path: root/support/check/check.doc
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1 files changed, 221 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/support/check/check.doc b/support/check/check.doc
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+* *
+* by R. Grothmann *
+* *
+ Documentation
+ =============
+ Introduction
+ ------------
+ Checker is a program designed for testing TeX files. Besides checking
+ the syntax, it features labels and automatic tag numbering. Just start
+ checker by entering
+ check -options infile outfile
+ On the Atari ST you have to click on check.ttp and enter the options
+ and files into the ttp box, appearing on the screen. "options" is a
+ sequence of the letters (capital or not) l,t,s,v,p,n or o. "infile"
+ and "outfile" (optional) are standard filenames. An example is
+ check -lt work.txt work.tex
+ The program will read in the file work.txt, check it and produce an
+ output to the file work.tex, thereby changing labels and tags to their
+ values. If you omit the outfile, the program will produce no output.
+ Labels
+ ------
+ Labels belong to a group and have a name and a value, which is an
+ integer (positive or negative). They are defined in a program by
+ or
+ #={}
+ The name is any alphanumeric string (consisting of lowercase or upper-
+ case letters or digits), not exceeding 15 characters. The group may
+ consist of several alphanumeric strings, seperated by "." and not ex-
+ ceeding 14 characters. An example is
+ #=1.1.a
+ or
+ #={1.1.a}
+ where "1.1" is the group and "a" is the name. The Value of the label
+ can be assigned to it by the sequence
+ or
+ #={}
+ Remember that "value" has to be an integer. For example
+ #=refs.miller=10
+ If you do not assign a value to the label, it gets the value of the
+ previous label in the group plus 1. If there is no previous label, the
+ value will be 1. On the output, the whole definition of the label is
+ replaced by the value of the label. And so are all references of the
+ label. References are of the following form
+ or
+ #:{}
+ Of course, you cannot assign a value to a reference. If a label is
+ immediately followed by an underbar "_", then this underbar disappears
+ from the output, for instance
+ #:test.a_a
+ will be replaced by "1a", if "test.a" has the value 1. The label feature
+ is only active, if the option "l" was given on the command line. Other-
+ wise the program will just read over any #.
+ Default Group
+ -------------
+ If a label is defined or referred to without a group (omitting both
+ the group and the "."), then it is assumed to be a label in the default
+ group. You can set the default group by
+ This is not a label definition. There is never a group named "block".
+ Instead, the default group is set to "group". As an example, let
+ #=block.refs
+ #=a
+ be a sequence from your file. Then the reference
+ #:a
+ is a reference to the label "refs.a", unless you have redefined the
+ default group. If you did so, you may refer to that label by
+ #:refs.a
+ Tags
+ ----
+ Tags are a part of TeX's syntax. Checker assumes tags to be defined as
+ \tag
+ or
+ \tag {}
+ "group" and "name" obey the same syntax rules as in the definition of
+ labels above. They are referred to by
+ \thetag{}
+ As with labels, you may assign a value to a tag. An example is
+ \tag 1.a=0
+ On the output, only the name of the tag is replaced by the value of the
+ tag. Thus the above tag would change to
+ \tag 1.0
+ Of course, all references (\thetag ...) are corrected too. As with
+ labels, the program checks for double definition of a tag. Tags may
+ be proteced by
+ \tag !something
+ or
+ \thetag !something
+ The the program will not change "something". Only the "!" will be left
+ out. What was said about default groups, holds for tags too. The tag
+ feature is active, if the option "t" is given in the command line. The
+ "_" works in the same way, as it does with labels.
+ Syntax checking
+ ---------------
+ Unless the option "n" was given, the program checks the syntax in your
+ file for correct usage of "$". "$$", "{" and "}". The program is clever
+ enough to know that "\{" is different from "{". The first error will
+ abort the program and will be reported. Comments "%" are omitted. An
+ error does not abort the program if the option "e" was given int the
+ command line.
+ Output of Labels and Tags
+ -------------------------
+ Only labels and tags are written to the output file, if the option "o"
+ was given in the command line. This is done in such a way that the
+ output file can be read into a TeX file. All labels are written as
+ #;
+ The tags look like
+ #;
+ The sequence "#;" starts a blind label. Such a label is defined, as
+ if "@;" was replaced by "@=". But on the output, it will not show up.
+ The same is true for tags. So you can just use the old label definitions
+ in a new TeX file. This may be used in a continuation of a previous
+ TeX text. If a blind label or tag occupies a complete line, then this
+ line will not go to output. Otherwise the rest of the line will be
+ in the output.
+ Other Options
+ -------------
+ You have control over the screen output of the program. Least printing
+ is produced with the option "s" (silent). The option "v" lists all the
+ syntax elements the program finds (verbose). The option "p" prints out
+ the complete text (print).
+ Internals
+ ---------
+ Checker is a C program, which uses two passes. Pass 1 checks the syntax
+ and collects all labels and tags. Pass 2 corrects labels and tags and
+ produces the outfile. An existing outfile will be truncated without
+ backup. Reading and Writing is done via a buffer. The preformance is
+ best, when the files are on RAM disk or harddisk.
+ If you have troubles with the program, contact
+ R. Grothmann
+ Ostenstr. 18
+ 8078 Eichstaett
+ W-Germany
+ EMail: