path: root/support/bibtexperllibs/LaTeX-ToUnicode/script/ltx2unitxt
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Diffstat (limited to 'support/bibtexperllibs/LaTeX-ToUnicode/script/ltx2unitxt')
1 files changed, 169 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/support/bibtexperllibs/LaTeX-ToUnicode/script/ltx2unitxt b/support/bibtexperllibs/LaTeX-ToUnicode/script/ltx2unitxt
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..661ea40417
--- /dev/null
+++ b/support/bibtexperllibs/LaTeX-ToUnicode/script/ltx2unitxt
@@ -0,0 +1,169 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env perl
+# Use the LaTeX::ToUnicode module (also in the bibtexperllibs
+# repository/package, like this script) to convert LaTeX to Unicode.
+# We work on fragments of text, not whole documents, the goal being to
+# replace LaTeX commands and syntax with obvious plain text equivalents,
+# or remove them.
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Cwd;
+use File::Basename;
+use File::Spec;
+ # find files relative to our installed location within TeX Live
+ chomp(my $TLMaster = `kpsewhich -var-value=SELFAUTOPARENT`); # TL root
+ if (length($TLMaster)) {
+ unshift @INC, "$TLMaster/texmf-dist/scripts/bibtexperllibs";
+ }
+ # find development bibtexperllibs in sibling checkout to this script,
+ # even if $0 is a symlink. Irrelevant when using from an installation.
+ my $real0 = Cwd::abs_path($0);
+ my $scriptdir = File::Basename::dirname($real0);
+ my $dev_btxperllibs = Cwd::abs_path("$scriptdir/../..");
+ # we need the lib/ subdirectories inside ...
+ unshift (@INC, glob ("$dev_btxperllibs/*/lib")) if -d $dev_btxperllibs;
+use LaTeX::ToUnicode;
+our %opts;
+local *OUT; # output filehandle
+sub main {
+ init();
+ # by paragraph?
+ while (<>) {
+ print OUT (convert($_));
+ }
+ return 0;
+sub convert {
+ my ($in) = @_;
+ my @args = (); # what we'll pass to the convert() fn.
+ #
+ if (defined(&{"LaTeX_ToUnicode_convert_hook"})) {
+ push (@args, "hook" => \&LaTeX_ToUnicode_convert_hook); }
+ if ($opts{e}) { push (@args, "entities" => 1); }
+ if ($opts{g}) { push (@args, "german" => 1); }
+ if ($opts{h}) { push (@args, "html" => 1); }
+ LaTeX::ToUnicode::debuglevel($opts{v});
+ my $out = LaTeX::ToUnicode::convert($in, @args);
+ #warn "out=$out";
+ return $out;
+# Command line options, etc.
+sub init {
+ my $USAGE = <<END;
+Usage: $0 [-c CONFIG] [-o OUTPUT] [--html] [...] [INFILE]...
+Convert the LaTeX source in INFILE (or standard input) to plain text
+using Unicode code points for accents and other special characters; or,
+optionally, output HTML with simple translations for font changes and url
+Common accent sequences, special characters, and simple markup commands
+are translated, but there is no attempt at completeness. Math, tables,
+figures, sectioning, etc., are not handled in any way, and mostly left
+in their TeX form in the output. The translations assume standard LaTeX
+meanings for characters and control sequences; macros in the input are
+not considered.
+The input can be a fragment of text, not a full document, as the purpose
+of this script was to handle bibliography entries and abstracts (for the
+ltx2crossrefxml script that is part of the crossrefware package).
+Patches to extend this script are welcome. It uses the LaTeX::ToUnicode
+Perl library for the conversion; see its documentation for details.
+Conversion is currently done line by line, so TeX constructs that cross
+multiple lines are not handled properly. If it turns out to be useful,
+conversion could be done by paragraph instead.
+The config file is read as a Perl source file. It can define a function
+`LaTeX_ToUnicode_convert_hook()' which will be called early; the value
+it returns (which must be a string) will then be subject to the standard
+For an example of using this script and associated code, see the TUGboat
+processing at
+ -c, --config=FILE read (Perl) config FILE for a hook, as explained above
+ -e, --entities output entities &#xNNNN; instead of literal characters
+ -g, --german handle some features of the german package
+ -h, --html output simplistic HTML instead of plain text
+ -o, --output=FILE output to FILE instead of stdout
+ -v, --verbose be verbose
+ -V, --version output version information and exit
+ -?, --help display this help and exit
+Options can be abbreviated unambiguously, and start with either - or --.
+Dev sources, bug tracker:
+ my $VERSION = <<END;
+ltx2unitxt (bibtexperllibs) 0.51
+Copyright 2023 Karl Berry.
+This is free software: you can redistribute it and/or
+modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
+ use Getopt::Long qw(:config no_ignore_case); # otherwise v|V is the same
+ GetOptions(
+ "config|c=s" => \($opts{c}),
+ "entities|e" => \($opts{e}),
+ "german|g" => \($opts{g}),
+ "html|h" => \($opts{h}),
+ "output|o=s" => \($opts{o}),
+ "verbose|v" => \($opts{v}),
+ "version|V" => \($opts{V}),
+ "help|?" => \($opts{help}))
+ || die "Try $0 --help for more information.\n";
+ if ($opts{help}) { print "$USAGE\n$VERSION"; exit 0; }
+ if ($opts{V}) { print $VERSION; exit 0; }
+ binmode(STDOUT, ":utf8");
+ if (defined($opts{o})) {
+ open(OUT, ">$opts{o}") || die "open(>$opts{o}) failed: $!\n";
+ binmode(OUT, ":utf8")
+ }
+ if ($opts{c}) {
+ if (-r $opts{c}) {
+ # if config arg is absolute, fine; if not, prepend "./" as slightly
+ # less troublesome than putting "." in the @INC path.
+ my $rel = (File::Spec->file_name_is_absolute($opts{c}) ? "" : "./");
+ my $cnffile = "$rel$opts{c}";
+ verbose("requiring config file: $cnffile");
+ require $cnffile;
+ } else {
+ die "open config file ($opts{c}) for reading failed: $!\n";
+ }
+ }
+sub verbose { print @_ if $::opts{v}; }