgfpointorigin}{\pgfpoint{3cm}{2cm}}
+ \pgfusepath{stroke}
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \draw[help lines] (0,0) grid (3,2);
+ \pgfsetcornersarced{\pgfpoint{10mm}{5mm}}
+ % 10mm entering,
+ % 5mm leaving.
+ \pgfpathmoveto{\pgfpointorigin}
+ \pgfpathlineto{\pgfpoint{0cm}{2cm}}
+ \pgfpathlineto{\pgfpoint{3cm}{2cm}}
+ \pgfpathcurveto
+ {\pgfpoint{3cm}{0cm}}
+ {\pgfpoint{2cm}{0cm}}
+ {\pgfpoint{1cm}{0cm}}
+ \pgfusepath{stroke}
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+If the $x$- and $y$-coordinates of ⟨point⟩ are the same and the corner
+is a right angle, you will get a perfect quarter circle (well, not quite
+perfect, but perfect up to six decimals). When the angle is not
+$90^\circ$, you only get a fair approximation.
+More or less "all" corners will be rounded, even the corner generated by
+a `\pgfpathclose` command. (The author is a bit proud of this feature.)
+ \begin{pgfpicture}
+ \pgfsetcornersarced{\pgfpoint{4pt}{4pt}}
+ \pgfpathmoveto{\pgfpointpolar{0}{1cm}}
+ \pgfpathlineto{\pgfpointpolar{72}{1cm}}
+ \pgfpathlineto{\pgfpointpolar{144}{1cm}}
+ \pgfpathlineto{\pgfpointpolar{216}{1cm}}
+ \pgfpathlineto{\pgfpointpolar{288}{1cm}}
+ \pgfpathclose
+ \pgfusepath{stroke}
+ \end{pgfpicture}
+To return to normal (unrounded) corners, use
+Note that the rounding will produce strange and undesirable effects if
+the lines at the corners are too short. In this case the shortening may
+cause the lines to "suddenly extend over the other end" which is rarely
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfsetcornersarced"
+ },
+ pgfsetcurvilinearbeziercurve = {
+ arguments = {
+ {meta = "start"},
+ {meta = "first support"},
+ {meta = "second support"},
+ {meta = "end"}
+ },
+ details = [[
+Prior to using any other command from this library, you first call this
+function to "install" a Bézier curve to which the commands will refer.
+This curve will be local to the current TeX scope and you can install
+only one curve at a time.
+The main job of this command is to store the passed points internally
+and to build a lookup table for distance-to-time conversions, see the
+next command.
+ \pgfsetcurvilinearbeziercurve
+ {\pgfpointorigin}
+ {\pgfpoint{1cm}{1cm}}
+ {\pgfpoint{2cm}{1cm}}
+ {\pgfpoint{3cm}{0cm}}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfsetcurvilinearbeziercurve"
+ },
+ pgfsetdash = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "list of even length of dimensions"}, {meta = "phase"}},
+ details = [[
+Sets the dashing of a line. The first entry in the list specifies the
+length of the first solid part of the list. The second entry specifies
+the length of the following gap. Then comes the length of the second
+solid part, following by the length of the second gap, and so on. The
+⟨phase⟩ specifies where the first solid part starts relative to the
+beginning of the line.
+ \begin{pgfpicture}
+ \pgfsetdash{{0.5cm}{0.5cm}{0.1cm}{0.2cm}}{0cm}
+ \pgfpathmoveto{\pgfpoint{0mm}{0mm}}
+ \pgfpathlineto{\pgfpoint{2cm}{0mm}}
+ \pgfusepath{stroke}
+ \pgfsetdash{{0.5cm}{0.5cm}{0.1cm}{0.2cm}}{0.1cm}
+ \pgfpathmoveto{\pgfpoint{0mm}{1mm}}
+ \pgfpathlineto{\pgfpoint{2cm}{1mm}}
+ \pgfusepath{stroke}
+ \pgfsetdash{{0.5cm}{0.5cm}{0.1cm}{0.2cm}}{0.2cm}
+ \pgfpathmoveto{\pgfpoint{0mm}{2mm}}
+ \pgfpathlineto{\pgfpoint{2cm}{2mm}}
+ \pgfusepath{stroke}
+ \end{pgfpicture}
+Use `\pgfsetdash{}{0pt}` to get a solid dashing.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfsetdash"
+ },
+ pgfsetdecorationsegmenttransformation = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "code"}},
+ details = [[
+The ⟨code⟩ will be executed at the very beginning of each segment. Note
+when applying multiple decorations, this will be reset between
+decorations, so it needs to be specified for each segment.
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \draw [help lines] grid (3,2);
+ \begin{pgfdecoration}{
+ {curveto}{\pgfdecoratedpathlength/3},
+ {zigzag}{\pgfdecoratedpathlength/3}
+ {
+ \pgfdecorationsegmentlength=5pt
+ \pgfsetdecorationsegmenttransformation{\pgftransformyshift{.5cm}}
+ },
+ {curveto}{\pgfdecoratedremainingdistance}
+ }
+ \pgfpathmoveto{\pgfpointorigin}
+ \pgfpathcurveto
+ {\pgfpoint{0cm}{2cm}}{\pgfpoint{3cm}{2cm}}{\pgfpoint{3cm}{0cm}}
+ \end{pgfdecoration}
+ \pgfusepath{stroke}
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfsetdecorationsegmenttransformation"
+ },
+ pgfseteorule = {
+ details = [[
+Dictates that the even-odd rule is used in subsequent fillings in the
+current *TeX scope*. Thus, for once, the effect of this command does not
+persist past the current TeX scope.
+ \begin{pgfpicture}
+ \pgfseteorule
+ \pgfpathcircle{\pgfpoint{0mm}{0cm}}{7mm}
+ \pgfpathcircle{\pgfpoint{5mm}{0cm}}{7mm}
+ \pgfusepath{fill}
+ \end{pgfpicture}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfseteorule"
+ },
+ pgfsetfading = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "name"}, {meta = "transformations"}},
+ details = [[
+This command sets the graphic state parameter "fading" to a previously
+defined fading ⟨name⟩. This graphic state works like other graphic
+states, that is, is persists till the end of the current scope or until
+a different transparency setting is chosen.
+When the fading is installed, it will be centered on the origin with its
+natural size. Anything outside the fading picture's original bounding
+box will be transparent and, thus, the fading effectively clips against
+this bounding box.
+The ⟨transformations⟩ are applied to the fading before it is used. They
+contain normal PGF transformation commands like `\pgftransformshift`.
+You can also scale the fading using this command. Note, however, that
+the transformation needs to be inverted internally, which may result in
+inaccuracies and the following graphics may be slightly distorted if you
+use a strong ⟨transformation⟩.
+ \pgfdeclarefading{fading2}
+ {\tikz \shade[left color=pgftransparent!0,
+ right color=pgftransparent!100] (0,0) rectangle (2,2);}
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \fill [black!20] (0,0) rectangle (2,2);
+ \fill [black!30] (0,0) arc (180:0:1);
+ \pgfsetfading{fading2}{}
+ \fill [red] (0,0) rectangle (2,2);
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ (0,0) rectangle (2,2);}}]
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \fill [black!20] (0,0) rectangle (2,2);
+ \fill [black!30] (0,0) arc (180:0:1);
+ \pgfsetfading{fading2}{\pgftransformshift{\pgfpoint{1cm}{1cm}}
+ \pgftransformrotate{20}}
+ \fill [red] (0,0) rectangle (2,2);
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfsetfading"
+ },
+ pgfsetfadingforcurrentpath = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "name"}, {meta = "transformations"}},
+ details = [[
+This command works like `\pgfsetfading`, but the fading is scaled and
+transformed according to the following rules:
+1. If the current path is empty, the command has the same effect as
+ `\pgfsetfading`.
+2. Otherwise it is assumed that the fading has a size of 100bp times
+ 100bp.
+3. The fading is resized and shifted (using appropriate
+ transformations) such that the position
+ $(25\mathrm{bp},25\mathrm{bp})$ lies at the lower-left corner of the
+ current path and the position $(75\mathrm{bp},75\mathrm{bp})$ lies
+ at the upper-right corner of the current path.
+Note that these rules are the same as the ones used in `\pgfshadepath`
+for shadings. After these transformations, the ⟨transformations⟩ are
+executed (typically a rotation).
+ \pgfdeclarehorizontalshading{shading}{100bp}
+ { color(0pt)=(transparent!0); color(25bp)=(transparent!0);
+ color(75bp)=(transparent!100); color(100bp)=(transparent!100)}
+ \pgfdeclarefading{fading}{\pgfuseshading{shading}}
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \fill [black!20] (0,0) rectangle (2,2);
+ \fill [black!30] (0,0) arc (180:0:1);
+ \pgfpathrectangle{\pgfpointorigin}{\pgfpoint{2cm}{1cm}}
+ \pgfsetfadingforcurrentpath{fading}{}
+ \pgfusepath{discard}
+ \fill [red] (0,0) rectangle (2,1);
+ \pgfpathrectangle{\pgfpoint{0cm}{1cm}}{\pgfpoint{2cm}{1cm}}
+ \pgfsetfadingforcurrentpath{fading}{\pgftransformrotate{90}}
+ \pgfusepath{discard}
+ \fill [red] (0,1) rectangle (2,2);
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfsetfadingforcurrentpath"
+ },
+ pgfsetfadingforcurrentpathstroked = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "name"}, {meta = "transformations"}},
+ details = [[
+This command works like `\pgfsetfadingforcurrentpath`, only the current
+path is enlarged by the line width in both $x$- and $y$-direction. This
+is exactly the enlargement necessary to compensate for the fact that if
+the current path will be stroked, this much needs to be added around the
+path's bounding box to actually contain the path.
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \pgfsetlinewidth{2mm}
+ \pgfpathmoveto{\pgfpointorigin}
+ \pgfpathlineto{\pgfpoint{2cm}{0cm}}
+ \pgfsetfadingforcurrentpathstroked{fading}{}
+ \pgfusepath{stroke}
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfsetfadingforcurrentpathstroked"
+ },
+ pgfsetfillcolor = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "color"}},
+ details = [[
+Sets the color used for filling paths to ⟨color⟩. Like the stroke color,
+the effect lasts only till the next use of `\color`.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfsetfillcolor"
+ },
+ pgfsetfillopacity = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "value"}},
+ details = [[
+Sets the opacity of filling operations. As for stroking, the ⟨value⟩
+should be a number between `0` and `1`.
+The "filling transparency" will also be used for text and images.
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \pgfsetfillopacity{0.5}
+ \fill[red] (90:1cm) circle (11mm);
+ \fill[green] (210:1cm) circle (11mm);
+ \fill[blue] (-30:1cm) circle (11mm);
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfsetfillopacity"
+ },
+ pgfsetfillpattern = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "name"}, {meta = "color"}},
+ details = [[
+This command specifies that paths that are filled should be filled with
+the "color" by the pattern ⟨name⟩. For an inherently colored pattern,
+the ⟨color⟩ parameter is ignored. For form-only patterns, the ⟨color⟩
+parameter specifies the color to be used for the pattern.
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \pgfsetfillpattern{stars}{red}
+ \filldraw (0,0) rectangle (1.5,2);
+ \pgfsetfillpattern{green stars}{red}
+ \filldraw (1.5,0) rectangle (3,2);
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfsetfillpattern"
+ },
+ pgfsetinnerlinewidth = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "dimension"}},
+ details = [[
+This command sets the width of the inner line. Whenever a path is
+stroked (and only then), it will be stroked normally and, afterward, it
+is stroked once more with the color set to the inner line color and the
+line width set to ⟨dimension⟩.
+In case arrow tips are added to a path, the path is first stroked
+normally, then the inner line is stroked, and then the arrow tip is
+added. In case the main path is shortened because of the added arrow
+tip, this shortened path is double stroked, not the original path (which
+is exactly what you want).
+When the inner line width is set to 0pt, which is the default, no inner
+line is stroked at all (not even a line of width 0pt). So, in order to
+"switch off" double stroking, set ⟨dimension⟩ to `0pt`.
+The setting of the inner line width is local to the current TeX group
+and *not* to the current PGF scope.
+Note that inner lines will *not* be drawn for paths that are also used
+for clipping. However, this may change in the future, so you should not
+depend on this.
+ \begin{pgfpicture}
+ \pgfpathmoveto{\pgfpointorigin}
+ \pgfpathlineto{\pgfpoint{1cm}{1cm}}
+ \pgfpathlineto{\pgfpoint{1cm}{0cm}}
+ \pgfsetlinewidth{2pt}
+ \pgfsetinnerlinewidth{1pt}
+ \pgfusepath{stroke}
+ \end{pgfpicture}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfsetinnerlinewidth"
+ },
+ pgfsetinnerstrokecolor = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "color"}},
+ details = [[
+This command sets the ⟨color⟩ that is to be used when the inner line is
+stroked. The effect of this command is also local to the current
+TeX group.
+ \begin{pgfpicture}
+ \pgfpathmoveto{\pgfpointorigin}
+ \pgfpathlineto{\pgfpoint{1cm}{1cm}}
+ \pgfpathlineto{\pgfpoint{1cm}{0cm}}
+ \pgfsetlinewidth{2pt}
+ \pgfsetinnerlinewidth{1pt}
+ \pgfsetinnerstrokecolor{red!50}
+ \pgfusepath{stroke}
+ \end{pgfpicture}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfsetinnerstrokecolor"
+ },
+ pgfsetlayers = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "layer list"}},
+ details = [[
+This command tells PGF which layers will be used in pictures. They are
+stacked on top of each other in the order given. The layer `main` should
+always be part of the list. Here is an example:
+ \pgfdeclarelayer{background}
+ \pgfdeclarelayer{foreground}
+ \pgfsetlayers{background,main,foreground}
+This command should be given either outside of any picture or "directly
+inside" of a picture. Here, the "directly inside" means that there
+should be no further level of TeX grouping between `\pgfsetlayers` and
+the matching `\end{pgfpicture}` (no closing braces, no `\end{...}`). It
+will also work if `\pgfsetlayers` is provided before `\end{tikzpicture}`
+(with similar restrictions).
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfsetlayers"
+ },
+ pgfsetlinetofirstplotpoint = {
+ details = [[
+Specifies that plot handlers should issue a line-to command for the
+first point of the plot.
+ \begin{pgfpicture}
+ \pgfpathmoveto{\pgfpointorigin}
+ \pgfsetlinetofirstplotpoint
+ \pgfplothandlerlineto
+ \pgfplotstreamstart
+ \pgfplotstreampoint{\pgfpoint{1cm}{0cm}}
+ \pgfplotstreampoint{\pgfpoint{2cm}{1cm}}
+ \pgfplotstreampoint{\pgfpoint{3cm}{2cm}}
+ \pgfplotstreampoint{\pgfpoint{1cm}{2cm}}
+ \pgfplotstreamend
+ \pgfusepath{stroke}
+ \end{pgfpicture}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfsetlinetofirstplotpoint"
+ },
+ pgfsetlinewidth = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "line width"}},
+ details = [[
+This command sets the line width for subsequent strokes (in the current
+`pgfscope`). The line width is given as a normal TeX dimension like
+`0.4pt` or `1mm`.
+ \begin{pgfpicture}
+ \pgfsetlinewidth{1mm}
+ \pgfpathmoveto{\pgfpoint{0mm}{0mm}}
+ \pgfpathlineto{\pgfpoint{2cm}{0mm}}
+ \pgfusepath{stroke}
+ \pgfsetlinewidth{2\pgflinewidth} % double in size
+ \pgfpathmoveto{\pgfpoint{0mm}{5mm}}
+ \pgfpathlineto{\pgfpoint{2cm}{5mm}}
+ \pgfusepath{stroke}
+ \end{pgfpicture}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfsetlinewidth"
+ },
+ pgfsetmatrixcolumnsep = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "sep list"}},
+ details = [[
+This macro sets the default separation list for columns. The details of
+the format of this list are explained in the description of the next
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfsetmatrixcolumnsep"
+ },
+ pgfsetmatrixrowsep = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "sep list"}},
+ details = [[
+This macro sets the default separation list for rows.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfsetmatrixrowsep"
+ },
+ pgfsetmiterjoin = {
+ details = [[
+Sets the line join to a miter join. See again Section ??.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfsetmiterjoin"
+ },
+ pgfsetmiterlimit = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "miter limit factor"}},
+ details = [[
+Sets the miter limit to ⟨miter limit factor⟩. See again Section ??.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfsetmiterlimit"
+ },
+ pgfsetmovetofirstplotpoint = {
+ details = [[
+Specifies that the line-to plot handler (and also some other plot
+handlers) should issue a move-to command for the first point of the plot
+instead of a line-to. This will start a new part of the current path,
+which is not always, but often, desirable. This is the default.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfsetmovetofirstplotpoint"
+ },
+ pgfsetnonzerorule = {
+ details = [[
+Dictates that the nonzero winding number rule is used in subsequent
+fillings in the current TeX scope. This is the default.
+ \begin{pgfpicture}
+ \pgfsetnonzerorule
+ \pgfpathcircle{\pgfpoint{0mm}{0cm}}{7mm}
+ \pgfpathcircle{\pgfpoint{5mm}{0cm}}{7mm}
+ \pgfusepath{fill}
+ \end{pgfpicture}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfsetnonzerorule"
+ },
+ pgfsetplotmarkphase = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "phase"}},
+ details = [[
+Sets the $p$ parameter to ⟨phase⟩, that is, the first mark to be drawn
+is the $p$th, followed by the $(p+r)$th, then the $(p+2r)$th, and so on.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfsetplotmarkphase"
+ },
+ pgfsetplotmarkrepeat = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "repeat"}},
+ details = [[
+Sets the $r$ parameter to ⟨repeat⟩, that is, only every $r$th mark will
+be drawn.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfsetplotmarkrepeat"
+ },
+ pgfsetplotmarksize = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "dimension"}},
+ details = [[
+This command sets the TeX dimension `\pgfplotmarksize` to ⟨dimension⟩.
+This dimension is a "recommendation" for plot mark code at which size
+the plot mark should be drawn; plot mark code may choose to ignore this
+⟨dimension⟩ altogether. For circles, ⟨dimension⟩ should be the radius,
+for other shapes it should be about half the width/height.
+The predefined plot marks all take this dimension into account.
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \draw[gray] (0,0) node {x} (1,1) node {y} (2,.5) node {z};
+ \pgfsetplotmarksize{1ex}
+ \pgfplothandlermark{\pgfuseplotmark{*}}
+ \pgfplotstreamstart
+ \pgfplotstreampoint{\pgfpoint{0cm}{0cm}}
+ \pgfplotstreampoint{\pgfpoint{1cm}{1cm}}
+ \pgfplotstreampoint{\pgfpoint{2cm}{0.5cm}}
+ \pgfplotstreamend
+ \pgfusepath{stroke}
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfsetplotmarksize"
+ },
+ pgfsetplottension = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "value"}},
+ details = [[
+Sets the factor used by the curve plot handlers to determine the
+distance of the control points from the points they control. The higher
+the curvature of the curve points, the higher this value should be. A
+value of $1$ will cause four points at quarter positions of a circle to
+be connected using a circle. The default is $0.5$.
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \draw[gray] (0,0) node {x} (1,1) node {y} (2,.5) node {z};
+ \pgfsetplottension{0.75}
+ \pgfplothandlercurveto
+ \pgfplotstreamstart
+ \pgfplotstreampoint{\pgfpoint{0cm}{0cm}}
+ \pgfplotstreampoint{\pgfpoint{1cm}{1cm}}
+ \pgfplotstreampoint{\pgfpoint{2cm}{0.5cm}}
+ \pgfplotstreamend
+ \pgfusepath{stroke}
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfsetplottension"
+ },
+ pgfsetrectcap = {
+ details = [[
+Sets the line cap to a square cap. See again Section ??.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfsetrectcap"
+ },
+ pgfsetroundcap = {
+ details = [[
+Sets the line cap to a round cap. See again Section ??.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfsetroundcap"
+ },
+ pgfsetroundjoin = {
+ details = [[
+Sets the line join to a round join. See again Section ??.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfsetroundjoin"
+ },
+ pgfsetshortenend = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "dimension"}},
+ details = [[
+Works like `\pgfsetshortenstart`.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfsetshortenend"
+ },
+ pgfsetshortenstart = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "dimension"}},
+ details = [[
+This command will shortened the start of every stroked path by the given
+dimension. This shortening is done in addition to automatic shortening
+done by a start arrow, but it can be used even if no start arrow is
+It is usually better to use the `sep` key with arrow tips.
+This command is useful if you wish arrows or lines to "stop shortly
+before" a given point.
+ \begin{pgfpicture}
+ \pgfpathcircle{\pgfpointorigin}{5mm}
+ \pgfusepath{stroke}
+ \pgfsetarrows{Latex-}
+ \pgfsetshortenstart{4pt}
+ \pgfpathmoveto{\pgfpoint{5mm}{0cm}} % would be on the circle
+ \pgfpathlineto{\pgfpoint{2cm}{0cm}}
+ \pgfusepath{stroke}
+ \end{pgfpicture}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfsetshortenstart"
+ },
+ pgfsetstrokecolor = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "color"}},
+ details = [[
+Sets the color used for stroking lines to ⟨color⟩, where ⟨color⟩ is a
+LaTeX color like `red` or `black!20!red`. Unlike the `\color` command,
+the effect of this command lasts till the end of the current
+`{pgfscope}` and not till the end of the current TeX group.
+The color used for stroking may be different from the color used for
+filling. However, a `\color` command will always "immediately override"
+any special settings for the stroke and fill colors.
+In plain TeX, this command will also work, but the problem of *defining*
+a color arises. After all, plain TeX does not provide LaTeX colors. For
+this reason, PGF implements a minimalistic "emulation" of the
+`\definecolor`, `\colorlet`, and `\color` commands. Only gray-scale and
+rgb colors are supported. For most cases this turns out to be enough.
+ \begin{pgfpicture}
+ \pgfsetlinewidth{1pt}
+ \color{red}
+ \pgfpathcircle{\pgfpoint{0cm}{0cm}}{3mm} \pgfusepath{fill,stroke}
+ \pgfsetstrokecolor{black}
+ \pgfpathcircle{\pgfpoint{1cm}{0cm}}{3mm} \pgfusepath{fill,stroke}
+ \color{red}
+ \pgfpathcircle{\pgfpoint{2cm}{0cm}}{3mm} \pgfusepath{fill,stroke}
+ \end{pgfpicture}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfsetstrokecolor"
+ },
+ pgfsetstrokeopacity = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "value"}},
+ details = [[
+Sets the opacity of stroking operations. The ⟨value⟩ should be a number
+between `0` and `1`, where `1` means "fully opaque" and `0` means "fully
+transparent". A value like `0.5` will cause paths to be stroked in a
+semitransparent way.
+ \begin{pgfpicture}
+ \pgfsetlinewidth{5mm}
+ \color{red}
+ \pgfpathcircle{\pgfpoint{0cm}{0cm}}{10mm} \pgfusepath{stroke}
+ \color{black}
+ \pgfsetstrokeopacity{0.5}
+ \pgfpathcircle{\pgfpoint{1cm}{0cm}}{10mm} \pgfusepath{stroke}
+ \end{pgfpicture}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfsetstrokeopacity"
+ },
+ pgfsettransform = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "macro"}},
+ details = [[
+Reinstalls a coordinate transformation matrix that was previously saved
+using `\pgfgettransform`.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfsettransform"
+ },
+ pgfsettransformentries = {
+ arguments = {
+ {meta = "a"},
+ {meta = "b"},
+ {meta = "c"},
+ {meta = "d"},
+ {meta = "shiftx"},
+ {meta = "shifty"}
+ },
+ details = [[
+Reinstalls a coordinate transformation matrix that was previously saved
+using the storage command `\pgfgettransformentries`. This command can
+also be used to replace any previously existing coordinate
+transformation matrix (it is thus equivalent to `\pgftransformreset`
+followed by `\pgftransformcm`).
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfsettransformentries"
+ },
+ pgfsettransformnonlinearflatness = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "dimension"}},
+ details = [[
+Whenever in a to-be-drawn curve the $L^\infty$-distance (maximum of the
+distances in $x$- and $y$-directions) between the start of a curve and
+its first control point or between the first and second control points
+or between the second control point and the end is more than ⟨distance⟩,
+the curve gets split in the middle (more precisely, at time $t= 0.5$)
+and we draw the two parts individually (for them, splitting may occur
+again, if the curve is still too long).
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \draw [help lines] (0,0) grid (3,2);
+ \draw[red] (0:20mm) arc [start angle=0, end angle=90, radius=2cm];
+ {
+ \pgftransformnonlinear{\polartransformation}
+ \pgfsettransformnonlinearflatness{2pt} % very precise
+ \draw (0,20mm) -- (90pt,20mm);
+ }
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfsettransformnonlinearflatness"
+ },
+ pgfsetxvec = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "point"}},
+ details = [[
+Sets that current $x$-vector for usage in the $xyz$-coordinate system.
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \draw[help lines] (0,0) grid (3,2);
+ \pgfpathmoveto{\pgfpointxy{1}{0}}
+ \pgfpathlineto{\pgfpointxy{2}{2}}
+ \pgfusepath{stroke}
+ \color{red}
+ \pgfsetxvec{\pgfpoint{0.75cm}{0cm}}
+ \pgfpathmoveto{\pgfpointxy{1}{0}}
+ \pgfpathlineto{\pgfpointxy{2}{2}}
+ \pgfusepath{stroke}
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfsetxvec"
+ },
+ pgfsetyvec = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "point"}},
+ details = [[
+Works like `\pgfsetxvec`.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfsetyvec"
+ },
+ pgfsetzvec = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "point"}},
+ details = [[
+Works like `\pgfsetxvec`.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfsetzvec"
+ },
+ pgfshadecolortocmyk = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "color name"}, {meta = "macro"}},
+ details = [[
+This command takes ⟨color name⟩ as input, converts it to CMYK and stores
+the color's cyan/magenta/yellow/black components real numbers between
+0.0 and 1.0 separated by spaces.
+In addition, four macros suffixed with `cyan`, `magenta`, `yellow` and
+`black` are defined, which store the individual components of ⟨color
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfshadecolortocmyk"
+ },
+ pgfshadecolortogray = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "color name"}, {meta = "macro"}},
+ details = [[
+This command takes ⟨color name⟩ as input converts it to grayscale and
+stores the color's value as a real number between 0.0 and 1.0.
+Although it's not needed, for consistency a second macro suffixed with
+`gray` is also defined.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfshadecolortogray"
+ },
+ pgfshadecolortorgb = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "color name"}, {meta = "macro"}},
+ details = [[
+This command takes ⟨color name⟩ as input, converts it to RGB and stores
+the color's red/green/blue components real numbers between 0.0 and 1.0
+separated by spaces (which is exactly what you need if you want to push
+it on a stack) in ⟨macro⟩. This macro can then be used inside the ⟨type
+4 function⟩ argument for `\pgfdeclarefunctionalshading`.
+ \pgfdeclarefunctionalshading[mycol]{sweep}{\pgfpoint{-1cm}{-1cm}}
+ {\pgfpoint{1cm}{1cm}}{\pgfshadecolortorgb{mycol}{\myrgb}}{
+ 2 copy % whirl
+ % Calculate "safe" atan of position
+ 2 copy abs exch abs add 0.0001 ge { atan } { pop } ifelse
+ 3 1 roll
+ dup mul exch
+ dup mul add sqrt
+ 30 mul
+ add
+ sin
+ 1 add 2 div
+ dup
+ \myrgb % push mycol
+ 5 4 roll % multiply all components by calculated value
+ mul
+ 3 1 roll
+ 3 index
+ mul
+ 3 1 roll
+ 4 3 roll
+ mul
+ 3 1 roll
+ }
+ \colorlet{mycol}{white}%
+ \pgfuseshading{sweep}%
+ \colorlet{mycol}{red}%
+ \pgfuseshading{sweep}
+In addition, three macros suffixed with `red`, `green` and `blue` are
+defined, which store the individual components of ⟨color name⟩. These
+can also be used in the ⟨type 4 function⟩ argument.
+ \pgfshadecolortorgb{orange}{\mycol}
+ |\mycol|=\mycol |\mycolred|=\mycolred |\mycolgreen|=\mycolgreen |\mycolblue|=\mycolblue
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfshadecolortorgb"
+ },
+ pgfshadepath = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "shading name"}, {meta = "angle"}},
+ details = [[
+This command must be used inside a `{pgfpicture}` environment. The
+effect is a bit complex, so let us go over it step by step.
+First, PGF will set up a local scope.
+Second, it uses the current path to clip everything inside this scope.
+However, the current path is once more available after the scope, so it
+can be used, for example, to stroke it.
+Now, the ⟨shading name⟩ should be a shading whose width and height are
+100 bp, that is, 100 big points. PGF has a look at the bounding box of
+the current path. This bounding box is computed automatically when a
+path is computed; however, it can sometimes be (quite a bit) too large,
+especially when complicated curves are involved.
+Inside the scope, the low-level transformation matrix is modified. The
+center of the shading is translated (moved) such that it lies on the
+center of the bounding box of the path. The low-level coordinate system
+is also scaled such that the shading "covers" the path (the details are
+a bit more complex, see below). Then, the coordinate system is rotated
+by ⟨angle⟩. Finally, if the macro `\pgfsetadditionalshadetransform` has
+been used, an additional transformation is applied.
+After everything has been set up, the shading is inserted. Due to the
+transformations and clippings, the effect will be that the shading seems
+to "fill" the path.
+If both the path and the shadings were always rectangles and if
+rotations were never involved, it would be easy to scale shadings such
+they always cover the path. However, when a vertical shading is rotated,
+it must obviously be "magnified" so that it still covers the path.
+Things get worse when the path is not a rectangle itself.
+For these reasons, things work slightly differently "in reality". The
+shading is scaled and translated such that the point
+$(50\mathrm{bp},50\mathrm{bp})$, which is the middle of the shading, is
+at the middle of the path and such that the point
+$(25\mathrm{bp},25\mathrm{bp})$ is at the lower left corner of the path
+and that $(75\mathrm{bp},75\mathrm{bp})$ is at upper right corner.
+In other words, only the center quarter of the shading will actually
+"survive the clipping" if the path is a rectangle. If the path is not a
+rectangle, but, say, a circle, even less is seen of the shading. Here is
+an example that demonstrates this effect:
+ \pgfdeclareverticalshading{myshadingE}{100bp}
+ {color(0bp)=(red); color(25bp)=(green); color(75bp)=(blue); color(100bp)=(black)}
+ \pgfuseshading{myshadingE}
+ \hskip 1cm
+ \begin{pgfpicture}
+ \pgfpathrectangle{\pgfpointorigin}{\pgfpoint{2cm}{1cm}}
+ \pgfshadepath{myshadingE}{0}
+ \pgfusepath{stroke}
+ \pgfpathrectangle{\pgfpoint{3cm}{0cm}}{\pgfpoint{1cm}{2cm}}
+ \pgfshadepath{myshadingE}{0}
+ \pgfusepath{stroke}
+ \pgfpathrectangle{\pgfpoint{5cm}{0cm}}{\pgfpoint{2cm}{2cm}}
+ \pgfshadepath{myshadingE}{45}
+ \pgfusepath{stroke}
+ \pgfpathcircle{\pgfpoint{9cm}{1cm}}{1cm}
+ \pgfshadepath{myshadingE}{45}
+ \pgfusepath{stroke}
+ \end{pgfpicture}
+As can be seen above in the last case, the "hidden" part of the shading
+actually *can* become visible if the shading is rotated. The reason is
+that it is scaled as if no rotation took place, then the rotation is
+The following graphics show which part of the shading are actually
+ \pgfdeclareverticalshading{myshadingF}{100bp}
+ {color(0bp)=(red); color(25bp)=(green); color(75bp)=(blue); color(100bp)=(black)}
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \draw (50bp,50bp) node {\pgfuseshading{myshadingF}};
+ \draw[white,thick] (25bp,25bp) rectangle (75bp,75bp);
+ \draw (50bp,0bp) node[below] {first two applications};
+ \begin{scope}[xshift=5cm]
+ \draw (50bp,50bp) node{\pgfuseshading{myshadingF}};
+ \draw[rotate around={45:(50bp,50bp)},white,thick] (25bp,25bp) rectangle (75bp,75bp);
+ \draw (50bp,0bp) node[below] {third application};
+ \end{scope}
+ \begin{scope}[xshift=10cm]
+ \draw (50bp,50bp) node{\pgfuseshading{myshadingF}};
+ \draw[white,thick] (50bp,50bp) circle (25bp);
+ \draw (50bp,0bp) node[below] {fourth application};
+ \end{scope}
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+An advantage of this approach is that when you rotate a radial shading,
+no distortion is introduced:
+ \pgfdeclareradialshading{ballshading}{\pgfpoint{-10bp}{10bp}}
+ {color(0bp)=(red!15!white); color(9bp)=(red!75!white);
+ color(18bp)=(red!70!black); color(25bp)=(red!50!black); color(50bp)=(black)}
+ \pgfuseshading{ballshading}
+ \hskip 1cm
+ \begin{pgfpicture}
+ \pgfpathrectangle{\pgfpointorigin}{\pgfpoint{1cm}{1cm}}
+ \pgfshadepath{ballshading}{0}
+ \pgfusepath{}
+ \pgfpathcircle{\pgfpoint{3cm}{0cm}}{1cm}
+ \pgfshadepath{ballshading}{0}
+ \pgfusepath{}
+ \pgfpathcircle{\pgfpoint{6cm}{0cm}}{1cm}
+ \pgfshadepath{ballshading}{45}
+ \pgfusepath{}
+ \end{pgfpicture}
+If you specify a rotation of $90^\circ$ and if the path is not a square,
+but an elongated rectangle, the "desired" effect results: The shading
+will exactly vary between the colors at the 25bp and 75bp boundaries.
+Here is an example:
+ \pgfdeclareverticalshading{myshadingG}{100bp}
+ {color(0bp)=(red); color(25bp)=(green); color(75bp)=(blue); color(100bp)=(black)}
+ \begin{pgfpicture}
+ \pgfpathrectangle{\pgfpointorigin}{\pgfpoint{2cm}{1cm}}
+ \pgfshadepath{myshadingG}{0}
+ \pgfusepath{stroke}
+ \pgfpathrectangle{\pgfpoint{3cm}{0cm}}{\pgfpoint{2cm}{1cm}}
+ \pgfshadepath{myshadingG}{90}
+ \pgfusepath{stroke}
+ \pgfpathrectangle{\pgfpoint{6cm}{0cm}}{\pgfpoint{2cm}{1cm}}
+ \pgfshadepath{myshadingG}{45}
+ \pgfusepath{stroke}
+ \end{pgfpicture}
+As a final example, let us define a "rainbow spectrum" shading for use
+with TikZ.
+ \pgfdeclareverticalshading{rainbow}{100bp}
+ {color(0bp)=(red); color(25bp)=(red); color(35bp)=(yellow);
+ color(45bp)=(green); color(55bp)=(cyan); color(65bp)=(blue);
+ color(75bp)=(violet); color(100bp)=(violet)}
+ \begin{tikzpicture}[shading=rainbow]
+ \shade (0,0) rectangle node[white] {\textsc{pride}} (2,1);
+ \shade[shading angle=90] (3,0) rectangle +(1,2);
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+Note that rainbow shadings are *way* too colorful in almost all
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfshadepath"
+ },
+ pgfsnapshot = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "time"}},
+ details = [[
+When this command is used inside a TeX scope, the behavior of
+`\pgfanimateattribute` changes: Instead of adding an animation to the
+object and the attribute, the object's attribute is set to value it
+would have during the animation at time ⟨time⟩. Note that when this
+command is used in a TeX scope, no animation is created and no support
+by the driver is needed (so, it works with PDF).
+ \tikz [make snapshot of=1s,
+ animate = { myself: = {
+ :rotate = { 0s = "0", 2s = "90" },
+ :color = { 0s = "red", 2s = "green" },
+ :line width = { 0s = "0mm", 4s = "4mm" }
+ }}]
+ \node [fill=black!20, draw] { Node };
+**Timing and Events.** The timeline of an animation normally starts at a
+"moment `0s`" and the ⟨time⟩ is considered relative to this time. For
+instance, if a timeline contains, say, the settings `entry={2s}{0}` and
+`entry={3s}{10}` and `{time}` is set to `2.5s`, then the value the
+attribute will get is 5.
+It is, however, also possible to specify that animations begin and end
+at certain times relative to events like a `click` event. *These events
+are not relevant with respect to snapshots.* However, there is one key
+that allows you to specify the beginning of the snapshot timeline:
+Note that the `end` keys have no effect with snapshots, that is, with a
+snapshot all animations always run till the end of the timeline (which
+may or may not be "forever").
+**Limitations.** For snapshots, the value an animation has at time
+⟨time⟩ must be computed by TeX. While in many cases this is easy to
+achieve, in some cases this is not trivial such as a timeline for a path
+with repeats plus smoothing via splines. An additional complication is
+the fact that an animation may be specified at a place far removed from
+the actual to-be-animated object. For these reasons, certain limitations
+apply to snapshots:
+- The `begin` and `begin on` keys have no effect (but `begin snapshot`
+ has one.
+- The `end` and `end on` keys have no effect.
+- The `current value` may not be used in a timeline (since PGF cannot
+ really determine this value).
+- The `accumulating` specification may not be used with paths, views,
+ or motions.
+- Since the timing computations are done using TeX code, they are not
+ necessarily stable. For instance, when a time interval is very small
+ and there are many repeats or when a spline is very complicated, the
+ calculated values may not be fully accurate.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfsnapshot"
+ },
+ pgfsnapshotafter = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "time"}},
+ details = [[
+This command works exactly like `\pgfsnapshot` only the "moment" that
+⟨time⟩ refers to is conceptually $⟨time⟩ + \epsilon$: When timeline
+specifies several values for ⟨time⟩, this command will select the last
+value at ⟨time⟩, while `\pgfsnapshot` will select the first value at
+⟨time⟩. Similarly, when a timeline ends at ⟨time⟩, `\pgfsnapshot` will
+select the last value of the timeline while `\pgfsnapshotafter` will not
+apply the animation any more:
+ \foreach \t in {0,1,2,3,4} {
+ \pgfsnapshot{\t}
+ \tikz :rotate = { 0s = "0", 2s = "90", 2s = "180", 4s = "270" }
+ \node [draw=blue, very thick] {f}; }
+ \foreach \t in {0,1,2,3,4} {
+ \pgfsnapshotafter{\t}
+ \tikz :rotate = { 0s = "0", 2s = "90", 2s = "180", 4s = "270" }
+ \node [draw=blue, very thick] {f}; }
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfsnapshotafter"
+ },
+ ["pgfsys@animate"] = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "attribute"}},
+ details = [[
+The system layer animation subsystem follows the following philosophy:
+An animation always concerns an *attribute* of a *graphic object*. A
+*timeline* specifies how the attribute changes its value over time.
+Finally, a set of *keys* configures the animation as a whole like
+whether the timeline repeats or a event that triggers the start of the
+animation. The four parts of an animation, namely the *attribute*, the
+*graphic object*, the *timeline*, and the *keys*, are specified in
+different ways:
+1. You choose the *attribute* using the system layer command
+ `\pgfsysanimate`.
+2. The *graphic object* whose attribute is to be animated is *always*
+ specified by naming the ID of the graphic object *before* this
+ object is created, see Section ??. (However, in the context of TikZ,
+ it suffices that the animation is given in the object's options
+ since these are executed before the actual object is created).
+3. The *timeline* is specified using the commands `\pgfsysanimkeytime`,
+ which specifies a time in seconds, and `\pgfsys@animation@val...`,
+ which specify a value at this particular time. The timeline
+ specifies for a sequence of times the values the attribute will have
+ at these times. In between these *key times,* the value is
+ interpolated.
+4. The *animation keys* are specified by commands starting
+ `\pgfsys@animation@...` and have the following effect: They set some
+ property (like, say, whether the animation repeats or whether its
+ effect is additive) to a given value *for the current TeX scope,*
+ but do not create any animations. Rather, when `\pgfsysanimate` is
+ called, a snapshot of the current values of all animation keys is
+ taken and added to this animation of the attribute.
+ When you set an animation key to a value, this will replace the
+ value previously stored for the key (all keys are empty by default
+ at the beginning).
+ Note that animation keys are local to TeX scopes, not graphics
+ scopes; indeed, they have little to do with the settings of the
+ graphics scope other than the fact that a graphic scope is also a
+ TeX scope and thereby influence the values of these keys.
+A typical example of how all of this works is the following:
+ \pgfsysanimkeyrepeatindefinite % Both of the following animations
+ % repeat indefinitely
+ {
+ \pgfsysanimkeywhom{\someid}{}% The id of a later object
+ \pgfsysanimkeyevent{}{}{click}{0}{begin}% Begin on a click ...
+ \pgfsysanimkeytime{5}{1}{1}{0}{0} % Timeline starts after 5s
+ \pgfsysanimvalscalar{0} % With a value of 0
+ \pgfsysanimkeytime{8}{1}{1}{0}{0} % Timeline ends after 8s
+ \pgfsysanimvalscalar{0.9} % With a value of 0.9
+ \pgfsysanimate{fillopacity}% ... and the attribute is the fill opacity
+ }
+ {
+ \pgfsysanimkeywhom{\someid}{}% The id of a later object
+ \pgfsysanimkeyoffset{0}{begin}% Begin right away ...
+ \pgfsysanimkeytime{1}{1}{1}{0}{0} % Timeline starts after 1s
+ \pgfsysanimvalcurrent % With the current value
+ \pgfsysanimkeytime{5}{1}{1}{0}{0} % Timeline ends after 5s
+ \pgfsysanimvaldimension{5pt} % With a value of 5pt
+ \pgfsysanimate{linewidth}% ... and the attribute is the line width
+ }
+As a real-life example, consider the following definitions, which will
+be used in many examples in the rest of this section: Both take three
+parameters: The PGF/TikZ name of a to-be animated object, a type
+(relevant for objects that have subtypes or parts), and some code for
+triggering the actual animation. The animation will always start when
+the button is clicked. The second macro sets up things in such a way
+that the animation will last two seconds, while the first leaves the
+timing open.
+ \def\animationexample#1#2#3{
+ \tikz[fill=blue!25, draw=blue, ultra thick] {
+ \pgfidrefnextuse{\objid}{#1}
+ \pgfsysanimkeywhom{\objid}{#2}
+ \pgfidrefnextuse{\nodeid}{node}
+ \pgfsysanimkeyevent{\nodeid}{}{click}{}{begin}
+ #3
+ \node [font=\scriptsize, circle, fill, draw, align=center]
+ (node) {Click \\ here};
+ }
+ }
+Now the example, where the circle will disappear, when clicked:
+ \animationexample{node}{}{
+ \pgfsysanimkeytime{0}{1}{1}{0}{0}
+ \pgfsysanimvalscalar{1}
+ \pgfsysanimkeytime{2}{1}{1}{0}{0}
+ \pgfsysanimvalscalar{0}
+ \pgfsysanimate{opacity}
+ }
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfsys@animate"
+ },
+ ["pgfsys@animation@accesskey"] = {
+ arguments = {
+ {meta = "character"},
+ {meta = "time offset"},
+ {meta = "begin or end"}
+ },
+ details = [[
+Begin or end the animation when a certain key is pressed. Note that this
+event may not be supported by some browsers for security reasons
+(prevent key loggers).
+ \animationexample{node}{}{
+ \pgfsysanimkeytime{0}{1}{1}{0}{0}
+ \pgfsysanimvaltranslate{0cm}{0cm}
+ \pgfsysanimkeytime{2}{1}{1}{0}{0}
+ \pgfsysanimvaltranslate{0cm}{-1cm}
+ \pgfsysanimkeyaccesskey{s}{}{begin}
+ \pgfsysanimate{translate}
+ }
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfsys@animation@accesskey"
+ },
+ ["pgfsys@animation@accumulate"] = {
+ details = [[
+Specifies that each repeat of an animation works as if the last values
+attained during previous repeats are added to the current value.
+ \animationexample{node}{}{
+ \pgfsysanimkeytime{0}{1}{1}{0}{0}
+ \pgfsysanimvaltranslate{0cm}{0cm}
+ \pgfsysanimkeytime{2}{1}{1}{0}{0}
+ \pgfsysanimvaltranslate{0cm}{-5mm}
+ \pgfsysanimkeyaccumulate
+ \pgfsysanimkeyrepeatdur{5}
+ \pgfsysanimate{translate} }
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfsys@animation@accumulate"
+ },
+ ["pgfsys@animation@base"] = {
+ details = [[
+This command can be used in any place where `\pgfsys@animation@time` is
+usually used. The effect is that the next value does not become part of
+the timeline, but will become the value used for the attribute when no
+animation is active. (Normally, when the animation is not active, no
+value is set at all and the value is inherited from the surrounding
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfsys@animation@base"
+ },
+ ["pgfsys@animation@canvas@transform"] = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "pre"}, {meta = "post"}},
+ details = [[
+In order to animate the canvas, you specify that, for instance, the
+canvas should be shifted over, say, one second by 2cm from left to
+right. In order to specify this, you specify that an additional shift
+should be added to the canvas transformation matrix that starts out as
+$(0,0)$ and ends at $(2\,\mathrm{cm},0)$. However, it is not immediately
+clear what "to the right" or $(2\,\mathrm{cm},0)$ actually means:
+"Right" relative to the paper? "Right" relative to the coordinate system
+at the point when the animation is created? "Right" relative to the
+object's local coordinate system?
+Using this command you can specify the coordinate system relative to
+which all canvas animations are specified. In detail, when you add an
+animation $a$ of the canvas of an object foo, the following happens:
+1. We start with the canvas transformation matrix that is installed
+ when the object starts. More precisely, this is the canvas
+ transformation matrix that is in force when the command
+ `\pgfsys@begin@idscope` is called for the object. The canvas
+ transformation matrix that is in force when the animation is created
+ (which is typically "way before" the object is created and may even
+ be in a totally different graphics scope) is irrelevant for the
+ animation.
+2. Now, when the object is created, the code ⟨pre⟩ is executed. It
+ should call `\pgfsys@transformcm` at most once. This canvas
+ transformation is added to the object's canvas transformation.
+3. Now, the animation $a$ of the canvas is relative to the resulting
+ canvas transformation. That means, when the animation shifts the
+ object "to the right" the animation will actually be along the
+ current direction of "right" in the canvas transformation resulting
+ from the two transformations above.
+4. Finally, at the point of creation of the to-be-animation object the
+ code ⟨post⟩ is executed. Again, the code should call
+ `\pgfsys@transformcm` at most once. The resulting transformation is
+ also added to the object's canvas transformation, but does *not*
+ influence the animation.
+The net effect of the above is that, normally, you use the ⟨pre⟩ code to
+setup a transformation matrix relative to which you wish to perform your
+animation and, normally, you use ⟨post⟩ to undo this transformation
+(using the inverted matrix) to ensure that when no animation is in
+force, the object is placed at the same position as if no animation were
+Let us now have a look at some examples. We use the following macro,
+which takes a pre and a post code and animates a red ball over 1cm to
+the right in two seconds and rotates the blue ball over 90$^\circ$
+around the origin. The ball is placed at $(1,0)$.
+ \def\animationcanvasexample#1#2{%
+ \animationexample{ball}{}{%
+ \pgfsysanimkeycanvastransform{#1}{#2}%
+ \pgfsysanimkeytime{0}{1}{1}{0}{0}
+ \pgfsysanimvaltranslate{0cm}{0cm}%
+ \pgfsysanimkeytime{2}{1}{1}{0}{0}
+ \pgfsysanimvaltranslate{1cm}{0cm}%
+ \pgfsysanimate{translate}
+ \fill [ball color=red,name=ball] (1,0) circle [radius=3mm]; }
+ \animationexample{ball}{}{%
+ \pgfsysanimkeycanvastransform{#1}{#2}%
+ \pgfsysanimkeytime{0}{1}{1}{0}{0}
+ \pgfsysanimvalscalar{0}%
+ \pgfsysanimkeytime{2}{1}{1}{0}{0}
+ \pgfsysanimvalscalar{90}%
+ \pgfsysanimate{rotate}
+ \fill [ball color=blue,name=ball] (1,0) circle [radius=3mm]; } }
+ \animationcanvasexample
+ {}
+ {}
+ \animationcanvasexample
+ {\pgfsys@transformshift{10mm}{0mm}}
+ {\pgfsys@transformshift{-10mm}{0mm}}
+ \animationcanvasexample
+ {\pgfsys@transformcm{0.5}{0.5}{-0.5}{0.5}
+ {0pt}{0pt}}
+ {}
+ \animationcanvasexample
+ {\pgfsys@transformcm{0.5}{0.5}{-0.5}{0.5}
+ {0pt}{0pt}}
+ {\pgfsys@transformcm{1}{-1}{1}{1}
+ {0pt}{0pt}}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfsys@animation@canvas@transform"
+ },
+ ["pgfsys@animation@event"] = {
+ arguments = {
+ {meta = "id"},
+ {meta = "type"},
+ {meta = "event name"},
+ {meta = "time offset"},
+ {meta = "begin or end"}
+ },
+ details = [[
+Specifies that the animation should begin (or end) ⟨time offset⟩ many
+seconds after a certain *event* has occurred. Which events are possible
+depends on the specific output language, here are the events currently
+supported in SVG:
+- `click` occurs when the object with the given ⟨id⟩ and ⟨type⟩ has
+ been clicked.
+- `focusin` and `focusout` occur when the focus enters or leaves the
+ object.
+- `mouseup`, `mousedown`, `mouseover`, `mousemove`, and `mouseout`
+ occur when the mouse is pressed up or down on the object, moved onto
+ the object, moved over the object, or moved off the object.
+ \animationexample{node}{}{
+ \pgfsysanimkeytime{0}{1}{1}{0}{0}
+ \pgfsysanimvaltranslate{0cm}{0cm}
+ \pgfsysanimkeytime{2}{1}{1}{0}{0}
+ \pgfsysanimvaltranslate{0cm}{-1cm}
+ \pgfsysanimkeyevent{\nodeid}{}{mouseup}{}{begin}
+ \pgfsysanimate{translate} }
+ \animationexample{node}{}{
+ \pgfsysanimkeytime{0}{1}{1}{0}{0}
+ \pgfsysanimvaltranslate{0cm}{0cm}
+ \pgfsysanimkeytime{2}{1}{1}{0}{0}
+ \pgfsysanimvaltranslate{0cm}{-1cm}
+ \pgfsysanimkeyevent{\nodeid}{}{mousedown}{}{begin}
+ \pgfsysanimate{translate} }
+ \animationexample{node}{}{
+ \pgfsysanimkeytime{0}{1}{1}{0}{0}
+ \pgfsysanimvaltranslate{0cm}{0cm}
+ \pgfsysanimkeytime{2}{1}{1}{0}{0}
+ \pgfsysanimvaltranslate{0cm}{-1cm}
+ \pgfsysanimkeyevent{\nodeid}{}{mouseover}{}{begin}
+ \pgfsysanimate{translate} }
+ \animationexample{node}{}{
+ \pgfsysanimkeytime{0}{1}{1}{0}{0}
+ \pgfsysanimvaltranslate{0cm}{0cm}
+ \pgfsysanimkeytime{2}{1}{1}{0}{0}
+ \pgfsysanimvaltranslate{0cm}{-1cm}
+ \pgfsysanimkeyevent{\nodeid}{}{mousemove}{}{begin}
+ \pgfsysanimate{translate} }
+ \animationexample{node}{}{
+ \pgfsysanimkeytime{0}{1}{1}{0}{0}
+ \pgfsysanimvaltranslate{0cm}{0cm}
+ \pgfsysanimkeytime{2}{1}{1}{0}{0}
+ \pgfsysanimvaltranslate{0cm}{-1cm}
+ \pgfsysanimkeyevent{\nodeid}{}{mouseout}{}{begin}
+ \pgfsysanimate{translate} }
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfsys@animation@event"
+ },
+ ["pgfsys@animation@freezeatend"] = {
+ details = [[
+When an animation ends, the question is whether the "effect" of the
+animation (like changing a color or translating the coordinate system)
+should disappear or "remain in force". Using this key, you specify that
+at the end of the animation the last value of the attributes stays in
+ \animationexample{node}{}{
+ \pgfsysanimkeytime{0}{1}{1}{0}{0}
+ \pgfsysanimvaltranslate{0cm}{0cm}
+ \pgfsysanimkeytime{2}{1}{1}{0}{0}
+ \pgfsysanimvaltranslate{0cm}{-1cm}
+ \pgfsysanimkeyfreezeatend
+ \pgfsysanimate{translate} }
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfsys@animation@freezeatend"
+ },
+ ["pgfsys@animation@movealong"] = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "path"}},
+ details = [[
+Defines the ⟨path⟩ along which the motion will occur. It will simply be
+executed and must call `\pgfsys@lineto` and similar path-construction
+commands, but should not call other commands.
+ \animationexample{node}{}{
+ \pgfsysanimkeymovealong{
+ \pgfsyssoftpath@movetotoken{0pt}{0pt}
+ \pgfsyssoftpath@linetotoken{0pt}{-5mm}
+ \pgfsyssoftpath@curvetosupportatoken{0pt}{-1cm}%
+ \pgfsyssoftpath@curvetosupportbtoken{0pt}{-1cm}%
+ \pgfsyssoftpath@curvetotoken{-5mm}{-1cm} }
+ \pgfsysanimkeytime{0}{1}{1}{0}{0}
+ \pgfsysanimvalscalar{0}
+ \pgfsysanimkeytime{2}{1}{1}{0}{0}
+ \pgfsysanimvalscalar{1}
+ \pgfsysanimate{motion}
+ }
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfsys@animation@movealong"
+ },
+ ["pgfsys@animation@noaccumulate"] = {
+ details = [[
+Specifies that each repeat resets the to-be-animated value. This is the
+ \animationexample{node}{}{
+ \pgfsysanimkeytime{0}{1}{1}{0}{0}
+ \pgfsysanimvaltranslate{0cm}{0cm}
+ \pgfsysanimkeytime{2}{1}{1}{0}{0}
+ \pgfsysanimvaltranslate{0cm}{-5mm}
+ \pgfsysanimkeynoaccumulate
+ \pgfsysanimkeyrepeatdur{5}
+ \pgfsysanimate{translate} }
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfsys@animation@noaccumulate"
+ },
+ ["pgfsys@animation@norotatealong"] = {
+ details = [[
+Indicates that no additional rotation should be added during the
+movement. This is the default.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfsys@animation@norotatealong"
+ },
+ ["pgfsys@animation@offset"] = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "time offset"}, {meta = "begin or end"}},
+ details = [[
+Specifies that (in addition to any other beginnings or endings) the
+animation's timeline should begin (or end) ⟨time offset⟩ many seconds
+after the graphic is shown. For instance, in the next example the
+animation will start automatically after 5 s *or* when then button is
+ \animationexample{node}{}{
+ \pgfsysanimkeytime{0}{1}{1}{0}{0}
+ \pgfsysanimvaltranslate{0cm}{0cm}
+ \pgfsysanimkeytime{2}{1}{1}{0}{0}
+ \pgfsysanimvaltranslate{0cm}{-1cm}
+ \pgfsysanimkeyoffset{5}{begin}
+ \pgfsysanimate{translate} }
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfsys@animation@offset"
+ },
+ ["pgfsys@animation@removeatend"] = {
+ details = [[
+The opposite of `\pgfsysanimkeyfreezeatend`. This is the default.
+ \animationexample{node}{}{
+ \pgfsysanimkeytime{0}{1}{1}{0}{0}
+ \pgfsysanimvaltranslate{0cm}{0cm}
+ \pgfsysanimkeytime{2}{1}{1}{0}{0}
+ \pgfsysanimvaltranslate{0cm}{-1cm}
+ \pgfsysanimkeyremoveatend
+ \pgfsysanimate{translate} }
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfsys@animation@removeatend"
+ },
+ ["pgfsys@animation@repeat"] = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "number of times"}},
+ details = [[
+Specifies that the animation should repeat the specified ⟨number of
+times⟩, which may be a fractional number.
+ \animationexample{node}{}{
+ \pgfsysanimkeytime{0}{1}{1}{0}{0}
+ \pgfsysanimvaltranslate{0cm}{0cm}
+ \pgfsysanimkeytime{2}{1}{1}{0}{0}
+ \pgfsysanimvaltranslate{0cm}{-1cm}
+ \pgfsysanimkeyrepeat{2.5}
+ \pgfsysanimate{translate} }
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfsys@animation@repeat"
+ },
+ ["pgfsys@animation@repeat@dur"] = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "seconds"}},
+ details = [[
+Specifies that the animation should repeat until ⟨seconds⟩ have elapsed.
+ \animationexample{node}{}{
+ \pgfsysanimkeytime{0}{1}{1}{0}{0}
+ \pgfsysanimvaltranslate{0cm}{0cm}
+ \pgfsysanimkeytime{2}{1}{1}{0}{0}
+ \pgfsysanimvaltranslate{0cm}{-1cm}
+ \pgfsysanimkeyrepeatdur{5}
+ \pgfsysanimate{translate} }
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfsys@animation@repeat@dur"
+ },
+ ["pgfsys@animation@repeat@event"] = {
+ arguments = {
+ {meta = "id"},
+ {meta = "type"},
+ {meta = "repeat count"},
+ {meta = "time offset"},
+ {meta = "begin or end"}
+ },
+ details = [[
+The animation begins (or end) with a certain offset when another
+animation has reached a certain repeat count.
+ \animationexample{node}{}{
+ \pgfsysanimkeytime{0}{1}{1}{0}{0}
+ \pgfsysanimvaltranslate{0cm}{0cm}
+ \pgfsysanimkeytime{2}{1}{1}{0}{0}
+ \pgfsysanimvaltranslate{0cm}{-5mm}
+ \pgfsysanimkeyrepeatdur{5}
+ \pgfsys@new@id{\animationid}
+ \pgfsys@use@id{\animationid}
+ \pgfsysanimate{translate}
+ \global\let\animationid\animationid }
+ \tikz {
+ \pgfidrefnextuse{\objid}{other}
+ \pgfsysanimkeyrepeatevent{\animationid}{}{2}{0}{begin}
+ \pgfsysanimkeysnapshotstart{4}
+ \pgfsysanimkeywhom{\objid}{}
+ \pgfsysanimkeytime{0}{1}{1}{0}{0}
+ \pgfsysanimvaltranslate{0cm}{0cm}
+ \pgfsysanimkeytime{2}{1}{1}{0}{0}
+ \pgfsysanimvaltranslate{0cm}{-5mm}
+ \pgfsysanimate{translate}
+ \node [fill=red, text=white, circle] (other) {Other}; }
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfsys@animation@repeat@event"
+ },
+ ["pgfsys@animation@repeat@indefinite"] = {
+ details = [[
+Specifies that the animation should repeat indefinitely.
+ \animationexample{node}{}{
+ \pgfsysanimkeytime{0}{1}{1}{0}{0}
+ \pgfsysanimvaltranslate{0cm}{0cm}
+ \pgfsysanimkeytime{2}{1}{1}{0}{0}
+ \pgfsysanimvaltranslate{0cm}{-1cm}
+ \pgfsysanimkeyrepeatindefinite
+ \pgfsysanimate{translate} }
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfsys@animation@repeat@indefinite"
+ },
+ ["pgfsys@animation@restart@always"] = {
+ details = [[
+Defines that the animation can be restarted at any time. This is the
+ \animationexample{node}{}{
+ \pgfsysanimkeytime{0}{1}{1}{0}{0}
+ \pgfsysanimvaltranslate{0cm}{0cm}
+ \pgfsysanimkeytime{2}{1}{1}{0}{0}
+ \pgfsysanimvaltranslate{0cm}{-1cm}
+ \pgfsysanimkeyrestartalways
+ \pgfsysanimate{translate} }
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfsys@animation@restart@always"
+ },
+ ["pgfsys@animation@restart@never"] = {
+ details = [[
+Defines that the animation cannot be restarted once it has run.
+ \animationexample{node}{}{
+ \pgfsysanimkeytime{0}{1}{1}{0}{0}
+ \pgfsysanimvaltranslate{0cm}{0cm}
+ \pgfsysanimkeytime{2}{1}{1}{0}{0}
+ \pgfsysanimvaltranslate{0cm}{-1cm}
+ \pgfsysanimkeyrestartnever
+ \pgfsysanimate{translate} }
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfsys@animation@restart@never"
+ },
+ ["pgfsys@animation@restart@whennotactive"] = {
+ details = [[
+Defines that the animation cannot be restarted while it is running.
+ \animationexample{node}{}{
+ \pgfsysanimkeytime{0}{1}{1}{0}{0}
+ \pgfsysanimvaltranslate{0cm}{0cm}
+ \pgfsysanimkeytime{2}{1}{1}{0}{0}
+ \pgfsysanimvaltranslate{0cm}{-1cm}
+ \pgfsysanimkeyrestartwhennotactive
+ \pgfsysanimate{translate} }
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfsys@animation@restart@whennotactive"
+ },
+ ["pgfsys@animation@rotatealong"] = {
+ details = [[
+Indicates that the to-be-animated group should be rotated automatically
+so that it points along the path as time progresses. This option is only
+applicable to motion animations.
+ \animationexample{node}{}{
+ \pgfsysanimkeyrotatealong
+ \pgfsysanimkeymovealong{%
+ \pgfsyssoftpath@movetotoken{0pt}{0pt}%
+ \pgfsyssoftpath@linetotoken{0pt}{-5mm}%
+ \pgfsyssoftpath@curvetosupportatoken{0pt}{-1cm}%
+ \pgfsyssoftpath@curvetosupportbtoken{0pt}{-1cm}%
+ \pgfsyssoftpath@curvetotoken{-5mm}{-1cm}}
+ \pgfsysanimkeytime{0}{1}{1}{0}{0}
+ \pgfsysanimvalscalar{0}%
+ \pgfsysanimkeytime{2}{1}{1}{0}{0}
+ \pgfsysanimvalscalar{1}
+ \pgfsysanimate{motion}
+ }
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfsys@animation@rotatealong"
+ },
+ ["pgfsys@animation@syncbegin"] = {
+ arguments = {
+ {meta = "sync base id"},
+ {meta = "type"},
+ {meta = "time offset"},
+ {meta = "begin or end"}
+ },
+ details = [[
+Specifies that the animation should begin ⟨time offset⟩ many seconds
+after the ⟨sync base id⟩ with the given ⟨type⟩ has begun. Here, the
+⟨sync base id⟩ must have been obtained using `\pgfsys@new@id`.
+The idea behind a sync base is that you setup an animation and name it,
+other animations can start alongside this animation. An animation whose
+sole purpose is to orchestrate other animations in this way is called a
+*sync base*.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfsys@animation@syncbegin"
+ },
+ ["pgfsys@animation@syncend"] = {
+ arguments = {
+ {meta = "sync base id"},
+ {meta = "type"},
+ {meta = "time offset"},
+ {meta = "begin or end"}
+ },
+ details = [[
+Works like `\pgfsysanimkeysyncbegin` only the animation begin (or ends)
+when the sync base ends.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfsys@animation@syncend"
+ },
+ ["pgfsys@animation@time"] = {
+ arguments = {
+ {meta = "time"},
+ {meta = "entry spline control x"},
+ {meta = "entry spline control y"},
+ {meta = "exit spline control x"},
+ {meta = "exit spline control y"}
+ },
+ details = [[
+The ⟨time⟩ is a number representing seconds (so `0.5` means 500 ms).
+The spline between a time--value pair and the next is specified using
+the four parameters following the time. The first two of these specify
+the second control point of the interval preceding the time--value pair
+(called the "entry" control point), the last two parameters specify the
+first control point of the interval following the pair (called the
+"exit" control point). Consider for instance, the following calls:
+ \pgfsysanimkeytime{10}{0.1}{0.2}{0.3}{0.4}
+ \pgfsysanimvalscalar{100}
+ \pgfsysanimkeytime{15}{0.5}{0.6}{0.7}{0.8}
+ \pgfsysanimvalscalar{200}
+This will create (at least) the time interval
+$[10\,\mathrm s,15\,\mathrm
+ s]$ and the control points for this interval will be $(0.3,0.4)$ and
+Control points are specified in a different "coordinate" system from the
+time--value pairs themselves: While the time--value pairs are specified
+using a number representing seconds and a value using some special
+commands, the control points are specified as numbers between $0$ and
+$1$, each time representing a fraction of the time interval or the value
+interval. In the example, the time interval is
+$[10\,\mathrm s,15\,\mathrm
+ s]$ and the value interval is $[100,200]$. This means that a control
+point of $(0.3,0.4)$ actually refers to the time--value
+$(11.5\,\mathrm s,140)$. The "time--value curve" in the interval thus
+"`(10s,100) .. controls (11.5s,140) and (12.5s,160) .. (15s,200)`".
+Note that by setting the control points always to $(1,1)$ and $(0,0)$
+you get a linear interpolation between time--value pairs.
+Two special cases are the following: When the two last parameters, the
+exit spline, take the special values `stay` and `0`, the attribute's
+value "stays" until the next value for the next time (it then "jumps" to
+the next value then). This corresponds, roughly, to an "infinite" ⟨exit
+spline control x⟩. Similarly, when the entry spline parameters take the
+special values `jump` and `1`, the value immediately jumps from the
+previous value to the next value when the previous value was specified.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfsys@animation@time"
+ },
+ ["pgfsys@animation@tip@markers"] = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "start marker"}, {meta = "end marker"}},
+ details = [[
+This command specifies that during a path animation the two markers
+provided as parameters should be added (and rotated and moved along with
+the path) at the start and end. The ⟨start marker⟩ must either be empty
+(in which case no marker is added at the start) or it must be a macro
+storing a value returned by the command `\pgfsys@marker@declare`. In
+this case, the marker declared symbol will be added to the start during
+the animation. The same situation applies to the end of the path.
+As pointed out earlier, only arrow tips / markers added to paths using
+this command will be animated along with the path. In particular, you
+should *not* add arrow tips to to-be-animated paths using
+`\pgfsetarrow`. However, when you use a base value
+(`\pgfsys@animation@base`) to set a path, the arrow tips will also be
+added to this base path.
+To sum up, the "correct" way of adding arrow tips to a path that is
+animated is to proceed as follows:
+1. You specify arrow tips for a path using this command.
+2. You specify times and values of the to-be-animated path, shortened
+ as necessary to accommodate the length of the arrow tips.
+3. You specify the first (or, possibly, some other) value in the
+ time--value sequence as a base value.
+4. You create a path animation that applies to a future path.
+5. You create this future path as an empty path without arrow tips and
+ draw it. Because of the setting of the base value, instead of the
+ empty path the base path will be used as the "real" path and the
+ animation's arrow tips will be added as arrow tips.
+When you have more than one animation for a given path, these different
+animations may use different arrow tips / markers. This allows you to
+animate (change) which arrow tip is used on a path over time.
+ % Declare a marker:
+ \pgfsys@marker@declare\mymarker{%
+ \pgfscope%
+ \pgfsetcolor{red!75}%
+ \pgfpathmoveto{\pgfpoint{0pt}{5pt}}\pgfpathlineto{\pgfpoint{8pt}{0pt}}%
+ \pgfpathlineto{\pgfpoint{0pt}{0pt}}\pgfpathclose%
+ \pgfusepathqfill%
+ \endpgfscope%
+ \pgfpathmoveto{\pgfpoint{0pt}{5pt}}\pgfpathlineto{\pgfpoint{8pt}{0pt}}%
+ \pgfpathlineto{\pgfpoint{0pt}{-5pt}}\pgfpathclose%
+ \pgfusepathqstroke%
+ }%
+ \animationexample{my path}{path}{
+ \pgfsysanimkeytipmarkers{\mymarker}{\mymarker}
+ \pgfsysanimkeybase
+ \pgfsysanimvalpath{\pgfsys@moveto{1cm}{0cm}%
+ \pgfsys@lineto{1cm}{1cm}%
+ \pgfsys@lineto{2cm}{0cm}}
+ \pgfsysanimkeytime{0}{1}{1}{0}{0}
+ \pgfsysanimvalpath{\pgfsys@moveto{1cm}{0cm}%
+ \pgfsys@lineto{1cm}{1cm}%
+ \pgfsys@lineto{2cm}{0cm}}
+ \pgfsysanimkeytime{2}{1}{1}{0}{0}
+ \pgfsysanimvalpath{\pgfsys@moveto{1cm}{1cm}%
+ \pgfsys@lineto{2cm}{1cm}%
+ \pgfsys@lineto{1cm}{0cm}}
+ \pgfsysanimate{path}
+ \filldraw [ultra thick,draw=blue,fill=blue!20, name=my path];
+ \path (1,0) (2,1);}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfsys@animation@tip@markers"
+ },
+ ["pgfsys@animation@val@color@cmy"] = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "cyan"}, {meta = "magenta"}, {meta = "yellow"}},
+ details = [[
+Like the `\pgfsysanimvalcolorcmyk` only without the black part.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfsys@animation@val@color@cmy"
+ },
+ ["pgfsys@animation@val@color@cmyk"] = {
+ arguments = {
+ {meta = "cyan"},
+ {meta = "magenta"},
+ {meta = "yellow"},
+ {meta = "black"}
+ },
+ details = [[
+Creates a time--value pairs where the value is color specified by four
+fractional values between 0 and 1 for the cyan, magenta, yellow, and
+black part.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfsys@animation@val@color@cmyk"
+ },
+ ["pgfsys@animation@val@color@gray"] = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "gray value"}},
+ details = [[
+Creates a time--value pairs where the value is gray value (a fraction
+between 0 and 1).
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfsys@animation@val@color@gray"
+ },
+ ["pgfsys@animation@val@color@rgb"] = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "red"}, {meta = "green"}, {meta = "blue"}},
+ details = [[
+Creates a time--value pairs where the value is color specified by three
+fractional values between 0 and 1 for the red, the green, and the blue
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfsys@animation@val@color@rgb"
+ },
+ ["pgfsys@animation@val@current"] = {
+ details = [[
+Creates a time--value pairs where the value is the current value that
+the attribute has. This command can only be used in conjunction with
+"real" animations, when you use it with a snapshot an error is raised.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfsys@animation@val@current"
+ },
+ ["pgfsys@animation@val@dash"] = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "pattern"}, {meta = "phase"}},
+ details = [[
+Creates a time--value pairs where the value is dash pattern and phase
+with the same syntax as `\pgfsys@setdash`.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfsys@animation@val@dash"
+ },
+ ["pgfsys@animation@val@dimension"] = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "dimension"}},
+ details = [[
+Creates a time--value pairs where the value is a TeX dimension like
+`0.5pt` or `-2in`.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfsys@animation@val@dimension"
+ },
+ ["pgfsys@animation@val@path"] = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "low-level path construction command"}},
+ details = [[
+Creates a time--value pairs where the value is path. The ⟨low-level
+commands⟩ must consist of a sequence of path construction commands like
+`\pgfsys@lineto` or `\pgfsyssoftpath@linetotoken` (more precisely, the
+commands must form a list of TeX tokens and dimensions surrounded by
+braces). For each call of this command, the sequence of tokens and
+numbers must be the some. During the animation, only and exactly the
+numbers will be interpolated.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfsys@animation@val@path"
+ },
+ ["pgfsys@animation@val@scalar"] = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "number"}},
+ details = [[
+Creates a time--value pairs where the value is a number like `0.5` or
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfsys@animation@val@scalar"
+ },
+ ["pgfsys@animation@val@scale"] = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "x scale"}, {meta = "y scale"}},
+ details = [[
+Creates a time--value pairs where the value is pair of scalar values.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfsys@animation@val@scale"
+ },
+ ["pgfsys@animation@val@text"] = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "text"}},
+ details = [[
+Creates a time--value pairs where the value is some text. Which texts
+are permissible depends on the to-be-animated attribute.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfsys@animation@val@text"
+ },
+ ["pgfsys@animation@val@translate"] = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "x dimension"}, {meta = "y dimension"}},
+ details = [[
+Creates a time--value pairs where the value is a coordinate. The
+dimensions must be TeX dimensions.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfsys@animation@val@translate"
+ },
+ ["pgfsys@animation@val@viewbox"] = {
+ arguments = {
+ {meta = "$x_1$"},
+ {meta = "$y_1$"},
+ {meta = "$x_2$"},
+ {meta = "$y_2$"}
+ },
+ details = [[
+Creates a time--value pairs where the value is view box. The lower left
+corner is given by $(x_1,y_1)$, consisting of two TeX dimensions, and
+the upper right corner is $(x_2,y_2)$.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfsys@animation@val@viewbox"
+ },
+ ["pgfsys@animation@whom"] = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "id"}, {meta = "type"}},
+ details = [[
+Sets the target of the animation. The `{id}` must previously have been
+created using `\pgfsys@new@id`, `{type}` must be a type (the empty type
+is also allowed). See Section ?? for details on ids and types.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfsys@animation@whom"
+ },
+ ["pgfsys@append@type"] = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "text"}},
+ details = [[
+Appends the ⟨text⟩ to the current type.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfsys@append@type"
+ },
+ ["pgfsys@attach@to@id"] = {
+ arguments = {
+ {meta = "id"},
+ {meta = "type"},
+ {meta = "begin code"},
+ {meta = "end code"},
+ {meta = "setup code"}
+ },
+ details = [[
+Attaches codes to the ⟨id⟩-⟨type⟩-pair, where ⟨id⟩ must have been
+created using `\pgfsys@new@id`. The effect is that just before the id
+scope for this pair is created, the ⟨setup code⟩ is executed, then the
+scope is started, then the ⟨begin code⟩ is executed at the beginning,
+and, finally, ⟨end code⟩ gets executed just before the scope ends.
+Multiple calls of this macro accumulated.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfsys@attach@to@id"
+ },
+ ["pgfsys@begin@idscope"] = {
+ details = [[
+Starts a (graphics) scope whose sole purpose is to assign it an
+id-type-pair so that it can be referenced later. Note that this command
+does not always produce a graphics scope: If not id is currently in use
+or if the id-type-pair has already been used, a graphic scope may or may
+not be created as defined by the driver (but always a TeX scope). This
+allows drivers to minimize the number of graphic scopes created.
+When an id scope is created, any code that has been "attached" to it
+using `\pgfsys@attach@to@id` gets executed, see that command.
+Note that `\pgfsys@beginscope` does not use the current id-type-pair.
+You need to call this command to attach an id to a group.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfsys@begin@idscope"
+ },
+ ["pgfsys@begininvisible"] = {
+ details = [[
+Between this command and the closing `\pgfsys@endinvisible` all output
+should be suppressed. Nothing should be drawn at all, which includes all
+paths, images and shadings. However, no groups (neither TeX groups nor
+graphic state groups) should be opened by this command.
+This command has a default implementation and need not be implemented by
+a driver file.
+This command is protocolled, see Section ??.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfsys@begininvisible"
+ },
+ ["pgfsys@beginpicture"] = {
+ details = [[
+Called at the beginning of a `{pgfpicture}`. This command should "set up
+Most drivers will need to implement this command.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfsys@beginpicture"
+ },
+ ["pgfsys@beginpurepicture"] = {
+ details = [[
+This version of the `\pgfsys@beginpicture` picture command can be used
+for pictures that are guaranteed not to contain any escaped boxes (see
+below). In this case, a driver might provide a more compact version of
+the command.
+This command has a default implementation and need not be implemented by
+a driver file.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfsys@beginpurepicture"
+ },
+ ["pgfsys@beginscope"] = {
+ details = [[
+Saves the current graphic state on a graphic state stack. All changes to
+the graphic state parameters mentioned for `\pgfsys@stroke` and
+`\pgfsys@fill` will be local to the current graphic state and the old
+values will be restored after `\pgfsys@endscope` is used.
+*Warning:* PDF and PostScript differ with respect to the question of
+whether the current path is part of the graphic state or not. For this
+reason, you should never use this command unless the path is currently
+empty. For example, it might be a good idea to use `\pgfsys@discardpath`
+prior to calling this command.
+This command is protocolled, see Section ??.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfsys@beginscope"
+ },
+ ["pgfsys@beveljoin"] = {
+ details = [[
+Sets the join to a bevel join. See `\pgfsys@stroke`.
+This command is protocolled, see Section ??.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfsys@beveljoin"
+ },
+ ["pgfsys@blend@mode"] = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "value"}},
+ details = [[
+Sets the blend mode, see Section 7.2.4 of the PDF Specification,
+Version 1.7.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfsys@blend@mode"
+ },
+ ["pgfsys@buttcap"] = {
+ details = [[
+Sets the cap to a butt cap. See `\pgfsys@stroke`.
+This command is protocolled, see Section ??.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfsys@buttcap"
+ },
+ ["pgfsys@clipfading"] = {
+ details = [[
+This command has a default implementation and need not be implemented by
+driver files other than `pgfsys-dvips.def`. The macro is called in
+`\pgfsetfadingforcurrentpath` and `\pgfsetfadingforcurrentpathstroked`
+of the basic layer, where it invokes the current path for clipping the
+shading just before installing it as an opacity mask for fading. The
+default implementation is actually a non-operation, but with `dvips` it
+is used to clip the fading as described.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfsys@clipfading"
+ },
+ ["pgfsys@clipnext"] = {
+ details = [[
+This command should be issued after a path has been constructed, but
+before it has been stroked and/or filled or discarded. When the command
+is used, the next stroking/filling/discarding command will first be
+executed normally. Then, afterwards, the just-used path will be used for
+subsequent clipping. If there has already been a clipping region, this
+region is intersected with the new clipping path (the clipping cannot
+get bigger). The nonzero winding number rule is used to determine
+whether a point is inside or outside the clipping area or the even-odd
+rule, depending on whether `\ifpgfsys@eorule` holds.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfsys@clipnext"
+ },
+ ["pgfsys@closepath"] = {
+ details = [[
+Close the current path. This results in joining the current point of the
+path with the point specified by the last `\pgfsys@moveto` operation.
+Typically, this is preferable over using `\pgfsys@lineto` to the last
+point specified by a `\pgfsys@moveto`, since the line starting at this
+point and the line ending at this point will be smoothly joined by
+ \pgfsys@moveto{0pt}{0pt}
+ \pgfsys@lineto{10bp}{10bp}
+ \pgfsys@lineto{0bp}{10bp}
+ \pgfsys@closepath
+ \pgfsys@stroke
+ \pgfsys@moveto{0bp}{0bp}
+ \pgfsys@lineto{10bp}{10bp}
+ \pgfsys@lineto{0bp}{10bp}
+ \pgfsys@lineto{0bp}{0bp}
+ \pgfsys@stroke
+The difference between the above will be that in the second triangle the
+corner at the origin will be wrong; it will just be the overlay of two
+lines going in different directions, not a sharp pointed corner.
+This command is protocolled, see Section ??.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfsys@closepath"
+ },
+ ["pgfsys@closestroke"] = {
+ details = [[
+This command should have the same effect as first closing the path and
+then stroking it.
+This command has a default implementation and need not be implemented by
+a driver file.
+This command is protocolled, see Section ??.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfsys@closestroke"
+ },
+ ["pgfsys@color@cmy"] = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "cyan"}, {meta = "magenta"}, {meta = "yellow"}},
+ details = [[
+Sets the color used for stroking and filling operations to the given cmy
+tuple (numbers between 0 and 1).
+This command is protocolled, see Section ??.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfsys@color@cmy"
+ },
+ ["pgfsys@color@cmy@fill"] = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "cyan"}, {meta = "magenta"}, {meta = "yellow"}},
+ details = [[
+Sets the color used for filling operations to the given cmy tuple
+(numbers between 0 and 1).
+This command is protocolled, see Section ??.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfsys@color@cmy@fill"
+ },
+ ["pgfsys@color@cmy@stroke"] = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "cyan"}, {meta = "magenta"}, {meta = "yellow"}},
+ details = [[
+Sets the color used for stroking operations to the given cmy tuple
+(numbers between 0 and 1).
+This command is protocolled, see Section ??.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfsys@color@cmy@stroke"
+ },
+ ["pgfsys@color@cmyk"] = {
+ arguments = {
+ {meta = "cyan"},
+ {meta = "magenta"},
+ {meta = "yellow"},
+ {meta = "black"}
+ },
+ details = [[
+Sets the color used for stroking and filling operations to the given
+cmyk tuple (numbers between 0 and 1).
+This command is protocolled, see Section ??.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfsys@color@cmyk"
+ },
+ ["pgfsys@color@cmyk@fill"] = {
+ arguments = {
+ {meta = "cyan"},
+ {meta = "magenta"},
+ {meta = "yellow"},
+ {meta = "black"}
+ },
+ details = [[
+Sets the color used for filling operations to the given cmyk tuple
+(numbers between 0 and 1).
+This command is protocolled, see Section ??.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfsys@color@cmyk@fill"
+ },
+ ["pgfsys@color@cmyk@stroke"] = {
+ arguments = {
+ {meta = "cyan"},
+ {meta = "magenta"},
+ {meta = "yellow"},
+ {meta = "black"}
+ },
+ details = [[
+Sets the color used for stroking operations to the given cmyk tuple
+(numbers between 0 and 1).
+This command is protocolled, see Section ??.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfsys@color@cmyk@stroke"
+ },
+ ["pgfsys@color@gray"] = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "black"}},
+ details = [[
+Sets the color used for stroking and filling operations to the given
+black value, where 0 means black and 1 means white.
+This command is protocolled, see Section ??.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfsys@color@gray"
+ },
+ ["pgfsys@color@gray@fill"] = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "black"}},
+ details = [[
+Sets the color used for filling operations to the given black value,
+where 0 means black and 1 means white.
+This command is protocolled, see Section ??.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfsys@color@gray@fill"
+ },
+ ["pgfsys@color@gray@stroke"] = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "black"}},
+ details = [[
+Sets the color used for stroking operations to the given black value,
+where 0 means black and 1 means white.
+This command is protocolled, see Section ??.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfsys@color@gray@stroke"
+ },
+ ["pgfsys@color@reset"] = {
+ details = [[
+This command will be called when the `\color` command is used. It should
+purge any internal settings of stroking and filling color. After this
+call, till the next use of a command like `\pgfsys@color@rgb@fill`, the
+current color installed by the `\color` command should be used.
+If the TeX-if `\pgfsys@color@reset@inorder` is set to true, this command
+may "assume" that any call to a color command that sets the fill or
+stroke color came "before" the call to this command and may try to
+optimize the output accordingly.
+An example of an incorrect "out of order" call would be using
+`\pgfsys@color@reset` at the beginning of a box that is constructed
+using `\setbox`. Then, when the box is constructed, no special fill or
+stroke color might be in force. However, when the box is later on
+inserted at some point, a special fill color might already have been
+set. In this case, this command is not guaranteed to reset the color
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfsys@color@reset"
+ },
+ ["pgfsys@color@reset@inorderfalse"] = {
+ details = [[
+Switches off the optimized color resetting.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfsys@color@reset@inorderfalse"
+ },
+ ["pgfsys@color@reset@inordertrue"] = {
+ details = [[
+Sets the optimized "in order" version of the color resetting. This is
+the default.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfsys@color@reset@inordertrue"
+ },
+ ["pgfsys@color@rgb"] = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "red"}, {meta = "green"}, {meta = "blue"}},
+ details = [[
+Sets the color used for stroking and filling operations to the given
+red/green/blue tuple (numbers between 0 and 1).
+This command is protocolled, see Section ??.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfsys@color@rgb"
+ },
+ ["pgfsys@color@rgb@fill"] = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "red"}, {meta = "green"}, {meta = "blue"}},
+ details = [[
+Sets the color used for filling operations to the given red/green/blue
+tuple (numbers between 0 and 1). This color may be different from the
+stroking color.
+This command is protocolled, see Section ??.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfsys@color@rgb@fill"
+ },
+ ["pgfsys@color@rgb@stroke"] = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "red"}, {meta = "green"}, {meta = "blue"}},
+ details = [[
+Sets the color used for stroking operations to the given red/green/blue
+tuple (numbers between 0 and 1).
+Make stroked text dark red: `\pgfsys@color@rgb@stroke{0.5}{0}{0}`
+The special stroking color is only used if the stroking color has been
+set since the last `\color` or `\pgfsys@color@...` command. Thus, each
+`\color` command will reset both the stroking and filling colors by
+calling `\pgfsys@color@reset`.
+This command is protocolled, see Section ??.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfsys@color@rgb@stroke"
+ },
+ ["pgfsys@color@unstacked"] = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "\\LaTeX\\ color"}},
+ details = [[
+This slightly obscure command causes the color stack to be tricked. When
+called, this command should set the current color to ⟨LaTeX color⟩
+without causing any change in the color stack.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfsys@color@unstacked"
+ },
+ ["pgfsys@curveto"] = {
+ arguments = {
+ {meta = "$x_1$"},
+ {meta = "$y_1$"},
+ {meta = "$x_2$"},
+ {meta = "$y_2$"},
+ {meta = "$x_3$"},
+ {meta = "$y_3$"}
+ },
+ details = [[
+Continue the current path to $(x_3,y_3)$ with a Bézier curve that has
+the two control points $(x_1,y_1)$ and $(x_2,y_2)$.
+Draw a good approximation of a quarter circle:
+ \pgfsys@moveto{10pt}{0pt}
+ \pgfsys@curveto{10pt}{5.55pt}{5.55pt}{10pt}{0pt}{10pt}
+ \pgfsys@stroke
+This command is protocolled, see Section ??.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfsys@curveto"
+ },
+ ["pgfsys@declarepattern"] = {
+ arguments = {
+ {meta = "name"},
+ {meta = "$x_1$"},
+ {meta = "$y_1$"},
+ {meta = "$x_2$"},
+ {meta = "$y_2$"},
+ {meta = "$x$ step"},
+ {meta = "$y$ step"},
+ {meta = "$a$"},
+ {meta = "$b$"},
+ {meta = "$c$"},
+ {meta = "$d$"}
+ },
+ details = [[
+This command declares a new colored or uncolored pattern, depending on
+whether ⟨flag⟩ is `0`, which means uncolored, or `1`, which means
+colored. Uncolored patterns have no inherent color, the color is
+provided when they are set. Colored patters have an inherent color.
+The ⟨name⟩ is a name for later use when the pattern is to be shown. The
+pairs $(x_1,y_1)$ and $(x_2,y_2)$ must describe a bounding box of the
+pattern ⟨code⟩.
+The tiling step of the pattern is given by ⟨$x$ step⟩ and ⟨$y$ step⟩.
+The parameters ⟨$a$⟩ to ⟨$f$⟩ are entries of the transformation matrix
+that is applied to the pattern, see `\pgfsys@patternmatrix` for more
+ \pgfsys@declarepattern
+ {hori}{-.5pt}{0pt}{.5pt}{3pt}{3pt}{3pt}%
+ {1.0}{0.0}{0.0}{1.0}{0.0pt}{0.0pt}%
+ {\pgfsys@moveto{0pt}{0pt}\pgfsys@lineto{0pt}{3pt}\pgfsys@stroke}
+ {0}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfsys@declarepattern"
+ },
+ ["pgfsys@defineimage"] = {
+ details = [[
+Called, when an image should be defined.
+This command does not take any parameters. Instead, certain macros will
+be preinstalled with appropriate values when this command is invoked.
+These are:
+- `\pgf@filename` File name of the image to be defined.
+- `\pgf@imagewidth` Will be set to the desired (scaled) width of the
+ image.
+- `\pgf@imageheight` Will be set to the desired (scaled) height of the
+ image.
+ If this macro and also the height macro are empty, the image should
+ have its "natural" size.
+ If only one of them is specified, the undefined value the image is
+ scaled so that the aspect ratio is kept.
+ If both are set, the image is scaled in both directions
+ independently, possibly changing the aspect ratio.
+The following macros presumable mostly make sense for drivers that can
+handle PDF:
+- `\pgf@imagepage` The desired page number to be extracted from a
+ multi-page "image".
+- `\pgf@imagemask` If set, it will be set to `/SMask x 0 R` where `x`
+ is the PDF object number of a soft mask to be applied to the image.
+- `\pgf@imageinterpolate` If set, it will be set to
+ `/Interpolate true` or `/Interpolate false`, indicating whether the
+ image should be interpolated in PDF.
+The command should now set up the macro `\pgf@image` such that calling
+this macro will result in typesetting the image. Thus, `\pgf@image` is
+the "return value" of the command.
+This command has a default implementation and need not be implemented by
+a driver file.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfsys@defineimage"
+ },
+ ["pgfsys@definemask"] = {
+ details = [[
+This command declares a fading (known as a soft mask in this context)
+based on an image and for usage with images. It works similar to
+`\pgfsys@defineimage`: Certain macros are set when the command is
+called. The result should be to set the macro `\pgf@mask` to a pdf
+object count that can subsequently be used as a transparency mask. The
+following macros will be set when this command is invoked:
+- `\pgf@filename` File name of the mask to be defined.
+- `\pgf@maskmatte` The so-called matte of the mask (see the
+ PDF documentation for details). The matte is a color specification
+ consisting of 1, 3 or 4 numbers between 0 and 1. The number of
+ numbers depends on the number of color channels in the image (not in
+ the mask!). It will be assumed that the image has been preblended
+ with this color.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfsys@definemask"
+ },
+ ["pgfsys@defobject"] = {
+ arguments = {
+ {meta = "name"},
+ {meta = "lower left"},
+ {meta = "upper right"},
+ {meta = "code"}
+ },
+ details = [[
+Declares an object for later use. The idea is that the object can be
+precached in some way and then be rendered more quickly when used
+several times. For example, an arrow head might be defined and
+prerendered in this way.
+The parameter ⟨name⟩ is the name for later use. ⟨lower left⟩ and ⟨upper
+right⟩ are PGF points specifying a bounding box for the object. ⟨code⟩
+is the code for the object. The code should not be too fancy.
+This command has a default implementation and need not be implemented by
+a driver file.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfsys@defobject"
+ },
+ ["pgfsys@discardpath"] = {
+ details = [[
+Normally, this command should "throw away" the current path. However,
+after `\pgfsys@clipnext` has been called, the current path should
+subsequently be used for clipping. See `\pgfsys@clipnext` for details.
+This command is protocolled, see Section ??.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfsys@discardpath"
+ },
+ ["pgfsys@end@idscope"] = {
+ details = [[
+Ends the graphics id scope started by `\pgfsys@end@idscope`. It must
+nest correctly with other graphic scopes and TeX scopes.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfsys@end@idscope"
+ },
+ ["pgfsys@endinvisible"] = {
+ details = [[
+Ends the invisibility section, unless invisibility blocks have been
+nested. In this case, only the "last" one restores visibility.
+This command has a default implementation and need not be implemented by
+a driver file.
+This command is protocolled, see Section ??.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfsys@endinvisible"
+ },
+ ["pgfsys@endpicture"] = {
+ details = [[
+Called at the end of a `{pgfpicture}`.
+Most drivers will need to implement this command.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfsys@endpicture"
+ },
+ ["pgfsys@endpurepicture"] = {
+ details = [[
+Called at the end of a "pure" `{pgfpicture}`.
+This command has a default implementation and need not be implemented by
+a driver file.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfsys@endpurepicture"
+ },
+ ["pgfsys@endscope"] = {
+ details = [[
+Restores the last saved graphic state.
+This command is protocolled, see Section ??.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfsys@endscope"
+ },
+ ["pgfsys@endviewbox"] = {
+ details = [[
+Ends a viewbox previously started using `\pgfsys@viewboxmeet` or the
+`...slice` variant.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfsys@endviewbox"
+ },
+ ["pgfsys@fadingfrombox"] = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "name"}, {meta = "box"}},
+ details = [[
+Declares the fading ⟨name⟩. The ⟨box⟩ is a TeX-box. Its content's
+luminosity determines the opacity of the resulting fading. This means
+that the lighter a pixel inside the box, the more opaque the fading will
+be at this position.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfsys@fadingfrombox"
+ },
+ ["pgfsys@fill"] = {
+ details = [[
+This command fills the area surrounded by the current path. If the path
+has not yet been closed, it is closed prior to filling. The path itself
+is not stroked. For self-intersecting paths or paths consisting of
+multiple parts, the nonzero winding number rule is used to determine
+whether a point is inside or outside the path, except if
+`\ifpgfsys@eorule` holds -- in which case the even-odd rule should be
+used. (See the PDF or PostScript manual for details.)
+The following graphic state parameters influence the filling:
+Interior rule
+If `\ifpgfsys@eorule` is set, the even-odd rule is used, otherwise the
+non-zero winding number rule.
+Fill color
+If the fill color is not especially set, the current color is used.
+Clipping area
+If a clipping area is established, only those parts of the filling area
+that are inside the clipping area will be drawn.
+In addition to filling the path, the path will also be used for clipping
+if `\pgfsys@clipnext` is used prior to this command.
+This command is protocolled, see Section ??.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfsys@fill"
+ },
+ ["pgfsys@fill@opacity"] = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "value"}},
+ details = [[
+Sets the opacity of filling operations.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfsys@fill@opacity"
+ },
+ ["pgfsys@fillstroke"] = {
+ details = [[
+First, the path is filled, then the path is stroked. If the fill and
+stroke colors are the same (or if they are not specified and the current
+color is used), this yields almost the same as a `\pgfsys@fill`.
+However, due to the line thickness of the stroked path, the fill-stroked
+area will be slightly larger.
+In addition to stroking and filling the path, the path will also be used
+for clipping if `\pgfsys@clipnext` is used prior to this command.
+This command is protocolled, see Section ??.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfsys@fillstroke"
+ },
+ ["pgfsys@functionalshading"] = {
+ arguments = {
+ {meta = "name"},
+ {meta = "lower left corner"},
+ {meta = "upper right corner"},
+ {meta = "type 4 function"}
+ },
+ details = [[
+Declares a shading using a PostScript-like function that provides a
+color for each point. Like the previous macros, this command should set
+up the macro `\@pgfshading`⟨name⟩`!` so that it will produce a box
+containing the desired shading.
+Parameter ⟨name⟩ is the name of the shading. Parameter ⟨type 4 function⟩
+is a Postscript-like function (type 4 function of the PDF specification)
+as described in Section 3.9.4 of the PDF specification version 1.7.
+Parameters ⟨lower left corner⟩ and ⟨upper right corner⟩ are PGF points
+that specifies the lower left and upper right corners of the shading,
+When ⟨type 4 function⟩ is evaluated, the coordinate of the current point
+will be on the (virtual) PostScript stack in bp units. After the
+function has been evaluated, the stack should consist of three numbers
+(not integers! -- the Apple PDF renderer is broken in this regard, so
+add cvrs at the end if needed) that represent the red, green, and blue
+components of the color.
+A buggy function will result is *totally unpredictable chaos* during
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfsys@functionalshading"
+ },
+ ["pgfsys@getposition"] = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "name"}, {meta = "macro"}},
+ details = [[
+This command retrieves a position that has been marked on an earlier run
+of TeX on the current file. The ⟨macro⟩ must be a macro name such as
+`\mymacro`. It will be redefined such that it is
+- either just `\relax` or
+- a `\pgfpoint...` command.
+The first case will happen when the position has not been marked at all
+or when the file is typeset for the first time, when the coordinates are
+not yet available.
+In the second case, executing ⟨macro⟩ yields the position on the page
+that is to be interpreted as follows: A coordinate like
+`\pgfpoint{2cm}{3cm}` means "2cm to the right and 3cm up from the origin
+of the page". The position of the origin of the page is not guaranteed
+to be at the lower left corner, it is only guaranteed that all pictures
+on a page use the same origin.
+To determine the lower left corner of a page, you can call
+`\pgfsys@getposition` with ⟨name⟩ set to the special name
+`pgfpageorigin`. By shifting all positions by the amount returned by
+this call you can position things absolutely on a page.
+Referencing a point of the page:
+ The value of $x$ is \pgfsys@markposition{here}important.
+ Lots of text.
+ \hbox{\pgfsys@markposition{myorigin}%
+ \begin{pgfpicture}
+ % Switch of size protocol
+ \pgfpathmoveto{\pgfpointorigin}
+ \pgfusepath{use as bounding box}
+ \pgfsys@getposition{here}{\hereposition}
+ \pgfsys@getposition{myorigin}{\thispictureposition}
+ \pgftransformshift{\pgfpointscale{-1}{\thispictureposition}}
+ \pgftransformshift{\hereposition}
+ \pgfpathcircle{\pgfpointorigin}{1cm}
+ \pgfusepath{draw}
+ \end{pgfpicture}}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfsys@getposition"
+ },
+ ["pgfsys@global@papersize"] = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "width"}, {meta = "height"}},
+ details = [[
+Like the previous command, only for drivers where setting the paper size
+parameters is a TeX-group-local operation, `\global` is prefixed to the
+setting of the page sizes.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfsys@global@papersize"
+ },
+ ["pgfsys@hbox"] = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "box number"}},
+ details = [[
+Called to insert a (horizontal) TeX box inside a `{pgfpicture}`.
+Most drivers will need to (re-)implement this command.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfsys@hbox"
+ },
+ ["pgfsys@hboxsynced"] = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "box number"}},
+ details = [[
+Called to insert a (horizontal) TeX box inside a `{pgfpicture}`, but
+with the current coordinate transformation matrix synced with the canvas
+transformation matrix.
+This command should do the same as if you used `\pgflowlevelsynccm`
+followed by `\pgfsys@hbox`. However, the default implementation of this
+command will use a "TeX-translation" for the translation part of the
+transformation matrix. This will ensure that hyperlinks "survive" at
+least translations. On the other hand, a driver may choose to revert to
+a simpler implementation. This is done, for example, for the SVG
+implementation, where a TeX-translation makes no sense.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfsys@hboxsynced"
+ },
+ ["pgfsys@horishading"] = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "name"}, {meta = "height"}, {meta = "specification"}},
+ details = [[
+Declares a horizontal shading for later use. The effect of this command
+should be the definition of a macro called `\@pgfshading`⟨name⟩`!` (or
+`\csname @pdfshading`⟨name⟩`!\endcsname`, to be precise). When invoked,
+this new macro should insert a shading at the current position.
+⟨name⟩ is the name of the shading, which is also used in the output
+macro name. ⟨height⟩ is the height of the shading and must be given as a
+TeX dimension like `2cm` or `10pt`. ⟨specification⟩ is a shading color
+specification as specified in Section ??. The shading specification
+implicitly fixes the width of the shading.
+When `\@pgfshading`⟨name⟩`!` is invoked, it should insert a box of
+height ⟨height⟩ and the width implicit in the shading declaration.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfsys@horishading"
+ },
+ ["pgfsys@imagesuffixlist"] = {
+ details = [[
+This macro should expand to a list of suffixes, separated by ':', that
+will be tried when searching for an image.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfsys@imagesuffixlist"
+ },
+ ["pgfsys@invoke"] = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "literals"}},
+ details = [[
+This command gets protocolled literals and should insert them into the
+`.pdf` or `.dvi` file using an appropriate `\special`.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfsys@invoke"
+ },
+ ["pgfsys@lineto"] = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "x"}, {meta = "y"}},
+ details = [[
+Continue the current path to $(x,y)$ with a straight line.
+This command is protocolled, see Section ??.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfsys@lineto"
+ },
+ ["pgfsys@marker@declare"] = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "macro"}, {meta = "code"}},
+ details = [[
+Declares a *marker* symbol for later use. The command is very similar to
+`\pgfsys@defobject`, but the use case is slightly different: The graphic
+object defined using the ⟨code⟩ is stored in such a way that it can be
+used as an *arrow tip marker symbol* in animations. The ⟨macro⟩ is set
+to an identifier by which the marker can be referenced later on.
+This command has a default implementation and need not be implemented by
+a driver file.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfsys@marker@declare"
+ },
+ ["pgfsys@marker@use"] = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "macro"}},
+ details = [[
+Adds the marker object referenced by the ⟨macro⟩ to the current output.
+This command has a default implementation and need not be implemented by
+a driver file.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfsys@marker@use"
+ },
+ ["pgfsys@markposition"] = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "name"}},
+ details = [[
+Marks a position on the page. This command should be given while normal
+typesetting is done such as in
+ The value of $x$ is \pgfsys@markposition{here}important.
+It causes the position `here` to be saved when the page is shipped out.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfsys@markposition"
+ },
+ ["pgfsys@miterjoin"] = {
+ details = [[
+Sets the join to a miter join. See `\pgfsys@stroke`.
+This command is protocolled, see Section ??.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfsys@miterjoin"
+ },
+ ["pgfsys@moveto"] = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "x"}, {meta = "y"}},
+ details = [[
+This command is used to start a path at a specific point $(x,y)$ or to
+move the current point of the current path to $(x,y)$ without drawing
+anything upon stroking (the current path is "interrupted").
+Both ⟨x⟩ and ⟨y⟩ are given as TeX dimensions. It is the driver's job to
+transform these to the coordinate system of the backend. Typically, this
+means converting the TeX dimension into a dimensionless multiple of
+$\frac{1}{72}\mathrm{in}$. The function `\pgf@sys@bp` helps with this
+Draw a line from $(10\mathrm{pt},10\mathrm{pt})$ to the origin of the
+ \pgfsys@moveto{10pt}{10pt}
+ \pgfsys@lineto{0pt}{0pt}
+ \pgfsys@stroke
+This command is protocolled, see Section ??.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfsys@moveto"
+ },
+ ["pgfsys@new@id"] = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "macro"}},
+ details = [[
+Creates a new id for later use and stores it in ⟨macro⟩. It is an
+internal text created by the driver and may not be changed or modified.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfsys@new@id"
+ },
+ ["pgfsys@opacity"] = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "value"}},
+ details = [[
+Sets the opacity of all operations, treating stroking and filling as a
+transparency group. Some drivers support this operations, others do not
+and set the fill and stroke individually. This difference can only be
+seen when a path is stroked and filled at the same time: When the
+drawing and fill opacities are set individually, the effect of filling
+and drawing a path at the same time is the same as first filling the
+path and then drawing it. On the other, if the opacity is set using this
+command, the effect should rather be that same as first filling and then
+drawing the path without any opacity in an off-screen area and then
+copying the result to the target area with a homogeneous opacity of
+Since PDF does not support this form of opacity, this command is only
+present on the system layer and not supported in the basic layer.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfsys@opacity"
+ },
+ ["pgfsys@papersize"] = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "width"}, {meta = "height"}},
+ details = [[
+Inserts the necessary `\special`s for the current driver into the output
+stream to "locally" change the page size. Whether such a "local" change
+is possible depends strongly on the driver. For instance, `dvips` will
+honor the first call to this command that is part of the shipped-out
+document and will ignore all other uses. In contrast, `pdftex` will use
+the current value of the paper size for each page and, additionally,
+setting the papersize is local to the current TeX group.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfsys@papersize"
+ },
+ ["pgfsys@patternmatrix"] = {
+ details = [[
+For convenience PGF defines the transformation matrix that is applied to
+all patterns defined with `\pgfdeclarepatternformonly` and
+`\pgfdeclarepatterninherentlycolored` in a macro. This can be used as an
+extension point for ad-hoc transformation of existing patterns. The
+default definition is the identity matrix:
+ \def\pgfsys@patternmatrix{{1.0}{0.0}{0.0}{1.0}{0.0pt}{0.0pt}}
+The entries of the enclosed array
+`{`⟨$a$⟩`}{`⟨$b$⟩`}{`⟨$c$⟩`}{`⟨$d$⟩`}{`⟨$e$⟩`}{`⟨$f$⟩`}` are entries in
+the transformation matrix, identified as in the following transformation
+prescription: $$\begin{pmatrix}
+ x' \\
+ y' \\
+ 1 \\
+ \end{pmatrix}
+ =
+ \begin{pmatrix}
+ a & c & e \\
+ b & d & f \\
+ 0 & 0 & 1 \\
+ \end{pmatrix}
+ \begin{pmatrix}
+ x \\
+ y \\
+ 1 \\
+ \end{pmatrix} .$$ Carrying out the matrix multiplication results
+in the following system of equations $$\begin{aligned}
+ x' &= a x + c y + e , \\
+ y' &= b x + d y + f .
+ \end{aligned}$$ Evidently, the parameters `{a}` to `{d}` have to be
+dimensionless because they are scaling factors, but the parameters `{e}`
+and `{f}` are offsets, therefore they have to carry a unit.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfsys@patternmatrix"
+ },
+ ["pgfsys@pictureboxsynced"] = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "box number"}},
+ details = [[
+Basically, this should do the same as doing a (scoped) low level sync
+followed by inserting the box ⟨box number⟩ directly into the output
+stream. However, the default implementation uses `\pgfsys@hboxsynced` in
+conjunction with `\pgfsys@beginpicture` to ensure that, if possible,
+hyperlinks survive in PDFs. Drivers that are sensitive to
+picture-in-picture scopes should replace this implementation by
+ \pgfsys@beginscope\pgflowlevelsynccm\box#1\pgfsys@endscope
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfsys@pictureboxsynced"
+ },
+ ["pgfsys@pop@type"] = {
+ details = [[
+Restores the most recently pushed type.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfsys@pop@type"
+ },
+ ["pgfsys@push@type"] = {
+ details = [[
+Pushes the current type on a global "stack of types" without opening a
+TeX scope. The is useful when you temporarily wish to change the type
+(for instance, by appending something to it), but you cannot create a
+new scope.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfsys@push@type"
+ },
+ ["pgfsys@radialshading"] = {
+ arguments = {
+ {meta = "name"},
+ {meta = "starting point"},
+ {meta = "specification"}
+ },
+ details = [[
+Declares a radial shading. Like the previous macros, this command should
+set up the macro `\@pgfshading`⟨name⟩`!`, which upon invocation should
+insert a radial shading whose size is implicit in ⟨specification⟩.
+The parameter ⟨starting point⟩ is a PGF point specifying the inner
+starting point of the shading.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfsys@radialshading"
+ },
+ ["pgfsys@rdf@about"] = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "text"}},
+ details = [[
+Adds the RDF attribute `about="`⟨text⟩`"` to the next id scope (please
+see the RDFa specification for details on the semantics of `about` in
+the context of the resource description framework).
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfsys@rdf@about"
+ },
+ ["pgfsys@rdf@content"] = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "text"}},
+ details = [[
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfsys@rdf@content"
+ },
+ ["pgfsys@rdf@datatype"] = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "text"}},
+ details = [[
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfsys@rdf@datatype"
+ },
+ ["pgfsys@rdf@href"] = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "text"}},
+ details = [[
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfsys@rdf@href"
+ },
+ ["pgfsys@rdf@inlist"] = {
+ details = [[
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfsys@rdf@inlist"
+ },
+ ["pgfsys@rdf@prefix"] = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "text"}},
+ details = [[
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfsys@rdf@prefix"
+ },
+ ["pgfsys@rdf@property"] = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "text"}},
+ details = [[
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfsys@rdf@property"
+ },
+ ["pgfsys@rdf@rel"] = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "text"}},
+ details = [[
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfsys@rdf@rel"
+ },
+ ["pgfsys@rdf@resource"] = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "text"}},
+ details = [[
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfsys@rdf@resource"
+ },
+ ["pgfsys@rdf@rev"] = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "text"}},
+ details = [[
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfsys@rdf@rev"
+ },
+ ["pgfsys@rdf@src"] = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "text"}},
+ details = [[
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfsys@rdf@src"
+ },
+ ["pgfsys@rdf@typeof"] = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "text"}},
+ details = [[
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfsys@rdf@typeof"
+ },
+ ["pgfsys@rdf@vocab"] = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "text"}},
+ details = [[
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfsys@rdf@vocab"
+ },
+ ["pgfsys@rect"] = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "x"}, {meta = "y"}, {meta = "width"}, {meta = "height"}},
+ details = [[
+Append a rectangle to the current path whose lower left corner is at
+$(x,y)$ and whose width and height in big points are given by ⟨width⟩
+and ⟨height⟩.
+This command can be "mapped back" to `\pgfsys@moveto` and
+`\pgfsys@lineto` commands, but it is included since PDF has a special,
+quick version of this command.
+This command is protocolled, see Section ??.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfsys@rect"
+ },
+ ["pgfsys@rectcap"] = {
+ details = [[
+Sets the cap to a rectangular cap. See `\pgfsys@stroke`.
+This command is protocolled, see Section ??.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfsys@rectcap"
+ },
+ ["pgfsys@roundcap"] = {
+ details = [[
+Sets the cap to a round cap. See `\pgfsys@stroke`.
+This command is protocolled, see Section ??.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfsys@roundcap"
+ },
+ ["pgfsys@roundjoin"] = {
+ details = [[
+Sets the join to a round join. See `\pgfsys@stroke`.
+This command is protocolled, see Section ??.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfsys@roundjoin"
+ },
+ ["pgfsys@setdash"] = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "pattern"}, {meta = "phase"}},
+ details = [[
+Sets the dashing patter. ⟨pattern⟩ should be a list of TeX dimensions
+separated by commas. ⟨phase⟩ should be a single dimension.
+The list of values in ⟨pattern⟩ is used to determine the lengths of the
+"on" and "off" phases of the dashing. For example, if ⟨pattern⟩ is
+`3bp,4bp`, then the dashing pattern is "3bp on followed by 4bp off,
+followed by 3bp on, followed by 4bp off, and so on". A pattern of
+`.5pt,4pt,3pt,1.5pt` means ".5pt on, 4pt off, 3pt on, 1.5pt off, .5pt
+on, ..." If the number of entries is odd, the last one is used twice, so
+`3pt` means "3pt on, 3pt off, 3pt on, 3pt off, ..." An empty list means
+"always on".
+The second argument determines the "phase" of the pattern. For example,
+for a pattern of `3bp,4bp` and a phase of `1bp`, the pattern would
+start: "2bp on, 4bp off, 3bp on, 4bp off, 3bp on, 4bp off, ..."
+This command is protocolled, see Section ??.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfsys@setdash"
+ },
+ ["pgfsys@setlinewidth"] = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "width"}},
+ details = [[
+Sets the width of lines, when stroked, to ⟨width⟩, which must be a
+TeX dimension.
+This command is protocolled, see Section ??.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfsys@setlinewidth"
+ },
+ ["pgfsys@setmiterlimit"] = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "factor"}},
+ details = [[
+Sets the miter limit of lines to ⟨factor⟩. See the PDF or PostScript for
+details on what the miter limit is.
+This command is protocolled, see Section ??.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfsys@setmiterlimit"
+ },
+ ["pgfsys@setpatterncolored"] = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "name"}},
+ details = [[
+Sets the fill color to the pattern named ⟨name⟩. This pattern must have
+been declared with the `1` flag.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfsys@setpatterncolored"
+ },
+ ["pgfsys@setpatternuncolored"] = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "name"}, {meta = "red"}, {meta = "green"}, {meta = "blue"}},
+ details = [[
+Sets the fill color to the pattern named ⟨name⟩. This pattern must
+previously have been declared with ⟨flag⟩ set to `0`. The color of the
+pattern is given in the parameters ⟨red⟩, ⟨green⟩, and ⟨blue⟩ in the
+usual way.
+The fill color "pattern" will persist till the next color command that
+modifies the fill color.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfsys@setpatternuncolored"
+ },
+ ["pgfsys@stroke"] = {
+ details = [[
+Stroke the current path (as if it were drawn with a pen). A number of
+graphic state parameters influence this, which can be set using
+appropriate system commands described later.
+Line width
+The "thickness" of the line. A width of 0 is the thinnest width
+renderable on the device. On a high-resolution printer this may become
+invisible and should be avoided. A good choice is 0.4pt, which is the
+Stroke color
+This special color is used for stroking. If it is not set, the current
+color is used.
+The cap describes how the endings of lines are drawn. A round cap adds a
+little half circle to these endings. A butt cap ends the lines exactly
+at the end (or start) point without anything added. A rectangular cap
+ends the lines like the butt cap, but the lines protrude over the
+endpoint by the line thickness. (See also the PDF manual.) If the path
+has been closed, no cap is drawn.
+This describes how a bend (a join) in a path is rendered. A round join
+draws bends using small arcs. A bevel join just draws the two lines and
+then fills the join minimally so that it becomes convex. A miter join
+extends the lines so that they form a single sharp corner, but only up
+to a certain miter limit. (See the PDF manual once more.)
+The line may be dashed according to a dashing pattern.
+Clipping area
+If a clipping area is established, only those parts of the path that are
+inside the clipping area will be drawn.
+In addition to stroking a path, the path may also be used for clipping
+after it has been stroked. This will happen if the `\pgfsys@clipnext` is
+used prior to this command, see there for details.
+This command is protocolled, see Section ??.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfsys@stroke"
+ },
+ ["pgfsys@stroke@opacity"] = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "value"}},
+ details = [[
+Sets the opacity of stroking operations.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfsys@stroke@opacity"
+ },
+ ["pgfsys@thepageheight"] = {
+ details = [[
+This macro expands to the current page's height, provided LaTeX is used,
+otherwise a best guess is returned (currently just `\the\vsize`).
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfsys@thepageheight"
+ },
+ ["pgfsys@thepagewidth"] = {
+ details = [[
+As above.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfsys@thepagewidth"
+ },
+ ["pgfsys@transformcm"] = {
+ arguments = {
+ {meta = "a"},
+ {meta = "b"},
+ {meta = "c"},
+ {meta = "d"},
+ {meta = "e"},
+ {meta = "f"}
+ },
+ details = [[
+Perform a concatenation of the canvas transformation matrix with the
+matrix given by the values ⟨a⟩ to ⟨f⟩, see the PDF or PostScript manual
+for details. The values ⟨a⟩ to ⟨d⟩ are dimensionless factors, ⟨e⟩ and
+⟨f⟩ are TeX dimensions
+This command is protocolled, see Section ??.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfsys@transformcm"
+ },
+ ["pgfsys@transformshift"] = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "x displacement"}, {meta = "y displacement"}},
+ details = [[
+This command will change the origin of the canvas to $(x,y)$.
+This command has a default implementation and need not be implemented by
+a driver file.
+This command is protocolled, see Section ??.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfsys@transformshift"
+ },
+ ["pgfsys@transformxyscale"] = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "x scale"}, {meta = "y scale"}},
+ details = [[
+This command will scale the canvas (and everything that is drawn) by a
+factor of ⟨x scale⟩ in the $x$-direction and ⟨y scale⟩ in the
+$y$-direction. Note that this applies to everything, including lines. So
+a scaled line will have a different width and may even have a different
+width when going along the $x$-axis and when going along the $y$-axis,
+if the scaling is different in these directions. Usually, you do not
+want this.
+This command has a default implementation and need not be implemented by
+a driver file.
+This command is protocolled, see Section ??.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfsys@transformxyscale"
+ },
+ ["pgfsys@transparencygroupfrombox"] = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "box"}},
+ details = [[
+This takes a TeX box and converts it into a transparency group. This
+means that any transparency settings apply to the box as a whole. For
+instance, if a box contains two overlapping black circles and you draw
+the box and, thus, the two circles normally with 50% transparency, then
+the overlap will be darker than the rest. By comparison, if the circles
+are part of a transparency group, the overlap will get the same color as
+the rest.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfsys@transparencygroupfrombox"
+ },
+ ["pgfsys@typesetpicturebox"] = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "box"}},
+ details = [[
+Called *after* a `{pgfpicture}` has been typeset. The picture will have
+been put in box ⟨box⟩. This command should insert the box into the
+normal text. The box ⟨box⟩ will still be a "raw" box that contains only
+the `\special`'s that make up the description of the picture. The job of
+this command is to resize and shift ⟨box⟩ according to the baseline
+shift and the size of the box.
+This command has a default implementation and need not be implemented by
+a driver file.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfsys@typesetpicturebox"
+ },
+ ["pgfsys@use@id"] = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "id"}},
+ details = [[
+"Uses" an id previously created using `\pgfsys@new@id`. This causes the
+*next* graphic object to get the ⟨id⟩ (not the current one). Once used,
+the id-type-pair becomes *invalid* and will not be attached to any other
+graphics objects. It is, however, not an error to try this. If ⟨id⟩ is
+empty, no id-type-pair is attached to the next object.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfsys@use@id"
+ },
+ ["pgfsys@use@type"] = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "type"}},
+ details = [[
+Changes the type used with the next graphic object. As mentioned
+earlier, the id assigned to the next object is actually a pair
+consisting of the currently used id and the currently used type.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfsys@use@type"
+ },
+ ["pgfsys@usefading"] = {
+ arguments = {
+ {meta = "name"},
+ {meta = "a"},
+ {meta = "b"},
+ {meta = "c"},
+ {meta = "d"},
+ {meta = "e"},
+ {meta = "f"}
+ },
+ details = [[
+Installs a previously declared fading ⟨name⟩ in the current graphics
+state. Afterwards, all drawings will be masked by the fading. The fading
+should be centered on the origin and have its original size, except that
+the parameters ⟨a⟩ to ⟨f⟩ specify a transformation matrix that should be
+applied additionally to the fading before it is installed. The
+transformation should not apply to the following graphics, however.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfsys@usefading"
+ },
+ ["pgfsys@useobject"] = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "name"}, {meta = "extra code"}},
+ details = [[
+Renders a previously declared object. The first parameter is the name of
+the object. The second parameter is extra code that should be executed
+right *before* the object is rendered. Typically, this will be some
+transformation code.
+This command has a default implementation and need not be implemented by
+a driver file.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfsys@useobject"
+ },
+ ["pgfsys@vertshading"] = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "name"}, {meta = "width"}, {meta = "specification"}},
+ details = [[
+Like the horizontal version, only for vertical shadings. This time, the
+height of the shading is implicit in ⟨specification⟩ and the width is
+given as ⟨width⟩.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfsys@vertshading"
+ },
+ ["pgfsys@viewboxmeet"] = {
+ arguments = {
+ {meta = "$x_1$"},
+ {meta = "$y_1$"},
+ {meta = "$x_2$"},
+ {meta = "$y_2$"},
+ {meta = "$x'_1$"},
+ {meta = "$y'_1$"},
+ {meta = "$x'_2$"},
+ {meta = "$y'_2$"}
+ },
+ details = [[
+Starts a "view box" scope, which must be ended using
+`\pgfsys@endviewbox` later on (with matching scopes).
+The effect of this command is as follows: Consider the rectangles $R$
+with lower left corner $(x_1,y_1)$ and upper right corner $(x_2,y_2)$
+and $R'$ with corners $(x'_1,y'_1)$ and $(x'_2,y'_2)$. The command will
+install a canvas translation and uniform scaling such that $R'$ then has
+the same center as $R$ and additionally, has maximum size such that it
+still fits inside $R$. (Think of this as "viewing" $R'$ through $R$ such
+that the aspect ratio is kept.)
+This command has a default implementation. Its main purpose is to allow
+animations of the view box; for static drawings it is better to compute
+the necessary transformations directly.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfsys@viewboxmeet"
+ },
+ ["pgfsys@viewboxslice"] = {
+ arguments = {
+ {meta = "$x_1$"},
+ {meta = "$y_1$"},
+ {meta = "$x_2$"},
+ {meta = "$y_2$"},
+ {meta = "$x'_1$"},
+ {meta = "$y'_1$"},
+ {meta = "$x'_2$"},
+ {meta = "$y'_2$"}
+ },
+ details = [[
+Works like the previous command, but now $R'$ has minimal size such that
+it encompasses all of $R$.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfsys@viewboxslice"
+ },
+ pgfsysanimate = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "attribute"}},
+ details = [[
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfsysanimate"
+ },
+ pgfsysanimkeyaccesskey = {
+ arguments = {
+ {meta = "character"},
+ {meta = "time offset"},
+ {meta = "begin or end"}
+ },
+ details = [[
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfsysanimkeyaccesskey"
+ },
+ pgfsysanimkeyaccumulate = {
+ details = [[
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfsysanimkeyaccumulate"
+ },
+ pgfsysanimkeybase = {
+ details = [[
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfsysanimkeybase"
+ },
+ pgfsysanimkeycanvastransform = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "pre"}, {meta = "post"}},
+ details = [[
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfsysanimkeycanvastransform"
+ },
+ pgfsysanimkeyevent = {
+ arguments = {
+ {meta = "id"},
+ {meta = "type"},
+ {meta = "event name"},
+ {meta = "time offset"},
+ {meta = "begin or end"}
+ },
+ details = [[
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfsysanimkeyevent"
+ },
+ pgfsysanimkeyfreezeatend = {
+ details = [[
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfsysanimkeyfreezeatend"
+ },
+ pgfsysanimkeymovealong = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "path"}},
+ details = [[
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfsysanimkeymovealong"
+ },
+ pgfsysanimkeynoaccumulate = {
+ details = [[
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfsysanimkeynoaccumulate"
+ },
+ pgfsysanimkeynorotatealong = {
+ details = [[
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfsysanimkeynorotatealong"
+ },
+ pgfsysanimkeyoffset = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "time offset"}, {meta = "begin or end"}},
+ details = [[
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfsysanimkeyoffset"
+ },
+ pgfsysanimkeyremoveatend = {
+ details = [[
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfsysanimkeyremoveatend"
+ },
+ pgfsysanimkeyrepeat = {
+ details = [[
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfsysanimkeyrepeat"
+ },
+ pgfsysanimkeyrepeatdur = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "seconds"}},
+ details = [[
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfsysanimkeyrepeatdur"
+ },
+ pgfsysanimkeyrepeatevent = {
+ arguments = {
+ {meta = "id"},
+ {meta = "type"},
+ {meta = "repeat count"},
+ {meta = "time offset"},
+ {meta = "begin or end"}
+ },
+ details = [[
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfsysanimkeyrepeatevent"
+ },
+ pgfsysanimkeyrepeatindefinite = {
+ details = [[
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfsysanimkeyrepeatindefinite"
+ },
+ pgfsysanimkeyrestartalways = {
+ details = [[
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfsysanimkeyrestartalways"
+ },
+ pgfsysanimkeyrestartnever = {
+ details = [[
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfsysanimkeyrestartnever"
+ },
+ pgfsysanimkeyrestartwhennotactive = {
+ details = [[
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfsysanimkeyrestartwhennotactive"
+ },
+ pgfsysanimkeyrotatealong = {
+ details = [[
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfsysanimkeyrotatealong"
+ },
+ pgfsysanimkeysnapshotstart = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "time offset"}},
+ details = [[
+This command specifies that for the current animation the "moment `0s`"
+of the timeline is at ⟨time offset⟩. Thus, it works like
+`\pgfsysanimkeyoffset`, only the offset is now solely for the snapshot
+timeline. It has no effect on the actual animation.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfsysanimkeysnapshotstart"
+ },
+ pgfsysanimkeysyncbegin = {
+ arguments = {
+ {meta = "sync base id"},
+ {meta = "type"},
+ {meta = "time offset"},
+ {meta = "begin or end"}
+ },
+ details = [[
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfsysanimkeysyncbegin"
+ },
+ pgfsysanimkeysyncend = {
+ arguments = {
+ {meta = "sync base id"},
+ {meta = "type"},
+ {meta = "time offset"},
+ {meta = "begin or end"}
+ },
+ details = [[
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfsysanimkeysyncend"
+ },
+ pgfsysanimkeytime = {
+ arguments = {
+ {meta = "time"},
+ {meta = "entry spline control x"},
+ {meta = "entry spline control y"},
+ {meta = "exit spline control x"},
+ {meta = "exit spline control y"}
+ },
+ details = [[
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfsysanimkeytime"
+ },
+ pgfsysanimkeytipmarkers = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "start marker"}, {meta = "end marker"}},
+ details = [[
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfsysanimkeytipmarkers"
+ },
+ pgfsysanimkeywhom = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "id"}, {meta = "type"}},
+ details = [[
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfsysanimkeywhom"
+ },
+ pgfsysanimsnapshot = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "time"}},
+ details = [[
+Use this command in a scope prior to calling any other commands
+documented in this section concerning the configuration of animations.
+In this case, all uses of `\pgfsysanimate` inside the TeX scope no
+longer insert an animation into the output file. Instead, a "snapshot"
+is inserted of what the animation "would like at time ⟨time⟩". For
+instance, if an animation inserts a movement of an object by 4cm over a
+time of 2s and you take a snapshot with $⟨time⟩ = 2\mathrm s$, you get a
+picture in which the object is moved by 1cm.
+A lot of care has been taken to make the output produced by the snapshot
+be as close as possible as what the animation really would look like at
+time ⟨time⟩, but note the following restrictions:
+1. Interactive events of all kinds (like `click` or `mouseover`) make
+ little sense for snapshots, which are created once and for all
+ during the typesetting of the document. For this reason, all events
+ are ignored for snapshots (even sync bases, and `begin` and `end`
+ events, which might make some sense also in a snapshot setting).
+ However, there is one command which helps you with "simulating" the
+ effect of events:
+2. The command `\pgfsysanimvalcurrent` cannot be used with snapshots
+ since PGF has no chance of computing the correct current value. You
+ always have to specify the start value explicitly.
+3. The computation of time splines (entry and exit splines) and the
+ accumulation of values after a large number of repeats may not be
+ numerically stable.
+ \foreach \t in {0.5,1,1.5,2} {
+ \pgfsysanimsnapshot{\t}
+ \tikz {
+ \pgfidrefnextuse{\objid}{node}
+ \pgfsysanimkeywhom{\objid}{}
+ \pgfsysanimkeytime{0}{1}{1}{0}{0}
+ \pgfsysanimvalscalar{1}
+ \pgfsysanimkeytime{2}{1}{1}{0}{0}
+ \pgfsysanimvalscalar{0}
+ \pgfsysanimate{opacity}
+ \node (node) [draw = blue, very thick, fill=blue!20, circle] {Hi};
+ }
+ }
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfsysanimsnapshot"
+ },
+ pgfsysanimsnapshotafter = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "time"}},
+ details = [[
+Works like the previous command, only the "moment" that ⟨time⟩ refers to
+is conceptually $⟨time⟩ + \epsilon$: When timeline specifies several
+values for ⟨time⟩, this command will select the last value at ⟨time⟩,
+while `\pgfsnapshot` will select the first value at ⟨time⟩. Similarly,
+when a timeline ends at ⟨time⟩, `\pgfsnapshot` will select the last
+value of the timeline while `\pgfsnapshotafter` will not apply the
+animation any more.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfsysanimsnapshotafter"
+ },
+ pgfsysanimvalcolorcmy = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "cyan"}, {meta = "magenta"}, {meta = "yellow"}},
+ details = [[
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfsysanimvalcolorcmy"
+ },
+ pgfsysanimvalcolorcmyk = {
+ arguments = {
+ {meta = "cyan"},
+ {meta = "magenta"},
+ {meta = "yellow"},
+ {meta = "black"}
+ },
+ details = [[
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfsysanimvalcolorcmyk"
+ },
+ pgfsysanimvalcolorgray = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "gray value"}},
+ details = [[
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfsysanimvalcolorgray"
+ },
+ pgfsysanimvalcolorrgb = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "red"}, {meta = "green"}, {meta = "blue"}},
+ details = [[
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfsysanimvalcolorrgb"
+ },
+ pgfsysanimvalcurrent = {
+ details = [[
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfsysanimvalcurrent"
+ },
+ pgfsysanimvaldash = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "pattern"}, {meta = "phase"}},
+ details = [[
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfsysanimvaldash"
+ },
+ pgfsysanimvaldimension = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "dimension"}},
+ details = [[
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfsysanimvaldimension"
+ },
+ pgfsysanimvalpath = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "low-level path construction commands"}},
+ details = [[
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfsysanimvalpath"
+ },
+ pgfsysanimvalscalar = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "number"}},
+ details = [[
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfsysanimvalscalar"
+ },
+ pgfsysanimvalscale = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "x scale"}, {meta = "y scale"}},
+ details = [[
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfsysanimvalscale"
+ },
+ pgfsysanimvaltext = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "text"}},
+ details = [[
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfsysanimvaltext"
+ },
+ pgfsysanimvaltranslate = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "x dimension"}, {meta = "y dimension"}},
+ details = [[
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfsysanimvaltranslate"
+ },
+ pgfsysanimvalviewbox = {
+ arguments = {
+ {meta = "$x_1$"},
+ {meta = "$y_1$"},
+ {meta = "$x_2$"},
+ {meta = "$y_2$"}
+ },
+ details = [[
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfsysanimvalviewbox"
+ },
+ pgfsysdriver = {
+ details = [[
+This macro should expand to the name of the driver to be used by
+`pgfsys`. The default from `pgf.cfg` is `pgfsys-\Gin@driver`. This is
+very likely to be correct if you are using LaTeX. For plain TeX, the
+macro will be set to `pgfsys-pdftex.def` if `pdftex` is used and to
+`pgfsys-dvips.def` otherwise.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfsysdriver"
+ },
+ ["pgfsysprotocol@bufferedfalse"] = {
+ details = [[
+Turns off protocolling. Subsequent calls of `\pgfsysprotocol@literal`
+directly insert their argument into the current `.pdf` or `.ps`.
+Note that if the current protocol is not empty when protocolling is
+switched off, the next call to `\pgfsysprotocol@literal` will first
+flush the current protocol, that is, insert it into the file.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfsysprotocol@bufferedfalse"
+ },
+ ["pgfsysprotocol@bufferedtrue"] = {
+ details = [[
+Turns on protocolling. All subsequent calls of `\pgfsysprotocol@literal`
+will append their argument to the current protocol.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfsysprotocol@bufferedtrue"
+ },
+ ["pgfsysprotocol@flushcurrentprotocol"] = {
+ details = [[
+First inserts the current protocol, then sets the current protocol to
+the empty string.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfsysprotocol@flushcurrentprotocol"
+ },
+ ["pgfsysprotocol@getcurrentprotocol"] = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "macro name"}},
+ details = [[
+Stores the current protocol in ⟨macro name⟩ for later use.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfsysprotocol@getcurrentprotocol"
+ },
+ ["pgfsysprotocol@invokecurrentprotocol"] = {
+ details = [[
+Inserts the text stored in the current protocol into the `.pdf` or
+`.dvi` file. This does *not* change the current protocol.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfsysprotocol@invokecurrentprotocol"
+ },
+ ["pgfsysprotocol@literal"] = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "literal text"}},
+ details = [[
+First calls `\pgfsysprotocol@literalbuffered` on ⟨literal text⟩. Then,
+if protocolling is currently switched off, the ⟨literal text⟩ is passed
+on to `\pgfsys@invoke`.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfsysprotocol@literal"
+ },
+ ["pgfsysprotocol@literalbuffered"] = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "literal text"}},
+ details = [[
+Adds the ⟨literal text⟩ to the current protocol, after it has been
+"`\edef`ed". This command will always be protocolled.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfsysprotocol@literalbuffered"
+ },
+ ["pgfsysprotocol@setcurrentprotocol"] = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "macro name"}},
+ details = [[
+Sets the current protocol to ⟨macro name⟩.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfsysprotocol@setcurrentprotocol"
+ },
+ ["pgfsyssoftpath@closepath"] = {
+ details = [[
+Appends a "close-path" segment to the current soft path.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfsyssoftpath@closepath"
+ },
+ ["pgfsyssoftpath@curveto"] = {
+ arguments = {
+ {meta = "a"},
+ {meta = "b"},
+ {meta = "c"},
+ {meta = "d"},
+ {meta = "x"},
+ {meta = "y"}
+ },
+ details = [[
+Appends a "curve-to" segment to the current soft path with controls
+$(a,b)$ and $(c,d)$.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfsyssoftpath@curveto"
+ },
+ ["pgfsyssoftpath@flushcurrentpath"] = {
+ details = [[
+This command will invoke the current soft path and then set it to be
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfsyssoftpath@flushcurrentpath"
+ },
+ ["pgfsyssoftpath@getcurrentpath"] = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "macro name"}},
+ details = [[
+This command will store the current soft path in ⟨macro name⟩.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfsyssoftpath@getcurrentpath"
+ },
+ ["pgfsyssoftpath@invokecurrentpath"] = {
+ details = [[
+This command will turn the current soft path in a "hard" path. To do so,
+it iterates over the soft path and calls an appropriate `\pgfsys@xxxx`
+command for each element of the path. Note that the current soft path is
+*not changed* by this command. Thus, in order to start a new soft path
+after the old one has been invoked and is no longer needed, you need to
+set the current soft path to be empty. This may seem strange, but it is
+often useful to immediately use the last soft path again.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfsyssoftpath@invokecurrentpath"
+ },
+ ["pgfsyssoftpath@lineto"] = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "x"}, {meta = "y"}},
+ details = [[
+Appends a "line-to" segment to the current soft path.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfsyssoftpath@lineto"
+ },
+ ["pgfsyssoftpath@moveto"] = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "x"}, {meta = "y"}},
+ details = [[
+This command appends a "move-to" segment to the current soft path. The
+coordinates ⟨x⟩ and ⟨y⟩ are given as normal TeX dimensions.
+One way to draw a line:
+ \pgfsyssoftpath@moveto{0pt}{0pt}
+ \pgfsyssoftpath@lineto{10pt}{10pt}
+ \pgfsyssoftpath@flushcurrentpath
+ \pgfsys@stroke
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfsyssoftpath@moveto"
+ },
+ ["pgfsyssoftpath@rect"] = {
+ arguments = {
+ {meta = "lower left x"},
+ {meta = "lower left y"},
+ {meta = "width"},
+ {meta = "height"}
+ },
+ details = [[
+Appends a rectangle segment to the current soft path.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfsyssoftpath@rect"
+ },
+ ["pgfsyssoftpath@setcurrentpath"] = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "macro name"}},
+ details = [[
+This command will set the current soft path to be the path stored in
+⟨macro name⟩. This macro should store a path that has previously been
+extracted using the `\pgfsyssoftpath@getcurrentpath` command and has
+possibly been modified subsequently.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfsyssoftpath@setcurrentpath"
+ },
+ pgftext = {
+ arguments = {
+ {
+ delimiters = {"[", "]"},
+ keys = "$ref:pgf#/keys/pgf",
+ meta = "options",
+ optional = true
+ },
+ {meta = "text"}
+ },
+ details = [[
+This command will typeset ⟨text⟩ in normal TeX mode and insert the
+resulting box into the `{pgfpicture}`. The bounding box of the graphic
+will be updated so that all of the text box is inside. By default, the
+text box is centered at the origin, but this can be changed either by
+giving appropriate ⟨options⟩ or by applying an appropriate coordinate
+transformation beforehand.
+The ⟨text⟩ may contain verbatim text. (In other words, the ⟨text⟩
+"argument" is not a normal argument, but is put in a box and some
+`\aftergroup` hackery is used to find the end of the box.)
+PGF's current (high-level) coordinate transformation is synchronized
+with the canvas transformation matrix temporarily when the text box is
+inserted. The effect is that if there is currently a high-level rotation
+of, say, 30 degrees, the ⟨text⟩ will also be rotated by thirty degrees.
+If you do not want this effect, you have to (possibly temporarily) reset
+the high-level transformation matrix.
+The ⟨options⟩ keys are used with the path `/pgf/text/`. The following
+keys are defined for this path:
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgftext"
+ },
+ pgftransformarcaxesattime = {
+ arguments = {
+ {meta = "time $t$"},
+ {meta = "center"},
+ {meta = "0-degree axis"},
+ {meta = "90-degree axis"},
+ {meta = "start angle"},
+ {meta = "end angle"}
+ },
+ details = [[
+Shifts coordinates by a specific point on an arc at a specific time, see
+Section ?? once more.
+As for the previous commands, `\ifpgfslopedattime` decides whether an
+additional rotation should be applied and `\ifpgfallowupsidedowattime`
+is also considered.
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \draw[help lines] (0,0) grid (3,2);
+ \pgfpathmoveto{\pgfpoint{2cm}{1cm}}
+ \pgfpatharcaxes{0}{60}{\pgfpoint{2cm}{0cm}}{\pgfpoint{0cm}{1cm}}
+ \pgfusepath{stroke}
+ \pgfslopedattimetrue
+ \pgftransformarcaxesattime{.25}
+ {\pgfpoint{0cm}{1cm}}
+ {\pgfpoint{2cm}{0cm}}{\pgfpoint{0cm}{1cm}}
+ {0}{60}
+ \pgftext{Hi!}
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+The value of `\ifpgfresetnontranslationsattime` is also taken into
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgftransformarcaxesattime"
+ },
+ pgftransformarrow = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "start"}, {meta = "end"}},
+ details = [[
+Shifts coordinates to the end of the line going from ⟨start⟩ to ⟨end⟩
+with the correct rotation.
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \draw[help lines] (0,0) grid (3,2);
+ \draw (0,0) -- (3,1);
+ \pgftransformarrow{\pgfpointorigin}{\pgfpoint{3cm}{1cm}}
+ \pgftext{tip}
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgftransformarrow"
+ },
+ pgftransformationadjustments = {
+ details = [[
+This command computes "adjustments" for the current transformation
+matrix so that even when you install a transformation matrix that scales
+everything by a certain factor, you can still draw something of "an
+absolute size". Suppose for instance that you install a transformation
+matrix that scales everything by a factor of 4 and you now wish to draw
+a horizontal line of length 1cm. Then, if you do not reset the
+transformation matrix, you can draw a line of logical length 2.5mm,
+which will then get scaled to a line of 1cm. Things get more difficult
+in case you scale things only, say, vertically. In this case, the
+adjustment necessary for horizontal lines is different from the one
+needed for vertical lines.
+This function computes two scaling factors, one for horizontal lines and
+one for vertical lines, and stores them in the following macros:
+Note that the "right" way to draw a line of absolute length 1cm in a
+transformed coordinate system is to first compute the start point and to
+then reset the transformation matrix. The transformation adjustments
+computed here are important only in situations where you cannot do this,
+for instance when an `outer xsep` must be set.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgftransformationadjustments"
+ },
+ pgftransformcm = {
+ arguments = {
+ {meta = "a"},
+ {meta = "b"},
+ {meta = "c"},
+ {meta = "d"},
+ {meta = "point"}
+ },
+ details = [[
+Applies the transformation matrix given by $a$, $b$, $c$, and $d$ and
+the shift ⟨point⟩ to coordinates (in addition to any previous
+transformations already in force).
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \draw[help lines] (0,0) grid (3,2);
+ \draw (0,0) -- (2,1) -- (1,0);
+ \pgftransformcm{1}{1}{0}{1}{\pgfpoint{.25cm}{.25cm}}
+ \draw[red] (0,0) -- (2,1) -- (1,0);
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgftransformcm"
+ },
+ pgftransformcurveattime = {
+ arguments = {
+ {meta = "time"},
+ {meta = "start"},
+ {meta = "first support"},
+ {meta = "second support"},
+ {meta = "end"}
+ },
+ details = [[
+Shifts coordinates by a specific point on a curve at a specific time,
+see Section ?? once more.
+As for the line-at-time transformation command, `\ifpgfslopedattime`
+decides whether an additional rotation should be applied. Again, the
+value of `\ifpgfallowupsidedowattime` is also considered.
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \draw[help lines] (0,0) grid (3,2);
+ \draw (0,0) .. controls (0,2) and (1,2) .. (2,1);
+ \pgftransformcurveattime{.25}{\pgfpointorigin}
+ {\pgfpoint{0cm}{2cm}}{\pgfpoint{1cm}{2cm}}{\pgfpoint{2cm}{1cm}}
+ \pgftext{Hi!}
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \draw[help lines] (0,0) grid (3,2);
+ \draw (0,0) .. controls (0,2) and (1,2) .. (2,1);
+ \pgfslopedattimetrue
+ \pgftransformcurveattime{.25}{\pgfpointorigin}
+ {\pgfpoint{0cm}{2cm}}{\pgfpoint{1cm}{2cm}}{\pgfpoint{2cm}{1cm}}
+ \pgftext{Hi!}
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+The value of `\ifpgfresetnontranslationsattime` is also taken into
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgftransformcurveattime"
+ },
+ pgftransforminvert = {
+ details = [[
+Replaces the coordinate transformation matrix by a coordinate
+transformation matrix that "exactly undoes the original transformation".
+For example, if the original transformation was "scale by 2 and then
+shift right by 1cm" the new one is "shift left by 1cm and then scale by
+This command will produce an error if the determinant of the matrix is
+too small, that is, if the matrix is near-singular.
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \draw[help lines] (0,0) grid (3,2);
+ \pgftransformrotate{30}
+ \draw (0,0) -- (2,1) -- (1,0);
+ \pgftransforminvert
+ \draw[red] (0,0) -- (2,1) -- (1,0);
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgftransforminvert"
+ },
+ pgftransformlineattime = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "time"}, {meta = "start"}, {meta = "end"}},
+ details = [[
+Shifts coordinates by a specific point on a line at a specific time. The
+point by which the coordinate is shifted is calculated by calling
+`\pgfpointlineattime`, see Section ??.
+In addition to shifting the coordinate, a rotation *may* also be
+applied. Whether this is the case depends on whether the TeX if
+`\ifpgfslopedattime` is set to true or not.
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \draw[help lines] (0,0) grid (3,2);
+ \draw (0,0) -- (2,1);
+ \pgftransformlineattime{.25}{\pgfpointorigin}{\pgfpoint{2cm}{1cm}}
+ \pgftext{Hi!}
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \draw[help lines] (0,0) grid (3,2);
+ \draw (0,0) -- (2,1);
+ \pgfslopedattimetrue
+ \pgftransformlineattime{.25}{\pgfpointorigin}{\pgfpoint{2cm}{1cm}}
+ \pgftext{Hi!}
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+If `\ifpgfslopedattime` is true, another TeX `\if` is important:
+`\ifpgfallowupsidedowattime`. If this is false, PGF will ensure that the
+rotation is done in such a way that text is never "upside down".
+There is another TeX `\if` that influences this command. If you set
+`\ifpgfresetnontranslationattime` to true, then, between shifting the
+coordinate and (possibly) rotating/sloping the coordinate, the command
+`\pgftransformresetnontranslations` is called. See the description of
+this command for details.
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \draw[help lines] (0,0) grid (3,2);
+ \pgftransformscale{1.5}
+ \draw (0,0) -- (2,1);
+ \pgfslopedattimetrue
+ \pgfresetnontranslationattimefalse
+ \pgftransformlineattime{.25}{\pgfpointorigin}{\pgfpoint{2cm}{1cm}}
+ \pgftext{Hi!}
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \draw[help lines] (0,0) grid (3,2);
+ \pgftransformscale{1.5}
+ \draw (0,0) -- (2,1);
+ \pgfslopedattimetrue
+ \pgfresetnontranslationattimetrue
+ \pgftransformlineattime{.25}{\pgfpointorigin}{\pgfpoint{2cm}{1cm}}
+ \pgftext{Hi!}
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgftransformlineattime"
+ },
+ pgftransformnonlinear = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "transformation code"}},
+ details = [[
+This command adds the ⟨transformation code⟩ to the list of non-linear
+transformations currently in force. Thus, similar to linear coordinate
+transformations, each additional call to this function adds another
+transformation to the current TeX scope and the effect ends at the end
+of the current scope. In practice, however, you typically will not have
+more than one active nonlinear transformation.
+The job of the ⟨transformation code⟩ is to map a point $p$ given in the
+registers `\pgf@x` and `\pgf@y` to a new coordinate $f(p)$, which should
+be returned in `\pgf@x` and `\pgf@y` as well. As an example, suppose we
+wish to install polar coordinates as the nonlinear transformation. For
+this, we need a bit of code:
+ \def\polartransformation{%
+ % \pgf@x will contain the radius
+ % \pgf@y will contain the distance
+ \pgfmathsincos@{\pgf@sys@tonumber\pgf@x}%
+ % pgfmathresultx is now the cosine of radius and
+ % pgfmathresulty is the sine of radius
+ \pgf@x=\pgfmathresultx\pgf@y%
+ \pgf@y=\pgfmathresulty\pgf@y%
+ }
+(In case you wonder why you cannot just call `\pgfpointpolar` at this
+point: You can, but this function internally uses `\pgf@x` and `\pgf@y`
+in complicated ways, so you would first have to safe them so some other
+registers. Also, the above is faster.)
+If we were to call this function again, we would get something funny
+like "polar-polar coordinates", so let's not do this. Let us instead
+have a look at the effect this call has: Once a nonlinear transformation
+is installed, all subsequent path constructions are affected by this
+transformation. In particular, a normal grid now becomes the typical
+"polar grid".
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \draw [help lines] (0,0) grid (3,2);
+ % Start nonlinear transformation
+ \pgftransformnonlinear{\polartransformation}% see above
+ % Draw something with this transformation in force
+ \draw (0pt,0mm) grid [xstep=10pt, ystep=5mm] (90pt, 20mm);
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgftransformnonlinear"
+ },
+ pgftransformreset = {
+ details = [[
+Resets the coordinate transformation matrix to the identity matrix.
+Thus, once this command is given no transformations are applied till the
+end of the scope.
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \draw[help lines] (0,0) grid (3,2);
+ \pgftransformrotate{30}
+ \draw (0,0) -- (2,1) -- (1,0);
+ \pgftransformreset
+ \draw[red] (0,0) -- (2,1) -- (1,0);
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgftransformreset"
+ },
+ pgftransformresetnontranslations = {
+ details = [[
+This command sets the $a$, $b$, $c$, and $d$ part of the coordinate
+transformation matrix to $a=1$, $b=0$, $c=0$, and $d=1$. However, the
+current shifting of the matrix is not modified.
+The effect of this command is that any rotation/scaling/slanting is
+undone in the current TeX group, but the origin is not "moved back".
+This command is mostly useful directly before a `\pgftext` command to
+ensure that the text is not scaled or rotated.
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \draw[help lines] (0,0) grid (3,2);
+ \pgftransformscale{2}
+ \pgftransformrotate{30}
+ \pgftransformxshift{1cm}
+ {\color{red}\pgftext{rotated}}
+ \pgftransformresetnontranslations
+ \pgftext{shifted only}
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgftransformresetnontranslations"
+ },
+ pgftransformrotate = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "angles"}},
+ details = [[
+Rotates coordinates counterclockwise by ⟨angles⟩ given in degrees.
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \draw[help lines] (0,0) grid (3,2);
+ \draw (0,0) -- (2,1) -- (1,0);
+ \pgftransformrotate{30}
+ \draw[red] (0,0) -- (2,1) -- (1,0);
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgftransformrotate"
+ },
+ pgftransformscale = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "factor"}},
+ details = [[
+Scales coordinates by ⟨factor⟩.
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \draw[help lines] (0,0) grid (3,2);
+ \draw (0,0) -- (2,1) -- (1,0);
+ \pgftransformscale{.75}
+ \draw[red] (0,0) -- (2,1) -- (1,0);
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgftransformscale"
+ },
+ pgftransformshift = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "point"}},
+ details = [[
+Shifts coordinates by ⟨point⟩.
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \draw[help lines] (0,0) grid (3,2);
+ \draw (0,0) -- (2,1) -- (1,0);
+ \pgftransformshift{\pgfpoint{1cm}{1cm}}
+ \draw[red] (0,0) -- (2,1) -- (1,0);
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgftransformshift"
+ },
+ pgftransformtriangle = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "a"}, {meta = "b"}, {meta = "c"}},
+ details = [[
+This command transforms the coordinate system in such a way that the
+triangle given by the points ⟨a⟩, ⟨b⟩ and ⟨c⟩ lies at the coordinates
+$(0,0)$, $(1\mathrm{pt},0\mathrm{pt})$ and
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \draw[help lines] (0,0) grid (3,2);
+ \pgftransformtriangle
+ {\pgfpoint{1cm}{0cm}}
+ {\pgfpoint{0cm}{2cm}}
+ {\pgfpoint{3cm}{1cm}}
+ \draw (0,0) -- (1pt,0pt) -- (0pt,1pt) -- cycle;
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgftransformtriangle"
+ },
+ pgftransformxscale = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "factor"}},
+ details = [[
+Scales coordinates by ⟨factor⟩ in the $x$-direction.
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \draw[help lines] (0,0) grid (3,2);
+ \draw (0,0) -- (2,1) -- (1,0);
+ \pgftransformxscale{.75}
+ \draw[red] (0,0) -- (2,1) -- (1,0);
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgftransformxscale"
+ },
+ pgftransformxshift = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "dimensions"}},
+ details = [[
+Shifts coordinates by ⟨dimension⟩ along the $x$-axis.
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \draw[help lines] (0,0) grid (3,2);
+ \draw (0,0) -- (2,1) -- (1,0);
+ \pgftransformxshift{.5cm}
+ \draw[red] (0,0) -- (2,1) -- (1,0);
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgftransformxshift"
+ },
+ pgftransformxslant = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "factor"}},
+ details = [[
+Slants coordinates by ⟨factor⟩ in the $x$-direction. Here, a factor of
+`1` means $45^\circ$.
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \draw[help lines] (0,0) grid (3,2);
+ \draw (0,0) -- (2,1) -- (1,0);
+ \pgftransformxslant{.5}
+ \draw[red] (0,0) -- (2,1) -- (1,0);
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgftransformxslant"
+ },
+ pgftransformyscale = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "factor"}},
+ details = [[
+Like `\pgftransformxscale`, only for the $y$-axis.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgftransformyscale"
+ },
+ pgftransformyshift = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "dimensions"}},
+ details = [[
+Like `\pgftransformxshift`, only for the $y$-axis.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgftransformyshift"
+ },
+ pgftransformyslant = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "factor"}},
+ details = [[
+Slants coordinates by ⟨factor⟩ in the $y$-direction.
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \draw[help lines] (0,0) grid (3,2);
+ \draw (0,0) -- (2,1) -- (1,0);
+ \pgftransformyslant{-1}
+ \draw[red] (0,0) -- (2,1) -- (1,0);
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgftransformyslant"
+ },
+ pgfuseid = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "name"}},
+ details = [[
+The ⟨name⟩ is a string by which the object will be referenced (see
+`\pgfidrefnextuse`). The next time a graphic object is created in the
+current TeX scope, the name will be attached to it (actually, it will
+get a system layer identifier attached to it that is automatically
+created using `\pgfsys@new@id`, the ⟨name⟩ is bound to that identifier
+and it can be retrieved using `\pgfidrefnextuse`). This holds true only
+for the next object: If a second object is created, it will not get the
+name attached to it. This does not mean, however, that you cannot attach
+the same name to different objects; you just need to call `\pgfuseid`
+again before each object.
+Besides the ⟨name⟩ (or, more precisely, besides the system layer
+identifier is refers to), the current *identifier type* is also
+important: Actually, a graphic object is not referenced by a system
+layer identifier, but by the combination of the identifier and a type.
+You can use the following commands for modifying the type used for the
+creation of objects:
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfuseid"
+ },
+ pgfuseimage = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "image name"}},
+ details = [[
+Inserts a previously declared image into the *normal text*. If you wish
+to use it in a `{pgfpicture}` environment, you must put a `\pgftext`
+around it.
+If the macro `\pgfalternateextension` expands to some nonempty
+⟨alternate extension⟩, PGF will first try to use the image named ⟨image
+name⟩`.`⟨alternate extension⟩. If this image is not defined, PGF will
+next check whether ⟨alternate extension⟩ contains a `!` character. If
+so, everything up to this exclamation mark and including it is deleted
+from ⟨alternate extension⟩ and the PGF again tries to use the image
+⟨image name⟩`.`⟨alternate extension⟩. This is repeated until ⟨alternate
+extension⟩ no longer contains a `!`. Then the original image is used.
+The `xxcolor` package sets the alternate extension to the current color
+ \pgfdeclareimage[interpolate=true,width=1cm,height=1cm]
+ {image1}{brave-gnu-world-logo}
+ \pgfdeclareimage[interpolate=true,width=1cm]{image2}{brave-gnu-world-logo}
+ \pgfdeclareimage[interpolate=true,height=1cm]{image3}{brave-gnu-world-logo}
+ \begin{pgfpicture}
+ \pgftext[at=\pgfpoint{1cm}{5cm},left,base]{\pgfuseimage{image1}}
+ \pgftext[at=\pgfpoint{1cm}{3cm},left,base]{\pgfuseimage{image2}}
+ \pgftext[at=\pgfpoint{1cm}{1cm},left,base]{\pgfuseimage{image3}}
+ \pgfpathrectangle{\pgfpoint{1cm}{5cm}}{\pgfpoint{1cm}{1cm}}
+ \pgfpathrectangle{\pgfpoint{1cm}{3cm}}{\pgfpoint{1cm}{1cm}}
+ \pgfpathrectangle{\pgfpoint{1cm}{1cm}}{\pgfpoint{1cm}{1cm}}
+ \pgfusepath{stroke}
+ \end{pgfpicture}
+The following example demonstrates the effect of using `\pgfuseimage`
+inside a colormixin environment.
+ \pgfdeclareimage[interpolate=true,width=1cm,height=1cm]
+ {image1.!25!white}{brave-gnu-world-logo.25}
+ \pgfdeclareimage[interpolate=true,width=1cm]
+ {image2.25!white}{brave-gnu-world-logo.25}
+ \pgfdeclareimage[interpolate=true,height=1cm]
+ {image3.white}{brave-gnu-world-logo.25}
+ \begin{colormixin}{25!white}
+ \begin{pgfpicture}
+ \pgftext[at=\pgfpoint{1cm}{5cm},left,base]{\pgfuseimage{image1}}
+ \pgftext[at=\pgfpoint{1cm}{3cm},left,base]{\pgfuseimage{image2}}
+ \pgftext[at=\pgfpoint{1cm}{1cm},left,base]{\pgfuseimage{image3}}
+ \pgfpathrectangle{\pgfpoint{1cm}{5cm}}{\pgfpoint{1cm}{1cm}}
+ \pgfpathrectangle{\pgfpoint{1cm}{3cm}}{\pgfpoint{1cm}{1cm}}
+ \pgfpathrectangle{\pgfpoint{1cm}{1cm}}{\pgfpoint{1cm}{1cm}}
+ \pgfusepath{stroke}
+ \end{pgfpicture}
+ \end{colormixin}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfuseimage"
+ },
+ pgfusepath = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "actions"}},
+ details = [[
+Applies the given ⟨actions⟩ to the current path. Afterwards, the current
+path is (globally) empty. The following actions are possible:
+- `fill` fills the path. See Section ?? for further details.
+ \begin{pgfpicture}
+ \pgfpathmoveto{\pgfpointorigin}
+ \pgfpathlineto{\pgfpoint{1cm}{1cm}}
+ \pgfpathlineto{\pgfpoint{1cm}{0cm}}
+ \pgfusepath{fill}
+ \end{pgfpicture}
+- `stroke` strokes the path. See Section ?? for further details.
+ \begin{pgfpicture}
+ \pgfpathmoveto{\pgfpointorigin}
+ \pgfpathlineto{\pgfpoint{1cm}{1cm}}
+ \pgfpathlineto{\pgfpoint{1cm}{0cm}}
+ \pgfusepath{stroke}
+ \end{pgfpicture}
+- `draw` has the same effect as `stroke`.
+- `clip` clips all subsequent drawings against the path. Always
+ suppresses arrow tips. See Section ?? for further details.
+ \begin{pgfpicture}
+ \pgfpathmoveto{\pgfpointorigin}
+ \pgfpathlineto{\pgfpoint{1cm}{1cm}}
+ \pgfpathlineto{\pgfpoint{1cm}{0cm}}
+ \pgfusepath{stroke,clip}
+ \pgfpathcircle{\pgfpoint{1cm}{1cm}}{0.5cm}
+ \pgfusepath{fill}
+ \end{pgfpicture}
+- `discard` discards the path, that is, it is not used at all. Giving
+ this option (alone) has the same effect as giving an empty options
+ list.
+When more than one of the first three actions are given, they are
+applied in the above ordering, regardless of their ordering in
+⟨actions⟩. Thus, `{stroke,fill}` and `{fill,stroke}` have the same
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfusepath"
+ },
+ pgfusepathqclip = {
+ details = [[
+Clips all subsequent drawings against the current path. The path is not
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfusepathqclip"
+ },
+ pgfusepathqfill = {
+ details = [[
+Fills the path without further ado.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfusepathqfill"
+ },
+ pgfusepathqfillstroke = {
+ details = [[
+Fills and then strokes the path without further ado.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfusepathqfillstroke"
+ },
+ pgfusepathqstroke = {
+ details = [[
+Strokes the path without further ado. No arrows are drawn, no corners
+are arced.
+ \begin{pgfpicture}
+ \pgfpathqcircle{5pt}
+ \pgfusepathqstroke
+ \end{pgfpicture}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfusepathqstroke"
+ },
+ pgfuseplotmark = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "plot mark name"}},
+ details = [[
+Draws the given ⟨plot mark name⟩ at the origin. The ⟨plot mark name⟩
+must have been previously declared using `\pgfdeclareplotmark`.
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \draw[gray] (0,0) node {x} (1,1) node {y} (2,.5) node {z};
+ \pgfplothandlermark{\pgfuseplotmark{pentagon}}
+ \pgfplotstreamstart
+ \pgfplotstreampoint{\pgfpoint{0cm}{0cm}}
+ \pgfplotstreampoint{\pgfpoint{1cm}{1cm}}
+ \pgfplotstreampoint{\pgfpoint{2cm}{0.5cm}}
+ \pgfplotstreamend
+ \pgfusepath{stroke}
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfuseplotmark"
+ },
+ pgfuseshading = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "shading name"}},
+ details = [[
+Inserts a previously declared shading into the text. If you wish to use
+it in a `pgfpicture` environment, you should put a `\pgftext` around it.
+ \begin{pgfpicture}
+ \pgfdeclareverticalshading{myshadingD}
+ {20pt}{color(0pt)=(red); color(20pt)=(blue)}
+ \pgftext[at=\pgfpoint{1cm}{0cm}] {\pgfuseshading{myshadingD}}
+ \pgftext[at=\pgfpoint{2cm}{0.5cm}]{\pgfuseshading{myshadingD}}
+ \end{pgfpicture}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfuseshading"
+ },
+ pgfusetype = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "type"}},
+ details = [[
+Sets the type used for the referencing of graphic objects for the
+current scope to ⟨type⟩ or, if ⟨type⟩ starts with a dot, appends ⟨type⟩
+to the current type.
+You use this command with compound graphic objects: Before each part of
+a graphic object, set the type to an appropriate value. Now, if the
+object is named using `\pgfuseid`, you can later on access all parts of
+the compound object using the combination of the ⟨name⟩ used with
+`\pgfuseid` and the type of the part.
+As an example, this system is used to give you access to the different
+parts of a node: When use say `\pgfuseid{mynode}` and then create a
+node, you can use `mynode` with the empty type to reference the graphics
+scope that encompasses the whole node, but also `mynode` together with
+the type `background` to access the background path of the node.
+In detail, PGF uses this command to set the following types:
+- Inside the command `\pgfviewboxscope`, the type `.view` is used for
+ the view object.
+- Inside the command `\pgfmultipartnode`, the type
+ `.behind background` is used for the scope of drawings behind the
+ background. Similarly, `.before background` and `.behind foreground`
+ and finally `.before foreground` are used with the respective parts
+ of a node.
+- Also inside a node, `.background` and `.foreground` are used as
+ types of the background and foreground paths, respectively.
+- Finally, inside a node, for each text part, the text part's name is
+ used as a type (so `.text` is used for the main part).
+In addition, TikZ uses this command in the following situations:
+- The type `.path` is used with a named path (named using the `name`
+ key). This is the graphic object you need to reference when you wish
+ to morph a path.
+- The type `.path picture` is used with the scope of the optional path
+ picture.
+- The type `.path fill` is used with the path used for filling. This
+ is not the same as the normal path in case the path is filled and
+ patterned, for instance.
+- The type `.path shade` is used with the path used for shading a
+ path.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfusetype"
+ },
+ pgfverticaltransformationadjustment = {
+ details = [[
+$1/\\texttt{\textbackslash mathit\{transform\}(0,1)\textbackslash }_2$.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfverticaltransformationadjustment"
+ },
+ pgfwarning = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "message"}},
+ details = [[
+Prints the ⟨message⟩ on the output, but does not interrupt the
+processing. In LaTeX, this will be done using `\PackageWarning`,
+otherwise a write to stream $17$ is used.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pgfwarning"
+ },
+ usepgflibrary = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "list of libraries"}},
+ details = [[
+Use this command to load further libraries. The list of libraries should
+contain the names of libraries separated by commas. Instead of curly
+braces, you can also use square brackets. If you try to load a library a
+second time, nothing will happen.
+This command causes the file `pgflibrary`⟨library⟩`.code.tex` to be
+loaded for each ⟨library⟩ in the ⟨list of libraries⟩. This means that in
+order to write your own library file, place a file of the appropriate
+name somewhere where TeX can find it. LaTeX, plain TeX, and ConTeXt
+users can then use your library.
+You should also consider adding a TikZ library that simply includes your
+PGF library.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/usepgflibrary"
+ },
+ usepgfmodule = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "module names"}},
+ details = [[
+Once the core has been loaded, you can use this command to load further
+modules. The modules in the ⟨module names⟩ list should be separated by
+commas. Instead of curly braces, you can also use square brackets, which
+is something ConTeXt users will like. If you try to load a module a
+second time, nothing will happen.
+What this command does is to load the file
+`pgfmodule`⟨module⟩`.code.tex` for each ⟨module⟩ in the list of ⟨module
+names⟩. Thus, to write your own module, all you need to do is to place a
+file of the appropriate name somewhere TeX can find it. LaTeX, plain
+TeX, and ConTeXt users can then use your library.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/usepgfmodule"
+ }
+keys = {
+ pgf = {
+ ["/pgfparser/silent"] = {
+ details = [[
+If `true` then no error will be thrown when a letter is parsed for which
+no action is specified, silently ignoring it. This holds true for every
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgfparser/silent",
+ meta = "⟨boolean⟩"
+ },
+ ["/pgfparser/status"] = {
+ details = [[
+If `true` every parser prints a status message for every action
+executed. This might help in debugging and understanding what the parser
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgfparser/status",
+ meta = "⟨boolean⟩"
+ },
+ ["/pgfparser/⟨parser name⟩/silent"] = {
+ details = [[
+If `true` the parser ⟨parser name⟩ will silently ignore undefined
+letters. This is an individual equivalent of `/pgfparser/silent` for
+each defined parser.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgfparser/⟨parser:name⟩/silent",
+ meta = "⟨boolean⟩"
+ },
+ ["and gate IEC symbol"] = {
+ details = [[
+Set the symbol for the `and gate`. Note that if the node is filled, this
+color will be used for the symbol, making it invisible, so it will be
+necessary set ⟨text⟩ to something like `\color{black}\char‘\& `.
+Alternatively, the `logic gate IEC symbol color` key can be used to set
+the color of all symbols simultaneously.
+In TikZ, when the `use IEC style logic gates` key has been used, this
+key can be replaced by `and gate symbol`.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/and:gate:IEC:symbol",
+ meta = "⟨text⟩"
+ },
+ ["animate/events/click"] = {
+ details = [[
+This is a shorthand for `event=click`. This event gets triggered when
+the user clicks on the triggering object with a mouse (or something
+ \tikz \node :rotate = { 0s="0", 2s="90", begin on = {click}}
+ [fill = blue!20, draw = blue, circle, ultra thick] {Here!};
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/animate/events/click"
+ },
+ ["animation/along"] = {
+ details = [[
+This key must be used with `motion` attribute to specify a path along
+which the transformation matrix will be "moved" (that is, a shift
+transformation will be added to the different points on the path).
+The values passed to the `entry` key specify fractions of the distance
+along the ⟨path⟩. That means, when you provide a value of `0`, you
+reference the start point of the path, a value of `1` references the end
+of the path and `0.5` referenced the point halfway along the path.
+ \tikz [very thick] {
+ \pgfanimateattribute{motion}{
+ whom = node, begin on = {click},
+ along = \pgfpathmoveto{\pgfpointorigin}
+ \pgfpathlineto{\pgfpoint{0mm}{5mm}},
+ entry = {0s}{0}, entry = {1s}{0.5}, entry = {2s}{0.25}, entry={3s}{1} }
+ \node (node) [fill = blue!20, draw = blue, circle] {Click me!}; }
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/animation/along",
+ meta = "⟨path⟩"
+ },
+ ["animation/arrows"] = {
+ details = [[
+This key specifies arrow tips during the animation of the path. The
+syntax for the arrow tips is the same syntax as the `\pgfsetarrow`
+command or TikZ's `arrows` key. The specified start and end arrow tips
+are rendered as "markers", which are added to the path *only* during the
+animation. The markers are rotated along with the path in exactly the
+same way as normal arrow tips would be. To be precise, the rules used
+for the computation of where arrow tips go and in which direction they
+head is not always the same for "static" arrow tips (arrow tips added to
+a normal path) and the "dynamic" arrow tips based on markers; namely
+when the paths are very short or closed. For this reason, you should add
+arrow tips to animated paths only when the paths are "nice and simple"
+in the sense that they consist of a single segment whose ends are
+reasonably long.
+In addition to adding the arrow tips to the path during the animation,
+the path gets shortened as necessary to compensate for the extend of the
+arrow tips. However, for this to work, the arrow tips have to be
+specified before path values are specified (since the shortening is done
+immediately when a path value is parsed).
+ \tikz {
+ \pgfanimateattribute{path}{
+ whom = p.path, begin on = {click, of next=node}, arrows = ->,
+ entry = {1s}{\pgfpathmoveto{\pgfpoint{1cm}{0cm}}
+ \pgfpathlineto{\pgfpoint{2cm}{1cm}}},
+ entry = {3s}{\pgfpathmoveto{\pgfpoint{1cm}{1cm}}
+ \pgfpathlineto{\pgfpoint{2cm}{5mm}}}}
+ \node (node) [fill = blue!20, draw = blue, very thick, circle] {Click me!};
+ \draw [very thick, blue, name=p] (1,0.5) -- (2,0.5);
+ }
+Note that the markers that visualize the arrow tips are rendered only
+once per animation. In consequence, "bending" arrow tips cannot be
+rendered correctly: As a path "morphs" a bend arrow tip needs not only
+to rotate along, but must actually "bend along", which is not supported
+(neither by PGF nor by SVG).
+As pointed out earlier, an animated path cannot have "static" arrow
+tips. However, when you specify a `base` value, which is the path used
+whenever there is no active animation, *will* use the arrow tips. As a
+result, you can use this to animate a path with an arrow tip:
+ \tikz {
+ \pgfanimateattribute{path}{
+ whom = p.path, begin on = {click, of next=node}, arrows = ->,
+ base = {\pgfpathmoveto{\pgfpoint{1cm}{5mm}}
+ \pgfpathlineto{\pgfpoint{2cm}{5mm}}},
+ entry = {1s}{\pgfpathmoveto{\pgfpoint{1cm}{0cm}}
+ \pgfpathlineto{\pgfpoint{2cm}{1cm}}},
+ entry = {3s}{\pgfpathmoveto{\pgfpoint{1cm}{1cm}}
+ \pgfpathlineto{\pgfpoint{2cm}{5mm}}}}
+ \node (node) [fill = blue!20, draw = blue, very thick, circle] {Click me!};
+ \draw [very thick, blue, name=p];
+ }
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/animation/arrows",
+ meta = "⟨start tip spec⟩-⟨end tip spec⟩"
+ },
+ ["animation/begin"] = {
+ details = [[
+This key specifies when the "moment `0s`" should be relative to the
+moment when the current graphic is first displayed. You can use this key
+multiple times, in this case the timeline is restarted for each of the
+times specified (if it is already running, it will be reset). If no
+`begin` key is given at all, the effect is the same as if `begin=0s` had
+been specified.
+It is permissible to set ⟨time⟩ to a negative value.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/animation/begin",
+ meta = "⟨time⟩"
+ },
+ ["animation/begin on"] = {
+ details = [[
+Has the same effect as `/tikz/animate/option/begin on`, see Section ??.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/animation/begin:on",
+ meta = "⟨options⟩"
+ },
+ ["animation/end"] = {
+ details = [[
+This key will truncate the timeline so that it ends ⟨time⟩ after the
+display of the graphic, provided the timeline begins before the
+specified end time. For instance, if you specify a timeline starting at
+2 s and ending at 5 s and you set `begin` to 1 s and `end` to 4 s, the
+timeline will run, relative to the moment when the graphic is displayed
+from 3 s to 4 s.
+ \tikz [very thick] {
+ \pgfanimateattribute{rotate}{
+ whom = node, begin = 2s, end = 4s,
+ entry = {1s}{0}, entry = {2s}{90}, entry = {3s}{180}, entry = {4s}{270} }
+ \node (node) [fill = blue!20, draw = blue, circle] {Turn after 3s!}; }
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/animation/end",
+ meta = "⟨time⟩"
+ },
+ ["animation/end on"] = {
+ details = [[
+Works exactly like `begin on`, one possible end of the timeline is
+specified using the ⟨options⟩.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/animation/end:on",
+ meta = "⟨options⟩"
+ },
+ ["animation/entry"] = {
+ details = [[
+You use this key repeatedly to specify the different values that the
+⟨attribute⟩ should have over time. At the ⟨time⟩ specified, the
+⟨attribute⟩ will have the value specified as ⟨value⟩:
+ \tikz {
+ \pgfanimateattribute{rotate}{
+ whom = node, begin on = {click},
+ entry = {0s}{0}, entry = {1s}{90}, entry = {1.1s}{45}, entry = {2s}{90}
+ }
+ \node (node) [fill = blue!20, draw = blue, very thick, circle] {Click me!};
+ }
+You need to call `entry` once for each time in the timeline for which
+you want to specify a ⟨value⟩ explicitly. Between these times, the
+values get interpolated (see below for details). You need to specify the
+⟨time⟩s in non-decreasing order (it is permissible and sometimes also
+necessary to specify the same time twice, namely to create a "jump" of
+the value of some attribute).
+The ⟨time⟩ is parsed using the command `\pgfparsetime` described later.
+**Start and end of the timeline.** The first and last times of the
+timeline are a bit special: The timeline starts on the first time and
+the duration of the timeline is the difference between the first and
+last time. "Starting" on the start time actually means that any
+beginnings (see the `begin` and `end` keys) get offset by the start
+time; similarly end times are offset by this value.
+**Syntax of the values.** The syntax of the ⟨value⟩ varies according to
+the type of the ⟨attribute⟩. In detail, these are:
+ ----------- ----------------------------------------------------------------
+ *Type* *Syntax*
+ color Standard color syntax like `red` or `black!10`
+ scalar A value parsed using `\pgfmathparse`
+ dimension A dimension parsed using `\pgfmathparse`
+ path A sequence of path construction commands
+ softpath A sequence of soft path construction commands
+ scaling A scalar value or a pair of scalar values separated by a comma
+ point A PGF-point like `\pgfpoint{1cm}{5mm}`
+ viewbox Two PGF-points
+ boolean `true` or `false`
+ ----------- ----------------------------------------------------------------
+**Interpolation between key times.** You use the `entry` key repeatedly,
+namely once for each "key time", which is a time point for which you
+specify the value of the attribute explicitly. Between these key times,
+the attribute's value is interpolated. Normally, this is just a linear
+interpolation, but you can influence this using the following keys, see
+Section ?? for details.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/animation/entry",
+ meta = "{time}{value}"
+ },
+ ["animation/events/begin"] = {
+ details = [[
+Shorthand for `event=begin`. The "begin" refers to the beginning of
+another animation, namely the one referenced by `of` or `of whom`. This
+means that the current animation will begin when some other animation
+ \tikz \node [animate = {
+ myself:rotate = { 0s="0", 2s="90", begin on = {begin, of next=anim}},
+ myself:xshift = { 0s="0mm", 2s="5mm", begin on = {click}, name=anim}
+ },
+ fill = blue!20, draw = blue, circle, ultra thick] {Here!};
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/animation/events/begin"
+ },
+ ["animation/events/delay"] = {
+ details = [[
+Specifies that the timeline should not start with the event, but,
+rather, be delayed by ⟨time⟩.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/animation/events/delay",
+ meta = "⟨time⟩"
+ },
+ ["animation/events/end"] = {
+ details = [[
+Shorthand for `event=end`. Again, the "end" refers to the end of another
+animation, namely the one referenced by `of` or `of whom`. This means
+that the current animation will *begin* when some other animation
+ \tikz \node [animate = {
+ myself:rotate = { 0s="0", 2s="90", begin on = {end, of next=anim}},
+ myself:xshift = { 0s="0mm", 2s="5mm", begin on = {click}, name=anim }
+ },
+ fill = blue!20, draw = blue, circle, ultra thick] {Here!};
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/animation/events/end"
+ },
+ ["animation/events/event"] = {
+ details = [[
+Specifies the name of the event whose occurrence should start the
+timeline. Which events are supported depends on the device on which the
+animation is displayed, the output format (SVG or some other format),
+and the setup of scripts, but here is a list of events supported by
+"plain SVG": `click`, `focusin`, `focusout`, `mousedown`, `mouseup`,
+`mouseover`, `mousemove`, `mouseout`, `begin`, `end`. However, the
+following keys make using these events simpler:
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/animation/events/event",
+ meta = "⟨event name⟩"
+ },
+ ["animation/events/focus in"] = {
+ details = [[
+This is a shorthand for `event=focusin`. This event gets triggered when
+the graphic object gets the focus (this usually makes sense only for
+text input fields).
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/animation/events/focus:in"
+ },
+ ["animation/events/focus out"] = {
+ details = [[
+This is a shorthand for `event=focusout`.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/animation/events/focus:out"
+ },
+ ["animation/events/key"] = {
+ details = [[
+The event is triggered when the keyboard key ⟨key⟩ has been pressed. For
+security reasons, a viewer may suppress this.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/animation/events/key",
+ meta = "⟨key⟩"
+ },
+ ["animation/events/mouse down"] = {
+ details = [[
+Shorthand for `event=mousedown`. The event gets triggered when the user
+presses a mouse button down on the object.
+ \tikz \node :rotate = { 0s="0", 2s="90", begin on = {mouse down}}
+ [fill = blue!20, draw = blue, circle, ultra thick] {Here!};
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/animation/events/mouse:down"
+ },
+ ["animation/events/mouse move"] = {
+ details = [[
+Shorthand for `event=mousemove`. The event gets triggered lots of times,
+namely each time the mouse moves while being "over" the object.
+ \tikz \node :rotate = { 0s="0", 2s="90", begin on = {mouse move} }
+ [fill = blue!20, draw = blue, circle, ultra thick] {Here!};
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/animation/events/mouse:move"
+ },
+ ["animation/events/mouse out"] = {
+ details = [[
+Shorthand for `event=mouseout`. The opposite of `mouse over`: triggered
+when the mouse leaves the object.
+ \tikz \node :rotate = { 0s="0", 2s="90", begin on = {mouse out} }
+ [fill = blue!20, draw = blue, circle, ultra thick] {Here!};
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/animation/events/mouse:out"
+ },
+ ["animation/events/mouse over"] = {
+ details = [[
+Shorthand for `event=mouseover`. The event gets triggered the moment the
+mouse cursor moves over the object.
+ \tikz \node :rotate = { 0s="0", 2s="90", begin on = {mouse over} }
+ [fill = blue!20, draw = blue, circle, ultra thick] {Here!};
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/animation/events/mouse:over"
+ },
+ ["animation/events/mouse up"] = {
+ details = [[
+Shorthand for `event=mouseup` and gets triggered, of course, when a
+pressed button is released on the object.
+ \tikz \node :rotate = { 0s="0", 2s="90", begin on = {mouse up} }
+ [fill = blue!20, draw = blue, circle, ultra thick] {Here!};
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/animation/events/mouse:up"
+ },
+ ["animation/events/of"] = {
+ details = [[
+This specifies a graphic object id in the same way as the `whom` key,
+also with an optional ⟨type⟩. This is the object that "causes" the event
+to happen.
+Unlike the `whom` key, which always refers to a not-yet-existing object,
+this key always refers to an already existing object, namely to the most
+recent use of the ⟨id⟩. In the following example, the referenced object
+is the node with the label `2` since it is the most recently referenced
+node with ⟨id⟩ `X`.
+ \tikz [very thick] {
+ \node (X) at (1,1.2) [fill = blue!20, draw = blue, circle] {1};
+ \node (X) at (1,0.4) [fill = orange!20, draw = orange, circle] {2};
+ \node (node) :rotate = {0s="0", 2s="90", begin on = {click, of = X}}
+ [fill = red!20, draw = red, rectangle] {Anim};
+ \node (X) at (1,-0.4) [fill = blue!20, draw = blue, circle] {3};
+ \node (X) at (1,-1.2) [fill = blue!20, draw = blue, circle] {4}; }
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/animation/events/of",
+ meta = "⟨id⟩.⟨type⟩"
+ },
+ ["animation/events/of next"] = {
+ details = [[
+This key works like the `of` key, only it refers to a future (actually,
+the next) object with the given ⟨id⟩, not to a previous one. This, in
+the next example, the referenced node is the one with label `3`.
+ \tikz [very thick] {
+ \node (X) at (1,1.2) [fill = blue!20, draw = blue, circle] {1};
+ \node (X) at (1,0.4) [fill = blue!20, draw = blue, circle] {2};
+ \node (node) :rotate = {
+ 0s="0", 2s="90", begin on = {click, of next = X}}
+ [fill = red!20, draw = red, rectangle] {Anim};
+ \node (X) at (1,-0.4) [fill = orange!20, draw = orange, circle] {3};
+ \node (X) at (1,-1.2) [fill = blue!20, draw = blue, circle] {4}; }
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/animation/events/of:next",
+ meta = "⟨id⟩.⟨type⟩"
+ },
+ ["animation/events/repeat"] = {
+ details = [[
+The event is triggered when a repeating animation has been repeated
+⟨number⟩ times.
+ \tikz
+ \node [animate = { myself: = {
+ :rotate = { 0s="0", 2s="90", begin on = {repeat = 2, of next = anim },
+ begin snapshot = 2 },
+ :xshift = { 0s="0mm", 2s="5mm", begin on=click, name=anim, repeats=4 }}},
+ fill = blue!20, draw = blue, circle, ultra thick] {Here!};
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/animation/events/repeat",
+ meta = "⟨number⟩"
+ },
+ ["animation/freeze at end"] = {
+ details = [[
+When set to `true`, whenever a timeline ends (either because the last
+time of timeline has been reached or because an `end` or `end of` key
+have ended it prematurely), the last value the attribute had because of
+the animation "stays put". When set to `false`, which is the initial
+value, once an animation ends, its effect will be removed "as if it
+never happened".
+ \tikz [very thick] {
+ \pgfanimateattribute{rotate}{
+ whom = node, begin on = {click}, freeze at end = false,
+ entry = {0s}{0}, entry = {2s}{90} }
+ \node (node) [fill = blue!20, draw = blue, circle] {Here!}; }
+ \tikz [very thick] {
+ \pgfanimateattribute{rotate}{
+ whom = node, begin on = {click}, freeze at end,
+ entry = {0s}{0}, entry = {2s}{90} }
+ \node (node) [fill = blue!20, draw = blue, circle] {Here!}; }
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/animation/freeze:at:end",
+ meta = "⟨true or false⟩"
+ },
+ ["animation/name"] = {
+ details = [[
+Assigns a name to the animation by which it can be referenced using the
+`of` and `of next` keys in another animation.
+ \tikz [very thick] {
+ \pgfanimateattribute{rotate}{
+ whom = node, begin on = {end, of next = my move animation, delay = 1s},
+ entry = {0s}{0}, entry = {2s}{90}, begin snapshot = 3s, }
+ \pgfanimateattribute{translate}{
+ name = my move animation, whom = node, begin on = {click},
+ entry = {0s}{\pgfpointorigin}, entry = {2s}{\pgfpoint{0cm}{-5mm}} }
+ \node (node) [fill = blue!20, draw = blue, circle] {Here!};
+ }
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/animation/name",
+ meta = "⟨name⟩"
+ },
+ ["animation/origin"] = {
+ details = [[
+An animation of the canvas transformation is added to all other
+transformations from surrounding or interior scopes. This means that, in
+particular, the origin of a canvas transformation is, by default, the
+origin of the canvas of the scope surrounding the transformation object.
+For some canvas animations, like a rotation or a scaling, you will
+typically wish to use a different origin (like the center of an object
+that is to be rotated or scaled). You can achieve this effect by
+surrounding the object by a scope that shifts the canvas to the desired
+origin, followed by a scope whose transformation matrix you animate,
+followed by a scope that shifts back the canvas.
+The `origin` key simplifies this process by allowing you to specify the
+origin of the transformation directly. Internally, however, all this key
+does is to create the above-mentioned scopes with the necessary shifts.
+ \tikz [very thick] {
+ \pgfanimateattribute{rotate}{
+ whom = node, begin on = {click},
+ origin = \pgfpoint{-5mm}{0mm}, entry = {0s}{0}, entry = {2s}{90} }
+ \node (node) [fill = blue!20, draw = blue, circle] {Click me!};
+ }
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/animation/origin",
+ meta = "⟨pgf point⟩"
+ },
+ ["animation/repeat"] = {
+ details = [[
+This is an alias for `repeats`.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/animation/repeat",
+ meta = "⟨specification⟩"
+ },
+ ["animation/repeats"] = {
+ details = [[
+Use this key to specify that the timeline animation should repeat at the
+end. The ⟨specification⟩ must consist of two parts, each of which may be
+empty. The first part is one of the following:
+- Empty, in which case the timeline repeats forever.
+ \tikz [very thick] {
+ \pgfanimateattribute{rotate}{
+ whom = node, begin on = {click}, repeats,
+ entry = {0s}{0}, entry = {2s}{90} }
+ \node (node) [fill = blue!20, draw = blue, circle] {Click me!}; }
+- A ⟨number⟩ (like `2` or `3.25`), in which case the timeline repeats
+ ⟨number⟩ times.
+ \tikz [very thick] {
+ \pgfanimateattribute{rotate}{
+ whom = node, begin on = {click}, repeats = 1.75,
+ entry = {0s}{0}, entry = {2s}{90} }
+ \node (node) [fill = blue!20, draw = blue, circle] {Click me!}; }
+- The text "`for` ⟨time⟩" (like `for 2s` or `for 300ms`), in which
+ case the timeline repeats however often necessary so that it stops
+ exactly after ⟨time⟩.
+ \tikz [very thick] {
+ \pgfanimateattribute{rotate}{
+ whom = node, begin on = {click}, repeats = for 3.5s,
+ entry = {0s}{0}, entry = {2s}{90} }
+ \node (node) [fill = blue!20, draw = blue, circle] {Click me!}; }
+The second part of the specification must be one of the following:
+- Empty, in which case each time the timeline is restarted, the
+ attribute's value undergoes the same series of values it did
+ previously.
+- The text `accumulating`. This has the effect that each time the
+ timeline is restarted, the attribute values specified by the
+ timeline are *added* to the value from the previous iteration(s). A
+ typical example is an animation that shifts a scope by, say, 1 cm
+ over a time of 1 s. Now, if you repeat this five times, normally the
+ scope will shift 1 cm for 1 s then "jump back", shift again, jump
+ back, and so on for five times. In contrast, when the repeats are
+ accumulating, the scope will move by 5 cm over 5 s in total.
+ \tikz [very thick] {
+ \pgfanimateattribute{rotate}{
+ whom = node, begin on = {click}, repeats = accumulating,
+ entry = {0s}{0}, entry = {2s}{90} }
+ \node (node) [fill = blue!20, draw = blue, circle] {Click me!}; }
+ \tikz [very thick] {
+ \pgfanimateattribute{rotate}{
+ whom = node, begin on = {click}, repeats = 2 accumulating,
+ entry = {0s}{0}, entry = {2s}{90} }
+ \node (node) [fill = blue!20, draw = blue, circle] {Click me!}; }
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/animation/repeats",
+ meta = "⟨specification⟩"
+ },
+ ["animation/restart"] = {
+ details = [[
+Has the same effect as `/tikz/animate/option/restart`, see Section ??.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/animation/restart",
+ meta = "⟨choice⟩"
+ },
+ ["animation/rotate along"] = {
+ details = [[
+When set to `true`, the `along` key additionally adds a rotation that
+varies in such a way that a tangent to the path always points right.
+ \tikz [very thick] {
+ \pgfanimateattribute{motion}{
+ whom = node, begin on = {click},
+ rotate along = true,
+ along = \pgfpathmoveto {\pgfpointorigin}
+ \pgfpathcurveto{\pgfpoint{5mm}{0cm}}{\pgfpoint{5mm}{0cm}}
+ {\pgfpoint{5mm}{5mm}},
+ entry = {0s}{0}, entry = {2s}{1} }
+ \node (node) [fill = blue!20, draw = blue, circle] {Click me!}; }
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/animation/rotate:along",
+ meta = "⟨Boolean⟩"
+ },
+ ["animation/shorten <"] = {
+ details = [[
+Works like `shorten >`.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/animation/shorten:<",
+ meta = "⟨dimension⟩"
+ },
+ ["animation/shorten >"] = {
+ details = [[
+Just like the normal TikZ key `shorten >`, this key specifies an extra
+shortening of to-be-animated paths. Whenever a path is parsed as a value
+for a path animation, it gets shortened at the end by the ⟨dimension⟩
+(and, additionally, by the length of the attached arrow tip). Just like
+the `arrows` key, this key must be given before the path entries are
+ \tikz {
+ \pgfanimateattribute{path}{
+ whom = p.path, begin on = {click, of next=node}, arrows = ->,
+ shorten > = 2mm,
+ base = {\pgfpathmoveto{\pgfpoint{1cm}{5mm}}
+ \pgfpathlineto{\pgfpoint{2cm}{5mm}}},
+ entry = {1s}{\pgfpathmoveto{\pgfpoint{1cm}{0cm}}
+ \pgfpathlineto{\pgfpoint{2cm}{1cm}}},
+ entry = {3s}{\pgfpathmoveto{\pgfpoint{1cm}{1cm}}
+ \pgfpathlineto{\pgfpoint{2cm}{5mm}}}}
+ \node (node) [fill = blue!20, draw = blue, very thick, circle] {Click me!};
+ \draw (0.9,-0.1) grid (2.1,1.1);
+ \draw [help lines] (0.9,-0.1) grid[step=1mm] (2.1,1.1);
+ \draw [very thick, blue, name=p];
+ }
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/animation/shorten:>",
+ meta = "⟨dimension⟩"
+ },
+ ["animation/whom"] = {
+ details = [[
+You *must* use this key once which each call of the
+`\pgfanimateattribute` command. The ⟨id⟩ and the optional ⟨type⟩ (which
+is whatever follows the first dot) will be passed to `\pgfidrefnextuse`,
+see that command for details.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/animation/whom",
+ meta = "⟨id⟩.⟨type⟩"
+ },
+ ["animations/entry control"] = {
+ details = [[
+Works like `exit control`.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/animations/entry:control",
+ meta = "{time fraction}{value fraction}"
+ },
+ ["animations/exit control"] = {
+ details = [[
+Same as `/tikz/animate/options/exit control`.
+ \tikz {
+ \foreach \i in {0,0.1,...,1} \draw (-0.9,.9-\i) -- ++(1.8,0);
+ \pgfanimateattribute{translate}{
+ whom = node, begin on = {click},
+ exit control={1}{0},
+ entry = {0s}{\pgfpointorigin},
+ linear, % revert to default
+ entry = {1s}{\pgfpoint{0cm}{-5mm}},
+ entry control={0}{1},
+ entry = {2s}{\pgfpoint{0cm}{-10mm}} }
+ \node (node) [fill = blue!20, draw = blue, very thick, circle] {Click me!};
+ }
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/animations/exit:control",
+ meta = "{time fraction}{value fraction}"
+ },
+ ["animations/jump"] = {
+ details = [[
+Same as `/tikz/animate/options/jump`.
+ \tikz {
+ \foreach \i in {0,0.1,...,1} \draw (-0.9,.9-\i) -- ++(1.8,0);
+ \pgfanimateattribute{translate}{
+ whom = node, begin on = {click},
+ entry = {0s}{\pgfpointorigin},
+ jump,
+ entry = {1s}{\pgfpoint{0cm}{-1cm}},
+ linear,
+ entry = {2s}{\pgfpoint{0cm}{-2cm}} }
+ \node (node) [fill = blue!20, draw = blue, very thick, circle] {Click me!};
+ }
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/animations/jump"
+ },
+ ["animations/linear"] = {
+ details = [[
+A shorthand for `exit control={0}{0}, entry control={1}{1}`. This will
+(re)install a linear curve.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/animations/linear"
+ },
+ ["animations/stay"] = {
+ details = [[
+Same as `/tikz/animate/options/stay`.
+ \tikz {
+ \foreach \i in {0,0.1,...,1} \draw (-0.9,.9-\i) -- ++(1.8,0);
+ \pgfanimateattribute{translate}{
+ whom = node, begin on = {click},
+ entry = {0s}{\pgfpointorigin},
+ stay,
+ entry = {1s}{\pgfpoint{0cm}{-5mm}},
+ linear,
+ entry = {2s}{\pgfpoint{0cm}{-10mm}},
+ entry = {3s}{\pgfpoint{0cm}{-15mm}} }
+ \node (node) [fill = blue!20, draw = blue, very thick, circle] {Click me!};
+ }
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/animations/stay"
+ },
+ ["arrow box arrows"] = {
+ details = [[
+Sets the distance that all arrows extend from the node. The
+specification in ⟨list⟩ consists of the four compass points `north`,
+`south`, `east` or `west`, separated by commas (so the list must be
+contained within braces). The distances can be specified after each side
+separated by a colon (e.g., `north:1cm`, or `west:5cm from center`). If
+an item specifies no distance, the most recently specified distance will
+be used (at the start of the list this is `0cm`, so the first item in
+the list should specify a distance). Any sides not specified will not be
+drawn with an arrow.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/arrow:box:arrows",
+ meta = "{⟨list⟩}"
+ },
+ ["arrow box east arrow"] = {
+ details = [[
+Sets the distance the east arrow extends from the node.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/arrow:box:east:arrow",
+ meta = "⟨distance⟩"
+ },
+ ["arrow box head extend"] = {
+ details = [[
+Sets the distance the arrow head extends away from the shaft of the
+arrow. This applies to all arrows.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/arrow:box:head:extend",
+ meta = "⟨length⟩"
+ },
+ ["arrow box head indent"] = {
+ details = [[
+Moves the point where the arrow head joins the shaft of the arrow
+*towards* the arrow tip. This applies to all arrows.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/arrow:box:head:indent",
+ meta = "⟨length⟩"
+ },
+ ["arrow box north arrow"] = {
+ details = [[
+Sets the distance the north arrow extends from the node. By default this
+is from the border of the shape, but by using the additional keyword
+`from center`, the distance will be measured from the center of the
+shape. If ⟨distance⟩ is `0pt` or a negative distance, the arrow will not
+be drawn.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/arrow:box:north:arrow",
+ meta = "⟨distance⟩"
+ },
+ ["arrow box shaft width"] = {
+ details = [[
+Sets the width of the shaft of all arrows.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/arrow:box:shaft:width",
+ meta = "⟨length⟩"
+ },
+ ["arrow box south arrow"] = {
+ details = [[
+Sets the distance the south arrow extends from the node.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/arrow:box:south:arrow",
+ meta = "⟨distance⟩"
+ },
+ ["arrow box tip angle"] = {
+ details = [[
+Sets the angle at the arrow tip for all four arrows.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/arrow:box:tip:angle",
+ meta = "⟨angle⟩"
+ },
+ ["arrow box west arrow"] = {
+ details = [[
+Sets the distance the west arrow extends from the node.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/arrow:box:west:arrow",
+ meta = "⟨distance⟩"
+ },
+ ["arrow keys/angle"] = {
+ details = [[
+This key sets the `length` and the `width` of an arrow tip at the same
+time. The length will be the cosine of ⟨angle⟩, while the width will be
+twice the sine of half the ⟨angle⟩ (this slightly awkward rule ensures
+that a `Stealth` arrow will have an opening angle of ⟨angle⟩ at its tip
+if this option is used). As for the `length` key, if the optional
+factors are given, they add a certain multiple of the line width to the
+⟨dimension⟩ before the sine and cosines are computed.
+ \tikz \draw [arrows = {-Stealth[inset=0pt, angle=90:10pt]}] (0,0) -- (1,0);
+ \tikz \draw [arrows = {-Stealth[inset=0pt, angle=30:10pt]}] (0,0) -- (1,0);
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/arrow:keys/angle",
+ meta = "⟨angle⟩:⟨dimension⟩ ⟨line width factor⟩ ⟨outer factor⟩"
+ },
+ ["arrow keys/angle'"] = {
+ details = [[
+Sets the width of the arrow to twice the tangent of $⟨angle⟩/2$ times
+the arrow length. This results in an arrow tip with an opening angle of
+⟨angle⟩ at its tip and with the specified `length` unchanged.
+ \tikz \draw [arrows = {-Stealth[inset=0pt, length=10pt, angle'=90]}]
+ (0,0) -- (1,0);
+ \tikz \draw [arrows = {-Stealth[inset=0pt, length=10pt, angle'=30]}]
+ (0,0) -- (1,0);
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/arrow:keys/angle'",
+ meta = "⟨angle⟩"
+ },
+ ["arrow keys/arc"] = {
+ details = [[
+Sets the angle of arcs in arrows to ⟨degrees⟩. Note that this key is
+quite different from the `angle` key, which is "just a fancy way of
+setting the length and width". In contrast, the `arc` key is used to set
+the degrees of arcs that are part of an arrow tip:
+ \tikz [ultra thick] {
+ \draw [arrows = {-Hooks[]}] (0,1) -- (1,1);
+ \draw [arrows = {-Hooks[arc=90]}] (0,0.5) -- (1,0.5);
+ \draw [arrows = {-Hooks[arc=270]}] (0,0) -- (1,0);
+ }
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/arrow:keys/arc",
+ meta = "⟨degrees⟩"
+ },
+ ["arrow keys/bend"] = {
+ details = [[
+*Bending* an arrow tip is a radical solution to the problem of
+positioning arrow tips on a curved line: The arrow tip is no longer
+"rigid" but the drawing itself will now bend along the curve. This has
+the advantage that all the problems of flexing with wrong tangents and
+overflexing disappear. The downsides are longer computation times
+(bending an arrow is *much* more expensive that flexing it, let alone
+than quick mode) and also the fact that excessive bending can lead to
+ugly arrow tips. On the other hand, for most arrow tips their bend
+version are visually quite pleasing and create a sophisticated look:
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \wall
+ \draw [red!25,line width=1mm] (-1,0) -- (1,0);
+ \draw [red,line width=1mm,-{Stealth[length=20pt,bend]}]
+ (-1,-.5) .. controls (0,-.5) and (0,0) .. (1,0);
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \wall
+ \draw [red!25,line width=1mm] (-1,0) -- (1,0);
+ \draw [red,line width=1mm,-{[bend,sep]>>>}]
+ (-1,-.5) .. controls (0,-.5) and (0,0) .. (1,0);
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \wall
+ \draw [red!25,line width=1mm] (-1,0) -- (1,0);
+ \draw [red,line width=1mm,-{Stealth[bend,round,length=20pt]}]
+ (0,-.5) .. controls (1,-.5) and (0.25,0) .. (1,0);
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/arrow:keys/bend"
+ },
+ ["arrow keys/cap angle"] = {
+ details = [[
+Sets `length` to an appropriate multiple of the line width so that the
+angle of a `Triangle Cap` is exactly ⟨angle⟩ at the tip.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/arrow:keys/cap:angle",
+ meta = "⟨angle⟩"
+ },
+ ["arrow keys/color"] = {
+ details = [[
+Normally, an arrow tip gets the same color as the path to which it is
+attached. More precisely, it will get the current "draw color", also
+known as "stroke color", which you can set using `draw=`⟨some color⟩. By
+adding the option `color=` to an arrow tip (note that an "empty" color
+is specified in this way), you ask that the arrow tip gets this default
+draw color of the path. Since this is the default behavior, you usually
+do not need to specify anything:
+ \tikz [ultra thick] \draw [red, arrows = {-Stealth}] (0,0) -- (1,0);
+ \tikz [ultra thick] \draw [blue, arrows = {-Stealth}] (0,0) -- (1,0);
+Now, when you provide a ⟨color⟩ with this option, you request that the
+arrow tip should get this color *instead* of the color of the main path:
+ \tikz [ultra thick] \draw [red, arrows = {-Stealth[color=blue]}] (0,0) -- (1,0);
+ \tikz [ultra thick] \draw [red, arrows = {-Stealth[color=black]}] (0,0) -- (1,0);
+Similar to the `color` option used in normal TikZ options, you may omit
+the `color=` part of the option. Whenever an ⟨arrow key⟩ is encountered
+that TikZ does not recognize, it will test whether the key is the name
+of a color and, if so, execute `color=`⟨arrow key⟩. So, the first of the
+above examples can be rewritten as follows:
+ \tikz [ultra thick] \draw [red, arrows = {-Stealth[blue]}] (0,0) -- (1,0);
+The ⟨color⟩ will apply both to any drawing and filling operations used
+to construct the path. For instance, even though the `Stealth` arrow
+tips looks like a filled quadrilateral, it is actually constructed by
+drawing a quadrilateral and then filling it in the same color as the
+drawing (see the `fill` option below to see the difference).
+When `color` is set to an empty text, the drawing color is always used
+to fill the arrow tips, even if a different color is specified for
+filling the path:
+ \tikz [ultra thick] \draw [draw=red, fill=red!50, arrows = {-Stealth[length=10pt]}]
+ (0,0) -- (1,1) -- (2,0);
+As you can see in the above example, the filled area is not quite what
+you might have expected. The reason is that the path was actually
+internally shortened a bit so that the end of the "fat line" as inside
+the arrow tip and we get a "clear" arrow tip.
+In general, it is a good idea not to add arrow tips to paths that are
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/arrow:keys/color",
+ meta = "⟨color or empty⟩"
+ },
+ ["arrow keys/fill"] = {
+ details = [[
+Use this key to explicitly set the color used for filling the arrow
+tips. This color can be different from the color used to draw (stroke)
+the arrow tip:
+ \tikz {
+ \draw [help lines] (0,-.5) grid [step=1mm] (1,.5);
+ \draw [thick, red, arrows = {-Stealth[fill=white,length=15pt]}] (0,0) -- (1,0);
+ }
+You can also specify the special "color" `none`. In this case, the arrow
+tip is not filled at all (not even with white):
+ \tikz {
+ \draw [help lines] (0,-.5) grid [step=1mm] (1,.5);
+ \draw [thick, red, arrows = {-Stealth[fill=none,length=15pt]}] (0,0) -- (1,0);
+ }
+Note that such "open" arrow tips are a bit difficult to draw in some
+case: The problem is that the line must be shortened by just the right
+amount so that it ends exactly on the back end of the arrow tip. In some
+cases, especially when double lines are used, this will not be possible.
+When you use both the `color` and `fill` option, the `color` option must
+come first since it will reset the filling to the color specified for
+ \tikz {
+ \draw [help lines] (0,-.5) grid [step=1mm] (1,.5);
+ \draw [thick, red, arrows = {-Stealth[color=blue, fill=white, length=15pt]}]
+ (0,0) -- (1,0);
+ }
+Note that by setting `fill` to the special color `pgffillcolor`, you can
+cause the arrow tips to be filled using the color used to fill the main
+path. (This special color is always available and always set to the
+current filling color of the graphic state.):
+ \tikz [ultra thick] \draw [draw=red, fill=red!50,
+ arrows = {-Stealth[length=15pt, fill=pgffillcolor]}]
+ (0,0) -- (1,1) -- (2,0);
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/arrow:keys/fill",
+ meta = "⟨color or none⟩"
+ },
+ ["arrow keys/flex"] = {
+ details = [[
+When the `bending` library is loaded, this key is applied to all arrow
+tips by default. It has the following effect:
+1. Instead of simply shifting the visual end of the arrow along the
+ tangent of the curve's end, we really move it along the curve by the
+ necessary distance. This operation is more expensive than the
+ `quick` operation -- but not *that* expensive, only expensive enough
+ so that it is not selected by default for all arrow tips. Indeed,
+ some compromises are made in the implementation where accuracy was
+ traded for speed, so the distance by which the line end is shifted
+ is not necessarily *exactly* 6.25mm; only something reasonably
+ close.
+2. The supports of the line are updated accordingly so that the
+ shortened line will still follow *exactly* the original line. This
+ means that the curve deformation effect caused by the `quick`
+ command does not happen here.
+3. Next, the arrow tip is rotated and shifted as follows: First, we
+ shift it so that its tip is exactly at the tip end, where the
+ original line ended. Then, the arrow is rotated so the *the visual
+ end lies on the line*:
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \wall
+ \draw [red!25,line width=1mm] (-1,0) -- (1,0);
+ \draw [red,line width=1mm,-{Stealth[length=1cm,open,blue,flex]}]
+ (-1,-.5) .. controls (0,-.5) and (0,0) .. (1,0);
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+As can be seen in the example, the `flex` option gives a result that is
+visually pleasing and does not deform the path.
+There is, however, one possible problem with the `flex` option: The
+arrow tip no longer points along the tangent of the end of the path.
+This may or may not be a problem, put especially for larger arrow tips
+readers will use the orientation of the arrow head to gauge the
+direction of the tangent of the line. If this tangent is important (for
+example, if it should be horizontal), then it may be necessary to
+enforce that the arrow tip "really points in the direction of the
+To achieve this, the `flex` option takes an optional ⟨factor⟩ parameter,
+which defaults to `1`. This factor specifies how much the arrow tip
+should be rotated: If set to `0`, the arrow points exactly along a
+tangent to curve at its tip. If set to `1`, the arrow point exactly
+along a line from the visual end point on the curve to the tip. For
+values in the middle, we interpolate the rotation between these two
+extremes; so `flex=.5` will rotate the arrow's visual end "halfway away
+from the tangent towards the actual position on the line".
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \wall
+ \draw [red!25,line width=1mm] (-1,0) -- (1,0);
+ \draw [red,line width=1mm,-{Stealth[length=1cm,open,blue,flex=0]}]
+ (-1,-.5) .. controls (0,-.5) and (0,0) .. (1,0);
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \wall
+ \draw [red!25,line width=1mm] (-1,0) -- (1,0);
+ \draw [red,line width=1mm,-{Stealth[length=1cm,open,blue,flex=.5]}]
+ (-1,-.5) .. controls (0,-.5) and (0,0) .. (1,0);
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+Note how in the above examples the red line is visible inside the open
+arrow tip. Open arrow tips do not go well with a flex value other
+than `1`. Here is a more realistic use of the `flex=0` key:
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \wall
+ \draw [red!25,line width=1mm] (-1,0) -- (1,0);
+ \draw [red,line width=1mm,-{Stealth[length=1cm,flex=0]}]
+ (-1,-.5) .. controls (0,-.5) and (0,0) .. (1,0);
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+If there are several arrow tips on a path, the `flex` option positions
+them independently, so that each of them lies optimally on the path:
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \wall
+ \draw [red!25,line width=1mm] (-1,0) -- (1,0);
+ \draw [red,line width=1mm,-{[flex,sep]>>>}]
+ (-1,-.5) .. controls (0,-.5) and (0,0) .. (1,0);
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/arrow:keys/flex",
+ meta = "⟨factor⟩"
+ },
+ ["arrow keys/flex'"] = {
+ details = [[
+The `flex’` key is almost identical to the `flex` key. The only
+difference is that a factor of `1` corresponds to rotating the arrow tip
+so that the instead of the visual end, the "ultimate back end" of the
+arrow tip lies on the red path. In the example instead of having the
+arrow tip at a distance of `6.25mm` from the tip lie on the path, we
+have the point at a distance of `1cm` from the tip lie on the path:
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \wall
+ \draw [red!25,line width=1mm] (-1,0) -- (1,0);
+ \draw [red,line width=1mm,-{Stealth[length=1cm,open,blue,flex']}]
+ (-1,-.5) .. controls (0,-.5) and (0,0) .. (1,0);
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+Otherwise, the factor works as for `flex` and, indeed `flex=0` and
+`flex’=0` have the same effect.
+The main use of this option is not so much with an arrow tip like
+`Stealth` but rather with tips like the standard `>` in the context of a
+strongly curved line:
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \wall
+ \draw [red!25,line width=1mm] (-1,0) -- (1,0);
+ \draw [red,line width=1mm,-{Computer Modern Rightarrow[flex]}]
+ (0,-.5) .. controls (1,-.5) and (0.5,0) .. (1,0);
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+In the example, the `flex` option does not really flex the arrow since
+for a tip like the Computer Modern arrow, the visual end is the same as
+the arrow tip -- after all, the red line does, indeed, end almost
+exactly where it used to end.
+Nevertheless, you may feel that the arrow tip looks "wrong" in the sense
+that it should be rotated. This is exactly what the `flex’` option does
+since it allows us to align the "back end" of the tip with the red line:
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \wall
+ \draw [red!25,line width=1mm] (-1,0) -- (1,0);
+ \draw [red,line width=1mm,-{Computer Modern Rightarrow[flex'=.75]}]
+ (0,-.5) .. controls (1,-.5) and (0.5,0) .. (1,0);
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+In the example, I used `flex’=.75` so as not to overpronounce the
+effect. Usually, you will have to fiddle with it sometime to get the
+"perfectly aligned arrow tip", but a value of `.75` is usually a good
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/arrow:keys/flex'",
+ meta = "⟨factor⟩"
+ },
+ ["arrow keys/harpoon"] = {
+ details = [[
+The key requests that only the "left half" of the arrow tip should
+ \tikz [ultra thick] \draw [arrows = {-Stealth[harpoon]}] (0,0) -- (1,0);
+ \tikz [ultra thick] \draw [arrows = {->[harpoon]}] (0,0) -- (1,0);
+Unlike the `reversed` key, which all arrows tip kinds support at least
+in a basic way, designers of arrow tips really need to take this key
+into account in their arrow tip code and often a lot of special
+attention needs to do be paid to this key in the implementation. For
+this reason, only some arrow tips will support it.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/arrow:keys/harpoon"
+ },
+ ["arrow keys/inset"] = {
+ details = [[
+The key is relevant only for some arrow tips such as the `Stealth` arrow
+tip. It specifies a distance by which something inside the arrow tip is
+set inwards; for the `Stealth` arrow tip it is the distance by which the
+back angle is moved inwards.
+The computation of the distance works in the same way as for `length`
+and `width`: To the ⟨dimension⟩ we add ⟨line width factor⟩ times that
+line width, where the line width is computed based on the ⟨outer factor⟩
+as described for the `length` key.
+ \tikz \draw [arrows = {-Stealth[length=10pt, inset=5pt]}] (0,0) -- (1,0);
+ \tikz \draw [arrows = {-Stealth[length=10pt, inset=2pt]}] (0,0) -- (1,0);
+For most arrows for which there is no "natural inset" like, say,
+`Latex`, this key has no effect.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/arrow:keys/inset",
+ meta = "⟨dimension⟩ ⟨line width factor⟩ ⟨outer factor⟩"
+ },
+ ["arrow keys/inset'"] = {
+ details = [[
+This key works like `inset`, only like `width’` the second parameter is
+a factor of the arrow length rather than of the line width. For
+instance, the `Stealth` arrow sets `inset’` to `0pt 0.325` to ensure
+that the inset is always at $13/40$th of the arrow length if nothing
+else is specified.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/arrow:keys/inset'",
+ meta = "⟨dimension⟩ ⟨length factor⟩ ⟨line width factor⟩"
+ },
+ ["arrow keys/left"] = {
+ details = [[
+A shorthand for `harpoon`.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/arrow:keys/left"
+ },
+ ["arrow keys/length"] = {
+ details = [[
+\[length-arrow-key\] This parameter is usually the most important
+parameter that governs the size of an arrow tip: The ⟨dimension⟩ that
+you provide dictates the distance from the "very tip" of the arrow to
+its "back end" along the line:
+ \tikz{
+ \draw [-{Stealth[length=5mm]}] (0,0) -- (2,0);
+ \draw [|<->|] (1.5,.4) -- node[above=1mm] {5mm} (2,.4);
+ }
+ \tikz{
+ \draw [-{Latex[length=5mm]}] (0,0) -- (2,0);
+ \draw [|<->|] (1.5,.4) -- node[above=1mm] {5mm} (2,.4);
+ }
+ \tikz{
+ \draw [-{Classical TikZ Rightarrow[length=5mm]}] (0,0) -- (2,0);
+ \draw [|<->|] (1.5,.6) -- node[above=1mm] {5mm} (2,.6);
+ }
+**The Line Width Factors.** Following the ⟨dimension⟩, you may put a
+space followed by a ⟨line width factor⟩, which must be a plain number
+(no `pt` or `cm` following). When you provide such a number, the size of
+the arrow tip is not just ⟨dimension⟩, but rather
+$⟨dimension⟩ + ⟨line width
+ factor⟩\cdot w$ where $w$ is the width of the to-be-drawn path. This
+makes it easy to vary the size of an arrow tip in accordance with the
+line width -- usually a very good idea since thicker lines will need
+thicker arrow tips.
+As an example, when you write `length=0pt 5`, the length of the arrow
+will be exactly five times the current line width. As another example,
+the default length of a `Latex` arrow is `length=3pt 4.5 0.8`. Let us
+ignore the 0.8 for a moment; the `3pt 4.5` then means that for the
+standard line width of `0.4pt`, the length of a `Latex` arrow will be
+exactly 4.8pt (3pt plus 4.5 times `0.4pt`).
+Following the line width factor, you can additionally provide an ⟨outer
+factor⟩, again preceded by a space (the `0.8` in the above example).
+This factor is taken into consideration only when the `double` option is
+used, that is, when a so-called "inner line width". For a double line,
+we can identify three different "line widths", namely the inner line
+width $w_i$, the line width $w_o$ of the two outer lines, and the "total
+line width" $w_t = w_i + 2w_o$. In the below examples, we have
+$w_i = 3\mathrm{pt}$, $w_o=1\mathrm{pt}$, and $w_t = 5\mathrm{pt}$. It
+is not immediately clear which of these line widths should be considered
+as $w$ in the above formula $⟨dimension⟩ + ⟨line width factor⟩\cdot
+ w$ for the computation of the length. One can argue both for $w_t$
+and also for $w_o$. Because of this, you use the ⟨outer factor⟩ to
+decide on one of them or even mix them: TikZ sets
+$w = ⟨outer factor⟩ w_o
+ + (1-⟨outer factor⟩)w_t$. Thus, when the outer factor is $0$, as in
+the first of the following examples and as is the default when it is not
+specified, the computed $w$ will be the total line width $w_t =
+ 5\mathrm{pt}$. Since $w=5\mathrm{pt}$, we get a total length of
+$15pt$ in the first example (because of the factor `3`). In contrast, in
+the last example, the outer factor is 1 and, thus,
+$w = w_o = \mathrm{1pt}$ and the resulting length is 3pt. Finally, for
+the middle case, the "middle" between 5pt and 1pt is 3pt, so the length
+is 9pt.
+ \tikz \draw [line width=1pt, double distance=3pt,
+ arrows = {-Latex[length=0pt 3 0]}] (0,0) -- (1,0);
+ \tikz \draw [line width=1pt, double distance=3pt,
+ arrows = {-Latex[length=0pt 3 .5]}] (0,0) -- (1,0);
+ \tikz \draw [line width=1pt, double distance=3pt,
+ arrows = {-Latex[length=0pt 3 1]} ] (0,0) -- (1,0);
+**The Exact Length.** For an arrow tip kind that is just an outline that
+is filled with a color, the specified length should *exactly* equal the
+distance from the tip to the back end. However, when the arrow tip is
+drawn by stroking a line, it is no longer obvious whether the `length`
+should refer to the extend of the stroked lines' path or of the
+resulting pixels (which will be wider because of the thickness of the
+stroking pen). The rules are as follows:
+1. If the arrow tip consists of a closed path (like `Stealth` or
+ `Latex`), imagine the arrow tip drawn from left to right using a
+ miter line cap. Then the `length` should be the horizontal distance
+ from the first drawn "pixel" to the last drawn "pixel". Thus, the
+ thickness of the stroked line and also the miter ends should be
+ taken into account:
+ \tikz{
+ \draw [line width=1mm, -{Stealth[length=10mm, open]}]
+ (0,0) -- (2,0);
+ \draw [|<->|] (2,.6) -- node[above=1mm] {10mm} ++(-10mm,0);
+ }
+2. If, in the above case, the arrow is drawn using a round line join
+ (see Section ?? for details on how to select this), the size of the
+ arrow should still be the same as in the first case (that is, as if
+ a miter join were used). This creates some "visual consistency" if
+ the two modes are mixed or if you later want to change the mode.
+ \tikz{
+ \draw [line width=1mm, -{Stealth[length=10mm, open, round]}]
+ (0,0) -- (2,0);
+ \draw [|<->|] (2,.6) -- node[above=1mm] {10mm} ++(-10mm,0);
+ }
+ As the above example shows, however, a rounded arrow will still
+ exactly "tip" the point where the line should end (the point `(2,0)`
+ in the above case). It is only the scaling of the arrow that is not
+ affected.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/arrow:keys/length",
+ meta = "⟨dimension⟩ ⟨line width factor⟩ ⟨outer factor⟩"
+ },
+ ["arrow keys/line cap"] = {
+ details = [[
+Sets the line cap of all lines that are drawn in the arrow to a round
+cap or a butt cap. (Unlike for normal lines, the `rect` cap is not
+allowed.) Naturally, this key has no effect for arrows whose paths are
+Each arrow tip has a default value for the line cap, which can be
+overruled using this option.
+Changing the cap should have no effect on the size of the arrow.
+However, it will have an effect on where the exact "tip" of the arrow is
+since this will always be exactly at the end of the arrow:
+ \tikz [line width=2mm]
+ \draw [arrows = {-Computer Modern Rightarrow[line cap=butt]}]
+ (0,0) -- (1,0);
+ \tikz [line width=2mm]
+ \draw [arrows = {-Computer Modern Rightarrow[line cap=round]}]
+ (0,0) -- (1,0);
+ \tikz [line width=2mm]
+ \draw [arrows = {-Bracket[reversed,line cap=butt]}]
+ (0,0) -- (1,0);
+ \tikz [line width=2mm]
+ \draw [arrows = {-Bracket[reversed,line cap=round]}]
+ (0,0) -- (1,0);
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/arrow:keys/line:cap",
+ meta = "⟨round or butt⟩"
+ },
+ ["arrow keys/line join"] = {
+ details = [[
+Sets the line join to round or miter (`bevel` is not allowed). This
+time, the key only has an effect on paths that have "corners" in them.
+The same rules as for `line cap` apply: the size is not affects, but the
+tip end is:
+ \tikz [line width=2mm]
+ \draw [arrows = {-Computer Modern Rightarrow[line join=miter]}]
+ (0,0) -- (1,0);
+ \tikz [line width=2mm]
+ \draw [arrows = {-Computer Modern Rightarrow[line join=round]}]
+ (0,0) -- (1,0);
+ \tikz [line width=2mm]
+ \draw [arrows = {-Bracket[reversed,line join=miter]}]
+ (0,0) -- (1,0);
+ \tikz [line width=2mm]
+ \draw [arrows = {-Bracket[reversed,line join=round]}]
+ (0,0) -- (1,0);
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/arrow:keys/line:join",
+ meta = "⟨round or miter⟩"
+ },
+ ["arrow keys/line width"] = {
+ details = [[
+This key sets the line width inside an arrow tip for drawing (out)lines
+of the arrow tip. When you set this width to `0pt`, which makes sense
+only for closed tips, the arrow tip is only filled. This can result in
+better rendering of some small arrow tips and in case of bend arrow tips
+(because the line joins will also be bend and not "mitered".)
+The meaning of the factors is as usual the same as for `length` or
+ \tikz \draw [arrows = {-Latex[line width=0.1pt, fill=white, length=10pt]}] (0,0) -- (1,0);
+ \tikz \draw [arrows = {-Latex[line width=1pt, fill=white, length=10pt]}] (0,0) -- (1,0);
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/arrow:keys/line:width",
+ meta = "⟨dimension⟩ ⟨line width factor⟩ ⟨outer factor⟩"
+ },
+ ["arrow keys/line width'"] = {
+ details = [[
+Works like `line width` only the factor is with respect to the `length`.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/arrow:keys/line:width'",
+ meta = "⟨dimension⟩ ⟨length factor⟩"
+ },
+ ["arrow keys/n"] = {
+ details = [[
+Sets the number of rays in a `Rays` arrow tip.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/arrow:keys/n",
+ meta = "⟨number⟩"
+ },
+ ["arrow keys/open"] = {
+ details = [[
+A shorthand for `fill=none`.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/arrow:keys/open"
+ },
+ ["arrow keys/quick"] = {
+ details = [[
+Recall that curves in TikZ are actually Bézier curves, which means that
+they start and end at certain points and we specify two vectors, one for
+the start and one for the end, that provide tangents to the curve at
+these points. In particular, for the end of the curve, there is a point
+called the *second support point* of the curve such that a tangent to
+the curve at the end goes through this point. In our above example, the
+second support point is at the middle of the light red line and, indeed,
+a tangent to the red line at the point touching the wall is perfectly
+In order to add our arrow tip to the curved path, our first objective is
+to "shorten" the path by 6.25mm. Unfortunately, this is now much more
+difficult than for a straight path. When the `quick` option is added to
+an arrow tip (it is also the default if no special libraries are
+loaded), we cheat somewhat: Instead of really moving along 6.25mm along
+the path, we simply shift the end of the curve by 6.25mm *along the
+tangent* (which is easy to compute). We also have to shift the second
+support point by the same amount to ensure that the line still has the
+same tangent at the end. This will result in the following:
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \wall
+ \draw [red!25,line width=1mm] (-1,0) -- (1,0);
+ \draw [red,line width=1mm,-{Stealth[length=1cm,open,blue,quick]}]
+ (-1,-.5) .. controls (0,-.5) and (0,0) .. (1,0);
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+They main problem with the above picture is that the red line is no
+longer equal to the original red line (notice much sharper curvature
+near its end). In our example this is not such a bad thing, but it
+certainly "not a nice thing" that adding arrow tips to a curve changes
+the overall shape of the curves. This is especially bothersome if there
+are several similar curves that have different arrow heads. In this
+case, the similar curves now suddenly look different.
+Another big problem with the above approach is that it works only well
+if there is only a single arrow tip. When there are multiple ones,
+simply shifting them along the tangent as the `quick` option does
+produces less-than-satisfactory results:
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \wall
+ \draw [red!25,line width=1mm] (-1,0) -- (1,0);
+ \draw [red,line width=1mm,-{[quick,sep]>>>}]
+ (-1,-.5) .. controls (0,-.5) and (0,0) .. (1,0);
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+Note that the third arrow tip does not really lie on the curve any more.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/arrow:keys/quick"
+ },
+ ["arrow keys/reversed"] = {
+ details = [[
+Adding this key to an arrow tip will "reverse its direction" so that is
+points in the opposite direction (but is still at that end of the line
+where the non-reversed arrow tip would have been drawn; so only the tip
+is reversed). For most arrow tips, this just results in an internal flip
+of a coordinate system, but some arrow tips actually use a slightly
+different version of the tip for reversed arrow tips (namely when the
+joining of the tip with the line would look strange). All of this
+happens automatically, so you do not need to worry about this.
+If you apply this key twice, the effect cancels, which is useful for the
+definition of shorthands (which will be discussed later).
+ \tikz [ultra thick] \draw [arrows = {-Stealth[reversed]}] (0,0) -- (1,0);
+ \tikz [ultra thick] \draw [arrows = {-Stealth[reversed, reversed]}] (0,0) -- (1,0);
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/arrow:keys/reversed"
+ },
+ ["arrow keys/right"] = {
+ details = [[
+A shorthand for `harpoon, swap`.
+ \tikz [ultra thick] \draw [arrows = {-Stealth[left]}] (0,0) -- (1,0);
+ \tikz [ultra thick] \draw [arrows = {-Stealth[right]}] (0,0) -- (1,0);
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/arrow:keys/right"
+ },
+ ["arrow keys/round"] = {
+ details = [[
+A shorthand for `line cap=round, line join=round`, resulting in
+"rounded" arrow heads.
+ \tikz [line width=2mm]
+ \draw [arrows = {-Computer Modern Rightarrow[round]}] (0,0) -- (1,0);
+ \tikz [line width=2mm]
+ \draw [arrows = {-Bracket[reversed,round]}] (0,0) -- (1,0);
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/arrow:keys/round"
+ },
+ ["arrow keys/sep"] = {
+ details = [[
+When a sequence of arrow tips is specified in an arrow tip specification
+for the end of the line, the arrow tips are normally arranged in such a
+way that the tip of each arrow ends exactly at the "back end" of the
+next arrow tip (for start specifications, the ordering is inverted, of
+course). Now, when the `sep` option is set, instead of exactly touching
+the back end of the next arrow, the specified ⟨dimension⟩ is added as
+additional space (the distance may also be negative, resulting in an
+overlap of the arrow tips). The optional factors have the same meaning
+as for the `length` key, see that key for details.
+Let us now have a look at some examples. First, we use two arrow tips
+with different separations between them:
+ \tikz {
+ \draw [-{>[sep=1pt]>[sep= 2pt]>}] (0,1.0) -- (1,1.0);
+ \draw [-{>[sep=1pt]>[sep=-2pt]>}] (0,0.5) -- (1,0.5);
+ \draw [-{> >[sep] >}] (0,0.0) -- (1,0.0);
+ }
+You can also specify a `sep` for the last arrow tip in the sequence (for
+end specifications, otherwise for the first arrow tip). In this case,
+this first arrow tip will not exactly "touch" the point where the path
+ends, but will rather leave the specified amount of space. This is
+usually quite desirable.
+ \tikz {
+ \node [draw] (A) {A};
+ \node [draw] (B) [right=of A] {B};
+ \draw [-{>>[sep=2pt]}] (A) to [bend left=45] (B);
+ \draw [- >> ] (A) to [bend right=45] (B);
+ }
+Indeed, adding a `sep` to an arrow tip is *very* desirable, so you will
+usually write something like `>={To[sep]}` somewhere near the start of
+your files.
+One arrow tip kind can be quite useful in this context: The arrow tip
+kind `_ `. It draws nothing and has zero length, *but* it has `sep` set
+as a default option. Since it is a single letter shorthand, you can
+write short and clean "code" in this way:
+ \tikz \draw [->_>] (0,0) -- (1,0);
+ \tikz \draw [->__>] (0,0) -- (1,0);
+However, using the `sep` option will be faster than using the `_ ` arrow
+tip and it also allows you to specify the desired length directly.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/arrow:keys/sep",
+ meta = "⟨dimension⟩ ⟨line width factor⟩ ⟨outer factor⟩"
+ },
+ ["arrow keys/sharp"] = {
+ details = [[
+A shorthand for `line cap=butt, line join=miter`, resulting in "sharp"
+or "pointed" arrow heads.
+ \tikz [line width=2mm]
+ \draw [arrows = {-Computer Modern Rightarrow[sharp]}] (0,0) -- (1,0);
+ \tikz [line width=2mm]
+ \draw [arrows = {-Bracket[reversed,sharp]}] (0,0) -- (1,0);
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/arrow:keys/sharp"
+ },
+ ["arrow keys/slant"] = {
+ details = [[
+Slanting is used to create an "italics" effect for arrow tips: All arrow
+tips get "slanted" a little bit relative to the axis of the arrow:
+ \tikz {
+ \draw [arrows = {->[]}] (0,1) -- (1,1);
+ \draw [arrows = {->[slant=.5]}] (0,0.5) -- (1,0.5);
+ \draw [arrows = {->[slant=1]}] (0,0) -- (1,0);
+ }
+There is one thing to note about slanting: Slanting is done using a
+so-called "canvas transformation" and has no effect on positioning of
+the arrow tip. In particular, if an arrow tip gets slanted so strongly
+that it starts to protrude over the arrow tip end, this does not change
+the positioning of the arrow tip.
+Here is another example where slanting is used to match italic text:
+ \tikz [>={[slant=.3] To[] To[]}]
+ \graph [math nodes] { A -> B <-> C };
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/arrow:keys/slant",
+ meta = "⟨factor⟩"
+ },
+ ["arrow keys/swap"] = {
+ details = [[
+This key flips that arrow tip along the axis of the line. It makes sense
+only for asymmetric arrow tips like the harpoons created using the
+`harpoon` option.
+ \tikz [ultra thick] \draw [arrows = {-Stealth[harpoon]}] (0,0) -- (1,0);
+ \tikz [ultra thick] \draw [arrows = {-Stealth[harpoon,swap]}] (0,0) -- (1,0);
+Swapping is always possible, no special code is needed on behalf of an
+arrow tip implementer.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/arrow:keys/swap"
+ },
+ ["arrow keys/width"] = {
+ details = [[
+This key works like the `length` key, only it specifies the "width" of
+the arrow tip; so if width and length are identical, the arrow will just
+touch the borders of a square. (An exception to this rule are "halved"
+arrow tips, see Section ??.) The meaning of the two optional factor
+numbers following the ⟨dimension⟩ is the same as for the `length` key.
+ \tikz \draw [arrows = {-Latex[width=10pt, length=10pt]}] (0,0) -- (1,0);
+ \tikz \draw [arrows = {-Latex[width=0pt 10, length=10pt]}] (0,0) -- (1,0);
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/arrow:keys/width",
+ meta = "⟨dimension⟩ ⟨line width factor⟩ ⟨outer factor⟩"
+ },
+ ["arrow keys/width'"] = {
+ details = [[
+The key (note the prime) has a similar effect as the `width` key. The
+difference is that the second, still optional parameter ⟨length factor⟩
+specifies the width of the key not as a multiple of the line width, but
+as a multiple of the arrow length.
+The idea is that if you write, say, `width’=0pt 0.5`, the width of the
+arrow will be half its length. Indeed, for standard arrow tips like
+`Stealth` the default width is specified in this way so that if you
+change the length of an arrow tip, you also change the width in such a
+way that the aspect ratio of the arrow tip is kept. The other way round,
+if you modify the factor in `width’` without changing the length, you
+change the aspect ratio of the arrow tip.
+Note that later changes of the length are taken into account for the
+computation. For instance, if you write
+ length = 10pt, width'=5pt 2, length=7pt
+the resulting width will be $19\mathrm{pt} = 5\mathrm{pt} + 2\cdot
+ 7\mathrm{pt}$.
+ \tikz \draw [arrows = {-Latex[width'=0pt .5, length=10pt]}] (0,0) -- (1,0);
+ \tikz \draw [arrows = {-Latex[width'=0pt .5, length=15pt]}] (0,0) -- (1,0);
+The third, also optional, parameter allows you to add a multiple of the
+line width to the value computed in terms of the length.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/arrow:keys/width'",
+ meta = "⟨dimension⟩ ⟨length factor⟩ ⟨line width factor⟩"
+ },
+ ["arrows keys/scale"] = {
+ details = [[
+After all the other options listed in the previous (and also the
+following sections) have been processed, TikZ applies a *scaling* to the
+computed length, inset, and width of the arrow tip (and, possibly, to
+other size parameters defined by special-purpose arrow tip kinds).
+Everything is simply scaled by the given ⟨factor⟩.
+ \tikz {
+ \draw [arrows = {-Stealth[]}] (0,1) -- (1,1);
+ \draw [arrows = {-Stealth[scale=1.5]}] (0,0.5) -- (1,0.5);
+ \draw [arrows = {-Stealth[scale=2]}] (0,0) -- (1,0);
+ }
+Note that scaling has *no* effect on the line width (as usual) and also
+not on the arrow padding (the `sep`).
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/arrows:keys/scale",
+ meta = "⟨factor⟩"
+ },
+ ["arrows keys/scale length"] = {
+ details = [[
+This factor works like `scale`, only it is applied only to dimensions
+"along the axis of the arrow", that is, to the length and to the inset,
+but not to the width.
+ \tikz {
+ \draw [arrows = {-Stealth[]}] (0,1) -- (1,1);
+ \draw [arrows = {-Stealth[scale length=1.5]}] (0,0.5) -- (1,0.5);
+ \draw [arrows = {-Stealth[scale length=2]}] (0,0) -- (1,0);
+ }
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/arrows:keys/scale:length",
+ meta = "⟨factor⟩"
+ },
+ ["arrows keys/scale width"] = {
+ details = [[
+Like `scale length`, but for dimensions related to the width.
+ \tikz {
+ \draw [arrows = {-Stealth[]}] (0,1) -- (1,1);
+ \draw [arrows = {-Stealth[scale width=1.5]}] (0,0.5) -- (1,0.5);
+ \draw [arrows = {-Stealth[scale width=2]}] (0,0) -- (1,0);
+ }
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/arrows:keys/scale:width",
+ meta = "⟨factor⟩"
+ },
+ aspect = {
+ details = [[
+The aspect is a recommendation for the quotient of the radii of the
+cylinder end. This may be ignored if the shape is enlarged to some
+minimum width.
+ \begin{tikzpicture}[]
+ \tikzset{every node/.style={cylinder, shape border rotate=90, draw}}
+ \node [aspect=1.0] {A};
+ \node [aspect=0.5] at (1,0) {B};
+ \node [aspect=0.25] at (2,0) {C};
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/aspect",
+ meta = "⟨value⟩"
+ },
+ ["bar interval shift"] = {
+ details = [[
+Sets the *relative* shift of `\pgfplothandlerxbarinterval` and
+`\pgfplothandlerybarinterval` to ⟨factor⟩. As `/pgf/bar interval width`,
+the argument is relative to the interval length of the input
+The argument `{scale}` will be evaluated using the math parser.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/bar:interval:shift",
+ meta = "{factor}"
+ },
+ ["bar interval width"] = {
+ details = [[
+Sets the *relative* width of `\pgfplothandlerxbarinterval` and
+`\pgfplothandlerybarinterval` to `{scale}`. The argument is relative to
+$(x_{i+1} - x_i)$ for $y$ bar plots and relative to $(y_{i+1}-y_i)$ for
+$x$ bar plots.
+The argument `{scale}` will be evaluated using the math parser.
+ \begin{tikzpicture}[bar interval width=0.5]
+ \draw[gray]
+ (0,3) -- (0,-0.1)
+ (1,3) -- (1,-0.1)
+ (2,3) -- (2,-0.1)
+ (4,3) -- (4,-0.1);
+ \pgfplothandlerybarinterval
+ \begin{scope}[bar interval shift=0.25,fill=blue]
+ \pgfplotstreamstart
+ \pgfplotstreampoint{\pgfpoint{0cm}{2cm}}
+ \pgfplotstreampoint{\pgfpoint{1cm}{1cm}}
+ \pgfplotstreampoint{\pgfpoint{2cm}{0.5cm}}
+ \pgfplotstreampoint{\pgfpoint{4cm}{0.7cm}}
+ \pgfplotstreamend
+ \pgfusepath{fill}
+ \end{scope}
+ \begin{scope}[bar interval shift=0.75,fill=red]
+ \pgfplotstreamstart
+ \pgfplotstreampoint{\pgfpoint{0cm}{3cm}}
+ \pgfplotstreampoint{\pgfpoint{1cm}{0.2cm}}
+ \pgfplotstreampoint{\pgfpoint{2cm}{0.7cm}}
+ \pgfplotstreampoint{\pgfpoint{4cm}{0.2cm}}
+ \pgfplotstreamend
+ \pgfusepath{fill}
+ \end{scope}
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+Please note that bars are always centered, so we have to use shifts
+$0.25$ and $0.75$ instead of $0$ and $0.5$.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/bar:interval:width",
+ meta = "{scale}"
+ },
+ ["bar shift"] = {
+ details = [[
+Sets a shift used by `\pgfplothandlerxbar` and `\pgfplothandlerybar` to
+`{dimension}`. It has the same effect as `xshift`, but it applies only
+to those bar plots. The argument `{dimension}` will be evaluated using
+the math parser.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/bar:shift",
+ meta = "{dimension}"
+ },
+ ["bar width"] = {
+ details = [[
+Sets the width of `\pgfplothandlerxbar` and `\pgfplothandlerybar` to
+`{dimension}`. The argument `{dimension}` will be evaluated using the
+math parser.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/bar:width",
+ meta = "{dimension}"
+ },
+ ["buffer gate IEC symbol"] = {
+ details = [[
+Set the symbol for the `buffer gate`. In TikZ, when the
+`use IEC style logic gates` key has been used, this key can be replaced
+by `buffer gate symbol`.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/buffer:gate:IEC:symbol",
+ meta = "⟨text⟩"
+ },
+ ["callout absolute pointer"] = {
+ details = [[
+Sets the vector of the callout pointer absolutely within the picture.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/callout:absolute:pointer",
+ meta = "⟨coordinate⟩"
+ },
+ ["callout pointer arc"] = {
+ details = [[
+Sets the width of the pointer at the border of the ellipse according to
+an arc of length ⟨angle⟩.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/callout:pointer:arc",
+ meta = "⟨angle⟩"
+ },
+ ["callout pointer end size"] = {
+ details = [[
+Sets the size of the last ellipse in the pointer.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/callout:pointer:end:size",
+ meta = "⟨value⟩"
+ },
+ ["callout pointer segments"] = {
+ details = [[
+Sets the number of segments in the pointer. Note that PGF will happily
+overlap segments if too many are specified.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/callout:pointer:segments",
+ meta = "⟨number⟩"
+ },
+ ["callout pointer shorten"] = {
+ details = [[
+Moves the callout pointer towards the center of the callout's main shape
+by ⟨distance⟩.
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \tikzset{callout/.style={ellipse callout, callout pointer arc=30,
+ callout absolute pointer={#1}}}
+ \draw (0,0) grid (3,2);
+ \node[callout={(3,1.5)}, fill=red!50] at (0,1.5) {A};
+ \node[callout={(3,.5)}, fill=green!50, callout pointer shorten=1cm]
+ at (0,.5) {B};
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/callout:pointer:shorten",
+ meta = "⟨distance⟩"
+ },
+ ["callout pointer start size"] = {
+ details = [[
+Sets the size of the first segment in the pointer (i.e., the segment
+nearest the main cloud shape). There are three possible forms for
+- A single dimension (e.g., `5pt`), in which case the first ellipse
+ will have equal diameters of 5pt.
+- Two dimensions (e.g., `10pt and 2.5pt`), which sets the $x$ and $y$
+ diameters of the first ellipse.
+- A decimal fraction (e.g., `.2 of callout`), in which case the $x$
+ and $y$ diameters of the first ellipse will be set as fractions of
+ the width and height of the main shape. The keyword `of callout`
+ cannot be omitted.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/callout:pointer:start:size",
+ meta = "⟨value⟩"
+ },
+ ["callout pointer width"] = {
+ details = [[
+Sets the width of the pointer at the border of the rectangle.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/callout:pointer:width",
+ meta = "⟨length⟩"
+ },
+ ["callout relative pointer"] = {
+ details = [[
+Sets the vector of the callout pointer 'relative' to the callout shape.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/callout:relative:pointer",
+ meta = "⟨coordinate⟩"
+ },
+ ["chamfered rectangle angle"] = {
+ details = [[
+Sets the angle *from the vertical* for the chamfer.
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \tikzset{every node/.style={chamfered rectangle, draw}}
+ \node[chamfered rectangle angle=30] {abc};
+ \node[chamfered rectangle angle=60] at (1.5,0) {123};
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/chamfered:rectangle:angle",
+ meta = "⟨angle⟩"
+ },
+ ["chamfered rectangle corners"] = {
+ details = [[
+Specifies which corners are chamfered. The corners are identified by
+their "compass point" directions (i.e. `north east`, `north west`,
+`south west`, and `south east`), and must be separated by commas (so if
+there is more than one corner in the list, it must be surrounded by
+braces). Any corners not mentioned in ⟨list⟩ are automatically not
+chamfered. Two additional values `chamfer all` and `chamfer none`, are
+also permitted.
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \tikzset{every node/.style={chamfered rectangle, draw}}
+ \node[chamfered rectangle corners=north west] {ghi};
+ \node[chamfered rectangle corners={north east, south east}] at (1.5,0) {789};
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/chamfered:rectangle:corners",
+ meta = "⟨list⟩"
+ },
+ ["chamfered rectangle sep"] = {
+ details = [[
+Sets both the `xsep` and `ysep` simultaneously.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/chamfered:rectangle:sep",
+ meta = "⟨length⟩"
+ },
+ ["chamfered rectangle xsep"] = {
+ details = [[
+Sets the distance that the chamfer extends horizontally beyond the node
+contents (which includes the `inner sep`). If ⟨length⟩ is large, such
+that the top and bottom chamfered edges would cross, then ⟨length⟩ is
+ignored and the chamfered edges are drawn so that they meet in the
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \tikzset{every node/.style={chamfered rectangle, draw}}
+ \node[chamfered rectangle xsep=2pt] {def};
+ \node[chamfered rectangle xsep=2cm] at (1.5,0) {456};
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/chamfered:rectangle:xsep",
+ meta = "⟨length⟩"
+ },
+ ["chamfered rectangle ysep"] = {
+ details = [[
+Sets the distance that the chamfer extends vertically beyond the node
+contents. If ⟨length⟩ is large, such that the left and right chamfered
+edges would cross, then ⟨length⟩ is ignored and the chamfered edges are
+drawn so that they meet in the middle.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/chamfered:rectangle:ysep",
+ meta = "⟨length⟩"
+ },
+ ["circular sector angle"] = {
+ details = [[
+Sets the central angle of the sector.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/circular:sector:angle",
+ meta = "⟨angle⟩"
+ },
+ ["cloud ignores aspect"] = {
+ details = [[
+Instruct PGF to ignore the `aspect` key. Internally, the TeX-if
+`\ifpgfcloudignoresaspect` is set appropriately. The initial value is
+ \begin{tikzpicture}[aspect=1, every node/.style={cloud, cloud puffs=11, draw}]
+ \node [fill=gray!20] {rain};
+ \node [cloud ignores aspect, fill=white] at (1.5,0) {snow};
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/cloud:ignores:aspect",
+ meta = "⟨boolean⟩"
+ },
+ ["cloud puff arc"] = {
+ details = [[
+Sets the length of the puff arc (in degrees). A shorter arc can produce
+better looking joins between puffs for larger line widths.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/cloud:puff:arc",
+ meta = "⟨angle⟩"
+ },
+ ["cloud puffs"] = {
+ details = [[
+Sets the number of puffs for the cloud.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/cloud:puffs",
+ meta = "⟨integer⟩"
+ },
+ ["cylinder body fill"] = {
+ details = [[
+Sets the color for the body of the cylinder.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/cylinder:body:fill",
+ meta = "⟨color⟩"
+ },
+ ["cylinder end fill"] = {
+ details = [[
+Sets the color for the end of the cylinder.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/cylinder:end:fill",
+ meta = "⟨color⟩"
+ },
+ ["cylinder uses custom fill"] = {
+ details = [[
+This enables the use of a custom fill for the body and the end of the
+cylinder. The background path for the shape should not be filled (e.g.,
+in TikZ, the `fill` option for the node must be implicity or explicitly
+set to `none`). Internally, this key sets the TeX-if
+`\ifpgfcylinderusescustomfill` appropriately.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/cylinder:uses:custom:fill",
+ meta = "⟨boolean⟩"
+ },
+ ["dart tail angle"] = {
+ details = [[
+Sets the angle between the tails of the dart.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/dart:tail:angle",
+ meta = "⟨angle⟩"
+ },
+ ["dart tip angle"] = {
+ details = [[
+Sets the angle at the tip of the dart.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/dart:tip:angle",
+ meta = "⟨angle⟩"
+ },
+ ["data visualization/style sheets/⟨style sheet⟩/default style"] = {
+ details = [[
+This key gets during styling whenever
+`/pgf/data visualization/style sheet/`⟨style sheet⟩`/`⟨value⟩ is not
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/data:visualization/style:sheets/⟨style:sheet⟩/default:style",
+ meta = "⟨value⟩"
+ },
+ ["data/format"] = {
+ details = [[
+Use this key to locally set the format used for parsing the data. The
+⟨format⟩ must be a format that has been previously declared using the
+`\pgfdeclaredataformat` command. See the reference section for a list of
+the predefined formats.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/data/format",
+ meta = "⟨format⟩"
+ },
+ ["data/headline"] = {
+ details = [[
+When this key is set to a non-empty value, the value of ⟨headline⟩ is
+used as the headline and the first line of the data is treated as a
+normal line rather than as a headline.
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \datavisualization [school book axes, visualize as line]
+ data [headline={x, y}] {
+ 0, 0
+ 1, 1
+ 2, 1
+ 3, 0
+ };
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/data/headline",
+ meta = "⟨headline⟩"
+ },
+ ["data/inline"] = {
+ details = [[
+This is a shorthand file `read from file={}`. You can add this to make
+it clear(er) to the reader that data follows inline.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/data/inline"
+ },
+ ["data/new set"] = {
+ details = [[
+Creates an empty data set called ⟨name⟩. If a data set of the same name
+already exists, it is overwritten and made empty. Data sets are global.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/data/new:set",
+ meta = "⟨name⟩"
+ },
+ ["data/read from file"] = {
+ details = [[
+If you set the `read from file` attribute to a non-empty ⟨filename⟩, the
+data will be read from this file. In this case, no ⟨inline data⟩ may be
+present, not even empty curly braces should be provided. If
+`read from file` is empty, the data must directly follow as ⟨inline
+ % Data is read from two external files:
+ \pgfdata[format=table, read from file=file1.csv]
+ \pgfdata[format=table, read from file=file2.csv]
+ % Data is given inline:
+ \pgfdata[format=table]
+ {
+ x, y
+ 1, 2
+ 2, 3
+ }
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/data/read:from:file",
+ meta = "⟨filename⟩"
+ },
+ ["data/samples"] = {
+ details = [[
+Sets the number of samples to be used when no sample number is
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/data/samples",
+ meta = "⟨number⟩"
+ },
+ ["data/separator"] = {
+ details = [[
+Use this key to change which character is used to separate values in the
+headline and in the data lines. To set the separator to a space, either
+set this key to an empty value or say `separator=\space`. Note that you
+must surround a comma by curly braces if you which to (re)set the
+separator character to a space.
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \datavisualization [school book axes, visualize as line]
+ data [separator=\space] {
+ x y
+ 0 0
+ 1 1
+ 2 1
+ 3 0
+ }
+ data [separator=;] {
+ x; y; z
+ 3; 1; 0
+ 2; 2; 0
+ };
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/data/separator",
+ meta = "⟨character⟩"
+ },
+ ["data/set"] = {
+ details = [[
+Shorthand for `/data point/set=`⟨name⟩.
+ \tikz \datavisualization
+ [scientific axes=clean,
+ visualize as line=sin,
+ visualize as line=cos]
+ data [set=sin] {
+ x, y
+ 0, 0
+ 1, 1
+ 2, 0
+ 3, -1
+ 4, 0
+ }
+ data [set=cos] {
+ x, y
+ 0, 1
+ 1, 0
+ 2, -1
+ 3, 0
+ 4, 1
+ };
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/data/set",
+ meta = "⟨name⟩"
+ },
+ ["data/store in set"] = {
+ details = [[
+When this key is set to any non-empty ⟨name⟩ and if this ⟨name⟩ has
+previously been used with the `new set` key, then the following happens:
+For the current `\pgfdata` command, all parsed data is not passed to the
+rendering pipeline. Instead, the parsed data is appended to the data set
+⟨name⟩. This includes all options parsed to the `\pgfdata` command,
+which is why neither this key nor the previous key should be passed as
+options to a `\pgfdata` command.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/data/store:in:set",
+ meta = "⟨name⟩"
+ },
+ ["data/use set"] = {
+ details = [[
+This works similar to `read from file`. When this key is used with a
+`\pgfdata` command, no inline data may follow. Instead, the data stored
+in the data set ⟨name⟩ is used.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/data/use:set",
+ meta = "⟨name⟩"
+ },
+ ["declare function"] = {
+ details = [[
+This key allows simple functions to be created locally. Its use is
+perhaps best illustrated by an example:
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \draw [help lines] (0,0) grid (3,2);
+ \draw [blue, thick, x=0.0085cm, y=1cm,
+ declare function={
+ sines(\t,\a,\b)=1 + 0.5*(sin(\t)+sin(\t*\a)+sin(\t*\b));
+ }]
+ plot [domain=0:360, samples=144, smooth] (\x,{sines(\x,3,5)});
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+Each definition in ⟨function definitions⟩ takes the form
+⟨name⟩`(`⟨arguments⟩`)=`⟨definition⟩`;` (note the semicolon at the end,
+this is very important). If multiple functions are being defined, the
+semicolon is used to separate them (*not* a comma). The function ⟨name⟩
+can be any name that is not already a function name in the current
+scope. The list of ⟨arguments⟩ are commands such as `\x`, or `\y` (it is
+not possible to declare functions that take variable numbers of
+arguments using this key). If the function takes no arguments, then the
+parentheses need not be used. The ⟨definition⟩ should be an expression
+that can be parsed by the mathematical engine and should use the
+commands specified in ⟨arguments⟩.
+When specifying multiple functions, functions that appear later on in
+⟨function definitions⟩ can refer to earlier functions:
+ \begin{tikzpicture}[
+ declare function={
+ excitation(\t,\w) = sin(\t*\w);
+ noise = rnd - 0.5;
+ source(\t) = excitation(\t,20) + noise;
+ filter(\t) = 1 - abs(sin(mod(\t, 90)));
+ speech(\t) = 1 + source(\t)*filter(\t);
+ }
+ ]
+ \draw [help lines] (0,0) grid (3,2);
+ \draw [blue, thick, x=0.0085cm, y=1cm] (0,1) --
+ plot [domain=0:360, samples=144, smooth] (\x,{speech(\x)});
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/declare:function",
+ meta = "⟨function definitions⟩"
+ },
+ ["declare function/execute at begin function"] = {
+ details = [[
+These ⟨tokens⟩ are inserted just before `\pgfmathdeclarefunction` scans
+the body of the function definition. This is a rather low-level option,
+so you should read the implementation to figure out where the ⟨tokens⟩
+are inserted.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/declare:function/execute:at:begin:function",
+ meta = "⟨tokens⟩"
+ },
+ ["declare function/execute at end function"] = {
+ details = [[
+These ⟨tokens⟩ are inserted just after `\pgfmathdeclarefunction` has
+finished scanning the body of the function definition. This is a rather
+low-level option, so you should read the implementation to figure out
+where the ⟨tokens⟩ are inserted.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/declare:function/execute:at:end:function",
+ meta = "⟨tokens⟩"
+ },
+ ["declare function/ignore spaces"] = {
+ details = [[
+Uses the two previously described keys
+`/pgf/declare function/execute at begin function` and
+`/pgf/declare function/execute at end function` to install catcodes such
+that spaces inside the body of the function definition of
+`\pgfmathdeclarefunction` are ignored. The usual TeX tokenization rules
+apply, so if the body of the function had already been tokenized by
+other means this will become ineffective. If you want to use a space you
+can use ` ` in the function body which has its catcode set to 10
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/declare:function/ignore:spaces",
+ meta = "⟨boolean⟩"
+ },
+ decoration = {
+ details = [[
+This option is used to specify which decoration is used and how it will
+look like. Note that this key will *not* cause any decorations to be
+applied, immediately. It takes the `decorate` path command or the
+`decorate` option to actually decorate a path. The `decoration` option
+is only used to specify which decoration should be used, in principle.
+You can also use this option at the beginning of a picture or a scope to
+specify the decoration to be used with each invocation of the `decorate`
+path command. Naturally, any local options of the `decorate` path
+command override these "global" options.
+ \begin{tikzpicture}[decoration=zigzag]
+ \draw decorate {(0,0) -- (3,2)};
+ \draw [red] decorate [decoration=crosses] {(0,2) -- (3,0)};
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+The ⟨decoration options⟩ are special options (which have the path prefix
+`/pgf/decoration/`) that determine the properties of the decoration.
+Which options are appropriate for a decoration strongly depend on the
+decoration, you will have to look up the appropriate options in the
+documentation of the decoration, see Section ??.
+There is one option (available only in TikZ) that is special:
+Further options allow you to adjust the position of decorations relative
+to the to-be-decorated path. See Section ?? below for details.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/decoration",
+ meta = "⟨decoration options⟩"
+ },
+ ["decoration automaton/auto corner on length"] = {
+ details = [[
+This key has the following effect: Firstly, in case the TeX-if
+`\ifpgfdecoratepathhascorners` is false, nothing happens. Otherwise, it
+is tested whether the remaining distance on the current input segment is
+at most ⟨dimension⟩. If so, a `lineto` operation is used to reach the
+end of this input segment and the automaton continues with the next
+input segment, but remains in the current state.
+The main idea behind this option is to avoid having decoration segments
+"overshoot" past a corner.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/decoration:automaton/auto:corner:on:length",
+ meta = "⟨dimension⟩"
+ },
+ ["decoration automaton/auto end on length"] = {
+ details = [[
+This key is just included for convenience, it does nothing that cannot
+be achieved using the previous options. The effect is the following: If
+the remaining input path's length is at most ⟨dimension⟩, the decorated
+path is ended with a straight line to the end of the input path and,
+possibly, it is closed, namely if the input path ended with a closepath
+operation. Otherwise, it is checked whether the current input segment is
+a closepath segment and whether the remaining distance on the current
+input segment is at most ⟨distance⟩. If so, then a closepath operation
+is used to close the decorated path and the automaton continues with the
+next subpath, remaining in the current state.
+In all other cases, nothing happens.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/decoration:automaton/auto:end:on:length",
+ meta = "⟨dimension⟩"
+ },
+ ["decoration automaton/if input segment is closepath"] = {
+ details = [[
+This key checks whether the current input segment is a closepath
+operation. If so, the ⟨options⟩ get executed; otherwise nothing happens.
+You can use this option to handle a closepath in some special way, for
+instance, switching to a new state in which `\pgfpathclose` is executed.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/decoration:automaton/if:input:segment:is:closepath",
+ meta = "⟨options⟩"
+ },
+ ["decoration automaton/next state"] = {
+ details = [[
+After the ⟨code⟩ for state has been executed for the last time, a state
+switch to ⟨new state⟩ is performed. If this option is not given, the
+next state is the same as the current state.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/decoration:automaton/next:state",
+ meta = "⟨new state⟩"
+ },
+ ["decoration automaton/persistent postcomputation"] = {
+ details = [[
+Works like the `persistent precomputation` option, only the ⟨postcode⟩
+is executed after (and also outside) the TeX-group of the main ⟨code⟩.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/decoration:automaton/persistent:postcomputation",
+ meta = "⟨postcode⟩"
+ },
+ ["decoration automaton/persistent precomputation"] = {
+ details = [[
+If the ⟨code⟩ of the state is executed, the ⟨precode⟩ is executed first
+and it is executed outside the TeX-group of the ⟨code⟩. Note that when
+the ⟨precode⟩ is executed, the transformation matrix is not set up.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/decoration:automaton/persistent:precomputation",
+ meta = "⟨precode⟩"
+ },
+ ["decoration automaton/repeat state"] = {
+ details = [[
+Tells PGF how long the automaton stays "normally" in the current state.
+This count is reset to ⟨repetitions⟩ each time one of the `switch if`
+keys causes a state switch. If no state switches occur, the ⟨code⟩ is
+executed and the repetition counter is decreased. Then, there is once
+more a chance of a state change caused by any of the ⟨options⟩. If no
+repetition occurs, the ⟨code⟩ is executed once more and the counter is
+decreased once more. When the counter reaches zero, the ⟨code⟩ is
+executed once more, but, then, a different state is entered, as
+specified by the `next state` option.
+Note, that the maximum number of times the state will be executed is
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/decoration:automaton/repeat:state",
+ meta = "⟨repetitions⟩"
+ },
+ ["decoration automaton/switch if input segment less than"] = {
+ details = [[
+When this key is encountered, PGF checks whether the remaining distance
+to the end of the current input segment of the input path is less than
+⟨dimension⟩. If so, an immediate state switch to ⟨new state⟩ occurs.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/decoration:automaton/switch:if:input:segment:less:than",
+ meta = " ⟨dimension⟩ to ⟨new state⟩"
+ },
+ ["decoration automaton/switch if less than"] = {
+ details = [[
+When this key is encountered, PGF checks whether the remaining distance
+to the end of the input path is less than ⟨dimension⟩. If so, an
+immediate state switch to ⟨new state⟩ occurs.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/decoration:automaton/switch:if:less:than",
+ meta = "⟨dimension⟩ to ⟨new state⟩"
+ },
+ ["decoration automaton/width"] = {
+ details = [[
+First, this option causes an immediate switch to the state `final` if
+the remaining distance on the input path is less than ⟨dimension⟩. The
+effect is the same as if you had said
+`switch if less than=`⟨dimension⟩` to final` just before the `width`
+If no switch occurs, this option tells PGF the width of the segment. The
+current point will travel along the input path (as described earlier) by
+this distance.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/decoration:automaton/width",
+ meta = "⟨dimension⟩"
+ },
+ ["decoration/amplitude"] = {
+ details = [[
+This key determines the "desired height" (or amplitude) of decorations
+for which this makes sense. For instance, the initial value of `2.5pt`
+means that deforming decorations should deform a path by up to 2.5pt
+away from the original path.
+This key sets the TeX-dimension `\pgfdecorationsegmentamplitude`.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/decoration/amplitude",
+ meta = "⟨dimension⟩"
+ },
+ ["decoration/anchor"] = {
+ details = [[
+The anchor used to position the shape backgrounds.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/decoration/anchor",
+ meta = "⟨anchor⟩"
+ },
+ ["decoration/angle"] = {
+ details = [[
+The way some decorations look like depends on a configurable angle. For
+instance, a `wave` decoration consists of arcs and the opening angle of
+these arcs is given by the `angle`.
+This key sets the TeX-macro `\pgfdecorationsegmentangle`.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/decoration/angle",
+ meta = "⟨degree⟩"
+ },
+ ["decoration/aspect"] = {
+ details = [[
+For some decorations there is a natural aspect ratio. For instance, for
+a `brace` decoration the aspect ratio determines where the brace point
+will be.
+This key sets the TeX-macro `\pgfdecorationsegmentaspect`.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/decoration/aspect",
+ meta = "⟨factor⟩"
+ },
+ ["decoration/closepath code"] = {
+ details = [[
+Set the code to be executed for every closepath input segment.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/decoration/closepath:code",
+ meta = "⟨code⟩"
+ },
+ ["decoration/curveto code"] = {
+ details = [[
+Set the code to be executed for every curveto input segment.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/decoration/curveto:code",
+ meta = "⟨code⟩"
+ },
+ ["decoration/end radius"] = {
+ details = [[
+For some decorations there is a natural end radius (of some circle,
+This key stores the value directly inside the key.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/decoration/end:radius",
+ meta = "⟨dimension⟩"
+ },
+ ["decoration/foot angle"] = {
+ details = [[
+Footprints are rotated by this much.
+ \begin{tikzpicture}[decoration={footprints,foot angle=60}]
+ \fill [decorate] (0,0) -- (3,0);
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/decoration/foot:angle"
+ },
+ ["decoration/foot length"] = {
+ details = [[
+The length or size of the footprint itself. A larger value makes the
+footprint larger, but does not change the stride length.
+ \begin{tikzpicture}[decoration={footprints,foot length=20pt}]
+ \fill [decorate] (0,0) -- (3,0);
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/decoration/foot:length"
+ },
+ ["decoration/foot of"] = {
+ details = [[
+The species whose footprints are shown. Possible values are:
+ -------------------- -------------
+ *Species* *Result*
+ `gnome` \[PICTURE\]
+ `human` \[PICTURE\]
+ `bird` \[PICTURE\]
+ `felis silvestris` \[PICTURE\]
+ -------------------- -------------
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/decoration/foot:of"
+ },
+ ["decoration/foot sep"] = {
+ details = [[
+The separation in the middle between the footprints. The footprints are
+moved away from the path by half this amount.
+ \begin{tikzpicture}[decoration={footprints,foot sep=10pt}]
+ \fill [decorate] (0,0) -- (3,0);
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/decoration/foot:sep"
+ },
+ ["decoration/lineto code"] = {
+ details = [[
+Set the code to be executed for every lineto input segment.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/decoration/lineto:code",
+ meta = "⟨code⟩"
+ },
+ ["decoration/mark"] = {
+ details = [[
+This works similarly to the `at position` version of this option, only
+multiple marks are placed, starting at ⟨start pos⟩ and then spaced apart
+by ⟨stepping⟩. The ⟨start pos⟩, the ⟨end pos⟩, and also the ⟨stepping⟩
+may all be specified in the same way as for the `at position` version,
+that is, either using units or no units and also using positive or
+negative values.
+Let us start with a simple example in which we place ten crosses along a
+path starting with the beginning of the path ($⟨start pos⟩ = 0$) and
+ending at the end ($⟨end pos⟩ = 1$).
+ \begin{tikzpicture}[decoration={markings,
+ mark=between positions 0 and 1 step 0.1
+ with { \draw (-2pt,-2pt) -- (2pt,2pt);
+ \draw (2pt,-2pt) -- (-2pt,2pt); }} ]
+ \draw [help lines] grid (3,2);
+ \draw [postaction={decorate}] (0,0) -- (3,1) arc (0:180:1.5 and 1);
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+In the next example we place arrow shapes on the path instead of
+crosses. Note the use of the `transform shape` option to ensure that the
+nodes are actually rotated.
+ \begin{tikzpicture}[decoration={markings,
+ mark=between positions 0 and 1 step 1cm
+ with { \node [single arrow,fill=red,
+ single arrow head extend=3pt,transform shape] {};}}]
+ \draw [help lines] grid (3,2);
+ \draw [postaction={decorate}] (0,0) -- (3,1) arc (0:180:1.5 and 1);
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+Using the key `sequence number` we can also "number" the nodes and even
+refer to them later on.
+ \begin{tikzpicture}[decoration={markings,
+ mark=between positions 0 and 1 step 1cm with {
+ \node [draw,
+ name=mark-\pgfkeysvalueof{/pgf/decoration/mark info/sequence number},
+ transform shape]
+ {\pgfkeysvalueof{/pgf/decoration/mark info/sequence number}};}}]
+ \draw [help lines] grid (3,2);
+ \draw [postaction={decorate}] (0,0) -- (3,1) arc (0:180:1.5 and 1);
+ \draw [red,->] (mark-3) -- (mark-7);
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+In the following example we use the distance info to place "length
+information" on a path:
+ \begin{tikzpicture}[decoration={markings,
+ % Main marks
+ mark=between positions 0 and 1 step 40pt with
+ { \draw [help lines] (0,0) -- (0,0.5)
+ node[above,font=\tiny]{
+ \pgfkeysvalueof{/pgf/decoration/mark info/distance from start}}; },
+ mark=at position -0.1pt with
+ { \draw [help lines] (0,0) -- (0,0.5)
+ node[above,font=\tiny]{
+ \pgfkeysvalueof{/pgf/decoration/mark info/distance from start}}; }}]
+ \draw [help lines] grid (5,3);
+ \draw [postaction={decorate}] (0,0) .. controls (8,3) and (0,3) .. (5,0) ;
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/decoration/mark",
+ meta = "between positions ⟨start pos⟩ and ⟨end pos⟩ step ⟨stepping⟩ with ⟨code⟩"
+ },
+ ["decoration/mark connection node"] = {
+ details = [[
+When this key is set to a non-empty ⟨node name⟩ while the decoration is
+being processed, the following happens: The marking code should, among
+possibly other things, define a node named ⟨node name⟩. Then, the output
+path of this decoration will contain a line-to to "one end" of this
+node, followed by a moveto to the "other end" of the node. More
+precisely, the first end is given by the position on the border of ⟨node
+name⟩ that lies in the direction "from which the path heads toward the
+node" while the other end lies on the border "where the path heads away
+from the node". Furthermore, this option causes the decoration to end
+with a line-to to the end instead of a move-to.
+The net effect of all this is that when you decorate a straight line
+with one or more markings that contain just a node, the line will
+effectively connect these nodes.
+Here are two examples that show how this works:
+ \begin{tikzpicture}[decoration={markings,
+ mark connection node=my node,
+ mark=at position .5 with
+ {\node [draw,blue,transform shape] (my node) {my node};}}]
+ \draw [help lines] grid (3,2);
+ \draw decorate { (0,0) -- (3,2) };
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ \begin{tikzpicture}[decoration={markings,
+ mark connection node=my node,
+ mark=at position .25 with
+ {\node [draw,red] (my node) {my node};}}]
+ \draw [help lines] grid (3,2);
+ \draw decorate { (0,0) -- (3,2) };
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/decoration/mark:connection:node",
+ meta = "⟨node name⟩"
+ },
+ ["decoration/mark info/distance from start"] = {
+ details = [[
+This key can only be read. Its value is the distance of the marking from
+the start of the path in points. For instance, if the path length is
+100pt and the marking is in the middle of the path, the value of this
+key would be `50.0pt`.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/decoration/mark:info/distance:from:start"
+ },
+ ["decoration/mark info/sequence number"] = {
+ details = [[
+This key can only be read. Its value (which can be obtained using the
+`\pgfkeysvalueof` command) is a "sequence number" of the mark. The first
+mark that is added to a path has number `1`, the second number `2`, and
+so on. This key is mainly useful in conjunction with repeated markings
+(see below).
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/decoration/mark:info/sequence:number"
+ },
+ ["decoration/meta-amplitude"] = {
+ details = [[
+This key determines the amplitude for a meta-decoration.
+The key sets the TeX-macro (!) `\pgfmetadecorationsegmentamplitude`.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/decoration/meta-amplitude",
+ meta = "⟨dimension⟩"
+ },
+ ["decoration/meta-segment length"] = {
+ details = [[
+This determined the length of the meta-segments from which a
+meta-decoration is made up.
+This key sets the TeX-macro (!) `\pgfmetadecorationsegmentlength`.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/decoration/meta-segment:length",
+ meta = "⟨dimension⟩"
+ },
+ ["decoration/mirror"] = {
+ details = [[
+Causes the segments of the decoration to be mirrored along the
+to-be-decorated path. This is done after and in addition to any
+transformations set using the `transform` and/or `raise` options.
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \node (a) {A};
+ \node (b) at (2,1) {B};
+ \draw (a) -- (b);
+ \draw[decorate,decoration=brace] (a) -- (b);
+ \draw[decorate,decoration={brace,mirror},red] (a) -- (b);
+ \draw[decorate,decoration={brace,mirror,raise=5pt},blue] (a) -- (b);
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/decoration/mirror",
+ meta = "⟨boolean⟩"
+ },
+ ["decoration/moveto code"] = {
+ details = [[
+Set the code to be executed for every moveto input segment. It is
+important to remember that the transformations applied by the decoration
+automaton are turned *off* when ⟨code⟩ is executed.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/decoration/moveto:code",
+ meta = "⟨code⟩"
+ },
+ ["decoration/name"] = {
+ details = [[
+Use this key to set which decoration is to be used. The ⟨name⟩ can both
+be a decoration or a meta-decoration (you need to worry about the
+difference only if you wish to define your own decorations).
+If you set ⟨name⟩ to `none`, no decorations are added.
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \draw [help lines] grid (3,2);
+ \draw decorate [decoration={name=zigzag}]
+ { (0,0) .. controls (0,2) and (3,0) .. (3,2) };
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+Since this option is used so often, you can also leave out the `name=`
+part. Thus, the above example can be rewritten more succinctly:
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \draw [help lines] grid (3,2);
+ \draw decorate [decoration=zigzag]
+ { (0,0) .. controls (0,2) and (3,0) .. (3,2) };
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+In general, when ⟨decoration options⟩ are parsed, for each unknown key
+it is checked whether that key happens to be a (meta-)decoration and, if
+so, the `name` option is executed for this key.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/decoration/name",
+ meta = "⟨name⟩"
+ },
+ ["decoration/path has corners"] = {
+ details = [[
+This is a hint to the decoration code as to whether the path has corners
+or not. If a path has a sharp corner, setting this option to `true` may
+result in better rendering of the decoration because the joins of input
+segments are approached "more carefully" than when this key is set to
+false. However, if the path is, say, a smooth circle, setting this key
+to `true` will usually look worse. Most decorations ignore this key,
+anyway. Internally, it sets the TeX-if `\ifpgfdecoratepathhascorners`.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/decoration/path:has:corners",
+ meta = "⟨boolean⟩"
+ },
+ ["decoration/pre"] = {
+ details = [[
+This key sets a decoration that should be used before the main
+decoration starts. The ⟨decoration⟩ will be used for a length of
+`pre length`, which `0pt` by default. Thus, for the `pre` option to have
+any effect, you also need to set the `pre length` option.
+ \tikz [decoration={zigzag,pre=lineto,pre length=1cm}]
+ \draw [decorate] (0,0) -- (2,1) arc (90:0:1);
+ \tikz [decoration={zigzag,pre=moveto,pre length=1cm}]
+ \draw [decorate] (0,0) -- (2,1) arc (90:0:1);
+ \tikz [decoration={zigzag,pre=crosses,pre length=1cm}]
+ \draw [decorate] (0,0) -- (2,1) arc (90:0:1);
+Note that the default `pre` option is `lineto`, not `curveto`. This
+means that the default `pre` decoration will not follow curves (for
+efficiency reasons). Change the `pre` key to `curveto` if you have a
+curved path.
+ \tikz [decoration={zigzag,pre length=3cm}]
+ \draw [decorate] (0,0) -- (2,1) arc (90:0:1);
+ \tikz [decoration={zigzag,pre=curveto,pre length=3cm}]
+ \draw [decorate] (0,0) -- (2,1) arc (90:0:1);
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/decoration/pre",
+ meta = "⟨decoration⟩"
+ },
+ ["decoration/pre length"] = {
+ details = [[
+This key sets the distance along which the pre-decoration should be
+used. If you do not need/wish a pre-decoration, set this key to `0pt`
+(exactly this string, not just to something that evaluates to the same
+things such as `0cm`).
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/decoration/pre:length",
+ meta = "⟨dimension⟩"
+ },
+ ["decoration/radius"] = {
+ details = [[
+Sets the start and end radius simultaneously.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/decoration/radius",
+ meta = "⟨dimension⟩"
+ },
+ ["decoration/raise"] = {
+ details = [[
+The segments of the decoration are raised by ⟨dimension⟩ relative to the
+to-be-decorated path. More precisely, the segments of the path are
+offset by this much "to the left" of the path as we travel along the
+path. This raising is done after and in addition to any transformations
+set using the `transform` option (see below).
+A negative ⟨dimension⟩ will offset the decoration "to the right" of the
+to-be-decorated path.
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \draw [help lines] (0,0) grid (3,2);
+ \draw (0,0) -- (1,1) arc (90:0:2 and 1);
+ \draw decorate [decoration=crosses]
+ { (0,0) -- (1,1) arc (90:0:2 and 1) };
+ \draw[red] decorate [decoration={crosses,raise=5pt}]
+ { (0,0) -- (1,1) arc (90:0:2 and 1) };
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/decoration/raise",
+ meta = "⟨dimension⟩"
+ },
+ ["decoration/reset marks"] = {
+ details = [[
+Since `mark` options accumulate, there needs to be a way to "reset"
+things, so that any `mark` options set in an enclosing scope do not
+interfere. This option does exactly this. Note that when the ⟨code⟩ of a
+marking is executed, the markings are automatically reset.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/decoration/reset:marks"
+ },
+ ["decoration/reverse path"] = {
+ details = [[
+This key reverses the path. This is especially useful for typesetting
+text along different sides of curves.
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \draw [help lines] grid (3,2);
+ \draw [gray, ->]
+ [postaction={decoration={text along path,
+ text={a big juicy apple}, text color=red}, decorate}]
+ [postaction={decoration={text along path,
+ text={a big juicy apple}, text color=blue, reverse path}, decorate}]
+ (3,0) .. controls (3,2) and (0,2) .. (0,0);
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/decoration/reverse:path",
+ meta = "⟨boolean⟩"
+ },
+ ["decoration/segment length"] = {
+ details = [[
+Many decorations are made up of small segments. This key determines the
+desired length of such segments.
+This key sets the TeX-dimension `\pgfdecorationsegmentlength`.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/decoration/segment:length",
+ meta = "⟨dimension⟩"
+ },
+ ["decoration/shape"] = {
+ details = [[
+The shape whose background path is used.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/decoration/shape",
+ meta = "⟨shape name⟩"
+ },
+ ["decoration/shape end height"] = {
+ details = [[
+The recommended ending height of the shape.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/decoration/shape:end:height",
+ meta = "⟨length⟩"
+ },
+ ["decoration/shape end size"] = {
+ details = [[
+Set both the end height and end width simultaneously.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/decoration/shape:end:size",
+ meta = "⟨length⟩"
+ },
+ ["decoration/shape end width"] = {
+ details = [[
+The recommended ending width of the shape. Note that this is the width
+that a shape will take only if it is drawn exactly at the end of the
+ \tikzset{
+ bigger/.style={decoration={shape start size=.25cm, shape end size=1cm}},
+ smaller/.style={decoration={shape start size=1cm, shape end size=.25cm}},
+ decoration={shape backgrounds,
+ shape sep={.25cm, between borders},shape scaled}
+ }
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \draw [help lines] grid (3,2);
+ \fill [decorate,bigger,
+ decoration={shape sep={.25cm, between borders}}, blue!50]
+ (0,1.5) -- (3,1.5);
+ \fill [decorate,smaller,
+ decoration={shape sep={1cm, between centers}}, red!50]
+ (0,.5) -- (3,.5);
+ \draw [gray, dotted] (0,1.625) -- (3,2) (0,1.375) -- (3,1)
+ (0,1) -- (3,.625) (0,0) -- (3,.375);
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/decoration/shape:end:width",
+ meta = "⟨length⟩"
+ },
+ ["decoration/shape evenly spread"] = {
+ details = [[
+This key overrides the `shape sep` key and forces the decoration to fit
+⟨number⟩ shapes evenly across the path. If ⟨number⟩ is less than `1`,
+then no shapes will be used. If ⟨number⟩ equals `1`, then one shape is
+put in the middle of the path. The additional keywords `by centers` (the
+default, if no keyword is specified) and `by borders` can be used (both
+preceded by a comma), to specify how the distance between shapes is
+determined. These keywords will only have a noticeable effect if the
+shapes sizes differ over time.
+ \tikzset{
+ paint/.style={draw=#1!50!black, fill=#1!50},
+ spreading/.style={
+ decorate,decoration={shape backgrounds, shape=rectangle,
+ shape start size=4mm,shape end size=1mm,shape evenly spread={#1}}}
+ }
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \fill [paint=green,spreading={5, by borders},
+ decoration={shape scaled}] (0,2) -- (3,2);
+ \fill [paint=blue,spreading={5, by centers},
+ decoration={shape scaled}] (0,1.5) -- (3,1.5);
+ \fill [paint=red, spreading=5] (0,1) -- (3,1);
+ \fill [paint=orange, spreading=4] (0,.5) -- (3,.5);
+ \fill [paint=gray, spreading=1] (0,0) -- (3,0);
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/decoration/shape:evenly:spread",
+ meta = "⟨number⟩"
+ },
+ ["decoration/shape height"] = {
+ details = [[
+Works like the previous key, only for the height.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/decoration/shape:height",
+ meta = "⟨dimension⟩"
+ },
+ ["decoration/shape scaled"] = {
+ details = [[
+ \tikzset{
+ bigger/.style={decoration={shape start size=.125cm, shape end size=.5cm}},
+ smaller/.style={decoration={shape start size=.5cm, shape end size=.125cm}},
+ decoration={shape backgrounds,
+ shape sep={.25cm, between borders},shape scaled}
+ }
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \draw [help lines] grid (3,2);
+ \fill [decorate, bigger, red!50] (0,1) -- (3,2);
+ \fill [decorate, smaller, blue!50] (0,0) -- (3,1);
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+If this key is set to false (which is the default), then only the start
+width and height are used. Note that the keys `shape width` and
+`shape height` set the start and end height simultaneously.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/decoration/shape:scaled",
+ meta = "⟨boolean⟩"
+ },
+ ["decoration/shape sep"] = {
+ details = [[
+Set the spacing between the shapes on the decorations path. This can be
+just a distance on its own, but the additional keywords
+`between centers`, and `between borders` (which must be preceded by a
+comma), specify that the distance is between the center anchors of the
+shapes or between the edges of the *boundaries* of the shape borders.
+ \begin{tikzpicture}[
+ decoration={shape backgrounds,shape size=.5cm,shape=signal},
+ signal from=west, signal to=east,
+ paint/.style={decorate, draw=#1!50!black, fill=#1!50}]
+ \draw [help lines] grid (3,2);
+ \draw [paint=red, decoration={shape sep=.5cm}]
+ (0,2) -- (3,2);
+ \draw [paint=green, decoration={shape sep={1cm, between centers}}]
+ (0,1) -- (3,1);
+ \draw [paint=blue, decoration={shape sep={1cm, between borders}}]
+ (0,0) -- (3,0);
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/decoration/shape:sep",
+ meta = "⟨spacing⟩"
+ },
+ ["decoration/shape size"] = {
+ details = [[
+Sets the desired width and height simultaneously.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/decoration/shape:size",
+ meta = "⟨dimension⟩"
+ },
+ ["decoration/shape sloped"] = {
+ details = [[
+By default, shapes are rotated to the slope of the decorations path. If
+⟨boolean⟩ is the value `false`, then this rotation is turned off.
+Internally this sets the TeX-if `\ifpgfshapedecorationsloped`
+ \tikzset{
+ paint/.style={draw=#1!50!black, fill=#1!50}
+ }
+ \begin{tikzpicture}[decoration={
+ shape width=.65cm, shape height=.45cm,
+ shape=isosceles triangle, shape sep=.75cm,
+ shape backgrounds}]
+ \draw [help lines] grid (3,2);
+ \draw [paint=red,decorate] (0,0) -- (2,2);
+ \draw [paint=blue,decorate,decoration={shape sloped=false}]
+ (1,0) -- (3,2);
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/decoration/shape:sloped",
+ meta = "⟨boolean⟩"
+ },
+ ["decoration/shape start height"] = {
+ details = [[
+The starting height of the shape.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/decoration/shape:start:height",
+ meta = "⟨length⟩"
+ },
+ ["decoration/shape start size"] = {
+ details = [[
+Sets both the start height and start width simultaneously.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/decoration/shape:start:size",
+ meta = "⟨length⟩"
+ },
+ ["decoration/shape start width"] = {
+ details = [[
+The starting width of the shape.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/decoration/shape:start:width",
+ meta = "⟨length⟩"
+ },
+ ["decoration/shape width"] = {
+ details = [[
+The desired width of the shapes. For decorations that support varying
+shape sizes, this key sets both the start and end width (which can be
+overwritten using options like `shape start width`).
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/decoration/shape:width",
+ meta = "⟨dimension⟩"
+ },
+ ["decoration/start radius"] = {
+ details = [[
+For some decorations there is a natural start radius (of some circle,
+This key stores the value directly inside the key.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/decoration/start:radius",
+ meta = "⟨dimension⟩"
+ },
+ ["decoration/stride length"] = {
+ details = [[
+The length of strides. This is the distance between the beginnings of
+left footprints along the path.
+ \begin{tikzpicture}[decoration={footprints,stride length=50pt}]
+ \fill [decorate] (0,0) -- (3,0);
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/decoration/stride:length"
+ },
+ ["decoration/text"] = {
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/decoration/text",
+ meta = "⟨text⟩"
+ },
+ ["decoration/text align"] = {
+ details = [[
+This changes the key path to `/pgf/decoration/text align` and executes
+⟨alignment options⟩.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/decoration/text:align",
+ meta = "{⟨alignment options⟩}"
+ },
+ ["decoration/text align/align"] = {
+ details = [[
+Aligns the text according to ⟨alignment⟩, which should be one of `left`,
+`right`, or `center`.
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \draw [help lines] grid (3,2);
+ \draw [red, dashed]
+ [postaction={decoration={text along path, text={a big juicy apple},
+ text align={align=right}}, decorate}]
+ (0,0) .. controls (0,2) and (3,2) .. (3,0);
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/decoration/text:align/align",
+ meta = "⟨alignment⟩"
+ },
+ ["decoration/text align/center"] = {
+ details = [[
+Aligns the text to the center of the path.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/decoration/text:align/center"
+ },
+ ["decoration/text align/fit to path"] = {
+ details = [[
+This key makes the decoration automaton try to fit the text to the
+length of the path. The automaton shifts forward by a small amount
+between each character in order to fit the text to the path. If,
+however, the length of the text is longer than the length of the path
+(i.e., the automaton would have to shift *backwards* between characters)
+this key will have no effect.
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \draw [help lines] grid (3,2);
+ \draw [red, dashed]
+ [postaction={decoration={text along path, text={a big juicy apple},
+ text align=fit to path}, decorate}]
+ (0,0) .. controls (0,2) and (3,2) .. (3,0);
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/decoration/text:align/fit:to:path",
+ meta = "⟨boolean⟩"
+ },
+ ["decoration/text align/fit to path stretching spaces"] = {
+ details = [[
+This key works like the previous key except the automaton shifts forward
+only for space characters (including `\space`, but *excluding* `\`).
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \draw [help lines] grid (3,2);
+ \draw [red, dashed]
+ [postaction={decoration={text along path, text={a big juicy apple},
+ text align={fit to path stretching spaces}}, decorate}]
+ (0,0) .. controls (0,2) and (3,2) .. (3,0);
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/decoration/text:align/fit:to:path:stretching:spaces",
+ meta = "⟨boolean⟩"
+ },
+ ["decoration/text align/left"] = {
+ details = [[
+Aligns the text to the left end of the path.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/decoration/text:align/left"
+ },
+ ["decoration/text align/left indent"] = {
+ details = [[
+Specifies a distance which the automaton should move along before it
+starts typesetting the text.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/decoration/text:align/left:indent",
+ meta = "⟨length⟩"
+ },
+ ["decoration/text align/right"] = {
+ details = [[
+Aligns the text to the right end of the path.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/decoration/text:align/right"
+ },
+ ["decoration/text align/right indent"] = {
+ details = [[
+Specifies a distance before the end of the path, where the automaton
+should stop typesetting the text.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/decoration/text:align/right:indent",
+ meta = "⟨length⟩"
+ },
+ ["decoration/text color"] = {
+ details = [[
+The color of the text.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/decoration/text:color",
+ meta = "⟨color⟩"
+ },
+ ["decoration/text effects/character command"] = {
+ details = [[
+This key specifies a command that is executed when each character is
+placed in the node. The ⟨macro⟩ should be an ordinary TeX macro which
+takes one argument. The argument will be a macro which when expanded
+will contain the current character.
+ \def\mycommand#1{#1$_\n$}
+ \begin{tikzpicture}[decoration={text effects along path,
+ text={text effects along path!},
+ text effects/.cd,
+ path from text, path from text angle=60, group letters,
+ word count=\n,
+ every word/.style={character command=\mycommand},
+ characters={text along path}}]
+ \path [decorate] (0,0);
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/decoration/text:effects/character:command",
+ meta = "⟨macro⟩"
+ },
+ ["decoration/text effects/character count"] = {
+ details = [[
+Store the number of the character being typeset in ⟨macro⟩.
+ \begin{tikzpicture}[decoration={text effects along path,
+ text={text effects along path!},
+ text effects/.cd,
+ path from text,
+ character count=\i, every word separator/.style={fill=red!30},
+ characters={text along path, shape=circle, fill=gray!50}}]
+ \path [decorate, text effects={characters/.append={label=above:\footnotesize\i}}] (0,0);
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/decoration/text:effects/character:count",
+ meta = "⟨macro⟩"
+ },
+ ["decoration/text effects/character total"] = {
+ details = [[
+Store the total number of the characters in the decoration text in
+⟨macro⟩. This key can be used with the `character count` key to produce
+some quite pleasing effects:
+ \begin{tikzpicture}[decoration={text effects along path,
+ text={text effects along path!},
+ text effects/.cd,
+ character count=\i, character total=\n,
+ characters={text along path, evaluate={\c=\i/\n*100;},
+ text=orange!\c!blue, scale=\i/\n+0.5}}]
+ \path [decorate]
+ (0,0) .. controls ++(1,0) and ++(-1,0) .. (3,2);
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/decoration/text:effects/character:total",
+ meta = "⟨macro⟩"
+ },
+ ["decoration/text effects/character widths"] = {
+ details = [[
+Shorthand for the `every character width` style.
+ \begin{tikzpicture}[decoration={text effects along path,
+ text={text effects along path!}, text align=center,
+ text effects/.cd,
+ character count=\i,
+ characters={xslant=0.5, text along path, name=c-\i}}]
+ \path [decorate] (0,0) -- (3,2);
+ \path [decorate,
+ text effects={character widths={inner xsep=0pt, xslant=0}}]
+ (0,1) -- (3,3);
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/decoration/text:effects/character:widths",
+ meta = "{effects}"
+ },
+ ["decoration/text effects/character ⟨number⟩"] = {
+ details = [[
+Specify additional effects for the character ⟨number⟩.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/decoration/text:effects/character:⟨number⟩"
+ },
+ ["decoration/text effects/characters"] = {
+ details = [[
+Shorthand for the `every character`.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/decoration/text:effects/characters",
+ meta = "{effects}"
+ },
+ ["decoration/text effects/every character"] = {
+ details = [[
+Set the effects that will be applied to every character in the
+decoration text. The effects will typically be TikZ node options.
+Initially, this style is empty so the decoration simply positions nodes
+at the appropriate position along the path. In order to make the text
+'follow the path' like the `text along path` decoration the following
+key can be added to the `every character` style.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/decoration/text:effects/every:character"
+ },
+ ["decoration/text effects/every character width"] = {
+ details = [[
+This style is applied to the (invisible) nodes used for calculating the
+width of a character node.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/decoration/text:effects/every:character:width"
+ },
+ ["decoration/text effects/every first letter"] = {
+ details = [[
+Specify additional effects for the first letter in *every* word.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/decoration/text:effects/every:first:letter"
+ },
+ ["decoration/text effects/every last letter"] = {
+ details = [[
+Specify additional effects for the last letter in *every* word.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/decoration/text:effects/every:last:letter"
+ },
+ ["decoration/text effects/every letter"] = {
+ details = [[
+Specify additional effects for every letter (i.e., every character that
+isn't the word separator) in the decoration text.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/decoration/text:effects/every:letter"
+ },
+ ["decoration/text effects/every word"] = {
+ details = [[
+Specify additional effects for every word in the decoration text.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/decoration/text:effects/every:word"
+ },
+ ["decoration/text effects/every word separator"] = {
+ details = [[
+Specify additional effects for every character that is a word separator.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/decoration/text:effects/every:word:separator"
+ },
+ ["decoration/text effects/fit text to path"] = {
+ details = [[
+This key will make the decoration increase the space between characters
+so that the entire path is used by the decoration.
+ \begin{tikzpicture}[decoration={text effects along path,
+ text={text effects along path!},
+ text effects/every character/.style={text along path}}]
+ \path [draw=gray, postaction={decorate}, rotate=90]
+ (0,0) .. controls ++(2,0) and ++(-1,0) .. (5,-1);
+ \path [draw=gray, postaction={decorate}, rotate=90, yshift=-1cm,
+ text effects={fit text to path}]
+ (0,0) .. controls ++(2,0) and ++(-1,0) .. (5,-1);
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/decoration/text:effects/fit:text:to:path",
+ meta = "⟨true or false⟩"
+ },
+ ["decoration/text effects/group letters"] = {
+ details = [[
+Group sequences of letters together so they are treated as a single
+ \begin{tikzpicture}[decoration={text effects along path,
+ text={text effects along path!},
+ text effects/.cd,
+ path from text, path from text angle=60,
+ every word separator/.style={fill=none},
+ character count=\i, character total=\n,
+ characters={text along path, fill=gray!50, scale=\i/\n+0.5}}]
+ \path [decorate] (0,0);
+ \path [decorate, text effects={group letters,
+ characters/.append={fill=red!20}}]
+ (1,0);
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/decoration/text:effects/group:letters"
+ },
+ ["decoration/text effects/letter count"] = {
+ details = [[
+Store the number of letter being typeset (i.e., the position of the
+character in the word) in ⟨macro⟩. Numbering starts at `1` and the
+character acting as a word separator is numbered `0`.
+ \begin{tikzpicture}[decoration={text effects along path,
+ text={text effects along path!},
+ text effects/.cd,
+ path from text, letter count=\i, every word separator/.style={fill=red!30},
+ characters={text along path, shape=circle, fill=gray!50}}]
+ \path [decorate, text effects={characters/.append={label=above:\footnotesize\i}}] (0,0);
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/decoration/text:effects/letter:count",
+ meta = "⟨macro⟩"
+ },
+ ["decoration/text effects/letter ⟨number⟩"] = {
+ details = [[
+Specify the effects for letter ⟨number⟩ in *every* word.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/decoration/text:effects/letter:⟨number⟩"
+ },
+ ["decoration/text effects/path from text"] = {
+ details = [[
+When this key is set to `true` and the decorated path consists only of a
+single point, the decoration will calculate the width of the decoration
+text using all the specified parameters as if the decorated path was
+actually a straight line starting from the given point. This 'virtual'
+straight line is then decorated with the text.
+ \begin{tikzpicture}[decoration={text effects along path,
+ text={text effects along path!},
+ text effects/.cd,
+ path from text,
+ character count=\i, character total=\n,
+ characters={text along path, scale=\i/\n+0.5}}]
+ \path [decorate] (0,0);
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/decoration/text:effects/path:from:text",
+ meta = "{true or false}"
+ },
+ ["decoration/text effects/path from text angle"] = {
+ details = [[
+When used in conjunction with the `path from text` key, the straight
+line that is used as the decorated path is rotated by ⟨angle⟩ around the
+starting point.
+ \begin{tikzpicture}[decoration={text effects along path,
+ text={text effects along path!},
+ text effects/.cd,
+ path from text, path from text angle=60,
+ character count=\i, character total=\n,
+ characters={text along path, scale=\i/\n+0.5}}]
+ \path [decorate] (0,0);
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/decoration/text:effects/path:from:text:angle",
+ meta = "⟨angle⟩"
+ },
+ ["decoration/text effects/repeat text"] = {
+ details = [[
+Usually, when the decoration runs out of text, it simply stops. This key
+will make the decoration repeat the decoration text for the specified
+number of ⟨times⟩. If no value is given the text will be repeated until
+the path is finished. There are two points to remember however. Firstly
+the numbering of characters, letters and words will be restarted each
+time the text is repeated. Secondly, the options for alignment, scaling
+or fitting the text to the path, fitting the path to the text, and so
+on, are computed using the decoration text before the decoration starts.
+If any of these options are given the behavior of the `repeat text` key
+is undefined, but typically it will be ignored.
+ \begin{tikzpicture}[decoration={text effects along path,
+ text={text effects along path!\ },
+ text effects/.cd,
+ repeat text,
+ character count=\m, character total=\n,
+ characters={text along path, scale=0.5+\m/\n/2}}]
+ \path [draw=gray, ultra thin, postaction=decorate]
+ (180:2) \foreach \a in {0,...,12}{ arc (180-\a*90:90-\a*90:1.5-\a/10) };
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/decoration/text:effects/repeat:text",
+ meta = "⟨times⟩"
+ },
+ ["decoration/text effects/replace characters"] = {
+ details = [[
+Replace the node for each character in ⟨characters⟩ with ⟨code⟩. The
+⟨code⟩ can be thought of as describing a little picture or marking which
+will be used instead of the character node. The origin will be the
+current point along the decoration path. Any transformations associated
+with the ⟨characters⟩ (e.g., applied with the `every character` or
+`every letter` styles) will also be applied to ⟨code⟩.
+ \begin{tikzpicture}[decoration={text effects along path,
+ text={text effects along path!},
+ text effects/.cd,
+ path from text, path from text angle=60,
+ replace characters=e with {\fill [red!20] (0,1mm) circle [radius=1mm];},
+ replace characters=a with {\fill [black!20] (0,1mm) circle [radius=1mm];},
+ character count=\i, character total=\n,
+ characters={text along path, scale=\i/\n+0.5}}]
+ \path [decorate] (0,0);
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/decoration/text:effects/replace:characters",
+ meta = "⟨characters⟩ with {code}"
+ },
+ ["decoration/text effects/reverse text"] = {
+ details = [[
+Reverse the order of the characters in the decoration text. This may be
+useful if using 'right-to-left' languages. Unfortunately, any leading
+'soft' spaces in the original text will be lost.
+ \begin{tikzpicture}[decoration={text effects along path,
+ text={text effects along path!},
+ text effects/.cd,
+ path from text, path from text angle=60,
+ reverse text,
+ character count=\i, character total=\n,
+ characters={text along path, scale=\i/\n+0.5}}]
+ \path [decorate] (0,0) .. controls ++(1,0) and ++(-1,0) .. (3,2);
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+It is important to note that the `reverse text` key reverses the text
+*before* doing anything else. This means that the numbering of
+characters, letters and words will still be in the normal order, so any
+parameterized effects will have to take this into account.
+Alternatively, to get the numbering to follow the reversed text, it is
+possible to reverse the path and then invert the scale:
+ \begin{tikzpicture}[decoration={text effects along path,
+ text={text effects along path!},
+ text effects/.cd,
+ path from text, path from text angle=60,
+ character count=\i, character total=\n,
+ characters={text along path, scale=\i/\n+0.5}}]
+ \path [decorate, text effects={reverse text}] (0,0);
+ \path [blue, decorate, decoration={reverse path},
+ text effects={characters/.append={scale=-1}}] (1,0);
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/decoration/text:effects/reverse:text"
+ },
+ ["decoration/text effects/scale text to path"] = {
+ details = [[
+This key will make the decoration scale the text so that the entire path
+is used by the decoration.
+ \begin{tikzpicture}[decoration={text effects along path,
+ text={text effects along path!},
+ text effects/every character/.style={text along path}}]
+ \path [draw=gray, postaction={decorate}, rotate=90]
+ (0,0) .. controls ++(2,0) and ++(-1,0) .. (5,-1);
+ \path [draw=gray, postaction={decorate}, rotate=90, yshift=-1cm,
+ text effects={scale text to path}]
+ (0,0) .. controls ++(2,0) and ++(-1,0) .. (5,-1);
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/decoration/text:effects/scale:text:to:path",
+ meta = "⟨true or false⟩"
+ },
+ ["decoration/text effects/style characters"] = {
+ details = [[
+This key enables ⟨effects⟩ to be applied to every character in the
+decoration text that is specified in ⟨characters⟩.
+ \begin{tikzpicture}[decoration={text effects along path,
+ text={Falsches {\"U}ben von Xylophonmusik qu{\"a}lt jeden gr{\"o}{\ss}eren Zwerg},
+ text effects/.cd,
+ path from text,
+ style characters=aeiou{\"U}{\"a}{\"o} with {text=blue},
+ characters={text along path}}]
+ \path [decorate] (0,0);
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/decoration/text:effects/style:characters",
+ meta = "{characters} with {effects}"
+ },
+ ["decoration/text effects/text along path"] = {
+ details = [[
+This style automatically sets the TikZ keys `transform shape` (to make
+the character slope with the path), `anchor=baseline` (to make the
+baseline of the characters 'sit' on the path) and `inner xsep=0pt` (to
+horizontally fit each node to the character it contains, reducing the
+spacing between characters).
+ \begin{tikzpicture}[decoration={text effects along path,
+ text={text effects along path!}}]
+ \path [draw=red, dotted, postaction={decorate}]
+ (0,0) .. controls ++(1,0) and ++(-1,0) .. (3,2);
+ \path [draw=blue, dotted, yshift=1cm, postaction={decorate},
+ text effects={text along path}]
+ (0,0) .. controls ++(1,0) and ++(-1,0) .. (3,2);
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/decoration/text:effects/text:along:path"
+ },
+ ["decoration/text effects/word count"] = {
+ details = [[
+Store the number of words in the decoration text in ⟨macro⟩. Numbering
+starts at `1`. When the character is the word separator, ⟨macro⟩ takes
+the number of the previous word. If the decoration text starts with a
+word separator ⟨macro⟩ will be `0`.
+ \begin{tikzpicture}[decoration={text effects along path,
+ text={text effects along path!},
+ text effects/.cd,
+ path from text, word count=\i, every word separator/.style={fill=red!30},
+ characters={text along path, shape=circle, fill=gray!50}}]
+ \path [decorate, text effects={characters/.append={label=above:\footnotesize\i}}] (0,0);
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/decoration/text:effects/word:count",
+ meta = "⟨macro⟩"
+ },
+ ["decoration/text effects/word separator"] = {
+ details = [[
+Specify the character that is to be used as the word separator. This
+*must* be a single character such as `a` or `-` or the special value
+`space` (which should be used to indicate that spaces should be used as
+the separator).
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/decoration/text:effects/word:separator",
+ meta = "⟨character⟩"
+ },
+ ["decoration/text effects/word total"] = {
+ details = [[
+Store the total number of words in the decoration text in ⟨macro⟩.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/decoration/text:effects/word:total",
+ meta = "⟨macro⟩"
+ },
+ ["decoration/text effects/word ⟨m⟩ letter ⟨n⟩"] = {
+ details = [[
+Specify additional effects for letter ⟨n⟩ in word ⟨m⟩ in the decoration
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/decoration/text:effects/word:⟨m⟩:letter:⟨n⟩"
+ },
+ ["decoration/text effects/word ⟨number⟩"] = {
+ details = [[
+Specify additional effects for word ⟨number⟩ in the decoration text.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/decoration/text:effects/word:⟨number⟩"
+ },
+ ["decoration/text format delimiters"] = {
+ details = [[
+Set the characters that the text decoration will use to parse formatting
+commands. If \\meta{after} is empty, then \\meta{before} will be used
+for both delimiters. In general you should stick to characters whose
+category codes are
+11` or `12`. As `+` is used to indicate that the specified format commands are added to any existing ones, you should avoid using `+|
+as a delimiter.
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \draw [help lines] grid (3,2);
+ \path [decorate, decoration={text along path,text format delimiters={[}{]},
+ text={A big [\color{red}]red[] and [\color{green}]green[] apple.}}]
+ (0,0) .. controls (0,2) and (3,0) .. (3,2);
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/decoration/text:format:delimiters",
+ meta = "{before}{after}"
+ },
+ ["decoration/text/effetcs/letter total"] = {
+ details = [[
+Store the number of letters in the current word in ⟨macro⟩. When the
+character is the word separator, this value is `0`.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/decoration/text/effetcs/letter:total",
+ meta = "⟨macro⟩"
+ },
+ ["decoration/transform"] = {
+ details = [[
+This key allows you to specify general ⟨transformations⟩ to be applied
+to the segments of a decoration. These transformations are applied
+before and independently of `raise` and `mirror` transformations. The
+⟨transformations⟩ should be normal TikZ transformations like `shift` or
+In the following example the `shift only` transformation is used to make
+sure that the crosses are *not* sloped along the path.
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \draw [help lines] (0,0) grid (3,2);
+ \draw (0,0) -- (1,1) arc (90:0:2 and 1);
+ \draw[red,very thick] decorate [decoration={
+ crosses,transform={shift only},shape size=1.5mm}]
+ { (0,0) -- (1,1) arc (90:0:2 and 1) };
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/decoration/transform",
+ meta = "⟨transformations⟩"
+ },
+ ["decorations/post"] = {
+ details = [[
+Works like `pre`, only for the end of the decoration.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/decorations/post",
+ meta = "⟨decoration⟩"
+ },
+ ["decorations/post length"] = {
+ details = [[
+Works like `pre length`, only for the end of the decoration.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/decorations/post:length",
+ meta = "⟨dimension⟩"
+ },
+ ["direction ee arrow"] = {
+ details = [[
+The value of this key will be used for the arrow tip depicted in an
+`direction ee` shape.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/direction:ee:arrow",
+ meta = "⟨right arrow tip name⟩"
+ },
+ ["double arrow head extend"] = {
+ details = [[
+This sets the distance between the shaft of the arrow and the outer end
+of the arrow heads. This may change if the shape is enlarged to some
+minimum width.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/double:arrow:head:extend",
+ meta = "⟨length⟩"
+ },
+ ["double arrow head indent"] = {
+ details = [[
+This moves the point where the arrow heads join the shaft of the arrow
+*towards* the arrow tips, by ⟨length⟩.
+ \begin{tikzpicture}[every node/.style={double arrow, draw=none, rotate=-60}]
+ \node [fill=red!50] {arrow 1};
+ \node [fill=blue!50, double arrow head indent=1ex] at (1.5,0) {arrow 2};
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/double:arrow:head:indent",
+ meta = "⟨length⟩"
+ },
+ ["double arrow tip angle"] = {
+ details = [[
+Sets the angle for the arrow tip. Enlarging the arrow to some minimum
+width may increase the height of the shape to maintain this angle.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/double:arrow:tip:angle",
+ meta = "⟨angle⟩"
+ },
+ ["every data"] = {
+ details = [[
+This style is executed by `\pgfdata` before the ⟨options⟩ are parsed.
+Note that the path of this key is just `/pgf/`, not `/pgf/data/`. Also
+note that TikZ internally sets the value of this key up in such a way
+that the keys `/tikz/every data` and also
+`/tikz/data visualization/every data` are executed. The bottom line of
+this is that when using TikZ, you should not set this key directly, set
+`/tikz/every data` instead.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/every:data"
+ },
+ ["every decoration"] = {
+ details = [[
+This style is executed for every decoration.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/every:decoration"
+ },
+ ["fixed point arithmetic"] = {
+ details = [[
+This key will set the key path to `/pgf/fixed point`, and execute
+⟨options⟩. Then it will install the necessary commands so that the PGF
+parser will use `fp` to perform calculations. The best way to use this
+key is as an argument to a scope or picture. This means that `fp` does
+not always have to be used, and PGF can use its own mathematical engine
+at other times, which can lead to a significant reduction in the time
+for a document to compile.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/fixed:point:arithmetic",
+ meta = "⟨options⟩"
+ },
+ ["fixed point/scale file plot x"] = {
+ details = [[
+This key will scale the first column of data read from a file before it
+is plotted. It is independent of the `scale results` key.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/fixed:point/scale:file:plot:x",
+ meta = "⟨factor⟩"
+ },
+ ["fixed point/scale file plot y"] = {
+ details = [[
+This key will scale the second column of data read from a file before it
+is plotted.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/fixed:point/scale:file:plot:y",
+ meta = "⟨factor⟩"
+ },
+ ["fixed point/scale file plot z"] = {
+ details = [[
+This key will scale the third column of data read from a file before it
+is plotted.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/fixed:point/scale:file:plot:z",
+ meta = "⟨factor⟩"
+ },
+ ["fixed point/scale results"] = {
+ details = [[
+As noted above, `fp` can process a far greater range of numbers than PGF
+and TikZ. In order to use results from `fp` in a `{pgfpicture}` or a
+`{tikzpicture}` they need to be scaled. When this key is used PGF will
+scale results of any evaluation by ⟨factor⟩. However, as it is not
+desirable for every part of every expression to be scaled, scaling will
+only take place if a special prefix `*` is used. If `*` is used at the
+beginning of an expression the evaluation of the expression will
+evaluated and then multiplied by ⟨factor⟩.
+ \begin{tikzpicture}[fixed point arithmetic={scale results=10^-6}]
+ \draw [help lines] grid (3,2);
+ \draw (0,0) -- (2,2);
+ \draw [red, line width=4pt] (*1.0e6,0) -- (*3.0e6,*2.0e6);
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+A special case of scaling involves plots of data containing large
+numbers from files. It is possible to "pre-process" a file, typically
+using the application that generates the data, to either precede the
+relevant column with `*` or to perform the scaling as part of the
+calculation process. However, it may be desirable for the data in a plot
+to appear in a table as well, so, two files would be required, one
+pre-processed for plotting, and one not. This extra work may be
+undesirable so the following keys are provided:
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/fixed:point/scale:results",
+ meta = "⟨factor⟩"
+ },
+ ["foreach/count"] = {
+ details = [[
+This key allows ⟨macro⟩ to hold the position in the list of the current
+item. The optional `from `⟨value⟩ statement allows the counting to begin
+from ⟨value⟩.
+ \tikz[x=0.75cm,y=0.75cm]
+ \foreach \x [count=\xi] in {a,...,e}
+ \foreach \y [count=\yi] in {\x,...,e}
+ \node [draw, top color=white, bottom color=blue!50, minimum size=0.666cm]
+ at (\xi,-\yi) {$\mathstrut\x\y$};
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/foreach/count",
+ meta = "⟨macro⟩ from ⟨value⟩"
+ },
+ ["foreach/evaluate"] = {
+ details = [[
+By default, list items are not evaluated: `1+2`, yields `1+2`, not `3`.
+This key allows a variable to be evaluated using the mathematical
+engine. The variable must have been specified either using the `var` key
+or in the ⟨variables⟩ argument of the `foreach` command. By default, the
+result of the evaluation will be stored in ⟨variable⟩. However, the
+optional `as `⟨macro⟩ statement can be used to store the result in
+ \foreach \x [evaluate=\x] in {2^0,2^...,2^8}{$\x$, }
+ \foreach \x [evaluate=\x as \xeval] in {2^0,2^...,2^8}{$\x=\xeval$, }
+The optional `using `⟨formula⟩ statement means an evaluation does not
+have to be explicitly stated for each item in ⟨list⟩. The ⟨formula⟩
+should contain at least one reference to ⟨variable⟩.
+ \tikz\foreach \x [evaluate=\x as \shade using \x*10] in {0,1,...,10}
+ \node [fill=red!\shade!yellow, minimum size=0.65cm] at (\x,0) {\x};
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/foreach/evaluate",
+ meta = "⟨variable⟩ as ⟨macro⟩ using ⟨formula⟩"
+ },
+ ["foreach/expand list"] = {
+ details = [[
+If this key is set to true the contents of the list are fully expanded
+with `\edef` before further processing. This allows using complex macros
+which generate a list upon expansion without having to use an
+intermediate macro.
+ \def\Iota#1#2{%
+ \ifnum\numexpr#1\relax<\numexpr#2\relax
+ \the\numexpr#1\relax,%
+ \expandafter\Iota\expandafter{\the\numexpr(#1)+1\relax}{#2}%
+ \else
+ \the\numexpr#2\relax
+ \fi}
+ \foreach [expand list=true] \x in {\Iota{1}{5}} {
+ \x
+ }
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/foreach/expand:list",
+ meta = "{boolean}"
+ },
+ ["foreach/parse"] = {
+ details = [[
+If this key is set to true the upper bound in the loop will be fed into
+`\pgfmathparse`. This allows to use complex expressions as the upper
+bound. However, the expression must be safe for evaluation in
+`\pgfmathparse`. It is known that internal TeX registers can cause
+ \foreach \x [parse=true] in {1,...,1.0e+1 - 1}{ \x }
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/foreach/parse",
+ meta = "{boolean}"
+ },
+ ["foreach/remember"] = {
+ details = [[
+This key allows the item value stored in ⟨variable⟩ to be remembered
+during the next iteration, stored in ⟨macro⟩. If a variable is
+evaluated, the result of this evaluation is remembered. By default the
+value of ⟨variable⟩ is zero for the first iteration, however, the
+optional `(initially `⟨value⟩`)` statement, allows the ⟨macro⟩ to be
+initially defined as ⟨value⟩.
+ \foreach \x [remember=\x as \lastx (initially A)] in {B,...,H}{$\overrightarrow{\lastx\x}$, }
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/foreach/remember",
+ meta = "⟨variable⟩ as ⟨macro⟩ (initially ⟨value⟩)"
+ },
+ ["foreach/var"] = {
+ details = [[
+This key provides an alternative way to specify variables:
+`\foreach [var=\x,var=\y]` is the same as `\foreach \x/\y`. If used,
+this key should be used before the other keys.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/foreach/var",
+ meta = "⟨variable⟩"
+ },
+ fpu = {
+ details = [[
+This key installs or uninstalls the FPU. The installation exchanges any
+routines of the standard math parser with those of the FPU:
+`\pgfmathadd` will be replaced with `\pgfmathfloatadd` and so on.
+Furthermore, any number will be parsed with `\pgfmathfloatparsenumber`.
+ \pgfkeys{/pgf/fpu}
+ \pgfmathparse{1+1}\pgfmathresult
+The FPU uses a low-level number representation consisting of flags,
+mantissa and exponent [1]. To avoid unnecessary format conversions,
+`\pgfmathresult` will usually contain such a cryptic number. Depending
+on the context, the result may need to be converted into something which
+is suitable for PGF processing (like coordinates) or may need to be
+typeset. The FPU provides such methods as well.
+Use `fpu=false` to deactivate the FPU. This will restore any change.
+Please note that this is not necessary if the FPU is used inside of a
+TeX group -- it will be deactivated afterwards anyway.
+It does not hurt to call `fpu=true` or `fpu=false` multiple times.
+Please note that if the `fixedpointarithmetic` library of PGF will be
+activated after the FPU, the FPU will be deactivated automatically.
+[1] Users should *always* use high level routines to manipulate floating
+point numbers as the format may change in a future release.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/fpu",
+ meta = "{boolean}"
+ },
+ ["fpu/handlers/empty number"] = {
+ details = [[
+This command key is invoked in case an empty string is parsed inside of
+`\pgfmathfloatparsenumber`. You can overwrite it to assign a replacement
+`\pgfmathresult` (in float!).
+The initial setting is to invoke `invalid number`, see below.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/fpu/handlers/empty:number",
+ meta = "{input}{unreadable part}"
+ },
+ ["fpu/handlers/invalid number"] = {
+ details = [[
+This command key is invoked in case an invalid string is parsed inside
+of `\pgfmathfloatparsenumber`. You can overwrite it to assign a
+replacement `\pgfmathresult` (in float!).
+The initial setting is to generate an error message.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/fpu/handlers/invalid:number",
+ meta = "{input}{unreadable part}"
+ },
+ ["fpu/handlers/wrong lowlevel format"] = {
+ details = [[
+This command key is invoked whenever `\pgfmathfloattoregisters` or its
+variants encounter something which is not a properly formatted low-level
+floating point number. As for `invalid number`, this key may assign a
+new `\pgfmathresult` (in floating point) which will be used instead of
+the offending ⟨input⟩.
+The initial setting is to generate an error message.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/fpu/handlers/wrong:lowlevel:format",
+ meta = "{input}{unreadable part}"
+ },
+ ["fpu/install only"] = {
+ details = [[
+\[fpu-install-only\] Unfortunately, the FPU is currently incompatible
+with drawing operations. However, it can still be useful to replace
+single definitions with FPU counterparts to avoid errors of the kind
+`Dimension too large` which tend to happen when transformation matrices
+are inverted.
+This key allows to specify a list of definitions to be pulled into the
+current scope. *Note that there is no reverse operation to uninstall
+these definitions at the moment*, so it is advisable to do this in a
+group. Conveniently, TikZ paths form an implicit group, so you can use
+this key on a path as well.
+You have to be aware of the limitations that the FPU imposes. It will
+not magically give TeX better precision, but it will avoid overflow or
+underflow situations for large or small operands by rescaling them. In
+the following example, in the first case the FPU variant performs much
+better than the normal variant, however, in the second case where a
+rescaling would not in fact be needed the rescaling introduces a small
+round-off error.
+ \begingroup
+ \pgfkeys{/pgf/fpu/install only={divide}}
+ \pgfmathparse{12.34/0.001234}\pgfmathresult (good)
+ \pgfmathparse{12/4}\pgfmathresult (bad)
+ \endgroup
+This key is introduced in PGFv3.1.6 and marked stable since PGF v3.1.8.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/fpu/install:only",
+ meta = "{list of names}"
+ },
+ ["fpu/output format"] = {
+ details = [[
+This key allows to change the number format in which the FPU assigns
+The predefined choice `float` uses the low-level format used by the FPU.
+This is useful for further processing inside of any library.
+ \pgfkeys{/pgf/fpu,/pgf/fpu/output format=float}
+ \pgfmathparse{exp(50)*42}\pgfmathresult
+The choice `sci` returns numbers in the format ⟨mantissa⟩`e`⟨exponent⟩.
+It provides almost no computational overhead.
+ \pgfkeys{/pgf/fpu,/pgf/fpu/output format=sci}
+ \pgfmathparse{4.22e-8^-2}\pgfmathresult
+The choice `fixed` returns normal fixed point numbers and provides the
+highest compatibility with the PGF engine. It is activated automatically
+in case the FPU scales results.
+ \pgfkeys{/pgf/fpu,/pgf/fpu/output format=fixed}
+ \pgfmathparse{sqrt(1e-12)}\pgfmathresult
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/fpu/output:format",
+ meta = "⟨float,sci,fixed⟩"
+ },
+ ["fpu/rel thresh"] = {
+ details = [[
+A threshold used by `\pgfmathfloatifapproxequalrel` to decide whether
+numbers are approximately equal.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/fpu/rel:thresh",
+ meta = "{number}"
+ },
+ ["fpu/scale results"] = {
+ details = [[
+A feature which allows semi-automatic result scaling. Setting this key
+has two effects: first, the output format for *any* computation will be
+set to `fixed` (assuming results will be processed by PGF's kernel).
+Second, any expression which starts with a star, `*`, will be multiplied
+with ⟨scale⟩.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/fpu/scale:results",
+ meta = "{scale}"
+ },
+ ["gap around stream point"] = {
+ details = [[
+The ⟨dimension⟩ by which the lines between consecutive stream points are
+shortened at the beginning and end.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/gap:around:stream:point",
+ meta = "⟨dimension⟩"
+ },
+ ["generic circle IEC/before background"] = {
+ details = [[
+When a node of shape `generic circle IEC` is created, the current
+setting of this key is used as the "before background path". This means
+that after the circle's background has been drawn/filled/whatever, the
+⟨code⟩ is executed.
+When the ⟨code⟩ is executed, the coordinate system will have been
+transformed in such a way that the point $(1\mathrm{pt},0\mathrm{pt})$
+lies at the right end of the circle and $(0\mathrm{pt},1\mathrm{pt})$
+lies at the top of the circle. (More precisely, these points will lie
+exactly on the middle of the radial line.)
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/generic:circle:IEC/before:background",
+ meta = "⟨code⟩"
+ },
+ ["generic diode IEC/before background"] = {
+ details = [[
+Similarly to the `generic circle IEC` shape, when a node of shape
+`generic diode IEC` is created, the current setting of this key is used
+as the "before background path". When the ⟨code⟩ is executed, the
+coordinate system will have been transformed in such a way that the
+origin is at the "tip" of the diode's triangle, the point
+$(0\mathrm{pt},1\mathrm{pt})$ is exactly half the diode's height above
+this origin, and the point $(1\mathrm{pt},0\mathrm{pt})$ is half the
+diode's height to the right of the origin.
+The idea is that you use this key to draw different kinds of diode
+ \tikz \node [minimum size=1cm,generic diode IEC,
+ /pgf/generic diode IEC/before background={
+ \pgfpathmoveto{\pgfqpoint{-.5pt}{-1pt}}
+ \pgfpathlineto{\pgfqpoint{.5pt}{-1pt}}
+ \pgfpathmoveto{\pgfqpoint{0pt}{-1pt}}
+ \pgfpathlineto{\pgfqpoint{0pt}{1pt}}
+ \pgfpathmoveto{\pgfqpoint{-.5pt}{1pt}}
+ \pgfpathlineto{\pgfqpoint{.5pt}{1pt}}
+ \pgfusepathqstroke
+ },
+ draw] {};
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/generic:diode:IEC/before:background",
+ meta = "⟨code⟩"
+ },
+ ["handle new data sets in plots"] = {
+ details = [[
+You can set ⟨how⟩ to one of the following values:
+- `ignore` The command will be completely ignored, just as if the
+ command had not been used at all.
+- `jump` This causes the internal macro `\pgf@plotstreamjump` to be
+ called.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/handle:new:data:sets:in:plots",
+ meta = "⟨how⟩"
+ },
+ ["handle outlier points in plots"] = {
+ details = [[
+You can set ⟨how⟩ to one of the following values:
+- `plot` This will cause the outlier to be drawn normally, just as if
+ `\pgfplotstreampoint` had been used rather than this command.
+- `ignore` The outlier will be completely ignored, just as if the
+ command had not been used at all.
+- `jump` This causes the internal macro `\pgf@plotstreamjump` to be
+ called. A "jump" in a stream is a position where a "gap" is
+ introduced. For instance, a simple line-to plot handler will stop
+ the current subpath at a jump position and begin with a move-to
+ operation at the next normal point of the stream.
+ The net effect of this setting is that at outlier points plots get
+ interrupted and "restarted" when the points are no longer outliers.
+ This is usually the behavior you will be looking for.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/handle:outlier:points:in:plots",
+ meta = "⟨how⟩"
+ },
+ ["handle undefined points in plots"] = {
+ details = [[
+You can set ⟨how⟩ to one of the following values:
+- `ignore` The undefined point will be completely ignored, just as if
+ the command had not been used at all.
+- `jump` This causes the internal macro `\pgf@plotstreamjump` to be
+ called.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/handle:undefined:points:in:plots",
+ meta = "⟨how⟩"
+ },
+ ["images/external info"] = {
+ details = [[
+If this key is activated, the size for any externalized image will be
+stored explicitly into the associated `.dpth` file.
+When the file is included by `\pgfincludeexternalgraphics` (or
+automatically by the `external` library), the width is available as
+`\pgfexternalwidth` and the height as `\pgfexternalheight`.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/images/external:info",
+ meta = "{boolean}"
+ },
+ ["images/include external"] = {
+ details = [[
+\[pgf:includeexternalkey\] This key constitutes the public interface to
+exchange the `\includegraphics` command used for the image inclusion.
+Redefining this key allows to provide bounding box or viewport options:
+ \pgfkeys{/pgf/images/include external/.code={\includegraphics[viewport=0 0 211.28 175.686]{#1}}}
+Do not forget the `.code` here which redefines the command.
+One application could be image externalization and bounding box
+restrictions: As far as I know, a `.pdf` graphics with restricted
+bounding box is always cropped (which is not always desired). One
+solution could be to use `latex` and `dvips` which doesn't have this
+restriction. Another is to manually provide the `viewport` option as
+shown above.
+A possible value for `viewport` can be found in the `.pdf` image, search
+for `/MediaBox = [ ... ]`.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/images/include:external"
+ },
+ ["inner sep"] = {
+ details = [[
+This style sets both `/pgf/inner xsep` and `/pgf/inner ysep` to
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/inner:sep",
+ meta = "⟨dimension⟩"
+ },
+ ["inner xsep"] = {
+ details = [[
+This key stores the *recommended* horizontal inner separation between
+the label text and the background path. As before, this value is just a
+recommendation and a shape may choose to ignore this key.
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \draw[help lines] (-2,0) grid (2,1);
+ \pgfset{inner xsep=1cm}
+ \pgfnode{rectangle}{center}{Hello World}{}{\pgfusepath{stroke}}
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/inner:xsep",
+ meta = "⟨dimension⟩"
+ },
+ ["inner ysep"] = {
+ details = [[
+Works like `/pgf/inner xsep`.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/inner:ysep",
+ meta = "⟨dimension⟩"
+ },
+ ["isosceles triangle apex angle"] = {
+ details = [[
+Sets the angle of the apex of the isosceles triangle.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/isosceles:triangle:apex:angle",
+ meta = "⟨angle⟩"
+ },
+ ["isosceles triangle stretches"] = {
+ details = [[
+By default ⟨boolean⟩ is `false`. This means, that when applying any
+minimum width or minimum height requirements, increasing the height will
+increase the width (and vice versa), in order to keep the apex angle the
+ \begin{tikzpicture}[paint/.style={draw=#1!75, fill=#1!20}]
+ \tikzset{every node/.style={isosceles triangle, draw, inner sep=0pt,
+ anchor=left corner, shape border rotate=90}}
+ \draw[help lines] grid(4,2);
+ \foreach \a/\c in {1.5/blue, 1/green, 0.5/red}{
+ \node[paint=\c, minimum height=\a cm] at (0,0) {};
+ \node[paint=\c, minimum width=\a cm] at (2,0) {};
+ }
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+However, by setting ⟨boolean⟩ to `true`, minimum width and height can be
+applied independently.
+ \begin{tikzpicture}[paint/.style={draw=#1!75, fill=#1!20}]
+ \tikzset{every node/.style={isosceles triangle, draw, inner sep=0pt,
+ anchor=south, shape border rotate=90, isosceles triangle stretches}}
+ \draw[help lines] grid(4,2);
+ \foreach \a/\c in {1.5/blue, 1/green, 0.5/red}{
+ \node[paint=\c, minimum height=\a cm, minimum width=1.5cm] at (0.75,0) {};
+ \node[paint=\c, minimum width=\a cm, minimum height=1.5cm] at (3,0) {};
+ }
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/isosceles:triangle:stretches",
+ meta = "⟨boolean⟩"
+ },
+ ["key filter handlers/append filtered to"] = {
+ details = [[
+Install this filter handler to append any unprocessed options to macro
+ \pgfkeys{/pgf/key filter handlers/append filtered to/.install key filter handler=\remainingoptions}
+ \def\remainingoptions{}
+ \pgfkeysfiltered{/my group/A1=a1, /my group/A2=a2,
+ /my group/B=b, /my group/C=c, /tikz/color=blue}
+ Remaining options: `\remainingoptions'.
+This example uses the same keys as defined in the intro section ??.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/key:filter:handlers/append:filtered:to",
+ meta = "{macro}"
+ },
+ ["key filter handlers/ignore"] = {
+ details = [[
+Install this filter handler if you simply want to ignore any unprocessed
+option. This is the default.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/key:filter:handlers/ignore"
+ },
+ ["key filter handlers/log"] = {
+ details = [[
+This key filter handler writes messages for any unprocessed option to
+your logfile (and terminal).
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/key:filter:handlers/log"
+ },
+ ["key filters/active families"] = {
+ details = [[
+Install this key filter if `\pgfkeysfiltered` should only process
+activated families. If a key does not belong to any family, it is not
+processed. If a key is completely unknown within the default path, the
+normal 'unknown' handlers of `\pgfkeys` are invoked.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/key:filters/active:families"
+ },
+ ["key filters/active families and known"] = {
+ details = [[
+A fast alias for
+`/pgf/key filters/active families or no family=`
+`{/pgf/keys filters/false}`
+`{/pgf/keys filters/false}`.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/key:filters/active:families:and:known"
+ },
+ ["key filters/active families or descendants of"] = {
+ details = [[
+A fast alias for
+`/pgf/key filters/active families or no family=`
+`{/pgf/keys filters/is descendant of=``{path prefix}``}`
+`{/pgf/keys filters/false}`.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/key:filters/active:families:or:descendants:of",
+ meta = "{path prefix}"
+ },
+ ["key filters/active families or no family"] = {
+ details = [[
+This key filter configures `\pgfkeysfiltered` to work as follows.
+1. If the current key belongs to a family, set
+ `\ifpgfkeysfiltercontinue` to true if and only if its family is
+ active.
+2. If the current key does *not* belong to a family, assign
+ `\ifpgfkeysfiltercontinue` as result of `{key filter 1}`.
+3. If the current key is unknown within the default path, assign
+ `\ifpgfkeysfiltercontinue` as result of `{key filter 2}`.
+The arguments `{key filter 1}` and `{key filter 2}` are other key
+filters (possibly with options) and allow fine-grained control over the
+filtering process.
+ \pgfkeysinstallkeyfilter
+ {/pgf/key filters/active families or no family}
+ {{/pgf/key filters/is descendant of=/tikz}% for keys without family
+ {/pgf/key filters/false}% for unknown keys
+ }%
+This key filter will return true for any option with active family. If
+an option has no family, the return value is true if and only if it
+belongs to `/tikz`. If the option is unknown, the return value is
+`false` and unknown handlers won't be called.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/key:filters/active:families:or:no:family",
+ meta = "{key filter 1}{key filter 2}"
+ },
+ ["key filters/active families or no family DEBUG"] = {
+ details = [[
+A variant of `active families or no family` which protocols each action
+on your terminal (log-file).
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/key:filters/active:families:or:no:family:DEBUG",
+ meta = "{key filter 1}{key filter 2}"
+ },
+ ["key filters/and"] = {
+ details = [[
+This key filter returns true if and only if both, `{key filter 1}` and
+`{key filter 2}` return true.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/key:filters/and",
+ meta = "{key filter 1}{key filter 2}"
+ },
+ ["key filters/defined"] = {
+ details = [[
+This key filter returns false if the current key is unknown, which
+avoids calling the unknown handlers.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/key:filters/defined"
+ },
+ ["key filters/equals"] = {
+ details = [[
+Install this key filter to process only the fully qualified option
+`{full key}`. The filter returns true for any unknown key or if the key
+equals `{full key}`.
+ \pgfkeys{
+ /group 1/A/.code={(A:#1)},
+ /group 1/B/.code={(B:#1)},
+ /pgf/key filters/equals/.install key filter=/group 1/A}
+ \pgfqkeysfiltered{/group 1}{A=a,B=b}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/key:filters/equals",
+ meta = "{full key}"
+ },
+ ["key filters/false"] = {
+ details = [[
+This key filter returns always false (including unknown keys).
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/key:filters/false"
+ },
+ ["key filters/is descendant of"] = {
+ details = [[
+Install this key filter to process only options belonging to the key
+tree ⟨path⟩. It returns true for every key whose key path is equal to
+⟨path⟩. It also returns true for any unknown key, that means unknown
+keys are processed using the standard unknown handlers of PGF.
+ \pgfkeys{
+ /group 1/A/.code={(A:#1)},
+ /group 1/foo/bar/B/.code={(B:#1)},
+ /group 2/C/.code={(C:#1)},
+ /pgf/key filters/is descendant of/.install key filter=/group 1}
+ \pgfkeysfiltered{/group 1/A=a,/group 1/foo/bar/B=b,/group 2/C=c}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/key:filters/is:descendant:of",
+ meta = "{path}"
+ },
+ ["key filters/not"] = {
+ details = [[
+This key filter logically inverts the result of `{key filter}`.
+ \pgfkeys{
+ /group 1/A/.code={(A:#1)},
+ /group 1/foo/bar/B/.code={(B:#1)},
+ /group 2/C/.code={(C:#1)},
+ /pgf/key filters/not/.install key filter=
+ {/pgf/key filters/is descendant of=/group 1}}
+ \pgfkeysfiltered{/group 1/A=a,/group 1/foo/bar/B=b,/group 2/C=c}
+Please note that unknown keys will be handed to the usual unknown
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/key:filters/not",
+ meta = "{key filter}"
+ },
+ ["key filters/or"] = {
+ details = [[
+This key filter returns true if one of `{key filter 1}` and
+`{key filter 2}` returns true.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/key:filters/or",
+ meta = "{key filter 1}{key filter 2}"
+ },
+ ["key filters/true"] = {
+ details = [[
+This key filter returns always true.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/key:filters/true"
+ },
+ ["kite lower vertex angle"] = {
+ details = [[
+Sets the lower internal angle of the kite.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/kite:lower:vertex:angle",
+ meta = "⟨angle⟩"
+ },
+ ["kite upper vertex angle"] = {
+ details = [[
+Sets the upper internal angle of the kite.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/kite:upper:vertex:angle",
+ meta = "⟨angle⟩"
+ },
+ ["kite vertex angles"] = {
+ details = [[
+This key sets the keys for both the upper and lower vertex angles (it
+stores no value itself). ⟨angle specification⟩ can be pair of angles in
+the form ⟨upper angle⟩ `and` ⟨lower angle⟩, or a single angle. In this
+latter case, both the upper and lower vertex angles will be the same.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/kite:vertex:angles",
+ meta = "⟨angle specification⟩"
+ },
+ ["l-system"] = {
+ details = [[
+A more compact version of the previous key.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/l-system",
+ meta = "{keys}"
+ },
+ ["lindenmayer system"] = {
+ details = [[
+This key changes the key path to `/pgf/lindenmayer systems` and executes
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/lindenmayer:system",
+ meta = "{keys}"
+ },
+ ["lindenmayer system/anchor"] = {
+ details = [[
+Be default, when this key is not used, the L-system will start from the
+last specified coordinate. By using this key, the L-system will be
+placed inside a special (rectangle) node which can be positioned using
+ \begin{tikzpicture}[l-system={step=1.75pt, order=5, angle=60}]
+ \pgfdeclarelindenmayersystem{Sierpinski triangle}{
+ \symbol{X}{\pgflsystemdrawforward}
+ \symbol{Y}{\pgflsystemdrawforward}
+ \rule{X -> Y-X-Y}
+ \rule{Y -> X+Y+X}
+ }
+ \draw [help lines] grid (3,2);
+ \draw [red] (0,0) l-system
+ [l-system={Sierpinski triangle, axiom=+++X, anchor=south west}];
+ \draw [blue] (3,2) l-system
+ [l-system={Sierpinski triangle, axiom=X, anchor=north east}];
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/lindenmayer:system/anchor",
+ meta = "⟨anchor⟩"
+ },
+ ["lindenmayer system/axiom"] = {
+ details = [[
+Sets the axiom (or input string) for the L-system.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/lindenmayer:system/axiom",
+ meta = "{string}"
+ },
+ ["lindenmayer system/left angle"] = {
+ details = [[
+This key sets the angle through which the L-system turns when it turns
+left. The value is stored in the TeX macro `\pgflsystemrleftangle`.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/lindenmayer:system/left:angle",
+ meta = "⟨angle⟩"
+ },
+ ["lindenmayer system/name"] = {
+ details = [[
+Sets the name for the L-system.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/lindenmayer:system/name",
+ meta = "{name}"
+ },
+ ["lindenmayer system/order"] = {
+ details = [[
+Sets the number of iterations the L-system will perform.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/lindenmayer:system/order",
+ meta = "{integer}"
+ },
+ ["lindenmayer system/randomize angle percent"] = {
+ details = [[
+If the angles are to be randomized, this key specifies by how much. The
+value is stored in the TeX macro `\pgflsystemrandomizeanglepercent`.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/lindenmayer:system/randomize:angle:percent",
+ meta = "⟨percentage⟩"
+ },
+ ["lindenmayer system/randomize step percent"] = {
+ details = [[
+If the step is to be randomized, this key specifies by how much. The
+value is stored in the TeX macro `\pgflsystemrandomizesteppercent`.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/lindenmayer:system/randomize:step:percent",
+ meta = "⟨percentage⟩"
+ },
+ ["lindenmayer system/right angle"] = {
+ details = [[
+This key sets the angle through which the L-system turns when it turns
+right. The value is stored in the TeX macro `\pgflsystemrrightangle`.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/lindenmayer:system/right:angle",
+ meta = "⟨angle⟩"
+ },
+ ["lindenmayer system/rule set"] = {
+ details = [[
+This key allows an (anonymous) L-system to be declared "on-line". There
+is, however, a restriction that only the default symbols can be used for
+drawing (empty symbols can still be used to control the growth of the
+system). The rules in ⟨list⟩ should be separated by commas.
+ \tikz[rotate=65]\draw [green!60!black] l-system
+ [l-system={rule set={F -> F[+F]F[-F]}, axiom=F, order=4, angle=25,step=3pt}];
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/lindenmayer:system/rule:set",
+ meta = "{list}"
+ },
+ ["lindenmayer system/step"] = {
+ details = [[
+How far the L-system moves forward if required. This key sets the TeX
+dimension `\pgflsystemstep`.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/lindenmayer:system/step",
+ meta = "⟨length⟩"
+ },
+ ["local bounding box"] = {
+ details = [[
+This defines a new node ⟨node name⟩ whose size is the bounding box
+around all objects in the current scope starting at the position where
+this option was given. After the end of the scope, the ⟨node name⟩ is
+still available. You can use this option to keep track of the size of a
+certain area. Note that excessive use of this option (keeping track of
+dozens of bounding boxes at the same time) will slow things down.
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \draw [help lines] (0,0) grid (3,2);
+ { [local bounding box=outer box]
+ \draw (1,1) circle (.5) [local bounding box=inner box] (2,2) circle (.5);
+ }
+ \draw (outer box.south west) rectangle (outer box.north east);
+ \draw[red] (inner box.south west) rectangle (inner box.north east);
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/local:bounding:box",
+ meta = "⟨node name⟩"
+ },
+ ["logic gate IEC symbol align"] = {
+ details = [[
+Set the alignment of the logic gate symbol (in TikZ, when the
+`use IEC style logic gates` key has been used, `IEC` can be omitted).
+The specification in ⟨align⟩ is a comma separated list from `top`,
+`bottom`, `left` or `right`. The distance between the border of the node
+and the outer edge of the symbol is determined by the values of the
+`inner xsep` and `inner ysep`.
+ \begin{tikzpicture}[minimum size=1cm, use IEC style logic gates]
+ \tikzset{every node/.style={nor gate, draw}}
+ \node (A) at (0,1.5) {};
+ \node [logic gate symbol align={bottom, right}] (B) at (0,0) {};
+ \foreach \g in {A, B}{
+ \foreach \i in {1,2}
+ \draw ([xshift=-0.5cm]\g.input \i) -- (\g.input \i);
+ \draw (\g.output) -- ([xshift=0.5cm]\g.output);
+ }
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/logic:gate:IEC:symbol:align",
+ meta = "⟨align⟩"
+ },
+ ["logic gate IEC symbol color"] = {
+ details = [[
+This key sets the color for all symbols simultaneously. This color can
+be overridden on a case by case basis by specifying a color when setting
+the symbol text.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/logic:gate:IEC:symbol:color",
+ meta = "⟨color⟩"
+ },
+ ["logic gate anchors use bounding box"] = {
+ details = [[
+When set to `true` this key will ensure that the compass point anchors
+use the bounding rectangle of the main shape, which, ignore any inverted
+inputs or outputs, but includes any `outer sep`. This *only* affects the
+compass point anchors and is not set on a shape by shape basis: whether
+the bounding box is used is determined by value of this key when the
+anchor is accessed.
+ \begin{tikzpicture}[minimum height=1.5cm]
+ \node[xnor gate US, draw, gray!50,line width=2pt] (A) {};
+ \foreach \x/\y/\z in {false/blue/1pt, true/red/2pt}
+ \foreach \a in {north, south, east, west, north east,
+ south east, north west, south west}
+ \draw[logic gate anchors use bounding box=\x, color=\y]
+ (A.\a) circle(\z);
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/logic:gate:anchors:use:bounding:box",
+ meta = "⟨boolean⟩"
+ },
+ ["logic gate input sep"] = {
+ details = [[
+Set the distance between the *centers* of the inputs to the logic gate.
+ \begin{tikzpicture}[minimum size=0.75cm]
+ \draw [help lines] grid (3,2);
+ \tikzset{every node/.style={shape=and gate IEC, draw, logic gate inputs=ini}}
+ \node[logic gate input sep=0.33333cm] at (1,1)(A) {A};
+ \node[logic gate input sep=0.5cm] at (3,1) (B) {B};
+ \foreach \a in {1,...,3}
+ \draw (A.input \a -| 0,0) -- (A.input \a)
+ (B.input \a -| 2,0) -- (B.input \a);
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/logic:gate:input:sep",
+ meta = "⟨length⟩"
+ },
+ ["logic gate inputs"] = {
+ details = [[
+\[logic-gate-inputs\] Specify the inputs for the logic gate. The keyword
+`inverted` indicates an inverted input which will mean PGF will draw a
+circle attached to the main shape of the logic gate. Any keyword that is
+not `inverted` will be treated as a "normal" or "non-inverted" input
+(however, for readability, you may wish to use `normal` or
+`non-inverted`), and PGF will not draw the circle. In both cases the
+anchors for the inputs will be set up appropriately, numbered from top
+to bottom `input 1`, `input 2`, ...and so on. If the gate only supports
+one input the anchor is simply called `input` with no numerical index.
+ \begin{tikzpicture}[minimum height=0.75cm]
+ \node[and gate IEC, draw, logic gate inputs={inverted, normal, inverted}]
+ (A) {};
+ \foreach \a in {1,...,3}
+ \draw (A.input \a -| -1,0) -- (A.input \a);
+ \draw (A.output) -- ([xshift=0.5cm]A.output);
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+For multiple inputs it may be somewhat unwieldy to specify a long list,
+thus, the following "shorthand" is permitted (this is an extension of
+ideas due to Jürgen Werber and Christoph Bartoschek): Using `i` for
+inverted and `n` for normal inputs, ⟨input list⟩ can be specified
+*without the commas*. So, for example, `ini` is equivalent to
+`inverted, normal, inverted`.
+ \begin{tikzpicture}[minimum height=0.75cm]
+ \node[or gate US, draw,logic gate inputs=inini] (A) {};
+ \foreach \a in {1,...,5}
+ \draw (A.input \a -| -1,0) -- (A.input \a);
+ \draw (A.output) -- ([xshift=0.5cm]A.output);
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/logic:gate:inputs",
+ meta = "⟨input list⟩"
+ },
+ ["logic gate inverted radius"] = {
+ details = [[
+Set the radius of the circle that is used to indicate inverted inputs.
+This is also the radius of the circle used for the inverted output of
+the `nand`, `nor`, `xnor` and `not` gates.
+ \begin{tikzpicture}[minimum height=0.75cm]
+ \tikzset{every node/.style={shape=nand gate CDH, draw, logic gate inputs=ii}}
+ \node[logic gate inverted radius=2pt] {A};
+ \node[logic gate inverted radius=4pt] at (0,-1) {B};
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/logic:gate:inverted:radius",
+ meta = "⟨length⟩"
+ },
+ ["magnetic tape tail"] = {
+ details = [[
+This key sets the thickness of the 'tail' to be ⟨proportion⟩ times the
+radius of the shape. The ⟨proportion⟩ should be between `0.0` and `1.0`.
+ \begin{tikzpicture}[every node/.style={magnetic tape, draw}]
+ \node [magnetic tape tail=0.5, magnetic tape tail extend=0.5cm] {A};
+ \node [magnetic tape tail=0.25] at (0,1) {B};
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/magnetic:tape:tail",
+ meta = "⟨proportion⟩"
+ },
+ ["magnetic tape tail extend"] = {
+ details = [[
+This key sets how far the tail extends beyond the radius of the tape.
+Negative values will be ignored.
+ \begin{tikzpicture}[every node/.style={magnetic tape, draw}]
+ \node [magnetic tape tail extend=0cm] at (0,0) {A};
+ \node [magnetic tape tail extend=0.25cm] at (0,1) {B};
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/magnetic:tape:tail:extend",
+ meta = "⟨distance⟩"
+ },
+ ["magnifying glass handle angle aspect"] = {
+ details = [[
+The length of the handle as a multiple of the circle radius.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/magnifying:glass:handle:angle:aspect",
+ meta = "⟨factor⟩"
+ },
+ ["magnifying glass handle angle fill"] = {
+ details = [[
+The angle of the handle.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/magnifying:glass:handle:angle:fill",
+ meta = "⟨degree⟩"
+ },
+ ["mark color"] = {
+ details = [[
+Defines the additional fill color for the `halfcircle`, `halfcircle*`,
+`halfdiamond*` and `halfsquare*` markers. An empty value uses `white`
+(which is the initial configuration). The special value `none` disables
+filling of the respective parts.
+Note that `halfsquare` will be filled with `mark color`, and the starred
+variant `halfsquare*` will be filled half with `mark color` and half
+with the actual `fill` color.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/mark:color",
+ meta = "{color}"
+ },
+ ["meta-decoration automaton/next state"] = {
+ details = [[
+After the code for a state has been executed, a state switch to ⟨new
+state⟩ is performed. If this option is not given, the next state is the
+same as the current state.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/meta-decoration:automaton/next:state",
+ meta = "⟨new state⟩"
+ },
+ ["meta-decoration automaton/switch if less than"] = {
+ details = [[
+This causes PGF to check whether the remaining distance to the end of
+the input path is less than ⟨dimension⟩, and, if so, to immediately
+switch to the state ⟨new state⟩. When this key is evaluated, the macro
+`\pgfmetadecoratedpathlength` will be defined as the total length of the
+decoration path, allowing for values such as
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/meta-decoration:automaton/switch:if:less:than",
+ meta = "⟨dimension⟩ to ⟨new state⟩"
+ },
+ ["meta-decoration automaton/width"] = {
+ details = [[
+As always, this option will cause an immediate switch to the state
+`final` if the remaining distance on the input path is less than
+Otherwise, this option tells PGF the width of the "meta-segment", that
+is, the length of the sub-input-path which the decoration automaton
+specified in ⟨code⟩ will decorate.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/meta-decoration:automaton/width",
+ meta = "⟨dimension⟩"
+ },
+ ["minimum height"] = {
+ details = [[
+Works like `/pgf/minimum width`.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/minimum:height",
+ meta = "⟨dimension⟩"
+ },
+ ["minimum size"] = {
+ details = [[
+This style both `/pgf/minimum width` and `/pgf/minimum height` to
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/minimum:size",
+ meta = "⟨dimension⟩"
+ },
+ ["minimum width"] = {
+ details = [[
+This key stores the *recommended* minimum width of a shape. Thus, when a
+shape is drawn and when the shape's width would be smaller than
+⟨dimension⟩, the shape's width is enlarged by adding some empty space.
+Note that this value is just a recommendation. A shape may choose to
+ignore this key.
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \draw[help lines] (-2,0) grid (2,1);
+ \pgfset{minimum width=3cm}
+ \pgfnode{rectangle}{center}{Hello World}{}{\pgfusepath{stroke}}
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/minimum:width",
+ meta = "⟨dimension⟩"
+ },
+ ["nand gate IEC symbol"] = {
+ details = [[
+Set the symbol for the `nand gate`. In TikZ, when the
+`use IEC style logic gates` key has been used, this key can be replaced
+by `nand gate symbol`.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/nand:gate:IEC:symbol",
+ meta = "⟨text⟩"
+ },
+ ["nor gate IEC symbol"] = {
+ details = [[
+Set the symbol for the `nor gate`. In TikZ, when the
+`use IEC style logic gates` key has been used, this key can be replaced
+by `nor gate symbol`.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/nor:gate:IEC:symbol",
+ meta = "⟨text⟩"
+ },
+ ["not gate IEC symbol"] = {
+ details = [[
+Set the symbol for the `not gate`. In TikZ, when the
+`use IEC style logic gates` key has been used, this key can be replaced
+by `not gate symbol`.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/not:gate:IEC:symbol",
+ meta = "⟨text⟩"
+ },
+ ["number format/1000 sep"] = {
+ details = [[
+Just another name for `set thousands separator`.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/number:format/1000:sep",
+ meta = "{text}"
+ },
+ ["number format/1000 sep in fractionals"] = {
+ details = [[
+Configures whether the fractional part should also be grouped into
+groups of three digits.
+The value `true` will active the `1000 sep` for both, integer and
+fractional parts. The value `false` will active `1000 sep` only for the
+integer part.
+ \pgfkeys{/pgf/number format/.cd,
+ fixed,
+ precision=999,
+ set thousands separator={\,},
+ 1000 sep in fractionals,
+ }
+ \pgfmathprintnumber{1234.1234567}
+ \pgfkeys{/pgf/number format/.cd,
+ fixed,fixed zerofill,
+ precision=9,
+ set thousands separator={\,},
+ 1000 sep in fractionals,
+ }
+ \pgfmathprintnumber{1234.1234567}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/number:format/1000:sep:in:fractionals",
+ meta = "{boolean}"
+ },
+ ["number format/\\protect\\atmarktext dec sep mark"] = {
+ details = [[
+Will be placed right before the place where a decimal separator belongs
+to. However, `{text}` will be inserted even if there is no decimal
+separator. It is intended as place-holder for auxiliary routines to find
+alignment positions.
+This key should never be used to change the decimal separator! Use
+`dec sep` instead.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/number:format/\\protect\\atmarktext:dec:sep:mark",
+ meta = "{text}"
+ },
+ ["number format/\\protect\\atmarktext sci exponent mark"] = {
+ details = [[
+Will be placed right before exponents in scientific notation. It is
+intended as place-holder for auxiliary routines to find alignment
+This key should never be used to change the exponent!
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/number:format/\\protect\\atmarktext:sci:exponent:mark",
+ meta = "{text}"
+ },
+ ["number format/assume math mode"] = {
+ details = [[
+Set this to `true` if you don't want any checks for math mode. The
+initial setting checks whether math mode is active using
+`\pgfutilensuremath` for each final number.
+Use `assume math mode=true` if you know that math mode is active. In
+that case, the final number is typeset as-is, no further checking is
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/number:format/assume:math:mode",
+ meta = "{boolean}"
+ },
+ ["number format/dec sep"] = {
+ details = [[
+Just another name for `set decimal separator`.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/number:format/dec:sep",
+ meta = "{text}"
+ },
+ ["number format/every relative"] = {
+ details = [[
+A style which configures how the `relative` method finally displays its
+The initial configuration is
+ \pgfkeys{/pgf/number format/every relative/.style=std}
+Note that rounding is turned off when the resulting style is being
+evaluated (since `relative` already rounded the number).
+Although supported, I discourage from using `fixed zerofill` or
+`sci zerofill` in this context -- it may lead to a suggestion of higher
+precision than is actually used (because `fixed zerofill` might simply
+add `.00` although there was a different information before `relative`
+rounded the result).
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/number:format/every:relative"
+ },
+ ["number format/fixed"] = {
+ details = [[
+Configures `\pgfmathprintnumber` to round the number to a fixed number
+of digits after the period, discarding any trailing zeros.
+ \pgfkeys{/pgf/number format/.cd,fixed,precision=2}
+ \pgfmathprintnumber{4.568}\hspace{1em}
+ \pgfmathprintnumber{5e-04}\hspace{1em}
+ \pgfmathprintnumber{0.1}\hspace{1em}
+ \pgfmathprintnumber{24415.98123}\hspace{1em}
+ \pgfmathprintnumber{123456.12345}
+See section ?? for how to change the appearance.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/number:format/fixed"
+ },
+ ["number format/fixed zerofill"] = {
+ details = [[
+Enables or disables zero filling for any number drawn in fixed point
+ \pgfkeys{/pgf/number format/.cd,fixed,fixed zerofill,precision=2}
+ \pgfmathprintnumber{4.568}\hspace{1em}
+ \pgfmathprintnumber{5e-04}\hspace{1em}
+ \pgfmathprintnumber{0.1}\hspace{1em}
+ \pgfmathprintnumber{24415.98123}\hspace{1em}
+ \pgfmathprintnumber{123456.12345}
+This key affects numbers drawn with `fixed` or `std` styles (the latter
+only if no scientific format is chosen).
+ \pgfkeys{/pgf/number format/.cd,std,fixed zerofill,precision=2}
+ \pgfmathprintnumber{4.568}\hspace{1em}
+ \pgfmathprintnumber{5e-05}\hspace{1em}
+ \pgfmathprintnumber{1}\hspace{1em}
+ \pgfmathprintnumber{123456.12345}
+See section ?? for how to change the appearance.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/number:format/fixed:zerofill",
+ meta = "{boolean}"
+ },
+ ["number format/frac"] = {
+ details = [[
+Displays numbers as fractionals.
+ \pgfkeys{/pgf/number format/frac}
+ \pgfmathprintnumber{0.333333333333333}\hspace{1em}
+ \pgfmathprintnumber{0.5}\hspace{1em}
+ \pgfmathprintnumber{2.133333333333325e-01}\hspace{1em}
+ \pgfmathprintnumber{0.12}\hspace{1em}
+ \pgfmathprintnumber{2.666666666666646e-02}\hspace{1em}
+ \pgfmathprintnumber{-1.333333333333334e-02}\hspace{1em}
+ \pgfmathprintnumber{7.200000000000000e-01}\hspace{1em}
+ \pgfmathprintnumber{6.666666666666667e-02}\hspace{1em}
+ \pgfmathprintnumber{1.333333333333333e-01}\hspace{1em}
+ \pgfmathprintnumber{-1.333333333333333e-02}\hspace{1em}
+ \pgfmathprintnumber{3.3333333}\hspace{1em}
+ \pgfmathprintnumber{1.2345}\hspace{1em}
+ \pgfmathprintnumber{1}\hspace{1em}
+ \pgfmathprintnumber{-6}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/number:format/frac"
+ },
+ ["number format/frac TeX"] = {
+ details = [[
+Allows to use a different implementation for `\frac` inside of the
+`frac` display type.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/number:format/frac:TeX",
+ meta = "{\\macro}"
+ },
+ ["number format/frac denom"] = {
+ details = [[
+Allows to provide a custom denominator for `frac`.
+ \pgfkeys{/pgf/number format/.cd,frac, frac denom=10}
+ \pgfmathprintnumber{0.1}\hspace{1em}
+ \pgfmathprintnumber{0.5}\hspace{1em}
+ \pgfmathprintnumber{1.2}\hspace{1em}
+ \pgfmathprintnumber{-0.6}\hspace{1em}
+ \pgfmathprintnumber{-1.4}\hspace{1em}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/number:format/frac:denom",
+ meta = "⟨int⟩"
+ },
+ ["number format/frac shift"] = {
+ details = [[
+In case you experience problems because of stability problems, try
+experimenting with a different `frac shift`. Higher shift values $k$
+yield higher sensitivity to inaccurate data or inaccurate arithmetics.
+Technically, the following happens. If $r < 1$ is the fractional part of
+the mantissa, then a scale $i = 1/r \cdot 10^k$ is computed where $k$ is
+the shift; fractional parts of $i$ are neglected. The value $1/r$ is
+computed internally, its error is amplified.
+If you still experience stability problems, use `\usepackage{fp}` in
+your preamble. The `frac` style will then automatically employ the
+higher absolute precision of `fp` for the computation of $1/r$.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/number:format/frac:shift",
+ meta = "{integer}"
+ },
+ ["number format/frac whole"] = {
+ details = [[
+Configures whether complete integer parts shall be placed in front of
+the fractional part. In this case, the fractional part will be less then
+$1$. Use `frac whole=false` to avoid whole number parts.
+ \pgfkeys{/pgf/number format/.cd,frac, frac whole=false}
+ \pgfmathprintnumber{20.1}\hspace{1em}
+ \pgfmathprintnumber{5.5}\hspace{1em}
+ \pgfmathprintnumber{1.2}\hspace{1em}
+ \pgfmathprintnumber{-5.6}\hspace{1em}
+ \pgfmathprintnumber{-1.4}\hspace{1em}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/number:format/frac:whole",
+ meta = "⟨true,false⟩"
+ },
+ ["number format/int detect"] = {
+ details = [[
+Configures `\pgfmathprintnumber` to detect integers automatically. If
+the input number is an integer, no period is displayed at all. If not,
+the scientific format is chosen.
+ \pgfkeys{/pgf/number format/.cd,int detect,precision=2}
+ \pgfmathprintnumber{15}\hspace{1em}
+ \pgfmathprintnumber{20}\hspace{1em}
+ \pgfmathprintnumber{20.4}\hspace{1em}
+ \pgfmathprintnumber{0.01}\hspace{1em}
+ \pgfmathprintnumber{0}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/number:format/int:detect"
+ },
+ ["number format/int trunc"] = {
+ details = [[
+Truncates every number to integers (discards any digit after the
+ \pgfkeys{/pgf/number format/.cd,int trunc}
+ \pgfmathprintnumber{4.568}\hspace{1em}
+ \pgfmathprintnumber{5e-04}\hspace{1em}
+ \pgfmathprintnumber{0.1}\hspace{1em}
+ \pgfmathprintnumber{24415.98123}\hspace{1em}
+ \pgfmathprintnumber{123456.12345}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/number:format/int:trunc"
+ },
+ ["number format/min exponent for 1000 sep"] = {
+ details = [[
+Defines the smallest exponent in scientific notation which is required
+to draw thousand separators. The exponent is the number of digits minus
+one, so $⟨number⟩=4$ will use thousand separators starting with $1e4 =
+ 10000$.
+ \pgfkeys{/pgf/number format/.cd,
+ int detect,
+ 1000 sep={\,},
+ min exponent for 1000 sep=0}
+ \pgfmathprintnumber{5000}; \pgfmathprintnumber{1000000}
+ \pgfkeys{/pgf/number format/.cd,
+ int detect,
+ 1000 sep={\,},
+ min exponent for 1000 sep=4}
+ \pgfmathprintnumber{1000}; \pgfmathprintnumber{5000}
+ \pgfkeys{/pgf/number format/.cd,
+ int detect,
+ 1000 sep={\,},
+ min exponent for 1000 sep=4}
+ \pgfmathprintnumber{10000}; \pgfmathprintnumber{1000000}
+A value of `0` disables this feature (negative values are ignored).
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/number:format/min:exponent:for:1000:sep",
+ meta = "{number}"
+ },
+ ["number format/precision"] = {
+ details = [[
+Sets the desired rounding precision for any display operation. For
+scientific format, this affects the mantissa.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/number:format/precision",
+ meta = "{number}"
+ },
+ ["number format/print sign"] = {
+ details = [[
+A style which is simply an alias for `showpos=``{boolean}`.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/number:format/print:sign",
+ meta = "{boolean}"
+ },
+ ["number format/read comma as period"] = {
+ details = [[
+This is one of the few keys which allows to customize the number parser.
+If this switch is turned on, a comma is read just as a period.
+ \pgfkeys{/pgf/number format/read comma as period}
+ \pgfmathprintnumber{1234,56}
+This is typically undesired as it can cause side-effects with math
+parsing instructions. However, it is supported to format input numbers
+or input tables. Consider `use comma` to typeset the result with a comma
+as well.
+ \pgfkeys{/pgf/number format/.cd,
+ read comma as period,
+ use comma}
+ \pgfmathprintnumber{1234,56}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/number:format/read:comma:as:period",
+ meta = "⟨true,false⟩"
+ },
+ ["number format/relative style"] = {
+ details = [[
+The same as `every relative/.append style=``{options}`.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/number:format/relative:style",
+ meta = "{options}"
+ },
+ ["number format/retain unit mantissa"] = {
+ details = [[
+Allows to omit a unit mantissa.
+ \pgfkeys{
+ /pgf/number format/.cd,
+ sci, retain unit mantissa=false}
+ \pgfmathprintnumber{10.5};
+ \pgfmathprintnumber{10};
+ \pgfmathprintnumber{1010};
+ \pgfmathprintnumber[precision=1]{-1010};
+The feature is applied after rounding to the desired precision: if the
+remaining mantissa is equal to $1$, it will be omitted. It applies to
+all styles involving the scientific format (including `std`).
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/number:format/retain:unit:mantissa",
+ meta = "⟨true,false⟩"
+ },
+ ["number format/sci"] = {
+ details = [[
+Configures `\pgfmathprintnumber` to display numbers in scientific
+format, that means sign, mantissa and exponent (basis $10$). The
+mantissa is rounded to the desired `precision` (or `sci precision`, see
+ \pgfkeys{/pgf/number format/.cd,sci,precision=2}
+ \pgfmathprintnumber{4.568}\hspace{1em}
+ \pgfmathprintnumber{5e-04}\hspace{1em}
+ \pgfmathprintnumber{0.1}\hspace{1em}
+ \pgfmathprintnumber{24415.98123}\hspace{1em}
+ \pgfmathprintnumber{123456.12345}
+See section ?? for how to change the exponential display style.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/number:format/sci"
+ },
+ ["number format/sci 10\\textasciicircum e"] = {
+ details = [[
+The same as '`sci 10e`'.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/number:format/sci:10\\textasciicircum:e"
+ },
+ ["number format/sci 10e"] = {
+ details = [[
+Uses $m \cdot 10^e$ for any number displayed in scientific format.
+ \pgfkeys{/pgf/number format/.cd,sci,sci 10e}
+ \pgfmathprintnumber{12.345}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/number:format/sci:10e"
+ },
+ ["number format/sci E"] = {
+ details = [[
+The same with an uppercase '`E`'.
+ \pgfkeys{/pgf/number format/.cd,sci,sci E}
+ \pgfmathprintnumber{12.345}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/number:format/sci:E"
+ },
+ ["number format/sci e"] = {
+ details = [[
+Uses the '$1e{+}0$' format which is generated by common scientific tools
+for any number displayed in scientific format.
+ \pgfkeys{/pgf/number format/.cd,sci,sci e}
+ \pgfmathprintnumber{12.345}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/number:format/sci:e"
+ },
+ ["number format/sci generic"] = {
+ details = [[
+Allows to define an own number style for the scientific format. Here,
+⟨keys⟩ can be one of the following choices (omit the long key prefix):
+ \pgfkeys{
+ /pgf/number format/.cd,
+ sci,
+ sci generic={mantissa sep=\times,exponent={10^{#1}}}}
+ \pgfmathprintnumber{12.345};
+ \pgfmathprintnumber{0.00012345}
+The ⟨keys⟩ can depend on three parameters, namely on `# 1` which is the
+exponent, `# 2` containing the flags entity of the floating point number
+and `# 3` is the (unprocessed and unformatted) mantissa.
+Note that `sci generic` is *not* suitable to modify the appearance of
+fixed point numbers, nor can it be used to format the mantissa (which is
+typeset like fixed point numbers). Use `dec sep`, `1000 sep` and
+`print sign` to customize the mantissa.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/number:format/sci:generic",
+ meta = "{keys}"
+ },
+ ["number format/sci generic/exponent"] = {
+ details = [[
+Provides text to format the exponent. The actual exponent is available
+as argument `# 1` (see below).
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/number:format/sci:generic/exponent",
+ meta = "{text}"
+ },
+ ["number format/sci generic/mantissa sep"] = {
+ details = [[
+Provides the separator between a mantissa and the exponent. It might be
+`\cdot`, for example,
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/number:format/sci:generic/mantissa:sep",
+ meta = "{text}"
+ },
+ ["number format/sci precision"] = {
+ details = [[
+Sets the desired rounding precision only for `sci` styles.
+Use `sci precision={}` to restore the initial configuration (which uses
+the argument provided to `precision` for all number styles).
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/number:format/sci:precision",
+ meta = "⟨number or empty⟩"
+ },
+ ["number format/sci subscript"] = {
+ details = [[
+Typesets the exponent as subscript for any number displayed in
+scientific format. This style requires very little space.
+ \pgfkeys{/pgf/number format/.cd,sci,sci subscript}
+ \pgfmathprintnumber{12.345}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/number:format/sci:subscript"
+ },
+ ["number format/sci superscript"] = {
+ details = [[
+Typesets the exponent as superscript for any number displayed in
+scientific format. This style requires very little space.
+ \pgfkeys{/pgf/number format/.cd,sci,sci superscript}
+ \pgfmathprintnumber{12.345}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/number:format/sci:superscript"
+ },
+ ["number format/sci zerofill"] = {
+ details = [[
+Enables or disables zero filling for any number drawn in scientific
+ \pgfkeys{/pgf/number format/.cd,sci,sci zerofill,precision=2}
+ \pgfmathprintnumber{4.568}\hspace{1em}
+ \pgfmathprintnumber{5e-04}\hspace{1em}
+ \pgfmathprintnumber{0.1}\hspace{1em}
+ \pgfmathprintnumber{24415.98123}\hspace{1em}
+ \pgfmathprintnumber{123456.12345}
+As with `fixed zerofill`, this option does only affect numbers drawn in
+`sci` format (or `std` if the scientific format is chosen).
+See section ?? for how to change the exponential display style.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/number:format/sci:zerofill",
+ meta = "{boolean}"
+ },
+ ["number format/set decimal separator"] = {
+ details = [[
+Assigns `{text}` as decimal separator for any fixed point numbers
+(including the mantissa in sci format).
+Use `\pgfkeysgetvalue{/pgf/number format/set decimal separator}\value`
+to get the current separator into `\value`.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/number:format/set:decimal:separator",
+ meta = "{text}"
+ },
+ ["number format/set thousands separator"] = {
+ details = [[
+Assigns `{text}` as thousands separator for any fixed point numbers
+(including the mantissa in sci format).
+ \pgfkeys{/pgf/number format/.cd,
+ fixed,
+ fixed zerofill,
+ precision=2,
+ set thousands separator={}}
+ \pgfmathprintnumber{1234.56}
+ \pgfkeys{/pgf/number format/.cd,
+ fixed,
+ fixed zerofill,
+ precision=2,
+ set thousands separator={}}
+ \pgfmathprintnumber{1234567890}
+ \pgfkeys{/pgf/number format/.cd,
+ fixed,
+ fixed zerofill,
+ precision=2,
+ set thousands separator={.}}
+ \pgfmathprintnumber{1234567890}
+ \pgfkeys{/pgf/number format/.cd,
+ fixed,
+ fixed zerofill,
+ precision=2,
+ set thousands separator={,}}
+ \pgfmathprintnumber{1234567890}
+ \pgfkeys{/pgf/number format/.cd,
+ fixed,
+ fixed zerofill,
+ precision=2,
+ set thousands separator={{{,}}}}
+ \pgfmathprintnumber{1234567890}
+The last example employs commas and disables the default comma-spacing.
+Use `\pgfkeysgetvalue{/pgf/number format/set thousands separator}\value`
+to get the current separator into `\value`.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/number:format/set:thousands:separator",
+ meta = "{text}"
+ },
+ ["number format/showpos"] = {
+ details = [[
+Enables or disables the display of plus signs for non-negative numbers.
+ \pgfkeys{/pgf/number format/showpos}
+ \pgfmathprintnumber{12.345}
+ \pgfkeys{/pgf/number format/showpos=false}
+ \pgfmathprintnumber{12.345}
+ \pgfkeys{/pgf/number format/.cd,showpos,sci}
+ \pgfmathprintnumber{12.345}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/number:format/showpos",
+ meta = "{boolean}"
+ },
+ ["number format/skip 0."] = {
+ details = [[
+Configures whether numbers like $0.1$ shall be typeset as $.1$ or not.
+ \pgfkeys{/pgf/number format/.cd,
+ fixed,
+ fixed zerofill,precision=2,
+ skip 0.}
+ \pgfmathprintnumber{0.56}
+ \pgfkeys{/pgf/number format/.cd,
+ fixed,
+ fixed zerofill,precision=2,
+ skip 0.=false}
+ \pgfmathprintnumber{0.56}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/number:format/skip:0.",
+ meta = "{boolean}"
+ },
+ ["number format/use comma"] = {
+ details = [[
+A predefined style which installs commas "`,`" as decimal separators and
+periods "`.`" as thousands separators.
+ \pgfkeys{/pgf/number format/.cd,fixed,precision=2,use comma}
+ \pgfmathprintnumber{12.3456}
+ \pgfkeys{/pgf/number format/.cd,fixed,precision=2,use comma}
+ \pgfmathprintnumber{1234.56}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/number:format/use:comma"
+ },
+ ["number format/use period"] = {
+ details = [[
+A predefined style which installs periods "`.`" as decimal separators
+and commas "`,`" as thousands separators. This style is the default.
+ \pgfkeys{/pgf/number format/.cd,fixed,precision=2,use period}
+ \pgfmathprintnumber{12.3456}
+ \pgfkeys{/pgf/number format/.cd,fixed,precision=2,use period}
+ \pgfmathprintnumber{1234.56}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/number:format/use:period"
+ },
+ ["number format/verbatim"] = {
+ details = [[
+A style which configures the number printer to produce verbatim text
+output, i.e., it doesn't contain TeX macros.
+ \pgfkeys{
+ /pgf/fpu,
+ /pgf/number format/.cd,
+ sci,
+ verbatim}
+ \pgfmathprintnumber{12.345};
+ \pgfmathprintnumber{0.00012345};
+ \pgfmathparse{exp(15)}
+ \pgfmathprintnumber{\pgfmathresult}
+The style resets `1000 sep`, `dec sep`, `print sign`, `skip 0.` and sets
+`assume math mode`. Furthermore, it installs a `sci generic` format for
+verbatim output of scientific numbers.
+However, it will still respect `precision`, `fixed zerofill`,
+`sci zerofill` and the overall styles `fixed`, `sci`, `int detect` (and
+their variants). It might be useful if you intend to write output files.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/number:format/verbatim"
+ },
+ ["number format/zerofill"] = {
+ details = [[
+Sets both `fixed zerofill` and `sci zerofill` at once.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/number:format/zerofill",
+ meta = "{boolean}"
+ },
+ ["or gate IEC symbol"] = {
+ details = [[
+Set the symbol for the `or gate`. In TikZ, when the
+`use IEC style logic gates` key has been used, this key can be replaced
+by `or gate symbol`.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/or:gate:IEC:symbol",
+ meta = "⟨text⟩"
+ },
+ ["outer sep"] = {
+ details = [[
+This option adds an additional (invisible) separation space of
+⟨dimension⟩ outside the background path. The main effect of this option
+is that all anchors will move a little "to the outside".
+For those familiar with CSS, this is same as *margin*.
+The default for this option is half the line width. When the default is
+used and when the background path is draw, the anchors will lie exactly
+on the "outside border" of the path (not on the path itself).
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \draw[line width=5pt]
+ (0,0) node[fill=yellow!80!black] (f) {filled}
+ (2,0) node[draw] (d) {drawn}
+ (1,-2) node[draw,scale=2] (s) {scaled};
+ \draw[->] (1,-1) -- (f);
+ \draw[->] (1,-1) -- (d);
+ \draw[->] (1,-1) -- (s);
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+As the above example demonstrates, the standard settings for the outer
+sep are not always "correct". First, when a shape is filled, but not
+drawn, the outer sep should actually be `0`. Second, when a node is
+scaled, for instance by a factor of 5, the outer separation also gets
+scaled by a factor of 5, while the line width stays at its original
+width; again causing problems.
+In such cases, you can say `outer sep=auto` to make TikZ *try* to
+compensate for the effects described above. This is done by, firstly,
+setting the outer sep to `0` when no drawing is done and, secondly,
+setting the outer separations to half the line width (as before) times
+two adjustment factors, one for the horizontal separations and one for
+the vertical separations (see Section ?? for details on these factors).
+Note, however, that these factors can compensate only for
+transformations that are either scalings plus rotations or scalings with
+different magnitudes in the horizontal and the vertical direction. If
+you apply slanting, the factors will only approximate the correct
+In general, it is a good idea to say `outer sep=auto` at some early
+stage. It is not the default mainly for compatibility with earlier
+ \begin{tikzpicture}[outer sep=auto]
+ \draw[line width=5pt]
+ (0,0) node[fill=yellow!80!black] (f) {filled}
+ (2,0) node[draw] (d) {drawn}
+ (1,-2) node[draw,scale=2] (s) {scaled};
+ \draw[->] (1,-1) -- (f);
+ \draw[->] (1,-1) -- (d);
+ \draw[->] (1,-1) -- (s);
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/outer:sep",
+ meta = "⟨dimension or ``auto''⟩"
+ },
+ ["outer xsep"] = {
+ details = [[
+This key stores the recommended horizontal separation between the
+background path and the "outer anchors". For example, if ⟨dimension⟩ is
+`1cm` then the `east` anchor will be 1cm to the right of the right
+border of the background path. As before, this value is just a
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \draw[help lines] (-2,0) grid (2,1);
+ \pgfset{outer xsep=.5cm}
+ \pgfnode{rectangle}{center}{Hello World}{x}{\pgfusepath{stroke}}
+ \pgfpathcircle{\pgfpointanchor{x}{north}}{2pt}
+ \pgfpathcircle{\pgfpointanchor{x}{south}}{2pt}
+ \pgfpathcircle{\pgfpointanchor{x}{east}}{2pt}
+ \pgfpathcircle{\pgfpointanchor{x}{west}}{2pt}
+ \pgfpathcircle{\pgfpointanchor{x}{north east}}{2pt}
+ \pgfusepath{fill}
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/outer:xsep",
+ meta = "⟨dimension⟩"
+ },
+ ["outer ysep"] = {
+ details = [[
+Works like `/pgf/outer xsep`.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/outer:ysep",
+ meta = "⟨dimension⟩"
+ },
+ ["pattern keys/angle"] = {
+ details = [[
+By default the stars are arranged on a regular grid. The whole pattern
+is rotated by this angle. The rotation angle is measured in the
+mathematically positive sense.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/pattern:keys/angle"
+ },
+ ["pattern keys/distance"] = {
+ details = [[
+Distance between stars.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/pattern:keys/distance"
+ },
+ ["pattern keys/line width"] = {
+ details = [[
+Thickness of the lines.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/pattern:keys/line:width"
+ },
+ ["pattern keys/points"] = {
+ details = [[
+Number of pointy ends of the stars.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/pattern:keys/points"
+ },
+ ["pattern keys/radius"] = {
+ details = [[
+Outer radius of the enclosing circle of the stars.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/pattern:keys/radius"
+ },
+ ["pattern keys/xshift"] = {
+ details = [[
+Shifts the whole pattern in $x$-direction (before applying the
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/pattern:keys/xshift"
+ },
+ ["pattern keys/yshift"] = {
+ details = [[
+Shifts the whole pattern in $y$-direction (before applying the
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/pattern:keys/yshift"
+ },
+ ["patterns/bottom left"] = {
+ details = [[
+Bottom left corner of the pattern's bounding box,
+e.g. `\pgfqpoint{-.1pt}{-.1pt}`.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/patterns/bottom:left",
+ meta = "⟨pgfpoint⟩"
+ },
+ ["patterns/code"] = {
+ details = [[
+The code should be PGF code that can be protocolled. It should not
+contain any color code or nodes.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/patterns/code",
+ meta = "⟨code⟩"
+ },
+ ["patterns/defaults"] = {
+ details = [[
+This list holds default assignments to the parameters passed to the
+pattern. The default keys can then be found under the
+`/pgf/pattern keys/` prefix.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/patterns/defaults",
+ meta = "⟨comma separated list⟩"
+ },
+ ["patterns/name"] = {
+ details = [[
+The name of the pattern by which it can be used later on.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/patterns/name",
+ meta = "⟨name⟩"
+ },
+ ["patterns/parameters"] = {
+ details = [[
+A list of parameters that are passed to the pattern. This is usually a
+list of TeX macros. It is very important that these macros are fully
+expandable because the values they hold are being used for deduplication
+in the PDF file.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/patterns/parameters",
+ meta = "⟨comma separated list⟩"
+ },
+ ["patterns/set up code"] = {
+ details = [[
+This code can be set if parameters have to be preprocessed before the
+actual pattern code can be run.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/patterns/set:up:code",
+ meta = "⟨code⟩"
+ },
+ ["patterns/tile size"] = {
+ details = [[
+Width and height of a single of the pattern as a PGF point
+specification, i.e. the $x$ coordinate is the width and the $y$
+specification, i.e. the $x$ coordinate is the width and the $y$
+coordinate is the height, e.g. `\pgfqpoint{3pt}{3pt}`.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/patterns/tile:size",
+ meta = "⟨pgfpoint⟩"
+ },
+ ["patterns/tile transformation"] = {
+ details = [[
+A PGF transformation, e.g. `\pgftransformrotate{30}`.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/patterns/tile:transformation",
+ meta = "⟨pgftransformation⟩"
+ },
+ ["patterns/top right"] = {
+ details = [[
+Top right corner of the pattern's bounding box,
+e.g. `\pgfqpoint{3.1pt}{3.1pt}`.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/patterns/top:right",
+ meta = "⟨pgfpoint⟩"
+ },
+ ["patterns/type"] = {
+ details = [[
+The type of the pattern maps to what was called "form only" and
+"inherently colored" in the language of the normal patterns. The
+available choices are:
+- `uncolored` the pattern will obey the surrounding color.
+- `colored` the pattern will have an intrinsic color.
+- `form only` synonym for `uncolored`
+- `inherently colored` synonym for `colored`
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/patterns/type",
+ meta = "⟨type⟩"
+ },
+ ["patterns/x"] = {
+ details = [[
+Unit vector of the coordinate system in the $x$-direction.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/patterns/x",
+ meta = "⟨dimension⟩"
+ },
+ ["patterns/y"] = {
+ details = [[
+Unit vector of the coordinate system in the $y$-direction.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/patterns/y",
+ meta = "⟨dimension⟩"
+ },
+ ["plot/gnuplot call"] = {
+ details = [[
+This key can be used to change the way gnuplot is called.
+Some portable MiKTeX distribution needs something like the following.
+ \pgfkeys{/pgf/plot/gnuplot call="/Programs/gnuplot/binary/gnuplot"}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/plot/gnuplot:call",
+ meta = "⟨gnuplot invocation⟩"
+ },
+ ["random starburst"] = {
+ details = [[
+Sets the seed for the random number generator for creating the
+starburst. The maximum value for ⟨integer⟩ is `16383`. If ⟨integer⟩`=0`,
+the random number generator will not be used, and the maximum point
+height will be used for all outer points. If ⟨integer⟩ is omitted, a
+seed will be randomly chosen.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/random:starburst",
+ meta = "⟨integer⟩"
+ },
+ ["rectangle split allocate boxes"] = {
+ details = [[
+This key checks if ⟨number⟩ boxes have been allocated, and if not, it
+allocates the required boxes using `\newbox` (some "magic" is performed
+to get around the fact that `\newbox` is declared `\outer` in plain
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/rectangle:split:allocate:boxes",
+ meta = "⟨number⟩"
+ },
+ ["rectangle split draw splits"] = {
+ details = [[
+Sets whether the line or lines between node parts will be drawn.
+Internally, this sets the TeX-if `\ifpgfrectanglesplitdrawsplits`
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/rectangle:split:draw:splits",
+ meta = "⟨boolean⟩"
+ },
+ ["rectangle split empty part depth"] = {
+ details = [[
+Sets the default depth for a node part box if it is empty and empty
+parts are not ignored.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/rectangle:split:empty:part:depth",
+ meta = "⟨length⟩"
+ },
+ ["rectangle split empty part height"] = {
+ details = [[
+Sets the default height for a node part box if it is empty and empty
+parts are not ignored.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/rectangle:split:empty:part:height",
+ meta = "⟨length⟩"
+ },
+ ["rectangle split empty part width"] = {
+ details = [[
+Sets the default width for a node part box if it is empty and empty
+parts are not ignored.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/rectangle:split:empty:part:width",
+ meta = "⟨length⟩"
+ },
+ ["rectangle split horizontal"] = {
+ details = [[
+This key determines whether the rectangle is split horizontally or
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/rectangle:split:horizontal",
+ meta = "⟨boolean⟩"
+ },
+ ["rectangle split ignore empty parts"] = {
+ details = [[
+When ⟨boolean⟩ is true, PGF will ignore any part that is empty *except
+the text part*. This effectively overrides the `rectangle split parts`
+key in that, if 3 parts (for example) are specified, but one is empty,
+only two will be shown.
+ \begin{tikzpicture}[every node/.style={draw, anchor=text, rectangle split,
+ rectangle split parts=3}]
+ \node {text \nodepart{second} \nodepart{third}third};
+ \node [rectangle split ignore empty parts] at (2,0)
+ {text \nodepart{second} \nodepart{third}third};
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/rectangle:split:ignore:empty:parts",
+ meta = "⟨boolean⟩"
+ },
+ ["rectangle split part align"] = {
+ details = [[
+Sets the alignment of the boxes inside the node parts. Each item in
+⟨list⟩ should be separated by commas (so if there is more than one item
+in ⟨list⟩, it must be surrounded by braces).
+When the rectangle is split vertically, the entries in ⟨list⟩ must be
+one of `left`, `right`, or `center`. If ⟨list⟩ has less entries than
+node parts then the remaining boxes are aligned according to the last
+entry in the list. Note that this only aligns the boxes in each part and
+*does not* affect the alignment of the contents of the boxes.
+ \def\x{one \nodepart{two} 2 \nodepart{three} three \nodepart{four} 4}
+ \begin{tikzpicture}[
+ every node/.style={rectangle split, rectangle split parts=4,
+ draw}
+ ]
+ \node[rectangle split part align={center, left, right}] at (0,0) {\x};
+ \node[rectangle split part align={center, left}] at (1.25,0) {\x};
+ \node[rectangle split part align={center}] at (2.5,0) {\x};
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+When the rectangle is split horizontally, the entries in ⟨list⟩ must be
+one of `top`, `bottom`, `center` or `base`. Note that using the value
+`base` will only make sense if all the node part boxes are being aligned
+in this way. This is because the `base` value aligns the boxes in
+relation to each other, whereas the other values align the boxes in
+relation to the part of the shape they occupy.
+ \def\x{\Large w\nodepart{two}x\nodepart{three}\Huge y\nodepart{four}\tiny z}
+ \begin{tikzpicture}[
+ every node/.style={rectangle split, rectangle split parts=4,
+ draw, rectangle split horizontal}
+ ]
+ \node[rectangle split part align={center, top, bottom}] at (0,0) {\x};
+ \node[rectangle split part align={center, top}] at (0,-1.25) {\x};
+ \node[rectangle split part align={center}] at (0,-2.5) {\x};
+ \node[rectangle split part align=base] at (0,-3.75) {\x};
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/rectangle:split:part:align",
+ meta = "{⟨list⟩}"
+ },
+ ["rectangle split part fill"] = {
+ details = [[
+Sets the custom fill color for each node part shape. The items in ⟨list⟩
+should be separated by commas (so if there is more than one item in
+⟨list⟩, it must be surrounded by braces). If ⟨list⟩ has less entries
+than node parts, then the remaining node parts use the color from the
+last entry in the list. This key will automatically set
+`/pgf/rectangle split use custom fill`.
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \tikzset{every node/.style={rectangle split, draw, minimum width=.5cm}}
+ \node[rectangle split part fill={red!50, green!50, blue!50, yellow!50}] {};
+ \node[rectangle split part fill={red!50, green!50, blue!50}] at (0.75,0) {};
+ \node[rectangle split part fill={red!50, green!50}] at (1.5,0) {};
+ \node[rectangle split part fill={red!50}] at (2.25,0) {};
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/rectangle:split:part:fill",
+ meta = "{⟨list⟩}"
+ },
+ ["rectangle split parts"] = {
+ details = [[
+Split the rectangle into ⟨number⟩ parts, which should be in the range
+`1` to `20`. If more than four parts are needed, the boxes should be
+allocated in advance as described above.
+ \begin{tikzpicture}[every text node part/.style={align=center}]
+ \node[rectangle split, rectangle split parts=3, draw, text width=2.75cm]
+ {Student
+ \nodepart{two}
+ age:int \\
+ name:String
+ \nodepart{three}
+ getAge():int \\
+ getName():String};
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/rectangle:split:parts",
+ meta = "⟨number⟩"
+ },
+ ["rectangle split use custom fill"] = {
+ details = [[
+This enables the use of a custom fill for each of the node parts
+(including the area covered by the `inner sep`). The background path for
+the shape should not be filled (e.g., in TikZ, the `fill` option for the
+node must be implicity or explicitly set to `none`). Internally, this
+key sets the TeX-if `\ifpgfrectanglesplitusecustomfill` appropriately.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/rectangle:split:use:custom:fill",
+ meta = "⟨boolean⟩"
+ },
+ ["regular polygon sides"] = {
+ details = [[
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/regular:polygon:sides",
+ meta = "⟨integer⟩"
+ },
+ ["rounded rectangle arc length"] = {
+ details = [[
+Sets the length of the arcs for the rounded ends. Recommended values for
+⟨angle⟩ are between `90` and `180`.
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \matrix[row sep=5pt, every node/.style={draw, rounded rectangle}]{
+ \node[rounded rectangle arc length=180] {180}; \\
+ \node[rounded rectangle arc length=120] {120}; \\
+ \node[rounded rectangle arc length=90] {90}; \\};
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/rounded:rectangle:arc:length",
+ meta = "⟨angle⟩"
+ },
+ ["rounded rectangle east arc"] = {
+ details = [[
+Sets the style of the rounding for the east side.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/rounded:rectangle:east:arc",
+ meta = "⟨arc type⟩"
+ },
+ ["rounded rectangle left arc"] = {
+ details = [[
+Alternative key for specifying the west arc.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/rounded:rectangle:left:arc",
+ meta = "⟨arc type⟩"
+ },
+ ["rounded rectangle right arc"] = {
+ details = [[
+Alternative key for specifying the east arc.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/rounded:rectangle:right:arc",
+ meta = "⟨arc type⟩"
+ },
+ ["rounded rectangle west arc"] = {
+ details = [[
+Sets the style of the rounding for the left side. The permitted values
+for ⟨arc type⟩ are `concave`, `convex`, or `none`.
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \matrix[row sep=5pt, every node/.style={draw, rounded rectangle}]{
+ \node[rounded rectangle west arc=concave] {Concave}; \\
+ \node[rounded rectangle west arc=convex] {Convex}; \\
+ \node[rounded rectangle left arc=none] {None}; \\};
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/rounded:rectangle:west:arc",
+ meta = "⟨arc type⟩"
+ },
+ ["shape aspect"] = {
+ details = [[
+Sets a desired aspect ratio for the shape. For the `diamond` shape, this
+option sets the ratio between width and height of the shape.
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \draw (0,0) node[shape aspect=1,diamond,draw] {aspect 1};
+ \draw (0,-2) node[shape aspect=2,diamond,draw] {aspect 2};
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/shape:aspect",
+ meta = "⟨aspect ratio⟩"
+ },
+ ["shape border rotate"] = {
+ details = [[
+Rotates the border of a shape independently of the node contents, but in
+addition to any other transformations. If the shape border is not
+constructed using the incircle, the rotation will be rounded to the
+nearest integer multiple of 90 degrees when the shape is drawn.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/shape:border:rotate",
+ meta = "⟨angle⟩"
+ },
+ ["shape border uses incircle"] = {
+ details = [[
+Determines if the border of a shape is constructed using the incircle.
+If no value is given ⟨boolean⟩ will take the default value `true`.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/shape:border:uses:incircle",
+ meta = "⟨boolean⟩"
+ },
+ ["signal from"] = {
+ details = [[
+Sets which sides take an inward pointer (i.e., that points towards the
+center of the shape). The possible values for ⟨direction⟩ and ⟨opposite
+direction⟩ are the compass point directions `north`, `south`, `east` and
+`west` (or `above`, `below`, `right` and `left`). An additional keyword
+`nowhere` can be used to reset the sides so they have no pointers. When
+used with `signal from` key, this only resets inward pointers; used with
+the `signal to` key, it only resets outward pointers.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/signal:from",
+ meta = "⟨direction⟩ and ⟨opposite direction⟩"
+ },
+ ["signal pointer angle"] = {
+ details = [[
+Sets the angle for the pointed sides of the shape. This angle is
+maintained when enforcing any minimum size requirements, so any
+adjustment to the width will affect the height, and vice versa.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/signal:pointer:angle",
+ meta = "⟨angle⟩"
+ },
+ ["signal to"] = {
+ details = [[
+Sets which sides take an outward pointer (i.e., that points away from
+the shape).
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/signal:to",
+ meta = "⟨direction⟩ and ⟨opposite direction⟩"
+ },
+ ["single arrow head extend"] = {
+ details = [[
+This sets the distance between the tail of the arrow and the outer end
+of the arrow head. This may change if the shape is enlarged to some
+minimum width.
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \node[single arrow, draw, single arrow head extend=.5cm, gray!50, rotate=60]
+ (a) {Arrow};
+ \draw[red, |<->|] (a.before tip) -- (a.before head)
+ node [midway, below, sloped, black] {head extend};
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/single:arrow:head:extend",
+ meta = "⟨length⟩"
+ },
+ ["single arrow head indent"] = {
+ details = [[
+This moves the point where the arrow head joins the shaft of the arrow
+*towards* the arrow tip, by ⟨length⟩.
+ \begin{tikzpicture}[every node/.style={single arrow, draw=none, rotate=60}]
+ \node [fill=red!50] {arrow 1};
+ \node [fill=blue!50, single arrow head indent=1ex] at (1.5,0) {arrow 2};
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/single:arrow:head:indent",
+ meta = "⟨length⟩"
+ },
+ ["single arrow tip angle"] = {
+ details = [[
+Sets the angle for the arrow tip. Enlarging the arrow to some minimum
+width may increase the height of the shape to maintain this angle.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/single:arrow:tip:angle",
+ meta = "⟨angle⟩"
+ },
+ ["star point height"] = {
+ details = [[
+Sets the height of the star points. This is the distance between the
+inner point and outer point radii. If the star is enlarged to some
+specified minimum size, the inner radius is increased to maintain the
+point height.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/star:point:height",
+ meta = "⟨distance⟩"
+ },
+ ["star point ratio"] = {
+ details = [[
+Sets the ratio between the inner point and outer point radii. If the
+star is enlarged to some specified minimum size, the inner radius is
+increased to maintain the ratio.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/star:point:ratio",
+ meta = "⟨number⟩"
+ },
+ ["star points"] = {
+ details = [[
+Sets the number of points for the star.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/star:points",
+ meta = "⟨integer⟩"
+ },
+ ["starburst point height"] = {
+ details = [[
+Sets the *maximum* distance between the inner point radius and the outer
+point radius.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/starburst:point:height",
+ meta = "⟨length⟩"
+ },
+ ["starburst points"] = {
+ details = [[
+Sets the number of outer points for the starburst.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/starburst:points",
+ meta = "⟨integer⟩"
+ },
+ step = {
+ details = [[
+Sets the horizontal stepping to the $x$-coordinate of ⟨vector⟩ and the
+vertical stepping to its $y$-coordinate.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/step",
+ meta = "⟨vector⟩"
+ },
+ stepx = {
+ details = [[
+The horizontal stepping.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/stepx",
+ meta = "⟨dimension⟩"
+ },
+ stepy = {
+ details = [[
+The vertical stepping.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/stepy",
+ meta = "⟨dimension⟩"
+ },
+ ["tape bend bottom"] = {
+ details = [[
+Specifies how the bottom side bends.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/tape:bend:bottom",
+ meta = "⟨bend style⟩"
+ },
+ ["tape bend height"] = {
+ details = [[
+Sets the total height for a side with a bend.
+ \begin{tikzpicture}[>=stealth]
+ \draw [help lines] grid(3,2);
+ \node [tape, fill, minimum size=2cm, red!50, tape bend top=none,
+ tape bend height=1cm] at (1.5,1.5) (t) {};
+ \draw [|<->|, blue] (1.5,0) -- (1.5,1)
+ node [at end, above, black]{tape bend height};
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/tape:bend:height",
+ meta = "⟨length⟩"
+ },
+ ["tape bend top"] = {
+ details = [[
+Specifies how the top side bends. The ⟨bend style⟩ is either
+`in and out`, `out and in` or `none` (i.e., a straight line). The
+bending sides are drawn in a clockwise direction, and using the bend
+style `in and out` will mean the side will first bend inwards and then
+bend outwards. The opposite holds true for `out and in`.
+ \begin{tikzpicture}[-stealth]
+ \node[tape, draw, gray, minimum width=2cm](t){Tape};
+ \draw [blue]([yshift=5pt] t.north west) -- ([yshift=5pt]t.north east)
+ node[midway, above, black]{in and out};
+ \draw [blue]([yshift=-5pt]t.south east) -- ([yshift=-5pt]t.south west)
+ node[sloped, allow upside down, midway, above, black]{in and out};
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+This might take a bit of getting used to, but just remember that when
+you want the bendy sides to be parallel, the sides take the same bend
+style. It is possible for the top and bottom sides to take opposite bend
+styles, but the author of this shape cannot think of a single use for
+such a combination.
+ \begin{tikzpicture}[every node/.style={tape, draw}]
+ \node [tape bend top=out and in, tape bend bottom=out and in] {Parallel};
+ \node at (2,0) [tape bend bottom=out and in] {Why?};
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/tape:bend:top",
+ meta = "⟨bend style⟩"
+ },
+ ["tex4ht node/class"] = {
+ details = [[
+This option allows you to give a class name to the node, allowing it to
+be styled by a CSS file (only with `tex4ht node/escape=true`).
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/tex4ht:node/class",
+ meta = "⟨class name⟩"
+ },
+ ["tex4ht node/css"] = {
+ details = [[
+This option allows you to tell the browser what CSS file it should use
+to style the display of the node (only with `tex4ht node/escape=true`).
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/tex4ht:node/css",
+ meta = "⟨filename⟩"
+ },
+ ["tex4ht node/escape"] = {
+ details = [[
+Selects the rendering method for a text node with the tex4ht driver.
+When this key is set to `false`, text is translated into SVG text, which
+is somewhat limited: simple characters (letters, numerals, punctuation,
+$\sum$, $\int$, ...), subscripts and superscripts (but not
+subsubscripts) will display but everything else will be filtered out,
+ignored or will produce invalid HTML code (in the worst case). This
+means that two kind of texts render reasonably well:
+1. First, plain text without math mode, special characters or anything
+ else special.
+2. Second, *very* simple mathematical text that contains subscripts or
+ superscripts. Even then, variables are not correctly set in italics
+ and, in general, text simple does not look very nice.
+If you use text that contains anything special, even something as simple
+as `\textbackslash alpha`, this may corrupt the graphic.
+ \tikz \node[draw,/pgf/tex4ht node/escape=false] {Example : $(a+b)^2=a^2+2ab+b^2$};
+When you write `node[/pgf/tex4ht node/escape=true] {`⟨text⟩`}`,
+PGF escapes back to HTML to render the ⟨text⟩. This method produces
+valid HTML code in most cases and the support for complicated text nodes
+is much better since code that renders well outside a `{pgfpicture}`,
+should also render well inside a text node. Another advantage is that
+inside text nodes with fixed width, HTML will produce line breaks for
+long lines. On the other hand, you need a browser with good SVG support
+to display the picture. Also, the text will display differently,
+depending on your browsers, the fonts you have on your system and your
+settings. Finally, PGF has to guess the size of the text rendered by the
+browser to scale it and prevent it from sticking from the node. When it
+fails, the text will be either cropped or too small.
+ \tikz \node[draw,/pgf/tex4ht node/escape=true]
+ {Example : $\int_0^\infty\frac{1}{1+t^2}dt=\frac{\pi}{2}$};
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/tex4ht:node/escape",
+ meta = "⟨boolean⟩"
+ },
+ ["tex4ht node/id"] = {
+ details = [[
+This option allows you to give a unique id to the node, allowing it to
+be styled by a CSS file (only with `tex4ht node/escape=true`).
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/tex4ht:node/id",
+ meta = "⟨id name⟩"
+ },
+ ["text mark"] = {
+ details = [[
+Changes the text shown by `mark=text`.
+With `/pgf/text mark=m`:
+With `/pgf/text mark=A`:
+There is no limitation about the number of characters or whatever. In
+fact, any TeX material can be inserted as `{text}`, including images.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/text:mark",
+ meta = "{text}"
+ },
+ ["text mark as node"] = {
+ details = [[
+Configures how `mark=text` will be drawn: either as `\node` or as
+The first choice is highly flexible and possibly slow, the second is
+very fast and usually enough.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/text:mark:as:node",
+ meta = "{boolean}"
+ },
+ ["text mark style"] = {
+ details = [[
+Defines a set of options which control the appearance of `mark=text`.
+If `/pgf/text mark as node=false` (the default), `{options}` is provided
+as argument to `\pgftext` -- which provides only some basic keys like
+`left`, `right`, `top`, `bottom`, `base` and `rotate`.
+If `/pgf/text mark as node=true`, `{options}` is provided as argument to
+`\node`. This means you can provide a very powerful set of options
+including `anchor`, `scale`, `fill`, `draw`, `rounded corners` etc.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/text:mark:style",
+ meta = "{options for mark=text}"
+ },
+ ["text/at"] = {
+ details = [[
+Translates the origin (that is, the point where the text is shown) to
+ \tikz{\draw[help lines] (-1,-.5) grid (1,.5);
+ \pgftext[base,at={\pgfpoint{1cm}{0cm}}] {lovely}}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/text/at",
+ meta = "⟨point⟩"
+ },
+ ["text/base"] = {
+ details = [[
+This key causes the text box to be placed such that its baseline is on
+the origin.
+ \tikz{\draw[help lines] (-1,-.5) grid (1,.5);
+ \pgftext[base] {lovely}}
+ \tikz{\draw[help lines] (-1,-.5) grid (1,.5);
+ \pgftext[base,right] {lovely}}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/text/base"
+ },
+ ["text/bottom"] = {
+ details = [[
+This key causes the text box to be placed such that its bottom is on the
+ \tikz{\draw[help lines] (-1,-.5) grid (1,.5);
+ \pgftext[bottom] {lovely}}
+ \tikz{\draw[help lines] (-1,-.5) grid (1,.5);
+ \pgftext[bottom,right] {lovely}}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/text/bottom"
+ },
+ ["text/left"] = {
+ details = [[
+The key causes the text box to be placed such that its left border is on
+the origin.
+ \tikz{\draw[help lines] (-1,-.5) grid (1,.5);
+ \pgftext[left] {lovely}}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/text/left"
+ },
+ ["text/right"] = {
+ details = [[
+The key causes the text box to be placed such that its right border is
+on the origin.
+ \tikz{\draw[help lines] (-1,-.5) grid (1,.5);
+ \pgftext[right] {lovely}}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/text/right"
+ },
+ ["text/rotate"] = {
+ details = [[
+Rotates the coordinate system by ⟨degree⟩. This will also rotate the
+text box.
+ \tikz{\draw[help lines] (-1,-.5) grid (1,.5);
+ \pgftext[base,x=1cm,y=-0.5cm,rotate=30] {lovely}}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/text/rotate",
+ meta = "⟨degree⟩"
+ },
+ ["text/top"] = {
+ details = [[
+This key causes the text box to be placed such that its top is on the
+origin. This option can be used together with the `left` or `right`
+ \tikz{\draw[help lines] (-1,-.5) grid (1,.5);
+ \pgftext[top] {lovely}}
+ \tikz{\draw[help lines] (-1,-.5) grid (1,.5);
+ \pgftext[top,right] {lovely}}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/text/top"
+ },
+ ["text/x"] = {
+ details = [[
+Translates the origin by ⟨dimension⟩ along the $x$-axis.
+ \tikz{\draw[help lines] (-1,-.5) grid (1,.5);
+ \pgftext[base,x=1cm,y=-0.5cm] {lovely}}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/text/x",
+ meta = "⟨dimension⟩"
+ },
+ ["text/y"] = {
+ details = [[
+This key works like the `x` option.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/text/y",
+ meta = "⟨dimension⟩"
+ },
+ tips = {
+ details = [[
+This key governs in what situations arrow tips are added to a path. The
+following ⟨values⟩ are permissible:
+- `true` (the value used when no ⟨value⟩ is specified)
+- `proper`
+- `on draw` (the initial value, if the key has not yet been used at
+ all)
+- `on proper draw`
+- `never` or `false` (same effect)
+Firstly, there are a whole bunch of situations where the setting of
+these (or other) options causes no arrow tips to be shown:
+- If no arrow tips have been specified (for instance, by having said
+ `arrows=-`), no arrow tips are drawn.
+- If the `clip` option is set, no arrow tips are drawn.
+- If `tips` has been set to `never` or `false`, no arrow tips are
+ drawn.
+- If `tips` has been set to `on draw` or `on proper draw`, but the
+ `draw` option is not set, no arrow tips are drawn.
+- If the path is empty (as in `\path ;`), no arrow tips are drawn.
+- If at least one of the subpaths of a path is closed (`cycle` is used
+ somewhere or something like `circle` or `rectangle`), arrow tips are
+ never drawn anywhere -- even if there are open subpaths.
+Now, if we pass all of the above tests, we must have a closer look at
+the path. All its subpaths must now be open and there must be at least
+one subpath. We consider the last one. Arrow tips will only be added to
+this last subpath.
+1. If this last subpath not degenerate (all coordinates on the subpath
+ are the same as in a single "move-to" `\path (0,0);` or in a
+ "move-to" followed by a "line-to" to the same position as in
+ `\path (1,2) – (1,2)`), arrow tips are added to this last subpath
+ now.
+2. If the last subpath is degenerate, we add arrow tips pointing upward
+ at the single coordinate mentioned in the path, but only for `tips`
+ begin set to `true` or to `on draw` -- and not for `proper` nor for
+ `on proper draw`. In other words, "proper" suppresses arrow tips on
+ degenerate paths.
+ % No path, no arrow tips:
+ \tikz [<->] \draw;
+ % Degenerate path, draw arrow tips (but no path, it is degenerate...)
+ \tikz [<->] \draw (0,0);
+ % Degenerate path, tips=proper suppresses arrows
+ \tikz [<->] \draw [tips=proper] (0,0);
+ % Normal case:
+ \tikz [<->] \draw (0,0) -- (1,0);
+ % Two subpaths, only second gets tips
+ \tikz [<->] \draw (0,0) -- (1,0) (2,0) -- (3,0);
+ % Two subpaths, second degenerate, but still gets tips
+ \tikz [<->] \draw (0,0) -- (1,0) (2,0);
+ % Two subpaths, second degenerate, proper suppresses them
+ \tikz [<->] \draw [tips=on proper draw] (0,0) -- (1,0) (2,0);
+ % Two subpaths, but one is closed: No tips, even though last subpath is open
+ \tikz [<->] \draw (0,0) circle[radius=2pt] (2,0) -- (3,0);
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/tips",
+ meta = "⟨value⟩"
+ },
+ ["trapezium angle"] = {
+ details = [[
+This key stores no value itself, but sets the value of the previous two
+keys to ⟨angle⟩.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/trapezium:angle",
+ meta = "⟨angle⟩"
+ },
+ ["trapezium left angle"] = {
+ details = [[
+Sets the lower internal angle of the left side.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/trapezium:left:angle",
+ meta = "⟨angle⟩"
+ },
+ ["trapezium right angle"] = {
+ details = [[
+Sets the lower internal angle of the right side.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/trapezium:right:angle",
+ meta = "⟨angle⟩"
+ },
+ ["trapezium stretches"] = {
+ details = [[
+This key controls whether PGF allows the width and the height of the
+trapezium to be enlarged independently, when considering any minimum
+size specification. This is initially `false`, ensuring that the shape
+"looks the same but bigger" when enlarged.
+ \tikzset{my node/.style={trapezium, fill=#1!20, draw=#1!75, text=black}}
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \draw [help lines] grid (3,2);
+ \node [my node=red] {A};
+ \node [my node=green, minimum height=1.5cm] at (1, 1.25) {B};
+ \node [my node=blue, minimum width=1.5cm] at (2, 0) {C};
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+By setting ⟨boolean⟩ to `true`, the trapezium can be stretched
+horizontally or vertically.
+ \tikzset{my node/.style={trapezium, fill=#1!20, draw=#1!75, text=black}}
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \tikzset{trapezium stretches=true}
+ \draw [help lines] grid (3,2);
+ \node [my node=red] {A};
+ \node [my node=green, minimum height=1.5cm] at (1, 1.25) {B};
+ \node [my node=blue, minimum width=1.5cm] at (2, 0) {C};
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/trapezium:stretches",
+ meta = "⟨boolean⟩"
+ },
+ ["trapezium stretches body"] = {
+ details = [[
+This is similar to the `trapezium stretches` key except that when
+⟨boolean⟩ is `true`, PGF enlarges only the body of the trapezium when
+applying minimum width.
+ \tikzset{my node/.style={trapezium, fill=#1!20, draw=#1!75, text=black}}
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \draw [help lines] grid (3,2);
+ \node [my node=red] at (1.5,.25) {A};
+ \node [my node=green, minimum width=3cm, trapezium stretches]
+ at (1.5,1) {B};
+ \node [my node=blue, minimum width=3cm, trapezium stretches body]
+ at (1.5,1.75) {C};
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/trapezium:stretches:body",
+ meta = "⟨boolean⟩"
+ },
+ ["trig format"] = {
+ details = [[
+Allows to define whether trigonometric math functions (i.e. all in this
+subsection) operate with degrees or with radians.
+ \pgfmathparse{cos(45)} \pgfmathresult
+ \pgfkeys{/pgf/trig format=rad}
+ \pgfmathparse{cos(pi/2)} \pgfmathresult
+The initial configuration `trig format=deg` is the base of PGF: almost
+all of it is based on degrees.
+Specifying `trig format=rad` is most useful for data visualization where
+the angles are typically given in radians. However, it is applied to all
+trigonometric functions for which the option applies, including any
+drawing instructions which operate on angles.
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \draw[-stealth]
+ (0:1) -- (45:1) -- (90:1) -- (135:1) -- (180:1);
+ \draw[-stealth,trig format=rad,red]
+ (pi:1) -- (5/4*pi:1) -- (6/4*pi:1) -- (7/4*pi:1) -- (2*pi:1);
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+#### Warning:
+At the time of this writing, this feature is "experimental". Please
+handle it with care: there may be path instructions or libraries in
+PGF which rely on `trig format=deg`. The intended usage of
+`trig format=rad` is for local scopes -- and as option for data
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/trig:format",
+ meta = "⟨deg,rad⟩"
+ },
+ ["trim lowlevel"] = {
+ details = [[
+This affects only the basic level image externalization: the initial
+configuration `trim lowlevel=false` stores the normal image, without
+trimming, and the trimming into a separate file. This allows reduced
+bounding boxes without clipping the rest away. The `trim lowlevel=true`
+information causes the image externalization to store the trimmed image,
+possibly resulting in clipping.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/trim:lowlevel",
+ meta = "⟨true,false⟩"
+ },
+ ["xnor gate IEC symbol"] = {
+ details = [[
+Set the symbol for the `xnor gate`. In TikZ, when the
+`use IEC style logic gates` key has been used, this key can be replaced
+by `xnor gate symbol`.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/xnor:gate:IEC:symbol",
+ meta = "⟨text⟩"
+ },
+ ["xor gate IEC symbol"] = {
+ details = [[
+Set the symbol for the `xor gate`. Note the necessity for braces, as the
+symbol contains `=`. In TikZ, when the `use IEC style logic gates` key
+has been used, this key can be replaced by `xor gate symbol`.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./pgf/xor:gate:IEC:symbol",
+ meta = "⟨text⟩"
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/support/digestif/data/plain.tags b/support/digestif/data/plain.tags
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..fea2e363c9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/support/digestif/data/plain.tags
@@ -0,0 +1,2753 @@
+-- Copyright 2003 Paul W. Abrahams, Kathryn A. Hargreaves, Karl Berry
+-- Copyright 2022 Augusto Stoffel
+-- SPDX-License-Identifier: GFDL-1.3-only
+-- Adapted from the book TeX for the Impatient, which can be found at
+ctan_package = "plain"
+dependencies = {"primitives"}
+documentation = {
+ {summary = "The TeXbook", uri = ""},
+ {
+ summary = "TeX for the Impatient",
+ uri = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf"
+ }
+commands = {
+ ["!"] = {
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=234",
+ summary = "Negative thin space for math."
+ },
+ ["\""] = {
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=120",
+ summary = "Umlaut accent for text, as in ö."
+ },
+ ["#"] = {
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=118",
+ summary = "Produce # character from current font."
+ },
+ ["$"] = {
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=118",
+ summary = "Produce $ character from current font."
+ },
+ ["%"] = {
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=118",
+ summary = "Produce % character from current font."
+ },
+ ["&"] = {
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=118",
+ summary = "Produce & character from current font."
+ },
+ ["'"] = {
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=120",
+ summary = "Acute accent for text, as in é."
+ },
+ ["*"] = {
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=210",
+ summary = "Multiplication symbol that allows a line break."
+ },
+ ["+"] = {
+ arguments = {delimiters = {"", "\\cr"}, meta = "rows"},
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/+",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=196",
+ summary = "Begin tabbed line."
+ },
+ [","] = {
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=234",
+ summary = "Thin space for math."
+ },
+ ["."] = {
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=120",
+ summary = "Dot accent for text, as in n."
+ },
+ [";"] = {
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=234",
+ summary = "Thick space for math."
+ },
+ ["="] = {
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=120",
+ summary = "Macron accent for text, as in r̄."
+ },
+ [">"] = {
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=234",
+ summary = "Medium space for math."
+ },
+ AA = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/AA",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=117",
+ summary = "Scandinavian letter: Å.",
+ symbol = "Å"
+ },
+ AE = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/AA",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=117",
+ summary = "Æ ligature."
+ },
+ Arrowvert = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/arrowvert",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=232",
+ summary = "Vertical portion of an extensible single arrow."
+ },
+ Big = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/big",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=231",
+ summary = "Make the specified delimiter about 11.5pt tall."
+ },
+ Bigg = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/big",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=231",
+ summary = "Make specified delimiter about 17.5pt tall."
+ },
+ Biggl = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/big",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=231",
+ summary = "Sized like \\Bigg, but spaced as an opening."
+ },
+ Biggm = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/big",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=231",
+ summary = "Sized like \\Bigg, but spaced as a relation."
+ },
+ Biggr = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/big",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=231",
+ summary = "Sized like \\Bigg, but spaced as a closing."
+ },
+ Bigl = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/big",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=231",
+ summary = "Sized like \\Big, but spaced as an opening."
+ },
+ Bigm = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/big",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=231",
+ summary = "Sized like \\Big, but spaced as a relation."
+ },
+ Bigr = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/big",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=231",
+ summary = "Sized like \\Big, but spaced as a closing."
+ },
+ Delta = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/alpha",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=207",
+ summary = "Math Greek letter Δ.",
+ symbol = "Δ"
+ },
+ Downarrow = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/leftarrow",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=212",
+ summary = "Relation: ⇓.",
+ symbol = "⇓"
+ },
+ Gamma = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/alpha",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=207",
+ summary = "Math Greek letter Γ.",
+ symbol = "Γ"
+ },
+ H = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/c",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=120",
+ summary = "Hungarian umlaut accent for text, as in ő."
+ },
+ Im = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/infty",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=208",
+ summary = "Complex imaginary part symbol: ℑ.",
+ symbol = "ℑ"
+ },
+ L = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/AA",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=117",
+ summary = "Polish letter: Ł.",
+ symbol = "Ł"
+ },
+ Lambda = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/alpha",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=207",
+ summary = "Math Greek letter Λ.",
+ symbol = "Λ"
+ },
+ Leftarrow = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/leftarrow",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=212",
+ summary = "Relation: ⇐.",
+ symbol = "⇐"
+ },
+ Leftrightarrow = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/leftarrow",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=212",
+ summary = "Relation: ⇔.",
+ symbol = "⇔"
+ },
+ Longleftarrow = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/leftarrow",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=212",
+ summary = "Relation: ⇐.",
+ symbol = "⇐"
+ },
+ Longleftrightarrow = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/leftarrow",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=212",
+ summary = "Relation: ⇔.",
+ symbol = "⇔"
+ },
+ Longrightarrow = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/leftarrow",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=212",
+ summary = "Relation: ⇒.",
+ symbol = "⇒"
+ },
+ O = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/AA",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=117",
+ summary = "Danish letter: Ø.",
+ symbol = "Ø"
+ },
+ OE = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/AA",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=117",
+ summary = "Πligature."
+ },
+ Omega = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/alpha",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=207",
+ summary = "Math Greek letter Ω.",
+ symbol = "Ω"
+ },
+ P = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/lq",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=118",
+ summary = "Paragraph character for text: ¶.",
+ symbol = "¶"
+ },
+ Phi = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/alpha",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=207",
+ summary = "Math Greek letter Φ.",
+ symbol = "Φ"
+ },
+ Pi = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/alpha",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=207",
+ summary = "Math Greek letter Π.",
+ symbol = "Π"
+ },
+ Pr = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/cos",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=213",
+ summary = "Probability function: Pr ."
+ },
+ Psi = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/alpha",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=207",
+ summary = "Math Greek letter Ψ.",
+ symbol = "Ψ"
+ },
+ Re = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/infty",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=208",
+ summary = "Complex real part symbol: ℜ.",
+ symbol = "ℜ"
+ },
+ Rightarrow = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/leftarrow",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=212",
+ summary = "Relation: ⇒.",
+ symbol = "⇒"
+ },
+ S = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/lq",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=118",
+ summary = "Section character for text: §.",
+ symbol = "§"
+ },
+ Sigma = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/alpha",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=207",
+ summary = "Math Greek letter Σ.",
+ symbol = "Σ"
+ },
+ TeX = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/TeX",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=118",
+ summary = "Produce the TeX logo."
+ },
+ Theta = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/alpha",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=207",
+ summary = "Math Greek letter Θ.",
+ symbol = "Θ"
+ },
+ Uparrow = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/leftarrow",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=212",
+ summary = "Relation: ⇑.",
+ symbol = "⇑"
+ },
+ Updownarrow = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/leftarrow",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=212",
+ summary = "Relation: ⇕.",
+ symbol = "⇕"
+ },
+ Upsilon = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/alpha",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=207",
+ summary = "Math Greek letter Υ.",
+ symbol = "Υ"
+ },
+ Vert = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/infty",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=208",
+ summary = "Double bar relation: ‖.",
+ symbol = "‖"
+ },
+ Xi = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/alpha",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=207",
+ summary = "Math Greek letter Ξ.",
+ symbol = "Ξ"
+ },
+ ["^"] = {
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=120",
+ summary = "Circumflex accent for text, as in ô."
+ },
+ _ = {
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=118",
+ summary = "Underscore: _."
+ },
+ ["`"] = {
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=120",
+ summary = "Grave accent for text, as in è."
+ },
+ aa = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/AA",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=117",
+ summary = "Scandinavian letter: å.",
+ symbol = "å"
+ },
+ active = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/active",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=271",
+ summary = "Category code for active characters, viz., the number 13."
+ },
+ acute = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/acute",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=219",
+ summary = "Acute accent for math, as in x́."
+ },
+ advancepageno = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/advancepageno",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=162",
+ summary = "If \\pageno is positive, add one; if it’s negative, subtract one."
+ },
+ ae = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/AA",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=117",
+ summary = "æ ligature."
+ },
+ aleph = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/infty",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=208",
+ summary = "Only Hebrew letter for math: ℵ.",
+ symbol = "ℵ"
+ },
+ allowbreak = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/allowbreak",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=156",
+ summary = "Do \\penalty0, i.e., allow a line or page break where one could not ordinarily occur."
+ },
+ alpha = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/alpha",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=207",
+ summary = "Math Greek letter α.",
+ symbol = "α"
+ },
+ amalg = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/vee",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=209",
+ summary = "Amalgamation operator: ∐.",
+ symbol = "∐"
+ },
+ angle = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/infty",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=208",
+ summary = "Angle symbol: ∠.",
+ symbol = "∠"
+ },
+ approx = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/asymp",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=210",
+ summary = "Approximation relation: ≈.",
+ symbol = "≈"
+ },
+ arccos = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/cos",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=213",
+ summary = "Arc cosine function: arccos ."
+ },
+ arcsin = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/cos",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=213",
+ summary = "Arc sine function: arcsin ."
+ },
+ arctan = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/cos",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=213",
+ summary = "Arc tangent function: arctan ."
+ },
+ arg = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/cos",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=213",
+ summary = "Argument (phase) function: arg ."
+ },
+ arrowvert = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/arrowvert",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=232",
+ summary = "Vertical portion of an extensible double arrow."
+ },
+ ast = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/vee",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=209",
+ summary = "Asterisk operator: *."
+ },
+ asymp = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/asymp",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=210",
+ summary = "Asymptote relation: ≍.",
+ symbol = "≍"
+ },
+ b = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/acute",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=219",
+ summary = "Bar-under accent for math, as in $\\b x$."
+ },
+ backslash = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/infty",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=208",
+ summary = "Backslash symbol: ∖.",
+ symbol = "∖"
+ },
+ bar = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/acute",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=219",
+ summary = "Bar accent for math, as in x̄."
+ },
+ beginsection = {
+ arguments = {{delimiters = {"", "\\par"}, meta = "argument"}},
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/beginsection",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=149",
+ summary = "Begin a major subdivision of a document."
+ },
+ beta = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/alpha",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=207",
+ summary = "Math Greek letter β.",
+ symbol = "β"
+ },
+ bf = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/bf",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=123",
+ summary = "Use boldface, i.e., do \\tenbf\\fam=\\bffam."
+ },
+ bffam = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/itfam",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=230",
+ summary = "Boldface family for math."
+ },
+ bgroup = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/bgroup",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=247",
+ summary = "Implicit beginning-of-group character."
+ },
+ big = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/big",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=231",
+ summary = "Make the specified delimiter larger than an ordinary one, but still small enough for text."
+ },
+ bigbreak = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/smallbreak",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=157",
+ summary = "Indicate desirable page break with \\penalty-200 and produce \\bigskipamount glue."
+ },
+ bigcap = {
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=214",
+ summary = "Large cap operator (no, it doesn’t produce a large capital letter!): ⋂.",
+ symbol = "⋂"
+ },
+ bigcirc = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/vee",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=209",
+ summary = "Large circle operator: ○.",
+ symbol = "○"
+ },
+ bigcup = {
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=214",
+ summary = "Large cup operator: ⋃.",
+ symbol = "⋃"
+ },
+ bigg = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/big",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=231",
+ summary = "Make the specified delimiter about 14.5pt tall."
+ },
+ biggl = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/big",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=231",
+ summary = "Sized like \\bigg, but spaced as an opening."
+ },
+ biggm = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/big",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=231",
+ summary = "Sized like \\bigg, but spaced as a relation."
+ },
+ biggr = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/big",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=231",
+ summary = "Sized like \\bigg, but spaced as a closing."
+ },
+ bigl = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/big",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=231",
+ summary = "Sized like \\big, but spaced as an opening."
+ },
+ bigm = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/big",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=231",
+ summary = "Sized like \\big, but spaced as a relation."
+ },
+ bigodot = {
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=214",
+ summary = "Large circled dot operator: ⨀.",
+ symbol = "⨀"
+ },
+ bigoplus = {
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=214",
+ summary = "Large circled plus operator: ⨁.",
+ symbol = "⨁"
+ },
+ bigotimes = {
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=214",
+ summary = "Large circled times operator: ⨂.",
+ symbol = "⨂"
+ },
+ bigr = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/big",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=231",
+ summary = "Sized like \\big, but spaced as a closing."
+ },
+ bigskip = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/smallskip",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=174",
+ summary = "Produce \\bigskipamount glue."
+ },
+ bigskipamount = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/smallskipamount",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=175",
+ summary = "Glue for a big vertical skip, by default 12pt plus 4pt minus 4pt.",
+ type = "glue"
+ },
+ bigsqcup = {
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=214",
+ summary = "Large square cup operator: ⨆.",
+ symbol = "⨆"
+ },
+ bigtriangledown = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/vee",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=209",
+ summary = "Triangle operator pointing downward: ▽.",
+ symbol = "▽"
+ },
+ bigtriangleup = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/vee",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=209",
+ summary = "Triangle operator pointing upward: △.",
+ symbol = "△"
+ },
+ biguplus = {
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=214",
+ summary = "Large cupped plus operator: ⨄.",
+ symbol = "⨄"
+ },
+ bigvee = {
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=214",
+ summary = "Large logical “or” operator: ⋁.",
+ symbol = "⋁"
+ },
+ bigwedge = {
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=214",
+ summary = "Large logical “and” operator: ⋀.",
+ symbol = "⋀"
+ },
+ bmod = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/bmod",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=213",
+ summary = "Modulus operator, as in n mod  2."
+ },
+ bordermatrix = {
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=225",
+ summary = "Produce matrix with labelled rows and columns."
+ },
+ bot = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/infty",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=208",
+ summary = "Lattice bottom symbol: ⊥.",
+ symbol = "⊥"
+ },
+ bowtie = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/asymp",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=210",
+ summary = "Bowtie relation: ⋈.",
+ symbol = "⋈"
+ },
+ brace = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/over",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=220",
+ summary = "$n\\brace k$ produces braced notation: $n \\brace k$."
+ },
+ bracevert = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/arrowvert",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=232",
+ summary = "Vertical portion of extensible large brace."
+ },
+ brack = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/over",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=220",
+ summary = "$n\\brack k$ produces bracketed notation: $n \\brack k$."
+ },
+ ["break"] = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/break",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=156",
+ summary = "Do \\penalty-10000, i.e., force a line or page break."
+ },
+ breve = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/acute",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=219",
+ summary = "Breve accent for math, as in x̆."
+ },
+ buildrel = {
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=222",
+ summary = "Produce specified formula over the specified relation."
+ },
+ bullet = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/vee",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=209",
+ summary = "Bullet operation: •.",
+ symbol = "•"
+ },
+ bye = {
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=266",
+ summary = "\\vfill the last page with blank space, \\supereject it, and \\end the job."
+ },
+ c = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/c",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=120",
+ summary = "Cedilla accent for text, as in ç."
+ },
+ cal = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/cal",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=229",
+ summary = "Use calligraphic font for uppercase letters in math, as in $\\cal XYZ$."
+ },
+ cap = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/vee",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=209",
+ summary = "Cap operator: ∩.",
+ symbol = "∩"
+ },
+ cases = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/cases",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=221",
+ summary = "Produce cases for math, as in $\\bigl\\{{\\cdots\\atop\\cdots}$."
+ },
+ cdot = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/vee",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=209",
+ summary = "Centered dot operator: ⋅.",
+ symbol = "⋅"
+ },
+ cdotp = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/cdotp",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=216",
+ summary = "Centered dot punctuation: ·.",
+ symbol = "·"
+ },
+ cdots = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/ldots",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=223",
+ summary = "Centered dots for math: ⋯.",
+ symbol = "⋯"
+ },
+ centerline = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "argument"}},
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/centerline",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=128",
+ summary = "Produce line with its text centered."
+ },
+ check = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/acute",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=219",
+ summary = "Check accent for math, as in x̌."
+ },
+ chi = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/alpha",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=207",
+ summary = "Math Greek letter χ.",
+ symbol = "χ"
+ },
+ choose = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/over",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=220",
+ summary = "$n\\choose k$ produces combinatorial notation: $n \\choose k$."
+ },
+ circ = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/vee",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=209",
+ summary = "Circle operation: ∘.",
+ symbol = "∘"
+ },
+ cleartabs = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/cleartabs",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=197",
+ summary = "Clear all the tabs for tabbing alignments."
+ },
+ clubsuit = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/infty",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=208",
+ summary = "Club suit symbol: ♣.",
+ symbol = "♣"
+ },
+ colon = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/colon",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=216",
+ summary = "Colon punctation symbol for math: :."
+ },
+ cong = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/asymp",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=210",
+ summary = "Congruence relation: ≅.",
+ symbol = "≅"
+ },
+ coprod = {
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=214",
+ summary = "Coproduct operator: ∐.",
+ symbol = "∐"
+ },
+ copyright = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/lq",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=118",
+ summary = "Copyright mark: ©.",
+ symbol = "©"
+ },
+ cos = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/cos",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=213",
+ summary = "Cosine function: cos ."
+ },
+ cosh = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/cos",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=213",
+ summary = "Hyperbolic cosine function: cosh ."
+ },
+ cot = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/cos",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=213",
+ summary = "Cotangent function : cot ."
+ },
+ coth = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/cos",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=213",
+ summary = "Hyperbolic cotangent function: coth ."
+ },
+ csc = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/cos",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=213",
+ summary = "Cosecant function: csc ."
+ },
+ cup = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/vee",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=209",
+ summary = "Cup operator: ∪.",
+ symbol = "∪"
+ },
+ d = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/c",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=120",
+ summary = "Underdot accent for text, as in ṛ."
+ },
+ dag = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/lq",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=118",
+ summary = "Dagger symbol for text:."
+ },
+ dagger = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/vee",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=209",
+ summary = "Dagger operator for math: †.",
+ symbol = "†"
+ },
+ dashv = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/asymp",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=210",
+ summary = "Right turnstile relation: ⊣.",
+ symbol = "⊣"
+ },
+ ddag = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/lq",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=118",
+ summary = "Double dagger symbol for text:."
+ },
+ ddagger = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/vee",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=209",
+ summary = "Double dagger operator for math: ‡.",
+ symbol = "‡"
+ },
+ ddot = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/acute",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=219"
+ },
+ ddots = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/ddots",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=223",
+ summary = "Diagonal dots for math:."
+ },
+ deg = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/cos",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=213",
+ summary = "Degree function: deg ."
+ },
+ delta = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/alpha",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=207",
+ summary = "Math Greek letter δ.",
+ symbol = "δ"
+ },
+ det = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/cos",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=213",
+ summary = "Determinant function: det ."
+ },
+ diamond = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/vee",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=209",
+ summary = "Diamond operator: ⋄.",
+ symbol = "⋄"
+ },
+ diamondsuit = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/infty",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=208",
+ summary = "Diamond suit symbol: ♢.",
+ symbol = "♢"
+ },
+ dim = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/cos",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=213",
+ summary = "Dimension function: dim ."
+ },
+ displaylines = {
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=228",
+ summary = "Produce specified multiline display with each line centered."
+ },
+ div = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/vee",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=209",
+ summary = "Division operator: ÷.",
+ symbol = "÷"
+ },
+ dot = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/acute",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=219",
+ summary = "Dot accent for math, as in ẋ."
+ },
+ doteq = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/asymp",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=210",
+ summary = "Dotted equality relation: ≐.",
+ symbol = "≐"
+ },
+ dotfill = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/dotfill",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=195",
+ summary = "Fill enclosing horizontal space with dots."
+ },
+ dots = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/dots",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=119",
+ summary = "Ellipsis for sequences: x₁, …, x_(n)."
+ },
+ downarrow = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/leftarrow",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=212",
+ summary = "Relation: ↓.",
+ symbol = "↓"
+ },
+ downbracefill = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/downbracefill",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=231",
+ summary = "Fill enclosing hbox with a downwards facing brace: to 3.5em."
+ },
+ egroup = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/bgroup",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=247",
+ summary = "Implicit end-of-group character."
+ },
+ eject = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/eject",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=157",
+ summary = "End current paragraph and force a page break, stretching out current page."
+ },
+ ell = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/infty",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=208",
+ summary = "Script letter for math: ℓ.",
+ symbol = "ℓ"
+ },
+ empty = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/empty",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=261",
+ summary = "Macro that expands to nothing."
+ },
+ emptyset = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/infty",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=208",
+ summary = "Empty set symbol: ∅.",
+ symbol = "∅"
+ },
+ endgraf = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/endgraf",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=131",
+ summary = "Equivalent to the \\par primitive."
+ },
+ endinsert = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/endinsert",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=167",
+ summary = "End insertion."
+ },
+ endline = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/endline",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=200",
+ summary = "Equivalent to the \\cr primitive."
+ },
+ enskip = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/enskip",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=174",
+ summary = "Horizontal glue with width /2em."
+ },
+ enspace = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/enspace",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=174",
+ summary = "Kern /2em."
+ },
+ epsilon = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/alpha",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=207",
+ summary = "Math Greek letter ϵ.",
+ symbol = "ϵ"
+ },
+ eqalign = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/eqalign",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=228",
+ summary = "Produce specified multiline display whose indicated parts are vertically aligned."
+ },
+ eqalignno = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/eqalign",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=228",
+ summary = "Produce specified multiline display with equation numbers whose indicated parts are vertically aligned."
+ },
+ equiv = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/asymp",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=210",
+ summary = "Equivalence relation: ≡.",
+ symbol = "≡"
+ },
+ eta = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/alpha",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=207",
+ summary = "Math Greek letter η.",
+ symbol = "η"
+ },
+ exists = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/infty",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=208",
+ summary = "“there exists” symbol: ∃.",
+ symbol = "∃"
+ },
+ exp = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/cos",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=213",
+ summary = "Exponential function: exp ."
+ },
+ filbreak = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/filbreak",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=157",
+ summary = "Force a page break unless the text up to another \\filbreak also fits on the page."
+ },
+ fivebf = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/fivebf",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=122",
+ summary = "Use 5-point bold font, cmbx5."
+ },
+ fivei = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/fivebf",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=122",
+ summary = "Use 5-point math italic font, cmmi5."
+ },
+ fiverm = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/fivebf",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=122",
+ summary = "Use 5-point roman font, cmr5."
+ },
+ fivesy = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/fivebf",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=122",
+ summary = "Use 5-point symbol font, cmsy5."
+ },
+ flat = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/infty",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=208",
+ summary = "Flat symbol for music: ♭.",
+ symbol = "♭"
+ },
+ fmtname = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/fmtname",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=245",
+ summary = "Name of the current format."
+ },
+ fmtversion = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/fmtname",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=245",
+ summary = "Version number of the current format."
+ },
+ folio = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/folio",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=163",
+ summary = "Produce \\pageno as characters; in roman numerals if it’s negative."
+ },
+ footline = {
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=163",
+ summary = "Token list that produces line at the bottom of each page."
+ },
+ footnote = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "argument1"}, {meta = "argument2"}},
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/footnote",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=165",
+ summary = "Produce a specified footnote with a specified reference mark."
+ },
+ forall = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/infty",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=208",
+ summary = "“for all” symbol: ∀.",
+ symbol = "∀"
+ },
+ frenchspacing = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/frenchspacing",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=126",
+ summary = "Make interword spacing independent of punctuation."
+ },
+ frown = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/asymp",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=210",
+ summary = "Frown relation: ⌢.",
+ symbol = "⌢"
+ },
+ gamma = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/alpha",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=207",
+ summary = "Math Greek letter γ.",
+ symbol = "γ"
+ },
+ gcd = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/cos",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=213",
+ summary = "Greatest common denominator function: gcd ."
+ },
+ ge = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/asymp",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=210",
+ summary = "Greater than or equal relation: ≥.",
+ symbol = "≥"
+ },
+ geq = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/asymp",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=210",
+ summary = "Equivalent to \\ge."
+ },
+ gets = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/leftarrow",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=212",
+ summary = "Gets relation: ←.",
+ symbol = "←"
+ },
+ gg = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/asymp",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=210",
+ summary = "Much greater than relation: ≫.",
+ symbol = "≫"
+ },
+ goodbreak = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/goodbreak",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=157",
+ summary = "Indicate desirable page break with \\penalty-500."
+ },
+ grave = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/acute",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=219",
+ summary = "Grave accent for math, as in x̀."
+ },
+ hang = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/hang",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=137",
+ summary = "Indent the current paragraph by \\parindent."
+ },
+ hat = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/acute",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=219",
+ summary = "Hat accent for math, as in x̂."
+ },
+ hbar = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/infty",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=208",
+ summary = "Math symbol: ℏ.",
+ symbol = "ℏ"
+ },
+ headline = {
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=163",
+ summary = "Token list that produces the line at the top of every page."
+ },
+ heartsuit = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/infty",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=208",
+ summary = "Heart suit symbol: ♡.",
+ symbol = "♡"
+ },
+ hglue = {
+ arguments = {{delimiters = false, meta = "glue"}},
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/hglue",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=176",
+ summary = "Produce horizontal glue that doesn’t disappear at line breaks."
+ },
+ hidewidth = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/hidewidth",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=204",
+ summary = "Ignore width of an entry in an alignment, so that it extends out from its box in the direction of the \\hidewidth."
+ },
+ hom = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/cos",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=213",
+ summary = "Homology function: hom ."
+ },
+ hookleftarrow = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/leftarrow",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=212",
+ summary = "Relation: ↩.",
+ symbol = "↩"
+ },
+ hookrightarrow = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/leftarrow",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=212",
+ summary = "Relation: ↪.",
+ symbol = "↪"
+ },
+ hphantom = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "argument"}},
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/hphantom",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=189",
+ summary = "Produce an invisible formula with zero height and depth but natural width."
+ },
+ hrulefill = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/dotfill",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=195",
+ summary = "Fill enclosing space with a horizontal rule."
+ },
+ i = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/i",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=120",
+ summary = "Dotless letter ‘ı’ for use with accents.",
+ symbol = "ı"
+ },
+ ialign = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/ialign",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=200",
+ summary = "Start an \\halign with the \\tabskip glue zero and \\everycr empty."
+ },
+ iff = {
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=212",
+ summary = "If and only if relation: ⇔.",
+ symbol = "⇔"
+ },
+ imath = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/infty",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=208",
+ summary = "Dotless letter ‘ı’ for use with math accents.",
+ symbol = "𝚤"
+ },
+ ["in"] = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/asymp",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=210",
+ summary = "Containment relation: ∈.",
+ symbol = "∈"
+ },
+ inf = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/cos",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=213",
+ summary = "Inferior function: inf ."
+ },
+ infty = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/infty",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=208",
+ summary = "Infinity symbol: ∞.",
+ symbol = "∞"
+ },
+ int = {
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=214",
+ summary = "Integral symbol: ∫.",
+ symbol = "∫"
+ },
+ iota = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/alpha",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=207",
+ summary = "Math Greek letter ι.",
+ symbol = "ι"
+ },
+ it = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/bf",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=123",
+ summary = "Use italics, i.e., do \\tenit\\fam=\\itfam."
+ },
+ item = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "argument"}},
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/item",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=150",
+ summary = "Begin a paragraph with hanging indentation of \\parindent and preceded by a specified label."
+ },
+ itemitem = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "argument"}},
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/item",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=150",
+ summary = "Like \\item, but with indentation of 2\\parindent."
+ },
+ itfam = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/itfam",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=230",
+ summary = "Italic family for math."
+ },
+ j = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/i",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=120",
+ summary = "Dotless letter ‘ȷ’, for use with accents.",
+ symbol = "ȷ"
+ },
+ jmath = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/infty",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=208",
+ summary = "Dotless letter ‘ȷ’ for use with math accents.",
+ symbol = "𝚥"
+ },
+ jot = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/jot",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=235",
+ summary = "Unit of measure for opening up displays.",
+ type = "dimen"
+ },
+ kappa = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/alpha",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=207",
+ summary = "Math Greek letter κ.",
+ symbol = "κ"
+ },
+ ker = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/cos",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=213",
+ summary = "Kernel function: ker ."
+ },
+ l = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/AA",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=117",
+ summary = "Polish letter: ł.",
+ symbol = "ł"
+ },
+ lambda = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/alpha",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=207",
+ summary = "Math Greek letter λ.",
+ symbol = "λ"
+ },
+ land = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/vee",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=209",
+ summary = "Logical “and” operator: ∧.",
+ symbol = "∧"
+ },
+ langle = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/lbrace",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=211",
+ summary = "Left angle delimiter: ⟨.",
+ symbol = "⟨"
+ },
+ lbrace = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/lbrace",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=211",
+ summary = "Left brace delimiter: {."
+ },
+ lbrack = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/lbrace",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=211",
+ summary = "Left bracket delimiter: [."
+ },
+ lceil = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/lbrace",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=211",
+ summary = "Left ceiling delimiter: ⌈.",
+ symbol = "⌈"
+ },
+ ldotp = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/cdotp",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=216",
+ summary = "Dot on baseline as punctuation: $\\ldotp$."
+ },
+ ldots = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/ldots",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=223",
+ summary = "Dots on baseline for math: ….",
+ symbol = "…"
+ },
+ le = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/asymp",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=210",
+ summary = "Less than or equal relation: ≤.",
+ symbol = "≤"
+ },
+ leftarrow = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/leftarrow",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=212",
+ summary = "Relation: ←.",
+ symbol = "←"
+ },
+ leftarrowfill = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/leftarrowfill",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=195",
+ summary = "Fill enclosing hbox with a \\leftarrow: to 3.5em."
+ },
+ leftharpoondown = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/leftarrow",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=212",
+ summary = "Relation: ↽.",
+ symbol = "↽"
+ },
+ leftharpoonup = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/leftarrow",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=212",
+ summary = "Relation: ↼.",
+ symbol = "↼"
+ },
+ leftline = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "argument"}},
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/centerline",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=128",
+ summary = "Produce line with its text pushed to left margin."
+ },
+ leftrightarrow = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/leftarrow",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=212",
+ summary = "Relation: ↔.",
+ symbol = "↔"
+ },
+ leq = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/asymp",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=210",
+ summary = "Equivalent to \\le."
+ },
+ leqalignno = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/eqalign",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=228",
+ summary = "Produce specified multiline display with equation numbers on the left whose indicated parts are vertically aligned."
+ },
+ lfloor = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/lbrace",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=211",
+ summary = "Left floor delimiter: ⌊.",
+ symbol = "⌊"
+ },
+ lg = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/cos",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=213",
+ summary = "Logarithm function: lg ."
+ },
+ lgroup = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/lgroup",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=224",
+ summary = "Left group delimiter (the smallest size is shown here): $\\Big\\lgroup$."
+ },
+ lim = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/cos",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=213",
+ summary = "Limit function: lim ."
+ },
+ liminf = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/cos",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=213",
+ summary = "Inferior limit function: liminf ."
+ },
+ limsup = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/cos",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=213",
+ summary = "Superior limit function: limsup ."
+ },
+ line = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "argument"}},
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/line",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=129",
+ summary = "Produce a justified line of type."
+ },
+ ll = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/asymp",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=210",
+ summary = "Much less than relation: ≪.",
+ symbol = "≪"
+ },
+ llap = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "argument"}},
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/llap",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=129",
+ summary = "Produce text (with no width) extending to the left of the current position."
+ },
+ lmoustache = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/arrowvert",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=232",
+ summary = "Top half of a large brace: $\\big\\lmoustache$."
+ },
+ ln = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/cos",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=213",
+ summary = "Natural logarithm function: ln ."
+ },
+ lnot = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/infty",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=208",
+ summary = "Logical “not” symbol: ¬.",
+ symbol = "¬"
+ },
+ log = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/cos",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=213",
+ summary = "Logarithm function: log ."
+ },
+ longleftarrow = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/leftarrow",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=212",
+ summary = "Relation: ←.",
+ symbol = "←"
+ },
+ longleftrightarrow = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/leftarrow",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=212",
+ summary = "Relation: ↔.",
+ symbol = "↔"
+ },
+ longmapsto = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/leftarrow",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=212",
+ summary = "Relation: ↦.",
+ symbol = "↦"
+ },
+ longrightarrow = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/leftarrow",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=212",
+ summary = "Relation: →.",
+ symbol = "→"
+ },
+ loop = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/loop",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=260",
+ summary = "Start a loop to be ended by \\repeat."
+ },
+ lor = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/vee",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=209",
+ summary = "Logical “or” operator: ∨.",
+ symbol = "∨"
+ },
+ lq = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/lq",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=118",
+ summary = "Left quote character for text: ‘.",
+ symbol = "‘"
+ },
+ magnification = {
+ arguments = {
+ {literal = "=", optional = true},
+ {delimiters = false, meta = "number"}
+ },
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/magnification",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=243",
+ summary = "Like \\mag, but don’t enlarge the page size."
+ },
+ magstep = {
+ arguments = {{delimiters = false, meta = "number"}},
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/magstep",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=243",
+ summary = "1000 ⋅ 1.2^(n) for a specified n."
+ },
+ magstephalf = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/magstephalf",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=244",
+ summary = "$1000\\cdot\\sqrt{1.2}$."
+ },
+ mapsto = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/leftarrow",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=212",
+ summary = "Relation: ↦.",
+ symbol = "↦"
+ },
+ mathpalette = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "argument1"}, {meta = "argument2"}},
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/mathpalette",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=218",
+ summary = "Produce a \\mathchoice which expands a specified control sequence depending on the current style."
+ },
+ mathstrut = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/mathstrut",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=188",
+ summary = "Produce an invisible box with the height and depth of a left parenthesis and no width."
+ },
+ matrix = {
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=225",
+ summary = "Produce a specified matrix."
+ },
+ max = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/cos",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=213",
+ summary = "Maximum function: max ."
+ },
+ maxdimen = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/maxdimen",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=264",
+ summary = "Largest dimension acceptable to TeX."
+ },
+ medbreak = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/smallbreak",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=157",
+ summary = "Indicate desirable page break with \\penalty-100 and produce \\medskipamount glue."
+ },
+ medskip = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/smallskip",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=174",
+ summary = "Produce \\medskipamount glue."
+ },
+ medskipamount = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/smallskipamount",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=175",
+ summary = "Glue for a medium vertical skip, by default 6pt plus 2pt minus 2pt.",
+ type = "glue"
+ },
+ mid = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/asymp",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=210",
+ summary = "Middle relation: ∣.",
+ symbol = "∣"
+ },
+ midinsert = {
+ arguments = {
+ {
+ delimiters = {"", "\\endinsert"},
+ meta = "vertical mode material"
+ }
+ },
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/topinsert",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=166",
+ summary = "Produce the specified text at the current position if possible, otherwise at the top of the next page."
+ },
+ min = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/cos",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=213",
+ summary = "Minimum function: min ."
+ },
+ mit = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/cal",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=229",
+ summary = "Use math italics, i.e., do \\fam=1."
+ },
+ models = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/asymp",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=210",
+ summary = "Models relation: ⊨.",
+ symbol = "⊨"
+ },
+ mp = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/vee",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=209",
+ summary = "Minus and plus operator: ∓.",
+ symbol = "∓"
+ },
+ mu = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/alpha",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=207",
+ summary = "Math Greek letter μ.",
+ symbol = "μ"
+ },
+ multispan = {
+ arguments = {{delimiters = false, meta = "number"}},
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/multispan",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=202",
+ summary = "Make next alignment entry span a specified number of columns (or rows)."
+ },
+ nabla = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/infty",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=208",
+ summary = "Backwards difference symbol: ∇.",
+ symbol = "∇"
+ },
+ narrower = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/narrower",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=134",
+ summary = "Make both left and right margins narrower by \\parindent."
+ },
+ natural = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/infty",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=208",
+ summary = "Natural symbol for music: ♮.",
+ symbol = "♮"
+ },
+ ne = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/asymp",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=210",
+ summary = "Not equal relation: ≠.",
+ symbol = "≠"
+ },
+ nearrow = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/leftarrow",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=212",
+ summary = "Northeast arrow relation: ↗.",
+ symbol = "↗"
+ },
+ neg = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/infty",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=208",
+ summary = "Logical “not” symbol: ¬.",
+ symbol = "¬"
+ },
+ negthinspace = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/negthinspace",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=173",
+ summary = "Kern $-\\frac1/6$em."
+ },
+ neq = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/asymp",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=210",
+ summary = "Not equal relation: ≠.",
+ symbol = "≠"
+ },
+ newbox = {
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=264",
+ summary = "Reserve and name a \\box register."
+ },
+ newcount = {
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=264",
+ summary = "Reserve and name a \\count register."
+ },
+ newdimen = {
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=264",
+ summary = "Reserve and name a \\dimen register."
+ },
+ newfam = {
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=264",
+ summary = "Reserve and name a math family."
+ },
+ newhelp = {
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=282",
+ summary = "Name a specified help message."
+ },
+ newif = {
+ arguments = {meta = "control sequence"},
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/newif",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=260",
+ summary = "Define a new conditional with the specified name."
+ },
+ newlanguage = {
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=264",
+ summary = "Reserve and name a \\language."
+ },
+ newmuskip = {
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=264",
+ summary = "Reserve and name a \\muskip register."
+ },
+ newread = {
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=264",
+ summary = "Reserve and name an input stream."
+ },
+ newskip = {
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=264",
+ summary = "Reserve and name a \\skip register."
+ },
+ newtoks = {
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=264",
+ summary = "Reserve and name a \\toks register."
+ },
+ newwrite = {
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=264",
+ summary = "Reserve and name an output stream."
+ },
+ ni = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/asymp",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=210",
+ summary = "“reverse in” relation: ∋.",
+ symbol = "∋"
+ },
+ nobreak = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/nobreak",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=156",
+ summary = "Do \\penalty10000, i.e., inhibit a line or page break."
+ },
+ nointerlineskip = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/nointerlineskip",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=155",
+ summary = "Inhibit interline glue before the next line."
+ },
+ nonfrenchspacing = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/frenchspacing",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=126",
+ summary = "Make interword spacing depend on punctuation."
+ },
+ nopagenumbers = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/nopagenumbers",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=162",
+ summary = "Inhibit printing of page numbers, i.e., do \\footline = {\\hfil}."
+ },
+ normalbaselines = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/normalbaselineskip",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=154",
+ summary = "Set \\baselineskip, \\line\\-skip, and \\line\\-skip\\-limit to the normal values for the current type size."
+ },
+ normalbaselineskip = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/normalbaselineskip",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=154",
+ summary = "Value of \\baselineskip for the current type size.",
+ type = "glue"
+ },
+ normalbottom = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/raggedbottom",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=157",
+ summary = "Make the bottom margin be the same from page to page."
+ },
+ normallineskip = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/normalbaselineskip",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=154",
+ summary = "Value of \\lineskip for the current type size.",
+ type = "glue"
+ },
+ normallineskiplimit = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/normalbaselineskip",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=154",
+ summary = "Value of \\lineskiplimit for the current type size.",
+ type = "dimen"
+ },
+ ["not"] = {
+ summary = "A slash with zero width for constructing negations of math relations, as in ≠."
+ },
+ notin = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/asymp",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=210",
+ summary = "Noninclusion relation: ∉.",
+ symbol = "∉"
+ },
+ nu = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/alpha",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=207",
+ summary = "Math Greek letter ν.",
+ symbol = "ν"
+ },
+ null = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/null",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=189",
+ summary = "Expands to an empty hbox."
+ },
+ nwarrow = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/leftarrow",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=212",
+ summary = "Northwest arrow relation: ↖.",
+ symbol = "↖"
+ },
+ o = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/AA",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=117",
+ summary = "Danish letter: ø.",
+ symbol = "ø"
+ },
+ obeylines = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/obeylines",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=142",
+ summary = "Make each end-of-line in the input file equivalent to \\par."
+ },
+ obeyspaces = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/obeyspaces",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=127",
+ summary = "Produce space in the output for each space character in the input."
+ },
+ odot = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/vee",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=209",
+ summary = "Centered dot operation: ⊙.",
+ symbol = "⊙"
+ },
+ oe = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/AA",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=117",
+ summary = "œ ligature."
+ },
+ offinterlineskip = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/offinterlineskip",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=155",
+ summary = "Inhibit interline glue from now on."
+ },
+ oint = {
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=214",
+ summary = "Contour integral operator: ∮.",
+ symbol = "∮"
+ },
+ oldstyle = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/cal",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=229",
+ summary = "Use old style digits:."
+ },
+ omega = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/alpha",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=207",
+ summary = "Math Greek letter ω.",
+ symbol = "ω"
+ },
+ ominus = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/vee",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=209",
+ summary = "Circled minus operator: ⊖.",
+ symbol = "⊖"
+ },
+ openup = {
+ arguments = {{delimiters = false, meta = "dimen"}},
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/openup",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=155",
+ summary = "Increase \\baselineskip, \\lineskip, and \\lineskiplimit by a specified amount."
+ },
+ oplus = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/vee",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=209",
+ summary = "Circled plus operator: ⊕.",
+ symbol = "⊕"
+ },
+ oslash = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/vee",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=209",
+ summary = "Circled slash operator: ⊘.",
+ symbol = "⊘"
+ },
+ otimes = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/vee",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=209",
+ summary = "Circled times operator: ⊗.",
+ symbol = "⊗"
+ },
+ overbrace = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "argument"}},
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/underbrace",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=222",
+ summary = "Produce a brace covering the top of a formula, as in $\\overbrace{h+w}{}$."
+ },
+ overleftarrow = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "argument"}},
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/underbrace",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=222",
+ summary = "Produce a left arrow covering the top of a formula, as in $\\overleftarrow{r+a}$."
+ },
+ overrightarrow = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "argument"}},
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/underbrace",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=222",
+ summary = "Produce a right arrow covering the top of a formula, as in $\\overrightarrow{i+t}$."
+ },
+ owns = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/asymp",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=210",
+ summary = "Owns relation: ∋.",
+ symbol = "∋"
+ },
+ pageinsert = {
+ arguments = {
+ {
+ delimiters = {"", "\\endinsert"},
+ meta = "vertical mode material"
+ }
+ },
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/topinsert",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=166",
+ summary = "Produce the specified text on the following page, and use up the full page."
+ },
+ pageno = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/pageno",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=162",
+ summary = "The register \\count0, which contains the (possibly negative) page number.",
+ type = "number"
+ },
+ parallel = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/asymp",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=210",
+ summary = "Parallel relation: ∥.",
+ symbol = "∥"
+ },
+ partial = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/infty",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=208",
+ summary = "Partial derivative symbol: ∂.",
+ symbol = "∂"
+ },
+ perp = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/asymp",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=210",
+ summary = "Perpendicular relation: ⊥.",
+ symbol = "⊥"
+ },
+ phantom = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "argument"}},
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/phantom",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=188",
+ summary = "Produce an invisible formula with the dimensions of a specified subformula."
+ },
+ phi = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/alpha",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=207",
+ summary = "Math Greek letter ϕ.",
+ symbol = "ϕ"
+ },
+ pi = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/alpha",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=207",
+ summary = "Math Greek letter π.",
+ symbol = "π"
+ },
+ plainoutput = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/plainoutput",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=168",
+ summary = "Plain TeX’s \\output routine."
+ },
+ pm = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/vee",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=209",
+ summary = "Plus and minus operator: ±.",
+ symbol = "±"
+ },
+ pmatrix = {
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=225",
+ summary = "Produce a parenthesized matrix."
+ },
+ pmod = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/pmod",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=214",
+ summary = "Parenthesized modulus notation to put at the end of a formula, as in x ≡ y + 1 (mod  2)."
+ },
+ prec = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/asymp",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=210",
+ summary = "Precedes relation: ≺.",
+ symbol = "≺"
+ },
+ preceq = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/asymp",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=210",
+ summary = "Precedes or equals relation: ≼.",
+ symbol = "≼"
+ },
+ prime = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/infty",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=208",
+ summary = "Prime math symbol, as in r^(′)."
+ },
+ proclaim = {
+ arguments = {
+ {delimiters = {"", "."}, meta = "argument"},
+ {delimiters = {"", "\\par"}, meta = "general text"}
+ },
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/proclaim",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=151",
+ summary = "Begin a theorem, lemma, hypothesis, …."
+ },
+ prod = {
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=214",
+ summary = "Large product operator: ∏.",
+ symbol = "∏"
+ },
+ propto = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/asymp",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=210",
+ summary = "Proportional to relation: ∝.",
+ symbol = "∝"
+ },
+ psi = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/alpha",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=207",
+ summary = "Math Greek letter ψ.",
+ symbol = "ψ"
+ },
+ qquad = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/enskip",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=174",
+ summary = "Produce horizontal glue with width 2em."
+ },
+ quad = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/enskip",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=174",
+ summary = "Produce horizontal glue with width 1em."
+ },
+ raggedbottom = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/raggedbottom",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=157",
+ summary = "Allow the bottom margin to vary from page to page."
+ },
+ raggedright = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/raggedright",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=136",
+ summary = "Allow the right margin to vary from line to line."
+ },
+ rangle = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/lbrace",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=211",
+ summary = "Right angle delimiter: ⟩.",
+ symbol = "⟩"
+ },
+ rbrace = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/lbrace",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=211",
+ summary = "Right brace delimiter: }."
+ },
+ rbrack = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/lbrace",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=211",
+ summary = "Right bracket delimiter: ]."
+ },
+ rceil = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/lbrace",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=211",
+ summary = "Right ceiling delimiter: ⌉.",
+ symbol = "⌉"
+ },
+ ["repeat"] = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/loop",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=260",
+ summary = "End a loop started with \\loop."
+ },
+ rfloor = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/lbrace",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=211",
+ summary = "Right floor delimiter: ⌋.",
+ symbol = "⌋"
+ },
+ rgroup = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/lgroup",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=224",
+ summary = "Right group delimiter (the smallest size is shown here): $\\Big\\rgroup$."
+ },
+ rho = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/alpha",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=207",
+ summary = "Math Greek letter ρ.",
+ symbol = "ρ"
+ },
+ rightarrow = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/leftarrow",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=212",
+ summary = "Relation: →.",
+ symbol = "→"
+ },
+ rightarrowfill = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/leftarrowfill",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=195",
+ summary = "Fill enclosing hbox with a \\rightarrow: to 3.5em."
+ },
+ rightharpoondown = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/leftarrow",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=212",
+ summary = "Relation: ⇁.",
+ symbol = "⇁"
+ },
+ rightharpoonup = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/leftarrow",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=212",
+ summary = "Relation: ⇀.",
+ symbol = "⇀"
+ },
+ rightleftharpoons = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/leftarrow",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=212",
+ summary = "Relation: ⇌.",
+ symbol = "⇌"
+ },
+ rightline = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "argument"}},
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/centerline",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=128",
+ summary = "Produce line with its text pushed to right margin."
+ },
+ rlap = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "argument"}},
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/llap",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=129",
+ summary = "Produce text (with no width) extending to the right of the current position."
+ },
+ rm = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/bf",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=123",
+ summary = "Use roman type, i.e., do \\tenrm\\fam=0."
+ },
+ rmoustache = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/arrowvert",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=232",
+ summary = "Bottom half of a large brace: $\\big\\rmoustache$."
+ },
+ romannumeral = {
+ arguments = {{delimiters = false, meta = "number"}},
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/romannumeral",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=244",
+ summary = "Produce the lowercase roman numeral representation of a specified number as characters."
+ },
+ root = {
+ arguments = {
+ {delimiters = {"", "\\of"}, meta = "argument1"},
+ {meta = "argument2"}
+ },
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/root",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=227",
+ summary = "Produce a specified root of a specified subformula, as in $\\root 3 \\of 2$."
+ },
+ rq = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/lq",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=118",
+ summary = "Right quote character for text: ’.",
+ symbol = "’"
+ },
+ sb = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "argument"}},
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/sb",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=217",
+ summary = "Implicit subscript character."
+ },
+ searrow = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/leftarrow",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=212",
+ summary = "Southeast arrow relation: ↘.",
+ symbol = "↘"
+ },
+ sec = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/cos",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=213",
+ summary = "Secant function: sec ."
+ },
+ setminus = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/vee",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=209",
+ summary = "Set difference operator: \\."
+ },
+ settabs = {
+ arguments = {{delimiters = {"", "\\cr"}, meta = "sample line"}},
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/settabs",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=196",
+ summary = "Define the tabs for a tabbing alignment."
+ },
+ sevenbf = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/fivebf",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=122",
+ summary = "Use 7-point bold font, cmbx7."
+ },
+ seveni = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/fivebf",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=122",
+ summary = "Use 7-point math italic font, cmmi5."
+ },
+ sevenrm = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/fivebf",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=122",
+ summary = "Use 7-point roman font, cmr7."
+ },
+ sevensy = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/fivebf",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=122",
+ summary = "Use 7-point symbol font, cmsy7."
+ },
+ sharp = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/infty",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=208",
+ summary = "Sharp symbol for music: ♯.",
+ symbol = "♯"
+ },
+ showhyphens = {
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=148",
+ summary = "Show, in the log and on the terminal, hyphenations in the specified text."
+ },
+ sigma = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/alpha",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=207",
+ summary = "Math Greek letter σ.",
+ symbol = "σ"
+ },
+ sim = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/asymp",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=210",
+ summary = "Similarity relation: ∼.",
+ symbol = "∼"
+ },
+ simeq = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/asymp",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=210",
+ summary = "Similar or equal relation: ≃.",
+ symbol = "≃"
+ },
+ sin = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/cos",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=213",
+ summary = "Sine function: sin ."
+ },
+ sinh = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/cos",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=213",
+ summary = "Hyperbolic sine function: sinh ."
+ },
+ skew = {
+ arguments = {
+ {delimiters = false, meta = "number"},
+ {meta = "argument1"},
+ {meta = "argument2"}
+ },
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/skew",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=232",
+ summary = "Shift a specified accent by a specified amount on a specified accented character."
+ },
+ sl = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/bf",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=123",
+ summary = "Use slanted type, i.e., do \\tensl\\fam=\\slfam."
+ },
+ slash = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/slash",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=142",
+ summary = "/ character that allows a line break."
+ },
+ slfam = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/itfam",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=230",
+ summary = "Slanted family for math."
+ },
+ smallbreak = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/smallbreak",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=157",
+ summary = "Indicate somewhat desirable page break with \\penalty-50 and produce \\smallskipamount glue."
+ },
+ smallint = {
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=214",
+ summary = "Small integral symbol: $\\smallint$."
+ },
+ smallskip = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/smallskip",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=174",
+ summary = "Produce \\smallskipamount glue."
+ },
+ smallskipamount = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/smallskipamount",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=175",
+ summary = "Glue for a small vertical skip, by default 3pt plus 1pt minus 1pt.",
+ type = "glue"
+ },
+ smash = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "argument"}},
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/smash",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=189",
+ summary = "Produce formula with zero height and depth."
+ },
+ smile = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/asymp",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=210",
+ summary = "Smile relation: ⌣.",
+ symbol = "⌣"
+ },
+ sp = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "argument"}},
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/sb",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=217",
+ summary = "Implicit superscript character."
+ },
+ space = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/space",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=125",
+ summary = "Produce normal interword glue."
+ },
+ spadesuit = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/infty",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=208",
+ summary = "Spade suit symbol: ♠.",
+ symbol = "♠"
+ },
+ sqcap = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/vee",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=209",
+ summary = "Square cap operator: ⊓.",
+ symbol = "⊓"
+ },
+ sqcup = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/vee",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=209",
+ summary = "Square cup operator: ⊔.",
+ symbol = "⊔"
+ },
+ sqrt = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "argument"}},
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/sqrt",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=226",
+ summary = "Produce square root of a subformula, as in $\\sqrt 2$."
+ },
+ sqsubseteq = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/asymp",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=210",
+ summary = "Square subset or equal relation: ⊑.",
+ symbol = "⊑"
+ },
+ sqsupseteq = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/asymp",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=210",
+ summary = "Square superset or equal relation: ⊒.",
+ symbol = "⊒"
+ },
+ ss = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/AA",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=117",
+ summary = "German letter: ß.",
+ symbol = "ß"
+ },
+ star = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/vee",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=209",
+ summary = "Star operator: ⋆.",
+ symbol = "⋆"
+ },
+ strut = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/strut",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=187",
+ summary = "Box with zero width, but height and depth of a standard line, from baseline to baseline, in the current font."
+ },
+ subset = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/asymp",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=210",
+ summary = "Subset relation: ⊂.",
+ symbol = "⊂"
+ },
+ subseteq = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/asymp",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=210",
+ summary = "Subset or equal relation: ⊆.",
+ symbol = "⊆"
+ },
+ succ = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/asymp",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=210",
+ summary = "Successor relation: ≻.",
+ symbol = "≻"
+ },
+ succeq = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/asymp",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=210",
+ summary = "Successor or equal relation: ≽.",
+ symbol = "≽"
+ },
+ sum = {
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=214",
+ summary = "Large summation operator: ∑.",
+ symbol = "∑"
+ },
+ sup = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/cos",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=213",
+ summary = "Superior function: sup ."
+ },
+ supereject = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/eject",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=157",
+ summary = "Force a page break, and output all insertions."
+ },
+ supset = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/asymp",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=210",
+ summary = "Superset relation: ⊃.",
+ symbol = "⊃"
+ },
+ supseteq = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/asymp",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=210",
+ summary = "Superset or equal relation: ⊇.",
+ symbol = "⊇"
+ },
+ surd = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/infty",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=208",
+ summary = "Surd symbol: $\\surd$."
+ },
+ swarrow = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/leftarrow",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=212",
+ summary = "Southwest arrow relation: ↙.",
+ symbol = "↙"
+ },
+ t = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/c",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=120",
+ summary = "Tie-after accent for text, as in u͡u."
+ },
+ tabalign = {
+ arguments = {delimiters = {"", "\\cr"}, meta = "rows"},
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/+",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=196",
+ summary = "Equivalent to \\+, except it’s not \\outer."
+ },
+ tan = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/cos",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=213",
+ summary = "Tangent function: tan ."
+ },
+ tanh = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/cos",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=213",
+ summary = "Hyperbolic tangent function: tanh ."
+ },
+ tau = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/alpha",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=207",
+ summary = "Math Greek letter τ.",
+ symbol = "τ"
+ },
+ tenbf = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/fivebf",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=122",
+ summary = "Use 10-point bold font, cmbx10."
+ },
+ tenex = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/fivebf",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=122",
+ summary = "Use 10-point math extension font, cmex10."
+ },
+ teni = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/fivebf",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=122",
+ summary = "Use 10-point math italic font, cmmi10."
+ },
+ tenit = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/fivebf",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=122",
+ summary = "Use 10-point text italic font, cmti10."
+ },
+ tenrm = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/fivebf",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=122",
+ summary = "Use 10-point roman text font, cmr10."
+ },
+ tensl = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/fivebf",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=122",
+ summary = "Use 10-point slanted roman font, cmsl10."
+ },
+ tensy = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/fivebf",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=122",
+ summary = "Use 10-point math symbol font, cmsy10."
+ },
+ tentt = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/fivebf",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=122",
+ summary = "Use 10-point typewriter font, cmtt10."
+ },
+ textindent = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "argument"}},
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/textindent",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=132",
+ summary = "Like \\item, but doesn’t do hanging indentation."
+ },
+ theta = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/alpha",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=207",
+ summary = "Math Greek letter θ.",
+ symbol = "θ"
+ },
+ thinspace = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/thinspace",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=173",
+ summary = "Kern /6em."
+ },
+ tilde = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/acute",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=219",
+ summary = "Tilde accent for math, as in x̃."
+ },
+ times = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/vee",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=209",
+ summary = "Times operator: ×.",
+ symbol = "×"
+ },
+ to = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/leftarrow",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=212",
+ summary = "Mapping relation: →.",
+ symbol = "→"
+ },
+ top = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/infty",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=208",
+ summary = "Lattice top symbol: ⊤.",
+ symbol = "⊤"
+ },
+ topglue = {
+ arguments = {{delimiters = false, meta = "glue"}},
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/topglue",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=176",
+ summary = "Produce specified vertical glue at the top of a page."
+ },
+ topinsert = {
+ arguments = {
+ {
+ delimiters = {"", "\\endinsert"},
+ meta = "vertical mode material"
+ }
+ },
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/topinsert",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=166",
+ summary = "Produce the specified text at top of a page."
+ },
+ tracingall = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/tracingall",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=281",
+ summary = "Turn on maximal tracing."
+ },
+ triangle = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/infty",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=208",
+ summary = "Triangle symbol: △.",
+ symbol = "△"
+ },
+ triangleleft = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/vee",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=209",
+ summary = "Left triangle operator: ⊲.",
+ symbol = "⊲"
+ },
+ triangleright = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/vee",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=209",
+ summary = "Right triangle operator: ⊳.",
+ symbol = "⊳"
+ },
+ tt = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/bf",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=123",
+ summary = "Use typewriter type, i.e., do \\tentt\\fam=\\ttfam."
+ },
+ ttfam = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/itfam",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=230",
+ summary = "Typewriter family for math."
+ },
+ ttraggedright = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/raggedright",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=136",
+ summary = "Use typewriter type and allow right margins of paragraphs to vary from line to line."
+ },
+ u = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/c",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=120",
+ summary = "Breve accent for text, as in r̆."
+ },
+ underbar = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "argument"}},
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/underbar",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=183",
+ summary = "Underline the specified text without avoiding any descenders, as in."
+ },
+ underbrace = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "argument"}},
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/underbrace",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=222",
+ summary = "Produce a brace covering the bottom of a formula, as in $\\underbrace{x+x}{}$."
+ },
+ uparrow = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/leftarrow",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=212",
+ summary = "Relation: ↑.",
+ symbol = "↑"
+ },
+ upbracefill = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/downbracefill",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=231",
+ summary = "Fill enclosing hbox with an upwards facing brace: to 3.5em."
+ },
+ updownarrow = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/leftarrow",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=212",
+ summary = "Relation: ↕.",
+ symbol = "↕"
+ },
+ uplus = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/vee",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=209",
+ summary = "Cupped plus operator: ⊎.",
+ symbol = "⊎"
+ },
+ upsilon = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/alpha",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=207",
+ summary = "Math Greek letter υ.",
+ symbol = "υ"
+ },
+ v = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/c",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=120",
+ summary = "Check accent for text, as in ǒ."
+ },
+ varepsilon = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/alpha",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=207",
+ summary = "Variant math Greek letter ε.",
+ symbol = "ε"
+ },
+ varphi = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/alpha",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=207",
+ summary = "Variant math Greek letter φ.",
+ symbol = "φ"
+ },
+ varpi = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/alpha",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=207",
+ summary = "Variant math Greek letter ϖ.",
+ symbol = "ϖ"
+ },
+ varrho = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/alpha",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=207",
+ summary = "Variant math Greek letter 𝜚.",
+ symbol = "𝜚"
+ },
+ varsigma = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/alpha",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=207",
+ summary = "Variant Greek letter ς.",
+ symbol = "ς"
+ },
+ vartheta = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/alpha",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=207",
+ summary = "Variant math Greek letter ϑ.",
+ symbol = "ϑ"
+ },
+ vdash = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/asymp",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=210",
+ summary = "Left turnstile symbol: ⊢.",
+ symbol = "⊢"
+ },
+ vdots = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/vdots",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=223",
+ summary = "Vertical dots for math:."
+ },
+ vec = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/acute",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=219",
+ summary = "Vector accent for math, as in x⃗."
+ },
+ vee = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/vee",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=209",
+ summary = "Logical “or” operator: ∨.",
+ symbol = "∨"
+ },
+ vert = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/infty",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=208",
+ summary = "Bar relation: |."
+ },
+ vfootnote = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "argument1"}, {meta = "argument2"}},
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/footnote",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=165",
+ summary = "Produce a specified footnote with a specified reference mark, but don’t produce the reference mark in the text."
+ },
+ vglue = {
+ arguments = {{delimiters = false, meta = "glue"}},
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/hglue",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=176",
+ summary = "Produce specified vertical glue that doesn’t disappear at page breaks."
+ },
+ vphantom = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "argument"}},
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/hphantom",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=189",
+ summary = "Produce an invisible formula with zero width but natural height and depth."
+ },
+ wedge = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/vee",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=209",
+ summary = "Logical “and” operator: ∧.",
+ symbol = "∧"
+ },
+ widehat = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/acute",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=219",
+ summary = "Math accent, as in $\\widehat {y+z+a}$."
+ },
+ widetilde = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/acute",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=219",
+ summary = "Math accent $\\widetilde {b+c+d}$."
+ },
+ wlog = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "token list"}},
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/wlog",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=282",
+ summary = "\\write the specified token list in the log file."
+ },
+ wp = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/infty",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=208",
+ summary = "Weierstraß ‘p’ symbol: ℘.",
+ symbol = "℘"
+ },
+ wr = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/vee",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=209",
+ summary = "Wreath product operator: ≀.",
+ symbol = "≀"
+ },
+ xi = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/alpha",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=207",
+ summary = "Math Greek letter ξ.",
+ symbol = "ξ"
+ },
+ zeta = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/alpha",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=207",
+ summary = "Math Greek letter ζ.",
+ symbol = "ζ"
+ },
+ ["{"] = {
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=211",
+ summary = "Left brace delimiter for math: {."
+ },
+ ["|"] = {
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=208",
+ summary = "Parallel lines for math: ‖.",
+ symbol = "‖"
+ },
+ ["}"] = {
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=211",
+ summary = "Right brace delimiter for math: }."
+ },
+ ["~"] = {
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=120",
+ summary = "Tilde accent for text, as in ã."
+ }
diff --git a/support/digestif/data/primitives.tags b/support/digestif/data/primitives.tags
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3c68daa40a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/support/digestif/data/primitives.tags
@@ -0,0 +1,2058 @@
+-- Copyright 2003 Paul W. Abrahams, Kathryn A. Hargreaves, Karl Berry
+-- Copyright 2022 Augusto Stoffel
+-- SPDX-License-Identifier: GFDL-1.3-only
+-- Adapted from the book TeX for the Impatient, which can be found at
+ctan_package = "tex"
+documentation = {
+ {summary = "The TeXbook", uri = ""},
+ {
+ summary = "TeX for the Impatient",
+ uri = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf"
+ }
+commands = {
+ ["-"] = {
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=146",
+ summary = "Specify a legal hyphenation point."
+ },
+ ["/"] = {
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=126",
+ summary = "Italic correction for the previous character."
+ },
+ above = {
+ arguments = {{delimiters = false, meta = "dimen"}},
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/over",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=220",
+ summary = "Produce a fraction with a bar of specified thickness."
+ },
+ abovedisplayshortskip = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/abovedisplayshortskip",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=237",
+ summary = "Glue TeX inserts before a display when the previous line fits in the display’s indentation, by default 0pt plus 3pt.",
+ type = "glue"
+ },
+ abovedisplayskip = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/abovedisplayskip",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=237",
+ summary = "Glue TeX inserts before a display when the previous line doesn’t fit in the display’s indentation, by default 12pt plus 3pt minus 9pt.",
+ type = "glue"
+ },
+ abovewithdelims = {
+ arguments = {
+ {delimiters = false, meta = "delim1"},
+ {delimiters = false, meta = "delim2"},
+ {delimiters = false, meta = "dimen"}
+ },
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/overwithdelims",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=221",
+ summary = "Produce a fraction with a bar of specified thickness and surrounded by specified delimiters."
+ },
+ accent = {
+ arguments = {{delimiters = false, meta = "charcode"}},
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/accent",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=120",
+ summary = "Put specified accent over the next character."
+ },
+ adjdemerits = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/adjdemerits",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=145",
+ summary = "Additional demerits for a line break which would result in adjacent lines with incompatible word spacing, by default 10000.",
+ type = "number"
+ },
+ advance = {
+ arguments = {
+ {delimiters = {"", "by"}, meta = "muskip register"},
+ {delimiters = false, meta = "muglue"}
+ },
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/advance",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=265",
+ summary = "Add a number to a \\count register."
+ },
+ afterassignment = {
+ arguments = {{delimiters = false, meta = "token"}},
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/afterassignment",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=249",
+ summary = "Wait to expand the following token until the next assignment is done."
+ },
+ aftergroup = {
+ arguments = {{delimiters = false, meta = "token"}},
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/aftergroup",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=249",
+ summary = "Wait to expand the following token until the end of the current group."
+ },
+ atop = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/over",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=220",
+ summary = "Produce a fraction without a fraction bar."
+ },
+ atopwithdelims = {
+ arguments = {
+ {delimiters = false, meta = "delim1"},
+ {delimiters = false, meta = "delim2"}
+ },
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/overwithdelims",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=221",
+ summary = "Produce a fraction without a fraction bar and surrounded by specified delimiters."
+ },
+ badness = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/badness",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=190",
+ summary = "The badness of the glue setting in the last box made."
+ },
+ baselineskip = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/baselineskip",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=153",
+ summary = "Glue for the normal vertical distance from one baseline to the next, by default 12pt.",
+ type = "glue"
+ },
+ batchmode = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/batchmode",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=273",
+ summary = "Don’t stop at errors and don’t output to terminal."
+ },
+ begingroup = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/begingroup",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=247",
+ summary = "Start a group to be ended by \\endgroup."
+ },
+ belowdisplayshortskip = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/belowdisplayshortskip",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=237",
+ summary = "Glue TeX inserts after a display when the previous line fits in the display’s indentation, by default 7pt plus 0.3pt minus 4pt.",
+ type = "glue"
+ },
+ belowdisplayskip = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/belowdisplayskip",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=237",
+ summary = "Glue TeX inserts after a display when the previous line doesn’t fit in the display’s indentation, by default 12pt plus 3pt minus 9pt.",
+ type = "glue"
+ },
+ binoppenalty = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/binoppenalty",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=146",
+ summary = "Additional penalty for breaking after a binary math operator, by default 700.",
+ type = "number"
+ },
+ botmark = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/firstmark",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=164",
+ summary = "The last mark item on the page just boxed."
+ },
+ box = {
+ arguments = {{delimiters = false, meta = "register"}},
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/setbox",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=184",
+ summary = "Append the box in a specified box register to the current list, and void the register."
+ },
+ boxmaxdepth = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/boxmaxdepth",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=183",
+ summary = "Maximum depth of vboxes, by default \\maxdimen.",
+ type = "dimen"
+ },
+ brokenpenalty = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/brokenpenalty",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=159",
+ summary = "Penalty for line break at a discretionary item, by default 100.",
+ type = "number"
+ },
+ catcode = {
+ arguments = {
+ {delimiters = false, meta = "charcode"},
+ {delimiters = false, meta = "number"}
+ },
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/catcode",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=271",
+ summary = "The category code of a specified character."
+ },
+ char = {
+ arguments = {{delimiters = false, meta = "charcode"}},
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/char",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=119",
+ summary = "Produce the character from the current font with the specified code."
+ },
+ chardef = {
+ arguments = {
+ {delimiters = false, meta = "control sequence"},
+ {literal = "=", optional = true},
+ {delimiters = false, meta = "charcode"}
+ },
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/chardef",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=252",
+ summary = "Define a specified control sequence to be a character’s code, a number between 0 and 255."
+ },
+ cleaders = {
+ arguments = {
+ {delimiters = false, meta = "box or rule"},
+ {delimiters = false, meta = "skip command"}
+ },
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/leaders",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=194",
+ summary = "Produce leaders with half of leftover space before the first box, and half after the last."
+ },
+ closein = {
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=268",
+ summary = "Close a specified input stream."
+ },
+ closeout = {
+ arguments = {{delimiters = false, meta = "number"}},
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/closeout",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=269",
+ summary = "Close a specified output stream."
+ },
+ clubpenalty = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/clubpenalty",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=158",
+ summary = "Additional penalty for a single line remaining before a page break, by default 150.",
+ type = "number"
+ },
+ copy = {
+ arguments = {{delimiters = false, meta = "register"}},
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/copy",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=184",
+ summary = "Like \\box, but don’t void the register."
+ },
+ count = {
+ arguments = {{delimiters = false, meta = "register"}},
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/count",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=262",
+ summary = "The specified integer register."
+ },
+ countdef = {
+ arguments = {
+ {delimiters = false, meta = "control sequence"},
+ {literal = "=", optional = true},
+ {delimiters = false, meta = "register"}
+ },
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/countdef",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=265",
+ summary = "Define a specified control sequence to be a number corresponding to a \\count register."
+ },
+ cr = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/cr",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=200",
+ summary = "End a row (or column) within an alignment."
+ },
+ crcr = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/crcr",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=200",
+ summary = "Does nothing if the last command was \\cr or \\noalign; otherwise, equivalent to \\cr."
+ },
+ csname = {
+ arguments = {{delimiters = {"", "\\endcsname"}, meta = "token list"}},
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/csname",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=253",
+ summary = "Start a control sequence name to be ended by \\endcsname."
+ },
+ day = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/day",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=245",
+ summary = "Current day of the month, as a number.",
+ type = "number"
+ },
+ deadcycles = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/deadcycles",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=168",
+ summary = "Number of \\output initiations since the last \\shipout.",
+ type = "number"
+ },
+ def = {
+ action = "def",
+ arguments = {
+ {delimiters = false, meta = "control sequence"},
+ {delimiters = {"", "{"}, meta = "parameter text"},
+ {delimiters = {"", "}"}, meta = "replacement text"}
+ },
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/def",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=250",
+ summary = "Define a control sequence to be a macro."
+ },
+ defaulthyphenchar = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/defaulthyphenchar",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=149",
+ summary = "Default hyphenation character code.",
+ type = "number"
+ },
+ defaultskewchar = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/defaultskewchar",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=233",
+ summary = "Default accent skewing character code.",
+ type = "number"
+ },
+ delcode = {
+ arguments = {
+ {delimiters = false, meta = "charcode"},
+ {delimiters = false, meta = "number"}
+ },
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/delcode",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=271",
+ summary = "The delimiter code of a specified character."
+ },
+ delimiter = {
+ arguments = {{delimiters = false, meta = "number"}},
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/delimiter",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=224",
+ summary = "Produce a specified delimiter."
+ },
+ delimiterfactor = {
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=225",
+ summary = "1000 times the ratio of the minimum size of a delimiter to the size that would completely cover the formula, by default 901."
+ },
+ delimitershortfall = {
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=225",
+ summary = "Minimum difference between formula height and delimiter height, by default 5pt."
+ },
+ dimen = {
+ arguments = {{delimiters = false, meta = "register"}},
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/count",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=262",
+ summary = "The specified dimension register."
+ },
+ dimendef = {
+ arguments = {
+ {delimiters = false, meta = "control sequence"},
+ {literal = "=", optional = true},
+ {delimiters = false, meta = "register"}
+ },
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/countdef",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=265",
+ summary = "Define a specified control sequence to be a number corresponding to a \\dimen register."
+ },
+ discretionary = {
+ arguments = {
+ {meta = "pre-break text"},
+ {meta = "post-break text"},
+ {meta = "no-break text"}
+ },
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/discretionary",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=147",
+ summary = "Specify three texts, the first two for before and after a line break, the third for no line break."
+ },
+ displayindent = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/displayindent",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=236",
+ summary = "TeX sets this to the indentation of a display.",
+ type = "dimen"
+ },
+ displaylimits = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/displaylimits",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=215",
+ summary = "Place limits above and below operators only in display styles."
+ },
+ displaystyle = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/textstyle",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=218",
+ summary = "Use displaystyle size in a formula."
+ },
+ displaywidowpenalty = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/displaywidowpenalty",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=158",
+ summary = "Penalty for a single line beginning a page just before a display, by default 50.",
+ type = "number"
+ },
+ displaywidth = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/displaywidth",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=236",
+ summary = "TeX sets this to the width of a display.",
+ type = "dimen"
+ },
+ divide = {
+ arguments = {
+ {delimiters = {"", "by"}, meta = "register"},
+ {delimiters = false, meta = "number"}
+ },
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/multiply",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=266",
+ summary = "Divide a specified \\count register by a specified integer."
+ },
+ doublehyphendemerits = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/doublehyphendemerits",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=145",
+ summary = "Demerits for two consecutive lines ending with hyphens, by default 10000.",
+ type = "number"
+ },
+ dp = {
+ arguments = {{delimiters = false, meta = "register"}},
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/ht",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=187",
+ summary = "The depth of the box in a specified box register.",
+ type = "dimen"
+ },
+ dump = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/dump",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=283",
+ summary = "End the job and produce a format file."
+ },
+ edef = {
+ action = "def",
+ arguments = {
+ {delimiters = false, meta = "control sequence"},
+ {delimiters = {"", "{"}, meta = "parameter text"},
+ {delimiters = {"", "}"}, meta = "replacement text"}
+ },
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/edef",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=250",
+ summary = "Define a control sequence to be a macro, immediately expanding the replacement text."
+ },
+ ["else"] = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/else",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=259",
+ summary = "False or default case alternative for a conditional."
+ },
+ emergencystretch = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/emergencystretch",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=144",
+ summary = "Additional stretch added to every line if \\tol\\-er\\-ance is not satisfied.",
+ type = "dimen"
+ },
+ ["end"] = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/end",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=267",
+ summary = "\\output the last page and end the job."
+ },
+ endcsname = {summary = "End a control sequence name started by \\csname."},
+ endgroup = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/begingroup",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=247",
+ summary = "End a group started by \\begingroup."
+ },
+ endinput = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/endinput",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=267",
+ summary = "Terminate input from the current file."
+ },
+ endlinechar = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/endlinechar",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=272",
+ summary = "Character TeX inserts at the end of each input line, by default \\twocarets M.",
+ type = "number"
+ },
+ eqno = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/eqno",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=227",
+ summary = "Put a specified equation number on the right of a display."
+ },
+ errhelp = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/errhelp",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=282",
+ summary = "Token list whose expansion TeX displays when the user asks for help in response to an \\errmessage.",
+ type = "token list"
+ },
+ errmessage = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "token list"}},
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/message",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=281",
+ summary = "Give specified error message."
+ },
+ errorcontextlines = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/errorcontextlines",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=283",
+ summary = "The number of lines of context TeX displays at an error, by default 5.",
+ type = "number"
+ },
+ errorstopmode = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/errorstopmode",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=272",
+ summary = "Stop for interaction at error messages."
+ },
+ escapechar = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/escapechar",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=246",
+ summary = "Character with which TeX precedes control sequence names that are displayed.",
+ type = "number"
+ },
+ everycr = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/everycr",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=205",
+ summary = "Token list TeX expands after a \\cr, or a \\crcr not following \\cr or \\noalign.",
+ type = "token list"
+ },
+ everydisplay = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/everymath",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=238",
+ summary = "Token list TeX expands when a math display begins.",
+ type = "token list"
+ },
+ everyhbox = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/everyhbox",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=184",
+ summary = "Token list TeX expands when an hbox begins.",
+ type = "token list"
+ },
+ everyjob = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/everyjob",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=283",
+ summary = "Token list TeX expands when a job begins.",
+ type = "token list"
+ },
+ everymath = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/everymath",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=238",
+ summary = "Token list TeX expands when text math mode begins.",
+ type = "token list"
+ },
+ everypar = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/everypar",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=133",
+ summary = "Token list TeX expands when a paragraph begins.",
+ type = "token list"
+ },
+ everyvbox = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/everyhbox",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=184",
+ summary = "Token list TeX expands when a vbox begins.",
+ type = "token list"
+ },
+ exhyphenpenalty = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/exhyphenpenalty",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=145",
+ summary = "Additional penalty for a line break after an explicit hyphen, by default 50.",
+ type = "number"
+ },
+ expandafter = {
+ arguments = {
+ {delimiters = false, meta = "token1"},
+ {delimiters = false, meta = "token2"}
+ },
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/expandafter",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=253",
+ summary = "Expand the next token only after expanding the token following it."
+ },
+ fam = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/fam",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=230",
+ summary = "Font family TeX uses for characters with class seven (i.e., variables) in math.",
+ type = "number"
+ },
+ fi = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/fi",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=260",
+ summary = "End a conditional."
+ },
+ finalhyphendemerits = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/finalhyphendemerits",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=146",
+ summary = "Penalty for the second to last line breaking at a hyphen, by default 5000.",
+ type = "number"
+ },
+ firstmark = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/firstmark",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=164",
+ summary = "First mark item on the page just boxed."
+ },
+ floatingpenalty = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/floatingpenalty",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=159",
+ summary = "Penalty for insertions that are split across pages, by default 0.",
+ type = "number"
+ },
+ font = {
+ arguments = {
+ {delimiters = false, meta = "control sequence"},
+ {literal = "=", optional = true},
+ {delimiters = {"", "at"}, meta = "fontname"},
+ {delimiters = false, meta = "dimen"}
+ },
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/font",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=241",
+ summary = "Define a specified control sequence to select a font."
+ },
+ fontdimen = {
+ arguments = {
+ {delimiters = false, meta = "number"},
+ {delimiters = false, meta = "font"}
+ },
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/fontdimen",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=242",
+ summary = "A specified parameter of a specified font.",
+ type = "dimen"
+ },
+ fontname = {
+ arguments = {{delimiters = false, meta = "font"}},
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/fontname",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=247",
+ summary = "Produce the filename of a specified font as characters."
+ },
+ futurelet = {
+ arguments = {
+ {delimiters = false, meta = "control sequence"},
+ {delimiters = false, meta = "token1"},
+ {delimiters = false, meta = "token2"}
+ },
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/futurelet",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=252",
+ summary = "Assign the third following token to a specified control sequence, then expand the second following token."
+ },
+ gdef = {
+ action = "def",
+ arguments = {
+ {delimiters = false, meta = "control sequence"},
+ {delimiters = {"", "{"}, meta = "parameter text"},
+ {delimiters = {"", "}"}, meta = "replacement text"}
+ },
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/gdef",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=251",
+ summary = "Equivalent to \\global\\def, i.e., globally define a macro."
+ },
+ global = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/global",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=248",
+ summary = "Make the following definition global."
+ },
+ globaldefs = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/globaldefs",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=248",
+ summary = "Overrides \\global prefixes on assignments.",
+ type = "number"
+ },
+ halign = {
+ arguments = {
+ {delimiters = {"to", ""}, meta = "dimen", optional = true},
+ {delimiters = {"spread", ""}, meta = "dimen", optional = true},
+ {delimiters = {"{", "}"}, meta = "rows"}
+ },
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/halign",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=198",
+ summary = "Align text in columns."
+ },
+ hangafter = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/hangafter",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=137",
+ summary = "Starting line number for hanging indentation.",
+ type = "number"
+ },
+ hangindent = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/hangafter",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=137",
+ summary = "Space for hanging indentation.",
+ type = "dimen"
+ },
+ hbadness = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/hbadness",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=190",
+ summary = "Badness threshold for reporting underfull or overfull hboxes, by default 1000.",
+ type = "number"
+ },
+ hbox = {
+ arguments = {
+ {delimiters = {"to", ""}, meta = "dimen", optional = true},
+ {delimiters = {"spread", ""}, meta = "dimen", optional = true},
+ {delimiters = {"{", "}"}, meta = "horizontal mode material"}
+ },
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/hbox",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=180",
+ summary = "Produce a specified hbox."
+ },
+ hfil = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/hfil",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=177",
+ summary = "Produce infinitely stretchable horizontal glue."
+ },
+ hfill = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/hfil",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=177",
+ summary = "Produce horizontal glue even more infinitely stretchable than that produced by \\hfil."
+ },
+ hfilneg = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/hfilneg",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=179",
+ summary = "Produce infinitely negative stretchable horizontal glue."
+ },
+ hfuzz = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/hfuzz",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=191",
+ summary = "Space threshold for reporting overfull hboxes, by default 0.1pt.",
+ type = "dimen"
+ },
+ hoffset = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/hoffset",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=160",
+ summary = "Page offset relative to one inch from the paper’s left edge.",
+ type = "dimen"
+ },
+ holdinginserts = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/holdinginserts",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=169",
+ summary = "If positive, do not remove insertions from the current page.",
+ type = "number"
+ },
+ hrule = {
+ arguments = {
+ {delimiters = {"width", ""}, meta = "dimen", optional = true},
+ {delimiters = {"height", ""}, meta = "dimen", optional = true},
+ {delimiters = {"depth", ""}, meta = "dimen", optional = true}
+ },
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/hrule",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=192",
+ summary = "Produce a horizontal rule; legal only in vertical modes."
+ },
+ hsize = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/hsize",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=160",
+ summary = "Line length, by default 6.5in.",
+ type = "dimen"
+ },
+ hskip = {
+ arguments = {
+ {delimiters = {"", "plus"}, meta = "dimen1"},
+ {delimiters = {"", "minus"}, meta = "dimen2"},
+ {delimiters = false, meta = "dimen3"}
+ },
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/hskip",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=175",
+ summary = "Produce specified horizontal glue."
+ },
+ hss = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/hss",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=178",
+ summary = "Produce horizontal glue that is infinitely stretchable and infinitely shrinkable."
+ },
+ ht = {
+ arguments = {{delimiters = false, meta = "register"}},
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/ht",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=187",
+ summary = "The height of the box in a specified box register.",
+ type = "dimen"
+ },
+ hyphenation = {
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=147",
+ summary = "Add specified words to the hyphenation exception dictionary."
+ },
+ hyphenchar = {
+ arguments = {{delimiters = false, meta = "font"}},
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/hyphenchar",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=149",
+ summary = "The hyphenation character in a specified font.",
+ type = "number"
+ },
+ hyphenpenalty = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/hyphenpenalty",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=145",
+ summary = "Additional penalty for a line break at a hyphen, by default 50.",
+ type = "number"
+ },
+ ["if"] = {
+ arguments = {
+ {delimiters = false, meta = "token1"},
+ {delimiters = false, meta = "token2"}
+ },
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/if",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=255",
+ summary = "Test if two specified tokens have the same character code."
+ },
+ ifcase = {
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=259",
+ summary = "Expand case n for specified value n."
+ },
+ ifcat = {
+ arguments = {
+ {delimiters = false, meta = "token1"},
+ {delimiters = false, meta = "token2"}
+ },
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/ifcat",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=255",
+ summary = "Test if two specified tokens have the same category code."
+ },
+ ifdim = {
+ arguments = {
+ {delimiters = false, meta = "dimen1"},
+ {delimiters = false, meta = "relation"},
+ {delimiters = false, meta = "dimen2"}
+ },
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/ifdim",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=257",
+ summary = "Test for a specified relationship between two specified dimensions."
+ },
+ ifeof = {
+ arguments = {{delimiters = false, meta = "number"}},
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/ifeof",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=259",
+ summary = "Test for being at the end of a specified file."
+ },
+ iffalse = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/iftrue",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=259",
+ summary = "Test that is always false."
+ },
+ ifhbox = {
+ arguments = {{delimiters = false, meta = "register"}},
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/ifhbox",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=258",
+ summary = "Test if a specified box register contains an hbox."
+ },
+ ifhmode = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/ifhmode",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=258",
+ summary = "Test if TeX is in a horizontal mode."
+ },
+ ifinner = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/ifhmode",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=258",
+ summary = "Test if TeX is in an internal mode."
+ },
+ ifmmode = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/ifhmode",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=258",
+ summary = "Test if TeX is in a math mode."
+ },
+ ifnum = {
+ arguments = {
+ {delimiters = false, meta = "number1"},
+ {delimiters = false, meta = "relation"},
+ {delimiters = false, meta = "number2"}
+ },
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/ifnum",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=257",
+ summary = "Test for a specified relationship between two specified numbers."
+ },
+ ifodd = {
+ arguments = {{delimiters = false, meta = "number"}},
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/ifodd",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=257",
+ summary = "Test if a specified number is odd."
+ },
+ iftrue = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/iftrue",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=259",
+ summary = "Test that is always true."
+ },
+ ifvbox = {
+ arguments = {{delimiters = false, meta = "register"}},
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/ifhbox",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=258",
+ summary = "Test if a specified box register contains a vbox."
+ },
+ ifvmode = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/ifhmode",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=258",
+ summary = "Test if TeX is in a vertical mode."
+ },
+ ifvoid = {
+ arguments = {{delimiters = false, meta = "register"}},
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/ifhbox",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=258",
+ summary = "Test if a specified box register is void."
+ },
+ ifx = {
+ arguments = {
+ {delimiters = false, meta = "token1"},
+ {delimiters = false, meta = "token2"}
+ },
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/ifx",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=256",
+ summary = "Test if two tokens are the same, or if two macros have the same top-level definition."
+ },
+ ignorespaces = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/ignorespaces",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=272",
+ summary = "Ignore any following space tokens."
+ },
+ immediate = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/immediate",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=270",
+ summary = "Perform the specified file operation without delay."
+ },
+ indent = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/indent",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=131",
+ summary = "Produce an empty box of width \\parindent and enter horizontal mode."
+ },
+ input = {
+ arguments = {{delimiters = false, meta = "filename"}},
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/input",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=267",
+ summary = "Begin to read from a specified file."
+ },
+ inputlineno = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/inputlineno",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=267",
+ summary = "The current line number of the current input file."
+ },
+ insert = {
+ arguments = {
+ {delimiters = false, meta = "number"},
+ {meta = "vertical mode material"}
+ },
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/insert",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=167",
+ summary = "Produce an insertion of a specified class."
+ },
+ insertpenalties = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/insertpenalties",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=159",
+ summary = "Sum of penalties due to insertions.",
+ type = "number"
+ },
+ interlinepenalty = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/interlinepenalty",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=158",
+ summary = "Additional penalty for a page break between lines of a paragraph, by default 0.",
+ type = "number"
+ },
+ jobname = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/jobname",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=245",
+ summary = "Base name of the file with which TeX was invoked."
+ },
+ kern = {
+ arguments = {{delimiters = false, meta = "dimen"}},
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/kern",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=177",
+ summary = "Produce a specified amount of space at which a break is not allowed."
+ },
+ language = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/language",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=148",
+ summary = "The current set of hyphenation patterns.",
+ type = "number"
+ },
+ lastbox = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/lastkern",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=191",
+ summary = "Retrieve and remove the last item from the current list, if it’s a box."
+ },
+ lastkern = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/lastkern",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=191",
+ summary = "Retrieve the last item from the current list, if it’s a kern."
+ },
+ lastpenalty = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/lastkern",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=191",
+ summary = "Retrieve the last item from the current list, if it’s a penalty."
+ },
+ lastskip = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/lastkern",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=191",
+ summary = "Retrieve the last item from the current list, if it’s glue."
+ },
+ lccode = {
+ arguments = {
+ {delimiters = false, meta = "charcode"},
+ {delimiters = false, meta = "number"}
+ },
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/lccode",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=123",
+ summary = "The character code for the lowercase form of a letter."
+ },
+ leaders = {
+ arguments = {
+ {delimiters = false, meta = "box or rule"},
+ {delimiters = false, meta = "skip command"}
+ },
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/leaders",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=194",
+ summary = "Fill a specified horizontal or vertical space by repeating a specified box or rule."
+ },
+ left = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/left",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=224",
+ summary = "Produce the specified delimiter, sizing it to cover the following subformula ended by \\right."
+ },
+ lefthyphenmin = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/lefthyphenmin",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=148",
+ summary = "Size of the smallest word fragment TeX allows before a hyphen at the beginning of a word, by default 2.",
+ type = "number"
+ },
+ leftskip = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/leftskip",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=135",
+ summary = "Glue TeX inserts at the left of each line.",
+ type = "glue"
+ },
+ leqno = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/eqno",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=227",
+ summary = "Put a specified equation number on the left of a display."
+ },
+ let = {
+ arguments = {
+ {delimiters = false, meta = "control sequence"},
+ {literal = "=", optional = true},
+ {delimiters = false, meta = "token"}
+ },
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/let",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=252",
+ summary = "Define a control sequence to be the next token."
+ },
+ limits = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/limits",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=215",
+ summary = "Place superscript above and subscript below a large operator."
+ },
+ linepenalty = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/linepenalty",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=145",
+ summary = "Penalty for line breaking added to each line, by default 10.",
+ type = "number"
+ },
+ lineskip = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/baselineskip",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=153",
+ summary = "Vertical glue from one baseline to the next if the lines are closer together than \\lineskiplimit, by default 1pt.",
+ type = "glue"
+ },
+ lineskiplimit = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/baselineskip",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=153",
+ summary = "Threshold for using \\lineskip instead of \\base\\-line\\-skip, by default 0pt.",
+ type = "dimen"
+ },
+ long = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/long",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=251",
+ summary = "Allow \\par tokens in the argument(s) of the following definition."
+ },
+ looseness = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/looseness",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=144",
+ summary = "Difference between the number of lines you want a paragraph to be relative to the optimal number.",
+ type = "number"
+ },
+ lower = {
+ arguments = {
+ {delimiters = false, meta = "dimen"},
+ {delimiters = false, meta = "box"}
+ },
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/lower",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=186",
+ summary = "Lower a specified box by a specified amount."
+ },
+ lowercase = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "token list"}},
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/lowercase",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=124",
+ summary = "Convert uppercase letters in the specified text to lowercase."
+ },
+ mag = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/magnification",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=243",
+ summary = "1000 times the ratio for enlarging all dimensions.",
+ type = "number"
+ },
+ mark = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "text"}},
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/mark",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=164",
+ summary = "Produce a mark item with a specified text."
+ },
+ mathaccent = {
+ arguments = {{delimiters = false, meta = "mathcode"}},
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/mathaccent",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=219",
+ summary = "Put specified math accent over the next character."
+ },
+ mathbin = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/mathord",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=238",
+ summary = "Space a specified subformula as a binary operator."
+ },
+ mathchar = {
+ arguments = {{delimiters = false, meta = "mathcode"}},
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/mathchar",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=119",
+ summary = "Produce the math character with the specified mathcode."
+ },
+ mathchardef = {
+ arguments = {
+ {delimiters = false, meta = "control sequence"},
+ {literal = "=", optional = true},
+ {delimiters = false, meta = "mathcode"}
+ },
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/mathchardef",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=252",
+ summary = "Define a specified control sequence to be a mathcode, a number between 0 and 215 − 1."
+ },
+ mathchoice = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/mathchoice",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=218",
+ summary = "Select one of four specified math subformulas depending on the current style."
+ },
+ mathclose = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/mathord",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=238",
+ summary = "Space a specified subformula as a closing delimiter."
+ },
+ mathcode = {
+ arguments = {
+ {delimiters = false, meta = "charcode"},
+ {delimiters = false, meta = "number"}
+ },
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/mathcode",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=271",
+ summary = "The mathcode of a specified character."
+ },
+ mathinner = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/mathinner",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=238",
+ summary = "Space a specified subformula as an inner formula, e.g., a fraction."
+ },
+ mathop = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/mathord",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=238",
+ summary = "Space a specified subformula as a large math operator."
+ },
+ mathopen = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/mathord",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=238",
+ summary = "Space a specified subformula as an opening delimiter."
+ },
+ mathord = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/mathord",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=238",
+ summary = "Space a specified subformula as an ordinary character."
+ },
+ mathpunct = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/mathord",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=238",
+ summary = "Space a specified subformula as punctuation."
+ },
+ mathrel = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/mathord",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=238",
+ summary = "Space a specified subformula as a relation."
+ },
+ mathsurround = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/mathsurround",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=237",
+ summary = "Space TeX kerns before and after math in text.",
+ type = "dimen"
+ },
+ maxdeadcycles = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/maxdeadcycles",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=168",
+ summary = "Value of \\deadcycles at which TeX complains, and then uses its own output routine, by default 25.",
+ type = "number"
+ },
+ maxdepth = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/maxdepth",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=161",
+ summary = "Maximum depth of the bottom box on a page, by default 4pt.",
+ type = "dimen"
+ },
+ meaning = {
+ arguments = {{delimiters = false, meta = "token"}},
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/meaning",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=246",
+ summary = "Produce the human-understandable meaning of a specified token as characters."
+ },
+ medmuskip = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/thinmuskip",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=234",
+ summary = "Glue for a medium math space, by default 4mu plus 2mu minus 4mu.",
+ type = "muglue"
+ },
+ message = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "token list"}},
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/message",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=281",
+ summary = "Show expansion of the specified text on the terminal."
+ },
+ mkern = {
+ arguments = {{delimiters = false, meta = "mudimen"}},
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/mkern",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=235",
+ summary = "Produce a specified kern in units of mu for math."
+ },
+ month = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/month",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=245",
+ summary = "Current month, as a number.",
+ type = "number"
+ },
+ moveleft = {
+ arguments = {
+ {delimiters = false, meta = "dimen"},
+ {delimiters = false, meta = "box"}
+ },
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/moveleft",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=186",
+ summary = "Move a specified box left by a specified space; legal only in vertical modes."
+ },
+ moveright = {
+ arguments = {
+ {delimiters = false, meta = "dimen"},
+ {delimiters = false, meta = "box"}
+ },
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/moveleft",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=186",
+ summary = "Move a specified box right by a specified space; legal only in vertical modes."
+ },
+ mskip = {
+ arguments = {
+ {delimiters = {"", "plus"}, meta = "mudimen1"},
+ {delimiters = {"", "minus"}, meta = "mudimen2"},
+ {delimiters = false, meta = "mudimen3"}
+ },
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/mskip",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=235",
+ summary = "Produce specified glue in units of mu for math."
+ },
+ multiply = {
+ arguments = {
+ {delimiters = {"", "by"}, meta = "register"},
+ {delimiters = false, meta = "number"}
+ },
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/multiply",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=266",
+ summary = "Multiply a specified \\count register by a specified integer."
+ },
+ muskip = {
+ arguments = {{delimiters = false, meta = "register"}},
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/count",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=262",
+ summary = "The specified muglue register."
+ },
+ muskipdef = {
+ arguments = {
+ {delimiters = false, meta = "control sequence"},
+ {literal = "=", optional = true},
+ {delimiters = false, meta = "register"}
+ },
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/countdef",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=265",
+ summary = "Define a specified control sequence to be a number corresponding to a \\muskip register."
+ },
+ newinsert = {
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=264",
+ summary = "Name an insertion class, and reserve a corresponding \\box, \\count, \\dimen, and \\skip registers."
+ },
+ newlinechar = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/newlinechar",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=270",
+ summary = "End-of-line character for \\write, etc..",
+ type = "number"
+ },
+ noalign = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "horizontal mode material"}},
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/noalign",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=203",
+ summary = "Insert material between rows (or columns) of an alignment."
+ },
+ noboundary = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/noboundary",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=121",
+ summary = "Inhibit ligatures or kerns involving the current font’s boundarychar."
+ },
+ noexpand = {
+ arguments = {{delimiters = false, meta = "token"}},
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/noexpand",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=254",
+ summary = "Suppress expansion of the next token."
+ },
+ noindent = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/noindent",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=132",
+ summary = "Enter horizontal mode without indenting the paragraph."
+ },
+ nolimits = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/nolimits",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=215",
+ summary = "Place superscript and subscript after large operators."
+ },
+ nonscript = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/nonscript",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=235",
+ summary = "Inhibit any following glue or kern when in script and scriptscript styles."
+ },
+ nonstopmode = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/nonstopmode",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=273",
+ summary = "Don’t stop at errors, even those about missing files."
+ },
+ nulldelimiterspace = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/nulldelimiterspace",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=237",
+ summary = "Space produced by a null delimiter, by default 1.2pt.",
+ type = "dimen"
+ },
+ nullfont = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/nullfont",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=122",
+ summary = "Primitive font with no characters in it."
+ },
+ number = {
+ arguments = {{delimiters = false, meta = "number"}},
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/number",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=244",
+ summary = "Produce a specified number as characters."
+ },
+ omit = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/omit",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=201",
+ summary = "Skip a column’s (or row’s) template in an alignment."
+ },
+ openin = {
+ arguments = {
+ {delimiters = false, meta = "number"},
+ {literal = "=", optional = true},
+ {delimiters = false, meta = "filename"}
+ },
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/openin",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=267",
+ summary = "Prepare a specified input stream to read from a file."
+ },
+ openout = {
+ arguments = {
+ {delimiters = false, meta = "number"},
+ {literal = "=", optional = true},
+ {delimiters = false, meta = "filename"}
+ },
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/openout",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=269",
+ summary = "Prepare a specified output stream to write to a file."
+ },
+ ["or"] = {summary = "Separate the cases of an \\ifcase."},
+ outer = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/outer",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=252",
+ summary = "Make the following macro definition illegal in contexts in which tokens are absorbed at high speed."
+ },
+ output = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/output",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=168",
+ summary = "Token list TeX expands when it finds a page break.",
+ type = "token list"
+ },
+ outputpenalty = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/outputpenalty",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=169",
+ summary = "If the page break occurred at a penalty, the value of that penalty; otherwise zero.",
+ type = "number"
+ },
+ over = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/over",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=220",
+ summary = "Produce a fraction with a bar of default thickness."
+ },
+ overfullrule = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/overfullrule",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=190",
+ summary = "Width of the rule appended to an overfull box.",
+ type = "dimen"
+ },
+ overline = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "argument"}},
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/underbrace",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=222",
+ summary = "Produce a line covering the top of a formula, as in $\\overline{2b}$."
+ },
+ overwithdelims = {
+ arguments = {
+ {delimiters = false, meta = "delim1"},
+ {delimiters = false, meta = "delim2"}
+ },
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/overwithdelims",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=221",
+ summary = "Produce a fraction with a bar of the default thickness and surrounded by specified delimiters."
+ },
+ pagedepth = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/pagedepth",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=159",
+ summary = "TeX sets this to the current depth of the current page.",
+ type = "dimen"
+ },
+ pagefilllstretch = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/pagestretch",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=160",
+ summary = "TeX sets this to the amount of filll stretch on the current page.",
+ type = "dimen"
+ },
+ pagefillstretch = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/pagestretch",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=160",
+ summary = "TeX sets this to the amount of fill stretch on the current page.",
+ type = "dimen"
+ },
+ pagefilstretch = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/pagestretch",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=160",
+ summary = "TeX sets this to the amount of fil stretch on the current page.",
+ type = "dimen"
+ },
+ pagegoal = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/pagegoal",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=159",
+ summary = "TeX sets this to the desired height for the current page (i.e., \\vsize when the first box is put on the page).",
+ type = "dimen"
+ },
+ pageshrink = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/pageshrink",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=160",
+ summary = "TeX sets this to the total amount of shrinkability on the current page.",
+ type = "dimen"
+ },
+ pagestretch = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/pagestretch",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=160",
+ summary = "TeX sets this to the total amount of stretchability on the current page.",
+ type = "dimen"
+ },
+ pagetotal = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/pagetotal",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=159",
+ summary = "TeX sets this to the natural height of the current page.",
+ type = "dimen"
+ },
+ par = {
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=130",
+ summary = "Finish paragraph and terminate horizontal mode."
+ },
+ parfillskip = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/parfillskip",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=131",
+ summary = "Horizontal glue TeX inserts at the end of a paragraph.",
+ type = "glue"
+ },
+ parindent = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/parindent",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=133",
+ summary = "Horizontal space TeX inserts at the start of a paragraph.",
+ type = "dimen"
+ },
+ parshape = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/parshape",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=138",
+ summary = "Specify the width and length of each line in the next paragraph."
+ },
+ parskip = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/parskip",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=161",
+ summary = "Vertical glue TeX inserts before a paragraph.",
+ type = "glue"
+ },
+ pausing = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/pausing",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=273",
+ summary = "If positive, stop after reading each line of input for a possible replacement.",
+ type = "number"
+ },
+ penalty = {
+ arguments = {{delimiters = false, meta = "number"}},
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/penalty",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=156",
+ summary = "Produce penalty (or bonus, if negative) for breaking line or page here."
+ },
+ postdisplaypenalty = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/postdisplaypenalty",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=158",
+ summary = "Additional penalty for a line break just after a display, by default 0.",
+ type = "number"
+ },
+ predisplaypenalty = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/predisplaypenalty",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=158",
+ summary = "Additional penalty for a line break just before a display, by default 0.",
+ type = "number"
+ },
+ predisplaysize = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/predisplaysize",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=236",
+ summary = "TeX sets this to the width of the line preceding a display.",
+ type = "dimen"
+ },
+ pretolerance = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/pretolerance",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=143",
+ summary = "Badness tolerance for line breaks without hyphenation, by default 100.",
+ type = "number"
+ },
+ prevdepth = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/prevdepth",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=154",
+ summary = "Depth of the last nonrule box on the current vertical list.",
+ type = "dimen"
+ },
+ prevgraf = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/prevgraf",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=140",
+ summary = "TeX sets this to the number of lines in the paragraph so far (in horizontal mode) or in the previous paragraph (in vertical mode).",
+ type = "number"
+ },
+ radical = {
+ arguments = {{delimiters = false, meta = "number"}},
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/radical",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=227",
+ summary = "Produce a specified radical symbol."
+ },
+ raise = {
+ arguments = {
+ {delimiters = false, meta = "dimen"},
+ {delimiters = false, meta = "box"}
+ },
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/lower",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=186",
+ summary = "Raise a specified box by a specified amount."
+ },
+ read = {
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=268",
+ summary = "Read a line from a specified input stream."
+ },
+ relax = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/relax",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=261",
+ summary = "Do nothing."
+ },
+ relpenalty = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/relpenalty",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=146",
+ summary = "Additional penalty for breaking after a relation, by default 500.",
+ type = "number"
+ },
+ right = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/left",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=224",
+ summary = "Produce the specified delimiter at the right end of a subformula started with \\left."
+ },
+ righthyphenmin = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/lefthyphenmin",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=148",
+ summary = "Size of the smallest word fragment TeX allows after a hyphen at the end of a word, by default 3.",
+ type = "number"
+ },
+ rightskip = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/leftskip",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=135",
+ summary = "Glue TeX inserts at the right of each line.",
+ type = "glue"
+ },
+ scriptfont = {
+ arguments = {{delimiters = false, meta = "family"}},
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/textfont",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=230",
+ summary = "The script style font in a specified math family.",
+ type = "fontname"
+ },
+ scriptscriptfont = {
+ arguments = {{delimiters = false, meta = "family"}},
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/textfont",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=230",
+ summary = "The scriptscript style font in a specified math family.",
+ type = "fontname"
+ },
+ scriptscriptstyle = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/textstyle",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=218",
+ summary = "Use scriptscriptstyle size in a formula."
+ },
+ scriptspace = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/scriptspace",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=238",
+ summary = "Additional space TeX kerns after a subscript or superscript, by default 0.5pt.",
+ type = "dimen"
+ },
+ scriptstyle = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/textstyle",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=218",
+ summary = "Use scriptstyle size in a formula."
+ },
+ scrollmode = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/scrollmode",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=272",
+ summary = "Don’t stop at most errors, but do stop at errors about missing files."
+ },
+ setbox = {
+ arguments = {
+ {delimiters = false, meta = "register"},
+ {literal = "=", optional = true},
+ {delimiters = false, meta = "box"}
+ },
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/setbox",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=184",
+ summary = "Define a specified box register to be a box."
+ },
+ setlanguage = {
+ arguments = {{delimiters = false, meta = "number"}},
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/setlanguage",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=148",
+ summary = "Change to a specified set of hyphenation rules, but don’t change \\language."
+ },
+ sfcode = {
+ arguments = {
+ {delimiters = false, meta = "charcode"},
+ {delimiters = false, meta = "number"}
+ },
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/spacefactor",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=127",
+ summary = "The space factor code of a specified character."
+ },
+ shipout = {
+ arguments = {{delimiters = false, meta = "box"}},
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/shipout",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=168",
+ summary = "Output a box to the .dvi file."
+ },
+ show = {
+ arguments = {{delimiters = false, meta = "token"}},
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/show",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=273",
+ summary = "Show, in the log and on the terminal, the meaning of a specified token."
+ },
+ showbox = {
+ arguments = {{delimiters = false, meta = "number"}},
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/show",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=273",
+ summary = "Display the contents of a specified box register."
+ },
+ showboxbreadth = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/showboxbreadth",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=281",
+ summary = "Maximum number of items shown on each nesting level, by default 5.",
+ type = "number"
+ },
+ showboxdepth = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/showboxdepth",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=281",
+ summary = "Maximum nesting level shown, by default 3.",
+ type = "number"
+ },
+ showlists = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/show",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=273",
+ summary = "Display all lists being worked on."
+ },
+ showthe = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "argument"}},
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/show",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=273",
+ summary = "Show, in the log and on the terminal, what \\the would produce."
+ },
+ skewchar = {
+ arguments = {{delimiters = false, meta = "font"}},
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/skewchar",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=233",
+ summary = "Character in a specified font used for positioning accents.",
+ type = "number"
+ },
+ skip = {
+ arguments = {{delimiters = false, meta = "register"}},
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/count",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=262",
+ summary = "The specified glue register."
+ },
+ skipdef = {
+ arguments = {
+ {delimiters = false, meta = "control sequence"},
+ {literal = "=", optional = true},
+ {delimiters = false, meta = "register"}
+ },
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/countdef",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=265",
+ summary = "Define a specified control sequence to be a number corresponding to a \\skip register."
+ },
+ spacefactor = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/spacefactor",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=127",
+ summary = "Modifies stretch and shrink of interword glue if not 1000.",
+ type = "number"
+ },
+ spaceskip = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/spacefactor",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=127",
+ summary = "If nonzero and \\spacefactor < 2000, overrides the normal interword glue.",
+ type = "glue"
+ },
+ span = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/span",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=201",
+ summary = "Either combine entries in an alignment body or expand tokens in a preamble."
+ },
+ special = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "token list"}},
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/special",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=270",
+ summary = "Write tokens to the .dvi file to be interpreted by a DVI-reading program."
+ },
+ splitbotmark = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/splitfirstmark",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=164",
+ summary = "Last mark item in a box resulting from \\vsplit."
+ },
+ splitfirstmark = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/splitfirstmark",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=164",
+ summary = "First mark item in a box resulting from \\vsplit."
+ },
+ splitmaxdepth = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/splitmaxdepth",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=170",
+ summary = "Maximum depth of a box resulting from \\vsplit.",
+ type = "dimen"
+ },
+ splittopskip = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/splittopskip",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=170",
+ summary = "Glue TeX inserts at the top of a box resulting from \\vsplit.",
+ type = "glue"
+ },
+ string = {
+ arguments = {{delimiters = false, meta = "control sequence"}},
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/string",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=246",
+ summary = "Produce a specified token, most commonly a control sequence, as characters."
+ },
+ tabskip = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/tabskip",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=204",
+ summary = "Glue between columns (or rows) of an alignment.",
+ type = "glue"
+ },
+ textfont = {
+ arguments = {{delimiters = false, meta = "family"}},
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/textfont",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=230",
+ summary = "The text style font in a specified math family.",
+ type = "fontname"
+ },
+ textstyle = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/textstyle",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=218",
+ summary = "Use textstyle size in a formula."
+ },
+ the = {
+ arguments = {{delimiters = false, meta = "token"}},
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/the",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=254",
+ summary = "Give the value of a specified token."
+ },
+ thickmuskip = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/thinmuskip",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=234",
+ summary = "Glue for a thick math space, by default 5mu plus 5mu.",
+ type = "muglue"
+ },
+ thinmuskip = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/thinmuskip",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=234",
+ summary = "Glue for a thin math space, by default 3mu.",
+ type = "muglue"
+ },
+ time = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/time",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=244",
+ summary = "The time of day, in minutes since midnight.",
+ type = "number"
+ },
+ toks = {
+ arguments = {{delimiters = false, meta = "register"}},
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/count",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=262",
+ summary = "The specified token register."
+ },
+ toksdef = {
+ arguments = {
+ {delimiters = false, meta = "control sequence"},
+ {literal = "=", optional = true},
+ {delimiters = false, meta = "register"}
+ },
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/countdef",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=265",
+ summary = "Define a specified control sequence to be a number corresponding to a \\toks register."
+ },
+ tolerance = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/pretolerance",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=143",
+ summary = "Badness tolerance for line breaks with hyphenation.",
+ type = "number"
+ },
+ topmark = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/firstmark",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=164",
+ summary = "\\botmark before the current page was boxed."
+ },
+ topskip = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/topskip",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=161",
+ summary = "Glue between the headline and the first line of text on a page, by default 10pt.",
+ type = "glue"
+ },
+ tracingcommands = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/tracingcommands",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=277",
+ summary = "Display execution of commands.",
+ type = "number"
+ },
+ tracinglostchars = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/tracinglostchars",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=277",
+ summary = "Display characters that are asked for, but not defined.",
+ type = "number"
+ },
+ tracingmacros = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/tracingmacros",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=278",
+ summary = "Display macro expansions.",
+ type = "number"
+ },
+ tracingonline = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/tracingonline",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=276",
+ summary = "Show diagnostic output on the terminal as well as in the log file.",
+ type = "number"
+ },
+ tracingoutput = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/tracingoutput",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=278",
+ summary = "Display contents of shipped-out boxes.",
+ type = "number"
+ },
+ tracingpages = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/tracingpages",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=279",
+ summary = "Display page break calculations.",
+ type = "number"
+ },
+ tracingparagraphs = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/tracingparagraphs",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=280",
+ summary = "Display line break calculations.",
+ type = "number"
+ },
+ tracingrestores = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/tracingrestores",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=280",
+ summary = "Display values restored at the end of a group.",
+ type = "number"
+ },
+ tracingstats = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/tracingstats",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=280",
+ summary = "Display memory usage statistics.",
+ type = "number"
+ },
+ uccode = {
+ arguments = {
+ {delimiters = false, meta = "charcode"},
+ {delimiters = false, meta = "number"}
+ },
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/lccode",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=123",
+ summary = "The character code for the uppercase form of a letter."
+ },
+ uchyph = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/uchyph",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=148",
+ summary = "If positive, consider hyphenating words that start with a capital letter.",
+ type = "number"
+ },
+ underline = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "argument"}},
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/underbrace",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=222",
+ summary = "Underline a math formula below the descenders, as in $\\underline{x+y}$."
+ },
+ unhbox = {
+ arguments = {{delimiters = false, meta = "register"}},
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/unhbox",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=185",
+ summary = "Append the contents of the box in a specified box register to the current list, and void the register; legal only in horizontal modes."
+ },
+ unhcopy = {
+ arguments = {{delimiters = false, meta = "register"}},
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/unhcopy",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=185",
+ summary = "Like \\unhbox, but doesn’t void the register."
+ },
+ unkern = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/unkern",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=192",
+ summary = "If the last item on the current list is a kern, remove it."
+ },
+ unpenalty = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/unkern",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=192",
+ summary = "If the last item on the current list is a penalty, remove it."
+ },
+ unskip = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/unkern",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=192",
+ summary = "If the last item on the current list is glue, remove it."
+ },
+ unvbox = {
+ arguments = {{delimiters = false, meta = "register"}},
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/unhbox",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=185",
+ summary = "Append the contents of the box in a specified box register to the current list, and void the register; legal only in vertical modes."
+ },
+ unvcopy = {
+ arguments = {{delimiters = false, meta = "register"}},
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/unhcopy",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=185",
+ summary = "Like \\unvbox, but doesn’t void the register."
+ },
+ uppercase = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "token list"}},
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/lowercase",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=124",
+ summary = "Convert lowercase letters in the specified text to uppercase."
+ },
+ vadjust = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "vertical mode material"}},
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/vadjust",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=140",
+ summary = "Produce vertical mode material after the current line."
+ },
+ valign = {
+ arguments = {
+ {delimiters = {"to", ""}, meta = "dimen", optional = true},
+ {delimiters = {"spread", ""}, meta = "dimen", optional = true},
+ {delimiters = {"{", "}"}, meta = "columns"}
+ },
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/valign",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=199",
+ summary = "Align text in rows."
+ },
+ vbadness = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/hbadness",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=190",
+ summary = "Badness threshold for reporting underfull or overfull vboxes, by default 1000.",
+ type = "number"
+ },
+ vbox = {
+ arguments = {
+ {delimiters = {"to", ""}, meta = "dimen", optional = true},
+ {delimiters = {"spread", ""}, meta = "dimen", optional = true},
+ {delimiters = {"{", "}"}, meta = "vertical mode material"}
+ },
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/vtop",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=181",
+ summary = "Produce a vbox whose baseline is that of the bottom box enclosed."
+ },
+ vcenter = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "vertical mode material"}},
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/vcenter",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=233",
+ summary = "Center the specified text on the math axis."
+ },
+ vfil = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/hfil",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=177",
+ summary = "Produce infinitely stretchable vertical glue."
+ },
+ vfill = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/hfil",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=177",
+ summary = "Produce even more infinitely stretchable vertical glue than that produced by \\vfil."
+ },
+ vfilneg = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/hfilneg",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=179",
+ summary = "Produce infinitely negative stretchable vertical glue."
+ },
+ vfuzz = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/hfuzz",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=191",
+ summary = "Space threshold for reporting overfull vboxes, by default 0.1pt.",
+ type = "dimen"
+ },
+ voffset = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/hoffset",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=160",
+ summary = "Vertical offset relative to one inch from the paper’s top edge.",
+ type = "dimen"
+ },
+ vrule = {
+ arguments = {
+ {delimiters = {"width", ""}, meta = "dimen", optional = true},
+ {delimiters = {"height", ""}, meta = "dimen", optional = true},
+ {delimiters = {"depth", ""}, meta = "dimen", optional = true}
+ },
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/hrule",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=192",
+ summary = "Produce a vertical rule; legal only in horizontal modes."
+ },
+ vsize = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/vsize",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=160",
+ summary = "Page height, by default 8.9in.",
+ type = "dimen"
+ },
+ vskip = {
+ arguments = {
+ {delimiters = {"", "plus"}, meta = "dimen1"},
+ {delimiters = {"", "minus"}, meta = "dimen2"},
+ {delimiters = false, meta = "dimen3"}
+ },
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/hskip",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=175",
+ summary = "Produce specified vertical glue."
+ },
+ vsplit = {
+ arguments = {
+ {delimiters = {"", "to"}, meta = "number"},
+ {delimiters = false, meta = "dimen"}
+ },
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/vsplit",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=169",
+ summary = "Break the contents of a specified box register to the specified height."
+ },
+ vss = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/hss",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=178",
+ summary = "Produce vertical glue that is infinitely stretchable and infinitely shrinkable."
+ },
+ vtop = {
+ arguments = {
+ {delimiters = {"to", ""}, meta = "dimen", optional = true},
+ {delimiters = {"spread", ""}, meta = "dimen", optional = true},
+ {delimiters = {"{", "}"}, meta = "vertical mode material"}
+ },
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/vtop",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=181",
+ summary = "Produce a vbox whose baseline is that of the top box enclosed."
+ },
+ wd = {
+ arguments = {{delimiters = false, meta = "register"}},
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/ht",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=187",
+ summary = "The width of the box in a specified box register.",
+ type = "dimen"
+ },
+ widowpenalty = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/widowpenalty",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=158",
+ summary = "Penalty for a single line beginning a page, by default 150.",
+ type = "number"
+ },
+ write = {
+ arguments = {{delimiters = false, meta = "number"}, {meta = "token list"}},
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/write",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=269",
+ summary = "Write a line to a specified output stream."
+ },
+ xdef = {
+ action = "def",
+ arguments = {
+ {delimiters = false, meta = "control sequence"},
+ {delimiters = {"", "{"}, meta = "parameter text"},
+ {delimiters = {"", "}"}, meta = "replacement text"}
+ },
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/xdef",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=251",
+ summary = "Equivalent to \\global\\edef, i.e., globally define a macro, immediately expanding the replacement text."
+ },
+ xleaders = {
+ arguments = {
+ {delimiters = false, meta = "box or rule"},
+ {delimiters = false, meta = "skip command"}
+ },
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/leaders",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=194",
+ summary = "Produce leaders with leftover space distributed equally between the leader boxes."
+ },
+ xspaceskip = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/spacefactor",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=127",
+ summary = "If nonzero and \\spacefactor ≥ 2000, overrides the normal interword glue.",
+ type = "glue"
+ },
+ year = {
+ details = "$ref:teximpatient#/data/year",
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/plain/impatient/book.pdf#page=245",
+ summary = "The current year, as a number.",
+ type = "number"
+ }
diff --git a/support/digestif/data/t-pgf.xml.tags b/support/digestif/data/t-pgf.xml.tags
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..37ddeba332
--- /dev/null
+++ b/support/digestif/data/t-pgf.xml.tags
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+package = {
+ name = "t-pgf.tex",
+ dependencies = {
+ "pgf"
+ }
diff --git a/support/digestif/data/t-tikz.xml.tags b/support/digestif/data/t-tikz.xml.tags
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..86687d5582
--- /dev/null
+++ b/support/digestif/data/t-tikz.xml.tags
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+package = {
+ name = "t-tikz.tex",
+ dependencies = {
+ "tikz"
+ }
+environments = {
+ tikzpicture = {
+ arguments = {
+ {
+ delimiters = {"[", "]"},
+ keys = "$ref:tikz#/keys/tikz",
+ meta = "options",
+ optional = true
+ },
+ },
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.tikzpicture"
+ },
+ scope = {
+ arguments = {
+ {
+ delimiters = {"[", "]"},
+ keys = "$ref:tikz#/keys/tikz",
+ meta = "options",
+ optional = true
+ },
+ },
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.scope"
+ },
diff --git a/support/digestif/data/teximpatient.tags b/support/digestif/data/teximpatient.tags
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..229133e1ef
--- /dev/null
+++ b/support/digestif/data/teximpatient.tags
@@ -0,0 +1,3848 @@
+-- Copyright 2003 Paul W. Abrahams, Kathryn A. Hargreaves, Karl Berry
+-- Copyright 2022 Augusto Stoffel
+-- SPDX-License-Identifier: GFDL-1.3-only
+-- Adapted from the book TeX for the Impatient, which can be found at
+data = {
+ ["+"] = [[
+`\+`, `\tabalign`
+These commands begin a single line in a tabbed alignment. The only
+difference between `\+` and `\tabalign` is that `\+` is an outer
+macro—you can’t use it when TeX is reading tokens at high speed .
+If you place an ‘`&`’ at a position to the right of all existing tabs in
+a tabbing alignment, the ‘`&`’ establishes a new tab at that position.
+ AA = [[
+`\AA` (Å), `\AE`, `\L` (Ł), `\OE`, `\O` (Ø), `\aa` (å), `\ae`, `\l` (ł),
+`\oe`, `\o` (ø), `\ss` (ß)
+These commands produce various letters and ligatures from European
+alphabets. They are useful for occasional words and phrases in these
+languages—but if you need to typeset a large amount of text in a
+European language, you should probably be using a version of TeX adapted
+to that language.[1]
+You’ll need a space after these commands when you use them within a
+word, so that TeX will treat the following letters as part of the word
+rather than as part of the command. You needn’t be in math mode to use
+these commands.
+[1] The TeX Users Group can provide you with information about European
+language versions of TeX.
+ TeX = [[
+This command produces the TeX logo. Remember to follow it by `\!vs` or
+to enclose it in a group when you want a space after it.
+ abovedisplayshortskip = [[
+This parameter specifies the amount of vertical glue that TeX inserts
+before a math display when the display starts to the right of where the
+previous line ends, i.e., when it does not visually overlap the previous
+line. Plain TeX sets `\abovedisplayshortskip` to `0pt plus3pt`. See
+pages 188–189 of *The TeXbook* for a more detailed explanation of this
+ abovedisplayskip = [[
+This parameter specifies the amount of vertical glue that TeX inserts
+before a display when the display starts to the left of where the
+previous line ends, i.e., when it visually overlaps the previous line.
+Plain TeX sets `\abovedisplayskip` to `12pt plus3pt minus9pt`. See
+pages 188–189 of *The TeXbook* for a more detailed explanation of this
+ accent = [[
+This command puts an accent over the character following this command.
+The accent is the character at position `charcode` in the current font.
+TeX assumes that the accent has been designed to fit over a character
+1ex high in the same font as the accent. If the character to be
+accented is taller or shorter, TeX adjusts the position accordingly. You
+can change fonts between the accent and the next character, thus drawing
+the accent character and the character to be accented from different
+fonts. If the accent character isn’t really intended to be an accent,
+TeX won’t complain; it will just typeset something ridiculous.
+ active = [[
+This command contains the category code for an active character, namely,
+the number 13.
+ acute = [[
+`\acute`, `\bar`, `\breve`, `\b`, `\check`, `\ddot`, `\dot`, `\grave`,
+`\hat`, `\tilde`, `\vec`, `\widehat`, `\widetilde`
+These commands produce accent marks in math formulas. You’ll ordinarily
+need to leave a space after any one of them. A wide accent can be
+applied to a multicharacter subformula; TeX will center the accent over
+the subformula. The other accents are usefully applied only to a single
+ adjdemerits = [[
+This parameter specifies additional demerits that TeX attaches to a
+breakpoint between two adjacent lines that are “visually incompatible”.
+Such a pair of lines makes a paragraph appear uneven. Incompatibility is
+evaluated in terms of the tightness or looseness of lines:
+1. A line is tight if its glue needs to shrink by at least $50\%$.
+2. A line is decent if its badness is 12 or less.
+3. A line is loose if its glue needs to stretch by more than $50\%$.
+4. A line is very loose if its glue needs to stretch so much that its
+ badness exceeds 100.
+Two adjacent lines are visually incompatible if their categories are not
+adjacent, e.g., a tight line is next to a loose one or a decent line is
+next to a very loose one.
+Demerits are in units of badness squared, so you need to assign a rather
+large value to this parameter (in the thousands) for it to have any
+effect. Plain TeX sets `\adjdemerits` to 10000.
+ advance = [[
+This command adds a compatible quantity to a register. For `glue` or
+`muglue` all three components (natural value, stretch, and shrink) are
+added. Any of the quantities can be negative. For purposes of these
+calculations (and other assignments as well), `glue` can be converted to
+a `dimen` by dropping the stretch and shrink, and a `dimen` can be
+converted to a `number` by taking its value in scaled points . You can
+omit the word `by` in these commands—TeX will understand them anyway.
+ advancepageno = [[
+This command adds 1 to the page number $n$ in `\pageno` if $n\ge0$ and
+subtracts 1 from it if $n<0$.
+ afterassignment = [[
+When TeX encounters this command it saves `token` in a special place.
+After it next performs an assignment, it inserts `token` into the input
+and expands it. If you call `\afterassignment` more than once before an
+assignment, only the last call has any effect. One use of
+`\afterassignment` is in writing macros for commands intended to be
+written in the form of assignments, as in the example below.
+See page 279 of *The TeXbook* for a precise description of the behavior
+of `\afterassignment`.
+ aftergroup = [[
+When TeX encounters this command during input, it saves `token`. After
+the end of the current group, it inserts `token` back into the input and
+expands it. If a group contains several `\aftergroup`s, the
+corresponding tokens are *all* inserted following the end of the group,
+in the order in which they originally appeared.
+The example that follows shows how you can use `\aftergroup` to postpone
+processing a token that you generate within a conditional test.
+ allowbreak = [[
+This command tells TeX to allow a page break where one could not
+ordinarily occur. `\allowbreak` can also be used in horizontal mode.
+ alpha = [[
+`\Delta` (Δ), `\Gamma` (Γ), `\Lambda` (Λ), `\Omega` (Ω), `\Phi` (Φ),
+`\Pi` (Π), `\Psi` (Ψ), `\Sigma` (Σ), `\Theta` (Θ), `\Upsilon` (Υ), `\Xi`
+(Ξ), `\alpha` (α), `\beta` (β), `\chi` (χ), `\delta` (δ), `\epsilon`
+(ϵ), `\eta` (η), `\gamma` (γ), `\iota` (ι), `\kappa` (κ), `\lambda` (λ),
+`\mu` (μ), `\nu` (ν), `\omega` (ω), `\phi` (ϕ), `\pi` (π), `\psi` (ψ),
+`\rho` (ρ), `\sigma` (σ), `\tau` (τ), `\theta` (θ), `\upsilon` (υ),
+`\varepsilon` (ε), `\varphi` (φ), `\varpi` (ϖ), `\varrho` (𝜚),
+`\varsigma` (ς), `\vartheta` (ϑ), `\xi` (ξ), `\zeta` (ζ)
+These commands produce Greek letters suitable for mathematics. You can
+only use them within a math formula, so if you need a Greek letter
+within ordinary text you must enclose it in dollar signs (`$`). TeX does
+not have commands for Greek letters that look like their roman
+counterparts, since you can get them by using those roman counterparts.
+For example, you can get a lowercase omicron in a formula by writing the
+letter ‘o’, i.e., ‘`{\rm o}`’ or an uppercase beta (‘B’) by writing
+‘`{\rm B}`’.
+Don’t confuse the following letters:
+- `\upsilon` (‘$\upsilon$’), `{\rm v}` (‘v’), and `\nu` (‘$\nu$’).
+- `\varsigma` (‘$\varsigma$’) and `\zeta` (‘$\zeta$’).
+You can get slanted capital Greek letters by using the math italic
+(`\mit`) font.
+TeX treats Greek letters as ordinary symbols when it’s figuring how much
+space to put around them.
+ arrowvert = [[
+`\Arrowvert`, `\arrowvert`, `\bracevert`, `\lmoustache`, `\rmoustache`
+These commands produce portions of certain large delimiters
+and can themselves be used as delimiters. They refer to characters in
+the `cmex10` math font.
+ asymp = [[
+`\approx` (≈), `\asymp` (≍), `\bowtie` (⋈), `\cong` (≅), `\dashv` (⊣),
+`\doteq` (≐), `\equiv` (≡), `\frown` (⌢), `\geq`, `\ge` (≥), `\gg` (≫),
+`\in` (∈), `\leq`, `\le` (≤), `\ll` (≪), `\mid` (∣), `\models` (⊨),
+`\neq` (≠), `\ne` (≠), `\ni` (∋), `\notin` (∉), `\owns` (∋), `\parallel`
+(∥), `\perp` (⊥), `\preceq` (≼), `\prec` (≺), `\propto` (∝), `\simeq`
+(≃), `\sim` (∼), `\smile` (⌣), `\sqsubseteq` (⊑), `\sqsupseteq` (⊒),
+`\subseteq` (⊆), `\subset` (⊂), `\succeq` (≽), `\succ` (≻), `\supseteq`
+(⊇), `\supset` (⊃), `\vdash` (⊢)
+These commands produce the symbols for various relations. Relations are
+one of TeX’s classes of math symbols. TeX puts different amounts of
+space around different classes of math symbols. When TeX needs to break
+a line of text within a math formula, it will consider placing the break
+after a relation—but only if the relation is at the outermost level of
+the formula, i.e., not enclosed in a group.
+In addition to the commands listed here, TeX treats ‘`=\verb`’ and the
+“arrow” commands as relations.
+Certain relations have more than one command that you can use to produce
+- ‘$\ge$’ (|| and `\geq`).
+- ‘$\le$’ (`\le` and `\leq`).
+- ‘$\ne$’ (`\ne`, `\neq`, and `\not=`).
+- ‘$\ni$’ (`\ni` and `\owns`).
+ badness = [[
+This command yields the numerical value of the badness of the box
+(either horizontal or vertical) that TeX has most recently produced. If
+the box was overfull, `\badness` will be 1000000; in all other cases
+it will be between 0 and 10000.
+ baselineskip = [[
+`\baselineskip`, `\lineskiplimit`, `\lineskip`
+These three parameters jointly determine how much space TeX leaves
+between consecutive boxes of an ordinary vertical list, e.g., the lines
+of a paragraph. This space is called “interline glue”. It is also
+inserted between the component boxes of a vbox constructed in internal
+vertical mode.
+In the usual case, when the boxes aren’t abnormally high or deep,
+TeX makes the distance from the baseline of one box to the baseline of
+the next one equal to `\baselineskip`. It does this by inserting
+interline glue equal to `\baselineskip` minus the depth of the upper box
+(as given by `\prevdepth`) and the height of the lower box. But if this
+interline glue would be less than `\lineskiplimit`, indicating that the
+two boxes are too close together, TeX inserts the `\lineskip` glue
+instead.[1] See pages 79–80 of *The TeXbook* for a precise description.
+Note that `\baselineskip` and `\lineskip` measure *different things*:
+the distance between baselines on the one hand and the distance between
+the bottom of one box and the top of the next box on the other hand. See
+page 78 of *The TeXbook* for further details. The first example below
+shows the effects of `\lineskiplimit`.
+You can obtain the effect of double spacing by doubling the value of
+`\baselineskip` as illustrated in the second example below. A change to
+`\baselineskip` at any point before the end of a paragraph affects the
+entire paragraph.
+[1] TeX actually accounts for the beginning of a vertical list by
+setting `\prevdepth` to $-1000$pt and testing `\prevdepth` before
+*every* box. If `\prevdepth`$\>\le-1000$pt it does not insert any
+interline glue.
+ batchmode = [[
+This command tells TeX not to stop for errors and to suppress all
+further output to your terminal. Typing ‘`Q`’ or ‘`q`’ in response to an
+error message puts you into batch mode.
+ begingroup = [[
+`\begingroup`, `\endgroup`
+These two commands begin and end a group. A `\begingroup` does not match
+up with a right brace, nor an `\endgroup` with a left brace.
+TeX treats `\begingroup` and `\endgroup` like any other control sequence
+when it’s scanning its input. In particular, you can define a macro that
+contains a `\begingroup` but not an `\endgroup`, and conversely.
+This technique is often useful when you’re defining paired macros, one
+of which establishes an environment and the other of which terminates
+that environment. You can’t, however, use `\begingroup` and `\endgroup`
+as substitutes for braces other than the ones that surround a group.
+ beginsection = [[
+You can use this command to begin a major subdivision of your document.
+`argument` is intended to serve as a section title. `\beginsection`
+surrounds `argument` by extra vertical space and sets it in boldface,
+left-justified. You can produce the `\par` that ends `argument` with a
+blank line.
+ belowdisplayshortskip = [[
+This parameter specifies the amount of vertical glue that TeX inserts
+after a display when the display starts to the right of where the
+previous line ends, i.e., when it does not visually overlap the previous
+line. Plain TeX sets `\belowdisplayshortskip` to `7pt plus3pt minus4pt`.
+See pages 188–189 of *The TeXbook* for a more detailed explanation of
+this parameter.
+ belowdisplayskip = [[
+This parameter specifies the amount of vertical glue that TeX inserts
+after a display when the display starts to the left of where the
+previous line ends, i.e., when it visually overlaps the previous line.
+Plain TeX sets `\belowdisplayskip` to `12pt plus3pt minus9pt`. See
+pages 188–189 of *The TeXbook* for a more detailed explanation of this
+ bf = [[
+`\bf`, `\it`, `\rm`, `\sl`, `\tt`
+These commands select a type style without changing the typeface or the
+point size.[1] Normally you would enclose one of these type style
+commands in a group, together with the text to be set in the selected
+font. Outside of a group a type style command is effective until the end
+of the document (unless you override it with another such command).
+[1] TeX does not provide predefined commands for changing just the point
+size, e.g., `\eightpoint`. Supporting such commands would require a
+great number of fonts, most of which would never be used. Such commands
+were, however, used in typesetting *The TeXbook*.
+ bgroup = [[
+`\bgroup`, `\egroup`
+The left and right braces are commands that begin and end a group. The
+`\bgroup` and `\egroup` control sequences are equivalent to ‘`{`’ and
+‘`}`’, except that TeX treats `\bgroup` and `\egroup` like any other
+control sequence when it’s scanning its input.
+`\bgroup` and `\egroup` can be useful when you’re defining paired
+macros, one of which starts a brace-delimited construct (not necessarily
+a group) and the other one of which ends that construct.
+You can’t define such macros using ordinary braces—if you try, your
+macro definitions will contain unmatched braces and will therefore be
+unacceptable to TeX. Usually you should use these commands only when you
+can’t use ordinary braces.
+ big = [[
+`\Biggl`, `\Biggm`, `\Biggr`, `\Bigg`, `\Bigl`, `\Bigm`, `\Bigr`,
+`\Big`, `\biggl`, `\biggm`, `\biggr`, `\bigg`, `\bigl`, `\bigm`,
+`\bigr`, `\big`
+These commands make delimiters bigger than their normal size. The
+commands in the four columns produce successively larger sizes. The
+difference between `\big`, `\bigl`, `\bigr`, and `bigm` has to do with
+the class of the enlarged delimiter:
+- `\big` produces an ordinary symbol.
+- `\bigl` produces an opening symbol.
+- `\bigr` produces a closing symbol.
+- `\bigm` produces a relation symbol.
+TeX uses the class of a symbol in order to decide how much space to put
+around that symbol.
+These commands, unlike `\left` and `\right`, do *not* define a group.
+ binoppenalty = [[
+This parameter specifies the penalty for breaking a math formula after a
+binary operator when the formula appears in a paragraph. Plain TeX sets
+`\binoppenalty` to 700.
+ bmod = [[
+This command produces a binary operation for indicating a modulus within
+a formula.
+ boxmaxdepth = [[
+This parameter contains a dimension $D$. TeX will not construct a box
+whose depth exceeds $D$. If you produce a box whose depth $d$ would
+exceed $D$, TeX will transfer the excess depth to the height of the box,
+effectively moving the reference point of the box down by $d-D$. If you
+set `\boxmaxdepth` to zero, TeX will line up a row of vboxes so that
+their bottom boundaries all lie on the same horizontal line. Plain
+TeX sets `\boxmaxdepth` to `\maxdimen` , so `\boxmaxdepth` won’t affect
+your boxes unless you change it.
+ ["break"] = [[
+This command forces a page break. Unless you do something to fill out
+the page, you’re likely to get an underfull vbox. `\break` can also be
+used in horizontal mode.
+ brokenpenalty = [[
+This parameter specifies the penalty for breaking a page just after a
+line that ends in a discretionary item (usually a hyphen).
+`\brokenpenalty` applies to page breaking, while `\hyphenpenalty`
+applies to line breaking. Plain TeX sets `\brokenpenalty` to 100.
+ c = [[
+`\H`, `\c`, `\d`, `\t`, `\u`, `\v`
+These commands produce accent marks in ordinary text. You’ll usually
+need to leave a space after the ones denoted by a single letter ).
+ cal = [[
+`\cal`, `\mit`, `\oldstyle`
+These commands cause TeX to typeset the following text in the specified
+font. You can only use them in math mode. The `\mit` command is useful
+for producing slanted capital Greek letters. You can also use the
+commands given in “TeX for the Impatient”, Selecting fonts,selfont to
+change fonts in math mode.
+ cases = [[
+This command produces the mathematical form that denotes a choice among
+several cases. Each case has two parts, separated by ‘`&`’. TeX treats
+the first part as a math formula and the second part as ordinary text.
+Each case must be followed by `\cr`.
+ catcode = [[
+This table entry contains the category code of the character whose
+ASCII code is `charcode`. The category codes are listed on in “TeX for
+the Impatient”. By changing the category code of a character you can get
+TeX to treat that character differently.
+ cdotp = [[
+`\cdotp` (·), `\ldotp`
+These two commands respectively produce a centered dot and a dot
+positioned on the baseline. They are valid only in math mode. TeX treats
+them as punctuation, putting no extra space in front of them but a
+little extra space after them. In contrast, TeX puts an equal amount of
+space on both sides of a centered dot generated by the `\cdot` command.
+ centerline = [[
+`\centerline`, `\leftline`, `\rightline`
+The `\centerline` command produces an hbox exactly as wide as the
+current line and places `argument` at the center of the box. The
+`\leftline` and `\rightline` commands are analogous; they place
+`argument` at the left end or at the right end of the box. If you want
+to apply one of these commands to several consecutive lines, you must
+apply it to each one individually. See in “TeX for the Impatient” for an
+alternate approach.
+Don’t use these commands within a paragraph—if you do, TeX probably
+won’t be able to break the paragraph into lines and will complain about
+an overfull hbox.
+ char = [[
+This command produces the character located at position `charcode` of
+the current font.
+ chardef = [[
+This command defines `control sequence` to be `charcode`. Although
+`\chardef` is most often used to define characters, you can also use it
+to give a name to a number in the range 0–255 even when you aren’t
+using that number as a character code.
+ cleartabs = [[
+This command clears all the tabs to the right of the current column. Its
+main use is in applications such as typesetting computer programs in
+which the tab positions change from line to line.
+ closeout = [[
+This command tells TeX to close the output stream numbered `number`.
+i.e., end the association between the output stream and its file. The
+output stream with this number then becomes available for use with a
+different file. You should close an output stream once you’re finished
+using its file.
+A `\closeout` generates a whatsit that becomes part of a box. The
+`\closeout` does not take effect until TeX ships out that box to the
+.dvi file, unless you’ve preceded the `\closeout` with `\immediate`.
+ clubpenalty = [[
+This parameter specifies the penalty for breaking a page just after the
+first line of a paragraph. A line by itself at the bottom of a page is
+called a “club line”. Plain TeX sets `\clubpenalty` to 150.
+ colon = [[
+This command produces a colon punctation symbol. It is valid only in
+math mode. The difference between `\colon` and the colon character (`:`)
+is that ‘`:`’ is an operator, so TeX puts extra space to the left of it
+whereas it doesn’t put extra space to the left of `\colon`.
+ copy = [[
+This command produces a copy of box register `register`. This command is
+useful when you want to retrieve the contents of a box register but
+don’t want to destroy the contents. (Retrieving the register contents
+with `\box` makes the register void.)
+ cos = [[
+`\Pr`, `\arccos`, `\arcsin`, `\arctan`, `\arg`, `\cosh`, `\cos`,
+`\coth`, `\cot`, `\csc`, `\deg`, `\det`, `\dim`, `\exp`, `\gcd`, `\hom`,
+`\inf`, `\ker`, `\lg`, `\liminf`, `\limsup`, `\lim`, `\ln`, `\log`,
+`\max`, `\min`, `\sec`, `\sinh`, `\sin`, `\sup`, `\tanh`, `\tan`
+These commands set the names of various mathematical functions in roman
+type, as is customary. If you apply a superscript or subscript to one of
+these commands, TeX will in most cases typeset it in the usual place. In
+display style, TeX typesets superscripts and subscripts on `\det`,
+`\gcd`, `\inf`, `\lim`, `\liminf`, `\limsup`, `\max`, `\min`, `\Pr`, and
+`\sup` as though they were limits, i.e., directly above or directly
+below the function name.
+ count = [[
+`\count`, `\dimen`, `\muskip`, `\skip`, `\toks`
+The first six commands listed here assign something to a register. The
+`=`’s in the assignments are optional. The remaining five control
+sequences are not true commands because they can only appear as part of
+an argument. They yield the contents of the specified register. Although
+you can’t use these control sequences by themselves as commands in text,
+you can use `\the` to convert them to text so that you can typeset their
+You can name and reserve registers with the `\newcount` command and its
+relatives . Using these commands is a safe way to obtain registers that
+are known not to have any conflicting usage.
+A `\count` register contains an integer, which can be either positive or
+negative. Integers can be as large as you’re ever likely to need them to
+be.[1] TeX uses count registers 0–9 to keep track of the page number
+(see page 119 of *The TeXbook*). `\count255` is the only count register
+available for use without a reservation.
+[1] Here’s the only exercise in this book: find out what’s the largest
+integer that TeX will accept.
+ countdef = [[
+`\countdef`, `\dimendef`, `\muskipdef`, `\skipdef`, `\toksdef`
+These commands define `control sequence` to refer to the register of the
+indicated category whose number is `register`. Normally you should use
+the commands in the previous group (`\newcount`, etc.) in preference to
+these commands in order to avoid numbering conflicts. The commands in
+the previous group are defined in terms of the commands in this group.
+ cr = [[
+This command ends the preamble of a horizontal or vertical alignment, a
+row of a horizontal or tabbing alignment, or a column of a vertical
+alignment. You can cause TeX to take certain actions whenever it sees a
+`\cr` by setting the value of the `\everycr` parameter .
+ crcr = [[
+This command behaves just like `\cr`, except that TeX ignores it if it
+comes immediately after a `\cr` or a `\noalign`. Its main application is
+as a safety measure to avoid a misleading error message caused by a
+macro that expects an argument ending in `\cr`. If you put `\crcr` after
+the ‘`#`$n$’ that denotes such an argument in the macro’s definition,
+the macro will work properly whether or not the argument ends with
+ csname = [[
+This command produces a control sequence from `token list`. It provides
+a way of synthesizing control sequences, including ones that you can’t
+normally write. `token list` can itself include control sequences; it is
+expanded in the same way as the replacement text of an `\edef`
+definition. If the final expansion yields anything that isn’t a
+character, TeX will complain. `\csname` goes from a list of tokens to a
+control sequence; you can go the other way with `\string` .
+ day = [[
+TeX sets this parameter to the current day of the month. It is a number
+between 1 and 31. `\day` is set at the beginning of your run (see
+the comments on `\time` above).
+ ddots = [[
+This command produces three dots on a diagonal. Its most common use is
+to indicate repetition along the diagonal of a matrix.
+ deadcycles = [[
+This parameter contains the number of times that TeX has initiated the
+output routine since the last time it did a `\shipout`.[1] If
+`\deadcycles` gets too big, you’ve probably gotten TeX into a loop,
+e.g., one where the page builder is trying the same page break over and
+over again.
+[1] More precisely, TeX sets `\deadcyles` to 0 whenever it executes
+`\shipout` and increments it by 1 whenever it executes `\output`.
+ def = [[
+This command defines `control sequence` as a macro with the specified
+`parameter text` and `replacement text`. See in “TeX for the Impatient”
+for a full explanation of how to write a macro definition.
+ defaulthyphenchar = [[
+When TeX reads the metrics file
+for a font in response to a `\font` command, it sets the font’s
+`\hyphenchar` to `\defaulthyphenchar`. If the value of
+`\defaulthyphenchar` is not in the range 0–255 when you load a font,
+TeX won’t hyphenate any words in that font unless you override the
+decision by setting the font’s `\hyphenchar` later on. Plain TeX sets
+`\defaulthyphenchar` to 45, the ASCII code for ‘`-`’.
+ defaultskewchar = [[
+When TeX reads the metrics file
+for a font in response to a `\font` command, it sets the font’s
+`\skewchar` to `\defaultskewchar`. If the value of `\defaultskewchar` is
+not in the range 0–255, TeX does not assign any skew characters by
+default. Plain TeX sets `\defaultskewchar` to $-1$, and it’s usually
+best to leave it there.
+ delcode = [[
+This table entry specifies the delimiter code for the input character
+whose ASCII code is `charcode`. The delimiter code tells TeX how to find
+the best output character to use for typesetting the indicated input
+character as a delimiter.
+`number` is normally written in hexadecimal notation. Suppose that
+`number` is the hexadecimal number $s_1s_2s_3\,
+l_1l_2l_3$. Then when the character is used as a delimiter, TeX takes
+the character to have small variant $s_1s_2s_3$ and large variant
+$l_1l_2l_3$. Here $s_1s_2s_3$ indicates the math character found in
+position $s_2s_3$ of family $s_1$, and similarly for $l_1l_2l_3$. This
+is the same convention as the one used for `\mathcode`, except that
+`\mathcode` also specifies a class.
+ delimiter = [[
+This command produces a delimiter whose characteristics are given by
+`number`. `number` is normally written in hexadecimal notation. You can
+use the `\delimiter` command instead of a character in any context where
+TeX expects a delimiter (although the command is rarely used outside of
+a macro definition). Suppose that `number` is the hexadecimal number
+l_1l_2l_3$. Then TeX takes the delimiter to have class $c$, small
+variant $s_1s_2s_3$, and large variant $l_1l_2l_3$. Here $s_1s_2s_3$
+indicates the math character found in position $s_2s_3$ of family $s_1$,
+and similarly for $l_1l_2l_3$. This is the same convention as the one
+used for `\mathcode`.
+ discretionary = [[
+This command specifies a “discretionary break”, namely, a place where
+TeX can break a line. It also tells TeX what text to put on either side
+of the break.
+- If TeX does not break there, it uses the `no-break text`.
+- If TeX does break there, it puts the `pre-break text` just before
+ the break and the `post-break text` just after the break.
+Just as with `\-`, TeX isn’t obligated to break a line at a
+discretionary break. In fact, `\-` is ordinarily equivalent to
+TeX sometimes inserts discretionary breaks on its own. For example, it
+inserts `\discretionary!allowbreak{}{}{}` after an explicit hyphen or
+ displayindent = [[
+This parameter specifies the space by which TeX indents a math display.
+TeX sets the value of `\displayindent` when it encounters the ‘`$$`’
+that starts the display. Usually this initial value is zero, but if the
+paragraph shape indicates that the display should be shifted by an
+amount $s$, TeX will set `\displayindent` to $s$. See pages 188–189 of
+*The TeXbook* for a more detailed explanation of this parameter.
+ displaylimits = [[
+This command tells TeX to place limits above and below all operators
+(including the integrals) if in display style, and after all operators
+if in text style.
+If you specify more than one of `\limits`, `\nolimits`, and
+`\displaylimits`, the last command rules.
+ displaywidowpenalty = [[
+This parameter specifies the penalty for breaking a page just before the
+last line of a partial paragraph that immediately precedes a math
+display. Plain TeX sets `\displaywidowpenalty` to 50.
+ displaywidth = [[
+This parameter specifies the maximum width that TeX allows for a math
+display. If TeX cannot fit the display into a space of this width, it
+sets an overfull hbox and complains. TeX sets the value of
+`\displaywidth` when it encounters the ‘`$$`’ that starts the display.
+This initial value is `\hsize` unless it’s overridden by changes to the
+paragraph shape. See pages 188–189 of *The TeXbook* for a more detailed
+explanation of this parameter.
+ dotfill = [[
+`\dotfill`, `\hrulefill`
+These commands respectively fill the enclosing horizontal space with a
+row of dots on the baseline and with a horizontal line on the baseline.
+It’s usually a good idea to leave a space between `\dotfill` or
+`\hrulefill` and any text that precedes or follows it (see the example
+ dots = [[
+This command produces an ellipsis, i.e., three dots, in ordinary text.
+It’s intended for use in mathematical writing; for an ellipsis between
+ordinary words, you should use `$\ldots$` instead. Since `\dots`
+includes its own space, you shouldn’t follow it by `\!vs`.
+ doublehyphendemerits = [[
+This parameter specifies additional demerits that TeX attaches to a
+breakpoint when that breakpoint leads to two consecutive lines that end
+in a hyphen. Increasing the value of this parameter has the effect of
+discouraging TeX from hyphenating two lines in a row. Demerits are in
+units of badness squared, so you need to assign a rather large value to
+this parameter (in the thousands) for it to have any effect. Plain
+TeX sets `\doublehyphendemerits` to 10000.
+ downbracefill = [[
+`\downbracefill`, `\upbracefill`
+These commands respectively produce upward-pointing and
+downward-pointing extensible horizontal braces. TeX will make the braces
+as wide as necessary. These commands are used in the definitions of
+`\overbrace` and `\underbrace` .
+ dump = [[
+This command, which must not appear inside a group, dumps the contents
+of TeX’s memory to a format file. By using `virtex`, a special “virgin”
+form of TeX, you can then reload the format file at high speed and
+continue in the same state that TeX was in at the time of the dump.
+`\dump` also ends the run. Since `\dump` can only be used in `initex`,
+not in production forms of TeX, it is only useful to people who are
+installing TeX.
+ edef = [[
+This command defines a macro in the same general way as `\def`. The
+difference is that TeX expands the `replacement text` of an `\edef`
+immediately (but still without executing anything). Thus any definitions
+within the `replacement text` are expanded, but assignments and commands
+that produce things such as boxes and glue are left as is. For example,
+an `\hbox` command within the `replacement text` of an `\edef` remains
+as a command and is not turned into a box as TeX is processing the
+definition. It isn’t always obvious what’s expanded and what isn’t, but
+you’ll find a complete list of expandable control sequences on
+pages 212–215 of *The TeXbook*.
+You can inhibit the expansion of a control sequence that would otherwise
+be expanded by using `\noexpand`. You can postpone the expansion of a
+control sequence by using `\expandafter`.
+The `\write`, `\message`, `\errmessage`, `\wlog`, and `\csname` commands
+expand their token lists using the same rules that `\edef` uses to
+expand its replacement text.
+ eject = [[
+`\eject`, `\supereject`
+These commands force a page break at the current position and end the
+current paragraph. If you don’t precede them with `\vfil`,
+TeX will try to stretch out the page contents (and will probably
+complain about an underfull vbox). The `\supereject` command, in
+addition, instructs the plain TeX output routine to force out any
+leftover insertions,
+such as long footnotes, so that they are produced before any more input
+is processed. Thus `\supereject` is a good command to use at the end of
+each chapter or other major unit of your document.
+ ["else"] = [[
+This command introduces the “false” alternative of a conditional test.
+ emergencystretch = [[
+By setting this parameter to be greater than zero, you can make it
+easier for TeX to typeset your document without generating overfull
+This is a better alternative than setting `\tolerance=10000`, since that
+tends to produce really ugly lines. If TeX can’t typeset a paragraph
+without exceeding `\tolerance`, it will try again, adding
+`\emergencystretch` to the stretch of each line. The effect of the
+change is to scale down the badness of each line, enabling TeX to make
+spaces wider than they would otherwise be and thus choose line breaks
+that are as good as possible under the circumstances.
+ empty = [[
+This command expands to no tokens at all. It differs from `\relax` in
+that it disappears after macro expansion.
+ ["end"] = [[
+This command tells TeX to produce the last page and end the job. It does
+not fill out the page, however, so it’s usually better to use `\bye`
+rather than `\end`.
+ endgraf = [[
+This command is a synonym for the `\par` primitive command. It is useful
+when you’ve redefined `\par` but still want access to the original
+definition of `\par`.
+ endinput = [[
+This command tells TeX to stop reading input from the current file when
+it next reaches the end of a line.
+ endinsert = [[
+This command ends an insertion started by `\topinsert`, `\midinsert`, or
+ endline = [[
+This command is a synonym for the `\cr` command. It is useful when
+you’ve redefined `\cr` but still need access to the original definition.
+ endlinechar = [[
+This parameter contains the character code for the character that
+TeX appends to the end of each input line.
+A value not in the range 0–255 indicates that no character should be
+appended. Plain TeX leaves `\endlinechar` at `` `\^^M `` (the ASCII code
+for ⟨return⟩).
+ enskip = [[
+`\enskip`, `\qquad`, `\quad`
+Each of these commands produces a glob of horizontal glue that can
+neither stretch nor shrink. TeX can break a line at such glue. The width
+of these glues (which are relative to the current font) are as follows
+for `cmr10`, the default plain TeX font:
+ enspace = [[
+This command produces a kern whose width is one en (half of an em, see
+in “TeX for the Impatient”). TeX won’t break a line at an `\enspace`
+unless it’s followed by glue. In a bulleted list, the bullets are
+usually separated from the following text by an `\enspace`.
+ eqalign = [[
+`\eqalignno`, `\eqalign`, `\leqalignno`
+These commands produce a multiline math display in which certain
+corresponding parts of the lines are lined up vertically. The
+`\eqalignno` and `\leqalignno` commands also let you provide equation
+numbers for some or all of the lines. `\eqalignno` puts the equation
+numbers on the right and `\leqalignno` puts them on the left.
+Each line in the display is ended by `\cr`. Each of the parts to be
+aligned (most often an equals sign) is preceded by ‘`&`’. An ‘`&`’ also
+precedes each equation number, which comes at the end of a line. You can
+put more than one of these commands in a single display in order to
+produce several groups of equations. In this case, only the rightmost or
+leftmost group can be produced by `\eqalignno` or `\leqalignno`.
+You can use the `\noalign` command to change the amount of space between
+two lines of a multiline display.
+ eqno = [[
+`\eqno`, `\leqno`
+These commands attach an equation number to a displayed formula. `\eqno`
+puts the equation number on the right and `\leqno` puts it on the left.
+The commands must be given at the end of the formula. If you have a
+multiline display and you want to number more than one of the lines, use
+the `\eqalignno` or `\leqalignno` command .
+These commands are valid only in display math mode.
+ errhelp = [[
+This parameter contains the token list that TeX displays when you ask
+for help in response to an `\errmessage` command. We recommend that when
+you’re generating an error message with `\errmessage`, you set
+`\errhelp` to a string that describes the nature of the error and use
+`\newhelp` to produce that string. You can use the `\newlinechar`
+character to produce multiline messages.
+ errorcontextlines = [[
+This parameter determines the number of pairs of context lines, not
+counting the top and bottom pairs, that TeX prints when it encounters an
+error. By setting it to 0 you can get rid of long error messages. You
+can still force out the full context by typing something like:
+ I\errorcontextlines=100\oops
+in response to an error, since the undefined control sequence `\oops`
+will cause another error. Plain TeX sets `\errorcontextlines` to 5.
+ errorstopmode = [[
+This command tells TeX to stop for interaction whenever it finds an
+error. This is the normal mode of operation.
+ escapechar = [[
+This parameter specifies the ASCII code of the character that TeX uses
+to represent the escape character
+when it’s converting a control sequence name to a sequence of character
+tokens. This conversion occurs when you use the `\string` command and
+also when TeX is producing diagnostic messages. The default value of the
+escape character is 92, the ASCII character code for a backslash. If
+`\escapechar` is not in the range 0–255, TeX does not include an
+escape character in the result of the conversion.
+ everycr = [[
+TeX expands `token list` whenever it executes a `\cr`—at the end of
+every preamble, at the end of every row of a horizontal alignment, and
+at the end of every column of a vertical alignment. The `\everycr`
+commands are expanded just after the `\cr`. Thus you can cause TeX to
+execute certain commands at the end of a preamble, row, or column by
+assigning a list of those commands to `\everycr`.
+The `\everycr` tokens shouldn’t include any commands other than
+`\noalign`. That’s because the `\everycr` tokens will reappear after the
+last `\cr` of the alignment. A command other than `\noalign` will then
+make TeX think that it’s starting a new row or column. TeX will complain
+about a missing `\cr`, insert a `\cr`, insert the `\everycr` tokens
+again, and repeat these actions indefinitely.
+ everyhbox = [[
+`\everyhbox`, `\everyvbox`
+These parameters contain token lists that TeX expands at the start of
+every hbox or vbox that it constructs. Any items resulting from the
+expansion then become the beginning of the list of items for the box. By
+default these token lists are empty.
+ everyjob = [[
+This parameter contains a token list that TeX expands at the start of
+every job. Because an assignment to `\everyjob` cannot affect the
+current run (by the time you’ve done the assignment it’s already too
+late), it is only useful to people who are preparing format files.
+ everymath = [[
+`\everydisplay`, `\everymath`
+These parameters specify token lists that TeX inserts at the start of
+every text math or display math formula, respectively. You can take
+special actions at the start of each math formula by assigning those
+actions to `\everymath` or `\everydisplay`. Don’t forget that if you
+want both kinds of formulas to be affected, you need to set *both*
+ everypar = [[
+TeX performs the commands in `token list` whenever it enters horizontal
+mode, e.g., when it starts a paragraph. By default `\everypar` is empty,
+but you can take extra actions at the start of every paragraph by
+putting the commands for those actions into a token list and assigning
+that token list to `\everypar`.
+ exhyphenpenalty = [[
+This parameter specifies the penalty that TeX attaches to a breakpoint
+at an explicit hyphen such as the one in “helter-skelter”. Increasing
+this parameter has the effect of discouraging TeX from ending a line at
+an explicit hyphen. Plain TeX sets `\exhyphenpenalty` to 50.
+ expandafter = [[
+This command tells TeX to expand `token_1` according to its rules for
+macro expansion *after* it has expanded `token_2` by one level. It’s
+useful when `token_1` is something like ‘`{`’
+or `\string` that inhibits expansion of `token_2`, but you want to
+expand `token_2` nevertheless.
+ fam = [[
+When TeX is in math mode, it ordinarily typesets a character using the
+font family given in its mathcode.
+However, when TeX is in math mode and encounters a character whose class
+is 7 (Variable), it typesets that character using the font family
+given by the value of `\fam`, provided that the value of `\fam` is
+between 0 and 15. If the value of `\fam` isn’t in that range,
+TeX uses the family in the character’s mathcode as in the ordinary case.
+TeX sets `\fam` to $-1$ whenever it enters math mode. Outside of math
+mode, `\fam` has no effect.
+By assigning a value to `\fam` you can change the way that TeX typesets
+ordinary characters such as variables. For instance, by setting `\fam`
+to `\ttfam`, you cause TeX to typeset variables using a typewriter font.
+Plain TeX defines `\tt` as a macro that, among other things, sets `\fam`
+to `\ttfam`.
+ fi = [[
+This command ends the text of a conditional test.
+ filbreak = [[
+This command provides a kind of conditional page break. It tells TeX to
+break the page—but not if the text up to a later `\filbreak` also fits
+on the same page. By enclosing a paragraph in a pair of `\filbreak`s,
+you can ensure that TeX will keep a paragraph on a single page if it
+can. You should not use `\filbreak` within a paragraph, since it forces
+TeX into vertical mode and thus ends the paragraph. See in “TeX for the
+Impatient” for more advice on this subject.
+ finalhyphendemerits = [[
+This parameter specifies additional demerits that TeX attaches to a
+breakpoint that causes the next to last line of a paragraph to end with
+a hyphen. Such a hyphen is generally considered to be unaesthetic
+because of the possible blank space from a short last line beneath it.
+Increasing the value of this parameter has the effect of discouraging
+TeX from ending the next to the last line with a hyphen. Demerits are in
+units of badness squared, so you need to assign a rather large value to
+this parameter (in the thousands) for it to have any effect. Plain
+TeX sets `\finalhyphendemerits` to 5000.
+ firstmark = [[
+`\botmark`, `\firstmark`, `\topmark`
+These commands expand to the mark text in an item generated by an
+earlier `\mark` command. The mark text has the form of a token list.
+TeX sets the values of these commands when it finishes placing the
+contents of a page into `\box255`, just before calling the output
+routine as part of its page breaking actions. TeX determines these
+values as follows:
+- `\firstmark` contains the tokens of the first mark on the page.
+- `\botmark` contains the tokens of the last mark on the page.
+- `\topmark` contains the tokens of the mark that is in effect at the
+ very top of the page. That mark is the last mark that *preceded* the
+ page, i.e., the `\botmark` of the previous page. It is empty if no
+ marks preceded the page.
+If a page has no marks on it, TeX will set `\firstmark` and `\botmark`
+to the same mark as `\topmark`, i.e., the most recent preceding mark.
+The table at the bottom of page 258 of *The TeXbook* illustrates the
+relation among `\firstmark`, `\botmark`, and `\topmark`.
+ fivebf = [[
+`\fivebf`, `\fivei`, `\fiverm`, `\fivesy`, `\sevenbf`, `\seveni`,
+`\sevenrm`, `\sevensy`, `\tenbf`, `\tenex`, `\tenit`, `\teni`, `\tenrm`,
+`\tensl`, `\tensy`, `\tentt`
+These commands cause TeX to typeset the following text in the specified
+font. Normally you would enclose one of these font-selecting commands in
+a group, together with the text to be set in the selected font. Outside
+of a group a font-selecting command is effective until the end of the
+document (unless you override it with another such command).
+ floatingpenalty = [[
+This parameter specifies the penalty that TeX adds to `\insertpenalties`
+when the page builder is adding an insertion to the current page and
+discovers that a previous insertion of the same kind on this page has
+been split, leaving part of it for subsequent pages. Plain TeX leaves
+`\floatingpenalty` at 0.
+ fmtname = [[
+`\fmtname`, `\fmtversion`
+These commands produce the name and version number of the TeX format,
+e.g., plain TeX or LaTeX, that you’re using.
+ folio = [[
+This command produces the current page number, whose value is the number
+$n$ contained in `\pageno`. If $n\ge0$, TeX produces $n$ as a decimal
+number, while if $n<0$, TeX produces $-n$ in lowercase roman numerals.
+ font = [[
+Used alone, the `\font` control sequence designates the current font.
+`\font` isn’t a true command when it’s used alone, since it then can
+appear only as an argument to another command.
+For the other three forms of `\font`, `fontname` names a set of files
+that define a font. These forms of `\font` are commands. Each of these
+forms has two effects:
+1. It defines `control sequence` as a name that selects the font
+ `fontname`, possibly magnified (see below).
+2. It causes TeX to load the font metrics file (.tfm file) for
+ `fontname`.
+The name of a font file usually indicates its design size. For example,
+`cmr10` indicates Computer Modern roman with a design size of 10
+points. The design size of a font is recorded in its metrics file.
+If neither `scaled` `number` nor `at` `dimen` is present, the font is
+used at its design size—the size at which it usually looks best.
+Otherwise, a magnified version of the font is loaded:
+- If `scaled` `number` is present, the font is magnified by a factor
+ of $\texttt{number}/1000$.
+- If `at` `dimen` is present, the font is scaled to `dimen` by
+ magnifying it by $\texttt{dimen}/ds$, where $ds$ is the design size
+ of `fontname`. `dimen` and $ds$ are nearly always given in points.
+Magnifications of less than 1 are possible; they reduce the size.
+You usually need to provide a shape file for each magnification of a
+font that you load. However, some device drivers can utilize fonts that
+are resident in a printer. Such fonts don’t need shape files.
+See “TeX for the Impatient” and “TeX for the Impatient” for further
+ fontdimen = [[
+These parameters specify various dimensions associated with the font
+named by the control sequence `font` (as distinguished from the
+`fontname` that names the font files). Values of these parameters are
+specified in the metrics file for `font`, but you can retrieve or change
+their values during a TeX run. The numbers and meanings of the
+parameters are:
+TeX uses the slant per point for positioning accents. It uses the
+interword parameters for producing interword spaces ) and the extra
+space parameter for the additional space after a period). The values of
+these parameters for the plain TeX fonts are enumerated on page 433 of
+*The TeXbook*. Math symbol fonts have 15 additional parameters, which
+we won’t discuss here.
+Beware: assignments to these parameters are *not* undone at the end of a
+group. If you want to change these parameters locally, you’ll need to
+save and restore their original settings explicitly.
+ fontname = [[
+This command produces the filename for `font`. The filename is the
+`fontname` that was used to define `font`.
+ footnote = [[
+`\footnote`, `\vfootnote`
+These commands produce footnotes. `argument_1` is the “reference mark”
+for the footnote and `argument_2` is its text. The text can be several
+paragraphs long if necessary and can contain constructs such as math
+displays, but it shouldn’t contain any insertions (such as other
+You shouldn’t use these commands inside a subformula of a math formula,
+in a box within a box being contributed to a page, or in an insertion of
+any kind. If you’re unsure whether these restrictions apply, you can be
+safe by only using `\footnote` and `\vfootnote` directly within a
+paragraph or between paragraphs.
+These restrictions aren’t as severe as they seem because you can use
+`\vfootnote` to footnote most anything. Both `\footnote` and
+`\vfootnote` insert the reference mark in front of the footnote itself,
+but `\vfootnote` doesn’t insert the reference mark into the text. Thus,
+when you use `\vfootnote` you can explicitly insert the reference mark
+wherever it belongs without concern about the context and place the
+`\vfootnote` in the next paragraph. If you find that the footnote lands
+on the page following the one where it belongs, move the `\vfootnote`
+back to the previous paragraph. There are rare circumstances where
+you’ll need to alter the text of your document in order to get a
+footnote to appear on the same page as its reference mark.
+ frenchspacing = [[
+`\frenchspacing`, `\nonfrenchspacing`
+TeX normally adjusts the spacing between words to account for
+punctuation marks. For example, it inserts extra space at the end of a
+sentence and adds some stretch to the glue following any punctuation
+mark there. The `\frenchspacing` command tells TeX to make the interword
+spacing independent of punctuation, while the `\nonfrenchspacing`
+command tells TeX to use its normal spacing rules. If you don’t specify
+`\frenchspacing`, you’ll get TeX’s normal spacing.
+See in “TeX for the Impatient” for advice on how to control TeX’s
+treatment of punctuation at the end of sentences.
+ futurelet = [[
+This command tells TeX to make `token_2` the meaning of
+`control sequence` (as would be done with `\let`), and then to process
+`token_1` and `token_2` normally. `\futurelet` is useful at the end of
+macro definitions because it gives you a way of looking beyond the token
+that TeX is about to process before it processes it.
+ gdef = [[
+This command is equivalent to `\global\def`.
+ global = [[
+This command makes the following definition or assignment global so that
+it becomes effective independent of group boundaries. You can apply a
+`\global` prefix to any kind of definition or assignment, including a
+macro definition or a register assignment.
+ globaldefs = [[
+This parameter controls whether or not TeX takes definitions and other
+assignments to be global:
+- If `\globaldefs` is zero (as it is by default), a definition is
+ global if and only if it is preceded by `\global` either explicitly
+ or implicitly. (The `\gdef` and `\xdef` commands have an implicit
+ `\global` prefix).
+- If `\globaldefs` is greater than zero, all assignments and
+ definitions are implicitly prefixed by `\global`.
+- If `\globaldefs` is less than zero, all `\global` prefixes are
+ ignored.
+ goodbreak = [[
+This command ends a paragraph and also indicates to TeX that this is a
+good place to break the page.
+ halign = [[
+This command produces a horizontal alignment consisting of a sequence of
+rows, where each row in turn contains a sequence of column entries.
+TeX adjusts the widths of the column entries to accommodate the widest
+one in each column.
+A horizontal alignment can only appear when TeX is in a vertical mode.
+We recommend that you first study alignments in general before you
+attempt to use this command.
+An alignment consists of a preamble followed by the text to be aligned.
+The preamble, which describes the layout of the rows that follow,
+consists of a sequence of column templates, separated by ‘`&`’ and ended
+by `\cr`. Each row consists of a sequence of column entries, also
+separated by ‘`&`’ and ended by `\cr`. Within a template, ‘`#`’
+indicates where TeX should insert the corresponding text of a column
+entry. In contrast, `\settabs` uses a fixed implicit template of ‘`#`’,
+i.e., it just inserts the text as is.
+TeX typesets each column entry in restricted horizontal mode, i.e., as
+the contents of an hbox, and implicitly encloses it in a group.
+The `to` form of this command instructs TeX to make the width of the
+alignment be `dimen`, adjusting the space between columns as necessary.
+The `spread` form of this command instructs TeX to make the alignment
+wider by `dimen` than its natural width. These forms are like the
+corresponding forms of `\hbox` .
+See `\tabskip` for an example using the `to` form.
+ hang = [[
+This command indents the second and subsequent lines of a paragraph by
+`\parindent`, the paragraph indentation . Since the first line is
+already indented by `\parindent` (unless you’ve cancelled the
+indentation with `\noindent`), the entire paragraph appears to be
+indented by `\parindent`.
+ hangafter = [[
+`\hangafter`, `\hangindent`
+These two parameters jointly specify “hanging indentation” for a
+paragraph. The hanging indentation indicates to TeX that certain lines
+of the paragraph should be indented and the remaining lines should have
+their normal width.
+`\hangafter` determines which lines are indented, while `\hangindent`
+determines the amount of indentation and whether it occurs on the left
+or on the right:
+- Let $n$ be the value of `\hangafter`. If $n < 0$, the first $-n$
+ lines of the paragraph will be indented. If $n\ge0$, all but the
+ first $n$ lines of the paragraph will be indented.
+- Let $x$ be the value of `\hangindent`. If $x\ge0$, the lines will be
+ indented by $x$ on the left. If $x<0$ the lines will be indented by
+ $-x$ on the right.
+When you specify hanging indentation, it applies only to the next
+paragraph (if you’re in vertical mode) or to the current paragraph (if
+you’re in horizontal mode). TeX uses the values of `\hangafter` and
+`\hangindent` at the end of a paragraph, when it breaks that paragraph
+into lines.
+Unlike most of the other paragraph-shaping parameters, `\hangafter` and
+`\hangindent` are reset to their default values at the start of each
+paragraph, namely, 1 for `\hangafter` and 0 for `\hangindent`. If
+you want to typeset a sequence of paragraphs with hanging indentation,
+use `\everypar`.
+If you specify `\hangafter` and `\hangindent` as well as `\parshape`,
+TeX ignores the `\hangafter` and `\hangindent`.
+ hbadness = [[
+`\hbadness`, `\vbadness`
+These parameters specify the thresholds of horizontal and vertical
+badness for reporting underfull or overfull boxes. `\hbadness` applies
+to hboxes and `\vbadness` applies to vboxes. If the badness of a
+constructed box exceeds the threshold, TeX will report an error. If you
+raise the thresholds (the plain TeX defaults are both 1000), TeX will
+be less likely to complain. Note that the settings of `\hbadness` and
+`\vbadness` have no effect on the appearance of your typeset document;
+they only affect the error messages that you get. See page 302 of *The
+TeXbook* for a precise description of how TeX decides when to complain
+about an overfull or underfull box.
+ hbox = [[
+This command produces an hbox (horizontal box) containing
+`horizontal mode material`. The braces around `horizontal mode material`
+define a group. TeX doesn’t break the `horizontal mode material` into
+lines, since it’s in restricted horizontal mode when it’s assembling the
+box. TeX won’t change the size of the box once it’s been produced.
+`\hbox` is often useful when you want to keep some text all on one line.
+If your use of `\hbox` prevents TeX from breaking lines in an acceptable
+way, TeX will complain about an overfull hbox.
+The width of the hbox depends on the arguments to `\hbox`:
+- If you specify only `horizontal mode material`, the hbox will have
+ its natural width.
+- If you specify `to` `dimen`, the width of the hbox will be `dimen`.
+- If you specify `spread` `dimen`, the width of the hbox will be its
+ natural width plus `dimen`, i.e., the hbox will be spread out by
+ `dimen`.
+The `\hfil` command is useful for filling out an hbox with empty space
+when the material in the box isn’t as wide as the width of the box.
+ hfil = [[
+`\hfill`, `\hfil`, `\vfill`, `\vfil`
+These commands produce infinitely stretchable horizontal and vertical
+glue that overwhelms any finite stretch that may be present. `\hfil` and
+`\hfill` produce horizontal glue, while `\vfil` and `\vfill` produce
+vertical glue.
+`\hfill` is infinitely larger than `\hfil`. If both `\hfill` and `\hfil`
+appear in the same box, the `\hfill` will consume all the available
+extra space and the `\hfil` will be effectively ignored. `\hfill` can in
+turn be overwhelmed by `\hskip 0pt plus 1filll`. The glue produced by
+`\hfil` and `\hfill` never shrinks.
+The behavior of `\vfil` and `\vfill` is analogous.
+ hfilneg = [[
+`\hfilneg`, `\vfilneg`
+These commands cancel the effect of a preceding `\hfil` or `\vfil`.
+While `\hfil` and `\vfil` produce infinitely stretchable positive glue,
+`\hfilneg` and `\vfilneg` produce infinitely stretchable negative glue.
+(Thus, $n$ `\hfilneg`s cancel $n$ `\hfil`s, and similarly for
+`\vfilneg`.) The main use of `\hfilneg` and `\vfilneg` is to counteract
+the effect of an `\hfil` or `\vfil` inserted by a macro.
+`\hfilneg` and `\vfilneg` have the curious property that if they are the
+only infinitely stretchable glue in a box, they produce exactly the same
+effect as `\hfil` and `\vfil`.
+ hfuzz = [[
+`\hfuzz`, `\vfuzz`
+These parameters specify the amount that a box can exceed its natural
+size before TeX considers it to be overfull. `\hfuzz` applies to hboxes
+and `\vfuzz` applies to vboxes. Plain TeX sets both parameters to
+ hglue = [[
+`\hglue`, `\vglue`
+The `\hglue` command produces horizontal glue that won’t disappear at a
+line break; the `\vglue` command produces vertical glue that won’t
+disappear at a page break. In other respects these commands are just
+like `\hskip` and `\vskip`. You can use `\vglue` to produce blank space
+at the top of a page, e.g., above a title on the first page of a
+document, but `\topglue` (next) is usually better for this purpose.
+ hidewidth = [[
+This command tells TeX to ignore the width of the next column entry in a
+horizontal alignment. It’s useful when you have an entry that is longer
+than most of the others in the same column, and you’d rather have that
+entry stick out of the column than make all the entries in the column
+wider. If the `\hidewidth` is at the left of the entry, the entry sticks
+out to the left; if the `\hidewidth` is at the right of the entry, the
+entry sticks out to the right.
+ hoffset = [[
+`\hoffset`, `\voffset`
+TeX normally takes the “origin” of a page, that is, the point where it
+starts printing, as being one inch down from the top of the page and one
+inch to the right of the left end of the page.[1] The values of
+`\hoffset` and `\voffset` give the horizontal and vertical offset of the
+actual origin from this point. Thus if `\hoffset` and `\voffset` are
+both zero, TeX uses its normal origin.
+[1] TeX itself is indifferent to where the origin of the page is, but
+this information has to be built into the device drivers
+that convert .dvi files into printable form so that different devices
+will yield the same results.
+ holdinginserts = [[
+If this parameter is greater than 0 when TeX is processing a page
+break, TeX will refrain from processing insertions. Setting this
+parameter to 1 can be useful when you’re writing an output routine
+that needs to reprocess the contents of the page, e.g., an output
+routine that uses a value of `\vsize` different from the one used by the
+page builder.
+ hphantom = [[
+`\hphantom`, `\vphantom`
+These commands produce phantom boxes that don’t print anything:
+- `\hphantom` produces a box with the same width as `argument` but
+ zero height and depth.
+- `\vphantom` produces a box with the same height and depth as
+ `argument` but zero width.
+Their main purpose is to force a subformula to have a certain minimum
+horizontal or vertical dimension.
+ hrule = [[
+`\hrule`, `\vrule`
+The `\hrule` command produces a horizontal rule; the `\vrule` command
+produces a vertical rule. You can specify any or all of the width,
+height, and depth of the rule—TeX supplies default values for those that
+you omit. You can give the dimensions of the rule in any order; the
+forms listed above show just two of the possible combinations. You can
+even give a dimension of a given kind more than once—if you do, the last
+one is the one that counts.
+If you don’t specify the width of a horizontal rule, the rule is
+extended horizontally to the boundaries of the innermost box or
+alignment that contains the rule. If you don’t specify the height of a
+horizontal rule, it defaults to `0.4pt`; if you don’t specify the depth
+of a horizontal rule, it defaults to `0pt`.
+If you don’t specify the width of a vertical rule, it defaults to
+`0.4pt`. If you don’t specify the height or the depth of a vertical
+rule, the rule is extended to the boundary of the innermost box or
+alignment that contains the rule.
+TeX treats a horizontal rule as an inherently vertical item and a
+vertical rule as an inherently horizontal item. Thus a horizontal rule
+is legal only in a vertical mode, while a vertical rule is legal only in
+a horizontal mode.
+If this seems surprising, visualize it—a horizontal rule runs from left
+to right and separates vertical items in a sequence, while a vertical
+rule runs up and down and separates horizontal items in a sequence.
+ hsize = [[
+This parameter specifies the current line length. See in “TeX for the
+Impatient” for a more complete explanation.
+ hskip = [[
+`\hskip`, `\vskip`
+These commands produce horizontal and vertical glue respectively. In the
+simplest and most common case when only `dimen_1` is present, `\hskip`
+skips to the right by `dimen_1` and `\vskip` skips down the page by
+`dimen_1`. More generally, these commands produce glue whose natural
+size is `dimen_1`, whose stretch is `dimen_2`, and whose shrink is
+`dimen_3`. Either the `plus` `dimen_2`, the `minus ``dimen_3`, or both
+can be omitted. If both are present, the `plus` must come before the
+`minus`. An omitted value is taken to be zero. Any of the `dimen`s can
+be negative.
+You can use `\hskip` in math mode, but you can’t use `mu` units for any
+of the dimensions. If you want `mu` units, use `\mskip` instead.
+ hss = [[
+`\hss`, `\vss`
+These commands produce horizontal and vertical glue that is both
+infinitely stretchable and infinitely shrinkable. The glue can shrink to
+a negative distance, producing the effect of backspacing along a line
+(for `\hss`) or moving back up a page (for `\vss`).
+ ht = [[
+`\dp`, `\ht`, `\wd`
+These parameters refer to the height, depth, and width respectively of
+box register `register`. You can use them to find out the dimensions of
+a box. You can also change the dimensions of a box, but it’s a tricky
+business; if you want to be adventurous you can learn all about it from
+pages 388–389 of *The TeXbook*.
+ hyphenchar = [[
+TeX doesn’t necessarily use the ‘-’ character at hyphenation points.
+Instead, it uses the `\hyphenchar` of the current font, which is usually
+‘-’ but need not be. If a font has a negative `\hyphenchar` value,
+TeX won’t hyphenate words in that font.
+Note that `font` is a control sequence that names a font, not a
+`fontname` that names font files. Beware: an assignment to `\hyphenchar`
+is *not* undone at the end of a group. If you want to change
+`\hyphenchar` locally, you’ll need to save and restore its original
+value explicitly.
+ hyphenpenalty = [[
+This parameter specifies the penalty that TeX attaches to a breakpoint
+at an implicit hyphen. Implicit hyphens can come from TeX’s hyphenation
+dictionary or from discretionary hyphens that you’ve inserted with
+`\-` .
+Increasing this parameter has the effect of discouraging TeX from
+hyphenating words. Plain TeX sets `\hyphenpenalty` to 50.
+ i = [[
+`\i` (ı), `\j` (ȷ)
+These commands produce dotless versions of the letters ‘i’ and ‘j’. You
+should use them instead of the ordinary ‘i’ and ‘j’ when you are putting
+an accent above those letters in ordinary text.
+Use the `\imath` and `\jmath` commands for dotless ‘i’s and ‘j’s in math
+ ialign = [[
+This command behaves just like `\halign`, except that it first sets the
+`\tabskip` glue to zero and sets `\everycr` empty.
+ ["if"] = [[
+=1em This command tests if `token_1` and `token_2` have the same
+character code, independent of their category codes. Before performing
+the test, TeX expands tokens following the `\if` until it obtains two
+tokens that can’t be expanded further. These two tokens become `token_1`
+and `token_2`. The expansion includes replacing a control sequence
+`\let` equal to a character token by that character token. A control
+sequence that can’t be further expanded is considered to have character
+code 256.
+ ifcat = [[
+This command tests if `token_1` and `token_2` have the same category
+code. Before performing the test, TeX expands tokens following the
+`\ifcat` until it obtains two tokens that can’t be expanded further.
+These two tokens become `token_1` and `token_2`. The expansion includes
+replacing a control sequence `\let` equal to a character token by that
+character token. A control sequence that can’t be further expanded is
+considered to have category code 16.
+ ifdim = [[
+This command tests if `dimen_1` and `dimen_2` satisfy `relation`, which
+must be either ‘`<`’, ‘`=`’, or ‘`>`’. The dimensions can be constants
+such as `1in`, dimension registers such as `\dimen6`, or dimension
+parameters such as `\parindent`. Before performing the test, TeX expands
+tokens following the `\ifdim` until it obtains a sequence of tokens
+having the form `dimen_1` `relation` `dimen_2`, followed by a token that
+can’t be part of `dimen_2`.
+ ifeof = [[
+This command tests an input stream for end of file. It is true if input
+stream `number` has not been opened, or has been opened and the
+associated file has been entirely read in (or doesn’t exist).
+ ifhbox = [[
+`\ifhbox`, `\ifvbox`, `\ifvoid`
+These commands test the contents of the box register numbered
+`register`. Let `register` be $n$. Then:
+- `\ifhbox` is true if `\box`$\,n$ is an hbox.
+- `\ifvbox` is true if `\box`$\,n$ is an vbox.
+- `\ifvoid` is true if `\box`$\,n$ is void, i.e, doesn’t have a box in
+ it.
+ ifhmode = [[
+`\ifhmode`, `\ifinner`, `\ifmmode`, `\ifvmode`
+These commands test what mode TeX is in:
+- `\ifhmode` is true if TeX is in ordinary or restricted horizontal
+ mode.
+- `\ifvmode` is true if TeX is in ordinary or internal vertical mode.
+- `\ifmmode` is true if TeX is in text math or display math mode.
+- `\ifinner` is true if TeX is in an “internal” mode: restricted
+ horizontal, internal vertical, or text math.
+ ifnum = [[
+This command tests if `number_1` and `number_2` satisfy `relation`,
+which must be either ‘`<`’, ‘`=`’, or ‘`>`’. The numbers can be
+constants such as `127`, count registers such as `\pageno` or
+`\count22`, or numerical parameters such as `\hbadness`. Before
+performing the test, TeX expands tokens following the `\ifnum` until it
+obtains a sequence of tokens having the form `number_1` `relation`
+`number_2`, followed by a token that can’t be part of `number_2`.
+ ifodd = [[
+This command tests if `number` is odd. Before performing the test,
+TeX expands tokens following the `\ifodd` until it obtains a sequence of
+tokens having the form `number`, followed by a token that can’t be part
+of `number`.
+ iftrue = [[
+`\iffalse`, `\iftrue`
+These commands are equivalent to tests that are always true or always
+false. The main use of these commands is in defining macros that keep
+track of the result of a test.
+ ifx = [[
+This command tests if `token_1` and `token_2` agree. Unlike `\if` and
+`\ifcat`, `\ifx` does *not* expand the tokens following `\ifx`, so
+`token_1` and `token_2` are the two tokens immediately after `\ifx`.
+There are three cases:
+1. If one token is a macro and the other one isn’t, the tokens don’t
+ agree.
+2. If neither token is a macro, the tokens agree if:
+ 1. both tokens are characters (or control sequences denoting
+ characters) and their character codes and category codes agree,
+ or
+ 2. both tokens refer to the same TeX command, font, etc.
+3. If both tokens are macros, the tokens agree if:
+ 1. their “first level” expansions, i.e., their replacement texts,
+ are identical, and
+ 2. they have the same status with respect to `\long` and `\outer`.
+ Note in particular that *any two undefined control sequences agree*.
+This test is generally more useful than `\if`.
+ ignorespaces = [[
+This command tells TeX to read and expand tokens until it finds one that
+is not a space token, ignoring any space tokens that it finds on the
+way. `\ignorespaces` is often useful at the end of a macro as a way of
+making the macro insensitive to any spaces or ends of line that might
+follow calls on it. (An empty line after `\ignorespaces` still produces
+a `\par` token, however.)
+ immediate = [[
+This command should precede an `\openout`, `\closeout`, or `\write`.
+It tells TeX to perform the specified file operation without delay.
+ indent = [[
+If TeX is in vertical mode, as it is after ending a paragraph, this
+command inserts the `\parskip` interparagraph glue, puts TeX into
+horizontal mode, starts a paragraph, and indents that paragraph by
+`\parindent`. If TeX is already in horizontal mode, this command merely
+produces a blank space of width `\parindent`. Two `\indent`s in a row
+produce two indentations.
+As the example below shows, an `\indent` at a point where TeX would
+start a paragraph anyway is redundant. When TeX is in vertical mode and
+sees a letter or some other inherently horizontal command, it starts a
+paragraph by switching to horizontal mode, doing an `\indent`, and
+processing the horizontal command.
+ infty = [[
+`\Im` (ℑ), `\Re` (ℜ), `\Vert` (‖), `\aleph` (ℵ), `\angle` (∠),
+`\backslash` (∖), `\bot` (⊥), `\clubsuit` (♣), `\diamondsuit` (♢),
+`\ell` (ℓ), `\emptyset` (∅), `\exists` (∃), `\flat` (♭), `\forall` (∀),
+`\hbar` (ℏ), `\heartsuit` (♡), `\imath` (𝚤), `\infty` (∞), `\jmath` (𝚥),
+`\lnot` (¬), `\nabla` (∇), `\natural` (♮), `\neg` (¬), `\partial` (∂),
+`\prime`, `\sharp` (♯), `\spadesuit` (♠), `\surd`, `\top` (⊤),
+`\triangle` (△), `\vert`, `\wp` (℘)
+These commands produce various symbols. They are called “ordinary
+symbols” to distinguish them from other classes of symbols such as
+relations. You can only use an ordinary symbol within a math formula, so
+if you need an ordinary symbol within ordinary text you must enclose it
+in dollar signs (`$`).
+The commands `\imath` and `\jmath` are useful when you need to put an
+accent on top of an ‘$i$’ or a ‘$j$’.
+An apostrophe (`'`) is a short way of writing a superscript `\prime`.
+(The `\prime` command by itself generates a big ugly prime.)
+The `\|` and `\Vert` commands are synonymous, as are the `\neg` and
+`\lnot` commands.
+The `\vert` command produces the same result as ‘`|`’.
+The symbols produced by `\backslash`, `\vert`, and `\Vert` are
+delimiters. These symbols can be produced in larger sizes by using
+`\bigm` et al.
+ input = [[
+This command tells TeX to read its input from file `filename`. When that
+file is exhausted, TeX returns to reading from its previous input
+source. You can nest input files to any level you like (within reason).
+When you’re typesetting a large document, it’s usually a good idea to
+structure your main file as a sequence of `\input` commands that refer
+to the subsidiary parts of the document. That way you can process the
+individual parts easily as you’re working on drafts. It’s also a good
+practice to put all of your macro definitions into a separate file and
+summon that file with an `\input` command as the first action in your
+main file.
+TeX uses different rules for scanning file names than it does for
+scanning tokens in general). If your implementation expects file names
+to have extensions (usually indicated by a preceding dot), then
+TeX provides a default extension of `.tex`.
+ inputlineno = [[
+This command yields a number (not a string) giving the line number of
+the current line, defined to be the number that would appear in an error
+message if an error occurred at this point.
+ insert = [[
+This primitive command provides the underlying mechanism for
+constructing insertions, but it is hardly ever used outside of a macro
+definition. The definitions of the `\footnote`, `\vfootnote`,
+`\topinsert`, `\midinsert`, and `\pageinsert` commands are all built
+around `\insert`.
+When you design insertions for a document, you should assign a different
+integer code[1] $n$ to each kind of insertion, using the `\newinsert`
+command to obtain the integer codes. The `\insert` command itself
+appends the `vertical mode material` to the current horizontal or
+vertical list. Your output routine is responsible for moving the
+inserted material from where it resides in `\box`$\,n$ to an output
+TeX groups together all insertions having the same code number. Each
+insertion code $n$ has four registers associated with it:
+- `\box`$\,n$ is where TeX accumulates the material for insertions
+ with code $n$. When TeX breaks a page, it puts into `\box`$\,n$ as
+ much insertion $n$ material as will fit on the page. Your output
+ routine should then move this material to the actual page. You can
+ use `\ifvoid` to test if there is any material in `\box`$\,n$. If
+ not all the material fits, TeX saves the leftovers for the next
+ page.
+- `\count`$\,n$ is a magnification factor $f.$ When TeX is computing
+ the vertical space occupied on the page by insertion $n$ material,
+ it multiplies the vertical extent of this material by $f/1000$. Thus
+ you would ordinarily set $f$ to 500 for a double-column insertion
+ and to 0 for a marginal note.
+- `\dimen`$\,n$ specifies the maximum amount of insertion $n$ material
+ that TeX will put on a single page.
+- `\skip`$\,n$ specifies extra space that TeX allocates on the page if
+ the page contains any insertion $n$ material. This space is in
+ addition to the space occupied by the insertion itself. For example,
+ it would account for the space on a page above the footnotes (if
+ there are any).
+TeX sets `\box`$\,n$, and you should set the other three registers so
+that TeX can correctly compute the vertical space required by the
+insertion. See pages 122–125 of *The TeXbook* for further details of how
+TeX processes this command and of how insertions interact with page
+[1] *The TeXbook* uses the term “class” for a code. We use a different
+term to avoid confusion with the other meaning of “class”.
+ insertpenalties = [[
+This parameter contains the sum of certain penalties that
+TeX accumulates as it is placing insertions onto the current page. These
+penalties are incurred when TeX is processing an `\insert` command and
+discovers that a previous insertion of the same kind on this page has
+been split, leaving part of it for subsequent pages. See pages 123–125
+of *The TeXbook* for the details of this calculation.
+`\insertpenalties` has an entirely different meaning during an
+output routine—it’s the number of insertions that have been seen but
+that don’t fit on the current page (see page 125 of *The TeXbook*).
+ interlinepenalty = [[
+This parameter specifies the penalty for breaking a page between the
+lines of a paragraph. By setting it to 10000 you can force all page
+breaks to occur between paragraphs, provided that the pages have enough
+stretch so that TeX can still compose them decently. Plain TeX leaves
+`\interlinepenalty` at 0.
+ item = [[
+`\itemitem`, `\item`
+These commands are useful for creating itemized lists. The entire
+paragraph following `argument` is indented by `\parindent`
+(for `\item`) or by `2\parindent` (for `\itemitem`). (See in “TeX for
+the Impatient” for an explanation of `\parindent`.) Then `argument`,
+followed by an en space, is placed just to the left of the text of the
+first line of the paragraph so that it falls within the paragraph
+indentation as specified by `\parindent`.
+If you want to include more than one paragraph in an item, put `\item{}`
+in front of the additional paragraphs.
+ itfam = [[
+`\bffam`, `\itfam`, `\slfam`, `\ttfam`
+These commands define type families for use in math mode. Their
+principal use is in defining the `\it`, `\bf`, `\sl`, and `\tt` commands
+so that they work in math mode.
+ jobname = [[
+This command produces the base name of the file with which TeX was
+invoked. For example, if your main input file is `hatter.tex`,
+`\jobname` will expand to `hatter`. `\jobname` is most useful when
+you’re creating an auxiliary file to be associated with a document.
+ jot = [[
+This parameter defines a distance that is equal to three points (unless
+you change it). The `\jot` is a convenient unit of measure for opening
+up math displays.
+ kern = [[
+The effect of this command depends on the mode that TeX is in when it
+encounters it:
+- In a horizontal mode, TeX moves its position to the right (for a
+ positive kern) or to the left (for a negative kern).
+- In a vertical mode, TeX moves its position down the page (for a
+ positive kern) or up the page (for a negative kern).
+Thus a positive kern produces empty space while a negative kern causes
+TeX to back up over something that it’s already produced. This notion of
+a kern is different from the notion of a kern in some computerized
+typesetting systems—in TeX, positive kerns push two letters *apart*
+instead of bringing them closer together.
+A kern is similar to glue, except that (a) a kern can neither stretch
+nor shrink, and (b) TeX will only break a line or a page at a kern if
+the kern is followed by glue and is not part of a math formula. If
+TeX finds a kern at the end of a line or a page, it discards the kern.
+If you want to get the effect of a kern that never disappears, use
+`\hglue` or `\vglue`.
+You can use `\kern` in math mode, but you can’t use `mu` units for
+`dimen`. If you want `mu` units, use `\mkern` instead.
+ language = [[
+Different languages have different sets of hyphenation rules. This
+parameter determines the set of hyphenation rules that TeX uses. By
+changing `\language` you can get TeX to hyphenate portions of text or
+entire documents according to the hyphenation rules appropriate to a
+particular language.
+Your local information about TeX will tell you if any additional sets of
+hyphenation rules are available (besides the ones for English) and what
+the appropriate values of `\language` are. The default value of
+`\language` is 0.
+TeX sets the current language to 0 at the start of every paragraph,
+and compares `\language` to the current language whenever it adds a
+character to the current paragraph. If they are not the same, TeX adds a
+whatsit indicating the language change. This whatsit is the clue in
+later processing that the language rules should change.
+ lastkern = [[
+`\lastbox`, `\lastkern`, `\lastpenalty`, `\lastskip`
+These control sequences yield the value of the last item on the current
+list. They aren’t true commands because they can only appear as part of
+an argument. If the last item on the list isn’t of the indicated type,
+they yield a zero value (or an empty box, in the case of `\lastbox`).
+For example, if the last item on the current list is a kern, `\lastkern`
+yields the dimension of that kern; if it isn’t a kern, it yields a
+dimension of 0.
+Using `\lastbox` has the additional effect of removing the last box from
+the list. If you want the original `\lastbox` to remain on the list, you
+have to add a copy of it to the list. `\lastbox` is not permitted in a
+math list or in the main vertical list.
+These control sequences are most useful after macro calls that might
+have inserted entities of the indicated kinds.
+ lbrace = [[
+`\langle` (⟨), `\lbrace`, `\lbrack`, `\lceil` (⌈), `\lfloor` (⌊),
+`\rangle` (⟩), `\rbrace`, `\rbrack`, `\rceil` (⌉), `\rfloor` (⌋)
+These commands produce left and right delimiters. Mathematicians use
+delimiters to indicate the boundaries between parts of a formula. Left
+delimiters are also called “openings”, and right delimiters are also
+called “closings”. Openings and closings are two of TeX’s classes of
+math symbols. TeX puts different amounts of space around different
+classes of math symbols. You might expect the space that TeX puts around
+openings and closings to be symmetrical, but in fact it isn’t.
+Some left and right delimiters have more than one command that you can
+use to produce them:
+- ‘$\{$’ (`\lbrace` and `\{`)
+- ‘$\}$’ (`\rbrace` and `\}`)
+- ‘$[$’ (`\lbrack` and ‘`[`’)
+- ‘$]$’ (`\rbrack` and ‘`]`’)
+You can also use the left and right bracket characters (in either form)
+outside of math mode.
+In addition to these commands, TeX treats ‘`(`’ as a left delimiter and
+‘`)`’ as a right delimiter.
+You can have TeX choose the size for a delimiter by using `\left` and
+`\right`. Alternatively, you can get a delimiter of a specific size by
+using one of the `\big`$x$ commands).
+ lccode = [[
+`\lccode`, `\uccode`
+The `\lccode` and `\uccode` values for the 256 possible input
+characters specify the correspondence between the lowercase and
+uppercase forms of letters. These values are used by the `\lowercase`
+and `\uppercase` commands respectively and by TeX’s hyphenation
+TeX initializes the values of `\lccode` and `\uccode` as follows:
+- The `\lccode` of a lowercase letter is the ASCII code for that
+ letter.
+- The `\lccode` of an uppercase letter is the ASCII code for the
+ corresponding lowercase letter.
+- The `\uccode` of an uppercase letter is the ASCII code for that
+ letter.
+- The `\uccode` of a lowercase letter is the ASCII code for the
+ corresponding uppercase letter.
+- The `\lccode` and `\uccode` of a nonletter are both zero.
+Most of the time there’s no reason to change these values, but you might
+want to change them if you’re using a language that has more letters
+than English.
+ ldots = [[
+`\cdots` (⋯), `\ldots` (…)
+These commands produce three dots in a row. For `\ldots`, the dots are
+on the baseline; for `\cdots`, the dots are centered with respect to the
+ leaders = [[
+`\cleaders`, `\leaders`, `\xleaders`
+These commands produce leaders, i.e., they fill a horizontal or vertical
+space with copies of a pattern . The `box` or `rule` specifies a leader,
+i.e., a single copy of the pattern, while the `skip command` specifies a
+window to be filled with a row or a column of the leaders. The pattern
+is repeated as many times as will fit into the window. If `skip command`
+is a horizontal skip, the window contains a row of leaders and TeX must
+be in a horizontal mode; if `skip command` is a vertical skip, the
+window contains a column of leaders and TeX must be in a vertical mode.
+The commands differ in how they arrange the repeated pattern in the
+space and where they put any leftover space:
+- For `\leaders`, TeX aligns a row of leaders with the left end of the
+ innermost box $B$ that is to contain the result of the `\leaders`
+ command. It aligns a column of leaders with the top of $B$. Those
+ leaders that fall entirely within the window are retained. Any
+ leftover space at the top and bottom of the window is left empty.
+- For `\cleaders`, the leaders are centered within the window.
+- For `\xleaders` the pattern is uniformly distributed throughout the
+ window. If the leftover space is $l$ and the leader is repeated $n$
+ times, TeX puts space of width or height $l/(n+1)$ between adjacent
+ leaders and at the two ends (left and right or top and bottom) of
+ the leaders.
+ left = [[
+`\left`, `\right`
+These commands must be used together in the pattern:
+This construct causes TeX to produce `subformula`, enclosed in the
+delimiters `delim_1` and `delim_2`. The vertical size of the delimiter
+is adjusted to fit the vertical size (height plus depth) of
+`subformula`. `delim_1` and `delim_2` need not correspond. For instance,
+you could use ‘`]`’ as a left delimiter and ‘`(`’ as a right delimiter
+in a single use of `\left` and `\right`.
+`\left` and `\right` have the important property that they define a
+group, i.e., they act like left and right braces. This grouping property
+is particularly useful when you put `\over` or a related command between
+`\left` and `\right`, since you don’t need to put braces around the
+fraction constructed by `\over`.
+If you want a left delimiter but not a right delimiter, you can use
+‘`.`’ in place of the delimiter you don’t want and it will turn into
+empty space (of width `\nulldelimiterspace`).
+ leftarrow = [[
+`\Downarrow` (⇓), `\Leftarrow` (⇐), `\Leftrightarrow` (⇔),
+`\Longleftarrow` (⇐), `\Longleftrightarrow` (⇔), `\Longrightarrow` (⇒),
+`\Rightarrow` (⇒), `\Uparrow` (⇑), `\Updownarrow` (⇕), `\downarrow` (↓),
+`\gets` (←), `\hookleftarrow` (↩), `\hookrightarrow` (↪), `\leftarrow`
+(←), `\leftharpoondown` (↽), `\leftharpoonup` (↼), `\leftrightarrow`
+(↔), `\longleftarrow` (←), `\longleftrightarrow` (↔), `\longmapsto` (↦),
+`\longrightarrow` (→), `\mapsto` (↦), `\nearrow` (↗), `\nwarrow` (↖),
+`\rightarrow` (→), `\rightharpoondown` (⇁), `\rightharpoonup` (⇀),
+`\rightleftharpoons` (⇌), `\searrow` (↘), `\swarrow` (↙), `\to` (→),
+`\uparrow` (↑), `\updownarrow` (↕)
+These commands provide arrows of different kinds. They are classified as
+relations. The vertical arrows in the list are also delimiters, so you
+can make them larger by using `\big` et al.
+The command `\iff` differs from `\Longleftrightarrow` in that it
+produces extra space to the left and right of the arrow.
+You can place symbols or other legends on top of a left or right arrow
+with `\buildrel`.
+ leftarrowfill = [[
+`\leftarrowfill`, `\rightarrowfill`
+These commands fill the enclosing horizontal space with left-pointing or
+right-pointing arrows.
+ lefthyphenmin = [[
+`\lefthyphenmin`, `\righthyphenmin`
+These parameters specify the smallest word fragments that TeX allows at
+the left and at the right end of a hyphenated word. Plain TeX defaults
+them to 2 and 3 respectively; these are the recommended values for
+ leftskip = [[
+`\leftskip`, `\rightskip`
+These parameters tell TeX how much glue to place at the left and at the
+right end of each line of the current paragraph. We’ll just explain how
+`\leftskip` works since `\rightskip` is analogous.
+You can increase the left margin by setting `\leftskip` to a fixed
+nonzero dimension. If you give `\leftskip` some stretch, you can produce
+ragged left text, i.e., text that has an uneven left margin.
+Ordinarily, you should enclose any assignment to `\leftskip` in a group
+together with the affected text in order to keep its effect from
+continuing to the end of your document. However, it’s pointless to
+change `\leftskip`’s value inside a group that is in turn contained
+within a paragraph—the value of `\leftskip` at the *end* of a paragraph
+is what determines how TeX breaks the paragraph into lines.
+ let = [[
+This command causes `control sequence` to acquire the current meaning of
+`token`. Even if you redefine `token` later, the meaning of
+`control sequence` will not change. Although `token` is most commonly a
+control sequence, it can also be a character token.
+ lgroup = [[
+`\lgroup`, `\rgroup`
+These commands produce large left and right parentheses that are defined
+as opening and closing delimiters. The smallest available size for these
+delimiters is `\Big`. If you use smaller sizes, you’ll get weird
+ limits = [[
+In text style, TeX normally places limits after a large operator. This
+command tells TeX to place limits above and below a large operator
+rather than after it.
+If you specify more than one of `\limits`, `\nolimits`, and
+`\displaylimits`, the last command rules.
+ line = [[
+This command produces an hbox containing `argument`. The hbox is exactly
+as wide as the current line, i.e., it extends from the right margin to
+the left margin.
+ linepenalty = [[
+This parameter specifies the penalty that TeX assesses for each line
+break when it is breaking a paragraph into lines. The penalty is
+independent of where the line break occurs. Increasing the value of this
+parameter causes TeX to try harder to set a paragraph with a minimum
+number of lines, even at the cost of other aesthetic considerations such
+as avoiding overly tight interword spacing. Demerits are in units of
+badness squared, so you need to assign a rather large value to this
+parameter (in the thousands) for it to have any effect. Plain TeX sets
+`\linepenalty` to 10.
+ llap = [[
+`\llap`, `\rlap`
+These commands enable you to produce text that overlaps whatever happens
+to be to the left or to the right of the current position. `\llap`
+backspaces by the width of `argument` and then typesets `argument`.
+`\rlap` is similar, except that it typesets `argument` first and then
+backspaces. `\llap` and `\rlap` are useful for placing text outside of
+the current margins. Both `\llap` and `\rlap` do their work by creating
+a box of zero width.
+You can also use `\llap` or `\rlap` to construct special characters by
+overprinting, but don’t try it unless you’re sure that the characters
+you’re using have the same width (which is the case for a monospaced
+font such as `cmtt10`, the Computer Modern 10-point typewriter font).
+ long = [[
+This command is used as a prefix to a macro definition. It tells
+TeX that the arguments to the macro are permitted to include `\par`
+tokens, which normally indicate the end of a paragraph.
+If TeX tries to expand a macro defined without `\long` and any of the
+macro’s arguments include a `\par` token, TeX will complain about a
+runaway argument. The purpose of this behavior is to provide you with
+some protection against unterminated macro arguments. `\long` gives you
+a way of bypassing the protection.
+ loop = [[
+`\loop`, `\repeat`
+These commands provide a looping construct for TeX. Here $\alpha$ and
+$\beta$ are arbitrary sequences of commands and is any of the
+conditional tests described in “TeX for the Impatient”, Conditional
+tests,conds. The `\repeat` replaces the `\fi` corresponding to the test,
+so you must not write an explicit `\fi` to terminate the test. Nor,
+unfortunately, can you associate an `\else` with the test. If you want
+to use the test in the opposite sense, you need to rearrange the test or
+define an auxiliary test with `\newif` (see above) and use that test in
+the sense you want (see the second example below).
+TeX expands `\loop` as follows:
+1. $\alpha$ is expanded.
+2. is performed. If the result is false, the loop is terminated.
+3. $\beta$ is expanded.
+4. The cycle is repeated.
+ looseness = [[
+This parameter gives you a way to change the total number of lines in a
+paragraph from what they optimally would be. `\looseness` is so named
+because it’s a measure of how loose the paragraph is, i.e., how much
+extra space there is in it.
+Normally, `\looseness` is 0 and TeX chooses line breaks in its usual
+way. But if `\looseness` is, say, 3, TeX does the following:
+1. It chooses line breaks normally, resulting in a paragraph of $n$
+ lines.
+2. It discards these line breaks and tries to find a new set of line
+ breaks that gives the paragraph $n+3$ lines. (Without the previous
+ step, TeX wouldn’t know the value of $n$.)
+3. If the previous attempt results in lines whose badness exceeds
+ `\tolerance`,
+ it tries to get $n+2$ lines—and if that also fails, $n+1$ lines, and
+ finally $n$ lines again.
+Similarly, if looseness is $-n$, TeX attempts to set the paragraph with
+$n$ fewer lines than normal. The easiest way for TeX to make a paragraph
+one line longer is to put a single word on the excess line. You can
+prevent this by putting a tie between the last two words of the
+Setting `\looseness` is the best way to force a paragraph to occupy a
+given number of lines. Setting it to a negative value is useful when
+you’re trying to increase the amount of text you can fit on a page.
+Similarly, setting it to a positive value is useful when you’re trying
+to decrease the amount of text on a page.
+TeX sets `\looseness` to 0 when it ends a paragraph, after breaking
+the paragraph into lines. If you want to change the looseness of several
+paragraphs, you must do it individually for each one or put the change
+into `\everypar` .
+ lower = [[
+`\lower`, `\raise`
+These commands move `box` up or down by `dimen` (which can be negative).
+You can only apply `\raise` and `\lower` to a box that’s in a horizontal
+ lowercase = [[
+`\lowercase`, `\uppercase`
+These commands convert the letters in `token list`, i.e., those tokens
+with category code 11, to their lowercase and uppercase forms. The
+conversion of a letter is defined by its `\lccode` (for lowercase) or
+`\uccode` (for uppercase) table value. Tokens in the list that are not
+letters are not affected—even if the tokens are macro calls or other
+commands that expand into letters.
+ lq = [[
+`\P` (¶), `\S` (§), `\copyright` (©), `\dag`, `\ddag`, `\lbrack`, `\lq`
+(‘), `\rbrack`, `\rq` (’)
+These commands produce various special characters and marks. The first
+five commands are necessary because TeX by default attaches special
+meanings to the characters (`#`, `$`, `%`, `&`, `_`). You needn’t be in
+math mode to use these commands.
+You can use the dollar sign in the Computer Modern italic fonts to get
+the pound sterling symbol, as shown in the example below.
+ magnification = [[
+`\magnification`, `\mag`
+An assignment to `\magnification` establishes the “scale factor” $f$
+that determines the magnification ratio of your document . The
+assignment to `\magnification` must occur before the first page of your
+document has been shipped out.
+The assignment sets $f$ to `number` and also sets `\hsize` and `\vsize`
+respectively to `6.5true in` and `8.9true in`, the values appropriate
+for an $8 \frac1/2$- by-11-inch page. $f$ must be between 0 and
+32768. The magnification ratio of the document is $f/1000$. A scale
+factor of 1000 provides unit magnification, i.e., it leaves the size
+of your document unchanged. It’s customary to use powers of $1.2$ as
+scale factors, and most libraries of fonts are based on such factors.
+You can use the `\magstep` and `\magstephalf` commands to specify
+magnifications by these factors.
+`\magnification` is not a parameter. You can’t use it to *retrieve* the
+scale factor. If you write something like `\dimen0 = \magnification`,
+TeX will complain about it.
+The `\mag` parameter contains the scale factor. Changing the value of
+`\mag` rescales the page dimensions, which is not usually what you want.
+Therefore it’s usually better to change the magnification by assigning
+to `\magnification` rather than to `\mag`.
+ magstep = [[
+This command expands to the magnification ratio needed to magnify
+everything in your document (other than `true` dimensions) by $1.2^r$,
+where $r$ is the value of `number`. `number` must be between 0 and
+ magstephalf = [[
+This command expands to the magnification ratio needed to magnify
+everything in your document (other than `true` dimensions) by
+$\sqrt{1.2}$, i.e., halfway between 1 and $1.2$.
+ mark = [[
+This command causes TeX to append a mark containing `mark text` to
+whatever list it is currently constructing. Generally you shouldn’t use
+`\mark` within an “inner” construct such as a math formula or a box
+you’ve built with an `\hbox`, `\vbox`, or `\vtop` command, because
+TeX won’t see the mark when it’s constructing the main box of the page.
+But if you use `\mark` in ordinary horizontal mode or directly in an
+hbox that’s part of the main vertical list, the mark migrates out to the
+main vertical list. See pages 259–260 of *The TeXbook* for examples
+showing how `\mark` can be used.
+ mathaccent = [[
+This command tells TeX to typeset a math accent whose family and
+character code are given by `mathcode`. (TeX ignores the class of the
+mathcode.) See Appendix G of *The TeXbook* for the details of how
+TeX positions such an accent. The usual way to use `\mathaccent` is to
+put it in a macro definition that gives a name to a math accent.
+ mathchar = [[
+This command produces the math character whose class, family, and font
+position are given by `mathcode`. It is only legal in math mode.
+ mathchardef = [[
+This command defines `control sequence` as a math character with the
+given `mathcode`. The control sequence will only be legal in math mode.
+ mathchoice = [[
+This command tells TeX to typeset one of the subformulas `math_1`,
+`math_2`, `math_3`, or `math_4`, making its choice according to the
+current style. That is, if TeX is in display style it sets the
+`\mathchoice` as `math_1`; in text style it sets it as `math_2`; in
+script style it sets it as `math_3`; and in scriptscript style it sets
+it as `math_4`.
+ mathcode = [[
+This table entry contains the mathcode of the character whose ASCII code
+is `charcode` . The mathcode specifies that character’s interpretation
+in math mode.
+ mathinner = [[
+This command tells TeX to treat the construct that follows as an “inner
+formula”, e.g., a fraction, for spacing purposes. It resembles the class
+commands given just above.
+ mathord = [[
+`\mathbin`, `\mathclose`, `\mathopen`, `\mathop`, `\mathord`,
+`\mathpunct`, `\mathrel`
+These commands tell TeX to treat the construct that follows as belonging
+to a particular class (see page 154 of *The TeXbook* for the definition
+of the classes). They are listed here in the order of the class numbers,
+from 0 to 6. Their primary effect is to adjust the spacing around
+the construct to be whatever it is for the specified class.
+ mathpalette = [[
+This command provides a convenient way of producing a math construct
+that works in all four styles. To use it, you’ll normally need to define
+an additional macro, which we’ll call `\build`. The call on
+`\mathpalette` should then have the form `\mathpalette`||`argument`.
+`\build` tests what style TeX is in and typesets `argument` accordingly.
+It should be defined to have two parameters. When you call
+`\mathpalette`, it will in turn call `\build`, with `#1` being a command
+that selects the current style and `#2` being `argument`. Thus, within
+the definition of `\build` you can typeset something in the current
+style by preceding it with ‘`#1`’. See page 360 of *The TeXbook* for
+examples of using `\mathpalette` and page 151 of *The TeXbook* for a
+further explanation of how it works.
+ mathstrut = [[
+This command produces a phantom formula whose width is zero and whose
+height and depth are the same as those of a left parenthesis.
+`\mathstrut` is in fact defined as ‘`\vphantom(`’. Its main use is for
+getting radicals, underbars, and overbars to line up with other
+radicals, underbars, and overbars in a formula. It is much like
+`\strut`, except that it adjusts itself to the different styles that can
+occur in math formulas.
+ mathsurround = [[
+This parameter specifies the amount of space that TeX inserts before and
+after a math formula in text mode (i.e., a formula surrounded by single
+`$`’s). See page 162 of *The TeXbook* for further details about its
+behavior. Plain TeX leaves `\mathsurround` at `0pt`.
+ maxdeadcycles = [[
+If the value of `\deadcycles` exceeds the value of `\maxdeadcycles`,
+TeX assumes that the output routine has gotten into a loop. TeX then
+complains and runs its own simple output routine, equivalent to
+`\shipout!allowbreak\box255`, that is likely to break the loop. Plain
+TeX sets `\maxdeadcycles` to 25.
+ maxdepth = [[
+This parameter specifies the maximum depth of the bottom box on a page.
+It is related to `\boxmaxdepth`. If the depth of the bottom box on a
+page exceeds `\maxdepth`, TeX moves the box’s reference point down so
+that it’s `\maxdepth` from the bottom of that box. Without this
+adjustment, the bottom box on a page could extend well into the bottom
+margin or even off the page entirely. Plain TeX sets `\maxdepth` to
+ maxdimen = [[
+This control sequence yields a `dimen` that is the largest dimension
+acceptable to TeX (nearly 18 feet). It is not a true command because it
+can only appear as part of an argument to another command.
+ meaning = [[
+This command produces the meaning of `token`. It is useful for
+diagnostic output. You can use the `\the` command in a similar way to
+get information about the values of registers and other TeX entities.
+ message = [[
+`\errmessage`, `\message`
+These commands display the message given by `token list` on your
+terminal and also enter it into the log. Any macros in the message are
+expanded, but no commands are executed. This is the same rule that
+TeX uses for `\edef`.
+For `\errmessage`, TeX pauses in the same way that it does for one of
+its own error messages and displays the `\errhelp` tokens if you ask for
+You can generate multiline messages by using the `\newlinechar`
+ mkern = [[
+This command produces a kern, i.e., blank space, of width `mudimen`. The
+kern is measured in mathematical units, which vary according to the
+style. Aside from its unit of measurement, this command behaves just
+like `\kern` does in horizontal mode.
+ month = [[
+TeX sets this parameter to the current month. It is a number between 1
+and 12. `\month` is set at the beginning of your run (see the comments
+on `\time` above).
+ moveleft = [[
+`\moveleft`, `\moveright`
+These commands move `box` left or right by `dimen` (which can be
+negative). You can only apply `\moveleft` and `\moveright` to a box
+that’s in a vertical list.
+ mskip = [[
+This command produces horizontal glue that has natural width
+`mudimen_1`, stretch `mudimen_2`, and shrink `mudimen_3`. The glue is
+measured in mathematical units, which vary according to the style. Aside
+from its units of measurement, this command behaves just like `\hskip`.
+ multiply = [[
+`\divide`, `\multiply`
+These commands multiply and divide the value in `register` by `number`
+(which can be negative). The register can be a `\count`, `\dimen`,
+`\skip`, or `\muskip` register. For a `\skip` or `\muskip` register, all
+three components of the glue in the register are modified. You can omit
+the word `by` in these commands—TeX will understand them anyway.
+You can also obtain a multiple of a `dimen` by preceding it by a
+or decimal constant, e.g., `-2.5\dimen2`. You can also use this notation
+for `glue`, but watch out—the result is a `dimen`, not `glue`. Thus
+`2\baselineskip` yields a `dimen` that is twice the natural size of
+`\baselineskip`, with no stretch or shrink.
+ multispan = [[
+This command tells TeX that the following `number` columns in a row of a
+horizontal alignment, or `number` rows in a column of a vertical
+alignment, should be combined into a single column or row (as with
+`\span`) and that their templates should be omitted (as with `\omit`).
+ narrower = [[
+This command makes paragraphs narrower, increasing the left and right
+margins by `\parindent`, the current paragraph indentation. It achieves
+this by increasing both `\leftskip` and `\rightskip` by `\parindent`.
+Normally you place `\narrower` at the beginning of a group containing
+the paragraphs that you want to make narrower. If you forget to enclose
+`\narrower` within a group, you’ll find that all the rest of your
+document will have narrow paragraphs.
+`\narrower` affects just those paragraphs that end after you invoke it.
+If you end a `\narrower` group before you’ve ended a paragraph,
+TeX won’t make that paragraph narrower.
+ negthinspace = [[
+This command produces a negative kern whose width is one-sixth of an em
+, i.e., it causes TeX to move its position left by that amount. It is
+useful for bringing together characters that are a little too far apart.
+TeX won’t break a line at a `\negthinspace`.
+ newif = [[
+This command names a trio of control sequences with names `\alphatrue`,
+`\alphafalse`, and `\ifalpha`, where `alpha` is `test name`. You can use
+them to define your own tests by creating a logical variable that
+records true/false information:
+- `\alphatrue` sets the logical variable `alpha` true.
+- `\alphafalse` sets the logical variable `alpha` false
+- `\ifalpha` is a conditional test that is true if the logical
+ variable `alpha` is true and false otherwise.
+The logical variable `alpha` doesn’t really exist, but TeX behaves as
+though it did. After `\newif\ifalpha`, the logical variable is initially
+`\newif` is an outer command, so you can’t use it inside a macro
+ newlinechar = [[
+This parameter contains a character that indicates a new line on output.
+When TeX encounters this character while reading the argument of a
+`\write`, `\message`, or `\errmessage` command, it starts a new line. If
+`\newlinechar` is not in the range 0–255, there is no character that
+indicates a new line on output. Plain TeX sets `\newlinechar` to $-1$.
+ noalign = [[
+This command inserts `vertical mode material` after the current row of a
+horizontal alignment or `horizontal mode material` after the current
+column of a vertical alignment. The material can be text, glue, a rule,
+or anything else.
+The most common use of `\noalign` is to put extra space after a row or
+column. If you want to put extra space after *every* row of a horizontal
+alignment, use `\openup`.
+ noboundary = [[
+You can defeat a ligature or kern that TeX applies to the first or last
+character of a word by putting `\noboundary` just before or just after
+the word. Certain fonts intended for languages other than English
+contain a special boundary character that TeX puts at the beginning and
+end of each word. The boundary character occupies no space and is
+invisible when printed. It enables TeX to provide different
+typographical treatment to characters at the beginning or end of a word,
+since the boundary character can be part of a sequence of characters to
+be kerned or replaced by a ligature. (None of the standard TeX fonts
+contain this boundary character.) The effect of `\noboundary` is to
+delete the boundary character if it’s there, thus preventing TeX from
+recognizing the ligature or kern.
+ nobreak = [[
+This command prevents a page break where it otherwise might occur.
+`\nobreak` can also be used in horizontal mode.
+ noexpand = [[
+This command tells TeX to suppress expansion of `token` if `token` is a
+control sequence that can be expanded. If `token` can’t be expanded,
+e.g., it’s a letter, TeX acts as though the `\noexpand` wasn’t there and
+processes `token` normally. In other words the expansion of
+‘`\noexpand``token`’ is simply `token` no matter what `token` happens to
+ noindent = [[
+If TeX is in vertical mode, as it is after ending a paragraph, this
+command inserts the `\parskip` interparagraph glue, puts TeX into
+horizontal mode, and starts an unindented paragraph. It has no effect in
+horizontal mode, i.e., within a paragraph. Starting a paragraph with
+`\noindent` thus cancels the indentation by `\parindent` that would
+normally occur there.
+A common use of `\noindent` is to cancel the indentation of the first
+line of a paragraph when the paragraph follows some displayed material.
+ nointerlineskip = [[
+This command tells TeX not to insert interline glue in front of the next
+line. It has no effect on subsequent lines.
+ nolimits = [[
+In display style, TeX normally places limits above and below a large
+operator. This command tells TeX to place limits after a large operator
+rather than above and below it.
+The integral operators `\int` and `\oint` are exceptions—TeX places
+limits after them in all cases, unless overridden, as in `\int\limits`.
+(plain TeX defines `\int` and `\oint` as macros that specify the
+operator symbol followed by `\nolimits`—this is what causes them to
+behave differently by default.)
+If you specify more than one of `\limits`, `\nolimits`, and
+`\displaylimits`, the last command rules.
+ nonscript = [[
+When TeX is currently typesetting in script or scriptscript style and
+encounters this command immediately in front of glue or a kern, it
+cancels the glue or kern. `\nonscript` has no effect in the other
+This command provides a way of “tightening up” the spacing in script and
+scriptscript styles, which generally are set in smaller type. It is of
+little use outside of macro definitions.
+ nonstopmode = [[
+This command tells TeX not to stop for errors, even those pertaining to
+files that it can’t find, but to continue displaying the error messages
+on your terminal. Typing ‘`R`’ or ‘`r`’ in response to an error message
+puts you into nonstop mode.
+ nopagenumbers = [[
+By default, plain TeX produces a footer containing a centered page
+number. This command tells TeX to produce a blank footer instead.
+ normalbaselineskip = [[
+`\normalbaselineskip`, `\normalbaselines`, `\normallineskiplimit`,
+The three parameters contain values for `\baselineskip`, `\lineskip`,
+and `\lineskiplimit` respectively.
+The `\normalbaselines` command sets `\baselineskip`, `\lineskip`, and
+`\lineskiplimit` to the values contained in the three parameters.
+ null = [[
+This command produces an empty hbox.
+ nulldelimiterspace = [[
+This parameter specifies the width of the space produced by a null
+delimiter. Plain TeX sets `\nulldelimiterspace` to `1.2pt`.
+ nullfont = [[
+This command selects a font, built into TeX, that has no characters in
+it. TeX uses it as a replacement for an undefined font in a family of
+math fonts.
+ number = [[
+This command produces the representation of a number as a sequence of
+character tokens. The number can be either an explicit integer, a
+`number` parameter, or a `number` register.
+ obeylines = [[
+TeX normally treats an end of line as a space. `\obeylines` instructs
+TeX to treat each end of line as an end of paragraph, thus forcing a
+line break. `\obeylines` is often useful when you’re typesetting verse
+or computer programs.
+If any of your lines are longer than the effective line length (`\hsize`
+- `\parindent`), however, you may get an extra line break within those
+Because TeX inserts the `\parskip` glue between lines controlled by
+`\obeylines` (since it thinks each line is a paragraph), you should
+normally set `\parskip` to zero when you’re using `\obeylines`.
+You can use the `\obeyspaces` command to get TeX to take spaces within a
+line literally. `\obeylines` and `\obeyspaces` are often used together.
+ obeyspaces = [[
+TeX normally condenses a sequence of several spaces to a single space.
+`\obeyspaces` instructs TeX to produce a space in the output for each
+space in the input. `\obeyspaces` does not cause spaces at the beginning
+of a line to show up, however; for that we recommend the
+`\obeywhitespace` command defined in `eplain.tex` .
+`\obeyspaces` is often useful when you’re typesetting something,
+computer input for example, in a monospaced font (one in which each
+character takes up the same amount of space) and you want to show
+exactly what each line of input looks like.
+You can use the `\obeylines` command to get TeX to follow the line
+boundaries of your input. `\obeylines` is often used in combination with
+ offinterlineskip = [[
+This command tells TeX to stop inserting interline glue from now on.
+Unless you want it to be in effect for the rest of the document (which
+you probably don’t), you should enclose it in a group together with the
+text you want it to affect. Its main purpose is to let you do interline
+spacing yourself, e.g., using struts, without interference from TeX’s
+normal interline glue. `\offinterlineskip` is often useful when you’re
+constructing a horizontal alignment.
+ omit = [[
+This command tells TeX to ignore a template in a horizontal or vertical
+alignment while processing a particular column or row entry
+respectively. `\omit` must appear as the first item in a column or row
+entry; in effect, it overrides the template from the preamble with the
+simple template ‘`#`’.
+ openin = [[
+This command tells TeX to open the file named `filename` and make it
+available for reading via the input stream designated by `number`.
+`number` must be between 0 and 15. Once you’ve opened a file and
+connected it to an input stream, you can read from the file using the
+`\read` command with the input stream’s number.
+You can associate more than one input stream with the same file. You can
+then read from several different positions within the file, one for each
+input stream.
+You should allocate stream numbers for `\openin` using `\newread`.
+ openout = [[
+This command tells TeX to open the file named `filename` and make it
+available for writing via the output stream designated by `number`.
+`number` must be between 0 and 15. Once you’ve opened a file and
+connected it to an output stream, you can write to the file using the
+`\write` command with the output stream’s number.
+An `\openout` generates a whatsit that becomes part of a box. The
+`\openout` does not take effect until TeX ships out that box to the .dvi
+file, unless you’ve preceded the `\openout` with `\immediate`.
+TeX won’t complain if you associate more than one output stream with the
+same file, but you’ll get garbage in the file if you try it!
+You should allocate stream numbers for `\openout` using `\newwrite`.
+ openup = [[
+This command increases `\baselineskip` by `dimen`. An `\openup` command
+before the end of a paragraph affects the entire paragraph, so you
+shouldn’t use `\openup` to change `\baselineskip` within a paragraph.
+`\openup` is most useful for typesetting tables and math displays—a
+little extra space between rows often makes them more readable.
+ outer = [[
+This command is used as a prefix to a macro definition. It tells
+TeX that the macro is outer and cannot be used in certain contexts. If
+the macro is used in a forbidden context, TeX will complain.
+ output = [[
+This parameter contains the current output routine, i.e., the token list
+that TeX expands when it finds a page break. TeX puts the page into
+`\box255`, so `\output` is responsible for doing something with
+`\box255`—either shipping it out or putting it somewhere else. The
+output routine is also responsible for attaching things such as headers
+and footers.
+ outputpenalty = [[
+TeX sets this parameter when it breaks a page. If the breakpoint was at
+a penalty item, TeX removes the penalty item and sets `\outputpenalty`
+to the penalty value at the breakpoint; otherwise it sets
+`\outputpenalty` to 0.
+Suppose that you are undoing a page break in order to break the page at
+a different place than the one that TeX has just chosen. In order to
+reconstruct the page, you need to recreate the penalty at TeX’s chosen
+breakpoint. You can accomplish this with the command
+ over = [[
+`\above`, `\atop`, `\brace`, `\brack`, `\choose`, `\over`
+These commands stack one subformula on top of another one. We will
+explain how `\over` works, and then relate the other commands to it.
+`\over` is the command that you’d normally use to produce a fraction.
+If you write something in one of the following forms:
+ $$⟨formula1⟩\over⟨formula2⟩$$
+ $⟨formula1⟩\over⟨formula2⟩$
+ \left!<delim>⟨formula1⟩\over⟨formula2⟩\right!<delim>
+ {⟨formula1⟩\over⟨formula2⟩}
+you’ll get a fraction with numerator `formula_1` and denominator
+`formula_2`, i.e., `formula_1` over `formula_2`. In the first three of
+these forms the `\over` is not implicitly contained in a group; it
+absorbs everything to its left and to its right until it comes to a
+boundary, namely, the beginning or end of a group.
+You can’t use `\over` or any of the other commands in this group more
+than once in a formula. Thus a formula such as:
+ $$a \over n \choose k$$
+isn’t legal. This is not a severe restriction because you can always
+enclose one of the commands in braces. The reason for the restriction is
+that if you had two of these commands in a single formula, TeX wouldn’t
+know how to group them.
+The other commands are similar to `\over`, with the following
+- `\atop` leaves out the fraction bar.
+- `\above` provides a fraction bar of thickness `dimen`.
+- `\choose` leaves out the fraction bar and encloses the construct in
+ parentheses. (It’s called “choose” because $n \choose k$ is the
+ notation for the number of ways of choosing $k$ things out of $n$
+ things.)
+- `\brace` leaves out the fraction bar and encloses the construct in
+ braces.
+- `\brack` leaves out the fraction bar and encloses the construct in
+ brackets.
+ overfullrule = [[
+This parameter specifies the width of the rule that TeX appends to an
+overfull hbox. Plain TeX sets it to `5pt`.
+ overwithdelims = [[
+`\abovewithdelims`, `\atopwithdelims`, `\overwithdelims`
+Each of these commands stacks one subformula on top of another one and
+surrounds the entire construct with `delim_1` on the left and `delim_2`
+on the right. These commands follow the same rules as `\over`, `\atop`,
+and `\above`. The `dimen` in `\abovewithdelims` specifies the thickness
+of the fraction bar.
+ pagedepth = [[
+This parameter specifies the depth of the current page. TeX updates
+`\pagedepth` as it adds items to the main vertical list.
+ pagegoal = [[
+This parameter specifies the desired height for the current page.
+TeX sets `\pagegoal` to the current value of `\vsize` when it first puts
+a box or an insertion on the current page. You can shorten a page while
+TeX is working on it by changing the value of `\pagegoal`—even if the
+new value is less than the height of the material already on that page.
+TeX will just put the extra material on the next page. But
+remember—`\pagegoal` is reset to `\vsize` again when TeX starts the next
+ pageno = [[
+This parameter contains the current page number as an integer. The page
+number is normally negative for front-matter pages that are numbered
+with small roman numerals instead of arabic numerals. If you change the
+page number within a page, the changed number will be used in any
+headers or footers that appear on that page. The actual printing of page
+numbers is handled by TeX’s output routine, which you can modify.
+Plain TeX keeps the page number in the register `\count0`. (`\pageno`
+is, in fact, a synonym for `\count0`.) Whenever it ships out a page to
+the .dvi file,
+TeX displays the current value of `\count0` on your terminal so that you
+can tell which page it is working on. It’s possible to use registers
+`\count1`–`\count9` for nested levels of page numbers (you must program
+this yourself). If any of these registers are nonzero, TeX displays them
+on your terminal also.[1]
+[1] More precisely, it displays all registers in sequence from `\count0`
+to `\count9`, but omits trailing zero registers. For instance, if the
+values of `\count0`–`\count3` are $(17, 0 , 0, 7)$ and the others are
+0, TeX displays the page number as \[\].
+ pageshrink = [[
+This parameter specifies the amount of shrink in the accumulated glue on
+the current page. TeX updates `\pageshrink` as it adds items to the main
+vertical list.
+ pagestretch = [[
+`\pagefilllstretch`, `\pagefillstretch`, `\pagefilstretch`,
+These four parameters together specify the amount of stretch in the glue
+on the current page. The amount of stretch has the form
+$n_0 + n_1fil + n_2fill + n_3filll$, with the four parameters giving the
+values of the four $n_i$. TeX updates these parameters as it adds items
+to the main vertical list.
+ pagetotal = [[
+This parameter specifies the accumulated natural height of the current
+page. TeX updates `\pagetotal` as it adds items to the main vertical
+ parfillskip = [[
+This parameter specifies the horizontal glue that TeX inserts at the end
+of a paragraph. The default value of `\parfillskip` is `0pt plus 1fil`,
+which causes the last line of a paragraph to be filled out with blank
+space. A value of `0pt` forces TeX to end the last line of a paragraph
+at the right margin.
+ parindent = [[
+This parameter specifies the amount by which the first line of each
+paragraph is to be indented. As the example below shows, it’s a bad idea
+to set both `\parindent` and `\parskip` to zero since then the paragraph
+breaks are no longer apparent.
+ parshape = [[
+This command specifies the shape of the first $n$ lines of a paragraph—
+the next paragraph if you’re in vertical mode and the current paragraph
+if you’re in horizontal mode. The $i$’s and $l$’s are all dimensions.
+The first line is indented by $i_1$ and has length $l_1$, the second
+line is indented by $i_2$ and has length $l_2$, and so forth. If the
+paragraph has more than $n$ lines, the last indentation/ length pair is
+used for the extra lines. To achieve special effects such as the one
+shown here, you usually have to experiment a lot, insert kerns here and
+there, and choose your words to fit the shape.
+`\parshape`, like `\hangafter` and `\hangindent`, is effective only for
+one paragraph. If you specify `\hangafter` and `\hangindent` as well as
+`\parshape`, TeX ignores the `\hangafter` and `\hangindent`.
+ parskip = [[
+This parameter specifies the “paragraph skip”, i.e., the vertical glue
+that TeX inserts at the start of a paragraph.
+See `\par` for more information about what happens when TeX starts a
+paragraph. Plain TeX sets `\parskip` to `0pt plus 0.1pt`.
+ pausing = [[
+If this parameter is greater than zero, TeX will pause at each line of
+input to give you an opportunity to replace it with a different line. If
+you type in a replacement, TeX will use that line instead of the
+original one; if you respond with ⟨return⟩, TeX will use the original
+Setting `\pausing` to 1 can be useful as a way of patching a document
+as TeX is processing it. For example, you can use this facility to
+insert `\show` commands (see below).
+ penalty = [[
+This command produces a penalty item. The penalty item makes TeX more or
+less willing to break a page at the point where that item occurs. A
+negative penalty, i.e., a bonus, encourages a page break; a positive
+penalty discourages a page break. A penalty of 10000 or more prevents
+a break altogether, while a penalty of $-10000$ or less forces a break.
+`\penalty` can also be used in horizontal mode.
+ phantom = [[
+This command produces an empty box having the same size and placement
+that `argument` would have were it typeset. One use of `\phantom` is for
+reserving space for a symbol that for some reason needs to be drawn in
+by hand.
+ plainoutput = [[
+This command invokes plain TeX’s output routine.
+Plain TeX defines `\output` as a token list containing the single token
+ pmod = [[
+This command provides a notation for indicating a modulus in parentheses
+at the end of a formula.
+ postdisplaypenalty = [[
+This parameter specifies the penalty for breaking a page just after a
+math display. Plain TeX leaves `\postdisplaypenalty` at 0.
+ predisplaypenalty = [[
+This parameter specifies the penalty for breaking a page just before a
+math display. Plain TeX sets `\predisplaypenalty` to 10000.
+ predisplaysize = [[
+TeX sets this parameter to the width of the line preceding a math
+display. TeX uses `\predisplaysize` to determine whether or not the
+display starts to the left of where the previous line ends, i.e.,
+whether or not it visually overlaps the previous line. If there is
+overlap, it uses the `\abovedisplayskip` and `\belowdisplayskip` glue in
+setting the display; otherwise it uses the `\abovedisplayshortskip` and
+`\belowdisplayshortskip` glue. See pages 188–189 of *The TeXbook* for a
+more detailed explanation of this parameter.
+ pretolerance = [[
+`\pretolerance`, `\tolerance`
+These parameters determine the badness that TeX will tolerate on each
+line when it is choosing line breaks for a paragraph. The badness is a
+measure of how far the interword spacing deviates from the ideal.
+`\pretolerance` specifies the tolerable badness for line breaks without
+hyphenation; `\tolerance` specifies the tolerable badness for line
+breaks with hyphenation. The tolerable badness can be exceeded in either
+of two ways: a line is too tight (the interword spaces are too small) or
+it is too loose (the interword spaces are too big).
+- If TeX must set a line too loosely, it complains about an “underfull
+ hbox”.
+- If TeX must set a line too rightly, it lets the line run past the
+ right margin and complains about an “overfull hbox”.
+TeX chooses line breaks in the following steps:
+1. It attempts to choose line breaks without hyphenating. If none of
+ the resulting lines have a badness exceeding `\pretolerance`, the
+ line breaks are acceptable and the paragraph can now be set.
+2. Otherwise, it tries another set of line breaks, this time allowing
+ hyphenation. If none of the resulting lines have a badness exceeding
+ `\tolerance`, the new set of line breaks is acceptable and the
+ paragraph can now be set.
+3. Otherwise, it adds `\emergencystretch` (see below) to the stretch of
+ each line and tries again.
+4. If none of these attempts have produced an acceptable set of line
+ breaks, it sets the paragraph with one or more overfull hboxes and
+ complains about them.
+Plain TeX sets `\tolerance` to 200 and `\pretolerance` to 100. If
+you set `\tolerance` to 10000, TeX becomes infinitely tolerant and
+accepts any spacing, no matter how bad (unless it encounters a word that
+won’t fit on a line, even with hyphenation). Thus by changing
+`\tolerance` you can avoid overfull and underfull hboxes, but at the
+cost of making the spacing worse. By making `\pretolerance` larger you
+can get TeX to avoid hyphenation (and also run faster), again at the
+cost of possibly worse spacing. If you set `\pretolerance` to $-1$,
+TeX will not even try to set the paragraph without hyphenation.
+The `\hbadness` parameter determines the level of badness that TeX will
+tolerate before it complains, but `\hbadness` does not affect the way
+that TeX typesets your document. The `\hfuzz` parameter determines the
+amount that an hbox can exceed its specified width before TeX considers
+it to be erroneous.
+ prevdepth = [[
+When TeX adds a box to a vertical list, it sets `\prevdepth` to the
+depth of that box. TeX sets `\prevdepth` to $-1000$pt at the start of a
+vertical list, indicating that the usual interline glue should be
+ prevgraf = [[
+In horizontal mode, this parameter specifies the number of lines in the
+paragraph so far; in vertical mode, it specifies the number of lines in
+the previous paragraph. TeX only sets `\prevgraf` after it has finished
+breaking some text into lines, i.e., at a math display or at the end of
+a paragraph. See page 103 of *The TeXbook* for more details about it.
+ proclaim = [[
+This command “proclaims” a theorem, lemma, hypothesis, etc. It sets
+`argument` in boldface type and the following paragraph in italics.
+`argument` must be followed by a period and a space token, which serve
+to set off `argument` from `general text`. `general text` consists of
+the text up to the next paragraph boundary. You can include multiple
+paragraphs by using `\endgraf` instead of a blank line or `\par`.
+ radical = [[
+This command produces a radical sign whose characteristics are given by
+`number`. It uses the same representation as the delimiter code
+in the `\delcode` command.
+ raggedbottom = [[
+`\normalbottom`, `\raggedbottom`
+Normally TeX tries hard to ensure that all pages have the same depth,
+i.e., that their bottom margins are equal. The `\raggedbottom` command
+tells TeX to allow some variability among the bottom margins on
+different pages. It’s often appropriate to use `\raggedbottom` when you
+have material that contains large blocks of material that should not be
+split across pages. The `\normalbottom` command cancels the effect of
+ raggedright = [[
+`\raggedright`, `\ttraggedright`
+These commands cause TeX to typeset your document “ragged right”.
+Interword spaces all have their natural size, i.e., they all have the
+same width and don’t stretch or shrink. Consequently the right margin is
+generally not even. The alternative, which is TeX’s default, is to
+typeset your document justified,
+i.e., with uniform left and right margins. In justified text, interword
+spaces are stretched in order to make the right margin even. Some
+typographers prefer ragged right because it avoids distracting “rivers”
+of white space on the printed page.
+You should use the `\ttraggedright` command when typesetting text in a
+monospaced font and the `\raggedright` command when typesetting text in
+any other font.
+Most of the time you’ll want to apply these commands to an entire
+document, but you can limit their effects by enclosing them in a group.
+ relax = [[
+This command tells TeX to do nothing. It’s useful in a context where you
+need to provide a command but there’s nothing that you want TeX to do.
+ relpenalty = [[
+This parameter specifies the penalty for breaking a math formula after a
+relation when the formula appears in a paragraph. Plain TeX sets
+`\relpenalty` to 500.
+ romannumeral = [[
+This command produces the roman numeral representation of a number as a
+sequence of character tokens. The number can be either an explicit
+integer, a `number` parameter, or a `number` register. If the number is
+zero or negative, `\romannumeral` produces no tokens.
+ root = [[
+This command produces the notation for a root of `argument_2`, where the
+root is given by `argument_1`.
+ sb = [[
+`\sb`, `\sp`
+The commands in each column are equivalent. The commands in the first
+column typeset `argument` as a subscript, and those in the second column
+typeset `argument` as a superscript. The `\sb` and `\sp` commands are
+mainly useful if you’re working on a terminal that lacks an underscore
+or caret, or if you’ve redefined ‘`_`’ or ‘`\verb`’ and need access to
+the original definition. These commands are also used for setting lower
+and upper limits on summations and integrals.
+If a subscript or superscript is not a single token, you need to enclose
+it in a group. TeX does not prioritize subscripts or superscripts, so it
+will reject formulas such as `a_i_j`, `a^i^j`, or `a^i_j`.
+Subscripts and superscripts are normally typeset in script style, or in
+scriptscript style if they are second-order, e.g., a subscript on a
+subscript or a superscript on a a subscript. You can set *any* text in a
+math formula in a script or scriptscript style with the `\scriptstyle`
+and `\scriptscriptstyle` commands.
+You can apply a subscript or superscript to any of the commands that
+produce named mathematical functions in roman type). In certain cases
+(again, see ) the subscript or superscript appears directly above or
+under the function name as shown in the examples of `\lim` and `\det`
+ scriptspace = [[
+This parameter specifies the amount of space that TeX inserts before and
+after a subscript or superscript. The `\nonscript` command after a
+subscript or superscript cancels this space. Plain TeX sets
+`\scriptspace` to `0.5pt`.
+ scrollmode = [[
+This command tells TeX not to stop for most errors, but to continue
+displaying the error messages on your terminal. Typing ‘`S`’ or ‘`s`’ in
+response to an error message puts you into scroll mode.
+ setbox = [[
+`\box`, `\setbox`
+These commands respectively set and retrieve the contents of the box
+register whose number is `register`. Note that you set a box register a
+little differently than you set the other kinds of registers: you use
+`\setbox`$\,n$ `=` rather than `\box`$\,n$ `=`.
+*Retrieving the contents of a box register with these commands has the
+side effect of emptying it, so that the box register become void.* If
+you don’t want that to happen, you can use `\copy` (see below) to
+retrieve the contents. You should use `\box` in preference to `\copy`
+when you don’t care about what’s in a box register after you’ve used it,
+so as not to exhaust TeX’s memory by filling it with obsolete boxes.
+ setlanguage = [[
+This command sets the current language to `number` by inserting the same
+whatsit that you’d get by changing `\language`. However, it does not
+change the value of `\language`.
+ settabs = [[
+The first form of this command defines a set of tab stops for a tabbing
+alignment. It tells TeX to set the tab stops so as to divide each line
+into `number` equal parts. TeX takes the length of a line to be
+`\hsize`, as usual. You can make the alignment narrower by decreasing
+ shipout = [[
+This command instructs TeX to send `box` to the .dvi file.
+TeX expands any `\write` command in `box` as part of `\shipout`.
+The principal use of `\shipout` is in the output routine, but you can
+use it anywhere.
+ show = [[
+`\showbox`, `\showlists`, `\showthe`, `\show`
+These commands record information in the log of your TeX run:
+- `\show` records the meaning of `token`.
+- `\showthe` records whatever tokens would be produced by `\the`
+ `argument`).
+- `\showbox` records the contents of the box register numbered
+ `number`. The number of leading dots in the log indicates the number
+ of levels of nesting of inner boxes.
+- `\showlists` records the contents of each list that TeX is currently
+ constructing. (These lists are nested one within another.) See
+ pages 88–89 of *The TeXbook* for further information about
+ interpreting the output of `\showlists`.
+For `\show` and `\showthe`, TeX also displays the information at your
+terminal. For `\showbox` and `\showlists`, TeX displays the information
+at your terminal only if `\tracingonline` is greater than zero; if
+`\tracingonline` is zero or less (the default case), the information is
+not displayed.
+Whenever TeX encounters a `\show`-type command it stops for interaction.
+The request for interaction does *not* indicate an error, but it does
+give you an opportunity to ask TeX to show you something else. If you
+don’t want to see anything else, just press ⟨return⟩.
+You can control the amount of output produced by `\showbox` by setting
+`\showboxbreadth` and `\showboxdepth`.
+These parameters respectively have default values of 5 and 3, which
+is why just five items appear for each box described in the log output
+below. (The ‘`..etc.`’ indicates additional items within the boxes that
+aren’t displayed.)
+ showboxbreadth = [[
+This parameter specifies the maximum number of list items that
+TeX displays for one level of one box when it is producing the output
+for `\showbox` or `\tracingoutput`. Plain TeX sets `\showboxbreadth` to
+ showboxdepth = [[
+This parameter specifies the level of the deepest list that TeX displays
+when it is producing the output for `\showbox` or `\showlists`. Plain
+TeX sets `\showboxdepth` is 3.
+ skew = [[
+This command shifts the accent `argument_1` by `number` mathematical
+units to the right of its normal position with respect to `argument_2`.
+The most common use of this command is for modifying the position of an
+accent that’s over another accent.
+ skewchar = [[
+The `\skewchar` of a font is the character in the font whose kerns, as
+defined in the font’s metrics file, determine the positions of math
+accents. That is, suppose that TeX is applying a math accent to the
+character ‘`x`’. TeX checks if the character pair ‘`x\skewchar`’ has a
+kern; if so, it moves the accent by the amount of that kern. The
+complete algorithm that TeX uses to position math accents (which
+involves many more things) is in Appendix G of *The TeXbook*.
+If the value of `\skewchar` is not in the range 0–255, TeX takes the
+kern value to be zero.
+Note that `font` is a control sequence that names a font, not a
+`fontname` that names font files. Beware: an assignment to `\skewchar`
+is *not* undone at the end of a group. If you want to change `\skewchar`
+locally, you’ll need to save and restore its original value explicitly.
+ slash = [[
+This command produces a solidus (/) and also tells TeX that it can break
+the line after the solidus, if necessary.
+ smallbreak = [[
+`\bigbreak`, `\medbreak`, `\smallbreak`
+These commands indicate increasingly desirable places for TeX to break a
+page. They also cause TeX to insert a `\smallskip`, `\medskip`, or
+`\bigskip` if the page break doesn’t actually happen. TeX suppresses
+this skip if it occurs just after an equal or larger skip.
+ smallskip = [[
+`\bigskip`, `\medskip`, `\smallskip`
+These commands produce successively larger amounts of vertical space:
+`\smallskip` skips by 3 points and can stretch or shrink by 1 point.
+`\medskip` is equivalent to two `\smallskip`s and `\bigskip` is
+equivalent to two `\medskip`s.
+These commands end a paragraph since they are inherently vertical. The
+skips that they produce are in addition to the normal interparagraph
+ smallskipamount = [[
+`\bigskipamount`, `\medskipamount`, `\smallskipamount`
+These parameters specify the amounts of glue produced by the
+`\smallskip`, `\medskip`, and `\bigskip` commands. By changing these
+parameters you change the effect of the commands. The default values
+(for plain TeX) correspond to a quarter of a linespace, half a
+linespace, and a full linespace. We recommend that you maintain this
+ratio by changing these values whenever you change `\baselineskip`.
+ smash = [[
+This command typesets `argument`, but forces the height and depth of its
+containing box to be zero. You can use `\smash` and `\vphantom` in
+combination to give a subformula any height and depth that you wish.
+ space = [[
+This command is equivalent to an input space character. It differs from
+`\ ` in that its width *can* be affected by preceding punctuation.
+ spacefactor = [[
+`\sfcode`, `\spacefactor`, `\spaceskip`, `\xspaceskip`
+These primitive parameters affect how much space TeX puts between two
+adjacent words, i.e., the interword spacing. The normal interword
+spacing is supplied by the current font. As TeX is processing a
+horizontal list, it keeps track of the space factor $f$ in
+`\spacefactor`. As it processes each input character $c$, it updates $f$
+according to the value of $f_c$, the space factor code of $c$ (see
+below). For most characters, $f_c$ is 1000 and TeX sets $f$ to 1000.
+(The initial value of $f$ is also 1000.) When TeX sees an interword
+space, it adjusts the size of that space by multiplying the stretch and
+shrink of that space by $f/1000$ and $1000/f$ respectively. Thus:
+1. If $f=1000$, the interword space keeps its normal value.
+2. If $f<1000$, the interword space gets less stretch and more shrink.
+3. If $f>1000$, the interword space gets more stretch and less shrink.
+In addition, if $f\ge2000$ the interword space is further increased by
+the “extra space” parameter associated with the current font.
+Each input character $c$ has an entry in the `\sfcode` (space factor
+code) table. The `\sfcode` table entry is independent of the font.
+Usually TeX just sets $f$ to $f_c$ after it processes $c$. However:
+- If $f_c$ is zero, TeX leaves $f$ unchanged. Thus a character such as
+ ‘`)`’ in plain TeX, for which $f_c$ is zero, is essentially
+ transparent to the interword space calculation.
+- If $f<1000<f_c$, TeX sets $f$ to 1000 rather than to $f_c$, i.e.,
+ it refuses to raise $f$ very rapidly.
+The `\sfcode` value for a period is normally 3000, which is why
+TeX usually puts extra space after a period (see the rule above for the
+case $f\ge2000$). Noncharacter items in a horizontal list, e.g.,
+vertical rules, generally act like characters with a space factor of
+You can change the space factor explicitly by assigning a different
+numerical value to `\spacefactor`. You can also override the normal
+interword spacing by assigning a different numerical value to
+`\xspaceskip` or to `\spaceskip`:
+- `\xspaceskip` specifies the glue to be used when $f\ge2000$; in the
+ case where `\xspaceskip` is zero, the normal rules apply.
+- `\spaceskip` specifies the glue to be used when $f<2000$ or when
+ `\xspaceskip` is zero; if `\spaceskip` is zero, the normal rules
+ apply. The stretch and shrink of the `\spaceskip` glue, like that of
+ the ordinary interword glue, is modified according to the value of
+ $f$.
+See page 76 of *The TeXbook* for the precise rules that TeX uses in
+calculating interword glue, and pages 285–287 of *The TeXbook* for the
+adjustments made to `\spacefactor` after various items in a horizontal
+ span = [[
+The meaning of this command depends on whether it appears in a preamble
+or in an alignment entry.
+- Normally, TeX does not expand tokens in the preamble when it reads
+ them. Putting `\span` in front of a token in the preamble causes
+ that token to be expanded immediately according to TeX’s usual rules
+ of macro expansion.
+- Putting `\span` instead of ‘`&`’ between two column or row entries
+ causes those columns or rows to be combined. For a horizontal
+ alignment, the width of the combined column is the sum of the widths
+ of the component columns. For a vertical alignment, the height of
+ the combined row is the sum of the heights of the component rows.
+ The template of the combined column or combined row forms a single
+ group, so font-setting commands preceding a `\span` affect
+ everything up to the next ‘`&`’.
+`\span` is rarely useful by itself outside of a template, but it
+provides the basic mechanism for defining `\multispan`.
+ special = [[
+This command tells TeX to write `token list` directly to the .dvi
+file when it next ships out a page. A typical use of `\special` would be
+to tell the device driver to incorporate the contents of a named
+graphics file into the output page.
+The `\special` command produces a whatsit that associates `token list`
+with a particular position on the page, namely, the position that a
+zero-size box would have had if such a box had appeared instead of the
+`\special` command. Any use you might make of `\special` depends
+strictly on the device drivers that you have available.
+ splitfirstmark = [[
+`\splitbotmark`, `\splitfirstmark`
+These commands expand to the mark text generated by an earlier `\mark`
+command that produced an item in the item list of a vbox $V$. The mark
+text has the form of a token list. When TeX splits $V$ in response to a
+`\vsplit` command, it sets the values of these commands as follows:
+- `\splitfirstmark` contains the tokens of the first mark in the item
+ list of $V$.
+- `\splitbotmark` contains the tokens of the last mark in the item
+ list of $V$.
+These commands produce no tokens if there was no preceding `\vsplit`, or
+if the most recent preceding `\vsplit` didn’t contain any marks.
+ splitmaxdepth = [[
+This parameter specifies the maximum allowable depth of a box resulting
+from a `\vsplit`. `\splitmaxdepth` plays the same role that `\maxdepth`
+plays for a page.
+ splittopskip = [[
+This parameter specifies the glue that TeX inserts at the top of a box
+resulting from a `\vsplit`. `\splittopskip` plays the same role that
+`\topskip` plays for a page.
+ sqrt = [[
+This command produces the notation for the square root of `argument`.
+ string = [[
+This command produces the characters that form the name of
+`control sequence`, including the escape character. The escape character
+is represented by the current value of `\escapechar`.
+TeX gives the characters in the list a category code of 12 (other).
+You can perform the reverse operation with the `\csname` command, which
+turns a string into a control sequence.
+ strut = [[
+This command produces a box whose width is zero and whose height
+(`8.5pt`) and depth (`3.5pt`) are those of a more or less typical line
+of type in `cmr10`, the default plain TeX font. Its main use is in
+forcing lines to have the same height when you’ve disabled TeX’s
+interline glue with `\offinterlineskip` or a similar command, e.g., when
+you’re constructing an alignment. If the natural height of a line is too
+short, you can bring it up to standard by including a `\strut` in the
+line. The strut will force the height and depth of the line to be
+larger, but it won’t print anything or consume any horizontal space.
+If you’re setting type in a font that’s bigger or smaller than `cmr10`,
+you should redefine `\strut` for that context.
+ tabskip = [[
+This parameter specifies the amount of horizontal or vertical glue that
+TeX puts between the columns of a horizontal alignment or between the
+rows of a vertical alignment. TeX also puts the `\tabskip` glue to the
+left of the first column and to the right of the last column of a
+horizontal alignment, and above the first row and below the last row of
+a vertical alignment. You can change `\tabskip` within a template— the
+change will affect the glue associated with all the following `&`’s as
+well as the glue after the last row or column.
+ textfont = [[
+`\scriptfont`, `\scriptscriptfont`, `\textfont`
+Each of these parameters specifies the font that TeX is to use for
+typesetting the indicated style in the indicated family. These choices
+have no effect outside of math mode.
+ textindent = [[
+This command tells TeX to start a paragraph and indent it by
+`\parindent`, as usual. TeX then right-justifies `argument` within the
+indentation and follows it with an en space (half an em). Plain TeX uses
+this command to typeset footnotes
+and items in lists).
+ textstyle = [[
+`\displaystyle`, `\scriptscriptstyle`, `\scriptstyle`, `\textstyle`
+These commands override the normal style and hence the font that
+TeX uses in setting a formula. Like font-setting commands such as `\it`,
+they are in effect until the end of the group containing them. They are
+useful when TeX’s choice of style is inappropriate for the formula you
+happen to be setting.
+ the = [[
+This command generally expands to a list of character tokens that
+represents `token`. `token` can be any of the following:
+- a TeX parameter, e.g., `\parindent` or `\deadcycles`
+- a register, e.g., `\count0`
+- a code associated with an input character, e.g., `` \catcode`( ``
+- a font parameter, e.g., `\fontdimen3\sevenbf`
+- the `\hyphenchar` or `\skewchar` of a font, e.g., `\skewchar\teni`
+- `\lastpenalty`, `\lastskip`, or `\lastkern` (values derived from the
+ last item on the current horizontal or vertical list)
+- a control sequence defined by `\chardef` or `\mathchardef`
+In addition, `\the` can expand to noncharacter tokens in the following
+two cases:
+- `\the` `font`, which expands to the most recently defined control
+ sequence that selects the same font as the control sequence `font`
+- `\the` `token variable`, which expands to a copy of the value of the
+ variable, e.g., `\the\everypar`
+See pages 214–215 of *The TeXbook* for a more detailed description of
+what `\the` does in various cases.
+ thinmuskip = [[
+`\medmuskip`, `\thickmuskip`, `\thinmuskip`
+These parameters define thin, medium, and thick spaces in math mode.
+ thinspace = [[
+This command produces a positive kern whose width is one-sixth of an em
+i.e., it causes TeX to move its position right by that amount. It is
+useful when you have a nested quotation, for example, and you want to
+separate the levels of quotes. TeX won’t break a line at a `\thinspace`.
+ time = [[
+TeX sets this parameter to the number of minutes that have elapsed since
+midnight (of the current day). At noon, for instance, `\time` is 720.
+This command and the next three make use of the time and date as
+recorded in your computer. TeX retrieves them just once, at the
+beginning of your run, so `\time` at the end of the run always has the
+same value as `\time` at the beginning of the run (unless you’ve
+explicitly changed it).
+ topglue = [[
+This command[1] causes the space from the top of the page to the top of
+the first box on the page to be `glue` precisely. The top of the page is
+considered to be at the baseline of an imaginary line of text just above
+the top line of the page. More precisely, it’s a distance `\topskip`
+above the origin as given by `\hoffset` and `\voffset`.
+This command is useful because TeX ordinarily adjusts the glue produced
+by `\topskip` in a complex way. By using `\topglue` you can control the
+position of the first box on the page without worrying about those
+[1] `\topglue` was added to TeX in version 3.0, later than the other
+enhancements introduced by new TeX . It is first described in the
+*eighteenth* edition of *The TeXbook*.
+ topinsert = [[
+`\midinsert`, `\pageinsert`, `\topinsert`
+These commands produce different forms of insertions that instruct (or
+allow) TeX to relocate the `vertical mode material`:
+- `\topinsert` attempts to put the material at the top of the current
+ page. If it won’t fit there, `\topinsert` will move the material to
+ the next available top of page.
+- `\midinsert` attempts to put the material at the current position.
+ If it won’t fit there, `\midinsert` will move the material to the
+ next available top of page.
+- `\pageinsert` puts the material by itself on the next page. To avoid
+ an underfull page, be sure to end the inserted material with `\vfil`
+ or fill out the excess space some other way.
+The `vertical mode material` is said to be “floating” because TeX can
+move it from one place to another. Insertions are very useful for
+material such as figures and tables because you can position such
+material where you want it without knowing where the page breaks will
+Each of these commands implicitly ends the current paragraph, so you
+should use them only between paragraphs. You should not use them within
+a box or within another insertion. If you have several insertions
+competing for the same space, TeX will retain their relative order.
+ topskip = [[
+TeX inserts glue at the top of each page in order to ensure that the
+baseline of the first box on the page always is the same distance $d$
+from the top of the page. `\topskip` determines the amount of that glue,
+called the “`\topskip` glue”, by specifying what $d$ should be (provided
+that the first box on the page isn’t too tall). $d$ is given by the
+natural size of the `\topskip` glue. If the height of the first box on
+the page exceeds $d$, so that the glue would be negative, TeX simply
+inserts no `\topskip` glue at all on that page.
+To understand better the effect of these rules, assume that `\topskip`
+has no stretch or shrink and that the first item on the page is indeed a
+box. Then if the height of that box is no greater than `\topskip`, its
+baseline will be `\topskip` from the top of the page independently of
+its height. On the other hand, if the height of the box is $e$ greater
+than `\topskip`, its baseline will be `\topskip` + $e$ from the top of
+the page. See pages 113–114 of *The TeXbook* for the remaining details
+of how `\topskip` works. Plain TeX sets `\topskip` to `10pt`.
+ tracingall = [[
+This command tells TeX to turn on every available form of tracing. It
+also sets `\tracingonline` to 1 so that the trace output will appear
+at your terminal.
+ tracingcommands = [[
+If this parameter is 1 or greater, TeX will record in the log file
+most commands that it executes. If `\tracingonline` is greater than
+zero, this information will also appear at your terminal. Typesetting
+the first character of a word counts as a command, but (for the purposes
+of the trace only) the actions of typesetting the subsequent characters
+and any punctuation following them do not count as commands. If
+`\tracingcommands` is 2 or greater, TeX will also record commands that
+are expanded rather than executed, e.g., conditional tests and their
+ tracinglostchars = [[
+If this parameter is greater than zero, TeX will record an indication in
+the log file of each time that it drops an output character because that
+character does not exist in the current font. If `\tracingonline` is
+greater than zero, this information will also appear at your terminal.
+Plain TeX defaults it to 1 (unlike the others).
+ tracingmacros = [[
+If this parameter is 1 or greater, TeX will record in the log file the
+expansion and arguments of every macro that it executes.
+If `\tracingmacros` is 2 or greater, TeX will record, in addition,
+every expansion of a token list such as `\output` or `\everycr`. If
+`\tracingonline` is greater than zero, this information will also appear
+at your terminal.
+ tracingonline = [[
+If this parameter is greater than zero, TeX will display the results of
+tracing (including `\showbox` and `\showlists`) at your terminal in
+addition to recording them in the log file.
+ tracingoutput = [[
+If this parameter is greater than zero, TeX will record in the log file
+the contents of every box that it sends to the .dvi file.
+If `\tracingonline` is greater than zero, this information will also
+appear at your terminal. The number of leading dots in each line of the
+trace output indicates the nesting level of the box at that line. You
+can control the amount of tracing by setting `\showboxbreadth` and
+Setting `\tracingoutput` to 1 can be particularly helpful when you’re
+trying to determine why you’ve gotten extra space on a page.
+ tracingpages = [[
+If this parameter is greater than zero, TeX will record in the log file
+its calculations of the cost of various page breaks that it tries.
+If `\tracingonline` is greater than zero, this information will also
+appear at your terminal. TeX produces a line of this output whenever it
+first places a box or insertion on the current page list, and also
+whenever it processes a potential break point for the page. Examining
+this output can be helpful when you’re trying to determine the cause of
+a bad page break. See pages 112–114 of *The TeXbook* for an illustration
+and explanation of this output.
+Some production forms of TeX ignore the value of `\tracingpages` so that
+they can run faster. If you need to use this parameter, be sure to use a
+form that responds to it.
+ tracingparagraphs = [[
+If this parameter is greater than zero, TeX will record in the log file
+its calculations of the cost of various line breaks that it tries.
+If `\tracingonline` is greater than zero, this information will also
+appear at your terminal. TeX produces this output when it reaches the
+end of each paragraph. See pages 98–99 of *The TeXbook* for an
+illustration and explanation of this output.
+Some production forms of TeX ignore the value of `\tracingparagraphs` so
+that they can run faster. If you need to use this parameter, be sure to
+use a form that responds to it.
+ tracingrestores = [[
+If this parameter is greater than zero, TeX will record in the log file
+the values that it restores when it encounters the end of a group. If
+`\tracingonline` is greater than zero, this information will also appear
+at your terminal.
+Some production forms of TeX ignore the value of `\tracingrestores` so
+that they can run faster. If you need to use this parameter, be sure to
+use a form that responds to it.
+ tracingstats = [[
+If this parameter is 1 or greater, TeX will include a report on the
+resources that it used to run your job (see page 300 of *The TeXbook*
+for a list and explanation of these resources). Moreover, if
+`\tracingstats` is 2 or greater, TeX will report on its memory usage
+whenever it does a `\shipout` for a page. The report appears at the end
+of the log file.
+If `\tracingonline` is greater than zero, the information will also
+appear at your terminal. If you’re having trouble with TeX exceeding one
+of its capacities, the information provided by `\tracingstats` may help
+you pinpoint the cause of the difficulty.
+Some production forms of TeX ignore the value of `\tracingstats` so that
+they can run faster. If you need to use this parameter, be sure to use a
+form that responds to it.
+The following example shows a sample of the tracing output you’d get on
+one implementation of TeX. It may be different on other implementations.
+ uchyph = [[
+A positive value of `\uchyph` (uppercase hyphenation) permits
+hyphenation of words, such as proper names, that start with a capital
+letter. A zero or negative value inhibits such hyphenation. Plain
+TeX sets `\uchyph` to 1, so TeX normally tries to hyphenate words that
+start with a capital letter.
+ underbar = [[
+This command puts `argument` into an hbox and underlines it without
+regard to anything that protrudes below the baseline of the box.
+ underbrace = [[
+`\overbrace`, `\overleftarrow`, `\overline`, `\overrightarrow`,
+`\underbrace`, `\underline`
+These commands place extensible braces, lines, or arrows over or under
+the subformula given by `argument`. TeX will make these constructs as
+wide as they need to be for the context. When TeX produces the extended
+braces, lines, or arrows, it considers only the dimensions of the box
+containing `argument`. If you use more than one of these commands in a
+single formula, the braces, lines, or arrows they produce may not line
+up properly with each other. You can use the `\mathstrut` command to
+overcome this difficulty.
+ unhbox = [[
+`\unhbox`, `\unvbox`
+These commands produce the list contained in box register `register` and
+make that box register void. `\unhbox` applies to box registers
+containing hboxes and `\unvbox` applies to box registers containing
+vboxes. You should use these commands in preference to `\unhcopy` and
+`\unvcopy` (see below) when you don’t care about what’s in the box
+register after you’ve used it, so as not to exhaust TeX’s memory by
+filling it with obsolete boxes.
+ unhcopy = [[
+`\unhcopy`, `\unvcopy`
+These commands produce the list contained in box register `register` and
+leave the contents of the register undisturbed. `\unhcopy` applies to
+box registers containing hboxes and `\unvcopy` applies to box registers
+containing vboxes.
+ unkern = [[
+`\unkern`, `\unpenalty`, `\unskip`
+If the last item on the current list is of type kern, glue, or penalty
+respectively, these commands remove it from that list. If the item isn’t
+of the right type, these commands have no effect. Like `\lastbox`, you
+can’t apply them to lists in math mode or to the main vertical list.
+These commands are most useful after a macro call that is known to have
+inserted a specific item that you don’t want there. TeX doesn’t provide
+an `\unbox` command because `\lastbox` produces nearly the same effect.
+ vadjust = [[
+This command inserts the specified `vertical mode material` just after
+the output line containing the position where the command occurs.
+You can use it, for instance, to cause a page eject or to insert extra
+space after a certain line.
+ valign = [[
+This command produces a vertical alignment consisting of a sequence of
+columns, where each column in turn contains a sequence of row entries.
+TeX adjusts the heights of the row entries to accommodate the tallest
+one in each row.
+A vertical alignment can only appear when TeX is in a horizontal mode.
+Because vertical alignments are (a) conceptually somewhat difficult and
+(b) not often used, we recommend that you learn about alignments in
+general and the `\halign` command (see above) before you attempt to use
+the `\valign` command.
+An alignment consists of a preamble followed by the text to be aligned.
+The preamble, which describes the layout of the columns that follow,
+consists of a sequence of row templates, separated by ‘`&`’ and ended by
+`\cr`. Each column consists of a sequence of row entries, also separated
+by ‘`&`’ and ended by `\cr`. Within a template, ‘`#`’ indicates where
+TeX should insert the corresponding text of a row entry.
+TeX typesets each row entry in internal vertical mode, i.e., as the
+contents of a vbox, and implicitly encloses the entry in a group. It
+always gives the vbox zero depth. Any text or other horizontal mode
+material in a row entry then puts TeX into ordinary horizontal mode.
+(This is just an application of the general rules for TeX’s behavior in
+internal vertical mode.) The usual paragraphing parameters apply in this
+case: the row entry has an initial indentation of `\parindent` and its
+lines have the `\leftskip` and `\rightskip` glue appended to them.
+Note in particular that a row entry containing text has a width of
+`\hsize`. Unless you reset `\hsize` to the row width that you want,
+you’re likely to encounter overfull hboxes, or find that the first
+column takes up the width of the entire page, or both.
+Normally, you need to include a strut
+in each template so that the rows don’t come out crooked as a result of
+the varying heights of the entries in the alignment. You can produce a
+strut with the `\strut` command.
+The `to` form of this command instructs TeX to make the vertical extent
+of the alignment be `dimen`, adjusting the space between rows as
+necessary. The `spread` form of this command instructs TeX to make the
+alignment taller by `dimen` than its natural height. These forms are
+like the corresponding forms of `\vbox` .
+ vcenter = [[
+Every math formula has an invisible “axis” that TeX treats as a kind of
+horizontal centering line for that formula. For instance, the axis of a
+formula consisting of a fraction is at the center of the fraction bar.
+The `\vcenter` command tells TeX to place the `vertical mode material`
+in a vbox and to center the vbox with respect to the axis of the formula
+it is currently constructing.
+The first form of the command centers the material as given. The second
+and third forms expand or shrink the material vertically as in the
+`\vbox` command .
+ vdots = [[
+This command produces three vertical dots.
+ vee = [[
+`\amalg` (∐), `\ast`, `\bigcirc` (○), `\bigtriangledown` (▽),
+`\bigtriangleup` (△), `\bullet` (•), `\cap` (∩), `\cdot` (⋅), `\circ`
+(∘), `\cup` (∪), `\dagger` (†), `\ddagger` (‡), `\diamond` (⋄), `\div`
+(÷), `\land` (∧), `\lor` (∨), `\mp` (∓), `\odot` (⊙), `\ominus` (⊖),
+`\oplus` (⊕), `\oslash` (⊘), `\otimes` (⊗), `\pm` (±), `\setminus`,
+`\sqcap` (⊓), `\sqcup` (⊔), `\star` (⋆), `\times` (×), `\triangleleft`
+(⊲), `\triangleright` (⊳), `\uplus` (⊎), `\vee` (∨), `\wedge` (∧), `\wr`
+These commands produce the symbols for various binary operations. Binary
+operations are one of TeX’s classes of math symbols. TeX puts different
+amounts of space around different classes of math symbols. When
+TeX needs to break a line of text within a math formula, it will
+consider placing the break after a binary operation—but only if the
+operation is at the outermost level of the formula, i.e., not enclosed
+in a group.
+In addition to these commands, TeX also treats ‘`+`’ and ‘`-`’ as binary
+operations. It considers ‘`/`’ to be an ordinary symbol, despite the
+fact that mathematically it is a binary operation, because it looks
+better with less space around it.
+ vsize = [[
+This parameter specifies the current vertical extent of a page.
+TeX examines it only when it is starting a page. Thus if you change
+`\vsize` in the middle of a page, your change won’t affect anything
+until the following page. If you want to change the vertical extent of a
+page when you’re in the middle of it, you should assign the new height
+to `\pagegoal` instead. (If you want the change to affect the following
+pages too, you should change *both* `\vsize` and `\pagegoal`.) Plain
+TeX sets `\vsize` to `8.9in`.
+ vsplit = [[
+This command causes TeX to split the box numbered `number`, which we’ll
+call $B_2$, into two parts. It uses the same algorithm that it would use
+if $B_2$ was a page and it was breaking that page; the division point
+then corresponds to the page break that it would find. The box $B_2$
+must be a vbox, not an hbox. TeX puts the material preceding the
+division point into another box $B_1$ and leaves the material after the
+division point in $B_2$. The `\vsplit` command then produces $B_1$.
+Normally you’d assign $B_1$ to a different box register, as in the
+example below. If the division point is at the end of $B_2$, $B_2$ will
+be empty after the `\vsplit`.
+TeX employs its usual page-breaking algorithm
+for the split. It uses `dimen` for `\pagegoal`, the desired height of
+$B_1$. The vertical extent of $B_1$ may not be exactly `dimen` because
+TeX may not be able to achieve its page goal perfectly. TeX does not
+consider insertions in calculating the split, so insertions in the
+original vertical list of $B_2$ will be retained but won’t affect the
+split point.
+ vtop = [[
+`\vbox`, `\vtop`
+These commands produce a vbox (vertical box) containing
+`vertical mode material`. The braces around `vertical mode material`
+define a group. TeX is in internal vertical mode when it’s assembling
+the box. TeX won’t change the size of the box once it’s been produced.
+The difference between `\vtop` and `\vbox` lies in where TeX puts the
+reference point of the constructed vbox. Ordinarily, the reference point
+gotten from `\vtop` tends to be at or near the top of the constructed
+vbox, while the reference point gotten from `\vbox` tends to be at or
+near the bottom of the constructed vbox. Thus a row of vboxes all
+constructed with `\vtop` will tend to have their tops nearly in a line,
+while a row of vboxes all constructed with `\vbox` will tend to have
+their bottoms nearly in a line.
+`\vtop` and `\vbox` are often useful when you want to keep some text
+together on a single page. (For this purpose, it usually doesn’t matter
+which command you use.) If your use of these commands prevents TeX from
+breaking pages in an acceptable way, TeX will complain that it’s found
+an overfull or underfull vbox while `\output` is active.
+The height of a vbox depends on the arguments to `\vtop` or `\vbox`. For
+`\vbox`, TeX determines the height as follows:
+- If you specify only `vertical mode material`, the vbox will have its
+ natural height.
+- If you specify `to` `dimen`, the height of the vbox will be `dimen`.
+- If you specify `spread` `dimen`, the height of the vbox will be its
+ natural height plus `dimen`, i.e., the height of the vbox will be
+ stretched vertically by `dimen`.
+For `\vtop`, TeX constructs the box using its rules for `\vbox` and then
+apportions the vertical extent between the height and the depth as
+described below.
+Ordinarily, the width of a constructed vbox is the width of the widest
+item inside it.[1] The rules for apportioning the vertical extent
+between the height and the depth are more complicated:
+- For `\vtop`, the height is the height of its first item, if that
+ item is a box or rule. Otherwise the height is zero. The depth is
+ whatever vertical extent remains after the height is subtracted.
+- For `\vbox`, the depth is the depth of its last item, if that item
+ is a box or rule. Otherwise the depth is zero. The height is
+ whatever vertical extent remains after the depth is subtracted. [2]
+The `\vfil` command is useful for filling out a vbox
+with empty space when the material in the box isn’t as tall as the
+vertical extent of the box.
+[1] More precisely, it’s the distance from the reference point to the
+rightmost edge of the constructed vbox. Therefore, if you move any of
+the items right using `\moveright` or `\moveleft` (with a negative
+distance), the constructed vbox might be wider.
+[2] In fact, there’s a further complication. Suppose that after the
+depth has been determined using the two rules just given, the depth
+turns out to be greater than `\boxmaxdepth`. Then the depth is reduced
+to `\boxmaxdepth` and the height is adjusted accordingly.
+ widowpenalty = [[
+This parameter specifies the penalty for breaking a page just before the
+last line of a paragraph. A line by itself at the top of a page is
+called a “widow line”. Plain TeX sets `\widowpenalty` to 150.
+ wlog = [[
+This command writes `token list` on the log file.
+TeX expands `token list` according to the same rules that it uses for
+ write = [[
+This command tells TeX to write `token list` to the file associated with
+the output stream designated by `number`. It generates a whatsit that
+becomes part of a box. The actual writing does not take place until
+TeX ships out that box to the .dvi file, unless you’ve preceded the
+`\write` with `\immediate`.
+For a `\write` that is not immediate, TeX does not expand macros in
+`token list` until the token list is actually written to the file. The
+macro expansions follow the same rules as `\edef`. In particular, any
+control sequence that is not the name of a macro is written as
+`\escapechar` followed by the control sequence name and a space. Any
+‘`#`’ tokens in `token list` are doubled, i.e., written as ‘`##`’.
+If `number` is not in the range from 0 to 15, TeX writes
+`token list` to the log file.
+If `number` is greater than 15 or isn’t associated with an output
+stream, TeX also writes `token list` to the terminal.
+ xdef = [[
+This command is equivalent to `\global\edef`.
+ year = [[
+TeX sets this parameter to the current year (A.D.). It is a number such
+as 1991. `\year` is set at the beginning of your run (see the comments
+on `\time` above).
diff --git a/support/digestif/data/texinfo.tags b/support/digestif/data/texinfo.tags
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3ec353f046
--- /dev/null
+++ b/support/digestif/data/texinfo.tags
@@ -0,0 +1,2496 @@
+-- Copyright 2000, 2001, 2002, 2007, 2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+-- Copyright 2019 Augusto Stoffel
+-- SPDX-License-Identifier: GFDL-1.3-only
+-- Adapted from the GNU Texinfo manual, which can be found at
+documentation = {
+ summary = "GNU Texinfo manual",
+ uri = ""
+commands = {
+ [" "] = {
+ summary = "An '@' followed by a space, tab, or newline produces a normal, stretchable, interword space.",
+ documentation = "info:texinfo#Multiple Spaces"
+ },
+ ["!"] = {
+ summary = "Produce an exclamation point that ends a sentence (usually after an end-of-sentence capital letter).",
+ documentation = "info:texinfo#Ending a Sentence"
+ },
+ ["\""] = {
+ summary = "Generate an umlaut or acute accent, respectively, over the next character, as in ö and ó.",
+ documentation = "info:texinfo#Inserting Accents"
+ },
+ ["'"] = {
+ summary = "Generate an umlaut or acute accent, respectively, over the next character, as in ö and ó.",
+ documentation = "info:texinfo#Inserting Accents"
+ },
+ ["&"] = {
+ summary = "Generate an ampersand.",
+ documentation = "info:texinfo#Inserting an Ampersand"
+ },
+ ampchar = {
+ arguments = {{meta = ""}},
+ summary = "Generate an ampersand.",
+ documentation = "info:texinfo#Inserting an Ampersand"
+ },
+ ["*"] = {
+ summary = "Force a line break.",
+ documentation = "info:texinfo#Line Breaks"
+ },
+ [","] = {
+ arguments = {meta = "C"},
+ summary = "Generate a cedilla accent under C, as in ç.",
+ documentation = "info:texinfo#Inserting Accents"
+ },
+ ["-"] = {
+ summary = "Insert a discretionary hyphenation point.",
+ documentation = "info:texinfo#@- @hyphenation"
+ },
+ ["."] = {
+ summary = "Produce a period that ends a sentence (usually after an end-of-sentence capital letter).",
+ documentation = "info:texinfo#Ending a Sentence"
+ },
+ ["/"] = {
+ summary = "Produces no output, but allows a line break.",
+ documentation = "info:texinfo#Line Breaks"
+ },
+ [":"] = {
+ summary = "Tell TeX to refrain from inserting extra whitespace after an immediately preceding period, question mark, exclamation mark, or colon, as TeX normally would.",
+ documentation = "info:texinfo#Not Ending a Sentence"
+ },
+ ["="] = {
+ summary = "Generate a macron (bar) accent over the next character, as in ō.",
+ documentation = "info:texinfo#Inserting Accents"
+ },
+ ["?"] = {
+ summary = "Produce a question mark that ends a sentence (usually after an end-of-sentence capital letter).",
+ documentation = "info:texinfo#Ending a Sentence"
+ },
+ ["@"] = {
+ summary = "Insert an at sign, '@'.",
+ documentation = "info:texinfo#Inserting an Atsign"
+ },
+ atchar = {
+ arguments = {{meta = ""}},
+ summary = "Insert an at sign, '@'.",
+ documentation = "info:texinfo#Inserting an Atsign"
+ },
+ ["\\"] = {
+ summary = "Insert a backslash, '\'; '@backslashchar{}' works anywhere, while '@\' works only inside '@math'.",
+ documentation = "info:texinfo#Inserting a Backslash"
+ },
+ backslashchar = {
+ arguments = {{meta = ""}},
+ summary = "Insert a backslash, '\'; '@backslashchar{}' works anywhere, while '@\' works only inside '@math'.",
+ documentation = "info:texinfo#Inserting a Backslash"
+ },
+ ["^"] = {
+ summary = "Generate a circumflex (hat) or grave accent, respectively, over the next character, as in ô and è.",
+ documentation = "info:texinfo#Inserting Accents"
+ },
+ ["`"] = {
+ summary = "Generate a circumflex (hat) or grave accent, respectively, over the next character, as in ô and è.",
+ documentation = "info:texinfo#Inserting Accents"
+ },
+ ["{"] = {
+ summary = "Insert a left brace, '{'.",
+ documentation = "info:texinfo#Inserting Braces"
+ },
+ lbracechar = {
+ arguments = {{meta = ""}},
+ summary = "Insert a left brace, '{'.",
+ documentation = "info:texinfo#Inserting Braces"
+ },
+ ["}"] = {
+ summary = "Insert a right brace, '}'.",
+ documentation = "info:texinfo#Inserting Braces"
+ },
+ rbracechar = {
+ arguments = {{meta = ""}},
+ summary = "Insert a right brace, '}'.",
+ documentation = "info:texinfo#Inserting Braces"
+ },
+ ["~"] = {
+ summary = "Generate a tilde accent over the next character, as in Ñ.",
+ documentation = "info:texinfo#Inserting Accents"
+ },
+ AA = {
+ arguments = {{meta = ""}},
+ summary = "Generate the uppercase and lowercase Scandinavian A-ring letters, respectively: Å, å.",
+ documentation = "info:texinfo#Inserting Accents"
+ },
+ aa = {
+ arguments = {{meta = ""}},
+ summary = "Generate the uppercase and lowercase Scandinavian A-ring letters, respectively: Å, å.",
+ documentation = "info:texinfo#Inserting Accents"
+ },
+ abbr = {
+ arguments = {
+ {meta = "ABBREVIATION"}
+ },
+ summary = "Indicate a general abbreviation, such as 'Comput.'.",
+ documentation = "info:texinfo#@abbr"
+ },
+ acronym = {
+ arguments = {
+ {meta = "ACRONYM"}
+ },
+ summary = "Indicate an acronym in all capital letters, such as 'NASA'.",
+ documentation = "info:texinfo#@acronym"
+ },
+ AE = {
+ arguments = {{meta = ""}},
+ summary = "Generate the uppercase and lowercase AE ligatures, respectively: Æ, æ.",
+ documentation = "info:texinfo#Inserting Accents"
+ },
+ ae = {
+ arguments = {{meta = ""}},
+ summary = "Generate the uppercase and lowercase AE ligatures, respectively: Æ, æ.",
+ documentation = "info:texinfo#Inserting Accents"
+ },
+ afivepaper = {
+ summary = "Change page dimensions for the A5 paper size.",
+ documentation = "info:texinfo#A4 Paper"
+ },
+ afourlatex = {
+ summary = "Change page dimensions for the A4 paper size.",
+ documentation = "info:texinfo#A4 Paper"
+ },
+ afourpaper = {
+ summary = "Change page dimensions for the A4 paper size.",
+ documentation = "info:texinfo#A4 Paper"
+ },
+ afourwide = {
+ summary = "Change page dimensions for the A4 paper size.",
+ documentation = "info:texinfo#A4 Paper"
+ },
+ alias = {
+ arguments = {
+ {meta = "NEW", delimiters = {"", "="}},
+ {meta = "EXISTING", delimiters = {"", "\n"}}
+ },
+ summary = "Make the command '@NEW' a synonym for the existing command '@EXISTING'.",
+ documentation = "info:texinfo#@alias"
+ },
+ allowcodebreaks = {
+ arguments = {
+ {meta = "TRUE-FALSE", delimiters = {"", "\n"}}
+ },
+ summary = "Control breaking at '-' and '_' in TeX.",
+ documentation = "info:texinfo#@allowcodebreaks"
+ },
+ anchor = {
+ arguments = {
+ {meta = "NAME"}
+ },
+ summary = "Define NAME as the current location for use as a cross-reference target.",
+ documentation = "info:texinfo#@anchor"
+ },
+ appendix = {
+ arguments = {
+ {meta = "TITLE", delimiters = {"", "\n"}}
+ },
+ summary = "Begin an appendix. The title appears in the table of contents. In Info, the title is underlined with asterisks.",
+ documentation = "info:texinfo#@unnumbered @appendix"
+ },
+ appendixsec = {
+ arguments = {
+ {meta = "TITLE", delimiters = {"", "\n"}}
+ },
+ summary = "Begin an appendix section within an appendix. The section title appears in the table of contents. In Info, the title is underlined with equal signs. '@appendixsection' is a longer spelling of the '@appendixsec' command.",
+ documentation = "info:texinfo#@unnumberedsec @appendixsec @heading"
+ },
+ appendixsection = {
+ arguments = {
+ {meta = "TITLE", delimiters = {"", "\n"}}
+ },
+ summary = "Begin an appendix section within an appendix. The section title appears in the table of contents. In Info, the title is underlined with equal signs. '@appendixsection' is a longer spelling of the '@appendixsec' command.",
+ documentation = "info:texinfo#@unnumberedsec @appendixsec @heading"
+ },
+ appendixsubsec = {
+ arguments = {
+ {meta = "TITLE", delimiters = {"", "\n"}}
+ },
+ summary = "Begin an appendix subsection. The title appears in the table of contents. In Info, the title is underlined with hyphens.",
+ documentation = "info:texinfo#@unnumberedsubsec @appendixsubsec @subheading"
+ },
+ appendixsubsubsec = {
+ arguments = {
+ {meta = "TITLE", delimiters = {"", "\n"}}
+ },
+ summary = "Begin an appendix subsubsection. The title appears in the table of contents. In Info, the title is underlined with periods.",
+ documentation = "info:texinfo#@subsubsection"
+ },
+ arrow = {
+ arguments = {{meta = ""}},
+ summary = "Generate a right arrow glyph: '->'. Used by default for '@click'.",
+ documentation = "info:texinfo#Click Sequences"
+ },
+ asis = {
+ summary = "Used following '@table', '@ftable', and '@vtable' to print the table's first column without highlighting (\"as is\").",
+ documentation = "info:texinfo#@asis"
+ },
+ author = {
+ arguments = {
+ {meta = "AUTHOR", delimiters = {"", "\n"}}
+ },
+ summary = "Typeset AUTHOR flushleft and underline it.",
+ documentation = "info:texinfo#@title @subtitle @author"
+ },
+ b = {
+ arguments = {
+ {meta = "TEXT"}
+ },
+ summary = "Set TEXT in a bold font. No effect in Info.",
+ documentation = "info:texinfo#Fonts"
+ },
+ bullet = {
+ arguments = {{meta = ""}},
+ summary = "Generate a large round dot, * ('*' in Info). Often used with '@table'.",
+ documentation = "info:texinfo#@bullet"
+ },
+ bye = {
+ summary = "Stop formatting a file. The formatters do not see anything in the input file following '@bye'.",
+ documentation = "info:texinfo#Ending a File"
+ },
+ c = {
+ arguments = {
+ {meta = "COMMENT", delimiters = {"", "\n"}}
+ },
+ summary = "Begin a comment in Texinfo. The rest of the line does not appear in any output. A synonym for '@comment'. 'DEL' also starts a comment.",
+ documentation = "info:texinfo#Comments"
+ },
+ caption = {
+ summary = "Define the full caption for a '@float'.",
+ documentation = "info:texinfo#@caption @shortcaption"
+ },
+ center = {
+ arguments = {
+ {meta = "LINE-OF-TEXT", delimiters = {"", "\n"}}
+ },
+ summary = "Center the line of text following the command.",
+ documentation = "info:texinfo#@titlefont @center @sp"
+ },
+ centerchap = {
+ arguments = {
+ {meta = "LINE-OF-TEXT", delimiters = {"", "\n"}}
+ },
+ summary = "Like '@chapter', but centers the chapter title.",
+ documentation = "info:texinfo#@chapter"
+ },
+ chapheading = {
+ arguments = {
+ {meta = "TITLE", delimiters = {"", "\n"}}
+ },
+ summary = "Print an unnumbered chapter-like heading, but omit from the table of contents. In Info, the title is underlined with asterisks.",
+ documentation = "info:texinfo#@majorheading @chapheading"
+ },
+ chapter = {
+ arguments = {
+ {meta = "TITLE", delimiters = {"", "\n"}}
+ },
+ summary = "Begin a numbered chapter. The chapter title appears in the table of contents. In Info, the title is underlined with asterisks.",
+ documentation = "info:texinfo#@chapter"
+ },
+ cindex = {
+ arguments = {
+ {meta = "ENTRY", delimiters = {"", "\n"}}
+ },
+ summary = "Add ENTRY to the index of concepts.",
+ documentation = "info:texinfo#Index Entries"
+ },
+ cite = {
+ arguments = {
+ {meta = "REFERENCE"}
+ },
+ summary = "Highlight the name of a book or other reference that has no companion Info file.",
+ documentation = "info:texinfo#@cite"
+ },
+ clear = {
+ arguments = {
+ {meta = "FLAG", delimiters = {"", "\n"}}
+ },
+ summary = "Unset FLAG, preventing the Texinfo formatting commands from formatting text between subsequent pairs of '@ifset FLAG' and '@end ifset' commands, and preventing '@value{FLAG}' from expanding to the value to which FLAG is set.",
+ documentation = "info:texinfo#@set @clear @value"
+ },
+ click = {
+ arguments = {{meta = ""}},
+ summary = "Represent a single \"click\" in a GUI. Used within '@clicksequence'.",
+ documentation = "info:texinfo#Click Sequences"
+ },
+ clicksequence = {
+ arguments = {
+ {meta = "ACTION"},
+ {literal = "@click{}"},
+ {meta = "ACTION"}
+ },
+ summary = "Represent a sequence of clicks in a GUI.",
+ documentation = "info:texinfo#Click Sequences"
+ },
+ clickstyle = {
+ arguments = {
+ {meta = "@CMD"}
+ },
+ summary = "Execute @CMD for each '@click'; the default is '@arrow'. The usual following empty braces on @CMD are omitted.",
+ documentation = "info:texinfo#Click Sequences"
+ },
+ code = {
+ arguments = {
+ {meta = "SAMPLE-CODE"}
+ },
+ summary = "Indicate an expression, a syntactically complete token of a program, or a program name. Unquoted in Info output.",
+ documentation = "info:texinfo#@code"
+ },
+ codequotebacktick = {
+ arguments = {
+ {meta = "ON-OFF", delimiters = {"", "\n"}}
+ },
+ summary = "Control output of '`' and ''' in code examples.",
+ documentation = "info:texinfo#Inserting Quote Characters"
+ },
+ codequoteundirected = {
+ arguments = {
+ {meta = "ON-OFF", delimiters = {"", "\n"}}
+ },
+ summary = "Control output of '`' and ''' in code examples.",
+ documentation = "info:texinfo#Inserting Quote Characters"
+ },
+ comma = {
+ arguments = {{meta = ""}},
+ summary = "Insert a comma ',' character; only needed when a literal comma would be taken as an argument separator.",
+ documentation = "info:texinfo#Inserting a Comma"
+ },
+ command = {
+ arguments = {
+ {meta = "COMMAND-NAME"}
+ },
+ summary = "Indicate a command name, such as 'ls'.",
+ documentation = "info:texinfo#@command"
+ },
+ comment = {
+ arguments = {
+ {meta = "COMMENT", delimiters = {"", "\n"}}
+ },
+ summary = "Begin a comment in Texinfo. The rest of the line does not appear in any output. A synonym for '@c'.",
+ documentation = "info:texinfo#Comments"
+ },
+ contents = {
+ summary = "Print a complete table of contents. Has no effect in Info, which uses menus instead.",
+ documentation = "info:texinfo#Contents"
+ },
+ copyright = {
+ arguments = {{meta = ""}},
+ summary = "Generate the copyright symbol (C).",
+ documentation = "info:texinfo#@copyright"
+ },
+ defcodeindex = {
+ arguments = {
+ {meta = "INDEX-NAME", delimiters = {"", "\n"}}
+ },
+ summary = "Define a new index and its indexing command. Print entries in an '@code' font.",
+ documentation = "info:texinfo#New Indices"
+ },
+ defcv = {
+ arguments = {
+ {meta = "CATEGORY", delimiters = {"", " "}},
+ {meta = "CLASS", delimiters = {"", " "}},
+ {meta = "NAME", delimiters = {"", "\n"}}
+ },
+ summary = "Format a description for a variable associated with a class in object-oriented programming. Takes three arguments: the category of thing being defined, the class to which it belongs, and its name.",
+ documentation = "info:texinfo#Definition Commands"
+ },
+ defcvx = {
+ arguments = {
+ {meta = "CATEGORY", delimiters = {"", " "}},
+ {meta = "CLASS", delimiters = {"", " "}},
+ {meta = "NAME", delimiters = {"", "\n"}}
+ },
+ summary = "Format a description for a variable associated with a class in object-oriented programming. Takes three arguments: the category of thing being defined, the class to which it belongs, and its name.",
+ documentation = "info:texinfo#Definition Commands"
+ },
+ deffn = {
+ arguments = {
+ {meta = "CATEGORY", delimiters = {"", " "}},
+ {meta = "NAME", delimiters = {"", " "}},
+ {meta = "ARGUMENTS...", delimiters = {"", "\n"}}
+ },
+ summary = "Format a description for a function, interactive command, or similar entity that may take arguments. '@deffn' takes as arguments the category of entity being described, the name of this particular entity, and its arguments, if any.",
+ documentation = "info:texinfo#Definition Commands"
+ },
+ deffnx = {
+ arguments = {
+ {meta = "CATEGORY", delimiters = {"", " "}},
+ {meta = "NAME", delimiters = {"", " "}},
+ {meta = "ARGUMENTS...", delimiters = {"", "\n"}}
+ },
+ summary = "Format a description for a function, interactive command, or similar entity that may take arguments. '@deffn' takes as arguments the category of entity being described, the name of this particular entity, and its arguments, if any.",
+ documentation = "info:texinfo#Definition Commands"
+ },
+ defindex = {
+ arguments = {
+ {meta = "INDEX-NAME", delimiters = {"", "\n"}}
+ },
+ summary = "Define a new index and its indexing command. Print entries in a roman font.",
+ documentation = "info:texinfo#New Indices"
+ },
+ definfoenclose = {
+ arguments = {
+ {meta = "NEWCMD,", delimiters = {"", " "}},
+ {meta = "BEFORE,", delimiters = {"", " "}},
+ {meta = "AFTER", delimiters = {"", "\n"}}
+ },
+ summary = "Must be used within '@ifinfo'; create a new command '@NEWCMD' for Info that marks text by enclosing it in strings that precede and follow the text.",
+ documentation = "info:texinfo#@definfoenclose"
+ },
+ defivar = {
+ arguments = {
+ {meta = "CLASS", delimiters = {"", " "}},
+ {meta = "INSTANCE-VARIABLE-NAME", delimiters = {"", "\n"}}
+ },
+ summary = "Format a description for an instance variable in object-oriented programming. The command is equivalent to '@defcv {Instance Variable} ...'.",
+ documentation = "info:texinfo#Definition Commands"
+ },
+ defivarx = {
+ arguments = {
+ {meta = "CLASS", delimiters = {"", " "}},
+ {meta = "INSTANCE-VARIABLE-NAME", delimiters = {"", "\n"}}
+ },
+ summary = "Format a description for an instance variable in object-oriented programming. The command is equivalent to '@defcv {Instance Variable} ...'.",
+ documentation = "info:texinfo#Definition Commands"
+ },
+ defmac = {
+ arguments = {
+ {meta = "MACRONAME", delimiters = {"", " "}},
+ {meta = "ARGUMENTS...", delimiters = {"", "\n"}}
+ },
+ summary = "Format a description for a macro; equivalent to '@deffn Macro ...'.",
+ documentation = "info:texinfo#Definition Commands"
+ },
+ defmacx = {
+ arguments = {
+ {meta = "MACRONAME", delimiters = {"", " "}},
+ {meta = "ARGUMENTS...", delimiters = {"", "\n"}}
+ },
+ summary = "Format a description for a macro; equivalent to '@deffn Macro ...'.",
+ documentation = "info:texinfo#Definition Commands"
+ },
+ defmethod = {
+ arguments = {
+ {meta = "CLASS", delimiters = {"", " "}},
+ {meta = "METHOD-NAME", delimiters = {"", " "}},
+ {meta = "ARGUMENTS...", delimiters = {"", "\n"}}
+ },
+ summary = "Format a description for a method in object-oriented programming; equivalent to '@defop Method ...'.",
+ documentation = "info:texinfo#Definition Commands"
+ },
+ defmethodx = {
+ arguments = {
+ {meta = "CLASS", delimiters = {"", " "}},
+ {meta = "METHOD-NAME", delimiters = {"", " "}},
+ {meta = "ARGUMENTS...", delimiters = {"", "\n"}}
+ },
+ summary = "Format a description for a method in object-oriented programming; equivalent to '@defop Method ...'.",
+ documentation = "info:texinfo#Definition Commands"
+ },
+ defop = {
+ arguments = {
+ {meta = "CATEGORY", delimiters = {"", " "}},
+ {meta = "CLASS", delimiters = {"", " "}},
+ {meta = "NAME", delimiters = {"", " "}},
+ {meta = "ARGUMENTS...", delimiters = {"", "\n"}}
+ },
+ summary = "Format a description for an operation in object-oriented programming. '@defop' takes as arguments the name of the category of operation, the name of the operation's class, the name of the operation, and its arguments, if any.",
+ documentation = "info:texinfo#Definition Commands"
+ },
+ defopx = {
+ arguments = {
+ {meta = "CATEGORY", delimiters = {"", " "}},
+ {meta = "CLASS", delimiters = {"", " "}},
+ {meta = "NAME", delimiters = {"", " "}},
+ {meta = "ARGUMENTS...", delimiters = {"", "\n"}}
+ },
+ summary = "Format a description for an operation in object-oriented programming. '@defop' takes as arguments the name of the category of operation, the name of the operation's class, the name of the operation, and its arguments, if any.",
+ documentation = "info:texinfo#Definition Commands"
+ },
+ defopt = {
+ arguments = {
+ {meta = "OPTION-NAME", delimiters = {"", "\n"}}
+ },
+ summary = "Format a description for a user option; equivalent to '@defvr {User Option} ...'.",
+ documentation = "info:texinfo#Definition Commands"
+ },
+ defoptx = {
+ arguments = {
+ {meta = "OPTION-NAME", delimiters = {"", "\n"}}
+ },
+ summary = "Format a description for a user option; equivalent to '@defvr {User Option} ...'.",
+ documentation = "info:texinfo#Definition Commands"
+ },
+ defspec = {
+ arguments = {
+ {meta = "SPECIAL-FORM-NAME", delimiters = {"", " "}},
+ {meta = "ARGUMENTS...", delimiters = {"", "\n"}}
+ },
+ summary = "Format a description for a special form; equivalent to '@deffn {Special Form} ...'.",
+ documentation = "info:texinfo#Definition Commands"
+ },
+ defspecx = {
+ arguments = {
+ {meta = "SPECIAL-FORM-NAME", delimiters = {"", " "}},
+ {meta = "ARGUMENTS...", delimiters = {"", "\n"}}
+ },
+ summary = "Format a description for a special form; equivalent to '@deffn {Special Form} ...'.",
+ documentation = "info:texinfo#Definition Commands"
+ },
+ deftp = {
+ arguments = {
+ {meta = "CATEGORY", delimiters = {"", " "}},
+ {meta = "NAME-OF-TYPE", delimiters = {"", " "}},
+ {meta = "ATTRIBUTES...", delimiters = {"", "\n"}}
+ },
+ summary = "Format a description for a data type; its arguments are the category, the name of the type (e.g., 'int') , and then the names of attributes of objects of that type.",
+ documentation = "info:texinfo#Definition Commands"
+ },
+ deftpx = {
+ arguments = {
+ {meta = "CATEGORY", delimiters = {"", " "}},
+ {meta = "NAME-OF-TYPE", delimiters = {"", " "}},
+ {meta = "ATTRIBUTES...", delimiters = {"", "\n"}}
+ },
+ summary = "Format a description for a data type; its arguments are the category, the name of the type (e.g., 'int') , and then the names of attributes of objects of that type.",
+ documentation = "info:texinfo#Definition Commands"
+ },
+ deftypecv = {
+ arguments = {
+ {meta = "CATEGORY", delimiters = {"", " "}},
+ {meta = "CLASS", delimiters = {"", " "}},
+ {meta = "DATA-TYPE", delimiters = {"", " "}},
+ {meta = "NAME", delimiters = {"", "\n"}}
+ },
+ summary = "Format a description for a typed class variable in object-oriented programming.",
+ documentation = "info:texinfo#Definition Commands"
+ },
+ deftypecvx = {
+ arguments = {
+ {meta = "CATEGORY", delimiters = {"", " "}},
+ {meta = "CLASS", delimiters = {"", " "}},
+ {meta = "DATA-TYPE", delimiters = {"", " "}},
+ {meta = "NAME", delimiters = {"", "\n"}}
+ },
+ summary = "Format a description for a typed class variable in object-oriented programming.",
+ documentation = "info:texinfo#Definition Commands"
+ },
+ deftypefn = {
+ arguments = {
+ {meta = "CATEGORY", delimiters = {"", " "}},
+ {meta = "DATA-TYPE", delimiters = {"", " "}},
+ {meta = "NAME", delimiters = {"", " "}},
+ {meta = "ARGUMENTS...", delimiters = {"", "\n"}}
+ },
+ summary = "Format a description for a function or similar entity that may take arguments and that is typed. '@deftypefn' takes as arguments the category of entity being described, the type, the name of the entity, and its arguments, if any.",
+ documentation = "info:texinfo#Definition Commands"
+ },
+ deftypefnx = {
+ arguments = {
+ {meta = "CATEGORY", delimiters = {"", " "}},
+ {meta = "DATA-TYPE", delimiters = {"", " "}},
+ {meta = "NAME", delimiters = {"", " "}},
+ {meta = "ARGUMENTS...", delimiters = {"", "\n"}}
+ },
+ summary = "Format a description for a function or similar entity that may take arguments and that is typed. '@deftypefn' takes as arguments the category of entity being described, the type, the name of the entity, and its arguments, if any.",
+ documentation = "info:texinfo#Definition Commands"
+ },
+ deftypefnnewline = {
+ arguments = {
+ {meta = "ON-OFF", delimiters = {"", "\n"}}
+ },
+ summary = "Specifies whether return types for '@deftypefn' and similar are printed on lines by themselves; default is off.",
+ documentation = "info:texinfo#Typed Functions"
+ },
+ deftypefun = {
+ arguments = {
+ {meta = "DATA-TYPE", delimiters = {"", " "}},
+ {meta = "FUNCTION-NAME", delimiters = {"", " "}},
+ {meta = "ARGUMENTS...", delimiters = {"", "\n"}}
+ },
+ summary = "Format a description for a function in a typed language. The command is equivalent to '@deftypefn Function ...'.",
+ documentation = "info:texinfo#Definition Commands"
+ },
+ deftypefunx = {
+ arguments = {
+ {meta = "DATA-TYPE", delimiters = {"", " "}},
+ {meta = "FUNCTION-NAME", delimiters = {"", " "}},
+ {meta = "ARGUMENTS...", delimiters = {"", "\n"}}
+ },
+ summary = "Format a description for a function in a typed language. The command is equivalent to '@deftypefn Function ...'.",
+ documentation = "info:texinfo#Definition Commands"
+ },
+ deftypeivar = {
+ arguments = {
+ {meta = "CLASS", delimiters = {"", " "}},
+ {meta = "DATA-TYPE", delimiters = {"", " "}},
+ {meta = "VARIABLE-NAME", delimiters = {"", "\n"}}
+ },
+ summary = "Format a description for a typed instance variable in object-oriented programming.",
+ documentation = "info:texinfo#Definition Commands"
+ },
+ deftypeivarx = {
+ arguments = {
+ {meta = "CLASS", delimiters = {"", " "}},
+ {meta = "DATA-TYPE", delimiters = {"", " "}},
+ {meta = "VARIABLE-NAME", delimiters = {"", "\n"}}
+ },
+ summary = "Format a description for a typed instance variable in object-oriented programming.",
+ documentation = "info:texinfo#Definition Commands"
+ },
+ deftypemethod = {
+ arguments = {
+ {meta = "CLASS", delimiters = {"", " "}},
+ {meta = "DATA-TYPE", delimiters = {"", " "}},
+ {meta = "METHOD-NAME", delimiters = {"", " "}},
+ {meta = "ARGUMENTS...", delimiters = {"", "\n"}}
+ },
+ summary = "Format a description for a typed method in object-oriented programming.",
+ documentation = "info:texinfo#Definition Commands"
+ },
+ deftypemethodx = {
+ arguments = {
+ {meta = "CLASS", delimiters = {"", " "}},
+ {meta = "DATA-TYPE", delimiters = {"", " "}},
+ {meta = "METHOD-NAME", delimiters = {"", " "}},
+ {meta = "ARGUMENTS...", delimiters = {"", "\n"}}
+ },
+ summary = "Format a description for a typed method in object-oriented programming.",
+ documentation = "info:texinfo#Definition Commands"
+ },
+ deftypeop = {
+ arguments = {
+ {meta = "CATEGORY", delimiters = {"", " "}},
+ {meta = "CLASS", delimiters = {"", " "}},
+ {meta = "DATA-TYPE", delimiters = {"", " "}},
+ {meta = "NAME", delimiters = {"", " "}},
+ {meta = "ARGUMENTS...", delimiters = {"", "\n"}}
+ },
+ summary = "Format a description for a typed operation in object-oriented programming.",
+ documentation = "info:texinfo#Definition Commands"
+ },
+ deftypeopx = {
+ arguments = {
+ {meta = "CATEGORY", delimiters = {"", " "}},
+ {meta = "CLASS", delimiters = {"", " "}},
+ {meta = "DATA-TYPE", delimiters = {"", " "}},
+ {meta = "NAME", delimiters = {"", " "}},
+ {meta = "ARGUMENTS...", delimiters = {"", "\n"}}
+ },
+ summary = "Format a description for a typed operation in object-oriented programming.",
+ documentation = "info:texinfo#Definition Commands"
+ },
+ deftypevar = {
+ arguments = {
+ {meta = "DATA-TYPE", delimiters = {"", " "}},
+ {meta = "VARIABLE-NAME", delimiters = {"", "\n"}}
+ },
+ summary = "Format a description for a variable in a typed language. The command is equivalent to '@deftypevr Variable ...'.",
+ documentation = "info:texinfo#Definition Commands"
+ },
+ deftypevarx = {
+ arguments = {
+ {meta = "DATA-TYPE", delimiters = {"", " "}},
+ {meta = "VARIABLE-NAME", delimiters = {"", "\n"}}
+ },
+ summary = "Format a description for a variable in a typed language. The command is equivalent to '@deftypevr Variable ...'.",
+ documentation = "info:texinfo#Definition Commands"
+ },
+ deftypevr = {
+ arguments = {
+ {meta = "CATEGORY", delimiters = {"", " "}},
+ {meta = "DATA-TYPE", delimiters = {"", " "}},
+ {meta = "NAME", delimiters = {"", "\n"}}
+ },
+ summary = "Format a description for something like a variable in a typed language--an entity that records a value. Takes as arguments the category of entity being described, the type, and the name of the entity.",
+ documentation = "info:texinfo#Definition Commands"
+ },
+ deftypevrx = {
+ arguments = {
+ {meta = "CATEGORY", delimiters = {"", " "}},
+ {meta = "DATA-TYPE", delimiters = {"", " "}},
+ {meta = "NAME", delimiters = {"", "\n"}}
+ },
+ summary = "Format a description for something like a variable in a typed language--an entity that records a value. Takes as arguments the category of entity being described, the type, and the name of the entity.",
+ documentation = "info:texinfo#Definition Commands"
+ },
+ defun = {
+ arguments = {
+ {meta = "FUNCTION-NAME", delimiters = {"", " "}},
+ {meta = "ARGUMENTS...", delimiters = {"", "\n"}}
+ },
+ summary = "Format a description for a function; equivalent to '@deffn Function ...'.",
+ documentation = "info:texinfo#Definition Commands"
+ },
+ defunx = {
+ arguments = {
+ {meta = "FUNCTION-NAME", delimiters = {"", " "}},
+ {meta = "ARGUMENTS...", delimiters = {"", "\n"}}
+ },
+ summary = "Format a description for a function; equivalent to '@deffn Function ...'.",
+ documentation = "info:texinfo#Definition Commands"
+ },
+ defvar = {
+ arguments = {
+ {meta = "VARIABLE-NAME", delimiters = {"", "\n"}}
+ },
+ summary = "Format a description for a variable; equivalent to '@defvr Variable ...'.",
+ documentation = "info:texinfo#Definition Commands"
+ },
+ defvarx = {
+ arguments = {
+ {meta = "VARIABLE-NAME", delimiters = {"", "\n"}}
+ },
+ summary = "Format a description for a variable; equivalent to '@defvr Variable ...'.",
+ documentation = "info:texinfo#Definition Commands"
+ },
+ defvr = {
+ arguments = {
+ {meta = "CATEGORY", delimiters = {"", " "}},
+ {meta = "NAME", delimiters = {"", "\n"}}
+ },
+ summary = "Format a description for any kind of variable. '@defvr' takes as arguments the category of the entity and the name of the entity.",
+ documentation = "info:texinfo#Definition Commands"
+ },
+ defvrx = {
+ arguments = {
+ {meta = "CATEGORY", delimiters = {"", " "}},
+ {meta = "NAME", delimiters = {"", "\n"}}
+ },
+ summary = "Format a description for any kind of variable. '@defvr' takes as arguments the category of the entity and the name of the entity.",
+ documentation = "info:texinfo#Definition Commands"
+ },
+ detailmenu = {
+ summary = "Mark the (optional) detailed node listing in a master menu.",
+ documentation = "info:texinfo#Master Menu Parts"
+ },
+ dfn = {
+ arguments = {
+ {meta = "TERM"}
+ },
+ summary = "Indicate the introductory or defining use of a term.",
+ documentation = "info:texinfo#@dfn"
+ },
+ DH = {
+ arguments = {{meta = ""}},
+ summary = "Generate the uppercase and lowercase Icelandic letter eth, respectively: Ð, ð.",
+ documentation = "info:texinfo#Inserting Accents"
+ },
+ dh = {
+ arguments = {{meta = ""}},
+ summary = "Generate the uppercase and lowercase Icelandic letter eth, respectively: Ð, ð.",
+ documentation = "info:texinfo#Inserting Accents"
+ },
+ dircategory = {
+ arguments = {
+ {meta = "DIRPART", delimiters = {"", "\n"}}
+ },
+ summary = "Specify a part of the Info directory menu where this file's entry should go.",
+ documentation = "info:texinfo#Installing Dir Entries"
+ },
+ dmn = {
+ arguments = {
+ {meta = "DIMENSION"}
+ },
+ summary = "Format a unit of measure, as in 12pt. Causes TeX to insert a thin space before DIMENSION. No effect in Info.",
+ documentation = "info:texinfo#@dmn"
+ },
+ documentencoding = {
+ arguments = {
+ {meta = "ENC", delimiters = {"", "\n"}}
+ },
+ summary = "Declare the input encoding to be ENC.",
+ documentation = "info:texinfo#@documentencoding"
+ },
+ documentlanguage = {
+ arguments = {
+ {meta = "CC", delimiters = {"", "\n"}}
+ },
+ summary = "Declare the document language as the two-character ISO-639 abbreviation CC.",
+ documentation = "info:texinfo#@documentlanguage"
+ },
+ dotaccent = {
+ arguments = {
+ {meta = "C"}
+ },
+ summary = "Generate a dot accent over the character C, as in ȯ.",
+ documentation = "info:texinfo#Inserting Accents"
+ },
+ dotless = {
+ arguments = {
+ {meta = "I-OR-J"}
+ },
+ summary = "Generate dotless i ('ı') and dotless j ('j').",
+ documentation = "info:texinfo#Inserting Accents"
+ },
+ dots = {
+ arguments = {{meta = ""}},
+ summary = "Generate an ellipsis, '...'.",
+ documentation = "info:texinfo#@dots"
+ },
+ email = {
+ arguments = {
+ },
+ summary = "Indicate an electronic mail address.",
+ documentation = "info:texinfo#@email"
+ },
+ emph = {
+ arguments = {
+ {meta = "TEXT"}
+ },
+ summary = "Emphasize TEXT, by using _italics_ where possible, and enclosing in asterisks in Info.",
+ documentation = "info:texinfo#Emphasis"
+ },
+ ["end"] = {
+ arguments = {
+ {meta = "ENVIRONMENT", delimiters = {"", "\n"}}
+ },
+ summary = "Ends ENVIRONMENT, as in '@end example'.",
+ documentation = "info:texinfo#Formatting Commands"
+ },
+ enddots = {
+ arguments = {{meta = ""}},
+ summary = "Generate an end-of-sentence ellipsis, like this: ...",
+ documentation = "info:texinfo#@dots"
+ },
+ env = {
+ arguments = {
+ },
+ summary = "Indicate an environment variable name, such as 'PATH'.",
+ documentation = "info:texinfo#@env"
+ },
+ equiv = {
+ arguments = {{meta = ""}},
+ summary = "Indicate to the reader the exact equivalence of two forms with a glyph: '=='.",
+ documentation = "info:texinfo#@equiv"
+ },
+ error = {
+ arguments = {{meta = ""}},
+ summary = "Indicate to the reader with a glyph that the following text is an error message: 'error->'.",
+ documentation = "info:texinfo#@error"
+ },
+ errormsg = {
+ arguments = {
+ {meta = "MSG"}
+ },
+ summary = "Report MSG as an error to standard error, and exit unsuccessfully. Texinfo commands within MSG are expanded to plain text.",
+ documentation = "info:texinfo#Conditionals"
+ },
+ euro = {
+ arguments = {{meta = ""}},
+ summary = "Generate the Euro currency sign.",
+ documentation = "info:texinfo#@euro"
+ },
+ evenfooting = {
+ arguments = {
+ {meta = "LEFT", delimiters = {"", "@|"}},
+ {meta = "CENTER", delimiters = {"", "@|"}},
+ {meta = "RIGHT", delimiters = {"", "\n"}}
+ },
+ summary = "Specify page footings resp. headings for even-numbered (left-hand) pages.",
+ documentation = "info:texinfo#Custom Headings"
+ },
+ evenheading = {
+ arguments = {
+ {meta = "LEFT", delimiters = {"", "@|"}},
+ {meta = "CENTER", delimiters = {"", "@|"}},
+ {meta = "RIGHT", delimiters = {"", "\n"}}
+ },
+ summary = "Specify page footings resp. headings for even-numbered (left-hand) pages.",
+ documentation = "info:texinfo#Custom Headings"
+ },
+ everyfooting = {
+ arguments = {
+ {meta = "LEFT", delimiters = {"", "@|"}},
+ {meta = "CENTER", delimiters = {"", "@|"}},
+ {meta = "RIGHT", delimiters = {"", "\n"}}
+ },
+ summary = "Specify page footings resp. headings for every page. Not relevant to Info.",
+ documentation = "info:texinfo#Custom Headings"
+ },
+ everyheading = {
+ arguments = {
+ {meta = "LEFT", delimiters = {"", "@|"}},
+ {meta = "CENTER", delimiters = {"", "@|"}},
+ {meta = "RIGHT", delimiters = {"", "\n"}}
+ },
+ summary = "Specify page footings resp. headings for every page. Not relevant to Info.",
+ documentation = "info:texinfo#Custom Headings"
+ },
+ exampleindent = {
+ arguments = {
+ {meta = "INDENT", delimiters = {"", "\n"}}
+ },
+ summary = "Indent example-like environments by INDENT number of spaces (perhaps 0).",
+ documentation = "info:texinfo#@exampleindent"
+ },
+ exclamdown = {
+ arguments = {{meta = ""}},
+ summary = "Generate an upside-down exclamation point.",
+ documentation = "info:texinfo#Inserting Accents"
+ },
+ exdent = {
+ arguments = {
+ {meta = "LINE-OF-TEXT", delimiters = {"", "\n"}}
+ },
+ summary = "Remove any indentation a line might have.",
+ documentation = "info:texinfo#@exdent"
+ },
+ expansion = {
+ arguments = {{meta = ""}},
+ summary = "Indicate the result of a macro expansion to the reader with a special glyph: '==>'.",
+ documentation = "info:texinfo#@expansion"
+ },
+ file = {
+ arguments = {
+ {meta = "FILENAME"}
+ },
+ summary = "Highlight the name of a file, buffer, node, directory, etc.",
+ documentation = "info:texinfo#@file"
+ },
+ finalout = {
+ summary = "Prevent TeX from printing large black warning rectangles beside over-wide lines.",
+ documentation = "info:texinfo#Overfull hboxes"
+ },
+ findex = {
+ arguments = {
+ {meta = "ENTRY", delimiters = {"", "\n"}}
+ },
+ summary = "Add ENTRY to the index of functions.",
+ documentation = "info:texinfo#Index Entries"
+ },
+ firstparagraphindent = {
+ arguments = {
+ {meta = "WORD", delimiters = {"", "\n"}}
+ },
+ summary = "Control indentation of the first paragraph after section headers according to WORD, one of 'none' or 'insert'.",
+ documentation = "info:texinfo#@firstparagraphindent"
+ },
+ fonttextsize = {
+ arguments = {
+ {meta = "10-11", delimiters = {"", "\n"}}
+ },
+ summary = "Change the size of the main body font in the TeX output.",
+ documentation = "info:texinfo#Fonts"
+ },
+ footnote = {
+ arguments = {
+ {meta = "TEXT-OF-FOOTNOTE"}
+ },
+ summary = "Enter a footnote. Footnote text is printed at the bottom of the page by TeX; Info may format in either 'End' node or 'Separate' node style.",
+ documentation = "info:texinfo#Footnotes"
+ },
+ footnotestyle = {
+ arguments = {
+ {meta = "STYLE", delimiters = {"", "\n"}}
+ },
+ summary = "Specify an Info file's footnote style, either 'end' for the end node style or 'separate' for the separate node style.",
+ documentation = "info:texinfo#Footnotes"
+ },
+ frenchspacing = {
+ arguments = {
+ {meta = "ON-OFF", delimiters = {"", "\n"}}
+ },
+ summary = "Control spacing after punctuation.",
+ documentation = "info:texinfo#@frenchspacing"
+ },
+ geq = {
+ arguments = {{meta = ""}},
+ summary = "Generate a greater-than-or-equal sign, '≥'.",
+ documentation = "info:texinfo#@geq @leq"
+ },
+ guillemetleft = {
+ arguments = {{meta = ""}},
+ summary = "Double and single angle quotation marks: « » ‹ ›. '@guillemotleft' and '@guillemotright' are synonyms for '@guillemetleft' and '@guillemetright'.",
+ documentation = "info:texinfo#Inserting Quotation Marks"
+ },
+ guillemetright = {
+ arguments = {{meta = ""}},
+ summary = "Double and single angle quotation marks: « » ‹ ›. '@guillemotleft' and '@guillemotright' are synonyms for '@guillemetleft' and '@guillemetright'.",
+ documentation = "info:texinfo#Inserting Quotation Marks"
+ },
+ guillemotleft = {
+ arguments = {{meta = ""}},
+ summary = "Double and single angle quotation marks: « » ‹ ›. '@guillemotleft' and '@guillemotright' are synonyms for '@guillemetleft' and '@guillemetright'.",
+ documentation = "info:texinfo#Inserting Quotation Marks"
+ },
+ guillemotright = {
+ arguments = {{meta = ""}},
+ summary = "Double and single angle quotation marks: « » ‹ ›. '@guillemotleft' and '@guillemotright' are synonyms for '@guillemetleft' and '@guillemetright'.",
+ documentation = "info:texinfo#Inserting Quotation Marks"
+ },
+ guilsinglleft = {
+ arguments = {{meta = ""}},
+ summary = "Double and single angle quotation marks: « » ‹ ›. '@guillemotleft' and '@guillemotright' are synonyms for '@guillemetleft' and '@guillemetright'.",
+ documentation = "info:texinfo#Inserting Quotation Marks"
+ },
+ guilsinglright = {
+ arguments = {{meta = ""}},
+ summary = "Double and single angle quotation marks: « » ‹ ›. '@guillemotleft' and '@guillemotright' are synonyms for '@guillemetleft' and '@guillemetright'.",
+ documentation = "info:texinfo#Inserting Quotation Marks"
+ },
+ H = {
+ arguments = {
+ {meta = "C"}
+ },
+ summary = "Generate the long Hungarian umlaut accent over C, as in ő."
+ },
+ hashchar = {
+ arguments = {{meta = ""}},
+ summary = "Insert a hash '#' character; only needed when a literal hash would introduce '#line' directive.",
+ documentation = "info:texinfo#Inserting a Hashsign"
+ },
+ heading = {
+ arguments = {
+ {meta = "TITLE", delimiters = {"", "\n"}}
+ },
+ summary = "Print an unnumbered section-like heading, but omit from the table of contents. In Info, the title is underlined with equal signs.",
+ documentation = "info:texinfo#@unnumberedsec @appendixsec @heading"
+ },
+ headings = {
+ arguments = {
+ {meta = "ON-OFF-SINGLE-DOUBLE", delimiters = {"", "\n"}}
+ },
+ summary = "Turn page headings on or off, and/or specify single-sided or double-sided page headings for printing.",
+ documentation = "info:texinfo#@headings"
+ },
+ headitem = {
+ summary = "Begin a heading row in a multitable.",
+ documentation = "info:texinfo#Multitable Rows"
+ },
+ headitemfont = {
+ arguments = {
+ {meta = "TEXT"}
+ },
+ summary = "Set TEXT in the font used for multitable heading rows; mostly useful in multitable templates.",
+ documentation = "info:texinfo#Multitable Rows"
+ },
+ hyphenation = {
+ arguments = {
+ {meta = "HY-PHEN-A-TED WORDS"}
+ },
+ summary = "Explicitly define hyphenation points.",
+ documentation = "info:texinfo#@- @hyphenation"
+ },
+ i = {
+ arguments = {
+ {meta = "TEXT"}
+ },
+ summary = "Set TEXT in an italic font. No effect in Info.",
+ documentation = "info:texinfo#Fonts"
+ },
+ ifcommanddefined = {
+ arguments = {
+ {meta = "TXICMD", delimiters = {"", "\n"}}
+ },
+ summary = "If the Texinfo code '@TXICMD' is (not) defined, format the follow text. Pair with the corresponding '@end ifcommand...'.",
+ documentation = "info:texinfo#Testing for Texinfo Commands"
+ },
+ ifcommandnotdefined = {
+ arguments = {
+ {meta = "TXICMD", delimiters = {"", "\n"}}
+ },
+ summary = "If the Texinfo code '@TXICMD' is (not) defined, format the follow text. Pair with the corresponding '@end ifcommand...'.",
+ documentation = "info:texinfo#Testing for Texinfo Commands"
+ },
+ ifnotdocbook = {
+ summary = "Begin text to be ignored in one output format but not the others. '@ifnothtml' text is omitted from HTML output, etc. Pair with the corresponding '@end ifnotFORMAT'.",
+ documentation = "info:texinfo#Conditionals"
+ },
+ ifnothtml = {
+ summary = "Begin text to be ignored in one output format but not the others. '@ifnothtml' text is omitted from HTML output, etc. Pair with the corresponding '@end ifnotFORMAT'.",
+ documentation = "info:texinfo#Conditionals"
+ },
+ ifnotplaintext = {
+ summary = "Begin text to be ignored in one output format but not the others. '@ifnothtml' text is omitted from HTML output, etc. Pair with the corresponding '@end ifnotFORMAT'.",
+ documentation = "info:texinfo#Conditionals"
+ },
+ ifnottex = {
+ summary = "Begin text to be ignored in one output format but not the others. '@ifnothtml' text is omitted from HTML output, etc. Pair with the corresponding '@end ifnotFORMAT'.",
+ documentation = "info:texinfo#Conditionals"
+ },
+ ifnotxml = {
+ summary = "Begin text to be ignored in one output format but not the others. '@ifnothtml' text is omitted from HTML output, etc. Pair with the corresponding '@end ifnotFORMAT'.",
+ documentation = "info:texinfo#Conditionals"
+ },
+ image = {
+ arguments = {
+ {meta = "FILENAME, [WIDTH], [HEIGHT], [ALT], [EXT]"}
+ },
+ summary = "Include graphics image in external FILENAME scaled to the given WIDTH and/or HEIGHT, using ALT text and looking for 'FILENAME.EXT' in HTML.",
+ documentation = "info:texinfo#Images"
+ },
+ include = {
+ arguments = {
+ {meta = "FILENAME", delimiters = {"", "\n"}}
+ },
+ summary = "Read the contents of Texinfo source file FILENAME.",
+ documentation = "info:texinfo#Include Files"
+ },
+ indent = {
+ summary = "Insert paragraph indentation.",
+ documentation = "info:texinfo#@indent"
+ },
+ indicateurl = {
+ arguments = {
+ {meta = "INDICATEURL"}
+ },
+ summary = "Indicate text that is a uniform resource locator for the World Wide Web.",
+ documentation = "info:texinfo#@indicateurl"
+ },
+ inforef = {
+ arguments = {
+ },
+ summary = "Make a cross-reference to an Info file for which there is no printed manual.",
+ documentation = "info:texinfo#@inforef"
+ },
+ inlinefmt = {
+ arguments = {
+ {meta = "FMT, TEXT"}
+ },
+ summary = "Insert TEXT only if the output format is FMT.",
+ documentation = "info:texinfo#Inline Conditionals"
+ },
+ inlinefmtifelse = {
+ arguments = {
+ {meta = "FMT, TEXT, ELSE-TEXT"}
+ },
+ summary = "Insert TEXT if the output format is FMT, else ELSE-TEXT."
+ },
+ inlineifclear = {
+ arguments = {
+ {meta = "VAR, TEXT"}
+ },
+ summary = "Insert TEXT only if the Texinfo variable VAR is (not) set."
+ },
+ inlineifset = {
+ arguments = {
+ {meta = "VAR, TEXT"}
+ },
+ summary = "Insert TEXT only if the Texinfo variable VAR is (not) set."
+ },
+ inlineraw = {
+ arguments = {
+ {meta = "FMT, RAW-TEXT"}
+ },
+ summary = "Insert TEXT as in a raw conditional, only if the output format is FMT."
+ },
+ input = {
+ arguments = {
+ {meta = "MACRO-DEFINITIONS-FILE", delimiters = {"", "\n"}},
+ },
+ summary = "Use the specified macro definitions file. This command is used only in the first line of a Texinfo file to cause TeX to make use of the 'texinfo' macro definitions file. The '\\' in '\\input' is used instead of an '@' because TeX does not recognize '@' until after it has read the definitions file.",
+ documentation = "info:texinfo#Texinfo File Header"
+ },
+ insertcopying = {
+ summary = "Insert the text previously defined with the '@copying' environment.",
+ documentation = "info:texinfo#@insertcopying"
+ },
+ item = {
+ summary = "Indicate the beginning of a marked paragraph for '@itemize' and '@enumerate'; indicate the beginning of the text of a first column entry for '@table', '@ftable', and '@vtable'.",
+ documentation = "info:texinfo#Lists and Tables"
+ },
+ itemx = {
+ summary = "Like '@item' but do not generate extra vertical space above the item text. Thus, when several items have the same description, use '@item' for the first and '@itemx' for the others.",
+ documentation = "info:texinfo#@itemx"
+ },
+ kbd = {
+ arguments = {
+ },
+ summary = "Indicate characters of input to be typed by users.",
+ documentation = "info:texinfo#@kbd"
+ },
+ kbdinputstyle = {
+ arguments = {
+ {meta = "STYLE", delimiters = {"", "\n"}}
+ },
+ summary = "Specify when '@kbd' should use a font distinct from '@code' according to STYLE: 'code', 'distinct', 'example'.",
+ documentation = "info:texinfo#@kbd"
+ },
+ key = {
+ arguments = {
+ {meta = "KEY-NAME"}
+ },
+ summary = "Indicate the name of a key on a keyboard.",
+ documentation = "info:texinfo#@key"
+ },
+ kindex = {
+ arguments = {
+ {meta = "ENTRY", delimiters = {"", "\n"}}
+ },
+ summary = "Add ENTRY to the index of keys.",
+ documentation = "info:texinfo#Index Entries"
+ },
+ L = {
+ arguments = {{meta = ""}},
+ summary = "Generate the uppercase and lowercase Polish suppressed-L letters, respectively: Ł, ł."
+ },
+ l = {
+ arguments = {{meta = ""}},
+ summary = "Generate the uppercase and lowercase Polish suppressed-L letters, respectively: Ł, ł."
+ },
+ LaTeX = {
+ arguments = {{meta = ""}},
+ summary = "Generate the LaTeX logo.",
+ documentation = "info:texinfo#@TeX @LaTeX"
+ },
+ leq = {
+ arguments = {{meta = ""}},
+ summary = "Generate a less-than-or-equal sign, '≤'.",
+ documentation = "info:texinfo#@geq @leq"
+ },
+ listoffloats = {
+ summary = "Produce a table-of-contents-like listing of '@float's.",
+ documentation = "info:texinfo#@listoffloats"
+ },
+ lowersections = {
+ summary = "Change subsequent chapters to sections, sections to subsections, and so on.",
+ documentation = "info:texinfo#Raise/lower sections"
+ },
+ majorheading = {
+ arguments = {
+ {meta = "TITLE", delimiters = {"", "\n"}}
+ },
+ summary = "Print an unnumbered chapter-like heading, but omit from the table of contents. This generates more vertical whitespace before the heading than the '@chapheading' command.",
+ documentation = "info:texinfo#@majorheading @chapheading"
+ },
+ math = {
+ arguments = {
+ },
+ summary = "Format a mathematical expression.",
+ documentation = "info:texinfo#Inserting Math"
+ },
+ minus = {
+ arguments = {{meta = ""}},
+ summary = "Generate a minus sign, '-'.",
+ documentation = "info:texinfo#@minus"
+ },
+ need = {
+ arguments = {
+ {meta = "N", delimiters = {"", "\n"}}
+ },
+ summary = "Start a new page in a printed manual if fewer than N mils (thousandths of an inch) remain on the current page.",
+ documentation = "info:texinfo#@need"
+ },
+ node = {
+ arguments = {
+ {meta = "NAME,", delimiters = {"", " "}},
+ {meta = "NEXT, PREVIOUS, UP", delimiters = {"", "\n"}}
+ },
+ summary = "Begin a new node.",
+ documentation = "info:texinfo#Writing a Node"
+ },
+ noindent = {
+ summary = "Prevent text from being indented as if it were a new paragraph.",
+ documentation = "info:texinfo#@noindent"
+ },
+ novalidate = {
+ summary = "Suppress validation of node references and omit creation of auxiliary files with TeX. Use before any sectioning or cross-reference commands.",
+ documentation = "info:texinfo#Pointer Validation"
+ },
+ O = {
+ arguments = {{meta = ""}},
+ summary = "Generate the uppercase and lowercase O-with-slash letters, respectively: Ø, ø."
+ },
+ o = {
+ arguments = {{meta = ""}},
+ summary = "Generate the uppercase and lowercase O-with-slash letters, respectively: Ø, ø."
+ },
+ oddfooting = {
+ arguments = {
+ {meta = "LEFT", delimiters = {"", "@|"}},
+ {meta = "CENTER", delimiters = {"", "@|"}},
+ {meta = "RIGHT", delimiters = {"", "\n"}}
+ },
+ summary = "Specify page footings resp. headings for odd-numbered (right-hand) pages.",
+ documentation = "info:texinfo#Custom Headings"
+ },
+ oddheading = {
+ arguments = {
+ {meta = "LEFT", delimiters = {"", "@|"}},
+ {meta = "CENTER", delimiters = {"", "@|"}},
+ {meta = "RIGHT", delimiters = {"", "\n"}}
+ },
+ summary = "Specify page footings resp. headings for odd-numbered (right-hand) pages.",
+ documentation = "info:texinfo#Custom Headings"
+ },
+ OE = {
+ arguments = {{meta = ""}},
+ summary = "Generate the uppercase and lowercase OE ligatures, respectively: Œ, œ.",
+ documentation = "info:texinfo#Inserting Accents"
+ },
+ oe = {
+ arguments = {{meta = ""}},
+ summary = "Generate the uppercase and lowercase OE ligatures, respectively: Œ, œ.",
+ documentation = "info:texinfo#Inserting Accents"
+ },
+ ogonek = {
+ arguments = {
+ {meta = "C"}
+ },
+ summary = "Generate an ogonek diacritic under the next character, as in ą.",
+ documentation = "info:texinfo#Inserting Accents"
+ },
+ option = {
+ arguments = {
+ {meta = "OPTION-NAME"}
+ },
+ summary = "Indicate a command-line option, such as '-l' or '--help'.",
+ documentation = "info:texinfo#@option"
+ },
+ ordf = {
+ arguments = {{meta = ""}},
+ summary = "Generate the feminine and masculine Spanish ordinals, respectively: ª, º.",
+ documentation = "info:texinfo#Inserting Accents"
+ },
+ ordm = {
+ arguments = {{meta = ""}},
+ summary = "Generate the feminine and masculine Spanish ordinals, respectively: ª, º.",
+ documentation = "info:texinfo#Inserting Accents"
+ },
+ page = {
+ summary = "Start a new page in a printed manual. No effect in Info.",
+ documentation = "info:texinfo#@page"
+ },
+ pagesizes = {
+ arguments = {
+ {meta = "[WIDTH][,", delimiters = {"", " "}},
+ {meta = "HEIGHT]", delimiters = {"", "\n"}}
+ },
+ summary = "Change page dimensions.",
+ documentation = "info:texinfo#pagesizes"
+ },
+ paragraphindent = {
+ arguments = {
+ {meta = "INDENT", delimiters = {"", "\n"}}
+ },
+ summary = "Indent paragraphs by INDENT number of spaces (perhaps 0); preserve source file indentation if INDENT is 'asis'.",
+ documentation = "info:texinfo#@paragraphindent"
+ },
+ part = {
+ arguments = {
+ {meta = "TITLE", delimiters = {"", "\n"}}
+ },
+ summary = "Begin a group of chapters or appendixes; included in the tables of contents and produces a page of its own in printed output.",
+ documentation = "info:texinfo#@part"
+ },
+ pindex = {
+ arguments = {
+ {meta = "ENTRY", delimiters = {"", "\n"}}
+ },
+ summary = "Add ENTRY to the index of programs.",
+ documentation = "info:texinfo#Index Entries"
+ },
+ point = {
+ arguments = {{meta = ""}},
+ summary = "Indicate the position of point in a buffer to the reader with a glyph: '-!-'.",
+ documentation = "info:texinfo#@point"
+ },
+ pounds = {
+ arguments = {{meta = ""}},
+ summary = "Generate the pounds sterling currency sign.",
+ documentation = "info:texinfo#@pounds"
+ },
+ print = {
+ arguments = {{meta = ""}},
+ summary = "Indicate printed output to the reader with a glyph: '-|'.",
+ documentation = "info:texinfo#@print"
+ },
+ printindex = {
+ arguments = {
+ {meta = "INDEX-NAME", delimiters = {"", "\n"}}
+ },
+ summary = "Generate the alphabetized index for INDEX-NAME (using two columns in a printed manual).",
+ documentation = "info:texinfo#Printing Indices & Menus"
+ },
+ pxref = {
+ arguments = {
+ },
+ summary = "Make a reference that starts with a lowercase 'see' in a printed manual. Use within parentheses only. Only the first argument is mandatory.",
+ documentation = "info:texinfo#@pxref"
+ },
+ questiondown = {
+ arguments = {{meta = ""}},
+ summary = "Generate an upside-down question mark.",
+ documentation = "info:texinfo#Inserting Accents"
+ },
+ quotedblleft = {
+ arguments = {{meta = ""}},
+ summary = "Produce various quotation marks: “ ” ‘ ’ „ ‚.",
+ documentation = "info:texinfo#Inserting Quotation Marks"
+ },
+ quotedblright = {
+ arguments = {{meta = ""}},
+ summary = "Produce various quotation marks: “ ” ‘ ’ „ ‚.",
+ documentation = "info:texinfo#Inserting Quotation Marks"
+ },
+ quoteleft = {
+ arguments = {{meta = ""}},
+ summary = "Produce various quotation marks: “ ” ‘ ’ „ ‚.",
+ documentation = "info:texinfo#Inserting Quotation Marks"
+ },
+ quoteright = {
+ arguments = {{meta = ""}},
+ summary = "Produce various quotation marks: “ ” ‘ ’ „ ‚.",
+ documentation = "info:texinfo#Inserting Quotation Marks"
+ },
+ quotedblbase = {
+ arguments = {{meta = ""}},
+ summary = "Produce various quotation marks: “ ” ‘ ’ „ ‚.",
+ documentation = "info:texinfo#Inserting Quotation Marks"
+ },
+ quotesinglbase = {
+ arguments = {{meta = ""}},
+ summary = "Produce various quotation marks: “ ” ‘ ’ „ ‚.",
+ documentation = "info:texinfo#Inserting Quotation Marks"
+ },
+ r = {
+ arguments = {
+ {meta = "TEXT"}
+ },
+ summary = "Set TEXT in the regular roman font. No effect in Info.",
+ documentation = "info:texinfo#Fonts"
+ },
+ raisesections = {
+ summary = "Change subsequent sections to chapters, subsections to sections, and so on.",
+ documentation = "info:texinfo#Raise/lower sections"
+ },
+ ref = {
+ arguments = {
+ },
+ summary = "Make a plain reference that does not start with any special text. Follow command with a punctuation mark. Only the first argument is mandatory.",
+ documentation = "info:texinfo#@ref"
+ },
+ refill = {
+ summary = "This command used to refill and indent the paragraph after all the other processing has been done. It is no longer needed, since all formatters now automatically refill as needed, but you may still see it in the source to some manuals, as it does no harm."
+ },
+ registeredsymbol = {
+ arguments = {{meta = ""}},
+ summary = "Generate the legal symbol (R).",
+ documentation = "info:texinfo#@registeredsymbol"
+ },
+ result = {
+ arguments = {{meta = ""}},
+ summary = "Indicate the result of an expression to the reader with a special glyph: '=>'.",
+ documentation = "info:texinfo#@result"
+ },
+ ringaccent = {
+ arguments = {
+ {meta = "C"}
+ },
+ summary = "Generate a ring accent over the next character, as in o̊.",
+ documentation = "info:texinfo#Inserting Accents"
+ },
+ samp = {
+ arguments = {
+ {meta = "TEXT"}
+ },
+ summary = "Indicate a literal example of a sequence of characters, in general. Quoted in Info output.",
+ documentation = "info:texinfo#@samp"
+ },
+ sansserif = {
+ arguments = {
+ {meta = "TEXT"}
+ },
+ summary = "Set TEXT in a sans serif font if possible. No effect in Info.",
+ documentation = "info:texinfo#Fonts"
+ },
+ sc = {
+ arguments = {
+ {meta = "TEXT"}
+ },
+ summary = "Set TEXT in a small caps font in printed output, and uppercase in Info.",
+ documentation = "info:texinfo#Smallcaps"
+ },
+ section = {
+ arguments = {
+ {meta = "TITLE", delimiters = {"", "\n"}}
+ },
+ summary = "Begin a section within a chapter. The section title appears in the table of contents. In Info, the title is underlined with equal signs. Within '@chapter' and '@appendix', the section title is numbered; within '@unnumbered', the section is unnumbered.",
+ documentation = "info:texinfo#@section"
+ },
+ set = {
+ arguments = {
+ {meta = "TXIVAR", delimiters = {"", " "}},
+ {meta = "[STRING]", delimiters = {"", "\n"}}
+ },
+ summary = "Define the Texinfo variable TXIVAR, optionally to the value STRING.",
+ documentation = "info:texinfo#@set @clear @value"
+ },
+ setchapternewpage = {
+ arguments = {
+ {meta = "ON-OFF-ODD", delimiters = {"", "\n"}}
+ },
+ summary = "Specify whether chapters start on new pages, and if so, whether on odd-numbered (right-hand) new pages.",
+ documentation = "info:texinfo#@setchapternewpage"
+ },
+ setfilename = {
+ arguments = {
+ {meta = "INFO-FILE-NAME", delimiters = {"", "\n"}}
+ },
+ summary = "Provide a name to be used for the output files. This command is ignored for TeX formatting.",
+ documentation = "info:texinfo#@setfilename"
+ },
+ settitle = {
+ arguments = {
+ {meta = "TITLE", delimiters = {"", "\n"}}
+ },
+ summary = "Specify the title for page headers in a printed manual, and the default document title for HTML '<head>'.",
+ documentation = "info:texinfo#@settitle"
+ },
+ shortcaption = {
+ summary = "Define the short caption for a '@float'.",
+ documentation = "info:texinfo#@caption @shortcaption"
+ },
+ shortcontents = {
+ summary = "Print a short table of contents, with chapter-level entries only. Not relevant to Info, which uses menus rather than tables of contents.",
+ documentation = "info:texinfo#Contents"
+ },
+ shorttitlepage = {
+ arguments = {
+ {meta = "TITLE", delimiters = {"", "\n"}}
+ },
+ summary = "Generate a minimal title page.",
+ documentation = "info:texinfo#@titlepage"
+ },
+ slanted = {
+ arguments = {
+ {meta = "TEXT"}
+ },
+ summary = "Set TEXT in a slanted font if possible. No effect in Info.",
+ documentation = "info:texinfo#Fonts"
+ },
+ smallbook = {
+ summary = "Cause TeX to produce a printed manual in a 7 by 9.25 inch format rather than the regular 8.5 by 11 inch format.",
+ documentation = "info:texinfo#@smallbook"
+ },
+ sortas = {
+ arguments = {
+ {meta = "KEY"}
+ },
+ summary = "Used in the arguments to index commands to give a string by which the index entry should be sorted.",
+ documentation = "info:texinfo#Indexing Commands"
+ },
+ sp = {
+ arguments = {
+ {meta = "N", delimiters = {"", "\n"}}
+ },
+ summary = "Skip N blank lines.",
+ documentation = "info:texinfo#@sp"
+ },
+ ss = {
+ arguments = {{meta = ""}},
+ summary = "Generate the German sharp-S es-zet letter, ß.",
+ documentation = "info:texinfo#Inserting Accents"
+ },
+ strong = {
+ arguments = {
+ {meta = "TEXT"},
+ },
+ summary = "Emphasize TEXT more strongly than '@emph', by using *boldface* where possible; enclosed in asterisks in Info.",
+ documentation = "info:texinfo#emph & strong"
+ },
+ sub = {
+ arguments = {
+ {meta = "TEXT"},
+ },
+ summary = "Set TEXT as a subscript.",
+ documentation = "info:texinfo#Inserting Subscripts and Superscripts"
+ },
+ subheading = {
+ arguments = {
+ {meta = "TITLE", delimiters = {"", "\n"}}
+ },
+ summary = "Print an unnumbered subsection-like heading, but omit from the table of contents of a printed manual. In Info, the title is underlined with hyphens.",
+ documentation = "info:texinfo#@unnumberedsubsec @appendixsubsec @subheading"
+ },
+ subsection = {
+ arguments = {
+ {meta = "TITLE", delimiters = {"", "\n"}}
+ },
+ summary = "Begin a subsection within a section. The subsection title appears in the table of contents. In Info, the title is underlined with hyphens. Same context-dependent numbering as '@section'.",
+ documentation = "info:texinfo#@subsection"
+ },
+ subsubheading = {
+ arguments = {
+ {meta = "TITLE", delimiters = {"", "\n"}}
+ },
+ summary = "Print an unnumbered subsubsection-like heading, but omit from the table of contents of a printed manual. In Info, the title is underlined with periods.",
+ documentation = "info:texinfo#@subsubsection"
+ },
+ subsubsection = {
+ arguments = {
+ {meta = "TITLE", delimiters = {"", "\n"}}
+ },
+ summary = "Begin a subsubsection within a subsection. The subsubsection title appears in the table of contents. In Info, the title is underlined with periods. Same context-dependent numbering as '@section'.",
+ documentation = "info:texinfo#@subsubsection"
+ },
+ subtitle = {
+ arguments = {
+ {meta = "TITLE", delimiters = {"", "\n"}}
+ },
+ summary = "In a printed manual, set a subtitle in a normal sized font flush to the right-hand side of the page. Not relevant to Info, which does not have title pages.",
+ documentation = "info:texinfo#@title @subtitle @author"
+ },
+ summarycontents = {
+ summary = "Print a short table of contents. Synonym for '@shortcontents'.",
+ documentation = "info:texinfo#Contents"
+ },
+ sup = {
+ arguments = {
+ {meta = "TEXT"},
+ },
+ summary = "Set TEXT as a superscript.",
+ documentation = "info:texinfo#Inserting Subscripts and Superscripts"
+ },
+ syncodeindex = {
+ arguments = {
+ {meta = "FROM-INDEX", delimiters = {"", " "}},
+ {meta = "TO-INDEX", delimiters = {"", "\n"}}
+ },
+ summary = "Merge the index named in the first argument into the index named in the second argument, formatting the entries from the first index with '@code'.",
+ documentation = "info:texinfo#Combining Indices"
+ },
+ synindex = {
+ arguments = {
+ {meta = "FROM-INDEX", delimiters = {"", " "}},
+ {meta = "TO-INDEX", delimiters = {"", "\n"}}
+ },
+ summary = "Merge the index named in the first argument into the index named in the second argument. Do not change the font of FROM-INDEX entries.",
+ documentation = "info:texinfo#Combining Indices"
+ },
+ t = {
+ arguments = {
+ {meta = "TEXT"}
+ },
+ summary = "Set TEXT in a fixed-width, typewriter-like font. No effect in Info.",
+ documentation = "info:texinfo#Fonts"
+ },
+ tab = {
+ summary = "Separate columns in a row of a multitable.",
+ documentation = "info:texinfo#Multitable Rows"
+ },
+ TeX = {
+ arguments = {{meta = ""}},
+ summary = "Generate the TeX logo.",
+ documentation = "info:texinfo#@TeX @LaTeX"
+ },
+ textdegree = {
+ arguments = {{meta = ""}},
+ summary = "Generate the degree symbol.",
+ documentation = "info:texinfo#@textdegree"
+ },
+ thischapter = {
+ summary = "Only allowed in a heading or footing. Stands for, respectively, the number and name of the current chapter (in the format 'Chapter 1: Title'), the current chapter name only, the current chapter number only, the filename, the current page number, and the title of the document, respectively.",
+ documentation = "info:texinfo#Custom Headings"
+ },
+ thischaptername = {
+ summary = "Only allowed in a heading or footing. Stands for, respectively, the number and name of the current chapter (in the format 'Chapter 1: Title'), the current chapter name only, the current chapter number only, the filename, the current page number, and the title of the document, respectively.",
+ documentation = "info:texinfo#Custom Headings"
+ },
+ thischapternum = {
+ summary = "Only allowed in a heading or footing. Stands for, respectively, the number and name of the current chapter (in the format 'Chapter 1: Title'), the current chapter name only, the current chapter number only, the filename, the current page number, and the title of the document, respectively.",
+ documentation = "info:texinfo#Custom Headings"
+ },
+ thisfile = {
+ summary = "Only allowed in a heading or footing. Stands for, respectively, the number and name of the current chapter (in the format 'Chapter 1: Title'), the current chapter name only, the current chapter number only, the filename, the current page number, and the title of the document, respectively.",
+ documentation = "info:texinfo#Custom Headings"
+ },
+ thispage = {
+ summary = "Only allowed in a heading or footing. Stands for, respectively, the number and name of the current chapter (in the format 'Chapter 1: Title'), the current chapter name only, the current chapter number only, the filename, the current page number, and the title of the document, respectively.",
+ documentation = "info:texinfo#Custom Headings"
+ },
+ thistitle = {
+ summary = "Only allowed in a heading or footing. Stands for, respectively, the number and name of the current chapter (in the format 'Chapter 1: Title'), the current chapter name only, the current chapter number only, the filename, the current page number, and the title of the document, respectively.",
+ documentation = "info:texinfo#Custom Headings"
+ },
+ TH = {
+ arguments = {{meta = ""}},
+ summary = "Generate the uppercase and lowercase Icelandic letter thorn, respectively: Þ, þ.",
+ documentation = "info:texinfo#Inserting Accents"
+ },
+ th = {
+ arguments = {{meta = ""}},
+ summary = "Generate the uppercase and lowercase Icelandic letter thorn, respectively: Þ, þ.",
+ documentation = "info:texinfo#Inserting Accents"
+ },
+ tie = {
+ arguments = {{meta = ""}},
+ summary = "Generate a normal interword space at which a line break is not allowed.",
+ documentation = "info:texinfo#@tie"
+ },
+ tieaccent = {
+ arguments = {
+ {meta = "CC"}
+ },
+ summary = "Generate a tie-after accent over the next two characters CC, as in 'oo͡'.",
+ documentation = "info:texinfo#Inserting Accents"
+ },
+ tindex = {
+ arguments = {
+ {meta = "ENTRY", delimiters = {"", "\n"}}
+ },
+ summary = "Add ENTRY to the index of data types.",
+ documentation = "info:texinfo#Index Entries"
+ },
+ title = {
+ arguments = {
+ {meta = "TITLE", delimiters = {"", "\n"}}
+ },
+ summary = "In a printed manual, set a title flush to the left-hand side of the page in a larger than normal font and underline it with a black rule. Not relevant to Info, which does not have title pages.",
+ documentation = "info:texinfo#@title @subtitle @author"
+ },
+ titlefont = {
+ arguments = {
+ {meta = "TEXT"}
+ },
+ summary = "In a printed manual, print TEXT in a larger than normal font.",
+ documentation = "info:texinfo#@titlefont @center @sp"
+ },
+ titlepage = {
+ summary = "Begin the title page. Write the command on a line of its own, paired with '@end titlepage'. Nothing between '@titlepage' and '@end titlepage' appears in Info.",
+ documentation = "info:texinfo#@titlepage"
+ },
+ today = {
+ arguments = {{meta = ""}},
+ summary = "Insert the current date, in '1 Jan 1900' style.",
+ documentation = "info:texinfo#Custom Headings"
+ },
+ top = {
+ arguments = {
+ {meta = "TITLE", delimiters = {"", "\n"}}
+ },
+ summary = "Mark the topmost '@node' in the file, which must be defined on the line immediately preceding the '@top' command. The title is formatted as a chapter-level heading. The entire top node, including the '@node' and '@top' lines, are normally enclosed with '@ifnottex ... @end ifnottex'. In TeX and 'texinfo-format-buffer', the '@top' command is merely a synonym for '@unnumbered'.",
+ documentation = "info:texinfo#makeinfo Pointer Creation"
+ },
+ U = {
+ arguments = {
+ {meta = "HEX"}
+ },
+ summary = "Output a representation of Unicode character U+HEX.",
+ documentation = "info:texinfo#Inserting Unicode"
+ },
+ u = {
+ arguments = {
+ {meta = "C"}
+ },
+ summary = "Generate a breve, underbar, or underdot accent, respectively, over or under the character C, as in ŏ, o̲, ọ.",
+ documentation = "info:texinfo#Inserting Accents"
+ },
+ ubaraccent = {
+ arguments = {
+ {meta = "C"}
+ },
+ summary = "Generate a breve, underbar, or underdot accent, respectively, over or under the character C, as in ŏ, o̲, ọ.",
+ documentation = "info:texinfo#Inserting Accents"
+ },
+ udotaccent = {
+ arguments = {
+ {meta = "C"}
+ },
+ summary = "Generate a breve, underbar, or underdot accent, respectively, over or under the character C, as in ŏ, o̲, ọ.",
+ documentation = "info:texinfo#Inserting Accents"
+ },
+ unmacro = {
+ arguments = {
+ {meta = "MACRONAME", delimiters = {"", "\n"}}
+ },
+ summary = "Undefine the macro '@MACRONAME' if it has been defined.",
+ documentation = "info:texinfo#Defining Macros"
+ },
+ unnumbered = {
+ arguments = {
+ {meta = "TITLE", delimiters = {"", "\n"}}
+ },
+ summary = "Begin a chapter that appears without chapter numbers of any kind. The title appears in the table of contents. In Info, the title is underlined with asterisks.",
+ documentation = "info:texinfo#@unnumbered @appendix"
+ },
+ unnumberedsec = {
+ arguments = {
+ {meta = "TITLE", delimiters = {"", "\n"}}
+ },
+ summary = "Begin a section that appears without section numbers of any kind. The title appears in the table of contents of a printed manual. In Info, the title is underlined with equal signs.",
+ documentation = "info:texinfo#@unnumberedsec @appendixsec @heading"
+ },
+ unnumberedsubsec = {
+ arguments = {
+ {meta = "TITLE", delimiters = {"", "\n"}}
+ },
+ summary = "Begin an unnumbered subsection. The title appears in the table of contents. In Info, the title is underlined with hyphens.",
+ documentation = "info:texinfo#@unnumberedsubsec @appendixsubsec @subheading"
+ },
+ unnumberedsubsubsec = {
+ arguments = {
+ {meta = "TITLE", delimiters = {"", "\n"}}
+ },
+ summary = "Begin an unnumbered subsubsection. The title appears in the table of contents. In Info, the title is underlined with periods.",
+ documentation = "info:texinfo#@subsubsection"
+ },
+ uref = {
+ arguments = {
+ },
+ summary = "Define a cross-reference to an external uniform resource locator, e.g., for the World Wide Web.",
+ documentation = "info:texinfo#@url"
+ },
+ url = {
+ arguments = {
+ },
+ summary = "Define a cross-reference to an external uniform resource locator, e.g., for the World Wide Web.",
+ documentation = "info:texinfo#@url"
+ },
+ urefbreakstyle = {
+ arguments = {
+ {meta = "STYLE", delimiters = {"", "\n"}}
+ },
+ summary = "Specify how '@uref'/'@url' should break at special characters: 'after', 'before', 'none'.",
+ documentation = "info:texinfo#@url"
+ },
+ v = {
+ arguments = {
+ {meta = "C"}
+ },
+ summary = "Generate check accent over the character C, as in ǒ.",
+ documentation = "info:texinfo#Inserting Accents"
+ },
+ validatemenus = {
+ arguments = {
+ {meta = "ON-OFF", delimiters = {"", "\n"}}
+ },
+ summary = "Control whether menus can be automatically generated.",
+ documentation = "info:texinfo#Writing a Menu"
+ },
+ value = {
+ arguments = {
+ {meta = "TXIVAR"}
+ },
+ summary = "Insert the value, if any, of the Texinfo variable TXIVAR, previously defined by '@set'.",
+ documentation = "info:texinfo#@set @clear @value"
+ },
+ var = {
+ arguments = {
+ },
+ summary = "Highlight a metasyntactic variable, which is something that stands for another piece of text.",
+ documentation = "info:texinfo#@var"
+ },
+ verb = {
+ arguments = {
+ {meta = "LITERAL"}
+ },
+ summary = "Output LITERAL, delimited by the single character DELIM, exactly as is (in the fixed-width font), including any whitespace or Texinfo special characters.",
+ documentation = "info:texinfo#@verb"
+ },
+ verbatiminclude = {
+ arguments = {
+ {meta = "FILENAME", delimiters = {"", "\n"}}
+ },
+ summary = "Output the contents of FILENAME exactly as is (in the fixed-width font).",
+ documentation = "info:texinfo#@verbatiminclude"
+ },
+ vindex = {
+ arguments = {
+ {meta = "ENTRY", delimiters = {"", "\n"}}
+ },
+ summary = "Add ENTRY to the index of variables.",
+ documentation = "info:texinfo#Index Entries"
+ },
+ vskip = {
+ arguments = {
+ {meta = "AMOUNT", delimiters = {"", "\n"}}
+ },
+ summary = "In a printed manual, insert whitespace so as to push text on the remainder of the page towards the bottom of the page. Used in formatting the copyright page with the argument '0pt plus 1filll'. (Note spelling of 'filll'.) '@vskip' may be used only in contexts ignored for Info.",
+ documentation = "info:texinfo#Copyright"
+ },
+ w = {
+ arguments = {
+ {meta = "TEXT"}
+ },
+ summary = "Disallow line breaks within TEXT.",
+ documentation = "info:texinfo#@w"
+ },
+ xref = {
+ arguments = {
+ },
+ summary = "Make a reference that starts with 'See' in a printed manual. Follow command with a punctuation mark. Only the first argument is mandatory.",
+ documentation = "info:texinfo#@xref"
+ },
+ xrefautomaticsectiontitle = {
+ arguments = {
+ {meta = "ON-OFF", delimiters = {"", "\n"}}
+ },
+ summary = "By default, use the section title instead of the node name in cross references.",
+ documentation = "info:texinfo#Three Arguments"
+ },
+environments = {
+ cartouche = {
+ summary = "Highlight an example or quotation by drawing a box with rounded corners around it. Pair with '@end cartouche'. No effect in Info.",
+ documentation = "info:texinfo#@cartouche"
+ },
+ copying = {
+ summary = "Specify copyright holders and copying conditions for the document. Pair with '@end copying'.",
+ documentation = "info:texinfo#@copying"
+ },
+ direntry = {
+ summary = "Begin the Info directory menu entry for this file. Pair with '@end direntry'.",
+ documentation = "info:texinfo#Installing Dir Entries"
+ },
+ display = {
+ summary = "Begin a kind of example. Like '@example' (indent text, do not fill), but do not select a new font. Pair with '@end display'.",
+ documentation = "info:texinfo#@display"
+ },
+ docbook = {
+ summary = "Enter Docbook completely. Pair with '@end docbook'.",
+ documentation = "info:texinfo#Raw Formatter Commands"
+ },
+ documentdescription = {
+ summary = "Set the document description text, included in the HTML output. Pair with '@end documentdescription'.",
+ documentation = "info:texinfo#@documentdescription"
+ },
+ enumerate = {
+ arguments = {
+ {meta = "[NUMBER-OR-LETTER]", delimiters = {"", "\n"}}
+ },
+ summary = "Begin a numbered list, using '@item' for each entry. Optionally, start list with NUMBER-OR-LETTER. Pair with '@end enumerate'.",
+ documentation = "info:texinfo#@enumerate"
+ },
+ example = {
+ summary = "Begin an example. Indent text, do not fill, and select fixed-width font. Pair with '@end example'.",
+ documentation = "info:texinfo#@example"
+ },
+ float = {
+ summary = "Environment to define floating material. Pair with '@end float'.",
+ documentation = "info:texinfo#Floats"
+ },
+ flushleft = {
+ summary = "Do not fill text; left (right) justify every line while leaving the right (left) end ragged. Leave font as is. Pair with '@end flushleft' ('@end flushright').",
+ documentation = "info:texinfo#@flushleft @flushright"
+ },
+ flushright = {
+ summary = "Do not fill text; left (right) justify every line while leaving the right (left) end ragged. Leave font as is. Pair with '@end flushleft' ('@end flushright').",
+ documentation = "info:texinfo#@flushleft @flushright"
+ },
+ format = {
+ summary = "Begin a kind of example. Like '@display', but do not indent. Pair with '@end format'.",
+ documentation = "info:texinfo#@example"
+ },
+ ftable = {
+ arguments = {
+ {meta = "FORMATTING-COMMAND", delimiters = {"", "\n"}}
+ },
+ summary = "Begin a two-column table, using '@item' for each entry. Automatically enter each of the items in the first column into the index of functions. Pair with '@end ftable'. The same as '@table', except for indexing.",
+ documentation = "info:texinfo#@ftable @vtable"
+ },
+ group = {
+ summary = "Disallow page breaks within following text. Pair with '@end group'. Ignored in Info.",
+ documentation = "info:texinfo#@group"
+ },
+ html = {
+ summary = "Enter HTML completely. Pair with '@end html'.",
+ documentation = "info:texinfo#Raw Formatter Commands"
+ },
+ ifclear = {
+ arguments = {
+ {meta = "TXIVAR", delimiters = {"", "\n"}}
+ },
+ summary = "If the Texinfo variable TXIVAR is not set, format the following text. Pair with '@end ifclear'.",
+ documentation = "info:texinfo#@set @clear @value"
+ },
+ ifdocbook = {
+ summary = "Begin text that will appear only in the given output format. '@ifinfo' output appears in both Info and (for historical compatibility) plain text output. Pair with '@end ifdocbook' resp. '@end ifhtml' resp. '@end ifinfo'.",
+ documentation = "info:texinfo#Conditionals"
+ },
+ ifhtml = {
+ summary = "Begin text that will appear only in the given output format. '@ifinfo' output appears in both Info and (for historical compatibility) plain text output. Pair with '@end ifdocbook' resp. '@end ifhtml' resp. '@end ifinfo'.",
+ documentation = "info:texinfo#Conditionals"
+ },
+ ifinfo = {
+ summary = "Begin text that will appear only in the given output format. '@ifinfo' output appears in both Info and (for historical compatibility) plain text output. Pair with '@end ifdocbook' resp. '@end ifhtml' resp. '@end ifinfo'.",
+ documentation = "info:texinfo#Conditionals"
+ },
+ ifnotinfo = {
+ summary = "Begin text to appear in output other than Info and (for historical compatibility) plain text. Pair with '@end ifnotinfo'.",
+ documentation = "info:texinfo#Conditionals"
+ },
+ ifplaintext = {
+ summary = "Begin text that will appear only in the plain text output. Pair with '@end ifplaintext'.",
+ documentation = "info:texinfo#Conditionals"
+ },
+ ifset = {
+ arguments = {
+ {meta = "TXIVAR", delimiters = {"", "\n"}}
+ },
+ summary = "If the Texinfo variable TXIVAR is set, format the following text. Pair with '@end ifset'.",
+ documentation = "info:texinfo#@set @clear @value"
+ },
+ iftex = {
+ summary = "Begin text to appear only in the TeX output. Pair with '@end iftex'.",
+ documentation = "info:texinfo#Conditionals"
+ },
+ ifxml = {
+ summary = "Begin text that will appear only in the XML output. Pair with '@end ifxml'.",
+ documentation = "info:texinfo#Conditionals"
+ },
+ ignore = {
+ summary = "Begin text that will not appear in any output. Pair with '@end ignore'.",
+ documentation = "info:texinfo#Comments"
+ },
+ indentedblock = {
+ summary = "Indent a block of arbitary text on the left. Pair with '@end indentedblock'.",
+ documentation = "info:texinfo#@indentedblock"
+ },
+ itemize = {
+ arguments = {
+ {meta = "MARK-GENERATING-CHARACTER-OR-COMMAND", delimiters = {"", "\n"}}
+ },
+ summary = "Begin an unordered list: indented paragraphs with a mark, such as '@bullet', inside the left margin at the beginning of each item. Pair with '@end itemize'.",
+ documentation = "info:texinfo#@itemize"
+ },
+ lisp = {
+ summary = "Begin an example of Lisp code. Indent text, do not fill, and select fixed-width font. Pair with '@end lisp'.",
+ documentation = "info:texinfo#@lisp"
+ },
+ macro = {
+ arguments = {
+ {meta = "MACRONAME", delimiters = {"", " "}},
+ {meta = "{PARAMS}", delimiters = {"", "\n"}}
+ },
+ summary = "Define a new Texinfo command '@MACRONAME{PARAMS}'. Pair with '@end macro'.",
+ documentation = "info:texinfo#Defining Macros"
+ },
+ menu = {
+ summary = "Mark the beginning of a menu of nodes. No effect in a printed manual. Pair with '@end menu'.",
+ documentation = "info:texinfo#Menus"
+ },
+ multitable = {
+ arguments = {
+ {meta = "COLUMN-WIDTH-SPEC", delimiters = {"", "\n"}}
+ },
+ summary = "Begin a multi-column table. Begin each row with '@item' or '@headitem', and separate columns with '@tab'. Pair with '@end multitable'.",
+ documentation = "info:texinfo#Multitable Column Widths"
+ },
+ quotation = {
+ summary = "Narrow the margins to indicate text that is quoted from another work. Takes optional argument specifying prefix text, e.g., an author name. Pair with '@end quotation'.",
+ documentation = "info:texinfo#@quotation"
+ },
+ raggedright = {
+ summary = "Fill text; left justify every line while leaving the right end ragged. Leave font as is. Pair with '@end raggedright'. No effect in Info.",
+ documentation = "info:texinfo#@raggedright"
+ },
+ smalldisplay = {
+ summary = "Begin a kind of example. Like '@display', but use a smaller font size where possible. Pair with '@end smalldisplay'.",
+ documentation = "info:texinfo#@small..."
+ },
+ smallexample = {
+ summary = "Begin an example. Like '@example', but use a smaller font size where possible. Pair with '@end smallexample'.",
+ documentation = "info:texinfo#@small..."
+ },
+ smallformat = {
+ summary = "Begin a kind of example. Like '@format', but use a smaller font size where possible. Pair with '@end smallformat'.",
+ documentation = "info:texinfo#@small..."
+ },
+ smallindentedblock = {
+ summary = "Like '@indentedblock', but use a smaller font size where possible. Pair with '@end smallindentedblock'.",
+ documentation = "info:texinfo#@small..."
+ },
+ smalllisp = {
+ summary = "Begin an example of Lisp code. Same as '@smallexample'. Pair with '@end smalllisp'.",
+ documentation = "info:texinfo#@small..."
+ },
+ smallquotation = {
+ summary = "Like '@quotation', but use a smaller font size where possible. Pair with '@end smallquotation'.",
+ documentation = "info:texinfo#@small..."
+ },
+ table = {
+ arguments = {
+ {meta = "FORMATTING-COMMAND", delimiters = {"", "\n"}}
+ },
+ summary = "Begin a two-column table (description list), using '@item' for each entry. Write each first column entry on the same line as '@item'. First column entries are printed in the font resulting from FORMATTING-COMMAND. Pair with '@end table'.",
+ documentation = "info:texinfo#Making a Two-column Table"
+ },
+ tex = {
+ summary = "Enter TeX completely. Pair with '@end tex'.",
+ documentation = "info:texinfo#Raw Formatter Commands"
+ },
+ verbatim = {
+ summary = "Output the text of the environment exactly as is (in the fixed-width font). Pair with '@end verbatim'.",
+ documentation = "info:texinfo#@verbatim"
+ },
+ vtable = {
+ arguments = {
+ {meta = "FORMATTING-COMMAND", delimiters = {"", "\n"}}
+ },
+ summary = "Begin a two-column table, using '@item' for each entry. Automatically enter each of the items in the first column into the index of variables. Pair with '@end vtable'. The same as '@table', except for indexing.",
+ documentation = "info:texinfo#@ftable @vtable"
+ },
+ xml = {
+ summary = "Enter XML completely. Pair with '@end xml'.",
+ documentation = "info:texinfo#Raw Formatter Commands"
+ },
diff --git a/support/digestif/data/tikz.sty.tags b/support/digestif/data/tikz.sty.tags
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f04d1e03f2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/support/digestif/data/tikz.sty.tags
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+ctan_package = "tikz"
+dependencies = {"tikz"}
+environments = {
+ tikzpicture = {
+ arguments = {
+ {
+ delimiters = {"[", "]"},
+ keys = "$ref:tikz#/keys/tikz",
+ meta = "options",
+ optional = true
+ },
+ },
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.tikzpicture"
+ },
+ scope = {
+ arguments = {
+ {
+ delimiters = {"[", "]"},
+ keys = "$ref:tikz#/keys/tikz",
+ meta = "options",
+ optional = true
+ },
+ },
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.scope"
+ },
diff --git a/support/digestif/data/tikz.tags b/support/digestif/data/tikz.tags
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..187c2ea9ec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/support/digestif/data/tikz.tags
@@ -0,0 +1,22187 @@
+-- Copyright 2007-2013 Till Tantau
+-- Copyright 2022 Augusto Stoffel, Jens Schneider
+-- SPDX-License-Identifier: GFDL-1.2-or-later or LPPL-1.3c+
+-- Adapted from the PGF manual, version 3.1.9a, which can be found at
+ctan_package = "tikz"
+documentation = {{summary = "PGF Manual", uri = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf"}}
+commands = {
+ afterdecoration = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "after code"}},
+ details = [[
+Defines ⟨after code⟩ as commands to be executed after the decoration has
+been applied to the current segment. This command can be omitted.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/afterdecoration"
+ },
+ anchor = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "name"}, {meta = "code"}},
+ details = [[
+This command declares an anchor named ⟨name⟩. Unlike for saved anchors,
+the ⟨code⟩ will not be executed each time a node is declared. Rather,
+the ⟨code⟩ is only executed when the anchor is specifically requested;
+either for anchoring the node during its creation or as a position in
+the shape referenced later on.
+The ⟨name⟩ is a quite arbitrary string that is not "passed down" to the
+system level. Thus, names like `south` or `1` or `::` would all be fine.
+A saved anchor is not automatically also a normal anchor. If you wish to
+give the users access to a saved anchor you must declare a normal anchor
+that just returns the position of the saved anchor.
+When the ⟨code⟩ is executed, all saved anchor macros will be defined.
+Thus, you can reference them in your ⟨code⟩. The effect of the ⟨code⟩
+should be to set the values of `\pgf@x` and `\pgf@y` to the coordinates
+of the anchor.
+Let us consider some example for the `simple rectangle` shape. First, we
+would like to make the upper right corner publicly available, for
+example as `north east`:
+ \anchor{north east}{\upperrightcorner}
+The `\upperrightcorner` macro will set `\pgf@x` and `\pgf@y` to the
+coordinates of the upper right corner. Thus, `\pgf@x` and `\pgf@y` will
+have exactly the right values at the end of the anchor's code.
+Next, let us define a `north west` anchor. For this anchor, we can
+negate the `\pgf@x` variable:
+ \anchor{north west}{
+ \upperrightcorner
+ \pgf@x=-\pgf@x
+ }
+Finally, it is a good idea to always define a `center` anchor, which
+will be the default location for a shape.
+ \anchor{center}{\pgfpointorigin}
+You might wonder whether we should not take into consideration that the
+node is not placed at the origin, but has been shifted somewhere.
+However, the anchor positions are always specified in the shape's
+"private" coordinate system. The "outer" transformation that has been
+applied to the shape upon its creation is applied automatically to the
+coordinates returned by the anchor's ⟨code⟩.
+Our `simple rectangle` only has one text label (node part) called
+`text`. This is the default situation, so we do not need to do anything.
+For the `text` node part we must set up a `text` anchor. Upon creation
+of a node, this anchor will be made to coincide with the left endpoint
+of the baseline of the text label (within the private coordinate system
+of the shape). By default, the `text` anchor is at the origin, but you
+may change this. For example, we would say
+ \anchor{text}{%
+ \upperrightcorner%
+ \pgf@x=-\pgf@x%
+ \pgf@y=-\pgf@y%
+ }
+to center the text label on the origin in the shape coordinate space.
+Note that we could *not* have written the following:
+ \anchor{text}{\pgfpoint{-.5\wd\pgfnodeparttextbox}{-.5\ht\pgfnodeparttextbox}}
+Do you see why this is wrong? The problem is that the box
+`\pgfnodeparttextbox` will most likely not have the correct size when
+the anchor is computed. After all, the anchor position might be
+recomputed at a time when several other nodes have been created.
+If a shape has several node parts, we would have to define an anchor for
+each part.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/anchor"
+ },
+ anchorborder = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "code"}},
+ details = [[
+A *border anchor* is an anchor point on the border of the shape. What
+exactly is considered as the "border" of the shape depends on the shape.
+When the user requests a point on the border of the shape using the
+`\pgfpointshapeborder` command, the ⟨code⟩ will be executed to discern
+this point. When the execution of the ⟨code⟩ starts, the dimensions
+`\pgf@x` and `\pgf@y` will have been set to a location $p$ in the
+shape's coordinate system, and relative to the anchor `center`. Note
+that `\pgfpointshapeborder` will produce an error if the shape does not
+contain the `center` anchor.
+It is now the job of the ⟨code⟩ to set up `\pgf@x` and `\pgf@y` such
+that they specify the point on the shape's border that lies on a
+straight line from the shape's center to the point $p$. Usually, this is
+a somewhat complicated computation, involving many case distinctions and
+some basic math. Note that the output coordinates must be returned in
+the shape's coordinate system, *no longer* relative to the `center`
+anchor. While these different points of reference are only noticeable if
+the `center` anchor is not at the origin of the shape's coordinate
+system, it implies that "doing nothing" as a border anchor, i.e.,
+returning the point that was fed to `\pgfpointshapeborder` requires
+adding the `center` anchor to the input coordinates.
+For our `simple rectangle` we must compute a point on the border of a
+rectangle whose one corner is the origin (ignoring the depth for
+simplicity) and whose other corner is `\upperrightcorner`. The following
+code might be used:
+ \anchorborder{%
+ % Call a function that computes a border point. Since this
+ % function will modify dimensions like \pgf@x, we must move them to
+ % other dimensions.
+ \@tempdima=\pgf@x
+ \@tempdimb=\pgf@y
+ \pgfpointborderrectangle{\pgfpoint{\@tempdima}{\@tempdimb}}{\upperrightcorner}
+ }
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/anchorborder"
+ },
+ arrow = {
+ arguments = {
+ {
+ delimiters = {"[", "]"},
+ keys = "$ref:tikz#/keys/tikz",
+ meta = "options",
+ optional = true
+ },
+ {meta = "arrow end tip"}
+ },
+ details = [[
+This command simply draws the ⟨arrow end tip⟩ at the origin, pointing
+right. This is exactly what you need when you want to draw an arrow tip
+as a marking.
+The ⟨options⟩ can only be given when TikZ is used. In this case, they
+are executed in a scope that contains the arrow tip.
+ \begin{tikzpicture}[decoration={
+ markings,% switch on markings
+ mark=at position 1cm with {\node[red]{1cm};},
+ mark=at position .75 with {\arrow[blue,line width=2mm]{>}},
+ mark=at position -1cm with {\arrowreversed[black]{stealth}}}
+ ]
+ \draw [help lines] grid (3,2);
+ \draw [postaction={decorate}] (0,0) -- (3,1) arc (0:180:1.5 and 1);
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+Here is a more useful example:
+ \begin{tikzpicture}[decoration={
+ markings,% switch on markings
+ mark=between positions 0 and .75 step 4mm with {\arrow{stealth}},
+ mark=between positions .75 and 1 step 4mm with {\arrowreversed{stealth}}}
+ ]
+ \draw [help lines] grid (3,2);
+ \draw [postaction={decorate}] (0,0) -- (3,1) arc (0:180:1.5 and 1);
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/arrow"
+ },
+ arrowreversed = {
+ arguments = {
+ {
+ delimiters = {"[", "]"},
+ keys = "$ref:tikz#/keys/tikz",
+ meta = "options",
+ optional = true
+ },
+ {meta = "arrow end tip"}
+ },
+ details = [[
+As above, only the arrow end tip is flipped and points in the other
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/arrowreversed"
+ },
+ attribute = {
+ arguments = {
+ {meta = "attribute name"},
+ {literal = "="},
+ {meta = "initial value"},
+ {literal = ";"}
+ },
+ details = [[
+This command can only be given inside the body of an `\pgfooclass`
+command. It declares the attribute named ⟨attribute name⟩. This name,
+like method or class names, can be quite arbitrary, but should not
+contain periods. Valid names are `an_ attribute?` or `my attribute`.
+You can optionally specify an ⟨initial value⟩ for the attribute; if none
+is given, the empty string is used automatically. The initial value is
+the value that the attribute will have just after the object has been
+created and before the constructor is called.
+ \pgfooclass{stamp}{
+ % This is the class stamp
+ \attribute text;
+ \attribute rotation angle = 20;
+ \method stamp(#1) {
+ \pgfooset{text}{#1} % Set the text
+ }
+ \method apply(#1,#2) {
+ \pgfoothis.shift origin(#1,#2)
+ % Draw the stamp:
+ \node [rotate=\pgfoovalueof{rotation angle},font=\huge]
+ {\pgfoovalueof{text}};
+ }
+ \method shift origin(#1,#2) { ... }
+ \method set rotation (#1) {
+ \pgfooset{rotation angle}{#1}
+ }
+ }
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/attribute"
+ },
+ backgroundpath = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "code"}},
+ details = [[
+This command specifies the path that "makes up" the background of the
+shape. Note that the shape cannot prescribe what is going to happen with
+the path: It might be drawn, shaded, filled, or even thrown away. If you
+want to specify that something should "always" happen when this shape is
+drawn (for example, if the shape is a stop-sign, we *always* want it to
+be filled with a red color), you can use commands like
+`\beforebackgroundpath`, explained below.
+When the ⟨code⟩ is executed, all saved anchors will be in effect. The
+⟨code⟩ should contain path construction commands.
+For our `simple rectangle`, the following code might be used:
+ \backgroundpath{
+ \pgfpathrectanglecorners
+ {\upperrightcorner}
+ {\pgfpointscale{-1}{\upperrightcorner}}
+ }
+As the name suggests, the background path is used "behind" the text
+labels. Thus, this path is used first, then the text labels are drawn,
+possibly obscuring part of the path.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/backgroundpath"
+ },
+ beforebackgroundpath = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "code"}},
+ details = [[
+This command works like `\behindbackgroundpath`, only the ⟨code⟩ is
+executed after the background path has been used, but before the texts
+label are drawn.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/beforebackgroundpath"
+ },
+ beforedecoration = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "before code"}},
+ details = [[
+Defines ⟨before code⟩ as (typically) PGF commands to be executed before
+the decoration is applied to the current segment. This command can be
+omitted. If you wish to set up some decoration specific parameters such
+as segment length, or segment amplitude, then they can be set in ⟨before
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/beforedecoration"
+ },
+ beforeforegroundpath = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "code"}},
+ details = [[
+This ⟨code⟩ is executed at the very end.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/beforeforegroundpath"
+ },
+ behindbackgroundpath = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "code"}},
+ details = [[
+Unlike the previous two commands, ⟨code⟩ should not only construct a
+path, it should also use this path in whatever way is appropriate. For
+example, the ⟨code⟩ might fill some area with a uniform color.
+Whatever the ⟨code⟩ does, it does it first. This means that any drawing
+done by ⟨code⟩ will be even behind the background path.
+Note that the ⟨code⟩ is protected with a `{pgfscope}`.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/behindbackgroundpath"
+ },
+ behindforegroundpath = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "code"}},
+ details = [[
+The ⟨code⟩ is executed after the text labels have been drawn, but before
+the foreground path is used.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/behindforegroundpath"
+ },
+ breakforeach = {
+ details = [[
+If this command is given inside a `\foreach` command, no further
+executions of the ⟨commands⟩ will occur. However, the current execution
+of the ⟨commands⟩ is continued normally, so it is probably best to use
+this command only at the end of a `\foreach` command.
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \foreach \x in {1,...,4}
+ \foreach \y in {1,...,4}
+ {
+ \fill[red!50] (\x,\y) ellipse (3pt and 6pt);
+ \ifnum \x<\y
+ \breakforeach
+ \fi
+ }
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/breakforeach"
+ },
+ calendar = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "calendar specification"}, {literal = ";"}},
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/calendar"
+ },
+ chainin = {
+ arguments = {
+ {delimiters = {"(", ")"}, meta = "existing name"},
+ {
+ delimiters = {"[", "]"},
+ keys = "$ref:tikz#/keys/tikz",
+ meta = "options",
+ optional = true
+ }
+ },
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/chainin"
+ },
+ clip = {
+ action = "tikzpath",
+ arguments = {{delimiters = {"", ";"}, meta = "specification"}},
+ details = [[
+This option causes all subsequent drawings to be clipped against the
+current path and the size of subsequent paths will not be important for
+the picture size. If you clip against a self-intersecting path, the
+even-odd rule or the nonzero winding number rule is used to determine
+whether a point is inside or outside the clipping region.
+The clipping path is a graphic state parameter, so it will be reset at
+the end of the current scope. Multiple clippings accumulate, that is,
+clipping is always done against the intersection of all clipping areas
+that have been specified inside the current scopes. The only way of
+enlarging the clipping area is to end a `{scope}`.
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \draw[clip] (0,0) circle (1cm);
+ \fill[red] (1,0) circle (1cm);
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+It is usually a *very* good idea to apply the `clip` option only to the
+first path command in a scope.
+If you "only wish to clip" and do not wish to draw anything, you can use
+the `\clip` command, which is a shorthand for `\path[clip]`.
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \clip (0,0) circle (1cm);
+ \fill[red] (1,0) circle (1cm);
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+To keep clipping local, use `{scope}` environments as in the following
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \draw (0,0) -- ( 0:1cm);
+ \draw (0,0) -- (10:1cm);
+ \draw (0,0) -- (20:1cm);
+ \draw (0,0) -- (30:1cm);
+ \begin{scope}[fill=red]
+ \fill[clip] (0.2,0.2) rectangle (0.5,0.5);
+ \draw (0,0) -- (40:1cm);
+ \draw (0,0) -- (50:1cm);
+ \draw (0,0) -- (60:1cm);
+ \end{scope}
+ \draw (0,0) -- (70:1cm);
+ \draw (0,0) -- (80:1cm);
+ \draw (0,0) -- (90:1cm);
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+There is a slightly annoying catch: You cannot specify certain graphic
+options for the command used for clipping. For example, in the above
+code we could not have moved the `fill=red` to the `\fill` command. The
+reasons for this have to do with the internals of the PDF specification.
+You do not want to know the details. It is best simply not to specify
+any options for these commands.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/clip",
+ summary = "Inside `{tikzpicture}` this is an abbreviation for `\\path[clip]`."
+ },
+ colorcurrentmixin = {
+ details = [[
+Expands to the current accumulated mix-in. Each nesting of a
+`colormixin` adds a mix-in to this list.
+ \begin{minipage}{\linewidth-6pt}\raggedright
+ \begin{colormixin}{75!white}
+ \colorcurrentmixin\ should be ``!75!white''\par
+ \begin{colormixin}{75!black}
+ \colorcurrentmixin\ should be ``!75!black!75!white''\par
+ \begin{colormixin}{50!white}
+ \colorcurrentmixin\ should be ``!50!white!75!black!75!white''\par
+ \end{colormixin}
+ \end{colormixin}
+ \end{colormixin}
+ \end{minipage}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/colorcurrentmixin"
+ },
+ coordinate = {
+ action = "tikzpath",
+ arguments = {{delimiters = {"", ";"}, meta = "specification"}},
+ details = [[
+Inside `{tikzpicture}` this is an abbreviation for `\path coordinate`.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/coordinate"
+ },
+ datavisualization = {
+ action = "tikzpath",
+ arguments = {{delimiters = {"", ";"}, meta = "specification"}},
+ details = [[
+This command is available only inside a `{tikzpicture}` environment.
+The ⟨data visualization options⟩ are used to configure the data
+visualization, that is, how the data is to be depicted. The options are
+executed with the path prefix `/tikz/data visualization`. This means
+that normal TikZ options like `thin` or `red` cannot be used here.
+Rather, a large number of options specific to data visualizations are
+As a minimum, you should specify at least two options: First, you should
+use an option that selects an axis system that is appropriate for your
+plot. Typical possible keys are `school book axes` or `scientific axes`,
+detailed information on them can be found in Section ??.
+Second, you use an option to select *how* the data should be visualized.
+This is done using a key like `visualize as line` which will, as the
+name suggests, visualize the data by connecting data points in the plane
+using a line. Similarly, `visualize as smooth cycle` will try to fit a
+smooth cycle through the data points. Detailed information on possible
+visualizers can be found in Section ??.
+Following these options, the ⟨data specification⟩ is used to provide the
+actual to-be-visualized data. The syntax is somewhat similar to commands
+like `\path`: The ⟨data specification⟩ is a sequence of keywords
+followed by local options and parameters, terminated with a semicolon.
+(Indeed, like for the `\path` command, the ⟨data visualizers options⟩
+need not be specified at the beginning, but additional option surrounded
+by square brackets may be given anywhere inside the ⟨data
+The different possible keywords inside the ⟨data specification⟩ are
+explained in the following.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/datavisualization"
+ },
+ decoration = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "name"}},
+ details = [[
+This sets the decoration for the current state to ⟨name⟩. If this
+command is omitted, the `moveto` decoration will be used.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/decoration"
+ },
+ deferredanchor = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "name"}, {meta = "code"}},
+ details = [[
+This command declares an anchor named ⟨name⟩. It works like `\anchor`.
+However, unlike for anchors declared by `\anchor`, ⟨name⟩ will *not* be
+expanded during the shape declaration (i.e. not during
+`\pgfdeclareshape`). Rather, the ⟨name⟩ is expanded when the *node* is
+actually used (with `\pgfnode` or more likely with `\node`). This may be
+useful if the anchor name is context dependent (depending, for example,
+on the value of a key).
+ \makeatletter
+ \def\foo{foo}
+ \pgfdeclareshape{simple shape}{%
+ \savedanchor{\center}{%
+ \pgfpointorigin}
+ \anchor{center}{\center}
+ \savedanchor{\anchorfoo}{%
+ \pgf@x=1cm
+ \pgf@y=0cm}
+ \deferredanchor{anchor \foo}{\anchorfoo}}
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \node[simple shape] (Test1) at (0,0) {};
+ \fill (Test1.anchor foo) circle (2pt) node[below] {anchor foo anchor};
+ %
+ \def\foo{bar}
+ \node[simple shape] (Test2) at (2,2) {};
+ \fill (Test2.anchor bar) circle (2pt) node[below] {anchor bar anchor};
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/deferredanchor"
+ },
+ draw = {
+ action = "tikzpath",
+ arguments = {{delimiters = {"", ";"}, meta = "specification"}},
+ details = [[
+Causes the path to be drawn. "Drawing" (also known as "stroking") can be
+thought of as picking up a pen and moving it along the path, thereby
+leaving "ink" on the canvas.
+There are numerous parameters that influence how a line is drawn, like
+the thickness or the dash pattern. These options are explained below.
+If the optional ⟨color⟩ argument is given, drawing is done using the
+given ⟨color⟩. This color can be different from the current filling
+color, which allows you to draw and fill a path with different colors.
+If no ⟨color⟩ argument is given, the last usage of the `color=` option
+is used.
+If the special color name `none` is given, this option causes drawing to
+be "switched off". This is useful if a style has previously switched on
+drawing and you locally wish to undo this effect.
+Although this option is normally used on paths to indicate that the path
+should be drawn, it also makes sense to use the option with a `{scope}`
+or `{tikzpicture}` environment. However, this will *not* cause all paths
+to be drawn. Instead, this just sets the ⟨color⟩ to be used for drawing
+paths inside the environment.
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \path[draw=red] (0,0) -- (1,1) -- (2,1) circle (10pt);
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/draw",
+ summary = "Inside `{tikzpicture}` this is an abbreviation for `\\path[draw]`."
+ },
+ fill = {
+ action = "tikzpath",
+ arguments = {{delimiters = {"", ";"}, meta = "specification"}},
+ details = [[
+This option causes the path to be filled. All unclosed parts of the path
+are first closed, if necessary. Then, the area enclosed by the path is
+filled with the current filling color, which is either the last color
+set using the general `color=` option or the optional color ⟨color⟩. For
+self-intersection paths and for paths consisting of several closed
+areas, the "enclosed area" is somewhat complicated to define and two
+different definitions exist, namely the nonzero winding number rule and
+the even odd rule, see the explanation of these options, below.
+Just as for the `draw` option, setting ⟨color⟩ to `none` disables
+filling locally.
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \fill (0,0) -- (1,1) -- (2,1);
+ \fill (4,0) circle (.5cm) (4.5,0) circle (.5cm);
+ \fill[even odd rule] (6,0) circle (.5cm) (6.5,0) circle (.5cm);
+ \fill (8,0) -- (9,1) -- (10,0) circle (.5cm);
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+If the `fill` option is used together with the `draw` option (either
+because both are given as options or because a `\filldraw` command is
+used), the path is filled *first*, then the path is drawn *second*. This
+is especially useful if different colors are selected for drawing and
+for filling. Even if the same color is used, there is a difference
+between this command and a plain `fill`: A "filldrawn" area will be
+slightly larger than a filled area because of the thickness of the
+ \begin{tikzpicture}[fill=yellow!80!black,line width=5pt]
+ \filldraw (0,0) -- (1,1) -- (2,1);
+ \filldraw (4,0) circle (.5cm) (4.5,0) circle (.5cm);
+ \filldraw[even odd rule] (6,0) circle (.5cm) (6.5,0) circle (.5cm);
+ \filldraw (8,0) -- (9,1) -- (10,0) circle (.5cm);
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/fill",
+ summary = "Inside `{tikzpicture}` this is an abbreviation for `\\path[fill]`."
+ },
+ filldraw = {
+ action = "tikzpath",
+ arguments = {{delimiters = {"", ";"}, meta = "specification"}},
+ details = [[
+Inside `{tikzpicture}` this is an abbreviation for `\path[fill,draw]`.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/filldraw"
+ },
+ foreach = {
+ arguments = {{literal = " "}, {meta = "variables"}, {literal = " "}},
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/foreach"
+ },
+ foregroundpath = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "code"}},
+ details = [[
+This command works like `\backgroundpath`, only it is invoked after the
+text labels have been drawn. This means that this path can possibly
+obscure (part of) the text labels.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/foregroundpath"
+ },
+ graph = {
+ action = "tikzpath",
+ arguments = {{delimiters = {"", ";"}, meta = "specification"}},
+ details = [[
+Inside a `{tikzpicture}` this is an abbreviation for `\path graph`.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/graph"
+ },
+ ifdate = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "tests"}, {meta = "code"}, {meta = "else code"}},
+ details = [[
+\[ifdate\] This command has the same effect as calling
+`\pgfcalendarifdate` for the current date.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/ifdate"
+ },
+ inheritanchor = {
+ arguments = {
+ {literal = "[from="},
+ {meta = "another shape name"},
+ {literal = "]"},
+ {meta = "name"}
+ },
+ details = [[
+Inherits the code of one specific anchor named ⟨name⟩ from ⟨another
+shape name⟩. Thus, unlike saved anchors, which must be inherited
+collectively, normal anchors can and must be inherited individually.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/inheritanchor"
+ },
+ inheritanchorborder = {
+ arguments = {
+ {literal = "[from="},
+ {meta = "another shape name"},
+ {literal = "]"}
+ },
+ details = [[
+Inherits the border anchor code from ⟨another shape name⟩.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/inheritanchorborder"
+ },
+ inheritbackgroundpath = {
+ arguments = {
+ {literal = "[from="},
+ {meta = "another shape name"},
+ {literal = "]"}
+ },
+ details = [[
+Inherits the background path code from ⟨another shape name⟩.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/inheritbackgroundpath"
+ },
+ inheritbeforebackgroundpath = {
+ arguments = {
+ {literal = "[from="},
+ {meta = "another shape name"},
+ {literal = "]"}
+ },
+ details = [[
+Inherits the before background path code from ⟨another shape name⟩.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/inheritbeforebackgroundpath"
+ },
+ inheritbeforeforegroundpath = {
+ arguments = {
+ {literal = "[from="},
+ {meta = "another shape name"},
+ {literal = "]"}
+ },
+ details = [[
+Inherits the before foreground path code from ⟨another shape name⟩.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/inheritbeforeforegroundpath"
+ },
+ inheritbehindbackgroundpath = {
+ arguments = {
+ {literal = "[from="},
+ {meta = "another shape name"},
+ {literal = "]"}
+ },
+ details = [[
+This command can be used to inherit the code used for the drawings
+behind the background path from ⟨another shape name⟩.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/inheritbehindbackgroundpath"
+ },
+ inheritbehindforegroundpath = {
+ arguments = {
+ {literal = "[from="},
+ {meta = "another shape name"},
+ {literal = "]"}
+ },
+ details = [[
+Inherits the behind foreground path code from ⟨another shape name⟩.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/inheritbehindforegroundpath"
+ },
+ inheritforegroundpath = {
+ arguments = {
+ {literal = "[from="},
+ {meta = "another shape name"},
+ {literal = "]"}
+ },
+ details = [[
+Inherits the foreground path code from ⟨another shape name⟩.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/inheritforegroundpath"
+ },
+ inheritsavedanchors = {
+ arguments = {
+ {literal = "[from="},
+ {meta = "another shape name"},
+ {literal = "]"}
+ },
+ details = [[
+This command allows you to inherit the code for saved anchors from
+⟨another shape name⟩. The idea is that if you wish to create a new shape
+that is just a small modification of a another shape, you can recycle
+the code used for ⟨another shape name⟩.
+The effect of this command is the same as if you had called
+`\savedanchor` and `\saveddimen` for each saved anchor or saved
+dimension declared in ⟨another shape name⟩. Thus, it is not possible to
+"selectively" inherit only some saved anchors, you always have to
+inherit all saved anchors from another shape. However, you can inherit
+the saved anchors of more than one shape by calling this command several
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/inheritsavedanchors"
+ },
+ jobname = {
+ details = [[
+The value of `\jobname` is one of `\tikzexternalrealjob` or
+`\pgfactualjobname`, depending on the configuration. In short: if
+auxiliary file support (`\label` and `\ref`) is activated,
+`\jobname=\tikzexternalrealjob` (since that's the base file name of
+auxiliary files).
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/jobname"
+ },
+ matrix = {
+ action = "tikzpath",
+ arguments = {{delimiters = {"", ";"}, meta = "specification"}},
+ details = [[
+This option can be passed to a `node` path command. It signals that the
+node will contain a matrix.
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \draw[help lines] (0,0) grid (4,2);
+ \node [matrix,fill=red!20,draw=blue,very thick] (my matrix) at (2,1)
+ {
+ \draw (0,0) circle (4mm); & \node[rotate=10] {Hello}; \\
+ \draw (0.2,0) circle (2mm); & \fill[red] (0,0) circle (3mm); \\
+ };
+ \draw [very thick,->] (0,0) |- (my matrix.west);
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+The exact syntax of the matrix is explained in the course of this
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/matrix",
+ summary = "Inside `{tikzpicture}` this is an abbreviation for `\\path node[matrix]`."
+ },
+ method = {
+ arguments = {
+ {meta = "method name"},
+ {delimiters = {"(", ")"}, meta = "parameter list"},
+ {meta = "method body"}
+ },
+ details = [[
+This macro, which is only defined inside a class definition, defines a
+new method named ⟨method name⟩. Just like class names, method names can
+contain spaces and other characters, so ⟨method names⟩ like
+`put_ stamp_ here` or `put stamp here` are both legal.
+Three method names are special: First, a method having either the same
+name as the class or having the name `init` is called the *constructor*
+of the class. There are (currently) no destructors; objects simply
+become "undefined" at the end of the scope in which they have been
+created. The other two methods are called `get id` and `get handle`,
+which are always automatically defined and which you cannot redefine.
+They are discussed in Section ??.
+Overloading of methods by differing numbers of parameters is not
+possible, that is, it is illegal to have two methods inside a single
+class with the same name (despite possibly different parameter lists).
+However, two different classes may contain a method with the same name,
+that is, classes form namespaces for methods. Also, a class can
+(re)implement a method from a superclass.
+The ⟨method name⟩ must be followed by a ⟨parameter list⟩ in parentheses,
+which must be present even when the ⟨parameter list⟩ is empty. The
+⟨parameter list⟩ is actually a normal TeX parameter list that will be
+matched against the parameters inside the parentheses upon method
+invocation and, thus, could be something like `# 1# 2 foo # 3 bar.`, but
+a list like `# 1,# 2,# 3` is more customary. By setting the parameter
+list to just `# 1` and then calling, say, `\pgfkeys{# 1}` at the
+beginning of a method, you can implement Objective-C-like named
+When a method is called, the ⟨body⟩ of the method will be executed. The
+main difference to a normal macro is that while the ⟨body⟩ is executed,
+a special macro called `\pgfoothis` is set up in such a way that it
+references the object for which the method is executed.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/method"
+ },
+ n = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "number register"}},
+ details = [[
+When this macro is used on the left-hand side of an `=`-sign in a let
+operation, it has no effect and is just there for readability. When the
+macro is used on the right-hand side of an `=`-sign or in the body of
+the let operation, then it expands to the value stored in the ⟨number
+register⟩. This will either be a dimensionless number like `2.0` or a
+dimension like `5.6pt`.
+For instance, if we say `let \n1={1pt+2pt}, \n2={1+2} in ...`, then
+inside the `...` part the macro `\n1` will expand to `3pt` and `\n2`
+expands to `3`.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/n"
+ },
+ node = {
+ action = "tikzpath",
+ arguments = {{delimiters = {"", ";"}, meta = "specification"}},
+ details = [[
+Inside `{tikzpicture}` this is an abbreviation for `\path node`.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/node"
+ },
+ nodepart = {
+ arguments = {
+ {literal = "["},
+ {keys = "$ref:tikz#/keys/tikz", meta = "options"},
+ {literal = "]"},
+ {meta = "part name"}
+ },
+ details = [[
+This command can only be used inside the ⟨text⟩ argument of a `node`
+path operation. It works a little bit like a `\part` command in LaTeX.
+It will stop the typesetting of whatever node part was typeset until now
+and then start putting all following text into the node part named ⟨part
+name⟩ -- until another `\partname` is encountered or until the node
+⟨text⟩ ends. The ⟨options⟩ will be local to this part.
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \node [circle split,draw,double,fill=red!20]
+ {
+ % No \nodepart has been used, yet. So, the following is put in the
+ % ``text'' node part by default.
+ $q_1$
+ \nodepart{lower} % Ok, end ``text'' part, start ``output'' part
+ $00$
+ }; % output part ended.
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+You will have to lookup which parts are defined by a shape.
+The following styles influences node parts:
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/nodepart"
+ },
+ nodeparts = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "list of node parts"}},
+ details = [[
+This command declares which parts make up nodes of this shape. A *node
+part* is a (possibly empty) text label that is drawn when a node of the
+shape is created.
+By default, a shape has just one node part called `text`. However, there
+can be several node parts. For example, the `circle split` shape has two
+parts: the `text` part, which shows that the upper text, and a `lower`
+part, which shows the lower text. For the `circle split` shape the
+`\nodeparts` command was called with the argument `{text,lower}`.
+When a multipart node is created, the text labels are drawn in the
+sequences listed in the ⟨list of node parts⟩. For each node part, you
+must have declared one anchor and the TeX-box of the part is placed at
+this anchor. For a node part called `XYZ` the TeX-box
+`\pgfnodepartXYZbox` is placed at anchor `XYZ`.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/nodeparts"
+ },
+ p = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "point register"}},
+ details = [[
+When this macro is used on the left-hand side of an `=`-sign in a let
+operation, it has no effect and is just there for readability. When the
+macro is used on the right-hand side of an `=`-sign or in the body of
+the let operation, then it expands to the $x$-part (measured in
+TeX points) of the coordinate stored in the ⟨register⟩, followed, by a
+comma, followed by the $y$-part.
+For instance, if we say `let \p1=(1pt,1pt+2pt) in ...`, then inside the
+`...` part the macro `\p1` will expand to exactly the seven characters
+"1pt,3pt". This means that you when you write `(\p1)`, this expands to
+`(1pt,3pt)`, which is presumably exactly what you intended.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/p"
+ },
+ path = {
+ action = "tikzpath",
+ arguments = {{delimiters = {"", ";"}, meta = "specification"}},
+ details = [[
+This command is available only inside a `{tikzpicture}` environment.
+The ⟨specification⟩ is a long stream of *path operations*. Most of these
+path operations tell TikZ how the path is built. For example, when you
+write `–(0,0)`, you use a *line-to operation* and it means "continue the
+path from wherever you are to the origin".
+At any point where TikZ expects a path operation, you can also give some
+graphic options, which is a list of options in brackets, such as
+`[rounded corners]`. These options can have different effects:
+1. Some options take "immediate" effect and apply to all subsequent
+ path operations on the path. For example, the `rounded corners`
+ option will round all following corners, but not the corners
+ "before" and if the `sharp corners` is given later on the path (in a
+ new set of brackets), the rounding effect will end.
+ \tikz \draw (0,0) -- (1,1)
+ [rounded corners] -- (2,0) -- (3,1)
+ [sharp corners] -- (3,0) -- (2,1);
+ Another example are the transformation options, which also apply
+ only to subsequent coordinates.
+2. The options that have immediate effect can be "scoped" by putting
+ part of a path in curly braces. For example, the above example could
+ also be written as follows:
+ \tikz \draw (0,0) -- (1,1)
+ {[rounded corners] -- (2,0) -- (3,1)}
+ -- (3,0) -- (2,1);
+3. Some options only apply to the path as a whole. For example, the
+ `color=` option for determining the color used for, say, drawing the
+ path always applies to all parts of the path. If several different
+ colors are given for different parts of the path, only the last one
+ (on the outermost scope) "wins":
+ \tikz \draw (0,0) -- (1,1)
+ [color=red] -- (2,0) -- (3,1)
+ [color=blue] -- (3,0) -- (2,1);
+ Most options are of this type. In the above example, we would have
+ had to "split up" the path into several `\path` commands:
+ \tikz{\draw (0,0) -- (1,1);
+ \draw [color=red] (1,1) -- (2,0) -- (3,1);
+ \draw [color=blue] (3,1) -- (3,0) -- (2,1);}
+By default, the `\path` command does "nothing" with the path, it just
+"throws it away". Thus, if you write `\path(0,0)–(1,1);`, nothing is
+drawn in your picture. The only effect is that the area occupied by the
+picture is (possibly) enlarged so that the path fits inside the area. To
+actually "do" something with the path, an option like `draw` or `fill`
+must be given somewhere on the path. Commands like `\draw` do this
+Finally, it is also possible to give *node specifications* on a path.
+Such specifications can come at different locations, but they are always
+allowed when a normal path operation could follow. A node specification
+starts with `node`. Basically, the effect is to typeset the node's text
+as normal TeX text and to place it at the "current location" on the
+path. The details are explained in Section ??.
+Note, however, that the nodes are *not* part of the path in any way.
+Rather, after everything has been done with the path what is specified
+by the path options (like filling and drawing the path due to a `fill`
+and a `draw` option somewhere in the ⟨specification⟩), the nodes are
+added in a post-processing step.
+*Note:* When scanning for path operations TikZ expands tokens looking
+for valid path operations. This however implies that these tokens has to
+be fully expandable up to the point where it results in a valid path
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/path"
+ },
+ pattern = {
+ action = "tikzpath",
+ arguments = {{delimiters = {"", ";"}, meta = "specification"}},
+ details = [[
+This option causes the path to be filled with a pattern. If the ⟨name⟩
+is given, this pattern is used, otherwise the pattern set in the
+enclosing scope is used. As for the `draw` and `fill` options, setting
+⟨name⟩ to `none` disables filling locally.
+The pattern works like a fill color. In particular, setting a new fill
+color will fill the path with a solid color once more.
+Strangely, no ⟨name⟩s are permissible by default. You need to load for
+instance the `patterns` library, see Section ??, to install predefined
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \draw[pattern=dots] (0,0) circle (1cm);
+ \draw[pattern=fivepointed stars] (0,0) rectangle (3,1);
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pattern",
+ summary = "Inside `{tikzpicture}` this is an abbreviation for `\\path[pattern]`."
+ },
+ pic = {
+ action = "tikzpath",
+ arguments = {{delimiters = {"", ";"}, meta = "specification"}},
+ details = [[
+Inside `{tikzpicture}` this is an abbreviation for `\path pic`.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/pic"
+ },
+ rule = {
+ arguments = {{literal = "{"}, {meta = "head"}},
+ details = [[
+Declare a rule. ⟨head⟩ should consist of a single symbol, which need not
+have been declared using `\symbol` or exist as a default symbol (in
+fact, the more interesting L-systems depend on using symbols with no
+corresponding code, to control the "growth" of the system). ⟨body⟩
+consists of a string of symbols, which again need not necessarily have
+any code associated with them.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/rule"
+ },
+ savedanchor = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "command"}, {meta = "code"}},
+ details = [[
+This command declares a saved anchor. The argument ⟨command⟩ should be a
+TeX macro name like `\centerpoint`.
+The ⟨code⟩ will be executed each time `\pgfnode` (or
+`\pgfmultipartnode`) is called to create a node of the shape ⟨shape
+name⟩. When the ⟨code⟩ is executed, the TeX-boxes of the node parts will
+contain the text labels of the node. Possibly, these box are void. For
+example, if there is just a `text` part, the node `\pgfnodeparttextbox`
+will be set up when the ⟨code⟩ is executed.
+The ⟨code⟩ can use the width, height, and depth of the box(es) to
+compute the location of the saved anchor. In addition, the ⟨code⟩ can
+take into account the values of dimensions like `\pgfshapeminwidth` or
+`\pgfshapeinnerxsep`. Furthermore, the ⟨code⟩ can take into
+consideration the values of any further shape-specific variables that
+are set at the moment when `\pgfnode` is called.
+The net effect of the ⟨code⟩ should be to set the two TeX dimensions
+`\pgf@x` and `\pgf@y`. One way to achieve this is to say `\pgfpoint{`⟨x
+value⟩`}{`⟨y value⟩`}` at the end of the ⟨code⟩, but you can also just
+set these variables. The values that `\pgf@x` and `\pgf@y` have after
+the code has been executed, let us call them $x$ and $y$, will be
+recorded and stored together with the node that is created by the
+command `\pgfnode`.
+The macro ⟨command⟩ is defined to be `\pgfpoint{`$x$`}{`$y$`}`. However,
+the ⟨command⟩ is only locally defined while anchor positions are being
+computed. Thus, it is possible to use very simple names for ⟨command⟩,
+like `\center` or `\a`, without causing a name-clash. (To be precise,
+very simple ⟨command⟩ names will clash with existing names, but only
+locally inside the computation of anchor positions; and we do not need
+the normal `\center` command during these computations.)
+For our `simple rectangle` shape, we will need only one saved anchor:
+The upper right corner. The lower left corner could either be the origin
+or the "mirrored" upper right corner, depending on whether we want the
+text label to have its lower left corner at the origin or whether the
+text label should be centered on the origin. Either will be fine, for
+the final shape this will make no difference since the shape will be
+shifted anyway. So, let us assume that the text label is centered on the
+origin (this will be specified later on using the `text` anchor). We get
+the following code for the upper right corner:
+ \savedanchor{\upperrightcorner}{
+ \pgf@y=.5\ht\pgfnodeparttextbox % height of the box, ignoring the depth
+ \pgf@x=.5\wd\pgfnodeparttextbox % width of the box
+ }
+If we wanted to take, say, the `\pgfshapeminwidth` into account, we
+could use the following code:
+ \savedanchor{\upperrightcorner}{
+ \pgf@y=.\ht\pgfnodeparttextbox % height of the box
+ \pgf@x=.\wd\pgfnodeparttextbox % width of the box
+ \setlength{\pgf@xa}{\pgfshapeminwidth}
+ \ifdim\pgf@x<.5\pgf@xa
+ \pgf@x=.5\pgf@xa
+ \fi
+ }
+Note that we could not have written `.5\pgfshapeminwidth` since the
+minimum width is stored in a "plain text macro", not as a real
+dimension. So if `\pgfshapeminwidth` depth were 2cm, writing
+`.5\pgfshapeminwidth` would yield the same as `.52cm`.
+In the "real" `rectangle` shape the code is somewhat more complex, but
+you get the basic idea.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/savedanchor"
+ },
+ saveddimen = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "command"}, {meta = "code"}},
+ details = [[
+This command is similar to `\savedanchor`, only instead of setting
+⟨command⟩ to `\pgfpoint{`$x$`}{`$y$`}`, the ⟨command⟩ is set just to
+(the value of) $x$.
+In the `simple rectangle` shape we might use a saved dimension to store
+the depth of the shape box.
+ \saveddimen{\depth}{
+ \pgf@x=\dp\pgfnodeparttextbox
+ }
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/saveddimen"
+ },
+ savedmacro = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "command"}, {meta = "code"}},
+ details = [[
+This command is similar to `\saveddimen`, only at some point in ⟨code⟩,
+⟨command⟩ should be defined appropriately, (this could be a value, or
+some text).
+In the `regular polygon` shape, a saved macro is used to store the
+number of sides of the polygon.
+ \savedmacro{\sides}{\let\sides\pgfpolygonsides}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/savedmacro"
+ },
+ scoped = {
+ arguments = {
+ {meta = "animations spec"},
+ {
+ delimiters = {"[", "]"},
+ keys = "$ref:tikz#/keys/tikz",
+ meta = "options",
+ optional = true
+ },
+ {meta = "path command"}
+ },
+ details = [[
+This command works like `\tikz`, only you can use it inside a
+`{tikzpicture}`. It will take the following ⟨path command⟩ and put it
+inside a `{scope}` with the ⟨options⟩ set. The ⟨path command⟩ may either
+be a single command ended by a semicolon or it may contain multiple
+commands, but then they must be surrounded by curly braces.
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \node [fill=white] at (1,1) {Hello world};
+ \scoped [on background layer]
+ \draw (0,0) grid (3,2);
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/scoped"
+ },
+ shade = {
+ action = "tikzpath",
+ arguments = {{delimiters = {"", ";"}, meta = "specification"}},
+ details = [[
+Causes the path to be shaded using the currently selected shading (more
+on this later). If this option is used together with the `draw` option,
+then the path is first shaded, then drawn.
+It is not an error to use this option together with the `fill` option,
+but it makes no sense.
+ \tikz \shade (0,0) circle (1ex);
+ \tikz \shadedraw (0,0) circle (1ex);
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/shade",
+ summary = "Inside `{tikzpicture}` this is an abbreviation for `\\path[shade]`."
+ },
+ shadedraw = {
+ action = "tikzpath",
+ arguments = {{delimiters = {"", ";"}, meta = "specification"}},
+ details = [[
+Inside `{tikzpicture}` this is an abbreviation for `\path[shade,draw]`.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/shadedraw"
+ },
+ spy = {
+ arguments = {
+ {
+ delimiters = {"[", "]"},
+ keys = "$ref:tikz#/keys/tikz",
+ meta = "options",
+ optional = true
+ },
+ {literal = "on"},
+ {meta = "coordinate"}
+ },
+ details = [[
+This command can only be used inside a `spy scope`. Let us start with
+the syntax:
+- The `\spy` command is not a special case of `\path`. Rather, it has
+ a small parser of its own.
+- Following the optional ⟨options⟩, you must write `on`, followed by a
+ coordinate. This coordinate will be the center of the area that is
+ to be magnified.
+- Following the ⟨coordinate⟩, you must write `in node` followed by
+ some ⟨node options⟩. The syntax for these options is the same as for
+ a normal `node` path command, such as `[left]` or
+ `(foo) [red] at (bar)`. *However*, ⟨node options⟩ are *not* followed
+ by a curly brace. Rather, the ⟨node options⟩ must directly be
+ followed by a semicolon.
+The effect of this command is the following: The ⟨options⟩,
+⟨coordinate⟩, and ⟨node options⟩ are stored internally till the end of
+the current `spy scope`. This means that, in particular, you can
+reference any node inside the `spy scope`, even if it is not yet defined
+when the `\spy` command is given. At the end of the current `spy scope`,
+two nodes are created, called the *spy-in node* and the *spy-on node*.
+- The *spy-in node* is the node that contains a magnified part of the
+ picture (the node *in* which we see on what we spy). This node is,
+ indeed, a normal TikZ node, so you can use all standard options to
+ style this node. In particular, you can specify a shape or a border
+ color or a drop shadow or whatever. The only thing that is special
+ about this node is that instead of containing some normal text, its
+ "text" is the magnified picture.
+ To be precise, the picture of the `spy scope` is scaled by a certain
+ factor, specified by the `lens` or `magnification` options discussed
+ below, and is shifted in such a way that the ⟨coordinate⟩ lies at
+ the center of the spy-on node.
+- The *spy-on node* is a node that is centered on the ⟨coordinate⟩ and
+ whose size reflects exactly the area shown inside the spy-in node
+ (the node containing *on* what we spy).
+Let us now go over what happens in detail when the two nodes are
+1. A scope is started. Two sets of options are used with this scope:
+ First, the options passed to the enclosing `spy scope` and then the
+ ⟨options⟩ (which will, thus, overrule the options of the
+ `spy scope`).
+2. Then, the spy-on node is created. However, we will first discuss the
+ spy-in node.
+3. The spy-in node is created after the spy-on node (and, hence, will
+ cover the spy-on node in case they overlap). When this node is
+ created, the ⟨node options⟩ are used in addition to the effect
+ caused by the ⟨options⟩ and the options of the `{spy scope}`.
+ Additionally, the following style is used:
+ The position of the node (the `at` option) is set to the
+ ⟨coordinate⟩ by default, so that it will cover the to-be-magnified
+ area. You can change this by providing the `at` option yourself:
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ [spy using outlines={circle, magnification=3, size=1cm}]
+ \draw [decoration=Koch curve type 1]
+ decorate{ decorate{ decorate{ (0,0) -- (2,0) }}};
+ \spy [red] on (1.6,0.3) in node;
+ \spy [blue] on (1,1) in node at (1,-1);
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ No "text" can be specified for the node. Rather, the "text" shown
+ inside this node is the picture of the current `spy scope`, but
+ canvas-transformed according to the following key:
+ Since the most common transformation is undoubtedly a simple
+ scaling, there is a special style for this:
+ Now, usually the size of a node is determined in such a way that it
+ "fits" around the text of the node. For a spy-on node this is not a
+ good approach since the "text" of this node would contain "the whole
+ picture". Because of this, TikZ acts as if the "text" of the node
+ has zero size. You must then use keys like `minimum size` to cause
+ the node to have a certain size. Note that the key `size` is an
+ abbreviation for `minimum size` inside a spy scope.
+ You can name the spy-on node in the usual ways. Additionally, the
+ node is (also) always named `tikzspyinnode`. Following the spy
+ scope, you can use this node like any other node:
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \begin{scope}
+ [spy using outlines={circle, magnification=3, size=2cm, connect spies}]
+ \draw [decoration=Koch curve type 1]
+ decorate{ decorate{ decorate{ (0,0) -- (2,0) }}};
+ \spy [red] on (1.6,0.3) in node (a) [left] at (3.5,-1.25);
+ \spy [blue, size=1cm] on (1,1) in node (b) [right] at (0,-1.25);
+ \end{scope}
+ \draw [ultra thick, green!50!black] (b) -- (a.north west);
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+4. Once both nodes have been created, the current value of the
+ following key is used to connect them:
+Returning to the creation of the spy-in node: This node is centered on
+⟨coordinate⟩ (more precisely, its anchor is set to `center` and the `at`
+option is set to ⟨coordinate⟩). Its size and shape are initially
+determined in the same way as the size and shape of the spy-on node
+(unless, of course, you explicitly provide a different shape for, say,
+the spy-on node locally, which is not really a good idea). Then,
+additionally, the *inverted* transformation done by the `lens` option is
+applied, resulting in a node whose size and shape exactly corresponds to
+the area in the picture that is shown in the spy-on node.
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ [spy using outlines={lens={scale=3,rotate=20}, size=2cm, connect spies}]
+ \draw [decoration=Koch curve type 1]
+ decorate{ decorate{ decorate{ (0,0) -- (2,0) }}};
+ \spy [red] on (1.6,0.3) in node at (2.5,-1.25);
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+Like for the spy-in node, a style can be used to format the spy-on node:
+The spy-on node is named `tikzspyonnode` (but, as always, this node is
+only available after the spy scope). If you have multiple spy-on nodes
+and you would like to access all of them, you need to use the `name` key
+inside the `every spy on node` style.
+The `inner sep` and `outer sep` of both spy-in and spy-on nodes are set
+to `0pt`.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/spy"
+ },
+ state = {
+ arguments = {
+ {meta = "name"},
+ {
+ delimiters = {"[", "]"},
+ keys = "$ref:tikz#/keys/tikz",
+ meta = "options",
+ optional = true
+ },
+ {meta = "code"}
+ },
+ details = [[
+Declares the state ⟨name⟩ inside the current meta-decoration automaton.
+Unlike decorations, states in meta-decorations are not executed within a
+group, which makes the persistent computation options superfluous.
+Consider using an initial state with `width=0pt` to do precalculations
+that could speed the execution of the meta-decoration.
+The ⟨options⟩ are executed with the key path set to
+`/pgf/meta-decorations automaton/`, and the following keys are defined
+for this path:
+The code in ⟨code⟩ is quite different from the code in a decoration
+state. In almost all cases only the following three macros will be
+There are some macros that may be useful when creating meta-decorations
+(note that they are all macros):
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/state"
+ },
+ symbol = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "name"}, {meta = "code"}},
+ details = [[
+This defines a symbol called ⟨name⟩ for a specific L-system, and
+associates it with ⟨code⟩.
+A symbol should consist of a single alpha-numeric character (i.e.,
+`A`-`Z`, `a`-`z` or `0`-`9`). The symbols `F`, `f`, `+`, `-`, `[` and
+`]` are available by default so do not need to be defined for each
+L-system. However, if you are feeling adventurous, they can be redefined
+for specific L-systems if required. The L-system treats the default
+symbols as follows (the commands they execute are described below):
+- `F` move forward a certain distance, drawing a line. Uses
+ `\pgflsystemdrawforward`.
+- `f` move forward a certain distance, without drawing a line. Uses
+ `\pgflsystemmoveforward`.
+- `+` turn left by some angle. Uses `\pgflsystemturnleft`.
+- `-` turn right by some angle. Uses `\pgflsystemturnright`.
+- `[` save the current state (i.e., the position and direction). Uses
+ `\pgflsystemsavestate`.
+- `]` restore the last saved state. Uses `\pgflsystemrestorestate`.
+The symbols `[` and `]` act like a stack: `[` pushes the state of the
+L-system on to the stack, and `]` pops a state off the stack.
+When ⟨code⟩ is executed, the transformation matrix is set up so that the
+origin is at the current position and the positive x-axis "points
+forward", so `\pgfpathlineto{\pgfpoint{1cm}{0cm}}` draws a line 1cm
+The following keys can alter the production of an L-system. However,
+they do not store values in themselves.
+For speed and convenience, when the code for a symbol is executed, the
+following commands are available.
+The following commands may be useful if you wish to define your own
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/symbol"
+ },
+ tikz = {
+ arguments = {
+ {meta = "animations spec"},
+ {
+ delimiters = {"[", "]"},
+ keys = "$ref:tikz#/keys/tikz",
+ meta = "options",
+ optional = true
+ },
+ {meta = "path commands"}
+ },
+ details = [[
+This command places the ⟨path commands⟩ inside a `{tikzpicture}`
+environment. The ⟨path commands⟩ may contain paragraphs and fragile
+material (like verbatim text).
+If there is only one path command, it need not be surrounded by curly
+braces, if there are several, you need to add them (this is similar to
+the `\foreach` statement and also to the rules in programming languages
+like Java or C concerning the placement of curly braces).
+`\tikz{\draw (0,0) rectangle (2ex,1ex);}` yields \[PICTURE\]
+`\tikz \draw (0,0) rectangle (2ex,1ex);` yields \[PICTURE\]
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/tikz"
+ },
+ tikzaliascoordinatesystem = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "new name"}, {meta = "old name"}},
+ details = [[
+Creates an alias of ⟨old name⟩.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/tikzaliascoordinatesystem"
+ },
+ tikzappendtofigurename = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "suffix"}},
+ details = [[
+Appends ⟨suffix⟩ to the actual value of `figure name`.
+It is a shortcut for
+`\tikzset{external/figure name/.add={}``{suffix}``}` (a shortcut which
+is also supported if TikZ is not installed, see below).
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/tikzappendtofigurename"
+ },
+ tikzdeclarecoordinatesystem = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "name"}, {meta = "code"}},
+ details = [[
+This command declares a new coordinate system named ⟨name⟩ that can
+later on be used by writing `(`⟨name⟩` cs:`⟨arguments⟩`)`. When
+TikZ encounters a coordinate specified in this way, the ⟨arguments⟩ are
+passed to ⟨code⟩ as argument `# 1`.
+It is now the job of ⟨code⟩ to make sense of the ⟨arguments⟩. At the end
+of ⟨code⟩, the two TeX dimensions `\pgf@x` and `\pgf@y` should be have
+the $x$- and $y$-canvas coordinate of the coordinate.
+It is not necessary, but customary, to parse ⟨arguments⟩ using the
+key--value syntax. However, you can also parse it in any way you like.
+In the following example, a coordinate system `cylindrical` is defined.
+ \makeatletter
+ \define@key{cylindricalkeys}{angle}{\def\myangle{#1}}
+ \define@key{cylindricalkeys}{radius}{\def\myradius{#1}}
+ \define@key{cylindricalkeys}{z}{\def\myz{#1}}
+ \tikzdeclarecoordinatesystem{cylindrical}%
+ {%
+ \setkeys{cylindricalkeys}{#1}%
+ \pgfpointadd{\pgfpointxyz{0}{0}{\myz}}{\pgfpointpolarxy{\myangle}{\myradius}}
+ }
+ \begin{tikzpicture}[z=0.2pt]
+ \draw [->] (0,0,0) -- (0,0,350);
+ \foreach \num in {0,10,...,350}
+ \fill (cylindrical cs:angle=\num,radius=1,z=\num) circle (1pt);
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/tikzdeclarecoordinatesystem"
+ },
+ tikzdeclarepattern = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "config"}},
+ details = [[
+A pattern declared with `\pgfdeclarepattern` can only execute PGF code.
+This command extends the functionality to also allow TikZ code. All the
+same keys of `\pgfdeclarepattern` are valid, but some of them have been
+overloaded to give a more natural TikZ syntax.
+In addition to the overloaded keys, some new keys have been added.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/tikzdeclarepattern"
+ },
+ tikzdvdeclarestylesheetcolorseries = {
+ arguments = {
+ {meta = "name"},
+ {meta = "color model"},
+ {meta = "initial color"},
+ {meta = "step"}
+ },
+ details = [[
+This command creates a new style sheet using `\pgfdvdeclarestylesheet`.
+This style sheet will only have a default style setup that maps numbers
+to the color in the color series starting with ⟨initial color⟩ and
+having a stepping of ⟨step⟩. Note that when the value of the attribute
+is `1`, which it is the first data set, the *second* color in the color
+series is used (since counting starts at `0` for color series). Thus, in
+general, you need to start the ⟨initial color⟩ "one early".
+ data point [x=2, y=2, set=normal]
+ data point [x=0, y=1, set=heated]
+ data point [x=2, y=1, set=heated]
+ data point [x=0.5, y=1.5, set=critical]
+ data point [x=2.25, y=1.75, set=critical]
+ };},
+ ]
+ \tikzdvdeclarestylesheetcolorseries{greens}{hsb}{0.3,1.3,0.8}{0,-.4,-.1}
+ \tikz \datavisualization [
+ school book axes,
+ visualize as line=normal,
+ visualize as line=heated,
+ visualize as line=critical,
+ style sheet=greens]
+ data group {lines};
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/tikzdvdeclarestylesheetcolorseries"
+ },
+ tikzexternaldisable = {
+ details = [[
+Allows to disable the complete externalization. While `export next` will
+still collect the contents of picture environments, this command
+uninstalls the hooks for the `external` library completely. Thus, nested
+picture environments or environments where `\end{tikzpicture}` is not
+directly reachable won't produce compilation failures -- although it is
+not possible to externalize them automatically.
+The externalization remains disabled until the end of the next TeX group
+(or environment) or until the next call to `\tikzexternalenable`.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/tikzexternaldisable"
+ },
+ tikzexternalenable = {
+ details = [[
+Re-enables a previously running externalization after
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/tikzexternalenable"
+ },
+ tikzexternalfiledependsonfile = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "external graphics"}, {meta = "file name"}},
+ details = [[
+A variant of `\tikzpicturedependsonfile` which adds a dependency for an
+⟨external graphics⟩. The argument ⟨external graphics⟩ must be the path
+as it would have been generated by the `external` library, i.e. without
+file extension but including any prefixes.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/tikzexternalfiledependsonfile"
+ },
+ tikzexternalize = {
+ arguments = {
+ {
+ delimiters = {"[", "]"},
+ meta = "optional arguments",
+ optional = true
+ }
+ },
+ details = [[
+This command activates the externalization. It installs commands to
+replace every TikZ-picture. It needs to be called before
+`\begin{document}` because it may need to install its separate shipout
+The ⟨optional arguments⟩ can be any of the keys described below.
+Note that the generation/modification of auxiliary files like `.aux`,
+`.toc` etc. is usually suppressed while a single image is externalized
+(details for `\label` support follow).
+It is also possible to write `\tikzexternalize``{main job name}` if the
+argument is delimited by curly braces. This case is mainly for backwards
+compatibility and is no longer necessary. Since it might be useful in
+rare circumstances, it is documented in section ??.
+A detailed description about the process of externalization is provided
+in section ??.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/tikzexternalize"
+ },
+ tikzexternalrealjob = {
+ details = [[
+After the library is loaded, this macro will *always* contain the
+correct main job's name (in the example above, it is `main`). It is to
+be used instead of `\jobname` when the externalization is in effect.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/tikzexternalrealjob"
+ },
+ tikzfading = {
+ arguments = {
+ {
+ delimiters = {"[", "]"},
+ keys = "$ref:tikz#/keys/tikz",
+ meta = "options",
+ optional = true
+ }
+ },
+ details = [[
+This command is used to define a fading similarly to the way a shading
+is defined. In the ⟨options⟩ you should
+1. use the `name=`⟨name⟩ option to set a name for the fading,
+2. use the `shading` option to set the name of the shading that you
+ wish to use,
+3. extra options for setting the colors of the shading (typically you
+ will set them to the color `transparent!`⟨percentage⟩).
+Then, a new fading named ⟨name⟩ will be created based on the shading.
+ \tikzfading[name=fade right,
+ left color=transparent!0,
+ right color=transparent!100]
+ % Now we use the fading in another picture:
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ % Background
+ \fill [black!20] (-1.2,-1.2) rectangle (1.2,1.2);
+ \path [pattern=checkerboard,pattern color=black!30]
+ (-1.2,-1.2) rectangle (1.2,1.2);
+ \fill [red,path fading=fade right] (-1,-1) rectangle (1,1);
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ \tikzfading[name=fade out,
+ inner color=transparent!0,
+ outer color=transparent!100]
+ % Now we use the fading in another picture:
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ % Background
+ \fill [black!20] (-1.2,-1.2) rectangle (1.2,1.2);
+ \path [pattern=checkerboard,pattern color=black!30]
+ (-1.2,-1.2) rectangle (1.2,1.2);
+ \fill [blue,path fading=fade out] (-1,-1) rectangle (1,1);
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/tikzfading"
+ },
+ tikzgraphforeachcolorednode = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "color name"}, {meta = "macro"}},
+ details = [[
+When this command is called inside ⟨code⟩, the following will happen:
+TikZ will iterate over all nodes inside the just-specified group that
+have the color ⟨color name⟩. The order in which they are iterated over
+is the order in which they appear inside the group specification (if a
+node is encountered several times inside the specification, only the
+first occurrence counts). Then, for each node the ⟨macro⟩ is executed
+with the node's name as the only argument.
+In the following example we use an operator to connect every node
+colored `all` inside the subgroup to he node `root`.
+ \def\myconnect#1{\tikzset{graphs/new ->={root}{#1}{}{}}}
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \node (root) at (-1,-1) {root};
+ \graph {
+ x,
+ {
+ [operator=\tikzgraphforeachcolorednode{all}{\myconnect}]
+ a, b, c
+ }
+ };
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/tikzgraphforeachcolorednode"
+ },
+ tikzgraphnodefullname = {
+ details = [[
+This macro contains the concatenation of the above two.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/tikzgraphnodefullname"
+ },
+ tikzgraphnodename = {
+ details = [[
+This macro expands to the name of the current node without the path.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/tikzgraphnodename"
+ },
+ tikzgraphnodepath = {
+ details = [[
+This macro expands to the current path of the node. These paths result
+from the use of the `name` key as described above.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/tikzgraphnodepath"
+ },
+ tikzgraphnodetext = {
+ details = [[
+This macro expands to the ⟨text⟩ to the right of the double underscore
+or slash in a direct node specification or, if there is no slash, to the
+⟨node name⟩.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/tikzgraphnodetext"
+ },
+ tikzgraphpreparecolor = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "color name"}, {meta = "counter"}, {meta = "prefix"}},
+ details = [[
+This command is used to "prepare" the nodes of a certain color for
+random access. The effect is the following: It is counted how many nodes
+there are having color ⟨color name⟩ in the current group and the result
+is stored in ⟨counter⟩. Next, macros named ⟨prefix⟩`1`, ⟨prefix⟩`2`, and
+so on are defined, that store the names of the first, second, third, and
+so on node having the color ⟨color name⟩.
+The net effect is that after you have prepared a color, you can quickly
+iterate over them. This is especially useful when you iterate over
+several color at the same time.
+As an example, let us create an operator then adds a zig-zag path
+between two color classes:
+ \newcount\leftshorecount \newcount\rightshorecount
+ \newcount\mycount \newcount\myothercount
+ \def\zigzag{
+ \tikzgraphpreparecolor{left shore}\leftshorecount{left shore prefix}
+ \tikzgraphpreparecolor{right shore}\rightshorecount{right shore prefix}
+ \mycount=0\relax
+ \loop
+ \advance\mycount by 1\relax%
+ % Add the "forward" edge
+ \tikzgraphsset{new ->=
+ {\csname left shore prefix\the\mycount\endcsname}
+ {\csname right shore prefix\the\mycount\endcsname}{}{}}
+ \myothercount=\mycount\relax%
+ \advance\myothercount by1\relax%
+ \tikzgraphsset{new <-=
+ {\csname left shore prefix\the\myothercount\endcsname}
+ {\csname right shore prefix\the\mycount\endcsname}{}{}}
+ \ifnum\myothercount<\leftshorecount\relax
+ \repeat
+ }
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \graph [color class=left shore, color class=right shore]
+ { [operator=\zigzag]
+ { [left shore, Cartesian placement] a, b, c },
+ { [right shore, Cartesian placement, nodes={xshift=1cm}] d, e, f }
+ };
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+Naturally, in order to turn the above code into a usable operator, some
+more code would be needed (like default values and taking care of shores
+of different sizes).
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/tikzgraphpreparecolor"
+ },
+ tikzgraphsset = {
+ arguments = {{keys = "$ref:tikz#/keys/tikz", meta = "options"}},
+ details = [[
+Executes the ⟨options⟩ with the path prefix `/tikz/graphs`.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/tikzgraphsset"
+ },
+ tikzifexternalizing = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "true code"}, {meta = "false code"}},
+ details = [[
+This command can be used to check whether an image is currently written
+to its separate graphics file (if the "grab" procedure is running). If
+so, the `{true code}` will be executed. If not, that means if the main
+document is being typeset normally, the `{false code}` will be invoked.
+This command must be used *after* `\tikzexternalize`.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/tikzifexternalizing"
+ },
+ tikzifexternalizingnext = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "true code"}, {meta = "false code"}},
+ details = [[
+Like `\tikzifexternalizing`, but this variant also checks if the next
+following figure is the one which is about to be written to its separate
+graphics file.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/tikzifexternalizingnext"
+ },
+ tikzinputsegmentfirst = {
+ details = [[
+The first point on the current input segment path.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/tikzinputsegmentfirst"
+ },
+ tikzinputsegmentlast = {
+ details = [[
+The last point on the current input segment path.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/tikzinputsegmentlast"
+ },
+ tikzinputsegmentsupporta = {
+ details = [[
+The first support on the curveto input segment path.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/tikzinputsegmentsupporta"
+ },
+ tikzinputsegmentsupportb = {
+ details = [[
+The second support on the curveto input segment path.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/tikzinputsegmentsupportb"
+ },
+ tikzlastnode = {
+ details = [[
+Expands to the last node on the path.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/tikzlastnode"
+ },
+ tikzmath = {
+ details = [[
+This command process a series of ⟨statements⟩ which can represent
+assignments, function definitions, conditional evaluation, and
+iterations. It provides, in effect, a miniature mathematical language to
+perform basic mathematical operations. Perhaps the most important thing
+to remember is that *every statement should end with a semi-colon*. This
+is likely to be the most common reason why the `\tikzmath` command
+ \tikzmath{
+ % Adapted from
+ function fibonacci(\n) {
+ if \n == 0 then {
+ return 0;
+ } else {
+ return fibonacci2(\n, 0, 1);
+ };
+ };
+ function fibonacci2(\n, \p, \q) {
+ if \n == 1 then {
+ return \q;
+ } else {
+ return fibonacci2(\n-1, \q, \p+\q);
+ };
+ };
+ int \f, \i;
+ for \i in {0,1,...,20} {
+ \f = fibonacci(\i);
+ print {\f, };
+ };
+ }
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/tikzmath"
+ },
+ tikzpicturedependsonfile = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "file name"}},
+ details = [[
+Adds a dependency for the *next* picture which is about to be
+externalized. If the command is invoked within a picture environment, it
+adds a dependency for the surrounding picture. Dependencies are written
+into ⟨target file⟩`.dep` in the format
+⟨target file⟩`.\tikzexternalimgextension: `⟨file name⟩.
+The effect is that if ⟨file name⟩ changes, the external graphics
+associated with the picture shall be remade.
+This command uses the contents of `\tikzexternalimgextension` to check
+for graphics. If you encounter difficulties with image extensions,
+consider redefining this macro (after `\tikzexternalize`).
+#### Limitations:
+this command is currently only supported for `mode=list and make` and
+the generated `makefile`.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/tikzpicturedependsonfile"
+ },
+ tikzrdfhashmark = {
+ details = [[
+Expands to `# ` with catcode 11.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/tikzrdfhashmark"
+ },
+ tikzset = {
+ arguments = {{keys = "$ref:tikz#/keys/tikz", meta = "options"}},
+ details = [[
+This command will process the ⟨options⟩ using the `\pgfkeys` command,
+documented in detail in Section ??, with the default path set to
+`/tikz`. Under normal circumstances, the ⟨options⟩ will be lists of
+comma-separated pairs of the form ⟨key⟩`=`⟨value⟩, but more fancy things
+can happen when you use the power of the `pgfkeys` mechanism, see
+Section ?? once more.
+When a pair ⟨key⟩`=`⟨value⟩ is processed, the following happens:
+1. If the ⟨key⟩ is a full key (starts with a slash) it is handled
+ directly as described in Section ??.
+2. Otherwise (which is usually the case), it is checked whether
+ `/tikz/`⟨key⟩ is a key and, if so, it is executed.
+3. Otherwise, it is checked whether `/pgf/`⟨key⟩ is a key and, if so,
+ it is executed.
+4. Otherwise, it is checked whether ⟨key⟩ is a color and, if so,
+ `color=`⟨key⟩ is executed.
+5. Otherwise, it is checked whether ⟨key⟩ contains a dash and, if so,
+ `arrows=`⟨key⟩ is executed.
+6. Otherwise, it is checked whether ⟨key⟩ is the name of a shape and,
+ if so, `shape=`⟨key⟩ is executed.
+7. Otherwise, an error message is printed.
+Note that by the above description, all keys starting with `/tikz` and
+also all keys starting with `/pgf` can be used as ⟨key⟩s in an ⟨options⟩
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/tikzset"
+ },
+ tikzsetexternalprefix = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "file name prefix"}},
+ details = [[
+Assigns a common prefix used by all file names. For example,
+ \tikzsetexternalprefix{figures/}
+will prepend `figures/` to every external graphics file name.
+Please note that `\tikzsetexternalprefix` is the *only* way to assign a
+prefix in case you want to prepare your document for environments where
+PGF is not installed (see section ??).
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/tikzsetexternalprefix"
+ },
+ tikzsetfigurename = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "name"}},
+ details = [[
+Changes the names of *all* following figures. It is possible to change
+`figure name` during the document either using
+`\tikzset{external/figure name`=`{name}``}` or with this command. A
+unique counter will be used for each different `{name}`, and each
+counter will start at $0$.
+The value of `prefix` will be applied after `figure name` has been
+ \documentclass{article}
+ % main document, called main.tex
+ \usepackage{tikz}
+ \usetikzlibrary{external}
+ \tikzexternalize % activate
+ \begin{document}
+ \begin{tikzpicture} % will be written to 'main-figure0.pdf'
+ \node {root}
+ child {node {left}}
+ child {node {right}
+ child {node {child}}
+ child {node {child}}
+ };
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ {
+ \tikzsetfigurename{subset_}
+ A simple image is \tikz \fill (0,0) circle(5pt);. % will be written to 'subset_0.pdf'
+ \begin{tikzpicture} % will be written to 'subset_1.pdf'
+ \draw[help lines] (0,0) grid (5,5);
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ }% here, the old file name will be restored:
+ \begin{tikzpicture} % will be written to 'main-figure1.pdf'
+ \draw (0,0) -- (5,5);
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ \end{document}
+The scope of `figure name` ends with the next closing brace.
+Remark: Use `\tikzset{external/figure name/.add={prefix_ }{_ suffix_ }}`
+to add a `prefix_ ` and a `_ suffix_ ` to the actual value of
+`figure name`.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/tikzsetfigurename"
+ },
+ tikzsetnextfilename = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "file name"}},
+ details = [[
+Sets the file name for the *next* TikZ picture or `\tikz` short command.
+It will *only* be used for the next picture.
+Pictures for which no explicit file name has been set (or the next file
+name is empty) will get automatically generated file names.
+Please note that `prefix` will still be prepended to `{file name}`.
+ \documentclass{article}
+ % main document, called main.tex
+ \usepackage{tikz}
+ \usetikzlibrary{external}
+ \tikzexternalize[prefix=figures/] % activate
+ \begin{document}
+ \tikzsetnextfilename{trees}
+ \begin{tikzpicture} % will be written to 'figures/trees.pdf'
+ \node {root}
+ child {node {left}}
+ child {node {right}
+ child {node {child}}
+ child {node {child}}
+ };
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ \tikzsetnextfilename{simple}
+ A simple image is \tikz \fill (0,0) circle(5pt);. % will be written to 'figures/simple.pdf'
+ \begin{tikzpicture} % will be written to 'figures/main-figure0.pdf'
+ \draw[help lines] (0,0) grid (5,5);
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ \end{document}
+ pdflatex -shell-escape main
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/tikzsetnextfilename"
+ },
+ useasboundingbox = {
+ action = "tikzpath",
+ arguments = {{delimiters = {"", ";"}, meta = "specification"}},
+ details = [[
+Inside `{tikzpicture}` this is an abbreviation for
+`\path[use as bounding box]`.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/useasboundingbox"
+ },
+ usegdlibrary = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "list of libraries"}},
+ details = [[
+This command is used to load the special graph drawing libraries (the
+`gd` in the name of the command stands for "graph drawing"). The ⟨list
+of libraries⟩ is a comma-separated list of library written in the Lua
+programming language (which is why a special command is needed).
+In detail, this command does the following. For each ⟨name⟩ in the ⟨list
+of libraries⟩ we do:
+1. Check whether LuaTeX can call `require` on the library file
+ ``⟨name⟩`.library`. LuaTeX's usual file search mechanism will
+ search the texmf-trees in the usual manner and the dots in the file
+ name get converted into directory slashes.
+2. If the above failed, try to `require` the string ``⟨name⟩.
+3. If this fails, try to `require` the string ⟨name⟩`.library`.
+4. If this fails, try to `require` the string ⟨name⟩. If this fails,
+ print an error message.
+The net effect of the above is the following: Authors of graph drawing
+algorithms can bundle together multiple algorithms in a library by
+creating a `` file that internally just calls
+`require` for all files containing declarations. On the other hand, if a
+graph drawing algorithm completely fits inside a single file, it can
+also be read directly using `\usegdlibrary`.
+ \usetikzlibrary{graphdrawing}
+ \usegdlibrary{trees,force}
+The different graph drawing libraries are documented in the following
+Sections ?? to ??.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/usegdlibrary"
+ },
+ usetikzlibrary = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "list of libraries"}},
+ details = [[
+Once TikZ has been loaded, you can use this command to load further
+libraries. The list of libraries should contain the names of libraries
+separated by commas. Instead of curly braces, you can also use square
+brackets, which is something ConTeXt users will like. If you try to load
+a library a second time, nothing will happen.
+The above command will load a whole bunch of extra arrow tip
+What this command does is to load the file
+`tikzlibrary`⟨library⟩`.code.tex` for each ⟨library⟩ in the ⟨list of
+libraries⟩. If this file does not exist, the file
+`pgflibrary`⟨library⟩`.code.tex` is loaded instead. If this file also
+does not exist, an error message is printed. Thus, to write your own
+library file, all you need to do is to place a file of the appropriate
+name somewhere where TeX can find it. LaTeX, plain TeX, and ConTeXt
+users can then use your library.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/usetikzlibrary"
+ },
+ value = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "variable"}},
+ details = [[
+This expands to the current value of the key `/data point/`⟨variable⟩.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/value"
+ },
+ x = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "point register"}},
+ details = [[
+This macro expands just to the $x$-part of the point register. If we say
+as above, as we did above, `let \p1=(1pt,1pt+2pt) in ...`, then inside
+the `...` part the macro `\x1` expands to `1pt`.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/x"
+ },
+ y = {
+ arguments = {{meta = "point register"}},
+ details = [[
+Works like `\x`, only for the $y$-part.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf.back/y"
+ }
+keys = {
+ ["data visualization"] = {
+ about = {
+ details = [[
+This key asks the data visualization to place *about* ⟨number⟩ many
+ticks on an axis. It is not guaranteed that *exactly* ⟨number⟩ many
+ticks will be used, rather the actual number will be the closest number
+of ticks to ⟨number⟩ so that their stepping is still "good". For
+instance, when you say `about=10`, it may happen that exactly `10`, but
+perhaps even `13` ticks are actually selected, provided that these
+numbers of ticks lead to good stepping values like `5` or `2.5` rather
+than numbers like `3.4` or `7`. The method that is used to determine
+which steppings a deemed to be "good" depends on the current tick
+placement strategy.
+**Linear steps.** Let us start with `linear steps`: First, the
+difference between the maximum value $v_{\max}$ and the minimum value
+$v_{\min}$ on the axis is computed; let us call it $r$ for "range".
+Then, $r$ is divided by ⟨number⟩, yielding a target stepping $s$. If $s$
+is a number like $1$ or $5$ or $10$, then this number could be used
+directly as the new value of `step`. However, $s$ will typically
+something strange like $0.023\,45$ or $345\,223.76$, so $s$ must be
+replaced by a better value like $0.02$ in the first case and perhaps
+$250\,000$ in the second case.
+In order to determine which number is to be used, $s$ is rewritten in
+the form $m \cdot 10^k$ with $1 \le m < 10$ and $k \in \mathbb Z$. For
+instance, $0.023\,45$ would be rewritten as $2.345 \cdot 10^{-2}$ and
+$345\,223.76$ as $3.452\,2376 \cdot 10^5$. The next step is to replace
+the still not-so-good number $m$ like $2.345$ or $3.452\,237$ by a
+"good" value $m'$. For this, the current value of the `about strategy`
+is used:
+Once $m'$ has been determined, the stepping is set to
+$s' = m' \cdot 10^k$.
+The net effect of all this is that for the default strategy the only
+valid stepping are the values $1$, $2$, $2.5$ and $5$ and every value
+obtainable by multiplying one of these values by a power of ten. The
+following example shows the effects of, first, setting `about=5`
+(corresponding to the `some` option) and then having axes where the
+minimum value is always `0` and where the maximum value ranges from `10`
+to `100` and, second, setting `about` to the values from `3`
+(corresponding to the `few` option) and to `10` (corresponding to the
+`many` option) while having the minimum at `0` and the maximum at `100`:
+**Exponential steps.** For `exponential steps` the strategy for
+determining a good stepping value is similar to `linear steps`, but with
+the following differences:
+- Naturally, since the stepping value refers to the exponent, the
+ whole computation of a good stepping value needs to be done "in the
+ exponent". Mathematically spoken, instead of considering the
+ difference $r = v_{\max} - v_{\min}$, we consider the difference $r
+ = \log v_{\max} - \log v_{\min}$. With this difference,
+ we still compute $s = r / ⟨number⟩$ and let $s = m \cdot 10^k$ with
+ $1
+ \le m < 10$.
+- It makes no longer sense to use values like $2.5$ for $m'$ since
+ this would yield a fractional exponent. Indeed, the only sensible
+ values for $m'$ seem to be $1$, $3$, $6$, and $10$. Because of this,
+ the `about strategy` is ignored and one of these values or a
+ multiple of one of them by a power of ten is used.
+The following example shows the chosen steppings for a maximum varying
+from $10^1$ to $10^5$ and from $10^{10}$ to $10^{50}$ as well as for
+$10^{100}$ for `about=3`:
+**Alternative strategies.**
+In addition to the standard `about strategy`, there are some additional
+strategies that you might wish to use instead:
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/data:visualization/about",
+ meta = "⟨number⟩"
+ },
+ ["about strategy"] = {
+ details = [[
+The ⟨list⟩ is a comma-separated sequence of pairs ⟨threshold⟩/⟨value⟩
+like for instance `1.5/1.0` or `2.3/2.0`. When a good value $m'$ is
+sought for a given $m$, we iterate over the list and find the first pair
+⟨threshold⟩/⟨value⟩ where ⟨threshold⟩ exceeds $m$. Then $m'$ is set to
+⟨value⟩. For instance, if ⟨list⟩ is `1.5/1.0,2.3/2.0,4/2.5,7/5,11/10`,
+which is the default, then for $m=3.141$ we would get $m'=2.5$ since
+$4 >
+ 3.141$, but $2.3 \le 3.141$. For $m=6.3$ we would get $m'=5$.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/data:visualization/about:strategy",
+ meta = "⟨list⟩"
+ },
+ ["after creation"] = {
+ details = [[
+This code is executed right after the object has just been created. A
+handle to the just-created object is available in `\tikzdvobj`.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/data:visualization/after:creation",
+ meta = "⟨code⟩"
+ },
+ ["after survey"] = {
+ details = [[
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/data:visualization/after:survey",
+ meta = "⟨code⟩"
+ },
+ ["after visualization"] = {
+ details = [[
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/data:visualization/after:visualization",
+ meta = "⟨code⟩"
+ },
+ ["all axes"] = {
+ details = [[
+This key passes the ⟨options⟩ to all axes inside the current scope, just
+as if you had written ⟨some axis name⟩`=`⟨options⟩ for each ⟨some axis
+name⟩ in the current scope, including the just-created name ⟨axis name⟩.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/data:visualization/all:axes",
+ meta = "⟨options⟩"
+ },
+ ["also at"] = {
+ details = [[
+This key is similar to `at`, but it causes ticks or grid lines to be
+placed at the positions in the ⟨list⟩ *in addition* to the ticks that
+have already been specified either directly using `at` or indirectly
+using keys like `step` or `some`. The effect of multiple calls of this
+key accumulate. However, when `at` is used after an `also at` key, the
+`at` key completely resets the positions where ticks or grid lines are
+ \tikz \datavisualization
+ [ school book axes, visualize as smooth line,
+ x axis={grid, ticks and grid={major={also at={0.5}}}}]
+ data [format=function] {
+ var x : interval [-1.25:2];
+ func y = \value x * \value x / 2;
+ };
+As for `at`, there are some shorthands available:
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/data:visualization/also:at",
+ meta = "⟨list⟩"
+ },
+ arg1 = {
+ details = [[
+The value to be passed as the first parameter to the constructor.
+Similarly, the keys `arg2` to `arg8` specify further parameters passed.
+Naturally, only as many arguments are passed as parameters are set. Here
+is an example:
+ \tikzdatavisualizationset{
+ new object={
+ class = example class,
+ arg1 = foo,
+ arg2 = \bar
+ }
+ }
+causes the following object creation code to be executed later on:
+ \pgfoonew \tikzdvobj=new example class(foo,\bar)
+Note that you key mechanisms like `.expand once` to pass the value of a
+macro instead of the macro itself:
+ \tikzdatavisualizationset{
+ new object={
+ class = example class,
+ arg1 = foo,
+ arg2/.expand once = \bar
+ }
+ }
+Now, if `\bar` is set to `This \emph{is} it.`at the moment to object is
+created later on, the following object creation code is executed:
+ \pgfoonew \tikzdvobj=new example class(foo,This \emph{is} it)
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/data:visualization/arg1",
+ meta = "⟨value⟩"
+ },
+ ["arg1 from key"] = {
+ details = [[
+Works like the `arg1`, only the value that is passed to the constructor
+is the current value of the specified ⟨key⟩ at the moment when the
+object is created.
+ \tikzdatavisualizationset{
+ new object={
+ class = example class,
+ arg1 from key = /tikz/some key
+ }
+ }
+ \tikzset{some key/.initial=foobar}
+causes the following to be executed:
+ \pgfoonew \tikzdvobj=new example class(foobar)
+Naturally, the keys `arg2 from key` to `arg8 from key` are also
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/data:visualization/arg1:from:key",
+ meta = "⟨key⟩"
+ },
+ ["arg1 handle from key"] = {
+ details = [[
+Works like the `arg1 from key`, only the key must store an object and
+instead of the object a handle to the object is passed to the
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/data:visualization/arg1:handle:from:key",
+ meta = "⟨key⟩"
+ },
+ at = {
+ details = [[
+Basically, the ⟨list⟩ must be a list of values that is processed with
+the `\foreach` macro (thus, it can contain ellipses to specify ranges of
+value). Empty values are skipped.
+The effect of passing `at` to a `major`, `minor`, or `subminor` key is
+that ticks or grid lines on the axis will be placed exactly at the
+values in ⟨list⟩. Here is an example:
+ \tikz \datavisualization
+ [ school book axes, visualize as smooth line,
+ x axis={ticks={major={at={-1,0.5,(pi/2)}}}}]
+ data [format=function] {
+ var x : interval [-1.25:2];
+ func y = \value x * \value x / 2;
+ };
+When this option is used, any previously specified tick positions are
+overwritten by the values in ⟨list⟩. Automatically computed ticks are
+also overwritten. Thus, this option gives you complete control over
+where ticks should be placed.
+Normally, the individual values inside the ⟨list⟩ are just numbers that
+are specified in the same way as an attribute value. However, such a
+value may also contain the keyword `as`, which allows you so specify the
+styling of the tick in detail. Section ?? details how this works.
+It is often a bit cumbersome that one has to write things like
+ some axis = {ticks = {major = {at = {...}}}}
+A slight simplification is given by the following keys, which can be
+passed directly to `ticks` and `grid`:
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/data:visualization/at",
+ meta = "⟨list⟩"
+ },
+ ["at end survey"] = {
+ details = [[
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/data:visualization/at:end:survey",
+ meta = "⟨code⟩"
+ },
+ ["at end visualization"] = {
+ details = [[
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/data:visualization/at:end:visualization",
+ meta = "⟨code⟩"
+ },
+ ["at start survey"] = {
+ details = [[
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/data:visualization/at:start:survey",
+ meta = "⟨code⟩"
+ },
+ ["at start visualization"] = {
+ details = [[
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/data:visualization/at:start:visualization",
+ meta = "⟨code⟩"
+ },
+ ["axis layer"] = {
+ details = [[
+The layer on which the axis is drawn. See the description of
+`grid layer` on page ?? for details.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/data:visualization/axis:layer"
+ },
+ ["axis option/anchor at max"] = {
+ details = [[
+Like `anchor at min`.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/data:visualization/axis:option/anchor:at:max"
+ },
+ ["axis option/anchor at min"] = {
+ details = [[
+When passed to an axis, this key sets the `anchor` so that a node
+positioned at either the `min` or the `padded min` value of the axis
+will be placed "nicely" with respect to the axis. For instance, if the
+axis points upwards from the `min` value to the `max` value, the
+`anchor` would be set to `north` since this gives a label below the
+axis's start. Similarly, if the axis points right, the anchor would be
+set to `east`, and so on.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/data:visualization/axis:option/anchor:at:min"
+ },
+ ["axis options/attribute"] = {
+ details = [[
+Specifies that the axis is used to transform the data points according
+the different values of the key `/data point/`⟨attribute⟩. For instance,
+when we create a classical two-dimensional Cartesian coordinate system,
+then there are two axes called `x axis` and `y axis` that monitor the
+values of the attributes `/data point/x` and `/data point/y`,
+ [new axis base=x axis,
+ new axis base=y axis,
+ x axis={attribute=x},
+ y axis={attribute=y}]
+In another example, we also create an `x axis` and a `y axis`. However,
+this time, we want to plot the values of the `/data point/time`
+attribute on the $x$-axis and, say, the value of the `height` attribute
+on the $y$-axis:
+ [new axis base=x axis,
+ new axis base=y axis,
+ x axis={attribute=time},
+ y axis={attribute=height}]
+During the data visualization, the ⟨attribute⟩ will be "monitored"
+during the survey phase. This means that for each data point, the
+current value of `/data point/`⟨attribute⟩ is examined and the minimum
+value of all of these values as well as the maximum value is recorded
+internally. Note that this works even when very large numbers like
+`100000000000` are involved.
+Here is a real-life example. The `scientific axes` create two axes,
+called `x axis` and `y axis`, respectively.
+ \tikz \datavisualization [scientific axes,
+ x axis={attribute=people, length=2.5cm, ticks=few},
+ y axis={attribute=year},
+ visualize as scatter]
+ data {
+ year, people
+ 1900, 100
+ 1910, 200
+ 1950, 200
+ 1960, 250
+ 2000, 150
+ };
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/data:visualization/axis:options/attribute",
+ meta = "⟨attribute⟩"
+ },
+ ["axis options/degrees"] = {
+ details = [[
+When this key is passed to the angle axis of a polar axis system, it
+sets up the scaling so that a value of `360` on this axis corresponds to
+a complete circle.
+ \tikz \datavisualization
+ [new polar axes={angle axis}{radius axis},
+ radius axis={unit length=1cm},
+ angle axis={degrees},
+ visualize as scatter]
+ data [format=named] {
+ angle={10,90}, radius={0.25,0.5,...,2}
+ };
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/data:visualization/axis:options/degrees"
+ },
+ ["axis options/exponential steps"] = {
+ details = [[
+This strategy produces ticks at positions that are appropriate for
+logarithmic plots. It is automatically selected when you use the
+`logarithmic` option with an axis.
+In detail, the following happens: As for `linear steps` let numbers $a$,
+$b$, $s$, and $p$ be given. Then, major ticks are placed at all
+positions $10^{i\cdot s+p}$ that lie in the interval $[a,b]$ for
+$i \in \mathbb{Z}$.
+The minor steps are added in the same way as for `linear steps`. In
+particular, they interpolate *linearly* between major steps.
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \datavisualization
+ [scientific axes,
+ x axis={logarithmic, length=2cm, ticks={step=1.5}},
+ y axis={logarithmic, ticks={step=1, minor steps between steps=9}},
+ visualize as scatter]
+ data {
+ x, y
+ 1, 10
+ 1000, 1000000
+ };
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/data:visualization/axis:options/exponential:steps"
+ },
+ ["axis options/function"] = {
+ details = [[
+The ⟨code⟩ should specify a function $f$ that is applied during the
+transformation of the interval $[s_1,s_2]$ to the interval $[t_1,t_2]$
+in the following way: When the ⟨code⟩ is called, the macro `\pgfvalue`
+will have been set to an internal representation of the
+to-be-transformed value $v$. You can then call the commands of the
+math-micro-kernel of the data visualization system, see Section ??, to
+compute a new value. This new value must once more be stored in
+The most common use of this key is to say
+ some axis={function=\pgfdvmathln{\pgfvalue}{\pgfvalue}}
+This specifies that the function $f$ is the logarithm function.
+ \tikz \datavisualization
+ [scientific axes,
+ x axis={ticks={major={at={1,10,100,1000}}},
+ scaling=1 at 0cm and 1000 at 3cm,
+ function=\pgfdvmathln{\pgfvalue}{\pgfvalue}},
+ visualize as scatter]
+ data [format=named] {
+ x={1,100,...,1000}, y={1,2,3}
+ };
+Another possibility might be to use the square-root function, instead:
+ \tikz \datavisualization
+ [scientific axes,
+ x axis={ticks=few,
+ scaling=1 at 0cm and 1000 at 3cm,
+ function=\pgfdvmathunaryop{\pgfvalue}{sqrt}{\pgfvalue}},
+ visualize as scatter]
+ data [format=named] {
+ x={0,100,...,1000}, y={1,2,3}
+ };
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/data:visualization/axis:options/function",
+ meta = "⟨code⟩"
+ },
+ ["axis options/goto"] = {
+ details = [[
+The key can be passed to an axis. It will set the attribute monitored by
+the axis to the given ⟨value⟩, which is usually some number. However,
+⟨value⟩ may also be one of the following, which causes a special
+- `min`: The attribute is set to the minimal value that the attribute
+ has attained along this axis.
+- `max`: Like `min`.
+- `padded min`: This will also set the ⟨attribute⟩ monitored by the
+ axis to the same value as `min`. Additionally, however, the subkey
+ `/data point/`⟨attribute⟩`/offset` is set to the current padding for
+ the minimum, see the description of `padding min` later on. The
+ effect of this is that the actual point "meant" by the attribute is
+ offset by this padding along the attribute's axis.
+- `padded max`: Like `padded min`.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/data:visualization/axis:options/goto",
+ meta = "⟨value⟩"
+ },
+ ["axis options/goto pos"] = {
+ details = [[
+The key works like `goto`, only the ⟨fraction⟩ is not interpreted as a
+value but as a fraction of the way between the minimum and the maximum
+value for this axis.
+Suppose that for an axis the attribute range interval is $[500,1000]$
+and the reasonable interval is $[1,3]$. Then for a ⟨fraction⟩ of `0`,
+the mapping process would choose value $1$ from the reasonable interval,
+for a ⟨fraction⟩ of `1` the position $3$ from the reasonable interval,
+and for a ⟨fraction⟩ or `0.25` the position $1.5$ since it is one
+quarter at the distance from $1$ to $3$.
+Note that neither the attribute range interval nor the transformation
+function for the attribute are important for the `goto pos` option --
+the ⟨fraction⟩ is computed with respect to the reasonable interval. Also
+note that the values of the actual attribute corresponding to the
+fractional positions in the reasonable interval are not computed.
+ \tikzset{
+ data visualization/our system/.append style={
+ x axis= {visualize axis={left axis={goto pos=0.25}},
+ visualize axis={left axis={goto pos=0.5}}},
+ }
+ }
+ \tikz \datavisualization [
+ our system,
+ x axis={attribute=time, length=4cm},
+ left axis ={attribute=money},
+ right axis={attribute=people},
+ visualize as line/.list={people 1, people 2, money 1, money 2}]
+ data group {people and money};
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/data:visualization/axis:options/goto:pos",
+ meta = "⟨fraction⟩"
+ },
+ ["axis options/grid"] = {
+ details = [[
+This key is similar to `ticks`, only it is used to configure where grid
+lines should be shown rather than ticks. In particular, the options that
+can be passed to the `ticks` key can also be passed to the `grid` key.
+Just like `ticks`, the ⟨options⟩ only specify which grid lines should be
+drawn in principle; it is the job of the `visualize grid` key to
+actually cause any grid lines to be shown.
+If you do not specify any ⟨options⟩, the default text `at default ticks`
+is used. This option causes grid lines to be drawn at all positions
+where ticks are shown by default. Since this usually exactly what you
+would like to happen, most of the time you just need to `all axes=grid`
+to cause a grid to be shown.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/data:visualization/axis:options/grid",
+ meta = "⟨options⟩"
+ },
+ ["axis options/include value"] = {
+ details = [[
+This key "fakes" data points for which the attribute's values are in the
+comma-separated ⟨list of values⟩. For instance, when you write
+`include value=0`, then the attribute range interval is guaranteed to
+contain `0` -- even if the actual data points are all positive or all
+ \tikz \datavisualization [scientific axes, all axes={length=3cm},
+ visualize as line]
+ data [format=function] {
+ var x : interval [5:10];
+ func y = \value x * \value x;
+ };
+ \tikz \datavisualization [scientific axes, all axes={length=3cm},
+ visualize as line,
+ x axis={include value=20},
+ y axis={include value=0}]
+ data [format=function] {
+ var x : interval [5:10];
+ func y = \value x * \value x;
+ };
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/data:visualization/axis:options/include:value",
+ meta = "⟨list of value⟩"
+ },
+ ["axis options/label"] = {
+ details = [[
+This key sets the label of an axis to ⟨text⟩. This text will typically
+be placed inside a `node` and the ⟨options⟩ can be used to further
+configure the way this node is rendered. The ⟨options⟩ will be executed
+with the path prefix `/tikz/data visualization/`, so you need to say
+`node style` to configure the styling of a node, see Section ??.
+ \tikz \datavisualization [
+ scientific axes,
+ x axis = {label, length=2.5cm},
+ y axis = {label={[node style={fill=blue!20}]{$x^2$}}},
+ visualize as smooth line]
+ data [format=function] {
+ var x : interval [-3:5];
+ func y = \value x * \value x;
+ };
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/data:visualization/axis:options/label",
+ meta = "{[⟨options⟩]}⟨text⟩"
+ },
+ ["axis options/length"] = {
+ details = [[
+Sets `scaling` to `min at 0cm and max at `⟨dimension⟩. The effect is
+that the range of all values of the axis's attribute will be mapped to
+an interval of exact length ⟨dimension⟩.
+ \tikz \datavisualization [scientific axes,
+ x axis={length=3cm},
+ y axis={length=2cm},
+ all axes={ticks=few},
+ visualize as line]
+ data {
+ x, y
+ 10, 10
+ 20, 20
+ 15, 30
+ 13, 20
+ };
+ \tikz \datavisualization [scientific axes,
+ x axis={length=3cm},
+ y axis={length=4cm},
+ all axes={ticks=few},
+ visualize as line]
+ data {
+ x, y
+ 10, 10
+ 20, 20
+ 15, 30
+ 13, 20
+ };
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/data:visualization/axis:options/length",
+ meta = "⟨dimension⟩"
+ },
+ ["axis options/linear steps"] = {
+ details = [[
+This strategy places ticks at positions that are evenly spaced by the
+current value of `step`.
+In detail, the following happens: Let $a$ be the minimum value of the
+data values along the axis and let $b$ be the maximum. Let the current
+*stepping* be $s$ (the stepping is set using the `step` option, see
+below) and let the current *phasing* be $p$ (set using the `phase`)
+option. Then ticks are placed all positions $i\cdot s + p$ that lie in
+the interval $[a,b]$, where $i$ ranges over all integers.
+The tick positions computed in the way described above are *major* step
+positions. In addition to these, if the key `minor steps between steps`
+is set to some number $n$, then $n$ many minor ticks are introduced
+between each two major ticks (and also before and after the last major
+tick, provided the values still lie in the interval $[a,b]$). Note that
+is $n$ is $1$, then one minor tick will be added in the middle between
+any two major ticks. Use a value of $9$ (not $10$) to partition the
+interval between two major ticks into ten equally sized minor intervals.
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \datavisualization
+ [scientific axes={inner ticks, width=3cm},
+ x axis={ticks={step=3, minor steps between steps=2}},
+ y axis={ticks={step=.36}},
+ visualize as scatter]
+ data {
+ x, y
+ 17, 30
+ 34, 32
+ };
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/data:visualization/axis:options/linear:steps"
+ },
+ ["axis options/logarithmic"] = {
+ details = [[
+When this key is used with an axis, three things happen:
+1. The transformation `function` of the axis is setup to the logarithm.
+2. The strategy for automatically generating ticks and grid lines is
+ set to the `exponential strategy`, see Section ?? for details.
+3. The default scaling is setup sensibly.
+All told, to turn an axis into a logarithmic axis, you just need to add
+this option to the axis.
+ \tikz \datavisualization [scientific axes,
+ x axis={logarithmic},
+ y axis={logarithmic},
+ visualize as line]
+ data [format=function] {
+ var x : interval [0.01:100];
+ func y = \value x * \value x;
+ };
+Note that this will work with any axis, including, say, the degrees on a
+polar axis:
+ \tikz \datavisualization
+ [new polar axes,
+ angle axis={logarithmic, scaling=1 at 0 and 90 at 90},
+ radius axis={scaling=0 at 0cm and 100 at 3cm},
+ visualize as scatter]
+ data [format=named] {
+ angle={1,10,...,90}, radius={1,10,...,100}
+ };
+ \tikz \datavisualization
+ [new polar axes,
+ angle axis={degrees},
+ radius axis={logarithmic, scaling=1 at 0cm and 100 at 3cm},
+ visualize as scatter]
+ data [format=named] {
+ angle={1,10,...,90}, radius={1,10,...,100}
+ };
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/data:visualization/axis:options/logarithmic"
+ },
+ ["axis options/max value"] = {
+ details = [[
+Works like `min value`.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/data:visualization/axis:options/max:value",
+ meta = "⟨value⟩"
+ },
+ ["axis options/min value"] = {
+ details = [[
+This key allows you to simply set the minimum value, regardless of which
+values are present in the actual data. This key should be used with
+care: If there are data points for which the attribute's value is less
+than ⟨value⟩, they will still be depicted, but typically outside the
+normal visualization area. Usually, saying `include value=`⟨value⟩ will
+achieve the same as saying `min value=`⟨value⟩, but with less danger of
+creating ill-formed visualizations.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/data:visualization/axis:options/min:value",
+ meta = "⟨value⟩"
+ },
+ ["axis options/padding"] = {
+ details = [[
+Sets both `padding min` to the negated value of ⟨dimension⟩ and
+`padding max` to ⟨dimension⟩.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/data:visualization/axis:options/padding",
+ meta = "⟨dimension⟩"
+ },
+ ["axis options/padding max"] = {
+ details = [[
+Works like `padding min`, but ⟨dimension⟩ should typically be positive.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/data:visualization/axis:options/padding:max",
+ meta = "⟨dimension⟩"
+ },
+ ["axis options/padding min"] = {
+ details = [[
+This is the dimension that is used whenever `goto=padded min` is used.
+The ⟨dimension⟩ is then put into the `offset` subkey of the attribute
+monitored by the axis. When a data point is transformed by a linear
+transformer and when this subkey is nonzero, this offset is added. (For
+an angle axis of a polar transformer, the ⟨dimension⟩ is interpreted as
+an additional angle rather than as an additional distance). Note that
+⟨dimension⟩ should typically be negative since "adding the ⟨dimension⟩"
+will then make the axis longer (because it starts at a smaller value).
+The standard axis systems set the padding to some default and take its
+value into account:
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \datavisualization [scientific axes=clean,
+ x axis={padding min=-1cm},
+ visualize as smooth line]
+ data [format=function] {
+ var x : interval [-3:5];
+ func y = \value x * \value x;
+ };
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+Using padded and using the `padded` key, we can visualize our axis "a
+little removed from the actual data":
+ \tikzset{
+ data visualization/our system/.append style={
+ all axes= {padding=.5em},
+ left axis= {visualize axis={x axis= {goto=padded min}, padded}},
+ right axis={visualize axis={x axis= {goto=padded max}, padded}},
+ x axis= {visualize axis={left axis={goto=padded min}, padded},
+ visualize axis={left axis={goto=padded max}, padded}},
+ }
+ }
+ \tikz \datavisualization [
+ our system,
+ x axis={attribute=time, length=3cm},
+ left axis ={attribute=money},
+ right axis={attribute=people},
+ visualize as line/.list={people 1, people 2, money 1, money 2}]
+ data group {people and money};
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/data:visualization/axis:options/padding:min",
+ meta = "⟨dimension⟩"
+ },
+ ["axis options/power unit length"] = {
+ details = [[
+This key is used in conjunction with the `logarithmic` setting. It cases
+the `scaling` to be set to `1 at 0cm and 10 at `⟨dimension⟩. This causes
+a "power unit", that is, one power of ten in a logarithmic plot, to get
+a length of ⟨dimension⟩. Again, this key is useful for ensuring that the
+same scaling is used across multiple axes or pictures.
+ \tikz \datavisualization
+ [scientific axes,
+ y axis={logarithmic, power unit length=1mm, grid},
+ visualize as line]
+ data {
+ x, y
+ 0, 0.0000000001
+ 1, 1
+ 2, 100000
+ 3, 100000000000
+ 4, 10000000000000000000000000000000
+ 5, 500000000
+ 6, 5000000000000000000
+ };
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/data:visualization/axis:options/power:unit:length",
+ meta = "⟨dimension⟩"
+ },
+ ["axis options/radians"] = {
+ details = [[
+In contrast to `degrees`, this option sets up things so that a value of
+`2*pi` on this axis corresponds to a complete circle.
+ \tikz \datavisualization
+ [new polar axes={angle axis}{radius axis},
+ radius axis={unit length=1cm},
+ angle axis={radians},
+ visualize as scatter]
+ data [format=named] {
+ angle={0,1.5}, radius={0.25,0.5,...,2}
+ };
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/data:visualization/axis:options/radians"
+ },
+ ["axis options/scaling"] = {
+ details = [[
+The ⟨scaling spec⟩ must have the following form:
+> ⟨$s_1$⟩` at `⟨$t_1$⟩` and `⟨$s_2$⟩` at `⟨$t_2$⟩
+This means that monitored values in the interval $[s_1,s_2]$ should be
+mapped to values the "reasonable" interval $[t_1,t_2]$, instead. For
+instance, we might write
+ [y axis = {scaling = 1900 at 0cm and 2000 at 5cm}]
+in order to map dates between 1900 and 2000 to the dimension interval
+ \tikz \datavisualization
+ [scientific axes,
+ x axis={attribute=people, length=2.5cm, ticks=few},
+ y axis={attribute=year, scaling=1900 at 0cm and 2000 at 5cm},
+ visualize as scatter]
+ data {
+ year, people
+ 1900, 100
+ 1910, 200
+ 1950, 200
+ 1960, 250
+ 2000, 150
+ };
+So much for the basic idea. Let us now have a detailed look at what
+**Number format and the min and max keywords.** The source values $s_1$
+and $s_2$ are typically just numbers like `3.14` or `10000000000`.
+However, as described in Section ??, you can also specify expressions
+like `(pi/2)`, provided that (currently) you put them in parentheses.
+Instead of a number, you may alternatively also use the two key words
+`min` and `max` for $s_1$ and/or $s_2$. In this case, `min` evaluates to
+the smallest value observed for the attribute in the data, symmetrically
+`max` evaluates to the largest values. For instance, in the above
+example with the `year` attribute ranging from `1900` to `2000`, the
+keyword `min` would stand for `1900` and `max` for `2000`. Similarly,
+for the `people` attribute `min` stands for `100` and `max` for `250`.
+Note that `min` and `max` can only be used for $s_1$ and $s_2$, not for
+$t_1$ and $t_2$.
+A typical use of the `min` and `max` keywords is to say
+ scaling = min at 0cm and max at 5cm
+to map the complete range of values into an interval of length of 5cm.
+The interval $[s_1,s_2]$ need not contain all values that the
+⟨attribute⟩ may attain. It is permissible that values are less than
+$s_1$ or more than $s_2$.
+**Linear transformation of the attribute.** As indicated earlier, the
+main job of an axis is to map values from a "large" interval $[s_1,s_2]$
+to a more reasonable interval $[t_1,t_2]$. Suppose that for the current
+data point the value of the key `/data point/`⟨attribute⟩ is the number
+$v$. In the simplest case, the following happens: A new value $v'$ is
+computed so that $v' = t_1$ when $v=s_1$ and $v'=t_2$ when $v=s_2$ and
+$v'$ is some value in between $t_1$ and $t_2$ then $v$ is some value in
+between $s_1$ and $s_2$. (Formally, in this basic case
+$v' = t_1 + (v-s_1)\frac{t_2-t_1}{s_2-s_1}$.)
+Once $v'$ has been computed, it is stored in the key
+`/data point/`⟨attribute⟩`/scaled`. Thus, the "reasonable" value $v'$
+does not replace the value of the attribute, but it is placed in a
+different key. This means that both the original value and the more
+"scaled" values are available when the data point is visualized.
+As an example, suppose you have written
+ [x axis = {attribute = x, scaling=1000 at 20 and 2000 at 30}]
+Now suppose that `/data point/x` equals `1200` for a data point. Then
+the key `/data point/x/scaled` will be set to `22` when the data point
+is being visualized.
+**Nonlinear transformations of the attribute.** By default, the
+transformation of $[s_1,s_2]$ to $[t_1,t_2]$ is the linear
+transformation described above. However, in some case you may be
+interested in a different kind of transformation: For example, in a
+logarithmic plot, values of an attribute may range between, say, `1` and
+`1000` and we want an axis of length `3cm`. So, we would write
+ [x axis = {attribute = x, scaling=1 at 0cm and 1000 at 3cm}]
+Indeed, `1` will now be mapped to position `0cm` and `1000` will be
+mapped to position `3cm`. Now, the value `10` will be mapped to
+approximately `0.03cm` because it is (almost) at one percent between `1`
+and `1000`. However, in a logarithmic plot we actually want `10` to be
+mapped to the position `1cm` rather than `0.03cm` and we want `100` to
+be mapped to the position `2cm`. Such a mapping a *nonlinear* mapping
+between the intervals.
+In order to achieve such a nonlinear mapping, the `function` key can be
+used, whose syntax is described in a moment. The effect of this key is
+to specify a function $f \colon \mathbb{R} \to \mathbb{R}$ like, say,
+the logarithm function. When such a function is specified, the mapping
+of $v$ to $v'$ is computed as follows: $$\begin{aligned}
+ v' = t_1 + (f(s_2) - f(v))\frac{t_2 - t_1}{f(s_2)-f(s_1)}.
+ \end{aligned}$$
+The syntax of the `function` key is described next, but you typically
+will not call this key directly. Rather, you will use a key like
+`logarithmic` that installs appropriate code for the `function` key for
+**Default scaling.** When no scaling is specified, it may seem natural
+to use $[0,1]$ both as the source and the target interval. However, this
+would not work when the logarithm function is used as transformations:
+In this case the logarithm of zero would be computed, leading to an
+error. Indeed, for a logarithmic axis it is far more natural to use
+$[1,10]$ as the source interval and $[0,1]$ as the target interval.
+For these reasons, the default value for the `scaling` that is used when
+no value is specified explicitly can be set using a special key:
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/data:visualization/axis:options/scaling",
+ meta = "⟨scaling spec⟩"
+ },
+ ["axis options/scaling/default"] = {
+ details = [[
+The ⟨text⟩ is used as `scaling` whenever no other scaling is specified.
+This key is mainly used when a transformation function is set using
+`function`; normally, you will not use this key directly.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/data:visualization/axis:options/scaling/default",
+ meta = "⟨text⟩"
+ },
+ ["axis options/tick placement strategy"] = {
+ details = [[
+This key can be used to install a so-called *tick placement strategy*.
+Whenever `visualize ticks` is used to request some ticks to be
+visualized, it is checked whether some automatic ticks should be
+created. This is the case when the following key is set:
+Provided `compute step` is set to some nonempty value, upon
+visualization of ticks the ⟨macro⟩ is executed. Typically, ⟨macro⟩ will
+first call the ⟨code⟩ stored in the key `compute step`. Then, it should
+implement some strategy then uses the value of the computed or desired
+stepping to create appropriate `at` commands. To be precise, it should
+set the keys `major`, `minor`, and/or `subminor` with some appropriate
+`at` values.
+Inside the call of ⟨macro⟩, the macro `\tikzdvaxis` will have been set
+to the name of the axis for which default ticks need to be computed.
+This allows you to access the minimum and the maximum value stored in
+the `scaling mapper` of that axis.
+ \def\silly{
+ \tikzdatavisualizationset{major={at={
+ 2,3,5,7,11,13}}}
+ }
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \datavisualization [
+ scientific axes, visualize as scatter,
+ x axis={tick placement strategy=\silly}
+ ]
+ data {
+ x, y
+ 0, 0
+ 15, 15
+ };
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/data:visualization/axis:options/tick:placement:strategy",
+ meta = "⟨macro⟩"
+ },
+ ["axis options/ticks"] = {
+ details = [[
+This key can be passed to an axis in order to configure which ticks are
+present for the axis. The possible ⟨options⟩ include, for instance, keys
+like `step`, which is used to specify a stepping for the ticks, but also
+keys like `major` or `minor` for specifying the positions of major and
+minor ticks in detail. The list of possible options is described in the
+rest of this section.
+Note that the `ticks` option will only configure which ticks should be
+shown in principle. The actual rendering is done only when the
+`visualize ticks` key is used, documented in Section ??, which is
+typically done only internally by an axis system.
+The ⟨options⟩ will be executed with the path prefix
+`/tikz/data visualization/`. When the `ticks` key is used multiple times
+for an axis, the ⟨options⟩ accumulate.
+ \tikz \datavisualization [
+ scientific axes, visualize as line,
+ x axis={ticks={step=24, minor steps between steps=3},
+ label=hours}]
+ data {
+ x, y
+ 0, 0
+ 10, 0
+ 20, 0.5
+ 30, 0.75
+ 40, 0.7
+ 50, 0.6
+ 60, 0.5
+ 70, 0.45
+ 80, 0.47
+ };
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/data:visualization/axis:options/ticks",
+ meta = "⟨options⟩"
+ },
+ ["axis options/ticks and grid"] = {
+ details = [[
+This key passes the ⟨options⟩ to both the `ticks` key and also to the
+`grid` key. This is useful when you want to specify some special points
+explicitly where you wish a tick to be shown and also a grid line.
+ \tikz \datavisualization
+ [scientific axes,
+ visualize as smooth line,
+ all axes= {grid, unit length=1.25cm},
+ y axis={ ticks=few },
+ x axis={ ticks=many, ticks and grid={ major also at={(pi/2) as $\frac{\pi}{2}$}}}]
+ data [format=function] {
+ var x : interval [-pi/2:3*pi] samples 50;
+ func y = sin(\value x r);
+ };
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/data:visualization/axis:options/ticks:and:grid",
+ meta = "⟨options⟩"
+ },
+ ["axis options/unit length"] = {
+ details = [[
+Sets `scaling` to `0 at 0cm and 1 at `⟨dimension⟩. In other words, this
+key allows you to specify how long a single unit should be. This key is
+particularly useful when you wish to ensure that the same scaling is
+used across multiple axes or pictures.
+ \tikz \datavisualization [scientific axes,
+ all axes={ticks=few, unit length=1mm},
+ visualize as line]
+ data {
+ x, y
+ 10, 10
+ 40, 20
+ 15, 30
+ 13, 20
+ };
+The optional `per `⟨number⟩` units` allows you to apply more drastic
+scaling. Suppose that you want to plot a graph where one billion
+corresponds to one centimeter. Then the unit length would be need to be
+set to a hundredth of a nanometer -- much too small for TeX to handle as
+a dimension. In this case, you can write
+`unit length=1cm per 1000000000 units`:
+ \tikz \datavisualization
+ [scientific axes,
+ x axis={unit length=1mm per 1000000000 units, ticks=few},
+ visualize as line]
+ data {
+ x, y
+ 10000000000, 10
+ 40000000000, 20
+ 15000000000, 30
+ 13000000000, 20
+ };
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/data:visualization/axis:options/unit:length",
+ meta = "⟨dimension⟩ per ⟨number⟩ units"
+ },
+ ["axis options/unit vector"] = {
+ details = [[
+Recall that an axis takes the values of an attribute and rescales them
+so that they fit into a "reasonable" interval $[t_1,t_2]$. Suppose that
+$v'$ is the rescaled dimension in (TeX) points. Then when the data point
+is visualized, the coordinate system will be shifted by $v'$ times the
+As an example, suppose that you have said
+`scaling=0 and 10pt and 50 and 20pt`. Then when the underlying attribute
+has the value `25`, it will be mapped to a $v'$ of $15$ (because `25`
+lies in the middle of `0` and `50` and `15pt` lies in the middle of
+`10pt` and `20pt`). This, in turn, causes the data point to be displaced
+by $15$ times the ⟨coordinate⟩.
+The bottom line is that the ⟨coordinate⟩ should usually denote a point
+that is at distance `1pt` from the origin and that points into the
+direction of the axis.
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \draw [help lines] (0,0) grid (3,2);
+ \datavisualization
+ [new Cartesian axis=x axis, x axis={attribute=x},
+ new Cartesian axis=y axis, y axis={attribute=y},
+ x axis={unit vector=(0:1pt)},
+ y axis={unit vector=(60:1pt)},
+ visualize as scatter]
+ data {
+ x, y
+ 0, 0
+ 1, 0
+ 2, 0
+ 1, 1
+ 2, 1
+ 1, 1.5
+ 2, 1.5
+ };
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/data:visualization/axis:options/unit:vector",
+ meta = "⟨coordinate⟩"
+ },
+ ["axis options/unit vectors"] = {
+ details = [[
+Both the ⟨unit vector 0 degrees⟩ and the ⟨unit vector 90 degrees⟩ are
+TikZ coordinates:
+ \tikz \datavisualization
+ [new polar axes={angle axis}{radius axis},
+ radius axis={unit length=1cm},
+ angle axis={unit vectors={(10:1pt)}{(60:1pt)}},
+ visualize as scatter]
+ data [format=named] {
+ angle={0,90}, radius={0.25,0.5,...,2}
+ };
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/data:visualization/axis:options/unit:vectors",
+ meta = " {⟨unit vector 0 degrees⟩}{⟨unit vector 90 degrees⟩}"
+ },
+ ["axis options/visualize axis"] = {
+ details = [[
+This key is passed to an axis as an option. It causes a visual
+representation of the axis to be created during the data visualization.
+The ⟨options⟩ are used to determine where the axis should be drawn and
+how long it should be. We can specify, for instance, that an axis should
+be drawn at the minimum value of another axis or where another axis has
+the value `0`.
+**The goto, high, and low Keys.** In our example, the `left axis` should
+be shown at the left hand side. This is the position where the `x axis`
+has its minimum value. To specify this, we would use the following code:
+ left axis={ visualize axis={ x axis={ goto=min } }
+As can be seen, we can pass another axis as an ⟨option⟩ to
+`visualize axis`, where we pass the following key to the axis in turn:
+The `right axis` would be visualized the same way, only at `goto=max`.
+The $x$-axis actually needs to be visualized *twice*: Once at the bottom
+and once at the top. Thus, we need to call `visualize axis` twice for
+this axis:
+ \tikzset{
+ data visualization/our system/.append style={
+ left axis= {visualize axis={x axis= {goto=min}}},
+ right axis={visualize axis={x axis= {goto=max}}},
+ x axis= {visualize axis={left axis={goto=min}},
+ visualize axis={left axis={goto=max}}},
+ }
+ }
+ \tikz \datavisualization [
+ our system,
+ x axis={attribute=time, length=4cm},
+ left axis ={attribute=money},
+ right axis={attribute=people},
+ visualize as line/.list={people 1, people 2, money 1, money 2}]
+ data group {people and money};
+There is another key that is similar to `goto`, but has a slightly
+different semantics:
+By default, when an axis is visualized, it spans the set of all possible
+values for the monitored attribute, that is, from `min` to `max`.
+However, there are actually two keys that allow you to adjust this:
+By default, `low=min` and `high=max` are set for an axis visualization.
+Another sensible setting is `low=padded min` and `high=padded max`. The
+following key provides a shorthand for this:
+As an example, consider the `scientific axes=clean`. Here, each axis is
+actually drawn three times: Once at the minimum, once at the maximum and
+then once more at the padded minimum.
+**The axis line.** When an axis is drawn, TikZ does not simply draw a
+straight line from the `low` position to the `high` position. In
+reality, the data visualization system uses the two commands
+`\pgfpathdvmoveto` and `\pgfpathdvlineto` internally. These will replace
+the straight line by a curve in certain situations. For instance, in a
+polar coordinate system, if an axis should be drawn along an angle axis
+for a fixed radius, an arc will be used instead of a straight line.
+**Styling the axis.** As can be seen, we now get the axis we want (but
+without the ticks, visualizing them will be explained later). The axis
+is, however, simply a black line. We can *style* the axis in a manner
+similar to styling ticks and grid lines, see Section ??. In detail, the
+following styles get executed:
+1. `axis layer`
+2. `every axis`
+3. `styling`
+Additionally, even before `every axis` is executed, `low=min` and
+`high=max` are executed.
+Recall that the `styling` key is set using the `style` key, see
+Section ??.
+ \tikzset{
+ data visualization/our system/.append style={
+ every axis/.style={style=black!50}, % make this the default
+ left axis= {visualize axis={x axis= {goto=min}, style=red!75}},
+ right axis={visualize axis={x axis= {goto=max}, style=blue!75}},
+ x axis= {visualize axis={left axis={goto=min}},
+ visualize axis={left axis={goto=max}}},
+ }
+ }
+ \tikz \datavisualization [
+ our system,
+ x axis={attribute=time, length=4cm},
+ left axis ={attribute=money},
+ right axis={attribute=people},
+ visualize as line/.list={people 1, people 2, money 1, money 2}]
+ data group {people and money};
+**Padding the Axis.** When an axis is visualized, it is often a good
+idea to make it "a little bit longer" or to "remove it a bit from the
+border", because the visualization of an axis should not interfere with
+the actual data. For this reason, a *padding* can be specified for axes:
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/data:visualization/axis:options/visualize:axis",
+ meta = "⟨options⟩"
+ },
+ ["axis options/visualize grid"] = {
+ details = [[
+This key is passed to an axis. It causes grid lines to be drawn at the
+positions specified by the `grid` key for this axis. The ⟨options⟩
+govern where and how the grid lines will be drawn.
+**The direction axis.** At first sight, one might expect that the grid
+lines for an axis should simply be drawn perpendicular to the axis
+between the minimum and maximum value of the axis. However, things are
+somewhat more difficult in reality:
+1. A grid line is supposed to indicate all positions where a certain
+ attribute attains a fixed value. But, then, a grid line does not
+ really need to be a grid *line*. Consider for instance a three
+ dimensional axis system. A "grid line" for the $x$-coordinate `3`
+ would actually be a "grid plane".
+2. For a polar coordinate system and a fixed radius, this set of
+ positions at a certain radius is not a straight line, but an arc.
+ For more complicated coordinate systems such as the one arising from
+ three-dimensional spherical projections, a grid line may well be a
+ fairly involved curve.
+The `visualize grid` command addresses these complications as follows:
+1. A grid line is always a line, not a plane or a volume. This means
+ that in the example of a three dimensional axis system and the
+ $x$-attribute being `3`, one would have to choose whether the grid
+ line should go "along" the $y$-axis or "along" the $z$-axis for this
+ position. One can, however, call the `visualize grid` command twice,
+ once for each direction, to cause grid lines to be shown for both
+ directions.
+2. A grid line is created by moving to a start position and then doing
+ a lineto to the target position. However, the "moveto" and "lineto"
+ are done by calling special commands of the data visualization
+ system. These special commands allow coordinate system to "notice"
+ that the line is along an axis and will allow them to replace the
+ straight line by an appropriate curve. The polar axes systems employ
+ this strategy, for instance.
+By the above discussion, in order to create a grid line for attribute
+$a$ having value $v$, we need to specify an axis "along" which the line
+should be drawn. When there are only two axes, this is usually "the
+other axis". This "other axis" is specified using the following key:
+The `low` and `high` keys are the same as the ones used in the
+`visualize axis` key.
+ \tikz \datavisualization [
+ xyz Cartesian cabinet,
+ all axes={visualize axis={low=0, style=->}},
+ x axis={visualize grid={direction axis=y axis}, grid=many},
+ visualize as scatter]
+ data {
+ x, y, z
+ 0, 0, 1
+ 0, 1, 0
+ 2, 2, 2
+ };
+ \tikz \datavisualization [
+ xyz Cartesian cabinet,
+ all axes={visualize axis={low=0, style=->}, grid=many},
+ x axis={visualize grid={direction axis=z axis}},
+ z axis={visualize grid={direction axis=x axis},
+ visualize grid={direction axis=y axis},},
+ visualize as scatter]
+ data {
+ x, y, z
+ 0, 0, 1
+ 0, 1, 0
+ 2, 2, 2
+ };
+**Styling the grid lines.** When a grid line is draw, styles are applied
+as described in Section ??.
+**The major, minor, and subminor grid lines.** The `grid` option allows
+you to specify for each kind of grid line (major, minor, or subminor) a
+set of different values for which these grid lines should be drawn.
+Correspondingly, it is also possible to configure for each kind of grid
+line how it should be drawn. For this, the `major`, `minor`, `subminor`,
+and also the `common` keys can be used inside the ⟨options⟩ of
+`visualize grid`. While as option to `grid` these keys are used to
+specify `at` values, as options of `visualize grid` they are used to
+configure the different kinds of grid lines.
+Most of the time, no special configuration is necessary since all
+styling is best done by configuring keys like `every major grid`. You
+need to use a key like `major` only if you wish to configure for
+instance the `low` or `high` values of a `major` grid line differently
+from those of `minor` grid lines -- are rather unlikely setting -- or
+when the styling should deviate from the usual settings.
+ \tikz \datavisualization [
+ xy Cartesian,
+ all axes={visualize axis={low=0, style=->},
+ grid={some, minor steps between steps}},
+ x axis= {visualize grid={
+ direction axis=y axis,
+ minor={low=0.25, high=1.75, style=red!50}}},
+ visualize as scatter]
+ data {
+ x, y
+ 0, 0
+ 3, 3
+ };
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/data:visualization/axis:options/visualize:grid",
+ meta = "⟨options⟩"
+ },
+ ["axis options/visualize label"] = {
+ details = [[
+The ⟨options⟩ should be used to configure a "good place" for the axis
+label. Usually, you will use the `goto` or the `goto pos` key.
+For the example of `our system`, we would like the label of the `x axis`
+to be placed below at the middle of the axis, so we use `goto pos=.5` to
+determine this position. Concerning the other axes, we want it to be
+placed at the minimum position of the `left axis` with a lot of padding.
+ \tikzdatavisualizationset{
+ our system/.append style={
+ x axis={visualize label={
+ x axis={goto pos=.5},
+ left axis={padding=1.5em, goto=padded min}}}
+ }
+ }
+ \tikz \datavisualization [
+ our system,
+ x axis={attribute=time, ticks=some, label},
+ left axis ={attribute=money},
+ right axis={attribute=people},
+ visualize as line/.list={
+ people 1, people 2, money 1, money 2}]
+ data group {people and money};
+In the above example, the `padding` of `1.5em` was rather arbitrary and
+"suboptimal". It would be outright wrong if the labels on the `x axis`
+were larger or if they were missing. It would be better if the vertical
+position of the `x axis` label were always "below" all other options.
+For such cases a slightly strange approach is useful: You position the
+node using `node style={at=...}` where `at` is now the normal
+TikZ option that is used to specify the position of a node. Inside the
+`...`, you specify that the horizontal position should be the bottom of
+up-to-now-constructed data visualization and the vertical position
+should be at the "origin", which is, however, the position computed by
+the `goto` keys for the axes:
+ \tikzdatavisualizationset{
+ our system/.append style={
+ x axis={visualize label={
+ x axis={goto pos=.5},
+ node style={
+ at={(0,0 |- data visualization bounding box.south)},
+ below
+ } } } } }
+ \tikz \datavisualization [
+ our system,
+ x axis={attribute=time, ticks=some, label=Year},
+ left axis ={attribute=money},
+ right axis={attribute=people},
+ visualize as line/.list={
+ people 1, people 2, money 1, money 2}]
+ data group {people and money};
+Two additional keys are useful for positioning axis labels:
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/data:visualization/axis:options/visualize:label",
+ meta = "⟨options⟩"
+ },
+ ["axis options/visualize ticks"] = {
+ details = [[
+Visualizing a tick involves (possibly) drawing a tick mark and adding
+(possibly) the tick node. The process is similar to `visualize grid`:
+Users use the `ticks` key to configure how many ticks they would like
+for an axis and at which positions. The axis system uses the
+`visualize ticks` key to specify where these ticks should actually be
+Unlike grid lines, which are typically only visualized once for each
+combination of an axis and a direction axis, tick marks might be
+visualized at different places for the same axis. Consider for instance
+the `scientific axes`:
+ \tikz \datavisualization [scientific axes, all axes={length=3cm},
+ x axis={ticks={stack}},
+ visualize as smooth line]
+ data [format=function] {
+ var x : interval [0:2];
+ func y = \value x*\value x;
+ };
+Have a look at the ticks on the $y$-axis: There are ticks at values `0`,
+`1`, `2`, `3`, and `4`. These are visualized both at the left side
+(where the tick nodes are also shown) and additionally also at the right
+side, but only as small marks. Similarly, the ticks on the $x$-axis
+appear at the bottom, but also (in much simpler versions) at the top.
+Both for the $x$-axis and for the $y$-axis the `visualize ticks` key was
+called twice.
+**The tick marks.** Drawing a tick mark is quite similar to visualizing
+a grid line; indeed a tick mark can be thought of as a "mini grid line":
+Just like a grid line it "points a long an axis". However, a tick will
+always be a short straight line -- even when the coordinate system is
+actually twisted (experimentation has shown that ticks that follow the
+curvature of the coordinate system like grid lines are hard to
+recognize). For this reason, the `low` and `high` keys have a different
+meaning from the one used with the `visualize grid` key. In detail to
+configure the size and position of a tick mark for the value $v$ of
+attribute $a$, proceed as follows:
+- The `visualize ticks` key will have setup attribute $a$ to be equal
+ to $v$.
+- You should now use the `goto` or `goto pos` key together with all
+ *other* axes to configure at which position with respect to these
+ other options the tick mark should be shown. For instance, suppose
+ we want tick marks in `our system` for the $x$-axis at the bottom
+ and at the top. This corresponds to once setting the `left axis` to
+ its minimal value and once to its maximal value:
+ \tikzset{
+ data visualization/our system/.append style={
+ x axis={visualize ticks={direction axis=left axis, left axis={goto=min}},
+ visualize ticks={direction axis=left axis, left axis={goto=max}},
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ \tikz \datavisualization [
+ our system,
+ x axis={attribute=time, length=3cm, ticks=many},
+ left axis ={attribute=money},
+ right axis={attribute=people},
+ visualize as line/.list={people 1, people 2, money 1, money 2}]
+ data group {people and money};
+- In the above example, we may wish to shorten the ticks a bit at the
+ bottom and at the top. For this, we use the `low` and `high` key:
+ What we want to happen is that in the upper visualization of the
+ ticks the `low` value is `0pt`, while in the lower one the `high`
+ value is `0pt`:
+ \tikzset{
+ data visualization/our system/.append style={
+ x axis={
+ visualize ticks={direction axis=left axis,high=0pt,left axis={goto=min}},
+ visualize ticks={direction axis=left axis,low=0pt,left axis={goto=max}},
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ \tikz \datavisualization [
+ our system,
+ x axis={attribute=time, length=3cm, ticks=many},
+ left axis ={attribute=money},
+ right axis={attribute=people},
+ visualize as line/.list={people 1, people 2, money 1, money 2}]
+ data group {people and money};
+In order to style the tick mark, use the styling mechanism that is
+detailed in Section ??.
+**The tick label node.** At certain tick positions, we may wish to add a
+node indicating the value of the attribute at the given position. The
+`visualize ticks` command has no influence over which text should be
+shown at a node -- the text is specified and typeset as explained in
+Section ??.
+Each time `visualize ticks`, for each tick position up to two tick label
+nodes will be created: One at the `low` position and one at the `high`
+position. The following keys are used to configure which of these cases
+When a tick label node is to be placed at the low or the high position,
+the next step is to determine the exact position and the correct anchor
+of the node. This is done as follows:
+- In order to compute an appropriate `anchor`, the tick mark is
+ considered: This is a short line pointing in a certain direction.
+ For a tick label node at the `low` position, the `anchor` attribute
+ is setup in such a way that the node label will be below the `low`
+ position when the tick mark direction points up, it will be to the
+ right when the direction points left, above when it points down, and
+ so on also for diagonal directions. Similarly, for the `high`
+ position, when the direction points up, the node will be placed
+ above the tick mark and so on.
+ This computation is done automatically.
+- The tick label node is styled. The styles that are applied are
+ described in Section ??.
+- A tick label node for the `low` position is usually anchored at this
+ `low` position, but an additional padding will be added as described
+ in Section ??.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/data:visualization/axis:options/visualize:ticks",
+ meta = "⟨options⟩"
+ },
+ ["before creation"] = {
+ details = [[
+This code is executed right before the object is finally created. It can
+be used to compute values that are then passed to the constructor.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/data:visualization/before:creation",
+ meta = "⟨code⟩"
+ },
+ ["before survey"] = {
+ details = [[
+The ⟨code⟩ is passed to the `before survey` method of the data
+visualization object and then executed at the appropriate time (see
+Section ?? for details).
+The following commands work likewise:
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/data:visualization/before:survey",
+ meta = "⟨code⟩"
+ },
+ ["before visualization"] = {
+ details = [[
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/data:visualization/before:visualization",
+ meta = "⟨code⟩"
+ },
+ class = {
+ details = [[
+The class of the to-be-created object.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/data:visualization/class",
+ meta = "⟨class name⟩"
+ },
+ common = {
+ details = [[
+This key allows you to specify ⟨options⟩ that apply to `major`, `minor`
+and `subminor` alike. It does not make sense to use `common` to specify
+positions (since you typically do not want both a major and a minor tick
+at the same position), but it can be useful to configure, say, the size
+of all kinds of ticks:
+ \tikz \datavisualization
+ [ school book axes, visualize as smooth line,
+ x axis={ticks={minor steps between steps, common={low=0}}} ]
+ data [format=function] {
+ var x : interval [-1.25:2];
+ func y = \value x * \value x / 2;
+ };
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/data:visualization/common",
+ meta = "⟨options⟩"
+ },
+ ["compute step"] = {
+ details = [[
+The ⟨code⟩ should compute a suitable value for the stepping to be used
+by the ⟨macro⟩ in the tick placement strategy.
+For instance, the `step` key sets `compute step` to
+`\def\tikz@lib@dv@step{# 1}`. Thus, when you say `step=5`, then the
+desired stepping of `5` is communicated to the ⟨macro⟩ via the macro
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/data:visualization/compute:step",
+ meta = "⟨code⟩"
+ },
+ ["data point"] = {
+ details = [[
+This key is the "key version" of the previous command. The difference is
+that this key can be used internally inside styles.
+ \tikzdatavisualizationset{
+ horizontal/.style={
+ data point={x=#1, y=1}, data point={x=#1, y=2}},
+ }
+ \tikz \datavisualization
+ [ school book axes, visualize as line,
+ horizontal=1,
+ horizontal=2 ];
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/data:visualization/data:point",
+ meta = "⟨options⟩"
+ },
+ ["decimal about strategy"] = {
+ details = [[
+The only permissible value for $m'$ is $1$. This is an even more radical
+version of the previous strategy.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/data:visualization/decimal:about:strategy"
+ },
+ ["direction axis"] = {
+ details = [[
+You must pass this key as an ⟨option⟩ each time you use
+`visualize axis`. When the grid line is drawn, the attribute $a$ is set
+to $v$ and the axis ⟨axis name⟩'s attribute is set once to the current
+value of `low` and once to `high`. Then a line is drawn between these
+two positions using `\pgfpathdvlineto`.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/data:visualization/direction:axis",
+ meta = "⟨axis name⟩"
+ },
+ ["euro about strategy"] = {
+ details = [[
+Permissible values for $m'$ are: $1$, $2$, and $5$. These are the same
+values as for the Euro coins, hence the name.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/data:visualization/euro:about:strategy"
+ },
+ ["every axis"] = {
+ details = [[
+Put styling of the axis here. It is usually a good idea to set this
+style to `style={black!50}`.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/data:visualization/every:axis"
+ },
+ ["every data set label"] = {
+ details = [[
+This style is executed with every label that represents a data set.
+Inside this style, use `node style` to change the appearance of nodes.
+This style has a default definition, usually you should just append
+things to this style.
+ {
+ var x : interval [0.2:2.5];
+ func y = ln(\value x);
+ }
+ data [set=lin, format=function] {
+ var x : interval [-2:2.5];
+ func y = 0.5*\value x;
+ }
+ data [set=squared, format=function] {
+ var x : interval [-1.5:1.5];
+ func y = \value x*\value x;
+ }
+ data [set=exp, format=function] {
+ var x : interval [-2.5:1];
+ func y = exp(\value x);
+ }
+ };},
+ ]
+ \tikz \datavisualization [
+ school book axes,
+ x axis={label=$x$},
+ visualize as smooth line/.list={log, lin, squared, exp},
+ every data set label/.append style={text colored},
+ log= {label in data={text'=$\log x$, when=y is -1}},
+ lin= {label in data={text=$x/2$,
+ node style=sloped, when=x is 2}},
+ squared={label in data={text=$x^2$, when=x is 1.1}},
+ exp= {label in data={text=$e^x$,
+ node style=sloped, when=x is -2}},
+ style sheet=vary hue]
+ data group {function classes};
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/data:visualization/every:data:set:label"
+ },
+ ["every grid"] = {
+ details = [[
+This style provides overall configuration options for grid lines. By
+default, it is set to the following:
+ low=min, high=max
+This causes grid lines to span all possible values when they are
+visualized, which is usually the desired behavior (the `low` and `high`
+keys are explained in Section ??. You can append the `style` key to this
+style to configure the overall appearance of grid lines. It should be
+noted that settings to `style` inside `every grid` will take precedence
+over ones in `every major grid` and `every minor grid`. In the following
+example we cause all grid lines to be dashed (which is not a good idea
+in general since it creates a distracting background pattern).
+ \tikz \datavisualization
+ [scientific axes,
+ all axes={length=3cm, grid},
+ every grid/.append style={style=densely dashed},
+ visualize as line]
+ data [format=function] {
+ var x : interval [5:10];
+ func y = \value x * \value x;
+ };
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/data:visualization/every:grid"
+ },
+ ["every label in data"] = {
+ details = [[
+Like `every data set label`, this key is also executed with labels.
+However, this key is executed after the style sheets have been executed,
+giving you a chance to overrule their styling.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/data:visualization/every:label:in:data"
+ },
+ ["every label in legend"] = {
+ details = [[
+This key is executed with every label in a legend. However, the options
+stored in this style are executed with the path prefix
+`/tikz/data visualization/legend entry options`. Thus, this key can use
+keys like `node style` to configure the styling of all text nodes:
+ {
+ var x : interval [0.2:2.5];
+ func y = ln(\value x);
+ }
+ data [set=lin, format=function] {
+ var x : interval [-2:2.5];
+ func y = 0.5*\value x;
+ }
+ data [set=squared, format=function] {
+ var x : interval [-1.5:1.5];
+ func y = \value x*\value x;
+ }
+ data [set=exp, format=function] {
+ var x : interval [-2.5:1];
+ func y = exp(\value x);
+ }
+ };},
+ ]
+ \tikz \datavisualization [
+ scientific axes,
+ every label in legend/.style={node style=
+ {fill=red!30}},
+ visualize as smooth line/.list=
+ {log, lin, squared, exp},
+ legend=north east outside,
+ log= {label in legend={text=$\log x$}},
+ lin= {label in legend={text=$x/2$,
+ node style={circle, draw=red}}},
+ squared={label in legend={text=$x^2$}},
+ exp= {label in legend={text=$e^x$}},
+ style sheet=strong colors]
+ data group {function classes};
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/data:visualization/every:label:in:legend"
+ },
+ ["every major grid"] = {
+ details = [[
+This style configures the appearance of major grid lines. It does so by
+calling the `style` key to setup appropriate TikZ options for
+visualizing major grid lines. The default definition of this style is:
+ style = {help lines, thin, black!25}
+In the following example, we use thin major blue grid lines:
+ \tikz \datavisualization
+ [scientific axes,
+ all axes={
+ length=3cm,
+ grid,
+ grid={minor steps between steps}
+ },
+ every major grid/.style = {style={blue, thin}},
+ visualize as line]
+ data [format=function] {
+ var x : interval [5:10];
+ func y = \value x * \value x;
+ };
+As can be seen, this is not exactly visually pleasing. The default
+settings for the grid lines should work in most situations; you may wish
+to increase the blackness level, however, when you experience trouble
+during printing or projecting graphics.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/data:visualization/every:major:grid"
+ },
+ ["every major ticks"] = {
+ details = [[
+The default is
+ style={line cap=round}, tick length=2pt
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/data:visualization/every:major:ticks"
+ },
+ ["every minor grid"] = {
+ details = [[
+Works like `every major grid`. The default is
+ style = {help lines, black!25}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/data:visualization/every:minor:grid"
+ },
+ ["every minor ticks"] = {
+ details = [[
+The default is
+ style={help lines,thin, line cap=round}, tick length=1.4pt
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/data:visualization/every:minor:ticks"
+ },
+ ["every scientific axes"] = {
+ details = [[
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/data:visualization/every:scientific:axes"
+ },
+ ["every subminor grid"] = {
+ details = [[
+Works like `every major grid`. The default is
+ style = {help lines, black!10}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/data:visualization/every:subminor:grid"
+ },
+ ["every subminor ticks"] = {
+ details = [[
+The default is
+ style={help lines, line cap=round}, tick length=0.8pt
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/data:visualization/every:subminor:ticks"
+ },
+ ["every ticks"] = {
+ details = [[
+This style allows you to configure the appearance of ticks using the
+`style` and `node style` key. Here is (roughly) the default definition
+of this style:
+ node style={
+ font=\footnotesize,
+ inner sep=1pt,
+ outer sep=.1666em,
+ rounded corners=1.5pt
+ }
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/data:visualization/every:ticks"
+ },
+ ["every visualizer"] = {
+ details = [[
+This style is used with every visualizer. Note that it should contain
+normal TikZ keys.
+ \tikz \datavisualization
+ [scientific axes=clean,
+ every visualizer/.style={dashed},
+ visualize as smooth line]
+ data [format=function] {
+ var x : interval[0:3*pi];
+ func y = sin(\value x r);
+ };
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/data:visualization/every:visualizer"
+ },
+ ["every ⟨axis system name⟩"] = {
+ details = [[
+Even though this style has the path prefix `/tikz/data visualization`
+itself, the keys stored in this style will be executed with the path
+prefix `/tikz/data visualization/`⟨axis system name⟩.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/data:visualization/every:⟨axis:system:name⟩"
+ },
+ few = {
+ details = [[
+This is an abbreviation for `about=3`.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/data:visualization/few"
+ },
+ ["grid layer"] = {
+ details = [[
+\[section-dv-grid-layer\] This key is used to specified the *layer* on
+which grid lines should be drawn (layers are explained in Section ??).
+By default, all grid lines are placed on the `background` layer and thus
+behind the data visualization. This is a sensible strategy since it
+avoids obscuring the more important data with the far less important
+grid lines. However, you can change this style to "get the grid lines to
+the front":
+ \tikz \datavisualization
+ [scientific axes,
+ all axes={
+ length=3cm,
+ grid,
+ grid={minor steps between steps}
+ },
+ grid layer/.style=, % none, so on top of data (bad idea)
+ visualize as line]
+ data [format=function] {
+ var x : interval [5:10];
+ func y = \value x * \value x;
+ };
+When this style is executed, the keys stored in the style will be
+executed with the prefix `/tikz`. Normally, you should only set this
+style to be empty or to `on background layer`.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/data:visualization/grid:layer"
+ },
+ ["half about strategy"] = {
+ details = [[
+Permissible values for $m'$: $1$ and $5$. Use this strategy if only
+powers of $10$ or halves thereof seem logical.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/data:visualization/half:about:strategy"
+ },
+ high = {
+ details = [[
+Like `low`, only for where the axis ends.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/data:visualization/high",
+ meta = "⟨value⟩"
+ },
+ ["int about strategy"] = {
+ details = [[
+Permissible values for $m'$ are: $1$, $2$, $3$, $4$, and $5$.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/data:visualization/int:about:strategy"
+ },
+ legend = {
+ details = [[
+This is a shorthand for `new legend=main legend, main legend=`⟨options⟩.
+In other words, this key creates a new `main legend` and immediately
+passes the configuration ⟨options⟩ to this legend.
+ {
+ var x : interval [0.2:2.5];
+ func y = ln(\value x);
+ }
+ data [set=lin, format=function] {
+ var x : interval [-2:2.5];
+ func y = 0.5*\value x;
+ }
+ data [set=squared, format=function] {
+ var x : interval [-1.5:1.5];
+ func y = \value x*\value x;
+ }
+ data [set=exp, format=function] {
+ var x : interval [-2.5:1];
+ func y = exp(\value x);
+ }
+ };},
+ ]
+ \tikz \datavisualization [
+ scientific axes, x axis={label=$x$},
+ visualize as smooth line/.list={log, lin, squared, exp},
+ legend=below,
+ log= {label in legend={text=$\log x$}},
+ lin= {label in legend={text=$x/2$}},
+ squared={label in legend={text=$x^2$}},
+ exp= {label in legend={text=$e^x$}},
+ style sheet=vary dashing]
+ data group {function classes};
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/data:visualization/legend",
+ meta = "⟨options⟩"
+ },
+ ["legend entry options/circular label in legend line"] = {
+ details = [[
+This style is especially tailored to represent lines that are closed. It
+is automatically selected for instance by the `polygon` or the
+`smooth cycle` styles.
+ \tikz \datavisualization [
+ scientific axes={clean}, all axes={length=3cm},
+ visualize as line/.list={a,b,c},
+ a={polygon}, b={smooth cycle},
+ style sheet=cross marks,
+ a={label in legend={text=polygon}},
+ b={label in legend={text=circle}},
+ c={label in legend={text=line}}]
+ data [format=function, set=a] {
+ var t : {0,72,...,359};
+ func x = cos(\value t);
+ func y = sin(\value t);
+ }
+ data [format=function, set=b] {
+ var t : [0:2*pi];
+ func x = .8*cos(\value t r);
+ func y = .8*sin(\value t r);
+ }
+ data point [x=-1, y=0.5, set=c]
+ data point [x=1, y=0.25, set=c];
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/data:visualization/legend:entry:options/circular:label:in:legend:line"
+ },
+ ["legend entry options/default label in legend closed path"] = {
+ details = [[
+This style is executed by `smooth cycle` and `straight cycle`. There are
+(currently) no other predefined sets of coordinates that can be used
+instead of the default value `circular label in legend line`.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/data:visualization/legend:entry:options/default:label:in:legend:closed:path"
+ },
+ ["legend entry options/default label in legend mark"] = {
+ details = [[
+This style is executed by `no lines` and, implicitly, by scatter plots.
+The default is to use `label in legend line one mark`. Another possible
+value is `label in legend line three marks`.
+ \tikz \datavisualization [
+ visualize as scatter/.list={a,b,c},
+ style sheet=cross marks,
+ legend entry options/default label in legend mark/.style=
+ label in legend three marks,
+ a={label in legend={text=example a}},
+ b={label in legend={text=example b}},
+ c={label in legend={text=example c}}];
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/data:visualization/legend:entry:options/default:label:in:legend:mark"
+ },
+ ["legend entry options/default label in legend path"] = {
+ details = [[
+This style is set, by default, to `zig zag label in legend line`. It is
+installed by the styles `straight line`, `smooth line`, and `gap line`,
+so changing this style will change the appearance of lines in legends.
+The main other sensible option for this key is
+`straight label in legend line`.
+ \tikz \datavisualization [
+ school book axes, visualize as line/.list={a,b},
+ style sheet=vary dashing,
+ a={label in legend={text=a}}, b={label in legend={text=b}}]
+ data point [x=-1, y=-1, set=a] data point [x=1, y=0, set=a]
+ data point [x=-1, y=1, set=b] data point [x=1, y=0.5, set=b];
+ \tikz \datavisualization [
+ school book axes, visualize as line/.list={a,b},
+ legend entry options/default label in legend path/.style=
+ straight label in legend line,
+ style sheet=vary dashing,
+ a={label in legend={text=a}}, b={label in legend={text=b}}]
+ data point [x=-1, y=-1, set=a] data point [x=1, y=0, set=a]
+ data point [x=-1, y=1, set=b] data point [x=1, y=0.5, set=b];
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/data:visualization/legend:entry:options/default:label:in:legend:path"
+ },
+ ["legend entry options/gap circular label in legend line"] = {
+ details = [[
+This style is especially tailored to for the `gap cycle` style and
+automatically selected by it:
+ \tikz \datavisualization [
+ scientific axes={clean}, all axes={length=3cm},
+ visualize as line/.list={a,b,c},
+ a={gap cycle}, b={smooth cycle}, c={gap line},
+ a={style={mark=*, mark size=0.5pt},
+ label in legend={text=polygon}},
+ b={label in legend={text=circle}},
+ c={style={mark=*, mark size=0.5pt, mark options=red},
+ label in legend={text=line}}]
+ data [format=function, set=a] {
+ var t : {0,72,...,359};
+ func x = cos(\value t);
+ func y = sin(\value t);
+ }
+ data [format=function, set=b] {
+ var t : [0:352];
+ func x = .8*cos(\value t);
+ func y = .8*sin(\value t);
+ }
+ data point [x=-1, y=0.5, set=c]
+ data point [x=1, y=0.25, set=c];
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/data:visualization/legend:entry:options/gap:circular:label:in:legend:line"
+ },
+ ["legend entry options/label in legend line coordinates"] = {
+ details = [[
+This key takes a ⟨list of coordinates⟩, which are TikZ-coordinates
+separated by commas like `(0,0),``(1,1)`. The effect of setting the key
+is the following: The label in legend visualizer used by, for instance,
+`visualize as line` will draw a path going through these points. When
+the line is drawn, the exact same style will be used as was used for the
+data set. For instance, if the `smooth line` key was used and also the
+`style=red` key, the line through the ⟨list of coordinates⟩ will also be
+red and smooth. When the `straight cycle` key was used, the coordinates
+will also be connected by a cycle, and so on.
+When the line connecting the ⟨list of coordinates⟩ is drawn, the
+coordinate system will have been shifted and transformed in such a way
+that `(0,0)` lies to the left of the text and at half the height of the
+character "x". This means that the right-most-point in the list should
+usually be `(0,0)` and all other $x$-coordinates should usually be
+negative. When the `text left` options is used, the coordinate system
+will have been flipped, so the ⟨list of coordinates⟩ is independent of
+whether the text is to the right or to the left of the line.
+Let us now have a look at a first, simple example. We create a legend
+entry that is just a straight line, so it should start somewhere to the
+left of the origin at height $0$ and go to the origin:
+ \tikz \datavisualization [
+ school book axes, visualize as line/.list={a,b},
+ style sheet=vary dashing,
+ a={label in legend={text=a,
+ label in legend line coordinates={(-1em,0), (0,0)}}},
+ b={label in legend={text=b,
+ label in legend line coordinates={(-2em,0), (0,0)}}}]
+ data point [x=-1, y=-1, set=a] data point [x=1, y=0, set=a]
+ data point [x=-1, y=1, set=b] data point [x=1, y=0.5, set=b];
+Now let us make this a bit more fancy and useful by using shifted lines:
+ \tikz \datavisualization [
+ school book axes, visualize as line/.list={a,b},
+ legend={up then right}, style sheet=vary dashing,
+ a={label in legend={text=a,
+ label in legend line coordinates={(-2em,-.25ex), (0,0)}}},
+ b={label in legend={text=b,
+ label in legend line coordinates={(-2em,.25ex), (0,0)}}}]
+ data point [x=-1, y=-1, set=a] data point [x=1, y=0, set=a]
+ data point [x=-1, y=1, set=b] data point [x=1, y=0.5, set=b];
+In the final example, we use a little "hat" to represent lines:
+ \tikz \datavisualization [
+ school book axes, visualize as line/.list={a,b},
+ legend={up then right}, style sheet=vary dashing,
+ a={label in legend={text=a,
+ label in legend line coordinates={
+ (-2em,-.2ex), (-1em,.2ex), (0,-.2ex)}}},
+ b={label in legend={text=b,
+ label in legend line coordinates={
+ (-2em,-.2ex), (-1em,.2ex), (0,-.2ex)}}}]
+ data point [x=-1, y=-1, set=a] data point [x=1, y=0, set=a]
+ data point [x=-1, y=1, set=b] data point [x=1, y=0.5, set=b];
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/data:visualization/legend:entry:options/label:in:legend:line:coordinates",
+ meta = " {list of coordinates}"
+ },
+ ["legend entry options/label in legend mark coordinates"] = {
+ details = [[
+This key is similar to `label in legend line coordinates`, but now the
+⟨list of coordinates⟩ is used as the positions where plot marks are
+shown. Naturally, plot marks are only shown there if they are also shown
+by the visualizer in the actual data -- just like the line through the
+coordinates of the previous key is only shown when there is a line.
+The ⟨list of coordinates⟩ may be the same as the one used for lines, but
+usually it is not. In general, it is better to have marks for instance
+not at the ends of the line.
+ \tikz \datavisualization [
+ school book axes, visualize as line/.list={a,b},
+ legend={up then right},
+ style sheet=vary dashing,
+ style sheet=cross marks,
+ a={label in legend={text=a,
+ label in legend line coordinates={
+ (-2em,-.2ex), (-1em,.2ex), (0,-.2ex)},
+ label in legend mark coordinates={
+ (-1em,.2ex)}}},
+ b={label in legend={text=b,
+ label in legend line coordinates={
+ (-2em,-.2ex), (-1em,.2ex), (0,-.2ex)},
+ label in legend mark coordinates={
+ (-2em,-.2ex), (0,-.2ex)}}}]
+ data point [x=-1, y=-1, set=a] data point [x=1, y=0, set=a]
+ data point [x=-1, y=1, set=b] data point [x=1, y=0.5, set=b];
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/data:visualization/legend:entry:options/label:in:legend:mark:coordinates",
+ meta = " {list of coordinates}"
+ },
+ ["legend entry options/label in legend one mark"] = {
+ details = [[
+To be used with scatter plots, since no line is drawn. Just displays a
+single mark (this is the default with a scatter plot or when the
+`no line` is selected.
+ \tikz \datavisualization [visualize as scatter/.list={a,b,c},
+ style sheet=cross marks,
+ a={label in legend={text=example a}},
+ b={label in legend={text=example b}},
+ c={label in legend={text=example c}}];
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/data:visualization/legend:entry:options/label:in:legend:one:mark"
+ },
+ ["legend entry options/label in legend three marks"] = {
+ details = [[
+An alternative to the previous style, where several marks are shown.
+ \tikz \datavisualization [visualize as scatter/.list={a,b,c},
+ style sheet=cross marks,
+ a={label in legend={text=example a, label in legend three marks}},
+ b={label in legend={text=example b, label in legend three marks}},
+ c={label in legend={text=example c, label in legend three marks}}];
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/data:visualization/legend:entry:options/label:in:legend:three:marks"
+ },
+ ["legend entry options/legend"] = {
+ details = [[
+Set this key to the name of a legend that has previously been created
+using `new legend`. The label will then be shown in this legend.
+In most cases, there is only one legend (namely `main legend`) and there
+is no need to set this key since it defaults to the main legend.
+Also note that the legend ⟨name⟩ is automatically created if it nodes
+not yet exist.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/data:visualization/legend:entry:options/legend",
+ meta = "⟨name⟩"
+ },
+ ["legend entry options/node style"] = {
+ details = [[
+This key adds ⟨options⟩ to the styling of the text nodes of the label.
+ {
+ var x : interval [0.2:2.5];
+ func y = ln(\value x);
+ }
+ data [set=lin, format=function] {
+ var x : interval [-2:2.5];
+ func y = 0.5*\value x;
+ }
+ data [set=squared, format=function] {
+ var x : interval [-1.5:1.5];
+ func y = \value x*\value x;
+ }
+ data [set=exp, format=function] {
+ var x : interval [-2.5:1];
+ func y = exp(\value x);
+ }
+ };},
+ ]
+ \tikz \datavisualization [
+ scientific axes,
+ visualize as smooth line/.list=
+ {log, lin, squared, exp},
+ legend=north east outside,
+ log= {label in legend={text=$\log x$}},
+ lin= {label in legend={text=$x/2$,
+ node style={circle, draw=red}}},
+ squared={label in legend={text=$x^2$}},
+ exp= {label in legend={text=$e^x$}},
+ style sheet=strong colors]
+ data group {function classes};
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/data:visualization/legend:entry:options/node:style",
+ meta = "⟨options⟩"
+ },
+ ["legend entry options/setup"] = {
+ details = [[
+Some code to be executed at this point. Mostly, it is used to setup
+attributes for style sheets.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/data:visualization/legend:entry:options/setup"
+ },
+ ["legend entry options/straight label in legend line"] = {
+ details = [[
+Just gives a straight line and two plot marks.
+ \tikz \datavisualization [visualize as line,
+ line={style={mark=x}, label in legend={text=example,
+ straight label in legend line}}];
+This style might seem like a good idea to use in general, but it does
+have a huge drawback: Some commonly used plot marks will be impossible
+to distinguish -- even though there is no problem distinguishing them in
+a graph.
+ \tikz \datavisualization [visualize as line/.list={a,b,c},
+ legend entry options/default label in legend path/.style=
+ straight label in legend line,
+ a={style={mark=+}, label in legend={text=bad example a}},
+ b={style={mark=-}, label in legend={text=bad example b}},
+ c={style={mark=|}, label in legend={text=bad example c}}];
+For this reason, this option is not the default, but rather the next
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/data:visualization/legend:entry:options/straight:label:in:legend:line"
+ },
+ ["legend entry options/text"] = {
+ details = [[
+Use this key to setup the ⟨text⟩ that is shown as the label of the data
+ {
+ var x : interval [0.2:2.5];
+ func y = ln(\value x);
+ }
+ data [set=lin, format=function] {
+ var x : interval [-2:2.5];
+ func y = 0.5*\value x;
+ }
+ data [set=squared, format=function] {
+ var x : interval [-1.5:1.5];
+ func y = \value x*\value x;
+ }
+ data [set=exp, format=function] {
+ var x : interval [-2.5:1];
+ func y = exp(\value x);
+ }
+ };},
+ ]
+ \tikz \datavisualization [
+ scientific axes, x axis={label=$x$},
+ visualize as smooth line/.list=
+ {log, lin, squared, exp},
+ log= {label in legend={text=$\log x$}},
+ lin= {label in legend={text=$x/2$}},
+ squared={pin in data ={text=$x^2$, pos=0.1}},
+ exp= {label in data ={text=$e^x$}},
+ style sheet=vary dashing]
+ data group {function classes};
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/data:visualization/legend:entry:options/text",
+ meta = "⟨text⟩"
+ },
+ ["legend entry options/text colored"] = {
+ details = [[
+Causes the `node style` to set the text color to `visualizer color`. The
+effect of this is that the label's text will have the same color as the
+data set to which it is attached.
+ {
+ var x : interval [0.2:2.5];
+ func y = ln(\value x);
+ }
+ data [set=lin, format=function] {
+ var x : interval [-2:2.5];
+ func y = 0.5*\value x;
+ }
+ data [set=squared, format=function] {
+ var x : interval [-1.5:1.5];
+ func y = \value x*\value x;
+ }
+ data [set=exp, format=function] {
+ var x : interval [-2.5:1];
+ func y = exp(\value x);
+ }
+ };},
+ ]
+ \tikz \datavisualization [
+ scientific axes,
+ visualize as smooth line/.list=
+ {log, lin, squared, exp},
+ legend={label style=text colored},
+ log= {label in legend={text=$\log x$}},
+ lin= {label in legend={text=$x/2$}},
+ squared={label in legend={text=$x^2$}},
+ exp= {label in legend={text=$e^x$}},
+ style sheet=strong colors]
+ data group {function classes};
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/data:visualization/legend:entry:options/text:colored"
+ },
+ ["legend entry options/text left"] = {
+ details = [[
+Placed the text node to the left of the data set style visualization.
+ {
+ var x : interval [0.2:2.5];
+ func y = ln(\value x);
+ }
+ data [set=lin, format=function] {
+ var x : interval [-2:2.5];
+ func y = 0.5*\value x;
+ }
+ data [set=squared, format=function] {
+ var x : interval [-1.5:1.5];
+ func y = \value x*\value x;
+ }
+ data [set=exp, format=function] {
+ var x : interval [-2.5:1];
+ func y = exp(\value x);
+ }
+ };},
+ ]
+ \tikz \datavisualization [
+ scientific axes,
+ visualize as smooth line/.list=
+ {log, lin, squared, exp},
+ legend={label style=text left},
+ log= {label in legend={text=$\log x$}},
+ lin= {label in legend={text=$x/2$}},
+ squared={label in legend={text=$x^2$}},
+ exp= {label in legend={text=$e^x$}},
+ style sheet=strong colors]
+ data group {function classes};
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/data:visualization/legend:entry:options/text:left"
+ },
+ ["legend entry options/text only"] = {
+ details = [[
+Shows only the text nodes and no data set style visualization at all.
+This options only makes sense in conjunction with the `text colored`
+options, which is why this options is also selected implicitly.
+ {
+ var x : interval [0.2:2.5];
+ func y = ln(\value x);
+ }
+ data [set=lin, format=function] {
+ var x : interval [-2:2.5];
+ func y = 0.5*\value x;
+ }
+ data [set=squared, format=function] {
+ var x : interval [-1.5:1.5];
+ func y = \value x*\value x;
+ }
+ data [set=exp, format=function] {
+ var x : interval [-2.5:1];
+ func y = exp(\value x);
+ }
+ };},
+ ]
+ \tikz \datavisualization [
+ scientific axes,
+ visualize as smooth line/.list=
+ {log, lin, squared, exp},
+ legend={south east inside, rows=2,
+ label style=text only},
+ log= {label in legend={text=$\log x$}},
+ lin= {label in legend={text=$x/2$}},
+ squared={label in legend={text=$x^2$}},
+ exp= {label in legend={text=$e^x$}},
+ style sheet=strong colors]
+ data group {function classes};
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/data:visualization/legend:entry:options/text:only"
+ },
+ ["legend entry options/text right"] = {
+ details = [[
+Placed the text node to the right of the data set style visualization.
+This is the default for most, but not all, legends.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/data:visualization/legend:entry:options/text:right"
+ },
+ ["legend entry options/visualizer in legend"] = {
+ details = [[
+Set this key to some code that paints something in the cell picture.
+Typically, this will be a visual representation of the data set styling,
+but it could also be something different.
+ \tikz \datavisualization [
+ school book axes, visualize as line/.list={a,b},
+ style sheet=vary dashing,
+ a={label in legend={text=a}},
+ new legend entry={
+ text=spacer,
+ visualizer in legend={\draw[solid] (0,0) circle[radius=2pt];}
+ },
+ b={label in legend={text=b}}]
+ data point [x=-1, y=-1, set=a] data point [x=1, y=0, set=a]
+ data point [x=-1, y=1, set=b] data point [x=1, y=0.5, set=b];
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/data:visualization/legend:entry:options/visualizer:in:legend"
+ },
+ ["legend entry options/visualizer in legend style"] = {
+ details = [[
+Calls to this key accumulate ⟨options⟩ that will be executed with the
+path prefix `/tikz` at this point.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/data:visualization/legend:entry:options/visualizer:in:legend:style",
+ meta = " {options}"
+ },
+ ["legend entry options/zig zag label in legend line"] = {
+ details = [[
+Uses a small up-down-up line as the label in legend visualizer. The two
+plot marks are at the extremal points of the line. It works pretty well
+in almost all situations and is the default.
+ \tikz \datavisualization [
+ visualize as line=a,
+ visualize as smooth line/.list={b,c},
+ a={style={mark=+}, label in legend={text=better example a}},
+ b={style={mark=-}, label in legend={text=better example b}},
+ c={style={mark=|}, label in legend={text=better example c}}];
+Even though the above example shows that the marks are easier to
+distinguish than with a straight line, the chosen marks are still not
+optimal. This is the reason that the `cross marks` style uses different
+ \tikz \datavisualization [
+ visualize as line/.list={a,b},
+ visualize as smooth line=c,
+ style sheet=cross marks,
+ a={label in legend={text=good example a}},
+ b={label in legend={text=good example b}},
+ c={gap line, label in legend={text=good example c}}];
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/data:visualization/legend:entry:options/zig:zag:label:in:legend:line"
+ },
+ ["legend options/above"] = {
+ details = [[
+This is an easier-to-remember alias.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/data:visualization/legend:options/above"
+ },
+ ["legend options/above left of"] = {
+ details = [[
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/data:visualization/legend:options/above:left:of",
+ meta = "⟨data point⟩"
+ },
+ ["legend options/above of"] = {
+ details = [[
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/data:visualization/legend:options/above:of",
+ meta = "⟨data point⟩"
+ },
+ ["legend options/above right of"] = {
+ details = [[
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/data:visualization/legend:options/above:right:of",
+ meta = "⟨data point⟩"
+ },
+ ["legend options/anchor"] = {
+ details = [[
+The whole legend is a TikZ-matrix internally. Thus, in particular, it is
+stored in a node, which has anchors. Like for any other node, when the
+node is shown, the node is shifted in such a way that the ⟨anchor⟩ of
+the node lies at the current `at` position.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/data:visualization/legend:options/anchor",
+ meta = "⟨anchor⟩"
+ },
+ ["legend options/at"] = {
+ details = [[
+Configures the ⟨coordinate⟩ at which the ⟨anchor⟩ of the legend's node
+should lie.
+It may seem hard to predict a good ⟨coordinate⟩ for a legend since,
+depending of the size of the axis, different positions need to the
+chosen for the legend. However, it turns out that one can often use the
+coordinates of the special nodes `data bounding box` and
+`data visualization bounding box`, documented in Section ??.
+As an example, let us put a legend to the right of the visualization,
+but so that the first entry starts at the top of the visualization:
+ {
+ var x : interval [0.2:2.5];
+ func y = ln(\value x);
+ }
+ data [set=lin, format=function] {
+ var x : interval [-2:2.5];
+ func y = 0.5*\value x;
+ }
+ data [set=squared, format=function] {
+ var x : interval [-1.5:1.5];
+ func y = \value x*\value x;
+ }
+ data [set=exp, format=function] {
+ var x : interval [-2.5:1];
+ func y = exp(\value x);
+ }
+ };},
+ ]
+ \tikz \datavisualization [
+ scientific axes, x axis={label=$x$},
+ visualize as smooth line/.list=
+ {log, lin, squared, exp},
+ legend={anchor=north west, at=
+ (data visualization bounding box.north east)},
+ log= {label in legend={text=$\log x$}},
+ lin= {label in legend={text=$x/2$}},
+ squared={label in legend={text=$x^2$}},
+ exp= {label in legend={text=$e^x$}},
+ style sheet=vary dashing]
+ data group {function classes};
+As can be seen, a bit of an additional shift might have been in order,
+but the result is otherwise quite satisfactory.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/data:visualization/legend:options/at",
+ meta = "⟨coordinate⟩"
+ },
+ ["legend options/at values"] = {
+ details = [[
+This key allows you to specify the desired center of the legend in terms
+of a data point. The ⟨data point⟩ should be a list of comma-separated
+key--value pairs that specify a data point. The legend will then be
+centered at this data point.
+ {
+ var x : interval [0.2:2.5];
+ func y = ln(\value x);
+ }
+ data [set=lin, format=function] {
+ var x : interval [-2:2.5];
+ func y = 0.5*\value x;
+ }
+ data [set=squared, format=function] {
+ var x : interval [-1.5:1.5];
+ func y = \value x*\value x;
+ }
+ data [set=exp, format=function] {
+ var x : interval [-2.5:1];
+ func y = exp(\value x);
+ }
+ };},
+ ]
+ \tikz \datavisualization [
+ scientific axes,
+ visualize as smooth line/.list={log, lin},
+ legend={at values={x=-1, y=2}},
+ log= {label in legend={text=$\log x$}},
+ lin= {label in legend={text=$x/2$}},
+ style sheet=strong colors]
+ data group {function classes};
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/data:visualization/legend:options/at:values",
+ meta = "⟨data point⟩"
+ },
+ ["legend options/below"] = {
+ details = [[
+This is an easier-to-remember alias.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/data:visualization/legend:options/below"
+ },
+ ["legend options/below left of"] = {
+ details = [[
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/data:visualization/legend:options/below:left:of",
+ meta = "⟨data point⟩"
+ },
+ ["legend options/below of"] = {
+ details = [[
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/data:visualization/legend:options/below:of",
+ meta = "⟨data point⟩"
+ },
+ ["legend options/below right of"] = {
+ details = [[
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/data:visualization/legend:options/below:right:of",
+ meta = "⟨data point⟩"
+ },
+ ["legend options/columns"] = {
+ details = [[
+Shorthand for `ideal number of columns=`⟨number⟩.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/data:visualization/legend:options/columns",
+ meta = "⟨number⟩"
+ },
+ ["legend options/down then left"] = {
+ details = [[
+ {
+ var set : {1,...,8};
+ var x : interval [0:50];
+ func y = sin(\value x * (\value{set}+10))/(\value{set}+5);
+ }
+ };%
+ \tikzdatavisualizationset {
+ legend example/.style={
+ scientific axes, all axes={length=1cm, ticks=none},
+ 1={label in legend={text=1}},
+ 2={label in legend={text=2}},
+ 3={label in legend={text=3}},
+ 4={label in legend={text=4}},
+ 5={label in legend={text=5}},
+ 6={label in legend={text=6}},
+ 7={label in legend={text=7}},
+ 8={label in legend={text=8}}
+ }
+ }},
+ ]
+ \tikz \datavisualization [
+ visualize as smooth line/.list={1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8},
+ legend example, style sheet=vary hue,
+ main legend={down then left, columns=3}]
+ data group {sin functions};
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/data:visualization/legend:options/down:then:left"
+ },
+ ["legend options/down then right"] = {
+ details = [[
+Causes the legend entries to fill the legend matrix first downward and,
+once a column is full, the next column is begun to the right of the
+previous one. This is the default.
+ {
+ var set : {1,...,8};
+ var x : interval [0:50];
+ func y = sin(\value x * (\value{set}+10))/(\value{set}+5);
+ }
+ };%
+ \tikzdatavisualizationset {
+ legend example/.style={
+ scientific axes, all axes={length=1cm, ticks=none},
+ 1={label in legend={text=1}},
+ 2={label in legend={text=2}},
+ 3={label in legend={text=3}},
+ 4={label in legend={text=4}},
+ 5={label in legend={text=5}},
+ 6={label in legend={text=6}},
+ 7={label in legend={text=7}},
+ 8={label in legend={text=8}}
+ }
+ }},
+ ]
+ \tikz \datavisualization [
+ visualize as smooth line/.list={1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8},
+ legend example, style sheet=vary hue,
+ main legend={down then right, columns=3}]
+ data group {sin functions};
+In the example, the `legend example` is the following style:
+ \tikzdatavisualizationset {
+ legend example/.style={
+ scientific axes, all axes={length=1cm, ticks=none},
+ 1={label in legend={text=1}},
+ 2={label in legend={text=2}},
+ 3={label in legend={text=3}},
+ 4={label in legend={text=4}},
+ 5={label in legend={text=5}},
+ 6={label in legend={text=6}},
+ 7={label in legend={text=7}},
+ 8={label in legend={text=8}}
+ }
+ }
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/data:visualization/legend:options/down:then:right"
+ },
+ ["legend options/east inside"] = {
+ details = [[
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/data:visualization/legend:options/east:inside"
+ },
+ ["legend options/east outside"] = {
+ details = [[
+Placing the legend to the right of the data visualization is the
+ {
+ var x : interval [0.2:2.5];
+ func y = ln(\value x);
+ }
+ data [set=lin, format=function] {
+ var x : interval [-2:2.5];
+ func y = 0.5*\value x;
+ }
+ data [set=squared, format=function] {
+ var x : interval [-1.5:1.5];
+ func y = \value x*\value x;
+ }
+ data [set=exp, format=function] {
+ var x : interval [-2.5:1];
+ func y = exp(\value x);
+ }
+ };},
+ ]
+ \tikz \datavisualization [
+ scientific axes,
+ visualize as smooth line/.list=
+ {log, lin, squared, exp},
+ legend=east outside,
+ log= {label in legend={text=$\log x$}},
+ lin= {label in legend={text=$x/2$}},
+ squared={label in legend={text=$x^2$}},
+ exp= {label in legend={text=$e^x$}},
+ style sheet=strong colors]
+ data group {function classes};
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/data:visualization/legend:options/east:outside"
+ },
+ ["legend options/every legend inside"] = {
+ details = [[
+Executed the keys `opaque` by default and sets the text size to the size
+of footnotes.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/data:visualization/legend:options/every:legend:inside"
+ },
+ ["legend options/every new legend"] = {
+ details = [[
+This key defaults to `east outside, label style=text right`. This means
+that by default a legend is placed to the right of the data
+visualization and that in the individual legend entries the text is to
+the right of the data set visualization.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/data:visualization/legend:options/every:new:legend"
+ },
+ ["legend options/ideal number of columns"] = {
+ details = [[
+Specifies, that the entries should be split into ⟨number⟩ different
+columns, whenever possible. However, when there would be more than the
+`max rows` value of rows per column, more columns than the ideal number
+are created.
+ {
+ var set : {1,...,8};
+ var x : interval [0:50];
+ func y = sin(\value x * (\value{set}+10))/(\value{set}+5);
+ }
+ };%
+ \tikzdatavisualizationset {
+ legend example/.style={
+ scientific axes, all axes={length=1cm, ticks=none},
+ 1={label in legend={text=1}},
+ 2={label in legend={text=2}},
+ 3={label in legend={text=3}},
+ 4={label in legend={text=4}},
+ 5={label in legend={text=5}},
+ 6={label in legend={text=6}},
+ 7={label in legend={text=7}},
+ 8={label in legend={text=8}}
+ }
+ }},
+ ]
+ \tikz \datavisualization [
+ visualize as smooth line/.list={1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8},
+ legend example, style sheet=vary hue,
+ main legend={ideal number of columns=2}]
+ data group {sin functions};
+ {
+ var set : {1,...,8};
+ var x : interval [0:50];
+ func y = sin(\value x * (\value{set}+10))/(\value{set}+5);
+ }
+ };%
+ \tikzdatavisualizationset {
+ legend example/.style={
+ scientific axes, all axes={length=1cm, ticks=none},
+ 1={label in legend={text=1}},
+ 2={label in legend={text=2}},
+ 3={label in legend={text=3}},
+ 4={label in legend={text=4}},
+ 5={label in legend={text=5}},
+ 6={label in legend={text=6}},
+ 7={label in legend={text=7}},
+ 8={label in legend={text=8}}
+ }
+ }},
+ ]
+ \tikz \datavisualization [
+ visualize as smooth line/.list={1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8},
+ legend example, style sheet=vary hue,
+ main legend={ideal number of columns=4}]
+ data group {sin functions};
+ {
+ var set : {1,...,8};
+ var x : interval [0:50];
+ func y = sin(\value x * (\value{set}+10))/(\value{set}+5);
+ }
+ };%
+ \tikzdatavisualizationset {
+ legend example/.style={
+ scientific axes, all axes={length=1cm, ticks=none},
+ 1={label in legend={text=1}},
+ 2={label in legend={text=2}},
+ 3={label in legend={text=3}},
+ 4={label in legend={text=4}},
+ 5={label in legend={text=5}},
+ 6={label in legend={text=6}},
+ 7={label in legend={text=7}},
+ 8={label in legend={text=8}}
+ }
+ }},
+ ]
+ \tikz \datavisualization [
+ visualize as smooth line/.list={1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8},
+ legend example, style sheet=vary hue,
+ main legend={max rows=3,ideal number of columns=2}]
+ data group {sin functions};
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/data:visualization/legend:options/ideal:number:of:columns",
+ meta = "⟨number⟩"
+ },
+ ["legend options/ideal number of rows"] = {
+ details = [[
+Works like `ideal number of columns`.
+ {
+ var set : {1,...,8};
+ var x : interval [0:50];
+ func y = sin(\value x * (\value{set}+10))/(\value{set}+5);
+ }
+ };%
+ \tikzdatavisualizationset {
+ legend example/.style={
+ scientific axes, all axes={length=1cm, ticks=none},
+ 1={label in legend={text=1}},
+ 2={label in legend={text=2}},
+ 3={label in legend={text=3}},
+ 4={label in legend={text=4}},
+ 5={label in legend={text=5}},
+ 6={label in legend={text=6}},
+ 7={label in legend={text=7}},
+ 8={label in legend={text=8}}
+ }
+ }},
+ ]
+ \tikz \datavisualization [
+ visualize as smooth line/.list={1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8},
+ legend example, style sheet=vary hue,
+ main legend={ideal number of rows=2}]
+ data group {sin functions};
+ {
+ var set : {1,...,8};
+ var x : interval [0:50];
+ func y = sin(\value x * (\value{set}+10))/(\value{set}+5);
+ }
+ };%
+ \tikzdatavisualizationset {
+ legend example/.style={
+ scientific axes, all axes={length=1cm, ticks=none},
+ 1={label in legend={text=1}},
+ 2={label in legend={text=2}},
+ 3={label in legend={text=3}},
+ 4={label in legend={text=4}},
+ 5={label in legend={text=5}},
+ 6={label in legend={text=6}},
+ 7={label in legend={text=7}},
+ 8={label in legend={text=8}}
+ }
+ }},
+ ]
+ \tikz \datavisualization [
+ visualize as smooth line/.list={1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8},
+ legend example, style sheet=vary hue,
+ main legend={ideal number of rows=4}]
+ data group {sin functions};
+ {
+ var set : {1,...,8};
+ var x : interval [0:50];
+ func y = sin(\value x * (\value{set}+10))/(\value{set}+5);
+ }
+ };%
+ \tikzdatavisualizationset {
+ legend example/.style={
+ scientific axes, all axes={length=1cm, ticks=none},
+ 1={label in legend={text=1}},
+ 2={label in legend={text=2}},
+ 3={label in legend={text=3}},
+ 4={label in legend={text=4}},
+ 5={label in legend={text=5}},
+ 6={label in legend={text=6}},
+ 7={label in legend={text=7}},
+ 8={label in legend={text=8}}
+ }
+ }},
+ ]
+ \tikz \datavisualization [
+ visualize as smooth line/.list={1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8},
+ legend example, style sheet=vary hue,
+ main legend={max columns=3,ideal number of rows=2}]
+ data group {sin functions};
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/data:visualization/legend:options/ideal:number:of:rows",
+ meta = "⟨number⟩"
+ },
+ ["legend options/label style"] = {
+ details = [[
+This key can be used with a legend. It will simply add the ⟨options⟩ to
+the `every label in legend` style for the given legend.
+ {
+ var x : interval [0.2:2.5];
+ func y = ln(\value x);
+ }
+ data [set=lin, format=function] {
+ var x : interval [-2:2.5];
+ func y = 0.5*\value x;
+ }
+ data [set=squared, format=function] {
+ var x : interval [-1.5:1.5];
+ func y = \value x*\value x;
+ }
+ data [set=exp, format=function] {
+ var x : interval [-2.5:1];
+ func y = exp(\value x);
+ }
+ };},
+ ]
+ \tikz \datavisualization [
+ scientific axes,
+ visualize as smooth line/.list=
+ {log, lin, squared, exp},
+ legend={label style={node style=draw}},
+ log= {label in legend={text=$\log x$}},
+ lin= {label in legend={text=$x/2$,
+ node style={circle, draw=red}}},
+ squared={label in legend={text=$x^2$}},
+ exp= {label in legend={text=$e^x$}},
+ style sheet=strong colors]
+ data group {function classes};
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/data:visualization/legend:options/label:style",
+ meta = "⟨options⟩"
+ },
+ ["legend options/left"] = {
+ details = [[
+This is an easier-to-remember alias.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/data:visualization/legend:options/left"
+ },
+ ["legend options/left of"] = {
+ details = [[
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/data:visualization/legend:options/left:of",
+ meta = "⟨data point⟩"
+ },
+ ["legend options/left then down"] = {
+ details = [[
+ {
+ var set : {1,...,8};
+ var x : interval [0:50];
+ func y = sin(\value x * (\value{set}+10))/(\value{set}+5);
+ }
+ };%
+ \tikzdatavisualizationset {
+ legend example/.style={
+ scientific axes, all axes={length=1cm, ticks=none},
+ 1={label in legend={text=1}},
+ 2={label in legend={text=2}},
+ 3={label in legend={text=3}},
+ 4={label in legend={text=4}},
+ 5={label in legend={text=5}},
+ 6={label in legend={text=6}},
+ 7={label in legend={text=7}},
+ 8={label in legend={text=8}}
+ }
+ }},
+ ]
+ \tikz \datavisualization [
+ visualize as smooth line/.list={1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8},
+ legend example, style sheet=vary hue,
+ main legend={left then down, columns=3}]
+ data group {sin functions};
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/data:visualization/legend:options/left:then:down"
+ },
+ ["legend options/left then up"] = {
+ details = [[
+ {
+ var set : {1,...,8};
+ var x : interval [0:50];
+ func y = sin(\value x * (\value{set}+10))/(\value{set}+5);
+ }
+ };%
+ \tikzdatavisualizationset {
+ legend example/.style={
+ scientific axes, all axes={length=1cm, ticks=none},
+ 1={label in legend={text=1}},
+ 2={label in legend={text=2}},
+ 3={label in legend={text=3}},
+ 4={label in legend={text=4}},
+ 5={label in legend={text=5}},
+ 6={label in legend={text=6}},
+ 7={label in legend={text=7}},
+ 8={label in legend={text=8}}
+ }
+ }},
+ ]
+ \tikz \datavisualization [
+ visualize as smooth line/.list={1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8},
+ legend example, style sheet=vary hue,
+ main legend={left then up, columns=3}]
+ data group {sin functions};
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/data:visualization/legend:options/left:then:up"
+ },
+ ["legend options/matrix node style"] = {
+ details = [[
+Adds the ⟨options⟩ to the list of options that will be executed when the
+legend's node is created.
+ {
+ var x : interval [0.2:2.5];
+ func y = ln(\value x);
+ }
+ data [set=lin, format=function] {
+ var x : interval [-2:2.5];
+ func y = 0.5*\value x;
+ }
+ data [set=squared, format=function] {
+ var x : interval [-1.5:1.5];
+ func y = \value x*\value x;
+ }
+ data [set=exp, format=function] {
+ var x : interval [-2.5:1];
+ func y = exp(\value x);
+ }
+ };},
+ ]
+ \tikz \datavisualization [
+ scientific axes,
+ visualize as smooth line/.list=
+ {log, lin, squared, exp},
+ legend={matrix node style={fill=black!25}},
+ log= {label in legend={text=$\log x$}},
+ lin= {label in legend={text=$x/2$}},
+ squared={label in legend={text=$x^2$}},
+ exp= {label in legend={text=$e^x$}},
+ style sheet=vary dashing]
+ data group {function classes};
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/data:visualization/legend:options/matrix:node:style",
+ meta = "⟨options⟩"
+ },
+ ["legend options/max columns"] = {
+ details = [[
+This key works like `max rows`, only now the number of columns is
+monitored. Note that this strategy only really makes sense when the when
+you use this key with a strategy that first goes left or right and then
+up or down.
+ {
+ var set : {1,...,8};
+ var x : interval [0:50];
+ func y = sin(\value x * (\value{set}+10))/(\value{set}+5);
+ }
+ };%
+ \tikzdatavisualizationset {
+ legend example/.style={
+ scientific axes, all axes={length=1cm, ticks=none},
+ 1={label in legend={text=1}},
+ 2={label in legend={text=2}},
+ 3={label in legend={text=3}},
+ 4={label in legend={text=4}},
+ 5={label in legend={text=5}},
+ 6={label in legend={text=6}},
+ 7={label in legend={text=7}},
+ 8={label in legend={text=8}}
+ }
+ }},
+ ]
+ \tikz \datavisualization [
+ visualize as smooth line/.list={1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8},
+ legend example, style sheet=vary hue,
+ main legend={right then down, max columns=2}]
+ data group {sin functions};
+ {
+ var set : {1,...,8};
+ var x : interval [0:50];
+ func y = sin(\value x * (\value{set}+10))/(\value{set}+5);
+ }
+ };%
+ \tikzdatavisualizationset {
+ legend example/.style={
+ scientific axes, all axes={length=1cm, ticks=none},
+ 1={label in legend={text=1}},
+ 2={label in legend={text=2}},
+ 3={label in legend={text=3}},
+ 4={label in legend={text=4}},
+ 5={label in legend={text=5}},
+ 6={label in legend={text=6}},
+ 7={label in legend={text=7}},
+ 8={label in legend={text=8}}
+ }
+ }},
+ ]
+ \tikz \datavisualization [
+ visualize as smooth line/.list={1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8},
+ legend example, style sheet=vary hue,
+ main legend={right then down,max columns=3}]
+ data group {sin functions};
+ {
+ var set : {1,...,8};
+ var x : interval [0:50];
+ func y = sin(\value x * (\value{set}+10))/(\value{set}+5);
+ }
+ };%
+ \tikzdatavisualizationset {
+ legend example/.style={
+ scientific axes, all axes={length=1cm, ticks=none},
+ 1={label in legend={text=1}},
+ 2={label in legend={text=2}},
+ 3={label in legend={text=3}},
+ 4={label in legend={text=4}},
+ 5={label in legend={text=5}},
+ 6={label in legend={text=6}},
+ 7={label in legend={text=7}},
+ 8={label in legend={text=8}}
+ }
+ }},
+ ]
+ \tikz \datavisualization [
+ visualize as smooth line/.list={1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8},
+ legend example, style sheet=vary hue,
+ main legend={right then down,max columns=4}]
+ data group {sin functions};
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/data:visualization/legend:options/max:columns",
+ meta = "⟨number⟩"
+ },
+ ["legend options/max rows"] = {
+ details = [[
+As the legend matrix is being filled, whenever the number of rows in the
+current column would exceed ⟨number⟩, a new column is started.
+ {
+ var set : {1,...,8};
+ var x : interval [0:50];
+ func y = sin(\value x * (\value{set}+10))/(\value{set}+5);
+ }
+ };%
+ \tikzdatavisualizationset {
+ legend example/.style={
+ scientific axes, all axes={length=1cm, ticks=none},
+ 1={label in legend={text=1}},
+ 2={label in legend={text=2}},
+ 3={label in legend={text=3}},
+ 4={label in legend={text=4}},
+ 5={label in legend={text=5}},
+ 6={label in legend={text=6}},
+ 7={label in legend={text=7}},
+ 8={label in legend={text=8}}
+ }
+ }},
+ ]
+ \tikz \datavisualization [
+ visualize as smooth line/.list={1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8},
+ legend example, style sheet=vary hue,
+ main legend={max rows=3}]
+ data group {sin functions};
+ {
+ var set : {1,...,8};
+ var x : interval [0:50];
+ func y = sin(\value x * (\value{set}+10))/(\value{set}+5);
+ }
+ };%
+ \tikzdatavisualizationset {
+ legend example/.style={
+ scientific axes, all axes={length=1cm, ticks=none},
+ 1={label in legend={text=1}},
+ 2={label in legend={text=2}},
+ 3={label in legend={text=3}},
+ 4={label in legend={text=4}},
+ 5={label in legend={text=5}},
+ 6={label in legend={text=6}},
+ 7={label in legend={text=7}},
+ 8={label in legend={text=8}}
+ }
+ }},
+ ]
+ \tikz \datavisualization [
+ visualize as smooth line/.list={1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8},
+ legend example, style sheet=vary hue,
+ main legend={max rows=4}]
+ data group {sin functions};
+ {
+ var set : {1,...,8};
+ var x : interval [0:50];
+ func y = sin(\value x * (\value{set}+10))/(\value{set}+5);
+ }
+ };%
+ \tikzdatavisualizationset {
+ legend example/.style={
+ scientific axes, all axes={length=1cm, ticks=none},
+ 1={label in legend={text=1}},
+ 2={label in legend={text=2}},
+ 3={label in legend={text=3}},
+ 4={label in legend={text=4}},
+ 5={label in legend={text=5}},
+ 6={label in legend={text=6}},
+ 7={label in legend={text=7}},
+ 8={label in legend={text=8}}
+ }
+ }},
+ ]
+ \tikz \datavisualization [
+ visualize as smooth line/.list={1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8},
+ legend example, style sheet=vary hue,
+ main legend={max rows=5}]
+ data group {sin functions};
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/data:visualization/legend:options/max:rows",
+ meta = "⟨number⟩"
+ },
+ ["legend options/north east inside"] = {
+ details = [[
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/data:visualization/legend:options/north:east:inside"
+ },
+ ["legend options/north east outside"] = {
+ details = [[
+A variant, where the legend is to the right, but aligned with the
+northern end of the data visualization:
+ {
+ var x : interval [0.2:2.5];
+ func y = ln(\value x);
+ }
+ data [set=lin, format=function] {
+ var x : interval [-2:2.5];
+ func y = 0.5*\value x;
+ }
+ data [set=squared, format=function] {
+ var x : interval [-1.5:1.5];
+ func y = \value x*\value x;
+ }
+ data [set=exp, format=function] {
+ var x : interval [-2.5:1];
+ func y = exp(\value x);
+ }
+ };},
+ ]
+ \tikz \datavisualization [
+ scientific axes,
+ visualize as smooth line/.list=
+ {log, lin, squared, exp},
+ legend=north east outside,
+ log= {label in legend={text=$\log x$}},
+ lin= {label in legend={text=$x/2$}},
+ squared={label in legend={text=$x^2$}},
+ exp= {label in legend={text=$e^x$}},
+ style sheet=strong colors]
+ data group {function classes};
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/data:visualization/legend:options/north:east:outside"
+ },
+ ["legend options/north inside"] = {
+ details = [[
+As above.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/data:visualization/legend:options/north:inside"
+ },
+ ["legend options/north outside"] = {
+ details = [[
+The legend is placed above the data. Note that the legend entries now
+for a row rather than a column.
+ {
+ var x : interval [0.2:2.5];
+ func y = ln(\value x);
+ }
+ data [set=lin, format=function] {
+ var x : interval [-2:2.5];
+ func y = 0.5*\value x;
+ }
+ data [set=squared, format=function] {
+ var x : interval [-1.5:1.5];
+ func y = \value x*\value x;
+ }
+ data [set=exp, format=function] {
+ var x : interval [-2.5:1];
+ func y = exp(\value x);
+ }
+ };},
+ ]
+ \tikz \datavisualization [
+ scientific axes,
+ visualize as smooth line/.list=
+ {log, lin, squared, exp},
+ legend=north outside,
+ log= {label in legend={text=$\log x$}},
+ lin= {label in legend={text=$x/2$}},
+ squared={label in legend={text=$x^2$}},
+ exp= {label in legend={text=$e^x$}},
+ style sheet=strong colors]
+ data group {function classes};
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/data:visualization/legend:options/north:outside"
+ },
+ ["legend options/north west inside"] = {
+ details = [[
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/data:visualization/legend:options/north:west:inside"
+ },
+ ["legend options/north west outside"] = {
+ details = [[
+ {
+ var x : interval [0.2:2.5];
+ func y = ln(\value x);
+ }
+ data [set=lin, format=function] {
+ var x : interval [-2:2.5];
+ func y = 0.5*\value x;
+ }
+ data [set=squared, format=function] {
+ var x : interval [-1.5:1.5];
+ func y = \value x*\value x;
+ }
+ data [set=exp, format=function] {
+ var x : interval [-2.5:1];
+ func y = exp(\value x);
+ }
+ };},
+ ]
+ \tikz \datavisualization [
+ scientific axes,
+ visualize as smooth line/.list=
+ {log, lin, squared, exp},
+ legend=north west outside,
+ log= {label in legend={text=$\log x$}},
+ lin= {label in legend={text=$x/2$}},
+ squared={label in legend={text=$x^2$}},
+ exp= {label in legend={text=$e^x$}},
+ style sheet=strong colors]
+ data group {function classes};
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/data:visualization/legend:options/north:west:outside"
+ },
+ ["legend options/opaque"] = {
+ details = [[
+When this key is used, the legend's node will be filled with the ⟨color⟩
+and its corners will be rounded. Additionally, the inner and outer
+separations will be set to sensible values.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/data:visualization/legend:options/opaque",
+ meta = "⟨color⟩"
+ },
+ ["legend options/right"] = {
+ details = [[
+This is an easier-to-remember alias.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/data:visualization/legend:options/right"
+ },
+ ["legend options/right of"] = {
+ details = [[
+Works like `at values`, but the anchor is set to `west`:
+ {
+ var x : interval [0.2:2.5];
+ func y = ln(\value x);
+ }
+ data [set=lin, format=function] {
+ var x : interval [-2:2.5];
+ func y = 0.5*\value x;
+ }
+ data [set=squared, format=function] {
+ var x : interval [-1.5:1.5];
+ func y = \value x*\value x;
+ }
+ data [set=exp, format=function] {
+ var x : interval [-2.5:1];
+ func y = exp(\value x);
+ }
+ };},
+ ]
+ \tikz \datavisualization [
+ scientific axes,
+ visualize as smooth line/.list={log, lin},
+ legend={right of={x=-1, y=2}},
+ log= {label in legend={text=$\log x$}},
+ lin= {label in legend={text=$x/2$}},
+ style sheet=strong colors]
+ data group {function classes};
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/data:visualization/legend:options/right:of",
+ meta = "⟨data point⟩"
+ },
+ ["legend options/right then down"] = {
+ details = [[
+ {
+ var set : {1,...,8};
+ var x : interval [0:50];
+ func y = sin(\value x * (\value{set}+10))/(\value{set}+5);
+ }
+ };%
+ \tikzdatavisualizationset {
+ legend example/.style={
+ scientific axes, all axes={length=1cm, ticks=none},
+ 1={label in legend={text=1}},
+ 2={label in legend={text=2}},
+ 3={label in legend={text=3}},
+ 4={label in legend={text=4}},
+ 5={label in legend={text=5}},
+ 6={label in legend={text=6}},
+ 7={label in legend={text=7}},
+ 8={label in legend={text=8}}
+ }
+ }},
+ ]
+ \tikz \datavisualization [
+ visualize as smooth line/.list={1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8},
+ legend example, style sheet=vary hue,
+ main legend={right then down, columns=3}]
+ data group {sin functions};
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/data:visualization/legend:options/right:then:down"
+ },
+ ["legend options/right then up"] = {
+ details = [[
+ {
+ var set : {1,...,8};
+ var x : interval [0:50];
+ func y = sin(\value x * (\value{set}+10))/(\value{set}+5);
+ }
+ };%
+ \tikzdatavisualizationset {
+ legend example/.style={
+ scientific axes, all axes={length=1cm, ticks=none},
+ 1={label in legend={text=1}},
+ 2={label in legend={text=2}},
+ 3={label in legend={text=3}},
+ 4={label in legend={text=4}},
+ 5={label in legend={text=5}},
+ 6={label in legend={text=6}},
+ 7={label in legend={text=7}},
+ 8={label in legend={text=8}}
+ }
+ }},
+ ]
+ \tikz \datavisualization [
+ visualize as smooth line/.list={1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8},
+ legend example, style sheet=vary hue,
+ main legend={right then up, columns=3}]
+ data group {sin functions};
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/data:visualization/legend:options/right:then:up"
+ },
+ ["legend options/rows"] = {
+ details = [[
+Shorthand for `ideal number of rows=`⟨number⟩.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/data:visualization/legend:options/rows",
+ meta = "⟨number⟩"
+ },
+ ["legend options/south east inside"] = {
+ details = [[
+Puts the legend in the upper right corner of the data.
+ {
+ var x : interval [0.2:2.5];
+ func y = ln(\value x);
+ }
+ data [set=lin, format=function] {
+ var x : interval [-2:2.5];
+ func y = 0.5*\value x;
+ }
+ data [set=squared, format=function] {
+ var x : interval [-1.5:1.5];
+ func y = \value x*\value x;
+ }
+ data [set=exp, format=function] {
+ var x : interval [-2.5:1];
+ func y = exp(\value x);
+ }
+ };},
+ ]
+ \tikz \datavisualization [
+ scientific axes,
+ visualize as smooth line/.list=
+ {log, lin},
+ legend=south east inside,
+ log= {label in legend={text=$\log x$}},
+ lin= {label in legend={text=$x/2$}},
+ style sheet=strong colors]
+ data group {function classes};
+Note that the text is now a little smaller since there tends to be much
+less space inside the data visualization than next to it. Also, the
+legend's node is filled in white by default to ensures that the legend
+is clearly legible even in the presence of, say, a grid or data points
+behind it. This behavior is triggered by the following style key:
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/data:visualization/legend:options/south:east:inside"
+ },
+ ["legend options/south east outside"] = {
+ details = [[
+ {
+ var x : interval [0.2:2.5];
+ func y = ln(\value x);
+ }
+ data [set=lin, format=function] {
+ var x : interval [-2:2.5];
+ func y = 0.5*\value x;
+ }
+ data [set=squared, format=function] {
+ var x : interval [-1.5:1.5];
+ func y = \value x*\value x;
+ }
+ data [set=exp, format=function] {
+ var x : interval [-2.5:1];
+ func y = exp(\value x);
+ }
+ };},
+ ]
+ \tikz \datavisualization [
+ scientific axes,
+ visualize as smooth line/.list=
+ {log, lin, squared, exp},
+ legend=south east outside,
+ log= {label in legend={text=$\log x$}},
+ lin= {label in legend={text=$x/2$}},
+ squared={label in legend={text=$x^2$}},
+ exp= {label in legend={text=$e^x$}},
+ style sheet=strong colors]
+ data group {function classes};
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/data:visualization/legend:options/south:east:outside"
+ },
+ ["legend options/south inside"] = {
+ details = [[
+Puts the legend in the upper right corner of the data. Note that the
+text is now a little smaller since there tends to be much less space
+inside the data visualization than next to it.
+ {
+ var x : interval [0.2:2.5];
+ func y = ln(\value x);
+ }
+ data [set=lin, format=function] {
+ var x : interval [-2:2.5];
+ func y = 0.5*\value x;
+ }
+ data [set=squared, format=function] {
+ var x : interval [-1.5:1.5];
+ func y = \value x*\value x;
+ }
+ data [set=exp, format=function] {
+ var x : interval [-2.5:1];
+ func y = exp(\value x);
+ }
+ };},
+ ]
+ \tikz \datavisualization [
+ scientific axes,
+ visualize as smooth line/.list={log, lin},
+ legend=south inside,
+ log= {label in legend={text=$\log x$}},
+ lin= {label in legend={text=$x/2$}},
+ style sheet=strong colors]
+ data group {function classes};
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/data:visualization/legend:options/south:inside"
+ },
+ ["legend options/south outside"] = {
+ details = [[
+ {
+ var x : interval [0.2:2.5];
+ func y = ln(\value x);
+ }
+ data [set=lin, format=function] {
+ var x : interval [-2:2.5];
+ func y = 0.5*\value x;
+ }
+ data [set=squared, format=function] {
+ var x : interval [-1.5:1.5];
+ func y = \value x*\value x;
+ }
+ data [set=exp, format=function] {
+ var x : interval [-2.5:1];
+ func y = exp(\value x);
+ }
+ };},
+ ]
+ \tikz \datavisualization [
+ scientific axes,
+ visualize as smooth line/.list=
+ {log, lin, squared, exp},
+ legend=south outside,
+ log= {label in legend={text=$\log x$}},
+ lin= {label in legend={text=$x/2$}},
+ squared={label in legend={text=$x^2$}},
+ exp= {label in legend={text=$e^x$}},
+ style sheet=strong colors]
+ data group {function classes};
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/data:visualization/legend:options/south:outside"
+ },
+ ["legend options/south west inside"] = {
+ details = [[
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/data:visualization/legend:options/south:west:inside"
+ },
+ ["legend options/south west outside"] = {
+ details = [[
+ {
+ var x : interval [0.2:2.5];
+ func y = ln(\value x);
+ }
+ data [set=lin, format=function] {
+ var x : interval [-2:2.5];
+ func y = 0.5*\value x;
+ }
+ data [set=squared, format=function] {
+ var x : interval [-1.5:1.5];
+ func y = \value x*\value x;
+ }
+ data [set=exp, format=function] {
+ var x : interval [-2.5:1];
+ func y = exp(\value x);
+ }
+ };},
+ ]
+ \tikz \datavisualization [
+ scientific axes,
+ visualize as smooth line/.list=
+ {log, lin, squared, exp},
+ legend=south west outside,
+ log= {label in legend={text=$\log x$}},
+ lin= {label in legend={text=$x/2$}},
+ squared={label in legend={text=$x^2$}},
+ exp= {label in legend={text=$e^x$}},
+ style sheet=strong colors]
+ data group {function classes};
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/data:visualization/legend:options/south:west:outside"
+ },
+ ["legend options/transparent"] = {
+ details = [[
+Sets the filling of the legend node to `none`.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/data:visualization/legend:options/transparent"
+ },
+ ["legend options/up then left"] = {
+ details = [[
+ {
+ var set : {1,...,8};
+ var x : interval [0:50];
+ func y = sin(\value x * (\value{set}+10))/(\value{set}+5);
+ }
+ };%
+ \tikzdatavisualizationset {
+ legend example/.style={
+ scientific axes, all axes={length=1cm, ticks=none},
+ 1={label in legend={text=1}},
+ 2={label in legend={text=2}},
+ 3={label in legend={text=3}},
+ 4={label in legend={text=4}},
+ 5={label in legend={text=5}},
+ 6={label in legend={text=6}},
+ 7={label in legend={text=7}},
+ 8={label in legend={text=8}}
+ }
+ }},
+ ]
+ \tikz \datavisualization [
+ visualize as smooth line/.list={1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8},
+ legend example, style sheet=vary hue,
+ main legend={up then left, columns=3}]
+ data group {sin functions};
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/data:visualization/legend:options/up:then:left"
+ },
+ ["legend options/up then right"] = {
+ details = [[
+ {
+ var set : {1,...,8};
+ var x : interval [0:50];
+ func y = sin(\value x * (\value{set}+10))/(\value{set}+5);
+ }
+ };%
+ \tikzdatavisualizationset {
+ legend example/.style={
+ scientific axes, all axes={length=1cm, ticks=none},
+ 1={label in legend={text=1}},
+ 2={label in legend={text=2}},
+ 3={label in legend={text=3}},
+ 4={label in legend={text=4}},
+ 5={label in legend={text=5}},
+ 6={label in legend={text=6}},
+ 7={label in legend={text=7}},
+ 8={label in legend={text=8}}
+ }
+ }},
+ ]
+ \tikz \datavisualization [
+ visualize as smooth line/.list={1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8},
+ legend example, style sheet=vary hue,
+ main legend={up then right, columns=3}]
+ data group {sin functions};
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/data:visualization/legend:options/up:then:right"
+ },
+ ["legend options/west inside"] = {
+ details = [[
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/data:visualization/legend:options/west:inside"
+ },
+ ["legend options/west outside"] = {
+ details = [[
+The legend is placed left. Note that the text also swaps its position.
+ {
+ var x : interval [0.2:2.5];
+ func y = ln(\value x);
+ }
+ data [set=lin, format=function] {
+ var x : interval [-2:2.5];
+ func y = 0.5*\value x;
+ }
+ data [set=squared, format=function] {
+ var x : interval [-1.5:1.5];
+ func y = \value x*\value x;
+ }
+ data [set=exp, format=function] {
+ var x : interval [-2.5:1];
+ func y = exp(\value x);
+ }
+ };},
+ ]
+ \tikz \datavisualization [
+ scientific axes,
+ visualize as smooth line/.list=
+ {log, lin, squared, exp},
+ legend=west outside,
+ log= {label in legend={text=$\log x$}},
+ lin= {label in legend={text=$x/2$}},
+ squared={label in legend={text=$x^2$}},
+ exp= {label in legend={text=$e^x$}},
+ style sheet=strong colors]
+ data group {function classes};
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/data:visualization/legend:options/west:outside"
+ },
+ low = {
+ details = [[
+When used with the `visualize ticks` option, the `low` key contains a
+dimension that specifies the extend of the tick going "toward the
+minimum" of the direction axis. More precisely, when a tick mark is
+visualized, a unit tangent vector at the current data point in the
+direction of the `direction axis` is computed and this vector is
+multiplied by ⟨dimension⟩ to compute the start position of the tick
+line. The end position is given by this vector times the `high` value.
+Note that the ⟨dimension⟩ should usually be negative for the `low` key
+and positive for the `high` key.
+For tick marks where a tick label node is shown, the ⟨dimension⟩ is
+increased by the current values of keys like
+`tick text even low padding`, see Section ?? for details.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/data:visualization/low",
+ meta = "⟨dimension⟩"
+ },
+ major = {
+ details = [[
+The key can be passed as an option to the `ticks` key and also to the
+`grid` key, which in turn is passed as an option to an axis. The
+⟨options⟩ passed to `major` specify at which positions major ticks/grid
+lines should be shown (using the `at` option and `also at` option) and
+also any special styling. The different possible options are described
+later in this section.
+ \tikz \datavisualization
+ [ school book axes, visualize as smooth line,
+ x axis={ticks={major={at={1, 1.5, 2}}}}]
+ data [format=function] {
+ var x : interval [-1.25:2];
+ func y = \value x * \value x / 2;
+ };
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/data:visualization/major",
+ meta = "⟨options⟩"
+ },
+ ["major also at"] = {
+ details = [[
+A shorthand for `major={also at={`⟨list⟩`}}`.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/data:visualization/major:also:at",
+ meta = "⟨list⟩"
+ },
+ ["major at"] = {
+ details = [[
+A shorthand for `major={at={`⟨list⟩`}}`.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/data:visualization/major:at",
+ meta = "⟨list⟩"
+ },
+ many = {
+ details = [[
+This is an abbreviation for `about=10`.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/data:visualization/many"
+ },
+ minor = {
+ details = [[
+Like `major`, only for minor ticks/grid lines.
+ \tikz \datavisualization
+ [ school book axes, visualize as smooth line,
+ x axis={grid={minor={at={1, 1.5, 2}}}}]
+ data [format=function] {
+ var x : interval [-1.25:2];
+ func y = \value x * \value x / 2;
+ };
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/data:visualization/minor",
+ meta = "⟨options⟩"
+ },
+ ["minor also at"] = {
+ details = [[
+A shorthand for `major={also at={`⟨list⟩`}}`.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/data:visualization/minor:also:at",
+ meta = "⟨list⟩"
+ },
+ ["minor at"] = {
+ details = [[
+A shorthand for `major={at={`⟨list⟩`}}`.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/data:visualization/minor:at",
+ meta = "⟨list⟩"
+ },
+ ["minor steps between steps"] = {
+ details = [[
+Specifies that between any two major steps (whose positions are
+specified by the `step` key), there should be ⟨number⟩ many minor steps.
+Note that the default of `9` is exactly the right number so that each
+interval between two minor steps is exactly a tenth of the size of a
+major step. See also Section ?? for further details.
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \datavisualization [school book axes, visualize as smooth line,
+ x axis={ticks={minor steps between steps=3}},
+ y axis={ticks={minor steps between steps}},
+ ]
+ data [format=function] {
+ var x : interval [-1.5:1.5];
+ func y = \value x*\value x;
+ };
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/data:visualization/minor:steps:between:steps",
+ meta = "⟨number⟩"
+ },
+ ["new Cartesian axis"] = {
+ details = [[
+This key creates a new "Cartesian" axis, named ⟨name⟩. For such an axis,
+the (scaled) values of the axis's attribute are transformed into a
+displacement on the page along a straight line. The following key is
+used to configure in which "direction" the axis points:
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/data:visualization/new:Cartesian:axis",
+ meta = "⟨name⟩"
+ },
+ ["new axis base"] = {
+ details = [[
+This key defines a new axis for the current data visualization called
+⟨name⟩. This has two effects:
+1. A so called *scaling mapper* is created that will monitor a certain
+ attribute, rescale it, and map it to another attribute. (This will
+ be explained in detail in a moment.)
+2. The ⟨axis name⟩ is made available as a key that can be used to
+ configure the axis:
+3. The ⟨axis name⟩ becomes part of the current set of axes. This set
+ can be accessed through the following key:
+There are many ⟨options⟩ that can be passed to a newly created axis.
+They are explained in the rest of this section.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/data:visualization/new:axis:base",
+ meta = "⟨axis name⟩"
+ },
+ ["new axis system"] = {
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/data:visualization/new:axis:system",
+ meta = "{axis system name}{axis setup}{default options} {application options}"
+ },
+ ["new legend"] = {
+ details = [[
+This key is used to create a new legend named ⟨legend name⟩. The legend
+is empty by default and further options are needed to add entries to it.
+When the key is called a second time for the same ⟨legend name⟩ nothing
+When a legend is created, a new key is created that can subsequently be
+used to configure the legend:
+In the end, the legend is just a TikZ node, a `matrix` node, to be
+precise. The following key is used to style this node:
+The following style allows you to configure the default appearance of
+every newly created legend:
+ {
+ var x : interval [0.2:2.5];
+ func y = ln(\value x);
+ }
+ data [set=lin, format=function] {
+ var x : interval [-2:2.5];
+ func y = 0.5*\value x;
+ }
+ data [set=squared, format=function] {
+ var x : interval [-1.5:1.5];
+ func y = \value x*\value x;
+ }
+ data [set=exp, format=function] {
+ var x : interval [-2.5:1];
+ func y = exp(\value x);
+ }
+ };},
+ ]
+ \tikz \datavisualization [
+ scientific axes, x axis={label=$x$},
+ visualize as smooth line/.list={log, lin, squared, exp},
+ new legend={upper legend},
+ new legend={lower legend},
+ upper legend=above,
+ lower legend=below,
+ log= {label in legend={text=$\log x$, legend=upper legend}},
+ lin= {label in legend={text=$x/2$, legend=upper legend}},
+ squared={label in legend={text=$x^2$, legend=lower legend}},
+ exp= {label in legend={text=$e^x$, legend=lower legend}},
+ style sheet=vary dashing]
+ data group {function classes};
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/data:visualization/new:legend",
+ meta = "⟨legend name⟩"
+ },
+ ["new legend entry"] = {
+ details = [[
+This key will add a new entry to the legend that is identified by the
+⟨options⟩. For this, the ⟨options⟩ are executed once with the path
+prefix `/tikz/data visualization/legend entry options` and the resulting
+setting of the `legend` key is used to pick which legend the new entry
+should belong to. Then, the ⟨options⟩ are stored away for the time
+Later, when the legend is created, the ⟨options⟩ get executed once more.
+This time, however, the `legend` key is no longer important. Instead,
+the ⟨options⟩ that setup keys like `text` or `visualizer in legend` now
+play a role.
+In detail, the following happens:
+- For the legend entry, a little cell picture is created in the matrix
+ of the legend (see Section ?? for details on cell pictures).
+- Inside this picture, a node is created whose text is taken from the
+ key
+ /tikz/data visualization/legend entry options/text
+- Also inside the picture, the code stored in the following key gets
+ executed:
+The following styles are applied in the following order before the cell
+picture is filled:
+1. `/tikz/data visualization/every data set label` with path
+ `/tikz/data visualization`
+2. `/tikz/data visualization/every label in legend` with path
+ `/tikz/data visualization/legend entry options`.
+3. The ⟨options⟩.
+4. The code in the following key:
+5. A styling signal is emitted.
+6. Only for the node: The current value of `node style`.
+7. Only for the visualizer in legend: The styling that has been
+ accumulated by calls to the following key:
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/data:visualization/new:legend:entry",
+ meta = "⟨options⟩"
+ },
+ ["new object"] = {
+ details = [[
+This key serves two purposes:
+1. This method makes it easy to create a new object as part of the
+ rendering pipeline, using ⟨options⟩ to specify arguments rather that
+ directly calling `\pgfoonew`. Since you have the full power of the
+ keys mechanism at your disposal, it is easy, for instance, to
+ control whether or not parameters to the constructor are expanded or
+ not.
+2. The object is not created immediately, but only just before the
+ visualization starts. This allows you to specify that an object must
+ be created, but the parameter values of for its constructor may
+ depend on keys that are not yet set. A typical application is the
+ creating of an axis object: When you say `scientific axes`, the
+ `new object` command is used internally to create two objects
+ representing these axes. However, keys like `x={length=5cm}` can
+ only *later* be used to specify the parameters that need to be
+ passed to the constructor of the objects.
+The following keys may be used inside the ⟨options⟩:
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/data:visualization/new:object",
+ meta = "⟨options⟩"
+ },
+ ["new polar axes"] = {
+ details = [[
+This key actually creates two axes, whose names are give as parameters:
+An *angle axis* and a *radius axis*. These two axes work in concert in
+the following way: Suppose a data point has two attributes called
+`angle` and `radius` (these attribute names can be changed by changing
+the `attribute` of the ⟨angle axis name⟩ or the ⟨radius axis name⟩,
+respectively). These two attributes are then scaled as usual, resulting
+in two "reasonable" values $a$ (for the angle) and $r$ (for the radius).
+Then, the data point gets visualized (in principle, details will follow)
+at a position on the page that is at a distance of $r$ from the origin
+and at an angle of $a$.
+ \tikz \datavisualization
+ [new polar axes={angle axis}{radius axis},
+ radius axis={length=2cm},
+ visualize as scatter]
+ data [format=named] {
+ angle={0,20,...,160}, radius={0,...,5}
+ };
+In detail, the ⟨angle axis⟩ keeps track of two vectors $v_0$ and
+$v_{90}$, each of which will usually have unit length (length `1pt`) and
+which point in two different directions. Given a radius $r$ (measured in
+TeX `pt`s, so if the radius attribute `10pt`, then $r$ would be $10$)
+and an angle $a$, let $s$ be the sine of $a$ and let $c$ be the cosine
+of $a$, where $a$ is a number is degrees (so $s$ would be $1$ for
+$a = 90$). Then, the current page position is shifted by $c \cdot r$
+times $v_0$ and, additionally, by $s \cdot r$ times $v_{90}$. This means
+that in the "polar coordinate system" $v_0$ is the unit vector along the
+"$0^\circ$-axis" and $v_{90}$ is the unit vector along
+"$90^\circ$-axis". The values of $v_0$ and $v_{90}$ can be changed using
+the following key on the ⟨angle axis⟩:
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/data:visualization/new:polar:axes",
+ meta = "{⟨angle axis name⟩}{⟨radius axis name⟩}"
+ },
+ ["new visualizer"] = {
+ details = [[
+This key configures a new visualizer named ⟨name⟩. This entails the
+following actions:
+- The key `/tikz/data visualization/`⟨name⟩ is created. As described
+ earlier, this key can be used to pass for instance `style` options
+ to the visualizer.
+- The style key
+ `/tikz/data visualization/visualizers/`⟨name⟩`/styling` is created
+ and made empty. This is the key in which the `style` key will store
+ the options passed to the visualizer.
+- The style key
+ `/tikz/data visualization/visualizers/`⟨name⟩`/label in legend options`
+ is set to ⟨legend entry options⟩. These options are used to
+ configure how the visualizer should be rendered in a legend, see
+ Section ?? for details.
+- The key `/data point/set/`⟨name⟩ is set to a number that is
+ increased for each visualizer in the current data visualization.
+ This number is important for style sheets, see Section ??.
+- The key `/data point/`⟨name⟩`/execute at begin` is set to code that
+ creates a `{scope}` that executes the following styles as options:
+ 1. The ⟨options⟩ passed to the `new visualizer` key.
+ 2. The `every visualizer` style.
+ 3. The styling from the currently active style sheets, see
+ Section ??.
+ 4. The styling stored in the `styling` key mentioned above.
+- The key `/data point/`⟨name⟩`/execute at end` is set to code that
+ will finish all paths that may have been created by the visualizer
+ and closes the scope.
+All of the above mean the following in practice:
+- Inside a new `visualize as ...` key, you pass the name of the
+ to-be-created to `new visualizer` as the first parameter and any
+ special default styling setup of the visualizer as the second
+ parameter.
+- The new `visualize as ...` key should also create a visualizer
+ object using `new object`.
+- When this object finally is about to create the actual
+ visualization, it should surround the code by invoking the code
+ stored in the `execute at begin` and the `execute at end` keys of
+ the visualizer.
+Everything else is usually taken care of by the `new visualizer` key
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/data:visualization/new:visualizer",
+ meta = "{name}{options}{legend entry options}"
+ },
+ ["no tick text"] = {
+ details = [[
+Shorthand for `tick text at low=false, tick text at high=false`.
+ \tikz \datavisualization [scientific axes, all axes={length=3cm},
+ x axis={ticks={
+ major also at={6.5 as [no tick text]}}},
+ visualize as smooth line]
+ data [format=function] {
+ var x : interval [5:10];
+ func y = \value x * \value x;
+ };
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/data:visualization/no:tick:text"
+ },
+ ["no tick text at"] = {
+ details = [[
+Shorthand for `options at=`⟨value⟩` as [no tick text]`.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/data:visualization/no:tick:text:at",
+ meta = "⟨value⟩"
+ },
+ ["node style"] = {
+ details = [[
+This key works like `style`, but it has an effect only on nodes that are
+created during a data visualization. This includes tick labels and axis
+ \tikz \datavisualization
+ [scientific axes,
+ all axes={ticks={node style=red}, length=3cm},
+ visualize as line]
+ data [format=function] {
+ var x : interval [5:10];
+ func y = \value x * \value x;
+ };
+Note that in the example the ticks themselves (the little thicker lines)
+are not red.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/data:visualization/node:style",
+ meta = "⟨tikzoptions⟩"
+ },
+ ["node styling"] = {
+ details = [[
+Executing this key will cause all "accumulated" node stylings to be
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/data:visualization/node:styling"
+ },
+ none = {
+ details = [[
+Switches off the automatic step computation. Unless you use `step=`
+explicitly to set a stepping, no ticks will be (automatically) added.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/data:visualization/none"
+ },
+ ["options at"] = {
+ details = [[
+This key causes the ⟨options⟩ to be executed for any tick mark(s) at
+⟨value⟩ in addition to any options given already for this position:
+ \tikz \datavisualization [
+ scientific axes,
+ visualize as smooth line,
+ x axis={ticks={major={
+ options at = 3 as [no tick text],
+ also at = (pi) as
+ [{tick text padding=1ex}] $\pi$}}}]
+ data [format=function] {
+ var x : interval[0:2*pi];
+ func y = sin(\value x r);
+ };
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/data:visualization/options:at",
+ meta = "⟨value⟩ as [⟨options⟩]"
+ },
+ padded = {
+ details = [[
+Shorthand for `low=padded min, high=padded max`.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/data:visualization/padded"
+ },
+ phase = {
+ details = [[
+See Section ?? for details on how the phase of steps influences the tick
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/data:visualization/phase",
+ meta = "⟨value⟩"
+ },
+ ["quarter about strategy"] = {
+ details = [[
+Permissible values for $m'$ are: $1$, $2.5$, and $5$.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/data:visualization/quarter:about:strategy"
+ },
+ ["school book axes"] = {
+ details = [[
+This axis system is intended to "look like" the coordinate systems often
+used in school books: The axes are drawn in such a way that they
+intersect to origin. Furthermore, no automatic scaling is done to ensure
+that the lengths of units are the same in all directions.
+This axis system must be used with care -- it is nearly always necessary
+to specify the desired unit length by hand using the option
+`unit length`. If the magnitudes of the units on the two axes differ,
+different unit lengths typically need to be specified for the different
+Finally, if the data is "far removed" from the origin, this axis system
+will also "look bad".
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \datavisualization [school book axes, visualize as smooth line]
+ data [format=function] {
+ var x : interval [-1.3:1.3];
+ func y = \value x*\value x*\value x;
+ };
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+The stepping of the ticks is one unit by default. Using keys like
+`ticks=some` may help to give better steppings.
+The ⟨options⟩ are executed with the key itself as path prefix. Thus, the
+following subkeys are permissible options:
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/data:visualization/school:book:axes",
+ meta = "⟨options⟩"
+ },
+ ["school book axes/standard labels"] = {
+ details = [[
+This key makes the label of the $x$-axis appear at the right end of this
+axis and it makes the label of the $y$-axis appear at the top of the
+Currently, this is the only supported placement strategy for the school
+book axis system.
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \datavisualization [school book axes={standard labels},
+ visualize as smooth line,
+ clean ticks,
+ x axis={label=$x$},
+ y axis={label=$f(x)$}]
+ data [format=function] {
+ var x : interval [-1:1];
+ func y = \value x*\value x + 1;
+ };
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/data:visualization/school:book:axes/standard:labels"
+ },
+ ["school book axes/unit"] = {
+ details = [[
+Sets the scaling so that 1 cm corresponds to ⟨value⟩ units. At the same
+time, the stepping of the ticks will also be set to ⟨value⟩.
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \datavisualization [school book axes={unit=10},
+ visualize as smooth line,
+ clean ticks,
+ x axis={label=$x$},
+ y axis={label=$f(x)$}]
+ data [format=function] {
+ var x : interval [-20:20];
+ func y = \value x*\value x/10;
+ };
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/data:visualization/school:book:axes/unit",
+ meta = "⟨value⟩"
+ },
+ ["scientific axes"] = {
+ details = [[
+This key installs a two-dimensional coordinate system based on the
+attributes `/data point/x` and `/data point/y`.
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \datavisualization [scientific axes,
+ visualize as smooth line]
+ data [format=function] {
+ var x : interval [0:100];
+ func y = sqrt(\value x);
+ };
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+This axis system is usually a good choice to depict "arbitrary two
+dimensional data". Because the axes are automatically scaled, you do not
+need to worry about how large or small the values will be. The name
+`scientific axes` is intended to indicate that this axis system is often
+used in scientific publications.
+You can use the ⟨options⟩ to fine tune the axis system. The ⟨options⟩
+will be executed with the following path prefix:
+ /tikz/data visualization/scientific axes
+All keys with this prefix can thus be passed as ⟨options⟩.
+This axis system will always distort the relative magnitudes of the
+units on the two axis. If you wish the units on both axes to be equal,
+consider directly specifying the unit length "by hand":
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \datavisualization [visualize as smooth line,
+ scientific axes,
+ all axes={unit length=1cm per 10 units, ticks={few}}]
+ data [format=function] {
+ var x : interval [0:100];
+ func y = sqrt(\value x);
+ };
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+The `scientific axes` have the following properties:
+- The `x`-values are surveyed and the $x$-axis is then scaled and
+ shifted so that it has the length specified by the following key.
+ The minimum value is at the left end of the axis and at the canvas
+ origin. The maximum value is at the right end of the axis.
+- The `y`-values are surveyed and the $y$-axis is then scaled so that
+ is has the length specified by the following key.
+ The minimum value is at the bottom of the axis and at the canvas
+ origin. The maximum value is at the top of the axis.
+- Lines (forming a frame) are depicted at the minimum and maximum
+ values of the axes in 50% black.
+The following keys are executed by default as options: `outer ticks` and
+`standard labels`.
+You can use the following style to overrule the defaults:
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/data:visualization/scientific:axes",
+ meta = "⟨options⟩"
+ },
+ ["scientific axes/clean"] = {
+ details = [[
+The axes and the ticks are completely removed from the actual data,
+making this axis system especially useful for scatter plots, but also
+for most other scientific plots.
+ \tikz \datavisualization [
+ scientific axes=clean,
+ visualize as smooth line]
+ data [format=function] {
+ var x : interval [-12:12];
+ func y = \value x*\value x*\value x;
+ };
+The distance of the axes from the actual plot is given by the padding of
+the axes.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/data:visualization/scientific:axes/clean"
+ },
+ ["scientific axes/end labels"] = {
+ details = [[
+Places the labels at the end of the $x$- and the $y$-axis, similar to
+the axis labels of a school book axis system.
+ \tikz \datavisualization [
+ scientific axes={clean, end labels},
+ visualize as smooth line,
+ x axis={label=degree $d$,
+ ticks={tick unit={}^\circ}},
+ y axis={label=$\tan d$}]
+ data [format=function] {
+ var x : interval [-80:80];
+ func y = tan(\value x);
+ };
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/data:visualization/scientific:axes/end:labels"
+ },
+ ["scientific axes/height"] = {
+ details = [[
+By default, the `height` is the golden ratio times the `width`.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/data:visualization/scientific:axes/height",
+ meta = "⟨dimension⟩"
+ },
+ ["scientific axes/inner ticks"] = {
+ details = [[
+This axis system works like `scientific axes`, only the ticks are on the
+"inside" of the frame.
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \datavisualization [scientific axes=inner ticks,
+ visualize as smooth line]
+ data [format=function] {
+ var x : interval [-12:12];
+ func y = \value x*\value x*\value x;
+ };
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+This axis system is also common in publications, but the ticks tend to
+interfere with marks if they are near to the border as can be seen in
+the following example:
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \datavisualization [scientific axes={inner ticks, width=3.2cm},
+ style sheet=cross marks,
+ visualize as scatter/.list={a,b}]
+ data [set=a] {
+ x, y
+ 0, 0
+ 1, 1
+ 0.5, 0.5
+ 2, 1
+ }
+ data [set=b] {
+ x, y
+ 0.05, 0
+ 1.5, 1
+ 0.5, 0.75
+ 2, 0.5
+ };
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/data:visualization/scientific:axes/inner:ticks"
+ },
+ ["scientific axes/outer ticks"] = {
+ details = [[
+This causes the ticks to be drawn " on the outside" of the frame so that
+they interfere as little as possible with the data. It is the default.
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \datavisualization [scientific axes=outer ticks,
+ visualize as smooth line]
+ data [format=function] {
+ var x : interval [-12:12];
+ func y = \value x*\value x*\value x;
+ };
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/data:visualization/scientific:axes/outer:ticks"
+ },
+ ["scientific axes/standard labels"] = {
+ details = [[
+As the name suggests, this is the standard placement strategy. The label
+of the $x$-axis is placed below the center of the $x$-axis, the label of
+the $y$-axis is rotated by $90^\circ$ and placed left of the center of
+the $y$-axis.
+ \tikz \datavisualization
+ [scientific axes={clean, standard labels},
+ visualize as smooth line,
+ x axis={label=degree $d$,
+ ticks={tick unit={}^\circ}},
+ y axis={label=$\sin d$}]
+ data [format=function] {
+ var x : interval [-10:10] samples 10;
+ func y = sin(\value x);
+ };
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/data:visualization/scientific:axes/standard:labels"
+ },
+ ["scientific axes/upright labels"] = {
+ details = [[
+Works like `scientific axes standard labels`, only the label of the
+$y$-axis is not rotated.
+ \tikz \datavisualization [
+ scientific axes={clean, upright labels},
+ visualize as smooth line,
+ x axis={label=degree $d$,
+ ticks={tick unit={}^\circ}},
+ y axis={label=$\cos d$, include value=1,
+ ticks={style={
+ /pgf/number format/precision=4,
+ /pgf/number format/fixed zerofill}}}]
+ data [format=function] {
+ var x : interval [-10:10] samples 10;
+ func y = cos(\value x);
+ };
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/data:visualization/scientific:axes/upright:labels"
+ },
+ ["scientific axes/width"] = {
+ details = [[
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/data:visualization/scientific:axes/width",
+ meta = "⟨dimension⟩"
+ },
+ ["scientific polar axes"] = {
+ details = [[
+This key installs a polar axis system that can be used in a "scientific"
+publication. Two axes are created called the `angle axis` and the
+`radius axis`. Unlike "normal" Cartesian axes, these axes do not point
+in a specific direction. Rather, the `radius axis` is used to map the
+values of one attribute to a distance from the origin while the
+`angle axis` is used to map the values of another attribute to a
+rotation angle.
+The ⟨options⟩ will be executed with the path prefix
+ /tikz/data visualization/scientific polar axes
+The permissible keys are documented in the later subsections of this
+Let us start with the configuration of the radius axis since it is
+easier. Firstly, you should specify which attribute is linked to the
+radius. The default is `radius`, but you will typically wish to change
+this. As with any other axis, the `attribute` key is used to configure
+the axis, see Section ?? for details. You can also apply all other
+configurations to the radius axis like, say, `unit length` or `length`
+or `style`. Note, however, that the `logarithmic` key will not work with
+the radius axis for a `scientific polar axes` system since the attribute
+value zero is always placed at the center -- and for a logarithmic plot
+the value `0` cannot be mapped.
+ \tikz \datavisualization [
+ scientific polar axes,
+ radius axis={
+ attribute=distance,
+ ticks={step=5000},
+ padding=1.5em,
+ length=3cm,
+ grid
+ },
+ visualize as smooth line]
+ data [format=function] {
+ var angle : interval [0:100];
+ func distance = \value{angle}*\value{angle};
+ };
+For the `angle axis`, you can also specify an attribute using the
+`attribute` key. However, for this axis the mapping of a value to an
+actual angle is a complicated process involving many considerations of
+how the polar axis system should be visualized. For this reason, there
+are a large number of predefined such mappings documented in Section ??.
+Finally, as for a `scientific plot`, you can configure where the ticks
+should be shown using the keys `inner ticks`, `outer ticks`, and
+`clean`, documented below.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/data:visualization/scientific:polar:axes",
+ meta = "⟨options⟩"
+ },
+ ["scientific polar axes/clean"] = {
+ details = [[
+This key separates the area where the data is shown from the area where
+the ticks are shown. Usually, this is the best choice for the tick
+placement since it avoids a collision of data and explanations.
+ \tikz \datavisualization [
+ scientific polar axes={clean, 0 to 180},
+ visualize as smooth line]
+ data [format=function] {
+ var angle : interval [0:100];
+ func radius = \value{angle};
+ };
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/data:visualization/scientific:polar:axes/clean"
+ },
+ ["scientific polar axes/inner ticks"] = {
+ details = [[
+This key causes the ticks to be "turned to the inside". I do not
+recommend using this key.
+ \tikz \datavisualization [
+ scientific polar axes={inner ticks, 0 to 180},
+ visualize as smooth line]
+ data [format=function] {
+ var angle : interval [0:100];
+ func radius = \value{angle};
+ };
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/data:visualization/scientific:polar:axes/inner:ticks"
+ },
+ ["scientific polar axes/outer ticks"] = {
+ details = [[
+This key, which is the default, causes ticks to be drawn "outside" the
+outer "ring" of the polar axes:
+ \tikz \datavisualization [
+ scientific polar axes={outer ticks, 0 to 180},
+ visualize as smooth line]
+ data [format=function] {
+ var angle : interval [0:100];
+ func radius = \value{angle};
+ };
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/data:visualization/scientific:polar:axes/outer:ticks"
+ },
+ some = {
+ details = [[
+This is an abbreviation for `about=5`.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/data:visualization/some"
+ },
+ stack = {
+ details = [[
+Shorthand for `tick text even padding=`⟨dimension⟩.
+ \tikz \datavisualization [scientific axes,
+ all axes={length=2.5cm},
+ x axis={ticks={stack=1.5em}},
+ visualize as smooth line]
+ data [format=function] {
+ var y : interval[-100:100];
+ func x = \value y*\value y;
+ };
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/data:visualization/stack",
+ meta = "⟨dimension⟩"
+ },
+ ["stack'"] = {
+ details = [[
+Shorthand for `tick text odd padding=`⟨dimension⟩. The difference to
+`stack` is that the set of value that are "lowered" is exactly exchanged
+with the set of value "lowered" by `stack`.
+ \tikz \datavisualization [scientific axes,
+ all axes={length=2.5cm},
+ x axis={ticks=stack'},
+ visualize as smooth line]
+ data [format=function] {
+ var y : interval[-100:100];
+ func x = \value y*\value y;
+ };
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/data:visualization/stack'",
+ meta = "⟨dimension⟩"
+ },
+ ["standard about strategy"] = {
+ details = [[
+Permissible values for $m'$ are: $1$, $2$, $2.5$, and $5$. This strategy
+is the default strategy.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/data:visualization/standard:about:strategy"
+ },
+ step = {
+ details = [[
+The value of this key is used to determine the spacing of the major
+ticks. The key is used by the `linear steps` and `exponential steps`
+strategies, see the explanations in Section ?? for details. Basically,
+all ticks are placed at all multiples of ⟨value⟩ that lie in the
+attribute range interval.
+ \tikz \datavisualization [
+ school book axes, visualize as smooth line,
+ y axis={ticks={step=1.25}},
+ ]
+ data [format=function] {
+ var x : interval [0:3];
+ func y = \value x*\value x/2;
+ };
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/data:visualization/step",
+ meta = "⟨value⟩"
+ },
+ store = {
+ details = [[
+If the ⟨key name⟩ is not empty, once the object has been created, a
+handle to the object will be stored in ⟨key name⟩. If a handle is
+already stored in ⟨key name⟩, the object is not created twice.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/data:visualization/store",
+ meta = "⟨key name⟩"
+ },
+ style = {
+ details = [[
+This key takes options whose path prefix is `/tikz`, not
+`/tikz/data visualization`. These options will be *appended* to a
+current list of such options (thus, multiple calls of this key
+accumulate). The resulting list of keys is not executed immediately, but
+it will be executed whenever the data visualization engine calls the
+TikZ layer to draw something (this placed will be indicated in the
+ \tikz \datavisualization
+ [scientific axes,
+ all axes={ticks={style=blue}, length=3cm},
+ y axis={grid, grid={minor steps between steps, major={style=red}}},
+ visualize as line]
+ data [format=function] {
+ var x : interval [5:10];
+ func y = \value x * \value x;
+ };
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/data:visualization/style",
+ meta = "⟨tikzoptions⟩"
+ },
+ ["style sheet"] = {
+ details = [[
+Adds the ⟨style sheet⟩ to the list of style sheets attached to the `set`
+ {
+ var x : interval [0.2:2.5];
+ func y = ln(\value x);
+ }
+ data [set=lin, format=function] {
+ var x : interval [-2:2.5];
+ func y = 0.5*\value x;
+ }
+ data [set=squared, format=function] {
+ var x : interval [-1.5:1.5];
+ func y = \value x*\value x;
+ }
+ data [set=exp, format=function] {
+ var x : interval [-2.5:1];
+ func y = exp(\value x);
+ }
+ };},
+ ]
+ \tikz \datavisualization [
+ school book axes, all axes={unit length=7.5mm},
+ visualize as smooth line/.list={log, lin, squared, exp},
+ style sheet=vary thickness and dashing,
+ style sheet=vary hue]
+ data group {function classes};
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/data:visualization/style:sheet",
+ meta = "⟨style sheet⟩"
+ },
+ styling = {
+ details = [[
+Executing this key will cause all "accumulated" TikZ options from
+previous calls to the key `/tikz/data visualization/style` to be
+executed. Thus, you use `style` to set TikZ options, but you use
+`styling` to actually apply these options. Usually, you do not call this
+option directly since this application is only done deep inside the data
+visualization engine.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/data:visualization/styling"
+ },
+ subminor = {
+ details = [[
+Like `major`, only for subminor ticks/grid lines.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/data:visualization/subminor",
+ meta = "⟨options⟩"
+ },
+ ["subminor also at"] = {
+ details = [[
+A shorthand for `major={also at={`⟨list⟩`}}`.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/data:visualization/subminor:also:at",
+ meta = "⟨list⟩"
+ },
+ ["subminor at"] = {
+ details = [[
+A shorthand for `major={at={`⟨list⟩`}}`.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/data:visualization/subminor:at",
+ meta = "⟨list⟩"
+ },
+ ["tick layer"] = {
+ details = [[
+Like `grid layer`, this key specifies on which layer the ticks should be
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/data:visualization/tick:layer"
+ },
+ ["tick length"] = {
+ details = [[
+Shorthand for `low=-`⟨dimension⟩`, high=`⟨dimension⟩.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/data:visualization/tick:length",
+ meta = "⟨dimension⟩"
+ },
+ ["tick node layer"] = {
+ details = [[
+Like `tick layer`, but now for the nodes. By default, tick nodes are
+placed on the main layer and thus on top of the data in case that the
+tick nodes are inside the data.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/data:visualization/tick:node:layer"
+ },
+ ["tick prefix"] = {
+ details = [[
+The ⟨text⟩ will be put in front of every typeset tick:
+ \tikz \datavisualization
+ [scientific axes, all axes={ticks=few, length=2.5cm},
+ x axis={ticks={tick prefix=$\langle$, tick suffix=$]$}},
+ visualize as line]
+ data [format=function] {
+ var x : interval [5:10];
+ func y = \value x * \value x;
+ };
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/data:visualization/tick:prefix",
+ meta = "⟨text⟩"
+ },
+ ["tick suffix"] = {
+ details = [[
+Works like `tick prefix`. This key is especially useful for adding units
+like "cm" or "$\mathrm m/\mathrm s$" to every tick label. For this
+reason, there is a (near) alias that is easier to memorize:
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/data:visualization/tick:suffix",
+ meta = "⟨text⟩"
+ },
+ ["tick text at high"] = {
+ details = [[
+Like `tick text at low`.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/data:visualization/tick:text:at:high",
+ meta = "⟨true or false⟩"
+ },
+ ["tick text at low"] = {
+ details = [[
+Pass this option to `visualize ticks` when you want tick label nodes to
+be placed at the `low` position of each tick mark.
+ \tikzset{
+ data visualization/our system/.append style={
+ x axis={
+ visualize ticks={direction axis=left axis, left axis={goto=min},
+ high=0pt, tick text at low, stack},
+ visualize ticks={direction axis=left axis, left axis={goto=max},
+ low=0pt, tick text at high, stack}
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ \tikz \datavisualization [
+ our system,
+ x axis={attribute=time, length=3cm, ticks=some},
+ left axis ={attribute=money},
+ right axis={attribute=people},
+ visualize as line/.list={people 1, people 2, money 1, money 2}]
+ data group {people and money};
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/data:visualization/tick:text:at:low",
+ meta = "⟨true or false⟩"
+ },
+ ["tick text even padding"] = {
+ details = [[
+A shorthand for setting `tick text even low padding` and
+`tick text even high padding` at the same time.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/data:visualization/tick:text:even:padding",
+ meta = "⟨dimension⟩"
+ },
+ ["tick text high even padding"] = {
+ details = [[
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/data:visualization/tick:text:high:even:padding",
+ meta = "⟨dimension⟩"
+ },
+ ["tick text high odd padding"] = {
+ details = [[
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/data:visualization/tick:text:high:odd:padding",
+ meta = "⟨dimension⟩"
+ },
+ ["tick text low even padding"] = {
+ details = [[
+When a tick label is shown at the low position of an even tick, the
+⟨distance⟩ is added to the `low` value, see also Section ??.
+ \tikz \datavisualization [scientific axes,
+ all axes={length=2.5cm},
+ x axis={ticks={tick text low even padding=-1em}},
+ visualize as smooth line]
+ data [format=function] {
+ var y : interval[-100:100];
+ func x = \value y*\value y;
+ };
+Note that ⟨dimension⟩ should usually be non-positive.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/data:visualization/tick:text:low:even:padding",
+ meta = "⟨dimension⟩"
+ },
+ ["tick text low odd padding"] = {
+ details = [[
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/data:visualization/tick:text:low:odd:padding",
+ meta = "⟨dimension⟩"
+ },
+ ["tick text odd padding"] = {
+ details = [[
+A shorthand for setting `tick text odd low padding` and
+`tick text odd high padding` at the same time.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/data:visualization/tick:text:odd:padding",
+ meta = "⟨dimension⟩"
+ },
+ ["tick text padding"] = {
+ details = [[
+Sets all text paddings to ⟨dimension⟩.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/data:visualization/tick:text:padding",
+ meta = "⟨dimension⟩"
+ },
+ ["tick typesetter"] = {
+ details = [[
+The key gets called for each number that should be typeset. The argument
+⟨value⟩ will be in scientific notation (like `1.0e1` for $10$). By
+default, this key applies `\pgfmathprintnumber` to its argument. This
+command is a powerful number printer whose configuration is documented
+in Section ??.
+You are invited to code underlying this key so that a different
+typesetting mechanism is used. Here is a (not quite finished) example
+that shows how, say, numbers could be printed in terms of multiples of
+ \def\mytypesetter#1{%
+ \pgfmathparse{#1/pi}%
+ \pgfmathprintnumber{\pgfmathresult}$\pi$%
+ }
+ \tikz \datavisualization
+ [school book axes, all axes={unit length=1.25cm},
+ x axis={ticks={step=(0.5*pi), tick typesetter/.code=\mytypesetter{##1}}},
+ y axis={include value={-1,1}},
+ visualize as smooth line]
+ data [format=function] {
+ var x : interval [0.5:7];
+ func y = sin(\value x r);
+ };
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/data:visualization/tick:typesetter",
+ meta = "⟨value⟩"
+ },
+ ["tick unit"] = {
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/data:visualization/tick:unit",
+ meta = "⟨roman math text⟩"
+ },
+ ["uv Cartesian"] = {
+ details = [[
+This axis system works like `xy Cartesian`, but it introduces two axes
+called `u axis` and `v axis` rather than the `x axis` and the `y axis`.
+The idea is that in addition to a "major" $xy$-coordinate system this is
+also a "smaller" or "minor" coordinate system in use for depicting, say,
+small vectors with respect to this second coordinate system.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/data:visualization/uv:Cartesian"
+ },
+ ["uv axes"] = {
+ details = [[
+Applies the ⟨options⟩ to both the `u axis` and the `y axis`.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/data:visualization/uv:axes",
+ meta = "⟨options⟩"
+ },
+ ["uvw Cartesian cabinet"] = {
+ details = [[
+Like `xyz Cartesian cabinet`, but for the $uvw$-system.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/data:visualization/uvw:Cartesian:cabinet"
+ },
+ ["uvw axes"] = {
+ details = [[
+Like `xyz axes`.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/data:visualization/uvw:axes",
+ meta = "⟨options⟩"
+ },
+ ["visualizer label options/auto"] = {
+ details = [[
+This key is executed automatically by default. It works like the `pos`
+option, where the ⟨fraction⟩ is set to $(⟨data set's
+ index⟩-1/2)/⟨number of data sets⟩$. For instance, when there are
+$10$ data sets, the fraction for the first one will be $5\%$, the
+fraction for the second will be $15\%$, for the third it will be $25\%$,
+ending with $95\%$ for the last one.
+The net effect of all this is that when there are several lines, labels
+will be placed at different positions along the lines with hopefully
+only little overlap.
+ \tikz \datavisualization [
+ scientific axes=clean,
+ visualize as smooth line/.list={linear, squared, cubed},
+ linear ={label in data={text=$2x$}},
+ squared={label in data={text=$x^2$}},
+ cubed ={label in data={text=$x^3$}}]
+ data [set=linear, format=function] {
+ var x : interval [0:1.5];
+ func y = 2*\value x;
+ }
+ data [set=squared, format=function] {
+ var x : interval [0:1.5];
+ func y = \value x * \value x;
+ }
+ data [set=cubed, format=function] {
+ var x : interval [0:1.5];
+ func y = \value x * \value x * \value x;
+ };
+As can be seen in the example, the result is not always satisfactory. In
+this case, the `pin in data` option might be preferable, see below.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/data:visualization/visualizer:label:options/auto"
+ },
+ ["visualizer label options/index"] = {
+ details = [[
+This key chooses the ⟨number⟩th data point belonging to the visualizer's
+data set.
+ {
+ var x : interval [0.2:2.5];
+ func y = ln(\value x);
+ }
+ data [set=lin, format=function] {
+ var x : interval [-2:2.5];
+ func y = 0.5*\value x;
+ }
+ data [set=squared, format=function] {
+ var x : interval [-1.5:1.5];
+ func y = \value x*\value x;
+ }
+ data [set=exp, format=function] {
+ var x : interval [-2.5:1];
+ func y = exp(\value x);
+ }
+ };},
+ ]
+ \tikz \datavisualization [
+ school book axes,
+ x axis={label=$x$},
+ visualize as smooth line/.list={exp},
+ exp= {label in data={text=$5$, index=5},
+ label in data={text=$10$, index=10},
+ label in data={text=$20$, index=20},
+ style={mark=x}},
+ style sheet=vary hue]
+ data group {function classes};
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/data:visualization/visualizer:label:options/index",
+ meta = "⟨number⟩"
+ },
+ ["visualizer label options/node style"] = {
+ details = [[
+Just passes the options to `/tikz/data visualization/node style`.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/data:visualization/visualizer:label:options/node:style",
+ meta = "⟨options⟩"
+ },
+ ["visualizer label options/pin angle"] = {
+ details = [[
+The position of the label of a `pin in data` is mainly computed in the
+same way as for a `label in data`. However, once the position has been
+computed, the label is shifted as follows:
+- When an ⟨angle⟩ is specified using the present key, the shift is by
+ the current value of `pin length` in the direction of ⟨angle⟩.
+- When ⟨angle⟩ is empty (which is the default), then the shift is also
+ by the current value of `pin length`, but now in the direction that
+ is orthogonal and to the left of the line between the coordinate of
+ the data point and the coordinate of the next data point. When
+ `text’` is used, the direction is to the right instead of the left.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/data:visualization/visualizer:label:options/pin:angle",
+ meta = "⟨angle⟩"
+ },
+ ["visualizer label options/pin length"] = {
+ details = [[
+See the description of `pin angle`.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/data:visualization/visualizer:label:options/pin:length",
+ meta = "⟨dimension⟩"
+ },
+ ["visualizer label options/pos"] = {
+ details = [[
+This key chooses the first data point belonging to the data set whose
+index is at least ⟨fraction⟩ times the number of all data points in the
+data set.
+ {
+ var x : interval [0.2:2.5];
+ func y = ln(\value x);
+ }
+ data [set=lin, format=function] {
+ var x : interval [-2:2.5];
+ func y = 0.5*\value x;
+ }
+ data [set=squared, format=function] {
+ var x : interval [-1.5:1.5];
+ func y = \value x*\value x;
+ }
+ data [set=exp, format=function] {
+ var x : interval [-2.5:1];
+ func y = exp(\value x);
+ }
+ };},
+ ]
+ \tikz \datavisualization [
+ school book axes,
+ x axis={label=$x$},
+ visualize as smooth line=exp,
+ exp= {label in data={text=$.2$, pos=0.2},
+ label in data={text=$.5$, pos=0.5},
+ label in data={text=$.95$, pos=0.95},
+ style={mark=x}},
+ style sheet=vary hue]
+ data group {function classes};
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/data:visualization/visualizer:label:options/pos",
+ meta = "⟨fraction⟩"
+ },
+ ["visualizer label options/text"] = {
+ details = [[
+This is the text that will be displayed next to the data. It will be to
+the "left" of the data, see the description below.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/data:visualization/visualizer:label:options/text",
+ meta = "⟨text⟩"
+ },
+ ["visualizer label options/text colored"] = {
+ details = [[
+Causes the `node style` to set the text color to `visualizer color`. The
+effect of this is that the label's text will have the same color as the
+data set to which it is attached.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/data:visualization/visualizer:label:options/text:colored"
+ },
+ ["visualizer label options/text'"] = {
+ details = [[
+Like `text`, only the text will be to the "right" of the data.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/data:visualization/visualizer:label:options/text'",
+ meta = "⟨text⟩"
+ },
+ ["visualizer label options/when"] = {
+ details = [[
+This key causes the value of the ⟨attribute⟩ to be monitored in the
+stream of data points. The chosen is data point is the first data point
+where the ⟨attribute⟩ is at least ⟨number⟩ (if this never happens, the
+last data point is used).
+ {
+ var x : interval [0.2:2.5];
+ func y = ln(\value x);
+ }
+ data [set=lin, format=function] {
+ var x : interval [-2:2.5];
+ func y = 0.5*\value x;
+ }
+ data [set=squared, format=function] {
+ var x : interval [-1.5:1.5];
+ func y = \value x*\value x;
+ }
+ data [set=exp, format=function] {
+ var x : interval [-2.5:1];
+ func y = exp(\value x);
+ }
+ };},
+ ]
+ \tikz \datavisualization [
+ school book axes,
+ x axis={label=$x$},
+ visualize as smooth line/.list={log, lin, squared, exp},
+ log= {label in data={text'=$\log x$, when=y is -1,
+ text colored}},
+ lin= {label in data={text=$x/2$, when=x is 2}},
+ squared={label in data={text=$x^2$, when=x is 1.1}},
+ exp= {label in data={text=$e^x$, when=x is -2,
+ text colored}},
+ style sheet=vary hue]
+ data group {function classes};
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/data:visualization/visualizer:label:options/when",
+ meta = "⟨attribute⟩ is⟨number⟩"
+ },
+ ["visualizer options/gap cycle"] = {
+ details = [[
+Like `gapped line`, only with a cycle:
+ \tikz [scale=.55] \datavisualization
+ [scientific axes=clean, all axes={ticks=few},
+ visualize as smooth line=my data, my data={gap cycle}]
+ data [format=function] {
+ var t : interval [0:4] samples 5;
+ func x = cos(\value t r);
+ func y = sin(\value t r);
+ };
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/data:visualization/visualizer:options/gap:cycle"
+ },
+ ["visualizer options/gap line"] = {
+ details = [[
+This key causes the data points to be connected by lines that "do not
+quite touch" the data points. This is implemented by using the
+`\pgfplothandlergaplineto`, see Section ??.
+ \tikz [scale=.55] \datavisualization
+ [scientific axes=clean, all axes={ticks=few},
+ visualize as smooth line=my data, my data={gap line}]
+ data [format=function] {
+ var t : interval [0:4] samples 5;
+ func x = cos(\value t r);
+ func y = sin(\value t r);
+ };
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/data:visualization/visualizer:options/gap:line"
+ },
+ ["visualizer options/ignore style sheets"] = {
+ details = [[
+This option, which should be passed to a visualizer after its creation
+before another visualizer is created, causes style sheets *not* to apply
+to the visualizer (but the `style` option will still have an effect).
+This allows you to create visualizers that are used for special purposes
+and that do not "take part" in the usual styling. For instance, a
+visualizer might be used internally to depict a regression line, even
+though the regression line itself should not participate in the usual
+styling by, say, dashing or different coloring.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/data:visualization/visualizer:options/ignore:style:sheets"
+ },
+ ["visualizer options/label in data"] = {
+ details = [[
+This key is passed to a visualizer that has previously been created
+using keys starting `visualize as ...`. It will create a label inside
+the data visualization "next" to the visualizer (the details are
+explained in a moment). You can use this key multiple times with a
+visualizer to create multiple labels at different points with different
+The ⟨options⟩ determine which text is shown and where it is shown. They
+are executed with the following path prefix:
+ /tikz/data visualization/visualizer label options
+In order to configure which text is shown and where, use the following
+keys inside the ⟨options⟩:
+The following keys are used to configure where the label will be shown.
+They use different strategies to specify one data point where the label
+will be anchored. The coordinate of this data point will be stored in
+`(label` `visualizer` `coordinate)`. Independently of the strategy, once
+the data point has been chosen, the coordinate of the next data point is
+stored in `(label` `visualizer` `coordinate’)`. Then, a (conceptual)
+line is created from the first coordinate to the second and a node is
+placed at the beginning of this line to its "left" or, for the `text’`
+option, on its "right". More precisely, an automatic anchor is computed
+for a node placed implicitly on this line using the `auto` option or,
+for the `text’` option, using `auto,swap`.
+The node placed at the position computed in this way will have the
+⟨text⟩ set by the `text` or `text’` option and its styling is determined
+by the current `node style`.
+Let us now have a look at the different ways of determining the data
+point at which the label in anchored:
+The following keys allow you to style labels.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/data:visualization/visualizer:options/label:in:data",
+ meta = "⟨options⟩"
+ },
+ ["visualizer options/label in legend"] = {
+ details = [[
+This key is passed to a data set, similar to options like `pin in data`
+or `smooth line`. The ⟨options⟩ are used to configure the following:
+- The legend in which the data set should be visualized.
+- The text that is to be shown in the legend for the data set.
+- The appearance of the legend entries.
+In detail, the ⟨options⟩ are executed with the path prefix
+ /tikz/data visualization/legend entry options
+To configure in which legend the label should appear, use the following
+In addition to the two keys described above, there are further keys that
+are described in Section ??.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/data:visualization/visualizer:options/label:in:legend",
+ meta = "⟨options⟩"
+ },
+ ["visualizer options/label in legend options"] = {
+ details = [[
+Use this key with a visualizer to configure the label in legend options.
+Typically, this key is used only internally by a visualizer upon its
+creating to set the ⟨options⟩ to setup the `visualizer in legend` key.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/data:visualization/visualizer:options/label:in:legend:options",
+ meta = "⟨options⟩"
+ },
+ ["visualizer options/no lines"] = {
+ details = [[
+Suppresses the line. This option only makes sense when the `mark` option
+is used.
+ \tikz [scale=.55] \datavisualization
+ [scientific axes=clean, all axes={ticks=few},
+ visualize as smooth line=my data, my data={no lines, style={mark=x}}]
+ data [format=function] {
+ var t : interval [0:4] samples 5;
+ func x = cos(\value t r);
+ func y = sin(\value t r);
+ };
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/data:visualization/visualizer:options/no:lines"
+ },
+ ["visualizer options/pin in data"] = {
+ details = [[
+This key is a variant of the `label in data` key and takes the same
+options, plus two additional ones. The difference to `label in data` is
+that the label node is shown a bit removed from the data set, but
+connected to it via a small line (this is like the difference between
+the `label` and `pin` options).
+ \tikz \datavisualization [
+ scientific axes=clean,
+ visualize as smooth line/.list={linear, squared, cubed},
+ linear ={pin in data={text=$2x$}},
+ squared={pin in data={text=$x^2$}},
+ cubed ={pin in data={text=$x^3$}}]
+ data [set=linear, format=function] {
+ var x : interval [0:1.5];
+ func y = \value x;
+ }
+ data [set=squared, format=function] {
+ var x : interval [0:1.5];
+ func y = \value x * \value x;
+ }
+ data [set=cubed, format=function] {
+ var x : interval [0:1.5];
+ func y = \value x * \value x * \value x;
+ };
+The following keys can be used additionally:
+ {
+ var x : interval [0.2:2.5];
+ func y = ln(\value x);
+ }
+ data [set=lin, format=function] {
+ var x : interval [-2:2.5];
+ func y = 0.5*\value x;
+ }
+ data [set=squared, format=function] {
+ var x : interval [-1.5:1.5];
+ func y = \value x*\value x;
+ }
+ data [set=exp, format=function] {
+ var x : interval [-2.5:1];
+ func y = exp(\value x);
+ }
+ };},
+ ]
+ \tikz \datavisualization [
+ school book axes,
+ x axis={label=$x$},
+ visualize as smooth line/.list={log, lin, squared, exp},
+ every data set label/.append style={text colored},
+ log= {pin in data={text'=$\log x$, when=y is -1}},
+ lin= {pin in data={text=$x/2$, when=x is 2,
+ pin length=1ex}},
+ squared={pin in data={text=$x^2$, when=x is 1.1,
+ pin angle=230}},
+ exp= {label in data={text=$e^x$, when=x is -2}},
+ style sheet=vary hue]
+ data group {function classes};
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/data:visualization/visualizer:options/pin:in:data",
+ meta = "⟨options⟩"
+ },
+ ["visualizer options/polygon"] = {
+ details = [[
+This is an alias for `straight cycle`.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/data:visualization/visualizer:options/polygon"
+ },
+ ["visualizer options/smooth cycle"] = {
+ details = [[
+Causes the data points to be connected by a circular line that is
+smoothed at the joins:
+ \tikz [scale=.55] \datavisualization
+ [scientific axes=clean, all axes={ticks=few},
+ visualize as smooth line=my data, my data={smooth cycle}]
+ data [format=function] {
+ var t : interval [0:4] samples 5;
+ func x = cos(\value t r);
+ func y = sin(\value t r);
+ };
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/data:visualization/visualizer:options/smooth:cycle"
+ },
+ ["visualizer options/smooth line"] = {
+ details = [[
+Causes the data points to be connected by a line that is smoothed at the
+ \tikz [scale=.55] \datavisualization
+ [scientific axes=clean, all axes={ticks=few},
+ visualize as smooth line=my data, my data={smooth line}]
+ data [format=function] {
+ var t : interval [0:4] samples 5;
+ func x = cos(\value t r);
+ func y = sin(\value t r);
+ };
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/data:visualization/visualizer:options/smooth:line"
+ },
+ ["visualizer options/straight cycle"] = {
+ details = [[
+Causes the data points to be connected by a polygon.
+ \tikz [scale=.55] \datavisualization
+ [scientific axes=clean, all axes={ticks=few},
+ visualize as smooth line=my data, my data={straight cycle}]
+ data [format=function] {
+ var t : interval [0:4] samples 5;
+ func x = cos(\value t r);
+ func y = sin(\value t r);
+ };
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/data:visualization/visualizer:options/straight:cycle"
+ },
+ ["visualizer options/straight line"] = {
+ details = [[
+Causes the data points to be connected by straight lines.
+ \tikz [scale=.55] \datavisualization
+ [scientific axes=clean, all axes={ticks=few},
+ visualize as smooth line=my data, my data={straight line}]
+ data [format=function] {
+ var t : interval [0:4] samples 5;
+ func x = cos(\value t r);
+ func y = sin(\value t r);
+ };
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/data:visualization/visualizer:options/straight:line"
+ },
+ ["visualizer options/style"] = {
+ details = [[
+The ⟨options⟩ given to this key should be normal TikZ options. They will
+be executed when the visualizer is used.
+ \tikz \datavisualization
+ [scientific axes=clean,
+ visualize as smooth line=sin,
+ sin={style={red, densely dotted}},
+ visualize as smooth line=cos,
+ cos={style={mark=x}},
+ ]
+ data [set=sin, format=function] {
+ var x : interval[0:3*pi];
+ func y = sin(\value x r);
+ }
+ data [set=cos, format=function] {
+ var x : interval[0:3*pi];
+ func y = cos(\value x r);
+ };
+When you have multiple visualizers in a single data visualization, you
+can use the `style` option with each visualizer to configure their
+different appearances as in the above example. However, it is usually
+much better (and easier) to use a style sheet, see Section ??.
+ \tikz \datavisualization
+ [scientific axes={clean, end labels},
+ x axis={label=$x$}, y axis={grid={major also at=0}},
+ visualize as smooth line/.list={sin,cos,sin 2,cos 2},
+ legend={below, rows=2},
+ sin={label in legend={text=$\sin x$}},
+ cos={label in legend={text=$\cos x$}},
+ sin 2={label in legend={text=$\sin 2x$}},
+ cos 2={label in legend={text=$\cos 2x$}},
+ style sheet=strong colors]
+ data [set=sin, format=function] {
+ var x : interval[0:3*pi];
+ func y = sin(\value x r);
+ }
+ data [set=cos, format=function] {
+ var x : interval[0:3*pi];
+ func y = cos(\value x r);
+ }
+ data [set=sin 2, format=function] {
+ var x : interval[0:3*pi];
+ func y = sin(2*\value x r);
+ }
+ data [set=cos 2, format=function] {
+ var x : interval[0:3*pi];
+ func y = cos(2*\value x r);
+ };
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/data:visualization/visualizer:options/style",
+ meta = "⟨options⟩"
+ },
+ when = {
+ details = [[
+This key is used to specify when the object is to be created. As
+described above, the object is not created immediately, but at some time
+during the rendering process. You can specify any of the phases defined
+by the data visualization object, see Section ?? for details.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/data:visualization/when",
+ meta = "⟨phase name⟩"
+ },
+ ["xy Cartesian"] = {
+ details = [[
+This axis system creates two axes called `x axis` and `y axis` that
+point right and up, respectively. By default, one unit is mapped to one
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \datavisualization [xy Cartesian, visualize as smooth line]
+ data [format=function] {
+ var x : interval [-1.25:1.25];
+ func y = \value x*\value x*\value x;
+ };
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/data:visualization/xy:Cartesian"
+ },
+ ["xy axes"] = {
+ details = [[
+This key applies the ⟨options⟩ both to the `x axis` and the `y axis`.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/data:visualization/xy:axes",
+ meta = "⟨options⟩"
+ },
+ ["xyz Cartesian cabinet"] = {
+ details = [[
+This axis system works like `xy Cartesian`, only it *additionally*
+creates an axis called `z axis` that points left and down. For this
+axis, one unit corresponds to $\frac{1}{2}\sin 45^\circ\mathrm{cm}$.
+This is also known as a cabinet projection.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/data:visualization/xyz:Cartesian:cabinet"
+ },
+ ["xyz axes"] = {
+ details = [[
+This key applies the ⟨options⟩ both to the `x axis` and the `y axis`.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/data:visualization/xyz:axes",
+ meta = "⟨options⟩"
+ },
+ ["⟨axis name⟩"] = {
+ details = [[
+This key becomes available once `new axis base=`metaaxis name has been
+called. It will execute the ⟨options⟩ with the path prefix
+`/tikz/data visualization/axis options`.
+ [new axis base=my axis,
+ my axis={attribute=some attribute}]
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/data:visualization/⟨axis:name⟩",
+ meta = "⟨options⟩"
+ },
+ ["⟨axis system name⟩"] = {
+ details = [[
+When the key ⟨axis system name⟩ is used, the following keys will be
+executed in the following order:
+1. The ⟨axis setup⟩ with the path prefix `/tikz/data visualization/`.
+2. The ⟨default options⟩ with the same path prefix.
+3. The following style:
+4. The ⟨options⟩ with the path prefix `/tikz/data visualization/`⟨axis
+ system name⟩.
+5. The ⟨application options⟩ with the path prefix
+ `/tikz/data visualization/`
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/data:visualization/⟨axis:system:name⟩",
+ meta = "⟨options⟩"
+ },
+ ["⟨legend name⟩"] = {
+ details = [[
+When this key is used, the ⟨options⟩ are executed with the path prefix
+ /tikz/data visualization/legend options
+The different keys with this path prefix allow you to change the
+position where the legend is shown and how it is organised (for
+instance, whether legend entries are shown in a row or in a column or in
+a square).
+The different possible keys will be explained in the course of this
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/data:visualization/⟨legend:name⟩",
+ meta = "⟨options⟩"
+ },
+ ["⟨visualizer name⟩"] = {
+ details = [[
+For each visualizer, a key of the same name is created with the path
+prefix `/tikz/data visualization`. This key takes the ⟨options⟩ and
+executes them with the path prefix
+ /tikz/data visualization/visualizer options/
+These options are then used to configure the appearance of the current
+visualizer. (This is quite similar to the way options are passed to an
+axis in order to configure the axis.) Possible options include `style`,
+but also `label in legend` and `label in data`. The latter two options
+are discussed in Section ??, the first option below.
+ \tikz \datavisualization
+ [scientific axes=clean,
+ visualize as smooth line/.list={sin, cos},
+ sin={style=red},
+ cos={style=blue}]
+ data [set=sin, format=function] {
+ var x : interval[0:3*pi];
+ func y = sin(\value x r);
+ }
+ data [set=cos, format=function] {
+ var x : interval[0:3*pi];
+ func y = cos(\value x r);
+ };
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/data:visualization/⟨visualizer:name⟩",
+ meta = "⟨options⟩"
+ }
+ },
+ graphs = {
+ ["--"] = {
+ details = [[
+Sets the `default edge kind` to `–`.
+ \tikz \graph { subgraph K_n [--, n=5, clockwise, radius=6mm] };
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/graphs/--"
+ },
+ ["->"] = {
+ details = [[
+Sets the `default edge kind` to `->`.
+ \tikz \graph { subgraph K_n [->, n=5, clockwise, radius=6mm] };
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/graphs/->"
+ },
+ ["-\\protect\\exclamationmarktext-"] = {
+ details = [[
+Sets the `default edge kind` to `-!-`.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/graphs/-\\protect\\exclamationmarktext-"
+ },
+ ["<-"] = {
+ details = [[
+Sets the `default edge kind` to `<-`.
+ \tikz \graph { subgraph K_n [<-, n=5, clockwise, radius=6mm] };
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/graphs/<-"
+ },
+ ["<->"] = {
+ details = [[
+Sets the `default edge kind` to `<->`.
+ \tikz \graph { subgraph K_n [<->, n=5, clockwise, radius=6mm] };
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/graphs/<->"
+ },
+ ["Cartesian placement"] = {
+ details = [[
+This strategy is the default strategy. It works, roughly, as follows:
+For each new node on a chain, advance a "logical width" counter and for
+each new node in a group, advance a "logical depth" counter. When a
+chain contains a whole group, then the "logical width" taken up by the
+group is the maximum over the logical widths taken up by the chains
+inside the group; and symmetrically the logical depth of a chain is the
+maximum of the depths of the groups inside it.
+This slightly confusing explanation is perhaps best exemplified. In the
+below example, the two numbers indicate the two logical width and depth
+of each node as computed by the `graphs` library. Just ignore the arcane
+code that is used to print these numbers.
+ \tikz
+ \graph [nodes={align=center, inner sep=1pt}, grow right=7mm,
+ typeset={\tikzgraphnodetext\\[-4pt]
+ \tiny\mywidth\\[-6pt]\tiny\mydepth},
+ placement/compute position/.append code=
+ \pgfkeysgetvalue{/tikz/graphs/placement/width}{\mywidth}
+ \pgfkeysgetvalue{/tikz/graphs/placement/depth}{\mydepth}]
+ {
+ a,
+ b,
+ c -> d -> {
+ e -> f -> g,
+ h -> i
+ } -> j,
+ k -> l
+ };
+You will find a detailed description of how these logical units are
+computed, exactly, in Section ??.
+Now, even though we talk about "widths" and "depths" and even though by
+default a graph "grows" to the right and down, this is by no means
+fixed. Instead, you can use the following keys to change how widths and
+heights are interpreted:
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/graphs/Cartesian:placement"
+ },
+ V = {
+ details = [[
+Sets a list of vertex names for use with graphs like `subgraph I_ n` and
+also other graphs. This list is available in the macro `\tikzgraphV`.
+The number of elements of this list is available in `\tikzgraphVnum`.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/graphs/V",
+ meta = "{list of vertices}"
+ },
+ W = {
+ details = [[
+Sets the list of vertices for the `W` set. The elements and their number
+are available in the macros `\tikzgraphW` and `\tikzgraphWnum`,
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/graphs/W",
+ meta = "{list of vertices}"
+ },
+ as = {
+ details = [[
+The ⟨text⟩ is used as the text of the node. This allows you to provide a
+text for the node that differs arbitrarily from the name of the node.
+ \tikz \graph { a [as=$x$] -- b [as=$y_5$] -> c [red, as={a--b}] };
+This key always takes precedence over all of the mechanisms described
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/graphs/as",
+ meta = "⟨text⟩"
+ },
+ ["branch down"] = {
+ details = [[
+ \tikz \graph [branch down=7mm] { a -> b -> {c, d, e}};
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/graphs/branch:down",
+ meta = "⟨distance⟩"
+ },
+ ["branch down sep"] = {
+ details = [[
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/graphs/branch:down:sep",
+ meta = "⟨distance⟩"
+ },
+ ["branch left"] = {
+ details = [[
+ \tikz \graph [branch left=7mm, grow down=7mm] { a -> b -> {c, d, e}};
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/graphs/branch:left",
+ meta = "⟨distance⟩"
+ },
+ ["branch left sep"] = {
+ details = [[
+ \tikz \graph [grow down sep, branch left sep] {
+ start -- {
+ an even longer text -- {short, very long text} -- more text,
+ long -- longer,
+ some text -- a -- b
+ } -- end
+ };
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/graphs/branch:left:sep",
+ meta = "⟨distance⟩"
+ },
+ ["branch right"] = {
+ details = [[
+ \tikz \graph [branch right=7mm, grow down=7mm] { a -> b -> {c, d, e}};
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/graphs/branch:right",
+ meta = "⟨distance⟩"
+ },
+ ["branch right sep"] = {
+ details = [[
+This key works like `grow right sep`, only it affects groups rather than
+ \tikz \graph [grow down, branch right sep] {
+ start -- {
+ an even longer text -- {short, very long text} -- more text,
+ long -- longer -- longest,
+ some text -- a -- b
+ } -- end
+ };
+When both this key and, say, `grow down sep` are set, instead of the
+`west` anchor, the `north west` anchor will be selected automatically.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/graphs/branch:right:sep",
+ meta = "⟨distance⟩"
+ },
+ ["branch up"] = {
+ details = [[
+Sets the `group shift` so that groups "branch upward". The distance by
+which the center of each new element is removed from the center of the
+previous one is ⟨distance⟩.
+ \tikz \graph [branch up=7mm] { a -> b -> {c, d, e} };
+Note that when you draw a tree, the `branch ...` keys specify how
+siblings (or adjacent branches) are arranged, while the `grow ...` keys
+specify in which direction the branches "grow".
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/graphs/branch:up",
+ meta = "⟨distance⟩"
+ },
+ ["branch up sep"] = {
+ details = [[
+ \tikz \graph [branch up sep] { a, b, c[draw, circle, inner sep=7mm] };
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/graphs/branch:up:sep",
+ meta = "⟨distance⟩"
+ },
+ butterfly = {
+ details = [[
+The `butterfly` connector is used to create the kind of connections
+present between layers of a so-called *butterfly network*. As for other
+connectors, two sets of nodes are connected, which are the nodes having
+color `target’` and `source’` by default. In a *level $l$* connection,
+the first $l$ nodes of the first set are connected to the second $l$
+nodes of the second set, while the second $l$ nodes of the first set get
+connected to the first $l$ nodes of the second set. Then, for next $2l$
+nodes of both sets a similar kind of connection is installed.
+Additionally, each node gets connected to the corresponding node in the
+other set with the same index (as in a `matching`):
+ \tikz \graph [left anchor=east, right anchor=west,
+ branch down=4mm, grow right=15mm] {
+ subgraph I_n [n=12, name=A] --[butterfly={level=3}]
+ subgraph I_n [n=12, name=B] --[butterfly={level=2}]
+ subgraph I_n [n=12, name=C]
+ };
+Unlike most joining operators, the colors of the nodes in the first and
+the second set are not passed as parameters to the `butterfly` key.
+Rather, they can be set using the ⟨options⟩, which are executed with the
+path prefix `/tikz/graphs/butterfly`.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/graphs/butterfly",
+ meta = "⟨options⟩"
+ },
+ ["butterfly/from"] = {
+ details = [[
+Sets the color class of the from nodes.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/graphs/butterfly/from",
+ meta = "⟨color⟩"
+ },
+ ["butterfly/level"] = {
+ details = [[
+Sets the level $l$ for the connections.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/graphs/butterfly/level",
+ meta = "⟨level⟩"
+ },
+ ["butterfly/to"] = {
+ details = [[
+Sets the color class of the to nodes.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/graphs/butterfly/to",
+ meta = "⟨color⟩"
+ },
+ ["chain polar shift"] = {
+ details = [[
+Under the regime of the `circular placement` strategy, each node on a
+chain is shifted by `(`⟨logical width⟩⟨angle⟩`:`⟨logical
+ \tikz \graph [circular placement] {
+ a -> b -> c;
+ d -> e;
+ f -> g -> h;
+ };
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/graphs/chain:polar:shift",
+ meta = "(⟨angle⟩:⟨radius⟩)"
+ },
+ ["chain shift"] = {
+ details = [[
+Under the regime of the `Cartesian placement` strategy, each node is
+shifted by the current logical width times this ⟨coordinate⟩.
+ \tikz \graph [chain shift=(45:1)] {
+ a -> b -> c;
+ d -> e;
+ f -> g -> h;
+ };
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/graphs/chain:shift",
+ meta = "⟨coordinate⟩"
+ },
+ ["circular placement"] = {
+ details = [[
+This key works quite similar to `Cartesian placement`. As for that
+placement strategy, a node has logical width and depth `1`. However, the
+computed total width and depth are mapped to polar coordinates rather
+than Cartesian coordinates.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/graphs/circular:placement"
+ },
+ ["clear <"] = {
+ details = [[
+A more easy-to-remember shorthand for `source edge clear`.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/graphs/clear:<"
+ },
+ ["clear >"] = {
+ details = [[
+A more easy-to-remember shorthand for `target edge clear`.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/graphs/clear:>"
+ },
+ clique = {
+ details = [[
+Adds an edge between all vertices of the current group having the
+(logical) color ⟨color⟩. Since, by default, this color is set to `all`,
+which is a color that all nodes get by default, when you do not specify
+anything, all nodes will be connected.
+ \tikz \graph [clockwise, n=5] {
+ a,
+ b,
+ {
+ [clique]
+ c, d, e
+ }
+ };
+ \tikz \graph [color class=red, clockwise, n=5] {
+ [clique=red, ->]
+ a, b[red], c[red], d, e[red]
+ };
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/graphs/clique",
+ meta = "⟨color⟩"
+ },
+ clockwise = {
+ details = [[
+This key sets the `group shift` so that if there are exactly ⟨number⟩
+many nodes in a group, they will form a complete circle. If you do not
+provide a ⟨number⟩, the current value of `\tikzgraphVnum` is used, which
+is exactly what you want when you use predefined graph macros like
+`subgraph K_ n`.
+ \tikz \graph [clockwise=4] { a, b, c, d };
+ \tikz \graph [clockwise] { subgraph K_n [n=5] };
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/graphs/clockwise",
+ meta = "⟨number⟩"
+ },
+ ["color class"] = {
+ details = [[
+This sets up a new color class called ⟨color class name⟩. Nodes and
+whole groups of nodes can now be colored with ⟨color class name⟩. This
+is done using the following keys, which become available inside the
+current scope:
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/graphs/color:class",
+ meta = "⟨color class name⟩"
+ },
+ ["complete bipartite"] = {
+ details = [[
+Adds all possible edges from every node having color ⟨from color⟩ to
+every node having color ⟨to color⟩:
+ \tikz \graph { {a, b} ->[complete bipartite]
+ {c, d, e} --[complete bipartite]
+ {g, h, i, j} --[complete bipartite]
+ k };
+ \tikz \graph [color class=red, color class=green, clockwise, n=6] {
+ [complete bipartite={red}{green}, ->]
+ a [red], b[red], c[red], d[green], e[green], f[green]
+ };
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/graphs/complete:bipartite",
+ meta = "⟨from color⟩⟨to color⟩"
+ },
+ counterclockwise = {
+ details = [[
+Works like `clockwise`, only the direction is inverted.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/graphs/counterclockwise",
+ meta = "⟨number⟩"
+ },
+ cycle = {
+ details = [[
+Connects the nodes colored ⟨color⟩ is a cyclic fashion. The ordering is
+the ordering in which they appear in the whole graph specification.
+ \tikz \graph [clockwise, n=6, phase=60] {
+ { [cycle, ->] a, b, c },
+ { [cycle, <-] d, e, f }
+ };
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/graphs/cycle",
+ meta = "⟨color⟩"
+ },
+ declare = {
+ details = [[
+This key declares that ⟨graph name⟩ can subsequently be used as a
+replacement for a ⟨node name⟩. Whenever the ⟨graph name⟩ is used in the
+following, a graph group will be inserted instead whose content is
+exactly ⟨specification⟩. In case ⟨graph name⟩ is used together with some
+⟨options⟩, they are executed prior to inserting the ⟨specification⟩.
+ \tikz \graph [branch down=4mm, declare={claw}{1 -- {2,3,4}}] {
+ a;
+ claw;
+ b;
+ };
+In the next example, we use a key to configure a subgraph:
+ \tikz \graph [ n/.code=\def\n{#1}, branch down=4mm,
+ declare={star}{root -- { \foreach \i in {1,...,\n} {\i} }}]
+ { star [n=5]; };
+Actually, the `n` key is already defined internally for a similar
+As a last example, let us define a somewhat more complicated graph
+ \newcount\mycount
+ \tikzgraphsset{
+ levels/.store in=\tikzgraphlevel,
+ levels=1,
+ declare={bintree}{%
+ [/utils/exec={%
+ \ifnum\tikzgraphlevel=1\relax%
+ \def\childtrees{ / }%
+ \else%
+ \mycount=\tikzgraphlevel%
+ \advance\mycount by-1\relax%
+ \edef\childtrees{
+ / -> {
+ bintree[levels=\the\mycount],
+ bintree[levels=\the\mycount]
+ }}
+ \fi%
+ },
+ parse/.expand once=\childtrees
+ ]
+ % Everything is inside the \childtrees...
+ }
+ }
+ \tikz \graph [grow down=5mm, branch right=5mm] { bintree [levels=5] };
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/graphs/declare",
+ meta = "{graph name}{specification}"
+ },
+ ["default edge kind"] = {
+ details = [[
+This key stores one of the five edge kinds `–`, `<-`, `->`, `<->`, and
+`-!-`. When an operator wishes to create a new edge, it should typically
+ \tikzgraphsset{new \pfkeysvalueof{/tikz/graphs/default edge kind}=...}
+While this key can be set explicitly, it may be more convenient to use
+the abbreviating keys listed below. Also, this key is automatically set
+to the current value of ⟨edge specification⟩ when a joining operator is
+called, see the discussion of joining operators in Section ??.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/graphs/default:edge:kind",
+ meta = "⟨value⟩"
+ },
+ ["default edge operator"] = {
+ details = [[
+This key stores the name of a ⟨key⟩ that is executed for every ⟨edge
+specification⟩ whose ⟨options⟩ do not contain the `operator` key.
+ \tikz \graph [default edge operator=matching] {
+ {a, b} ->[matching and star]
+ {c, d, e} --[complete bipartite]
+ {f, g, h} --
+ {i, j, k}
+ };
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/graphs/default:edge:operator",
+ meta = "⟨key⟩"
+ },
+ edge = {
+ details = [[
+This is an alias for `edges`.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/graphs/edge",
+ meta = "⟨options⟩"
+ },
+ ["edge label"] = {
+ details = [[
+This key is an abbreviation for `edge node=node[auto]{`⟨text⟩`}`. The
+net effect is that the `text` is placed next to the newly created edges.
+ \tikz \graph [edge label=x] { a -> b -> {c,d} };
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/graphs/edge:label",
+ meta = "⟨text⟩"
+ },
+ ["edge label'"] = {
+ details = [[
+This key is an abbreviation for `edge node=node[auto,swap]{`⟨text⟩`}`.
+ \tikz \graph [edge label=out, edge label'=in]
+ { subgraph C_n [clockwise, n=5] };
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/graphs/edge:label'",
+ meta = "⟨text⟩"
+ },
+ ["edge node"] = {
+ details = [[
+This key specifies that the ⟨node specification⟩ should be added to each
+newly created edge as an implicitly placed node.
+ \tikz \graph [edge node={node [red, near end] {X}}] { a -> b -> c };
+Again, multiple uses of this key accumulate.
+ \tikz \graph [edge node={node [near end] {X}},
+ edge node={node [near start] {Y}}] { a -> b -> c };
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/graphs/edge:node",
+ meta = "⟨node specification⟩"
+ },
+ ["edge quotes"] = {
+ details = [[
+A shorthand for setting the style `every edge quotes` to ⟨options⟩.
+ \tikz \graph [edge quotes={blue,auto}] {
+ a ->["x"] b ->["y"'] c ->["b" red] d;
+ };
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/graphs/edge:quotes",
+ meta = "⟨options⟩"
+ },
+ ["edge quotes center"] = {
+ details = [[
+A shorthand for `edge quotes` to `anchor=center`.
+ \tikz \graph [edge quotes center] {
+ a ->["x"] b ->["y"] c ->["z" red] d;
+ };
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/graphs/edge:quotes:center"
+ },
+ ["edge quotes mid"] = {
+ details = [[
+A shorthand for `edge quotes` to `anchor=mid`.
+ \tikz \graph [edge quotes mid] {
+ a ->["x"] b ->["y"] c ->["z" red] d;
+ };
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/graphs/edge:quotes:mid"
+ },
+ edges = {
+ details = [[
+This option causes the ⟨options⟩ to be applied to each newly created
+edge inside the ⟨group specification⟩.
+ \tikz \graph [edges={red,thick}] { a -> b -> c };
+Again, multiple uses of this key accumulate.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/graphs/edges",
+ meta = "⟨options⟩"
+ },
+ ["empty nodes"] = {
+ details = [[
+Just sets `typeset` to nothing, which causes all nodes to have an empty
+text (unless, of course, the `as` option is used):
+ \tikz \graph [empty nodes, nodes={circle, draw}] { a -> {b, c} };
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/graphs/empty:nodes"
+ },
+ ["every graph"] = {
+ details = [[
+This style is executed at the beginning of every `graph` path command
+prior to the ⟨options⟩.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/graphs/every:graph"
+ },
+ ["fresh nodes"] = {
+ details = [[
+When this key is set to `true`, all nodes will be considered to be
+fresh. This option is useful when you create for instance a tree with
+many identical nodes.
+When a node name is encountered that was already used previously, a new
+name is chosen is follows: An apostrophe (`’`) is appended repeatedly
+until a node name is found that has not yet been used:
+ \tikz \graph [branch down=5mm] {
+ { [fresh nodes]
+ a -> {
+ b -> {c, c},
+ b -> {c, c},
+ b -> {c, c},
+ }
+ },
+ b' -- b''
+ };
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/graphs/fresh:nodes",
+ meta = "⟨true or false⟩"
+ },
+ ["grid placement"] = {
+ details = [[
+This key works similar to `Cartesian placement`. As for that placement
+strategy, a node has logical width and depth 1. However, the computed
+total width and depth are mapped to a $N\times M$ grid. The values of
+$N$ and $M$ depend on the size of the graph and the value of
+`wrap after`. The number of columns $M$ is either set to `wrap after`
+explicitly or computed automatically as
+$\sqrt{\texttt{\string\texttt{V\textbackslash string}}}$. $N$ is the
+number of rows needed to lay out the graph in a grid with $M$ columns.
+ % An example with 6 nodes, 3 columns and therefor 2 rows
+ \tikz \graph [grid placement] { subgraph I_n[n=6, wrap after=3] };
+ % An example with 9 nodes with columns and rows computed automatically
+ \tikz \graph [grid placement] { subgraph Grid_n [n=9] };
+ % Directions can be changed
+ \tikz \graph [grid placement, branch up, grow left] { subgraph Grid_n [n=9] };
+In case a user-defined graph instead of a pre-defined `subgraph` is to
+be laid out using `grid placement`, `n` has to be specified explicitly:
+ \tikz \graph [grid placement] {
+ [n=6, wrap after=3]
+ a -- b -- c -- d -- e -- f
+ };
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/graphs/grid:placement"
+ },
+ ["group polar shift"] = {
+ details = [[
+Like for `group shift`, each node on a chain is shifted by `(`⟨logical
+depth⟩⟨angle⟩`:`⟨logical depth⟩⟨angle⟩`)`.
+ \tikz \graph [circular placement, group polar shift=(30:0)] {
+ a -> b -> c;
+ d -> e;
+ f -> g -> h;
+ };
+ \tikz \graph [circular placement,
+ chain polar shift=(30:0),
+ group polar shift=(0:1cm)] {
+ a -- b -- c;
+ d -- e;
+ f -- g -- h;
+ };
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/graphs/group:polar:shift",
+ meta = "(⟨angle⟩:⟨radius⟩)"
+ },
+ ["group shift"] = {
+ details = [[
+Like for `chain shift`, each node is shifted by the current logical
+depth times this ⟨coordinate⟩.
+ \tikz \graph [chain shift=(45:7mm), group shift=(-45:7mm)] {
+ a -> b -> c;
+ d -> e;
+ f -> g -> h;
+ };
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/graphs/group:shift",
+ meta = "⟨coordinate⟩"
+ },
+ ["grow down"] = {
+ details = [[
+Like `grow up`.
+ \tikz \graph [grow down=7mm] { a -> b -> c};
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/graphs/grow:down",
+ meta = "⟨distance⟩"
+ },
+ ["grow down sep"] = {
+ details = [[
+As above.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/graphs/grow:down:sep",
+ meta = "⟨distance⟩"
+ },
+ ["grow left"] = {
+ details = [[
+Like `grow up`.
+ \tikz \graph [grow left=7mm] { a -> b -> c};
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/graphs/grow:left",
+ meta = "⟨distance⟩"
+ },
+ ["grow left sep"] = {
+ details = [[
+ \tikz \graph [grow left sep] { long -- longer -- longest };
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/graphs/grow:left:sep",
+ meta = "⟨distance⟩"
+ },
+ ["grow right"] = {
+ details = [[
+Like `grow up`.
+ \tikz \graph [grow right=7mm] { a -> b -> c};
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/graphs/grow:right",
+ meta = "⟨distance⟩"
+ },
+ ["grow right sep"] = {
+ details = [[
+This key has several effects, but let us start with the bottom line:
+Nodes along a chain are placed in such a way that the left end of a new
+node is ⟨distance⟩ from the right end of the previous node:
+ \tikz \graph [grow right sep, left anchor=east, right anchor=west] {
+ start -- {
+ long text -- {short, very long text} -- more text,
+ long -- longer -- longest
+ } -- end
+ };
+What happens internally is the following: First, the `anchor` of the
+nodes is set to `west` (or `north west` or `south west`, see below).
+Second, the logical width of a node is no longer `1`, but set to the
+actual width of the node (which we define as the horizontal difference
+between the `west` anchor and the `east` anchor) in points. Third, the
+`chain shift` is set to `(1pt,0pt)`.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/graphs/grow:right:sep",
+ meta = "⟨distance⟩"
+ },
+ ["grow up"] = {
+ details = [[
+Sets the `chain shift` to `(0,`⟨distance⟩`)`, so that chains "grow
+upward". The distance by which the center of each new element is removed
+from the center of the previous one is ⟨distance⟩.
+ \tikz \graph [grow up=7mm] { a -> b -> c};
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/graphs/grow:up",
+ meta = "⟨distance⟩"
+ },
+ ["grow up sep"] = {
+ details = [[
+ \tikz \graph [grow up sep] {
+ a / $a=x$ --
+ b / {$b=\displaystyle \int_0^1 x dx$} --
+ c [draw, circle, inner sep=7mm]
+ };
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/graphs/grow:up:sep",
+ meta = "⟨distance⟩"
+ },
+ ["induced complete bipartite"] = {
+ details = [[
+Works like the `complete bipartite` operator, but in a `simple` graph
+any edges between the vertices in either shore are removed (more
+precisely, they get replaced by `-!-` edges).
+ \tikz \graph [simple] {
+ subgraph K_n [n=5, clockwise]; % Lots of edges
+ {2, 3} ->[induced complete bipartite] {4, 5}
+ };
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/graphs/induced:complete:bipartite"
+ },
+ ["induced cycle"] = {
+ details = [[
+While the `cycle` command will only add edges, this key will also remove
+all other edges between the nodes of the cycle, provided we are
+constructing a `simple` graph.
+ \tikz \graph [simple] {
+ subgraph K_n [n=7, clockwise]; % create lots of edges
+ { [induced cycle, ->, edge=red] 2, 3, 4, 6, 7 },
+ };
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/graphs/induced:cycle",
+ meta = "⟨color⟩"
+ },
+ ["induced independent set"] = {
+ details = [[
+This key is the "opposite" of a `clique`: It removes all edges in the
+current group having belonging to color class ⟨color⟩. More precisely,
+an edge of kind `-!-` is added for each pair of vertices. This means
+that edge only get removed if you specify the `simple` option.
+ \tikz \graph [simple] {
+ subgraph K_n [<->, n=7, clockwise]; % create lots of edges
+ { [induced independent set] 1, 3, 4, 5, 6 }
+ };
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/graphs/induced:independent:set",
+ meta = "⟨color⟩"
+ },
+ ["induced path"] = {
+ details = [[
+Works like `induced cycle`, only there is no edge from the last to the
+first vertex.
+ \tikz \graph [simple] {
+ subgraph K_n [n=7, clockwise]; % create lots of edges
+ { [induced path, ->, edges=red] 2, 3, 4, 6, 7 },
+ };
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/graphs/induced:path",
+ meta = "⟨color⟩"
+ },
+ ["left anchor"] = {
+ details = [[
+This anchor is used for the node that is to the left of an edge
+specification. Setting this anchor to the empty string means that no
+special anchor is used (which is the default). The ⟨anchor⟩ is stored in
+the macro `\tikzgraphleftanchor` with a leading dot.
+ \tikz \graph {
+ {a,b,c} -> [complete bipartite] {e,f,g}
+ };
+ \tikz \graph [left anchor=east, right anchor=west] {
+ {a,b,c} -- [complete bipartite] {e,f,g}
+ };
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/graphs/left:anchor",
+ meta = "⟨anchor⟩"
+ },
+ m = {
+ details = [[
+This is an abbreviation for
+`W={1,...,`⟨number⟩`}, name shore W/.style={name=W}`.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/graphs/m",
+ meta = "⟨number⟩"
+ },
+ matching = {
+ details = [[
+This joining operator forms a maximum *matching* between the nodes of
+the two sets of nodes having colors ⟨from color⟩ and ⟨to color⟩,
+respectively. The first node of the from set is connected to the first
+node of to set, the second node of the from set is connected to the
+second node of the to set, and so on. If the sets have the same size,
+what results is what graph theoreticians call a *perfect matching*,
+otherwise only a maximum, but not perfect matching results.
+ \tikz \graph {
+ {a, b, c} ->[matching]
+ {d, e, f} --[matching]
+ {g, h} --[matching]
+ {i, j, k}
+ };
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/graphs/matching",
+ meta = "⟨from color⟩⟨to color⟩"
+ },
+ ["matching and star"] = {
+ details = [[
+The `matching and star` connector works like the `matching` connector,
+only it behaves differently when the two to-be-connected sets have
+different size. In this case, all the surplus nodes get connected to the
+last node of the other set, resulting in what is known as a *star* in
+graph theory. This simple rule allows for some powerful effects (since
+this connector is the one initially set, there is no need to add it
+ \tikz \graph { a -> {b, c} -> {d, e} -- f};
+The `matching and star` connector also makes it easy to create trees and
+series-parallel graphs.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/graphs/matching:and:star",
+ meta = "⟨from color⟩⟨to color⟩"
+ },
+ ["math nodes"] = {
+ details = [[
+Sets `typeset` to `\textbackslash tikzgraphnodetext`, which causes all
+nodes names to be typeset in math mode:
+ \tikz \graph [math nodes, nodes={circle, draw}] { a_1 -> {b^2, c_3^n} };
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/graphs/math:nodes"
+ },
+ multi = {
+ details = [[
+When this edge is set for a whole graph (which is the default) or just
+for a group (which is useful if the whole graph is simple in general,
+but a part is a multi-graph), then when you specify an edge between two
+nodes several times, several such edges get created:
+ \tikz \graph [multi] { % "multi" is not really necessary here
+ a ->[bend left, red] b;
+ a ->[bend right, blue] b;
+ };
+In case `multi` is used for a scope inside a larger scope where the
+`simple` option is specified, then inside the local `multi` scope edges
+are immediately created and they are completely ignored when it comes to
+deciding which kind of edges should be present in the surrounding simple
+graph. From the surrounding scope's point of view it is as if the local
+`multi` graph contained no edges at all.
+This means, in particular, that you can use the `multi` option with a
+single edge to "enforce" this edge to be present in a simple graph.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/graphs/multi"
+ },
+ n = {
+ details = [[
+This is an abbreviation for
+`V={1,...,`⟨number⟩`}, name shore V/.style={name=V}`.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/graphs/n",
+ meta = "⟨number⟩"
+ },
+ name = {
+ details = [[
+This key prepends the ⟨text⟩, followed by a separating symbol (a space
+by default), to all ⟨node name⟩s inside a ⟨full node name⟩. Repeated
+calls of this key accumulate, leading to ever-longer "name paths":
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \graph {
+ { [name=first] 1, 2, 3} --
+ { [name=second] 1, 2, 3}
+ };
+ \draw [red] (second 1) circle [radius=3mm];
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+Note that, indeed, in the above example six nodes are created even
+though the first and second set of nodes have the same ⟨node name⟩. The
+reason is that the full names of the six nodes are all different. Also
+note that only the ⟨node name⟩ is used as the node text, not the full
+name. This can be changed as described later on.
+This key can be used repeatedly, leading to ever longer node names.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/graphs/name",
+ meta = "⟨text⟩"
+ },
+ ["name separator"] = {
+ details = [[
+Changes the symbol that is used to separate the ⟨text⟩ from the ⟨node
+name⟩. The default is `\space`, resulting in a space.
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \graph [name separator=] { % no separator
+ { [name=first] 1, 2, 3} --
+ { [name=second] 1, 2, 3}
+ };
+ \draw [red] (second1) circle [radius=3mm];
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \graph [name separator=-] {
+ { [name=first] 1, 2, 3} --
+ { [name=second] 1, 2, 3}
+ };
+ \draw [red] (second-1) circle [radius=3mm];
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/graphs/name:separator",
+ meta = "⟨symbols⟩"
+ },
+ ["name shore V"] = {
+ details = [[
+Set this style to, say, `name=my V set` in order to set a name for the
+`V` set.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/graphs/name:shore:V"
+ },
+ ["name shore W"] = {
+ details = [[
+Same as for `name shore V`.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/graphs/name:shore:W"
+ },
+ ["new --"] = {
+ details = [[
+This key is called for `–` with the same parameters as above. The only
+difference in the definition is that in the `\path` command the `->`
+gets replaced by `-`.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/graphs/new:--",
+ meta = "{left node}{right node}{edge options}{edge nodes}"
+ },
+ ["new ->"] = {
+ details = [[
+This key will be called for a `->` edge specification with the following
+four parameters:
+1. ⟨left node⟩ is the name of the "left" node, that is, the name of
+ $l_i$.
+2. ⟨right node⟩ is the name of the right node.
+3. ⟨edge options⟩ are the accumulated options from all calls of
+ `/tikz/graph/edges` in groups that surround the edge specification.
+4. ⟨edge nodes⟩ is text like `node {A} node {B}` that specifies some
+ nodes that should be put as labels on the edge using TikZ's implicit
+ positioning mechanism.
+By default, the key executes the following code:
+> `\path [->,every new ->]`
+> `(`⟨left node⟩`\tikzgraphleftanchor) edge [` ⟨edge options⟩`]` ⟨edge
+> nodes⟩``
+> `(`⟨right node⟩`\tikzgraphrightanchor);`
+You are welcome to change the code underlying the key.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/graphs/new:->",
+ meta = "{left node}{right node}{edge options}{edge nodes}"
+ },
+ ["new -\\protect\\exclamationmarktext-"] = {
+ details = [[
+Called for `-!-` with the same parameters as above. Does nothing by
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/graphs/new:-\\protect\\exclamationmarktext-",
+ meta = "{left node}{right node}{edge options}{edge nodes}"
+ },
+ ["new <-"] = {
+ details = [[
+Called for `<-` with the same parameters as above. [1]
+[1] You might wonder why this key is needed: It seems more logical at
+first sight to just call `new edge directed` with swapped first
+parameters. However, a positioning algorithm might wish to take the fact
+into account that an edge is "backward" rather than "forward" in order
+to improve the layout. Also, different arrow heads might be used.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/graphs/new:<-",
+ meta = "{left node}{right node}{edge options}{edge nodes}"
+ },
+ ["new <->"] = {
+ details = [[
+Called for `<->` with the same parameters as above. The `->` is replaced
+by `<-`
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/graphs/new:<->",
+ meta = "{left node}{right node}{edge options}{edge nodes}"
+ },
+ ["no placement"] = {
+ details = [[
+This strategy simply "switches off" the whole placement mechanism,
+causing all nodes to be placed at the origin by default. You need to use
+this strategy if you position nodes "by hand". For this, you can use the
+`at` key, the `shift` keys:
+ \tikz \graph [no placement]
+ {
+ a[at={(0:0)}] -> b[at={(1,0)}] -> c[yshift=1cm];
+ };
+Since the syntax and the many braces and parentheses are a bit
+cumbersome, the following two keys might also be useful:
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/graphs/no:placement"
+ },
+ nodes = {
+ details = [[
+This option causes the ⟨options⟩ to be applied to each newly created
+node inside the ⟨group specification⟩.
+ \tikz \graph [nodes=red] { a -> b -> c };
+Multiple uses of this key accumulate.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/graphs/nodes",
+ meta = "⟨options⟩"
+ },
+ ["not ⟨color class name⟩"] = {
+ details = [[
+Sets up an operator for the current scope so that all nodes in it loose
+the color ⟨color class name⟩. You can also use `!`⟨color class name⟩ as
+an alias for this key.
+ \tikz \graph [color class=red, color class=green,
+ math nodes, clockwise, n=5] {
+ [complete bipartite={red}{green}]
+ { [red] r_1, r_2 },
+ { [green] g_1, g_2, g_3 },
+ g_2 [not green]
+ };
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/graphs/not:⟨color:class:name⟩"
+ },
+ ["number nodes"] = {
+ details = [[
+When this key is used in a scope, each encountered node name will get
+appended a new number, starting with ⟨start⟩. Typically, this ensures
+that all node names are different. Between the original node name and
+the appended number, the setting of the following will be inserted:
+ \tikz \graph [branch down=5mm] {
+ { [number nodes]
+ a -> {
+ b -> {c, c},
+ b -> {c, c},
+ b -> {c, c},
+ }
+ },
+ b 2 -- b 5
+ };
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/graphs/number:nodes",
+ meta = "⟨start number⟩"
+ },
+ ["number nodes sep"] = {
+ details = [[
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/graphs/number:nodes:sep",
+ meta = "⟨text⟩"
+ },
+ operator = {
+ details = [[
+This key has an effect in three places:
+1. It can be used in the ⟨options⟩ of a ⟨direct node specification⟩.
+2. It can be used in the ⟨options⟩ of a ⟨group specification⟩.
+3. It can be used in the ⟨options⟩ of an ⟨edge specification⟩.
+The first case is a special case of the second, since it is treated like
+a group specification containing a single node. The last case is more
+complicated and discussed in the next section. So, let us focus on the
+second case.
+Even though the ⟨options⟩ of a group are given at the beginning of the
+⟨group specification⟩, the ⟨code⟩ is only executed when the group has
+been parsed completely and all its nodes have been identified. If you
+use the `operator` multiple times in the ⟨options⟩, the effect
+accumulates, that is, all code passed to the different calls of
+`operator` gets executed in the order it is encountered.
+The ⟨code⟩ can do "whatever it wants", but it will typically add edges
+between certain nodes. You can configure what kind of edges (directed,
+undirected, etc.) are created by using the following keys:
+When the ⟨code⟩ of an operator is executed, the following commands can
+be used to find the nodes that should be connected:
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/graphs/operator",
+ meta = "⟨code⟩"
+ },
+ path = {
+ details = [[
+Works like `cycle`, only there is no edge from the last to the first
+ \tikz \graph [clockwise, n=6] {
+ { [path, ->] a, b, c },
+ { [path, <-] d, e, f }
+ };
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/graphs/path",
+ meta = "⟨color⟩"
+ },
+ phase = {
+ details = [[
+This is an initial value that is added to the total computed angle when
+the polar shift of a node has been calculated.
+ \tikz \graph [circular placement] { a, b, c, d };
+ \tikz \graph [circular placement, phase=0] { a, b, c, d };
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/graphs/phase",
+ meta = "⟨angle⟩"
+ },
+ ["placement/chain count"] = {
+ details = [[
+This key stores a number that tells us the sequence number of the chain
+in the current group.
+ \tikz \graph [
+ grow right sep, branch down=5mm, typeset=\tikzgraphnodetext:\mynum,
+ placement/compute position/.append code=
+ \pgfkeysgetvalue{/tikz/graphs/placement/chain count}{\mynum}]
+ {
+ a -> b -> {c,d,e},
+ f,
+ g -> h
+ };
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/graphs/placement/chain:count"
+ },
+ ["placement/compute position"] = {
+ details = [[
+The ⟨code⟩ is called by the `graph` command just prior to creating a new
+node (the exact moment when this key is called is detailed in the
+description of the `place` key). When the ⟨code⟩ is called, all of the
+keys described above will hold numbers computed in the way described
+The job of the ⟨code⟩ is to setup node options appropriately so that the
+to-be-created node will be placed correctly. Thus, the ⟨code⟩ should
+typically set the key `nodes={shift=`⟨coordinate⟩`}` where ⟨coordinate⟩
+is the computed position for the node. The ⟨code⟩ could also set other
+options like, say, the color of a node depending on its depth.
+The following example appends some code to the standard code of
+`compute position` so that "deeper" nodes of a tree are lighter.
+(Naturally, the same effect could be achieved much more easily using the
+`level` key.)
+ \newcount\mycount
+ \def\lightendeepernodes{
+ \pgfmathsetcount{\mycount}{
+ 100-20*\pgfkeysvalueof{/tikz/graphs/placement/width}
+ }
+ \edef\mydepth{\the\mycount}
+ \tikzset{nodes={fill=red!\mydepth,circle,text=white}}
+ }
+ \tikz
+ \graph [placement/compute position/.append code=\lightendeepernodes]
+ {
+ a -> {
+ b -> c -> d,
+ e -> {
+ f,
+ g
+ },
+ h
+ }
+ };
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/graphs/placement/compute:position",
+ meta = "⟨code⟩"
+ },
+ ["placement/depth"] = {
+ details = [[
+Similarly to the `width` key, this key stores the "logical depth" of the
+nodes parsed up to now in the current group or chain and, also
+similarly, this key may or may not be related to the actual depth/height
+of the current node. As for the `width`, the exact definition is as
+follows: For a single node, the depth is computed by the following key:
+Second, the depth of a group is the sum of the depths of its elements.
+Third, the depth of a chain is the maximum of the depth of its elements.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/graphs/placement/depth"
+ },
+ ["placement/element count"] = {
+ details = [[
+This key stores a number that tells us the position of the node on the
+current chain. However, you only have access to this value inside the
+code passed to the macro `compute position`, explained later on.
+ \tikz \graph [
+ grow right sep, typeset=\tikzgraphnodetext:\mynum,
+ placement/compute position/.append code=
+ \pgfkeysgetvalue{/tikz/graphs/placement/element count}{\mynum}]
+ {
+ a -> b -> c,
+ d -> {e, f->h} -> j
+ };
+As can be seen, each group resets the element counter.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/graphs/placement/element:count"
+ },
+ ["placement/level"] = {
+ details = [[
+This key stores a number that is increased for each element on a chain,
+but gets reset at the end of a group:
+ \tikz \graph [ branch down=5mm, typeset=
+ \tikzgraphnodetext:\pgfkeysvalueof{/tikz/graphs/placement/level}]
+ {
+ a -> {
+ b,
+ c -> {
+ d,
+ e -> {f,g},
+ h
+ },
+ j
+ }
+ };
+Unlike the parameters `depth` and `width` described in the next section,
+the key `level` is always available.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/graphs/placement/level"
+ },
+ ["placement/logical node depth"] = {
+ details = [[
+The code behind this key should return the "logical height" of the node
+⟨full node name⟩ in the macro `\pgfmathresult`.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/graphs/placement/logical:node:depth",
+ meta = "⟨full node name⟩"
+ },
+ ["placement/logical node width"] = {
+ details = [[
+This key is called to compute a physical or logical width of the node
+⟨full node name⟩. You can change the code of this key. The code should
+return the computed value in the macro `\pgfmathresult`. By default,
+this key returns `1`.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/graphs/placement/logical:node:width",
+ meta = "⟨full node name⟩"
+ },
+ ["placement/place"] = {
+ details = [[
+Executing this key has two effects: First, the key `compute position` is
+called to compute a good position for future nodes (usually, these
+"future nodes" are just a single node that is created immediately).
+Second, all of the above counters like `depth` or `width` are reset (but
+not `level`).
+There are two places where this key is sensibly called: First, just
+prior to creating a node, which happens automatically. Second, when you
+change the online strategy. In this case, the computed width and depth
+values from one strategy typically make no sense in the other strategy,
+which is why the new strategy should proceed "from a fresh start". In
+this case, the implicit call of `compute position` ensures that the new
+strategy gets the last place the old strategy would have used as its
+starting point, while the computation of its positions is now relative
+to this new starting point.
+For these reasons, when an online strategy like `Cartesian placement` is
+called, this key gets called implicitly. You will rarely need to call
+this key directly, except when you define a new online strategy.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/graphs/placement/place"
+ },
+ ["placement/width"] = {
+ details = [[
+This key stores the "logical width" of the nodes parsed up to now in the
+current group or chain (more precisely, parsed since the last call of
+`place` in an enclosing group). This is not necessarily the "total
+physical width" of the nodes, but rather a number representing how "big"
+the elements prior to the current element were. This *may* be their
+width, but it may also be their height or even their number (which,
+incidentally, is the default). You can use the `width` to perform shifts
+or rotations of to-be-created nodes (to be explained later).
+The logical width is defined recursively as follows. First, the width of
+a single node is computed by calling the following key:
+The width of a chain is the sum of the widths of its elements. The width
+of a group is the maximum of the widths of its elements.
+To get a feeling what the above rules imply in practice, let us first
+have a look at an example where each node has logical width and height
+`1` (which is the default). The arcane options at the beginning of the
+code just setup things so that the computed width and depth of each node
+is displayed at the bottom of each node.
+ \tikz
+ \graph [nodes={align=center, inner sep=1pt}, grow right=7mm,
+ typeset={\tikzgraphnodetext\\[-4pt]
+ \tiny\mywidth\\[-6pt]\tiny\mydepth},
+ placement/compute position/.append code=
+ \pgfkeysgetvalue{/tikz/graphs/placement/width}{\mywidth}
+ \pgfkeysgetvalue{/tikz/graphs/placement/depth}{\mydepth}]
+ {
+ a,
+ b,
+ c -> d -> {
+ e -> f -> g,
+ h -> i
+ } -> j,
+ k -> l
+ };
+In the next example the "logical" width and depth actually match the
+"physical" width and height. This is caused by the `grow right sep`
+option, which internally sets the `logical node width` key so that it
+returns the width of its parameter in points.
+ \tikz
+ \graph [grow right sep, branch down sep, nodes={align=left, inner sep=1pt},
+ typeset={\tikzgraphnodetext\\[-4pt] \tiny Width: \mywidth\\[-6pt] \tiny Depth: \mydepth},
+ placement/compute position/.append code=
+ \pgfkeysgetvalue{/tikz/graphs/placement/width}{\mywidth}
+ \pgfkeysgetvalue{/tikz/graphs/placement/depth}{\mydepth}]
+ {
+ a,
+ b,
+ c -> d -> {
+ e -> f -> g,
+ h -> i
+ } -> j,
+ k -> l
+ };
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/graphs/placement/width"
+ },
+ ["put node text on incoming edges"] = {
+ details = [[
+When this key is used with a node or a group, the following happens:
+1. The command
+ `target edge node={node[`⟨options⟩`]{\tikzgraphnodetext}}` is
+ executed. This means that all incoming edges of the node get a label
+ with the text that would usually be displayed in the node. You can
+ use keys like `math nodes` normally.
+2. The command `as={}` is executed. This means that the node itself
+ will display nothing.
+Here is an example that show how this command is used.
+ \tikz \graph [put node text on incoming edges,
+ math nodes, nodes={circle,draw}]
+ { a -> b -> {c, d} };
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/graphs/put:node:text:on:incoming:edges",
+ meta = "⟨options⟩"
+ },
+ ["put node text on outgoing edges"] = {
+ details = [[
+Works like the previous key, only with `target` replaced by `source`.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/graphs/put:node:text:on:outgoing:edges",
+ meta = "⟨options⟩"
+ },
+ quick = {
+ details = [[
+When you provide this key with a graph, the syntax of graph
+specifications gets restricted. You are no longer allowed to use certain
+features of the graph syntax; but all features that are still allowed
+are also allowed in the same way when you do not provide the `quick`
+option. Thus, leaving out the `quick` option will never hurt.
+Since the syntax is so severely restricted, it is easier to explain
+which aspects of the graph syntax *will* still work:
+1. A quick graph consists of a sequence of either nodes, edges
+ sequences, or groups. These are separated by commas or semicolons.
+2. Every node is of the form
+ > `"`⟨node name⟩`"``/"`⟨node text⟩`"[`⟨options⟩`]`
+ The quotation marks are mandatory. The part `/"`⟨node text⟩`"` may
+ be missing, in which case the node name is used as the node text.
+ The ⟨options⟩ may also be missing. The ⟨node name⟩ may not contain
+ any "funny" characters (unlike in the normal graph command).
+3. Every chain is of the form
+ > ⟨node spec⟩ ⟨connector⟩ ⟨node spec⟩ ⟨connector⟩ ...⟨connector⟩
+ > ⟨node spec⟩`;`
+ Here, the ⟨node spec⟩ are node specifications as described above,
+ the ⟨connector⟩ is one of the four connectors `->`, `<-`, `–`, and
+ `<->` (the connector `-!-` is not allowed since the `simple` option
+ is also not allowed). Each connector may be followed by options in
+ square brackets. The semicolon may be replaced by a comma.
+4. Every group is of the form
+ > `{ [`⟨options⟩`]` ⟨chains and groups⟩ `};`
+ The ⟨options⟩ are compulsory. The semicolon can, again, be replaced
+ by a comma.
+5. The `number nodes` option will work as expected.
+Here is a typical way this syntax might be used:
+ \tikz \graph [quick] { "a" --["foo"] "b"[x=1] };
+ \tikz \graph [quick] {
+ "a"/"$a$" -- "b"[x=1] --[red] "c"[x=2];
+ { [nodes=blue] "a" -- "d"[y=1]; };
+ };
+Let us now have a look at the most important things that will *not* work
+when the `quick` option is used:
+- Connecting a node and a group as in `a->{b,c}`.
+- Node names without quotation marks as in `a–b`.
+- Everything described in subsequent subsections, which includes
+ subgraphs (graph macros), graph sets, graph color classes, anonymous
+ nodes, the `fresh nodes` option, sublayouts, simple graphs, edge
+ annotations.
+- Placement strategies -- you either have to define all node positions
+ explicitly using `at=` or `x=` and `y=` or you must use a graph
+ drawing algorithm like `layered layout`.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/graphs/quick"
+ },
+ radius = {
+ details = [[
+This is an initial value that is added to the total computed radius when
+the polar shift of a node has been calculated. Essentially, this key
+allows you to set the ⟨radius⟩ of the innermost circle.
+ \tikz \graph [circular placement, radius=5mm] { a, b, c, d };
+ \tikz \graph [circular placement, radius=1cm] { a, b, c, d };
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/graphs/radius",
+ meta = "⟨dimension⟩"
+ },
+ ["recolor ⟨color class name⟩ by"] = {
+ details = [[
+Causes all keys having color ⟨color class name⟩ to get ⟨new color⟩
+instead. They loose having color ⟨color class name⟩, but other colors
+are not affected.
+ \tikz \graph [color class=red, color class=green,
+ math nodes, clockwise, n=5] {
+ [complete bipartite={red}{green}]
+ { [red] r_1, r_2 },
+ { [green] g_1, g_2, g_3 },
+ g_2 [recolor green by=red]
+ };
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/graphs/recolor:⟨color:class:name⟩:by",
+ meta = "⟨new color⟩"
+ },
+ ["right anchor"] = {
+ details = [[
+Works like `left anchor`, only for `\tikzgraphrightanchor`.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/graphs/right:anchor",
+ meta = "⟨anchor⟩"
+ },
+ simple = {
+ details = [[
+In contrast a multi-graph, in a simple graph, at most one edge gets
+created for every pair of vertices:
+ \tikz \graph [simple]{
+ a ->[bend left, red] b;
+ a ->[bend right, blue] b;
+ };
+As can be seen, the second edge "wins" over the first edge. The general
+rule is as follows: In a simple graph, whenever an edge between two
+vertices is specified multiple times, only the very last specification
+and its options will actually be executed.
+The real power of the `simple` option lies in the fact that you can
+first create a complicated graph and then later redirect and otherwise
+modify edges easily:
+ \tikz \graph [simple, grow right=2cm] {
+ {a,b,c,d} ->[complete bipartite] {e,f,g,h};
+ { [edges={red,thick}] a -> e -> d -> g -> a };
+ };
+One particularly interesting kind of edge specification for a simple
+graph is `-!-`. Recall that this is used to indicate that "no edge"
+should be added between certain nodes. In a multi-graph, this key
+usually has no effect (unless the key `new -!-` has been redefined) and
+is pretty superfluous. In a simple graph, however, it counts as an edge
+kind and you can thus use it to remove an edge that been added
+ \tikz \graph [simple] {
+ subgraph K_n [n=8, clockwise];
+ % Get rid of the following edges:
+ 1 -!- 2;
+ 3 -!- 4;
+ 6 -!- 8;
+ % And make one edge red:
+ 1 --[red] 3;
+ };
+Creating a graph such as the above in other fashions is pretty awkward.
+For every unordered pair $\{u,v\}$ of vertices at most one edge will be
+created in a simple graph. In particular, when you say `a -> b` and
+later also `a <- b`, then only the edge `a <- b` will be created.
+Similarly, when you say `a -> b` and later `b -> a`, then only the edge
+`b -> a` will be created.
+The power of the `simple` command comes at a certain cost: As the graph
+is being constructed, a (sparse) array is created that keeps track for
+each edge of the last edge being specified. Then, at the end of the
+scope containing the `simple` command, for every pair of vertices the
+edge is created. This is implemented by two nested loops iterating over
+all possible pairs of vertices -- which may take quite a while in a
+graph of, say, 1000 vertices. Internally, the `simple` command is
+implemented as an operator that adds the edges when it is called, but
+this should be unimportant in normal situations.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/graphs/simple"
+ },
+ ["source edge clear"] = {
+ details = [[
+Works like `target edge clear`.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/graphs/source:edge:clear",
+ meta = "⟨node specification⟩"
+ },
+ ["source edge node"] = {
+ details = [[
+Works like `source edge style` and `target edge node`.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/graphs/source:edge:node",
+ meta = "⟨node specification⟩"
+ },
+ ["source edge style"] = {
+ details = [[
+Works exactly like `target edge style`, only now the ⟨options⟩ are only
+added when the node is a source of a newly created edge:
+ \tikz \graph {
+ { a, b } ->
+ { c [source edge style=red], d } ->
+ { e, f }
+ };
+If both for the source and also for the target of an edge ⟨options⟩ have
+been specified, the options are applied in the following order:
+1. First come the options from the edge itself.
+2. Then come the options contributed by the source node using this key.
+3. Then come the options contributed by the target node using
+ `target node style`.
+ \tikz \graph {
+ a [source edge style=red] ->[green]
+ b [target edge style=blue] % blue wins
+ };
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/graphs/source:edge:style",
+ meta = "⟨options⟩"
+ },
+ ["target edge clear"] = {
+ details = [[
+Clears all ⟨options⟩ for edges with the node as a target and also edge
+labels (see below) for this node.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/graphs/target:edge:clear"
+ },
+ ["target edge node"] = {
+ details = [[
+This key works like `target edge style`, only the ⟨node specification⟩
+will not be added as options to any newly created edges with the current
+node as their target, but rather it will be added as a node
+ \tikz \graph {
+ { a, b } ->
+ { c [target edge node=node{X}], d } ->
+ { e, f }
+ };
+As for `target edge style` multiple uses of this key accumulate and the
+key `target edge clear` will (also) clear all target edge nodes that
+have been set for a node earlier on.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/graphs/target:edge:node",
+ meta = "⟨node specification⟩"
+ },
+ ["target edge style"] = {
+ details = [[
+This key can (only) be used with a *node* inside a graph specification.
+When used, the ⟨options⟩ will be added to every edge that is created by
+a connector like `->` in which the node is a *target*. Consider the
+following example:
+ \tikz \graph {
+ { a, b } ->
+ { c [target edge style=red], d } ->
+ { e, f }
+ };
+In the example, only when the edge from `a` to `c` is created, `c` is
+the "target" of the edge. Thus, only this edge becomes red.
+When an edge already has options set directly, the ⟨options⟩ are
+executed after these direct options, thus, they "overrule" them:
+ \tikz \graph {
+ { a, b } -> [blue, thick]
+ { c [target edge style=red], d } ->
+ { e, f }
+ };
+The ⟨options⟩ set in this way will stay attached to the node, so also
+for edges created later on that lead to the node will have these options
+ \tikz \graph {
+ { a, b } ->
+ { c [target edge style=red], d } ->
+ { e, f },
+ b -> c
+ };
+Multiple uses of this key accumulate. However, you may sometimes also
+wish to "clear" these options for a key since at some later point you no
+longer wish the ⟨options⟩ to be added when some further edges are added.
+This can be achieved using the following key:
+ \tikz \graph {
+ { a, b } ->
+ { c [target edge style=red], d },
+ b -> c[target edge clear]
+ };
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/graphs/target:edge:style",
+ meta = "⟨options⟩"
+ },
+ trie = {
+ details = [[
+If this key is set to `true`, after a node has been created on a chain,
+the `name` key is executed with the node's ⟨node name⟩. Thus, all nodes
+later on this chain have the "path" of nodes leading to this node as
+their name. This means, in particular, that
+1. two nodes of the same name but in different parts of a chain will be
+ different,
+2. while if another chain starts with the same nodes, no new nodes get
+ created.
+In total, this is exactly the behavior you would expect of a trie:
+ \tikz \graph [trie] {
+ a -> {
+ a,
+ c -> {a, b},
+ b
+ }
+ };
+You can even "reiterate" over a path in conjunction with the `simple`
+option. However, in this case, the default placement strategies will not
+work and you will need options like `layered layout` from the graph
+drawing libraries, which need LuaTeX.
+ \tikz \graph [trie, simple, layered layout] {
+ a -> b -> a,
+ a -> b -> c,
+ a -> {d,a}
+ };
+In the following example, we setup the `typeset` key so that it shows
+the complete names of the nodes:
+ \tikz \graph [trie, simple, layered layout,
+ typeset=\tikzgraphnodefullname] {
+ a -> b -> a,
+ a -> b -> c,
+ a -> {d,a}
+ };
+You can also use the `trie` key locally and later reference nodes using
+their full name:
+ \tikz \graph {
+ { [trie, simple]
+ a -> {
+ b,
+ c -> a
+ }
+ },
+ a b ->[red] a c a
+ };
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/graphs/trie",
+ meta = "⟨true or false⟩"
+ },
+ typeset = {
+ details = [[
+The macro or code stored in this key is used as the ⟨text⟩ of the node.
+Inside the ⟨code⟩, the following macros are available:
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/graphs/typeset",
+ meta = "⟨code⟩"
+ },
+ ["use existing nodes"] = {
+ details = [[
+When this key is set to `true`, all nodes will be considered to the
+referenced, no node will be fresh. This option is useful if you have
+already created all the nodes of a graph prior to using the `graph`
+command and you now only wish to connect the nodes. It also implies that
+an error is raised if you reference a node which has not been defined
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/graphs/use:existing:nodes",
+ meta = "⟨true or false⟩"
+ },
+ ["wrap after"] = {
+ details = [[
+Defines the number of nodes placed in a single row of the grid. This
+value implicitly defines the number of grid columns as well. In the
+following example a `grid placement` is used to visualize the edges
+created between the nodes of a `Grid_ n` `subgraph` using different
+values for `wrap after`.
+ \tikz \graph [grid placement] { subgraph Grid_n [n=3,wrap after=1] };
+ \tikz \graph [grid placement] { subgraph Grid_n [n=3,wrap after=3] };
+ \tikz \graph [grid placement] { subgraph Grid_n [n=4,wrap after=2] };
+ \tikz \graph [grid placement] { subgraph Grid_n [n=4] };
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/graphs/wrap:after",
+ meta = "⟨number⟩"
+ },
+ x = {
+ details = [[
+When you use this key, it will have the same effect as if you had
+written `at={(`⟨x dimension⟩`,`⟨y dimension⟩`)}`, where ⟨y dimension⟩ is
+a value set using the `y` key:
+ \tikz \graph [no placement]
+ {
+ a[x=0,y=0] -> b[x=1,y=0] -> c[x=0,y=1];
+ };
+Note that you can specify an `x` or a `y` key for a whole scope and then
+vary only the other key:
+ \tikz \graph [no placement]
+ {
+ a ->
+ { [x=1] % group option
+ b [y=0] -> c[y=1]
+ };
+ };
+Note that these keys have the path `/tikz/graphs/`, so they will be
+available inside `graph`s and will not clash with the usual `x` and `y`
+keys of TikZ, which are used to specify the basic lengths of vectors.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/graphs/x",
+ meta = "⟨x dimension⟩"
+ },
+ y = {
+ details = [[
+See above.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/graphs/y",
+ meta = "⟨y dimension⟩"
+ },
+ ["⟨color class name⟩"] = {
+ details = [[
+This key internally uses the `operator` command to setup an operator
+that will cause all nodes of the current group to get the "logical
+color" ⟨color class name⟩. Nodes retain this color in all encompassing
+scopes, unless it is explicitly changed (see below) or unset (again, see
+ \tikz \graph [color class=red] {
+ [cycle=red] % causes all "logically" red nodes to be connected in
+ % a cycle
+ a,
+ b [red],
+ { [red] c ->[bend right] d },
+ e
+ };
+ \tikz \graph [color class=red, color class=green,
+ math nodes, clockwise, n=5] {
+ [complete bipartite={red}{green}]
+ { [red] r_1, r_2 },
+ { [green] g_1, g_2, g_3 }
+ };
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/graphs/⟨color:class:name⟩"
+ }
+ },
+ tikz = {
+ ["'"] = {
+ details = [[
+This is a very short alias for `swap`.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/'"
+ },
+ ["3d view"] = {
+ details = [[
+With the `3d view` option, the projection of the 3D coordinates on the
+2D page is defined. It is determined by rotating the coordinate system
+by $-⟨azimuth⟩$ around the $z$-axis, and by ⟨elevation⟩ around the (new)
+$x$-axis, as shown below.
+For example, when both ⟨azimuth⟩ and ⟨elevation⟩ are 0$^\circ$, $+z$
+will be pointing upward, and $+x$ will be pointing right. The default is
+as shown below.
+ \begin{tikzpicture}[3d view]
+ \draw[->] (-1,0,0) -- (1,0,0) node[pos=1.1]{x};
+ \draw[->] (0,-1,0) -- (0,1,0) node[pos=1.1]{y};
+ \draw[->] (0,0,-1) -- (0,0,1) node[pos=1.1]{z};
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/3d:view",
+ meta = "{azimuth}{elevation}"
+ },
+ [">"] = {
+ details = [[
+This is a short way of saying `<->/.tip=`⟨end arrow specification⟩.
+ \begin{tikzpicture}[scale=2,ultra thick]
+ \begin{scope}[>=Latex]
+ \draw[>->] (0pt,3ex) -- (1cm,3ex);
+ \draw[|<->>|] (0pt,2ex) -- (1cm,2ex);
+ \end{scope}
+ \begin{scope}[>=Stealth]
+ \draw[>->] (0pt,1ex) -- (1cm,1ex);
+ \draw[|<<.<->|] (0pt,0ex) -- (1cm,0ex);
+ \end{scope}
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/>",
+ meta = "⟨end arrow specification⟩"
+ },
+ above = {
+ details = [[
+With the `positioning` library loaded, the `above` option does not take
+a simple ⟨dimension⟩ as its parameter. Rather, it can (also) take a more
+elaborate ⟨specification⟩ as parameter. This ⟨specification⟩ has the
+following general form: It starts with an optional ⟨shifting part⟩ and
+is followed by an optional ⟨of-part⟩. Let us start with the ⟨shifting
+part⟩, which can have three forms:
+1. It can simply be a ⟨dimension⟩ (or a mathematical expression that
+ evaluates to a dimension) like `2cm` or `3cm/2+4cm`. In this case,
+ the following happens: the node's anchor is set to `south` and the
+ node is vertically shifted upwards by ⟨dimension⟩.
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \draw[help lines] (0,0) grid (2,2);
+ \node at (1,1) [above=2pt+3pt,draw] {above};
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ This use of the `above` option is the same as if the `positioning`
+ library were not loaded.
+2. It can be a ⟨number⟩ (that is, any mathematical expression that does
+ not include a unit like `pt` or `cm`). Examples are `2` or
+ `3+sin(60)`. In this case, the anchor is also set to `south` and the
+ node is vertically shifted by the vertical component of the
+ coordinate `(0,`⟨number⟩`)`.
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \draw[help lines] (0,0) grid (2,2);
+ \node at (1,1) [above=.2,draw] {above};
+ % south border of the node is now 2mm above (1,1)
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+3. It can be of the form ⟨number or dimension 1⟩` and `⟨number or
+ dimension 2⟩. This specification does not make particular sense for
+ the `above` option, it is much more useful for options like
+ `above left`. The reason it is allowed for the `above` option is
+ that it is sometimes automatically used, as explained later.
+ The effect of this option is the following. First, the point
+ `(`⟨number or dimension 2⟩`,`⟨number or dimension 1⟩`)` is computed
+ (note the inverted order), using the normal rules for evaluating
+ such a coordinate, yielding some position. Then, the node is shifted
+ by the vertical component of this point. The anchor is set to
+ `south`.
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \draw[help lines] (0,0) grid (2,2);
+ \node at (1,1) [above=.2 and 3mm,draw] {above};
+ % south border of the node is also 2mm above (1,1)
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+The ⟨shifting part⟩ can optionally be followed by a ⟨of-part⟩, which has
+one of the following forms:
+1. The ⟨of-part⟩ can be `of`` `⟨coordinate⟩, where ⟨coordinate⟩ is
+ *not* in parentheses and it is *not* just a node name. An example
+ would be `of somenode.north` or `of {2,3}`. In this case, the
+ following happens: First, the node's `at` parameter is set to the
+ ⟨coordinate⟩. Second, the node is shifted according to the
+ ⟨shift-part⟩. Third, the anchor is set to `south`.
+ Here is a basic example:
+ \begin{tikzpicture}[every node/.style=draw]
+ \draw[help lines] (0,0) grid (2,2);
+ \node (somenode) at (1,1) {some node};
+ \node [above=5mm of somenode.north east] {\tiny 5mm of somenode.north east};
+ \node [above=1cm of somenode.north] {\tiny 1cm of somenode.north};
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ As can be seen the `above=5mm of somenode.north east` option does,
+ indeed, place the node 5mm above the north east anchor of
+ `somenode`. The same effect could have been achieved writing
+ `above=5mm` followed by `at=(somenode.north east)`.
+ If the ⟨shifting-part⟩ is missing, the shift is not zero, but rather
+ the value of the `node distance` key is used, see below.
+2. The ⟨of-part⟩ can be `of `⟨node name⟩. An example would be
+ `of somenode`. In this case, the following usually happens:
+ - The anchor is set to `south`.
+ - The node is shifted according to the ⟨shifting part⟩ or, if it
+ is missing, according to the value of `node distance`.
+ - The node's `at` parameter is set to ⟨node name⟩`.north`.
+ The net effect of all this is that the new node will be placed in
+ such a way that the distance between its south border and ⟨node
+ name⟩'s north border is exactly the given distance.
+ \begin{tikzpicture}[every node/.style=draw]
+ \draw[help lines] (0,0) grid (2,2);
+ \node (some node) at (1,1) {some node};
+ \node (other node) [above=1cm of some node] {\tiny above=1cm of some node};
+ \draw [<->] (some node.north) -- (other node.south)
+ node [midway,right,draw=none] {1cm};
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ It is possible to change the behavior of this ⟨specification⟩ rather
+ drastically, using the following key:
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/above",
+ meta = "⟨specification⟩"
+ },
+ ["above delimiter"] = {
+ details = [[
+This option allows you to add a delimiter above the node. It is
+implemented by rotating a left delimiter.
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \matrix [matrix of math nodes,%
+ left delimiter=\|,right delimiter=\rmoustache,%
+ above delimiter=(,below delimiter=\}]
+ {
+ a_8 & a_1 & a_6 \\
+ a_3 & a_5 & a_7 \\
+ a_4 & a_9 & a_2 \\
+ };
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/above:delimiter",
+ meta = "⟨delimiter⟩"
+ },
+ ["above left"] = {
+ details = [[
+Does the same as `anchor=south east`. Note that giving both `above` and
+`left` options does not have the same effect as `above left`, rather
+only the last `left` "wins". Actually, this option also takes an
+⟨offset⟩ parameter, but using this parameter without using the
+`positioning` library is deprecated. (The `positioning` library changes
+the meaning of this parameter to something more sensible.)
+ \tikz \fill (0,0) circle (2pt) node[above left] {above left};
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/above:left"
+ },
+ ["above left of"] = {
+ details = [[
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/above:left:of",
+ meta = "⟨node⟩"
+ },
+ ["above of"] = {
+ details = [[
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/above:of",
+ meta = "⟨node⟩"
+ },
+ ["above right"] = {
+ details = [[
+Works similar to `above left`.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/above:right",
+ meta = "⟨specification⟩"
+ },
+ ["above right of"] = {
+ details = [[
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/above:right:of",
+ meta = "⟨node⟩"
+ },
+ absolute = {
+ details = [[
+When this key is set, the ⟨angle⟩ is interpreted differently: We still
+use a point on the border of the `main node`, but the angle is measured
+"absolutely", that is, an angle of `0` refers to the point on the border
+that lies on a straight line from the `main node`'s center to the right
+(relative to the paper, not relative to the local coordinate system of
+either the node or the scope).
+The difference can be seen in the following example:
+ \tikz [rotate=-80,every label/.style={draw,red}]
+ \node [transform shape,rectangle,draw,label=right:label] {main node};
+ \tikz [rotate=-80,every label/.style={draw,red},absolute]
+ \node [transform shape,rectangle,draw,label=right:label] {main node};
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/absolute",
+ meta = "⟨true or false⟩"
+ },
+ accepting = {
+ details = [[
+This style is used to draw accepting states. You can replace this by the
+style `accepting by arrow` to get accepting states with an arrow leaving
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/accepting"
+ },
+ ["accepting above"] = {
+ details = [[
+This is a shorthand for `accepting by arrow,accepting where=above`.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/accepting:above"
+ },
+ ["accepting below"] = {
+ details = [[
+Works similarly to the previous option.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/accepting:below"
+ },
+ ["accepting by arrow"] = {
+ details = [[
+This style causes an arrow and, possibly, some text to be added to the
+node. The arrow points to the text from the node.
+The same options as for initial states can be used, only with `initial`
+replaced by `accepting`:
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ [shorten >=1pt,node distance=2cm,on grid,>={Stealth[round]},initial text=,
+ every state/.style={draw=blue!50,very thick,fill=blue!20},
+ accepting/.style=accepting by arrow]
+ \node[state,initial] (q_0) {$q_0$};
+ \node[state] (q_1) [above right=of q_0] {$q_1$};
+ \node[state] (q_2) [below right=of q_0] {$q_2$};
+ \node[state,accepting](q_3) [below right=of q_1] {$q_3$};
+ \path[->] (q_0) edge node [above left] {0} (q_1)
+ edge node [below left] {1} (q_2)
+ (q_1) edge node [above right] {1} (q_3)
+ edge [loop above] node {0} ()
+ (q_2) edge node [below right] {0} (q_3)
+ edge [loop below] node {1} ();
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/accepting:by:arrow"
+ },
+ ["accepting by double"] = {
+ details = [[
+This style causes a double line to be drawn around a state.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/accepting:by:double"
+ },
+ ["accepting left"] = {
+ details = [[
+Works similarly to the previous option.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/accepting:left"
+ },
+ ["accepting right"] = {
+ details = [[
+Works similarly to the previous option.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/accepting:right"
+ },
+ ["accepting text"] = {
+ details = [[
+This key sets the text to be used.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/accepting:text",
+ meta = "⟨text⟩"
+ },
+ ["accepting where"] = {
+ details = [[
+Set the place where the text should be shown. Allowed values are
+`above`, `below`, `left`, and `right`.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/accepting:where",
+ meta = "⟨direction⟩"
+ },
+ alias = {
+ details = [[
+This option allows you to provide another name for the node. Giving this
+option multiple times will allow you to access the node via several
+aliases. Using the `node also` syntax, you can also assign an alias name
+to a node at a later point, see Section ??.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/alias",
+ meta = "⟨another node name⟩"
+ },
+ align = {
+ details = [[
+This key is used to set up an alignment for multi-line text inside a
+node. If `text width` is set to some width (let us call this *alignment
+with line breaking*), the `align` key will setup the `\leftskip` and the
+`\rightskip` in such a way that the text is broken and aligned according
+to ⟨alignment option⟩. If `text width` is not set (that is, set to the
+empty string; let us call this *alignment without line breaking*), then
+a different mechanism is used internally, namely the key
+`node halign header`, is set to an appropriate value. While this key,
+which is documented below, is not to be used by beginners, the net
+effect is simple: When `text width` is not set, you can use `\\` to
+break lines and align them according to ⟨alignment option⟩ and the
+resulting node's width will be minimal to encompass the resulting lines.
+In detail, you can set ⟨alignment option⟩ to one of the following
+For alignment without line breaking, the different lines are simply
+aligned such that their left borders are below one another.
+ \tikz \node[fill=yellow!80!black,align=left]
+ {This is a\\ demonstration text for\\ alignments.};
+For alignment with line breaking, the same will happen; only the lines
+will now, additionally, be broken automatically:
+ \tikz \node[fill=yellow!80!black,text width=3cm,align=left]
+ {This is a demonstration text for showing how line breaking works.};
+`align=``flush left`
+For alignment without line breaking this option has exactly the same
+effect as `left`. However, for alignment with line breaking, there is a
+difference: While `left` uses the original plain TeX definition of a
+ragged right border, in which TeX will try to balance the right border
+as well as possible, `flush left` causes the right border to be ragged
+in the LaTeX-style, in which no balancing occurs. This looks ugly, but
+it may be useful for very narrow boxes and when you wish to avoid
+ \tikz \node[fill=yellow!80!black,text width=3cm,align=flush left]
+ {This is a demonstration text for showing how line breaking works.};
+Works like `left`, only for right alignment.
+ \tikz \node[fill=yellow!80!black,align=right]
+ {This is a\\ demonstration text for\\ alignments.};
+ \tikz \node[fill=yellow!80!black,text width=3cm,align=right]
+ {This is a demonstration text for showing how line breaking works.};
+`align=``flush right`
+Works like `flush left`, only for right alignment.
+ \tikz \node[fill=yellow!80!black,text width=3cm,align=flush right]
+ {This is a demonstration text for showing how line breaking works.};
+Works like `left` or `right`, only for centered alignment.
+ \tikz \node[fill=yellow!80!black,align=center]
+ {This is a\\ demonstration text for\\ alignments.};
+ \tikz \node[fill=yellow!80!black,text width=3cm,align=center]
+ {This is a demonstration text for showing how line breaking works.};
+There is one annoying problem with the `center` alignment (but not with
+`flush center` and the other options): If you specify a large line width
+and the node text fits on a single line and is, in fact, much shorter
+than the specified `text width`, an underfull horizontal box will
+result. Unfortunately, this cannot be avoided, due to the way TeX works
+(more precisely, I have thought long and hard about this and have not
+been able to figure out a sensible way to avoid this). For this reason,
+TikZ switches off horizontal badness warnings inside boxes with
+`align=center`. Since this will also suppress some "wanted" warnings,
+there is also an option for switching the warnings on once more:
+`align=``flush center`
+Works like `flush left` or `flush right`, only for center alignment.
+Because of all the trouble that results from the `center` option in
+conjunction with narrow lines, I suggest picking this option rather than
+`center` *unless* you have longer text, in which case `center` will give
+the typographically better results.
+ \tikz \node[fill=yellow!80!black,text width=3cm,align=flush center]
+ {This is a demonstration text for showing how line breaking works.};
+For alignment without line breaking, this has the same effect as `left`.
+For alignment with line breaking, this causes the text to be
+"justified". Use this only with rather broad nodes.
+ \tikz \node[fill=yellow!80!black,text width=3cm,align=justify]
+ {This is a demonstration text for showing how line breaking works.};
+In the above example, TeX complains (rightfully) about three very badly
+typeset lines. (For this manual I asked TeX to stop complaining by using
+`\hbadness=10000`, but this is a foul deed, indeed.)
+Disables all alignments and `\\` will not be redefined.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/align",
+ meta = "⟨alignment option⟩"
+ },
+ ["allow upside down"] = {
+ details = [[
+If set to `true`, TikZ will not "righten" upside down text.
+ \tikz [allow upside down]
+ \draw (0,0) .. controls +(up:2cm) and +(left:2cm) .. (1,3)
+ node foreach \p in {0,0.25,...,1} [sloped,above,pos=\p]{\p};
+ \begin{tikzpicture}[->,allow upside down]
+ \draw (0,0) -- (2,0.5) node[midway,sloped,above] {$x$};
+ \draw (2,-.5) -- (0,0) node[midway,sloped,below] {$y$};
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/allow:upside:down",
+ meta = "⟨boolean⟩"
+ },
+ ["ampersand replacement"] = {
+ details = [[
+If a macro name is provided, this macro will be defined to be equal to
+`\pgfmatrixnextcell` inside matrices and `& ` will not be made active.
+For instance, you could say `ampersand replacement=\& ` and then use
+`\& ` to separate columns as in the following example:
+ \tikz
+ \matrix [ampersand replacement=\&]
+ {
+ \draw (0,0) circle (4mm); \& \node[rotate=10] {Hello}; \\
+ \draw (0.2,0) circle (2mm); \& \fill[red] (0,0) circle (3mm); \\
+ };
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/ampersand:replacement",
+ meta = "⟨macro name or empty⟩"
+ },
+ anchor = {
+ details = [[
+Causes the node to be shifted such that its anchor ⟨anchor name⟩ lies on
+the current coordinate.
+The only anchor that is present in all shapes is `center`. However, most
+shapes will at least define anchors in all "compass directions".
+Furthermore, the standard shapes also define a `base` anchor, as well as
+`base west` and `base east`, for placing things on the baseline of the
+The standard shapes also define a `mid` anchor (and `mid west` and
+`mid east`). This anchor is half the height of the character "x" above
+the base line. This anchor is useful for vertically centering multiple
+nodes that have different heights and depth. Here is an example:
+ \begin{tikzpicture}[scale=3,transform shape]
+ % First, center alignment -> wobbles
+ \draw[anchor=center] (0,1) node{x} -- (0.5,1) node{y} -- (1,1) node{t};
+ % Second, base alignment -> no wobble, but too high
+ \draw[anchor=base] (0,.5) node{x} -- (0.5,.5) node{y} -- (1,.5) node{t};
+ % Third, mid alignment
+ \draw[anchor=mid] (0,0) node{x} -- (0.5,0) node{y} -- (1,0) node{t};
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/anchor",
+ meta = "⟨anchor name⟩"
+ },
+ ["and gate"] = {
+ details = [[
+This key should be passed to a `node` command. It will cause the node to
+"look like" an `and gate`, where the exact appearance of the gate is
+dictated by the which circuit environment is used. To further configure
+the appearance of the `and gate`, see Section ??.
+ \tikz [circuit logic IEC] \node [and gate] {$A$};
+ \tikz [circuit logic US]
+ {
+ \node [and gate,point down] {$A$};
+ \node [and gate,point down,info=center:$A$] at (1,0) {};
+ }
+**Inputs.** Multiple inputs can be specified for a logic gate (provided
+they support multiple inputs: a not gate -- also known as an inverter --
+does not). However, there is an upper limit for the number of inputs
+which has been set to 1024, which should be *way* more than would ever
+be needed.
+The following key is used to configure the inputs. It is available only
+inside a `circuit logic` environment.
+(This key is just a shorthand for `logic gate inputs`, described in
+detail on page ??. There you will also find descriptions of how to
+configure the size of the inverted circles and the way the symbol size
+increases when there are too many inputs.)
+**Output.** Every logic gate has one anchor called `output`.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/and:gate"
+ },
+ ["angle eccentricity"] = {
+ details = [[
+ \tikz \draw (2,0) coordinate (A) -- (0,0) coordinate (B)
+ -- (1,1) coordinate (C)
+ pic ["$\alpha$", draw, ->] {angle};
+ \tikz \draw (2,0) coordinate (A) -- (0,0) coordinate (B)
+ -- (1,1) coordinate (C)
+ pic ["$\alpha$", draw, angle eccentricity=1] {angle};
+ \tikz {
+ \draw (2,0) coordinate (A) -- (0,0) coordinate (B)
+ -- (1,1) coordinate (C)
+ pic (alpha) ["$\alpha$", draw] {angle};
+ \draw (alpha) circle [radius=5pt];
+ }
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/angle:eccentricity",
+ meta = "⟨factor⟩"
+ },
+ ["angle radius"] = {
+ details = [[
+The length of the sides of the angle's wedge:
+ \tikz \draw (2,0) coordinate (A) -- (0,0) coordinate (B)
+ -- (-1,-1) coordinate (C)
+ pic [fill=black!50] {angle = A--B--C}
+ pic [draw,->,red,thick,angle radius=1cm] {angle = C--B--A};
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/angle:radius",
+ meta = "⟨dimension⟩"
+ },
+ animate = {
+ details = [[
+You must place all specifications of animations inside uses of
+`animate`. You can, and usually should, place the specification of all
+timelines of a single picture inside a single use of this key since it
+will reset the time and the fork time (explained in Section ??). You
+can, however, use this key several times, in principle. Note that if you
+animate the same attribute of the same object in two different uses of
+`animate`, two separate timelines will result (and complicated rules are
+used to determine which one "wins" in case they specify conflicting
+values for the attribute at different times).
+The key can be used at all places where a TikZ key is used; typically
+you will use it with a `{scope}` environment, inside the options of a
+node, or directly with the `\tikz` command:
+ \tikz \node [fill, text = white, animate = {
+ myself:fill = {0s = "red", 2s = "blue", begin on = click }}] {Click me};
+ \tikz [animate = {a node:fill = {0s = "red", 2s = "blue",
+ begin on = click}}]
+ \node (a node) [fill, text = white] {Click me};
+The details of what, exactly, happens in the ⟨animation specification⟩
+will be described in the rest of this section. However, basically, an
+⟨animation specification⟩ is just a sequence of normal TikZ key--value
+pairs that get executed with the path prefix `/tikz/animate` and with
+some special syntax handlers installed. In particular, you can define
+styles for this key path and use them. For instance, we can define a
+`shake` animation like this:
+ \tikzset{
+ animate/shake/.style = {myself:xshift = { begin on=click,
+ 0s = "0mm", 50ms = "#1", 150ms = "-#1", 250ms = "#1", 300ms = "0mm" }}}
+ \tikz \node [fill = blue!20, draw=blue, very thick, circle,
+ animate = {shake = 1mm}] {Shake};
+ \tikz \node [fill = blue!20, draw=blue, very thick, circle,
+ animate = {shake = 2mm}] {SHAKE};
+Note that, as stressed earlier, you can only use the `animate` key to
+specify animations for objects that do not yet exist. The node and
+object names mentioned in a specification always refer to "upcoming"
+objects; already existing objects of the same name are not influenced.
+You can use the `name` key inside `animate` to "name" the animation.
+Once named, you can later reference the animation in other animations;
+for instance, you can say that another animation should start when the
+present animation has ended.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/animate",
+ meta = "⟨animation specification⟩"
+ },
+ ["animate/arrows"] = {
+ details = [[
+This key only has an effect on `:path` animations. It causes the arrow
+tips specified in ⟨arrow spec⟩ to be added to the path during the
+animation (the syntax is the same as for the normal `arrows` key). If
+you have several different animations for a paths, these may contain
+different arrow tips, but each animation must stick to one kind of arrow
+What happens internally when this key is used is the following: The
+specified arrow tips are rendered internally as so-called *markers,*
+which are small graphics that can be placed at the beginning and ends of
+paths and which "rotate along" as a path changes. Note that these
+markers are used *only* in the context of animated paths, the arrow tips
+of normal, "static" paths are drawn without the use of markers.
+Normally, there is no visual difference between an arrow tip drawn using
+markers or those drawn for static paths, but in rare cases there may be
+differences. You should only add arrows to open path consisting of a
+single segment with sufficiently long first and last segments (so that
+TikZ can shorten these segments correctly when necessary).
+As pointed out earlier, the only way to add arrow tips to a path that is
+animated is using this key, you can *not* say something like
+ \draw :path = { 1s = "{(0,0) -- (1,0)}", 2s = "{(0,1) -- (1,0)}" }
+ [->] (0,0) -- (1,0);
+This will raise an error since you try to animate a path (`:path = ...`)
+that has normal arrow tips attached (`[->]`).
+Instead, you must specify the arrow tips inside the animation command:
+ \draw :path = { 1s = "{(0,0) -- (1,0)}", 2s = "{(0,1) -- (1,0)}", arrows = -> }
+ (0,0) -- (1,0);
+However, the above code now has a big shortcoming: While the animation
+is *not* running, *no* arrow tip is shown (the `arrows` key only applies
+to the animation.
+The trick is to use the `base` key. It allows you to install a path as
+the "base" path that is used when no animation is running and the arrows
+specified for the animation will also be used for the base. All told,
+the "correct" way to specify the animation is the following (note that
+no static path is specified, any specified path would be overruled by
+the `base` path anyway):
+ \draw :path = { 1s = "{(0,0) -- (1,0)}" base, 2s = "{(0,1) -- (1,0)}", arrows = -> };
+Here is an example:
+ \tikz [very thick] {
+ \node (node) at (-2,0)
+ [fill = blue!20, draw = blue, very thick, circle] {Click me!};
+ \draw :path = {
+ 0s = "{(0,0) to[out=90, in=180] (.5,1) to[out=0, in=90] (.5,.5)}" base,
+ 2s = "{(1,0) to[out=180, in=180] (.25,.5) to[out=0, in=180] (1,.5)}",
+ arrows = <.<->, begin on = {click, of=node} }; }
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/animate/arrows",
+ meta = "⟨arrow spec⟩"
+ },
+ ["animate/attribute"] = {
+ details = [[
+The list of attributes must be a comma-separated list of attribute
+names. The timelines specified later will apply to all of these
+attributes (and to all objects previously selected using `object`).
+Possible attributes include colors, positions, line width, but even the
+paths themselves. The exact list of possible attributes is documented in
+Section ??.
+ \tikz [animate = {attribute = fill, n: = { 0s = "red", 2s = "blue",
+ begin on = click } }]
+ \node (n) [fill, text = white] {The node};
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/animate/attribute",
+ meta = "⟨list of attributes⟩"
+ },
+ ["animate/base"] = {
+ details = [[
+A "base" value is a value that is used for the attribute whenever the
+timeline is *not* active:
+ \tikz \node [fill = green, text = white] :fill =
+ { 1s = "red", 2s = "blue", base = "orange", begin on = click }
+ {Click me};
+Syntactically, the `base` key works much like special time syntax: It
+sets up a local `sync` scope and executes the ⟨options⟩ in it and
+creates an `entry`. However, instead of setting the `time` attribute to
+a time, it sets it to a special value that tells TikZ that when the
+entry is created, the current ⟨value⟩ should be used as the `base`
+This means that you can write `base = "orange"` as in the above example
+to set the base. However, you can also use the `base` key in other ways;
+most noticeably, you can use it *after* some value:
+ \tikz \node [fill = green, text = white] :fill =
+ { 1s = {"red" = base}, 2s = "blue", begin on = click }
+ {Click me};
+Instead of using `base` as a key, you can also add `base` directly after
+the quotes of a value. This is particularly useful for setting up a base
+value that is also used in a timeline:
+ \tikz \node [fill = green, text = white] :fill =
+ { 1s = "red" base, 2s = "blue", begin on = click }
+ {Click me};
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/animate/base",
+ meta = "⟨options⟩"
+ },
+ ["animate/entry"] = {
+ details = [[
+Each time this key is used in the options of `animate`, TikZ checks
+whether the five keys `object`, `attribute`, `id`, `time`, and `value`
+are set. If one of them is not set, nothing happens. (The `id` key is
+set to the value `default` by default, all other keys must be set
+If all of these keys are set, a *time--value* pair is created and added
+to the timeline of attribute of the object. Additionally, all options
+starting with `/tikz/animate/options/`, which also influence the
+timeline like `begin on`, are also added to the timeline of the
+object--attribute pair.
+ \tikz [animate = {
+ object = node, attribute = fill, time = 0s, value = red, entry,
+ object = node, attribute = fill, time = 2s, value = blue, entry,
+ object = node, attribute = fill, begin on = click, entry}]
+ \node (node) [fill, text=white] { Click me };
+In the above example, it would not have been necessary the specify the
+object and the attribute in each line, they retain their values unless
+they are overwritten. Thus, we could also have written:
+ \tikz [animate = {
+ object = node, attribute = fill, time = 0s, value = red, entry,
+ time = 2s, value = blue, entry,
+ begin on = click, entry}]
+ \node (node) [fill, text=white] { Click me };
+Note, however, that in both examples we actually add the time--value
+pair $(2\mathrm{s}, \mathrm{blue})$ twice since the `time` and `value`
+keys also retain their settings and, thus, for the third `entry` they
+have the same values as before and a new pair is added. While this
+superfluous pair is not a problem in the example (it has no visual
+effect), we will see later on how such pairs can be avoided by using the
+`scope` key.
+A sequence of calls of `entry` can freely switch between objects and
+attributes (that is, between timelines), but the times for any given
+timeline must be given in non-decreasing order:
+ \tikz [animate = {
+ object = node, attribute = fill, time = 0s, value = red, entry,
+ object = node2, attribute = draw, entry,
+ object = node, attribute = fill, time = 2s, value = blue, entry,
+ object = node2, attribute = draw, entry,
+ object = node, attribute = fill, begin on = click, entry,
+ object = node2, attribute = draw, begin on = click, entry}] {
+ \node (node) [fill, text=white] { Node 1 };
+ \node (node2) [draw, ultra thick] at (0,-1) { Node 2 };
+ }
+In the above example, we could not have exchanged the first two lines of
+the `animate` options with the third and fourth line since the values
+for time `0s` must come before the values for time `2s`.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/animate/entry"
+ },
+ ["animate/fork"] = {
+ details = [[
+Sets the fork time for the local scope to ⟨t⟩ and sets the current time
+to `0s`. In this scope, when you use "absolute" times like `0s` or `2s`,
+you actually refer to later times that have started as ⟨t⟩.
+One application of forks is in the definition of keys that add a certain
+part to a longer animation. Consider for instance the definition of a
+`highlight` key:
+ \tikz [animate/highlight/.style = {
+ scope = { fork = #1,
+ :fill = { 0s = "black", 0.1s = "white", 0.2s = "black"} }
+ }]
+ \node [animate = { myself: = {
+ :fill = { 0s = "black", begin on = click },
+ highlight = 1s, highlight = 2s } },
+ fill = blue, text=white, very thick, circle] { Click me };
+In the above example, we could also have written `0.1s later` instead of
+`0.2s` and, indeed, the whole style could have been defined using only
+times with `later`, eliminating the need for the `fork` key. However,
+using forks you can specify absolute times for things happening in a
+conceptual "subprocess" and also relative times. The name `fork` for the
+key is also borrowed from operating system theory, where a "fork" is the
+spawning of an independent process.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/animate/fork",
+ meta = "⟨t⟩"
+ },
+ ["animate/id"] = {
+ details = [[
+Timelines are use to defined how the values of an attribute of an object
+change over time. In many cases, you will have at most one timeline for
+each object--attribute pair, but, sometimes, you may wish to have more
+than one timeline for the same object and the same attribute. For
+instance, you might have a timeline that specifies a changing `shift` of
+a node in some direction and, at the same time, another timeline that
+specifies an additional `shift` in some other direction(s). The problem
+is that there is only one `shift` attribute and it would be difficult to
+compute the joint effect of the two timelines.
+For this purpose, timelines are actually identified not only by the
+object--attribute pair but, in reality, by the triple consisting of the
+object, the attribute, and the value of this key. We can now specify two
+separate timelines:
+ \tikz [animate = {
+ id = 1, n:shift = { 0s = "{(0,0)}", 2s = "{(0,5mm)}", begin on = click },
+ id = 2, n:shift = { 0s = "{(0,0)}", 2s = "{(5mm,0)}", begin on = click }
+ }]
+ \node (n) [fill = blue!20, draw=blue, very thick] {The node};
+The default value of `id` is `default`.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/animate/id",
+ meta = "⟨id⟩"
+ },
+ ["animate/object"] = {
+ details = [[
+The ⟨list of objects⟩ is a comma-separated list of strings of the form
+⟨object⟩`.`⟨type⟩. All of the objects in the list are selected as
+to-be-animate object for the next use of the `entry` key. The objects
+referred to by ⟨object⟩ will be the *next* objects with the `name` key
+set to ⟨object⟩. You can apply the `name` key to nodes (where you can
+also use the special parentheses-syntax and put the name in parentheses,
+it has the same effect), but also to scopes and paths. (The `name path`
+key is not the same as `name`; it is an older key from the intersections
+package and not related.)
+ \tikz [animate = { object = b, :fill = {0s = "red", 2s = "blue",
+ begin on = click }}] {
+ \node (a) [fill, text = white, minimum width=1.5cm] at (0,1cm) {a};
+ \node (b) [fill, text = white, minimum width=1.5cm] at (0,5mm) {b};
+ \node (c) [fill, text = white, minimum width=1.5cm] at (0,0mm) {c}; }
+ \tikz [animate = { object = b, :fill = {0s = "red", 2s = "blue",
+ begin on = click },
+ object = c, :fill = {0s = "green", 2s = "blue",
+ begin on = click } }] {
+ \scoped [name = a, yshift=1cm] \fill (0,0) rectangle (1.5cm,2mm);
+ \scoped [name = b, yshift=5mm] \fill (0,0) rectangle (1.5cm,2mm);
+ \scoped [name = c, yshift=0mm] \fill (0,0) rectangle (1.5cm,2mm); }
+If the ⟨object⟩ name is never used later in the file, no animation is
+The ⟨object⟩ may also be the special text `myself`. In this case, the
+referenced object is the scope or object to which the `animate` key is
+given. If an object is named `myself` (as in `\node (myself) ...`), you
+cannot reference this node using the `object` key, `myself` *always*
+refers to the object where the `animate` key is given (of course, you
+can animate the node named `myself` by placing the `animate` key inside
+the options of this node; you only cannot "remotely" add an animation to
+The ⟨object⟩ may be followed by a dot and a *type*. This is need in rare
+cases where you want to animate only a special "part" of an object that
+is not accessible in other ways. Normally, TikZ takes care of choosing
+these types automatically, you only need to set these "if you know what
+you are doing".
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/animate/object",
+ meta = "⟨list of objects⟩"
+ },
+ ["animate/options/along"] = {
+ details = [[
+Use this key with a `:shift` (or a `:position`) to make TikZ shift the
+object by the coordinates along the ⟨path⟩. When this key is used, the
+values may no longer be coordinates, but must be fractions of the
+distance along the path. A value of `"0"` refers to the beginning of the
+path and `"1"` refers to the end:
+ \tikz {
+ \draw [help lines] (-0.2,-0.2) grid (2.2,1.2);
+ \draw (1,.5) circle [radius=1mm];
+ \node :shift = {
+ along = {(0,0) circle[radius=5mm]} upright,
+ 0s="0", 2s=".25", begin on=click }
+ at (1,.5) [fill = blue, opacity=.5, circle] {Click};
+ }
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/animate/options/along",
+ meta = "{path}⟨sloped or upright⟩ in⟨time⟩"
+ },
+ ["animate/options/begin"] = {
+ details = [[
+This key specifies when the "moment `0s`" should be relative to the
+moment when the current graphic is first displayed. You can use this key
+multiple times, in this case the timeline is restarted for each of the
+times specified (if it is already running, it will be reset). If no
+`begin` key is given at all, the effect is the same as if `begin=0s` had
+been specified.
+It is permissible to set ⟨time⟩ to a negative value.
+Note that this key has no effect for snapshots.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/animate/options/begin",
+ meta = "⟨time⟩"
+ },
+ ["animate/options/begin on"] = {
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/animate/options/begin:on",
+ meta = "⟨options⟩"
+ },
+ ["animate/options/begin snapshot"] = {
+ details = [[
+Use this key on a timeline to specify that, only for purposes of taking
+snapshots, the timeline starts at ⟨start time⟩ rather than at "moment
+zero". (Think of this as saying that the animation starts when a virtual
+user clicks on the animation and this click occurs ⟨start time⟩ seconds
+after the general "moment zero", causing the animation to "lag behind"
+by this amount of time.) Computationally, for the timeline the ⟨start
+time⟩ is subtracted from the snapshot's ⟨time⟩ when the value needs to
+be determined:
+ \tikz [make snapshot of = 1s] {
+ \fill :fill = { 0s = "black", 2s = "white",
+ begin snapshot = 1s } (0,0) rectangle ++(1,1);
+ \fill :fill = { 1s = "black", 3s = "white" } (2,0) rectangle ++(1,1);
+ }
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/animate/options/begin:snapshot",
+ meta = "⟨start time⟩"
+ },
+ ["animate/options/ease"] = {
+ details = [[
+A shorthand for `ease in=`⟨fraction⟩`, ease out=`⟨fraction⟩.
+Note that since for the first time the entry control is ignored and,
+similarly, for the last time the exit control is ignored, using the
+`ease` key with an animation having only two times is particularly easy,
+since we only need to set `ease` once:
+ \tikz {
+ \foreach \i in {0,0.1,...,1} \draw (-0.9,.9-\i) -- ++(1.8,0);
+ \node :yshift = { begin on = click, ease, 0s = "0cm", 2s = "-10mm" }
+ [fill = blue!20, draw = blue, very thick, circle] {Click me!};
+ }
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/animate/options/ease",
+ meta = "{fraction}"
+ },
+ ["animate/options/ease in"] = {
+ details = [[
+A shorthand for `entry control={1-`⟨fraction⟩`}{1}`.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/animate/options/ease:in",
+ meta = "{fraction}"
+ },
+ ["animate/options/ease out"] = {
+ details = [[
+A shorthand for `exit control={`⟨fraction⟩`}{1}`.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/animate/options/ease:out",
+ meta = "{fraction}"
+ },
+ ["animate/options/end"] = {
+ details = [[
+This key will truncate the timeline so that it ends ⟨time⟩ after the
+display of the graphic, provided the timeline begins before the
+specified end time. For instance, if you specify a timeline starting at
+2 s and ending at 5 s and you set `begin` to 1 s and `end` to 4 s, the
+timeline will run, relative to the moment when the graphic is displayed
+from 3 s to 4 s.
+ \tikz \node [fill = green!50!black, text = white]
+ :rotate = { 1s = "0", 5s = "90", begin = 2s, end = 4s }
+ {Click me};
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/animate/options/end",
+ meta = "⟨time⟩"
+ },
+ ["animate/options/end on"] = {
+ details = [[
+Works exactly like `begin on`, one possible end of the timeline is
+specified using the ⟨options⟩.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/animate/options/end:on",
+ meta = "⟨options⟩"
+ },
+ ["animate/options/entry control"] = {
+ details = [[
+Works like `exit control`.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/animate/options/entry:control",
+ meta = "{time fraction}{value fraction}"
+ },
+ ["animate/options/exit control"] = {
+ details = [[
+Specifies an exit control using two values as above. The spline from
+above would be specified as follows:
+ exit control={0.5}{0},
+ entry control={0.9}{1},
+ 0s = "50",
+ 10s = "100"
+Note that the curve specified using exit and entry controls must be
+"well-behaved" in the sense that exactly one value must be specified for
+each point in time in the time interval.
+In the next three example, we first specify a "smooth" exit from the
+start position, then a smooth arrival at the end position, and, finally
+ \tikz {
+ \foreach \i in {0,0.1,...,1} \draw (-0.9,.9-\i) -- ++(1.8,0);
+ \node :yshift = { begin on = click,
+ 0s = { exit control = {1}{0}, "0cm" },
+ 1s = "-5mm",
+ 2s = "-10mm" }
+ [fill = blue!20, draw = blue, very thick, circle] {Click me!};
+ }
+ \tikz {
+ \foreach \i in {0,0.1,...,1} \draw (-0.9,.9-\i) -- ++(1.8,0);
+ \node :yshift = { begin on = click,
+ 0s = "0cm",
+ 1s = "-5mm",
+ 2s = { entry control = {0}{1}, "-10mm" } }
+ [fill = blue!20, draw = blue, very thick, circle] {Click me!};
+ }
+ \tikz {
+ \foreach \i in {0,0.1,...,1} \draw (-0.9,.9-\i) -- ++(1.8,0);
+ \node :yshift = { begin on = click,
+ 0s = { exit control = {1}{0}, "0cm" },
+ 1s = "-5mm",
+ 2s = { entry control = {0}{1}, "-10mm" } }
+ [fill = blue!20, draw = blue, very thick, circle] {Click me!};
+ }
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/animate/options/exit:control",
+ meta = "{time fraction}{value fraction}"
+ },
+ ["animate/options/forever"] = {
+ details = [[
+This key causes the timeline to continue "forever" after the last time
+with the last value. You can also think of this as having the animation
+"freeze" at the end.
+ \tikz \node :fill = { 1s="red", 2s="blue", forever, begin on=click}
+ [fill = green!50!black, text = white] {Click me};
+ \tikz \node [fill = green!50!black, text = white]
+ :fill = { 1s = "red", 2s = "blue", begin on = click }
+ {Click me};
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/animate/options/forever"
+ },
+ ["animate/options/freeze"] = {
+ details = [[
+An alias for `forever`.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/animate/options/freeze"
+ },
+ ["animate/options/jump"] = {
+ details = [[
+Works like the `stay` key, but will cause the value to "jump to" the new
+value right at the beginning of the time interval. It is similar to an
+entry control specifying a "flat" curve.
+ \tikz {
+ \foreach \i in {0,0.1,...,1} \draw (-0.9,.9-\i) -- ++(1.8,0);
+ \node :yshift = { begin on = click,
+ 0s = "0cm",
+ 1s = {jump, "-5mm"},
+ 2s = "-10mm" }
+ [fill = blue!20, draw = blue, very thick, circle] {Click me!};
+ }
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/animate/options/jump"
+ },
+ ["animate/options/origin"] = {
+ details = [[
+Shifts the animation coordinate system by ⟨coordinate⟩. This has the
+effect that the "origin" for scalings and rotations gets shifted by this
+amount. In the following example, the point around which the rotation is
+done is the right border at `(2,1)` since the origin of the animation is
+at `(1,1)` relative to the picture's origin and the `origin` key shifts
+it one centimeter to the right.
+ \tikz {
+ \draw [help lines] (-0.2,-0.2) grid (2.2,2.2);
+ \node :rotate = { 0s="0", 2s="45", begin on=click,
+ origin = {(1,0)}}
+ at (1,1) [fill = blue!20, draw = blue, ultra thick] {Click me};
+ }
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/animate/options/origin",
+ meta = "⟨coordinate⟩"
+ },
+ ["animate/options/repeat"] = {
+ details = [[
+An alias for `repeats`.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/animate/options/repeat",
+ meta = "⟨specification⟩"
+ },
+ ["animate/options/repeats"] = {
+ details = [[
+Use this key to specify that the timeline animation should repeat at the
+end. The ⟨specification⟩ must consist of two parts, each of which may be
+empty. The first part is one of the following:
+- Empty, in which case the timeline repeats forever.
+ \tikz \node :rotate = { 0s = "0", 2s = "90",
+ repeats, begin on = click }
+ [fill = blue!20, draw = blue, ultra thick, circle] {Click me!};
+- A ⟨number⟩ (like `2` or `3.25`), in which case the timeline repeats
+ ⟨number⟩ times.
+ \tikz \node :rotate = { 0s = "0", 2s = "90",
+ repeats = 1.75, begin on = click }
+ [fill = blue!20, draw = blue, ultra thick, circle] {Click me!};
+- The text "`for` ⟨time⟩" (like `for 2s` or `for 300ms`), in which
+ case the timeline repeats however often necessary so that it stops
+ exactly after ⟨time⟩.
+ \tikz \node :rotate = { 0s = "0", 2s = "90",
+ repeats = for 3.5s, begin on = click }
+ [fill = blue!20, draw = blue, ultra thick, circle] {Click me!};
+The second part of the specification must be one of the following:
+- Empty, in which case each time the timeline is restarted, the
+ attribute's value undergoes the same series of values it did
+ previously.
+- The text `accumulating`. This has the effect that each time the
+ timeline is restarted, the last values specified by the timeline is
+ *added* to the value from the previous iteration(s). A typical
+ example is an animation that shifts a scope by, say, 1 cm over a
+ time of 1 s. Now, if you repeat this five times, normally the scope
+ will shift 1 cm for 1 s then "jump back", shift again, jump back,
+ and so on for five times. In contrast, when the repeats are
+ accumulating, the scope will move by 5 cm over 5 s in total.
+ \tikz \node :rotate = { 0s = "0", 2s = "90", begin on = click,
+ repeats = accumulating }
+ [fill = blue!20, draw = blue, ultra thick, circle] {Click me!};
+ \tikz \node :rotate = { 0s = "0", 2s = "90", begin on = click,
+ repeats = for 4s accumulating }
+ [fill = blue!20, draw = blue, ultra thick, circle] {Click me!};
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/animate/options/repeats",
+ meta = "⟨specification⟩"
+ },
+ ["animate/options/restart"] = {
+ details = [[
+You can set ⟨choice⟩ to one of the following:
+- `true` means that the animation will restart each time the event is
+ triggered. If the animation is already running, it will be reset to
+ its beginning.
+- `false` means that once the animation has started once, it will
+ never be restarted.
+ \tikz \node :rotate = { 0s="0", 2s="90",
+ restart = false, begin on = {click}}
+ [fill = blue!20, draw = blue, circle, ultra thick] {Here!};
+- `never` means the same as `false`.
+- `when not active` means that the animation will restart when the
+ event is triggered, but *not* while the animation is running.
+ \tikz \node :rotate = { 0s="0", 2s="90",
+ restart = when not active, begin on = {click}}
+ [fill = blue!20, draw = blue, circle, ultra thick] {Here!};
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/animate/options/restart",
+ meta = "⟨choice⟩"
+ },
+ ["animate/options/stay"] = {
+ details = [[
+Specifies that inside the time interval the value "stays put" at the
+first value till the end of the interval, where it will jump to the
+second value. This is similar to an exit control where the curve is
+"infinitely flat".
+ \tikz {
+ \foreach \i in {0,0.1,...,1} \draw (-0.9,.9-\i) -- ++(1.8,0);
+ \node :yshift = { begin on = click,
+ 0s = "0cm",
+ 1s = {stay, "-5mm"},
+ 2s = "-10mm" }
+ [fill = blue!20, draw = blue, very thick, circle] {Click me!};
+ }
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/animate/options/stay"
+ },
+ ["animate/options/transform"] = {
+ details = [[
+While the `origin` key does only a shift, the `transform` key allows you
+to add an arbitrary transformation to the animation coordinate system
+using keys like `shift`, `rotate` or even `reset cm` and `cm`. In
+particular, `origin=`⟨c⟩ has the same effect as `transform` `=`
+`{shift=`⟨c⟩`}`. Note that the transformation only influences the
+animation, not the object itself.
+As an example, when you say `transform={scale=2}`, an `:xshift` with a
+value of `"1cm"` will actually shift the object by 2cm. Similarly, after
+you say `transform={rotate=90,scale=2}`, the same `:xshift` of `"1cm"`
+will actually shift the object by 2cm upwards.
+Note that, internally, TikZ has to invert the transformation matrix
+resulting from the ⟨transformation keys⟩ (plus the original animation
+transformation matrix), which can by numerically instable when you use
+ill-conditioned transformations.
+ \tikz {
+ \draw [help lines] (-0.2,-0.2) grid (2.2,2.2);
+ \node :xshift = { 0s="0cm", 2s="5mm", begin on=click,
+ transform = {rotate=-90} }
+ at (1,1) [fill = blue!20, draw = blue, ultra thick] {Click me};
+ }
+ \tikz {
+ \draw [help lines] (-0.2,-0.2) grid (2.2,2.2);
+ \node :xshift = { 0s="0cm", 2s="5mm", begin on=click,
+ transform = {rotate=-45, scale=2} }
+ at (1,1) [fill = blue!20, draw = blue, ultra thick] {Click me};
+ }
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/animate/options/transform",
+ meta = "⟨transformation keys⟩"
+ },
+ ["animate/remember"] = {
+ details = [[
+This key stores the current time (the time of the last use of the `time`
+key) globally in the macro ⟨macroname⟩. This time will include the
+offset of the fork time:
+ time = 2s,
+ fork = 2s later, % fork time is now 4s
+ time = 1s, % local time is 1s, absolute time is 5s (1s + fork time)
+ time = 1s later, % local time is 2s, absolute time is 6s (2s + fork time)
+ remember = \mytime % \mytime is now 6s
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/animate/remember",
+ meta = "⟨macroname⟩"
+ },
+ ["animate/resume"] = {
+ details = [[
+The ⟨absolute time⟩ is evaluated using `\pgfparsetime` and, then, the
+current time is set to the resulting time minus the fork time. When the
+⟨absolute time⟩ is a macro previously set using `remember`, the net
+effect of this is that we return to the exact "moment" in the global
+time line when `remember` was used.
+ fork = 4s,
+ time = 1s,
+ remember = \mytime % \mytime is now 5s
+ fork = 2s, % fork time is now 2s, local time is 0s
+ resume = \mytime % fork time is still 2s, local time is 3s
+Using resume you can easily implement a "join" operation for forked
+times. You simply remember the times at the ends of the forks and then
+resume the maximum time of these remembered times:
+ scope = {
+ fork,
+ time = 1s later,
+ ...
+ remember = \forka
+ },
+ scope = {
+ fork,
+ time = 5s later,
+ ...
+ remember = \forkb
+ },
+ scope = {
+ fork,
+ time = 2s later,
+ ...
+ remember = \forkc
+ },
+ resume = {max(\forka,\forkb,\forkc)} % "join" the three forks
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/animate/resume",
+ meta = "⟨absolute time⟩"
+ },
+ ["animate/scope"] = {
+ details = [[
+Executed the ⟨options⟩ inside a TeX scope. In particular, all settings
+made inside the scope have no effect after the end of the `scope`.
+ \tikz \node [animate = { myself: = { begin on = click,
+ scope = { attribute = fill, repeats = 3, 0s = "red", 2s = "red!50" },
+ scope = { attribute = draw, 0s = "red", 2s = "red!50" }
+ }},
+ fill=blue!20, draw=blue, very thick, circle] {Click me};
+Without the use of the `scope` key, the `repeats` key would also affect
+the draw attribute.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/animate/scope",
+ meta = "⟨options⟩"
+ },
+ ["animate/shorten < "] = {
+ details = [[
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/animate/shorten:<:",
+ meta = " ⟨dimension⟩"
+ },
+ ["animate/shorten > "] = {
+ details = [[
+For animated paths, just as the key `arrows` has to be passed to the
+animation (to `:path`) instead of to the static path, the keys
+`shorten >` and `shorten <` also have to be passed to the `:path` key.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/animate/shorten:>:",
+ meta = " ⟨dimension⟩"
+ },
+ ["animate/sync"] = {
+ details = [[
+A shorthand for `scope={` ⟨options⟩ `, remember=\temp},resume=\temp`
+where `\temp` is actually an internal name. The effect is that after a
+`sync` the local time just continues as if the scope where not present
+-- but regarding everything else the effects are local to the `sync`
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/animate/sync",
+ meta = "⟨options⟩"
+ },
+ ["animate/time"] = {
+ details = [[
+Sets the time for the next time--value pair in a call of `entry` to
+⟨time⟩ plus the current fork time. The text `later` is optional. Both
+"fork times" and the optional `later` will be explained in a moment.
+**Time Parsing.** The ⟨time⟩ is parsed using the command
+`\pgfparsetime`, which is essentially the same as the usual math parser
+of TikZ, and the result is interpreted as a time in seconds. Thus, a
+⟨time⟩ of `2+3` means "5 seconds" and a ⟨time⟩ of `2*(2.1)` means "4.2
+seconds". (You could even specify silly times like `1in`, which results
+in the time "72.27 seconds". Please do not do that.) The "essentially"
+refers to the fact that some extras are installed when the time parser
+is running:
+- The postfix operator `s` is added, which has no effect. Thus, when
+ you write `5s` you get the same results as `5`, which is exactly 5
+ seconds as desired.
+- The postfix operator `ms` is added, which divides a number by 1000,
+ so `2ms` equals 0.002s.
+- The postfix operator `min` is added, which multiplies a number
+ by 60.
+- The postfix operator `h` is added, which multiplies a number
+ by 3600.
+- The infix operator `:` is redefined, so that it multiplies its first
+ argument by 60 and adds the second. This implies that `1:20` equals
+ 80s and `01:00:00` equals 3600s.
+- The parsing of octal numbers is switched off to allow things like
+ `01:08` for 68s.
+Note that you cannot use the colon syntax for times in things like
+`01:20 = "0"` would (falsely) be interpreted as: "For the object named
+`01` and its attribute named `20`, do something." You can, however, use
+`01:20` in arguments to the `time` key, meaning that you would have to
+write instead: `time = 1:20, "0"`, possibly surround by a `scope`.
+**Relative Times.** You can suffix a `time` key with "`later`". In this
+case, the ⟨time⟩ is interpreted as an offset to the time in the previous
+use of the time key:
+ \tikz \node :fill = { begin on = click,
+ 0s = "white",
+ 500ms later = "red",
+ 500ms later = "green", % same as 1s = "-5mm"
+ 500ms later = "blue"} % same as 1.5s = "-2.5mm"
+ [fill=blue!20, draw=blue, very thick, circle] {Click me};
+In reality, the offset is not taken to just any previous use of the
+`time` key, but to the most recent use of this key or of the `resume`
+key in the current local TeX scope. Here is an example:
+ time = 2s,
+ time = 1s later, % same as time = 3s
+ time = 500ms later, % same as time = 3.5s
+ time = 4s,
+ time = 1s later, % same as time = 5s
+ scope = { % opens a local scope
+ time = 1s later, % same as time = 6s
+ time = 10s
+ time = 1s later % same as time = 11s
+ }, % closes the scope, most recent time is 5s once more
+ time = 2s later % same as time = 7s
+**Fork Times.** The time meant by the value ⟨time⟩ passed to the `time`
+key is not used directly. Rather, TikZ adds the current *fork time* to
+it, which is `0s` by default. You can change the fork time using the
+following key:
+**Remembering and Resuming Times.** When you have a complicated
+animation with a long timeline, you will sometimes wish to start some
+animation when some other animation has reached a certain moment; but
+this moment is only reached through heavy use of `later` times and/or
+forks. In such situations, the following keys are useful:
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/animate/time",
+ meta = "⟨time⟩later"
+ },
+ ["animate/value"] = {
+ details = [[
+This key sets the value of the next time--value pair created by `entry`
+to ⟨value⟩. The syntax of the ⟨value⟩ is not fixed, it depends on the
+type of the attribute. For instance, for an attribute like `opacity` the
+⟨value⟩ must be an expression that can be evaluated to a number between
+0 and 1; for the attribute `color` the ⟨value⟩ must, instead, be a
+color; and so on. Take care that when a value contains a comma, you must
+surround it by braces as in `"{(1,1)}"`.
+The allowed texts for the ⟨value⟩ is always the same as the one you
+would pass to the TikZ option of the same name. For instance, since the
+TikZ option `shift` expects a coordinate, you use coordinates as ⟨value⟩
+with the usual TikZ syntax (including all sorts of extensions, the
+animation system calls the standard TikZ parsing routines). The same is
+true of dimensions, scalar values, colors, and so on.
+In addition to the values normally use for setting the attribute, you
+can also (sometimes) use the special text `current value` as ⟨value⟩.
+This means that the value of the point in the timeline should be
+whatever the value the attribute has at the beginning of the timeline.
+For instance, when you write
+ animate = { obj:color = { 0s = "current value", 2s = "white" } }
+the color of `obj` will change from whatever color it currently has to
+white in two seconds. This is especially useful when several animations
+are triggered by user events and the current color of `obj` cannot be
+determined beforehand.
+There are several limitations on the use of the text `current value`,
+which had to be imposed partly because of the limited support of this
+feature in SVG:
+- You can use `current value` only with the first time in a timeline.
+- You can only have two times in a timeline that starts with
+ `current value`.
+- You cannot use `current value` for timelines of which you wish to
+ take a snapshot.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/animate/value",
+ meta = "⟨value⟩"
+ },
+ ["animations/base"] = {
+ details = [[
+The syntax of the ⟨value⟩ is the same as for the `entry` key. The
+⟨value⟩ is installed as the value of the object's attribute whenever the
+timeline is not active. This makes it easy to specify the value of an
+attribute when the animation is "not running".
+ \tikz {
+ \pgfanimateattribute{rotate}{
+ whom = node, begin on = {click},
+ entry = {0s}{90}, entry = {2s}{180},
+ base = 45
+ }
+ \node (node) [fill = blue!20, draw = blue, very thick, circle] {Click me!};
+ }
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/animations/base",
+ meta = "⟨value⟩"
+ },
+ ["animations/begin snapshot"] = {
+ details = [[
+When this key is used inside the options of `\pgfanimateattribute`, with
+respect to snapshots, the timeline begins at ⟨begin time⟩. This means
+that, if the snapshot time is set to ⟨time⟩ and the beginning of the
+snapshot's timeline is set to ⟨begin time⟩, the attribute is set to the
+value of the timeline at time $⟨time⟩ -
+ ⟨begin time⟩$.
+The idea is that when you make a snapshot of several animations and all
+of them have started at different times because of different events, you
+use `begin snapshot` with each object and attribute to directly specify
+when these different events have happened.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/animations/begin:snapshot",
+ meta = "⟨begin time⟩"
+ },
+ annotation = {
+ details = [[
+This style indicates that a node is an annotation node. It includes the
+style `every annotation`, which allows you to change this style in a
+convenient fashion.
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ [mindmap,concept color=blue!80,
+ every annotation/.style={fill=red!20}]
+ \node [concept] (root) {Root concept};
+ \node [annotation,right] at (root.east)
+ {The root concept is, in general, the most important concept.};
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/annotation"
+ },
+ ["annotation arrow"] = {
+ details = [[
+This style should set the default `>` arrow to some nice value.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/annotation:arrow"
+ },
+ ["append after command"] = {
+ details = [[
+Some of the path commands described in the following sections take
+optional arguments. For these commands, when you use this key inside
+these options, the ⟨path⟩ will be inserted *after* the path command is
+done. For instance, when you give this command in the option list of a
+node, the ⟨path⟩ will be added after the node. This is used by, for
+instance, the `label` option to allow you to specify a label in the
+option list of a node, but have this `label` cause a node to be added
+after another node.
+ \tikz \draw node [append after command={(foo)--(1,1)},draw] (foo){foo};
+If this key is called multiple times, the effects accumulate, that is,
+all of the paths are added in the order to keys were found.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/append:after:command",
+ meta = "⟨path⟩"
+ },
+ arrows = {
+ details = [[
+The `arrows` key, which is normally used to set the arrow tips for the
+current scope, can also be used to set some arrow keys for the current
+scope. When the argument to `arrows` starts with an opening bracket and
+only otherwise contains one further closing bracket at the very end,
+this semantic of the `arrow` key is assumed.
+The ⟨arrow keys⟩ will be set for the rest of current scope. This is
+useful for generally setting some design parameters or for generally
+switching on, say, bending as in:
+ \tikz [arrows={[bend]}] ... % Bend all arrows
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/arrows",
+ meta = "[⟨arrow keys⟩]"
+ },
+ at = {
+ details = [[
+If this option is explicitly set inside the ⟨options⟩ (or indirectly via
+the `every circle` style), the ⟨coordinate⟩ is used as the center of the
+circle instead of the current point. Setting `at` to some value in an
+enclosing scope has no effect.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/at",
+ meta = "⟨coordinate⟩"
+ },
+ ["at end"] = {
+ details = [[
+Set to `pos=1`.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/at:end"
+ },
+ ["at start"] = {
+ details = [[
+Set to `pos=0`.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/at:start"
+ },
+ attribute = {
+ details = [[
+This style is used to indicate that a node is an attribute. To connect
+an attribute to its entity, you can use, for example, the `child`
+command or the `pin` option.
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \node[entity] (sheep) {Sheep}
+ child {node[attribute] {name}}
+ child {node[attribute] {color}};
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ \begin{tikzpicture}[every pin edge/.style=draw]
+ \node[entity,pin={[attribute]60:name},pin={[attribute]120:color}] {Sheep};
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/attribute"
+ },
+ auto = {
+ details = [[
+This option causes an anchor position to be calculated automatically
+according to the following rule. Consider a line between two points. If
+the ⟨direction⟩ is `left`, then the anchor is chosen such that the node
+is to the left of this line. If the ⟨direction⟩ is `right`, then the
+node is to the right of this line. Leaving out ⟨direction⟩ causes
+automatic placement to be enabled with the last value of `left` or
+`right` used. A ⟨direction⟩ of `false` disables automatic placement.
+This happens also whenever an anchor is given explicitly by the `anchor`
+option or by one of the `above`, `below`, etc. options.
+This option only has an effect for nodes that are placed on lines or
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ [scale=.8,auto=left,every node/.style={circle,fill=blue!20}]
+ \node (a) at (-1,-2) {a};
+ \node (b) at ( 1,-2) {b};
+ \node (c) at ( 2,-1) {c};
+ \node (d) at ( 2, 1) {d};
+ \node (e) at ( 1, 2) {e};
+ \node (f) at (-1, 2) {f};
+ \node (g) at (-2, 1) {g};
+ \node (h) at (-2,-1) {h};
+ \foreach \from/\to in {a/b,b/c,c/d,d/e,e/f,f/g,g/h,h/a}
+ \draw [->] (\from) -- (\to)
+ node[midway,fill=red!20] {\from--\to};
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/auto",
+ meta = "⟨direction⟩"
+ },
+ ["background grid"] = {
+ details = [[
+This style dictates how the background grid path is drawn.
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ [background grid/.style={thick,draw=red,step=.5cm},
+ show background grid]
+ \draw (0,0) ellipse (10mm and 5mm);
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/background:grid"
+ },
+ ["background rectangle"] = {
+ details = [[
+This style dictates how the background rectangle is drawn or filled. The
+default setting causes the path of the background rectangle to be drawn
+in the usual way. Setting this style to, say, `fill=blue!20` causes a
+light blue background to be added to the picture. You can also use more
+fancy settings as shown in the following example:
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ [background rectangle/.style=
+ {double,ultra thick,draw=red,top color=blue,rounded corners},
+ show background rectangle]
+ \draw (0,0) ellipse (10mm and 5mm);
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+Naturally, no one in their right mind would use the above, but here is a
+nice background:
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ [background rectangle/.style=
+ {draw=blue!50,fill=blue!20,rounded corners=1ex},
+ show background rectangle]
+ \draw (0,0) ellipse (10mm and 5mm);
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/background:rectangle"
+ },
+ ["background top"] = {
+ details = [[
+ \tikzset{background rectangle/.style={fill=blue!20},
+ background top/.style={draw=blue!50,line width=1ex}}
+ \begin{tikzpicture}[framed,show background top]
+ \draw (0,0) ellipse (10mm and 5mm);
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/background:top"
+ },
+ ["badness warnings for centered text"] = {
+ details = [[
+If set to true, normal badness warnings will be issued for centered
+boxes. Note that you may get annoying warnings for perfectly normal
+boxes, namely whenever the box is very large and the contents is not
+long enough to fill the box sufficiently.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/badness:warnings:for:centered:text",
+ meta = "⟨true or false⟩"
+ },
+ ["ball color"] = {
+ details = [[
+This option sets the color used for the ball shading. It sets the
+`shade` and `shading=ball` options. Note that the ball will never
+"completely" have the color ⟨color⟩. At its "highlight" spot a certain
+amount of white is mixed in, at the border a certain amount of black.
+Because of this, it also makes sense to say `ball color=white` or
+`ball color=black`
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \shade[ball color=white] (0,0) circle (2ex);
+ \shade[ball color=red] (1,0) circle (2ex);
+ \shade[ball color=black] (2,0) circle (2ex);
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/ball:color",
+ meta = "⟨color⟩"
+ },
+ ["base left"] = {
+ details = [[
+This key works like the `left` key, only instead of the `east` anchor,
+the `base east` anchor is used and, when the second form of an ⟨of-part⟩
+is used, the corresponding `base west` anchor.
+This key is useful for chaining together nodes so that their base lines
+are aligned.
+ \begin{tikzpicture}[node distance=1ex]
+ \draw[help lines] (0,0) grid (3,1);
+ \huge
+ \node (X) at (0,1) {X};
+ \node (a) [right=of X] {a};
+ \node (y) [right=of a] {y};
+ \node (X) at (0,0) {X};
+ \node (a) [base right=of X] {a};
+ \node (y) [base right=of a] {y};
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/base:left",
+ meta = "⟨specification⟩"
+ },
+ ["base right"] = {
+ details = [[
+Works like `base left`.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/base:right",
+ meta = "⟨specification⟩"
+ },
+ baseline = {
+ details = [[
+Normally, the lower end of the picture is put on the baseline of the
+surrounding text. For example, when you give the code
+`\tikz\draw(0,0)circle(.5ex);`, PGF will find out that the lower end of
+the picture is at $-.5\mathrm{ex} - 0.2\mathrm{pt}$ (the 0.2pt are half
+the line width, which is 0.4pt) and that the upper end is at
+$.5\mathrm{ex}+.5\mathrm{pt}$. Then, the lower end will be put on the
+baseline, resulting in the following: \[PICTURE\].
+Using this option, you can specify that the picture should be raised or
+lowered such that the height ⟨dimension⟩ is on the baseline. For
+example, `\tikz[baseline=0pt]\draw(0,0)circle(.5ex);` yields \[PICTURE\]
+since, now, the baseline is on the height of the $x$-axis.
+This options is often useful for "inlined" graphics as in
+ $A \mathbin{\tikz[baseline] \draw[->>] (0pt,.5ex) -- (3ex,.5ex);} B$
+Instead of a ⟨dimension⟩ you can also provide a coordinate in
+parentheses. Then the effect is to put the baseline on the
+$y$-coordinate that the given ⟨coordinate⟩ has *at the end of the
+picture*. This means that, at the end of the picture, the ⟨coordinate⟩
+is evaluated and then the baseline is set to the $y$-coordinate of the
+resulting point. This makes it easy to reference the $y$-coordinate of,
+say, the baseline of nodes.
+ Hello
+ \tikz[baseline=(X.base)]
+ \node [cross out,draw] (X) {world.};
+ Top align:
+ \tikz[baseline=(current bounding box.north)]
+ \draw (0,0) rectangle (1cm,1ex);
+Use `baseline=default` to reset the `baseline` option to its initial
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/baseline",
+ meta = "⟨dimension or coordinate or default⟩"
+ },
+ ["behind path"] = {
+ details = [[
+When this key is set, either as a local option for the node or some
+surrounding scope, the node will be drawn behind the current path. For
+this, TikZ collects all nodes defined on the current path with this
+option set and then inserts all of them, in the order they appear, just
+before it draws the path. Thus, several nodes with this option set may
+obscure one another, but never the path itself. "Just before it draws
+the path" actually means that the nodes are inserted into the page
+output just before any pre-actions are applied to the path (see below
+for what pre-actions are).
+ \tikz \fill [fill=blue!50, draw=blue, very thick]
+ (0,0) node [behind path, fill=red!50] {first node}
+ -- (1.5,0) node [behind path, fill=green!50] {second node}
+ -- (1.5,1) node [behind path, fill=brown!50] {third node}
+ -- (0,1) node [ fill=blue!30] {fourth node};
+Note that `behind path` only applies to the current path; not to the
+current scope or picture. To put a node "behind everything" you need to
+use layers and options like `on background layer`, see the `backgrounds`
+library in Section ??.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/behind:path"
+ },
+ below = {
+ details = [[
+This key is redefined in the same manner as `above`.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/below",
+ meta = "⟨specification⟩"
+ },
+ ["below delimiter"] = {
+ details = [[
+Works as above.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/below:delimiter",
+ meta = "⟨delimiter⟩"
+ },
+ ["below left"] = {
+ details = [[
+Similar to `above left`.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/below:left"
+ },
+ ["below left of"] = {
+ details = [[
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/below:left:of",
+ meta = "⟨node⟩"
+ },
+ ["below of"] = {
+ details = [[
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/below:of",
+ meta = "⟨node⟩"
+ },
+ ["below right"] = {
+ details = [[
+Similar to `above left`.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/below:right"
+ },
+ ["below right of"] = {
+ details = [[
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/below:right:of",
+ meta = "⟨node⟩"
+ },
+ bend = {
+ details = [[
+Has the same effect as saying `bend`⟨coordinate⟩ outside the ⟨options⟩.
+The option specifies that the bend of the parabola should be at the
+given ⟨coordinate⟩. You have to take care yourself that the bend
+position is a "valid" position; which means that if there is no parabola
+of the form $f(x) = a x^2 + b x + c$ that goes through the old current
+point, the given bend, and the new current point, the result will not be
+a parabola.
+There is one special property of the ⟨coordinate⟩: When a relative
+coordinate is given like `+(0,0)`, the position relative to this
+coordinate is "flexible". More precisely, this position lies somewhere
+on a line from the old current point to the new current point. The exact
+position depends on the next option.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/bend",
+ meta = "⟨coordinate⟩"
+ },
+ ["bend angle"] = {
+ details = [[
+Sets the angle to be used by the `bend left` or `bend right`, but
+without actually selecting the `curve to` or the `relative` option. This
+is useful for globally specifying a `bend angle` for a whole picture.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/bend:angle",
+ meta = "⟨angle⟩"
+ },
+ ["bend at end"] = {
+ details = [[
+This places the bend at the end of a parabola.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/bend:at:end"
+ },
+ ["bend at start"] = {
+ details = [[
+This places the bend at the start of a parabola. It is a shortcut for
+the following options: `bend pos=0,bend={+(0,0)}`.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/bend:at:start"
+ },
+ ["bend left"] = {
+ details = [[
+This option sets `out=`⟨angle⟩`,in=`$180-⟨angle⟩$`,relative`. If no
+⟨angle⟩ is given, the last given `bend left` or `bend right` angle is
+ \begin{tikzpicture}[shorten >=1pt,node distance=2cm,on grid]
+ \node[state,initial] (q_0) {$q_0$};
+ \node[state] (q_1) [right=of q_0] {$q_1$};
+ \node[state,accepting](q_2) [right=of q_1] {$q_2$};
+ \path[->] (q_0) edge node [above] {0} (q_1)
+ edge [loop above] node {1} ()
+ edge [bend left] node [above] {1} (q_2)
+ edge [bend right] node [below] {0} (q_2)
+ (q_1) edge node [above] {1} (q_2);
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \foreach \angle in {0,45,...,315}
+ \node[rectangle,draw=black!50] (\angle) at (\angle:2) {\angle};
+ \foreach \from/\to in {0/45,45/90,90/135,135/180,
+ 180/225,225/270,270/315,315/0}
+ \path (\from) edge [->,bend right=22,looseness=0.8] (\to)
+ edge [<-,bend left=22,looseness=0.8] (\to);
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/bend:left",
+ meta = "⟨angle⟩"
+ },
+ ["bend pos"] = {
+ details = [[
+Specifies where the "previous" point is relative to which the bend is
+calculated. The previous point will be at the ⟨fraction⟩th part of the
+line from the old current point to the new current point.
+The idea is the following: If you say `bend pos=0` and `bend +(0,0)`,
+the bend will be at the old current point. If you say `bend pos=1` and
+`bend +(0,0)`, the bend will be at the new current point. If you say
+`bend pos=0.5` and `bend +(0,2cm)` the bend will be 2cm above the middle
+of the line between the start and end point. This is most useful in
+situations such as the following:
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \draw[help lines] (0,0) grid (3,2);
+ \draw (-1,0) parabola[bend pos=0.5] bend +(0,2) +(3,0);
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+In the above example, the `bend +(0,2)` essentially means "a parabola
+that is 2cm high" and `+(3,0)` means "and 3cm wide". Since this
+situation arises often, there is a special shortcut option:
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/bend:pos",
+ meta = "⟨fraction⟩"
+ },
+ ["bend right"] = {
+ details = [[
+Works like the `bend left` option, only the bend is to the other side.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/bend:right",
+ meta = "⟨angle⟩"
+ },
+ ["blend group"] = {
+ details = [[
+This key can only be used with a scope (like `transparency group`). It
+will cause the current scope to become a transparency group and, inside
+this group, the blend mode will be set to ⟨mode⟩.
+ \tikz [blend group=screen] {
+ \fill[red!90!black] ( 90:.6) circle (1);
+ \fill[green!80!black] (210:.6) circle (1);
+ \fill[blue!90!black] (330:.6) circle (1);
+ }
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/blend:group",
+ meta = "⟨mode⟩"
+ },
+ ["blend mode"] = {
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/blend:mode",
+ meta = "⟨mode⟩"
+ },
+ ["bottom color"] = {
+ details = [[
+This option works like `top color`, only for the bottom color.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/bottom:color",
+ meta = "⟨color⟩"
+ },
+ ["callout absolute pointer"] = {
+ details = [[
+The TikZ version of the `callout absolute pointer` key. Here,
+⟨coordinate⟩ can be specified using the TikZ format for coordinates.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/callout:absolute:pointer",
+ meta = "⟨coordinate⟩"
+ },
+ ["callout relative pointer"] = {
+ details = [[
+The TikZ version of the `callout relative pointer` key. Here,
+⟨coordinate⟩ can be specified using the TikZ format for coordinates.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/callout:relative:pointer",
+ meta = "⟨coordinate⟩"
+ },
+ ["canvas is plane"] = {
+ details = [[
+Perform the transformation into the new canvas plane using the units
+above. Note that you have to set the units *before* calling
+`canvas is plane`.
+ \begin{tikzpicture}[
+ ->,
+ plane x={(0.707,-0.707)},
+ plane y={(0.707,0.707)},
+ canvas is plane,
+ ]
+ \draw (0,0) -- (1,0);
+ \draw (0,0) -- (0,1);
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/canvas:is:plane"
+ },
+ ["canvas is xy plane at z"] = {
+ details = [[
+A plane with
+- `plane origin={(0,0,`⟨dimension⟩`)}`,
+- `plane x={(1,0,`⟨dimension⟩`)}`, and
+- `plane y={(0,1,`⟨dimension⟩`)}`.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/canvas:is:xy:plane:at:z",
+ meta = "⟨dimension⟩"
+ },
+ ["canvas is xz plane at y"] = {
+ details = [[
+A plane with
+- `plane origin={(0,`⟨dimension⟩`,0)}`,
+- `plane x={(1,`⟨dimension⟩`,0)}`, and
+- `plane y={(0,`⟨dimension⟩`,1)}`.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/canvas:is:xz:plane:at:y",
+ meta = "⟨dimension⟩"
+ },
+ ["canvas is yx plane at z"] = {
+ details = [[
+A plane with
+- `plane origin={(0,0,`⟨dimension⟩`)}`,
+- `plane x={(0,1,`⟨dimension⟩`)}`, and
+- `plane y={(1,0,`⟨dimension⟩`)}`.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/canvas:is:yx:plane:at:z",
+ meta = "⟨dimension⟩"
+ },
+ ["canvas is yz plane at x"] = {
+ details = [[
+A plane with
+- `plane origin={(`⟨dimension⟩`,0,0)}`,
+- `plane x={(`⟨dimension⟩`,1,0)}`, and
+- `plane y={(`⟨dimension⟩`,0,1)}`.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/canvas:is:yz:plane:at:x",
+ meta = "⟨dimension⟩"
+ },
+ ["canvas is zx plane at y"] = {
+ details = [[
+A plane with
+- `plane origin={(0,`⟨dimension⟩`,0)}`,
+- `plane x={(0,`⟨dimension⟩`,1)}`, and
+- `plane y={(1,`⟨dimension⟩`,0)}`.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/canvas:is:zx:plane:at:y",
+ meta = "⟨dimension⟩"
+ },
+ ["canvas is zy plane at x"] = {
+ details = [[
+A plane with
+- `plane origin={(`⟨dimension⟩`,0,0)}`,
+- `plane x={(`⟨dimension⟩`,0,1)}`, and
+- `plane y={(`⟨dimension⟩`,1,0)}`.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/canvas:is:zy:plane:at:x",
+ meta = "⟨dimension⟩"
+ },
+ cells = {
+ details = [[
+This key adds the ⟨options⟩ to the style `every cell`. It is mainly just
+a shorthand for the code `every cell/.append style=`⟨options⟩.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/cells",
+ meta = "⟨options⟩"
+ },
+ centered = {
+ details = [[
+A shorthand for `anchor=center`.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/centered"
+ },
+ ["chain default direction"] = {
+ details = [[
+This ⟨direction⟩ is used in a `chain` option, if no other ⟨direction⟩ is
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/chain:default:direction",
+ meta = "⟨direction⟩"
+ },
+ ["child anchor"] = {
+ details = [[
+Specifies the anchor where the edge from parent meets the child node by
+setting the macro `\tikzchildanchor` to `.`⟨anchor⟩.
+If you specify `border` as the ⟨anchor⟩, then the macro
+`\tikzchildanchor` is set to the empty string. The effect of this is
+that the edge from the parent will meet the child on the border at an
+automatically calculated position.
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \node {root}
+ [child anchor=north]
+ child {node {left} edge from parent[dashed]}
+ child {node {right}
+ child {node {child}}
+ child {node {child} edge from parent[draw=none]}
+ };
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/child:anchor",
+ meta = "⟨anchor⟩"
+ },
+ ["children are tokens"] = {
+ details = [[
+The idea behind this style is to use trees mechanism for placing tokens.
+Every token lying on a place is treated as a child of the node. Normally
+this would have the effect that the tokens are placed below the place
+and they would be connected to the place by an edge. The
+`children are tokens` style, however, redefines the growth function of
+trees such that it places the children next to each other inside (or,
+rather, on top) of the place node. Additionally, the edge from the
+parent node is not drawn.
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \node[place,label=above:$p_1$] {}
+ [children are tokens]
+ child {node [token] {1}}
+ child {node [token] {2}}
+ child {node [token] {3}};
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+In detail, what happens is the following: Tree growth functions tell
+TikZ where it should place the children of nodes. These functions get
+passed the number of children that a node has an the number of the child
+that should be placed. The special tree growth function for tokens has a
+special mapping for each possible number of children up to nine
+children. This mapping decides for each child where it should be placed
+on top of the place. For example, a single child is placed directly on
+top of the place. Two children are placed next to each other, separated
+by the `token distance`. Three children are placed in a triangle whose
+side lengths are `token distance`; and so on up to nine tokens. If you
+wish to place more than nice tokens on a place, you will have to write
+your own placement code.
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \node[place,label=above:$p_2$] {}
+ [children are tokens]
+ child {node [token] {1}}
+ child {node [token,fill=red] {2}}
+ child {node [token,fill=red] {2}}
+ child {node [token] {1}};
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/children:are:tokens"
+ },
+ ["circle connection bar"] = {
+ details = [[
+This style installs a rather involved to-path. Unlike normal to-paths,
+this path requires that the start and the target of the to-path are
+named nodes of shape `circle` -- if this is not the case, this path will
+produce errors.
+Assuming that the start and the target are circles, the to-path will
+first compute the radii of these circles (by measuring the distance from
+the `center` anchor to some anchor on the border) and will set the
+`start circle` keys accordingly. Next, the `fill` option is set to the
+`concept color` while `draw=none` is set. The decoration is set to
+`circle connection bar`. Finally, the following style is included:
+ \begin{tikzpicture}[concept color=blue!50,blue!50,outer sep=0pt]
+ \node (n1) at (0,0) [circle,minimum size=2cm,fill,draw,thick] {};
+ \node (n2) at (2.5,0) [circle,minimum size=1cm,fill,draw,thick] {};
+ \path (n1) to[circle connection bar] (n2);
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+Note that it is not a good idea to have more than one `to` operation
+together with the option `circle connection bar` in a single `\path`.
+Use the `edge` operation, instead, for creating multiple connections and
+this operation creates a new scope for each edge.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/circle:connection:bar"
+ },
+ ["circle connection bar switch color"] = {
+ details = [[
+This style works similarly to the `circle connection bar`. The only
+difference is that instead of filling the path with a single color a
+shading is used.
+ \begin{tikzpicture}[outer sep=0pt]
+ \node (n1) at (0,0) [circle,minimum size=2cm,fill,draw,thick,red] {};
+ \node (n2) at (30:2.5) [circle,minimum size=1cm,fill,draw,thick,blue] {};
+ \path (n1) to[circle connection bar switch color=from (red) to (blue)] (n2);
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/circle:connection:bar:switch:color",
+ meta = "from (⟨first color⟩) to (⟨second color⟩)"
+ },
+ ["circle through"] = {
+ details = [[
+When this key is given as an option to a node, the following happens:
+1. The `inner sep` and the `outer sep` are set to zero.
+2. The shape is set to `circle`.
+3. The `minimum size` is set such that the circle around the center of
+ the node (which is specified using `at`), goes through ⟨coordinate⟩.
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \draw[help lines] (0,0) grid (3,2);
+ \node (a) at (2,1.5) {$a$};
+ \node [draw] at (1,1) [circle through={(a)}] {$c$};
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/circle:through",
+ meta = "⟨coordinate⟩"
+ },
+ ["circuit declare annotation"] = {
+ details = [[
+This key is used to declare an annotation named ⟨name⟩. Once declared,
+it can be used as an argument of a symbol and will add the drawing in
+⟨path⟩ to the symbol. In detail, the following happens:
+**The Main Keys.** Two keys called ⟨name⟩ and ⟨name⟩`’` are defined. The
+second causes the annotation to be "mirrored and placed on the other
+side" of the symbol. Both of these keys may also take further keys as
+parameter like `info` keys. Whenever the ⟨name⟩ key is used, a local
+scope is opened and in this scope the following things are done:
+1. The style `every` ⟨name⟩ is executed.
+2. The following style is executed and then `arrows=->`:
+3. The coordinate system is shifted such that the origin is at the
+ north anchor of the symbol. (For the ⟨name⟩`’` key the coordinate
+ system is flipped and shifted such that the origin is at the south
+ anchor of the symbol.)
+4. The `label distance` is locally set to ⟨distance⟩.
+5. The parameter options given to the ⟨name⟩ key are executed.
+6. The ⟨path⟩ is executed.
+**Usage.** What all of the above amounts to is best explained by an
+example. Suppose we wish to create an annotation that looks like a
+little circular arrow (like \[PICTURE\]). We could then say:
+ \tikzset{circuit declare annotation=
+ {circular annotation}
+ {9pt}
+ {(0pt,8pt) arc (-270:80:3.5pt)}
+ }
+We can then use it like this:
+ \tikz[circuit ee IEC]
+ \draw (0,0) to [resistor={circular annotation}] (3,0);
+Well, not very impressive since we do not see anything. This is due to
+the fact that the ⟨path⟩ becomes part of a path that contains the symbol
+node an nothing else. This path is not drawn or filled, so we do not see
+anything. What we must do is to use an `edge` path operation:
+ \tikzset{circuit declare annotation={circular annotation}{9pt}
+ {(0pt,8pt) edge[to path={arc(-270:80:3.5pt)}] ()}
+ }
+ \tikz[circuit ee IEC]
+ \draw (0,0) to [resistor={circular annotation}] (3,0)
+ to [capacitor={circular annotation'}] (3,2);
+The ⟨distance⟩ is important for the correct placement of additional
+`info` labels. When an annotation is present, the info labels may need
+to be moved further away from the symbol, but not always. For this
+reason, an annotation defines an additional ⟨distance⟩ that is applied
+to all info labels given as parameters to the annotation. Here is an
+example, that shows the difference:
+ \tikz[circuit ee IEC]
+ \draw (0,0) to [resistor={circular annotation,ohm=5}] (2,0)
+ to [resistor={circular annotation={ohm=5}}] (4,0);
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/circuit:declare:annotation",
+ meta = "{name}{distance}{path}"
+ },
+ ["circuit declare symbol"] = {
+ details = [[
+This key is used to declare a symbol. It does not cause this symbol to
+be shown nor does it set a graphic to be used for the symbol, it simply
+"prepares" several keys that can later be used to draw a symbol and to
+configure it.
+In detail, the first key that is defined is just called ⟨name⟩. This key
+should be given as an option to a `node` or on a `to` path, as explained
+below. The key will take options, which can be used to influence the way
+the symbol graphic is rendered.
+Let us have a look at an example. Suppose we want to define a symbol
+called `foo`, which just looks like a simple rectangle. We could then
+ \tikzset{circuit declare symbol=foo}
+The symbol could now be used like this:
+ \node [foo] at (1,1) {};
+ \node [foo={red}] at (2,1) {};
+However, in the above example we would not actually see anything since
+we have not yet set up the graphic to be used by `foo`. For this, we
+must use a key called `set foo graphic` or, generally, `set` ⟨name⟩
+`graphic`. This key gets graphic options as parameter that will be set
+when a symbol `foo` should be shown:
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ [circuit declare symbol=foo,
+ set foo graphic={draw,shape=rectangle,minimum size=5mm}]
+ \node [foo] at (1,1) {};
+ \node [foo={red}] at (2,1) {};
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+In detail, when you use the key ⟨name⟩=⟨options⟩ with a node, the
+following happens:
+1. The `inner sep` is set to `0.5pt`.
+2. The following style is executed:
+3. The graphic options that have been set using `set` ⟨name⟩ `graphic`
+ are set.
+4. The style `every `⟨name⟩ is executed. You can use it to configure
+ the symbol further.
+5. The ⟨options⟩ are executed.
+The key ⟨name⟩ will have a different effect when it is used on a `to`
+path command inside a `circuit` environment (the `circuit` environment
+sets up `to` paths in such a way that the use of a key declared using
+`circuit declare symbol` is automatically detected). When ⟨name⟩ is used
+on a `to` path, the above actions also happen (setting the inner
+separation, using the symbol graphic, and so on), but they are passed to
+the key `circuit handle symbol`, which is explained next.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/circuit:declare:symbol",
+ meta = "⟨name⟩"
+ },
+ ["circuit declare unit"] = {
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/circuit:declare:unit",
+ meta = "{name}{unit}"
+ },
+ ["circuit ee"] = {
+ details = [[
+This style calls the keys `circuit` (which internally calls
+`every circuit` and the following style:
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/circuit:ee"
+ },
+ ["circuit ee IEC"] = {
+ details = [[
+This style calls `circuit ee` and installs the IEC-like graphics for the
+logical symbols like `resistor`.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/circuit:ee:IEC"
+ },
+ ["circuit handle symbol"] = {
+ details = [[
+This key is mostly used internally. Its purpose is to render a symbol.
+The effect of this key differs, depending on whether it is used as the
+optional argument of a `to` path command or elsewhere.
+If the key is not used as an argument of a `to` path command, the
+⟨options⟩ are simply executed.
+The more interesting case happens when the key is given on a `to` path
+command. In this case, several things happen:
+1. The `to` path is locally changed and set to an internal path (which
+ you should not try to change) that consists mostly of a single
+ straight line.
+2. The ⟨options⟩ are tentatively executed with filtering switched on.
+ Everything is filtered out, except for the key `pos` and also the
+ styles `at start`, `very near start`, `near start`, `midway`,
+ `near end`, `very near end`, and `at end`. If none of them is found,
+ `midway` is used.
+3. The filtered option is used to determine a position for the symbol
+ on the path. At the given position (with `pos=0` representing the
+ start and `pos=1` representing the end), a node will be added to the
+ path (in a manner to be described presently).
+4. This node gets ⟨options⟩ as its option list.
+5. The node is added by virtue of a special `markings` decoration. This
+ means that a `mark` command is executed that causes the node to be
+ placed as a mark on the path.
+6. The marking decoration will automatically subdivide the path and
+ cause a line to be drawn from the start of the path to the node's
+ border (at the position that lies on a line from the node's center
+ to the start of the path) and then from the node's border (at a
+ position on the other side of the node) to the end of the path.
+7. The marking decoration will also take care of the case that multiple
+ marks are present on a path, in this case the lines from and to the
+ borders of the nodes are only between consecutive nodes.
+8. The marking decoration will also rotate the coordinate system in
+ such a way that the $x$-axis points along the path. Thus, if you use
+ the `transform shape` option, the node will "point along" the path.
+9. In case a node is at `pos=0` or at `pos=1` some special code will
+ suppress the superfluous lines to the start or end of the path.
+The net effect of all of the above is that a node will be placed "on the
+path" and the path will have a "gap" just large enough to encompass the
+node. Another effect is that you can use this key multiple times on a
+path to add several node to a path, provided they do not overlap.
+ \begin{tikzpicture}[circuit]
+ \draw (0,0) to [circuit handle symbol={draw,shape=rectangle,near start},
+ circuit handle symbol={draw,shape=circle,near end}] (3,2);
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ \begin{tikzpicture}[transform shape,circuit]
+ \draw (0,0) to [circuit handle symbol={draw,shape=rectangle,at start},
+ circuit handle symbol={draw,shape=circle,near end}] (3,2);
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/circuit:handle:symbol",
+ meta = "⟨options⟩"
+ },
+ ["circuit logic"] = {
+ details = [[
+This style calls the keys `circuit` (which internally calls
+`every circuit`, then it defines the `inputs` key and it calls the
+`every circuit logic` key.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/circuit:logic"
+ },
+ ["circuit logic CDH"] = {
+ details = [[
+This key calls `circuit logic US` and installs the two special and- and
+nand-gates, that is, it uses `set and gate graphic` with
+`and gate CDH graphic` and likewise for nand-gates.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/circuit:logic:CDH"
+ },
+ ["circuit logic IEC"] = {
+ details = [[
+This key calls `circuit logic` and installs the IEC-like graphics for
+the logical symbols like `and gate`.
+As explained in Section ??, for each graphic symbol of the library there
+is also a style that stores this particular appearance. These keys are
+called `and gate IEC graphic`, `or gate IEC graphic`, and so on.
+ \begin{tikzpicture}[circuit logic IEC,
+ every circuit symbol/.style={
+ logic gate IEC symbol color=black,
+ fill=blue!20,draw=blue,very thick}]
+ \matrix[column sep=7mm]
+ {
+ \node (i0) {0}; & & \\
+ & \node [and gate] (a1) {}; & \\
+ \node (i1) {0}; & & \node [or gate] (o) {};\\
+ & \node [nand gate] (a2) {}; & \\
+ \node (i2) {1}; & & \\
+ };
+ \draw (i0.east) -- ++(right:3mm) |- (a1.input 1);
+ \draw (i1.east) -- ++(right:3mm) |- (a1.input 2);
+ \draw (i1.east) -- ++(right:3mm) |- (a2.input 1);
+ \draw (i2.east) -- ++(right:3mm) |- (a2.input 2);
+ \draw (a1.output) -- ++(right:3mm) |- (o.input 1);
+ \draw (a2.output) -- ++(right:3mm) |- (o.input 2);
+ \draw (o.output) -- ++(right:3mm);
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/circuit:logic:IEC"
+ },
+ ["circuit logic US"] = {
+ details = [[
+This style calls `circuit logic` and installs US-like graphics for the
+logical symbols like `and gate`. For instance, it says
+ set and gate graphic = and gate US graphic
+Here is an example:
+ \begin{tikzpicture}[circuit logic CDH,
+ tiny circuit symbols,
+ every circuit symbol/.style={
+ fill=white,draw}]
+ \matrix[column sep=7mm]
+ {
+ \node (i0) {0}; & & \\
+ & \node [and gate] (a1) {}; & \\
+ \node (i1) {0}; & & \node [or gate] (o) {};\\
+ & \node [nand gate] (a2) {}; & \\
+ \node (i2) {1}; & & \\
+ };
+ \draw (i0.east) -- ++(right:3mm) |- (a1.input 1);
+ \draw (i1.east) -- ++(right:3mm) |- (a1.input 2);
+ \draw (i1.east) -- ++(right:3mm) |- (a2.input 1);
+ \draw (i2.east) -- ++(right:3mm) |- (a2.input 2);
+ \draw (a1.output) -- ++(right:3mm) |- (o.input 1);
+ \draw (a2.output) -- ++(right:3mm) |- (o.input 2);
+ \draw (o.output) -- ++(right:3mm);
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/circuit:logic:US"
+ },
+ ["circuit symbol filled"] = {
+ details = [[
+This style is used with symbols that are completely filled. For
+instance, the variant IEC version of an inductor is a filled, black
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/circuit:symbol:filled"
+ },
+ ["circuit symbol lines"] = {
+ details = [[
+This style is used with symbols that consist only of lines that do not
+surround anything. Examples are a capacitor.
+ \tikz [circuit ee IEC,
+ circuit symbol lines/.style={thick,draw=red}]
+ \draw (0,0) to [capacitor] ++(right:3) to [resistor] ++(up:2);
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/circuit:symbol:lines"
+ },
+ ["circuit symbol open"] = {
+ details = [[
+This style is used with symbols that consist of lines that surround some
+area. For instance, the IEC version of a resistor is an open symbol.
+ \tikz [circuit ee IEC,
+ circuit symbol open/.style={thick,draw,fill=yellow}]
+ \draw (0,0) to [inductor] ++(right:3) to [resistor] ++(up:2);
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/circuit:symbol:open"
+ },
+ ["circuit symbol size"] = {
+ details = [[
+This key sets `minimum height` to ⟨height⟩ times the current value of
+the circuit symbol unit and the `minimum width` to ⟨width⟩ times this
+value. Thus, this option can be used with a node command to set the size
+of the node as a multiple of the circuit symbol unit.
+ \begin{tikzpicture}[circuit ee IEC]
+ \draw (0,1) to [resistor] (2,1) to[inductor] (4,1);
+ \begin{scope}
+ [every resistor/.style={circuit symbol size=width 3 height 1}]
+ \draw (0,0) to [resistor] (2,0) to[inductor] (4,0);
+ \end{scope}
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/circuit:symbol:size",
+ meta = "width ⟨width⟩ height ⟨height⟩"
+ },
+ ["circuit symbol unit"] = {
+ details = [[
+This dimension is a "unit" for the size of symbols. The libraries
+generally define the sizes of symbols relative to this dimension. For
+instance, the longer side of an inductor is, by default, in the IEC
+library equal to five times this ⟨dimension⟩. When you change this
+⟨dimension⟩, the size of all symbols will automatically change
+Note, that it is still possible to overwrite the size of any particular
+symbol. These settings apply only to the default sizes.
+ \begin{tikzpicture}[circuit ee IEC]
+ \draw (0,1) to [resistor] (3.5,1);
+ \draw[circuit symbol unit=14pt]
+ (0,0) to [resistor] (3.5,0);
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/circuit:symbol:unit",
+ meta = "⟨dimension⟩"
+ },
+ ["circuit symbol wires"] = {
+ details = [[
+This style is used for symbols that consist only of "wires". The
+difference to the previous style is that a symbol consisting of wires
+will look strange when the lines are thicker than the lines of normal
+wires, while for symbols consisting of lines (but not wires) it may look
+nice to make them thicker. An example is the `make contact` symbol.
+ \tikz [circuit ee IEC,circuit symbol lines/.style={draw,very thick}]
+ \draw (0,0) to [capacitor={near start},
+ make contact={near end}] (3,0);
+ \tikz [circuit ee IEC,circuit symbol wires/.style={draw,very thick}]
+ \draw (0,0) to [capacitor={near start},
+ make contact={near end}] (3,0);
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/circuit:symbol:wires"
+ },
+ circuits = {
+ details = [[
+This key should be passed as an option to a picture or a scope that
+contains a circuit. It will do some internal setups. This key is
+normally called by more specialized keys like `circuit ee IEC`.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/circuits"
+ },
+ ["circular drop shadow"] = {
+ details = [[
+This shadow works like a drop shadow, only it adds a circular fading to
+the shadow. This means that the shadow will fade out at the border. The
+following options are preset for this shadow:
+ shadow scale=1.1, shadow xshift=.3ex, shadow yshift=-.3ex,
+ fill=black, path fading={circle with fuzzy edge 15 percent},
+ every shadow,
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \foreach \i in {1,...,8}
+ \node[circle,circular drop shadow,draw=blue,fill=blue!20,thick]
+ at (\i*45:1) {Circle \i};
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/circular:drop:shadow",
+ meta = "⟨shadow options⟩"
+ },
+ ["circular glow"] = {
+ details = [[
+This shadow works much like the `circular shadow`, only it is not
+shifted. This creates a visual effect of a "glow" behind the circle. The
+following options are preset for this shadow:
+ shadow scale=1.25, shadow xshift=0pt, shadow yshift=0pt,
+ fill=black, path fading={circle with fuzzy edge 15 percent},
+ every shadow,
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \foreach \i in {1,...,8}
+ \node[circle,circular glow,fill=red!20,draw=red,thick]
+ at (\i*45:1) {Circle \i};
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \foreach \i in {1,...,8}
+ \node[circle,circular glow={fill=white},fill=red!20,draw=red,thick]
+ at (\i*45:1) {Circle \i};
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \foreach \i in {1,...,8}
+ \node[circle,circular glow={fill=green},fill=black,text=green!50!black]
+ at (\i*45:1) {Circle \i};
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+An especially interesting effect can be achieved by only using the glow
+and not filling the path:
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \foreach \i in {1,...,8}
+ \node[circle,circular glow={fill=red!\i0}]
+ at (\i*45:1) {Circle \i};
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/circular:glow",
+ meta = "⟨shadow options⟩"
+ },
+ clip = {
+ details = [[
+This option causes all subsequent drawings to be clipped against the
+current path and the size of subsequent paths will not be important for
+the picture size. If you clip against a self-intersecting path, the
+even-odd rule or the nonzero winding number rule is used to determine
+whether a point is inside or outside the clipping region.
+The clipping path is a graphic state parameter, so it will be reset at
+the end of the current scope. Multiple clippings accumulate, that is,
+clipping is always done against the intersection of all clipping areas
+that have been specified inside the current scopes. The only way of
+enlarging the clipping area is to end a `{scope}`.
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \draw[clip] (0,0) circle (1cm);
+ \fill[red] (1,0) circle (1cm);
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+It is usually a *very* good idea to apply the `clip` option only to the
+first path command in a scope.
+If you "only wish to clip" and do not wish to draw anything, you can use
+the `\clip` command, which is a shorthand for `\path[clip]`.
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \clip (0,0) circle (1cm);
+ \fill[red] (1,0) circle (1cm);
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+To keep clipping local, use `{scope}` environments as in the following
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \draw (0,0) -- ( 0:1cm);
+ \draw (0,0) -- (10:1cm);
+ \draw (0,0) -- (20:1cm);
+ \draw (0,0) -- (30:1cm);
+ \begin{scope}[fill=red]
+ \fill[clip] (0.2,0.2) rectangle (0.5,0.5);
+ \draw (0,0) -- (40:1cm);
+ \draw (0,0) -- (50:1cm);
+ \draw (0,0) -- (60:1cm);
+ \end{scope}
+ \draw (0,0) -- (70:1cm);
+ \draw (0,0) -- (80:1cm);
+ \draw (0,0) -- (90:1cm);
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+There is a slightly annoying catch: You cannot specify certain graphic
+options for the command used for clipping. For example, in the above
+code we could not have moved the `fill=red` to the `\fill` command. The
+reasons for this have to do with the internals of the PDF specification.
+You do not want to know the details. It is best simply not to specify
+any options for these commands.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/clip"
+ },
+ ["clockwise from"] = {
+ details = [[
+This option also causes children to be arranged on a circle. However,
+the rule for placing children is simpler than with the `grow cyclic`
+style: The first child is placed at ⟨angle⟩ at a distance of
+`\tikzleveldistance`. The second child is placed at the same distance
+from the parent, but at angle ⟨angle⟩${}-{}$`\tikzsiblingangle`. The
+third child is displaced by another `\tikzsiblingangle` in a clockwise
+fashion, and so on.
+Note that this function will not rotate the coordinate system.
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \node {root}
+ [clockwise from=30,sibling angle=30]
+ child {node {$30$}}
+ child {node {$0$}}
+ child {node {$-30$}}
+ child {node {$-60$}};
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/clockwise:from",
+ meta = "⟨angle⟩"
+ },
+ cm = {
+ details = [[
+applies the following transformation to all coordinates: Let $(x,y)$ be
+the coordinate to be transformed and let ⟨coordinate⟩ specify the point
+$(t_x,t_y)$. Then the new coordinate is given by
+$\left(\begin{smallmatrix} a & c \\ b & d\end{smallmatrix}\right)
+ \left(\begin{smallmatrix} x \\ y \end{smallmatrix}\right) +
+ \left(\begin{smallmatrix} t_x \\ t_y \end{smallmatrix}\right)$.
+Usually, you do not use this option directly.
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \draw[help lines] (0,0) grid (3,2);
+ \draw (0,0) -- (1,1) -- (1,0);
+ \draw[cm={1,1,0,1,(0,0)},blue] (0,0) -- (1,1) -- (1,0);
+ \draw[cm={0,1,1,0,(1cm,1cm)},red] (0,0) -- (1,1) -- (1,0);
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/cm",
+ meta = "{⟨$a$⟩,⟨$b$⟩,⟨$c$⟩,⟨$d$⟩,⟨coordinate⟩}"
+ },
+ color = {
+ details = [[
+This option sets the color that is used for fill, drawing, and text
+inside the current scope. Any special settings for filling colors or
+drawing colors are immediately "overruled" by this option.
+The ⟨color name⟩ is the name of a previously defined color. For
+LaTeX users, this is just a normal "LaTeX-color" and the `xcolor`
+extensions are allowed. Here is an example:
+ \tikz \fill[color=red!20] (0,0) circle (1ex);
+It is possible to "leave out" the `color=` part and you can also write:
+ \tikz \fill[red!20] (0,0) circle (1ex);
+What happens is that every option that TikZ does not know, like
+`red!20`, gets a "second chance" as a color name.
+For plain TeX users, it is not so easy to specify colors since plain
+TeX has no "standardized" color naming mechanism. Because of this,
+PGF emulates the `xcolor` package, though the emulation is *extremely
+basic* (more precisely, what I could hack together in two hours or so).
+The emulation allows you to do the following:
+- Specify a new color using `\definecolor`. Only the color models
+ `gray`, `rgb`, and `RGB` are supported[1].
+ `\definecolor{orange}{rgb}{1,0.5,0}`
+- Use `\colorlet` to define a new color based on an old one. Here, the
+ `!` mechanism is supported, though only "once" (use multiple
+ `\colorlet` for more fancy colors). `\colorlet{lightgray}{black!25}`
+- Use `\color``{color name}` to set the color in the current
+ TeX group. `\aftergroup`-hackery is used to restore the color after
+ the group.
+[1] ConTeXt users should be aware that `\definecolor` has a different
+meaning in ConTeXt. There is a low-level equivalent named
+`\pgfutil@definecolor` which can be used instead.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/color",
+ meta = "⟨color name⟩"
+ },
+ ["colored tokens"] = {
+ details = [[
+This option, which must also be given when a place node is being
+created, gets a list of colors as parameter. It will then add as many
+tokens to the place as there are colors in this list, each filled
+ \tikz \node[place,colored tokens={black,black,red,blue}] {};
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/colored:tokens",
+ meta = "⟨color list⟩"
+ },
+ ["column sep"] = {
+ details = [[
+This option sets a default space that is added between every two
+columns. This space can be positive or negative and is zero by default.
+The ⟨spacing list⟩ normally contains a single dimension like `2pt`.
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \matrix [draw,column sep=1cm,nodes=draw]
+ {
+ \node(a) {123}; & \node (b) {1}; & \node {1}; \\
+ \node {12}; & \node {12}; & \node {1}; \\
+ \node(c) {1}; & \node (d) {123}; & \node {1}; \\
+ };
+ \draw [red,thick] (a.east) -- (a.east |- c)
+ (d.west) -- (d.west |- b);
+ \draw [<->,red,thick] (a.east) -- (d.west |- b)
+ node [above,midway] {1cm};
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+More generally, the ⟨spacing list⟩ may contain a whole list of numbers,
+separated by commas, and occurrences of the two key words
+`between origins` and `between borders`. The effect of specifying such a
+list is the following: First, all numbers occurring in the list are
+simply added to compute the final spacing. Second, concerning the two
+keywords, the last occurrence of one of the keywords is important. If
+the last occurrence is `between borders` or if neither occurs, then the
+space is inserted between the two columns normally. However, if the last
+occurs is `between origins`, then the following happens: The distance
+between the columns is adjusted such that the difference between the
+origins of all the cells in the first column (remember that they all lie
+on straight line) and the origins of all the cells in the second column
+is exactly the given distance.
+*The* `between origins` *option can only be used for columns mentioned
+in the first row, that is, you cannot specify this option for columns
+introduced only in later rows.*
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \matrix [draw,column sep={1cm,between origins},nodes=draw]
+ {
+ \node(a) {123}; & \node (b) {1}; & \node {1}; \\
+ \node {12}; & \node {12}; & \node {1}; \\
+ \node {1}; & \node {123}; & \node {1}; \\
+ };
+ \draw [<->,red,thick] ( -- ( node [above,midway] {1cm};
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/column:sep",
+ meta = "⟨spacing list⟩"
+ },
+ ["column ⟨number⟩"] = {
+ details = [[
+This style is used for every cell in column ⟨number⟩.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/column:⟨number⟩"
+ },
+ concept = {
+ details = [[
+This style should be used with all nodes that are concepts, although
+some styles like `extra concept` install this style automatically.
+Basically, this style makes the concept node circular and installs a
+uniform color called `concept color`, see below. Additionally, the style
+`every concept` is called.
+ \tikz[mindmap,concept color=red!50] \node [concept] {Some concept};
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/concept"
+ },
+ ["concept color"] = {
+ details = [[
+We saw already that this option is used to change the color of concepts.
+We now have a look at its effect when used on child nodes of a concept.
+Normally, this option simply changes the color of the children. However,
+when the option is given as an option to the `child` operation (and not
+to the `node` operation and also not as an option to all children via
+the `level 1` style), TikZ will smoothly change the concept color from
+the parent's color to the color of the child concept.
+Here is an example:
+ \tikz[mindmap,concept color=blue!80]
+ \node [concept] {Root concept}
+ child[concept color=red,grow=30] {node[concept] {Child concept}}
+ child[concept color=orange,grow=0] {node[concept] {Child concept}};
+In order to have a concept color which changes with the hierarchy level,
+a tiny bit of magic is needed:
+ \tikz[mindmap,text=white,
+ root concept/.style={concept color=blue},
+ level 1 concept/.append style=
+ {every child/.style={concept color=blue!50}}]
+ \node [concept] {Root concept}
+ child[grow=30] {node[concept] {child}}
+ child[grow=0 ] {node[concept] {child}};
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/concept:color",
+ meta = "⟨color⟩"
+ },
+ ["concept connection"] = {
+ details = [[
+This style can be used for lines between two concepts. Feel free to
+redefine this style.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/concept:connection"
+ },
+ ["connect spies"] = {
+ details = [[
+Causes the spy-in and the spy-on nodes to be connected by a thin line.
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ [spy using overlays={circle, magnification=3, size=1cm}]
+ \draw [decoration=Koch curve type 2]
+ decorate{ decorate{ decorate{ (0,0) -- (2,0) }}};
+ \spy [green] on (1.6,0.1) in node at (3,1);
+ \spy [red,connect spies] on (0.5,0.4) in node at (1,1.5);
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/connect:spies"
+ },
+ ["const plot"] = {
+ details = [[
+This option causes the points on the path to be connected using
+piecewise constant series of lines:
+ \tikz\draw plot[const plot] file{plots/pgfmanual-sine.table};
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/const:plot"
+ },
+ ["const plot mark left"] = {
+ details = [[
+Just an alias for `/tikz/const plot`.
+ \tikz\draw plot[const plot mark left,mark=*] file{plots/pgfmanual-sine.table};
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/const:plot:mark:left"
+ },
+ ["const plot mark mid"] = {
+ details = [[
+A variant of `/tikz/const plot` which places its mark in the middle of
+the horizontal lines:
+ \tikz\draw plot[const plot mark mid,mark=*] file{plots/pgfmanual-sine.table};
+More precisely, it generates vertical lines in the middle between each
+pair of consecutive points. If the mesh width is constant, this leads to
+symmetrically placed marks ("middle").
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/const:plot:mark:mid"
+ },
+ ["const plot mark right"] = {
+ details = [[
+A variant of `/tikz/const plot` which places its mark on the right ends:
+ \tikz\draw plot[const plot mark right,mark=*] file{plots/pgfmanual-sine.table};
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/const:plot:mark:right"
+ },
+ ["continue branch"] = {
+ details = [[
+This option works like the `continue chain` option, only ⟨current
+chain⟩`/`⟨branch name⟩ is used as the chain name, rather than just
+⟨branch name⟩.
+ \begin{tikzpicture}[every on chain/.style=join,every join/.style=->,
+ node distance=2mm and 1cm]
+ { [start chain=trunk]
+ \node [on chain] {A};
+ \node [on chain] {B};
+ { [start branch=numbers going below] } % just a declaration,
+ { [start branch=greek going above] } % we will come back later
+ \node [on chain] {C};
+ % Now come the branches...
+ { [continue branch=numbers]
+ \node [on chain] {1};
+ \node [on chain] {2};
+ }
+ { [continue branch=greek]
+ \node [on chain] {$\alpha$};
+ \node [on chain] {$\beta$};
+ }
+ }
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/continue:branch",
+ meta = "⟨branch name⟩⟨direction⟩"
+ },
+ ["continue chain"] = {
+ details = [[
+This option allows you to (re)activate an existing chain and to possibly
+change the default direction. If the `chain name` is missing, the name
+of the innermost activated chain is used. If no chain is activated,
+`chain` is used.
+Let us have a look at the two different applications of this option. The
+first is to change the direction of a chain as it is being constructed.
+For this, just give this option somewhere inside the scope of the chain.
+ \begin{tikzpicture}[start chain=going right,node distance=5mm]
+ \node [draw,on chain] {Hello};
+ \node [draw,on chain] {World};
+ \node [draw,continue chain=going below,on chain] {,};
+ \node [draw,on chain] {this};
+ \node [draw,on chain] {is};
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+The second application is to reactivate a chain after it "has already
+been closed down".
+ \begin{tikzpicture}[node distance=5mm,
+ every node/.style=draw]
+ { [start chain=1]
+ \node [on chain] {A};
+ \node [on chain] {B};
+ \node [on chain] {C};
+ }
+ { [start chain=2 going below]
+ \node [on chain=2] at (0.5,-.5) {0};
+ \node [on chain=2] {1};
+ \node [on chain=2] {2};
+ }
+ { [continue chain=1]
+ \node [on chain] {D};
+ }
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/continue:chain",
+ meta = "⟨chain name⟩⟨direction⟩"
+ },
+ controls = {
+ details = [[
+This option causes the ⟨coordinate⟩s to be used as control points.
+ \tikz \draw (0,0) to [controls=+(90:1) and +(90:1)] (3,0);
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/controls",
+ meta = "⟨coordinate⟩ and ⟨coordinate⟩"
+ },
+ ["copy shadow"] = {
+ details = [[
+This shadow installs the following default options:
+ shadow scale=1, shadow xshift=.5ex, shadow yshift=-.5ex, every shadow
+Furthermore, the options `fill=`⟨fill color⟩ and `draw=`⟨draw color⟩ are
+also set, where the ⟨fill color⟩ and ⟨draw color⟩ are the fill and draw
+colors used for the main path.
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \node [copy shadow,fill=blue!20,draw=blue,thick] {Hello World!};
+ \node at (0,-1) [copy shadow={shadow xshift=1ex,shadow yshift=1ex},
+ fill=blue!20,draw=blue,thick]
+ {Hello World!};
+ \node at (0,-2) [copy shadow={opacity=.5},tape,
+ fill=blue!20,draw=blue,thick]
+ {Hello World!};
+ % We have to repeat the left color since shadings are not
+ % automatically applied to shadows
+ \node at (0,-3) [copy shadow={left color=blue!50},
+ left color=blue!50,draw=blue,thick]
+ {Hello World!};
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/copy:shadow",
+ meta = "⟨shadow options⟩"
+ },
+ ["counterclockwise from"] = {
+ details = [[
+Works the same way as `clockwise from`, but sibling angles are added
+instead of subtracted.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/counterclockwise:from",
+ meta = "⟨angle⟩"
+ },
+ ["cs/angle"] = {
+ details = [[
+Same as `longitude`.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/cs/angle",
+ meta = "⟨degrees⟩"
+ },
+ ["cs/first line"] = {
+ details = [[
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/cs/first:line",
+ meta = "{(⟨first % coordinate⟩)--(⟨second coordinate⟩)}"
+ },
+ ["cs/first node"] = {
+ details = [[
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/cs/first:node",
+ meta = "⟨node⟩"
+ },
+ ["cs/horizontal line through"] = {
+ details = [[
+Specifies that one line is a horizontal line that goes through the given
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/cs/horizontal:line:through",
+ meta = "{(⟨coordinate⟩)}"
+ },
+ ["cs/latitude"] = {
+ details = [[
+Angle of the coordinate between the $y$- and $z$-vector, measured from
+the $y$-vector.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/cs/latitude",
+ meta = "⟨degrees⟩"
+ },
+ ["cs/longitude"] = {
+ details = [[
+Angle of the coordinate between the $x$- and $y$-vector, measured from
+the $y$-vector.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/cs/longitude",
+ meta = "⟨degrees⟩"
+ },
+ ["cs/name"] = {
+ details = [[
+Specifies the node that you wish to use to specify a coordinate. The
+⟨node name⟩ is the name that was previously used to name the node using
+the `name=`⟨node name⟩ option or the special node name syntax.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/cs/name",
+ meta = "⟨node name⟩"
+ },
+ ["cs/node"] = {
+ details = [[
+This key specifies the node on whose border the tangent should lie.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/cs/node",
+ meta = "⟨node⟩"
+ },
+ ["cs/point"] = {
+ details = [[
+This key specifies the point through which the tangent should go.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/cs/point",
+ meta = "⟨point⟩"
+ },
+ ["cs/radius"] = {
+ details = [[
+Factor by which the $x$-, $y$-, and $z$-vector are multiplied.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/cs/radius",
+ meta = "⟨number⟩"
+ },
+ ["cs/second line"] = {
+ details = [[
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/cs/second:line",
+ meta = "{(⟨first % coordinate⟩)--(⟨second coordinate⟩)}"
+ },
+ ["cs/second node"] = {
+ details = [[
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/cs/second:node",
+ meta = "⟨node⟩"
+ },
+ ["cs/solution"] = {
+ details = [[
+Specifies which solution should be used if there are more than one.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/cs/solution",
+ meta = "⟨number⟩"
+ },
+ ["cs/vertical line through"] = {
+ details = [[
+Specifies that the other line is vertical and goes through the given
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/cs/vertical:line:through",
+ meta = "{(⟨coordinate⟩)}"
+ },
+ ["cs/x"] = {
+ details = [[
+The $x$ component of the coordinate. Should be given *without* unit.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/cs/x",
+ meta = "⟨number⟩"
+ },
+ ["cs/x radius"] = {
+ details = [[
+A specific factor by which only the $x$-vector is multiplied.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/cs/x:radius",
+ meta = "⟨dimension⟩"
+ },
+ ["cs/y"] = {
+ details = [[
+Distance by which the coordinate is above the origin.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/cs/y",
+ meta = "⟨dimension⟩"
+ },
+ ["cs/y radius"] = {
+ details = [[
+Works like `x radius`.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/cs/y:radius",
+ meta = "⟨dimension⟩"
+ },
+ ["cs/z"] = {
+ details = [[
+Works like `x`.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/cs/z",
+ meta = "⟨factor⟩"
+ },
+ ["current point is local"] = {
+ details = [[
+Normally, the scope path operation has no effect on the current point.
+That is, curly braces on a path have no effect on the current position:
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \draw (0,0) -- ++(1,0) -- ++(0,1) -- ++(-1,0);
+ \draw[red] (2,0) -- ++(1,0) { -- ++(0,1) } -- ++(-1,0);
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+If you set this key to `true`, this behavior changes. In this case, at
+the end of a group created on a path, the last current position reverts
+to whatever value it had at the beginning of the scope. More precisely,
+when TikZ encounters `}` on a path, it checks whether at this particular
+moment the key is set to `true`. If so, the current position reverts to
+the value it had when the matching `{` was read.
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \draw (0,0) -- ++(1,0) -- ++(0,1) -- ++(-1,0);
+ \draw[red] (2,0) -- ++(1,0)
+ { [current point is local] -- ++(0,1) } -- ++(-1,0);
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+In the above example, we could also have given the option outside the
+scope, for instance as a parameter to the whole scope.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/current:point:is:local",
+ meta = "⟨boolean⟩"
+ },
+ ["curve to"] = {
+ details = [[
+Specifies that the `to path` should be a curve. This curve will leave
+the start coordinate at a certain angle, which can be specified using
+the `out` option. It reaches the target coordinate also at a certain
+angle, which is specified using the `in` option. The control points of
+the curve are at a certain distance that is computed in different ways,
+depending on which options are set.
+All of the following options implicitly cause the `curve to` style to be
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/curve:to"
+ },
+ dash = {
+ details = [[
+Sets the dashing pattern and phase at the same time.
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \draw [dash=on 20pt off 10pt phase 0pt] (0pt,3pt) -- (3.5cm,3pt);
+ \draw [dash=on 20pt off 10pt phase 10pt] (0pt,0pt) -- (3.5cm,0pt);
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/dash",
+ meta = "⟨dash pattern⟩phase⟨dash phase⟩"
+ },
+ ["dash dot"] = {
+ details = [[
+Shorthand for setting a dashed and dotted dash pattern.
+ \tikz \draw[dash dot] (0pt,0pt) -- (50pt,0pt);
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/dash:dot"
+ },
+ ["dash dot dot"] = {
+ details = [[
+Shorthand for setting a dashed and dotted dash pattern with more dots.
+ \tikz \draw[dash dot dot] (0pt,0pt) -- (50pt,0pt);
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/dash:dot:dot"
+ },
+ ["dash expand off"] = {
+ details = [[
+Makes the `off` part of a dash pattern expandable such that it can
+stretch. This only works when there is a single `on` and a single `off`
+field and requires the `decorations` library. Right now this option has
+to be specified on the path where it is supposed to take effect after
+the `dash pattern` option because the dash pattern has to be known at
+the point where it is applied.
+ \begin{tikzpicture}[|-|, dash pattern=on 4pt off 2pt]
+ \draw [dash expand off] (0pt,30pt) -- (26pt,30pt);
+ \draw [dash expand off] (0pt,20pt) -- (24pt,20pt);
+ \draw [dash expand off] (0pt,10pt) -- (22pt,10pt);
+ \draw [dash expand off] (0pt, 0pt) -- (20pt, 0pt);
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/dash:expand:off"
+ },
+ ["dash pattern"] = {
+ details = [[
+Sets the dashing pattern. The syntax is the same as in METAFONT. For
+example following pattern `on 2pt off 3pt on 4pt off 4pt` means "draw
+2pt, then leave out 3pt, then draw 4pt once more, then leave out 4pt
+again, repeat".
+ \begin{tikzpicture}[dash pattern=on 2pt off 3pt on 4pt off 4pt]
+ \draw (0pt,0pt) -- (3.5cm,0pt);
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/dash:pattern",
+ meta = "⟨dash pattern⟩"
+ },
+ ["dash phase"] = {
+ details = [[
+Shifts the start of the dash pattern by ⟨phase⟩.
+ \begin{tikzpicture}[dash pattern=on 20pt off 10pt]
+ \draw[dash phase=0pt] (0pt,3pt) -- (3.5cm,3pt);
+ \draw[dash phase=10pt] (0pt,0pt) -- (3.5cm,0pt);
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/dash:phase",
+ meta = "⟨dash phase⟩"
+ },
+ dashed = {
+ details = [[
+Shorthand for setting a dashed dash pattern.
+ \tikz \draw[dashed] (0pt,0pt) -- (50pt,0pt);
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/dashed"
+ },
+ ["data visualizers/visualize as line"] = {
+ details = [[
+Creates a new visualizer named ⟨visualizer name⟩. Basically, this
+visualizer connects all data points for which the `/data point/set`
+attribute equals ⟨visualizer name⟩ by a line that is styled by the
+visualizer's style.
+In more detail, the following happens:
+1. A new object is created (of class `plot handler visualizer`) that is
+ configured to collect the canvas positions of all data points whose
+ `set` attribute equals ⟨visualizer name⟩.
+2. During the end of the data visualization, PGF's plotting mechanism
+ (see Section ??) is used to plot the stream of recorded data points.
+ This means that, in principle, all of the plot handlers available in
+ TikZ could be used for the visualization (such as the `smooth`
+ handler). However, some plot handlers such as, say, the `xcomb` are
+ unsuitable as plot handlers since they do not support the advanced
+ axis handling done by the data visualization engine. Because of this
+ (and also for other reasons), you cannot set the plot handler
+ directly, but must use one of the options like `straight line`,
+ `smooth line` and others, documented in a moment.
+3. Additionally, plot marks can be drawn at the collected data points.
+ Here, all of the options available to TikZ for drawing plot marks
+ are available. To configure them, all options offered by TikZ for
+ configuring marks are available such as `mark repeat`:
+ \tikz \datavisualization
+ [scientific axes=clean,
+ visualize as line=my data,
+ my data={style={mark=x, mark repeat=3}}]
+ data [format=function] {
+ var x : interval [0:pi] samples 10;
+ func y = sin(\value x r);
+ };
+The line visualizer also provides a method of dealing with gaps in a
+line. Take for instance the function $f(x) = \tan x$. When this function
+is plotted over the interval $[0,\pi]$, then the function will go to
+ \infty$ at $\pi/2$. When we plot this, we might plot the function in
+the interval $[0,\frac{\pi}{2}-\epsilon]$ and then continue in the
+interval $[\frac{\pi}{2}+\epsilon,\pi]$. However, we do not want the
+point at coordinate $\bigl(\frac{\pi}{2}- \epsilon, \tan(\frac{\pi}{2}-
+ \epsilon)\bigr)$ to be connected to the coordinate
+ \epsilon, \tan(\frac{\pi}{2}+ \epsilon)\bigr)$ by a line. Rather,
+there should be a "gap" or a "jump" between these coordinates. To
+achieve this, the following key can be used:
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/data:visualizers/visualize:as:line",
+ meta = "⟨visualizer name⟩"
+ },
+ ["data visualizers/visualize as scatter"] = {
+ details = [[
+A shorthand `visualize as line=`⟨visualizer name⟩ followed ⟨visualizer
+name⟩`=no lines` and setting the `style` of the visualizer so that is
+will use `mark=x` (plus some size adjustments) to draw marks at the data
+ \tikz \datavisualization
+ [scientific axes=clean,
+ visualize as scatter]
+ data [format=function] {
+ var x : interval [0:pi] samples 10;
+ func y = sin(\value x r);
+ };
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/data:visualizers/visualize:as:scatter",
+ meta = "⟨visualizer name⟩"
+ },
+ ["data visualizers/visualize as smooth line"] = {
+ details = [[
+A shorthand `visualize as line=`⟨visualizer name⟩ followed ⟨visualizer
+name⟩`=smooth line`.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/data:visualizers/visualize:as:smooth:line",
+ meta = "⟨visualizer name⟩"
+ },
+ dates = {
+ details = [[
+This option specifies the date range. Both the start and end date are
+specified and described on page ??. In short: You can provide ISO-format
+type dates like `2006-01-02`, you can replace the day of month by `last`
+to refer to the last day of a month (so `2006-02-last` is the same as
+`2006-02-28`), and you can add a plus sign followed by a number to
+specify an offset (so `2006-01-01+-1` is the same as `2005-12-31`).
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/dates",
+ meta = "⟨start date⟩ to ⟨end date⟩"
+ },
+ ["day code"] = {
+ details = [[
+This option allows you to change the code that is executed for each day.
+The default is to create a node with an appropriate name, but you can
+change this:
+ \tikz \calendar[dates=2000-01-01 to 2000-01-31,week list,
+ day code={\fill[blue] (0,0) circle (2pt);}];
+The default code is the following:
+ \node[name=\pgfcalendarsuggestedname,every day]{\tikzdaytext};
+The first part causes the day nodes to be accessible via the following
+names: If ⟨name⟩ is the name given to the calendar via a `name=` option
+or via the specification element `(`⟨name⟩`)`, then
+`\pgfcalendarsuggestedname` will expand to ⟨name⟩`-`⟨date⟩, where ⟨date⟩
+is the date of the day that is currently being processed in ISO format.
+For example, if January 1, 2006 is being processed and the calendar has
+been named `mycal`, then the node containing the `1` for this date will
+be names `mycal-2006-01-01`. You can later reference this node.
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \calendar (mycal) [dates=2000-01-01 to 2000-01-31,week list];
+ \draw[red] (mycal-2000-01-20) circle (4pt);
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/day:code",
+ meta = "⟨code⟩"
+ },
+ ["day list downward"] = {
+ details = [[
+This style causes the days of a month to be typeset one below the other.
+The shift between days is given by `day yshift`. Between month an
+additional shift of `month yshift` is added.
+ \tikz
+ \calendar [dates=2000-01-28 to 2000-02-03,
+ day list downward,month yshift=1em];
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/day:list:downward"
+ },
+ ["day list left"] = {
+ details = [[
+As above, but the list grows left.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/day:list:left"
+ },
+ ["day list right"] = {
+ details = [[
+This style also works as before, but the list of days grows to the
+right. Instead of `day yshift` and `month yshift`, the values of
+`day xshift` and `month xshift` are used.
+ \tikz
+ \calendar [dates=2000-01-28 to 2000-02-03,
+ day list right,month xshift=1em];
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/day:list:right"
+ },
+ ["day list upward"] = {
+ details = [[
+Works as above, only the list grows upward instead of downward.
+ \tikz
+ \calendar [dates=2000-01-28 to 2000-02-03,
+ day list upward,month yshift=1em];
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/day:list:upward"
+ },
+ ["day text"] = {
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/day:text",
+ meta = "⟨text⟩"
+ },
+ ["day xshift"] = {
+ details = [[
+Specifies the horizontal shift between days. This is not the gap between
+days, but the shift between the anchors of their nodes.
+ \tikz \calendar[dates=2000-01-01 to 2000-01-31,week list,day xshift=3ex];
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/day:xshift",
+ meta = "⟨dimension⟩"
+ },
+ ["day yshift"] = {
+ details = [[
+Specifies the vertical shift between days. Again, this is the shift
+between the anchors of their nodes.
+ \tikz \calendar[dates=2000-01-01 to 2000-01-31,week list,day yshift=2ex];
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/day:yshift",
+ meta = "⟨dimension⟩"
+ },
+ decorate = {
+ details = [[
+When this key is set, the whole path is decorated after it has been
+finished. The decoration used for decorating the path is set via the
+`decoration` way, in exactly the same way as for the `decorate` path
+command. Indeed, the following two commands have the same effect:
+1. `\path decorate[`⟨options⟩`] {`⟨path⟩`};`
+2. `\path [decorate,`⟨options⟩`] `⟨path⟩`;`
+The main use or the `decorate` option is the you can also use it with
+the nodes. It then causes the background path of the node to be
+decorated. Note that you can decorate a background path only once in
+this manner. That is, in contrast to the `decorate` path command you
+cannot apply this option twice (this would just set it to `true`, once
+ \begin{tikzpicture}[decoration=zigzag]
+ \draw [help lines] (0,0) grid (3,5);
+ \draw [fill=blue!20,decorate] (1.5,4) circle (1cm);
+ \node at (1.5,2.5) [fill=red!20,decorate,ellipse] {Ellipse};
+ \node at (1.5,1) [inner sep=6mm,fill=red!20,decorate,ellipse,decoration=
+ {text along path,text={This is getting silly}}] {Ellipse};
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+In the last example, the `text along path` decoration removes the path.
+In such cases it is useful to use a pre- or postaction to cause the
+decoration to be applied only before or after the main path has been
+used. Incidentally, this is another application of the `decorate` option
+that you cannot achieve with the decorate path command.
+ \begin{tikzpicture}[decoration=zigzag]
+ \node at (1.5,1) [inner sep=6mm,fill=red!20,ellipse,
+ postaction={decorate,decoration=
+ {text along path,text={This is getting silly}}}] {Ellipse};
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+Here is more useful example, where a postaction is used to add the path
+after the main path has been drawn.
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \draw [help lines] grid (3,2);
+ \fill [draw=red,fill=red!20,
+ postaction={decorate,decoration={raise=2pt,text along path,
+ text=around and around and around and around we go}}]
+ (0,1) arc (180:-180:1.5cm and 1cm);
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/decorate",
+ meta = "⟨boolean⟩"
+ },
+ ["delta angle"] = {
+ details = [[
+Sets the delta angle.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/delta:angle",
+ meta = "⟨degrees⟩"
+ },
+ ["densely dash dot"] = {
+ details = [[
+Shorthand for setting a densely dashed and dotted dash pattern.
+ \tikz \draw[densely dash dot] (0pt,0pt) -- (50pt,0pt);
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/densely:dash:dot"
+ },
+ ["densely dash dot dot"] = {
+ details = [[
+Shorthand for setting a densely dashed and dotted dash pattern with more
+ \tikz \draw[densely dash dot dot] (0pt,0pt) -- (50pt,0pt);
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/densely:dash:dot:dot"
+ },
+ ["densely dashed"] = {
+ details = [[
+Shorthand for setting a densely dashed dash pattern.
+ \tikz \draw[densely dashed] (0pt,0pt) -- (50pt,0pt);
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/densely:dashed"
+ },
+ ["densely dotted"] = {
+ details = [[
+Shorthand for setting a densely dotted dash pattern.
+ \tikz \draw[densely dotted] (0pt,0pt) -- (50pt,0pt);
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/densely:dotted"
+ },
+ distance = {
+ details = [[
+Set the minimum and maximum distance to the same value ⟨distance⟩. Note
+that this causes any computed distance $d$ to be ignored and ⟨distance⟩
+to be used instead.
+ \begin{tikzpicture}[out=45,in=135,distance=1cm]
+ \draw (0,0) to (1,0)
+ (0,0) to (2,0)
+ (0,0) to (3,0);
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/distance",
+ meta = "⟨distance⟩"
+ },
+ domain = {
+ details = [[
+Sets the domain from which the samples are taken.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/domain",
+ meta = "⟨start⟩:⟨end⟩"
+ },
+ dotted = {
+ details = [[
+Shorthand for setting a dotted dash pattern.
+ \tikz \draw[dotted] (0pt,0pt) -- (50pt,0pt);
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/dotted"
+ },
+ double = {
+ details = [[
+This option causes "two" lines to be drawn instead of a single one.
+However, this is not what really happens. In reality, the path is drawn
+twice. First, with the normal drawing color, secondly with the ⟨core
+color⟩, which is normally `white`. Upon the second drawing, the line
+width is reduced. The net effect is that it appears as if two lines had
+been drawn and this works well even with complicated, curved paths:
+ \tikz \draw[double]
+ plot[smooth cycle] coordinates{(0,0) (1,1) (1,0) (0,1)};
+You can also use the doubling option to create an effect in which a line
+seems to have a certain "border":
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \draw (0,0) -- (1,1);
+ \draw[draw=white,double=red,very thick] (0,1) -- (1,0);
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/double",
+ meta = "⟨core color⟩"
+ },
+ ["double copy shadow"] = {
+ details = [[
+This shadow works like a `copy shadow`, only the shadow is added twice,
+the second time with the double `xshift` and `yshift`.
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \node [double copy shadow,fill=blue!20,draw=blue,thick] {Hello World!};
+ \node at (0,-1) [double copy shadow={shadow xshift=1ex,shadow yshift=1ex},
+ fill=blue!20,draw=blue,thick]
+ {Hello World!};
+ \node at (0,-2) [double copy shadow={opacity=.5},tape,
+ fill=blue!20,draw=blue,thick]
+ {Hello World!};
+ \node at (0,-3) [double copy shadow={left color=blue!50},
+ left color=blue!50,draw=blue,thick]
+ {Hello World!};
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/double:copy:shadow",
+ meta = "⟨shadow options⟩"
+ },
+ ["double distance"] = {
+ details = [[
+Sets the distance the "two" lines are spaced apart. In reality, this is
+the thickness of the line that is used to draw the path for the second
+time. The thickness of the *first* time the path is drawn is twice the
+normal line width plus the given ⟨dimension⟩. As a side-effect, this
+option "selects" the `double` option.
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \draw[very thick,double] (0,0) arc (180:90:1cm);
+ \draw[very thick,double distance=2pt] (1,0) arc (180:90:1cm);
+ \draw[thin,double distance=2pt] (2,0) arc (180:90:1cm);
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/double:distance",
+ meta = "⟨dimension⟩"
+ },
+ ["double distance between line centers"] = {
+ details = [[
+This option works like `double distance`, only the distance is not the
+distance between (inner) borders of the two main lines, but between
+their centers. Thus, the thickness the *first* time the path is drawn is
+the normal line width plus the given ⟨dimension⟩, while the line width
+of the *second* line that is drawn is ⟨dimension⟩ minus the normal line
+width. As a side-effect, this option "selects" the `double` option.
+ \begin{tikzpicture}[double distance between line centers=3pt]
+ \foreach \lw in {0.5,1,1.5,2,2.5}
+ \draw[line width=\lw pt,double] (\lw,0) -- ++(4mm,0);
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ \begin{tikzpicture}[double distance=3pt]
+ \foreach \lw in {0.5,1,1.5,2,2.5}
+ \draw[line width=\lw pt,double] (\lw,0) -- ++(4mm,0);
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/double:distance:between:line:centers",
+ meta = "⟨dimension⟩"
+ },
+ ["double equal sign distance"] = {
+ details = [[
+This style selects a double line distance such that it corresponds to
+the distance of the two lines in an equal sign.
+ \Huge $=\implies$\tikz[baseline,double equal sign distance]
+ \draw[double,thick,-{Implies[]}](0,0.55ex) --++(3ex,0);
+ \normalsize $=\implies$\tikz[baseline,double equal sign distance]
+ \draw[double,-{Implies[]}](0,0.6ex) --++(3ex,0);
+ \tiny $=\implies$\tikz[baseline,double equal sign distance]
+ \draw[double,very thin,-{Implies[]}](0,0.5ex) -- ++(3ex,0);
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/double:equal:sign:distance"
+ },
+ draw = {
+ details = [[
+Causes the path to be drawn. "Drawing" (also known as "stroking") can be
+thought of as picking up a pen and moving it along the path, thereby
+leaving "ink" on the canvas.
+There are numerous parameters that influence how a line is drawn, like
+the thickness or the dash pattern. These options are explained below.
+If the optional ⟨color⟩ argument is given, drawing is done using the
+given ⟨color⟩. This color can be different from the current filling
+color, which allows you to draw and fill a path with different colors.
+If no ⟨color⟩ argument is given, the last usage of the `color=` option
+is used.
+If the special color name `none` is given, this option causes drawing to
+be "switched off". This is useful if a style has previously switched on
+drawing and you locally wish to undo this effect.
+Although this option is normally used on paths to indicate that the path
+should be drawn, it also makes sense to use the option with a `{scope}`
+or `{tikzpicture}` environment. However, this will *not* cause all paths
+to be drawn. Instead, this just sets the ⟨color⟩ to be used for drawing
+paths inside the environment.
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \path[draw=red] (0,0) -- (1,1) -- (2,1) circle (10pt);
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/draw",
+ meta = "⟨color⟩"
+ },
+ ["draw opacity"] = {
+ details = [[
+This option sets "how transparent" lines should be. A value of `1` means
+"fully opaque" or "not transparent at all", a value of `0` means "fully
+transparent" or "invisible". A value of `0.5` yields lines that are
+Note that when you use PostScript as your output format, this option
+works only with recent versions of Ghostscript.
+ \begin{tikzpicture}[line width=1ex]
+ \draw (0,0) -- (3,1);
+ \filldraw [fill=yellow!80!black,draw opacity=0.5] (1,0) rectangle (2,1);
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/draw:opacity",
+ meta = "⟨value⟩"
+ },
+ ["drop shadow"] = {
+ details = [[
+This option adds a drop shadow to a `\path` or a `node`. It uses the
+`general shadow` and passes the ⟨shadow options⟩ to it, plus, before
+them, the following extra options:
+ shadow scale=1, shadow xshift=.5ex, shadow yshift=-.5ex,
+ opacity=.5, fill=black!50, every shadow
+ \tikz [even odd rule]
+ \filldraw [drop shadow,fill=white] (0,0) circle (.5) (0.5,0) circle (.5);
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \foreach \i in {1,...,4}
+ \node[starburst,drop shadow,fill=white,draw] at (0,\i) {Burst \i};
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \draw [help lines] (0,0) grid (3,2);
+ \filldraw [drop shadow={opacity=1},fill=white]
+ (1,2) circle (.5) (1.5,2) circle (.5);
+ \filldraw [drop shadow={opacity=0.25},fill=white]
+ (1,.5) circle (.5) (1.5,.5) circle (.5);
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/drop:shadow",
+ meta = "⟨shadow options⟩"
+ },
+ ["edge from parent"] = {
+ details = [[
+This style is inserted right before the `edge from parent path` and
+before the ⟨options⟩ are inserted.
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ [edge from parent/.style={draw,red,thick}]
+ \node {root}
+ child {node {left} edge from parent[dashed]}
+ child {node {right}
+ child {node {child}}
+ child {node {child} edge from parent[draw=none]}
+ };
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/edge:from:parent"
+ },
+ ["edge from parent fork down"] = {
+ details = [[
+This style will draw a line from the parent downwards (for half the
+level distance) and then on to the child using only horizontal and
+vertical lines.
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \node {root}
+ [edge from parent fork down]
+ child {node {left}}
+ child {node {right}
+ child[child anchor=north east] {node {child}}
+ child {node {child}}
+ };
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/edge:from:parent:fork:down"
+ },
+ ["edge from parent fork left"] = {
+ details = [[
+Behaves similarly to the previous styles.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/edge:from:parent:fork:left"
+ },
+ ["edge from parent fork right"] = {
+ details = [[
+This style behaves similarly, only it will first draw its edge to the
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \node {root}
+ [edge from parent fork right,grow=right]
+ child {node {left}}
+ child {node {right}
+ child {node {child}}
+ child {node {child}}
+ };
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/edge:from:parent:fork:right"
+ },
+ ["edge from parent fork up"] = {
+ details = [[
+Behaves similarly to the previous styles.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/edge:from:parent:fork:up"
+ },
+ ["edge from parent macro"] = {
+ details = [[
+The ⟨macro⟩ gets expanded each time the `edge from parent` path
+operation is used. This ⟨macro⟩ must take two parameters and must expand
+to some text that is subsequently parsed by the parser. The first
+parameter will be the set of ⟨options⟩ that where passed to the
+`edge from parent` command, the second parameter will be the ⟨node
+specifications⟩ that following the command.
+The standard behavior of drawing a straight line from the parent node to
+the child node could be achieved by setting the ⟨macro⟩ to the
+ \def\mymacro#1#2{
+ [style=edge from parent, #1]
+ (\tikzparentnode\tikzparentanchor) -- #2 (\tikzchildnode\tikzchildanchor)
+ }
+Note that `# 2` is placed between `–` and the node to ensure that nodes
+are put "on top" of the line.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/edge:from:parent:macro",
+ meta = "⟨macro⟩"
+ },
+ ["edge from parent path"] = {
+ details = [[
+This option allows you to set the `edge from parent path` to a new path.
+Initially, this path is the following:
+ (\tikzparentnode\tikzparentanchor) -- (\tikzchildnode\tikzchildanchor)
+The `\tikzparentnode` is a macro that will expand to the name of the
+parent node. This works even when you have not assigned a name to the
+parent node, in this case an internal name is automatically generated.
+The `\tikzchildnode` is a macro that expands to the name of the child
+node. The two `...anchor` macros are empty by default. So, what is
+essentially inserted is just the path segment
+`(\tikzparentnode) – (\tikzchildnode)`; which is exactly an edge from
+the parent to the child.
+You can modify this edge from parent path to achieve all sorts of
+effects. For example, we could replace the straight line by a curve as
+ \begin{tikzpicture}[level distance=15mm, sibling distance=15mm,
+ edge from parent path=
+ {(\tikzparentnode.south) .. controls +(0,-1) and +(0,1)
+ .. (\tikzchildnode.north)}]
+ \node {root}
+ child {node {left}}
+ child {node {right}
+ child {node {child}}
+ child {node {child}}
+ };
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+Further useful `edge from parent path`s are defined in the tree library,
+see Section ??.
+The nodes in a ⟨node specification⟩ following the `edge from parent`
+path command get executed as if the `pos` option had been added to all
+these nodes, see also Section ??.
+As an example, consider the following code:
+ \node (root) {} child {node (child) {} edge to parent node {label}};
+The `edge to parent` operation and the following `node` operation will,
+together, have the same effect as if we had said:
+ (root) -- (child) node [pos=0.5] {label}
+Here is a more complicated example:
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \node {root}
+ child {
+ node {left}
+ edge from parent
+ node[left] {a}
+ node[right] {b}
+ }
+ child {
+ node {right}
+ child {
+ node {child}
+ edge from parent
+ node[left] {c}
+ }
+ child {node {child}}
+ edge from parent
+ node[near end] {x}
+ };
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+As said before, the anchors in the default `edge from parent path` are
+empty. However, you can set them using the following keys:
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/edge:from:parent:path",
+ meta = "⟨path⟩"
+ },
+ ["edge label"] = {
+ details = [[
+A shorthand for `edge node={node[auto]{`⟨text⟩`}}`.
+ \tikz \draw (0,0) to [edge label=x] (3,2);
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/edge:label",
+ meta = "⟨text⟩"
+ },
+ ["edge label'"] = {
+ details = [[
+A shorthand for `edge node={node[auto,swap]{`⟨text⟩`}}`.
+ \tikz \draw (0,0) to [edge label=x, edge label'=y] (3,2);
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/edge:label'",
+ meta = "⟨text⟩"
+ },
+ ["edge node"] = {
+ details = [[
+This key can be used inside the ⟨options⟩ of a `to` path command. It
+will add the ⟨node specification⟩ to the list of nodes to be placed on
+the connecting line, just as if you had written the ⟨node specification⟩
+directly after the `to` keyword:
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \draw (0,0) to [edge node={node [sloped,above] {x}}] (3,2);
+ \draw (0,0) to [out=90,in=180,
+ edge node={node [sloped,above] {x}}] (3,2);
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+This key is mostly useful to create labels automatically using other
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/edge:node",
+ meta = "⟨node specification⟩"
+ },
+ ["end angle"] = {
+ details = [[
+Sets the end angle.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/end:angle",
+ meta = "⟨degrees⟩"
+ },
+ entity = {
+ details = [[
+This style is to be used with nodes that represent entity types. It
+causes the node's shape to be set to a rectangle that is drawn and whose
+minimum size and width are set to sensible values.
+Note that this style is called `entity` despite the fact that it is to
+be used for nodes representing entity *types* (the difference between an
+entity and an entity type is the same as the difference between an
+object and a class in object-oriented programming). If this bothers you,
+feel free to define a style `entity type` instead.
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \node[entity] (sheep) {Sheep};
+ \node[entity] (genome) [right=of sheep] {Genome};
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/entity"
+ },
+ evaluate = {
+ details = [[
+This key simply executes `\tikzmath{`⟨statements⟩`}`.
+ \tikz[x=0.25cm,y=0.25cm,
+ evaluate={
+ int \i, \j;
+ for \i in {0,...,10} {
+ for \j in {0,...,10} {
+ \a{\i,\j} = (\i+\j)*5;
+ };
+ };
+ }
+ ]
+ \foreach \i in {0,...,10}
+ \foreach \j in {0,...,10}
+ \fill [red!\a{\i,\j}!yellow] (\i,\j) rectangle ++(1, 1);
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/evaluate",
+ meta = "{⟨statements⟩}"
+ },
+ ["even odd rule"] = {
+ details = [[
+This option causes a different method to be used for determining the
+inside and outside of paths. While it is less flexible, it turns out to
+be more intuitive.
+With this method, we also shoot rays from the point for which we wish to
+determine whether it is inside or outside the filling area. However,
+this time we only count how often we "hit" the path and declare the
+point to be "inside" if the number of hits is odd.
+Using the even-odd rule, it is easy to "drill holes" into a path.
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \filldraw[fill=yellow!80!black,even odd rule]
+ (0,0) rectangle (1,1) (0.5,0.5) circle (0.4cm);
+ \draw[->] (0.5,0.5) -- +(0,1) [above] node{crossings: $1+1 = 2$};
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/even:odd:rule"
+ },
+ ["every above delimiter"] = {
+ details = [[
+Works as above.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/every:above:delimiter"
+ },
+ ["every accepting by arrow"] = {
+ details = [[
+Executed at the beginning of every path that contains the arrow and the
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/every:accepting:by:arrow"
+ },
+ ["every annotation"] = {
+ details = [[
+This style is included by `annotation`.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/every:annotation"
+ },
+ ["every attribute"] = {
+ details = [[
+This style is used with every attribute, and therefore also for every
+key attribute.
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ [text depth=1pt,
+ every attribute/.style={fill=black!20,draw=black},
+ every entity/.style={fill=blue!20,draw=blue,thick},
+ every relationship/.style={fill=orange!20,draw=orange,thick,aspect=1.5}]
+ \node[entity] (sheep) at (0,0) {Sheep}
+ child {node [key attribute] {name}};
+ \node[entity] (genome) at (2,0) {Genome};
+ \node[relationship] at (1,1.5) {has}
+ edge (sheep)
+ edge (genome);
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/every:attribute"
+ },
+ ["every below delimiter"] = {
+ details = [[
+Works as above.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/every:below:delimiter"
+ },
+ ["every calendar"] = {
+ details = [[
+This style is used with every calendar.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/every:calendar"
+ },
+ ["every cell"] = {
+ details = [[
+This style is installed at the beginning of each cell picture with the
+two parameters being the current ⟨row⟩ and ⟨column⟩ of the cell. Note
+that setting this style to `draw` will *not* cause all nodes to be drawn
+since the `draw` option has to be passed to each node individually.
+Inside this style (and inside all cells), the current ⟨row⟩ and ⟨column⟩
+number are also accessible via the counters `\pgfmatrixcurrentrow` and
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/every:cell",
+ meta = "{row}{column}"
+ },
+ ["every child"] = {
+ details = [[
+This style is used at the beginning of each child, as if you had given
+the style's contents as options to the `child` operation.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/every:child"
+ },
+ ["every child node"] = {
+ details = [[
+This style is used at the beginning of each child node in addition to
+the `every node` style.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/every:child:node"
+ },
+ ["every circle"] = {
+ details = [[
+You can use this key to set up, say, a default radius for every circle.
+The key will also be used with the `ellipse` operation.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/every:circle"
+ },
+ ["every circle connection bar"] = {
+ details = [[
+Redefine this style to change the appearance of circle connection bar
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/every:circle:connection:bar"
+ },
+ ["every circuit ee"] = {
+ details = [[
+Use this key to configure the appearance of logical circuits.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/every:circuit:ee"
+ },
+ ["every circuit logic"] = {
+ details = [[
+Use this key to configure the appearance of logical circuits.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/every:circuit:logic"
+ },
+ ["every circuit symbol"] = {
+ details = [[
+Use this style to set up things in general.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/every:circuit:symbol"
+ },
+ ["every concept"] = {
+ details = [[
+In order to change the appearance of concept nodes, you should change
+this style. Note, however, that the color of a concept should be uniform
+for some of the connection bar stuff to work, so you should not change
+the color or the draw/fill state of concepts using this option. It is
+mostly useful for changing the text color and font.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/every:concept"
+ },
+ ["every cut"] = {
+ details = [[
+Executed for every line that should be cut using scissors.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/every:cut"
+ },
+ ["every data"] = {
+ details = [[
+This key is executed for every `data` command.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/every:data"
+ },
+ ["every day"] = {
+ details = [[
+This style is executed by the default node code for each day. The
+`every day` style is useful for changing the way days look. For example,
+let us make all days red:
+ \tikz[every day/.style=red]
+ \calendar[dates=2000-01-01 to 2000-01-31,week list];
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/every:day"
+ },
+ ["every delimiter"] = {
+ details = [[
+This style is executed for every delimiter. You can use it to shift or
+color delimiters or do whatever.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/every:delimiter"
+ },
+ ["every edge"] = {
+ details = [[
+Executed for each `edge`.
+ \begin{tikzpicture}[every edge/.style={draw,dashed}]
+ \path (0,0) edge (3,2);
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/every:edge"
+ },
+ ["every edge quotes"] = {
+ details = [[
+This style is `auto` by default, which causes labels specified using the
+quotes-syntax to be placed next to the edges. Unless the setting of
+`auto` has been changed, they will be placed to the left.
+ \tikz \draw (0,0) edge ["left", ->] (2,0);
+In order to place all labels to the right by default, change this style
+to `auto=right`:
+ \tikz [every edge quotes/.style={auto=right}]
+ \draw (0,0) edge ["right", ->] (2,0);
+To place all nodes "on" the edge, just make this style empty (and,
+possibly, make your labels opaque):
+ \tikz [every edge quotes/.style={fill=white,font=\footnotesize}]
+ \draw (0,0) edge ["mid", ->] (2,1);
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/every:edge:quotes"
+ },
+ ["every entity"] = {
+ details = [[
+This style is evoked by the style `entity`. To change the appearance of
+entities, you can change this style.
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ [every entity/.style={draw=blue!50,fill=blue!20,thick}]
+ \node[entity] (sheep) {Sheep};
+ \node[entity] (genome) [right=of sheep] {Genome};
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/every:entity"
+ },
+ ["every even column"] = {
+ details = [[
+This style is used for every cell in an even column.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/every:even:column"
+ },
+ ["every even row"] = {
+ details = [[
+This style is used for every cell in an even row.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/every:even:row"
+ },
+ ["every extra concept"] = {
+ details = [[
+Change this style to change the appearance of extra concepts.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/every:extra:concept"
+ },
+ ["every fit"] = {
+ details = [[
+Set this style to change the appearance of a node that uses the `fit`
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/every:fit"
+ },
+ ["every fold"] = {
+ details = [[
+Executed for every line that should be folded.
+ \tikz \pic[
+ every cut/.style=red,
+ every fold/.style=dotted,
+ folding line length=6mm
+ ] { tetrahedron folding };
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/every:fold"
+ },
+ ["every info"] = {
+ details = [[
+Set this style to configure the styling of info labels. Since this key
+is *not* used with normal labels, it provides an easy way of changing
+the way info labels look without changing other labels.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/every:info"
+ },
+ ["every initial by arrow"] = {
+ details = [[
+This style is executed at the beginning of every path that contains the
+arrow and the text. You can use it to, say, make the text red or
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/every:initial:by:arrow"
+ },
+ ["every join"] = {
+ details = [[
+This style is executed each time this command is used.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/every:join"
+ },
+ ["every label"] = {
+ details = [[
+This style is used in every node created by the `label` option. The
+default is `draw=none,fill=none`.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/every:label"
+ },
+ ["every label quotes"] = {
+ details = [[
+ \tikz [every label quotes/.style=red]
+ \node ["90:$90^\circ$", "left:$180^\circ$", circle, draw] {circle};
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/every:label:quotes"
+ },
+ ["every left delimiter"] = {
+ details = [[
+This style is additionally executed for every left delimiter.
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ [every left delimiter/.style={red,xshift=1ex},
+ every right delimiter/.style={xshift=-1ex}]
+ \matrix [matrix of math nodes,left delimiter=(,right delimiter=\}]
+ {
+ a_8 & a_1 & a_6 \\
+ a_3 & a_5 & a_7 \\
+ a_4 & a_9 & a_2 \\
+ };
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/every:left:delimiter"
+ },
+ ["every loop"] = {
+ details = [[
+This style is installed at the beginning of every loop.
+ \begin{tikzpicture}[every loop/.style={}]
+ \draw (0,0) to [loop above] () to [loop right] ()
+ to [loop below] () to [loop left] ();
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/every:loop"
+ },
+ ["every mark"] = {
+ details = [[
+This style is installed before drawing plot marks. For example, you can
+scale (or otherwise transform) the plot mark or set its color.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/every:mark"
+ },
+ ["every matrix"] = {
+ details = [[
+This style is used in every matrix.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/every:matrix"
+ },
+ ["every mindmap"] = {
+ details = [[
+This style is included by the `mindmap` style. Change this style to add
+special settings to your mindmaps.
+ \tikz[large mindmap,concept color=red!50]
+ \node [concept] {Root concept}
+ child[grow=right] {node[concept] {Child concept}};
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/every:mindmap"
+ },
+ ["every month"] = {
+ details = [[
+This style can be used to change the appearance of month labels.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/every:month"
+ },
+ ["every new --"] = {
+ details = [[
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/every:new:--"
+ },
+ ["every new ->"] = {
+ details = [[
+This key gets executed by default for a `new ->`.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/every:new:->"
+ },
+ ["every new <-"] = {
+ details = [[
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/every:new:<-"
+ },
+ ["every new <->"] = {
+ details = [[
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/every:new:<->"
+ },
+ ["every node"] = {
+ details = [[
+This style is installed at the beginning of every node.
+ \begin{tikzpicture}[every node/.style={draw}]
+ \draw (0,0) node {A} -- (1,1) node {B};
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/every:node"
+ },
+ ["every odd column"] = {
+ details = [[
+This style is used for every cell in an odd column.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/every:odd:column"
+ },
+ ["every odd row"] = {
+ details = [[
+This style is used for every cell in an odd row.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/every:odd:row"
+ },
+ ["every on background layer"] = {
+ details = [[
+This style is executed at the beginning of each background layer. If you
+have a global setup in `every picture`, you should consider putting that
+part of it that concerns the graphics state into this style.
+ \tikzset{
+ every picture/.style={line width=1ex},
+ every on background layer/.style={every picture}
+ }
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \draw [->] (0,0) -- (2,1);
+ \scoped[on background layer]
+ \draw[red] (0,1) -- (2,0);
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/every:on:background:layer"
+ },
+ ["every on chain"] = {
+ details = [[
+This key is executed for every node on a chain, including the first one.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/every:on:chain"
+ },
+ ["every outer matrix"] = {
+ details = [[
+While the `every matrix` key also applies to the matrix contents, this
+only applies to the outer node which holds the matrix.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/every:outer:matrix"
+ },
+ ["every path"] = {
+ details = [[
+This style is installed at the beginning of every path. This can be
+useful for (temporarily) adding, say, the `draw` option to everything in
+a scope.
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ [fill=yellow!80!black, % only sets the color
+ every path/.style={draw}] % all paths are drawn
+ \fill (0,0) rectangle +(1,1);
+ \shade (2,0) rectangle +(1,1);
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/every:path"
+ },
+ ["every pic"] = {
+ details = [[
+This style is installed at the beginning of every pic.
+ (0,0) to [bend left] (3mm,0);
+ },
+ }}]
+ \begin{tikzpicture}[every pic/.style={scale=2,transform shape}]
+ \pic foreach \x in {1,2,3} at (\x,0) {seagull};
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/every:pic"
+ },
+ ["every pic quotes"] = {
+ details = [[
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/every:pic:quotes"
+ },
+ ["every picture"] = {
+ details = [[
+This style is installed at the beginning of each picture.
+ \tikzset{every picture/.style=semithick}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/every:picture"
+ },
+ ["every pin"] = {
+ details = [[
+This style is used in every node created by the `pin` option.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/every:pin"
+ },
+ ["every pin edge"] = {
+ details = [[
+This style is used in every edge created by the `pin` options.
+ \tikz [pin distance=15mm,
+ every pin edge/.style={<-,shorten <=1pt,decorate,
+ decoration={snake,pre length=4pt}}]
+ \node [circle,draw,pin=right:X,
+ pin=above right:Y,
+ pin=above:Z] {my circle};
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/every:pin:edge"
+ },
+ ["every pin quotes"] = {
+ details = [[
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/every:pin:quotes"
+ },
+ ["every place"] = {
+ details = [[
+This style is evoked by the style `place`. To change the appearance of
+places, you can change this style.
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ [every place/.style={draw=blue,fill=blue!20,thick,minimum size=9mm}]
+ \node[place,tokens=7,label=above:$p_1$] (p1) {};
+ \node[place,structured tokens={3,2,9},
+ label=below:$p_2\ge1$,right=of p1] (p2) {};
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/every:place"
+ },
+ ["every plot"] = {
+ details = [[
+This style is installed in each plot, that is, as if you always said
+ plot[every plot,...]
+This is most useful for globally setting a prefix for all plots by
+ \tikzset{every plot/.style={prefix=plots/}}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/every:plot"
+ },
+ ["every relationship"] = {
+ details = [[
+Works like `every entity`.
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ [every entity/.style={fill=blue!20,draw=blue,thick},
+ every relationship/.style={fill=orange!20,draw=orange,thick,aspect=1.5}]
+ \node[entity] (sheep) at (0,0) {Sheep};
+ \node[entity] (genome) at (2,0) {Genome};
+ \node[relationship] at (1,1.5) {has}
+ edge (sheep)
+ edge (genome);
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/every:relationship"
+ },
+ ["every right delimiter"] = {
+ details = [[
+Works as above.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/every:right:delimiter"
+ },
+ ["every scope"] = {
+ details = [[
+This style is installed at the beginning of every scope.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/every:scope"
+ },
+ ["every shadow"] = {
+ details = [[
+This style is executed in addition to any ⟨shadow options⟩ for each
+shadow. Use this style to reconfigure the way shadows are drawn.
+ \begin{tikzpicture}[every shadow/.style={opacity=.8,fill=blue!50!black}]
+ \filldraw [drop shadow,fill=white] (0,0) circle (.5) (0.5,0) circle (.5);
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/every:shadow"
+ },
+ ["every spy in node"] = {
+ details = [[
+This style is used with every spy-in node.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/every:spy:in:node"
+ },
+ ["every spy on node"] = {
+ details = [[
+This style is used with every spy-on node.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/every:spy:on:node"
+ },
+ ["every state"] = {
+ details = [[
+This style is used by `state with output` and also by
+`state without output`. By default, it does nothing, but you can use it
+to make your state look more fancy:
+ \begin{tikzpicture}[shorten >=1pt,node distance=2cm,on grid,>={Stealth[round]},
+ every state/.style={draw=blue!50,very thick,fill=blue!20}]
+ \node[state,initial] (q_0) {$q_0$};
+ \node[state] (q_1) [above right=of q_0] {$q_1$};
+ \node[state] (q_2) [below right=of q_0] {$q_2$};
+ \path[->] (q_0) edge node [above left] {0} (q_1)
+ edge node [below left] {1} (q_2)
+ (q_1) edge [loop above] node {0} ()
+ (q_2) edge [loop below] node {1} ();
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/every:state"
+ },
+ ["every subgraph node"] = {
+ details = [[
+Set a subgraph node style.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/every:subgraph:node"
+ },
+ ["every to"] = {
+ details = [[
+This style is installed at the beginning of every to.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/every:to"
+ },
+ ["every token"] = {
+ details = [[
+Change this style to change the appearance of tokens.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/every:token"
+ },
+ ["every transition"] = {
+ details = [[
+This style is evoked by the style `transition`.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/every:transition"
+ },
+ ["every year"] = {
+ details = [[
+Works like `every month`, only for years.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/every:year"
+ },
+ ["every ⟨part name⟩ node part"] = {
+ details = [[
+This style is installed at the beginning of every node part named ⟨part
+ \tikz [every lower node part/.style={red}]
+ \node [circle split,draw] {$q_1$ \nodepart{lower} $00$};
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/every:⟨part:name⟩:node:part"
+ },
+ ["every ⟨shape⟩ node"] = {
+ details = [[
+These styles are installed at the beginning of a node of a given
+⟨shape⟩. For example, `every rectangle node` is used for rectangle
+nodes, and so on.
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ [every rectangle node/.style={draw},
+ every circle node/.style={draw,double}]
+ \draw (0,0) node[rectangle] {A} -- (1,1) node[circle] {B};
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/every:⟨shape⟩:node"
+ },
+ ["execute after day scope"] = {
+ details = [[
+This is executed at the very end of the current date, outside the scope.
+The accumulation is also in reverse.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/execute:after:day:scope",
+ meta = "⟨code⟩"
+ },
+ ["execute at begin cell"] = {
+ details = [[
+The code will be executed at the beginning of each nonempty cell.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/execute:at:begin:cell",
+ meta = "⟨code⟩"
+ },
+ ["execute at begin day scope"] = {
+ details = [[
+This code is execute before everything else inside the scope of the
+current date. Again, the effect is accumulative.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/execute:at:begin:day:scope",
+ meta = "⟨code⟩"
+ },
+ ["execute at begin node"] = {
+ details = [[
+This option causes ⟨code⟩ to be executed at the beginning of a node.
+Using this option multiple times will cause the code to accumulate.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/execute:at:begin:node",
+ meta = "⟨code⟩"
+ },
+ ["execute at begin picture"] = {
+ details = [[
+This option causes ⟨code⟩ to be executed at the beginning of the
+picture. This option must be given in the argument of the
+`{tikzpicture}` environment itself since this option will not have an
+effect otherwise. After all, the picture has already "started" later on.
+The effect of multiply setting this option accumulates.
+This option is mainly used in styles like the `every picture` style to
+execute certain code at the start of a picture.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/execute:at:begin:picture",
+ meta = "⟨code⟩"
+ },
+ ["execute at begin scope"] = {
+ details = [[
+This option install some code that will be executed at the beginning of
+the scope. This option must be given in the argument of the `{scope}`
+The effect applies only to the current scope, not to subscopes.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/execute:at:begin:scope",
+ meta = "⟨code⟩"
+ },
+ ["execute at begin to"] = {
+ details = [[
+The ⟨code⟩ is executed prior to the `to`. This can be used to draw one
+or more additional paths or to do additional computations.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/execute:at:begin:to",
+ meta = "⟨code⟩"
+ },
+ ["execute at empty cell"] = {
+ details = [[
+The code will be executed inside each empty cell.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/execute:at:empty:cell",
+ meta = "⟨code⟩"
+ },
+ ["execute at end cell"] = {
+ details = [[
+The code will be executed at the end of each nonempty cell.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/execute:at:end:cell",
+ meta = "⟨code⟩"
+ },
+ ["execute at end day scope"] = {
+ details = [[
+This code is executed just before the day scope is closed. The effect is
+also accumulative, however, in reverse order. This is useful to pair,
+say, `\scope` and `\endscope` commands in at-begin- and at-end-code.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/execute:at:end:day:scope",
+ meta = "⟨code⟩"
+ },
+ ["execute at end node"] = {
+ details = [[
+This option installs ⟨code⟩ that will be executed at the end of the
+node. Using this option multiple times will cause the code to
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ [execute at begin node={A},
+ execute at end node={D}]
+ \node[execute at begin node={B}] {C};
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/execute:at:end:node",
+ meta = "⟨code⟩"
+ },
+ ["execute at end picture"] = {
+ details = [[
+This option installs ⟨code⟩ that will be executed at the end of the
+picture. Using this option multiple times will cause the code to
+accumulate. This option must also be given in the optional argument of
+the `{tikzpicture}` environment.
+ \begin{tikzpicture}[execute at end picture=%
+ {
+ \begin{pgfonlayer}{background}
+ \path[fill=yellow,rounded corners]
+ (current bounding box.south west) rectangle
+ (current bounding box.north east);
+ \end{pgfonlayer}
+ }]
+ \node at (0,0) {X};
+ \node at (2,1) {Y};
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/execute:at:end:picture",
+ meta = "⟨code⟩"
+ },
+ ["execute at end scope"] = {
+ details = [[
+This option installs some code that will be executed at the end of the
+current scope. Using this option multiple times will cause the code to
+accumulate. This option must also be given in the optional argument of
+the `{scope}` environment.
+Again, the effect applies only to the current scope, not to subscopes.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/execute:at:end:scope",
+ meta = "⟨code⟩"
+ },
+ ["execute at end to"] = {
+ details = [[
+Works like the previous option, only this code is executed after the to
+path has been added.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/execute:at:end:to",
+ meta = "⟨code⟩"
+ },
+ ["execute before day scope"] = {
+ details = [[
+The ⟨code⟩ is executed before everything else for each date. Multiple
+calls of this option have an accumulative effect. Thus, if you use this
+option twice, the code from the first use is used first for each day,
+followed by the code given the second time.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/execute:before:day:scope",
+ meta = "⟨code⟩"
+ },
+ ["external/aux in dpth"] = {
+ details = [[
+Allows to enable or disable the feature which handles references and
+labels as part of image externalization. Disabling it will safe one
+`\newwrite` command, i.e. a write register.
+Also see the `disable dependency files` feature.
+Here are some implementation details on how references within/from
+external graphics work for those who would like to know the details:
+For point a), a `\ref` inside of an externalized graphics works by
+reading the main document's `.aux` file. To this end, the standard
+`mode=convert with system call` detects such references and reschedules
+the externalization to `\end{document}.`[1] Other values of `mode`
+require just one attempt to externalize the picture.
+Note that `\pageref` is not supported (sorry).
+Point b) works as follows: a `\label` inside of an externalized graphics
+causes the `external` library to generate separate auxiliary files for
+every external image. These files are called ⟨imagename⟩`.dpth`. The
+extension `.dpth` indicates that the file also contains the image's
+depth (the `baseline` key of TikZ). Furthermore, anything which would
+have been written to an `.aux` file will be redirected to the `.dpth`
+file -- but only things which occur inside of the externalized
+`tikzpicture` environment. When the main document loads the image, it
+will copy the `.dpth` file into the main `.aux` file. Then, successive
+compilations of the main document contain the external `\label`
+information. In other words, a `\label` in an external graphics needs
+the following work flow:
+1. The external graphics needs to be generated together with its
+ `.dpth` (usually automatically by TikZ).
+2. The main document includes the external graphics and copies the
+ `.dpth` content into its main `.aux` file.
+3. The main document needs to be translated once again to re-read its
+ `.aux` file[2].
+This does also work if a `\label`/`\ref` combination is implemented
+itsself by a `tikzpicture` (a feature offered by `pgfplots`).
+[1] Note that this requires the `atveryend` package. The purpose to
+reschedule the externalization is to access the main job's aux file, but
+only after it has been written completely.
+[2] Note that it is not possible to activate the content of an auxiliary
+file after `\ begin{document}` in LaTeX.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/external/aux:in:dpth",
+ meta = "{boolean}"
+ },
+ ["external/disable dependency files"] = {
+ details = [[
+Allows to (irreversibly) disable the generation of file dependencies.
+Disabling it will safe one `\newwrite` command, i.e. a write register.
+Note that the write register is only allocated if the feature has been
+used at all. This key needs to be provided as argument to
+`\tikzexternalize` (or it needs to be set before calling
+Also see the `aux in dpth` key.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/external/disable:dependency:files"
+ },
+ ["external/export"] = {
+ details = [[
+A boolean which can be used to disable the export mechanism for all
+pictures inside of the current TeX-scope.
+ \begin{document}
+ \begin{tikzpicture} % will be exported
+ ...
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ {
+ \tikzset{external/export=false}
+ \begin{tikzpicture} % won't be exported
+ ...
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ ...
+ }
+ \begin{tikzpicture} % will be exported
+ ...
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ \end{document}
+For LaTeX, the feature lasts until the next `\end``{\cdot}` (this holds
+for every call to `\tikzset`).
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/external/export",
+ meta = "{boolean}"
+ },
+ ["external/export next"] = {
+ details = [[
+A boolean which can be used to disable the export mechanism for single
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/external/export:next",
+ meta = "{boolean}"
+ },
+ ["external/figure list"] = {
+ details = [[
+A boolean which configures whether a figure list shall be generated. A
+figure list is an output file named `{jobname}``.figlist` which is
+filled with file names of each figure, one per line.
+This file is not used by TeX anymore, its purpose is to issue the
+required conversion commands `pdflatex -jobname ``{picture file name}`
+`{main file}` manually (or in a script). See section ?? for the details
+about the expected system call (or activate
+`mode=convert with system call` and inspect your log file).
+ \documentclass{article}
+ % main document, called main.tex
+ \usepackage{tikz}
+ \usetikzlibrary{external}
+ \tikzexternalize[
+ mode=graphics if exists,
+ figure list=true,
+ prefix=figures/]
+ \begin{document}
+ \tikzsetnextfilename{trees}
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \node {root}
+ child {node {left}}
+ child {node {right}
+ child {node {child}}
+ child {node {child}}
+ };
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ \tikzsetnextfilename{simple}
+ A simple image is \tikz \fill (0,0) circle(5pt);.
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \draw[help lines] (0,0) grid (5,5);
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ \end{document}
+ pdflatex main
+generates `main.figlist` containing
+ figures/trees
+ figures/simple
+ figures/main-figure0
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/external/figure:list",
+ meta = "{boolean}"
+ },
+ ["external/figure name"] = {
+ details = [[
+Same as `\tikzsetfigurename``{name}`.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/external/figure:name",
+ meta = "{name}"
+ },
+ ["external/force remake"] = {
+ details = [[
+A boolean which is used to customize the up-to-date checks of all
+following figures. Every up-to-date check will fail, resulting in
+automatic regeneration of every following figure.
+ \tikzset{external/force remake}
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \draw (0,0) circle(5pt);
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+You can also use `force remake` inside of a local TeX group to remake
+only selected pictures. The example
+ \tikz \draw (0,0) -- (1,1);
+ {
+ \tikzset{external/force remake}
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \draw (0,0) circle(5pt);
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ }
+ \tikz \draw (0,0) -- (1,1);
+will only apply `force remake` to the second figure.
+Up-to-date checks are applied for `mode=convert with system call` and
+the makefile generated by `mode=list and make`.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/external/force:remake",
+ meta = "{boolean}"
+ },
+ ["external/mode"] = {
+ details = [[
+Configures what to do with TikZ pictures (unless we are currently
+externalizing one particular image, in that case, these modes are
+The preconfigured mode `convert with system call` checks whether
+external graphics files are up-to-date and includes them if that is the
+case. Any picture which is not up-to-date will be generated
+automatically using a system call. The system call can be configured
+using the `system call` template. The up-to-date check is applied
+according to the `up to date check` key. As soon as
+`convert with system call` is set, the `figure list` will be disabled --
+such a file is not required. In case you still need or want it, you can
+enable it after setting `mode`.
+Please note that system calls may be disabled for security reasons. For
+pdflatex, they can be enabled using
+ pdflatex -shell-escape
+while other TeX variants may need other switches. The feature is
+sometimes called `\write18`.
+The choice `only graphics` always tries to replace pictures with
+external graphics. It is an error if the graphics file does not exist.
+The choice `no graphics` (or, equivalently, `only pictures`) typesets
+TikZ pictures without checking for external graphics.
+A mixture is `graphics if exists`, it checks whether a suitable graphics
+file exists and includes it if that is the case. If it does not exist,
+the picture is typeset using TeX.
+Mode `list only` skips every TikZ picture; it only generates the file
+`{main file}``.figlist` containing file names for every picture, the
+contents of any picture environment is thrown away and a replacement
+text is shown. This implies `figure list=true`. See also the
+`list and make` mode which includes available graphics.
+The mode `list and make` is similar to `list only`: it generates the
+same file `{main file}``.figlist`, but any images which exist already
+are included as graphics instead of ignoring them. Furthermore, this
+mode generates an additional file: `{main file}`.makefile. This allows
+to use a work flow like
+ % step 1: generate main.makefile:
+ pdflatex main
+ % step 2: generate ALL graphics on 2 processors:
+ make -j 2 -f main.makefile
+ % step 3: include the graphics:
+ pdflatex main
+This last make method is optional: `list and make` just assumes that
+images are generated somehow (not necessarily with the generated
+makefile). The generated makefile allows parallel externalization of
+graphics on multi-core systems and it supports any file dependencies
+configured with `\tikzpicturedependsonfile`. Furthermore, it respects
+the `force remake` and `remake next` keys.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/external/mode",
+ meta = "{choice}"
+ },
+ ["external/only named"] = {
+ details = [[
+If enabled, only pictures for which file names have been set explicitly
+using `\tikzsetnextfilename` will be considered, no file names will be
+generated automatically.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/external/only:named",
+ meta = "{boolean}"
+ },
+ ["external/optimize"] = {
+ details = [[
+Configures whether the conversion process shall be optimized. This
+affects only the case when `\jobname` differs from the main file name,
+i.e. when single pictures are converted.
+In that case, the main file is compiled as usual -- but everything
+except the selected picture is thrown away. If optimization is enabled,
+all other pictures won't be processed at all. Furthermore, expensive
+commands which do not contribute to the selected picture will be thrown
+away as well.
+The default implementation discards `\includegraphics` commands which
+are *not* inside of the selected picture to reduce conversion time.
+It is possible to add commands which shall be optimized away, see below.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/external/optimize",
+ meta = "{boolean}"
+ },
+ ["external/optimize command away"] = {
+ details = [[
+Installs commands to optimize ⟨\\command⟩ away. As is described above,
+optimization applies to the case when single pictures are converted: one
+usually doesn't need to process (probably expensive) commands which do
+not contribute to the selected picture.
+The argument `{required argument count}` is either empty or a
+non-negative integer between $0$ and $9$. It denotes the number of
+arguments which should be consumed after ⟨\\command⟩. In any case, one
+argument in square brackets after the command will be recognized as
+well. To be more precise, the following cases for arguments of
+⟨\\command⟩ are supported:
+1. If `{required argument count}` is empty (the default), ⟨\\command⟩
+ may take one optional argument in square brackets and one in curly
+ braces (which is also optional).
+2. If `{required argument count}` is not empty, `{\command}` may take
+ one optional argument in square brackets. Furthermore, it expects
+ exactly `{required argument count}` following arguments.
+ \tikzset{external/optimize command away=\includegraphics}
+ \newcommand{\myExpensiveMacro}[1]{Very expensive!}
+ \tikzset{external/optimize command away=\myExpensiveMacro}
+ \newcommand{\myExpensiveMacroWithThreeArgs}[3]{Very expensive!}
+ \tikzset{external/optimize command away={\myExpensiveMacroWithThreeArgs}{3}}
+ % A command with optional argument:
+ \newcommand{\aFurtherExample}[3][]{Very expensive!}
+ % consume only two arguments: the first optional one will be processed
+ % anyway:
+ \tikzset{external/optimize command away={\myExpensiveMacroWithThreeArgs}{2}}
+The argument ⟨\\command⟩ must be the name of a single macro. Any
+occurrence of this macro, together with its arguments, will be removed.
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ % this picture is currently converted!
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ This here is outside of the converted picture and contains \myExpensiveMacro. It will be discarded.
+ This call: \myExpensiveMacro[argument=value]{Argument} as well.
+ And this here: \myExpensiveMacro{Argument} also.
+The default is to optimize `\includegraphics` away.
+This key is actually a style which sets the `optimize/install` and
+`optimize/restore` keys.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/external/optimize:command:away",
+ meta = "⟨\\command⟩{required argument count}"
+ },
+ ["external/optimize/install"] = {
+ details = [[
+A command key which contains code to install optimizations. You can
+append code here (or clear the macro) if you need to modify the
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/external/optimize/install"
+ },
+ ["external/optimize/restore"] = {
+ details = [[
+A command key which contains code to undo optimizations. You can append
+code here (or clear the macro) if you need to modify the optimization.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/external/optimize/restore"
+ },
+ ["external/prefix"] = {
+ details = [[
+A shortcut for `\tikzsetexternalprefix``{file name prefix}`, see below.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/external/prefix",
+ meta = "{file name prefix}"
+ },
+ ["external/remake next"] = {
+ details = [[
+A variant of `force remake` which applies only to the next image.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/external/remake:next",
+ meta = "{boolean}"
+ },
+ ["external/shell escape"] = {
+ details = [[
+Contains the command line option for `latex` which enables the
+`\write18` feature. For TeX-Live, this is `-shell-escape`. For MiKTeX,
+you should use `\tikzexternalize[shell escape=-enable-write18]`.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/external/shell:escape",
+ meta = "{command-line arg}"
+ },
+ ["external/system call"] = {
+ details = [[
+\[extlib:systemcall:option\] A template string used to generate system
+calls. Inside of `{template}`, the macro `\image` can be used as
+placeholder for the image which is about to be generated while
+`\texsource` contains the main file name (in truth, it contains
+`\input``{main file name}`, but that doesn't matter).
+The default depends on the value of `\pgfsysdriver`. For
+`pgfsys-pdftex.def`, it is
+ \tikzset{external/system call={pdflatex \tikzexternalcheckshellescape -halt-on-error
+ -interaction=batchmode -jobname "\image" "\texsource"}}
+where `\tikzexternalcheckshellescape` inserts the value of the
+configuration key `shell escape` if and only if the current document has
+been typeset with `-shell-escape`[1].
+Other drivers result in slightly different calls. There is support for
+`lualatex`, `xelatex`, and `dvips`. The precise values are written to
+the `.log` file as soon as you attempt to compile a document.
+The argument `{template}` will be expanded using `\edef`, so any control
+sequences will be expanded. During this evaluation, '`\\`' will result
+in a normal backslash, '`\`'. Furthermore, double quotes '`"`', single
+quotes '`’`', semicolons and dashes '`-`' will be made to normal
+characters if any package uses them as macros. This ensures
+compatibility with the `german` package, for example.
+[1] Note that this is always true for the default configuration. This
+security consideration applies mainly for `mode=list and make` which
+will also work *without* shell escapes.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/external/system:call",
+ meta = "{template}"
+ },
+ ["external/up to date check"] = {
+ details = [[
+The `external` lib has to decide when some existing figure is
+up-to-date. In such a case, it can be used without remaking it. Outdated
+pictures will be remade.
+The key `up to date check` allows to choose among a couple of heuristics
+which are supposed to catch the most important reasons to remake a
+The `up to date check` can be overrule by any of the `force remake` or
+`remake next` keys: if one of them is true, the figure is not
+The choice simple is based on the existence of the file: the file is
+up-to-date if and only if it exists.
+The choice md5 generates an MD5 checksum of the picture for which the
+up-to-date check is running. The MD5 is compared against the MD5 of the
+previous run, which, in turn, will be written into an extra file with
+the extension `.md5`. This file will be modified if and only if the MD5
+comparison indicates a difference. The MD5 computation is based on the
+pdfTeX method `\pdfmdfivesum`. If it is unavailable for some reason, the
+choice `diff` will be used instead.
+The choice diff is the same as MD5 -- except that it compares the
+picture content as-is instead of a hash. The `.md5` file will be used to
+compare an old version with the current one -- but its content is some
+"normalized" version of the picture for internal use.
+#### Attention:
+the content--based strategies `md5` and `diff` operate on the picture
+content -- and only on the picture content. Here, "picture content" only
+includes the top--level tokens; no expansion is applied and no included
+files are part of the strategies. If you change preamble styles, you
+have to rebuild the figures manually (for example by deleting the
+generated graphics files). If you have include files, consider using
+`\tikzpicturedependsonfile` and its variants. Since this key provides
+heuristics, you should always remake your figures before you finally
+publish your document. Example: Suppose we have the following picture
+which depends on a command `\mycommand`:
+ \def\mycommand{My comment}
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \node at (0,0) {\mycommand};
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+What happens if you change "My comment" to "My super comment"? Well,
+`external` will *not* pick it up; you will need to handle this manually.
+However, if you modify anything between `\begin{tikzpicture}` and
+`\end{tikzpicture}`, the `external` library *will* pick it up and
+regenerate the picture.
+The `up to date check` is applied for `mode=convert with system call`
+and `mode=list and make`.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/external/up:to:date:check",
+ meta = "{choice}"
+ },
+ ["external/verbose"] = {
+ details = [[
+Sets all verbosity flags to ⟨boolean⟩.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/external/verbose",
+ meta = "{boolean}"
+ },
+ ["external/verbose IO"] = {
+ details = [[
+A boolean which configures whether I/O operations shall be listed in the
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/external/verbose:IO",
+ meta = "{boolean}"
+ },
+ ["external/verbose optimize"] = {
+ details = [[
+A boolean which configures whether optimization operations shall be
+listed in the logfile.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/external/verbose:optimize",
+ meta = "{boolean}"
+ },
+ ["extra concept"] = {
+ details = [[
+This style is intended for concepts that are not part of the "mindmap
+tree", but stand beside it. Typically, they will have a subdued color or
+be smaller. In order to have these concepts appear in a uniform way and
+in order to indicate in the code that these concepts are additional, you
+can use this style.
+ \begin{tikzpicture}[mindmap,concept color=blue!80]
+ \node [concept] {Root concept};
+ \node [extra concept] at (10,0) {extra concept};
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/extra:concept"
+ },
+ ["face 1"] = {
+ details = [[
+The ⟨code⟩ is executed for the first face of the dodecahedron. When it
+is executed, the coordinate system will have been shifted and rotated
+such that it lies at the middle of the first face of the dodecahedron.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/face:1",
+ meta = "⟨code⟩"
+ },
+ ["face 2"] = {
+ details = [[
+Same as `face 1`, but for the second face.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/face:2",
+ meta = "⟨code⟩"
+ },
+ ["face 3"] = {
+ details = [[
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/face:3",
+ meta = "⟨code⟩"
+ },
+ ["face 4"] = {
+ details = [[
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/face:4",
+ meta = "⟨code⟩"
+ },
+ ["fading angle"] = {
+ details = [[
+A shortcut for `fading transform={rotate=`⟨degree⟩`}`.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/fading:angle",
+ meta = "⟨degree⟩"
+ },
+ ["fading transform"] = {
+ details = [[
+The ⟨transformation options⟩ are applied to the fading before it is
+used. For instance, if ⟨transformation options⟩ is set to `rotate=90`,
+the fading is rotated by 90 degrees.
+ \begin{tikzpicture}[path fading=fade down]
+ % Checker board
+ \fill [black!20] (0,0) rectangle (4,1.5);
+ \path [pattern=checkerboard,pattern color=black!30] (0,0) rectangle (4,1.5);
+ \fill [red,path fading,fading transform={rotate=90}]
+ (1,0.75) ellipse (.75 and .5);
+ \fill [red,path fading,fading transform={rotate=30}]
+ (3,0.75) ellipse (.75 and .5);
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/fading:transform",
+ meta = "⟨transformation options⟩"
+ },
+ fill = {
+ details = [[
+This option causes the path to be filled. All unclosed parts of the path
+are first closed, if necessary. Then, the area enclosed by the path is
+filled with the current filling color, which is either the last color
+set using the general `color=` option or the optional color ⟨color⟩. For
+self-intersection paths and for paths consisting of several closed
+areas, the "enclosed area" is somewhat complicated to define and two
+different definitions exist, namely the nonzero winding number rule and
+the even odd rule, see the explanation of these options, below.
+Just as for the `draw` option, setting ⟨color⟩ to `none` disables
+filling locally.
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \fill (0,0) -- (1,1) -- (2,1);
+ \fill (4,0) circle (.5cm) (4.5,0) circle (.5cm);
+ \fill[even odd rule] (6,0) circle (.5cm) (6.5,0) circle (.5cm);
+ \fill (8,0) -- (9,1) -- (10,0) circle (.5cm);
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+If the `fill` option is used together with the `draw` option (either
+because both are given as options or because a `\filldraw` command is
+used), the path is filled *first*, then the path is drawn *second*. This
+is especially useful if different colors are selected for drawing and
+for filling. Even if the same color is used, there is a difference
+between this command and a plain `fill`: A "filldrawn" area will be
+slightly larger than a filled area because of the thickness of the
+ \begin{tikzpicture}[fill=yellow!80!black,line width=5pt]
+ \filldraw (0,0) -- (1,1) -- (2,1);
+ \filldraw (4,0) circle (.5cm) (4.5,0) circle (.5cm);
+ \filldraw[even odd rule] (6,0) circle (.5cm) (6.5,0) circle (.5cm);
+ \filldraw (8,0) -- (9,1) -- (10,0) circle (.5cm);
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/fill",
+ meta = "⟨color⟩"
+ },
+ ["fill opacity"] = {
+ details = [[
+This option sets the opacity of fillings. In addition to filling
+operations, this opacity also applies to text and images.
+Note, again, that when you use PostScript as your output format, this
+option works only with recent versions of Ghostscript.
+ \begin{tikzpicture}[thick,fill opacity=0.5]
+ \filldraw[fill=red] (0:1cm) circle (12mm);
+ \filldraw[fill=green] (120:1cm) circle (12mm);
+ \filldraw[fill=blue] (-120:1cm) circle (12mm);
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \fill[red] (0,0) rectangle (3,2);
+ \node at (0,0) {\huge A};
+ \node[fill opacity=0.5] at (3,2) {\huge B};
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/fill:opacity",
+ meta = "⟨value⟩"
+ },
+ fit = {
+ details = [[
+This option must be given to a `node` path command. The ⟨coordinates or
+nodes⟩ should be a sequence of TikZ coordinates or node names, one
+directly after the other without commas (like with the
+`plot coordinates` path operation). Examples are `(1,0) (2,2)` or
+`(a) (1,0) (b)`, where `a` and `b` are nodes.
+For this sequence of coordinates, a minimal bounding box is computed
+that encompasses all the listed ⟨coordinates or nodes⟩. For coordinates
+in the list, the bounding box is guaranteed to contain this coordinate,
+for nodes it is guaranteed to contain the `east`, `west`, `north` and
+`south` anchors of the node. In principle (the details will be explained
+in a moment), things are now set up such that the text box of the node
+will be exactly this bounding box.
+Here is an example: We fit several points in a rectangular node. By
+setting the `inner sep` to zero, we see exactly the text box of the
+node. Then we fit these points again in a circular node. Note how the
+circle encompasses exactly the same bounding box.
+ \begin{tikzpicture}[inner sep=0pt,thick,
+ dot/.style={fill=blue,circle,minimum size=3pt}]
+ \draw[help lines] (0,0) grid (3,2);
+ \node[dot] (a) at (1,1) {};
+ \node[dot] (b) at (2,2) {};
+ \node[dot] (c) at (1,2) {};
+ \node[dot] (d) at (1.25,0.25) {};
+ \node[dot] (e) at (1.75,1.5) {};
+ \node[draw=red, fit=(a) (b) (c) (d) (e)] {box};
+ \node[draw,circle,fit=(a) (b) (c) (d) (e)] {};
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+Every time the `fit` option is used, the following style is also applied
+to the node:
+The exact effects of the `fit` option are the following:
+1. A minimal bounding box containing all coordinates is computed. Note
+ that if a coordinate like `(a)` is used that contains a node name,
+ this has the same effect as explicitly providing the `(a.north)` and
+ `(a.south)` and `(a.west)` and `(a.east)`. If you wish to refer only
+ to the center of the `a` node, use `(` instead.
+2. The `text width` option is set to the width of this bounding box.
+3. The `align=center` option is set.
+4. The `anchor` is set to `center`.
+5. The `at` position of the node is set to the center of the computed
+ bounding box.
+6. After the node has been typeset, its height and depth are adjusted
+ such that they add up to the height of the computed bounding box and
+ such that the text of the node is vertically centered inside the
+ box.
+The above means that, generally speaking, if the node contains text like
+`box` in the above example, it will be centered inside the box. It will
+be difficult to put the text elsewhere, in particular, changing the
+`anchor` of the node will not have the desired effect. Instead, what you
+should do is to create a node with the `fit` option that does not
+contain any text, give it a name, and then use normal nodes to add text
+at the desired positions. Alternatively, consider using the `label` or
+`pin` options.
+Suppose, for instance, that in the above example we want the word "box"
+to appear inside the box, but at its top. This can be achieved as
+ \begin{tikzpicture}[inner sep=0pt,thick,
+ dot/.style={fill=blue,circle,minimum size=3pt}]
+ \draw[help lines] (0,0) grid (3,2);
+ \node[dot] (a) at (1,1) {};
+ \node[dot] (b) at (2,2) {};
+ \node[dot] (c) at (1,2) {};
+ \node[dot] (d) at (1.25,0.25) {};
+ \node[dot] (e) at (1.75,1.5) {};
+ \node[draw=red,fit=(a) (b) (c) (d) (e)] (fit) {};
+ \node[below] at (fit.north) {box};
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+Here is a real-life example that uses fitting:
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ [vertex/.style={minimum size=2pt,fill,draw,circle},
+ open/.style={fill=none},
+ sibling distance=1.5cm,level distance=.75cm,
+ every fit/.style={ellipse,draw,inner sep=-2pt},
+ leaf/.style={label={[name=#1]below:$#1$}},auto]
+ \node [vertex] (root) {}
+ child { node [vertex,open] {}
+ child { node [vertex,open] {}
+ child { node [vertex] (b's parent) {}
+ child { node [vertex] {}
+ child { node [vertex,leaf=d] {} }
+ child { node [vertex,leaf=e] {} } }
+ child { node [vertex,leaf=b] {} } }
+ child { node [vertex,leaf=a] {} } }
+ child { node [coordinate] {}
+ child[missing]
+ child { node [vertex] (f's parent) {}
+ child { node [vertex,leaf=c] {} }
+ child { node [vertex,leaf=f] {} } } }
+ edge from parent node {$\rho$} };
+ \node [fit=(d) (e) (b) (b's parent),label=above left:$F^{(b,R)}$] {};
+ \node [fit=(c) (f) (f's parent),label=above right:$F^{(c,R)}$] {};
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/fit",
+ meta = "⟨coordinates or nodes⟩"
+ },
+ ["fit fading"] = {
+ details = [[
+When set to `true`, the fading is shifted and resized (in exactly the
+same way as a shading) so that it covers the current path. When set to
+`false`, the fading is only shifted so that it is centered on the path's
+center, but it is not resized. This can be useful for special-purpose
+fadings, for instance when you use a fading to "punch out" something.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/fit:fading",
+ meta = "⟨boolean⟩"
+ },
+ ["folding line length"] = {
+ details = [[
+Sets the length of the base line for folding. For the dodecahedron this
+is the length of all the sides of the pentagons.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/folding:line:length",
+ meta = "⟨dimension⟩"
+ },
+ font = {
+ details = [[
+Sets the font used for the text inside nodes. However, this font will
+*not* (yet) be installed when any of the dimensions of the node are
+being computed, so dimensions like `1em` will be with respect to the
+font used outside the node (usually the font that was in force when the
+picture started).
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \node [font=\itshape] {italic};
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ \tikz \node [font=\tiny, minimum height=3em, draw] {tiny};
+ \tikz \node [font=\small, minimum height=3em, draw] {small};
+A useful example of how the `font` option can be used is the following:
+ \tikz [every text node part/.style={font=\itshape},
+ every lower node part/.style={font=\footnotesize}]
+ \node [circle split,draw] {state \nodepart{lower} output};
+As can be seen, the font can be changed for each node part. This does
+*not* work with the `node font` command since, as the name suggests,
+this command can only be used to select the "overall" font for the node
+and this is done very early.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/font",
+ meta = "⟨font commands⟩"
+ },
+ framed = {
+ details = [[
+This is a shorthand for `show background rectangle`.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/framed"
+ },
+ ["general shadow"] = {
+ details = [[
+This option should be given to a `\path` or a `node`. It has the
+following effect: Before the path is used normally, it is used once with
+the ⟨shadow options⟩ in force. Furthermore, when the path is "preused"
+in this way, it is shifted and scaled a little bit.
+In detail, the following happens: A `preaction` is used to paint the
+path in a special manner before it is actually painted. This "special"
+manner is as follows: The options in ⟨shadow options⟩ are used for
+painting this path. Typically, the ⟨shadow options⟩ will contain options
+like `fill=black` to create, say, a black shadow. Furthermore, after the
+⟨shadow options⟩ have been set up, the following extra canvas
+transformations are applied to the path: It is scaled by `shadow scale`
+(with the origin of scaling at the path's center) and it is shifted by
+`shadow xshift` and `shadow yshift`.
+Note that since scaling and shifting is done using canvas
+transformations, shadows are not taken into account when the picture's
+bounding box is computed.
+ \tikz [even odd rule]
+ \draw [general shadow={fill=red}] (0,0) circle (.5) (0.5,0) circle (.5);
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/general:shadow",
+ meta = "⟨shadow options⟩"
+ },
+ ["graph/level"] = {
+ details = [[
+This key gets executed for each newly created node with ⟨level⟩ set to
+the current level of the node. You can use this key to, say, reconfigure
+the node distance or the node color.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/graph/level",
+ meta = "⟨level⟩"
+ },
+ ["graph/level ⟨level⟩"] = {
+ details = [[
+This key also gets executed for each newly created node with ⟨level⟩ set
+to the current level of the node.
+ \tikz \graph [
+ branch down=5mm,
+ level 1/.style={nodes=red},
+ level 2/.style={nodes=green!50!black},
+ level 3/.style={nodes=blue}]
+ {
+ a -> {
+ b,
+ c -> {
+ d,
+ e -> {f,g},
+ h
+ },
+ j
+ }
+ };
+ \tikz \graph [
+ branch down=5mm,
+ level 1/.style={grow right=2cm},
+ level 2/.style={grow right=1cm},
+ level 3/.style={grow right=5mm}]
+ {
+ a -> {
+ b,
+ c -> {
+ d,
+ e -> {f,g},
+ h
+ },
+ j
+ }
+ };
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/graph/level:⟨level⟩"
+ },
+ ["graph/parse"] = {
+ details = [[
+This key can only be used inside the ⟨options⟩ of a ⟨group
+specification⟩. Its effect is that the ⟨text⟩ is inserted at the
+beginning of the current group as if you had entered it there.
+Naturally, it makes little sense to just write down some static ⟨text⟩
+since you could just as well directly place it at the beginning of the
+group. The real power of this command stems from the fact that the keys
+mechanism allows you to say, for instance, `parse/.expand once` to
+insert the text stored in some macro into the group.
+ \def\mychain{ a -> b -> c; }
+ \tikz \graph { [parse/.expand once=\mychain] d -> e };
+In the following, more fancy example we use a loop to create a chain of
+dynamic length.
+ \def\mychain#1{
+ \def\mytext{1}
+ \foreach \i in {2,...,#1} {
+ \xdef\mytext{\mytext -> \i}
+ }
+ }
+ \tikzgraphsset{my chain/.style={
+ /utils/exec=\mychain{#1},
+ parse/.expand once=\mytext}
+ }
+ \tikz \graph { [my chain=4] };
+Multiple uses of this key accumulate, that is, all the texts given in
+the different uses is inserted in the order it is given.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/graph/parse",
+ meta = "⟨text⟩"
+ },
+ gridded = {
+ details = [[
+This is a shorthand for `show background grid`.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/gridded"
+ },
+ grow = {
+ details = [[
+This key is used to define the ⟨direction⟩ in which the tree will grow.
+The ⟨direction⟩ can either be an angle in degrees or one of the
+following special text strings: `down`, `up`, `left`, `right`, `north`,
+`south`, `east`, `west`, `north east`, `north west`, `south east`, and
+`south west`. All of these have "their obvious meaning", so, say,
+`south west` is the same as the angle $-135^\circ$.
+As a side effect, this option installs the default growth function.
+In addition to setting the direction, this option also has a seemingly
+strange effect: It sets the sibling distance for the current level to
+`0pt`, but leaves the sibling distance for later levels unchanged.
+This somewhat strange behavior has a highly desirable effect: If you
+give this option before the list of children of a node starts, the
+"current level" is still the parent level. Each child will be on a later
+level and, hence, the sibling distance will be as specified originally.
+This will cause the children to be neatly aligned in a line orthogonal
+to the given ⟨direction⟩. However, if you give this option locally to a
+single child, then "current level" will be the same as the child's
+level. The zero sibling distance will then cause the child to be placed
+exactly at a point at distance `level distance` in the direction
+⟨direction⟩. However, the children of the child will be placed
+"normally" on a line orthogonal to the ⟨direction⟩.
+These placement effects are best demonstrated by some examples:
+ \tikz \node {root} [grow=right] child child;
+ \tikz \node {root} [grow=south west] child child;
+ \begin{tikzpicture}[level distance=10mm,sibling distance=5mm]
+ \node {root}
+ [grow=down]
+ child
+ child
+ child[grow=right] {
+ child child child
+ };
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ \begin{tikzpicture}[level distance=2em]
+ \node {C}
+ child[grow=up] {node {H}}
+ child[grow=left] {node {H}}
+ child[grow=down] {node {H}}
+ child[grow=right] {node {C}
+ child[grow=up] {node {H}}
+ child[grow=right] {node {H}}
+ child[grow=down] {node {H}}
+ edge from parent[double]
+ coordinate (wrong)
+ };
+ \draw[<-,red] ([yshift=-2mm]wrong) -- +(0,-1)
+ node[below]{This is wrong!};
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \node[rectangle,draw] (a) at (0,0) {start node};
+ \node[rectangle,draw] (b) at (2,1) {end};
+ \draw (a) -- (b)
+ node[coordinate,midway] {}
+ child[grow=100,<-] {node[above] {the middle is here}};
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/grow",
+ meta = "⟨direction⟩"
+ },
+ ["grow cyclic"] = {
+ details = [[
+This style causes the children to be arranged "on a circle". For this,
+the children are placed at distance `\tikzleveldistance` from the parent
+node, but not on a straight line, but on points on a circle. Instead of
+a sibling distance, there is a `sibling angle` that denotes the angle
+between two given children.
+Note that this function will rotate the coordinate system of the
+children to ensure that the grandchildren will grow in the right
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ [grow cyclic,
+ level 1/.style={level distance=8mm,sibling angle=60},
+ level 2/.style={level distance=4mm,sibling angle=45},
+ level 3/.style={level distance=2mm,sibling angle=30}]
+ \coordinate [rotate=-90] % going down
+ child foreach \x in {1,2,3}
+ {child foreach \x in {1,2,3}
+ {child foreach \x in {1,2,3}}};
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/grow:cyclic"
+ },
+ ["grow via three points"] = {
+ details = [[
+This option installs a growth function that works as follows: If a
+parent node has just one child, this child is placed at ⟨x⟩. If the
+parent node has two children, these are placed at ⟨y⟩ and ⟨z⟩. If the
+parent node has more than two children, the children are placed at
+points that are linearly extrapolated from the three points ⟨x⟩, ⟨y⟩,
+and ⟨z⟩. In detail, the position is $x + \frac{n-1}{2}(y-x) +
+ (c-1)(z-y)$, where $n$ is the number of children and $c$ is the
+number of the current child (starting with $1$).
+The net effect of all this is that if you have a certain "linear
+arrangement" in mind and use this option to specify the placement of a
+single child and of two children, then any number of children will be
+placed correctly.
+Here are some arrangements based on this growth function. We start with
+a simple "above" arrangement:
+ \begin{tikzpicture}[grow via three points={%
+ one child at (0,1) and two children at (-.5,1) and (.5,1)}]
+ \node at (0,0) {one} child;
+ \node at (0,-1.5) {two} child child;
+ \node at (0,-3) {three} child child child;
+ \node at (0,-4.5) {four} child child child child;
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+The next arrangement places children above, but "grows only to the
+ \begin{tikzpicture}[grow via three points={%
+ one child at (0,1) and two children at (0,1) and (1,1)}]
+ \node at (0,0) {one} child;
+ \node at (0,-1.5) {two} child child;
+ \node at (0,-3) {three} child child child;
+ \node at (0,-4.5) {four} child child child child;
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+In the final arrangement, the children are placed along a line going
+down and right.
+ \begin{tikzpicture}[grow via three points={%
+ one child at (-1,-.5) and two children at (-1,-.5) and (0,-.75)}]
+ \node at (0,0) {one} child;
+ \node at (0,-1.5) {two} child child;
+ \node at (0,-3) {three} child child child;
+ \node at (0,-4.5) {four} child child child child;
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+These examples should make it clear how you can create new styles to
+arrange your children along a line.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/grow:via:three:points",
+ meta = "one child at (⟨x⟩ ) and two children at (⟨y⟩) and (⟨z⟩)"
+ },
+ ["grow'"] = {
+ details = [[
+This key has the same effect as `grow`, only the children are arranged
+in the opposite order.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/grow'",
+ meta = "⟨direction⟩"
+ },
+ ["growth function"] = {
+ details = [[
+This rather low-level option allows you to set a new growth function.
+The ⟨macro name⟩ must be the name of a macro without parameters. This
+macro will be called for each child of a node. The initial function is
+an internal function that corresponds to downward growth.
+The effect of executing the macro should be the following: It should
+transform the coordinate system in such a way that the origin becomes
+the place where the current child should be anchored. When the macro is
+called, the current coordinate system will be set up such that the
+anchor of the parent node is in the origin. Thus, in each call, the
+⟨macro name⟩ must essentially do a shift to the child's origin. When the
+macro is called, the TeX counter `\tikznumberofchildren` will be set to
+the total number of children of the parent node and the counter
+`\tikznumberofcurrentchild` will be set to the number of the current
+The macro may, in addition to shifting the coordinate system, also
+transform the coordinate system further. For example, it could be
+rotated or scaled.
+Additional growth functions are defined in the library, see Section ??.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/growth:function",
+ meta = "⟨macro name⟩"
+ },
+ ["growth parent anchor"] = {
+ details = [[
+This key allows you to specify which anchor of the parent node is to be
+used for computing the children's position. For example, when there is
+only one child and the `level distance` is `2cm`, then the child node
+will be placed two centimeters below the ⟨anchor⟩ of the parent node.
+"Being placed" means that the child node's anchor (which is the anchor
+specified using the `anchor=` option in the `node` command of the child)
+is two centimeters below the parent node's ⟨anchor⟩.
+In the following example, the two red lines both have length `1cm`.
+ \begin{tikzpicture}[level distance=1cm]
+ \node [rectangle,draw] (a) at (0,0) {root}
+ [growth parent anchor=south] child;
+ \node [rectangle,draw] (b) at (2,0) {root}
+ [growth parent anchor=north east] child;
+ \draw [red,thick,dashed] (a.south) -- (a-1);
+ \draw [red,thick,dashed] (b.north east) -- (b-1);
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+In the next example, the top and bottom nodes are aligned at the top and
+the bottom, respectively.
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ [level distance=2cm,growth parent anchor=north,
+ every node/.style={anchor=north,rectangle,draw}
+ every child node/.style={anchor=south}]
+ \node at (0,0) {root} child {node {small}};
+ \node at (2,0) {big root} child {node {\large big}};
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/growth:parent:anchor",
+ meta = "⟨anchor⟩"
+ },
+ ["handle active characters in code"] = {
+ details = [[
+When this key is set, at the beginning of every `\tikz` command and
+every `{tikzpicture}`, the character codes of all symbols used by
+TikZ are reset to their normal values. Furthermore, at the beginning of
+each node, the catcodes are restored to the values they had prior to the
+current picture.
+The net effect of this is that, in most cases, symbols having a special
+character code can be used nicely both in TikZ code and also in node
+In the following, slightly silly, example we make the dot an active
+character and define it in some strange way. Now, in the later
+TikZ command, the dot in `3.0cm` may no longer be active and setting the
+`handle...` option achieves exactly this. However, as can be seen, the
+dot is once more active inside the node.
+ \catcode`\.=\active
+ \def.{\o}
+ \tikz [handle active characters in code]
+ \node [draw, minimum width=3.0cm] {hall. pe.ple};
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/handle:active:characters:in:code",
+ meta = "⟨true or false⟩"
+ },
+ ["handle active characters in nodes"] = {
+ details = [[
+This key is needed for a special situation: As explained for the
+`handle ... code` key, that key switches off all special meaning of
+symbols and switches them back on again at the beginning of nodes.
+However, there is one situation when this is not possible: When some
+text has already been read by TeX, the catcodes can no longer change.
+Now, for normal nodes this is not a problem since their contents has not
+been read at the moment the catcodes are restored. In contrast for label
+nodes for edges, nodes produced by the `graph` and `quotes` libraries,
+and some others nodes, their text *has* already been read when the
+catcodes get adjusted.
+The present key may help in such situations: It causes the text of all
+such "indirectly created" nodes to be surrounded by a call to the
+`\scantokens` command. This command attempts to reread an already read
+text, but allows catcodes to change. As users of this command will know,
+it is not a perfect substitute for directly reading the text by TeX, but
+it normally has the desired effect.
+ \catcode`\.=\active
+ \def.{\o}
+ \tikz [handle active characters in code,
+ handle active characters in nodes]
+ \node [draw, label=f..] {hall. pe.ple};
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/handle:active:characters:in:nodes",
+ meta = "⟨true or false⟩"
+ },
+ height = {
+ details = [[
+Inside a `spy scope`, this is a shortcut for `minimum height`.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/height",
+ meta = "⟨dimension⟩"
+ },
+ ["help lines"] = {
+ details = [[
+This style makes lines "subdued" by using thin gray lines for them.
+However, this style is not installed automatically and you have to say
+for example:
+ \tikz \draw[help lines] (0,0) grid (3,3);
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/help:lines"
+ },
+ ["huge circuit symbols"] = {
+ details = [[
+This style sets the default circuit symbol unit to `10pt`.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/huge:circuit:symbols"
+ },
+ ["huge mindmap"] = {
+ details = [[
+This style causes concepts to be even bigger and it is best used with A2
+paper and above.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/huge:mindmap"
+ },
+ id = {
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/id",
+ meta = "⟨id⟩"
+ },
+ ["if"] = {
+ details = [[
+This option has the same effect as giving a corresponding if in the
+⟨calendar specification⟩. The option is mostly useful for use in the
+`every calendar` style, where you cannot provide if conditionals
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/if",
+ meta = "(⟨conditions⟩)⟨code or options⟩else⟨else code or options⟩"
+ },
+ ["in"] = {
+ details = [[
+The angle at which the curve reaches the target coordinate.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/in",
+ meta = "⟨angle⟩"
+ },
+ ["in control"] = {
+ details = [[
+This option causes the ⟨coordinate⟩ to be used as the target control
+point. You can use a coordinate like `+(1,0)` to specify a point
+relative to the *end* coordinate.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/in:control",
+ meta = "⟨coordinate⟩"
+ },
+ ["in distance"] = {
+ details = [[
+Sets the minimum and maximum in distance.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/in:distance",
+ meta = "⟨distance⟩"
+ },
+ ["in front of path"] = {
+ details = [[
+This is the opposite of `behind path`: It causes nodes to be drawn on
+top of the path. Since this is the default behavior, you usually do not
+need this option; it is only needed when an enclosing scope has used
+`behind path` and you now wish to "switch back" to the normal behavior.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/in:front:of:path"
+ },
+ ["in looseness"] = {
+ details = [[
+Specifies the looseness factor for the in distance only.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/in:looseness",
+ meta = "⟨number⟩"
+ },
+ ["in max distance"] = {
+ details = [[
+The maximum distance set only for the target coordinate.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/in:max:distance",
+ meta = "⟨distance⟩"
+ },
+ ["in min distance"] = {
+ details = [[
+The minimum distance set only for the target coordinate.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/in:min:distance",
+ meta = "⟨distance⟩"
+ },
+ info = {
+ details = [[
+This key has nearly the same effect as the `label` key, only the
+following style is used additionally automatically:
+The ⟨options⟩ and ⟨angle⟩ are passed directly to the `label` command.
+ \begin{tikzpicture}[circuit ee IEC,every info/.style=red]
+ \node [resistor,info=$3\Omega$] {};
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+You will find a detailed discussion of the `label` option on page ??.
+Hint: To place some text *on* the main node, use `center` as the
+ \begin{tikzpicture}[circuit ee IEC,every info/.style=red]
+ \node [resistor,info=center:$3\Omega$] {};
+ \node [resistor,point up,info=center:$R_1$] at (2,0) {};
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/info",
+ meta = "[⟨options⟩]⟨angle⟩:⟨text⟩"
+ },
+ ["info sloped"] = {
+ details = [[
+This key works like `info`, only the `transform shape` option is set
+when the label is drawn, causing it to follow the sloping of the main
+ \begin{tikzpicture}[circuit ee IEC,every info/.style=red]
+ \draw (0,0) to[resistor={info sloped={$3\Omega$}}] (3,0)
+ to[resistor={info sloped={$4\Omega$}}] (3,2);
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/info:sloped",
+ meta = "[⟨options⟩]⟨angle⟩:⟨text⟩"
+ },
+ ["info'"] = {
+ details = [[
+This key works exactly like the `info` key, only in case the ⟨angle⟩ is
+missing, it defaults to `below` instead of the current value of
+`label position`, which is usually `above`. This means that when you use
+`info`, you get a label above the node, while when you use the `info’`
+key you get a label below the node. In case the node has been rotated,
+the positions of the info nodes are rotated accordingly.
+ \begin{tikzpicture}[circuit ee IEC,every info/.style=red]
+ \draw (0,0) to[resistor={info={$3\Omega$},info'={$R_1$}}] (3,0)
+ to[resistor={info={$4\Omega$},info'={$R_2$}}] (3,2);
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/info'",
+ meta = "[⟨options⟩]⟨angle⟩:⟨text⟩"
+ },
+ ["info' sloped"] = {
+ details = [[
+This is a combination of `info’` and `info sloped`.
+ \begin{tikzpicture}[circuit ee IEC,every info/.style=red]
+ \draw (0,0) to[resistor={info' sloped={$3\Omega$}}] (3,0)
+ to[resistor={info' sloped={$4\Omega$}}] (3,2);
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/info':sloped",
+ meta = ""
+ },
+ initial = {
+ details = [[
+This style is used to draw initial states.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/initial"
+ },
+ ["initial above"] = {
+ details = [[
+This is a shorthand for `initial by arrow,initial where=above`.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/initial:above"
+ },
+ ["initial below"] = {
+ details = [[
+Works similarly to the previous option.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/initial:below"
+ },
+ ["initial by arrow"] = {
+ details = [[
+This style causes an arrow and, possibly, some text to be added to the
+node. The arrow points from the text to the node. The node text and the
+direction and the distance can be set using the following key:
+ \begin{tikzpicture}[every initial by arrow/.style={text=red,->>}]
+ \node[state,initial,initial distance=2cm] {$q_0$};
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/initial:by:arrow"
+ },
+ ["initial by diamond"] = {
+ details = [[
+This style uses a diamond to indicate an initial node.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/initial:by:diamond"
+ },
+ ["initial distance"] = {
+ details = [[
+Sets the length of the arrow leading from the text to the state node.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/initial:distance",
+ meta = "⟨distance⟩"
+ },
+ ["initial left"] = {
+ details = [[
+Works similarly to the previous option.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/initial:left"
+ },
+ ["initial right"] = {
+ details = [[
+Works similarly to the previous option.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/initial:right"
+ },
+ ["initial text"] = {
+ details = [[
+This key sets the text to be used. Use an empty text to suppress all
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/initial:text",
+ meta = "⟨text⟩"
+ },
+ ["initial where"] = {
+ details = [[
+Set the place where the text should be shown. Allowed values are
+`above`, `below`, `left`, and `right`.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/initial:where",
+ meta = "⟨direction⟩"
+ },
+ ["inner color"] = {
+ details = [[
+This option sets the color used at the center of a `radial` shading.
+When this option is used, the `shade` and `shading=radial` options are
+ \tikz \draw[inner color=red] (0,0) rectangle (2,1);
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/inner:color",
+ meta = "⟨color⟩"
+ },
+ ["inner frame sep"] = {
+ details = [[
+Sets the horizontal and vertical separator distances simultaneously.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/inner:frame:sep",
+ meta = "⟨dimension⟩"
+ },
+ ["inner frame xsep"] = {
+ details = [[
+Sets the additional horizontal separator distance for the background
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/inner:frame:xsep",
+ meta = "⟨dimension⟩"
+ },
+ ["inner frame ysep"] = {
+ details = [[
+Same for the vertical separator distance.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/inner:frame:ysep",
+ meta = "⟨dimension⟩"
+ },
+ inputs = {
+ details = [[
+This key is defined only inside the scope of a `circuit logic`. There,
+it has the same effect as `logic gate inputs`, described on page ??.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/inputs",
+ meta = "⟨inputs⟩"
+ },
+ ["insert path"] = {
+ details = [[
+This key can be used inside an option to add something to the current
+path. This is mostly useful for defining styles that create graphic
+contents. This option should be used with care, for instance it should
+not be used as an argument of, say, a `node`. In the following example,
+we use a style to add little circles to a path.
+ \tikz [c/.style={insert path={circle[radius=2pt]}}]
+ \draw (0,0) -- (1,1) [c] -- (3,2) [c];
+The effect is the same as of
+`(0,0) – (1,1) circle[radius=2pt] – (3,2) circle[radius=2pt]`.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/insert:path",
+ meta = "⟨path⟩"
+ },
+ ["intersection/by"] = {
+ details = [[
+This key allows you to specify a list of names for the intersection
+coordinates. The intersection coordinates will still be named
+⟨prefix⟩`-`⟨number⟩, but additionally the first coordinate will also be
+named by the first element of the ⟨comma-separated list⟩. What happens
+is that the ⟨comma-separated list⟩ is passed to the `\foreach` statement
+and for ⟨list member⟩ a coordinate is created at the already-named
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \clip (-2,-2) rectangle (2,2);
+ \draw [name path=curve 1] (-2,-1) .. controls (8,-1) and (-8,1) .. (2,1);
+ \draw [name path=curve 2] (-1,-2) .. controls (-1,8) and (1,-8) .. (1,2);
+ \fill [name intersections={of=curve 1 and curve 2, by={a,b}}]
+ (a) circle (2pt)
+ (b) circle (2pt);
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+You can also use the `...` notation of the `\foreach` statement inside
+the ⟨comma-separated list⟩.
+In case an element of the ⟨comma-separated list⟩ starts with options in
+square brackets, these options are used when the coordinate is created.
+A coordinate name can still, but need not, follow the options. This
+makes it easy to add labels to intersections:
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \clip (-2,-2) rectangle (2,2);
+ \draw [name path=curve 1] (-2,-1) .. controls (8,-1) and (-8,1) .. (2,1);
+ \draw [name path=curve 2] (-1,-2) .. controls (-1,8) and (1,-8) .. (1,2);
+ \fill [name intersections={
+ of=curve 1 and curve 2,
+ by={[label=center:a],[label=center:...],[label=center:i]}}];
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/intersection/by",
+ meta = "⟨comma-separated list⟩"
+ },
+ ["intersection/name"] = {
+ details = [[
+This key specifies the prefix name for the coordinate nodes placed at
+each intersection.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/intersection/name",
+ meta = "⟨prefix⟩"
+ },
+ ["intersection/of"] = {
+ details = [[
+This key is used to specify the names of the paths to use for the
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/intersection/of",
+ meta = "⟨name path 1⟩ and ⟨name path 2⟩"
+ },
+ ["intersection/sort by"] = {
+ details = [[
+By default, the intersections are simply returned in the order that the
+intersection algorithm finds them. Unfortunately, this is not
+necessarily a "helpful" ordering. This key can be used to sort the
+intersections along the path specified by ⟨path name⟩, which should be
+one of the paths mentioned in the `/tikz/intersection/of` key.
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \clip (-0.5,-0.75) rectangle (3.25,2.25);
+ \foreach \pathname/\shift in {line/0cm, curve/2cm}{
+ \tikzset{xshift=\shift}
+ \draw [->, name path=curve] (1,1.5) .. controls (-1,1) and (2,0.5) .. (0,0);
+ \draw [->, name path=line] (0,-.5) -- (1,2) ;
+ \fill [name intersections={of=line and curve,sort by=\pathname, name=i}]
+ [red, opacity=0.5, every node/.style={left=.25cm, black, opacity=1}]
+ \foreach \s in {1,2,3}{(i-\s) circle (2pt) node {\footnotesize\s}};
+ }
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/intersection/sort:by",
+ meta = "⟨path name⟩"
+ },
+ ["intersection/total"] = {
+ details = [[
+This key means that the total number of intersections found will be
+stored in ⟨macro⟩.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/intersection/total",
+ meta = "⟨macro⟩"
+ },
+ ["isometric view"] = {
+ details = [[
+A special kind of `3d view` is isometric, which can be set with the
+`isometric view` style. It simply sets `3d view={-45}{35.26}`. The value
+for ⟨elevation⟩ is determined with $\arctan(1/\sqrt{2})$. In isometric
+projection the angle between any pair of axes is 120$^\circ$, as shown
+ \begin{tikzpicture}[isometric view]
+ \draw[->] (-1,0,0) -- (1,0,0) node[pos=1.1]{x};
+ \draw[->] (0,-1,0) -- (0,1,0) node[pos=1.1]{y};
+ \draw[->] (0,0,-1) -- (0,0,1) node[pos=1.1]{z};
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/isometric:view"
+ },
+ join = {
+ details = [[
+When this key is given to any node on a chain (except possibly for the
+first node), an `edge` command is added after the node. The `with` part
+specifies which node should be used for the start point of the edge; if
+the `with` part is omitted, the `\tikzchainprevious` is used. This
+`edge` command gets the ⟨options⟩ as parameter and the current node as
+its target. If there is no previous node and no `with` is given, no
+`edge` command gets executed.
+Note that it makes sense to call this option several times for a node,
+in order to connect it to several nodes. This is especially useful for
+joining in branches, see the next section.
+ \begin{tikzpicture}[start chain,node distance=5mm,
+ every join/.style={->,red}]
+ \node [draw,on chain,join] {};
+ \node [draw,on chain,join] {Hallo};
+ \node [draw,on chain,join] {Welt};
+ \node [draw,on chain=going below,
+ join,join=with chain-1 by {blue,<-}] {foo};
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/join",
+ meta = "with ⟨with⟩ by ⟨options⟩"
+ },
+ ["jump mark left"] = {
+ details = [[
+This option causes the points on the path to be drawn using piecewise
+constant, non-connected series of lines. If there are any marks, they
+will be placed on left open ends:
+ \tikz\draw plot[jump mark left, mark=*] file{plots/pgfmanual-sine.table};
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/jump:mark:left"
+ },
+ ["jump mark mid"] = {
+ details = [[
+This option causes the points on the path to be drawn using piecewise
+constant, non-connected series of lines. If there are any marks, they
+will be placed in the middle of the horizontal line segments:
+ \tikz\draw plot[jump mark mid, mark=*] file{plots/pgfmanual-sine.table};
+In case of non-constant mesh widths, the same remarks as for
+`const plot mark mid` apply.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/jump:mark:mid"
+ },
+ ["jump mark right"] = {
+ details = [[
+This option causes the points on the path to be drawn using piecewise
+constant, non-connected series of lines. If there are any marks, they
+will be placed on right open ends:
+ \tikz\draw plot[jump mark right, mark=*] file{plots/pgfmanual-sine.table};
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/jump:mark:right"
+ },
+ ["key attribute"] = {
+ details = [[
+This style is intended for key attributes. By default, the will cause
+the attribute to be typeset in italics. Typically, underlining is used
+instead, but that looks ugly and it is difficult to implement in TeX.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/key:attribute"
+ },
+ label = {
+ details = [[
+\[label-option\] When this option is given to a `node` operation, it
+causes *another* node to be added to the path after the current node has
+been finished. This extra node will have the text ⟨text⟩. It is placed,
+in principle, in the direction ⟨angle⟩ relative to the main node, but
+the exact rules are a bit complex. Suppose the `node` currently under
+construction is called `main node` and let us call the label node
+`label node`. Then the following happens:
+1. The ⟨angle⟩ is used to determine a position on the border of the
+ `main node`. If the ⟨angle⟩ is missing, the value of the following
+ key is used instead:
+ The ⟨angle⟩ determines the position on the border of the shape in
+ two different ways. Normally, the border position is given by
+ `main node.`⟨angle⟩. This means that the ⟨angle⟩ can either be a
+ number like `0` or `-340`, but it can also be an anchor like
+ `north`. Additionally, the special angles `above`, `below`, `left`,
+ `right`, `above left`, and so on are automatically replaced by the
+ corresponding angles `90`, `270`, `180`, `0`, `135`, and so on.
+ A special case arises when the following key is set:
+2. Then, an anchor point for the `label node` is computed. It is
+ determined in such a way that the `label node` will "face away" from
+ the border of the `main node`. The anchor that is chosen depends on
+ the position of the border point that is chosen and its position
+ relative to the center of the `main node` and on whether the
+ `transform shape` option is set. In detail, when the computed border
+ point is at $0^\circ$, the anchor `west` will be used. Similarly,
+ when the border point is at $90^\circ$, the anchor `south` will be
+ used, and so on for $180^\circ$ and $270^\circ$.
+ For angles between these "major" angles, like $30^\circ$ or
+ $110^\circ$, combined anchors, like `south west` for $30^\circ$ or
+ `south east` for $110^\circ$, are used. However, for angles close to
+ the major angles, (differing by up to $2^\circ$ from the major
+ angle), the anchor for the major angle is used. Thus, a label at a
+ border point for $2^\circ$ will have the anchor `west`, while a
+ label for $3^\circ$ will have the anchor `south west`, resulting in
+ a "jump" of the anchor. You can set the anchor "by hand" using the
+ `anchor` key or indirect keys like `left`.
+ \tikz
+ \node [circle, draw,
+ label=default,
+ label=60:$60^\circ$,
+ label=below:$-90^\circ$,
+ label=3:$3^\circ$,
+ label=2:$2^\circ$,
+ label={[below]180:$180^\circ$},
+ label={[centered]135:$135^\circ$}] {my circle};
+3. One ⟨angle⟩ is special: If you set the ⟨angle⟩ to `center`, then the
+ label will be placed on the center of the main node. This is mainly
+ useful for adding a label text to an existing node, especially if it
+ has been rotated.
+ \tikz \node [transform shape,rotate=90,
+ rectangle,draw,label={[red]center:R}] {main node};
+You can pass ⟨options⟩ to the node `label node`. For this, you provide
+the options in square brackets before the ⟨angle⟩. If you do so, you
+need to add braces around the whole argument of the `label` option and
+this is also the case if you have brackets or commas or semicolons or
+anything special in the ⟨text⟩.
+ \tikz \node [circle,draw,label={[red]above:X}] {my circle};
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \node [circle,draw,label={[name=label node]above left:$a,b$}] {};
+ \draw (label node) -- +(1,1);
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+If you provide multiple `label` options, then multiple extra label nodes
+are added in the order they are given.
+The following styles influence how labels are drawn:
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/label",
+ meta = "[⟨options⟩]⟨angle⟩:⟨text⟩"
+ },
+ ["label distance"] = {
+ details = [[
+The ⟨distance⟩ is additionally inserted between the main node and the
+label node.
+ \tikz[label distance=5mm]
+ \node [circle,draw,label=right:X,
+ label=above right:Y,
+ label=above:Z] {my circle};
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/label:distance",
+ meta = "⟨distance⟩"
+ },
+ ["label position"] = {
+ details = [[
+Sets the default position for labels.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/label:position",
+ meta = "⟨angle⟩"
+ },
+ ["large circuit symbols"] = {
+ details = [[
+This style sets the default circuit symbol unit to `8pt`.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/large:circuit:symbols"
+ },
+ ["large mindmap"] = {
+ details = [[
+This style includes the `mindmap` style, but additionally changes the
+default size of concepts, fonts and distances so that a medium-sized
+mindmap will fit on an A3 page (A3 pages are twice as large as A4
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/large:mindmap"
+ },
+ ["late options"] = {
+ details = [[
+This option can be given on a path (but not as an argument to a `node`
+path command) and has the same effect as the `node also` path command.
+Inside the ⟨options⟩, you should use the `name` option to specify the
+node for which you wish to add late options:
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \node [draw,circle] (a) {Hello};
+ \path [late options={name=a, label=above:world}];
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/late:options",
+ meta = "⟨options⟩"
+ },
+ left = {
+ details = [[
+Similar to `above`.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/left",
+ meta = "⟨offset⟩"
+ },
+ ["left color"] = {
+ details = [[
+This option does exactly the same as `top color`, except that the
+shading angle is set to $90^\circ$.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/left:color",
+ meta = "⟨color⟩"
+ },
+ ["left delimiter"] = {
+ details = [[
+This option can be given to a any node that has the standard anchors
+`north`, `south` and so on. The ⟨delimiter⟩ can be any delimiter that is
+acceptable to TeX's `\left` command.
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \matrix [matrix of math nodes,left delimiter=(,right delimiter=\}]
+ {
+ a_8 & a_1 & a_6 \\
+ a_3 & a_5 & a_7 \\
+ a_4 & a_9 & a_2 \\
+ };
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \node [fill=red!20,left delimiter=(,right delimiter=\}]
+ {$\displaystyle\int_0^1 x\,dx$};
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/left:delimiter",
+ meta = "⟨delimiter⟩"
+ },
+ ["left of"] = {
+ details = [[
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/left:of",
+ meta = "⟨node⟩"
+ },
+ lens = {
+ details = [[
+The ⟨options⟩ should contain transformation commands like `scale` or
+`rotate`. These transformations are applied to the picture when it is
+shown inside the spy-on node.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/lens",
+ meta = "⟨options⟩"
+ },
+ level = {
+ details = [[
+This style is executed at the beginning of each set of children, where
+⟨number⟩ is the current level in the current tree. For example, when you
+say `\node {x} child child;`, then `level=1` is used before the first
+`child`. The style or code of this key will be passed ⟨number⟩ as its
+first parameter. If this first `child` has children itself, then
+`level=2` would be used for them.
+ \begin{tikzpicture}[level/.style={sibling distance=20mm/#1}]
+ \node {root}
+ child { child child }
+ child { child child child };
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/level",
+ meta = "⟨number⟩"
+ },
+ ["level 1 concept"] = {
+ details = [[
+The `mindmap` style adds this style to the `level 1` style. This means
+that the first level children of a mindmap tree will use this style.
+ \tikz
+ [root concept/.append style={concept color=blue!80},
+ level 1 concept/.append style={concept color=red!50},
+ mindmap]
+ \node [concept] {Root concept}
+ child[grow=30] {node[concept] {child}}
+ child[grow=0 ] {node[concept] {child}};
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/level:1:concept"
+ },
+ ["level 2 concept"] = {
+ details = [[
+Works like `level 1 concept`, only for second level children.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/level:2:concept"
+ },
+ ["level 3 concept"] = {
+ details = [[
+Works like `level 1 concept`.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/level:3:concept"
+ },
+ ["level 4 concept"] = {
+ details = [[
+Works like `level 1 concept`. Note that there are no fifth and higher
+level styles, you need to modify `level 5` directly in such cases.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/level:4:concept"
+ },
+ ["level distance"] = {
+ details = [[
+This key determines the distance between different levels of the tree,
+more precisely, between the parent and the line on which its children
+are arranged. When given to a single child, this will set the distance
+for this child only.
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \node {root}
+ [level distance=20mm]
+ child
+ child {
+ [level distance=5mm]
+ child
+ child
+ child
+ }
+ child[level distance=10mm];
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ [level 1/.style={level distance=10mm},
+ level 2/.style={level distance=5mm}]
+ \node {root}
+ child
+ child {
+ child
+ child[level distance=10mm]
+ child
+ }
+ child;
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/level:distance",
+ meta = "⟨distance⟩"
+ },
+ ["level ⟨number⟩"] = {
+ details = [[
+This style is used in addition to the `level` style. So, when you say
+`\node {x} child child;`, then the following key list is executed:
+`level=1,level 1`.
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ [level 1/.style={sibling distance=20mm},
+ level 2/.style={sibling distance=5mm}]
+ \node {root}
+ child { child child }
+ child { child child child };
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/level:⟨number⟩"
+ },
+ ["light emitting"] = {
+ details = [[
+Like a unit, an annotation should be given as an additional option to a
+node. It causes some drawings (in this case, two parallel lines) to be
+placed next to the node.
+ \tikz [circuit ee IEC] \draw (0,0) to [diode=light emitting] (2,0);
+The ⟨options⟩ can be used for three different things:
+1. You can use keys like `red` to change the appearance of this
+ annotation, locally.
+2. You can use keys like `<-` or `-latex` to change the direction and
+ kinds of arrows used in the annotation.
+3. You can use info labels like `ohm=5` or `info=foo` inside the
+ ⟨options⟩. These info labels will be added to the main node (not to
+ the annotation itself), but the label distance will have been
+ changed to accommodate for the space taken up by the annotation.
+ \tikz [circuit ee IEC]
+ {
+ \draw (0,2) to [diode={light emitting,info=not good}] (2,2);
+ \draw (0,0) to [diode={light emitting={info=better},
+ info'=also good}] (2,0);
+ }
+In addition to `light emitting` there is also a key called
+`light emitting’`, which simply places the annotation on the other side
+of the node.
+You can configure the appearance of annotations in three ways:
+- You can set the `every circuit annotation` style.
+- You can set the `every light emitting` style.
+- You can set the following key:
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/light:emitting",
+ meta = "⟨options⟩"
+ },
+ ["line cap"] = {
+ details = [[
+Specifies how lines "end". Permissible ⟨type⟩ are `round`, `rect`, and
+`butt`. They have the following effects:
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \begin{scope}[line width=10pt]
+ \draw[line cap=round] (0,1 ) -- +(1,0);
+ \draw[line cap=butt] (0,.5) -- +(1,0);
+ \draw[line cap=rect] (0,0 ) -- +(1,0);
+ \end{scope}
+ \draw[white,line width=1pt]
+ (0,0 ) -- +(1,0) (0,.5) -- +(1,0) (0,1 ) -- +(1,0);
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/line:cap",
+ meta = "⟨type⟩"
+ },
+ ["line join"] = {
+ details = [[
+Specifies how lines "join". Permissible ⟨type⟩ are `round`, `bevel`, and
+`miter`. They have the following effects:
+ \begin{tikzpicture}[line width=10pt]
+ \draw[line join=round] (0,0) -- ++(.5,1) -- ++(.5,-1);
+ \draw[line join=bevel] (1.25,0) -- ++(.5,1) -- ++(.5,-1);
+ \draw[line join=miter] (2.5,0) -- ++(.5,1) -- ++(.5,-1);
+ \useasboundingbox (0,1.5); % enlarge bounding box
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/line:join",
+ meta = "⟨type⟩"
+ },
+ ["line to"] = {
+ details = [[
+Causes a straight line to be added to the path upon a `to` or an `edge`
+ \tikz {\draw (0,0) to[line to] (1,0);}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/line:to"
+ },
+ ["line width"] = {
+ details = [[
+Specifies the line width. Note the space.
+ \tikz \draw[line width=5pt] (0,0) -- (1cm,1.5ex);
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/line:width",
+ meta = "⟨dimension⟩"
+ },
+ loop = {
+ details = [[
+This key is similar to the `curve to` key, but differs in the following
+ways: First, the actual target coordinate is ignored and the start
+coordinate is used as the target coordinate. Thus, it is allowed not to
+provide any target coordinate, which can be useful with unnamed nodes.
+Second, the `looseness` is set to `8` and the `min distance` to `5mm`.
+These settings result in rather nice loops when the opening angle
+(difference between `in` and `out`) is 30$^\circ$.
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \node [circle,draw] {a} edge [in=30,out=60,loop] ();
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/loop"
+ },
+ ["loop above"] = {
+ details = [[
+Sets the `loop` style and sets in and out angles such that loop is above
+the node. Furthermore, the `above` option is set, which causes a node
+label to be placed at the correct position.
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \node [circle,draw] {a} edge [loop above] node {x} ();
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/loop:above"
+ },
+ ["loop below"] = {
+ details = [[
+Works like the previous option.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/loop:below"
+ },
+ ["loop left"] = {
+ details = [[
+Works like the previous option.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/loop:left"
+ },
+ ["loop right"] = {
+ details = [[
+Works like the previous option.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/loop:right"
+ },
+ ["loose background"] = {
+ details = [[
+Sets the inner frame separator to 2ex.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/loose:background"
+ },
+ ["loosely dash dot"] = {
+ details = [[
+Shorthand for setting a loosely dashed and dotted dash pattern.
+ \tikz \draw[loosely dash dot] (0pt,0pt) -- (50pt,0pt);
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/loosely:dash:dot"
+ },
+ ["loosely dash dot dot"] = {
+ details = [[
+Shorthand for setting a loosely dashed and dotted dash pattern with more
+ \tikz \draw[loosely dash dot dot] (0pt,0pt) -- (50pt,0pt);
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/loosely:dash:dot:dot"
+ },
+ ["loosely dashed"] = {
+ details = [[
+Shorthand for setting a loosely dashed dash pattern.
+ \tikz \draw[loosely dashed] (0pt,0pt) -- (50pt,0pt);
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/loosely:dashed"
+ },
+ ["loosely dotted"] = {
+ details = [[
+Shorthand for setting a loosely dotted dash pattern.
+ \tikz \draw[loosely dotted] (0pt,0pt) -- (50pt,0pt);
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/loosely:dotted"
+ },
+ looseness = {
+ details = [[
+This number specifies how "loose" the curve will be. In detail, the
+following happens: TikZ computes the distance between the start and the
+target coordinate (if the start and/or target coordinate are nodes, the
+distance is computed between the points on their border). This distance
+is then multiplied by a fixed factor and also by the factor ⟨number⟩.
+The resulting distance, let us call it $d$, is then used as the distance
+of the control points from the start and target coordinates.
+The fixed factor has been chosen in such a way that if ⟨number⟩ is `1`,
+if the `in` and `out` angles differ by 90$\circ$, then a quarter circle
+ \tikz \draw (0,0) to [out=0,in=-90] (1,1);
+ \tikz \draw (0,0) to [out=0,in=-90,looseness=0.5] (1,1);
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/looseness",
+ meta = "⟨number⟩"
+ },
+ ["lower left"] = {
+ details = [[
+Sets the color to be used in a `bilinear interpolation` shading for the
+lower left corner. Also, this options selects this shading and sets the
+`shade` option.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/lower:left",
+ meta = "⟨color⟩"
+ },
+ ["lower right"] = {
+ details = [[
+Works like `lower left`.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/lower:right",
+ meta = "⟨color⟩"
+ },
+ magnification = {
+ details = [[
+This has the same effect as saying `lens={scale=`⟨number⟩`}`.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/magnification",
+ meta = "⟨number⟩"
+ },
+ ["make snapshot after"] = {
+ details = [[
+Works exactly like `make snapshot of`, only the ⟨time⟩ is interpreted as
+$⟨time⟩ + \epsilon$. This only makes a difference at the end of a
+timeline and when there are two or more values specified for the same
+time: When there are several values specified for time $t$, a normal
+snapshot for time $t$ uses the first value given for the attribute. In
+contrast, this command would use the last one given. Similarly, when an
+animation timeline ends at time $t$, a normal snapshot of time $t$ would
+use the last value of the timeline, while this key would not apply the
+animation at all (it has already ended at time $t + \epsilon$).
+ \tikz [make snapshot of = 2s]
+ \fill :fill = { 0s = "green", 2s = "red" } (0,0) rectangle ++(1,1);
+ \tikz [make snapshot after = 2s]
+ \fill :fill = { 0s = "green", 2s = "red" } (0,0) rectangle ++(1,1);
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/make:snapshot:after",
+ meta = "⟨time⟩"
+ },
+ ["make snapshot if necessary"] = {
+ details = [[
+This key makes a snapshot of ⟨time⟩ only when the output format does not
+provide support for animations; if the output format supports animations
+(like SVG), then the command has no effect and animations are created
+This manual is typeset with the following being set once are for all in
+ \tikzset{make snapshot if necessary}
+Because of this setting, in the PDF version of this document, all
+animations are shown at the value they would have at moment $0s$. In
+contrast, in the SVG version, the animations are created normally.
+In both versions, the smaller pictures showing how the animation
+proceeds over time are created using `make snapshot of` for the
+indicated times.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/make:snapshot:if:necessary",
+ meta = "⟨time⟩"
+ },
+ ["make snapshot of"] = {
+ details = [[
+When this key is used in a TeX scope, animation commands given in the
+scope do not add animation code to the output. Instead, TikZ computes
+the values the attributes of the animation would have at the specified
+⟨time⟩ and inserts the necessary system layer command to set the
+attribute to the computed values (some care has been taken to make this
+computation match the computations done by viewer applications as best
+as possible).
+ \tikz [make snapshot of = 1s] {
+ \fill :fill = { 0s = "black", 2s = "white" } (0,0) rectangle ++(1,1);
+ \fill :fill = { 1s = "black", 3s = "white" } (2,0) rectangle ++(1,1);
+ }
+The moment ⟨time⟩ is best thought of as ⟨time⟩ seconds after the "moment
+zero" where all timelines start by default. Now, "real" animation may
+start at different time through user interaction, which clearly makes no
+sense for snapshots. Nevertheless, you will sometimes wish to have more
+control over when a timeline starts for the purposes of taking
+snapshots. You can use the following key for this:
+The computations of the values the animation "would have" are done
+entirely by TikZ, which has the big advantage is that no support from
+the viewer application or the output format is needed -- snapshots work
+with all output formats, not just with SVG. However, computations done
+by TikZ are not always very precise and can be slow because of TeX's
+limitations. In addition, there are some further limitations when it
+comes to TikZ's computation of snapshot values:
+- As mentioned above, except for `begin snapshot`, other commands for
+ specifying the beginning or end of a timeline based on user
+ interaction make no sense for timelines: The keys `begin`,
+ `begin on`, `end`, and `end on` are silently ignored.
+- The value `current value` for a value is forbidden since this value
+ is almost impossible to compute by TikZ.
+- Accumulating repeats of a motion are (currently) not supported, but
+ should not rely on this.
+When ⟨time⟩ is empty, "snapshot taking" is switched off and animation
+commands are inserted once more.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/make:snapshot:of",
+ meta = "⟨time⟩"
+ },
+ mark = {
+ details = [[
+Sets the mark to a mnemonic that has previously been defined using the
+`\pgfdeclareplotmark`. By default, `*`, `+`, and `x` are available,
+which draw a filled circle, a plus, and a cross as marks. Many more
+marks become available when the library `plotmarks` is loaded.
+Section ?? lists the available plot marks.
+One plot mark is special: the `ball` plot mark is available only in
+TikZ. The `ball color` option determines the balls's color. Do not use
+this option with a large number of marks since it will take very long to
+render in PostScript.
+ Option Effect
+ --------------------- --------
+ height14pt width0pt
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/mark",
+ meta = "⟨mark mnemonic⟩"
+ },
+ ["mark indices"] = {
+ details = [[
+This option allows you to specify explicitly the indices at which a mark
+should be placed. Counting starts with 1. You can use the `\foreach`
+syntax, that is, `...` can be used.
+ \tikz \draw plot[mark=x,mark indices={1,4,...,10,11,12,...,16,20},smooth]
+ file {plots/pgfmanual-sine.table};
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/mark:indices",
+ meta = "⟨list⟩"
+ },
+ ["mark options"] = {
+ details = [[
+Redefines `every mark` such that it sets `{options}`.
+ \tikz \fill[fill=blue!20]
+ plot[mark=triangle*,mark options={color=blue,rotate=180}]
+ file{plots/pgfmanual-sine.table} |- (0,0);
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/mark:options",
+ meta = "⟨options⟩"
+ },
+ ["mark phase"] = {
+ details = [[
+This option tells TikZ that the first mark to be draw should be the
+$p$th, followed by the $(p+r)$th, then the $(p+2r)$th, and so on.
+ \tikz \draw plot[mark=x,mark repeat=3,mark phase=6,smooth] file {plots/pgfmanual-sine.table};
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/mark:phase",
+ meta = "⟨p⟩"
+ },
+ ["mark repeat"] = {
+ details = [[
+This option tells TikZ that only every $r$th mark should be drawn.
+ \tikz \draw plot[mark=x,mark repeat=3,smooth] file {plots/pgfmanual-sine.table};
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/mark:repeat",
+ meta = "⟨r⟩"
+ },
+ ["mark size"] = {
+ details = [[
+Sets the size of the plot marks. For circular plot marks, ⟨dimension⟩ is
+the radius, for other plot marks ⟨dimension⟩ should be about half the
+width and height.
+This option is not really necessary, since you achieve the same effect
+by specifying `scale=`⟨factor⟩ as a local option, where ⟨factor⟩ is the
+quotient of the desired size and the default size. However, using
+`mark size` is a bit faster and more natural.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/mark:size",
+ meta = "⟨dimension⟩"
+ },
+ matrix = {
+ details = [[
+This option can be passed to a `node` path command. It signals that the
+node will contain a matrix.
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \draw[help lines] (0,0) grid (4,2);
+ \node [matrix,fill=red!20,draw=blue,very thick] (my matrix) at (2,1)
+ {
+ \draw (0,0) circle (4mm); & \node[rotate=10] {Hello}; \\
+ \draw (0.2,0) circle (2mm); & \fill[red] (0,0) circle (3mm); \\
+ };
+ \draw [very thick,->] (0,0) |- (my matrix.west);
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+The exact syntax of the matrix is explained in the course of this
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/matrix",
+ meta = "⟨true or false⟩"
+ },
+ ["matrix anchor"] = {
+ details = [[
+This option has the same effect as `anchor`, but the option applies only
+to the matrix itself, not to the cells inside. If you just say
+`anchor=north` as an option to the matrix node, all nodes inside matrix
+will also have this anchor, unless it is explicitly set differently for
+each node. By comparison, `matrix anchor` sets the anchor for the
+matrix, but for the nodes inside the value of `anchor` remain unchanged.
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \matrix [matrix anchor=west] at (0,0)
+ {
+ \node {123}; \\ % still center anchor
+ \node {12}; \\
+ \node {1}; \\
+ };
+ \matrix [anchor=west] at (0,-2)
+ {
+ \node {123}; \\ % inherited west anchor
+ \node {12}; \\
+ \node {1}; \\
+ };
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/matrix:anchor",
+ meta = "⟨anchor⟩"
+ },
+ ["matrix of math nodes"] = {
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/matrix:of:math:nodes"
+ },
+ ["matrix of nodes"] = {
+ details = [[
+Conceptually, this key adds `\node{` at the beginning and `};` at the
+end of each cell and sets the `anchor` of the node to `base`.
+Furthermore, it adds the option `name` option to each node, where the
+name is set to ⟨matrix name⟩`-`⟨row number⟩`-`⟨column number⟩. For
+example, if the matrix has the name `my matrix`, then the node in the
+upper left cell will get the name `my matrix-1-1`.
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \matrix (magic) [matrix of nodes]
+ {
+ 8 & 1 & 6 \\
+ 3 & 5 & 7 \\
+ 4 & 9 & 2 \\
+ };
+ \draw[thick,red,->] (magic-1-1) |- (magic-2-3);
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+You may wish to add options to certain nodes in the matrix. This can be
+achieved in three ways.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/matrix:of:nodes"
+ },
+ ["matrix/inner style order"] = {
+ details = [[
+The order in which these styles are applied to the matrix cells is
+specified by this key. By default it is
+ \tikzset{
+ matrix/inner style order={
+ every cell,
+ column,
+ even odd column,
+ row,
+ even odd row,
+ cell,
+ },
+ }
+You can use this to install your own styles here, but only *names* of
+styles are permitted here. The style specification has to be placed
+outside of `matrix/inner style order` and unless it is installed inside
+`/tikz/matrix/inner style/`, it has to be fully qualified.
+ \tikzset{
+ my style/.code={%
+ \ifnum\pgfmatrixcurrentcolumn=2
+ \tikzset{font=\itshape}%
+ \fi
+ },
+ matrix/inner style order={
+ every cell,
+ even odd column,
+ even odd row,
+ column,
+ row,
+ cell,
+ /tikz/my style,
+ },
+ }
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/matrix/inner:style:order"
+ },
+ ["matrix/inner style/cell"] = {
+ details = [[
+Wraps `/tikz/row `⟨number⟩` column `⟨number⟩.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/matrix/inner:style/cell"
+ },
+ ["matrix/inner style/column"] = {
+ details = [[
+Wraps `/tikz/column `⟨number⟩.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/matrix/inner:style/column"
+ },
+ ["matrix/inner style/even odd column"] = {
+ details = [[
+Wraps `/tikz/every even column` and `/tikz/every odd column`.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/matrix/inner:style/even:odd:column"
+ },
+ ["matrix/inner style/even odd row"] = {
+ details = [[
+Wraps `/tikz/every even row` and `/tikz/every odd row`.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/matrix/inner:style/even:odd:row"
+ },
+ ["matrix/inner style/every cell"] = {
+ details = [[
+Wraps `/tikz/every cell`.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/matrix/inner:style/every:cell"
+ },
+ ["matrix/inner style/row"] = {
+ details = [[
+Wraps `/tikz/row `⟨number⟩.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/matrix/inner:style/row"
+ },
+ ["max distance"] = {
+ details = [[
+If the computed distance for the start and target coordinates are above
+⟨distance⟩, then ⟨distance⟩ is used instead.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/max:distance",
+ meta = "⟨distance⟩"
+ },
+ ["medium circuit symbols"] = {
+ details = [[
+This style sets the default circuit symbol unit to `7pt`.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/medium:circuit:symbols"
+ },
+ meet = {
+ details = [[
+Use this key with a scope to establish a view for the scope. In the
+argument to the `meet` key, both `rectangle` texts are optional. Also,
+everything following `at` is optional; when it is missing, the ⟨window
+corner⟩s are assumed to be the same as the ⟨to-be-viewed corner⟩s. The
+latter are two corners of a rectangle that should be transformed in such
+a way that it fits inside the rectangle described by the two window
+More precisely, at the beginning of the scope a canvas transformation is
+installed that scales and translates the canvas is such a way that
+1. the center of the to-be-viewed rectangle lies at the center of the
+ window rectangle and
+2. the to-be-viewed rectangle has maximum size that it still fits
+ inside the window rectangle.
+ \tikz {
+ \draw [red, very thick] (0,0) rectangle (20mm,20mm);
+ \begin{scope}[meet = {(0.5,0.5) (2.5,1.5) at (0,0) (2,2)}]
+ \draw [blue, very thick] (5mm,5mm) rectangle (25mm,15mm);
+ \draw [thick] (1,1) circle [x radius=5mm, y radius=10mm] node {Hi};
+ \end{scope} }
+ \tikz {
+ \draw [red, very thick] (0,0) rectangle (20mm,20mm);
+ \begin{scope}[slice = {(0.5,0.5) (2.5,1.5) at (0,0) (2,2)}]
+ \draw [blue, very thick] (5mm,5mm) rectangle (25mm,15mm);
+ \draw [thick] (1,1) circle [x radius=5mm, y radius=10mm] node {Hi};
+ \end{scope} }
+As mentioned earlier, the main use of views is in conjunction with
+animations. In order to animate a view, you specify the scope containing
+the `meet` command as the target object and then animate its `:view`
+ \tikz [animate = {
+ my scope:view = {
+ begin on = { click, of next = here },
+ 0s = "{(0.5,0.5) (2.5,1.5)}",
+ 2s = "{(0.5,0) (1.5,2)}", forever
+ }}] {
+ \draw [red, fill=red!20, very thick, name=here]
+ (0,0) rectangle (20mm,20mm);
+ \begin{scope}[name = my scope,
+ meet = {(0.5,0.5) (2.5,1.5) at (0,0) (2,2)}]
+ \draw [blue, very thick] (5mm,5mm) rectangle (25mm,15mm);
+ \draw [thick] (1,1) circle [x radius=5mm, y radius=10mm] node {Hi};
+ \end{scope} }
+You can, of course, also specify the animation using the
+`animate myself:` key when you specify the animation inside the scope:
+ \tikz [animate = {
+ my scope:view = {
+ }}] {
+ \draw [red, fill=red!20, very thick, name=here]
+ (0,0) rectangle (20mm,20mm);
+ \begin{scope}[animate = { myself: = { :view = {
+ begin on = { click, of = here },
+ 0s = "{(0.5,0.5) (2.5,1.5)}",
+ 2s = "{(0.5,0) (1.5,2)}", forever }}},
+ slice = {(0.5,0.5) (2.5,1.5) at (0,0) (2,2)}]
+ \draw [blue, very thick] (5mm,5mm) rectangle (25mm,15mm);
+ \draw [thick] (1,1) circle [x radius=5mm, y radius=10mm] node {Hi};
+ \end{scope} }
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/meet",
+ meta = "⟨to-be-viewed corner⟩ rectangle ⟨to-be-viewed corner⟩ at ⟨window corner⟩ rectangle ⟨window corner⟩"
+ },
+ ["mid left"] = {
+ details = [[
+Works like `base left`, but with `mid east` and `mid west` anchors
+instead of `base east` and `base west`.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/mid:left",
+ meta = "⟨specification⟩"
+ },
+ ["mid right"] = {
+ details = [[
+Works like `mid left`.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/mid:right",
+ meta = "⟨specification⟩"
+ },
+ ["middle color"] = {
+ details = [[
+This option specifies the color for the middle of an axis shading. It
+also sets the `shade` and `shading=axis` options, but it does not change
+the rotation angle.
+*Note:* Since both `top color` and `bottom color` change the middle
+color, this option should be given *last* if all of these options need
+to be given:
+ \tikz \draw[top color=white,bottom color=black,middle color=red]
+ (0,0) rectangle (2,1);
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/middle:color",
+ meta = "⟨color⟩"
+ },
+ midway = {
+ details = [[
+This has the same effect as `pos=0.5`.
+ \tikz \draw (0,0) .. controls +(up:2cm) and +(left:3cm) .. (1,5)
+ node[at end] {\texttt{at end}}
+ node[very near end] {\texttt{very near end}}
+ node[near end] {\texttt{near end}}
+ node[midway] {\texttt{midway}}
+ node[near start] {\texttt{near start}}
+ node[very near start] {\texttt{very near start}}
+ node[at start] {\texttt{at start}};
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/midway"
+ },
+ ["min distance"] = {
+ details = [[
+If the computed distance for the start and target coordinates are below
+⟨distance⟩, then ⟨distance⟩ is used instead.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/min:distance",
+ meta = "⟨distance⟩"
+ },
+ mindmap = {
+ details = [[
+Use this style with all pictures or at least scopes that contain a
+mindmap. It installs a whole bunch of settings that are useful for
+drawing mindmaps.
+ \tikz[mindmap,concept color=red!50]
+ \node [concept] {Root concept}
+ child[grow=right] {node[concept] {Child concept}};
+The sizes of concepts are predefined in such a way that a medium-size
+mindmap will fit on an A4 page (more or less).
+#### Remark:
+Note that `mindmap` redefines `font` sizes and `sibling angle` depending
+on the current concept level (i.e. inside of `level 1 concept`,
+`level 2 concept` etc.). Thus, if you need to redefine these variables,
+`level 1 concept/.append style={font=\small}`
+`level 2 concept/.append style={sibling distance=90}`
+*after* the `mindmap` style.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/mindmap"
+ },
+ missing = {
+ details = [[
+If this option is given to a child, the current child counter is
+increased, but the child is otherwise ignored. In particular, the normal
+contents of the child is completely ignored.
+ \begin{tikzpicture}[level distance=10mm,sibling distance=5mm]
+ \node {root} [grow=down]
+ child { node {1} }
+ child { node {2} }
+ child { node {3} }
+ child[missing] { node {4} }
+ child { node {5} }
+ child { node {6} };
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/missing",
+ meta = "⟨true or false⟩"
+ },
+ ["miter limit"] = {
+ details = [[
+When you use the miter join and there is a very sharp corner (a small
+angle), the miter join may protrude very far over the actual joining
+point. In this case, if it were to protrude by more than ⟨factor⟩ times
+the line width, the miter join is replaced by a bevel join.
+ \begin{tikzpicture}[line width=5pt]
+ \draw (0,0) -- ++(5,.5) -- ++(-5,.5);
+ \draw[miter limit=25] (6,0) -- ++(5,.5) -- ++(-5,.5);
+ \useasboundingbox (14,0); % make bounding box bigger
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/miter:limit",
+ meta = "⟨factor⟩"
+ },
+ ["month code"] = {
+ details = [[
+This option allows you to specify what the macro `\tikzmonthcode` should
+expand to.
+By default, the `\tikzmonthcode` it is set to
+ \node[every month]{\tikzmonthtext};
+Note that this node is not named by default.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/month:code",
+ meta = "⟨code⟩"
+ },
+ ["month label above centered"] = {
+ details = [[
+Works as above, only the label is centered above the row containing the
+first day.
+ \tikz
+ \calendar [dates=2000-02-01 to 2000-02-last,
+ day list right,month label above centered];
+ \tikz
+ \calendar [dates=2000-01-20 to 2000-02-10,
+ week list,month label above centered];
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/month:label:above:centered"
+ },
+ ["month label above left"] = {
+ details = [[
+This style places the month label above of the row of the first day,
+flushed left to the leftmost column. The amount by which the label is
+raised is fixed to `1.25em`; use the `yshift` option with the month node
+to modify this.
+ \tikz
+ \calendar [dates=2000-01-28 to 2000-02-03,
+ day list right,month xshift=1em,
+ month label above left];
+ \tikz
+ \calendar [dates=2000-01-20 to 2000-02-10,
+ week list,month label above left];
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/month:label:above:left"
+ },
+ ["month label above right"] = {
+ details = [[
+Works as above, but flushed right
+ \tikz
+ \calendar [dates=2000-01-20 to 2000-02-10,
+ week list,month label above right];
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/month:label:above:right"
+ },
+ ["month label below centered"] = {
+ details = [[
+Works like `month label above centered`, only below.
+ \tikz
+ \calendar [dates=2000-02-01 to 2000-02-last,
+ day list right,month label below centered];
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/month:label:below:centered"
+ },
+ ["month label below left"] = {
+ details = [[
+Works like `month label above left`, only the label is placed below the
+row. This placement is not really useful with the `week list`
+arrangement, but rather with the `day list right` or `month list`
+ \tikz
+ \calendar [dates=2000-02-01 to 2000-02-last,
+ day list right,month label below left];
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/month:label:below:left"
+ },
+ ["month label left"] = {
+ details = [[
+Places the month label to the left of the first day of the month. (For
+`week list` and `month list` where a month does not start on a Monday,
+the position is chosen "as if" the month had started on a Monday --
+which is usually exactly what you want.)
+ \tikz
+ \calendar [dates=2000-01-28 to 2000-02-03,
+ day list downward,month yshift=1em,
+ month label left];
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/month:label:left"
+ },
+ ["month label left vertical"] = {
+ details = [[
+This style works like the above style, only the label is rotated
+counterclockwise by 90 degrees.
+ \tikz
+ \calendar [dates=2000-01-28 to 2000-02-03,
+ day list downward,month yshift=1em,
+ month label left vertical];
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/month:label:left:vertical"
+ },
+ ["month label right"] = {
+ details = [[
+This style places the month label to the right of the row in which the
+first day of the month lies. This means that for a day list the label is
+to the right of the first day, for a week list it is to the right of the
+first week, and for a month list it is to the right of the whole month.
+ \tikz
+ \calendar [dates=2000-01-28 to 2000-02-03,
+ day list downward,month yshift=1em,
+ month label right];
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/month:label:right"
+ },
+ ["month label right vertical"] = {
+ details = [[
+Works as above, only the label is rotated clockwise by 90 degrees.
+ \tikz
+ \calendar [dates=2000-01-28 to 2000-02-03,
+ day list downward,month yshift=1em,
+ month label right vertical];
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/month:label:right:vertical"
+ },
+ ["month list"] = {
+ details = [[
+In this arrangement there is a row for each month. As for the
+`week list`, the `day xshift` is used for the horizontal distance. For
+the vertical shift, `month yshift` is used.
+In each row, all days of the month are listed alongside each other.
+However, it is once more ensured that days in each column lie on the
+same day of week. Thus, the very first column contains only Mondays. If
+a month does not start with a Monday, its days are shifted to the right
+such that the days lie on the correct columns.
+ \sffamily\scriptsize
+ \tikz
+ \calendar [dates=2000-01-01 to 2000-12-31,
+ month list,month label left,month yshift=1.25em]
+ if (Sunday) [black!50];
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/month:list"
+ },
+ ["month text"] = {
+ details = [[
+This option allows you to change the macro `\tikzmonthtext`. By default,
+the month text is a long textual presentation of the current month being
+ \tikz \calendar[dates=2000-01-01 to 2000-01-31,week list,
+ month label above centered,
+ month text=\textcolor{red}{\%mt} \%y-];
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/month:text",
+ meta = "⟨text⟩"
+ },
+ ["month xshift"] = {
+ details = [[
+Specifies an additional horizontal shift between different months.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/month:xshift",
+ meta = "⟨dimension⟩"
+ },
+ ["month yshift"] = {
+ details = [[
+Specifies an additional vertical shift between different months.
+ \tikz \calendar[dates=2000-01-01 to 2000-02-last,week list,
+ month yshift=0pt];
+ \tikz \calendar[dates=2000-01-01 to 2000-02-last,week list,
+ month yshift=1cm];
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/month:yshift",
+ meta = "⟨dimension⟩"
+ },
+ ["move to"] = {
+ details = [[
+Causes a move to be added to the path upon a `to` or an `edge`
+ \tikz \draw (0,0) to[line to] (1,0)
+ to[move to] (2,0) to[line to] (3,0);
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/move:to"
+ },
+ name = {
+ details = [[
+Assigns a name to the node for later reference. Since this is a
+"high-level" name (drivers never know of it), you can use spaces,
+number, letters, or whatever you like when naming a node. Thus, you can
+name a node just `1` or perhaps `start of chart` or even `y_ 1`. Your
+node name should *not* contain any punctuation like a dot, a comma, or a
+colon since these are used to detect what kind of coordinate you mean
+when you reference a node.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/name",
+ meta = "⟨node name⟩"
+ },
+ ["name intersections"] = {
+ details = [[
+This key changes the key path to `/tikz/intersection` and processes
+⟨options⟩. These options determine, among other things, which paths to
+use for the intersection. Having processed the options, any
+intersections are then found. A coordinate is created at each
+intersection, which by default, will be named `intersection-1`,
+`intersection-2`, and so on. Optionally, the prefix `intersection` can
+be changed, and the total number of intersections stored in a TeX-macro.
+ \begin{tikzpicture}[every node/.style={opacity=1, black, above left}]
+ \draw [help lines] grid (3,2);
+ \draw [name path=ellipse] (2,0.5) ellipse (0.75cm and 1cm);
+ \draw [name path=rectangle, rotate=10] (0.5,0.5) rectangle +(2,1);
+ \fill [red, opacity=0.5, name intersections={of=ellipse and rectangle}]
+ (intersection-1) circle (2pt) node {1}
+ (intersection-2) circle (2pt) node {2};
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+The following keys can be used in ⟨options⟩:
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \clip (-2,-2) rectangle (2,2);
+ \draw [name path=curve 1] (-2,-1) .. controls (8,-1) and (-8,1) .. (2,1);
+ \draw [name path=curve 2] (-1,-2) .. controls (-1,8) and (1,-8) .. (1,2);
+ \fill [name intersections={of=curve 1 and curve 2, name=i, total=\t}]
+ [red, opacity=0.5, every node/.style={above left, black, opacity=1}]
+ \foreach \s in {1,...,\t}{(i-\s) circle (2pt) node {\footnotesize\s}};
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/name:intersections",
+ meta = "{options}"
+ },
+ ["name prefix"] = {
+ details = [[
+The value of this key is prefixed to every node inside the current
+scope. This includes both the naming of the node (via the `name` key or
+via the implicit `(`⟨name⟩`)` syntax) as well as any referencing of the
+node. Outside the scope, the nodes can (and need to) be referenced using
+"full name" consisting of the prefix and the node name.
+The net effect of this is that you can set the name prefix at the
+beginning of a scope to some value and then use short and simple names
+for the nodes inside the scope. Later, outside the scope, you can
+reference the nodes via their full name:
+ \tikz {
+ \begin{scope}[name prefix = top-]
+ \node (A) at (0,1) {A};
+ \node (B) at (1,1) {B};
+ \draw (A) -- (B);
+ \end{scope}
+ \begin{scope}[name prefix = bottom-]
+ \node (A) at (0,0) {A};
+ \node (B) at (1,0) {B};
+ \draw (A) -- (B);
+ \end{scope}
+ \draw [red] (top-A) -- (bottom-B);
+ }
+As can be seen, name prefixing makes it easy to write reusable code.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/name:prefix",
+ meta = "⟨text⟩"
+ },
+ ["name prefix .."] = {
+ details = [[
+This key is available only inside the code of a pic. There, it (locally)
+changes the name prefix to the value it had outside the pic. This allows
+you to access nodes outside the current pic.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/name:prefix:.."
+ },
+ ["name suffix"] = {
+ details = [[
+Works as `name prefix`, only the ⟨text⟩ is appended to every node name
+in the current scope.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/name:suffix",
+ meta = "⟨text⟩"
+ },
+ ["near end"] = {
+ details = [[
+Set to `pos=0.75`.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/near:end"
+ },
+ ["near start"] = {
+ details = [[
+Set to `pos=0.25`.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/near:start"
+ },
+ ["nearly opaque"] = {
+ details = [[
+ \tikz{\fill[red] (0,0) rectangle (1,0.5);
+ \fill[nearly opaque] (0.5,0) rectangle (1.5,0.25); }
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/nearly:opaque"
+ },
+ ["nearly transparent"] = {
+ details = [[
+ \tikz{\fill[red] (0,0) rectangle (1,0.5);
+ \fill[nearly transparent] (0.5,0) rectangle (1.5,0.25); }
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/nearly:transparent"
+ },
+ ["new set"] = {
+ details = [[
+This will setup a node set named ⟨set name⟩ within the current scope.
+Inside the scope, you can add nodes to the node set using the `set` key.
+If a node set of the same name already exists in the current scope, it
+will be reset and made empty for the current scope.
+Note that this command has the path `/tikz` and is normally used
+*outside* the `graph` command.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/new:set",
+ meta = "⟨set name⟩"
+ },
+ ["no markers"] = {
+ details = [[
+Disables markers (the same as `mark=none`).
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/no:markers"
+ },
+ ["no marks"] = {
+ details = [[
+Disables markers (the same as `mark=none`).
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/no:marks"
+ },
+ ["node contents"] = {
+ details = [[
+\[option-node-contents\] This key sets the contents of the node to the
+given text as if you had given it at the end in curly braces. When the
+option is used inside the options of a node, the parsing of the node
+stops immediately after the end of the option block. In particular, the
+option block cannot be followed by further option blocks or curly braces
+(or, rather, these do not count as part of the node specification.) Also
+note that the ⟨node contents⟩ may not contain fragile stuff since the
+catcodes get fixed upon reading the options. Here is an example:
+ \tikz {
+ \path (0,0) node [red] {A}
+ (1,0) node [blue] {B}
+ (2,0) node [green, node contents=C]
+ (3,0) node [node contents=D] ;
+ }
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/node:contents",
+ meta = "⟨node contents⟩"
+ },
+ ["node distance"] = {
+ details = [[
+The value of this key is used as ⟨shifting part⟩ is used if and only if
+a ⟨of-part⟩ is present, but no ⟨shifting part⟩.
+ \begin{tikzpicture}[every node/.style=draw,node distance=5mm]
+ \draw[help lines] (0,0) grid (2,3);
+ % Not gridded
+ \node (a1) at (0,0) {not gridded};
+ \node (b1) [above=of a1] {fooy};
+ \node (c1) [above=of b1] {a};
+ % gridded
+ \begin{scope}[on grid]
+ \node (a2) at (2,0) {gridded};
+ \node (b2) [above=of a2] {fooy};
+ \node (c2) [above=of b2] {a};
+ \end{scope}
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/node:distance",
+ meta = "⟨shifting part⟩"
+ },
+ ["node font"] = {
+ details = [[
+This option sets the font used for all text used in a node.
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \draw[node font=\itshape] (1,0) -- +(1,1) node[above] {italic};
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+Since the ⟨font commands⟩ are executed at a very early stage in the
+construction of the node, the font selected using this command will also
+dictate the values of dimensions defined in terms of `em` or `ex`. For
+instance, when the `minimum height` of a node is `3em`, the actual
+height will be (at least) three times the line distance selected by the
+⟨font commands⟩:
+ \tikz \node [node font=\tiny, minimum height=3em, draw] {tiny};
+ \tikz \node [node font=\small, minimum height=3em, draw] {small};
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/node:font",
+ meta = "⟨font commands⟩"
+ },
+ ["node halign header"] = {
+ details = [[
+This is the key that is used by `align` internally for alignment without
+line breaking. Read the following only if you are familiar with the
+`\halign` command.
+This key only has an effect if `text width` is empty, otherwise it is
+ignored. Furthermore, if ⟨macro storing a header⟩ is empty, then this
+key also has no effect. So, suppose `text width` is empty, but ⟨header⟩
+is not. In this case the following happens:
+When the node text is parsed, the command `\\` is redefined internally.
+This redefinition is done in such a way that the text from the start of
+the node to the first occurrence of `\\` is put in an `\hbox`. Then the
+text following `\\` up to the next `\\` is put in another `\hbox`. This
+goes on until the text between the last `\\` and the closing `}` is also
+put in an `\hbox`.
+The ⟨macro storing a header⟩ should be a macro that contains some text
+suitable for use as a header for the `\halign` command. For instance,
+you might define
+ \def\myheader{\hfil\hfil##\hfil\cr}
+ \tikz [node halign header=\myheader] ...
+You cannot just say `node halign header=\hfil\hfil# \hfil\cr` because
+this confuses TeX inside matrices, so this detour via a macro is needed.
+Next, conceptually, all these boxes are recursively put inside an
+`\halign` command. Assuming that ⟨first⟩ is the first of the above
+boxes, the command `\halign{`⟨header⟩ `\box`⟨first⟩ `\cr}` is used to
+create a new box, which we will call the ⟨previous box⟩. Then, the
+following box is created, where ⟨second⟩ is the second input box:
+`\halign{`⟨header⟩ `\box`⟨previous box⟩ `\cr` `\box`⟨second⟩`\cr}`. Let
+us call the resulting box the ⟨previous box⟩ once more. Then the next
+box that is created is `\halign{`⟨header⟩ `\box`⟨previous box⟩ `\cr`
+All of this means that if ⟨header⟩ is an `\halign` header like
+`\hfil# \hfil\cr`, then all boxes will be centered relative to one
+another. Similarly, a ⟨header⟩ of `\hfil# \cr` causes the text to be
+flushed right.
+Note that this mechanism is not flexible enough to all multiple columns
+inside ⟨header⟩. You will have to use a `tabular` or a `matrix` in such
+One further note: Since the text of each line is placed in a box,
+settings will be local to each "line". This is very similar to the way a
+cell in a `tabular` or a `matrix` behaves.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/node:halign:header",
+ meta = "⟨macro storing a header⟩"
+ },
+ ["node quotes mean"] = {
+ details = [[
+This key allows you to define your own handler for quotes options.
+Inside the options of a `node`, whenever a key--value pair with the
+> `"`⟨text⟩`"``’`⟨options⟩
+is encountered, the following happens: The above string gets replaced by
+⟨replacement⟩ where inside the ⟨replacement⟩ the parameter `# 1` is
+⟨text⟩ and `# 2` is ⟨options⟩. If the apostrophe is present (see also
+the discussion of `quotes mean label`), the ⟨options⟩ start with `’,`.
+The ⟨replacement⟩ is then parsed normally as options (using `\pgfkeys`).
+Here is an example, where the quotes are used to define labels that are
+automatically named according to the `text`:
+ \tikzset{node quotes mean={label={[#2,name={#1}]#1}}}
+ \tikz {
+ \node ["1", "2" label position=left, circle, draw] {circle};
+ \draw (1) -- (2);
+ }
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/node:quotes:mean",
+ meta = "⟨replacement⟩"
+ },
+ nodes = {
+ details = [[
+This key adds the ⟨options⟩ to the style `every node`. It is mainly just
+a shorthand for the code `every node/.append style=`⟨options⟩.
+The main use of this option is the install some options for the nodes
+*inside* the matrix that should not apply to the matrix *itself*.
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \matrix [nodes={fill=blue!20,minimum size=5mm}]
+ {
+ \node {8}; & \node{1}; & \node {6}; \\
+ \node {3}; & \node{5}; & \node {7}; \\
+ \node {4}; & \node{9}; & \node {2}; \\
+ };
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/nodes",
+ meta = "⟨options⟩"
+ },
+ ["nodes in empty cells"] = {
+ details = [[
+When set to `true`, a node (with empty contents) is put in empty cells.
+Normally, empty cells are just, well, empty. The style can be used
+together with both a `matrix of nodes` and a `matrix of math nodes`.
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \matrix [matrix of math nodes,nodes={circle,draw}]
+ {
+ a_8 & & a_6 \\
+ a_3 & & a_7 \\
+ a_4 & a_9 & \\
+ };
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \matrix [matrix of math nodes,nodes={circle,draw},nodes in empty cells]
+ {
+ a_8 & & a_6 \\
+ a_3 & & a_7 \\
+ a_4 & a_9 & \\
+ };
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/nodes:in:empty:cells",
+ meta = "⟨true or false⟩"
+ },
+ ["nonzero rule"] = {
+ details = [[
+If this rule is used (which is the default), the following method is
+used to determine whether a given point is "inside" the path: From the
+point, shoot a ray in some direction towards infinity (the direction is
+chosen such that no strange borderline cases occur). Then the ray may
+hit the path. Whenever it hits the path, we increase or decrease a
+counter, which is initially zero. If the ray hits the path as the path
+goes "from left to right" (relative to the ray), the counter is
+increased, otherwise it is decreased. Then, at the end, we check whether
+the counter is nonzero (hence the name). If so, the point is deemed to
+lie "inside", otherwise it is "outside". Sounds complicated? It is.
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \filldraw[fill=yellow!80!black]
+ % Clockwise rectangle
+ (0,0) -- (0,1) -- (1,1) -- (1,0) -- cycle
+ % Counter-clockwise rectangle
+ (0.25,0.25) -- (0.75,0.25) -- (0.75,0.75) -- (0.25,0.75) -- cycle;
+ \draw[->] (0,1) -- (.4,1);
+ \draw[->] (0.75,0.75) -- (0.3,.75);
+ \draw[->] (0.5,0.5) -- +(0,1) node[above] {crossings: $-1+1 = 0$};
+ \begin{scope}[yshift=-3cm]
+ \filldraw[fill=yellow!80!black]
+ % Clockwise rectangle
+ (0,0) -- (0,1) -- (1,1) -- (1,0) -- cycle
+ % Clockwise rectangle
+ (0.25,0.25) -- (0.25,0.75) -- (0.75,0.75) -- (0.75,0.25) -- cycle;
+ \draw[->] (0,1) -- (.4,1);
+ \draw[->] (0.25,0.75) -- (0.4,.75);
+ \draw[->] (0.5,0.5) -- +(0,1) node[above] {crossings: $1+1 = 2$};
+ \end{scope}
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/nonzero:rule"
+ },
+ ["numbered faces"] = {
+ details = [[
+Sets `face `⟨i⟩ to `\node {`⟨i⟩`};` for all $i$.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/numbered:faces"
+ },
+ ohm = {
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/ohm",
+ meta = "⟨value⟩"
+ },
+ ["on background layer"] = {
+ details = [[
+This key can (only) be used with a `{scope}` or `\scoped`. It will cause
+everything inside the scope to be typeset on a background layer.
+The ⟨options⟩ will be executed *inside* background scope. This is useful
+since *other* options passed to the `{scope}` environment will be
+executed *before* the actual background material starts and, thus, will
+have no effect on it.
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ % On main layer:
+ \fill[blue] (0,0) circle (1cm);
+ \begin{scope}[on background layer={color=yellow}]
+ \fill (-1,-1) rectangle (1,1);
+ \end{scope}
+ \begin{scope}[on background layer]
+ \fill[black] (-.8,-.8) rectangle (.8,.8);
+ \end{scope}
+ % On main layer again:
+ \fill[blue!50] (-.5,-1) rectangle (.5,1);
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+A scope with this option set should not be "deeply nested" inside the
+picture since changes to the graphic state (like the color or the
+transformation matrix) "do not survive a layer switch", see also
+Section ?? for details. In particular, setting, say, the line width at
+the beginning of a picture will not have an effect on the background
+For this reason, it may be useful to setup the following style:
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/on:background:layer",
+ meta = "⟨options⟩"
+ },
+ ["on chain"] = {
+ details = [[
+This key should be given as an option to a node. When the option is
+used, the ⟨chain name⟩ must be the name of a chain that has been started
+using the `start chain` option. If ⟨chain name⟩ is the empty string, the
+current value of the innermost activated chain is used. If this option
+is used several times for a node, only the last invocation "wins". (To
+place a node on several chains, use the `\chainin` command repeatedly.)
+The ⟨direction⟩ part is optional. If present, it sets the direction used
+for this node, otherwise the ⟨direction⟩ that was given to the original
+`start chain` option is used (or of the last `continue chain` option,
+which allows you to change this default).
+The effects of this option are the following:
+1. An internal counter (there is one local counter for each chain) is
+ increased. This counter reflects the current number of the node in
+ the chain, where the first node is node 1, the second is node 2, and
+ so on.
+ The value of this internal counter is globally stored in the macro
+ `\tikzchaincount`.
+2. If the node does not yet have a name, (having been given using the
+ `name` option or the name-syntax), the name of the node is set to
+ ⟨chain name⟩`-`⟨value of the internal chain counter⟩. For instance,
+ if the chain is called `nums`, the first node would be named
+ `nums-1`, the second `nums-2`, and so on. For the default chain name
+ `chain`, the first node is named `chain-1`, the second `chain-2`,
+ and so on.
+3. Independently of whether the name has been provided automatically or
+ via the `name` option, the name of the node is globally stored in
+ the macro `\tikzchaincurrent`.
+4. Except for the first node, the macro `\tikzchainprevious` is now
+ globally set to the name of the node of the previous node on the
+ chain. For the first node of the chain, this macro is globally set
+ to the empty string.
+5. Except possibly for the first node of the chain, the placement rule
+ is now executed. The placement rule is just a TikZ option that is
+ applied automatically to each node on the chain. Depending on the
+ form of the ⟨direction⟩ parameter (either the locally given one or
+ the one given to the `start chain` option), different things happen.
+ First, it makes a difference whether the ⟨direction⟩ starts with
+ `going` or with `placed`. The difference is that in the first case,
+ the placement rule is not applied to the first node of the chain,
+ while in the second case the placement rule is applied also to this
+ first node. The idea is that a `going`-direction indicates that we
+ are "going somewhere relative to the previous node" whereas a
+ `placed` indicates that we are "placing nodes according to their
+ number".
+ Independently of which form is used, the ⟨text⟩ inside ⟨direction⟩
+ that follows `going` or `placed` (separated by a compulsory space)
+ can have two different effects:
+ 1. If it contains an equal sign, then this ⟨text⟩ is used as the
+ placement rule, that is, it is simply executed.
+ 2. If it does not contain an equal sign, then
+ ⟨text⟩`=of \tikzchainprevious` is used as the placement rule.
+ Note that in the first case, inside the ⟨text⟩ you have access to
+ `\tikzchainprevious` and `\tikzchaincount` for doing your
+ positioning calculations.
+ \begin{tikzpicture}[start chain=circle placed {at=(\tikzchaincount*30:1.5)}]
+ \foreach \i in {1,...,10}
+ \node [on chain] {\i};
+ \draw (circle-1) -- (circle-10);
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+6. The following style is executed:
+Recall that the standard placement rule has a form like
+`right=of (\tikzchainprevious)`. This means that each new node is placed
+to the right of the previous one, spaced by the current value of
+`node distance`.
+ \begin{tikzpicture}[start chain,node distance=5mm]
+ \node [draw,on chain] {};
+ \node [draw,on chain] {Hallo};
+ \node [draw,on chain] {Welt};
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+The optional ⟨direction⟩ allows us to temporarily change the direction
+in the middle of a chain:
+ \begin{tikzpicture}[start chain,node distance=5mm]
+ \node [draw,on chain] {Hello};
+ \node [draw,on chain] {World};
+ \node [draw,on chain=going below] {,};
+ \node [draw,on chain] {this};
+ \node [draw,on chain] {is};
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+You can also use more complicated computations in the ⟨direction⟩:
+ \begin{tikzpicture}[start chain=going {at=(\tikzchainprevious),shift=(30:1)}]
+ \draw [help lines] (0,0) grid (3,2);
+ \node [draw,on chain] {1};
+ \node [draw,on chain] {Hello};
+ \node [draw,on chain] {World};
+ \node [draw,on chain] {.};
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/on:chain",
+ meta = "⟨chain name⟩⟨direction⟩"
+ },
+ ["on grid"] = {
+ details = [[
+When this key is set to `true`, an ⟨of-part⟩ of the current form behaves
+differently: The anchors set for the current node as well as the anchor
+used for the other ⟨node name⟩ are set to `center`.
+This has the following effect: When you say `above=1cm of somenode` with
+`on grid` set to true, the new node will be placed in such a way that
+its center is 1cm above the center of `somenode`. Repeatedly placing
+nodes in this way will result in nodes that are centered on "grid
+coordinate", hence the name of the option.
+ \begin{tikzpicture}[every node/.style=draw]
+ \draw[help lines] (0,0) grid (2,3);
+ % Not gridded
+ \node (a1) at (0,0) {not gridded};
+ \node (b1) [above=1cm of a1] {fooy};
+ \node (c1) [above=1cm of b1] {a};
+ % gridded
+ \node (a2) at (2,0) {gridded};
+ \node (b2) [on grid,above=1cm of a2] {fooy};
+ \node (c2) [on grid,above=1cm of b2] {a};
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/on:grid",
+ meta = "⟨boolean⟩"
+ },
+ ["only marks"] = {
+ details = [[
+This option causes only marks to be shown; no path segments are added to
+the actual path. This can be useful for quickly adding some marks to a
+ \tikz \draw (0,0) sin (1,1) cos (2,0)
+ plot[only marks,mark=x] coordinates{(0,0) (1,1) (2,0) (3,-1)};
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/only:marks"
+ },
+ opacity = {
+ details = [[
+Sets both the drawing and filling opacity to ⟨value⟩.
+The following predefined styles make it easier to use this option:
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/opacity",
+ meta = "⟨value⟩"
+ },
+ opaque = {
+ details = [[
+This yields completely opaque drawings, which is the default.
+ \tikz{\fill[red] (0,0) rectangle (1,0.5);
+ \fill[opaque] (0.5,0) rectangle (1.5,0.25); }
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/opaque"
+ },
+ out = {
+ details = [[
+The angle at which the curve leaves the start coordinate. If the start
+coordinate is a node, the start coordinate is the point on the border of
+the node at the given ⟨angle⟩. The control point will, thus, lie at a
+certain distance in the direction ⟨angle⟩ from the start coordinate.
+ \begin{tikzpicture}[out=45,in=135]
+ \draw (0,0) to (1,0)
+ (0,0) to (2,0)
+ (0,0) to (3,0);
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/out",
+ meta = "⟨angle⟩"
+ },
+ ["out control"] = {
+ details = [[
+This option causes the ⟨coordinate⟩ to be used as the start control
+point. All computations of $d$ are ignored. You can use a coordinate
+like `+(1,0)` to specify a point relative to the start coordinate.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/out:control",
+ meta = "⟨coordinate⟩"
+ },
+ ["out distance"] = {
+ details = [[
+Sets the minimum and maximum out distance.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/out:distance",
+ meta = "⟨distance⟩"
+ },
+ ["out looseness"] = {
+ details = [[
+Specifies the looseness factor for the out distance only.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/out:looseness",
+ meta = "⟨number⟩"
+ },
+ ["out max distance"] = {
+ details = [[
+The maximum distance set only for the start coordinate.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/out:max:distance",
+ meta = "⟨distance⟩"
+ },
+ ["out min distance"] = {
+ details = [[
+The minimum distance set only for the start coordinate.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/out:min:distance",
+ meta = "⟨distance⟩"
+ },
+ ["outer color"] = {
+ details = [[
+This option sets the color used at the border and outside of a `radial`
+ \tikz \draw[outer color=red,inner color=white]
+ (0,0) rectangle (2,1);
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/outer:color",
+ meta = "⟨color⟩"
+ },
+ ["outer frame sep"] = {
+ details = [[
+Sets both the $x$- and $y$-separation.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/outer:frame:sep",
+ meta = "⟨dimension⟩"
+ },
+ ["outer frame xsep"] = {
+ details = [[
+The ⟨dimension⟩ is added at the left and right side of the line.
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ [background rectangle/.style={fill=yellow},
+ framed,
+ show background top,
+ outer frame xsep=1ex]
+ \draw (0,0) ellipse (10mm and 5mm);
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/outer:frame:xsep",
+ meta = "⟨dimension⟩"
+ },
+ ["outer frame ysep"] = {
+ details = [[
+This option does not apply to the top line, but to the left and right
+lines, see below.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/outer:frame:ysep",
+ meta = "⟨dimension⟩"
+ },
+ overlay = {
+ details = [[
+This option is mainly intended for use when nodes in other pictures are
+referenced, but you can also use it in other situations. The effect of
+this option is that everything within the current scope is not taken
+into consideration when the bounding box of the current picture is
+You need to specify this option on all paths (or at least on all parts
+of paths) that contain a reference to a node in another picture. The
+reason is that, otherwise, TikZ will attempt to make the current picture
+large enough to encompass *the node in the other picture*. However, on a
+second run of TeX this will create an even bigger picture, leading to
+larger and larger pictures. Unless you know what you are doing, I
+suggest specifying the `overlay` option with all pictures that contain
+references to other pictures.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/overlay",
+ meta = "⟨boolean⟩"
+ },
+ ["parabola height"] = {
+ details = [[
+This option has the same effect as
+`[bend pos=0.5,bend={+(0pt,`⟨dimension⟩`)}]`.
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \draw[help lines] (0,0) grid (3,2);
+ \draw (-1,0) parabola[parabola height=2cm] +(3,0);
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/parabola:height",
+ meta = "⟨dimension⟩"
+ },
+ parametric = {
+ details = [[
+Sets whether the plot is a parametric plot. If true, then `t` must be
+used instead of `x` as the parameter and two comma-separated functions
+must be given in the ⟨gnuplot formula⟩. An example is the following:
+ \tikz \draw[scale=0.5,domain=-3.141:3.141,smooth]
+ plot[parametric,id=parametric-example] function{t*sin(t),t*cos(t)};
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/parametric",
+ meta = "⟨boolean⟩"
+ },
+ ["parent anchor"] = {
+ details = [[
+This option works the same way as the `child anchor`, only for the
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/parent:anchor",
+ meta = "⟨anchor⟩"
+ },
+ ["path fading"] = {
+ details = [[
+This option tells TikZ that the current path should be faded with the
+fading ⟨name⟩. If no ⟨name⟩ is given, the ⟨name⟩ set for the whole scope
+is used. Similarly to options like `draw` or `fill`, this option is
+reset for each path, so you have to add it to each path that should be
+faded. You can also specify `none` as ⟨name⟩, in which case fading for
+the path will be switched off in case it has been switched on by
+previous options or styles.
+ \begin{tikzpicture}[path fading=south]
+ % Checker board
+ \fill [black!20] (0,0) rectangle (4,3);
+ \pattern [pattern=checkerboard,pattern color=black!30]
+ (0,0) rectangle (4,3);
+ \fill [color=blue] (0.5,1.5) rectangle +(1,1);
+ \fill [color=blue,path fading=north] (2.5,1.5) rectangle +(1,1);
+ \fill [color=red,path fading] (1,0.75) ellipse (.75 and .5);
+ \fill [color=red] (3,0.75) ellipse (.75 and .5);
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+Note that you can "fade just about anything". In particular, you can
+fade a shading.
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ % Checker board
+ \fill [black!20] (0,0) rectangle (4,4);
+ \path [pattern=checkerboard,pattern color=black!30] (0,0) rectangle (4,4);
+ \shade [ball color=blue,path fading=south] (2,2) circle (1.8);
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+The `fade inside` of the following example is more transparent in the
+middle than on the outside.
+ \tikzfading[name=fade inside,
+ inner color=transparent!80,
+ outer color=transparent!30]
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ % Checker board
+ \fill [black!20] (0,0) rectangle (4,4);
+ \path [pattern=checkerboard,pattern color=black!30] (0,0) rectangle (4,4);
+ \shade [ball color=red] (3,3) circle (0.8);
+ \shade [ball color=white,path fading=fade inside] (2,2) circle (1.8);
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+Note that adding the `path fading` option to a node fades the
+(background) path, not the text itself. To fade the text, you need to
+use a scope fading (see below).
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/path:fading",
+ meta = "⟨name⟩"
+ },
+ ["path picture"] = {
+ details = [[
+When this option is given on a path and when the ⟨code⟩ is not empty,
+the following happens: After all other "filling" operations are done
+with the path, which are caused by the options `fill`, `pattern` and
+`shade`, a local scope is opened and the path is temporarily installed
+as a clipping path. Then, the ⟨code⟩ is executed, which can now draw
+something. Then, the local scope ends and, possibly, the path is
+stroked, provided the `draw` option has been given.
+As with other keys like `fill` or `draw` this option needs to be given
+on a path, setting the `path picture` outside a path has no effect (the
+path picture is cleared at the beginning of each path).
+The ⟨code⟩ can be any normal TikZ code like `\draw ...` or `\node ...`.
+As always, when you include an external graphic, you need to put it
+inside a `\node`.
+Note that no special actions are taken to transform the origin in any
+way. This means that the coordinate `(0,0)` is still where is was when
+the path was being constructed and not -- as one might expect -- at the
+lower left corner of the path. However, you can use the following
+special node to access the size of the path:
+path picture bounding box This node is of shape `rectangle`. Its size
+and position are those of `current path bounding box` just before the
+⟨code⟩ of the path picture started to be executed. The ⟨code⟩ can
+construct its own paths, so accessing the `current path bounding box`
+inside the ⟨code⟩ yields the bounding box of any path that is currently
+being constructed inside the ⟨code⟩.
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \draw [help lines] (0,0) grid (3,2);
+ \filldraw [fill=blue!10,draw=blue,thick] (1.5,1) circle (1)
+ [path picture={
+ \node at (path picture bounding {
+ This is a long text.
+ };}
+ ];
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ \begin{tikzpicture}[cross/.style={path picture={
+ \draw[black]
+ (path picture bounding box.south east) --
+ (path picture bounding box.north west)
+ (path picture bounding box.south west) --
+ (path picture bounding box.north east);
+ }}]
+ \draw [help lines] (0,0) grid (3,2);
+ \filldraw [cross,fill=blue!10,draw=blue,thick] (1,1) circle (1);
+ \path [cross,top color=red,draw=red,thick] (2,0) -- (3,2) -- (3,0);
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ \begin{tikzpicture}[path image/.style={
+ path picture={
+ \node at (path picture bounding {
+ \includegraphics[height=3cm]{#1}
+ };}}]
+ \draw [help lines] (0,0) grid (3,2);
+ \draw [path image=brave-gnu-world-logo,draw=blue,thick]
+ (0,1) circle (1);
+ \draw [path image=brave-gnu-world-logo,draw=red,very thick,->]
+ (1,0) parabola[parabola height=2cm] (3,0);
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/path:picture",
+ meta = "⟨code⟩"
+ },
+ pattern = {
+ details = [[
+This option causes the path to be filled with a pattern. If the ⟨name⟩
+is given, this pattern is used, otherwise the pattern set in the
+enclosing scope is used. As for the `draw` and `fill` options, setting
+⟨name⟩ to `none` disables filling locally.
+The pattern works like a fill color. In particular, setting a new fill
+color will fill the path with a solid color once more.
+Strangely, no ⟨name⟩s are permissible by default. You need to load for
+instance the `patterns` library, see Section ??, to install predefined
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \draw[pattern=dots] (0,0) circle (1cm);
+ \draw[pattern=fivepointed stars] (0,0) rectangle (3,1);
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/pattern",
+ meta = "⟨name⟩"
+ },
+ ["pattern color"] = {
+ details = [[
+This option is used to set the color to be used for form-only patterns.
+This option has no effect on inherently colored patterns.
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \draw[pattern color=red,pattern=fivepointed stars] (0,0) circle (1cm);
+ \draw[pattern color=blue,pattern=fivepointed stars] (0,0) rectangle (3,1);
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \def\mypath{(0,0) -- +(0,1) arc (180:0:1.5cm) -- +(0,-1)}
+ \fill [red] \mypath;
+ \pattern[pattern color=white,pattern=bricks] \mypath;
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/pattern:color",
+ meta = "⟨color⟩"
+ },
+ ["patterns/bottom left"] = {
+ details = [[
+Instead of a PGF name point, this key takes a TikZ point,
+e.g. `(-.1,-.1)`.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/patterns/bottom:left",
+ meta = "⟨point⟩"
+ },
+ ["patterns/bounding box"] = {
+ details = [[
+This is a shorthand to set the bounding box. It will assign the first
+point to `bottom left` and the second point to `top right`.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/patterns/bounding:box",
+ meta = "⟨point⟩ and ⟨point⟩"
+ },
+ ["patterns/infer tile bounding box"] = {
+ details = [[
+Instead of specifying the bounding box by hand, you can ask TikZ to
+infer the size of the bounding box for you. The ⟨dimension⟩ parameter is
+padding that is added around the bounding box.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/patterns/infer:tile:bounding:box",
+ meta = "⟨dimension⟩"
+ },
+ ["patterns/tile size"] = {
+ details = [[
+Instead of a PGF name point, this key takes a TikZ point, e.g. `(3,3)`.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/patterns/tile:size",
+ meta = "⟨point⟩"
+ },
+ ["patterns/tile transformation"] = {
+ details = [[
+Instead of a PGF transformation, this key takes a list of keys and value
+and extracts the resulting transformation from them, e.g. `rotate=30`.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/patterns/tile:transformation",
+ meta = "⟨transformation⟩"
+ },
+ ["patterns/top right"] = {
+ details = [[
+Instead of a PGF name point, this key takes a TikZ point,
+e.g. `(3.1,3.1)`.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/patterns/top:right",
+ meta = "⟨point⟩"
+ },
+ perspective = {
+ details = [[
+The 'strength' of the perspective can be determined by setting the
+location of the vanishing points. The default values have a stronger
+perspective towards $x$ and $y$ than towards $z$, as shown below.
+ \begin{tikzpicture}[3d view,perspective]
+ \simplecuboid{2}{2}{2}
+ \simpleaxes{2}{2}{2}
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+From this example it also shows that the maximum dimensions of the
+cuboid are no longer 2 by 2 by 2. This is inherent to the perspective
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/perspective",
+ meta = "⟨vanishing points⟩"
+ },
+ ["perspective/p"] = {
+ details = [[
+The location of the vanishing point that determines the 'strength' of
+the perspective in $x$-direction can be set with the `p` key.
+ \begin{tikzpicture}[
+ 3d view,
+ perspective={
+ p = {(5,0,0)}}]
+ \simplecuboid{2}{2}{2}
+ \simpleaxes{2}{2}{2}
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+Note also that when only `p` is provided, the perspective in $y$ and $z$
+direction is turned off.
+To turn off the perspective in $x$-direction, one must set the $x$
+component of `p` to `0` (e.g. `p={(0,a,b)}`, where `a` and `b` can be
+any number and will be ignored). Or one can provide `q` and `r` and omit
+By changing the $y$ and $z$ components of `p`, one can achieve various
+ \begin{tikzpicture}[
+ 3d view,
+ perspective={
+ p = {(5,0,1)}}]
+ \simplecuboid{2}{2}{2}
+ \simpleaxes{2}{2}{2}
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ \begin{tikzpicture}[
+ 3d view,
+ perspective={
+ p = {(5,1,0)}}]
+ \simplecuboid{2}{2}{2}
+ \simpleaxes{2}{2}{2}
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ \begin{tikzpicture}[
+ 3d view,
+ perspective={
+ p = {(5,1,1)}}]
+ \simplecuboid{2}{2}{2}
+ \simpleaxes{2}{2}{2}
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/perspective/p",
+ meta = "{x,y,z}"
+ },
+ ["perspective/q"] = {
+ details = [[
+Similar to `p`, but can be turned off by setting its $y$ component to
+ \begin{tikzpicture}[
+ 3d view,
+ perspective={
+ q = {(0,5,0)}}]
+ \simplecuboid{2}{2}{2}
+ \simpleaxes{2}{2}{2}
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/perspective/q",
+ meta = "{x,y,z}"
+ },
+ ["perspective/r"] = {
+ details = [[
+Similar to `p`, but can be turned off by setting its $z$ component to
+ \begin{tikzpicture}[
+ 3d view,
+ perspective={
+ r = {(0,0,5)}}]
+ \simplecuboid{2}{2}{2}
+ \simpleaxes{2}{2}{2}
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/perspective/r",
+ meta = "{x,y,z}"
+ },
+ ["pic actions"] = {
+ details = [[
+This key is a style that can be used (only) inside the code of a pic.
+There, it will set the "action" keys set inside the ⟨options⟩ of the pic
+("actions" are drawing, filling, shading, and clipping or any
+combination thereof).
+To see how this key works, let us define the following pic:
+ \tikzset{
+ my pic/.pic = {
+ \path [pic actions] (0,0) circle[radius=3mm];
+ \draw (-3mm,-3mm) rectangle (3mm,3mm);
+ }
+ }
+In the code, whether or not the circle gets drawn/filled/shaded depends
+on which options where given to the `pic` command when it is used. In
+contrast, the rectangle will always (just) be drawn.
+ (0,0) circle[radius=3mm];
+ \draw (-3mm,-3mm) rectangle (3mm,3mm);
+ }
+ }}]
+ \tikz \pic {my pic}; \space
+ \tikz \pic [red] {my pic}; \space
+ \tikz \pic [draw] {my pic}; \space
+ \tikz \pic [draw=red] {my pic}; \space
+ \tikz \pic [draw, shading=ball] {my pic}; \space
+ \tikz \pic [fill=red!50] {my pic};
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/pic:actions"
+ },
+ ["pic text"] = {
+ details = [[
+This macro stores the ⟨text⟩ in the macro `\tikzpictext`, which is
+`\let` to `\relax` by default. Setting the `pic text` to some value is
+the "preferred" way of communicating a (single) piece of text that
+should become part of a pic (typically of a node). In particular, the
+`quotes` library maps quoted parameters to this key.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/pic:text",
+ meta = "⟨text⟩"
+ },
+ ["pic text options"] = {
+ details = [[
+This macro stores the ⟨options⟩ in the macro `\tikzpictextoptions`,
+which is `\let` to the empty string by default. The `quotes` library
+maps options for quoted parameters to this key.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/pic:text:options",
+ meta = "⟨options⟩"
+ },
+ ["pic type"] = {
+ details = [[
+This key sets the pic type of the current `pic`. When this option is
+used inside an option block of a `pic`, the parsing of the `pic` ends
+immediately and no pic type in braces is expected. (In other words, this
+option behaves exactly like the `node contents` option and, indeed, the
+two are interchangeable.)
+ (0,0) to [bend left] (3mm,0);
+ },
+ }}]
+ \tikz {
+ \path (0,0) pic [pic type = seagull]
+ (1,0) pic {seagull};
+ }
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/pic:type",
+ meta = "⟨pic type⟩"
+ },
+ ["pics/background code"] = {
+ details = [[
+Like `foreground code`, only that the ⟨code⟩ is always put behind the
+path, except when the `behind path` option is applied to the pic, then
+the background code is drawn in front of the "behind path" code.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/pics/background:code",
+ meta = "⟨code⟩"
+ },
+ ["pics/code"] = {
+ details = [[
+This key stores the ⟨code⟩ that should be drawn in the current pic.
+Normally, setting this key is done by the ⟨pic type⟩, but you can also
+set it in the ⟨options⟩ and leave the ⟨pic type⟩ empty:
+ \tikz \pic [pics/code={\draw (-3mm,0) to[bend left] (0,0)
+ to[bend left] (3mm,0);}]
+ {}; % no pic type specified
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/pics/code",
+ meta = "⟨code⟩"
+ },
+ ["pics/foreground code"] = {
+ details = [[
+This key stores ⟨code⟩ that will always be drawn in front of the current
+path, even when `behind path` is used. If `behind path` is not used and
+`code` is (also) set, the code of `code` is drawn first, following by
+the foreground ⟨code⟩.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/pics/foreground:code",
+ meta = "⟨code⟩"
+ },
+ pin = {
+ details = [[
+This option is quite similar to the `label` option, but there is one
+difference: In addition to adding an extra node to the picture, it also
+adds an edge from this node to the main node. This causes the node to
+look like a pin that has been added to the main node:
+ \tikz \node [circle,fill=blue!50,minimum size=1cm,pin=60:$q_0$] {};
+The meaning of the ⟨options⟩ and the ⟨angle⟩ and the ⟨text⟩ is exactly
+the same as for the `node` option. Only, the options and styles the
+influence the way pins look are different:
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/pin",
+ meta = "[⟨options⟩]⟨angle⟩:⟨text⟩"
+ },
+ ["pin distance"] = {
+ details = [[
+This ⟨distance⟩ is used instead of the `label distance` for the distance
+between the main node and the label node.
+ \tikz[pin distance=1cm]
+ \node [circle,draw,pin=right:X,
+ pin=above right:Y,
+ pin=above:Z] {my circle};
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/pin:distance",
+ meta = "⟨distance⟩"
+ },
+ ["pin edge"] = {
+ details = [[
+This option can be used to set the options that are to be used in the
+edge created by the `pin` option.
+ \tikz[pin distance=10mm]
+ \node [circle,draw,pin={[pin edge={blue,thick}]right:X},
+ pin=above:Z] {my circle};
+ \tikz [every pin edge/.style={},
+ initial/.style={pin={[pin distance=5mm,
+ pin edge={<-,shorten <=1pt}]left:start}}]
+ \node [circle,draw,initial] {my circle};
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/pin:edge",
+ meta = "⟨options⟩"
+ },
+ ["pin position"] = {
+ details = [[
+The default pin position. Works like `label position`.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/pin:position",
+ meta = "⟨angle⟩"
+ },
+ place = {
+ details = [[
+This style indicates that a node is a place of a Petri net. Usually, the
+text of the node should be empty since places do not contain any text.
+You should use the `label` option to add text outside the node like its
+name or its capacity. You should use the `tokens` options, explained in
+Section ??, to add tokens inside the place.
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \node[place,label=above:$p_1$,tokens=2] (p1) {};
+ \node[place,label=below:$p_2\ge1$,right=of p1] (p2) {};
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/place"
+ },
+ ["plane origin"] = {
+ details = [[
+Origin of the plane.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/plane:origin",
+ meta = "⟨point⟩"
+ },
+ ["plane x"] = {
+ details = [[
+Unit vector of the $x$-direction in the new plane.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/plane:x",
+ meta = "⟨point⟩"
+ },
+ ["plane y"] = {
+ details = [[
+Unit vector of the $y$-direction in the new plane.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/plane:y",
+ meta = "⟨point⟩"
+ },
+ ["point down"] = {
+ details = [[
+This is the same as `rotate=-90`.
+ \tikz [circuit ee IEC] \node [diode,point down] {};
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/point:down"
+ },
+ ["point left"] = {
+ details = [[
+This is the same as `rotate=-180`.
+ \tikz [circuit ee IEC] \node [diode,point left] {};
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/point:left"
+ },
+ ["point right"] = {
+ details = [[
+This key has no effect.
+ \tikz [circuit ee IEC] \node [diode,point right] {};
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/point:right"
+ },
+ ["point up"] = {
+ details = [[
+This is the same as `rotate=90`.
+ \tikz [circuit ee IEC] \node [diode,point up] {};
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/point:up"
+ },
+ ["polar comb"] = {
+ details = [[
+This option causes a line from the origin to the point to be added to
+the path for each plot point.
+ \tikz \draw plot[polar comb,
+ mark=pentagon*,mark options={fill=white,draw=red},mark size=4pt]
+ coordinates {(0:1cm) (30:1.5cm) (160:.5cm) (250:2cm) (-60:.8cm)};
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/polar:comb"
+ },
+ pos = {
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/pos",
+ meta = "⟨fraction⟩"
+ },
+ post = {
+ details = [[
+This style is also used with paths leading *from* a transition *to* a
+place, but this time the place is in the post-set of the transition.
+Again, feel free to redefine it.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/post"
+ },
+ postaction = {
+ details = [[
+The postactions work in the same way as the preactions, only they are
+applied *after* the main action has been taken. Like preactions,
+multiple `postaction` options may be given to a `\path` command, in
+which case the path is reused several times, each time with a different
+set of options in force.
+If both pre- and postactions are specified, then the preactions are
+taken first, then the main action, and then the post actions.
+In the first example, we use a postaction to draw the path, after it has
+already been drawn:
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \draw[help lines] (0,0) grid (3,2);
+ \draw
+ [postaction={draw,line width=2mm,blue}]
+ [line width=4mm,red,fill=white] (0,0) rectangle (2,2);
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+In another example, we use a postaction to "colorize" a path:
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \draw[help lines] (0,0) grid (3,2);
+ \draw
+ [postaction={path fading=south,fill=white}]
+ [postaction={path fading=south,fading angle=45,fill=blue,opacity=.5}]
+ [left color=black,right color=red,draw=white,line width=2mm]
+ (0,0) rectangle (1,2)
+ (1,2) circle (5mm);
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/postaction",
+ meta = "⟨options⟩"
+ },
+ pre = {
+ details = [[
+This style can be used with paths leading *from* a transition *to* a
+place to indicate that the place is in the pre-set of the transition. By
+default, this style is `<-,shorten <=1pt`, but feel free to redefine it.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/pre"
+ },
+ ["pre and post"] = {
+ details = [[
+This style is to be used to indicate that a place is both in the pre-
+and post-set of a transition.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/pre:and:post"
+ },
+ preaction = {
+ details = [[
+This option can be given to a `\path` command (or to derived commands
+like `\draw` which internally call `\path`). Similarly to options like
+`draw`, this option only has an effect when given to a `\path` or as
+part of the options of a `node`; as an option to a `{scope}` it has no
+When this option is used on a `\path`, the effect is the following: When
+the path has been completely constructed and is about to be used, a
+scope is created. Inside this scope, the path is used but not with the
+original path options, but with ⟨options⟩ instead. Then, the path is
+used in the usual manner. In other words, the path is used twice: Once
+with ⟨options⟩ in force and then again with the normal path options in
+Here is an example in which the path consists of a rectangle. The main
+action is to draw this path in red (which is why we see a red
+rectangle). However, the preaction is to draw the path in blue, which is
+why we see a blue rectangle behind the red rectangle.
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \draw[help lines] (0,0) grid (3,2);
+ \draw
+ [preaction={draw,line width=4mm,blue}]
+ [line width=2mm,red] (0,0) rectangle (2,2);
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+Note that when the preactions are preformed, then the path is already
+"finished". In particular, applying a coordinate transformation to the
+path has no effect. By comparison, applying a canvas transformation does
+have an effect. Let us use this to add a "shadow" to a path. For this,
+we use the preaction to fill the path in gray, shifted a bit to the
+right and down:
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \draw[help lines] (0,0) grid (3,2);
+ \draw
+ [preaction={fill=black,opacity=.5,
+ transform canvas={xshift=1mm,yshift=-1mm}}]
+ [fill=red] (0,0) rectangle (1,2)
+ (1,2) circle (5mm);
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+Naturally, you would normally create a style `shadow` that contains the
+above code. The `shadows` library, see Section ??, contains predefined
+shadows of this kind.
+It is possible to use the `preaction` option multiple times. In this
+case, for each use of the `preaction` option, the path is used again
+(thus, the ⟨options⟩ do not accumulate in a single usage of the path).
+The path is used in the order of `preaction` options given.
+In the following example, we use one `preaction` to add a shadow and
+another to provide a shading, while the main action is to use a pattern.
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \draw[help lines] (0,0) grid (3,2);
+ \draw [pattern=fivepointed stars]
+ [preaction={fill=black,opacity=.5,
+ transform canvas={xshift=1mm,yshift=-1mm}}]
+ [preaction={top color=blue,bottom color=white}]
+ (0,0) rectangle (1,2)
+ (1,2) circle (5mm);
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+A complicated application is shown in the following example, where the
+path is used several times with different fadings and shadings to create
+a special visual effect:
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ [
+ % Define an interesting style
+ button/.style={
+ % First preaction: Fuzzy shadow
+ preaction={fill=black,path fading=circle with fuzzy edge 20 percent,
+ opacity=.5,transform canvas={xshift=1mm,yshift=-1mm}},
+ % Second preaction: Background pattern
+ preaction={pattern=#1,
+ path fading=circle with fuzzy edge 15 percent},
+ % Third preaction: Make background shiny
+ preaction={top color=white,
+ bottom color=black!50,
+ shading angle=45,
+ path fading=circle with fuzzy edge 15 percent,
+ opacity=0.2},
+ % Fourth preaction: Make edge especially shiny
+ preaction={path fading=fuzzy ring 15 percent,
+ top color=black!5,
+ bottom color=black!80,
+ shading angle=45},
+ inner sep=2ex
+ },
+ button/.default=horizontal lines light blue,
+ circle
+ ]
+ \draw [help lines] (0,0) grid (4,3);
+ \node [button] at (2.2,1) {\Huge Big};
+ \node [button=crosshatch dots light steel blue,
+ text=white] at (1,1.5) {Small};
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/preaction",
+ meta = "⟨options⟩"
+ },
+ prefix = {
+ details = [[
+The ⟨prefix⟩ is put before each plot file name. The default is
+`\jobname.`, but if you have many plots, it might be better to use, say
+`plots/` and have all plots placed in a directory. You have to create
+the directory yourself.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/prefix",
+ meta = "⟨prefix⟩"
+ },
+ ["prefix after command"] = {
+ details = [[
+Works like `append after command`, only the accumulation order is
+inverse: The ⟨path⟩ is added before any earlier paths added using either
+`append after command` or `prefix after command`.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/prefix:after:command",
+ meta = "⟨path⟩"
+ },
+ ["quotes mean label"] = {
+ details = [[
+When this option is used (which is the default when this library is
+loaded), then, as described above, inside the options of a node a
+special syntax check is done.
+**The syntax.** For each string in the list of options it is tested
+whether it starts with a quotation mark (note that this will never
+happen for normal keys since the normal keys of TikZ do not start with
+quotation marks). When this happens, the ⟨string⟩ should not be a
+key--value pair, but, rather, must have the form:
+> `"`⟨text⟩`"``’`⟨options⟩
+(We will discuss the optional apostrophe in a moment. It is not really
+important for the current option, but only for edge labels, which are
+discussed later).
+**Transformation to a label option.** When a ⟨string⟩ has the above
+form, it is treated (almost) as if you had written
+> `label={[`⟨options⟩`]`⟨text⟩`}`
+instead. The "almost" refers to the following additional feature: In
+reality, before the ⟨options⟩ are executed inside the `label` command,
+the direction keys `above`, `left`, `below right` and so on are
+redefined so that `above` is a shorthand for `label position=90` and
+similarly for the other keys. The net effect is that in order to specify
+the position of the ⟨text⟩ relative to the main node you can just put
+something like `left` or `above right` inside the ⟨options⟩:
+ \tikz
+ \node ["$90^\circ$" above, "$180^\circ$" left, circle, draw] {circle};
+Alternatively, you can also use ⟨direction⟩`:`⟨actual text⟩ as your
+⟨text⟩. This works since the `label` command allows you to specify a
+direction at the beginning when it is separated by a colon:
+ \tikz
+ \node ["90:$90^\circ$", "left:$180^\circ$", circle, draw] {circle};
+Arguably, placing `above` or `left` behind the ⟨text⟩ seems more natural
+than having it inside the ⟨text⟩.
+In addition to the above, before the ⟨options⟩ are executed, the
+following style is also executed:
+**Handling commas and colons inside the text.** The ⟨text⟩ may not
+contain a comma, unless it is inside curly braces. The reason is that
+the key handler separates the total options of a `node` along the commas
+it finds. So, in order to have text containing a comma, just add curly
+braces around either the comma or just around the whole ⟨text⟩:
+ \tikz \node ["{yes, we can}", draw] {foo};
+The same is true for a colon, only in this case you may need to surround
+specifically the colon by curly braces to stop the `label` option from
+interpreting everything before the colon as a direction:
+ \tikz \node ["yes{:} we can", draw] {foo};
+**The optional apostrophe.** Following the closing quotation marks in a
+⟨string⟩ there may (but need not) be a single quotation mark (an
+apostrophe), possibly surrounded by whitespaces. If it is present, it is
+simply added to the ⟨options⟩ as another option (and, indeed, a single
+apostrophe is a legal option in TikZ, it is a shorthand for `swap`):
+ String has the same effect as
+ ---------------- --------------------------------------------------
+ `"foo"’` `"foo" {’}`
+ `"foo"’ red` `"foo" {’,red}`
+ `"foo"’{red}` `"foo" {’,red}`
+ `"foo"{’,red}` `"foo" {’,red}`
+ `"foo"{red,’}` `"foo" {red,’}`
+ `"foo"{’red}` `"foo" {’red}` (illegal; there is no key `’red`)
+ `"foo" red’` `"foo" {red’}` (illegal; there is no key `red’`)
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/quotes:mean:label"
+ },
+ ["quotes mean pin"] = {
+ details = [[
+This option has exactly the same effect as `quotes mean label`, only
+instead of transforming quoted text to the `label` option, they get
+transformed to the `pin` option:
+ \tikz [quotes mean pin]
+ \node ["$90^\circ$" above, "$180^\circ$" left, circle, draw] {circle};
+Instead of `every label quotes`, the following style is executed with
+each such pin:
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/quotes:mean:pin"
+ },
+ radius = {
+ details = [[
+Sets the `x radius` and `y radius` simultaneously.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/radius",
+ meta = "⟨value⟩"
+ },
+ range = {
+ details = [[
+This key sets the range of the plot. If set, all points whose
+$y$-coordinates lie outside this range will be considered to be outliers
+and will cause jumps in the plot, by default:
+ \tikz \draw[scale=0.5,domain=-3.141:3.141, samples=100, smooth, range=-3:3]
+ plot[id=tan-example] function{tan(x)};
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/range",
+ meta = "⟨start⟩:⟨end⟩"
+ },
+ ["raw gnuplot"] = {
+ details = [[
+This key causes the ⟨gnuplot formula⟩ to be passed on to GNUPLOT without
+setting up the samples or the `plot` operation. Thus, you could write
+ plot[raw gnuplot,id=raw-example] function{set samples 25; plot sin(x)}
+This can be useful for complicated things that need to be passed to
+GNUPLOT. However, for really complicated situations you should create a
+special external generating GNUPLOT file and use the `file`-syntax to
+include the table "by hand".
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/raw:gnuplot"
+ },
+ ["rdf engine"] = {
+ details = [[
+This key only has an effect when `rdf engine on` is called, otherwise
+the argument is silently ignored. The ⟨rdf keys⟩ get executed with the
+path prefix `/tikz/rdf engine` at the beginning of the current scope
+(for a node, at the beginning of the node's scope). Depending on which
+keys are used, semantic information gets to be added to the output.
+Note that you cannot simply the keys with path prefix `/tikz/rdf engine`
+directly since they need to be executed at very specific times during
+TikZ's processing of scopes. Always call those keys via this key.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/rdf:engine",
+ meta = "⟨rdf keys⟩"
+ },
+ ["rdf engine on"] = {
+ details = [[
+Switches "on" the generation of RDF information for the current
+TeX scope. The idea is that libraries can internally use the
+`rdf engine` key (explained below) a lot in order to provide good
+semantic information in the output when desired, but need not worry that
+this will bloat output files since users have to use this key explicitly
+to include semantic information in the output.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/rdf:engine:on"
+ },
+ ["rdf engine/get new resource curie"] = {
+ details = [[
+The ⟨macro⟩ will be set to a new unique curie that can be used anywhere
+where a curie is allowed. Here is an example how we can add a state and
+a transition container to an automaton, both of which have no
+corresponding scope in TikZ.
+ \tikz [ name = my automaton,
+ rdf engine = {
+ get new resource curie = \statecurie,
+ get new resource curie = \transitiocurie,
+ statement = {
+ subject = (my automaton),
+ predicate = automata:hasStateSet,
+ object = \statecurie },
+ statement = {
+ subject = \statecurie,
+ hat type = automata:stateSet },
+ statement = {
+ subject = (my automaton),
+ predicate = automata:hasTransitionSet,
+ object = \transitiocurie },
+ statement = {
+ subject = \transitiocurie,
+ hat type = automata:transitionSet } } ] { ... }
+The ⟨macro⟩ will be valid for the whole scope.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/rdf:engine/get:new:resource:curie",
+ meta = "⟨macro⟩"
+ },
+ ["rdf engine/get scope curie"] = {
+ details = [[
+The ⟨macro⟩ will be set to a unique curie that represents the scope or
+node. If the scope is named (using the `name` key or the special
+parenthesis syntax for nodes) and this name is later referenced in
+another statement, the same curie will be generated. Note how in the
+following code no name is given for the automaton, which means that the
+whole RDF code could be moved inside a style like `finite automaton` or
+something similar.
+ \tikz [ rdf engine = {
+ get new resource curie = \statecurie,
+ get new resource curie = \transitiocurie,
+ get scope curie = \automatoncurie,
+ statement = {
+ subject = \automatoncurie,
+ predicate = automata:hasStateSet,
+ object = \statecurie },
+ statement = {
+ subject = \statecurie,
+ hat type = automata:stateSet },
+ statement = {
+ subject = \automatoncurie,
+ predicate = automata:hasTransitionSet,
+ object = \transitiocurie },
+ statement = {
+ subject = \transitiocurie,
+ hat type = automata:transitionSet } } ] { ... }
+The ⟨macro⟩ will be valid for the whole scope.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/rdf:engine/get:scope:curie",
+ meta = "⟨macro⟩"
+ },
+ ["rdf engine/prefix"] = {
+ details = [[
+Inside the current scope, you can use ⟨prefix⟩`:` inside curies (compact
+universal resource identifier expressions, see the RDFA specification)
+as an abbreviation for the ⟨iri⟩. (It has the same effect as the
+`prefix` attribute in RDFa.) You can use this key several times for a
+given scope.
+ \scoped [rdf engine = {
+ prefix = {rdf:\tikzrdfhashmark},
+ prefix = {automata:},
+ statement = { ..., predicate = rdf:type, object = automata:state },
+ statement = { ..., predicate = rdf:type, object = automata:final },
+ }] ...
+The above could also be written more verbosely as
+ \scoped [rdf engine = {
+ statement = { ...,
+ predicate =\tikzrdfhashmark type,
+ object = }
+ },
+ statement = { ...,
+ predicate =\tikzrdfhashmark type,
+ object = }
+ }] ...
+The use of the command `\tikzrdfhashmark` is necessary since TeX assigns
+a special meaning to hash marks. The command simple expands to a
+"normal" hash mark for use in texts.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/rdf:engine/prefix",
+ meta = "⟨prefix: iri⟩"
+ },
+ ["rdf engine/scope is new context"] = {
+ details = [[
+This key executes `get scope curie=\tikzrdfcontext`, thereby setting the
+macro `\tikzrdfcontext` to the current scope. The idea is the key is
+used with "major resources" and that keys can use this macro as the
+`subject` of statements if no subject is given explicitly. For instance,
+a `title` key might be defined as follows:
+ title/.style = {
+ rdf engine = { statement = {
+ subject = \tikzrdfcontext,
+ predicate = dc:Title,
+ object = "#1"
+ } } }
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/rdf:engine/scope:is:new:context"
+ },
+ ["rdf engine/statement"] = {
+ details = [[
+Each use of this key will add one RDF statement to the output file. The
+⟨options⟩ will be executed with the path prefix
+`/tikz/rdf engine/statements` and must use the three keys `subject`,
+`predicate`, and `object` to specify the three components of the
+statement (these keys can, however, be called by styles internally, so
+not all statements will explicitly set these three keys). Note that *all
+three must always be set*, it is *not* possible to setup, say, just a
+subject for a scope and then omit the subject for statements inside the
+scope. (However, using styles you can setup things in such a way that a
+certain subject is used for several statements.)
+ \tikz [rdf engine = {
+ statement = {
+ subject =,
+ predicate =,
+ object =
+ },
+ statement = {
+ subject =,
+ predicate =,
+ object =
+ }}] { ... }
+The statements are normally added at the beginning of the scope where
+the `rdf enging` command is used (except when the `object` is
+`scope content`, which is explained later). This means that when you use
+`prefix` inside an `rdf engine` command, it will apply to all
+statements, regardless of the order.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/rdf:engine/statement",
+ meta = "{options}"
+ },
+ ["rdf engine/statements/has as member"] = {
+ details = [[
+This key may only be added to statements whose subject was previously
+used as a subject in a statement containing the `is a container` key. In
+this case, the internal counter will be increased and the predicate will
+be set to `rdf:_ `⟨count⟩. This means that we can write the above code
+ \tikz { ...
+ \scoped [rdf engine = {
+ statement = {
+ subject = (safe),
+ has type = rdf:Seq,
+ is a container,
+ },
+ statement = {
+ subject = (safe),
+ has as member,
+ object = (coins)
+ },
+ statement = {
+ subject = (safe),
+ has as member,
+ object = (gold)
+ } }];
+ }
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/rdf:engine/statements/has:as:member"
+ },
+ ["rdf engine/statements/has type"] = {
+ details = [[
+This style is a shorthand for `predicate=rdf:type` and `object=`⟨type⟩.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/rdf:engine/statements/has:type",
+ meta = "⟨type⟩"
+ },
+ ["rdf engine/statements/is a bag"] = {
+ details = [[
+This is a shorthand for `predicate = rdf:Bag, is a container`.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/rdf:engine/statements/is:a:bag"
+ },
+ ["rdf engine/statements/is a container"] = {
+ details = [[
+Add this key to a statement in order to tell TikZ that it should setup a
+special counter for the subject of the statement that keeps track of the
+container's children.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/rdf:engine/statements/is:a:container"
+ },
+ ["rdf engine/statements/is a sequence"] = {
+ details = [[
+This is a shorthand for `predicate = rdf:Seq, is a container`. In the
+above example we could say:
+ \tikz { ...
+ \scoped [rdf engine = {
+ statement = {
+ subject = (safe),
+ is a sequence
+ },
+ ... } ]; }
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/rdf:engine/statements/is:a:sequence"
+ },
+ ["rdf engine/statements/is an alternative"] = {
+ details = [[
+This is a shorthand for `predicate = rdf:Alt, is a container`.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/rdf:engine/statements/is:an:alternative"
+ },
+ ["rdf engine/statements/object"] = {
+ details = [[
+Sets the object for the statement. The syntax allowed for the ⟨object⟩
+is as follows:
+1. As for `subject` and `predicate` you can use a curie here. This is
+ the default unless one of the following special cases is used:
+2. As for `subject` and `predicate`, you can use the syntax `(`⟨name of
+ node or scope⟩`)` to create and use a curie for the node or scope.
+3. If the ⟨object⟩ starts with `"`, it must have the syntax
+ `"`⟨literals⟩`"`. In this case, the object of the statement is not a
+ curie (not a normal "resource") but the string of ⟨literals⟩ given.
+4. If the ⟨object⟩ is the text "`scope content`", the object of the
+ statement is actually the whole contents of the scope to which this
+ statement is attached.
+5. The two previous cases can be combined in the form of an object of
+ the form `"`⟨literals⟩`" and scope content`. In this case, the
+ contents of the scope is "normally" the object, but this gets
+ "overruled" by the ⟨literals⟩. Formally, this means that the object
+ is the ⟨literals⟩, but the intended semantics is that the object is
+ the scope content, only for further processing it should be
+ considered to be ⟨literals⟩. A typical example is the case where the
+ scope content is, say, the text "January 1st, 2000" but the
+ ⟨literals⟩ are set to `2000-01-01`, which is easier for software to
+ process:
+ \node [rdf engine = {
+ statement = {
+ subject = ...,
+ predicate = dc:Date,
+ object = "2000-01-01" and scope content
+ } } ] { January 1st, 2000 };
+For the last two cases, only one statement may be given per scope that
+has the `scope content` as its object; if more than one is given, the
+last one wins. This is the reason why several uses of `predicate` are
+allowed in a `statement`.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/rdf:engine/statements/object",
+ meta = "⟨object⟩"
+ },
+ ["rdf engine/statements/predicate"] = {
+ details = [[
+Sets the predicate for the statement. The syntax is exactly the same as
+for the subject. Unlike for subjects, you can use the predicate key
+several times inside a single statement and the uses will "accumulate"
+and several statements are created, namely one statement for each use of
+`predicate` for the subject and object specified inside the use of
+`statement`. This behavior is not very systematic (it violates the rule
+"one statement per `statement`") and you should normally use the
+`statement` once for each use of the `predicate` key. However, in
+conjunction with the object `scope content` it is necessary to allow
+this behavior.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/rdf:engine/statements/predicate",
+ meta = "⟨predicate⟩"
+ },
+ ["rdf engine/statements/subject"] = {
+ details = [[
+Sets the subject of the to-be-created statement. The ⟨subject⟩ can be in
+one of two possible formats:
+1. A curie (a *compact universal resource identifier expression,* see
+ the RDFA specification for details). Examples are standard URLs like
+ ``, but also text like `# my_ automaton`. Note
+ that in order to include a hashmark in a curie you should use the
+ command `\tikzrdfhashmark`, which expands to a hash mark (TeX treats
+ hash marks in a special way, which is why this command is used
+ here).
+2. When the ⟨subject⟩ starts with an opening parenthesis, that is, with
+ "`(`", the ⟨subject⟩ must have the form `(`⟨node or scope name⟩`)`.
+ In this case, the ⟨node or scope name⟩ must be the name of an
+ already existing node (the current node or scope is considered as
+ "existing" here). Then, the curie `# `⟨id⟩ is used as subject, where
+ the ⟨id⟩ is a unique internal identifier for the node.
+ As an example, suppose you wish to specify that a node has some
+ other node as child, you could write the following:
+ \tikz [ rdf engine = { prefix = { rels:} } ] {
+ \node (fritz) { Fritz };
+ \node (heinz) at (2,0) { Heinz };
+ \draw [->] (fritz) -- (heinz)
+ [rdf engine = {
+ statement = {
+ subject = (fritz),
+ predicate = rels:isSonOf,
+ object = (heinz)
+ } } ];
+ }
+You can use a macro as ⟨subject⟩, it will be expanded before the above
+syntax check is done.
+If you use the `subject` key several times inside a single `statement`
+command, (only) the last subject is used.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/rdf:engine/statements/subject",
+ meta = "⟨subject⟩"
+ },
+ relationship = {
+ details = [[
+This style works like `entity`, only it is to be used for relationships.
+Again, `relationship`s are actually relationship types.
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \node[entity] (sheep) at (0,0) {Sheep};
+ \node[entity] (genome) at (2,0) {Genome};
+ \node[relationship] at (1,1.5) {has}
+ edge (sheep)
+ edge (genome);
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/relationship"
+ },
+ relative = {
+ details = [[
+This option tells TikZ whether the `in` and `out` angles should be
+considered absolute or relative. Absolute means that an `out` angle of
+30$^\circ$ means that the curve leaves the start coordinate at an angle
+of 30$^\circ$ relative to the paper (unless, of course, further
+transformations have been installed). A *relative* angle is, by
+comparison, measured relative to a straight line from the start
+coordinate to the target coordinate. Thus, a relative angle of
+30$^\circ$ means that the curve will bend to the left from the line
+going straight from the start to the target. For the target, the
+relative coordinate is measured in the same manner, namely relative to
+the line going from the start to the target. Thus, an angle of
+150$^\circ$ means that the curve will reach target coming slightly from
+the left.
+ \begin{tikzpicture}[out=45,in=135,relative]
+ \draw (0,0) to (1,0)
+ to (2,1)
+ to (2,2);
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ \begin{tikzpicture}[out=90,in=90,relative]
+ \node [circle,draw] (a) at (0,0) {a};
+ \node [circle,draw] (b) at (1,1) {b};
+ \node [circle,draw] (c) at (2,2) {c};
+ \path (a) edge (b)
+ edge (c);
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/relative",
+ meta = "⟨true or false⟩"
+ },
+ ["remember picture"] = {
+ details = [[
+This option tells TikZ that it should attempt to remember the position
+of the current picture on the page. This attempt may fail depending on
+which backend driver is used. Also, even if remembering works, the
+position may only be available on a second run of TeX.
+Provided that remembering works, you may consider saying
+ \tikzset{every picture/.append style={remember picture}}
+to make TikZ remember all pictures. This will add one line in the `.aux`
+file for each picture in your document -- which typically is not very
+much. Then, you do not have to worry about remembered pictures at all.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/remember:picture",
+ meta = "⟨boolean⟩"
+ },
+ ["reset cm"] = {
+ details = [[
+Completely resets the coordinate transformation matrix to the identity
+matrix. This will destroy not only the transformations applied in the
+current scope, but also all transformations inherited from surrounding
+scopes. Do not use this option, unless you really, really know what you
+are doing.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/reset:cm"
+ },
+ resistor = {
+ details = [[
+This key should be used with a `node` path command or with the `to` path
+**Using the Key with Normal Nodes.** When used with a node, it will
+cause this node to "look like" a resistor (by default, in the IEC
+library, this is just a simple rectangle).
+ \tikz [circuit ee IEC]
+ \node [resistor] {};
+Unlike normal nodes, a resistor node generally should not take any text
+(as in `node [resistor] {foo}`). Instead, the labeling of resistors
+should be done using the `label`, `info` and `ohm` options.
+ \tikz [circuit ee IEC]
+ \node [resistor,ohm=5] {};
+The ⟨options⟩ make no real sense when the `resistor` option is used with
+a normal node, you can just as well given them to the `node` itself.
+Thus, the following has the same effect as the above example:
+ \tikz [circuit ee IEC]
+ \node [resistor={ohm=5}] {};
+In a circuit, you will often wish to rotate elements. For this, the
+options `point up`, `point down`, `point left` or `point right` may be
+especially useful. They are just shorthands for appropriate rotations
+like `rotate=90`.
+ \tikz [circuit ee IEC] {
+ \node (R1) [resistor,point up,ohm=5] at (3,1) {};
+ \node (R2) [resistor,ohm=10k] at (0,0) {};
+ \draw (R2) -| (R1);
+ }
+**Using the Key on a To Path.** When the `resistor` key is used on a
+`to` path inside a `circuit ee IEC`, the `circuit handle symbol` key is
+called internally. This has a whole bunch of effects:
+1. The path currently being constructed is cut up to make place for a
+ node.
+2. This node will be a `resistor node` that is rotated so that it
+ points "along" the path (unless an option like `shift only` or an
+ extra rotation is used to change this).
+3. The ⟨options⟩ passed to the `resistor` key are passed on to the
+ node.
+4. The ⟨options⟩ are pre-parsed to identify a `pos` key or a key like
+ `at start` or `midway`. These keys are used to determine where on
+ the `to` path the node will lie.
+Since the ⟨options⟩ of the `resistor` key are passed on to the resistor
+node on the path, you can use it to add labels to the node. Here is a
+simple example:
+ \tikz [circuit ee IEC]
+ \draw (0,0) to [resistor=red] (3,0)
+ to [resistor={ohm=2\mu}] (3,2);
+You can add multiple labels to a resistor and you can have multiple
+resistors (or other elements) on a single path.
+**Inputs, Outputs, and Anchors.** Like the logical gates, all ee-symbols
+have an `input` and an `output` anchor. Special-purpose-nodes may have
+even more anchors of this type. Furthermore, the ee-symbols-nodes also
+have four standard compass direction anchors.
+**Changing the Appearance.** To configure the appearance of all
+`resistor`s, see Section ??. You can use the ⟨options⟩ to locally change
+the appearance of a single resistor.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/resistor",
+ meta = "⟨options⟩"
+ },
+ right = {
+ details = [[
+Similar to `above`.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/right",
+ meta = "⟨offset⟩"
+ },
+ ["right color"] = {
+ details = [[
+Works like `left color`.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/right:color",
+ meta = "⟨color⟩"
+ },
+ ["right delimiter"] = {
+ details = [[
+Works as above.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/right:delimiter",
+ meta = "⟨delimiter⟩"
+ },
+ ["right of"] = {
+ details = [[
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/right:of",
+ meta = "⟨node⟩"
+ },
+ ["root concept"] = {
+ details = [[
+This style is used for the roots of mindmap trees. By adding something
+to this, you can change how the root of a mindmap will be rendered.
+ \tikz
+ [root concept/.append style={concept color=blue!80,minimum size=3.5cm},
+ mindmap]
+ \node [concept] {Root concept};
+Note that styles like `large mindmap` redefine these styles, so you
+should add something to this style only inside the picture.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/root:concept"
+ },
+ rotate = {
+ details = [[
+Rotates the coordinate system by ⟨degree⟩:
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \draw[help lines] (0,0) grid (3,2);
+ \draw (0,0) -- (1,1) -- (1,0);
+ \draw[rotate=40,blue] (0,0) -- (1,1) -- (1,0);
+ \draw[rotate=-20,red] (0,0) -- (1,1) -- (1,0);
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/rotate",
+ meta = "⟨degree⟩"
+ },
+ ["rotate around"] = {
+ details = [[
+Rotates the coordinate system by ⟨degree⟩ around the point ⟨coordinate⟩.
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \draw[help lines] (0,0) grid (3,2);
+ \draw (0,0) -- (1,1) -- (1,0);
+ \draw[rotate around={40:(1,1)},blue] (0,0) -- (1,1) -- (1,0);
+ \draw[rotate around={-20:(1,1)},red] (0,0) -- (1,1) -- (1,0);
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/rotate:around",
+ meta = "{⟨degree⟩:⟨coordinate⟩}"
+ },
+ ["rotate around x"] = {
+ details = [[
+This key sets the $x$, $y$ and $z$ vectors of the PGF $xyz$-coordinate
+system so that they are rotated by ⟨angle⟩ around the axis corresponding
+to the $x$-vector. The rotation is applied so that when looking towards
+the origin along this axis, positive angles result in an anticlockwise
+ \begin{tikzpicture}[>=stealth]
+ \draw [->] (0,0,0) -- (2,0,0) node [at end, right] {$x$};
+ \draw [->] (0,0,0) -- (0,2,0) node [at end, left] {$y$};
+ \draw [->] (0,0,0) -- (0,0,2) node [at end, left] {$z$};
+ \draw [red, rotate around x=0] (0,0,0) -- (1,1,0) -- (1,0,0);
+ \draw [green, rotate around x=45] (0,0,0) -- (1,1,0) -- (1,0,0);
+ \draw [blue, rotate around x=90] (0,0,0) -- (1,1,0) -- (1,0,0);
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/rotate:around:x",
+ meta = "⟨angle⟩"
+ },
+ ["rotate around y"] = {
+ details = [[
+This key sets the $x$, $y$ and $z$ vectors of the PGF $xyz$-coordinate
+system so that they are rotated by ⟨angle⟩ around the axis corresponding
+to the $y$-vector. The rotation is applied so that when looking towards
+the origin along this axis, positive angles result in an anticlockwise
+ \begin{tikzpicture}[>=stealth]
+ \draw [->] (0,0,0) -- (2,0,0) node [at end, right] {$x$};
+ \draw [->] (0,0,0) -- (0,2,0) node [at end, left] {$y$};
+ \draw [->] (0,0,0) -- (0,0,2) node [at end, left] {$z$};
+ \draw [red, rotate around y=0] (0,0,0) -- (1,1,0) -- (1,0,0);
+ \draw [green, rotate around y=-45] (0,0,0) -- (1,1,0) -- (1,0,0);
+ \draw [blue, rotate around y=-90] (0,0,0) -- (1,1,0) -- (1,0,0);
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/rotate:around:y",
+ meta = "⟨angle⟩"
+ },
+ ["rotate around z"] = {
+ details = [[
+This key sets the $x$, $y$ and $z$ vectors of the PGF $xyz$-coordinate
+system so that they are rotated by ⟨angle⟩ around the axis corresponding
+to the $z$-vector. The rotation is applied so that when looking towards
+the origin along this axis, positive angles result in an anticlockwise
+ \begin{tikzpicture}[>=stealth]
+ \draw [->] (0,0,0) -- (2,0,0) node [at end, right] {$x$};
+ \draw [->] (0,0,0) -- (0,2,0) node [at end, left] {$y$};
+ \draw [->] (0,0,0) -- (0,0,2) node [at end, left] {$z$};
+ \draw [red, rotate around z=0] (0,0) -- (1,1) -- (1,0);
+ \draw [green, rotate around z=45] (0,0) -- (1,1) -- (1,0);
+ \draw [blue, rotate around z=90] (0,0) -- (1,1) -- (1,0);
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/rotate:around:z",
+ meta = "⟨angle⟩"
+ },
+ ["rotate fit"] = {
+ details = [[
+This key fits ⟨coordinates or nodes⟩ inside a node that is rotated by
+⟨angle⟩. As a side effect, it also sets the `/tikz/rotate` key.
+ \begin{tikzpicture}[inner sep=0pt,thick,
+ dot/.style={fill=blue,circle,minimum size=3pt}]
+ \draw[help lines] (0,0) grid (3,2);
+ \node[dot] (a) at (1,1) {};
+ \node[dot] (b) at (2,2) {};
+ \node[dot] (c) at (1,2) {};
+ \node[dot] (d) at (1.25,0.25) {};
+ \node[dot] (e) at (1.75,1.5) {};
+ \node[draw, fit=(a) (b) (c) (d) (e)] {};
+ \node[draw=red, rotate fit=30, fit=(a) (b) (c) (d) (e)] {};
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/rotate:fit",
+ meta = "⟨angle⟩"
+ },
+ ["rounded corners"] = {
+ details = [[
+When this option is in force, all corners (places where a line is
+continued either via line-to or a curve-to operation) are replaced by
+little arcs so that the corner becomes smooth.
+ \tikz \draw [rounded corners] (0,0) -- (1,1)
+ -- (2,0) .. controls (3,1) .. (4,0);
+The ⟨inset⟩ describes how big the corner is. Note that the ⟨inset⟩ is
+*not* scaled along if you use a scaling option like `scale=2`.
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \draw[color=gray,very thin] (10pt,15pt) circle[radius=10pt];
+ \draw[rounded corners=10pt] (0,0) -- (0pt,25pt) -- (40pt,25pt);
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+You can switch the rounded corners on and off "in the middle of path"
+and different corners in the same path can have different corner radii:
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \draw (0,0) [rounded corners=10pt] -- (1,1) -- (2,1)
+ [sharp corners] -- (2,0)
+ [rounded corners=5pt] -- cycle;
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+Here is a rectangle with rounded corners:
+ \tikz \draw[rounded corners=1ex] (0,0) rectangle (20pt,2ex);
+You should be aware, that there are several pitfalls when using this
+option. First, the rounded corner will only be an arc (part of a circle)
+if the angle is $90^\circ$. In other cases, the rounded corner will
+still be round, but "not as nice".
+Second, if there are very short line segments in a path, the "rounding"
+may cause inadvertent effects. In such case it may be necessary to
+temporarily switch off the rounding using `sharp corners`.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/rounded:corners",
+ meta = "⟨inset⟩"
+ },
+ ["row sep"] = {
+ details = [[
+This option works like `column sep`, only for rows. Here, too, you can
+specify whether the space is added between the lower end of the first
+row and the upper end of the second row, or whether the space is
+computed between the origins of the two rows.
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \matrix [draw,row sep=1cm,nodes=draw]
+ {
+ \node (a) {123}; & \node {1}; & \node {1}; \\
+ \node (b) {12}; & \node {12}; & \node {1}; \\
+ \node {1}; & \node {123}; & \node {1}; \\
+ };
+ \draw [<->,red,thick] (a.south) -- (b.north) node [right,midway] {1cm};
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \matrix [draw,row sep={1cm,between origins},nodes=draw]
+ {
+ \node (a) {123}; & \node {1}; & \node {1}; \\
+ \node (b) {12}; & \node {12}; & \node {1}; \\
+ \node {1}; & \node {123}; & \node {1}; \\
+ };
+ \draw [<->,red,thick] ( -- ( node [right,midway] {1cm};
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/row:sep",
+ meta = "⟨spacing list⟩"
+ },
+ ["row ⟨number⟩"] = {
+ details = [[
+This style is used for every cell in row ⟨number⟩.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/row:⟨number⟩"
+ },
+ ["row ⟨row number⟩ column ⟨column number⟩"] = {
+ details = [[
+This style is used for the cell in row ⟨row number⟩ and column ⟨column
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/row:⟨row:number⟩:column:⟨column:number⟩"
+ },
+ samples = {
+ details = [[
+Sets the number of samples used in the plot.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/samples",
+ meta = "⟨number⟩"
+ },
+ ["samples at"] = {
+ details = [[
+This option specifies a list of positions for which the variable should
+be evaluated. For instance, you can say `samples at={1,2,8,9,10}` to
+have the variable evaluated exactly for values $1$, $2$, $8$, $9$, and
+$10$. You can use the `\foreach` syntax, so you can use `...` inside the
+⟨sample list⟩.
+When this option is used, the `samples` and `domain` option are
+overruled. The other way round, setting either `samples` or `domain`
+will overrule this option.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/samples:at",
+ meta = "⟨sample list⟩"
+ },
+ ["save path"] = {
+ details = [[
+Save the current soft path into ⟨macro⟩.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/save:path",
+ meta = "⟨macro⟩"
+ },
+ scale = {
+ details = [[
+Multiplies all coordinates by the given ⟨factor⟩. The ⟨factor⟩ should
+not be excessively large in absolute terms or very close to zero.
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \draw[help lines] (0,0) grid (3,2);
+ \draw (0,0) -- (1,1) -- (1,0);
+ \draw[scale=2,blue] (0,0) -- (1,1) -- (1,0);
+ \draw[scale=-1,red] (0,0) -- (1,1) -- (1,0);
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/scale",
+ meta = "⟨factor⟩"
+ },
+ ["scale around"] = {
+ details = [[
+Scales the coordinate system by ⟨factor⟩, with the "origin of scaling"
+centered on ⟨coordinate⟩ rather than the origin.
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \draw[help lines] (0,0) grid (3,2);
+ \draw (0,0) -- (1,1) -- (1,0);
+ \draw[scale=2,blue] (0,0) -- (1,1) -- (1,0);
+ \draw[scale around={2:(1,1)},red] (0,0) -- (1,1) -- (1,0);
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/scale:around",
+ meta = "{⟨factor⟩:⟨coordinate⟩}"
+ },
+ ["scope fading"] = {
+ details = [[
+In principle, this key works in exactly the same way as the
+`path fading` key. The only difference is, that the effect of the fading
+will persist after the current path till the end of the scope. Thus, the
+⟨fading⟩ is applied to all subsequent drawings in the current scope, not
+just to the current path. In this regard, the option works very much
+like the `clip` option. (Note, however, that, unlike the `clip` option,
+fadings to not accumulate unless a transparency group is used.)
+The keys `fit fading` and `fading transform` have the same effect as for
+`path fading`. Also that, just as for `path fading`, providing the
+`scope fading` option with a `{scope}` only sets the name of the fading
+to be used. You have to explicitly provide the `scope fading` with a
+path to actually install a fading.
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \fill [black!20] (-2,-2) rectangle (2,2);
+ \pattern [pattern=checkerboard,pattern color=black!30]
+ (-2,-2) rectangle (2,2);
+ % The bounding box of the shading:
+ \draw [red] (-50bp,-50bp) rectangle (50bp,50bp);
+ \path [scope fading=south,fit fading=false] (0,0);
+ % fading is centered at its natural size
+ \fill[red] ( 90:1) circle (1);
+ \fill[green] (210:1) circle (1);
+ \fill[blue] (330:1) circle (1);
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+In the following example we resize the fading to the size of the whole
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \fill [black!20] (-2,-2) rectangle (2,2);
+ \pattern [pattern=checkerboard,pattern color=black!30]
+ (-2,-2) rectangle (2,2);
+ \path [scope fading=south] (-2,-2) rectangle (2,2);
+ \fill[red] ( 90:1) circle (1);
+ \fill[green] (210:1) circle (1);
+ \fill[blue] (330:1) circle (1);
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+Scope fadings are also needed if you wish to fade a node.
+ \tikz \node [scope fading=south,fading angle=45,text width=3.5cm]
+ {
+ This is some text that will fade out as we go right
+ and down. It is pretty hard to achieve this effect in
+ other ways.
+ };
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/scope:fading",
+ meta = "⟨fading⟩"
+ },
+ semithick = {
+ details = [[
+Sets the line width to 0.6pt.
+ \tikz \draw[semithick] (0,0) -- (1cm,1.5ex);
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/semithick"
+ },
+ semitransparent = {
+ details = [[
+ \tikz{\fill[red] (0,0) rectangle (1,0.5);
+ \fill[semitransparent] (0.5,0) rectangle (1.5,0.25); }
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/semitransparent"
+ },
+ set = {
+ details = [[
+This key can be used as an option with a `node` command. The ⟨set name⟩
+must be the name of a node set that has previously been created inside
+some enclosing scope via the `new set` key. The effect is that the
+current node is added to the node set.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/set",
+ meta = "⟨set name⟩"
+ },
+ shade = {
+ details = [[
+Causes the path to be shaded using the currently selected shading (more
+on this later). If this option is used together with the `draw` option,
+then the path is first shaded, then drawn.
+It is not an error to use this option together with the `fill` option,
+but it makes no sense.
+ \tikz \shade (0,0) circle (1ex);
+ \tikz \shadedraw (0,0) circle (1ex);
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/shade"
+ },
+ shading = {
+ details = [[
+This selects a shading named ⟨name⟩. The following shadings are
+predefined: `axis`, `radial`, and `ball`.
+ \tikz \shadedraw [shading=axis] (0,0) rectangle (1,1);
+ \tikz \shadedraw [shading=radial] (0,0) rectangle (1,1);
+ \tikz \shadedraw [shading=ball] (0,0) circle (.5cm);
+The shadings as well as additional shadings are described in more detail
+in Section ??.
+To change the color of a shading, special options are needed like
+`left color`, which sets the color of an axis shading from left to
+right. These options implicitly also select the correct shading type,
+see the following example
+ \tikz \shadedraw [left color=red,right color=blue]
+ (0,0) rectangle (1,1);
+For a complete list of the possible options see Section ?? once more.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/shading",
+ meta = "⟨name⟩"
+ },
+ ["shading angle"] = {
+ details = [[
+This option rotates the shading (not the path!) by the given angle. For
+example, we can turn a top-to-bottom axis shading into a left-to-right
+shading by rotating it by $90^\circ$.
+ \tikz \shadedraw [shading=axis,shading angle=90] (0,0) rectangle (1,1);
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/shading:angle",
+ meta = "⟨degrees⟩"
+ },
+ ["shadow scale"] = {
+ details = [[
+Shadows are scaled by ⟨factor⟩.
+ \tikz [even odd rule]
+ \draw [general shadow={fill=red,shadow scale=1.25}]
+ (0,0) circle (.5) (0.5,0) circle (.5);
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/shadow:scale",
+ meta = "⟨factor⟩"
+ },
+ ["shadow xshift"] = {
+ details = [[
+Shadows are shifted horizontally by ⟨dimension⟩.
+ \tikz [even odd rule]
+ \draw [general shadow={fill=red,shadow xshift=-5pt}]
+ (0,0) circle (.5) (0.5,0) circle (.5);
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/shadow:xshift",
+ meta = "⟨dimension⟩"
+ },
+ ["shadow yshift"] = {
+ details = [[
+Shadows are shifted vertically by ⟨dimension⟩.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/shadow:yshift",
+ meta = "⟨dimension⟩"
+ },
+ shape = {
+ details = [[
+Select the shape either of the current node or, when this option is not
+given inside a node but somewhere outside, the shape of all nodes in the
+current scope.
+Since this option is used often, you can leave out the `shape=`. When
+TikZ encounters an option like `circle` that it does not know, it will,
+after everything else has failed, check whether this option is the name
+of some shape. If so, that shape is selected as if you had said
+`shape=`⟨shape name⟩.
+By default, the following shapes are available: `rectangle`, `circle`,
+`coordinate`. Details of these shapes, like their anchors and size
+options, are discussed in Section ??.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/shape",
+ meta = "⟨shape name⟩"
+ },
+ ["sharp corners"] = {
+ details = [[
+This options switches off any rounding on subsequent corners of the
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/sharp:corners"
+ },
+ ["sharp plot"] = {
+ details = [[
+This is the default and causes the points to be connected by straight
+lines. This option is included only so that you can "switch back" if you
+"globally" install, say, `smooth`.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/sharp:plot"
+ },
+ shift = {
+ details = [[
+Adds the ⟨coordinate⟩ to all coordinates.
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \draw[help lines] (0,0) grid (3,2);
+ \draw (0,0) -- (1,1) -- (1,0);
+ \draw[shift={(1,1)},blue] (0,0) -- (1,1) -- (1,0);
+ \draw[shift={(30:1cm)},red] (0,0) -- (1,1) -- (1,0);
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/shift",
+ meta = "{⟨coordinate⟩}"
+ },
+ ["shift only"] = {
+ details = [[
+This option does not take any parameter. Its effect is to cancel all
+current transformations except for the shifting. This means that the
+origin will remain where it is, but any rotation around the origin or
+scaling relative to the origin or skewing will no longer have an effect.
+This option is useful in situations where a complicated transformation
+is used to "get to a position", but you then wish to draw something
+"normal" at this position.
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \draw[help lines] (0,0) grid (3,2);
+ \draw (0,0) -- (1,1) -- (1,0);
+ \draw[rotate=30,xshift=2cm,blue] (0,0) -- (1,1) -- (1,0);
+ \draw[rotate=30,xshift=2cm,shift only,red] (0,0) -- (1,1) -- (1,0);
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/shift:only"
+ },
+ ["shorten <"] = {
+ details = [[
+Shorten the path by ⟨length⟩ in the direction of the starting point.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/shorten:<",
+ meta = "⟨length⟩"
+ },
+ ["shorten >"] = {
+ details = [[
+Shorten the path by ⟨length⟩ in the direction of the end point.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/shorten:>",
+ meta = "⟨length⟩"
+ },
+ ["show background bottom"] = {
+ details = [[
+Works like the style for the top line.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/show:background:bottom"
+ },
+ ["show background grid"] = {
+ details = [[
+This style behaves similarly to the `show background rectangle` style,
+but it will not use a rectangle path, but a grid. The lower left and
+upper right corner of the grid is computed in the same way as for the
+background rectangle:
+ \begin{tikzpicture}[show background grid]
+ \draw (0,0) ellipse (10mm and 5mm);
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+You can influence the background grid by setting the following style:
+This option can be combined with the `framed` option (use the `framed`
+option first):
+ \tikzset{background grid/.style={thick,draw=red,step=.5cm},
+ background rectangle/.style={rounded corners,fill=yellow}}
+ \begin{tikzpicture}[framed,gridded]
+ \draw (0,0) ellipse (10mm and 5mm);
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/show:background:grid"
+ },
+ ["show background left"] = {
+ details = [[
+Works similarly.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/show:background:left"
+ },
+ ["show background rectangle"] = {
+ details = [[
+This style causes a rectangle to be drawn behind your graphic. This
+style option must be given to the `{tikzpicture}` environment or to the
+`\tikz` command.
+ \begin{tikzpicture}[show background rectangle]
+ \draw (0,0) ellipse (10mm and 5mm);
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+The size of the background rectangle is determined as follows: We start
+with the bounding box of the picture. Then, a certain separator distance
+is added on the sides. This distance can be different for the $x$- and
+$y$-directions and can be set using the following options:
+The following two styles make setting the inner separator a bit easier
+to remember:
+You can influence how the background rectangle is rendered by setting
+the following style:
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/show:background:rectangle"
+ },
+ ["show background right"] = {
+ details = [[
+Works similarly.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/show:background:right"
+ },
+ ["show background top"] = {
+ details = [[
+This style causes a single line to be drawn at the top of the background
+rectangle. Normally, the line coincides exactly with the top line of the
+background rectangle:
+ \begin{tikzpicture}[
+ background rectangle/.style={fill=yellow},
+ framed,show background top]
+ \draw (0,0) ellipse (10mm and 5mm);
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+The following option allows you to lengthen (or shorten) the line:
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ [background rectangle={fill=blue!20},
+ outer frame sep=1ex,%
+ show background top,%
+ show background bottom,%
+ show background left,%
+ show background right]
+ \draw (0,0) ellipse (10mm and 5mm);
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+You can influence how the line is drawn grid by setting the following
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/show:background:top"
+ },
+ ["sibling angle"] = {
+ details = [[
+Sets the angle between siblings in the `grow cyclic` style.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/sibling:angle",
+ meta = "⟨angle⟩"
+ },
+ ["sibling distance"] = {
+ details = [[
+This key specifies the distance between the anchors of the children of a
+parent node.
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ [level distance=4mm,
+ level 1/.style={sibling distance=8mm},
+ level 2/.style={sibling distance=4mm},
+ level 3/.style={sibling distance=2mm}]
+ \coordinate
+ child {
+ child {child child}
+ child {child child}
+ }
+ child {
+ child {child child}
+ child {child child}
+ };
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ [level distance=10mm,
+ every node/.style={fill=red!60,circle,inner sep=1pt},
+ level 1/.style={sibling distance=20mm,nodes={fill=red!45}},
+ level 2/.style={sibling distance=10mm,nodes={fill=red!30}},
+ level 3/.style={sibling distance=5mm,nodes={fill=red!25}}]
+ \node {31}
+ child {node {30}
+ child {node {20}
+ child {node {5}}
+ child {node {4}}
+ }
+ child {node {10}
+ child {node {9}}
+ child {node {1}}
+ }
+ }
+ child {node {20}
+ child {node {19}
+ child {node {1}}
+ child[missing]
+ }
+ child {node {18}}
+ };
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/sibling:distance",
+ meta = "⟨distance⟩"
+ },
+ size = {
+ details = [[
+Inside a `spy scope`, this is a shortcut for `minimum size`.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/size",
+ meta = "⟨dimension⟩"
+ },
+ slice = {
+ details = [[
+This key works exactly like `meet`, only the second rule is changed:
+1. the to-be-viewed rectangle has minimal size that it encompasses all
+ of the window rectangle.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/slice",
+ meta = "⟨to-be-viewed corner⟩ rectangle ⟨to-be-viewed corner⟩ at ⟨window corner⟩ rectangle ⟨window corner⟩"
+ },
+ sloped = {
+ details = [[
+This option causes the node to be rotated such that a horizontal line
+becomes a tangent to the curve. The rotation is normally done in such a
+way that text is never "upside down". To get upside-down text, use can
+use `[rotate=180]` or `[allow upside down]`, see below.
+ \tikz \draw (0,0) .. controls +(up:2cm) and +(left:2cm) .. (1,3)
+ node foreach \p in {0,0.25,...,1} [sloped,above,pos=\p]{\p};
+ \begin{tikzpicture}[->]
+ \draw (0,0) -- (2,0.5) node[midway,sloped,above] {$x$};
+ \draw (2,-.5) -- (0,0) node[midway,sloped,below] {$y$};
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/sloped"
+ },
+ ["small circuit symbols"] = {
+ details = [[
+This style sets the default circuit symbol unit to `6pt`.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/small:circuit:symbols"
+ },
+ ["small mindmap"] = {
+ details = [[
+This style includes the `mindmap` style, but additionally changes the
+default size of concepts, fonts and distances so that a medium-sized
+mindmap will fit on an A5 page (A5 pages are half as large as A4 pages).
+Mindmaps with `small mindmap` will also fit onto a standard frame of the
+`beamer` package.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/small:mindmap"
+ },
+ smooth = {
+ details = [[
+This option causes the points on the path to be connected using a smooth
+ \tikz\draw plot[smooth] file{plots/pgfmanual-sine.table};
+Note that the smoothing algorithm is not very intelligent. You will get
+the best results if the bending angles are small, that is, less than
+about $30^\circ$ and, even more importantly, if the distances between
+points are about the same all over the plotting path.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/smooth"
+ },
+ ["smooth cycle"] = {
+ details = [[
+This option causes the points on the path to be connected using a closed
+smooth curve.
+ \tikz[scale=0.5]
+ \draw plot[smooth cycle] coordinates{(0,0) (1,0) (2,1) (1,2)}
+ plot coordinates{(0,0) (1,0) (2,1) (1,2)} -- cycle;
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/smooth:cycle"
+ },
+ solid = {
+ details = [[
+Shorthand for setting a solid line as "dash pattern". This is the
+ \tikz \draw[solid] (0pt,0pt) -- (50pt,0pt);
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/solid"
+ },
+ ["spy connection path"] = {
+ details = [[
+The ⟨code⟩ is executed after the spy-on and spy-in nodes have just been
+created. Inside this ⟨code⟩, the two nodes can be accessed as
+`tikzspyinnode` and `tikzspyonnode`. For example, the key
+`connect spies` sets this command to
+ \draw[thin] (tikzspyonnode) -- (tikzspyinnode);
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/spy:connection:path",
+ meta = "⟨code⟩"
+ },
+ ["spy scope"] = {
+ details = [[
+This option may be used with a `{scope}` or any environment that creates
+such a scope internally (like `{tikzpicture}`). It has the following
+- It resets a number of graphic state parameters, including the color,
+ line style, and others. This is necessary for technical reasons.
+- It tells TikZ that the content of the scope should be saved
+ internally in a special box.
+- It defines the command `\spy` so that it can be used inside the
+ scope.
+- At the end of the scope, the nodes belonging to the `\spy` commands
+ used inside the scope are created.
+- The ⟨options⟩ are saved in an internal style. Each time `\spy` is
+ used, these ⟨options⟩ will be used.
+- Three keys are defined that provide useful shortcuts:
+It is permissible to nest `spy scopes`. In this case, all `\spy`
+commands inside the inner `spy scope` only have an effect on material
+inside the scope, whereas `\spy` commands outside the inner `spy scope`
+but inside the outer `spy scope` allow you to "spy on the spy".
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ [spy using outlines={rectangle, red, magnification=5,
+ size=1.5cm, connect spies}]
+ \begin{scope}
+ [spy using outlines={circle, blue,
+ magnification=3, size=1.5cm, connect spies}]
+ \draw [help lines] (0,0) grid (3,2);
+ \draw [decoration=Koch curve type 1]
+ decorate{ decorate{ decorate{ (0,0) -- (2,0) }}};
+ \spy on (1.6,0.3) in node (zoom) [left] at (3.5,-1.25);
+ \end{scope}
+ \spy on (zoom.north west) in node [right] at (0,-1.25);
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/spy:scope",
+ meta = "⟨options⟩"
+ },
+ ["spy using outlines"] = {
+ details = [[
+This key creates a `spy scope` in which the spy-in node is drawn, but
+not filled, using a thick line; and the spy-on node is drawn, but not
+filled, using a very thin line.
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ [spy using outlines={circle, magnification=3, size=1cm, connect spies}]
+ \draw [decoration=Koch curve type 1]
+ decorate{ decorate{ decorate{ (0,0) -- (2,0) }}};
+ \spy [red] on (1.6,0.3) in node at (3,1);
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/spy:using:outlines",
+ meta = "⟨options⟩"
+ },
+ ["spy using overlays"] = {
+ details = [[
+This key creates a `spy scope` in which both the spy-in and spy-on nodes
+are filled, but with the fill opacity set to 20%.
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ [spy using overlays={circle, magnification=3, size=1cm, connect spies}]
+ \draw [decoration=Koch curve type 1]
+ decorate{ decorate{ decorate{ (0,0) -- (2,0) }}};
+ \spy [green] on (1.6,0.3) in node at (3,1);
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/spy:using:overlays",
+ meta = "⟨options⟩"
+ },
+ ["start angle"] = {
+ details = [[
+Sets the start angle.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/start:angle",
+ meta = "⟨degrees⟩"
+ },
+ ["start branch"] = {
+ details = [[
+This key is used in the same manner as the `start chain` command,
+however, the effect is slightly different:
+- This option may only be used if some chain is already active and
+ there is a (last) node on this chain. Let us call this node the
+ ⟨fork node⟩.
+- The chain is not just called ⟨branch name⟩, but ⟨current
+ chain⟩`/`⟨branch name⟩. For instance, if the ⟨fork node⟩ is part of
+ the chain called `trunk` and the ⟨branch name⟩ is set to `left`, the
+ complete chain name of the branch is `trunk/left`. The ⟨branch name⟩
+ must be given, there is no default value.
+- The ⟨fork node⟩ is automatically "chained into" the branch chain as
+ its first node. Thus, for the first node on the branch that you
+ provide, the `join` option will cause it to be connected to the fork
+ node.
+ \begin{tikzpicture}[every on chain/.style=join,every join/.style=->,
+ node distance=2mm and 1cm]
+ { [start chain=trunk]
+ \node [on chain] {A};
+ \node [on chain] {B};
+ { [start branch=numbers going below]
+ \node [on chain] {1};
+ \node [on chain] {2};
+ \node [on chain] {3};
+ }
+ { [start branch=greek going above]
+ \node [on chain] {$\alpha$};
+ \node [on chain] {$\beta$};
+ \node [on chain] {$\gamma$};
+ }
+ \node [on chain,join=with trunk/numbers-end,join=with trunk/greek-end] {C};
+ { [start branch=symbols going below]
+ \node [on chain] {$\star$};
+ \node [on chain] {$\circ$};
+ \node [on chain] {$\int$};
+ }
+ }
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/start:branch",
+ meta = "⟨branch name⟩⟨direction⟩"
+ },
+ ["start chain"] = {
+ details = [[
+This key should, but need not, be given as an option to a scope
+enclosing all nodes of the chain. Typically, this will be a `scope` or
+the whole `tikzpicture`, but it might just be a path on which all nodes
+of the chain are found. If no ⟨chain name⟩ is given, the default value
+`chain` will be used instead.
+The key starts a chain named ⟨chain name⟩ and makes it *active*, which
+means that it is currently being constructed. The `start chain` can be
+issued only once to activate a chain, inside a scope in which a chain is
+active you cannot use this option once more (for the same chain name).
+The chain stops being active at the end of the scope in which the
+`start chain` command was given.
+Although chains are only locally active (that is, active inside the
+scope the `start chain` command was issued), the information concerning
+the chains is stored globally and it is possible to *continue* a chain
+after a scope has ended. For this, the `continue chain` option can be
+used, which allows you to reactivate an existing chain in another scope.
+The ⟨direction⟩ is used to determine the placement rule for nodes on the
+chain. If it is omitted, the current value of the following key is used:
+The ⟨direction⟩ can have two different forms: `going `⟨options⟩ or
+`placed `⟨options⟩. The effect of these rules will be explained in the
+description of the `on chain` option. Right now, just remember that the
+⟨direction⟩ you provide with the `chain` option applies to the whole
+Other than this, this key has no further effect. In particular, to place
+nodes on the chain, you must use the `on chain` option, described next.
+ \begin{tikzpicture}[start chain]
+ % The chain is called just "chain"
+ \node [on chain] {A};
+ \node [on chain] {B};
+ \node [on chain] {C};
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ % Same as above, using the scope shorthand
+ { [start chain]
+ \node [on chain] {A};
+ \node [on chain] {B};
+ \node [on chain] {C};
+ }
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ \begin{tikzpicture}[start chain=1 going right,
+ start chain=2 going below,
+ node distance=5mm,
+ every node/.style=draw]
+ \node [on chain=1] {A};
+ \node [on chain=1] {B};
+ \node [on chain=1] {C};
+ \node [on chain=2] at (0.5,-.5) {0};
+ \node [on chain=2] {1};
+ \node [on chain=2] {2};
+ \node [on chain=1] {D};
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/start:chain",
+ meta = "⟨chain name⟩⟨direction⟩"
+ },
+ state = {
+ details = [[
+You should redefine it to something else, if you wish to use states of a
+different nature.
+ \begin{tikzpicture}[state/.style=state with output]
+ \node[state] {$q_0$ \nodepart{lower} $11$};
+ \node[state] at (2,0) {$q_1$ \nodepart{lower} $00$};
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/state"
+ },
+ ["state with output"] = {
+ details = [[
+This node style causes nodes to be drawn as split circles, that is,
+using the `circle split` shape. In the upper part of the shape you have
+the name of the style, in the lower part the output is placed. To
+specify the output, use the command `\nodepart{lower}` inside the node.
+This style also calls `every state`.
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \draw[help lines] (0,0) grid (3,2);
+ \node[state without output] {$q_0$};
+ \node[state with output] at (2,0) {$q_1$ \nodepart{lower} $00$};
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/state:with:output"
+ },
+ ["state without output"] = {
+ details = [[
+This node style causes nodes to be drawn as circles. Also, this style
+calls `every state`.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/state:without:output"
+ },
+ step = {
+ details = [[
+Sets the stepping in both the $x$ and $y$-direction. If a dimension is
+provided, this is used directly. If a number is provided, this number is
+interpreted in the $xy$-coordinate system. For example, if you provide
+the number `2`, then the $x$-step is twice the $x$-vector and the
+$y$-step is twice the $y$-vector set by the `x=` and `y=` options.
+Finally, if you provide a coordinate, then the $x$-part of this
+coordinate will be used as the $x$-step and the $y$-part will be used as
+the $y$-coordinate.
+ \begin{tikzpicture}[x=.5cm]
+ \draw[thick] (0,0) grid [step=1] (3,2);
+ \draw[red] (0,0) grid [step=.75cm] (3,2);
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \draw (0,0) circle [radius=1];
+ \draw[blue] (0,0) grid [step=(45:1)] (3,2);
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+A complication arises when the $x$- and/or $y$-vector do not point along
+the axes. Because of this, the actual rule for computing the $x$-step
+and the $y$-step is the following: As the $x$- and $y$-steps we use the
+$x$- and $y$-components or the following two vectors: The first vector
+is either $(⟨x-grid-step-number⟩,0)$ or
+$(⟨x-grid-step-dimension⟩,0\mathrm{pt})$, the second vector is
+$(0,⟨y-grid-step-number⟩)$ or $(0\mathrm{pt},⟨y-grid-step-dimension⟩)$.
+If the $x$-step or $y$-step is $0$ or negative the corresponding lines
+are not drawn.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/step",
+ meta = "⟨number or dimension or coordinate⟩"
+ },
+ ["structured tokens"] = {
+ details = [[
+This option, which must again be passed to a place, gets a list of texts
+for tokens. For each text, a new token will be added to the place.
+ \tikz \node[place,structured tokens={$x$,$y$,$z$}] {};
+ \begin{tikzpicture}[every place/.style={minimum size=9mm}]
+ \foreach \x/\y/\tokennumber in {0/2/1,1/2/2,2/2/3,
+ 0/1/4,1/1/5,2/1/6,
+ 0/0/7,1/0/8,2/0/9}
+ \node [place,structured tokens={1,...,\tokennumber}] at (\x,\y) {};
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+If you use lots of structured tokens, consider redefining the
+`every token` style so that the tokens are larger.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/structured:tokens",
+ meta = "⟨token texts⟩"
+ },
+ ["subgraph nodes"] = {
+ details = [[
+Sets the `every subgraph node` style to ⟨style⟩.
+ \tikz [subgraph text bottom=text centered,
+ subgraph nodes=red]
+ \graph [tree layout] {
+ a -> { b -> {c, d}, e -> {f, g -> h} };
+ left [draw] // { b, c, d };
+ right [draw] // { e, f, g, h};
+ left <-> right;
+ };
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/subgraph:nodes",
+ meta = "⟨style⟩"
+ },
+ ["subgraph text bottom"] = {
+ details = [[
+Works like `subgraph text top`, only the text placed at the bottom.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/subgraph:text:bottom",
+ meta = "⟨text alignment options⟩"
+ },
+ ["subgraph text none"] = {
+ details = [[
+When this option is used, the text of a subgraph node is not shown.
+Adding a slash after the node name achieves roughly the same effect, but
+this option is useful in situations when subgraph nodes generally should
+not have any text inside them.
+ \tikz [subgraph text none]
+ \graph [tree layout] {
+ a -> { b -> {c, d}, e -> {f, g -> h} };
+ left [draw] // { b, c, d };
+ right [draw] // { e, f, g, h};
+ left <-> right;
+ };
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/subgraph:text:none"
+ },
+ ["subgraph text sep"] = {
+ details = [[
+Some space added between the inner nodes of a subgraph node and the text
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/subgraph:text:sep",
+ meta = "⟨dimension⟩"
+ },
+ ["subgraph text top"] = {
+ details = [[
+Specifies that the text of a subgraph node should be placed at the top
+of the subgraph node: Still inside the node, but above all nodes inside
+the subgraph node.
+ \tikz [subgraph text top=text ragged left]
+ \graph [tree layout] {
+ a -> { b -> {c, d}, e -> {f, g -> h} };
+ left [draw] // { b, c, d };
+ right [draw] // { e, f, g, h};
+ left <-> right;
+ };
+You can pass any of the ⟨text alignment options⟩ understood by TikZ,
+such as `text centered`:
+ \tikz [subgraph text top=text centered]
+ \graph [tree layout] {
+ a -> { b -> {c, d}, e -> {f, g -> h} };
+ left [draw, circle] // { b, c, d };
+ };
+To place a label *outside* the subgraph node, use a label, typically
+defined using the `quotes` library:
+ \tikz \graph [tree layout] {
+ a -> { b -> {c, d}, e -> {f, g -> h} };
+ / ["left", draw] // { b, c, d } <->
+ / ["right", draw] // { e, f, g, h};
+ };
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/subgraph:text:top",
+ meta = "⟨text alignment options⟩"
+ },
+ swap = {
+ details = [[
+This option exchanges the roles of `left` and `right` in automatic
+placement. That is, if `left` is the current `auto` placement, `right`
+is set instead and the other way round.
+ \begin{tikzpicture}[auto]
+ \draw[help lines,use as bounding box] (0,-.5) grid (4,5);
+ \draw (0.5,0) .. controls (9,6) and (-5,6) .. (3.5,0)
+ node foreach \pos in {0,0.1,0.2,0.3,0.4,0.5,0.6,0.7,0.8,0.9,1}
+ [pos=\pos,swap,fill=red!20] {\pos}
+ node foreach \pos in {0.025,0.2,0.4,0.6,0.8,0.975}
+ [pos=\pos,fill=blue!20] {\pos};
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ \begin{tikzpicture}[shorten >=1pt,node distance=2cm,auto]
+ \draw[help lines] (0,0) grid (3,2);
+ \node[state] (q_0) {$q_0$};
+ \node[state] (q_1) [above right of=q_0] {$q_1$};
+ \node[state] (q_2) [below right of=q_0] {$q_2$};
+ \node[state] (q_3) [below right of=q_1] {$q_3$};
+ \path[->] (q_0) edge node {0} (q_1)
+ edge node [swap] {1} (q_2)
+ (q_1) edge node {1} (q_3)
+ edge [loop above] node {0} ()
+ (q_2) edge node [swap] {0} (q_3)
+ edge [loop below] node {1} ();
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/swap"
+ },
+ tension = {
+ details = [[
+This option influences how "tight" the smoothing is. A lower value will
+result in sharper corners, a higher value in more "round" curves. A
+value of $1$ results in a circle if four points at quarter-positions on
+a circle are given. The default is $0.55$. The "correct" value depends
+on the details of plot.
+ \begin{tikzpicture}[smooth cycle]
+ \draw plot[tension=0.2]
+ coordinates{(0,0) (1,1) (2,0) (1,-1)};
+ \draw[yshift=-2.25cm] plot[tension=0.5]
+ coordinates{(0,0) (1,1) (2,0) (1,-1)};
+ \draw[yshift=-4.5cm] plot[tension=1]
+ coordinates{(0,0) (1,1) (2,0) (1,-1)};
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/tension",
+ meta = "⟨value⟩"
+ },
+ text = {
+ details = [[
+Sets the color to be used for text labels. A `color=` option will
+immediately override this option.
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \draw[red] (0,0) -- +(1,1) node[above] {red};
+ \draw[text=red] (1,0) -- +(1,1) node[above] {red};
+ \draw (2,0) -- +(1,1) node[above,red] {red};
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/text",
+ meta = "⟨color⟩"
+ },
+ ["text depth"] = {
+ details = [[
+This option works like `text height`, only for the depth of the text
+box. This option is mostly useful when you need to ensure a uniform
+depth of text boxes that need to be aligned.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/text:depth",
+ meta = "⟨dimension⟩"
+ },
+ ["text effects"] = {
+ details = [[
+Execute every option in `{options}` with the key path for each option
+temporarily set to `/pgf/decoration/text effects/`.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/text:effects",
+ meta = "{options}"
+ },
+ ["text height"] = {
+ details = [[
+Sets the height of the text boxes in shapes. Thus, when you write
+something like `node {text}`, the `text` is first typeset, resulting in
+some box of a certain height. This height is then replaced by the height
+`text height`. The resulting box is then used to determine the size of
+the shape, which will typically be larger. When you write `text height=`
+without specifying anything, the "natural" size of the text box remains
+ \tikz \node[draw] {y};
+ \tikz \node[draw,text height=10pt] {y};
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/text:height",
+ meta = "⟨dimension⟩"
+ },
+ ["text opacity"] = {
+ details = [[
+Sets the opacity of text labels, overriding the `fill opacity` setting.
+ \begin{tikzpicture}[every node/.style={fill,draw}]
+ \draw[line width=2mm,blue!50,line cap=round] (0,0) grid (3,2);
+ \node[opacity=0.5] at (1.5,2) {Upper node};
+ \node[draw opacity=0.8,fill opacity=0.2,text opacity=1]
+ at (1.5,0) {Lower node};
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/text:opacity",
+ meta = "⟨value⟩"
+ },
+ ["text width"] = {
+ details = [[
+This option will put the text of a node in a box of the given width
+(something akin to a `{minipage}` of this width, only portable across
+formats). If the node text is not as wide as ⟨dimension⟩, it will
+nevertheless be put in a box of this width. If it is larger, line
+breaking will be done.
+By default, when this option is given, a ragged right border will be
+used (`align=left`). This is sensible since, typically, these boxes are
+narrow and justifying the text looks ugly. You can, however, change the
+alignment using `align` or directly using commands line `\centering`.
+ \tikz \draw (0,0) node[fill=yellow!80!black,text width=3cm]
+ {This is a demonstration text for showing how line breaking works.};
+Setting ⟨dimension⟩ to an empty string causes the automatic line
+breaking to be disabled.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/text:width",
+ meta = "⟨dimension⟩"
+ },
+ thick = {
+ details = [[
+Sets the line width to 0.8pt.
+ \tikz \draw[thick] (0,0) -- (1cm,1.5ex);
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/thick"
+ },
+ thin = {
+ details = [[
+Sets the line width to 0.4pt.
+ \tikz \draw[thin] (0,0) -- (1cm,1.5ex);
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/thin"
+ },
+ ["tight background"] = {
+ details = [[
+Sets the inner frame separator to 0pt. The background rectangle will
+have the size of the bounding box.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/tight:background"
+ },
+ ["tiny circuit symbols"] = {
+ details = [[
+This style sets the default circuit symbol unit to `5pt`.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/tiny:circuit:symbols"
+ },
+ ["to path"] = {
+ details = [[
+Whenever a `to` operation is used, the ⟨path⟩ is inserted. More
+precisely, the following path is added:
+> `{[every to,`⟨options⟩`] `⟨path⟩ `}`
+The ⟨options⟩ are the options given to the `to` operation, the ⟨path⟩ is
+the path set by this option `to path`.
+Inside the ⟨path⟩, different macros are used to reference the from- and
+to-coordinates. In detail, these are:
+- `\tikztostart` will expand to the from-coordinate (without the
+ parentheses).
+- `\tikztotarget` will expand to the to-coordinate.
+- `\tikztonodes` will expand to the nodes between the `to` operation
+ and the coordinate. Furthermore, these nodes will have the `pos`
+ option set implicitly.
+Let us have a look at a simple example. The standard straight line for a
+`to` is achieved by the following ⟨path⟩:
+> `– (\tikztotarget) \tikztonodes`
+Indeed, this is the default setting for the path. When we write
+`(a) to (b)`, the ⟨path⟩ will expand to `(a) – (b)`, when we write
+> `(a) to[red] node {x} (b)`
+the ⟨path⟩ will expand to
+> `(a) – (b) node[red] {x}`
+It is not possible to specify the path
+> `– \tikztonodes (\tikztotarget)`
+since TikZ does not allow one to have a macro after `–` that expands to
+a node.
+Now let us have a look at how we can modify the ⟨path⟩ sensibly. The
+simplest way is to use a curve.
+ \begin{tikzpicture}[to path={
+ .. controls +(1,0) and +(1,0) .. (\tikztotarget) \tikztonodes}]
+ \node (a) at (0,0) {a};
+ \node (b) at (2,1) {b};
+ \node (c) at (1,2) {c};
+ \draw (a) to node {x} (b)
+ (a) to (c);
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+Here is another example:
+ \tikzset{
+ my loop/.style={to path={
+ .. controls +(80:1) and +(100:1) .. (\tikztotarget) \tikztonodes}},
+ my state/.style={circle,draw}}
+ \begin{tikzpicture}[shorten >=2pt]
+ \node [my state] (a) at (210:1) {$q_a$};
+ \node [my state] (b) at (330:1) {$q_b$};
+ \draw[->] (a) to node[below] {1} (b)
+ to [my loop] node[above right] {0} (b);
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/to:path",
+ meta = "⟨path⟩"
+ },
+ token = {
+ details = [[
+This style indicates that a node is a token. By default, this causes the
+node to be a small black circle. Unlike places and transitions, it
+*does* make sense to provide text for the token node. Such text will be
+typeset in a tiny font and in white on black (naturally, you can easily
+change this by setting the style `every token`).
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \node[place,label=above:$p_1$] (p1) {};
+ \node[token] at (p1) {};
+ \node[place,label=above:$p_2$,right=of p1] (p2) {};
+ \node[token] at (p2) {$y$};
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/token"
+ },
+ ["token distance"] = {
+ details = [[
+This specifies the distance between the centers of the tokens in the
+arrangements of the option `children are tokens`.
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \node[place,label=above:$p_3$] {}
+ [children are tokens,token distance=1.1ex]
+ child {node [token] {}}
+ child {node [token,red] {}}
+ child {node [token,blue] {}}
+ child {node [token] {}};
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/token:distance",
+ meta = "⟨distance⟩"
+ },
+ tokens = {
+ details = [[
+This option is given to a `place` node, not to a `token` node. The
+effect of this option is to add ⟨number⟩ many child nodes to the place,
+each having the style `token`. Thus, the following two pieces of codes
+have the same effect:
+ \tikz
+ \node[place] {}
+ [children are tokens]
+ child {node [token] {}}
+ child {node [token] {}}
+ child {node [token] {}};
+ \tikz
+ \node[place,tokens=3] {};
+It is legal to say `tokens=0`, no tokens are drawn in this case. This
+option does not handle ten or more tokens correctly. If you need this
+many tokens, you will have to program your own code.
+ \begin{tikzpicture}[every place/.style={minimum size=9mm}]
+ \foreach \x/\y/\tokennumber in {0/2/1,1/2/2,2/2/3,
+ 0/1/4,1/1/5,2/1/6,
+ 0/0/7,1/0/8,2/0/9}
+ \node [place,tokens=\tokennumber] at (\x,\y) {};
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/tokens",
+ meta = "⟨number⟩"
+ },
+ ["top color"] = {
+ details = [[
+This option sets the color to be used at the top in an `axis` shading.
+When this option is given, several things happen:
+1. The `shade` option is selected.
+2. The `shading=axis` option is selected.
+3. The middle color of the axis shading is set to the average of the
+ given top color ⟨color⟩ and of whatever color is currently selected
+ for the bottom.
+4. The rotation angle of the shading is set to 0.
+ \tikz \draw[top color=red] (0,0) rectangle (2,1);
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/top:color",
+ meta = "⟨color⟩"
+ },
+ ["transform canvas"] = {
+ details = [[
+The ⟨options⟩ should contain coordinate transformations options like
+`scale` or `xshift`. Multiple options can be given, their effects
+accumulate in the usual manner. The effect of these ⟨options⟩
+(immediately) changes the current canvas transformation matrix. The
+coordinate transformation matrix is not changed. Tracking of the picture
+size is (locally) switched off and the node coordinate will no longer be
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \draw[help lines] (0,0) grid (3,2);
+ \draw (0,0) -- (1,1) -- (1,0);
+ \draw[transform canvas={scale=2},blue] (0,0) -- (1,1) -- (1,0);
+ \draw[transform canvas={rotate=180},red] (0,0) -- (1,1) -- (1,0);
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/transform:canvas",
+ meta = "⟨options⟩"
+ },
+ ["transform shape"] = {
+ details = [[
+Causes the current "external" transformation matrix to be applied to the
+shape. For example, if you said `\tikz[scale=3]` and then say
+`node[transform shape] {X}`, you will get a "huge" X in your graphic.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/transform:shape"
+ },
+ ["transform shape nonlinear"] = {
+ details = [[
+When set to true, TikZ will try to apply any current nonlinear
+transformation also to nodes. Typically, for the text in nodes this is
+not possible in general, in such cases a linear approximation of the
+nonlinear transformation is used. For more details, see Section ??.
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ % Install a nonlinear transformation:
+ \pgfsetcurvilinearbeziercurve
+ {\pgfpoint{0mm}{20mm}}
+ {\pgfpoint{10mm}{20mm}}
+ {\pgfpoint{10mm}{10mm}}
+ {\pgfpoint{20mm}{10mm}}
+ \pgftransformnonlinear{\pgfpointcurvilinearbezierorthogonal\pgf@x\pgf@y}%
+ % Draw something:
+ \draw [help lines] (0,-30pt) grid [step=10pt] (80pt,30pt);
+ \foreach \x in {0,20,...,80}
+ \node [fill=red!20] at (\x pt, -20pt) {\x};
+ \foreach \x in {0,20,...,80}
+ \node [fill=blue!20, transform shape nonlinear] at (\x pt, 20pt) {\x};
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/transform:shape:nonlinear",
+ meta = "⟨true or false⟩"
+ },
+ transition = {
+ details = [[
+This style indicates that a node is a transition. As for places, the
+text of a transition should be empty and the `label` option should be
+used for adding labels.
+To connect a transition to places, you can use the `edge` command as in
+the following example:
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \node[place,tokens=2,label=above:$p_1$] (p1) {};
+ \node[place,label=above:$p_2\ge1$,right=of p1] (p2) {};
+ \node[transition,below right=of p1,label=below:$t_1$] {}
+ edge[pre] (p1)
+ edge[post] node[auto] {2} (p2);
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/transition"
+ },
+ ["transparency group"] = {
+ details = [[
+This option can be given to a `scope`. It will have the following
+effect: The scope's contents is stroked / filled "ignoring any outside
+transparency". This means, all previous transparency settings are
+ignored (you can still set transparency inside the group, but never
+mind). For instance, in the forbidden sign example, the whole sign is
+first painted (conceptually) like the image on the left hand side. Note
+that some pixels of the sign are painted multiple times (up to three
+times), but only the last color "wins".
+Then, when the scope is finished, it is painted as a whole. The *fill*
+transparency settings are now applied to the resulting picture. For
+instance, the pixel that has been painted three times is just red at the
+end, so this red color will be blended with whatever is "behind" the
+group on the page.
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \pattern[pattern=checkerboard,pattern color=black!15](-1,-1) rectangle (3,1);
+ \node at (0,0) [forbidden sign,line width=2ex,draw=red,fill=white] {Smoking};
+ \begin{scope}[transparency group,opacity=.5]
+ \node at (2,0) [forbidden sign,line width=2ex,draw=red,fill=white]
+ {Smoking};
+ \end{scope}
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+Note that in the example, the `opacity=.5` is not active inside the
+transparency group: The group is only established at beginning of the
+scope and all options given to the `{scope}` environment are set before
+the group is established. To change the opacity *inside* the group, you
+need to open another scope inside it or use the `opacity` key with a
+command inside the group:
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \pattern[pattern=checkerboard,pattern color=black!15](-1,-1) rectangle (3,1);
+ \node at (0,0) [forbidden sign,line width=2ex,draw=red,fill=white] {Smoking};
+ \begin{scope}[transparency group,opacity=.5]
+ \node (s) at (2,0) [forbidden sign,line width=2ex,draw=red,fill=white]
+ {Smoking};
+ \draw [opacity=.5, line width=2ex, blue] (1.2,0) -- (2.8,0);
+ \end{scope}
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+The ⟨options⟩ are a list of comma-separated options:
+- `knockout` When this option is given inside the ⟨options⟩, the group
+ becomes a so-called *knockout* group. This means, essentially, that
+ inside the group everything is painted as if the "opacity" of a line
+ or area were just another color channel. In particular, if you paint
+ a pixel with opacity $0$ inside a knockout group, this pixel becomes
+ perfectly transparent immediately. In contrast, painting a pixel
+ with something of opacity $0$ normally has no effect.
+ Not all renderers, let alone printers, will support this. At the
+ time of writing, Apple's Preview will not show the following
+ correctly (you should see the text TikZ in the middle):
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \shade [left color=red,right color=blue] (-2,-1) rectangle (2,1);
+ \begin{scope}[transparency group=knockout]
+ \fill [white] (-1.9,-.9) rectangle (1.9,.9);
+ \node [opacity=0,font=\fontencoding{T1}\fontfamily{ptm}\fontsize{45}{45}\bfseries]
+ {Ti\emph{k}Z};
+ \end{scope}
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ In the example, we first draw a large shading and then, inside the
+ transparency group "overwrite" most of this shading by a big white
+ rectangle. The interesting part is the text of the node, which has
+ opacity `0`. Normally, this would mean that nothing is shown.
+ However, in a knockout group, we "paint" the text with an "opacity
+ zero" color. The effect is that part of the totally opaque white
+ rectangle gets overwritten by a perfectly transparent area (namely
+ exactly the area taken up by the pixels of the text). When this
+ whole knockout group is then placed on top of the shading, the
+ shading will "shine through" at the knocked-out pixels.
+- `isolated``=false` A group can be isolated or not. By default, they
+ are isolated, since this is typically what you want. For details on
+ what isolated groups are, exactly, see Section 7.3.4 of the PDF
+ Specification, version 1.7.
+Note that when a transparency group is created, TikZ must correctly
+determine the size of the material inside the group. Usually, this is no
+problem, but when you use things like `overlay` or `transform canvas`,
+trouble may result. In this case, please consult Section ?? on how to
+sidestep this problem in such cases.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/transparency:group",
+ meta = "\\oarg{options}"
+ },
+ transparent = {
+ details = [[
+Makes everything totally transparent and, hence, invisible.
+ \tikz{\fill[red] (0,0) rectangle (1,0.5);
+ \fill[transparent,red] (0.5,0) rectangle (1.5,0.25); }
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/transparent"
+ },
+ ["trim left"] = {
+ details = [[
+The `trim left` key tells PGFto discard everything which is left of the
+provided ⟨dimension or coordinate⟩. Here, ⟨dimension⟩ is a single $x$
+coordinate of the picture and ⟨coordinate⟩ is a point with $x$ and $y$
+coordinates (but only its $x$ coordinate will be used). The effect is
+the same as if you issue `\hspace{-s}` where `s` is the difference of
+the picture's bounding box lower left $x$ coordinate and the $x$
+coordinate specified as ⟨dimension or coordinate⟩:
+ Text before image.%
+ \begin{tikzpicture}[trim left]
+ \draw (-1,-1) grid (3,2);
+ \fill (0,0) circle (5pt);
+ \end{tikzpicture}%
+ Text after image.
+Since `trim left` uses the default `trim left=0pt`, everything left of
+$x=0$ is removed from the bounding box.
+The following example has once the relative long label $-1$ and once the
+shorter label $1$. Horizontal alignment is established with `trim left`:
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \draw (0,1) -- (0,0) -- (1,1) -- cycle;
+ \fill (0,0) circle (2pt);
+ \node[left] at (0,0) {$-1$};
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ \par
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \draw (0,1) -- (0,0) -- (1,1) -- cycle;
+ \fill (0,0) circle (2pt);
+ \node[left] at (0,0) {$1$};
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ \par
+ \begin{tikzpicture}[trim left]
+ \draw (0,1) -- (0,0) -- (1,1) -- cycle;
+ \fill (0,0) circle (2pt);
+ \node[left] at (0,0) {$-1$};
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ \par
+ \begin{tikzpicture}[trim left]
+ \draw (0,1) -- (0,0) -- (1,1) -- cycle;
+ \fill (0,0) circle (2pt);
+ \node[left] at (0,0) {$1$};
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+Use `trim left=default` to reset the value.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/trim:left",
+ meta = "⟨dimension or coordinate or default⟩"
+ },
+ ["trim right"] = {
+ details = [[
+This key is similar to `trim left`: it discards everything which is
+right of the provided ⟨dimension or coordinate⟩. As for `trim left`,
+⟨dimension⟩ denotes a single $x$ coordinate of the picture and
+⟨coordinate⟩ a coordinate with $x$ and $y$ value (although only its $x$
+component will be used).
+We use the same example from above and add `trim right`:
+ Text before image.%
+ \begin{tikzpicture}[trim left, trim right=2cm, baseline]
+ \draw (-1,-1) grid (3,2);
+ \fill (0,0) circle (5pt);
+ \end{tikzpicture}%
+ Text after image.
+In addition to `trim left=0pt`, we also discard everything which is
+right of $x$`=2cm`. Furthermore, the `baseline` key supports vertical
+alignment as well (using the $y$`=0cm` baseline).
+Use `trim right=default` to reset the value.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/trim:right",
+ meta = "⟨dimension or coordinate or default⟩"
+ },
+ turn = {
+ details = [[
+This key can be given as an option to a ⟨coordinate⟩ as in the following
+ \tikz \draw (0,0) -- (1,1) -- ([turn]-45:1cm) -- ([turn]-30:1cm);
+The effect of this key is to locally shift the coordinate system so that
+the last point reached is at the origin and the coordinate system is
+"turned" so that the $x$-axis points in the direction of a tangent
+entering the last point. This means, in effect, that when you use polar
+coordinates of the form ⟨relative angle⟩`:`⟨distance⟩ together with the
+`turn` option, you specify a point that lies at ⟨distance⟩ from the last
+point in the direction of the last tangent entering the last point, but
+with a rotation of ⟨relative angle⟩.
+This key also works with curves ...
+ \tikz [delta angle=30, radius=1cm]
+ \draw (0,0) arc [start angle=0] -- ([turn]0:1cm)
+ arc [start angle=30] -- ([turn]0:1cm)
+ arc [start angle=60] -- ([turn]30:1cm);
+ \tikz \draw (0,0) to [bend left] (2,1) -- ([turn]0:1cm);
+...and with plots ...
+ \tikz \draw plot coordinates {(0,0) (1,1) (2,0) (3,0) } -- ([turn]30:1cm);
+Although the above examples use polar coordinates with `turn`, you can
+also use any normal coordinate. For instance, `([turn]1,1)` will append
+a line of length $\sqrt 2$ that is turns by $45^\circ$ relative to the
+tangent to the last point.
+ \tikz \draw (0.5,0.5) -| (2,1) -- ([turn]1,1)
+ .. controls ([turn]0:1cm) .. ([turn]-90:1cm);
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/turn"
+ },
+ turtle = {
+ details = [[
+This key executes the ⟨keys⟩ with the current key path set to
+ \tikz[turtle/distance=2mm]
+ \draw [turtle={home,fd,rt,fd,lt,fd,lt,fd}];
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/turtle",
+ meta = "⟨keys⟩"
+ },
+ ["turtle/back"] = {
+ details = [[
+This has the same effect as a `turtle/forward` for the negated
+⟨distance⟩ value.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/turtle/back",
+ meta = "⟨distance⟩"
+ },
+ ["turtle/bk"] = {
+ details = [[
+An abbreviation for the `back` key.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/turtle/bk"
+ },
+ ["turtle/distance"] = {
+ details = [[
+The default distance by which the turtle advances.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/turtle/distance",
+ meta = "⟨distance⟩"
+ },
+ ["turtle/fd"] = {
+ details = [[
+An abbreviation for the `forward` key.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/turtle/fd"
+ },
+ ["turtle/forward"] = {
+ details = [[
+Makes the turtle move forward by the given ⟨distance⟩. If no ⟨distance⟩
+is specified, the current value of the following key is used:
+"Moving forward the turtle" actually means that, relative to the current
+last point on the path, a point at the given ⟨distance⟩ in the direction
+the turtle is currently heading is computed. Then, the operation
+`to[turtle/how]` is used to extend the path to this point.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/turtle/forward",
+ meta = "⟨distance⟩"
+ },
+ ["turtle/home"] = {
+ details = [[
+Places the turtle at the origin and lets it head upward.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/turtle/home"
+ },
+ ["turtle/how"] = {
+ details = [[
+This style can set up the `to path` used by turtles. By setting this
+style you can change the to-path:
+ \tikz \draw [turtle={how/.style={bend left},home,forward,right,forward}];
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/turtle/how"
+ },
+ ["turtle/left"] = {
+ details = [[
+Turns the turtle left by the given angle.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/turtle/left",
+ meta = "⟨angle⟩"
+ },
+ ["turtle/lt"] = {
+ details = [[
+An abbreviation for the `left` key.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/turtle/lt"
+ },
+ ["turtle/right"] = {
+ details = [[
+Turns the turtle right by the given angle.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/turtle/right",
+ meta = "⟨angle⟩"
+ },
+ ["turtle/rt"] = {
+ details = [[
+An abbreviation for the `right` key.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/turtle/rt"
+ },
+ ["ultra nearly opaque"] = {
+ details = [[
+ \tikz{\fill[red] (0,0) rectangle (1,0.5);
+ \fill[ultra nearly opaque] (0.5,0) rectangle (1.5,0.25); }
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/ultra:nearly:opaque"
+ },
+ ["ultra nearly transparent"] = {
+ details = [[
+Makes everything, well, ultra nearly transparent.
+ \tikz{\fill[red] (0,0) rectangle (1,0.5);
+ \fill[ultra nearly transparent] (0.5,0) rectangle (1.5,0.25); }
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/ultra:nearly:transparent"
+ },
+ ["ultra thick"] = {
+ details = [[
+Sets the line width to 1.6pt.
+ \tikz \draw[ultra thick] (0,0) -- (1cm,1.5ex);
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/ultra:thick"
+ },
+ ["ultra thin"] = {
+ details = [[
+Sets the line width to 0.1pt.
+ \tikz \draw[ultra thin] (0,0) -- (1cm,1.5ex);
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/ultra:thin"
+ },
+ ["upper left"] = {
+ details = [[
+Works like `lower left`.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/upper:left",
+ meta = "⟨color⟩"
+ },
+ ["upper right"] = {
+ details = [[
+Works like `lower left`.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/upper:right",
+ meta = "⟨color⟩"
+ },
+ ["use as bounding box"] = {
+ details = [[
+Normally, when this option is given on a path, the bounding box of the
+present path is used to determine the size of the picture and the size
+of all *subsequent* paths are ignored. However, if there were previous
+path operations that have already established a larger bounding box, it
+will not be made smaller by this operation (consider the
+`\pgfresetboundingbox` command to reset the previous bounding box).
+In a sense, `use as bounding box` has the same effect as clipping all
+subsequent drawing against the current path -- without actually doing
+the clipping, only making PGF treat everything as if it were clipped.
+The first application of this option is to have a `{tikzpicture}`
+overlap with the main text:
+ Left of picture\begin{tikzpicture}
+ \draw[use as bounding box] (2,0) rectangle (3,1);
+ \draw (1,0) -- (4,.75);
+ \end{tikzpicture}right of picture.
+In a second application this option can be used to get better control
+over the white space around the picture:
+ Left of picture
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \useasboundingbox (0,0) rectangle (3,1);
+ \fill (.75,.25) circle (.5cm);
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ right of picture.
+Note: If this option is used on a path inside a TeX group (scope), the
+effect "lasts" only until the end of the scope. Again, this behavior is
+the same as for clipping.
+Consider using `\useasboundingbox` together with `\pgfresetboundingbox`
+in order to replace the bounding box with a new one.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/use:as:bounding:box"
+ },
+ ["use path"] = {
+ details = [[
+Set the current path to the soft path stored in ⟨macro⟩.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/use:path",
+ meta = "⟨macro⟩"
+ },
+ variable = {
+ details = [[
+Sets the macro whose value is set to the different values when
+⟨coordinate expression⟩ is evaluated.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/variable",
+ meta = "⟨macro⟩"
+ },
+ ["very near end"] = {
+ details = [[
+Set to `pos=0.875`.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/very:near:end"
+ },
+ ["very near start"] = {
+ details = [[
+Set to `pos=0.125`.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/very:near:start"
+ },
+ ["very nearly opaque"] = {
+ details = [[
+ \tikz{\fill[red] (0,0) rectangle (1,0.5);
+ \fill[very nearly opaque] (0.5,0) rectangle (1.5,0.25); }
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/very:nearly:opaque"
+ },
+ ["very nearly transparent"] = {
+ details = [[
+ \tikz{\fill[red] (0,0) rectangle (1,0.5);
+ \fill[very nearly transparent] (0.5,0) rectangle (1.5,0.25); }
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/very:nearly:transparent"
+ },
+ ["very thick"] = {
+ details = [[
+Sets the line width to 1.2pt.
+ \tikz \draw[very thick] (0,0) -- (1cm,1.5ex);
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/very:thick"
+ },
+ ["very thin"] = {
+ details = [[
+Sets the line width to 0.2pt.
+ \tikz \draw[very thin] (0,0) -- (1cm,1.5ex);
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/very:thin"
+ },
+ view = {
+ details = [[
+This is an alias for `/tikz/meet`.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/view"
+ },
+ ["visualizer color"] = {
+ details = [[
+This key is used to set the color `visualizer color` to ⟨color⟩. This
+color is used by visualizers to color the data they visualize, rather
+than the current "standard color". The reason for not using the normal
+current color is simply that it makes many internals of the data
+visualization engine a bit simpler.
+ data point [x=2, y=2, set=normal]
+ data point [x=0, y=1, set=heated]
+ data point [x=2, y=1, set=heated]
+ data point [x=0.5, y=1.5, set=critical]
+ data point [x=2.25, y=1.75, set=critical]
+ };},
+ ]
+ \pgfdvdeclarestylesheet{my colors}
+ {
+ default style/.style={visualizer color=black},
+ 1/.style={visualizer color=black},
+ 2/.style={visualizer color=red!80!black},
+ 3/.style={visualizer color=blue!80!black},
+ }
+ \tikz \datavisualization [
+ school book axes,
+ visualize as line=normal,
+ visualize as line=heated,
+ visualize as line=critical,
+ style sheet=my colors]
+ data group {lines};
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/visualizer:color",
+ meta = "⟨color⟩"
+ },
+ ["week list"] = {
+ details = [[
+This style creates one row for each week in the range. The value of
+`day xshift` is used for the distance between days in each week row, the
+value of `day yshift` is used for the distance between rows. In both
+cases, "distance" refers to the distance between the anchors of the
+nodes of the days (or, more generally, the distance between the origins
+of the little pictures created for each day).
+The days inside each week are shifted such that Monday is always at the
+first position (to change this, you need to copy and then modify the
+code appropriately). If the date range does not start on a Monday, the
+first line will not start in the first column, but rather in the column
+appropriate for the first date in the range.
+At the beginning of each month (except for the first month in the range)
+an additional vertical space of `month yshift` is added. If this is set
+to `0pt` you get a continuous list of days.
+ \tikz
+ \calendar [dates=2000-01-01 to 2000-02-last,week list];
+ \tikz
+ \calendar [dates=2000-01-01 to 2000-02-last,week list,
+ month yshift=0pt];
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/week:list"
+ },
+ width = {
+ details = [[
+Inside a `spy scope`, this is a shortcut for `minimum width`.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/width",
+ meta = "⟨dimension⟩"
+ },
+ x = {
+ details = [[
+If ⟨value⟩ is a dimension, the $x$-vector of PGF's $xyz$-coordinate
+system is set up to point ⟨value⟩ to the right, that is, to
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \draw (0,0) -- +(1,0);
+ \draw[x=2cm,color=red] (0,0.1) -- +(1,0);
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ \tikz \draw[x=1.5cm] (0,0) grid (2,2);
+The last example shows that the size of steppings in grids, just like
+all other dimensions, are not affected by the $x$-vector. After all, the
+$x$-vector is only used to determine the coordinate of the upper right
+corner of the grid.
+If ⟨value⟩ is a coordinate, the $x$-vector of PGF's $xyz$-coordinate
+system is set to the specified coordinate. If ⟨value⟩ contains a comma,
+it must be put in braces.
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \draw (0,0) -- (1,0);
+ \draw[x={(2cm,0.5cm)},color=red] (0,0) -- (1,0);
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+You can use this, for example, to exchange the meaning of the $x$- and
+ \begin{tikzpicture}[smooth]
+ \draw plot coordinates{(1,0) (2,0.5) (3,0) (3,1)};
+ \draw[x={(0cm,1cm)},y={(1cm,0cm)},color=red]
+ plot coordinates{(1,0) (2,0.5) (3,0) (3,1)};
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/x",
+ meta = "⟨value⟩"
+ },
+ ["x radius"] = {
+ details = [[
+Sets the horizontal radius of the circle (which, when this value is
+different form the vertical radius, is actually an ellipse). The ⟨value⟩
+may either be a dimension or a dimensionless number. In the latter case,
+the number is interpreted in the $xy$-coordinate system (if the $x$-unit
+is set to, say, `2cm`, then `x radius=3` will have the same effect as
+`x radius=6cm`).
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/x:radius",
+ meta = "⟨value⟩"
+ },
+ xbar = {
+ details = [[
+This option works like `ybar` except that the bars are horizontal.
+ \tikz \draw[pattern=north west lines] plot[xbar]
+ coordinates{(1,0) (0.4,1) (1.7,2) (1.6,3)};
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/xbar"
+ },
+ ["xbar interval"] = {
+ details = [[
+Works like `ybar interval`, but for horizontal bar plots.
+ \begin{tikzpicture}[xbar interval,x=0.5cm,y=0.5cm]
+ \draw[color=red,fill=red!80]
+ plot coordinates {(3,0) (2,1) (4,1.5) (1,4) (2,6) (2,7)};
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/xbar:interval"
+ },
+ xcomb = {
+ details = [[
+This option works like `ycomb` except that the bars are horizontal.
+ \tikz \draw plot[xcomb,mark=x] coordinates{(1,0) (0.8,0.2) (0.6,0.4) (0.2,1)};
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/xcomb"
+ },
+ xrange = {
+ details = [[
+Set the $x$-range. This makes sense only for parametric plots.
+ \tikz \draw[scale=0.5,domain=-3.141:3.141,smooth,xrange=0:1]
+ plot[parametric,id=parametric-example-cut] function{t*sin(t),t*cos(t)};
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/xrange",
+ meta = "⟨start⟩:⟨end⟩"
+ },
+ xscale = {
+ details = [[
+Multiplies only the $x$-value of all coordinates by the given ⟨factor⟩.
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \draw[help lines] (0,0) grid (3,2);
+ \draw (0,0) -- (1,1) -- (1,0);
+ \draw[xscale=2,blue] (0,0) -- (1,1) -- (1,0);
+ \draw[xscale=-1,red] (0,0) -- (1,1) -- (1,0);
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/xscale",
+ meta = "⟨factor⟩"
+ },
+ xshift = {
+ details = [[
+Adds ⟨dimension⟩ to the $x$ value of all coordinates.
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \draw[help lines] (0,0) grid (3,2);
+ \draw (0,0) -- (1,1) -- (1,0);
+ \draw[xshift=2cm,blue] (0,0) -- (1,1) -- (1,0);
+ \draw[xshift=-10pt,red] (0,0) -- (1,1) -- (1,0);
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/xshift",
+ meta = "⟨dimension⟩"
+ },
+ xslant = {
+ details = [[
+Slants the coordinate horizontally by the given ⟨factor⟩:
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \draw[help lines] (0,0) grid (3,2);
+ \draw (0,0) -- (1,1) -- (1,0);
+ \draw[xslant=2,blue] (0,0) -- (1,1) -- (1,0);
+ \draw[xslant=-1,red] (0,0) -- (1,1) -- (1,0);
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/xslant",
+ meta = "⟨factor⟩"
+ },
+ xstep = {
+ details = [[
+Sets the stepping in the $x$-direction.
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \draw (0,0) grid [xstep=.5,ystep=.75] (3,2);
+ \draw[ultra thick] (0,0) grid [ystep=0] (3,2);
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/xstep",
+ meta = "⟨dimension or number⟩"
+ },
+ y = {
+ details = [[
+Works like the `x=` option, only if ⟨value⟩ is a dimension, the
+resulting vector points to $(0,⟨value⟩)$.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/y",
+ meta = "⟨value⟩"
+ },
+ ["y radius"] = {
+ details = [[
+Works like the `x radius`.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/y:radius",
+ meta = "⟨value⟩"
+ },
+ ybar = {
+ details = [[
+This option produces fillable bar plots. It is thus very similar to
+`ycomb`, but it employs rectangular shapes instead of line-to
+operations. It thus allows to use any fill or pattern style.
+ \tikz\draw[draw=blue,fill=blue!60!black] plot[ybar] file{plots/pgfmanual-sine.table};
+ \begin{tikzpicture}[ybar]
+ \draw[color=red,fill=red!80,bar width=6pt]
+ plot coordinates{(0,1) (.5,1.2) (1,.6) (1.5,.7) (2,.9)};
+ \draw[color=red!50,fill=red!20,bar width=4pt,bar shift=3pt]
+ plot coordinates{(0,1.2) (.5,1.3) (1,.5) (1.5,.2) (2,.5)};
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+The use of `bar width` and `bar shift` is explained in the
+`plothandlers` library documentation, section ??. Please refer to
+page ??.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/ybar"
+ },
+ ["ybar interval"] = {
+ details = [[
+As `/tikz/ybar`, this options produces vertical bars. However, bars are
+centered at coordinate *intervals* instead of interval edges, and the
+bar's width is also determined relatively to the interval's length:
+ \begin{tikzpicture}[ybar interval,x=10pt]
+ \draw[color=red,fill=red!80]
+ plot coordinates{(0,2) (2,1.2) (3,.3) (5,1.7) (8,.9) (9,.9)};
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+Since there are $N$ intervals $[x_i,x_{i+1}]$ for given $N+1$
+coordinates, you will always have one coordinate more than bars. The
+last $y$ value will be ignored.
+You can configure relative shifts and relative bar widths, which is
+explained in the `plothandlers` library documentation, section ??.
+Please refer to page ??.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/ybar:interval"
+ },
+ ycomb = {
+ details = [[
+This option causes the `plot` operation to interpret the plotting points
+differently. Instead of connecting them, for each point of the plot a
+straight line is added to the path from the $x$-axis to the point,
+resulting in a sort of "comb" or "bar diagram".
+ \tikz\draw[ultra thick] plot[ycomb,thin,mark=*] file{plots/pgfmanual-sine.table};
+ \begin{tikzpicture}[ycomb]
+ \draw[color=red,line width=6pt]
+ plot coordinates{(0,1) (.5,1.2) (1,.6) (1.5,.7) (2,.9)};
+ \draw[color=red!50,line width=4pt,xshift=3pt]
+ plot coordinates{(0,1.2) (.5,1.3) (1,.5) (1.5,.2) (2,.5)};
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/ycomb"
+ },
+ ["year code"] = {
+ details = [[
+Works like `month code`, only for years.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/year:code",
+ meta = "⟨code⟩"
+ },
+ ["year text"] = {
+ details = [[
+Works like `month text`, only for years.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/year:text",
+ meta = "⟨text⟩"
+ },
+ yrange = {
+ details = [[
+Same as `range`.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/yrange",
+ meta = "⟨start⟩:⟨end⟩"
+ },
+ yscale = {
+ details = [[
+Multiplies only the $y$-value of all coordinates by ⟨factor⟩.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/yscale",
+ meta = "⟨factor⟩"
+ },
+ yshift = {
+ details = [[
+Adds ⟨dimension⟩ to the $y$ value of all coordinates.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/yshift",
+ meta = "⟨dimension⟩"
+ },
+ yslant = {
+ details = [[
+Slants the coordinate vertically by the given ⟨factor⟩:
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \draw[help lines] (0,0) grid (3,2);
+ \draw (0,0) -- (1,1) -- (1,0);
+ \draw[yslant=2,blue] (0,0) -- (1,1) -- (1,0);
+ \draw[yslant=-1,red] (0,0) -- (1,1) -- (1,0);
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/yslant",
+ meta = "⟨factor⟩"
+ },
+ ystep = {
+ details = [[
+Sets the stepping in the $y$-direction.
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/ystep",
+ meta = "⟨dimension or number⟩"
+ },
+ z = {
+ details = [[
+Works like the `y=` option, but now a dimension is the point
+ \begin{tikzpicture}[z=-1cm,->,thick]
+ \draw[color=red] (0,0,0) -- (1,0,0);
+ \draw[color=blue] (0,0,0) -- (0,1,0);
+ \draw[color=orange] (0,0,0) -- (0,0,1);
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ documentation = "texmf:doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf#pgf./tikz/z",
+ meta = "⟨value⟩"
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/support/digestif/data/unicode-math.sty.tags b/support/digestif/data/unicode-math.sty.tags
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ee07354621
--- /dev/null
+++ b/support/digestif/data/unicode-math.sty.tags
@@ -0,0 +1,10021 @@
+-- Copyright 2006-2019 Will Robertson
+-- Copyright 2010-2017 Philipp Stephani
+-- Copyright 2011-2017 Joseph Wright
+-- Copyright 2012-2015 Khaled Hosny
+-- Copyright 2022 Augusto Stoffel
+-- SPDX-License-Identifier: LPPL-1.3c+
+-- Adapted from the file unicode-math-table.tex, part of
+-- the unicode-math package, which can be found at
+ctan_package = "unicode-math"
+commands = {
+ APLboxquestion = {
+ doc = "boxed question mark",
+ symbol = "⍰"
+ },
+ APLboxupcaret = {
+ doc = "boxed up caret",
+ symbol = "⍓"
+ },
+ APLnotbackslash = {
+ doc = "apl functional symbol backslash bar",
+ symbol = "⍀"
+ },
+ APLnotslash = {
+ doc = "solidus, bar through (apl functional symbol slash bar)",
+ symbol = "⌿"
+ },
+ Alpha = {
+ doc = "capital alpha, greek",
+ symbol = "Α"
+ },
+ Angstrom = {
+ doc = "angstrom capital a, ring",
+ symbol = "Å"
+ },
+ Barv = {
+ doc = "short down tack with overbar",
+ symbol = "⫧"
+ },
+ BbbA = {
+ doc = "mathematical double-struck capital a",
+ symbol = "𝔸"
+ },
+ BbbB = {
+ doc = "mathematical double-struck capital b",
+ symbol = "𝔹"
+ },
+ BbbC = {
+ doc = "/bbb c, open face c",
+ symbol = "ℂ"
+ },
+ BbbD = {
+ doc = "mathematical double-struck capital d",
+ symbol = "𝔻"
+ },
+ BbbE = {
+ doc = "mathematical double-struck capital e",
+ symbol = "𝔼"
+ },
+ BbbF = {
+ doc = "mathematical double-struck capital f",
+ symbol = "𝔽"
+ },
+ BbbG = {
+ doc = "mathematical double-struck capital g",
+ symbol = "𝔾"
+ },
+ BbbGamma = {
+ doc = "double-struck capital gamma",
+ symbol = "ℾ"
+ },
+ BbbH = {
+ doc = "/bbb h, open face h",
+ symbol = "ℍ"
+ },
+ BbbI = {
+ doc = "mathematical double-struck capital i",
+ symbol = "𝕀"
+ },
+ BbbJ = {
+ doc = "mathematical double-struck capital j",
+ symbol = "𝕁"
+ },
+ BbbK = {
+ doc = "mathematical double-struck capital k",
+ symbol = "𝕂"
+ },
+ BbbL = {
+ doc = "mathematical double-struck capital l",
+ symbol = "𝕃"
+ },
+ BbbM = {
+ doc = "mathematical double-struck capital m",
+ symbol = "𝕄"
+ },
+ BbbN = {
+ doc = "/bbb n, open face n",
+ symbol = "ℕ"
+ },
+ BbbO = {
+ doc = "mathematical double-struck capital o",
+ symbol = "𝕆"
+ },
+ BbbP = {
+ doc = "/bbb p, open face p",
+ symbol = "ℙ"
+ },
+ BbbPi = {
+ doc = "double-struck capital pi",
+ symbol = "ℿ"
+ },
+ BbbQ = {
+ doc = "/bbb q, open face q",
+ symbol = "ℚ"
+ },
+ BbbR = {
+ doc = "/bbb r, open face r",
+ symbol = "ℝ"
+ },
+ BbbS = {
+ doc = "mathematical double-struck capital s",
+ symbol = "𝕊"
+ },
+ BbbT = {
+ doc = "mathematical double-struck capital t",
+ symbol = "𝕋"
+ },
+ BbbU = {
+ doc = "mathematical double-struck capital u",
+ symbol = "𝕌"
+ },
+ BbbV = {
+ doc = "mathematical double-struck capital v",
+ symbol = "𝕍"
+ },
+ BbbW = {
+ doc = "mathematical double-struck capital w",
+ symbol = "𝕎"
+ },
+ BbbX = {
+ doc = "mathematical double-struck capital x",
+ symbol = "𝕏"
+ },
+ BbbY = {
+ doc = "mathematical double-struck capital y",
+ symbol = "𝕐"
+ },
+ BbbZ = {
+ doc = "/bbb z, open face z",
+ symbol = "ℤ"
+ },
+ Bbba = {
+ doc = "mathematical double-struck small a",
+ symbol = "𝕒"
+ },
+ Bbbb = {
+ doc = "mathematical double-struck small b",
+ symbol = "𝕓"
+ },
+ Bbbc = {
+ doc = "mathematical double-struck small c",
+ symbol = "𝕔"
+ },
+ Bbbd = {
+ doc = "mathematical double-struck small d",
+ symbol = "𝕕"
+ },
+ Bbbe = {
+ doc = "mathematical double-struck small e",
+ symbol = "𝕖"
+ },
+ Bbbeight = {
+ doc = "mathematical double-struck digit 8",
+ symbol = "𝟠"
+ },
+ Bbbf = {
+ doc = "mathematical double-struck small f",
+ symbol = "𝕗"
+ },
+ Bbbfive = {
+ doc = "mathematical double-struck digit 5",
+ symbol = "𝟝"
+ },
+ Bbbfour = {
+ doc = "mathematical double-struck digit 4",
+ symbol = "𝟜"
+ },
+ Bbbg = {
+ doc = "mathematical double-struck small g",
+ symbol = "𝕘"
+ },
+ Bbbgamma = {
+ doc = "double-struck small gamma",
+ symbol = "ℽ"
+ },
+ Bbbh = {
+ doc = "mathematical double-struck small h",
+ symbol = "𝕙"
+ },
+ Bbbi = {
+ doc = "mathematical double-struck small i",
+ symbol = "𝕚"
+ },
+ Bbbj = {
+ doc = "mathematical double-struck small j",
+ symbol = "𝕛"
+ },
+ Bbbk = {
+ doc = "mathematical double-struck small k",
+ symbol = "𝕜"
+ },
+ Bbbl = {
+ doc = "mathematical double-struck small l",
+ symbol = "𝕝"
+ },
+ Bbbm = {
+ doc = "mathematical double-struck small m",
+ symbol = "𝕞"
+ },
+ Bbbn = {
+ doc = "mathematical double-struck small n",
+ symbol = "𝕟"
+ },
+ Bbbnine = {
+ doc = "mathematical double-struck digit 9",
+ symbol = "𝟡"
+ },
+ Bbbo = {
+ doc = "mathematical double-struck small o",
+ symbol = "𝕠"
+ },
+ Bbbone = {
+ doc = "mathematical double-struck digit 1",
+ symbol = "𝟙"
+ },
+ Bbbp = {
+ doc = "mathematical double-struck small p",
+ symbol = "𝕡"
+ },
+ Bbbpi = {
+ doc = "double-struck small pi",
+ symbol = "ℼ"
+ },
+ Bbbq = {
+ doc = "mathematical double-struck small q",
+ symbol = "𝕢"
+ },
+ Bbbr = {
+ doc = "mathematical double-struck small r",
+ symbol = "𝕣"
+ },
+ Bbbs = {
+ doc = "mathematical double-struck small s",
+ symbol = "𝕤"
+ },
+ Bbbseven = {
+ doc = "mathematical double-struck digit 7",
+ symbol = "𝟟"
+ },
+ Bbbsix = {
+ doc = "mathematical double-struck digit 6",
+ symbol = "𝟞"
+ },
+ Bbbsum = {
+ doc = "double-struck n-ary summation",
+ symbol = "⅀"
+ },
+ Bbbt = {
+ doc = "mathematical double-struck small t",
+ symbol = "𝕥"
+ },
+ Bbbthree = {
+ doc = "mathematical double-struck digit 3",
+ symbol = "𝟛"
+ },
+ Bbbtwo = {
+ doc = "mathematical double-struck digit 2",
+ symbol = "𝟚"
+ },
+ Bbbu = {
+ doc = "mathematical double-struck small u",
+ symbol = "𝕦"
+ },
+ Bbbv = {
+ doc = "mathematical double-struck small v",
+ symbol = "𝕧"
+ },
+ Bbbw = {
+ doc = "mathematical double-struck small w",
+ symbol = "𝕨"
+ },
+ Bbbx = {
+ doc = "mathematical double-struck small x",
+ symbol = "𝕩"
+ },
+ Bbby = {
+ doc = "mathematical double-struck small y",
+ symbol = "𝕪"
+ },
+ Bbbz = {
+ doc = "mathematical double-struck small z",
+ symbol = "𝕫"
+ },
+ Bbbzero = {
+ doc = "mathematical double-struck digit 0",
+ symbol = "𝟘"
+ },
+ Beta = {
+ doc = "capital beta, greek",
+ symbol = "Β"
+ },
+ Bumpeq = {
+ doc = "bumpy equals",
+ symbol = "≎"
+ },
+ Cap = {
+ doc = "/cap /doublecap b: double intersection",
+ symbol = "⋒"
+ },
+ Chi = {
+ doc = "capital chi, greek",
+ symbol = "Χ"
+ },
+ Colon = {
+ doc = "two colons",
+ symbol = "∷"
+ },
+ Coloneq = {
+ doc = "double colon equal",
+ symbol = "⩴"
+ },
+ Cup = {
+ doc = "/cup /doublecup b: double union",
+ symbol = "⋓"
+ },
+ DDownarrow = {
+ doc = "downwards quadruple arrow",
+ symbol = "⟱"
+ },
+ DashV = {
+ doc = "double vertical bar double left turnstile",
+ symbol = "⫥"
+ },
+ DashVDash = {
+ doc = "left and right double turnstile",
+ symbol = "⟚"
+ },
+ Dashv = {
+ doc = "vertical bar double left turnstile",
+ symbol = "⫤"
+ },
+ Ddownarrow = {
+ doc = "downwards triple arrow",
+ symbol = "⤋"
+ },
+ Delta = {
+ doc = "capital delta, greek",
+ symbol = "Δ"
+ },
+ Doteq = {
+ doc = "/doteqdot /doteq r: equals, even dots",
+ symbol = "≑"
+ },
+ Downarrow = {
+ doc = "down double arrow",
+ symbol = "⇓"
+ },
+ Epsilon = {
+ doc = "capital epsilon, greek",
+ symbol = "Ε"
+ },
+ Equiv = {
+ doc = "strict equivalence (4 lines)",
+ symbol = "≣"
+ },
+ Eta = {
+ doc = "capital eta, greek",
+ symbol = "Η"
+ },
+ Eulerconst = {
+ doc = "euler constant",
+ symbol = "ℇ"
+ },
+ Exclam = {
+ doc = "double exclamation mark",
+ symbol = "‼"
+ },
+ Finv = {
+ doc = "turned capital f",
+ symbol = "Ⅎ"
+ },
+ Game = {
+ doc = "turned sans-serif capital g",
+ symbol = "⅁"
+ },
+ Gamma = {
+ doc = "capital gamma, greek",
+ symbol = "Γ"
+ },
+ Gt = {
+ doc = "double nested greater-than",
+ symbol = "⪢"
+ },
+ Hermaphrodite = {
+ doc = "male and female sign",
+ symbol = "⚥"
+ },
+ Im = {
+ doc = "imaginary part",
+ symbol = "ℑ"
+ },
+ Iota = {
+ doc = "capital iota, greek",
+ symbol = "Ι"
+ },
+ Join = {
+ doc = "join",
+ symbol = "⨝"
+ },
+ Kappa = {
+ doc = "capital kappa, greek",
+ symbol = "Κ"
+ },
+ LLeftarrow = {
+ doc = "leftwards quadruple arrow",
+ symbol = "⭅"
+ },
+ Lambda = {
+ doc = "capital lambda, greek",
+ symbol = "Λ"
+ },
+ Lbrbrak = {
+ doc = "mathematical left white tortoise shell bracket",
+ symbol = "⟬"
+ },
+ Ldsh = {
+ doc = "left down angled arrow",
+ symbol = "↲"
+ },
+ Leftarrow = {
+ doc = "is implied by",
+ symbol = "⇐"
+ },
+ Leftrightarrow = {
+ doc = "left and right double arrow",
+ symbol = "⇔"
+ },
+ Lleftarrow = {
+ doc = "left triple arrow",
+ symbol = "⇚"
+ },
+ Longleftarrow = {
+ doc = "long leftwards double arrow",
+ symbol = "⟸"
+ },
+ Longleftrightarrow = {
+ doc = "long left right double arrow",
+ symbol = "⟺"
+ },
+ Longmapsfrom = {
+ doc = "long leftwards double arrow from bar",
+ symbol = "⟽"
+ },
+ Longmapsto = {
+ doc = "long rightwards double arrow from bar",
+ symbol = "⟾"
+ },
+ Longrightarrow = {
+ doc = "long rightwards double arrow",
+ symbol = "⟹"
+ },
+ Lparengtr = {
+ doc = "double left arc greater-than bracket",
+ symbol = "⦕"
+ },
+ Lsh = {
+ doc = "/lsh a:",
+ symbol = "↰"
+ },
+ Lt = {
+ doc = "double nested less-than",
+ symbol = "⪡"
+ },
+ Lvzigzag = {
+ doc = "left double wiggly fence",
+ symbol = "⧚"
+ },
+ Mapsfrom = {
+ doc = "leftwards double arrow from bar",
+ symbol = "⤆"
+ },
+ Mapsto = {
+ doc = "rightwards double arrow from bar",
+ symbol = "⤇"
+ },
+ Mu = {
+ doc = "capital mu, greek",
+ symbol = "Μ"
+ },
+ Nearrow = {
+ doc = "ne pointing double arrow",
+ symbol = "⇗"
+ },
+ Not = {
+ doc = "double stroke not sign",
+ symbol = "⫬"
+ },
+ Nu = {
+ doc = "capital nu, greek",
+ symbol = "Ν"
+ },
+ Nwarrow = {
+ doc = "nw pointing double arrow",
+ symbol = "⇖"
+ },
+ Omega = {
+ doc = "capital omega, greek",
+ symbol = "Ω"
+ },
+ Omicron = {
+ doc = "capital omicron, greek",
+ symbol = "Ο"
+ },
+ Otimes = {
+ doc = "multiplication sign in double circle",
+ symbol = "⨷"
+ },
+ Phi = {
+ doc = "capital phi, greek",
+ symbol = "Φ"
+ },
+ Pi = {
+ doc = "capital pi, greek",
+ symbol = "Π"
+ },
+ Planckconst = {
+ doc = "planck constant",
+ symbol = "ℎ"
+ },
+ Prec = {
+ doc = "double precedes",
+ symbol = "⪻"
+ },
+ PropertyLine = {
+ doc = "property line",
+ symbol = "⅊"
+ },
+ Psi = {
+ doc = "capital psi, greek",
+ symbol = "Ψ"
+ },
+ QED = {
+ doc = "end of proof",
+ symbol = "∎"
+ },
+ Question = {
+ doc = "double question mark",
+ symbol = "⁇"
+ },
+ RRightarrow = {
+ doc = "rightwards quadruple arrow",
+ symbol = "⭆"
+ },
+ Rbrbrak = {
+ doc = "mathematical right white tortoise shell bracket",
+ symbol = "⟭"
+ },
+ Rdsh = {
+ doc = "right down angled arrow",
+ symbol = "↳"
+ },
+ Re = {
+ doc = "real part",
+ symbol = "ℜ"
+ },
+ Rho = {
+ doc = "capital rho, greek",
+ symbol = "Ρ"
+ },
+ Rightarrow = {
+ doc = "implies",
+ symbol = "⇒"
+ },
+ Rparenless = {
+ doc = "double right arc less-than bracket",
+ symbol = "⦖"
+ },
+ Rrightarrow = {
+ doc = "right triple arrow",
+ symbol = "⇛"
+ },
+ Rsh = {
+ doc = "/rsh a:",
+ symbol = "↱"
+ },
+ Rvzigzag = {
+ doc = "right double wiggly fence",
+ symbol = "⧛"
+ },
+ Searrow = {
+ doc = "se pointing double arrow",
+ symbol = "⇘"
+ },
+ Sigma = {
+ doc = "capital sigma, greek",
+ symbol = "Σ"
+ },
+ Sqcap = {
+ doc = "double square intersection",
+ symbol = "⩎"
+ },
+ Sqcup = {
+ doc = "double square union",
+ symbol = "⩏"
+ },
+ Subset = {
+ doc = "double subset",
+ symbol = "⋐"
+ },
+ Succ = {
+ doc = "double succeeds",
+ symbol = "⪼"
+ },
+ Supset = {
+ doc = "double superset",
+ symbol = "⋑"
+ },
+ Swarrow = {
+ doc = "sw pointing double arrow",
+ symbol = "⇙"
+ },
+ Tau = {
+ doc = "capital tau, greek",
+ symbol = "Τ"
+ },
+ Theta = {
+ doc = "capital theta, greek",
+ symbol = "Θ"
+ },
+ UUparrow = {
+ doc = "upwards quadruple arrow",
+ symbol = "⟰"
+ },
+ Uparrow = {
+ doc = "up double arrow",
+ symbol = "⇑"
+ },
+ Updownarrow = {
+ doc = "up and down double arrow",
+ symbol = "⇕"
+ },
+ Upsilon = {
+ doc = "capital upsilon, greek",
+ symbol = "Υ"
+ },
+ Uuparrow = {
+ doc = "upwards triple arrow",
+ symbol = "⤊"
+ },
+ VDash = {
+ doc = "double vert, double dash",
+ symbol = "⊫"
+ },
+ Vbar = {
+ doc = "double up tack",
+ symbol = "⫫"
+ },
+ Vdash = {
+ doc = "double vertical, dash",
+ symbol = "⊩"
+ },
+ Vee = {
+ doc = "double logical or",
+ symbol = "⩔"
+ },
+ Vert = {
+ doc = "double vertical bar",
+ symbol = "‖"
+ },
+ Vvdash = {
+ doc = "triple vertical, dash",
+ symbol = "⊪"
+ },
+ Vvert = {
+ doc = "triple vertical bar delimiter",
+ symbol = "⦀"
+ },
+ Wedge = {
+ doc = "double logical and",
+ symbol = "⩓"
+ },
+ Xi = {
+ doc = "capital xi, greek",
+ symbol = "Ξ"
+ },
+ Yup = {
+ doc = "turned sans-serif capital y",
+ symbol = "⅄"
+ },
+ Zbar = {
+ doc = "impedance (latin capital letter z with stroke)",
+ symbol = "Ƶ"
+ },
+ Zeta = {
+ doc = "capital zeta, greek",
+ symbol = "Ζ"
+ },
+ accurrent = {
+ doc = "ac current",
+ symbol = "⏦"
+ },
+ acidfree = {
+ doc = "permanent paper sign",
+ symbol = "♾"
+ },
+ acute = {
+ doc = "acute accent",
+ symbol = "◌́"
+ },
+ acwcirclearrow = {
+ doc = "anticlockwise closed circle arrow",
+ symbol = "⥀"
+ },
+ acwgapcirclearrow = {
+ doc = "anticlockwise gapped circle arrow",
+ symbol = "⟲"
+ },
+ acwleftarcarrow = {
+ doc = "left-side arc anticlockwise arrow",
+ symbol = "⤹"
+ },
+ acwopencirclearrow = {
+ doc = "anticlockwise open circle arrow",
+ symbol = "↺"
+ },
+ acwoverarcarrow = {
+ doc = "top arc anticlockwise arrow",
+ symbol = "⤺"
+ },
+ acwunderarcarrow = {
+ doc = "bottom arc anticlockwise arrow",
+ symbol = "⤻"
+ },
+ adots = {
+ doc = "three dots, ascending",
+ symbol = "⋰"
+ },
+ aleph = {
+ doc = "aleph, hebrew",
+ symbol = "ℵ"
+ },
+ alpha = {
+ doc = "small alpha, greek",
+ symbol = "α"
+ },
+ amalg = {
+ doc = "amalgamation or coproduct",
+ symbol = "⨿"
+ },
+ angdnr = {
+ doc = "acute angle",
+ symbol = "⦟"
+ },
+ angle = {
+ doc = "angle",
+ symbol = "∠"
+ },
+ angles = {
+ doc = "angle with s inside",
+ symbol = "⦞"
+ },
+ angleubar = {
+ doc = "angle with underbar",
+ symbol = "⦤"
+ },
+ annuity = {
+ doc = "combining annuity symbol",
+ symbol = "◌⃧"
+ },
+ approx = {
+ doc = "approximate",
+ symbol = "≈"
+ },
+ approxeq = {
+ doc = "approximate, equals",
+ symbol = "≊"
+ },
+ approxeqq = {
+ doc = "approximately equal or equal to",
+ symbol = "⩰"
+ },
+ approxident = {
+ doc = "approximately identical to",
+ symbol = "≋"
+ },
+ arabichad = {
+ doc = "arabic mathematical operator hah with dal",
+ symbol = "𞻱"
+ },
+ arabicmaj = {
+ doc = "arabic mathematical operator meem with hah with tatweel",
+ symbol = "𞻰"
+ },
+ arceq = {
+ doc = "arc, equals; corresponds to",
+ symbol = "≘"
+ },
+ assert = {
+ doc = "assertion (vertical, short dash)",
+ symbol = "⊦"
+ },
+ ast = {
+ doc = "centered asterisk",
+ symbol = "∗"
+ },
+ asteq = {
+ doc = "equals with asterisk",
+ symbol = "⩮"
+ },
+ asteraccent = {
+ doc = "combining asterisk above",
+ symbol = "◌⃰"
+ },
+ astrosun = {
+ doc = "sun",
+ symbol = "☉"
+ },
+ asymp = {
+ doc = "asymptotically equal to",
+ symbol = "≍"
+ },
+ awint = {
+ doc = "anticlockwise integration",
+ symbol = "⨑"
+ },
+ bNot = {
+ doc = "reversed double stroke not sign",
+ symbol = "⫭"
+ },
+ backcong = {
+ doc = "all equal to",
+ symbol = "≌"
+ },
+ backdprime = {
+ doc = "double reverse prime, not superscripted",
+ symbol = "‶"
+ },
+ backprime = {
+ doc = "reverse prime, not superscripted",
+ symbol = "‵"
+ },
+ backsim = {
+ doc = "reverse similar",
+ symbol = "∽"
+ },
+ backsimeq = {
+ doc = "reverse similar, equals",
+ symbol = "⋍"
+ },
+ backslash = {
+ doc = "reverse solidus",
+ symbol = "\\"
+ },
+ backtrprime = {
+ doc = "triple reverse prime, not superscripted",
+ symbol = "‷"
+ },
+ bagmember = {
+ doc = "z notation bag membership",
+ symbol = "⋿"
+ },
+ bar = {
+ doc = "macron",
+ symbol = "◌̄"
+ },
+ barV = {
+ doc = "double down tack",
+ symbol = "⫪"
+ },
+ barcap = {
+ doc = "intersection with overbar",
+ symbol = "⩃"
+ },
+ barcup = {
+ doc = "union with overbar",
+ symbol = "⩂"
+ },
+ bardownharpoonleft = {
+ doc = "downwards harpoon with barb left from bar",
+ symbol = "⥡"
+ },
+ bardownharpoonright = {
+ doc = "downwards harpoon with barb right from bar",
+ symbol = "⥝"
+ },
+ barleftarrow = {
+ doc = "leftwards arrow to bar",
+ symbol = "⇤"
+ },
+ barleftarrowrightarrowbar = {
+ doc = "leftwards arrow to bar over rightwards arrow to bar",
+ symbol = "↹"
+ },
+ barleftharpoondown = {
+ doc = "leftwards harpoon with barb down to bar",
+ symbol = "⥖"
+ },
+ barleftharpoonup = {
+ doc = "leftwards harpoon with barb up to bar",
+ symbol = "⥒"
+ },
+ barovernorthwestarrow = {
+ doc = "north west arrow to long bar",
+ symbol = "↸"
+ },
+ barrightarrowdiamond = {
+ doc = "rightwards arrow from bar to black diamond",
+ symbol = "⤠"
+ },
+ barrightharpoondown = {
+ doc = "rightwards harpoon with barb down from bar",
+ symbol = "⥟"
+ },
+ barrightharpoonup = {
+ doc = "rightwards harpoon with barb up from bar",
+ symbol = "⥛"
+ },
+ baruparrow = {
+ doc = "upwards arrow to bar",
+ symbol = "⤒"
+ },
+ barupharpoonleft = {
+ doc = "upwards harpoon with barb left to bar",
+ symbol = "⥘"
+ },
+ barupharpoonright = {
+ doc = "upwards harpoon with barb right to bar",
+ symbol = "⥔"
+ },
+ barvee = {
+ doc = "bar, vee (large vee)",
+ symbol = "⊽"
+ },
+ barwedge = {
+ doc = "bar, wedge (large wedge)",
+ symbol = "⊼"
+ },
+ bbrktbrk = {
+ doc = "bottom square bracket over top square bracket",
+ symbol = "⎶"
+ },
+ bdtriplevdash = {
+ doc = "doubly broken vert",
+ symbol = "┆"
+ },
+ because = {
+ doc = "because",
+ symbol = "∵"
+ },
+ benzenr = {
+ doc = "benzene ring with circle",
+ symbol = "⏣"
+ },
+ beta = {
+ doc = "small beta, greek",
+ symbol = "β"
+ },
+ beth = {
+ doc = "beth, hebrew",
+ symbol = "ℶ"
+ },
+ between = {
+ doc = "between",
+ symbol = "≬"
+ },
+ bigblacktriangledown = {
+ doc = "big down triangle, filled",
+ symbol = "▼"
+ },
+ bigblacktriangleup = {
+ doc = "black up-pointing triangle",
+ symbol = "▲"
+ },
+ bigbot = {
+ doc = "large up tack",
+ symbol = "⟘"
+ },
+ bigcap = {
+ doc = "intersection operator",
+ symbol = "⋂"
+ },
+ bigcup = {
+ doc = "union operator",
+ symbol = "⋃"
+ },
+ bigcupdot = {
+ doc = "n-ary union operator with dot",
+ symbol = "⨃"
+ },
+ biginterleave = {
+ doc = "large triple vertical bar operator",
+ symbol = "⫼"
+ },
+ bigodot = {
+ doc = "n-ary circled dot operator",
+ symbol = "⨀"
+ },
+ bigoplus = {
+ doc = "n-ary circled plus operator",
+ symbol = "⨁"
+ },
+ bigotimes = {
+ doc = "n-ary circled times operator",
+ symbol = "⨂"
+ },
+ bigslopedvee = {
+ doc = "sloping large or",
+ symbol = "⩗"
+ },
+ bigslopedwedge = {
+ doc = "sloping large and",
+ symbol = "⩘"
+ },
+ bigsqcap = {
+ doc = "n-ary square intersection operator",
+ symbol = "⨅"
+ },
+ bigsqcup = {
+ doc = "n-ary square union operator",
+ symbol = "⨆"
+ },
+ bigstar = {
+ doc = "star, filled",
+ symbol = "★"
+ },
+ bigtalloblong = {
+ doc = "n-ary white vertical bar",
+ symbol = "⫿"
+ },
+ bigtimes = {
+ doc = "n-ary times operator",
+ symbol = "⨉"
+ },
+ bigtop = {
+ doc = "large down tack",
+ symbol = "⟙"
+ },
+ bigtriangledown = {
+ doc = "big down triangle, open",
+ symbol = "▽"
+ },
+ bigtriangleleft = {
+ doc = "large left triangle operator",
+ symbol = "⨞"
+ },
+ bigtriangleup = {
+ doc = "big up triangle, open",
+ symbol = "△"
+ },
+ biguplus = {
+ doc = "n-ary union operator with plus",
+ symbol = "⨄"
+ },
+ bigvee = {
+ doc = "logical or operator",
+ symbol = "⋁"
+ },
+ bigwedge = {
+ doc = "logical and operator",
+ symbol = "⋀"
+ },
+ bigwhitestar = {
+ doc = "star, open",
+ symbol = "☆"
+ },
+ blackcircledownarrow = {
+ doc = "black circle with down arrow",
+ symbol = "⧭"
+ },
+ blackcircledrightdot = {
+ doc = "black circle with white dot right",
+ symbol = "⚈"
+ },
+ blackcircledtwodots = {
+ doc = "black circle with two white dots",
+ symbol = "⚉"
+ },
+ blackcircleulquadwhite = {
+ doc = "circle with all but upper left quadrant black",
+ symbol = "◕"
+ },
+ blackdiamonddownarrow = {
+ doc = "black diamond with down arrow",
+ symbol = "⧪"
+ },
+ blackhourglass = {
+ doc = "black hourglass",
+ symbol = "⧗"
+ },
+ blackinwhitediamond = {
+ doc = "white diamond containing black small diamond",
+ symbol = "◈"
+ },
+ blackinwhitesquare = {
+ doc = "white square containing black small square",
+ symbol = "▣"
+ },
+ blacklefthalfcircle = {
+ doc = "left half black circle",
+ symbol = "◖"
+ },
+ blackpointerleft = {
+ doc = "black left-pointing pointer",
+ symbol = "◄"
+ },
+ blackpointerright = {
+ doc = "black right-pointing pointer",
+ symbol = "►"
+ },
+ blackrighthalfcircle = {
+ doc = "right half black circle",
+ symbol = "◗"
+ },
+ blacksmiley = {
+ doc = "black smiling face",
+ symbol = "☻"
+ },
+ blacktriangle = {
+ doc = "up triangle, filled",
+ symbol = "▴"
+ },
+ blacktriangledown = {
+ doc = "down triangle, filled",
+ symbol = "▾"
+ },
+ blacktriangleleft = {
+ doc = "(large) left triangle, filled",
+ symbol = "◀"
+ },
+ blacktriangleright = {
+ doc = "(large) right triangle, filled",
+ symbol = "▶"
+ },
+ blanksymbol = {
+ doc = "blank symbol",
+ symbol = "␢"
+ },
+ blkhorzoval = {
+ doc = "black horizontal ellipse",
+ symbol = "⬬"
+ },
+ blkvertoval = {
+ doc = "black vertical ellipse",
+ symbol = "⬮"
+ },
+ blockfull = {
+ doc = "full block",
+ symbol = "█"
+ },
+ blockhalfshaded = {
+ doc = "50\\% shaded block",
+ symbol = "▒"
+ },
+ blocklefthalf = {
+ doc = "left half block",
+ symbol = "▌"
+ },
+ blocklowhalf = {
+ doc = "lower half block",
+ symbol = "▄"
+ },
+ blockqtrshaded = {
+ doc = "25\\% shaded block",
+ symbol = "░"
+ },
+ blockrighthalf = {
+ doc = "right half block",
+ symbol = "▐"
+ },
+ blockthreeqtrshaded = {
+ doc = "75\\% shaded block",
+ symbol = "▓"
+ },
+ blockuphalf = {
+ doc = "upper half block",
+ symbol = "▀"
+ },
+ bot = {
+ doc = "bottom",
+ symbol = "⊥"
+ },
+ botsemicircle = {
+ doc = "lower half circle",
+ symbol = "◡"
+ },
+ bowtie = {
+ doc = "bowtie",
+ symbol = "⋈"
+ },
+ boxast = {
+ doc = "squared asterisk",
+ symbol = "⧆"
+ },
+ boxbar = {
+ doc = "vertical bar in box",
+ symbol = "◫"
+ },
+ boxbox = {
+ doc = "squared square",
+ symbol = "⧈"
+ },
+ boxbslash = {
+ doc = "squared falling diagonal slash",
+ symbol = "⧅"
+ },
+ boxcircle = {
+ doc = "squared small circle",
+ symbol = "⧇"
+ },
+ boxdiag = {
+ doc = "squared rising diagonal slash",
+ symbol = "⧄"
+ },
+ boxdot = {
+ doc = "/dotsquare /boxdot b: small dot in box",
+ symbol = "⊡"
+ },
+ boxminus = {
+ doc = "minus sign in box",
+ symbol = "⊟"
+ },
+ boxonbox = {
+ doc = "two joined squares",
+ symbol = "⧉"
+ },
+ boxplus = {
+ doc = "plus sign in box",
+ symbol = "⊞"
+ },
+ boxtimes = {
+ doc = "multiply sign in box",
+ symbol = "⊠"
+ },
+ breve = {
+ doc = "breve",
+ symbol = "◌̆"
+ },
+ bsimilarleftarrow = {
+ doc = "reverse tilde operator above leftwards arrow",
+ symbol = "⭁"
+ },
+ bsimilarrightarrow = {
+ doc = "reverse tilde operator above rightwards arrow",
+ symbol = "⭇"
+ },
+ bsolhsub = {
+ doc = "reverse solidus preceding subset",
+ symbol = "⟈"
+ },
+ btimes = {
+ doc = "semidirect product with bottom closed",
+ symbol = "⨲"
+ },
+ bullseye = {
+ doc = "bullseye",
+ symbol = "◎"
+ },
+ bumpeq = {
+ doc = "bumpy equals, equals",
+ symbol = "≏"
+ },
+ bumpeqq = {
+ doc = "equals sign with bumpy above",
+ symbol = "⪮"
+ },
+ candra = {
+ doc = "candrabindu (non-spacing)",
+ symbol = "◌̐"
+ },
+ cap = {
+ doc = "intersection",
+ symbol = "∩"
+ },
+ capbarcup = {
+ doc = "intersection above bar above union",
+ symbol = "⩉"
+ },
+ capdot = {
+ doc = "intersection with dot",
+ symbol = "⩀"
+ },
+ capovercup = {
+ doc = "intersection above union",
+ symbol = "⩇"
+ },
+ capwedge = {
+ doc = "intersection with logical and",
+ symbol = "⩄"
+ },
+ caretinsert = {
+ doc = "caret (insertion mark)",
+ symbol = "‸"
+ },
+ carriagereturn = {
+ doc = "downwards arrow with corner leftward = carriage return",
+ symbol = "↵"
+ },
+ ccwundercurvearrow = {
+ doc = "lower left semicircular anticlockwise arrow",
+ symbol = "⤿"
+ },
+ cdot = {
+ doc = "small middle dot",
+ symbol = "⋅"
+ },
+ cdotp = {
+ doc = "/centerdot b: middle dot",
+ symbol = "·"
+ },
+ check = {
+ doc = "caron",
+ symbol = "◌̌"
+ },
+ checkmark = {
+ doc = "tick, check mark",
+ symbol = "✓"
+ },
+ chi = {
+ doc = "small chi, greek",
+ symbol = "χ"
+ },
+ cirE = {
+ doc = "circle with two horizontal strokes to the right",
+ symbol = "⧃"
+ },
+ cirbot = {
+ doc = "up tack with circle above",
+ symbol = "⟟"
+ },
+ circeq = {
+ doc = "circle, equals",
+ symbol = "≗"
+ },
+ circlebottomhalfblack = {
+ doc = "circle, filled bottom half",
+ symbol = "◒"
+ },
+ circledast = {
+ doc = "asterisk in circle",
+ symbol = "⊛"
+ },
+ circledbullet = {
+ doc = "circled bullet",
+ symbol = "⦿"
+ },
+ circledcirc = {
+ doc = "small circle in circle",
+ symbol = "⊚"
+ },
+ circleddash = {
+ doc = "hyphen in circle",
+ symbol = "⊝"
+ },
+ circledequal = {
+ doc = "equal in circle",
+ symbol = "⊜"
+ },
+ circledownarrow = {
+ doc = "white circle with down arrow",
+ symbol = "⧬"
+ },
+ circledparallel = {
+ doc = "circled parallel",
+ symbol = "⦷"
+ },
+ circledrightdot = {
+ doc = "white circle with dot right",
+ symbol = "⚆"
+ },
+ circledstar = {
+ doc = "circled white star",
+ symbol = "✪"
+ },
+ circledtwodots = {
+ doc = "white circle with two dots",
+ symbol = "⚇"
+ },
+ circledvert = {
+ doc = "circled vertical bar",
+ symbol = "⦶"
+ },
+ circledwhitebullet = {
+ doc = "circled white bullet",
+ symbol = "⦾"
+ },
+ circlehbar = {
+ doc = "circle with horizontal bar",
+ symbol = "⦵"
+ },
+ circlelefthalfblack = {
+ doc = "circle, filled left half [harvey ball]",
+ symbol = "◐"
+ },
+ circlellquad = {
+ doc = "white circle with lower left quadrant",
+ symbol = "◵"
+ },
+ circlelrquad = {
+ doc = "white circle with lower right quadrant",
+ symbol = "◶"
+ },
+ circleonleftarrow = {
+ doc = "left arrow with small circle",
+ symbol = "⬰"
+ },
+ circleonrightarrow = {
+ doc = "right arrow with small circle",
+ symbol = "⇴"
+ },
+ circlerighthalfblack = {
+ doc = "circle, filled right half",
+ symbol = "◑"
+ },
+ circletophalfblack = {
+ doc = "circle, filled top half",
+ symbol = "◓"
+ },
+ circleulquad = {
+ doc = "white circle with upper left quadrant",
+ symbol = "◴"
+ },
+ circleurquad = {
+ doc = "white circle with upper right quadrant",
+ symbol = "◷"
+ },
+ circleurquadblack = {
+ doc = "circle with upper right quadrant black",
+ symbol = "◔"
+ },
+ circlevertfill = {
+ doc = "circle with vertical fill",
+ symbol = "◍"
+ },
+ cirfnint = {
+ doc = "circulation function",
+ symbol = "⨐"
+ },
+ cirmid = {
+ doc = "vertical line with circle above",
+ symbol = "⫯"
+ },
+ cirscir = {
+ doc = "circle with small circle to the right",
+ symbol = "⧂"
+ },
+ closedvarcap = {
+ doc = "closed intersection with serifs",
+ symbol = "⩍"
+ },
+ closedvarcup = {
+ doc = "closed union with serifs",
+ symbol = "⩌"
+ },
+ closedvarcupsmashprod = {
+ doc = "closed union with serifs and smash product",
+ symbol = "⩐"
+ },
+ closure = {
+ doc = "close up",
+ symbol = "⁐"
+ },
+ clubsuit = {
+ doc = "club suit symbol",
+ symbol = "♣"
+ },
+ coloneq = {
+ doc = "colon, equals",
+ symbol = "≔"
+ },
+ commaminus = {
+ doc = "minus sign with comma above",
+ symbol = "⨩"
+ },
+ complement = {
+ doc = "complement sign",
+ symbol = "∁"
+ },
+ concavediamond = {
+ doc = "white concave-sided diamond",
+ symbol = "⟡"
+ },
+ concavediamondtickleft = {
+ doc = "white concave-sided diamond with leftwards tick",
+ symbol = "⟢"
+ },
+ concavediamondtickright = {
+ doc = "white concave-sided diamond with rightwards tick",
+ symbol = "⟣"
+ },
+ cong = {
+ doc = "congruent with",
+ symbol = "≅"
+ },
+ congdot = {
+ doc = "congruent with dot above",
+ symbol = "⩭"
+ },
+ conictaper = {
+ doc = "conical taper",
+ symbol = "⌲"
+ },
+ conjquant = {
+ doc = "two logical and operator",
+ symbol = "⨇"
+ },
+ coprod = {
+ doc = "coproduct operator",
+ symbol = "∐"
+ },
+ csub = {
+ doc = "closed subset",
+ symbol = "⫏"
+ },
+ csube = {
+ doc = "closed subset or equal to",
+ symbol = "⫑"
+ },
+ csup = {
+ doc = "closed superset",
+ symbol = "⫐"
+ },
+ csupe = {
+ doc = "closed superset or equal to",
+ symbol = "⫒"
+ },
+ cuberoot = {
+ doc = "cube root",
+ symbol = "∛"
+ },
+ cup = {
+ doc = "union or logical sum",
+ symbol = "∪"
+ },
+ cupbarcap = {
+ doc = "union above bar above intersection",
+ symbol = "⩈"
+ },
+ cupdot = {
+ doc = "union, with dot",
+ symbol = "⊍"
+ },
+ cupleftarrow = {
+ doc = "multiset",
+ symbol = "⊌"
+ },
+ cupovercap = {
+ doc = "union above intersection",
+ symbol = "⩆"
+ },
+ cupvee = {
+ doc = "union with logical or",
+ symbol = "⩅"
+ },
+ curlyeqprec = {
+ doc = "curly equals, precedes",
+ symbol = "⋞"
+ },
+ curlyeqsucc = {
+ doc = "curly equals, succeeds",
+ symbol = "⋟"
+ },
+ curlyvee = {
+ doc = "curly logical or",
+ symbol = "⋎"
+ },
+ curlywedge = {
+ doc = "curly logical and",
+ symbol = "⋏"
+ },
+ curvearrowleft = {
+ doc = "left curved arrow",
+ symbol = "↶"
+ },
+ curvearrowleftplus = {
+ doc = "top arc anticlockwise arrow with plus",
+ symbol = "⤽"
+ },
+ curvearrowright = {
+ doc = "right curved arrow",
+ symbol = "↷"
+ },
+ curvearrowrightminus = {
+ doc = "top arc clockwise arrow with minus",
+ symbol = "⤼"
+ },
+ cwcirclearrow = {
+ doc = "clockwise closed circle arrow",
+ symbol = "⥁"
+ },
+ cwgapcirclearrow = {
+ doc = "clockwise gapped circle arrow",
+ symbol = "⟳"
+ },
+ cwopencirclearrow = {
+ doc = "clockwise open circle arrow",
+ symbol = "↻"
+ },
+ cwrightarcarrow = {
+ doc = "right-side arc clockwise arrow",
+ symbol = "⤸"
+ },
+ cwundercurvearrow = {
+ doc = "lower right semicircular clockwise arrow",
+ symbol = "⤾"
+ },
+ dagger = {
+ doc = "dagger relation",
+ symbol = "†"
+ },
+ daleth = {
+ doc = "daleth, hebrew",
+ symbol = "ℸ"
+ },
+ danger = {
+ doc = "dangerous bend (caution sign)",
+ symbol = "☡"
+ },
+ dashV = {
+ doc = "double vertical bar left turnstile",
+ symbol = "⫣"
+ },
+ dashVdash = {
+ doc = "left and right tack",
+ symbol = "⟛"
+ },
+ dashcolon = {
+ doc = "excess (-:)",
+ symbol = "∹"
+ },
+ dashleftharpoondown = {
+ doc = "leftwards harpoon with barb down below long dash",
+ symbol = "⥫"
+ },
+ dashrightharpoondown = {
+ doc = "rightwards harpoon with barb down below long dash",
+ symbol = "⥭"
+ },
+ dashv = {
+ doc = "dash, vertical",
+ symbol = "⊣"
+ },
+ dbkarrow = {
+ doc = "rightwards triple dash arrow",
+ symbol = "⤏"
+ },
+ ddagger = {
+ doc = "double dagger relation",
+ symbol = "‡"
+ },
+ ddddot = {
+ doc = "combining four dots above",
+ symbol = "◌⃜"
+ },
+ dddot = {
+ doc = "combining three dots above",
+ symbol = "◌⃛"
+ },
+ ddot = {
+ doc = "dieresis",
+ symbol = "◌̈"
+ },
+ ddots = {
+ doc = "three dots, descending",
+ symbol = "⋱"
+ },
+ ddotseq = {
+ doc = "equals sign with two dots above and two dots below",
+ symbol = "⩷"
+ },
+ delta = {
+ doc = "small delta, greek",
+ symbol = "δ"
+ },
+ diameter = {
+ doc = "diameter sign",
+ symbol = "⌀"
+ },
+ diamondbotblack = {
+ doc = "diamond with bottom half black",
+ symbol = "⬙"
+ },
+ diamondcdot = {
+ doc = "white diamond with centred dot",
+ symbol = "⟐"
+ },
+ diamondleftarrow = {
+ doc = "leftwards arrow to black diamond",
+ symbol = "⤝"
+ },
+ diamondleftarrowbar = {
+ doc = "leftwards arrow from bar to black diamond",
+ symbol = "⤟"
+ },
+ diamondleftblack = {
+ doc = "diamond with left half black",
+ symbol = "⬖"
+ },
+ diamondrightblack = {
+ doc = "diamond with right half black",
+ symbol = "⬗"
+ },
+ diamondsuit = {
+ doc = "diamond suit symbol",
+ symbol = "♢"
+ },
+ diamondtopblack = {
+ doc = "diamond with top half black",
+ symbol = "⬘"
+ },
+ dicei = {
+ doc = "die face-1",
+ symbol = "⚀"
+ },
+ diceii = {
+ doc = "die face-2",
+ symbol = "⚁"
+ },
+ diceiii = {
+ doc = "die face-3",
+ symbol = "⚂"
+ },
+ diceiv = {
+ doc = "die face-4",
+ symbol = "⚃"
+ },
+ dicev = {
+ doc = "die face-5",
+ symbol = "⚄"
+ },
+ dicevi = {
+ doc = "die face-6",
+ symbol = "⚅"
+ },
+ dingasterisk = {
+ doc = "heavy teardrop-spoked asterisk",
+ symbol = "✽"
+ },
+ disin = {
+ doc = "element of with long horizontal stroke",
+ symbol = "⋲"
+ },
+ disjquant = {
+ doc = "two logical or operator",
+ symbol = "⨈"
+ },
+ div = {
+ doc = "divide sign",
+ symbol = "÷"
+ },
+ divideontimes = {
+ doc = "division on times",
+ symbol = "⋇"
+ },
+ divslash = {
+ doc = "division slash",
+ symbol = "∕"
+ },
+ dot = {
+ doc = "dot above",
+ symbol = "◌̇"
+ },
+ doteq = {
+ doc = "equals, single dot above",
+ symbol = "≐"
+ },
+ dotequiv = {
+ doc = "identical with dot above",
+ symbol = "⩧"
+ },
+ dotminus = {
+ doc = "minus sign, dot above",
+ symbol = "∸"
+ },
+ dotplus = {
+ doc = "plus sign, dot above",
+ symbol = "∔"
+ },
+ dotsim = {
+ doc = "tilde operator with dot above",
+ symbol = "⩪"
+ },
+ dotsminusdots = {
+ doc = "minus with four dots, geometric properties",
+ symbol = "∺"
+ },
+ dottedcircle = {
+ doc = "dotted circle",
+ symbol = "◌"
+ },
+ dottedsquare = {
+ doc = "dotted square",
+ symbol = "⬚"
+ },
+ dottimes = {
+ doc = "multiplication sign with dot above",
+ symbol = "⨰"
+ },
+ doublebarvee = {
+ doc = "logical or with double overbar",
+ symbol = "⩢"
+ },
+ doublebarwedge = {
+ doc = "logical and with double overbar",
+ symbol = "⩞"
+ },
+ doubleplus = {
+ doc = "double plus",
+ symbol = "⧺"
+ },
+ downarrow = {
+ doc = "downward arrow",
+ symbol = "↓"
+ },
+ downarrowbar = {
+ doc = "downwards arrow to bar",
+ symbol = "⤓"
+ },
+ downarrowbarred = {
+ doc = "downwards arrow with horizontal stroke",
+ symbol = "⤈"
+ },
+ downdasharrow = {
+ doc = "downwards dashed arrow",
+ symbol = "⇣"
+ },
+ downdownarrows = {
+ doc = "two down arrows",
+ symbol = "⇊"
+ },
+ downfishtail = {
+ doc = "down fish tail",
+ symbol = "⥿"
+ },
+ downharpoonleft = {
+ doc = "down harpoon-left",
+ symbol = "⇃"
+ },
+ downharpoonleftbar = {
+ doc = "downwards harpoon with barb left to bar",
+ symbol = "⥙"
+ },
+ downharpoonright = {
+ doc = "down harpoon-right",
+ symbol = "⇂"
+ },
+ downharpoonrightbar = {
+ doc = "downwards harpoon with barb right to bar",
+ symbol = "⥕"
+ },
+ downharpoonsleftright = {
+ doc = "downwards harpoon with barb left beside downwards harpoon with barb right",
+ symbol = "⥥"
+ },
+ downrightcurvedarrow = {
+ doc = "arrow pointing rightwards then curving downwards",
+ symbol = "⤵"
+ },
+ downtriangleleftblack = {
+ doc = "down-pointing triangle with left half black",
+ symbol = "⧨"
+ },
+ downtrianglerightblack = {
+ doc = "down-pointing triangle with right half black",
+ symbol = "⧩"
+ },
+ downuparrows = {
+ doc = "downwards arrow leftwards of upwards arrow",
+ symbol = "⇵"
+ },
+ downupharpoonsleftright = {
+ doc = "downwards harpoon with barb left beside upwards harpoon with barb right",
+ symbol = "⥯"
+ },
+ downwhitearrow = {
+ doc = "downwards white arrow",
+ symbol = "⇩"
+ },
+ downzigzagarrow = {
+ doc = "downwards zigzag arrow",
+ symbol = "↯"
+ },
+ dprime = {
+ doc = "double prime or second, not superscripted",
+ symbol = "″"
+ },
+ draftingarrow = {
+ doc = "right arrow with bold head (drafting)",
+ symbol = "➛"
+ },
+ drbkarrow = {
+ doc = "rightwards two-headed triple dash arrow",
+ symbol = "⤐"
+ },
+ droang = {
+ doc = "left angle above (non-spacing)",
+ symbol = "◌̚"
+ },
+ dsol = {
+ doc = "solidus with overbar",
+ symbol = "⧶"
+ },
+ dsub = {
+ doc = "z notation domain antirestriction",
+ symbol = "⩤"
+ },
+ dualmap = {
+ doc = "double-ended multimap",
+ symbol = "⧟"
+ },
+ egsdot = {
+ doc = "slanted equal to or greater-than with dot inside",
+ symbol = "⪘"
+ },
+ eighthnote = {
+ doc = "eighth note",
+ symbol = "♪"
+ },
+ elinters = {
+ doc = "electrical intersection",
+ symbol = "⏧"
+ },
+ ell = {
+ doc = "cursive small l",
+ symbol = "ℓ"
+ },
+ elsdot = {
+ doc = "slanted equal to or less-than with dot inside",
+ symbol = "⪗"
+ },
+ emptysetoarr = {
+ doc = "empty set with right arrow above",
+ symbol = "⦳"
+ },
+ emptysetoarrl = {
+ doc = "empty set with left arrow above",
+ symbol = "⦴"
+ },
+ emptysetobar = {
+ doc = "empty set with overbar",
+ symbol = "⦱"
+ },
+ emptysetocirc = {
+ doc = "empty set with small circle above",
+ symbol = "⦲"
+ },
+ enclosecircle = {
+ doc = "combining enclosing circle",
+ symbol = "⃝"
+ },
+ enclosediamond = {
+ doc = "combining enclosing diamond",
+ symbol = "⃟"
+ },
+ enclosesquare = {
+ doc = "combining enclosing square",
+ symbol = "⃞"
+ },
+ enclosetriangle = {
+ doc = "combining enclosing upward pointing triangle",
+ symbol = "⃤"
+ },
+ enleadertwodots = {
+ doc = "double baseline dot (en leader)",
+ symbol = "‥"
+ },
+ eparsl = {
+ doc = "equals sign and slanted parallel",
+ symbol = "⧣"
+ },
+ epsilon = {
+ doc = "greek lunate varepsilon symbol",
+ symbol = "ϵ"
+ },
+ eqcirc = {
+ doc = "circle on equals sign",
+ symbol = "≖"
+ },
+ eqcolon = {
+ doc = "equals, colon",
+ symbol = "≕"
+ },
+ eqdef = {
+ doc = "equals by definition",
+ symbol = "≝"
+ },
+ eqdot = {
+ doc = "equals sign with dot below",
+ symbol = "⩦"
+ },
+ eqeq = {
+ doc = "two consecutive equals signs",
+ symbol = "⩵"
+ },
+ eqeqeq = {
+ doc = "three consecutive equals signs",
+ symbol = "⩶"
+ },
+ eqgtr = {
+ doc = "equal-or-greater",
+ symbol = "⋝"
+ },
+ eqless = {
+ doc = "equal-or-less",
+ symbol = "⋜"
+ },
+ eqqgtr = {
+ doc = "double-line equal to or greater-than",
+ symbol = "⪚"
+ },
+ eqqless = {
+ doc = "double-line equal to or less-than",
+ symbol = "⪙"
+ },
+ eqqplus = {
+ doc = "equals sign above plus sign",
+ symbol = "⩱"
+ },
+ eqqsim = {
+ doc = "equals sign above tilde operator",
+ symbol = "⩳"
+ },
+ eqqslantgtr = {
+ doc = "double-line slanted equal to or greater-than",
+ symbol = "⪜"
+ },
+ eqqslantless = {
+ doc = "double-line slanted equal to or less-than",
+ symbol = "⪛"
+ },
+ eqsim = {
+ doc = "equals, similar",
+ symbol = "≂"
+ },
+ eqslantgtr = {
+ doc = "slanted equal to or greater-than",
+ symbol = "⪖"
+ },
+ eqslantless = {
+ doc = "slanted equal to or less-than",
+ symbol = "⪕"
+ },
+ equal = {
+ doc = "equals sign r:",
+ symbol = "="
+ },
+ equalleftarrow = {
+ doc = "equals sign above leftwards arrow",
+ symbol = "⭀"
+ },
+ equalparallel = {
+ doc = "parallel, equal; equal or parallel",
+ symbol = "⋕"
+ },
+ equalrightarrow = {
+ doc = "equals sign above rightwards arrow",
+ symbol = "⥱"
+ },
+ equiv = {
+ doc = "identical with",
+ symbol = "≡"
+ },
+ equivDD = {
+ doc = "equivalent with four dots above",
+ symbol = "⩸"
+ },
+ equivVert = {
+ doc = "triple horizontal bar with double vertical stroke",
+ symbol = "⩨"
+ },
+ equivVvert = {
+ doc = "triple horizontal bar with triple vertical stroke",
+ symbol = "⩩"
+ },
+ eqvparsl = {
+ doc = "identical to and slanted parallel",
+ symbol = "⧥"
+ },
+ errbarblackcircle = {
+ doc = "error-barred black circle",
+ symbol = "⧳"
+ },
+ errbarblackdiamond = {
+ doc = "error-barred black diamond",
+ symbol = "⧱"
+ },
+ errbarblacksquare = {
+ doc = "error-barred black square",
+ symbol = "⧯"
+ },
+ errbarcircle = {
+ doc = "error-barred white circle",
+ symbol = "⧲"
+ },
+ errbardiamond = {
+ doc = "error-barred white diamond",
+ symbol = "⧰"
+ },
+ errbarsquare = {
+ doc = "error-barred white square",
+ symbol = "⧮"
+ },
+ eta = {
+ doc = "small eta, greek",
+ symbol = "η"
+ },
+ euro = {
+ doc = "euro sign",
+ symbol = "€"
+ },
+ exists = {
+ doc = "at least one exists",
+ symbol = "∃"
+ },
+ fallingdotseq = {
+ doc = "equals, falling dots",
+ symbol = "≒"
+ },
+ fbowtie = {
+ doc = "black bowtie",
+ symbol = "⧓"
+ },
+ fcmp = {
+ doc = "z notation relational composition",
+ symbol = "⨾"
+ },
+ fdiagovnearrow = {
+ doc = "falling diagonal crossing north east arrow",
+ symbol = "⤯"
+ },
+ fdiagovrdiag = {
+ doc = "falling diagonal crossing rising diagonal",
+ symbol = "⤬"
+ },
+ female = {
+ doc = "venus, female",
+ symbol = "♀"
+ },
+ fint = {
+ doc = "integral average with slash",
+ symbol = "⨏"
+ },
+ fisheye = {
+ doc = "fisheye",
+ symbol = "◉"
+ },
+ flat = {
+ doc = "musical flat",
+ symbol = "♭"
+ },
+ fltns = {
+ doc = "flatness",
+ symbol = "⏥"
+ },
+ forall = {
+ doc = "for all",
+ symbol = "∀"
+ },
+ forks = {
+ doc = "forking",
+ symbol = "⫝̸"
+ },
+ forksnot = {
+ doc = "nonforking",
+ symbol = "⫝"
+ },
+ forkv = {
+ doc = "element of opening downwards",
+ symbol = "⫙"
+ },
+ fourthroot = {
+ doc = "fourth root",
+ symbol = "∜"
+ },
+ fourvdots = {
+ doc = "dotted fence",
+ symbol = "⦙"
+ },
+ fracslash = {
+ doc = "fraction slash",
+ symbol = "⁄"
+ },
+ frown = {
+ doc = "down curve",
+ symbol = "⌢"
+ },
+ fullouterjoin = {
+ doc = "full outer join",
+ symbol = "⟗"
+ },
+ gamma = {
+ doc = "small gamma, greek",
+ symbol = "γ"
+ },
+ geq = {
+ doc = "/geq /ge r: greater-than-or-equal",
+ symbol = "≥"
+ },
+ geqq = {
+ doc = "greater, double equals",
+ symbol = "≧"
+ },
+ geqqslant = {
+ doc = "double-line slanted greater-than or equal to",
+ symbol = "⫺"
+ },
+ geqslant = {
+ doc = "greater-than or slanted equal to",
+ symbol = "⩾"
+ },
+ gescc = {
+ doc = "greater-than closed by curve above slanted equal",
+ symbol = "⪩"
+ },
+ gesdot = {
+ doc = "greater-than or slanted equal to with dot inside",
+ symbol = "⪀"
+ },
+ gesdoto = {
+ doc = "greater-than or slanted equal to with dot above",
+ symbol = "⪂"
+ },
+ gesdotol = {
+ doc = "greater-than or slanted equal to with dot above left",
+ symbol = "⪄"
+ },
+ gesles = {
+ doc = "greater-than above slanted equal above less-than above slanted equal",
+ symbol = "⪔"
+ },
+ gg = {
+ doc = "much greater than, type 2",
+ symbol = "≫"
+ },
+ ggg = {
+ doc = "/ggg /gg /gggtr r: triple greater-than",
+ symbol = "⋙"
+ },
+ gggnest = {
+ doc = "stacked very much greater-than",
+ symbol = "⫸"
+ },
+ gimel = {
+ doc = "gimel, hebrew",
+ symbol = "ℷ"
+ },
+ glE = {
+ doc = "greater-than above less-than above double-line equal",
+ symbol = "⪒"
+ },
+ gla = {
+ doc = "greater-than beside less-than",
+ symbol = "⪥"
+ },
+ gleichstark = {
+ doc = "gleich stark",
+ symbol = "⧦"
+ },
+ glj = {
+ doc = "greater-than overlapping less-than",
+ symbol = "⪤"
+ },
+ gnapprox = {
+ doc = "greater-than and not approximate",
+ symbol = "⪊"
+ },
+ gneq = {
+ doc = "greater-than and single-line not equal to",
+ symbol = "⪈"
+ },
+ gneqq = {
+ doc = "greater, not double equals",
+ symbol = "≩"
+ },
+ gnsim = {
+ doc = "greater, not similar",
+ symbol = "⋧"
+ },
+ grave = {
+ doc = "grave accent",
+ symbol = "◌̀"
+ },
+ greater = {
+ doc = "greater-than sign r:",
+ symbol = ">"
+ },
+ gsime = {
+ doc = "greater-than above similar or equal",
+ symbol = "⪎"
+ },
+ gsiml = {
+ doc = "greater-than above similar above less-than",
+ symbol = "⪐"
+ },
+ gtcc = {
+ doc = "greater-than closed by curve",
+ symbol = "⪧"
+ },
+ gtcir = {
+ doc = "greater-than with circle inside",
+ symbol = "⩺"
+ },
+ gtlpar = {
+ doc = "spherical angle opening left",
+ symbol = "⦠"
+ },
+ gtquest = {
+ doc = "greater-than with question mark above",
+ symbol = "⩼"
+ },
+ gtrapprox = {
+ doc = "greater-than or approximate",
+ symbol = "⪆"
+ },
+ gtrarr = {
+ doc = "greater-than above rightwards arrow",
+ symbol = "⥸"
+ },
+ gtrdot = {
+ doc = "greater than, with dot",
+ symbol = "⋗"
+ },
+ gtreqless = {
+ doc = "greater, equals, less",
+ symbol = "⋛"
+ },
+ gtreqqless = {
+ doc = "greater-than above double-line equal above less-than",
+ symbol = "⪌"
+ },
+ gtrless = {
+ doc = "greater, less",
+ symbol = "≷"
+ },
+ gtrsim = {
+ doc = "greater, similar",
+ symbol = "≳"
+ },
+ harrowextender = {
+ doc = "horizontal line extension (used to extend arrows)",
+ symbol = "⎯"
+ },
+ hat = {
+ doc = "circumflex accent",
+ symbol = "◌̂"
+ },
+ hatapprox = {
+ doc = "almost equal to with circumflex accent",
+ symbol = "⩯"
+ },
+ heartsuit = {
+ doc = "heart suit symbol",
+ symbol = "♡"
+ },
+ hermitmatrix = {
+ doc = "hermitian conjugate matrix",
+ symbol = "⊹"
+ },
+ hexagon = {
+ doc = "horizontal benzene ring [hexagon flat open]",
+ symbol = "⎔"
+ },
+ hexagonblack = {
+ doc = "horizontal black hexagon",
+ symbol = "⬣"
+ },
+ hknearrow = {
+ doc = "north east arrow with hook",
+ symbol = "⤤"
+ },
+ hknwarrow = {
+ doc = "north west arrow with hook",
+ symbol = "⤣"
+ },
+ hksearrow = {
+ doc = "south east arrow with hook",
+ symbol = "⤥"
+ },
+ hkswarrow = {
+ doc = "south west arrow with hook",
+ symbol = "⤦"
+ },
+ hookleftarrow = {
+ doc = "left arrow-hooked",
+ symbol = "↩"
+ },
+ hookrightarrow = {
+ doc = "right arrow-hooked",
+ symbol = "↪"
+ },
+ horizbar = {
+ doc = "horizontal bar",
+ symbol = "―"
+ },
+ hourglass = {
+ doc = "white hourglass",
+ symbol = "⧖"
+ },
+ house = {
+ doc = "house",
+ symbol = "⌂"
+ },
+ hrectangle = {
+ doc = "horizontal rectangle, open",
+ symbol = "▭"
+ },
+ hrectangleblack = {
+ doc = "black rectangle",
+ symbol = "▬"
+ },
+ hslash = {
+ doc = "/hslash - variant planck's over 2pi",
+ symbol = "ℏ"
+ },
+ hyphenbullet = {
+ doc = "rectangle, filled (hyphen bullet)",
+ symbol = "⁃"
+ },
+ hzigzag = {
+ doc = "zigzag",
+ symbol = "〰"
+ },
+ iiiint = {
+ doc = "quadruple integral operator",
+ symbol = "⨌"
+ },
+ iiint = {
+ doc = "triple integral operator",
+ symbol = "∭"
+ },
+ iinfin = {
+ doc = "incomplete infinity",
+ symbol = "⧜"
+ },
+ iint = {
+ doc = "double integral operator",
+ symbol = "∬"
+ },
+ imageof = {
+ doc = "image of",
+ symbol = "⊷"
+ },
+ imath = {
+ doc = "mathematical italic small dotless i",
+ symbol = "𝚤"
+ },
+ ["in"] = {
+ doc = "set membership, variant",
+ symbol = "∈"
+ },
+ increment = {
+ doc = "laplacian (delta; nabla\\string^2)",
+ symbol = "∆"
+ },
+ infty = {
+ doc = "infinity",
+ symbol = "∞"
+ },
+ int = {
+ doc = "integral operator",
+ symbol = "∫"
+ },
+ intBar = {
+ doc = "integral with double stroke",
+ symbol = "⨎"
+ },
+ intbar = {
+ doc = "finite part integral",
+ symbol = "⨍"
+ },
+ intbottom = {
+ doc = "bottom half integral",
+ symbol = "⌡"
+ },
+ intcap = {
+ doc = "integral with intersection",
+ symbol = "⨙"
+ },
+ intclockwise = {
+ doc = "clockwise integral",
+ symbol = "∱"
+ },
+ intcup = {
+ doc = "integral with union",
+ symbol = "⨚"
+ },
+ intercal = {
+ doc = "intercal",
+ symbol = "⊺"
+ },
+ interleave = {
+ doc = "triple vertical bar binary relation",
+ symbol = "⫴"
+ },
+ intextender = {
+ doc = "integral extension",
+ symbol = "⎮"
+ },
+ intlarhk = {
+ doc = "integral with leftwards arrow with hook",
+ symbol = "⨗"
+ },
+ intprod = {
+ doc = "interior product",
+ symbol = "⨼"
+ },
+ intprodr = {
+ doc = "righthand interior product",
+ symbol = "⨽"
+ },
+ inttop = {
+ doc = "top half integral",
+ symbol = "⌠"
+ },
+ intx = {
+ doc = "integral with times sign",
+ symbol = "⨘"
+ },
+ inversebullet = {
+ doc = "inverse bullet",
+ symbol = "◘"
+ },
+ inversewhitecircle = {
+ doc = "inverse white circle",
+ symbol = "◙"
+ },
+ invlazys = {
+ doc = "most positive [inverted lazy s]",
+ symbol = "∾"
+ },
+ invnot = {
+ doc = "reverse not",
+ symbol = "⌐"
+ },
+ invwhitelowerhalfcircle = {
+ doc = "lower half inverse white circle",
+ symbol = "◛"
+ },
+ invwhiteupperhalfcircle = {
+ doc = "upper half inverse white circle",
+ symbol = "◚"
+ },
+ iota = {
+ doc = "small iota, greek",
+ symbol = "ι"
+ },
+ isinE = {
+ doc = "element of with two horizontal strokes",
+ symbol = "⋹"
+ },
+ isindot = {
+ doc = "element of with dot above",
+ symbol = "⋵"
+ },
+ isinobar = {
+ doc = "small element of with overbar",
+ symbol = "⋷"
+ },
+ isins = {
+ doc = "small element of with vertical bar at end of horizontal stroke",
+ symbol = "⋴"
+ },
+ isinvb = {
+ doc = "element of with underbar",
+ symbol = "⋸"
+ },
+ jmath = {
+ doc = "mathematical italic small dotless j",
+ symbol = "𝚥"
+ },
+ kappa = {
+ doc = "small kappa, greek",
+ symbol = "κ"
+ },
+ kernelcontraction = {
+ doc = "homothetic",
+ symbol = "∻"
+ },
+ lAngle = {
+ doc = "mathematical left double angle bracket",
+ symbol = "⟪"
+ },
+ lBrace = {
+ doc = "left white curly bracket",
+ symbol = "⦃"
+ },
+ lBrack = {
+ doc = "mathematical left white square bracket",
+ symbol = "⟦"
+ },
+ lParen = {
+ doc = "left white parenthesis",
+ symbol = "⦅"
+ },
+ lambda = {
+ doc = "small lambda, greek",
+ symbol = "λ"
+ },
+ langle = {
+ doc = "mathematical left angle bracket",
+ symbol = "⟨"
+ },
+ langledot = {
+ doc = "left angle bracket with dot",
+ symbol = "⦑"
+ },
+ laplac = {
+ doc = "square with contoured outline",
+ symbol = "⧠"
+ },
+ lat = {
+ doc = "larger than",
+ symbol = "⪫"
+ },
+ late = {
+ doc = "larger than or equal to",
+ symbol = "⪭"
+ },
+ lbag = {
+ doc = "left s-shaped bag delimiter",
+ symbol = "⟅"
+ },
+ lblkbrbrak = {
+ doc = "left black tortoise shell bracket",
+ symbol = "⦗"
+ },
+ lbrace = {
+ doc = "left curly bracket",
+ symbol = "{"
+ },
+ lbracelend = {
+ doc = "left curly bracket lower hook",
+ symbol = "⎩"
+ },
+ lbracemid = {
+ doc = "left curly bracket middle piece",
+ symbol = "⎨"
+ },
+ lbraceuend = {
+ doc = "left curly bracket upper hook",
+ symbol = "⎧"
+ },
+ lbrack = {
+ doc = "left square bracket",
+ symbol = "["
+ },
+ lbrackextender = {
+ doc = "left square bracket extension",
+ symbol = "⎢"
+ },
+ lbracklend = {
+ doc = "left square bracket lower corner",
+ symbol = "⎣"
+ },
+ lbracklltick = {
+ doc = "left square bracket with tick in bottom corner",
+ symbol = "⦏"
+ },
+ lbrackubar = {
+ doc = "left square bracket with underbar",
+ symbol = "⦋"
+ },
+ lbrackuend = {
+ doc = "left square bracket upper corner",
+ symbol = "⎡"
+ },
+ lbrackultick = {
+ doc = "left square bracket with tick in top corner",
+ symbol = "⦍"
+ },
+ lbrbrak = {
+ doc = "light left tortoise shell bracket ornament",
+ symbol = "❲"
+ },
+ lceil = {
+ doc = "left ceiling",
+ symbol = "⌈"
+ },
+ lcurvyangle = {
+ doc = "left pointing curved angle bracket",
+ symbol = "⧼"
+ },
+ leftarrow = {
+ doc = "/leftarrow /gets a: leftward arrow",
+ symbol = "←"
+ },
+ leftarrowapprox = {
+ doc = "leftwards arrow above almost equal to",
+ symbol = "⭊"
+ },
+ leftarrowbackapprox = {
+ doc = "leftwards arrow above reverse almost equal to",
+ symbol = "⭂"
+ },
+ leftarrowbsimilar = {
+ doc = "leftwards arrow above reverse tilde operator",
+ symbol = "⭋"
+ },
+ leftarrowless = {
+ doc = "leftwards arrow through less-than",
+ symbol = "⥷"
+ },
+ leftarrowonoplus = {
+ doc = "left arrow with circled plus",
+ symbol = "⬲"
+ },
+ leftarrowplus = {
+ doc = "leftwards arrow with plus below",
+ symbol = "⥆"
+ },
+ leftarrowshortrightarrow = {
+ doc = "leftwards arrow above short rightwards arrow",
+ symbol = "⥃"
+ },
+ leftarrowsimilar = {
+ doc = "leftwards arrow above tilde operator",
+ symbol = "⥳"
+ },
+ leftarrowsubset = {
+ doc = "leftwards arrow through subset",
+ symbol = "⥺"
+ },
+ leftarrowtail = {
+ doc = "left arrow-tailed",
+ symbol = "↢"
+ },
+ leftarrowtriangle = {
+ doc = "leftwards open-headed arrow",
+ symbol = "⇽"
+ },
+ leftarrowx = {
+ doc = "leftwards arrow through x",
+ symbol = "⬾"
+ },
+ leftbkarrow = {
+ doc = "leftwards double dash arrow",
+ symbol = "⤌"
+ },
+ leftcurvedarrow = {
+ doc = "wave arrow pointing directly left",
+ symbol = "⬿"
+ },
+ leftdasharrow = {
+ doc = "leftwards dashed arrow",
+ symbol = "⇠"
+ },
+ leftdbkarrow = {
+ doc = "leftwards triple dash arrow",
+ symbol = "⤎"
+ },
+ leftdbltail = {
+ doc = "leftwards double arrow-tail",
+ symbol = "⤛"
+ },
+ leftdotarrow = {
+ doc = "leftwards arrow with dotted stem",
+ symbol = "⬸"
+ },
+ leftdowncurvedarrow = {
+ doc = "arrow pointing downwards then curving leftwards",
+ symbol = "⤶"
+ },
+ leftfishtail = {
+ doc = "left fish tail",
+ symbol = "⥼"
+ },
+ leftharpoonaccent = {
+ doc = "combining left harpoon above",
+ symbol = "◌⃐"
+ },
+ leftharpoondown = {
+ doc = "left harpoon-down",
+ symbol = "↽"
+ },
+ leftharpoondownbar = {
+ doc = "leftwards harpoon with barb down from bar",
+ symbol = "⥞"
+ },
+ leftharpoonsupdown = {
+ doc = "leftwards harpoon with barb up above leftwards harpoon with barb down",
+ symbol = "⥢"
+ },
+ leftharpoonup = {
+ doc = "left harpoon-up",
+ symbol = "↼"
+ },
+ leftharpoonupbar = {
+ doc = "leftwards harpoon with barb up from bar",
+ symbol = "⥚"
+ },
+ leftharpoonupdash = {
+ doc = "leftwards harpoon with barb up above long dash",
+ symbol = "⥪"
+ },
+ leftleftarrows = {
+ doc = "two left arrows",
+ symbol = "⇇"
+ },
+ leftmoon = {
+ doc = "last quarter moon",
+ symbol = "☾"
+ },
+ leftouterjoin = {
+ doc = "left outer join",
+ symbol = "⟕"
+ },
+ leftrightarrow = {
+ doc = "left and right arrow",
+ symbol = "↔"
+ },
+ leftrightarrowcircle = {
+ doc = "left right arrow through small circle",
+ symbol = "⥈"
+ },
+ leftrightarrows = {
+ doc = "left arrow over right arrow",
+ symbol = "⇆"
+ },
+ leftrightarrowtriangle = {
+ doc = "left right open-headed arrow",
+ symbol = "⇿"
+ },
+ leftrightharpoondowndown = {
+ doc = "left barb down right barb down harpoon",
+ symbol = "⥐"
+ },
+ leftrightharpoondownup = {
+ doc = "left barb down right barb up harpoon",
+ symbol = "⥋"
+ },
+ leftrightharpoons = {
+ doc = "left harpoon over right",
+ symbol = "⇋"
+ },
+ leftrightharpoonsdown = {
+ doc = "leftwards harpoon with barb down above rightwards harpoon with barb down",
+ symbol = "⥧"
+ },
+ leftrightharpoonsup = {
+ doc = "leftwards harpoon with barb up above rightwards harpoon with barb up",
+ symbol = "⥦"
+ },
+ leftrightharpoonupdown = {
+ doc = "left barb up right barb down harpoon",
+ symbol = "⥊"
+ },
+ leftrightharpoonupup = {
+ doc = "left barb up right barb up harpoon",
+ symbol = "⥎"
+ },
+ leftrightsquigarrow = {
+ doc = "left and right arr-wavy",
+ symbol = "↭"
+ },
+ leftsquigarrow = {
+ doc = "leftwards squiggle arrow",
+ symbol = "⇜"
+ },
+ lefttail = {
+ doc = "leftwards arrow-tail",
+ symbol = "⤙"
+ },
+ leftthreearrows = {
+ doc = "three leftwards arrows",
+ symbol = "⬱"
+ },
+ leftthreetimes = {
+ doc = "left semidirect product",
+ symbol = "⋋"
+ },
+ leftwavearrow = {
+ doc = "left arrow-wavy",
+ symbol = "↜"
+ },
+ leftwhitearrow = {
+ doc = "leftwards white arrow",
+ symbol = "⇦"
+ },
+ leq = {
+ doc = "/leq /le r: less-than-or-equal",
+ symbol = "≤"
+ },
+ leqq = {
+ doc = "less, double equals",
+ symbol = "≦"
+ },
+ leqqslant = {
+ doc = "double-line slanted less-than or equal to",
+ symbol = "⫹"
+ },
+ leqslant = {
+ doc = "less-than or slanted equal to",
+ symbol = "⩽"
+ },
+ lescc = {
+ doc = "less-than closed by curve above slanted equal",
+ symbol = "⪨"
+ },
+ lesdot = {
+ doc = "less-than or slanted equal to with dot inside",
+ symbol = "⩿"
+ },
+ lesdoto = {
+ doc = "less-than or slanted equal to with dot above",
+ symbol = "⪁"
+ },
+ lesdotor = {
+ doc = "less-than or slanted equal to with dot above right",
+ symbol = "⪃"
+ },
+ lesges = {
+ doc = "less-than above slanted equal above greater-than above slanted equal",
+ symbol = "⪓"
+ },
+ less = {
+ doc = "less-than sign r:",
+ symbol = "<"
+ },
+ lessapprox = {
+ doc = "less-than or approximate",
+ symbol = "⪅"
+ },
+ lessdot = {
+ doc = "less than, with dot",
+ symbol = "⋖"
+ },
+ lesseqgtr = {
+ doc = "less, equals, greater",
+ symbol = "⋚"
+ },
+ lesseqqgtr = {
+ doc = "less-than above double-line equal above greater-than",
+ symbol = "⪋"
+ },
+ lessgtr = {
+ doc = "less, greater",
+ symbol = "≶"
+ },
+ lesssim = {
+ doc = "less, similar",
+ symbol = "≲"
+ },
+ lfbowtie = {
+ doc = "left black bowtie",
+ symbol = "⧑"
+ },
+ lfloor = {
+ doc = "left floor",
+ symbol = "⌊"
+ },
+ lftimes = {
+ doc = "left black times",
+ symbol = "⧔"
+ },
+ lgE = {
+ doc = "less-than above greater-than above double-line equal",
+ symbol = "⪑"
+ },
+ lgblkcircle = {
+ doc = "black large circle",
+ symbol = "⬤"
+ },
+ lgblksquare = {
+ doc = "black large square",
+ symbol = "⬛"
+ },
+ lgroup = {
+ doc = "mathematical left flattened parenthesis",
+ symbol = "⟮"
+ },
+ lgwhtcircle = {
+ doc = "large circle",
+ symbol = "◯"
+ },
+ lgwhtsquare = {
+ doc = "white large square",
+ symbol = "⬜"
+ },
+ linefeed = {
+ doc = "rightwards arrow with corner downwards",
+ symbol = "↴"
+ },
+ ll = {
+ doc = "much less than, type 2",
+ symbol = "≪"
+ },
+ llangle = {
+ doc = "z notation left binding bracket",
+ symbol = "⦉"
+ },
+ llarc = {
+ doc = "lower left quadrant circular arc",
+ symbol = "◟"
+ },
+ llblacktriangle = {
+ doc = "lower left triangle, filled",
+ symbol = "◣"
+ },
+ llcorner = {
+ doc = "lower left corner",
+ symbol = "⌞"
+ },
+ lll = {
+ doc = "/ll /lll /llless r: triple less-than",
+ symbol = "⋘"
+ },
+ lllnest = {
+ doc = "stacked very much less-than",
+ symbol = "⫷"
+ },
+ llparenthesis = {
+ doc = "z notation left image bracket",
+ symbol = "⦇"
+ },
+ lltriangle = {
+ doc = "lower left triangle",
+ symbol = "◺"
+ },
+ lmoustache = {
+ doc = "upper left or lower right curly bracket section",
+ symbol = "⎰"
+ },
+ lnapprox = {
+ doc = "less-than and not approximate",
+ symbol = "⪉"
+ },
+ lneq = {
+ doc = "less-than and single-line not equal to",
+ symbol = "⪇"
+ },
+ lneqq = {
+ doc = "less, not double equals",
+ symbol = "≨"
+ },
+ lnsim = {
+ doc = "less, not similar",
+ symbol = "⋦"
+ },
+ longdashv = {
+ doc = "long right tack",
+ symbol = "⟞"
+ },
+ longdivision = {
+ doc = "long division",
+ symbol = "⟌"
+ },
+ longleftarrow = {
+ doc = "long leftwards arrow",
+ symbol = "⟵"
+ },
+ longleftrightarrow = {
+ doc = "long left right arrow",
+ symbol = "⟷"
+ },
+ longleftsquigarrow = {
+ doc = "long leftwards squiggle arrow",
+ symbol = "⬳"
+ },
+ longmapsfrom = {
+ doc = "long leftwards arrow from bar",
+ symbol = "⟻"
+ },
+ longmapsto = {
+ doc = "long rightwards arrow from bar",
+ symbol = "⟼"
+ },
+ longrightarrow = {
+ doc = "long rightwards arrow",
+ symbol = "⟶"
+ },
+ longrightsquigarrow = {
+ doc = "long rightwards squiggle arrow",
+ symbol = "⟿"
+ },
+ looparrowleft = {
+ doc = "left arrow-looped",
+ symbol = "↫"
+ },
+ looparrowright = {
+ doc = "right arrow-looped",
+ symbol = "↬"
+ },
+ lowint = {
+ doc = "integral with underbar",
+ symbol = "⨜"
+ },
+ lozengeminus = {
+ doc = "lozenge divided by horizontal rule",
+ symbol = "⟠"
+ },
+ lparen = {
+ doc = "left parenthesis",
+ symbol = "("
+ },
+ lparenextender = {
+ doc = "left parenthesis extension",
+ symbol = "⎜"
+ },
+ lparenlend = {
+ doc = "left parenthesis lower hook",
+ symbol = "⎝"
+ },
+ lparenless = {
+ doc = "left arc less-than bracket",
+ symbol = "⦓"
+ },
+ lparenuend = {
+ doc = "left parenthesis upper hook",
+ symbol = "⎛"
+ },
+ lrarc = {
+ doc = "lower right quadrant circular arc",
+ symbol = "◞"
+ },
+ lrblacktriangle = {
+ doc = "lower right triangle, filled",
+ symbol = "◢"
+ },
+ lrcorner = {
+ doc = "lower right corner",
+ symbol = "⌟"
+ },
+ lrtriangle = {
+ doc = "lower right triangle",
+ symbol = "◿"
+ },
+ lrtriangleeq = {
+ doc = "increases as",
+ symbol = "⧡"
+ },
+ lsime = {
+ doc = "less-than above similar or equal",
+ symbol = "⪍"
+ },
+ lsimg = {
+ doc = "less-than above similar above greater-than",
+ symbol = "⪏"
+ },
+ lsqhook = {
+ doc = "square left open box operator",
+ symbol = "⫍"
+ },
+ ltcc = {
+ doc = "less-than closed by curve",
+ symbol = "⪦"
+ },
+ ltcir = {
+ doc = "less-than with circle inside",
+ symbol = "⩹"
+ },
+ ltimes = {
+ doc = "times sign, left closed",
+ symbol = "⋉"
+ },
+ ltlarr = {
+ doc = "less-than above leftwards arrow",
+ symbol = "⥶"
+ },
+ ltquest = {
+ doc = "less-than with question mark above",
+ symbol = "⩻"
+ },
+ ltrivb = {
+ doc = "left triangle beside vertical bar",
+ symbol = "⧏"
+ },
+ lvboxline = {
+ doc = "left vertical box line",
+ symbol = "⎸"
+ },
+ lvzigzag = {
+ doc = "left wiggly fence",
+ symbol = "⧘"
+ },
+ male = {
+ doc = "mars, male",
+ symbol = "♂"
+ },
+ maltese = {
+ doc = "maltese cross",
+ symbol = "✠"
+ },
+ mapsdown = {
+ doc = "maps to, downward",
+ symbol = "↧"
+ },
+ mapsfrom = {
+ doc = "maps to, leftward",
+ symbol = "↤"
+ },
+ mapsto = {
+ doc = "maps to, rightward",
+ symbol = "↦"
+ },
+ mapsup = {
+ doc = "maps to, upward",
+ symbol = "↥"
+ },
+ mathampersand = {
+ doc = "ampersand",
+ symbol = "&"
+ },
+ mathatsign = {
+ doc = "commercial at",
+ symbol = "@"
+ },
+ mathcolon = {
+ doc = "colon",
+ symbol = ":"
+ },
+ mathcomma = {
+ doc = "comma",
+ symbol = ","
+ },
+ mathdollar = {
+ doc = "dollar sign",
+ symbol = "$"
+ },
+ matheth = {
+ doc = "eth",
+ symbol = "ð"
+ },
+ mathexclam = {
+ doc = "exclamation mark",
+ symbol = "!"
+ },
+ mathhyphen = {
+ doc = "hyphen",
+ symbol = "‐"
+ },
+ mathoctothorpe = {
+ doc = "number sign",
+ symbol = "#"
+ },
+ mathparagraph = {
+ doc = "paragraph symbol",
+ symbol = "¶"
+ },
+ mathpercent = {
+ doc = "percent sign",
+ symbol = "%"
+ },
+ mathperiod = {
+ doc = "full stop, period",
+ symbol = "."
+ },
+ mathplus = {
+ doc = "plus sign b:",
+ symbol = "+"
+ },
+ mathquestion = {
+ doc = "question mark",
+ symbol = "?"
+ },
+ mathratio = {
+ doc = "ratio",
+ symbol = "∶"
+ },
+ mathsection = {
+ doc = "section symbol",
+ symbol = "§"
+ },
+ mathsemicolon = {
+ doc = "semicolon p:",
+ symbol = ";"
+ },
+ mathslash = {
+ doc = "solidus",
+ symbol = "/"
+ },
+ mathsterling = {
+ doc = "pound sign",
+ symbol = "£"
+ },
+ mathunderbar = {
+ doc = "combining low line",
+ symbol = "◌̲"
+ },
+ mathvisiblespace = {
+ doc = "open box",
+ symbol = "␣"
+ },
+ mathyen = {
+ doc = "yen sign",
+ symbol = "¥"
+ },
+ mbfA = {
+ doc = "mathematical bold capital a",
+ symbol = "𝐀"
+ },
+ mbfAlpha = {
+ doc = "mathematical bold capital alpha",
+ symbol = "𝚨"
+ },
+ mbfB = {
+ doc = "mathematical bold capital b",
+ symbol = "𝐁"
+ },
+ mbfBeta = {
+ doc = "mathematical bold capital beta",
+ symbol = "𝚩"
+ },
+ mbfC = {
+ doc = "mathematical bold capital c",
+ symbol = "𝐂"
+ },
+ mbfChi = {
+ doc = "mathematical bold capital chi",
+ symbol = "𝚾"
+ },
+ mbfD = {
+ doc = "mathematical bold capital d",
+ symbol = "𝐃"
+ },
+ mbfDelta = {
+ doc = "mathematical bold capital delta",
+ symbol = "𝚫"
+ },
+ mbfDigamma = {
+ doc = "mathematical bold capital digamma",
+ symbol = "𝟊"
+ },
+ mbfE = {
+ doc = "mathematical bold capital e",
+ symbol = "𝐄"
+ },
+ mbfEpsilon = {
+ doc = "mathematical bold capital epsilon",
+ symbol = "𝚬"
+ },
+ mbfEta = {
+ doc = "mathematical bold capital eta",
+ symbol = "𝚮"
+ },
+ mbfF = {
+ doc = "mathematical bold capital f",
+ symbol = "𝐅"
+ },
+ mbfG = {
+ doc = "mathematical bold capital g",
+ symbol = "𝐆"
+ },
+ mbfGamma = {
+ doc = "mathematical bold capital gamma",
+ symbol = "𝚪"
+ },
+ mbfH = {
+ doc = "mathematical bold capital h",
+ symbol = "𝐇"
+ },
+ mbfI = {
+ doc = "mathematical bold capital i",
+ symbol = "𝐈"
+ },
+ mbfIota = {
+ doc = "mathematical bold capital iota",
+ symbol = "𝚰"
+ },
+ mbfJ = {
+ doc = "mathematical bold capital j",
+ symbol = "𝐉"
+ },
+ mbfK = {
+ doc = "mathematical bold capital k",
+ symbol = "𝐊"
+ },
+ mbfKappa = {
+ doc = "mathematical bold capital kappa",
+ symbol = "𝚱"
+ },
+ mbfL = {
+ doc = "mathematical bold capital l",
+ symbol = "𝐋"
+ },
+ mbfLambda = {
+ doc = "mathematical bold capital lambda",
+ symbol = "𝚲"
+ },
+ mbfM = {
+ doc = "mathematical bold capital m",
+ symbol = "𝐌"
+ },
+ mbfMu = {
+ doc = "mathematical bold capital mu",
+ symbol = "𝚳"
+ },
+ mbfN = {
+ doc = "mathematical bold capital n",
+ symbol = "𝐍"
+ },
+ mbfNu = {
+ doc = "mathematical bold capital nu",
+ symbol = "𝚴"
+ },
+ mbfO = {
+ doc = "mathematical bold capital o",
+ symbol = "𝐎"
+ },
+ mbfOmega = {
+ doc = "mathematical bold capital omega",
+ symbol = "𝛀"
+ },
+ mbfOmicron = {
+ doc = "mathematical bold capital omicron",
+ symbol = "𝚶"
+ },
+ mbfP = {
+ doc = "mathematical bold capital p",
+ symbol = "𝐏"
+ },
+ mbfPhi = {
+ doc = "mathematical bold capital phi",
+ symbol = "𝚽"
+ },
+ mbfPi = {
+ doc = "mathematical bold capital pi",
+ symbol = "𝚷"
+ },
+ mbfPsi = {
+ doc = "mathematical bold capital psi",
+ symbol = "𝚿"
+ },
+ mbfQ = {
+ doc = "mathematical bold capital q",
+ symbol = "𝐐"
+ },
+ mbfR = {
+ doc = "mathematical bold capital r",
+ symbol = "𝐑"
+ },
+ mbfRho = {
+ doc = "mathematical bold capital rho",
+ symbol = "𝚸"
+ },
+ mbfS = {
+ doc = "mathematical bold capital s",
+ symbol = "𝐒"
+ },
+ mbfSigma = {
+ doc = "mathematical bold capital sigma",
+ symbol = "𝚺"
+ },
+ mbfT = {
+ doc = "mathematical bold capital t",
+ symbol = "𝐓"
+ },
+ mbfTau = {
+ doc = "mathematical bold capital tau",
+ symbol = "𝚻"
+ },
+ mbfTheta = {
+ doc = "mathematical bold capital theta",
+ symbol = "𝚯"
+ },
+ mbfU = {
+ doc = "mathematical bold capital u",
+ symbol = "𝐔"
+ },
+ mbfUpsilon = {
+ doc = "mathematical bold capital upsilon",
+ symbol = "𝚼"
+ },
+ mbfV = {
+ doc = "mathematical bold capital v",
+ symbol = "𝐕"
+ },
+ mbfW = {
+ doc = "mathematical bold capital w",
+ symbol = "𝐖"
+ },
+ mbfX = {
+ doc = "mathematical bold capital x",
+ symbol = "𝐗"
+ },
+ mbfXi = {
+ doc = "mathematical bold capital xi",
+ symbol = "𝚵"
+ },
+ mbfY = {
+ doc = "mathematical bold capital y",
+ symbol = "𝐘"
+ },
+ mbfZ = {
+ doc = "mathematical bold capital z",
+ symbol = "𝐙"
+ },
+ mbfZeta = {
+ doc = "mathematical bold capital zeta",
+ symbol = "𝚭"
+ },
+ mbfa = {
+ doc = "mathematical bold small a",
+ symbol = "𝐚"
+ },
+ mbfalpha = {
+ doc = "mathematical bold small alpha",
+ symbol = "𝛂"
+ },
+ mbfb = {
+ doc = "mathematical bold small b",
+ symbol = "𝐛"
+ },
+ mbfbeta = {
+ doc = "mathematical bold small beta",
+ symbol = "𝛃"
+ },
+ mbfc = {
+ doc = "mathematical bold small c",
+ symbol = "𝐜"
+ },
+ mbfchi = {
+ doc = "mathematical bold small chi",
+ symbol = "𝛘"
+ },
+ mbfd = {
+ doc = "mathematical bold small d",
+ symbol = "𝐝"
+ },
+ mbfdelta = {
+ doc = "mathematical bold small delta",
+ symbol = "𝛅"
+ },
+ mbfdigamma = {
+ doc = "mathematical bold small digamma",
+ symbol = "𝟋"
+ },
+ mbfe = {
+ doc = "mathematical bold small e",
+ symbol = "𝐞"
+ },
+ mbfeight = {
+ doc = "mathematical bold digit 8",
+ symbol = "𝟖"
+ },
+ mbfepsilon = {
+ doc = "mathematical bold varepsilon symbol",
+ symbol = "𝛜"
+ },
+ mbfeta = {
+ doc = "mathematical bold small eta",
+ symbol = "𝛈"
+ },
+ mbff = {
+ doc = "mathematical bold small f",
+ symbol = "𝐟"
+ },
+ mbffive = {
+ doc = "mathematical bold digit 5",
+ symbol = "𝟓"
+ },
+ mbffour = {
+ doc = "mathematical bold digit 4",
+ symbol = "𝟒"
+ },
+ mbffrakA = {
+ doc = "mathematical bold fraktur capital a",
+ symbol = "𝕬"
+ },
+ mbffrakB = {
+ doc = "mathematical bold fraktur capital b",
+ symbol = "𝕭"
+ },
+ mbffrakC = {
+ doc = "mathematical bold fraktur capital c",
+ symbol = "𝕮"
+ },
+ mbffrakD = {
+ doc = "mathematical bold fraktur capital d",
+ symbol = "𝕯"
+ },
+ mbffrakE = {
+ doc = "mathematical bold fraktur capital e",
+ symbol = "𝕰"
+ },
+ mbffrakF = {
+ doc = "mathematical bold fraktur capital f",
+ symbol = "𝕱"
+ },
+ mbffrakG = {
+ doc = "mathematical bold fraktur capital g",
+ symbol = "𝕲"
+ },
+ mbffrakH = {
+ doc = "mathematical bold fraktur capital h",
+ symbol = "𝕳"
+ },
+ mbffrakI = {
+ doc = "mathematical bold fraktur capital i",
+ symbol = "𝕴"
+ },
+ mbffrakJ = {
+ doc = "mathematical bold fraktur capital j",
+ symbol = "𝕵"
+ },
+ mbffrakK = {
+ doc = "mathematical bold fraktur capital k",
+ symbol = "𝕶"
+ },
+ mbffrakL = {
+ doc = "mathematical bold fraktur capital l",
+ symbol = "𝕷"
+ },
+ mbffrakM = {
+ doc = "mathematical bold fraktur capital m",
+ symbol = "𝕸"
+ },
+ mbffrakN = {
+ doc = "mathematical bold fraktur capital n",
+ symbol = "𝕹"
+ },
+ mbffrakO = {
+ doc = "mathematical bold fraktur capital o",
+ symbol = "𝕺"
+ },
+ mbffrakP = {
+ doc = "mathematical bold fraktur capital p",
+ symbol = "𝕻"
+ },
+ mbffrakQ = {
+ doc = "mathematical bold fraktur capital q",
+ symbol = "𝕼"
+ },
+ mbffrakR = {
+ doc = "mathematical bold fraktur capital r",
+ symbol = "𝕽"
+ },
+ mbffrakS = {
+ doc = "mathematical bold fraktur capital s",
+ symbol = "𝕾"
+ },
+ mbffrakT = {
+ doc = "mathematical bold fraktur capital t",
+ symbol = "𝕿"
+ },
+ mbffrakU = {
+ doc = "mathematical bold fraktur capital u",
+ symbol = "𝖀"
+ },
+ mbffrakV = {
+ doc = "mathematical bold fraktur capital v",
+ symbol = "𝖁"
+ },
+ mbffrakW = {
+ doc = "mathematical bold fraktur capital w",
+ symbol = "𝖂"
+ },
+ mbffrakX = {
+ doc = "mathematical bold fraktur capital x",
+ symbol = "𝖃"
+ },
+ mbffrakY = {
+ doc = "mathematical bold fraktur capital y",
+ symbol = "𝖄"
+ },
+ mbffrakZ = {
+ doc = "mathematical bold fraktur capital z",
+ symbol = "𝖅"
+ },
+ mbffraka = {
+ doc = "mathematical bold fraktur small a",
+ symbol = "𝖆"
+ },
+ mbffrakb = {
+ doc = "mathematical bold fraktur small b",
+ symbol = "𝖇"
+ },
+ mbffrakc = {
+ doc = "mathematical bold fraktur small c",
+ symbol = "𝖈"
+ },
+ mbffrakd = {
+ doc = "mathematical bold fraktur small d",
+ symbol = "𝖉"
+ },
+ mbffrake = {
+ doc = "mathematical bold fraktur small e",
+ symbol = "𝖊"
+ },
+ mbffrakf = {
+ doc = "mathematical bold fraktur small f",
+ symbol = "𝖋"
+ },
+ mbffrakg = {
+ doc = "mathematical bold fraktur small g",
+ symbol = "𝖌"
+ },
+ mbffrakh = {
+ doc = "mathematical bold fraktur small h",
+ symbol = "𝖍"
+ },
+ mbffraki = {
+ doc = "mathematical bold fraktur small i",
+ symbol = "𝖎"
+ },
+ mbffrakj = {
+ doc = "mathematical bold fraktur small j",
+ symbol = "𝖏"
+ },
+ mbffrakk = {
+ doc = "mathematical bold fraktur small k",
+ symbol = "𝖐"
+ },
+ mbffrakl = {
+ doc = "mathematical bold fraktur small l",
+ symbol = "𝖑"
+ },
+ mbffrakm = {
+ doc = "mathematical bold fraktur small m",
+ symbol = "𝖒"
+ },
+ mbffrakn = {
+ doc = "mathematical bold fraktur small n",
+ symbol = "𝖓"
+ },
+ mbffrako = {
+ doc = "mathematical bold fraktur small o",
+ symbol = "𝖔"
+ },
+ mbffrakp = {
+ doc = "mathematical bold fraktur small p",
+ symbol = "𝖕"
+ },
+ mbffrakq = {
+ doc = "mathematical bold fraktur small q",
+ symbol = "𝖖"
+ },
+ mbffrakr = {
+ doc = "mathematical bold fraktur small r",
+ symbol = "𝖗"
+ },
+ mbffraks = {
+ doc = "mathematical bold fraktur small s",
+ symbol = "𝖘"
+ },
+ mbffrakt = {
+ doc = "mathematical bold fraktur small t",
+ symbol = "𝖙"
+ },
+ mbffraku = {
+ doc = "mathematical bold fraktur small u",
+ symbol = "𝖚"
+ },
+ mbffrakv = {
+ doc = "mathematical bold fraktur small v",
+ symbol = "𝖛"
+ },
+ mbffrakw = {
+ doc = "mathematical bold fraktur small w",
+ symbol = "𝖜"
+ },
+ mbffrakx = {
+ doc = "mathematical bold fraktur small x",
+ symbol = "𝖝"
+ },
+ mbffraky = {
+ doc = "mathematical bold fraktur small y",
+ symbol = "𝖞"
+ },
+ mbffrakz = {
+ doc = "mathematical bold fraktur small z",
+ symbol = "𝖟"
+ },
+ mbfg = {
+ doc = "mathematical bold small g",
+ symbol = "𝐠"
+ },
+ mbfgamma = {
+ doc = "mathematical bold small gamma",
+ symbol = "𝛄"
+ },
+ mbfh = {
+ doc = "mathematical bold small h",
+ symbol = "𝐡"
+ },
+ mbfi = {
+ doc = "mathematical bold small i",
+ symbol = "𝐢"
+ },
+ mbfiota = {
+ doc = "mathematical bold small iota",
+ symbol = "𝛊"
+ },
+ mbfitA = {
+ doc = "mathematical bold italic capital a",
+ symbol = "𝑨"
+ },
+ mbfitAlpha = {
+ doc = "mathematical bold italic capital alpha",
+ symbol = "𝜜"
+ },
+ mbfitB = {
+ doc = "mathematical bold italic capital b",
+ symbol = "𝑩"
+ },
+ mbfitBeta = {
+ doc = "mathematical bold italic capital beta",
+ symbol = "𝜝"
+ },
+ mbfitC = {
+ doc = "mathematical bold italic capital c",
+ symbol = "𝑪"
+ },
+ mbfitChi = {
+ doc = "mathematical bold italic capital chi",
+ symbol = "𝜲"
+ },
+ mbfitD = {
+ doc = "mathematical bold italic capital d",
+ symbol = "𝑫"
+ },
+ mbfitDelta = {
+ doc = "mathematical bold italic capital delta",
+ symbol = "𝜟"
+ },
+ mbfitE = {
+ doc = "mathematical bold italic capital e",
+ symbol = "𝑬"
+ },
+ mbfitEpsilon = {
+ doc = "mathematical bold italic capital epsilon",
+ symbol = "𝜠"
+ },
+ mbfitEta = {
+ doc = "mathematical bold italic capital eta",
+ symbol = "𝜢"
+ },
+ mbfitF = {
+ doc = "mathematical bold italic capital f",
+ symbol = "𝑭"
+ },
+ mbfitG = {
+ doc = "mathematical bold italic capital g",
+ symbol = "𝑮"
+ },
+ mbfitGamma = {
+ doc = "mathematical bold italic capital gamma",
+ symbol = "𝜞"
+ },
+ mbfitH = {
+ doc = "mathematical bold italic capital h",
+ symbol = "𝑯"
+ },
+ mbfitI = {
+ doc = "mathematical bold italic capital i",
+ symbol = "𝑰"
+ },
+ mbfitIota = {
+ doc = "mathematical bold italic capital iota",
+ symbol = "𝜤"
+ },
+ mbfitJ = {
+ doc = "mathematical bold italic capital j",
+ symbol = "𝑱"
+ },
+ mbfitK = {
+ doc = "mathematical bold italic capital k",
+ symbol = "𝑲"
+ },
+ mbfitKappa = {
+ doc = "mathematical bold italic capital kappa",
+ symbol = "𝜥"
+ },
+ mbfitL = {
+ doc = "mathematical bold italic capital l",
+ symbol = "𝑳"
+ },
+ mbfitLambda = {
+ doc = "mathematical bold italic capital lambda",
+ symbol = "𝜦"
+ },
+ mbfitM = {
+ doc = "mathematical bold italic capital m",
+ symbol = "𝑴"
+ },
+ mbfitMu = {
+ doc = "mathematical bold italic capital mu",
+ symbol = "𝜧"
+ },
+ mbfitN = {
+ doc = "mathematical bold italic capital n",
+ symbol = "𝑵"
+ },
+ mbfitNu = {
+ doc = "mathematical bold italic capital nu",
+ symbol = "𝜨"
+ },
+ mbfitO = {
+ doc = "mathematical bold italic capital o",
+ symbol = "𝑶"
+ },
+ mbfitOmega = {
+ doc = "mathematical bold italic capital omega",
+ symbol = "𝜴"
+ },
+ mbfitOmicron = {
+ doc = "mathematical bold italic capital omicron",
+ symbol = "𝜪"
+ },
+ mbfitP = {
+ doc = "mathematical bold italic capital p",
+ symbol = "𝑷"
+ },
+ mbfitPhi = {
+ doc = "mathematical bold italic capital phi",
+ symbol = "𝜱"
+ },
+ mbfitPi = {
+ doc = "mathematical bold italic capital pi",
+ symbol = "𝜫"
+ },
+ mbfitPsi = {
+ doc = "mathematical bold italic capital psi",
+ symbol = "𝜳"
+ },
+ mbfitQ = {
+ doc = "mathematical bold italic capital q",
+ symbol = "𝑸"
+ },
+ mbfitR = {
+ doc = "mathematical bold italic capital r",
+ symbol = "𝑹"
+ },
+ mbfitRho = {
+ doc = "mathematical bold italic capital rho",
+ symbol = "𝜬"
+ },
+ mbfitS = {
+ doc = "mathematical bold italic capital s",
+ symbol = "𝑺"
+ },
+ mbfitSigma = {
+ doc = "mathematical bold italic capital sigma",
+ symbol = "𝜮"
+ },
+ mbfitT = {
+ doc = "mathematical bold italic capital t",
+ symbol = "𝑻"
+ },
+ mbfitTau = {
+ doc = "mathematical bold italic capital tau",
+ symbol = "𝜯"
+ },
+ mbfitTheta = {
+ doc = "mathematical bold italic capital theta",
+ symbol = "𝜣"
+ },
+ mbfitU = {
+ doc = "mathematical bold italic capital u",
+ symbol = "𝑼"
+ },
+ mbfitUpsilon = {
+ doc = "mathematical bold italic capital upsilon",
+ symbol = "𝜰"
+ },
+ mbfitV = {
+ doc = "mathematical bold italic capital v",
+ symbol = "𝑽"
+ },
+ mbfitW = {
+ doc = "mathematical bold italic capital w",
+ symbol = "𝑾"
+ },
+ mbfitX = {
+ doc = "mathematical bold italic capital x",
+ symbol = "𝑿"
+ },
+ mbfitXi = {
+ doc = "mathematical bold italic capital xi",
+ symbol = "𝜩"
+ },
+ mbfitY = {
+ doc = "mathematical bold italic capital y",
+ symbol = "𝒀"
+ },
+ mbfitZ = {
+ doc = "mathematical bold italic capital z",
+ symbol = "𝒁"
+ },
+ mbfitZeta = {
+ doc = "mathematical bold italic capital zeta",
+ symbol = "𝜡"
+ },
+ mbfita = {
+ doc = "mathematical bold italic small a",
+ symbol = "𝒂"
+ },
+ mbfitalpha = {
+ doc = "mathematical bold italic small alpha",
+ symbol = "𝜶"
+ },
+ mbfitb = {
+ doc = "mathematical bold italic small b",
+ symbol = "𝒃"
+ },
+ mbfitbeta = {
+ doc = "mathematical bold italic small beta",
+ symbol = "𝜷"
+ },
+ mbfitc = {
+ doc = "mathematical bold italic small c",
+ symbol = "𝒄"
+ },
+ mbfitchi = {
+ doc = "mathematical bold italic small chi",
+ symbol = "𝝌"
+ },
+ mbfitd = {
+ doc = "mathematical bold italic small d",
+ symbol = "𝒅"
+ },
+ mbfitdelta = {
+ doc = "mathematical bold italic small delta",
+ symbol = "𝜹"
+ },
+ mbfite = {
+ doc = "mathematical bold italic small e",
+ symbol = "𝒆"
+ },
+ mbfitepsilon = {
+ doc = "mathematical bold italic varepsilon symbol",
+ symbol = "𝝐"
+ },
+ mbfiteta = {
+ doc = "mathematical bold italic small eta",
+ symbol = "𝜼"
+ },
+ mbfitf = {
+ doc = "mathematical bold italic small f",
+ symbol = "𝒇"
+ },
+ mbfitg = {
+ doc = "mathematical bold italic small g",
+ symbol = "𝒈"
+ },
+ mbfitgamma = {
+ doc = "mathematical bold italic small gamma",
+ symbol = "𝜸"
+ },
+ mbfith = {
+ doc = "mathematical bold italic small h",
+ symbol = "𝒉"
+ },
+ mbfiti = {
+ doc = "mathematical bold italic small i",
+ symbol = "𝒊"
+ },
+ mbfitiota = {
+ doc = "mathematical bold italic small iota",
+ symbol = "𝜾"
+ },
+ mbfitj = {
+ doc = "mathematical bold italic small j",
+ symbol = "𝒋"
+ },
+ mbfitk = {
+ doc = "mathematical bold italic small k",
+ symbol = "𝒌"
+ },
+ mbfitkappa = {
+ doc = "mathematical bold italic small kappa",
+ symbol = "𝜿"
+ },
+ mbfitl = {
+ doc = "mathematical bold italic small l",
+ symbol = "𝒍"
+ },
+ mbfitlambda = {
+ doc = "mathematical bold italic small lambda",
+ symbol = "𝝀"
+ },
+ mbfitm = {
+ doc = "mathematical bold italic small m",
+ symbol = "𝒎"
+ },
+ mbfitmu = {
+ doc = "mathematical bold italic small mu",
+ symbol = "𝝁"
+ },
+ mbfitn = {
+ doc = "mathematical bold italic small n",
+ symbol = "𝒏"
+ },
+ mbfitnabla = {
+ doc = "mathematical bold italic nabla",
+ symbol = "𝜵"
+ },
+ mbfitnu = {
+ doc = "mathematical bold italic small nu",
+ symbol = "𝝂"
+ },
+ mbfito = {
+ doc = "mathematical bold italic small o",
+ symbol = "𝒐"
+ },
+ mbfitomega = {
+ doc = "mathematical bold italic small omega",
+ symbol = "𝝎"
+ },
+ mbfitomicron = {
+ doc = "mathematical bold italic small omicron",
+ symbol = "𝝄"
+ },
+ mbfitp = {
+ doc = "mathematical bold italic small p",
+ symbol = "𝒑"
+ },
+ mbfitpartial = {
+ doc = "mathematical bold italic partial differential",
+ symbol = "𝝏"
+ },
+ mbfitphi = {
+ doc = "mathematical bold italic phi symbol",
+ symbol = "𝝓"
+ },
+ mbfitpi = {
+ doc = "mathematical bold italic small pi",
+ symbol = "𝝅"
+ },
+ mbfitpsi = {
+ doc = "mathematical bold italic small psi",
+ symbol = "𝝍"
+ },
+ mbfitq = {
+ doc = "mathematical bold italic small q",
+ symbol = "𝒒"
+ },
+ mbfitr = {
+ doc = "mathematical bold italic small r",
+ symbol = "𝒓"
+ },
+ mbfitrho = {
+ doc = "mathematical bold italic small rho",
+ symbol = "𝝆"
+ },
+ mbfits = {
+ doc = "mathematical bold italic small s",
+ symbol = "𝒔"
+ },
+ mbfitsansA = {
+ doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold italic capital a",
+ symbol = "𝘼"
+ },
+ mbfitsansAlpha = {
+ doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold italic capital alpha",
+ symbol = "𝞐"
+ },
+ mbfitsansB = {
+ doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold italic capital b",
+ symbol = "𝘽"
+ },
+ mbfitsansBeta = {
+ doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold italic capital beta",
+ symbol = "𝞑"
+ },
+ mbfitsansC = {
+ doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold italic capital c",
+ symbol = "𝘾"
+ },
+ mbfitsansChi = {
+ doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold italic capital chi",
+ symbol = "𝞦"
+ },
+ mbfitsansD = {
+ doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold italic capital d",
+ symbol = "𝘿"
+ },
+ mbfitsansDelta = {
+ doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold italic capital delta",
+ symbol = "𝞓"
+ },
+ mbfitsansE = {
+ doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold italic capital e",
+ symbol = "𝙀"
+ },
+ mbfitsansEpsilon = {
+ doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold italic capital epsilon",
+ symbol = "𝞔"
+ },
+ mbfitsansEta = {
+ doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold italic capital eta",
+ symbol = "𝞖"
+ },
+ mbfitsansF = {
+ doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold italic capital f",
+ symbol = "𝙁"
+ },
+ mbfitsansG = {
+ doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold italic capital g",
+ symbol = "𝙂"
+ },
+ mbfitsansGamma = {
+ doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold italic capital gamma",
+ symbol = "𝞒"
+ },
+ mbfitsansH = {
+ doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold italic capital h",
+ symbol = "𝙃"
+ },
+ mbfitsansI = {
+ doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold italic capital i",
+ symbol = "𝙄"
+ },
+ mbfitsansIota = {
+ doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold italic capital iota",
+ symbol = "𝞘"
+ },
+ mbfitsansJ = {
+ doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold italic capital j",
+ symbol = "𝙅"
+ },
+ mbfitsansK = {
+ doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold italic capital k",
+ symbol = "𝙆"
+ },
+ mbfitsansKappa = {
+ doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold italic capital kappa",
+ symbol = "𝞙"
+ },
+ mbfitsansL = {
+ doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold italic capital l",
+ symbol = "𝙇"
+ },
+ mbfitsansLambda = {
+ doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold italic capital lambda",
+ symbol = "𝞚"
+ },
+ mbfitsansM = {
+ doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold italic capital m",
+ symbol = "𝙈"
+ },
+ mbfitsansMu = {
+ doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold italic capital mu",
+ symbol = "𝞛"
+ },
+ mbfitsansN = {
+ doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold italic capital n",
+ symbol = "𝙉"
+ },
+ mbfitsansNu = {
+ doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold italic capital nu",
+ symbol = "𝞜"
+ },
+ mbfitsansO = {
+ doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold italic capital o",
+ symbol = "𝙊"
+ },
+ mbfitsansOmega = {
+ doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold italic capital omega",
+ symbol = "𝞨"
+ },
+ mbfitsansOmicron = {
+ doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold italic capital omicron",
+ symbol = "𝞞"
+ },
+ mbfitsansP = {
+ doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold italic capital p",
+ symbol = "𝙋"
+ },
+ mbfitsansPhi = {
+ doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold italic capital phi",
+ symbol = "𝞥"
+ },
+ mbfitsansPi = {
+ doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold italic capital pi",
+ symbol = "𝞟"
+ },
+ mbfitsansPsi = {
+ doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold italic capital psi",
+ symbol = "𝞧"
+ },
+ mbfitsansQ = {
+ doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold italic capital q",
+ symbol = "𝙌"
+ },
+ mbfitsansR = {
+ doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold italic capital r",
+ symbol = "𝙍"
+ },
+ mbfitsansRho = {
+ doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold italic capital rho",
+ symbol = "𝞠"
+ },
+ mbfitsansS = {
+ doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold italic capital s",
+ symbol = "𝙎"
+ },
+ mbfitsansSigma = {
+ doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold italic capital sigma",
+ symbol = "𝞢"
+ },
+ mbfitsansT = {
+ doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold italic capital t",
+ symbol = "𝙏"
+ },
+ mbfitsansTau = {
+ doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold italic capital tau",
+ symbol = "𝞣"
+ },
+ mbfitsansTheta = {
+ doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold italic capital theta",
+ symbol = "𝞗"
+ },
+ mbfitsansU = {
+ doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold italic capital u",
+ symbol = "𝙐"
+ },
+ mbfitsansUpsilon = {
+ doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold italic capital upsilon",
+ symbol = "𝞤"
+ },
+ mbfitsansV = {
+ doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold italic capital v",
+ symbol = "𝙑"
+ },
+ mbfitsansW = {
+ doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold italic capital w",
+ symbol = "𝙒"
+ },
+ mbfitsansX = {
+ doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold italic capital x",
+ symbol = "𝙓"
+ },
+ mbfitsansXi = {
+ doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold italic capital xi",
+ symbol = "𝞝"
+ },
+ mbfitsansY = {
+ doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold italic capital y",
+ symbol = "𝙔"
+ },
+ mbfitsansZ = {
+ doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold italic capital z",
+ symbol = "𝙕"
+ },
+ mbfitsansZeta = {
+ doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold italic capital zeta",
+ symbol = "𝞕"
+ },
+ mbfitsansa = {
+ doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold italic small a",
+ symbol = "𝙖"
+ },
+ mbfitsansalpha = {
+ doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold italic small alpha",
+ symbol = "𝞪"
+ },
+ mbfitsansb = {
+ doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold italic small b",
+ symbol = "𝙗"
+ },
+ mbfitsansbeta = {
+ doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold italic small beta",
+ symbol = "𝞫"
+ },
+ mbfitsansc = {
+ doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold italic small c",
+ symbol = "𝙘"
+ },
+ mbfitsanschi = {
+ doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold italic small chi",
+ symbol = "𝟀"
+ },
+ mbfitsansd = {
+ doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold italic small d",
+ symbol = "𝙙"
+ },
+ mbfitsansdelta = {
+ doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold italic small delta",
+ symbol = "𝞭"
+ },
+ mbfitsanse = {
+ doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold italic small e",
+ symbol = "𝙚"
+ },
+ mbfitsansepsilon = {
+ doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold italic varepsilon symbol",
+ symbol = "𝟄"
+ },
+ mbfitsanseta = {
+ doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold italic small eta",
+ symbol = "𝞰"
+ },
+ mbfitsansf = {
+ doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold italic small f",
+ symbol = "𝙛"
+ },
+ mbfitsansg = {
+ doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold italic small g",
+ symbol = "𝙜"
+ },
+ mbfitsansgamma = {
+ doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold italic small gamma",
+ symbol = "𝞬"
+ },
+ mbfitsansh = {
+ doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold italic small h",
+ symbol = "𝙝"
+ },
+ mbfitsansi = {
+ doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold italic small i",
+ symbol = "𝙞"
+ },
+ mbfitsansiota = {
+ doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold italic small iota",
+ symbol = "𝞲"
+ },
+ mbfitsansj = {
+ doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold italic small j",
+ symbol = "𝙟"
+ },
+ mbfitsansk = {
+ doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold italic small k",
+ symbol = "𝙠"
+ },
+ mbfitsanskappa = {
+ doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold italic small kappa",
+ symbol = "𝞳"
+ },
+ mbfitsansl = {
+ doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold italic small l",
+ symbol = "𝙡"
+ },
+ mbfitsanslambda = {
+ doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold italic small lambda",
+ symbol = "𝞴"
+ },
+ mbfitsansm = {
+ doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold italic small m",
+ symbol = "𝙢"
+ },
+ mbfitsansmu = {
+ doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold italic small mu",
+ symbol = "𝞵"
+ },
+ mbfitsansn = {
+ doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold italic small n",
+ symbol = "𝙣"
+ },
+ mbfitsansnabla = {
+ doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold italic nabla",
+ symbol = "𝞩"
+ },
+ mbfitsansnu = {
+ doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold italic small nu",
+ symbol = "𝞶"
+ },
+ mbfitsanso = {
+ doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold italic small o",
+ symbol = "𝙤"
+ },
+ mbfitsansomega = {
+ doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold italic small omega",
+ symbol = "𝟂"
+ },
+ mbfitsansomicron = {
+ doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold italic small omicron",
+ symbol = "𝞸"
+ },
+ mbfitsansp = {
+ doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold italic small p",
+ symbol = "𝙥"
+ },
+ mbfitsanspartial = {
+ doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold italic partial differential",
+ symbol = "𝟃"
+ },
+ mbfitsansphi = {
+ doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold italic phi symbol",
+ symbol = "𝟇"
+ },
+ mbfitsanspi = {
+ doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold italic small pi",
+ symbol = "𝞹"
+ },
+ mbfitsanspsi = {
+ doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold italic small psi",
+ symbol = "𝟁"
+ },
+ mbfitsansq = {
+ doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold italic small q",
+ symbol = "𝙦"
+ },
+ mbfitsansr = {
+ doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold italic small r",
+ symbol = "𝙧"
+ },
+ mbfitsansrho = {
+ doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold italic small rho",
+ symbol = "𝞺"
+ },
+ mbfitsanss = {
+ doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold italic small s",
+ symbol = "𝙨"
+ },
+ mbfitsanssigma = {
+ doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold italic small sigma",
+ symbol = "𝞼"
+ },
+ mbfitsanst = {
+ doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold italic small t",
+ symbol = "𝙩"
+ },
+ mbfitsanstau = {
+ doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold italic small tau",
+ symbol = "𝞽"
+ },
+ mbfitsanstheta = {
+ doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold italic small theta",
+ symbol = "𝞱"
+ },
+ mbfitsansu = {
+ doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold italic small u",
+ symbol = "𝙪"
+ },
+ mbfitsansupsilon = {
+ doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold italic small upsilon",
+ symbol = "𝞾"
+ },
+ mbfitsansv = {
+ doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold italic small v",
+ symbol = "𝙫"
+ },
+ mbfitsansvarTheta = {
+ doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold italic capital theta symbol",
+ symbol = "𝞡"
+ },
+ mbfitsansvarepsilon = {
+ doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold italic small varepsilon",
+ symbol = "𝞮"
+ },
+ mbfitsansvarkappa = {
+ doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold italic kappa symbol",
+ symbol = "𝟆"
+ },
+ mbfitsansvarphi = {
+ doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold italic small phi",
+ symbol = "𝞿"
+ },
+ mbfitsansvarpi = {
+ doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold italic pi symbol",
+ symbol = "𝟉"
+ },
+ mbfitsansvarrho = {
+ doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold italic rho symbol",
+ symbol = "𝟈"
+ },
+ mbfitsansvarsigma = {
+ doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold italic small final sigma",
+ symbol = "𝞻"
+ },
+ mbfitsansvartheta = {
+ doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold italic theta symbol",
+ symbol = "𝟅"
+ },
+ mbfitsansw = {
+ doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold italic small w",
+ symbol = "𝙬"
+ },
+ mbfitsansx = {
+ doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold italic small x",
+ symbol = "𝙭"
+ },
+ mbfitsansxi = {
+ doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold italic small xi",
+ symbol = "𝞷"
+ },
+ mbfitsansy = {
+ doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold italic small y",
+ symbol = "𝙮"
+ },
+ mbfitsansz = {
+ doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold italic small z",
+ symbol = "𝙯"
+ },
+ mbfitsanszeta = {
+ doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold italic small zeta",
+ symbol = "𝞯"
+ },
+ mbfitsigma = {
+ doc = "mathematical bold italic small sigma",
+ symbol = "𝝈"
+ },
+ mbfitt = {
+ doc = "mathematical bold italic small t",
+ symbol = "𝒕"
+ },
+ mbfittau = {
+ doc = "mathematical bold italic small tau",
+ symbol = "𝝉"
+ },
+ mbfittheta = {
+ doc = "mathematical bold italic small theta",
+ symbol = "𝜽"
+ },
+ mbfitu = {
+ doc = "mathematical bold italic small u",
+ symbol = "𝒖"
+ },
+ mbfitupsilon = {
+ doc = "mathematical bold italic small upsilon",
+ symbol = "𝝊"
+ },
+ mbfitv = {
+ doc = "mathematical bold italic small v",
+ symbol = "𝒗"
+ },
+ mbfitvarTheta = {
+ doc = "mathematical bold italic capital theta symbol",
+ symbol = "𝜭"
+ },
+ mbfitvarepsilon = {
+ doc = "mathematical bold italic small varepsilon",
+ symbol = "𝜺"
+ },
+ mbfitvarkappa = {
+ doc = "mathematical bold italic kappa symbol",
+ symbol = "𝝒"
+ },
+ mbfitvarphi = {
+ doc = "mathematical bold italic small phi",
+ symbol = "𝝋"
+ },
+ mbfitvarpi = {
+ doc = "mathematical bold italic pi symbol",
+ symbol = "𝝕"
+ },
+ mbfitvarrho = {
+ doc = "mathematical bold italic rho symbol",
+ symbol = "𝝔"
+ },
+ mbfitvarsigma = {
+ doc = "mathematical bold italic small final sigma",
+ symbol = "𝝇"
+ },
+ mbfitvartheta = {
+ doc = "mathematical bold italic theta symbol",
+ symbol = "𝝑"
+ },
+ mbfitw = {
+ doc = "mathematical bold italic small w",
+ symbol = "𝒘"
+ },
+ mbfitx = {
+ doc = "mathematical bold italic small x",
+ symbol = "𝒙"
+ },
+ mbfitxi = {
+ doc = "mathematical bold italic small xi",
+ symbol = "𝝃"
+ },
+ mbfity = {
+ doc = "mathematical bold italic small y",
+ symbol = "𝒚"
+ },
+ mbfitz = {
+ doc = "mathematical bold italic small z",
+ symbol = "𝒛"
+ },
+ mbfitzeta = {
+ doc = "mathematical bold italic small zeta",
+ symbol = "𝜻"
+ },
+ mbfj = {
+ doc = "mathematical bold small j",
+ symbol = "𝐣"
+ },
+ mbfk = {
+ doc = "mathematical bold small k",
+ symbol = "𝐤"
+ },
+ mbfkappa = {
+ doc = "mathematical bold small kappa",
+ symbol = "𝛋"
+ },
+ mbfl = {
+ doc = "mathematical bold small l",
+ symbol = "𝐥"
+ },
+ mbflambda = {
+ doc = "mathematical bold small lambda",
+ symbol = "𝛌"
+ },
+ mbfm = {
+ doc = "mathematical bold small m",
+ symbol = "𝐦"
+ },
+ mbfmu = {
+ doc = "mathematical bold small mu",
+ symbol = "𝛍"
+ },
+ mbfn = {
+ doc = "mathematical bold small n",
+ symbol = "𝐧"
+ },
+ mbfnabla = {
+ doc = "mathematical bold nabla",
+ symbol = "𝛁"
+ },
+ mbfnine = {
+ doc = "mathematical bold digit 9",
+ symbol = "𝟗"
+ },
+ mbfnu = {
+ doc = "mathematical bold small nu",
+ symbol = "𝛎"
+ },
+ mbfo = {
+ doc = "mathematical bold small o",
+ symbol = "𝐨"
+ },
+ mbfomega = {
+ doc = "mathematical bold small omega",
+ symbol = "𝛚"
+ },
+ mbfomicron = {
+ doc = "mathematical bold small omicron",
+ symbol = "𝛐"
+ },
+ mbfone = {
+ doc = "mathematical bold digit 1",
+ symbol = "𝟏"
+ },
+ mbfp = {
+ doc = "mathematical bold small p",
+ symbol = "𝐩"
+ },
+ mbfpartial = {
+ doc = "mathematical bold partial differential",
+ symbol = "𝛛"
+ },
+ mbfphi = {
+ doc = "mathematical bold phi symbol",
+ symbol = "𝛟"
+ },
+ mbfpi = {
+ doc = "mathematical bold small pi",
+ symbol = "𝛑"
+ },
+ mbfpsi = {
+ doc = "mathematical bold small psi",
+ symbol = "𝛙"
+ },
+ mbfq = {
+ doc = "mathematical bold small q",
+ symbol = "𝐪"
+ },
+ mbfr = {
+ doc = "mathematical bold small r",
+ symbol = "𝐫"
+ },
+ mbfrho = {
+ doc = "mathematical bold small rho",
+ symbol = "𝛒"
+ },
+ mbfs = {
+ doc = "mathematical bold small s",
+ symbol = "𝐬"
+ },
+ mbfsansA = {
+ doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold capital a",
+ symbol = "𝗔"
+ },
+ mbfsansAlpha = {
+ doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold capital alpha",
+ symbol = "𝝖"
+ },
+ mbfsansB = {
+ doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold capital b",
+ symbol = "𝗕"
+ },
+ mbfsansBeta = {
+ doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold capital beta",
+ symbol = "𝝗"
+ },
+ mbfsansC = {
+ doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold capital c",
+ symbol = "𝗖"
+ },
+ mbfsansChi = {
+ doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold capital chi",
+ symbol = "𝝬"
+ },
+ mbfsansD = {
+ doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold capital d",
+ symbol = "𝗗"
+ },
+ mbfsansDelta = {
+ doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold capital delta",
+ symbol = "𝝙"
+ },
+ mbfsansE = {
+ doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold capital e",
+ symbol = "𝗘"
+ },
+ mbfsansEpsilon = {
+ doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold capital epsilon",
+ symbol = "𝝚"
+ },
+ mbfsansEta = {
+ doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold capital eta",
+ symbol = "𝝜"
+ },
+ mbfsansF = {
+ doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold capital f",
+ symbol = "𝗙"
+ },
+ mbfsansG = {
+ doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold capital g",
+ symbol = "𝗚"
+ },
+ mbfsansGamma = {
+ doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold capital gamma",
+ symbol = "𝝘"
+ },
+ mbfsansH = {
+ doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold capital h",
+ symbol = "𝗛"
+ },
+ mbfsansI = {
+ doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold capital i",
+ symbol = "𝗜"
+ },
+ mbfsansIota = {
+ doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold capital iota",
+ symbol = "𝝞"
+ },
+ mbfsansJ = {
+ doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold capital j",
+ symbol = "𝗝"
+ },
+ mbfsansK = {
+ doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold capital k",
+ symbol = "𝗞"
+ },
+ mbfsansKappa = {
+ doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold capital kappa",
+ symbol = "𝝟"
+ },
+ mbfsansL = {
+ doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold capital l",
+ symbol = "𝗟"
+ },
+ mbfsansLambda = {
+ doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold capital lambda",
+ symbol = "𝝠"
+ },
+ mbfsansM = {
+ doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold capital m",
+ symbol = "𝗠"
+ },
+ mbfsansMu = {
+ doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold capital mu",
+ symbol = "𝝡"
+ },
+ mbfsansN = {
+ doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold capital n",
+ symbol = "𝗡"
+ },
+ mbfsansNu = {
+ doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold capital nu",
+ symbol = "𝝢"
+ },
+ mbfsansO = {
+ doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold capital o",
+ symbol = "𝗢"
+ },
+ mbfsansOmega = {
+ doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold capital omega",
+ symbol = "𝝮"
+ },
+ mbfsansOmicron = {
+ doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold capital omicron",
+ symbol = "𝝤"
+ },
+ mbfsansP = {
+ doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold capital p",
+ symbol = "𝗣"
+ },
+ mbfsansPhi = {
+ doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold capital phi",
+ symbol = "𝝫"
+ },
+ mbfsansPi = {
+ doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold capital pi",
+ symbol = "𝝥"
+ },
+ mbfsansPsi = {
+ doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold capital psi",
+ symbol = "𝝭"
+ },
+ mbfsansQ = {
+ doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold capital q",
+ symbol = "𝗤"
+ },
+ mbfsansR = {
+ doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold capital r",
+ symbol = "𝗥"
+ },
+ mbfsansRho = {
+ doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold capital rho",
+ symbol = "𝝦"
+ },
+ mbfsansS = {
+ doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold capital s",
+ symbol = "𝗦"
+ },
+ mbfsansSigma = {
+ doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold capital sigma",
+ symbol = "𝝨"
+ },
+ mbfsansT = {
+ doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold capital t",
+ symbol = "𝗧"
+ },
+ mbfsansTau = {
+ doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold capital tau",
+ symbol = "𝝩"
+ },
+ mbfsansTheta = {
+ doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold capital theta",
+ symbol = "𝝝"
+ },
+ mbfsansU = {
+ doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold capital u",
+ symbol = "𝗨"
+ },
+ mbfsansUpsilon = {
+ doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold capital upsilon",
+ symbol = "𝝪"
+ },
+ mbfsansV = {
+ doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold capital v",
+ symbol = "𝗩"
+ },
+ mbfsansW = {
+ doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold capital w",
+ symbol = "𝗪"
+ },
+ mbfsansX = {
+ doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold capital x",
+ symbol = "𝗫"
+ },
+ mbfsansXi = {
+ doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold capital xi",
+ symbol = "𝝣"
+ },
+ mbfsansY = {
+ doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold capital y",
+ symbol = "𝗬"
+ },
+ mbfsansZ = {
+ doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold capital z",
+ symbol = "𝗭"
+ },
+ mbfsansZeta = {
+ doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold capital zeta",
+ symbol = "𝝛"
+ },
+ mbfsansa = {
+ doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold small a",
+ symbol = "𝗮"
+ },
+ mbfsansalpha = {
+ doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold small alpha",
+ symbol = "𝝰"
+ },
+ mbfsansb = {
+ doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold small b",
+ symbol = "𝗯"
+ },
+ mbfsansbeta = {
+ doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold small beta",
+ symbol = "𝝱"
+ },
+ mbfsansc = {
+ doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold small c",
+ symbol = "𝗰"
+ },
+ mbfsanschi = {
+ doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold small chi",
+ symbol = "𝞆"
+ },
+ mbfsansd = {
+ doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold small d",
+ symbol = "𝗱"
+ },
+ mbfsansdelta = {
+ doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold small delta",
+ symbol = "𝝳"
+ },
+ mbfsanse = {
+ doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold small e",
+ symbol = "𝗲"
+ },
+ mbfsanseight = {
+ doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold digit 8",
+ symbol = "𝟴"
+ },
+ mbfsansepsilon = {
+ doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold varepsilon symbol",
+ symbol = "𝞊"
+ },
+ mbfsanseta = {
+ doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold small eta",
+ symbol = "𝝶"
+ },
+ mbfsansf = {
+ doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold small f",
+ symbol = "𝗳"
+ },
+ mbfsansfive = {
+ doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold digit 5",
+ symbol = "𝟱"
+ },
+ mbfsansfour = {
+ doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold digit 4",
+ symbol = "𝟰"
+ },
+ mbfsansg = {
+ doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold small g",
+ symbol = "𝗴"
+ },
+ mbfsansgamma = {
+ doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold small gamma",
+ symbol = "𝝲"
+ },
+ mbfsansh = {
+ doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold small h",
+ symbol = "𝗵"
+ },
+ mbfsansi = {
+ doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold small i",
+ symbol = "𝗶"
+ },
+ mbfsansiota = {
+ doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold small iota",
+ symbol = "𝝸"
+ },
+ mbfsansj = {
+ doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold small j",
+ symbol = "𝗷"
+ },
+ mbfsansk = {
+ doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold small k",
+ symbol = "𝗸"
+ },
+ mbfsanskappa = {
+ doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold small kappa",
+ symbol = "𝝹"
+ },
+ mbfsansl = {
+ doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold small l",
+ symbol = "𝗹"
+ },
+ mbfsanslambda = {
+ doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold small lambda",
+ symbol = "𝝺"
+ },
+ mbfsansm = {
+ doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold small m",
+ symbol = "𝗺"
+ },
+ mbfsansmu = {
+ doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold small mu",
+ symbol = "𝝻"
+ },
+ mbfsansn = {
+ doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold small n",
+ symbol = "𝗻"
+ },
+ mbfsansnabla = {
+ doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold nabla",
+ symbol = "𝝯"
+ },
+ mbfsansnine = {
+ doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold digit 9",
+ symbol = "𝟵"
+ },
+ mbfsansnu = {
+ doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold small nu",
+ symbol = "𝝼"
+ },
+ mbfsanso = {
+ doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold small o",
+ symbol = "𝗼"
+ },
+ mbfsansomega = {
+ doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold small omega",
+ symbol = "𝞈"
+ },
+ mbfsansomicron = {
+ doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold small omicron",
+ symbol = "𝝾"
+ },
+ mbfsansone = {
+ doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold digit 1",
+ symbol = "𝟭"
+ },
+ mbfsansp = {
+ doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold small p",
+ symbol = "𝗽"
+ },
+ mbfsanspartial = {
+ doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold partial differential",
+ symbol = "𝞉"
+ },
+ mbfsansphi = {
+ doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold phi symbol",
+ symbol = "𝞍"
+ },
+ mbfsanspi = {
+ doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold small pi",
+ symbol = "𝝿"
+ },
+ mbfsanspsi = {
+ doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold small psi",
+ symbol = "𝞇"
+ },
+ mbfsansq = {
+ doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold small q",
+ symbol = "𝗾"
+ },
+ mbfsansr = {
+ doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold small r",
+ symbol = "𝗿"
+ },
+ mbfsansrho = {
+ doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold small rho",
+ symbol = "𝞀"
+ },
+ mbfsanss = {
+ doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold small s",
+ symbol = "𝘀"
+ },
+ mbfsansseven = {
+ doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold digit 7",
+ symbol = "𝟳"
+ },
+ mbfsanssigma = {
+ doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold small sigma",
+ symbol = "𝞂"
+ },
+ mbfsanssix = {
+ doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold digit 6",
+ symbol = "𝟲"
+ },
+ mbfsanst = {
+ doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold small t",
+ symbol = "𝘁"
+ },
+ mbfsanstau = {
+ doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold small tau",
+ symbol = "𝞃"
+ },
+ mbfsanstheta = {
+ doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold small theta",
+ symbol = "𝝷"
+ },
+ mbfsansthree = {
+ doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold digit 3",
+ symbol = "𝟯"
+ },
+ mbfsanstwo = {
+ doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold digit 2",
+ symbol = "𝟮"
+ },
+ mbfsansu = {
+ doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold small u",
+ symbol = "𝘂"
+ },
+ mbfsansupsilon = {
+ doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold small upsilon",
+ symbol = "𝞄"
+ },
+ mbfsansv = {
+ doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold small v",
+ symbol = "𝘃"
+ },
+ mbfsansvarTheta = {
+ doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold capital theta symbol",
+ symbol = "𝝧"
+ },
+ mbfsansvarepsilon = {
+ doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold small varepsilon",
+ symbol = "𝝴"
+ },
+ mbfsansvarkappa = {
+ doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold kappa symbol",
+ symbol = "𝞌"
+ },
+ mbfsansvarphi = {
+ doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold small phi",
+ symbol = "𝞅"
+ },
+ mbfsansvarpi = {
+ doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold pi symbol",
+ symbol = "𝞏"
+ },
+ mbfsansvarrho = {
+ doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold rho symbol",
+ symbol = "𝞎"
+ },
+ mbfsansvarsigma = {
+ doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold small final sigma",
+ symbol = "𝞁"
+ },
+ mbfsansvartheta = {
+ doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold theta symbol",
+ symbol = "𝞋"
+ },
+ mbfsansw = {
+ doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold small w",
+ symbol = "𝘄"
+ },
+ mbfsansx = {
+ doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold small x",
+ symbol = "𝘅"
+ },
+ mbfsansxi = {
+ doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold small xi",
+ symbol = "𝝽"
+ },
+ mbfsansy = {
+ doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold small y",
+ symbol = "𝘆"
+ },
+ mbfsansz = {
+ doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold small z",
+ symbol = "𝘇"
+ },
+ mbfsanszero = {
+ doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold digit 0",
+ symbol = "𝟬"
+ },
+ mbfsanszeta = {
+ doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold small zeta",
+ symbol = "𝝵"
+ },
+ mbfscrA = {
+ doc = "mathematical bold script capital a",
+ symbol = "𝓐"
+ },
+ mbfscrB = {
+ doc = "mathematical bold script capital b",
+ symbol = "𝓑"
+ },
+ mbfscrC = {
+ doc = "mathematical bold script capital c",
+ symbol = "𝓒"
+ },
+ mbfscrD = {
+ doc = "mathematical bold script capital d",
+ symbol = "𝓓"
+ },
+ mbfscrE = {
+ doc = "mathematical bold script capital e",
+ symbol = "𝓔"
+ },
+ mbfscrF = {
+ doc = "mathematical bold script capital f",
+ symbol = "𝓕"
+ },
+ mbfscrG = {
+ doc = "mathematical bold script capital g",
+ symbol = "𝓖"
+ },
+ mbfscrH = {
+ doc = "mathematical bold script capital h",
+ symbol = "𝓗"
+ },
+ mbfscrI = {
+ doc = "mathematical bold script capital i",
+ symbol = "𝓘"
+ },
+ mbfscrJ = {
+ doc = "mathematical bold script capital j",
+ symbol = "𝓙"
+ },
+ mbfscrK = {
+ doc = "mathematical bold script capital k",
+ symbol = "𝓚"
+ },
+ mbfscrL = {
+ doc = "mathematical bold script capital l",
+ symbol = "𝓛"
+ },
+ mbfscrM = {
+ doc = "mathematical bold script capital m",
+ symbol = "𝓜"
+ },
+ mbfscrN = {
+ doc = "mathematical bold script capital n",
+ symbol = "𝓝"
+ },
+ mbfscrO = {
+ doc = "mathematical bold script capital o",
+ symbol = "𝓞"
+ },
+ mbfscrP = {
+ doc = "mathematical bold script capital p",
+ symbol = "𝓟"
+ },
+ mbfscrQ = {
+ doc = "mathematical bold script capital q",
+ symbol = "𝓠"
+ },
+ mbfscrR = {
+ doc = "mathematical bold script capital r",
+ symbol = "𝓡"
+ },
+ mbfscrS = {
+ doc = "mathematical bold script capital s",
+ symbol = "𝓢"
+ },
+ mbfscrT = {
+ doc = "mathematical bold script capital t",
+ symbol = "𝓣"
+ },
+ mbfscrU = {
+ doc = "mathematical bold script capital u",
+ symbol = "𝓤"
+ },
+ mbfscrV = {
+ doc = "mathematical bold script capital v",
+ symbol = "𝓥"
+ },
+ mbfscrW = {
+ doc = "mathematical bold script capital w",
+ symbol = "𝓦"
+ },
+ mbfscrX = {
+ doc = "mathematical bold script capital x",
+ symbol = "𝓧"
+ },
+ mbfscrY = {
+ doc = "mathematical bold script capital y",
+ symbol = "𝓨"
+ },
+ mbfscrZ = {
+ doc = "mathematical bold script capital z",
+ symbol = "𝓩"
+ },
+ mbfscra = {
+ doc = "mathematical bold script small a",
+ symbol = "𝓪"
+ },
+ mbfscrb = {
+ doc = "mathematical bold script small b",
+ symbol = "𝓫"
+ },
+ mbfscrc = {
+ doc = "mathematical bold script small c",
+ symbol = "𝓬"
+ },
+ mbfscrd = {
+ doc = "mathematical bold script small d",
+ symbol = "𝓭"
+ },
+ mbfscre = {
+ doc = "mathematical bold script small e",
+ symbol = "𝓮"
+ },
+ mbfscrf = {
+ doc = "mathematical bold script small f",
+ symbol = "𝓯"
+ },
+ mbfscrg = {
+ doc = "mathematical bold script small g",
+ symbol = "𝓰"
+ },
+ mbfscrh = {
+ doc = "mathematical bold script small h",
+ symbol = "𝓱"
+ },
+ mbfscri = {
+ doc = "mathematical bold script small i",
+ symbol = "𝓲"
+ },
+ mbfscrj = {
+ doc = "mathematical bold script small j",
+ symbol = "𝓳"
+ },
+ mbfscrk = {
+ doc = "mathematical bold script small k",
+ symbol = "𝓴"
+ },
+ mbfscrl = {
+ doc = "mathematical bold script small l",
+ symbol = "𝓵"
+ },
+ mbfscrm = {
+ doc = "mathematical bold script small m",
+ symbol = "𝓶"
+ },
+ mbfscrn = {
+ doc = "mathematical bold script small n",
+ symbol = "𝓷"
+ },
+ mbfscro = {
+ doc = "mathematical bold script small o",
+ symbol = "𝓸"
+ },
+ mbfscrp = {
+ doc = "mathematical bold script small p",
+ symbol = "𝓹"
+ },
+ mbfscrq = {
+ doc = "mathematical bold script small q",
+ symbol = "𝓺"
+ },
+ mbfscrr = {
+ doc = "mathematical bold script small r",
+ symbol = "𝓻"
+ },
+ mbfscrs = {
+ doc = "mathematical bold script small s",
+ symbol = "𝓼"
+ },
+ mbfscrt = {
+ doc = "mathematical bold script small t",
+ symbol = "𝓽"
+ },
+ mbfscru = {
+ doc = "mathematical bold script small u",
+ symbol = "𝓾"
+ },
+ mbfscrv = {
+ doc = "mathematical bold script small v",
+ symbol = "𝓿"
+ },
+ mbfscrw = {
+ doc = "mathematical bold script small w",
+ symbol = "𝔀"
+ },
+ mbfscrx = {
+ doc = "mathematical bold script small x",
+ symbol = "𝔁"
+ },
+ mbfscry = {
+ doc = "mathematical bold script small y",
+ symbol = "𝔂"
+ },
+ mbfscrz = {
+ doc = "mathematical bold script small z",
+ symbol = "𝔃"
+ },
+ mbfseven = {
+ doc = "mathematical bold digit 7",
+ symbol = "𝟕"
+ },
+ mbfsigma = {
+ doc = "mathematical bold small sigma",
+ symbol = "𝛔"
+ },
+ mbfsix = {
+ doc = "mathematical bold digit 6",
+ symbol = "𝟔"
+ },
+ mbft = {
+ doc = "mathematical bold small t",
+ symbol = "𝐭"
+ },
+ mbftau = {
+ doc = "mathematical bold small tau",
+ symbol = "𝛕"
+ },
+ mbftheta = {
+ doc = "mathematical bold small theta",
+ symbol = "𝛉"
+ },
+ mbfthree = {
+ doc = "mathematical bold digit 3",
+ symbol = "𝟑"
+ },
+ mbftwo = {
+ doc = "mathematical bold digit 2",
+ symbol = "𝟐"
+ },
+ mbfu = {
+ doc = "mathematical bold small u",
+ symbol = "𝐮"
+ },
+ mbfupsilon = {
+ doc = "mathematical bold small upsilon",
+ symbol = "𝛖"
+ },
+ mbfv = {
+ doc = "mathematical bold small v",
+ symbol = "𝐯"
+ },
+ mbfvarTheta = {
+ doc = "mathematical bold capital theta symbol",
+ symbol = "𝚹"
+ },
+ mbfvarepsilon = {
+ doc = "mathematical bold small varepsilon",
+ symbol = "𝛆"
+ },
+ mbfvarkappa = {
+ doc = "mathematical bold kappa symbol",
+ symbol = "𝛞"
+ },
+ mbfvarphi = {
+ doc = "mathematical bold small phi",
+ symbol = "𝛗"
+ },
+ mbfvarpi = {
+ doc = "mathematical bold pi symbol",
+ symbol = "𝛡"
+ },
+ mbfvarrho = {
+ doc = "mathematical bold rho symbol",
+ symbol = "𝛠"
+ },
+ mbfvarsigma = {
+ doc = "mathematical bold small final sigma",
+ symbol = "𝛓"
+ },
+ mbfvartheta = {
+ doc = "mathematical bold theta symbol",
+ symbol = "𝛝"
+ },
+ mbfw = {
+ doc = "mathematical bold small w",
+ symbol = "𝐰"
+ },
+ mbfx = {
+ doc = "mathematical bold small x",
+ symbol = "𝐱"
+ },
+ mbfxi = {
+ doc = "mathematical bold small xi",
+ symbol = "𝛏"
+ },
+ mbfy = {
+ doc = "mathematical bold small y",
+ symbol = "𝐲"
+ },
+ mbfz = {
+ doc = "mathematical bold small z",
+ symbol = "𝐳"
+ },
+ mbfzero = {
+ doc = "mathematical bold digit 0",
+ symbol = "𝟎"
+ },
+ mbfzeta = {
+ doc = "mathematical bold small zeta",
+ symbol = "𝛇"
+ },
+ mdblkcircle = {
+ doc = "medium black circle",
+ symbol = "⚫"
+ },
+ mdblkdiamond = {
+ doc = "black medium diamond",
+ symbol = "⬥"
+ },
+ mdblklozenge = {
+ doc = "black medium lozenge",
+ symbol = "⬧"
+ },
+ mdblksquare = {
+ doc = "black medium square",
+ symbol = "◼"
+ },
+ mdlgblkcircle = {
+ doc = "circle, filled",
+ symbol = "●"
+ },
+ mdlgblkdiamond = {
+ doc = "black diamond",
+ symbol = "◆"
+ },
+ mdlgblklozenge = {
+ doc = "black lozenge",
+ symbol = "⧫"
+ },
+ mdlgblksquare = {
+ doc = "square, filled",
+ symbol = "■"
+ },
+ mdlgwhtcircle = {
+ doc = "medium large circle",
+ symbol = "○"
+ },
+ mdlgwhtdiamond = {
+ doc = "white diamond; diamond, open",
+ symbol = "◇"
+ },
+ mdlgwhtlozenge = {
+ doc = "lozenge or total mark",
+ symbol = "◊"
+ },
+ mdlgwhtsquare = {
+ doc = "square, open",
+ symbol = "□"
+ },
+ mdsmblkcircle = {
+ doc = "z notation spot",
+ symbol = "⦁"
+ },
+ mdsmblksquare = {
+ doc = "black medium small square",
+ symbol = "◾"
+ },
+ mdsmwhtcircle = {
+ doc = "medium small white circle",
+ symbol = "⚬"
+ },
+ mdsmwhtsquare = {
+ doc = "white medium small square",
+ symbol = "◽"
+ },
+ mdwhtcircle = {
+ doc = "medium white circle",
+ symbol = "⚪"
+ },
+ mdwhtdiamond = {
+ doc = "white medium diamond",
+ symbol = "⬦"
+ },
+ mdwhtlozenge = {
+ doc = "white medium lozenge",
+ symbol = "⬨"
+ },
+ mdwhtsquare = {
+ doc = "white medium square",
+ symbol = "◻"
+ },
+ measangledltosw = {
+ doc = "measured angle with open arm ending in arrow pointing left and down",
+ symbol = "⦯"
+ },
+ measangledrtose = {
+ doc = "measured angle with open arm ending in arrow pointing right and down",
+ symbol = "⦮"
+ },
+ measangleldtosw = {
+ doc = "measured angle with open arm ending in arrow pointing down and left",
+ symbol = "⦫"
+ },
+ measanglelutonw = {
+ doc = "measured angle with open arm ending in arrow pointing up and left",
+ symbol = "⦩"
+ },
+ measanglerdtose = {
+ doc = "measured angle with open arm ending in arrow pointing down and right",
+ symbol = "⦪"
+ },
+ measanglerutone = {
+ doc = "measured angle with open arm ending in arrow pointing up and right",
+ symbol = "⦨"
+ },
+ measangleultonw = {
+ doc = "measured angle with open arm ending in arrow pointing left and up",
+ symbol = "⦭"
+ },
+ measangleurtone = {
+ doc = "measured angle with open arm ending in arrow pointing right and up",
+ symbol = "⦬"
+ },
+ measeq = {
+ doc = "measured by (m over equals)",
+ symbol = "≞"
+ },
+ measuredangle = {
+ doc = "angle-measured",
+ symbol = "∡"
+ },
+ measuredangleleft = {
+ doc = "measured angle opening left",
+ symbol = "⦛"
+ },
+ measuredrightangle = {
+ doc = "right angle-measured [with arc]",
+ symbol = "⊾"
+ },
+ medblackstar = {
+ doc = "black medium star",
+ symbol = "⭑"
+ },
+ medwhitestar = {
+ doc = "white medium star",
+ symbol = "⭐"
+ },
+ mfrakA = {
+ doc = "mathematical fraktur capital a",
+ symbol = "𝔄"
+ },
+ mfrakB = {
+ doc = "mathematical fraktur capital b",
+ symbol = "𝔅"
+ },
+ mfrakC = {
+ doc = "black-letter capital c",
+ symbol = "ℭ"
+ },
+ mfrakD = {
+ doc = "mathematical fraktur capital d",
+ symbol = "𝔇"
+ },
+ mfrakE = {
+ doc = "mathematical fraktur capital e",
+ symbol = "𝔈"
+ },
+ mfrakF = {
+ doc = "mathematical fraktur capital f",
+ symbol = "𝔉"
+ },
+ mfrakG = {
+ doc = "mathematical fraktur capital g",
+ symbol = "𝔊"
+ },
+ mfrakH = {
+ doc = "/frak h, upper case h",
+ symbol = "ℌ"
+ },
+ mfrakJ = {
+ doc = "mathematical fraktur capital j",
+ symbol = "𝔍"
+ },
+ mfrakK = {
+ doc = "mathematical fraktur capital k",
+ symbol = "𝔎"
+ },
+ mfrakL = {
+ doc = "mathematical fraktur capital l",
+ symbol = "𝔏"
+ },
+ mfrakM = {
+ doc = "mathematical fraktur capital m",
+ symbol = "𝔐"
+ },
+ mfrakN = {
+ doc = "mathematical fraktur capital n",
+ symbol = "𝔑"
+ },
+ mfrakO = {
+ doc = "mathematical fraktur capital o",
+ symbol = "𝔒"
+ },
+ mfrakP = {
+ doc = "mathematical fraktur capital p",
+ symbol = "𝔓"
+ },
+ mfrakQ = {
+ doc = "mathematical fraktur capital q",
+ symbol = "𝔔"
+ },
+ mfrakS = {
+ doc = "mathematical fraktur capital s",
+ symbol = "𝔖"
+ },
+ mfrakT = {
+ doc = "mathematical fraktur capital t",
+ symbol = "𝔗"
+ },
+ mfrakU = {
+ doc = "mathematical fraktur capital u",
+ symbol = "𝔘"
+ },
+ mfrakV = {
+ doc = "mathematical fraktur capital v",
+ symbol = "𝔙"
+ },
+ mfrakW = {
+ doc = "mathematical fraktur capital w",
+ symbol = "𝔚"
+ },
+ mfrakX = {
+ doc = "mathematical fraktur capital x",
+ symbol = "𝔛"
+ },
+ mfrakY = {
+ doc = "mathematical fraktur capital y",
+ symbol = "𝔜"
+ },
+ mfrakZ = {
+ doc = "/frak z, upper case z",
+ symbol = "ℨ"
+ },
+ mfraka = {
+ doc = "mathematical fraktur small a",
+ symbol = "𝔞"
+ },
+ mfrakb = {
+ doc = "mathematical fraktur small b",
+ symbol = "𝔟"
+ },
+ mfrakc = {
+ doc = "mathematical fraktur small c",
+ symbol = "𝔠"
+ },
+ mfrakd = {
+ doc = "mathematical fraktur small d",
+ symbol = "𝔡"
+ },
+ mfrake = {
+ doc = "mathematical fraktur small e",
+ symbol = "𝔢"
+ },
+ mfrakf = {
+ doc = "mathematical fraktur small f",
+ symbol = "𝔣"
+ },
+ mfrakg = {
+ doc = "mathematical fraktur small g",
+ symbol = "𝔤"
+ },
+ mfrakh = {
+ doc = "mathematical fraktur small h",
+ symbol = "𝔥"
+ },
+ mfraki = {
+ doc = "mathematical fraktur small i",
+ symbol = "𝔦"
+ },
+ mfrakj = {
+ doc = "mathematical fraktur small j",
+ symbol = "𝔧"
+ },
+ mfrakk = {
+ doc = "mathematical fraktur small k",
+ symbol = "𝔨"
+ },
+ mfrakl = {
+ doc = "mathematical fraktur small l",
+ symbol = "𝔩"
+ },
+ mfrakm = {
+ doc = "mathematical fraktur small m",
+ symbol = "𝔪"
+ },
+ mfrakn = {
+ doc = "mathematical fraktur small n",
+ symbol = "𝔫"
+ },
+ mfrako = {
+ doc = "mathematical fraktur small o",
+ symbol = "𝔬"
+ },
+ mfrakp = {
+ doc = "mathematical fraktur small p",
+ symbol = "𝔭"
+ },
+ mfrakq = {
+ doc = "mathematical fraktur small q",
+ symbol = "𝔮"
+ },
+ mfrakr = {
+ doc = "mathematical fraktur small r",
+ symbol = "𝔯"
+ },
+ mfraks = {
+ doc = "mathematical fraktur small s",
+ symbol = "𝔰"
+ },
+ mfrakt = {
+ doc = "mathematical fraktur small t",
+ symbol = "𝔱"
+ },
+ mfraku = {
+ doc = "mathematical fraktur small u",
+ symbol = "𝔲"
+ },
+ mfrakv = {
+ doc = "mathematical fraktur small v",
+ symbol = "𝔳"
+ },
+ mfrakw = {
+ doc = "mathematical fraktur small w",
+ symbol = "𝔴"
+ },
+ mfrakx = {
+ doc = "mathematical fraktur small x",
+ symbol = "𝔵"
+ },
+ mfraky = {
+ doc = "mathematical fraktur small y",
+ symbol = "𝔶"
+ },
+ mfrakz = {
+ doc = "mathematical fraktur small z",
+ symbol = "𝔷"
+ },
+ mho = {
+ doc = "conductance",
+ symbol = "℧"
+ },
+ mid = {
+ doc = "/mid r:",
+ symbol = "∣"
+ },
+ midbarvee = {
+ doc = "logical or with horizontal dash",
+ symbol = "⩝"
+ },
+ midbarwedge = {
+ doc = "ogical and with horizontal dash",
+ symbol = "⩜"
+ },
+ midcir = {
+ doc = "vertical line with circle below",
+ symbol = "⫰"
+ },
+ minus = {
+ doc = "minus sign",
+ symbol = "−"
+ },
+ minusdot = {
+ doc = "minus sign with dot below",
+ symbol = "⨪"
+ },
+ minusfdots = {
+ doc = "minus sign with falling dots",
+ symbol = "⨫"
+ },
+ minusrdots = {
+ doc = "minus sign with rising dots",
+ symbol = "⨬"
+ },
+ mitA = {
+ doc = "mathematical italic capital a",
+ symbol = "𝐴"
+ },
+ mitAlpha = {
+ doc = "mathematical italic capital alpha",
+ symbol = "𝛢"
+ },
+ mitB = {
+ doc = "mathematical italic capital b",
+ symbol = "𝐵"
+ },
+ mitBbbD = {
+ doc = "double-struck italic capital d",
+ symbol = "ⅅ"
+ },
+ mitBbbd = {
+ doc = "double-struck italic small d",
+ symbol = "ⅆ"
+ },
+ mitBbbe = {
+ doc = "double-struck italic small e",
+ symbol = "ⅇ"
+ },
+ mitBbbi = {
+ doc = "double-struck italic small i",
+ symbol = "ⅈ"
+ },
+ mitBbbj = {
+ doc = "double-struck italic small j",
+ symbol = "ⅉ"
+ },
+ mitBeta = {
+ doc = "mathematical italic capital beta",
+ symbol = "𝛣"
+ },
+ mitC = {
+ doc = "mathematical italic capital c",
+ symbol = "𝐶"
+ },
+ mitChi = {
+ doc = "mathematical italic capital chi",
+ symbol = "𝛸"
+ },
+ mitD = {
+ doc = "mathematical italic capital d",
+ symbol = "𝐷"
+ },
+ mitDelta = {
+ doc = "mathematical italic capital delta",
+ symbol = "𝛥"
+ },
+ mitE = {
+ doc = "mathematical italic capital e",
+ symbol = "𝐸"
+ },
+ mitEpsilon = {
+ doc = "mathematical italic capital epsilon",
+ symbol = "𝛦"
+ },
+ mitEta = {
+ doc = "mathematical italic capital eta",
+ symbol = "𝛨"
+ },
+ mitF = {
+ doc = "mathematical italic capital f",
+ symbol = "𝐹"
+ },
+ mitG = {
+ doc = "mathematical italic capital g",
+ symbol = "𝐺"
+ },
+ mitGamma = {
+ doc = "mathematical italic capital gamma",
+ symbol = "𝛤"
+ },
+ mitH = {
+ doc = "mathematical italic capital h",
+ symbol = "𝐻"
+ },
+ mitI = {
+ doc = "mathematical italic capital i",
+ symbol = "𝐼"
+ },
+ mitIota = {
+ doc = "mathematical italic capital iota",
+ symbol = "𝛪"
+ },
+ mitJ = {
+ doc = "mathematical italic capital j",
+ symbol = "𝐽"
+ },
+ mitK = {
+ doc = "mathematical italic capital k",
+ symbol = "𝐾"
+ },
+ mitKappa = {
+ doc = "mathematical italic capital kappa",
+ symbol = "𝛫"
+ },
+ mitL = {
+ doc = "mathematical italic capital l",
+ symbol = "𝐿"
+ },
+ mitLambda = {
+ doc = "mathematical italic capital lambda",
+ symbol = "𝛬"
+ },
+ mitM = {
+ doc = "mathematical italic capital m",
+ symbol = "𝑀"
+ },
+ mitMu = {
+ doc = "mathematical italic capital mu",
+ symbol = "𝛭"
+ },
+ mitN = {
+ doc = "mathematical italic capital n",
+ symbol = "𝑁"
+ },
+ mitNu = {
+ doc = "mathematical italic capital nu",
+ symbol = "𝛮"
+ },
+ mitO = {
+ doc = "mathematical italic capital o",
+ symbol = "𝑂"
+ },
+ mitOmega = {
+ doc = "mathematical italic capital omega",
+ symbol = "𝛺"
+ },
+ mitOmicron = {
+ doc = "mathematical italic capital omicron",
+ symbol = "𝛰"
+ },
+ mitP = {
+ doc = "mathematical italic capital p",
+ symbol = "𝑃"
+ },
+ mitPhi = {
+ doc = "mathematical italic capital phi",
+ symbol = "𝛷"
+ },
+ mitPi = {
+ doc = "mathematical italic capital pi",
+ symbol = "𝛱"
+ },
+ mitPsi = {
+ doc = "mathematical italic capital psi",
+ symbol = "𝛹"
+ },
+ mitQ = {
+ doc = "mathematical italic capital q",
+ symbol = "𝑄"
+ },
+ mitR = {
+ doc = "mathematical italic capital r",
+ symbol = "𝑅"
+ },
+ mitRho = {
+ doc = "mathematical italic capital rho",
+ symbol = "𝛲"
+ },
+ mitS = {
+ doc = "mathematical italic capital s",
+ symbol = "𝑆"
+ },
+ mitSigma = {
+ doc = "mathematical italic capital sigma",
+ symbol = "𝛴"
+ },
+ mitT = {
+ doc = "mathematical italic capital t",
+ symbol = "𝑇"
+ },
+ mitTau = {
+ doc = "mathematical italic capital tau",
+ symbol = "𝛵"
+ },
+ mitTheta = {
+ doc = "mathematical italic capital theta",
+ symbol = "𝛩"
+ },
+ mitU = {
+ doc = "mathematical italic capital u",
+ symbol = "𝑈"
+ },
+ mitUpsilon = {
+ doc = "mathematical italic capital upsilon",
+ symbol = "𝛶"
+ },
+ mitV = {
+ doc = "mathematical italic capital v",
+ symbol = "𝑉"
+ },
+ mitW = {
+ doc = "mathematical italic capital w",
+ symbol = "𝑊"
+ },
+ mitX = {
+ doc = "mathematical italic capital x",
+ symbol = "𝑋"
+ },
+ mitXi = {
+ doc = "mathematical italic capital xi",
+ symbol = "𝛯"
+ },
+ mitY = {
+ doc = "mathematical italic capital y",
+ symbol = "𝑌"
+ },
+ mitZ = {
+ doc = "mathematical italic capital z",
+ symbol = "𝑍"
+ },
+ mitZeta = {
+ doc = "mathematical italic capital zeta",
+ symbol = "𝛧"
+ },
+ mita = {
+ doc = "mathematical italic small a",
+ symbol = "𝑎"
+ },
+ mitalpha = {
+ doc = "mathematical italic small alpha",
+ symbol = "𝛼"
+ },
+ mitb = {
+ doc = "mathematical italic small b",
+ symbol = "𝑏"
+ },
+ mitbeta = {
+ doc = "mathematical italic small beta",
+ symbol = "𝛽"
+ },
+ mitc = {
+ doc = "mathematical italic small c",
+ symbol = "𝑐"
+ },
+ mitchi = {
+ doc = "mathematical italic small chi",
+ symbol = "𝜒"
+ },
+ mitd = {
+ doc = "mathematical italic small d",
+ symbol = "𝑑"
+ },
+ mitdelta = {
+ doc = "mathematical italic small delta",
+ symbol = "𝛿"
+ },
+ mite = {
+ doc = "mathematical italic small e",
+ symbol = "𝑒"
+ },
+ mitepsilon = {
+ doc = "mathematical italic varepsilon symbol",
+ symbol = "𝜖"
+ },
+ miteta = {
+ doc = "mathematical italic small eta",
+ symbol = "𝜂"
+ },
+ mitf = {
+ doc = "mathematical italic small f",
+ symbol = "𝑓"
+ },
+ mitg = {
+ doc = "mathematical italic small g",
+ symbol = "𝑔"
+ },
+ mitgamma = {
+ doc = "mathematical italic small gamma",
+ symbol = "𝛾"
+ },
+ miti = {
+ doc = "mathematical italic small i",
+ symbol = "𝑖"
+ },
+ mitiota = {
+ doc = "mathematical italic small iota",
+ symbol = "𝜄"
+ },
+ mitj = {
+ doc = "mathematical italic small j",
+ symbol = "𝑗"
+ },
+ mitk = {
+ doc = "mathematical italic small k",
+ symbol = "𝑘"
+ },
+ mitkappa = {
+ doc = "mathematical italic small kappa",
+ symbol = "𝜅"
+ },
+ mitl = {
+ doc = "mathematical italic small l",
+ symbol = "𝑙"
+ },
+ mitlambda = {
+ doc = "mathematical italic small lambda",
+ symbol = "𝜆"
+ },
+ mitm = {
+ doc = "mathematical italic small m",
+ symbol = "𝑚"
+ },
+ mitmu = {
+ doc = "mathematical italic small mu",
+ symbol = "𝜇"
+ },
+ mitn = {
+ doc = "mathematical italic small n",
+ symbol = "𝑛"
+ },
+ mitnabla = {
+ doc = "mathematical italic nabla",
+ symbol = "𝛻"
+ },
+ mitnu = {
+ doc = "mathematical italic small nu",
+ symbol = "𝜈"
+ },
+ mito = {
+ doc = "mathematical italic small o",
+ symbol = "𝑜"
+ },
+ mitomega = {
+ doc = "mathematical italic small omega",
+ symbol = "𝜔"
+ },
+ mitomicron = {
+ doc = "mathematical italic small omicron",
+ symbol = "𝜊"
+ },
+ mitp = {
+ doc = "mathematical italic small p",
+ symbol = "𝑝"
+ },
+ mitpartial = {
+ doc = "mathematical italic partial differential",
+ symbol = "𝜕"
+ },
+ mitphi = {
+ doc = "mathematical italic phi symbol",
+ symbol = "𝜙"
+ },
+ mitpi = {
+ doc = "mathematical italic small pi",
+ symbol = "𝜋"
+ },
+ mitpsi = {
+ doc = "mathematical italic small psi",
+ symbol = "𝜓"
+ },
+ mitq = {
+ doc = "mathematical italic small q",
+ symbol = "𝑞"
+ },
+ mitr = {
+ doc = "mathematical italic small r",
+ symbol = "𝑟"
+ },
+ mitrho = {
+ doc = "mathematical italic small rho",
+ symbol = "𝜌"
+ },
+ mits = {
+ doc = "mathematical italic small s",
+ symbol = "𝑠"
+ },
+ mitsansA = {
+ doc = "mathematical sans-serif italic capital a",
+ symbol = "𝘈"
+ },
+ mitsansB = {
+ doc = "mathematical sans-serif italic capital b",
+ symbol = "𝘉"
+ },
+ mitsansC = {
+ doc = "mathematical sans-serif italic capital c",
+ symbol = "𝘊"
+ },
+ mitsansD = {
+ doc = "mathematical sans-serif italic capital d",
+ symbol = "𝘋"
+ },
+ mitsansE = {
+ doc = "mathematical sans-serif italic capital e",
+ symbol = "𝘌"
+ },
+ mitsansF = {
+ doc = "mathematical sans-serif italic capital f",
+ symbol = "𝘍"
+ },
+ mitsansG = {
+ doc = "mathematical sans-serif italic capital g",
+ symbol = "𝘎"
+ },
+ mitsansH = {
+ doc = "mathematical sans-serif italic capital h",
+ symbol = "𝘏"
+ },
+ mitsansI = {
+ doc = "mathematical sans-serif italic capital i",
+ symbol = "𝘐"
+ },
+ mitsansJ = {
+ doc = "mathematical sans-serif italic capital j",
+ symbol = "𝘑"
+ },
+ mitsansK = {
+ doc = "mathematical sans-serif italic capital k",
+ symbol = "𝘒"
+ },
+ mitsansL = {
+ doc = "mathematical sans-serif italic capital l",
+ symbol = "𝘓"
+ },
+ mitsansM = {
+ doc = "mathematical sans-serif italic capital m",
+ symbol = "𝘔"
+ },
+ mitsansN = {
+ doc = "mathematical sans-serif italic capital n",
+ symbol = "𝘕"
+ },
+ mitsansO = {
+ doc = "mathematical sans-serif italic capital o",
+ symbol = "𝘖"
+ },
+ mitsansP = {
+ doc = "mathematical sans-serif italic capital p",
+ symbol = "𝘗"
+ },
+ mitsansQ = {
+ doc = "mathematical sans-serif italic capital q",
+ symbol = "𝘘"
+ },
+ mitsansR = {
+ doc = "mathematical sans-serif italic capital r",
+ symbol = "𝘙"
+ },
+ mitsansS = {
+ doc = "mathematical sans-serif italic capital s",
+ symbol = "𝘚"
+ },
+ mitsansT = {
+ doc = "mathematical sans-serif italic capital t",
+ symbol = "𝘛"
+ },
+ mitsansU = {
+ doc = "mathematical sans-serif italic capital u",
+ symbol = "𝘜"
+ },
+ mitsansV = {
+ doc = "mathematical sans-serif italic capital v",
+ symbol = "𝘝"
+ },
+ mitsansW = {
+ doc = "mathematical sans-serif italic capital w",
+ symbol = "𝘞"
+ },
+ mitsansX = {
+ doc = "mathematical sans-serif italic capital x",
+ symbol = "𝘟"
+ },
+ mitsansY = {
+ doc = "mathematical sans-serif italic capital y",
+ symbol = "𝘠"
+ },
+ mitsansZ = {
+ doc = "mathematical sans-serif italic capital z",
+ symbol = "𝘡"
+ },
+ mitsansa = {
+ doc = "mathematical sans-serif italic small a",
+ symbol = "𝘢"
+ },
+ mitsansb = {
+ doc = "mathematical sans-serif italic small b",
+ symbol = "𝘣"
+ },
+ mitsansc = {
+ doc = "mathematical sans-serif italic small c",
+ symbol = "𝘤"
+ },
+ mitsansd = {
+ doc = "mathematical sans-serif italic small d",
+ symbol = "𝘥"
+ },
+ mitsanse = {
+ doc = "mathematical sans-serif italic small e",
+ symbol = "𝘦"
+ },
+ mitsansf = {
+ doc = "mathematical sans-serif italic small f",
+ symbol = "𝘧"
+ },
+ mitsansg = {
+ doc = "mathematical sans-serif italic small g",
+ symbol = "𝘨"
+ },
+ mitsansh = {
+ doc = "mathematical sans-serif italic small h",
+ symbol = "𝘩"
+ },
+ mitsansi = {
+ doc = "mathematical sans-serif italic small i",
+ symbol = "𝘪"
+ },
+ mitsansj = {
+ doc = "mathematical sans-serif italic small j",
+ symbol = "𝘫"
+ },
+ mitsansk = {
+ doc = "mathematical sans-serif italic small k",
+ symbol = "𝘬"
+ },
+ mitsansl = {
+ doc = "mathematical sans-serif italic small l",
+ symbol = "𝘭"
+ },
+ mitsansm = {
+ doc = "mathematical sans-serif italic small m",
+ symbol = "𝘮"
+ },
+ mitsansn = {
+ doc = "mathematical sans-serif italic small n",
+ symbol = "𝘯"
+ },
+ mitsanso = {
+ doc = "mathematical sans-serif italic small o",
+ symbol = "𝘰"
+ },
+ mitsansp = {
+ doc = "mathematical sans-serif italic small p",
+ symbol = "𝘱"
+ },
+ mitsansq = {
+ doc = "mathematical sans-serif italic small q",
+ symbol = "𝘲"
+ },
+ mitsansr = {
+ doc = "mathematical sans-serif italic small r",
+ symbol = "𝘳"
+ },
+ mitsanss = {
+ doc = "mathematical sans-serif italic small s",
+ symbol = "𝘴"
+ },
+ mitsanst = {
+ doc = "mathematical sans-serif italic small t",
+ symbol = "𝘵"
+ },
+ mitsansu = {
+ doc = "mathematical sans-serif italic small u",
+ symbol = "𝘶"
+ },
+ mitsansv = {
+ doc = "mathematical sans-serif italic small v",
+ symbol = "𝘷"
+ },
+ mitsansw = {
+ doc = "mathematical sans-serif italic small w",
+ symbol = "𝘸"
+ },
+ mitsansx = {
+ doc = "mathematical sans-serif italic small x",
+ symbol = "𝘹"
+ },
+ mitsansy = {
+ doc = "mathematical sans-serif italic small y",
+ symbol = "𝘺"
+ },
+ mitsansz = {
+ doc = "mathematical sans-serif italic small z",
+ symbol = "𝘻"
+ },
+ mitsigma = {
+ doc = "mathematical italic small sigma",
+ symbol = "𝜎"
+ },
+ mitt = {
+ doc = "mathematical italic small t",
+ symbol = "𝑡"
+ },
+ mittau = {
+ doc = "mathematical italic small tau",
+ symbol = "𝜏"
+ },
+ mittheta = {
+ doc = "mathematical italic small theta",
+ symbol = "𝜃"
+ },
+ mitu = {
+ doc = "mathematical italic small u",
+ symbol = "𝑢"
+ },
+ mitupsilon = {
+ doc = "mathematical italic small upsilon",
+ symbol = "𝜐"
+ },
+ mitv = {
+ doc = "mathematical italic small v",
+ symbol = "𝑣"
+ },
+ mitvarTheta = {
+ doc = "mathematical italic capital theta symbol",
+ symbol = "𝛳"
+ },
+ mitvarepsilon = {
+ doc = "mathematical italic small varepsilon",
+ symbol = "𝜀"
+ },
+ mitvarkappa = {
+ doc = "mathematical italic kappa symbol",
+ symbol = "𝜘"
+ },
+ mitvarphi = {
+ doc = "mathematical italic small phi",
+ symbol = "𝜑"
+ },
+ mitvarpi = {
+ doc = "mathematical italic pi symbol",
+ symbol = "𝜛"
+ },
+ mitvarrho = {
+ doc = "mathematical italic rho symbol",
+ symbol = "𝜚"
+ },
+ mitvarsigma = {
+ doc = "mathematical italic small final sigma",
+ symbol = "𝜍"
+ },
+ mitvartheta = {
+ doc = "mathematical italic theta symbol",
+ symbol = "𝜗"
+ },
+ mitw = {
+ doc = "mathematical italic small w",
+ symbol = "𝑤"
+ },
+ mitx = {
+ doc = "mathematical italic small x",
+ symbol = "𝑥"
+ },
+ mitxi = {
+ doc = "mathematical italic small xi",
+ symbol = "𝜉"
+ },
+ mity = {
+ doc = "mathematical italic small y",
+ symbol = "𝑦"
+ },
+ mitz = {
+ doc = "mathematical italic small z",
+ symbol = "𝑧"
+ },
+ mitzeta = {
+ doc = "mathematical italic small zeta",
+ symbol = "𝜁"
+ },
+ mlcp = {
+ doc = "transversal intersection",
+ symbol = "⫛"
+ },
+ models = {
+ doc = "models (vertical, short double dash)",
+ symbol = "⊧"
+ },
+ modtwosum = {
+ doc = "modulo two sum",
+ symbol = "⨊"
+ },
+ mp = {
+ doc = "minus-or-plus sign",
+ symbol = "∓"
+ },
+ msansA = {
+ doc = "mathematical sans-serif capital a",
+ symbol = "𝖠"
+ },
+ msansB = {
+ doc = "mathematical sans-serif capital b",
+ symbol = "𝖡"
+ },
+ msansC = {
+ doc = "mathematical sans-serif capital c",
+ symbol = "𝖢"
+ },
+ msansD = {
+ doc = "mathematical sans-serif capital d",
+ symbol = "𝖣"
+ },
+ msansE = {
+ doc = "mathematical sans-serif capital e",
+ symbol = "𝖤"
+ },
+ msansF = {
+ doc = "mathematical sans-serif capital f",
+ symbol = "𝖥"
+ },
+ msansG = {
+ doc = "mathematical sans-serif capital g",
+ symbol = "𝖦"
+ },
+ msansH = {
+ doc = "mathematical sans-serif capital h",
+ symbol = "𝖧"
+ },
+ msansI = {
+ doc = "mathematical sans-serif capital i",
+ symbol = "𝖨"
+ },
+ msansJ = {
+ doc = "mathematical sans-serif capital j",
+ symbol = "𝖩"
+ },
+ msansK = {
+ doc = "mathematical sans-serif capital k",
+ symbol = "𝖪"
+ },
+ msansL = {
+ doc = "mathematical sans-serif capital l",
+ symbol = "𝖫"
+ },
+ msansM = {
+ doc = "mathematical sans-serif capital m",
+ symbol = "𝖬"
+ },
+ msansN = {
+ doc = "mathematical sans-serif capital n",
+ symbol = "𝖭"
+ },
+ msansO = {
+ doc = "mathematical sans-serif capital o",
+ symbol = "𝖮"
+ },
+ msansP = {
+ doc = "mathematical sans-serif capital p",
+ symbol = "𝖯"
+ },
+ msansQ = {
+ doc = "mathematical sans-serif capital q",
+ symbol = "𝖰"
+ },
+ msansR = {
+ doc = "mathematical sans-serif capital r",
+ symbol = "𝖱"
+ },
+ msansS = {
+ doc = "mathematical sans-serif capital s",
+ symbol = "𝖲"
+ },
+ msansT = {
+ doc = "mathematical sans-serif capital t",
+ symbol = "𝖳"
+ },
+ msansU = {
+ doc = "mathematical sans-serif capital u",
+ symbol = "𝖴"
+ },
+ msansV = {
+ doc = "mathematical sans-serif capital v",
+ symbol = "𝖵"
+ },
+ msansW = {
+ doc = "mathematical sans-serif capital w",
+ symbol = "𝖶"
+ },
+ msansX = {
+ doc = "mathematical sans-serif capital x",
+ symbol = "𝖷"
+ },
+ msansY = {
+ doc = "mathematical sans-serif capital y",
+ symbol = "𝖸"
+ },
+ msansZ = {
+ doc = "mathematical sans-serif capital z",
+ symbol = "𝖹"
+ },
+ msansa = {
+ doc = "mathematical sans-serif small a",
+ symbol = "𝖺"
+ },
+ msansb = {
+ doc = "mathematical sans-serif small b",
+ symbol = "𝖻"
+ },
+ msansc = {
+ doc = "mathematical sans-serif small c",
+ symbol = "𝖼"
+ },
+ msansd = {
+ doc = "mathematical sans-serif small d",
+ symbol = "𝖽"
+ },
+ msanse = {
+ doc = "mathematical sans-serif small e",
+ symbol = "𝖾"
+ },
+ msanseight = {
+ doc = "mathematical sans-serif digit 8",
+ symbol = "𝟪"
+ },
+ msansf = {
+ doc = "mathematical sans-serif small f",
+ symbol = "𝖿"
+ },
+ msansfive = {
+ doc = "mathematical sans-serif digit 5",
+ symbol = "𝟧"
+ },
+ msansfour = {
+ doc = "mathematical sans-serif digit 4",
+ symbol = "𝟦"
+ },
+ msansg = {
+ doc = "mathematical sans-serif small g",
+ symbol = "𝗀"
+ },
+ msansh = {
+ doc = "mathematical sans-serif small h",
+ symbol = "𝗁"
+ },
+ msansi = {
+ doc = "mathematical sans-serif small i",
+ symbol = "𝗂"
+ },
+ msansj = {
+ doc = "mathematical sans-serif small j",
+ symbol = "𝗃"
+ },
+ msansk = {
+ doc = "mathematical sans-serif small k",
+ symbol = "𝗄"
+ },
+ msansl = {
+ doc = "mathematical sans-serif small l",
+ symbol = "𝗅"
+ },
+ msansm = {
+ doc = "mathematical sans-serif small m",
+ symbol = "𝗆"
+ },
+ msansn = {
+ doc = "mathematical sans-serif small n",
+ symbol = "𝗇"
+ },
+ msansnine = {
+ doc = "mathematical sans-serif digit 9",
+ symbol = "𝟫"
+ },
+ msanso = {
+ doc = "mathematical sans-serif small o",
+ symbol = "𝗈"
+ },
+ msansone = {
+ doc = "mathematical sans-serif digit 1",
+ symbol = "𝟣"
+ },
+ msansp = {
+ doc = "mathematical sans-serif small p",
+ symbol = "𝗉"
+ },
+ msansq = {
+ doc = "mathematical sans-serif small q",
+ symbol = "𝗊"
+ },
+ msansr = {
+ doc = "mathematical sans-serif small r",
+ symbol = "𝗋"
+ },
+ msanss = {
+ doc = "mathematical sans-serif small s",
+ symbol = "𝗌"
+ },
+ msansseven = {
+ doc = "mathematical sans-serif digit 7",
+ symbol = "𝟩"
+ },
+ msanssix = {
+ doc = "mathematical sans-serif digit 6",
+ symbol = "𝟨"
+ },
+ msanst = {
+ doc = "mathematical sans-serif small t",
+ symbol = "𝗍"
+ },
+ msansthree = {
+ doc = "mathematical sans-serif digit 3",
+ symbol = "𝟥"
+ },
+ msanstwo = {
+ doc = "mathematical sans-serif digit 2",
+ symbol = "𝟤"
+ },
+ msansu = {
+ doc = "mathematical sans-serif small u",
+ symbol = "𝗎"
+ },
+ msansv = {
+ doc = "mathematical sans-serif small v",
+ symbol = "𝗏"
+ },
+ msansw = {
+ doc = "mathematical sans-serif small w",
+ symbol = "𝗐"
+ },
+ msansx = {
+ doc = "mathematical sans-serif small x",
+ symbol = "𝗑"
+ },
+ msansy = {
+ doc = "mathematical sans-serif small y",
+ symbol = "𝗒"
+ },
+ msansz = {
+ doc = "mathematical sans-serif small z",
+ symbol = "𝗓"
+ },
+ msanszero = {
+ doc = "mathematical sans-serif digit 0",
+ symbol = "𝟢"
+ },
+ mscrA = {
+ doc = "mathematical script capital a",
+ symbol = "𝒜"
+ },
+ mscrB = {
+ doc = "bernoulli function (script capital b)",
+ symbol = "ℬ"
+ },
+ mscrC = {
+ doc = "mathematical script capital c",
+ symbol = "𝒞"
+ },
+ mscrD = {
+ doc = "mathematical script capital d",
+ symbol = "𝒟"
+ },
+ mscrE = {
+ doc = "/scr e, script letter e",
+ symbol = "ℰ"
+ },
+ mscrF = {
+ doc = "/scr f, script letter f",
+ symbol = "ℱ"
+ },
+ mscrG = {
+ doc = "mathematical script capital g",
+ symbol = "𝒢"
+ },
+ mscrH = {
+ doc = "hamiltonian (script capital h)",
+ symbol = "ℋ"
+ },
+ mscrI = {
+ doc = "/scr i, script letter i",
+ symbol = "ℐ"
+ },
+ mscrJ = {
+ doc = "mathematical script capital j",
+ symbol = "𝒥"
+ },
+ mscrK = {
+ doc = "mathematical script capital k",
+ symbol = "𝒦"
+ },
+ mscrL = {
+ doc = "lagrangian (script capital l)",
+ symbol = "ℒ"
+ },
+ mscrM = {
+ doc = "physics m-matrix (script capital m)",
+ symbol = "ℳ"
+ },
+ mscrN = {
+ doc = "mathematical script capital n",
+ symbol = "𝒩"
+ },
+ mscrO = {
+ doc = "mathematical script capital o",
+ symbol = "𝒪"
+ },
+ mscrP = {
+ doc = "mathematical script capital p",
+ symbol = "𝒫"
+ },
+ mscrQ = {
+ doc = "mathematical script capital q",
+ symbol = "𝒬"
+ },
+ mscrR = {
+ doc = "/scr r, script letter r",
+ symbol = "ℛ"
+ },
+ mscrS = {
+ doc = "mathematical script capital s",
+ symbol = "𝒮"
+ },
+ mscrT = {
+ doc = "mathematical script capital t",
+ symbol = "𝒯"
+ },
+ mscrU = {
+ doc = "mathematical script capital u",
+ symbol = "𝒰"
+ },
+ mscrV = {
+ doc = "mathematical script capital v",
+ symbol = "𝒱"
+ },
+ mscrW = {
+ doc = "mathematical script capital w",
+ symbol = "𝒲"
+ },
+ mscrX = {
+ doc = "mathematical script capital x",
+ symbol = "𝒳"
+ },
+ mscrY = {
+ doc = "mathematical script capital y",
+ symbol = "𝒴"
+ },
+ mscrZ = {
+ doc = "mathematical script capital z",
+ symbol = "𝒵"
+ },
+ mscra = {
+ doc = "mathematical script small a",
+ symbol = "𝒶"
+ },
+ mscrb = {
+ doc = "mathematical script small b",
+ symbol = "𝒷"
+ },
+ mscrc = {
+ doc = "mathematical script small c",
+ symbol = "𝒸"
+ },
+ mscrd = {
+ doc = "mathematical script small d",
+ symbol = "𝒹"
+ },
+ mscre = {
+ doc = "/scr e, script letter e",
+ symbol = "ℯ"
+ },
+ mscrf = {
+ doc = "mathematical script small f",
+ symbol = "𝒻"
+ },
+ mscrg = {
+ doc = "/scr g, script letter g",
+ symbol = "ℊ"
+ },
+ mscrh = {
+ doc = "mathematical script small h",
+ symbol = "𝒽"
+ },
+ mscri = {
+ doc = "mathematical script small i",
+ symbol = "𝒾"
+ },
+ mscrj = {
+ doc = "mathematical script small j",
+ symbol = "𝒿"
+ },
+ mscrk = {
+ doc = "mathematical script small k",
+ symbol = "𝓀"
+ },
+ mscrl = {
+ doc = "mathematical script small l",
+ symbol = "𝓁"
+ },
+ mscrm = {
+ doc = "mathematical script small m",
+ symbol = "𝓂"
+ },
+ mscrn = {
+ doc = "mathematical script small n",
+ symbol = "𝓃"
+ },
+ mscro = {
+ doc = "order of (script small o)",
+ symbol = "ℴ"
+ },
+ mscrp = {
+ doc = "mathematical script small p",
+ symbol = "𝓅"
+ },
+ mscrq = {
+ doc = "mathematical script small q",
+ symbol = "𝓆"
+ },
+ mscrr = {
+ doc = "mathematical script small r",
+ symbol = "𝓇"
+ },
+ mscrs = {
+ doc = "mathematical script small s",
+ symbol = "𝓈"
+ },
+ mscrt = {
+ doc = "mathematical script small t",
+ symbol = "𝓉"
+ },
+ mscru = {
+ doc = "mathematical script small u",
+ symbol = "𝓊"
+ },
+ mscrv = {
+ doc = "mathematical script small v",
+ symbol = "𝓋"
+ },
+ mscrw = {
+ doc = "mathematical script small w",
+ symbol = "𝓌"
+ },
+ mscrx = {
+ doc = "mathematical script small x",
+ symbol = "𝓍"
+ },
+ mscry = {
+ doc = "mathematical script small y",
+ symbol = "𝓎"
+ },
+ mscrz = {
+ doc = "mathematical script small z",
+ symbol = "𝓏"
+ },
+ mttA = {
+ doc = "mathematical monospace capital a",
+ symbol = "𝙰"
+ },
+ mttB = {
+ doc = "mathematical monospace capital b",
+ symbol = "𝙱"
+ },
+ mttC = {
+ doc = "mathematical monospace capital c",
+ symbol = "𝙲"
+ },
+ mttD = {
+ doc = "mathematical monospace capital d",
+ symbol = "𝙳"
+ },
+ mttE = {
+ doc = "mathematical monospace capital e",
+ symbol = "𝙴"
+ },
+ mttF = {
+ doc = "mathematical monospace capital f",
+ symbol = "𝙵"
+ },
+ mttG = {
+ doc = "mathematical monospace capital g",
+ symbol = "𝙶"
+ },
+ mttH = {
+ doc = "mathematical monospace capital h",
+ symbol = "𝙷"
+ },
+ mttI = {
+ doc = "mathematical monospace capital i",
+ symbol = "𝙸"
+ },
+ mttJ = {
+ doc = "mathematical monospace capital j",
+ symbol = "𝙹"
+ },
+ mttK = {
+ doc = "mathematical monospace capital k",
+ symbol = "𝙺"
+ },
+ mttL = {
+ doc = "mathematical monospace capital l",
+ symbol = "𝙻"
+ },
+ mttM = {
+ doc = "mathematical monospace capital m",
+ symbol = "𝙼"
+ },
+ mttN = {
+ doc = "mathematical monospace capital n",
+ symbol = "𝙽"
+ },
+ mttO = {
+ doc = "mathematical monospace capital o",
+ symbol = "𝙾"
+ },
+ mttP = {
+ doc = "mathematical monospace capital p",
+ symbol = "𝙿"
+ },
+ mttQ = {
+ doc = "mathematical monospace capital q",
+ symbol = "𝚀"
+ },
+ mttR = {
+ doc = "mathematical monospace capital r",
+ symbol = "𝚁"
+ },
+ mttS = {
+ doc = "mathematical monospace capital s",
+ symbol = "𝚂"
+ },
+ mttT = {
+ doc = "mathematical monospace capital t",
+ symbol = "𝚃"
+ },
+ mttU = {
+ doc = "mathematical monospace capital u",
+ symbol = "𝚄"
+ },
+ mttV = {
+ doc = "mathematical monospace capital v",
+ symbol = "𝚅"
+ },
+ mttW = {
+ doc = "mathematical monospace capital w",
+ symbol = "𝚆"
+ },
+ mttX = {
+ doc = "mathematical monospace capital x",
+ symbol = "𝚇"
+ },
+ mttY = {
+ doc = "mathematical monospace capital y",
+ symbol = "𝚈"
+ },
+ mttZ = {
+ doc = "mathematical monospace capital z",
+ symbol = "𝚉"
+ },
+ mtta = {
+ doc = "mathematical monospace small a",
+ symbol = "𝚊"
+ },
+ mttb = {
+ doc = "mathematical monospace small b",
+ symbol = "𝚋"
+ },
+ mttc = {
+ doc = "mathematical monospace small c",
+ symbol = "𝚌"
+ },
+ mttd = {
+ doc = "mathematical monospace small d",
+ symbol = "𝚍"
+ },
+ mtte = {
+ doc = "mathematical monospace small e",
+ symbol = "𝚎"
+ },
+ mtteight = {
+ doc = "mathematical monospace digit 8",
+ symbol = "𝟾"
+ },
+ mttf = {
+ doc = "mathematical monospace small f",
+ symbol = "𝚏"
+ },
+ mttfive = {
+ doc = "mathematical monospace digit 5",
+ symbol = "𝟻"
+ },
+ mttfour = {
+ doc = "mathematical monospace digit 4",
+ symbol = "𝟺"
+ },
+ mttg = {
+ doc = "mathematical monospace small g",
+ symbol = "𝚐"
+ },
+ mtth = {
+ doc = "mathematical monospace small h",
+ symbol = "𝚑"
+ },
+ mtti = {
+ doc = "mathematical monospace small i",
+ symbol = "𝚒"
+ },
+ mttj = {
+ doc = "mathematical monospace small j",
+ symbol = "𝚓"
+ },
+ mttk = {
+ doc = "mathematical monospace small k",
+ symbol = "𝚔"
+ },
+ mttl = {
+ doc = "mathematical monospace small l",
+ symbol = "𝚕"
+ },
+ mttm = {
+ doc = "mathematical monospace small m",
+ symbol = "𝚖"
+ },
+ mttn = {
+ doc = "mathematical monospace small n",
+ symbol = "𝚗"
+ },
+ mttnine = {
+ doc = "mathematical monospace digit 9",
+ symbol = "𝟿"
+ },
+ mtto = {
+ doc = "mathematical monospace small o",
+ symbol = "𝚘"
+ },
+ mttone = {
+ doc = "mathematical monospace digit 1",
+ symbol = "𝟷"
+ },
+ mttp = {
+ doc = "mathematical monospace small p",
+ symbol = "𝚙"
+ },
+ mttq = {
+ doc = "mathematical monospace small q",
+ symbol = "𝚚"
+ },
+ mttr = {
+ doc = "mathematical monospace small r",
+ symbol = "𝚛"
+ },
+ mtts = {
+ doc = "mathematical monospace small s",
+ symbol = "𝚜"
+ },
+ mttseven = {
+ doc = "mathematical monospace digit 7",
+ symbol = "𝟽"
+ },
+ mttsix = {
+ doc = "mathematical monospace digit 6",
+ symbol = "𝟼"
+ },
+ mttt = {
+ doc = "mathematical monospace small t",
+ symbol = "𝚝"
+ },
+ mttthree = {
+ doc = "mathematical monospace digit 3",
+ symbol = "𝟹"
+ },
+ mtttwo = {
+ doc = "mathematical monospace digit 2",
+ symbol = "𝟸"
+ },
+ mttu = {
+ doc = "mathematical monospace small u",
+ symbol = "𝚞"
+ },
+ mttv = {
+ doc = "mathematical monospace small v",
+ symbol = "𝚟"
+ },
+ mttw = {
+ doc = "mathematical monospace small w",
+ symbol = "𝚠"
+ },
+ mttx = {
+ doc = "mathematical monospace small x",
+ symbol = "𝚡"
+ },
+ mtty = {
+ doc = "mathematical monospace small y",
+ symbol = "𝚢"
+ },
+ mttz = {
+ doc = "mathematical monospace small z",
+ symbol = "𝚣"
+ },
+ mttzero = {
+ doc = "mathematical monospace digit 0",
+ symbol = "𝟶"
+ },
+ mu = {
+ doc = "small mu, greek",
+ symbol = "μ"
+ },
+ multimap = {
+ doc = "/multimap a:",
+ symbol = "⊸"
+ },
+ multimapinv = {
+ doc = "left multimap",
+ symbol = "⟜"
+ },
+ mupAlpha = {
+ doc = "capital alpha, greek",
+ symbol = "Α"
+ },
+ mupBeta = {
+ doc = "capital beta, greek",
+ symbol = "Β"
+ },
+ mupChi = {
+ doc = "capital chi, greek",
+ symbol = "Χ"
+ },
+ mupDelta = {
+ doc = "capital delta, greek",
+ symbol = "Δ"
+ },
+ mupEpsilon = {
+ doc = "capital epsilon, greek",
+ symbol = "Ε"
+ },
+ mupEta = {
+ doc = "capital eta, greek",
+ symbol = "Η"
+ },
+ mupGamma = {
+ doc = "capital gamma, greek",
+ symbol = "Γ"
+ },
+ mupIota = {
+ doc = "capital iota, greek",
+ symbol = "Ι"
+ },
+ mupKappa = {
+ doc = "capital kappa, greek",
+ symbol = "Κ"
+ },
+ mupLambda = {
+ doc = "capital lambda, greek",
+ symbol = "Λ"
+ },
+ mupMu = {
+ doc = "capital mu, greek",
+ symbol = "Μ"
+ },
+ mupNu = {
+ doc = "capital nu, greek",
+ symbol = "Ν"
+ },
+ mupOmega = {
+ doc = "capital omega, greek",
+ symbol = "Ω"
+ },
+ mupOmicron = {
+ doc = "capital omicron, greek",
+ symbol = "Ο"
+ },
+ mupPhi = {
+ doc = "capital phi, greek",
+ symbol = "Φ"
+ },
+ mupPi = {
+ doc = "capital pi, greek",
+ symbol = "Π"
+ },
+ mupPsi = {
+ doc = "capital psi, greek",
+ symbol = "Ψ"
+ },
+ mupRho = {
+ doc = "capital rho, greek",
+ symbol = "Ρ"
+ },
+ mupSigma = {
+ doc = "capital sigma, greek",
+ symbol = "Σ"
+ },
+ mupTau = {
+ doc = "capital tau, greek",
+ symbol = "Τ"
+ },
+ mupTheta = {
+ doc = "capital theta, greek",
+ symbol = "Θ"
+ },
+ mupUpsilon = {
+ doc = "capital upsilon, greek",
+ symbol = "Υ"
+ },
+ mupXi = {
+ doc = "capital xi, greek",
+ symbol = "Ξ"
+ },
+ mupZeta = {
+ doc = "capital zeta, greek",
+ symbol = "Ζ"
+ },
+ mupalpha = {
+ doc = "small alpha, greek",
+ symbol = "α"
+ },
+ mupbeta = {
+ doc = "small beta, greek",
+ symbol = "β"
+ },
+ mupchi = {
+ doc = "small chi, greek",
+ symbol = "χ"
+ },
+ mupdelta = {
+ doc = "small delta, greek",
+ symbol = "δ"
+ },
+ mupepsilon = {
+ doc = "greek lunate varepsilon symbol",
+ symbol = "ϵ"
+ },
+ mupeta = {
+ doc = "small eta, greek",
+ symbol = "η"
+ },
+ mupgamma = {
+ doc = "small gamma, greek",
+ symbol = "γ"
+ },
+ mupiota = {
+ doc = "small iota, greek",
+ symbol = "ι"
+ },
+ mupkappa = {
+ doc = "small kappa, greek",
+ symbol = "κ"
+ },
+ muplambda = {
+ doc = "small lambda, greek",
+ symbol = "λ"
+ },
+ mupmu = {
+ doc = "small mu, greek",
+ symbol = "μ"
+ },
+ mupnu = {
+ doc = "small nu, greek",
+ symbol = "ν"
+ },
+ mupomega = {
+ doc = "small omega, greek",
+ symbol = "ω"
+ },
+ mupomicron = {
+ doc = "small omicron, greek",
+ symbol = "ο"
+ },
+ mupphi = {
+ doc = "/straightphi - small phi, greek",
+ symbol = "ϕ"
+ },
+ muppi = {
+ doc = "small pi, greek",
+ symbol = "π"
+ },
+ muppsi = {
+ doc = "small psi, greek",
+ symbol = "ψ"
+ },
+ muprho = {
+ doc = "small rho, greek",
+ symbol = "ρ"
+ },
+ mupsigma = {
+ doc = "small sigma, greek",
+ symbol = "σ"
+ },
+ muptau = {
+ doc = "small tau, greek",
+ symbol = "τ"
+ },
+ muptheta = {
+ doc = "straight theta, small theta, greek",
+ symbol = "θ"
+ },
+ mupupsilon = {
+ doc = "small upsilon, greek",
+ symbol = "υ"
+ },
+ mupvarTheta = {
+ doc = "greek capital theta symbol",
+ symbol = "ϴ"
+ },
+ mupvarepsilon = {
+ doc = "rounded small varepsilon, greek",
+ symbol = "ε"
+ },
+ mupvarkappa = {
+ doc = "rounded small kappa, greek",
+ symbol = "ϰ"
+ },
+ mupvarphi = {
+ doc = "curly or open small phi, greek",
+ symbol = "φ"
+ },
+ mupvarpi = {
+ doc = "rounded small pi (pomega), greek",
+ symbol = "ϖ"
+ },
+ mupvarrho = {
+ doc = "rounded small rho, greek",
+ symbol = "ϱ"
+ },
+ mupvarsigma = {
+ doc = "terminal sigma, greek",
+ symbol = "ς"
+ },
+ mupvartheta = {
+ doc = "/vartheta - curly or open theta",
+ symbol = "ϑ"
+ },
+ mupxi = {
+ doc = "small xi, greek",
+ symbol = "ξ"
+ },
+ mupzeta = {
+ doc = "small zeta, greek",
+ symbol = "ζ"
+ },
+ nHdownarrow = {
+ doc = "downwards arrow with double stroke",
+ symbol = "⇟"
+ },
+ nHuparrow = {
+ doc = "upwards arrow with double stroke",
+ symbol = "⇞"
+ },
+ nLeftarrow = {
+ doc = "not implied by",
+ symbol = "⇍"
+ },
+ nLeftrightarrow = {
+ doc = "not left and right double arrows",
+ symbol = "⇎"
+ },
+ nRightarrow = {
+ doc = "not implies",
+ symbol = "⇏"
+ },
+ nVDash = {
+ doc = "not double vert, double dash",
+ symbol = "⊯"
+ },
+ nVdash = {
+ doc = "not double vertical, dash",
+ symbol = "⊮"
+ },
+ nVleftarrow = {
+ doc = "leftwards arrow with double vertical stroke",
+ symbol = "⇺"
+ },
+ nVleftarrowtail = {
+ doc = "leftwards arrow with tail with double vertical stroke",
+ symbol = "⬺"
+ },
+ nVleftrightarrow = {
+ doc = "left right arrow with double vertical stroke",
+ symbol = "⇼"
+ },
+ nVrightarrow = {
+ doc = "rightwards arrow with double vertical stroke",
+ symbol = "⇻"
+ },
+ nVrightarrowtail = {
+ doc = "rightwards arrow with tail with double vertical stroke",
+ symbol = "⤕"
+ },
+ nVtwoheadleftarrow = {
+ doc = "leftwards two-headed arrow with double vertical stroke",
+ symbol = "⬵"
+ },
+ nVtwoheadleftarrowtail = {
+ doc = "leftwards two-headed arrow with tail with double vertical stroke",
+ symbol = "⬽"
+ },
+ nVtwoheadrightarrow = {
+ doc = "rightwards two-headed arrow with double vertical stroke",
+ symbol = "⤁"
+ },
+ nVtwoheadrightarrowtail = {
+ doc = "rightwards two-headed arrow with tail with double vertical stroke",
+ symbol = "⤘"
+ },
+ nabla = {
+ doc = "nabla, del, hamilton operator",
+ symbol = "∇"
+ },
+ napprox = {
+ doc = "not approximate",
+ symbol = "≉"
+ },
+ nasymp = {
+ doc = "not asymptotically equal to",
+ symbol = "≭"
+ },
+ natural = {
+ doc = "music natural",
+ symbol = "♮"
+ },
+ ncong = {
+ doc = "not congruent with",
+ symbol = "≇"
+ },
+ ne = {
+ doc = "/ne /neq r: not equal",
+ symbol = "≠"
+ },
+ nearrow = {
+ doc = "ne pointing arrow",
+ symbol = "↗"
+ },
+ neg = {
+ doc = "/neg /lnot not sign",
+ symbol = "¬"
+ },
+ neovnwarrow = {
+ doc = "north east arrow crossing north west arrow",
+ symbol = "⤱"
+ },
+ neovsearrow = {
+ doc = "north east arrow crossing south east arrow",
+ symbol = "⤮"
+ },
+ nequiv = {
+ doc = "not identical with",
+ symbol = "≢"
+ },
+ neswarrow = {
+ doc = "north east and south west arrow",
+ symbol = "⤢"
+ },
+ neuter = {
+ doc = "neuter",
+ symbol = "⚲"
+ },
+ nexists = {
+ doc = "negated exists",
+ symbol = "∄"
+ },
+ ngeq = {
+ doc = "not greater-than-or-equal",
+ symbol = "≱"
+ },
+ ngtr = {
+ doc = "not greater-than",
+ symbol = "≯"
+ },
+ ngtrless = {
+ doc = "not greater, less",
+ symbol = "≹"
+ },
+ ngtrsim = {
+ doc = "not greater, similar",
+ symbol = "≵"
+ },
+ nhVvert = {
+ doc = "triple vertical bar with horizontal stroke",
+ symbol = "⫵"
+ },
+ nhpar = {
+ doc = "parallel with horizontal stroke",
+ symbol = "⫲"
+ },
+ ni = {
+ doc = "contains, variant",
+ symbol = "∋"
+ },
+ niobar = {
+ doc = "small contains with overbar",
+ symbol = "⋾"
+ },
+ nis = {
+ doc = "small contains with vertical bar at end of horizontal stroke",
+ symbol = "⋼"
+ },
+ nisd = {
+ doc = "contains with long horizontal stroke",
+ symbol = "⋺"
+ },
+ nleftarrow = {
+ doc = "not left arrow",
+ symbol = "↚"
+ },
+ nleftrightarrow = {
+ doc = "not left and right arrow",
+ symbol = "↮"
+ },
+ nleq = {
+ doc = "not less-than-or-equal",
+ symbol = "≰"
+ },
+ nless = {
+ doc = "not less-than",
+ symbol = "≮"
+ },
+ nlessgtr = {
+ doc = "not less, greater",
+ symbol = "≸"
+ },
+ nlesssim = {
+ doc = "not less, similar",
+ symbol = "≴"
+ },
+ nmid = {
+ doc = "negated mid",
+ symbol = "∤"
+ },
+ nni = {
+ doc = "negated contains, variant",
+ symbol = "∌"
+ },
+ notaccent = {
+ doc = "combining long solidus overlay",
+ symbol = "◌̸"
+ },
+ notin = {
+ doc = "negated set membership",
+ symbol = "∉"
+ },
+ nparallel = {
+ doc = "not parallel",
+ symbol = "∦"
+ },
+ npolint = {
+ doc = "line integration not including the pole",
+ symbol = "⨔"
+ },
+ nprec = {
+ doc = "not precedes",
+ symbol = "⊀"
+ },
+ npreccurlyeq = {
+ doc = "not precedes, curly equals",
+ symbol = "⋠"
+ },
+ nrightarrow = {
+ doc = "not right arrow",
+ symbol = "↛"
+ },
+ nsim = {
+ doc = "not similar",
+ symbol = "≁"
+ },
+ nsime = {
+ doc = "not similar, equals",
+ symbol = "≄"
+ },
+ nsimeq = {
+ doc = "not similar, equals (alias)",
+ symbol = "≄"
+ },
+ nsqsubseteq = {
+ doc = "not, square subset, equals",
+ symbol = "⋢"
+ },
+ nsqsupseteq = {
+ doc = "not, square superset, equals",
+ symbol = "⋣"
+ },
+ nsubset = {
+ doc = "not subset, variant [slash negation]",
+ symbol = "⊄"
+ },
+ nsubseteq = {
+ doc = "not subset, equals",
+ symbol = "⊈"
+ },
+ nsucc = {
+ doc = "not succeeds",
+ symbol = "⊁"
+ },
+ nsucccurlyeq = {
+ doc = "not succeeds, curly equals",
+ symbol = "⋡"
+ },
+ nsupset = {
+ doc = "not superset, variant [slash negation]",
+ symbol = "⊅"
+ },
+ nsupseteq = {
+ doc = "not superset, equals",
+ symbol = "⊉"
+ },
+ ntrianglelefteq = {
+ doc = "not left triangle, equals",
+ symbol = "⋬"
+ },
+ ntrianglerighteq = {
+ doc = "not right triangle, equals",
+ symbol = "⋭"
+ },
+ nu = {
+ doc = "small nu, greek",
+ symbol = "ν"
+ },
+ nvDash = {
+ doc = "not vertical, double dash",
+ symbol = "⊭"
+ },
+ nvLeftarrow = {
+ doc = "leftwards double arrow with vertical stroke",
+ symbol = "⤂"
+ },
+ nvLeftrightarrow = {
+ doc = "left right double arrow with vertical stroke",
+ symbol = "⤄"
+ },
+ nvRightarrow = {
+ doc = "rightwards double arrow with vertical stroke",
+ symbol = "⤃"
+ },
+ nvartriangleleft = {
+ doc = "not left triangle",
+ symbol = "⋪"
+ },
+ nvartriangleright = {
+ doc = "not right triangle",
+ symbol = "⋫"
+ },
+ nvdash = {
+ doc = "not vertical, dash",
+ symbol = "⊬"
+ },
+ nvinfty = {
+ doc = "infinity negated with vertical bar",
+ symbol = "⧞"
+ },
+ nvleftarrow = {
+ doc = "leftwards arrow with vertical stroke",
+ symbol = "⇷"
+ },
+ nvleftarrowtail = {
+ doc = "leftwards arrow with tail with vertical stroke",
+ symbol = "⬹"
+ },
+ nvleftrightarrow = {
+ doc = "left right arrow with vertical stroke",
+ symbol = "⇹"
+ },
+ nvrightarrow = {
+ doc = "rightwards arrow with vertical stroke",
+ symbol = "⇸"
+ },
+ nvrightarrowtail = {
+ doc = "rightwards arrow with tail with vertical stroke",
+ symbol = "⤔"
+ },
+ nvtwoheadleftarrow = {
+ doc = "leftwards two-headed arrow with vertical stroke",
+ symbol = "⬴"
+ },
+ nvtwoheadleftarrowtail = {
+ doc = "leftwards two-headed arrow with tail with vertical stroke",
+ symbol = "⬼"
+ },
+ nvtwoheadrightarrow = {
+ doc = "rightwards two-headed arrow with vertical stroke",
+ symbol = "⤀"
+ },
+ nvtwoheadrightarrowtail = {
+ doc = "rightwards two-headed arrow with tail with vertical stroke",
+ symbol = "⤗"
+ },
+ nwarrow = {
+ doc = "nw pointing arrow",
+ symbol = "↖"
+ },
+ nwovnearrow = {
+ doc = "north west arrow crossing north east arrow",
+ symbol = "⤲"
+ },
+ nwsearrow = {
+ doc = "north west and south east arrow",
+ symbol = "⤡"
+ },
+ obar = {
+ doc = "circle with vertical bar",
+ symbol = "⌽"
+ },
+ obot = {
+ doc = "circle divided by horizontal bar and top half divided by vertical bar",
+ symbol = "⦺"
+ },
+ obrbrak = {
+ doc = "top tortoise shell bracket (mathematical use)",
+ symbol = "⏠"
+ },
+ obslash = {
+ doc = "circled reverse solidus",
+ symbol = "⦸"
+ },
+ ocirc = {
+ doc = "ring",
+ symbol = "◌̊"
+ },
+ ocommatopright = {
+ doc = "combining comma above right",
+ symbol = "◌̕"
+ },
+ odiv = {
+ doc = "circled division sign",
+ symbol = "⨸"
+ },
+ odot = {
+ doc = "middle dot in circle",
+ symbol = "⊙"
+ },
+ odotslashdot = {
+ doc = "circled anticlockwise-rotated division sign",
+ symbol = "⦼"
+ },
+ ogreaterthan = {
+ doc = "circled greater-than",
+ symbol = "⧁"
+ },
+ oiiint = {
+ doc = "triple contour integral operator",
+ symbol = "∰"
+ },
+ oiint = {
+ doc = "double contour integral operator",
+ symbol = "∯"
+ },
+ oint = {
+ doc = "contour integral operator",
+ symbol = "∮"
+ },
+ ointctrclockwise = {
+ doc = "contour integral, anticlockwise",
+ symbol = "∳"
+ },
+ olcross = {
+ doc = "circle with superimposed x",
+ symbol = "⦻"
+ },
+ olessthan = {
+ doc = "circled less-than",
+ symbol = "⧀"
+ },
+ omega = {
+ doc = "small omega, greek",
+ symbol = "ω"
+ },
+ omicron = {
+ doc = "small omicron, greek",
+ symbol = "ο"
+ },
+ ominus = {
+ doc = "minus sign in circle",
+ symbol = "⊖"
+ },
+ operp = {
+ doc = "circled perpendicular",
+ symbol = "⦹"
+ },
+ oplus = {
+ doc = "plus sign in circle",
+ symbol = "⊕"
+ },
+ opluslhrim = {
+ doc = "plus sign in left half circle",
+ symbol = "⨭"
+ },
+ oplusrhrim = {
+ doc = "plus sign in right half circle",
+ symbol = "⨮"
+ },
+ origof = {
+ doc = "original of",
+ symbol = "⊶"
+ },
+ oslash = {
+ doc = "solidus in circle",
+ symbol = "⊘"
+ },
+ otimes = {
+ doc = "multiply sign in circle",
+ symbol = "⊗"
+ },
+ otimeshat = {
+ doc = "circled multiplication sign with circumflex accent",
+ symbol = "⨶"
+ },
+ otimeslhrim = {
+ doc = "multiplication sign in left half circle",
+ symbol = "⨴"
+ },
+ otimesrhrim = {
+ doc = "multiplication sign in right half circle",
+ symbol = "⨵"
+ },
+ oturnedcomma = {
+ doc = "combining turned comma above",
+ symbol = "◌̒"
+ },
+ overbar = {
+ doc = "overbar embellishment",
+ symbol = "◌̅"
+ },
+ overbrace = {
+ doc = "top curly bracket (mathematical use)",
+ symbol = "⏞"
+ },
+ overbracket = {
+ doc = "top square bracket",
+ symbol = "⎴"
+ },
+ overleftarrow = {
+ doc = "combining left arrow above",
+ symbol = "◌⃖"
+ },
+ overleftharpoon = {
+ doc = "combining left harpoon above",
+ symbol = "◌⃐"
+ },
+ overleftrightarrow = {
+ doc = "combining left right arrow above",
+ symbol = "◌⃡"
+ },
+ overparen = {
+ doc = "top parenthesis (mathematical use)",
+ symbol = "⏜"
+ },
+ overrightarrow = {
+ doc = "combining left arrow above",
+ symbol = "◌⃗"
+ },
+ overrightharpoon = {
+ doc = "combining right harpoon above",
+ symbol = "◌⃑"
+ },
+ ovhook = {
+ doc = "combining hook above",
+ symbol = "◌̉"
+ },
+ parallel = {
+ doc = "parallel",
+ symbol = "∥"
+ },
+ parallelogram = {
+ doc = "parallelogram, open",
+ symbol = "▱"
+ },
+ parallelogramblack = {
+ doc = "black parallelogram",
+ symbol = "▰"
+ },
+ parsim = {
+ doc = "parallel with tilde operator",
+ symbol = "⫳"
+ },
+ partial = {
+ doc = "partial differential",
+ symbol = "∂"
+ },
+ partialmeetcontraction = {
+ doc = "double less-than with underbar",
+ symbol = "⪣"
+ },
+ pentagon = {
+ doc = "white pentagon",
+ symbol = "⬠"
+ },
+ pentagonblack = {
+ doc = "black pentagon",
+ symbol = "⬟"
+ },
+ perp = {
+ doc = "perpendicular",
+ symbol = "⟂"
+ },
+ perps = {
+ doc = "perpendicular with s",
+ symbol = "⫡"
+ },
+ phi = {
+ doc = "/straightphi - small phi, greek",
+ symbol = "ϕ"
+ },
+ pi = {
+ doc = "small pi, greek",
+ symbol = "π"
+ },
+ pitchfork = {
+ doc = "pitchfork",
+ symbol = "⋔"
+ },
+ plusdot = {
+ doc = "plus sign with dot below",
+ symbol = "⨥"
+ },
+ pluseqq = {
+ doc = "plus sign above equals sign",
+ symbol = "⩲"
+ },
+ plushat = {
+ doc = "plus sign with circumflex accent above",
+ symbol = "⨣"
+ },
+ plussim = {
+ doc = "plus sign with tilde below",
+ symbol = "⨦"
+ },
+ plussubtwo = {
+ doc = "plus sign with subscript two",
+ symbol = "⨧"
+ },
+ plustrif = {
+ doc = "plus sign with black triangle",
+ symbol = "⨨"
+ },
+ pm = {
+ doc = "plus-or-minus sign",
+ symbol = "±"
+ },
+ pointint = {
+ doc = "integral around a point operator",
+ symbol = "⨕"
+ },
+ postalmark = {
+ doc = "postal mark",
+ symbol = "〒"
+ },
+ prec = {
+ doc = "precedes",
+ symbol = "≺"
+ },
+ precapprox = {
+ doc = "precedes above almost equal to",
+ symbol = "⪷"
+ },
+ preccurlyeq = {
+ doc = "precedes, curly equals",
+ symbol = "≼"
+ },
+ preceq = {
+ doc = "precedes above single-line equals sign",
+ symbol = "⪯"
+ },
+ preceqq = {
+ doc = "precedes above equals sign",
+ symbol = "⪳"
+ },
+ precnapprox = {
+ doc = "precedes above not almost equal to",
+ symbol = "⪹"
+ },
+ precneq = {
+ doc = "precedes above single-line not equal to",
+ symbol = "⪱"
+ },
+ precneqq = {
+ doc = "precedes above not equal to",
+ symbol = "⪵"
+ },
+ precnsim = {
+ doc = "precedes, not similar",
+ symbol = "⋨"
+ },
+ precsim = {
+ doc = "precedes, similar",
+ symbol = "≾"
+ },
+ prime = {
+ doc = "prime or minute, not superscripted",
+ symbol = "′"
+ },
+ prod = {
+ doc = "product operator",
+ symbol = "∏"
+ },
+ profline = {
+ doc = "profile of a line",
+ symbol = "⌒"
+ },
+ profsurf = {
+ doc = "profile of a surface",
+ symbol = "⌓"
+ },
+ propto = {
+ doc = "is proportional to",
+ symbol = "∝"
+ },
+ prurel = {
+ doc = "element precedes under relation",
+ symbol = "⊰"
+ },
+ psi = {
+ doc = "small psi, greek",
+ symbol = "ψ"
+ },
+ pullback = {
+ doc = "lower right corner with dot",
+ symbol = "⟓"
+ },
+ pushout = {
+ doc = "upper left corner with dot",
+ symbol = "⟔"
+ },
+ qprime = {
+ doc = "quadruple prime, not superscripted",
+ symbol = "⁗"
+ },
+ quarternote = {
+ doc = "music note (sung text sign)",
+ symbol = "♩"
+ },
+ questeq = {
+ doc = "equal with questionmark",
+ symbol = "≟"
+ },
+ rAngle = {
+ doc = "mathematical right double angle bracket",
+ symbol = "⟫"
+ },
+ rBrace = {
+ doc = "right white curly bracket",
+ symbol = "⦄"
+ },
+ rBrack = {
+ doc = "mathematical right white square bracket",
+ symbol = "⟧"
+ },
+ rParen = {
+ doc = "right white parenthesis",
+ symbol = "⦆"
+ },
+ rangle = {
+ doc = "mathematical right angle bracket",
+ symbol = "⟩"
+ },
+ rangledot = {
+ doc = "right angle bracket with dot",
+ symbol = "⦒"
+ },
+ rangledownzigzagarrow = {
+ doc = "right angle with downwards zigzag arrow",
+ symbol = "⍼"
+ },
+ rbag = {
+ doc = "right s-shaped bag delimiter",
+ symbol = "⟆"
+ },
+ rblkbrbrak = {
+ doc = "right black tortoise shell bracket",
+ symbol = "⦘"
+ },
+ rbrace = {
+ doc = "right curly bracket",
+ symbol = "}"
+ },
+ rbracelend = {
+ doc = "right curly bracket lower hook",
+ symbol = "⎭"
+ },
+ rbracemid = {
+ doc = "right curly bracket middle piece",
+ symbol = "⎬"
+ },
+ rbraceuend = {
+ doc = "right curly bracket upper hook",
+ symbol = "⎫"
+ },
+ rbrack = {
+ doc = "right square bracket",
+ symbol = "]"
+ },
+ rbrackextender = {
+ doc = "right square bracket extension",
+ symbol = "⎥"
+ },
+ rbracklend = {
+ doc = "right square bracket lower corner",
+ symbol = "⎦"
+ },
+ rbracklrtick = {
+ doc = "right square bracket with tick in bottom corner",
+ symbol = "⦎"
+ },
+ rbrackubar = {
+ doc = "right square bracket with underbar",
+ symbol = "⦌"
+ },
+ rbrackuend = {
+ doc = "right square bracket upper corner",
+ symbol = "⎤"
+ },
+ rbrackurtick = {
+ doc = "right square bracket with tick in top corner",
+ symbol = "⦐"
+ },
+ rbrbrak = {
+ doc = "light right tortoise shell bracket ornament",
+ symbol = "❳"
+ },
+ rceil = {
+ doc = "right ceiling",
+ symbol = "⌉"
+ },
+ rcurvyangle = {
+ doc = "right pointing curved angle bracket",
+ symbol = "⧽"
+ },
+ rdiagovfdiag = {
+ doc = "rising diagonal crossing falling diagonal",
+ symbol = "⤫"
+ },
+ rdiagovsearrow = {
+ doc = "rising diagonal crossing south east arrow",
+ symbol = "⤰"
+ },
+ revangle = {
+ doc = "reversed angle",
+ symbol = "⦣"
+ },
+ revangleubar = {
+ doc = "reversed angle with underbar",
+ symbol = "⦥"
+ },
+ revemptyset = {
+ doc = "reversed empty set",
+ symbol = "⦰"
+ },
+ revnmid = {
+ doc = "does not divide with reversed negation slash",
+ symbol = "⫮"
+ },
+ rfbowtie = {
+ doc = "right black bowtie",
+ symbol = "⧒"
+ },
+ rfloor = {
+ doc = "right floor",
+ symbol = "⌋"
+ },
+ rftimes = {
+ doc = "right black times",
+ symbol = "⧕"
+ },
+ rgroup = {
+ doc = "mathematical right flattened parenthesis",
+ symbol = "⟯"
+ },
+ rho = {
+ doc = "small rho, greek",
+ symbol = "ρ"
+ },
+ rightangle = {
+ doc = "right (90 degree) angle",
+ symbol = "∟"
+ },
+ rightanglemdot = {
+ doc = "measured right angle with dot",
+ symbol = "⦝"
+ },
+ rightanglesqr = {
+ doc = "right angle variant with square",
+ symbol = "⦜"
+ },
+ rightarrow = {
+ doc = "/rightarrow /to a: rightward arrow",
+ symbol = "→"
+ },
+ rightarrowapprox = {
+ doc = "rightwards arrow above almost equal to",
+ symbol = "⥵"
+ },
+ rightarrowbackapprox = {
+ doc = "rightwards arrow above reverse almost equal to",
+ symbol = "⭈"
+ },
+ rightarrowbar = {
+ doc = "rightwards arrow to bar",
+ symbol = "⇥"
+ },
+ rightarrowbsimilar = {
+ doc = "righttwards arrow above reverse tilde operator",
+ symbol = "⭌"
+ },
+ rightarrowdiamond = {
+ doc = "rightwards arrow to black diamond",
+ symbol = "⤞"
+ },
+ rightarrowgtr = {
+ doc = "rightwards arrow through greater-than",
+ symbol = "⭃"
+ },
+ rightarrowonoplus = {
+ doc = "right arrow with circled plus",
+ symbol = "⟴"
+ },
+ rightarrowplus = {
+ doc = "rightwards arrow with plus below",
+ symbol = "⥅"
+ },
+ rightarrowshortleftarrow = {
+ doc = "rightwards arrow above short leftwards arrow",
+ symbol = "⥂"
+ },
+ rightarrowsimilar = {
+ doc = "rightwards arrow above tilde operator",
+ symbol = "⥴"
+ },
+ rightarrowsupset = {
+ doc = "rightwards arrow through subset",
+ symbol = "⭄"
+ },
+ rightarrowtail = {
+ doc = "right arrow-tailed",
+ symbol = "↣"
+ },
+ rightarrowtriangle = {
+ doc = "rightwards open-headed arrow",
+ symbol = "⇾"
+ },
+ rightarrowx = {
+ doc = "rightwards arrow through x",
+ symbol = "⥇"
+ },
+ rightbkarrow = {
+ doc = "rightwards double dash arrow",
+ symbol = "⤍"
+ },
+ rightcurvedarrow = {
+ doc = "wave arrow pointing directly right",
+ symbol = "⤳"
+ },
+ rightdasharrow = {
+ doc = "rightwards dashed arrow",
+ symbol = "⇢"
+ },
+ rightdbltail = {
+ doc = "rightwards double arrow-tail",
+ symbol = "⤜"
+ },
+ rightdotarrow = {
+ doc = "rightwards arrow with dotted stem",
+ symbol = "⤑"
+ },
+ rightdowncurvedarrow = {
+ doc = "arrow pointing downwards then curving rightwards",
+ symbol = "⤷"
+ },
+ rightfishtail = {
+ doc = "right fish tail",
+ symbol = "⥽"
+ },
+ rightharpoonaccent = {
+ doc = "combining right harpoon above",
+ symbol = "◌⃑"
+ },
+ rightharpoondown = {
+ doc = "right harpoon-down",
+ symbol = "⇁"
+ },
+ rightharpoondownbar = {
+ doc = "rightwards harpoon with barb down to bar",
+ symbol = "⥗"
+ },
+ rightharpoonsupdown = {
+ doc = "rightwards harpoon with barb up above rightwards harpoon with barb down",
+ symbol = "⥤"
+ },
+ rightharpoonup = {
+ doc = "right harpoon-up",
+ symbol = "⇀"
+ },
+ rightharpoonupbar = {
+ doc = "rightwards harpoon with barb up to bar",
+ symbol = "⥓"
+ },
+ rightharpoonupdash = {
+ doc = "rightwards harpoon with barb up above long dash",
+ symbol = "⥬"
+ },
+ rightimply = {
+ doc = "right double arrow with rounded head",
+ symbol = "⥰"
+ },
+ rightleftarrows = {
+ doc = "right arrow over left arrow",
+ symbol = "⇄"
+ },
+ rightleftharpoons = {
+ doc = "right harpoon over left",
+ symbol = "⇌"
+ },
+ rightleftharpoonsdown = {
+ doc = "rightwards harpoon with barb down above leftwards harpoon with barb down",
+ symbol = "⥩"
+ },
+ rightleftharpoonsup = {
+ doc = "rightwards harpoon with barb up above leftwards harpoon with barb up",
+ symbol = "⥨"
+ },
+ rightmoon = {
+ doc = "first quarter moon",
+ symbol = "☽"
+ },
+ rightouterjoin = {
+ doc = "right outer join",
+ symbol = "⟖"
+ },
+ rightpentagon = {
+ doc = "white right-pointing pentagon",
+ symbol = "⭔"
+ },
+ rightpentagonblack = {
+ doc = "black right-pointing pentagon",
+ symbol = "⭓"
+ },
+ rightrightarrows = {
+ doc = "two right arrows",
+ symbol = "⇉"
+ },
+ rightsquigarrow = {
+ doc = "rightwards squiggle arrow",
+ symbol = "⇝"
+ },
+ righttail = {
+ doc = "rightwards arrow-tail",
+ symbol = "⤚"
+ },
+ rightthreearrows = {
+ doc = "three rightwards arrows",
+ symbol = "⇶"
+ },
+ rightthreetimes = {
+ doc = "right semidirect product",
+ symbol = "⋌"
+ },
+ rightwavearrow = {
+ doc = "right arrow-wavy",
+ symbol = "↝"
+ },
+ rightwhitearrow = {
+ doc = "rightwards white arrow",
+ symbol = "⇨"
+ },
+ ringplus = {
+ doc = "plus sign with small circle above",
+ symbol = "⨢"
+ },
+ risingdotseq = {
+ doc = "equals, rising dots",
+ symbol = "≓"
+ },
+ rmoustache = {
+ doc = "upper right or lower left curly bracket section",
+ symbol = "⎱"
+ },
+ rparen = {
+ doc = "right parenthesis",
+ symbol = ")"
+ },
+ rparenextender = {
+ doc = "right parenthesis extension",
+ symbol = "⎟"
+ },
+ rparengtr = {
+ doc = "right arc greater-than bracket",
+ symbol = "⦔"
+ },
+ rparenlend = {
+ doc = "right parenthesis lower hook",
+ symbol = "⎠"
+ },
+ rparenuend = {
+ doc = "right parenthesis upper hook",
+ symbol = "⎞"
+ },
+ rppolint = {
+ doc = "line integration with rectangular path around pole",
+ symbol = "⨒"
+ },
+ rrangle = {
+ doc = "z notation right binding bracket",
+ symbol = "⦊"
+ },
+ rrparenthesis = {
+ doc = "z notation right image bracket",
+ symbol = "⦈"
+ },
+ rsolbar = {
+ doc = "reverse solidus with horizontal stroke",
+ symbol = "⧷"
+ },
+ rsqhook = {
+ doc = "square right open box operator",
+ symbol = "⫎"
+ },
+ rsub = {
+ doc = "z notation range antirestriction",
+ symbol = "⩥"
+ },
+ rtimes = {
+ doc = "times sign, right closed",
+ symbol = "⋊"
+ },
+ rtriltri = {
+ doc = "right triangle above left triangle",
+ symbol = "⧎"
+ },
+ ruledelayed = {
+ doc = "rule-delayed",
+ symbol = "⧴"
+ },
+ rvboxline = {
+ doc = "right vertical box line",
+ symbol = "⎹"
+ },
+ rvzigzag = {
+ doc = "right wiggly fence",
+ symbol = "⧙"
+ },
+ sansLmirrored = {
+ doc = "reversed sans-serif capital l",
+ symbol = "⅃"
+ },
+ sansLturned = {
+ doc = "turned sans-serif capital l",
+ symbol = "⅂"
+ },
+ scpolint = {
+ doc = "line integration with semicircular path around pole",
+ symbol = "⨓"
+ },
+ scurel = {
+ doc = "succeeds under relation",
+ symbol = "⊱"
+ },
+ searrow = {
+ doc = "se pointing arrow",
+ symbol = "↘"
+ },
+ seovnearrow = {
+ doc = "south east arrow crossing north east arrow",
+ symbol = "⤭"
+ },
+ setminus = {
+ doc = "reverse solidus operator",
+ symbol = "⧵"
+ },
+ sharp = {
+ doc = "musical sharp",
+ symbol = "♯"
+ },
+ shortdowntack = {
+ doc = "short down tack",
+ symbol = "⫟"
+ },
+ shortlefttack = {
+ doc = "short left tack",
+ symbol = "⫞"
+ },
+ shortrightarrowleftarrow = {
+ doc = "short rightwards arrow above leftwards arrow",
+ symbol = "⥄"
+ },
+ shortuptack = {
+ doc = "short up tack",
+ symbol = "⫠"
+ },
+ shuffle = {
+ doc = "shuffle product",
+ symbol = "⧢"
+ },
+ sigma = {
+ doc = "small sigma, greek",
+ symbol = "σ"
+ },
+ sim = {
+ doc = "similar",
+ symbol = "∼"
+ },
+ sime = {
+ doc = "similar, equals (alias)",
+ symbol = "≃"
+ },
+ simeq = {
+ doc = "similar, equals",
+ symbol = "≃"
+ },
+ simgE = {
+ doc = "similar above greater-than above equals sign",
+ symbol = "⪠"
+ },
+ simgtr = {
+ doc = "similar or greater-than",
+ symbol = "⪞"
+ },
+ similarleftarrow = {
+ doc = "tilde operator above leftwards arrow",
+ symbol = "⭉"
+ },
+ similarrightarrow = {
+ doc = "tilde operator above rightwards arrow",
+ symbol = "⥲"
+ },
+ simlE = {
+ doc = "similar above less-than above equals sign",
+ symbol = "⪟"
+ },
+ simless = {
+ doc = "similar or less-than",
+ symbol = "⪝"
+ },
+ simminussim = {
+ doc = "similar minus similar",
+ symbol = "⩬"
+ },
+ simneqq = {
+ doc = "similar, not equals [vert only for 9573 entity]",
+ symbol = "≆"
+ },
+ simplus = {
+ doc = "plus sign with tilde above",
+ symbol = "⨤"
+ },
+ simrdots = {
+ doc = "tilde operator with rising dots",
+ symbol = "⩫"
+ },
+ sinewave = {
+ doc = "sine wave",
+ symbol = "∿"
+ },
+ smallblacktriangleleft = {
+ doc = "left triangle, filled",
+ symbol = "◂"
+ },
+ smallblacktriangleright = {
+ doc = "right triangle, filled",
+ symbol = "▸"
+ },
+ smallin = {
+ doc = "set membership (small set membership)",
+ symbol = "∊"
+ },
+ smallni = {
+ doc = "/ni /owns r: contains (small contains as member)",
+ symbol = "∍"
+ },
+ smallsetminus = {
+ doc = "small set minus (cf. reverse solidus)",
+ symbol = "∖"
+ },
+ smalltriangleleft = {
+ doc = "left triangle, open",
+ symbol = "◃"
+ },
+ smalltriangleright = {
+ doc = "right triangle, open",
+ symbol = "▹"
+ },
+ smashtimes = {
+ doc = "smash product",
+ symbol = "⨳"
+ },
+ smblkcircle = {
+ doc = "/bullet b: round bullet, filled",
+ symbol = "•"
+ },
+ smblkdiamond = {
+ doc = "black small diamond",
+ symbol = "⬩"
+ },
+ smblklozenge = {
+ doc = "black small lozenge",
+ symbol = "⬪"
+ },
+ smblksquare = {
+ doc = "/blacksquare - sq bullet, filled",
+ symbol = "▪"
+ },
+ smeparsl = {
+ doc = "equals sign and slanted parallel with tilde above",
+ symbol = "⧤"
+ },
+ smile = {
+ doc = "up curve",
+ symbol = "⌣"
+ },
+ smt = {
+ doc = "smaller than",
+ symbol = "⪪"
+ },
+ smte = {
+ doc = "smaller than or equal to",
+ symbol = "⪬"
+ },
+ smwhitestar = {
+ doc = "white small star",
+ symbol = "⭒"
+ },
+ smwhtcircle = {
+ doc = "white bullet",
+ symbol = "◦"
+ },
+ smwhtdiamond = {
+ doc = "white diamond",
+ symbol = "⋄"
+ },
+ smwhtlozenge = {
+ doc = "white small lozenge",
+ symbol = "⬫"
+ },
+ smwhtsquare = {
+ doc = "white small square",
+ symbol = "▫"
+ },
+ spadesuit = {
+ doc = "spades suit symbol",
+ symbol = "♠"
+ },
+ sphericalangle = {
+ doc = "angle-spherical",
+ symbol = "∢"
+ },
+ sphericalangleup = {
+ doc = "spherical angle opening up",
+ symbol = "⦡"
+ },
+ sqcap = {
+ doc = "square intersection",
+ symbol = "⊓"
+ },
+ sqcup = {
+ doc = "square union",
+ symbol = "⊔"
+ },
+ sqint = {
+ doc = "quaternion integral operator",
+ symbol = "⨖"
+ },
+ sqlozenge = {
+ doc = "square lozenge",
+ symbol = "⌑"
+ },
+ sqrt = {
+ doc = "radical",
+ symbol = "√"
+ },
+ sqrtbottom = {
+ doc = "radical symbol bottom",
+ symbol = "⎷"
+ },
+ sqsubset = {
+ doc = "square subset",
+ symbol = "⊏"
+ },
+ sqsubseteq = {
+ doc = "square subset, equals",
+ symbol = "⊑"
+ },
+ sqsubsetneq = {
+ doc = "square subset, not equals",
+ symbol = "⋤"
+ },
+ sqsupset = {
+ doc = "square superset",
+ symbol = "⊐"
+ },
+ sqsupseteq = {
+ doc = "square superset, equals",
+ symbol = "⊒"
+ },
+ sqsupsetneq = {
+ doc = "square superset, not equals",
+ symbol = "⋥"
+ },
+ squarebotblack = {
+ doc = "square with bottom half black",
+ symbol = "⬓"
+ },
+ squarecrossfill = {
+ doc = "square with diagonal crosshatch fill",
+ symbol = "▩"
+ },
+ squarehfill = {
+ doc = "square, horizontal rule filled",
+ symbol = "▤"
+ },
+ squarehvfill = {
+ doc = "square with orthogonal crosshatch fill",
+ symbol = "▦"
+ },
+ squareleftblack = {
+ doc = "square, filled left half",
+ symbol = "◧"
+ },
+ squarellblack = {
+ doc = "square with lower left diagonal half black",
+ symbol = "⬕"
+ },
+ squarellquad = {
+ doc = "white square with lower left quadrant",
+ symbol = "◱"
+ },
+ squarelrblack = {
+ doc = "square, filled bottom right corner",
+ symbol = "◪"
+ },
+ squarelrquad = {
+ doc = "white square with lower right quadrant",
+ symbol = "◲"
+ },
+ squareneswfill = {
+ doc = "square, ne-to-sw rule filled",
+ symbol = "▨"
+ },
+ squarenwsefill = {
+ doc = "square, nw-to-se rule filled",
+ symbol = "▧"
+ },
+ squarerightblack = {
+ doc = "square, filled right half",
+ symbol = "◨"
+ },
+ squaretopblack = {
+ doc = "square with top half black",
+ symbol = "⬒"
+ },
+ squareulblack = {
+ doc = "square, filled top left corner",
+ symbol = "◩"
+ },
+ squareulquad = {
+ doc = "white square with upper left quadrant",
+ symbol = "◰"
+ },
+ squareurblack = {
+ doc = "square with upper right diagonal half black",
+ symbol = "⬔"
+ },
+ squareurquad = {
+ doc = "white square with upper right quadrant",
+ symbol = "◳"
+ },
+ squarevfill = {
+ doc = "square, vertical rule filled",
+ symbol = "▥"
+ },
+ squoval = {
+ doc = "white square with rounded corners",
+ symbol = "▢"
+ },
+ sslash = {
+ doc = "double solidus operator",
+ symbol = "⫽"
+ },
+ star = {
+ doc = "small star, filled, low",
+ symbol = "⋆"
+ },
+ stareq = {
+ doc = "star equals",
+ symbol = "≛"
+ },
+ strns = {
+ doc = "straightness",
+ symbol = "⏤"
+ },
+ subedot = {
+ doc = "subset of or equal to with dot above",
+ symbol = "⫃"
+ },
+ submult = {
+ doc = "subset with multiplication sign below",
+ symbol = "⫁"
+ },
+ subrarr = {
+ doc = "subset above rightwards arrow",
+ symbol = "⥹"
+ },
+ subset = {
+ doc = "subset or is implied by",
+ symbol = "⊂"
+ },
+ subsetapprox = {
+ doc = "subset of above almost equal to",
+ symbol = "⫉"
+ },
+ subsetcirc = {
+ doc = "open subset",
+ symbol = "⟃"
+ },
+ subsetdot = {
+ doc = "subset with dot",
+ symbol = "⪽"
+ },
+ subseteq = {
+ doc = "subset, equals",
+ symbol = "⊆"
+ },
+ subseteqq = {
+ doc = "subset of above equals sign",
+ symbol = "⫅"
+ },
+ subsetneq = {
+ doc = "subset, not equals",
+ symbol = "⊊"
+ },
+ subsetneqq = {
+ doc = "subset of above not equal to",
+ symbol = "⫋"
+ },
+ subsetplus = {
+ doc = "subset with plus sign below",
+ symbol = "⪿"
+ },
+ subsim = {
+ doc = "subset of above tilde operator",
+ symbol = "⫇"
+ },
+ subsub = {
+ doc = "subset above subset",
+ symbol = "⫕"
+ },
+ subsup = {
+ doc = "subset above superset",
+ symbol = "⫓"
+ },
+ succ = {
+ doc = "succeeds",
+ symbol = "≻"
+ },
+ succapprox = {
+ doc = "succeeds above almost equal to",
+ symbol = "⪸"
+ },
+ succcurlyeq = {
+ doc = "succeeds, curly equals",
+ symbol = "≽"
+ },
+ succeq = {
+ doc = "succeeds above single-line equals sign",
+ symbol = "⪰"
+ },
+ succeqq = {
+ doc = "succeeds above equals sign",
+ symbol = "⪴"
+ },
+ succnapprox = {
+ doc = "succeeds above not almost equal to",
+ symbol = "⪺"
+ },
+ succneq = {
+ doc = "succeeds above single-line not equal to",
+ symbol = "⪲"
+ },
+ succneqq = {
+ doc = "succeeds above not equal to",
+ symbol = "⪶"
+ },
+ succnsim = {
+ doc = "succeeds, not similar",
+ symbol = "⋩"
+ },
+ succsim = {
+ doc = "succeeds, similar",
+ symbol = "≿"
+ },
+ sum = {
+ doc = "summation operator",
+ symbol = "∑"
+ },
+ sumbottom = {
+ doc = "summation bottom",
+ symbol = "⎳"
+ },
+ sumint = {
+ doc = "summation with integral",
+ symbol = "⨋"
+ },
+ sumtop = {
+ doc = "summation top",
+ symbol = "⎲"
+ },
+ sun = {
+ doc = "white sun with rays",
+ symbol = "☼"
+ },
+ supdsub = {
+ doc = "superset beside and joined by dash with subset",
+ symbol = "⫘"
+ },
+ supedot = {
+ doc = "superset of or equal to with dot above",
+ symbol = "⫄"
+ },
+ suphsol = {
+ doc = "superset preceding solidus",
+ symbol = "⟉"
+ },
+ suphsub = {
+ doc = "superset beside subset",
+ symbol = "⫗"
+ },
+ suplarr = {
+ doc = "superset above leftwards arrow",
+ symbol = "⥻"
+ },
+ supmult = {
+ doc = "superset with multiplication sign below",
+ symbol = "⫂"
+ },
+ supset = {
+ doc = "superset or implies",
+ symbol = "⊃"
+ },
+ supsetapprox = {
+ doc = "superset of above almost equal to",
+ symbol = "⫊"
+ },
+ supsetcirc = {
+ doc = "open superset",
+ symbol = "⟄"
+ },
+ supsetdot = {
+ doc = "superset with dot",
+ symbol = "⪾"
+ },
+ supseteq = {
+ doc = "superset, equals",
+ symbol = "⊇"
+ },
+ supseteqq = {
+ doc = "superset of above equals sign",
+ symbol = "⫆"
+ },
+ supsetneq = {
+ doc = "superset, not equals",
+ symbol = "⊋"
+ },
+ supsetneqq = {
+ doc = "superset of above not equal to",
+ symbol = "⫌"
+ },
+ supsetplus = {
+ doc = "superset with plus sign below",
+ symbol = "⫀"
+ },
+ supsim = {
+ doc = "superset of above tilde operator",
+ symbol = "⫈"
+ },
+ supsub = {
+ doc = "superset above subset",
+ symbol = "⫔"
+ },
+ supsup = {
+ doc = "superset above superset",
+ symbol = "⫖"
+ },
+ surd = {
+ doc = "radical",
+ symbol = "√"
+ },
+ swarrow = {
+ doc = "sw pointing arrow",
+ symbol = "↙"
+ },
+ talloblong = {
+ doc = "white vertical bar",
+ symbol = "⫾"
+ },
+ tau = {
+ doc = "small tau, greek",
+ symbol = "τ"
+ },
+ therefore = {
+ doc = "therefore",
+ symbol = "∴"
+ },
+ thermod = {
+ doc = "thermodynamic",
+ symbol = "⧧"
+ },
+ theta = {
+ doc = "straight theta, small theta, greek",
+ symbol = "θ"
+ },
+ threedangle = {
+ doc = "three dimensional angle",
+ symbol = "⟀"
+ },
+ threedotcolon = {
+ doc = "triple colon operator",
+ symbol = "⫶"
+ },
+ threeunderdot = {
+ doc = "combining triple underdot",
+ symbol = "◌⃨"
+ },
+ tieconcat = {
+ doc = "character tie, z notation sequence concatenation",
+ symbol = "⁀"
+ },
+ tieinfty = {
+ doc = "tie over infinity",
+ symbol = "⧝"
+ },
+ tilde = {
+ doc = "tilde",
+ symbol = "◌̃"
+ },
+ times = {
+ doc = "multiply sign",
+ symbol = "×"
+ },
+ timesbar = {
+ doc = "multiplication sign with underbar",
+ symbol = "⨱"
+ },
+ tminus = {
+ doc = "miny",
+ symbol = "⧿"
+ },
+ toea = {
+ doc = "north east arrow and south east arrow",
+ symbol = "⤨"
+ },
+ tona = {
+ doc = "north west arrow and north east arrow",
+ symbol = "⤧"
+ },
+ top = {
+ doc = "top",
+ symbol = "⊤"
+ },
+ topbot = {
+ doc = "top and bottom",
+ symbol = "⌶"
+ },
+ topcir = {
+ doc = "down tack with circle below",
+ symbol = "⫱"
+ },
+ topfork = {
+ doc = "pitchfork with tee top",
+ symbol = "⫚"
+ },
+ topsemicircle = {
+ doc = "upper half circle",
+ symbol = "◠"
+ },
+ tosa = {
+ doc = "south east arrow and south west arrow",
+ symbol = "⤩"
+ },
+ towa = {
+ doc = "south west arrow and north west arrow",
+ symbol = "⤪"
+ },
+ tplus = {
+ doc = "tiny",
+ symbol = "⧾"
+ },
+ trapezium = {
+ doc = "white trapezium",
+ symbol = "⏢"
+ },
+ trianglecdot = {
+ doc = "triangle with centered dot",
+ symbol = "◬"
+ },
+ triangledown = {
+ doc = "down triangle, open",
+ symbol = "▿"
+ },
+ triangleleft = {
+ doc = "(large) left triangle, open; z notation domain restriction",
+ symbol = "◁"
+ },
+ triangleleftblack = {
+ doc = "up-pointing triangle with left half black",
+ symbol = "◭"
+ },
+ trianglelefteq = {
+ doc = "left triangle, equals",
+ symbol = "⊴"
+ },
+ triangleminus = {
+ doc = "minus sign in triangle",
+ symbol = "⨺"
+ },
+ triangleodot = {
+ doc = "triangle with dot above",
+ symbol = "⧊"
+ },
+ triangleplus = {
+ doc = "plus sign in triangle",
+ symbol = "⨹"
+ },
+ triangleq = {
+ doc = "triangle, equals",
+ symbol = "≜"
+ },
+ triangleright = {
+ doc = "(large) right triangle, open; z notation range restriction",
+ symbol = "▷"
+ },
+ trianglerightblack = {
+ doc = "up-pointing triangle with right half black",
+ symbol = "◮"
+ },
+ trianglerighteq = {
+ doc = "right triangle, equals",
+ symbol = "⊵"
+ },
+ triangles = {
+ doc = "s in triangle",
+ symbol = "⧌"
+ },
+ triangleserifs = {
+ doc = "triangle with serifs at bottom",
+ symbol = "⧍"
+ },
+ triangletimes = {
+ doc = "multiplication sign in triangle",
+ symbol = "⨻"
+ },
+ triangleubar = {
+ doc = "triangle with underbar",
+ symbol = "⧋"
+ },
+ tripleplus = {
+ doc = "triple plus",
+ symbol = "⧻"
+ },
+ trprime = {
+ doc = "triple prime (not superscripted)",
+ symbol = "‴"
+ },
+ trslash = {
+ doc = "triple solidus binary relation",
+ symbol = "⫻"
+ },
+ turnangle = {
+ doc = "turned angle",
+ symbol = "⦢"
+ },
+ turnediota = {
+ doc = "turned iota",
+ symbol = "℩"
+ },
+ turnednot = {
+ doc = "turned not sign",
+ symbol = "⌙"
+ },
+ twocaps = {
+ doc = "intersection beside and joined with intersection",
+ symbol = "⩋"
+ },
+ twocups = {
+ doc = "union beside and joined with union",
+ symbol = "⩊"
+ },
+ twoheaddownarrow = {
+ doc = "down two-headed arrow",
+ symbol = "↡"
+ },
+ twoheadleftarrow = {
+ doc = "left two-headed arrow",
+ symbol = "↞"
+ },
+ twoheadleftarrowtail = {
+ doc = "leftwards two-headed arrow with tail",
+ symbol = "⬻"
+ },
+ twoheadleftdbkarrow = {
+ doc = "leftwards two-headed triple-dash arrow",
+ symbol = "⬷"
+ },
+ twoheadmapsfrom = {
+ doc = "leftwards two-headed arrow from bar",
+ symbol = "⬶"
+ },
+ twoheadmapsto = {
+ doc = "rightwards two-headed arrow from bar",
+ symbol = "⤅"
+ },
+ twoheadrightarrow = {
+ doc = "right two-headed arrow",
+ symbol = "↠"
+ },
+ twoheadrightarrowtail = {
+ doc = "rightwards two-headed arrow with tail",
+ symbol = "⤖"
+ },
+ twoheaduparrow = {
+ doc = "up two-headed arrow",
+ symbol = "↟"
+ },
+ twoheaduparrowcircle = {
+ doc = "upwards two-headed arrow from small circle",
+ symbol = "⥉"
+ },
+ twolowline = {
+ doc = "double low line (spacing)",
+ symbol = "‗"
+ },
+ twonotes = {
+ doc = "beamed eighth notes",
+ symbol = "♫"
+ },
+ typecolon = {
+ doc = "z notation type colon",
+ symbol = "⦂"
+ },
+ ubrbrak = {
+ doc = "bottom tortoise shell bracket (mathematical use)",
+ symbol = "⏡"
+ },
+ ularc = {
+ doc = "upper left quadrant circular arc",
+ symbol = "◜"
+ },
+ ulblacktriangle = {
+ doc = "upper left triangle, filled",
+ symbol = "◤"
+ },
+ ulcorner = {
+ doc = "upper left corner",
+ symbol = "⌜"
+ },
+ ultriangle = {
+ doc = "upper left triangle",
+ symbol = "◸"
+ },
+ uminus = {
+ doc = "union with minus sign",
+ symbol = "⩁"
+ },
+ underbrace = {
+ doc = "bottom curly bracket (mathematical use)",
+ symbol = "⏟"
+ },
+ underbracket = {
+ doc = "bottom square bracket",
+ symbol = "⎵"
+ },
+ underleftarrow = {
+ doc = "combining left arrow below",
+ symbol = "◌⃮"
+ },
+ underleftharpoondown = {
+ doc = "combining leftwards harpoon with barb downwards",
+ symbol = "◌⃭"
+ },
+ underleftrightarrow = {
+ doc = "underleftrightarrow accent",
+ symbol = "◌͍"
+ },
+ underparen = {
+ doc = "bottom parenthesis (mathematical use)",
+ symbol = "⏝"
+ },
+ underrightarrow = {
+ doc = "combining right arrow below",
+ symbol = "◌⃯"
+ },
+ underrightharpoondown = {
+ doc = "combining rightwards harpoon with barb downwards",
+ symbol = "◌⃬"
+ },
+ unicodecdots = {
+ doc = "three dots, centered",
+ symbol = "⋯"
+ },
+ unicodeellipsis = {
+ doc = "ellipsis (horizontal)",
+ symbol = "…"
+ },
+ upDigamma = {
+ doc = "capital digamma",
+ symbol = "Ϝ"
+ },
+ upand = {
+ doc = "turned ampersand",
+ symbol = "⅋"
+ },
+ uparrow = {
+ doc = "upward arrow",
+ symbol = "↑"
+ },
+ uparrowbarred = {
+ doc = "upwards arrow with horizontal stroke",
+ symbol = "⤉"
+ },
+ uparrowoncircle = {
+ doc = "up arrow through circle",
+ symbol = "⦽"
+ },
+ upbackepsilon = {
+ doc = "greek reversed lunate epsilon symbol",
+ symbol = "϶"
+ },
+ updasharrow = {
+ doc = "upwards dashed arrow",
+ symbol = "⇡"
+ },
+ updigamma = {
+ doc = "old greek small letter digamma",
+ symbol = "ϝ"
+ },
+ updownarrow = {
+ doc = "up and down arrow",
+ symbol = "↕"
+ },
+ updownarrowbar = {
+ doc = "up down arrow with base (perpendicular)",
+ symbol = "↨"
+ },
+ updownarrows = {
+ doc = "up arrow, down arrow",
+ symbol = "⇅"
+ },
+ updownharpoonleftleft = {
+ doc = "up barb left down barb left harpoon",
+ symbol = "⥑"
+ },
+ updownharpoonleftright = {
+ doc = "up barb left down barb right harpoon",
+ symbol = "⥍"
+ },
+ updownharpoonrightleft = {
+ doc = "up barb right down barb left harpoon",
+ symbol = "⥌"
+ },
+ updownharpoonrightright = {
+ doc = "up barb right down barb right harpoon",
+ symbol = "⥏"
+ },
+ updownharpoonsleftright = {
+ doc = "upwards harpoon with barb left beside downwards harpoon with barb right",
+ symbol = "⥮"
+ },
+ upfishtail = {
+ doc = "up fish tail",
+ symbol = "⥾"
+ },
+ upharpoonleft = {
+ doc = "up harpoon-left",
+ symbol = "↿"
+ },
+ upharpoonleftbar = {
+ doc = "upwards harpoon with barb left from bar",
+ symbol = "⥠"
+ },
+ upharpoonright = {
+ doc = "/upharpoonright /restriction a: up harpoon-right",
+ symbol = "↾"
+ },
+ upharpoonrightbar = {
+ doc = "upwards harpoon with barb right from bar",
+ symbol = "⥜"
+ },
+ upharpoonsleftright = {
+ doc = "upwards harpoon with barb left beside upwards harpoon with barb right",
+ symbol = "⥣"
+ },
+ upin = {
+ doc = "element of opening upwards",
+ symbol = "⟒"
+ },
+ upint = {
+ doc = "integral with overbar",
+ symbol = "⨛"
+ },
+ uplus = {
+ doc = "plus sign in union",
+ symbol = "⊎"
+ },
+ uprightcurvearrow = {
+ doc = "arrow pointing rightwards then curving upwards",
+ symbol = "⤴"
+ },
+ upsilon = {
+ doc = "small upsilon, greek",
+ symbol = "υ"
+ },
+ upuparrows = {
+ doc = "two up arrows",
+ symbol = "⇈"
+ },
+ upwhitearrow = {
+ doc = "upwards white arrow",
+ symbol = "⇧"
+ },
+ urarc = {
+ doc = "upper right quadrant circular arc",
+ symbol = "◝"
+ },
+ urblacktriangle = {
+ doc = "upper right triangle, filled",
+ symbol = "◥"
+ },
+ urcorner = {
+ doc = "upper right corner",
+ symbol = "⌝"
+ },
+ urtriangle = {
+ doc = "upper right triangle",
+ symbol = "◹"
+ },
+ vBar = {
+ doc = "short up tack with underbar",
+ symbol = "⫨"
+ },
+ vBarv = {
+ doc = "short up tack above short down tack",
+ symbol = "⫩"
+ },
+ vDash = {
+ doc = "vertical, double dash",
+ symbol = "⊨"
+ },
+ vDdash = {
+ doc = "vertical bar triple right turnstile",
+ symbol = "⫢"
+ },
+ varTheta = {
+ doc = "greek capital theta symbol",
+ symbol = "ϴ"
+ },
+ varVdash = {
+ doc = "long dash from left member of double vertical",
+ symbol = "⫦"
+ },
+ varbarwedge = {
+ doc = "/barwedge b: logical and, bar above [projective (bar over small wedge)]",
+ symbol = "⌅"
+ },
+ varcarriagereturn = {
+ doc = "return symbol",
+ symbol = "⏎"
+ },
+ varclubsuit = {
+ doc = "club, white (card suit)",
+ symbol = "♧"
+ },
+ vardiamondsuit = {
+ doc = "filled diamond (card suit)",
+ symbol = "♦"
+ },
+ vardoublebarwedge = {
+ doc = "/doublebarwedge b: logical and, double bar above [perspective (double bar over small wedge)]",
+ symbol = "⌆"
+ },
+ varepsilon = {
+ doc = "rounded small varepsilon, greek",
+ symbol = "ε"
+ },
+ varheartsuit = {
+ doc = "filled heart (card suit)",
+ symbol = "♥"
+ },
+ varhexagon = {
+ doc = "white hexagon",
+ symbol = "⬡"
+ },
+ varhexagonblack = {
+ doc = "black hexagon",
+ symbol = "⬢"
+ },
+ varhexagonlrbonds = {
+ doc = "six carbon ring, corner down, double bonds lower right etc",
+ symbol = "⌬"
+ },
+ varisinobar = {
+ doc = "element of with overbar",
+ symbol = "⋶"
+ },
+ varisins = {
+ doc = "element of with vertical bar at end of horizontal stroke",
+ symbol = "⋳"
+ },
+ varkappa = {
+ doc = "rounded small kappa, greek",
+ symbol = "ϰ"
+ },
+ varlrtriangle = {
+ doc = "right triangle",
+ symbol = "⊿"
+ },
+ varniobar = {
+ doc = "contains with overbar",
+ symbol = "⋽"
+ },
+ varnis = {
+ doc = "contains with vertical bar at end of horizontal stroke",
+ symbol = "⋻"
+ },
+ varnothing = {
+ doc = "circle, slash",
+ symbol = "∅"
+ },
+ varointclockwise = {
+ doc = "contour integral, clockwise",
+ symbol = "∲"
+ },
+ varphi = {
+ doc = "curly or open small phi, greek",
+ symbol = "φ"
+ },
+ varpi = {
+ doc = "rounded small pi (pomega), greek",
+ symbol = "ϖ"
+ },
+ varrho = {
+ doc = "rounded small rho, greek",
+ symbol = "ϱ"
+ },
+ varsigma = {
+ doc = "terminal sigma, greek",
+ symbol = "ς"
+ },
+ varspadesuit = {
+ doc = "spade, white (card suit)",
+ symbol = "♤"
+ },
+ varstar = {
+ doc = "six pointed black star",
+ symbol = "✶"
+ },
+ vartheta = {
+ doc = "/vartheta - curly or open theta",
+ symbol = "ϑ"
+ },
+ vartriangle = {
+ doc = "/triangle - up triangle, open",
+ symbol = "▵"
+ },
+ vartriangleleft = {
+ doc = "left triangle, open, variant",
+ symbol = "⊲"
+ },
+ vartriangleright = {
+ doc = "right triangle, open, variant",
+ symbol = "⊳"
+ },
+ varveebar = {
+ doc = "small vee with underbar",
+ symbol = "⩡"
+ },
+ vbraceextender = {
+ doc = "curly bracket extension",
+ symbol = "⎪"
+ },
+ vbrtri = {
+ doc = "vertical bar beside right triangle",
+ symbol = "⧐"
+ },
+ vdash = {
+ doc = "vertical, dash",
+ symbol = "⊢"
+ },
+ vdots = {
+ doc = "vertical ellipsis",
+ symbol = "⋮"
+ },
+ vec = {
+ doc = "combining right arrow above",
+ symbol = "◌⃗"
+ },
+ vectimes = {
+ doc = "vector or cross product",
+ symbol = "⨯"
+ },
+ vee = {
+ doc = "/vee /lor b: logical or",
+ symbol = "∨"
+ },
+ veebar = {
+ doc = "logical or, bar below (large vee); exclusive disjunction",
+ symbol = "⊻"
+ },
+ veedot = {
+ doc = "or with dot inside",
+ symbol = "⟇"
+ },
+ veedoublebar = {
+ doc = "logical or with double underbar",
+ symbol = "⩣"
+ },
+ veeeq = {
+ doc = "logical or, equals",
+ symbol = "≚"
+ },
+ veemidvert = {
+ doc = "logical or with middle stem",
+ symbol = "⩛"
+ },
+ veeodot = {
+ doc = "logical or with dot above",
+ symbol = "⩒"
+ },
+ veeonvee = {
+ doc = "two intersecting logical or",
+ symbol = "⩖"
+ },
+ veeonwedge = {
+ doc = "logical or overlapping logical and",
+ symbol = "⩙"
+ },
+ vert = {
+ doc = "vertical bar",
+ symbol = "|"
+ },
+ vertoverlay = {
+ doc = "combining long vertical line overlay",
+ symbol = "◌⃒"
+ },
+ viewdata = {
+ doc = "viewdata square",
+ symbol = "⌗"
+ },
+ vlongdash = {
+ doc = "long left tack",
+ symbol = "⟝"
+ },
+ vrectangle = {
+ doc = "rectangle, white (vertical)",
+ symbol = "▯"
+ },
+ vrectangleblack = {
+ doc = "black vertical rectangle",
+ symbol = "▮"
+ },
+ vysmblkcircle = {
+ doc = "bullet operator",
+ symbol = "∙"
+ },
+ vysmblksquare = {
+ doc = "black very small square",
+ symbol = "⬝"
+ },
+ vysmwhtcircle = {
+ doc = "composite function (small circle)",
+ symbol = "∘"
+ },
+ vysmwhtsquare = {
+ doc = "white very small square",
+ symbol = "⬞"
+ },
+ vzigzag = {
+ doc = "vertical zigzag line",
+ symbol = "⦚"
+ },
+ wedge = {
+ doc = "/wedge /land b: logical and",
+ symbol = "∧"
+ },
+ wedgebar = {
+ doc = "logical and with underbar",
+ symbol = "⩟"
+ },
+ wedgedot = {
+ doc = "and with dot",
+ symbol = "⟑"
+ },
+ wedgedoublebar = {
+ doc = "logical and with double underbar",
+ symbol = "⩠"
+ },
+ wedgemidvert = {
+ doc = "logical and with middle stem",
+ symbol = "⩚"
+ },
+ wedgeodot = {
+ doc = "logical and with dot above",
+ symbol = "⩑"
+ },
+ wedgeonwedge = {
+ doc = "two intersecting logical and",
+ symbol = "⩕"
+ },
+ wedgeq = {
+ doc = "corresponds to (wedge, equals)",
+ symbol = "≙"
+ },
+ whitearrowupfrombar = {
+ doc = "upwards white arrow from bar",
+ symbol = "⇪"
+ },
+ whiteinwhitetriangle = {
+ doc = "white triangle containing small white triangle",
+ symbol = "⟁"
+ },
+ whitepointerleft = {
+ doc = "white left-pointing pointer",
+ symbol = "◅"
+ },
+ whitepointerright = {
+ doc = "white right-pointing pointer",
+ symbol = "▻"
+ },
+ whitesquaretickleft = {
+ doc = "white square with leftwards tick",
+ symbol = "⟤"
+ },
+ whitesquaretickright = {
+ doc = "white square with rightwards tick",
+ symbol = "⟥"
+ },
+ whthorzoval = {
+ doc = "white horizontal ellipse",
+ symbol = "⬭"
+ },
+ whtvertoval = {
+ doc = "white vertical ellipse",
+ symbol = "⬯"
+ },
+ wideangledown = {
+ doc = "oblique angle opening up",
+ symbol = "⦦"
+ },
+ wideangleup = {
+ doc = "oblique angle opening down",
+ symbol = "⦧"
+ },
+ widebreve = {
+ doc = "stretchy breve",
+ symbol = "◌̆"
+ },
+ widebridgeabove = {
+ doc = "combining wide bridge above",
+ symbol = "◌⃩"
+ },
+ widecheck = {
+ doc = "stretchy caron",
+ symbol = "◌̌"
+ },
+ widehat = {
+ doc = "circumflex accent",
+ symbol = "◌̂"
+ },
+ wideoverbar = {
+ doc = "stretchy overbar embellishment",
+ symbol = "◌̅"
+ },
+ widetilde = {
+ doc = "tilde",
+ symbol = "◌̃"
+ },
+ wideutilde = {
+ doc = "under tilde accent (multiple characters and non-spacing)",
+ symbol = "◌̰"
+ },
+ wp = {
+ doc = "weierstrass p",
+ symbol = "℘"
+ },
+ wr = {
+ doc = "wreath product",
+ symbol = "≀"
+ },
+ xbsol = {
+ doc = "big reverse solidus",
+ symbol = "⧹"
+ },
+ xi = {
+ doc = "small xi, greek",
+ symbol = "ξ"
+ },
+ xsol = {
+ doc = "big solidus",
+ symbol = "⧸"
+ },
+ zcmp = {
+ doc = "z notation schema composition",
+ symbol = "⨟"
+ },
+ zeta = {
+ doc = "small zeta, greek",
+ symbol = "ζ"
+ },
+ zpipe = {
+ doc = "z notation schema piping",
+ symbol = "⨠"
+ },
+ zproject = {
+ doc = "z notation schema projection",
+ symbol = "⨡"
+ }
diff --git a/support/digestif/data/xparse.sty.tags b/support/digestif/data/xparse.sty.tags
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..19fd6bb0bc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/support/digestif/data/xparse.sty.tags
@@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
+ctan_package = "xparse"
+dependencies = {
+ "expl3.sty"
+commands = {
+ NewDocumentCommand = {
+ action = "NewDocumentCommand",
+ arguments = {
+ [1] = {meta = "command"},
+ [2] = {meta = "arg spec"},
+ [3] = {meta = "code"}
+ },
+ summary = "Define a new command."
+ },
+ RenewDocumentCommand = {
+ action = "NewDocumentCommand",
+ arguments = {
+ [1] = {meta = "command"},
+ [2] = {meta = "arg spec"},
+ [3] = {meta = "code"}
+ },
+ summary = "Redefine an existing command."
+ },
+ ProvideDocumentCommand = {
+ action = "NewDocumentCommand",
+ arguments = {
+ [1] = {meta = "command"},
+ [2] = {meta = "arg spec"},
+ [3] = {meta = "code"}
+ },
+ summary = "Define a new command, unless already defined."
+ },
+ DeclareDocumentCommand = {
+ action = "NewDocumentCommand",
+ arguments = {
+ [1] = {meta = "command"},
+ [2] = {meta = "arg spec"},
+ [3] = {meta = "code"}
+ },
+ summary = "Define a new command, overriding an existing definition."
+ },
+ NewDocumentEnvironment = {
+ action = "NewDocumentEnvironment",
+ arguments = {
+ [1] = {meta = "environment"},
+ [2] = {meta = "arg spec"},
+ [3] = {meta = "start code"},
+ [4] = {meta = "end code"}
+ },
+ summary = "Define a new environment."
+ },
+ RenewDocumentEnvironment = {
+ action = "NewDocumentEnvironment",
+ arguments = {
+ [1] = {meta = "environment"},
+ [2] = {meta = "arg spec"},
+ [3] = {meta = "start code"},
+ [4] = {meta = "end code"}
+ },
+ summary = "Redefine an existing environment."
+ },
+ ProvideDocumentEnvironment = {
+ action = "NewDocumentEnvironment",
+ arguments = {
+ [1] = {meta = "environment"},
+ [2] = {meta = "arg spec"},
+ [3] = {meta = "start code"},
+ [4] = {meta = "end code"}
+ },
+ summary = "Define a new environment, unless already defined."
+ },
+ DeclareDocumentEnvironment = {
+ action = "NewDocumentEnvironment",
+ arguments = {
+ [1] = {meta = "environment"},
+ [2] = {meta = "arg spec"},
+ [3] = {meta = "start code"},
+ [4] = {meta = "end code"}
+ },
+ summary = "Define a new environment, overriding an existing definition."
+ },
+ NewExpandableDocumentCommand = "$ref:xparse.sty#/commands/NewDocumentCommand",
+ RenewExpandableDocumentCommand = "$ref:xparse.sty#/commands/RenewDocumentCommand",
+ ProvideExpandableDocumentCommand = "$ref:xparse.sty#/commands/ProvideDocumentCommand",
+ DeclareExpandableDocumentCommand = "$ref:xparse.sty#/commands/DeclareDocumentCommand"