path: root/support/chi2tex/
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Diffstat (limited to 'support/chi2tex/')
1 files changed, 247 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/support/chi2tex/ b/support/chi2tex/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a18eeea7ac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/support/chi2tex/
@@ -0,0 +1,247 @@
+General overview of the program.
+(1) We read in the conversion directives and store them.
+(2) We read in the font information in the ChiWriter file and match it
+ up against the information in the conversion directives. A translation
+ table mapping
+ ChiWriter file font numbers <---> Conversion file font numbers
+ is built.
+(3) We read in the ChiWriter document, one line at a time, into a buffer.
+ A ChiWriter line contains several super/subscripts. They are put into
+ a rectangular buffer (or rather 2 parallel ones, one for font, one
+ for character code.)
+ +---------------------------------+
+ | 2 2 2ãi/n |
+ | x + y = 1 if é = e and | <-baseRow
+ | i i | <-lastRow
+ +---------------------------------+
+(4) Only looking at the buffer rectangle, we convert and write a line at
+ a time.
+ First, we search the block substitutions.
+ After that we search for indices boundaries. Indices of current level
+ must lie in rectangle, the left side of which is the leftmost column with
+ non-empty symbol in it above or below the current baserow, from up- and
+ down-sides it is bounded by the boundaries of rectangle of previous level
+ and the current baserow. The right boundary is whether before the first
+ symbol after the spaces in the current baserow or is defined by attributes
+ of the letters in the current baserow. If the leftmost column in this
+ rectangle contains only one symbol this row becomes the current baserow
+ in this new rectangle. Else these rectangle is being splitting on the
+ narrower ones along the empy rows, if this option is specified and this
+ is possible. Simultaneously with the search for indices boundaries the
+ stacked symbols are searched.
+Syntax of Chiwriter Files
+\+ superscript row follows
+\- subscript row follows
+\= end of text block
+\Hx, \Fx header/footer, x=D for default, E for even, 1..9 for page 1..9,
+\S separator
+\Nx footnote text
+\Uxname x=1..0, !..*, name = font name
+ using font# x for the font with the given name
+\0 ... \9 font change (1-10)
+\! ... \* font change (11-20)
+\ soft space
+\, hard return
+\/ no/soft page break
+\G graphics
+\A after soft hyphen
+\\ backslash
+\@ page number
+\^ expanding marker (for centering)
+\[ tab
+\]x reverse tab
+\Fx footnote
+Syntax of Conversion Map file
+Each line of the map file contains a command, starting with a 2 letter
+command code. The code is followed by arguments, depending on the command.
+CH ch out-string [a] [b] [c] [M] [m] [C nnn]
+ [P before-string after-string] [B before-string after-string] [N]
+ a b c option govern the indices boundary recognition.
+ a - search after
+ b - search before
+ c - don't search between two letters with this option
+ (even if there is a or b option)
+ P and B options govern the search of stacked symbols.
+ P - if this symbol is over another (which is in the
+ temporary baseline of indices search) and inside
+ the current rectangular of this search, then insert
+ before-string and after-string around the symbol
+ in the baseline.
+ B - the same with "under".
+ N - don't search stacked symbols above and under this symbol.
+ C nnn - denote the category of this
+ character relative to word-searching algorithm.
+ * 0 | l | L means letter
+ * 1 | , means punctuation (non-.)
+ * 2 | ? means unknown
+ * 3 | + means math (default <=>+)
+ * 4 | . means dot
+ * 5 | ) means )
+ * 6 | n | N means nonmath (default ")
+ * 7 | ! means non-math letter (as †)
+ * 8 | ' means ' (effects on the single letters
+ * compare I'm, I'd)
+ * 9 | - means -
+ M(ultiline), m(ultiline) - for Begin and end
+ of multiline search
+Block substitution is allowed. It is done BEFORE the sub- and super-script
+ search, so it affect one. The search is made by left-upper angle,
+ (or by explicitely specified ^ point)
+ so it is done recursively from left to right and from top to bottom,
+ but without back step. The font of key letter (from the left-upper
+ angle) must be specified exactly.
+Syntax is (FOR BLOCK 3x3)
+BB [a] [b] [nnnn]
+B1 from11 from12 from13
+B1 from21 from22 from23
+B1 from31 from32 from33
+B2 to11 to12 to13
+B2 to21 to22 to23
+B2 to31 to32 to33
+where from/toIJ is SP (for space) || * (for everything)
+ || CH ft ch || CH * ch || FT ft#
+In block descriptor is possible to use
+ ^ (modifier in the first part
+ and fild in the second).
+In the first part of descriptor it denote
+the letter from which the search must begin,
+in the second the substitution of letter, denote
+in the first by ^ modifier.
+After BB you can specify options [a] [b] [nnnn]
+ a denotes that baseline must be after block
+ b denotes that baseline must be before block
+ nnnn denotes that baseline must be in the nnnn'th line of the block
+RC ch - character to denote Fakereturn
+TC ch - character to denote FakeTAB
+RT CH ft# ch - character to replace HardReturn (will be decoded later)
+TA CH ft# ch - character to replace HardTAB (will be decoded later)
+CT CH ft# ch - character to replace page counter (will be decoded later)
+CE CH ft# ch - character to replace centering sign (will be decoded later)
+SE str1 str2 - strings to surround the separator block
+FR str1 str2
+ str3 - strings to surround the footer block (str2 is inserted after
+ footernumber)
+HE str1 str2
+ str3 - strings to surround the header block (str2 is inserted after
+ headernumber)
+FN str1 str2 str3 ft#
+ - the same as for header-footer and
+ font to replace reference (will be decoded later)
+TX str1 str2 - strings to surround the text type font block inside math
+MU str1 str2 str3
+ - strings to begin, separate rows and end multi-row deciphering
+ session (which begins and ends
+ with attribute 'M','m' characters)
+MB str1 str2 str3
+ - strings to begin, separate rows and end multi-row deciphering
+ session in subscripts
+MP str1 str2 str3
+ - strings to begin, separate rows and end multi-row deciphering
+ session in superscripts
+MC nnn - maximal length of block substitution cycle at one location
+FT xx in-string out-string [ t | p ]
+ 't' denote that this pattern is text pattern and
+ in math surround must be surrounded by additional
+ TX attributes
+ 'p' is for phantom font, that can be later translated
+ into math or text
+VE ... - this line will be printed
+; ... - comment line - not inside the block!
+SP ch - for fakeSPACE symbol
+EM ch - for fakeEmpty symbol, that denotes empty string
+ES ch - for Escape symbol, that denotes begin and end of special fonts
+FO ... in FO strings multiple reference to patterns is admissible
+AS ft1 ft2 - makes characters substitution table in ft1 as in ft2
+ (no changes, please! - they refer to the same table)
+LL xx - for linelength
+MA xx - no of font with plain in- and out-strings for math
+OR xx - no of font without in- and out-strings for ends of paragraphs
+RN ftfrom ftto - to rename fontfrom in math words (i.e., in short words
+ outside nonmath list) to ftto
+NW - to input NEW nonmath list - for new font
+NM word - nonmath list (in alphabetical order)
+EN - end of nonmath list
+TI ft1 ch1 ft2 ch2 ... - list of tie characters - effects on punctuation
+ mark and short words deciphering
+ Notes.
+FO fontname font# ...
+ to declare a font. The numbers should be between 1 and 20.
+ They are used in other directives to avoid constantly writing out the full font
+ name. If the numbers differ from the order of fonts in the ChiWriter
+ file, they are automatically rearranged.
+ e.g. FO ITALIC 3
+ STANDARD should always be 1.
+CH font# char-replacement ...
+ e.g. CH 7 a \alpha
+ to replace all Greek "a" by "\alpha"
+ If the font number is 0, the replacement is done for all fonts.
+FT font# On-command Off-command ...
+ to toggle a font on/off.
+ e.g. FT 3 \it \rm
+To embed a blank into a TeX code word, use a þ (ASCII 254). (or specified by SP
+directive character). Fascinating trivia fact: On some European keyboards, this
+code is produced when hitting the "umlaut" key and [Space]. \ No newline at end of file