path: root/support/classpack/prepost.xml
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'support/classpack/prepost.xml')
1 files changed, 648 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/support/classpack/prepost.xml b/support/classpack/prepost.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a61f0268df
--- /dev/null
+++ b/support/classpack/prepost.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,648 @@
+<!DOCTYPE refsection
+ PUBLIC "+//Silmaril//DTD DocBook 5.0 for DocTeX//EN" "doctexbook-master.dtd">
+<!-- This is the lookup table prepost.xml used by the db2dtx.xsl
+ program, part of the classpack package for maintaining LaTeX
+ packages and document classes. It is documented in the manual for
+ classpack.
+ To sort the contents of this file by package name, use the command
+ lxsort refsection/procedure step @remap prepost.xml
+ To list the packages specified, use the command
+ lxprintf -e step "%s %s\n" ancestor::procedure/@xml:id @remap prepost.xml
+ <title>Commands to use before and after packages</title>
+ <procedure xml:id="prepackage">
+ <!-- FONTS -->
+ <step condition="doc cls sty" remap="fix-cm">
+ <para>Allow infinitely-variable font scaling.</para>
+ </step>
+ <step condition="cls sty" remap="avant">
+ <para>Adobe Avant Garde as the default sans-serif typeface.</para>
+ </step>
+ <step condition="cls sty" remap="mathdesign">
+ <para>Use the alternate MathDesign fonts for mathematics.</para>
+ </step>
+ <step condition="cls sty" remap="charter">
+ <para>Bitstream Charter as the default typeface</para>
+ </step>
+ <step condition="cls sty" remap="courier">
+ <para>Adobe Courier as the default monospace (typewriter)
+ typeface.</para>
+ </step>
+ <step condition="cls doc sty" remap="emerald">
+ <para>Collection of handwriting typefaces.</para>
+ </step>
+ <step remap="dejavu" condition="cls sty doc" conformance="nosc">
+ <para>Sets the DejaVu typeface as the default.</para>
+ </step>
+ <step condition="cls sty doc" remap="DejaVuSans" conformance="nosc">
+ <para>Sets the DejaVu typeface as the default sans-serif typeface.</para>
+ </step>
+ <step condition="cls sty doc" remap="DejaVuSerif" conformance="nosc">
+ <para>Sets the DejaVu typeface as the default serif typeface.</para>
+ </step>
+ <step condition="cls sty" remap="eucal">
+ <para>Add the AMS Euler calligraphic math letters.</para>
+ </step>
+ <step condition="doc cls sty" remap="aller">
+ <para>Sans-serif typeface by Dalton Maag available free from
+ <uri></uri></para>
+ </step>
+ <step condition="cls sty" remap="amssymb">
+ <para>Provide for the American Mathematical Society's symbols
+ (see their documentation for details).</para>
+ </step>
+ <step role="utf8x" remap="inputenc" condition="cls sty">
+ <para>UTF-8 is the default character set, to allow for use of
+ any character in any writing system. Some characters are not
+ specified for all fonts, so may have to be specified
+ manually.</para>
+ </step>
+ <step condition="doc" remap="inputenc" role="utf8x">
+ <constructorsynopsis condition=""/>
+ <constraintdef>
+ <cmdsynopsis>
+ <command>\let\SavedShow\show</command>
+ </cmdsynopsis>
+ </constraintdef>
+ </step>
+ <step condition="cls sty" remap="fontenc" role="T1">
+ <para>Extended font encoding to handle UTF-8.</para>
+ <constructorsynopsis condition=""/>
+ </step>
+ <step condition="cls sty" remap="marvosym">
+ <para>Selection of symbols by Martin Vogel, including the Euro
+ sign.</para>
+ </step>
+ <step condition="cls sty" remap="helvet" role="scaled=0.8667">
+ <para>Adobe Helvetica as the default sans-serif typeface.</para>
+ </step>
+ <step condition="cls sty" remap="lmodern">
+ <para>The updated Computer Modern typeface as the default.</para>
+ <constructorsynopsis condition=""/>
+ </step>
+ <step condition="cls sty" remap="manfnt">
+ <para>Knuth's <wordasword>manual</wordasword> font (as in
+ <citetitle>The &TeX;book</citetitle>), used for symbols.</para>
+ </step>
+ <step condition="cls sty" remap="mathptmx">
+ <para>Adobe Times New Roman as the default serif typeface, with
+ extended (non-Adobe) Times math.</para>
+ </step>
+ <step condition="doc cls sty" remap="warnock">
+ <para>Serif typeface by Robert Slimbach available under licence
+ from Adobe.</para>
+ </step>
+ <step condition="cls sty" remap="pslatex">
+ <para>Provides Times, Helvetica, and Courier, but chiefly used
+ for its specially-narrowed Courier.</para>
+ </step>
+ <step condition="doc" remap="mflogo">
+ <para>Provides the &METAFONT; and &METAPOST; logos.</para>
+ <constructorsynopsis condition=""/>
+ </step>
+ <!-- BIBLIO -->
+ <step condition="doc" remap="apacite">
+ <para>Bibliographic commands and formatting for the American
+ Psychological Association journals.</para>
+ <constraintdef>
+ <cmdsynopsis>
+ <command>\AtBeginDocument{\edef\ApaciteRestoreAtCode{\catcode`@=\the\catcode`@\relax}}</command>
+ </cmdsynopsis>
+ </constraintdef>
+ </step>
+ <step condition="cls sty" remap="bibunits">
+ <para>Provision for per-chapter bibliographies.</para>
+ </step>
+ <!-- UTILS -->
+ <step remap="array" condition="cls sty doc">
+ <para>Additional column formatting for tables.</para>
+ <constructorsynopsis condition="tgroup">
+ </constructorsynopsis>
+ <constructorsynopsis condition="colspec">
+ <methodparam>
+ <parameter>condition</parameter>
+ </methodparam>
+ <methodparam>
+ <parameter>colwidth</parameter>
+ </methodparam>
+ <methodparam>
+ <parameter>char</parameter>
+ <modifier>m</modifier>
+ </methodparam>
+ <methodparam>
+ <parameter>char</parameter>
+ <modifier>b</modifier>
+ </methodparam>
+ </constructorsynopsis>
+ </step>
+ <step remap="dcolumn" condition="doc">
+ <para>Column formatting for decimal-aligned values</para>
+ <constructorsynopsis condition="colspec">
+ <methodparam>
+ <parameter>align</parameter>
+ <modifier>char</modifier>
+ </methodparam>
+ </constructorsynopsis>
+ </step>
+ <step condition="cls sty" remap="babel">
+ <para>Add H&ampers;J support and cultural changes for many
+ languages.</para>
+ </step>
+ <step condition="doc cls sty" remap="calc">
+ <para>Required for the calculation of extra widths for margin
+ adjustment.</para>
+ <constructorsynopsis condition=""/>
+ </step>
+ <step condition="cls" remap="ccaption">
+ <para>Allows modifications to the layout of table and figure
+ captions.</para>
+ </step>
+ <step remap="etoolbox" condition="doc cls sty">
+ <para>An e-&TeX; toolbox for class and package authors</para>
+ </step>
+ <step condition="cls sty doc" remap="draftwatermark">
+ <para>Allow the creation of a background watermark saying
+ <wordasword>DRAFT</wordasword>.</para>
+ </step>
+ <step condition="cls doc sty" remap="enumitem" role="inline">
+ <para>List variants: inline and compact. THIS REPLACES PARALIST
+ AND MDWLIST.</para>
+ <constructorsynopsis condition="orderedlist">
+ <methodparam>
+ <parameter>spacing</parameter>
+ <modifier>compact</modifier>
+ </methodparam>
+ </constructorsynopsis>
+ <constructorsynopsis condition="itemizedlist">
+ <methodparam>
+ <parameter>spacing</parameter>
+ <modifier>compact</modifier>
+ </methodparam>
+ </constructorsynopsis>
+ <constructorsynopsis condition="variablelist">
+ </constructorsynopsis>
+ </step>
+ <step condition="doc cls sty" remap="fancybox">
+ <para>This provides round-cornered and drop-shadow boxes.</para>
+ <constructorsynopsis condition="guibutton"/>
+ <constructorsynopsis condition="sidebar"/>
+ </step>
+ <step condition="cls sty" remap="fancyhdr">
+ <para>Do running headers and footers.</para>
+ </step>
+ <step condition="cls sty" remap="fancyvrb">
+ <para>Add more robust verbatim facilities.</para>
+ <constructorsynopsis condition="programlisting"/>
+ </step>
+ <step condition="cls sty" remap="textcase">
+ <para>Provides a more sophisticated casing function than the
+ default.</para>
+ </step>
+ <step condition="cls sty" remap="float">
+ <para>Allows redesigning of floats and creation of new float
+ types.</para>
+ </step>
+ <step condition="doc cls sty" remap="fmtcount">
+ <para>Allows for the automated formatting of ordinal
+ representations of numbers and counters as strings (eg first,
+ second, third, etc).</para>
+ <constructorsynopsis condition="xref">
+ <methodparam>
+ <funcparams>linkend</funcparams>
+ <modifier>varlistentry</modifier>
+ </methodparam>
+ <methodparam>
+ <funcparams>linkend</funcparams>
+ <modifier>listitem</modifier>
+ </methodparam>
+ </constructorsynopsis>
+ </step>
+<!-- defaults for Letter
+* driver: pdftex
+* paper: letterpaper
+* layout: <same size as paper>
+* layoutoffset:(h,v)=(0.0pt,0.0pt)
+* modes:
+* h-part:(L,W,R)=(72.26999pt, 469.75502pt, 72.26999pt)
+* v-part:(T,H,B)=(72.26999pt, 650.43001pt, 72.26999pt)
+* \paperwidth=614.295pt
+* \paperheight=794.96999pt
+* \textwidth=469.75502pt
+* \textheight=650.43001pt
+* \oddsidemargin=0.0pt
+* \evensidemargin=0.0pt
+* \topmargin=-37.0pt
+* \headheight=12.0pt
+* \headsep=25.0pt
+* \topskip=10.0pt
+* \footskip=30.0pt
+* \marginparwidth=65.0pt
+* \marginparsep=11.0pt
+* \columnsep=10.0pt
+* \skip\footins=9.0pt plus 4.0pt minus 2.0pt
+* \hoffset=0.0pt
+* \voffset=0.0pt
+* \mag=1000
+* \@twocolumnfalse
+* \@twosidefalse
+* \@mparswitchfalse
+* \@reversemarginfalse
+* (1in=72.27pt=25.4mm, 1cm=28.453pt)
+<!-- defaults for A4
+* driver: pdftex
+* paper: a4paper
+* layout: <same size as paper>
+* layoutoffset:(h,v)=(0.0pt,0.0pt)
+* modes:
+* h-part:(L,W,R)=(71.13188pt, 455.24411pt, 71.13188pt)
+* v-part:(T,H,B)=(71.13188pt, 702.78308pt, 71.13188pt)
+* \paperwidth=597.50787pt
+* \paperheight=845.04684pt
+* \textwidth=455.24411pt
+* \textheight=702.78308pt
+* \oddsidemargin=-1.1381pt
+* \evensidemargin=-1.1381pt
+* \topmargin=-38.1381pt
+* \headheight=12.0pt
+* \headsep=25.0pt
+* \topskip=10.0pt
+* \footskip=30.0pt
+* \marginparwidth=57.0pt
+* \marginparsep=11.0pt
+* \columnsep=10.0pt
+* \skip\footins=9.0pt plus 4.0pt minus 2.0pt
+* \hoffset=0.0pt
+* \voffset=0.0pt
+* \mag=1000
+* \@twocolumnfalse
+* \@twosidefalse
+* \@mparswitchfalse
+* \@reversemarginfalse
+* (1in=72.27pt=25.4mm, 1cm=28.453pt)
+ <step condition="doc" remap="geometry"
+ role="textwidth=150mm,textheight=8.5in">
+ <!-- width from A4, height from Letter, assuming 25mm/1in margins -->
+ <para>Needed to allow resettable left margin to take account of
+ whatever the widest macro name is; and to adjust margins on
+ default base article package so that the document fits
+ acceptably on both A4 and Letter paper. Assuming a 25mm (1in)
+ margin, this means a text area of
+ \[\min\big\{8½″-2″\,\big\|\,210\mbox{mm}-2″\big\}×
+ \min\big\{9″-2″\,\big\|\,297\mbox{mm}-2″\big\}\]which I
+ calculate as 6.27″×9″ or 159mm\,×\,229mm.</para>
+ <constructorsynopsis condition=""/>
+ </step>
+ <step condition="cls sty" remap="geometry">
+ <para>Package for establishing margins and text area.</para>
+ <constructorsynopsis condition=""/>
+ </step>
+ <step condition="cls sty" remap="graphicx">
+ <para>Provide for graphics (PNG, JPG, or PDF format (only) for
+ pdflatex; EPS format (only) for standard &LaTeX;).</para>
+ <constructorsynopsis condition="imagedata">
+ <methodparam>
+ <parameter>fileref</parameter>
+ </methodparam>
+ </constructorsynopsis>
+ </step>
+ <step condition="cls sty" remap="hyperref">
+ <para>Provides complex settings for making hypertext (clickable)
+ links in PDF and PS output for URIs, cross-references, and
+ bibliographic citations.</para>
+ </step>
+ <step condition="cls sty" remap="ifpdf">
+ <para>Allow detection of PDF or DVI mode.</para>
+ </step>
+ <step condition="cls sty" remap="ifsym" role="geometry">
+ <para>Geometric symbols from the <filename>if</filename>
+ fonts.</para>
+ </step>
+ <step condition="cls sty" remap="ifthen">
+ <para>Package to enable if--then--else conditional
+ processing.</para>
+ </step>
+ <step condition="cls sty" remap="lipsum">
+ <para>Package to generate <wordasword>Greeked</wordasword> text
+ (actually cod-Latin) as a placeholder.</para>
+ </step>
+ <step condition="cls sty" remap="listings">
+ <para>Provides syntactic fontification or formatting
+ (<phrase>pretty-printing</phrase>) of verbatim text according to
+ the computer language used.</para>
+ <constructorsynopsis condition="programlisting">
+ </constructorsynopsis>
+ </step>
+ <step condition="doc cls sty" remap="makeidx">
+ <para>Package for creating indexes.</para>
+ <constructorsynopsis condition=""/>
+ </step>
+ <step condition="cls sty" remap="mdwlist">
+ <para>DEPRECATED: USE ENUMITEM. Mark Wooding's package for
+ compact lists.</para>
+ </step>
+ <step condition="cls sty" remap="minitoc">
+ <para>Provides a <wordasword>mini</wordasword> (per-chapter or
+ per-section) Table of Contents.</para>
+ </step>
+ <step condition="cls sty" remap="multicol">
+ <para>Provides multi-column typesetting.</para>
+ <constructorsynopsis condition="simplelist">
+ <methodparam>
+ <parameter>role</parameter>
+ <modifier>twocol</modifier>
+ </methodparam>
+ </constructorsynopsis>
+ <constructorsynopsis condition="orderedlist">
+ <methodparam>
+ <parameter>role</parameter>
+ <modifier>twocol</modifier>
+ </methodparam>
+ </constructorsynopsis>
+ <constructorsynopsis condition="procedure">
+ <methodparam>
+ <parameter>role</parameter>
+ <modifier>twocol</modifier>
+ </methodparam>
+ </constructorsynopsis>
+ </step>
+ <step condition="cls sty doc" remap="multirow">
+ <para>Provides multi-column typesetting.</para>
+ <constructorsynopsis condition="entry">
+ <methodparam>
+ <parameter>morerows</parameter>
+ </methodparam>
+ </constructorsynopsis>
+ </step>
+ <step condition="doc cls sty" remap="nicefrac">
+ <para>Slanted fractions, even in math mode.</para>
+ <constructorsynopsis condition=""/>
+ </step>
+ <step condition="doc cls sty" remap="paralist">
+ <para>DEPRECATED: USE ENUMITEM. Provides for in-line lists.</para>
+ </step>
+ <step condition="doc cls sty" remap="parskip">
+ <para>Creates paragraphs separated by white-space with no
+ indentation.</para>
+ <constructorsynopsis condition=""/>
+ </step>
+ <step condition="doc cls sty" remap="pdfpages">
+ <para>Allow embedding of individual pages from another PDF
+ document.</para>
+ <constructorsynopsis condition="imagedata">
+ <methodparam>
+ <parameter>format</parameter>
+ <modifier>pdf</modifier>
+ </methodparam>
+ </constructorsynopsis>
+ </step>
+ <step condition="doc cls sty" remap="ragged2e">
+ <para>Allow hyphenation in ragged setting.</para>
+ </step>
+ <step condition="doc cls sty" remap="sectsty">
+ <para>Allows the section headings to be re-styled.</para>
+ </step>
+ <step condition="cls sty" remap="setspace">
+ <para>Provide 1½ or double line spacing.</para>
+ </step>
+ <step condition="cls sty" remap="soul">
+ <para>Provides letter-spacing, strikeout, and underlining.</para>
+ </step>
+ <step condition="cls sty" remap="textcomp">
+ <para>Additional commands for common symbols and punctuation.</para>
+ </step>
+ <step condition="doc cls sty" remap="ucccrest">
+ <para>University College Cork crest (restricted).</para>
+ </step>
+ <step condition="doc cls sty" remap="ulem" role="normalem">
+ <para>Underlining as an option (<emphasis>not</emphasis>
+ automatically replacing italics).</para>
+ <constructorsynopsis condition="link">
+ </constructorsynopsis>
+ </step>
+ <step condition="doc cls sty" remap="url">
+ <para>Handling of URI formatting.</para>
+ <constructorsynopsis condition="ulink">
+ </constructorsynopsis>
+ <constructorsynopsis condition="uri">
+ </constructorsynopsis>
+ <constructorsynopsis condition="email">
+ </constructorsynopsis>
+ <constructorsynopsis condition="">
+ <methodparam>
+ <parameter>methodsynopsis</parameter>
+ <modifier>href</modifier>
+ </methodparam>
+ </constructorsynopsis>
+ </step>
+ <step condition="doc" remap="chicago">
+ <para>University of Chicago reference and citation style.</para>
+ <constructorsynopsis condition="bibliography">
+ <methodparam>
+ <parameter>xreflabel</parameter>
+ <modifier>chicago</modifier>
+ </methodparam>
+ </constructorsynopsis>
+ </step>
+ <step condition="doc cls sty" remap="varioref">
+ <para>Provides extended formatting of cross-references.</para>
+ <constructorsynopsis condition="xref"/>
+ </step>
+ <step condition="cls sty" remap="xargs">
+ <para>Allow for multiple optional arguments.</para>
+ </step>
+ <step condition="doc cls sty" remap="xcolor" role="svgnames">
+ <para>Provide color.</para>
+ <constructorsynopsis condition=""/>
+ </step>
+ </procedure>
+ <procedure xml:id="postpackage">
+ <step condition="doc" remap="apacite">
+ <constraintdef>
+ <cmdsynopsis>
+ <command>\AtBeginDocument{\ApaciteRestoreAtCode}</command>
+ </cmdsynopsis>
+ </constraintdef>
+ </step>
+ <step condition="doc" remap="dox">
+ <para>Provides extra documentation commands to
+ distinguish types of macro being defined.</para>
+ <constructorsynopsis condition=""/>
+ <constraintdef>
+ <cmdsynopsis>
+ <!-- define the names -->
+ <command>\doxitem{Attribute}{attribute}{attributes}</command>
+ <command>\doxitem{AttributeValue}{attributevalue}{attribute values}</command>
+ <command>\doxitem{Class}{class}{classes}</command>
+ <command>\doxitem{Colour}{colour}{colours}</command>
+ <command>\doxitem{Counter}{counter}{counters}</command>
+ <command>\doxitem{DTD}{dtd}{DTDs/Schemas}</command>
+ <command>\doxitem{Element}{element}{element types}</command>
+ <command>\doxitem{Entity}{entity}{entities}</command>
+ <command>\doxitem{Error}{error}{errors}</command>
+ <command>\doxitem{Function}{function}{functions}</command>
+ <command>\doxitem[macrolike]{Length}{length}{lengths}</command>
+ <command>\doxitem{Mode}{mode}{mode}</command>
+ <command>\doxitem{Option}{option}{options}</command>
+ <command>\doxitem{Package}{package}{packages}</command>
+ <command>\doxitem{Template}{template}{templates}</command>
+ <!-- a narrow font to display the tags in the userdoc -->
+ <command>\newcommand{\LabelFont}[2][\relax]{\strut
+ {\fontencoding\encodingdefault
+ \fontfamily{lmtt}\fontseries{lc}\selectfont#1#2}\space}</command>
+ <!-- how to print them in the margin -->
+ <command>\def\PrintDescribeAttribute#1{\LabelFont{@#1}}</command>
+ <command>\def\PrintDescribeAttributeValue#1{\LabelFont[\itshape]{#1}}</command>
+ <command>\def\PrintDescribeClass#1{\LabelFont{#1}}</command>
+ <command>\def\PrintDescribeColour#1{\LabelFont[\color{#1}]{#1}}</command>
+ <command>\def\PrintDescribeCounter#1{\LabelFont{#1}}</command>
+ <command>\def\PrintDescribeDTD#1{\LabelFont{#1}}</command>
+ <command>\def\PrintDescribeElement#1{\LabelFont{&lt;#1&gt;}}</command>
+ <command>\def\PrintDescribeEntity#1{\LabelFont{\&amp;#1;}}</command>
+ <command>\def\PrintDescribeError#1{\LabelFont[\color{Red}!]{#1}}</command>
+ <command>\def\PrintDescribeFunction#1{\LabelFont{#1}}</command>
+ <command>\def\PrintDescribeLength#1{\LabelFont{#1}}</command>
+ <command>\def\PrintDescribeMode#1{\LabelFont[\sffamily]{\textlangle#1\textrangle}}</command>
+ <command>\def\PrintDescribeOption#1{\LabelFont[\itshape]{#1}}</command>
+ <command>\def\PrintDescribePackage#1{\LabelFont{#1}}</command>
+ <command>\def\PrintDescribeTemplate#1{\LabelFont[\fontfamily{lmss}\fontseries{sbc}\selectfont]{#1}}</command>
+ </cmdsynopsis>
+ </constraintdef>
+ </step>
+ <step condition="doc cls sty" remap="enumitem" role="inline">
+ <constraintdef>
+ <cmdsynopsis>
+ <command>\setlist[description]{style=unboxed}</command>
+ </cmdsynopsis>
+ </constraintdef>
+ </step>
+ <step condition="doc" remap="inputenc" role="utf8x">
+ <constraintdef>
+ <cmdsynopsis>
+ <command>\AtBeginDocument{\let\show\SavedShow}</command>
+ <command>\DeclareUnicodeCharacter{9251}{\textvisiblespace}</command>
+ </cmdsynopsis>
+ </constraintdef>
+ </step>
+ <step condition="cls sty" remap="inputenc" role="utf8x">
+ <constraintdef>
+ <cmdsynopsis>
+ <command>\PrerenderUnicode{–}</command>
+ <command>\PrerenderUnicode{š}</command>
+ <command>\PrerenderUnicode{ć}</command>
+ <command>\PrerenderUnicode{Å}</command>
+ </cmdsynopsis>
+ </constraintdef>
+ </step>
+ <step condition="doc" remap="listings">
+ <para>Provides better formatting of listings, with syntactic
+ highlighting for &LaTeX; and other languages.</para>
+ <constraintdef>
+ <cmdsynopsis>
+ <command>\lstdefinelanguage[DocBook]{XML}
+ {morekeywords={abstract,address,affiliation,annotation,arg,author,
+ book,chapter,classname,cmdsynopsis,command,constraintdef,contrib,
+ copyright,cover,date,email,emphasis,envar,filename,firstname,
+ footnote,guibutton,guilabel,guimenu,guimenuitem,guisubmenu,
+ holder,info,itemizedlist,listitem,literal,member,option,
+ orderedlist,orgdiv,orgname,package,para,parameter,part,
+ personname,phrase,procedure,productname,programlisting,quote,
+ refsection,remark,constructorsynopsis,methodparan,modifier,
+ funcparams,olink,bibliography,biblioentry,biblioset,subtitle,
+ artpagenums,volumenum,issuenum,
+ releaseinfo,replaceable,revdescription,revhistory,revision,
+ sect1,sect2,sect3,sect4,seg,seglistitem,segmentedlist,segtitle,
+ simplelist,step,surname,systemitem,tag,term,title,uri,userinput,
+ variablelist,varlistentry,wordasword,xref,year,xml:id,xlink:href},}
+ </command>
+ <command>\lstdefinelanguage[TEI]{XML}
+ {morekeywords={TEI.2,teiHeader,div2,head,p,num,val,xml:id},
+ }[keywords,comments,strings]
+ </command>
+ <command>\lstloadlanguages{[LaTeX]TeX,[DocBook]XML,XSLT,bash,R}</command>
+ <command>\lstset{basicstyle=\small\color{Black}\ttfamily,
+ literate=
+ {Ö}{{\"O}}1
+ {Ä}{{\"A}}1
+ {Ü}{{\"U}}1
+ {ß}{{\ss}}2
+ {ü}{{\"u}}1
+ {á}{{\'a}}1
+ {é}{{\'e}}1
+ {í}{{\'i}}1
+ {ó}{{\'o}}1
+ {ú}{{\'u}}1
+ {ä}{{\"a}}1
+ {ö}{{\"o}}1,
+ keywordstyle=\color{DarkGreen}\bfseries,
+ commentstyle=\color{Gray}\upshape,
+ stringstyle=\color{DarkRed}\upshape,
+ emphstyle=\color{MediumBlue}\itshape,
+ showstringspaces=false,
+ columns=fullflexible,
+ keepspaces=true}</command>
+ </cmdsynopsis>
+ </constraintdef>
+ </step>
+ <step condition="doc cls sty" remap="makeidx">
+ <constraintdef>
+ <cmdsynopsis>
+ <command>\makeindex</command>
+ </cmdsynopsis>
+ </constraintdef>
+ </step>
+ <step condition="doc" remap="nicefrac">
+ <constraintdef>
+ <cmdsynopsis>
+ <command>\def\textonehalf{\ensuremath{\nicefrac12}}</command>
+ </cmdsynopsis>
+ </constraintdef>
+ </step>
+ <step condition="doc" remap="sectsty">
+ <constraintdef>
+ <cmdsynopsis>
+ <command>\allsectionsfont{\sffamily}</command>
+ <command>\renewcommand*{\descriptionlabel}[1]{\hspace\labelsep
+ \sffamily\bfseries #1}</command>
+ </cmdsynopsis>
+ </constraintdef>
+ </step>
+ <step condition="doc sty cls" remap="varioref">
+ <constraintdef>
+ <cmdsynopsis>
+ <command>\vrefwarning</command>
+ <command>\labelformat{chapter}{Chapter~#1}</command>
+ <command>\labelformat{chapter}{\@chapapp~#1}</command>
+ <command>\labelformat{section}{section~#1}</command>
+ <command>\labelformat{subsection}{section~#1}</command>
+ <command>\labelformat{subsubsection}{section~#1}</command>
+ <command>\labelformat{paragraph}{section~#1}</command>
+ <command>\labelformat{figure}{Figure~#1}</command>
+ <command>\labelformat{table}{Table~#1}</command>
+ <command>\labelformat{item}{item~#1}</command>
+ <command>\renewcommand{\reftextcurrent}{elsewhere on this
+ page}</command>
+ <command>\def\reftextafter{on the
+ \reftextvario{next}{following} page}</command>
+ </cmdsynopsis>
+ </constraintdef>
+ </step>
+ <step condition="cls sty doc" remap="xcolor">
+ <para>There seems to be a bug in the T1 encoding of some package
+ (unidentified, but possibly <package>xcolor</package>) which
+ uses the command <command>T1</command>, which is an
+ impossibility (no digits allowed in command names). So we fake
+ it here to stop &LaTeX; complaining, by dropping the first
+ argument on the floor.</para>
+ <constraintdef>
+ <cmdsynopsis>
+ <command>\@ifundefined{T}{\newcommand{\T}[2]{{\fontencoding{T1}\selectfont#2}}}{}</command>
+ </cmdsynopsis>
+ </constraintdef>
+ </step>
+ </procedure>