path: root/support/bib2gls/src
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Diffstat (limited to 'support/bib2gls/src')
6 files changed, 45694 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/support/bib2gls/src/bib2gls-begin.tex b/support/bib2gls/src/bib2gls-begin.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f30604e4ba
--- /dev/null
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@@ -0,0 +1,6151 @@
+% arara: lualatex
+% arara: bib2gls: {group: on} if missing("glstex") || changed(toFile("bib2gls.bib")) || found("log", "Warning: Glossary entry")
+% arara: bibtex
+% arara: lualatex if changed("glstex") || missing("toc")
+% arara: bib2gls: {group: on}
+% arara: lualatex
+% arara: lualatex if found ("log", "Rerun")
+\setmainfont{Linux Libertine O}
+\newcommand{\textcyrillicmono}[1]{{\cyrillicmono #1}}
+ entrycounter,subentrycounter,%need to define counters for some examples
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+ \texorpdfstring
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+ \begin{definition}
+ \gls[format=primaryloc]{#1}%
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+ \glslink[#1]{idx.glsxtrpostdesccategory}{\csfmt{glsxtrpostdesc#2}}}
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+ \ignorespacesafterend
+ \glsxtrglossentry{#1} & \glsentrydesc{#1}\glspostdescription\\%
+ \stepcounter{localglossary}%
+ \renewcommand{\glolinkprefix}{\thelocalglossary.}%
+ \GlsXtrStartUnsetBuffering*
+ \par
+ \begin{tabular}{ll}
+ \GlsXtrForUnsetBufferedList\doglossaryentry
+ \end{tabular}
+ \GlsXtrStopUnsetBuffering
+ \par
+\title{\styfmt{glossaries-extra} and \bibgls: An Introductory Guide}
+\author{Nicola Talbot\addr{}}
+ \renewcommand{\addr}[1]{}
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+ }%
+ }\x
+This document is an introductory guide to \bibgls\ and the
+\sty{glossaries-extra} package to help you get started. For
+further information, including more complex commands and settings,
+see the main \bibgls\ user manual (\filefmt{bib2gls.pdf},
+in the same directory as this document),
+the \isty{glossaries-extra} user manual,
+(distributed with the \sty{glossaries-extra}
+and the \isty{glossaries} user manual
+(distributed with the \sty{glossaries} package~\cite{glossaries}).
+See also the gallery~\cite{gallery} for examples.
+The \sty{glossaries} package is the \emph{base} package. The
+\sty{glossaries-extra} package internally loads the \sty{glossaries} package
+and extends it, providing extra options or modifying the base
+commands to increase flexibility. If you want to use \bibgls, you
+must load \sty{glossaries-extra}, which provides the interface
+required by \bibgls.
+This document doesn't cover the other indexing methods described in
+the base package. If you get an undefined control sequence or
+unknown option error when trying out any of the examples here, check
+that you are using the latest versions of \sty{glossaries},
+\sty{glossaries-extra} and \bibgls.
+The \sty{glossaries} package provides a way of defining terms,
+notation or abbreviations that can then be used in the document.
+This ensures consistent naming and formatting. (With the help of the
+\sty{hyperref} package, it's also possible to create hyperlinks from
+the reference to a place in the document that provides a definition
+of the term, but more about that later.) Each entry (term,
+notation or abbreviation) is defined using:
+Here's a simple example:
+\marg{\comment{ information about this term:}
+ \field{name}=\marg{duck},\comment{ display name}
+ \field{description}=\marg{a waterbird with webbed feet}\comment{description}
+\gls{newglossaryentry}\marg{goose}\comment{ label}
+\marg{\comment{information about this term:}
+ \field{name}=\marg{goose},\comment{display name}
+ \field{plural}=\marg{geese},\comment{plural form}
+ \field{description}=\marg{a large waterbird with a long neck, short legs,
+ webbed feet and a short broad bill}
+The pond contained a \gls{gls}\marg{duck} (\gls{glsentrydesc}\marg{duck}) and
+a \gls{gls}\marg{goose} (\gls{glsentrydesc}\marg{goose}). \gls{Glspl}\marg{duck} and
+\gls{glspl}\marg{goose} are fowl.
+The resulting text is:
+The pond contained a \gls{} (\glsentrydesc{}) and
+a \gls{ex1.goose} (\glsentrydesc{ex1.goose}). \Glspl{} and
+\glspl{ex1.goose} are fowl.
+For convenience, the text produced by commands such as \cs{gls} is called the
+\pidx{link-text} (even if there are no hyperlinks).
+The first argument of \gls{newglossaryentry} is a label that
+uniquely identifies the term (see \sectionref{sec:labels}). The
+second argument is a comma-separated list of
+\meta{setting}\dequals\meta{value} assignments. Each \meta{setting}
+is referred to as a \qt{key} in the \isty{glossaries} manual or as a
+\qt{field} in the \bibgls\ manual. A list of the available base keys
+can be found in the \isty{glossaries} user manual. The
+\isty{glossaries-extra} package provides some additional keys that
+are described in the \sty{glossaries-extra} manual. The \bibgls\
+user manual summarises all keys (fields) in \sectionref{sec:fields}.
+The term \qt{field} not only includes the keys that may be used with
+\gls{newglossaryentry} but also internal labels (which may or may
+not have a corresponding key) that are used to store information.
+Note that there are some fields that may be used in the document
+that are considered internal fields by \bibgls\ because the field
+value is typically set as a by-product of the way that \bibgls\
+works. If these fields are set manually then you may get unexpected
+results as this can break \bibgls's normal operation.
+If the field value contains commas or equal signs the value must be grouped
+to hide those characters from the \meta{key}\dequals\meta{value} parser.
+When using \bibgls, the field value must be delimited according to
+the \ext{bib} file format.
+The two main keys are \field{name} and \field{description}. The
+\field{name} identifies how the term should be displayed in the
+glossary (see \sectionref{sec:displaygloss}). It also provides the
+default singular term, if not explicitly given. The default plural
+is obtained by appending \qt{s} to the singular form. If this isn't
+correct (as with \qt{geese}), then the plural form can be specified
+with the \field{plural} key.
+The description (set with the \field{description} key) is usually
+only displayed in the glossary, but you can display it in the text
+as in the above example. This simply expands to the value of the
+\field{description} field (or does nothing if there's no entry
+associated with the given label).
+The main command used to reference a term is:
+In the above example, \gls{gls} just displays the singular form, but you
+can provide alternative text to use the first time a term is
+referenced (see \sectionref{sec:firstuse}). The plural form is obtained with
+the \pidx{variant} command:
+There are other \idxpl{variant} of \gls{gls} that perform
+If you want to start a sentence with an entry then you can use:
+for the singular form and
+for the plural form. For all capitals, use:
+for the singular form and
+for the plural form. Any mention of \gls{gls} and its
+\idxpl{variant} in this guide or in the user manuals means that the
+comments applied to \gls{gls} also apply to the plural and
+case-changing versions.
+The \meta{insert} optional argument is provided to insert additional material.
+For example:
+The \gls{gls}\marg{goose} liked the \gls{gls}\marg{duck}['s] hat.
+which produces (assuming the above definitions):
+The \gls{ex1.goose} liked the \gls{}['s] hat.
+In some cases, there may not be a noticeable difference between the
+above and the following:
+The \gls{gls}\marg{goose} liked the \gls{gls}\marg{duck}'s hat.
+It depends on other settings, such as whether or not hyperlinks have
+been enabled. (The inserted material is commonly moved inside the
+hyperlink.) Take care if you need a literal open square bracket
+following \code{\cs{gls}\margm{label}} as you need to prevent it from being
+interpreted as the optional \meta{insert} argument. For example:
+The \gls{gls}\marg{goose} liked the \gls{gls}\marg{duck}\marg{['s]} hat.
+which now produces:
+The \gls{ex1.goose} liked the \gls{}{['s]} hat.
+An alternative in this case could be to define:
+and then use:
+The \gls{gls}\marg{goose} liked the \gls{gls}\marg{duck}\cmd{missing}\marg{'s} hat.
+This conveniently hides the open square bracket from \cs{gls}.
+Commands like \gls{gls} are \idx{robust}. Commands like
+\gls{glsentrydesc} are \idx{expandable}. (See \sectionref{sec:robust}.)
+If you want the entry to appear in a PDF bookmark, you need to use an
+expandable command to reference it.
+There are some helper commands that internally use
+\gls{newglossaryentry}, such as \cs{newabbreviation} (described in
+\sectionref{sec:abbreviations}) and \cs{glsxtrnewsymbol} (described
+in \sectionref{sec:symbols}). If the description contains explicit paragraph
+breaks then:
+is required instead.
+The label used to identify the entry can't contain any special characters, such
+as \gls{commentchar} (percent), \gls{ampchar} (ampersand), \gls{param} (hash),
+\gls{mshiftchar} (dollar), or \gls{nbspchar} (tilde). Be careful of packages
+that make other characters active (such as \isty{babel} with its shortcuts). If
+you are using \isty{inputenc}, this also includes extended Latin characters and
+characters from other scripts. If you want to include UTF-8 characters in the
+label then you must use a \TeX\ engine with native Unicode support (that is,
+\XeLaTeX\ or \LuaLaTeX).
+For example, with no UTF-8 support (not even \sty{inputenc}):
+\gls{newglossaryentry}\marg{elite}\comment{label (no UTF-8 support)}
+ \field{name} = \marg{\marg{\gls{acute}e}lite},
+ \field{description} = \marg{group of people regarded as
+ the best of a particular society or organisation}
+or with \sty{inputenc}:
+\gls{newglossaryentry}\marg{elite}\comment{label (UTF-8 not natively supported)}
+ \field{name} = \marg{élite},
+ \field{description} = \marg{group of people regarded as
+ the best of a particular society or organisation}
+Whereas with \XeLaTeX\ or \LuaLaTeX\ you can do:
+\gls{newglossaryentry}\marg{élite}\comment{label (UTF-8 natively supported)}
+ \field{name} = \marg{élite},
+ \field{description} = \marg{group of people regarded as
+ the best of a particular society or organisation}
+You may have noticed the grouping of the initial (accented) letter
+in the \gls{ASCII} example (\code{\marg{\gls{acute}e}lite}). This is
+necessary to ensure that the first-letter case-changing commands,
+such as \ics{Gls}, work. It also used to be required around the
+\qtt{é} with \sty{inputenc}, but if you have up-to-date versions of
+\sty{glossaries} and \sty{datatool} then it should no longer be
+necessary. No special treatment is needed with \XeLaTeX\ or
+\LuaLaTeX\ where \qtt{é} is a single token.
+If you can't use extended characters in the label (because you're
+not using \XeLaTeX\ or \LuaLaTeX), then simply stripping the accents
+to create an \gls{ASCII} alternative may be sufficient, but take
+care if this may cause a conflict. For example:
+ \field{name} = \marg{resume},
+ \field{description} = \marg{continue after an interruption}
+ \field{name} = \marg{r\gls{acute}esum\gls{acute}e},
+ \field{description} = \marg{summary of something or curriculum vitae}
+For languages that use a non-Latin script, if you can't or don't
+want to use \XeLaTeX\ or \LuaLaTeX, then you need to decide the most
+appropriate \gls{ASCII} naming scheme.
+For example:
+\gls{newglossaryentry}\marg{goose}\comment{using translation for label}
+ \field{name} = \marg{\textcyrillicmono{гусь}},
+ \field{plural} = \marg{\textcyrillicmono{гуси}},
+ \field{description} = \marg{\textnormal{\ldots}}
+\gls{newglossaryentry}\marg{hus}\comment{using closest ASCII match for label}
+ \field{name} = \marg{\textcyrillicmono{гусь}},
+ \field{plural} = \marg{\textcyrillicmono{гуси}},
+ \field{description} = \marg{\textnormal{\ldots}}
+In addition to labels identifying entries, there are also labels
+that identify other things, such as a glossary, category or letter
+group. The same restrictions apply to those labels.
+\section{First Use}
+Each entry has a \pidx{firstuseflag} (boolean variable) that
+determines whether or not the entry has been referenced in the
+document. Commands like \gls{gls} and \gls{glspl} change the flag
+to indicate that the entry has been used. Commands like
+\gls{glsentrydesc} don't. Here's a modification of the earlier
+example document that provides different versions depending on
+whether or not the entry has already been referenced:
+\marg{\comment{information about this term:}
+ \field{name} = \marg{Duck (noun)},\comment{display name}
+ \field{first} = \marg{duck (quack, quack)},\comment{first use singular}
+ \field{firstplural} = \marg{ducks (quack, quack)},\comment{first use plural}
+ \field{text} = \marg{duck},\comment{subsequent use singular}
+ \field{description} = \marg{a waterbird with webbed feet}\comment{description}
+\marg{\comment{information about this term:}
+ \field{name} = \marg{Goose (noun, pl.\ geese)},\comment{display name}
+ \field{first} = \marg{goose (honk, honk)},\comment{first use singular}
+ \field{firstplural} = \marg{geese (honk, honk)},\comment{first use plural}
+ \field{text} = \marg{goose},\comment{subsequent use singular}
+ \field{plural} = \marg{geese},\comment{subsequent use plural}
+ \field{description}=\marg{a large waterbird with a long neck, short legs,
+ webbed feet and a short broad bill}
+The pond contained a \gls{gls}\marg{duck}\cmd{footnote}\marg{\gls{glsentryname}\marg{duck}:
+\gls{glsentrydesc}\marg{duck}} and two
+\gls{glsentrydesc}\marg{goose}}. \gls{Glspl}\marg{duck} and \gls{glspl}\marg{goose} are fowl.
+This now produces:
+The pond contained a \gls{}\footnote{\glsentryname{}:
+\glsentrydesc{}} and two
+\glsentrydesc{ex2.goose}}. \Glspl{} and \glspl{ex2.goose} are fowl.
+This uses:
+which works in a similar way to \gls{glsentrydesc}. In this case,
+\gls{glsentryname} simply expands to the value of the \field{name}
+key. There's also a case-changing version:
+which changes the initial character to \idx{uppercase},
+but (unlike \cs{glsentryname}) this command isn't expandable. If,
+for example, I had instead set the duck's \field{name} key using:
+\field{name} = \marg{duck (noun)}
+then I would need to use \code{\gls{Glsentryname}\marg{duck}}
+So on \pidx{firstuse}, \cs{gls} uses the value of the \field{first} key
+and \cs{glspl} uses the value of the \field{firstplural} key. On
+\pidx{subsequentuse}, \cs{gls} uses the value of the \field{text} key and
+\cs{glspl} uses the value of the \field{plural} key. \pIdx{regular}
+abbreviations also follow this usage. \pIdx{non-regular}
+abbreviations follow a different behaviour for \gls{gls} (and its
+\idxpl{variant}) that's determined by the abbreviation style.
+If the first use for a particular group of terms always has the
+same pattern (such as following the term with a brief description or
+alternative representation), then it's simpler to use one of the
+automated methods provided, such as the abbreviation mechanism
+(\sectionref{sec:abbreviations}) or changing the formatting
+You can test if an entry has been used with:
+This requires that the entry (identified by \meta{label}) is
+defined. If it isn't then neither \meta{true} nor \meta{false} is
+done and an error or warning occurs. Otherwise, the command will do
+\meta{true} if the entry has been used or \meta{false} if the entry
+hasn't been used.
+When using \bibgls, entries are never defined on the first \LaTeX\
+run, so you may instead prefer:
+which does \meta{true} if either the entry hasn't been defined or
+hasn't been marked as used, otherwise it does \meta{false}.
+Neither \gls{ifglsused} nor \gls{GlsXtrIfUnusedOrUndefined} should
+occur in the \idx{postlinkhook} (described later) as the entry will have already
+been used by that point. Instead, you need \gls{glsxtrifwasfirstuse}
+(see \sectionref{sec:postlinkhooks}).
+The \isty{glossaries-extra} extension package provides the
+\field{category} key, which isn't available with just the base
+\sty{glossaries} package. The value of this key must be a
+label as it's used to construct command names. You can choose
+whatever label you like (as long as it conforms to the valid
+labelling scheme, described in \sectionref{sec:labels}). If you
+don't specify a category, then \gls{newglossaryentry} and
+\gls{longnewglossaryentry} assume \code{general}. The helper
+commands, such as \gls{newabbreviation}, have different defaults.
+For example:
+ \field{name} = \marg{amethyst},
+ \field{description} = \marg{a purple type of quartz},
+ \field{category} = \marg{mineral}
+The value of the \field{category} field for a given entry can be obtained
+where \meta{label} identifies the entry. This command is expandable
+and does nothing if the entry hasn't been defined. You can test the
+value of the \field{category} field using:
+This checks if the \field{category} field for the entry given by
+\meta{label} is set to \meta{category}, but doesn't perform any
+expansion of \meta{category}. It generates an error if the entry
+doesn't exist (or warning with \styopt[warn]{undefaction}).
+The category allows you to apply certain types of formatting, such
+as the \idx{postlinkhook} (\sectionref{sec:postlinkhooks}).
+For abbreviations, the category also governs the abbreviation style (see
+\sectionref{sec:abbreviations}) and can be used for filtering.
+Categories may be assigned \pidxpl{attribute} that can also be used
+to modify formatting or styles.
+Unlike the \idx{postlinkhook}, which
+needs to be defined before an entry is \emph{used} (with commands like
+\gls{gls}), some \idxpl{attribute} need to be set before the entry
+is \emph{defined}, so it's best to set them up as soon as possible in the
+preamble (after loading \sty{glossaries-extra}).
+\section{Adding Extra Information}
+In addition to the \field{name} and \field{description} keys,
+there's also a \field{symbol} key which allows you to store an
+associated symbol. The value can be obtained with:
+(which is robust and recognises the \idx{postlinkhook}) or with:
+(which behaves like \gls{glsentrydesc} and \gls{glsentryname}).
+Neither of the above commands affect the \idx{firstuseflag}.
+For example:
+ \field{name} = \marg{Archimedes' constant},
+ \field{symbol} = \marg{\gls[noindex=false]{ensuremath}\marg{\cmd{pi}}},
+ \field{description} = \marg{ratio of a circle's circumference to its
+ \field{name} = \marg{theta parameter},
+ \field{symbol} = \marg{\gls{ensuremath}\marg{\cmd{theta}\gls{sbchar}i}},
+ \field{description} = \marg{one of the model parameters}
+\gls{gls}\marg{pi} (\gls{glssymbol}\marg{pi}). Compare \gls{mshiftchar}\gls{glssymbol}\marg{thetai}\gls[noindex=false]{spchar}2\gls{mshiftchar}
+with \gls{mshiftchar}\gls{glssymbol}\marg{thetai}[\gls{spchar}2]\gls{mshiftchar}.
+This produces:
+\gls{ex.pi} (\glssymbol{ex.pi}). Compare $\glssymbol{ex.thetai}^2$
+with $\glssymbol{ex.thetai}[^2]$.
+Note that in this case there is now a difference between using the
+final optional \meta{insert} argument and simply appending the extra
+material. This is a result of the hyperlink that causes an
+interruption between the subscript \code{\gls{sbchar}i} and the following
+superscript \code{\gls{spchar}2}. (In this case, there's no target for the
+hyperlinks. That's covered in \sectionref{sec:displaygloss}.)
+If you have additional information, such as a translation,
+associated image or citation, then you can supply this with the six
+user keys:
+\ldots, \field{user6}. The value of the
+first field (\field{user1}) can be obtained with:
+(which behaves like \gls{glssymbol}) or with:
+(which behaves like \gls{glsentrysymbol}).
+The other fields are similarly obtained using \idx{lowercase} Roman
+numerals, so value of the sixth field (\field{user6}) can be obtained with:
+(which behaves like \gls{glssymbol}) or with:
+(which behaves like \gls{glsentrysymbol}).
+For example:
+ \field{name} = \marg{Polly Parrot},
+ \field{description} = \marg{Senior assistant at the International Society
+of Duck and Geese},
+ \field{user1} = \marg{British},\comment{nationality}
+ \field{user2} = \marg{1970-12-31},\comment{date of birth}
+ \field{user3} = \marg{female},\comment{gender}
+ \field{user4} = \marg{43 The Lane, Some Town, Noshire AB1 2XY},\comment{address}
+ \field{user5} = \marg{}\comment{email}
+Alternatively you can define your own custom keys. If you don't need
+commands equivalent to \gls{glssymbol}, then you can use:
+where \meta{key} is the name of the new key, \meta{default value} is
+the default value if the key isn't explicitly set and \meta{no link
+cs} is the name of the command to access the field value (equivalent
+to \gls{glsentrysymbol}). If you want commands equivalent to
+\gls{glssymbol} that have the \meta{options} and \meta{insert}
+optional arguments and obey the \idx{postlinkhook}, then use
+The first three arguments are as for \gls{glsaddstoragekey}.
+The next argument \meta{no link ucfirst cs} is like \meta{no link
+cs} but converts the first letter to \idx{uppercase} (analogous to
+\gls{Glsentryname}). The final three commands behave like
+\gls{glssymbol}, but \meta{link ucfirst cs} converts the first
+letter to \idx{uppercase} and \meta{link allcaps cs} converts the entire
+value to \idx{uppercase}.
+The new keys must be provided before the entries are defined (and
+the key definitions must come before the first \idx{resourceset}
+if you use \bibgls). For example:
+ \field{name} = \marg{Polly Parrot},
+ \field{description} = \marg{Senior assistant at the International Society
+of Duck and Geese},
+ \fieldfmt{nationality} = \marg{British},\comment{nationality}
+ \fieldfmt{dateofbirth} = \marg{1970-12-31},\comment{date of birth}
+ \fieldfmt{gender} = \marg{female},\comment{gender}
+ \fieldfmt{address} = \marg{43 The Lane, Some Town, Noshire AB1 2XY},\comment{address}
+ \fieldfmt{email} = \marg{}\comment{email}
+In addition to the commands like \gls{glssymbol} and
+\gls{glsentrysymbol}, there are other ways of accessing the field
+value or checking if the field has been set. In the commands listed
+below, the field label is the \emph{internal} label. In some cases,
+this is the same as the key, but there are a few that have a
+different internal label. See Table~\ref*{tab:internalfields} in the
+\bibgls\ user manual or Table~4.1 in the \sty{glossaries} user
+manual~\cite{glossaries}. Custom fields provided with
+\gls{glsaddkey} or \gls{glsaddstoragekey} have matching key and
+internal field labels.
+The \sty{glossaries-extra} package provides a generic way of
+accessing a field, analogous to commands like \gls{glsentryname}:
+This expands to the field value if defined or does nothing if the
+entry or field isn't defined.
+The base \sty{glossaries} package provides:
+which tests if the \field{symbol} field has been assigned. There are similar
+commands for other common fields. For a more general purpose test, you
+can use:
+which checks if the given entry (identified by \meta{entry label},
+which must be defined) has the field identified by \meta{field label}
+set to a non-empty value. Within \meta{true}, you can access the
+field value with:
+The \sty{glossaries-extra} package provides a similar command:
+which doesn't test if the entry exists. The unstarred form adds
+implicit grouping around \meta{true} or \meta{false} (allowing
+nested use). The starred form \gls{glsxtrifhasfield*} doesn't.
+You can compare the field value with a string using:
+If you need the string to be (protected) fully expanded before
+comparison, you need:
+If you additionally need the field value (protected) fully expanded
+before comparison, use:
+For a complete list of field commands, see the
+\sty{glossaries-extra} user manual~\cite{glossaries-extra}.
+The earlier \code{duck} and \code{goose} examples from
+\sectionref{sec:firstuse} can be rewritten to move the parenthetical
+material into separate keys:
+\marg{\comment{information about this term:}
+ \field{name} = \marg{duck},
+ \field{user1} = \marg{noun},
+ \field{user2} = \marg{quack, quack},
+ description = {a waterbird with webbed feet}
+\marg{\comment{information about this term:}
+ \field{name} = \marg{goose},
+ \field{plural} = \marg{geese},
+ \field{user1} = \marg{noun},
+ \field{user2} = \marg{honk, honk},
+ \field{description}=\marg{a large waterbird with a long neck, short legs,
+ webbed feet and a short broad bill}
+The \idx{postlinkhook} and glossary style can then be modified to
+include the additional information. For example:
+\gls[noindex=false]{glsdefpostlink}\marg{general}\marg{\comment{post-link hook}
+ \gls[noindex=false]{glsxtrifwasfirstuse}\marg{\cmd{space}(\gls{glsentryuserii}\marg{\gls{glslabel}})}{}\comment{}
+\gls[noindex=false]{glsdefpostname}\marg{general}\marg{\comment{post-name hook}
+ \cmd{space}
+ (\gls{glsentryuseri}\marg{\gls[noindex=false]{glscurrententrylabel}}\comment{}
+ \gls{GlsXtrIfXpFieldEqXpStr}\marg{plural}\marg{\gls{glscurrententrylabel}}\comment{}
+ \marg{\gls[noindex=false]{glsentrytext}\marg{\gls{glscurrententrylabel}}s}\marg{}\comment{}
+ \marg{, pl.\gls{}\gls[noindex=false]{glsentryplural}{\gls{glscurrententrylabel}}}\comment{}
+ )\comment{}
+The \idx{postlinkhook} appends the value of the \field{user2} field
+after the \idx{firstuse} of \gls{gls} (or its \idxpl{variant}).
+The \catattr{glossname} attribute is set to \code{firstuc}, which
+converts the first letter of the \field{name} field to
+\idx{uppercase} when it's displayed in the glossary. The
+\idx{postnamehook} appends (in parentheses) the value of the
+\field{user1} field and then checks if the plural form is the same
+as the singular form with \qt{s} appended, and only displays the
+plural if they are different. See \sectionref{sec:glsformats} and
+\sectionref{sec:displaygloss} for further details.
+\section{Accessibility Support}
+The base \sty{glossaries} package is distributed with the
+supplementary \sty{glossaries-accsupp} package, which uses the
+\sty{accsupp} package~\cite{accsupp} to provide accessibility support. With the
+\sty{glossaries-extra} extension package, the
+\sty{glossaries-accsupp} package needs to be loaded after \sty{glossaries}
+but before \sty{glossaries-extra} sets up the accessibility
+integration support. The simplest way to do this is with
+\sty{glossaries-extra}'s \styopt{accsupp} package option.
+The accessibility support is provided through the PDF
+\code{ActualText} specification (via the \sty{accsupp} package).
+If you need \code{E} or \code{Alt} instead of \code{ActualText} then redefine:
+as appropriate. For example:
+ \cmd{BeginAccSupp}\marg{Alt=\marg{\gls{param}1}}\gls{param}2\cmd{EndAccSupp}\marg{}\comment{}
+The \sty{glossaries-accsupp} package provides additional keys (see
+Table~\ref{tab:accsuppfields} in the \bibgls\ user manual or
+Chapter~18 of the \sty{glossaries} user manual~\cite{glossaries}).
+The main keys are \field{access}, which provides an alternative to
+the \field{name} field, \field{symbolaccess}, which provides an
+alternative to the \field{symbol} field and \field{shortaccess},
+which provides an alternative to the \field{short} field,
+\field{firstaccess}, which provides an alternative to the
+\field{first} field, and \field{textaccess}, which provides an
+alternative to the \field{text} field. If any of the accessibility
+fields are unset, no accessibility support is provided for that
+For example:
+ \field{name} = \marg{\cmd{ensuremath}\marg{\cmd{Re}}},
+ \field{access} = \marg{set of real numbers symbol},\comment{name access}
+ \field{textaccess} = \marg{set of real numbers},\comment{text access}
+ \field{firstaccess} = \marg{set of real numbers},\comment{first access}
+ \field{description} = \marg{set of real numbers}
+This means that when the \field{name} field is displayed in the
+glossary, the corresponding accessibility text is \qt{set of real
+numbers symbol}, but the \idx{link-text} for \gls{gls} is just
+\qt{set of real numbers} (for both \idx{firstuse} and subsequent
+There are some category attributes that govern the default settings
+of some fields when using \gls{newabbreviation} (see
+\sectionref{sec:abbreviations}). If accessibility support is
+provided, there are some additional attributes (introduced to
+\sty{glossaries-extra} version 1.31):
+\item[\catattr{accessinsertdots}] This is a boolean attribute that behaves like
+\catattr{insertdots} but only applies to the \field{shortaccess}
+field, if it hasn't explicitly been set. This is useful for
+initialisms that should be read out as letters but the screen reader
+might interpret as a word. For example:
+\gls{newabbreviation}\oarg{\field{category}=initialism}\marg{pi}\marg{PI}\marg{Private Investigator}
+This means that the short form appears as just \qt{PI} in the
+document text, but the accessibility text is \qt{P.I.} which prompts
+the screen reader to read it as an abbreviation instead of the word
+\qt{pi}. Since the \field{shortaccess} field is an aid to the screen
+reader and doesn't modify the visible text, there's no check
+for the \catattr{retainfirstuseperiod} or \catattr{discardperiod}
+attributes for that field. This setting doesn't affect the
+accessibility support for the \field{name}, \field{first} or
+\field{text} fields.
+\item[\catattr{nameshortaccess}] This is a boolean attribute, where
+the value \code{true} indicates the attribute is set. If the
+\field{shortaccess} field is assigned (either explicitly with the key or
+implicitly through the use of the \catattr{accessinsertdots}
+attribute) and the \field{access} field isn't specified, then if the
+\catattr{nameshortaccess} attribute is set this will copy the
+\field{shortaccess} field to the \field{access} field. For example:
+\gls{newabbreviation}\oarg{\field{category}=initialism}\marg{pi}\marg{PI}\marg{Private Investigator}
+Abbreviations that behave like regular terms (such as
+\abbrstyle{short-nolong}) may also need \catattr{textshortaccess}
+and \catattr{firstshortaccess} set.
+\item[\catattr{textshortaccess}] Like \catattr{nameshortaccess}, but
+applies to the \field{textaccess} field.
+\item[\catattr{firstshortaccess}] Like \catattr{firstshortaccess}, but
+applies to the \field{firstaccess} field.
+\item[\catattr{accessaposplural}] If the \field{shortaccess} field
+is set (either explicitly with the key or implicitly through the use
+of the \catattr{accessinsertdots} attribute) and the
+\field{shortpluralaccess} field isn't set, the
+\catattr{accessaposplural} boolean attribute behaves like
+\catattr{aposplural} but only applies to the
+\field{shortpluralaccess} field. If the \catattr{accessaposplural}
+attribute isn't set but the \catattr{aposplural} attribute is set,
+then that's used instead. If you want \catattr{aposplural} on but
+not apply it to \field{shortpluralaccess} then you need to set the
+\catattr{accessaposplural} attribute to \code{false}.
+\item[\catattr{accessnoshortplural}] A boolean attribute like
+\catattr{accessaposplural} but analogous to \catattr{noshortplural}
+These attributes have no effect for entries that aren't defined
+using \gls{newabbreviation}. (These attributes apply to
+\gls{newacronym} provided it internally uses \gls{newabbreviation},
+which is does by default with \sty{glossaries-extra}.)
+The \sty{glossaries} package is distributed with the supplementary
+\sty{glossaries-prefix} package. This automatically loads
+\sty{glossaries}, but if you are using \sty{glossaries-extra}, it's
+best loaded after. This supplementary package supplies extra keys
+and some commands analogous to \gls{gls}. The main purpose is to
+provide a different prefix to \gls{gls}, depending on whether it's
+the \idx{firstuse} or subsequent use. For example, if the
+\idx{firstuse} starts with a vowel (or vowel sound), you may need \qt{an
+\gls{gls}\margm{label}} but if the subsequent use starts with a
+constant, you may need \qt{a \gls{gls}\margm{label}}. The prefix for
+the \idx{firstuse} form is specified in the \field{prefixfirst}
+field, and the prefix for the subsequent use form is specified in the
+\field{prefix} field. If a space is required between the prefix and
+\gls{gls}, this needs to be included, as the prefixing system allows
+for prefixes like l' which shouldn't be followed by a space.
+To include the prefix, use:
+instead of \gls{gls}. For example:
+ \oarg{\field{prefixfirst}=\marg{a\gls[noindex=false]{nbspchar}},\field{prefix}=\marg{an\cmd{space}}}
+ \marg{svm}\marg{SVM}\marg{support vector machine}
+With a prefix: \gls{pgls}\marg{svm} or \gls{pgls}\marg{svm}.
+Without a prefix: the \gls{gls}\marg{svm}.
+This produces:
+With a prefix: a support vector machine (SVM) or an SVM. Without a
+prefix: the SVM.
+With \LaTeX\ in general, spaces are sometimes significant and
+sometimes ignored. When defining entries, any spaces around the
+equal sign or comma are ignored. For example, if an entry is defined
+ \field{name} = \marg{sample} , \field{description} = \marg{an example}
+will produce
+(no spaces). Similarly with:
+ \field{name} = sample , \field{description} = \marg{an example}
+However, spaces at the start or end of the value if it's been
+enclosed in braces aren't ignored. For example, if the entry is now
+defined as:
+ \field{name} = \marg{ sample } , \field{description} = {an example}\incorrect
+/ sample /
+The spaces in this case have been retained. The unstarred version of
+\gls{longnewglossaryentry} appends extra code to the end of the
+description, which removes any trailing spaces (and also the
+\gls{postdescriptionhook}). The starred version
+\gls{longnewglossaryentry*} (only available with \sty{glossaries-extra})
+doesn't. In both cases any leading spaces are retained. For example,
+if the entry is defined as:
+\gls{longnewglossaryentry}\marg{sample}\marg{name=\marg{sample}}\marg{ an example }\incorrect
+/ an example/
+(trailing space removed), whereas if the entry is defined as:
+\gls{longnewglossaryentry*}\marg{sample}\marg{name=\marg{sample}}\marg{ an example }\incorrect
+/ an example /
+(leading and trailing spaces retained).
+Spaces in labels are significant. For example, in \verb|\gls{ duck }|
+the spaces are considered part of the label. If the entry was
+actually defined without spaces in the label then the entry
+referenced in \verb|\gls{ duck }| won't be found.
+\section{Undefined References}
+If an entry that hasn't been defined is referenced with \gls{gls},
+by default an error is triggered. For example:
+A \gls{gls}\marg{duck}.
+This produces the error:
+Glossary entry `duck' has not been defined.
+If you instruct \LaTeX\ to ignore the error and continue, the result
+A .
+The \sty{glossaries-extra} package provides the option
+\styopt[warn]{undefaction}, which will convert the error to a
+warning. For example:
+A \gls{gls}\marg{duck}.
+This now produces the warning:
+Glossary entry `duck' has not been defined on input line 6
+(There are also other warnings about an empty \code{main} glossary.)
+The result is now:
+A ??.
+This replaces the undefined reference with two question marks, just like
+undefined cross-references.
+Notice the difference between using \gls{ifglshasfield}:
+A \gls{gls}\marg{duck}
+(\gls{ifglshasfield}\marg{\gls[noindex=false]{field.useri}}\marg{duck}\marg{\gls{glscurrentfieldvalue}}\marg{not set}).
+which produces:
+A ?? (??).
+(and has two undefined warnings) and using \gls{glsxtrifhasfield}:
+A \gls{gls}\marg{duck}
+(\gls{glsxtrifhasfield}\marg{\field{useri}}\marg{duck}\marg{\gls{glscurrentfieldvalue}}\marg{not set}).
+which only has one undefined warning and produces:
+A ?? (not set).
+When you incorporate \bibgls\ into the build process (see
+\sectionref{sec:bib2gls}), the first \LaTeX\ run doesn't have any
+entries defined. One of the actions that the \styopt{record} option
+automatically performs is to switch on \styopt[warn]{undefaction}, which avoids
+undefined errors on the first \LaTeX\ run. For example:
+A \gls{gls}\marg{duck}
+(\gls{glsxtrifhasfield}\marg{\field{useri}}\marg{duck}\marg{\gls{glscurrentfieldvalue}}\marg{not set}).
+This produces the same result as the previous example, but there's
+only the one warning (about an undefined reference) and no warning
+about the empty \code{main} glossary.
+\section{Robust, Fragile and Expandable Commands}
+Commands like \gls{gls} are \pidx{robust}. This protects them from
+premature expansion in situations that would otherwise break the
+command. If content containing a \idx{robust} command is written to
+an external file, the \idx{robust} command itself is written instead of its
+definition. For example, consider the following document:
+\cmd{newcommand}\marg{\csfmt{test}}\marg{some sample text}
+In this case, \csfmt{test} is expandable. Its definition doesn't
+contain anything complicated. The \ext{toc} file (which is input by
+\csfmt{tableofcontents}\glsadd{toc}) contains the line:
+\cmd{contentsline} \marg{section}\marg{\cmd{numberline} \marg{1}some sample text}\marg{1}
+So \csfmt{test} has been expanded to its definition when it was
+written to the \ext{toc} file. If \csfmt{test} is defined in terms
+of another command, that will also be expanded. For example:
+\cmd{newcommand}\marg{\csfmt{test}}\marg{some \csfmt{sample}\gls{}text}
+The \ext{toc} file now contains:
+\cmd{contentsline} \marg{section}\marg{\cmd{numberline} \marg{1}some \gls{emph} \marg{sample}\gls{}text}\marg{1}
+So \csfmt{sample} has also been expanded but neither
+\gls{emph} nor \idx{} (backslash space) have
+been expanded. \Idx{robust} commands don't expand. For example:
+ \field{name}=\marg{duck},
+ \field{description}=\marg{a waterbird with webbed feet}
+\gls{section}\marg{\gls{Gls}\marg{duck}: \gls{glsentrydesc}\marg{duck}}
+The \ext{toc} file now contains:
+\cmd{contentsline} \marg{section}\marg{\cmd{numberline} \marg{1}\gls{Gls} \marg{duck}: a waterbird with
+webbed feet}\marg{1}
+So \gls{Gls} doesn't expand, and the command itself is written to the
+\ext{toc} file, but \gls{glsentrydesc} does expand.
+A \pidx{fragile} command is one that breaks (causes an error) when
+it's expanded in this type of context. One such command is \gls{footnote}.
+For example, the following won't work:
+ \field{name}=\marg{duck},
+ \field{description}=\marg{a waterbird with webbed feet}
+This causes the error:
+! Argument of \@sect has an extra }.
+Inserting \gls{protect} before the command prevents the attempted
+expansion, which makes the command behave as though it was robust:
+In this case, it's unlikely that you'd want the footnote to appear
+in the \gls{toc}, so it would be better to use the optional
+Now the \ext{toc} file is just:
+\cmd{contentsline} \marg{section}\marg{\cmd{numberline} \marg{1}Duck}\marg{1}
+If the \field{description} field contains a \idx{fragile} command
+then \gls{glsentrydesc} will break in expandable contexts. For
+example, the following doesn't work:
+ \field{name}=\marg{duck},
+ \field{description}=\marg{a waterbird\gls{footnote}\marg{a bird that lives on or
+ near water} with webbed feet}
+\gls{section}\marg{\gls{Gls}\marg{duck}: \gls{glsentrydesc}\marg{duck}}\incorrect
+This is a contrived example. In this case, it would be better to
+also define the term \qt{waterbird}:
+ \field{name}=\marg{waterbird},
+ \field{description}=\marg{a bird that lives on or near water}
+ \field{name}=\marg{duck},
+ \field{description}=\marg{a \gls{gls}\marg{waterbird} with webbed feet}
+\gls{section}\marg{\gls{Gls}\marg{duck}: \gls{glsentrydesc}\marg{duck}}
+The \ext{toc} file now contains:
+\cmd{contentsline} \marg{section}\marg{\cmd{numberline} \marg{1}\gls{Gls} \marg{duck}: a \gls{gls} \marg{waterbird}
+with webbed feet}\marg{1}
+The examples in this section are used to illustrate the differences
+between \idx{fragile}, \idx{robust} and \idx{expandable} commands.
+In general, it's better not to use commands like \gls{gls} in
+headings or captions (see \sectionref{sec:headings}). Using
+commands like \gls{gls} in field values can be problematic (see
+By default, most of the field values are expanded when the entry is
+defined. This allows for defining entries programmatically, but it
+can cause a problem if the value contains any \idx{fragile} commands.
+For example:
+ \field{name} = \marg{duck},
+ \field{first} = \marg{duck\gls{footnote}\marg{quack, quack}},\incorrect
+ \field{description} = \marg{a waterbird with webbed feet}
+A \gls{gls}\marg{duck}.
+This causes the confusing error:
+! Undefined control sequence.
+\in@ #1#2->\begingroup \def \in@@
+In order for this example to work, the \idx{fragile} command must either be
+ \field{name} = \marg{duck},
+ \field{first} = \marg{duck\gls{protect}\gls{footnote}\marg{quack, quack}},\correct
+ \field{description} = \marg{a waterbird with webbed feet}
+or the expansion must first be switched off:
+\gls{glsnoexpandfields} \correct
+ \field{name} = \marg{duck},
+ \field{first} = \marg{duck\gls{footnote}\marg{quack, quack}},
+ \field{description} = \marg{a waterbird with webbed feet}
+Since it's not possible to programmatically define entries with
+\bibgls, the expansion is automatically switched off as \bibgls\
+writes \gls{glsnoexpandfields} to the \ext{glstex} file (although
+you can disable this feature with \longarg{expand-fields}).
+The reason why \gls{footnote} didn't cause a problem in the
+\field{description} field \emph{when the entry was defined} is that, by
+default, expansion isn't performed on the \field{name},
+\field{description} and \field{symbol} fields, regardless of whether
+or not \gls{glsnoexpandfields} has been used. This only applies to
+the point when the entries are being defined. Unprotected
+\idx{fragile} commands can still cause a problem if the value is
+later used in a problematic context (such as the earlier example
+where \gls{glsentrydesc} was used in a section heading).
+The abbreviation handling provided by the base \isty{glossaries}
+package is quite restrictive and only one abbreviation style can be
+used for all abbreviations. The \isty{glossaries-extra} package
+internally loads the \sty{glossaries} package and extends it,
+providing new options and a better abbreviation mechanism that
+allows different styles per category.
+The base \sty{glossaries} package provides:
+The extension package \sty{glossaries-extra} provides:
+which internally uses \gls{newglossaryentry} with the
+\field{category} set to \code{abbreviation} (which can be
+overridden in the optional \meta{\keyvallist}).
+The \gls{glossaries-extra} package also redefines \gls{newacronym} in
+terms of \gls{newabbreviation} so that it effectively behaves like:
+This makes it easier to transfer over from the base \sty{glossaries}
+package, but if you use \gls{newacronym} remember that the
+\field{category} is set to \code{acronym} instead of \code{abbreviation}.
+In both cases, \meta{label} is the entry's label used to identify
+the abbreviation in commands like \gls{gls}, \meta{short} is the
+short form and \meta{long} is the long form. Any additional
+settings, such as the \field{category} or \field{description}
+can be set in the optional argument.
+The style must be set \emph{before the abbreviations are defined}
+where \meta{category} is the category label and \meta{style-name} is
+the name of the style. If the optional argument is omitted,
+\code{abbreviation} is assumed. The \sty{glossaries-extra} package
+automatically sets the default styles:
+This means that if you don't explicitly set the style then any
+abbreviation defined with \gls{newacronym} will use the
+\abbrstyle{short-nolong} style (unless you change the category in
+the optional argument) and other abbreviations will use the
+\abbrstyle{long-short} style.
+If these styles aren't suitable, then you need to change them. Any
+abbreviation that's defined with a category that hasn't been
+assigned a style will fallback on the style for the default
+\code{abbreviation} category. There are many predefined styles to
+choose from and they come with commands to help adjust the
+formatting. See the \sty{glossaries-extra} user
+manual~\cite{glossaries-extra} for the
+complete list. The \sty{glossaries-extra} package also comes with a
+sample document
+demonstrating all the predefined styles.
+The style determines whether the abbreviation is treated as a
+\idx{regular} term. There are also some \idxpl{categoryattribute} that govern
+abbreviations (see below and \sectionref{sec:accsupp}). These
+should also be set before the abbreviation is defined.
+Some of the styles set the \field{description} field (typically to
+the \meta{long} form). The styles that end with \code{-desc} don't,
+and so that key must be set explicitly in the \meta{\keyvallist} optional part.
+Here's a simple example that uses both \gls{newabbreviation} and
+\gls{newacronym} to illustrate the difference:
+\gls{newabbreviation}\marg{tug}\marg{TUG}\marg{\cmd{TeX}\gls{}Users Group}
+\gls{newabbreviation}\marg{cldr}\marg{CLDR}\marg{Unicode Common Locale Data
+\gls{newacronym}\marg{SIunit}\marg{SI unit}\marg{International System of Units}
+\gls{newacronym}\marg{ascii}\marg{ASCII}\marg{American Standard Code for
+Information Interchange}
+First use: \gls{gls}\marg{tug}, \gls{gls}\marg{cldr}, \gls{gls}\marg{SIunit}, \gls{gls}\marg{ascii}.
+Next use: \gls{gls}\marg{tug}, \gls{gls}\marg{cldr}, \gls{gls}\marg{SIunit}, \gls{gls}\marg{ascii}.
+This produces:
+First use: \gls{TUG}, \gls{CLDR}, \gls{SIunit}, \gls{ASCII}.
+Next use: \gls{TUG}, \gls{CLDR}, \gls{SIunit}, \gls{ASCII}.
+Note that the \idx{firstuse} of \code{SIunit} and \code{ascii} only
+show the short form. This is because the default style for the
+\code{acronym} category is the \abbrstyle{short-nolong} style, which
+doesn't show the long form with \gls{gls} (and its \idxpl{variant}).
+The final optional \meta{insert} argument of commands like \gls{gls}
+is typically moved inside, depending on the style. For example:
+\gls{newabbreviation}\marg{svm}\marg{SVM}\marg{support vector machine}
+The \gls{gls}\marg{svm}\oarg{'s} parameters are\cmd{ldots}
+This produces:
+The \gls{ex.svm}['s] parameters are\ldots
+Compare this with:
+The \gls{gls}\marg{svm}'s parameters are\cmd{ldots}\incorrect
+which produces:
+The \gls{ex.svm}'s parameters are\ldots
+\section{Only Long or Only Short}
+If you only want \gls{gls} to show the short form but not the long
+form (including on \idx{firstuse}), use one of the \code{-nolong}
+styles (such as \abbrstyle{short-nolong}). If you only want the long
+form and not the short form (including subsequent use), use one of
+the \code{-noshort} styles (such as \abbrstyle{long-noshort}).
+If you want only the long form on \idx{firstuse} (without the short
+form) and only the short form subsequently then use one of the
+\code{-only} styles, such as \abbrstyle{long-only-short-only}.
+If you need to reshow the full form, you can reset the
+\idx{firstuseflag} with:
+which will make the next instance of \code{\gls{gls}\margm{labe}}
+act according to \idx{firstuse}.
+If you need an abbreviation in a caption or section title, see
+Otherwise, if you want a \emph{specific} instance to show only the short
+form, without modifying the \idx{firstuseflag}, then use
+If you want a specific instance to show only the long form, without
+modifying the \idx{firstuseflag}, then use
+If you want a specific instance to show both the long and short form, without
+modifying the \idx{firstuseflag}, then use
+Depending on the style, this may not exactly match the format
+produced by the \idx{firstuse} of \code{\gls{gls}\margm{label}}.
+Don't use these commands for every use. Change the style instead,
+which will make it easier to modify the document at a later date.
+If you find these commands quite long-winded, there are some
+shortcuts available with the \styopt{shortcuts} option, but as these
+may interfere with other packages, you might want to consider
+investigating your text editor settings as the more sophisticated
+ones provide ways of inserting commonly-used commands to save typing.
+\section{Plural Abbreviations}
+If the abbreviation represents something countable then the plural
+form can again be obtained with \gls{glspl}:
+\gls{newabbreviation}\marg{svm}\marg{SVM}\marg{support vector machine}
+First use: \gls{glspl}\marg{svm}. Next use: \gls{glspl}\marg{svm}.
+This produces:
+First use: \glspl{ex.svm}. Next use: \glspl{ex.svm}.
+The default plural short and long forms are obtained by
+appending the letter \qt{s} after the singular form. These can be
+changed on an individual basis with the \field{shortplural} and
+\field{longplural} keys. For example:
+ [\field{longplural}=\marg{lower triangular matrices}]
+ \marg{ltm}\marg{LTM}\marg{lower triangular matrix}
+It may be that you prefer to keep the short plural form the same as
+the short singular value for all abbreviations within a particular
+category. You can implement this with the
+\catattr{noshortplural} attribute, which must be set to \code{true}
+before the abbreviations for that category are defined. For example:
+\gls{newabbreviation}\marg{svm}\marg{SVM}\marg{support vector machine}
+First use: \gls{glspl}\marg{svm}. Next use: \gls{glspl}\marg{svm}.
+First use: support vector machines (SVM). Next use: SVM.
+A related attribute is \catattr{aposplural} which inserts \qtt{'s}
+(apostrophe followed by \qt{s}) to form the default short plural to
+help avoid ambiguity with \idx{lowercase} abbreviations where it might
+not be obvious that the \qt{s} indicates a plural (rather than
+another letter in the abbreviation). Again, this needs to be set
+before the abbreviations for the given category (or categories) are
+defined (but check with your supervisor, publisher or editor as this
+usage is controversial).
+\section{Abbreviation Markup}
+The \catattr{markwords} attribute can be set to \code{true} to
+indicate that \gls{newabbreviation} should parse the long form and
+markup the words using:
+The words are separated with
+For example:
+\gls{newabbreviation}\marg{ssl}\marg{SSL}\marg{Secure Sockets Layer}
+This is essentially the same as
+This is typically used with the \code{-hyphen} abbreviation styles,
+such as \abbrstyle{long-hyphen-short-hyphen}.
+If the final optional \meta{insert} argument of commands like
+\gls{gls} starts with a hyphen, \gls{glsxtrwordsep} is locally
+changed to a hyphen.
+For example:
+\gls{newabbreviation}\marg{ssl}\marg{SSL}\marg{Secure Sockets Layer}
+First use: \gls{gls}\marg{ssl}\oarg{-enabled}. Next use: \gls{gls}\marg{ssl}\oarg{-enabled}.
+This produces:
+First use: \gls{ex.ssl}[-enabled]. Next use: \gls{ex.ssl}[-enabled].
+Compare this with:
+First use: \gls{gls}\marg{ssl}-enabled. Next use: \gls{gls}\marg{ssl}-enabled.\incorrect
+which instead produces:
+First use: \gls{ex.ssl}-enabled. Next use: \gls{ex.ssl}-enabled.
+First use: \gls{gls}\marg{ssl}\oarg{ enabled}. Next use: \gls{gls}\marg{ssl}\oarg{ enabled}.
+First use: \gls{ex.ssl}[ enabled]. Next use: \gls{ex.ssl}[ enabled].
+Note that this is different to the result obtained with the
+\abbrstyle{long-short} style which doesn't include the inserted
+material in the parentheses (and doesn't check if the inserted
+text starts with a hyphen).
+There's a related attribute \catattr{markshortwords} which applies
+to the short form instead. This is only useful if the short form contains
+Another markup-related attribute is \catattr{tagging}. In general,
+you don't need to explicitly set this attribute. Instead, you need
+to define a tagging command using:
+This (robustly) defines \meta{cs} (a control sequence) to accept a
+single argument, which you need to use in the \meta{long} part of the
+abbreviation definition (it's not inserted automatically).
+The \gls{GlsXtrEnableInitialTagging} command also sets the
+\catattr{tagging} attribute to \code{true} for each of the listed
+categories, which ensures that \meta{cs} uses
+within the glossary (see \sectionref{sec:displaygloss}). Within the
+main text the command simply does its argument.
+For example:
+\gls{newabbreviation}\marg{xml}\marg{XML}\marg{e\cmd{itag}\marg{x}tensible \cmd{itag}\marg{m}arkup
+First use: \gls{gls}\marg{xml}. Next use: \gls{gls}\marg{xml}.
+This produces:
+First use: \gls{ex.xml}. Next use: \gls{ex.xml}.
+This doesn't show the markup as the tagging command (\csfmt{itag} in
+this example) simply expands to its argument in the main document
+text. The difference is only evident in the glossary.
+If all your abbreviations are defined in a separate file, it's
+useful to provide a definition of the tagging command with
+\gls{providecommand} to ensure it's defined if you decide not to use
+\gls{GlsXtrEnableInitialTagging}. With \bibgls, you can include it
+in the \atentry{preamble}. For example:
+\section{Dotted Abbreviations}
+If an abbreviation ends with a \idx{full-stop}, it can be awkward
+when it appears at the end of a sentence, as you can end up with two
+dots by mistake. For example:
+\gls{newabbreviation}\marg{dante}\marg{DANTE e.V.}
+\marg{Deutschsprachige Anwendervereinigung \cmd{TeX}\gls{}e.V.}
+\gls{newabbreviation}\marg{gp}\marg{G.P.}\marg{General Practitioner}
+\gls{gls}\marg{dante} is a local \cmd{TeX}\gls{}user group.
+The German-speaking local \cmd{TeX}\gls{}user group is \gls{gls}\marg{dante}.
+A \gls{gls}\marg{gp} is a medical doctor.
+I went to my surgery to see the \gls{gls}\marg{gp}.
+This results in:
+\gls{ex.dante} is a local \TeX\ user group.
+The German-speaking local \TeX\ user group is \gls{ex.dante}\relax.\incorrect
+A \gls{} is a medical doctor.
+I went to my surgery to see the \gls{}\relax.\incorrect
+The awkward double-dot is caused by the final dot in the
+short form followed by the sentence terminating \idx{full-stop}.
+If the \catattr{discardperiod} attribute is set to \code{true}, the
+\idx{postlinkhook} will look ahead for a \idx{full-stop}. If it
+finds one, it will be discarded. For example:
+ \marg{dante}\marg{DANTE e.V.}\marg{Deutschsprachige Anwendervereinigung \cmd{TeX}\gls{}e.V.}
+ \marg{gp}\marg{G.P.}\marg{General Practitioner}
+\gls{gls}\marg{dante} is a local \cmd{TeX}\gls{}user group.
+The German-speaking local \cmd{TeX}\gls{}user group is \gls{gls}\marg{dante}.
+A \gls{gls}\marg{gp} is a medical doctor.
+I went to my surgery to see the \gls{gls}\marg{gp}.
+This now results in:
+\gls{ex.dante} is a local \TeX\ user group.
+The German-speaking local \TeX\ user group is \gls{ex.dante}.
+A \gls{} is a medical doctor.
+I went to my surgery to see the \gls{}.
+This attribute only affects the \emph{non-plural} commands, such as
+\gls{gls} and \gls{glsxtrshort}. If the last paragraph in the above
+example is changed to:
+A \gls{gls}\marg{gp} is a medical doctor.
+I went to my surgery to see the \gls{glspl}\marg{gp}.
+then the result is:
+A \gls{} is a medical doctor.
+I went to my surgery to see the \glspl{}.
+In this case there's no need to discard the terminating
+\idx{full-stop} as the plural form doesn't end with one. If the
+plural form also ends with a \idx{full-stop} (for example, if the
+\catattr{noshortplural} attribute is also set) then you additionally
+need to set the \catattr{pluraldiscardperiod} attribute.
+The \idx{postlinkhook} is also applied to other commands, such as
+\gls{glsxtrfull}, \gls{glsxtrlong}, \gls{glsxtrshort} and \gls{glssymbol}.
+For example:
+I went to my surgery to see the \gls{glsxtrshort}\marg{gp}.
+results in:
+I went to my surgery to see the \glsxtrshort{}.
+In some cases, this may be inappropriate, for example:
+I went to my surgery to see the \gls{glsxtrlong}\marg{gp}.
+results in:
+I went to my surgery to see the \glsxtrlong{}.
+In this case the terminating \idx{full-stop} shouldn't be discarded.
+There are several ways to prevent it. For example, moving the
+\idx{full-stop} into the \meta{insert} argument:
+I went to my surgery to see the \gls{glsxtrlong}\marg{gp}\oarg{.}
+This results in:
+I went to my surgery to see the \glsxtrlong{}[.]
+Alternatively, insert \csfmt{relax} before the \idx{full-stop}:
+I went to my surgery to see the \gls{glsxtrlong}\marg{gp}\cmd{relax}.
+Depending on the abbreviation style, it may be inappropriate for the
+\idx{firstuse} to discard the \idx{full-stop}. In this case, it's a
+bit of a nuisance to keep track of whether the term is being
+referenced for the first time. Instead, set the
+\catattr{retainfirstuseperiod} attribute to \code{true}.
+If you have many abbreviations defined without dots and then you
+later decide to insert them, you may prefer an automated approach.
+This can be done by setting the \catattr{insertdots} attribute to \code{true}.
+For example:
+ \marg{gp}\marg{GP}\marg{General Practitioner}
+Today I went to my surgery to see the \gls{gls}\marg{gp}.
+Tomorrow I'm going to my surgery to see the \gls{gls}\marg{gp}.
+This produces:
+Today I went to my surgery to see the \gls{}.
+Tomorrow I'm going to my surgery to see the \gls{}.
+If an abbreviation needs to be accompanied by a translation, then
+you can use a custom field or one of the supplied user fields
+described in \sectionref{sec:userkeys} to store the translation. The
+\code{-user} abbreviation styles can be used to include the extra
+information if the field is set. The \field{user1} field
+is the default, but you can change this by redefining:
+to the \emph{internal} field name. (For example, \field{userii} for
+\field{user2}.) In the sample document below, the translation is
+supplied in the default \field{user1} field:
+\gls{newabbreviation}\oarg{\field{user1}=\marg{ribonucleic acid}}
+ \marg{rna}\marg{RNA}\marg{ribonukleins\gls[noindex=false]{umlaut}aure}
+First use: \gls{gls}\marg{rna}. Next use: \gls{gls}\marg{rna}.
+This produces:
+First use: \gls{ex.rna}. Next use: \gls{ex.rna}.
+If the field is empty, \abbrstyle{long-short-user} behaves like
+Here's an example where the native language is English:
+\gls{newabbreviation}\marg{iso}\marg{ISO}\marg{International Organization for Standardization}
+ \field{user1} = \marg{Associa\gls{c}\marg{c}\gls{cs.tilde}ao Brasileria de Normas T\cs{acute}ecnicas},
+ \field{user2} = \marg{pt-BR},
+ \field{category} = \marg{foreignabbreviation}
+\marg{abnt}\marg{ABNT}\marg{Brazilian National Standards Organization}
+ \field{user1} = \marg{Deutsches Institut f\gls{umlaut}ur Normung e.V.},
+ \field{user2} = \marg{de-1996},
+ \field{category} = \marg{foreignabbreviation}
+}\marg{din}\marg{DIN}\marg{German Institute for Standardization}
+The use of the custom \field{category} label
+\code{foreignabbrevaiation} means I can set up different abbreviation
+styles. For example:
+This example differs from the previous one as there are now two
+foreign languages (Portuguese and German) with English as the native
+language. The previous had German as the native language and English
+as the sole foreign language. In this case, I've used the
+\field{user2} field to identify the language of the original text
+(stored in the \field{user1} field).
+For example, suppose I'm using \sty{babel} with the language options
+\code{british}, \code{brazilian} and \code{ngerman}:
+then I might want to modify \gls{glsxtruserparen} to use
+\gls{foreignlanguage}. This would be easier if the \field{user2}
+field used a recognised \sty{babel} dialect label, but that's less
+consistent across documents. For example, in another document I
+might use \code{UKenglish} or just \code{english} (or perhaps use
+\sty{polyglossia} instead).
+The \sty{glossaries} package loads \sty{tracklang}~\cite{tracklang},
+which provides:
+If the given language tag matches a document dialect that's been
+tracked (by \sty{tracklang}), this stores the \emph{\sty{tracklang}
+dialect label} in the control sequence \meta{cs} otherwise it sets
+that control sequence to empty. The match requires that five
+properties of the language tag and \sty{tracklang}'s dialect label
+are the same: root language, region, sub-language, variant and
+script. Some of these elements may be empty, in which case those
+elements must be empty for both. If the script is missing in either
+case, the default script for the given root language is assumed. For
+example, \code{Latn} for \code{en} (English).
+The \sty{tracklang} dialect label isn't always the same as
+\sty{babel}'s dialect label.
+The simplest way to test if the \sty{tracklang} label matches the
+\sty{babel} label is to test for the existence of
+\csfmt{captions}\meta{label}. For example, using \sty{etoolbox}'s
+\marg{}\comment{no exact match found}
+\marg{\comment{exact match found}
+ \gls{ifcsundef}\marg{captions\cmd{dialectlabel}}
+ \marg{}\comment{not a recognised \sty{babel} label}
+ \marg{}\comment{recognised \sty{babel} label}
+In the \qt{not a recognised \sty{babel} label} argument, you can
+find out if the \sty{tracklang} dialect label has a mapping to the
+closest known \sty{babel} dialect label with:
+If true, you can fetch the corresponding \sty{babel} label with:
+If false, you can try the root language label instead, which can be
+obtained with:
+For example:
+\marg{}\comment{no exact match found}
+\marg{\comment{exact match found}
+ \gls{ifcsundef}\marg{captions\cmd{dialectlabel}}
+ \marg{\comment{not a recognised \sty{babel} label, use root language}
+ \cmd{edef}\cmd{dialectlabel}\marg{\gls{TrackedLanguageFromDialect}\cmd{dialectlabel}}\comment{}
+ }\comment{}
+ \marg{}\comment{recognised \sty{babel} label}
+Consider the following document:
+Tracked dialect label: \cmd{trackeddialect}.
+\marg{Has mapping: \gls{GetTrackedDialectToMapping}\marg{\cmd{trackeddialect}}}\comment{}
+\marg{No mapping}.
+Root language: \gls{TrackedLanguageFromDialect}\marg{\cmd{trackeddialect}}.
+In this case the \sty{tracklang} dialect label is the same as
+\sty{babel}'s dialect label. The above produces:
+Tracked dialect label: british. No mapping. Root language: english.
+Now consider this document:
+en-GB: \gls{GetTrackedDialectFromLanguageTag}\marg{en-GB}\marg{\cmd{trackeddialect}}\comment{} Tracked dialect label: \cmd{trackeddialect}.
+\marg{Has mapping: \gls{GetTrackedDialectToMapping}\marg{\cmd{trackeddialect}}}\comment{}
+\marg{No mapping}.
+Root language: \gls{TrackedLanguageFromDialect}\marg{\cmd{trackeddialect}}.
+en-MT: \gls{GetTrackedDialectFromLanguageTag}\marg{en-MT}\marg{\cmd{trackeddialect}}\comment{} Tracked dialect label: \cmd{trackeddialect}.
+\marg{Has mapping: \gls{GetTrackedDialectToMapping}\marg{\cmd{trackeddialect}}}\comment{}
+\marg{No mapping}.
+Root language: \gls{TrackedLanguageFromDialect}\marg{\cmd{trackeddialect}}.
+In this case the document requires Maltese English but \sty{babel}
+doesn't have an associated dialect so \code{british} is used
+instead in \sty{babel}'s options list. However, \sty{tracklang} does
+recognise \code{en-MT} as a document class option, which allows
+extra localisation from other locale-sensitive packages. (For
+example, \sty{datetime2} will use different time zone abbreviations.) If
+\sty{tracklang} picks up document class options, these override any
+\sty{babel} settings, but the mapping allows a way of accessing the
+captions hook provided by \sty{babel}.
+The above document produces:
+en-GB: Tracked dialect label: . No mapping. Root language: .
+en-MT: Tracked dialect label: maltaenglish. Has mapping: british.
+Root language: english.
+So now, even though \sty{babel}'s \code{british} option has been
+used, en-GB isn't recognised as a tracked locale. Things are a
+little more complicated if the language tag is too specific compared
+to the \sty{babel} dialect label. For example, while the dialect
+label \code{nswissgerman} identifies the region, the \code{ngerman}
+label doesn't.
+Tracked dialect label: \cmd{trackeddialect}.
+\marg{Has mapping: \gls{GetTrackedDialectToMapping}\marg{\cmd{trackeddialect}}}\comment{}
+\marg{No mapping}.
+In this case no dialect label is found. The result is:
+Tracked dialect label: . No mapping.
+This is because the document doesn't have a dialect that matches
+both the language \emph{and} region. As from \sty{tracklang} version
+1.3.6, \gls{GetTrackedDialectToMapping} sets:
+to the closest dialect label that has the same root language if the
+exact match isn't found. This will be empty if there's no tracked
+dialect with the given root language (and may also be empty if an
+exact match is found).
+Returning to \sty{glossaries-extra} with the original text stored in
+the \field{user1} field (identified by \gls{glsxtruserfield} in the
+\abbrstyle{long-short-user} style) and the language tag stored in
+the \field{user2} field, then if you have at least version 1.32 of
+\sty{glossaries-extra} and version 1.3.6 of \sty{tracklang} you
+can use:
+to encapsulate \meta{text} with:
+where the field containing the appropriate locale tag is stored in
+the field given by:
+which defaults to the \field{userii} internal field for the entry
+identified by \meta{label} (corresponding to the \field{user2} field).
+For example:
+\gls{newabbreviation}\marg{iso}\marg{ISO}\marg{International Organization for Standardization}
+ \field{user1} = \marg{Associa\gls{c}\marg{c}\gls{cs.tilde}ao Brasileria de Normas T\cs{acute}ecnicas},
+ \field{user2} = \marg{pt-BR},
+ \field{category} = \marg{foreignabbreviation}
+\marg{abnt}\marg{ABNT}\marg{Brazilian National Standards Organization}
+ \field{user1} = \marg{Deutsches Institut f\gls{umlaut}ur Normung e.V.},
+ \field{user2} = \marg{de-1996},
+ \field{category} = \marg{foreignabbreviation}
+}\marg{din}\marg{DIN}\marg{German Institute for Standardization}
+ \gls[noindex=false]{glsxtrfullsep}\marg{\gls{param}2}\comment{}
+ \gls[noindex=false]{glsxtrparen}
+ \marg{\gls{param}1\comment{}
+ \gls{ifglshasfield}\marg{\gls{glsxtruserfield}}\marg{\gls{param}2}\comment{}
+ \marg{, \gls{emph}\marg{\gls{GlsXtrForeignText}\marg{\gls{param}2}\marg{\gls{glscurrentfieldvalue}}}}\comment{}
+ \marg{}\comment{}
+ }\comment{}
+\gls{gls}\marg{abnt}, \gls{gls}\marg{din}.
+This essentially uses the earlier \sty{tracklang} code where an
+extra \gls{ifdefempty} is inserted, which sets the equivalent of
+\csfmt{trackeddialect} in the above to \gls{TrackedDialectClosestSubMatch}. If
+the test for the captions hook is false, then \gls{foreignlanguage}
+isn't used.
+\Sectionref{sec:userkeys} described the \field{symbol} key, which can
+be used to additionally provide a symbol. For example:
+\cmd{usepackage}\marg{\gls[noindex=false]{siunitx}}\comment{provides \gls{si}}
+ \field{name} = \marg{length},
+ \field{symbol} = \marg{\gls{si}\marg{\cmd{metre}}},
+ \field{description} = \marg{measurement between two points}
+ \field{name} = \marg{area},
+ \field{symbol} = \marg{\gls[noindex=false]{si}\marg{\cmd{metre}\cmd{squared}}},
+ \field{description} = \marg{measurement of a surface}
+Measurements: \gls{gls}\marg{length} (\gls{glssymbol}\marg{length}) and
+\gls{gls}\marg{area} (\gls{glssymbol}\marg{area}).
+This produces:
+Measurements: \gls{ex.length} (\glssymbol{ex.length}) and
+\gls{ex.area} (\glssymbol{ex.area}).
+It may be that you prefer to have the symbol in the \field{name}
+field instead. The example document below is a modification of the
+above and uses the \idx{postlinkhook} to append the description on
+\idx{firstuse} (see \sectionref{sec:postlinkhooks}).
+\gls[noindex=false]{glsnoexpandfields} \comment{name field contains \gls{si}}
+ \field{name} = \marg{\gls{si}\marg{\cmd{metre}}},
+ \field{description} = \marg{length},
+ \field{category} = \marg{symbol}
+ \field{name} = \marg{\gls{si}\marg{\cmd{metre}\cmd{squared}}},
+ \field{description} = \marg{area},
+ \field{category} = \marg{symbol}
+First use: \gls{gls}\marg{length} and \gls{gls}\marg{area}.
+Next use: \gls{gls}\marg{length} and \gls{gls}\marg{area}.
+Note the need for \gls{glsnoexpandfields} (described in
+\sectionref{sec:robust}). This wasn't required in the previous
+example because the \sty{siunitx} commands were in the
+\field{symbol} field, which isn't expanded by default. The
+\field{name} field also isn't expanded by default, but its value is
+copied to the \field{text} and \field{first} fields, which are
+expanded by default. If \gls{glsnoexpandfields} is omitted from the
+above document, the following error would occur:
+! Undefined control sequence.
+\@glo@name ->\si {\metre
+ }
+Although \gls{si} is robust, commands like \csfmt{metre} and
+\csfmt{squared} are only available within the argument of \gls{si}
+(and other similar commands provided by \sty{siunitx}) and so break
+in expandable contexts.
+With \gls{glsnoexpandfields}, the document compiles correctly and
+First use: \gls{ex2.length} and \gls{ex2.area}.
+Next use: \gls{ex2.length} and \gls{ex2.area}.
+The \sty{glossaries-extra}['s] \styopt{symbols} package option
+provides the command
+which is a shortcut for
+So the above document can be changed to:
+\gls{glsxtrnewsymbol}\oarg{\field{description} = \marg{length}}\marg{length}\marg{\gls{si}\marg{\cmd{metre}}}
+\gls{glsxtrnewsymbol}\oarg{\field{description} = \marg{area}}\marg{area}\marg{\gls{si}\marg{\cmd{metre}\cmd{squared}}}
+First use: \gls{gls}\marg{length} and \gls{gls}\marg{area}.
+Next use: \gls{gls}\marg{length} and \gls{gls}\marg{area}.
+The result is the same.
+Some symbols may represent functions. For example:
+ \oarg{\field{description} = \marg{derivative}}
+ \marg{deriv}\comment{label}
+ \marg{\gls{ensuremath}\marg{f'(x)}}\comment{symbol}
+The derivative is denoted \gls{gls}\marg{deriv}.
+This produces:
+The derivative is denoted \gls{ex.deriv}.
+What if I need to change the variable for a specific instance, for
+example, if I want $f'(x_i)$ instead of $f'(x)$? I can just use:
+The gradient at \gls{mshiftchar}x\gls{sbchar}i\gls{mshiftchar} is \gls{mshiftchar}f'(x\gls{sbchar}i)\gls{mshiftchar}.
+So far, none of the example documents have a glossary or list of
+terms. The ultimate aim when using the \styfmt{glossaries} package
+is to ensure consistent formatting and notation, and, where
+applicable, include a list of all terms referenced in the document.
+The use of commands like \gls{gls} helps to achieve this. If the
+notation needs to be changed, only the entry definition (and
+associated formatting commands) should need to be redefined without
+having to go through the whole document changing the code. Using
+commands like \gls{gls} also identifies which entries need to be
+included in the list of terms and, if \sty{hyperref} is loaded, can
+be hyperlinked to the relevant place in that list (see
+So explicitly using \verb|f'(x_i)| won't index the \code{deriv} entry
+or mark it has having been used or create a hyperlink. One
+possibility is to use one of the following commands:
+They both work in much the same way, indexing the entry and
+displaying \meta{text} as the \idx{link-text}. The only difference is
+that \gls{glsdisp} also unsets the \idx{firstuseflag}, which marks the entry
+as having been used. For example:
+The gradient at \gls{mshiftchar}x\gls{sbchar}i\gls{mshiftchar} is \gls{glslink}\marg{deriv}\marg{\gls{mshiftchar}f'(x\gls{sbchar}i)\gls{mshiftchar}}.
+This solves the problem of ensuring that the \code{deriv} entry is
+indexed and, if \sty{hyperref} is loaded, ensures that the
+\idx{link-text} has a hyperlink to the relevant place in the list of
+notation, but it doesn't solve the problem of consistent formatting.
+One way of ensuring consistent formatting is to define a semantic
+command. For example:
+ \oarg{\field{description} = \marg{derivative}}
+ \marg{deriv}\comment{label}
+ \marg{\gls{ensuremath}\marg{\cmd{derivfn}\marg{x}}}\comment{symbol}
+The derivative is denoted \gls{gls}\marg{deriv}.
+The gradient at \gls{mshiftchar}x\gls{sbchar}i\gls{mshiftchar} is \gls{glslink}\marg{deriv}\marg{\gls{mshiftchar}\cmd{derivfn}\marg{x\gls{sbchar}i}\gls{mshiftchar}}.
+This produces:
+The derivative is denoted \gls{ex.deriv}.
+The gradient at $x_i$ is \glslink{ex.deriv}{$\derivfn{x_i}$}.
+Now only \csfmt{derivfn} needs modifying if the notation must change.
+This requires remembering both the entry label (\code{deriv} in this
+case) and the associated formatting command (\csfmt{derivfn} in this
+case). The \sty{glossaries-extra} package provides a way of storing
+the associated formatting command in one of the additional keys (see
+\sectionref{sec:userkeys}). The field is identified by:
+which defaults to \field{useri} (the internal representation of the
+\field{user1} key). The value must be the name (without the leading
+backslash) of a control sequence that takes a \emph{single}
+mandatory argument. The above custom command \code{derivfn}
+satisfies this requirement, so the entry can be defined as:
+ \oarg{\comment{settings:}
+ \field{description} = \marg{derivative},
+ \field{user1} = \marg{derivfn}
+ }
+ \marg{deriv}\comment{label}
+ \marg{\gls{ensuremath}\marg{\cmd{derivfn}\marg{x}}}\comment{symbol}
+The formatting command can now be applied using one of the
+which internally use \gls{glslink} or:
+which doesn't (and so is more like using \gls{glsentryname}).
+So an alternative approach is:
+ \oarg{\comment{settings:}
+ \field{description} = \marg{derivative},
+ \field{user1} = \marg{derivfn}
+ }
+ \marg{deriv}\comment{label}
+ \marg{\gls{ensuremath}\marg{\cmd{derivfn}\marg{x}}}\comment{symbol}
+The derivative is denoted \gls{gls}\marg{deriv}.
+The gradient at \gls{mshiftchar}x\gls{sbchar}i\gls{mshiftchar} is \gls{mshiftchar}\gls{glsxtrfmt}\marg{deriv}\marg{x\gls{sbchar}i}\gls{mshiftchar}.
+This again produces:
+The derivative is denoted \gls{ex.deriv}.
+The gradient at $x_i$ is $\glsxtrfmt{ex.deriv}{x_i}$.
+Both the starred \gls{glsxtrfmt*} and unstarred \gls{glsxtrfmt}
+format the \meta{text} argument using:
+where \meta{cs-name} is the control sequence name stored in the
+field identified by \gls{GlsXtrFmtField} and the \meta{insert} part
+is the final optional argument for the starred \gls{glsxtrfmt*} (if
+provided) otherwise it's empty. If the command identified by
+\meta{cs-name} doesn't exist (or if the field providing it isn't
+set) then just \meta{text}\meta{insert} is done.
+Nested \idx{link-text} causes problems so don't use \gls{glsxtrfmt}
+in the optional part of commands like \gls{gls} or \gls{glssymbol}
+or in field values that are used by those types of command. Also
+don't use \gls{glsxtrfmt} within the \meta{text} or \meta{insert}
+part of another instance of \gls{glsxtrfmt} or in \gls{glslink} or
+\gls{glsdisp}. Use \gls{glsxtrentryfmt} instead.
+If more than one argument is required, then a helper macro is
+needed. For example:
+Now to obtain $g'(x_i)$:
+Note that for this simplistic helper macro, the mandatory inner
+argument needs extra braces if it consists of more than a single
+token. For example:
+\section{Dealing with Automated Case-Changing}
+Commands like \gls{Gls} don't usually make much sense for symbols as
+a change in case can cause a change in meaning. For example,
+$\boldsymbol{x}$ might denote a vector and $\boldsymbol{X}$ might
+denote a matrix. However, you may have a mixed list of terms
+containing both symbols and words, and if you set the
+\catattr{glossname} attribute to \code{firstuc}, which automatically
+converts the first letter of each \field{name} to \idx{uppercase} in the
+glossary, then this can cause a problem for entries where the
+\field{name} starts with a symbol. The simplest solution is to
+insert an empty group at the start of the \field{name} field for
+such entries. For example:
+ \oarg{\field{description} = \marg{length}}\comment{settings}
+ \marg{length}\comment{label}
+ \marg{\marg{}\gls{si}\marg{\cmd{metre}}}\comment{name}
+This is done automatically by \bibgls, but if it causes any
+interference you can switch off the behaviour with
+\chapter{Displaying the Definition}
+The examples so far only use the defined entries in the documents
+with commands like \gls{gls} or \gls{glssymbol} or
+\gls{glsentrydesc}. These are useful for ensuring consistent
+formatting, but it's also helpful to have a place in the document
+where the term is formally defined. This can be partially solved
+by including the description in parentheses on \idx{firstuse},
+either by explicitly including the description in the \field{first}
+field or with the use of the \idx{postlinkhook}, but the
+\idx{firstuse} might not be the most appropriate place for the
+\section{Listing the Terms (Glossary)}
+If you want a complete list of all defined terms, you can use:
+This lists all the terms for the given glossary (identified by the
+\printglossopt{type} key in \meta{options}, see
+\sectionref{sec:multigloss}) according to the order of the
+glossary's internal list of labels, which is typically in the order of
+definition. (As each entry is defined, its label is appended to the
+internal list of the associated glossary.)
+You can change the default title with the \printglossopt{title} option. For
+The title used in the \gls{toc} is assumed to be the same,
+but you can change it with \printglossopt{toctitle}. For example:
+ \printglossopt[List of Terms and Notation]{title},
+ \printglossopt[Notation]{toctitle}
+The glossary style can be set with the \printglossopt{style} key
+in \meta{options}. Alternatively, you can set a default style with the
+\styopt{style} package option. There are many predefined styles to
+choose from (see the
+gallery}~\cite{glossarystylesgallery}). The styles are provided in supplementary packages, some
+of which are automatically loaded. Since each package adds to the
+document overhead, and some require additional packages to be
+loaded, when using \sty{glossaries-extra}, it's a good idea to
+disable the automatic loading of all styles with \styopt{nostyles}
+and then use \styopt{stylemods} to load the specific packages (along
+with the \sty{glossaries-extra-stylemods} package, which patches
+some of the predefined styles). For example, the
+\glostyle{index} style is provided by the \styfmt{glossary-tree}
+package, so \styopt[tree]{stylemods} will automatically load
+\styfmt{glossary-tree} and provide all the tree-like styles,
+including \glostyle{index}. The \styopt{stylemods} value may be a
+comma-separated list, so to load both \styfmt{glossary-tree} and
+\styfmt{glossary-long}, use \styopt[tree,long]{stylemods}.
+For example:
+\cmd{usepackage}\marg{\gls[noindex=false]{mhchem}}\comment{provides \gls{ce}}
+\cmd{usepackage}[\styopt[dot]{postpunc},\comment{full stop after description}
+ \styopt{nostyles},\comment{don't load default style packages}
+\comment{load glossaries-extra-stylemods.sty and glossary-tree.sty:}
+ \styopt[tree]{stylemods}
+ \field{name} = \marg{\gls{ensuremath}\marg{A}},
+ \field{description} = \marg{area}
+ \field{name} = \marg{amethyst},
+ \field{description} = \marg{a purple type of quartz},
+ \field{symbol} = \marg{\gls[noindex=false]{ce}\marg{SiO2}}
+ \field{name} = \marg{\gls{ensuremath}\marg{C}},
+ \field{description} = \marg{circumference}
+ \field{name} = \marg{duck},
+ \field{description} = \marg{a waterbird with webbed feet}
+ \field{name} = \marg{goose},
+ \field{description} = \marg{a large waterbird with a long neck, short legs,
+webbed feet and a short broad bill}
+ \field{name} = \marg{\gls{ensuremath}\marg{r}},
+ \field{description} = \marg{radius}
+ \field{name} = \marg{\gls{ensuremath}\marg{\cmd{pi}}},
+ \field{description} = \marg{Archimedes' constant}
+This produces:
+ \glsifcategory{#1}{standalone}{}{\printunsrtglossaryskipentry}%
+The \glostyle{index} glossary style checks if the \field{symbol}
+field has been set. If it has, then the symbol is added in
+parentheses (as in the amethyst example). Only some of the styles
+include the \field{symbol} field. (Table~15.1 in the
+\sty{glossaries} user manual~\cite{glossaries} gives an overview of
+the features supported by the predefined styles.)
+The \glostyle{bookindex} style is provided by the
+\isty{glossary-bookindex} package, which is distributed with
+\sty{glossaries-extra}. This style is designed for indexes
+and omits both the description and the symbol by default. It's
+customized specifically for use with \bibgls. Without the
+\idxpl{locationlist} obtained by \bibgls, this simply becomes a list
+of the \field{name} values for each term.
+The glossary is sub-divided into letter groups. By default, these
+sub-groups are separated with a vertical gap (for example, between
+duck and goose above). In the above example, the letter group is
+determined by the first character of the \field{sort} field. Since the
+default behaviour of both \sty{glossaries} and
+\sty{glossaries-extra} is to use \idx{makeindex}, the \field{sort}
+field (which is used by \idx{makeindex}) is set to the value of the
+\field{name} field (unless explicitly set) and then sanitized.
+When using \gls{printunsrtglossary}, the \field{sort} field is
+irrelevant except to determine the letter group (unless the
+\field{group} field has been defined). The sub-group
+heading is displayed by some styles, such as the
+\glostyle{indexgroup} and \glostyle{bookindex} styles. For example, with:
+The glossary is now:
+ \glsifcategory{#1}{standalone}{}{\printunsrtglossaryskipentry}%
+This explains why there's a gap between $A$ (area) and amethyst as
+they don't belong to the same letter group. The \field{sort} field
+for the \code{area} entry is \verb|\ensuremath{A}| which has been
+sanitized, so it starts with a literal backslash (\idx{backslashchar}).
+This means that \code{area} is assigned to the symbols letter group. The
+symbols group occurs three times, because the list is following the
+order of definition.
+\subsection{Groups and Locations}
+The \field{group} and \field{location} fields are considered
+internal fields by \bibgls. They may be referenced within the
+document, but they should not be assigned in the \ext{bib} file.
+\bibgls\ assigns these fields according to the resource options and
+command line switches. Explicitly assigning them can cause
+unexpected results. See also \sectionref{sec:logicaldivisions} of
+the \bibgls\ manual.
+The \field{group} key isn't defined by default, but if it is defined
+then \gls{printunsrtglossary} will use the \field{group} field
+instead of trying to determine the group from the first character of
+the \field{sort} field (as in the example above). The value of the
+\field{group} field must be a label (see \sectionref{sec:labels}).
+A title may be assigned to a group with:
+If a title hasn't been assigned, the label is used as the title.
+The above command is the preferred form, but the base
+\sty{glossaries} package checks for a control sequence in the form
+\csfmt{\meta{label}groupname} where \meta{label} is the group label.
+The \sty{glossaries-extra} package also recognises this form to
+ensure backward-compatibility. If the \field{group} field is empty
+the sub-group won't have a title.
+For example, the following defines the \field{group} field with a
+custom command \csfmt{grouplabel} (that's not needed, but it's
+required by the \gls{glsaddstoragekey} syntax):
+\cmd{usepackage}[\styopt[dot]{postpunc},\comment{full stop after description}
+ \styopt{nostyles},\comment{don't load default style packages}
+ \styopt[tree]{stylemods}\comment{load glossary-tree.sty and patch styles}
+\gls{glsxtrsetgrouptitle}\marg{greek}\marg{Greek Symbols}
+ \field{name} = \marg{\gls{ensuremath}\marg{A}},
+ \field{description} = \marg{area},
+ \field{group} = \marg{A}
+ \field{name} = \marg{amethyst},
+ \field{description} = \marg{a purple type of quartz},
+ \field{symbol} = \marg{\gls{ce}\marg{SiO2}},
+ \field{group} = \marg{A}
+ \field{name} = \marg{\gls{ensuremath}\marg{C}},
+ \field{description} = \marg{circumference},
+ \field{group} = \marg{C}
+ \field{name} = \marg{duck},
+ \field{description} = \marg{a waterbird with webbed feet},
+ \field{group} = \marg{D}
+ \field{name} = \marg{goose},
+ \field{description} = \marg{a large waterbird with a long neck, short legs,
+ webbed feet and a short broad bill},
+ \field{group} = \marg{G}
+ \field{name} = \marg{\gls{ensuremath}\marg{r}},
+ \field{description} = \marg{radius},
+ \field{group} = \marg{R}
+ \field{name} = \marg{\gls{ensuremath}\marg{\cmd{pi}}},
+ \field{description} = \marg{Archimedes' constant},
+ \field{group} = \marg{greek}
+This produces:
+\glsxtrsetgrouptitle{greek}{Greek Symbols}%
+ \glsifcategory{#1}{standalone}{}{\printunsrtglossaryskipentry}%
+Note that with this method \emph{every} entry must be assigned a
+group or it will be assigned to the empty group.
+Similarly, if the \field{location} field is defined, you can use it
+to provide a \idx{locationlist}. The \styopt{record} package option
+conveniently defines both \field{group} and \field{location}, so the
+following can be used instead:
+ \styopt{record},\comment{provides group and location fields (and other stuff)}
+ postpunc=dot,nostyles,stylemods={tree}]\marg{glossaries-extra}
+ \field{name} = \marg{\gls{ensuremath}\marg{A}},
+ \field{description} = \marg{area},
+ \field{group} = \marg{A},
+ \field{location} = \marg{page 1}
+This very quickly becomes tedious and prone to errors as the entries
+have to be ordered manually, and every entry must be assigned the
+group and location (if required). Every time the location changes
+through edits to the document, the locations must be updated.
+However, this is exactly the method that \bibgls\ uses, but it does
+it automatically for you by selecting the required data from one or
+more \ext{bib} files and then creating a file containing all the
+glossary entry definitions with the fields set appropriately. The \ext{aux}
+file provides \bibgls\ with the indexing information so that it
+knows which entries to select and what the locations are, and how to
+order the definitions. See \sectionref{sec:bib2gls} for further
+\subsection{Homographs and Hierarchical Terms}
+An entry may be assigned a parent with the \field{parent} key. The
+value must be the label of an entry that's already defined. You can
+test if an entry has the \field{parent} field set with:
+If the \field{name} key is omitted, the value is assumed to be the same as
+the parent's \field{name}.
+For example:
+ \field{parent} = \marg{glossary},\comment{parent label}
+ \field{description} = \marg{collection of glosses}
+ \field{parent} = \marg{glossary},\comment{parent label}
+ \field{description} = \marg{list of technical words}
+In this case the entry with the label \code{glossary} is the
+\pidx{parent-entry}, and the entries with
+the labels \code{glossarycol} and \code{glossarylist} are
+\pidxpl{child-entry} (or sub-items). An entry that doesn't have a
+parent is a main or top-level or level~0 item. In this case, the
+\idxpl{child-entry} don't have the \field{name} key, so the name is
+obtained from the parent's name. This is an example of a
+\pidx{homograph}, where two words with different meanings
+have the same spelling. The parent entry has an empty description.
+Here's another example:
+ \field{name} = \marg{mineral},
+ \field{description} = \marg{natural inorganic substance}
+ \field{parent} = \marg{mineral},\comment{parent label}
+ \field{name} = \marg{quartz},
+ \field{description} = \marg{hard mineral consisting of silica}
+ \field{parent} = \marg{quartz},\comment{parent label}
+ \field{name} = \marg{amethyst},
+ \field{description} = \marg{a purple type of quartz}
+In this case, the \idxpl{child-entry} have the \field{name} key
+set. This is an example of a set of \pidxpl{hierarchical-entry},
+where each \idx{child-entry} is a sub-category of the parent.
+Some glossary styles are appropriate for \idxpl{homograph} and some
+are appropriate for \idxpl{hierarchical-entry} and some are only
+appropriate for flat glossaries (no child entries).
+For example, the \glostyle{index}, \glostyle{indexgroup},
+\glostyle{tree} and \glostyle{treegroup} styles are appropriate
+for \idxpl{hierarchical-entry}:
+ \field{name} = \marg{animal},
+ \field{description} = \marg{living organism with a nervous system and sense organs
+ that can move independently}
+ \field{parent} = \marg{animal},
+ \field{name} = \marg{bird},
+ \field{description} = \marg{warm-blooded egg-laying animal with feathers, wings
+ and a beak}
+ \field{parent} = \marg{bird},
+ \field{name} = \marg{duck},
+ \field{description} = \marg{a waterbird with webbed feet}
+ \field{parent} = \marg{bird},
+ \field{name} = \marg{goose},
+ \field{description} = \marg{a large waterbird with a long neck, short legs,
+ webbed feet and a short broad bill}
+ \field{name} = \marg{mineral},
+ \field{description} = \marg{natural inorganic substance}
+ \field{parent} = \marg{mineral},\comment{parent label}
+ \field{name} = \marg{calcite},
+ \field{description} = \marg{a carbonate mineral}
+ \field{parent} = \marg{mineral},
+ \field{name} = \marg{quartz},
+ \field{description} = \marg{hard mineral consisting of silica}
+ \field{parent} = \marg{quartz},
+ \field{name} = \marg{amethyst},
+ \field{description} = \marg{a purple type of quartz},
+ \field{parent} = \marg{quartz},
+ \field{name} = \marg{citrine},
+ \field{description} = \marg{a form of quartz with a colour ranging
+ from pale yellow to brown due to ferric impurities}
+This produces:
+ \glsifcategory{#1}{hierarchical}{}{\printunsrtglossaryskipentry}%
+The \glostyle{treenoname} and \glostyle{treenonamegroup} styles are
+appropriate for \idxpl{homograph}. These are usually best with the
+\styopt{subentrycounter} package option, which defines the
+\counter{glossarysubentry} counter that's incremented and
+displayed for every level~1 entry (that is, an entry with a parent
+but not a grandparent). If the \styopt{entrycounter} option is also
+used, \counter{glossaryentry} is set as the master counter for
+\counter{glossarysubentry} (although it's not included in the
+display form of that counter), but \styopt{subentrycounter} may be used
+without \styopt{entrycounter}, in which case
+\counter{glossarysubentry} has no master counter. If
+\styopt{subentrycounter} is used as a package option and
+\styopt{entrycounter} is later switched on outside of the package
+option list (through \gls{setupglossaries} or in the optional argument of
+\gls{printunsrtglossary}) then it won't be made the master counter.
+For example:
+\cmd{usepackage}[\styopt{subentrycounter},\comment{create glossarysubentry counter}
+ \styopt[dot]{postpunc},\comment{append full stop after description}
+ \styopt{nostyles},\styopt[tree]{stylemods}]\marg{glossaries-extra}
+ \field{name}=\marg{bow},
+ \field{description}=\marg{(rhymes with toe)}
+ \field{parent} = \marg{bow1},
+ \field{description} = \marg{a knot tied with two loops and loose ends}
+ \field{parent} = \marg{bow1},
+ \field{description} = \marg{a weapon for shooting arrows, made of curved wood
+ joined at both ends with taut string}
+ \field{name}=\marg{bow},
+ \field{description}=\marg{(rhymes with cow)}
+ \field{parent} = \marg{bow2},
+ \field{description} = \marg{bend head or upper body}
+ \field{parent} = \marg{bow2},
+ \field{description} = \marg{give in to pressure}
+ \field{name}=\marg{bow},
+ \field{description}=\marg{(also bows) the front end of a ship}
+ \field{parent} = \marg{glossary},
+ \field{description} = \marg{collection of glosses}
+ \field{parent} = \marg{glossary},
+ \field{description} = \marg{list of technical words}
+This produces
+ \glsifcategory{#1}{homograph}{}{\printunsrtglossaryskipentry}%
+The empty description for the top-level \code{glossary} entry has
+caused an odd effect with a space occurring between the name and the
+post-description punctuation. This can be removed by redefining:
+so that it checks if the \field{description} field has been set with:
+For example:
+ \gls{ifglshasdesc}\marg{\gls{param}1}
+ \marg{\gls[noindex=false]{glstreepredesc}\gls{glossentrydesc}\marg{\gls{param}1}\gls{glspostdescription}}
+ \marg{}\comment{do nothing, description field is empty}
+Another variation is to check if the entry has children add use a
+colon instead of a \idx{full-stop}. The base \sty{glossaries}
+package provides:
+However this method is very inefficient as it has to iterate over
+all defined entries and check if any have the \field{parent} field
+set to \meta{entry label}. A more efficient method can be obtained
+with \bibgls\ and the \csopt{save-child-count} resource option,
+which will save the number of child entries that have been indexed
+in an internal field labelled \field{childcount} and a list of child
+entry labels is stored in the internal field labelled
+\field{childlist}. In this case, a more efficient method is to use:
+which checks the \field{childcount} field for a non-zero value.
+If you don't use \bibgls, this command will always do \meta{false}
+(unless you explicitly set the internal fields to the correct
+values, which is tedious and has to be updated whenever
+definitions are added, deleted or have the \field{parent} field
+Another variation could use custom fields (see
+\sectionref{sec:userkeys}) to store the pronunciation guide (\qt{rhymes
+with \ldots}) and the alternative version (\qt{also \ldots}) as well
+as other information, such as whether the word is a noun or verb.
+\subsection{Multiple Glossaries}
+The default glossary has the label \code{main}, but it can also be referenced
+The \styopt{nomain} package option suppresses the creation of the
+\code{main} glossary, in which case \gls{glsdefaulttype} will be set to
+the first glossary to be defined. (There must be at least one
+glossary defined, so if you use \styopt{nomain} you must provide
+another default.) If you use the \styopt{entrycounter} package
+option, the associated counter isn't reset at the start of the
+glossary. If you have multiple glossaries and you need it to be reset, add:
+before the start of the appropriate glossary.
+Abbreviations defined with \gls{newabbreviation}
+(see \sectionref{sec:abbreviations}) are, by default, assigned to the glossary
+given by:
+This initially expands to \gls{glsdefaulttype}, but the
+\styopt{abbreviations} option redefines this to \code{abbreviations}
+and creates a glossary with that label.
+Abbreviations defined with \gls{newacronym} are, by default,
+assigned to the glossary given by:
+This initially expands to \gls{glsdefaulttype}, but the
+\styopt{abbreviations} option redefines this to
+\gls{glsxtrabbrvtype}. However, the \styopt{acronyms} option
+redefines \gls{acronymtype} to \code{acronym} and creates a glossary
+with that label. So if you use both the \styopt{abbreviations} and
+\styopt{acronyms} package options, you will have two extra
+glossaries created, one as the default for \gls{newabbreviation} and
+the other as the default for \gls{newacronym}.
+The \styopt{symbols} package option creates a glossary with the
+label \code{symbols} and defines \gls{glsxtrnewsymbol} (see
+\sectionref{sec:symbols}) which sets the \field{type} to
+\code{symbols}. There are also similar package options
+\styopt{numbers} and \styopt{index}, which create the \code{numbers}
+glossary (and \gls{glsxtrnewnumber}) and the \code{index} glossary
+(and \gls{newterm}).
+In each case, the default type can be overridden when defining an
+entry by using the \field{type} key in the assignment list. The
+value must be the label identifying a defined glossary.
+You can provide your own custom glossary using:
+where \meta{type} is the label used to identify the glossary and
+\meta{title} is the default title used by \gls{printunsrtglossary}.
+(The unstarred version has a different syntax and is only applicable
+with \gls{makeindex} or \gls{xindy}.) For example:
+\gls{newglossary*}\marg{measurements}\marg{SI Units}
+ \field{name} = \marg{\gls{si}\marg{\cmd{metre}}},
+ \field{description} = \marg{length},
+ \field{type} = \marg{measurements}\comment{glossary label}
+In this case, the label identifying the new glossary is
+\code{measurements} and the title is \qt{SI Units}.
+You can specify the glossary using the \printglossopt{type} setting
+in the optional argument of \gls{printunsrtglossary}. For example,
+the above \code{measurements} glossary can be displayed with:
+For convenience, there's a command that iterates over all defined
+glossaries (in the order of definition) and does
+for each glossary:
+There's no optional argument for this command. When creating
+glossaries with package options, such as \styopt{abbreviations}, you
+may find an unexpected order as the options aren't always processed
+in the order in which they were specified. (Some
+\sty{glossaries-extra} options are passed to the base
+\sty{glossaries} package and are processed when that package is
+internally loaded not when the extension options are processed.) In
+which case you need to use \gls{printunsrtglossary} for each
+glossary in the required order. You will also need to do this if the
+glossary settings are different. (For example, if one glossary needs
+to use the \glostyle{tree} style and another needs to use the
+\glostyle{treenoname} style.)
+You can also define an \pidx{ignoredglossary}, which is ignored by
+\gls{printunsrtglossaries}. This is a useful way of creating a
+glossary for common terms that shouldn't appear in a list or for
+stand-alone entries (see \sectionref{sec:standalone}). The unstarred
+is useful for common terms where the list won't be displayed as it
+automatically suppresses hyperlinks for entries assigned to that
+glossary. The starred form:
+is useful for stand-alone entries as it doesn't automatically
+suppress the hyperlinks.
+Although \gls{printunsrtglossaries} skips \idxpl{ignoredglossary},
+it's still possible to display an \idx{ignoredglossary} with
+\gls{printunsrtglossary} but you'll need to use the
+\printglossopt{title} option to override the default title.
+\subsection{Redisplaying or Filtering a Glossary}
+It's possible to use \gls{printunsrtglossary} multiple times for the
+same glossary, but if you have hyperlinks you will need to either
+suppress the targets with \printglossopt[false]{target} or change
+the target name (see \sectionref{sec:targetnames}).
+The starred form of \gls{printunsrtglossary} has an extra
+This may be used to make local assignments. It's equivalent to:
+\cmd{begingroup} \meta{code}\gls{printunsrtglossary}\oargm{options}\cmd{endgroup}
+For example, if the \field{group} key has been defined (see
+\sectionref{sec:group}) you can locally switch to a different field
+for the group label by redefining:
+within \meta{code}.
+For example, if the \field{secondarygroup} field has been defined:
+ \cmd{renewcommand}\marg{\gls{glsxtrgroupfield}}\marg{secondarygroup}\comment{}
+Note that this just changes the group labels. The order is still
+according to the glossary's internal list of labels.
+Unlike \gls{printglossary} (used with \gls{makeindex} and
+\gls{xindy}) which inputs a file containing the code to typeset the glossary,
+\gls{printunsrtglossary} iterates over the labels defined in the
+given glossary and adds the appropriate code to an internal command.
+Once the construction of the internal command is completed, it's
+then performed. (The construction of this internal command is done
+to avoid complications when iterating within \env{tabular}-like
+environments, as some of the styles use \env{longtable} or
+\env{supertabular}.) There's a hook just before the internal command is
+The glossary header and preamble are displayed before
+the loop starts, so this hook won't change them (but you can make
+local changes in \meta{code} outside of the hook).
+The style is also set before the loop, but the start
+and end of the \env{theglossary} environment (which is defined by
+the glossary styles) is included in the internal command, so minor
+adjustments to the style can be made in this hook.
+There's another hook that's performed at each iteration:
+where \meta{label} is the current entry label. For example, the
+\glostyle{alttree} style needs to know the widest entry name in
+order to set up the correct indentation. The widest name is set
+but this requires knowing which entry has the widest name. There are
+some commands provided by the \sty{glossary-tree} and
+\sty{glossaries-extra-stylemods} packages that iterate over all
+entries, measuring each name, in order to find the widest, but since
+\gls{printunsrtglossary} already has to iterate over the list before
+typesetting it, this hook can be used to update the widest name at
+the same time. You can update the value with:
+which computes the width of \meta{text} and, if it's wider than the
+current widest name for the given level, sets the widest value to
+\meta{text} (without expanding it). If \meta{text} needs expanding
+you need to use:
+The \meta{level} refers to the entry's hierarchical level with a
+value of~0 indicating top-level (that is, an entry without a parent).
+The level is stored in the internal \field{level} field and can only
+be accessed with \gls{glsxtrusefield} or similar commands
+(see \sectionref{sec:userkeys}).
+You can also redefine this hook to filter the glossary list.
+If an entry shouldn't appear in the list, use:
+For example, to only include entries that have the \field{category}
+set to \code{formula}:
+\marg{\comment{local code:}
+ \cmd{renewcommand}\marg{\gls{printunsrtglossaryentryprocesshook}}[1]\marg{\comment{}
+ \gls{glsifcategory}\marg{\gls{param}1}\marg{formula}
+ \marg{}\comment{category = formula}
+ \marg{\gls{printunsrtglossaryskipentry}}\comment{}
+ }\comment{}
+This uses \gls{glsifcategory} to check the value of the entry's
+\field{category} field (see \sectionref{sec:categories}). Another
+conditional you might find useful is:
+which tests if the given \meta{label} is in the comma-separated
+\meta{list} of labels. Both \meta{label} and \meta{list} are fully
+expanded before testing. This command is only intended for labels,
+which must be fully expandable.
+For example, the following excludes any entries that have the
+\field{category} set to \code{abbreviation} or \code{acronym}:
+\marg{\comment{local code:}
+ \cmd{renewcommand}\marg{\gls{printunsrtglossaryentryprocesshook}}[1]\marg{\comment{}
+ \gls{glsxtriflabelinlist}
+ \marg{\gls{glscategory}\marg{\gls{param}1}}\comment{category label for this entry}
+ \marg{abbreviation,acronym}\comment{exclusion list}
+ \marg{\gls{printunsrtglossaryskipentry}}\comment{skip (exclude)}
+ \marg{}\comment{don't skip (include)}
+ }\comment{}
+\subsection{Hyperlink Targets}
+The naming system used for the hyperlinks from commands like
+\gls{gls} and \gls{glssymbol} to the corresponding definition in the
+glossary is given by \meta{prefix}\meta{label} where \meta{label} is
+the entry's label and \meta{prefix} is given by:
+This can locally be changed within commands like \gls{gls} and
+\gls{glssymbol} with the \glsopt{prefix} option. There is a matching
+\printglossopt{prefix} option for \gls{printunsrtglossary}.
+You can set an additional prefix in the glossary with
+\printglossopt[\meta{extra}]{targetnameprefix}, which means that the
+target name in the glossary is now
+\code{\meta{extra}\gls{glolinkprefix}\meta{label}} (so
+\printglossopt{targetnameprefix} doesn't modify \gls{glolinkprefix}
+but prepends an extra prefix).
+If you change the prefix either by using the above options or by
+redefining \gls{glolinkprefix}, you need to make sure that the
+target names match for the links to work correctly.
+The \styopt[showtargets]{debug} package option can be used to show
+the target names in the document. The target is displayed in the
+document using:
+which may be redefined as appropriate. For example:
+\gls{newglossaryentry}\marg{sample}\marg{\field{name}=\marg{sample},\field{description}=\marg{an example}}
+\section{Stand-alone Definitions}
+The \sty{glossaries-extra} package provides:
+which may be used to create a target for a particular entry (identified by
+\meta{label}). This displays the value of the \field{name} field,
+but it also obeys the \idx{postnamehook} (see
+\sectionref{sec:postfieldhooks}), the \catattr{glossname}
+and \catattr{glossnamefont} attributes (see
+\sectionref{sec:glossname}), and provides accessibility support if
+the \field{access} field is set (see \sectionref{sec:accsupp}).
+This command may be used for both top-level and child entries, and
+will obey the \styopt{entrycounter} (see below) and \styopt{subentrycounter}
+(see \sectionref{sec:parent}) package options according to the
+entry's hierarchical level.
+This command doesn't display any of the other field values.
+If any are required, you need to add them afterwards.
+For the description, you can use \gls{glsentrydesc}, but it's better
+to use:
+Unlike \gls{glsentrydesc}, which just displays the value of the
+\field{description} field, \gls{glossentrydesc} obeys the
+\catattr{glossdesc} and \catattr{glossdescfont} attributes
+(\sectionref{sec:glossname}). Alternatively, you can use:
+which converts the first letter of the description to
+To pick up the \styopt{postpunc} setting and the
+\glslink{postdescriptionhook}{post-description category hook},
+append \gls{glspostdescription}
+after the description (see \sectionref{sec:postfieldhooks}).
+There's a similar command for symbols:
+There are currently no category attributes governing this
+command, but it does check for the \field{symbolaccess} field if
+accessibility support has been added (see \sectionref{sec:accsupp}).
+For other fields, you can use the commands described in
+If you need to substitute the \field{name} for another field in the
+target, you can use:
+instead of \code{\gls{glsxtrglossentry}\margm{label}},
+where \meta{label} identifies the entry and \meta{field} is the
+internal field label to use instead of the \field{name}. The
+\meta{header} argument is the code to use in the header (which
+should be left empty for the default value\footnote{The
+\meta{header} argument doesn't use standard \LaTeX\ optional syntax
+\code{\oargm{option}} because \gls{glsxtrglossentryother} has to be
+expandable in order for it to work correctly in section arguments.})\ if
+\gls{glsxtrglossentryother} is used in a sectioning command. This
+command obeys the \catattr{glossname} and \catattr{glossnamefont}
+attributes and the \idx{postnamehook}, even though it's not actually
+displaying the name. For example,
+Here's a complete example that uses \gls{glsxtrglossentry} after an
+equation to describe the notation:
+\cmd{usepackage}\marg{\gls[noindex=false]{xcolor}}\comment{provides colour}
+ \field{name} = \marg{\gls{ensuremath}\marg{\cmd{pi}}},
+ \field{description} = \marg{Archimedes' constant}
+ \field{name} = \marg{\gls{ensuremath}\marg{r}},
+ \field{description} = \marg{radius}
+ \field{name} = \marg{\gls{ensuremath}\marg{A}},
+ \field{description} = \marg{area}
+\gls{gls}\marg{area} = \gls{gls}\marg{pi}\gls{gls}\marg{radius}[\gls{spchar}2]
+\gls{glsxtrglossentry}\marg{area} \gls[noindex=false]{colsep} \gls{glossentrydesc}\marg{area}\gls{glspostdescription}\gls[noindex=false]{cs.backslash}
+\gls{glsxtrglossentry}\marg{pi} \gls{colsep} \gls{glossentrydesc}\marg{pi}\gls{glspostdescription}\gls{cs.backslash}
+\gls{glsxtrglossentry}\marg{radius} \gls{colsep} \gls{glossentrydesc}\marg{radius}\gls{glspostdescription}
+This produces:
+\gls{standalone.area} = \gls{standalone.pi}\gls{standalone.radius}[^2]
+\glsxtrglossentry{standalone.area} & \glossentrydesc{standalone.area}\glspostdescription\\
+\glsxtrglossentry{standalone.pi} & \glossentrydesc{standalone.pi}\glspostdescription\\
+\glsxtrglossentry{standalone.radius} & \glossentrydesc{standalone.radius}\glspostdescription
+The purple text shows the hyperlinks to the relevant definition. As
+with \gls{printunsrtglossary}, the hypertargets are prefixed with
+\gls{glolinkprefix} (see \sectionref{sec:printglossagain}). This
+can be locally changed to avoid clashes if the definition needs to
+be reproduced later.
+A more convenient approach to the above is to define an environment that can
+list all the referenced entries automatically. The
+\sty{glossaries-extra} package provides a way of buffering the
+boolean switch performed by \gls{gls} that ensures that the
+\idx{firstuseflag} is unset (see \sectionref{sec:buffering}).
+This is intended for use where the switch causes a problem, but it
+can also be used in this case to store a list of used entries (since
+there's no difference between \idx{firstuse} and subsequent use in
+this case, it won't affect the \idx{link-text}).
+Here's a modified version of the above document:
+ \field{name} = \marg{\gls{ensuremath}\marg{\cmd{pi}}},
+ \field{description} = \marg{Archimedes' constant}
+ \field{name} = \marg{\gls{ensuremath}\marg{r}},
+ \field{description} = \marg{radius}
+ \field{name} = \marg{\gls{ensuremath}\marg{A}},
+ \field{description} = \marg{area}
+ \field{name} = \marg{\gls{ensuremath}\marg{C}},
+ \field{description} = \marg{circumference}
+\cmd{newcommand}\marg{\cmd{doglossaryentry}}[1]\marg{\comment{handler macro}
+ \gls{glsxtrglossentry}\marg{\gls{param}1} \gls{colsep} \gls{glossentrydesc}\marg{\gls{param}1}\gls{glspostdescription}\gls{cs.backslash}\comment{}
+ \cmd{stepcounter}\marg{localglossary}\comment{}
+ \cmd{renewcommand}\marg{\gls{glolinkprefix}}\marg{\cmd{thelocalglossary}.}\comment{}
+ \gls{GlsXtrStartUnsetBuffering}*
+ \cmd{par}
+ \cmd{begin}\marg{tabular}\marg{ll}
+ \gls{GlsXtrForUnsetBufferedList}\cmd{doglossaryentry}
+ \cmd{end}\marg{tabular}
+ \gls{GlsXtrStopUnsetBuffering}
+ \cmd{par}
+The area of a circle is given by:
+\gls{gls}\marg{area} = \gls{gls}\marg{pi}\gls{gls}\marg{radius}[\gls{spchar}2]
+The circumference of a circle is given by:
+\gls{gls}\marg{circumference} = 2\gls{gls}\marg{pi}\gls{gls}\marg{radius}
+This produces:
+The area of a circle is given by:
+\gls{standalone.area} = \gls{standalone.pi}\gls{standalone.radius}[^2]
+The circumference of a circle is given by:
+\gls{standalone.circumference} = 2\gls{standalone.pi}\gls{standalone.radius}
+The custom \counterfmt{localglossary} counter is defined and incremented to
+ensure that the target prefix \gls{glolinkprefix} is unique for each
+environment. This definition of the custom \envfmt{localglossary}
+environment is intentionally kept trivial since the main point here is
+the demonstration of \gls{glsxtrglossentry} and the buffering rather
+than the actual formatting of the entries. Additional vertical
+spacing, appropriate alignment and a paragraph column specifier are
+left as an exercise for the reader.
+\subsection{Numbering Top-Level Entries}
+The \styopt{entrycounter} package option creates a new counter
+called \counter{glossaryentry}, which will automatically be
+incremented and displayed at the start of \gls{glsxtrglossentry}
+for top-level entries. (The \counter{glossarysubentry} counter created with the
+\styopt{subentrycounter} option, described in \sectionref{sec:parent},
+may be used independently of the \styopt{entrycounter} package option.) In
+the above example, this counter will need to depend on the custom
+\counterfmt{localglossary} counter to ensure that it's reset at the
+start of each \envfmt{localglossary} environment. This can easily be
+done by using the name of the master counter as the value of
+\styopt{counterwithin} (which automatically implements
+\styopt{entrycounter}), but the master counter must be defined
+The default definition of \gls{theHglossaryentry} is:
+The prefix \gls{currentglossary} is set by both
+\gls{printunsrtglossary} and \gls{glsxtrglossentry} to the current
+glossary label (given by the \printglossopt{type} option in
+\gls{printunsrtglossary} and by the entry's \field{type} field for
+\gls{glsxtrglossentry}). In the case of \gls{glsxtrglossentry}
+(and \gls{glsxtrglossentryother}), the value of
+\gls{currentglossary} is obtained from:
+which defaults to the value of the \field{type} field for the
+current entry.
+Since this example is using multiple stand-alone definitions that
+may repeat the same entry, this definition isn't appropriate and will
+cause duplicate destination warnings. The simplest solution is to redefine
+\gls{GlsXtrStandaloneGlossaryType} in terms of the custom
+\counterfmt{localglossary} counter value:
+ standalone.\cmd{thelocalglossary}.\cmd{arabic}\marg{\counter{glossaryentry}}\comment{}
+Unlike commands such as \gls{gls}, which can be problematic in moving
+arguments, \gls{glsxtrglossentry} is designed to work in section
+headings. For example:
+ \field{name} = \marg{amethyst},
+ \field{description} = \marg{a purple type of quartz},
+ \field{symbol} = \marg{\gls{ce}\marg{SiO2}},
+ \field{category} = \marg{mineral}
+ \cmd{subsection}\marg{\gls{glsxtrglossentry}\marg{\gls{param}1}}\comment{}
+ Chemical formula: \gls{glossentrysymbol}\marg{\gls{param}1}.
+ \gls{Glossentrydesc}\marg{\gls{param}1}\gls{glspostdescription}\cmd{par}
+\cmd{section}\marg{Types of Quartz}
+A reference to \gls{gls}\marg{amethyst}.
+(Again, improvements to the actual formatting of the custom
+\csfmt{displayterm} is left as an exercise to the reader. Additional
+fields could contain, for example, the name of an image file to
+illustrated the entry. See the
+gallery}~\cite{gallery} for further ideas.)
+The above example uses the \catattr{glossname} attribute to convert the first
+letter of the \field{name} to \idx{uppercase}. Unfortunately this can't be
+applied to the PDF bookmark or \gls{toc}. A solution to this
+would be to explicitly set the \field{name} with the first letter as
+an \idx{uppercase} character and the \field{text} field in
+\idx{lowercase}. For example:
+ \field{name} = \marg{Amethyst},
+ \field{text} = \marg{amethyst},
+ \field{description} = \marg{a purple type of quartz},
+ \field{symbol} = \marg{\gls{ce}\marg{SiO2}},
+ \field{category} = \marg{mineral}
+The \catattr{glossname} attribute can then be omitted. This is a bit
+inconvenient, but if you use \bibgls\ (see \sectionref{sec:bib2gls})
+this can be performed automatically with the
+\csopt{name-case-change} resource option.
+\subsection{Stand-alone Hierarchical Entries}
+Sub-entries can also be displayed with \gls{glsxtrglossentry} or
+\gls{glsxtrglossentryother}. These check if the entry has a parent
+(with \gls{ifglshasparent}). If it doesn't, then it will display
+the \counter{glossaryentry} counter label if the
+\styopt{entrycounter} package option has been used. If the entry
+does have a parent, it uses:
+which checks the internal \field{level} field to
+determine the hierarchical level. If the \field{level} is~1 (that
+is, the entry has a parent but not a grandparent) then it will
+display the \counter{glossarysubentry} label if that counter has
+been defined, otherwise it does nothing.
+Here's an example document with a top-level entry (\code{mineral}),
+a level~1 entry (\code{quartz}) and a level~2 entry (\code{amethyst}).
+\cmd{usepackage}\marg{xcolor}\comment{provides colour}
+ \styopt{entrycounter},\comment{enable top-level counter}
+ \styopt{subentrycounter},\comment{enable level 1 counter}
+ \styopt{postpunc}=\marg{dot},\comment{put full-stop after description}
+ \styopt{nostyles},\comment{suppress automatic loading of default styles}
+ \styopt[tree]{stylemods}\comment{load glossary-tree.sty}
+ \field{name} = \marg{mineral},
+ \field{description} = \marg{natural inorganic substance},
+ \field{category} = \marg{mineral}
+ \field{parent} = \marg{mineral},
+ \field{name} = \marg{calcite},
+ \field{description} = \marg{a carbonate mineral},
+ \field{category} = \marg{mineral}
+ \field{parent} = \marg{mineral},
+ \field{name} = \marg{quartz},
+ \field{description} = \marg{hard mineral consisting of silica},
+ \field{category} = \marg{mineral}
+ \field{parent} = \marg{quartz},
+ \field{name} = \marg{amethyst},
+ \field{description} = \marg{a purple type of quartz},
+ \field{category} = \marg{mineral}
+ \cmd{par}
+ Definition \gls{glsxtrglossentry}\marg{\gls{param}1}:
+ \gls{glossentrydesc}\marg{\gls{param}1}\gls{glspostdescription}\cmd{par}
+A reference to \gls{gls}\marg{mineral}.
+A reference to \gls{gls}\oarg{\printglossopt{prefix}={main.}}\marg{amethyst}.
+This produces:
+ \par
+ \begingroup
+ Definition \glsxtrglossentry{#1}:
+ \glossentrydesc{#1}\glspostdescription\par
+ \endgroup
+A reference to \gls{hier.mineral}.
+A reference to \gls[prefix={hierarchical.main.}]{hier.amethyst}.
+ \glsresetentrycounter
+ \renewcommand{\GlsEntryCounterLabelPrefix}{main.glsentry-}%
+ \renewcommand*{\printunsrtglossaryentryprocesshook}[1]{%
+ \glsxtriflabelinlist{#1}{hier.mineral,hier.calcite,hier.quartz,hier.amethyst}%
+ {}{\printunsrtglossaryskipentry}%
+ }%
+Note the need to reset the \counter{glossaryentry} counter with
+\gls{glsresetentrycounter} before the main glossary. The top-level
+entry (\code{mineral}) has the label formatted as
+\qt{1.\textvisiblespace} and the level~1 entries (\code{calcite}
+and \code{quartz}) have their labels formatted as
+\qt{1)\textvisiblespace} and \qt{2)\textvisiblespace} but the
+level~2 entry (\code{amethyst}) doesn't have an associated number.
+If you want to number levels deeper than 1, you will have to provide
+your own custom counters. (If the stand-alone level~2 entry shows a
+number when you try this, then you've encountered a bug that's been
+fixed in \sty{glossaries-extra} version~1.31.)
+The hyperlinks are shown in magenta. The first (\code{mineral}) links to the
+stand-alone target, and the second (\code{amethyst}) links to the entry in
+the main glossary.
+\chapter{Changing the Formatting}
+All commands like \gls{gls} and \gls{glssymbol} by default
+encapsulate the \idx{link-text} within the argument of:
+For example:
+\cmd{usepackage}\marg{xcolor}\comment{provides colour}
+\cmd{usepackage}\marg{pifont}\comment{provides \gls{ding}}
+ \field{name} = \marg{duck},
+ \field{description} = \marg{a waterbird with webbed feet}
+ \field{name} = \marg{fleuron},
+ \field{symbol} = \marg{\gls[noindex=false]{ding}\marg{167}},
+ \field{category} = \marg{ornament},
+ \field{description} = \marg{typographic ornament}
+\gls{newabbreviation}\marg{tug}\marg{TUG}\marg{\cmd{TeX}\gls{}Users Group}
+A \gls{gls}\marg{duck}, a \gls{gls}\marg{fleuron} (\gls{glssymbol}\marg{fleuron},
+\gls{glsentrydesc}\marg{fleuron}) and \gls{gls}\marg{tug}.
+This produces:
+A \gls{}, a \gls{ex.fleuron} (\glssymbol{ex.fleuron},
+\glsentrydesc{ex.fleuron}) and \gls{TUG}.
+Note that this has affected \gls{gls} and \gls{glssymbol} but not
+A distinction can be made between abbreviations (\idx{non-regular}
+terms) and \idx{regular} terms (non-abbreviations or abbreviations
+that are considered \idx{regular} entries).
+A \idx{regular} term is encapsulated with
+and an abbreviation is encapsulated with
+For example:
+\cmd{usepackage}\marg{xcolor}\comment{provides colour}
+\cmd{usepackage}\marg{pifont}\comment{provides \gls{ding}}
+ \field{name} = \marg{duck},
+ \field{description} = \marg{a waterbird with webbed feet}
+ \field{name} = \marg{fleuron},
+ \field{symbol} = \marg{\gls{ding}\marg{167}},
+ \field{category} = \marg{ornament},
+ \field{description} = \marg{typographic ornament}
+\gls{newabbreviation}\marg{tug}\marg{TUG}\marg{\cmd{TeX}\gls{}Users Group}
+\gls{newacronym}\marg{ascii}\marg{ASCII}\marg{American Standard Code for
+Information Interchange}
+Two \gls{glspl}\marg{duck}, a \gls{gls}\marg{fleuron} (\gls{glssymbol}\marg{fleuron},
+\gls{glsentrydesc}\marg{fleuron}), \gls{gls}\marg{tug} and \gls{gls}\marg{ascii}.
+This now produces:
+Two \glspl{}, a \gls{ex.fleuron} (\glssymbol{ex.fleuron},
+\glsentrydesc{ex.fleuron}), \gls{TUG} and \gls{ASCII}.
+Note the difference between the abbreviation defined with
+\gls{newabbreviation} and the one defined with \gls{newacronym}.
+The above example document is using the default styles, which is
+\abbrstyle{long-short} for the \code{abbreviation} category
+and \abbrstyle{short-nolong} for the \code{acronym} category.
+The \abbrstyle{short-nolong} style makes the abbreviation behave
+like a \idx{regular} entry and so it's governed by \gls{glsxtrregularfont}
+not by \gls{glsxtrabbreviationfont}.
+The \gls{glstextformat} command is overridden by the
+\catattr{textformat} attribute. The value of this attribute must be
+the name (without the leading backslash) of a command that takes a
+single argument, which will be used instead of \gls{glstextformat}
+for any entry that has this attribute set for its category.
+For example:
+\cmd{usepackage}\marg{xcolor}\comment{provides colour}
+\cmd{usepackage}\marg{pifont}\comment{provides \gls{ding}}
+ \field{name} = \marg{duck},
+ \field{description} = \marg{a waterbird with webbed feet}
+ \field{name} = \marg{fleuron},
+ \field{symbol} = \marg{\gls{ding}\marg{167}},
+ \field{category} = \marg{ornament},
+ \field{description} = \marg{typographic ornament}
+\gls{newabbreviation}\marg{tug}\marg{TUG}\marg{\cmd{TeX}\gls{}Users Group}
+\marg{ascii}\comment{short form needs to be in lower case with sc styles}
+\marg{American Standard Code for Information Interchange}
+Two \gls{glspl}\marg{duck}, a \gls{gls}\marg{fleuron} (\gls{glssymbol}\marg{fleuron},
+\gls{glsentrydesc}\marg{fleuron}), \gls{gls}\marg{tug} and \gls{gls}\marg{ascii}.
+This produces:
+Two \glspl{}, a \gls{ex.fleuron} (\glssymbol{ex.fleuron},
+\glsentrydesc{ex.fleuron}), \gls{ex.tug} and \gls{ex.ascii}.
+So \code{\gls{gls}\marg{fleuron}} and \code{\gls{glssymbol}\marg{fleuron}} are now
+formatted according to the custom command \csfmt{ornamentfmt} (cyan)
+not by \gls{glstextformat} (violet), but they are still affected by
+\gls{glsxtrregularfont} (underline).
+The \code{tug} abbreviation has been assigned the
+\abbrstyle{long-short-em} style which encapsulates the short form
+with \gls{emph}, but it also obeys \gls{glsxtrabbreviationfont}
+(bold) and it's encapsulated by \gls{glstextformat} (violet), so the
+full form on \idx{firstuse} is all violet and bold with the short
+form in italics.
+The \code{ascii} entry (which has the \field{category} set to
+\code{acronym}) has been assigned the \abbrstyle{short-sc-nolong}
+style, which encapsulates the short form with \gls{textsc} (so the
+short form must be converted to \idx{lowercase}) and identifies the
+entry as a \idx{regular} term, so it obeys \gls{glsxtrregularfont}
+(underline). Again, the \idx{link-text} is encapsulated with
+\gls{glstextformat} (violet) so the abbreviation is violet,
+underlined and in small-caps.
+You can override a specific instance with the \glsopt{textformat}
+setting in the first optional argument of commands like \gls{gls}.
+For example, if the above is modified to:
+Two \gls{glspl}\marg{duck}, a \gls{gls}\oarg{\glsopt{textformat}=textbf}\marg{fleuron}
+(\gls{glssymbol}\marg{fleuron}, \gls{glsentrydesc}\marg{fleuron}), \gls{gls}\marg{tug}
+and \gls{gls}\marg{ascii}.
+then the result is now:
+Two \glspl{}, a \gls[textformat=textbf]{ex.fleuron}
+(\glssymbol{ex.fleuron}, \glsentrydesc{ex.fleuron}),
+\gls{ex.tug} and \gls{ex.ascii}.
+In this case, only that specific instance is changed.
+Take care if the formatting command needs to parse its argument as
+the argument won't be the actual text but consists of intermediary commands
+that determine the required text and any inner formatting, such as
+the formatting applied by abbreviation styles. See
+\sectionref{sec:expandedfmt} for further details.
+\section{Post-Link Category Hooks}
+Extra information can be appended after commands such as \gls{gls}
+by defining a \pidx{postlinkhook} for the given category. You can
+obtain the label of the entry that's just been referenced with:
+The \idx{postlinkhook} is a command in the form
+where \meta{category} is the category label. This hook is
+implemented after any instances of commands such as \gls{gls} or
+\gls{glssymbol} (but not after commands like \gls{glsentryname},
+\gls{glsentrydesc} or \gls{glsentryname}, which may be used in the
+Consider the following document:
+\cmd{usepackage}\marg{pifont}\comment{provides \gls{ding}}
+ \field{name} = \marg{fleuron},
+ \field{symbol} = \marg{\gls{ding}\marg{167}},
+ \field{description} = \marg{typographic ornament}
+ \field{name} = \marg{Archimedes' constant},
+ \field{symbol} = \marg{\gls{ensuremath}\marg{\cmd{pi}}},
+ \field{category} = \marg{constant},
+ \field{description} = \marg{Archimedes' constant}
+\comment{post-link hook for 'constant' category:}
+ \cmd{space} (\gls{glsentrysymbol}\marg{\gls{glslabel}})}
+A \gls{gls}\marg{fleuron} and \gls{gls}\marg{pi}.
+This produces:
+\newcommand{\glsxtrpostlinkconstant}{\space (\glsentrysymbol{\glslabel})}%
+A \gls{ex.fleuron} and \gls{ex.pi}.
+The \code{fleuron} entry doesn't have the \field{category} key
+explicitly set, so it defaults to \code{general}, but the \code{pi}
+entry has the \field{category} set to \code{constant}, so it's
+affected by the \idx{postlinkhook} for that category, which in this
+case is given by \csfmt{glsxtrpostlinkconstant}. This hook is
+defined to use \gls{glsentrysymbol} where the entry label is obtained
+from \gls{glslabel}, which is set by \gls{gls} and similar commands.
+If \code{\gls{glssymbol}\marg{\gls{glslabel}}} had been used instead of
+\code{\gls{glsentrysymbol}\marg{\gls{glslabel}}} it would've caused infinite
+recursion! Don't use commands like \gls{glssymbol}, \gls{glsdesc} or
+\gls{gls} in \idxpl{postlinkhook}.
+This means that \code{\gls{gls}\marg{pi}} is automatically followed by the
+symbol in parentheses, but \code{\gls{gls}\marg{fleuron}} isn't because it's
+governed by the \code{general} \idx{postlinkhook} instead. Note that
+the above is a simple example to demonstrate one of the uses of the
+\field{category} field.
+Here's a minor modification that sets the category for the
+\code{fleuron} entry to \code{ornament} and creates another hook for
+\cmd{usepackage}\marg{pifont}\comment{provides \gls{ding}}
+ \field{name} = \marg{fleuron},
+ \field{symbol} = \marg{\gls{ding}\marg{167}},
+ \field{category} = \marg{ornament},
+ \field{description} = \marg{typographic ornament}
+ \field{name} = \marg{pi},
+ \field{symbol} = \marg{\gls{ensuremath}\marg{\cmd{pi}}},
+ \field{category} = \marg{constant},
+ \field{description} = \marg{Archimedes' constant}
+\comment{post-link hook for 'ornament' category:}
+ \cmd{space} (\gls{glsentrydesc}\marg{\gls{glslabel}})}
+\comment{post-link hook for 'constant' category:}
+ \cmd{space} (\gls{glsentrysymbol}\marg{\gls{glslabel}})}
+A \gls{gls}\marg{fleuron} and \gls{gls}\marg{pi}. Another \gls{gls}\marg{fleuron} and
+\gls{gls}\marg{pi}. Symbols: \gls{glssymbol}\marg{fleuron} and \gls{glssymbol}\marg{pi}.
+This produces:
+\newcommand{\glsxtrpostlinkornament}{\space (\glsentrydesc{\glslabel})}%
+\newcommand{\glsxtrpostlinkconstant}{\space (\glsentrysymbol{\glslabel})}%
+A \gls{ex.fleuron} and \gls{ex.pi}. Another \gls{ex.fleuron} and
+\gls{ex.pi}. Symbols: \glssymbol{ex.fleuron} and \glssymbol{ex.pi}.\incorrect
+The \idx{postlinkhook} is repeated after every instance of \gls{gls}
+or \gls{glssymbol} etc. In the case of the \code{ornament} category,
+the description is appended in parentheses and in the case of the
+\code{constant} category the symbol is appended. This results in
+redundant repetition, especially with \verb|\glssymbol{pi}| which
+displays the symbol followed by the symbol in parentheses.
+It's more likely that the information only needs to be appended
+after the \idx{firstuse}. You can determine if the
+\idx{postlinkhook} follows the \idx{firstuse} of the entry using:
+For example:
+ \gls{glsxtrifwasfirstuse}\marg{\cmd{space} (\gls{glsentrysymbol}\marg{\gls{glslabel}})}\marg{}\comment{}
+Commands that don't check or modify the \idx{firstuseflag}, such as
+\gls{glssymbol}, always set \gls{glsxtrifwasfirstuse} so that it
+expands to \meta{false}. This means that even if
+is placed before the first instance of \code{\gls{gls}\marg{pi}} it still
+won't be treated as the first use of that entry.
+For convenience, there's a shortcut command:
+So an alternative definition is:
+ \gls{glsxtrpostlinkAddSymbolOnFirstUse}
+This does nothing if the \field{symbol} field hasn't been set.
+Similarly, there's a shortcut command for the description:
+Version 1.31+ provides a combination:
+If the \field{symbol} field is set, this displays the symbol
+followed by a comma and space. The description is always displayed
+at the end of the parenthetical material.
+Also from \sty{glossaries-extra} v1.31, there's a shortcut
+command that you can use to define the \idx{postlinkhook}:
+This is just a shortcut for:
+So the above document can be changed to:
+\cmd{usepackage}\marg{pifont}\comment{provides \gls{ding}}
+ \field{name} = \marg{fleuron},
+ \field{symbol} = \marg{\gls{ding}\marg{167}},
+ \field{category} = \marg{ornament},
+ \field{description} = \marg{typographic ornament}
+ \field{name} = \marg{pi},
+ \field{symbol} = \marg{\gls{ensuremath}\marg{\cmd{pi}}},
+ \field{category} = \marg{constant},
+ \field{description} = \marg{Archimedes' constant}
+\comment{post-link hook for 'ornament' category:}
+ \gls{glsxtrpostlinkAddSymbolDescOnFirstUse}
+\comment{post-link hook for 'constant' category:}
+ \gls{glsxtrpostlinkAddSymbolOnFirstUse}
+Symbols: \gls{glssymbol}\marg{fleuron} and \gls{glssymbol}\marg{pi}.
+A \gls{gls}\marg{fleuron} and \gls{gls}\marg{pi}. Another \gls{gls}\marg{fleuron} and
+The result is now:
+Symbols: \glssymbol{ex.fleuron} and \glssymbol{ex.pi}.
+A \gls{ex.fleuron} and \gls{ex.pi}. Another \gls{ex.fleuron} and
+\section{Glossary Name and Description Formatting}
+When an entry's definition is displayed within
+\gls{printunsrtglossary} or \gls{glsxtrglossentry} (see
+\sectionref{sec:displaygloss}), the value of the \field{name} field
+is encapsulated by
+This may be overridden with the \catattr{glossnamefont} attribute
+whose value must be the name (without the leading backslash) of a
+control sequence that takes a single argument. If set, this control
+sequence is used instead of \gls{glsnamefont}.
+By default \gls{glsnamefont} simply does its argument, but the
+glossary style may apply additional formatting. For example, the
+\glostyle{list} styles place the name in the optional argument of
+\csfmt{item} within the \envfmt{description} environment. With the
+standard document classes, this renders the name in bold, but other
+classes may apply different formatting.
+The \glostyle{tree} styles defined by the \sty{glossary-tree} style
+encapsulate the name within:
+which does \code{\gls{textbf}\margm{text}} by default. So, for
+example, if \gls{glsnamefont} is redefined to use \gls{textit} and
+the \glostyle{tree} style is used, then the name will appear in
+italic bold. The letter group headings are encapsulated within:
+which defaults to \code{\gls{glstreenamefmt}\margm{text}}, so if you
+need to redefine \gls{glstreenamefmt} you may also need to redefine
+\gls{glstreegroupheaderfmt} if the headers should have different formatting.
+The \sty{glossaries-extra-stylemods} package (as from v1.31) now
+redefine both \gls{glstreenamefmt} and \gls{glstreegroupheaderfmt}
+to use:
+which does \code{\gls{textbf}\margm{text}} by default. This means
+that if you want to change both the header and name to a different
+font, you can just redefine \gls{glstreedefaultnamefmt}, and if you
+want to change only the font used for the name, then now you only
+need to redefine \gls{glstreenamefmt}, without also having to
+redefine \gls{glstreegroupheaderfmt}.
+Case-changing can be automatically applied to the name with the
+\catattr{glossname} attribute, which may take one of the values:
+\code{firstuc} (convert the first letter to \idx{uppercase}), \code{title}
+(convert to title case) or \code{uc} (convert to all capitals).
+Alternatively, if you're using \bibgls, you can use the
+\csopt{name-case-change} resource option.
+The description is similarly governed by the
+\catattr{glossdescfont}, which again should have the name (without
+the leading backslash) of a control sequence that takes a single
+argument. There's no equivalent of \gls{glsnamefont} for the
+description but the glossary or abbreviation style may apply
+particular formatting, which will be in addition to the formatting
+command given by \catattr{glossdescfont} (if set).
+Case-changing is also available for descriptions with the
+\catattr{glossdesc} attribute, but this only has two allowed values:
+\code{firstuc} (convert the first letter to \idx{uppercase}) and
+\code{title} (convert to title case).
+Alternatively, if you're using \bibgls, you can use the
+\csopt{description-case-change} resource option.
+\section{Post-Name and Post-Description Hooks}
+Information can be appended to the \field{name} in the glossary for
+a particular category using the \pidx{postnamehook}, which is given
+by the command:
+The current entry's label can be referenced with:
+For example, if the preferred glossary style doesn't include the
+\field{symbol} field, but you want the symbol displayed after the
+name for entries with the \field{category} field set to \code{symbol}:
+ (\gls{glsentrysymbol}\marg{\gls{glscurrententrylabel}})}
+There's a convenient shortcut:
+which defines \gls{glsxtrpostnamecategory} to \meta{definition}
+(using \gls{csdef}). There's also a more general purpose \idx{postnamehook}
+used regardless of the category:
+The \idx{postnamehook} is placed inside the formatting command used
+for the \field{name} field in the glossary. It's only present in the
+glossary (see \sectionref{sec:printgloss}) or stand-alone entries
+(see \sectionref{sec:standalone}).
+There is a similar \pidx{postdescriptionhook}. For a particular category,
+the hook is given by:
+There are some categories that have empty hooks already defined,
+such as
+These will need \csfmt{renewcommand} rather than \csfmt{newcommand}.
+Again there's a shortcut command provided:
+which just uses \gls{csdef}, so there's no check if the command is
+already defined.
+As with the \idx{postnamehook}, the entry's label can be accessed
+with \gls{glscurrententrylabel}.
+Punctuation (such as a \idx{full-stop} or comma) can automatically be
+appended to the description in the
+glossary with the \styopt{postpunc} option. (Note that the
+unstarred form of \gls{longnewglossaryentry} interferes with this
+option. Use the starred form \gls{longnewglossaryentry*} instead.)
+The post-description punctuation (if set) is placed after the
+\glslink{postdescriptionhook}{post-description category hook} (if
+provided). Both the post-description category hook and the
+post-description punctuation are implemented by
+The \sty{glossaries-extra-stylemods}
+package (which can be loaded with the \styopt{stylemods} option)
+patches the predefined styles provided with the base
+\sty{glossaries} package to ensure that the standard styles all use
+\chapter{Problematic Areas}
+There are some places where the use of commands like \gls{gls} can
+cause problems. Common issues are listed below, with workarounds provided.
+\section{Headings and Captions}
+The arguments of sectioning commands (such as \gls{chapter} or
+\gls{section}) and of captions (\gls{caption}) are
+\pidxpl{moving-argument}. The text is not only displayed at the
+point in the document where the command occurs, but may also be
+copied to the \gls{toc} or list of figures etc.
+Additionally, depending on the page style, the section argument may
+also be reproduced in the page header. This repeated use of the same
+material can cause complications, in particular it can prematurely
+triggering the \idx{firstuseflag} switch and cause unwanted
+indexing. If the content appears in the page header and the page
+styles converts headers to upper case, this can also cause a
+For example:
+\cmd{usepackage}\marg{lipsum}\comment{provides \cmd{lipsum}}
+\gls{newglossaryentry}\marg{sample}\marg{\field{name}=\marg{sample},\field{description}=\marg{an example}}
+\gls{chapter}\marg{A \gls{gls}\marg{sample} chapter}
+\cmd{lipsum} \comment{dummy text}
+I've used \csfmt{lipsum} here to create some dummy text that ensures
+a multi-paged document because the problem doesn't occur until the second
+page. The error message is:
+Glossary entry `SAMPLE' has not been defined.
+The problem here is that the chapter title is copied to the header
+(which doesn't appear on the chapter's first page) but the header
+uses \gls{MakeUppercase}, which can't expand \gls{gls} but it does
+change the label, so \code{\gls{gls}\marg{sample}} is converted to
+\code{\gls{gls}\marg{SAMPLE}}, but there's no entry with that label.
+(Labels are case-sensitive.)
+Here's an example that doesn't cause an error (because there's not
+enough text to trigger a page break) but does cause unexpected output:
+\gls{newabbreviation}\marg{html}\marg{html}\marg{hypertext markup language}
+\gls{chapter}\marg{A chapter about \gls{gls}\marg{html}}
+Reference \gls{gls}\marg{html}.
+On the first \LaTeX\ run, the \gls{toc} is empty as the
+associated \ext{toc} file didn't exist at the start. The chapter title
+appears as \qt{A chapter about hypertext markup language
+(\textsc{html})}, which shows the \idx{firstuse} of
+\code{\gls{gls}\marg{html}}. The \ext{toc} file (which was created
+but not read by \gls{tableofcontents}) now contains:
+\cmd{contentsline} \marg{chapter}\marg{\cmd{numberline} \marg{1}A chapter about \gls{gls} \marg{html}}\marg{3}
+This means that on the next \LaTeX\ run, the \gls{toc} now
+includes \code{\gls{gls}\marg{html}}. Since the \gls{toc}
+occurs at the start of the document, this is now the \idx{firstuse}
+of \code{html}, so the full form is shown in the \gls{toc},
+but the chapter title is now \qt{A chapter about \textsc{html}}, which shows
+the subsequent use.
+The \sty{glossaries-extra} package provides some commands that are
+designed for use in section or caption titles. These include:
+which shows the short form of an abbreviation,
+which shows the long form of an abbreviation,
+which shows the full form of an abbreviation,
+which shows the entry's name,
+which shows the entry's \field{first} field, and
+which shows the entry's \field{text} field.
+Here's a modified version of the above:
+\cmd{usepackage}\marg{lipsum}\comment{provides \cmd{lipsum}}
+\gls{newabbreviation}\marg{html}\marg{html}\marg{hypertext markup language}
+\gls{chapter}\marg{A chapter about \gls{glsfmtlong}\marg{html}}
+Reference \gls{gls}\marg{html}.
+\cmd{lipsum} \comment{dummy text}
+This now shows the long form in the \gls{toc} and the
+chapter title. Since \gls{glsfmtlong} doesn't affect the
+\idx{firstuseflag}, the reference after the chapter title now shows
+the \idx{firstuse} full form. There's no longer an error with the
+page header on the second page, but it's not quite right as the
+case-change hasn't been applied, so the page heading appears as:
+4\hfill \emph{CHAPTER 1. A CHAPTER ABOUT hypertext markup language}
+This can be corrected by setting the \catattr{headuc} attribute to
+This now makes the page header too long, but remember that you can
+use the optional argument of sectioning commands to provide a
+shorter form for both the page heading and \gls{toc}:
+\gls{chapter}\oarg{A chapter about \gls{glsfmtshort}\marg{html}}\marg{A chapter about
+One final problem remains and it's due to the
+\abbrstyle{long-short-sc} abbreviation style which uses \gls{textsc}
+to display the short form in small capitals. The combination of
+italic and small capitals isn't supported with the default fonts and
+results in a font substitution. There's a similar problem in the
+\gls{toc} which displays the chapter title in bold. There's
+a warning at the end of the transcript:
+Some font shapes were not available, defaults substituted.
+The conflict between bold and small capitals can be solved by
+switching to the T1 font encoding:
+The conflict between italic and small capitals can be solved with
+the \sty{slantsc} package. Another possibility is to redefine:
+which is used by the \qt{sc} abbreviation styles:
+ \gls{glsxtrifinmark}\marg{\gls{MakeTextUppercase}\marg{\gls{param}1}}\marg{\gls{textsc}\marg{\gls{param}1}}\comment{}
+This uses:
+which expands to \meta{true} in headings and the \gls{toc},
+otherwise it expands to \meta{false}. This use of
+\gls{MakeTextUppercase} replaces the need for the \catattr{headuc}
+attribute. Both \catattr{headuc} and the above redefinition of
+\gls{glsabbrvscfont} will cause the abbreviation to appear in
+\idx{uppercase} in the \gls{toc}. If you don't want this,
+you can defer making these modifications until after the
+\gls{toc}. Alternatively, use:
+which makes \gls{glsxtrifinmark} expand to \meta{false} in the
+\gls{toc}. For example:
+ \gls{glsxtrifinmark}\marg{\gls{MakeTextUppercase}\marg{\gls{param}1}}\marg{\gls{textsc}{\gls{param}1}}\comment{}
+\gls{newabbreviation}\marg{html}\marg{html}\marg{hypertext markup language}
+\gls{chapter}\oarg{A chapter about \gls{glsfmtshort}\marg{html}}\marg{A chapter
+about \gls{glsfmtlong}\marg{html}}
+Reference \gls{gls}\marg{html}.
+\cmd{lipsum} \comment{dummy text}
+Nesting refers to commands like \gls{gls} and \gls{glssymbol} being
+used in the \idx{link-text} of similar commands. This occurs if
+these commands are used in fields that form part of the
+\idx{link-text} or if they occur in the final \meta{insert}
+optional argument (which is included in the \idx{link-text}) or in the
+\idx{postlinkhook} (which isn't included in the \idx{link-text} but
+is still problematic).
+The most serious problem is when the \idx{postlinkhook} includes one
+of these commands that references an entry with the same category
+(and therefore the same \idx{postlinkhook} code) as
+you can end up with an infinite loop. For example:
+\gls{glsdefpostlink}\marg{symbol}\marg{ (\gls{glssymbol}\marg{\gls{glslabel}})}\comment{infinite loop!}\incorrect
+Instead, use \gls{glsentrysymbol}:
+\gls{glsdefpostlink}\marg{symbol}\marg{ (\gls{glsentrysymbol}\marg{\gls{glslabel}})}\correct
+Better still, use commands like
+\gls{glsxtrpostlinkAddSymbolOnFirstUse} (see \sectionref{sec:postlinkhooks}).
+The next most problematic nesting is the use of \gls{gls} in
+abbreviations. It's far more of a problem if you only use the base
+\sty{glossaries} package. For example:
+\gls{newacronym}\marg{ssi}\marg{SSI}\marg{server-side includes}
+\gls{newacronym}\marg{html}\marg{HTML}\marg{hypertext markup language}
+\gls{newacronym}\marg{shtml}\marg{SHTML}\marg{\gls{gls}\marg{ssi} enabled \gls{gls}\marg{html}}\incorrect
+This results in:
+server-side includes (SSI) enabled hypertext markup language (HTML) (SHTML).
+The \sty{glossaries-extra} package temporarily changes \gls{gls}
+within the \idx{link-text} to avoid this type of problem.
+\gls{newabbreviation}\marg{ssi}\marg{SSI}\marg{server-side includes}
+\gls{newabbreviation}\marg{html}\marg{HTML}\marg{hypertext markup language}
+\gls{newabbreviation}\marg{shtml}\marg{SHTML}\marg{\gls{gls}\marg{ssi} enabled \gls{gls}\marg{html}}
+This now produces:
+SSI enabled HTML (SHTML).
+This doesn't seem so bad, but now let's see what happens if the
+\catattr{glossdesc} is set to \code{firstuc}:
+\gls{newabbreviation}\marg{ssi}\marg{SSI}\marg{server-side includes}
+\gls{newabbreviation}\marg{html}\marg{HTML}\marg{hypertext markup language}
+\gls{newabbreviation}\marg{shtml}\marg{SHTML}\marg{\gls{gls}\marg{ssi} enabled \gls{gls}\marg{html}}\incorrect
+This now causes an error:
+! Missing \endcsname inserted.
+<to be read again>
+ \protect
+The problem here is that the first-letter upper-casing command is
+being applied to \code{\gls{gls}\marg{ssi}}. This results in
+\code{\gls{gls}\marg{\gls{MakeTextUppercase} ssi}} which has an
+invalid label. A workaround is to insert an empty group before
+the initial \gls{gls}:
+\gls{newabbreviation}\marg{shtml}\marg{SHTML}\marg{\marg{}\gls{gls}\marg{ssi} enabled \gls{gls}\marg{html}}
+However, \gls{gls} functions normally within the glossary, so the
+result is:
+\textbf{SSI} Server-side includes
+\textbf{HTML} Hypertext markup language
+\textbf{SHTML} server-side includes (SSI) enabled hypertext markup language (HTML)
+Since neither \code{ssi} nor \code{html} have been referenced in the
+document, the reference in the \code{shtml} description in the
+glossary is the \idx{firstuse} for both of them, so they show the
+full form, but the upper-casing can't be applied. This means that
+the description for the \code{shtml} entry doesn't start with an
+\idx{uppercase} letter. The best solution is to avoid using
+\gls{gls} in the \field{long} field:
+ \gls{glsxtrifhasfield}\marg{\field{seealso}}\marg{\gls{glscurrententrylabel}}\comment{}
+ \marg{ (\gls{emph}\marg{see also} \gls[noindex=false]{glsxtrseelist}\marg{\gls{glscurrentfieldvalue}})}\comment{}
+ \marg{}\comment{}
+\gls{newabbreviation}\marg{ssi}\marg{SSI}\marg{server-side includes}
+\gls{newabbreviation}\marg{html}\marg{HTML}\marg{hypertext markup language}
+\marg{server-side includes enabled hypertext markup language}
+I've used the \field{seealso} key here. (The value should be a
+comma-separated list of labels.) It doesn't show
+in the glossary by default as it needs an indexing application to add it
+automatically to the \idx{locationlist}, so I've used the
+\idx{postdescriptionhook} to append the cross-reference. The
+\styopt{record} option is needed, otherwise the default
+\gls{makeindex} setting will be assumed and an error will occur as
+the associated \gls{makeindex} file hasn't been opened. If \bibgls\
+support is added then the hook won't be needed.
+\section{Shortcut Commands or Active Characters}
+Some packages, such as \sty{babel}, provide shortcut commands or
+active characters that can be enabled through a particular setting.
+It's best not to use these in entry definitions.
+Instead use the full command name. The main problem comes when the
+shortcuts aren't enabled until the start of the \envfmt{document}
+environment. For example, the \code{ngerman} language setting in
+\sty{babel} makes the double quote character (\idx{doublequoteactivechar})
+active and it becomes a shortcut for \gls{umlaut} (the umlaut accent
+Explicit use: ribonukleins"aure.
+Reference: \gls{gls}\marg{rna}.
+This produces:
+Explicit use: ribonukleins\"aure. Reference: ribonukleins"aure (RNA).
+This is because the double quote character still had its normal
+meaning when the \code{rna} entry was defined, so the
+\idx{doublequotechar} in the long form is an actual double quote
+character not a shortcut for \gls{umlaut}.
+Another problem occurs when you have a large file containing entry
+definitions that will be shared by multiple documents. If shortcut
+commands are used in the entry definitions then every document that
+uses those entries must ensure that the appropriate shortcut
+commands are set up before use. Also, when using \bibgls, it
+recognises commands like \gls{umlaut} but not \sty{babel}
+shorthands, so the sorting will be adversely affected if you simply
+use \idx{doublequoteactivechar} instead of \gls{umlaut}.
+For large files that are written once (with minor subsequent edits),
+but reused many times for multiple documents, it's better to use the
+actual command (that simply requires the appropriate package to be
+loaded, if applicable, without specific options to enable it).
+\section{Formatting Commands that Need Direct Access to the Text}
+If you want to redefine any of the formatting commands
+\gls{glstextformat}, \gls{glsxtrregularfont} or
+\gls{glsxtrabbreviationfont}, remember that their argument isn't the
+actual text but consists of intermediary commands
+that determine the required text and any inner formatting, such as
+the formatting applied by abbreviation styles.
+With the \glsopt{hyperoutside} setting on, the outermost level
+will be the command to apply the hyperlink with \gls{glstextformat}
+(or the equivalent provided by \catattr{textformat})
+inside the hyperlink text. (If hyperlinks aren't enabled the outer
+command simply does the hyperlink text.)
+With \glsopt[false]{hyperoutside}, the outermost level will be
+\gls{glstextformat} (or equivalent) with the command that applies
+the hyperlink inside the formatting argument.
+The next level down sets up the abbreviation styles for the given
+category (if appropriate). If the entry isn't an abbreviation or is
+an abbreviation classified as regular then
+\gls{glsxtrregularfont} is applied to the command that governs how
+regular entries are formatted. Otherwise \gls{glsxtrabbreviationfont}
+is applied to the command that governs how abbreviations are
+Finally, there are tests applied to determine if this is the
+\idx{firstuse}, if the plural is required, if any case-changing is
+required, if the final optional argument has been given, or if a
+command such as \gls{glssymbol} has been used. These tests
+determine which field to obtain the \idx{link-text} from. With
+abbreviations, any formatting required by the abbreviation style is
+finally performed.
+This makes it very difficult to apply a formatting command that
+needs direct access to the actual text that needs to be displayed.
+One possible method is to use:
+which first (protected) fully expands \meta{text} and then performs
+\meta{cs}\margm{expanded text} where \meta{cs} is a control
+sequence. For example, the \isty{soul} package provides the command
+\gls{ul} to underline text, but it needs to be able to parse its
+argument to work. If I simply try to change the standard
+\gls{underline} to \gls{ul} in the earlier example from
+then this causes the error:
+! Package soul Error: Reconstruction failed.
+Instead I need:
+\emph{and also} \gls{ding} now needs protection:
+ \field{name} = \marg{fleuron},
+ \field{symbol} = \marg{\gls{protect}\gls{ding}\marg{167}},
+ \field{category} = \marg{ornament},
+ \field{description} = \marg{typographic ornament}
+\section{Buffering Changes to the First Use Flag}
+The \sty{soul} commands, described above, also have problems if the
+\idx{firstuseflag} is switched off within the argument. This can be
+demonstrated with the following:
+\gls{newabbreviation}\marg{ssl}\marg{SSL}\marg{Secure Sockets Layer}
+\cmd{ul}\marg{Some text about \gls{gls}\marg{ssl}.}
+This produces the somewhat confusing error message:
+Glossary entry `{ssl}' has not been defined.
+Enclosing \code{\gls{gls}\marg{ssl}} inside the argument of \csfmt{mbox}
+changes the error message to:
+! Package soul Error: Reconstruction failed.
+The only way to avoid an error is to switch on the \gls{glsunset}
+buffering, which modifies the internal command that normally changes
+the \idx{firstuseflag}. Instead, the entry label is simply stored in
+an internal list. The buffering is switched on with:
+The unstarred form of this command may result in multiple
+occurrences of an entry in the buffer's internal list. The starred form,
+which only adds an entry's label to the list if not already present,
+is better if the list needs to contain unique items.
+The current buffer can be iterated over using;
+where \meta{cs} is a command that takes a single argument (the
+entry's label). Finally, entries in the buffer can be unset and the
+buffer cleared with:
+The above example will work if it's changed to:
+\gls{newabbreviation}\marg{ssl}\marg{SSL}\marg{Secure Sockets Layer}
+\cmd{ul}\marg{Some text about \cmd{mbox}\marg{\gls{gls}\marg{ssl}}.}
+Note the need for \csfmt{mbox}, which can cause a problem with
+line-breaking. Another problem is that if the entry is referenced
+multiple times within the same buffer, each use of \gls{gls} (or its
+\idxpl{variant}) will be treated as the \idx{firstuse}.
+Another workaround is to use \glsopt{textformat} with a command that
+uses \gls{GlsXtrExpandedFmt} (see \sectionref{sec:expandedfmt}). For
+ \marg{\comment{}
+ \cmd{def}\gls{glsxtrabbreviationfont}\gls{param}\gls{param}1\marg{\gls{GlsXtrExpandedFmt}\marg{\cmd{ul}}\marg{\gls{param}\gls{param}1}}\comment{}
+ \cmd{def}\gls{glsxtrregularfont}\gls{param}\gls{param}1\marg{\gls{GlsXtrExpandedFmt}\marg{\cmd{ul}}\marg{\gls{param}\gls{param}1}}\comment{}
+ \gls{param}1\comment{}
+ }%
+\gls{newabbreviation}\marg{ssl}\marg{SSL}\marg{Secure Sockets Layer}
+\cmd{ul}\marg{Some text about }\gls{gls}\oarg{\glsopt{textformat}=gul}\marg{ssl}.
+\chapter{Incorporating \bibgls}
+So far, the examples haven't actually used \bibgls, so what does it
+actually do? Recall the example document in \sectionref{sec:group},
+reproduced below:
+\cmd{usepackage}[\styopt[dot]{postpunc},\comment{full stop after description}
+ \styopt{nostyles},\comment{don't load default style packages}
+ \styopt[tree]{stylemods}\comment{load glossary-tree.sty and patch styles}
+\gls{glsxtrsetgrouptitle}\marg{greek}\marg{Greek Symbols}
+ \field{name} = \marg{\gls{ensuremath}\marg{A}},
+ \field{description} = \marg{area},
+ \field{group} = \marg{A}
+ \field{name} = \marg{amethyst},
+ \field{description} = \marg{a purple type of quartz},
+ \field{symbol} = \marg{\gls{ce}\marg{SiO2}},
+ \field{group} = \marg{A}
+ \field{name} = \marg{\gls{ensuremath}\marg{C}},
+ \field{description} = \marg{circumference},
+ \field{group} = \marg{C}
+ \field{name} = \marg{duck},
+ \field{description} = \marg{a waterbird with webbed feet},
+ \field{group} = \marg{D}
+ \field{name} = \marg{goose},
+ \field{description} = \marg{a large waterbird with a long neck, short legs,
+ webbed feet and a short broad bill},
+ \field{group} = \marg{G}
+ \field{name} = \marg{\gls{ensuremath}\marg{r}},
+ \field{description} = \marg{radius},
+ \field{group} = \marg{R}
+ \field{name} = \marg{\gls{ensuremath}\marg{\cmd{pi}}},
+ \field{description} = \marg{Archimedes' constant},
+ \field{group} = \marg{greek}
+The document preamble is quite cluttered. It could be tidied up by
+moving all the \gls{newglossaryentry} code into a separate file
+called, say, \filefmt{entries.tex}. The main document code can now
+be simplified to:
+ \styopt{record},\comment{create \field{group} field and other stuff}
+ \styopt[dot]{postpunc},\comment{full stop after description}
+ \styopt{nostyles},\comment{don't load default style packages}
+ \styopt[tree]{stylemods}\comment{load glossary-tree.sty and patch styles}
+\gls{glsxtrsetgrouptitle}\marg{greek}\marg{Greek Symbols}
+\gls[noindex=false]{input}\marg{entries}\comment{input entries.tex}
+This is much neater, but maintaining the \filefmt{entries.tex} file is
+quite troublesome. Each entry must be defined in the correct order
+(that matches the desired listing in \gls{printunsrtglossary}) and
+only those entries that should appear in \gls{printunsrtglossary}
+should be defined (unless you want the laborious task of filtering
+them out, as in \sectionref{sec:printglossagain}). The \field{group}
+field needs setting for every entry, and if the \field{location}
+field also needs setting then the \filefmt{entries.tex} file will
+need to be modified every time new document edits cause a shift in
+the page numbers.
+With \bibgls, you write all the entry definitions (without the
+\field{group} or \field{location} fields set) in one or more
+\ext{bib} files. It's then \bibgls\ that creates the equivalent of
+the above \filefmt{entries.tex} file with all the entry definitions
+in the correct order and with the \field{group} or \field{location}
+fields set, if appropriate. To avoid accidentally overwriting an
+important document file, \bibgls\ uses the extension \ext{glstex}
+rather than \ext{tex} (but it's still a file containing \LaTeX\ code
+that defines the entries using \gls{newabbreviation} or
+\gls{newglossaryentry}\footnote{Actually it uses
+\gls{longnewglossaryentry*} to allow for multi-paragraph descriptions,
+and \gls{longnewglossaryentry*} and \gls{newabbreviation} are used
+indirectly through helper commands.}).
+Instead of using \gls{input} in the document preamble, you now need
+to use:
+The \ext{glstex} file doesn't exist on the first \LaTeX\ run as
+\bibgls\ can only create the file once the \ext{aux} file has been
+created (since the \ext{aux} file contains all the information about
+which entries to select, the name of the \ext{bib} files where their
+definitions are stored and how to order them).
+So \gls{GlsXtrLoadResources} tests if the \ext{glstex} file exists
+before trying to input it. The \styopt{record} option is necessary
+because it:
+\item enables the \styopt[warn]{undefaction} option (the entries
+aren't defined on the first \LaTeX\ run);
+\item creates the \field{group} and \field{location} fields;
+\item disables the \gls{makeindex}\slash\gls{xindy} indexing and
+instead writes the indexing information as a record in the \ext{aux}
+\item loads \sty{glossaries-extra-bib2gls} (which provides
+extra commands specific to \bibgls).
+Each time you use a command like \gls{gls} or \gls{glssymbol} (but
+not like \gls{glsentrysymbol}) in the document, a record is added to
+the \ext{aux} file containing the entry's label, the location (by
+default the page number) where the entry was used, and extra
+information including how to format the location. The default
+behaviour of \bibgls\ is to only select those entries that have
+records in the \ext{aux} file and any dependent entries.
+The example above doesn't include any references (commands like
+\gls{gls}), so \bibgls\ won't select any entries and the
+\ext{glstex} file won't contain any definitions. This means that the
+glossary will be empty. If you want all entries from the specified
+\ext{bib} files selected then you need to change the \csopt{selection}
+This doesn't explicitly name any \ext{bib} file. The default is
+\code{\gls{jobname}\ext{bib}} but you can change this with the
+\csopt{src} option. For example, if the entries are defined in
+\filefmt{entries.bib} (regular terms), \filefmt{symbols.bib}
+(symbols) and \filefmt{abbrvs.bib} (abbreviations) then you need
+to use:
+ \csopt[entries,symbols,abbrvs]{src},\comment{bib files}
+ \csopt[all]{selection}\comment{select all entries}
+You can have multiple instances of \gls{GlsXtrLoadResources}, but
+remember that each instance inputs a file containing definitions, and
+the glossary produced with \gls{printunsrtglossary} follows the same
+order. This means that you can have blocks within the same glossary
+that use different sorting methods. For example:
+ \csopt[symbols]{src},\comment{bib file}
+ \csopt[letter-case]{sort},\comment{sort according to character code}
+ \csopt[symbol]{category},\comment{set this as the \field{category} field}
+ \csopt[glssymbols]{group}\comment{set this as the \field{group} field}
+ \csopt[entries,abbrvs]{src},\comment{bib files}
+ \csopt[en-GB]{sort}
+The first instance fetches the data from \filefmt{symbols.bib},
+sorts the entries according to the character code, sets the
+\field{category} field to \code{symbol}, and sets the
+\field{group} field to \code{glssymbols} for each definition
+written to the \ext{glstex} file. The \code{glssymbols} group label is recognised by
+the \sty{glossaries} package, and the title is obtained from the
+language-sensitive \gls{glssymbolsgroupname} command (\qt{Symbols}
+in English). So the glossary will start with a symbols group
+that contains all the entries selected from \filefmt{symbols.bib}.
+The rest of the glossary is obtained from the data selected from the
+\filefmt{entries.bib} and \filefmt{abbrvs.bib} file sorted according
+to the en-GB locale. These entries will have the \field{group} field
+set by the locale's sort rule.
+The document build now needs to include a call to \bibgls. For
+example, if the main document file is called \filefmt{myDoc.tex}
+then the build process is:
+pdflatex myDoc
+bib2gls --group myDoc
+pdflatex myDoc
+Omit the \longarg{group} switch if you want the \field{group} field
+left empty, and replace \code{pdflatex} with \code{xelatex} etc, as
+\section{The \extfmt{bib} Format}
+The \ext{bib} files define entry data in the form:
+\gls[noindex=false]{atchar}\meta{entry type}\marg{\meta{id},
+ \meta{field$_1$} = \margm{value},
+ \ldots
+ \meta{field$_n$} = \margm{value}
+where \meta{id} is the entry's label. The most basic entry type is
+\atentry{entry}. For example:
+ \field{name} = \marg{goose},
+ \field{plural} = \marg{geese},
+ \field{description} = \marg{a large waterbird with a long neck, short legs,
+ webbed feet and a short broad bill}
+This is analogous to:
+ \field{name} = \marg{goose},
+ \field{plural} = \marg{geese},
+ \field{description} = \marg{a large waterbird with a long neck, short legs,
+ webbed feet and a short broad bill}
+You can use any of the defined keys, such as \field{symbol}:
+ \field{name} = \marg{amethyst},
+ \field{description} = \marg{a purple type of quartz},
+ \field{symbol} = \marg{\gls{ce}\marg{SiO2}}
+but avoid using internal fields. If you define custom keys in your
+document, make sure you define them all before the first instance of
+\gls{GlsXtrLoadResources} as all the recognised keys are written to
+the \ext{aux} file for \bibgls\ to detect. Any unrecognised fields
+in the \ext{bib} file are ignored.
+The \atentry{entry} type is intended mainly for words or phrases,
+optionally with an associated \field{symbol}. If
+the \field{name} field contains symbols or other non-alphabetic
+content (such as punctuation that shouldn't be ignored by the sort
+comparator) see \sectionref{sec:@symbol}.
+\subsection{Defining Terms with Optional Descriptions}
+The \atentry{entry} type requires the \field{description} field and
+either the \field{name} or \field{parent} field. There's a similar
+command that doesn't have any required fields: \atentry{index}. If
+the \field{name} isn't supplied, it's assumed to be the same as the
+\meta{id}. If the \field{description} isn't supplied it's assumed to
+be empty. This type behaves like \atentry{entry}, but it sets the
+default \field{category} to \code{index}. So:
+is analogous to:
+ \field{name}=\marg{duck},
+ \field{description}=\marg{},
+ \field{category}=\marg{index}
+ \field{plural} = \marg{geese}
+is analogous to:
+ \field{name}=\marg{goose},
+ \field{plural}=\marg{geese},
+ \field{description}=\marg{},
+ \field{category}=\marg{index}
+If the name contains content that can't be used in a label (see
+\sectionref{sec:labels}), then
+you need the \field{name} field. For example:
+ \field{name} = \marg{ch\gls[noindex=false]{cs.circum}ateau},
+ \field{plural} = \marg{ch\gls{cs.circum}ateaux}
+is analogous to:
+ \field{name}=\marg{ch\gls{cs.circum}ateau},
+ \field{plural}=\marg{ch\gls{cs.circum}ateaux},
+ \field{description}=\marg{},
+ \field{category}=\marg{index}
+There's a similar entry type \atentry{indexplural} that sets the
+\field{name} field (if not provided) to the plural form, which is
+obtained from the \field{plural} field, if set. Otherwise it's
+obtained by appending the plural suffix (\qt{s}) to the \field{text}
+field. If the \field{text} field isn't set it's obtained from the label.
+The other difference is that it sets the default \field{category} field to
+\code{indexplural}. For example,
+is analogous to:
+ \field{name}=\marg{ducks},
+ \field{text}=\marg{duck},
+ \field{description}=\marg{},
+ \field{category}=\marg{indexplural}
+ \field{plural} = \marg{geese}
+is analogous to:
+ \field{name}=\marg{geese},
+ \field{text}=\marg{goose},
+ \field{plural}=\marg{geese},
+ \field{description}=\marg{},
+ \field{category}=\marg{indexplural}
+The \csopt[firstuc]{name-case-change} resource option converts the
+first letter of the \field{name} field to \idx{uppercase}, so with
+is now analogous to:
+ \field{name}=\marg{Duck},
+ \field{text}=\marg{duck},
+ \field{description}=\marg{},
+ \field{category}=\marg{index}
+ \field{plural} = \marg{geese}
+is now analogous to:
+ \field{name}=\marg{Geese},
+ \field{text}=\marg{goose},
+ \field{plural}=\marg{geese},
+ \field{description}=\marg{},
+ \field{category}=\marg{indexplural}
+ \field{name} = \marg{amethyst},
+ \field{description} = \marg{a purple type of quartz},
+ \field{symbol} = \marg{\gls{ce}\marg{SiO2}}
+is now analogous to:
+ \field{name}=\marg{Amethyst},
+ \field{text}=\marg{amethyst},
+ \field{description}=\marg{a purple type of quartz},
+ \field{symbol} = \marg{\gls{ce}\marg{SiO2}}
+\subsection{Defining Abbreviations}
+Abbreviations can be defined with \atentry{abbreviation}. For
+ \field{short} = \marg{HTML},
+ \field{long} = \marg{hypertext markup language}
+which is analogous to:
+\gls{newabbreviation}\marg{html}\marg{HTML}\marg{hypertext markup language}
+(which sets the \field{category} to \code{abbreviation}).
+Alternatively, you can use \atentry{acronym}. For example:
+ \field{short} = \marg{HTML},
+ \field{long} = \marg{hypertext markup language}
+which is analogous to:
+\gls{newacronym}\marg{html}\marg{HTML}\marg{hypertext markup language}
+(which sets the \field{category} to \code{acronym}).
+If you decide to use one of the abbreviation styles that formats the
+\field{short} field with \gls{textsc} (for example,
+\abbrstyle{long-short-sc}) then the \field{short} value needs to be
+in \idx{lowercase}. (Remember that \gls{textsc} only changes
+\idx{lowercase} characters to small capitals. For example,
+\code{\gls{textsc}\marg{html}} is displayed as \textsc{html} but
+\code{\gls{textsc}\marg{HTML}} is displayed as \textsc{HTML}.)
+This can easily be accomplished with the
+\csopt{short-case-change} resource option. For example:
+Recall from \sectionref{sec:abbreviations} that the abbreviation
+style must be set \emph{before} the abbreviations are defined. This
+means that if you want to use \gls{setabbreviationstyle} it must
+come before \gls{GlsXtrLoadResources}.
+The default sort value used by \bibgls\ is usually taken from the
+\field{name} field. This typically isn't supplied with abbreviations.
+The actual value depends on the abbreviation style, which \bibgls\
+doesn't know about, so \bibgls\ uses the \field{short}
+field instead for abbreviations. If you want to change this, for
+example, if you are using the \abbrstyle{long-noshort-desc} style,
+then use the \csopt{abbreviation-sort-fallback} option. For example:
+\subsection{Defining Symbols}
+If the \field{name} field contains the symbol (rather than having a
+textual \field{name} and the symbol in \field{symbol}) then the
+notation can be defined with \atentry{symbol}. For example:
+ \field{name} = \marg{\gls{ensuremath}\marg{\cmd{pi}}},
+ \field{description} = \marg{Archimedes' constant}
+This behaves much like \atentry{entry} but there are two significant
+differences: the \field{category} defaults to \code{symbol} and the
+default value used when sorting is the label not the value of the \field{name}
+field. So in this case, the sort value defaults to \code{pi}.
+Therefore the above is analogous to:
+ \field{name} = \marg{\gls{ensuremath}\marg{\cmd{pi}}},
+ \field{description} = \marg{Archimedes' constant},
+ \field{category} = \marg{symbol},
+ \field{sort} = \marg{pi}
+This is essentially like \gls{glsxtrnewsymbol} but it doesn't set
+the \field{type} field.
+You can change the default value used for sorting symbols with the
+\csopt{symbol-sort-fallback} option. For example, to sort symbols according
+to the \field{name} field:
+ \csopt[name]{symbol-sort-fallback},
+ \csopt[none]{break-at}
+This means that the sort value for the above example entry is now
+\code{\gls{ensuremath}\marg{\csfmt{pi}}}, which \bibgls's \TeX\
+interpreter converts to the Unicode symbol \hex{1D70B} (mathematical
+italic small pi, $\pi$). The interpreter used by \bibgls\ recognises
+all the standard mathematical Greek commands, and also the missing
+Greek commands \gls{omicron}, \gls{Alpha} etc (which are provided by
+\sty{glossaries-extra-bib2gls}). Using these commands rather than
+the Latin equivalent ensures correct sorting (\gls{omicron} comes
+between \csfmt{xi} and \csfmt{pi}, but \code{o} comes between \code{n}
+and \code{p}). See \sectionref{sec:texparserlib} (\TeX\ Parser
+Library) in the \bibgls\ user manual for further details.
+The default sort method is designed for words and phrases, so
+non-letters, such as punctuation characters, are discarded.
+If your sort values include symbols that need to be taken into
+account by the comparator, use \csopt[none]{break-at} to prevent
+them from being discarded.
+Alternatively, you may prefer to sort symbols according to the
+There's a similar entry type \atentry{number}, which behaves much
+like \atentry{symbol} except that it sets the default
+\field{category} to \code{number}. It also follows the
+\csopt{symbol-sort-fallback} setting. For example, the \code{pi}
+entry could be defined as:
+ \field{name} = \marg{\gls{ensuremath}\marg{\cmd{pi}}},
+ \field{description} = \marg{Archimedes' constant},
+ \fieldfmt{value} = \marg{3.141592654}
+I've used a custom field here (\fieldfmt{value}) that \bibgls\ will
+ignore by default. I can instruct \bibgls\ to convert this to a
+known field with \csopt{field-aliases}. For example:
+This makes \bibgls\ treat;
+ \fieldfmt{value} = \marg{3.141592654}
+as though it had been:
+ \fieldfmt{user1} = \marg{3.141592654}
+This can now be used in one of the hooks (described in
+\sectionref{sec:glsformats}). For example, the
+\gls{glsdefpostdesc}\marg{number}\marg{\comment{check if \field{user1} field given:}
+ \gls{glsxtrifhasfield}\marg{\field{useri}}\marg{\gls{glscurrententrylabel}}
+ \marg{ (\gls{glscurrentfieldvalue})}
+ \marg{}\comment{not provided}
+It can also be used if you want to order the entries numerically.
+For example:
+ \csopt[value=user1]{field-aliases},
+ \csopt[double]{sort},\comment{use double-precision numeric comparisons}
+ \csopt[user1]{sort-field}
+This uses \csopt{sort-field} to set the field used for sorting. This
+affects all entry types.
+There are more examples in \sectionref{sec:examples} of the main
+\bibgls\ user manual.
+By default, \bibgls\ selects entries from the specified \ext{bib}
+files that have been directly indexed in the document or that are
+dependencies of selected entries. Indexing is performed through
+commands like \gls{gls} and \gls{glssymbol} (but not by commands
+like \gls{glsentrysymbol}). The \styopt{record} package option
+ensures that the indexing is done that matches the requirements of
+\bibgls\ (rather than the default \gls{makeindex} syntax).
+Each instance of \gls{gls}, \gls{glssymbol} etc writes a
+\pidx{record} to the \ext{aux} file, that includes the entry's
+label, the location in the document where the record was triggered
+and the associated format to encapsulate the location. For example,
+if \code{\gls{gls}\marg{duck}} appears on page~3, the record label
+is \code{duck}, the location is~3 and the format is the default
+The format can be changed with the \glsopt{format} key. For example:
+This sets the format to \code{hyperbf}, which makes a bold
+hyperlink, if \sty{hyperref} has been loaded, otherwise it just uses
+\gls{textbf}. The value of the \glsopt{format} option should be the
+name (without a leading backslash) of a text-block command that
+takes a single argument (the location to be formatted). The
+\sty{glossaries} package provides some commands like \gls{hyperbf}
+that may be used to ensure a hyperlink (if supported). The basic
+command is:
+which provides the hyperlink (if enabled) otherwise it just does its
+argument. So, if you want, for example, an underlined hyperlink:
+Now you can use \glsopt[hyperul]{format}.
+There's a special command \gls{glsignore} that ignores its argument.
+With \gls{makeindex} and \gls{xindy}, this can lead to spurious
+commas in the \idx{locationlist}, because the location is still
+included in the list, even though the location itself isn't
+displayed (since it's discarded by \gls{glsignore}). However, \bibgls\
+recognises \glsopt[glsignore]{format} as a special \idx{ignoredrecord}. This
+indicates that \bibgls\ should select that particular entry but not
+include that record in the \idx{locationlist}.
+If a selected entry depends on another entry that hasn't been
+indexed, for example, a parent entry, then the dependent entry will
+automatically be selected as well, by default. The dependent entry
+won't have a \idx{locationlist} if it hasn't been indexed anywhere.
+If you don't want the \idxpl{locationlist} to appear in a particular
+glossary, use \printglossopt{nonumberlist} in the optional argument
+of \gls{printunsrtglossary}.
+If you want to index an entry without actually displaying any text,
+you can use:
+where \meta{label} is the entry's label. The \glsaddopt{format} key
+is again available in \meta{options}. For example:
+ \gls{glsadd}\oarg{\glsaddopt{format}=hyperbf}\marg{\gls{param}1}\comment{}
+This automatically indexes the given entry in the
+\idx{postnamehook}. This is redundant if you only have a single
+glossary, but may be useful if the entry is repeated in a later
+list. Alternatively, if you are using a dual entry type (see
+\sectionref{sec:dualentry} in the main \bibgls\ user manual), the
+hook could check for the existence of the dual label (identified by
+the \csopt{dual-field} resource option) and use that instead. For
+ \gls{glsxtrifhasfield}\marg{\gls{GlsXtrDualField}}\marg{\gls{param}1}
+ \marg{\comment{}
+ \gls{glsadd}\oarg{\glsaddopt{format}=hyperbf}\marg{\gls{glscurrentfieldvalue}}\comment{}
+ }\comment{}
+ \marg{}\comment{no dual}
+If you want to index multiple entries at the same time with the same
+set of options, you can use:
+This just iterates through the comma-separated list of labels and
+performs \gls{glsadd}\oargm{options}\margm{label} for each label in
+\meta{label list}. For example, to ensure that \bibgls\ selects the
+entries with the labels \code{duck}, \code{goose} and \code{parrot},
+even if they aren't referenced in the document:
+To select all entries, regardless of whether or not they have been
+indexed, use the \csopt[all]{selection} resource option. There are
+other selection criteria. See the main \bibgls\ user manual for
+further details.
+\section{Aliasing Fields and Entry Types}
+In \sectionref{sec:abbrvtrans}, the \field{user1} key was used to
+store a translation:
+\gls{newabbreviation}\oarg{\field{user1}=\marg{ribonucleic acid}}
+ \marg{rna}\marg{RNA}\marg{ribonukleins\gls{umlaut}aure}
+You can also use the generic user fields in \ext{bib} files, but
+a more flexible approach is to use a semantic naming scheme in the
+\ext{bib} file and use resource aliasing to convert these custom
+field names into recognised keys. For example, the above
+abbreviation could be written in the \ext{bib} file as:
+ \field{short} = \marg{RNA},
+ \field{long} = \marg{ribonukleins\gls{umlaut}aure},
+ \fieldfmt{translation} = \marg{ribonucleic acid}
+The custom \fieldfmt{translation} field will be ignored by \bibgls,
+unless it's first defined in the document or aliased in the resource
+ \csopt[abbrvs]{src},\comment{entries defined in abbrvs.bib}
+ \comment{treat \fieldfmt{translation} as though it's \field{user1}:}
+ \csopt[translation=user1]{field-aliases}
+This makes \bibgls\ behave as though the entry was defined in the
+\bibgls\ file as:
+ \field{short} = \marg{RNA},
+ \field{long} = \marg{ribonukleins\gls{umlaut}aure},
+ \field{user1} = \marg{ribonucleic acid}
+The definition is now the same as the above example from
+\sectionref{sec:abbrvtrans}. The \ext{bib} entry type can also be
+aliased. Here's a modified version:
+ \field{short} = \marg{RNA},
+ \fieldfmt{nativelong} = \marg{ribonukleins\gls{umlaut}aure},
+ \fieldfmt{foreignlong} = \marg{ribonucleic acid}
+and here are the aliases:
+ \csopt[abbrvs]{src},\comment{entries defined in abbrvs.bib}
+ \comment{treat \atentryfmt{foreignabbreviation} as though it's \atentry{abbreviation}:}
+ \csopt[foreignabbreviation=abbreviation]{entry-type-aliases},
+ \csopt[nativelong=long,foreignlong=user1]{field-aliases}
+This has the same result, but suppose another document is in English
+rather than German:
+ \csopt[abbrvs]{src},\comment{entries defined in abbrvs.bib}
+ \csopt[foreignabbreviation=abbreviation]{entry-type-aliases},
+ \csopt[foreignlong=long]{field-aliases}
+Now the \field{long} field is set to the English version, and the
+German long form is ignored.
+Here's another example where the native language is now English:
+ \field{short} = \marg{ISO},
+ \field{long} = \marg{International Organization for Standardization}
+ \field{short} = \marg{ABNT},
+ \fieldfmt{foreignlong} = \marg{Associa\gls{c}\marg{c}\gls{cs.tilde}ao Brasileria de Normas T\cs{acute}ecnicas},
+ \fieldfmt{nativelong} = \marg{Brazilian National Standards Organization},
+ \fieldfmt{language} = \marg{pt-BR}
+ \field{short} = \marg{DIN},
+ \fieldfmt{foreignlong} = \marg{Deutsches Institut f\gls{umlaut}ur Normung e.V.},
+ \fieldfmt{nativelong} = \marg{German Institute for Standardization},
+ \fieldfmt{language} = \marg{de-DE-1996}
+The aliasing is again identified in the resource options:
+ \csopt[abbrvs]{src},\comment{entries defined in abbrvs.bib}
+ \csopt[foreignabbreviation=abbreviation]{entry-type-aliases},
+ \csopt[nativelong=long,foreignlong=user1,language=user2]{field-aliases},
+ \csopt[same as original entry]{category}
+This has an extra setting that assigns the \field{category} field to
+the original entry type (before any aliasing occurred) without the
+leading \gls{atchar} (and converted to \idx{lowercase}). This makes
+\bibgls\ act as though the abbreviations had actually been defined
+ \field{short} = \marg{ISO},
+ \field{long} = \marg{International Organization for Standardization},
+ \field{category} = \marg{abbreviation}
+ \field{short} = \marg{ABNT},
+ \field{user1} = \marg{Associa\gls{c}\marg{c}\gls{cs.tilde}ao Brasileria de Normas T\cs{acute}ecnicas},
+ \field{long} = \marg{Brazilian National Standards Organization},
+ \field{user2} = \marg{pt-BR},
+ \field{category} = \marg{foreignabbreviation}
+ \field{short} = \marg{DIN},
+ \field{user1} = \marg{Deutsches Institut f\gls{umlaut}ur Normung e.V.},
+ \field{long} = \marg{German Institute for Standardization},
+ \field{user2} = \marg{de-1996},
+ \field{category} = \marg{foreignabbreviation}
+which is now the same as an earlier example in
+If I don't need a particular custom field (such as
+\fieldfmt{language} in the above), I can simply omit it from the
+aliasing, but it's available for other documents if the need arises.
+Here's the complete document modified from
+ \csopt[abbrvs]{src},\comment{entries defined in abbrvs.bib}
+ \csopt[foreignabbreviation=abbreviation]{entry-type-aliases},
+ \csopt[nativelong=long,foreignlong=user1,language=user2]{field-aliases},
+ \csopt[same as original entry]{category}
+ \gls{glsxtrfullsep}\marg{\gls{param}2}\comment{}
+ \gls{glsxtrparen}
+ \marg{\gls{param}1\comment{}
+ \gls{ifglshasfield}\marg{\gls{glsxtruserfield}}\marg{\gls{param}2}\comment{}
+ \marg{, \gls{emph}\marg{\gls{GlsXtrForeignText}\marg{\gls{param}2}\marg{\gls{glscurrentfieldvalue}}}}\comment{}
+ \marg{}\comment{}
+ }\comment{}
+\gls{gls}\marg{abnt}, \gls{gls}\marg{din}.
+Here's another example where field and entry aliasing can make the
+\ext{bib} data more flexible:
+ \fieldfmt{mineralname} = \marg{amethyst},
+ \fieldfmt{mineraldescription} = \marg{a purple type of quartz},
+ \fieldfmt{mineralformula} = \marg{\gls{ce}\marg{SiO2}}
+For one document, I might use:
+ \csopt[entries]{src},\comment{data in entries.bib}
+ \csopt[mineral=symbol]{entry-type-aliases},
+ \csopt[
+ mineralformula=name,
+ mineralname=description
+ ]{field-aliases},
+ \csopt[same as original entry]{category}
+This makes the \code{amethyst} entry behave as though it was defined
+ \field{description} = \marg{amethyst},
+ \field{name} = \marg{\gls{ce}\marg{SiO2}},
+ \field{category} = \marg{mineral}
+Another document might have:
+ \csopt[entries]{src},\comment{data in entries.bib}
+ \csopt[mineral=entry]{entry-type-aliases},
+ \csopt[
+ mineralformula=symbol,
+ mineralname=name
+ mineraldescription=description
+ ]{field-aliases},
+ \csopt[same as original entry]{category}
+which now makes the \code{amethyst} entry behave as though it was defined
+ \field{name} = \marg{amethyst},
+ \field{description} = \marg{a purple type of quartz},
+ \field{symbol} = \marg{\gls{ce}\marg{SiO2}},
+ \field{category} = \marg{mineral}
+See \sectionref{sec:examples} in the main \bibgls\ user manual for
+more examples of aliasing fields and entry types.
+ [style=treegroup,title={Command Summary},nonumberlist]
+ \renewcommand*{\printunsrtglossaryentryprocesshook}[1]{%
+ \glsifcategory{#1}{command}{}{\printunsrtglossaryskipentry}%
+ }%
+ \glssetcategoryattribute{command}{glossdesc}{firstuc}%
+ \renewcommand*{\csfmtfont}[1]{\texttt{\color{cs}#1}}%
+ \renewcommand{\glstreenamefmt}{\texttt}%
+ \renewcommand{\glstreegroupheaderfmt}{\textbf}%
+ \renewcommand{\glstreesubitem}{\glspar\parindent=2em\hangindent2em}%
+ \renewcommand{\glstreepredesc}{\glsadd{\glscurrententrylabel}%
+ \nopagebreak\glstreesubitem}%
+ \glsdefpostname{command}{\glsentryuseri{\glscurrententrylabel}}%
+ \glsdefpostdesc{command}{.\nopagebreak\glstreesubitem
+ \Glsentryuserii{\glscurrententrylabel}.%
+ \glspar\medskip}%
+ \glsifcategory{#1}{command}{#2}%
+ {%
+ \glsifcategory{#1}{standalone}{#2}%
+ {\glsdohypertarget{\glolinkprefix#1}{#2}}%
+ }%
+ \glsxtrifhasfield{location}{#1}%
+ {\enspace
+ \textcolor{lightgray}{\nolinebreak\cleaders\hbox to .5em{\hss.\hss}\hfill}%
+ \enspace}%
+ {}%
+ \glsxtriflabelinlist{\glscategory{#1}}{standalone,hierarchical,homograph}%
+ {\printunsrtglossaryskipentry}{}%
diff --git a/support/bib2gls/src/bib2gls-cite.bib b/support/bib2gls/src/bib2gls-cite.bib
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6c57ad1614
--- /dev/null
+++ b/support/bib2gls/src/bib2gls-cite.bib
@@ -0,0 +1,157 @@
+% Encoding: UTF-8
+ author = "Nicola Talbot",
+ title = "The \sty{glossaries} package",
+ note = {\url{}},
+ year = 2018
+ author = "Nicola Talbot",
+ title = "The \sty{glossaries-extra} package",
+ note = {\url{}},
+ year = 2018
+ author = "Nicola Talbot",
+ title = "The \sty{mfirstuc} package",
+ note = {\url{}},
+ year = 2017
+ author = "David Carlisle",
+ title = "The \sty{textcase} package",
+ note = {\url{}},
+ year = 2004
+ author = "Nicola Talbot",
+ title = "The \sty{tracklang} package",
+ note = {\url{}},
+ year = 2018
+ author = "Heiko Oberdiek",
+ title = "The \sty{accsupp} package",
+ note = {\url{}},
+ year = 2018
+ title={Is there a program for managing glossary tags?},
+ note={\url{}},
+ key={TeX on StackExchange},
+ year=2016
+ author = "Nicola Talbot",
+ title={\code{texparserlib}: {Java} code for parsing {(La)TeX} files},
+ note={\url{}},
+ year=2017
+ author={Oracle},
+ title={Java {API}: \code{CollationKey} class},
+ note={\url{}},
+ year=2017
+ author={Oracle},
+ title={Java {API}: \code{Pattern} class},
+ note={\url{}},
+ year=2017
+ author={Oracle},
+ title={Java {API}: \code{RuleBasedCollator} class},
+ note={\url{}},
+ year=2017
+ author={Oracle},
+ title={Java {API}: \code{Collator} class},
+ note={\url{}},
+ year=2017
+ author={Oracle},
+ title={Java {API}: \code{DecimalFormat} class},
+ note={\url{}},
+ year=2017
+ author={Oracle},
+ title={Java {API}: \code{SimpleDateFormat} class},
+ note={\url{}},
+ year=2017
+ author={Oracle},
+ title={Adoption of Unicode CLDR Data and the java.locale.providers
+System Property},
+ note={\url{}},
+ year = 2018
+ author={Oracle},
+ title = {The JAVA\_TOOL\_OPTIONS Environment Variable},
+ note={\url{}},
+ year = 2018
+ author = {Nicola Talbot},
+ title = {{Dickimaw Books} Gallery},
+ note = {\url{}},
+ year = 2019
+ author = {Nicola Talbot},
+ title = {Gallery (All Styles Provided by \sty{glossaries})},
+ note = {\url{}},
+ year = 2019
+ author = {Nicola Talbot},
+ title = {Incorporating \idx{makeglossaries} or
+ \idx{makeglossaries-lite} or \bibgls\ into the document build},
+ note = {\url{}},
+ year = 2018
+ author = "Nicola L. C. Talbot",
+ title = "{\LaTeX} for Administrative Work",
+ publisher = "Dickimaw Books",
+ series = "Dickimaw {\LaTeX} Series",
+ chapter = "2.7.5",
+ volume = 3,
+ isbn = "978-1-909440-07-4",
+ address = "Norfolk, UK",
+ year = 2015,
+ note = {\url{}}
+ author={{\TeX{} Users Group}},
+ title={{\TeX}\ user groups around the world},
+ note={\url{}},
+ year=2017
diff --git a/support/bib2gls/src/bib2gls.bib b/support/bib2gls/src/bib2gls.bib
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ec94ffe5d5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/support/bib2gls/src/bib2gls.bib
@@ -0,0 +1,16439 @@
+% Encoding: UTF-8
+% Custom entry types will need aliasing.
+% @bibglscommand -> \bibgls... command provided by bib2gls
+% @glscommand -> command provided by glossaries.sty,
+% glossaries-extra.sty or supplemental glossary packages.
+% @mainglscommand -> glossary-related command with formal syntax described
+% in the main matter.
+% @abbrvstylecommand -> command used by abbreviation styles.
+% @glostylecommand -> command used by glossary styles.
+% @resourceoption -> \GlsXtrLoadResources option
+% @command -> command provided by kernel or other package
+% @examplecommand -> custom command defined in the examples
+% @fileformat -> file format
+% @application -> application
+% @package -> package
+% @specialchar -> special character
+% @environment -> environment
+% @glsenvironment -> environment provided by glossaries.sty
+% @abbreviationstyle -> abbreviation style
+% @glossarystyle -> glossary style
+% @categoryattribute -> category attribute
+% @counter -> counter
+% @labelprefix -> label prefix
+% @packageoption -> package option
+% @field -> field
+% @entrytype -> entry type
+% @switch -> command line switch
+% @xmltag -> tag in XML language resource file
+% @unicodecategory -> Unicode category
+% @texmfcnf -> texmf.cnf setting
+% @file -> file
+% @samplefile -> sample file
+% @printglossoption -> \printunsrtglossary option
+% @glslinkoption -> \glslink option
+% @glsaddoption -> \glsadd option
+% @exampleentry -> example entry
+% @examplesymbol -> example symbol
+% @exampleindex -> example term
+% @exampleabbreviation -> example abbreviation
+% @topic -> topic
+\providecommand{\csfmt}[1]{\texttt{\glsbackslash #1}}
+ short = {IETF},
+ long = {Internet Engineering Task Force}
+ short = {JVM},
+ long = {Java Virtual Machine}
+ short = {JRE},
+ long = {Java Runtime Environment}
+ short = {TUG},
+ long = {{}\TeX\ Users Group}
+ short = {CLDR},
+ long = {Unicode Common Locale Data Repository}
+ short = {SI \abbrvword{unit}},
+ long = {International System of Units},
+ longplural = {International System of Units},
+ category={common}
+ short = {ASCII},
+ long = {American Standard Code for Information Interchange},
+ category={common}
+ short = {CJK},
+ long = {Chinese, Japanese, Korean languages},
+ category={common}
+ short = {encap},
+ long = {encapsulating command}
+ short = {TOC},
+ long = {table of contents}
+ name={defining terms}
+ name={formatting commands},
+ text={formatting command}
+ name={abbreviation commands (general)},
+ text={abbreviation command},
+ seealso={abbreviationstyles}
+ name={glossary style commands (general)},
+ text={glossary style command},
+ seealso={glossarystyle}
+ name={separator commands}
+ name={cross-referencing commands}
+ name={location list commands (records)}
+ name={fixed text commands}
+ name={field reference commands}
+ name={entry reference commands}
+ name={glossary lists (\fieldfmt{type})}
+ name={standalone styles}
+ name={defining or redefining commands}
+ name={hyperlink-capable commands or targets}
+ name={supplemental document references}
+ name={assignment commands},
+ text={assignment command}
+ name={glossary group commands}
+ name={character or symbol commands}
+ name={case-changing commands},
+ text={case-changing command}
+ name={internal commands}
+ name={auxiliary file commands},
+ text={auxiliary file command}
+ name={caption or heading commands},
+ text={caption or heading command}
+ name={list commands (internal or comma-separated)},
+ text={list command}
+ name={collation sub-rules}
+ name={categories and attributes}
+ name={regular expressions},
+ text={regular expression},
+ name={accessibility support}
+ name={conditionals and boolean values},
+ text={conditional},
+ plural={conditionals}
+ text={boolean value},
+ alias={conditionals}
+ name={debugging commands},
+ text={debugging command}
+ name={shortcut commands},
+ text={shortcut command}
+ name={\csfmt{bib\-gls\-new\-entry}},
+ user1={\margm{label}\margm{options}\margm{name}\margm{description}},
+ description={defines terms provided with \atentry{entry}},
+ note={\bibgls},
+ topics={definingterms},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{bib\-gls\-new\-symbol}},
+ user1={\margm{label}\margm{options}\margm{name}\margm{description}},
+ description={defines terms provided with \atentry{symbol}},
+ topics={definingterms},
+ note={\bibgls},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{bib\-gls\-new\-number}},
+ user1={\margm{label}\margm{options}\margm{name}\margm{description}},
+ description={defines terms provided with \atentry{number}},
+ note={\bibgls},
+ topics={definingterms},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{bib\-gls\-new\-index}},
+ user1={\margm{label}\margm{options}},
+ description={defines terms provided with \atentry{index}},
+ note={\bibgls},
+ topics={definingterms},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{bib\-gls\-new\-index\-plural}},
+ user1={\margm{label}\margm{options}\margm{name}},
+ description={defines terms provided with \atentry{index}},
+ note={\bibgls},
+ topics={definingterms},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{bib\-gls\-new\-abbreviation}},
+ user1={\margm{label}\margm{options}\margm{short}\margm{long}},
+ description={defines terms provided with \atentry{abbreviation}},
+ note={\bibgls},
+ topics={definingterms},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{bib\-gls\-new\-acronym}},
+ user1={\margm{label}\margm{options}\margm{short}\margm{long}},
+ description={defines terms provided with \atentry{acronym}},
+ topics={definingterms},
+ note={\bibgls},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{bib\-gls\-new\-dual\-entry}},
+ user1={\margm{label}\margm{options}\margm{name}\margm{description}},
+ description={defines terms provided with \atentry{dualentry}},
+ topics={definingterms},
+ note={\bibgls},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{bib\-gls\-new\-dual\-index\-entry}},
+ user1={\margm{label}\margm{options}\margm{name}\margm{description}},
+ description={defines primary terms provided with
+ note={\bibgls},
+ topics={definingterms},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{bib\-gls\-new\-dual\-index\-entry\-secondary}},
+ user1={\margm{label}\margm{options}\margm{name}\margm{description}},
+ description={defines secondary terms provided with
+ note={\bibgls},
+ topics={definingterms},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{bib\-gls\-new\-dual\-index\-symbol}},
+ user1={\margm{label}\margm{options}\margm{name}\margm{symbol}\margm{description}},
+ description={defines primary terms provided with
+ topics={definingterms},
+ note={\bibgls},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{bib\-gls\-new\-dual\-index\-symbol\-secondary}},
+ user1={\margm{label}\margm{options}\margm{name}\margm{description}},
+ description={defines secondary terms provided with
+ note={\bibgls},
+ topics={definingterms},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{bib\-gls\-new\-dual\-index\-number}},
+ user1={\margm{label}\margm{options}\margm{name}\margm{symbol}\margm{description}},
+ description={defines primary terms provided with
+ note={\bibgls},
+ topics={definingterms},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{bib\-gls\-new\-dual\-index\-number\-secondary}},
+ user1={\margm{label}\margm{options}\margm{name}\margm{description}},
+ description={defines secondary terms provided with
+ note={\bibgls},
+ topics={definingterms},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{bib\-gls\-new\-dual\-index\-abbre\-via\-tion}},
+ user1={\margm{label}\margm{dual-label}\margm{options}\margm{name}\margm{short}\margm{long}\margm{description}},
+ description={defines primary terms provided with
+ note={\bibgls},
+ topics={definingterms},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{bib\-gls\-new\-dual\-index\-abbre\-via\-tion\-sec\-ond\-ary}},
+ user1={\margm{label}\margm{options}\margm{name}\margm{short}\margm{long}\margm{description}},
+ description={defines secondary terms provided with
+ note={\bibgls},
+ topics={definingterms},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{bib\-gls\-new\-dual\-abbre\-via\-tion\-entry}},
+ user1={\margm{label}\margm{options}\margm{short}\margm{long}\margm{description}},
+ description={defines primary terms provided with
+ note={\bibgls},
+ topics={definingterms},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{bib\-gls\-new\-dual\-abbre\-via\-tion\-entry\-sec\-ond\-ary}},
+ user1={\margm{label}\margm{options}\margm{short}\margm{long}\margm{description}},
+ description={defines secondary terms provided with
+ note={\bibgls},
+ topics={definingterms},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{bib\-gls\-new\-dual\-entry\-abbre\-via\-tion}},
+ user1={\margm{label}\margm{options}\margm{short}\margm{long}\margm{description}},
+ description={defines primary terms provided with (deprecated)
+ note={\bibgls},
+ topics={definingterms},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{bib\-gls\-new\-dual\-entry\-abbre\-via\-tion\-sec\-ond\-ary}},
+ user1={\margm{label}\margm{options}\margm{short}\margm{long}\margm{description}},
+ description={defines secondary terms provided with (deprecated)
+ topics={definingterms},
+ note={\bibgls},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{bib\-gls\-new\-dual\-symbol}},
+ user1={\margm{label}\margm{options}\margm{name}\margm{description}},
+ description={defines terms provided with \atentry{dualsymbol}},
+ note={\bibgls},
+ topics={definingterms},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{bib\-gls\-new\-dual\-number}},
+ user1={\margm{label}\margm{options}\margm{name}\margm{description}},
+ description={defines terms provided with \atentry{dualnumber}},
+ note={\bibgls},
+ topics={definingterms},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{bib\-gls\-new\-dual\-abbre\-via\-tion}},
+ user1={\margm{label}\margm{options}\margm{short}\margm{long}},
+ description={defines terms provided with
+ topics={definingterms},
+ note={\bibgls},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{bib\-gls\-new\-dual\-acronym}},
+ user1={\margm{label}\margm{options}\margm{short}\margm{long}},
+ description={defines terms provided with \atentry{dualacronym}},
+ note={\bibgls},
+ topics={definingterms},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{bib\-gls\-new\-tert\-iary\-index\-abbre\-via\-tion\-entry}},
+ user1={\margm{label}\margm{dual-label}\margm{options}\margm{name}\margm{short}\margm{long}\margm{description}},
+ description={defines primary terms provided with
+ note={\bibgls},
+ topics={definingterms},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{bib\-gls\-new\-tert\-iary\-index\-abbre\-via\-tion\-entry\-sec\-ond\-ary}},
+ user1={\margm{label}\margm{tertiary-label}\margm{options}\margm{tertiary-opts}\margm{primary-name}\margm{short}\margm{long}\margm{description}},
+ description={defines secondary and tertiary terms provided with
+ note={\bibgls},
+ topics={definingterms},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{bib\-gls\-new\-bib\-tex\-entry}},
+ user1={\margm{label}\margm{options}\margm{name}\margm{description}},
+ description={defines terms provided with \atentry{bibtexentry}},
+ note={\bibgls},
+ topics={definingterms},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{bib\-gls\-new\-con\-trib\-u\-tor}},
+ user1={\margm{label}\margm{options}\margm{name}\margm{description}},
+ description={defines terms provided with
+ \atentry{contributor}},
+ note={\bibgls},
+ topics={definingterms},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{bib\-gls\-new\-progenitor}},
+ user1={\margm{label}\margm{options}\margm{name}\margm{description}},
+ description={defines terms provided with \atentry{progenitor}},
+ note={\bibgls},
+ topics={definingterms},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{bib\-gls\-new\-spawn\-index}},
+ user1={\margm{label}\margm{options}\margm{name}\margm{description}},
+ description={defines terms provided with \atentry{spawnindex}},
+ note={\bibgls},
+ topics={definingterms},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{bib\-gls\-new\-spawn\-dual\-index\-entry}},
+ user1={\margm{label}\margm{options}\margm{name}\margm{description}},
+ description={defines terms provided with \atentry{spawndualindexentry}},
+ note={\bibgls},
+ topics={definingterms},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{bib\-gls\-new\-spawn\-dual\-index\-entry\-secondary}},
+ user1={\margm{label}\margm{options}\margm{name}\margm{description}},
+ description={defines secondary terms provided with \atentry{spawndualindexentry}},
+ note={\bibgls},
+ topics={definingterms},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{bib\-gls\-new\-spawned\-index}},
+ user1={\margm{label}\margm{options}},
+ description={defines terms spawned from \atentry{progenitor}
+ or \atentry{spawnindex}},
+ note={\bibgls},
+ topics={definingterms},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{bib\-gls\-new\-spawn\-index\-plural}},
+ user1={\margm{label}\margm{options}\margm{name}\margm{description}},
+ description={defines terms provided with \atentry{spawnindexplural}},
+ note={\bibgls},
+ topics={definingterms},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{bib\-gls\-new\-spawned\-index\-plural}},
+ user1={\margm{label}\margm{options}\margm{name}},
+ description={defines terms spawned from \atentry{spawnindexplural}},
+ note={\bibgls},
+ topics={definingterms},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{bib\-gls\-new\-spawn\-entry}},
+ user1={\margm{label}\margm{options}\margm{name}\margm{description}},
+ description={defines terms provided with \atentry{spawnentry}},
+ note={\bibgls},
+ topics={definingterms},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{bib\-gls\-new\-spawned\-entry}},
+ user1={\margm{label}\margm{options}},
+ description={defines terms spawned from \atentry{spawnentry}},
+ note={\bibgls},
+ topics={definingterms},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{bib\-gls\-new\-spawn\-abbreviation}},
+ user1={\margm{label}\margm{options}\margm{short}\margm{long}},
+ description={defines terms provided with \atentry{spawnabbreviation}},
+ note={\bibgls},
+ topics={definingterms},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{bib\-gls\-new\-spawned\-abbreviation}},
+ user1={\margm{label}\margm{options}\margm{short}\margm{long}},
+ description={defines terms spawned from \atentry{spawnabbreviation}},
+ note={\bibgls},
+ topics={definingterms},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{bib\-gls\-new\-spawn\-acronym}},
+ user1={\margm{label}\margm{options}\margm{short}\margm{long}},
+ description={defines terms provided with \atentry{spawnacronym}},
+ note={\bibgls},
+ topics={definingterms},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{bib\-gls\-new\-spawned\-acronym}},
+ user1={\margm{label}\margm{options}\margm{short}\margm{long}},
+ description={defines terms spawned from \atentry{spawnacronym}},
+ note={\bibgls},
+ topics={definingterms},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{bib\-gls\-new\-spawn\-symbol}},
+ user1={\margm{label}\margm{options}\margm{name}\margm{description}},
+ description={defines terms provided with \atentry{spawnsymbol}},
+ note={\bibgls},
+ topics={definingterms},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{bib\-gls\-new\-spawned\-symbol}},
+ user1={\margm{label}\margm{options}\margm{name}\margm{description}},
+ description={defines terms spawned from \atentry{spawnsymbol}},
+ note={\bibgls},
+ topics={definingterms},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{bib\-gls\-new\-spawn\-number}},
+ user1={\margm{label}\margm{options}\margm{name}\margm{description}},
+ description={defines terms provided with \atentry{spawnnumber}},
+ note={\bibgls},
+ topics={definingterms},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{bib\-gls\-new\-spawned\-number}},
+ user1={\margm{label}\margm{options}\margm{name}\margm{description}},
+ description={defines terms spawned from \atentry{spawnnumber}},
+ note={\bibgls},
+ topics={definingterms},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{bib\-gls\-use\-long\-font}},
+ user1={\margm{text}\margm{category}},
+ description={ensures that the given text is formatted according to
+ the given category's long format},
+ note={\bibgls},
+ topics={definingterms},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{gls\-use\-long\-font}},
+ user1={\margm{text}\margm{category}},
+ description={applies the formatting command used for the long
+ form for the abbreviation style associated with the given category},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra} v1.21+},
+ topics={formattingcommands,abbreviationcommands},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{if\-gls\-xtr\-insert\-inside}},
+ description={switch that determines whether or not inserted text
+ (provided in the final optional argument of commands like \cs{gls})
+ is inside or outside of the font changing commands in the predefined
+ abbreviation styles. The default is \optfmt{false}},
+ topics={abbreviationcommands,conditionals},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra} v1.02+},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{gls\-xtr\-insert\-inside\-false}},
+ description={sets the \cs{ifglsxtrinsertinside} switch to \optfmt{false}},
+ topics={abbreviationcommands,conditionals},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra} v1.02+},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{gls\-xtr\-insert\-inside\-true}},
+ description={sets the \cs{ifglsxtrinsertinside} switch to \optfmt{true}},
+ topics={abbreviationcommands,conditionals},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra} v1.02+},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{gls\-xtr\-full\-sep}},
+ user1={\margm{label}},
+ description={the separator used in the full format for the
+ parenthetical abbreviation styles or for inline parenthetical
+ styles. This just does a space by default},
+ topics={formattingcommands,abbreviationcommands},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra}},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{GlsXtrAutoAddOnFormat}},
+ user1={\oargm{label}\margm{format list}\margm{glsadd options}},
+ description={makes commands like \cs{gls} and \cs{glslink}
+ (but not \cs{glsadd}) automatically insert \cs{glsadd}\oargm{glsadd
+ options}\margm{label} if the format (supplied in the optional
+ argument of the invoking \cs{gls}, \cs{glslink} etc) matches any in the given
+ comma-separated elements of \meta{format list}. The format isn't automatically
+ applied to the \cs{glsadd} options},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra} v1.37+},
+ topics={hooks,indexing},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{bib\-gls\-use\-abbrv\-font}},
+ user1={\margm{text}\margm{category}},
+ description={ensures that the given text is formatted according to
+ the given category's short format},
+ note={\bibgls},
+ topics={formattingcommands,abbreviationcommands},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{gls\-use\-abbrv\-font}},
+ user1={\margm{text}\margm{category}},
+ description={applies the formatting command used for the short
+ form for the abbreviation style associated with the given category},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra} v1.21+},
+ topics={formattingcommands,abbreviationcommands},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{bib\-gls\-see\-sep}},
+ user1={},
+ description={separator between \field{see}
+ cross-references and location list},
+ note={\bibgls},
+ topics={glossarystylecommands,separatorcommands,crossrefcommands,loclistcommands},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{bib\-gls\-alias\-sep}},
+ user1={},
+ description={separator between \field{alias}
+ cross-reference and location list},
+ note={\bibgls},
+ topics={glossarystylecommands,separatorcommands,crossrefcommands,loclistcommands},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{bib\-gls\-see\-also\-sep}},
+ user1={},
+ description={separator between \field{seealso}
+ cross-references and location list},
+ note={\bibgls},
+ topics={glossarystylecommands,separatorcommands,crossrefcommands,loclistcommands},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{bib\-gls\-compact}},
+ user1={\margm{pattern}\margm{part1}\margm{part2}},
+ description={compaction used on the end range location},
+ note={\bibgls},
+ topics={glossarystylecommands,loclistcommands},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{bib\-gls\-passim}},
+ user1={},
+ description={passim range suffix},
+ note={\bibgls},
+ topics={glossarystylecommands,loclistcommands},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{bib\-gls\-passim\-name}},
+ user1={},
+ description={name used by passim range suffix},
+ note={\bibgls},
+ topics={glossarystylecommands,loclistcommands,fixedtextcommands},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{bib\-gls\-use\-see}},
+ user1={\margm{label}},
+ description={display \field{see} cross-reference list for given entry},
+ note={\bibgls},
+ topics={glossarystylecommands,crossrefcommands,loclistcommands,fieldrefcommands},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{bib\-gls\-use\-alias}},
+ user1={\margm{label}},
+ description={display the \field{alias} cross-reference for given entry},
+ topics={glossarystylecommands,crossrefcommands,loclistcommands,fieldrefcommands},
+ note={\bibgls},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{bib\-gls\-use\-see\-also}},
+ user1={\margm{label}},
+ description={display the \field{seealso} cross-reference list for given entry},
+ topics={glossarystylecommands,crossrefcommands,loclistcommands,fieldrefcommands},
+ note={\bibgls},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{bib\-gls\-delimN}},
+ user1={},
+ description={separator for individual locations (except last)},
+ seealso={bibglslastDelimN},
+ note={\bibgls},
+ topics={glossarystylecommands,loclistcommands,separatorcommands},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{bib\-gls\-last\-DelimN}},
+ user1={},
+ description={separator before the last location (where there is
+ more than one location)},
+ seealso={bibglsdelimN},
+ topics={glossarystylecommands,loclistcommands,separatorcommands},
+ note={\bibgls},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{bib\-gls\-range}},
+ user1={\marg{\meta{start}\cs{delimR} \meta{end}}},
+ description={Explicit range format},
+ note={\bibgls},
+ topics={glossarystylecommands,loclistcommands},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{bib\-gls\-inter\-loper}},
+ user1={\margm{location}},
+ description={interloper location format},
+ note={\bibgls},
+ topics={glossarystylecommands,loclistcommands},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{bib\-gls\-post\-loc\-prefix}},
+ user1={},
+ description={location list post prefix},
+ note={\bibgls},
+ topics={glossarystylecommands,loclistcommands},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{bib\-gls\-loc\-prefix}},
+ user1={\margm{n}},
+ description={location list prefix},
+ topics={glossarystylecommands,loclistcommands},
+ note={\bibgls},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{bib\-gls\-primary}},
+ user1={\margm{n}\margm{locations}},
+ description={location list encapsulator used in the
+\field{primarylocations} field},
+ topics={loclistcommands},
+ note={\bibgls},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{bib\-gls\-page\-name}},
+ user1={},
+ description={name used for single page},
+ topics={glossarystylecommands,loclistcommands,fixedtextcommands},
+ note={\bibgls},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{bib\-gls\-pages\-name}},
+ user1={},
+ description={name used for multiple pages},
+ topics={glossarystylecommands,loclistcommands,fixedtextcommands},
+ note={\bibgls},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{bib\-gls\-loc\-suffix}},
+ user1={\margm{n}},
+ description={location list suffix},
+ topics={glossarystylecommands,loclistcommands},
+ note={\bibgls},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{bib\-gls\-hyper\-link}},
+ user1={\margm{text}\margm{label}},
+ description={displays \meta{text} with a hyperlink to the entry
+ given by \meta{label}, if supported},
+ topics={linkcommands,fieldrefcommands},
+ note={\bibgls\texparserdefnote},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{bib\-gls\-location\-group}},
+ user1={\margm{n}\margm{counter}\margm{list}},
+ description={location group encapsulator},
+ topics={glossarystylecommands,loclistcommands},
+ note={\bibgls},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{bib\-gls\-location\-group\-sep}},
+ user1={},
+ description={location group separator},
+ topics={glossarystylecommands,loclistcommands,separatorcommands},
+ note={\bibgls},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{bib\-gls\-supple\-mental}},
+ user1={\margm{n}\margm{list}},
+ description={supplemental list encapsulator},
+ note={\bibgls},
+ topics={glossarystylecommands,loclistcommands,supplementalrefs},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{bib\-gls\-supple\-mental\-sep}},
+ user1={},
+ description={separator between main and supplementary locations},
+ topics={glossarystylecommands,loclistcommands,supplementalrefs,separatorcommands},
+ note={\bibgls},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{bib\-gls\-supple\-mental\-sub\-list}},
+ user1={\margm{n}\margm{external document}\margm{list}},
+ description={supplemental sub-list encapsulator},
+ topics={glossarystylecommands,loclistcommands,supplementalrefs},
+ note={\bibgls},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{bib\-gls\-supple\-mental\-sub\-sep}},
+ user1={},
+ description={separator between supplementary sub-lists},
+ topics={glossarystylecommands,loclistcommands,supplementalrefs,separatorcommands},
+ note={\bibgls},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{gls\-group\-heading}},
+ user1={\margm{label}},
+ description={formats the heading for the group identified by the
+given label},
+ topics={glossarystylecommands,formattingcommands},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries}},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{bib\-gls\-set\-last\-group\-title}},
+ user1={\margm{cs}\margm{specs}},
+ description={sets the last group title},
+ topics={glossarystylecommands,assigncommands,groupcommands},
+ note={\bibgls},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{bib\-gls\-set\-letter\-group\-title}},
+ user1={\marg{\margm{title}\margm{letter}\margm{id}\margm{type}}},
+ description={sets the letter group title},
+ topics={glossarystylecommands,assigncommands,groupcommands},
+ note={\bibgls},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{gls\-xtr\-set\-group\-title}},
+ user1={\margm{group label}\margm{group title}},
+ description={globally sets the title for the group identified by the given label},
+ topics={glossarystylecommands,assigncommands,groupcommands},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra} v1.14+},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{gls\-xtr\-local\-set\-group\-title}},
+ user1={\margm{group label}\margm{group title}},
+ description={locally sets the title for the group identified by the given label},
+ topics={glossarystylecommands,assigncommands,groupcommands},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra} v1.24+},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{bib\-gls\-letter\-group}},
+ user1={\margm{title}\margm{letter}\margm{id}\margm{type}},
+ description={expands to the letter group label},
+ topics={glossarystylecommands,groupcommands},
+ note={\bibgls},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{bib\-gls\-letter\-group\-title}},
+ user1={\margm{title}\margm{letter}\margm{id}\margm{type}},
+ description={expands to the letter group title},
+ topics={glossarystylecommands,groupcommands},
+ note={\bibgls},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{bib\-gls\-set\-other\-group\-title}},
+ user1={\marg{\margm{character}\margm{id}\margm{type}}},
+ description={sets the non-letter group title},
+ topics={glossarystylecommands,assigncommands,groupcommands},
+ note={\bibgls},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{bib\-gls\-other\-group}},
+ user1={\margm{character}\margm{id}\margm{type}},
+ description={expands to the non-letter group label},
+ topics={glossarystylecommands,groupcommands},
+ note={\bibgls},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{bib\-gls\-other\-group\-title}},
+ user1={\margm{character}\margm{id}\margm{type}},
+ description={expands to the non-letter group title},
+ topics={glossarystylecommands,groupcommands},
+ note={\bibgls},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{bib\-gls\-set\-empty\-group\-title}},
+ user1={\marg{\margm{type}}},
+ description={sets the empty group title},
+ topics={glossarystylecommands,assigncommands,groupcommands},
+ note={\bibgls},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{bib\-gls\-empty\-group}},
+ user1={\margm{type}},
+ description={expands to the empty group label},
+ topics={glossarystylecommands,groupcommands},
+ note={\bibgls},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{bib\-gls\-empty\-group\-title}},
+ user1={\margm{type}},
+ description={expands to the empty group title},
+ topics={glossarystylecommands,groupcommands},
+ note={\bibgls},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{bib\-gls\-set\-unicode\-group\-title}},
+ user1={\marg{\margm{label}\margm{character}\margm{id}\margm{type}}},
+ description={sets the Unicode script, category or character code
+ topics={glossarystylecommands,assigncommands,groupcommands},
+ note={\bibgls},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{bib\-gls\-unicode\-group}},
+ user1={\margm{label}\margm{character}\margm{id}\margm{type}},
+ description={expands to the Unicode script or category label or
+character code},
+ note={\bibgls},
+ topics={glossarystylecommands,groupcommands},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{bib\-gls\-unicode\-group\-title}},
+ user1={\margm{label}\margm{character}\margm{id}\margm{type}},
+ description={expands to the Unicode script or category label or
+character code},
+ topics={glossarystylecommands,groupcommands},
+ note={\bibgls},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{bib\-gls\-set\-number\-group\-title}},
+ user1={\marg{\margm{value}\margm{id}\margm{type}}},
+ description={sets the number group title},
+ topics={glossarystylecommands,assigncommands,groupcommands},
+ note={\bibgls},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{bib\-gls\-number\-group}},
+ user1={\margm{value}\margm{id}\margm{type}},
+ description={expands to the number group label},
+ topics={glossarystylecommands,groupcommands},
+ note={\bibgls},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{bib\-gls\-number\-group\-title}},
+ user1={\margm{value}\margm{id}\margm{type}},
+ description={expands to the number group title},
+ topics={glossarystylecommands,groupcommands},
+ note={\bibgls},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{bib\-gls\-set\-date\-time\-group\-title}},
+ user1={\marg{\margm{YYYY}\margm{MM}\margm{DD}\margm{hh}\margm{mm}\margm{ss}\margm{zone}\margm{title}\margm{group\dhyphen id}\margm{type}}},
+ description={sets the date-time group title},
+ topics={glossarystylecommands,assigncommands,groupcommands},
+ note={\bibgls},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{bib\-gls\-date\-time\-group}},
+ user1={\margm{YYYY}\margm{MM}\margm{DD}\margm{hh}\margm{mm}\margm{ss}\margm{zone}\margm{title}\margm{group\dhyphen id}\margm{type}},
+ description={expands to the date-time group label},
+ topics={glossarystylecommands,groupcommands},
+ note={\bibgls},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{bib\-gls\-date\-time\-group\-title}},
+ user1={\margm{YYYY}\margm{MM}\margm{DD}\margm{hh}\margm{mm}\margm{ss}\margm{zone}\margm{title}\margm{group\dhyphen id}\margm{type}},
+ description={expands to the date-time group title},
+ topics={glossarystylecommands,groupcommands},
+ note={\bibgls},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{bib\-gls\-set\-date\-group\-title}},
+ user1={\marg{\margm{YYYY}\margm{MM}\margm{DD}\margm{G}\margm{title}\margm{group\dhyphen id}\margm{type}}},
+ description={sets the date (no time) group title},
+ topics={glossarystylecommands,assigncommands,groupcommands},
+ note={\bibgls},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{bib\-gls\-date\-group}},
+ user1={\margm{YYYY}\margm{MM}\margm{DD}\margm{G}\margm{title}\margm{group\dhyphen id}\margm{type}},
+ description={expands to the date group label},
+ topics={glossarystylecommands,groupcommands},
+ note={\bibgls},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{bib\-gls\-date\-group\-title}},
+ user1={\margm{YYYY}\margm{MM}\margm{DD}\margm{G}\margm{title}\margm{group\dhyphen id}\margm{type}},
+ description={expands to the date group title},
+ topics={glossarystylecommands,groupcommands},
+ note={\bibgls},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{bib\-gls\-set\-time\-group\-title}},
+ user1={\marg{\margm{hh}\margm{mm}\margm{ss}\margm{zone}\margm{title}\margm{group\dhyphen id}\margm{type}}},
+ description={sets the time (no date) group title},
+ topics={glossarystylecommands,assigncommands,groupcommands},
+ note={\bibgls},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{bib\-gls\-time\-group}},
+ user1={\margm{hh}\margm{mm}\margm{ss}\margm{zone}\margm{title}\margm{group\dhyphen id}\margm{type}},
+ description={expands to the time group label},
+ topics={glossarystylecommands,groupcommands},
+ note={\bibgls},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{bib\-gls\-time\-group\-title}},
+ user1={\margm{hh}\margm{mm}\margm{ss}\margm{zone}\margm{title}\margm{group\dhyphen id}\margm{type}},
+ description={expands to the time group title},
+ topics={glossarystylecommands,groupcommands},
+ note={\bibgls},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{bib\-gls\-hyper\-group}},
+ user1={\margm{type}\margm{group\dhyphen id}},
+ description={creates group navigation information},
+ topics={glossarystylecommands,groupcommands,linkcommands},
+ note={\bibgls},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{bib\-gls\-flattened\-homograph}},
+ user1={\margm{name}\margm{parent label}},
+ description={expands to the flattened entry's new name},
+ topics={glossarystylecommands,formattingcommands},
+ note={\bibgls},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{bib\-gls\-flattened\-child\-pre\-sort}},
+ user1={\margm{child name}\margm{parent name}},
+ description={expands to the pre-sort flattened child entry's new name},
+ topics={glossarystylecommands,formattingcommands},
+ note={\bibgls\texparserdefnote},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{bib\-gls\-flattened\-child\-post\-sort}},
+ user1={\margm{parent name}\margm{child name}},
+ description={expands to the post-sort flattened child entry's new
+ topics={glossarystylecommands,formattingcommands},
+ note={\bibgls\texparserdefnote},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{bib\-gls\-set\-widest}},
+ user1={\margm{level}\margm{name}},
+ description={sets the widest name},
+ topics={glossarystylecommands,assigncommands},
+ note={\bibgls},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{bib\-gls\-set\-widest\-for\-type}},
+ user1={\margm{type}\margm{level}\margm{name}},
+ description={sets the widest name for the given glossary type},
+ topics={glossarystylecommands,assigncommands},
+ note={\bibgls},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{bib\-gls\-set\-widest\-top\-level\-fallback}},
+ user1={\margm{glossary list}},
+ description={fallback used instead of \csref{bibglssetwidest}
+ in the event that \bibgls\ can't determine the widest name
+ where there are only top level entries,
+ where \meta{glossary list} is a comma-separated list
+ of glossary labels},
+ topics={glossarystylecommands,assigncommands},
+ note={\bibgls},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{bib\-gls\-set\-widest\-fallback}},
+ user1={\margm{glossary list}},
+ description={fallback used instead of \csref{bibglssetwidest}
+ in the event that \bibgls\ can't determine the widest name,
+ where \meta{glossary list} is a comma-separated list
+ of glossary labels},
+ topics={glossarystylecommands,assigncommands},
+ note={\bibgls},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{bib\-gls\-set\-widest\-for\-type\-fallback}},
+ user1={\margm{type}},
+ description={fallback used instead of \csref{bibglssetwidestfortype}
+ in the event that \bibgls\ can't determine the widest name},
+ topics={glossarystylecommands,assigncommands},
+ note={\bibgls},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{bib\-gls\-set\-widest\-top\-level\-for\-type\-fallback}},
+ user1={\margm{type}},
+ description={fallback used instead of \csref{bibglssetwidestfortype}
+ in the event that \bibgls\ can't determine the widest name
+ where there are only top-level entries},
+ topics={glossarystylecommands,assigncommands},
+ note={\bibgls},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{bib\-gls\-contributor\-list}},
+ user1={\margm{list}\margm{number}},
+ description={used to markup a list of names from a field
+ that was converted from \BibTeX's contributor syntax},
+ topics={formattingcommands},
+ note={\bibgls\texparserdefnote},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{bib\-gls\-contributor}},
+ user1={\margm{forenames}\margm{von-part}\margm{surname}\margm{suffix}},
+ description={used to markup a contributor's name that was converted from
+ \BibTeX's contributor syntax},
+ topics={formattingcommands},
+ note={\bibgls\texparserdefnote},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{bib\-gls\-date}},
+ user1={\margm{year}\margm{month}\margm{day-of-month}\margm{day-of-week}\margm{day-of-year}\margm{era}\margm{original}},
+ description={used to markup a date converted from a field value},
+ topics={formattingcommands},
+ note={\bibgls},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{bib\-gls\-date\-time}},
+ user1={\margm{year}\margm{month}\margm{day-of-month}\margm{day-of-week}\margm{day-of-year}\margm{era}\margm{hour}\margm{minute}\margm{second}\margm{millisec}\margm{dst}\margm{zone}\margm{original}},
+ description={used to markup a date-time instance converted from a field value},
+ topics={formattingcommands},
+ note={\bibgls},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{bib\-gls\-date\-time\-remainder}},
+ user1={\margm{millisec}\margm{dst}\margm{zone}\margm{original}},
+ description={used internally to pick up the final four arguments of
+ \csref{bibglsdatetime}},
+ topics={formattingcommands},
+ note={\bibgls},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{bib\-gls\-time}},
+ user1={\margm{hour}\margm{minute}\margm{second}\margm{millisec}\margm{dst}\margm{zone}\margm{original}},
+ description={used to markup a time converted from a field value},
+ topics={formattingcommands},
+ note={\bibgls},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{bib\-gls\-hash\-char}},
+ user1={},
+ description={expands to a literal hash character},
+ topics={charcommands},
+ note={\bibgls\texparserdefnote},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{bib\-gls\-under\-score\-char}},
+ user1={},
+ description={expands to a literal underscore character},
+ topics={charcommands},
+ note={\bibgls\texparserdefnote},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{bib\-gls\-dollar\-char}},
+ user1={},
+ description={expands to a literal dollar character},
+ topics={charcommands},
+ note={\bibgls\texparserdefnote},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{bib\-gls\-amper\-sand\-char}},
+ user1={},
+ description={expands to a literal ampersand character},
+ topics={charcommands},
+ note={\bibgls\texparserdefnote},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{bib\-gls\-circum\-char}},
+ user1={},
+ description={expands to a literal circumflex character},
+ topics={charcommands},
+ note={\bibgls\texparserdefnote},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{bib\-gls\-href\-char}},
+ user1={\margm{hex}\margm{char}},
+ description={expands to a literal percent character followed by
+ topics={charcommands},
+ note={\bibgls\texparserdefnote},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{bib\-gls\-href\-unicode}},
+ user1={\margm{hex}\margm{char}},
+ description={expands to \meta{char} by default},
+ topics={charcommands},
+ note={\bibgls\texparserdefnote},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{bib\-gls\-primary\-prefix\-label}},
+ user1={\margm{prefix}},
+ description={hook provided to pick up the primary prefix, if
+ required},
+ topics={hooks},
+ note={\bibgls},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{bib\-gls\-dual\-prefix\-label}},
+ user1={\margm{prefix}},
+ description={hook provided to pick up the dual prefix, if
+ required},
+ topics={hooks},
+ note={\bibgls},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{bib\-gls\-tertiary\-prefix\-label}},
+ user1={\margm{prefix}},
+ description={hook provided to pick up the tertiary prefix, if
+ required},
+ topics={hooks},
+ note={\bibgls},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{bib\-gls\-external\-prefix\-label}},
+ user1={\margm{n}\margm{prefix}},
+ description={hook provided to pick up the \meta{n}th external prefix, if
+ required},
+ topics={hooks},
+ note={\bibgls},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{bib\-gls\-upper\-case}},
+ user1={\margm{text}},
+ description={converts \meta{text} to \idx{uppercase}},
+ topics={formattingcommands,casecommands},
+ note={\bibgls\texparserdefnote},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{bib\-gls\-lower\-case}},
+ user1={\margm{text}},
+ description={converts \meta{text} to \idx{lowercase}},
+ topics={formattingcommands,casecommands},
+ note={\bibgls\texparserdefnote},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{bib\-gls\-title\-case}},
+ user1={\margm{text}},
+ description={converts \meta{text} to \idx{titlecase}},
+ topics={formattingcommands,casecommands},
+ note={\bibgls\texparserdefnote},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{bib\-gls\-first\-uc}},
+ user1={\margm{text}},
+ description={converts the first letter of \meta{text} to \idx{uppercase}},
+ topics={formattingcommands,casecommands},
+ note={\bibgls},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{gls\-expand\-fields}},
+ user1={},
+ description={switches on field expansion},
+ topics={assigncommands,definingterms},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries}},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{gls\-no\-expand\-fields}},
+ user1={},
+ description={switches off field expansion},
+ topics={assigncommands,definingterms},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries}},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{gls\-set\-expand\-field}},
+ user1={\margm{field}},
+ description={switches on field expansion for the given field},
+ topics={assigncommands,definingterms},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries}},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{gls\-set\-no\-expand\-field}},
+ user1={\margm{field}},
+ description={switches off field expansion for the given field},
+ topics={assigncommands,definingterms},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries}},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{new\-glossary\-entry}},
+ user1={\margm{label}\margm{\keyvallist}},
+ description={defines a new glossary entry},
+ topics={definingterms},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries}},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{long\-new\-glossary\-entry}},
+ user1={\margm{label}\margm{\keyvallist}\margm{description}},
+ description={defines a new glossary entry and appends
+ \csfmt{leavemode}\csfmt{unskip}\cs{nopostdesc} at the end of
+ topics={definingterms},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries}},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{long\-new\-glossary\-entry*}},
+ user1={\margm{label}\margm{\keyvallist}\margm{description}},
+ description={defines a new glossary entry without appending any
+extra code to the end of \meta{description}},
+ topics={definingterms},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra} v1.12+},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{provide\-glossary\-entry}},
+ user1={\margm{label}\margm{\keyvallist}},
+ description={defines a new glossary entry if one doesn't
+ already exist with the given label},
+ topics={definingterms},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries}},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{long\-provide\-glossary\-entry}},
+ user1={\margm{label}\margm{\keyvallist}\margm{description}},
+ description={defines a new glossary entry if one doesn't
+ already exist with the given label},
+ topics={definingterms},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries}},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{new\-term}},
+ user1={\oargm{\keyvallist}\margm{label}},
+ description={defines a new glossary entry where the
+ \field{description} field defaults to empty},
+ topics={definingterms},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries}'s \styopt{index} package option},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{new\-abbre\-vi\-a\-tion}},
+ user1={\oargm{\keyvallist}\margm{label}\margm{short}\margm{long}},
+ description={defines a new abbreviation},
+ topics={definingterms},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra}},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{new\-acronym}},
+ user1={\oargm{\keyvallist}\margm{label}\margm{short}\margm{long}},
+ description={defines a new abbreviation. The
+ \styfmt{glossaries-extra} package redefines this to use
+ \csref{newabbreviation} with the \field{category} set to
+ \code{acronym}},
+ topics={definingterms},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries}},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{gls\-xtr\-new\-symbol}},
+ user1={\oargm{\keyvallist}\margm{label}\margm{symbol}},
+ description={defines a new symbol},
+ topics={definingterms},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra} \styopt{symbols}},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{gls\-xtr\-new\-number}},
+ user1={\oargm{\keyvallist}\margm{label}},
+ description={defines a new number},
+ topics={definingterms},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra} \styopt{numbers}},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{new\-dual\-entry}},
+ user1={\oargm{\keyvallist}\margm{label}\margm{short}\margm{long}\margm{description}},
+ description={example given in \styfmt{glossaries} user manual},
+ topics={definingterms},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{@gls@hypergroup}},
+ user1={\margm{type}\margm{group id}},
+ description={command written to the \ext{aux} file that identifies that the given group was used in the
+ glossary on the previous run},
+ topics={groupcommands,internalcommands,auxcommands},
+ note={\styfmt{glossary-hypernav}},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{glsxtr@resource}},
+ user1={\margm{options}\margm{filename}},
+ description={this internal command is written to the \ext{aux}
+file by \csref{glsxtrresourcefile}
+ to provide \bibgls\ with the resource information},
+ topics={internalcommands,auxcommands},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra} v1.08+},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{gls\-xtr\-@wr\-glossary\-location}},
+ user1={\margm{n}\margm{page}},
+ description={This command simply expands to \meta{n}, the value of
+the \counter{wrglossary} counter for the given page},
+ topics={internalcommands,loclistcommands},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra-bib2gls} v1.29+},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{Gls\-Xtr\-Index\-Counter\-Link}},
+ user1={\margm{text}\margm{label}},
+ description={Creates a hyperlink to the \counter{wrglossary}
+location obtained from the \field{indexcounter} field},
+ topics={linkcommands,loclistcommands},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra-bib2gls} v1.29+},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{Gls\-Xtr\-Dual\-Back\-Link}},
+ user1={\margm{text}\margm{label}},
+ description={Creates a hyperlink to the dual entry whose label is
+ obtained from the field given by \csref{GlsXtrDualField}},
+ topics={linkcommands,fieldrefcommands},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra-bib2gls} v1.30+},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{Gls\-Xtr\-Dual\-Field}},
+ user1={},
+ description={The field used to store the dual label. This defaults
+ to \field{dual} but will need to be redefined if a different
+ value is given by \csopt{dual-field}},
+ topics={fieldrefcommands},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra-bib2gls} v1.30+},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{gls\-xtr\-fmt}},
+ user1={\oargm{options}\margm{label}\margm{text}},
+ description={formats the given text according to the formatting
+ command identified by the value of the field obtained
+ from \cs{GlsXtrFmtField}},
+ topics={fieldrefcommands,linkcommands,formattingcommands},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra} v1.12+},
+ seealso={glsxtrfmtdisplay},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{gls\-xtr\-fmt*}},
+ user1={\oargm{options}\margm{label}\margm{text}\oargm{insert}},
+ description={like \csref{glsxtrfmt} but inserts extra
+ material into the link text but outside of the formatting command},
+ topics={fieldrefcommands,linkcommands,formattingcommands},
+ seealso={glsxtrfmtdisplay},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra} v1.23+},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{gls\-xtr\-entry\-fmt}},
+ user1={\margm{label}\margm{text}},
+ description={alternative to \csref{glsxtrfmt} for use in
+ section headings},
+ topics={fieldrefcommands,formattingcommands},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra} v1.12+},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{gls\-xtr\-fmt\-display}},
+ user1={\margm{cs-name}\margm{text}\margm{insert}},
+ description={used by \csref{glsxtrfmt} to format the given
+\meta{text} where \meta{cs-name} is obtained from the field
+identified by \cs{GlsXtrFmtField} and \meta{insert} is empty for the
+unstarred \csref{glsxtrfmt} and the final optional argument of the
+starred version \csref{glsxtrfmt*}},
+ topics={formattingcommands},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra}},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{gls\-xtr\-resource\-file}},
+ user1={\oargm{options}\margm{filename}},
+ description={input the \ext{glstex} file created by \bibgls\ and
+ write resource instructions to the \ext{aux} file},
+ topics={indexing},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra} v1.08+},
+ seealso={resourceoptions,GlsXtrLoadResources},
+ category={command}
+ name={resource options},
+ text={resource option}
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+ name={\csoptfmt{dual\dhyphen abbrv\dhyphen map}},
+ user1={\marg{\margm{list1},\margm{list2}}},
+ category={resourceoption},
+ parent={resourceoptions}
+ name={\csoptfmt{dual\dhyphen abbrventry\dhyphen map}},
+ user1={\marg{\margm{list1},\margm{list2}}},
+ category={resourceoption},
+ parent={resourceoptions}
+ name={\csoptfmt{dual\dhyphen symbol\dhyphen map}},
+ user1={\marg{\margm{list1},\margm{list2}}},
+ category={resourceoption},
+ parent={resourceoptions}
+ name={\csoptfmt{dual\dhyphen indexentry\dhyphen map}},
+ user1={\marg{\margm{list1},\margm{list2}}},
+ category={resourceoption},
+ parent={resourceoptions}
+ name={\csoptfmt{dual\dhyphen indexsymbol\dhyphen map}},
+ user1={\marg{\margm{list1},\margm{list2}}},
+ category={resourceoption},
+ parent={resourceoptions}
+ name={\csoptfmt{dual\dhyphen indexabbrv\dhyphen map}},
+ user1={\marg{\margm{list1},\margm{list2}}},
+ category={resourceoption},
+ parent={resourceoptions}
+ name={\csoptfmt{dual\dhyphen entry\dhyphen backlink}},
+ user1={\margm{boolean}},
+ category={resourceoption},
+ parent={resourceoptions}
+ name={\csoptfmt{dual\dhyphen abbrv\dhyphen backlink}},
+ user1={\margm{boolean}},
+ category={resourceoption},
+ parent={resourceoptions}
+ name={\csoptfmt{dual\dhyphen entryabbrv\dhyphen backlink}},
+ user1={\margm{boolean}},
+ category={resourceoption},
+ parent={resourceoptions}
+ name={\csoptfmt{dual\dhyphen abbrventry\dhyphen backlink}},
+ user1={\margm{boolean}},
+ category={resourceoption},
+ parent={resourceoptions}
+ name={\csoptfmt{dual\dhyphen symbol\dhyphen backlink}},
+ user1={\margm{boolean}},
+ category={resourceoption},
+ parent={resourceoptions}
+ name={\csoptfmt{dual\dhyphen indexentry\dhyphen backlink}},
+ user1={\margm{boolean}},
+ category={resourceoption},
+ parent={resourceoptions}
+ name={\csoptfmt{dual\dhyphen indexsymbol\dhyphen backlink}},
+ user1={\margm{boolean}},
+ category={resourceoption},
+ parent={resourceoptions}
+ name={\csoptfmt{dual\dhyphen indexabbrv\dhyphen backlink}},
+ user1={\margm{boolean}},
+ category={resourceoption},
+ parent={resourceoptions}
+ name={\csoptfmt{dual\dhyphen backlink}},
+ user1={\margm{boolean}},
+ category={resourceoption},
+ parent={resourceoptions}
+ name={\csoptfmt{tertiary\dhyphen prefix}},
+ user1={\margm{value}},
+ category={resourceoption},
+ parent={resourceoptions}
+ name={\csoptfmt{tertiary\dhyphen type}},
+ user1={\margm{value}},
+ category={resourceoption},
+ parent={resourceoptions}
+ name={\csoptfmt{tertiary\dhyphen category}},
+ user1={\margm{value}},
+ category={resourceoption},
+ parent={resourceoptions}
+ name={\csoptfmt{sort\dhyphen number\dhyphen pad}},
+ user1={\meta{number}},
+ category={resourceoption},
+ parent={resourceoptions}
+ name={\csoptfmt{dual\dhyphen sort\dhyphen number\dhyphen pad}},
+ user1={\meta{number}},
+ category={resourceoption},
+ parent={resourceoptions}
+ name={\csoptfmt{secondary\dhyphen sort\dhyphen number\dhyphen pad}},
+ user1={\meta{number}},
+ category={resourceoption},
+ parent={resourceoptions}
+ name={\csoptfmt{sort\dhyphen pad\dhyphen plus}},
+ user1={\meta{marker}},
+ category={resourceoption},
+ parent={resourceoptions}
+ name={\csoptfmt{dual\dhyphen sort\dhyphen pad\dhyphen plus}},
+ user1={\meta{marker}},
+ category={resourceoption},
+ parent={resourceoptions}
+ name={\csoptfmt{secondary\dhyphen sort\dhyphen pad\dhyphen plus}},
+ user1={\meta{marker}},
+ category={resourceoption},
+ parent={resourceoptions}
+ name={\csoptfmt{sort\dhyphen pad\dhyphen minus}},
+ user1={\meta{marker}},
+ category={resourceoption},
+ parent={resourceoptions}
+ name={\csoptfmt{dual\dhyphen sort\dhyphen pad\dhyphen minus}},
+ user1={\meta{marker}},
+ category={resourceoption},
+ parent={resourceoptions}
+ name={\csoptfmt{secondary\dhyphen sort\dhyphen pad\dhyphen minus}},
+ user1={\meta{marker}},
+ category={resourceoption},
+ parent={resourceoptions}
+ name={\csfmt{Gls\-Xtr\-Load\-Resources}},
+ user1={\oargm{options}},
+ description={a shortcut command that uses \csref{glsxtrresourcefile}},
+ topics={indexing,shortcutcommands},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra} v1.11+},
+ seealso={resourceoptions,glsxtrresourcefile},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{gls\-xtr\-copy\-to\-glossary}},
+ user1={\margm{label}\margm{type}},
+ description={copies the entry given by \meta{label} to the
+glossary given by \meta{type}},
+ topics={assigncommands,definingterms},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra} v1.12+},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{gls\-xtr\-new\-gls\-like}},
+ user1={\oargm{options}\margm{prefix}\margm{gls-like
+cs}\margm{glspl-like cs}\margm{Gls-like
+cs}\margm{Glspl-like cs}},
+ description={defines commands to behave like \ics{gls}, \ics{glspl},
+ \ics{Gls} and \ics{Glspl} with the given label prefix},
+ topics={entryrefcommands,providingcommands},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra} v1.21+},
+ seealso={glsxtrnewgls},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{gls\-xtr\-new\-gls}},
+ user1={\oargm{options}\margm{prefix}\margm{cs}},
+ description={defines the command \meta{cs} to behave like
+ \ics{gls} with the given label prefix},
+ topics={entryrefcommands,providingcommands},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra} v1.21+},
+ seealso={gls},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{gls\-no\-idx\-display\-loc}},
+ user1={\margm{prefix}\margm{counter}\margm{format}\margm{location}},
+ description={used to display a regular location in the
+ \field{location} field (with a hyperlink, if enabled)},
+ topics={loclistcommands,linkcommands},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries} v4.04+},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{gls\-xtr\-display\-loc\-name\-ref}},
+ user1={\margm{prefix}\margm{counter}\margm{format}\margm{location}\margm{title}\margm{href}\margm{hcounter}\margm{file}},
+ description={used to display a \code{nameref} location in the
+ \field{location} field (with a hyperlink, if enabled)},
+ topics={loclistcommands,linkcommands},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra-bib2gls} v1.37+},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{gls\-xtr\-display\-supp\-loc}},
+ user1={\margm{prefix}\margm{counter}\margm{format}\margm{src}\margm{location}},
+ description={used to display an external location in the
+ supplementary list (with a hyperlink, if enabled)},
+ topics={loclistcommands,linkcommands,supplementalrefs},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra-bib2gls} v1.36+},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{gls\-xtr\-multi\-supp\-location}},
+ user1={\margm{location}\margm{src}\margm{format}},
+ description={used by \csref{glsxtrdisplaysupploc} to format the
+ external location (with a hyperlink, if enabled)},
+ topics={loclistcommands,linkcommands,formattingcommands,supplementalrefs},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra-bib2gls} v1.36+},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{gls\-xtr\-supp\-loc\-a\-tion\-url}},
+ description={set by \cs{glsxtrsupphypernumber}
+ and \csref{glsxtrmultisupplocation} to the
+ URL of the supplemental document for use by
+ \cs{glshypernumber}},
+ topics={loclistcommands,supplementalrefs},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra} v1.14+},
+ seealso={glshypernumber,glsxtrsupphypernumber,glsxtrmultisupplocation,glsxtrlocationhyperlink},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{gls\-xtr\-loc\-a\-tion\-hyper\-link}},
+ user1={\margm{counter}\margm{prefix}\margm{location}},
+ description={used to create the location hyperlink,
+ this tests if an internal or external link is required
+ depending on the definition of \cs{glsxtrsupplocationurl}},
+ topics={loclistcommands,linkcommands,supplementalrefs},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra} v1.14+},
+ seealso={glsxtrsupphypernumber,glsxtrsupplocationurl},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{gls\-xtr\-supp\-hyper\-num\-ber}},
+ user1={\margm{location}},
+ description={uses \cs{glshypernumber} to create a hyperlink
+ to the given location (if hyperlinks are supported) but
+ first checks the \catattr{externallocation} attribute to determine
+ if an external link is required},
+ topics={loclistcommands,linkcommands,supplementalrefs},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra} v1.14+},
+ seealso={glsxtrlocationhyperlink,glsxtrsupplocationurl},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{glsxtr@record}},
+ user1={\margm{label}\margm{prefix}\margm{counter}\margm{format}\margm{location}},
+ description={this command is written to the \ext{aux} file each
+ time an entry is indexed to provide \bibgls\ with the record information},
+ topics={internalcommands,auxcommands,indexing},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra} v1.08+},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{glsxtr@record@name\-ref}},
+ user1={\margm{label}\margm{prefix}\margm{counter}\margm{format}\margm{location}\margm{title}\margm{href}\margm{hcounter}},
+ description={used instead of \csref{glsxtr@record} when the
+ \styopt[nameref]{record} option is used},
+ topics={internalcommands,auxcommands,indexing},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra} v1.37+},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{gls\-xtr\-field\-list\-add}},
+ user1={\margm{label}\margm{field}\margm{item}},
+ description={adds the given item to the given field that contains
+ an \styfmt{etoolbox} internal list},
+ topics={listcommands,assigncommands,fieldrefcommands},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra} v1.12+},
+ seealso={glsxtrfieldifinlist,glsxtrfieldforlistloop,glsxtrfielddolistloop},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{gls\-xtr\-field\-if\-in\-list}},
+ user1={\margm{label}\margm{field}\margm{item}\margm{true}\margm{false}},
+ description={tests if the given item is in the given field that contains
+ an \styfmt{etoolbox} internal list},
+ topics={listcommands,conditionals,fieldrefcommands},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra} v1.12+},
+ seealso={glsxtrfieldxifinlist,glsxtrfieldlistadd,glsxtrfieldforlistloop,glsxtrfielddolistloop},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{gls\-xtr\-field\-x\-if\-in\-list}},
+ user1={\margm{label}\margm{field}\margm{item}\margm{true}\margm{false}},
+ description={tests if the expansion of the given item is in the given field that contains
+ an \styfmt{etoolbox} internal list},
+ topics={listcommands,conditionals,fieldrefcommands},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra} v1.12+},
+ seealso={glsxtrfieldifinlist},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{gls\-xtr\-control\-rules}},
+ user1={},
+ description={collation sub-rule for control characters usually
+placed at the start of a rule in the \qt{ignored characters} section
+(although there typically won't be any control codes in sort fields)},
+ topics={collationsubrules},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra-bib2gls} v1.27+},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{gls\-xtr\-space\-rules}},
+ user1={},
+ description={collation sub-rule for space characters},
+ topics={collationsubrules},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra-bib2gls} v1.27+},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{gls\-xtr\-non\-printable\-rules}},
+ user1={},
+ description={collation sub-rule for non-printable characters},
+ topics={collationsubrules},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra-bib2gls} v1.27+},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{gls\-xtr\-combining\-diacritic\-rules}},
+ user1={},
+ description={collation sub-rule for combining diacritic characters},
+ topics={collationsubrules},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra-bib2gls} v1.27+},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{gls\-xtr\-hyphen\-rules}},
+ user1={},
+ description={collation sub-rule for hyphen characters},
+ topics={collationsubrules},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra-bib2gls} v1.27+},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{gls\-xtr\-general\-punc\-rules}},
+ user1={},
+ description={collation sub-rule for general punctuation characters},
+ topics={collationsubrules},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra-bib2gls} v1.27+},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{gls\-xtr\-digit\-rules}},
+ user1={},
+ description={collation sub-rule for digits from the basic Latin
+set (0, \ldots, 9) as well as their subscript and superscript variants},
+ topics={collationsubrules},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra-bib2gls} v1.27+},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{gls\-xtr\-fraction\-rules}},
+ user1={},
+ description={collation sub-rule for vulgar fraction characters},
+ topics={collationsubrules},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra-bib2gls} v1.27+},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{gls\-xtr\-Math\-Italic\-Greek\-I\-rules}},
+ user1={},
+ description={collation sub-rule for math-Greek characters
+(includes upright digamma between epsilon and zeta)},
+ topics={collationsubrules},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra-bib2gls} v1.27+},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{gls\-xtr\-General\-Latin\-I\-rules}},
+ user1={},
+ description={collation sub-rule for Latin characters
+(basic Latin set plus subscript and superscript Latin
+ topics={collationsubrules},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra-bib2gls} v1.27+},
+ seealso={glsxtrGeneralLatinIIrules,glsxtrGeneralLatinIIIrules,glsxtrGeneralLatinIVrules,glsxtrGeneralLatinVrules,glsxtrGeneralLatinVIrules,glsxtrGeneralLatinVIIrules,glsxtrGeneralLatinVIIIrules},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{gls\-xtr\-General\-Latin\-II\-rules}},
+ user1={},
+ description={collation sub-rule for Latin characters
+(as \cs{glsxtrGeneralLatinIrules} but includes \DH/\dh\ between D/d
+and E/e
+and \ss\ treated as \qt{ss})},
+ topics={collationsubrules},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra-bib2gls} v1.27+},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{gls\-xtr\-General\-Latin\-III\-rules}},
+ user1={},
+ description={collation sub-rule for Latin characters
+(as \cs{glsxtrGeneralLatinIrules} but includes \DH/\dh\ between D/d
+and E/e
+and \ss\ treated as \qt{sz})},
+ topics={collationsubrules},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra-bib2gls} v1.27+},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{gls\-xtr\-General\-Latin\-IV\-rules}},
+ user1={},
+ description={collation sub-rule for Latin characters
+(as \cs{glsxtrGeneralLatinIrules} but includes \DH/\dh\ between D/d
+and E/e
+and \AE/\ae\ treated as AE/ae, \OE/\oe\ treated
+as OE/oe, \TH/\th\ treated as TH/th and \ss\ treated as \qt{ss})},
+ topics={collationsubrules},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra-bib2gls} v1.27+},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{gls\-xtr\-General\-Latin\-V\-rules}},
+ user1={},
+ description={collation sub-rule for Latin characters
+(as \cs{glsxtrGeneralLatinIrules} but includes \DH/\dh\ between D/d
+and E/e
+and \TH/\th\ treated as TH/th and \ss\ treated as \qt{ss})},
+ topics={collationsubrules},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra-bib2gls} v1.27+},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{gls\-xtr\-General\-Latin\-VI\-rules}},
+ user1={},
+ description={collation sub-rule for Latin characters
+(as \cs{glsxtrGeneralLatinIrules} but includes \DH/\dh\ between D/d
+and E/e
+and \TH/\th\ treated as TH/th and \ss\ treated as \qt{sz})},
+ topics={collationsubrules},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra-bib2gls} v1.27+},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{gls\-xtr\-General\-Latin\-VII\-rules}},
+ user1={},
+ description={collation sub-rule for Latin characters:
+as \cs{glsxtrGeneralLatinIrules} but includes \AE/\ae\ between A/a
+and B/b,
+\DH/\dh\ between D/d and E/e, \insularG/\insularg\ (insular G) as
+G/g, \OE/\oe\
+between O/o and P/p, \longs\ (long S)
+equivalent to S/s, \TH/\th\ between T/t and U/u and \Wynn/\wynn\
+(wynn) as W/w},
+ topics={collationsubrules},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra-bib2gls} v1.27+},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{gls\-xtr\-General\-Latin\-VIII\-rules}},
+ user1={},
+ description={collation sub-rule for Latin characters:
+as \cs{glsxtrGeneralLatinIrules} but includes \AE/\ae\ treated as
+A/a, \OE/\oe\ treated as OE/oe, \TH/\th\ treated as TH/th, \ss\
+treated as \qt{ss}, \DH/\dh\ treated as D/d, \O/\o\ treated as O/o
+and \L/\l\ treated as L/l},
+ topics={collationsubrules},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra-bib2gls} v1.27+},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{gls\-xtr\-Latin\-AA}},
+ user1={},
+ description={collation sub-rule for \AA/\aa},
+ topics={collationsubrules},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra-bib2gls} v1.27+},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{gls\-xtr\-Latin\-O\-slash}},
+ user1={},
+ description={collation sub-rule for \O/\o},
+ topics={collationsubrules},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra-bib2gls} v1.27+},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{alpha}},
+ user1={},
+ description={Greek letter alpha $\alpha$},
+ note={kernel command\texparserdefnote\ (maths mode)},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{pi}},
+ user1={},
+ description={Greek letter pi $\pi$},
+ note={kernel command\texparserdefnote\ (maths mode)},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{sigma}},
+ user1={},
+ description={Greek letter sigma $\sigma$},
+ note={kernel command\texparserdefnote\ (maths mode)},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{omicron}},
+ user1={},
+ description={Greek letter omicron $\omicron$},
+ topics={charcommands},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra-bib2gls}\texparserdefnote},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{Alpha}},
+ user1={},
+ description={Greek letter alpha $\Alpha$},
+ topics={charcommands},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra-bib2gls}\texparserdefnote},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{approx}},
+ user1={},
+ description={approximate symbol $\approx$},
+ note={kernel command\texparserdefnote\ (maths mode)},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{surd}},
+ user1={},
+ description={surd symbol $\surd$},
+ note={kernel command\texparserdefnote\ (maths mode)},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{triangle\-right}},
+ user1={},
+ description={right-pointing triangle $\triangleright$},
+ note={kernel command\texparserdefnote\ (maths mode)},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{vert}},
+ user1={},
+ description={vertical bar delimiter $\vert$},
+ note={kernel command\texparserdefnote\ (maths mode)},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{Vert}},
+ user1={},
+ description={double vertical bar delimiter $\Vert$},
+ note={kernel command\texparserdefnote\ (maths mode)},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{lvert}},
+ user1={},
+ description={left vertical bar delimiter $\lvert$},
+ note={\styfmt{amsmath}\texparserdefnote\ (maths mode)},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{rvert}},
+ user1={},
+ description={right vertical bar delimiter $\rvert$},
+ note={\styfmt{amsmath}\texparserdefnote\ (maths mode)},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{lVert}},
+ user1={},
+ description={left double vertical bar delimiter $\lVert$},
+ note={\styfmt{amsmath}\texparserdefnote\ (maths mode)},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{rVert}},
+ user1={},
+ description={right double vertical bar delimiter $\rVert$},
+ note={\styfmt{amsmath}\texparserdefnote\ (maths mode)},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{text\-style}},
+ user1={},
+ description={switch to in-line maths style (vertically compact)},
+ note={kernel command (maths mode)},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{display\-style}},
+ user1={},
+ description={switch to display maths style},
+ note={kernel command (maths mode)},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{big\-operator\-name\-fmt}},
+ user1={\margm{text}},
+ description={example command},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{nary}},
+ user1={\margm{text}},
+ description={example command},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{strong}},
+ user1={\margm{text}},
+ description={example command},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{parenswap}},
+ user1={\margm{text1}\margm{text2}},
+ description={example command},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{sortop}},
+ user1={\margm{text1}\margm{text2}},
+ description={example command},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{sortname}},
+ user1={\margm{first name(s)}\margm{surname}},
+ description={example command},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{sort\-von\-name}},
+ user1={\margm{first name(s)}\margm{von}\margm{surname}},
+ description={example command},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{sortart}},
+ user1={\margm{article}\margm{text}},
+ description={example command},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{sort\-media\-creator}},
+ user1={\margm{first name(s)}\margm{surname}},
+ description={example command},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{setfmt}},
+ user1={\margm{symbol}},
+ description={example command},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{setcontentsfmt}},
+ user1={\margm{contents}},
+ description={example command},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{setmembershipfmt}},
+ user1={\margm{variable(s)}\margm{condition}},
+ description={example command},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{setmembershiponeargfmt}},
+ user1={\marg{\margm{variable(s)}\margm{condition}}},
+ description={example command},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{setcardfmt}},
+ user1={\margm{maths}},
+ description={example command},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{numspacefmt}},
+ user1={\margm{symbol}},
+ description={example command},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{transposefmt}},
+ user1={\margm{maths}},
+ description={example command},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{invfmt}},
+ user1={\margm{maths}},
+ description={example command},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{vecfmt}},
+ user1={\margm{symbol}},
+ description={example command},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{mtxfmt}},
+ user1={\margm{symbol}},
+ description={example command},
+ category={command}
+ name={file formats},
+ text={file format}
+ name={\extfmt{tex}},
+ category={fileformat},
+ parent={fileformats}
+ name={\extfmt{bib}},
+ category={fileformat},
+ parent={fileformats}
+ name={\extfmt{aux}},
+ category={fileformat},
+ parent={fileformats}
+ name={\extfmt{out}},
+ category={fileformat},
+ parent={fileformats}
+ name={\extfmt{sh}},
+ category={fileformat},
+ parent={fileformats}
+ name={\extfmt{bat}},
+ category={fileformat},
+ parent={fileformats}
+ name={\extfmt{jar}},
+ category={fileformat},
+ parent={fileformats}
+ name={\extfmt{glg}},
+ category={fileformat},
+ parent={fileformats}
+ name={\extfmt{log}},
+ category={fileformat},
+ parent={fileformats}
+ name={\extfmt{toc}},
+ category={fileformat},
+ parent={fileformats}
+ name={\extfmt{glstex}},
+ category={fileformat},
+ parent={fileformats}
+ name={\extfmt{gls}},
+ category={fileformat},
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+ category={application},
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+ name={\appfmt{make\-index}},
+ category={application},
+ parent={applications}
+ name={\appfmt{xindy}},
+ category={application},
+ parent={applications}
+ name={\appfmt{make\-glos\-saries}},
+ category={application},
+ parent={applications}
+ name={\appfmt{make\-glos\-saries\dhyphen lite}},
+ category={application},
+ parent={applications}
+ name={\appfmt{kpsewhich}},
+ category={application},
+ parent={applications}
+ name={\appfmt{arara}},
+ category={application},
+ parent={applications}
+ name={\appfmt{convert\-gls2bib}},
+ category={application},
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+ name={packages},
+ text={package}
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+ category={package},
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+ category={package},
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+ category={package},
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+ category={package},
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+ category={package},
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+ category={package},
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+ category={package},
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+ category={package},
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+ category={package},
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+ category={package},
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+ category={package},
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+ category={package},
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+ name={\styfmt{babel}},
+ category={package},
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+ category={package},
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+ name={\styfmt{accsupp}},
+ category={package},
+ parent={packages}
+ name={\code{\#} (string concatenation)},
+ text={\code{\#}}
+ name={\code{@} (bib entry identifier)},
+ text={\code{@}}
+ name={\code{\#} (parameter)},
+ text={\code{\#}}
+ name={\code{\#} (literal)},
+ text={\code{\#}}
+ name={\csfmt{\#}},
+ description={produces the hash symbol \#},
+ note={kernel command\texparserdefnote},
+ category={command}
+ name={\code{\&} (alignment)},
+ text={\code{\&}}
+ name={\code{\&} (literal)},
+ text={\code{\&}}
+ name={\csfmt{\&}},
+ description={produces the ampersand symbol \&},
+ note={kernel command\texparserdefnote},
+ category={command}
+ name={\code{\glsopenbrace} (begin group)},
+ text={\code{\glsopenbrace}}
+ name={\code{\glsopenbrace} (literal)},
+ text={\code{\glsopenbrace}}
+ name={\csfmt{\glsopenbrace}},
+ description={produces the open brace symbol \glsopenbrace},
+ note={kernel command\texparserdefnote},
+ category={command}
+ name={\code{\glsclosebrace} (end group)},
+ text={\code{\glsclosebrace}}
+ name={\code{\glsclosebrace} (literal)},
+ text={\code{\glsclosebrace}}
+ name={\csfmt{\glsclosebrace}},
+ description={produces the close brace symbol \glsclosebrace},
+ note={kernel command\texparserdefnote},
+ category={command}
+ name={\code{\%} (comment)},
+ text={\code{\%}}
+ name={\code{\%} (literal)},
+ text={\code{\%}}
+ name={\csfmt{\%}},
+ description={produces the percent symbol \%},
+ note={kernel command\texparserdefnote},
+ category={command}
+ name={\code{\_} (subscript)},
+ text={\code{\_}}
+ name={\code{\_} (literal)},
+ text={\code{\_}}
+ name={\csfmt{\_}},
+ description={produces the underscore symbol \_},
+ note={kernel command\texparserdefnote},
+ category={command}
+ name={\code{\char`\^} (superscript)},
+ text={\code{\char`\^}}
+ name={\code{\char`\^} (literal)},
+ text={\code{\char`\^}}
+ name={\csfmt{\char`\^}},
+ user1={\margm{character}},
+ description={puts a circumflex accent over \meta{character}},
+ note={kernel command\texparserdefnote},
+ category={command}
+ name={\code{\$} (maths shift)},
+ text={\code{\$}}
+ name={\code{\$} (literal)},
+ text={\code{\$}}
+ name={\csfmt{\$}},
+ description={produces the dollar symbol \$},
+ note={kernel command\texparserdefnote},
+ category={command}
+ name={\code{\glsbackslash} (escape)},
+ text={\code{\glsbackslash}}
+ name={\code{\glsbackslash} (literal)},
+ text={\code{\glsbackslash}}
+ name={\csfmt{\glsbackslash}},
+ user1={\oargm{len}},
+ description={starts a new row in a tabular or array context
+with an extra vertical space of length \meta{len} above it
+(starred form prohibits a page break)},
+ note={kernel command\texparserdefnote},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{tabular\-new\-line}},
+ user1={\oargm{len}},
+ description={tabular version of \idx{cs.backslash} (avoids conflict
+with forced line breaks in paragraph column formats)},
+ note={kernel command},
+ category={command}
+ name={\code{\glstildechar} (non-breakable space)},
+ text={\code{\glstildechar}}
+ name={\code{\glstildechar} (literal)},
+ text={\code{\glstildechar}}
+ name = {\code{"} (delimiter)},
+ text = {\code{"}}
+ name = {\code{"} (hexadecimal identifier)},
+ text = {\code{"}}
+ name = {\code{"} (active)},
+ text = {\code{"}}
+ name = {\code{"} (literal)},
+ text = {\code{"}}
+ name = {\code{\rangestartmark} (start range)},
+ text = {\code{\rangestartmark}}
+ name = {\code{\rangeendmark} (end range)},
+ text = {\code{\rangeendmark}}
+ name={\csfmt{\glstildechar}},
+ user1={\margm{character}},
+ description={puts tilde accent over \meta{character}},
+ note={kernel command\texparserdefnote},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{,}},
+ description={thin space},
+ note={kernel command\texparserdefnote},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{vec}},
+ user1={\margm{character}},
+ description={puts right arrow accent over \meta{character}},
+ note={kernel command\texparserdefnote\ (maths mode)},
+ category={command}
+ name={\code{*} (regular expression, zero or more)},
+ text={\code{*}}
+ name={\code{.}\ (regular expression, match any)},
+ text={\code{.}}
+ name={\code{.}\ (end of sentence)},
+ text={\code{.}},
+ alias={full-stop}
+ name={\csfmt{.}},
+ user1={\margm{character}},
+ description={puts a dot accent over \meta{character}},
+ note={kernel command\texparserdefnote},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{\textvisiblespace}},
+ description={produces an inter-word space},
+ note={kernel command\texparserdefnote},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{space}},
+ description={produces a space},
+ note={kernel command\texparserdefnote},
+ category={command}
+ name={\code{'} (apostrophe)},
+ text={\code{'}},
+ alias={apostrophe}
+ name={\csfmt{def}},
+ user1={\margm{cs}\meta{syntax}\margm{definition}},
+ description={defines the control sequence \meta{cs}, without checking if the command
+ already exists},
+ note={\TeX\ primitive\texparserdefnote},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{edef}},
+ user1={\margm{cs}\meta{syntax}\margm{definition}},
+ description={defines the control sequence \meta{cs} to the full
+expansion of \meta{definition}, without checking if the command
+ already exists},
+ note={\TeX\ primitive\texparserdefnote},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{if\-str\-empty}},
+ user1={\margm{string}\margm{true}\margm{false}},
+ description={tests if \meta{string} is empty},
+ note={\styfmt{etoolbox}},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{if\-str\-equal}},
+ user1={\margm{string1}\margm{string2}\margm{true}\margm{false}},
+ description={tests if \meta{string1} equals \meta{string2}},
+ note={\styfmt{etoolbox}},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{if\-cs\-string}},
+ user1={\margm{cs-name}\margm{string}\margm{true}\margm{false}},
+ description={tests if the replacement text of the command
+ given by the control sequence name \meta{cs-name} equals \meta{string}},
+ note={\styfmt{etoolbox}},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{if\-def\-str\-equal}},
+ user1={\margm{cs1}\margm{cs2}\margm{true}\margm{false}},
+ description={tests if the replacement text of the command
+ \meta{cs1} equals the replacement text of the command \meta{cs2}},
+ note={\styfmt{etoolbox}},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{if\-cs\-str\-equal}},
+ user1={\margm{cs-name1}\margm{cs-name2}\margm{true}\margm{false}},
+ description={tests if the replacement text of the command given by
+ the control sequence name \meta{cs-name1} equals the replacement text
+ of the command given by the control sequence name \meta{cs-name2}},
+ note={\styfmt{etoolbox}},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{undef}},
+ user1={\meta{cs}},
+ description={undefines the control sequence \meta{cs}},
+ note={\styfmt{etoolbox}\texparserdefnote},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{csdef}},
+ user1={\margm{cs-name}\meta{syntax}\margm{definition}},
+ description={defines the control sequence whose name
+ is given by \meta{cs-name}, without checking if the command
+ already exists},
+ note={\styfmt{etoolbox}\texparserdefnote},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{csuse}},
+ user1={\margm{cs-name}},
+ description={uses the control sequence whose name
+ is given by \meta{cs-name} or does nothing if the command
+ isn't defined},
+ note={\styfmt{etoolbox}\texparserdefnote},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{new\-robust\-cmd}},
+ user1={\margm{cs}\oargm{n}\oargm{def}\margm{code}},
+ description={behaves like \cs{newcommand} but the newly defined
+command will be robust},
+ note={\styfmt{etoolbox}},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{if\-def\-empty}},
+ user1={\margm{cs}\margm{true}\margm{false}},
+ description={tests if the control sequence \meta{cs} is empty},
+ note={\styfmt{etoolbox}\texparserdefnote},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{if\-cs\-un\-def}},
+ user1={\margm{cs-name}\margm{true}\margm{false}},
+ description={tests if the control sequence given by \meta{cs-name}
+is undefined},
+ note={\styfmt{etoolbox}},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{if\-cs\-def}},
+ user1={\margm{cs-name}\margm{true}\margm{false}},
+ description={tests if the control sequence given by \meta{cs-name}
+is defined},
+ note={\styfmt{etoolbox}},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{if\-def}},
+ user1={\margm{cs}\margm{true}\margm{false}},
+ description={tests if the control sequence \meta{cs} is defined},
+ note={\styfmt{etoolbox}\texparserdefnote},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{xifinlist}},
+ user1={\margm{element}\margm{list cs}\margm{true}\margm{false}},
+ description={tests if the expansion of \meta{element} is in the list stored
+ in the control sequence \meta{list cs}},
+ note={\styfmt{etoolbox}},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{ifinlist}},
+ user1={\margm{element}\margm{list cs}\margm{true}\margm{false}},
+ description={tests if \meta{element} is in the list stored
+ in the control sequence \meta{list cs}},
+ note={\styfmt{etoolbox}},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{listxadd}},
+ user1={\margm{list cs}\margm{element}},
+ description={globally adds (expanded) \meta{element} to the list stored
+ in the control sequence \meta{list cs}},
+ note={\styfmt{etoolbox}},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{listgadd}},
+ user1={\margm{list cs}\margm{element}},
+ description={globally adds \meta{element} to the list stored
+ in the control sequence \meta{list cs}},
+ note={\styfmt{etoolbox}},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{appto}},
+ user1={\margm{cs}\margm{code}},
+ description={appends \meta{code} to the definition of
+ the control sequence \meta{cs}},
+ note={\styfmt{etoolbox}\texparserdefnote},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{for\-list\-loop}},
+ user1={\margm{handler cs}\margm{list cs}},
+ description={iterates over the internal list given by the command
+ \meta{list cs} and performs \meta{handler cs}\margm{element} for
+ each element},
+ note={\styfmt{etoolbox}},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{foreign\-language}},
+ user1={\margm{language name}\margm{text}},
+ description={typesets \meta{text} according to the rules of the
+given language},
+ note={\styfmt{babel}},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{select\-language}},
+ user1={\margm{language name}},
+ description={switch to the rules of the given language},
+ note={\styfmt{babel} and \styfmt{polyglossia}},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{set\-main\-language}},
+ user1={\oargm{options}\margm{language name}},
+ description={load the main document language},
+ note={\styfmt{polyglossia}},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{set\-other\-language}},
+ user1={\oargm{options}\margm{language name}},
+ description={load a secondary document language},
+ note={\styfmt{polyglossia}},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{text\-\meta{language}}},
+ user1={\oargm{options}\margm{text}},
+ description={typeset \meta{text} according to \meta{language}},
+ note={\styfmt{polyglossia}},
+ category={command}
+ name={\styfmt{marvosym}},
+ category={package},
+ parent={packages}
+ name={\styfmt{ifsym}},
+ category={package},
+ parent={packages}
+ name={\styfmt{CJKutf8}},
+ category={package},
+ parent={packages}
+ name={\envfmt{CJK}},
+ user1={\oargm{font encoding}\margm{encoding}\margm{family}},
+ description={sets up support for \idx{CJK} content},
+ note={\styfmt{CJK}},
+ category={environment}
+ name={\envfmt{description}},
+ description={list-like environment},
+ note={provided by most classes},
+ category={environment}
+ name={\styfmt{longtable}},
+ category={package},
+ parent={packages}
+ name={\envfmt{longtable}},
+ user1={\oargm{halign}\margm{column specs}},
+ description={a tabular-like environment that can span multiple
+pages (not available in multi-column or certain other contexts)},
+ note={\styfmt{longtable}},
+ category={environment}
+ name={\envfmt{tabular}},
+ user1={\oargm{valign}\margm{column specs}},
+ description={aligns material in rows and columns with \idx{colsep}
+to separate columns and \cs{cs.backslash} to separate rows},
+ note={kernel environment},
+ category={environment}
+ name={\styfmt{tabularx}},
+ category={package},
+ parent={packages}
+ name={\envfmt{tabularx}},
+ user1={\margm{width}\oargm{valign}\margm{column specs}},
+ description={a tabular-like environment that's designed to fit the
+ given \meta{width})},
+ note={\styfmt{tabularx}},
+ category={environment}
+ name={\styfmt{supertabular}},
+ category={package},
+ parent={packages}
+ name={\envfmt{supertabular}},
+ user1={\margm{column specs}},
+ description={a tabular-like environment that can span multiple
+pages (not available in multi-column or certain other contexts)},
+ note={\styfmt{supertabular}},
+ category={environment}
+ name={\envfmt{theglossary}},
+ category={environment}
+ name={abbreviation styles},
+ text={abbreviation style},
+ description={abbreviation styles are set using
+ \ics{newabbreviation} and govern the format of commands like \ics{gls}
+ (display style) and \ics{glsxtrfull} (inline style). The inline
+ style may or may not match the first use format of the display
+ style. To allow for greater flexibility in abbreviation styles,
+ \cs{gls} (and its variants) normally treat abbreviations
+ differently to other terms, but some abbreviation styles can work better
+ if the abbreviation is treated as a general term so in those cases the
+ style sets the \catattr{regular} attribute to \qt{true} for
+ the entry's category. The \styfmt{glossaries-extra} package comes with the file
+ that demonstrates all predefined styles}
+ name={\abbrstylefmt{long\dhyphen short}},
+ description={this abbreviation style displays the long form on
+ \idx{firstuse} of the \cs{gls}-like commands followed by the
+ short form in parentheses (formatted with \cs{glsxtrparen}).
+ Only the short form is shown on subsequent use. The
+ \field{description} field is set to the long form},
+ category={abbreviationstyle},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra}},
+ parent={abbreviationstyles}
+ name={\csfmt{gls\-xtr\-long\-short\-name}},
+ description={hook for the \abbrstyle{long-short} abbreviation
+ styles that expands to the value that the \field{name} field is
+ assigned to when the abbreviation is defined with
+ \cs{newabbreviation} (defaults to the short form)},
+ topics={abbrstyle.long-short,abbrstyle.long-short-sc,abbrstyle.long-short-sm,abbrstyle.long-short-em,abbrstyle.long-em-short-em,abbrstyle.long-short-user,abbrstyle.long-postshort-user,abbrstyle.long-hyphen-short-hyphen,abbrstyle.long-hyphen-postshort-hyphen},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra} v1.25+},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{gls\-long\-default\-font}},
+ user1={\margm{text}},
+ description={used by the abbreviation styles that don't have a
+ specific font to format the long form. The default definition
+just does its argument without any formatting},
+ topics={abbrstyle.long-short,abbrstyle.short-long,abbrstyle.short-nolong,abbrstyle.nolong-short,abbrstyle.nolong-short-noreg,abbrstyle.short-nolong-desc,abbrstyle.long-noshort-desc,abbrstyle.long-noshort-desc-noreg,abbrstyle.long-short-sc,abbrstyle.long-short-sc-desc,abbrstyle.short-sc-long,abbrstyle.short-sc-long-desc,abbrstyle.short-sc-nolong,abbrstyle.short-sc-nolong-desc,abbrstyle.nolong-short-sc,abbrstyle.long-noshort-sc,abbrstyle.long-noshort-sc-desc,abbrstyle.long-short-sm,abbrstyle.long-short-sm-desc,abbrstyle.short-sm-long,abbrstyle.short-sm-long-desc,abbrstyle.short-sm-nolong,abbrstyle.short-sm-nolong-desc,abbrstyle.nolong-short-sm,abbrstyle.long-noshort-sm,abbrstyle.long-noshort-sm-desc,abbrstyle.long-short-em,abbrstyle.long-short-em-desc,abbrstyle.short-em-long,abbrstyle.short-em-long-desc,abbrstyle.short-em-nolong,abbrstyle.short-em-nolong-desc,abbrstyle.nolong-short-em,abbrstyle.long-noshort-em,abbrstyle.long-noshort-em-desc,abbrstyle.long-noshort,abbrstyle.long-noshort-noreg,abbrstyle.long-short-desc},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra} v1.04+},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{gls\-first\-long\-default\-font}},
+ user1={\margm{text}},
+ description={used by the abbreviation styles that don't have a
+ specific font to format the long form on \idx{firstuse}. The
+ default definition uses \cs{glslongdefaultfont}},
+ topics={abbrstyle.long-short,abbrstyle.short-long,abbrstyle.short-nolong,abbrstyle.nolong-short,abbrstyle.nolong-short-noreg,abbrstyle.short-nolong-desc,abbrstyle.long-noshort-desc,abbrstyle.long-noshort-desc-noreg,abbrstyle.long-short-sc,abbrstyle.long-short-sc-desc,abbrstyle.short-sc-long,abbrstyle.short-sc-long-desc,abbrstyle.short-sc-nolong,abbrstyle.short-sc-nolong-desc,abbrstyle.nolong-short-sc,abbrstyle.long-noshort-sc,abbrstyle.long-noshort-sc-desc,abbrstyle.long-short-sm,abbrstyle.long-short-sm-desc,abbrstyle.short-sm-long,abbrstyle.short-sm-long-desc,abbrstyle.short-sm-nolong,abbrstyle.short-sm-nolong-desc,abbrstyle.nolong-short-sm,abbrstyle.long-noshort-sm,abbrstyle.long-noshort-sm-desc,abbrstyle.long-short-em,abbrstyle.long-short-em-desc,abbrstyle.short-em-long,abbrstyle.short-em-long-desc,abbrstyle.short-em-nolong,abbrstyle.short-em-nolong-desc,abbrstyle.nolong-short-em,abbrstyle.long-noshort-em,abbrstyle.long-noshort-em-desc,abbrstyle.long-noshort,abbrstyle.long-noshort-noreg,abbrstyle.long-short-desc},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra}},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{gls\-abbrv\-default\-font}},
+ user1={\margm{text}},
+ description={used by the abbreviation styles that don't have a
+ specific font to format the short form. The default definition
+just does its argument without any formatting},
+ topics={abbrstyle.long-short,abbrstyle.short-long,abbrstyle.short-footnote,abbrstyle.short-postfootnote,abbrstyle.short-nolong,abbrstyle.nolong-short,abbrstyle.nolong-short-noreg,abbrstyle.short-nolong-desc,abbrstyle.long-noshort-desc,abbrstyle.long-noshort-desc-noreg,abbrstyle.long-hyphen-noshort-desc-noreg,abbrstyle.long-hyphen-noshort-noreg,abbrstyle.long-noshort,abbrstyle.long-noshort-noreg,abbrstyle.long-short-desc},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra}},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{gls\-first\-abbrv\-default\-font}},
+ user1={\margm{text}},
+ description={used by the abbreviation styles that don't have a
+ specific font to format the short form on \idx{firstuse}. The
+ default definition uses \cs{glsabbrvdefaultfont}},
+ topics={abbrstyle.long-short,abbrstyle.short-long,abbrstyle.short-footnote,abbrstyle.short-postfootnote,abbrstyle.short-nolong,abbrstyle.nolong-short,abbrstyle.nolong-short-noreg,abbrstyle.short-nolong-desc,abbrstyle.long-noshort-desc,abbrstyle.long-noshort-desc-noreg,abbrstyle.long-hyphen-noshort-desc-noreg,abbrstyle.long-hyphen-noshort-noreg,abbrstyle.long-noshort,abbrstyle.long-noshort-noreg,abbrstyle.long-short-desc},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra}},
+ category={command}
+ name={\abbrstylefmt{long\dhyphen short\dhyphen desc}},
+ description={this abbreviation style is like the
+ \abbrstyle{long-short} style but the \field{description}
+ field must be provided in the entry definition},
+ category={abbreviationstyle},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra}},
+ parent={abbreviationstyles}
+ name={\csfmt{gls\-xtr\-long\-short\-desc\-name}},
+ description={hook for the \abbrstyle{long-short-desc} abbreviation
+ styles that expands to the value that the \field{name} field is
+ assigned to when the abbreviation is defined with
+ \cs{newabbreviation} (defaults to the long form followed by the
+ short form in parentheses)},
+ topics={abbrstyle.long-short-desc,abbrstyle.long-short-sc-desc,abbrstyle.long-short-sm-desc,abbrstyle.long-short-em-desc,abbrstyle.long-em-short-em-desc,abbrstyle.long-hyphen-short-hyphen-desc,abbrstyle.long-hyphen-postshort-hyphen-desc},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra} v1.17+},
+ category={command}
+ name={\abbrstylefmt{short\dhyphen long}},
+ description={this abbreviation style displays the short form on
+ \idx{firstuse} of the \cs{gls}-like commands followed by the
+ long form in parentheses (formatted with \cs{glsxtrparen}).
+ Only the short form is shown on subsequent use. The
+ \field{description} field is set to the long form},
+ category={abbreviationstyle},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra}},
+ parent={abbreviationstyles}
+ name={\csfmt{gls\-xtr\-short\-long\-name}},
+ description={hook for the \abbrstyle{short-long} abbreviation styles
+ that expands to the value that the \field{name} field is assigned
+ to when the abbreviation is defined with \cs{newabbreviation}
+ (defaults to the short form)},
+ topics={abbrstyle.short-long,abbrstyle.short-sc-long,abbrstyle.short-sm-long,abbrstyle.short-em-long,abbrstyle.short-em-long-em,abbrstyle.short-postlong-user,abbrstyle.short-long-user,abbrstyle.short-hyphen-long-hyphen,abbrstyle.short-hyphen-postlong-hyphen},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra} v1.25+},
+ category={command}
+ name={\abbrstylefmt{short\dhyphen long\dhyphen desc}},
+ description={this abbreviation style is like the
+ \abbrstyle{short-long} style but the \field{description}
+ field must be provided in the entry definition},
+ category={abbreviationstyle},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra}},
+ parent={abbreviationstyles}
+ name={\csfmt{gls\-xtr\-short\-long\-desc\-name}},
+ description={hook for the \abbrstyle{short-long-desc} abbreviation
+ styles that expands to the value that the \field{name} field is
+ assigned to when the abbreviation is defined with
+ \cs{newabbreviation} (defaults to the long form followed by the
+ short form in parentheses)},
+ topics={abbrstyle.short-long-desc,abbrstyle.short-sc-long-desc,abbrstyle.short-sm-long-desc,abbrstyle.short-em-long-desc,abbrstyle.short-em-long-em-desc,abbrstyle.short-hyphen-long-hyphen-desc,abbrstyle.short-hyphen-postlong-hyphen-desc},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra} v1.17+},
+ category={command}
+ name={\abbrstylefmt{short\dhyphen footnote}},
+ description={this abbreviation style displays the short form on
+ \idx{firstuse} of the \cs{gls}-like commands with the long form as
+ a footnote. Only the short form is shown on subsequent use. The
+ \field{description} field is set to the long form. The inline full
+ form obtained with commands like \cs{glsxtrfull} uses a
+ parenthetical style. Since this can result in nested hyperlinks
+ (from the \idx{link-text} to the glossary and from the footnote
+ marker to the footnote) this style automatically sets the
+ \catattr{nohyperfirst} category attribute to \optfmt{true} for
+ the entry's category},
+ category={abbreviationstyle},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra} v1.04+},
+ parent={abbreviationstyles}
+ name={\abbrstylefmt{footnote}},
+ description={an alias for \abbrstyle{short-footnote}},
+ category={abbreviationstyle},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra}},
+ parent={abbreviationstyles}
+ name={\csfmt{gls\-long\-foot\-note\-font}},
+ user1={\margm{text}},
+ description={used with the \qt{footnote} abbreviation styles to
+ format the long form},
+ topics={abbrstyle.short-footnote,abbrstyle.short-postfootnote,abbrstyle.short-sc-footnote,abbrstyle.short-sc-postfootnote,abbrstyle.short-sm-footnote,abbrstyle.short-sm-postfootnote,abbrstyle.short-em-footnote,abbrstyle.short-em-postfootnote},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra} v1.05+},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{gls\-first\-long\-foot\-note\-font}},
+ user1={\margm{text}},
+ description={used with the \qt{footnote} abbreviation styles to
+ format the long form on first use},
+ topics={abbrstyle.short-footnote,abbrstyle.short-postfootnote,abbrstyle.short-sc-footnote,abbrstyle.short-sc-postfootnote,abbrstyle.short-sm-footnote,abbrstyle.short-sm-postfootnote,abbrstyle.short-em-footnote,abbrstyle.short-em-postfootnote},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra} v1.05+},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{gls\-xtr\-abbrv\-foot\-note}},
+ user1={\margm{label}\margm{long form}},
+ description={used with the \qt{footnote} abbreviation styles to
+ do the footnote. The \meta{label} is ignored by default. The
+ \meta{long form} includes the font changing command. This just
+ does \code{\cs{footnote}\margm{long form}}},
+ topics={abbrstyle.short-footnote,abbrstyle.short-postfootnote,abbrstyle.short-sc-footnote,abbrstyle.short-sc-postfootnote,abbrstyle.short-sm-footnote,abbrstyle.short-sm-postfootnote,abbrstyle.short-em-footnote,abbrstyle.short-em-postfootnote},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra} v1.07+},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{gls\-xtr\-foot\-note\-name}},
+ description={hook for the \qt{footnote} abbreviation styles
+ that expands to the value that the \field{name} field is assigned
+ to when the abbreviation is defined with \cs{newabbreviation}
+ (defaults to the short form)},
+ topics={abbrstyle.short-footnote,abbrstyle.short-postfootnote,abbrstyle.short-sc-footnote,abbrstyle.short-sc-postfootnote,abbrstyle.short-sm-footnote,abbrstyle.short-sm-postfootnote,abbrstyle.short-em-footnote,abbrstyle.short-em-postfootnote},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra} v1.25+},
+ category={command}
+ name={\abbrstylefmt{short\dhyphen postfootnote}},
+ description={this abbreviation style is like
+ \abbrstyle{short-footnote} but the footnote is moved to the
+ \idx{postlinkhook} (outside of the hyperlink, if enabled) to
+ prevent nested hyperlinks. This means that, unlike
+ \abbrstyle{short-footnote} the \catattr{nohyperfirst} attribute
+ isn't changed},
+ category={abbreviationstyle},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra} v1.04},
+ parent={abbreviationstyles}
+ name={\abbrstylefmt{postfootnote}},
+ description={an alias for \abbrstyle{short-postfootnote}},
+ category={abbreviationstyle},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra}},
+ parent={abbreviationstyles}
+ name={\abbrstylefmt{short\dhyphen nolong}},
+ description={this abbreviation style only displays the \field{short} form
+ with the \cs{gls}-like commands (regardless of the \idx{firstuseflag}).
+ The \field{long} form can be accessed with \cs{glsxtrlong}.
+ The \field{name} field is set to \cs{glsxtrshortnolongname} and the
+ \field{description} field is set to the \field{long} form (unless
+ overridden in the entry definition). The inline full form
+ displays the short form followed by the long form in parentheses.
+ This style sets the \catattr{regular} attribute to \optfmt{true}
+ for the entry's category},
+ category={abbreviationstyle},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra} v1.04},
+ parent={abbreviationstyles}
+ name={\abbrstylefmt{short}},
+ description={an alias for \abbrstyle{short-nolong}},
+ category={abbreviationstyle},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra}},
+ parent={abbreviationstyles}
+ name={\abbrstylefmt{short\dhyphen nolong\dhyphen noreg}},
+ description={this abbreviation style is like \abbrstyle{short-nolong}
+ but doesn't set the \catattr{regular} attribute to \optfmt{true}},
+ category={abbreviationstyle},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra} v1.17+},
+ parent={abbreviationstyles}
+ name={\csfmt{gls\-xtr\-short\-no\-long\-name}},
+ description={hook for the \abbrstyle{short-nolong} abbreviation styles
+ that expands to the value that the \field{name} field is assigned
+ to when the abbreviation is defined with \cs{newabbreviation}
+ (defaults to the short form)},
+ topics={abbrstyle.short-nolong,abbrstyle.short-nolong-noreg,abbrstyle.short-sc-nolong,abbrstyle.short-sm-nolong,abbrstyle.short-em-nolong},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra} v1.25+},
+ category={command}
+ name={\abbrstylefmt{short\dhyphen nolong\dhyphen desc}},
+ description={this abbreviation style is like the
+ \abbrstyle{short-nolong} style but the \field{description}
+ field must be provided in the entry definition. This style sets
+ the \catattr{regular} attribute to \optfmt{true} for the entry's
+ category},
+ category={abbreviationstyle},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra} v1.04+},
+ parent={abbreviationstyles}
+ name={\abbrstylefmt{short-desc}},
+ description={an alias for \abbrstyle{short-nolong-desc}},
+ category={abbreviationstyle},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra}},
+ parent={abbreviationstyles}
+ name={\abbrstylefmt{short\dhyphen nolong\dhyphen desc\dhyphen noreg}},
+ description={this abbreviation style is like \abbrstyle{short-nolong-desc}
+ but doesn't set the \catattr{regular} attribute to \optfmt{true}},
+ category={abbreviationstyle},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra} v1.17+},
+ parent={abbreviationstyles}
+ name={\csfmt{gls\-xtr\-short\-desc\-name}},
+ description={hook for the \abbrstyle{short-nolong-desc} abbreviation styles
+ that expands to the value that the \field{name} field is assigned
+ to when the abbreviation is defined with \cs{newabbreviation}
+ (defaults to the short form followed by long form in parentheses)},
+ topics={abbrstyle.short-nolong-desc,abbrstyle.short-nolong-desc-noreg,abbrstyle.short-sc-nolong-desc,abbrstyle.short-sm-nolong-desc,abbrstyle.short-em-nolong-desc},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra} v1.17+},
+ category={command}
+ name={\abbrstylefmt{nolong\dhyphen short}},
+ description={this abbreviation style only displays the \field{short} form
+ with the \cs{gls}-like commands (regardless of the \idx{firstuseflag}).
+ The \field{long} form can be accessed with \cs{glsxtrlong}.
+ The \field{name} field is set to \cs{glsxtrshortnolongname} and the
+ \field{description} field is set to the \field{long} form (unless
+ overridden in the entry definition). The inline full form
+ displays the long form followed by the short form in parentheses.
+ This style sets the \catattr{regular} attribute to \optfmt{true}
+ for the entry's category},
+ category={abbreviationstyle},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra} v1.21+},
+ parent={abbreviationstyles}
+ name={\abbrstylefmt{nolong\dhyphen short\dhyphen noreg}},
+ description={this abbreviation style is like \abbrstyle{nolong-short}
+ but doesn't set the \catattr{regular} attribute to \optfmt{true}},
+ category={abbreviationstyle},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra} v1.21+},
+ parent={abbreviationstyles}
+ name={\abbrstylefmt{long\dhyphen noshort\dhyphen desc}},
+ description={this abbreviation style only displays the \field{long}
+ form with the \cs{gls}-like commands (regardless of the
+ \idx{firstuseflag}). The \field{short}
+ form can be accessed with \cs{glsxtrshort}. The \field{name}
+ field is set to \cs{glsxtrlongnoshortdescname} and the \field{description}
+ field must be provided in the entry definition. The inline full
+ form displays the long form followed by the short form in
+ parentheses. This style sets the \catattr{regular} attribute to
+ \optfmt{true} for the entry's category},
+ category={abbreviationstyle},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra} v1.04+},
+ parent={abbreviationstyles}
+ name={\abbrstylefmt{long-desc}},
+ description={an alias for \abbrstyle{long-noshort-desc}},
+ category={abbreviationstyle},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra}},
+ parent={abbreviationstyles}
+ name={\csfmt{gls\-xtr\-long\-no\-short\-desc\-name}},
+ description={hook for the \abbrstyle{long-noshort-desc} abbreviation styles
+ that expands to the value that the \field{name} field is assigned
+ to when the abbreviation is defined with \cs{newabbreviation}
+ (defaults to the long form)},
+ topics={abbrstyle.long-noshort-desc,abbrstyle.long-noshort-desc-noreg,abbrstyle.long-em-noshort-em-desc,abbrstyle.long-hyphen-noshort-desc-noreg,abbrstyle.long-noshort-sc-desc,abbrstyle.long-noshort-sm-desc,abbrstyle.long-noshort-em-desc,abbrstyle.long-em-noshort-em-desc-noreg},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra} v1.25+},
+ category={command}
+ name={\abbrstylefmt{long\dhyphen noshort\dhyphen desc\dhyphen noreg}},
+ description={this abbreviation style is like \abbrstyle{long-noshort-desc}
+ but doesn't set the \catattr{regular} attribute to \optfmt{true}},
+ category={abbreviationstyle},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra} v1.17+},
+ parent={abbreviationstyles}
+ name={\abbrstylefmt{long\dhyphen noshort}},
+ description={this abbreviation style only displays the \field{long} form
+ with the \cs{gls}-like commands (regardless of the \idx{firstuseflag}).
+ The \field{short} form can be accessed with \cs{glsxtrshort}.
+ The \field{name} field is set to \cs{glsxtrlongnoshortname} and the
+ \field{description} field is set to the \field{long} form (unless
+ overridden in the entry definition). The inline full form
+ displays the long form followed by the short form in parentheses.
+ This style sets the \catattr{regular} attribute to \optfmt{true}
+ for the entry's category},
+ category={abbreviationstyle},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra} v1.04+},
+ parent={abbreviationstyles}
+ name={\abbrstylefmt{long}},
+ description={an alias for \abbrstyle{long-noshort}},
+ category={abbreviationstyle},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra}},
+ parent={abbreviationstyles}
+ name={\abbrstylefmt{long\dhyphen noshort\dhyphen noreg}},
+ description={this abbreviation style is like \abbrstyle{long-noshort}
+ but doesn't set the \catattr{regular} attribute to \optfmt{true}},
+ category={abbreviationstyle},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra} v1.17+},
+ parent={abbreviationstyles}
+ name={\csfmt{gls\-xtr\-long\-no\-short\-name}},
+ description={hook for the \abbrstyle{long-noshort} abbreviation styles
+ that expands to the value that the \field{name} field is assigned
+ to when the abbreviation is defined with \cs{newabbreviation}
+ (defaults to the short form)},
+ topics={abbrstyle.long-noshort,abbrstyle.long-noshort-noreg,abbrstyle.long-noshort-sc,abbrstyle.long-noshort-sm,abbrstyle.long-noshort-em,abbrstyle.long-em-noshort-em,abbrstyle.long-em-noshort-em-noreg,abbrstyle.long-hyphen-noshort-noreg},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra} v1.25+},
+ category={command}
+ name={\abbrstylefmt{long\dhyphen short\dhyphen sc}},
+ description={this abbreviation style is like \abbrstyle{long-short}
+ but the short form is displayed in small-caps (so it needs to be
+ in \idx{lowercase})},
+ category={abbreviationstyle},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra}},
+ parent={abbreviationstyles}
+ name={\csfmt{gls\-xtr\-sc\-suffix}},
+ user1={},
+ description={the suffix used to construct the plural for
+ the short form of abbreviations with the small-cap
+ \qt{sc} styles. This counteracts the effect of \cs{textsc}
+ using \ics{glstextup}},
+ topics={abbrstyle.long-short-sc,abbrstyle.long-short-sc-desc,abbrstyle.short-sc-long,abbrstyle.short-sc-long-desc,abbrstyle.short-sc-nolong,abbrstyle.short-sc-nolong-desc,abbrstyle.nolong-short-sc,abbrstyle.short-sc-footnote,abbrstyle.short-sc-postfootnote,abbrstyle.long-noshort-sc,abbrstyle.long-noshort-sc-desc},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra}},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{gls\-abbrv\-sc\-font}},
+ user1={\margm{text}},
+ description={used with \qt{sc} abbreviation styles to format the
+short form using \cs{textsc}},
+ topics={abbrstyle.long-short-sc,abbrstyle.long-short-sc-desc,abbrstyle.short-sc-long,abbrstyle.short-sc-long-desc,abbrstyle.short-sc-nolong,abbrstyle.short-sc-nolong-desc,abbrstyle.nolong-short-sc,abbrstyle.short-sc-footnote,abbrstyle.short-sc-postfootnote,abbrstyle.long-noshort-sc,abbrstyle.long-noshort-sc-desc},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra} v1.17+},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{gls\-first\-abbrv\-sc\-font}},
+ user1={\margm{text}},
+ description={used with \qt{sc} abbreviation styles to format the
+ short form on \idx{firstuse}. This defaults to \cs{glsabbrvscfont}},
+ topics={abbrstyle.long-short-sc,abbrstyle.long-short-sc-desc,abbrstyle.short-sc-long,abbrstyle.short-sc-long-desc,abbrstyle.short-sc-nolong,abbrstyle.short-sc-nolong-desc,abbrstyle.nolong-short-sc,abbrstyle.short-sc-footnote,abbrstyle.short-sc-postfootnote,abbrstyle.long-noshort-sc,abbrstyle.long-noshort-sc-desc},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra} v1.17+},
+ category={command}
+ name={\abbrstylefmt{long\dhyphen short\dhyphen sc\dhyphen desc}},
+ description={this abbreviation style is like the
+ \abbrstyle{long-short-sc} style but the \field{description}
+ field must be provided in the entry definition},
+ category={abbreviationstyle},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra}},
+ parent={abbreviationstyles}
+ name={\abbrstylefmt{short\dhyphen sc\dhyphen long}},
+ description={this abbreviation style is like \abbrstyle{short-long}
+ but the short form is displayed in small-caps (so it needs to be
+ in \idx{lowercase})},
+ category={abbreviationstyle},
+ parent={abbreviationstyles}
+ name={\abbrstylefmt{short\dhyphen sc\dhyphen long\dhyphen desc}},
+ description={this abbreviation style is like the
+ \abbrstyle{short-sc-long} style but the \field{description}
+ field must be provided in the entry definition},
+ category={abbreviationstyle},
+ parent={abbreviationstyles}
+ name={\abbrstylefmt{short\dhyphen sc\dhyphen nolong}},
+ description={this abbreviation style is like \abbrstyle{short-nolong}
+ but the short form is displayed in small-caps (so it needs to be
+ in \idx{lowercase}). This style sets the \catattr{regular}
+ attribute to \optfmt{true} for the entry's category},
+ category={abbreviationstyle},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra} v1.04+},
+ parent={abbreviationstyles}
+ name={\abbrstylefmt{short\dhyphen sc}},
+ description={an alias for \abbrstyle{short-sc-nolong}},
+ category={abbreviationstyle},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra}},
+ parent={abbreviationstyles}
+ name={\abbrstylefmt{short\dhyphen sc\dhyphen nolong\dhyphen desc}},
+ description={this abbreviation style is like the
+ \abbrstyle{short-sc-nolong} style but the \field{description}
+ field must be provided in the entry definition. This style
+ sets the \catattr{regular} attribute to \optfmt{true} for the
+ entry's category},
+ category={abbreviationstyle},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra} v1.04+},
+ parent={abbreviationstyles}
+ name={\abbrstylefmt{short\dhyphen sc\dhyphen desc}},
+ description={an alias for \abbrstyle{short-sc-nolong-desc}},
+ category={abbreviationstyle},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra}},
+ parent={abbreviationstyles}
+ name={\abbrstylefmt{nolong\dhyphen short\dhyphen sc}},
+ description={this abbreviation style is like \abbrstyle{nolong-short}
+ but the short form is displayed in small-caps (so it needs to be
+ in \idx{lowercase}). This style
+ sets the \catattr{regular} attribute to \optfmt{true} for the
+ entry's category},
+ category={abbreviationstyle},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra} v1.21+},
+ parent={abbreviationstyles}
+ name={\abbrstylefmt{long\dhyphen noshort\dhyphen sc}},
+ description={this abbreviation style is like \abbrstyle{long-noshort}
+ but the short form is displayed in small-caps (so it needs to be
+ in \idx{lowercase}). This style
+ sets the \catattr{regular} attribute to \optfmt{true} for the
+ entry's category},
+ category={abbreviationstyle},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra} v1.04+},
+ parent={abbreviationstyles}
+ name={\abbrstylefmt{long\dhyphen noshort\dhyphen sc\dhyphen desc}},
+ description={this abbreviation style is like the
+ \abbrstyle{long-noshort-sc} style but the \field{description}
+ field must be provided in the entry definition. This style
+ sets the \catattr{regular} attribute to \optfmt{true} for the
+ entry's category},
+ category={abbreviationstyle},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra} v1.04+},
+ parent={abbreviationstyles}
+ name={\abbrstylefmt{short\dhyphen sc\dhyphen footnote}},
+ description={this abbreviation style is like \abbrstyle{short-footnote}
+ but the short form is displayed in small-caps (so it needs to be
+ in \idx{lowercase})},
+ category={abbreviationstyle},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra} v1.04+},
+ parent={abbreviationstyles}
+ name={\abbrstylefmt{short\dhyphen sc\dhyphen postfootnote}},
+ description={this abbreviation style is like \abbrstyle{short-postfootnote}
+ but the short form is displayed in small-caps (so it needs to be
+ in \idx{lowercase})},
+ category={abbreviationstyle},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra} v1.04+},
+ parent={abbreviationstyles}
+ name={\abbrstylefmt{long\dhyphen short\dhyphen sm}},
+ description={this abbreviation style is like \abbrstyle{long-short}
+ but the short form is displayed using a smaller font. The
+ \sty{relsize} package is required with this style},
+ category={abbreviationstyle},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra}},
+ parent={abbreviationstyles}
+ name={\csfmt{gls\-abbrv\-sm\-font}},
+ user1={\margm{text}},
+ description={used with \qt{sm} abbreviation styles to format the
+short form using \ics{textsmaller}},
+ topics={abbrstyle.long-short-sm,abbrstyle.long-short-sm-desc,abbrstyle.short-sm-long,abbrstyle.short-sm-long-desc,abbrstyle.short-sm-nolong,abbrstyle.short-sm-nolong-desc,abbrstyle.nolong-short-sm,abbrstyle.short-sm-footnote,abbrstyle.short-sm-postfootnote,abbrstyle.long-noshort-sm,abbrstyle.long-noshort-sm-desc},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra} v1.17+},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{gls\-first\-abbrv\-sm\-font}},
+ user1={\margm{text}},
+ description={used with \qt{sm} abbreviation styles to format the
+ short form on \idx{firstuse}. This defaults to \cs{glsabbrvsmfont}},
+ topics={abbrstyle.long-short-sm,abbrstyle.long-short-sm-desc,abbrstyle.short-sm-long,abbrstyle.short-sm-long-desc,abbrstyle.short-sm-nolong,abbrstyle.short-sm-nolong-desc,abbrstyle.nolong-short-sm,abbrstyle.short-sm-footnote,abbrstyle.short-sm-postfootnote,abbrstyle.long-noshort-sm,abbrstyle.long-noshort-sm-desc},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra} v1.17+},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{gls\-xtr\-sm\-suffix}},
+ user1={},
+ description={the suffix used to construct the plural for
+ the short form of abbreviations with the \qt{sm} styles. This
+ defaults to \cs{glsxtrabbrvpluralsuffix}},
+ topics={abbrstyle.long-short-sm,abbrstyle.long-short-sm-desc,abbrstyle.short-sm-long,abbrstyle.short-sm-long-desc,abbrstyle.short-sm-nolong,abbrstyle.short-sm-nolong-desc,abbrstyle.nolong-short-sm,abbrstyle.short-sm-footnote,abbrstyle.short-sm-postfootnote,abbrstyle.long-noshort-sm,abbrstyle.long-noshort-sm-desc},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra}},
+ category={command}
+ name={\abbrstylefmt{long\dhyphen short\dhyphen sm\dhyphen desc}},
+ description={this abbreviation style is like the
+ \abbrstyle{long-short-sm} style but the \field{description}
+ field must be provided in the entry definition},
+ category={abbreviationstyle},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra}},
+ parent={abbreviationstyles}
+ name={\abbrstylefmt{short\dhyphen sm\dhyphen long}},
+ description={this abbreviation style is like \abbrstyle{short-long}
+ but the short form is displayed using a smaller font},
+ category={abbreviationstyle},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra}},
+ parent={abbreviationstyles}
+ name={\abbrstylefmt{short\dhyphen sm\dhyphen long\dhyphen desc}},
+ description={this abbreviation style is like the
+ \abbrstyle{long-short-sm} style but the \field{description}
+ field must be provided in the entry definition},
+ category={abbreviationstyle},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra}},
+ parent={abbreviationstyles}
+ name={\abbrstylefmt{short\dhyphen sm\dhyphen nolong}},
+ description={this abbreviation style is like \abbrstyle{short-nolong}
+ but the short form is displayed using a smaller font. This style
+ sets the \catattr{regular} attribute to \optfmt{true} for the
+ entry's category},
+ category={abbreviationstyle},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra} v1.04+},
+ parent={abbreviationstyles}
+ name={\abbrstylefmt{short\dhyphen sm}},
+ description={an alias for \abbrstyle{short-sm-nolong}},
+ category={abbreviationstyle},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra}},
+ parent={abbreviationstyles}
+ name={\abbrstylefmt{short\dhyphen sm\dhyphen nolong\dhyphen desc}},
+ description={this abbreviation style is like the
+ \abbrstyle{short-sm-nolong} style but the \field{description}
+ field must be provided in the entry definition. This style
+ sets the \catattr{regular} attribute to \optfmt{true} for the
+ entry's category},
+ category={abbreviationstyle},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra} v1.04+},
+ parent={abbreviationstyles}
+ name={\abbrstylefmt{short\dhyphen sm\dhyphen desc}},
+ description={an alias for \abbrstyle{short-sm-nolong-desc}},
+ category={abbreviationstyle},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra}},
+ parent={abbreviationstyles}
+ name={\abbrstylefmt{nolong\dhyphen short\dhyphen sm}},
+ description={this abbreviation style is like \abbrstyle{nolong-short}
+ but the short form is displayed using a smaller font. This style
+ sets the \catattr{regular} attribute to \optfmt{true} for the
+ entry's category},
+ category={abbreviationstyle},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra} v1.21+},
+ parent={abbreviationstyles}
+ name={\abbrstylefmt{long\dhyphen noshort\dhyphen sm}},
+ description={this abbreviation style is like \abbrstyle{long-noshort}
+ but the short form is displayed using a smaller font. This style
+ sets the \catattr{regular} attribute to \optfmt{true} for the
+ entry's category},
+ category={abbreviationstyle},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra} v1.04+},
+ parent={abbreviationstyles}
+ name={\abbrstylefmt{long\dhyphen noshort\dhyphen sm\dhyphen desc}},
+ description={this abbreviation style is like the
+ \abbrstyle{long-noshort-sm} style but the \field{description}
+ field must be provided in the entry definition. This style
+ sets the \catattr{regular} attribute to \optfmt{true} for the
+ entry's category},
+ category={abbreviationstyle},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra} v1.04+},
+ parent={abbreviationstyles}
+ name={\abbrstylefmt{short\dhyphen sm\dhyphen footnote}},
+ description={this abbreviation style is like \abbrstyle{short-footnote}
+ but the short form is displayed in a smaller font},
+ category={abbreviationstyle},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra} v1.04+},
+ parent={abbreviationstyles}
+ name={\abbrstylefmt{short\dhyphen sm\dhyphen postfootnote}},
+ description={this abbreviation style is like \abbrstyle{short-postfootnote}
+ but the short form is displayed in a smaller font},
+ category={abbreviationstyle},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra} v1.04+},
+ parent={abbreviationstyles}
+ name={\abbrstylefmt{long\dhyphen short\dhyphen em}},
+ description={this abbreviation style is like \abbrstyle{long-short}
+ but the short form is displayed using an emphasized font},
+ category={abbreviationstyle},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra}},
+ parent={abbreviationstyles}
+ name={\csfmt{gls\-abbrv\-em\-font}},
+ user1={\margm{text}},
+ description={used with \qt{em} abbreviation styles to format the
+short form using \ics{emph}},
+ topics={abbrstyle.long-em-short-em,abbrstyle.long-short-em,abbrstyle.long-short-em-desc,abbrstyle.short-em-long,abbrstyle.short-em-long-desc,abbrstyle.short-em-nolong,abbrstyle.short-em-nolong-desc,abbrstyle.nolong-short-em,abbrstyle.short-em-footnote,abbrstyle.short-em-postfootnote,abbrstyle.long-em-noshort-em,abbrstyle.long-em-noshort-em-desc,abbrstyle.long-em-noshort-em-desc-noreg,abbrstyle.long-em-noshort-em-noreg,abbrstyle.long-em-short-em-desc,abbrstyle.long-noshort-em,abbrstyle.long-noshort-em-desc},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra} v1.04+},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{gls\-first\-abbrv\-em\-font}},
+ user1={\margm{text}},
+ description={used with \qt{em} abbreviation styles to format the
+ short form on \idx{firstuse}. This defaults to \cs{glsabbrvemfont}},
+ topics={abbrstyle.long-em-short-em,abbrstyle.long-short-em,abbrstyle.long-short-em-desc,abbrstyle.short-em-long,abbrstyle.short-em-long-desc,abbrstyle.short-em-nolong,abbrstyle.short-em-nolong-desc,abbrstyle.nolong-short-em,abbrstyle.short-em-footnote,abbrstyle.short-em-postfootnote,abbrstyle.long-em-short-em-desc,abbrstyle.long-em-noshort-em,abbrstyle.long-em-noshort-em-desc,abbrstyle.long-em-noshort-em-desc-noreg,abbrstyle.long-em-noshort-em-noreg,abbrstyle.long-noshort-em,abbrstyle.long-noshort-em-desc},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra} v1.04+},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{gls\-xtr\-em\-suffix}},
+ description={the suffix used to construct the plural for
+ the short form of abbreviations with the \qt{em} styles. This
+ defaults to \cs{glsxtrabbrvpluralsuffix}},
+ topics={abbrstyle.long-em-short-em,abbrstyle.long-short-em,abbrstyle.long-short-em-desc,abbrstyle.short-em-long,abbrstyle.short-em-long-desc,abbrstyle.short-em-nolong,abbrstyle.short-em-nolong-desc,abbrstyle.nolong-short-em,abbrstyle.short-em-footnote,abbrstyle.short-em-postfootnote,abbrstyle.long-em-noshort-em,abbrstyle.long-em-noshort-em-desc,abbrstyle.long-em-noshort-em-desc-noreg,abbrstyle.long-em-noshort-em-noreg,abbrstyle.long-noshort-em,abbrstyle.long-noshort-em-desc},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra}},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{gls\-long\-em\-font}},
+ user1={\margm{text}},
+ description={used with \qt{long-em} abbreviation styles to format the
+long form using \ics{emph}},
+ topics={abbrstyle.long-em-short-em,abbrstyle.long-em-short-em-desc,abbrstyle.short-em-long-em,abbrstyle.short-em-long-em-desc,abbrstyle.long-em-noshort-em,abbrstyle.long-em-noshort-em-desc,abbrstyle.long-em-noshort-em-desc-noreg,abbrstyle.long-em-noshort-em-noreg},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra} v1.04+},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{gls\-first\-long\-em\-font}},
+ user1={\margm{text}},
+ description={used with \qt{long-em} abbreviation styles to format the
+ long form on \idx{firstuse}. This defaults to \cs{glslongemfont}},
+ topics={abbrstyle.long-em-short-em,abbrstyle.long-em-short-em-desc,abbrstyle.short-em-long-em,abbrstyle.short-em-long-em-desc,abbrstyle.long-em-noshort-em,abbrstyle.long-em-noshort-em-desc,abbrstyle.long-em-noshort-em-desc-noreg,abbrstyle.long-em-noshort-em-noreg},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra} v1.04+},
+ category={command}
+ name={\abbrstylefmt{long\dhyphen short\dhyphen em\dhyphen desc}},
+ description={this abbreviation style is like the
+ \abbrstyle{long-short-em} style but the \field{description}
+ field must be provided in the entry definition},
+ category={abbreviationstyle},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra}},
+ parent={abbreviationstyles}
+ name={\abbrstylefmt{long\dhyphen em\dhyphen short\dhyphen em}},
+ description={this abbreviation style is like \abbrstyle{long-short}
+ but the short and long forms are displayed using an emphasized font},
+ category={abbreviationstyle},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra} v1.04+},
+ parent={abbreviationstyles}
+ name={\abbrstylefmt{long\dhyphen em\dhyphen short\dhyphen em\dhyphen desc}},
+ description={this abbreviation style is like the
+ \abbrstyle{long-em-short-em} style but the \field{description}
+ field must be provided in the entry definition},
+ category={abbreviationstyle},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra} v1.04+},
+ parent={abbreviationstyles}
+ name={\abbrstylefmt{short\dhyphen em\dhyphen long}},
+ description={this abbreviation style is like \abbrstyle{short-long}
+ but the short form is displayed using an emphasized font},
+ category={abbreviationstyle},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra}},
+ parent={abbreviationstyles}
+ name={\abbrstylefmt{short\dhyphen em\dhyphen long\dhyphen desc}},
+ description={this abbreviation style is like the
+ \abbrstyle{short-em-long} style but the \field{description}
+ field must be provided in the entry definition},
+ category={abbreviationstyle},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra}},
+ parent={abbreviationstyles}
+ name={\abbrstylefmt{short\dhyphen em\dhyphen long\dhyphen em}},
+ description={this abbreviation style is like \abbrstyle{short-long}
+ but the short and long forms are displayed using an emphasized font},
+ category={abbreviationstyle},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra} v1.04+},
+ parent={abbreviationstyles}
+ name={\abbrstylefmt{short\dhyphen em\dhyphen long\dhyphen em\dhyphen desc}},
+ description={this abbreviation style is like the
+ \abbrstyle{short-em-long-em} style but the \field{description}
+ field must be provided in the entry definition},
+ category={abbreviationstyle},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra} v1.04+},
+ parent={abbreviationstyles}
+ name={\abbrstylefmt{short\dhyphen em\dhyphen nolong}},
+ description={this abbreviation style is like \abbrstyle{short-nolong}
+ but the short form is displayed using an emphasized font. This style
+ sets the \catattr{regular} attribute to \optfmt{true} for the
+ entry's category},
+ category={abbreviationstyle},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra} v1.04+},
+ parent={abbreviationstyles}
+ name={\abbrstylefmt{short\dhyphen em}},
+ description={an alias for \abbrstyle{short-em-nolong}},
+ category={abbreviationstyle},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra}},
+ parent={abbreviationstyles}
+ name={\abbrstylefmt{short\dhyphen em\dhyphen nolong\dhyphen desc}},
+ description={this abbreviation style is like the
+ \abbrstyle{short-em-nolong} style but the \field{description}
+ field must be provided in the entry definition. This style
+ sets the \catattr{regular} attribute to \optfmt{true} for the
+ entry's category},
+ category={abbreviationstyle},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra} v1.04+},
+ parent={abbreviationstyles}
+ name={\abbrstylefmt{short\dhyphen em\dhyphen desc}},
+ description={an alias for \abbrstyle{short-em-nolong-desc}},
+ category={abbreviationstyle},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra}},
+ parent={abbreviationstyles}
+ name={\abbrstylefmt{nolong\dhyphen short\dhyphen em}},
+ description={this abbreviation style is like \abbrstyle{nolong-short}
+ but the short form is displayed using an emphasized font. This style
+ sets the \catattr{regular} attribute to \optfmt{true} for the
+ entry's category},
+ category={abbreviationstyle},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra} v1.21+},
+ parent={abbreviationstyles}
+ name={\abbrstylefmt{long\dhyphen noshort\dhyphen em}},
+ description={this abbreviation style is like \abbrstyle{long-noshort}
+ but the short form is displayed using an emphasized font. This style
+ sets the \catattr{regular} attribute to \optfmt{true} for the
+ entry's category},
+ category={abbreviationstyle},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra} v1.04+},
+ parent={abbreviationstyles}
+ name={\abbrstylefmt{long\dhyphen em\dhyphen noshort\dhyphen em}},
+ description={this abbreviation style is like \abbrstyle{long-noshort}
+ but the long and short forms are displayed using an emphasized font.
+ This style sets the \catattr{regular} attribute to \optfmt{true} for the
+ entry's category},
+ category={abbreviationstyle},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra} v1.04+},
+ parent={abbreviationstyles}
+ name={\abbrstylefmt{long\dhyphen em\dhyphen noshort\dhyphen em\dhyphen noreg}},
+ description={this abbreviation style is like \abbrstyle{long-noshort-noreg}
+ but the long and short forms are displayed using an emphasized font},
+ category={abbreviationstyle},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra} v1.17+},
+ parent={abbreviationstyles}
+ name={\abbrstylefmt{long\dhyphen noshort\dhyphen em\dhyphen desc}},
+ description={this abbreviation style is like the
+ \abbrstyle{long-noshort-em} style but the \field{description}
+ field must be provided in the entry definition. This style
+ sets the \catattr{regular} attribute to \optfmt{true} for the
+ entry's category},
+ category={abbreviationstyle},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra} v1.04+},
+ parent={abbreviationstyles}
+ name={\abbrstylefmt{long\dhyphen em\dhyphen noshort\dhyphen em\dhyphen desc}},
+ description={this abbreviation style is like the
+ \abbrstyle{long-em-noshort-em} style but the \field{description}
+ field must be provided in the entry definition. This style
+ sets the \catattr{regular} attribute to \optfmt{true} for the
+ entry's category},
+ category={abbreviationstyle},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra} v1.04+},
+ parent={abbreviationstyles}
+ name={\abbrstylefmt{long\dhyphen em\dhyphen noshort\dhyphen em\dhyphen desc\dhyphen noreg}},
+ description={this abbreviation style is like the
+ \abbrstyle{long-em-noshort-em-noreg} style but the \field{description}
+ field must be provided in the entry definition},
+ category={abbreviationstyle},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra} v1.17+},
+ parent={abbreviationstyles}
+ name={\abbrstylefmt{short\dhyphen em\dhyphen footnote}},
+ description={this abbreviation style is like \abbrstyle{short-footnote}
+ but the short form is displayed in an emphasized font},
+ category={abbreviationstyle},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra} v1.04+},
+ parent={abbreviationstyles}
+ name={\abbrstylefmt{short\dhyphen em\dhyphen postfootnote}},
+ description={this abbreviation style is like \abbrstyle{short-postfootnote}
+ but the short form is displayed in an emphasized font},
+ category={abbreviationstyle},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra} v1.04+},
+ parent={abbreviationstyles}
+ name={\abbrstylefmt{long\dhyphen short\dhyphen user}},
+ description={this abbreviation style is like \abbrstyle{long-short}
+ but the parenthetical material is governed by \cs{glsxtruserparen}},
+ category={abbreviationstyle},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra} v1.04+},
+ parent={abbreviationstyles}
+ name={\csfmt{gls\-xtr\-user\-field}},
+ description={used by the parenthetical abbreviation styles, this
+ expands to the internal label of the field used to store the additional parenthetical
+ material. The default value is \field{useri}},
+ topics={abbrstyle.long-short-user,abbrstyle.short-long-user,abbrstyle.long-postshort-user,abbrstyle.long-postshort-user-desc,abbrstyle.short-postlong-user-desc,abbrstyle.long-short-user-desc,abbrstyle.short-long-user-desc},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra} v1.04+},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{gls\-xtr\-user\-paren}},
+ user1={\margm{text}\margm{label}},
+ description={used by the \qt{user} abbreviation styles
+ to format the parenthetical material where \meta{text}
+ is the default parenthetical text and \meta{label}
+ is the entry's label. This checks the field given
+ by \cs{glsxtruserfield} and, if set, the \meta{text} is
+ followed by a comma and the user value},
+ topics={abbrstyle.long-short-user,abbrstyle.short-long-user,abbrstyle.long-postshort-user,abbrstyle.long-postshort-user-desc,abbrstyle.short-postlong-user-desc,abbrstyle.long-short-user-desc,abbrstyle.short-long-user-desc},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra} v1.04+},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{gls\-abbrv\-user\-font}},
+ user1={\margm{text}},
+ description={used with \qt{user} abbreviation styles to
+ format the short form. The default definition just uses \cs{glsabbrvdefaultfont}},
+ topics={abbrstyle.long-short-user,abbrstyle.short-long-user,abbrstyle.long-postshort-user,abbrstyle.long-postshort-user-desc,abbrstyle.short-postlong-user-desc,abbrstyle.long-short-user-desc,abbrstyle.short-long-user-desc},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra} v1.04+},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{gls\-first\-abbrv\-user\-font}},
+ user1={\margm{text}},
+ description={used with \qt{user} abbreviation styles to
+ format the short form on \idx{firstuse}. The default definition just uses
+ topics={abbrstyle.long-short-user,abbrstyle.short-long-user,abbrstyle.long-postshort-user,abbrstyle.long-postshort-user-desc,abbrstyle.short-postlong-user-desc,abbrstyle.long-short-user-desc,abbrstyle.short-long-user-desc},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra} v1.04+},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{gls\-long\-user\-font}},
+ user1={\margm{text}},
+ description={used with \qt{user} abbreviation styles to
+ format the long form. The default definition just uses \cs{glslongdefaultfont}},
+ topics={abbrstyle.long-short-user,abbrstyle.short-long-user,abbrstyle.long-postshort-user,abbrstyle.long-postshort-user-desc,abbrstyle.short-postlong-user-desc,abbrstyle.long-short-user-desc,abbrstyle.short-long-user-desc},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra} v1.04+},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{gls\-first\-long\-user\-font}},
+ user1={\margm{text}},
+ description={used with \qt{user} abbreviation styles to
+ format the long form on first use. The default definition just uses
+ topics={abbrstyle.long-short-user,abbrstyle.short-long-user,abbrstyle.long-postshort-user,abbrstyle.long-postshort-user-desc,abbrstyle.short-postlong-user-desc,abbrstyle.long-short-user-desc,abbrstyle.short-long-user-desc},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra} v1.04+},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{gls\-xtr\-user\-suffix}},
+ description={the suffix used to construct the plural for
+ the short form of abbreviations with the \qt{user} styles.
+ The default definition just uses \cs{glsxtrabbrvpluralsuffix}},
+ topics={abbrstyle.long-short-user,abbrstyle.short-long-user,abbrstyle.long-postshort-user,abbrstyle.long-postshort-user-desc,abbrstyle.short-postlong-user-desc,abbrstyle.long-short-user-desc,abbrstyle.short-long-user-desc},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra} v1.04+},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{gls\-user\-description}},
+ user1={\margm{description}\margm{label}},
+ description={used with \qt{user} abbreviation styles to
+ encapsulate the description. Just does
+ \code{\cs{glslonguserfont}\margm{description}} by default},
+ topics={abbrstyle.long-short-user,abbrstyle.short-long-user,abbrstyle.long-postshort-user,abbrstyle.long-postshort-user-desc,abbrstyle.short-postlong-user-desc,abbrstyle.long-short-user-desc,abbrstyle.short-long-user-desc},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra} v1.30+},
+ category={command}
+ name={\abbrstylefmt{long\dhyphen postshort\dhyphen user}},
+ description={this abbreviation style is like \abbrstyle{long-short-user}
+ but the parenthetical material is moved to the \idx{postlinkhook}},
+ category={abbreviationstyle},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra} v1.12+},
+ parent={abbreviationstyles}
+ name={\csfmt{gls\-xtr\-long\-short\-user\-desc\-name}},
+ description={hook for the \abbrstyle{long-short-user-desc} abbreviation
+ styles that expands to the value that the \field{name} field is
+ assigned to when the abbreviation is defined with
+ \cs{newabbreviation} (defaults to the long form followed by the
+ parenthetical material)},
+ topics={abbrstyle.long-postshort-user-desc,abbrstyle.long-short-user-desc},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra} v1.25+},
+ category={command}
+ name={\abbrstylefmt{long\dhyphen postshort\dhyphen user\dhyphen desc}},
+ description={this abbreviation style is like the
+ \abbrstyle{long-postshort-user} style but the \field{description}
+ field must be provided in the entry definition},
+ category={abbreviationstyle},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra} v1.12+},
+ parent={abbreviationstyles}
+ name={\abbrstylefmt{short\dhyphen postlong\dhyphen user}},
+ description={this abbreviation style is like \abbrstyle{short-long-user}
+ but the parenthetical material is moved to the \idx{postlinkhook}},
+ category={abbreviationstyle},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra} v1.12+},
+ parent={abbreviationstyles}
+ name={\csfmt{gls\-xtr\-short\-long\-user\-desc\-name}},
+ description={hook for the \abbrstyle{short-long-user-desc} abbreviation
+ styles that expands to the value that the \field{name} field is
+ assigned to when the abbreviation is defined with
+ \cs{newabbreviation} (defaults to the short form followed by the
+ parenthetical material)},
+ topics={abbrstyle.short-postlong-user-desc,abbrstyle.short-long-user-desc},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra} v1.25+},
+ category={command}
+ name={\abbrstylefmt{short\dhyphen postlong\dhyphen user\dhyphen desc}},
+ description={this abbreviation style is like the
+ \abbrstyle{short-postlong-user} style but the \field{description}
+ field must be provided in the entry definition},
+ category={abbreviationstyle},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra} v1.12+},
+ parent={abbreviationstyles}
+ name={\abbrstylefmt{long\dhyphen short\dhyphen user\dhyphen desc}},
+ description={this abbreviation style is like the
+ \abbrstyle{long-short-user} style but the \field{description}
+ field must be provided in the entry definition},
+ category={abbreviationstyle},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra} v1.04+},
+ parent={abbreviationstyles}
+ name={\abbrstylefmt{short\dhyphen long\dhyphen user}},
+ description={this abbreviation style is like \abbrstyle{short-long}
+ but the parenthetical material is governed by \cs{glsxtruserparen}},
+ category={abbreviationstyle},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra} v1.04+},
+ parent={abbreviationstyles}
+ name={\abbrstylefmt{short\dhyphen long\dhyphen user\dhyphen desc}},
+ description={this abbreviation style is like the
+ \abbrstyle{short-long-user} style but the \field{description}
+ field must be provided in the entry definition},
+ category={abbreviationstyle},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra} v1.04+},
+ parent={abbreviationstyles}
+ name={\abbrstylefmt{long\dhyphen hyphen\dhyphen short\dhyphen
+ description={this abbreviation style is like \abbrstyle{long-short}
+ but is designed to work with the \catattr{markwords} attribute. If
+ the attribute is set, the style will check if the inserted
+ material (provided by the final optional argument of commands like
+ \cs{gls}) starts with a hyphen. If it does, the insert is added to
+ the parenthetical material},
+ category={abbreviationstyle},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra} v1.17+},
+ parent={abbreviationstyles}
+ name={\csfmt{gls\-xtr\-if\-hyphen\-start}},
+ user1={\margm{text}\margm{true}\margm{false}},
+ description={used by the \qt{hyphen} abbreviation styles, this
+ checks if \meta{text} starts with a hyphen},
+ topics={abbrstyle.long-hyphen-short-hyphen,abbrstyle.long-hyphen-short-hyphen-desc,abbrstyle.long-hyphen-noshort-desc-noreg,abbrstyle.long-hyphen-noshort-noreg,abbrstyle.long-hyphen-postshort-hyphen,abbrstyle.long-hyphen-postshort-hyphen-desc,abbrstyle.short-hyphen-long-hyphen,abbrstyle.short-hyphen-long-hyphen-desc,abbrstyle.short-hyphen-postlong-hyphen,abbrstyle.short-hyphen-postlong-hyphen-desc},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra} v1.17+},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{gls\-xtr\-long\-hyphen\-short}},
+ user1={\margm{label}\margm{long}\margm{short}\margm{insert}},
+ description={used by the \qt{long\dhyphen hyphen\dhyphen
+ short\dhyphen hyphen} abbreviation styles to format the full form},
+ topics={abbrstyle.long-hyphen-short-hyphen,abbrstyle.long-hyphen-short-hyphen-desc},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra} v1.17+},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{gls\-abbrv\-hyphen\-font}},
+ user1={\margm{text}},
+ description={used by the \qt{hyphen} abbreviation styles to format
+ the short form},
+ topics={abbrstyle.long-hyphen-short-hyphen,abbrstyle.long-hyphen-short-hyphen-desc,abbrstyle.long-hyphen-postshort-hyphen,abbrstyle.long-hyphen-postshort-hyphen-desc,abbrstyle.short-hyphen-long-hyphen,abbrstyle.short-hyphen-long-hyphen-desc,abbrstyle.short-hyphen-postlong-hyphen,abbrstyle.short-hyphen-postlong-hyphen-desc},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra} v1.17+},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{gls\-first\-abbrv\-hyphen\-font}},
+ user1={\margm{text}},
+ description={used by the \qt{hyphen} abbreviation styles to format
+ the short form on \idx{firstuse}},
+ topics={abbrstyle.long-hyphen-short-hyphen,abbrstyle.long-hyphen-postshort-hyphen,abbrstyle.long-hyphen-postshort-hyphen-desc,abbrstyle.long-hyphen-short-hyphen-desc},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra} v1.17+},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{gls\-long\-hyphen\-font}},
+ user1={\margm{text}},
+ description={used by the \qt{hyphen} abbreviation styles to format
+ the long form},
+ topics={abbrstyle.long-hyphen-short-hyphen,abbrstyle.long-hyphen-noshort-desc-noreg,abbrstyle.long-hyphen-noshort-noreg,abbrstyle.long-hyphen-postshort-hyphen,abbrstyle.long-hyphen-postshort-hyphen-desc,abbrstyle.long-hyphen-short-hyphen-desc},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra} v1.17+},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{gls\-first\-long\-hyphen\-font}},
+ user1={\margm{text}},
+ description={used by the \qt{hyphen} abbreviation styles to format
+ the long form on \idx{firstuse}},
+ topics={abbrstyle.long-hyphen-short-hyphen,abbrstyle.long-hyphen-noshort-desc-noreg,abbrstyle.long-hyphen-noshort-noreg,abbrstyle.long-hyphen-postshort-hyphen,abbrstyle.long-hyphen-postshort-hyphen-desc,abbrstyle.long-hyphen-short-hyphen-desc},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra} v1.17+},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{gls\-xtr\-hyphen\-suffix}},
+ description={the suffix used to construct the plural for
+ the short form of abbreviations with the \qt{hyphen} styles},
+ topics={abbrstyle.long-hyphen-short-hyphen,abbrstyle.long-hyphen-postshort-hyphen,abbrstyle.long-hyphen-postshort-hyphen-desc,abbrstyle.long-hyphen-short-hyphen-desc},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra} v1.17+},
+ category={command}
+ name={\abbrstylefmt{long\dhyphen hyphen\dhyphen short\dhyphen
+hyphen\dhyphen desc}},
+ description={this abbreviation style is like the
+ \abbrstyle{long-hyphen-short-hyphen} style but the \field{description}
+ field must be provided in the entry definition},
+ category={abbreviationstyle},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra} v1.17+},
+ parent={abbreviationstyles}
+ name={\csfmt{gls\-xtr\-long\-hyphen\-noshort}},
+ user1={\margm{label}\margm{long}\margm{insert}},
+ description={used by the \qt{long-hyphen-noshort} styles
+ to format the \idx{firstuse} form. This checks if the inserted
+ material starts with a hyphen and makes the appropriate
+ modifications},
+ topics={abbrstyle.long-hyphen-noshort-desc-noreg,abbrstyle.long-hyphen-noshort-noreg},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra} v1.17+},
+ category={command}
+ name={\abbrstylefmt{long\dhyphen hyphen\dhyphen noshort\dhyphen desc\dhyphen noreg}},
+ description={this abbreviation style is like the
+ \abbrstyle{long-hyphen-noshort-noreg} style but the \field{description}
+ field must be provided in the entry definition. This
+ style won't work with the \catattr{regular} attribute set, as the
+ regular form isn't flexible enough},
+ category={abbreviationstyle},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra} v1.17+},
+ parent={abbreviationstyles}
+ name={\abbrstylefmt{long\dhyphen hyphen\dhyphen noshort\dhyphen noreg}},
+ description={this abbreviation style is like \abbrstyle{long-noshort}
+ but is designed to work with the \catattr{markwords} attribute and
+ the \catattr{regular} attribute isn't set to \optfmt{true}. This
+ style won't work with the \catattr{regular} attribute set, as the
+ regular form isn't flexible enough},
+ category={abbreviationstyle},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra} v1.17+},
+ parent={abbreviationstyles}
+ name={\abbrstylefmt{long\dhyphen hyphen\dhyphen postshort\dhyphen hyphen}},
+ description={this abbreviation style is like the
+ \abbrstyle{long-hyphen-short-hyphen} style but the insert and
+ parenthetical material are moved into the \idx{postlinkhook}},
+ category={abbreviationstyle},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra} v1.17+},
+ parent={abbreviationstyles}
+ name={\csfmt{gls\-xtr\-long\-hyphen}},
+ user1={\margm{long}\margm{label}\margm{insert}},
+ description={used by the \abbrstyle{long-hyphen-postshort-hyphen} abbreviation
+ to format the long form and check if the \meta{insert} starts with
+ a hyphen},
+ topics={abbrstyle.long-hyphen-postshort-hyphen},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra} v1.17+},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{gls\-xtr\-post\-hyphen\-short}},
+ user1={\margm{label}\margm{insert}},
+ description={used by the \abbrstyle{long-hyphen-postshort-hyphen}
+ style in the \idx{postlinkhook}},
+ topics={abbrstyle.long-hyphen-postshort-hyphen},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra} v1.17+},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{gls\-xtr\-post\-hyphen\-sub\-sequent}},
+ user1={\margm{label}\margm{insert}},
+ description={used by the \abbrstyle{long-hyphen-postshort-hyphen} abbreviation
+ in the \idx{postlinkhook} for subsequent use},
+ topics={abbrstyle.long-hyphen-postshort-hyphen},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra} v1.17+},
+ category={command}
+ name={\abbrstylefmt{long\dhyphen hyphen\dhyphen postshort\dhyphen
+hyphen\dhyphen desc}},
+ description={this abbreviation style is like the
+ \abbrstyle{long-hyphen-postshort-hyphen} style but the \field{description}
+ field must be provided in the entry definition},
+ category={abbreviationstyle},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra} v1.17+},
+ parent={abbreviationstyles}
+ name={\abbrstylefmt{short\dhyphen hyphen\dhyphen long\dhyphen hyphen}},
+ description={this abbreviation style is like \abbrstyle{short-long}
+ but is designed to work with the \catattr{markwords} attribute. If
+ the attribute is set, the style will check if the inserted
+ material (provided by the final optional argument of commands like
+ \cs{gls}) starts with a hyphen. If it does, the insert is added to
+ the parenthetical material},
+ category={abbreviationstyle},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra} v1.17+},
+ parent={abbreviationstyles}
+ name={\csfmt{gls\-xtr\-short\-hyphen\-long}},
+ user1={\margm{label}\margm{short}\margm{long}\margm{insert}},
+ description={used by the \abbrstyle{short-hyphen-long-hyphen} style
+ to format the full form},
+ topics={abbrstyle.short-hyphen-long-hyphen,abbrstyle.short-hyphen-long-hyphen-desc},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra} v1.17+},
+ category={command}
+ name={\abbrstylefmt{short\dhyphen hyphen\dhyphen long\dhyphen
+hyphen\dhyphen desc}},
+ description={this abbreviation style is like the
+ \abbrstyle{short-hyphen-long-hyphen} style but the \field{description}
+ field must be provided in the entry definition},
+ category={abbreviationstyle},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra} v1.17+},
+ parent={abbreviationstyles}
+ name={\abbrstylefmt{short\dhyphen hyphen\dhyphen postlong\dhyphen hyphen}},
+ description={this abbreviation style is like the
+ \abbrstyle{short-hyphen-long-hyphen} style but the insert and
+ parenthetical material are moved into the \idx{postlinkhook}},
+ category={abbreviationstyle},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra} v1.17+},
+ parent={abbreviationstyles}
+ name={\csfmt{gls\-xtr\-short\-hyphen}},
+ user1={\margm{short}\margm{label}\margm{insert}},
+ description={used by the \qt{postlong-hyphen} styles
+ to format the short form and check if \meta{insert} starts with a hyphen},
+ topics={abbrstyle.short-hyphen-postlong-hyphen},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra} v1.17+},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{gls\-xtr\-post\-hyphen\-long}},
+ user1={\margm{label}\margm{insert}},
+ description={used by the \qt{postlong-hyphen}
+ styles in the \idx{postlinkhook}},
+ topics={abbrstyle.short-hyphen-postlong-hyphen},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra} v1.17+},
+ category={command}
+ name={\abbrstylefmt{short\dhyphen hyphen\dhyphen postlong\dhyphen
+hyphen\dhyphen desc}},
+ description={this abbreviation style is like the
+ \abbrstyle{short-hyphen-postlong-hyphen} style but the \field{description}
+ field must be provided in the entry definition},
+ category={abbreviationstyle},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra} v1.17+},
+ parent={abbreviationstyles}
+ name={\abbrstylefmt{long\dhyphen only\dhyphen short\dhyphen only}},
+ description={this abbreviation style only displays the long form
+ on \idx{firstuse} and only the short form on subsequent use. The
+ inline full form shows the long form followed by the short form in
+ parentheses},
+ category={abbreviationstyle},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra} v1.17+},
+ parent={abbreviationstyles}
+ name={\csfmt{gls\-abbrv\-only\-font}},
+ user1={\margm{text}},
+ description={used with \qt{only} abbreviation styles to format the
+short form. The default definition just uses \cs{glsabbrvdefaultfont}},
+ topics={abbrstyle.long-only-short-only,abbrstyle.long-only-short-only-desc},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra} v1.17+},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{gls\-first\-abbrv\-only\-font}},
+ user1={\margm{text}},
+ description={used with \qt{only} abbreviation styles to format the
+short form on \idx{firstuse}. The default definition just uses
+ topics={abbrstyle.long-only-short-only,abbrstyle.long-only-short-only-desc},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra} v1.17+},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{gls\-long\-only\-font}},
+ user1={\margm{text}},
+ description={used with \qt{only} abbreviation styles to format the
+long form. The default definition just uses \cs{glslongdefaultfont}},
+ topics={abbrstyle.long-only-short-only,abbrstyle.long-only-short-only-desc},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra} v1.17+},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{gls\-first\-long\-only\-font}},
+ user1={\margm{text}},
+ description={used with \qt{only} abbreviation styles to format the
+long form on \idx{firstuse}. The default definition just uses
+ topics={abbrstyle.long-only-short-only,abbrstyle.long-only-short-only-desc},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra} v1.17+},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{gls\-xtr\-only\-suffix}},
+ description={the suffix used to construct the plural for
+ the short form of abbreviations with the \qt{only} styles.
+ The default definition just uses \cs{glsxtrabbrvpluralsuffix}},
+ topics={abbrstyle.long-only-short-only},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra} v1.17+},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{gls\-xtr\-only\-name}},
+ description={hook for the \abbrstyle{long-only-short-only} style
+ that expands to the value that the \field{name} field is assigned
+ to when the abbreviation is defined with \cs{newabbreviation}
+ (defaults to the short form)},
+ topics={abbrstyle.long-only-short-only},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra} v1.25+},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{gls\-xtr\-only\-desc\-name}},
+ description={hook for the \abbrstyle{long-only-short-only-desc} style
+ that expands to the value that the \field{name} field is assigned
+ to when the abbreviation is defined with \cs{newabbreviation}
+ (defaults to the long form)},
+ topics={abbrstyle.long-only-short-only-desc},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra} v1.17+},
+ category={command}
+ name={\abbrstylefmt{long\dhyphen only\dhyphen short\dhyphen only\dhyphen desc}},
+ description={this abbreviation style is like the
+ \abbrstyle{long-only-short-only} style but the \field{description}
+ field must be provided in the entry definition},
+ category={abbreviationstyle},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra} v1.17+},
+ parent={abbreviationstyles}
+ name={glossary styles},
+ text={glossary style},
+ description={glossary styles are set using \ics{setglossarystyle}
+ or with the \styopt{style} package option or the
+ \printglossopt{style} option in \cs{printunsrtglossary}.
+ There are a number of styles provided in the supplementary packages. See the
+ gallery of predefined styles}~\cite{glossarystylesgallery} for
+ samples of each style}
+ name={\glostylefmt{inline}},
+ description={this style is designed for inline glossaries. The
+ \field{symbol}, \idx{locationlist} and child \field{name} are omitted
+ by default, but associated style commands may be redefined to
+ change this},
+ category={glossarystyle},
+ note={\styfmt{glossary-inline} v3.03+},
+ parent={glossarystyle}
+ name={\csfmt{gls\-in\-line\-do\-post\-child}},
+ description={group headings aren't supported by default, but if
+ they are required, this command should be added to start of the definition
+ of \cs{glsgroupheading} in case a heading follows a child entry},
+ category={command},
+ note={\styfmt{glossary-inline} v3.03+},
+ topics={glostyle.inline}
+ name={\csfmt{gls\-in\-line\-separator}},
+ description={separator between entries},
+ category={command},
+ note={\styfmt{glossary-inline} v3.03+},
+ topics={glostyle.inline}
+ name={\csfmt{gls\-in\-line\-sub\-separator}},
+ description={separator between sub-entries},
+ category={command},
+ note={\styfmt{glossary-inline} v3.03+},
+ topics={glostyle.inline}
+ name={\csfmt{gls\-in\-line\-parent\-child\-separator}},
+ description={separator between parent and child entries},
+ category={command},
+ note={\styfmt{glossary-inline} v3.03+},
+ topics={glostyle.inline}
+ name={\csfmt{gls\-in\-line\-post\-child}},
+ description={hook between child and next entry},
+ category={command},
+ note={\styfmt{glossary-inline} v3.03+},
+ topics={glostyle.inline}
+ name={\csfmt{gls\-post-in\-line}},
+ description={glossary terminator},
+ category={command},
+ note={\styfmt{glossary-inline} v3.03+},
+ topics={glostyle.inline}
+ name={\csfmt{gls\-in\-line\-name\-format}},
+ user1={\margm{label}\margm{name}},
+ description={format's the entry's name including target, if
+ supported},
+ category={command},
+ note={\styfmt{glossary-inline} v3.03+},
+ topics={glostyle.inline}
+ name={\csfmt{gls\-in\-line\-desc\-format}},
+ user1={\margm{description}\margm{symbol}\margm{location list}},
+ description={format's the entry's description, symbol and location
+ list. This ignores the symbol and location by default},
+ category={command},
+ note={\styfmt{glossary-inline} v3.03+},
+ topics={glostyle.inline}
+ name={\glostylefmt{indexgroup}},
+ description={},
+ category={glossarystyle},
+ note={\styfmt{glossary-tree}},
+ parent={glossarystyle}
+ name={\glostylefmt{mcolindexgroup}},
+ category={glossarystyle},
+ note={\styfmt{glossary-mcols}},
+ parent={glossarystyle}
+ name={\glostylefmt{indexhypergroup}},
+ category={glossarystyle},
+ note={\styfmt{glossary-tree}},
+ parent={glossarystyle}
+ name={\glostylefmt{tree}},
+ category={glossarystyle},
+ note={\styfmt{glossary-tree}},
+ parent={glossarystyle}
+ name={\glostylefmt{treegroup}},
+ category={glossarystyle},
+ note={\styfmt{glossary-tree}},
+ parent={glossarystyle}
+ name={\glostylefmt{treenoname}},
+ category={glossarystyle},
+ note={\styfmt{glossary-tree}},
+ parent={glossarystyle}
+ name={\glostylefmt{treenonamegroup}},
+ category={glossarystyle},
+ note={\styfmt{glossary-tree}},
+ parent={glossarystyle}
+ name={\glostylefmt{alttree}},
+ category={glossarystyle},
+ note={\styfmt{glossary-tree}},
+ parent={glossarystyle}
+ name={\glostylefmt{alttreegroup}},
+ category={glossarystyle},
+ note={\styfmt{glossary-tree}},
+ parent={glossarystyle}
+ name={\glostylefmt{mcolalttree}},
+ category={glossarystyle},
+ note={\styfmt{glossary-mcols}},
+ parent={glossarystyle}
+ name={\glostylefmt{mcolalttreegroup}},
+ category={glossarystyle},
+ note={\styfmt{glossary-mcols}},
+ parent={glossarystyle}
+ name={\glostylefmt{topic}},
+ category={glossarystyle},
+ note={\styfmt{glossary-topic} v1.40+},
+ parent={glossarystyle}
+ name={\glostylefmt{topicmcols}},
+ category={glossarystyle},
+ note={\styfmt{glossary-topic} v1.40+},
+ parent={glossarystyle}
+ name={\glostylefmt{list}},
+ category={glossarystyle},
+ note={\styfmt{glossary-list}},
+ parent={glossarystyle}
+ name={\glostylefmt{altlist}},
+ category={glossarystyle},
+ note={\styfmt{glossary-list}},
+ parent={glossarystyle}
+ name={\glostylefmt{altlistgroup}},
+ category={glossarystyle},
+ note={\styfmt{glossary-list}},
+ parent={glossarystyle}
+ name={\glostylefmt{index}},
+ category={glossarystyle},
+ note={\styfmt{glossary-tree}},
+ parent={glossarystyle}
+ name={\glostylefmt{bookindex}},
+ category={glossarystyle},
+ note={\styfmt{glossary-bookindex}},
+ parent={glossarystyle}
+ name={\glostylefmt{long}},
+ category={glossarystyle},
+ note={\styfmt{glossary-long}},
+ parent={glossarystyle}
+ name={\glostylefmt{super}},
+ category={glossarystyle},
+ note={\styfmt{glossary-long}},
+ parent={glossarystyle}
+ name={\glostylefmt{long3col}},
+ category={glossarystyle},
+ note={\styfmt{glossary-long}},
+ parent={glossarystyle}
+ name={\glostylefmt{long3col\dhyphen booktabs}},
+ category={glossarystyle},
+ note={\styfmt{glossary-longbooktabs}},
+ parent={glossarystyle}
+ name={category attributes},
+ text={category attribute}
+ name = {attributes},
+ text = {attribute},
+ alias = {categoryattribute}
+ name={\catattrfmt{record\-count}},
+ category={categoryattribute},
+ parent={categoryattribute}
+ name={\catattrfmt{gloss\-name}},
+ category={categoryattribute},
+ parent={categoryattribute}
+ name={\catattrfmt{gloss\-name\-font}},
+ category={categoryattribute},
+ parent={categoryattribute}
+ name={\catattrfmt{gloss\-desc}},
+ category={categoryattribute},
+ parent={categoryattribute}
+ name={\catattrfmt{gloss\-desc\-font}},
+ category={categoryattribute},
+ parent={categoryattribute}
+ name={\catattrfmt{text\-format}},
+ category={categoryattribute},
+ parent={categoryattribute}
+ name={\catattrfmt{headuc}},
+ category={categoryattribute},
+ parent={categoryattribute}
+ name={\catattrfmt{apos\-plural}},
+ category={categoryattribute},
+ parent={categoryattribute}
+ name={\catattrfmt{access\-apos\-plural}},
+ category={categoryattribute},
+ parent={categoryattribute}
+ name={\catattrfmt{no\-short\-plural}},
+ category={categoryattribute},
+ parent={categoryattribute}
+ name={\catattrfmt{access\-no\-short\-plural}},
+ category={categoryattribute},
+ parent={categoryattribute}
+ name={\catattrfmt{name\-short\-access}},
+ category={categoryattribute},
+ parent={categoryattribute}
+ name={\catattrfmt{first\-short\-access}},
+ category={categoryattribute},
+ parent={categoryattribute}
+ name={\catattrfmt{text\-short\-access}},
+ category={categoryattribute},
+ parent={categoryattribute}
+ name={\catattrfmt{mark\-words}},
+ category={categoryattribute},
+ parent={categoryattribute}
+ name={\catattrfmt{mark\-short\-words}},
+ category={categoryattribute},
+ parent={categoryattribute}
+ name={\catattrfmt{target\-url}},
+ category={categoryattribute},
+ parent={categoryattribute}
+ name={\catattrfmt{target\-name}},
+ category={categoryattribute},
+ parent={categoryattribute}
+ name={\catattrfmt{external\-location}},
+ category={categoryattribute},
+ parent={categoryattribute}
+ name={\catattrfmt{discard\-period}},
+ category={categoryattribute},
+ parent={categoryattribute}
+ name={\catattrfmt{plural\-discard\-period}},
+ category={categoryattribute},
+ parent={categoryattribute}
+ name={\catattrfmt{retain\-first\-use\-period}},
+ category={categoryattribute},
+ parent={categoryattribute}
+ name={\catattrfmt{insert\-dots}},
+ category={categoryattribute},
+ parent={categoryattribute}
+ name={\catattrfmt{access\-insert\-dots}},
+ category={categoryattribute},
+ parent={categoryattribute}
+ name={\catattrfmt{tagging}},
+ category={categoryattribute},
+ parent={categoryattribute}
+ name={\catattrfmt{no\-hyper\-first}},
+ category={categoryattribute},
+ parent={categoryattribute}
+ name={\catattrfmt{no\-hyper}},
+ category={categoryattribute},
+ parent={categoryattribute}
+ name={\catattrfmt{entry\-count}},
+ category={categoryattribute},
+ parent={categoryattribute}
+ name={\catattrfmt{hyper\-outside}},
+ category={categoryattribute},
+ parent={categoryattribute}
+ name={\catattrfmt{regular}},
+ category={categoryattribute},
+ parent={categoryattribute}
+ name={\catattrfmt{wrgloss}},
+ category={categoryattribute},
+ parent={categoryattribute}
+ name={\counterfmt{equation}},
+ category={counter}
+ name={\counterfmt{page}},
+ category={counter}
+ name={\counterfmt{section}},
+ category={counter}
+ name={\counterfmt{chapter}},
+ category={counter}
+ name={\counterfmt{wrglossary}},
+ category={counter}
+ name={\counterfmt{glossaryentry}},
+ category={counter}
+ name={\counterfmt{glossarysubentry}},
+ category={counter}
+ name={label prefixes},
+ text={label prefix},
+ plural={label prefixes}
+ name={\idprefixfmt{dual}},
+ category={idprefix},
+ parent={labelprefixes}
+ name={\idprefixfmt{tertiary}},
+ category={idprefix},
+ parent={labelprefixes}
+ name={\idprefixfmt{ext\meta{n}}},
+ category={idprefix},
+ parent={labelprefixes}
+ name={package options},
+ text={package option}
+ name={\styoptfmt{record}},
+ user1={\meta{value}},
+ description={unless the value is \styoptfmt{off}, this option sets
+ up \styfmt{glossaries-extra} for use with \bibgls: \styoptfmt{only}
+ (assumed if no \meta{value} supplied) indexing is performed by
+ \bibgls; \styoptfmt{nameref} (\sty{glossaries-extra} v1.37+)
+ like \styoptfmt{only} but includes extra information in the records;
+ \styoptfmt{alsoindex} (hybrid method) \bibgls\ is used to provide
+ the entry definitions but \idx{makeindex} or \idx{xindy} is used
+ for the indexing},
+ package={glossaries-extra},
+ category={packageoption},
+ parent={packageoptions}
+ name={\styoptfmt{accsupp}},
+ description={load the \sty{glossaries-accsupp} package to provide
+ accessibility support},
+ package={glossaries,glossaries-extra},
+ category={packageoption},
+ parent={packageoptions}
+ name={\styoptfmt{abbreviations}},
+ description={creates the \code{abbreviations} glossary},
+ package={glossaries-extra},
+ category={packageoption},
+ parent={packageoptions}
+ name={\styoptfmt{symbols}},
+ package={glossaries,glossaries-extra},
+ description={defines the \code{symbols} glossary; with
+ \styfmt{glossaries-extra} additionally defines
+ \csref{glsxtrnewsymbol}},
+ category={packageoption},
+ parent={packageoptions}
+ name={\styoptfmt{numbers}},
+ package={glossaries,glossaries-extra},
+ description={defines the \code{numbers} glossary; with
+ \styfmt{glossaries-extra} additionally defines
+ \csref{glsxtrnewnumber}},
+ category={packageoption},
+ parent={packageoptions}
+ name={\styoptfmt{undefaction}},
+ user1={\meta{value}},
+ description={indicates what to do if an undefined entry is
+ referenced: \styoptfmt{warn} (generate a warning and show ?? in
+ the text, default with \styopt{record}), \styoptfmt{error}
+ (generate an error)},
+ package={glossaries-extra},
+ category={packageoption},
+ parent={packageoptions}
+ name={\styoptfmt{indexcrossrefs}},
+ user1={\meta{boolean}},
+ package={glossaries-extra},
+ category={packageoption},
+ parent={packageoptions},
+ description={if true, at the end of
+ the document automatically index cross-referenced entries that
+ haven't been marked as used},
+ note={not relevant with \bibgls}
+ name={\styoptfmt{autoseeindex}},
+ user1={\meta{boolean}},
+ package={glossaries-extra},
+ category={packageoption},
+ parent={packageoptions},
+ note={not relevant with \bibgls},
+ description={if true, the \field{see} and \field{seealso} keys
+ automatically indexes the cross-referenced term}
+ name={\styoptfmt{nopostdot}},
+ user1={\meta{boolean}},
+ package={glossaries,glossaries-extra},
+ description={if true, suppresses the automatic post-description
+ punctuation. With \styfmt{glossaries-extra} you can also use
+ \styopt[none]{postpunc} instead of \styopt[true]{nopostdot} and
+ \styopt{postdot} or \styopt[dot]{postpunc} instead of
+ \styopt[false]{nopostdot}},
+ category={packageoption},
+ parent={packageoptions}
+ name={\styoptfmt{postdot}},
+ package={glossaries-extra},
+ description={equivalent to \styopt[dot]{postpunc}},
+ category={packageoption},
+ parent={packageoptions}
+ name={\styoptfmt{postpunc}},
+ user1={\meta{value}},
+ package={glossaries-extra},
+ category={packageoption},
+ parent={packageoptions},
+ description={controls the automatic post-description punctuation;
+ the value may be one of: \styoptfmt{none} (not required,
+ the \field{description} or glossary style already supplies the
+ terminating punctuation), \styoptfmt{comma} (use a comma),
+ \styoptfmt{dot} (use a \idx{full-stop} with the space factor
+ adjusted), \meta{punctuation} (use \meta{punctuation})}
+ name={\styoptfmt{index\-counter}},
+ description={creates the \counter{wrglossary} counter, which is
+ incremented every time an entry is indexed with that counter, and sets
+ that as the default location counter},
+ package={glossaries-extra},
+ category={packageoption},
+ parent={packageoptions}
+ name={\styoptfmt{docdef}},
+ user1={\meta{value}},
+ package={glossaries-extra},
+ category={packageoption},
+ parent={packageoptions},
+ note={not relevant with \bibgls},
+ description={determines whether
+ entries can be defined in the \envfmt{document} environment; the
+ \meta{value} may be one of: \styoptfmt{false} (entries must be
+ defined in the preamble), \styoptfmt{true} (entries may be defined
+ in the \envfmt{document} environment), \styoptfmt{restricted}
+ (entries may only be defined in the \envfmt{document} environment
+ if the definition comes before all glossaries and before any
+ reference to the entry)}
+ name={\styoptfmt{nomissingglstext}},
+ user1={\meta{boolean}},
+ package={glossaries-extra},
+ category={packageoption},
+ parent={packageoptions},
+ note={not relevant with \bibgls},
+ description={if true, suppress the
+ warning text that appears in the document with \cs{printglossary}
+ if the associated external file doesn't exist}
+ name={\styoptfmt{stylemods}},
+ user1={\meta{value}},
+ description={load the \sty{glossaries-extra-stylemods} package with the
+ supplied options (which should be a list of suffix parts
+ identifying glossary style packages \styfmt{glossary-}\meta{suffix});
+ there are two keyword values: \styoptfmt{default}
+ (equivalent to omitting \meta{value}) and \styoptfmt{all}, which
+ loads all predefined styles},
+ package={glossaries-extra},
+ category={packageoption},
+ parent={packageoptions}
+ name={\styoptfmt{nowarn}},
+ package={glossaries},
+ category={packageoption},
+ parent={packageoptions},
+ description={suppresses all \styfmt{glossaries}-related warnings}
+ name={\styoptfmt{nolangwarn}},
+ package={glossaries},
+ category={packageoption},
+ parent={packageoptions},
+ description={suppresses warnings generated by missing language modules}
+ name={\styoptfmt{noredefwarn}},
+ package={glossaries},
+ category={packageoption},
+ parent={packageoptions},
+ description={suppresses warnings if overriding glossary commands
+ provided by another class or package}
+ name={\styoptfmt{debug}},
+ user1={\meta{value}},
+ package={glossaries,glossaries-extra},
+ category={packageoption},
+ parent={packageoptions},
+ description={add debugging information; allowed values:
+ \styoptfmt{false} (default), \styoptfmt{true} (info added to
+ transcript), \styoptfmt{showtargets} (info added to transcript
+ and show target name in the document for glossary-related
+ hyperlinks), \styoptfmt{showwrgloss}\extstyopt\ show mark in
+ document where indexing occurs and \styoptfmt{all}\extstyopt\
+ (implement both \styoptfmt{showtargets} and
+ \styoptfmt{showwrgloss})}
+ name={\styoptfmt{seenoindex}},
+ user1={\meta{value}},
+ package={glossaries},
+ category={packageoption},
+ parent={packageoptions},
+ note={not relevant with \bibgls},
+ description={determines whether the
+ \field{see} key automatically indexes the entry using \cs{glsadd};
+ allowed values: \styoptfmt{error} (attempts indexing but triggers
+ an error if used before \cs{cs.makeglossaries}); \styoptfmt{warn}
+ (attempts indexing but triggers a warning if used before
+ \cs{cs.makeglossaries}); \styoptfmt{ignore} (attempts indexing but
+ does nothing if used before \cs{cs.makeglossaries})}
+ name={\styoptfmt{nomain}},
+ package={glossaries},
+ category={packageoption},
+ parent={packageoptions},
+ description={suppresses the creation of the default \code{main}
+ glossary. If used an alternative glossary must be created}
+ name={\styoptfmt{sanitizesort}},
+ user1={\meta{boolean}},
+ package={glossaries},
+ category={packageoption},
+ parent={packageoptions},
+ note={not relevant with \bibgls},
+ description={determines whether or not
+ to sanitize the \field{sort} key (not relevant with \bibgls)}
+ name={\styoptfmt{savewrites}},
+ user1={\meta{boolean}},
+ package={glossaries},
+ category={packageoption},
+ parent={packageoptions},
+ note={not relevant with \bibgls},
+ description={if true, indexing
+ information is stored in token registers that are only written at
+ the end of the document to save creating a write register per
+ glossary indexing file}
+ name={\styoptfmt{translate}},
+ user1={\meta{value}},
+ package={glossaries},
+ category={packageoption},
+ parent={packageoptions},
+ description={determines the multilingual support provided by
+ \styfmt{glossaries}; allowed values: \styoptfmt{true} (default
+ with just base \styfmt{glossaries}; if
+ \styfmt{babel} has been loaded and \styfmt{translator} is
+ installed, use \styfmt{translator} interface), \styoptfmt{false}
+ (don't provide translations), \styoptfmt{babel} (default with
+ \styfmt{glossaries-extra}; don't load the
+ \styfmt{translator} package, just load \styfmt{glossaries-babel})}
+ name={\styoptfmt{notranslate}},
+ package={glossaries},
+ category={packageoption},
+ parent={packageoptions},
+ description={equivalent to \styopt[false]{translate}}
+ name={\styoptfmt{nohypertypes}},
+ user1={\meta{list}},
+ package={glossaries},
+ category={packageoption},
+ parent={packageoptions},
+ description={suppress hyperlinks for the listed glossary types}
+ name={\styoptfmt{hyperfirst}},
+ user1={\meta{boolean}},
+ package={glossaries},
+ category={packageoption},
+ parent={packageoptions},
+ description={if false, terms on first use don't have hyperlinks
+ unless explicitly set (with \styfmt{glossaries-extra}, the
+ \catattr{nohyperfirst} category attribute can selectively apply this)}
+ name={\styoptfmt{indexonlyfirst}},
+ user1={\meta{boolean}},
+ package={glossaries},
+ category={packageoption},
+ parent={packageoptions},
+ description={if true, only performs indexing on first use}
+ name={\styoptfmt{savenumberlist}},
+ user1={\meta{boolean}},
+ package={glossaries},
+ category={packageoption},
+ parent={packageoptions},
+ description={if true, stores the number list for each entry (with
+ \bibgls\ use the \csopt{save-locations} resource option instead)}
+ name={\styoptfmt{toc}},
+ user1={\meta{boolean}},
+ package={glossaries},
+ category={packageoption},
+ parent={packageoptions},
+ description={if true (default for \styfmt{glossaries-extra}),
+ automatically add each glossary to the \glsxtrlong{toc}}
+ name={\styoptfmt{numberline}},
+ user1={\meta{boolean}},
+ package={glossaries},
+ category={packageoption},
+ parent={packageoptions},
+ description={when used with \styopt[true]{toc}, this will add
+ \code{\csfmt{numberline}\marg{}} to the start of the \idx{toc} entry}
+ name={\styoptfmt{section}},
+ user1={\meta{value}},
+ package={glossaries},
+ category={packageoption},
+ parent={packageoptions},
+ description={indicates the sectional unit to use for the glossary
+ heading (the value should be the name of the section command without
+ the leading backslash, for example \styopt[subsection]{section}).
+ If no value is supplied then \styopt[section]{section} is assumed.
+ If this option is omitted, then the default is either
+ \styopt[chapter]{section} or \styopt[section]{section}, depending
+ on whether or not \cs{chapter} has been defined. The starred or
+ unstarred version is determined by \styopt{numberedsection}}
+ name={\styoptfmt{ucmark}},
+ user1={\meta{boolean}},
+ package={glossaries},
+ category={packageoption},
+ parent={packageoptions},
+ description={if true, converts the glossary mark (used in page
+ headings) to \idx{uppercase} with \cs{MakeTextUppercase}}
+ name={\styoptfmt{numberedsection}},
+ user1={\meta{value}},
+ package={glossaries},
+ category={packageoption},
+ parent={packageoptions},
+ description={determines whether to use numbered or unnumbered
+ section units, and whether or not to automatically add
+ \cs{label}; the value may be one of: \styoptfmt{false} (default, no
+ numbering and no label), \styoptfmt{nolabel} (numbered but no
+ label), \styoptfmt{autolabel} (numbered with automatic label),
+ \styoptfmt{nameref} (unnumbered but labelled). If no value is
+ given \styoptfmt{nolabel} is assumed}
+ name={\styoptfmt{entrycounter}},
+ user1={\meta{boolean}},
+ package={glossaries},
+ category={packageoption},
+ parent={packageoptions},
+ description={if true, creates the \counter{glossaryentry} counter
+ and each main (level 0) glossary entry will be
+ numbered (which can be referenced with \cs{glsrefentry} or
+ \cs{glsxtrpageref})}
+ name={\styoptfmt{counterwithin}},
+ user1={\meta{counter name}},
+ package={glossaries},
+ category={packageoption},
+ parent={packageoptions},
+ description={automatically sets \styopt[true]{entrycounter} and
+ indicates the master counter for \counter{glossaryentry}}
+ name={\styoptfmt{subentrycounter}},
+ user1={\meta{boolean}},
+ package={glossaries},
+ category={packageoption},
+ parent={packageoptions},
+ description={if true, creates the \counter{glossarysubentry} counter
+ and each level~1 glossary entry will be
+ numbered (which can be referenced with \cs{glsrefentry} or
+ \cs{glsxtrpageref}); this option and associated counter are
+ independent of \styopt{entrycounter} and \counter{glossaryentry}}
+ name={\styoptfmt{style}},
+ user1={\meta{name}},
+ package={glossaries},
+ description={sets the default glossary style to \meta{name}},
+ category={packageoption},
+ parent={packageoptions}
+ name={\styoptfmt{nolong}},
+ package={glossaries},
+ description={prevents the \sty{glossary-long} package (which
+ provides the \glostyle{long} styles) from being
+ automatically loaded},
+ category={packageoption},
+ parent={packageoptions}
+ name={\styoptfmt{nosuper}},
+ package={glossaries},
+ description={prevents the \sty{glossary-super} package (which
+ provides the \glostyle{super} styles) from being
+ automatically loaded},
+ category={packageoption},
+ parent={packageoptions}
+ name={\styoptfmt{nolist}},
+ package={glossaries},
+ description={prevents the \sty{glossary-list} package (which
+ provides the \glostyle{list} styles) from being
+ automatically loaded},
+ category={packageoption},
+ parent={packageoptions}
+ name={\styoptfmt{notree}},
+ package={glossaries},
+ category={packageoption},
+ parent={packageoptions},
+ description={prevents the \sty{glossary-tree} package (which
+ provides the \glostyle{tree} styles) from being
+ automatically loaded}
+ name={\styoptfmt{nostyles}},
+ package={glossaries},
+ description={prevents all the default styles from being loaded. If
+ this option is used a style must be defined in the document or a package
+ providing a style needs to be loaded (either
+ through \styopt{stylemods} or with \ics{usepackage})},
+ category={packageoption},
+ parent={packageoptions}
+ name={\styoptfmt{esclocations}},
+ user1={\meta{boolean}},
+ package={glossaries},
+ category={packageoption},
+ parent={packageoptions},
+ note={not relevant with \bibgls},
+ description={if true,
+ \styfmt{glossaries} tries to escape special characters from the
+ locations}
+ name={\styoptfmt{nonumberlist}},
+ package={glossaries},
+ description={suppresses the location lists from being
+ displayed in the glossary lists (the package
+ option isn't boolean, but the option of the same name for
+ \cs{printglossary}, \cs{printunsrtglossary} and
+ \cs{printnoidxglossary} is boolean); with \bibgls\ you can use
+ \csopt[false]{save-locations} instead},
+ category={packageoption},
+ parent={packageoptions}
+ name={\styoptfmt{seeautonumberlist}},
+ package={glossaries},
+ category={packageoption},
+ parent={packageoptions},
+ note={not relevant with \bibgls},
+ description={if \styopt{nonumberlist}
+ is used, this allows the \field{see} key to override the setting
+ for the associated entry}
+ name={\styoptfmt{counter}},
+ user1={\meta{value}},
+ description={sets the default location counter to \meta{value}
+ (which must be the name of a counter). May be overridden on
+ an individual basis using the
+ \glsopt{counter} option in commands like \cs{gls} and \cs{glsadd}},
+ package={glossaries},
+ category={packageoption},
+ parent={packageoptions}
+ name={\styoptfmt{nogroupskip}},
+ user1={\meta{boolean}},
+ description={if true, suppresses the visual separation between
+ letter groups in glossary styles that support this option},
+ package={glossaries},
+ category={packageoption},
+ parent={packageoptions}
+ name={\styoptfmt{sort}},
+ user1={\meta{value}},
+ note={not relevant with \bibgls, use the \csopt{sort}
+ resource option instead},
+ description={indicates how to assign the \field{sort} key if not
+ explicitly set, the value may be one of: \styoptfmt{none} (don't
+ automatically assign the \field{sort} field), \styoptfmt{standard}
+ (obtain the \field{sort} value from the \field{name} field),
+ \styoptfmt{def} (assign the \field{sort} field to a numerical value
+ that represents the order of definition), \styoptfmt{user}
+ (assign the \field{sort} field to a numerical value that
+ represents the order of first use)},
+ package={glossaries},
+ category={packageoption},
+ parent={packageoptions}
+ name={\styoptfmt{order}},
+ user1={\meta{value}},
+ note={not relevant with \bibgls, use the \csopt{break-at}
+ resource option instead},
+ description={sets whether to use word or letter ordering},
+ package={glossaries},
+ category={packageoption},
+ parent={packageoptions}
+ name={\styoptfmt{makeindex}},
+ note={not relevant with \bibgls},
+ description={write the indexing
+ information using \idx{makeindex}'s format},
+ package={glossaries},
+ category={packageoption},
+ parent={packageoptions}
+ name={\styoptfmt{xindy}},
+ user1={\meta{settings}},
+ note={not relevant with \bibgls},
+ description={write the indexing
+ information using \idx{xindy}'s format where the optional
+ \meta{settings} may supply the language and code page and whether
+ or not to define the default number group},
+ package={glossaries},
+ category={packageoption},
+ parent={packageoptions}
+ name={\styoptfmt{xindygloss}},
+ package={glossaries},
+ category={packageoption},
+ parent={packageoptions},
+ note={not relevant with \bibgls},
+ description={equivalent to \styopt[\empty]{xindy}}
+ name={\styoptfmt{xindynoglsnumbers}},
+ package={glossaries},
+ category={packageoption},
+ parent={packageoptions},
+ note={not relevant with \bibgls},
+ description={equivalent to \styopt[glsnumbers=false]{xindy}}
+ name={\styoptfmt{automake}},
+ user1={\meta{boolean}},
+ description={if true, tries to use \TeX's shell escape to
+ automatically run the required indexing application (may not
+ be permitted by \TeX's security settings)},
+ package={glossaries},
+ category={packageoption},
+ parent={packageoptions}
+ name={\styoptfmt{acronym}},
+ user1={\meta{boolean}},
+ package={glossaries},
+ category={packageoption},
+ parent={packageoptions},
+ description={if true, creates a new glossary with the label \code{acronym}}
+ name={\styoptfmt{acronyms}},
+ package={glossaries},
+ category={packageoption},
+ parent={packageoptions},
+ description={equivalent to \styopt[true]{acronym}}
+ name={\styoptfmt{acronymlists}},
+ user1={\meta{list}},
+ package={glossaries},
+ category={packageoption},
+ parent={packageoptions},
+ description={identifies the glossaries that are lists of acronyms
+ (don't use with \sty{glossaries-extra})}
+ name={\styoptfmt{shortcuts}},
+ package={glossaries,glossaries-extra},
+ user1={\meta{value}},
+ description={sets up short cut commands; the value may be one of
+ \styoptfmt{false} (default), \styoptfmt{true} (assumed if no value
+ supplied, implements
+ \styopt[ac]{shortcuts}, \styopt[abbreviations]{shortcuts} and
+ \styopt[other]{shortcuts}), \styoptfmt{acronyms}\extstyopt\
+ (equivalent to base \styopt[true]{shortcuts}, synonym
+ \styoptfmt{acro}), \styoptfmt{ac}\extstyopt\ (provides \cs{ac}
+ shortcuts that use \styfmt{glossaries-extra}'s new abbreviation
+ commands), \styoptfmt{abbreviations}\extstyopt\ (provides \cs{ab}
+ shortcuts), \styoptfmt{other}\extstyopt\ (provides other shortcut
+ commands), \styoptfmt{all}\extstyopt\ (synonym for
+ \styopt[true]{shortcuts}) and \styoptfmt{none}\extstyopt\ (synonym
+ for \styopt[false]{shortcuts})},
+ category={packageoption},
+ parent={packageoptions}
+ name={\styoptfmt{index}},
+ package={glossaries},
+ description={defines the \code{index} glossary and \csref{newterm}},
+ category={packageoption},
+ parent={packageoptions}
+ name={fields},
+ text={field}
+ name={\fieldfmt{alias}},
+ description={The entry with this field set is a synonym of the
+ entry whose label is given by this field.},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra}},
+ category={extrafield},
+ parent={fields}
+ name={\fieldfmt{category}},
+ description={The entry's category label.},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra}},
+ category={extrafield},
+ parent={fields}
+ name={\fieldfmt{description}},
+ description={The description displayed in the glossary.},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries}},
+ category={basefield},
+ parent={fields}
+ name={\fieldfmt{descriptionplural}},
+ description={The plural form of the description.},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries}},
+ category={basefield},
+ parent={fields}
+ name={\fieldfmt{first}},
+ description={The text to display on first use with \cs{gls}\margm{label}.},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries}},
+ category={basefield},
+ parent={fields}
+ name={\fieldfmt{firstplural}},
+ description={The text to display on first use with \cs{glspl}\margm{label}.},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries}},
+ category={basefield},
+ parent={fields}
+ name={\fieldfmt{long}},
+ description={The long form of an abbreviation. (Set internally
+ by commands like \csref{newabbreviation}.)},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries}},
+ category={basefield},
+ parent={fields}
+ name={\fieldfmt{longplural}},
+ description={The plural long form of an abbreviation.},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries}},
+ category={basefield},
+ parent={fields}
+ name={\fieldfmt{name}},
+ description={The name displayed in the glossary.},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries}},
+ category={basefield},
+ parent={fields}
+ name={\fieldfmt{parent}},
+ description={The parent entry's label. See
+ \sectionref{sec:logicaldivisions}.},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries}},
+ category={basefield},
+ parent={fields}
+ name={\fieldfmt{plural}},
+ description={The text to display on subsequent use of
+ \cs{glspl}\margm{label}.},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries}},
+ category={basefield},
+ parent={fields}
+ name={\fieldfmt{see}},
+ description={General purpose cross-reference
+ (syntax: \code{see=\marg{\oargm{tag}\meta{xr-list}}}).},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries}},
+ category={basefield},
+ parent={fields}
+ name={\fieldfmt{seealso}},
+ description={Cross-reference related entries
+ (syntax: \code{seealso=\margm{xr-list}}).},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra}},
+ category={extrafield},
+ parent={fields}
+ name={\fieldfmt{short}},
+ description={The short form of an abbreviation. (Set internally
+ by commands like \csref{newabbreviation}.)},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries}},
+ category={basefield},
+ parent={fields}
+ name={\fieldfmt{shortplural}},
+ description={The plural short form of an abbreviation.},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries}},
+ category={basefield},
+ parent={fields}
+ name={\fieldfmt{symbol}},
+ description={The associated symbol.},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries}},
+ category={basefield},
+ parent={fields}
+ name={\fieldfmt{symbolplural}},
+ description={The plural form of the associated symbol.},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries}},
+ category={basefield},
+ parent={fields}
+ name={\fieldfmt{text}},
+ description={The text to display on subsequent use of
+ \cs{gls}\margm{label}.},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries}},
+ category={basefield},
+ parent={fields}
+ name={\fieldfmt{user1}},
+ description={A general purpose user field.},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries}},
+ category={basefield},
+ parent={fields}
+ name={\fieldfmt{user2}},
+ description={A general purpose user field.},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries}},
+ category={basefield},
+ parent={fields}
+ name={\fieldfmt{user3}},
+ description={A general purpose user field.},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries}},
+ category={basefield},
+ parent={fields}
+ name={\fieldfmt{user4}},
+ description={A general purpose user field.},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries}},
+ category={basefield},
+ parent={fields}
+ name={\fieldfmt{user5}},
+ description={A general purpose user field.},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries}},
+ category={basefield},
+ parent={fields}
+ name={\fieldfmt{user6}},
+ description={A general purpose user field.},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries}},
+ category={basefield},
+ parent={fields}
+ name={\fieldfmt{duallong}},
+ description={The long form of a dual
+ abbreviation mapped by \atentry{dualabbreviation}.},
+ note={\appfmt{bib2gls}},
+ category={bib2glsfield},
+ parent={fields}
+ name={\fieldfmt{dual\-long\-plural}},
+ description={The plural long form of a dual
+ abbreviation mapped by \atentry{dualabbreviation}.},
+ note={\appfmt{bib2gls}},
+ category={bib2glsfield},
+ parent={fields}
+ name={\fieldfmt{dualshort}},
+ description={The short form of a dual
+ abbreviation mapped by \atentry{dualabbreviation}.},
+ note={\appfmt{bib2gls}},
+ category={bib2glsfield},
+ parent={fields}
+ name={\fieldfmt{dual\-short\-plural}},
+ description={The plural short form of a dual abbreviation
+ mapped by \atentry{dualabbreviation}.},
+ note={\appfmt{bib2gls}},
+ category={bib2glsfield},
+ parent={fields}
+ name={\fieldfmt{adopt\-parents}},
+ description={The list of adopted parents for entries spawned by
+ \atentry{progenitor}. (Field only available for use in
+ \ext{bib} file within \atentry{progenitor}-like entries.)},
+ note={\appfmt{bib2gls}},
+ category={bib2glsfield},
+ parent={fields}
+ name={\fieldfmt{prefix}},
+ description={The prefix associated with the \field{text}
+ field.},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-prefix}},
+ category={prefixfield},
+ parent={fields}
+ name={\fieldfmt{prefixfirst}},
+ description={The prefix associated with the \field{first}
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-prefix}},
+ category={prefixfield},
+ parent={fields}
+ name={\fieldfmt{prefixfirstplural}},
+ description={The prefix associated with the
+ \field{firstplural} field.},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-prefix}},
+ category={prefixfield},
+ parent={fields}
+ name={\fieldfmt{prefixplural}},
+ description={The prefix associated with the
+ \field{plural} field.},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-prefix}},
+ category={prefixfield},
+ parent={fields}
+ name={\fieldfmt{access}},
+ description={The replacement text for the \field{name} field.},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-accsupp}},
+ category={accessfield},
+ parent={fields}
+ name={\fieldfmt{descriptionaccess}},
+ description={The replacement text for the
+ \field{description} field.},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-accsupp}},
+ category={accessfield},
+ parent={fields}
+ name={\fieldfmt{descriptionpluralaccess}},
+ description={The replacement text for the
+ \field{descriptionplural} field.},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-accsupp}},
+ category={accessfield},
+ parent={fields}
+ name={\fieldfmt{firstaccess}},
+ description={The replacement text for the \field{first} field.},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-accsupp}},
+ category={accessfield},
+ parent={fields}
+ name={\fieldfmt{firstpluralaccess}},
+ description={The replacement text for the
+ \field{firstplural} field.},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-accsupp}},
+ category={accessfield},
+ parent={fields}
+ name={\fieldfmt{longaccess}},
+ description={The replacement text for the \field{long} field.},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-accsupp}},
+ category={accessfield},
+ parent={fields}
+ name={\fieldfmt{longpluralaccess}},
+ description={The replacement text for the
+ \field{longplural} field.},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-accsupp}},
+ category={accessfield},
+ parent={fields}
+ name={\fieldfmt{pluralaccess}},
+ description={The replacement text for the \field{plural} field.},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-accsupp}},
+ category={accessfield},
+ parent={fields}
+ name={\fieldfmt{shortaccess}},
+ description={The replacement text for the \field{short} field.},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-accsupp}},
+ category={accessfield},
+ parent={fields}
+ name={\fieldfmt{shortpluralaccess}},
+ description={The replacement text for the
+ \field{shortplural} field.},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-accsupp}},
+ category={accessfield},
+ parent={fields}
+ name={\fieldfmt{symbolaccess}},
+ description={The replacement text for the \field{symbol} field.},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-accsupp}},
+ category={accessfield},
+ parent={fields}
+ name={\fieldfmt{symbolpluralaccess}},
+ description={The replacement text for the
+ \field{symbolplural} field.},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-accsupp}},
+ category={accessfield},
+ parent={fields}
+ name={\fieldfmt{textaccess}},
+ description={The replacement text for the
+ \field{text} field.},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-accsupp}},
+ category={accessfield},
+ parent={fields}
+ name={fields, internal},
+ text={internal fields}
+ name={\fieldfmt{childcount}},
+ description={Stores the number of children this entry has
+ had selected.},
+ note={internal field set by \appfmt{bib2gls}},
+ category={internalfield},
+ parent={internalfields}
+ name={\fieldfmt{childlist}},
+ description={A list of labels (in \sty{etoolbox}'s internal list
+ format) of the children this entry has had selected.},
+ note={internal field set by \appfmt{bib2gls}},
+ category={internalfield},
+ parent={internalfields}
+ name={\fieldfmt{original\-entry\-type}},
+ description={The original entry type before any aliasing was
+ applied or the actual entry type if no aliasing.},
+ note={internal field set by \appfmt{bib2gls}},
+ category={internalfield},
+ parent={internalfields}
+ name={\fieldfmt{primarylocations}},
+ description={Stores the locations that use one of the designated
+primary formats, if enabled.},
+ note={internal field set by \appfmt{bib2gls}},
+ category={internalfield},
+ parent={internalfields}
+ name={\fieldfmt{index\-counter}},
+ description={Stores the location corresponding to the matching
+\counter{wrglossary} reference.},
+ note={internal field set by \appfmt{bib2gls}},
+ category={internalfield},
+ parent={internalfields}
+ name={\fieldfmt{counter}},
+ description={The default counter used for indexing (assigned by
+ the \csopt{counter} option).},
+ note={internal field set by \appfmt{bib2gls}},
+ category={internalfield},
+ parent={internalfields}
+ name={\fieldfmt{group}},
+ description={The letter group determined by the comparator
+ (or assigned by the \csopt{group} option). See
+ \sectionref{sec:logicaldivisions}.},
+ note={internal field set by \appfmt{bib2gls}},
+ category={internalfield},
+ parent={internalfields}
+ name={\fieldfmt{location}},
+ description={The typeset location list.},
+ note={internal field set by \appfmt{bib2gls}},
+ category={internalfield},
+ parent={internalfields}
+ name={\fieldfmt{loclist}},
+ description={The internal list of locations.},
+ note={internal field set by \appfmt{bib2gls}},
+ category={internalfield},
+ parent={internalfields}
+ name={\fieldfmt{recordcount}},
+ description={Used with record counting to store the
+ total record count.},
+ note={internal field set by \appfmt{bib2gls}},
+ category={internalfield},
+ parent={internalfields}
+ name={\fieldfmt{recordcount.\discretionary{}{}{}\meta{counter}}},
+ description={Used with record counting to store the
+ total number of records for a given counter.},
+ note={internal field set by \appfmt{bib2gls}},
+ category={internalfield},
+ parent={internalfields}
+ name={\fieldfmt{recordcount.\discretionary{}{}{}\meta{counter}.\discretionary{}{}{}\meta{location}}},
+ description={Used with record counting to store the
+ total number of records for a given location.},
+ note={internal field set by \appfmt{bib2gls}},
+ category={internalfield},
+ parent={internalfields}
+ name={\fieldfmt{secondarygroup}},
+ description={The letter group determined by the
+ comparator used with the \csopt{secondary} sort.},
+ note={internal field set by \appfmt{bib2gls}},
+ category={internalfield},
+ parent={internalfields}
+ name={\fieldfmt{secondarysort}},
+ description={The sort value determined by the
+ comparator used with the \csopt{secondary} sort.},
+ note={internal field set by \appfmt{bib2gls}},
+ category={internalfield},
+ parent={internalfields}
+ name={\fieldfmt{dual}},
+ description={Created by \csopt{dual-field} if set with no value,
+ this field is used to store the dual label.},
+ note={internal field set by \appfmt{bib2gls}},
+ category={internalfield},
+ parent={internalfields}
+ name={\fieldfmt{sort}},
+ description={The sort value obtained by the comparator.},
+ note={internal field set by \appfmt{bib2gls}},
+ category={internalfield},
+ parent={internalfields}
+ name={\fieldfmt{type}},
+ description={The glossary this entry belongs to (assigned by
+ the \csopt{type} option). See
+ \sectionref{sec:logicaldivisions}.},
+ note={internal field set by \appfmt{bib2gls}},
+ category={internalfield},
+ parent={internalfields}
+ name={\meta{field}\fieldfmt{endpunc}},
+ description={Used with the \csopt{check-end-punctuation}
+ option.},
+ note={internal field set by \appfmt{bibgls}},
+ category={internalfield},
+ parent={internalfields}
+ name={\fieldfmt{bib\-tex\-type}},
+ description={Used by \bibgls\ as a substitution for \BibTeX's
+ \fieldfmt{type} field when parsing \atentry{bibtexentry}. Needs
+ to be defined or aliased to make it available in the document.},
+ note={internal field set by \bibgls},
+ category={internalfield},
+ parent={internalfields}
+ name={\fieldfmt{bib\-tex\-con\-trib\-u\-tor}},
+ description={An internal list field provided when a
+ \atentry{contributor} entry is automatically
+ created by \atentry{bibtexentry}.},
+ note={internal field set by \bibgls},
+ category={internalfield},
+ parent={internalfields}
+ name={\fieldfmt{bib\-tex\-entry}},
+ description={An internal list field created by \atentry{bibtexentry}.},
+ note={internal field set by \bibgls},
+ category={internalfield},
+ parent={internalfields}
+ name={\fieldfmt{bib\-tex\-entry\-@\meta{entry-type}}},
+ description={An internal list field created by \atentry{bibtexentry}.},
+ note={internal field set by \bibgls},
+ category={internalfield},
+ parent={internalfields}
+ name={\fieldfmt{progeny}},
+ description={A comma-separated list of labels identifying
+ the entries spawned by \atentry{progenitor}.},
+ note={internal field set by \appfmt{bib2gls}},
+ category={internalfield},
+ parent={internalfields}
+ name={\fieldfmt{progenitor}},
+ description={The label identifying the \atentry{progenitor}
+ that spawned this entry.},
+ note={internal field set by \appfmt{bib2gls}},
+ category={internalfield},
+ parent={internalfields}
+ name={\fieldfmt{currcount}},
+ description={Used with entry counting to store the current total.},
+ note={internal field set by \styfmt{glossaries}},
+ category={baseinternalfield},
+ parent={internalfields}
+ name={\fieldfmt{currcount@}\meta{value}},
+ description={Used with unit entry counting (\styfmt{glossaries-extra}).},
+ note={internal field set by \styfmt{glossaries-extra}},
+ category={baseinternalfield},
+ parent={internalfields}
+ name={\fieldfmt{desc}},
+ description={Corresponds to \field{description} key.},
+ note={internal field set by \styfmt{glossaries}},
+ category={baseinternalfield},
+ parent={internalfields}
+ name={\fieldfmt{descplural}},
+ description={Corresponds to \field{descriptionplural} key.},
+ note={internal field set by \styfmt{glossaries}},
+ category={baseinternalfield},
+ parent={internalfields}
+ name={\fieldfmt{firstpl}},
+ description={Corresponds to \field{firstplural} key.},
+ note={internal field set by \styfmt{glossaries}},
+ category={baseinternalfield},
+ parent={internalfields}
+ name={\fieldfmt{flag}},
+ description={Boolean that determines if an entry has been used.},
+ note={internal field set by \styfmt{glossaries}},
+ category={baseinternalfield},
+ parent={internalfields}
+ name={\fieldfmt{index}},
+ description={The main part of the indexing code
+ (\appfmt{makeindex} or \appfmt{xindy}).},
+ note={internal field set by \styfmt{glossaries}},
+ category={baseinternalfield},
+ parent={internalfields}
+ name={\fieldfmt{level}},
+ description={Hierarchical level.},
+ note={internal field set by \styfmt{glossaries}},
+ category={baseinternalfield},
+ parent={internalfields}
+ name={\fieldfmt{longpl}},
+ description={Corresponds to \field{longplural} key.},
+ note={internal field set by \styfmt{glossaries}},
+ category={baseinternalfield},
+ parent={internalfields}
+ name={\fieldfmt{nonumberlist}},
+ description={Used to suppress the location list for a specific entry.},
+ note={internal field set by \styfmt{glossaries}},
+ category={baseinternalfield},
+ parent={internalfields}
+ name={\fieldfmt{prevcount}},
+ description={Used with entry counting to store the total
+ from the previous run.},
+ note={internal field set by \styfmt{glossaries}},
+ category={baseinternalfield},
+ parent={internalfields}
+ name={\fieldfmt{prevcount@}\meta{value}},
+ description={Used with unit entry counting
+ (\styfmt{glossaries-extra}).},
+ note={internal field set by \styfmt{glossaries-extra}},
+ category={baseinternalfield},
+ parent={internalfields}
+ name={\fieldfmt{prevunitmax}},
+ description={Used with unit entry counting
+ (\styfmt{glossaries-extra}).},
+ note={internal field set by \styfmt{glossaries-extra}},
+ category={baseinternalfield},
+ parent={internalfields}
+ name={\fieldfmt{prevunittotal}},
+ description={Used with unit entry counting
+ (\styfmt{glossaries-extra}).},
+ note={internal field set by \styfmt{glossaries-extra}},
+ category={baseinternalfield},
+ parent={internalfields}
+ name={\fieldfmt{shortpl}},
+ description={Corresponds to \field{shortplural} key.},
+ note={internal field set by \styfmt{glossaries}},
+ category={baseinternalfield},
+ parent={internalfields}
+ name={\fieldfmt{sortvalue}},
+ description={Original \field{sort} value
+ (before sanitizing and escaping special characters).},
+ note={internal field set by \styfmt{glossaries}},
+ category={baseinternalfield},
+ parent={internalfields}
+ name={\fieldfmt{unitlist}},
+ description={Used with unit entry counting
+ (\styfmt{glossaries-extra}).},
+ note={internal field set by \styfmt{glossaries-extra}},
+ category={baseinternalfield},
+ parent={internalfields}
+ name={\fieldfmt{useri}},
+ description={Corresponds to \field{user1} key.},
+ note={internal field set by \styfmt{glossaries}},
+ category={baseinternalfield},
+ parent={internalfields}
+ name={\fieldfmt{userii}},
+ description={Corresponds to \field{user2} key.},
+ note={internal field set by \styfmt{glossaries}},
+ category={baseinternalfield},
+ parent={internalfields}
+ name={\fieldfmt{useriii}},
+ description={Corresponds to \field{user3} key.},
+ note={internal field set by \styfmt{glossaries}},
+ category={baseinternalfield},
+ parent={internalfields}
+ name={\fieldfmt{useriv}},
+ description={Corresponds to \field{user4} key.},
+ note={internal field set by \styfmt{glossaries}},
+ category={baseinternalfield},
+ parent={internalfields}
+ name={\fieldfmt{userv}},
+ description={Corresponds to \field{user5} key.},
+ note={internal field set by \styfmt{glossaries}},
+ category={baseinternalfield},
+ parent={internalfields}
+ name={\fieldfmt{uservi}},
+ description={Corresponds to \field{user6} key.},
+ note={internal field set by \styfmt{glossaries}},
+ category={baseinternalfield},
+ parent={internalfields}
+ name={\fieldfmt{bib2gls@sort}},
+ description={Used by \bibgls\ to store the actual sort value.},
+ note={internal field set by \bibgls},
+ category={baseinternalfield},
+ parent={internalfields}
+ name={\fieldfmt{bib2gls@sortfallback}},
+ description={Used by \bibgls\ to store the sort fallback value.},
+ note={internal field set by \bibgls},
+ category={baseinternalfield},
+ parent={internalfields}
+ name={entry types},
+ text={entry type}
+ name={\atentryfmt{string}},
+ category={entrytype},
+ parent={entrytypes}
+ name={\atentryfmt{preamble}},
+ category={entrytype},
+ parent={entrytypes}
+ name={\atentryfmt{comment}},
+ category={entrytype},
+ parent={entrytypes}
+ name={\atentryfmt{entry}},
+ category={entrytype},
+ parent={entrytypes}
+ name={\atentryfmt{symbol}},
+ category={entrytype},
+ parent={entrytypes}
+ name={\atentryfmt{number}},
+ category={entrytype},
+ parent={entrytypes}
+ name={\atentryfmt{index}},
+ category={entrytype},
+ parent={entrytypes}
+ name={\atentryfmt{indexplural}},
+ category={entrytype},
+ parent={entrytypes}
+ name={\atentryfmt{abbreviation}},
+ category={entrytype},
+ parent={entrytypes}
+ name={\atentryfmt{acronym}},
+ category={entrytype},
+ parent={entrytypes}
+ name={\atentryfmt{dual\-entry}},
+ category={entrytype},
+ parent={entrytypes}
+ name={\atentryfmt{dual\-index\-entry}},
+ category={entrytype},
+ parent={entrytypes}
+ name={\atentryfmt{dual\-index\-abbre\-via\-tion}},
+ category={entrytype},
+ parent={entrytypes}
+ name={\atentryfmt{dual\-index\-symbol}},
+ category={entrytype},
+ parent={entrytypes}
+ name={\atentryfmt{dual\-index\-number}},
+ category={entrytype},
+ parent={entrytypes}
+ name={\atentryfmt{dual\-abbre\-via\-tion\-entry}},
+ category={entrytype},
+ parent={entrytypes}
+ name={\atentryfmt{dual\-entry\-abbre\-via\-tion}},
+ category={entrytype},
+ parent={entrytypes}
+ name={\atentryfmt{dual\-symbol}},
+ category={entrytype},
+ parent={entrytypes}
+ name={\atentryfmt{dual\-number}},
+ category={entrytype},
+ parent={entrytypes}
+ name={\atentryfmt{dual\-abbre\-via\-tion}},
+ category={entrytype},
+ parent={entrytypes}
+ name={\atentryfmt{dual\-acronym}},
+ category={entrytype},
+ parent={entrytypes}
+ name={\atentryfmt{tert\-iary\-index\-abbre\-via\-tion\-entry}},
+ category={entrytype},
+ parent={entrytypes}
+ name={\atentryfmt{bib\-tex\-entry}},
+ category={entrytype},
+ parent={entrytypes}
+ name={\atentryfmt{contributor}},
+ category={entrytype},
+ parent={entrytypes}
+ name={\atentryfmt{progenitor}},
+ category={entrytype},
+ parent={entrytypes}
+ name={\atentryfmt{spawn\-index}},
+ category={entrytype},
+ parent={entrytypes}
+ name={\atentryfmt{spawn\-index\-plural}},
+ category={entrytype},
+ parent={entrytypes}
+ name={\atentryfmt{spawn\-entry}},
+ category={entrytype},
+ parent={entrytypes}
+ name={\atentryfmt{spawn\-symbol}},
+ category={entrytype},
+ parent={entrytypes}
+ name={\atentryfmt{spawn\-number}},
+ category={entrytype},
+ parent={entrytypes}
+ name={\atentryfmt{spawn\-abbreviation}},
+ category={entrytype},
+ parent={entrytypes}
+ name={\atentryfmt{spawn\-acronym}},
+ category={entrytype},
+ parent={entrytypes}
+ name={\atentryfmt{spawn\-dual\-index\-entry}},
+ category={entrytype},
+ parent={entrytypes}
+ name={switches},
+ text={switch},
+ plural={switches},
+ see={commandlineoptions}
+ name={command line options},
+ text={command line option}
+ name={\longargfmt{help}},
+ symbol={\shortargfmt{h}},
+ user1={},
+ category={switch},
+ parent={commandlineoptions}
+ name={\longargfmt{version}},
+ symbol={\shortargfmt{v}},
+ user1={},
+ category={switch},
+ parent={commandlineoptions}
+ name={\longargfmt{debug}},
+ user1={\oargm{n}},
+ category={switch},
+ parent={commandlineoptions}
+ name={\longargfmt{no\dhyphen debug}},
+ symbol={\longargfmt{nodebug}},
+ user1={},
+ category={switch},
+ parent={commandlineoptions}
+ name={\longargfmt{verbose}},
+ user1={},
+ category={switch},
+ parent={commandlineoptions}
+ name={\longargfmt{no\dhyphen verbose}},
+ symbol={\longargfmt{noverbose}},
+ user1={},
+ category={switch},
+ parent={commandlineoptions}
+ name={\longargfmt{silent}},
+ user1={},
+ category={switch},
+ parent={commandlineoptions}
+ name={\longargfmt{locale}},
+ symbol={\shortargfmt{l}},
+ user1={\meta{lang}},
+ category={switch},
+ parent={commandlineoptions}
+ name={\longargfmt{log\dhyphen file}},
+ symbol={\shortargfmt{t}},
+ user1={\meta{filename}},
+ category={switch},
+ parent={commandlineoptions}
+ name={\longargfmt{dir}},
+ symbol={\shortargfmt{d}},
+ user1={\meta{dirname}},
+ category={switch},
+ parent={commandlineoptions}
+ name={\longargfmt{interpret}},
+ user1={},
+ category={switch},
+ parent={commandlineoptions}
+ name={\longargfmt{no\dhyphen interpret}},
+ user1={},
+ category={switch},
+ parent={commandlineoptions}
+ name={\longargfmt{warn\dhyphen non\dhyphen bib\dhyphen fields}},
+ user1={},
+ category={switch},
+ parent={commandlineoptions}
+ name={\longargfmt{no\dhyphen warn\dhyphen non\dhyphen bib\dhyphen fields}},
+ user1={},
+ category={switch},
+ parent={commandlineoptions}
+ name={\longargfmt{warn\dhyphen unknown\dhyphen entry\dhyphen types}},
+ user1={},
+ category={switch},
+ parent={commandlineoptions}
+ name={\longargfmt{no\dhyphen warn\dhyphen unknown\dhyphen entry\dhyphen types}},
+ user1={},
+ category={switch},
+ parent={commandlineoptions}
+ name={\longargfmt{break\dhyphen space}},
+ user1={},
+ category={switch},
+ parent={commandlineoptions}
+ name={\longargfmt{no\dhyphen break\dhyphen space}},
+ user1={},
+ category={switch},
+ parent={commandlineoptions}
+ name={\longargfmt{cite\dhyphen as\dhyphen record}},
+ user1={},
+ category={switch},
+ parent={commandlineoptions}
+ name={\longargfmt{no\dhyphen cite\dhyphen as\dhyphen record}},
+ user1={},
+ category={switch},
+ parent={commandlineoptions}
+ name={\longargfmt{merge\dhyphen wrglossary\dhyphen records}},
+ user1={},
+ category={switch},
+ parent={commandlineoptions}
+ name={\longargfmt{no\dhyphen merge\dhyphen wrglossary\dhyphen records}},
+ user1={},
+ category={switch},
+ parent={commandlineoptions}
+ name={\longargfmt{merge\dhyphen nameref\dhyphen on}},
+ user1={\meta{rule}},
+ category={switch},
+ parent={commandlineoptions}
+ name={\longargfmt{force\dhyphen cross\dhyphen resource\dhyphen refs}},
+ symbol={\shortargfmt{x}},
+ user1={},
+ category={switch},
+ parent={commandlineoptions}
+ name={\longargfmt{no\dhyphen force\dhyphen cross\dhyphen resource\dhyphen refs}},
+ user1={},
+ category={switch},
+ parent={commandlineoptions}
+ name={\longargfmt{support\dhyphen unicode\dhyphen script}},
+ user1={},
+ category={switch},
+ parent={commandlineoptions}
+ name={\longargfmt{no\dhyphen support\dhyphen unicode\dhyphen script}},
+ user1={},
+ category={switch},
+ parent={commandlineoptions}
+ name={\longargfmt{packages}},
+ symbol={\shortargfmt{p}},
+ user1={\meta{list}},
+ category={switch},
+ parent={commandlineoptions}
+ name={\longargfmt{ignore-packages}},
+ symbol={\shortargfmt{k}},
+ user1={\meta{list}},
+ category={switch},
+ parent={commandlineoptions}
+ name={\longargfmt{custom\dhyphen packages}},
+ user1={\meta{list}},
+ category={switch},
+ parent={commandlineoptions}
+ name={\longargfmt{list\dhyphen known\dhyphen packages}},
+ category={switch},
+ parent={commandlineoptions}
+ name={\longargfmt{mfirstuc\dhyphen protection}},
+ symbol={\shortargfmt{u}},
+ user1={\meta{list}\argor\code{all}},
+ category={switch},
+ parent={commandlineoptions}
+ name={\longargfmt{no\dhyphen mfirstuc\dhyphen protection}},
+ user1={},
+ category={switch},
+ parent={commandlineoptions}
+ name={\longargfmt{mfirstuc\dhyphen math\dhyphen protection}},
+ user1={},
+ category={switch},
+ parent={commandlineoptions}
+ name={\longargfmt{no\dhyphen mfirstuc\dhyphen math\dhyphen protection}},
+ user1={},
+ category={switch},
+ parent={commandlineoptions}
+ name={\longargfmt{nested\dhyphen link\dhyphen check}},
+ user1={\meta{list}\argor\code{none}},
+ category={switch},
+ parent={commandlineoptions}
+ name={\longargfmt{no\dhyphen nested\dhyphen link\dhyphen check}},
+ user1={},
+ category={switch},
+ parent={commandlineoptions}
+ name={\longargfmt{shortcuts}},
+ user1={\meta{value}},
+ category={switch},
+ parent={commandlineoptions}
+ name={\longargfmt{map\dhyphen format}},
+ symbol={\shortargfmt{m}},
+ user1={\meta{map:value list}},
+ category={switch},
+ parent={commandlineoptions}
+ name={\longargfmt{group}},
+ symbol={\shortargfmt{g}},
+ user1={},
+ category={switch},
+ parent={commandlineoptions}
+ name={\longargfmt{no\dhyphen group}},
+ user1={},
+ category={switch},
+ parent={commandlineoptions}
+ name={\longargfmt{tex\dhyphen encoding}},
+ user1={\meta{name}},
+ category={switch},
+ parent={commandlineoptions}
+ name={\longargfmt{no\dhyphen expand\dhyphen fields}},
+ user1={},
+ category={switch},
+ parent={commandlineoptions}
+ name={\longargfmt{expand\dhyphen fields}},
+ user1={},
+ category={switch},
+ parent={commandlineoptions}
+ name={\longargfmt{record\dhyphen count}},
+ symbol={\shortargfmt{c}},
+ user1={},
+ category={switch},
+ parent={commandlineoptions}
+ name={\longargfmt{no\dhyphen record\dhyphen count}},
+ user1={},
+ category={switch},
+ parent={commandlineoptions}
+ name={\longargfmt{record\dhyphen count\dhyphen unit}},
+ symbol={\shortargfmt{n}},
+ user1={},
+ category={switch},
+ parent={commandlineoptions}
+ name={\longargfmt{no\dhyphen record\dhyphen count\dhyphen unit}},
+ user1={},
+ category={switch},
+ parent={commandlineoptions}
+ name={\longargfmt{trim\dhyphen fields}},
+ user1={},
+ category={switch},
+ parent={commandlineoptions}
+ name={\longargfmt{no\dhyphen trim\dhyphen fields}},
+ user1={},
+ category={switch},
+ parent={commandlineoptions}
+ name={letter group}
+ name={non-letter group}
+ name={symbol group},
+ alias={nonlettergroup}
+ name={empty group (unknown commands)},
+ text={empty group}
+ name={number group}
+ name={date-time group}
+ name={date group}
+ name={time group}
+ name={custom group}
+ name={locale provider}
+ name={ignored glossary},
+ plural={ignored glossaries}
+ name={ignored record}
+ seealso={ignoredrecord}
+ name = {location list}
+ name={post-link hook}
+ name={post-name hook}
+ name={post-description hook}
+ name={language resource file (\extfmt{xml})}
+ name={\xmltagfmt{}},
+ parent={languagexml}
+ name={\xmltagfmt{tag.pages}},
+ parent={languagexml}
+ name={\xmltagfmt{tag.passim}},
+ parent={languagexml}
+ name={\xmltagfmt{sentence.terminators}},
+ parent={languagexml}
+ name={\xmltagfmt{}\meta{lc}},
+ parent={languagexml}
+ name={XML resource file},
+ see={languagexml}
+ seealso={dual}}
+ name={full stop (\code{.})},
+ text={full stop}
+ alias={full-stop}
+ name={apostrophe (\code{'})},
+ text={apostrophe}
+ name={resource set}
+ name={cross-resource reference}
+ name={first use}
+ name={subsequent use}
+ name={first use flag}
+ name={link text}
+ name={parent entry},
+ plural={parent entries}
+ name={child entry},
+ plural={child entries}
+ name={hierarchical entry},
+ plural={hierarchical entries}
+ name={\code{Stack\-Over\-flow\-Error}}
+ name={moving argument}
+ name={upper case}
+ name={lower case}
+ name={title case}
+ name={sentence case}
+ name = {case-change},
+ seealso = {uppercase,lowercase,titlecase,sentencecase}
+ name={Unicode categories},
+ text={Unicode category},
+ plural={Unicode categories}
+ name={\unicodecategoryfmt{Number, Decimal Digit}},
+ parent={unicodecategories}
+ name={\unicodecategoryfmt{Separator, Space}},
+ parent={unicodecategories}
+ name={\unicodecategoryfmt{Letter, Uppercase}},
+ parent={unicodecategories}
+ name={\unicodecategoryfmt{Letter, Lowercase}},
+ parent={unicodecategories}
+ name={\unicodecategoryfmt{Letter, Titlecase}},
+ parent={unicodecategories}
+ name={\unicodecategoryfmt{Letter, Modifier}},
+ parent={unicodecategories}
+ name={\unicodecategoryfmt{Letter, Other}},
+ parent={unicodecategories}
+ name={\unicodecategoryfmt{Punctuation, Close}},
+ parent={unicodecategories}
+ name={\unicodecategoryfmt{Punctuation, Final quote}},
+ parent={unicodecategories}
+ name={\unicodecategoryfmt{Punctuation, Other}},
+ parent={unicodecategories}
+ name={\unicodecategoryfmt{Punctuation, Dash}},
+ parent={unicodecategories}
+ name={\texmfcnffmt{openin\_any}}
+ name={\texmfcnffmt{openout\_any}}
+ name={\filefmt{bib2gls-en.xml}}
+ name={\filefmt{}}
+ name={\filefmt{convert\}}
+ name={\filefmt{texparserlib.jar}}
+ name={\filefmt{bib2gls.jar}}
+ name={\filefmt{convert\-gls2bib.jar}}
+ name={\filefmt{bib2gls.bat}}
+ name={\filefmt{xampl.bib}}
+ name={\filefmt{sample\dhyphen dual.tex}}
+ name={\filefmt{no\dhyphen interpret\dhyphen preamble.bib}}
+ name={\filefmt{interpret\dhyphen preamble.bib}}
+ name={\filefmt{interpret\dhyphen preamble2.bib}}
+ name={\filefmt{people.bib}}
+ name={\filefmt{sample\dhyphen people.tex}}
+ name={\filefmt{sample\dhyphen authors.tex}}
+ name={\filefmt{sample\dhyphen citations.tex}}
+ name={\filefmt{citations.bib}}
+ name={\filefmt{bacteria.bib}}
+ name={\filefmt{sample\dhyphen bacteria.tex}}
+ name={\filefmt{chemicalformula.bib}}
+ name={\filefmt{sample\dhyphen chemical.tex}}
+ name={\filefmt{constants.bib}}
+ name={\filefmt{sample\dhyphen constants.tex}}
+ name={\filefmt{baseunits.bib}}
+ name={\filefmt{derivedunits.bib}}
+ name={\filefmt{sample-units1.tex}}
+ name={\filefmt{sample-units2.tex}}
+ name={\filefmt{sample-units3.tex}}
+ name={\filefmt{books.bib}}
+ name={\filefmt{films.bib}}
+ name={\filefmt{sample\dhyphen media.tex}}
+ name={\filefmt{bigmathsymbols.bib}}
+ name={\filefmt{mathgreek.bib}}
+ name={\filefmt{mathsrelations.bib}}
+ name={\filefmt{binaryoperators.bib}}
+ name={\filefmt{unaryoperators.bib}}
+ name={\filefmt{mathsobjects.bib}}
+ name={\filefmt{sample\dhyphen msymbols.tex}}
+ name={\filefmt{sample\dhyphen maths.tex}}
+ name={\filefmt{miscsymbols.bib}}
+ name={\filefmt{sample\dhyphen textsymbols.tex}}
+ name={\filefmt{sample\dhyphen textsymbols2.tex}}
+ name={\filefmt{markuplanguages.bib}}
+ name={\filefmt{sample\dhyphen markuplanguages.tex}}
+ name={\filefmt{usergroups.bib}}
+ name={\filefmt{sample\dhyphen usergroups.tex}}
+ name={\filefmt{animals.bib}}
+ name={\filefmt{vegetables.bib}}
+ name={\filefmt{minerals.bib}}
+ name={\filefmt{terms.bib}}
+ name={\filefmt{topics.bib}}
+ name={\filefmt{sample\dhyphen multi1.tex}}
+ name={\filefmt{sample\dhyphen multi2.tex}}
+ name={\csfmt{gls\-hyper\-link}},
+ user1={\oargm{link text}\margm{label}},
+ description={creates a hyperlink to the entry information in the
+ glossary},
+ topics={linkcommands,entryrefcommands},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries}\texparserdefnote},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{gls\-xtr\-field\-do\-list\-loop}},
+ user1={\margm{label}\margm{field}},
+ description={iterates over the items the given field, which contains
+ an \styfmt{etoolbox} internal list},
+ topics={listcommands,loops,fieldrefcommands},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra} v1.12+},
+ seealso={glsxtrfieldforlistloop,glsxtrfieldifinlist,glsxtrfieldlistadd},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{gls\-xtr\-field\-for\-list\-loop}},
+ user1={\margm{label}\margm{field}\margm{handler}},
+ description={iterates over the items the given field, which contains
+ an \styfmt{etoolbox} internal list, using the given handler},
+ topics={listcommands,loops,fieldrefcommands},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra} v1.29+},
+ seealso={glsxtrfielddolistloop,glsxtrfieldifinlist,glsxtrfieldlistadd},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{gls\-field\-fetch}},
+ user1={\margm{label}\margm{field}\margm{cs}},
+ description={fetches the value of the given field for the given
+ label and stores it in the command \meta{cs}},
+ topics={fieldrefcommands},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries} v4.16+},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{gls\-xtr\-auto\-index\-assign\-sort}},
+ user1={\margm{cs}\margm{label}},
+ description={assigns the sort value for \cs{index} when
+ using auto-indexing},
+ topics={hooks,indexing},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra} v1.16+},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{gls\-xtr\-auto\-index\-entry}},
+ user1={\margm{label}},
+ description={used for the actual value in \cs{index} when
+ using auto-indexing},
+ topics={hooks,indexing},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra} v1.16+},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{gls\-see\-format}},
+ user1={\margm{tag}\margm{labels}\margm{location (ignored)}},
+ description={formats the entries identified in the comma separated
+ list of labels as a set of cross-references, where each
+ item in the list is encapsulated with \cs{glsseeitem} and
+ each element is separated with \cs{glsseesep} or
+ \cs{glsseelastsep}},
+ topics={formattingcommands,crossrefcommands,loclistcommands},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries}},
+ seealso={glsseeitem,glsseeitemformat,glsseesep,glsseelastsep},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{gls\-see\-item}},
+ user1={\margm{label}},
+ description={formats an element of the cross-reference list.
+ The default behaviour is to create a hyperlink (if enabled) to the
+ referenced entry with the link text given by
+ \code{\cs{glsseeitemformat}\margm{label}}},
+ topics={formattingcommands,crossrefcommands,loclistcommands,linkcommands},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries}},
+ seealso={glsseeformat,glsseeitemformat},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{gls\-see\-item\-format}},
+ user1={\margm{label}},
+ description={formats an element of the cross-reference list.
+ With the base \styfmt{glossaries} package this just does
+ \code{\cs{glsentrytext}\margm{label}}. With
+ \styfmt{glossaries-extra} this uses either \cs{glsentryshort}
+ or \cs{glsentryname} depending on whether or not the
+ \field{short} field has been set},
+ topics={formattingcommands,crossrefcommands,loclistcommands},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries} v3.0+},
+ seealso={glsseeformat,glsseeitem},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{gls\-see\-sep}},
+ description={the separator used between all but the last
+ entries of a cross-reference list},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries}},
+ topics={separatorcommands,crossrefcommands,loclistcommands},
+ seealso={glsseeformat,glsseelastsep},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{gls\-see\-last\-sep}},
+ description={the separator used between the penultimate and
+ ultimate entries of a cross-reference list},
+ topics={separatorcommands,crossrefcommands,loclistcommands},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries}},
+ seealso={glsseeformat,glsseesep},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{gls\-xtr\-use\-see\-format}},
+ user1={\margm{tag}\margm{labels}},
+ description={formats the entries identified in the comma separated
+ list of labels as a set of cross-references},
+ topics={separatorcommands,crossrefcommands,loclistcommands},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries}},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{gls\-xtr\-hier\-name}},
+ user1={\margm{label}},
+ description={Displays the hierarchical name for the entry
+ identified by \meta{label} with each level separated by
+ \cs{glsxtrhiernamesep}},
+ topics={formattingcommands,entryrefcommands},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra}\texparserdefnote\ v1.37+},
+ seealso={glsxtrhiernamesep},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{gls\-xtr\-hier\-name\-sep}},
+ description={Separator between hierarchical levels displayed with
+ \cs{glsxtrhiername} (and case-changing variants). This defaults
+ to \qt{\glsxtrhiernamesep} with the \styfmt{glossaries-extra}
+ package, but the \bibgls\ interpreter has a different definition
+ to assist sorting},
+ topics={separatorcommands},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra}\texparserdefnote\ v1.37+},
+ seealso={glsxtrhiername},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{Gls\-xtr\-hier\-name}},
+ user1={\margm{label}},
+ description={Displays the hierarchical name for the entry
+ identified by \meta{label} with each level separated by
+ \cs{glsxtrhiernamesep} where the top-most name has the
+ first letter converted to \idx{uppercase}},
+ topics={formattingcommands,entryrefcommands,casecommands},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra}\texparserdefnote\ v1.37+},
+ seealso={glsxtrhiername,glsxtrhiernamesep},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{Gls\-Xtr\-hier\-name}},
+ user1={\margm{label}},
+ description={Displays the hierarchical name for the entry
+ identified by \meta{label} with each level separated by
+ \cs{glsxtrhiernamesep} where each name has the
+ first letter converted to \idx{uppercase}},
+ topics={formattingcommands,entryrefcommands,casecommands},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra}\texparserdefnote\ v1.37+},
+ seealso={glsxtrhiername,glsxtrhiernamesep},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{GLS\-xtr\-hier\-name}},
+ user1={\margm{label}},
+ description={Displays the hierarchical name for the entry
+ identified by \meta{label} with each level separated by
+ \cs{glsxtrhiernamesep} where the top-most name is converted to \idx{uppercase}},
+ topics={formattingcommands,entryrefcommands,casecommands},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra}\texparserdefnote\ v1.37+},
+ seealso={glsxtrhiername,glsxtrhiernamesep},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{GLS\-XTR\-hier\-name}},
+ user1={\margm{label}},
+ description={Displays the hierarchical name for the entry
+ identified by \meta{label} with each level separated by
+ \cs{glsxtrhiernamesep} where each name is converted
+ to \idx{uppercase}},
+ topics={formattingcommands,entryrefcommands,casecommands},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra}\texparserdefnote\ v1.37+},
+ seealso={glsxtrhiername,glsxtrhiernamesep},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{gls\-extra\-post\-name\-hook}},
+ user1={\margm{label}},
+ description={additional category-independent code for the
+post-name hook},
+ topics={hooks},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra} v1.25+},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{gls\-entry\-text}},
+ user1={\margm{label}},
+ description={expands to the value of the
+ \field{text} field},
+ topics={fieldrefcommands},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries}\texparserdefnote},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{Gls\-entry\-text}},
+ user1={\margm{label}},
+ description={displays the value of the \field{text} field with
+ the first letter converted to \idx{uppercase}},
+ topics={fieldrefcommands,casecommands},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries}\texparserdefnote},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{gls\-entry\-plural}},
+ user1={\margm{label}},
+ description={expands to the value of the
+ \field{plural} field},
+ topics={fieldrefcommands},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries}\texparserdefnote},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{Gls\-entry\-plural}},
+ user1={\margm{label}},
+ description={displays the value of the
+ \field{plural} field with the first letter converted to
+ topics={fieldrefcommands,casecommands},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries}\texparserdefnote},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{gls\-entry\-first}},
+ user1={\margm{label}},
+ description={expands to the value of the
+ \field{first} field},
+ topics={fieldrefcommands},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries}\texparserdefnote},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{Gls\-entry\-first}},
+ user1={\margm{label}},
+ description={displays the value of the
+ \field{first} field with the first letter converted to
+ \idx{uppercase}},
+ topics={fieldrefcommands,casecommands},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries}\texparserdefnote},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{gls\-entry\-first\-plural}},
+ user1={\margm{label}},
+ description={expands to the value of the
+ \field{firstplural} field},
+ topics={fieldrefcommands},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries}\texparserdefnote},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{Gls\-entry\-first\-plural}},
+ user1={\margm{label}},
+ description={displays the value of the
+ \field{firstplural} field with the first letter converted to
+ \idx{uppercase}},
+ topics={fieldrefcommands,casecommands},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries}\texparserdefnote},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{gls\-entry\-name}},
+ user1={\margm{label}},
+ description={expands to the value of the
+ \field{name} field},
+ topics={fieldrefcommands},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries}\texparserdefnote},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{Gls\-entry\-name}},
+ user1={\margm{label}},
+ description={displays the value of the
+ \field{name} field with the first character
+ converted to \idx{uppercase}},
+ topics={fieldrefcommands,casecommands},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries}\texparserdefnote},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{gls\-entry\-desc}},
+ user1={\margm{label}},
+ description={expands to the value of the
+ \field{description} field},
+ topics={fieldrefcommands},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries}\texparserdefnote},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{gls\-entry\-desc\-plural}},
+ user1={\margm{label}},
+ description={expands to the value of the
+ \field{descriptionplural} field},
+ topics={fieldrefcommands},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries}\texparserdefnote},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{Gls\-entry\-desc}},
+ user1={\margm{label}},
+ description={displays the value of the
+ \field{description} field with the first letter converted to
+ \idx{uppercase}},
+ topics={fieldrefcommands,casecommands},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries}\texparserdefnote},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{Gls\-entry\-desc\-plural}},
+ user1={\margm{label}},
+ description={displays the value of the
+ \field{descriptionplural} field with the first letter converted to
+ \idx{uppercase}},
+ topics={fieldrefcommands,casecommands},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries}\texparserdefnote},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{gls\-entry\-symbol}},
+ user1={\margm{label}},
+ description={expands to the value of the
+ \field{symbol} field},
+ topics={fieldrefcommands},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries}\texparserdefnote},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{Gls\-entry\-symbol}},
+ user1={\margm{label}},
+ description={displays the value of the
+ \field{symbol} field with the first letter converted to
+ topics={fieldrefcommands,casecommands},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries}\texparserdefnote},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{gls\-entry\-symbol\-plural}},
+ user1={\margm{label}},
+ description={expands to the value of the
+ \field{symbolplural} field},
+ topics={fieldrefcommands},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries}\texparserdefnote},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{Gls\-entry\-symbol\-plural}},
+ user1={\margm{label}},
+ description={displays the value of the
+ \field{symbolplural} field with the first letter converted to
+ topics={fieldrefcommands,casecommands},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries}\texparserdefnote},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{gls\-entry\-long}},
+ user1={\margm{label}},
+ description={expands to the value of the \field{long} field
+ without any formatting or indexing},
+ topics={fieldrefcommands,abbreviationcommands},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries}\texparserdefnote},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{gls\-entry\-long\-pl}},
+ user1={\margm{label}},
+ description={expands to the value of the \field{longplural} field
+ without any formatting or indexing},
+ topics={fieldrefcommands,abbreviationcommands},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries}\texparserdefnote},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{Gls\-entry\-long}},
+ user1={\margm{label}},
+ description={displays the value of the
+ \field{long} field without any formatting or indexing but
+ with the first letter converted to \idx{uppercase}},
+ topics={fieldrefcommands,abbreviationcommands,casecommands},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries}\texparserdefnote},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{Gls\-entry\-long\-pl}},
+ user1={\margm{label}},
+ description={displays the value of the
+ \field{longplural} field without any formatting or indexing but
+ with the first letter converted to \idx{uppercase}},
+ topics={fieldrefcommands,abbreviationcommands,casecommands},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries}\texparserdefnote},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{gls\-entry\-short}},
+ user1={\margm{label}},
+ description={expands to the value of the
+ \field{short} field without any formatting or indexing},
+ topics={fieldrefcommands,abbreviationcommands},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries}\texparserdefnote},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{gls\-entry\-short\-pl}},
+ user1={\margm{label}},
+ description={expands to the value of the
+ \field{shortplural} field without any formatting or indexing},
+ topics={fieldrefcommands,abbreviationcommands},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries}\texparserdefnote},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{Gls\-entry\-short}},
+ user1={\margm{label}},
+ description={displays the value of the
+ \field{short} field without any formatting or indexing but
+ with the first letter converted to \idx{uppercase}},
+ topics={fieldrefcommands,abbreviationcommands,casecommands},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries}\texparserdefnote},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{Gls\-entry\-short\-pl}},
+ user1={\margm{label}},
+ description={displays the value of the
+ \field{shortplural} field without any formatting or indexing
+ but with the first letter converted to \idx{uppercase}},
+ topics={fieldrefcommands,abbreviationcommands,casecommands},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries}\texparserdefnote},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{gls\-entry\-useri}},
+ user1={\margm{label}},
+ description={expands to the value of the
+ \field{user1} field},
+ topics={fieldrefcommands},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries}\texparserdefnote},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{gls\-entry\-userii}},
+ user1={\margm{label}},
+ description={expands to the value of the
+ \field{user2} field},
+ topics={fieldrefcommands},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries}\texparserdefnote},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{gls\-entry\-useriii}},
+ user1={\margm{label}},
+ description={expands to the value of the
+ \field{user3} field},
+ topics={fieldrefcommands},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries}\texparserdefnote},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{gls\-entry\-useriv}},
+ user1={\margm{label}},
+ description={expands to the value of the
+ \field{user4} field},
+ topics={fieldrefcommands},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries}\texparserdefnote},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{gls\-entry\-userv}},
+ user1={\margm{label}},
+ description={expands to the value of the
+ \field{user5} field},
+ topics={fieldrefcommands},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries}\texparserdefnote},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{gls\-entry\-uservi}},
+ user1={\margm{label}},
+ description={expands to the value of the
+ \field{user6} field},
+ topics={fieldrefcommands},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries}\texparserdefnote},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{Gls\-entry\-useri}},
+ user1={\margm{label}},
+ description={displays the value of the
+ \field{user1} field with the first letter converted to
+ topics={fieldrefcommands,casecommands},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries}\texparserdefnote},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{Gls\-entry\-userii}},
+ user1={\margm{label}},
+ description={displays the value of the
+ \field{user2} field with the first letter converted to
+ topics={fieldrefcommands,casecommands},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries}\texparserdefnote},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{Gls\-entry\-useriii}},
+ user1={\margm{label}},
+ description={displays the value of the
+ \field{user3} field with the first letter converted to
+ topics={fieldrefcommands,casecommands},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries}\texparserdefnote},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{Gls\-entry\-useriv}},
+ user1={\margm{label}},
+ description={displays the value of the
+ \field{user4} field with the first letter converted to
+ topics={fieldrefcommands,casecommands},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries}\texparserdefnote},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{Gls\-entry\-userv}},
+ user1={\margm{label}},
+ description={displays the value of the
+ \field{user5} field with the first letter converted to
+ topics={fieldrefcommands,casecommands},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries}\texparserdefnote},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{Gls\-entry\-uservi}},
+ user1={\margm{label}},
+ description={displays the value of the
+ \field{user6} field with the first letter converted to
+ topics={fieldrefcommands,casecommands},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries}\texparserdefnote},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{gls\-access\-name}},
+ user1={\margm{label}},
+ description={expands to the value of the
+ \field{name} field with the accessibility support
+ for that field, if provided (otherwise behaves the same as
+ \cs{glsentryname})},
+ topics={fieldrefcommands,access-support},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra}\texparserdefnote},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{Gls\-access\-name}},
+ user1={\margm{label}},
+ description={expands to the value of the
+ \field{name} field with the first letter converted to
+ \idx{uppercase} and with the accessibility support
+ for that field, if provided (otherwise behaves the same as
+ \cs{Glsentryname})},
+ topics={fieldrefcommands,access-support},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra}\texparserdefnote},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{gls\-access\-text}},
+ user1={\margm{label}},
+ description={expands to the value of the
+ \field{text} field with the accessibility support
+ for that field, if provided (otherwise behaves the same as
+ \cs{glsentrytext})},
+ topics={fieldrefcommands,access-support},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra}\texparserdefnote},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{Gls\-access\-text}},
+ user1={\margm{label}},
+ description={expands to the value of the
+ \field{text} field with the first letter converted to
+ \idx{uppercase} and with the accessibility support
+ for that field, if provided (otherwise behaves the same as
+ \cs{Glsentrytext})},
+ topics={fieldrefcommands,access-support},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra}\texparserdefnote},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{gls\-access\-plural}},
+ user1={\margm{label}},
+ description={expands to the value of the
+ \field{plural} field with the accessibility support
+ for that field, if provided (otherwise behaves the same as
+ \cs{glsentryplural})},
+ topics={fieldrefcommands,access-support},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra}\texparserdefnote},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{Gls\-access\-plural}},
+ user1={\margm{label}},
+ description={expands to the value of the
+ \field{plural} field with the first letter converted to
+ \idx{uppercase} and with the accessibility support
+ for that field, if provided (otherwise behaves the same as
+ \cs{Glsentryplural})},
+ topics={fieldrefcommands,access-support},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra}\texparserdefnote},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{gls\-access\-first}},
+ user1={\margm{label}},
+ description={expands to the value of the
+ \field{first} field with the accessibility support
+ for that field, if provided (otherwise behaves the same as
+ \cs{glsentryfirst})},
+ topics={fieldrefcommands,access-support},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra}\texparserdefnote},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{Gls\-access\-first}},
+ user1={\margm{label}},
+ description={expands to the value of the
+ \field{first} field with the first letter converted to
+ \idx{uppercase} and with the accessibility support
+ for that field, if provided (otherwise behaves the same as
+ \cs{Glsentryfirst})},
+ topics={fieldrefcommands,access-support},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra}\texparserdefnote},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{gls\-access\-first\-plural}},
+ user1={\margm{label}},
+ description={expands to the value of the
+ \field{firstplural} field with the accessibility support
+ for that field, if provided (otherwise behaves the same as
+ \cs{glsentryfirstplural})},
+ topics={fieldrefcommands,access-support},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra}\texparserdefnote},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{Gls\-access\-first\-plural}},
+ user1={\margm{label}},
+ description={expands to the value of the
+ \field{firstplural} field with the first letter converted to
+ \idx{uppercase} and with the accessibility support
+ for that field, if provided (otherwise behaves the same as
+ \cs{Glsentryfirstplural})},
+ topics={fieldrefcommands,access-support},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra}\texparserdefnote},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{gls\-access\-symbol}},
+ user1={\margm{label}},
+ description={expands to the value of the
+ \field{symbol} field with the accessibility support
+ for that field, if provided (otherwise behaves the same as
+ \cs{glsentrysymbol})},
+ topics={fieldrefcommands,access-support},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra}\texparserdefnote},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{Gls\-access\-symbol}},
+ user1={\margm{label}},
+ description={expands to the value of the
+ \field{symbol} field with the first letter converted to
+ \idx{uppercase} and with the accessibility support
+ for that field, if provided (otherwise behaves the same as
+ \cs{Glsentrysymbol})},
+ topics={fieldrefcommands,access-support},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra}\texparserdefnote},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{gls\-access\-symbol\-plural}},
+ user1={\margm{label}},
+ description={expands to the value of the
+ \field{symbolplural} field with the accessibility support
+ for that field, if provided (otherwise behaves the same as
+ \cs{glsentrysymbolplural})},
+ topics={fieldrefcommands,access-support},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra}\texparserdefnote},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{Gls\-access\-symbol\-plural}},
+ user1={\margm{label}},
+ description={expands to the value of the
+ \field{symbolplural} field with the first letter converted to
+ \idx{uppercase} and with the accessibility support
+ for that field, if provided (otherwise behaves the same as
+ \cs{Glsentrysymbolplural})},
+ topics={fieldrefcommands,access-support},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra}\texparserdefnote},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{gls\-access\-desc}},
+ user1={\margm{label}},
+ description={expands to the value of the
+ \field{description} field with the accessibility support
+ for that field, if provided (otherwise behaves the same as
+ \cs{glsentrydesc})},
+ topics={fieldrefcommands,access-support},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra}\texparserdefnote},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{Gls\-access\-desc}},
+ user1={\margm{label}},
+ description={expands to the value of the
+ \field{description} field with the first letter converted to
+ \idx{uppercase} and with the accessibility support
+ for that field, if provided (otherwise behaves the same as
+ \cs{Glsentrydesc})},
+ topics={fieldrefcommands,access-support},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra}\texparserdefnote},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{gls\-access\-desc\-plural}},
+ user1={\margm{label}},
+ description={expands to the value of the
+ \field{descriptionplural} field with the accessibility support
+ for that field, if provided (otherwise behaves the same as
+ \cs{glsentrydescplural})},
+ topics={fieldrefcommands,access-support},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra}\texparserdefnote},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{Gls\-access\-desc\-plural}},
+ user1={\margm{label}},
+ description={expands to the value of the
+ \field{descriptionplural} field with the first letter converted to
+ \idx{uppercase} and with the accessibility support
+ for that field, if provided (otherwise behaves the same as
+ \cs{Glsentrydescplural})},
+ topics={fieldrefcommands,access-support},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra}\texparserdefnote},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{gls\-access\-short}},
+ user1={\margm{label}},
+ description={expands to the value of the
+ \field{short} field with the accessibility support
+ for that field, if provided (otherwise behaves the same as
+ \cs{glsentryshort})},
+ topics={fieldrefcommands,access-support,abbreviationcommands},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra}\texparserdefnote},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{Gls\-access\-short}},
+ user1={\margm{label}},
+ description={expands to the value of the
+ \field{short} field with the first letter converted to
+ \idx{uppercase} and with the accessibility support
+ for that field, if provided (otherwise behaves the same as
+ \cs{Glsentryshort})},
+ topics={fieldrefcommands,access-support,abbreviationcommands},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra}\texparserdefnote},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{gls\-access\-shortpl}},
+ user1={\margm{label}},
+ description={expands to the value of the
+ \field{shortplural} field with the accessibility support
+ for that field, if provided (otherwise behaves the same as
+ \cs{glsentryshortpl})},
+ topics={fieldrefcommands,access-support,abbreviationcommands},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra}\texparserdefnote},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{Gls\-access\-shortpl}},
+ user1={\margm{label}},
+ description={expands to the value of the
+ \field{shortplural} field with the first letter converted to
+ \idx{uppercase} and with the accessibility support
+ for that field, if provided (otherwise behaves the same as
+ \cs{Glsentryshortpl})},
+ topics={fieldrefcommands,access-support,abbreviationcommands},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra}\texparserdefnote},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{gls\-access\-long}},
+ user1={\margm{label}},
+ description={expands to the value of the
+ \field{long} field with the accessibility support
+ for that field, if provided (otherwise behaves the same as
+ \cs{glsentrylong})},
+ topics={fieldrefcommands,access-support,abbreviationcommands},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra}\texparserdefnote},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{Gls\-access\-long}},
+ user1={\margm{label}},
+ description={expands to the value of the
+ \field{long} field with the first letter converted to
+ \idx{uppercase} and with the accessibility support
+ for that field, if provided (otherwise behaves the same as
+ \cs{Glsentrylong})},
+ topics={fieldrefcommands,access-support,abbreviationcommands},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra}\texparserdefnote},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{gls\-access\-longpl}},
+ user1={\margm{label}},
+ description={expands to the value of the
+ \field{longplural} field with the accessibility support
+ for that field, if provided (otherwise behaves the same as
+ \cs{glsentrylongpl})},
+ topics={fieldrefcommands,access-support,abbreviationcommands},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra}\texparserdefnote},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{Gls\-access\-longpl}},
+ user1={\margm{label}},
+ description={expands to the value of the
+ \field{longplural} field with the first letter converted to
+ \idx{uppercase} and with the accessibility support
+ for that field, if provided (otherwise behaves the same as
+ \cs{Glsentrylongpl})},
+ topics={fieldrefcommands,access-support,abbreviationcommands},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra}\texparserdefnote},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{gls\-xtr\-entry\-parent\-name}},
+ user1={\margm{label}},
+ description={expands to the entry's parent's name},
+ topics={fieldrefcommands},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra}\texparserdefnote\ v1.39+},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{gls\-entry\-prefix}},
+ user1={\margm{label}},
+ description={expands to the value of the \field{prefix} field},
+ topics={fieldrefcommands},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-prefix}},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{gls\-entry\-prefix\-plural}},
+ user1={\margm{label}},
+ description={expands to the value of the \field{prefixplural} field},
+ topics={fieldrefcommands},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-prefix}},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{gls\-entry\-prefix\-first}},
+ user1={\margm{label}},
+ description={expands to the value of the \field{prefixfirst} field},
+ topics={fieldrefcommands},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-prefix}},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{gls\-entry\-prefix\-first\-plural}},
+ user1={\margm{label}},
+ description={expands to the value of the \field{prefixfirstplural} field},
+ topics={fieldrefcommands},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-prefix}},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{Gls\-entry\-prefix}},
+ user1={\margm{label}},
+ description={expands to the value of the \field{prefix} field
+ with the first letter converted to \idx{uppercase}},
+ topics={fieldrefcommands,casecommands},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-prefix}},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{Gls\-entry\-prefix\-plural}},
+ user1={\margm{label}},
+ description={expands to the value of the \field{prefixplural} field
+ with the first letter converted to \idx{uppercase}},
+ topics={fieldrefcommands,casecommands},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-prefix}},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{Gls\-entry\-prefix\-first}},
+ user1={\margm{label}},
+ description={expands to the value of the \field{prefixfirst} field
+ with the first letter converted to \idx{uppercase}},
+ topics={fieldrefcommands,casecommands},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-prefix}},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{Gls\-entry\-prefix\-first\-plural}},
+ user1={\margm{label}},
+ description={expands to the value of the \field{prefixfirstplural} field
+ with the first letter converted to \idx{uppercase}},
+ topics={fieldrefcommands,casecommands},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-prefix}},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{gls\-set\-cat\-e\-gory\-at\-tribute}},
+ user1={\margm{category}\margm{attribute}\margm{value}},
+ description={sets the value of the attribute for the given
+ topics={assigncommands,catattrcommands},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra}},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{gls\-entry\-access}},
+ user1={\margm{label}},
+ description={expands to the value of the \field{access} field},
+ topics={fieldrefcommands,access-support},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-access}},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{gls\-entry\-text\-access}},
+ user1={\margm{label}},
+ description={expands to the value of the \field{textaccess} field},
+ topics={fieldrefcommands,access-support},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-access}},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{gls\-entry\-first\-access}},
+ user1={\margm{label}},
+ description={expands to the value of the \field{firstaccess} field},
+ topics={fieldrefcommands,access-support},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-access}},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{gls\-entry\-plural\-access}},
+ user1={\margm{label}},
+ description={expands to the value of the \field{pluralaccess} field},
+ topics={fieldrefcommands,access-support},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-access}},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{gls\-entry\-first\-plural\-access}},
+ user1={\margm{label}},
+ description={expands to the value of the \field{firstpluralaccess} field},
+ topics={fieldrefcommands,access-support},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-access}},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{gls\-entry\-symbol\-access}},
+ user1={\margm{label}},
+ description={expands to the value of the \field{symbolaccess} field},
+ topics={fieldrefcommands,access-support},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-access}},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{gls\-entry\-symbol\-plural\-access}},
+ user1={\margm{label}},
+ description={expands to the value of the \field{symbolpluralaccess} field},
+ topics={fieldrefcommands,access-support},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-access}},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{gls\-entry\-desc\-access}},
+ user1={\margm{label}},
+ description={expands to the value of the \field{descriptionaccess} field},
+ topics={fieldrefcommands,access-support},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-access}},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{gls\-entry\-desc\-plural\-access}},
+ user1={\margm{label}},
+ description={expands to the value of the \field{descriptionpluralaccess} field},
+ topics={fieldrefcommands,access-support},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-access}},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{gls\-entry\-short\-access}},
+ user1={\margm{label}},
+ description={expands to the value of the \field{shortaccess} field},
+ topics={fieldrefcommands,access-support,abbreviationcommands},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-access}},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{gls\-entry\-short\-plural\-access}},
+ user1={\margm{label}},
+ description={expands to the value of the \field{shortpluralaccess} field},
+ topics={fieldrefcommands,access-support,abbreviationcommands},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-access}},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{gls\-entry\-long\-access}},
+ user1={\margm{label}},
+ description={expands to the value of the \field{longaccess} field},
+ topics={fieldrefcommands,access-support,abbreviationcommands},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-access}},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{gls\-entry\-long\-plural\-access}},
+ user1={\margm{label}},
+ description={expands to the value of the \field{longpluralaccess} field},
+ topics={fieldrefcommands,access-support,abbreviationcommands},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-access}},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{gls\-name\-access\-display}},
+ user1={\margm{text}\margm{label}},
+ description={displays \meta{text} with the accessibility support
+ provided by \code{\cs{glsentryaccess}\margm{label}}},
+ topics={fieldrefcommands,access-support},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-access}},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{gls\-text\-access\-display}},
+ user1={\margm{text}\margm{label}},
+ description={displays \meta{text} with the accessibility support
+ provided by \code{\cs{glsentrytextaccess}\margm{label}}},
+ topics={fieldrefcommands,access-support},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-access}},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{gls\-plural\-access\-display}},
+ user1={\margm{text}\margm{label}},
+ description={displays \meta{text} with the accessibility support
+ provided by \code{\cs{glsentrypluralaccess}\margm{label}}},
+ topics={fieldrefcommands,access-support},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-access}},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{gls\-first\-access\-display}},
+ user1={\margm{text}\margm{label}},
+ description={displays \meta{text} with the accessibility support
+ provided by \code{\cs{glsentryfirstaccess}\margm{label}}},
+ topics={fieldrefcommands,access-support},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-access}},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{gls\-first\-plural\-access\-display}},
+ user1={\margm{text}\margm{label}},
+ description={displays \meta{text} with the accessibility support
+ provided by \code{\cs{glsentryfirstpluralaccess}\margm{label}}},
+ topics={fieldrefcommands,access-support},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-access}},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{gls\-symbol\-access\-display}},
+ user1={\margm{text}\margm{label}},
+ description={displays \meta{text} with the accessibility support
+ provided by \code{\cs{glsentrysymbolaccess}\margm{label}}},
+ topics={fieldrefcommands,access-support},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-access}},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{gls\-symbol\-plural\-access\-display}},
+ user1={\margm{text}\margm{label}},
+ description={displays \meta{text} with the accessibility support
+ provided by \code{\cs{glsentrysymbolpluralaccess}\margm{label}}},
+ topics={fieldrefcommands,access-support},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-access}},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{gls\-descrip\-tion\-access\-display}},
+ user1={\margm{text}\margm{label}},
+ description={displays \meta{text} with the accessibility support
+ provided by \code{\cs{glsentrydescaccess}\margm{label}}},
+ topics={fieldrefcommands,access-support},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-access}},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{gls\-descrip\-tion\-plural\-access\-display}},
+ user1={\margm{text}\margm{label}},
+ description={displays \meta{text} with the accessibility support
+ provided by \code{\cs{glsentrydescpluralaccess}\margm{label}}},
+ topics={fieldrefcommands,access-support},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-access}},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{gls\-short\-access\-display}},
+ user1={\margm{text}\margm{label}},
+ description={displays \meta{text} with the accessibility support
+ provided by \code{\cs{glsentryshortaccess}\margm{label}}},
+ topics={fieldrefcommands,access-support,abbreviationcommands},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-access}},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{gls\-short\-plural\-access\-display}},
+ user1={\margm{text}\margm{label}},
+ description={displays \meta{text} with the accessibility support
+ provided by \code{\cs{glsentryshortpluralaccess}\margm{label}}},
+ topics={fieldrefcommands,access-support,abbreviationcommands},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-access}},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{gls\-long\-access\-display}},
+ user1={\margm{text}\margm{label}},
+ description={displays \meta{text} with the accessibility support
+ provided by \code{\cs{glsentrylongaccess}\margm{label}}},
+ topics={fieldrefcommands,access-support,abbreviationcommands},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-access}},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{gls\-long\-plural\-access\-display}},
+ user1={\margm{text}\margm{label}},
+ description={displays \meta{text} with the accessibility support
+ provided by \code{\cs{glsentrylongpluralaccess}\margm{label}}},
+ topics={fieldrefcommands,access-support,abbreviationcommands},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-access}},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{gls\-access\-display}},
+ user1={\margm{field}\margm{text}\margm{label}},
+ description={displays \meta{text} with the accessibility support
+ provided by \code{\csfmt{glsentry\meta{field}access}\margm{label}}},
+ topics={fieldrefcommands,access-support},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-access}},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{gls\-xtr\-post\-link\-Add\-Desc\-On\-First\-Use}},
+ description={only for use in the post-link hooks,
+ this appends a space and the value of the
+ \field{description} field in parentheses
+ if the entry that was just referenced was used for the
+ first time},
+ topics={hooks},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra}},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{gls\-xtr\-post\-link\-Add\-Symbol\-On\-First\-Use}},
+ description={only for use in the post-link hooks,
+ this appends a space and the value of the
+ \field{symbol} field in parentheses
+ if the entry that was just referenced was used for the
+ first time and has the \field{symbol} field set},
+ topics={hooks},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra}},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{gls\-xtr\-post\-link\-Add\-Symbol\-Desc\-On\-First\-Use}},
+ description={only for use in the post-link hooks, if the
+ entry that was just referenced was used for the first time,
+ this appends a space and, in parentheses, the value of the
+ \field{symbol} field (if set)
+ followed by the value of the \field{description} field},
+ topics={hooks},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra} v1.31+},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{gls\-plural\-suffix}},
+ user1={},
+ description={the suffix used to construct the default plural},
+ topics={fixedtextcommands},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries}\texparserdefnote},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{acr\-plural\-suffix}},
+ user1={},
+ description={the suffix used to construct the default plural for
+ the short form of acronyms using the base \sty{glossaries}
+ package's acronym mechanism (not used with the
+ \sty{glossaries-extra} enhanced abbreviation mechanism)},
+ topics={fixedtextcommands,abbreviationcommands},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries}\texparserdefnote},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{abbrv\-plural\-suffix}},
+ user1={},
+ description={the style sensitive suffix used to construct the
+ default plural for the short form of abbreviations},
+ topics={fixedtextcommands,abbreviationcommands},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra}\texparserdefnote},
+ seealso={glsxtrabbrvpluralsuffix},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{gls\-xtr\-abbrv\-plural\-suffix}},
+ user1={},
+ description={the default suffix used to construct the plural for
+ the short form of abbreviations. This just uses
+ \cs{glspluralsuffix}. If you don't want a plural suffix, you can
+ use the \catattr{noshortplural} attribute},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra}\texparserdefnote},
+ topics={abbrstyle.long-short,abbrstyle.short-long,abbrstyle.short-footnote,abbrstyle.short-postfootnote,abbrstyle.short-nolong,abbrstyle.nolong-short,abbrstyle.nolong-short-noreg,abbrstyle.short-nolong-desc,abbrstyle.long-noshort-desc,abbrstyle.long-noshort-desc-noreg,abbrstyle.long-hyphen-noshort-desc-noreg,abbrstyle.long-hyphen-noshort-noreg,abbrstyle.long-noshort,abbrstyle.long-noshort-noreg,abbrstyle.long-short-desc},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{gls\-def\-post\-link}},
+ user1={\margm{category}\margm{definition}},
+ description={define the post-link hook
+ \cs{glsxtrpostlinkcategory} for the given category},
+ topics={hooks,providingcommands},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra} v1.31+},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{gls\-def\-post\-name}},
+ user1={\margm{category}\margm{definition}},
+ description={define the post-name hook
+ \cs{glsxtrpostnamecategory} for the given category},
+ topics={hooks,providingcommands},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra} v1.31+},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{gls\-def\-post\-desc}},
+ user1={\margm{category}\margm{definition}},
+ description={define the post-description hook
+ \csfmt{glsxtrpostdesc}\meta{category} for the given category},
+ topics={hooks,providingcommands},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra} v1.31+},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{glsxtr\-if\-was\-first\-use}},
+ user1={\margm{true}\margm{false}},
+ description={only for use in the post-link hooks this
+ tests if the entry just referenced was used for the first time},
+ topics={hooks,conditionals},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra}},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{if\-gls\-used}},
+ user1={\margm{label}\margm{true}\margm{false}},
+ description={does \meta{true} if the entry given by \meta{label} has been
+ used, \meta{false} if the entry hasn't been used and neither
+ if the entry doesn't exist (an error or warning message will
+ occur and ?? will appear in the document).
+ This command is not for use in the post-link hooks},
+ topics={conditionals,entryrefcommands},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries}},
+ seealso={GlsXtrIfUnusedOrUndefined,glsxtrifwasfirstuse},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{Gls\-Xtr\-If\-Un\-used\-Or\-Un\-defined}},
+ user1={\margm{label}\margm{true}\margm{false}},
+ description={does \meta{true} if the entry given by \meta{label}
+hasn't been
+ used or is undefined, otherwise it does \meta{false}.
+ This command is not for use in the post-link hooks},
+ topics={conditionals},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra} v1.34+},
+ seealso={ifglsused,glsxtrifwasfirstuse},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{GlsXtrLocationField}},
+ user1={},
+ description={expands to the internal name of the field storing the
+location list, defaulting to \field{location}},
+ topics={fieldrefcommands,loclistcommands},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra} v1.37+},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{glslabel}},
+ user1={},
+ description={only for use in the post-link hooks, this
+ expands to the label of the entry that was last referenced},
+ topics={hooks},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries}},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{gls\-current\-entry\-label}},
+ user1={},
+ description={only for use in the glossary, such as in the style or
+in the post-name or post-description hooks, this expands to the
+label of the current entry},
+ topics={hooks},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries}},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{gls\-current\-field\-value}},
+ user1={},
+ description={only for use in the \meta{true} part of
+\cs{ifglshasfield} or \cs{glsxtrifhasfield}, this expands to the
+field value},
+ topics={conditionals},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries}},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{gls\-entry\-title\-case}},
+ user1={\margm{entry label}\margm{field label}},
+ description={fetches the given field and applies
+ \ics{capitalisewords} to it},
+ topics={casecommands,fieldrefcommands},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries}\texparserdefnote\ v4.22+},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{capitalise\-words}},
+ user1={\margm{text}},
+ description={converts the first letter of each word to
+ \idx{uppercase} using \ics{makefirstuc}},
+ note={\styfmt{mfirstuc}\texparserdefnote\ v1.06+},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{MFU\-no\-cap}},
+ user1={\margm{word}},
+ description={identifies \meta{word} as one that
+ should not have its case-changed by \ics{capitalisewords}
+ unless it occurs at the start},
+ note={\styfmt{mfirstuc}\texparserdefnote\ v1.09+},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{gls\-xtr\-use\-field}},
+ user1={\margm{entry label}\margm{field label}},
+ description={expands to the value of the given field for the given
+ entry},
+ topics={fieldrefcommands},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra}\texparserdefnote\ v1.12+},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{Gls\-xtr\-use\-field}},
+ user1={\margm{entry label}\margm{field label}},
+ description={like \cs{glsxtrusefield} but converts the first
+ letter to \idx!{uppercase}},
+ topics={fieldrefcommands,casecommands},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra}\texparserdefnote\ v1.12+},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{GLS\-xtr\-use\-field}},
+ user1={\margm{entry label}\margm{field label}},
+ description={as \cs{glsxtrusefield} but converts the value to
+ \idx{uppercase}},
+ topics={fieldrefcommands,casecommands},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra}\texparserdefnote\ v1.37+},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{Gls\-Xtr\-Set\-Field}},
+ user1={\margm{entry label}\margm{field label}\margm{value}},
+ description={assigns the given \meta{value} to the field
+ identified by \meta{field label} for the
+ entry identified by \meta{entry label}},
+ topics={assigncommands},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra} v1.12+},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{xGls\-Xtr\-Set\-Field}},
+ user1={\margm{entry label}\margm{field label}\margm{value}},
+ description={globally assigns the (protected) full expansion of the given \meta{value} to the field
+ identified by \meta{field label} for the
+ entry identified by \meta{entry label}},
+ topics={assigncommands},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra} v1.12+},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{gls\-xtr\-if\-has\-field}},
+ user1={\margm{field label}\margm{entry label}\margm{true}\margm{false}},
+ description={tests if the given entry has the given \emph{internal} field set
+ (defined and not empty)
+ without testing if the entry exists and adds implicit scoping
+ to \meta{true} and \meta{false}},
+ topics={conditionals,fieldrefcommands},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra} v1.19+},
+ seealso={GlsXtrIfFieldUndef},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{gls\-xtr\-if\-has\-field*}},
+ user1={\margm{field label}\margm{entry label}\margm{true}\margm{false}},
+ description={tests if the given entry has the given field set
+ (defined and not empty)
+ without testing if the entry exists and without introducing
+ an implicit scope},
+ topics={conditionals,fieldrefcommands},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra} v1.19+},
+ seealso={GlsXtrIfFieldUndef},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{Gls\-Xtr\-If\-Field\-Undef}},
+ user1={\margm{field label}\margm{entry label}\margm{true}\margm{false}},
+ description={tests if the given field isn't defined for the given
+ entry, which may also not exist},
+ topics={conditionals,fieldrefcommands},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra} v1.23+},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{Gls\-Xtr\-If\-Field\-Eq\-Str}},
+ user1={\margm{field label}\margm{entry label}\margm{text}\margm{true}\margm{false}},
+ description={tests if the given field value is the same as
+ \meta{text} for the given entry, which may not exist. The unstarred
+form adds implicit grouping. The starred form (new to v1.39)
+ topics={conditionals,fieldrefcommands},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra} v1.21+},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{Gls\-Xtr\-If\-Field\-Eq\-Xp\-Str}},
+ user1={\margm{field label}\margm{entry label}\margm{text}\margm{true}\margm{false}},
+ description={like \cs{GlsXtrIfFieldEqStr} but first (protected)
+fully expands \meta{text} (but not the field value). The unstarred
+form adds implicit grouping. The starred form (new to v1.39)
+ topics={conditionals,fieldrefcommands},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra} v1.31+},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{Gls\-Xtr\-If\-Xp\-Field\-Eq\-Xp\-Str}},
+ user1={\margm{field label}\margm{entry label}\margm{text}\margm{true}\margm{false}},
+ description={like \cs{GlsXtrIfFieldEqStr} but first (protected)
+fully expands both the field value and \meta{text}. The unstarred
+form adds implicit grouping. The starred form (new to v1.39)
+ topics={conditionals,fieldrefcommands},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra} v1.31+},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{if\-gls\-has\-field}},
+ user1={\margm{field label}\margm{entry label}\margm{true}\margm{false}},
+ description={tests if the given entry, which must be defined, has the
+ given field set to a non-empty value},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries}},
+ topics={conditionals,fieldrefcommands},
+ seealso={glsxtrifhasfield,GlsXtrIfFieldUndef},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{if\-gls\-has\-symbol}},
+ user1={\margm{entry label}\margm{true}\margm{false}},
+ description={tests if the given entry, which must be defined, has the
+ \field{symbol} field set to value that's not empty and not
+ \csfmt{relax}},
+ topics={conditionals,fieldrefcommands},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries}},
+ seealso={ifglshasdesc,glsxtrifhasfield,GlsXtrIfFieldUndef},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{if\-gls\-has\-desc}},
+ user1={\margm{entry label}\margm{true}\margm{false}},
+ description={tests if the given entry, which must be defined, has the
+ \field{description} field set},
+ topics={conditionals,fieldrefcommands},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries}},
+ seealso={ifglshassymbol,ifglshasdescsuppressed},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{if\-gls\-has\-suppressedesc}},
+ user1={\margm{entry label}\margm{true}\margm{false}},
+ description={tests if the given entry, which must be defined, has the
+ \field{description} field set to \cs{nopostdesc}},
+ topics={conditionals,fieldrefcommands},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries}},
+ seealso={ifglshasdesc},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{if\-gls\-has\-parent}},
+ user1={\margm{entry label}\margm{true}\margm{false}},
+ description={tests if the given entry, which must be defined, has the
+ \field{parent} field set},
+ topics={conditionals,fieldrefcommands},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries}},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{if\-gls\-has\-children}},
+ user1={\margm{entry label}\margm{true}\margm{false}},
+ description={tests if the given entry, which must be defined, has
+ child entries. This method is inefficient as it has to
+ iterate over all defined entries to determine which ones
+ have \meta{entry label} as the value of the \field{parent}
+ field. With \bibgls, a more efficient approach is to
+ use \csopt{save-child-count} and test the value of
+ the \field{childcount} field},
+ topics={conditionals,fieldrefcommands},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries}},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{if\-gls\-has\-short}},
+ user1={\margm{entry label}\margm{true}\margm{false}},
+ description={tests if the given entry, which must be defined, has the
+ \field{short} field set},
+ topics={conditionals,fieldrefcommands,abbreviationcommands},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries}},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{if\-gls\-has\-long}},
+ user1={\margm{entry label}\margm{true}\margm{false}},
+ description={tests if the given entry, which must be defined, has the
+ \field{long} field set},
+ topics={conditionals,fieldrefcommands,abbreviationcommands},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries}},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{if\-gls\-has\-prefix}},
+ user1={\margm{entry label}\margm{true}\margm{false}},
+ description={tests if the given entry, which must be defined, has the
+ \field{prefix} field set to value that's not empty},
+ topics={conditionals,fieldrefcommands},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-prefix}},
+ seealso={ifglshasdesc,glsxtrifhasfield,GlsXtrIfFieldUndef},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{if\-gls\-has\-prefix\-plural}},
+ user1={\margm{entry label}\margm{true}\margm{false}},
+ description={tests if the given entry, which must be defined, has the
+ \field{prefixplural} field set to value that's not empty},
+ topics={conditionals,fieldrefcommands},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-prefix}},
+ seealso={ifglshasdesc,glsxtrifhasfield,GlsXtrIfFieldUndef},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{if\-gls\-has\-prefix\-first}},
+ user1={\margm{entry label}\margm{true}\margm{false}},
+ description={tests if the given entry, which must be defined, has the
+ \field{prefixfirst} field set to value that's not empty},
+ topics={conditionals,fieldrefcommands},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-prefix}},
+ seealso={ifglshasdesc,glsxtrifhasfield,GlsXtrIfFieldUndef},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{if\-gls\-has\-prefix\-first\-plural}},
+ user1={\margm{entry label}\margm{true}\margm{false}},
+ description={tests if the given entry, which must be defined, has the
+ \field{prefixfirstplural} field set to value that's not empty},
+ topics={conditionals,fieldrefcommands},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-prefix}},
+ seealso={ifglshasdesc,glsxtrifhasfield,GlsXtrIfFieldUndef},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{if\-gls\-field\-eq}},
+ user1={\margm{entry label}\margm{field label}\margm{string}\margm{true}\margm{false}},
+ description={tests if the given entry has the
+ given field value equal to \meta{string}, where \meta{field label}
+ is the internal field label (not the key name). No expansion is
+ performed in the test (which just uses \cs{ifcsstring})},
+ topics={conditionals,fieldrefcommands},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries} v4.16+},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{if\-gls\-field\-def\-eq}},
+ user1={\margm{entry label}\margm{field label}\margm{cs}\margm{true}\margm{false}},
+ description={tests if the given entry has the
+ given field value equal to the replacement text of the command
+ given by \meta{cs}, where \meta{field label}
+ is the internal field label (not the key name). The test
+ uses \cs{ifdefstrequal}},
+ topics={conditionals,fieldrefcommands},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries} v4.16+},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{if\-gls\-field\-cs\-eq}},
+ user1={\margm{entry label}\margm{field label}\margm{cs-name}\margm{true}\margm{false}},
+ description={tests if the given entry has the
+ given field value equal to the replacement text of the command
+ given by the control sequence name \meta{cs-name}, where \meta{field label}
+ is the internal field label (not the key name). The test
+ uses \cs{ifcsstrequal}},
+ topics={conditionals,fieldrefcommands},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries} v4.16+},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{gls\-field\-def}},
+ user1={\margm{entry label}\margm{field label}\margm{definition}},
+ description={changes the value of the given
+ entry's field to \meta{definition} (localised by any scope)},
+ topics={fieldrefcommands,assigncommands},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries} v4.16+},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{gls\-field\-gdef}},
+ user1={\margm{entry label}\margm{field label}\margm{definition}},
+ description={globally changes the value of the given
+ entry's field to \meta{definition}},
+ topics={fieldrefcommands,assigncommands},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries} v4.16+},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{gls\-field\-edef}},
+ user1={\margm{entry label}\margm{field label}\margm{definition}},
+ description={changes the value of the given entry's field to the
+ full expansion of \meta{definition} (localised by any scope)},
+ topics={fieldrefcommands,assigncommands},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries} v4.16+},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{gls\-field\-xdef}},
+ user1={\margm{entry label}\margm{field label}\margm{definition}},
+ description={globally changes the value of the given entry's field to the
+ full expansion of \meta{definition}},
+ topics={fieldrefcommands,assigncommands},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries} v4.16+},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{Gls\-Xtr\-If\-Field\-Non\-Zero}},
+ user1={\margm{field}\margm{entry label}\margm{true}\margm{false}},
+ description={tests if the given field value expands to a non-zero
+integer. If the field is undefined or empty, the value is assumed to
+be 0. If the field is set, it must expand to an integer value.
+The value can be referenced in \meta{true} or \meta{false}
+with \cs{glscurrentfieldvalue}. The unstarred
+form adds implicit grouping. The starred form (new to v1.39)
+ topics={conditionals,fieldrefcommands},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra} v1.31+},
+ seealso={GlsXtrIfFieldEqNum},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{Gls\-Xtr\-If\-Field\-Eq\-Num}},
+ user1={\margm{field}\margm{entry label}\margm{number}\margm{true}\margm{false}},
+ description={tests if the given field value expands to the given
+integer \meta{number}. If the field is undefined or empty, the value is assumed to
+be 0. If the field is set, it must expand to an integer value.
+The value can be referenced in \meta{true} or \meta{false}
+with \cs{glscurrentfieldvalue}. The unstarred
+form adds implicit grouping. The starred form (new to v1.39)
+ topics={conditionals,fieldrefcommands},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra} v1.31+},
+ seealso={GlsXtrIfFieldNonZero,GlsXtrIfFieldCmpNum},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{Gls\-Xtr\-If\-Field\-Cmp\-Num}},
+ user1={\margm{field}\margm{entry label}\margm{comparison}\margm{number}\margm{true}\margm{false}},
+ description={compares the given (numerical) field value to the given
+integer \meta{number}. The \meta{comparison} may be one of:
+\code{=}, \code{<} or \code{>}. If the field is undefined or empty, the value is assumed to
+be 0. If the field is set, it must expand to an integer value.
+The value can be referenced in \meta{true} or \meta{false}
+with \cs{glscurrentfieldvalue}. The unstarred
+form adds implicit grouping. The starred form (new to v1.39)
+ topics={conditionals,fieldrefcommands},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra} v1.31+},
+ seealso={GlsXtrIfFieldNonZero},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{Gls\-Xtr\-If\-Has\-Non\-Zero\-Child\-Count}},
+ user1={\margm{entry label}\margm{true}\margm{false}},
+ description={for use with the \csopt{save-child-count} resource
+option, this uses \cs{GlsXtrIfFieldNonZero} to test if the
+\field{childcount} field has a non-zero value. The value
+can be referenced in \meta{true} or \meta{false} with
+ topics={conditionals,fieldrefcommands},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra-bib2gls} v1.31+},
+ seealso={GlsXtrIfFieldNonZero},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{gls\-xtr\-if\-custom\-discard\-period}},
+ user1={\margm{true}\margm{false}},
+ description={should expand to \meta{true} if the post-link hook
+ should check for a following full stop (in addition to attribute
+ checks) otherwise should expand to \meta{false}},
+ topics={conditionals,hooks},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra} v1.23+},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{gls\-add\-key}},
+ user1={\margm{key}\margm{default value}\margm{no link cs}\margm{no link ucfirst cs}\margm{link cs}\margm{link ucfirst cs}\margm{link allcaps cs}},
+ description={adds a new key for use in \csref{newglossaryentry}
+ and associated commands to access it},
+ topics={definingterms,providingcommands,linkcommands,fieldrefcommands},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries}},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{gls\-xtr\-provide\-storage\-key}},
+ user1={\margm{key}\margm{default value}\margm{no link cs}},
+ description={adds a new key, if not already defined, for use in
+ and an associated command
+ to access it where (unlike \cs{glsaddstoragekey})
+ the \meta{no link cs} part may be empty if unrequired},
+ topics={definingterms,providingcommands,fieldrefcommands},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra} v1.12+},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{gls\-add\-storage\-key}},
+ user1={\margm{key}\margm{default value}\margm{no link cs}},
+ description={adds a new key for internal use that can be set in
+ \csref{newglossaryentry}},
+ topics={definingterms,providingcommands,fieldrefcommands},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries}},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{gls\-auto\-prefix}},
+ description={prefix used for the automatically labelling triggered
+ by the \styopt[autolabel]{numberedsection} option},
+ topics={hooks,crossrefcommands},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries}},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{gls\-enable\-hyper}},
+ description={enables the creation of hyperlinks and targets for
+ the glossary commands that support them (automatically implemented
+ if \sty{hyperref} is loaded before \sty{glossaries})},
+ topics={linkcommands},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries}},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{gls\-disable\-hyper}},
+ description={disables the creation of hyperlinks and targets for
+ the glossary commands that support them (automatically implemented
+ if \sty{hyperref} isn't loaded before \sty{glossaries})},
+ topics={linkcommands},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries}},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{Gls\-Xtr\-Enable\-Initial\-Tagging}},
+ user1={\margm{category list}\margm{cs}},
+ description={defines the control sequence \meta{cs}
+ to be used with abbreviation tagging
+ with the given categories},
+ topics={abbreviationcommands,formattingcommands},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra}\texparserdefnote},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{gls\-xtr\-tag\-font}},
+ user1={\margm{text}},
+ description={font used by tagging command defined by
+ \cs{GlsXtrEnableInitialTagging}},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra}},
+ topics={abbreviationcommands,formattingcommands},
+ category={command},
+ seealso={GlsXtrEnableInitialTagging}
+ name={\csfmt{gls\-nav\-hyper\-target}},
+ user1={\oargm{type}\margm{label}\margm{text}},
+ description={creates a hyper target for the group given by
+ \meta{label} for the given glossary type and uses \meta{text}
+ for the hyperlink text},
+ topics={linkcommands,entryrefcommands},
+ note={\styfmt{glossary-hypernav}},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{newentry}},
+ user1={\margm{label}\margm{\keyvallist}},
+ description={equivalent to \csref{newglossaryentry}},
+ topics={definingterms,shortcutcommands},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra} \styopt{shortcuts}},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{newsym}},
+ user1={\margm{label}\margm{\keyvallist}\margm{symbol}},
+ description={equivalent to \csref{glsxtrnewsymbol}},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra} \styopt{shortcuts}},
+ topics={definingterms,shortcutcommands},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{newnum}},
+ user1={\margm{label}\margm{\keyvallist}},
+ description={equivalent to \csref{glsxtrnewnumber}},
+ topics={definingterms,shortcutcommands},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra} \styopt{shortcuts}},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{acronym\-type}},
+ user1={},
+ description={expands to the default acronym glossary type when using
+ \csref{newacronym}},
+ topics={glossrefs},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries}},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{gls\-xtr\-abbrv\-type}},
+ user1={},
+ description={expands to the default glossary type when using
+ \csref{newabbreviation}},
+ topics={glossrefs},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra}},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{no\-post\-desc}},
+ user1={},
+ description={suppresses the post-description hook},
+ topics={hooks},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries}},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{gls\-xtr\-no\-post\-punc}},
+ user1={},
+ description={suppresses the post-description punctuation
+ without suppressing the post-description hook},
+ topics={hooks},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra} v1.22+},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{gls\-xtr\-restore\-post\-punc}},
+ user1={},
+ description={used within post-description category hooks,
+ this restores the post-description punctuation
+ if it's been suppressed with \cs{glsxtrnopostpunc}},
+ topics={hooks},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra} v1.23+},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{load\-gls\-entries}},
+ user1={\oargm{type}\margm{file}},
+ description={locally redefines \cs{glsdefaulttype}
+ to \meta{type} and inputs \meta{file}},
+ topics={definingterms},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries}},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{newglossary}},
+ user1={\oargm{log}\margm{type}\margm{gls}\margm{glo}\margm{title}},
+ description={defines a new glossary identified by \meta{type}
+ with the given title and associated file extensions used by
+ \appfmt{makeindex} or \appfmt{xindy}},
+ topics={glossrefs},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries}},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{newglossary*}},
+ user1={\margm{type}\margm{title}},
+ description={defines a new glossary identified by \meta{type}
+ with the given title},
+ topics={glossrefs},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries}},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{new\-ignored\-glossary}},
+ user1={\margm{type}},
+ description={defines a new ignored glossary (with hyperlinks
+ suppressed) identified by \meta{type}
+ that's not included in the list used by commands, such
+ as \cs{printunsrtglossaries}, that iterate over defined glossaries},
+ topics={glossrefs},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries} v4.08+},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{new\-ignored\-glossary*}},
+ user1={\margm{type}},
+ description={defines a new ignored glossary (without
+ suppressing hyperlinks) identified by \meta{type}
+ that's not included in the list used by commands, such
+ as \cs{printunsrtglossaries}, that iterate over defined glossaries},
+ topics={glossrefs},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra} v1.11+},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{provide\-ignored\-glossary}},
+ user1={\margm{type}},
+ description={as \cs{newignoredglossary} but does nothing
+ if a glossary identified by \meta{type} already exists},
+ topics={glossrefs},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra} v1.12+},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{provide\-ignored\-glossary*}},
+ user1={\margm{type}},
+ description={as \ics{provideignoredglossary} but doesn't
+ suppress hyperlinks},
+ topics={glossrefs},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra} v1.12+},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{delimN}},
+ user1={},
+ description={used to delimited individual locations},
+ topics={glossarystylecommands,separatorcommands,loclistcommands},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries}},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{delimR}},
+ user1={},
+ description={used as a separator between the start and end locations
+ of a range},
+ topics={glossarystylecommands,separatorcommands,loclistcommands},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries}},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{gls\-noidx\-loc\-list}},
+ user1={\margm{location list cs}},
+ description={iterates over the given internal location list using
+ the \cs{glsnoidxloclisthandler} handler},
+ topics={glossarystylecommands,loops,loclistcommands},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries}},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{gls\-noidx\-loc\-list\-handler}},
+ description={the handler used by the internal list loop function used
+ in \cs{glsnoidxloclist}},
+ topics={glossarystylecommands,loops,loclistcommands},
+ user1={\margm{location}},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries}},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{glossentry}},
+ user1={\margm{label}\margm{location list}},
+ description={used in the glossary to display a top-level entry},
+ topics={glossarystylecommands},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries} v3.08a+},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{subglossentry}},
+ user1={\margm{level}\margm{label}\margm{location list}},
+ description={used in the glossary to display a sub-entry},
+ topics={glossarystylecommands},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries} v3.08a+},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{new\-glossary\-style}},
+ user1={\margm{name}\margm{definition}},
+ description={defines a new glossary style called \meta{name}},
+ topics={glossarystylecommands},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries}},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{set\-glossary\-style}},
+ user1={\margm{name}},
+ description={sets the glossary style identified by \meta{name}},
+ topics={glossarystylecommands},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries}},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{glossary\-header}},
+ description={implemented at the start of a glossary (modified by
+glossary styles)},
+ topics={glossarystylecommands},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries}},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{gls\-group\-skip}},
+ description={inserted between groups to create some vertical
+ spacing (this command is modified by
+ glossary styles, and may be switched off with the
+ \styopt{nogroupskip} option)},
+ topics={glossarystylecommands},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries}},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{gls\-entry\-item}},
+ user1={\margm{label}},
+ description={increments and displays the \counter{glossaryentry}
+counter, if appropriate},
+ topics={glossarystylecommands},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries} v3.0+},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{gls\-entry\-counter\-label}},
+ description={governs the way the \counter{glossaryentry}
+ counter is displayed by \cs{glsentryitem}},
+ topics={glossarystylecommands},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries}},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{gls\-sub\-entry\-item}},
+ user1={\margm{label}},
+ description={increments and displays the \counter{glossarysubentry}
+counter, if appropriate},
+ topics={glossarystylecommands},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries} v3.0+},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{gls\-sub\-entry\-counter\-label}},
+ description={governs the way the \counter{glossarysubentry}
+ counter is displayed by \cs{glssubentryitem}},
+ topics={glossarystylecommands},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries}},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{gls\-target}},
+ user1={\margm{label}\margm{text}},
+ description={creates a hypertarget for the entry given by
+\meta{label} (the target for commands like \cs{gls}) and displays \meta{text}},
+ topics={glossarystylecommands,linkcommands},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries} v1.18+},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{gls\-name\-font}},
+ user1={\margm{text}},
+ description={used by \cs{glossentryname} to format the name},
+ topics={glossarystylecommands,formattingcommands},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries}},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{gloss\-entry\-name}},
+ user1={\margm{label}},
+ description={used by glossary styles to display the name},
+ topics={glossarystylecommands,fieldrefcommands},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries}},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{gloss\-entry\-symbol}},
+ user1={\margm{label}},
+ description={used by glossary styles to display the symbol},
+ topics={glossarystylecommands,fieldrefcommands},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries}},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{glspostdescription}},
+ description={a hook added after the description in some glossary
+styles (all if the \sty{glossaries-extra-stylemods} package is
+loaded to patch them). This hook is used to reflect the
+\styopt{nopostdot} package option for \sty{glossaries}
+and the \styopt{postpunc} option for \sty{glossaries-extra}},
+ topics={glossarystylecommands,hooks},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries} and modified by
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{gloss\-entry\-name\-other}},
+ user1={\margm{label}\margm{field}},
+ description={acts like \ics{glossentryname} (obeys
+ \catattr{glossname} and \catattr{glossnamefont}
+ or \cs{glsnamefont} and the post-name hook) but uses
+ the given \meta{field} instead of the \field{name} field},
+ topics={glossarystylecommands,fieldrefcommands},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra} v1.22+},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{gloss\-entry\-desc}},
+ user1={\margm{label}},
+ description={used by glossary styles to display the description},
+ topics={glossarystylecommands,fieldrefcommands},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries}},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{Gloss\-entry\-desc}},
+ user1={\margm{label}},
+ description={like \cs{glossentrydesc} but converts the first
+letter to \idx{uppercase}},
+ topics={glossarystylecommands,fieldrefcommands,casecommands},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries}},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{Gloss\-entry\-name}},
+ user1={\margm{label}},
+ description={like \cs{glossentryname} but converts the first
+letter to \idx{uppercase}},
+ topics={glossarystylecommands,fieldrefcommands,casecommands},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries}},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{Gloss\-entry\-symbol}},
+ user1={\margm{label}},
+ description={like \cs{glossentrysymbol} but converts the first
+letter to \idx{uppercase}},
+ topics={glossarystylecommands,fieldrefcommands,casecommands},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries}},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{glsaddall}},
+ user1={\oargm{options}},
+ description={iterates over all entries defined for all glossaries
+ (or for the sub-list provided by \optfmt{types=\margm{list}} in the options)
+ and performs \code{\cs{glsadd}\oargm{options}} for each entry.
+ This command isn't suitable for use with \bibgls. Use the
+ \csopt{selection} option instead},
+ topics={loops,indexing},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries}},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{gls\-add\-all\-unused}},
+ user1={\oargm{list}},
+ description={iterates over all entries defined for all glossaries
+ (or for the sub-list provided in the options) and performs
+ \cs{glsadd} for each entry that hasn't been used with
+ the \glsaddopt{format} set to \code{glsignore}.
+ This command isn't suitable for use with \bibgls. Use the
+ \csopt{selection} option instead},
+ topics={loops,indexing},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries}},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{glsadd}},
+ user1={\oargm{options}\margm{label}},
+ description={indexes the entry without displaying any text},
+ topics={indexing},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries}},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{gls\-add\-each}},
+ user1={\oargm{options}\margm{label list}},
+ description={indexes each entry identified in the comma-separated
+ list of labels without displaying any text},
+ topics={indexing},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra} v1.31+},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csoptfmt{thevalue}},
+ user1={\margm{value}},
+ description={overrides the record value so that it's the
+ given \meta{value} not obtained from the associated counter},
+ category={commandoption},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra} v1.14+},
+ parent={glsadd}
+ name={\csoptfmt{theHvalue}},
+ user1={\margm{value}},
+ description={the hyperlink target corresponding to the value
+ of \glsopt{thevalue}, if appropriate},
+ category={commandoption},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra} v1.14+},
+ parent={glsadd}
+ name={\csoptfmt{format}},
+ user1={\margm{encap}},
+ description={sets the \gls{encap} for the record to
+ \meta{encap}, optionally with the start or end range markers},
+ category={commandoption},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries}},
+ parent={glsadd}
+ name={\csoptfmt{counter}},
+ user1={\margm{counter-name}},
+ description={sets the counter to use for the record},
+ category={commandoption},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries}},
+ parent={glsadd}
+ name={\csfmt{theglossaryentry}},
+ description={textual representation of the \counter{glossaryentry}
+counter, which is defined with the \styopt{entrycounter} option},
+ topics={glossarystylecommands},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries}},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{theHglossaryentry}},
+ description={hypertarget associated with the \counter{glossaryentry}
+counter, which is defined with the \styopt{entrycounter} option},
+ topics={glossarystylecommands,linkcommands},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries}},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{gls\-step\-entry}},
+ user1 = {\margm{label}},
+ description={increments the \counter{glossaryentry} counter, which
+is defined with the \styopt{entrycounter} option, and automatically
+labels it with \cs{label}},
+ topics={glossarystylecommands},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries}},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{currentglossary}},
+ description={defined within the glossary to the current glossary
+type, this has no meaning outside of the glossary list},
+ topics={glossarystylecommands,glossrefs},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries}},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{front\-matter}},
+ user1={},
+ description={switches to front matter},
+ note={book-like classes},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{main\-matter}},
+ user1={},
+ description={switches to main matter},
+ note={book-like classes},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{back\-matter}},
+ user1={},
+ description={switches to back matter},
+ note={book-like classes},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{Gls\-Xtr\-Set\-Default\-Number\-Format}},
+ user1={\margm{format}},
+ description={set the default format to use if the
+ \glsaddopt{format} key isn't set},
+ topics={formattingcommands,indexing},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra} v1.19+},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{Gls\-Xtr\-Set\-Default\-Gls\-Opts}},
+ user1={\margm{options}},
+ description={set the default options for commands like \cs{gls}},
+ topics={formattingcommands,indexing},
+ seealso={GlsXtrSetDefaultNumberFormat},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra}},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{gls\-number\-format}},
+ user1={\margm{text}},
+ description={default location format, uses \cs{glshypernumber} if
+hyperlinks enabled otherwise just does \meta{text}},
+ topics={formattingcommands,indexing,loclistcommands},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries}},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{gls\-hyper\-number}},
+ user1={\margm{text}},
+ description={a location format that has a hyperlink (if enabled)},
+ topics={formattingcommands,indexing,loclistcommands,linkcommands},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries}},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{hypersf}},
+ user1={\margm{text}},
+ description={a location format that uses the sans-serif
+ font that also has a hyperlink (if enabled)},
+ topics={formattingcommands,indexing,loclistcommands,linkcommands},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries}},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{hyperit}},
+ user1={\margm{text}},
+ description={a location format that uses the italic
+ font that also has a hyperlink (if enabled)},
+ topics={formattingcommands,indexing,loclistcommands,linkcommands},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries}},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{hyperbf}},
+ user1={\margm{text}},
+ description={a location format that uses the bold
+ font that also has a hyperlink (if enabled)},
+ topics={formattingcommands,indexing,loclistcommands,linkcommands},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries}},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{hyperemph}},
+ user1={\margm{text}},
+ description={a location format that uses \ics{emph} to set the
+ font and also has a hyperlink (if enabled)},
+ topics={formattingcommands,indexing,loclistcommands,linkcommands},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries}},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{hyperrm}},
+ user1={\margm{text}},
+ description={a location format that uses the serif (Roman)
+ font that also has a hyperlink (if enabled)},
+ topics={formattingcommands,indexing,loclistcommands,linkcommands},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries}},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{emph}},
+ user1={\margm{text}},
+ description={emphasizes the given text (italic or slanted
+ if the surrounding font is upright, otherwise upright font is
+ used)},
+ note={kernel command},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{em}},
+ description={switch to emphasized font (until end of current scope)},
+ note={kernel command},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{textsf}},
+ user1={\margm{text}},
+ description={displays the given text in sans-serif},
+ note={kernel command},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{textbf}},
+ user1={\margm{text}},
+ description={displays the given text in bold},
+ note={kernel command},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{bfseries}},
+ description={switch to bold (until end of current scope)},
+ note={kernel command},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{textit}},
+ user1={\margm{text}},
+ description={displays the given text in italic},
+ note={kernel command},
+ seealso={emph},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{texttt}},
+ user1={\margm{text}},
+ description={displays the given text in monospaced font},
+ note={kernel command},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{@first\-of\-one}},
+ user1={\margm{code}},
+ description={does \meta{code}},
+ note={kernel command\texparserdefnote},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{@gobble}},
+ user1={\margm{code}},
+ description={does nothing (the argument is discarded)},
+ note={kernel command\texparserdefnote},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{@for}},
+ user1={\meta{cs}:=\meta{list}\csfmt{do}\margm{code}},
+ description={iterates over each item in the comma-separated
+\meta{list}, and on each iteration sets \meta{cs} to the current
+element and performs \meta{code}},
+ note={kernel command\texparserdefnote},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{alph}},
+ user1={\margm{counter}},
+ description={displays the given counter as an alphabetic character
+from \qt{a} to \qt{z}},
+ note={kernel command},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{footnote}},
+ user1={\oargm{number}\margm{text}},
+ description={displays the given text as a footnote},
+ note={kernel command},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{index}},
+ user1={\margm{text}},
+ description={indexes the given term by writing the relevant
+information to an associated file that can then be processed
+by \idx{makeindex} or \idx{xindy}},
+ note={kernel command},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{gls\-ignore}},
+ user1={\margm{text}},
+ description={does nothing but when used as a location format
+ \bibgls\ recognises it as an \idx{ignoredrecord}},
+ topics={formattingcommands,indexing,loclistcommands},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries}},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{@istfilename}},
+ user1={\margm{filename}},
+ description={identifies the style file in the \ext{aux}
+ file for the benefit of external tools like
+ \idx{makeglossaries} and \idx{makeglossaries-lite}},
+ topics={internalcommands,auxcommands},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries}},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{gls\-trigger\-record\-format}},
+ user1={\margm{text}},
+ description={does nothing but when used as a location format
+ \bibgls\ recognises it as an \idx{ignoredrecord} indexed by
+ commands like \csref{rgls}},
+ topics={formattingcommands,indexing,loclistcommands},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra} v1.21+},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{@}},
+ user1={},
+ description={adjusts the space factor to indicate the following
+ punctuation character marks the end of the sentence},
+ note={kernel command},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{forall}},
+ user1={},
+ description={for all symbol ($\forall$)},
+ note={kernel command\texparserdefnote\ (maths mode)},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{heartsuit}},
+ user1={},
+ description={heart symbol ($\heartsuit$)},
+ note={kernel command\texparserdefnote\ (maths mode)},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{diamondsuit}},
+ user1={},
+ description={diamond symbol ($\diamondsuit$)},
+ note={kernel command\texparserdefnote\ (maths mode)},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{ensuremath}},
+ user1={\margm{maths}},
+ description={ensures the argument is in math mode. As a general
+rule this should only be used if you know for certain that
+the argument just contains mathematical markup and doesn't cause a
+change in mode},
+ note={kernel command\texparserdefnote},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{mathord}},
+ user1={\margm{maths}},
+ description={assigns the character or sub-formula in the
+ argument to class 0, ordinary},
+ note={\TeX\ primitive},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{mathop}},
+ user1={\margm{maths}},
+ description={assigns the character or sub-formula in the
+ argument to class 1, large operator},
+ note={\TeX\ primitive},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{mathpunct}},
+ user1={\margm{maths}},
+ description={assigns the character or sub-formula in the
+ argument to class 6, punctuation},
+ note={\TeX\ primitive},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{mathrel}},
+ user1={\margm{maths}},
+ description={assigns the character or sub-formula in the
+ argument to class 3, relation},
+ note={\TeX\ primitive},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{write18}},
+ user1={\margm{system call}},
+ description={perform shell escape if permitted},
+ note={kernel command},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{immediate}},
+ user1={\meta{file operation}},
+ description={perform the file operation immediately instead of the
+usual delay},
+ note={{}\TeX\ primitive},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{AtEndDocument}},
+ user1={\margm{code}},
+ description={perform \meta{code} at the end of the document},
+ note={kernel command},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{unexpanded}},
+ user1={\margm{general text}},
+ description={expands to the argument},
+ note={{}\eTeX\ primitive\texparserdefnote},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{detokenize}},
+ user1={\margm{general text}},
+ description={expands the argument to a list of character tokens},
+ note={{}\eTeX\ primitive\texparserdefnote},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{input}},
+ user1={\margm{file}},
+ description={input the given file},
+ note={kernel command\texparserdefnote},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{IfFileExists}},
+ user1={\margm{file}\margm{true}\margm{false}},
+ description={if the given \meta{file} exists does \meta{true}
+ otherwise does \meta{false}},
+ note={kernel command\texparserdefnote},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{jobname}},
+ user1={},
+ description={the current job name, which is usually the name of
+ the main \ext{tex} file without the extension},
+ note={primitive},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{protect}},
+ user1={\meta{token}},
+ description={protects \meta{token} from expansion},
+ note={kernel command\texparserdefnote},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{ifcase}},
+ user1={\meta{number}},
+ description={case conditional},
+ note={\TeX\ primitive\texparserdefnote},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{ifnum}},
+ user1={\meta{number1}\meta{comparison}\meta{number2}},
+ description={integer conditional},
+ note={\TeX\ primitive\texparserdefnote},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{re\-new\-com\-mand}},
+ user1={\margm{cs}\oargm{n}\oargm{def}\margm{code}},
+ description={redefines an existing command},
+ note={kernel command\texparserdefnote},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{new\-com\-mand}},
+ user1={\margm{cs}\oargm{n}\oargm{def}\margm{code}},
+ description={defines a new command},
+ note={kernel command\texparserdefnote},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{pro\-vide\-com\-mand}},
+ user1={\margm{cs}\oargm{n}\oargm{def}\margm{code}},
+ description={defines a command if it's not already defined},
+ note={kernel command\texparserdefnote},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{section}},
+ user1={\oargm{\idx{toc} title}\margm{title}},
+ description={section heading},
+ note={most classes that have a concept of document sections},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{section*}},
+ user1={\margm{title}},
+ description={unnumbered section heading},
+ note={most classes that have a concept of document sections},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{chapter}},
+ user1={\oargm{\idx{toc} title}\margm{title}},
+ description={chapter heading},
+ note={book or report classes},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{chapter*}},
+ user1={\margm{title}},
+ description={unnumbered chapter heading},
+ note={book or report classes},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{caption}},
+ user1={\oargm{list title}\margm{title}},
+ description={caption title},
+ note={kernel command},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{boldsymbol}},
+ user1={\margm{symbol}},
+ description={renders given maths symbol in bold if supported by
+ the current font},
+ note={\styfmt{amsmath}},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{mathcal}},
+ user1={\margm{character}},
+ description={renders the given (\idx!{uppercase}) maths character in a calligraphic font},
+ note={kernel command (maths mode)},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{ifglsentryexists}},
+ user1={\margm{label}\margm{true}\margm{false}},
+ description={tests if the entry given by \meta{label} exists},
+ topics={conditionals,entryrefcommands},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries}},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{gls\-default\-type}},
+ user1={},
+ description={the default glossary type},
+ topics={glossrefs},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries}},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{gls\-symbols\-group\-name}},
+ user1={},
+ description={language-sensitive name used for the symbols group and
+ also used for the title of the glossary created with the \styopt{symbols}
+ package option},
+ topics={fixedtextcommands,glossarystylecommands},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries}},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{gls\-numbers\-group\-name}},
+ user1={},
+ description={language-sensitive name used for the numbers group
+ and also used for the title of the glossary created with the
+ \styopt{numbers} package option},
+ topics={fixedtextcommands,glossarystylecommands},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries}},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{print\-unsrt\-glos\-sary}},
+ user1={\oargm{options}},
+ description={display a glossary by iterating over all entries
+ associated with that glossary in the order in which they were
+ defined (which, with \bibgls, should correspond to the
+ order obtained from the sort settings given in the
+ \idx{resourceset} options)},
+ topics={glossrefs,loops},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra} v1.08+},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{print\-unsrt\-glos\-sary*}},
+ user1={\oargm{options}\margm{code}},
+ description={as \cs{printunsrtglossary} but performs
+ \meta{code} first (scoped to localise any assignments within
+ \meta{code})},
+ topics={glossrefs,loops},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra} v1.12+},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{print\-unsrt\-glos\-saries}},
+ user1={},
+ description={iterates over all non-ignored defined glossaries
+ and performs \cs{printunsrtglossary} for each one},
+ topics={glossrefs,loops},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra} v1.08+},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{print\-unsrt\-glos\-sary\-entry\-process\-hook}},
+ user1={\margm{label}},
+ description={performed at each iteration of the internal loop used
+by \cs{printunsrtglossary}},
+ topics={glossrefs,loops,hooks},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra} v1.21+},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{print\-unsrt\-glos\-sary\-skip\-entry}},
+ description={only allowed within
+ \cs{printunsrtglossaryentryprocesshook} this command
+ indicates that the current entry should be skipped},
+ topics={glossrefs,loops,hooks},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra} v1.21+},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{print\-unsrt\-glos\-sary\-pre\-do\-glos\-sary}},
+ description={hook performed by \cs{printunsrtglossary}},
+ topics={glossrefs,hooks},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra} v1.21+},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{gls\-cat\-e\-gory}},
+ user1={\margm{label}},
+ description={expands to the value of the \field{category} field
+for the entry identified by \meta{label} or nothing if the entry
+hasn't been defined},
+ topics={fieldrefcommands,catattrcommands},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra}},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{gls\-if\-cat\-e\-gory}},
+ user1={\margm{label}\margm{category}\margm{true}\margm{false}},
+ description={does \meta{true} if the \field{category} field for
+ the entry given by \meta{label} is \meta{category}},
+ topics={conditionals,fieldrefcommands,catattrcommands},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra}},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{gls\-xtr\-if\-label\-in\-list}},
+ user1={\margm{label}\margm{list}\margm{true}\margm{false}},
+ description={tests if the \meta{label} is contained
+ in the comma-separated \meta{list}, where both \meta{label}
+ and \meta{list} are fully expanded before testing. This test
+ is designed for \emph{labels} that are fully expandable},
+ topics={conditionals,listcommands},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra} v1.21+},
+ category={command}
+ parent = {printunsrtglossary},
+ name = {\csoptfmt{type}},
+ user1 = {\margm{glossary-label}},
+ description={identifies the glossary list (\cs{glsdefaulttype}, if
+ omitted)},
+ category={commandoption},
+ parent = {printunsrtglossary},
+ name = {\csoptfmt{style}},
+ user1 = {\margm{style-name}},
+ description={use the glossary style identified by \meta{style-name}
+ (overrides current style setting)},
+ category={commandoption},
+ parent = {printunsrtglossary},
+ name = {\csoptfmt{entrycounter}},
+ user1 = {\margm{boolean}},
+ description = {locally enable or disable top-level enumeration
+ (overrides \styopt{entrycounter} package option)},
+ category={commandoption},
+ parent = {printunsrtglossary},
+ name = {\csoptfmt{subentrycounter}},
+ user1 = {\margm{boolean}},
+ description = {locally enable or disable level~1 enumeration
+ (overrides \styopt{subentrycounter} package option)},
+ category={commandoption},
+ parent = {printunsrtglossary},
+ name = {\csoptfmt{nopostdot}},
+ user1 = {\margm{boolean}},
+ description = {locally omit the post-description punctuation (overrides
+ \styopt{nopostdot} and related package options)},
+ category={commandoption},
+ parent = {printunsrtglossary},
+ name = {\csoptfmt{numbered\-section}},
+ user1={\margm{value}},
+ description={locally change whether or not to use a numbered
+ sectioning command (overrides \styopt{numberedsection} package
+ option)},
+ category={commandoption},
+ parent = {printunsrtglossary},
+ name = {\csoptfmt{title}},
+ user1={\margm{text}},
+ description = {locally sets the title for this glossary},
+ category={commandoption},
+ parent = {printunsrtglossary},
+ name = {\csoptfmt{toctitle}},
+ description = {locally sets the \idx{toc} title for this glossary},
+ user1={\margm{text}},
+ category={commandoption},
+ parent = {printunsrtglossary},
+ name = {\csoptfmt{target}},
+ user1={\margm{boolean}},
+ description = {locally enables or disables the hypertargets for
+ each item},
+ category={commandoption},
+ parent = {printunsrtglossary},
+ name = {\csoptfmt{target\-name\-prefix}},
+ user1={\margm{label}},
+ description = {locally assign a prefix for the hypertargets
+ assigned to each item (if \printglossopt[true]{target})
+ to avoid duplicate target names},
+ category={commandoption},
+ parent = {printunsrtglossary},
+ name = {\csoptfmt{prefix}},
+ user1 = {\margm{label}},
+ description = {locally redefine \cs{glolinkprefix} for the item
+ hypertargets and for any entry reference or cross-reference hyperlinks},
+ category={commandoption},
+ parent = {printunsrtglossary},
+ name = {\csoptfmt{no\-number\-list}},
+ user1 = {\margm{boolean}},
+ description={locally change whether or not to display the
+ \idxpl{locationlist} (overrides \styopt{nonumberlist} package
+ option)},
+ category={commandoption},
+ parent = {printunsrtglossary},
+ name = {\csoptfmt{no\-group\-skip}},
+ user1 = {\margm{boolean}},
+ description={locally change whether or not to separate groups
+ with a vertical space if the glossary style that support this option
+ (overrides \styopt{nogroupskip} package option)},
+ category={commandoption},
+ parent = {printunsrtglossary},
+ name = {\csoptfmt{label}},
+ user1 = {\margm{label}},
+ description = {creates a label for this glossary by locally
+ using \code{\ics{glsxtrsetglossarylabel}\margm{label}}},
+ category={commandoption},
+ name={\csfmt{gls\-xtr\-set\-glos\-sary\-label}},
+ user1={\margm{label}},
+ description={sets the label for subsequent glossaries
+ (should be scoped or updated per glossary to prevent
+ duplicate labels) and defines \ics{@currentlabelname} to the
+ glossary's \idx{toc} title. This is an alternative to the
+ \styopt[nameref]{numberedsection} package option or
+ \printglossopt{label} \ics{printunsrtglossary} option},
+ topics={crossrefcommands},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra} v1.39+},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{make\-glos\-saries}},
+ user1={},
+ description={opens associated glossary files to be processed
+ by \idx{makeindex} or \idx{xindy}},
+ topics={indexing},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries}},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{make\-noidx\-glos\-saries}},
+ user1={},
+ description={indicates that \TeX\ should be used to sort and
+ collate the glossary information instead of using an
+ external application; this command should not be used
+ with \bibgls},
+ topics={indexing},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries} v4.04+},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{print\-glos\-sary}},
+ user1={\oargm{options}},
+ description={inputs file created by \idx{makeindex} or \idx{xindy}},
+ topics={glossrefs},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries}},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{print\-glos\-saries}},
+ user1={},
+ description={iterates over all non-ignored defined glossaries
+ and performs \cs{printglossary} for each one},
+ topics={glossrefs,loops},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries}},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{print\-noidx\-glos\-sary}},
+ user1={\oargm{options}},
+ description={uses \TeX\ to sort, collate and list the glossary},
+ topics={glossrefs},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries} v4.04+},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{print\-noidx\-glos\-saries}},
+ user1={},
+ description={iterates over all non-ignored defined glossaries
+ and performs \cs{printnoidxglossary} for each one},
+ topics={glossrefs,loops},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries} v4.04+},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{make\-first\-uc}},
+ user1={\margm{text}},
+ description={converts the first letter of \meta{text} to \idx{uppercase}},
+ note={\styfmt{mfirstuc}\texparserdefnote},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{xmake\-first\-uc}},
+ user1={\margm{text}},
+ description={applies \cs{makefirstuc} with one level expansion
+ of the first token of \meta{text}},
+ note={\styfmt{mfirstuc}\texparserdefnote\ v1.01+},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{ac}},
+ user1={\oargm{options}\margm{label}\oargm{insert}},
+ description={equivalent to \cs{gls}},
+ topics={entryrefcommands,linkcommands,indexing,abbreviationcommands,shortcutcommands},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra} \styopt{shortcuts}},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{ab}},
+ user1={\oargm{options}\margm{label}\oargm{insert}},
+ description={equivalent to \cs{gls}},
+ topics={entryrefcommands,linkcommands,indexing,abbreviationcommands,shortcutcommands},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra}
+ \styopt[abbreviations]{shortcuts}},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{glsxtrp}},
+ user1={\margm{field}\margm{label}},
+ description={displays the given \meta{field} value for the entry given by
+ \meta{label} (no hyperlinks, except in the glossary, and no indexing
+ by default, but includes formatting, if appropriate)},
+ topics={fieldrefcommands},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra} v1.07+},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{glsps}},
+ user1={\margm{label}},
+ description={shortcut for \code{\cs{glsxtrp}\marg{short}\margm{label}}},
+ topics={fieldrefcommands,shortcutcommands},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra} v1.07+},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{glspt}},
+ user1={\margm{label}},
+ description={shortcut for \code{\cs{glsxtrp}\marg{text}\margm{label}}},
+ topics={fieldrefcommands,shortcutcommands},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra} v1.07+},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{glsxtrsetpopts}},
+ user1={\margm{options}},
+ description={sets the default options for \cs{glsxtrp}},
+ topics={assigncommands},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra} v1.07+},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{glossxtrsetpopts}},
+ description={glossary hook that uses \cs{glsxtrsetpopts}
+ to enable hyperlinks by default for \cs{glsxtrp}},
+ topics={assigncommands,hooks},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra} v1.07+},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{Gls\-Xtr\-Fmt\-Field}},
+ user1={},
+ description={expands to the internal label of the field used
+ to store the control sequence name for use with \csref{glsxtrfmt}},
+ topics={fieldrefcommands,formattingcommands},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra} v1.12+},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{gls\-xtr\-use\-see}},
+ user1={\margm{label}},
+ description={applies \cs{glsseeformat} to the entry's
+ \field{see} field if not empty},
+ topics={glossarystylecommands,crossrefcommands,loclistcommands,fieldrefcommands},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra} v1.06+},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{gls\-xtr\-use\-seealso}},
+ user1={\margm{label}},
+ description={applies \cs{glsseeformat} to the entry's
+ \field{seealso} field if not empty},
+ topics={glossarystylecommands,crossrefcommands,loclistcommands,fieldrefcommands},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra} v1.16+},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{gls\-xtr\-set\-alias\-noindex}},
+ user1={},
+ description={hooks into the alias \glsopt{noindex} setting},
+ topics={hooks,crossrefcommands},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra} v1.12+},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{gls\-xtr\-use\-seealso\-format}},
+ user1={\margm{xr list}},
+ description={used to format the entries whose labels are
+ given in \meta{xr list} as a list of \qt{see also}
+ topics={glossarystylecommands,crossrefcommands,loclistcommands,formattingcommands},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra} v1.16+},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{gls\-xtr\-index\-seealso}},
+ user1={\margm{label}\margm{xr list}},
+ description={indexes a \qt{see also} cross-reference},
+ topics={indexing,crossrefcommands},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra} v1.16+},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{glssee}},
+ user1={\oargm{tag}\margm{label}\margm{xr label list}},
+ description={indexes a \qt{see} cross-reference},
+ topics={indexing,crossrefcommands},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries}},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{gls\-xtr\-see\-list}},
+ user1={\margm{xr label list}},
+ description={formats the list of cross-reference labels, without
+the initial \qt{see} tag},
+ topics={glossarystylecommands,crossrefcommands,loclistcommands,formattingcommands},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra} v1.16+},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{setabbreviationstyle}},
+ user1={\oargm{category}\margm{style-name}},
+ description={sets the abbreviation style to \meta{style-name} for the
+given \meta{category}, must be used before the abbreviation is
+ topics={abbreviationcommands,assigncommands},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra}},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{glshex}},
+ user1={},
+ description={expands to \cs{cs.string}\cs{u}},
+ topics={charcommands,collationsubrules},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra} v1.21+ (moved to
+\styfmt{glossaries-extra-bib2gls} in v1.27)},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{glscapturedgroup}},
+ description={expands to \cs{cs.string}\idx{dollarchar}},
+ topics={charcommands,regex},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra-bib2gls} v1.31+},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{Gls\-Xtr\-Bib\-TeX\-Entry\-Aliases}},
+ user1={},
+ description={expands to the set of common entry aliases for
+ topics={definingterms},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra-bib2gls} v1.29+},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{Gls\-Xtr\-Provide\-Bib\-TeX\-Fields}},
+ user1={},
+ description={defines the standard \BibTeX\ fields using
+ \cs{glsaddstoragekey}},
+ topics={definingterms,fieldrefcommands},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra-bib2gls} v1.29+},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{gls\-xtr\-provide\-command}},
+ user1={\margm{cs}\oargm{n}\oargm{def}\margm{code}},
+ description={behaves like \cs{providecommand} in the document but
+ like \cs{renewcommand} in \bibgls},
+ topics={providingcommands},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra-bib2gls}\texparserdefnote\ v1.27+},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{gls\-re\-new\-command}},
+ user1={\margm{cs}\oargm{n}\oargm{def}\margm{code}},
+ description={behaves like \cs{renewcommand} but only generates a
+warning rather than an error if the command isn't already defined},
+ topics={providingcommands},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra-bib2gls}\texparserdefnote\ v1.37+},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{gls\-xtr\-resource\-init}},
+ user1={},
+ description={provides code that locally redefines commands
+ during the protected write operation performed by
+ \csref{glsxtrresourcefile}},
+ topics={hooks},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra} v1.21+},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{Gls\-Xtr\-Default\-Resource\-Options}},
+ user1={},
+ description={provides default options for
+ \csref{glsxtrresourcefile}},
+ topics={hooks},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra} v1.40+},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{gls\-xtr\-group\-field}},
+ user1={},
+ description={expands to the field label used to store the
+ entry group labels},
+ topics={fieldrefcommands,groupcommands},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra} v1.21+},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{glo\-link\-prefix}},
+ user1={},
+ description={target name prefix used in entry hyperlinks},
+ topics={linkcommands,hooks},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries}},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{set\-glossary\-preamble}},
+ user1={\oargm{type}\margm{code}},
+ description={sets \meta{code} as the preamble for the given
+glossary (or the default of \meta{type} is omitted)},
+ topics={glossrefs,hooks,glossarystylecommands},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries}},
+ seealso={glossarypreamble},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{app\-to\-glossary\-preamble}},
+ user1={\oargm{type}\margm{code}},
+ description={appends \meta{code} to the preamble for the given
+glossary (or the default of \meta{type} is omitted)},
+ topics={glossrefs,hooks,glossarystylecommands},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra}},
+ seealso={glossarypreamble},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{glossary\-preamble}},
+ description={the preamble for all glossaries except
+ those that have the preamble explicitly set with
+ \cs{apptoglossarypreamble}},
+ topics={glossrefs,hooks,glossarystylecommands},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries}},
+ seealso={apptoglossarypreamble},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{glossary\-post\-amble}},
+ description={the postamble that's placed after each glossary},
+ topics={glossrefs,hooks,glossarystylecommands},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries}},
+ seealso={apptoglossarypreamble},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{glsbackslash}},
+ user1={},
+ description={expands to a literal backslash \idx{backslashchar}
+ character},
+ topics={charcommands},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries}\texparserdefnote},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{glsopenbrace}},
+ user1={},
+ description={expands to a literal open brace \idx{openbracechar}
+ character},
+ topics={charcommands},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries}\texparserdefnote},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{glsclosebrace}},
+ user1={},
+ description={expands to a literal close brace \idx{closebracechar}
+ character},
+ topics={charcommands},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries}\texparserdefnote},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{glspercentchar}},
+ user1={},
+ description={expands to a literal percent character \idx{percentchar}
+ character},
+ topics={charcommands},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries}\texparserdefnote},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{glsquote}},
+ user1={\margm{text}},
+ description={encapsulates \meta{text} with literal straight
+ double-quotes \texttt{\glsquote{\meta{text}}}},
+ topics={charcommands},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries}},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{glstildechar}},
+ user1={},
+ description={expands to a literal tilde \texttt{\glstildechar} character},
+ topics={charcommands},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries}\texparserdefnote},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{description\-name}},
+ user1={},
+ description={language-sensitive name used for the description
+ header for some glossary styles},
+ topics={fixedtextcommands,glossarystylecommands},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries}},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{page\-list\-name}},
+ user1={},
+ description={language-sensitive name used for the location list
+ header for some glossary styles},
+ topics={fixedtextcommands,glossarystylecommands,loclistcommands},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries}},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{seealsoname}},
+ user1={},
+ description={language sensitive \qt{see also} text},
+ topics={fixedtextcommands,glossarystylecommands,loclistcommands},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra} or language packages},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{glossary\-name}},
+ user1={},
+ description={language-sensitive name used for the title of the default
+ \code{main} glossary},
+ topics={fixedtextcommands,glossarystylecommands},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries} or language packages},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{index\-name}},
+ user1={},
+ description={language-sensitive name used for the title of the
+ glossary created with the \styopt{index} package option},
+ topics={fixedtextcommands,glossarystylecommands},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries} or language packages},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{acronym\-name}},
+ user1={},
+ description={language-sensitive name used for the title of the
+ glossary created with the \styopt{acronym} or \styopt{acronyms}
+ package option},
+ topics={fixedtextcommands,glossarystylecommands},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries}},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{ab\-bre\-vi\-a\-tion\-name}},
+ user1={},
+ description={language-sensitive name used for the title of the
+ glossary created with the \styopt{abbreviations} package option},
+ topics={fixedtextcommands,glossarystylecommands},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra}},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{Gls\-Xtr\-Foreign\-Text}},
+ user1={\margm{label}\margm{text}},
+ description={encapsulates \meta{text} in \csfmt{foreignlanguage}
+ where the language label is obtained from the locale tag
+ given in the field identified by \cs{GlsXtrForeignTextField}},
+ topics={formattingcommands,fieldrefcommands},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra} v1.32+},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{Gls\-Xtr\-Foreign\-Text\-Field}},
+ description={used by \cs{GlsXtrForeignText} to identify
+ the field containing the locale tag},
+ topics={fieldrefcommands},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra} v1.32+},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{gls\-xtr\-paren}},
+ user1={\margm{text}},
+ description={used to markup parenthetical material, such as
+ in \cs{glsxtrpostlinkAddDescOnFirstUse} or in the
+ \abbrstyle{long-short} and \abbrstyle{short-long} abbreviation
+ styles},
+ topics={formattingcommands},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra} v1.17+},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{gls\-xtr\-post\-desc\-abbreviation}},
+ user1={},
+ description={hook used after the description is displayed in the
+ glossary for entries that have the
+ \field{category} set to \code{abbreviation}},
+ topics={hooks,abbreviationcommands},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra}},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{gls\-xtr\-post\-desc\-symbol}},
+ user1={},
+ description={hook used after the description is displayed in the
+ glossary for entries that have the
+ \field{category} set to \code{symbol}},
+ topics={hooks},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra}},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{gls\-xtr\-post\-desc\-general}},
+ user1={},
+ description={hook used after the description is displayed in the
+ glossary for entries that have the
+ \field{category} set to \code{general}},
+ topics={hooks},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra}},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{gls\-xtr\-post\-desc\-\meta{category}}},
+ user1={},
+ description={hook used after the description is displayed in the
+ glossary for entries that have the
+ \field{category} set to \meta{category}. Common category hooks
+ such as \cs{glsxtrpostdescgeneral} are provided by
+ \styfmt{glossaries-extra}. If required,
+ this hook can be defined with \cs{glsdefpostdesc}},
+ topics={hooks,glossarystylecommands},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra}},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{gls\-xtr\-post\-name\-\meta{category}}},
+ user1={},
+ description={hook used by \cs{glossentryname} for entries
+ that have the \field{category} set to \meta{category}.
+ If required, this hook can be defined with \cs{glsdefpostname}},
+ topics={hooks,glossarystylecommands},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra}},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{gls\-xtr\-post\-link\-\meta{category}}},
+ user1={},
+ description={hook used after commands like \cs{gls}
+ for entries that have the
+ \field{category} set to \meta{category}. If required,
+ this hook can be defined with \cs{glsdefpostlink}},
+ topics={hooks},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra}},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{Gls\-Xtr\-Fmt\-Default\-Options}},
+ user1={},
+ description={the default options used by \csref{glsxtrfmt}},
+ topics={formattingcommands,indexing},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra} v1.12+},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{glslink}},
+ user1={\oargm{options}\margm{label}\margm{text}},
+ description={links to the entry's definition in the glossary with
+ the given link text without altering the first use flag},
+ topics={entryrefcommands,linkcommands},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries}},
+ seealso={glsdisp},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{glsdisp}},
+ user1={\oargm{options}\margm{label}\margm{text}},
+ description={links to the entry's definition in the glossary with
+ the given link text and marks the entry as having been used.
+ The options are the same as for \cs{glslink}},
+ topics={entryrefcommands,linkcommands},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries}},
+ seealso={glslink},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{dgls\-link}},
+ user1={\oargm{options}\margm{label}\margm{text}},
+ description={like \cs{glslink} but tries the prefixes
+ identified with commands like \cs{glsxtraddlabelprefix}},
+ topics={entryrefcommands,linkcommands},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra-bib2gls} v1.37+},
+ seealso={dglsdisp},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{dgls\-disp}},
+ user1={\oargm{options}\margm{label}\margm{text}},
+ description={like \cs{glsdisp} but tries the prefixes
+ identified with commands like \cs{glsxtraddlabelprefix}},
+ topics={entryrefcommands,linkcommands},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra-bib2gls} v1.37+},
+ seealso={dglsdisp},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{glsxtrshort}},
+ user1={\oargm{options}\margm{label}},
+ description={links to the entry's definition in the glossary with
+ the link text obtained from the \field{short} field (using the
+ appropriate abbreviation style) without altering the first use flag},
+ topics={entryrefcommands,linkcommands,abbreviationcommands,fieldrefcommands},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra}},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{glsxtrlong}},
+ user1={\oargm{options}\margm{label}},
+ description={links to the entry's definition in the glossary with
+ the link text obtained from the \field{long} field (using the
+ appropriate abbreviation style)
+ without altering the first use flag},
+ topics={entryrefcommands,linkcommands,abbreviationcommands,fieldrefcommands},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra}},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{glsxtrfull}},
+ user1={\oargm{options}\margm{label}},
+ description={links to the entry's definition in the glossary with
+ the link text obtained from the \field{long} and \field{short}
+ fields (using the appropriate abbreviation style)
+ without altering the first use flag},
+ topics={entryrefcommands,linkcommands,abbreviationcommands},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra}},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{glsxtrword}},
+ user1={\margm{text}},
+ description={used to encapsulate each word in the long form of an
+abbreviation by the \catattr{markwords} attribute},
+ topics={formattingcommands,abbreviationcommands},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra} v1.17+},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{glsxtrwordsep}},
+ description={used to mark spaces between each word in the long form of an
+ abbreviation by the \catattr{markwords} attribute},
+ topics={separatorcommands,abbreviationcommands},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra} v1.17+},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{glstext}},
+ user1={\oargm{options}\margm{label}\oargm{insert}},
+ description={links to the entry's definition in the glossary with
+ the link text obtained from the \field{text} field
+ without altering the first use flag},
+ topics={entryrefcommands,fieldrefcommands,linkcommands},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries}},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{Glstext}},
+ user1={\oargm{options}\margm{label}\oargm{insert}},
+ description={as \cs{glstext} but converts the first letter to
+ \idx{uppercase}},
+ topics={entryrefcommands,fieldrefcommands,linkcommands,casecommands},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries}},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{glsname}},
+ user1={\oargm{options}\margm{label}\oargm{insert}},
+ description={links to the entry's definition in the glossary with
+ the link text obtained from the \field{name} field
+ without altering the first use flag},
+ topics={entryrefcommands,fieldrefcommands,linkcommands},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries}},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{glsfirst}},
+ user1={\oargm{options}\margm{label}\oargm{insert}},
+ description={links to the entry's definition in the glossary with
+ the link text obtained from the \field{first} field
+ without altering the first use flag},
+ topics={entryrefcommands,fieldrefcommands,linkcommands},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries}},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{Glsfirst}},
+ user1={\oargm{options}\margm{label}\oargm{insert}},
+ description={as \cs{glsfirst} but converts the first letter to
+ \idx{uppercase}},
+ topics={entryrefcommands,fieldrefcommands,linkcommands,casecommands},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries}},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{glssymbol}},
+ user1={\oargm{options}\margm{label}\oargm{insert}},
+ description={links to the entry's definition in the glossary with
+ the link text obtained from the \field{symbol} field
+ without altering the first use flag},
+ topics={entryrefcommands,fieldrefcommands,linkcommands},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries}},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{glsdesc}},
+ user1={\oargm{options}\margm{label}\oargm{insert}},
+ description={links to the entry's definition in the glossary with
+ the link text obtained from the \field{description} field
+ without altering the first use flag},
+ topics={entryrefcommands,fieldrefcommands,linkcommands},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries}},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{glsuseri}},
+ user1={\oargm{options}\margm{label}\oargm{insert}},
+ description={links to the entry's definition in the glossary with
+ the link text obtained from the \field{user1} field
+ without altering the first use flag},
+ topics={entryrefcommands,fieldrefcommands,linkcommands},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries}},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{glsuserii}},
+ user1={\oargm{options}\margm{label}\oargm{insert}},
+ description={links to the entry's definition in the glossary with
+ the link text obtained from the \field{user2} field
+ without altering the first use flag},
+ topics={entryrefcommands,fieldrefcommands,linkcommands},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries}},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{glsuseriii}},
+ user1={\oargm{options}\margm{label}\oargm{insert}},
+ description={links to the entry's definition in the glossary with
+ the link text obtained from the \field{user3} field
+ without altering the first use flag},
+ topics={entryrefcommands,fieldrefcommands,linkcommands},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries}},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{glsuseriv}},
+ user1={\oargm{options}\margm{label}\oargm{insert}},
+ description={links to the entry's definition in the glossary with
+ the link text obtained from the \field{user4} field
+ without altering the first use flag},
+ topics={entryrefcommands,fieldrefcommands,linkcommands},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries}},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{glsuserv}},
+ user1={\oargm{options}\margm{label}\oargm{insert}},
+ description={links to the entry's definition in the glossary with
+ the link text obtained from the \field{user5} field
+ without altering the first use flag},
+ topics={entryrefcommands,fieldrefcommands,linkcommands},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries}},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{glsuservi}},
+ user1={\oargm{options}\margm{label}\oargm{insert}},
+ description={links to the entry's definition in the glossary with
+ the link text obtained from the \field{user6} field
+ without altering the first use flag},
+ topics={entryrefcommands,fieldrefcommands,linkcommands},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries}},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{rgls}},
+ user1={\oargm{options}\margm{label}\oargm{insert}},
+ description={like \cs{gls} but checks for the record
+ count trigger setting (the formatting is governed by \cs{rglsformat})},
+ topics={entryrefcommands,linkcommands},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra} v1.21+},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{rglsformat}},
+ user1={\margm{label}\oargm{insert}},
+ description={used by \csref{rgls} if the record count
+ switch is triggered},
+ topics={formattingcommands},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra} v1.21+},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{glsxtr\-enable\-record\-count}},
+ user1={},
+ description={redefines \cs{gls} etc to their \csref{rgls} counterpart},
+ topics={providingcommands},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra} v1.21+},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{Gls\-Xtr\-Set\-Record\-Count\-Attribute}},
+ user1={\margm{category list}\margm{value}},
+ description={sets the \catattr{recordcount} attribute to
+ \meta{value} for the given categories},
+ topics={assigncommands},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra} v1.21+},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{gls}},
+ user1={\oargm{options}\margm{label}\oargm{insert}},
+ description={on first use displays the first use text
+ (the value of the \field{first} field
+ for general entries) and on subsequent use displays
+ the subsequent use text (the value of the \field{text} field
+ for general entries) where the text is optionally hyperlinked
+ to the relevant place in the glossary. The options are
+ the same as for \cs{glslink}},
+ topics={entryrefcommands,linkcommands},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries}},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csoptfmt{format}},
+ user1={\margm{encap}},
+ category={commandoption},
+ description={sets the \gls{encap} for the record to
+ \meta{encap}, optionally with the start or end range markers},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries}},
+ parent={glslink}
+ name={\csoptfmt{counter}},
+ user1={\margm{counter-name}},
+ description={sets the counter to use for the record},
+ category={commandoption},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries}},
+ parent={glslink}
+ name={\csoptfmt{noindex}},
+ user1={\margm{boolean}},
+ description={indicates whether or not to suppress indexing},
+ category={commandoption},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra}},
+ parent={glslink}
+ name={\csoptfmt{wrgloss}},
+ user1={\margm{value}},
+ description={indicates whether to write the glossary information
+ before (\csoptfmt{wrgloss\dequals before}) or after
+ (\csoptfmt{wrgloss\dequals after}) the link text (default:
+ \csoptfmt{before})},
+ category={commandoption},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra} v1.14+},
+ parent={glslink}
+ name={\csoptfmt{thevalue}},
+ user1={\margm{value}},
+ description={overrides the record value so that it's the
+ given \meta{value} not obtained from the associated counter},
+ category={commandoption},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra} v1.19+},
+ parent={glslink}
+ name={\csoptfmt{theHvalue}},
+ user1={\margm{value}},
+ description={the hyperlink target corresponding to the value
+ of \glsopt{thevalue}, if appropriate},
+ category={commandoption},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra} v1.19+},
+ parent={glslink}
+ name={\csoptfmt{hyper}},
+ user1={\margm{boolean}},
+ description={indicates whether or not to make a hyperlink to the
+ relevant glossary entry},
+ category={commandoption},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries}},
+ parent={glslink}
+ name={\csoptfmt{local}},
+ user1={\margm{boolean}},
+ description={if \csoptfmt{true} indicates to use \ics{glslocalunset}
+ instead of the default global \cs{glsunset} to unset the
+ \idx{firstuseflag}},
+ category={commandoption},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries}},
+ parent={glslink}
+ name={\csoptfmt{text\-format}},
+ user1={\margm{cs-name}},
+ description={if set, replaces \cs{glstextformat} with
+ the command given by the control sequence name
+ \meta{cs-name} to format the \idx{link-text}},
+ category={commandoption},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra} v1.30+},
+ parent={glslink}
+ name={\csoptfmt{prefix}},
+ user1={\margm{label}},
+ description={locally changes \ics{glolinkprefix} to the
+ given \meta{label}},
+ category={commandoption},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra} v1.31+},
+ parent={glslink}
+ name={\csoptfmt{hyper\-out\-side}},
+ user1={\margm{boolean}},
+ description={determines whether \cs{hyperlink} should
+ be outside of \cs{glstextformat} (default
+ \csoptfmt{hyperoutside\dequals true}) or inside
+ (\csoptfmt{hyperoutside\dequals false})},
+ category={commandoption},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra} v1.21+},
+ parent={glslink}
+ name={\csfmt{glspl}},
+ user1={\oargm{options}\margm{label}\oargm{insert}},
+ description={as \cs{gls} but shows the plural form},
+ topics={entryrefcommands,linkcommands},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries}},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{Gls}},
+ user1={\oargm{options}\margm{label}\oargm{insert}},
+ description={as \cs{gls} but converts the first letter
+ of the link text to \idx{uppercase}},
+ topics={entryrefcommands,linkcommands,casecommands},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries}},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{Glspl}},
+ user1={\oargm{options}\margm{label}\oargm{insert}},
+ description={as \cs{Gls} but shows the plural form},
+ topics={entryrefcommands,linkcommands,casecommands},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries}},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{GLS}},
+ user1={\oargm{options}\margm{label}\oargm{insert}},
+ description={as \cs{gls} but converts the link text to \idx{uppercase}},
+ topics={entryrefcommands,linkcommands,casecommands},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries}},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{GLSpl}},
+ user1={\oargm{options}\margm{label}\oargm{insert}},
+ description={as \cs{GLS} but shows the plural form},
+ topics={entryrefcommands,linkcommands,casecommands},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries}},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{pgls}},
+ user1={\oargm{options}\margm{label}\oargm{insert}},
+ description={does \meta{prefix}\cs{gls}\oargm{options}\margm{label}\oargm{insert},
+ where the \meta{prefix} is obtained from the appropriate prefix
+ field},
+ topics={entryrefcommands,fieldrefcommands,linkcommands},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-prefix}},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{Pgls}},
+ user1={\oargm{options}\margm{label}\oargm{insert}},
+ description={does \meta{prefix}\cs{gls}\oargm{options}\margm{label}\oargm{insert},
+ where the \meta{prefix} is obtained from the appropriate prefix
+ field with the first letter converted to \idx{uppercase}},
+ topics={entryrefcommands,fieldrefcommands,linkcommands,casecommands},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-prefix}},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{PGLS}},
+ user1={\oargm{options}\margm{label}\oargm{insert}},
+ description={does \meta{prefix}\cs{GLS}\oargm{options}\margm{label}\oargm{insert},
+ where the \meta{prefix} is obtained from the appropriate prefix
+ field with the text converted to \idx{uppercase}},
+ topics={entryrefcommands,fieldrefcommands,linkcommands,casecommands},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-prefix}},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{pglspl}},
+ user1={\oargm{options}\margm{label}\oargm{insert}},
+ description={does \meta{prefix}\cs{glspl}\oargm{options}\margm{label}\oargm{insert},
+ where the \meta{prefix} is obtained from the appropriate prefix
+ field},
+ topics={entryrefcommands,fieldrefcommands,linkcommands},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-prefix}},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{Pglspl}},
+ user1={\oargm{options}\margm{label}\oargm{insert}},
+ description={does \meta{prefix}\cs{glspl}\oargm{options}\margm{label}\oargm{insert},
+ where the \meta{prefix} is obtained from the appropriate prefix
+ field with the first letter converted to \idx{uppercase}},
+ topics={entryrefcommands,fieldrefcommands,linkcommands,casecommands},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-prefix}},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{PGLSpl}},
+ user1={\oargm{options}\margm{label}\oargm{insert}},
+ description={does \meta{prefix}\cs{GLSpl}\oargm{options}\margm{label}\oargm{insert},
+ where the \meta{prefix} is obtained from the appropriate prefix
+ field with the text converted to \idx{uppercase}},
+ topics={entryrefcommands,fieldrefcommands,linkcommands,casecommands},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-prefix}},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{dgls}},
+ user1={\oargm{options}\margm{label}\oargm{insert}},
+ description={intended for documents with a mixture of
+ single and dual entries, this is like \cs{gls} but tries to
+ determine the label prefix from the label prefix list},
+ topics={entryrefcommands,linkcommands},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra-bib2gls} v1.37+},
+ seealso={glsxtraddlabelprefix,glsxtrprependlabelprefix},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{dglspl}},
+ user1={\oargm{options}\margm{label}\oargm{insert}},
+ description={intended for documents with a mixture of
+ single and dual entries, this is like \cs{glspl} but tries to
+ determine the label prefix from the label prefix list},
+ topics={entryrefcommands,linkcommands},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra-bib2gls} v1.37+},
+ seealso={glsxtraddlabelprefix,glsxtrprependlabelprefix},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{dGls}},
+ user1={\oargm{options}\margm{label}\oargm{insert}},
+ description={intended for documents with a mixture of
+ single and dual entries, this is like \cs{Gls} but tries to
+ determine the label prefix from the label prefix list},
+ topics={entryrefcommands,linkcommands,casecommands},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra-bib2gls} v1.37+},
+ seealso={glsxtraddlabelprefix,glsxtrprependlabelprefix},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{dGlspl}},
+ user1={\oargm{options}\margm{label}\oargm{insert}},
+ description={intended for documents with a mixture of
+ single and dual entries, this is like \cs{Glspl} but tries to
+ determine the label prefix from the label prefix list},
+ topics={entryrefcommands,linkcommands,casecommands},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra-bib2gls} v1.37+},
+ seealso={glsxtraddlabelprefix,glsxtrprependlabelprefix},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{gls\-xtr\-add\-label\-prefix}},
+ user1={\margm{prefix}},
+ description={appends \meta{prefix} to the prefix label list},
+ topics={listcommands},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra-bib2gls} v1.37+},
+ seealso={dgls,glsxtrprependlabelprefix,glsxtrclearlabelprefixes},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{gls\-xtr\-prepend\-label\-prefix}},
+ user1={\margm{prefix}},
+ description={prepends \meta{prefix} to the prefix label list},
+ topics={listcommands},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra-bib2gls} v1.37+},
+ seealso={dgls,glsxtraddlabelprefix,glsxtrclearlabelprefixes},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{gls\-xtr\-clear\-label\-prefixes}},
+ user1={\margm{prefix}},
+ description={clears the prefix label list},
+ topics={listcommands},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra-bib2gls} v1.37+},
+ seealso={glsxtraddlabelprefix,glsxtrprependlabelprefix},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{gls\-set\-widest}},
+ user1={\oargm{level}\margm{text}},
+ description={used with the \glostyle{alttree} style to set the
+ widest entry name for the given level},
+ topics={assigncommands,glossarystylecommands},
+ note={\styfmt{glossary-tree}},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{gls\-xtr\-Set\-Widest}},
+ user1={\margm{type}\margm{level}\margm{text}},
+ description={used by \csref{bibglssetwidest} to set the
+ widest entry name for the given level for the \glostyle{alttree}
+ style and the styles provided by \sty{glossary-longextra}},
+ topics={assigncommands,glossarystylecommands},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra-bib2gls} v1.37+},
+ seealso={glssetwidest,glslongextraSetWidest},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{gls\-xtr\-Set\-Widest\-Fallback}},
+ user1={\margm{max depth}\margm{list}},
+ description={used by \csref{bibglssetwidesttoplevelfallback} and
+ \csref{bibglssetwidestfallback} to set the
+ widest entry name for the \glostyle{alttree}
+ style and the styles provided by \sty{glossary-longextra}
+ using the commands provided by \sty{glossaries-extra-stylemods}},
+ topics={assigncommands,glossarystylecommands},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra-bib2gls} v1.37+},
+ seealso={glsFindWidestTopLevelName,glsFindWidestLevelTwo},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{gls\-long\-extra\-Set\-Widest}},
+ user1={\margm{text}},
+ description={used with the styles provided by the
+ \sty{glossary-longextra} package to set the
+ widest entry name},
+ topics={assigncommands,glossarystylecommands},
+ note={\styfmt{glossary-longextra} v1.37+},
+ seealso={glslongextraUpdateWidest},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{gls\-long\-extra\-Update\-Widest}},
+ user1={\margm{text}},
+ description={as \cs{glslongextraSetWidest} but only sets if \meta{text} is
+ wider than the current value},
+ topics={assigncommands,glossarystylecommands},
+ note={\styfmt{glossary-longextra} v1.37+},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{gls\-update\-widest}},
+ user1={\oargm{level}\margm{text}},
+ description={as \cs{glssetwidest} but only sets if \meta{text} is
+wider than the current value},
+ topics={assigncommands,glossarystylecommands},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra-stylemods} v1.23+},
+ seealso={glssetwidest,eglsupdatewidest},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{egls\-update\-widest}},
+ user1={\oargm{level}\margm{text}},
+ description={as \cs{glsupdatewidest} but expands \meta{text}},
+ topics={assigncommands,glossarystylecommands},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra-stylemods} v1.23+},
+ seealso={glssetwidest,glsupdatewidest},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{gls\-Find\-Widest\-Top\-Level\-Name}},
+ user1={\oargm{glossary list}},
+ description={CamelCase synonym for \cs{glsfindwidesttoplevelname}},
+ topics={assigncommands,glossarystylecommands},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra-stylemods}},
+ seealso={glsfindwidesttoplevelname},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{gls\-find\-widest\-top\-level\-name}},
+ user1={\oargm{glossary list}},
+ description={finds the widest top-level name in the given
+ topics={assigncommands,glossarystylecommands},
+ note={\styfmt{glossary-tree}},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{gls\-Find\-Widest\-Level\-Two}},
+ user1={\oargm{glossary list}},
+ description={finds the widest name in the given glossaries
+ for the top level and first two sub-levels},
+ topics={assigncommands,glossarystylecommands},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra-stylemods}},
+ seealso={glsfindwidesttoplevelname},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{glsxtr\-book\-index\-name}},
+ user1={\margm{label}},
+ description={used with the \glostyle{bookindex} style to
+ format the entry's name},
+ topics={formattingcommands,glossarystylecommands},
+ note={\styfmt{glossary-bookindex}},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{glsxtr\-book\-index\-pre\-location}},
+ user1={\margm{label}},
+ description={used with the \glostyle{bookindex} style before the
+location list},
+ topics={formattingcommands,separatorcommands,glossarystylecommands},
+ note={\styfmt{glossary-bookindex}},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{glsxtr\-pre\-location}},
+ user1={},
+ description={used before the location list in the
+ \glostyle{bookindex} style and the styles patched by
+ \styfmt{glossaries-extra-stylemods}},
+ topics={formattingcommands,separatorcommands,glossarystylecommands},
+ note={\styfmt{glossary-bookindex} v1.21+ and
+ \styfmt{glossaries-extra-stylemods} v1.21+},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{gls\-abbrv\-font}},
+ user1={\margm{text}},
+ description={generic abbreviation font command for the short form},
+ topics={formattingcommands,abbreviationcommands},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra}},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{gls\-long\-font}},
+ user1={\margm{text}},
+ description={generic abbreviation font command for the long form},
+ topics={formattingcommands,abbreviationcommands},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra} v1.04+},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{gls\-short\-tok}},
+ description={token register used in the construction of
+ acronyms or abbreviations to allow the style hooks to access the short form},
+ topics={hooks,abbreviationcommands},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries}},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{gls\-long\-tok}},
+ description={token register used in the construction of
+ acronyms or abbreviations to allow the style hooks to access the long form},
+ topics={hooks,abbreviationcommands},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries}},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{gls\-xtr\-if\-in\-mark}},
+ user1={\margm{true}\margm{true}},
+ description={used by commands like \cs{glsfmtshort}, this expands
+ to \meta{true} in page headings and the table of contents,
+ otherwise it expands to \meta{false}},
+ topics={conditionals},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra} v1.07+},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{gls\-xtr\-Revert\-Toc\-Marks}},
+ description={restores original behaviour of \cs{tableofcontents}
+ so that \cs{glsxtrifinmark} expands to \meta{false} in the table
+ of contents},
+ topics={providingcommands},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra} v1.07+},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{gls\-tree\-name\-fmt}},
+ user1={\margm{text}},
+ description={used with the tree styles to format the entry's name},
+ topics={formattingcommands,glossarystylecommands},
+ note={\styfmt{glossary-tree} v4.08+ and
+\styfmt{glossaries-extra-stylemods} v1.31+},
+ seealso={glstreegroupheaderfmt,glstreenavigationfmt,glstreedefaultnamefmt},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{gls\-tree\-group\-header\-fmt}},
+ user1={\margm{text}},
+ description={used with the tree styles to format the group headings},
+ topics={formattingcommands,glossarystylecommands},
+ note={\styfmt{glossary-tree} v4.22+ and
+ \styfmt{glossaries-extra-stylemods} v1.31+},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{gls\-tree\-navigation\-fmt}},
+ user1={\margm{text}},
+ description={used with the tree styles to format the navigation elements},
+ topics={formattingcommands,glossarystylecommands},
+ note={\styfmt{glossary-tree} v4.22+ and
+ \styfmt{glossaries-extra-stylemods} v1.31+},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{gls\-tree\-default\-name\-fmt}},
+ user1={\margm{text}},
+ description={used as the default format for \cs{glstreenamefmt},
+ \cs{glstreegroupheaderfmt} and \cs{glstreenavigationfmt}},
+ topics={formattingcommands,glossarystylecommands},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra-stylemods} v1.31+},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{gls\-tree\-pre\-location}},
+ description={inserted before the location list for top-level
+entries in the \glostyle{tree}-like styles},
+ topics={formattingcommands,separatorcommands,glossarystylecommands},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra-stylemods} v1.21+},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{gls\-desc\-width}},
+ user1={},
+ description={length register used by the tabular styles to specify
+the width of the description column},
+ topics={glossarystylecommands},
+ note={\styfmt{glossary-long} and
+ \styfmt{glossary-super}},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{gls\-xtr\-alt\-tree\-Symbol\-Desc\-Location}},
+ user1={\margm{label}\margm{location list}},
+ description={used by the \glostyle{alttree} styles to format the
+symbol, description and location},
+ topics={formattingcommands,glossarystylecommands},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra-stylemods} v1.05+},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{gls\-xtr\-Alt\-Tree\-Par}},
+ description={used by the \glostyle{alttree} styles to indicate a
+paragraph break that retains the hanging indent},
+ topics={formattingcommands,glossarystylecommands},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra-stylemods} v1.05+},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{gls\-acc\-supp}},
+ user1={\margm{accessible text}\margm{text}},
+ description={used by the accessibility support to interface with
+ the \sty{accsupp} package (use \cs{xglsaccsupp} if \meta{text}
+ needs to be fully expanded first)},
+ topics={access-support},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-accsupp}},
+ seealso={xglsaccsupp},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{xgls\-acc\-supp}},
+ user1={\margm{accessible text}\margm{text}},
+ description={used by the accessibility support to interface with
+ the \sty{accsupp} package, where \meta{text} is fully expanded},
+ topics={access-support},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-accsupp}},
+ seealso={glsaccsupp},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{for\-gls\-entries}},
+ user1={\oargm{type}\margm{cs}\margm{body}},
+ description={iterates over all entries defined in the glossary
+ identified by \meta{type} (or the default, if \meta{type}
+ is omitted) and perform \meta{body} where you can use the
+ control sequence \meta{cs} to reference the current entry label},
+ topics={loops,entryrefcommands},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries}},
+ seealso={forallglsentries},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{for\-all\-gls\-entries}},
+ user1={\oargm{glossary-list}\margm{cs}\margm{body}},
+ description={iterates over all entries defined in the
+ comma-separated \meta{glossary-list} (or all defined non-ignored
+ glossaries if the optional argument is omitted) and perform
+ \meta{body} where you can use the control sequence \meta{cs} to
+ reference the current entry label},
+ topics={loops,glossrefs,entryrefcommands},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries}},
+ seealso={forglsentries,forallglossaries},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{for\-all\-glos\-saries}},
+ user1={\oargm{glossary-list}\margm{cs}\margm{body}},
+ description={iterates over all glossaries identified in the
+ comma-separated \meta{glossary-list} (or all defined non-ignored
+ glossaries if the optional argument is omitted) and performs \meta{body}
+ where you can use the control sequence \meta{cs} to reference
+ the current glossary label},
+ topics={loops,glossrefs},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries}},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{gls\-xtr\-for\-csv\-field}},
+ user1={\margm{label}\margm{field}\margm{handler}},
+ description={iterates over the comma-separated list
+ in the given \meta{field} for the entry identified
+ by \meta{label} and performs \meta{handler}\margm{element}
+ on each element of the list, where \meta{handler} is
+ a control sequence which takes a single argument},
+ topics={loops,fieldrefcommands,listcommands},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries}},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra} v1.24+},
+ seealso={glsxtrendfor},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{gls\-xtr\-end\-for}},
+ user1={},
+ description={may be used within the handler macro
+ of \cs{glsxtrforcsvfield} to prematurely break the loop},
+ topics={loops,listcommands},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra} v1.24+},
+ seealso={glsxtrforcsvfield},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{if\-glossary\-exists}},
+ user1={\margm{type}\margm{true}\margm{false}},
+ description={tests if the glossary given by \meta{type} exists
+ and does \meta{true} if it does exists, otherwise does \meta{false}},
+ topics={conditionals,glossrefs},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries}},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{if\-ignored\-glossary}},
+ user1={\margm{type}\margm{true}\margm{false}},
+ description={tests if the glossary given by \meta{type} was
+ defined as an ignored glossary},
+ topics={conditionals,glossrefs},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries} v4.08+},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{gls\-do\-if\-exists}},
+ user1={\margm{label}\margm{code}},
+ description={if the entry given by \meta{label} exists, \meta{code}
+ is done, otherwise an error (or warning with
+ \sty{glossaries-extra}'s \styopt[warn]{undefaction} option) is
+ triggered},
+ topics={conditionals,entryrefcommands},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries}},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{gls\-do\-if\-no\-exists}},
+ user1={\margm{label}\margm{code}},
+ description={if the entry given by \meta{label} doesn't exist, \meta{code}
+ is done, otherwise an error (or warning with
+ \sty{glossaries-extra}'s \styopt[warn]{undefaction} option) is
+ triggered},
+ topics={conditionals,entryrefcommands},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries}},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{gls\-do\-if\-exists\-or\-do}},
+ user1={\margm{label}\margm{code}\margm{else code}},
+ description={if the entry given by \meta{label} exists, \meta{code}
+ is done, otherwise an error (or warning with
+ \sty{glossaries-extra}'s \styopt[warn]{undefaction} option) is
+ triggered and \meta{else code} is done},
+ topics={conditionals,entryrefcommands},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries}},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{gls\-do\-if\-no\-exists\-or\-do}},
+ user1={\margm{label}\margm{code}\margm{else code}},
+ description={if the entry given by \meta{label} doesn't exist, \meta{code}
+ is done, otherwise an error (or warning with
+ \sty{glossaries-extra}'s \styopt[warn]{undefaction} option) is
+ triggered and \meta{else code} is done},
+ topics={conditionals,entryrefcommands},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries}},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{Track\-Locale}},
+ user1={\margm{language tag}},
+ description={tracks the given language tag},
+ note={\styfmt{tracklang} v1.3+},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{Get\-Tracked\-Dialect\-From\-Language\-Tag}},
+ user1={\margm{language tag}\margm{cs}},
+ description={gets the \styfmt{tracklang} dialect label from the
+given language tag and stores it in the command \meta{cs}. The
+result will be empty if there's no tracked dialect associated with
+the given language tag},
+ note={\styfmt{tracklang} v1.3+},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{Tracked\-Dialect\-Closest\-Sub\-Match}},
+ description={set by \cs{GetTrackedDialectFromLanguageTag}
+ if an exact match isn't found but a partial match on the
+ root language is found},
+ note={\styfmt{tracklang} v1.3.6+},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{If\-Tracked\-Dialect\-Has\-Mapping}},
+ user1={\margm{tracklang label}\margm{true}\margm{false}},
+ description={tests if the \styfmt{tracklang} dialect label has
+been assigned a mapping to a language hook label},
+ note={\styfmt{tracklang} v1.3+},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{Get\-Tracked\-Dialect\-To\-Mapping}},
+ user1={\margm{tracklang label}},
+ description={the language hook label corresponding to the given
+\sty{tracklang} label},
+ note={\styfmt{tracklang} v1.3+},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{glstextformat}},
+ user1={\margm{text}},
+ description={used by commands like \cs{gls} to format the
+ \idx{link-text}},
+ topics={formattingcommands},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries}},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{gls\-xtr\-reg\-u\-lar\-font}},
+ user1={\margm{text}},
+ description={used by commands like \cs{gls} to format the
+ \idx{link-text} for regular terms},
+ topics={formattingcommands},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra} v1.04+},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{gls\-xtr\-abbre\-vi\-a\-tion\-font}},
+ user1={\margm{text}},
+ description={used by commands like \cs{gls} to format the
+ \idx{link-text} for (non-regular) abbreviations},
+ topics={formattingcommands,abbreviationcommands},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra} v1.30+},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{Gls\-Xtr\-Expanded\-Fmt}},
+ user1={\margm{cs}\margm{text}},
+ description={fully expands \meta{text} and then does
+ \meta{cs}\margm{expanded text}},
+ topics={formattingcommands},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra} v1.30+},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{Gls\-Xtr\-Start\-Unset\-Buffer\-ing}},
+ description={starts buffering calls to \cs{glsunset}
+ (which is internally used by commands like \cs{gls})
+ for use in code where the boolean switch causes a problem.
+ The buffer can later be processed and cleared with
+ \cs{GlsXtrStopUnsetBuffering}. The starred form
+ (added to v1.31) avoids duplicate labels in the buffer's
+ internal list},
+ topics={entryrefcommands,conditionals},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra} v1.30+},
+ seealso={GlsXtrForUnsetBufferedList},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{Gls\-Xtr\-Stop\-Unset\-Buffer\-ing}},
+ description={unsets (locally with the starred form) the
+ \idx{firstuseflag} of all the entry whose labels are stored in the
+ buffer that was started with
+ \cs{GlsXtrStartUnsetBuffering} and then clears the buffer},
+ topics={entryrefcommands,conditionals},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra} v1.30+},
+ seealso={GlsXtrForUnsetBufferedList},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{Gls\-Xtr\-For\-Unset\-Buffered\-List}},
+ user1 = {\margm{cs}},
+ description={iterates over
+ all the entry whose labels are stored in the
+ buffer that was started with
+ \cs{GlsXtrStartUnsetBuffering} and implements
+ \meta{cs}\margm{label} at each iteration},
+ topics={entryrefcommands,listcommands},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra} v1.31+},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{gls\-unset}},
+ user1 = {\margm{label}},
+ description={unsets the \idx{firstuseflag} so that the entry is
+marked as having been used},
+ topics={conditionals},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries}},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{gls\-local\-unset}},
+ user1 = {\margm{label}},
+ description={locally unsets the \idx{firstuseflag} so that the entry is
+marked as having been used},
+ topics={conditionals},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries}},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{gls\-reset}},
+ user1 = {\margm{label}},
+ description={resets the \idx{firstuseflag} so that the entry is
+marked as not used},
+ topics={conditionals},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries}},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{gls\-local\-reset}},
+ user1 = {\margm{label}},
+ description={locally resets the \idx{firstuseflag} so that the entry is
+marked as not used},
+ topics={conditionals},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries}},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{gls\-patch\-tab\-ularx}},
+ description={preamble command that will patch the \env{tabularx}
+ environment to deal with the problem of unsetting the
+ \idx{firstuseflag} either explicitly with \cs{glsunset} or
+ implicitly through commands like \cs{gls} (does nothing if
+ \sty{tabularx} hasn't been loaded)},
+ topics={hooks,entryrefcommands},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries}},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{Track\-Lang\-Last\-Tracked\-Dialect}},
+ user1={},
+ description={set by commands like \cs{TrackLocale}},
+ note={\styfmt{tracklang}},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{Tracked\-Language\-From\-Dialect}},
+ user1={\margm{dialect}},
+ description={expands to the root language associated with the
+given (\styfmt{tracklang}) dialect label},
+ note={\styfmt{tracklang}},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{DTM\-display\-date}},
+ user1={\margm{year}\margm{month}\margm{day}\margm{dow}},
+ description={formats the given date where all arguments are
+ numeric},
+ note={\styfmt{datetime2}},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{DTL\-format\-list}},
+ user1={\margm{list}},
+ description={formats a comma-separated list},
+ note={\styfmt{datatool-base}\texparserdefnote\ v2.28+},
+ seealso={ifDTLlistskipempty},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{DTL\-list\-format\-item}},
+ user1={\margm{element}},
+ description={used by \ics{DTLformatlist} to format each
+ element in the list},
+ note={\styfmt{datatool-base}\texparserdefnote\ v2.28+},
+ seealso={DTLformatlist},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{DTL\-list\-format\-sep}},
+ user1={},
+ description={used by \ics{DTLformatlist} to separate items in the
+list, except for the last pair},
+ note={\styfmt{datatool-base}\texparserdefnote\ v2.28+},
+ seealso={DTLformatlist},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{DTL\-list\-format\-last\-sep}},
+ user1={},
+ description={used by \ics{DTLformatlist} to separate the last two items in the
+ note={\styfmt{datatool-base}\texparserdefnote\ v2.28+},
+ seealso={DTLformatlist},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{DTL\-list\-format\-oxford}},
+ user1={},
+ description={insert before \ics{DTLlistformatlastsep} if the list
+has three or more items},
+ note={\styfmt{datatool-base}\texparserdefnote\ v2.28+},
+ seealso={DTLformatlist},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{DTL\-and\-name}},
+ user1={},
+ description={used in the definition of \ics{DTLlistformatlastsep}},
+ note={\styfmt{datatool-base}\texparserdefnote\ v2.28+},
+ seealso={DTLformatlist},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{DTL\-list\-element}},
+ user1={\margm{list}\margm{index}},
+ description={does the \meta{index}th element (starting from 1 for
+ the first element) in the comma-separated \meta{list}},
+ note={\styfmt{datatool-base}\texparserdefnote\ v2.31+},
+ seealso={DTLfetchlistelement,ifDTLlistskipempty},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{DTL\-fetch\-list\-element}},
+ user1={\margm{list}\margm{index}\margm{cs}},
+ description={fetches the \meta{index}th element (starting from 1 for
+ the first element) in the comma-separated \meta{list} and stores
+ it in the command given by \meta{cs}},
+ note={\styfmt{datatool-base}\texparserdefnote\ v2.31+},
+ seealso={DTLlistelement,ifDTLlistskipempty},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{if\-DTL\-list\-skip\-empty}},
+ description={conditional that determines whether or not commands
+ like \cs{DTLformatlist} should skip empty elements},
+ note={\styfmt{datatool-base}\texparserdefnote\ v2.31+},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{DTL\-num\-items\-in\-list}},
+ user1={\margm{list}\margm{cs}},
+ description={counts the number of elements in the comma-separated
+ \meta{list} and stores the value in the command given by \meta{cs}},
+ note={\styfmt{datatool-base}\texparserdefnote\ v2.31+},
+ seealso={DTLformatlist,DTLlistelement,ifDTLlistskipempty},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{DTL\-if\-in\-list}},
+ user1={\margm{element}\margm{list}\margm{true}\margm{false}},
+ description={tests if \meta{element} is in the comma-separated \meta{list}},
+ note={\styfmt{datatool-base}\texparserdefnote},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{si}},
+ user1={\margm{unit}},
+ description={displays the unit with intelligent formatting},
+ note={\styfmt{siunitx}\texparserdefnote},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{ce}},
+ user1={\margm{formula}},
+ description={displays the chemical formula},
+ note={\styfmt{mhchem}\texparserdefnote},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{text\-weather\-symbol}},
+ user1={\margm{number}},
+ description={displays weather symbol identified by \meta{number}},
+ note={\styfmt{ifsym}},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{top\-rule}},
+ description={horizontal rule for the top of a \envfmt{tabular}-like environment},
+ note={\styfmt{booktabs}},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{mid\-rule}},
+ description={horizontal rule for divider between header and main
+ content of a \envfmt{tabular}-like environment},
+ note={\styfmt{booktabs}},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{bottom\-rule}},
+ description={horizontal rule for the bottom of a
+ \envfmt{tabular}-like environment},
+ note={\styfmt{booktabs}},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{end\-head}},
+ description={ends the header section},
+ note={\styfmt{longtable}},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{end\-foot}},
+ description={ends the footer section},
+ note={\styfmt{longtable}},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{MakeTextLowercase}},
+ user1={\margm{text}},
+ description={converts \meta{text} to lower case},
+ note={\styfmt{textcase}\texparserdefnote},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{MakeTextUppercase}},
+ user1={\margm{text}},
+ description={converts \meta{text} to \idx{uppercase}},
+ note={\styfmt{textcase}\texparserdefnote},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{NoCaseChange}},
+ user1={\margm{text}},
+ description={prevents \cs{MakeTextUppercase} and
+ \cs{MakeTextLowercase} from converting \meta{text}},
+ note={\styfmt{textcase}\texparserdefnote},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{MakeUppercase}},
+ user1={\margm{text}},
+ description={converts \meta{text} to \idx{uppercase}},
+ note={kernel command\texparserdefnote},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{char}},
+ user1={\meta{number}},
+ description={accesses the character identified by \meta{number}
+(use \code{\csfmt{char}\idx{doublequotecharhex}\meta{hex}} if the
+number is hexadecimal)},
+ note={{}\TeX\ primitive\texparserdefnote},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{number}},
+ user1={\meta{value}},
+ description={expands the given numerical \meta{value} to
+ a base~10 integer number stripping any leading
+ zeros (use \code{\csfmt{char}\idx{doublequotecharhex}\meta{hex}}
+ if the value is hexadecimal)},
+ note={{}\TeX\ primitive\texparserdefnote},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{the}},
+ user1={\meta{register}},
+ description={expands \meta{register} to the current value of the
+ register},
+ note={{}\TeX\ primitive\texparserdefnote},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{string}},
+ user1={\meta{token}},
+ description={if \meta{token} is a control sequence it expands
+ to the escape character followed by the control sequence name},
+ note={{}\TeX\ primitive\texparserdefnote},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{let}},
+ user1={\meta{token1}\meta{token2}},
+ description={assigns \meta{token1} to \meta{token2}},
+ note={{}\TeX\ primitive\texparserdefnote},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{u}},
+ user1={\margm{character}},
+ description={puts a breve accent over \meta{character}},
+ note={kernel command\texparserdefnote},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{'}},
+ user1={\margm{character}},
+ description={puts an acute accent over \meta{character}},
+ note={kernel command\texparserdefnote},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{"}},
+ user1={\margm{character}},
+ description={puts an umlaut accent over \meta{character}},
+ note={kernel command\texparserdefnote},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{c}},
+ user1={\margm{character}},
+ description={puts a cedilla accent over \meta{character}},
+ note={kernel command\texparserdefnote},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{AA}},
+ description={produces the \idx!{uppercase} A-ring character \AA},
+ note={kernel command\texparserdefnote},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{aa}},
+ description={produces the \idx!{lowercase} a-ring character \aa},
+ note={kernel command\texparserdefnote},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{O}},
+ description={produces the \idx!{uppercase} O-slash character \O},
+ note={kernel command\texparserdefnote},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{o}},
+ description={produces the \idx!{lowercase} o-slash character \o},
+ note={kernel command\texparserdefnote},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{L}},
+ description={produces the \idx!{uppercase} L-slash character \L},
+ note={kernel command\texparserdefnote},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{l}},
+ description={produces the \idx!{lowercase} l-slash character \l},
+ note={kernel command\texparserdefnote},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{ae}},
+ description={produces the \idx!{lowercase} \ae-ligature},
+ note={kernel command\texparserdefnote},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{AE}},
+ description={produces the \idx!{uppercase} \AE-ligature},
+ note={kernel command\texparserdefnote},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{oe}},
+ description={produces the \idx!{lowercase} \oe-ligature},
+ note={kernel command\texparserdefnote},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{OE}},
+ description={produces the \idx!{uppercase} \OE-ligature},
+ note={kernel command\texparserdefnote},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{th}},
+ description={produces the \idx!{lowercase} thorn \th},
+ note={kernel command\texparserdefnote},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{TH}},
+ description={produces the \idx!{uppercase} thorn \TH},
+ note={kernel command\texparserdefnote},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{ss}},
+ description={produces the \idx!{lowercase} eszett \ss},
+ note={kernel command\texparserdefnote},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{SS}},
+ description={produces the \idx!{uppercase} eszett \SS},
+ note={kernel command\texparserdefnote},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{ng}},
+ description={produces the \idx!{lowercase} eng \ng},
+ note={kernel command\texparserdefnote},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{NG}},
+ description={produces the \idx!{uppercase} eng \NG},
+ note={kernel command\texparserdefnote},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{dh}},
+ description={produces the \idx!{lowercase} eth \dh},
+ note={kernel command\texparserdefnote},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{DH}},
+ description={produces the \idx!{uppercase} eth \DH},
+ note={kernel command\texparserdefnote},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{dj}},
+ description={produces the \idx!{lowercase} d-stroke \dj},
+ note={kernel command\texparserdefnote},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{DJ}},
+ description={produces the \idx!{uppercase} d-stroke \DJ},
+ note={kernel command\texparserdefnote},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{textsuperscript}},
+ user1={\margm{text}},
+ description={displays \meta{text} as a superscript},
+ note={kernel command\texparserdefnote},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{textsubscript}},
+ user1={\margm{text}},
+ description={displays \meta{text} as a subscript},
+ note={kernel command\texparserdefnote\ as from 2015/01/01},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{MakeLowercase}},
+ user1={\margm{text}},
+ description={converts \meta{text} to lower case},
+ note={kernel command\texparserdefnote},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{textsc}},
+ user1={\margm{text}},
+ description={applies small-caps font to \meta{text}},
+ note={kernel command},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{text\-smaller}},
+ user1={\margm{text}},
+ description={typesets \meta{text} in a font size that's smaller
+ than the surrounding text},
+ note={\styfmt{relsize}},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{gls\-text\-up}},
+ user1={\margm{text}},
+ description={typesets \meta{text} in an upright font (used to
+cancel the effect of \cs{textsc} in abbreviation styles that use
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries} v3.09a+},
+ topics={abbreviationcommands,formattingcommands},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{use\-pack\-age}},
+ user1={\oargm{options}\margm{name}\oargm{min version}},
+ description={loads the package identified by \meta{name}},
+ note={kernel command\texparserdefnote},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{Require\-Pack\-age}},
+ user1={\oargm{options}\margm{name}\oargm{min version}},
+ description={loads the package identified by \meta{name} from
+ within another package},
+ note={kernel command\texparserdefnote},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{Provides\-Pack\-age}},
+ user1={\margm{name}\oargm{version}},
+ description={identifies a package},
+ note={kernel command\texparserdefnote},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{Declare\-Opt\-ions}},
+ user1={\margm{name}\margm{code}},
+ description={declares an option with the given \meta{name}},
+ note={kernel command\texparserdefnote},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{Declare\-Opt\-ions*}},
+ user1={\margm{code}},
+ description={indicates what to do with unknown options},
+ note={kernel command\texparserdefnote},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{Process\-Opt\-ions}},
+ description={processes supplied options},
+ note={kernel command\texparserdefnote},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{Pack\-age\-Err\-or}},
+ user1={\margm{name}\margm{code}\margm{help}},
+ description={generates an error message for the package identified
+by \meta{name}},
+ note={kernel command\texparserdefnote},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{color}},
+ user1={\oargm{model}\margm{spec}},
+ description={switches the current font colour},
+ note={\styfmt{color}},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{textcolor}},
+ user1={\oargm{model}\margm{spec}\margm{text}},
+ description={typesets \meta{text} in the given colour},
+ note={\styfmt{color}},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{cjkname}},
+ user1={\margm{CJK characters}},
+ description={example command},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{citation}},
+ user1={\margm{label}},
+ description={written to the \ext{aux} file on each occurrence of
+ \cs{cite}},
+ note={kernel command},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{cite}},
+ user1={\margm{label}},
+ description={cross-reference a bibliographic citation},
+ note={kernel command\texparserdefnote},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{bibliography}},
+ user1={\margm{file list}},
+ description={display bibliography created by \BibTeX},
+ note={kernel command\texparserdefnote},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{refstepcounter}},
+ user1={\margm{counter name}},
+ description={increments the given counter in a manner compatible
+ with the \cs{label} cross-referencing mechanism},
+ note={kernel command\texparserdefnote},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{label}},
+ user1={\margm{id}},
+ description={creates a label that can be referenced with \ics{ref}
+or \ics{pageref}},
+ seealso={ref,pageref},
+ note={kernel command\texparserdefnote},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{pageref}},
+ user1={\margm{id}},
+ description={cross-reference the page where \cs{label}\margm{id}
+ note={kernel command\texparserdefnote},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{ref}},
+ user1={\margm{id}},
+ description={cross-reference the location where \cs{label}\margm{id}
+ seealso={label},
+ note={kernel command\texparserdefnote},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{autoref}},
+ user1={\margm{id}},
+ description={cross-reference with textual tag inferred from the
+associated counter},
+ seealso={label},
+ note={\styfmt{hyperref}},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{par}},
+ description={paragraph break},
+ note={kernel command\texparserdefnote},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{hyperlink}},
+ user1={\margm{target name}\margm{text}},
+ description={create a hyperlink to \meta{target name} with the given
+ note={\styfmt{hyperref}\texparserdefnote},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{hypertarget}},
+ user1={\margm{target name}\margm{text}},
+ description={create a hypertarget with the given \meta{target
+name} and the displayed \meta{text}},
+ note={\styfmt{hyperref}\texparserdefnote},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{texorpdfstring}},
+ user1={\margm{\TeX\ code}\margm{PDF text}},
+ description={does \meta{PDF text} if used in a PDF bookmark,
+ otherwise does \meta{\TeX\ code}},
+ note={\styfmt{hyperref}},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{hyperref}},
+ note={\styfmt{hyperref}},
+ category={command}
+ parent={cs.hyperref},
+ name={\csfmt{hyperref}},
+ user1={\margm{URL}\margm{category}\margm{name}\margm{text}},
+ description={create a hyperlink to an external location with
+ the anchor formed from \code{\meta{category}.\meta{name}}
+ and the displayed \meta{text}},
+ category={command}
+ parent={cs.hyperref},
+ name={\csfmt{hyperref}},
+ user1={\oargm{label}\margm{text}},
+ description={create an internal hyperlink with
+ the displayed \meta{text} to the same place
+ that \code{\cs{ref}\margm{label}} would be linked.
+ Note that the \meta{label} argument isn't optional. The
+ square bracket notation disambiguates from the
+ syntax for the external form of \cs{cs.hyperref.ext}},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{@current\-label\-name}},
+ user1={},
+ description={used to store the current title information for the next instance
+ of \cs{label}},
+ note={\styfmt{hyperref}},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{@current\-H\-ref}},
+ user1={},
+ description={used to store the current anchor for the next instance
+ of \cs{label}},
+ note={\styfmt{hyperref}},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{gls\-ref\-entry}},
+ user1={\margm{label}},
+ description={when used with \styopt{entrycounter} or
+ \styopt{subentrycounter} may be used to cross-reference the
+ entry's number in the glossary list with \cs{ref}},
+ topics={crossrefcommands},
+ seealso={ref},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries} v3.0+},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{gls\-xtr\-page\-ref}},
+ user1={\margm{label}},
+ description={when used with \styopt{entrycounter} or
+ \styopt{subentrycounter} may be used to cross-reference the
+ entry's number in the glossary list with \cs{pageref}},
+ seealso={pageref},
+ topics={crossrefcommands},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra} v1.11},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{gls\-xtr\-gloss\-entry}},
+ user1={\margm{label}},
+ description={displays the given entry \field{name} including a hypertarget (if
+\sty{hyperref} has been loaded) as the destination for commands like
+ topics={linkcommands,fieldrefcommands},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra} v1.21},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{gls\-xtr\-gloss\-entry\-other}},
+ user1={\margm{header}\margm{label}\margm{field}},
+ description={like \gls{glsxtrglossentry} but uses the value given
+in the supplied internal \meta{field} where \meta{header} is the
+to use in the header (leave empty for default)},
+ topics={linkcommands,fieldrefcommands},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra} v1.22+},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{gls\-show\-target}},
+ user1={\margm{label}},
+ description={used to show the target name when the
+ \styopt[showtargets]{debug} option is on},
+ topics={debugging,linkcommands},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries} v4.32+},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{show\-glo\-parent}},
+ user1={\margm{label}},
+ description={interrupts the document build and shows the value of
+ the \field{parent} field in the transcript},
+ topics={debugging,fieldrefcommands},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries}},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{show\-glo\-level}},
+ user1={\margm{label}},
+ description={interrupts the document build and shows the entry's
+ hierarchical level in the transcript},
+ topics={debugging,fieldrefcommands},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries}},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{show\-glo\-name}},
+ user1={\margm{label}},
+ description={interrupts the document build and shows the value of
+ the \field{name} field in the transcript},
+ topics={debugging,fieldrefcommands},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries}},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{show\-glo\-sort}},
+ user1={\margm{label}},
+ description={interrupts the document build and shows the value of
+ the \field{sort} field in the transcript},
+ topics={debugging,fieldrefcommands},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries}},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{show\-glo\-symbol}},
+ user1={\margm{label}},
+ description={interrupts the document build and shows the value of
+ the \field{symbol} field in the transcript},
+ topics={debugging,fieldrefcommands},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries}},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{show\-glo\-symbol\-plural}},
+ user1={\margm{label}},
+ description={interrupts the document build and shows the value of
+ the \field{symbolplural} field in the transcript},
+ topics={debugging,fieldrefcommands},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries}},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{show\-glo\-short}},
+ user1={\margm{label}},
+ description={interrupts the document build and shows the value of
+ the \field{short} field in the transcript},
+ topics={debugging,fieldrefcommands,abbreviationcommands},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries}},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{show\-glo\-long}},
+ user1={\margm{label}},
+ description={interrupts the document build and shows the value of
+ the \field{long} field in the transcript},
+ topics={debugging,fieldrefcommands,abbreviationcommands},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries}},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{show\-glo\-loc\-list}},
+ user1={\margm{label}},
+ description={interrupts the document build and shows the value of
+ the \field{loclist} field in the transcript},
+ topics={debugging,fieldrefcommands,loclistcommands},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries}},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{show\-glo\-flag}},
+ user1={\margm{label}},
+ description={interrupts the document build and shows the value of
+ the \idx{firstuseflag} in the transcript},
+ topics={debugging,fieldrefcommands,conditionals},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries}},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{show\-glo\-desc}},
+ user1={\margm{label}},
+ description={interrupts the document build and shows the value of
+ the \field{description} field in the transcript},
+ topics={debugging,fieldrefcommands},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries}},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{show\-glo\-desc\-plural}},
+ user1={\margm{label}},
+ description={interrupts the document build and shows the value of
+ the \field{descriptionplural} field in the transcript},
+ topics={debugging,fieldrefcommands},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries}},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{show\-glo\-text}},
+ user1={\margm{label}},
+ description={interrupts the document build and shows the value of
+ the \field{text} field in the transcript},
+ topics={debugging,fieldrefcommands},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries}},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{show\-glo\-plural}},
+ user1={\margm{label}},
+ description={interrupts the document build and shows the value of
+ the \field{plural} field in the transcript},
+ topics={debugging,fieldrefcommands},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries}},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{show\-glo\-first}},
+ user1={\margm{label}},
+ description={interrupts the document build and shows the value of
+ the \field{first} field in the transcript},
+ topics={debugging,fieldrefcommands},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries}},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{show\-glo\-firstpl}},
+ user1={\margm{label}},
+ description={interrupts the document build and shows the value of
+ the \field{firstplural} field in the transcript},
+ topics={debugging,fieldrefcommands},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries}},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{show\-glo\-type}},
+ user1={\margm{label}},
+ description={interrupts the document build and shows the value of
+ the \field{type} field in the transcript},
+ topics={debugging,fieldrefcommands},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries}},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{show\-glo\-counter}},
+ user1={\margm{label}},
+ description={interrupts the document build and shows the value of
+ the \field{counter} field in the transcript},
+ topics={debugging,fieldrefcommands},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries}},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{show\-glo\-useri}},
+ user1={\margm{label}},
+ description={interrupts the document build and shows the value of
+ the \field{user1} field in the transcript},
+ topics={debugging,fieldrefcommands},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries}},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{show\-glo\-userii}},
+ user1={\margm{label}},
+ description={interrupts the document build and shows the value of
+ the \field{user2} field in the transcript},
+ topics={debugging,fieldrefcommands},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries}},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{show\-glo\-useriii}},
+ user1={\margm{label}},
+ description={interrupts the document build and shows the value of
+ the \field{user3} field in the transcript},
+ topics={debugging,fieldrefcommands},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries}},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{show\-glo\-useriv}},
+ user1={\margm{label}},
+ description={interrupts the document build and shows the value of
+ the \field{user4} field in the transcript},
+ topics={debugging,fieldrefcommands},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries}},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{show\-glo\-userv}},
+ user1={\margm{label}},
+ description={interrupts the document build and shows the value of
+ the \field{user5} field in the transcript},
+ topics={debugging,fieldrefcommands},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries}},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{show\-glo\-uservi}},
+ user1={\margm{label}},
+ description={interrupts the document build and shows the value of
+ the \field{user6} field in the transcript},
+ topics={debugging,fieldrefcommands},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries}},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{show\-glo\-field}},
+ user1={\margm{entry label}\margm{internal field}},
+ description={interrupts the document build and shows the value of
+ the given field in the transcript},
+ topics={debugging,fieldrefcommands},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries}},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{show\-glo\-glossaries}},
+ description={interrupts the document build and shows the list
+ of all non-ignored glossary types in the transcript},
+ topics={debugging,glossrefs},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries}},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{show\-glos\-sary\-title}},
+ user1={\margm{type}},
+ description={interrupts the document build and shows the title
+ of the given glossary in the transcript},
+ topics={debugging,glossrefs},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries}},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{show\-glos\-sary\-counter}},
+ user1={\margm{type}},
+ description={interrupts the document build and shows the default
+ counter for the given glossary in the transcript},
+ topics={debugging,glossrefs},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries}},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{show\-glos\-sary\-entries}},
+ user1={\margm{type}},
+ description={interrupts the document build and shows the list of
+ entry labels for the given glossary in the transcript},
+ topics={debugging,glossrefs},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries}},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{Gls\-Entry\-Counter\-Label\-Prefix}},
+ description={used as a prefix in the \cs{label} command
+ automatically implemented by the \styopt{entrycounter}
+ and \styopt{subentrycounter} options},
+ topics={hooks,crossrefcommands},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries} v4.38+},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{Gls\-Xtr\-Stand\-alone\-Glossary\-Type}},
+ description={expands to the label for \gls{currentglossary}
+ within \gls{glsxtrglossentry} and \gls{glsxtrglossentryother}},
+ topics={hooks,glossrefs,standalonestyles},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra} v1.31+},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{Gls\-Xtr\-Stand\-alone\-Sub\-Entry\-Item}},
+ user1 = {\margm{label}},
+ description={used within \gls{glsxtrglossentry} and
+\gls{glsxtrglossentryother} to display sub-item labels},
+ topics={hooks,glossarystylecommands},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra} v1.31+},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{Gls\-Xtr\-Stand\-alone\-Entry\-Name}},
+ user1 = {\margm{label}},
+ description={used within \gls{glsxtrglossentry} to
+ display the name (with a hypertarget, if supported)},
+ topics={hooks,glossarystylecommands,fieldrefcommands,linkcommands},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra} v1.37+},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{Gls\-Xtr\-Stand\-alone\-Entry\-Other}},
+ user1 = {\margm{label}\margm{field}},
+ description={used within \gls{glsxtrglossentryother} to
+ display the given field value (with a hypertarget, if supported)},
+ topics={hooks,glossarystylecommands,fieldrefcommands,linkcommands},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra} v1.37+},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{gls\-reset\-entry\-counter}},
+ description={resets the \counter{glossaryentry} counter if the
+\styopt{entrycounter} setting is on},
+ topics={hooks,glossarystylecommands,assigncommands,crossrefcommands},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries}},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{set\-entry\-counter}},
+ user1={\oargm{prefix}\margm{counter}},
+ description={sets up the entry's associated counter and prefix
+ required by \cs{glshypernumber}},
+ topics={glossarystylecommands,assigncommands,loclistcommands,linkcommands},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries}},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{set\-up\-glossaries}},
+ user1 = {\margm{\keyvallist}},
+ description={applies the base \styfmt{glossaries} options
+ that are allowed to be changed after the package has loaded},
+ topics={assigncommands},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries}},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{glossaries\-extra\-setup}},
+ user1 = {\margm{\keyvallist}},
+ description={applies the extension \styfmt{glossaries-extra} options
+ that are allowed to be changed after the package has loaded},
+ topics={assigncommands},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra}},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{gls\-tree\-pre\-desc}},
+ user1={\margm{label}},
+ description={separator used before the description for the
+ \glostyle{tree} styles},
+ topics={glossarystylecommands,separatorcommands,formattingcommands},
+ note={\styfmt{glossary-tree} v4.26+},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{gls\-tree\-no\-name\-desc}},
+ user1={\margm{label}},
+ description={displays the pre-description separator, the
+ description and the post-description hook for the
+ \glostyle{treenoname} styles},
+ topics={glossarystylecommands,separatorcommands,formattingcommands},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra-stylemods} v1.31+},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{gls\-fmt\-short}},
+ user1={\margm{label}},
+ description={provided for use in section or caption titles, this
+displays the short form of the given abbreviation},
+ topics={formattingcommands,entryrefcommands,fieldrefcommands,abbreviationcommands,capheadcommands},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra}},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{gls\-fmt\-long}},
+ user1={\margm{label}},
+ description={provided for use in section or caption titles, this
+displays the long form of the given abbreviation},
+ topics={formattingcommands,entryrefcommands,fieldrefcommands,abbreviationcommands,capheadcommands},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra}},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{gls\-fmt\-full}},
+ user1={\margm{label}},
+ description={provided for use in section or caption titles, this
+ displays the full form of the given abbreviation (using the inline
+ style that matches \cs{glsxtrfull})},
+ topics={formattingcommands,entryrefcommands,abbreviationcommands,capheadcommands},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra}},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{gls\-fmt\-name}},
+ user1={\margm{label}},
+ description={provided for use in section or caption titles, this
+displays the given entry's name},
+ topics={formattingcommands,entryrefcommands,fieldrefcommands,capheadcommands},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra}},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{gls\-fmt\-first}},
+ user1={\margm{label}},
+ description={provided for use in section or caption titles, this
+displays the given entry's \field{first} field},
+ topics={formattingcommands,entryrefcommands,fieldrefcommands,capheadcommands},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra}},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{gls\-fmt\-text}},
+ user1={\margm{label}},
+ description={provided for use in section or caption titles, this
+displays the given entry's \field{text} field},
+ topics={formattingcommands,entryrefcommands,fieldrefcommands,capheadcommands},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries-extra}},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{the\-H\-entry\-counter}},
+ user1={},
+ description={when indexing, this is set to the
+ \csfmt{theH}\meta{counter} command corresponding to the
+ current indexing counter (or, if undefined,
+ \csfmt{the}\meta{counter})},
+ topics={glossarystylecommands,linkcommands},
+ note={\styfmt{glossaries}},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{table\-of\-contents}},
+ description={displays the \glsxtrlong{toc} (by reading in the
+\ext{toc} file) and then opens \ext{toc} file to allow the
+sectioning commands to write to it},
+ note={kernel command\texparserdefnote},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{under\-line}},
+ user1={\margm{text}},
+ description={underlines the given text},
+ note={kernel command},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{ul}},
+ user1={\margm{text}},
+ description={underlines the given text},
+ note={\styfmt{soul}},
+ category={command}
+ name={\csfmt{ding}},
+ user1={\margm{number}},
+ description={displays the symbol associated with the given number},
+ note={\styfmt{pifont}\texparserdefnote},
+ category={command}
+ name = {example terms}
+ parent={exampleterms},
+ name={duck},
+ description={a waterbird with webbed feet},
+ identifier={animal}
+ parent={exampleterms},
+ name={goose},
+ plural={geese},
+ description={a large waterbird with a long neck, short legs,
+ webbed feet and a short broad bill},
+ identifier={animal}
+ parent={exampleterms},
+ name={Duck (noun)},
+ first={duck (quack, quack)},
+ firstplural={ducks (quack, quack)},
+ text={duck},
+ description={a waterbird with webbed feet},
+ identifier={animal}
+ parent={exampleterms},
+ name={Goose (noun, pl.\ geese)},
+ first={goose (honk, honk)},
+ firstplural={geese (honk, honk)},
+ text={goose},
+ plural={geese},
+ description={a large waterbird with a long neck, short legs,
+ webbed feet and a short broad bill},
+ identifier={animal}
+ parent={exampleterms},
+ name = {fleuron},
+ symbol = {\ding{167}},
+ category = {ornament},
+ description = {typographic ornament}
+ parent={exampleterms},
+ name = {Archimedes' constant},
+ symbol = {\ensuremath{\pi}},
+ category = {constant},
+ description = {ratio of a circle's circumference to its diameter}
+ parent = {exampleterms},
+ name = {theta parameter},
+ symbol = {\ensuremath{\theta_i}},
+ description = {one of the model parameters}
+ parent={exampleterms},
+ category = {longshortem},
+ short = {TUG},
+ long = {\TeX\ Users Group}
+ short = {ascii},
+ long = {American Standard Code for Information Interchange},
+ category={shortsc}
+ parent={exampleterms},
+ short = {SVM},
+ long = {support vector machine}
+ parent={exampleterms},
+ category = {markwordsexample},
+ short = {SSL},
+ long = {Secure Sockets Layer}
+ parent={exampleterms},
+ category = {taggingexample},
+ short = {XML},
+ long = {e\itag{x}tensible \itag{m}arkup \itag{l}anguage}
+ parent={exampleterms},
+ category = {discardperiodexample},
+ short = {DANTE e.V.},
+ long = {Deutschsprachige Anwendervereinigung \TeX\ e.V.}
+ parent={exampleterms},
+ category = {discardperiodexample},
+ short = {G.P.},
+ long = {General Practitioner}
+ parent={exampleterms},
+ category = {initialism},
+ short = {GP},
+ long = {General Practitioner}
+ parent={exampleterms},
+ short = {RNA},
+ long = {ribonukleins\"aure},
+ user1 = {ribonucleic acid},
+ category = {abbrvtrans}
+ parent={exampleterms},
+ name = {length},
+ symbol = {\si{\metre}},
+ description = {measurement between two points}
+ parent={exampleterms},
+ name = {area},
+ symbol = {\si{\metre\squared}},
+ description = {measurement of a surface}
+ parent={exampleterms},
+ description = {length},
+ name = {\si{\metre}}
+ parent={exampleterms},
+ description = {area},
+ name = {\si{\metre\squared}}
+ parent={exampleterms},
+ description = {derivative},
+ name = {\ensuremath{\derivfn{x}}},
+ user1 = {derivfn}
+ name={bow},
+ description={(rhymes with toe)},
+ category = {homograph}
+ parent={hom.bow1},
+ description = {a knot tied with two loops and loose ends},
+ category = {homograph}
+ parent={hom.bow1},
+ description = {a weapon for shooting arrows, made of curved wood
+ joined at both ends with taut string},
+ category = {homograph}
+ name={bow},
+ description={(rhymes with cow)},
+ category = {homograph}
+ parent={hom.bow2},
+ description={bend head or upper body},
+ category = {homograph}
+ parent={hom.bow2},
+ description={give in to pressure},
+ category = {homograph}
+ name={bow},
+ description={(also bows) the front end of a ship},
+ category = {homograph}
+ name={glossary},
+ category = {homograph}
+ parent = {hom.glossary},
+ description = {collection of glosses},
+ category = {homograph}
+ parent = {hom.glossary},
+ description = {list of technical words},
+ category = {homograph}
+ name = {animal},
+ description = {living organism with a nervous system and sense organs
+ that can move independently},
+ category = {hierarchical}
+ parent = {hier.animal},
+ name = {bird},
+ description = {warm-blooded egg-laying animal with feathers, wings
+ and a beak},
+ category = {hierarchical}
+ parent = {hier.bird},
+ name = {duck},
+ description={a waterbird with webbed feet},
+ category = {hierarchical}
+ parent = {hier.bird},
+ name = {goose},
+ description = {a large waterbird with a long neck, short legs,
+ webbed feet and a short broad bill},
+ category = {hierarchical}
+ name = {mineral},
+ description = {natural inorganic substance},
+ category = {hierarchical}
+ parent = {hier.mineral},
+ name = {calcite},
+ description = {a carbonate mineral},
+ category = {hierarchical}
+ parent = {hier.mineral},
+ name = {quartz},
+ description = {hard mineral consisting of silica},
+ category = {hierarchical}
+ parent = {hier.quartz},
+ name = {amethyst},
+ description = {a purple type of quartz},
+ category = {hierarchical}
+ parent = {hier.quartz},
+ name = {citrine},
+ description = {a form of quartz with a colour ranging
+from pale yellow to brown due to ferric impurities},
+ category = {hierarchical}
+ name = {amethyst},
+ description = {a purple type of quartz},
+ symbol = {\ce{SiO2}},
+ user3={A},
+ user4={A},
+ category = {standalone}
+ name={goose},
+ user3={G},
+ user4={G},
+ plural={geese},
+ description={a large waterbird with a long neck, short legs,
+ webbed feet and a short broad bill},
+ category={standalone}
+ name={duck},
+ user3={D},
+ user4={D},
+ description={a waterbird with webbed feet},
+ category={standalone}
+ name = {\ensuremath{\pi}},
+ description = {Archimedes' constant},
+ user3={glssymbols},
+ user4={greek},
+ category = {standalone}
+ name = {\ensuremath{A}},
+ description = {area},
+ user3={glssymbols},
+ user4={A},
+ category = {standalone}
+ name = {\ensuremath{r}},
+ description = {radius},
+ user3={glssymbols},
+ user4={R},
+ category = {standalone}
+ name = {\ensuremath{C}},
+ user3={glssymbols},
+ user4={C},
+ description = {circumference},
+ category = {standalone}
diff --git a/support/bib2gls/src/bib2gls.pod b/support/bib2gls/src/bib2gls.pod
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c1f41701ad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/support/bib2gls/src/bib2gls.pod
@@ -0,0 +1,304 @@
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+B<bib2gls> [I<option>]+ I<auxfile>
+B<bib2gls> is designed to work with the B<glossaries-extra> LaTeX
+package. (The B<record> package option is required.) The application
+performs two functions in one: (1) selects entries from .bib files
+according to information found in the I<auxfile> (similar to
+B<bibtex>); (2) hierarchically sorts entries and collates location
+lists (similar to B<makeindex> and B<xindy>). The .aux extension may
+be omitted from I<auxfile>.
+=head1 OPTIONS
+=over 4
+=item B<--help> or B<-h>
+Display help message and exit.
+=item B<--version> or B<-v>
+Display version information and exit.
+=item B<--debug> [I<level>]
+Switch on the debug mode (optionally at the given I<level>, which
+should be a non-negative integer). If I<level> is B<0> then the
+debug mode is switched off.
+=item B<--no-debug> (or B<--nodebug>)
+Switch off debug mode. (Equivalent to B<--debug> B<0>)
+=item B<--verbose>
+Switch on verbose mode.
+=item B<--no-verbose> (or B<--noverbose>)
+Switch off verbose mode. (Some messages will still be written to
+=item B<--silent>
+Only display error messages. All other messages are just written to
+the transcript file.
+=item B<--locale> I<lang> (or B<-l> I<lang>)
+Use language resource file for I<lang> (which should be an IETF
+locale tag).
+=item B<--log-file> I<file> (or B<-t> <file>)
+Set the transcript file.
+=item B<--dir> I<directory> (or B<-d> <directory>)
+Files are relative to I<directory>. (This doesn't change the current
+working directory.)
+=item B<--tex-encoding> I<name>
+Set the character encoding for the output files. This overrides the
+setting given in I<auxfile>.
+=item B<--interpret>
+Use the TeX parser library to interpret known (La)TeX commands
+=item B<--no-interpret>
+Don't try interpreting (La)TeX commands.
+=item B<--break-space>
+Interpret tilde character as a normal space.
+=item B<--no-break-space>
+Interpret tilde as a non-breaking space (default).
+=item B<--cite-as-record>
+Treat B<\citation> as an ignored record.
+=item B<--no-cite-as-record>
+Don't check for instances of B<\citation> in the B<.aux> file (default).
+=item B<--warn-non-bib-fields>
+Warn if internal non-bib fields are found in the .bib file.
+=item B<--no-warn-non-bib-fields>
+Don't warn if internal non-bib fields are found in the .bib file.
+The use of these internal fields can cause unexpected results, so
+only use this option if you have taken appropriate precautions.
+=item B<--warn-unknown-entry-types>
+Warn if any unknown entry types are found in the .bib file.
+=item B<--no-warn-unknown-entry-types>
+Don't warn if any unknown entry types are found in the .bib file.
+=item B<--merge-wrglossary-records>
+Merge an entry's B<wrglossary> records for the same page locations.
+(For use with the B<indexcounter> package option.)
+=item B<--no-merge-wrglossary-records>
+Don't merge an entry's B<wrglossary> records.
+=item B<--merge-nameref-on> I<rule>
+Rule for merging locations created with the record=nameref package option
+(requires glossaries-extra.sty version 1.37+). The I<rule> may be
+one of: B<hcounter>, B<href>, B<title> or B<location>.
+=item B<--force-cross-resource-refs> or B<-x>
+Force cross-resource referencing mode on.
+=item B<--no-force-cross-resource-refs>
+Don't force cross-resource referencing mode on (default).
+=item B<--support-unicode-script>
+Text superscript (\textsuperscript) or subscripts (\textsubscript)
+will use Unicode superscript/subscript characters if available.
+For example, \textsuperscript{2} will be converted to U+00B2
+(superscript two).
+=item B<--no-support-unicode-script>
+Text superscript (\textsuperscript) or subscripts (\textsubscript)
+won't be converted to Unicode superscript/subscript characters.
+For example, \textsuperscript{2} will be converted to <sup>2</sup>
+and the markup will be stripped leaving just the character 2.
+=item B<--packages> I<list> (or B<-p> I<list>)
+Instruct the TeX parser library to pretend the packages listed
+in I<list> have been used by the document. Note that there's only a
+limited number of packages supported by the TeX parser library.
+This option has a cumulative action so B<--packages wasysym,pifont>
+is the same as B<--packages wasysym --packages pifont>.
+You can find out the list of supported packages with
+=item B<--custom-packages> I<list>
+Instruct the TeX parser library to attempt to parse the
+packages listed in I<list>. This is intended for simple custom
+packages that don't contain complex code.
+=item B<--ignore-packages> I<list> (or B<-k> I<list>)
+Don't parse the log file for the packages listed in I<list>. Note
+that B<--packages> overrides this option, so if the same package is
+listed in both B<--ignore-packages> and B<--packages> then the
+interpreter will check if it's supported. This option has a
+cumulative action. Only known packages may be included in
+=item B<--list-known-packages>
+Lists all the packages that have are known to the TeX parser
+library and then exits (with exit code 0). Any of the listed
+packages may be used in B<--packages> or B<--ignore-packages>.
+=item B<--mfirstuc-protection> I<fields>|B<all> (or B<-u> I<fields>|B<all>)
+Insert an empty group if fields start with certain problematic
+commands to protect against case-changing commands like \Gls.
+The default is to do this for all fields. To do this for only a
+subset of fields, set I<fields> to a comma-separated list of fields
+(e.g. B<name,short,long>). The keyword B<all> indicates all fields.
+=item B<--no-mfirstuc-protection>
+Switch off the auto-insertion of an empty group for all fields.
+=item B<--mfirstuc-math-protection>
+Switch on the auto-insertion of an empty group for math-shift ($).
+This option will be overridden by B<--no-mfirstuc-protection>.
+=item B<--no-mfirstuc-math-protection>
+Switch off the auto-insertion of an empty group for math-shift ($).
+=item B<--nested-link-check> I<list>|B<none>
+Check each field listed in I<list> for potentially problematic
+nested link text. (Default list: name, text, plural, first,
+firstplural, short, shortplural, long, longplural, symbol).
+If B<none>, disable check.
+=item B<--no-nested-link-check>
+Don't check for potentially problematic nested link text.
+(Equivalent to B<--nested-link-check> B<none>)
+=item B<--shortcuts> I<option>
+Check for the shortcut commands when searching for dependencies.
+Permitted values of I<option>: B<acronyms> (or B<acro>), B<ac>,
+B<abbreviations> (or B<abbr>), B<all> (or B<true>), B<none> (or
+B<false>). This overrides the setting given in I<auxfile>.
+=item B<--map-format> I<key>B<:>I<value>[B<,>I<key>B<:>I<value>]* (or
+B<-m> I<key>B<:>I<value>[B<,>I<key>B<:>I<value>]*)
+Set location format mappings.
+=item B<--group> or B<-g>
+Add 'group' field to entries.
+=item B<--no-group>
+Don't add 'group' field to entries (default).
+=item B<--record-count> or B<-c>
+Add record count fields to entries.
+=item B<--no-record-count>
+Don't add record count field to entries (default).
+This option automatically implements B<--no-record-count-unit>.
+=item B<--record-count-unit> or B<-n>
+Add unit record count fields to entries.
+This option automatically implements B<--record-count>.
+=item B<--no-record-count-unit>
+Don't add unit record count field to entries (default).
+=item B<--trim-fields>
+Trim leading and trailing spaces from fields.
+=item B<--no-trim-fields>
+Don't trim leading and trailing spaces from fields (default).
+=item B<--expand-fields>
+Don't write B<\glsnoexpandfields> to the B<.glstex> file.
+=item B<--no-expand-fields>
+Write B<\glsnoexpandfields> to the B<.glstex> file (default).
+=head1 REQUIRES
+Java 7 or later and a TeX distribution.
+=head1 LICENSE
+License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later
+This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it.
+There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law.
+The bib2gls manual:
+ texdoc bib2gls
+The glossaries-extra manual:
+ texdoc glossaries-extra
+The glossaries manual:
+ texdoc glossaries
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Nicola L. C. Talbot,
diff --git a/support/bib2gls/src/bib2gls.tex b/support/bib2gls/src/bib2gls.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f7ba9c27ef
--- /dev/null
+++ b/support/bib2gls/src/bib2gls.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,22549 @@
+% arara: lualatex
+% arara: bib2gls: {group: on} if missing("glstex") || changed("bib") || found("log", "Warning: Glossary entry")
+% arara: bibtex
+% arara: lualatex if changed("glstex") || missing("toc")
+% arara: bib2gls: {group: on, packages: [mfirstuc-english]}
+% arara: lualatex
+% arara: lualatex if found ("log", "Rerun")
+ fontsize=12pt,captions=tableheading]{scrreprt}
+% Need support for extended characters
+% and need a mono font that supports hyphenation
+\setmainfont{Linux Libertine O}
+\newcommand{\textcyrillicmono}[1]{{\cyrillicmono #1}}
+\usepackage[% v1.21+
+ record,% use bib2gls
+ index,% create index glossary
+ entrycounter,% enable entry counting
+ subentrycounter,% enable entry counting
+ %debug=showtargets,% debugging information
+ stylemods={mcols,bookindex},% adjust predefined styles and load glossary-mcols.sty and glossary-bookindex.sty
+ style=bookindex
+ ]
+ {glossaries-extra}
+ commentstyle={\color{gray}}}
+\renewcommand*{\glsshowtarget}[1]{\texttt{\small [#1]}}
+% put break before dash to avoid confusion with a hyphen
+ \texorpdfstring
+ {\discretionary{}{}{}\texttt{-}}%
+ {-}%
+% Redefine \- (used in entry names) so that hyphenation in command names,
+% switches options etc uses a serif hyphen to reduce confusion with an
+% actual hyphen in the code.
+ \discretionary
+ {{\rmfamily\char\ifnum\hyphenchar\font<0
+ \defaulthyphenchar\else\hyphenchar\font\fi
+ }}%
+ {}{}%
+\renewcommand*{\glsseesep}{, \glstreesubitem\qquad}
+ \space(\glsentrylong{\glscurrententrylabel})%
+\newcommand{\glsxtrpostnameenvironment}{\space environment}
+\newcommand{\glsxtrpostnamecounter}{\space counter}
+ \texorpdfstring
+ {\csfmtfont{\char`\\ #1}}%
+ {\string\\#1}%
+ \raisebox{2ex}{\hypertarget{\texparserdefprefix texparserdef}{}}%
+ \textsuperscript{*}Indicates command is
+ recognised by \bibgls's interpreter although it may have
+ a slightly different implementation.
+\newcommand{\texparserdefnote}{\hyperlink{\texparserdefprefix texparserdef}{*}}
+ entry-type-aliases={
+ bibglscommand=dualindexentry,
+ mainglscommand=spawndualindexentry,
+ glscommand=spawnentry,
+ abbrvstylecommand=spawnentry,
+ glostylecommand=spawnentry,
+ resourceoption=dualindexentry,
+ packageoption=dualindexentry,
+ field=dualindexentry,
+ entrytype=dualindexentry,
+ switch=dualindexentry,
+ samplefile=dualindexentry,
+ examplecommand=dualindexentry,
+ examplesymbol=symbol,
+ exampleabbreviation=abbreviation,
+ exampleentry=entry
+ },
+ field-aliases={topics=adoptparents},
+ replicate-fields={name=nametitle,progeny=unsortedprogeny},
+ field-case-change={nametitle=title},
+ interpret-fields={nametitle},
+ no-case-change-cs={fieldfmt,abbrstylefmt,glostylefmt},
+ short-case-change={lc},
+ dual-short-case-change={lc},
+ unknown-entry-alias={index},
+ save-original-entrytype,
+ label-prefix={idx.},
+ save-loclist=false,
+ sort={letternumber-nocase},
+ sort-replace={{\glshex2423}{ },{\string\\([a-zA-Z])}{\glscapturedgroup1}},
+ type={index},
+ dual-field={dualid},
+ match-action={add},
+ match-op={or},
+ match={
+ {category}={.*field},
+ {original entrytype}={.*(gls|style)command},
+ {original entrytype}={.*option},
+ {original entrytype}={abbreviationstyle},
+ {original entrytype}={glossarystyle},
+ },
+ dual-prefix={},
+ dual-type={main},
+ combine-dual-locations={primary},
+ selection={recorded and deps and see},
+ symbol-sort-fallback={name},
+ sort-label-list={progeny:letter-nocase:glsxtrentryparentname},
+ strip-missing-parents,
+ save-child-count
+ \DTMsavefilemoddate{moddate}{../java/}
+ \DTMsavenow{moddate}
+% ignore locations outside of main matter
+ \clearpage\pagenumbering{roman}%
+ \pagestyle{scrheadings}%
+ \automark[section]{chapter}%
+ \mainmatterfalse
+ \clearpage\pagenumbering{arabic}%
+ \GlsXtrSetDefaultNumberFormat{glsnumberformat}%
+ \mainmattertrue
+\newcommand{\rightleftmark}[2]{\ifstrequal{#1}{#2}{#1}{#1: #2}}
+ \setcounter{secnumdepth}{#1}%
+ \automark[section]{chapter}%
+ \let\@rightmark\rightleftmark
+ \setcounter{secnumdepth}{#1}%
+ \ifnum#1 > 0
+ \automark[section]{chapter}%
+ \else
+ \automark{chapter}%
+ \fi
+ \let\@rightmark\@secondoftwo
+\newcommand{\langxml}{\hyperref[sec:lang.xml]{language resource file}}
+ \texorpdfstring
+ {\discretionary{}{}{}\texttt{=}\discretionary{}{}{}}%
+ {=}%
+ \texorpdfstring
+ {\texttt{,}\discretionary{}{}{}}%
+ {,}%
+ \texorpdfstring
+ {\texttt{:}\discretionary{}{}{}}%
+ {:}%
+ \def\dhyphen{-}%
+ \def\dcolon{:}%
+ \def\dcomma{,}%
+ \def\dequals{,}%
+ \let\-\empty
+% Provide commands that work like \gls[#1]{idx.#2}[#3]
+ \filefmt{#1}\discretionary{}{}{}\meta{#2}\discretionary{}{}{}\filefmt{#3}%
+ \texorpdfstring
+ {\texttt{\char`\\ jobname.glstex}}%
+ {\string\\jobname.glstex}%
+ \texorpdfstring
+ {\texttt{\char`\\ jobname-#1.glstex}}%
+ {\string\\jobname-#1.glstex}%
+ \texorpdfstring{\texttt{#1\spacefactor999 .}}{#1.}}
+ \texorpdfstring{\ifmmode\text{\texmeta{#1}}\else\texmeta{#1}\fi}{#1}%
+ {\discretionary{}{}{}\char`\{#1\char`\} }%
+ {\{#1\}}%
+ \texorpdfstring
+ {\idx{file.#1}}%
+ {#1}%
+ \glsxtrtitleorpdforheading{\idx{ext.#1}}{.#1}{\extfmt{#1}}%
+ \texorpdfstring{\idx[noindex=false]{#1}}{#1}%
+ \texorpdfstring{\idx{env.#1}}{#1}%
+ \texorpdfstring{\idx{abbrstyle.#1}}{#1}%
+ %\texorpdfstring{\idx[prefix=topic.]{abbrstyle.#1}}{#1}%
+ \texorpdfstring{\idx{abbrstyle.#1}}{#1}%
+ \texorpdfstring{\idx{glostyle.#1}}{#1}%
+ %\texorpdfstring{\idx[prefix=topic.]{glostyle.#1}}{#1}%
+ \texorpdfstring{\idx{glostyle.#1}}{#1}%
+ \texorpdfstring{\idx[noindex=false]{glostyle.#1}}{#1}%
+ \texorpdfstring{\idx{catattr.#1}}{#1}%
+ \texorpdfstring{\idx{ctr.#1}}{#1}%
+ \texorpdfstring{\idx{idprefix.#1}}{#1}%
+ \texorpdfstring%
+ {%
+ \gls{styopt.#2}\styoptfmt{\ifblank{#1}{}{\dequals\marg{#1}}}%
+ }%
+ {#2\ifblank{#1}{}{=#1}}%
+ \texorpdfstring%
+ {%
+ \gls[noindex=false]{styopt.#2}\styoptfmt{\ifblank{#1}{}{\dequals\marg{#1}}}%
+ }%
+ {#2\ifblank{#1}{}{=#1}}%
+ \texorpdfstring
+ {key\dequals value list}%
+ {key=value list}%
+ #1{\texorpdfstring{\glsxtrglossentry{#2}}{\string\\#2}}%
+ \gls{#1}\glsentryuseri{#1}%
+ \begin{definition}%
+ \gls[hyper=false]{#1}\glsentryuseri{#1}%
+ \end{definition}\ignorespaces
+ \begin{definition}
+ \renewcommand{\GlsXtrStandaloneEntryName}[1]{\glstarget{##1}{\strut}\cs{##1}}%
+ \glsadd{#1}\glsxtrglossentry{#1}%
+ \glsentryuseri{#1}%
+ \end{definition}\ignorespaces
+ \begin{flushleft}\ttfamily
+ \renewcommand{\GlsXtrStandaloneEntryName}[1]{\glstarget{##1}{\strut}\cs{##1}}%
+ \glsadd{#1}\glsxtrglossentry{#1}%
+ \glsentryuseri{#1}%
+ \end{flushleft}\ignorespaces
+ \code
+ {%
+ \glsadd{#1}\glsxtrglossentry{#1}%
+ \glsentryuseri{#1}%
+ }%
+ \glsdoifexists{idx.#1}%
+ {\glsdohyperlink{\glolinkprefix cs.idx.#1}{\glsentryname{idx.#1}}}%
+ \texorpdfstring
+ {\glsdohyperlink{\glolinkprefix cs.idx.#1}{\csfmt{#2}}}%
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+ \texorpdfstring
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+ {#2}%
+ \glsdohyperlink{\glolinkprefix cs.idx.glsxtrpostdesccategory}{\csfmt{glsxtrpostdesc#1}}}
+ \glsdohyperlink{\glolinkprefix cs.idx.glsxtrpostnamecategory}{\csfmt{glsxtrpostname#1}}}
+ \glsdohyperlink{\glolinkprefix cs.idx.glsxtrpostlinkcategory}{\csfmt{glsxtrpostlink#1}}}
+ {%
+ \let\csfmt\code
+ \glsdohyperlink{\glolinkprefix cs.idx.#2}{\glsentryname{idx.#2}}%
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+ }%
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+ {%
+ #1[\texorpdfstring{\glsxtrheadname{opt.#2}}{\glsentryname{opt.#2}}]
+ {\glsadd{opt.#2}\glsxtrglossentry{opt.#2}}%
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+ #1[\texorpdfstring{\glsxtrheadname{file.#2}}{\glsentryname{file.#2}}]
+ {\glsadd{file.#2}\glsxtrglossentry{file.#2}}%
+ \texorpdfstring%
+ {%
+ \gls{#2.#3}%
+ \csoptfmt{\ifblank{#1}{}{\dequals\marg{#1}}}%
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+ {#3\ifblank{#1}{}{=#1}}%
+ \texorpdfstring
+ {\gls{field.#1}}%
+ {#1}%
+ \texorpdfstring
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+ {%
+ \setlength{\glsdescwidth}{\dimexpr\linewidth-\maxnamewidth-4\tabcolsep}%
+ \begin{longtable}{l>{\raggedright}p{\glsdescwidth}}%
+ }%
+ {\end{longtable}}%
+ \renewcommand*{\glossaryheader}{%
+ \noalign{\xdef\dofieldtabcaption{%
+ \noexpand\caption\expandonce\fieldtablelotcaption
+ {\expandonce\fieldtablecaption}}}%
+ \dofieldtabcaption
+ \fieldtablecaptionlabel
+ \fieldtablepostcaption\tabularnewline
+ \bfseries Field & \bfseries Description\tabularnewline
+ \endfirsthead
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+ \bfseries Field & \bfseries Description\tabularnewline
+ \endhead
+ }%
+ \renewcommand*{\glsgroupheading}[1]{}%
+ \renewcommand{\glossentry}[2]{%
+ \glsadd{##1}%
+ \glsentryitem{##1}\glstarget{##1}{\glossentryname{##1}} &
+ \glossentrydesc{##1}\tabularnewline
+ }%
+ \renewcommand{\subglossentry}[3]{\glossentry{##2}{##3}}%
+ \renewcommand*{\glsgroupskip}{}%
+ \edef\currentcategory{\glscategory{#1}}%
+ \glsxtriflabelinlist{\currentcategory}{\fieldcategories}%
+ {%
+ \settowidth{\dimen0}{\glsentryname{#1}}%
+ \ifdim\dimen0>\maxnamewidth \setlength{\maxnamewidth}{\dimen0}\fi
+ }%
+ {\printunsrtglossaryskipentry}%
+%\printfields[postcaption]{category list}[lot caption]{caption}{label}
+ \ifstrempty{#1}%
+ {%
+ \def\fieldtablepostcaption{}%
+ }%
+ {%
+ \def\fieldtablepostcaption{%
+ \tabularnewline
+ \multicolumn{2}{p{\linewidth}}{#1}%
+ \tabularnewline
+ }%
+ }%
+ \def\fieldcategories{#2}%
+ \innerprintfields
+ \printunsrtglossary*[style=fieldstyle]{%
+ \renewcommand*\glossarysection[2][]{}%
+ \ifstrempty{#1}%
+ {%
+ \def\fieldtablelotcaption{}%
+ }%
+ {%
+ \def\fieldtablelotcaption{[#1]}%
+ }%
+ \def\fieldtablecaption{#2}%
+ \def\fieldtablecaptionlabel{\label{#3}}%
+ \setlength{\maxnamewidth}{0pt}%
+ \let\printunsrtglossaryentryprocesshook\fieldhook
+ }%
+ \glsxtrifhasfield{dualid}{#1}%
+ {%
+ \glshyperlink[\glossentryname{#1}]{\glscurrentfieldvalue}%
+ }
+ {%
+ \GlsXtrIfFieldEqStr{category}{#1}{command}%
+ {\glsdohyperlink{\glolinkprefix cs.#1}{\glossentryname{#1}}}%
+ {\glossentryname{#1}}%
+ }%
+\newcommand{\summarysubheaderfont}[1]{\textbf{\sffamily #1}}
+ \par\smallskip\nopagebreak
+ \par\noindent\hspace{1em}%
+ \code{\gls{#1}\glsxtrifhasfield{useri}{#1}{=\glscurrentfieldvalue}{}}%
+ \glsxtrifhasfield{note}{#1}%
+ {\nolinebreak\hfill\mbox{\footnotesize\glscurrentfieldvalue}}%
+ {}%
+ \nopagebreak\par\hangindent2em\noindent\hspace{2em}\Glossentrydesc{#1}%
+ \glsxtrifhasfield{note}{#1}%
+ {\nolinebreak\hfill\mbox{\normalfont\footnotesize\glscurrentfieldvalue}}%
+ {}%
+ \setglossarystyle{index}%
+ \renewcommand*{\glossaryheader}{\raggedright}%
+ \renewcommand*{\glsgroupheading}[1]{%
+ \glsxtrgetgrouptitle{##1}{\thisgrptitle}%
+ \glsxtrbookindexbookmark{\thisgrptitle}{summary.##1}%
+ \glsxtrbookindexformatheader{\thisgrptitle}%
+ \nopagebreak\indexspace\nopagebreak\csuse{@afterheading}%
+ }%
+ \renewcommand*{\glossentry}[2]{%
+ \glstreeitem \glstarget{cs.##1}{\strut}%
+ \glsxtrifhasfield{dualid}{##1}%
+ {%
+ {%
+ \let\csfmtfont\csfmtcolourfont
+ \glshyperlink{\glscurrentfieldvalue}%
+ }%
+ \glsxtrifhasfield{useri}{##1}{\glscurrentfieldvalue}{}%
+ \donote{##1}%
+ \nopagebreak\par\hspace{10pt}%
+ \Glossentrydesc{\glscurrentfieldvalue}%
+ \ifglshasdesc{\glscurrentfieldvalue}{\@. }{}%
+ }%
+ {%
+ {\let\csfmtfont\csfmtcolourfont\gls[hyper=false]{##1}}%
+ \glsxtrifhasfield{useri}{##1}{\glscurrentfieldvalue}{}%
+ \donote{##1}%
+ \nopagebreak\par\hspace{10pt}%
+ \Glossentrydesc{##1}%
+ \ifglshasdesc{##1}{\@. }{}%
+ }%
+ \GlsXtrIfFieldEqStr{originalentrytype}{##1}{glscommand}%
+ {%
+ % Does this entry have options?
+ \GlsXtrIfHasNonZeroChildCount{##1}%
+ {%
+ \glspar\medskip\glspar
+ \summarysubheaderfont{Options:}
+ \glsxtrfieldforlistloop{##1}{childlist}{\summaryoptionhandler}%
+ }%
+ {}%
+ }%
+ {%
+ \GlsXtrIfHasNonZeroChildCount{##1}%
+ {This command has \glscurrentfieldvalue\ forms:}{}%
+ }%
+ %\listtopics{##1}%
+ \par\medskip
+ }%
+ \renewcommand*{\subglossentry}[3]{%
+ \glstreesubitem \glstarget{cs.##2}{\strut}%
+ \glsxtrifhasfield{dualid}{##2}%
+ {%
+ {%
+ \let\csfmtfont\csfmtcolourfont
+ \glshyperlink{\glscurrentfieldvalue}%
+ }%
+ \glsxtrifhasfield{useri}{##2}{\glscurrentfieldvalue}{}%
+ \donote{##2}%
+ \nopagebreak\par\hspace{20pt}%
+ \ifglshasdesc{\glscurrentfieldvalue}%
+ {\Glossentrydesc{\glscurrentfieldvalue}.}{}%
+ }%
+ {%
+ {\let\csfmtfont\csfmtcolourfont\gls[hyper=false]{##2}}%
+ \glsxtrifhasfield{useri}{##2}{\glscurrentfieldvalue}{}%
+ \donote{##2}%
+ \nopagebreak\par\hspace{20pt}%
+ \ifglshasdesc{##2}{\Glossentrydesc{##2}.}{}%
+ }%
+ \par\medskip
+ }%
+ \edef\currentcategory{\glscategory{#1}}%
+ \ifdefstring{\currentcategory}{command}%
+ {%
+ \glsxtrifhasfield*{progenitor}{#1}%
+ {\printunsrtglossaryskipentry}{}%
+ }%
+ {\printunsrtglossaryskipentry}%
+ \printunsrtglossary*[type=index,
+ style=commandsummary,
+ title={General Command Summary},
+ ]%
+ {%
+ \def\glossarypreamble{This is an alphabetical summary of
+ commands referenced in this document. See the
+ relevent user guides for further details.\endgraf\medskip
+ \texparserdefnotetarget}%
+ \let\printunsrtglossaryentryprocesshook\commandsummaryhook
+ \let\csref\cs
+ \glsxtrlocalsetgrouptitle{glssymbols}{}%
+ }%
+ \glsxtrifhasfield{parent}{#1}%
+ {%
+ \let\field\fieldfmt
+ \hyperlink
+ {topic.\glscurrentfieldvalue}%
+ {\glsentryname{\glscurrentfieldvalue}}%
+ }%
+ {%
+ \hyperlink{topic.#1}{\glsentryname{#1}}%
+ }%
+% \iffirstprogeny{entry label}{topic label}{true}{false}
+ \let\doiffirstprogeny\@secondoftwo
+ \def\firstprogeny{}%
+ \glsxtrifhasfield*{unsortedprogeny}{#1}%
+ {%
+ \edef\suppliedprogeny{#2}%
+ \@for\thisprogeny:=\glscurrentfieldvalue\do{%
+ \let\firstprogeny\thisprogeny
+ \ifdefequal{\thisprogeny}{\suppliedprogeny}%
+ {\let\doiffirstprogeny\@firstoftwo}%
+ {\let\doiffirstprogeny\@secondoftwo}%
+ \@endfortrue
+ }%
+ }%
+ {}%
+ \doiffirstprogeny
+ \letcs\doifstylecommand{@firstoftwo}%
+ \GlsXtrIfFieldEqStr{originalentrytype}{#1}{abbrvstylecommand}%
+ {}%
+ {%
+ \GlsXtrIfFieldEqStr{originalentrytype}{#1}{glostylecommand}%
+ {}%
+ {\global\letcs\doifstylecommand{@secondoftwo}}%
+ }%
+ \doifstylecommand
+ \glsxtrifhasfield{progeny}{#1}%
+ {%
+ \ifdefequal\glscurrentfieldvalue\glscurrententrylabel
+ {}%
+ {%
+ \par\nopagebreak\medskip\par\footnotesize
+ \sloppy
+ \ifstylecommand{#1}%
+ {\summarysubheaderfont{Styles:}}%
+ {\summarysubheaderfont{Topics:}}%
+ \space
+ \let\DTLlistformatitem\topicxrhandler
+ \DTLformatlist{\glscurrentfieldvalue}.\par
+ }%
+ }%
+ {}%
+ \setglossarystyle{index}%
+ %\renewcommand*{\glossaryheader}{\raggedright}%
+ \renewcommand*{\glsgroupheading}[1]{}%
+ \renewcommand*{\glossentry}[2]{%
+ \glsfieldfetch{##1}{nametitle}{\thisvalue}%
+ \section*{%
+ \raisebox{2ex}%
+ {\pdfbookmark[1]{\thisvalue}{topic.##1}\hypertarget{topic.##1}{}}%
+ \glsdisp{##1}{\thisvalue}\donote{##1}%
+ }%
+ \expandafter\sectionmark\expandafter{\thisvalue}%
+ \ifglshasdesc{##1}{\Glossentrydesc{##1}.}{}%
+ \glsxtrifhasfield{seealso}{##1}%
+ {%
+ \par\smallskip
+ \emph{See also:}
+ \let\DTLlistformatitem\topicxrhandler
+ \DTLformatlist{\glscurrentfieldvalue}.%
+ \par\medskip\par
+ }%
+ {}%
+ }%
+ \renewcommand*{\subglossentry}[3]{%
+ \glsifcategory{##2}{command}%
+ {%
+ \glsdohypertarget{topic.##2}{\strut}%
+ \glsxtrifhasfield*{progenitor}{##2}%
+ {\let\originallabel\glscurrentfieldvalue}%
+ {\def\originallabel{##2}}%
+ \ifstylecommand{##2}%
+ {%
+ \iffirstprogeny{\originallabel}{##2}%
+ {\letcs\dothisentry{@firstofone}}%
+ {%
+ \glspar
+ \ifdefempty\firstprogeny
+ {%
+ {\let\csfmtfont\csfmtcolourfont\gls[noindex]{\originallabel}}%
+ \glsxtrifhasfield{useri}{##2}{\glscurrentfieldvalue}{}%
+ }%
+ {%
+ {\let\csfmtfont\csfmtcolourfont
+ \hyperlink{topic.\firstprogeny}{\glsentryname{\firstprogeny}}}%
+ \glsxtrifhasfield{useri}{##2}{\glscurrentfieldvalue}{}%
+ \glsxtrifhasfield{parent}{\firstprogeny}%
+ {\hfill
+ {\footnotesize\emph{see} \hyperlink{topic.\glscurrentfieldvalue}%
+ {\glsentryname{\glscurrentfieldvalue}}.}}
+ {}%
+ }%
+ \letcs\dothisentry{@gobble}%
+ }%
+ }%
+ {\letcs\dothisentry{@firstofone}}%
+ \dothisentry
+ {%
+ \par\smallskip\par
+ % hyperlink to index:
+ {\let\csfmtfont\csfmtcolourfont\gls[format=glsignore]{\originallabel}}%
+ \glsxtrifhasfield{useri}{##2}{\glscurrentfieldvalue}{}%
+ \glsxtrifhasfield{note}{##2}%
+ {\nolinebreak\hfill\mbox{\footnotesize\glscurrentfieldvalue}}%
+ {}%
+ \nopagebreak\par\smallskip\par\nopagebreak
+ \ifglshasdesc{##2}{\Glossentrydesc{##2}.}{}%
+ % Topics
+ \listtopics\originallabel
+ \par\smallskip
+ }%
+ }%
+ {%
+ \glsfieldfetch{##2}{nametitle}{\thisvalue}%
+ \subsection*{%
+ \raisebox{2ex}%
+ {\hypertarget{topic.##2}{}\pdfbookmark[2]{\thisvalue}{topic.##2}}%
+ \glsdisp{##2}{\thisvalue}\donote{##2}%
+ }%
+ \expandafter\subsectionmark\expandafter{\thisvalue}%
+ \ifglshasdesc{##2}{\Glossentrydesc{##2}.\glspar\nopagebreak\smallskip}{}%
+ }%
+ }%
+ \glsxtrifhasfield*{progenitor}{#1}%
+ {}%
+ {%
+ \GlsXtrIfFieldEqStr*{originalentrytype}{#1}{topic}%
+ {}%
+ {%
+ \glsxtrifhasfield*{parent}{#1}%
+ {%
+ \GlsXtrIfFieldEqStr*{originalentrytype}{\glscurrentfieldvalue}{topic}%
+ {}%
+ {\printunsrtglossaryskipentry}%
+ }%
+ {\printunsrtglossaryskipentry}%
+ }%
+ }%
+ \setsecdepth*{0}%
+ \automark[subsection]{section}%
+ \printunsrtglossary*[type=index,
+ style=commandtopic,
+ title={Summary by Topic of Glossary Commands},
+ label={sec:topics},
+ nogroupskip,
+ nonumberlist
+ ]%
+ {%
+ \def\texparserdefprefix{topic.}%
+ \def\glossarypreamble{This is a summary of commands provided
+ by \styfmt{glossaries}, \styfmt{glossaries-extra} and
+ their supplementary packages that may be useful to
+ \bibgls\ users. Commands specific to other indexing methods
+ aren't listed unless they've been referenced in this manual.
+ See the appropriate user guides for further details.
+ \endgraf\medskip
+ \texparserdefnotetarget}%
+ \let\abbrstyle\topicabbrstyle
+ \let\glostyle\topicglostyle
+ \let\printunsrtglossaryentryprocesshook\commandtopichook
+ \let\csref\cs
+ }%
+ \setsecdepth{0}%
+ \setglossarystyle{mcolindex}%
+ \renewcommand{\glossarypreamble}{%
+ Most options are in the form \meta{option}=\meta{value} and
+ may have a default if \meta{value} is omitted,
+ but some options don't have values and should not have
+ one assigned. For boolean options,
+ if the value is omitted \styoptfmt{true} is assumed.
+ \extstyopt Indicates a value that's only provided by
+ \styfmt{glossaries-extra} and not by the base
+ \styfmt{glossaries} package. \par
+ }%
+ \renewcommand*{\glossaryheader}{}%
+ \renewcommand*{\glsgroupheading}[1]{%
+ \glsxtrgetgrouptitle{##1}{\thisgrptitle}%
+ \glsxtrbookindexbookmark{\thisgrptitle}{styopt.##1}%
+ \glsxtrbookindexformatheader{\thisgrptitle}%
+ \nopagebreak\indexspace\nopagebreak\csuse{@afterheading}%
+ }%
+ \renewcommand*{\glossentry}[2]{%
+ \item \glstarget{##1}{\strut}%
+ \glsxtrifhasfield{dualid}{##1}%
+ {%
+ \glshyperlink{\glscurrentfieldvalue}%
+ }%
+ {%
+ \gls[hyper=false]{##1}%
+ }%
+ \glsxtrifhasfield{useri}{##1}{=\glscurrentfieldvalue}{}%
+ \nopagebreak\par\hspace{10pt}%
+ \Glossentrydesc{##1}.%
+ \glsxtrifhasfield{package}{##1}%
+ {\nopagebreak\par \ding{43}Provided by
+ \ifdefstring{\glscurrentfieldvalue}{glossaries,glossaries-extra}
+ {\styfmt{glossaries} and modified by \styfmt{glossaries-extra}}%
+ {\styfmt{\glscurrentfieldvalue}}.}%
+ {}%
+ \glsxtrifhasfield{note}{##1}%
+ {\space \xmakefirstuc{\glscurrentfieldvalue}.}%
+ {}%
+ \par\medskip
+ }%
+ \edef\currentcategory{\glscategory{#1}}%
+ \ifdefstring{\currentcategory}{packageoption}%
+ {}%
+ {\printunsrtglossaryskipentry}%
+ \printunsrtglossary*[type=main,
+ style=styoptsummary,
+ title={Package Option Summary}
+ ]%
+ {%
+ \let\printunsrtglossaryentryprocesshook\styoptsummaryhook
+ \glsxtrlocalsetgrouptitle{glssymbols}{@}%
+ }%
+ #1[\texorpdfstring{\glsxtrheadname{entry.#2}}{\glsentryname{entry.#2}}]
+ {\glsadd{entry.#2}\glsxtrglossentry{entry.#2}}%
+ \texorpdfstring
+ {\gls[#1]{entry.#2}}%
+ {#2}%
+ \atentry{#1} (page~\glsxtrpageref{entry.#1})}%
+ \def\switcharg{}%
+ \def\switchalt{}%
+ \def\switchaltpdf{}%
+ \glsxtrifhasfield*{useri}{switch.#2}%
+ {%
+ \edef\switcharg{ \expandonce\glscurrentfieldvalue}%
+ }%
+ {}%
+ \ifglshassymbol{switch.#2}%
+ {%
+ \def\switchalt{ (or \protect\glsentrysymbol{switch.#2}\switcharg)}%
+ }%
+ {}%
+ #1[\texorpdfstring
+ {\glsxtrheadname{switch.#2}}%
+ {\glsentryname{switch.#2}}%
+ \switcharg\switchalt
+ ]
+ {\glsadd{switch.#2}%
+ \glsxtrglossentry{switch.#2}\switcharg\switchalt}%
+ \texorpdfstring{\texttt{\longswitch #1}}%
+ {\string-\string-#1}%
+ \texorpdfstring{\texttt{\string-#1}}%
+ {\string-#1}%
+ \texorpdfstring
+ {\gls{switch.#1}}%
+ {\string-\string-#1}%
+ \longarg{#1} (page~\glsxtrpageref{switch.#1})}%
+ \texorpdfstring
+ {\gls{switch.#1}\ifglshassymbol{switch.#1}{ or \glssymbol{switch.#1}}{}}%
+ {\string-\string-#1}%
+ \setlength{\fboxsep}{4pt}\setlength{\fboxrule}{1.25pt}%
+ \begin{lrbox}{\defsbox}%
+ \setlength\defwidth\linewidth
+ \addtolength\defwidth{-2\fboxrule}%
+ \addtolength\defwidth{-2\fboxsep}%
+ \begin{minipage}{\defwidth}
+ \flushleft\ttfamily\ignorespaces
+ \end{minipage}%
+ \end{lrbox}\par\medskip\noindent
+ \fcolorbox{black}{defbackground}{\usebox\defsbox}%
+ \medskip\par\noindent
+ \ignorespacesafterend
+and \bibgls: An Introductory Guide} (\filefmt{bib2gls-begin.pdf})}}
+ \hypertarget{#3-top}{}%
+ \centering
+ #1\par
+ #2\label{#3}%
+ \renewcommand{\tabcolsep}{2pt}%
+ \setlength{\imagewidth}{\dimexpr.5\linewidth-2\tabcolsep}%
+ \def\tabcontents{\begin{tabular}{@{}cc@{}}}%
+ \tmpctr\numexpr#1-1\relax
+ \loop
+ \advance\tmpctr by 1\relax
+ \eappto\tabcontents{\noexpand\frame{%
+ \noexpand\includegraphics[page=\the\tmpctr,width=\noexpand\imagewidth]{#2}}}%
+ \ifodd\tmpctr
+ \appto\tabcontents{&}%
+ \else
+ \appto\tabcontents{\\}%
+ \fi
+ \ifnum\tmpctr<#3
+ \repeat
+ \appto\tabcontents{\end{tabular}}%
+ \tabcontents
+ \tmpctr=0\relax
+ \def\tabcontents{}%
+ \loop
+ \advance\tmpctr by 1\relax
+ \appto\tabcontents{l}%
+ \ifnum\tmpctr<#1
+ \repeat
+ \edef\tabcontents{\noexpand\begin{tabular}{@{}\tabcontents @{}}}%
+ \def\thislist{#2}%
+ \dtlsortlist{\thislist}{\dtlicompare}%
+ \tmpctr=1\relax
+ \@for\thislabel:=\thislist\do{%
+ \eappto\tabcontents{\noexpand\ics{\thislabel}}%
+ \ifnum\tmpctr<#1\relax
+ \appto\tabcontents{&}%
+ \advance\tmpctr by 1\relax
+ \else
+ \appto\tabcontents{\\}%
+ \tmpctr=1\relax
+ \fi
+ }%
+ \appto\tabcontents{\end{tabular}}%
+ \tabcontents
+% This is a bit fiddly. Need to represent \vec{v} in typewriter
+% font for the interpreter examples. ($\mathtt{\vec{v}}$ doesn't
+% work)
+\title{\bibgls: a command line Java application to convert
+\filefmt{.bib} files to \filefmt{glossaries-extra.sty} resource
+\author{Nicola Talbot\addr{}}
+\newcommand{\code}[1]{\texorpdfstring{{\ttfamily\obeyspaces #1}}{#1}}
+ \def\cmd{\char`\\}%
+ \def\comment##1{\mbox{\textcolor{comment}{\idx{commentchar}\ ##1}}}%
+ \renewcommand*{\styfmt}[1]{##1}%
+ \renewcommand*{\counterfmt}[1]{##1}%
+ \renewcommand*{\catattrfmt}[1]{\textcolor{attribute}{##1}}%
+ \renewcommand*{\abbrstylefmt}[1]{\textcolor{style}{##1}}%
+ \renewcommand*{\csfmtfont}[1]{\textcolor{cs}{##1}}%
+ {%
+ \renewcommand{\glslinkpresetkeys}{\setkeys{glslink}{noindex}}%
+ \setupcodeenvfmts
+ \begin{flushleft}\ttfamily\obeylines\frenchspacing\@vobeyspaces
+ \parindent\z@\parfillskip\@flushglue\parskip\z@skip
+ }
+ {\end{flushleft}\ignorespacesafterend}
+ {%
+ \setupcodeenvfmts
+ \begin{flushleft}\ttfamily\obeylines\frenchspacing\@vobeyspaces
+ \parindent\z@\parfillskip\@flushglue\parskip\z@skip
+ }
+ {\end{flushleft}\ignorespacesafterend}
+ \renewcommand{\addr}[1]{}
+ \let\texorpdfstring\@secondoftwo
+ \DTMsetstyle{pdf}
+ \protected@edef\x{\endgroup
+ \noexpand\hypersetup{%
+ pdfinfo={
+ Title={\@title},
+ Author={\@author},
+ CreationDate={\DTMuse{creation}},
+ ModDate={\DTMuse{moddate}},
+ }%
+ }%
+ }\x
+The \bibgls\ command line application can be used to extract
+glossary information stored in a \ext{bib} file and convert it
+into glossary entry definitions that can be read using
+\styfmt{glossaries-extra}'s \gls{GlsXtrLoadResources} command. When used
+in combination with the \styoptfmt{record} package option, \bibgls\
+can select only those entries that have been used in the document,
+as well as any dependent entries, which reduces the \TeX\ resources
+required by not defining unnecessary commands.
+Since \bibgls\ can also sort and collate the recorded locations
+present in the \ext{aux} file, it can simultaneously by-pass the
+need to use \idx{makeindex} or \idx{xindy}, although \bibgls\
+can be used together with an external indexing application if required. (For
+example, if a custom \idx{xindy} rule is needed.)
+An additional build may be required to ensure the locations are
+up-to-date as the page-breaking may be slightly different on the
+first \LaTeX\ run due to the unknown references being replaced with
+?? which can be significantly shorter than the actual text produced
+when the reference is known.
+Note that \bibgls\ is a Java application, and requires at least
+Java~8.\footnote{The \code{List.sort} method used to sort the
+entries was only introduced to Java~8.} Additionally,
+\sty{glossaries-extra} must be at least version 1.12. (Although
+the latest version is recommended.) This application was
+developed in response to the question
+\qt{\href{}{Is there a program
+for managing glossary tags?}} on \TeX\ on
+StackExchange~\cite{}. The \ext{bib} file can be managed in an
+application such as JabRef.
+If you already have a \ext{tex} file containing
+entry definitions using commands like \gls{newglossaryentry}
+then you can use the supplementary tool \idx{convertgls2bib}
+to convert the entries to the \ext{bib} format required by
+\bibgls. See \sectionref{sec:gls2bib} for further details.
+The supplementary file \introguide\ is an
+introductory guide to the \sty{glossaries-extra} package, which you
+may prefer to start with if you are unfamiliar with the
+\sty{glossaries} and \sty{glossaries-extra} packages.
+If you have extensively used the \styfmt{glossaries}~\cite{glossaries} or
+\styfmt{glossaries-extra}~\cite{glossaries-extra} package,
+you may have found yourself creating a large \iext{tex} file
+containing many definitions that you frequently use in documents.
+This file can then simply be loaded using \ics{input} or
+\ics{loadglsentries}, but a large file like this can be difficult to
+maintain and if the document only actually uses a small proportion
+of those entries, the document build is unnecessarily slow due to
+the time and resources taken on defining the unwanted entries.
+The aim of \bibgls\ is to allow the entries to be stored in a
+\iext{bib} file, which can be maintained using a reference system
+such as JabRef. The document build process
+can now be analogous to that used with \idx{bibtex} (or
+\appfmt{biber}), where only those entries that have been recorded in the
+document (and possibly their dependent entries) will be extracted
+from the \ext{bib} file. Since \bibgls\ can also perform
+hierarchical sorting and can collate location lists, it doubles as
+an indexing application, which means that the \idx{makeglossaries}
+step can be skipped.
+Note that \bibgls\ doesn't warn you if an entry that's referenced
+in the document doesn't exist in any of the supplied \ext{bib}
+files, but instead relies on the \styfmt{glossaries-extra} package
+to generate the warning. So at the end of the document build check
+the \ext{log} file for warnings.
+You can't use \ics{glsaddall} with \bibgls\ as that command works
+by iterating over all defined entries and calling
+\code{\ics{glsadd}\margm{label}}. On the first \LaTeX\ run there are no
+entries defined, so \ics{glsaddall} does nothing. If you want to
+select all entries, just use \csopt[all]{selection} instead (which
+has the advantage over \ics{glsaddall} in that it doesn't create a
+redundant location for each entry).
+Note that \bibgls\ requires the extension package
+\isty{glossaries-extra} and can't be used with just the base
+\isty{glossaries} package, since it requires some of the extension
+commands. See the \styfmt{glossaries-extra} user
+manual~\cite{glossaries-extra} for information
+on the differences between the basic package and the extended
+package, as some of the default settings are different.
+Since the information used by \bibgls\ is
+written to the \iext{aux} file, it's not possible to run \bibgls\
+through \TeX's shell escape while the \ext{aux} file is open for
+write access. (The \ext{aux} file is closed \emph{after} the end
+document hook, so it can't be deferred with \ics{AtEndDocument}.)
+This means that if you really want to run \bibgls\
+through \ics{write18} it must be done in the preamble with
+\ics{immediate}. For example:
+\immediate\write18{bib2gls \jobname}
+As from version 1.14 of \styfmt{glossaries-extra}, this can be done
+automatically with the \styopt{automake} option if the \ext{aux}
+file exists. (Remember that this will require the shell escape to be
+\section{Example Use}
+The glossary entries are stored in a \ext{bib} file. For
+example, the file \filefmt{entries.bib} might contain:
+ \field{name}=\marg{bird},
+ \field{description} = \marg{feathered animal}
+ \field{short}=\qtdelim{html},
+ \field{long}=\marg{hypertext markup language}
+ \field{name}=\marg{\idx{mshiftchar}\cs{vec}\marg{v}\idx{mshiftchar}},
+ \field{text}=\marg{\cs{vec}\marg{v}},
+ \field{description}=\marg{a vector}
+Here's an example document that uses this data:
+ \csopt[entries]{src},\comment{data in entries.bib}
+ \csopt[en-GB]{sort}\comment{sort according to 'en-GB' locale}
+\cs{Gls}\marg{bird} and \cs{gls}\marg{goose}.
+Symbol: \idx{mshiftchar}\cs{gls}\marg{v}\idx{mshiftchar}.
+Abbreviation: \cs{gls}\marg{html}.
+If this document is called \filefmt{myDoc.tex}, the build
+process is:
+pdflatex myDoc
+bib2gls myDoc
+pdflatex myDoc
+(This manual assumes \appfmt{pdflatex} for simplicity. Replace
+with \appfmt{latex}, \appfmt{xelatex} or \appfmt{lualatex} as
+appropriate.) If you want \idxpl{lettergroup} (either headed, with
+styles like \glostyle{indexgroup}, or just a blank line separator
+with \styopt[false]{nogroupskip}) then you need to use the
+\longarg{group} switch:
+pdflatex myDoc
+bib2gls --group myDoc
+pdflatex myDoc
+You can have multiple instances of \gls{GlsXtrLoadResources}. For
+ \csopt[entries]{src},\comment{data in entries.bib}
+ \csopt[en-GB]{sort},\comment{sort according to 'en-GB' locale}
+ \csopt[entrytype=\marg{entry}]{match},\comment{only select \atentry{entry}}
+ \csopt[main]{type}\comment{put these entries in the 'main' glossary}
+ \csopt[entries]{src},\comment{data in entries.bib}
+ \csopt[en-GB]{sort},\comment{sort according to 'en-GB' locale}
+ \csopt[entrytype=\marg{abbreviation}]{match},\comment{only select \atentry{abbreviation}}
+ \csopt[abbreviations]{type}\comment{put these in the 'abbreviations' glossary}
+ \csopt[entries]{src},\comment{data in entries.bib}
+ \csopt[letter-case]{sort},\comment{case-sensitive letter sort}
+ \csopt[entrytype=\marg{symbol}]{match},\comment{only select \atentry{symbol}}
+ \csopt[symbols]{type}\comment{put these entries in the 'symbols' glossary}
+ \csopt[entries]{src},\comment{data in entries.bib}
+ \csopt[en-GB]{sort},\comment{sort according to 'en-GB' locale}
+ \csopt[entrytype=\marg{index}]{match},\comment{only select \atentry{index}}
+ \csopt[index]{type}\comment{put these entries in the 'index' glossary}
+\cs{Gls}\marg{bird} and \cs{gls}\marg{goose}.
+Symbol: \idx!{mshiftchar}\cs{gls}\marg{v}\idx!{mshiftchar}. Abbreviation: \cs{gls}\marg{html}.
+There are more examples provided in \sectionref{sec:examples}.
+Note that there's no need to called \idx!{xindy} or \idx!{makeindex}
+since \bibgls\ automatically sorts the entries and collates the locations
+after selecting the required entries from the \ext{bib} file and
+before writing the temporary file that's input with \gls{glsxtrresourcefile}
+(or the more convenient shortcut
+\gls{GlsXtrLoadResources}).\footnote{This document will mostly use
+the more convenient \gls{GlsXtrLoadResources}.} This
+means the entries are already defined in the correct order, and only
+those entries that are required in the document are defined, so
+\ics{printunsrtglossary} (or \ics{printunsrtglossaries}) may be used.
+(The \qtt{unsrt} part of the command name indicates that all
+defined entries should be listed in the order of definition from
+\styfmt{glossaries-extra}'s point of view, see the supplementary
+document \introguide\ for further details.)
+If you don't provide a value with the \styopt{record} option, then
+\styopt[only]{record} is assumed. This saves the same indexing
+information that's used with the \ics{cs.makeglossaries} and
+\ics{makenoidxglossaries} methods (described in the main
+\styfmt{glossaries} user manual~\cite{glossaries}). As from
+\styfmt{glossaries-extra} version 1.37, you can instead use
+\styopt[nameref]{record}, which saves some extra information for
+each location that's not available for the other indexing methods.
+See \longarg{merge-nameref-on} for further details.
+If you additionally want to use an indexing application, such
+as \idx{xindy}, you need the package option
+\styopt[alsoindex]{record} and use \ics{cs.makeglossaries}
+and \ics{printglossary} (or the iterative \ics{printglossaries}) as usual.
+This requires a more complicated build process:
+pdflatex myDoc
+bib2gls myDoc
+pdflatex myDoc
+makeglossaries myDoc
+pdflatex myDoc
+(The entries aren't defined until the second \LaTeX\ run, so the
+indexing files required by \idx!{xindy} or \idx!{makeindex} can't be
+created until then.) In this case, \bibgls\ is simply being used to
+fetch the entry definitions from one or more \ext{bib} files, with
+the sorting and collating performed by the other indexing
+application (so the resource option list would need
+\csopt[none]{sort} and \csopt[false]{save-locations}). In general,
+it's best to avoid this hybrid method unless you have a particular
+set of \idx{xindy} rules that can't be replicated with \bibgls.
+\section{Logical Divisions: \field{type} vs \field{group} vs \field{parent}}
+If you have a document with many terms that need listing, it's
+likely that you may want to divide the terms into separate blocks or
+units for easier reading. There are three fields that are used
+for this.
+\item[\field{type}] The highest division is the glossary to which
+the entry belongs. The glossary must first be defined (see
+\sectionref{sec:newglossary}) with an associated label used to
+identify it. The title is assigned to the glossary when it is
+defined or it can be overridden with the \printglossopt{title} key.
+The glossary is displayed using \cs{printunsrtglossary} and the
+title is placed in a sectioning command by default.
+\bibgls\ does not provide any means of sorting glossary types. If
+you use \ics{printunsrtglossaries} the order will be according to
+the order in which the glossaries were defined. You may use
+\cs{printunsrtglossary} to list individual glossaries in your own
+preferred order.
+\item[\field{group}] The entries within a glossary can form groups
+as a by-product of the sorting method. This must be enabled with the
+\longarg{group} switch and isn't available for the sort methods
+listed in \tableref{tab:sortoptionsnosort}. The group label is
+stored in the \field{group} field. This is an internal field that
+typically shouldn't be set in the \ext{bib} file.
+You can specify your own custom groups but if you do so you must
+ensure that the terms are ordered in such a way that they are
+gathered according to group. This is typically done by splitting the
+glossary into blocks using a separate \gls{GlsXtrLoadResources} with
+the \csopt{group} option set. You control the order of the groups by
+your ordering of \gls{GlsXtrLoadResources}. The group title can be
+assigned using \gls{glsxtrsetgrouptitle} within the document.
+\bibgls\ does not sort by group title. At most it can sort by the
+group label (by changing the \csopt{sort-field}) but this is usually
+an indication that you actually have a hierarchical glossary and you
+ought to be using the \field{parent} field instead. (Compare
+\exfile{sample-textsymbols.tex} and
+\item[\field{parent}] An entry may have one or more sub-entries.
+Most of the sort methods will produce a hierarchical ordering that
+ensures that the sub-entries are listed immediately after their
+parent entry. The parent entry is identified by the \field{parent}
+field which should contain the parent's label.
+\bibgls\ sorts the parent and child entries using the same
+comparator. The sort methods listed
+in \tableref{tab:sortoptionsnosort} disregard the hierarchical
+level, which can result in child entries becoming detached from
+their parent entry. The other methods sort hierarchically using
+the same comparator but take the hierarchical level into account.
+Suppose you have a mixture of terms, abbreviations and symbols, then
+you might want to have three glossaries that are listed in the table
+of contents. In this case, you use the \field{type} field or the
+\field{type} resource option. The ordering of the glossaries is
+determined by the ordering of the \cs{printunsrtglossary}
+commands within the document. For example:
+Suppose that your list of terms spans many pages and you feel it
+would be helpful to the reader to split it up into letter groups
+then you would need to run \bibgls\ with the \longarg{group} switch
+and use a glossary style that supports letter groups for that
+glossary. For example:
+Suppose that your list of symbols consists of pictographs, Latin characters
+and Greek characters and you want them grouped together
+in that order. Then you would use a separate
+\gls{GlsXtrLoadResources} for each block and assign your own custom
+group. This means ensuring that each \idx{resourceset} only selects
+the terms for that group. The simplest way of doing this is to
+have a separate \ext{bib} file for each set. For example:
+\gls{glsxtrsetgrouptitle}\marg{latinsymbols}\marg{Latin Characters}
+\gls{glsxtrsetgrouptitle}\marg{greeksymbols}\marg{Greek Characters}
+ \csopt[generalsymbols]{src},\comment{data in generalsymbols.bib}
+ \csopt[pictographs]{group},
+ \csopt[symbols]{type}
+ \csopt[latinsymbols]{src},\comment{data in latinsymbols.bib}
+ \csopt[latin]{group},
+ \csopt[symbols]{type}
+ \csopt[greeksymbols]{src},\comment{data in greeksymbols.bib}
+ \csopt[greek]{group},
+ \csopt[symbols]{type}
+Suppose instead that you have many of these logical blocks and you
+want them ordered according to the block title. In this case you
+have a hierarchical glossary and you need to use the \field{parent}
+field. You then need to select an appropriate \idx{glossarystyle}.
+If you only want to have a single \ext{bib} file that contains all
+your entries and you want to share it across multiple documents then
+the most flexible approach is to use custom fields and entry types
+that can be aliased according to the needs of the
+For example, the file \filefmt{entries.bib}:
+\comment{Encoding: UTF-8}
+\atentryfmt{indexplural}\marg{latin,\field{text}=\marg{Latin character}}
+\atentryfmt{indexplural}\marg{greek,\field{text}=\marg{Greek character}}
+ \field{name}=\marg{\cs{ensuremath}\marg{f(x)}},
+ \field{description}=\marg{function of \idx{mshiftchar}x\idx{mshiftchar}},
+ \fieldfmt{identifier}=\marg{latin}
+ \field{name}={\cs{ensuremath}\marg{f\idx{aposchar}(x)}},
+ \field{description}=\marg{derivative of \cs{gls}\marg{fx}},
+ \fieldfmt{identifier}=\marg{latin}
+ \field{name}=\marg{\cs{ensuremath}\marg{\cs{pi}}},
+ \field{description}=\marg{ratio of circumference to diameter},
+ \fieldfmt{identifier}=\marg{greek}
+ \field{name}=\marg{\cs{ensuremath}\marg{\ics{heartsuit}}},
+ \field{description}=\marg{heart},
+ \fieldfmt{identifier}=\marg{pictograph}
+ \field{name}=\marg{\cs{ensuremath}\marg{\ics{diamondsuit}}},
+ \field{description}=\marg{diamond},
+ \fieldfmt{identifier}=\marg{pictograph}
+ \field{short}=\marg{html},
+ \field{long}=\marg{hypertext markup language},
+ \fieldfmt{identifier}=\marg{markuplanguage}
+ \field{short}=\marg{xml},
+ \field{long}=\marg{extensible markup language},
+ \fieldfmt{identifier}=\marg{markuplanguage}
+ \field{name}=\marg{duck},
+ \field{description}=\marg{a waterbird with webbed feet},
+ \fieldfmt{identifier}=\marg{animal}
+ \field{name}=\marg{parrot},
+ \field{description}=\marg{mainly tropical bird with bright plumage},
+ \fieldfmt{identifier}=\marg{animal}
+This has a custom field \fieldfmt{identifier}. This will be ignored
+by \bibgls\ unless defined or aliased in the document.
+Here's an example document that creates three glossary types (the
+default \code{main} glossary and the glossaries created with the
+\styopt{abbreviations} and \styopt{symbols} options). They are
+listed in the order of \cs{printunsrtglossary} and their titles are
+added to the table of contents.
+The custom \fieldfmt{identifier} fields are ignored for the
+main and abbreviation glossaries, but they are aliased for the
+symbols to the \field{group} field. Since I've split the symbols
+glossary into blocks with each block only containing entries that
+have the same \field{group} value, this isn't a problem. It also
+won't trigger a warning with \longarg{warn-non-bib-fields} as it's
+being aliased rather than set in the \ext{bib} file. The blocks
+appear in the same order as the corresponding \gls{GlsXtrLoadResources}
+commands. The title for each block is provided in the document
+using \gls{glsxtrsetgrouptitle}.
+ \csopt[all]{selection},\csopt[entries]{src},\csopt[false]{save-locations}}
+ \csopt[entrytype=abbreviation]{match}}
+ \csopt[identifier=\field{group}]{field-aliases},
+ \csopt[\field{group}=pictograph]{match}}
+\gls{glsxtrsetgrouptitle}\marg{latin}\marg{Latin Characters}
+ \csopt[identifier=\field{group}]{field-aliases},
+ \csopt[\field{group}=latin]{match}}
+\gls{glsxtrsetgrouptitle}\marg{greek}\marg{Greek Characters}
+ \csopt[identifier=\field{group}]{field-aliases},
+ \csopt[\field{group}=greek]{match}}
+In the above example document, the symbols list is divided into
+three groups, listed in the order: Pictographs, Latin characters and
+Greek characters. If you want these titles ordered alphabetically
+then you need a hierarchical structure instead. This can be obtained
+by aliasing the custom \fieldfmt{identifier} field to
+ \csopt[all]{selection},\csopt[entries]{src},\csopt[false]{save-locations}}
+ \csopt[entrytype=abbreviation]{match}}
+ \csopt[identifier=\field{parent}]{field-aliases},
+ \csopt[entrytype=symbol,entrytype=indexplural]{match}}
+The style used for the symbols list is now \glostyle{topic} rather
+than \glostyle{treegroup}. This results in a slightly different
+appearance. You can select the most appropriate style according to
+your needs (see the gallery of predefined
+styles~\cite{glossarystylesgallery}). The topic ordering is now:
+Greek characters, Latin characters and Pictographs.
+\section{Defining a New Glossary}
+Some of the examples in this manual use \ics{newglossary*} to define
+a new glossary type and some use \ics{newignoredglossary} or
+\ics{newignoredglossary*}. Why the starred forms and why define an
+The base \styfmt{glossaries} package was originally designed to work
+with \idx!{makeindex}. Support for \idx!{xindy} was later added, but
+both require three files per glossary type: the transcript file
+(created by the indexing application), the file written by \LaTeX\
+(and input by the indexing application) and the file input by
+\LaTeX\ (and written by the indexing application). So when a new glossary
+is defined with \ics{newglossary}, this not only defines internal
+control sequences that store the list of entry labels associated
+with that glossary, the title and the entry format but also has to
+define internal control sequences that store the three file
+extensions. The starred form \cs{newglossary*} is just a shortcut
+that forms the extensions from the glossary label. For the purposes
+of \bibgls, this is simpler than the unstarred version since the
+extensions are now irrelevant as they are only applicable to
+\idx!{makeindex} and \idx!{xindy}. (Unless, of course, you are using
+a hybrid method with \styopt[alsoindex]{record}.)
+Since some users wanted the ability to define entries that were
+common enough to not be worth including in any glossary lists, the
+concept of an \idx{ignoredglossary} was introduced, defined with
+\cs{newignoredglossary}. This only requires an internal control
+sequence to store the list of entry labels associated with that
+glossary\footnote{All entries must be assigned to a glossary. If you
+don't use the \field{type} field the default is used.}\ and the
+associated internal command that governs the way that
+commands like \cs{gls} are displayed for that glossary type.
+Since this type of glossary has no associated files, it can't be
+used with \cs{printglossary} and therefore isn't included in the
+list of glossary labels that's iterated over by commands like
+\cs{printglossaries}. Since there's no glossary list (and therefore
+no targets), \cs{newignoredglossary} additionally disables hyperlinks for that
+glossary type, but it doesn't disable indexing. The indexing macro
+is still called, but because there's no associated file to write to,
+it has no effect. With \bibgls, the indexing is written to the
+\ext{aux} file and so does have an effect.
+Although \idxpl{ignoredglossary} can't be used with
+\cs{printglossary}, they can be used with \cs{printunsrtglossary},
+which is designed to work without any indexing, but you need to
+explicitly set the title in the optional argument to override the
+default. The \idxpl{ignoredglossary} still can't be used in
+\cs{printunsrtglossaries}, since they're not included in the list
+that this command iterates over.
+So \cs{newignoredglossary} is useful with \bibgls\ if you're happy
+to use \cs{printunsrtglossary} as it reduces the overall number of
+internal control sequences. Since there is now the possibility of
+targets (created within \cs{printunsrtglossary}), it's useful to
+have an \idx{ignoredglossary} that doesn't suppress the hyperlinks,
+which can be obtained with the starred form \ics{newignoredglossary*}
+provided by \styfmt{glossaries-extra}.
+Some resource options, such as \csopt{master}, \csopt{secondary} and
+\csopt{trigger-type}, need to ensure that a
+required glossary is defined. In this case, \bibgls\ uses
+\ics{provideignoredglossary*} in the \iext{glstex} file. If you
+haven't already defined that glossary in the document with \cs{newglossary*},
+you'll need to set the title in the optional argument of
+\cs{printunsrtglossary} if you don't want the default. The glossary
+won't be defined on the first run (if the definition is only
+provided in the \ext{glstex} file) but \cs{printunsrtglossary} will
+just give a warning if the type is undefined so it won't interrupt
+the document build.
+\section{Resource Sets}
+Each instance of \gls{glsxtrresourcefile} or
+\gls{GlsXtrLoadResources} in the document represents a \idx{resourceset}. Each
+\idx{resourceset} has one or more associated \iext{bib} files
+that provides the data for that set. Command line switches
+(\sectionref{sec:switches}) are applied to all \idxpl{resourceset}.
+Resource options (\sectionref{sec:resourceopts}) are only applied to
+that specific \idx{resourceset}. Each \idx{resourceset} is processed
+in stages:
+\item[Stage 1 (Initialisation)] Occurs after the \ext{aux} file has
+been read, this stage parses the resource option list and ensures
+options are valid and don't cause a conflict. The transcript will
+show the message
+Initialising resource \meta{resource-name}
+at this point.
+\item[Stage 2 (Parsing)] All the \iext{bib} files associated with
+the \idx{resourceset} are parsed. Entry aliases (identified by
+\csopt{entry-type-aliases}) are performed. The
+\hyperref[sec:multientry]{multi-entry types}, such as
+\atentry{bibtexentry} and \atentry{progenitor}, spawn their
+associated primary entries. Preamble information (provided by
+\atentry{preamble}) is saved but is not interpreted at this stage.
+The transcript will show the message
+Parsing bib files for resource \meta{resource-name}
+at this point.
+\item[Stage 3 (Processing Entries)]
+The transcript will show the message
+Processing resource \meta{resource-name}
+at this point.
+For each entry that was found in
+the corresponding set of \ext{bib} files:
+\item Records are transferred to aliases if required (\csopt{alias-loc}).
+\item Field checks and modifications are performed:
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item field aliases are performed (\csopt{field-aliases});
+ \item ignored fields (identified by \csopt{ignore-fields}) are
+ removed;
+ \item case-changes (for example, \csopt{short-case-change}) are
+ performed, except for the \field{name} field and fields identified
+ with \csopt{field-case-change};
+ \item suffixes are appended if required (for example, with
+ \csopt{short-plural-suffix});
+ \item field replications are made (\csopt{replicate-fields}),
+ and any of the above case-change or suffixes required
+ on the replicated fields are performed;
+ \item the \field{group} field is assigned if \csopt[\meta{label}]{group}
+ is set;
+ \item any variables (identified by \atentry{string}) are expanded
+ (if not already done in any of the previous steps);
+ \item any fields that have been identified by
+ \csopt{bibtex-contributor-fields} are converted;
+ \item any fields that have been identified with
+ \csopt{encapsulate-fields} are converted;
+ \item any fields that have been identified with
+ \csopt{encapsulate-fields*} are converted;
+ \item any fields that must be converted into a label form
+ (\csopt{labelify} or \csopt{labelify-list}) are processed;
+ \item any fields identified by \csopt{dependency-fields} are parsed for
+ dependent entries;
+ \item any fields whose value must be a label are interpreted
+ if \csopt{interpret-label-fields} is set;
+ \item the \field{parent} field is adjusted according to the label prefix
+ settings (\csopt{label-prefix} etc);
+ \item \ics{makefirstuc} protection is applied according to
+ \longarg{mfirstuc-protection} and \longarg{mfirstuc-math-protection};
+ \item fields are parsed for commands like \cs{gls} or
+ \cs{glshyperlink} and also checked for nested links if
+ \longarg{nested-link-check} is set;
+ \item the \field{description} field is adjusted according to
+ \csopt{strip-trailing-nopost};
+ \item end punctuation is checked according to
+ \csopt{check-end-punctuation};
+ \item \field{name} case-change is performed if
+ \csopt{name-case-change} is set;
+ \item if \csopt[true]{copy-alias-to-see} the \field{alias} is copied
+ to the \field{see} field;
+ \item general field case changes identified by
+ \csopt{field-case-change} are performed;
+ \item any fields that have been identified with
+ \csopt{interpret-fields} are replaced with their interpreted
+ values.
+ \end{itemize}
+\item The dual version (if appropriate) is created.
+\item Records are added to the entry's location list (or transferred
+to the dual\slash primary according to \csopt{combine-dual-locations}).
+\item The \field{type}, \field{category} and \field{counter} fields
+are set according to \csopt{type}, \csopt{dual-type},
+\csopt{category}, \csopt{dual-category}, \csopt{counter} and
+\item Filtering is applied (according to options like \csopt{match}
+but not \csopt{selection} or \csopt{limit}).
+\item Required fields are checked for existence.
+\item Dependencies are registered (if
+\csopt[recorded and deps]{selection} or \csopt[recorded and deps and
+\item Any fields that have been identified by
+\csopt{date-time-fields}, \csopt{date-fields} or \csopt{time-fields}
+are converted.
+If \csopt[recorded and deps and see]{selection} then any recorded
+entries that have been cross-referenced by an unrecorded entry, will
+register a dependency with the unrecorded entry. Finally,
+supplemental records are added to entries.
+\item[Stage 4 (Selection, Sorting, Writing)] Entries are selected
+from the list according to the \csopt{selection} setting, sorting is
+performed (if required), truncation is applied (if \csopt{limit} is
+set) and the \iext{glstex} file is written.
+The transcript will show the message
+Selecting entries for resource \meta{resource-name}
+or (if \csopt{master})
+Processing master \meta{resource-name}
+at this point.
+Parent entries must always be in the same \idx{resourceset} as their
+child entries. (They may be defined in different \ext{bib} files as
+long as all those \ext{bib} files are listed in the same \csopt{src}.)
+Other forms of dependencies may be in a
+different \idx{resourceset} under certain circumstances. These types
+of dependencies are instances of commands such as \cs{gls} being
+found (for example, in the \field{description} field), or the
+cross-reference fields (\field{see}, \field{seealso} or
+\field{alias} or fields identified with \csopt{dependency-fields})
+in recorded entries that reference unrecorded entries.
+The \qt{cross-referenced by} dependencies enabled with
+\csopt[recorded and deps and see]{selection} (where an unrecorded
+entry references a recorded entry through the cross-reference
+fields) \emph{aren't supported} across \idxpl{resourceset} (even with
+A \idx{crossresourceref} is a reference from a recorded entry provided in one
+\idx{resourceset} to an unrecorded entry in another \idx{resourceset}.
+the contents of each \idx{resourceset}['s] preamble must be
+processed before fields can be interpreted and one
+\idx{resourceset}['s] preamble may contain definitions that override
+another, \idxpl{crossresourceref} can't be supported if fields
+containing cross-referencing information need to be interpreted.
+The \idx{crossresourceref} mode determines whether or not \bibgls\
+can support \idxpl{crossresourceref}. If enabled, the message
+Cross-resource references allowed.
+will be written to the transcript otherwise the message is
+Cross-resource references disabled.
+The mode can only be enabled if the following condition is satisfied:
+\item the interpreter is off (\longarg{no-interpret}), or
+\item every \idx{resourceset} either doesn't have a preamble
+(\atentry{preamble}) or has \csopt[false]{interpret-preamble} set.
+If you know the preamble contents won't cause a problem, you
+can force the \idxpl{crossresourceref} mode on with
+If you don't use either \csopt[recorded and
+deps]{selection} or \csopt[recorded and deps and see]{selection}
+then the dependencies aren't picked up for that \idx{resourceset}
+(and so can't be cross-referenced from another \idx{resourceset}).
+Trails don't work with \idxpl{crossresourceref}. For example, if
+entry $A$ has been recorded and depends on entry $B$ that hasn't been
+recorded, then $B$ can be picked up from a different
+\idx{resourceset}, but if $A$ and $B$ are in the same
+\idx{resourceset} and $B$ is dependent on $C$ which is in a
+different \idx{resourceset} then $C$ won't be picked up if it hasn't
+been recorded because $B$ hasn't been recorded and is in a different
+If the \idx{crossresourceref} mode is enabled then stage~3 and
+stage~4 are processed in separate loops, otherwise they are
+processed in the same loop.
+The dual index entries such as \atentry{dualindexentry} (described in
+\sectionref{sec:dualentry}) are designed to provide a way of
+including an entry in a glossary (with a description) and also
+include the term (without the description) in an index. Additional
+terms that should only appear in the index can be defined with
+\atentry{index}. (See, for example, the \exfile{sample-multi1.tex}
+and \exfile{sample-multi2.tex} sample files.)
+Although \bibgls\ is designed to create indexes as well as glossary
+lists using the same interface (\cs{gls} etc), it is
+possible to have a mixture of \bibgls\ and \ics{index}. For example:
+\cs{gls}\marg{bird}, \cs{gls}\marg{html}, \idx{mshiftchar}\cs{gls}\marg{v}\idx{mshiftchar} and \cs{glspl}\marg{goose}.
+If the document is called \filefmt{myDoc.tex} then the document
+build is:
+pdflatex myDoc
+bib2gls myDoc
+pdflatex myDoc
+makeindex myDoc.idx
+pdflatex myDoc
+This requires an additional \LaTeX\ call between \bibgls\ and
+\idx{makeindex} since the entries must be defined before they can be
+indexed (and they can't be defined until \bibgls\ creates the
+associated \ext{glstex} files).
+Note that this method will use the \field{sort} value obtained by \bibgls\
+as the \meta{sort} part within
+Be careful if you use \idx{makeindex} as this can result in Unicode
+characters appearing in the sort value, which \idx{makeindex}
+doesn't support.
+The \meta{actual} part is given by
+(You can change the \meta{sort} and \meta{actual} parts by
+redefining \ics{glsxtrautoindexassignsort} and
+\ics{glsxtrautoindexentry}. See the \sty{glossaries-extra} manual
+for further details.)
+\TeX\ Live come with security settings
+\texmfcnf{openinany} and \texmfcnf{openoutany} that, respectively,
+govern read and write file access (in addition to the operating
+system's file permissions). \bibgls\ uses \idx{kpsewhich} to
+determine these values and honours them. MikTeX doesn't use these
+settings, so if these values are unset, \bibgls\ will default to
+\code{a} (any) for \texmfcnf{openinany} and \code{p} (paranoid) for
+The only external processes that are run by \bibgls\ are calls to
+\idx{kpsewhich} to check the security settings and locate files on
+\TeX's path. These are started with Java's \code{ProcessBuilder}
+class so there should be no issues with spaces or shell special characters
+in the argument. The \longarg{debug} switch will write the process
+call in the transcript file and will delimit the argument in the log
+with single quote characters for convenience, but the process isn't
+actually called in that way.
+\bibgls\ creates files with the extension \ext{glstex}, which are
+input by \gls{glsxtrresourcefile} (and therefore by the shortcut
+\gls{GlsXtrLoadResources}). This extension is fixed and is imposed
+by both \bibgls\ and \gls{glsxtrresourcefile}. \bibgls\ also creates
+a transcript file with the default extension \ext{glg}. This may be
+overridden by the \longarg{log-file} switch, but \bibgls\ always
+forbids write access to any file with the following extensions:
+\extfmt{tex}, \extfmt{ltx}, \extfmt{sty}, \extfmt{cls},
+\extfmt{bib}, \extfmt{dtx}, \extfmt{ins}, \extfmt{def} and
+The messages produced by \bibgls\ are fetched from a resource file
+called \metafilefmt{bib2gls-}{lang}{.xml}, where \meta{lang} is a
+valid \idx{IETF} language tag.
+The appropriate file is searched for in the following order, where
+\meta{locale} is the operating system's locale or the value supplied
+by the \longarg{locale} switch:
+\item \meta{lang} exactly matches \meta{locale}.
+For example, my locale is \code{en-GB}, so \bibgls\ will first search
+for \filefmt{bib2gls-en-GB.xml}. This file doesn't exist, so it will
+try again.
+\item If \meta{locale} has an associated script, the
+next try is with \meta{lang} set to \meta{lang
+code}\code{-}\meta{script} where \meta{lang code} is the two
+letter ISO language code and \meta{script} is the script code.
+For example, if \meta{locale} is \code{sr-RS-Latn}
+then \bibgls\ will search for \filefmt{bib2gls-sr-Latn.xml} if
+\filefmt{bib2gls-sr-RS-Latn.xml} doesn't exist.
+\item The final attempt is with \meta{lang} set to just the two
+letter ISO language code. For example, \filefmt{bib2gls-sr.xml}.
+If there is no match, \bibgls\ will fallback on the English resource file
+(Currently only \file{bib2gls-en.xml} exists as my language skills aren't up
+to translating it. Any volunteers who want to provide other language
+resource files would be much appreciated.)
+Note that if you use the \csopt[true]{loc-prefix} option, the
+textual labels (\qt{Page} and \qt{Pages} in English) will be taken
+from the resource file. In the event that the loaded resource file
+doesn't match the document language, you will have to manually set
+the correct translation (in English, this would be
+\csopt[Page\dcomma Pages]{loc-prefix}). The default definition of
+\gls!{bibglspassim} is also obtained from the resource file.
+\section{Conditional Document Build}
+If you are using a document build method that tries to determine
+whether or not \bibgls\ should be run, you can find the information
+by searching the \iext{aux} file for instances of
+Each instance corresponds to an instance of \gls{glsxtrresourcefile}
+where \meta{filename} is the base name of the \iext{glstex} file
+that \bibgls\ needs to create for this resource set. If the
+\meta{options} part is missing the \csopt{src} option, then
+\meta{filename} also indicates the base name for the \iext{bib} file.
+So the simplest check to determine if \bibgls\ needs to be run is to test
+if the \iext{aux} file contains \gls{glsxtr@resource}. For
+example, with \idx{arara} version 4.0:
+\% arara: bib2gls if found("aux", "glsxtr@resource")
+A sophisticated method could check if
+\meta{filename}\ext{glstex} is missing or is older than the document
+\ext{tex} file for each instance of \gls{glsxtr@resource} found in
+the \ext{aux} file.
+It might also be possible, although far more complex, to
+parse the \meta{options} part in each instance of \gls{glsxtr@resource}
+for \csopt{src} and determine if the corresponding \ext{bib} file or
+files are newer than the \ext{tex} file.
+It's not possible to determine if the location lists require
+updating, just as it's not possible to do this for the
+\idx{toc}, list of figures, list of tables etc. (Or, if it could
+be implemented, the required code would make the document build far
+more complicated.)
+In general, the basic algorithm is:
+\item Run \LaTeX\ (or PDF\LaTeX\ etc).
+\item If \gls{glsxtr@resource} is found in the \ext{aux} file then:
+ \begin{enumerate}
+ \item run \bibgls;
+ \item run \LaTeX\ (or PDF\LaTeX\ etc).
+ \end{enumerate}
+\item If \ics{@istfilename} is found in the \ext{aux} file then:
+ \begin{enumerate}
+ \item run \idx{makeglossaries} (or \idx{makeglossaries-lite});
+ \item run \LaTeX\ (or PDF\LaTeX\ etc).
+ \end{enumerate}
+This allows for the \styopt[alsoindex]{record} package option. See
+\idx[hyper=false,noindex]{makeglossaries} or
+\idx[hyper=false,noindex]{makeglossaries-lite} or \bibgls\ into
+the document build}}~\cite{buildglossaries}.
+\section{Manual Installation}
+If you are unable to install \bibgls\ through your \TeX\ package
+manager, you can install manually using the instructions below.
+Replace \meta{TEXMF} with the path to your local or home TEXMF tree
+(for example, \filefmt{\glstildechar/texmf}).
+Copy the files provided to the following locations:
+\item \meta{TEXMF}\filefmt{/scripts/bib2gls/bib2gls.jar}
+(Java application.)
+\item \meta{TEXMF}\filefmt{/scripts/bib2gls/convertgls2bib.jar}
+(Java application.)
+\item \meta{TEXMF}\filefmt{/scripts/bib2gls/texparserlib.jar}
+(Java library.)
+\item \meta{TEXMF}\filefmt{/scripts/bib2gls/resources/bib2gls-en.xml}
+(English resource file.)
+\item \meta{TEXMF}\filefmt{/doc/support/bib2gls/bib2gls.pdf}
+(This document.)
+\item \meta{TEXMF}\filefmt{/doc/support/bib2gls/bib2gls-begin.pdf}
+(Introductory guide.)
+If you use the Unix \appfmt{man} command, copy the
+\filefmt{bib2gls.1} and \filefmt{convertgls2bib.1} files to the
+appropriate location.
+If you are using a Unix-like system, there are also bash scripts
+provided called \file{} and \file{}.
+Either copy then directly to somewhere on your path without the \iext{sh}
+extension, for example:
+cp ~/bin/bib2gls
+cp ~/bin/convertgls2bib
+or copy the files to
+\meta{TEXMF}\filefmt{/scripts/bib2gls/} and create a
+symbolic link to them called just \filefmt{bib2gls} and
+\filefmt{convertgls2bib} from somewhere on
+your path, for example:
+cp ~/texmf/scripts/bib2gls/
+cp ~/texmf/scripts/bib2gls/
+cd ~/bin
+ln -s ~/texmf/scripts/bib2gls/ bib2gls
+ln -s ~/texmf/scripts/bib2gls/ convertgls2bib
+The \file{texparserlib.jar} file isn't an application but is a
+library used by both \file{bib2gls.jar} and
+\file{convertgls2bib.jar}, and so needs to be in the same class path.
+(The library is in a separate
+repository}~\cite{texparser} as it's
+also used by some of my other applications.)
+Windows users can create a \iext{bat} file that works in a
+similar way to the bash scripts. To do this, create a file called
+\file{bib2gls.bat} that contains the following:
+FOR /F "tokens=*" %%I IN ('kpsewhich --progname=bib2gls --format=texmfscripts
+bib2gls.jar') DO SET JARPATH=%%I
+java -Djava.locale.providers=CLDR,JRE -jar "%JARPATH%" %*
+Save this file to somewhere on your system's path.
+(Similarly for \filefmt{convertgls2bib}.) Note that \TeX\
+distributions for Windows usually convert \iext{jar} files to
+You may need to refresh \TeX's database to ensure that
+\idx{kpsewhich} can find the \iext{jar} files.
+To test that the application has been successfully installed, open a
+command prompt or terminal and run the following command:
+bib2gls --version
+convertgls2bib --version
+This should display the version information for both applications.
+\chapter{\texorpdfstring{\TeX}{TeX}\ Parser Library}
+The \bibgls\ application requires the \TeX\ Parser Library
+which is used to parse the \iext{aux} and \iext{bib} files.
+With the \longarg{interpret} switch on (default), this library is
+also used to interpret the sort value when it contains a backslash
+\idx{escchar} or a tilde \idx{nbspchar} or a dollar symbol
+\idx{mshiftchar} or braces \idx{bgroupchar} \idx{egroupchar}
+(and when the \csopt{sort} option is not
+\optfmt{unsrt} or \optfmt{none} or \optfmt{use}).\footnote{The other
+special characters are omitted from the check: the comment symbol
+\idx{commentchar} is best avoided in field values, the subscript and
+superscript characters \idx{sbchar} and \idx{spchar} should
+either be encapsulated by \idx{mshiftchar} or by \cs{ensuremath}, which
+will be picked up by the check for \idx{mshiftchar} or
+\idx{escchar}, and the other special characters would
+indicate something too complex for the interpreter to handle.}
+The other cases that the interpreter is used for are:
+\item when \csopt{set-widest} is used to determine the width of
+the \field{name} field;
+\item if \csopt{labelify} or \csopt{labelify-list} are set the
+identified field values are first interpreted (if they contain
+\idx{escchar} \idx{bgroupchar} \idx{egroupchar}
+\idx{nbspchar} or \idx{mshiftchar}) before being converted to labels;
+\item if \csopt[true]{interpret-label-fields} is set and the
+\field{parent}, \field{category}, \field{type}, \field{group},
+\field{seealso} or \field{alias} fields contain \idx{escchar}
+or \idx{bgroupchar} or \idx{egroupchar} the interpreter is used
+since these fields must be just a label
+(other special characters aren't checked as they won't expand to
+characters allowed in a label).
+Information in the \ext{aux} file is parsed for specific commands
+but the arguments of those commands are not interpreted so, for
+example, UTF-8 characters that occur in any resource options will
+need to be detokenized when using \sty{inputenc} to prevent
+expansion when they are written to the \ext{aux} file. (In some
+options, such as \csopt{sort-rule}, you can use \cs{glshex}\meta{hex}
+syntax to specify a UTF-8 character.)
+The \longarg{no-interpret} switch will turn off the interpreter, but
+the library will still be used to parse the \ext{aux} and \ext{bib}
+files. Note that the \field{see} field doesn't use the interpreter
+with \csopt[true]{interpret-label-fields} as
+it may legitimately contain \LaTeX\ code in the optional tag part
+(such as \cs{seealsoname}).
+The parser has a different concept of expansion to \TeX\
+and will expand some things that aren't expanded by \LaTeX\
+(such as \ics{MakeUppercase} and \ics{char}) and won't expand other commands
+that would be expanded by \LaTeX\ (such as commands defined
+in terms of complicated internals).
+If you get a \idx{StackOverflowError} while a field is being
+interpreted (with a long stack trace that contains repeated file names and
+line numbers) then it's likely you have an infinite loop. For
+example, this can be triggered if a field contains \csfmt{foo} that
+has been defined as:
+This will obviously also cause an error in the \LaTeX\ document as
+well (unless the document has a different definition that doesn't
+have this unbounded recursion).
+The \file{texparserlib.jar} library is not a \TeX\ engine and there
+are plenty of situations where it doesn't work. In particular, in
+this case it's being used in a fragmented context without knowing
+most of the packages used by the document or any custom commands or
+environments provided within the document.
+\bibgls\ can detect from the log file a small
+number of packages that the parser recognises. Note that in
+some cases there's only very limited support. For example,
+\isty{siunitx}'s \ics{si} command is recognised but other
+commands from that package aren't. See
+\longargpageref{list-known-packages} for further details.
+Since the parser doesn't have a full set of commands available
+within the \LaTeX\ document, when it encounters \ics{renewcommand} it
+won't check if the command is undefined. If the command isn't
+defined, it will simply behave like \cs{newcommand}. Whereas
+with \ics{providecommand} the parser will only define the command
+if it's unrecognised.
+The interpreter has its own internal implementation of the
+glossary-related commands listed in \tableref{tab:bibglsdefs}. These
+may be overridden by custom packages provided with the
+\longarg{custom-packages} switch. Note that commands that reference
+an entry, such as \cs{glsentryname}, aren't guaranteed to work
+across \idxpl{resourceset} and will only be able to look up field
+values that are known to \bibgls. (For example, the \field{name}
+field for abbreviations is typically set by the associated
+abbreviation style, which isn't available to \bibgls.)
+\caption{Glossary-Related Commands Implemented by the \bibgls\ Interpreter}
+If a command isn't recognised, you can provide it in the
+\atentry{preamble} and use \ics{char} to map a symbol to the most
+appropriate Unicode character. For example, suppose your document
+loads a package that provides symbols for use on maps, such as
+\csfmt{Harbour}, \csfmt{Battlefield} and \csfmt{Stadium}, then you
+can provide versions of these commands just for \bibgls's
+use:\footnote{These commands won't work with PDF\LaTeX, as the
+\cs{char} values are too large, but they're fine for \bibgls.}
+Since these use \cs{providecommand}, they won't overwrite the
+document's version (provided these commands have been defined before
+\gls!{GlsXtrLoadResources}). Alternatively, you can instruct \bibgls\
+to not write the \atentry{preamble} contents to the resource file
+using \csopt[false]{write-preamble}. Now you can either sort these
+symbols by
+their Unicode values (\csopt[letter-case]{sort}) or provide a custom
+rule that recognises these Unicode characters (for example,
+\csopt[\cs{glshex}2694 \string< \cs{glshex}2693 \string< \cs{glshex}26BD]{sort-rule}).
+\TeX\ syntax can be quite complicated and, in some cases, far too
+complicated for simple \idxpl!{regex}. The \TeX\ parser library performs
+better than a simple pattern match, and that's the purpose of
+\file{texparserlib.jar} and why it's used by \bibgls\ (and by
+\idx{convertgls2bib}). When the \longarg{debug} mode is on, any
+warnings or errors triggered by the interpreter will be written to
+the transcript prefixed with \code{texparserlib:} (the results of
+the conversions will be included in the transcript as informational
+messages prefixed with \code{texparserlib:} even with
+For example, suppose the \ext{bib} file includes:
+ \field{name}=\marg{\marg{}\idx{mshiftchar}\cmd{mtx}\marg{M}\idx{mshiftchar}},
+ \field{text}=\marg{\cmd{mtx}\marg{M}},
+ \field{description}=\marg{a matrix}
+ \field{name}=\marg{\marg{}\idx{mshiftchar}\cs{vec}\marg{v}\idx{mshiftchar}},
+ \field{text}=\marg{\cs{vec}\marg{v}},
+ \field{description}=\marg{a vector}
+ \field{name}=\marg{\marg{}\idx{mshiftchar}\cmd{set}\marg{S}\idx{mshiftchar}},
+ \field{text}=\marg{\cmd{set}\marg{S}},
+ \field{description}=\marg{a set}
+ \field{name}=\marg{\marg{}\idx{mshiftchar}\cmd{card}\marg{S}\idx{mshiftchar}},
+ \field{text}=\marg{\cmd{card}\marg{S}},
+ \field{description}=\marg{the cardinality of the set \idx{mshiftchar}\cmd{set}\marg{S}\idx{mshiftchar}}
+ \field{name}=\marg{\marg{}\idx{mshiftchar}\cmd{imaginary}\idx{mshiftchar}},
+ \field{text}=\marg{\cmd{imaginary}},
+ \field{description}=\marg{square root of minus one (\idx{mshiftchar}\cmd{sqrt}\marg{-1}\idx{mshiftchar})}
+(The empty group at the start of the \field{name} fields
+protects against the possibility that the \catattr{glossname}
+category attribute might be set to \optfmt{firstuc}, which
+automatically converts the first letter of the name to
+\idx{uppercase} when displaying the glossary. See also
+\longarg{mfirstuc-protection} and
+None of these entries have a \field{sort} field so the \field{name}
+is used. If the entry type had been \atentry{symbol} instead,
+the fallback would be the entry's label.
+This means that with \atentry{symbol} instead of \atentry{entry}, and the default
+\csopt[sort]{sort-field}, and with
+\csopt[letter-case]{sort}, these entries will be defined in
+the order: \code{M}, \code{S}, \code{card}, \code{i}, \code{v} (since
+this is the case-sensitive letter order of the labels) whereas
+with \csopt[letter-nocase]{sort-field}, the order will be:
+\code{card}, \code{i}, \code{M}, \code{S}, \code{v} (since this
+is the case-insensitive letter order of the labels).
+However, with \atentry{entry}, the fallback field will be taken from
+the \field{name} which in the above example contains \TeX\ code, so
+\bibgls\ will use \file{texparserlib.jar} to interpret this code.
+The library has several different ways of writing the processed
+code. For simplicity, \bibgls\ uses the library's HTML output and
+then strips the HTML markup and trims any leading or trailing
+spaces. The library method that writes \idx{non-ASCII} characters
+using \qtt{\&x\meta{hex};} markup is overridden by \bibgls\ to just
+write the actual Unicode character, which means that the letter-based
+sorting options will sort according to the integer value \meta{hex}
+rather than the string \qtt{\&x\meta{hex};}.
+The interpreter is first passed the code provided with
+(unless \csopt[false]{interpret-preamble}).
+This means that the provided commands are now recognised by the
+interpreter when it has to parse the fields later.
+In the case of the \code{M} entry in the example above, the
+code that's passed to the interpreter is:
+The transcript (\iext{glg}) file will show the results of the
+texparserlib: {}$\mtx{M}$ -> M
+So the \field{sort} value for this entry is set to \qtt{M}. The font
+change (caused by math-mode and \ics{boldsymbol}) has been
+ignored. The sort value therefore consists of a single Unicode
+character \hex{4D} (Latin \idx!{uppercase} letter \qtt{M}, decimal value 77).
+For the \code{v} entry, the code is:
+The transcript shows:
+texparserlib: \marg{}\$\ics{vec}\marg{v}\$ -> \usebox\varrow
+So the \field{sort} value for this entry is set to \qtt{\usebox\varrow},
+which consists of two Unicode characters \hex{76}
+(Latin \idx!{lowercase} letter \qtt{v}, decimal value 118) and
+\hex{20D7} (combining right arrow above, decimal value 8407).
+For the \code{set} entry, the code is:
+The transcript shows:
+texparserlib: {}$\set{S}$ -> S
+So the \field{sort} value for this entry is set to \qtt{S} (again
+ignoring the font change). This consists of a single Unicode
+character \hex{53} (Latin \idx!{uppercase} letter \qtt{S}, decimal value~83).
+For the \code{card} entry, the code is:
+The transcript shows:
+texparserlib: {}$\card{S}$ -> |S|
+So the \field{sort} value for this entry is set to \qtt{|S|}
+(the \textbar\ characters from the definition of \csfmt{card} provided
+in \atentry{preamble} have been included, but the
+font change has been discarded). In this case the sort value
+consists of three Unicode characters \hex{7C} (vertical line, decimal
+value 124),
+\hex{53} (Latin \idx!{uppercase} letter \qtt{S}, decimal value 83) and
+\hex{7C} again.
+If \csopt[false]{interpret-preamble} had been used, \csfmt{card}
+wouldn't be recognised and would be discarded leaving just \qtt{S}
+as the sort value.
+(Note that if \ics{vert} is used instead of \textbar\ then it would
+be converted into the mathematical operator \hex{2223} and result in
+a different order.)
+For the \code{i} entry, the code is:
+The transcript shows:
+texparserlib: {}$\imaginary$ -> i
+So the \field{sort} value for this entry is set to \qtt{i}.
+If \csopt[false]{interpret-preamble} had been used, \csfmt{imaginary}
+wouldn't be recognised and would be discarded, leaving an empty sort
+This means that in the case of the default \csopt[sort]{sort-field} with
+\csopt[letter-case]{sort}, these entries will be defined in
+the order: \code{M} ($\mtx{M}$), \code{S} ($\set{S}$),
+\code{i} ($\imaginary$), \code{v} ($\vec{v}$) and
+\code{card} ($\card{S}$).
+In this case, the entries have been sorted according to
+the character codes. If you run \bibgls\ with \longarg{verbose}
+the decimal character codes will be included in the transcript.
+For this example:
+i -> 'i' [105]
+card -> '|S|' [124 83 124]
+M -> 'M' [77]
+S -> 'S' [83]
+v -> '\usebox\varrow' [118 8407]
+The \longarg{group} option (in addition to \longarg{verbose})
+will place the letter group in
+parentheses before the character code list:
+i -> 'i' (i) [105]
+card -> '|S|' [124 83 124]
+M -> 'M' (M) [77]
+S -> 'S' (S) [83]
+v -> '\usebox\varrow' (v) [118 8407]
+(Note that the \code{card} entry doesn't have a letter
+group since the vertical bar character isn't considered a
+If \csopt[letter-nocase]{sort} is used instead then, after conversion
+by the interpreter, the sort values will all be changed to
+\idx{lowercase}. The order is now: \code{i} ($\imaginary$),
+\code{M} ($\mtx{M}$), \code{S} ($\set{S}$),
+\code{v} ($\vec{v}$) and \code{card} ($\card{S}$).
+The transcript (with \longarg{verbose}) now shows
+i -> 'i' [105]
+card -> '|s|' [124 115 124]
+M -> 'm' [109]
+S -> 's' [115]
+v -> '\usebox\varrow' [118 8407]
+With \longarg{group} (in addition to \longarg{verbose})
+the letter groups are again included:
+i -> 'i' (I) [105]
+card -> '|s|' [124 115 124]
+M -> 'm' (M) [109]
+S -> 's' (S) [115]
+v -> '\usebox\varrow' (V) [118 8407]
+Note that the letter groups are \idx{uppercase} not \idx{lowercase}.
+Again the \code{card} entry doesn't have an associated
+letter group.
+If a locale-based sort is used, the ordering will follow the
+locale's alphabet rules. For example, with \csopt[en]{sort}
+(English, no region or variant), the order becomes:
+\code{card} ($\card{S}$), \code{i} ($\imaginary$),
+\code{M} ($\mtx{M}$), \code{S} ($\set{S}$) and
+\code{v} ($\vec{v}$). The transcript (with \longarg{verbose})
+shows the collation keys instead:
+i -> 'i' [0 92 0 0 0 0]
+card -> '|S|' [0 66 0 102 0 66 0 0 0 0]
+M -> 'M' [0 96 0 0 0 0]
+S -> 'S' [0 102 0 0 0 0]
+v -> '\usebox\varrow' [0 105 0 0 0 0]
+Again the addition of the \longarg{group} switch will show
+the letter groups.\footnote{For more information on collation keys see the
+class in Java's API~\cite{collationkey}.}
+Suppose I add a new symbol to my \ext{bib} file:
+ \field{name}=\marg{\ics{AA}},
+ \field{description}=\marg{\cs{AA} ngstr\ics{umlaut}om}
+and I also use this entry in the document.\footnote{A better method
+is to use \sty{siunitx} instead.} Then with
+\csopt[en]{sort}, the order is: \code{card} ($\card{S}$),
+\code{angstrom} (\AA), \code{i} ($\imaginary$), \code{M}
+($\mtx{M}$), \code{S} ($\set{S}$), and \code{v} ($\vec{v}$).
+The \longarg{group} switch shows that the \code{angstrom} entry
+(\AA) has been placed in the \qt{A} letter group.
+However, if I change the locale to \csopt[sv]{sort}, the
+\code{angstrom} entry is moved to the end of the list and the
+\longarg{group} switch shows that it's been placed in the \qt{\AA}
+letter group.
+\label{locale.provider}If you are using Java~8, you can set the
+\code{java.locale.providers} property~\cite{javacldr} to use
+the \idx{CLDR} \idx{localeprovider}, which has more extensive
+support for locales than the native \idx{JRE}. For example:
+This should be enabled by default for Java~9. The property
+can either be set in a script that runs \bibgls, for example,
+java -Djava.locale.providers=CLDR,JRE,SPI -jar "$jarpath" "$@"
+(where \verb|$jarpath| is the path to the \file{bib2gls.jar}
+file and \verb|"$@"| is the argument list) or you can set the
+property as the default for all Java applications by adding
+the definition to the \code{JAVA\_TOOL\_OPTIONS} environment
+For example, in a bash shell:
+export JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS='-Djava.locale.providers=CLDR,JRE,SPI'
+or in Windows:
+set JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS=-Djava.locale.providers=CLDR,JRE,SPI
+\chapter{Command Line Options}
+The syntax of \bibgls\ is:
+bib2gls \oargm{options} \meta{filename}
+where \meta{filename} is the name of the \ext{aux} file. (The
+extension may be omitted.) Only one \meta{filename} is permitted.
+Available options are listed below.
+Display the help message and quit.
+Display the version information and quit.
+Switch on debugging mode. If \meta{n} is present, it must be a
+non-negative integer indicating the debugging level. If omitted 1 is
+assumed. This option also switches on the verbose mode. A value of 0
+is equivalent to \longargfmt{no-debug}.
+Switches off the debugging mode.
+Switches on the verbose mode. This writes extra information to the
+terminal and transcript file.
+Switches off the verbose mode. This is the default behaviour.
+Some messages are written to the terminal. To completely suppress
+all messages (except errors), switch on the silent mode.
+For additional information messages, switch on the verbose mode.
+Suppresses all messages except for errors that would normally be
+written to the terminal. Warnings and informational messages are
+written to the transcript file, which can be inspected afterwards.
+Specify the preferred \langxml, where \meta{lang} is a valid \idx{IETF} language tag.
+This option requires an appropriate \metafilefmt{bib2gls-}{lang}{.xml}
+resource file otherwise \bibgls\ will fallback on English.
+This also sets the default document locale when \csopt[doc]{sort} is
+used and the document doesn't have any language support.
+Note that \csopt[locale]{sort} uses the \idx{JVM}['s] default
+locale and is not governed by this switch.
+If a document doesn't have any locale support or has support
+for more than one language then it's best to explicitly set
+the required locale in the appropriate \idx{resourceset}.
+Sets the name of the transcript file. By default, the name is the
+same as the \iext{aux} file but with a \iext{glg} extension. Note that
+if you use \bibgls\ in combination with \idx{xindy} or
+\idx{makeindex}, you will need to change the transcript file name to
+prevent conflict.
+By default \bibgls\ assumes that the output files should be written
+in the current working directory. The input \iext{bib} files are assumed to be
+either in the current working directory or on \TeX's path (in which
+case \idx{kpsewhich} will be used to find them).
+If your \iext{aux} file isn't in the current working directory (for
+example, you have run \TeX\ with \shortargfmt{output-directory})
+then you need to take care how you invoke \bibgls.
+Suppose I have a file called \filefmt{test-entries.bib} that
+contains my entry definitions and a document called
+\filefmt{mydoc.tex} that selects the \ext{bib} file using:
+(\filefmt{test-entries.bib} is in the same directory as
+If I compile this document using
+pdflatex -output-directory tmp mydoc
+then the auxiliary file \filefmt{mydoc.aux} will be written to the
+\filefmt{tmp} sub-directory. The resource information is listed in
+the \ext{aux} file as
+If I run \bibgls\ from the \filefmt{tmp} directory, then it won't
+be able to find the \filefmt{test-entries.bib} file (since it's in
+the parent directory).
+If I run \bibgls\ from the same directory as \filefmt{mydoc.tex}
+bib2gls tmp/mydoc
+then the \ext{aux} file is found and the transcript file is
+\filefmt{tmp/mydoc.glg} (since the default path name is the same as the
+\ext{aux} file but with the extension changed to \iext{glg}) but the
+output file \filefmt{mydoc.glstex} will be written to the current
+This works fine from \TeX's point of view as it can find the
+\iext{glstex} file, but it may be that you'd rather the \ext{glstex}
+file was tidied away into the \filefmt{tmp} directory along with all
+the other files. In this case you need to invoke \bibgls\ with the
+\longargorshort{dir} option:
+bib2gls -d tmp mydoc
+Switch on the interpreter mode (default). See \sectionref{sec:texparserlib}
+for more details.
+Switch off the interpreter mode. See \sectionref{sec:texparserlib}
+for more details about the interpreter.
+The interpreter treats a tilde character \idx{nbspchar} as a non-breakable
+space (default).
+The interpreter treats a tilde character \idx{nbspchar} as a normal
+Treat instances of \code{\ics{citation}\margm{label}} found in the
+\ext{aux} file as though it was actually an \idx{ignoredrecord}:
+Note that \code{\cs{citation}\marg{*}} will always be skipped. Use
+\csopt[all]{selection} to select all entries.
+This switch is most useful in conjunction with
+Don't check for instances of \ics{citation} in the \ext{aux} file
+If any internal fields are found in the \ext{bib} file, this setting
+will issue a warning as their use can cause unexpected results.
+The fields checked for are those listed in Tables~\ref{tab:internalfields}
+and \ref{tab:baseinternalfields} with a few exceptions, notably
+\field{type} and \field{sort}. Ideally you shouldn't need to use
+\field{sort} as there should be an appropriate fallback set up to
+use if \field{sort} isn't set, such as the label for symbols or the
+name for terms or the short form for abbreviations.
+This is the default setting and was added as some users were
+confused over which fields could be used in the \ext{bib} file.
+The use of these fields can break \bibgls's normal behaviour and
+cause unexpected results.
+The check is performed before field aliasing, so it's possible to
+alias a field to an internal field, such as \field{group}, without
+triggering this warning. If you do this you need to make sure you
+have taken appropriate precautions to avoid unexpected results.
+Switches off the check for non-bib fields. If you use this option
+you need to make sure you have taken appropriate precautions to
+avoid unexpected results.
+If any unknown entry types are found in the \ext{bib} file, \bibgls\
+will issue a warning with this option set (default).
+This option will suppress the warning if an unknown entry types are
+found in the \ext{bib} file.
+For use with the \styopt{indexcounter} package option
+(\styfmt{glossaries-extra} v1.29+), this switch merges an entry's
+\counter{wrglossary} records for the same page location. This is the
+default setting. (See also \csopt{save-index-counter}.)
+Don't merge an entry's \counter{wrglossary} records. This means that you
+may end up with duplicate page numbers in the entry's location list,
+but they will link to different parts of the page.
+The \styopt[nameref]{record} package option (introduced to
+\sty{glossaries-extra} version 1.37) provides extra information
+in the record when indexing, obtained from \ics{@currentlabelname},
+\ics{@currentHref} and \ics{theHentrycounter}. Instead of writing the record as:
+the record is written as:
+If \isty{hyperref} hasn't been loaded \meta{title} and \meta{href}
+will always be empty. The most reliable target is given by
+\code{\meta{counter}.\meta{hcounter}}, where \meta{counter} is the
+associated counter name and \meta{hcounter} is
+obtained from \cs{theHentrycounter}, which is set to the hyper
+target command \csfmt{theH}\meta{counter} during indexing. Since
+this information can't be included in the location when indexing
+with \idx!{makeindex} or \idx!{xindy}, the base \sty{glossaries}
+package tries to obtain a prefix from which the target name can be
+formed. This doesn't work if \csfmt{theH}\meta{counter} can't be
+formed from \meta{prefix}\csfmt{the}\meta{counter}, which results in
+broken links. Since \bibgls\ doesn't have the same restrictions, the
+actual target can be included in the record. You can then customize
+the document to choose whether to use \meta{href} (to link to the
+nearest anchor) or \meta{hcounter} to link to the place where the
+indexing counter was incremented.
+The \code{nameref} record will be written to the \idx{locationlist} using:
+The \meta{file} part will be empty for normal internal locations,
+and will be set to the corresponding file name for supplemental
+With \sty{hyperref}, \meta{title} is initially empty. The \meta{href} will be
+\code{Doc-Start} at the start of the document and is updated
+globally on every instance of \ics{refstepcounter}. The
+\meta{title} is updated locally by certain commands, such as
+\ics{section} or \ics{caption}. This means that the \meta{href}
+may not always correspond to the \meta{title}, so using
+the \styopt[nameref]{record} package option can have unpredictable
+results if the \meta{title} is used as link text with \meta{href} as
+the target.
+For compactness, \bibgls\ tries to merge duplicate or near
+duplicate records. There are four possible rules that it will
+use for \code{nameref} records, identified by \meta{rule} in the
+\longarg{merge-nameref-on} switch:
+\item \optfmt{location}: merge records that match on the
+\meta{prefix}, \meta{counter} and \meta{location} parts (as regular
+\item \optfmt{title}: merge records that match on the \meta{counter}
+and \meta{title} parts;
+\item \optfmt{href}: merge records that match on the \meta{counter}
+and \meta{href} parts;
+\item \optfmt{hcounter}: merge records that match on the \meta{counter}
+and \meta{hcounter} parts.
+The default \meta{rule} is \optfmt{hcounter}. Note that for all
+rules the \meta{counter} must match. See the \qt{Nameref Record}
+section of the \sty{glossaries-extra} user manual for further
+Force \idx{crossresourceref} mode on (see
+Don't force \idx{crossresourceref} mode on (default).
+The mode will be enabled if applicable (see
+Text superscript (\ics{textsuperscript}) and subscript
+(\ics{textsubscript}) will use Unicode super/subscript characters
+if available (default). For example,
+will be converted to \code{\textsuperscript{(2)}}, which consists
+of: \hex{207D} (superscript left parenthesis)
+\hex{00B2} (superscript two) \hex{207E} (superscript right
+parenthesis). If the entire contents of the argument can't be
+represented by Unicode characters, the interpreter uses \verb|<sup>|
+and \verb|<sub>| markup, which is then stripped by \bibgls. For
+will be converted to
+(since there's no superscript comma). The markup is stripped leaving
+just \code{(2,3)}.
+Superscripts and subscripts in maths mode always use markup
+regardless of this setting. Some supported packages that use
+\idx{spchar} or \idx{sbchar} as shortcuts within an encapsulating
+command may internally use the same code as \cs{textsuperscript} and
+\cs{textsubscript}, in which case they will be sensitive to this
+Text superscript (\cs{textsuperscript}) and subscript
+(\cs{textsubscript}) won't use Unicode super/subscript characters.
+Note that if other commands are provided that expand to Unicode
+superscript or subscript characters, then they won't be affected by
+this setting. For example, if \csfmt{superiortwo} is defined as
+then it will be interpreted as \hex{00B2} (superscript two) even if
+this setting is on.
+This option will list all the packages supported by the \TeX\ parser
+library and will then exit \bibgls. The results are divided into two
+sections: those packages that are searched for in the \iext{log}
+file and those packages that aren't searched for in the \iext{log}
+file but have some support available. Some of the support is very
+limited. Package options aren't detected.
+The transcript file is always searched for \isty{glossaries-extra}
+to ensure that the version is new enough to support \bibgls.
+Packages that fall into the first category are:
+\isty{amsmath}, \isty{amssymb}, \isty{bpchem}, \isty{fontenc},
+\isty{fontspec}, \isty{fourier},
+\isty{hyperref}, \isty{lipsum}, \isty{MnSymbol}, \isty{mhchem}, \isty{natbib},
+\isty{pifont}, \isty{siunitx} (limited), \isty{stix},
+\isty{textcase}, \isty{textcomp}, \isty{tipa}, \isty{upgreek} and
+\isty{wasysym}. (You can omit checking for specific packages with
+\longarg{ignore-packages}.) These are packages that provide commands
+that might be needed within entry fields. The check for
+\isty{fontspec} is to simply determine whether or not UTF-8
+characters are allowed in labels (for \csopt{labelify} and
+Packages that fall into the second category are:
+\isty{booktabs}, \isty{color}, \isty{datatool-base} (very limited),
+\isty{datatool} (very limited), \isty{etoolbox} (very limited), \isty{graphics},
+\isty{graphicx}, \isty{ifthen}, \isty{jmlrutils},
+\isty{mfirstuc-english}, \isty{probsoln}, \isty{shortvrb},
+and \isty{xspace}. These are less likely to be needed within fields
+and so aren't checked for by default. If they are needed then you
+can instruct \bibgls\ to support them with \longarg{packages}.
+Note that \sty{mfirstuc} is always automatically loaded, but
+\sty{mfirstuc-english} is not implemented unless explicitly
+requested with \code{\longarg{packages} mfirstuc-english}.
+If you're wondering about the selection, the \file{texparserlib.jar}
+library was originally written for another application that required
+support for some of them.
+Instruct the interpreter to assume the packages listed
+in \meta{list} have been used by the document.
+This option has a cumulative action so \code{\longarg{packages}
+"wasysym,pifont"} is the same as \code{\longarg{packages} wasysym
+\longarg{packages} pifont}.
+Note that there's only a limited number of packages supported by the
+\TeX\ parser library. This option is provided for cases where you're
+using a command from a package that the interpreter doesn't support
+but it happens to have the same name and meaning as a command from
+a package that the interpreter does support. You can also use it to
+provide support for known packages that aren't checked for when the
+\ext{log} file is parsed. If you want \bibgls\ to parse an
+unsupported package use \longarg{custom-packages}.
+Instruct the interpreter to parse the package files identified in
+\meta{list}. The package files need to be quite simple. When this
+switch is used, the interpreter can recognise \ics{ProvidesPackage},
+\ics{DeclareOption} (and \ics{DeclareOption*}),
+\ics{ProcessOptions}, \ics{PackageError} and \ics{RequirePackage},
+but it can't deal with complicated code. In the case of
+\ics{RequirePackage}, support will also be governed by
+\longargfmt{custom-packages}. This option has a cumulative action.
+This option is cumulative. When the document \iext{log} file is
+parsed for known packages, \bibgls\ will skip the check for any
+listed in \meta{list}. Note that this option simply instructs
+\bibgls\ to ignore the package information in the log file. Any packages
+that are identified with \longarg{packages} will be passed to the
+interpreter if support is available, even if the package is also
+listed in \longargfmt{ignore-packages}. Note that
+unknown packages can't be included in the ignored \meta{list}.
+Commands like \ics{Gls} use \ics{makefirstuc} provided by the
+\isty{mfirstuc} package. This command has limitations and one of the
+things that can break it is the use of a referencing command
+at the start of its argument. The \sty{glossaries-extra} package has
+more detail about the problem in the \qt{Nested Links} section of
+the user manual~\cite{glossaries-extra}. If a glossary field starts
+with one of these problematic commands, the recommended method (if
+the command can't be replaced) is to insert an empty group in front
+of it.
+For example, the following definition
+\gls{newabbreviation}\marg{shtml}\marg{shtml}\marg{\ics{glsps}\marg{ssi} enabled \cs{glsps}\marg{short}\marg{html}}
+will cause a problem for \code{\cs{Gls}\marg{shtml}} on first use.
+The above example would be written in a \ext{bib} file as:
+ \field{short}=\marg{shtml},
+ \field{long}=\marg{\cs{glsps}\marg{ssi} enabled \cs{glsps}\marg{html}}
+The default \sty{mfirstuc} protection will automatically insert an empty
+group before \code{\cs{glsps}\marg{ssi}} when writing the definition
+in the \ext{glstex} file.
+The argument for this switch should either be a comma-separated list
+of fields or the keyword \code{all} (which indicates all fields).
+\bibgls\ will automatically insert an empty group at the start of
+the listed fields that start with a problematic command, and a
+warning will be written to the transcript. Unknown fields are
+skipped even if they're included in the list. An empty argument is
+equivalent to \longarg{no-mfirstuc-protection}. The default value is
+Switches off the \isty{mfirstuc} protection mechanism described
+This works in the same way as \longarg{mfirstuc-protection} but
+guards against fields starting with inline maths
+(\idx{mshiftchar}\ldots\idx{mshiftchar}). For example, if the
+\field{name} field starts with
+\code{\idx{mshiftchar}x\idx{mshiftchar}} and the glossary style
+automatically tries to convert the first letter of the name to
+\idx{uppercase}, then this will cause a problem.
+With \longarg{mfirstuc-math-protection} set, \bibgls\ will
+automatically insert an empty group at the start of the field and
+write a warning in the transcript. This setting is on by default.
+Switches off the above.
+By default, \bibgls\ will parse certain fields for potential nested links.
+(See the section \qt{Nested Links} in the \sty{glossaries-extra}
+user manual~\cite{glossaries-extra}.)
+The default set of fields to check are: \field{name}, \field{text},
+\field{plural}, \field{first}, \field{firstplural}, \field{long},
+\field{longplural}, \field{short}, \field{shortplural} and
+You can change this set of fields using
+\longarg{nested-link-check} \meta{value} where \meta{value} may be
+\optfmt{none} (don't parse any of the fields) or a comma-separated
+list of fields to be checked.
+Equivalent to \longarg{nested-link-check} \optfmt{none}.
+Some entries may reference another entry within a field, using
+commands like \ics{gls}, so \bibgls\ parses the fields for these
+commands to determine dependent entries to allow them to be selected
+even if they haven't been used within the document.
+The \styopt{shortcuts} package option provided by
+\styfmt{glossaries-extra} defines various synonyms, such as \ics{ac}
+which is equivalent to \ics{gls}. By default the value of the
+\styopt{shortcuts} option will be picked up by \bibgls\ when parsing the
+\iext{aux} file. This then allows \bibgls\ to additionally search for
+those shortcut commands while parsing the fields.
+You can override the \styopt{shortcuts} setting using
+\longarg{shortcuts} \meta{value} (where \meta{value} may take
+any of the allowed values for the \styopt{shortcuts} package option),
+but in general there is little need to use this switch.
+This sets up the rule of precedence for partial location
+matches (see \sectionref{sec:locationopts}). The argument may be
+a comma-separated list of \meta{map}\code{:}\meta{value} pairs.
+Alternatively, you can have multiple instances of
+\longarg{map-format} \meta{map}\dcolon\meta{value} which have a
+cumulative effect.
+For example,
+bib2gls --map-format "emph:hyperbf" mydoc
+This essentially means that if there's a record conflict
+involving \encap{emph}, try replacing \encap{emph} with
+\encap{hyperbf} and see if that resolves the conflict.
+Note that if the conflict includes a range formation, the
+range takes precedence.
+The mapping tests are applied as the records are
+read. For example, suppose the records are listed in the \ext{aux}
+file as:
+and \bibgls\ is invoked with
+bib2gls --map-format "emph:hyperbf,hypersf:hyperit" mydoc
+bib2gls --map-format emph:hyperbf --map-format hypersf:hyperit mydoc
+then \bibgls\ will process these records as follows:
+\item Accept the first record (\encap{emph}) since there's
+currently no conflict. (This is the first record for page~3 for the
+entry given by \code{gls.sample}.)
+\item The second record (\encap{hypersf}) conflicts
+with the existing record (\encap{emph}). Neither has
+the format \encap{glsnumberformat} or \encap{glsignore} so \bibgls\ consults
+the mappings provided by \longargfmt{map-format}.
+\item The \encap{hypersf} format (from the new record) is mapped to
+so \bibgls\ checks if the existing record
+has this format. In this case it doesn't (the format is
+\code{emph}). So \bibgls\ moves on to the next test:
+\item The \encap{emph} format (from the existing record) is mapped
+to \encap{hyperbf},
+so \bibgls\ checks if the new record has this format.
+In this case it doesn't (the format is \encap{hypersf}).
+Since the provided mappings haven't resolved this conflict,
+the new record is discarded with a warning. Note that there's
+no look ahead to the next record. (There may be other
+records for other entries also used on page~3 interspersed between these records.)
+\item The third record (\encap{hyperbf}) conflicts
+with the existing record (\encap{emph}). Neither has
+the format \encap{glsnumberformat} or \encap{glsignore} so \bibgls\ again consults
+the mappings provided by \longargfmt{map-format}.
+\item The new record's \encap{hyperbf} format has no mapping provided,
+so \bibgls\ moves on to the next test:
+\item The existing record's \encap{emph} format has a mapping
+provided (\encap{hyperbf}). This matches the new record's format,
+so the new record takes precedence.
+This means that the location list ends up with the \encap{hyperbf}
+location for page~3.
+If, on the other hand, the mappings are given as
+--map-format "emph:hyperit,hypersf:hyperit,hyperbf:hyperit"
+then all the three conflicting records (\encap{emph},
+\encap{hypersf} and \encap{hyperbf}) will end up being replaced
+by a single record with \encap{hyperit} as the format.
+Multiple conflicts will typically be rare as there's usually little
+reason for more than two or three different location formats within
+the same list. (For example, \encap{glsnumberformat} as the default
+and \encap{hyperbf} or \encap{hyperit} for a primary reference.)
+The \styfmt{glossaries-extra} \styopt{record} package option
+automatically creates a new internal field called \field{group}. If the
+\longarg{group} switch is used with the default \csopt[auto]{group}
+option then, when sorting, \bibgls\ will try
+to determine the letter group for each entry and assign it to the
+\field{group} field. (Some \csopt{sort} options ignore this
+setting.) This value will be picked up by \ics{printunsrtglossary}
+if group headings are required (for example with the
+\glostyle{indexgroup} style) or if group separators are required
+(for example, the \glostyle{index} style with the default
+\styopt[false]{nogroupskip}). If you don't require grouping within
+the glossary, there's no need to use this switch. Note that this
+switch doesn't automatically select an appropriate glossary style.
+The \field{group} field should typically not be set in the \ext{bib}
+file and will trigger a warning if found. The explicit use of the
+\field{group} key will override \bibgls's normal group formation behaviour,
+which can cause unexpected results. The custom use of the
+\field{group} field requires some care. As a general rule, if you
+find yourself wanting to use the \field{group} field in the \ext{bib} file,
+then the chances are that what you actually have is a hierarchical
+glossary (list of topics) and what you really need is the \field{parent} field.
+Compare the example files \exfile{sample-textsymbols.tex} and
+\exfile{sample-textsymbols2.tex}. See also \sectionref{sec:logicaldivisions}.
+There are eight types of groups:
+\item[\idx{lettergroup}] The first non-ignored character of the
+sort value is alphabetic. This type of group occurs when using the
+alphabetic sort methods listed in \tableref{tab:sortoptionsrule} or
+with the letter sort methods listed in
+\tableref{tab:sortoptionsletter} or with the letter-number sort
+methods listed in \tableref{tab:sortoptionsletternumber}. The group
+label is obtained from \gls!{bibglslettergroup}.
+\item[\idx{nonlettergroup} (or \idx{symbolgroup})]
+The first non-ignored character of all the sort values within this group
+are non-alphabetical. This type of group occurs when using the
+alphabetic sort methods listed in \tableref{tab:sortoptionsrule} or
+with the letter sort methods listed in
+\tableref{tab:sortoptionsletter} or with the letter-number sort
+methods listed in \tableref{tab:sortoptionsletternumber}.
+The alphabetic sort methods ignore many punctuation
+characters, so an entry that has a non-alphabetic initial
+character in the sort value may actually be placed in a
+The group label is obtained from \gls!{bibglsothergroup}.
+\item[\idx{emptygroup}] The sort value is empty when sorting with an
+alphabetical, letter or letter-number method, typically a
+result of the original value consisting solely of commands that \bibgls\
+can't interpret. The group label is obtained from \gls!{bibglsemptygroup}.
+\item[\idx{numbergroup}] The entries were sorted by one of the
+numeric comparisons listed in \tableref{tab:sortoptionsnumerical}.
+The group label is obtained from \gls!{bibglsnumbergroup}.
+\item[\idx{datetimegroup}] The entries were sorted by one of the date-time
+comparisons listed in \tableref{tab:sortoptionsdatetime} (where both
+date and time are present).
+The group label is obtained from \gls!{bibglsdatetimegroup}.
+\item[\idx{dategroup}] The entries were sorted by one of the date
+comparisons (where the time is omitted).
+The group label is obtained from \gls!{bibglsdategroup}.
+\item[\idx{timegroup}] The entries were sorted by one of the time
+comparisons (where the date is omitted).
+The group label is obtained from \gls!{bibglstimegroup}.
+\item[\idx{customgroup}] The group label is explicitly set either by
+aliasing a field (with \csopt{field-aliases}) or by using the
+\csopt[\meta{label}]{group} resource option. You will need to use
+\gls{glsxtrsetgrouptitle} in the document to provide an associated title if the
+\meta{label} isn't the same as the title. Remember that the label
+can't contain any active characters, so you can't use non-ASCII
+characters in \meta{label} with \sty{inputenc} (but you can use
+non-ASCII alphanumerics with \sty{fontspec}).
+The \idx{lettergroup} titles will typically have the first character
+converted to \idx{uppercase} for the alphabet sort methods
+(\tableref{tab:sortoptionsrule}). A \qt{letter} may not necessarily
+be a single character (depending on the sort rule), but may be
+composed of multiple characters, such as a \idx{digraph} (two
+characters) or \idx{trigraph} (three characters).
+For example, if the sort rule recognises the digraph \qt{dz} as a
+letter, then it will be converted to \qt{Dz} for the group title.
+There are some exceptions to this. For example, the Dutch digraph
+\qt{ij} should be \qt{IJ} rather than \qt{Ij}. This is indicated
+by the following line in the \langxml:
+<entry key="">IJ</entry>
+If there isn't a \idx{} key (where
+\meta{lc} is the \idx!{lowercase} version), then only the first character
+will be converted to \idx{uppercase} otherwise the value supplied by the
+resource file is used. This resource key is only checked for
+the alphabetical comparisons listed in
+\tableref{tab:sortoptionsrule}. If the initial part of the sort
+value isn't recognised as a letter according to the sort rule, then
+the entry will be in a \idx{nonlettergroup} (even if the character is
+The letter (\tableref{tab:sortoptionsletter}) and letter-number
+(\tableref{tab:sortoptionsletternumber}) methods only select the
+first character of the sort value for the group. If the character is
+alphabetical\footnote{according to Java's
+\code{Character.isAlphabetic(int)} method} then it will be a
+\idx{lettergroup} otherwise it's a \idx{nonlettergroup}. The case-insensitive
+ordering (such as \csopt[letter-nocase]{sort}) will convert the
+letter group character to \idx{uppercase}. The case-sensitive ordering
+(such as \csopt[letter-case]{sort}) won't change the case.
+Glossary styles with navigational links to groups (such as
+\glostyle{indexhypergroup}) require an extra run for the ordinary
+\cs{cs.makeglossaries} and \cs{makenoidxglossaries} methods. For
+example, for the document \filefmt{myDoc.tex}:
+pdflatex myDoc
+makeglossaries myDoc
+pdflatex myDoc
+pdflatex myDoc
+On the first \appfmt{pdflatex} call, there's no glossary. On the second
+\appfmt{pdflatex}, there's a glossary but the glossary must be
+processed to find the group information, which is written to the
+\iext{aux} file as
+The third \appfmt{pdflatex} reads this information and is then able
+to create the navigation links.
+With \bibgls, if the \optfmt{type} is provided (through the
+\field{type} field or via options such as \csopt{type} and
+\csopt{dual-type}) then this information can be determined when
+\bibgls\ is ready to write the \iext{glstex} file, which means that
+the extra \LaTeX\ run isn't necessary. If \bibgls\ doesn't know
+the glossary type then it will fallback on the original method
+which requires an extra \LaTeX\ run.
+For example:
+\gls{GlsXtrLoadResources}\oarg{\csopt[entries]{src},\comment{data in entries.bib}
+ \csopt[main]{type}\comment{put these entries in the 'main' glossary}
+\gls{GlsXtrLoadResources}\oarg{\csopt[abbrvs]{src},\comment{data in abbrvs.bib}
+ \csopt[abbreviations]{type}\comment{put entries in the 'abbreviations' glossary}
+Here the \csopt{type} is set and \bibgls\ can detect that
+\isty{hyperref} has been loaded, so if the \longargfmt{group} switch
+is used, then the group hyperlinks can be set (using
+\gls!{bibglshypergroup}). This means that the build process is
+pdflatex myDoc
+bibtex --group myDoc
+pdflatex myDoc
+Note that this requires \isty{glossaries} v4.32+. If your version of
+\sty{glossaries} is too old then \bibgls\ can't override
+the default behaviour of \isty{glossary-hypernav}'s
+If \isty{hyperref} isn't loaded or the \longargfmt{group} switch
+isn't used or the \field{type} isn't set or your version of
+\sty{glossaries} is too old, then the information can't be saved in
+the \ext{glstex} file.
+For example:
+\gls{GlsXtrLoadResources}\oarg{\csopt[entries]{src}}\comment{data in entries.bib}
+\gls{GlsXtrLoadResources}\oarg{\csopt[abbrvs]{src}}\comment{data in abbrvs.bib}
+This requires the build process:
+pdflatex myDoc
+bibtex --group myDoc
+pdflatex myDoc
+pdflatex myDoc
+because the group hyperlink information can't be determined by
+\bibgls, so it's best to always set the \optfmt{type} if you want
+hyper-group styles, and make sure you have an up-to-date version of
+\styfmt{glossaries} (and \styfmt{glossaries-extra}).
+Don't automatically set the \field{group} field with
+\csopt[auto]{group} (default). The glossary won't have groups even if a
+group style, such as \glostyle{indexgroup}, is used (unless the
+\field{group} field is set to a custom value).
+\bibgls\ tries to determine the character encoding to use for the
+output files. If the document has loaded the \isty{inputenc} package then
+\bibgls\ can obtain the value of the encoding from the
+\iext{aux} file. This is then converted to a name
+recognised by Java. For example, \code{utf8} will be mapped to
+\code{UTF-8}. If the \isty{fontspec} package has been loaded,
+\styfmt{glossaries-extra} will assume the encoding is \code{utf8} and
+write that value to the \ext{aux} file.
+If neither package has been loaded, \bibgls\ will assume the \idx{JVM}['s]
+default encoding (identified by the \code{file.encoding} property). If this is
+incorrect or if \bibgls\ can't work out the appropriate mapping then you can
+specify the correct encoding using \longargfmt{tex-encoding} \meta{name} where
+\meta{name} is the encoding name (such as \code{UTF-8}).
+If you have a problem with non-ASCII characters not displaying
+correctly in your document:
+\item Check that the file encoding of your document \ext{tex} file (or files)
+has been correctly set by your text editor.
+\item Check that your document supports that encoding (for example,
+through the \isty{inputenc} package).
+\item Check \bibgls's transcript file (\ext{glg}) for the line that
+TeX character encoding:
+This should be followed by the encoding used by \bibgls\ when
+creating the \ext{glstex} files. If this is incorrect use
+\item Check that the encoding of the \ext{bib} files (set by your
+text editor or bibliographic management system) matches the encoding
+line in the \ext{bib} file or the \csopt{charset} resource option.
+By default, \gls{newglossaryentry} and similar commands expand field values
+(except for \field{name}, \field{symbol} and \field{description}).
+This is useful if constructing field values programmatically
+(for example in a loop) but can cause a problem if certain fragile
+commands are included in the field.
+The switch \longarg{no-expand-fields} makes \bibgls\ write
+\gls{glsnoexpandfields} to the \iext{glstex} file, which
+switches off the expansion. Since \bibgls\ is simply
+fetching the data from \iext{bib} files, it's unlikely
+that this automatic expansion is required and since it can
+also be problematic this option is on by default. You can
+switch it off with \longarg{expand-fields}.
+Don't write \gls{glsnoexpandfields} to the \iext{glstex} file,
+allowing fields to expand when the entries are defined.
+Remember that this doesn't include the \field{name}, \field{symbol}
+or \field{description} fields, which need to have their
+expansion switched on with \gls{glssetexpandfield}
+before the entries are defined (that is, before using
+Trim leading and trailing spaces from field values. For example,
+if the \ext{bib} file contains:
+ \field{name} = \marg{ sample },
+ \field{description} = \marg{
+ an example
+ }
+This will cause spurious spaces. Using \longarg{trim-fields} will
+automatically trim the values before writing the \iext{glstex} file.
+Don't trim any leading or trailing spaces from field values.
+This is the default setting.
+Switch on record counting. This will ensure that when each entry
+is written to the \iext{glstex} file, \bibgls\ will additionally
+set the following fields
+\item \field{recordcount}: set to the total
+number of records found for the entry;
+\item \field{recordcount.counter}: set to the total
+number of records found for the entry for the given counter.
+These fields can then be used with the \gls{rgls}-like commands.
+The default behaviour of
+is to check the \field{recordcount} field against the \catattr{recordcount}
+attribute value. This attribute can be set with
+where \meta{category list} is a comma-separated list
+of category labels and \meta{value} is a positive integer.
+If the value of the \field{recordcount} field is greater than
+\meta{value} then \gls{rgls} behaves like \ics{gls}, otherwise
+it does
+If the use of \gls{rglsformat} is triggered in this way,
+then \gls{rgls} writes a record to the \iext{aux} file
+with the \glsopt{format} set to \encap{glstriggerrecordformat}.
+This ensures that the record count is correct on the next run,
+but the record isn't added to the location list as
+\bibgls\ recognises it as a special \idx{ignoredrecord}.
+Note that the entry will still appear in the usual glossary unless
+you assign it to a different one with \csopt{trigger-type}.
+If the \catattr{recordcount} attribute hasn't been set
+\gls{rgls} behaves like \ics{gls}. (That is, \gls{rgls}
+uses the same internal command used by \ics{gls}.) You can use
+\ics{glsxtrenablerecordcount} to redefine \ics{gls}
+to \gls{rgls}, so that you can continue to use \ics{gls}
+without having to switch command name.
+For example:
+ \csopt[abbrevs]{src},\comment{entries defined in abbrevs.bib}
+ \csopt[ignored]{trigger-type},
+ \csopt[abbreviation]{category}
+See the \sty{glossaries-extra} user manual~\cite{glossaries-extra}
+for further details.
+Switch off record counting. (Default.)
+Automatically implements \longarg{record-count} and additionally
+sets the \field{recordcount.counter.location} fields.
+These fields can then be used with the \gls{rgls}-like
+Switches off unit record counting. (Default.)
+Note that you need \longarg{no-record-count} to completely
+switch off record counting.
+\chapter{\iext{bib} Format}
+\bibgls\ recognises certain entry types. Any unrecognised types will
+be ignored and a warning will be written to the transcript file.
+Entries are defined in the usual \ext{bib} format:
+ \meta{field-name-1} = \margm{text},
+ \ldots
+ \meta{field-name-n} = \margm{text}
+where \meta{entry-type} is the entry type (listed below),
+\meta{field-name-1}, \ldots, \meta{field-name-n} are the field names and
+\meta{id} is a unique label. The label can't contain any spaces or
+commas, and most special characters are forbidden. The hyphen character and
+some other punctuation characters are allowed by \bibgls, but you need to make
+sure that your document hasn't made them active. In general it's best to
+stick with alpha-numeric labels. The field values may be delimited by braces
+\margm{text} or double-quotes \code{\qtdelim{\meta{text}}}.
+The \csopt{label-prefix} option can be used to instruct \bibgls\ to
+insert prefixes to the labels (\meta{id}) when the data is read.
+Remember to use these prefixes when you reference the entries in the
+document, but don't include them when you reference them in the
+\ext{bib} file. There are some special prefixes that have a
+particular meaning to \bibgls: \qt{\idprefix{dual}} and
+\qt{\idprefix{extn}} where \meta{n} is a positive integer.
+In the first case, \idprefix{dual} references the dual element of a
+dual entry (see \atentry{dualentry}). This prefix will be
+replaced by the value of the \csopt{dual-prefix} option. The
+\idprefix{extn} prefix is used to reference an entry from a
+different set of resources (loaded by another
+\gls{GlsXtrLoadResources} command). This prefix is replaced by the
+corresponding element of the list supplied by \csopt{ext-prefixes},
+but this is only supported if the \idx{crossresourceref} mode is enabled
+(see \sectionref{sec:resourcesets}).
+In the event that the \field{sort} value falls back on the label,
+the original label supplied in the \ext{bib} file is used, not the
+prefixed label.
+Avoid \idx{non-ASCII} characters in the \meta{id} if your document uses the
+\isty{inputenc} package. (This isn't a problem for \XeLaTeX\ or
+\LuaLaTeX, but you still need to avoid special characters.)
+You can set the character \idx{encoding} in the \ext{bib} file using:
+\idx{commentchar} Encoding: \meta{encoding-name}
+where \meta{encoding-name} is the name of the character encoding.
+For example:
+% Encoding: UTF-8
+You can also set the encoding using the \csopt{charset} option,
+but it's simpler to include the above comment on the first line of
+the \ext{bib} file. (This comment is also searched for by JabRef
+to determine the encoding, so it works for both applications.)
+If you don't use either method \bibgls\ will
+have to search the entire \ext{bib} file, which is inefficient and
+you may end up with a mismatched encoding.
+The original \ext{bib} file format as defined by \BibTeX\ doesn't
+have a designated comment character, but instead treats anything
+outside of \code{@\meta{entry}\margm{data}} as unwanted material
+that's ignored. This can catch out users who try to do something
+%@misc{sample, title={Sample} }
+In this case, the percent character is simply discarded and the
+line is treated as:
+@misc{sample, title={Sample} }
+Some applications that parse \ext{bib} files are less tolerant of
+unwanted material. In the case of \bibgls, the percent character is
+treated as a comment character and other unwanted material
+should be omitted. Avoid using comments within field values.
+Comments are best placed outside of entry definitions.
+The most common type of comment is the encoding comment, described
+above. \BibTeX's \entrydef{comment} is also supported by \bibgls\
+for general comments, but not for the encoding. For example, JabRef
+uses \atentryfmt{Comment} for metadata.
+\atentryfmt{Comment}\marg{jabref-meta: databaseType:bib2gls;}
+Each entry type may have required fields, optional fields and
+ignored fields. These are set using a \keyvallist\ within
+\code{@\meta{entry-type}\marg{\meta{id},\meta{fields}}} in the
+\ext{bib} file. Most keys recognised by
+\gls{newglossaryentry} may be used as a field unless \bibgls\
+considers them an internal field (see below). In general, you
+shouldn't need to use the \field{sort} field.
+If an optional field is missing and \bibgls\ needs to access it for
+some reason, \bibgls\ will try to fallback on another value. The
+actual fallback value depends on the entry type. The most common
+fallback is that used if the \field{sort} field is missing, which is
+typically the case. This approach allows different entry types to
+have different fields used for sorting.
+Predefined fields for use in \ext{bib} files are listed in
+Tables~\ref{tab:fields}, \ref{tab:bib2glsfields},
+\ref{tab:prefixfields} and~\ref{tab:accsuppfields}. If you add any
+custom keys in your document using \ics{glsaddkey} or
+\ics{glsaddstoragekey}, those commands must be placed before the
+first use of \gls{GlsXtrLoadResources} to ensure that \bibgls\
+recognises them as a valid field name.
+Internal fields that may be assigned within the document (the
+\LaTeX\ assignment code having been written by \bibgls\ in the
+\iext{glstex} file) are listed in Table~\ref{tab:internalfields}.
+These typically shouldn't be used in the \ext{bib} file. Some of
+these fields can be set for a particular document using a resource
+option, such as \csopt{type} or \csopt{group}. With
+\longarg{warn-non-bib-fields} set, \bibgls\ will check for internal
+fields that can cause interference with its normal operations and
+will warn if any are found in the \ext{bib} file.
+There are also some fields that are set and used by
+\styfmt{glossaries} or \styfmt{glossaries-extra} listed in
+Table~\ref{tab:baseinternalfields} that aren't recognised by \bibgls.
+In most cases these fields don't have a designated key and are only
+intended for internal use by \bibgls\ or by the \styfmt{glossaries} or
+\styfmt{glossaries-extra} package. Note that the value of the \field{sort} field
+written to the \ext{bib} file doesn't always exactly match the sort
+value used by \bibgls\ (which is stored in \field{bib2gls@sort}).
+Any special characters found in the sort value are always substituted
+before writing the \ext{bib} file to avoid syntax errors.
+Any unrecognised fields will be ignored by \bibgls. This is more
+convenient than using \ics{input} or \ics{loadglsentries}, which
+requires all the keys used in the file to be defined, regardless of
+whether or not you actually need them in the document.
+Other entries can be cross-referenced using the \field{see},
+\field{seealso} or \field{alias} fields or
+by using commands like \ics{gls} or \ics{glsxtrp} in any of the
+recognised fields. These will automatically be selected if the
+\csopt{selection} setting includes dependencies, but you may need to
+rebuild the document to ensure the location lists are correct. Use
+of the \ics{glssee} command will create an \idx{ignoredrecord} and the
+\field{see} field will be set to the relevant information. If an
+entry has the \field{see} field already set, any instance of
+\ics{glssee} in the document for that entry will be appended to the
+\field{see} field (provided you have at least v1.14 of
+\sty{glossaries-extra}). In general, it's best just to use the
+\field{see} field and not use \ics{glssee}.
+The \field{seealso} key was only added to \sty{glossaries-extra}
+v1.16, but this field may be used with \bibgls\ even if you only
+have version 1.14 or 1.15. If the key isn't available,
+\code{\field{seealso}=\margm{xr-list}} will be treated as
+\code{\field{see}=\marg{[\ics{seealsoname}]\meta{xr-list}}} (the resource
+option \csopt{seealso} won't have an effect). You can't use both
+\field{see} and \field{seealso} for the same entry with \bibgls.
+Note that the \field{seealso} field doesn't allow for the optional
+\oargm{tag} part. If you need a different tag, either use \field{see}
+or change the definition of \ics{seealsoname} or
+\ics{glsxtruseseealsoformat}. Note that, unless you are using
+\idx{xindy}, \ics{glsxtrindexseealso} just does
+\ics{glssee}\oarg{\ics{seealsoname}}, and so will be treated as \field{see}
+rather than \field{seealso} by \bibgls. Again, it's better to just
+use the \field{seealso} field directly.
+You can identify an arbitrary field as containing a list of dependent entry
+labels with \csopt{dependency-fields}. This instructs \bibgls\ to parse the
+listed fields for dependencies in a similar manner to the \field{see} field,
+but it doesn't add any information to the cross-referencing part of the
+location list. The option may be used in combination with the \field{see} or
+\field{seealso} fields.
+ {basefield,extrafield}
+ {Fields Provided by \styfmt{glossaries-extra}}
+ {tab:fields}
+ {bib2glsfield}
+ {Fields Provided by \bibgls}
+ {tab:bib2glsfields}
+ {prefixfield}%
+ [Fields Provided by \styfmt{glossaries-prefix}]%
+ {Fields Provided by \isty{glossaries-prefix}}
+ {tab:prefixfields}
+ [%
+ Don't load \isty{glossaries-accsupp} directly (with \ics{usepackage})
+ when using \styfmt{glossaries-extra}. Load using the \styopt{accsupp}
+ package option instead.
+ ]%
+ {accessfield}%
+ [Fields Provided by \styfmt{glossaries-accsupp}]%
+ {Fields Provided by \isty{glossaries-accsupp}}
+ {tab:accsuppfields}
+ [%
+ You may define and assign \field{bibtextype} as a key (although it's more
+ likely to be aliased). Don't define any of the others listed in this
+ table, and don't use any of them in the \ext{bib} file. A possible
+ exception is the \field{type} field, but it's more flexible to set
+ that through a resource option. The explicit use of \field{group}
+ within a \ext{bib} file can cause unpredictable
+ results and is best set through a resource option or by \bibgls.
+ In general, you shouldn't need to set the \field{sort} field as
+ appropriate fallbacks should produce useful sort values.%
+ ]%
+ {internalfield}%
+ [Fields Set by \bibgls]%
+ {Fields Sometimes Set by \bibgls\ in the \iext{glstex} File}%
+ {tab:internalfields}
+ [%
+ Don't define any of these as keys and don't use any of them in the \ext{bib}
+ file.%
+ ]%
+ {baseinternalfield}%
+ [Internal Fields Set by \styfmt{glossaries} or \styfmt{glossaries-extra}
+ or \bibgls]%
+ {Internal Fields Set by \isty{glossaries} or \isty{glossaries-extra}
+ or \bibgls}%
+ {tab:baseinternalfields}
+\section{Standard Entry Types}
+The standard \atentry{string} is available and can be used to define
+variables that may be used in field values. Don't include braces or
+double-quote delimiters when referencing a variable. You can use
+\idx{stringconcat} to concatenate strings.
+For example:
+\atentry{string}\marg{ssi=\marg{server-side includes}}
+\atentry{string}\marg{html=\marg{hypertext markup language}}
+ \field{short}=\qtdelim{shtml},
+ \field{long}=ssi \idx{stringconcat} \qtdelim{ enabled } \idx{stringconcat} html,
+ \field{see}=\marg{ssi,html}
+ \field{short}=\qtdelim{html},
+ \field{long}=html
+ \field{short}=\qtdelim{ssi},
+ \field{long}=ssi
+Note the difference between \code{=\qtdelim{ssi}} (a field value delimited by
+double-quotes), the undelimited \code{=ssi} (a reference to the
+variable), the grouped \code{=\marg{ssi,html}} (a field value
+delimited by braces) and \code{ssi} the entry label.
+The standard \atentry{preamble} is available and can be used to
+provide command definitions used within field values.
+For example:
+ \field{name}=\marg{matrix},
+ \field{plural}=\marg{matrices},
+ \field{description}=\marg{rectangular array of values, denoted \idx{mshiftchar}\cmd{mtx}\marg{M}\idx{mshiftchar}}
+Alternatively you can use \ics{glsxtrprovidecommand} which behaves
+the same as \ics{providecommand} within the document but behaves
+like \ics{renewcommand} within \bibgls, which allows you to change
+\bibgls's internal definition of a command without affecting the
+definition within the document (if it's already been defined before
+the resource file is input). In general, it's best to just use
+The \TeX\ parser library used by \bibgls\ will parse the contents of
+\atentry{preamble} before trying to interpret the field value used
+as a fallback when \field{sort} is omitted (unless
+\csopt[false]{interpret-preamble} is set in the resource options).
+For example:
+ \field{name}=\marg{\marg{}\idx{mshiftchar}\cmd{set}\marg{S}\idx{mshiftchar}},
+ \field{text}=\marg{\cmd{set}\marg{S}},
+ \field{description}=\marg{a set}
+ \field{name}=\marg{\marg{}\idx{mshiftchar}\cmd{card}\marg{S}\idx{mshiftchar}},
+ \field{text}=\marg{\cmd{card}\marg{S}},
+ \field{description}=\marg{the cardinality of \cs{gls}\marg{S}}
+Neither entry has the \field{sort} field, so \bibgls\ has to fall
+back on the \field{name} field and, since this contains the special
+characters \idx{escchar} (backslash), \idx{mshiftchar} (maths
+shift), \idx{bgroupchar} (begin group) and
+\idx{egroupchar} (end group), the \TeX\ parser library is used to interpret it.
+The definitions provided by \atentry{preamble} allow \bibgls\ to
+deduce that the \field{sort} value of the \code{S} entry is just
+\code{S} and the \field{sort} value of the \code{card} entry is
+\verb"|S|" (see \sectionref{sec:texparserlib}).
+What happens if you also need to use these commands in the document?
+The definitions provided in \atentry{preamble} won't be available
+until the \iext{glstex} file has been created, which means the
+commands won't be defined on the first \LaTeX\ run.
+There are several approaches:
+\item Just define the commands in the document. This means the
+commands are available, but \bibgls\ won't be able to correctly
+interpret the \field{name} fields.
+\item Define the commands in both the document and in
+\atentry{preamble}. For example:
+If the provided definitions match those given in the \ext{bib} file,
+there's no difference. If they don't match then in the first example
+the document definitions will take precedence (but the interpreter
+will use the \atentry{preamble} definitions) and in the second
+example the \atentry{preamble} definitions will take precedence.
+For example, the document may define \csfmt{card} as:
+\item Make use of \gls{glsxtrfmt} provided by \styfmt{glossaries-extra} which
+allows you to store the name of the formatting command in a field.
+The default is the \field{user1} field, but this can be changed to
+another field by redefining \ics{GlsXtrFmtField}.
+The \ext{bib} file can now look like this:
+ \field{name}=\marg{\marg{}\idx{mshiftchar}\cmd{set}\marg{S}\idx{mshiftchar}},
+ \field{text}=\marg{\cmd{set}\marg{S}},
+ \field{user1}=\marg{set},
+ \field{description}=\marg{a set}
+ \field{name}=\marg{\marg{}\idx{mshiftchar}\cmd{card}\marg{S}\idx{mshiftchar}},
+ \field{text}=\marg{\cmd{card}\marg{S}},
+ \field{user1}=\marg{card},
+ \field{description}=\marg{the cardinality of \cs{gls}\marg{S}}
+Within the document, you can format \meta{text} using the formatting
+command provided in the \field{user1} field with:
+(which internally uses \ics{glslink}) or
+which just applies the appropriate formatting command to
+\meta{text}. Version 1.23+ of \sty{glossaries-extra} also provides a
+starred form of the linking command:
+which inserts additional material inside the link text but outside
+the formatting command.
+If the entry given by \meta{label} hasn't been defined,
+then \gls!{glsxtrfmt} just does \meta{text} (followed by \meta{insert} for
+the starred version) and a warning is issued. (There's no warning
+if the entry is defined but the field hasn't been set.)
+The \meta{options} are as for \ics{glslink} but \ics{glslink} will
+actually be using:
+where the default options \meta{def-options} are given by
+\ics{GlsXtrFmtDefaultOptions}. The default definition of this is
+just \code{noindex} which suppresses the automatic indexing or
+recording action. (See the \sty{glossaries-extra}
+manual~\cite{glossaries-extra} for further details.) The
+\meta{insert} part is omitted for the unstarred form.
+This means that the document doesn't need to actually provide
+\verb|\set| or \verb|\card| but can instead use, for example,
+instead of:
+The first \LaTeX\ run will simply ignore the formatting and produce
+a warning.
+Since this is a bit cumbersome to write, you can provide shortcut
+commands. For example:
+Whilst this doesn't seem a great deal different from simply
+providing the definitions of \csfmt{set} and \csfmt{card} in the
+document, this means you don't have to worry about remembering
+the names of the actual commands provided in the \ext{bib} file
+(just the entry labels) and the use of \gls{glsxtrfmt} will
+automatically produce a hyperlink to the glossary entry if the
+\isty{hyperref} package has been loaded.
+Here's an alternative \ext{bib} that defines entries with a term, a
+description and a symbol:
+ \field{name}=\marg{set},
+ \field{symbol}=\marg{\cmd{setfmt}\marg{S}},
+ \field{user1}=\marg{setfmt},
+ \field{description}=\marg{collection of values}
+ \field{name}=\marg{cardinality},
+ \field{symbol}=\marg{\cmd{cardfmt}\marg{S}},
+ \field{user1}=\marg{cardfmt},
+ \field{description}=\marg{the number of elements in the \cs{gls}\marg{set} \idx{mshiftchar}\cs{glssymbol}\marg{set}\idx{mshiftchar}}
+I've changed the entry labels and the names of the formatting commands.
+The definitions in the document need to reflect the change in label
+but not the change in the formatting commands:
+Here's another approach that allows for a more complicated argument
+for the cardinality. (For example, if the argument is an expression
+involving set unions or intersections.)
+The \ext{bib} file is now:
+ \field{name}=\marg{set},
+ \field{symbol}=\marg{\cmd{setfmt}\marg{S}},
+ \field{user1}=\marg{setfmt},
+ \field{description}=\marg{collection of values}
+ \field{name}=\marg{cardinality},
+ \field{symbol}=\marg{\cmd{cardfmt}\marg{\cmd{setfmt}\marg{S}}},
+ \field{user1}=\marg{cardfmt},
+ \field{description}=\marg{the number of elements in the \cs{gls}\marg{set} \idx{mshiftchar}\cs{glssymbol}\marg{set}\idx{mshiftchar}}
+This has removed the \csfmt{setfmt} command from the definition of
+\csfmt{cardfmt}. Now the definitions in the document are:
+This allows for code such as:
+\[ \gcard{\gset{A} \cap \gset{B}} \]
+which will link back to the \code{cardinality} entry in the
+glossary and avoids any hyperlinking with \csfmt{gset}.
+Alternatively to avoid links with \csfmt{gcard} as well:
+Now \csfmt{gset} and \csfmt{gcard} are simply formatting commands,
+but their actual definitions are determined in the \ext{bib} file.
+\section{Single Entry Types}
+The entry types described in this section create a single glossary
+definition per entry (from \styfmt{glossaries-extra}'s point of view).
+For example:
+ \field{name}=\marg{matrix},
+ \field{plural}=\marg{matrices},
+ \field{description}=\marg{rectangular array of values}
+is analogous to:
+ \field{name}=\marg{matrix},
+ \field{plural}=\marg{matrices},
+ \field{description}=\marg{rectangular array of values}
+The \csopt{secondary} option allows the creation of a fake glossary
+with the entry labels in its internal list in a different order.
+This means that the same data can be displayed in two separate lists
+without duplicating the resources required by each glossary entry.
+\Sectionref{sec:dualentry} describes \bibgls\ entry types
+that create two separate (but related) \styfmt{glossaries-extra}
+definitions per \ext{bib} entry.
+Regular terms are defined by the \atentry{entry} field. This requires the
+\field{description} field and either \field{name} or \field{parent}.
+For example:
+ \field{name}=\marg{matrix},
+ \field{plural}=\marg{matrices},
+ \field{description}=\marg{rectangular array of values, denoted \cs{gls}\marg{M}},
+ \field{seealso}=\marg{vector}
+ \field{name}=\marg{\cs{ensuremath}\marg{M}},
+ \field{description}=\marg{a \cs{gls}\marg{matrix}}
+ \field{name} = \qtdelim{vector},
+ \field{description} = \marg{column or row of values, denoted \cs{gls}\marg{v}},
+ \field{seealso}=\marg{matrix}
+ \field{name}=\marg{\cs{ensuremath}\marg{\cs{vec}\marg{v}}},
+ \field{description}=\marg{a \cs{gls}\marg{vector}}
+If the \field{sort} field is missing the default is obtained from
+the \field{name} field (unless overridden by
+\csopt{entry-sort-fallback}). For hierarchical entries, if the
+\field{name} field is omitted it will be obtained from the parent's
+Terms defined using \atentry{entry} will be written to the output
+(\ext{glstex}) file using the command \gls!{bibglsnewentry}.
+The \atentry{symbol} entry type is much like \atentry{entry}, but it's
+designed specifically for symbols, so in the previous example, the
+\code{M} and \code{v} terms would be better defined using the
+\atentry{symbol} entry type instead. For example:
+ \field{name}=\marg{\cs{ensuremath}\marg{M}},
+ \field{description}=\marg{a \cs{gls}\marg{matrix}}
+The required fields are \field{name} or \field{parent}. The
+\field{description} field is required if the \field{name} field is
+missing. If the \field{sort} field is omitted, the default sort is
+given by the entry label (unless overridden by
+\csopt{symbol-sort-fallback}). Note that this is different from
+\atentry{entry} where the sort defaults to \field{name} if omitted.
+Terms that are defined using \atentry{symbol} will be written to
+the output file using the command \gls!{bibglsnewsymbol}.
+The \atentry{number} entry type is like \atentry{symbol}, but it's for
+numbers. The numbers don't have to be explicit digits and may have a
+symbolic representation. There's no real difference between the
+behaviour of \atentry{number} and \atentry{symbol} except that terms
+defined using \atentry{number} will be written to the output file
+using the command \gls!{bibglsnewnumber}.
+For example, the file \filefmt{constants.bib} might define
+mathematical constants like this:
+ \field{name}=\marg{\cs{ensuremath}\marg{\ics{pi}}},
+ \field{description}=\marg{the ratio of the length of the circumference
+ of a circle to its diameter},
+ \field{user1}=\marg{3.14159}
+ \field{name}=\marg{\cs{ensuremath}\marg{e}},
+ \field{description}=\marg{base of natural logarithms},
+ \field{user1}=\marg{2.71828}
+This stores the approximate value in the \field{user1} field. This
+can be used to sort the entries in numerical order according to the
+values rather than the symbols:
+ \csopt[constants]{src},\comment{constants.bib}
+ \csopt[number]{category},\comment{set the category for all selected entries}
+ \csopt[double]{sort},\comment{numerical double-precision sort}
+ \csopt[user1]{sort-field}\comment{sort according to 'user1' field}
+The \csopt[number]{category} option makes it easy to adjust the
+glossary format to include the \field{user1} field:
+ \cs{ifglshasfield}\marg{useri}\marg{\cs{glscurrententrylabel}}\comment{}
+ \marg{ (approximate value: \cs{glscurrentfieldvalue})}\comment{}
+ \marg{}\comment{}
+The \atentry{index} entry type is designed for entries that don't
+have a description. Only the label is required. If \field{name} is
+omitted, it's assumed to be the same as the label, even if
+\field{parent} is present. (Note this is different to the fallback
+behaviour of \atentry{entry}, which fetches the name from the parent
+entry.) If the name contains any characters that can't be used in
+the label, you must use the \field{name} field. If the \field{sort}
+field is missing the default is obtained from the \field{name}.
+Note that the \atentry{index} entry type is \emph{not} governed by
+\csopt{entry-sort-fallback}. This allows \atentry{index} and
+\atentry{entry} to have different fallbacks if the \field{sort}
+field is missing.
+\atentry{index}\marg{sealion,\field{name}=\marg{sea lion}}
+Terms that are defined using \atentry{index} will be written to the output
+file using the command \gls!{bibglsnewindex}.
+The \atentry{indexplural} entry type is similar to the
+\atentry{index} entry type except that the \field{name} field, if
+missing, is obtained from the \field{plural} field. If the
+\field{plural} field is missing it's obtained from the \field{text}
+field with the plural suffix appended. If the \field{text} field is
+missing, it's obtained from the original entry label. If the
+\field{sort} field is missing the default is obtained from the
+\field{name} field. (As with \atentry{index}, \atentry{indexplural}
+is \emph{not} governed by \csopt{entry-sort-fallback}.)
+All fields are optional. For example:
+ \field{plural} = \marg{geese}
+ \field{text} = \marg{ch\ics{cs.circum}ateau},
+ \field{plural} = \marg{ch\cs{cs.circum}ateaux}
+This is equivalent to:
+ \field{name} = \marg{geese},
+ \field{text} = \marg{goose},
+ \field{plural} = \marg{geese}
+ \field{name} = \marg{ducks},
+ \field{text} = \marg{duck},
+ \field{plural} = \marg{ducks}
+ \field{name} = \marg{ch\cs{cs.circum}ateaux},
+ \field{text} = {ch\cs{cs.circum}ateau},
+ \field{plural} = {ch\cs{cs.circum}ateaux}
+Terms that are defined using \atentry{indexplural} will be written to the output
+file using the command \gls!{bibglsnewindexplural}.
+The \atentry{abbreviation} entry type is designed for abbreviations.
+The required fields are \field{short} and \field{long}. If the
+\field{sort} key is missing, \bibgls\ will use the field given by
+\csopt{abbreviation-sort-fallback}, which defaults to the \field{short} field.
+(If you want an equivalent of \gls!{newdualentry}, use
+\atentry{dualabbreviationentry} instead.)
+If you use \csopt[name]{sort-field} (rather than the default
+\csopt[sort]{sort-field}), then the fallback for the
+\field{name} field is always the \field{short} field, regardless of
+the \csopt{abbreviation-sort-fallback} setting, unless you use
+\csopt{abbreviation-name-fallback} to change the fallback for the
+\field{name} field.
+Note that you must set the abbreviation style before loading the
+resource file to ensure that the abbreviations are defined
+correctly, however \bibgls\ has no knowledge of the abbreviation
+style so it doesn't know if the \field{description} field must be
+included or if the default \field{sort} value isn't simply the value
+of the \field{short} field.
+You can instruct \bibgls\ to sort by the \field{long} field instead
+using \csopt[long]{abbreviation-sort-fallback}. You can also tell \bibgls\ to
+ignore certain fields using \csopt{ignore-fields}, so you can
+include a \field{description} field in the \ext{bib} file if
+you sometimes need it, and then instruct \bibgls\ to ignore it when
+you don't want it.
+For example:
+ \field{short} = \marg{html},
+ \field{long} = \marg{hypertext markup language},
+ \field{description} = \marg{a markup language for creating web pages}
+If you want the \abbrstyle{long-noshort-desc} style, then you can put
+the following in your document (where the \ext{bib} file is called
+ \csopt[long]{abbreviation-sort-fallback}}
+Whereas, if you want the \abbrstyle{long-short-sc} style, then you can
+instead do:
+or to convert the short value to \idx{uppercase} and use the
+\abbrstyle{long-short-sm} style instead:
+ \csopt[uc]{short-case-change},\comment{convert short value to upper case}
+ \csopt[description]{ignore-fields}}
+Case-changing can be applied with \csopt{short-case-change} to
+convert the case of the \field{short} field, as illustrated above.
+If you use a style that obtains the \field{description} from the
+\field{long} form, but you want to apply a case-change to the
+\field{description} field with \csopt{description-case-change}, then
+you can copy the \field{long} field to the \field{description} with
+For example, if \filefmt{entries-abbrv.bib} contains:
+ \field{short} = \marg{html},
+ \field{long} = \marg{hypertext markup language}
+then the document may include:
+ \csopt[firstuc]{description-case-change},
+ \csopt[\field{long}=\field{description}]{replicate-fields}}
+Note that this can cause a problem for styles that set the
+\field{description} field to the \field{long} form encapsulated by a
+style command (such as with the \abbrstyle{long-em-short-em} style)
+as this will override the style setting.
+Similarly, if you want to change the case of the \field{name} field:
+ \csopt[firstuc]{description-case-change},
+ \csopt[uc]{name-case-change},
+ \csopt[\field{long}=\field{description},\field{short}=\field{name}]{replicate-fields}}
+Again, this will lose any custom formatting command that would
+usually be applied by the abbreviation style to the \field{name}
+field (and \field{description}, if applicable).
+Terms defined using \atentry{abbreviation} will be written to the output
+file using the command \gls!{bibglsnewabbreviation}.
+The \atentry{acronym} entry type is like \atentry{abbreviation} except that
+the term is written to the output file using the command
+The \atentry{contributor} entry type is primarily provided for use
+by the \atentry{bibtexentry} type. You may use it explicitly
+if you want, but you need to take care that it doesn't clash with
+\atentry{bibtexentry}. It behaves much like \atentry{index} except that the
+term is written to the \ext{glstex} file using the command
+\gls!{bibglsnewcontributor}. There are no required fields. As with
+\atentry{index}, if the \field{name} field is missing, the fallback
+value is the entry's label. When this entry type is automatically
+created by \atentry{bibtexentry}, the \field{name} is set to
+If you do explicitly use \atentry{contributor} you need to make sure it's
+defined \emph{before} the first instance of \atentry{bibtexentry} that
+tries to access it, but within the same resource set. If you ensure that
+the label of \atentry{contributor} matches the contributor label generated by
+\atentry{bibtexentry} then they can have their dependency lists
+updated, and
+the \field{bibtexentry} and \field{bibtexentry@entrytype} internal
+fields can be set for the
+\atentry{contributor} entry. For example:
+ \field{name}=\marg{\gls{bibglscontributor}\marg{Donald E.}\marg{}\marg{Knuth}\marg{}},
+ \field{description}=\marg{Famous mathematician and computer scientist who
+ created \cmd{TeX}}
+ title = \marg{The {\cmd{TeX} book}},
+ author = \marg{Donald E. Knuth},
+ publisher = \marg{Addison-Wesley},
+ year = 1986
+The resource options then need to include:
+ \csopt[\ics{GlsXtrBibTeXEntryAliases}]{entry-type-aliases},
+ \csopt[
+ \marg{[ \cs{cs.string}\csfmt{-}\cs{cs.string}\csfmt{.}]}\marg{}
+ ]{labelify-replace}
+If the \atentry{contributor} entry is deferred until after the
+corresponding \atentry{bibtexentry} then you will end up with a label clash.
+\section{Dual Entry Types}
+The entry types described in this section create two separate (but
+related) \styfmt{glossaries-extra} entry definitions per \ext{bib}
+entry. The first of these entries is considered the
+\idx{primary} entry, and the second is the \idx{dual} entry
+(also referred to as the \idx{secondary} entry, but is not
+related to the \csopt{secondary} option). The naming scheme is
+\code{@dual}\meta{entry-type} where both the primary and dual are
+considered to have the same type of entry (such as
+\atentry{dualsymbol} where both the primary and dual are
+functionally like \atentry{symbol}) or
+\code{@dual}\meta{primary}\meta{dual} where the primary
+is functionally like \code{@}\meta{primary} and the dual is
+functionally like \code{@}\meta{dual}.
+For example:
+ \field{short} = \marg{SVM},
+ \field{long} = \marg{support vector machine},
+ \field{description} = \marg{statistical pattern recognition technique}
+is like:
+ \field{short} = \marg{SVM},
+ \field{long} = \marg{support vector machine},
+ \field{text} = \marg{SVM},
+ \field{name} = \marg{support vector machine},
+ \field{description} = \marg{statistical pattern recognition technique}
+and is analogous to:
+\gls{newabbreviation}\marg{svm}\marg{SVM}\marg{support vector machine}
+\gls{newglossaryentry}\marg{dual.svm}\marg{\field{name}=\marg{support vector machine},\field{text}=\marg{SVM},
+ \field{description}=\marg{statistical pattern recognition technique}}
+but both entries are considered dependent on each other. This means
+that if you only reference the primary entry (using \ics{gls} etc)
+then the dual entry will still be selected if the \csopt{selection}
+setting includes dependencies.
+The creation of the dual entry involves mapping or copying fields
+from the primary entry. Each dual entry type has a set of mappings.
+If a field in the set of mappings is missing, its fallback value is
+used. Any fields that aren't listed in the mappings are simply copied,
+except for the \field{alias} field, which will never be copied to
+the dual entry, nor can it be mapped. The alias will only apply to
+the primary entry. The dual entry is given the label
+\meta{prefix}\meta{id} where \meta{prefix} is set by the
+\csopt{dual-prefix} option and \meta{id} is the label supplied in
+the \ext{bib} file.
+If \csopt[combine]{dual-sort} then the dual entries will be sorted
+along with the primary entries, otherwise the \csopt{dual-sort}
+indicates how to sort the dual entries and the dual entries will be
+appended to the end of the \ext{glstex} file. The
+\csopt{dual-sort-field} determines what field to use for the sort
+value if the dual entries should be sorted separately.
+Take care if you have a mixture of entry types (such as
+\atentry{dualindexentry}, \atentry{dualindexsymbol}
+and \atentry{index}) and you're not
+using the default \csopt[combine]{dual-sort}. Remember that the
+primary entries are all sorted together along with the single
+entries types described in \sectionref{sec:dualentry} (but they may
+be assigned to different glossary types), and then the dual entries
+are sorted together (but may be assigned to different glossary
+types). This may result in an odd ordering if some of the primaries
+and some of the duals are assigned to the same glossary. For
+example, don't mix \atentry{dualindexabbreviation} (duals are
+abbreviations) with \atentry{dualabbreviationentry} (primaries
+are abbreviations) when you aren't using \csopt[combine]{dual-sort}
+(unless you have two different glossaries for the primary vs dual
+Remember that \bibgls\ is designed to take advantage of
+\ics{printunsrtglossary}, which simply iterates over all defined
+entries in the order in which they were defined (or, more precisely,
+the order of the internal list of entry labels associated with that
+glossary). The aim of \bibgls\ is to write the entry definitions to
+the \ext{glstex} file so that the internal list of labels is in the
+appropriate order.
+For example, suppose the file \filefmt{entries.bib} contains:
+ \field{short}=\marg{XML},
+ \field{long}=\marg{extensible markup language}
+ \field{short}=\marg{SSI},
+ \field{long}=\marg{server-side includes},
+ \field{description}=\marg{directives placed in \cs{gls}\marg{html} pages
+ evaluated by the server}
+ \field{short}=\marg{HTML},
+ \field{long}=\marg{hypertext markup language}
+ \field{short}=\marg{CSS},
+ \field{long}=\marg{cascading stylesheets},
+ \field{description}=\marg{a language that describes the style of an
+ \cs{gls}\marg{html} document}
+This contains a mixture of entry types, including
+\atentry{dualindexabbreviation} (where the dual is the
+abbreviation) and \atentry{dualabbreviationentry} (where the
+primary is the abbreviation).
+Now consider the following document:
+This uses the default \csopt[combine]{sort}, so all the entries are
+sorted together, resulting in the order:
+The \LaTeX\ code written to the \iext{glstex} file is essentially
+(but not exactly):
+\comment{from \atentry{index}\marg{aardvark}:}
+\comment{dual of \atentry{dualabbreviationentry}\marg{css,\ldots}:}
+\gls{newglossaryentry}\marg{dual.css}\marg{\field{name}=\marg{cascading stylesheets},\marg{text}=\marg{CSS},
+ \field{description}=\marg{a language that describes the style of an
+ \cs{glsxtrshort}\marg{html} document}}
+\comment{primary of \atentry{dualabbreviationentry}\marg{css,\ldots}:}
+\gls{newabbreviation}\marg{css}\marg{CSS}\marg{cascading stylesheets}
+\comment{primary of \atentry{dualindexabbreviation}\marg{html,\ldots}:}
+\comment{dual of \atentry{dualindexabbreviation}\marg{html,\ldots}:}
+\gls{newabbreviation}\marg{dual.html}\marg{HTML}\marg{hypertext markup language}
+\comment{from \atentry{index}\marg{mouse}:}
+\comment{dual of \atentry{dualabbreviationentry}\marg{ssi,\ldots}:}
+\gls{newglossaryentry}\marg{dual.ssi}\marg{\field{name}=\marg{server-side includes},\field{text}=\marg{SSI},
+ \field{description}=\marg{directives placed in \cs{glsxtrshort}\marg{html} pages
+ evaluated by the server}}
+\comment{primary of \atentry{dualabbreviationentry}\marg{ssi,\ldots}:}
+\gls{newabbreviation}\marg{ssi}\marg{SSI}\marg{server-side includes}
+\comment{primary of \atentry{dualindexabbreviation}\marg{xml,\ldots}:}
+\comment{dual of \atentry{dualindexabbreviation}\marg{xml,\ldots}:}
+\gls{newabbreviation}\marg{dual.xml}\marg{XML}\marg{extensible markup language}
+\comment{from \atentry{index}\marg{zebra}:}
+Since the document uses the \styopt{abbreviations} package option,
+\gls{newabbreviation} automatically assigns the abbreviation
+to the \code{abbreviations} glossary (created through that package
+option). This means that the \code{main} (default) glossary
+contains the entries (in order):
+\item \code{aardvark} (name: aardvark),
+\item \code{dual.css} (name: cascading stylesheets),
+\item \code{html} (name: HTML),
+\item \code{mouse} (name: mouse),
+\item \code{dual.ssi} (name: server-side includes),
+\item \code{xml} (name: XML),
+\item \code{zebra} (name: zebra).
+The \code{abbreviations} glossary contains:
+\item \code{css} (short: CSS),
+\item \code{dual.html} (short: HTML),
+\item \code{ssi} (short: SSI),
+\item \code{dual.xml} (short: XML).
+Since all the entries were combined and sorted together, the
+resulting glossaries are both ordered alphabetically (using
+\field{short} for the abbreviations and \field{name} for the rest),
+but note that you need to take care when referencing the
+abbreviations if you want to make use of the abbreviation style. You
+need \verb|\gls{css}| and \verb|\gls{ssi}| for the primary
+abbreviations created with \atentry{dualabbreviationentry} and
+\verb|\gls{dual.html}| and \verb|\gls{dual.xml}| for the dual
+abbreviations created with \atentry{dualindexabbreviation}. Also
+the \field{name} of the primary\slash dual alternative of the
+abbreviations is also inconsistent (short form for \code{html} and
+\code{xml} and long form for \code{dual.css} and \code{dual.ssi}),
+as different field mappings are used.
+If the document is changed so that the dual entries are now
+sorted and written after all the primary entries have been dealt
+ \csopt[entries]{src},
+ \csopt[letter-nocase]{dual-sort},
+ \csopt[all]{selection}
+then \bibgls\ first orders the primaries:
+\item \code{aardvark} (name: aardvark),
+\item \code{css} (short: CSS),
+\item \code{html} (name: HTML),
+\item \code{mouse} (name: mouse),
+\item \code{ssi} (short: SSI),
+\item \code{xml} (name: XML),
+\item \code{zebra} (name: zebra)
+and writes them to the \ext{glstex} file
+(functionally like):
+\comment{from \atentry{index}\marg{aardvark}:}
+\comment{primary of \atentry{dualabbreviationentry}\marg{css,\ldots}:}
+\gls{newabbreviation}\marg{css}\marg{CSS}\marg{cascading stylesheets}
+\comment{primary of \atentry{dualindexabbreviation}\marg{html,\ldots}:}
+\comment{from \atentry{index}\marg{mouse}:}
+\comment{primary of \atentry{dualabbreviationentry}\marg{ssi,\ldots}:}
+\gls{newabbreviation}\marg{ssi}\marg{SSI}\marg{server-side includes}
+\comment{primary of \atentry{dualindexabbreviation}\marg{xml,\ldots}:}
+\comment{from \atentry{index}\marg{zebra}:}
+Then \bibgls\ orders the duals:
+\item \code{dual.css} (name: cascading stylesheets),
+\item \code{dual.html} (short: HTML),
+\item \code{dual.ssi} (name: server-side includes),
+\item \code{dual.xml} (short: XML)
+and writes them to the \ext{glstex} file
+(functionally like):
+\comment{dual of \atentry{dualabbreviationentry}\marg{css,\ldots}:}
+\gls{newglossaryentry}\marg{dual.css}\marg{\field{name}=\marg{cascading stylesheets},\field{text}=\marg{CSS},
+ \field{description}=\marg{a language that describes the style of an
+ \cs{glsxtrshort}\marg{html} document}}
+\comment{dual of \atentry{dualindexabbreviation}\marg{html,\ldots}:}
+\gls{newabbreviation}\marg{dual.html}\marg{HTML}\marg{hypertext markup language}
+\comment{dual of \atentry{dualabbreviationentry}\marg{ssi,\ldots}:}
+\gls{newglossaryentry}\marg{dual.ssi}\marg{\field{name}=\marg{server-side includes},\field{text}=\marg{SSI},
+ \field{description}=\marg{directives placed in \cs{glsxtrshort}\marg{html} pages
+ evaluated by the server}}
+\comment{dual of \atentry{dualindexabbreviation}\marg{xml,\ldots}:}
+\gls{newabbreviation}\marg{dual.xml}\marg{XML}\marg{extensible markup language}
+When the \ext{glstex} file is input (during the next \LaTeX\ run)
+the entries are defined in the order:
+\item \code{aardvark} (type: \code{main}),
+\item \code{css} (type: \code{abbreviations}),
+\item \code{html} (type: \code{main}),
+\item \code{mouse} (type: \code{main}),
+\item \code{ssi} (type: \code{abbreviations}),
+\item \code{xml} (type: \code{main}),
+\item \code{zebra} (type: \code{main}),
+\item \code{dual.css} (type: \code{main}),
+\item \code{dual.html} (type: \code{abbreviations}),
+\item \code{dual.ssi} (type: \code{main}),
+\item \code{dual.xml} (type: \code{abbreviations}).
+This means that the \code{main} glossary's internal list is in the
+\item \code{aardvark} (aardvark),
+\item \code{html} (HTML),
+\item \code{mouse} (mouse),
+\item \code{xml} (XML),
+\item \code{zebra} (zebra),
+\item \code{dual.css} (cascading stylesheets),
+\item \code{dual.ssi} (server-side includes)
+and the \code{abbreviations} glossary's internal list is in the order:
+\item \code{css} (CSS),
+\item \code{ssi} (SSI),
+\item \code{dual.html} (HTML),
+\item \code{dual.xml} (XML).
+The lists are no longer in alphabetical order as they have a mixture
+of primary and dual entries that were separated before sorting.
+The above is a fairly contrived example as it wouldn't make sense
+in a real document to have glossary terms (that include a
+description) mixed with index terms (that don't include a
+A better solution would be to use
+\atentry{tertiaryindexabbreviationentry} instead of
+The \atentry{dualentry} entry type is similar to \atentry{entry} but
+actually defines two entries.
+The dual entry contains the same information as the primary entry
+but some of the fields are swapped around.
+The default mappings are:
+\item \field{name} $\mapsto$ \field{description}
+\item \field{plural} $\mapsto$ \field{descriptionplural}
+\item \field{description} $\mapsto$ \field{name}
+\item \field{descriptionplural} $\mapsto$ \field{plural}
+The required fields are as for \atentry{entry}.
+For example:
+ \field{name}=\marg{child},
+ \field{plural}=\marg{children},
+ \field{description}=\marg{enfant}
+is like:
+ \field{name}=\marg{child},
+ \field{plural}=\marg{children},
+ \field{description}=\marg{enfant}
+ \field{descriptionplural}=\marg{enfants}
+ \field{description}=\marg{child},
+ \field{descriptionplural}=\marg{children},
+ \field{name}=\marg{enfant}
+ \field{plural}=\marg{enfants}
+where \idprefix{dual} is replaced by the value of the
+\csopt{dual-prefix} option. However, instead of defining the entries
+with \csfmt{bibglsnewentry} both the primary and dual entries are
+defined using \gls!{bibglsnewdualentry}. The \field{category}
+and \field{type} fields can be set for the dual entry using the
+\csopt{dual-category} and \csopt{dual-type} options.
+For example:
+ \csopt[entries-dual]{src},\comment{data in entries-dual.bib}
+ \csopt[english]{type},\comment{put primary entries in glossary 'english'}
+ \csopt[french]{dual-type},\comment{put dual entries in glossary 'french'}
+ \csopt[dictionary]{category},\comment{set the primary category to 'dictionary'}
+ \csopt[dictionary]{dual-category},\comment{set the dual category to 'dictionary'}
+ \csopt[en]{sort},\comment{sort primary entries according to language 'en'}
+ \csopt[fr]{dual-sort}\comment{sort dual entries according to language 'fr'}
+There are no required fields. The primary
+entry behaves like \atentry{index} and the dual entry behaves
+like \atentry{entry}. The default field mapping is:
+\item \field{name} $\mapsto$ \field{name}
+This doesn't actually perform any swapping of fields, but it
+provides the field used for backlinks (if
+\csopt{dual-indexentry-backlink} is set). The reason that the primary
+(rather than the dual) is like \atentry{index} is to allow the
+primaries to merge with any \atentry{index} entries found in the
+resource set, since glossary entries with descriptions are likely to
+be a subset of all indexed entries.
+If no \field{name} is given, the dual entry is assigned the
+(unprefixed) entry label. For example:
+ \field{description}=\marg{ordered list of values}
+This is effectively like:
+ \field{name}=\marg{array},
+ \field{description}=\marg{ordered list of values}
+The primary entries are defined using
+which by default sets the \field{category} to \optfmt{index}
+(although this may be overridden, for example, by the \csopt{category} option).
+The dual entries are defined with
+This is the most convenient way of having an entry that's also
+automatically indexed. For example, suppose the file
+\filefmt{terms.bib} contains:
+and suppose the file \filefmt{entries.bib} contains:
+ \field{description}=\marg{ordered list of values}
+ \field{name}=\marg{vector},
+ \field{description}=\marg{column or row of values}
+ \field{description}=\marg{collection of values}
+ \field{plural}=\marg{matrices},
+ \field{description}=\marg{rectangular array of values}
+These entries can be used in an example document that has an
+index and a glossary:
+ \csopt[terms,entries]{src},
+ \csopt[index]{type},
+ \csopt[idx.]{label-prefix},
+ \csopt[gls.]{dual-prefix},
+ \csopt[primary]{combine-dual-locations},
+ \csopt[main]{dual-type}
+\cs{gls}\marg{gls.array}, \cs{gls}\marg{gls.vector}, \cs{gls}\marg{gls.set}, \cs{gls}\marg{gls.matrix}.
+\cs{gls}\marg{}, \cs{gls}\marg{idx.aardvark}, \cs{gls}\marg{idx.zebra}.
+This uses \csopt{combine-dual-locations} to combine the locations
+for the primary and dual entries so that they only appear in the
+To avoid the inconvenience of remembering which prefix to use, you can
+set up the prefixes with \ics{glsxtraddlabelprefix} and reference entries
+with \ics{dgls}, \ics{dGls} etc instead of \cs{gls}, \cs{Gls} etc.
+The \atentry{dualindexabbreviation} entry type is similar to
+\atentry{dualindexentry} and again, by default, the
+field mapping is:
+\item \field{name} $\mapsto$ \field{name}
+However in this case the required fields are \field{short} and
+\field{long}. The \field{name} for the primary entry defaults to
+\field{short} if omitted. (This may be changed with the
+\csopt{abbreviation-name-fallback} option.) The fallback for the
+\field{sort} field is given by \csopt{abbreviation-sort-fallback},
+which defaults to the \field{short} field.
+For example:
+ \field{short} = \marg{HTML},
+ \field{long} = \marg{hypertext markup language}
+is like:
+ \field{short} = \marg{HTML},
+ \field{long} = \marg{hypertext markup language}
+The primary term is defined using
+\gls!{bibglsnewdualindexabbreviation}, which encapsulates the
+\field{name} to match the font used by
+the dual abbreviation. The encapsulation command depends
+on the \csopt{abbreviation-name-fallback} value. If it's
+the \field{short} field then \gls{bibglsuseabbrvfont} is
+used, otherwise \gls{bibglsuselongfont} is used.
+The primary definition also
+by default sets the \field{category} to \optfmt{index} (although
+this again may be overridden).
+The dual term is defined using
+The \atentry{dualindexsymbol} entry type is similar to
+\atentry{dualindexentry}, but by default the
+field mappings are:
+\item \field{symbol} $\mapsto$ \field{name}
+\item \field{name} $\mapsto$ \field{symbol}
+\item \field{symbolplural} $\mapsto$ \field{plural}
+\item \field{plural} $\mapsto$ \field{symbolplural}
+The required field is: \field{symbol}.
+If the \field{name} field is omitted, the dual entry is assigned a
+symbol from the original (unprefixed) label.
+The primary entries are defined using
+which by default sets the \field{category} to \optfmt{index},
+and the dual entries are defined using
+which by default sets the \field{category} to \optfmt{symbol}.
+For example:
+ \field{symbol}=\marg{\cs{ensuremath}\marg{\ics{pi}}},
+ \field{description}=\marg{ratio of a circle's circumference to its diameter}
+is like:
+ \field{name}=\marg{\cs{ensuremath}\marg{\cs{pi}}},
+ \field{symbol}=\marg{pi},
+ \field{description}=\marg{ratio of a circle's circumference to its diameter}
+For example, suppose I have a file called \filefmt{symbols.bib} that
+ \field{symbol}=\marg{\cs{ensuremath}\marg{\cs{pi}}},
+ \field{description}=\marg{ratio of a circle's circumference to its diameter}
+ \field{name}=\marg{Euler's number},
+ \field{symbol}=\marg{\cs{ensuremath}\marg{e}},
+ \field{description}=\marg{base of the natural logarithm}
+Then the previous example document can be modified to have an index,
+a glossary and a list of symbols:
+ \cs{longnewglossaryentry*}\marg{\idx{param}1}\marg{\field{name}=\marg{\idx{param}3},\field{category}=symbol,\comment{}
+ \field{symbol}=\marg{\idx{param}4},\idx{param}2,\field{type}=\marg{symbols}}\marg{\idx{param}5}\comment{}
+ \csopt[entries,terms,symbols]{src},
+ \csopt[index]{type},
+ \csopt{set-widest},
+ \csopt[idx.]{label-prefix},
+ \csopt[\empty]{dual-prefix},
+ \csopt[primary]{combine-dual-locations},
+ \csopt[letter-case]{dual-sort},
+ \csopt[main]{dual-type}
+\cs{gls}\marg{array}, \cs{gls}\marg{vector}, \cs{gls}\marg{set}, \cs{glspl}\marg{matrix}.
+\cmd{idx}\marg{duck}, \cmd{idx}\marg{aardvark}, \cmd{idx}\marg{zebra}.
+\cs{gls}\marg{e} and \cs{gls}\marg{pi}.
+\cs{gls}\marg{array}, \cmd{idx}\marg{vector}, \cmd{idx}\marg{set}, \cs{gls}\marg{matrix}.
+\cs{gls}\marg{array}, \cs{gls}\marg{vector}, \cs{gls}\marg{set}, \cs{gls}\marg{matrix}.
+Here I've provided some convenient commands for referencing the
+primary (index) terms (\csfmt{idx}, \csfmt{idxpl}, \csfmt{Idx}
+and \csfmt{Idxpl}). This means I don't need to worry about the
+label prefix and it also switches off the hyperlinks (with
+\code{\glsopt[false]{hyper}}). These custom
+commands are defined using:
+which, in this case, essentially does:
+but the new commands will also recognise the \ics{gls} modifiers, so
+\verb|\idx+| will behave like \verb|\gls+| which wouldn't be
+possible if \csfmt{idx} was defined using \ics{newcommand} in the
+above manner. There's a similar command:
+if no case-changing versions are required.
+I've also redefined \gls!{bibglsnewdualindexsymbolsecondary} to put
+the dual entries created with \atentry{dualindexsymbol} into
+the \code{symbols} glossary (which is created with the
+\styopt{symbols} package option), so it overrides the
+\csopt[main]{dual-type} setting.
+This command also sets the \field{category}
+to \code{symbol}, so I can redefine the post-description hook
+for symbols (\ics{glsxtrpostdescsymbol}) to automatically index
+the symbol definition. Similarly for the \code{general}
+post-description hook \ics{glsxtrpostdescgeneral}.
+Since the post-description hook isn't done until the glossary has
+been created, this requires a slightly longer build process. If the
+document file is called \filefmt{myDoc.tex}, then the complete
+document build is:
+pdflatex myDoc
+bib2gls -g myDoc
+pdflatex myDoc
+bib2gls -g myDoc
+pdflatex myDoc
+As from \sty{glossaries-extra-bib2gls} version 1.37, an alternative
+method is to identify possible label prefixes with
+\ics{glsxtraddlabelprefix} or \ics{glsxtrprependlabelprefix} and use
+\ics{dgls}, \ics{dglspl}, \ics{dGls} or \ics{dGlspl}. See the
+\styfmt{glossaries-extra} user manual~\cite{glossaries-extra} for
+further details.
+The \atentry{dualindexnumber} entry type is almost identical to
+\atentry{dualindexsymbol}, but the primary entries are defined using
+which by default sets the \field{category} to \optfmt{index},
+and the dual entries are defined using
+which by default sets the \field{category} to \optfmt{number}.
+The \atentry{dualabbreviationentry} entry type is similar to
+\atentry{dualentry}, but by default the
+field mappings are:
+\item \field{long} $\mapsto$ \field{name}
+\item \field{longplural} $\mapsto$ \field{plural}
+\item \field{short} $\mapsto$ \field{text}
+You may need to add a mapping from \field{shortplural} to
+\field{plural} if the default is inappropriate.
+(In \bibgls\ version 1.0 this entry type was originally called
+\atentry{dualentryabbreviation}. In version 1.1, it was renamed
+\atentry{dualabbreviationentry} which makes for a more consistent naming scheme
+The required fields are: \field{short}, \field{long} and
+\field{description}. This entry type is designed to emulate the
+example \gls{newdualentry} command given in the \sty{glossaries}
+user manual~\cite{glossaries}. The primary entry is an abbreviation with the given
+\field{short} and \field{long} fields (but not the
+\field{description}) and the secondary entry is a regular entry with
+the \field{name} copied from the \field{long} field.
+The fallback for the \field{sort} is given by
+\csopt{abbreviation-sort-fallback}, which defaults to the
+\field{short} field.
+For example:
+ \field{long} = \marg{support vector machine},
+ \field{short} = \marg{SVM},
+ \field{description} = \marg{statistical pattern recognition technique}
+is rather like doing:
+ \field{long} = \marg{support vector machine},
+ \field{short} = \marg{SVM}
+ \field{name} = \marg{support vector machine},
+ \field{description} = \marg{statistical pattern recognition technique}
+but \code{dual.svm} will automatically be selected if \code{svm}
+is indexed in the document. If \code{dual.svm} isn't explicitly
+indexed, it won't have a location list.
+If the \field{sort} field is missing \bibgls\ by default falls back
+on the \field{name} field. If this is missing, this sort value will
+fallback on the \field{short} field. This means that if \field{name}
+isn't explicitly given in \atentry{dualabbreviationentry}, then the
+primary entry will be sorted according to \field{short} but the dual
+will be sorted according its \field{name} (which has been copied
+from the primary \field{long}).
+Entries provided using \atentry{dualabbreviationentry} will be defined
+(which uses \gls{newabbreviation}) for the primary entries and with :
+(which uses \gls{longnewglossaryentry}) for the secondary entries.
+This means that if the \styopt{abbreviations}
+package option is used, the primary entry will be put in the
+\optfmt{abbreviations} glossary and the secondary entry in the
+\optfmt{main} glossary. Use the \csopt{type} and
+\csopt{dual-type} options to override this.
+This entry type is deprecated as from \bibgls\ version 1.1. It's functionally
+equivalent to \atentry{dualabbreviationentry} but its name
+doesn't fit the general dual entry naming scheme.
+This is like \atentry{dualentry} but the default mappings are:
+\item \field{name} $\mapsto$ \field{symbol}
+\item \field{plural} $\mapsto$ \field{symbolplural}
+\item \field{symbol} $\mapsto$ \field{name}
+\item \field{symbolplural} $\mapsto$ \field{plural}
+The \field{name} and \field{symbol} fields are required.
+For example:
+ \field{name}=\marg{pi},
+ \field{symbol}=\marg{\cs{ensuremath}\marg{\cs{pi}}},
+ \field{description}=\marg{the ratio of the length of the circumference
+ of a circle to its diameter}
+Entries are defined using \gls!{bibglsnewdualsymbol}, which by
+default sets the \field{category} to \optfmt{symbol}.
+This is almost identical to \atentry{dualsymbol} but entries are
+defined using \gls!{bibglsnewdualnumber}, which by default sets
+the \field{category} to \optfmt{number}.
+The above example could be defined as a number since $\pi$ is a
+ \field{name}=\marg{pi},
+ \field{symbol}=\marg{\cs{ensuremath}\marg{\cs{pi}}},
+ \field{description}=\marg{the ratio of the length of the circumference
+ of a circle to its diameter},
+ \field{user1}=\marg{3.14159}
+This has stored the approximate value in the \field{user1} field.
+The post-description hook could then be adapted to show this.
+ \cs{ifglshasfield}\marg{useri}\marg{\cs{glscurrententrylabel}}
+ \marg{ (approximate value: \cs{glscurrentfieldvalue})}\comment{}
+ \marg{}\comment{}
+This use of the \field{user1} field means that the dual entries
+could be sorted numerically according to the approximate value:
+ \csopt[entries]{src},\comment{entries.bib}
+ \csopt[numbers]{dual-type},
+ \csopt[double]{dual-sort},\comment{decimal sort}
+ \csopt[user1]{dual-sort-field}
+The \atentry{dualabbreviation} entry type is similar to
+\atentry{dualentry}, but by default the
+field mappings are:
+\item \field{short} $\mapsto$ \field{dualshort}
+\item \field{shortplural} $\mapsto$ \field{dualshortplural}
+\item \field{long} $\mapsto$ \field{duallong}
+\item \field{longplural} $\mapsto$ \field{duallongplural}
+\item \field{dualshort} $\mapsto$ \field{short}
+\item \field{dualshortplural} $\mapsto$ \field{shortplural}
+\item \field{duallong} $\mapsto$ \field{long}
+\item \field{duallongplural} $\mapsto$ \field{longplural}
+The required fields are: \field{short}, \field{long},
+\field{dualshort} and \field{duallong}.
+This includes some new fields: \field{dualshort},
+\field{dualshortplural}, \field{duallong} and
+\field{duallongplural}. If these aren't already defined, they
+will be provided in the \iext{glstex} file with
+Note that this use with an empty third argument prevents
+the creation of a field access command (analogous to
+\ics{glsentrytext}). The value can be accessed with
+\ics{glsxtrusefield} instead. Remember that the field won't be
+available until the \ext{glstex} file has been created.
+Note that \bibgls\ doesn't know what abbreviation styles
+are in used, so if the \field{sort} field is missing
+it will fallback on the \field{short} field. If the abbreviations
+need to be sorted according to the \field{long} field instead,
+use \csopt[long]{abbreviation-sort-fallback}.
+Terms that are defined using \atentry{dualabbreviation} will be
+written to the output file using \gls!{bibglsnewdualabbreviation}.
+If the \csopt{dual-abbrv-backlink} option is on, the default field
+used for the backlinks is the \field{dualshort} field, so you'll need
+to make sure you adapt the glossary style to show that field. The
+simplest way to do this is through the category \idx{postdescriptionhook}.
+For example, if the entries all have the \field{category} set
+to \optfmt{abbreviation}, then this requires redefining
+\ics{glsxtrpostdescabbreviation} (either with \cs{renewcommand}
+or via \cs{glsdefpostdesc}).
+Here's an example dual abbreviation for a document where English is
+the primary language and German is the secondary language:
+ \field{short}=\marg{RNA},
+ \field{dualshort}=\marg{RNS},
+ \field{long}=\marg{ribonucleic acid},
+ \field{duallong}=\marg{Ribonukleins\"aure}
+If the abbreviation is in the file called
+\filefmt{entries-dual-abbrv.bib}, then here's an example document:
+ \cs{ifglshasfield}\marg{dualshort}\marg{\cs{glscurrententrylabel}}
+ \marg{\comment{}
+ \cmd{space}(\cs{glscurrentfieldvalue})\comment{}
+ }\comment{}
+ \marg{}\comment{}
+ \csopt[entries-dual-abbrv]{src},\comment{entries-dual-abbrv.bib}
+ \csopt[english]{type},\comment{put primary entries in glossary 'english'}
+ \csopt[german]{dual-type},\comment{put primary entries in glossary 'german'}
+ \csopt[en.]{label-prefix},\comment{primary label prefix}
+ \csopt[de.]{dual-prefix},\comment{dual label prefix}
+ \csopt[en]{sort},\comment{sort primary entries according to language 'en'}
+ \csopt[de-1996]{dual-sort},\comment{sort dual entries according to 'de-1996'}
+ \comment{(German new orthography)}
+ \csopt{dual-abbrv-backlink}\comment{add links in the glossary to the opposite entry}
+English: \cs{gls}\marg{en.rna}; \cs{gls}\marg{en.rna}.
+German: \cs{gls}\marg{de.rna}; \cs{gls}\marg{de.rna}.
+If the \csopt{label-prefix} is omitted, then only the dual entries
+will have a prefix:
+English: \cs{gls}\marg{rna}; \cs{gls}\marg{rna}.
+German: \cs{gls}\marg{de.rna}; \cs{gls}\marg{de.rna}.
+Another variation is to use the \abbrstyle{long-short-user}
+abbreviation style and modify the associated \ics{glsxtruserfield} so that
+the \field{duallong} field is selected for the parenthetical
+This means that the first use of the primary entry is displayed as
+ribonucleic acid (RNA, Ribonukleins\"aure)
+and the first use of the dual entry is displayed as:
+Ribonukleins\"aure (RNS, ribonucleic acid)
+Here's an example to be used with the \abbrstyle{long-short-desc}
+ \field{short}=\marg{RNA},
+ \field{dualshort}=\marg{RNS},
+ \field{long}=\marg{ribonucleic acid},
+ \field{duallong}=\marg{Ribonukleins\"aure}
+ \field{description}=\marg{a polymeric molecule},
+ \field{user1}=\marg{Ein polymeres Molek\"ul}
+This stores the dual description in the \field{user1} field,
+so this needs a mapping.
+The new example document is much the same as the previous one, except
+that the \csopt{dual-abbrv-map} option is needed to include the
+mapping between the \field{description} and \field{user1} fields:
+ \cs{ifglshasfield}\marg{dualshort}\marg{\cs{glscurrententrylabel}}
+ \marg{\comment{}
+ \cmd{space}(\cs{glscurrentfieldvalue})\comment{}
+ }\comment{}
+ \marg{}\comment{}
+ \csopt[entries-dual-abbrv-desc]{src},\comment{entries-dual-abbrv-desc.bib}
+ \csopt[english]{type},\comment{put primary entries in glossary 'english'}
+ \csopt[german]{dual-type},\comment{put primary entries in glossary 'german'}
+ \csopt[en.]{label-prefix},\comment{primary label prefix}
+ \csopt[de.]{dual-prefix},\comment{dual label prefix}
+ \csopt[en]{sort},\comment{sort primary entries according to language 'en'}
+ \csopt[long]{abbreviation-sort-fallback},\comment{fallback on 'long' field}
+ \csopt[de-1996]{dual-sort},\comment{sort dual entries according to 'de-1996'}
+ \comment{(German new orthography)}
+ \csopt{dual-abbrv-backlink},\comment{add links in the glossary to the opposite entry}
+\comment{ dual key mappings:}
+ \csopt[\comment{}
+ \marg{short,shortplural,long,longplural,dualshort,dualshortplural,
+ duallong,duallongplural,description,user1},
+ \marg{dualshort,dualshortplural,duallong,duallongplural,short,shortplural,
+ long,longplural,user1,description}
+ ]{dual-abbrv-map}
+English: \cs{gls}\marg{en.rna}; \cs{gls}\marg{en.rna}.
+German: \cs{gls}\marg{de.rna}; \cs{gls}\marg{de.rna}.
+Note that since this document uses the \abbrstyle{long-short-desc}
+abbreviation style, the \csopt{abbreviation-sort-fallback} needs to be changed
+to \optfmt{long}.
+If I change the order of the mapping to:
+ \csopt[\comment{}
+ \marg{long,longplural,short,shortplural,dualshort,dualshortplural,
+ duallong,duallongplural,description,user1},
+ \marg{duallong,duallongplural,dualshort,dualshortplural,short,shortplural,
+ long,longplural,user1,description}
+ ]{dual-abbrv-map}
+Then the back-link field will switch to \field{duallong}. The
+\idx{postdescriptionhook} can be modified to allow for this:
+ \cs{ifglshasfield}\marg{duallong}\marg{\cs{glscurrententrylabel}}
+ \marg{\comment{}
+ \cmd{space}(\cs{glscurrentfieldvalue})\comment{}
+ }\comment{}
+ \marg{}\comment{}
+An alternative is to use the \abbrstyle{long-short-user-desc} style
+without the \idx!{postdescriptionhook}:
+However be careful with this approach as it can cause nested
+hyperlinks. In this case it's better to use the
+\abbrstyle{long-postshort-user-desc} style which defers the
+parenthetical material until after the link-text:
+If the back-link field has been switched to \field{duallong} then
+the \idx!{postdescriptionhook} is no longer required.
+As \atentry{dualabbreviation} but defines the entries with
+\section{Tertiary Entry Types}
+A tertiary entry type is essentially a dual entry that creates three
+separate (but related) \styfmt{glossaries-extra} entry definitions per
+\ext{bib} entry. As with dual entries, the first and second of these
+are the primary and secondary. The third of these is the
+\idx{tertiary} which is effectively an appendage of the
+secondary, and is defined by the same associated
+\csfmt{bibglsnew\ldots secondary} command that defines the secondary
+entry. Therefore the secondary and tertiary are both considered the
+dual and are treated as a single entry for the purposes of sorting
+and collating.
+The tertiary entry will never have any locations. Any records found
+will be assigned to the secondary (and may then be moved to the
+primary with \csopt[primary]{combine-dual-locations}). The tertiary
+will always have the same order as the secondary and will have the same
+\field{group} value. You can set the \field{type} for the tertiary
+with \csopt{tertiary-type} and the \field{category} with
+\csopt{tertiary-category}. The label prefix defaults to
+\idprefix{tertiary} and can be changed with \csopt{tertiary-prefix}.
+This entry type is very similar to
+\atentry{dualindexabbreviation} but creates a tertiary entry as
+well. The required fields are: \field{short} and \field{long} (as for
+\atentry{dualindexabbreviation}) and also \field{description}. The
+mappings are shared by both entry types. For example:
+ \field{short} = \marg{HTML},
+ \field{long} = \marg{hypertext markup language},
+ \field{description} = \marg{a markup language for creating web pages}
+is analogous to:
+\gls{newabbreviation}\marg{dual.html}\marg{HTML}\marg{hypertext markup language}
+ \field{name}=\marg{hypertext markup language},
+ \field{description}=\marg{a markup language for creating web pages}
+The last two are actually defined using one command:
+ \marg{dual.html}\comment{secondary label}
+ \marg{tertiary.html}\comment{tertiary label}
+ \marg{\ldots}\comment{secondary fields}
+ \marg{\ldots}\comment{tertiary fields}
+ \marg{HTML}\comment{primary name}
+ \marg{HTML}\comment{short}
+ \marg{hypertext markup language}\comment{long}
+ \marg{a markup language for creating web pages}\comment{description}
+The \gls!{bibglsnewtertiaryindexabbreviationentrysecondary}
+command is provided in the \iext{glstex} file as:
+ \gls{newabbreviation}\oarg{\idx{param}3}\marg{\idx{param}1}\marg{\idx{param}6}\marg{\idx{param}7}\comment{}
+ \cs{longnewglossaryentry*}\marg{\idx{param}2}\comment{}
+ \marg{\field{name}=\marg{\cmd{protect}\gls{bibglsuselongfont}\marg{\idx{param}7}\marg{\ics{glscategory}\marg{\idx{param}1}}},\idx{param}4}\comment{}
+ \marg{\idx{param}8}\comment{}
+which defines the secondary as an abbreviation using
+\csfmt{newabbreviation} and the tertiary as a regular entry using
+\csfmt{longnewglossaryentry}. This means that the tertiary entry is
+always defined immediately after the corresponding secondary entry.
+The primary may be defined earlier or later in the file depending on the
+way the entries are sorted and on the \csopt{dual-sort} setting.
+\section{Multi-Entry Types}
+A multi-entry type is an entry that may spawn multiple
+primary entries. This means that both the main entry and the
+spawned entries are sorted together along with all the other primary
+entries. In the case of \atentry{spawndualindexentry}, the main and
+spawned entries are primary. The main entry's dual is created as per
+The \atentry{bibtexentry} type will typically need to be aliased
+as it's designed for converting \BibTeX\ entries into \bibgls\
+entries. For example, to make \bibgls\ treat \atentryfmt{article}
+and \atentryfmt{book} as though they were both
+ article=bibtexentry,
+ book=bibtexentry
+For convenience, \isty{glossaries-extra-bib2gls} v1.29+
+provides \ics{GlsXtrBibTeXEntryAliases} which covers all the
+standard \BibTeX\ entry types. Alternatively, you can use
+\csopt[bibtexentry]{unknown-entry-alias} to alias all entries
+that aren't recognised by \bibgls. If you use
+\csopt[same as original entry]{category}, the \field{category}
+field will be set to the original entry type (for example,
+\code{article} or \code{book}). Similarly you can use
+\csopt[same as original entry]{type} to set the \field{type}
+field (but remember that the glossary types will need to be defined
+in the document).
+There are no required fields. The fallback for the \field{sort}
+field is given by \csopt{bibtexentry-sort-fallback}. If you want to
+access any of the \BibTeX\ fields, you will need to alias or define
+them. For example:
+ \fieldfmt{title}=\field{name}
+Since \BibTeX's \fieldfmt{type} field conflicts with \bibgls's
+\field{type} field, when \bibgls\ parses \atentry{bibtexentry}
+if will convert \fieldfmt{type} to \field{bibtextype}, so you
+must use \field{bibtextype} as the identifier when aliasing.
+Alternatively, you can use \ics{GlsXtrProvideBibTeXFields} which
+uses \ics{glsaddstoragekey} to provide all the standard \BibTeX\
+fields. (Remember that new fields must be defined before the first
+The \atentry{bibtexentry} essentially creates an \atentry{index}
+form of entry, but it additionally defines a \atentry{contributor}
+entry for each listed author or editor
+and updates the dependency lists: each \atentry{contributor} is
+added to the main
+\atentry{bibtexentry}'s list of dependencies (so if the
+\atentry{bibtexentry} has a record then all its satellite
+\atentry{contributor}s are selected with the default
+\csopt[recorded and deps]{selection}), and
+each \atentry{contributor} is treated as having a cross-reference to
+the main \atentry{bibtexentry} (so if a \atentry{contributor}
+has a record then all the linked \atentry{bibtexentry} terms will
+be selected if \csopt[recorded and deps and see]{selection}).
+You can instruct \bibgls\ to treat \ics{citation} as an
+\idx{ignoredrecord} using \longarg{cite-as-record}.
+Each contributor is effectively defined as:
+ \field{name}=\marg{\gls{bibglscontributor}\margm{forenames}\margm{von}\margm{surname}\margm{suffix}}
+The label is obtained by converting the \field{name}
+to a label, using the same function as \csopt{labelify} (which
+means it's governed by \csopt{labelify-replace}).
+The \fieldfmt{author} and \fieldfmt{editor} fields are always
+checked, even if those fields aren't recognised by \bibgls, (which
+they aren't by default). These checks are performed before field
+aliases are applied. If neither field is present, no additional
+entries are spawned. If the dependent \atentry{contributor} entry
+has already been defined, it won't be redefined, but will have the
+new \atentry{bibtexentry} added to its internal \field{bibtexentry}
+The main \atentry{bibtexentry} is defined using
+\gls{bibglsnewbibtexentry} and is followed by:
+where \meta{id} is the label identifying the main
+\atentry{bibtexentry} and \meta{contributor-id} is the
+label identifying the contributor, for each contributor that has
+been selected.
+Each contributor is defined using \gls{bibglsnewcontributor}. The definition
+is followed by:
+for each selected \atentry{bibtexentry} associated with that contributor. The
+second line provides the internal list field
+\field{bibtexentry@entrytype}, where \meta{entry-type} is the
+original entry type (before it was aliased to
+\atentry{bibtexentry} and converted to \idx!{lowercase}).
+For example \code{article} or \code{book}.
+You can iterate over these internal list fields using
+\ics{glsxtrfielddolistloop} or \ics{glsxtrfieldforlistloop}.
+For example:
+ \cs{glsxtrifhasfield}\marg{bibtexentry}\marg{\cs{glscurrententrylabel}}\comment{}
+ \marg{\comment{}
+ \cs{glsxtrfieldforlistloop}
+ \marg{\cs{glscurrententrylabel}}\marg{bibtexentry}\comment{}
+ \marg{\csfmt{contributorhandler}}\comment{}
+ }\comment{}
+ \marg{\csfmt{par} No titles.}\comment{}
+(where the resource option \csopt[\fieldfmt{title}=\field{name}]{field-aliases}
+has been used).
+Here's an example that uses the test \file{xampl.bib} file that's
+provided with \TeX\ distributions:
+ \cs{longnewglossaryentry*}\marg{\idx{param}1}\marg{\field{name}={\idx{param}3},\idx{param}2,\field{type}=\marg{titles}}\marg{\idx{param}4}\comment{}
+ \csopt[xampl]{src},
+ \csopt[false]{write-preamble},
+ \csopt[
+ \ics{GlsXtrBibTeXEntryAliases}
+ ]{entry-type-aliases},
+ \csopt[
+ \fieldfmt{title}=\field{name}
+ ]{field-aliases},
+ \csopt[
+ \fieldfmt{note}=\field{name}
+ ]{replicate-fields},
+ \csopt[
+ \marg{[ \cs{cs.string}\csfmt{-}\cs{cs.string}\csfmt{.}]}\marg{}
+ ]{labelify-replace},
+ \csopt[contributors]{type},
+ \csopt[same as original entry]{category},
+ \csopt[\field{category}]{sort-field},
+ \csopt[\field{name}]{sort-suffix}
+\gls{glsxtrsetgrouptitle}\marg{inbook}\marg{Book Chapters}
+\cs{newcommand}\marg{\csfmt{contributorhandler}}[1]\marg{\csfmt{par}\ics{glsentryname}\marg{\idx{param}1} (\idx{param}1)}
+ \cs{glsxtrifhasfield}\marg{bibtexentry}\marg{\cs{glscurrententrylabel}}\comment{}
+ \marg{\comment{}
+ \ics{glsxtrfieldforlistloop}
+ \marg{\cs{glscurrententrylabel}}\marg{bibtexentry}\comment{}
+ \marg{\csfmt{contributorhandler}}\comment{}
+ }\comment{}
+ \marg{\csfmt{par} No titles.}\comment{}
+Another sample\idx{nbspchar}\cs{cite}\marg{booklet-minimal,misc-full,article-minimal}.
+ \cs{renewcommand}\marg{\ics{glsxtrgroupfield}}\marg{category}\comment{}
+ \cs{renewcommand}\marg{\cs{glstreenamefmt}}[1]\marg{\cs{emph}\marg{\idx{param}1}}\comment{}
+ \cs{renewcommand}\marg{\cs{glstreegroupheaderfmt}}[1]\marg{\cs{textbf}\marg{\idx{param}1}}\comment{}
+If the file is called \filefmt{myDoc.tex} then the document build
+pdflatex myDoc
+bib2gls \longarg{cite-as-record} myDoc
+bibtex myDoc
+pdflatex myDoc
+pdflatex myDoc
+The \atentryfmt{progenitor} type of entries are the only place where
+the \field{adoptparents} field is permitted. The value should be a
+comma-separated list of labels. The \field{adoptparents} field
+must be set and must contain a least one label. If the value
+contains any of the characters \idx{backslashchar} (backslash),
+\idx{bgroupchar} (open brace) or \idx{egroupchar} (close brace) then
+the field will be interpreted (if the default \longarg{interpret} settings
+is on).
+Since entries are spawned before fields are processed, the
+\field{adoptparents} field is parsed before any field aliases
+(\csopt{field-aliases}) or replication (\csopt{replicate-fields})
+takes place. However, if the \field{adoptparents} field isn't found,
+\bibgls\ will check for a simple mapping in both the
+\csopt{field-aliases} and \csopt{replicate-fields} settings.
+This entry type creates a main \idx[textformat=emph]{progenitor}
+term (with all the given fields except \field{adoptparents})
+and $n$ spawned \idx[textformat=emph]{progeny} terms, where
+$n$ is the number of elements in the \field{adoptparents} field,
+that are dependent on the main term.
+Each of the spawned \idx{progeny} entries have the field identified by
+\csopt{adopted-parent-field} (\field{parent} by default) set to the
+corresponding element in the \field{adoptparents} field.
+All fields from the original definition are copied except for the
+\field{adoptparents}, \field{alias} and \field{parent} fields. The
+\field{parent} field is never copied, regardless of the value of
+\csopt{adopted-parent-field}. If the adopted parent field is
+changed to one that's contained in the original entry, it's value
+will be from \field{adoptparents} not the value from the original
+The copied fields follow the same conditions as normal
+entries. (For example, unknown fields are ignored, case-changes are
+applied, if appropriate, and the \field{type} field must reference a
+valid glossary, if set.) If \csopt{progenitor-type} is set, then
+this assignment is made after the \idx{progeny} are created
+and only applies to the main \idx{progenitor} entry. The
+type for the \idx{progeny} can be set with \csopt{progeny-type}.
+For example, \csopt[same as parent]{progeny-type} will ensure
+that the \idx{progeny} are in the same glossary type as
+their parent entry.
+For example, an entry defined as:
+ \field{adoptparents} = \marg{\meta{parent-1 id},\ldots,\meta{parent-N id}},
+ \meta{field-name-1} = \margm{text},
+ \ldots
+ \meta{field-name-n} = \margm{text}
+is essentially like:
+ \field{progeny} = \marg{\meta{parent-1 id}.\meta{id},\ldots,\meta{parent-N id}.\meta{id}},
+ \meta{field-name-1} = \margm{text},
+ \ldots
+ \meta{field-name-n} = \margm{text}
+\atentry{index}\marg{\meta{parent-1 id}.\meta{id},
+ \field{progenitor} = \margm{id},
+ \field{parent} = \margm{parent-1 id},
+ \meta{field-name-1} = \margm{text},
+ \ldots
+ \meta{field-name-n} = \margm{text}
+\atentry{index}\marg{\meta{parent-N id}.\meta{id},
+ \field{progenitor} = \margm{id},
+ \field{parent} = \margm{parent-N id},
+ \meta{field-name-1} = \margm{text},
+ \ldots
+ \meta{field-name-n} = \margm{text}
+This creates the main (\idx{progenitor}) \meta{id} entry, which
+contains all the fields (except for \field{adoptparents}) that were
+in the original \atentry{progenitor} definition and has the new
+field \field{progeny} set to the comma-separated list of spawned
+entry labels. The main entries are defined in the \ext{glstex} file
+with \gls{bibglsnewprogenitor}.
+In addition to the main \meta{id} entry, the above also creates the
+spawned \idx{progeny} entries \code{\meta{parent-1 id}.\meta{id}}, \ldots,
+\code{\meta{parent-N id}.\meta{id}} that are dependent on the main
+\meta{id} entry.
+The spawned entries have the \field{parent} field set to the
+corresponding label obtained from the \field{adoptparents} list.
+This parent entry must also be defined, as usual for the
+\field{parent} field. (This restriction obviously doesn't apply if
+\csopt{adopted-parent-field} is changed from the default
+\field{parent}.) The spawned entries are defined in the \ext{glstex}
+file with \gls{bibglsnewspawnedindex}
+If the main \idx{progenitor} entry is referenced in the document
+then (assuming the default selection criteria) the spawned entries
+will also be automatically selected. You can check for the existence
+of the \field{progenitor} field using \cs{glsxtrifhasfield} and
+fetch the \field{location} field from the main entry, if required.
+Although the spawned entries are considered dependents of the main
+entry, the reverse doesn't apply. If a spawned entry is referenced
+in the document (with \code{\meta{parent-id}.\meta{id}}) then the
+main entry and its other spawned entries aren't automatically
+For example, suppose the file \filefmt{entries.bib} contains:
+\atentry{indexplural}\marg{stylesheet, \field{text}=\marg{stylesheet language}}
+\atentry{index}\marg{webdesign, \field{name}=\marg{web design}}
+\atentry{indexplural}\marg{markup, \field{text}=\marg{markup language}}
+ \field{name}=\marg{XML},
+ \field{adoptparents}=\marg{markup}
+ \field{name}=\marg{CSS},
+ \field{adoptparents}=\marg{stylesheet,webdesign}
+ \field{name}=\marg{HTML},
+ \field{adoptparents}=\marg{markup,webdesign}
+ \field{name}=\marg{XSL},
+ \field{adoptparents}=\marg{stylesheet}
+and if the document contains:
+Then the resulting list will be:
+\setlength{\parskip}{0pt plus 0.3pt}%
+\glstreeitem CSS\par
+\glstreeitem HTML\par
+\glstreeitem markup language\par
+\glstreesubitem HTML\par
+\glstreesubitem XML\par
+\glstreeitem stylesheet language\par
+\glstreesubitem CSS\par
+\glstreesubitem XSL\par
+\glstreeitem web design\par
+\glstreesubitem CSS\par
+\glstreesubitem HTML\par
+\glstreeitem XML\par
+\glstreeitem XSL\par
+This allows the HTML and CSS entries to be listed under multiple
+The following \atentryfmt{spawn\meta{single-type}} commands are all forms
+of \atentry{progenitor} that create the given
+\atentryfmt{\meta{single-type}} of entry. The spawned entries are actually
+created with the private entry type \atentryfmt{spawned\meta{type}}. In the
+case of \atentry{progenitor}, the spawned entries are defined as
+a \atentryfmt{spawnedindex} entry. These special
+\atentryfmt{spawned\meta{type}} entry types aren't intended for use
+in the \ext{bib} file, but if you reference the entry type (for
+example, with \csopt[same as entry]{category}) you will get
+\atentryfmt{spawned\meta{type}} as the entry type. The
+original entry type for the spawned entries is the same as
+the original entry for the main \atentry{progenitor} entry.
+There is currently only one form of dual \atentry{progenitor} entry and that's
+\atentry{spawndualindexentry}. Only the main \idx{progenitor} entry
+is a dual entry. The spawned \idx{progeny} are all \atentry{index}
+primary entries.
+As \atentry{progenitor}, but the main entries are defined in the
+\ext{glstex} file with \gls{bibglsnewspawnindex} and the
+spawned entries are defined with \gls{bibglsnewspawnedindex}.
+As \atentry{progenitor}, except that it creates
+\atentry{indexplural} terms instead of \atentry{index}.
+As with \atentry{indexplural}, if the \field{name} field isn't set,
+it's assigned to the same value as the \field{plural} field (or the
+fallback for the \field{plural}, if not defined).
+The main entries are defined in the
+\ext{glstex} file with \gls{bibglsnewspawnindexplural} and the
+spawned entries are defined with \gls{bibglsnewspawnedindexplural}.
+As \atentry{progenitor}, except that it creates
+\atentry{entry} terms instead of \atentry{index}.
+As with \atentry{entry}, the \field{description} field is required
+and either \field{name} or \field{parent}.
+The main entries are defined in the
+\ext{glstex} file with \gls{bibglsnewspawnentry} and the
+spawned entries are defined with \gls{bibglsnewspawnedentry}.
+As \atentry{progenitor}, except that it creates
+\atentry{abbreviation} terms instead of \atentry{index}.
+As with \atentry{abbreviation}, the \field{short} and \field{long}
+fields are required.
+The main entries are defined in the
+\ext{glstex} file with \gls{bibglsnewspawnabbreviation} and the
+spawned entries are defined with \gls{bibglsnewspawnedabbreviation}.
+As \atentry{progenitor}, except that it creates
+\atentry{acronym} terms instead of \atentry{index}.
+As with \atentry{acronym}, the \field{short} and \field{long}
+fields are required.
+The main entries are defined in the
+\ext{glstex} file with \gls{bibglsnewspawnacronym} and the
+spawned entries are defined with \gls{bibglsnewspawnedacronym}.
+As \atentry{progenitor}, except that it creates
+\atentry{symbol} terms instead of \atentry{index}.
+As with \atentry{symbol}, the required fields are \field{name} or
+\field{parent}, and the \field{description} field is required if the
+\field{name} field is missing.
+The main entries are defined in the
+\ext{glstex} file with \gls{bibglsnewspawnsymbol} and the
+spawned entries are defined with \gls{bibglsnewspawnedsymbol}.
+As \atentry{progenitor}, except that it creates
+\atentry{number} terms instead of \atentry{index}.
+As with \atentry{number}, the required fields are \field{name} or
+\field{parent}, and the \field{description} field is required if the
+\field{name} field is missing.
+The main entries are defined in the
+\ext{glstex} file with \gls{bibglsnewspawnnumber} and the
+spawned entries are defined with \gls{bibglsnewspawnednumber}.
+As \atentry{progenitor}, except that the main (\idx{progenitor})
+entry behaves like \atentry{dualindexentry}. The spawned
+\idx{progeny} behave like \atentry{index} are so are all considered primary
+entries. The \field{adoptparents} field should therefore reference
+primary entries with the default \csopt[parent]{adopted-parent-field}.
+The main primary and secondary (dual) entries are defined in the
+\ext{glstex} file with
+\gls{bibglsnewspawndualindexentry} and
+\gls{bibglsnewspawndualindexentrysecondary}. The spawned
+\idx{progeny} are defined with \gls{bibglsnewspawnedindex}.
+\chapter{Resource File Options}
+Make sure that you use \isty{glossaries-extra} with the
+\styopt{record} package option. This ensures that \bibgls\ can pick
+up the required information from the \iext{aux} file, and both
+\styopt[only]{record} and \styopt[nameref]{record} additionally
+load the supplementary \isty{glossaries-extra-bib2gls} package.
+These two \styopt{record} option values also
+switch on the \styopt[none]{sort} package option (if you have a new
+enough version of the base \isty{glossaries} package), which means
+that there's no attempt to assign or process the \field{sort} key if
+it's omitted from \gls{newglossaryentry} (or similar commands). The
+\field{sort} key will be provided by \bibgls\ for informational
+purposes, but there's no need for \LaTeX\ to write it to any
+external files (unless you use the hybrid \styopt[alsoindex]{record},
+in which case you need to prevent \bibgls\ from sorting using the
+\csopt[none]{sort} resource option).
+The \iext{glstex} resource files created by \bibgls\ are loaded in
+the document using
+where \meta{filename} is the name of the resource file without the
+\ext{glstex} extension.
+You can have multiple \gls{glsxtrresourcefile} commands within your
+document, but each \meta{filename} must be unique, otherwise \LaTeX\
+would attempt to input the same \ext{glstex} file multiple times
+(\bibgls\ checks for non-unique file names). The associated data for each
+resource file is called the \idx{resourceset} (see
+There's a shortcut command that uses
+\ics{jobname} in the \meta{filename}:
+The first instance of this command is equivalent to:
+Any additional use of \gls{GlsXtrLoadResources} is equivalent to:
+where \meta{n} is number. For example:
+This is equivalent to:
+In general, it's simplest just to use \gls{GlsXtrLoadResources}.
+The optional argument \meta{options} is a comma-separated
+\keyvallist. Allowed options are listed below. The option list
+applies only to that specific \meta{filename}\ext{glstex} and are
+not carried over to the next instance of \gls{glsxtrresourcefile}.
+Only the definitions provided in \atentry{preamble} (if the
+interpreter is on and \csopt[true]{interpret-preamble}) are carried
+over to the next resource set and, possibly,
+\idxpl{crossresourceref} if permitted (see
+\sectionref{sec:resourcesets}). The \sty{glossaries-extra} package
+doesn't parse the options, but just writes the information to the
+\ext{aux} file. This means that any invalid options will be reported
+by \bibgls\ not by \sty{glossaries-extra}.
+As from \sty{glossaries-extra} v1.40 you can provide a default set
+of options by redefining:
+This command will be inserted at the start of the options list for
+all resource commands (and will expand as it's written to
+the \ext{aux} file). For example:
+ \csopt[all]{selection},\csopt[entries]{src}}
+ \csopt[symbols]{type},
+ \csopt[entrytype=symbol]{match}}
+ \csopt[abbreviations]{type},
+ \csopt[entrytype=abbreviation]{match}}
+This acts like:
+ \csopt[all]{selection},\csopt[entries]{src},
+ \csopt[symbols]{type},
+ \csopt[entrytype=symbol]{match}}
+ \csopt[all]{selection},\csopt[entries]{src},
+ \csopt[abbreviations]{type},
+ \csopt[entrytype=abbreviation]{match}}
+If you have multiple \ext{bib} files you can either select them all
+using \csopt[\meta{bib list}]{src} in a single
+\gls{glsxtrresourcefile} call, if they all require the same settings,
+or you can load them separately with different settings applied.
+For example, if the files \filefmt{entries-terms.bib} and
+\filefmt{entries-symbols.bib} have the same settings:
+Alternatively, if they have different settings:
+Note that the sorting is applied to each \idx{resourceset} independently
+of other \idxpl{resourceset}. This means that if you have multiple instances
+of \gls{glsxtrresourcefile} but only one glossary type, the glossary
+will effectively contain blocks of sorted entries. For example, if
+\filefmt{file1.bib} contains:
+and \filefmt{file2.bib} contains:
+will result in the list: aardvark, bee, caterpillar, duck, wombat,
+zebra. These six entries are all defined when
+\csfmt{jobname}\filefmt{.glstex} is read.
+will result in the list: aardvark, duck, zebra, bee, caterpillar,
+wombat. The first three (aardvark, duck, zebra) are defined when
+\csfmt{jobname}\filefmt{.glstex} is read. The second three (bee,
+caterpillar, wombat) are defined when \csfmt{jobname}\filefmt{-1.glstex}
+is read. Since \ics{printunsrtglossary} simply iterates over all
+defined entries, this is the ordering used.
+Abbreviation styles must be set (using \ics{setabbreviationstyle})
+before the resource command that selects the abbreviations from the
+appropriate \ext{bib} file, since the entries are defined (through
+\gls{newabbreviation} or \gls{newacronym}) when
+\gls{glsxtrresourcefile} inputs the \ext{glstex} file. (Similarly for any
+associated abbreviation style commands that must be set before
+abbreviations are defined, such as \cs{glsxtrlongshortdescname}.)
+Note \bibgls\ allows \iext{bib} files that don't provide any entries.
+This can be used to provide commands in \atentry{preamble}.
+For example, suppose I have \filefmt{defs.bib} that just contains:
+\cs{providecommand}\marg{\cmd{parenswap}}[2]\marg{\idx{param}2 (\idx{param}1)}}}
+This provides two commands:
+(which sets the font weight and colour) and
+(which just displays its second argument followed by the first in parentheses).
+Suppose I also have \filefmt{entries.bib} that contains:
+ \field{name}=\marg{\gls{strong}\marg{\gls{parenswap}\marg{stuff}\marg{example}}}
+This contains an entry that requires the commands provided in
+\filefmt{defs.bib}, so to ensure those commands are defined, I can
+Unfortunately this results in the sort value for \code{example} being
+set to \code{redexample (stuff)} because the interpreter has
+detected the provided commands and expanded:
+\cs{textbf}\marg{\cs{cs.color}\marg{red}example (stuff)}
+It discards font changes, so \cs{textbf} is ignored, but it doesn't
+recognise \cs{cs.color} and so doesn't know that the first argument is
+just the colour specifier and therefore doesn't discard it.
+This means that \qt{\textbf{\color{red}example (stuff)}} is placed
+between \qt{foo} and \qt{sample} instead of between \qt{bar} and
+I can prevent the interpreter from parsing \atentry{preamble}:
+Now when the sort value for \code{example} is obtained from:
+no expansion occurs (since \gls{strong} and \gls{parenswap} are now
+unrecognised) so the sort value ends up as:
+which places \qt{\textbf{\color{red}example (stuff)}} between
+\qt{sample} and \qt{test}, which is again incorrect.
+The best thing to do in this situation is to split the provided
+commands into two \iext{bib} files: one that shouldn't be interpreted
+and one that should.
+For example, \filefmt{defs-nointerpret.bib}:
+and \filefmt{defs-interpret.bib}:
+\atentry{preamble}\marg{\qtdelim{\cs{providecommand}\marg{\gls{parenswap}}[2]\marg{\idx{param}2 (\idx{param}1)}}}
+Now the first one can be loaded with \csopt[false]{interpret-preamble}:
+This creates a \iext{glstex} file that provides \gls{strong} but
+doesn't define any entries. The other file \filefmt{defs-interpret.bib} can
+then be loaded with the default \csopt[true]{interpret-preamble}:
+The provided commands are remembered by the interpreter, so you can
+also do:
+The \emph{contents} of \atentry{preamble} are only written to the
+associated \iext{glstex} file, but the definitions contained within
+the \atentry{preamble} are retained by the interpreter for subsequent
+\section{General Options}
+If the character \idx{encoding} hasn't been supplied in the \iext{bib} file
+with the encoding comment
+\idx{commentchar} Encoding: \meta{encoding-name}
+then you can supply the correct encoding using
+\csopt[encoding-name]{charset}. In general, it's better to include
+the encoding in the \ext{bib} file where it can also be read by
+a \ext{bib} managing systems, such as JabRef.
+See \longarg{tex-encoding} for the encoding used to write the \ext{glstex}
+This is a boolean option that determines whether or not the
+interpreter should parse the contents of \atentry{preamble}.
+The default is \optfmt{true}. If \optfmt{false}, the preamble
+contents will still be written to the \iext{glstex} file, but any
+commands provided in the preamble won't be recognised by the
+interpreter (see \sectionref{sec:texparserlib}).
+Related options are: \csopt{set-widest} (which uses the interpreter to determine
+the widest name for the \glostyle{alttree} style or the
+\isty{glossary-longextra} styles), \csopt{interpret-label-fields} (which governs
+whether or not fields that must only contain a label should be interpreted),
+\csopt{labelify} (which converts a field into a string suitable for use as a
+label), and \csopt{labelify-list} (which converts a field into a string suitable
+for use as a comma-separated list of labels).
+This is a boolean option that determines whether or not the
+preamble should be written to the \ext{glstex} file. The default
+is \optfmt{true}. Note that the preamble will
+still be parsed if \csopt[true]{interpret-preamble} even if
+\csopt[false]{write-preamble}. This means it's possible to
+provide \bibgls\ command definitions in \atentry{preamble}
+that don't get seen by \LaTeX.
+The \glostyle{alttree} glossary style needs to know the widest
+\field{name} (for each level, if hierarchical). This can be set
+using \ics{glssetwidest} provided by the \styfmt{glossary-tree}
+package (or similar commands like \ics{glsupdatewidest} provided by
+\styfmt{glossaries-extra-stylemods}), but this requires knowing
+which name is the widest. Alternatively, one of the iterative commands
+such as \ics{glsFindWidestTopLevelName} can be used, which slows the
+document build as it has to iterate over all defined entries.
+The \isty{glossary-longextra} package, provided with
+\sty{glossaries-extra} v1.37+, also needs to know the widest name,
+but in this case only the top-level is needed. If this has already
+been found through the commands provided with the \glostyle{alttree}
+style then that value will be used as the default, but you can set another
+value that's only used for the \sty{glossary-longextra} styles with
+The \sty{glossaries-extra-bib2gls} package provides \ics{glsxtrSetWidest},
+which sets the widest name for those styles that need it. As from version
+1.8, \bibgls\ now checks for the existence of this command and will use it with
+\csopt{set-widest} to allow for the new styles provided by the
+\sty{glossary-longextra} package.
+The boolean option \csopt[true]{set-widest} will try to calculate
+the widest names for each hierarchical level to help remove the need
+to determine the correct value within the document.
+Since \bibgls\ doesn't know the fonts that will be used
+in the document or if there are any non-standard commands that
+aren't provided in the \ext{bib} files preamble, \emph{this option may not
+work}. For example, if one entry has the \field{name} defined as:
+\field{name}=\marg{some \marg{\cmd{Huge} huge} text}
+and another entry has the \field{name} defined as:
+\field{name}=\marg{some \marg{\cmd{small} small} text}
+then \bibgls\ will determine that the second name is the widest
+although the first will actually be wider when it's rendered in the
+When using this option, the transcript file will include the message:
+Calculated width of '\meta{text}': \meta{number}
+where \meta{text} is \bibgls's interpretation of the contents of the
+\field{name} field and \meta{number} is a rough guide to the width
+of \meta{text} assuming the operating system's default serif font.
+The entry that has the largest \meta{number} is the one that will be
+selected. This will then be implemented as follows:
+\item If the \field{type} is unknown then:
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item if the interpreter resolves all \field{name} fields to the
+ empty string (that is the \field{name} fields all consist of
+ unknown commands) then
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item if there are child entries \gls{bibglssetwidestfallback}
+ is used,
+ \item otherwise \gls{bibglssetwidesttoplevelfallback} is used;
+ \end{itemize}
+ \item otherwise \gls{bibglssetwidest} is used.
+ \end{itemize}
+\item If the \field{type} is known then:
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item if the interpreter resolves all \field{name} fields for that
+ type to the empty string (that is the \field{name} fields all consist of
+ unknown commands) then
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item if there are child entries \gls{bibglssetwidestfortypefallback}
+ is used,
+ \item otherwise
+ \gls{bibglssetwidesttoplevelfortypefallback} is used;
+ \end{itemize}
+ \item otherwise \gls{bibglssetwidestfortype} is used.
+ \end{itemize}
+This leaves \TeX\ to compute the width according to the document
+fonts. If \bibgls\ can't correctly determine the widest entry then
+you will need to use one of the commands provided by
+\sty{glossary-tree}, \sty{glossary-longextra} or
+\sty{glossaries-extra-stylemods} to set it.
+In general, if you have more than one glossary it's best to
+set the \field{type} using options like \csopt{type} and
+\csopt{dual-type} if you use \csopt{set-widest}.
+In the \ext{bib} file, the data is identified by
+\code{@\meta{entry-type}}, such as \atentry[noindex]{abbreviation}.
+It may be that you want to replace all instances of
+\code{@\meta{entry-type}} with a different
+type of entry. For example, suppose my \ext{bib} file
+contains abbreviations defined in the form:
+ \field{short} = \marg{html},
+ \field{long} = \marg{hypertext markup language},
+ \field{description} = \marg{a markup language for creating web pages}
+but suppose in one of my documents I actually want all these
+abbreviations defined with \atentry[noindex]{dualabbreviationentry}
+instead of \atentry[noindex]{abbreviation}. Instead of editing
+the \ext{bib} file I can just supply a mapping:
+ \csopt[entries]{src},\comment{data in entries.bib}
+ \csopt[abbreviation=dualabbreviationentry]{entry-type-aliases}
+This makes all instances of \atentry[noindex]{abbreviation}
+behave as \atentry[noindex]{dualabbreviationentry}. You can have more than
+one mapping. For example:
+ \csopt[entries]{src},\comment{data in entries.bib}
+ \csopt[
+ \comment{\atentry{abbreviation} -> \atentry{dualabbreviationentry}:}
+ abbreviation=dualabbreviationentry,
+ \comment{\atentry{entry} -> \atentry{index}:}
+ entry=index
+ ]{entry-type-aliases}
+This option isn't cumulative. Multiple instances of
+\csopt{entry-type-aliases} override previous instances.
+If \meta{\keyvallist} is empty there will be no mappings.
+You can save the original entry type in the
+\field{originalentrytype} field with
+Here's another example entry in a \ext{bib} file:
+ \field{name} = \marg{HTML},
+ \field{short} = \marg{HTML},
+ \field{long} = \marg{hypertext markup language},
+ \field{description} = \marg{hypertext markup language}
+Ordinarily this entry would be ignored since \code{@foo}
+isn't recognised, but it can be mapped like this:
+ \csopt[entries]{src},\comment{data in entries.bib}
+ \csopt[short,long]{ignore-fields},
+ \csopt[foo=entry]{entry-type-aliases}
+This treats the entry as though it had been defined as:
+ \field{name} = \marg{HTML},
+ \field{description} = \marg{hypertext markup language}
+ \csopt[entries]{src},\comment{data in entries.bib}
+ \csopt[name,description]{ignore-fields},
+ \csopt[foo=abbreviation]{entry-type-aliases}
+treats the entry as though it had been defined as:
+ \field{short} = \marg{HTML},
+ \field{long} = \marg{hypertext markup language}
+If this option is set, the \meta{value} is used as the alias for any
+unknown entry types (after any aliases provided with
+\csopt{entry-type-aliases} have been applied). If the value is
+missing or empty, unknown entry types will be ignored with a
+This governs how the entries are written in the \iext{glstex} file.
+The \meta{value} may be one of:
+\item\code{define}: define the entries;
+\item\code{copy}: copy the entries;
+\item\code{define or copy}: copy existing entries and define
+non-existing entries.
+The default setting is \csopt[define]{action}, which writes the entry
+definition to the \ext{glstex} file using one of the commands
+described in \sectionref{sec:newentrydefs}. Since the \styopt{record}
+package option automatically switches on the \styopt[warn]{undefaction}
+option, any attempt at defining an entry that's already been defined
+will generate a warning rather than an error. The duplicate
+definition will be ignored. (The warnings can be found in the
+\ext{log} file since they are warnings produce by
+\sty{glossaries-extra} not by \bibgls.)
+For example, if you try:
+you'll find that the \code{copies} glossary is empty and there will
+be warnings in the \ext{log} file when the second resource file is
+There are various ways of having the same entries in multiple
+glossaries. The simplest method is to use \csopt{secondary}, but
+another method is to use \csopt[copy]{action} which simply writes
+instead of using one of the commands listed in
+\sectionref{sec:newentrydefs}. This copies the entries rather than
+defining them, which means the entries must already have been
+defined. The \meta{type} is determined as follows:
+\item if the entry has the \field{type} field set, that's used;
+\item if the entry is a tertiary and \csopt{tertiary-type} is set, that's
+\item if the entry is a dual and \csopt{dual-type} is set, that's
+\item otherwise the value of the \csopt{type} option is used.
+If you're not sure whether the entries may already be defined, you
+can use \csopt[define or copy]{action} which will use
+\ics{ifglsentryexists} in the resource file to determine whether to
+define or copy the entry.
+Options that set or modify fields, such as \csopt{category},
+\csopt{group}, \csopt{save-locations}, \csopt{flatten} or
+\csopt{name-case-change}, will be ignored if entries are copied.
+However the \csopt{copy-action-group-field} may be used to copy
+the \field{group} field (which may have been locally set by the
+\csopt{sort} method) to another field. This ensures that the
+original \field{group} value from the entry definition in an earlier
+resource set won't be overwritten (unless you set
+Remember that \gls{glsxtrcopytoglossary} simply copies the entry's
+label to the glossary's internal list. The only checks that \bibgls\
+performs if \csopt{action} is not \code{define} is to ensure that
+the \csopt{master} or \csopt{secondary} options have not been used,
+since they're incompatible, and that the \csopt{type} option is set,
+since it's required as a fallback for any entries that don't have
+the \field{type} field set. (There are too many options that alter
+field values to check them all and some may be used to alter the
+sorting.) The purpose of the copy action is simply to provide a
+duplicate list in a different order.
+Remember that if you are using \sty{hyperref}, you need to use
+\code{\printglossopt[false]{target}} in the optional argument of
+\ics{printunsrtglossary} for the glossary containing the copies to
+prevent duplicate hypertargets. Commands like \cs{gls} will link to
+the original entries. For example, in the preamble:
+ \csopt[use]{sort},
+ \csopt[copy]{action},
+ \csopt[copies]{type},
+ \csopt[entries]{src}
+and later in the document:
+\cs{printunsrtglossary}\oarg{\printglossopt[Glossary (Alphabetical)]{title},\printglossopt[\glostyle{indexgroup}]{style}}
+\cs{printunsrtglossary}\oarg{\printglossopt[copies]{type},\printglossopt[Glossary (Order of Use)]{title},
+ \printglossopt[index]{style},\printglossopt{nogroupskip},\comment{no grouping}
+ \printglossopt[false]{target}}
+Note also the need to use \code{nogroupskip} and a non-group style
+for the duplicates since the \field{group} field will have been
+assigned in the first resource set if \bibgls\ was invoked with
+\longarg{group}. The grouping is appropriate for alphabetical
+ordering but not for order of use.
+If you want different grouping for the duplicates, you can specify
+the field name to use in which to store the group information using
+\csopt{copy-action-group-field}. Unlike \csopt{secondary}, you
+will need to redefine \ics{glsxtrgroupfield} to the relevant field
+before you display the glossary. The simplest way to do this is with
+the starred form of \cs{printunsrtglossary}.
+For example, if \csopt[dupgroup]{copy-action-group-field} is added to
+the options for the second resource set:
+ \marg{\cs{renewcommand}\marg{\cs{glsxtrgroupfield}}\marg{dupgroup}}
+This just does:
+ \cs{renewcommand}\marg{\ics{glsxtrgroupfield}}\marg{dupgroup}\comment{}
+ \cs{printunsrtglossary}\oarg{\printglossopt[copies]{type},\printglossopt[Duplicates]{title},\printglossopt[indexgroup]{style}}
+\section{Selection Options}
+This identifies the \iext{bib} files containing the entry
+definitions. The value should be a comma-separated list of the
+required \ext{bib} files. These may either be in the current working
+directory or in the directory given by the \longarg{dir} switch or on
+\TeX's path (in which case \idx{kpsewhich} will be used to find
+them). The \ext{bib} extension may be omitted. Remember that if
+\meta{list} contains multiple files it must be grouped to protect
+the comma from the \meta{options} list.
+For example:
+indicates that \bibgls\ must read the files
+\filefmt{entries-terms.bib} and \filefmt{entries-symbols.bib} and
+create the file given by \ics{jobname}\iext{glstex} on the first
+instance or \ics{jobname}\code{-}\meta{n}\ext{glstex} on subsequent
+With \code{\gls!{glsxtrresourcefile}\oargm{options}\margm{filename}}, if
+the \csopt{src} option is omitted,
+the \ext{bib} file is assumed to be \meta{filename}\ext{bib}. For example:
+indicates that \bibgls\ needs to read the file
+\filefmt{entries-symbols.bib}, which contains the entry data, and create the file
+\filefmt{entries-symbols.glstex}. If the \ext{bib} file is
+different or if you have multiple \ext{bib} files, you need to use
+the \csopt{src} option.
+\gls{GlsXtrLoadResources} uses \ics{jobname} as the argument of
+\gls{glsxtrresourcefile} on the first instance, so:
+will assume \csopt[\ics{jobname}]{src}. Remember that subsequent uses
+of \gls{GlsXtrLoadResources} append a suffix, so in general it's
+best to always supply \csopt{src}.
+If you have non-ASCII characters in the \ext{bib} filename but
+aren't using \XeLaTeX\ or \LuaLaTeX, then you will need to use
+\ics{detokenize} to prevent expansion when the information is
+written to the \ext{aux} file. Similarly for any special characters
+that need protecting (although it's better not to use special
+characters in filenames). For example:
+ \csopt[\cs{detokenize}\marg{\textcyrillicmono{кириллица}}]{src},\comment{data in \textcyrillicmono{кириллица.bib}}
+ \csopt[all]{selection}
+By default all entries that have records in the \iext{aux} file will
+be selected as well as all their dependent entries. The dependent
+entries that don't have corresponding records on the first \LaTeX\
+run, may need an additional build to ensure their location lists
+are updated.
+Remember that on the first \LaTeX\ run the \iext{glstex} files don't
+exist. This means that the entries aren't defined at that point. The
+\styopt{record} package option additionally switches on the
+\styopt[warn]{undefaction} option, which means that you'll only get
+warnings rather than errors when you reference entries in the
+document. You can't use \ics{glsaddall} with
+\bibgls\ because the glossary lists are empty on the first run, so
+there's nothing for \ics{glsaddall} to iterate over.
+Instead, if you want to add all defined entries, you need to
+instruct \bibgls\ to do this with the \csopt{selection} option. The
+following values are allowed:
+\item \optfmt{recorded and deps}: add all recorded entries and
+their dependencies (default).
+\item \optfmt{recorded and deps and see}: as above but will also
+add unrecorded entries whose \field{see} or \field{seealso} field refers to a recorded entry.
+\item \optfmt{recorded no deps}: add all recorded entries but not
+their dependencies. The dependencies include those referenced in the
+\field{see} or \field{seealso} field or fields identified by
+\csopt{dependency-fields}, \field{parent} entries and those found referenced
+with commands like \ics{gls} in the field values that are parsed by
+\bibgls. With this setting, parents will be omitted unless they've
+been referenced in the document through commands like \ics{gls}.
+\item \optfmt{recorded and ancestors}: this is like the previous
+setting but parents are added even if they haven't been referenced
+in the document. The other dependent entries are omitted if they
+haven't been referenced in the document.
+\item \optfmt{all}: add all entries found in the \ext{bib} files
+supplied in the \csopt{src} option.
+The \meta{value} must be supplied.
+For example, suppose the file \filefmt{entries.bib} contains:
+If the document only references the \qt{run} entry (for example,
+using \code{\cs{gls}\marg{run}}) then:
+\item If \csopt[recorded and deps]{selection}, only the \qt{run}
+entry is selected. The \qt{run} entry has a record, so it's
+selected, but it has no dependencies. Neither \qt{sprint} nor
+\qt{dash} have records, so they're not selected.
+\item If \csopt[recorded and deps and see]{selection}, the \qt{run}
+and \qt{sprint} entries are selected, but not the \qt{dash} entry.
+The \qt{run} entry is selected because it has a record. The
+\qt{sprint} entry doesn't have a record but its \field{see} field
+includes \qt{run}, which does have a record, so \qt{sprint} is also
+selected. The \qt{dash} entry doesn't have a record. Its
+\field{see} field references \qt{sprint}. Although \qt{sprint} has
+been selected, it doesn't have any records, so \qt{dash} isn't
+The above is just an example. The circuitous redirection of
+\qt{dash} to \qt{sprint} to \qt{run} is unhelpful to the reader and
+is best avoided (especially for an index where there are no accompanying
+descriptions and no \idx{locationlist} for the intermediate \qt{sprint}).
+A better method would be:
+The \csopt[recorded and deps and see]{selection} in this case will
+select all three entries, and the document won't send the reader on a
+long-winded detour.
+Now suppose that the file \filefmt{entries.bib} contains:
+ \field{name} = \marg{run},
+ \field{description}=\marg{move fast using legs}
+ \field{name} = \marg{sprint},
+ \field{description}=\marg{run at full speed over short distance},
+ \field{seealso}=\marg{run}
+ \field{name} = \marg{dash},
+ \field{description}=\marg{run in a great hurry},
+ \field{seealso}=\marg{sprint}
+and suppose the document only references \qt{dash} (for example, with
+\code{\cs{gls}\marg{dash}}), then with the default \csopt[recorded and deps]{selection}
+\qt{dash} will be selected because it has a record, and \qt{sprint}
+will be selected because \qt{dash} requires it (for the cross-reference),
+and \qt{run} will be selected because \qt{sprint} requires it
+(for the cross-reference). In this case, neither \qt{sprint} nor \qt{run}
+have a \idx{locationlist} but they do both provide additional information
+for the reader in their descriptions.
+A better method here would be for each entry to have a cross-reference
+list that includes all related terms:
+ \field{name} = \marg{run},
+ \field{description}=\marg{move fast using legs},
+ \field{seealso}=\marg{sprint,dash}
+ \field{name} = \marg{sprint},
+ \field{description}=\marg{run at full speed over short distance},
+ \field{seealso}=\marg{run,dash}
+ \field{name} = \marg{dash},
+ \field{description}=\marg{run in a great hurry},
+ \field{seealso}=\marg{sprint,run}
+Now, whichever one is indexed in the document, the other two will automatically
+be selected.
+It's possible to filter the selection by matching field values.
+The value is required for this key but may be empty, which indicates
+that the setting is switched off, otherwise
+\meta{\keyvallist} should be a \meta{key}=\meta{regexp} list, where
+\meta{key} is the name of a field or \optfmt{id} for the entry's
+label or \optfmt{entrytype} for the \bibgls\ entry type (as in
+the part after \verb|@| identifying the entry not the \field{type}
+field identifying the glossary label). If you've used
+\csopt{entry-type-aliases}, this refers to the target entry type not
+the original entry type specified in the \ext{bib} file.
+The \meta{regex} part should be a \idx{regex} conforming
+Pattern class}~\cite{pattern}. The pattern is anchored
+(\code{oo}\idx{matchanydot}\idx{zeroormore} matches
+\code{oops} but not \code{loops}) and \meta{regexp} can't be
+empty. Remember that \TeX\ will expand the option list as
+it writes the information to the \ext{aux} file so take
+care with special characters. For example, to match a literal
+period use \cs{cs.string}\idx{cs.period} not \idx{cs.period} (backslash dot).
+If the field is missing its value it is assumed to be empty for
+the purposes of the pattern match even if it will be assigned a
+non-empty default value when the entry is defined. If the field is
+unrecognised by \bibgls\ any reference to it in \meta{\keyvallist} will
+be ignored.
+If a field is listed multiple times, the pattern for that
+field is concatenated using:
+where \meta{pattern-1} is the current pattern for that field
+and \meta{pattern-2} is the new pattern. This means it performs a
+logical OR\@. For the non-duplicate
+fields the logical operator is given by \csopt{match-op}.
+For example:
+ \field{category}=animals,
+ \fieldfmt{topic}=biology,
+ \field{category}=vegetables
+This will keep all the selected entries that satisfy:
+\item \field{category} matches \verb"(?:animals)|(?:vegetables)"
+(the \field{category} is either \optfmt{animals} or
+\item \fieldfmt{topic} (custom key provided by user) is \code{biology}.
+and will discard any entries that don't satisfy this condition.
+A message will be written to the log file for each entry
+that's discarded.
+Patterns for unknown fields will be ignored. If the entire
+list consists of patterns for unknown fields it will be
+treated as \csopt[\empty]{match}. That is, no filtering will be
+applied. In the above example, the custom \fieldfmt{topic} key must
+be provided before the first \gls{GlsXtrLoadResources} with
+\ics{glsaddkey} or \ics{glsaddstoragekey}.
+If the value of \csopt{match} contains more than one
+\meta{key}=\meta{pattern} element, the \csopt{match-op}
+determines whether to apply a logical AND or a logical OR.
+The \meta{value} may be either \optfmt{and} or \optfmt{or}.
+The default is \csopt[and]{match-op}.
+If \csopt[\meta{\keyvallist}]{match} would cause an entry to be
+selected then \csopt[\meta{\keyvallist}]{not-match} would cause that
+entry to be ignored. The value is required for this key but may be
+empty, which indicates that the setting is switched off. If you
+have both \csopt{match} and \csopt{not-match} in the same resource
+set, the last one listed takes precedence.
+The default behaviour with \csopt{match} or \csopt{not-match}
+is to filter the selection. This may be changed to append to the
+selection instead. The \meta{value} may be one of:
+\item\optfmt{filter}: (default) filter selection;
+\item\optfmt{add}: append any matches (with \csopt{match}) or
+non-matches (with \csopt{not-match}) to the selection.
+This setting can't be used with \csopt[use]{sort}.
+For example, if I want to select all record entries and their
+dependencies, but I also want to make sure that any entries with
+the category set to \code{important} are always selected regardless
+of whether or not they have any records:
+ \csopt[entries]{src},\comment{data in entries.bib}
+ \csopt[add]{match-action},
+ \csopt[\field{category}=important]{match}
+If \meta{number} is greater than 0 then this will truncate the
+list of selected entries after sorting to \meta{number} (if the list
+size is greater than that value). The transcript will show the
+Truncating according to limit=\meta{number}
+When used with \csopt{shuffle}, this provides a means of randomly
+selecting at most \meta{number} entries. The default setting is
+\csopt[0]{limit} (no truncation). A negative value of \meta{number} is not
+If you have any dual entries, then the truncation will be applied to
+the combined list of primary and duals if \csopt[combine]{dual-sort}
+otherwise each list will be truncated separately by \meta{number},
+which results in a maximum of $2 \times \meta{number}$. Remember
+that tertiary entries are created when dual entries are defined in
+the \ext{glstex} file, so this will increase the total number of
+\section{Hierarchical Options}
+This is a boolean option. The default setting is
+If \csopt[true]{save-child-count},
+each entry will be assigned a field called \field{childcount} with
+the value equal to the number of child entries that have been
+selected. As from version 1.5, this option also creates
+the \field{childlist} field for entries that have children
+selected. This field is in \sty{etoolbox}'s internal list
+format and can be iterated over using \ics{glsxtrfieldforlistloop}.
+The assignment is done using \ics{GlsXtrSetField} so there's
+no associated key. You can test if the field is set and non-zero
+which is provided with \sty{glossaries-extra-bib2gls} v1.31+.
+Within \meta{true}, you can access the actual value with
+\ics{glscurrentfieldvalue}. If \csopt[false]{save-child-count},
+this command will do \meta{false} as the \field{childcount} field
+won't be set.
+For example, suppose \filefmt{entries.bib} contains:
+and the document contains:
+\cs{gls}\marg{duck} and \cs{gls}\marg{goose}.
+\cs{gls}\marg{quartz}, \cs{gls}\marg{corundum}, \cs{gls}\marg{amethyst}.
+Then the \ext{glstex} file will contain:
+Note that although \code{birds} has three children defined in the
+\ext{bib} file, only two have been selected, so the child count is
+set to~2. Similarly the \code{minerals} entry has five children
+defined in the \ext{bib} file, but only three have been selected, so
+the child count is~3.
+The following uses the post-description hook to show the child count
+in parentheses:
+ \cs{glsxtrifhasfield}\marg{childcount}\marg{\cs{glscurrententrylabel}}\comment{}
+ \marg{ (child count: \cs{glscurrentfieldvalue}.)}\comment{}
+ \marg{}\comment{}
+\ics{glsxtrifhasfield} requires at least \sty{glossaries-extra} v1.19.
+It's slightly more efficient than \ics{ifglshasfield} provided by
+the base \styfmt{glossaries} package, and it doesn't complain if the
+entry or field don't exist, but note that \ics{glsxtrifhasfield}
+implicitly scopes its content. Use the starred version to omit the
+grouping. With \sty{glossaries-extra} v1.31+ you can perform a
+numerical test with \ics{GlsXtrIfFieldNonZero} or
+This is a boolean option. The default value is \csopt[false]{flatten}.
+If \csopt[true]{flatten}, the sorting will ignore hierarchy and
+the \field{parent} field will be omitted when writing
+the definitions to the \ext{glstex} file, but the parent entries
+will still be considered a dependent ancestor from the
+\csopt{selection} point of view.
+Note the difference between this option and using
+\csopt[parent]{ignore-fields} which will remove the dependency
+(unless a dependency is established through another field).
+This may take one of three values: \optfmt{false} (default),
+\optfmt{presort} and \optfmt{postsort}. The value must be supplied.
+Unlike the \csopt{flatten} option, which completely
+removes the hierarchy, the \csopt{flatten-lonely} option can be used
+to selectively alter the hierarchy. In this case only those entries
+that have a parent but have no siblings are considered. This option
+is affected by the \csopt{flatten-lonely-rule} setting. The conditions for
+moving a child up one hierarchical level are as follows:
+\item The child must have a parent, and
+\item the child can't have any selected siblings, and
+\item if \csopt[only unrecorded parents]{flatten-lonely-rule}
+ then the parent can't have a location list, where the location list
+ includes records and \field{see} or \field{seealso}
+ cross-references (for the other rules the parent may have a location
+ list as long as it only has the one child selected).
+If the child is selected for hierarchical adjustment, the parent
+will be removed if:
+\item The parent has no location list, and
+\item \csopt{flatten-lonely-rule} isn't set to \optfmt{no discard}.
+The value of \csopt{flatten-lonely} determines whether the
+adjustment should be made before sorting (\optfmt{presort})
+or after sorting (\optfmt{postsort}). To disable this function
+use \csopt[false]{flatten-lonely}.
+For example, suppose the file \filefmt{entries.bib} contains:
+and suppose the document contains:
+\cs{gls}\marg{quartz}, \cs{gls}\marg{corundum}, \cs{gls}\marg{amethyst}.
+\cs{gls}\marg{aardvark}, \cs{gls}\marg{bard}, \cs{gls}\marg{buzz}.
+\cs{gls}\marg{vegetable}, \cs{gls}\marg{cabbage}.
+Although the \code{duck} entry has siblings in the
+\filefmt{entries.bib} file, none of them have been recorded
+(indexed) in the document, nor has the parent \code{birds} entry.
+This document hasn't used \csopt{flatten-lonely}, so the default
+\csopt[false]{flatten-lonely} is assumed. This results in the
+hierarchical structure:
+\item[A] \null
+\item[aardvark] 1
+\item[B] \null
+\item[bard] 1
+\item[birds] \mbox{}
+ \begin{description}\setlength\itemsep{0pt}%
+ \item[duck] 1
+ \end{description}
+\item[buzz] 1
+\item[I] \null
+\item[item] \mbox{}
+ \begin{description}\setlength\itemsep{0pt}%
+ \item[subitem] \mbox{}
+ \begin{description}\setlength\itemsep{0pt}%
+ \item[subsubitem] 1
+ \end{description}
+ \end{description}
+\item[M] \null
+\item[minerals] \mbox{}
+ \begin{description}\setlength\itemsep{0pt}%
+ \item[amethyst] 1
+ \item[corundum] 1
+ \item[quartz] 1
+ \end{description}
+\item[V] \null
+\item[vegetable] 1
+ \begin{description}\setlength\itemsep{0pt}%
+ \item[cabbage] 1
+ \end{description}
+(The \qt{1} in the above indicates the page number.)
+There are some entries here that look a little odd: \code{duck},
+\code{cabbage} and \code{subsubitem}. In each case they are a
+lone child entry. It would look better if they could be compressed,
+but I don't want to use the \csopt{flatten} option, as I still want
+to keep the mineral hierarchy.
+If I now add \csopt[postsort]{flatten-lonely}:
+the hierarchy becomes:
+\item[A] \null
+\item[aardvark] 1
+\item[B] \null
+\item[bard] 1
+\item[birds, duck] 1
+\item[buzz] 1
+\item[I] \null
+\item[item, subitem, subsubitem] 1
+\item[M] \null
+\item[minerals] \mbox{}
+ \begin{description}\setlength\itemsep{0pt}%
+ \item[amethyst] 1
+ \item[corundum] 1
+ \item[quartz] 1
+ \end{description}
+\item[V] \null
+\item[vegetable] 1
+ \begin{description}\setlength\itemsep{0pt}%
+ \item[cabbage] 1
+ \end{description}
+The \field{name} field of the \code{duck} entry has been
+set to:
+the \field{text} field has been set to:
+the \field{group} field is copied over from the parent entry (\qt{B}),
+and the \field{parent} field has been adjusted, moving \code{duck}
+up one hierarchical level.
+Finally, the former parent \code{birds} entry has been removed (the default
+\csopt[only unrecorded parents]{flatten-lonely-rule} is in effect).
+The default definition of \gls!{bibglsflattenedchildpostsort}
+formats its arguments so that they are separated by a comma and
+space (\qt{birds, duck}). If the \field{text} field had been set
+in the original \atentry{index} definition of \text{duck}, it
+wouldn't have been altered. This adjustment ensures that in the
+document \code{\cs{gls}\marg{duck}} still produces \qt{duck} rather than
+\qt{birds, duck}.
+(If the child and parent \field{name} fields are identical,
+the terms are considered homographs. See below for further details.)
+The \code{subsubitem} entry has also been adjusted. This was done
+in a multi-stage process, starting with sub-items and then moving down
+the hierarchical levels:
+\item The \code{subitem} entry was adjusted, moving it from a
+sub-entry to a top-level entry. The \field{name} field was then
+modified to:
+This now means that the \code{subsubitem} entry is now a sub-entry
+(rather than a sub-sub-entry). The \code{subitem} entry now has no
+parent, but at this stage the \code{subsubitem} entry still has
+\code{subitem} as its parent.
+\item The \code{subsubitem} entry is then adjusted moving from a
+sub-entry to a top-level entry. The \field{name} field was then
+modified to:
+ \gls{bibglsflattenedchildpostsort}
+ \marg{\comment{}
+ \comment{name from former parent}
+ \gls{bibglsflattenedchildpostsort}\marg{item}\marg{subitem}\comment{}
+ }\comment{}
+ \marg{subsubitem}\comment{original name}
+The first argument of \gls!{bibglsflattenedchildpostsort} is
+obtained from the \field{name} field of the entry's former parent
+(which is removed from the child's set of ancestors). This field
+value was changed in the previous step, and the change is
+reflected here.
+This means that the name for \code{subitem} will be displayed as
+\qt{item, subitem} and the name for \code{subsubitem} will be
+displayed as \qt{item, subitem, subsubitem}.
+\item The parent entries \code{item} and \code{subitem}
+are removed from the selection as they have no location lists.
+Note that the \code{cabbage} sub-entry hasn't been adjusted. It
+doesn't have any siblings but its parent entry (\code{vegetable})
+has a location list so it can't be discarded.
+If I change the rule:
+ \csopt[discard unrecorded]{flatten-lonely-rule},
+ \csopt[postsort]{flatten-lonely}
+then this will move the \code{cabbage} entry up a level but the
+original parent entry \code{vegetable} will remain:
+\item[A] \null
+\item[aardvark] 1
+\item[B] \null
+\item[bard] 1
+\item[birds, duck] 1
+\item[buzz] 1
+\item[I] \null
+\item[item, subitem, subsubitem] 1
+\item[M] \null
+\item[minerals] \mbox{}
+ \begin{description}\setlength\itemsep{0pt}%
+ \item[amethyst] 1
+ \item[corundum] 1
+ \item[quartz] 1
+ \end{description}
+\item[V] \null
+\item[vegetable] 1
+\item[vegetable, cabbage] 1
+Remember that \csopt[postsort]{flatten-lonely} performs the
+adjustment after sorting. This means that the entries are still in
+the same relative location that they were in with the original
+\csopt[false]{flatten-lonely} setting. For example, \code{duck}
+remains in the B letter group before \qt{buzz}.
+With \csopt[presort]{flatten-lonely} the adjustments are made before
+the sorting is performed. For example, using:
+ \csopt[discard unrecorded]{flatten-lonely-rule},
+ \csopt[presort]{flatten-lonely}
+the hierarchical order is now:
+\item[A] \null
+\item[aardvark] 1
+\item[B] \null
+\item[bard] 1
+\item[buzz] 1
+\item[C] \null
+\item[cabbage] 1
+\item[D] \null
+\item[duck] 1
+\item[M] \null
+\item[minerals] \mbox{}
+ \begin{description}\setlength\itemsep{0pt}%
+ \item[amethyst] 1
+ \item[corundum] 1
+ \item[quartz] 1
+ \end{description}
+\item[S] \null
+\item[subsubitem] 1
+\item[V] \null
+\item[vegetable] 1
+This method uses a different format for the modified \field{name}
+field. For example, the \code{duck} entry now has:
+The default definition of \gls{bibglsflattenedchildpresort} simply
+does the first argument and ignores the second. The sorting is then
+performed, but the interpreter recognises this command and can
+deduce that the sort value for this entry should be \code{duck},
+so \qt{duck} now ends up in the D letter group.
+If you provide a definition of \gls{bibglsflattenedchildpresort} in
+the \atentry{preamble}, it will be picked up by the interpreter.
+For example:
+\atentry{preamble}\marg{\qtdelim{\cs{providecommand}\marg{\gls{bibglsflattenedchildpresort}}[2]\marg{\idx{param}1 (\idx{param}2)}}}
+Note that the \field{text} field is only changed if not already set.
+This option may have unpredictable results for abbreviations as the
+\field{name} field (and sometimes the \field{text} field) is
+typically set by the abbreviation style. Remember that
+if the parent entry doesn't have a \idx{locationlist} and the rule isn't
+set to \optfmt{no discard} then the parent entry will be discarded
+after all relevant entries and their dependencies have been
+selected, so any cross-references within the parent entry (such as
+\ics{gls} occurring in the description) may end up being selected
+even if they wouldn't be selected if the parent entry didn't exist.
+With both \optfmt{presort} and \optfmt{postsort},
+if the parent \field{name} is the same as the child's \field{name}
+then the child is considered a homograph and
+the child's name is set to:
+instead of the corresponding \csfmt{bibglsflattenedchild\ldots sort}.
+This defaults to just \meta{name}.
+This option governs the rule used by \csopt{flatten-lonely} to
+determine which sub-entries (that have no siblings) to adjust and
+which parents to remove. The value may be one of the following:
+\item[\optfmt{only unrecorded parents}] Only the sub-entries
+that have a parent without a \idx{locationlist} will be altered.
+The parent entry will be removed from the selection.
+This value is the default setting.
+\item[\optfmt{discard unrecorded}] This setting will adjust all
+sub-entries that have no siblings regardless of whether or not the
+parent has a \idx{locationlist}.
+Only the parent entries that don't have a location list will be
+removed from the selection.
+\item[\optfmt{no discard}] This setting will adjust all
+sub-entries that don't have siblings regardless of whether or not the
+parent has a \idx{locationlist}. No entries will be discarded, so parent
+entries that don't have a \idx{locationlist} will still appear in the
+In the above, the \idx{locationlist} includes records and
+cross-references obtained from the \field{see} or \field{seealso}
+fields. See \csopt{flatten-lonely} for further details.
+The \sty{glossaries} package requires that all child entries must be
+defined after the parent entry. An error occurs otherwise, so
+\bibgls\ will omit the \field{parent} field if it can't be found in
+the given \idx{resourceset}. However, when the default
+\csopt[false]{strip-missing-parents} is on, this omission only occurs
+while writing the definitions in the \ext{glstex} file (after
+selection and sorting).
+Sorting is performed hierarchically and the \field{group} field is set
+accordingly for the top-level entries (but not for child entries),
+which means that an entry with a \field{parent} field will be
+treated by the sort method as a child entry. This can lead to a
+strange result, which \bibgls\ warns about:
+Parent '\meta{parent id}' not found for entry \meta{child-id}
+This is the default behaviour as it may simply be a result of a
+typing mistake in the \field{parent} field. If you actually want
+missing parents to be stripped before sorting (but after the
+selection process) then use \csopt[true]{strip-missing-parents}. If
+you want all parents stripped then use \csopt{flatten} or
+\csopt[parent]{ignore-fields} instead. As from version 1.4, if you
+want \bibgls\ to create the missing parents, then you can use
+As an alternative to \csopt{strip-missing-parents}, as from version
+1.4 you can now use \csopt[\meta{value}]{missing-parents} where
+\meta{value} may be one of:
+\item \optfmt{strip}: this is equivalent to
+\item \optfmt{warn}: this is equivalent to the default
+\item \optfmt{create}: this will create a new \atentry{index}
+entry with the missing parent's label (after it's been processed by
+options such as \csopt{labelify}) with the \field{name} obtained
+from the \emph{original} value of the \field{parent} field (before being
+processed by options like \csopt{labelify}).
+If the child entry has the \field{type} field set, then the new
+parent entry will be given the same value. The \field{category} for
+the new parent entry can be assigned with
+For example, consider the \exfile{books.bib} file which contains
+entries like:
+ \field{name}=\marg{Ubik},
+ \field{description}=\marg{novel by Philip K. Dick},
+ \fieldfmt{identifier}=\marg{book},
+ \fieldfmt{author}=\marg{\gls{sortmediacreator}\marg{Philip K.}\marg{Dick}},
+ \fieldfmt{year}=\marg{1969}
+then the field alias:
+will treat:
+ \fieldfmt{author}=\marg{\gls{sortmediacreator}\marg{Philip K.}\marg{Dick}},
+as though it had been defined as:
+ \field{parent}=\marg{\gls{sortmediacreator}\marg{Philip K.}\marg{Dick}},
+This can be converted into a label with the options:
+ \csopt[parent]{labelify},
+ \csopt[
+ \marg{[ \cs{cs.string}\csfmt{.}]}\marg{}
+ ]{labelify-replace}
+If the interpreter has been provided with the definition:
+\cs{providecommand}*\marg{\gls{sortmediacreator}}[2]\marg{\idx{param}2 \idx{param}1}
+then the \field{parent} field for the \code{ubik} entry
+will become \code{DickPhilipK} but the original value is stored
+internally when \csopt[create]{missing-parents} is set so that it
+can be used as the \field{name} if the parent needs to be created.
+Once all the entries have been processed, if \code{ubik} has been
+selected but no entry can be found with the label \code{DickPhilipK}
+then a new entry will be added as though it had been defined with:
+ \field{name}=\marg{\gls{sortmediacreator}\marg{Philip K.}\marg{Dick}}
+This is an alternative approach to the \exfile{sample-authors.tex}
+document from the \hyperref[sec:examples]{examples chapter}.
+If a missing parent entry is created through the use of
+\csopt[create]{missing-parents} then the \field{category} field can
+be assigned to the new parent entry with this option. The
+\meta{value} may be one of:
+ \item \code{same as child}: the parent entry's \field{category}
+ field is set to the same value as the child's (if set);
+ \item \code{same as base}: the parent entry's \field{category} is
+ set to the base name of the \ext{bib} file that provided the
+ child entry's definition;
+ \item \code{no value}: don't set the \field{category} field;
+ \item \meta{label}: the parent entry's \field{category} field is set to
+ \meta{label} (which shouldn't contain any special characters).
+The default setting is \csopt[no value]{missing-parent-category}.
+\section{Master Documents}
+Suppose you have two documents \filefmt{mybook.tex} and
+\filefmt{myarticle.tex} that share a common glossary that's shown
+in \filefmt{mybook.pdf} but not in \filefmt{myarticle.pdf}.
+Furthermore, you'd like to use \isty{hyperref} and be able to click
+on a term in \filefmt{myarticle.pdf} and be taken to the relevant
+page in \filefmt{mybook.pdf} where the term is listed in the
+This can be achieved with the \catattr{targeturl} and
+\catattr{targetname} category attributes. For example, without
+\bibgls\ the file \filefmt{mybook.tex} might look like:
+\gls{newglossaryentry}\marg{sample}\marg{\field{name}=\marg{sample},\field{description}=\marg{an example}}
+The other document \filefmt{myarticle.tex} might look like:
+ \field{name}=\marg{sample},\field{description}=\marg{an example}}
+In this case the \optfmt{main} glossary isn't used, but the category
+attributes allow a mixture of internal and external references, so
+the \optfmt{main} glossary could be used for the internal
+references. (In which case, \csfmt{makeglossaries} and
+\csfmt{printglossaries} would need to be added back to
+Note that both documents had to define the common terms. The above
+documents can be rewritten to work with \bibgls. First a \ext{bib}
+file needs to be created:
+ \field{name}=\marg{sample},
+ \field{description}=\marg{an example}
+Assuming this file is called \filefmt{myentries.bib}, then
+\filefmt{mybook.tex} can be changed to:
+and \filefmt{myarticle.tex} can be changed to:
+ \csopt[myentries]{src},
+ \csopt[none]{sort},
+ \csopt[external]{type},
+ \csopt[external]{category}
+Most of the options related to sorting and the glossary format are
+unneeded here since the glossary isn't being displayed. This may be
+sufficient for your needs, but it may be that the book has changed
+various settings that have been written to \filefmt{mybook.glstex}
+but aren't present in the \iext{bib} file (such as
+\csopt[uc]{short-case-change}). In this case, you could just remember to copy
+over the settings from \filefmt{mybook.tex} to
+\filefmt{myarticle.tex}, but
+another possibility is to simply make \filefmt{myarticle.tex} input
+\filefmt{mybook.glstex} instead of using \gls{GlsXtrLoadResources}. This
+can work but it's not so convenient to set the label prefix, the
+type and the category. The \optfmt{master} option allows this, but
+it has limitations (see below), so in complex cases (in particular
+different label prefixes combined with hierarchical entries or cross-references) you'll have to use
+the method shown in the example code above.
+This option will disable most of the options that relate to
+parsing and processing data contained in \iext{bib} files
+(since this option doesn't actually read any \ext{bib} files).
+It also can't be used with \csopt[copy]{action} or \csopt[define
+or copy]{action}.
+The use of \optfmt{master} isn't always suitable. In particular
+if any of the terms cross-reference each other, such as through
+the \field{see} or \field{seealso} field or the \field{parent} field or
+using commands like \ics{gls} in any of the other fields when
+the labels have been assigned prefixes. In this
+case you will need to use the method described in the example above.
+The \meta{name} is the name of the \iext{aux} file for the master
+document without the extension (in this case, \filefmt{mybook}). It
+needs to be relative to the document referencing it or an absolute
+path using forward slashes as the directory divider. Remember that
+if it's a relative path, the PDF files (\filefmt{mybook.pdf} and
+\filefmt{myarticle.pdf}) will also need to be located in the same
+relative position.
+When \bibgls\ detects the \csopt{master} option, it won't search for
+entries in any \ext{bib} files (for that particular resource set)
+but will create a \iext{glstex} file that inputs the master
+\ext{glstex} files, but it will additionally temporarily
+adjust the internal commands used to define entries so that
+the prefix given by \csopt{label-prefix}, the glossary type and the
+category type are all automatically inserted. If the \csopt{type}
+or \csopt{category} options haven't been used, the corresponding
+value will default to \optfmt{master}. The \catattr{targeturl}
+and \catattr{targetname} category attributes will automatically be
+set, and the glossary type will be provided using
+The above \filefmt{myarticle.tex} can be changed to:
+There are some settings from the master document that you
+still need to repeat in the other document. These include
+the label prefixes set when the master document loaded
+the resource files, and any settings in the master document
+that relate to the master document's entries.
+For example, if the master document loaded a resource file
+with \csopt[term.]{label-prefix} then you also need this
+prefix when you reference the entries in the dependent document
+in addition to the \optfmt{label-prefix} for the dependent document.
+Suppose \filefmt{mybook.tex} loads the resources using:
+and \filefmt{myarticle.tex} loads the resources using:
+Then the entries referenced in \filefmt{myarticle.tex} need
+to use the prefix \optfmt{book.term.}\ as in:
+This is a \cs{gls}\marg{book.term.sample} term.
+Remember that the category labels will need adjusting to reflect the
+change in category label in the dependent document.
+For example, if \filefmt{mybook.tex} included:
+then \filefmt{myarticle.tex} will need:
+(change \optfmt{master} to \meta{value} if you have used
+\csopt[\meta{value}]{category}). You can, of course, choose
+a different abbreviation style for the dependent document,
+but the category in the optional argument needs to be correct.
+If the master document has multiple resource files
+then by default all the master document's
+\iext{glstex} files will be input. If you don't want them all
+you can use \optfmt{master-resources} to specify
+only those files that should be included. The value \meta{list} is
+a comma-separated list of names, where each name corresponds
+to the final argument of \gls!{glsxtrresourcefile}.
+Remember that \gls{GlsXtrLoadResources} is just a shortcut
+for \gls{glsxtrresourcefile} that bases the name on \ics{jobname}.
+(Note that, as with the argument of \gls{glsxtrresourcefile},
+the \ext{glstex} extension should not be included in \meta{list}.) The file
+\primaryresourcefmt\ is considered the primary
+resource file and the files \suppresourcefmt{\meta{n}}
+(starting with \meta{n} equal to 1) are considered the supplementary resource files.
+For example, to just select the first and third of the
+supplementary resource files (omitting the primary
+ \csopt[mybook]{master},
+ \csopt[mybook-1,mybook-3]{master-resources}
+\section{Field and Label Options}
+The options in this section may be used to set or adjust field
+values or labels. Some field values are expected to be labels (such
+as \field{group}). These labels must not contain special
+characters or commands, but it's possible to convert a field value
+into a valid label using options such as \csopt{labelify}.
+\subsection{Label Options}
+This is a boolean option that determines whether or not the fields
+that may only contain labels should have their values interpreted
+(\field{parent}, \field{category}, \field{type}, \field{group},
+\field{seealso} and \field{alias}). Although this option interprets
+commands within those fields, it doesn't strip any characters that
+can't be used within a label. The \field{see} field isn't included
+as it may optionally start with \code{\oargm{tag}} where \meta{tag}
+may legitimately contain \LaTeX\ code that shouldn't be interpreted.
+The default setting is \csopt[false]{interpret-label-fields}.
+Note that if this setting is on, \idxpl{crossresourceref} aren't
+permitted. This setting has no effect if the interpreter has been
+Related settings are \csopt{labelify} and
+\csopt{labelify-list} which can be used to strip content that
+can't be used in labels and may be used more generally for other
+fields. The \csopt{labelify} and \csopt{labelify-list} options
+are performed before \csopt{interpret-label-fields}.
+This option should take a comma-separated list of recognised field names as the
+value. (If a field is present in both \csopt{labelify} and
+\csopt{labelify-list}, then \csopt{labelify-list} takes precedence.)
+Note that if this setting is on, \idxpl{crossresourceref} aren't
+permitted. The value is required for this key but may be empty,
+which indicates an empty set of fields (that is, the setting is
+switched off).
+Each listed field will be converted into a string suitable
+for use as a label. (Not necessarily a glossary entry label, but
+any label that may be used in the construction of a control sequence
+The conversion is performed in the following order:
+\item If the interpreter is on and the field value contains
+any of the characters \idx{escchar}~(backslash),
+\idx{bgroupchar}~(begin group), \idx{egroupchar}~(end group),
+\idx{nbspchar}~(non-breakable space) or \idx{mshiftchar}~(maths shift),
+then the value is interpreted.
+\item Any substitutions that have been specified with
+\csopt{labelify-replace} are performed.
+\item All characters that aren't alphanumeric or the space character
+ or any of the following punctuation
+characters \code{.}~(full stop), \code{-}~(hyphen), \code{+}~(plus),
+\code{:}~(colon), \code{;}~(semi-colon), \code{\string|}~(pipe),
+\code{/}~(forward slash), \code{!}~(exclamation mark),
+\code{?}~(question mark), \code{*}~(asterisk), \code{<}~(less than),
+\code{>}~(greater than), \code{\textasciigrave}~(backtick),
+\code{'}~(apostrophe) or \code{@}~(at-sign) are stripped. If you want to
+retain commas, use \csopt{labelify-list} instead. If you want to
+strip any of the allowed punctuation, use \csopt{labelify-replace} to
+remove the unwanted characters. (Remember that \sty{babel} can make
+some of these punctuation characters active, in which case they need
+to be stripped.)
+\item If \bibgls\ hasn't detected \sty{fontspec} in the document's
+transcript file, the value is then decomposed and all non-ASCII
+characters are removed.
+For example, suppose the \ext{bib} file contains:
+ \field{name}=\marg{\ics{AA} ngstr\ics{umlaut}om, \ics{O} stergaard, d'Arcy, and Fotheringay-Smythe}
+ \csopt[entries]{src},\comment{data in entries.bib}
+ \csopt[name]{labelify}
+will convert the \field{name} field into:
+Angstrom stergaard d'Arcy and Fotheringay-Smythe
+if the document hasn't used \sty{fontspec} otherwise it will be:
+Ångström Østergaard d'Arcy and Fotheringay-Smythe
+Note that \O\ is considered an unmodified letter and so can't
+be decomposed into a basic Latin letter with a combining diacritic.
+It's therefore removed completely from the non-\sty{fontspec}
+version. Whereas \AA\ can be decomposed into \qt{A} followed by the
+\qt{combining ring above} character and \"o can be decomposed into \qt{o}
+followed by the \qt{combining diaresis} character. You can use
+\csopt{labelify-replace} to replace non-ASCII characters into
+the closest match. Alternatively, switch to using \XeLaTeX\ or
+You can use this option with \csopt{replicate-fields} if you need
+to retain the original:
+ \csopt[entries]{src},\comment{data in entries.bib}
+ \csopt[\field{name}=\marg{\field{user1}}]{replicate-fields},
+ \csopt[\field{user1}]{labelify}
+This option is like \csopt{labelify} but it retains commas, as it's
+designed for fields that should be converted into a comma-separated
+list of labels. Any empty elements are removed. For example, with
+the \ext{bib} entry from above:
+ \csopt[entries]{src},\comment{data in entries.bib}
+ \csopt[\field{name}=\marg{\field{user1}}]{replicate-fields},
+ \csopt[\field{user1}]{labelify-list}
+will convert the \field{user1} field into:
+Angstrom, stergaard, d'Arcy, and Fotheringay-Smythe
+Ångström, Østergaard, d'Arcy, and Fotheringay-Smythe
+depending on whether or not \sty{fontspec} was detected.
+This option takes a comma-separated list as a value with each
+element in the list in the form \code{\margm{regex}\margm{replacement}}
+where \meta{regex} is a \idx{regex} (that conforms to \href{}{Java's
+Pattern class}~\cite{pattern}) and \meta{replacement}
+is the replacement text. The value is required for this key but
+may be empty, which indicates that the
+setting is switched off.
+Remember that the argument of
+\gls{GlsXtrLoadResources} is expanded when written to the \ext{aux}
+file so take care to protect any special characters. For example, to
+match a literal \idx{full-stop} use \cs{cs.string}\idx{cs.period}
+rather than just \idx{cs.period} (backslash dot).
+In the \meta{replacement} part, you can use
+\ics{glscapturedgroup}\meta{n} to reference a captured sub-sequence.
+For example:
+This removes any \idx{full-stop} that follows any of the characters
+A,\ldots,Z. Alternatively, you can just use \verb|\string\$|
+instead of \cs{glscapturedgroup}. If you want a literal dollar
+character, you need to use \cs{glshex}\code{24} (or
+\verb|\string\u24|). This isn't recommended for labels (since special
+characters are automatically stripped), but
+\csopt{sort-replace} follows the same rules as
+\csopt{labelify-replace}, and it may be needed
+for that.
+Both \csopt{labelify} and \csopt{labelify-list} use the
+\csopt{labelify-replace} setting to
+perform substitutions. For example, to replace the sub-string \qt{ and }
+(including spaces) with a comma:
+ \csopt[entries]{src},\comment{data in entries.bib}
+ \csopt[\field{name}=\marg{\field{user1}}]{replicate-fields},
+ \csopt[\marg{ and }\marg{,}]{labelify-replace},
+ \csopt[\field{user1}]{labelify-list}
+The earlier example will now end up as:
+Angstrom, stergaard, d'Arcy,Fotheringay-Smythe
+Ångström, Østergaard, d'Arcy,Fotheringay-Smythe
+depending on whether or not \sty{fontspec} was detected.
+Note that this produces the same result regardless of whether or not
+the Oxford comma is present as \verb*|, and | would first be
+converted to \verb|,,| and then the empty element is removed
+resulting in a single comma.
+You can have more than one replacement:
+ \csopt[entries]{src},\comment{data in entries.bib}
+ \csopt[\field{name}=\marg{\field{user1}}]{replicate-fields},
+ \csopt[
+ \marg{ and }\marg{,},\comment{first substitution}
+ \marg{[ '\cs{cs.string}\cmd{-}]}\marg{},\comment{second substitution}
+ \marg{\ics{glshex}00D8}\marg{O}\comment{third substitution}
+ ]{labelify-replace},
+ \csopt[\field{user1}]{labelify-list}
+This additionally removes the space, apostrophe and hyphen
+characters (second substitution) and replaces \qt{\O} (\hex{00D8})
+with \qt{O} (third substitution) so the string now ends up as:
+depending on whether or not \sty{fontspec} was detected.
+The \csopt{label-prefix} option prepends \meta{tag} to each entry's label. This
+\meta{tag} will also be inserted in front of any cross-references, unless they
+start with \idprefix{dual} or \idprefix{tertiary} or \idprefix{extn} (where
+\meta{n} is an integer). Use \csopt{dual-prefix} to change the dual label
+prefixes and \csopt{ext-prefixes} to change the external label prefixes.
+As from version 1.8, the primary label prefix is identified
+in the \ext{glstex} file with:
+For example, if the \ext{bib} file contains:
+ \field{name}=\marg{bird},
+ \field{description} = \marg{feathered animal, such as a \cs{gls}\marg{duck} or \cs{gls}\marg{goose}}
+ \field{name}=\marg{waterfowl},
+ \field{description}=\marg{Any \cs{gls}\marg{bird} that lives in or about water},
+ \field{see}=\marg{[see also]\marg{duck,goose}}
+Then if this \ext{bib} file is loaded with \csopt[gls.]{label-prefix}
+it's as though the entries had been defined as:
+ \field{name}=\marg{bird},
+ \field{description} = \marg{feathered animal, such as a \cs{gls}\marg{} or \cs{gls}\marg{gls.goose}}
+ \field{name}=\marg{waterfowl},
+ \field{description}=\marg{Any \cs{gls}\marg{gls.bird} that lives in or about water},
+ \field{see}=\marg{[see also]\marg{,gls.goose}}
+Remember to use this prefix when you reference the terms in the
+document with commands like \ics{gls}.
+The \sty{glossaries} package doesn't permit entries with duplicate
+labels (even if they're in different glossaries). If you
+have multiple \idxpl{resourceset} and an entry that's selected
+in one \idx{resourceset} is also selected in another, by
+default, \bibgls\ will issue a warning, but it will still write the
+entry definition to the \ext{glstex} file, which means you'll also
+get a warning from \sty{glossaries-extra} and the duplicate
+definition will be ignored, but associated internal fields
+set with commands like \cs{GlsXtrSetField} may still be set.
+If you actually want the duplicate, you need to specify a
+suffix with \csopt{duplicate-label-suffix}. This suffix is only
+set just before writing the entry definition to the \ext{glstex}
+file, so it doesn't affect selection criteria nor can label
+substitutions be performed in any cross-references. Options such as
+\csopt{set-widest} that reference entry labels are incompatible
+as they will use the unsuffixed label.
+The actual suffix is formed from \meta{value}\meta{n} where \meta{n}
+is an integer that's incremented in the event of multiple
+duplicates. For example, \csopt[.copy]{duplicate-label-suffix} will
+change the label to \meta{id}\code{.copy1} for the first duplicate
+of the entry whose label is \meta{id}, and \meta{id}\code{.copy2} for
+the second duplicate, etc.
+If set, this option will cause \bibgls\ to pretend that each record
+label starts with \meta{tag}, if it doesn't already. For example, suppose
+the records in the \ext{aux} file are:
+The use of \csopt[idx.]{record-label-prefix} makes \bibgls\ act as
+though the records were given as:
+If you have commands such as \code{\ics{gls}\margm{label}} or
+\code{\ics{glstext}\margm{label}} in field
+values (in situations where nested link text won't cause a problem)
+the \meta{label} will be converted as follows:
+\item if \meta{label} starts with \idprefix{dual} then
+\idprefix{dual} will be replaced by the \csopt{dual-prefix} value;
+\item if \meta{label} starts with \idprefix{tertiary} then
+\idprefix{tertiary} will be replaced by the \csopt{tertiary-prefix} value;
+\item if \meta{label} starts with \idprefix{extn} then
+\idprefix{extn} will be replaced by the corresponding
+\csopt{ext-prefixes} setting (if \idx{crossresourceref} mode is
+enabled, see \sectionref{sec:resourcesets});
+\item if \meta{label} doesn't start with one of the above recognised
+prefixes then, if \csopt{cs-label-prefix} has been used the supplied
+value will be inserted otherwise the \csopt{label-prefix} setting
+will be inserted.
+For example, given:
+ \field{name}=\marg{bird},
+ \field{description} = \marg{feathered animal, such as a \cs{gls}\marg{duck} or \cs{gls}\marg{goose}}
+then if \csopt[idx.]{label-prefix} is set but \csopt{cs-label-prefix}
+isn't included in the resource option list this will convert the
+\field{description} field to:
+\field{description} = \marg{feathered animal, such as a \cs{gls}\marg{} or
+However with \csopt[gls.]{cs-label-prefix} the \field{description}
+field will be converted to:
+\field{description} = \marg{feathered animal, such as a \cs{gls}\marg{} or
+regardless of the \csopt{label-prefix} setting. Whereas if the
+original entry definition is:
+ \field{name}=\marg{bird},
+ \field{description} = \marg{feathered animal, such as a \cs{gls}\marg{} or
+then \idprefix{dual} will be replaced by the value of the
+\csopt{dual-prefix} option regardless of the \csopt{cs-label-prefix}
+The \csopt{cs-label-prefix} setting doesn't affect labels in the
+fields that have an entry label or label list as the value
+(\field{parent}, \field{alias}, \field{see} and \field{seealso}).
+Any cross-references in the \iext{bib} file that start with
+\idprefix{extn} (where \meta{n} is a positive integer) will be
+substituted with the \meta{n}th tag listed in the comma-separated
+\meta{list}. If there aren't that many items in the list, the
+\idprefix{extn} will simply be removed. The default setting is
+an empty list, which will strip all \idprefix{extn} prefixes.
+Remember that \idx{crossresourceref} mode needs to be enabled for
+this option to work (see \sectionref{sec:resourcesets}).
+As from version 1.8, the external label prefixes are identified
+in the \ext{glstex} file with:
+For example, suppose the file \filefmt{entries-terms.bib} contains:
+ \field{name}=\marg{set},
+ \field{description}=\marg{collection of values, denoted \cs{gls}\marg{ext1.set}}
+and the file \filefmt{entries-symbols.bib} contains:
+ \field{name}=\marg{\cs{ensuremath}\marg{\cs{mathcal}\marg{S}}},
+ \field{description}=\marg{a \cs{gls}\marg{ext1.set}}
+These files both contain an entry with the label \code{set}
+but the \field{description} field includes \code{\cs{gls}\marg{ext1.set}}
+which is referencing the entry from the other file. These
+two files can be loaded without conflict using:
+ \csopt[gls.]{label-prefix},
+ \csopt[sym.]{ext-prefixes}
+ \csopt[symbols]{type},
+ \csopt[sym.]{label-prefix},
+ \csopt[gls.]{ext-prefixes}
+Now the \code{set} entry from \filefmt{entries-terms.bib}
+will be defined with the label \code{gls.set} and the
+description will be:
+collection of values, denoted \cs{gls}\marg{sym.set}
+The \code{set} entry
+from \filefmt{entries-symbols.bib} will be defined with the label
+\code{sym.set} and the description will be:
+a \cs{gls}\marg{gls.set}
+Note that in this case the \ext{bib} files have to be loaded
+as two separate resources. They can't be combined into a
+single \csopt{src} list as the labels aren't unique.
+If you want to allow the flexibility to choose between
+loading them together or separately, you'll have to give them
+unique labels. For example, \filefmt{entries-terms.bib} could
+ \field{name}=\marg{set},
+ \field{description}=\marg{collection of values, denoted \cs{gls}\marg{ext1.S}}
+and \filefmt{entries-symbols.bib} could contain:
+ \field{name}=\marg{\cs{ensuremath}\marg{\cs{mathcal}\marg{S}}},
+ \field{description}=\marg{a \cs{gls}\marg{ext1.set}}
+Now they can be combined with:
+which will simply strip the \glsdisp{idx.idprefix.extn}{\idprefixfmt{ext1}}
+prefix from the cross-references. Alternatively:
+ \csopt[gls.]{label-prefix},
+ \csopt[gls.]{ext-prefixes}
+which will insert the supplied \csopt{label-prefix} at the
+start of the labels in the entry definitions and will replace
+the \idprefixfmt{ext1} prefix with \idprefixfmt{gls} in the
+The \meta{value} may be either the keyword \code{false} or
+the name of an internal field in which to store the entry's original
+label (as given in the \ext{bib} file). The default setting is
+\csopt[false]{save-original-id}. If \meta{value} is omitted,
+\csopt[originalid]{save-original-id} is assumed.
+If \meta{value} is a known field, it will be set after the field
+aliases, otherwise it will simply be added to the \ext{glstex} file
+using \ics{GlsXtrSetField} after the entry definition.
+The \meta{list} should be a comma-separated list of fields that
+have values in the form \code{\oargm{tag}\meta{id-list}} where
+\meta{id-list} is a comma-separated list of entry labels. The value
+is required for this key but may be empty, which indicates an empty
+set of fields (that is, the setting is switched off).
+This setting makes those fields act like the \field{see} field by
+identifying the listed entries as dependencies, but the information
+isn't added to the cross-reference part of the location list. This
+action is performed after \csopt{labelify-list}, if that's also set.
+For example, suppose the file \filefmt{entries-en.bib} contains:
+ \fieldfmt{translations-pt}=\marg{gato,gatinho},
+ \field{seealso}=\marg{kitten}
+ \fieldfmt{translations-pt}=\marg{gato,gatinho}
+ \field{name}=\marg{coconut matting}
+and suppose the file \filefmt{entries-pt.bib} contains:
+ \field{prefix}=\marg{o},
+ \fieldfmt{translations-en}=\marg{cat,staple,rivet},
+ \field{seealso}=\marg{gatinho}
+ \fieldfmt{translations-en}=\marg{kitten}
+ \fieldfmt{translations-en}=\marg{carpet,rug,mat,tapestry}
+ \field{prefix}=\marg{a},
+ \fieldfmt{translations-en}=\marg{mat,track,matting,furrow}
+ \field{prefix}=\marg{o},
+ \fieldfmt{translations-en}=\marg{doormat,matting,mat,coconut-matting}
+The aim here is to have a document containing an
+English-to-Portuguese and a Portuguese-to-English dictionary. The
+custom \fieldfmt{translations-pt} and \fieldfmt{translations-pt}
+fields contain comma-separated lists of possible translations. In
+this case I don't want to use the \field{see} field (and, in fact,
+can't for the entries that have the \field{seealso} field set), but
+I can identify the values of those fields as dependent entries to
+ensure that they are selected even if they're not referenced in the
+For convenience I've aliased the custom fields to \field{user1}:
+ \styopt{nomain},
+ \styopt{nostyles},
+ \styopt[bookindex]{stylemods},
+ \styopt[\glostyle{bookindex}]{style}
+\cs{newglossary*}\marg{en}\marg{English Terms}
+\cs{newglossary*}\marg{pt}\marg{Portuguese Terms}
+ \csopt[en]{type},
+ \csopt[entries-en]{src},
+ \csopt[en-GB]{sort},
+ \csopt[en]{category},
+ \csopt[\fieldfmt{translations-pt}=\field{user1}]{field-aliases},
+ \csopt[\field{user1}]{dependency-fields},
+ \csopt[\field{user1}:pt-BR:\encap{glsentryname}]{sort-label-list}
+ \csopt[pt]{type},
+ \csopt[entries-pt]{src},
+ \csopt[pt-BR]{sort},
+ \csopt[pt]{category},
+ \csopt[\fieldfmt{translations-en}=\field{user1}]{field-aliases},
+ \csopt[\field{user1}]{dependency-fields},
+ \csopt[\field{user1}:en-GB:\encap{glsentryname}]{sort-label-list}
+The \cs{gls}\marg{cat} sat on the \cs{gls}\marg{mat}.
+O \cs{gls}\marg{gato} sentou-se no \cs{gls}\marg{tapete}.
+ \cs{glsxtrifhasfield}\marg{\field{prefix}}\marg{\idx{param}1}\marg{\ics{xmakefirstuc}\cs{glscurrentfieldvalue}\cs{}}\marg{}\comment{}
+ \cs{glossentryname}\marg{\idx{param}1}\comment{}
+ \cs{glsxtrifhasfield}\marg{\field{useri}}\marg{\idx{param}1}
+ \marg{; translations: \cs{glsxtrseelist}\cs{glscurrentfieldvalue}}\marg{}\comment{}
+The \csopt{group} option will set the \field{group} field to \meta{label}
+unless \meta{label} is \optfmt{auto}. If \csopt[auto]{group} then if
+the \longarg{group} switch is used the value of the \field{group}
+field is set automatically during the sorting (see also \csopt{group-formation}
+and \sectionref{sec:logicaldivisions}). If the \longarg{no-group}
+setting is on then \csopt[auto]{group} does nothing.
+The corresponding group title can be set with
+\gls{glsxtrsetgrouptitle} in the document if the title is different
+from the label. The default behaviour is \csopt[auto]{group}.
+For example:
+ \csopt[entries-constants]{src}\comment{data in entries-constants.bib}
+ \csopt[entries-variables]{src}\comment{data in entries-variables.bib}
+In this case, if the \field{type} field hasn't been set in the \ext{bib} files,
+these entries will be added to the same glossary, but will
+be grouped according to each instance of \gls{GlsXtrLoadResources},
+with the provided group label.
+The selected entries may all have their \field{category} field
+changed before writing their definitions to the \ext{glstex} file.
+The \meta{value} may be:
+\item \optfmt{same as entry}: set the
+\field{category} to the \ext{bib} entry type used to define it
+(\idx!{lowercase} and without the initial \code{@}) after any aliasing,
+if applicable;
+\item \optfmt{same as original entry}: (new to v1.4) set the \field{category}
+to the original entry type (\idx!{lowercase} and without
+the initial \code{@}) before it was aliased (behaves like
+\optfmt{same as entry} if the entry type wasn't aliased);
+\item \optfmt{same as base}: (new to v1.1) set the \field{category}
+to the base name of the \ext{bib} file (without the extension)
+that provided the entry definition;
+\item \optfmt{same as type}: set the \field{category} to the same
+value as the \field{type} field (if that field has been provided
+either in the \ext{bib} file or through the \csopt{type} option);
+\item \meta{label}: the \field{category} is set to
+\meta{label} (which mustn't contain any special characters).
+This will override any
+\field{category} fields supplied in the \ext{bib} file.
+When used with \csopt{entry-type-aliases}, the option \csopt[same as
+entry]{category} refers to the \emph{target} entry type whereas
+\csopt[same as original entry]{category} refers to the
+\emph{original} entry type given in the \ext{bib} file. In both
+cases, the value is converted to \idx!{lowercase} to ensure consistency.
+For example, if the \ext{bib} file contains:
+ \field{name}=\marg{bird},
+ \field{description} = \marg{feathered animal}
+ \field{name}=\marg{dog},
+ \field{description}=\marg{chien}
+then if the document contains:
+\gls{GlsXtrLoadResources}\oarg{\csopt[same as entry]{category},\csopt[entries]{src}}
+this will set the \field{category} of the \code{bird} term to \optfmt{entry}
+(since it was defined with \atentry{entry}), the \field{category} of the
+\code{duck} and \code{goose} terms to \optfmt{index} (since they were defined
+with \atentry{index}), and the \field{category} of the \code{dog} term to
+\optfmt{dualentry} (since it was defined with \atentry{dualentry}). Note that
+the dual entry \code{} doesn't have the category set, since that's
+governed by \csopt{dual-category} instead.
+If, instead, the document contains:
+then the \field{category} of all the primary selected entries will
+be set to \optfmt{animals}. Again the dual entry \code{}
+doesn't have the \field{category} set.
+Note that the categories may be overridden by the commands that are used to
+actually define the entries (such as \gls!{bibglsnewindex}).
+For example, if the document contains:
+ \cs{longnewglossaryentry*}\marg{\idx{param}1}\marg{\field{name}=\marg{\idx{param}3},\idx{param}2,\field{category}=\marg{dual}}\marg{\idx{param}4}\comment{}
+then both the \code{dog} and \code{} entries will
+have their \field{category} field set to \optfmt{dual} since the
+new definition of \gls{bibglsnewdualentry} has overridden
+the \csopt[animals]{category} option.
+The \meta{value} may be one of:
+ \item \optfmt{same as entry} set the \field{type} field
+ to the entry type (\idx!{lowercase} and without the initial \code{@});
+ \item \optfmt{same as original entry} set the \field{type}
+ to the original entry type (\idx!{lowercase} and without
+ the initial \code{@}) before it was aliased (behaves like
+ \optfmt{same as entry} if the entry type wasn't aliased);
+ \optfmt{same as base} set the \field{type} field
+ to the base name of the corresponding \ext{bib} file
+ (without the extension);
+ \item \optfmt{same as category} set the \field{type} field
+ to the same value as the \field{category} field
+ (\field{type} unchanged if \field{category} not set);
+\item \optfmt{same as parent}: sets the \field{type} to the same as
+the entry's parent (new to v1.9). If the entry doesn't have a parent
+or if the parent doesn't have the \field{type} field set, then
+no change is made. Entries should always have the same type
+as their parent, but it's possible for spawned entries to
+pick up the \field{type} field from their \idx{progenitor} entry
+(if it was explicitly set in the \ext{bib} file),
+which may be inappropriate.
+ \item\meta{label} sets the \field{type} field to the glossary
+ identified by \meta{label}.
+When used with \csopt{entry-type-aliases}, the option \csopt[same as
+entry]{type} refers to the \emph{target} entry type and \csopt[same
+as original entry]{type} refers to the \emph{original} entry type
+given in the \ext{bib} file. It's not possible to have both
+\csopt[same as type]{category} and \csopt[same as category]{type}.
+Note that this setting only changes the \field{type} field for
+primary entries. Use \csopt{dual-type} for dual entries.
+For example:
+Make sure that the glossary type has already been defined
+(see \sectionref{sec:newglossary}). In the above, the
+\styopt{symbols} option defines the \code{symbols} glossary.
+If you want to use a custom glossary, you need to provide it. For
+(The \styopt{nomain} option was added to suppress the
+creation of the default \code{main} glossary.)
+The record counting commands, such as \gls{rgls}, use the special
+format \ics{glstriggerrecordformat}, which \bibgls\ also treats
+as an \idx{ignoredrecord}. This means the entry will still be
+identified as having a record for selection purposes, which is
+necessary for the entry to be defined for use in the document, but
+in order to prevent it from appearing in the glossary you need to
+transfer the entry with \csopt[\meta{type}]{trigger-type}.
+This will override the \csopt{type}, \csopt{dual-type},
+\csopt{tertiary-type} and the type specification in
+The provided value \meta{type} must be a glossary label (not one of
+the keywords allowed by \csopt{type}).
+You can define the glossary before loading the resource, but
+it's not required as \bibgls\ will write
+\code{\ics{provideignoredglossary*}\margm{type}} to the \ext{glstex} file
+(see \sectionref{sec:newglossary}).
+This sets the default \field{type} field for the main term defined by
+\atentry{progenitor}-like entries. The \meta{value} is as for
+\csopt{type}. This doesn't change the \field{type} for the spawned
+This sets the default \field{type} field for the \idx{progeny} term
+spawned by
+\atentry{progenitor}-like entries. The \meta{value} is as for
+\csopt{type}. This doesn't change the \field{type} for the main
+\idx{progenitor}. Remember that with the default
+\csopt[parent]{adopted-parent-field} setting, the given type
+should match the type of the parent entry.
+This identifies the target field to be set to the corresponding
+value of the \field{adoptparents} list by the \idx{progeny}
+entries spawned by the \atentry{progenitor} type of entry.
+The default is \field{parent}.
+The entry types that define abbreviations (such as
+\atentry{abbreviation} and \atentry{acronym}) will, by default,
+fallback on the \field{short} field if the \field{name} field is
+missing and it's required for some reason (for example, with
+\csopt[name]{sort-field}). If you prefer to
+fallback on a different field, then you can use this option to
+specify the field. For example,
+The \meta{field} value must be a known field label.
+The \csopt{ignore-fields} key indicates that you want \bibgls\ to
+skip the fields listed in the supplied comma-separated \meta{list} of field
+labels. Remember that unrecognised fields will always be skipped.
+For example, suppose my \ext{bib} file contains:
+ \field{short} =\qtdelim{html},
+ \field{long} = \marg{hypertext markup language},
+ \field{description}=\marg{a markup language for creating web pages},
+ \field{seealso}=\marg{xml}
+but I want to use the \abbrstyle{short-long} style and I don't want
+the cross-referenced term, then I can use
+Note that \csopt[parent]{ignore-fields} removes the \field{parent}
+before determining the dependency lists. This means that
+\csopt[recorded and deps]{selection} and
+\csopt[recorded and ancestors]{selection} won't pick up the
+label in the \field{parent} field.
+If you want to maintain the dependency and ancestor relationship but
+omit the \field{parent} field when writing the entries to the
+\ext{glstex} file, you need to use \csopt{flatten} instead.
+You can instruct \bibgls\ to treat one field as though it
+was another using this option. The value should be a comma-separated
+list of \meta{field1}\dequals\meta{field2} pairs, where
+\meta{field1} and \meta{field2} are field names. Identical
+mappings and trails aren't permitted. (That is, \meta{field1}
+and \meta{field2} can't be the same nor can you have both
+\meta{field1}\dequals\meta{field2} and
+\meta{field2}\dequals\meta{field3}.) If you want to swap
+fields you need to use one of the dual entry types instead.
+Field aliases are performed before \csopt{ignore-fields},
+so if \meta{field1} is listed in \csopt{ignore-fields} it won't
+be ignored (unless \meta{field2} is in \csopt{ignore-fields}).
+For example, suppose \filefmt{people.bib} contains:
+ \field{name}=\marg{Alexander III of Macedon},
+ \field{description}=\marg{Ancient Greek king of Macedon},
+ \fieldfmt{born}=\marg{20 July 356 BC},
+ \fieldfmt{died}=\marg{10 June 323 BC},
+ \fieldfmt{othername}=\marg{Alexander the Great}
+This contains three non-standard fields: \fieldfmt{born},
+\fieldfmt{died} and \fieldfmt{othername}. I could define
+these fields using \ics{glsaddkey}, but another possibility
+is to map these onto the user keys \field{user1}, \field{user2}
+and \field{user3}, which saves the overhead of providing new
+ \csopt[people]{src},\comment{data in people.bib}
+ \csopt[\fieldfmt{born}=\field{user1},\fieldfmt{died}=\field{user2},\fieldfmt{othername}=\field{user3}]{field-aliases}
+The value of one field can be copied to other fields using
+this option where each \meta{key}\dequals\meta{value} pair
+is in the form
+where all values are field names. The value is required for this key
+but may be empty, which indicates that the setting is switched off.
+This option copies the contents
+of \meta{field1} to \meta{field2}, \meta{field3}, \ldots\
+(only if the target field isn't already set with
+\csopt[false]{replicate-override}). This action is
+performed after \csopt{ignore-fields} (see
+\sectionref{sec:resourcesets}). If the source field is missing, the
+\csopt{replicate-missing-field-action} setting determines the
+For example, suppose \filefmt{people.bib} contains:
+ \field{name}=\marg{Alexander III of Macedon (Alexander the Great)},
+ \field{text}=\marg{Alexander},
+ \field{description}=\marg{Ancient Greek king of Macedon}
+Since the \field{first} field hasn't been supplied, it
+will default to the value of the \field{text} field, but
+perhaps for one of my documents I'd like the \field{first}
+field to be the same as the \field{name} field. Rather than
+editing the \ext{bib} file, I can just do:
+ \csopt[people]{src},\comment{data in people.bib}
+ \csopt[\field{name}=\field{first}]{replicate-fields}
+This copies the contents of the \field{name} field into the
+\field{first} field. If you have more than one field
+in the list take care to brace the lists to avoid confusion.
+For example, if for some reason I want to copy the value
+of the \field{name} field to both \field{first} and
+\field{firstplural} and copy the value of the \field{text}
+field to the \field{plural} field, then this requires braces
+for the inner list:
+ \csopt[people]{src},\comment{data in people.bib}
+ \csopt[\field{name}=\marg{\field{first},\field{firstplural}},\field{text}=\field{plural}]{replicate-fields}
+If my \filefmt{people.bib} file instead contained:
+ \field{name}=\marg{Alexander III of Macedon (Alexander the Great)},
+ \field{first}=\marg{Alexander the Great},
+ \field{text}=\marg{Alexander},
+ \field{description}=\marg{Ancient Greek king of Macedon}
+ \csopt[people]{src},\comment{data in people.bib}
+ \csopt[\field{name}=\field{first}]{replicate-fields}
+won't alter the \field{first} field since \csopt{replicate-fields}
+doesn't override existing values by default. You can use
+\csopt{replicate-override} to change this. Alternatively, since
+\csopt{replicate-fields} is always performed after \csopt{ignore-fields}
+it's possible to ignore the \field{first} field which means that the
+\field{name} value can then be copied into it:
+ \csopt[people]{src},\comment{data in people.bib}
+ \csopt[\field{first}]{ignore-fields},
+ \csopt[\field{name}=\field{first}]{replicate-fields}
+Note that the ordering within the resource options doesn't
+make a difference. The same result occurs with:
+ \csopt[people]{src},\comment{data in people.bib}
+ \csopt[\field{name}=\field{first}]{replicate-fields},
+ \csopt[\field{first}]{ignore-fields}
+This is a boolean option. The default setting is
+\csopt[false]{replicate-override}. If \optfmt{true},
+\csopt{replicate-fields} will override the existing value if the
+target field is already set.
+This option indicates what to do if a source field identified in
+\csopt{replicate-fields} is missing. The value may be one of:
+\item \optfmt{skip}: skip the replication of the missing field
+\item \optfmt{fallback}: use the fallback for the missing field, if
+one is available (otherwise skip);
+\item \optfmt{empty}: make the target field empty.
+The \csopt{counter} option assigns the default counter to use
+for the selected entries. (This can be overridden with the
+\glsopt{counter} key when using commands like \csfmt{gls}.)
+The value must be the name of a counter. Since \bibgls\ doesn't know
+which counters are defined within the document, there's no check to
+determine if the value is valid (except for ensuring that
+\meta{value} is non-empty).
+Note that this will require an extra \LaTeX\ and \bibgls\ call since
+the counter can't be used for the indexing until the entry has been
+This option may only be used when invoking \bibgls\ with the
+\longarg{group} (or \shortargfmt{g}) switch. If an action
+other than the default \csopt[define]{action} is set,
+this option can be used to identify a field in which to save
+the letter group information
+where \meta{value} is the name of the field. This just uses
+\cs{GlsXtrSetField}. You will need to redefine
+\ics{glsxtrgroupfield} to \meta{value} before displaying the glossary.
+For example, if \csopt[dupgroup]{copy-action-group-field},
+\csopt[copy]{action} and \csopt[copies]{type} are set in
+the resource options and \code{copies} identifies a custom
+ \marg{\cs{renewcommand}\marg{\cs{glsxtrgroupfield}}\marg{dupgroup}}
+This option is ignored when used with \csopt[define]{action}.
+This option is not used by \csopt{secondary} which will
+always save the group information in the \field{secondarygroup}
+field. When used with \csopt[define or copy]{action}, entries
+that are defined will have both \field{group} and
+the field given by \csopt{copy-action-group-field} set.
+Note that you may do \csopt[group]{copy-action-group-field} which
+will override the \field{group} field from the original definition.
+This may be useful if you don't use grouping in the primary
+glossary. That is, you use \code{nogroupskip} and a non-group
+style. For example:
+If set, the value of the \field{alias} field is copied to
+the \field{see} field. The default setting is \csopt[false]{copy-alias-to-see}.
+If this is set to \optfmt{true}, the original entry type
+(without the leading \idx{atchar}) is stored in the
+\field{originalentrytype} field. If no entry aliasing has been
+applied (with \csopt{entry-type-aliases}) the field will be set to
+the actual entry type.
+\subsection{Field Adjustments}
+The \styopt{postdot} package option (or \styopt[false]{nopostdot})
+can be used to append a \idx{full-stop} (\idx{periodchar})\ to the
+end of all the descriptions. This can be awkward if some of the
+descriptions end with punctuation characters. This resource option
+can be used instead. The \meta{value} may be one of:
+\item\optfmt{none}: don't append a \idx{full-stop} (default);
+\item\optfmt{all}: append a \idx{full-stop} to all \field{description}
+ fields in this resource set;
+\item\optfmt{check}: selectively append a \idx{full-stop} (see below).
+Note that if you have dual entries and you use this option to
+append a \idx{full-stop}, then it will be copied over to the mapped field.
+This is different to the \styopt{postdot} option which doesn't
+add the dot to the field but incorporates it in the
+\idx{postdescriptionhook}. This means that a dot inserted with
+\csopt{post-description-dot} will come before the
+\idx{postdescriptionhook} whereas with \styopt{postdot} the
+punctuation comes after any category-specific hook.
+The \csopt[check]{post-description-dot} setting determines whether
+to append the dot as follows:
+\item If the \field{description} field ends with
+\ics{nopostdesc} or \ics{glsxtrnopostpunc}, then a dot isn't appended.
+\item If the \field{description} field doesn't end with a regular
+(ungrouped letter or other) character, then a dot is appended.
+(For example, if the description ends with a control sequence
+or an end group token.)
+\item If the \field{description} field ends with a character
+that belongs to the Unicode category \idx{punctuationclose}
+or \idx{punctuationfinalquote} then the token preceding
+that character is checked.
+\item If the \field{description} field doesn't end with
+a character that belongs to the Unicode category
+\idx{punctuationother} then the dot is added.
+Note that the interpreter isn't used during the check.
+If the \field{description} ends with a command then a dot will be
+appended (unless it's \cs{glsxtrnopostpunc} or \cs{nopostdesc}) even if
+that command expands in such a way that it ends with a terminating
+punctuation character. This option only applies to the
+\field{description} field.
+This option is always performed before \csopt{post-description-dot}.
+The default setting is \csopt[false]{strip-trailing-nopost}. If \optfmt{true}
+any trailing ungrouped \ics{nopostdesc} or \ics{glsxtrnopostpunc} found in the
+\field{description} field will be removed. Note that the command (possibly
+followed by ignored space) must be at the very end of the description for it to
+be removed. A description should not contain both commands. This option only
+applies to the \field{description} field.
+For example, \cs{nopostdesc} will be stripped from:
+since it's at the end. It will also be stripped from:
+\field{description}=\marg{sample\cs{nopostdesc} }
+since the trailing space is ignored as it follows a control
+word. It won't be stripped from:
+\field{description}=\marg{sample\cs{nopostdesc}\marg{} }
+because the final space is now significant, but even without the
+space it still won't be stripped as the field ends with
+an empty group not with \cs{nopostdesc}. Similarly it won't be
+stripped from:
+because again it's not at the end.
+This options checks the end of all the fields given in \meta{list} for
+end of sentence punctuation. This is determined as follows, for each
+\meta{field} in the comma-separated \meta{list}:
+\item if the last character is of type \idx{punctuationclose}
+or \idx{punctuationfinalquote}, check the character that comes
+before it;
+\item if the character is of type \idx{punctuationother}, then check
+if it's listed in the entry given by \idx{sentence.terminators}
+in \bibgls's \langxml.
+If a sentence terminator is found, an internal field is created
+called \field{fieldendpunc} that contains the punctuation
+character. Fields whose values must be labels (such as
+\field{parent}, \field{category} and \field{type}) aren't checked,
+even if they're included in \meta{list}.
+The default \idx{sentence.terminators} is defined in \file{bib2gls-en.xml}
+<entry key="sentence.terminators">.?!</entry>
+Any character that isn't of type \idx{punctuationother} won't
+For example, the sample \exfile{books.bib} file contains:
+ \field{name}=\marg{Why Didn't They Ask Evans?},
+ \field{description}=\marg{novel by Agatha Christie},
+ \fieldfmt{identifier}=\marg{book},
+ \fieldfmt{author}=\marg{\gls{sortmediacreator}\marg{Agatha}\marg{Christie}},
+ \fieldfmt{year}=\marg{1934}
+With \csopt[name]{check-end-punctuation}, this entry will be
+assigned an internal field called
+\fielddisp{fieldendpunc}{nameendpunc} set to \code{?}\
+as that's included in \idx{sentence.terminators} and is found
+at the end of the \field{name} field:
+(Note that \csopt[first,text]{check-end-punctuation} won't match
+as there's no \field{first} or \field{text} field supplied.)
+If you have a field that ends with an abbreviation followed by a
+\idx{full-stop}, this will be considered an end of sentence terminator, but
+the main purpose of this option is to provide a way to deal with
+cases like:
+Agatha Christie wrote \cs{gls}\marg{whydidnttheyaskevans}.
+where the end of sentence punctuation following \cs{gls} needs to be
+discarded. This is needed regardless of whether or not
+the link text ends with an abbreviation or is a complete sentence.
+It's then possible to hook into the \idx{postlinkhook} \qt{discard
+period} check. By default this just checks the category attributes
+that govern whether or not to discard a following period, but
+(with \styfmt{glossaries-extra} v1.23+) it's possible to provide
+an additional check by redefining:
+This should expand to \meta{true} if the check should be performed
+otherwise it should expand to \meta{false}. You can reference the
+label using \cs{glslabel}. For example:
+ \cs{GlsXtrIfFieldUndef}\marg{nameendpunc}\marg{\cs{glslabel}}\marg{\idx{param}2}\marg{\idx{param}1}\comment{}
+This uses \ics{GlsXtrIfFieldUndef} rather than
+\ics{glsxtrifhasfield*} since there's no need to access the field's
+value. (The unstarred form \ics{glsxtrifhasfield} can't be used
+as it introduces implicit scoping, which would interfere with the
+punctuation lookahead.) The other difference between
+\ics{GlsXtrIfFieldUndef} and the other \csfmt{\ldots hasfield} tests
+is the case where the field is set to an empty value. In this case
+the field is defined (so \ics{GlsXtrIfFieldUndef} does the
+\meta{false} argument) but it's considered unset (so commands like
+\ics{ifglshasfield} do the \meta{false} argument).
+This option takes a list as the value with each element in the list
+in the form:
+\item \meta{field-list} is a comma-separated list of valid fields;
+\item \meta{sort} is a valid sort method as per the \csopt{sort}
+option, but not including \optfmt{none} or \optfmt{unsrt};
+\item \meta{csname} is the name (without a leading backslash) of a
+command that takes a label as its sole mandatory argument that's
+recognised by \bibgls' interpreter (such as those listed in
+The final \code{:\meta{csname}} part may be omitted if no command
+need be applied. (That is, sort by label.) The value is required for this key but
+may be empty, which indicates the setting is switched off.
+The sorting options are as those for the main list. For example,
+for entries in the primary list the break point is obtained from the
+\csopt{break-at} setting and for entries in the dual list the break
+point is obtained from \csopt{dual-break-at}. (Remember that if
+\csopt[combine]{dual-sort} then there is only one list that contains both
+the primary and dual entries, which is governed by the primary
+options only.)
+If the \meta{field-list} has more than one element
+take care to use braces \code{\marg{}} to avoid confusion for the
+list-parser. For example:
+ \csopt[\marg{see,seealso}:en:glsentryname]{sort-label-list}
+Note that strange results may occur if this setting is used on any
+fields that don't simply contain a list of entry labels or if any of
+the referenced entries are processed in different
+\idxpl{resourceset} (see \sectionref{sec:resourcesets}).
+After the main sorting of each set of selected entries is performed
+(as per \csopt{sort} or \csopt{dual-sort}), if this
+option is set, then for each
+\code{\margm{field-list}:\meta{sort}:\meta{csname}} the following
+steps are performed:
+\item For each entry \meta{id}:
+ \begin{enumerate}
+ \item For each \meta{field} in \meta{field-list}, if the field is
+ set for entry \meta{id} then:
+ \begin{enumerate}
+ \item The field value must be in the form
+ \code{\oargm{tag}\meta{label-list}} where
+ \code{\oargm{tag}} is optional and
+ \meta{label-list} is a comma-separated list of entry labels
+ \meta{label$_1$}, \ldots, \meta{label$_n$};
+ \item A new list is constructed where the $i$th element is:
+ \code{\marg{\csfmt{}\meta{csname}\margm{label$_i$}}}
+ unless \meta{csname} hasn't been set, in which case the
+ $i$th element is just \margm{label$_i$} (the optional
+ \oargm{tag} part is omitted);
+ \item This new list is sorted according to the interpreter's
+ definition of the command given by \meta{csname} (if provided)
+ and the designated \meta{sort} method;
+ \item The field value is reconstructed with the labels in the
+ corresponding order (prefixed with \code{\oargm{tag}} if it was
+ present in the original).
+ \end{enumerate}
+ \end{enumerate}
+Note that there is no hierarchical structure in the sorting of the field list
+even if any of the referenced entries has a parent.
+For example, suppose the file \filefmt{entries.bib} contains:
+\atentry{index}\marg{waterfowl, \field{parent}=\marg{bird} }
+ \field{parent}=\marg{waterfowl},
+ \field{seealso}=\marg{swan,duckling,parrot,goose}
+ \field{parent}=\marg{waterfowl},
+ \field{seealso}=\marg{goose,duck}
+ \field{parent}=\marg{waterfowl},
+ \field{seealso}=\marg{duck}
+\atentry{index}\marg{parrot, \field{parent}=\marg{bird} }
+ \field{see}=\marg{[related terms]fluffy,velociraptor,duck,tardigrade}
+\atentry{index}\marg{tardigrade, \field{name}=\marg{water bear} }
+And suppose the document contains:
+ \csopt[entries]{src},
+ \csopt[en]{sort},
+ \csopt[\marg{seealso,see}:en:glsentryname]{sort-label-list}
+\cs{Gls}\marg{parrot}, \cs{gls}\marg{tardigrade}, \cs{gls}\marg{swan}, \cs{gls}\marg{duck},
+\cs{gls}\marg{goose}, \cs{gls}\marg{fluffy} \cs{gls}\marg{duckling}, \cs{gls}\marg{velociraptor}.
+Then this reorders the \field{see} and \field{seealso} fields according to
+the referenced entry's name (obtained with \ics{glsentryname}).
+For example, the \field{see} field for the \code{duckling} entry was
+\field{see}=\marg{[related terms]fluffy,velociraptor,duck,tardigrade}
+but in the \ext{glstex} file it's written as:
+\field{see}=\marg{[related terms]duck,fluffy,velociraptor,tardigrade}
+The reason for \code{tardigrade} being placed after
+\code{velociraptor} is because
+\code{\ics{glsentryname}\marg{tardigrade}} is expanded to \qt{water
+bear} (and \qt{W} comes after \qt{V}). If no encapsulating command
+was specified:
+then the list would have been sorted according to the labels
+instead (and so \code{tardigrade} would come before
+\code{velociraptor}). Note that the optional tag is kept at the start of the
+The \field{seealso} fields have also been changed. For example,
+the \code{duck} entry originally had:
+but in the \ext{glstex} file it's written as:
+Note that the hierarchical structure hasn't been maintained. The glossary
+lists \qt{duckling} (a top-level entry) after \qt{swan} (a level~2 entry)
+but the \field{seealso} field has \code{duckling} first.
+If you want to maintain the hierarchy you can use \ics{glsxtrhiername} instead
+of \ics{glsentryname}:
+ \csopt[entries]{src},
+ \csopt[en]{sort},
+ \csopt[\marg{seealso,see}:en:glsxtrhiername]{sort-label-list}
+The separator between the levels is
+given by \ics{glsxtrhiernamesep} which is defined by
+\sty{glossaries-extra} to produce \qt{\glsxtrhiernamesep}.
+The \bibgls\ interpreter's definition of this command is different
+to assist sorting and simply expands to a \idx{full-stop} to prevent
+it from being replaced by the default word break marker.
+In this case \code{\ics{glsxtrhiername}\marg{swan}} would be
+displayed as \qt{bird\glsxtrhiernamesep waterfowl\glsxtrhiernamesep
+swan} if used in the document, but the interpreter converts it to
+\qt{bird.waterfowl.swan}, so with the default \csopt{break-at}
+setting the actual sort value becomes \code{bird.waterfowl.swan|}
+(instead of \code{bird|waterfowl|swan|} which would be the result if
+the interpreter used the same definition as \sty{glossaries-extra}).
+Therefore the \field{seealso} field for the \code{duck} entry ends up as:
+Now \code{swan} comes before \code{duckling} because the actual sort
+value started with a \qt{B} not \qt{S}.
+This hierarchical information isn't shown in the cross-reference by
+default, so the \code{duck} cross-reference list appears in the
+document as: parrot, goose, swan \& duckling.
+If you want the hierarchical information to appear to help assist
+the reader, you can redefine \ics{glsseeitemformat} in the document
+to use \ics{glsxtrhiername}:
+This means that the \code{duck} cross-reference now appears in the
+document as: bird\glsxtrhiernamesep parrot, bird\glsxtrhiernamesep
+waterfowl\glsxtrhiernamesep goose, bird\glsxtrhiernamesep waterfowl
+\glsxtrhiernamesep swan \& duckling.
+This next example document has two languages, English and
+Portuguese. The file \filefmt{entries-en.bib} contains the English
+terms, such as:
+\atentry{index}\marg{cat, \fieldfmt{translations}=\marg{gato,gatinho} }
+\atentry{index}\marg{kitten, \fieldfmt{translations}=\marg{gatinho} }
+\atentry{index}\marg{staple, \fieldfmt{translations}=\marg{grampo}}
+\atentry{index}\marg{rivet, \fieldfmt{translations}=\marg{rebite}}
+The file \filefmt{entries-pt.bib} contains the Portuguese
+terms, such as:
+\atentry{index}\marg{gato, \fieldfmt{translations}=\marg{cat,staple,rivet} }
+\atentry{index}\marg{gatinho, \fieldfmt{translations}=\marg{kitten} }
+Both files have a custom field called \fieldfmt{translations} that
+will need to be either defined or aliased. This field contains a
+comma-separated list of labels for the corresponding entries in the
+other language file that provide a possible translation. Where a
+word has multiple possible translations, I'd like the list sorted
+alphabetically. (In practice, it would make more sense to sort them
+according to how likely the translation is, but this is for
+illustrative purposes.) For convenience, the
+custom field is simply aliased to the \field{user1} field.
+The document has two glossaries for each set of terms. The English
+terms are sorted according to \csopt[en-GB]{sort} in one
+\idx{resourceset} and the Portuguese terms are sorted according to
+\csopt[pt-BR]{sort} in another \idx{resourceset}. This means that there
+are cross-resource references, but since there are no instances of
+\atentry{preamble} it should be possible to resolve the references.
+The document code is:
+ \styopt{nomain},
+ \styopt{nostyles},
+ \styopt[bookindex]{stylemods},
+ \styopt[bookindex]{style}
+\cs{newglossary*}\marg{en}\marg{English Terms}
+\cs{newglossary*}\marg{pt}\marg{Portuguese Terms}
+ \csopt[all]{selection},
+ \csopt[en]{type},
+ \csopt[entries-en]{src},
+ \csopt[en-GB]{sort},
+ \csopt[\fieldfmt{translations}=\field{user1}]{field-aliases},
+ \csopt[\field{user1}:pt-BR:\encap{glsentryname}]{sort-label-list}
+ \csopt[all]{selection},
+ \csopt[pt]{type},
+ \csopt[entries-pt]{src},
+ \csopt[pt-BR]{sort},
+ \csopt[\fieldfmt{translations}=\field{user1}]{field-aliases},
+ \csopt[\field{user1}:en-GB:\encap{glsentryname}]{sort-label-list}
+ \cs{glossentryname}\marg{\idx{param}1}\comment{}
+ \cs{glsxtrifhasfield}\marg{useri}\marg{\idx{param}1}\marg{: \ics{glsxtrseelist}\cs{glscurrentfieldvalue}}\marg{}\comment{}
+In verbose mode, the transcript file indicates that it's performing
+the label list sorting. For example, when sorting according to
+\csopt[user1:pt-BR:glsentryname]{sort-label-list}, the transcript
+file contains:
+Label list sort method 'pt-BR' on field: user1
+The \code{cat} entry has a list of two elements in this field:
+\code{gato,gatinho}. This is converted into a new list where the
+first element is:
+and the second element is:
+Regardless of the level of verbosity, the transcript file will
+contain the conversions obtained by the interpreter:
+texparserlib: {\glsentryname{gato}} -> gato
+texparserlib: {\glsentryname{gatinho}} -> gatinho
+The \code{kitten} entry has the same list, and the same process is
+repeated for that entry. The \longarg{verbose} mode will provide additional
+information. The \longarg{debug} mode will indicate whether the
+referenced label was found in the current \idx{resourceset} or if it had
+to be fetched from another \idx{resourceset}. So if the resulting
+order isn't what you expect, check the transcript file for messages.
+This option indicates that the listed fields all use \BibTeX's name
+syntax (as used in \BibTeX's \code{author} and \code{editor} fields). The value is required for this key but
+may be empty, which indicates an empty set of fields (that is, the
+setting is switched off).
+The values of these fields will be converted into the form:
+\gls{bibglscontributorlist}\margm{contributor list}\margm{n}
+where \meta{n} is the number of names in the list and
+\meta{contributor-list} is a comma-separated list of names in the
+The \gls{bibglscontributorlist} command is initially defined in
+\bibgls's interpreter to just do the first argument and ignore the
+second. This means that if you're sorting on this field, the \qt{and}
+part between the final names doesn't appear in the sort value.
+The actual definition of \gls{bibglscontributorlist} provided in the
+\ext{glstex} file depends on whether or not \ics{DTLformatlist} is defined.
+(Note that \styfmt{glossaries} automatically loads \sty{datatool-base}
+so this command will be defined if you have at least v2.28 of
+For example, if the \field{name} field is specified as:
+\field{name}=\marg{John Smith and Jane Doe and Dickie von Duck}
+then \csopt[name]{bibtex-contributor-fields} will convert the
+\field{name} field value to:
+ \gls{bibglscontributor}\marg{John}\marg{}\marg{Smith}\marg{},\comment{}
+ \gls{bibglscontributor}\marg{Jane}\marg{}\marg{Doe}\marg{},\comment{}
+ \gls{bibglscontributor}\marg{Dickie}\marg{von}\marg{Duck}\marg{}}\marg{3}
+With \csopt[von]{contributor-order} the sort value obtained from
+this field will be:
+Smith, John,Doe, Jane,von Duck, Dickie
+With one of the locale sort methods and with the default
+\csopt[word]{break-at}, this will end up as:
+The \gls{bibglscontributor} command is defined in
+\bibgls's interpreter and its definition is dependent on this
+setting. The \meta{value} may be one of (where the parts in square
+brackets are omitted if that argument is empty):
+\item \optfmt{surname}: \gls{bibglscontributor} expands to
+\meta{surname}\oarg{, \meta{suffix}}\oarg{, \meta{forenames}}\oarg{,
+\item \optfmt{von}: \gls{bibglscontributor} expands to
+\oarg{\meta{von-part} }\meta{surname}\oarg{, \meta{suffix}}\oarg{, \meta{forenames}};
+\item \optfmt{forenames}: \gls{bibglscontributor} expands to
+\oarg{\meta{forenames} }\oarg{\meta{von-part} }\meta{surname}\oarg{,
+The default value is \optfmt{von}. Note that if you have multiple
+resource sets, this option governs the way \bibgls's version of
+\gls{bibglscontributor} behaves. The actual definition is written to
+the \ext{glstex} using \cs{providecommand}, which means that \LaTeX\
+will only pick up the first definition.
+For example:
+ \idx{param}1\ics{ifstrempty}\marg{\idx{param}2}\marg{}\marg{ \idx{param}2} \idx{param}3\cs{ifstrempty}\marg{\idx{param}4}\marg{}\marg{, \idx{param}4}\comment{}
+ \csopt[entries]{src},\comment{data in entries.bib}
+ \csopt[name]{bibtex-contributor-fields}
+This will display the names in the glossary with the forenames
+first, but \bibgls\ will sort according to surname.
+An alternative approach, if you need an initial resource set
+such as with the \exfile{no-interpret-preamble.bib} file:
+ \csopt[no-interpret-preamble]{src},
+ \csopt[false]{interpret-preamble},
+ \csopt[name]{bibtex-contributor-fields},
+ \csopt[forenames]{contributor-order}
+ \csopt[entries]{src},\comment{data in entries.bib}
+ \csopt[name]{bibtex-contributor-fields}
+Note the need to use \csopt[name]{bibtex-contributor-fields}
+in the first resource set even though there are no entries in
+the \ext{bib} file. This is because the definition of
+\gls{bibglscontributor} is only written to the \ext{glstex} file if
+\csopt{bibtex-contributor-fields} has been set to a non-empty list.
+The second resource set will use the default
+\csopt[von]{bibtex-contributor-fields} setting when obtaining the
+sort value.
+This option should take a comma-separated list of
+\optfmt{\meta{field}\dequals\meta{cs-name-1arg}} values, where
+\meta{cs-name-1arg} is the name of a control sequence that takes
+one argument. The value is required for this key but
+may be empty, which indicates an empty set (that is, the
+setting is switched off).
+During the processing stage, each field identified in
+the list (if defined) will have its value replaced with:
+where \meta{value} was its previous value. An
+empty list switches off encapsulation (the default).
+This action overrides any previous use of \csopt{encapsulate-fields}
+within the same \idx{resourceset} and is always performed before
+\csopt{encapsulate-fields*}, regardless of the order in the
+\idx{resourceset}['s] list of options.
+This option should take a comma-separated list of
+\optfmt{\meta{field}\dequals\meta{cs-name-2arg}} values, where
+\meta{cs-name-2arg} is the name of a control sequence that takes two
+arguments. The value is required for this key but
+may be empty, which indicates an empty set (that is, the
+setting is switched off).
+During the processing stage, each field identified in the
+list (if defined) will have its value replaced with:
+where \meta{value} was its previous value and \meta{label} is the
+entry's label (including prefix, if appropriate). An
+empty list switches off encapsulation (the default).
+This action overrides any previous use of
+\csopt{encapsulate-fields*} within the same \idx{resourceset}, and
+is always performed after \csopt{encapsulate-fields}, regardless of
+the order in the \idx{resourceset}['s] list of options, so if the
+same field is listed in both settings, its value will end up as:
+This option indicates that the listed fields should be replaced by
+their interpreted values. The value is required for this key but
+may be empty, which indicates an empty set of fields (that is, the
+setting is switched off). Other fields not listed may still be
+interpreted depending on other settings. As with the \field{sort}
+field, any special characters are replaced with commands like
+\ics{glsbackslash} and \ics{bibglsdollarchar}. This option is
+applied after \csopt{field-case-change} (if set).
+For example, suppose I have a file \filefmt{entries.bib} that
+contains definitions like:
+ \field{name}=\marg{\cs{ensuremath}\marg{\ics{pi}}},
+ \field{description}=\marg{the ratio of a circle's circumference to its diameter},
+ \field{name} = \marg{\cs{ensuremath}\marg{\ics{sigma}}},
+ \field{description} = \marg{standard deviation}
+Instead of having a list of terms (glossary), suppose I want to have
+standalone definitions, where the term appears in a section heading.
+I could define a command like this:
+ \cs{ifglsentryexists}\marg{\idx{param}1}\comment{}
+ \marg{\comment{}
+ \cs{section}\oarg{\cs{glsentryname}\marg{\idx{param}}}\marg{\cs{glsadd}\marg{\idx{param}1}\ics{glsxtrglossentry}\marg{\idx{param}1}}\comment{}
+ \ics{Glossentrydesc}\marg{\idx{param}1}\cs{glspostdescription}
+ }\comment{}
+ \marg{\cs{section}\oarg{Missing `\idx{param}1'}\marg{\cs{glsadd}\marg{\idx{param}1}}}\comment{}
+which can be used in the document:
+A problem with this definition of my custom command occurs if I add
+\sty{hyperref} to the document, because this tries to write \cs{pi}
+and \cs{sigma} to the PDF bookmarks, which doesn't work because
+those commands can't be automatically converted to characters
+permitted in a PDF string. This leads to a warning from
+Token not allowed in a PDF string (Unicode)
+Ideally I'd like to be able to convert these symbols to Unicode so
+that they can appear in the bookmarks. Since \bibgls' interpreter
+recognises these commands, I can get it to make the conversion
+instead of trying to implement a method within \TeX:
+ \csopt[entries]{src},
+ \csopt[\field{name}=\fieldfmt{pdfname}]{replicate-fields},
+ \csopt[fallback]{replicate-missing-field-action},
+ \csopt[\fieldfmt{pdfname}]{interpret-fields}
+This first copies the \field{name} field to the custom
+\fieldfmt{pdfname} and then interprets the copy. This leaves
+the \field{name} field with the \LaTeX\ code to produce the symbol
+in the document, but the \fieldfmt{pdfname} field ends up with all markup
+stripped by the interpreter and the \cs{pi} and \cs{sigma} are
+converted to the Unicode characters \hex{1D70B} (mathematical italic
+small pi) and \hex{1D70E} (mathematical italic small sigma). With
+\XeLaTeX\ or \LuaLaTeX\ these characters can be written to the PDF
+bookmarks by adjusting the definition of the custom command:
+ \cs{ifglsentryexists}\marg{\idx{param}1}\comment{}
+ \marg{\comment{}
+ \cs{section}
+ \oarg{\ics{texorpdfstring}\marg{\cs{glsentryname}\marg{\idx{param}1}}\marg{\cmd{pdfname}\marg{\idx{param}1}}}
+ \marg{\cs{glsadd}\marg{\idx{param}1}\cs{glsxtrglossentry}\marg{\idx{param}1}}\comment{}
+ \cs{Glossentrydesc}\marg{\idx{param}1}\cs{glspostdescription}
+ }\comment{}
+ \marg{\cs{section}\oarg{Missing `\idx{param}1'}\marg{\cs{glsadd}\marg{\idx{param}1}}}%
+This option indicates that the listed fields all contain
+date and time information. Primary entries will have these fields
+parsed according to \csopt{date-time-field-format} and
+\csopt{date-time-field-locale} and dual entries will have these
+fields parsed according to \csopt{dual-date-time-field-format} and
+\csopt{dual-date-time-field-locale}. If the field value is missing
+or doesn't match the given pattern it remains unchanged, otherwise
+it's converted into the form:
+where \meta{original} is the value of the field before conversion.
+If the interpreter is on, the value will be interpreted before
+being parsed if it contains \idx{escchar}, \idx{mshiftchar},
+\idx{bgroupchar}, \idx{egroupchar} or \idx{nbspchar}. (Remember that
+\idx{nbspchar} is converted to the non-breaking space character
+\hex{A0} unless \longarg{break-space} is used.)
+As \csopt{date-time-fields} but for fields that only contain date
+(not time) information. If parsed correctly, the field is converted
+The fields are parsed according to
+\csopt{date-field-format} and
+\csopt{date-field-locale} for primary entries and according to
+\csopt{dual-date-field-format} and
+\csopt{dual-date-field-locale} for dual entries.
+As \csopt{date-time-fields} but for fields that only contain time
+(not date) information. If parsed correctly, the field is converted
+The fields are parsed according to
+\csopt{time-field-format} and
+\csopt{time-field-locale} for primary entries and according to
+\csopt{dual-time-field-format} and
+\csopt{dual-time-field-locale} for dual entries.
+This option also sets
+The value is the format pattern used when parsing fields identified
+by \csopt{date-time-fields}. The \meta{value} is as for
+This option also sets
+The value is the format pattern used when parsing fields identified
+by \csopt{date-fields}. The \meta{value} is as for
+This option also sets
+The value is the format pattern used when parsing fields identified
+by \csopt{time-fields}. The \meta{value} is as for
+This option also sets
+The value is the locale used when parsing fields identified
+by \csopt{date-time-fields}. The \meta{value} is as for
+This option also sets
+The value is the locale used when parsing fields identified
+by \csopt{date-fields}. The \meta{value} is as for
+This option also sets
+The value is the locale used when parsing fields identified
+by \csopt{time-fields}. The \meta{value} is as for
+The \sty{glossaries-extra} package comes with the category
+attributes \catattr{glossdesc} and \catattr{glossname}, which may
+take the values \optfmt{firstuc} or \optfmt{title}. These don't
+change the actual \field{name} or \field{description} fields, but
+instead \ics{glossentryname} and \ics{glossentrydesc} (which are
+used by the default glossary styles) check for the corresponding
+attribute and apply the appropriate \idx{case-change} to the field value.
+So \ics{glossentryname} will use \ics{Glsentryname} if the
+\catattr{glossname} attribute for the given entry is set to \optfmt{firstuc}
+and \ics{glossentrydesc} will use \ics{Glsentrydesc} if the
+\catattr{glossdesc} attribute is set to \optfmt{firstuc}.
+The \optfmt{title} setting will instead use \ics{capitalisewords}
+applied to the field value.
+The resource options described in this section provide an
+alternative to those attributes that actually modify the relevant
+field (rather than just adjusting the style code used to display it).
+There are two forms of modification: the field is adjusted so that
+the original value is encapsulated by a command or \bibgls\ will
+perform the actual \idx{case-change} according to its own algorithm.
+The results can vary according to the field content.
+Only a subset of known fields have a resource option that can be
+used to apply a \idx{case-change}. For example, \csopt{name-case-change}
+can be used to change the case of the \field{name} field, but
+there's no equivalent option for the \field{text} field.
+Each of the case-changing resource options may take one of the
+following values:
+\item \optfmt{none}: don't apply any case-changing (default);
+\item \optfmt{lc-cs}: make \bibgls\ behave as though the field
+\meta{field} = \margm{text}
+had actually been specified as:
+\meta{field} = \marg{\gls{bibglslowercase}\margm{text}}
+which uses \TeX\ to convert the field to \idx{lowercase};
+\item \optfmt{uc-cs}: make \bibgls\ behave as though the field
+\meta{field} = \margm{text}
+had actually been specified as:
+\meta{field} = \marg{\gls{bibglsuppercase}\margm{text}}
+which uses \TeX\ to convert the field to \idx{uppercase};
+\item \optfmt{firstuc-cs}: make \bibgls\ behave as though the field
+\meta{field} = \margm{text}
+had actually been specified as:
+\meta{field} = \marg{\gls{bibglsfirstuc}\margm{text}}
+which uses \TeX\ to convert the field to first-letter \idx{uppercase};
+\item \optfmt{title-cs}: make \bibgls\ behave as though the field
+\meta{field} = \margm{text}
+had actually been specified as:
+\meta{field} = \marg{\gls{bibglstitlecase}\margm{text}}
+which uses \TeX\ to convert the field to \idx{titlecase};
+\item \optfmt{lc}: convert to \idx{lowercase} by making the
+appropriate modifications to tokens in the field value that have
+a known \idx{lowercase} alternative (see below);
+\item \optfmt{uc}: convert to \idx{uppercase} by making the
+appropriate modifications to tokens in the field value that have
+a known \idx{uppercase} alternative (see below);
+\item \optfmt{firstuc}: convert to first letter \idx{uppercase}
+by making the appropriate modification, if it has
+a known \idx{uppercase} alternative (see below);
+\item \optfmt{title}: convert to \idx{titlecase} by making the
+appropriate modifications to the first letter of each identified
+word in the field value that has a known \idx{uppercase}
+alternative (see below).
+A word-boundary is identified according to the
+\csopt{word-boundaries} setting. Words to be excluded from the
+case-changing (unless they occur at the start) can be identified
+with \ics{MFUnocap} in the \atentry{preamble} or you can use
+\code{\longarg{packages} mfirstuc-english} for the exclusion list
+provided by the \isty{mfirstuc-english} package. Alternatively, you
+can use \longarg{custom-packages} to load a simple package that
+contains the required \cs{MFUnocap} commands (in a similar style to
+The \bibgls\ word-boundary implementation is slightly different with
+this setting than with the \cs{capitalisewords} command (implemented
+in \TeX\ or by the \TeX\ parser library when interpreting field
+values). Only words in the exclusion list that start with an
+alphabetical character can be matched. Punctuation following a
+word-boundary is not considered part of the next word.
+The \optfmt{firstuc-cs} and \optfmt{firstuc} options are essentially
+a \idx{sentencecase} change, but there's no check for
+sentence-breaks within the value, so even if the value contains
+multiple sentences, only the first is changed.
+The \optfmt{\meta{option}-cs} settings defer the actual case-changing
+to \TeX, which means that the case-changing has to be applied every
+time the field is typeset (and it introduces non-expandable content
+to the field value). Be aware of the limitations of using any of the
+case-changing commands. See the \isty{textcase} and \isty{mfirstuc}
+package documentation for further details~\cite{textcase,mfirstuc}.
+You may use \code{\ics{NoCaseChange}\margm{content}} (provided by
+\sty{textcase}) to prevent any \idx{case-change} to \meta{content}.
+For the settings where \bibgls\ itself performs the \idx{case-change}, then
+\bibgls\ will iterate over each token of the field value and apply
+the following rules:
+\item If the token is a normal Unicode alphabetic character, it will
+be replaced with the corresponding upper or lower case character, as
+For \optfmt{title} and \optfmt{firstuc}, the \idx{titlecase} character is
+used as the replacement, for \optfmt{uc} the \idx{uppercase} character is
+used as the replacement, and for \optfmt{lc} the \idx{lowercase} character
+is used as the replacement. Many characters have the same upper and
+title case alternative (for example, \qt{a} will be converted to \qt{A}
+for the \optfmt{title}, \optfmt{firstuc} and \optfmt{uc} settings), but
+some characters have different title and upper versions (for example,
+the digraph \qt{\char"01F3} has the title version \qt{\char"01F2}
+and \idx{uppercase} version \qt{\char"01F1}).
+If the option is \optfmt{firstuc} then all the remaining tokens are
+skipped. If the option is \optfmt{title} then the subsequent tokens
+are skipped until a word-boundary is found.
+\item If the token is a normal Unicode character that isn't alphabetical,
+then this token will be skipped for all options.
+\item If \code{\idx{mshiftchar}\meta{maths}\idx{mshiftchar}} is
+encountered, it will be skipped. If the option is \optfmt{firstuc}
+then all remaining tokens are skipped, so no \idx{case-change} will be
+\item\label{case-change-group} If a group \code{\margm{content}} is
+found, then the \idx{case-change} is applied to the entire \meta{content}
+(which may be empty). This corresponds to the way \ics{makefirstuc}
+and \ics{capitalisewords} work if a~word starts with a group. Note
+that with \optfmt{firstuc} and \optfmt{title} the group content will
+be converted according to \optfmt{uc}, so the normal \idx{uppercase}
+character is used rather than the title case character (if they are
+If the option is \optfmt{firstuc} then all the remaining tokens are
+skipped. If the option is \optfmt{title} then the subsequent tokens
+are skipped until a word-boundary is found.
+\item If a control sequence \csfmt{}\meta{csname} is found, then:
+ \begin{enumerate}
+ \item If the control sequence is \cs{protect}, this token is skipped
+ for all options.
+ \item If the control sequence is one of: \ics{o}, \ics{O}, \ics{l},
+ \ics{L}, \ics{ae}, \ics{AE}, \ics{oe}, \ics{OE}, \ics{aa}, \ics{AA},
+ \ics{ss}, \ics{SS}, \ics{ng}, \ics{NG}, \ics{th}, \ics{TH},
+ \ics{dh}, \ics{DH}, \ics{dj} or \ics{DJ}, then
+ it's replaced with its \idx{case-change} counterpart (if not already the
+ correct case).
+ If the option is \optfmt{firstuc} then all the remaining tokens are
+ skipped. If the option is \optfmt{title} then the subsequent tokens
+ are skipped until a word-boundary is found.
+ \item If the control sequence is \ics{NoCaseChange} or is in the
+ \csopt{no-case-change-cs} list, then the
+ control sequence and its argument is ignored. With \optfmt{firstuc}
+ and \optfmt{title}, if \code{\ics{NoCaseChange}\margm{text}}
+ (but not any \csopt{no-case-change-cs} command)
+ occurs at the start of a word, then \bibgls\ will act as though
+ the word hasn't started yet (so the next token will be considered
+ for a \idx{case-change}). This is different to the way \ics{makefirstuc}
+ and \ics{capitalisewords} work.
+ \item If the control sequence is \ics{ensuremath}, \ics{si} or if
+ \meta{csname} ends with \qtt{ref} (for example, \ics{ref} or
+ \ics{pageref}) then the control sequence and its argument is ignored.
+ In the case where \meta{csname} ends with \qtt{ref}, a following
+ star (\code{*}) or optional argument before the mandatory argument
+ will also be skipped. This allows for some common cross-referencing
+ commands, such as \sty{hyperref}['s] \ics{autoref}, which may have
+ a starred form, but does not allow for more complicated commands with
+ multiple arguments.
+ If the option is \optfmt{firstuc} then all the remaining tokens are
+ skipped (so no \idx{case-change} will be performed). If the option is
+ \optfmt{title} then the subsequent tokens
+ are skipped until a word-boundary is found (so no \idx{case-change} is
+ performed for this word).
+ \item If the control sequence is \ics{glsentrytitlecase} then:
+ \begin{description}
+ \item[\optfmt{lc}] the control sequence is converted to
+ \ics{glsxtrusefield};
+ \item[\optfmt{uc}] the control sequence is converted to
+ \ics{GLSxtrusefield};
+ \item[\optfmt{firstuc}] the control sequence is converted to
+ \ics{Glsxtrusefield} and the remaining tokens are skipped;
+ \item[\optfmt{title}] the control sequence is left unchanged
+ and subsequent tokens are skipped until a word-boundary is found.
+ \end{description}
+ The field and entry label arguments are skipped.
+ \item If the control sequence is \ics{glshyperlink} then the
+ \idx{case-change} is applied to its optional argument. (If there was no
+ optional argument in the original field value, one will be inserted.)
+ The label argument is skipped.
+ If the option is \optfmt{firstuc} then all the remaining tokens are
+ skipped. If the option is \optfmt{title} then the subsequent tokens
+ are skipped until a word-boundary is found.
+ \item If the control sequence is \ics{glsdisp}, \ics{glslink},
+ \ics{dglsdisp} or \ics{dglslink} then the \idx{case-change} will be
+ applied to the appropriate argument. The optional argument (if
+ present) and the label are skipped.
+ If the option is \optfmt{firstuc} then all the remaining tokens are
+ skipped. If the option is \optfmt{title} then the subsequent tokens
+ are skipped until a word-boundary is found.
+ \item If the control sequence has a known case variant, it will be
+ substituted. For example, \ics{gls} will be changed to \ics{Gls}
+ or \ics{GLS}. In some cases there isn't an appropriate variant.
+ For example, \ics{glsentrytext} has a first-letter upper case
+ version \ics{Glsentrytext}, but not an all-caps version.
+ If the option is \optfmt{firstuc} then all the remaining tokens are
+ skipped. If the option is \optfmt{title} then the subsequent tokens
+ are skipped until a word-boundary is found.
+ \item If the control sequence is followed by a group, then the
+ appropriate \idx{case-change} is applied to the group contents.
+ Unlike step~\ref{case-change-group}, the \idx{case-change} isn't
+ applied to the entire group content with \optfmt{firstuc} and
+ \optfmt{title}. (Again, this follows the way that
+ \ics{makefirstuc} and \ics{capitalisewords} work.)
+ If there are subsequent groups, they won't be considered arguments,
+ but will be treated as groups, as per step~\ref{case-change-group}.
+ (This will only affect the \optfmt{title} setting as they will be
+ skipped by the \optfmt{firstuc} setting.) For complex cases,
+ consider using a semantic command that hides non-textual context
+ such as the \csfmt{strong} example described on page~\glsxtrpageref{strong}.
+ \item Otherwise the control sequence is skipped.
+ \end{enumerate}
+\item Anything else is skipped.
+For example, if an entry is defined as:
+ \field{short} = \marg{HTML},
+ \field{long} = \marg{hypertext markup language},
+ \field{description}=\marg{a markup language for creating web pages}
+ \csopt[lc]{short-case-change},
+ \csopt[title]{long-case-change},
+ \csopt[firstuc]{description-case-change}
+will make the entry behave as if it had been defined as:
+ \field{short} = \marg{html},
+ \field{long} = \marg{Hypertext Markup Language},
+ \field{description}=\marg{A markup language for creating web pages}
+ \csopt[lc-cs]{short-case-change},
+ \csopt[title-cs]{long-case-change},
+ \csopt[firstuc-cs]{description-case-change}
+will make the entry behave as if it had been defined as:
+ \field{short} = \marg{\gls{bibglslowercase}\marg{HTML}},
+ \field{long} = \marg{\gls{bibglstitlecase}\marg{hypertext markup language}},
+ \field{description}=\marg{\gls{bibglsfirstuc}\marg{a markup language for creating web pages}}
+If the given field is missing, no change is made, except under
+certain circumstances (see the relevant resource option for details).
+For example, if an abbreviation is simply defined as:
+ \field{short} = \marg{html},
+ \field{long} = \marg{hypertext markup language}
+ \csopt[uc]{name-case-change},
+ \csopt[title]{description-case-change}
+won't have an effect. Although the default \abbrstyle{long-short} abbreviation
+style sets the \field{name} and \field{description} fields, \bibgls\ doesn't
+have access to this information.
+Remember that you can create missing fields by copying the value
+from another field. So if the resource options are changed to:
+ \csopt[uc]{name-case-change},
+ \csopt[title]{description-case-change},
+ \csopt[\field{short}=\field{name},\field{long}=\field{description}]{replicate-fields}
+then \bibgls\ will act as though the entry had been defined as:
+ \field{short} = \marg{html},
+ \field{long} = \marg{hypertext markup language},
+ \field{name} = \marg{HTML},
+ \field{description} = \marg{Hypertext Markup Language}
+If the \abbrstyle{long-short-sc} abbreviation style is set (before
+\gls{GlsXtrLoadResources}) then this will override the default style
+for the \field{name} and \field{description}, so
+\code{\cs{gls}\marg{html}} will display the short form using
+\code{\ics{textsc}\marg{html}} but the \field{name} in the glossary
+will be displayed using just \code{HTML}.
+Note that with \atentry{index} the \field{name} and \field{text}
+fields will automatically be created if they are missing and
+\csopt{name-case-change} is used. For example, if an entry is
+defined as:
+then \csopt[firstuc]{name-case-change} will make this entry behave
+as though it was defined as:
+ \field{name} = \marg{Duck},
+ \field{text} = \marg{duck}
+Suppose I have a slightly eccentric abbreviation definition:
+ \field{short} = \qtdelim{ht\cs{emph}\marg{ml}},
+ \field{long} = \qtdelim{hypertext markup language}
+then \csopt[uc]{short-case-change} would convert the value of the
+\field{short} field into:
+Note that \csfmt{emph} isn't modified as it's recognised as a
+command. There's a difference between a group that follows a control
+sequence and one that doesn't. For example:
+ \field{short} = \qtdelim{\marg{ht}ml},
+ \field{long} = \qtdelim{hypertext markup language}
+In this case \csopt[firstuc]{short-case-change} will convert the
+\field{short} field value to:
+(The entire contents of the group \code{\marg{ht}} has been
+converted.) Whereas with:
+ \field{short} = \qtdelim{\cs{emph}\marg{ht}ml},
+ \field{long} = \qtdelim{hypertext markup language}
+then \csopt[firstuc]{short-case-change} will convert the
+\field{short} field value to:
+(Only the first letter of the argument \code{\marg{ht}} has been
+There's no attempt at interpreting the field contents at this point (but
+the value may later be interpreted during sorting).
+For example, suppose a \field{name} field is defined using:
+\field{name} = \qtdelim{z\ics{ae}\ics{oe}},
+then with \csopt[uc]{name-case-change}, the value would be converted to
+because \cs{ae} and \cs{oe} have known \idx{uppercase} versions.
+With \csopt[uc-cs]{name-case-change}, the \field{name}
+value would be converted to:
+If the interpreter is used during sorting, the sort value will be set to
+\code{Z\AE\OE} because the interpreter recognises all three commands.
+You can use \code{\ics{NoCaseChange}\margm{text}} to prevent the given
+\meta{text} from having the case changed. For example, if the \field{short}
+field is defined as:
+\field{short} = \marg{a\cs{NoCaseChange}\marg{bc}d}
+then with \csopt[uc]{short-case-change}, this would be converted to
+Note that with \optfmt{firstuc} and \optfmt{title}, if
+\code{\ics{NoCaseChange}\margm{text}} occurs at the start of a word
+then it's skipped, and the case change is
+applied to the material following its argument. For example,
+suppose the \field{short} field is defined as:
+then the result is:
+whereas with:
+then the result is just \code{\marg{}html} (since the case change is
+applied to the empty group, which has no effect).
+If you have a command that takes a label or identifier as an argument then it's
+best to hide the label in a custom command. For example, if the
+\field{short} field in the \ext{bib} definition is defined as:
+ \field{short} = \qtdelim{ht\ics{textcolor}\marg{red}\marg{ml}},
+then with \csopt[uc]{short-case-change} this would end up as:
+which is incorrect. Instead, provide a command that hides the label
+(such as the \csfmt{strong} example described on page~\glsxtrpageref{strong}).
+Instructs the non-\TeX\ case-changing options (where \bibgls, not
+\TeX, performs the modification) to treat the commands whose control
+sequence names are given in the comma-separated \meta{list} in the
+same way as it treats \cs{ensuremath} etc. That is, the case-change
+is omitted for the argument that follows any of those commands.
+For example, this manual defines some semantic commands such as
+\csfmt{fieldfmt} (to format field names), \csfmt{abbrstylefmt}
+(to format abbreviation style names) and \csfmt{glostylefmt} (to format
+glossary style names). These occur in some of the section
+and subsection headings in the \hyperref[sec:topics]{topic summary}
+which are converted to \idx{titlecase} (see \csopt{field-case-change}).
+These formatting commands shouldn't have their argument changed so they
+are identified with:
+Governs how the \optfmt{title} \idx{case-change} option
+determines word boundaries. The \meta{list} must contain one or
+more of the following keywords:
+\item[\optfmt{white space}] any white space Unicode character
+that is not a non-breakable space indicates a word-boundary;
+\item[\optfmt{cs space}] the control sequences
+\ics{space} or \ics{} indicate a word-boundary;
+\item[\optfmt{dash}] a Unicode character that belongs to the
+\idx{punctuationdash} block indicates a word-boundary;
+\item[\optfmt{nbsp}] the \idx{nbspchar} active character or the Unicode
+non-breakable characters \hex{00A0}, \hex{2007} and \hex{202F}
+indicate a word-boundary.
+Any keyword that is not listed indicates that particular setting is off. This
+option is not cumulative. Any subsequent use of
+\csopt{word-boundaries} within the same set of resource options will
+override previous settings.
+The default setting is \csopt[white space,cs
+space]{word-boundaries}, which excludes non-breakable
+spaces and dashes.
+Applies a case-change to the \field{short} field (if present).
+This option may take one of the values described above.
+See \csopt{dual-short-case-change} to adjust the \field{dualshort}
+Applies a case-change to the \field{long} field (if present).
+This option may take one of the values described above.
+See \csopt{dual-long-case-change} to adjust the \field{duallong}
+Applies a case-change to the \field{name} field.
+This option may take one of the values described above.
+If the \field{text} field hasn't been set, the \field{name}
+value is first copied to the \field{text} field. If the \field{name}
+field hasn't been set (for example, with the \atentry{index} entry
+type), it's copied from the fallback value (which
+depends on the entry type) unless the entry type is
+\atentry{abbreviation} or \atentry{acronym}, in which case if
+the \field{name} field is missing no action is performed.
+Applies a case-change to the \field{description} field (if present).
+This option may take one of the values described above.
+A general case-change instruction. The value should be a
+comma-separated list of \code{\meta{field}\dequals\meta{setting}} for each
+field that needs a case-change applied. The value is required for this key but
+may be empty, which indicates this option is switched off.
+The \meta{setting} should be
+the same as the permitted values for the above options. This
+option is applied after all fields have been parsed but before
+\csopt{interpret-fields}. If the
+specified field is missing, the fallback for that field (if known) is copied
+into the field. For example:
+This manual provides a custom storage key called
+The resource options copy the \field{name} value to this custom
+field and convert \fieldfmt{nametitle} to \idx{titlecase}:
+This means that the \hyperref[sec:topics]{topic summary}
+(page~\pageref{sec:topics}) can fetch the value of
+\fieldfmt{nametitle} instead of \field{name}, which provides an
+expandable \idx{titlecase} form that's suitable for the PDF
+This option isn't cumulative. If used multiple times in the same
+\idx{resourceset}, the last instance will be the one used. If
+the \keyvallist\ is missing, no general case-changing is applied
+(the default).
+Some languages, such as English, have a general rule that plurals
+are formed from the singular with a suffix appended. This isn't
+an absolute rule. There are plenty of exceptions (for example,
+geese, children, churches, elves, fairies, sheep, mice), so a
+simplistic approach of just doing \code{\ics{gls}\margm{label}[s]}
+will sometimes produce inappropriate results, so the \styfmt{glossaries}
+package provides a \field{plural} key with the corresponding command
+In some cases a plural may not make any sense (for example, if the
+term is a verb or symbol), so the \field{plural} key is optional, but to
+make life easier for languages where the majority of plurals can
+simply be formed by appending a suffix to the singular, the
+\styfmt{glossaries} package lets the \field{plural} field default
+to the value of the \field{text} field with \ics{glspluralsuffix}
+appended. This command is defined to be just the letter \qt{s}.
+This means that the majority of terms in such languages don't need to have the
+\field{plural} supplied as well, and you only need to use it for the
+For languages that don't have this general rule, the \field{plural}
+field will always need to be supplied for nouns.
+There are other plural fields, such as \field{firstplural},
+\field{longplural} and \field{shortplural}. Again, if you are using
+a language that doesn't have a simple suffix rule, you'll have to
+supply the plural forms if you need them (and if a plural makes
+sense in the context).
+If these fields are omitted, the \styfmt{glossaries} package follows
+these rules:
+\item If \field{firstplural} is missing, then \ics{glspluralsuffix}
+is appended to the \field{first} field, if that field has been
+supplied. If the \field{first} field hasn't been supplied but the
+\field{plural} field has been supplied, then the \field{firstplural}
+field defaults to the \field{plural} field. If the \field{plural}
+field hasn't been supplied, then both the \field{plural} and
+\field{firstplural} fields default to the \field{text} field (or
+\field{name}, if no \field{text} field) with \ics{glspluralsuffix}
+\item If the \field{longplural} field is missing, then
+\ics{glspluralsuffix} is appended to the \field{long} field, if the
+\field{long} field has been supplied.
+\item If the \field{shortplural} field is missing then, \emph{with
+the base \styfmt{glossaries} acronym mechanism}, \ics{acrpluralsuffix}
+is appended to the \field{short} field.
+The last case is different with the \isty{glossaries-extra} extension
+package. The \field{shortplural} field defaults to the \field{short}
+field with \ics{abbrvpluralsuffix} appended \emph{unless overridden
+by category attributes}. This suffix command is set by the
+abbreviation styles. This means that every time an abbreviation
+style is implemented, \ics{abbrvpluralsuffix} is redefined. Most
+styles simply define this command as:
+where \ics{glsxtrabbrvpluralsuffix} expands to \ics{glspluralsuffix}.
+The \qt{sc} styles (such as \abbrstyle{long-short-sc}) use a different
+This allows the suffix to be reverted back to the upright font,
+counteracting the affect of the small-caps font.
+This means that if you want to change or strip the suffix used for
+the plural short form, it's usually not sufficient to redefine
+\ics{abbrvpluralsuffix}, as the change will be undone the next time
+the style is applied. Instead, for a document-wide solution, you
+need to redefine \ics{glsxtrabbrvpluralsuffix}. Alternatively you can
+use the category attributes.
+There are two attributes that affect the short plural suffix
+formation. The first is \catattr{aposplural} which uses the suffix
+That is, an \idx{apostrophe} followed by \ics{abbrvpluralsuffix} is
+appended. The second attribute is \catattr{noshortplural} which
+suppresses the suffix and simply sets \field{shortplural} to the
+same as \field{short}.
+With \bibgls, if you have some abbreviations where the plural should
+have a suffix and some where the plural shouldn't have a suffix
+(for example, the document has both English and French abbreviations)
+then there are two approaches.
+The first approach is to use the category attributes. For example:
+Now just make sure all the French abbreviations are have their
+\field{category} field set to \optfmt{french}:
+The other approach is to use the options listed below for the given
+\idx{resourceset}. For example:
+Sets the plural suffix for the default \field{shortplural} to
+\meta{value}. The \meta{value} may be one of:
+\item \meta{suffix}: add the
+\field{shortplural} field, if missing, with the given \meta{suffix}.
+\item \meta{empty}: add the
+\field{shortplural} field, if missing, with no suffix.
+\item \optfmt{use-default}: leave
+it to \styfmt{glossaries-extra} to determine the appropriate default.
+The default setting is \csopt[use-default]{short-plural-suffix}.
+If the \code{=\meta{value}} part is omitted, then
+\csopt[\empty]{short-plural-suffix} is assumed.
+Sets the plural suffix for the default \field{dualshortplural} field to
+\meta{value}. As with \csopt{short-plural-suffix}, the default
+setting is \csopt[use-default]{dual-short-plural-suffix}. If the
+\meta{value} is omitted or empty, the suffix is set to empty.
+\section{Location List Options}
+The \styopt{record} package option automatically adds two new keys:
+\field{loclist} and \field{location}. These two fields are set by
+\bibgls\ from the information supplied in the \iext{aux} file (unless
+the option \csopt[false]{save-locations} is used). The
+\field{location} field contains the code to typeset the formatted
+The \field{loclist} field has the syntax of an \isty{etoolbox} internal list
+and includes every location (except for the discarded duplicates and
+\idxpl{ignoredrecord}) with no range formations. Any explicit range markup
+is stripped from the \glsopt{format} information to leave just the \idx{encap}
+name, so you just get the start and end locations added as individual
+elements but they are still encapsulated with the associated formatting
+command. Each item in the list is provided in one of the following forms:
+\ics{glsseeformat}\oargm{tag}\margm{label list}\marg{}
+for the cross-reference supplied by the \field{see} field,
+\ics{glsxtruseseealsoformat}\margm{xr list}
+for the cross-reference supplied by the \field{seealso} field,
+for standard the internal locations,
+for supplemental (external) locations and
+for \code{nameref} records. (See \sectionref{sec:supplementalopts}
+for more information about supplemental locations and
+\longarg{merge-nameref-on} for more information about \code{nameref}
+You can iterate through the \field{loclist} value
+using one of \sty{etoolbox}'s internal list loops (either
+by first fetching the list using \ics{glsfieldfetch}
+or through \styfmt{glossaries-extra}'s \ics{glsxtrfielddolistloop}
+or \ics{glsxtrfieldforlistloop} shortcuts).
+The \meta{format} is that supplied by the \glsopt{format} key
+when using commands like \ics{gls} or \ics{glsadd} (the encapsulator or
+\idx{encap} in \idx!{makeindex} parlance). If omitted, the default
+\glsopt[glsnumberformat]{format} is assumed (unless this
+default value is changed with \ics{GlsXtrSetDefaultNumberFormat}.
+The value of the \glsopt{format} key must be the name of
+a text-block command without the leading backslash that takes
+a single argument (the location). The location
+is encapsulated by that command. For example,
+will display the corresponding location in bold, but note that this
+will no longer have a hyperlink if you've used \sty{hyperref}.
+If you want to retain the hyperlink you need the location
+encapsulated with \cs{hyperbf} instead of \cs{textbf}:
+The \csfmt{hyper}\meta{xx} set of commands all internally use
+\cs{glshypernumber} which adds the appropriate hyperlink to the
+location. See Table~6.1 in the \styfmt{glossaries}~\cite{glossaries}
+user manual for a list of all the \csfmt{hyper}\meta{xx} commands.
+Ranges can be explicitly formed using the parenthetical
+syntax \glsopt[\idx{openrange}]{format} and
+\glsopt[\idx{openrange}]{format} or \glsopt[\idx{openrange}\meta{csname}]{format} and
+\glsopt[\idx{closerange}\meta{csname}]{format} (where \meta{csname} is again the name of
+a text-block command without the initial backslash) in the optional
+argument of commands like \ics{gls} or \ics{glsadd}. These will always
+form a range, regardless of \csopt{min-loc-range}, and will be
+encapsulated by \gls!{bibglsrange}. (This command is not used with
+ranges that are formed by collating consecutive locations.) The
+initial marker is stripped from the \meta{format} argument of the
+location formatting commands, such as \gls{glsnoidxdisplayloc}, to
+allow for easy conversion to the corresponding text-block command.
+Explicit ranges don't merge with neighbouring locations, but will
+absorb any single locations within the range that don't conflict.
+(Conflicts will be moved to the start of the explicit range.)
+For example, if \code{\cs{gls}\marg{sample}} is used on page~1,
+\code{\cs{gls}\oarg{\glsopt[\idx{openrange}]{format}}\marg{sample}} is used on page~2,
+\code{\cs{gls}\marg{sample}} is used on page~3, and
+\code{\cs{gls}\oarg{\glsopt[\idx{closerange}]{format}}\marg{sample}} is used on page~4, then the location
+list will be 1, 2--4. The entry on page~3 is absorbed into the
+explicit range, but the range can't be expanded to include page~1.
+If the entry on page~3 had a different format to the explicit range,
+for example \code{\cs{gls}\oarg{\glsopt[\encap{textbf}]{format}}\marg{sample}}
+then it would cause a warning and be moved before the start of the
+range so that the location list would then be 1, \textbf{3}, 2--4.
+An \idx{ignoredrecord} identifies a term that needs to be treated as
+though it has a record for selection purposes, but the record
+should not be included in the location list.
+The special format \glsaddopt[\encap{glsignore}]{format} is provided
+by the \styfmt{glossaries} package for cases where the location
+should be ignored. (The command \ics{glsignore} simply ignores its
+argument.) This works reasonably well if an entry only has the one
+location, but if the entry happens to be indexed again, it can lead
+to an odd empty gap in the location list with a spurious comma. If
+\bibgls\ encounters a record with this special format, the entry
+will be selected but the record will be discarded.
+This means that the location list will be empty if the entry was
+only indexed with the special ignored format, but if the entry was also
+indexed with another format then the location list won't include the
+\idxpl{ignoredrecord}. (This format is used by \ics{glsaddallunused} but
+remember that iterative commands like this don't work with \bibgls.
+Instead, just use \csopt[all]{selection} to select all entries.
+Those that don't have records won't have a location list.)
+For example, suppose you only want main matter locations in the
+number list, but you want entries that only appear in the back matter
+to still appear in the glossary (without a location list), then you could do:
+If you also want to drop front matter locations as well:
+Note that explicit range formations aren't discarded, so if
+\encap{glsignore} is used in a range, such as:
+then the range will be included in the location list (encapsulated
+with \ics{glsignore}), but this case would be a rather odd use of
+this special format and is not recommended.
+The record counting commands, such as \gls{rgls}, use the special
+format \encap{glstriggerrecordformat}, which \bibgls\ also treats
+as an \idx{ignoredrecord} and the same rules as for \encap{glsignore} apply.
+The locations are always listed in the order in which they were indexed,
+(except for the cross-reference which may be placed at the start or
+end of the list or omitted).
+This is different to \idx!{xindy} and \idx!{makeindex} where you can
+specify the ordering (such as \idx!{lowercase} Roman first, then digits,
+etc), but unlike those applications, \bibgls\ allows any location,
+although it may not be able to work out an integer representation.
+(With \idx!{xindy}, you can define new location formats, but you need
+to remember to add the appropriate code to the custom module.)
+It's possible to define a custom glossary style where
+\ics{glossentry} (and the child form \ics{subglossentry}) ignore the
+final argument (which will be the \field{location} field)
+and instead parse the \field{loclist} field and re-order the
+locations or process them in some other way. Remember that you can
+also use \ics{glsnoidxloclist}
+provided by \styfmt{glossaries}. For example:
+\cs{glsfieldfetch}\marg{gls.sample}\marg{loclist}\marg{\cmd{loclist}}\comment{fetch location list}
+\cs{glsnoidxloclist}\marg{\cmd{loclist}}\comment{iterate over locations}
+This uses \ics{glsnoidxloclisthandler} as the list's \idx{handler}
+macro, which simply displays each location separated by \ics{delimN}.
+(See also
+Tips and Tricks}~\cite{iterationtips}.)
+Each regular location is listed in the \iext{aux} file in the form:
+(See \longarg{merge-nameref-on} for \code{nameref} records.)
+Exact duplicates are discarded. For example, if \code{cat}
+is indexed twice on page 1:
+then the second record is discarded. Only the first record is added
+to the location list.
+Partial duplicates, where all arguments match except for
+\meta{format}, may be discarded depending on the value
+of \meta{format}. For example, if page~1 of the document
+uses \code{\cs{gls}\marg{cat}} and
+then the \ext{aux} file will contain:
+This is a partial record match. In this case, \bibgls\
+makes the following tests:
+\item If one of the formats includes a range formation, the
+range takes precedence.
+\item If one of the formats is \encap{glsnumberformat} (as in the
+above example) or an \idx{ignoredrecord} format such as
+\encap{glsignore}, that format will be skipped. So in the above
+example, the second record will be added to the location list, but
+not the first. (A message will only be written to the transcript if
+the \longarg{debug} switch is used.) The default
+\encap{glsnumberformat} will take precedence over the
+\idx{ignoredrecord} formats (\encap{glsignore} and
+\item If a mapping has been set with the \longarg{map-format}
+switch that mapping will be checked.
+\item Otherwise the duplicate record will be discarded with a
+The \field{location} field is used to store the formatted location
+list. The code for this list is generated by \bibgls\ based on the
+information provided in the \iext{aux} file, the presence of the
+\field{see} or \field{seealso} field and the various settings described in this
+chapter. When you display the glossary using \ics{printunsrtglossary},
+if the \field{location} field is present it will be displayed
+according to the glossary style (and other factors, such as whether the
+\styopt{nonumberlist} option has been used, either as a package
+option or supplied in the optional argument of \ics{printunsrtglossary}).
+For more information on adjusting the formatting see the
+\styfmt{glossaries}~\cite{glossaries} and
+\styfmt{glossaries-extra}~\cite{glossaries-extra} user manuals.
+By default, the locations will be processed and stored in the
+\field{location} and \field{loclist} fields. However, if you don't
+want the location lists (for example, you are using the
+\styopt{nonumberlist} option or you are using \idx{xindy} with a
+custom location rule), then there's no need for \bibgls\ to process
+the locations. To switch this function off, just use
+\csopt[false]{save-locations}. Note that with this setting, if
+you're not additionally using \idx!{makeindex} or \idx!{xindy}, then
+the locations won't be available even if you don't have the
+\styopt{nonumberlist} option set.
+If you want the \field{location} field but don't need
+\field{loclist}, you can use \csopt[false]{save-loclist}.
+This can help to save resources and build time.
+It's sometimes useful to identify primary locations with a different
+format, such as bold or italic. This helps the reader select which
+location to try first in the event of a long location list. However,
+you may prefer to store the primary location in a different field to
+give it a more prominent position. In order to do this you
+need to specify the format (or formats) used to identify primary
+locations with \csopt{primary-location-formats} and
+use \csopt{save-primary-locations} to determine how to deal with
+these locations.
+This option may take one of the following values:
+\item \optfmt{false}: don't save primary locations (default);
+\item \optfmt{retain}: save primary locations in the
+\field{primarylocations} field but don't remove from the usual
+\item \optfmt{default format}: similar to \optfmt{retain} but the
+format for the primary records in the \field{location} field is
+converted to the default \encap{glsnumberformat} \idx{encap} (the records in the
+\field{primarylocations} field retain their given format);
+\item \optfmt{start}: save primary locations in the
+\field{primarylocations} field and also move to the start of the
+usual \idx{locationlist};
+\item \optfmt{remove}: save primary locations in the
+\field{primarylocations} field and remove from the usual
+The primary locations are copied to the \field{primarylocations}
+field and encapsulated with \gls!{bibglsprimary}.
+If you use \csopt[remove]{save-primary-locations}, the
+\field{location} field will end up empty if the locations for the
+associated entry were all identified as primary. If you use
+\csopt[start]{save-primary-locations}, all primary locations will be
+moved to the start of the \idx{locationlist} stored in the
+\field{location} field, but there will be no additional markup
+(other than the given format) to identify them. If you need
+additional markup, then use \csopt[remove]{save-primary-locations}
+and adjust the \idx{locationlist} format to insert the primary
+locations at the start. This can be done by modifying the glossary
+For example, the \glostyle{bookindex} style inserts
+\ics{glsxtrbookindexprelocation} before the location, so you could
+redefine this:
+ \cs{glsxtrifhasfield}\marg{primarylocations}\marg{\idx{param}1}\comment{}
+ \marg{\comment{}
+ \ics{glsxtrprelocation}
+ \cs{glscurrentfieldvalue}
+ \cs{glsxtrifhasfield}\marg{location}\marg{\idx{param}1}\marg{;}\marg{}\comment{}
+ }\comment{}
+ \marg{}\comment{}
+ \cs{glsxtrprelocation}
+(Note that if \csopt{loc-prefix} is used, the prefix will be
+in the \field{location} field and so will come after the primary
+locations in the above example. Similarly for cross-references
+unless they've been omitted.)
+You can switch from using the \field{location} field to the
+\field{primarylocations} field by locally changing
+ \cs{renewcommand}\marg{\cs{GlsXtrLocationField}}\marg{primarylocations}\comment{}
+Remember that the \idx{handler} used by \cs{printunsrtglossary} will
+fallback on the \field{loclist} field if the field identified
+by \cs{GlsXtrLocationField} is missing or empty. You may want to
+consider using \csopt[false]{save-loclist} to prevent this.
+This option will automatically set
+\csopt[retain]{save-primary-locations} unless it has already been
+changed from the default \csopt[false]{save-primary-locations}
+setting. The argument should be a comma-separated list of
+formats. If a record's format is contained in this list then it will
+be considered a primary location and it will be included in the
+associated entry's \field{primarylocations} field.
+For example, suppose the file \filefmt{entries.bib} contains:
+ \field{name}=\marg{bird},
+ \field{description}=\marg{feathered animal}
+ \field{name}=\marg{waterfowl},
+ \field{description}=\marg{any bird that lives in or about water}
+ \field{name}=\marg{zebra},
+ \field{description}=\marg{striped African horse}
+ \field{name}=\marg{parrot},
+ \field{description}=\marg{mainly tropical bird with bright plumage}
+and the document \filefmt{test.tex} contains:
+ \styopt[dot]{postpunc},
+ \styopt{nostyles},
+ \styopt[tree,bookindex]{stylemods},
+ \styopt[bookindex]{style}}\marg{glossaries-extra}
+ \csopt[entries]{src},
+ \csopt[hyperbf,hyperemph]{primary-location-formats},
+ \csopt[remove]{save-primary-locations}
+ \cs{glsxtrifhasfield}\marg{\field{primarylocations}}\marg{\idx{param}1}\comment{}
+ \marg{\comment{}
+ \ics{glsxtrprelocation}
+ \cs{glscurrentfieldvalue}
+ \cs{glsxtrifhasfield}\marg{\field{location}}\marg{\idx{param}1}\marg{;}\marg{}\comment{}
+ }\comment{}
+ \marg{}\comment{}
+ \cs{glsxtrprelocation}
+\cmd{Primary}\marg{waterfowl}, \cs{gls}\marg{bird} and \cs{gls}\marg{zebra}.
+\cmd{chapter}\marg{Another Sample}
+\cs{Gls}\marg{waterfowl}, \cmd{primary}\marg{bird} and \cs{gls}\marg{zebra}.
+\cmd{chapter}\marg{Yet Another Sample}
+\cs{Gls}\marg{waterfowl}, \cs{gls}\marg{bird} and \cmd{primary}\marg{zebra}.
+\cmd{chapter}\marg{Yet Another Sample Again}
+\cs{Gls}\marg{waterfowl}, \cs{gls}\marg{bird}, \cmd{primarypl}\marg{parrot} and \cs{gls}\marg{zebra}.
+ \cmd{renewcommand}*\marg{\ics{glsextrapostnamehook}}[1]\marg{\ics{glsadd}\oarg{\glsopt[\encap{hyperemph}]{format}}\marg{\idx{param}1}}\comment{}
+The \csopt[\encap{hyperbf},\encap{hyperemph}]{primary-location-formats} setting
+in the above indicates that locations encapsulated with \ics{hyperbf} and
+\ics{hyperemph} are primary records. In this case, the bold format is used to
+indicate the primary location in the main document text and the emphasized
+format is used to indicate the location in the main glossary.
+The primary records are removed from the \field{location} field
+due to the \csopt[remove]{save-primary-locations} setting. This can
+lead to a ragged location list. The option
+\csopt[default format]{save-primary-locations} can allow the primary
+location to be absorbed into a range.
+The main glossary records are added through the category-independent post-name
+hook with \cs{glsadd}. This won't be implemented until the entries are actually
+defined as the page number can't be determined until the glossary can be
+displayed. This means that the document build requires an extra \bibgls\ and
+\LaTeX\ run:
+pdflatex test
+bib2gls --group test
+pdflatex test
+bib2gls --group test
+pdflatex test
+For consistency, I've used \gls{glsxtrnewglslike} to provide commands
+used to indicate a primary reference in the text. This means that if
+I decide to change the optional arguments used for primary
+references I only need to edit one line. For example, I might want to
+change the default counter:
+Here's another example that only has one primary format (\encap{hyperrm})
+that's indexed through the use of \ics{GlsXtrAutoAddOnFormat}, which sets
+up a hook that automatically inserts:
+on each instance of \code{\cs{gls}\oarg{\glsopt[primaryfmt]{format}}\margm{label}} (or
+similar). This means that the entry is indexed twice when this particular
+format is used: first with the \encap{hyperrm} format and \counter{chapter}
+counter (from the \cs{glsadd} command in the hook), and then with the
+\code{primaryfmt} format and the default counter (as per normal behaviour):
+ \styopt[nameref]{record},
+ \styopt[dot]{postpunc},
+ \styopt{nostyles},
+ \styopt[tree,bookindex]{stylemods},
+ \styopt[bookindex]{style}}\marg{glossaries-extra}
+ \csopt[topics]{src},
+ \csopt[hyperrm]{primary-location-formats},
+ \csopt[remove]{save-primary-locations},
+ \csopt[false]{save-loclist}
+\cmd{Primary}\marg{waterfowl}, \cs{gls}\marg{bird} and \cs{gls}\marg{zebra}.
+\cmd{chapter}\marg{Another Sample}
+\cs{Gls}\marg{waterfowl}, \cmd{primary}\marg{bird} and \cs{gls}\marg{zebra}.
+\cmd{chapter}\marg{Yet Another Sample}
+\cs{Gls}\marg{waterfowl}, \cs{gls}\marg{bird} and \cmd{primary}\marg{zebra}.
+\cmd{chapter}\marg{Yet Another Sample Again}
+\cs{Gls}\marg{waterfowl}, \cs{gls}\marg{bird}, \cmd{primarypl}\marg{parrot} and \cs{gls}\marg{zebra}.
+ \cmd{renewcommand}*\marg{\ics{glsextrapostnamehook}}[1]\marg{\ics{glsadd}\oarg{\glsaddopt[\encap{hyperemph}]{format}}\marg{\idx{param}1}}\comment{}
+ \cmd{renewcommand}\marg{\ics{GlsXtrLocationField}}\marg{\field{primarylocations}}\comment{}
+Note that in this case, from \bibgls' point of view, the primary format is
+\encap{hyperrm} not \code{primaryfmt}. This picks out the records created with
+the automated \ics{glsadd}, which have the counter set to \counter{chapter}.
+The first glossary (with the title \qt{Summary}) switches the location field to
+\field{primarylocations} so that only the primary records are listed. Since
+\styopt[nameref]{record} has been used this means that the chapter title is
+shown rather than the chapter number.
+The second glossary (\qt{Index}) shows the location lists that only
+have the \counter{page} counter (because the automated \cs{glsadd}
+records with the \counter{chapter} counter have been removed because
+they were identified as primary records). These just show the page
+number as that's the default display with \styopt[nameref]{record}
+for records with the \counter{page} counter.
+An alternative to \ics{GlsXtrAutoAddOnFormat} would be to simply
+define the custom commands as follows:
+ \cs{glsadd}\oarg{\glsaddopt[\counter{chapter}]{counter},\glsaddopt[\encap{hyperrm}]{format}}\marg{\idx{param}2}\comment{}
+ \cs{gls}\oarg{\glsopt[primaryfmt]{format},\idx{param}1}\marg{\idx{param}2}\comment{}
+ \cs{glsadd}\oarg{\glsaddopt[\counter{chapter}]{counter},\glsaddopt[\encap{hyperrm}]{format}}\marg{\idx{param}2}\comment{}
+ \cs{glspl}\oarg{\glsopt[primaryfmt]{format},\idx{param}1}\marg{\idx{param}2}\comment{}
+ \cs{glsadd}\oarg{\glsaddopt[\counter{chapter}]{counter},\glsaddopt[\encap{hyperrm}]{format}}\marg{\idx{param}2}\comment{}
+ \cs{Gls}\oarg{\glsopt[primaryfmt]{format},\idx{param}1}\marg{\idx{param}2}\comment{}
+ \cs{glsadd}\oarg{\glsaddopt[\counter{chapter}]{counter},\glsaddopt[\encap{hyperrm}]{format}}\marg{\idx{param}2}\comment{}
+ \cs{Glspl}\oarg{\glsopt[primaryfmt]{format},\idx{param}1}\marg{\idx{param}2}\comment{}
+This is more useful if you want to simply omit the
+\code{\glsopt[primaryfmt]{format}} option (just remove it from the above four
+definitions), which makes it easier to merge the locations into
+ranges in the index.
+By default, three or more consecutive locations \meta{loc-1},
+\meta{loc-2}, \ldots, \meta{loc-n} are compressed into
+the range \code{\meta{loc-1}\ics{delimR} \meta{loc-n}}. Otherwise
+the locations are separated by \gls!{bibglsdelimN} or \gls!{bibglslastDelimN}.
+As mentioned above, these aren't merged with explicit range formations.
+You can change this with the \csopt{min-loc-range} setting where
+\meta{value} is either \optfmt{none} (don't form ranges) or an
+integer greater than one indicating how many consecutive locations should be
+converted into a range.
+\bibgls\ determines if one location
+is one unit more than another location
+\code{\margm{prefix-1}\margm{counter-1}\margm{format-1}\margm{location-1} }
+according to the following:
+\item\label{itm:pre} If \meta{prefix-1} is not equal to \meta{prefix-2} or
+\meta{counter-1} is not equal to \meta{counter-2} or \meta{format-1}
+is not equal to \meta{format-2}, then the locations aren't
+considered consecutive.
+\item\label{itm:emptyloc} If either \meta{location-1} or \meta{location-2} are empty,
+then the locations aren't considered consecutive.
+\item\label{itm.csmatch} If both \meta{location-1} and \meta{location-2} match the
+pattern (line break for clarity only)\footnote{The Java class \code{\csfmt{p}\marg{javaDigit}}
+used in the \idx{regex} will match any digits in the
+Unicode \idx{numberdecimaldigit} category not just the digits in the Basic Latin set. Similarly \code{\csfmt{p}\marg{javaAlphabetic}} will also match alphabetic
+characters outside the Basic Latin set.}
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item if the control sequence matched by group 2 isn't the same for
+ both locations, the locations aren't considered consecutive;
+ \item if the argument of the control sequence (group 3) is the same for
+ both locations, then the test is retried with \meta{location-1}
+set to group 1 of the first pattern match and \meta{location-2}
+set to group 1 of the second pattern match;
+ \item otherwise the test is retried with \meta{location-1} set to
+group 3 of the first pattern match and \meta{location-2} set to
+group 3 of the second pattern match.
+ \end{itemize}
+\item\label{itm:decmatch} If both \meta{location-1} and \meta{location-2} match the
+ \begin{enumerate}
+ \item\label{itm:decgrp3eq} if group 3 of both pattern matches are
+equal then:
+ \begin{enumerate}
+ \item\label{itm:decgrp3nz} if group 3 isn't zero, the locations
+aren't considered consecutive;
+ \item if the separators (group 2) are different the test is
+retried with \meta{location-1} set to the concatenation of the first
+two groups \meta{group-1}\meta{group-2} of the first pattern match
+and \meta{location-2} set to the concatenation of the first two groups
+\meta{group-1}\meta{group-2} of the second pattern
+ \item\label{itm:decgrp3eqsepeq} if the separators (group 2) are the same the test is
+retried with \meta{location-1} set to the first
+group \meta{group-1} of the first pattern match
+and \meta{location-2} set to the first group
+\meta{group-1} of the second pattern match.
+ \end{enumerate}
+ \item If \meta{group-1} of the first pattern match (of
+\meta{location-1}) doesn't equal
+\meta{group-1} of the second pattern match (of \meta{location-2})
+or \meta{group-2} of the first pattern match (of
+\meta{location-1}) doesn't equal
+\meta{group-2} of the second pattern match (of \meta{location-2})
+then the locations aren't considered consecutive;
+ \item\label{itm:decgrp3} If $0 < l_2 - l_1 \leq d $
+where $l_2$ is \meta{group 3} of the second pattern match,
+$l_1$ is \meta{group 3} of the first pattern match and
+$d$ is the value of \optfmt{max-loc-diff} then the locations
+are consecutive otherwise they're not consecutive.
+ \end{enumerate}
+\item\label{itm:rommatch} The next pattern matches for \meta{prefix}\meta{sep}\meta{n}
+where \meta{n} is a \idx!{lowercase} Roman numeral, which is converted to
+a decimal value and the test is performed in the same way as the
+above \hyperref[itm:decmatch]{decimal test}.
+\item\label{itm:Rommatch} The next pattern matches for \meta{prefix}\meta{sep}\meta{n}
+where \meta{n} is an \idx!{uppercase} Roman numeral, which is converted to
+a decimal value and the test is performed
+in the same way as the above \hyperref[itm:decmatch]{decimal test}.
+\item\label{itm:alphmatch} The next pattern matches for \meta{prefix}\meta{sep}\meta{c}
+where \meta{c} is either a \idx!{lowercase} letter from \code{a} to
+\code{z} or an \idx!{uppercase} letter from \code{A} to \code{Z}.
+The character is converted to its code point and the test is
+performed in the same way as the \hyperref[itm:decmatch]{decimal pattern} above.
+\item\label{itm:nomatch} If none of the above, the locations aren't considered
+These records are consecutive. The prefix, counter and format are
+identical (so the test passes step~\ref{itm:pre}), the locations match
+the \hyperref[itm:decmatch]{decimal pattern} and the test in
+step~\ref{itm:decgrp3} passes.
+These records aren't consecutive since the formats are different.
+These records are consecutive. The prefix, counter and format are
+identical (so it passes step~\ref{itm:pre}). The locations match
+the \hyperref[itm:rommatch]{lower case Roman numeral pattern}, where
+\code{A} is considered a prefix and the dot is consider a
+separator. The Roman numerals i and ii are converted to decimal and
+the test is retried with the locations set to 1 and 2, respectively.
+This now passes the decimal pattern test (step~\ref{itm:decgrp3}).
+These records aren't consecutive. They match the
+\hyperref[itm:alphmatch]{alpha pattern}. The first location is
+considered to consist of the prefix \code{i}, the separator
+\code{.}\ (dot) and the number given by the character code of A.
+The second location is considered to consist of the prefix
+\code{ii}, the separator \code{.}\ (dot) and the number
+given by the character code of A.
+The test fails because the numbers are equal and the prefixes are
+These records are consecutive. They match the \hyperref[itm:decmatch]{decimal
+pattern}, and then step~\ref{itm:decgrp3eq} followed by
+step~\ref{itm:decgrp3eqsepeq}. The \code{.0} part is discarded and
+the test is retried with the first location set to 1 and the second
+location set to 2.
+These records aren't consecutive as the test branches off into
+These records are consecutive. The locations match the
+\hyperref[itm.csmatch]{control sequence pattern}. The control
+sequences are the same, so the test is retried with the first
+location set to 1 and the second location set to 2.
+In this example, the location has been written to the file as
+\code{\csfmt{@alph}\margm{number}} instead of fully expanding according to the
+normal behaviour of \code{\ics{alph}\margm{counter}}. (Note that
+\gls!{glsxtrresourcefile} changes the category code of \code{@} to allow for
+internal commands in locations.) This unusual case is for illustrative purposes.
+This setting is used to determine whether two locations are
+considered consecutive.
+The value must be an integer greater than or equal to 1.
+(The default is \optfmt{1}.)
+For two locations, \meta{location-1} and \meta{location-2},
+that have numeric values $n_1$ and $n_2$ (and identical prefix,
+counter and format), then the sequence \meta{location-1},
+\meta{location-2} is considered consecutive if
+0 < n_2 - n_1 \leq \text{\meta{max-loc-diff}}
+The default value of 1 means that \meta{location-2} immediately
+follows \meta{location-1} if $n_2 = n_1+1$.
+For example, if \meta{location-1} is \qt{B} and \meta{location-2}
+is \qt{C}, then $n_1 = 66$ and $n_2 = 67$. Since $n_2 = 67 = 66+1=
+n_1+1$ then \meta{location-2} immediately follows \meta{location-1}.
+This is used in the range formations within the location lists (as described
+in the above section).
+So, for example, the list \qt{1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 8, 10, 11, 12, 58, 59,
+61} becomes
+\qt{1--3, 5, 7, 8, 10--12, 58, 59, 61}.
+The automatically indexing of commands like \ics{gls} means that
+the location lists can become long and ragged. You could
+deal with this by switching off the automatic indexing and
+only explicitly index pertinent use or you can adjust
+the value of \optfmt{max-loc-diff} so that a range can be formed even
+if there are one or two gaps in it.
+By default, any location ranges that have skipped gaps in this
+manner will be followed by \gls!{bibglspassim}. The default
+definition of this command is obtained from the resource file.
+For English, this is \verb*| passim| (space followed by \qt{passim}).
+So with the above set of locations, if \csopt[2]{max-loc-diff} then
+the list becomes \qt{1--12 passim, 58--61 passim} which now highlights that
+there are two blocks within the document related to that
+If set, a range consisting of two consecutive locations
+\meta{loc-1} and \meta{loc-2} will be
+displayed in the location list as \meta{loc-1}\meta{value}.
+Note that \csopt[\empty]{suffixF} sets the suffix to the
+empty string. To remove the suffix formation use
+The default is \csopt[none]{suffixF}.
+If set, a range consisting of three or more consecutive locations
+\meta{loc-1} and \meta{loc-2} will be
+displayed in the location list as \meta{loc-1}\meta{value}.
+Note that \csopt[\empty]{suffixFF} sets the suffix to the
+empty string. To remove the suffix formation use
+The default is \csopt[none]{suffixFF}.
+The \meta{value} may be an integer \meta{n} or \optfmt{false} (equivalent to
+\csopt[0]{compact-ranges}) or \optfmt{true} (equivalent to
+\csopt[3]{compact-ranges}). If no \meta{value} is specified,
+\optfmt{true} is assumed.
+This setting allows location ranges such as 184--189 to appear
+more compactly as 184--9. The end location is encapsulated
+in the command \gls{bibglscompact}, so the range would actually
+If the location is in the form \code{\meta{cs}\margm{loc}}
+(where \meta{cs} is a command)
+then \gls{bibglscompact} will be inside the argument.
+For example, if the range would normally be:
+then it would become:
+The numerical value given in \csopt[\meta{n}]{compact-ranges}
+indicates that compaction should only occur if the actual location
+consists of at least \meta{n} characters, for $\meta{n} \geq 2$.
+Any value of \meta{n} less than 2 will switch off compaction.
+For example, \code{189} consists of 3 characters, so it will be
+compacted with \csopt[3]{compact-ranges} but not with
+\csopt[4]{compact-ranges}. Whereas \code{\csfmt{custom}\marg{89}}
+would only be compacted with \csopt[2]{compact-ranges}
+because \code{89} only consists of 2 characters.
+The compaction isn't limited to decimal digits but it will only
+occur if both the start and end location have the same number of
+characters. For example, xvi--xviii can't be compacted because
+the start consists of three characters and the end consists
+of five characters, whereas xxv--xxx can be compacted to xxv--x,
+which may look a little strange. In this case, you may want to
+consider changing the definition of \cs{bibglscompact} so that
+it only performs the compaction for digits.
+If an entry has a \field{see} field, this can be placed before or
+after the location list, or completely omitted (but the value will
+still be available in the \field{see} field for use with
+\ics{glsxtrusesee}). The required \meta{value} must be one of:
+\item \optfmt{omit}: omit the see reference from the location
+\item \optfmt{before}: place the see reference before the location
+\item \optfmt{after}: place the see reference after the location
+list (default).
+The separator between the location list and the cross-reference is
+provided by \gls!{bibglsseesep}. This separator is omitted if the
+location list is empty. The cross-reference is written to the
+\field{location} field using \code{\gls{bibglsusesee}\margm{label}}.
+This is like \csopt{see} but governs the location of the cross-references
+provided by the \field{seealso} field. You need at least v1.16
+of \sty{glossaries-extra} for this option. The values are the
+same as for \csopt{see} but the separator is given by
+\gls!{bibglsseealsosep}. The cross-reference is written to the
+\field{location} field using \code{\gls{bibglsuseseealso}\margm{label}}.
+This is like \csopt{alias} but governs the location of the cross-references
+provided by the \field{alias} field. The separator is given by
+\gls!{bibglsaliassep}. The cross-reference is written to the
+\field{location} field using \code{\gls{bibglsusealias}\margm{label}}.
+If an entry has an \field{alias} field, the location list
+may be retained or omitted or transferred to the target entry.
+The required \meta{value} must be one of:
+\item\optfmt{keep}: keep the location list;
+\item\optfmt{transfer}: transfer the location list;
+\item\optfmt{omit}: omit the location list.
+The default setting is \csopt[transfer]{alias-loc}.
+In all cases, the target entry will be added to the \field{see}
+field of the entry with the \field{alias} field, unless it
+already has a \field{see} field (in which case the \field{see} value
+is left unchanged).
+Note that with \csopt[transfer]{alias-loc}, both the aliased
+entry and the target entry must be in the same resource set.
+(That is, both entries have been selected by the same instance of
+\gls!{glsxtrresourcefile}.) If you have \sty{glossaries-extra} version~1.12,
+you may need to redefine \ics{glsxtrsetaliasnoindex} to do
+nothing if the location lists aren't showing correctly
+with aliased entries. (This was corrected in version~1.13.)
+The \csopt{loc-prefix} setting indicates that the location lists
+should begin with \code{\gls!{bibglslocprefix}\margm{n}}. The \meta{value} may
+be one of the following:
+\item \optfmt{false}: don't insert \code{\gls{bibglslocprefix}\margm{n}} at the
+start of the location lists (default).
+\item \optfmt{\margm{prefix-1},\margm{prefix-2},\ldots,\margm{prefix-n}}:
+insert \code{\gls{bibglslocprefix}\margm{n}} (where \meta{n} is the number of
+locations in the list) at the start of each location list and the
+definition of \gls{bibglslocprefix} will be appended to the glossary
+preamble providing an \ics{ifcase} condition:
+ \ics{ifcase}\idx{param}1
+ \cmd{or} \meta{prefix-1}\gls{bibglspostlocprefix}
+ \cmd{or} \meta{prefix-2}\gls{bibglspostlocprefix}
+ \ldots
+ \cmd{else} \meta{prefix-n}\gls{bibglspostlocprefix}
+ \cmd{fi}
+\item \optfmt{comma}: equivalent to \csopt[\marg{,~}]{loc-prefix}
+but avoids confusion with the list syntax. That is, the prefix is a comma
+followed by a space for non-empty locations.
+\item \optfmt{list}: equivalent to \csopt[\ics{pagelistname} ]{loc-prefix}.
+\item \optfmt{true}: equivalent to
+where the definitions of \gls{bibglspagename} and
+\gls{bibglspagesname} are obtained from the \idx{} and
+\idx{tag.pages} entries in \bibgls's \langxml.
+This setting works best if the document's language matches the
+language file. However, you can redefine these commands within
+the document's language hooks or in the glossary preamble.
+If \meta{value} is omitted, \optfmt{true} is assumed. Take care not
+to mix different values of \csopt{loc-prefix} for entries for the
+same \csopt{type} setting. It's okay to mix \csopt[false]{loc-prefix} with
+another value, but don't mix non-\optfmt{false} values.
+See the description of \gls!{bibglslocprefix} for
+further details.
+For example:
+This works since the conflicting \csopt[p.,pp.]{loc-prefix} and
+\csopt[true]{loc-prefix} are in different glossaries (assigned through the
+\csopt{type} key). The entries fetched from \filefmt{entries1.bib}
+won't have a location prefix. The entries fetched from
+\filefmt{entries2.bib} will have the location prefix obtained from
+the language resource file. The entries fetched from
+\filefmt{entries3.bib} will have the location prefix \qt{p.}\ or
+\qt{pp.} (Note that using the \csopt{type} option isn't the same as
+setting the \field{type} field for each entry in the \ext{bib}
+If the \csopt{type} option isn't used:
+then \csopt[true]{loc-prefix} takes precedence over
+\csopt[p.,pp.]{loc-prefix} (since it was used first). The entries fetched from
+\filefmt{entries1.bib} still won't have a location prefix, but the entries
+fetched from both \filefmt{entries2.bib} and \filefmt{entries3.bib}
+have the location prefixes obtained from the language resource file.
+This is similar to \csopt{loc-prefix} but there are some subtle
+differences. In this case \meta{value} may either be the keyword
+\optfmt{false} (in which case the location suffix is omitted)
+or a comma-separated list
+where \meta{suffix-0} is the suffix to use when the location list
+only has a cross-reference with no locations, \meta{suffix-1} is the suffix to use
+when the location list has one location (optionally with a
+cross-reference), and so on. The final \meta{suffix-n} in the list
+is the suffix when the location list has \meta{n} or more locations
+(optionally with a cross-reference).
+This option will append \code{\gls!{bibglslocsuffix}\margm{n}} to location
+lists that either have a cross-reference or have at least one location.
+Unlike \gls{bibglslocprefix}, this command isn't used when the
+location list is completely empty. Also, unlike
+\gls{bibglslocprefix}, this suffix command doesn't have an equivalent
+to \gls{bibglspostlocprefix}.
+If \meta{value} omitted, \csopt[\ics{at}\idx{periodchar}]{loc-suffix}
+is assumed. The default is \csopt[false]{loc-suffix}.
+As with \csopt{loc-prefix}, take care not to mix different values
+of \csopt{loc-suffix} for entries in the same glossary type.
+Commands like \ics{gls} allow you to select a different
+counter to use for the location for that specific instance
+(overriding the default counter for the entry's glossary type).
+This is done with the \glsopt{counter} option. For example,
+consider the following document:
+ \csopt[entries]{src}\comment{data in entries.bib}
+This results in the location list \qt{1, 1--3, 3--5}. This
+looks a little odd and it may seem as though the range formation
+hasn't worked, but the locations are actually: page~1, equation~1,
+equation~2, equation~3, page~3, page~4 and page~5. Ranges can't
+be formed across different counters.
+The \csopt[\meta{list}]{loc-counters} option instructs \bibgls\
+to group the locations according to the counters given in
+the comma-separated \meta{list}. If a location has a counter
+that's not listed in \meta{list}, then the location is discarded.
+For example:
+ \csopt[\counter{equation},\counter{page}]{loc-counters},\comment{group locations by counter}
+ \csopt[entries]{src}\comment{data in entries.bib}
+This will first list the locations for the \counter{equation}
+counter and then the locations for the \counter{page} counter.
+Each group of locations is encapsulated within the command
+The groups are separated by \gls!{bibglslocationgroupsep}.
+The \meta{list} value must be non-empty. Use
+\csopt[as-use]{loc-counters} to restore the default behaviour, where
+the locations are listed in the document order of use, or
+\csopt[false]{save-locations} to omit the location lists. Note that
+you can't form counter groups from
+\hyperref[sec:supplementalopts]{supplemental location lists}.
+\emph{This option requires at least version 1.29 of
+\isty{glossaries-extra}.} The \meta{value} may be one of:
+\item \optfmt{false}: don't create the \field{indexcounter} field
+\item \optfmt{true}: create the \field{indexcounter} field with the
+value set to the first \counter{wrglossary} location;
+\item \meta{encap}: create the \field{indexcounter} field with the
+value set to the first \counter{wrglossary} location
+where the \glsopt{format} is \meta{encap}.
+This setting will have no effect if the \styopt{indexcounter} package
+option hasn't been used. In the case where the \meta{value} is
+\meta{encap}, make sure that this format takes priority in the
+location precedence rules (\longarg{map-format}). If the location
+with that \meta{encap} format value is discarded then it can't be
+The \styopt{indexcounter} package option
+(\sty{glossaries-extra} v1.29+) creates a new counter called
+\counter{wrglossary} that's incremented every time a term is
+indexed (recorded), except for cross-references such as \cs{glssee}.
+The increment is performed using \ics{refstepcounter} and is
+followed by \code{\ics{label}\marg{wrglossary.\meta{n}}} where
+\meta{n} is the value of the \counter{wrglossary} counter.
+This option is intended for use with the \sty{hyperref} package to
+allow locations to link back to the particular part of the page where
+the term was referenced rather than to the top of the page.
+The \styopt{indexcounter} package option also automatically
+implements the option \styopt[wrglossary]{counter}, which means that
+each instance of \code{\ics{gls}\margm{id}} writes the label
+information to the \iext{aux} file:
+(where \meta{page} is the page number) followed by the record:
+The location here is actually the value of the \counter{wrglossary}
+counter not the page number, but \bibgls\ can pick up the
+corresponding \meta{page} from the \csfmt{newlabel} command. It then
+replaces the record's location \meta{n} with:
+(but it only does this for records that have the \counter{wrglossary}
+The \sty{glossaries-extra} package (v1.29+) adjusts the definition
+of \ics{glshypernumber} (which is internally used by
+\cs{glsnumberformat}, \cs{hyperbf} etc when \sty{hyperref} has been
+loaded) so that if the counter is \counter{wrglossary} then
+\ics{pageref} is used instead of \ics{hyperlink}. This means that the
+page number is displayed in the location list but it links back to
+the place where the corresponding \cs{label} occurred.
+This method works partially with \appfmt{makeindex} and \appfmt{xindy}
+but from their point of view the location is the value of the
+\counter{wrglossary} counter, which interferes with their ability to
+merge duplicate page numbers and form ranges. Since \bibgls\ is
+designed specifically to work with \sty{glossaries-extra}, it's
+aware of this special counter and will merge and collate the
+locations according to the corresponding page number instead.
+With the default \longarg{merge-wrglossary-records} switch, if a
+term has multiple \counter{wrglossary} records for a given page they
+will be merged. The reference link will be the dominant record for
+that page.
+The \csopt{save-index-counter} option allows you to save the first
+of the \counter{wrglossary} locations for a given entry or the first
+instance of a specific format of the \counter{wrglossary} locations
+for a given entry. This location is stored in the
+\field{indexcounter} internal field using:
+Since \gls{glsxtr@wrglossarylocation} simply expands to its first
+argument, the corresponding label can be obtained with:
+For convenience, \sty{glossaries-extra-bib2gls} provides:
+which will do:
+where \meta{value} is the value of the \field{indexcounter} field if
+it has been set. If the \field{indexcounter} field hasn't been set
+(or if \sty{hyperref} hasn't been loaded) then just \meta{text} is
+This provides a convenient way of encapsulating the \field{name} in
+the glossary so that it links back to the first \counter{wrglossary}
+entry or the first \glsopt[\meta{encap}]{format} \counter{wrglossary}
+entry. This encapsulation can be done by providing a new glossary
+style or more simply by redefining \ics{glsnamefont}:
+ \gls{GlsXtrIndexCounterLink}\marg{\idx{param}1}\marg{\cs{glscurrententrylabel}}}
+Here's a complete example:
+\cmd{usepackage}\marg{lipsum}\comment{dummy filler text}
+ \csopt[entries]{src},\comment{terms defined in entries.bib}
+ \csopt[primary]{save-index-counter}
+ \gls{GlsXtrIndexCounterLink}\marg{\idx{param}1}\marg{\cs{glscurrententrylabel}}}
+A \cs{gls}\marg{sample}. \cmd{lipsum}*[1] A \cs{gls}\marg{duck}.
+An equation:
+Another \cs{gls}\oarg{\glsopt[primary]{format}}\marg{sample}. \cmd{lipsum}*[3] Another
+\cs{gls}\marg{pi}. \cmd{lipsum}[4]
+A \cs{gls}\marg{sample}. \cmd{lipsum}*[5] A \cs{gls}\marg{duck} and
+\cmd{lipsum}*[6] A \cs{gls}\oarg{\glsopt[primary]{format}}\marg{duck}.
+Note that the \glsopt[\counter{equation}]{counter} entry will have its own
+independent location. In this example, it's difficult to tell the
+difference between 1 (the equation reference) and 1 (the page
+reference) in the location list for the \code{pi} entry.
+The \glsopt[primary]{format} instances indicate primary references.
+They're displayed in bold (since \csfmt{primary} is defined to use
+\csfmt{hyperbf}) and these are the locations saved in the
+\field{indexcounter} field because that's the \meta{encap}
+identified by the \csopt[primary]{save-index-counter} setting.
+\section{Supplemental Locations}
+\emph{These options require at least version 1.14 of
+\isty{glossaries-extra}.} If you require locations from multiple
+external sources, then you need at least version 1.36 of
+\isty{glossaries-extra} (or, more specifically,
+\isty{glossaries-extra-bib2gls}, which is automatically loaded
+by the \styopt[only]{record} package option).
+The \sty{glossaries-extra} package (from v1.14) provides a way of
+manually adding locations in supplemental documents through the use
+of the \glsaddopt{thevalue} option in the optional argument of
+\ics{glsadd}. Setting values manually is inconvenient and can result
+in errors, so \bibgls\ provides a way of doing this automatically.
+Both the main document and the supplementary document need to use
+the \styopt{record} option. The entries provided in the \csopt{src}
+set must have the same labels as those used in the supplementary
+document. (The simplest way to achieve this is to ensure that both
+documents use the same \ext{bib} files and the same prefixes.)
+For example, suppose the file \filefmt{entries.bib} contains:
+ \field{name}=\marg{sample},
+ \field{description}=\qtdelim{an example entry}
+ \field{short}=\qtdelim{html},
+ \field{long}=\marg{hypertext markup language}
+ \field{short}=\qtdelim{ssi},
+ \field{long}=\qtdelim{server-side includes}
+Now suppose the supplementary document is contained in the file
+\cmd{part}\marg{Sample Part}
+\cmd{section}\marg{Sample Section}
+\cs{gls}\marg{goose}. \cs{gls}\marg{sample}.
+\cmd{part}\marg{Another Part}
+\cmd{section}\marg{Another Section}
+This uses the \counter{section} counter for the locations and has a
+prefix (\code{\csfmt{thepart}.})\ for the section hyperlinks.
+Now let's suppose I have another document called \filefmt{main.tex}
+that uses the \code{sample} entry, but also needs to include the
+location (S1) from the supplementary document. The manual approached
+offered by \styfmt{glossaries-extra} is quite cumbersome and requires
+setting the \catattr{externallocation} attribute and using
+\ics{glsadd} with \glsaddopt[S1]{thevalue}, \glsaddopt[I.S1]{theHvalue}
+and \glsaddopt[\encap{glsxtrsupphypernumber}]{format}.
+This can be simplified with \bibgls\ by using the
+\optfmt{supplemental-locations} option, described below.
+Version 1.36 of \isty{glossaries-extra-bib2gls} introduces some
+special location formatting commands that don't use the
+\catattr{externallocation} attribute, but instead have an extra
+argument that indicates the external reference. The additional
+argument means that it can't be used by the \glsaddopt{format}
+key, but with \bibgls\ you don't use \cs{glsadd} to record
+the external locations. Instead it obtains the records from
+the corresponding supplementary \ext{aux} file, and adjusts the
+location encapsulator as appropriate.
+If \bibgls\ detects an older version of \sty{glossaries-extra},
+it will only allow one external supplemental source, and
+will set the \catattr{externallocation} attribute and use
+the \encap{glsxtrsupphypernumber} format. Otherwise \bibgls\
+will allow multiple sources and use the newer method.
+The value should be the base name (without the extension) of the
+supplementary document (\optfmt{suppl} in the above example).
+If you have at least version 1.36 of \sty{glossaries-extra},
+the value may be a comma-separated list of base names (without the
+extensions) of the supplementary documents. If an older version is
+detected, \bibgls\ will issue a warning and only accept the first
+element of the list.
+For example:
+ \csopt[suppl]{supplemental-locations},\comment{fetch records from suppl.aux}
+ \csopt[entries]{src}}
+\cs{Gls}\marg{sample} document.
+The location list for \code{sample} will now be \qt{1, S1} (page~1
+from the main document and S1 from the supplementary document).
+With \sty{glossaries-extra} v1.36+, a regular location from the
+supplementary document will be encapsulated with:
+By default, this simply creates an external hyperlink to the
+supplementary document with the location as the hyperlink text.
+The hyperlink is created using \meta{src} as the target path
+with the fragment part (anchor) formed from the prefix and
+location. The \catattr{externallocation} attribute is not set in
+this case. The actual formatting is done via:
+which ignores the \meta{format} argument by default. Its
+definition is simply:
+ \marg{\comment{scope required to localise changes}
+ \cmd{def}\cs{glsxtrsupplocationurl}\marg{\idx{param}2}\comment{}
+ \cs{glshypernumber}\marg{\idx{param}1}\comment{}
+ }\comment{}
+This locally sets the command \ics{glsxtrsupplocationurl}, which is checked
+by \ics{glshypernumber} to establish an external rather than internal link.
+You can redefine the supplemental location command to retain the original
+\idx{encap} used in the target document:
+ \marg{\comment{scope required to localise changes}
+ \cmd{def}\cs{glsxtrsupplocationurl}\marg{\idx{param}2}\comment{}
+ \ics{csuse}\marg{\idx{param}3}\marg{\idx{param}1}\comment{}
+ }\comment{}
+but remember that if a hyperlink is required, the identified
+control sequence name must correspond to a command that
+uses \cs{glshyperlink} (such as \cs{hyperbf}), otherwise you
+will lose the hyperlink.
+With older versions of \sty{glossaries-extra},
+the original location format from the supplementary document
+will be replaced by \encap{glsxtrsupphypernumber}, which
+again produces an external hyperlink. The \catattr{externallocation}
+attribute also needs to be set (this can be done automatically with
+\csopt{supplemental-category}) to identify the external document.
+The original format can't be accessed.
+In both cases, if the document hasn't loaded the \isty{hyperref} package, the
+location will simply be displayed without a hyperlink. Even if both the main
+and the supplementary documents have loaded \sty{hyperref}, note that not all
+PDF viewers can handle external hyperlinks, and some that can open the external
+PDF file may not recognise the destination within that file.
+The special \code{nameref} locations (see
+\longarg{merge-nameref-on}) are still identified with
+\gls!{glsxtrdisplaylocnameref} but the \meta{file} argument will now
+be set.
+As from \bibgls\ v1.7, any awkward characters in the file path are
+replaced with \gls{bibglshrefchar} or (for \idx{non-ASCII} characters when
+\sty{fontspec} is loaded) \gls{bibglshrefunicode}. Both commands
+take two arguments: the hexadecimal character code and the actual
+character. In the case of \gls{bibglshrefchar}, the second
+argument is ignored, and the first is preceded by a literal percent
+character, so \filefmt{file name.pdf} will be converted to:
+file\gls{bibglshrefchar}\marg{20}\marg{ }name.pdf
+which will expand to \verb|file%20name.pdf|.
+In the case of \gls{bibglshrefunicode}, the first argument is
+ignored, so \filefmt{skr\'aarnafn.pdf} will be converted to:
+which will expand to \code{skr\'aarnafn.pdf}.
+The supplementary locations lists are encapsulated within
+\gls{bibglssupplemental}. With \sty{glossaries-extra} v1.36+,
+this command will encapsulate the sub-lists with
+So the above example with an old version of \sty{glossaries-extra}
+(pre 1.36) will set the supplemental location list (which only consists
+of one location) to:
+and the external target must be supplied through the
+\catattr{externallocation} attribute, which can be set
+with the \csopt{supplemental-category} option.
+Whereas with at least version 1.36, the list will be:
+If an entry has both a main location list and a supplementary
+location list (such as the \code{sample} entry above), the lists
+will be separated by \gls!{bibglssupplementalsep}. The sub-lists
+(when supported) are separated by \gls{bibglssupplementalsubsep}.
+In the above example, only the \code{sample} entry is listed in
+the main document, even though the supplementary document also
+references the \code{goose}, \code{html} and \code{ssi}
+entries. By default, only those entries that are referenced in the
+main document will have supplementary locations added (if found in
+the supplementary document's \iext{aux} file). You can additionally
+include other entries that are referenced in the supplementary
+document but not in the main document using
+\optfmt{supplemental-selection}. The \meta{value} may be one of the
+\item \optfmt{all}: add all the entries in the supplementary
+document that have been defined in the \ext{bib} files listed in
+\csopt{src} for this resource set in the main document.
+\item \optfmt{selected}: only add supplemental locations for entries
+that have already been selected by this resource set.
+\item \meta{label-1},\ldots,\meta{label-2}: in addition to all those
+entries that have already been selected by this resource set, also
+add the entries identified in the comma-separated list. If a label
+in this list doesn't have a record in the supplementary document's
+\ext{aux} file, it will be ignored.
+Any records in the supplementary \ext{aux} file that aren't defined
+by the current resource set (through the \ext{bib} files listed in
+\csopt{src}) will be ignored. Entry aliases aren't taken into
+account when including supplementary locations.
+For example:
+ \csopt[suppl]{supplemental-locations},
+ \csopt[html,ssi]{supplemental-selection},
+ \csopt[entries]{src}}
+\cs{Gls}\marg{sample} document.
+This will additionally add the \code{html} and \code{ssi} entries
+even though they haven't been used in this document. The
+\code{goose} entry used in the supplementary document won't be
+The \field{category} field for entries containing supplemental location
+lists may be set using this option. If unset,
+\meta{value} defaults to the same as that given by the
+\csopt{category} option. The \meta{value} may either be a known
+identifier (as per \csopt{category}) or the category label. For example:
+ \csopt[suppl]{supplemental-locations},
+ \csopt[html,ssi]{supplemental-selection},
+ \csopt[supplemental]{supplemental-category},
+ \csopt[entries]{src}}
+\cs{Gls}\marg{sample} document.
+Entries are typically displayed in an ordered list, but the
+\styfmt{glossaries-extra} package is versatile enough to be used in
+wider contexts than simple terms, symbols or abbreviations. For
+example, entries could contain theorems or problems where the
+\field{name} supplies the title and the \field{description} provides
+a description of the theorem or problem. Another field might then
+contain the proof or solution. Therefore, somewhat unusually for an
+indexing application, \bibgls\ also provides the option to shuffle
+the entries instead of sorting them.
+This section covers the resource options for sorting primary
+entries. See \sectionref{sec:dualoptssort} for sorting dual entries
+and also \csopt{sort-label-list} for sorting field values that
+contain a comma-separated list of entry labels (such as the
+\field{see} or \field{seealso} fields).
+The sort methods that use a comparison function (that is, all the
+sort methods except those listed in \tableref{tab:sortoptionsnosort})
+require a sort value for each entry. The function compares these
+values to determine the order. By default, this sort value is
+obtained from the \field{sort} field but for greater flexibility
+it's best to not actually set this field. \bibgls\ has a set of fallbacks
+that it uses if a field it needs to access is missing. These
+fallbacks depend on the entry type and resource settings.
+For example, if a term defined with \atentry{index} doesn't have the
+\field{sort} field set then \bibgls\ will use the value given by the
+\field{name} field because \field{name} is the fallback field for
+\field{sort} for \atentry{index} entries. If the \field{name} field
+isn't set either then \bibgls\ will use the fallback for that field.
+In the case of \atentry{index} that's the entry's label. If the
+\field{sort} field is explicitly set then there's no need to use the
+If, on the other hand, a term defined with \atentry{symbol} doesn't
+have the \field{sort} field set then \bibgls\ will use the value
+from the field identified by \csopt{symbol-sort-fallback}, which is
+the entry's label by default (not the \field{name} field).
+This means that if I don't explicitly set the \field{sort} field for
+any entries then I can, for example, sort terms defined with
+\atentry{index} by \field{name} and those defined with
+\atentry{symbol} by \field{description} with the setting:
+If the field used to obtain the sort value is changed
+(with \csopt{sort-field}) then the \field{sort} field won't be
+queried. This reduces the flexibility of selecting the most
+appropriate field for given entry types. For example,
+\csopt[name]{sort-field} will force all entries to be sorted by the
+\field{name} field, which may not be appropriate for symbols.
+If you choose a field whose value must be a label (such as
+\field{parent} or \field{group}) then the sort value will be that label.
+You can have \atentry{preamble} definitions that
+can be hidden from \bibgls's interpreter. For example,
+\exfile{no-interpret-preamble.bib} might contain:
+\atentry{preamble}\marg{\qtdelim{\cmd{providecommand}\marg{\gls{sortop}}[2]\marg{\idx{param}1 \idx{param}2}}}
+which is loaded using:
+ \csopt[false]{interpret-preamble}}
+This provides a custom command:
+for internal use in the document. (Remember it won't be defined on
+the first \LaTeX\ run before the \iext{glstex} file has been
+created and so is only used within entry fields.)
+Another file, say, \filefmt{interpret-preamble.bib} may provide
+a definition for \bibgls:
+\atentry{preamble}\marg{\qtdelim{\cmd{providecommand}\marg{\gls{sortop}}[2]\marg{\idx{param}2, \idx{param}1}}}
+which can be processed with:
+to provide \bibgls\ with this definition.
+The \filefmt{entries.bib} file could contain:
+ \field{name}=\marg{\gls{sortop}\marg{Gaius Julius}\marg{Caesar}},
+ \field{first}=\marg{Julius Caesar},
+ \field{text}=\marg{Caesar},
+ \field{description}=\marg{Roman politician and general}
+and then be processed with:
+The definition provided in \filefmt{interpret-preamble.bib}, which
+swaps the two arguments around, is now picked up by \bibgls, so the
+sort value becomes \code{Caesar, Gaius Julius}, but this new
+definition doesn't affect the document since \LaTeX\ has already
+defined \gls{sortop} from the first resource set, so the name will
+appear as \qt{Gaius Julius Caesar} in the glossary. (If you have
+\cs{renewcommand} rather than \cs{providecommand}, you can prevent
+the redefinition occurring in the document with
+Alternatively both of these \ext{bib} files can be loaded in one
+Another possibility is to provide a custom package that contains the
+command definitions for the \bibgls\ interpreter and load it with
+\longarg{custom-packages} instead of having the
+\filefmt{interpret-preamble.bib} file.
+The \csopt{sort} key indicates how primary entries should be sorted.
+If the \meta{value} is omitted, \csopt[doc]{sort} is assumed. If the
+\csopt{sort} option isn't used then \csopt[doc]{sort} is assumed if the
+document has a language that's been detected by \sty{tracklang},
+otherwise \csopt[locale]{sort} is assumed.
+The \optfmt{\meta{method}\dhyphen reverse} options reverse the
+result returned by the corresponding \meta{method} comparator.
+However \optfmt{\meta{method}\dhyphen reverse} may not produce a
+list that's the exact reverse of the underlying non-reversed
+\meta{method} as the hierarchical structure or associated settings
+can affect the order.
+\caption{Summary of Available Sort Options: No Actual Sorting}
+\optfmt{none} or \optfmt{unsrt} & don't sort\tabularnewline
+\optfmt{random} & shuffle entries\tabularnewline
+\optfmt{use} & order of use\tabularnewline
+\optfmt{use-reverse} & reverse order of use
+\caption{Summary of Available Sort Options: Alphabet}
+\meta{lang tag} & sort according to this language tag\tabularnewline
+\meta{lang tag}\optfmt{-reverse} & reverse sort according to this language tag\tabularnewline
+\optfmt{doc} & sort according to the document
+\optfmt{doc-reverse} & reverse sort according to the document
+\optfmt{locale} & sort according to the default
+\optfmt{locale-reverse} & reverse sort according to the default
+\optfmt{custom} & sort according to \csopt[\meta{custom
+\optfmt{custom-reverse} & reverse sort according to \csopt[\meta{custom rule}]{sort-rule}
+\caption{Summary of Available Sort Options: Letter (Non-Locale)}
+\optfmt{letter-case} & case-sensitive letter sort\tabularnewline
+\optfmt{letter-case-reverse} & reverse case-sensitive letter
+\optfmt{letter-nocase} & case-insensitive letter sort\tabularnewline
+\optfmt{letter-nocase-reverse} & reverse case-insensitive letter
+\optfmt{letter-upperlower} & upper-lower letter sort\tabularnewline
+\optfmt{letter-upperlower-reverse} & reverse upper-lower letter
+\optfmt{letter-lowerupper} & lower-upper letter sort\tabularnewline
+\optfmt{letter-lowerupper-reverse} & reverse lower-upper letter sort
+\caption{Summary of Available Sort Options: Letter-Number}
+\optfmt{letternumber-case} & case-sensitive letter-number
+\optfmt{letternumber-case-reverse} & reverse case-sensitive
+letter-number sort\tabularnewline
+\optfmt{letternumber-nocase} & case-insensitive letter-number
+\optfmt{letternumber-nocase-reverse} & reverse case-insensitive
+letter-number sort\tabularnewline
+\optfmt{letternumber-upperlower} & upper-lower letter-number
+\optfmt{letternumber-upperlower-reverse} & reverse upper-lower
+letter-number sort\tabularnewline
+\optfmt{letternumber-lowerupper} & lower-upper letter-number
+\optfmt{letternumber-lowerupper-reverse} & reverse lower-upper letter-number sort
+\caption{Summary of Available Sort Options: Numerical}
+\optfmt{integer} & integer sort\tabularnewline
+\optfmt{integer-reverse} & reverse integer sort\tabularnewline
+\optfmt{hex} & hexadecimal sort\tabularnewline
+\optfmt{hex-reverse} & reverse hexadecimal sort\tabularnewline
+\optfmt{octal} & octal sort\tabularnewline
+\optfmt{octal-reverse} & reverse octal sort\tabularnewline
+\optfmt{binary} & binary sort\tabularnewline
+\optfmt{binary-reverse} & reverse binary sort\tabularnewline
+\optfmt{float} & float sort\tabularnewline
+\optfmt{float-reverse} & reverse float sort\tabularnewline
+\optfmt{double} & double sort\tabularnewline
+\optfmt{double-reverse} & reverse double sort\tabularnewline
+\optfmt{numeric} & locale-sensitive numeric sort\tabularnewline
+\optfmt{numeric-reverse} & reverse locale-sensitive numeric
+\optfmt{currency} & locale-sensitive currency sort\tabularnewline
+\optfmt{currency-reverse} & reverse locale-sensitive currency
+\optfmt{percent} & locale-sensitive percent sort\tabularnewline
+\optfmt{percent-reverse} & reverse locale-sensitive percent
+\optfmt{numberformat} & locale-sensitive custom numeric
+\optfmt{numberformat-reverse} & reverse locale-sensitive custom numeric sort
+\caption{Summary of Available Sort Options: Date-Time}
+\optfmt{date} & locale-sensitive date sort\tabularnewline
+\optfmt{date-reverse} & reverse locale-sensitive date
+\optfmt{datetime} & locale-sensitive date-time sort\tabularnewline
+\optfmt{datetime-reverse} & reverse locale-sensitive date-time
+\optfmt{time} & locale-sensitive time sort\tabularnewline
+\optfmt{time-reverse} & reverse locale-sensitive time sort
+\subsubsection{No Sort}
+The sort methods listed in \tableref{tab:sortoptionsnosort}
+don't actually perform any sorting. This may cause a problem for
+hierarchical entries. In some cases this can lead to detached child
+entries or an attempt to define a child entry before its parent.
+\item \optfmt{none} (or \optfmt{unsrt}): don't sort the entries.
+(The entries will be in the order they were processed when parsing
+the data.)
+\item \optfmt{random}: shuffles rather than sorts the entries.
+This won't work if there are hierarchical entries, so it's best
+to use this option with \csopt{flatten}. The seed for the
+random generator can be set using \csopt{shuffle} (which
+also automatically sets \csopt[random]{sort} and \csopt{flatten}).
+\item \optfmt{use}: order of use. This order is determined
+by the records written to the \iext{aux} file by the \styopt{record}
+package option. Dependencies and cross-references (including those
+identified with \ics{glssee}) come after entries with records.
+Note that this is different from using the analogous option with
+\idx{makeindex} or \idx{xindy}, which does actually sort
+numerically, where each entry has an associated number set on the
+first use of that term that's used as the sort value.
+\item \optfmt{use-reverse}: reverses the order that would be
+obtained with \csopt[use]{sort} without reference to hierarchy.
+The sort methods listed in \tableref{tab:sortoptionsrule} are for
+alphabets that are defined by a rule. These usually ignore most
+punctuation and may ignore modifiers (such as accents). Use with
+\csopt{break-at} to determine whether or not to split at word
+boundaries. The collation rules (except for the custom options) are obtained
+from the \idx{localeprovider} (see page~\pageref{locale.provider}).
+\item \meta{lang tag}: sort according to the rules of the locale
+given by the \idx{IETF} language tag \meta{lang tag}.
+\item \meta{lang tag}\optfmt{-reverse}: reverse sort according to the rules of the locale
+given by the \idx{IETF} language tag \meta{lang tag}.
+\item \optfmt{locale}: equivalent to
+\csopt[\meta{lang tag}]{sort} where \meta{lang tag} is obtained
+from the \idx{JRE} (which usually matches the
+operating system's locale).
+\item \optfmt{locale-reverse}: equivalent to
+\csopt[\meta{lang tag}-reverse]{sort} where \meta{lang tag} is obtained
+from the \idx{JRE}.
+\item \optfmt{doc}: sort the entries according to the document
+language. This is equivalent to \csopt[\meta{lang tag}]{sort}
+where \meta{lang tag} is the locale associated with the document
+language. In the case of a multi-lingual document, \meta{lang tag}
+is the locale of the last language resource file to be loaded through
+\isty{tracklang}'s interface. It's best to explicitly set the locale
+for multi-lingual documents to avoid confusion. If no languages have been tracked, this
+option is equivalent to \csopt[locale]{sort}.
+\item \optfmt{doc-reverse}: as \optfmt{doc} but in reverse order.
+\item \optfmt{custom}: sort the entries according to the
+rule provided by \csopt{sort-rule}.
+\item \optfmt{custom-reverse}: reverse sort the entries according to the
+rule provided by \csopt{sort-rule}.
+Note that \csopt[\meta{locale}]{sort} can provide more detail about the
+given locale than \csopt[doc]{sort}, depending on how the document
+language has been specified. For example, with:
+the language tag will be \code{de-1996}, which doesn't have an
+associated region, so this is equivalent to using \csopt[de-1996]{sort}.
+Whereas with:
+the language tag will be \code{de-DE-1996} because \isty{tracklang}
+has picked up the locale from the document class options, so this is
+equivalent to using \csopt[de-DE-1996]{sort}. This is
+only likely to cause a difference if a language has different
+sorting rules according to the region or if the language may be
+written in multiple scripts.
+If no language package is loaded then the default is \csopt[locale]{sort}
+rather than \csopt[doc]{sort}. For example, with:
+the language tag will be whatever is the default locale for the \idx{JVM}.
+For a user in Germany, this could be \code{de-DE-1996} and for a user
+in Austria this could be \code{de-AT-1996}.
+A multilingual document will need to have the \csopt{sort} specified
+when loading the \idx{resourceset} to ensure the correct language is chosen.
+For example:
+\subsubsection{Letter (Non Locale)}
+The sort methods listed in \tableref{tab:sortoptionsletter}
+use letter comparators. These simply compare the
+character codes. The \optfmt{-nocase} options first convert the
+\field{sort} field to \idx{lowercase} before performing the sort to
+provide a case-insensitive comparison.
+Punctuation isn't ignored.
+Use \csopt[\meta{lang tag}]{sort} with \csopt[none]{break-at} to
+emulate \idx!{xindy}['s] locale letter ordering. The examples below
+show the ordering of the list \code{antelope}, \code{bee}, \code{Africa},
+\code{aardvark} and \code{Brazil}.
+\item \optfmt{letter-case}: case-sensitive letter sort.
+\Idx{uppercase} and \idx{lowercase} are in separate letter groups.
+\code{Africa} (letter group \idx{uppercase} \qt{A}), \code{Brazil}
+(letter group \idx{uppercase} \qt{B}), \code{aardvark} (letter group
+\idx{lowercase} \qt{a}), \code{antelope} (letter group
+\idx{lowercase} \qt{a}), \code{bee} (letter group \idx{lowercase} \qt{b}).
+\item \optfmt{letter-case-reverse}: reverse case-sensitive letter sort.
+\code{bee} (letter group \idx{lowercase} \qt{b}), \code{antelope}
+(letter group \idx{lowercase} \qt{a}), \code{aardvark} (letter group
+\idx{lowercase} \qt{a}) \code{Brazil} (letter group \idx{uppercase}
+\qt{B}), \code{Africa} (letter group \idx{uppercase} \qt{A}).
+\item \optfmt{letter-nocase}: case-insensitive letter sort. (All
+\idx{uppercase} characters will have first been converted to
+\idx{lowercase} in the sort value.)
+\code{aardvark} (letter group \qt{A}), \code{Africa}
+(letter group \qt{A}), \code{antelope} (letter group \qt{A}),
+\code{bee} (letter group \qt{B}),
+\code{Brazil} (letter group \qt{B}).
+\item \optfmt{letter-nocase-reverse}: reverse case-insensitive letter sort.
+\code{Brazil} (letter group \qt{B}), \code{bee} (letter group
+\qt{B}), \code{antelope} (letter group \qt{A}), \code{Africa}
+(letter group \qt{A}), \code{aardvark} (letter group \qt{A}).
+\item \optfmt{letter-upperlower}: each character pair is first
+compared according to their \idx{lowercase} values. If these are equal,
+then they are compared according to case. This puts upper and lower
+case in the same letter group but the \idx{uppercase} comes first.
+\code{Africa} (letter group \qt{A}), \code{aardvark} (letter group
+\qt{A}), \code{antelope} (letter group \qt{A}), \code{Brazil}
+(letter group \qt{B}), \code{bee} (letter group \qt{B}).
+\item \optfmt{letter-upperlower-reverse}: reverse upper-lower letter sort.
+This now puts the \idx{lowercase} letters first within the letter group.
+\code{bee} (letter group \qt{B}), \code{Brazil} (letter group
+\qt{B}), \code{antelope} (letter group \qt{A}), \code{aardvark}
+(letter group \qt{A}), \code{Africa} (letter group \qt{A}).
+\item \optfmt{letter-lowerupper}: each character pair is first
+compared according to their \idx{lowercase} values. If these are equal,
+then they are compared according to case. This puts
+\idxlink{uppercase}{upper} and \idx{lowercase} in the same letter group but the \idx{lowercase} comes first.
+\code{aardvark} (letter group \qt{A}), \code{antelope} (letter group \qt{A}),
+\code{Africa} (letter group \qt{A}), \code{bee} (letter group
+\qt{B}), \code{Brazil} (letter group \qt{B}).
+\item \optfmt{letter-lowerupper-reverse}: reverse lower-upper letter sort.
+This now puts the \idx{uppercase} letters first within the letter group.
+\code{Brazil} (letter group \qt{B}), \code{bee} (letter group
+\qt{B}), \code{Africa} (letter group \qt{A}), \code{antelope}
+(letter group \qt{A}), \code{aardvark} (letter group \qt{A}).
+The sort methods listed in \tableref{tab:sortoptionsletternumber}
+use a letter-integer hybrid. They behave in a similar way to the
+above letter sort methods, but if an integer number pattern is detected in
+the string then the sub-string containing the number will be compared.
+This only detects base 10 integers (unlike the numeric methods
+such as \csopt[hexadecimal]{sort} or \csopt[float]{sort}) but in
+addition to recognising all the digits in the Unicode \idx{numberdecimaldigit}
+category it also recognises the subscript and
+superscript digits, such as \textsuperscript{1} (\hex{00B9})
+and \textsuperscript{2} (\hex{00B2}).
+As with the letter sort methods, letters are compared using a
+character code comparison not by a locale alphabet. The closest
+locale-sensitive equivalent is to use \csopt{sort-number-pad} with a
+locale sort method.
+\begin{tikzpicture}[every node/.style={minimum size=9mm},
+ ampersand replacement=\&]
+ \node[draw]{a\hexsb{61}}; \& \node{$=$}; \& \node[draw]{a\hexsb{61}}; \&[20mm]
+ \node[draw]{a\hexsb{61}}; \& \node{$=$}; \& \node[draw]{a\hexsb{61}};
+ \\
+ \node[draw]{b\hexsb{62}}; \& \node{$=$}; \& \node[draw]{b\hexsb{62}}; \&
+ \node[draw]{b\hexsb{62}}; \& \node{$=$}; \& \node[draw]{b\hexsb{62}};
+ \\
+ \node[draw]{c\hexsb{63}}; \& \node{$=$}; \& \node[draw]{c\hexsb{63}}; \&
+ \node[draw]{c\hexsb{63}}; \& \node{$=$}; \& \node[draw]{c\hexsb{63}};
+ \\
+ \node[draw,ultra thick]{1\hexsb{31}}; \& \node{$<$}; \&
+ \node[draw,ultra thick]{6\hexsb{36}}; \&
+ \node (n1) {1}; \& \node{$>$}; \& \node[draw,ultra thick]{6};
+ \\
+ \node[draw]{2\hexsb{32}}; \& \& \node[draw]{b\hexsb{62}}; \&
+ \node (n2) {2}; \& \& \node[draw]{b\hexsb{62}};
+ \\
+ \node[draw]{f\hexsb{66}}; \& \& \node[draw]{a\hexsb{61}}; \&
+ \node[draw]{f\hexsb{66}}; \& \& \node[draw]{a\hexsb{61}};
+ \\
+ \node[draw]{o\hexsb{6f}}; \& \& \node[draw]{r\hexsb{72}}; \&
+ \node[draw]{o\hexsb{6f}}; \& \& \node[draw]{r\hexsb{72}};
+ \\
+ \node[draw]{o\hexsb{6f}}; \& \& \&
+ \node[draw]{o\hexsb{6f}}; \& \&
+ \\[10pt]
+ \& \node[font=\rmfamily]{\subfigfmt{a}}; \& \&
+ \& \node[font=\rmfamily]{\subfigfmt{b}}; \&
+ \\
+\draw[ultra thick] (n1.north east) rectangle (n2.south west);
+ \caption[Regular letter comparison vs letter-number
+ comparison]{Regular letter comparison vs letter-number comparison.
+ Comparing the strings \code{abc12foo} and \code{abc6bar}:
+ \subfigfmt{a} \optfmt{letter-case}; \subfigfmt{b}
+ \optfmt{letternumber-case}.}%
+For example, suppose the first string is \code{abc12foo}
+and the second string is \code{abc6bar}.
+\Figureref{fig:letternumber}\subfigfmt{a} shows the regular letter
+comparison using \csopt[letter-case]{sort}, where the subscript
+indicates the hexadecimal character code. The first three characters
+from each string are identical (\code{abc}). At this point there's
+no difference detected, so the comparator moves on to the next
+character, \code{1\hexsb{31}} for the first string and
+\code{6\hexsb{36}} for the second string. Since \hex{31} is less than
+\hex{36}, the first string (\code{abc12foo}) is considered less than the second
+With the letter-number comparison using
+\csopt[letternumber-case]{sort}, the comparator starts in much the
+same way. The first three characters from each string are still
+identical, so the comparator moves on to the next character,
+\code{1} for the first string and \code{6} for the second.
+These are now both recognised as digits, so the comparator
+looks ahead and reads in any following digits (if present). For the
+first case, this is the sub-string \code{12} and, for the second
+case, \code{6} (\figureref{fig:letternumber}\subfigfmt{b}). These
+are both compared according to their integer representation $12 >
+6$, so \code{abc12bar} is considered greater than \code{abc6foo}
+(that is, \code{abc12bar} comes after \code{abc6foo}).
+The same result occurs for other numbering systems, for example if
+the Basic Latin digits 1, 2 and 6 are replaced with the
+corresponding Devanagari digits \devone, \devtwo\ and
+\devsix. (But note that the letter comparisons will still be
+based on their Unicode values not according to a particular locale.
+This type of sort method is intended primarily for symbolic values,
+such as chemical formulae, rather than for words or phrases.)
+Signed integers are also recognised, so \code{abc-12foo} is less
+than \code{abc+6bar}, which is again different from the result
+obtained with a straight letter comparator where the
+character~\code{+} (\hex{2B})
+comes before the character~\code{-} (\hex{2D}). The sign must be followed by at
+least one digit for it to be recognised as a number otherwise it's
+treated as a punctuation character.
+If only one sub-string is numeric
+then the \csopt{letter-number-rule} is used to determine the
+result. Where both sub-strings are non-numeric, then the
+\csopt{letter-number-punc-rule} setting is used to determine the result
+according to the category of the characters, which may be one of the
+\item white space: belongs to the Unicode \idx{separatorspace}
+category. If both characters are white space, then they are compared
+according to their Unicode values otherwise they are ordered according to
+the \csopt{letter-number-punc-rule} setting.
+\item letter: belongs to one of the Unicode categories \idx{letteruppercase},
+\idx{letterlowercase}, \idx{lettertitlecase},
+\idx{lettermodifier} or \idx{letterother}. If both characters
+are letters then, for sort method \optfmt{letternumber-\meta{modifier}},
+the characters are compared in the same way as the
+corresponding \optfmt{letter-\meta{modifier}} sort method otherwise
+they are ordered according to the
+\csopt{letter-number-punc-rule} setting.
+\item punctuation: everything else. If both characters are
+punctuation, then they are compared according to their Unicode value
+otherwise they are ordered according to
+the \csopt{letter-number-punc-rule} setting.
+For simplicity, the actual sort value used during sorting isn't a
+simple string but is converted into a list of objects that represent
+one of: letter, integer, space or other (punctuation). This reduces
+the amount of parsing of substrings that needs to be performed.
+The examples below show the ordering of the list:
+\code{CO}, \code{Cl},
+\code{Co}, \code{Co\textsubscript{2}O\textsubscript{3}},
+\code{Co\textsubscript{2}}, \code{CO\textsubscript{2}},
+\code{CoMoO\textsubscript{4}} and \code{CoCl\textsubscript{2}},
+for the setting
+\csopt[between]{letter-number-rule}, where the subscripts are
+the Unicode subscript characters.
+\item \optfmt{letternumber-case}: case-sensitive
+letter-number sort. Example:
+(Order determined by: $\mathtt{H} < \mathtt{O} < 5 < 10 < \mathtt{l} < \mathtt{o}$.)
+\item \optfmt{letternumber-case-reverse}: reverse case-sensitive
+letter-number sort. Example:
+\item \optfmt{letternumber-nocase}: case-insensitive
+letter-number sort. The sort value is first converted to lower
+case. Note that \csopt[between]{letter-number-rule} doesn't make
+sense in this context as there won't be any \idx!{uppercase} characters in
+the sort value, so numbers will always come before letters. Example:
+(Order determined by: $5 < 10 < \mathtt{h} < \mathtt{l} < \mathtt{o}$.)
+\item \optfmt{letternumber-nocase-reverse}: reverse case-insensitive
+letter-number sort, so numbers will now always come after letters. Example:
+\item \optfmt{letternumber-upperlower}: upper-lower
+letter-number sort. This behaves slightly differently to
+\optfmt{letter-upperlower} when used with \csopt[between]{letter-number-rule}
+and has a more complicated rule that's determined by the character
+following the number and implied numbers inserted between letters.
+(There was a bug in earlier versions that has been corrected in v1.8
+so you may find a slightly different ordering when upgrading.)
+(Order determined by: $\mathtt{H} < 5\mathtt{H} < 10\mathtt{H} <
+\mathtt{l} < \mathtt{O} < \mathtt{o}$, and for the terms starting
+with \code{CO} or \code{Co}: 2 comes after null and $\mathtt{C} <
+\mathtt{M} < 2\mathtt{O}$.)
+Compare this with \csopt[before letter]{letter-number-rule} which
+results in the order:
+\item \optfmt{letternumber-upperlower-reverse}: reverse upper-lower
+letter-number sort. Example (with \csopt[between]{letter-number-rule}):
+Compare this with \csopt[before letter]{letter-number-rule} which
+results in the order:
+Remember that the associated settings are reversed
+well. So \csopt[before letter]{letter-number-rule}
+results in numbers \emph{after} letters.
+\item \optfmt{letternumber-lowerupper}: lower-upper letter-number
+sort. As with the upper-lower option, this behaves slightly differently to
+\optfmt{letter-lowerupper} when used with \csopt[between]{letter-number-rule}
+and has a more complicated rule.
+Compare this with \csopt[before letter]{letter-number-rule} which
+results in the order:
+\item \optfmt{letternumber-lowerupper-reverse}: reverse lower-upper
+letter-number sort. Example (with \csopt[between]{letter-number-rule}):
+The sort methods listed in \tableref{tab:sortoptionsnumerical}
+use numeric comparisons. The sort value is expected to
+be a numeric value. If it can't be parsed then it's treated as 0
+(and a warning will be written to the transcript).
+These all recognise the digits in the Unicode \qt{Number,
+Decimal Digit} category but, unlike the hybrid letter-number
+comparators above, they don't recognise the superscript or subscript
+digits. The \qt{non-locale} in some of the descriptions below
+indicates that the method doesn't recognise locale-sensitive
+formatting, such as group separators.
+\item \optfmt{integer}: integer sort. This is for non-locale integer sort
+\item \optfmt{integer-reverse}: as above but reverses the order.
+\item \optfmt{hex}: hexadecimal integer sort. This is for non-locale
+hexadecimal sort values.
+\item \optfmt{hex-reverse}: as above but reverses the order.
+\item \optfmt{octal}: octal integer sort. This is for non-locale
+octal sort values.
+\item \optfmt{octal-reverse}: as above but reverses the order.
+\item \optfmt{binary}: binary integer sort. This is for non-locale binary sort
+\item \optfmt{binary-reverse}: as above but reverses the order.
+\item \optfmt{float}: single-precision sort. This is for non-locale
+decimal sort values.
+\item \optfmt{float-reverse}: as above but reverses the order.
+\item \optfmt{double}: double-precision sort. This is for non-locale
+decimal sort values.
+\item \optfmt{float-reverse}: as above but reverses the order.
+\item \optfmt{numeric}: locale-sensitive numeric sort. Use
+\csopt{numeric-locale} to set the locale.
+\item \optfmt{numeric-reverse}: as above but reverses the order.
+\item \optfmt{currency}: locale-sensitive currency sort. Use
+\csopt{numeric-locale} to set the locale.
+\item \optfmt{currency-reverse}: as above but reverses the order.
+\item \optfmt{percent}: locale-sensitive percent sort. Use
+\csopt{numeric-locale} to set the locale.
+\item \optfmt{percent-reverse}: as above but reverses the order.
+\item \optfmt{numberformat}: locale-sensitive custom numeric sort. Use
+\csopt{numeric-locale} to set the locale and
+\csopt{numeric-sort-pattern} to set the number pattern.
+\item \optfmt{numberformat-reverse}: as above but reverses the order.
+In general, it doesn't make much sense to have hierarchical entries
+that need to be sorted by a number, but it is possible as long as each
+level uses the same type of numbering.
+The sort methods listed in \tableref{tab:sortoptionsdatetime}
+are for dates and times. Use \csopt{date-sort-format}
+and \csopt{date-sort-locale} to specify the date format and locale.
+\item \optfmt{date}: sort dates.
+\item \optfmt{date-reverse}: as above but reverses the order.
+\item \optfmt{datetime}: sort date and time information.
+\item \optfmt{datetime-reverse}: as above but reverses the order.
+\item \optfmt{time}: sort times.
+\item \optfmt{time-reverse}: as above but reverses the order.
+If the field you want to sort by contains a date then the
+simplest way to sort is to ensure the date is in ISO format
+and then just use a letter sort. However it may be that
+the date is in the format particular to your locale or you have a
+mix of \era{AD} and \era{BC}. In which
+case you can use one of the date/time sort options (such as
+\csopt[date]{sort} or \csopt[date-reverse]{sort}). The locale
+is assumed to be your default locale (as given by the \idx{JVM})
+but if you are using a different locale this can
+be set with \csopt{date-sort-locale}. The pattern is assumed
+to be the default for that locale but you can change this with
+\csopt{date-sort-format}. If you provide your
+own custom pattern you must make sure that it matches the selected
+\optfmt{sort} option.
+Take care if you switch from using the \idx{JRE} to the \idx{CLDR}
+ \idx{localeprovider} as you may find the default pattern changes.
+The locale and pattern information is used by \bibgls\ to parse the
+field. If the field value can't be parsed then \bibgls\ will issue
+a warning and assume the current date (or time).
+The actual sort value that's used by the comparator is numeric. In
+the case of the time-based \csopt[datetime]{sort} and
+\csopt[time]{sort} (or their \optfmt{-reverse} versions), this value
+is the number of milliseconds since 1st~January, 1970. In the case
+of \csopt[date]{sort} (or \csopt[date-reverse]{sort}), this value is
+obtained from $a(y\times10000 + m\times100 + d)$ where $y$ is the
+year, $m$ is the month number, $d$ is the day of month number, and
+$a$ is an integer representation of the era ($-1$ for \era{BC} and
+$+1$ for \era{AD}).
+Unlike the numeric sort methods (such as \csopt[integer]{sort})
+the date-time sort methods set the \field{sort} field to a value
+that can be more easily parsed within the document and that should
+mostly achieve the same ordering if a letter comparator were to be used
+with it (except for \era{BC} dates, where the order needs to be
+reversed). This has the by-product of providing a field that
+you can access within the document that can be more easily parsed by
+In general, it doesn't make much sense to have hierarchical entries
+that need to be sorted by date, but it is possible as long as each
+level uses the same date format.
+For example, suppose my \ext{bib} file contains:
+ \field{name}=\marg{10 Jan 2017},
+ \field{description}=\marg{an interesting journal entry}
+The \field{name} field uses an abbreviated UK date format.
+If all my other entries also use this format in the \field{name}
+then I can sort them chronologically:
+ \csopt[entries]{src},\comment{data in entries.bib}
+ \csopt[date]{sort},
+ \csopt[en-GB]{date-sort-locale},
+ \csopt[medium]{date-sort-format}
+(The medium format is actually the default for this locale,
+and the locale matches my system locale, so I could omit
+both \csopt{date-sort-locale} and \csopt{date-sort-format}.)
+If \longarg{verbose} mode is on, the transcript will show
+the label, sort value and numeric value for each entry.
+In this case, the information is:
+journalentry -> '+1 2017-01-10' [20170110]
+The first value is the label (\code{journalentry}), the second
+value is assigned to the \field{sort} field
+(\code{+1 2017-01-10}) and the number in square brackets
+is the actual numeric value used by the comparator. The signed
+number at the start of the sort field \code{+1} is the numeric
+representation of the era as used for the $a$ variable in the
+computation of the numeric value (as described earlier).
+If I change the format to \csopt[short]{date-sort-format},
+then the date can't be parsed correctly and \bibgls\ will
+issue the following warning:
+Warning: Can't parse sort value '10 Jan 2017' for 'journalentry'
+(pattern: 'dd/MM/yyyy')
+This shows the value that \bibgls\ is trying to
+parse (\code{10 Jan 2017}) for the entry identified by
+the given label (\code{journalentry}). The pattern \bibgls\
+expects is also given (\code{dd/MM/yyyy}).
+Automatically sets \csopt[random]{sort} and \csopt{flatten}.
+The value \meta{seed} may be omitted. If present, it should
+be an integer used as a seed for the random number generator.
+The \csopt{sort-field} key indicates which field provides the sort
+value. The \meta{field} must be a recognised field name or you
+may use \csopt[id]{sort-field} to sort according to the label.
+The default value is the \field{sort} field (which is typically
+inferred rather than explicitly set).
+ \csopt[entries-terms]{src},\comment{data in entries-terms.bib}
+ \csopt[category]{sort-field},\comment{sort by 'category' field}
+ \csopt[letter-case]{sort}\comment{case-sensitive letter sort}
+This sorts the entries according to the \field{category} field using
+a case-sensitive letter comparison.
+If an entry is missing a value for \meta{field}, then the value of
+the fallback field will be used instead. If \csopt{missing-sort-fallback} is
+set, then that's used as the fallback, otherwise it depends on the
+entry type.
+If no fallback field can be found, the entry's label will be used.
+For the specific case with the default \csopt[sort]{sort-field}
+setting, the fallback for the \field{sort} field is governed not
+only by the entry type but also by some associated settings:
+\item If the entry is defined using \atentry{entry} (or a dual form
+that acts like \atentry{entry}), then if the \field{sort} field is
+missing the value is obtained from the field identified by
+\csopt{entry-sort-fallback}. If that field is also missing then
+that field's fallback is used.
+\item For the index entry types like \atentry{index} or
+\atentry{indexplural}, then if the \field{sort} field is missing the
+value is obtained from the \field{name} field. If that field is also
+missing, then the value is obtained from the particular entry type's
+fallback for the \field{name} field. (For example, the entry's label
+for \atentry{index} or the \field{plural} field for
+\item If the entry is defined with an abbreviation type (for
+example, \atentry{abbreviation} or \atentry{acronym}) then if the
+\field{sort} field is missing, \bibgls\ will fallback on the field
+given by \csopt{abbreviation-sort-fallback}.
+\item The symbol-like entry types fallback on the field given by
+\csopt{symbol-sort-fallback} if the \field{sort} field is missing.
+\item Entries defined using \atentry{bibtexentry} fallback on the field
+given by \csopt{bibtexentry-sort-fallback}, which defaults to the
+\field{name} field. Note that this only applies to the main entry.
+The spawned \atentry{contributor} entries behave like
+Use \csopt{dual-sort-field} when sorting dual entries.
+With \csopt[\meta{sort-field}]{sort-field}, if the value of the field
+identified by \meta{sort-field} is missing, then \bibgls\ behaves as
+\item If \csopt[\meta{fallback-field}]{missing-sort-fallback} is set, then
+\bibgls\ will fallback on the value provided by the field
+\meta{fallback-field}. If \meta{fallback-field} is
+missing, then \bibgls\ will query the entry type's fallback for
+\meta{fallback-field} (not for \meta{sort-field}).
+\item If the entry type has a fallback rule for \meta{sort-field},
+then that rule is used. When \csopt[sort]{sort-field} this means:
+\item If the entry was defined using one of the index types (such as
+\atentry{index}), then \bibgls\ will fallback on the \field{name}
+\item If the entry was defined using the \atentry{entry} type (or a
+dual form that acts like \atentry{entry}), then \bibgls\ will
+fallback on the field given by \csopt{entry-sort-fallback}.
+\item If the entry was defined using
+one of the symbol types (such as \atentry{symbol}), then \bibgls\
+will fallback on the field given by \csopt{symbol-sort-fallback}.
+\item If the entry was defined using
+one of the abbreviation types (such as \atentry{abbreviation}), then \bibgls\
+will fallback on the field given by
+\item If the entry was defined using \atentry{bibtexentry} (but not
+the spawned \atentry{contributor} entries), then \bibgls\ will
+fallback on the field given by
+If \meta{sort-field} is not \field{sort}, then there may not be a
+fallback, in which case the next condition applies:
+\item Otherwise the sort value will be set to the entry label and \bibgls\
+will issue a warning.
+The default setting is \csopt[\empty]{missing-sort-fallback}, which
+means that step~1 above is omitted.
+Use \csopt{dual-missing-sort-fallback} when sorting dual entries
+separately from primaries, and use
+\csopt{secondary-missing-sort-fallback} for \csopt{secondary}
+The regular entry types (such as \atentry{entry} and
+\atentry{dualentry}) will, by default, fallback on the \field{name}
+field if the \field{sort} field is missing (assuming
+\csopt[sort]{sort-field}). If you prefer to
+fallback on a different field, then you can use this option to
+specify the field.
+Note that \csopt{missing-sort-fallback} overrides this setting.
+This setting doesn't affect the index type of entries, such as
+\atentry{index} or \atentry{indexplural}. This is useful if your
+glossary contains homographs (terms with the same spelling) which
+can't be distinguished by the sort comparators. For example, suppose
+my file \filefmt{entries.bib} contains:
+ \field{name}=\marg{page list},
+ \field{description}=\marg{a list of individual pages or page ranges}
+ \field{parent}=\marg{glossary},
+ \field{description}={list of technical words}
+ \field{parent}=\marg{glossary},
+ \field{description}=\marg{collection of glosses}
+Now first consider a document that uses the default settings:
+A test document describing \cs{glspl}\marg{pagelist} and
+\cs{gls}\marg{glosscol} (collection) vs \cs{gls}\marg{glossarylist} (list).
+The default behaviour for \atentry{entry} if the \field{sort} field
+is missing is to fallback on the \field{name} field. If the
+\field{name} field is missing (as with \code{glossarylist} and
+\code{glosscol}), then the value is obtained from the
+\field{name} field from the parent entry. The parent entry for these
+homographs is the \code{glossary} entry, which was defined with
+\atentry{index} and doesn't have the \field{name} field. For the
+\atentry{index} entries, if \field{name} is missing the value is
+obtained from the label.
+Therefore both \code{glossarylist} and \code{glosscol} end
+up with the same sort value: \code{glossary}. This triggers a
+message in verbose mode (\longarg{verbose}) which can be found
+in the transcript file:
+Identical sort values for 'glossarylist' and 'glosscol'
+Falling back on ID
+So the actual sort values used are \qt{glossarylist} and
+\qt{glosscol}. This puts the \code{glossarylist} entry
+before the \code{glosscol} entry.
+Now suppose a minor modification is made to the document:
+ \oarg{
+ \csopt[entries]{src},
+ \csopt[description]{entry-sort-fallback}
+ }
+This means that when the sort function fails to find the
+\field{sort} field for the terms defined with \atentry{entry}, it
+will fallback on the \field{description} field. This doesn't affect
+the terms defined with \atentry{index}, which still fallback on the
+\field{name} field. This time there's no message in the transcript
+file and the \code{glosscol} entry now comes before the
+\code{glossarylist} entry.
+The \csopt{entry-sort-fallback} setting is only used when \bibgls\
+tries to access the \field{sort} field for a term defined with
+\atentry{entry} and finds that the field hasn't been set. This means
+that this setting has no effect if you explicitly set the \field{sort}
+field or if you change the field used for sorting
+The entry types that define abbreviations (such as
+\atentry{abbreviation} and \atentry{acronym}) will, by default,
+fallback on the \field{short} field if the \field{sort} field is
+missing (assuming \csopt[sort]{sort-field}). If you prefer to
+fallback on a different field, then you can use this option to
+specify the field. For example,
+\csopt[long]{abbreviation-sort-fallback}. Note that if you use
+\csopt[name]{sort-field}, then the fallback field will be given by
+\csopt{abbreviation-name-fallback} if the \field{name} field is
+omitted. The \meta{field} value must be a known field label.
+Note that \csopt{missing-sort-fallback} overrides this setting.
+The \csopt{abbreviation-sort-fallback} setting is only used when \bibgls\
+tries to access the \field{sort} field for an abbreviation and finds
+that the field hasn't been set. This means that this setting has no effect
+if you explicitly set the \field{sort} field or if you change the field used
+for sorting (\csopt{sort-field}).
+The entry types that define symbols (such as \atentry{symbol} and
+\atentry{number}) will, by default, fallback on the label if the
+\field{sort} field is missing (assuming the default
+\csopt[sort]{sort-field}). If you prefer to fallback on a different
+field, then you can use this option to specify the field. For
+example, \csopt[name]{symbol-sort-fallback}. The \meta{field} value
+must be a known field label.
+Note that \csopt{missing-sort-fallback} overrides this setting.
+The \csopt{symbol-sort-fallback} setting is only used when \bibgls\
+tries to access the \field{sort} field for a symbol and finds
+that the field hasn't been set. This means that this setting has no effect
+if you explicitly set the \field{sort} field or if you change the field used
+for sorting (\csopt{sort-field}).
+The main \atentry{bibtexentry} entry types will, by default,
+fallback on the \field{name} if the
+\field{sort} field is missing (assuming the default
+\csopt[sort]{sort-field}). If you prefer to fallback on a different
+field, then you can use this option to specify the field.
+Note that \csopt{missing-sort-fallback} overrides this setting.
+The \csopt{bibtexentry-sort-fallback} setting is only used when
+\bibgls\ tries to access the \field{sort} field for a main entry
+defined with \atentry{bibtexentry} and finds that the field hasn't
+been set. This means that this setting has no effect if you
+explicitly set the \field{sort} field or if you change the field used for
+sorting (\csopt{sort-field}).
+If the interpreter is used to determine the sort value, this setting
+governs whether or not the interpreter should trim leading and
+trailing spaces. The default setting is \csopt[true]{trim-sort}.
+This option automatically sets \csopt[\meta{boolean}]{dual-trim-sort}
+and \csopt[\meta{boolean}]{secondary-trim-sort}.
+This option may be used to perform \idx{regex} substitutions
+on the sort value and has the same syntax as \csopt{labelify-replace}.
+The value is required for this key but may be empty, which indicates
+that the setting is switched off.
+This action is done after the interpreter parses the
+sort value (if applicable) and before \csopt{sort-number-pad} (if
+applicable). For example, suppose the sort value is:
+\cs{ensuremath}\marg{\ics{approx} 3.14}
+then the interpreter will convert this to $\mathtt{\approx}$\texttt{3.14} but:
+can be used to strip the $\approx$ symbol (\hex{2248}) so that the value can
+now be parsed as a number if \csopt[double]{sort} has been used.
+Use \csopt{dual-sort-replace} for dual
+and \csopt{secondary-sort-replace} for secondary sort methods.
+If the \csopt[custom]{sort} option is used, the sort rule must be
+provided with \optfmt{sort-rule}. If \csopt{sort} is not set to
+\optfmt{custom}, the \optfmt{sort-rule} setting will be ignored.
+This setting uses Java's
+class~\cite{rulebasedcollator}, and the rule syntax needs to conform
+to that format.
+Remember that the options will be expanded as they are written to
+the \iext{aux} file, so be careful of any special characters that
+occur in the rule. For the special characters \idx{param}
+\idx{commentchar} \idx{sbchar} \idx{colsep} \idx{bgroupchar} and
+\idx{egroupchar} you can use \ics{cs.hash}, \ics{cs.percent},
+\ics{cs.underscore}, \ics{cs.amp}, \ics{cs.openbrace} and
+\ics{cs.closebrace}. These will be written to the \ext{aux} file
+with the leading backslash, but \bibgls\ will remove it for this
+resource option. Remember that the \styfmt{glossaries} package
+provides \ics{glsbackslash} and \ics{glstildechar} which can be used
+to produce a literal backslash (\idx{backslashchar}) and tilde
+You can also
+use \stringu\meta{hex} (where \meta{hex} is a hexadecimal
+code) to represent a Unicode character. For example:
+ \csopt[custom]{sort},
+ \csopt[< a,A < b,B < c,C < ch,Ch,CH < d,D
+ < dd,Dd,DD < e,E < f,F < ff,Ff,FF
+ < g,G < ng,Ng,NG < h,H < ij,Ij,IJ
+ < i,I < j,J < k,K < l,L < ll,Ll,LL < m,M
+ < n,N < o,O < p,P < ph,Ph,PH < q,Q < r,R < rh,Rh,RH
+ < s,S < t,T < th,Th,TH < u,U < v,V < w,W < x,X < y,Y < z,Z
+ < \stringu00E6,\stringu00C6]{sort-rule}
+It's best to use \ics{cs.string} rather than \ics{protect} to avoid
+unwanted spaces interfering with \meta{hex}. Note that
+\sty{glossaries-extra} v1.21+ provides\footnote{The command
+definition was moved to \isty{glossaries-extra-bib2gls} from version
+1.27 since it's only needed with \bibgls.}\ \ics{glshex}
+which just does \stringu\ so you can do
+\code{\ics{glshex} 00E6} instead of \code{\stringu00E6}.
+This is only one character different, but you can redefine
+\ics{glsxtrresourceinit} to locally set \ics{u} to \ics{glshex} while
+the protected write is performed. For example:
+Then you can just do \code{\csfmt{u}00E6} instead of \code{\stringu00E6}.
+The \isty{glossaries-extra-bib2gls} package (which is automatically loaded by
+the \styopt{record} option) provides some commands for common rule blocks
+that may be used in the construction of custom rules. For example:
+ ;\ics{glsxtrspacerules}
+ ;\ics{glsxtrnonprintablerules}
+ ;\ics{glsxtrcombiningdiacriticrules}
+ ,\ics{glsxtrhyphenrules}
+ <\ics{glsxtrgeneralpuncrules}
+ <\ics{glsxtrdigitrules}
+ <\ics{glsxtrfractionrules}
+ <\ics{glsxtrMathItalicGreekIrules}
+ <\ics{glsxtrGeneralLatinIVrules}
+ <\ics{glsxtrLatinAA}
+ <\ics{glsxtrLatinOslash}
+This places the Greek maths symbols (such as \ics{alpha}) before the
+Latin block. See the \sty{glossaries-extra} documentation for
+further details of these commands.
+You might find it convenient to provide similar commands in a
+package for rules you may often need. For example, suppose I have a
+package called, say, \styfmt{mapsymbols} for providing map symbols:
+\comment{some package or font loading stuff here to provide}
+\comment{the appropriate symbols}
+\comment{Provide a rule block:}
+ \cs{glshex} 2694 \comment{crossed-swords 0x2694}
+ < \cs{glshex} 2693 \comment{anchor 0x2693}
+ < \cs{glshex} 26BD \comment{football 0x26BD}
+In addition to \filefmt{mapsymbols.sty}, I also need to create
+\filefmt{mapsymbols.bib} to provide the appropriate definitions for
+The use of \ics{glsxtrprovidecommand} will override any previous
+definitions of these commands in \bibgls's interpreter but will act
+like \ics{providecommand} within the document, and so won't
+interfere with the commands defined in \filefmt{mapsymbols.sty}.
+Now I can just do:
+\cmd{usepackage}\marg{mapsymbols}\comment{my custom package}
+ \csopt[mapsymbols,\comment{<--- my custom mapsymbols.bib}
+ entries\comment{data in entries.bib}
+ ]{src},
+ \csopt[custom]{sort},
+ \csopt[\cs{glsxtrcontrolrules}
+ ;\cs{glsxtrspacerules}
+ ;\cs{glsxtrnonprintablerules}
+ ;\cs{glsxtrcombiningdiacriticrules}
+ ,\cs{glsxtrhyphenrules}
+ <\cs{glsxtrgeneralpuncrules}
+ <\cs{glsxtrdigitrules}
+ <\cs{glsxtrfractionrules}
+ <\cmd{MapSymbolOrder} \comment{<--- custom map symbols}
+ <\cs{glsxtrMathItalicGreekIrules}
+ <\ics{glsxtrGeneralLatinIrules}
+ ]{sort-rule}
+An alternative to providing \filefmt{mapsymbols.bib} is to provide a
+custom package just for \bibgls' use. For example,
+\comment{Provided for \bibgls\ only.}
+\comment{Use \cmd{usepackage}\marg{mapsymbols} in the document.}
+and instruct \bibgls\ to parse it with
+\code{\longarg{custom-packages} mapsymbols-bib2gls} (and use
+\filefmt{mapsymbols.sty} in the document). Remember that \bibgls\
+isn't a \TeX\ engine so make sure to only use simple commands in
+this file.
+This option automatically implements
+\csopt[\meta{option}]{dual-break-at} and
+The alphabet sort options (\tableref{tab:sortoptionsrule}) typically
+list non-letter characters before alphabetical characters and spaces
+are quite often in the ignored set. This means that the alphabet
+sort options are naturally in a letter order, similar to
+\idx{xindy}['s] \code{ord/letorder} module. (This isn't the same as
+\csopt[letter-nocase]{sort}, which just sorts according to the
+Unicode value not according to a particular alphabet.)
+In order to replicate \idx!{makeindex} and \idx!{xindy}['s] default word
+order, \bibgls\ splits up the sort value at word boundaries and
+inserts a marker (identified by \csopt{break-marker}).
+For example, if the sort value is \qt{sea lion} then it's actually
+converted to \verb"sea|lion|" whereas \qt{sea} becomes \verb"sea|"
+and \qt{seal} becomes \verb"seal|". The default marker is \verb"|"
+which is commonly placed in collation rules before digits but
+after the ignored characters, such as spaces and hyphens.
+Note that this action removes non-letters, so for example,
+if the sort value is \verb"# (parameter)" then it will be converted
+to \verb"parameter|" (hash, space and parentheses removed).
+If you only want to break at spaces (optionally following a comma)
+use the following instead:
+ \csopt[none]{break-at},
+ \csopt[\marg{,? +}\marg{|}]{sort-replace}
+You can change the construction of the break points with
+\csopt[\meta{option}]{break-at} where \meta{option} may be one of:
+\item \optfmt{word}: break at word boundaries (default).
+Note that what constitutes a word varies
+according to the locale but usually anything that's not alphanumeric
+will designate a word-boundary. The characters between words are
+For example, the sort value \qt{Tom, Dick, and Harry} becomes
+\verb"Tom|Dick|and|Harry", which has discarded the comma and space
+\item \optfmt{character}: break after each character.
+\item \optfmt{sentence}: break after each sentence.
+\item \optfmt{upper-notlower}: break after any \idx{uppercase} character
+that's not followed by a \idx{lowercase} character. For example,
+\qt{MathML} becomes \verb"MathM|L|" and \qt{W3C} becomes
+\item \optfmt{upper-upper}: break after any \idx{uppercase} character
+that's followed by an \idx{uppercase} character.
+\item \optfmt{upper-notlower-word}: first applies break-points
+according to \optfmt{upper-notlower} and then according to
+\item \optfmt{upper-upper-word}: first applies break-points
+according to \optfmt{upper-upper} and then according to
+\item \optfmt{none}: don't create break points. Use this option to
+emulate \idx{makeindex} or \idx{xindy}'s letter ordering, or combine
+with \csopt{sort-replace} to insert custom break points.
+This option is ignored when used with the non-alphabetic
+\csopt{sort} options. You can find the break points in the
+\field{sort} field for the entry's definition in the \ext{glstex}
+file (which is provided for information rather than for use in the
+document). Alternatively, use the \longarg{debug} switch to show
+the break points in the transcript. (This will also show the
+collation rule.)
+This option automatically implements the dual and secondary settings
+\csopt[\meta{marker}]{dual-break-marker} and
+The break marker can be changed using
+\csopt[\meta{marker}]{break-marker}, where \meta{marker} is
+the character to use. For example, \csopt[-]{break-marker} will use a
+hyphen. The marker may be empty, which effectively strips the
+inter-word punctuation. For example, with
+\csopt[\empty]{break-marker}, \qt{Tom, Dick, and Harry} becomes
+\code{TomDickandHarry} and \qt{sea lion} simply becomes
+\code{sealion}. If \meta{marker} is omitted,
+\csopt[\empty]{break-marker} is assumed.
+This option automatically implements the dual and secondary settings
+If \meta{number} is greater than 1, any integer sub-strings found
+in the sort value will be zero-padded up to this value. Since the
+\code{-} character is often ignored by rule-based sort methods,
+any signs found will be replaced with the markers given by
+\csopt{sort-pad-plus} and \csopt{sort-pad-minus}, which should be
+chosen to ensure that negative numbers are ordered before positive
+numbers (if this is desired). An unsigned number will have the
+\csopt{sort-pad-plus} marker inserted before it. The default value
+is \csopt[0]{sort-number-pad}, which doesn't implement any padding.
+If you use this with a locale sort method, it's best to also set
+\csopt[none]{break-at}, as the default word boundary break points
+will likely be confused by a mix of alphanumerics.
+This option automatically implements the dual and secondary settings
+This option only has an effect when used with
+\csopt[\meta{number}]{sort-number-pad} where \meta{number} is
+greater than 1. Positive numbers will have their sign replaced with
+\meta{marker}. The default setting is \csopt[>]{sort-pad-plus}.
+This option automatically implements the dual and secondary settings
+This option only has an effect when used with
+\csopt[\meta{number}]{sort-number-pad} where \meta{number} is
+greater than 1. Negative numbers will have their sign replaced with
+\meta{marker}. The default setting is \csopt[<]{sort-pad-plus}.
+This option automatically implements the dual and secondary settings
+\csopt[\meta{value}]{dual-identical-sort-action} and
+This option determines what the comparator should do if
+two entries at the same hierarchical level are considered
+equal. The \meta{value} may be one of:
+\item\optfmt{none}: don't take any further action if sort values are
+\item\optfmt{id}: if sort values are identical, compare
+the entry labels;
+\item\optfmt{original id}: if sort values are identical, compare the
+original unprefixed entry labels (as given in the \ext{bib} file);
+\item\meta{field}: if sort values are identical, compare
+the values from the given \meta{field}.
+In each case (other than \csopt[none]{identical-sort-action}) a
+simple case-sensitive string comparison is used. If \meta{value}
+isn't a recognised keyword or valid field an error will occur. The
+default setting is \csopt[id]{identical-sort-action}. If you're
+using one of the sort rules listed in \tableref{tab:sortoptionsrule}
+and you also want a locale-sensitive sort used on the fallback, then
+you need to use \csopt{sort-suffix} instead.
+\bibgls\ allows duplicate sort values, but this can cause a problem
+for hierarchical entries where parent entries with duplicate sort
+fields are clumped together and their children follow. To prevent
+this from happening, the \csopt[id]{identical-sort-action}
+setting will fallback on comparing the labels. Since all labels
+must be unique, this means comparisons between two different entries
+are all either strictly higher or strictly lower.
+This action occurs after any suffixes have been appended through
+This option automatically implements the dual and secondary settings
+\csopt[\meta{value}]{dual-sort-suffix} and
+The value may be one of:
+\item\optfmt{none}: don't append a suffix to any \field{sort} value;
+\item\optfmt{non-unique}: append a numeric suffix to non-unique
+ \field{sort} values;
+\item\meta{field}: append the value of the given field (if set) to
+ the \field{sort} field. The given field must be defined (has an
+ associated key for use in \gls{newglossaryentry}) but may be unset.
+ If the interpreter is on, the field contents will be interpreted.
+ If the field is just a label (such as the \field{category} field)
+ you may find it simpler to use
+ \csopt[\meta{field}]{identical-sort-action} instead.
+The default setting is \csopt[none]{sort-suffix}.
+This option only affects the alphabetic
+(\tableref{tab:sortoptionsrule}), letter
+(\tableref{tab:sortoptionsletter}) and letter-number
+(\tableref{tab:sortoptionsletternumber}) sort rules. For the other
+types of sort methods (not including the no-sort options listed in
+\tableref{tab:sortoptionsnosort}) you'll need to use
+\csopt{identical-sort-action} to prevent problems occurring with
+duplicate sort values.
+In the case of \csopt[non-unique]{sort-suffix}, this will only append a
+suffix to the duplicate sort values (within the same hierarchical
+level). The first sort value to be encountered isn't given a suffix.
+The \csopt[\meta{field}]{sort-suffix} setting will only append a suffix
+if that field is set, but (if set) it will apply the suffix to all
+\field{sort} values, even those that are unique.
+If you use \longarg{verbose}, then \bibgls\ will write information
+in the transcript when it appends a suffix to the sort value. The
+Sort value '\meta{sort}' (entry '\meta{id}') not unique for the entry's
+hierarchical level.
+indicates that an entry with the given \meta{sort} value has already
+been found within the same hierarchical level as the currently
+processed entry (whose label is given by \meta{id}). The same
+hierarchical level in this context means that either both entries
+don't have a parent or both entries have the same parent. (That is,
+the entries are considered siblings.)
+This message will then be followed by:
+Appending suffix '\meta{suffix}' to the sort value '\meta{sort}'
+for entry '\meta{id}'.
+which indicates that the entry (identified by the label \meta{id})
+has been assigned the sort value given by \meta{sort}\meta{suffix}.
+If any break markers are applied, this is done after the suffix has
+been appended.
+For example, suppose in my document I want to write about \appfmt{makeglossaries}
+(the application) and \csfmt{makeglossaries} (the command). I might
+decide to define semantic commands:
+\cs{newcommand}*\marg{\cmd{command}}[1]\marg{\cs{texttt}\marg{\cs{glsbackslash} \idx{param}1}}
+In my \ext{bib} file I might have:
+ \field{name}=\marg{\cmd{command}\marg{makeglossaries}},
+ \field{category}=\marg{command},
+ \field{description}=\marg{opens glossary files}
+ \field{name}=\marg{\cmd{application}\marg{makeglossaries}},
+ \field{category}=\marg{application},
+ \field{description}=\marg{Perl script}
+If \bibgls\ is provided with the definitions of \csfmt{application}
+and \csfmt{command} (by interpreting the \atentry{preamble} or a
+package provided with \longarg{custom-packages}) then it will
+determine that the sort value for \code{cs.makeglossaries} is
+\csfmt{makeglossaries} and the sort value for
+\code{ap.makeglossaries} is just \code{makeglossaries}. These are
+two distinct sort values from \bibgls's point of view although the
+sort rule may consider them identical if the rule ignores the
+\idx{escchar} character (such as the locale sort methods), in which case,
+\bibgls\ will then act according to \csopt{identical-sort-action}.
+If \bibgls\ isn't provided with these custom definitions, then it
+will ignore those semantic commands and both entries will end up with
+the sort value \code{makeglossaries}. The second instance will be
+recognised as a duplicate and the sort value will be converted to
+\code{makeglossaries1} (where the automated suffix is \code{1} and
+the suffix marker, see below, is the empty string). Whereas with,
+say, \csopt[.]{sort-suffix-marker}\ then the sort value would become
+For comparison, consider the following document:
+\cs{newcommand}*\marg{\cmd{command}}[1]\marg{\cs{texttt}\marg{\cs{glsbackslash} \idx{param}1}}
+ \field{name}=\marg{\cmd{command}\marg{makeglossaries}},
+ \field{description}=\marg{opens glossary files}}
+ \field{name}=\marg{\cmd{application}\marg{makeglossaries}},
+ \field{description}=\marg{Perl script}}
+\cs{gls}\marg{cs.makeglossaries} and \cs{gls}\marg{ap.makeglossaries}.
+This uses \idx{makeindex}, which puts both entries in the
+\qt{Symbols} group (since they both start with \idx{escchar} from the
+start of \csfmt{command} and \csfmt{application}, respectively).
+The ordering is \appfmt{makeglossaries}, \csfmt{makeglossaries}
+because \qt{a} (second character of \csfmt{application}) comes
+before \qt{c} (second character of \csfmt{command}).
+The switch to \idx{xindy} just involves adding the \styopt{xindy}
+package option:
+This results in a glossary that only contains one entry,
+\csfmt{makeglossaries}, because \idx{xindy} merges entries with
+duplicate sort values and the sort values end up as duplicates
+because \idx{xindy} discards the \csfmt{application} and
+\csfmt{command} control sequences. Although \bibgls\ also ignores
+unknown control sequences, it doesn't perform this merger.
+If I add:
+\cs{providecommand}\marg{\cmd{command}}[1]\marg{\cs{texttt}\marg{\cs{glsbackslash} \idx{param}1}}}}
+to the earlier \ext{bib} file (called, say, \filefmt{entries.bib})
+then the document can be altered to use \bibgls:
+ \csopt[non-unique]{sort-suffix},
+ \csopt[none]{identical-sort-action}
+\cs{gls}\marg{cs.makeglossaries} and \cs{gls}\marg{ap.makeglossaries}.
+This uses the default \csopt[locale]{sort} which considers \idx{escchar}
+an ignored (punctuation) character, so both \csfmt{makeglossaries} and
+\appfmt{makeglossaries} are listed in the \qt{M} letter group, even
+though the interpreter has determined that the sort value for
+\code{cs.makeglossaries} is the literal string \csfmt{makeglossaries}.
+Note that in this case \bibgls\ doesn't detect duplicate sort values
+since it only uses a simple string comparison to detect duplicates
+rather than using the collator.
+If I switch to using a letter-based sort rule instead, for example
+\csopt[letter-nocase]{sort}, then \csfmt{makeglossaries} will be
+listed in the \qt{Symbols} letter group since the leading \idx{escchar}
+from the sort value \csfmt{makeglossaries} isn't ignored with this
+Now let's suppose I use \csopt[false]{interpret-preamble} to prevent
+\bibgls\ from interpreting the preamble:
+This means that the custom commands won't be recognised and will
+therefore be ignored, so both entries will have their sort values reduced to
+The first entry to be processed is \code{cs.makeglossaries} because
+it's the first to be selected. This is assigned the sort value
+\code{makeglossaries}. (Note that, unless you use
+\csopt[unsrt]{sort}, the initial selection order is based on the record
+order. In this example, \code{cs.makeglossaries} has the first
+record in the \ext{aux} file.)
+The next entry to be processed is \code{ap.makeglossaries}. This
+also ends up with the sort value \code{makeglossaries} so \bibgls\
+converts this to \code{makeglossaries1} and (with verbose mode on)
+the following messages are written to the transcript:
+Sort value 'makeglossaries' (entry 'ap.makeglossaries') not unique
+for the entry's hierarchical level.
+Appending suffix '1' to the sort value 'makeglossaries' for entry
+Both entries are listed in the \qt{M} letter group in the order
+\csfmt{makeglossaries}, \appfmt{makeglossaries}.
+If the records are reversed:
+\cs{gls}\marg{ap.makeglossaries} and \cs{gls}\marg{cs.makeglossaries}.
+then the sort value for \code{cs.makeglossaries} is now considered
+the duplicate and the order is reversed: \appfmt{makeglossaries},
+Suppose now I modify the \ext{bib} file so that
+\code{ap.makeglossaries} is defined as:
+ \field{name}=\marg{\cmd{application}\marg{makeglossaries}},
+ \field{category}=\marg{application},
+ \field{description}=\marg{Perl script (must be used with \cs{gls}\marg{cs.makeglossaries})}
+and suppose the document only contains an explicit reference to
+Now \code{ap.makeglossaries} is the first entry to be selected
+because entries with records are always selected before any
+(unrecorded) dependencies. In this case \code{cs.makeglossaries} is
+only selected because it's required by \code{ap.makeglossaries}. Now
+\code{ap.makeglossaries} is the first to have its sort value
+assigned, and it's \code{cs.makeglossaries} that has the duplicate.
+This means that the ordering in the glossary is now:
+\appfmt{makeglossaries}, \csfmt{makeglossaries}.
+An oddity occurs if the glossary is moved to the start of the
+In this case, the first document build:
+pdflatex myDoc
+bibgls --group --verbose myDoc
+pdflatex myDoc
+leads to the ordering described above:
+\appfmt{makeglossaries}, \csfmt{makeglossaries}.
+However, the next document build has a new record for
+\code{cs.makeglossaries} occurring in the glossary (within the
+description of \code{ap.makeglossaries}) which means it's now the
+first entry to be selected so the ordering switches to:
+\csfmt{makeglossaries}, \appfmt{makeglossaries}.
+In this type of situation you might be better off with the
+\csopt[id]{identical-sort-action} option instead.
+Remember that you can temporarily switch off the indexing by locally
+Since the glossary preamble is scoped, you can simply do
+to switch off the indexing within the glossary (or use
+\ics{apptoglossarypreamble}). Note that this is
+different to using:
+which creates an \idx{ignoredrecord}. Even though the record is ignored
+(and so won't show in the location list) the record still influences
+the selection order and the record count.
+This automatically implements the dual and secondary settings
+\csopt[\meta{value}]{dual-sort-suffix-marker} and
+If a suffix is appended to the sort value (see above) then it will
+be separated by the suffix marker, which can be set with
+\csopt[\meta{value}]{sort-suffix-marker} where \meta{value} is the
+marker. By default the marker is empty. You can use \stringu\meta{hex}
+or \cs{glshex}\meta{hex} to indicate Unicode characters outside the
+\idx{ASCII} range. If, for some reason, you want to use a special
+character, such as \idx{param}, you will need to precede it with
+\ics{cs.string} (for example \code{\cs{cs.string}\idx{param}}) or
+use the above hexadecimal markup. If you use \ics{cs.hash} it will
+be treated as a literal string containing a backslash followed by a
+hash character.
+This option automatically implements
+\csopt[\meta{value}]{dual-strength} and
+The collation strength used by the alphabet sort methods
+(\tableref{tab:sortoptionsrule}) can be set
+to the following values: \optfmt{primary} (default),
+\optfmt{secondary}, \optfmt{tertiary} or \optfmt{identical}. These
+indicate the difference between two characters, but the exact
+assignment is locale dependent. See the documentation for Java's
+class}~\cite{collator} for further details.
+For example, suppose the file \filefmt{entries.bib} contains:
+\atentry{index}\marg{resumee, \field{name}=\marg{r\ics{acute}esum\cs{acute}e}}
+and the document contains:
+\cs{gls}\marg{resumee}, \cs{gls}\marg{resume}, \cs{gls}\marg{RESUME},
+\cs{gls}\marg{aardvark}, \cs{gls}\marg{rat}, \cs{gls}\marg{rot}, \cs{gls}\marg{zoo}.
+then this uses the default \csopt[primary]{strength}, so the entries
+are listed as aardvark, rat, r\'esum\'e, resume, RESUME, rot, zoo.
+If the strength is changed to \optfmt{secondary}:
+then the entries are listed as aardvark, rat, resume, RESUME,
+r\'esum\'e, rot, zoo.
+If the strength is changed to \optfmt{tertiary} or
+\optfmt{identical}, there's no difference from
+\csopt[secondary]{strength} for this particular example.
+This option is ignored by non-alphabet sorts (such as letter or numeric).
+This option automatically implements the dual and secondary settings
+\csopt[\meta{value}]{dual-decomposition} and
+The collation decomposition used by alphabet sort methods
+(\tableref{tab:sortoptionsrule}) can be set
+to the following values: \optfmt{canonical} (default),
+\optfmt{full} or \optfmt{none}. This determines how Unicode composed
+characters are handled. The fastest mode is \optfmt{none} but is
+only appropriate for languages without accents. The slowest mode is
+\optfmt{full} but is the most complete for languages with \idx{non-ASCII}
+characters. See the documentation for Java's
+class}~\cite{collator} for further details.
+This option is ignored by non-alphabet sorts (such as letter or numeric).
+This automatically implements the dual and secondary settings
+If you use one of the letter-number sort methods
+(\tableref{tab:sortoptionsletternumber}), then you can determine the
+comparison between a number and letter. The \meta{value} may be
+one of:
+\item\optfmt{before letter}: numbers are considered less than any
+\item\optfmt{after letter}: numbers are considered greater than any
+\item\optfmt{between}: (default) numbers come between letter cases.
+With the \optfmt{letternumber\dhyphen case} sort option, this will put
+numbers after \idx{uppercase} and before \idx{lowercase}. This
+setting doesn't make much sense with the
+\optfmt{letternumber\dhyphen nocase} option but, if used, this will put
+numbers before letters. The \optfmt{letternumber\dhyphen upperlower} and
+\optfmt{letternumber\dhyphen lowerupper} options are more complicated. See
+\sectionref{sec:letternumber} for more detail.
+\item\optfmt{first}: numbers are considered less than all
+characters (including punctuation and spaces).
+\item\optfmt{last}: numbers are considered greater than all
+characters (including punctuation and spaces).
+Note that the reverse sort methods will invert this setting.
+Remember also that the case-insensitive letter-number sort methods always
+first convert the \field{sort} field to \idx{lowercase}, which means that
+if you use one of them then there won't be any \idx{uppercase}
+Use \csopt{letter-number-punc-rule} to determine the relative
+position of white space and punctuation.
+This automatically implements the dual and secondary
+If you use one of the letter-number sort methods
+(\tableref{tab:sortoptionsletternumber}), then you can determine the
+order of white space and punctuation. In this context, punctuation
+means any character that's not considered a letter, a number
+or white space. This means that characters such as combining marks
+are considered punctuation.
+The \meta{value} may be one of the following:
+\item\optfmt{punc-space-first}: punctuation comes first, followed by
+white space (then letters and optionally numbers according to the letter-number
+\item\optfmt{punc-space-last}: punctuation followed by white space
+come last (after letters and optionally numbers according to the letter-number
+\item\optfmt{space-punc-first}: white space comes first, followed by
+punctuation (then letters and optionally numbers according to the letter-number
+\item\optfmt{space-punc-last}: white space followed by punctuation
+come last (after letters and optionally numbers according to the letter-number
+\item\optfmt{space-first-punc-last}: white space comes first
+(followed by letters and optionally numbers according to the letter-number
+rule) and punctuation comes last;
+\item\optfmt{punc-first-space-last}: punctuation comes first
+(followed by letters and optionally numbers according to the letter-number
+rule) and white space comes last;
+\item\optfmt{punc-first-space-zero}: punctuation comes first
+(although numbers may come before)
+and white space is replaced by the digit~\code{0} (\hex{30});
+\item\optfmt{punc-last-space-zero}: punctuation comes last
+(although numbers may come after)
+and white space is replaced by the digit~\code{0} (\hex{30}).
+\item\optfmt{punc-first-space-zero-match-next}: punctuation comes first
+(although numbers may come before)
+and white space is replaced by the appropriate zero character (see below);
+\item\optfmt{punc-last-space-zero-match-next}: punctuation comes last
+(although numbers may come after)
+and white space is replaced by the appropriate zero character (see below).
+Remember that the reverse sort methods will invert order governed by this setting.
+For the \optfmt{space-zero-match-next} settings, the sort value will
+have all spaces replaced with a digit that represents zero. If the
+space isn't followed by a digit, the basic Latin \code{0} (\hex{30})
+will be used, otherwise \bibgls\ will try to match the zero with the
+following digit group. For example, if the space is followed by
+\textsuperscript{1} (\hex{B9}) the space will be replaced by
+\textsuperscript{0} (\hex{2070}), resulting in the sub-string
+\code{\textsuperscript{01}} (\hex{B9} \hex{2070}).
+If just the \optfmt{space-zero}
+(without the \optfmt{-match-next}) is used then the space will just
+be replaced with \code{0} resulting in the sub-string
+\code{0\textsuperscript{1}} (\hex{30} \hex{2070}). In this case, the
+\code{0} will be distinct from \textsuperscript{1} (rather than
+being considered a leading zero). However, for
+other numbering systems the \code{0} will be treated as a leading
+zero. For example, if the space is followed by the Devanagari digit
+one (\hex{0967}) then the sub-string will be \hex{30} \hex{0967} but here the
+mixture is allowed to form a number (with a leading zero) as both
+characters belong to the Unicode category \idx{numberdecimaldigit}.
+This means that the \optfmt{-match-next} settings are only really
+needed if the sort string contains the superscript or subscript
+digits that don't belong to the \qt{Number, Decimal Digit} category.
+The plain \optfmt{space-zero} alternatives are more efficient as
+they just perform a simple substitution.
+The \TeX\ parser library used by \bibgls\ recognises the standard
+\LaTeX\ text-mode commands \ics{textsuperscript}\margm{text} and
+and will use the Unicode superscript or subscript characters if they cover every
+character in \meta{text}, otherwise HTML markup is used, but that's
+then stripped by \bibgls. This means that:
+will be converted to:
+\code{C\textsubscript{10}H\textsubscript{10}O\textsubscript{4}} but:
+X\cs{textsubscript}\marg{1, 2}
+will be converted to:
+X<sub>1, 2</sub>
+which ends up as \code{X1, 2}.
+Note that \csopt[first]{letter-number-rule} and
+\csopt[last]{letter-number-rule} overrides this option when
+comparing a number with white space or punctuation.
+If you use the custom \csopt[numberformat]{sort} or
+\csopt[numberformat-reverse]{sort}, you need to
+specify the format pattern with this option where
+\meta{value} is a pattern recognised by Java's
+class~\cite{decimalformat}. You can use \stringu\meta{hex} or
+\cs{glshex}\meta{hex} to indicate Unicode characters by their
+hexadecimal code. You can also use \ics{cs.hash}, \ics{cs.percent},
+\ics{cs.underscore}, \ics{cs.amp}, \ics{cs.openbrace} and
+\ics{cs.closebrace} to indicate \idx{hashchar}, \idx{percentchar},
+\idx{underscorechar}, \idx{ampchar}, \idx{openbracechar} and
+Where the dual or secondary sort uses \optfmt{numberformat}
+or \optfmt{numberformat-reverse}, use \csopt{dual-numeric-sort-pattern} for
+\csopt{dual-sort} and \csopt{secondary-numeric-sort-pattern}
+for \csopt{secondary}.
+If you use any of the locale-sensitive numeric sort methods
+described in \sectionref{sec:numerical},
+such as \csopt[numeric]{sort}, use this option to set
+the locale. The value may be:
+\item\optfmt{locale}: use Java's default locale (which is usually
+the operating system's locale);
+\item\optfmt{doc}: use the document's locale or, if not set, assume
+\item\meta{lang-tag}: set to the locale identified by the given
+a valid language tag \meta{lang-tag}.
+Use \csopt{dual-numeric-locale} for
+\csopt{dual-sort} and \csopt{secondary-numeric-locale}
+for \csopt{secondary}.
+If you use a date/time sort method (\tableref{tab:sortoptionsdatetime}),
+then you can set the locale used by Java's date-time parser.
+The default setting is \csopt[locale]{date-sort-locale}.
+The value may be \optfmt{locale} (use Java's default locale),
+\optfmt{doc} (use the document's locale) or a valid language tag
+\meta{lang-tag} identifying the locale.
+Use \csopt{dual-date-sort-locale} and \csopt{secondary-date-sort-locale}
+for the dual and secondary.
+If you use a date/time sort method (\tableref{tab:sortoptionsdatetime}),
+then you can set the format used by Java's date-time parser.
+If omitted, \csopt[default]{date-sort-format} is assumed.
+The \meta{value} may be one of:
+\item\optfmt{default}: use the locale's default format.
+\item\optfmt{short}: use the locale's short format.
+\item\optfmt{medium}: use the locale's medium format.
+\item\optfmt{long}: use the locale's long format.
+\item\optfmt{full}: use the locale's full format.
+\item\meta{pattern}: provide a custom pattern.
+This should match the specifications for Java's
+class~\cite{simpledateformat}. You may use \stringu\meta{hex} or
+\code{\cs{glshex} \meta{hex}} to indicate Unicode characters
+or \ics{cs.hash}, \ics{cs.percent}, \ics{cs.underscore}, \ics{cs.amp},
+\ics{cs.openbrace} and \ics{cs.closebrace} to indicate
+\idx{hashchar}, \idx{percentchar}, \idx{underscorechar},
+\idx{ampchar}, \idx{openbracechar} and~\idx{closebracechar}.
+With the custom setting, if the pattern only contains date (but not
+time) information, then it must be used with \csopt[date]{sort}
+or \csopt[date-reverse]{sort}. If the pattern only contains time
+(but not date) information, then it must be used with
+\csopt[time]{sort} or \csopt[time\dhyphen reverse]{sort}. If the pattern
+contains date and time information, then it must be used with
+\csopt[datetime]{sort} or \csopt[datetime-reverse]{sort}.
+For example, suppose each entry provides information about a person
+and the \field{user1} field is used to store their date of birth:
+ \field{name}=\marg{Gaius Julius Caesar},
+ \field{first}=\marg{Julius Caesar},
+ \field{text}=\marg{Caesar},
+ \field{description}=\marg{Roman politician and general},
+ \field{user1}=\marg{13 July 100 BC}
+ \field{name}=\marg{Arthur Wellesley, 1st Duke of Wellington},
+ \field{first}=\marg{Arthur Wellesley (Duke of Wellington)},
+ \field{text}=\marg{Wellington},
+ \field{description}=\marg{Anglo-Irish soldier and statesman},
+ \field{user1}=\marg{1 May 1769 AD}
+Then the entries can be sorted by date of birth using:
+ \csopt[entries]{src},\comment{data in entries.bib}
+ \csopt[user1]{sort-field},
+ \csopt[date]{sort},
+ \csopt[d MMM y G]{date-sort-format}
+The \code{G} (era) date pattern specifier expects a string, such as
+\qt{AD}. It will match \idx{lowercase} forms, such as \qt{ad}, so if you
+have \code{\cs{textsc}\marg{ad}} the interpreter will convert this to
+\code{ad} (stripping the text-block command). However, in general
+it's best to supply a semantic command that ensures that the
+interpreted result matches the required format.
+For example, if \csfmt{era} is provided with:
+If the definition is hidden from the interpreter
+(\csopt[false]{interpret-preamble}) and the field
+value contains \verb|\era{AD}| then the custom command will simply be stripped
+leaving \code{AD} which can be matched by \code{G}.
+If the definition is picked up by the interpreter then the field
+value will contain \code{ad} (from \ics{MakeLowercase}) but this can
+be matched by \code{G}, so it isn't a problem.
+However, if the definition of \csfmt{era} is changed so that the era label
+supplied in the argument is converted to something that doesn't
+match \code{G} then the definition should be hidden from the
+Here's a complete document that changes the \field{group} fields to use
+the year and era:
+ \csopt[entries]{src},
+ \csopt[user1]{sort-field},
+ \csopt[date]{sort},
+ \csopt[d MMM y G]{date-sort-format},
+ \csopt[all]{selection}
+(The use of \ics{number} strips the leading zero from the year.)
+If the \field{group} field hasn't been set in
+the \ext{bib} file or through options like \csopt{group}, then it is
+assigned according to this option's setting during sorting if
+\longarg{group} has been used. Permitted values:
+\item\optfmt{default}: the group is assigned according to
+the sort method's default group formation. This is the default
+\item\optfmt{codepoint}: the group is set to
+\format{bibglsunicodegroup}, where the first argument is the first
+significant character (converted to \idx{lowercase} and decomposed,
+if applicable) of the sort value.
+\item\optfmt{unicode category}: the group is set to
+\format{bibglsunicodegroup}, where the first argument is the label
+identifying the Unicode category of the first significant character
+of the sort value. For example, the label \code{Ll} signifies a
+\idx!{lowercase} letter and \code{Lu} signifies an \idx!{uppercase}
+\item\optfmt{unicode script}: the group is set to
+\format{bibglsunicodegroup}, where the first argument is the
+label identifying the Unicode script of the first significant
+character of the sort value. For example, the label \code{LATIN}
+indicates Latin, \code{GREEK} indicates Greek and \code{COMMON}
+indicates common characters (such as mathematical Greek characters
+that are often used with non-Greek scripts).
+\item\optfmt{unicode category and script}: the group is set to
+\format{bibglsunicodegroup}, where the first argument is the
+label corresponding to the Unicode category and script of the first
+significant character of the sort value. For example, the label
+\code{Ll.LATIN} indicates a \idx!{lowercase} Latin letter.
+This option has no effect with \longarg{no-group} or if no sorting
+is applied. Use \csopt{secondary-group-formation} for secondary
+sorting and \csopt{dual-group-formation} for dual entries.
+Settings other than the default can cause the groups to become
+fragmented, so care is needed if you use this option.
+See also \sectionref{sec:logicaldivisions}.
+\section{Secondary Glossary}
+The secondary glossary may only be used with \csopt[define]{action}
+(within the same resource set) since it's incompatible with the copy actions.
+You may use \csopt{secondary} in the first resource set and a copy
+action in a subsequent resource set.
+It may be that you want to display a glossary twice but with a
+different order. For example, the first time alphabetically and the
+second time by category. One way to do this is to have two
+\gls{GlsXtrLoadResources} that both load the same \ext{bib} file with
+different \csopt{label-prefix} and \csopt{sort} settings, but this
+is only possible with \csopt[all]{selection} or by ensuring you
+reference each entry with both label prefixes. Another method is
+to use \csopt[copy]{action} but this requires a second resource
+command with the same selection criteria.
+A simpler method is to use a single \gls{GlsXtrLoadResources}
+with the \csopt{secondary} option. The value
+(which must be supplied) should be in the format:
+If the \meta{field} is omitted, the value of \csopt{sort-field} is
+used. Remember that when the primary entries are sorted, the
+\field{sort} field will be set, which means that the fallback field
+(such as \field{name}) won't be used in the secondary sort. In
+general it's best to supply the field unless one type is sorted and the
+other isn't. (The actual sort value obtained by the secondary sort
+will be saved in the \field{secondarysort} field in case you require it.)
+The value of \meta{sort} is as for \csopt{sort}, but note
+that in this case the sort value \optfmt{unsrt} or \optfmt{none}
+means to use the same ordering as the primary entries. For
+example, with \csopt[de-CH-1996]{sort},
+\csopt[none:copies]{secondary} the \code{copies} list will be
+ordered according to \code{de-CH-1996} and not according to the
+order in which they were read when the \ext{bib} file or files were
+parsed. If \meta{sort} is \optfmt{custom}, then the rule should be
+provided with \csopt{secondary-sort-rule}.
+This option will copy all the selected entries into the glossary labelled
+\meta{type} sorted according to \meta{sort} (using \meta{field} as
+the sort value). Note that this \emph{just copies the entry's label}
+to the second glossary list rather than creating a duplicate entry,
+which saves resources but it means that all the fields will be
+identical. If you want groups in your glossary, the group
+information for the secondary glossary will be stored in the
+internal \field{secondarygroup} field. The \field{group} field will
+contain the group for the primary glossary.
+In order to switch fields in \ics{printunsrtglossary}, you need at
+least v1.21 of \sty{glossaries-extra} which provides
+\ics{glsxtrgroupfield} to keep track of the appropriate field label.
+If this command is defined, the preamble for the secondary glossary
+will be adjusted to locally change the field to
+\field{secondarygroup}. With older versions, the group information
+in the secondary glossary will be the same as for the primary
+(If the glossary \meta{type} doesn't exist, it will be
+defined with \ics{provideignoredglossary*}\margm{type}.)
+Note that if the glossary already exists and contains entries,
+the existing entries aren't re-ordered. The new entries are
+simply appended to the list.
+For example, suppose the \ext{bib} file contains entries like:
+ \field{name}=\marg{quartz},
+ \field{description}=\marg{hard mineral consisting of silica},
+ \field{category}=\marg{mineral}
+ \field{name}=\marg{cabbage},
+ \field{description}=\marg{vegetable with thick green or purple leaves},
+ \field{category}=\marg{vegetable}
+ \field{name}=\marg{waterfowl},
+ \field{description}=\marg{any bird that lives in or about water},
+ \field{category}=\marg{animal}
+and the document preamble contains:
+ \csopt[en-GB:category:topic]{secondary}
+This sorts the primary entries according to the default
+\csopt{sort-field} and then sorts the entries according
+to the \field{category} field and copies this list to
+the \code{topic} glossary (which will be provided if not defined.)
+The secondary list can be displayed with the hypertargets switched
+off to prevent duplicates. The cross-references will link to the
+original glossary.
+For example:
+\ics{printunsrtglossary}\oarg{\printglossopt[Summary (alphabetical)]{title}}
+\ics{printunsrtglossary}\oarg{\printglossopt[Summary (by topic)]{title},\printglossopt[false]{target}}
+The alternative (or if more than two lists are required) is to
+reload the same \ext{bib} file with different label prefixes.
+For example, if the entries are stored in \filefmt{entries.bib}:
+\cs{newglossary*}\marg{nosort}\marg{Symbols (Unsorted)}
+\cs{newglossary*}\marg{byname}\marg{Symbols (Letter Order)}
+\cs{newglossary*}\marg{bydesc}\marg{Symbols (Ordered by Description)}
+\cs{newglossary*}\marg{byid}\marg{Symbols (Ordered by Label)}
+ \csopt[entries]{src},\comment{entries.bib}
+ \csopt[unsrt]{sort},
+ \csopt[nosort]{type}
+ \csopt[entries]{src},\comment{entries.bib}
+ \csopt[letter-case]{sort},
+ \csopt[byname]{type},
+ \csopt[byname.]{label-prefix}
+ \csopt[entries]{src},\comment{entries.bib}
+ \csopt[locale]{sort},
+ \csopt[description]{sort-field},
+ \csopt[bydesc]{type},
+ \csopt[bydesc.]{label-prefix}
+ \csopt[entries]{src},\comment{entries.bib}
+ \csopt[letter]{sort},
+ \csopt[id]{sort-field},
+ \csopt[byid]{type},
+ \csopt[byid.]{label-prefix}
+As \csopt{missing-sort-fallback} but for secondary sorting.
+As \csopt{trim-sort} but for secondary sorting.
+As \csopt{sort-replace} but for secondary sorting.
+As \csopt{sort-rule} but for secondary custom sorting.
+As \csopt{break-at} but for secondary entries.
+As \csopt{break-marker} but for secondary entries.
+As \csopt{sort-number-pad} but for secondary entries.
+As \csopt{sort-pad-plus} but for secondary entries.
+As \csopt{sort-pad-minus} but for secondary entries.
+As \csopt{identical-sort-action} but for secondary entries.
+As \csopt{sort-suffix} but for secondary entries.
+As \csopt{sort-suffix-marker} but for secondary entries.
+As \csopt{strength} but for secondary entries.
+As \csopt{decomposition} but for secondary entries.
+As \csopt{letter-number-rule} but for secondary letter-number sorting.
+As \csopt{letter-number-punc-rule} but for secondary letter-number sorting.
+As \csopt{numeric-sort-pattern} but for secondary
+locale-sensitive numeric sorting.
+As \csopt{numeric-locale} but for secondary
+locale-sensitive numeric sorting.
+As \csopt{date-sort-locale} but for secondary date-time sorting.
+As \csopt{date-sort-format} but for secondary date-time sorting.
+As \csopt{group-formation} but for secondary sorting.
+\section{Dual Entries}
+\subsection{General Dual Settings}
+This option indicates the prefix to use for the dual entries. The
+default value is \idprefix{dual} (including the terminating period).
+Any references to dual entries within the \ext{bib} file should use
+the prefix \idprefix{dual} which will be replaced by \meta{value}
+when the \ext{bib} file is parsed.
+As from version 1.8, the dual label prefix is identified
+in the \ext{glstex} file with:
+This is a boolean setting that determines whether or not primary and
+dual entries should be considered mutual dependencies. The default value is
+\csopt[true]{primary-dual-dependency}, which means that if a primary
+has records then the dual is added as a dependency and vice versa.
+The setting \csopt[false]{primary-dual-dependency} can't be used
+with \csopt[none]{dual-sort} or \csopt[use]{dual-sort} (but may be
+used with \csopt[combine]{dual-sort} and \csopt[none]{sort} or
+This setting allows the location lists for each primary entry
+to be merged with that of the corresponding dual entry.
+The \meta{value} may be one of:
+\item\optfmt{false} This is the default setting. The location lists
+aren't combined.
+\item\optfmt{both} Both the primary and dual are given the combined
+location list.
+\item\optfmt{dual} Only the dual is given the combined location
+list. The primary's location list is emptied.
+\item\optfmt{primary} Only the primary is given the combined
+location list. The dual's location list is emptied.
+For example, suppose the file \filefmt{entries.bib} contains:
+ \field{description}=\marg{ordered list of values}
+ \field{name}=\marg{vector},
+ \field{description}=\marg{column or row of values}
+ \field{description}=\marg{collection of values}
+ \field{plural}=\marg{matrices},
+ \field{description}=\marg{rectangular array of values}
+and the document contains:
+ \csopt[entries]{src},
+ \csopt[index]{type},
+ \csopt[idx.]{label-prefix},
+ \csopt[gls.]{dual-prefix},
+ \csopt[main]{dual-type}
+\cs{gls}\marg{gls.array}, \cs{gls}\marg{gls.vector}, \cs{gls}\marg{gls.set}, \cs{gls}\marg{gls.matrix}.
+\cs{gls}\marg{gls.array}, \cs{gls}\marg{idx.vector}, \cs{gls}\marg{idx.set}, \cs{gls}\marg{gls.matrix}.
+\cs{gls}\marg{gls.array}, \cs{gls}\marg{gls.vector}, \cs{gls}\marg{gls.set}, \cs{gls}\marg{gls.matrix}.
+In this case, the primary entries are placed in the \code{index}
+glossary type and are assigned the prefix \idprefixfmt{idx} but only
+two of the primary entries have been used in the document (both on
+The dual entries are assigned the prefix \idprefixfmt{gls} and are
+placed in the \code{main} glossary. The \code{gls.array}
+and \code{gls.matrix} entries have been indexed on pages~1, 2 and~3.
+The \code{gls.vector} and \code{gls.set} entries have been indexed
+on pages~1 and~3.
+With the default setting, some of the locations are in the
+\code{main} glossary (corresponding to \code{\cs{gls}\marg{gls.array}},
+\code{\cs{gls}\marg{gls.vector}}, \code{\cs{gls}\marg{gls.set}} and
+\code{\cs{gls}\marg{gls.matrix}}) and some of the locations are in the
+\code{index} glossary (corresponding to \code{\cs{gls}\marg{idx.vector}}
+and \code{\cs{gls}\marg{idx.set}}).
+If the option \csopt[primary]{combine-dual-locations} is added to
+the resource set, then all the locations are moved to the
+\code{index} glossary. The entries in the \code{main} glossary no
+longer have locations. This is actually preferable for this type
+of document and it's best not to reference the primary (index)
+entries as the hyperlink created by \ics{gls} will point to the
+index, but these entries don't have descriptions, so it's less
+useful than referencing the dual (main) entries as then the
+hyperlink can point to the definition in the \code{main} glossary.
+\subsection{Dual Fields}
+This option sets the \field{type} field for all dual
+entries. (The primary entries obey the \csopt{type} option.) This
+will override any value of \field{type} provided in the \ext{bib}
+file (or created through a mapping). The \meta{value} is required and
+should be one of:
+\item \optfmt{same as entry}: sets the \field{type} to the entry
+type (\idx!{lowercase} and without
+the initial \code{@}). For example, if the entry was defined with
+\atentry{dualentry}, the \field{type} will be set to
+If you've used \csopt{entry-type-aliases}, this refers to the target
+entry type not the original entry type provided in the \ext{bib}
+\item \optfmt{same as original entry}: set the \field{type} field
+to the original entry type (\idx!{lowercase} and without
+the initial \code{@}) before it was aliased (behaves like
+\optfmt{same as entry} if the entry type wasn't aliased).
+\item \optfmt{same as base}: sets the \field{type} to the base name
+of the \ext{bib} file (without the extension) that provided the
+entry definition (new to v1.1);
+\item \optfmt{same as primary}: sets the \field{type} to the same as
+the corresponding primary entry's \field{type} (which may have been
+set with \csopt{type}). If the primary entry doesn't have the
+\field{type} field set, the dual's \field{type} will remain
+\item \optfmt{same as parent}: sets the \field{type} to the same as
+the entry's parent (new to v1.9). If the entry doesn't have a parent
+or if the parent doesn't have the \field{type} field set, then
+no change is made.
+\item \meta{label}: sets the \field{type} field to \meta{label}.
+Remember that the glossary with that label must have already
+been defined (see \sectionref{sec:newglossary}).
+For example:
+ \csopt[english]{type},
+ \csopt[french]{dual-type}}
+ \csopt[dictionary]{type},
+ \csopt[same as primary]{dual-type}}
+This option sets the \field{category} field for all dual
+entries. (The primary entries obey the \csopt{category} option.) This
+will override any value of \field{category} provided in the \ext{bib}
+file (or created through a mapping). The \meta{value} may be empty or
+one of:
+\item \optfmt{same as entry}: sets the \field{category} to the entry
+type (\idx{lowercase} and without
+the initial \code{@}). For example, if the entry was defined with
+\atentry{dualentry}, the \field{category} will be set to
+If you've used \csopt{entry-type-aliases}, this refers to the target
+entry type not the original entry type provided in the \ext{bib}
+\item \optfmt{same as original entry}: set the \field{category} field
+to the original entry type (\idx{lowercase} and without
+the initial \code{@}) before it was aliased (behaves like
+\optfmt{same as entry} if the entry type wasn't aliased).
+\item \optfmt{same as base}: sets the \field{category} to the base
+name of the \ext{bib} file (without the extension) that provided the
+entry definition (new to v1.1);
+\item \optfmt{same as primary}: sets the \field{category} to the
+same as the corresponding primary entry's \field{category} (which
+may have been set with \csopt{category}). If the primary entry
+doesn't have the \field{category} field set, the dual's
+\field{category} will remain unchanged.
+\item \optfmt{same as type}: sets the \field{category} to the same
+as the value of the entry's \field{type} field (which may have been
+set with \csopt{dual-type}). If the entry doesn't have the
+\field{type} field set, the \field{category} will remain unchanged.
+\item \meta{label}: sets the \field{category} field to \meta{label}.
+As \csopt{counter} but for the dual entries. In this case
+\meta{value} may be the name of the counter or
+\optfmt{same as primary} which uses the counter for the primary
+As \csopt{short-case-change} but applies to the \field{dualshort}
+field instead.
+As \csopt{long-case-change} but applies to the \field{duallong}
+field instead.
+If this option is used, this will add \ics{glsxtrprovidestoragekey}
+to the start of the \iext{glstex} file providing the key given by
+\meta{value}. Any entries defined using a dual entry type, such as
+\atentry{dualentry}, will be written to the \ext{glstex} file with
+an extra field called \meta{value} that is set to the mirror entry.
+If \meta{value} is omitted \csopt[dual]{dual-field} is assumed. If
+you use a different value, you will need to redefine
+\gls{GlsXtrDualField} (either locally or globally).
+For example, if the \ext{bib} file contains:
+ \field{name}=\marg{child},
+ \field{plural}=\marg{children},
+ \field{description}=\marg{enfant}
+Then with \csopt[dual]{dual-field} (or simply \csopt{dual-field}
+without a value) this will first add the line:
+at the start of the file and will include the line:
+for the primary entry (\code{child}) and the line:
+for the dual entry (\code{dual.child}). It's then possible to
+reference one entry from the other. For example, the post-description
+hook could contain:
+ \cs{ifglshasfield}\marg{\field{dual}}\marg{\cs{glscurrententrylabel}}
+ \marg{\comment{}
+ \cs{space}
+ (\cs{glshyperlink}\marg{\cs{glscurrentfieldvalue}})\comment{}
+ }\comment{}
+ \marg{}\comment{}
+Note that this new field won't be available for use within the
+\iext{bib} file (unless it was previously defined in the document
+before \gls!{glsxtrresourcefile}).
+As \csopt{date-time-field-format} but is used for dual entries.
+As \csopt{date-field-format} but is used for dual entries.
+As \csopt{time-field-format} but is used for dual entries.
+As \csopt{date-time-field-locale} but is used for dual entries.
+As \csopt{date-field-locale} but is used for dual entries.
+As \csopt{time-field-locale} but is used for dual entries.
+\subsection{Dual Sorting}
+This option indicates how to sort the dual entries. The primary
+entries are sorted with the normal entries according to
+\csopt{sort}, and the dual entries are sorted according to
+\csopt{dual-sort} unless \csopt[combine]{dual-sort} in which case the dual
+entries will be combined with the primary entries and all the
+entries will sorted together according to the \csopt{sort} option.
+If \meta{value} isn't set to \optfmt{combine} then the dual
+entries are sorted separately according to \meta{value} (as per
+\csopt{sort}) and the dual entries will be appended at the end of
+the \iext{glstex} file. The field used by the comparator is given by
+If \csopt[custom]{dual-sort}, then the dual entries are sorted according to the
+rule provided by \csopt{dual-sort-rule}.
+For example:
+ \csopt[entries-dual]{src},
+ \csopt[en]{sort},
+ \csopt[de-CH-1996]{dual-sort}
+This will sort the primary entries according to \optfmt{en}
+(English) and the secondary entries according to \optfmt{de-CH-1996}
+(Swiss German new orthography) whereas:
+ \csopt[entries-dual]{src},
+ \csopt[en-GB]{sort},
+ \csopt[combine]{dual-sort}
+will combine the dual entries with the primary entries and sort them
+all according to the \optfmt{en-GB} locale (British English).
+If not set, \csopt{dual-sort} defaults to \optfmt{combine}. If
+\meta{value} is omitted, \optfmt{locale} is assumed.
+This option indicates the field to use when sorting dual entries
+(when they haven't been combined with the primary entries). The
+default value is the same as the \csopt{sort-field} value.
+As \csopt{missing-sort-fallback} but for dual sorting.
+As \csopt{trim-sort} but for dual sorting.
+As \csopt{sort-replace} but for dual sorting.
+As \csopt{sort-rule} but for \csopt[custom]{dual-sort}.
+As \csopt{break-at} but for dual entries.
+As \csopt{break-marker} but for dual entries.
+As \csopt{sort-number-pad} but for dual entries.
+As \csopt{sort-pad-plus} but for dual entries.
+As \csopt{sort-pad-minus} but for dual entries.
+As \csopt{identical-sort-action} but for dual entries.
+As \csopt{sort-suffix} but for dual entries.
+As \csopt{sort-suffix-marker} but for dual entries.
+As \csopt{strength} but for dual entries.
+As \csopt{decomposition} but for dual entries.
+As \csopt{letter-number-rule} but for dual entries that use a
+letter-number sort.
+As \csopt{letter-number-punc-rule} but for dual entries that use a
+letter-number sort.
+As \csopt{numeric-sort-pattern} but for dual entries that use a
+locale-sensitive numeric sort.
+As \csopt{numeric-locale} but for dual entries that use a
+locale-sensitive numeric sort.
+As \csopt{date-sort-locale} but for dual entries that
+use a date/time sort.
+As \csopt{date-sort-format} but for dual entries that
+use a date/time sort.
+As \csopt{group-formation} but for dual sorting.
+\subsection{Dual Mappings}
+This setting governs the behaviour of \atentry{dualentry}
+definitions. The value consists of two comma-separated lists of
+equal length identifying the field mapping used to create the dual
+entry from the primary one. Note that the \field{alias} field
+can't be mapped.
+The default setting is:
+ \marg{\field{name},\field{plural},\field{description},\field{descriptionplural}},
+ \marg{\field{description},\field{descriptionplural},\field{name},\field{plural}}
+The dual entry is created by copying the value of the field in the
+first list \meta{list1} to the field in the corresponding place in the second
+list \meta{list2}. Any additional fields are copied over to the same
+For example:
+ \field{name}=\marg{cat},
+ \field{description}=\marg{chat},
+ \field{see}=\marg{dog}
+defines two entries. The primary entry is essentially like:
+ \field{name}=\marg{cat},
+ \field{plural}=\marg{cat\cs{glspluralsuffix} },
+ \field{description}=\marg{chat},
+ \field{descriptionplural}=\marg{chat\cs{glspluralsuffix} },
+ \field{see}=\marg{dog}
+and the dual entry is essentially like:
+ \field{description}=\marg{cat},
+ \field{descriptionplural}=\marg{cat\cs{glspluralsuffix} },
+ \field{name}=\marg{chat},
+ \field{plural}=\marg{chat\cs{glspluralsuffix} },
+ \field{see}=\marg{dog}
+(except they're defined using \gls{bibglsnewdualentry} instead of
+\gls{bibglsnewentry}, and each is considered dependent on the other.)
+The \field{see} field isn't listed in \csopt{dual-entry-map} so its
+value is simply copied directly over to the \field{see} field in the
+dual entry. Note that the missing \field{plural} and
+\field{descriptionplural} fields have been filled in using their
+fallback values.
+In general \bibgls\ doesn't try to supply missing fields, but in the
+dual entry cases it needs to do this for the mapped fields. This is
+because the shuffled fields might have different default values from
+the \styfmt{glossaries-extra} package's point of view. For example,
+\gls{longnewglossaryentry} doesn't provide a default for
+\field{descriptionplural} if it hasn't been set.
+This is like \csopt{dual-entry-map} but applies to
+\atentry{dualabbreviation} rather than \atentry{dualentry}.
+Note that the \field{alias} field can't be mapped. The
+default setting is:
+ \marg{\field{short},\field{shortplural},\field{long},\field{longplural},\field{dualshort},\field{dualshortplural},
+ \field{duallong},\field{duallongplural}},
+ \marg{\field{dualshort},\field{dualshortplural},\field{duallong},\field{duallongplural},\field{short},\field{shortplural},
+ \field{long},\field{longplural}}
+This essentially flips the \field{short} field with the
+\field{dualshort} field and the \field{long} field with the
+\field{duallong} field. See \atentry{dualabbreviation}
+for further details.
+This is like \csopt{dual-entry-map} but applies to
+\atentry{dualabbreviationentry} rather than \atentry{dualentry}.
+Note that the \field{alias} field can't be mapped. The
+default setting is:
+ \marg{\field{long},\field{short},\field{shortplural}},
+ \marg{\field{name},\field{text},\field{plural}}
+See \atentry{dualabbreviationentry} for further details.
+This is like \csopt{dual-entry-map} but applies to
+\atentry{dualsymbol} rather than \atentry{dualentry}.
+Note that the \field{alias} field can't be mapped. The
+default setting is:
+ \marg{\field{name},\field{plural},\field{symbol},\field{symbolplural}},
+ \marg{\field{symbol},\field{symbolplural},\field{name},\field{plural}}
+This essentially flips the \field{name} field with the
+\field{symbol} field.
+This is like \csopt{dual-entry-map} but applies to
+\atentry{dualindexentry} rather than \atentry{dualentry}.
+The default setting is:
+ \marg{\field{name}},
+ \marg{\field{name}}
+Note that there must always be at least one pair, even if it's the
+same field, since this identifies the field to use for the backlink,
+if set.
+This is like \csopt{dual-entry-map} but applies to both
+\atentry{dualindexsymbol} and \atentry{dualindexnumber}.
+The default setting is:
+ \marg{\field{symbol},\field{name},\field{symbolplural},\field{plural}},
+ \marg{\field{name},\field{symbol},\field{plural},\field{symbolplural}}
+This is like \csopt{dual-entry-map} but applies to both the dual
+\atentry{dualindexabbreviation} and tertiary
+\atentry{tertiaryindexabbreviationentry} entry types.
+The default setting is:
+ \marg{\field{name}},
+ \marg{\field{name}}
+\subsection{Dual Back-Links}
+This is a boolean setting. If \meta{boolean} is missing \optfmt{true}
+is assumed.
+When used with \atentry{dualentry}, if \meta{boolean} is
+\optfmt{true}, this will wrap the contents of the first mapped field
+with \gls{bibglshyperlink}. The field is obtained from the first
+mapping listed in \csopt{dual-entry-map}.
+For example, if the document contains:
+ \csopt[
+ \marg{\field{name},\field{plural},\field{description},\field{descriptionplural}},
+ \marg{\field{description},\field{descriptionplural},\field{name},\field{plural}}
+ ]{dual-entry-map},
+ \csopt[entries-dual]{src}}
+and if the \ext{bib} file contains:
+ \field{name}=\marg{child},
+ \field{plural}=\marg{children},
+ \field{description}=\marg{enfant}
+Then the definition of the primary entry (\code{child}) in the
+\ext{glstex} file will set the \field{description} field to:
+and the dual entry (\code{dual.child}) will have the
+\field{description} field set to:
+This use of the wrapper \gls{bibglshyperlink} (rather than explicitly
+using \ics{glshyperlink}) and inserting the actual field value
+(rather than using commands like \ics{glsentryname}) allows it
+to work with \ics{makefirstuc} if the field requires a case-change.
+The reason the \field{description} field is chosen for the modification is
+because the first field listed in \meta{list1} of \csopt{dual-entry-map}
+is the \field{name} field which maps to \field{description} (the
+first field in the second list \meta{list2}). This means that the hyperlink for
+the dual entry should be put in the \field{description} field.
+For the primary entry, the \field{name} field is looked up in the
+second list from the \csopt{dual-entry-map} setting. This is the
+third item in this second list, so the third item in the first list
+is selected, which also happens to be the \field{description} field,
+so the hyperlink for the primary entry is put in the
+\field{description} field.
+This is analogous to \csopt{dual-entry-backlink} but for entries
+defined with \atentry{dualabbreviation} instead of
+This is analogous to \csopt{dual-entry-backlink} but for entries
+defined with \atentry{dualsymbol} instead of \atentry{dualentry}.
+Analogous to \csopt{dual-entry-backlink} but for entries
+defined with \atentry{dualabbreviationentry} instead of
+\atentry{dualentry}. This setting can be problematic as the
+backlinks rely on the relevant field being known to \bibgls.
+Since the abbreviation style typically sets the \field{name}
+field (and sometimes the \field{description} field as well), you may
+find that no backlink appears. A simple workaround is to
+use \csopt{dual-field} (or \csopt[dual]{dual-field})
+to store the dual label in the \field{dual} field, and then
+use a style that checks for this field and adds the backlink.
+With \sty{glossaries-extra} v1.30+ you can use:
+which encapsulates \meta{text} with a hyperlink to the dual.
+The \meta{label} identifies the entry that requires a backlink.
+The dual's label is obtained from the field given by:
+which defaults to \field{dual}. Note that if you assign a
+different field label with \csopt{dual-field}, then you will
+need to redefine \gls{GlsXtrDualField} as appropriate.
+For example:
+ \gls{GlsXtrDualBackLink}\marg{\ics{glslonguserfont}\marg{\idx{param}1}}\marg{\idx{param}2}\comment{}
+As \csopt{dual-abbrventry-backlink} but for entries
+defined with \atentry{dualentryabbreviation} instead of
+This is analogous to \csopt{dual-entry-backlink} but for entries
+defined with \atentry{dualindexentry} instead of
+This is analogous to \csopt{dual-entry-backlink} but for entries
+defined with \atentry{dualindexsymbol} and
+This is analogous to \csopt{dual-entry-backlink} but for entries
+defined with \atentry{dualindexabbreviation} and
+Shortcut for:
+\section{Tertiary Entries}
+This option indicates the prefix to use for the tertiary entries. The
+default value is \idprefix{tertiary} (including the terminating period).
+As from version 1.8, the tertiary label prefix is identified
+in the \ext{glstex} file with:
+This option indicates that the tertiary entries should have
+their \field{type} field set to \meta{value}. If \meta{value} is
+empty the \field{type} is left unchanged. Unlike
+the \csopt{type} and \csopt{dual-type} options, there are no
+recognised keywords.
+This option indicates that the tertiary entries should have
+their \field{category} field set to \meta{value}. If \meta{value} is
+empty the \field{category} is left unchanged. Unlike
+the \csopt{category} and \csopt{dual-category} options, there are no
+recognised keywords.
+\chapter{Provided Commands}
+When \bibgls\ creates the \iext{glstex} file, it writes some
+definitions for custom commands in the form \csfmt{bibgls\ldots} which
+may be changed as required. The command definitions all use
+\ics{providecommand} which means that you can define the command with
+\ics{newcommand} before the resource file is loaded.
+Note that if you try to redefine any of these commands after the
+resource file has been loaded with \ics{renewcommand}, you will get
+an error on the first \LaTeX\ run when the \ext{glstex} file doesn't
+exist. You may prefer to use \ics{glsrenewcommand} instead, which
+will generate a warning instead of an error.
+Since many of the commands are actually used within the \ext{glstex}
+file, it's best to use \cs{newcommand} before the first
+\idx{resourceset} and \cs{renewcommand} between \idxpl{resourceset}
+if adjustments are necessary.
+\section{Entry Definitions}
+This section lists the commands (\csfmt{bibglsnew\ldots}) used to
+define entries. Note that the entry definition commands are
+actually used when \TeX\ inputs the resource file, so redefining
+them after the resource file is loaded won't have an effect on the
+entries defined in that resource file (but will affect entries defined
+in subsequent resource files). Each provided command is defined in
+the \ext{glstex} file immediately before the first entry that
+requires it, so only the commands that are actually needed are
+The \field{sort} key may be set within the \ext{glstex} entry
+definition, but its value is usually not required in the document
+unless you are using a hybrid method with \styopt[alsoindex]{record}.
+After each entry is defined, if it has any associated locations and
+the default \csopt[true]{save-loclist} is set, then the
+locations are added using:
+Any additional fields that don't have associated keys are then set (if
+required) with \ics{GlsXtrSetField}.
+This command is used to define terms identified with the
+\atentry{entry} type. The definition provided in the \ext{glstex}
+file is:
+ \cs{longnewglossaryentry*}\marg{\idx{param}1}\marg{\field{name}=\marg{\idx{param}3},\idx{param}2}\marg{\idx{param}4}\comment{}
+This uses the starred form \ics{longnewglossaryentry*} that
+doesn't automatically append \ics{nopostdesc} (which interferes with
+the post-description hooks provided by category attributes).
+This command is used to define terms identified with the
+\atentry{symbol} type. The definition provided in the \ext{glstex}
+file is:
+ \cs{longnewglossaryentry*}\marg{\idx{param}1}\marg{\field{name}=\marg{\idx{param}3},\field{sort}=\marg{\idx{param}1},\field{category}=\marg{symbol},\idx{param}2}\marg{\idx{param}4}\comment{}
+Note that this sets the \field{sort} field to the label, but this
+may be overridden by the \meta{options} if the \field{sort} field
+was supplied or if \bibgls\ has determined the value whilst sorting
+the entries.
+This also sets the \field{category} to \optfmt{symbol}, but again this may
+be overridden by \meta{options} if the entry had the \field{category}
+field set in the \ext{bib} file or if the \field{category} was
+overridden with \csopt[\meta{value}]{category}.
+This command is used to define terms identified with the
+\atentry{number} type. The definition provided in the \ext{glstex}
+file is:
+ \cs{longnewglossaryentry*}\marg{\idx{param}1}\marg{\field{name}=\marg{\idx{param}3},\field{sort}=\marg{\idx{param}1},\field{category}=\marg{number},\idx{param}2}\marg{\idx{param}4}\comment{}
+This is much the same as \gls{bibglsnewsymbol} above but sets the
+\field{category} to \optfmt{number}. Again the \field{sort} and
+\field{category} keys may be overridden by \meta{options}.
+This command is used to define terms identified with the
+\atentry{index} type. The definition provided in the \ext{glstex}
+file is:
+ \gls{newglossaryentry}\marg{\idx{param}1}\marg{\field{name}=\marg{\idx{param}1},\field{category}=\marg{index},\field{description}=\marg{},\idx{param}2}\comment{}
+This makes the \field{name} default to the \meta{label}, assigns
+the \field{category} to \code{index} and sets an empty
+\field{description}. These settings may be overridden by
+Note that the \field{description} doesn't include
+\ics{nopostdesc} to allow for the \idx{postdescriptionhook} used by
+category attributes.
+This command is used to define terms identified with the
+\atentry{indexplural} type. The definition provided in the \ext{glstex}
+file is:
+ \gls{newglossaryentry}\marg{\idx{param}1}\marg{\field{name}=\marg{\idx{param}3},\field{category}=\marg{indexplural},\field{description}=\marg{},\idx{param}2}\comment{}
+This assigns the \field{category} to \code{indexplural} and sets an empty
+\field{description}. These settings may be overridden by \meta{options}.
+This command is used to define terms identified with the
+\atentry{abbreviation} type. The definition provided in the \ext{glstex}
+file is:
+ \gls{newabbreviation}\oarg{\idx{param}2}\marg{\idx{param}1}\marg{\idx{param}3}\marg{\idx{param}4}\comment{}
+Since this uses \gls{newabbreviation}, it obeys the
+abbreviation style for its given \field{category} (which may have
+been set in \meta{options}, either from the \field{category} field
+in the \ext{bib} file or through the \csopt{category} option).
+Similarly the \field{type} will obey \ics{glsxtrabbrvtype} unless
+the value is supplied in the \ext{bib} file or through the
+\csopt{type} option.
+This command is used to define terms identified with the
+\atentry{acronym} type. The definition provided in the \ext{glstex}
+file is:
+ \gls{newacronym}\oarg{\idx{param}2}\marg{\idx{param}1}\marg{\idx{param}3}\marg{\idx{param}4}\comment{}
+This works in much the same way as \gls{bibglsnewabbreviation}.
+Remember that with the \styfmt{glossaries-extra} package \gls{newacronym}
+is redefined to just use \gls{newabbreviation} with the default \field{type}
+set to \ics{acronymtype} and the default \field{category} set to
+This command is used to define terms identified with the
+\atentry{dualentry} type. The definition provided in the \ext{glstex}
+file is:
+ \cs{longnewglossaryentry*}\marg{\idx{param}1}\marg{\field{name}=\marg{\idx{param}3},\idx{param}2}\marg{\idx{param}4}\comment{}
+This command is used to define primary terms identified with the
+\atentry{dualindexentry} type. The definition provided in the \ext{glstex}
+file is:
+ \cs{longnewglossaryentry*}\marg{\idx{param}1}\marg{\field{name}=\marg{\idx{param}3},\field{category}=\marg{index},\idx{param}2}\marg{}\comment{}
+Note that this definition ignores the \meta{description} argument.
+This command is used to define secondary terms identified with the
+\atentry{dualindexentry} type. The definition provided in the \ext{glstex}
+file is:
+ \cs{longnewglossaryentry*}\marg{\idx{param}1}\marg{\field{name}=\marg{\idx{param}3},\idx{param}2}\marg{\idx{param}4}\comment{}
+This command is used to define primary terms identified with the
+\atentry{dualindexsymbol} type. The definition provided in the \ext{glstex}
+file is:
+ \cs{longnewglossaryentry*}\marg{\idx{param}1}\marg{\field{name}=\marg{\idx{param}3},\field{category}=\marg{index},\field{symbol}=\marg{\idx{param}4},\idx{param}2}\marg{}\comment{}
+Note that this definition ignores the \meta{description} argument.
+This command is used to define secondary terms identified with the
+\atentry{dualindexsymbol} type. The definition provided in the \ext{glstex}
+file is:
+ \cs{longnewglossaryentry*}\marg{\idx{param}1}\marg{\field{name}=\marg{\idx{param}3},\field{category}=\marg{symbol},\field{symbol}=\marg{\idx{param}4},\idx{param}2}\marg{\idx{param}5}\comment{}
+This command is used to define primary terms identified with the
+\atentry{dualindexnumber} type. The definition provided in the \ext{glstex}
+file is:
+ \cs{longnewglossaryentry*}\marg{\idx{param}1}\marg{\field{name}=\marg{\idx{param}3},\field{category}=\marg{index},\field{symbol}=\marg{\idx{param}4},\idx{param}2}\marg{}\comment{}
+Note that this definition ignores the \meta{description} argument.
+This command is used to define secondary terms identified with the
+\atentry{dualindexnumber} type. The definition provided in the \ext{glstex}
+file is:
+ \cs{longnewglossaryentry*}\marg{\idx{param}1}\marg{\field{name}=\marg{\idx{param}3},\field{category}=\marg{number},\field{symbol}=\marg{\idx{param}4},\idx{param}2}\marg{\idx{param}5}\comment{}
+This command is used to define primary terms identified with the
+\atentry{dualindexabbreviation} type. The default definition provided in
+the \ext{glstex} file is:
+ \cs{longnewglossaryentry*}\marg{\idx{param}1}\marg{\comment{}
+ \field{name}=\marg{\cs{protect}\gls{bibglsuseabbrvfont}\marg{\idx{param}4}\marg{\cs{glscategory}\marg{\idx{param}2}}},\comment{}
+ \field{category}=\marg{index},\idx{param}3}\marg{}\comment{}
+In this case \meta{dual-label} is the dual entry's label, which is used
+to fetch the category label in \gls{bibglsuseabbrvfont}. (The
+\field{category} field for the dual isn't used since a custom
+definition of
+\gls!{bibglsnewdualindexabbreviationsecondary} may override the
+value known to \bibgls.)
+Note that (as shown above) with the default
+\csopt[short]{abbreviation-name-fallback} the \field{name} uses:
+to format the name, which ensures that it uses the same font as the
+short form for the dual abbreviation. This will use
+\ics{glsuseabbrvfont} if it's defined otherwise it will be defined
+to replicate that command. If \csopt{abbreviation-name-fallback} is
+set to some other field then the \field{name} uses:
+instead, which ensures that it uses the same font as the
+long form for the dual abbreviation.
+This command is used to define secondary terms identified with the
+\atentry{dualindexabbreviation} entry type.
+The definition provided in the \ext{glstex} file is:
+ \cs{ifstrempty}\marg{\idx{param}6}\comment{}
+ \marg{\gls{newabbreviation}\oarg{\idx{param}2}\marg{\idx{param}1}\marg{\idx{param}4}\marg{\idx{param}5}}\comment{}
+ \marg{\gls{newabbreviation}\oarg{\idx{param}2,\field{description}=\marg{\idx{param}6}}\marg{\idx{param}1}\marg{\idx{param}4}\marg{\idx{param}5}}\comment{}
+This ensures that a missing or empty \field{description} doesn't
+interfere with the abbreviation style.
+This command is used to define primary terms identified with the
+\atentry{dualabbreviationentry} type. The definition provided in the \ext{glstex}
+file is:
+ \gls{newabbreviation}\oarg{\idx{param}2}\marg{\idx{param}1}\marg{\idx{param}3}\marg{\idx{param}4}\comment{}
+Note that this definition ignores the \meta{description} argument.
+This command is used to define secondary terms identified with the
+\atentry{dualabbreviationentry} type. The definition provided in the \ext{glstex}
+file is:
+ \cs{longnewglossaryentry*}\marg{\idx{param}1}\marg{\idx{param}2}\marg{\idx{param}5}\comment{}
+Note that this definition ignores the \meta{short} and \meta{long}
+arguments (which will typically be empty unless the default mappings
+are changed).
+This command is used to define primary terms identified with the
+(now deprecated) entry type
+\atentry{dualentryabbreviation}. The definition provided in the \ext{glstex}
+file is:
+ \gls{newabbreviation}\oarg{\idx{param}2}\marg{\idx{param}1}\marg{\idx{param}3}\marg{\idx{param}4}\comment{}
+Note that this definition ignores the \meta{description} argument.
+This command is used to define secondary terms identified with the
+(now deprecated) entry type
+\atentry{dualentryabbreviation}. The definition provided in the \ext{glstex}
+file is:
+ \cs{longnewglossaryentry*}\marg{\idx{param}1}\marg{\idx{param}2}\marg{\idx{param}5}\comment{}
+Note that this definition ignores the \meta{short} and \meta{long}
+arguments (which will typically be empty unless the default mappings
+are changed).
+This command is used to define terms identified with the
+\atentry{dualsymbol} type. The definition provided in the \ext{glstex}
+file is:
+ \cs{longnewglossaryentry*}\marg{\idx{param}1}\marg{\field{name}=\marg{\idx{param}3},\field{sort}=\marg{\idx{param}1},\field{category}=\marg{symbol},\idx{param}2}\marg{\idx{param}4}}
+This command is used to define terms identified with the
+\atentry{dualnumber} type. The definition provided in the \ext{glstex}
+file is:
+ \cs{longnewglossaryentry*}\marg{\idx{param}1}\marg{\field{name}=\marg{\idx{param}3},\field{sort}=\marg{\idx{param}1},\field{category}=\marg{symbol},\idx{param}2}\marg{\idx{param}4}}
+This command is used to define terms identified with the
+\atentry{dualabbreviation} type where the \field{duallong} field
+is swapped with the \field{long} field and the \field{dualshort}
+field is swapped with the \field{short} field. The definition provided in the
+\ext{glstex} file is:
+ \gls{newabbreviation}\oarg{\idx{param}2}\marg{\idx{param}1}\marg{\idx{param}3}\marg{\idx{param}4}\comment{}
+This command is used to define terms identified with the
+\atentry{dualacronym} type. The definition provided in the \ext{glstex}
+file is:
+ \gls{newacronym}\oarg{\idx{param}2}\marg{\idx{param}1}\marg{\idx{param}3}\marg{\idx{param}4}\comment{}
+This works in much the same way as \gls{bibglsnewdualabbreviation}.
+Remember that with the \styfmt{glossaries-extra} package \gls{newacronym}
+is redefined to just use \gls{newabbreviation} with the default \field{type}
+set to \ics{acronymtype} and the default \field{category} set to
+This is used to define primary terms identified with the
+\atentry{tertiaryindexabbreviationentry} type. It's essentially
+the same as \gls!{bibglsnewdualindexabbreviation}.
+The definition provided in the \ext{glstex} file is:
+ \cs{longnewglossaryentry*}\marg{\idx{param}1}\marg{\comment{}
+ \field{name}=\marg{\cs{protect}\gls{bibglsuseabbrvfont}\marg{\idx{param}4}\marg{\cs{glscategory}\marg{\idx{param}2}}},\comment{}
+ \field{category}=\marg{index},\idx{param}3}{}\comment{}
+This command is used to define both the secondary and tertiary terms identified with the
+\atentry{tertiaryindexabbreviationentry} type. The secondary
+term is an abbreviation and the tertiary term is a regular entry.
+The definition written to the \ext{glstex} file is:
+ \gls{newabbreviation}\oarg{\idx{param}3}\marg{\idx{param}1}\marg{\idx{param}6}\marg{\idx{param}7}\comment{}
+ \cs{longnewglossaryentry*}\marg{\idx{param}2}\comment{}
+ \marg{\field{name}=\marg{\cs{protect}\gls{bibglsuselongfont}\marg{\idx{param}7}\marg{\cs{glscategory}\marg{\idx{param}1}}},\idx{param}4}\comment{}
+ \marg{\idx{param}8}\comment{}
+The \meta{label} is the label for the secondary (abbreviation) entry
+and \meta{tertiary-label} is the label for the tertiary (regular)
+entry. The fifth argument (\meta{primary name}) isn't used but is
+provided if required for a custom redefinition.
+The \field{name} field for the tertiary is obtained from
+the \meta{long} argument encapsulated by \gls{bibglsuselongfont}
+to format the name, which ensures that it uses the same font as the
+long form for the dual abbreviation. This will use
+\ics{glsuselongfont} if it's defined otherwise it will be defined to
+replicate that command.
+This command is used to define the main term identified with
+The definition written to the \ext{glstex} file is:
+ \cs{longnewglossaryentry*}\marg{\idx{param}1}\marg{\field{name}=\marg{\idx{param}3},\idx{param}2}\marg{\idx{param}4}\comment{}
+This command is used to define terms identified with
+\atentry{contributor} (typically implicitly created through
+The definition written to the \ext{glstex} file is:
+ \cs{longnewglossaryentry*}\marg{\idx{param}1}\marg{\field{name}=\marg{\idx{param}3},\idx{param}2}\marg{\idx{param}4}\comment{}
+This command is used to define the main terms created by
+\atentry{progenitor}. The definition is written to the \ext{glstex}
+file as:
+ \cs{longnewglossaryentry*}\marg{\idx{param}1}\marg{\field{name}=\marg{\idx{param}3},\idx{param}2}\marg{\idx{param}4}\comment{}
+This command is used to define the main terms created by
+\atentry{spawnindex}. The definition is written to the \ext{glstex}
+file as:
+ \cs{longnewglossaryentry*}\marg{\idx{param}1}\marg{\field{name}=\marg{\idx{param}3},\idx{param}2}\marg{\idx{param}4}\comment{}
+This command is used to define the terms spawned by
+\atentry{progenitor} or \atentry{spawnindex}. The definition is written
+to the \ext{glstex} file as:
+ \gls{newglossaryentry}\marg{\idx{param}1}\marg{\field{name}=\marg{\idx{param}1},\field{category}={index},\field{description}=\marg{},\idx{param}2}\comment{}
+This command is used to define the main terms created by
+\atentry{spawnindexplural}. The definition is written to the \ext{glstex}
+file as:
+ \cs{longnewglossaryentry*}\marg{\idx{param}1}\marg{\field{name}=\marg{\idx{param}3},\idx{param}2}\marg{\idx{param}4}\comment{}
+This command is used to define the terms spawned by
+The definition is written to the \ext{glstex} file as:
+ \gls{newglossaryentry}\marg{\idx{param}1}\marg{\field{name}=\marg{\idx{param}3},\field{category}=\marg{indexplural},\field{description}=\marg{},\idx{param}2}\comment{}
+This command is used to define the main terms created by
+\atentry{spawnentry}. The definition is written to the \ext{glstex}
+file as:
+ \cs{longnewglossaryentry*}\marg{\idx{param}1}\marg{\field{name}=\marg{\idx{param}3},\idx{param}2}\marg{\idx{param}4}\comment{}
+This command is used to define the terms spawned by \atentry{spawnentry}.
+The definition is written to the \ext{glstex} file as:
+ \cs{longnewglossaryentry*}\marg{\idx{param}1}\marg{\field{name}=\marg{\idx{param}3},\idx{param}2}\marg{\idx{param}4}\comment{}
+This command is used to define the main terms created by
+\atentry{spawnabbreviation}. The definition is written to the \ext{glstex}
+file as:
+ \gls{newabbreviation}\oarg{\idx{param}2}\marg{\idx{param}1}\marg{\idx{param}3}\marg{\idx{param}4}\comment{}
+This command is used to define the terms spawned by \atentry{spawnabbreviation}.
+The definition is written to the \ext{glstex} file as:
+ \gls{newabbreviation}\oarg{\idx{param}2}\marg{\idx{param}1}\marg{\idx{param}3}\marg{\idx{param}4}\comment{}
+This command is used to define the main terms created by
+\atentry{spawnacronym}. The definition is written to the \ext{glstex}
+file as:
+ \gls{newacronym}\oarg{\idx{param}2}\marg{\idx{param}1}\marg{\idx{param}3}\marg{\idx{param}4}\comment{}
+This command is used to define the terms spawned by \atentry{spawnacronym}.
+The definition is written to the \ext{glstex} file as:
+ \gls{newacronym}\oarg{\idx{param}2}\marg{\idx{param}1}\marg{\idx{param}3}\marg{\idx{param}4}\comment{}
+This command is used to define the main terms created by
+\atentry{spawnsymbol}. The definition is written to the \ext{glstex}
+file as:
+ \cs{longnewglossaryentry*}\marg{\idx{param}1}\marg{\field{name}=\marg{\idx{param}3},\idx{param}2}\marg{\idx{param}4}\comment{}
+This command is used to define the terms spawned by \atentry{spawnsymbol}.
+The definition is written to the \ext{glstex} file as:
+ \cs{longnewglossaryentry*}\marg{\idx{param}1}\marg{\field{name}=\marg{\idx{param}3},\field{sort}=\marg{\idx{param}1},\field{category}=\marg{spawnedsymbol},\idx{param}2}\marg{\idx{param}4}}
+This command is used to define the main terms created by
+\atentry{spawnnumber}. The definition is written to the \ext{glstex}
+file as:
+ \cs{longnewglossaryentry*}\marg{\idx{param}1}\marg{\field{name}=\marg{\idx{param}3},\idx{param}2}\marg{\idx{param}4}\comment{}
+This command is used to define the terms spawned by \atentry{spawnnumber}.
+The definition is written to the \ext{glstex} file as:
+ \cs{longnewglossaryentry*}\marg{\idx{param}1}\marg{\field{name}=\marg{\idx{param}3},\field{sort}=\marg{\idx{param}1},\field{category}=\marg{spawnednumber},\idx{param}2}\marg{\idx{param}4}}
+This command is used to define the \idx{progenitor}['s] primary term created by
+The definition is written to the \ext{glstex} file as:
+ \cs{longnewglossaryentry*}\marg{\idx{param}1}\marg{\field{name}=\marg{\idx{param}3},\field{category}=\marg{index},\idx{param}2}{}\comment{}
+The \meta{description} argument is ignored.
+This command is used to define the \idx{progenitor}['s] secondary
+(dual) term created by
+The definition is written to the \ext{glstex} file as:
+ \cs{longnewglossaryentry*}\marg{\idx{param}1}\marg{\field{name}=\marg{\idx{param}3},\idx{param}2}\marg{\idx{param}4}\comment{}
+\section{Location Lists and Cross-References}
+These commands deal with the way the location lists and cross
+references are formatted. The commands typically aren't used until
+the entry information is displayed in the glossary, so you may
+redefine these commands after the resource file has been loaded.
+Any entries that provide a \field{see} field (and that field hasn't
+be omitted from the location list with \csopt[omit]{see}) will
+have \gls{bibglsseesep} inserted between the \field{see} part and the
+location list (unless there are no locations, in which case just
+the \field{see} part is displayed without \gls{bibglsseesep}).
+This command is provided with:
+\cs{providecommand}\marg{\gls{bibglsseesep}}\marg{, }
+You can define this before you load the \ext{bib} file:
+\cs{newcommand}\marg{\gls{bibglsseesep}}\marg{; }
+Or you can redefine it afterwards:
+\cs{glsrenewcommand}\marg{\gls{bibglsseesep}}\marg{; }
+This is like \gls{bibglsseesep} but is used with cross-reference
+lists provided with the \field{seealso} field, if supported.
+This is like \gls{bibglsseesep} but is used with cross-reference
+lists provided with the \field{alias} field.
+Displays the formatted cross-reference list stored in the
+\field{see} field for the given entry. This just defaults to
+Displays the formatted cross-reference list stored in the
+\field{seealso} field for the given entry. This just defaults to
+Displays the formatted cross-reference stored in the
+\field{alias} field for the given entry. This is defined to use
+Separator between individual locations, except for the last.
+This defaults to \ics{delimN}.
+Separator between penultimate and final individual locations.
+This defaults to \code{,\idx{nbspchar}} to discourage lonely locations.
+The first argument \meta{pattern} indicates the location pattern:
+\code{digit} for digits, \code{roman} for \idx!{lowercase}
+Roman numerals, \code{ROMAN} for \idx!{uppercase} Roman
+numerals and \code{alpha} for alphabetical locations. The actual
+location is split into two parts, \meta{part1} and \meta{part2}.
+The string concatenation \meta{part1}\meta{part2} forms the
+actual location.
+This just does \meta{part2} by default.
+If \csopt{max-loc-diff} is greater than~1, then any ranges that have
+skipped over gaps will be followed by \gls{bibglspassim}, which is
+defined as:
+\cs{providecommand}\marg{\gls{bibglspassim}}\marg{ \gls{bibglspassimname}}
+You can define this before you load the \ext{bib} file:
+Or you can redefine it afterwards:
+The default definition is obtained from the \langxml. For example, with
+\file{bib2gls-en.xml} the provided definition is:
+Explicit ranges formed using \glsopt[\idx{openrange}]{format} and
+\glsopt[\idx{closerange}]{format} or \glsopt[\idx{openrange}\meta{csname}]{format} and
+\glsopt[\idx{closerange}\meta{csname}]{format} (where \meta{csname} matches and is a
+text-block command without the initial backslash) in the optional
+argument of commands like \ics{gls} or \ics{glsadd} are encapsulated within
+the argument of \gls{bibglsrange}. By default this simply does its
+argument. This command is not used with ranges that are formed by collating
+consecutive locations.
+If an explicit range conflicts with a record, a warning will be
+issued and the conflicting record will be shifted to the front
+of the range inside the argument of \gls{bibglsinterloper}.
+The default definition just does \meta{location}\gls!{bibglsdelimN}
+so that it fits neatly into the list.
+For example, suppose on page~4 of my document I start a range with:
+and end it on page~9 with:
+This forms an explicit range, but let's suppose on page~6 I
+This record conflicts with the explicit range (which doesn't include
+\encap{hyperbf} in the format). This causes a warning and
+the conflicting entry will be moved before the start of the
+explicit range resulting in \textbf{6}, 4--9.
+Note that implicit ranges can't be formed from interlopers (nor can
+implicit ranges be merged with explicit ones),
+so if \code{\cs{gls}\oarg{\glsopt[\encap{hyperbf}]{format}}\marg{sample}}
+also occurs on pages~7 and~8 then the result will be \textbf{6}, \textbf{7},
+\textbf{8}, 4--9. Either remove the explicit range or
+remove the conflicting entries. (Alternatively, redefine
+\gls{bibglsinterloper} to ignore its argument, which will
+discard the conflicting entries.)
+If the \csopt{loc-prefix} option is on, \gls!{bibglslocprefix} will
+be inserted at the start of location lists, and its default
+definition includes \gls{bibglspostlocprefix}
+placed after the prefix text. This command is provided with:
+which puts a space between the prefix text and the location list.
+You can define this before you load the \ext{bib} file:
+\cs{newcommand}\marg{\gls{bibglspostlocprefix}}\marg{: }
+Or you can redefine it afterwards:
+\cs{glsrenewcommand}\marg{\gls{bibglspostlocprefix}}\marg{: }
+If the \csopt{loc-prefix} option is on, this command will be
+provided. If the glossary type has been provided by \csopt{type}
+(and \csopt{dual-type} if there are any dual entries) then the
+definition of \gls{bibglslocprefix} will be appended to the glossary
+preamble for the given type (or types if there are dual entries).
+For example, if the document has:
+and there are no dual entries, then the following will be added to
+the \ext{glstex} file:
+ \cs{providecommand}\marg{\gls{bibglslocprefix}}[1]\marg{\comment{}
+ \cs{ifcase}\idx{param}\idx{param}1
+ \cmd{or} p.\gls{bibglspostlocprefix}
+ \cmd{else} pp.\gls{bibglspostlocprefix}
+ \cmd{fi}
+ }\comment{}
+However, if the \csopt{type} key is missing, then the following will
+be added instead:
+ \cs{providecommand}\marg{\gls{bibglslocprefix}}[1]\marg{\comment{}
+ \cs{ifcase}\idx{param}1
+ \cmd{or} p.\gls{bibglspostlocprefix}
+ \cmd{else} pp.\gls{bibglspostlocprefix}
+ \cmd{fi}
+ }\comment{}
+If \csopt[true]{loc-prefix} is used, then this command is provided
+using the value of \idx{} from the \langxml. For example with \file{bib2gls-en.xml} the definition is:
+If \csopt[true]{loc-prefix} is used, then this command is provided
+using the value of \idx{tag.pages} from the \langxml. For example with \file{bib2gls-en.xml} the definition is:
+If the \csopt{loc-suffix} option is on, this command will be
+provided. If the glossary type has been provided by \csopt{type}
+(and \csopt{dual-type} if there are any dual entries) then the
+definition of \gls{bibglslocsuffix} will be appended to the glossary
+preamble for the given type (or types if there are dual entries).
+This commands definition depends on the value provided by
+\csopt{loc-suffix}. For example, with
+the command is defined as:
+(which ignores the argument).
+Whereas with \csopt[\meta{A}\dcomma\meta{B}\dcomma\meta{C}]{loc-suffix}
+the command is defined as:
+\cs{providecommand}\marg{\gls{bibglslocsuffix}}[1]\marg{\cs{ifcase}\idx{param}1 \meta{A}\cmd{or} \meta{B}\cmd{else} \meta{C}\cmd{fi}}
+Note that this is slightly different from \gls{bibglslocprefix} as
+it includes the 0 case, which in this instance means that there were
+no locations but there was a cross-reference. This command isn't
+added when the location list is empty.
+When the \csopt{save-primary-locations} option is used, the primary
+locations are stored in the \field{primarylocations} field
+encapsulated with this command. The first argument is the number of
+locations in the list. The second argument is the list of locations
+formatted in the usual way. The default definition is to ignore the
+first argument and simply do the second.
+When the \csopt{loc-counters} option is used, the locations
+for each entry are grouped together according to the counter
+(in the order specified in the value of \csopt{loc-counters}).
+Each group of locations is encapsulated within
+\gls{bibglslocationgroup}, where \meta{n} is the number
+of locations within the group, \meta{counter} is the
+counter name and \meta{list} is the formatted location sub-list.
+By default, this simply does \meta{list}, but may be
+defined (before the resources are loaded) or redefined
+(after the resources are loaded) as required.
+For example:
+ \cs{ifnum}\idx{param}1=1
+ \idx{param}2:
+ \cmd{else}
+ \idx{param}2s:
+ \cmd{fi}
+ \idx{param}3\comment{}
+ \csopt[equation,page]{loc-counters},\comment{group locations by counter}
+ \csopt[entries]{src}\comment{data in entries.bib}
+This will prefix each group with the counter name, if there's
+only one location, or the counter name followed by \qt{s},
+if there are multiple locations within the group.
+There are various ways to adapt this to translate the counter
+name to a different textual label, such as:
+ \ics{ifnum}\idx{param}1=1
+ \ics{ifcsdef}\marg{\idx{param}2name}\marg{\cs{csuse}\marg{\idx{param}2name}}\marg{\idx{param}2}:
+ \cmd{else}
+ \cs{ifcsdef}\marg{\idx{param}2sname}\marg{\cs{csuse}\marg{\idx{param}2sname}}\marg{\idx{param}2s}:
+ \cmd{fi}
+ \idx{param}3\comment{}
+When the \csopt{loc-counters} option is set, this command
+is used to separate each location sub-group. It may be defined
+before the resources are loaded:
+\cs{newcommand}*\marg{\gls{bibglslocationgroupsep}}\marg{; }
+ \csopt[equation,page]{loc-counters},\comment{group locations by counter}
+ \csopt[entries]{src}\comment{data in entries.bib}
+or redefined after the resources are loaded:
+ \csopt[equation,page]{loc-counters},\comment{group locations by counter}
+ \csopt[entries]{src}\comment{data in entries.bib}
+\cs{glsrenewcommand}*\marg{\gls{bibglslocationgroupsep}}\marg{; }
+When the \csopt{supplemental-locations} option is used, the locations
+from a supplementary document are encapsulated within the \meta{list}
+part of \gls{bibglssupplemental}. The first argument \meta{n}
+(ignored by default) is the number of supplementary locations.
+If multiple supplemental sources are permitted (that is,
+\bibgls\ has detected that the document is using at least
+version 1.36 of \sty{glossaries-extra}), then the \meta{list}
+part will consist of sub-lists for each external source. In this
+case, \meta{n} will be the total number of elements across
+all the sub-lists.
+If multiple supplemental sources are permitted, this will be used
+to format each sub-list, where \meta{n} (ignored by default)
+is the number of elements in the sub-list, \meta{external document}
+(ignored by default) is the external source and \meta{list}
+is the list of supplementary locations in \meta{external document}.
+The separator between the main location list and the supplementary
+location list. By default this is just \gls!{bibglsdelimN}. This may be
+defined before the resources are loaded:
+\cs{newcommand}\marg{\gls{bibglssupplementalsep}}\marg{; }
+ \csopt[supplDoc]{supplemental-locations},
+ \csopt[entries]{src}}
+or redefined after the resources are loaded:
+ \csopt[supplDoc]{supplemental-locations},
+ \csopt[entries]{src}}
+\cs{glsrenewcommand}\marg{\gls{bibglssupplementalsep}}\marg{; }
+The separator between the supplementary
+location sub-lists. By default this is just \gls!{bibglsdelimN}.
+Expands to a literal percent character followed by \meta{hex}. The
+second argument is ignored.
+Expands to the second argument. The first argument is ignored.
+\section{Letter Groups}
+The commands listed in this section are provided for use with the
+\longarg{group} switch and glossary styles that display the letter
+group title. If these need their definitions altered, they should
+be defined before the resource file is loaded if field expansion
+is on (\longarg{expand-fields}) otherwise they may be redefined
+The base \isty{glossaries} package determines group titles through a fairly
+simplistic rule. Both \idx!{makeindex} and \idx!{xindy} write the
+to the associated glossary file at the start of each new letter group.
+For example, the \qt{A} letter group will be written as:
+This is quite straightforward and the heading title can just be
+\qt{A}. The \qt{Symbols} group is written as:
+To allow for easy translation, the base \sty{glossaries} package has
+the simple rule:
+\item if \csfmt{\meta{heading}groupname} exists use that;
+\item otherwise just use \meta{heading}.
+There's no \csfmt{Agroupname} provided, but \ics{glssymbolsgroupname}
+is provided and is supported by the associated language modules,
+such as \styfmt{glossaries-french}. (Similarly for the \qt{Numbers}
+The glossary styles that provide hyperlinks to the groups (such as
+\glostyle{indexhypergroup}) use \meta{heading} to form the target
+name. A problem arises when active characters occur in
+\meta{heading}, which happens with extended characters and
+The \sty{glossaries-extra} package (as from version 1.14) provides:
+to set the title for a group with the given label. The internal
+workings of \gls{glsgroupheading} are modified to use a slightly
+altered rule:
+\item if a title has been set using
+\gls{glsxtrsetgrouptitle}\margm{heading}\margm{title} for the given
+\meta{heading}, use that;
+\item if \csfmt{\meta{heading}groupname} exists, use that;
+\item just use \meta{heading} for the title.
+So if \gls{glsxtrsetgrouptitle} hasn't been used, it falls back on
+the original rule.
+The problem is now how to make the indexing application use the
+desired label in the argument of \gls{glsgroupheading} instead of selecting
+the heading based on the first character of each sort value for each
+top-level entry in that group. This can't be done with
+\idx!{makeindex}, and with \idx!{xindy} it requires a custom language
+module, which isn't a trivial task.
+With \bibgls, a different approach is used. The \iext{glstex} file
+created isn't comparable to the \iext{gls} file created by
+\idx!{makeindex} or \idx!{xindy}. There's nowhere for \bibgls\ to
+write the \gls{glsgroupheading} line as it isn't creating the code
+that typesets the glossary list. Instead it's creating the code that
+defines the entries. The actual group heading is inserted by
+\ics{printunsrtglossary} and it's only able to do this by checking if
+the entry has a \field{group} field and comparing it to the previous
+entry's \field{group} field.
+The behaviour of the group formation implemented by the sort
+methods may be changed with \csopt{group-formation}. With any
+setting other than \csopt[default]{group-formation}, the group label
+is set to \format{bibglsunicodegroup} and the title is set to
+\format{bibglsunicodegrouptitle} (see below) otherwise the label and
+title are determined by the sort method.
+The collators used by the locale and letter-based rules save the
+following information for each entry based on the first significant letter of
+the \field{sort} field (if the letter is recognised as alphabetical,
+according to the rule):
+\item \meta{title} The group's title. This is typically title-cased.
+For example, if the rule recognises the digraph \qt{dz}, then the
+title is \qt{Dz}. Exceptions to this are included in the \langxml.
+If the key \idx{} exists, where
+\meta{lc} is the \idx!{lowercase} version of \meta{title}, then the value
+of that key is used instead. For example, the Dutch digraph \qt{ij}
+should be converted to \qt{IJ}, so \file{bib2gls-en.xml} includes:
+<entry key="">IJ</entry>
+(See the \longarg{group} switch for more details.)
+\item \meta{letter} This is the actual letter at the start of the
+given entry's \field{sort} field, which may be \idx!{lowercase} or may
+contain diacritics that don't appear in \meta{title}.
+\item \meta{id} A numeric identifier. This may be the collation key
+or the code point for the given letter, depending on the sort
+\item \meta{type} The entry's glossary type. If not known, this will
+be empty. (\bibgls\ won't know if you've modified the associated
+\csfmt{bibglsnew\ldots} command to set the \field{type}. It can only
+know the type if it's in the original \ext{bib} definition or is set
+using resource options such as \csopt{type}.)
+The \field{group} field is then set using:
+This field needs to expand to a simple label, which \gls!{bibglslettergroup}
+is designed to do. Note that non-letter groups are dealt with
+separately (see below).
+In the last resource (\ext{glstex}) file, after all the relevant
+group titles have been set with the commands listed below, there's a
+final title setting:
+This does nothing by default, but the arguments are set to
+correspond to the group with the maximum id for that resource file.
+It's provided as a convenient way of overriding the final group
+title without the inconvenience of looking up the group label in the
+\ext{glstex} file. If you have multiple glossaries or if you want to
+override a different group, then you need to inspect the
+\ext{glstex} file to work out the corresponding label (by finding
+the \field{group} assignment for one of the entries in that group).
+The \meta{cs} argument is the control sequence used in the
+\field{group} field to obtain the label from \meta{specs}. For
+example, if the highest \meta{id} is 2147418112 from:
+then the last group is identified with:
+In this case \meta{cs} is \gls{bibglslettergroup} and \meta{specs}
+are the arguments for that command. If you want \gls{bibglssetlastgrouptitle}
+to change the group title then you need to define it before the
+\idx{resourceset}. For example:
+ \cs{glsxtrsetgrouptitle}\marg{\idx{param}1\idx{param}2}\marg{Foreign Words}}
+If you need to change a particular group title, then it has to be
+done after the \idx{resourceset}:
+ \marg{\gls{bibglslettergroup}\marg{\marg{Ø}\marg{Ø}\marg{2147418112}\marg{}}}\comment{label}
+ \marg{Foreign Words}\comment{title}
+For each \idx{lettergroup} that's detected, \bibgls\ will write the line:
+in the \ext{glstex} file, which sets the group's title using:
+where the \meta{group label} part matches the corresponding \field{group}
+Note that \gls{bibglssetlettergrouptitle} only has a single
+argument, but that argument contains the four arguments needed by
+\gls!{bibglslettergroup} and \gls!{bibglslettergrouptitle}.
+These arguments are as described above.
+If \gls{glsxtrsetgrouptitle} has been defined (\sty{glossaries-extra}
+version 1.14 onwards), then \gls{bibglssetlettergrouptitle} will be
+defined as:
+ \cs{glsxtrsetgrouptitle}\marg{\gls{bibglslettergroup}\idx{param}1}\marg{\gls{bibglslettergrouptitle}\idx{param}1}}
+If an earlier version of \sty{glossaries-extra} is used, then this
+function can't be supported and the command will be defined to
+simply ignore its argument. This will fall back on the original
+method of just using \meta{title} as the label.
+Since \gls{bibglssetlettergrouptitle} is used in the \ext{glstex} file to
+set the group titles, the associated commands need to be defined
+before the resource file is loaded if their definitions require
+modification. After the resource file has been loaded, you can
+adjust the title of a specific group, but you'll need to check the
+\ext{glstex} file for the appropriate arguments. For example, if the
+\ext{glstex} file contains:
+but you actually want the group title to appear as \qt{\AE\ (AE)}
+instead of just \qt{\AE}, then after the resource file has been
+loaded you can do:
+ \marg{\gls{bibglslettergroup}\marg{\AE}\marg{\ae}\marg{7274496}\marg{}}\comment{label}
+ \marg{\AE\ (AE)}\comment{title}
+This command is used to determine the \idx{lettergroup} label. The
+default definition is \meta{type}\meta{id}, which ensures that no
+problematic characters occur in the label since \meta{type} can't
+contains special characters and \meta{id} is numeric. The
+\meta{type} is included in case there are multiple glossaries, since
+the hyperlink name must be unique.
+This command is used to determine the \idx{lettergroup} title.
+The default definition is \ics{unexpanded}\margm{title}, which guards
+against any expansion issues that may arise with characters outside
+the basic Latin set.
+For example:
+ \field{name}=\marg{\cs{AA} ngstr\cs{umlaut}om}
+ \field{description}=\marg{a unit of length equal to one hundred-millionth
+of a centimetre}
+The \field{sort} value is \qtt{\AA ngstr\"om}. With \csopt[en]{sort}
+the \meta{title} part will be \code{A} but with \csopt[sv]{sort}
+the \meta{title} part will be \code{\AA}. In both cases the
+\meta{letter} argument will be \code{\AA}.
+Take care if you are using a script that needs encapsulating. For
+example, with the \isty{CJKutf8} package the \idx{CJK} characters need to
+be placed within the \env{CJK} environment, so any letter group
+titles that contain \idx{CJK} characters will need special attention.
+For example, suppose the \ext{bib} file contains entries in the
+ \field{name} = \marg{\gls{cjkname}\margm{\idx{CJK} characters}},
+ \field{description} = \margm{English translation}
+and the document contains:
+\cs{newglossary*}\marg{japanese}\marg{Japanese to English}
+\cs{newglossary*}\marg{english}\marg{English to Japanese}
+ \csopt[testcjk]{src},\comment{bib file}
+ \csopt[ja-JP]{sort},\comment{locale used to sort primary entries}
+ \csopt[en-GB]{dual-sort},\comment{locale used to sort secondary entries}
+ \csopt[japanese]{type},\comment{put the primary entries in the 'japanese' glossary}
+ \csopt[english]{dual-type},\comment{put the dual entries in the 'english' glossary}
+ \csopt[en.]{dual-prefix}
+then \idx{CJK} characters will appear in the \meta{title} argument of
+\gls{bibglslettergrouptitle} which causes a problem because they need
+to be encapsulated within the \env{CJK} environment. This can be more
+conveniently done with the user supplied \inlinedef{cjkname}, but the \idx{CJK}
+characters need to be protected from expansion so \ics{unexpanded} is
+also needed. The new definition of \gls{bibglslettergrouptitle} needs
+to be defined before \gls{GlsXtrLoadResources}. For example:
+There's a slight problem here in that the English letter group titles
+also end up encapsulated. An alternative approach is to use the
+\meta{type} part to provide different forms. For example:
+ \cs{unexpanded}\marg{\cs{csuse}\marg{\idx{param}4lettergroup}\marg{\idx{param}1}}}
+The label and title for \idxpl{symbolgroup}
+are dealt with in a similar way to the \idxpl!{lettergroup}, but in this
+case the title is set using:
+This is defined in an analogous manner:
+ \cs{glsxtrsetgrouptitle}\marg{\gls{bibglsothergroup}\idx{param}1}\marg{\gls{bibglsothergrouptitle}\idx{param}1}}
+where the group label is obtained using \gls!{bibglsothergroup} and
+the group title is obtained from \gls!{bibglsothergrouptitle}.
+Note that since non-alphabetic characters don't have upper or lower
+case versions, there are only three arguments. The other difference
+between this and the letter group version is that the \meta{id} is
+given in hexadecimal format (corresponding to the character code).
+For example, suppose my \ext{bib} file contains:
+ \field{name}=\marg{/Author},
+ \field{description} = \marg{author string}
+If a locale sort is used, the leading slash \code{/} will be
+ignored and this entry will belong to the \qt{A} letter group using
+the letter commands described above. If, instead, one of the
+character code sort methods are used, such as
+\csopt[letter-case]{sort}, then this entry will be identified as
+belonging to a symbol (or \qt{other}) group and the title will be
+set using:
+This expands to the label for \idxpl{symbolgroup}. This just
+defaults to \code{glssymbols} (ignoring all arguments), which
+replicates the label used when \idx!{makeindex} or \idx!{xindy}
+generate the glossary files.
+This expands to the title for \idxpl{symbolgroup}. This just
+expands to \ics{glssymbolsgroupname} by default.
+Used when the sort value degenerates to an empty string. This command
+sets the label and title.
+(Note the inner group, as with the other similar
+\csfmt{bibglsset\ldots grouptitle} commands.)
+This expands to the label for \idxpl{emptygroup}. This
+defaults to \code{glssymbols} to make it consistent with
+\idxpl{nonlettergroup} (since the sort value likely contained
+unknown symbol commands).
+This expands to the group title for \idx{emptygroup}. This just
+expands to \ics{glssymbolsgroupname} by default.
+The numeric sort methods (\tableref{tab:sortoptionsnumerical})
+all create \idxpl{numbergroup} instead of letter
+or symbol groups. These behave in an analogous way to the above.
+In this case \meta{value} is the actual numeric sort value, and
+\meta{id} is a decimal number obtained from converting \meta{value}
+to an integer. This command is defined as:
+ \cs{glsxtrsetgrouptitle}\marg{\gls{bibglsnumbergroup}\idx{param}1}\marg{\gls{bibglsnumbergrouptitle}\idx{param}1}}
+The \idx{numbergroup} label is obtained from:
+This just defaults to \code{glsnumbers}.
+The \idx{numbergroup} title is obtained from:
+This just defaults to \ics{glsnumbersgroupname}.
+The date-time sort methods (\tableref{tab:sortoptionsdatetime})
+create \idxpl{datetimegroup}. These behave in an analogous way to the above.
+This command is defined as:
+ \cs{glsxtrsetgrouptitle}
+ \marg{\gls{bibglsdatetimegroup}\idx{param}1}\comment{}
+ \marg{\gls{bibglsdatetimegrouptitle}\idx{param}1}\comment{}
+This command is used for \idx{datetimegroup} labels with \optfmt{datetime} sorting
+(\tableref{tab:sortoptionsdatetime}). This has ten arguments, which means a
+little trickery is needed to deal with the tenth argument.
+The default definition is:
+This forms the group label from the year \meta{YYYY}, month \meta{MM},
+day \meta{DD} and \meta{type}.
+This command is used for \idx{datetimegroup} titles with \optfmt{datetime} sorting
+The default definition is:
+This sets the title to the numeric
+but may be redefined as appropriate.
+The date sort methods (\tableref{tab:sortoptionsdatetime})
+create \idxpl{dategroup} (the time isn't included). These behave in an
+analogous way to the above.
+This command is defined as:
+ \cs{glsxtrsetgrouptitle}\marg{\gls{bibglsdategroup}\idx{param}1}\marg{\gls{bibglsdategrouptitle}\idx{param}1}}
+This command is used for \idx{dategroup} labels with \optfmt{date} (no time) sorting
+(\tableref{tab:sortoptionsdatetime}). The default definition is:
+This forms the group label from the year, month, era and type.
+In this case, the era is a textual representation not the numeric
+value used in calculating the sort value.
+This command is used for \idx{dategroup} titles with \optfmt{date} (no time) sorting
+(\tableref{tab:sortoptionsdatetime}). The default definition is:
+This just sets the title to the numeric year-month form
+The time sort methods (\tableref{tab:sortoptionsdatetime})
+create \idxpl{timegroup} (the date isn't included). These behave in an
+analogous way to the above.
+This command is defined as:
+ \cs{glsxtrsetgrouptitle}\marg{\gls{bibglstimegroup}\idx{param}1}\marg{\gls{bibglstimegrouptitle}\idx{param}1}}
+This command is used for \idx{timegroup} labels with \optfmt{time} (no date) sorting
+This command is defined as:
+This command is used for \idx{timegroup} titles with \optfmt{time} (no date) sorting
+This command is defined as:
+This command is used to assign the group titles when the group
+formation is set to any value other than the default. For example,
+this command will be used with \csopt[codepoint]{group-formation}.
+The label is obtained from \gls{bibglsunicodegroup} and the title is
+obtained from \gls{bibglsunicodegrouptitle}.
+The \meta{label} depends on the \csopt{group-formation} setting:
+\item\csopt[codepoint]{group-formation}: the \meta{label} is the
+Unicode value of \meta{character} (converted to \idx!{lowercase} and
+decomposed, if applicable);
+\item\csopt[unicode category]{group-formation}: the \meta{label} is the
+Unicode category of \meta{character} (for example, \code{Lu} means
+an \idx!{uppercase} letter);
+\item\csopt[unicode script]{group-formation}: the \meta{label} is the
+Unicode script associated with \meta{character} (for example,
+\item\csopt[unicode category and script]{group-formation}: the \meta{label}
+identifies both the Unicode category and script associated with
+\meta{character} (for example, \code{Lu.LATIN}).
+(Similarly for \csopt{secondary-group-formation} and
+\csopt{dual-group-formation}.) By default this command expands to
+The \meta{character} is the first significant character of the sort
+value. The \meta{id} is the hexadecimal code of (possibly decomposed)
+\meta{character}. The case of codepoint \meta{id} may or may not correspond
+to the case of \meta{character}.
+For example, with \csopt[codepoint]{group-formation}, an unset
+\field{type} and a sort value of \qt{\AA ngstr\"om} with \qt{\AA} as a
+significant character distinct from \qt{A} then the \field{group}
+field will be assigned using:
+whereas with \csopt[unicode category and script]{group-formation} it will be:
+(\idx!{uppercase} Latin letter).
+If instead \qt{\AA} is considered equivalent to \qt{A} according to the
+collator, then with \csopt[codepoint]{group-formation}, the value will be:
+Note that the \meta{id} is now \hex{61} (the decomposed \qt{A}
+converted to \idx{lowercase}) not \hex{C5}.
+The title for Unicode group formations is simply defined as
+\code{\cs{unexpanded}\margm{label}} so you will need to change it to
+something more appropriate. For example (before the \idx{resourceset}):
+ \ifnumhex{\idx{param}3}>64
+ \ifnumhex{\idx{param}3} < 91
+ A-{}-Z\comment{}
+ \cmd{else}
+ \ifnumhex{\idx{param}3} > 96
+ \ifnumhex{\idx{param}3} < 123
+ A-{}-Z\comment{}
+ \cmd{fi}
+ \cmd{fi}
+ \cmd{fi}
+ \cmd{fi}
+This will make the title \qt{A--Z} if \meta{id} is greater
+than 64 and less than 91 or greater than 96 and less than 123
+(and will be empty otherwise).
+Note that this setting can create an odd effect if the sorting
+causes the groups to be split up. For example, if some of the sort values
+start with extended or non-Latin characters this can break up the
+groups. First check how the group labels are assigned using:
+then adjust the definition of \gls{bibglsunicodegroup} until the
+grouping is correct, and then change the definition of
+\gls{bibglsunicodegrouptitle} so that the title is correct.
+If the \iext{log} file indicates that \isty{hyperref} has been loaded
+and the \longarg{group} switch is used, then this command will be
+used to create the navigation information for glossary styles such
+as \glostyle{indexhypergroup}.
+\section{Flattened Entries}
+These commands relate to the way the \field{name} field is altered
+when flattening lonely child entries with the \csopt{flatten-lonely}
+The default definition simply does \meta{name}.
+This command is used if the child and parent name's are identical.
+For example, suppose the \ext{bib} file contains:
+\atentry{index}\marg{super.glossary, \field{name}=\marg{glossary}}
+ \field{parent}=\marg{super.glossary},
+ \field{description}=\marg{collection of glosses}
+ \field{parent}=\marg{super.glossary},
+ \field{description}=\marg{list of technical words}
+The child entries don't have a \field{name} field, so the value is assumed
+to be the same as the parent's \field{name} field. Here's an example
+document where both child entries are used:
+\cs{gls}\marg{glossarycol} (collection) vs \cs{gls}\marg{glossarylist} (list).
+This uses one of the glossary styles designed for homographs and the
+glossary has the structure:
+\quad 1) collection of glosses 1\par
+\quad 2) list of technical words 1
+If only one child entry is selected, then the result looks a little
+odd. For example:
+\quad 1) collection of glosses 1
+With the \csopt{flatten-lonely} option, the parent is removed and
+the child is moved up a hierarchical level. With
+\csopt[postsort]{flatten-lonely} this would normally adjust the
+name so that it appears as \meta{parent name}, \meta{child name}
+but in this case it would look a little odd for the name to
+appear as \qt{glossary, glossary} so instead the name is
+set to:
+(where the first argument is the original name and the second argument is the
+label of the parent entry).
+This means that the name simply appears as \qt{glossary}, even if
+the \csopt[postsort]{flatten-lonely} option is used. Note that if
+the parent entry is removed, the parent label won't be of much use.
+You can test for existence using \ics{ifglsentryexists} in case you
+want to vary the way the name is displayed according to whether or
+not the parent is still present.
+Used by the \csopt[presort]{flatten-lonely} option. This defaults
+to just \meta{child name}. If you want to change this, remember that
+you can let the interpreter know by adding the definition to
+\atentry{preamble}. For example:
+\atentry{preamble}\marg{\qtdelim{\cs{providecommand}\marg{\gls{bibglsflattenedchildpresort}}[2]\marg{\idx{param}1 (\idx{param}2)}}}
+Used by the \csopt[postsort]{flatten-lonely} option. This defaults
+to \code{\meta{parent name}, \meta{child name}}.
+Note that the arguments are in the reverse order to those of the
+previous command. This is done to assist the automated first letter
+upper-casing. If either command is redefined to alter the ordering,
+then this can confuse the case-changing mechanism, in which case you
+may want to consider switching on the expansion of the \field{name}
+field using:
+(before \gls{GlsXtrLoadResources}).
+Used by the \hyperref[sec:dualoptsbacklinks]{back link options},
+this just defaults to:
+This is used by \csopt{set-widest} to set the widest name for the
+given hierarchical level where the glossary type can't be determined.
+This is defined as:
+if \ics{glsxtrSetWidest} has been defined, or:
+if \ics{glsupdatewidest} is defined, otherwise it will be
+defined to use \ics{glssetwidest}:
+Since this isn't scoped, this will affect other glossaries.
+In general, if you have more than one glossary it's best to
+set the \field{type} using options like \csopt{type}.
+This is used by \csopt{set-widest} to set the widest name for the
+given hierarchical level where the glossary type is known. This
+is defined as:
+ \cs{glsxtrSetWidest}\marg{\idx{param}1}\marg{\idx{param}2}\marg{\idx{param}3}\comment{}
+if \ics{glsxtrSetWidest} has been defined, or:
+ \cs{apptoglossarypreamble}\oarg{\idx{param}1}\marg{\cs{glsupdatewidest}\oarg{\idx{param}2}\marg{\idx{param}3}}\comment{}
+if \ics{glsupdatewidest} is defined, otherwise it will be
+defined to use \ics{glssetwidest}:
+ \cs{apptoglossarypreamble}\oarg{\idx{param}1}\marg{\cs{glssetwidest}\oarg{\idx{param}2}\marg{\idx{param}3}}\comment{}
+Since the glossary preamble is scoped, this won't affect other
+This is used by \csopt{set-widest} instead of \gls{bibglssetwidest}
+when all \field{name} fields end up as an empty string when
+interpreted by \bibgls. This typically means that all the
+\field{name} fields contain unknown commands. This fallback command
+will use:
+\ics{glsxtrSetWidestFallback}\marg{2}\margm{glossary list}
+if defined otherwise it will use \ics{glsFindWidestLevelTwo}, which
+sets the widest name for the top-level and first two sub-levels
+across all the listed glossaries.
+This is used by \csopt{set-widest} instead of
+when all \field{name} fields end up as an empty string when
+interpreted by \bibgls. This typically means that all the
+\field{name} fields contain unknown commands. This fallback command
+will append \gls{bibglssetwidestfallback} to the glossary preamble
+for the given type.
+This is used by \csopt{set-widest} instead of \gls{bibglssetwidest}
+when all \field{name} fields end up as an empty string when
+interpreted by \bibgls. This typically means that all the
+\field{name} fields contain unknown commands. This fallback command
+will use:
+\ics{glsxtrSetWidestFallback}\marg{0}\margm{glossary list}
+if defined otherwise it will use \ics{glsFindWidestTopLevelName},
+which sets the widest name for the top-level.
+This is used by \csopt{set-widest} instead of
+when all \field{name} fields end up as an empty string when
+interpreted by \bibgls. This typically means that all the
+\field{name} fields contain unknown commands. This fallback command
+will append \gls{bibglssetwidesttoplevelfallback} to the glossary
+preamble of the given type.
+This is used when \csopt{bibtex-contributor-fields} is set. The
+definition depends on whether or not \ics{DTLformatlist} has been
+\marg{\comment{datatool v2.28+}
+ \cs{providecommand}*\marg{\gls{bibglscontributorlist}}[2]\marg{\cs{DTLformatlist}\marg{\idx{param}1}}
+\marg{\comment{datatool v2.27 or earlier}
+ \cs{providecommand}*\marg{\gls{bibglscontributorlist}}[2]\marg{\comment{}
+ \ics{def}\cmd{bibgls@sep}\marg{}\comment{}
+ \ics{@for}\cmd{bibgls@item}:=\idx{param}1\cmd{do}\marg{\cmd{bibgls@sep}\cmd{bibgls@item}\cs{def}\cmd{bibgls@sep}\marg{, }}\comment{}
+ }
+The second argument allows you to provide definitions like:
+ \cs{ifcase}\idx{param}2
+ \cmd{or}
+ name:
+ \cmd{else}
+ names:
+ \cmd{fi}
+ \cs{DTLformatlist}\marg{\idx{param}1}\comment{}
+This is used when \csopt{bibtex-contributor-fields} is set. The
+definition depends on the value of \csopt{contributor-order}. Note that if you
+have multiple resource sets, that option governs the way \bibgls's version of
+\gls{bibglscontributor} behaves. The definition is written to the \ext{glstex}
+using \cs{providecommand}, so \LaTeX\ will only pick up the first definition.
+Used to encapsulate date-time fields identified with
+Since \gls{bibglsdatetime} requires more than nine arguments, the
+remaining four arguments are picked up with:
+The default definitions are:
+Used to encapsulate date fields identified with
+The default definition is:
+Used to encapsulate date fields identified with
+The default definition is:
+A hook to pick up the primary prefix label (identified with
+\csopt{label-prefix}) if required. This does nothing by default. If
+required, this command should be defined before the
+\idx{resourceset} is loaded.
+A hook to pick up the dual prefix label (identified with
+\csopt{dual-prefix}) if required. This does nothing by default. If
+required, this command should be defined before the
+\idx{resourceset} is loaded.
+A hook to pick up the tertiary prefix label (identified with
+\csopt{tertiary-prefix}) if required. This does nothing by default. If
+required, this command should be defined before the
+\idx{resourceset} is loaded.
+A hook to pick up the \meta{n}th external prefix label (identified with
+\csopt{ext-prefixes}) if required. This does nothing by default and
+won't be used if the list of external prefixes is empty. If required,
+this command should be defined before the \idx{resourceset} is
+Expands to a literal hash character (\,\idx{hashchar}\,).
+Expands to a literal underscore character (\,\idx{underscorechar}\,).
+Expands to a literal dollar character (\,\idx{dollarchar}\,).
+Expands to a literal ampersand character (\,\idx{ampchar}\,).
+Expands to a literal circumflex character (\,\idx{circumchar}\,).
+Converts \meta{text} to \idx{uppercase}. This just uses
+\ics{MakeTextUppercase} by default.
+Converts \meta{text} to \idx{lowercase}. This just uses
+\ics{MakeTextLowercase} by default.
+Converts \meta{text} to \idx{titlecase}. This just uses
+\ics{capitalisewords} by default.
+Converts the first letter of \meta{text} to \idx{uppercase}. This just uses
+\ics{makefirstuc} by default.
+\chapter{Converting Existing \iext{tex} to \iext{bib}}
+If you have already been using the \styfmt{glossaries} or
+\styfmt{glossaries-extra} package with a large file containing all your
+definitions using commands like \gls{newglossaryentry}, then you can
+use the supplementary tool \idx{convertgls2bib} to convert the definitions
+to the \ext{bib} format required by \bibgls. The syntax is:
+convertgls2bib \oargm{options} \meta{tex file} \meta{bib file}
+where \meta{tex file} is the \ext{tex} file and \meta{bib file} is
+the \ext{bib} file. This application is less secure than \bibgls\ as
+it doesn't use \idx{kpsewhich} to check \texmfcnf{openinany} and
+\texmfcnf{openoutany}. Take care not to accidentally overwrite
+existing \ext{bib} files as there's no check to determine if
+\meta{bib file} already exists.
+The \meta{options} are:
+\item[\longargfmt{texenc} \meta{encoding}] The character encoding of the
+\ext{tex} file. If omitted, the operating system's default encoding
+is assumed (or the \idx{JVM}['s]).
+\item[\longargfmt{bibenc} \meta{encoding}] The character encoding of the
+\ext{bib} file. If omitted, the same encoding as the
+\ext{tex} file is assumed.
+\item[\longargfmt{space-sub} \meta{replacement}] The \ext{bib}
+format doesn't allow spaces in labels. If your original
+definitions in your \ext{tex} file have spaces, use this option to
+replace spaces in labels. Each space will be substituted with
+\meta{replacement}. The cross-referencing fields, \field{see},
+\field{seealso} and \field{alias}, will also be adjusted, but any
+references using \ics{gls} etc will have to be substituted manually
+(or use a global search and replace in your text editor).
+If you want to strip the spaces, use an empty string for
+\meta{replacement}. You'll need to delimit this according to your
+operating system. For example:
+convertgls2bib --space-sub '' entries.tex entries.bib
+\item[\longargfmt{ignore-sort}] Ignore the \field{sort} field.
+This is the default since \bibgls\ can work out a more intuitive
+sort value than either \idx!{makeindex} or \idx!{xindy}.
+\item[\longargfmt{no-ignore-sort}] Don't ignore the \field{sort} field.
+\item[\longargfmt{locale} \meta{lang tag}] Identifies the \langxml\
+to use for \idx{convertgls2bib}['s] messages.
+\item[\longargfmt{silent}] Suppress all messages except for errors.
+\item[\longargfmt{verbose}] Display messages and warnings (default).
+\item[\longargfmt{debug}] Display debugging messages (stack
+traces and other information in addition to \longargfmt{verbose}).
+\item[\longargfmt{help} or \shortargfmt{h}] Display help message and
+\item[\longargfmt{version} or \shortargfmt{v}] Display version
+information and quit.
+This application recognises the commands listed below. Avoid any overly
+complicated code within the \ext{tex} file. The
+\hyperref[sec:texparserlib]{\TeX\ parser library} isn't a \TeX\ engine! The
+\ext{tex} file doesn't need to be a complete document, but if you want certain
+commands recognised from packages that the \TeX\ parser library supports,
+you'll need to include \ics{usepackage} in the \ext{tex} file.
+In all cases below, if \meta{\keyvallist} contains:
+this will be substituted with:
+For example:
+will be written as:
+ \field{seealso} = \marg{goose}
+Additionally, if \meta{\keyvallist} contains:
+then this field will be ignored. (This \field{type} value is
+recommended in \meta{\keyvallist} when loading files with
+\ics{loadglsentries}\oargm{type}\margm{file} to allow the optional
+argument to set the \field{type}. With \bibgls\ you can use the
+\csopt{type} option instead.)
+The base \styfmt{glossaries} package provides:
+If present, this instructs \idx{convertgls2bib} to expand all fields
+except for those explicitly identified by \gls{glssetnoexpandfield}.
+Remember that there are many commands that aren't recognised by
+\idx{convertgls2bib} so it may not be possible to correctly expand
+field values. Conversely, there are some commands that will be
+expanded by \idx{convertgls2bib} that aren't expandable in \TeX\
+(such as \ics{MakeUppercase} and \ics{char}).
+The base \styfmt{glossaries} package provides:
+If present, this instructs \idx{convertgls2bib} to not expand fields
+unless explicitly identified by \gls{glssetexpandfield}.
+The base \styfmt{glossaries} package provides:
+If present, this instructs \idx{convertgls2bib} to expand the
+given field, even if \gls{glsnoexpandfields} has been used.
+The base \styfmt{glossaries} package provides:
+If present, this instructs \idx{convertgls2bib} to not expand the
+given field, even if \gls{glsexpandfields} has been used.
+Unlike the default behaviour with the \sty{glossaries} package, there are no
+fields switched explicitly switched off by default with
+The base \styfmt{glossaries} package provides:
+This is converted to:
+ \meta{\keyvallist}
+\ics{newentry} is recognised as a synonym of \gls{newglossaryentry}.
+The base \styfmt{glossaries} package provides:
+This is converted to:
+ \meta{\keyvallist}
+but only if \meta{label} hasn't already been defined.
+The base \styfmt{glossaries} package provides:
+This is converted to:
+ \meta{\keyvallist},
+ \field{description} = \margm{description}
+The starred version provided by the \styfmt{glossaries-extra} package
+is also recognised. The unstarred version strips trailing spaces
+from \meta{description}. (This doesn't add \ics{nopostdesc}, but
+\styfmt{glossaries-extra} defaults to \styopt{nopostdot}.)
+The base \styfmt{glossaries} package provides:
+As above, but only if \meta{label} hasn't already been defined.
+The base \styfmt{glossaries} package provides:
+(when the \styopt{index} option is used).
+This is converted to:
+ \meta{\keyvallist}
+if the optional argument is present, otherwise it's just converted
+If \longargfmt{space-sub} is used and \meta{label} contains one or
+more spaces, then \field{name} will be set if not included in
+\meta{\keyvallist}. For example, if \filefmt{entries.bib}
+\gls{newterm}\marg{sea lion}
+\gls{newterm}\oarg{\field{seealso}=\marg{sea lion}}\marg{seal}
+convertgls2bib --space-sub '-' entries.bib entries.tex
+will write the terms to \filefmt{entries.tex} as:
+ \field{name} = \marg{sea lion}
+ \field{seealso} = \marg{sea-lion}
+whereas just:
+convertgls2bib entries.bib entries.tex
+will write the terms to \filefmt{entries.tex} as:
+\atentry{index}\marg{sea lion}
+ \field{seealso} = \marg{sea lion}
+which will cause a problem when the \ext{bib} file is parsed
+by \bibgls\ (and will probably also cause a problem for
+bibliographic management systems).
+The \styfmt{glossaries-extra} package provides:
+This is converted to:
+ \field{short} = \margm{short},
+ \field{long} = \margm{long},
+ \meta{\keyvallist}
+if the optional argument is present, otherwise it's converted to:
+ \field{short} = \margm{short},
+ \field{long} = \margm{long}
+The base \styfmt{glossaries} package provides:
+(which is redefined by \styfmt{glossaries-extra} to use
+As above but uses \atentry{acronym} instead.
+The \styfmt{glossaries-extra} package provides:
+(when the \styopt{symbols} option is used).
+This is converted to:
+ \field{name} = \margm{symbol}
+if the optional argument is missing, otherwise it's converted to:
+ \field{name} = \margm{symbol},
+ \meta{\keyvallist}
+unless \meta{\keyvallist} contains the \field{name} field,
+in which case it's converted to:
+ \meta{\keyvallist}
+\ics{newsym} is recognised as a synonym for \gls{glsxtrnewsymbol}.
+The \styfmt{glossaries-extra} package provides:
+(when the \styopt{numbers} option is used).
+This is converted to:
+ \field{name} = \margm{label}
+if the optional argument is missing, otherwise it's converted to:
+ \field{name} = \margm{label},
+ \meta{\keyvallist}
+if \field{name} isn't listed in \meta{\keyvallist},
+otherwise it's converted to:
+ \meta{\keyvallist}
+\ics{newnum} is recognised as a synonym for \gls{glsxtrnewnumber}.
+This command isn't provided by either \styfmt{glossaries} or
+\styfmt{glossaries-extra} but is used as an example in the
+\sty{glossaries} user manual~\cite{glossaries} and in the sample file
+\file{sample-dual.tex} that accompanies the \sty{glossaries}
+package. Since this command seems to be used quite a bit (given the
+number of times it crops up on sites like
+\href{}{\TeX\ on StackExchange}),
+\idx{convertgls2bib} also supports it unless this command is
+defined using \ics{newcommand} or \ics{renewcommand} in the
+input file. In which case the default definition will be overridden.
+If the command definition isn't overridden, then it's converted to:
+ \field{short} = \margm{short},
+ \field{long} = \margm{long},
+ \field{description} = \margm{description},
+ \meta{\keyvallist}
+if \meta{\keyvallist} is supplied, otherwise it's converted to:
+ \field{short} = \margm{short},
+ \field{long} = \margm{long},
+ \field{description} = \margm{description}
+For example, if the original \ext{tex} file contains:
+ \gls{newglossaryentry}\marg{main-\idx{param}2}\marg{\field{name}=\marg{\idx{param}4},\comment{}
+ \field{text}=\marg{\idx{param}3\cs{glsadd}\marg{\idx{param}2}},\comment{}
+ \field{description}=\marg{\idx{param}5},\comment{}
+ \idx{param}1
+ }\comment{}
+ \gls{newacronym}\marg{\idx{param}2}\marg{\idx{param}3\cs{glsadd}\marg{main-\idx{param}2}}\marg{\idx{param}4}\comment{}
+ \marg{SVM}\comment{abbreviation}
+ \marg{support vector machine}\comment{long form}
+ \marg{Statistical pattern recognition technique}\comment{description}
+then the \ext{bib} file will contain:
+ \field{name} = \marg{support vector machine},
+ \field{description} = \marg{Statistical pattern recognition technique},
+ \field{text} = \marg{SVM\cs{glsadd}\marg{svm}}
+ \field{short} = \marg{SVM\cs{glsadd}\marg{main-svm}},
+ \field{long} = \marg{support vector machine}
+since \gls{newdualentry} was defined with \ics{newcommand}. However,
+if the original file uses \ics{providecommand} or omits the
+definition of \gls{newdualentry}, then the \ext{bib} file will
+ \field{short} = \marg{SVM},
+ \field{description} = \marg{Statistical pattern recognition technique},
+ \field{long} = \marg{support vector machine}
+The example files described here can be found in the
+\filefmt{examples} sub-directory. The \ext{bib} files are listed
+first and then sample files that use the \ext{bib} data.
+Make sure you have the latest versions of \styfmt{glossaries},
+\styfmt{mfirstuc}, \styfmt{glossaries-extra} and \bibgls\ if you
+want to try these out. (The \exfile{sample-media.tex} file requires
+at least \styfmt{datatool} v2.28.) If you get any undefined control
+sequence or undefined style errors then you need to update your
+\TeX\ distribution. Use the \longarg{group} switch when invoking
+\bibgls\ for all these examples if you want the glossaries divided
+into groups. The set of system calls for the document build in the
+examples below may require an extra \LaTeX\ run to ensure the PDF
+bookmarks are up-to-date when \sty{hyperref} is used.
+These files are just examples of how to use \bibgls. There are other
+ways of defining similar entries and sometimes alternatives are
+suggested. Use the code here as a starting point if you need data
+like this and adapt it to a format appropriate for your
+The \exfile{no-interpret-preamble.bib} file contains command
+definitions used in some of the \field{name} fields. Although these
+commands aren't used explicitly in the document, they need to be
+defined when the names are displayed in the document (typically in
+the glossary). These commands are much like the \gls{sortop} command
+described on \glsxtrpageref{sortop} and need to be hidden
+from \bibgls's interpreter. This file doesn't contain any entry
+definitions and must be loaded first with
+\csopt[false]{interpret-preamble}. The
+\exfile{interpret-preamble.bib} or \exfile{interpret-preamble2.bib}
+file can then be loaded to provide alternative definitions for
+\bibgls's interpreter.
+The first command is:
+This is used in the \field{name} fields for entries containing
+information about a person. The aim here is for \bibgls\ to sort
+according to \meta{surname}, \meta{first name(s)} but for the
+glossary to display \meta{first name(s)} \meta{surname}. For names
+with a \qt{von} part, there's another command:
+which has a similar purpose.
+The third command is:
+This is the same as \gls{sortname} but is designed for titles,
+phrases or sentences that start with an article (such as \qt{a} or
+\qt{the}). Although it has the same definition as \gls{sortname}
+in this file, in the interpreted files the article part is omitted
+to completely ignore them in the sorting.
+The fourth command is:
+which again is functionally the same as \gls{sortname}.
+The names could be specified using \BibTeX's
+syntax instead with \csopt{bibtex-contributor-fields} to convert it,
+but the aim here is to show a variety of ways to use \bibgls. For an
+example of \csopt{bibtex-contributor-fields}, see the way the
+\fieldfmt{cast} field in \exfile{films.bib} is dealt with.
+Although the file only contains ASCII characters, it starts with
+an encoding line to prevent \bibgls\ from searching the entire file
+for it. (That's not so much of an issue with a short file, but may
+cause an unnecessary delay for much longer files.)
+The contents of \filefmt{no-interpret-preamble.bib} are as follows:
+This provides definitions of \gls{sortname}, \gls{sortvonname},
+\gls{sortart} and \gls{sortmediacreator} in \atentry{preamble}
+that can be picked up by the interpreter and used during sorting.
+Note that in this case \gls{sortart} is defined to ignore the
+article to completely ignore it from sorting. If you happen to have
+\qt{a \meta{something}} and \qt{the \meta{something}} where the
+\meta{something}s are identical, you may want to append the article
+to disambiguate them.
+The contents of \filefmt{interpret-preamble.bib} are as follows:
+An alternative to \exfile{interpret-preamble.bib} with a different
+definition of \gls{sortmediacreator}. This uses \cs{renewcommand}
+instead of \cs{providecommand} so \csopt[false]{write-preamble}
+is required to prevent \LaTeX\ from picking up the definitions.
+The contents of \filefmt{interpret-preamble2.bib} are as follows:
+The \exfile{constants.bib} file contains mathematical constants.
+These all use a custom entry type \atentryfmt{constant}, which must
+be aliased otherwise the entries will all be ignored. The entries
+all have custom fields, which also need to be aliased.
+For example:
+ \fieldfmt{constantname}=\field{name},
+ \fieldfmt{constantsymbol}=\field{symbol},
+ \fieldfmt{definition}=\field{description},
+ \fieldfmt{identifier}=\field{category},
+ \fieldfmt{value}=\field{user1}
+This setting means that, for example,
+ \fieldfmt{constantname}=\marg{Pythagoras' constant},
+ \fieldfmt{constantsymbol}=\marg{\cs{ensuremath}\marg{\ics{surd}2}},
+ \fieldfmt{definition}=\marg{the square root of 2},
+ \fieldfmt{value}=\marg{1.41421},
+ \fieldfmt{identifier}=\marg{constant}
+is treated as though it was defined as:
+ \field{name}=\marg{Pythagoras' constant},
+ \field{symbol}=\marg{\cs{ensuremath}\marg{\cs{surd}2}},
+ \field{description}=\marg{the square root of 2},
+ \field{user1}=\marg{1.41421},
+ \field{category}=\marg{constant}
+This use of custom fields and entry types allows more flexibility.
+For example, I may have another document that uses the same
+\ext{bib} file but requires a different definition:
+ \field{description}=\marg{Pythagoras' constant},
+ \field{name}=\marg{\cs{ensuremath}\marg{\cs{surd}2}}
+which can be obtained with:
+ \fieldfmt{constantname}=\field{description},
+ \fieldfmt{constantsymbol}=\field{name}
+Since the other custom fields haven't be aliased, they're ignored.
+The custom fields are: \fieldfmt{identifier} (set to \code{constant}
+for all the entries), \fieldfmt{constantname} (the constant's name),
+\fieldfmt{definition} (a definition of the constant),
+\fieldfmt{value} (the approximate numeric value of the constant),
+\fieldfmt{constantsymbol} (the symbolic representation of the
+constant) and \fieldfmt{alternative} (alternative symbol).
+There are three entries that don't have the custom
+\fieldfmt{value} field: \code{zero} and \code{one} (the exact value
+is in the \fieldfmt{constantsymbol} field in both cases) and \code{imaginary}
+(where there's no real number value).
+I've provided some commands in the \atentry{preamble} for
+constants that are represented by Latin and Greek letters.
+These can be defined in the document before the \idx{resourceset}
+if different notation is required. The upright Greek commands require
+the \isty{upgreek} package.
+If it's likely that there may be a need to sort according to
+\fieldfmt{definition}, then it would be better to use \gls!{sortart}
+describe above:
+ \fieldfmt{constantname}=\marg{Pythagoras' constant},
+ \fieldfmt{constantsymbol}=\marg{\cs{ensuremath}\marg{\cs{surd}2}},
+ \fieldfmt{definition}=\marg{\gls{sortart}\marg{the}\marg{square root of 2}},
+ \fieldfmt{value}=\marg{1.41421},
+ \fieldfmt{identifier}=\marg{constant}
+Remember that this would need \exfile{no-interpret-preamble.bib} to
+ensure the command is recognised in the document.
+The contents of \filefmt{constants.bib} are as follows:
+The \exfile{chemicalformula.bib} file contains chemical formulae.
+Each entry has a field that uses \ics{ce} provided by \sty{mhchem}
+so the document will need to load that package. Since all resource
+files must be loaded in the preamble, it's possible to ensure that
+the package is loaded using:
+However, it's best just to load it in the document otherwise it
+won't be available before the \ext{glstex} file has been loaded.
+Also, \sty{glossaries} (and therefore \sty{glossaries-extra}) must be
+loaded after \sty{hyperref}, which usually needs to be loaded last
+so most packages should be loaded before \sty{glossaries-extra}.
+Instead, I've just put a comment in the \ext{bib} file as a
+All entries are defined using a custom entry type
+\atentryfmt{chemical}. This must be aliased using
+\csopt{entry-type-aliases} or the entries will be ignored. For
+example, to make \atentryfmt{chemical} behave like \atentry{symbol}:
+Remember that with the \atentry{symbol} type, if the \field{sort}
+field is omitted \bibgls\ will fallback on the label by default. It
+can be changed to fallback on the \field{name} field instead using
+\csopt[name]{symbol-sort-fallback}. This will require the use of
+the interpreter if the name contains a command but \bibgls\
+recognises the \sty{mhchem} package and has a limited ability to
+interpret \cs{ce}. If \atentryfmt{chemical} is changed to
+\atentry{entry} instead then the fallback for the \field{sort} will be the
+entry's \field{name}.
+All entries only contain custom fields, which will all be ignored by
+\bibgls\ unless defined or aliased: \fieldfmt{identifier}, which is set to
+\code{chemical} for all entries, \fieldfmt{formula}, which is set to the
+chemical formula, and \fieldfmt{chemicalname}, which is set to the chemical
+name. This allows the flexibility of determining whether the
+\field{name} or \field{symbol} field should contain the chemical
+formula on a per-resource basis. For example:
+The contents of \filefmt{chemicalformula.bib} are as follows:
+The \exfile{bacteria.bib} file contains bacteria abbreviations.
+These all use the \atentry{abbreviation} entry type with a
+\field{short} and \field{long} field.
+The entries all have a custom field \fieldfmt{identifier} set to
+\code{bacteria}. This will be ignored by \bibgls\ unless it's
+defined using \cs{glsaddkey} or \cs{glsaddstoragekey} or if it's
+aliased with \csopt{field-aliases}.
+The contents of \filefmt{bacteria.bib} are as follows:
+The \exfile{baseunits.bib} file contains base \idxpl{SIunit}. The entries
+are all defined using the custom \atentryfmt{unit} entry
+type. This must be aliased with \csopt{entry-type-aliases} otherwise
+\bibgls\ will ignore all the entries. For example:
+will make \bibgls\ treat the entries as though they were defined
+using \atentry{symbol}. (Remember that \atentry{symbol} entry types use the label
+as the fallback field for \field{sort}.)
+The entries all have custom fields \fieldfmt{unitname},
+\fieldfmt{unitsymbol} and \fieldfmt{measurement}, one of which must
+be aliased or copied to \field{name} if \atentryfmt{unit} is aliased
+to an entry type that requires it. The other custom fields may be aliased or
+copied to \field{symbol} and \field{description} as required. The
+\fieldfmt{unitsymbol} fields all use \ics{si} provided by the
+\isty{siunitx} package, so that package must be loaded in the
+document. This is one of the small number of packages recognised by
+\bibgls, so it's possible to sort according to the symbol if
+The entries also all have a custom field \fieldfmt{identifier} set to
+\code{baseunit}. This will be ignored by \bibgls\ unless it's
+defined using \cs{glsaddkey} or \cs{glsaddstoragekey} or if it's
+aliased with \csopt{field-aliases}.
+The contents of \filefmt{baseunits.bib} are as follows:
+The \exfile{derivedunits.bib} file is much like \exfile{baseunits.bib}
+but contains derived units and in this case the custom entry type
+is \atentryfmt{measurement}, which must be aliased
+otherwise the entries will all be ignored.
+The entries all have a custom field \fieldfmt{identifier} set to
+\code{derivedunit}. This will be ignored by \bibgls\ unless it's
+defined using \cs{glsaddkey} or \cs{glsaddstoragekey} or if it's
+aliased with \csopt{field-aliases}.
+The contents of \filefmt{derivedunits.bib} are as follows:
+The \exfile{people.bib} file contains details about people.
+The \field{name} fields contain custom commands provided in
+\exfile{no-interpret-preamble.bib} and
+Remember that if \exfile{no-interpret-preamble.bib} is
+loaded first, the definitions provided in that file will be the one
+in use in the document. The \exfile{interpret-preamble.bib} file
+then needs to be loaded to provide the definitions for \bibgls's
+The information for each person is supplied in an \atentry{entry}
+type. There are some non-standard fields: \fieldfmt{born},
+\fieldfmt{died} and \fieldfmt{othername}. These fields will be ignored
+unless keys are provided (using \cs{glsaddkey} or
+\cs{glsaddstoragekey}) or the fields are aliased (using
+\csopt{field-aliases}). The \fieldfmt{born} and \fieldfmt{died}
+fields have dates that are \emph{almost} in the default \code{en-GB}
+locale format with the \idx{JRE} \idx{localeprovider}, but they include a
+tilde \idx{nbspchar} to prevent awkward line breaks. By default \bibgls's
+interpreter converts \idx{nbspchar} to the non-breaking space character
+\hex{A0} which isn't recognised by the date format. This can easily
+be fixed with the \longarg{break-space} switch which will interpret
+\idx{nbspchar} as a normal breakable space (\hex{20}), so with that switch
+\csopt[date]{sort} or \csopt[date-reverse]{sort} can be used on
+either of those fields. However, the \idx{CLDR} has a slightly
+different default format than the \idx{JRE} for dates with
+\code{en-GB}, so it's probably simplest to actually specify the
+required format.
+An alternative approach would be to provide a command that can be
+modified in the document to adjust the date style. For example, the
+\fieldfmt{born} field could be specified as:
+The definition provided for the document could then be, for example:
+\cs{providecommand}\marg{\cmd{formatdate}}[4]\marg{\ics{DTMdisplaydate}\marg{\idx{param}3}\marg{\idx{param}2}\marg{\idx{param}1}\marg{-1} \idx{param}4}
+(where \ics{DTMdisplaydate} is provided by the \isty{datetime2}
+package) and a definition could be provided for \bibgls's
+interpreter, for example:
+\cs{providecommand}\marg{\cmd{formatdate}}[4]\marg{\idx{param}1/\idx{param}2/\idx{param}3 \idx{param}4}
+This would need the date format set. For example,
+\csopt[d/M/y G]{date-sort-format}.
+Some of the entries, such as \code{caesar}, have a \field{first}
+field. In those cases the \field{first} field is slightly different
+from the \field{name} field (for example, \qt{Gaius} is omitted in
+\code{caesar}'s \field{first} field). The other entries don't have a
+\field{first} field. They can simply have the \field{name} copied to
+\field{first} with the \csopt{replicate-fields} option (so that the
+full name is shown on first use) or the \field{first} field can be
+ignored with \csopt{ignore-fields} (so all entries will use the
+\field{text} field on first use). The \csopt{replicate-override}
+option can be used to force the \field{name} field to be copied to
+the \field{first} field, even if the \field{first} field is already
+set. Alternatively, with \csopt[true]{replicate-override} and
+\csopt[\field{first}=\field{name}]{replicate-fields}, the \field{first} field be
+copied to the \field{name} field. For consistency, the \field{first}
+fields use the same custom commands as used in the \field{name}
+There's one name with a \qt{von} part. In this case the \field{name}
+field is set to:
+which will come under the \qt{V} letter group since \gls{sortvonname}
+is defined as \meta{von} \meta{surname}, \meta{first name(s)}
+If you prefer that this name should come under \qt{R} instead, then
+you need to adjust the definition of \gls{sortvonname}:
+\atentry{preamble}\marg{\qtdelim{\cs{providecommand}\marg{\cmd{sortname}}[2]\marg{\idx{param}2, \idx{param}1}
+\cs{providecommand}\marg{\cmd{sortvonname}}[3]\marg{\idx{param}3, \idx{param}1 \idx{param}2}}}
+An alternative approach would be to format the names using
+\BibTeX's contributor syntax and use
+\csopt[name]{bibtex-contributor-fields} to convert them.
+There are also some synonyms provided with \atentry{index} entry
+types that have the \field{alias} field to redirect to the main
+entry. These don't include a \field{description} or any of the other
+fields as that would be redundant. All the information can be found
+in the main entry.
+Except for the aliases, the entries have a custom field
+\fieldfmt{identifier} set to \code{person}. This will be ignored by
+\bibgls\ unless it's defined using \cs{glsaddkey} or
+\cs{glsaddstoragekey} or if it's aliased with \csopt{field-aliases}.
+The contents of \filefmt{people.bib} are as follows:
+The \exfile{books.bib} file contains details about books.
+As above, the entries use custom commands provided in
+\exfile{no-interpret-preamble.bib} and
+\exfile{interpret-preamble.bib} or
+The entries all have a custom field \fieldfmt{identifier} set to
+\code{book} and other custom fields \fieldfmt{author} and
+These will be ignored by \bibgls\ unless they're
+defined using \cs{glsaddkey} or \cs{glsaddstoragekey} or if they're
+aliased with \csopt{field-aliases}.
+There are other ways in which this data could be specified. For
+example, the \field{description} field could contain a brief summary
+(or \qt{log line}). The \fieldfmt{author} field could use \BibTeX's
+syntax instead with \csopt{bibtex-contributor-fields} to convert it.
+Alternatively, the entries could be defined using standard \BibTeX\
+entry types that are all aliased to \atentry{bibtexentry}.
+The contents of \filefmt{books.bib} are as follows:
+The \exfile{films.bib} file contains details about films.
+As above, the entries use custom commands provided in
+\exfile{no-interpret-preamble.bib} and
+The entries all have a custom field \fieldfmt{identifier} set to
+\code{film} and other custom fields \fieldfmt{cast}, \fieldfmt{director} and
+\fieldfmt{year}. These will be ignored by \bibgls\ unless they're
+defined using \cs{glsaddkey} or \cs{glsaddstoragekey} or if they're
+aliased with \csopt{field-aliases}.
+This example file references entries defined in \exfile{books.bib}
+through the use of the special
+\glsdisp{idx.idprefix.extn}{\idprefixfmt{ext1}} prefix.
+To avoid a label conflict \exfile{films.bib} prefixes all labels
+with \idprefixfmt{film} rather than relying on \csopt{label-prefix}.
+This ensures that both \exfile{books.bib} and \exfile{films.bib}
+can be loaded in the same resource set (otherwise they'd have to be
+loaded in separate resource sets with different prefixes). Remember
+that you can use \gls{glsxtrnewgls}. For example:
+This means you can do, for example, just \verb|\film{bladerunner}|
+if you want to reference a film without worrying about the prefix.
+As with all the example files, there are other ways in which
+to specify the data, depending on your requirements. For example,
+the \fieldfmt{director} field could use \BibTeX's contributor syntax
+(as the \fieldfmt{cast} field does). Some of
+the films actually had more than one director but only one is listed
+per film in this sample file for simplicity. Similarly, the
+\fieldfmt{cast} field only contains the principle actors rather than the
+complete list. The book on which the film is based
+could be contained in a cross-reference field or a custom
+\fieldfmt{basedon} field.
+The book \qt{Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?}\ referenced at the end
+of the \qt{Blade Runner} film's \field{description} ends with
+a question mark. (Similarly for \qt{Why Didn't They Ask Evans?})
+If the \field{description} field is simply set as:
+\field{description}=\marg{a film starring Harrison Ford, Rutger Hauer
+ and Sean Young loosely based on the novel
+ \cs{gls}\marg{ext1.doandroidsdreamofelectricsheep}},
+then the \styopt{postdot} package option will produce an odd
+result as the inserted \idx{full-stop} immediately follows the question
+mark. This is an awkward situation. One possibility is to explicitly
+put the \idx{full-stop} at the end of the \field{description} field for all the
+other entries and omit it for the problematic entries, but this
+interferes with the possibility of a category-dependent
+Another option is to put \ics{nopostdesc} in the
+problematic entries. For example:
+\field{description}=\marg{a film starring Harrison Ford, Rutger Hauer
+ and Sean Young loosely based on the novel
+ \cs{gls}\marg{ext1.doandroidsdreamofelectricsheep}\cs{nopostdesc}},
+Be careful with this as it will completely suppress the
+A third possibility is to use \ics{glsxtrnopostpunc} instead:
+\field{description}=\marg{a film starring Harrison Ford, Rutger Hauer
+ and Sean Young loosely based on the novel
+ \cs{gls}\marg{ext1.doandroidsdreamofelectricsheep}\cs{glsxtrnopostpunc}},
+This doesn't interfere with the \idx{postdescriptionhook} but if a hook
+is provided the post-punctuation may then be required. In both of
+the above two cases, \csopt{strip-trailing-nopost} could be used
+to remove the suppression commands from the \field{description}
+fields if a hook is defined. However this doesn't deal with hooks
+that only conditionally append text.
+The best solution is with \styfmt{glossaries-extra} v1.23+ which
+provides \ics{glsxtrrestorepostpunc} for use in the category
+\idxpl{postdescriptionhook} that counteracts \cs{glsxtrnopostpunc}.
+This can be placed inside a conditional, as used in
+\exfile{sample-media.tex}, and does nothing if \cs{glsxtrnopostpunc}
+doesn't occur in the \field{description} field. (Note that
+\cs{glsxtrrestorepostpunc} can't be used to counteract
+\cs{nopostdesc}, since that completely suppresses the hook.)
+The contents of \filefmt{films.bib} are as follows:
+The \exfile{citations.bib} file is actually a \BibTeX\ file, but it
+can be parsed by \bibgls\ if the \BibTeX\ entry types are converted
+to \atentry{bibtexentry}, which can easily be done with:
+The field names will also need to be defined or aliased. For
+If \bibgls\ is then run with \longarg{cite-as-record} any
+\ics{citation} commands found in the \ext{aux} file will be treated
+as ignored records. The \atentry{preamble} provides a formatting
+command that's used by both \BibTeX\ and \bibgls, so \cs{providecommand}
+is required rather than \cs{newcommand} as it will appear in both
+the \iext{bbl} and the \iext{glstex} files. (In general it's best to
+use \cs{providecommand} rather than \cs{newcommand} in the
+\atentry{preamble} but in this case it's essential.)
+The contents of \filefmt{citations.bib} are as follows:
+The \exfile{mathgreek.bib} file contains Greek letters for use in
+maths mode. These are all defined with \atentry{symbol}, which means
+that by default the \field{sort} field will be obtained from the
+label not from the \field{name} field. However, if you want to sort
+by the \field{name} field (for example, with \csopt[name]{sort-field})
+the \TeX\ parser library recognises all the mathematical Greek letter commands
+provided in the \LaTeX\ kernel. Additionally it recognises
+\ics{omicron} which isn't provided by \LaTeX\ (the symbol can be
+reproduced with a \idx!{lowercase} Latin \qt{o}). Note that
+\isty{glossaries-extra-bib2gls} (\sty{glossaries-extra} v1.27+)
+provides all the missing Greek letters (such as \cs{omicron}).
+The \ext{bib} file could just use \code{o}:
+ \field{name}=\marg{\cs{ensuremath}\marg{o}},
+ \field{description}=\marg{omicron},
+ \fieldfmt{identifier}=\marg{mathgreek}
+but this means that if \bibgls\ sorts according to the \field{name}
+field using a letter sort, this entry will come before all the other
+Greek letters since the character \qt{o} has Unicode value \hex{6F}
+whereas, for example, mathematical italic small alpha ($\alpha$)
+has Unicode value \hex{1D6FC}. This means that for sorting purposes
+it's better to use \ics{omicron}:
+ \field{name}=\marg{\cs{ensuremath}\marg{\cs{omicron}}},
+ \field{description}=\marg{omicron},
+ \fieldfmt{identifier}=\marg{mathgreek}
+but \LaTeX\ needs a definition for this, so it's provided in the
+(With \sty{glossaries-extra} v1.27+, this is no longer needed.)
+The \TeX\ parser library and \sty{glossaries-extra-bib2gls}
+similarly provide the missing \idx!{uppercase}
+Greek letters, and these can be dealt with in the same way.
+The contents of \filefmt{mathgreek.bib} are as follows:
+The \exfile{bigmathsymbols.bib} file contains mathematical symbols
+that have a large version in display mode. As with
+\exfile{mathgreek.bib} the entries are defined using
+\atentry{symbol}. This example file requires the \isty{stix} package
+as not all of the commands are provided by the \LaTeX\ kernel.
+This file also has a preamble:
+ \idx{mshiftchar}\ics{displaystyle}\idx{param}1\ics{textstyle}\idx{param}1\idx{mshiftchar}}
+The first command \inlinedef{bigoperatornamefmt}
+is used in the \field{name} field to display both the in-line and display
+versions of the symbol. The \TeX\ parser library only has a limited ability to
+interpret this as not all the symbols have Unicode in-line and large versions.
+In some cases, such as the integral symbol $\int$, there is only a small
+version. (A large version would require construction from \hex{2320},
+\hex{23AE} and \hex{2321}, which is too complicated in this context.)
+However, the interpreter works well enough to guess at the widest
+name if \csopt{set-widest} is used. There's no advantage in sorting
+according to the \field{name} field here, unless a custom rule is
+provided, as the Unicode symbols are scattered about different
+blocks. Better approaches are to sort according to document use
+(\csopt[use]{sort}) or to sort according to the \field{description}
+The other custom command is \inlinedef{nary} to provide semantic markup for
+\qt{$n$-ary}. This could be defined without an argument:
+but providing an argument will allow \code{\csfmt{nary}\marg{n}} to work
+with first letter upper-casing in the event that the
+\field{description} field has a case-change applied (otherwise
+it would end up as \qt{$N$-ARY}). Of course, it may be that no case-change
+should be applied, but this example is just for illustrative purposes.
+As with the other sample \ext{bib} files, each entry is given a
+custom \fieldfmt{identifier} field, which by default will be
+ignored. In this case, \fieldfmt{identifier} is either set to
+\code{naryoperator} (for $n$-ary operators) or \code{integral}
+for integrals.
+The contents of \filefmt{bigmathsymbols.bib} are as follows:
+The \exfile{mathsrelations.bib} file contains mathematical
+relational symbols. These use the maths shift character
+\idx{mshiftchar} in the \field{name} field and just the symbol in
+the \field{text} field. This just illustrates an alternative way of
+defining symbols. Since \ics{ensuremath} isn't used, commands like
+\cs{gls} must be explicitly placed in maths mode. For example,
+\code{\idx{mshiftchar}\cs{gls}\marg{leq}\idx{mshiftchar}} rather than simply
+\code{\cs{gls}\marg{leq}}. The custom \fieldfmt{identifier} field is
+set to \code{relation}.
+The contents of \filefmt{mathsrelations.bib} are as follows:
+The \exfile{binaryoperators.bib} file contains mathematical binary
+operators. The format is much like the above
+\exfile{mathsrelations.bib} file. The custom \fieldfmt{identifier}
+field is set to \code{binaryoperator}.
+The contents of \filefmt{binaryoperators.bib} are as follows:
+The \exfile{unaryoperators.bib} file contains mathematical unary
+operators. As above, this again uses \atentry{symbol} to define the symbols,
+but in this case \ics{ensuremath} is used in the \field{name}
+field and there's no \field{text} field. I've also used \ics{mathord}
+to ensure the symbol is treated as a unary (rather than binary)
+operator, except for the \ics{forall} entry which is already defined as an
+ordinary maths symbol.
+The contents of \filefmt{unaryoperators.bib} are as follows:
+The \exfile{mathsobjects.bib} file contains entries related to
+mathematical objects (sets, spaces, vectors and matrices). This
+provides some custom formatting commands in the preamble:
+which is used to format \meta{symbol} as a set,
+which is used to format the set contents,
+which is used to format the set membership criteria,
+which is used to format the cardinality of a set,
+(Note this uses \ics{vert} not \textbar\ as in some of the earlier
+which is used to format \meta{symbol} as a number space,
+which is used to format matrix and vector transposes,
+which is used to format inverses,
+which is used to format \meta{symbol} as a vector, and
+which is used to format \meta{symbol} as a matrix.
+These commands are intended for use with \gls{glsxtrfmt},
+but \gls!{setmembershipfmt} causes a problem as it has two
+arguments and \gls{glsxtrfmt} requires the control sequence to
+have exactly one argument. This means employing a little trick.
+A command with just one argument is provided:
+that requires the actual two arguments to be supplied inside
+\code{\idx!{param}1}. The outer grouping is removed and the two-argument
+\gls!{setmembershipfmt} command is applied:
+This means that the entry needs to be referenced in the document
+The simplest thing to do here is to provide a wrapper command in the
+document, for example:
+Now this can be used as:
+There are essentially two types of entry defined in this file:
+entries that demonstrate the formatting for the objects
+and entries that represent specific objects. In the first case
+there's a custom \fieldfmt{format} field
+that's set to the control sequence name of the relevant semantic
+command. If this field is defined or aliased then it can be used
+with \gls!{glsxtrfmt} (as in the example above).
+In both cases there's a custom \fieldfmt{identifier} field that
+reflects the type of object: \code{set} for sets,
+\code{numberspace} for number spaces,
+\code{matrix} for matrices or vectors.
+Be careful with the set cardinality example. Remember that nested
+links cause problems and the \sty{glossaries-extra} manual advises
+against using commands like \cs{gls} or \gls!{glsxtrfmt} within
+link text and that includes within the \meta{text} argument of
+\gls!{glsxtrfmt}. See \exfile{sample-maths.tex} for suggested
+Some of the \field{description} fields use \gls!{sortart}, so
+\exfile{no-interpret-preamble.bib} and
+\exfile{interpret-preamble.bib} are also needed.
+The contents of \filefmt{mathsobjects.bib} are as follows:
+The \exfile{miscsymbols.bib} file contains text symbols provided
+by the \isty{marvosym} and \isty{ifsym} packages. The \sty{ifsym}
+package needs to be loaded with the \styoptfmt{weather} option
+to provide the weather commands. Unfortunately both packages define
+\csfmt{Sun} and \csfmt{Lightning}, which causes a conflict. See
+\exfile{sample-textsymbols.tex} for a workaround. Alternatively,
+you can load \sty{ifsym} without the \styoptfmt{weather} option
+and use the internal definition of \sty{ifsym}'s \csfmt{Sun}
+and \csfmt{Lightning} commands:
+ \fieldfmt{icon}=\marg{\ics{textweathersymbol}\marg{16}},
+ \fieldfmt{description}=\marg{sunny},
+ \fieldfmt{identifier}=\marg{weather}
+ \fieldfmt{icon}=\marg{\cs{textweathersymbol}\marg{26}},
+ \field{description}=\marg{thunderstorm},
+ \fieldfmt{identifier}=\marg{weather}
+This removes the conflict, and \csfmt{Sun} and \csfmt{Lightning}
+are as defined by \sty{marvosym}.
+This file uses a custom entry type \atentryfmt{icon}, which must be
+aliased to a recognised entry identifier otherwise the entries will
+all be ignored. For example:
+There are three types of symbols defined: media controls, information
+and weather. They have the custom \fieldfmt{identifier}
+field set to \code{mediacontrol}, \code{information} and
+\code{weather}, respectively. There are two other custom fields:
+\fieldfmt{icon} and \fieldfmt{icondescription}. These will need to
+be aliased to \field{name} and \field{description}.
+Neither of these packages are recognised by \bibgls, which means
+that \csopt{set-widest} won't be able to determine the widest name
+nor is this data suitable for sorting according to the
+\fieldfmt{icon} field (or its alias). Instead, either sort by label
+(which is the default for \atentry{symbol}) or by the
+\field{description}. If you want to use one of the
+\glostyle{alttree} styles you can still use \csopt{set-widest}, but
+it will have to use the fallback command. Alternatively, you can
+omit \csopt{set-widest} and explicitly use
+The contents of \filefmt{miscsymbols.bib} are as follows:
+The \exfile{markuplanguages.bib} file includes a mixture of
+\atentry{entry} and \atentry{abbreviation} definitions. A~custom
+command is provided in \atentry{preamble} to tag the letters
+in the \field{long} field that are used to form the abbreviation.
+This simply does its argument and is provided in case it's not set
+up in the document. If you do want to enable tagging using
+\ics{GlsXtrEnableInitialTagging}, remember that this command must be
+used before the abbreviations are defined, which means before
+the resource file is input with \gls{GlsXtrLoadResources}.
+Similarly, the abbreviation style must be set before the
+abbreviations are defined.
+For convenience \atentry{string} is also used to define a \ext{bib}
+variable, which may be appended to fields using the \ext{bib}
+concatenation character \idx{stringconcat}. As with the other sample
+\ext{bib} files, there's a custom field \fieldfmt{identifier}
+which will be ignored unless defined or aliased.
+The empty braces at the start some of the fields are there to
+protect against first letter uppercasing within \TeX, where it might cause a
+problem. (For example, with the \catattr{glossname} attribute.)
+The contents of \filefmt{markuplanguages.bib} are as follows:
+The \exfile{usergroups.bib} file requires either \XeLaTeX\ or
+\LuaLaTeX\ as some of the entry labels use \idx{non-ASCII} characters.
+This file has a mixture of \atentry{abbreviation} and
+\atentry{index} entries. It also uses \atentry{string} for
+convenience and provides a custom command \csfmt{dash} in
+\atentry{preamble}. Each entry is the name of a \TeX\ user group:
+the international \idx{TUG} and all the local groups.
+Most of them have an abbreviated name, so they're defined with
+\atentry{abbreviation}. There are a few without an abbreviation, so
+they're defined with \atentry{index} instead. There's one alias.
+(The information was obtained from \idx{TUG}['s]
+\href{}{user groups
+As with the other examples, there are some custom fields which will
+be ignored if they aren't defined or aliased: \fieldfmt{identifier}
+(set to \code{texusergroup}), \fieldfmt{language} (a comma-separated
+list of language tags) and \fieldfmt{translation} (provides a
+translation if the user group name isn't in English).
+Not all entries have a \fieldfmt{translation} field. It it's
+omitted, then the user group name is in English, otherwise it's
+in the first language listed in the \fieldfmt{language} field.
+Most of the language tags are just the ISO 639-1 language code, but
+a few of them include the ISO 3166-1 region code as well.
+The contents of \filefmt{usergroups.bib} are as follows:
+% Encoding: UTF-8
+% Requires XeLaTeX/LuaLaTeX for non-ASCII labels
+@string{tug={\TeX\ Users Group}}
+ short={TUG},
+ long=tug,
+ language={en},
+ identifier={texusergroup}
+ short={bgTeX},
+ long={Bulgarian \LaTeX\ Users Group},
+ language={bg},
+ identifier={texusergroup}
+ short={latex-br},
+ long={Grupo de Usuários},
+ language={pt-BR},
+ identifier={texusergroup},
+ translation={Brazilian }#tug
+ short={CTeX},
+ long={Chinese \TeX\ Society},
+ identifier={texusergroup},
+ language={zh}
+ short={CSTUG},
+ long={|Československé sdružení uživatelů TeXu|, z.~s.},
+ language={cs},
+ identifier={texusergroup},
+ translation={Czech Republic }#tug
+ short={DANTE e.V.},
+ long={Deutschsprachige Anwendervereinigung \TeX\ e.V.},
+ language={de},
+ identifier={texusergroup},
+ translation={German Speaking }#tug
+ short={DK-TUG},
+ long={Danish }#tug,
+ language={da},
+ identifier={texusergroup}
+ name={Estonian User Group},
+ language={et},
+ identifier={texusergroup}
+ short={CervanTeX},
+ long={Grupo de Usuarios de \TeX\ Hispanohablantes},
+ language={es},
+ identifier={texusergroup},
+ translation={Spanish Speaking }#tug
+ short={Tirant lo \TeX},
+ long={Catalan }#tug,
+ language={ca},
+ identifier={texusergroup}
+ short={GUTenberg},
+ long={Groupe francophone des utilisateurs de \TeX},
+ language={fr},
+ identifier={texusergroup},
+ translation={French Speaking }#tug
+ short={UK-TUG},
+ long={UK }#tug,
+ language={en-GB},
+ identifier={texusergroup}
+@abbreviation{|\greekmono ɛϕτ|,
+ short={|\greekmono ɛϕτ|},
+ long={|\greekmono Σύλλογος Ελλήνων Φίλων του| \TeX},
+ language={el},
+ identifier={texusergroup},
+ translation={Greek \TeX\ Friends}
+ short={MaTeX},
+ long={Magyar \TeX\ Egyesület},
+ language={hu},
+ identifier={texusergroup},
+ translation={Hungarian }#tug
+ short={ITALIC},
+ long={Irish \TeX\ and \LaTeX\ In-print Community},
+ language={en-IE,en-GB},
+ identifier={texusergroup}
+ short={ÍsTeX},
+ long={Vefur íslenskra \TeX\ notenda},
+ language={is},
+ identifier={texusergroup},
+ translation={Icelandic }#tug
+ short={GuIT},
+ long={Gruppo Utilizzatori Italiani di \TeX},
+ language={it},
+ identifier={texusergroup},
+ translation={Italian }#tug
+ short={KTS},
+ identifier={texusergroup},
+ long={Korean \TeX\ Society},
+ language={ko}
+ alias={KTS},
+ identifier={texusergroup}
+ name={Lietuvos \TeX'o |Vartotojų Grupė|},
+ language={lt},
+ identifier={texusergroup},
+ translation={Lithuanian }#tug
+ name={\TeX\ México},
+ language={es-MX},
+ identifier={texusergroup},
+ translation={Mexican }#tug
+ short={NTG},
+ long={Nederlandstalige \TeX\ Gebruikersgroep},
+ language={nl},
+ identifier={texusergroup},
+ translation={Netherlands }#tug
+ name={Nordic \TeX\ Users Group},
+ language={da,et,fi,fo,is,nb,nn,sv},
+ identifier={texusergroup}
+ short={GUST},
+ long={Polska Grupa |Użytkowników| Systemu \TeX},
+ language={pl},
+ identifier={texusergroup},
+ translation={Polish }#tug
+ short={GUTpt},
+ long={Grupo de Utilizadores de \TeX},
+ language={pt},
+ identifier={texusergroup},
+ translation={Portuguese }#tug
+ short={VietTUG},
+ long={Vietnamese }#tug,
+ language={vi},
+ identifier={texusergroup}
+ short={LUGSA},
+ long={\LaTeX\ User Group\dash South Africa},
+ language={en-ZA},
+ identifier={texusergroup}
+The \exfile{animals.bib} file contains entries defined using
+\atentry{entry}. As with the above example \ext{bib} files, there's
+a custom \fieldfmt{identifier} field that will be ignored unless
+defined or aliased.
+The contents of \filefmt{animals.bib} are as follows:
+The \exfile{minerals.bib} file contains entries defined using
+\atentry{entry}. As with the above example \ext{bib} files, there's
+a custom \fieldfmt{identifier} field that will be ignored unless
+defined or aliased.
+The contents of \filefmt{minerals.bib} are as follows:
+The \exfile{vegetables.bib} file contains entries defined using
+\atentry{entry} and an entry defined with \atentry{index} with just
+the \field{alias} field. As with the above example \ext{bib} files, there's
+a custom \fieldfmt{identifier} field that will be ignored unless
+defined or aliased.
+The contents of \filefmt{vegetables.bib} are as follows:
+The \exfile{terms.bib} file contains entries defined using
+\atentry{index}. Unlike the above sample \ext{bib} files, there
+are no custom fields here.
+The contents of \filefmt{terms.bib} are as follows:
+The \exfile{topics.bib} file contains entries defined using
+\atentry{index}. Again there are no custom fields here.
+The contents of \filefmt{topics.bib} are as follows:
+This example uses the \exfile{constants.bib} file. The aim here
+is to just have a list of all the constants defined in the \ext{bib}
+file. (There are no references in the document.) This means I need
+to use:
+in order to select all entries. I also need to alias the custom
+\atentryfmt{constant} entry type otherwise all the entries will be
+ignored. I decided to make \atentryfmt{constant} behave like
+\atentry{number} for semantic reasons:
+The custom fields also need aliasing:
+ \fieldfmt{identifier}=\field{category},
+ \fieldfmt{constantsymbol}=\field{name},
+ \fieldfmt{constantname}=\field{description},
+ \fieldfmt{value}=\field{user1},
+ \fieldfmt{definition}=\field{user2},
+ \fieldfmt{alternative}=\field{user3},
+I decided to use the \glostyle{altlist} style, so I've instructed
+\bibgls\ to determine the widest name:
+It's always a good idea to specify the glossary type when using
+\csopt{set-widest}, although in this example there's only one
+glossary so it doesn't make much difference.
+I decided to order the constants according to their (approximate)
+numerical value. I've aliased the custom \fieldfmt{value} field to
+\field{user1}, so I can sort by that field using a numerical
+There are three entries without the \fieldfmt{user1} field (as the
+custom \fieldfmt{value} field is missing in the \ext{bib} file):
+\code{zero}, \code{one} and \code{imaginary}. In the case of
+\code{zero} and \code{one} the exact value can be obtained from the
+\field{name} field. Since I've change the default \csopt{sort-field}, I
+can't use \csopt{symbol-sort-fallback}. Instead I need to use:
+What happens with the \code{imaginary} entry? It has no real
+representation. The transcript (\ext{glg}) file shows the message:
+Warning: Can't parse sort value 'i' for: imaginary
+With the numerical sort methods, if the field can't be parsed the
+value defaults to 0. This means that both \code{zero} and
+\code{imaginary} have 0 as the sort value, so the
+\csopt{identical-sort-action} is implemented. The default setting
+means that \bibgls\ will fallback on comparing the entry labels, so
+\code{imaginary} comes before \code{zero}.
+Since I'm just using the \glostyle{alttree} style, I only need
+\sty{glossary-tree}. I can improve efficiency in the document build
+by preventing the other glossary style packages from being loaded
+using the \styopt{nostyles} package option. This also prevents
+\sty{glossary-tree} from being loaded, but I can both load it and
+patch the styles with \sty{glossaries-extra-stylemods} through the
+option \styopt[tree]{stylemods}. Since the default \glostyle{list}
+style is no longer available, I need to set a new default with
+\styopt[alttree]{style}. I also want to automatically insert a
+\idx{full-stop} after the description, which can be done with
+\styopt{postdot}. Don't forget that the \styopt{record} option is
+always needed when using \bibgls. This means that the
+\sty{glossaries-extra} package needs to be loaded as follows:
+ \marg{glossaries-extra}
+I've assigned the custom \fieldfmt{constantname} field to the
+\field{description} field and the custom \fieldfmt{constantsymbol} field to the
+\field{name} field. This means that by default the glossary list
+will just show the symbolic representation and the constant's name.
+I'd like to append the value and definition after the description.
+With the base \sty{glossaries} package this would require defining a
+new glossary style but with \sty{glossaries-extra} it can easily be
+achieved through the \idx{postdescriptionhook}.
+I've aliased the custom \fieldfmt{identifier} field to
+\field{category}, which means that all the entries will have the
+\field{category} set to \code{constant}. The
+\idx{postdescriptionhook} is obtained from
+\idx{glsxtrpostdesccategory}, so I need to define
+the command \csfmt{glsxtrpostdescconstant}. A simple definition is:
+ \cs{space} (approximately \cs{glsentryuseri}\marg{\cs{glscurrententrylabel}})\comment{}
+ : \cs{glsentryuserii}\marg{\cs{glscurrententrylabel}}\comment{}
+This is fine if all entries have the \field{user1} and \field{user2}
+fields set. A more generic approach tests for the existence of these
+fields. This can either be done with \ics{ifglshasfield}:
+ \cs{ifglshasfield}\marg{\field{user1}}\marg{\cs{glscurrententrylabel}}\comment{}
+ \marg{ (approximately \cs{glscurrentfieldvalue})}\comment{}
+ \marg{}\comment{}
+ \cs{ifglshasfield}\marg{\field{user2}}\marg{\cs{glscurrententrylabel}}\comment{}
+ \marg{: \cs{glscurrentfieldvalue}}\comment{}
+ \marg{}\comment{}
+or with \ics{glsxtrifhasfield}:
+ \cs{glsxtrifhasfield}\marg{\field{useri}}\marg{\cs{glscurrententrylabel}}\comment{}
+ \marg{ (approximately \cs{glscurrentfieldvalue})}\comment{}
+ \marg{}\comment{}
+ \cs{glsxtrifhasfield}\marg{\field{userii}}\marg{\cs{glscurrententrylabel}}\comment{}
+ \marg{: \cs{glscurrentfieldvalue}}\comment{}
+ \marg{}\comment{}
+(Note the need to use the internal field label \field{useri} and
+\field{userii} with \ics{glsxtrifhasfield}.)
+A modification can be made to also show the alternative
+representation (obtained from the custom \fieldfmt{alternative}
+field which has been aliased to \field{user3}):
+ \cs{glsxtrifhasfield}\marg{\field{useriii}}\marg{\cs{glscurrententrylabel}}\comment{}
+ \marg{ (also denoted \cs{glscurrentfieldvalue}
+ \cs{glsxtrifhasfield}\marg{\field{useri}}\marg{\cs{glscurrententrylabel}}\comment{}
+ \marg{, approximately \cs{glscurrentfieldvalue}}\comment{}
+ \marg{}\comment{}
+ )\comment{}
+ }\comment{}
+ \marg{\comment{}
+ \cs{glsxtrifhasfield}\marg{\field{useri}}\marg{\cs{glscurrententrylabel}}\comment{}
+ \marg{ (approximately \cs{glscurrentfieldvalue})}\comment{}
+ \marg{}\comment{}
+ }\comment{}
+ \cs{glsxtrifhasfield}\marg{\field{userii}}\marg{\cs{glscurrententrylabel}}\comment{}
+ \marg{: \cs{glscurrentfieldvalue}}\comment{}
+ \marg{}\comment{}
+If you have at least \styfmt{glossaries-extra} v1.31, it's better to use:
+instead of:
+as it can guard against accidental misspelling of the \code{glsxtrpostdesc}
+part of the command name.
+The complete code is listed below. The document build is:
+pdflatex sample-constants
+bib2gls sample-constants
+pdflatex sample-constants
+The complete document is shown in \figureref{fig:sample-constants.pdf}.
+ \frame{\includegraphics[height=.9\textheight]{../examples/sample-constants.pdf}}%
+This example just uses the \exfile{chemicalformula.bib} file. The aim here
+is to have a list of chemical formulae referenced in the document
+but not have a number list. I could use the \styopt{nonumberlist}
+package option to suppress the number list display, but it's more
+efficient to instruct \bibgls\ to not save the number list with:
+All entries are defined in \exfile{chemicalformula.bib} using
+a custom entry type \atentryfmt{chemical} which needs to be aliased
+in order for the entries to be recognised:
+Additionally, the entries only have custom fields, so these also
+need to be aliased. In this case I want the formula in the \field{name} field
+and the chemical name in the \field{description} field:
+The \atentry{symbol} entry type falls back on the label for the
+\field{sort} value by default, but I've decided
+to fallback on the \field{name} field for sorting:
+An alternative approach would simply be to alias
+\atentryfmt{chemical} to \atentry{entry} instead.
+Since the \field{name} field contains chemical formulae rather than
+words, it makes more sense to use one of the letter sort methods
+rather than a locale collator. In this case the names contain
+mixtures of letters and numbers, so one of the letter-number sort
+methods (listed in \tableref{tab:sortoptionsletternumber}) would be
+I want to use the \glostyle{alttreegroup} style (provided by
+\sty{glossary-tree}). Since I don't require the other style
+packages, I've used \styopt{nostyles} to suppress the automatic
+loading and \styopt[tree]{stylemods} to both load
+\sty{glossary-tree} and patch it. The \glostyle{alttreegroup} style
+needs to know the widest name, so I've use \csopt{set-widest} for
+convenience. The default behaviour of the tree styles is to
+format the name in bold. This is done through the command
+\ics{glstreenamefmt} which is defined as:
+The group headings use \ics{glstreegroupheaderfmt} which defaults to
+\cs{glstreenamefmt}. Since I want to keep bold headings, I need to
+redefine this as well:
+(For a more compact layout, you could use \glostyle{mcolalttreegroup}
+I also need the \longarg{group} switch to make the sort method
+automatically assign letter groups.
+The complete code is listed below. The document build is:
+pdflatex sample-chemical
+bib2gls --group sample-chemical
+pdflatex sample-chemical
+The complete document is shown in \figureref{fig:sample-chemical.pdf}.
+ \frame{\includegraphics[height=.9\textheight]{../examples/sample-chemical.pdf}}%
+This example just uses the \exfile{bacteria.bib} file. The aim here
+is to have a simple list of the bacteria referenced in the document.
+Bacteria names are often shown in the long form on first use
+(without the short form) and then the short form on subsequent use.
+This can easily be done with the \abbrstyle{long-only-short-only}
+style. Bacteria are usually typeset in italic. It's best to create a
+semantic command for this:
+There are two methods to apply this to the bacteria entries. The
+first is to redefine the formatting commands used by the
+\abbrstyle{long-only-short-only} style:
+This is fine if I don't intend to use this style for other types of
+abbreviations. However, I may decide to extend the document at a
+later date to include other abbreviations that need
+\abbrstyle{long-only-short-only} but shouldn't be emphasized.
+This can be done through the use of \idxpl{categoryattribute}.
+The font used for the \field{name} in the glossary is governed by
+the \catattr{glossnamefont} attribute, the font used for the
+\field{description} in the glossary is governed by the
+\catattr{glossdescfont} attribute and the font used by commands like
+\cs{gls} in the document is governed by the \catattr{textformat}
+attribute (\styfmt{glossaries-extra} v1.21+). So if I set
+the \field{category} to \code{bacteria} then I can do:
+and (if the \field{description} field is displayed in the glossary):
+(Note that the attribute value is the control sequence name without
+the initial backslash.)
+I'd like to use the \glostyle{bookindex} style, which is
+provided by the \sty{glossary-bookindex}
+is distributed with \styfmt{glossaries-extra} v1.21+.} This isn't loaded
+automatically, but it can be loaded through the
+\styopt{stylemods} package option:
+\cmd{usepackage}[\styopt{record},\comment{use bib2gls}
+ \styopt{nostyles},\comment{don't load default style packages}
+ \styopt[bookindex]{stylemods},\comment{load glossary-bookindex.sty and patch styles}
+ \styopt[bookindex]{style}]\marg{glossaries-extra}
+I've used the \styopt{nostyles} package option to suppress loading
+the default style packages, since I'm not using them. If you inspect
+the \ext{log} file, you may notice that \sty{glossary-tree} is still
+loaded. This is because it's required by \sty{glossary-bookindex}
+as the \glostyle{bookindex} style is based on the \glostyle{index}
+style provided by \sty{glossary-tree}.
+With this style I need to use the \longarg{group} switch to instruct
+the sort method to automatically create the letter groups.
+The \glostyle{bookindex} style doesn't show the \field{description}
+field (which means I don't need the \catattr{glossdescfont}
+attribute) and, since the \abbrstyle{long-only-short-only} style sets
+the \field{name} to the short form by default, only the short form
+will show in the glossary. I'd rather it was just the long form.
+This could simply be done using \csopt{replicate-fields} to copy the
+\field{long} field to the \field{name} field:
+Again, I want to consider the possibility of adding other types of
+abbreviations and this might not be appropriate for them (for
+example, I might want some abbreviations with the long form followed
+by the short form in parentheses). Another
+approach is to redefine \ics{glsxtrbookindexname} which is used by
+the \glostyle{bookindex} style to display the name. This takes the
+entry's label as the argument. The default definition is:
+This can be changed to test for the entry's category:
+ \ics{glsifcategory}\marg{\idx{param}1}\marg{bacteria}
+ \marg{\cs{glossentrynameother}\marg{\idx{param}1}\marg{\field{long}}}\comment{}
+ \marg{\cs{glossentryname}\marg{\idx{param}1}}\comment{}
+Note that I've used \ics{glossentrynameother} here rather than
+\ics{glsentrylong}. This ensures that it follows the same formatting
+as \ics{glossentryname} (so it will use \ics{glsnamefont} or the
+\catattr{glossnamefont} attribute, the \catattr{glossname}
+attribute, and the \idx{postnamehook}, if set). In this case it
+picks up the \catattr{glossnamefont} attribute, which is used
+instead of \cs{glsnamefont}.
+If the \field{sort} field is missing for abbreviation styles, the
+fallback value is the \field{short} field (not the \field{name}
+field). In this case it would be better to fallback on the
+\field{long} field instead, which can be done with the
+\csopt{abbreviation-sort-fallback} option:
+If I do add other types of abbreviations, they will all be sorted
+according to the \field{long} form, but at least this way I can have
+some \meta{long} (\meta{short}) names as well.
+The complete code is listed below. The document build is:
+pdflatex sample-bacteria
+bib2gls --group sample-bacteria
+pdflatex sample-bacteria
+This simple example only references entries on the first page so all
+entries just have~1 in the number list. The complete document is
+shown in \figureref{fig:sample-bacteria.pdf}.
+ \frame{\includegraphics[height=.9\textheight]{../examples/sample-bacteria.pdf}}%
+This example uses the \exfile{baseunits.bib} and
+\exfile{derivedunits.bib} files. The aim here is to have a glossary
+in two blocks: base units and derived units. This can be achieved by
+first loading \exfile{baseunits.bib} with \csopt{group} set to the
+desired group title (\qt{Base Units} in this case) and then load
+\exfile{derivedunits.bib} with the \csopt{group} set to the desired
+title (\qt{Derived Units} in this case). Remember that the
+\field{group} field needs to be used as a label. If the group title
+contains any problematic characters or commands, then it's better to
+use labels:
+for the first \idx{resourceset} and
+for the second, and then set the group titles:
+\gls{glsxtrsetgrouptitle}\marg{baseunits}\marg{Base Units}
+\gls{glsxtrsetgrouptitle}\marg{derivedunits}\marg{Derived Units}
+I've used this method to make it easier to adapt to other languages
+that may need extended characters in the group titles.
+The \csopt{group} option requires the \longarg{group} switch to
+ensure that the \field{group} field is correctly assigned.
+The \exfile{baseunits.bib} file use a custom entry type
+\atentryfmt{unit}, which must be aliased otherwise \bibgls\
+will ignore the entries. I decided to use \atentry{symbol} for
+semantic reasons:
+Similarly for the custom \atentryfmt{measurement} entry type in
+Remember that \atentry{symbol} uses the label as the default sort fallback,
+so I've changed it to use \field{name} instead:
+An alternative approach would be to alias \atentryfmt{unit}
+and \atentryfmt{measurement} to \atentry{entry} instead.
+Since there's no \csopt{type} set, all entries end up in the main
+glossary, but since there are two resource commands the glossary
+ends up with sorted blocks.
+The document doesn't include any commands like \cs{gls}, so
+I've use \csopt[all]{selection} to select all entries in the \ext{bib}
+files. There won't be any number lists since there are no records.
+I need a glossary style that shows the \field{symbol} field so I've
+used \glostyle{mcolindexgroup}. Again I've suppressed the automatic
+loading of the default styles with \styopt{nostyles} and used
+\styopt[mcols]{stylemods} to load \sty{glossary-mcols} and patch the
+styles. Note that although I've used \styopt{nostyles}, the
+\sty{glossary-tree} style is loaded as it's required by
+As with the previous example, the custom fields need to be aliased:
+ \fieldfmt{unitname}=\field{name},
+ \fieldfmt{unitsymbol}=\field{symbol},
+ \fieldfmt{measurement}=\field{description}
+The complete document code is listed below. The document build is:
+pdflatex sample-units1
+bib2gls --group sample-units1
+pdflatex sample-units1
+The complete document is shown in \figureref{fig:sample-units1.pdf}.
+ \frame{\includegraphics[height=.9\textheight]{../examples/sample-units1.pdf}}%
+This example is provided for comparison with
+\exfile{sample-units1.tex}. Instead of having a single glossary with
+sorted blocks this example has two glossaries:
+\ics{newglossary*}\marg{baseunits}\marg{Base Units}
+\cs{newglossary*}\marg{derivedunits}\marg{Derived Units}
+I've used the \styopt{section} package option to use \ics{section*} for the
+glossary titles. This overrides the default \ics{chapter*} which is
+used with book or report type of classes. I've also used the
+\styopt{nomain} option to suppress the creation of the main glossary
+as I want to define my own glossary types instead.
+As before the custom entry types need to be aliased:
+for the first \idx{resourceset} and
+for the second. Similarly for the custom entry fields:
+ \fieldfmt{unitname}=\field{name},
+ \fieldfmt{unitsymbol}=\field{symbol},
+ \fieldfmt{measurement}=\field{description}
+The \longarg{group} switch is needed to ensure that the
+\field{group} field is automatically assigned by the sort method.
+The complete document code is listed below. The document build is:
+pdflatex sample-units2
+bib2gls --group sample-units2
+pdflatex sample-units2
+The complete document is shown in \figureref{fig:sample-units2.pdf}.
+ \frame{\includegraphics[height=.9\textheight]{../examples/sample-units2.pdf}}%
+This is another example that uses the \exfile{baseunits.bib} and
+\exfile{derivedunits.bib} files. As before the custom fields need to be aliased:
+ \fieldfmt{unitname}=\field{name},
+ \fieldfmt{unitsymbol}=\field{symbol},
+ \fieldfmt{measurement}=\field{description}
+This time I want two glossaries containing all the units (base and
+derived) where the first glossary is ordered by name and the second
+is ordered by symbol. This can be done with a single resource
+command that instructs \bibgls\ to make the custom \atentryfmt{unit}
+and \atentryfmt{measurement} entry types behave like
+ unit=dualsymbol,
+ measurement=dualsymbol
+This causes the \field{name} and \field{symbol} fields to be swapped in the
+dual list. Remember that the fallback for the \field{sort} field is the label
+for the symbol entry types so I need \csopt[\field{name}]{symbol-sort-fallback}
+to fallback on \field{name} field instead. (Alternative, I could just sort by
+the \field{name} field instead using \csopt[\field{name}]{sort-field}.)
+The primary entries can still be sorted according to the default
+locale collator, but the dual entries need a sort method that's
+better suited to symbols. Fortunately, \bibgls\ has some (very
+limited) support for \isty{siunitx} and is able to interpret
+the \ics{si} commands in the sample \ext{bib} files. Since
+\idxpl{SIunit} are a mix of letters and numbers I've used one of the
+letter-number methods listed in
+I've decided to define a custom style for the first glossary. Since
+it's based on the \glostyle{long3col-booktabs} style I need to
+load \sty{glossary-longbooktabs}, which can conveniently be done with
+the \styopt{stylemods} option. This uses \env{longtable} (provided
+by \sty{longtable}, which is automatically loaded) which means
+an extra \LaTeX\ call is required in the build process to ensure the
+column widths are correct. Again I'm using \styopt{nostyles} to
+suppress the automatic loading of the default styles, however
+\sty{glossary-tree} will be loaded as it's listed in the value of
+\styopt{stylemods} and \sty{glossary-long} will be loaded as it's
+required by \sty{glossary-longbooktabs}. I can't use my custom style
+in the \styopt{style} package option as it hasn't been defined at
+that point. The default \glostyle{list} style is now unavailable
+since \styopt{nostyles} has prevented it from being defined, so
+I've used \styopt[alttree]{style} to ensure there's a valid default
+Since my custom style is based on one of the long styles, I need to
+set the length register \ics{glsdescwidth} to adjust the width of
+the description column:
+The \glostyle{long3col-booktabs} style sets up a three column
+\env{longtable} so I just need to adjust the table header (to rename
+the column headers) and the way each row is formatted:
+\ics{newglossarystyle}\marg{units}\comment{style name}
+\marg{\comment{base it on \glostyle{long3col-booktabs}}
+ \ics{setglossarystyle}\marg{long3col-booktabs}\comment{}
+ \cs{renewcommand}*\marg{\ics{glossaryheader}}\marg{\comment{}
+ \ics{toprule}
+ \ics{bfseries} Name \idx{colsep}
+ \cs{bfseries} Measurement \idx{colsep}
+ \cs{bfseries} Symbol
+ \ics{tabularnewline}\ics{midrule}\ics{endhead}
+ \ics{bottomrule}\ics{endfoot}}\comment{}
+\comment{main entries:}
+ \cs{renewcommand}\marg{\ics{glossentry}}[2]\marg{\comment{}
+ \ics{glsentryitem}\marg{\idx{param}\idx{param}1}\ics{glstarget}\marg{\idx{param}\idx{param}1}\marg{\cs{glossentryname}\marg{\idx{param}\idx{param}1}} \idx{colsep}
+ \cs{glossentrydesc}\marg{\idx{param}\idx{param}1}\ics{glspostdescription} \idx{colsep}
+ \cs{glossentrysymbol}\marg{\idx{param}\idx{param}1}\cs{tabularnewline}
+ }\comment{}
+There are no sub-entries in this document so I haven't bothered to
+redefine \ics{subglossentry}. (The tabular styles aren't appropriate
+for hierarchical glossaries.) This puts the symbol into the third
+column (rather than the location list, which is ignored).
+This style supports the letter group separator (although it doesn't
+title the groups), so if I want this I need to use the
+\longarg{group} switch.
+I also need to make sure I've defined a glossary for the dual
+\cs{newglossary*}\marg{units}\marg{Units of Measurement (by SI unit)}
+and specify the glossary types for the primary and dual entries:
+The complete document code is listed below. The document build is:
+pdflatex sample-units3
+bib2gls --group sample-units3
+pdflatex sample-units3
+pdflatex sample-units3
+The two pages of the document are shown in
+This example uses the sample files \exfile{books.bib},
+\exfile{films.bib}, \exfile{no-interpret-preamble.bib} and
+\exfile{interpret-preamble.bib}. The aim is to produce a combined
+list of books and films in a single glossary. The films are based on
+some of the books so some of the entries have the same name. The
+default setting for identical sort values is
+\csopt[id]{identical-sort-action}, which means that the ordering for
+the duplicate names is based on the entry labels. This can lead to
+the odd effect of sometimes having the film listed first
+(\code{film.thebigsleep} comes before \code{thebigsleep}) and
+sometimes having the book listed first (\code{brightonrock} comes
+before \code{film.brightonrock}).
+One possible solution would be to also assign prefixes for the book
+labels, but \csopt{label-prefix} is applied to all primary entries
+for the given resource set and can't be applied selectively, so this
+would require editing the \exfile{books.bib} file.
+A more consistent approach would be to fallback on the category.
+This means that the \field{category} field needs to be set. There
+are two simple ways to achieve this: use \csopt[same as base]{category}
+(which sets the \field{category} to \code{books} for entries in
+\exfile{books.bib} and to \code{films} for entries in
+\exfile{films.bib}) or alias the custom \fieldfmt{identifier} field to
+\field{category}. I've chosen the latter method and also provided
+aliases for the custom \fieldfmt{year} and \fieldfmt{cast} fields:
+This ensures that books always come before films with the same
+title. An oddity is the film \qt{Whisky Galore!}\ which is one
+character different from the book \qt{Whisky Galore} but the default
+locale collator ignores punctuation so the two titles are considered
+identical by the collator (but not by \csopt[non-unique]{sort-suffix}).
+If a letter comparison was used instead, they would no longer be
+considered identical, but in this case the film would
+still be placed after the book since the film title is longer.
+Since I've set the \field{category} I can provide semantic
+formatting commands (as for \exfile{sample-bacteria.tex}):
+\cs{newcommand}*\marg{\cmd{filmfont}}[1]\marg{\ics{textsf}\marg{\ics{em} \idx{param}1}}
+I've given films a slightly different format to make them easier to
+distinguish from books of the same name.
+Both \exfile{books.bib} and \exfile{films.bib} had the custom
+\fieldfmt{year} field, indicating the year of first publication
+or release, which I've assigned to the \field{user1} field.
+I can define \idxpl{postnamehook} for each category
+to append the year in brackets after the name is displayed in the
+ \cs{ifglshasfield}\marg{\field{user1}}\marg{\cs{glscurrententrylabel}}\comment{}
+ \marg{\cs{space}(published \cs{glscurrentfieldvalue})}\comment{}
+ \marg{}\comment{}
+ \cs{ifglshasfield}\marg{\field{user1}}\marg{\cs{glscurrententrylabel}}\comment{}
+ \marg{\cs{space}(released \cs{glscurrentfieldvalue})}\comment{}
+ \marg{}\comment{}
+As with the post-description hook, if you have at least
+\styfmt{glossaries-extra} v1.31, it's better to use:
+instead of:
+as it can guard against accidental misspelling of the \code{glsxtrpostname}
+part of the command name.
+I've assigned the \fieldfmt{cast} field to the \field{user2} field,
+and since this field uses \BibTeX's contributor markup I need to
+convert this to a form that's easier to customize:
+I'm not sorting by this field and it would look better in the
+document to list the forenames before the surname so I've also done:
+Since I have at least version 2.28 of \sty{datatool-base} installed,
+the list will be formatted using \ics{DTLformatlist}. If I want an
+Oxford comma, I need to redefine \ics{DTLlistformatoxford} in the document:
+If I want to change \qt{\&} to \qt{and} I also need to redefine
+If \ics{DTLformatlist} isn't defined (\sty{datatool-base} v2.27 or
+earlier), the cast list will look a little odd as it uses a comma
+separator between all elements of this list, including the final
+pair (so there's no final \& or \qt{and}).
+I've provided a \idx{postdescriptionhook}
+\ics{glsxtrpostdesccategory} to append the cast list:
+ \cs{ifglshasfield}\marg{\field{user2}}\marg{\cs{glscurrententrylabel}}\comment{}
+ \marg{\comment{}
+ \cs{glsxtrrestorepostpunc} \comment{requires glossaries-extra v1.23+}
+ \cs{}featuring \cs{glscurrentfieldvalue}
+ }\comment{}
+ \marg{}\comment{}
+This uses \ics{glsxtrrestorepostpunc} to restore the
+post-description punctuation if it was suppressed with
+\ics{glsxtrnopostpunc}. This means that if I decide not to include
+the \field{user2} field then the post-description punctuation will
+be revert back to being suppressed for entries containing
+\cs{glsxtrnopostpunc} in the \field{description} field.
+I haven't referenced any of the entries in the main body of the
+document, so I've used \csopt[all]{selection} to select all entries.
+This means that there are no number lists on the first document
+build (\LaTeX+\bibgls+\LaTeX) but the next build would show locations for
+the books that have been referenced by the film entries. Since this
+looks a bit odd, I've added \csopt[false]{save-locations} to
+prevent \bibgls\ from saving the locations.
+I've used a style that shows letter group headings so I need to use
+the \longarg{group} switch.
+The complete document code is listed below. The document build is:
+pdflatex sample-media
+bib2gls --group sample-media
+pdflatex sample-media
+The four pages of the document are shown in
+This example uses the files \exfile{people.bib},
+ \exfile{no-interpret-preamble.bib} and \exfile{interpret-preamble.bib}. The
+aim here is to have a list of people ordered alphabetically by
+surname with a brief description, the same list ordered by date of
+birth and an index of all the people without their details but with
+a number list indicating where that person was mentioned in the
+document. The first two lists shouldn't include aliases but the
+index should. Not all the entries defined in \exfile{people.bib}
+are included in the document. Those that aren't either explicitly
+referenced or aliased are filtered by the \csopt{selection} criteria.
+I've used a style that shows letter group headings so I need to use
+the \longarg{group} switch.
+Since this is just an example document all the \cs{gls} commands
+only occur on page~1, which means that each number list is just
+\qt{1}. A real document would have the references scattered about.
+The aliases haven't actually been referenced anywhere in the
+The \fieldfmt{born}, \fieldfmt{died} and \fieldfmt{othername} fields will be
+ignored by default since they don't correspond to recognised keys,
+so the keys either need to be defined or the fields need to be
+mapped to existing keys. In this case I've decided to map them to
+the \field{user1}, \field{user2} and \field{user3} fields using
+Although the aliases haven't been referenced in the document, I've
+taken into account the possibility that they might later be added.
+To prevent them from showing in the first two lists I've filtered
+them out. This is easy to do since the aliases are all defined using
+\atentry{index} whereas the remaining (non-aliased) entries are
+defined using \atentry{entry} so \csopt{match} can be used to only
+select entries defined with \atentry{entry}:
+I'd like the first use of \ics{gls} to display the full name, except
+for the entry that has the \field{first} field set. The remaining
+entries only have \field{text} set to a shortened version of the
+name so they need to have the \field{name} field copied to the
+\field{first} field using \csopt{replicate-fields}:
+I'd like the first use to show the other name in parentheses where
+provided. The simplest way to achieve this is by defining the
+\idx{postlinkhook} \ics{glsxtrpostlinkcategory}. If the
+\field{category} field isn't specified it will default to
+\code{general} (for entries defined with \atentry{entry}), so I
+could just define \csfmt{glsxtrpostlinkgeneral} but to allow for
+the possibility of extending the document to incorporate other types
+of entries I decided to set the \field{category} to \code{people}
+through the use of the \csopt{category} option:
+This means that I now need to define a command called
+\csfmt{glsxtrpostlinkpeople} that will be used after instances of
+\cs{gls} etc where the entry has the \field{category} set to
+\code{people}. This first tests if that was the first use of the
+entry with \ics{glsxtrifwasfirstuse} and then tests if the
+\field{user3} field is set. If so, it does a space followed by that
+field's value in parentheses. The entry's label can be obtained from
+ \cs{glsxtrifwasfirstuse}
+ \marg{\comment{}
+ \cs{ifglshasfield}\marg{\field{user3}}\marg{\cs{glslabel}}\comment{}
+ \marg{\cs{space}(\cs{glscurrentfieldvalue})}\comment{}
+ \marg{}\comment{}
+ }\comment{}
+ \marg{}\comment{}
+I'd also like to do something similar after the name when the entry
+is displayed in the glossary. This means defining the \idx{postnamehook}
+\ics{glsxtrpostnamecategory}, in this case
+\csfmt{glsxtrpostnamepeople}. The entry's label is referenced
+with \ics{glscurrententrylabel}:
+ \cs{ifglshasfield}\marg{\field{user3}}\marg{\cs{glscurrententrylabel}}\comment{}
+ \marg{\cs{space}(\cs{glscurrentfieldvalue})}\comment{}
+ \marg{}\comment{}
+(A different command is used since \cs{gls} may occur in the
+description, which would interfere with the current entry label if
+they shared the same command to reference the label.)
+The \idx{postdescriptionhook} can be used to append the birth and
+death dates. Although all the entries that have been selected from \exfile{people.bib} have a
+\fieldfmt{died} field, I've added a check for the corresponding
+\field{user3} field in case new references are added for people who are
+still alive:
+ \cs{ifglshasfield}\marg{\field{user1}}\marg{\cs{glscurrententrylabel}}
+ \marg{\comment{born}
+ \cs{space}(\cs{glscurrentfieldvalue}\ics{comma}-{}-\cs{comma}\comment{}
+ \cs{ifglshasfield}\marg{user2}\marg{\cs{glscurrententrylabel}}
+ \marg{\comment{died}
+ \cs{glscurrentfieldvalue}
+ }\comment{}
+ \marg{}\comment{}
+ )\comment{}
+ }\comment{}
+ \marg{}\comment{}
+The first list is quite straight-forward and can be created with:
+ \csopt[people]{src},
+ \csopt[entrytype=entry]{match},
+ \csopt[people]{category},
+ \csopt[\field{name}=\marg{\field{first}}]{replicate-fields},
+ \csopt[\fieldfmt{born}=\field{user1},\fieldfmt{died}=\field{user2},\fieldfmt{othername}=\field{user3}]{field-aliases}
+I have used the \csopt{sort} option and there's no document language,
+so \bibgls\ will sort according to my locale. The custom
+commands \gls{sortname} and \gls{sortvonname} ensure that the
+entries are all sorted alphabetically according to the surnames.
+The second list can easily be created by adding the \csopt{secondary}
+This sorts according to the \field{user1} field (which was
+originally the \fieldfmt{birth} field).
+Note that different locales have different default date formats.
+There may also be a difference in the default date format depending
+on the Java \idx{localeprovider}. For example, if you switch from
+using the \idx{JRE} to using the \idx{CLDR} you may find a change in
+the default format. In case the format provided in the \ext{bib}
+file isn't recognised, the required format can be set with:
+ \csopt[d MMM YYYY G]{secondary-date-sort-format}
+I've changed the date group headings by redefining \gls{bibglsdategroup} and
+\gls{bibglsdategrouptitle}, which means that the grouping in the
+\code{bybirth} glossary will be in the form \meta{year} \meta{era}:
+\cs{newcommand}\marg{\gls{bibglsdategrouptitle}}[7]\marg{\cs{number}\idx{param}1\ \idx{param}4}
+I've also defined the \code{bybirth} glossary and supplied a title:
+\cs{newglossary*}\marg{bybirth}\marg{People (Ordered by Birth)}
+The first two glossaries have entries with fairly long names (especially those
+with the \idx{postnamehook}), so the best style is the
+\glostyle{altlistgroup}. The \sty{glossaries-extra-stylemods}
+package patches this style to discourage page breaks occurring after
+group headings, so I've also used the \styopt{stylemods}
+option to automatically load that package. I'd like to use the
+\glostyle{bookindex} style for the index, which is provided by
+\sty{glossary-bookindex}, so I need:
+This ensures that \sty{glossary-list} and \sty{glossary-bookindex}
+are loaded and patches the list styles.
+The first two glossaries would look better with a terminating
+\idx{full-stop}, so I've used the \styopt{postdot} package option.
+(The \glostyle{bookindex} style doesn't use the \field{description}
+field and therefore doesn't use the \idx{postdescriptionhook}.)
+The index glossary type can be defined with the \styopt{index}
+package option. I've set the default style to \glostyle{altlistgroup}
+but this can locally be changed to \glostyle{bookindex} when I
+display the index. The \styopt{record} option is needed to use
+\bibgls, so the \styfmt{glossaries-extra} package is loaded with:
+\cmd{usepackage}[\styopt{record},\comment{using bib2gls}
+ \styopt{index},\comment{create index glossary}
+ \styopt{postdot},\comment{dot after descriptions}
+\comment{load glossary-list.sty and glossary-bookindex.sty and patch:}
+ \styopt[list,bookindex]{stylemods},
+ \styopt[altlistgroup]{style}]\marg{glossaries-extra}
+The index needs to include all the entries that have already been
+defined but also needs to include the aliased entries. This means
+that existing entries simply need their label copied to the
+\code{index} glossary but the other entries need to be defined
+so this requires setting the \csopt{action} option:
+\csopt[define or copy]{action}
+I would also like to have groups in the index (which the
+\glostyle{bookindex} style supports) so I need to specify a field
+in which to save the group information using
+I need to remember to redefine \ics{glsxtrgroupfield} to this value before
+displaying the index:
+The aliased entries won't be selected by default since they haven't
+been used in the document, so I need to change the selection
+criteria with \csopt{selection}:
+\csopt[recorded and deps and see]{selection}
+In the index, I'd like the surnames first. This can be done by
+redefining the custom commands used in the \field{name} fields.
+There's a slight complication here. These commands aren't defined on
+the first \LaTeX\ run as their definitions are written to the
+\ext{glstex} file by \bibgls, so I can't use \cs{renewcommand} (although
+I could use \cs{glsrenewcommand}).
+Instead I've provided some custom commands:
+\cs{newcommand}*\marg{\cmd{swaptwo}}[2]\marg{\idx{param}2, \idx{param}1}
+\cs{newcommand}*\marg{\cmd{swapthree}}[3]\marg{\idx{param}2 \idx{param}3, \idx{param}1}
+Now I just need to make an assignment using \ics{let}:
+This doesn't perform any check to determine if the commands are
+already defined so there won't be a problem on the first run.
+The first two glossaries shouldn't have number lists:
+\cs{printunsrtglossary}\oarg{\printglossopt[People (Alphabetical)]{title},\printglossopt{nonumberlist}}
+I'd like to use \sty{hyperref} but I have to switch off the
+hypertargets for the second glossary otherwise I'll end up with
+duplicate targets. This is done with \code{\printglossopt[false]{target}}.
+All references using \cs{gls} etc will link to the first glossary.
+I could also do this for the index but the cross-references in the
+aliased entries will link to the first glossary rather than the
+relevant entry in the index. The simplest way to fix this is to
+redefine \ics{glolinkprefix} to provide a different target:
+These redefinitions need to be done before the index. I've decided
+to use the starred \ics{printunsrtglossary*} to localise these
+changes, although that's not needed for this document since the
+index comes right at the end:
+ \oarg{\printglossopt[index]{type},\printglossopt[\glostyle{bookindex}]{style}}
+ \marg{\comment{}
+ \cs{let}\gls!{sortname}\cmd{swaptwo}
+ \cs{let}\gls!{sortart}\cmd{swaptwo}
+ \cs{let}\gls!{sortvonname}\cmd{swapthree}
+ \cs{renewcommand}\marg{\cs{glsxtrgroupfield}}\marg{indexgroup}\comment{}
+ \cs{renewcommand}*\marg{\cs{glolinkprefix}}\marg{idx:}\comment{}
+ }
+The complete document code is listed below. The document build is:
+pdflatex sample-people
+bib2gls --group --break-space sample-people
+pdflatex sample-people
+The four pages of the document are shown in \figureref{fig:sample-people.pdf}.
+This example uses the files \exfile{people.bib},
+\exfile{books.bib}, \exfile{no-interpret-preamble.bib} and
+\exfile{interpret-preamble2.bib}. The aim is to reference the books
+in \exfile{books.bib} and have them listed by author. This means
+finding a way of assigning each book entry a \field{parent} field that
+contains the label identifying the relevant author in \exfile{people.bib}.
+I've used a style that shows letter group headings so I need to use
+the \longarg{group} switch.
+To recap, each author is defined in \exfile{people.bib} in the form:
+ \field{name}=\marg{\gls{sortname}\marg{Charles}\marg{Dickens}},
+ \field{text}=\marg{Dickens},
+ \field{description}=\marg{English writer and social critic},
+ \fieldfmt{born}=\marg{7\idx{nbspchar}February 1812 AD},
+ \fieldfmt{died}=\marg{9\idx{nbspchar}June 1870 AD},
+ \fieldfmt{identifier}=\marg{person}
+and each book is defined in \exfile{books.bib} in the form:
+ \field{name}=\marg{Bleak House},
+ \field{description}=\marg{novel by Charles Dickens},
+ \fieldfmt{identifier}=\marg{book},
+ \fieldfmt{author}=\marg{\gls{sortmediacreator}\marg{Charles}\marg{Dickens}},
+ \fieldfmt{year}=\marg{1852}
+There's a field here (the custom \fieldfmt{author} field) that contains
+the author's name, and this can be aliased to the \field{parent}
+field with \csopt{field-aliases}:
+but the author's label in the \exfile{people.bib}
+file is just the \idx!{lowercase} surname.
+Remember from \sectionref{sec:texparserlib} that the interpreter
+will be used on the \field{parent} field if the value contains
+\idx{escchar} or \idx{bgroupchar} or \idx{egroupchar} and
+\csopt[true]{interpret-label-fields}. This means that with this
+field alias and the interpreter on, \bibgls\ will attempt to
+interpret the field contents. So all that's needed is to ensure that
+\bibgls\ is given a definition of \gls{sortmediacreator} that
+ignores the first argument and converts the second argument to lower
+case. This definition is available in
+\exfile{interpret-preamble2.bib} but, since this file uses
+\cs{renewcommand} rather than \cs{providecommand},
+\csopt[false]{write-preamble} is required to prevent \LaTeX\ from
+picking up this definition.
+As with the \exfile{sample-people.tex} example, I need to copy
+the \field{name} field to the \field{first} field if that field is
+missing using \csopt{replicate-fields}:
+and I also want to provide a semantic command to format the book
+title, so the field aliases also need to convert the custom
+\fieldfmt{identifier} field to \field{category}:
+so that the document can set the \catattr{textformat} and
+\catattr{glossnamefont} attributes:
+As with \exfile{sample-media.tex}, the terminating question mark at
+the end of some of the \field{name} fields can cause an awkward
+situation if \cs{gls} is used at the end of a sentence. This can be
+dealt with by getting \bibgls\ to make a note of the fields that
+end with sentence-terminating punctuation through the use of
+the \csopt{check-end-punctuation} option. In this example, the
+\field{name}, \field{text} and \field{first} fields are the same for
+all the books, so it's sufficient just to check the \field{name}
+With \sty{glossaries-extra} v1.23+ it's easy to hook into the
+\idx{postlinkhook} to check if
+\fielddisp{fieldendpunc}{nameendpunc} exists:
+ \cs{GlsXtrIfFieldUndef}\marg{\fielddisp{fieldendpunc}{nameendpunc}}\marg{\cs{glslabel}}\marg{\idx{param}2}\marg{\idx{param}1}\comment{}
+This will now cause the full stops following:
+to be discarded.
+The complete document code is listed below. The document build is:
+pdflatex sample-authors
+bib2gls --group sample-authors
+pdflatex sample-authors
+The resulting document is shown in \figureref{fig:sample-authors.pdf}.
+ \frame{\includegraphics[height=.9\textheight]{../examples/sample-authors.pdf}}%
+This example uses the \BibTeX\ file \exfile{citations.bib} to create
+a document that has both a bibliography created by \BibTeX\ and
+glossaries created by \bibgls\ listing the authors and the titles.
+There are no glossary reference commands, such as \cs{gls}, but
+\bibgls\ can be run with \longarg{cite-as-record} to treat the
+\ics{citation} commands (written to the \ext{aux} file by \ics{cite})
+as ignored records. Since \cs{cite} doesn't record the page number,
+there are no associated locations.
+The \code{main} glossary isn't required, so I've used
+\styopt{nomain} to suppress its creation. I want to use both the
+\glostyle{altlist} and \glostyle{indexgroup} styles but none of the
+other styles, so I've used \styopt{nostyles} to prevent the
+automatic loading of the default style packages and
+\styopt{stylemods} to load the \sty{glossary-tree} and
+\sty{glossary-list} packages and patch the styles. A \idx{full-stop}
+is automatically placed after the descriptions with
+\cs{usepackage}\oarg{\styopt{record},\comment{using bib2gls}
+\styopt{nomain},\comment{don't define main glossary}
+\styopt{postdot},\comment{full stop after descriptions}
+\styopt{nostyles},\comment{don't load default styles}
+\comment{load glossary-tree and glossary-list and patch styles:}
+Next I need to create the glossaries for the list of authors and
+list of titles:
+The simplest way of assigning the authors to the \code{contributors}
+glossary and the titles to the \code{titles} glossary is to use:
+in the \idx{resourceset} and provide a
+modified version of \gls{bibglsnewbibtexentry} that assigns
+\field{type} after the options:
+ \gls{longnewglossaryentry}*\marg{\idx{param}1}\marg{\field{name}=\marg{\idx{param}3},\idx{param}2,\field{type}=\marg{titles}}\marg{\idx{param}4}\comment{}
+The standard \BibTeX\ entry types need aliasing to
+and the \fieldfmt{title} field is aliased to \field{name}:
+(The other fields aren't required for the glossary lists.)
+The \field{category} is set to the original entry type:
+\csopt[same as original entry]{category}
+So, for example, an entry that's provided in the \ext{bib} file with
+\atentryfmt{article} has the \field{category} field set to
+\code{article}. (Compare this with \csopt[same as entry]{category}
+which would set the \field{category} to \code{bibtexentry}.)
+The spawned entries are all defined using \atentry{contributor} and
+aren't aliased so both the entry type and the original entry type
+are \code{contributor}.
+In order to list the titles according to category, I've use this as
+the sort field:
+and setting the sort suffix to the \field{name} field sub-sorts
+the \atentry{bibtexentry} types according to the title
+(which was aliased to the \field{name}) and the
+\atentry{contributor} types according to the author:
+Next the groups identified by the labels \code{article} and \code{book}
+are assigned titles.
+The \field{group} field is actually set to the associated letter by the default
+\csopt{sort} method. The desired labels are stored in the \field{category}
+field. Since the entries are sorted by category, then they are naturally
+in those sub-blocks, which means that the group titles can be set by locally
+redefining \ics{glsxtrgroupfield} to \code{category}:
+ \cs{renewcommand}\marg{\cs{glsxtrgroupfield}}\marg{\field{category}}\comment{}
+ \cs{renewcommand}\marg{\cs{glstreenamefmt}}[1]\marg{\cs{emph}\marg{\idx{param}1}}\comment{}
+ \cs{renewcommand}\marg{\cs{glstreegroupheaderfmt}}[1]\marg{\ics{textbf}\marg{\idx{param}1}}\comment{}
+This again contradicts the advice given in
+\sectionref{sec:logicaldivisions} as I'm sorting by the
+\field{group} label. (Technically it's sorting by the
+\field{category} label but this is being used as the group.) In this
+case it's not a problem as the labels closely match the titles and
+the sorting options ensure that the groups aren't broken up.
+There's no \field{description} field set for these entries, but the
+\idx{postdescriptionhook} can still be used to append information.
+In this case, I've appended a cross-reference to the bibliography.
+Since the bibliography entry and the glossary term both have the
+same label, the citation can easily be obtained with
+Note that this needs to be done for each \BibTeX\ entry type, but in
+this case the \ext{bib} file only contains \atentryfmt{article} and
+\atentryfmt{book} entries. (Similarly for the group titles above.)
+The list of contributors can simply be displayed with:
+This will only list the names as there's no description, but again
+the \idx{postdescriptionhook} can be used, in this case for the \code{contributor}
+category. The hook iterates
+over the internal list provided by the \field{bibtexentry} field.
+This allows the titles to be listed as well:
+ \ics{glsxtrifhasfield}\marg{\field{bibtexentry}}\marg{\cs{glscurrententrylabel}}\comment{}
+ \marg{\comment{}
+ \cs{glsxtrfieldforlistloop}
+ \marg{\cs{glscurrententrylabel}}\marg{\field{bibtexentry}}\comment{}
+ \marg{\csfmt{contributorhandler}}\comment{}
+ }\comment{}
+ \marg{\ics{par} No titles.}\comment{}
+The \idx{handler} macro displays the name of the associated
+\atentry{bibtexentry} term and the citation:
+\cs{newcommand}\marg{\csfmt{contributorhandler}}[1]\marg{\cs{par}\ics{glsentryname}\marg{\idx{param}1} \cs{cite}\marg{\idx{param}1}}
+The complete document code is listed below. The document build is:
+pdflatex sample-citations
+bib2gls --cite-as-record sample-citations
+bibtex sample-citations
+pdflatex sample-citations
+pdflatex sample-citations
+The resulting document is shown in \figureref{fig:sample-citations.pdf}.
+This example uses \exfile{bigmathsymbols.bib},
+\exfile{mathsrelations.bib}, \exfile{binaryoperators.bib},
+\exfile{unaryoperators.bib} and \exfile{mathgreek.bib}. The \isty{stix}
+package is required for some of the commands used in
+\exfile{bigmathsymbols.bib}, so that must be loaded in the document.
+I'm using the \glostyle{mcolalttree} style for this document,
+which means that the \sty{glossary-mcols} package is required and
+the styles need patching, which can be done with
+the \styopt{stylemods} package option:
+\cs{usepackage}\oarg{\styopt{record},\comment{using bib2gls}
+ \styopt{nostyles},\comment{don't load default styles}
+ \styopt{postdot},\comment{append a dot after descriptions}
+ \styopt[mcols]{stylemods},\comment{load glossary-mcols.sty and patch}
+ \styopt[mcolalttree]{style}}\marg{glossaries-extra}
+I'm not referencing any of the entries in the document as I'm just
+generating a complete list of all the defined symbols. This means I
+need to tell \bibgls\ to select all entries and don't bother saving
+the \field{location} field:
+Since I'm using a style that's based on \glostyle{alttree} I need to
+find the widest \field{name}, which can be done with \csopt{set-widest}.
+The simplest way of dividing the glossary into logical blocks is to
+sort according to the category, but first I need to use \csopt{field-aliases}
+to convert the custom \fieldfmt{identifier} field to \field{category}:
+and sort by the \field{category} field:
+Since this will cause identical sort values, I need to provide a
+a way of ordering these identical values. Here I've decided
+to fallback on the \field{description} field:
+This means that entries will be ordered by \field{category} and
+then \field{description}, which naturally creates blocks of symbol
+types in the glossary. This only uses a simple case-sensitive string
+comparison which is fine for English, but for another language it
+would be better to use \csopt{sort-suffix} as in the
+\exfile{sample-textsymbols.tex} file.
+Remember that I want a small vertical gap between each logical
+block. These need the \field{group} field which, with the default
+locale sort, is obtained from the first letter of the sort value.
+In this case the sort value is obtained from the \field{category}
+field, and as each category happens to start with a different
+letter, this means I get the desired effect. However, in the event
+that I add more entries with a new category that happens to start
+with the same letter as an existing category, it's better to provide
+a more future-proof method, so I've set the \field{group} field to
+fetch its value from the \field{category} field:
+(Since the \csopt{field-aliases} option is always performed before
+\csopt{replicate-fields}, the \field{category} field will already
+have been set and is available for replicating.)
+This means that I'm essentially sorting by the \field{group} labels,
+which this manual has warned against doing. In this case, it's an
+acceptable break from that rule as I've used options that ensure the
+groups aren't broken up during sorting and I'm not concerned with the group
+titles. A method such as that used in \exfile{sample-textsymbols2.tex}
+would end up with titled blocks, which I don't want here. By using
+resource options such as \csopt{field-aliases} and
+\csopt{replicate-fields} I can avoid the warning that's triggered
+with the default \longarg{warn-non-bib-fields}.
+The complete document code is listed below. The document build is:
+pdflatex sample-msymbols
+bib2gls sample-msymbols
+pdflatex sample-msymbols
+The resulting document is shown in \figureref{fig:sample-msymbols.pdf}.
+ \frame{\includegraphics[height=.9\textheight]{../examples/sample-msymbols.pdf}}%
+This example uses \exfile{bigmathsymbols.bib} and \exfile{mathsobjects.bib}.
+It has a fairly similar preamble to \exfile{sample-msymbols.tex},
+but \exfile{no-interpret-preamble.bib} and
+\exfile{interpret-preamble.bib} are now needed to provide
+the \gls!{sortart} command:
+ \csopt[no-interpret-preamble]{src},
+ \csopt[false]{interpret-preamble}
+There's also an extra custom field to alias:
+I've aliased \fieldfmt{format} to \field{user1} since \gls!{glsxtrfmt}
+defaults to that field. If I decided to use a different field I also
+need to remember to redefine \ics{GlsXtrFmtField} to match.
+As with \exfile{sample-msymbols.tex} I'm sorting by the
+\field{category} label and this value is copied to the \field{group}
+field, but again I don't have a hierarchical glossary as the logical
+blocks don't have titles.
+In this document I only want to select entries that have been
+indexed, so I've omitted the \csopt{selection} option I used in the
+\exfile{sample-msymbols.tex} example, however
+I still don't want any number lists so I still have
+I want \gls!{glsxtrfmt} to index the term (which it doesn't by default) so
+that means I need to redefine \ics{GlsXtrFmtDefaultOptions}
+to prevent it from using \code{noindex}:
+I've provided some convenient wrapper commands that use
+\gls!{glsxtrfmt*} or the non-linking \gls!{glsxtrentryfmt} that
+are in the form:
+The use of the starred form allows:
+\cmd{[}\cmd{set}\marg{A} = \cs{gls}\marg{bigcup}[\idx{sbchar}\marg{i=1}\idx{spchar}n] \cmd{set}\marg{B}[\idx{sbchar}i] \cmd{]}
+which produces:
+\[ \mathcal{A} = \bigcup_{i=1}^n \mathcal{B}_i \]
+Note the difference if the optional arguments aren't used:
+\cmd{[}\cmd{set}\marg{A} = \cs{gls}\marg{bigcup}\idx{sbchar}\marg{i=1}\idx{spchar}n \cmd{set}\marg{B}\idx{sbchar}i \cmd{]}
+This produces:
+\[ \mathcal{A} = \bigcup{}_{i=1}^n \mathcal{B}{}_i \]
+Be careful with the set cardinality example. You might be tempted to
+nest \csfmt{set} within the argument of \csfmt{setcard} but this
+results in nested hyperlinks. These are unpredictable and there's no
+consistent handling of them between different PDF viewers. It can
+also be confusing to the reader. If
+shows up as what appears to be a single hyperlink, where would the
+reader expect the target? This is the reason for providing the
+non-linking commands like \csfmt{nlset} and \csfmt{nlsetcard}.
+The complete document code is listed below. The document build is:
+pdflatex sample-maths
+bib2gls sample-maths
+pdflatex sample-maths
+The resulting document is shown in \figureref{fig:sample-maths.pdf}.
+ \frame{\includegraphics[height=.9\textheight]{../examples/sample-maths.pdf}}%
+This example uses \exfile{miscsymbols.bib}.
+This requires both \isty{marvosym} and (with the \styoptfmt{weather} option)
+\isty{ifsym}. Unfortunately both define the commands \csfmt{Sun}
+and \csfmt{Lightning}, so these commands need to be undefined after
+the first package is loaded and before the second.
+Since I want the definitions provide by \sty{ifsym} I have to first
+load \sty{marvosym}, then undefine the conflicting commands and then
+load \sty{ifsym}:
+The \sty{etoolbox} package is also loaded as it provides
+\ics{undef}. (An alternative is to modify the
+\exfile{miscsymbols.bib} file so that it uses \sty{ifsym}'s more
+generic \cs{textweathersymbol} command and omit the \styoptfmt{weather}
+option when loading the package, but the method used here
+demonstrates how to deal with such conflicts.)
+The custom entry type \atentryfmt{icon} must be aliased for the
+entries to be recognised:
+Since none of the entries have a \field{name} or \field{description}
+field, the custom fields \fieldfmt{icon} and
+\fieldfmt{icondescription} need to be aliased to them.
+The document uses the \glostyle{alttreegroup} style where the groups
+are obtained from the \field{category}, which again I obtain from
+the custom \fieldfmt{identifier} field using:
+ \fieldfmt{identifier}=\field{category},
+ \fieldfmt{icon}=\field{name},
+ \fieldfmt{icondescription}=\field{description}]{field-aliases},
+The \field{group} field is just a label and an appropriate title needs to be
+supplied for each group label:
+\cs{glsxtrsetgrouptitle}\marg{mediacontrol}\marg{Media Controls}
+\cs{glsxtrsetgrouptitle}\marg{weather}\marg{Weather Symbols}
+This also requires sorting first by \field{category} and then
+fallback on another field. The most appropriate here is the
+\field{description} field, but instead of using
+\csopt{identical-sort-action}, I'm using \csopt{sort-suffix},
+which works better with the default locale sort when the fallback
+field consists of words or phrases.
+Since I'm using one of the \glostyle{alttree} styles, I need to set
+the widest name:
+In this case, \bibgls\ won't be able to determine the widest name
+since it doesn't recognise any of the commands, so it will have to
+use the fallback command, which will use one of the commands
+provided by the \sty{glossaries-extra-stylemods} package.
+This is actually not the best method as \bibgls\ can't see the group
+titles as they're in the document, so it's only able to sort by the
+label. While this might work for English, it can become a problem
+for other languages that use extended Latin or non-Latin characters
+in their alphabet. A much better method is to treat this as a
+hierarchical glossary with topic titles as the top-level entries.
+This is covered in the next example \exfile{sample-textsymbols2.tex}.
+The complete document code is listed below. The document build is:
+pdflatex sample-textsymbols
+bib2gls sample-textsymbols
+pdflatex sample-textsymbols
+The resulting document is shown in \figureref{fig:sample-textsymbols.pdf}.
+ \frame{\includegraphics[height=.9\textheight]{../examples/sample-textsymbols.pdf}}%
+This example is a better approach than the
+\exfile{sample-textsymbols.tex} example above. As with the previous
+example, this requires both \isty{marvosym} and \isty{ifsym} so the
+same patch is applied to avoid conflict.
+As before, the custom entry type \atentryfmt{icon} must be aliased for the
+entries to be recognised:
+The \exfile{topics.bib} file contains terms with
+labels that match the custom \fieldfmt{identifier} fields used in
+the \exfile{miscsymbols.bib} file. So both files are loaded and the
+\fieldfmt{identifier} field is now aliased to \field{parent}. These
+parent entries represent the topics and unlike the previous example
+it's now possible to sort by the topic title (obtained from the
+\field{name} field) instead of by the label.
+ \fieldfmt{identifier}=\field{parent},
+ \fieldfmt{icon}=\field{name},
+ \fieldfmt{icondescription}=\field{description}]{field-aliases},
+There's no \csopt{sort-field} option in this example. The default
+\field{sort} field is used. Since it's not set for any of the
+entries, the fallback value will be used. In the case of the topic
+titles (\atentry{index} and \atentry{indexplural}), I want to sort
+by the \field{name}, which is the default fallback if the
+\field{sort} field is missing for the index entry types.
+The default fallback for the \field{sort} field for \atentry{symbol}
+entries is the label, but in this case I want to use the
+\field{description} field:
+ \csopt[description]{symbol-sort-fallback}
+The best styles for this kind of glossary are the topic styles
+provided by \isty{glossary-topic}. This package was only added to
+\sty{glossaries-extra} v1.40, so you need to make sure you have at
+least that version installed.
+In this case I've decided to use the \glostyle{topic} style. I can
+use it with or without the \csopt{set-widest} option.
+As with the previous example, \bibgls\ won't be able to determine
+the widest name since it doesn't recognise any of the commands
+contained in the \field{name} fields, so it will have to use the
+fallback method, which will use one of the commands provided by the
+\sty{glossaries-extra-stylemods} package. The \code{tree} option is
+needed to enable the appropriate commands:
+ \styopt{nostyles},
+ \styopt{postdot},
+ \styopt[tree,topic]{stylemods},
+ \styopt[topic]{style}}\marg{glossaries-extra}
+The complete document code is listed below. The document build is:
+pdflatex sample-textsymbols2
+bib2gls --group sample-textsymbols2
+pdflatex sample-textsymbols2
+The resulting document is shown in \figureref{fig:sample-textsymbols2.pdf}.
+ \frame{\includegraphics[height=.9\textheight]{../examples/sample-textsymbols2.pdf}}%
+This example uses \exfile{markuplanguages.bib}. Since the file
+includes abbreviations, any commands that must be used before
+abbreviations are defined need to go before
+\gls!{GlsXtrLoadResources}. This includes the abbreviation style,
+which I've set to \abbrstyle{long-short-desc}:
+This style sets the \field{name} field using
+\ics{glsxtrlongshortdescname}, which defaults to the long form
+followed by the short form in parentheses. I decided to switch this
+round so that the short form is shown first, which conveniently
+matches the default \csopt{abbreviation-sort-fallback}.
+ \cs{protect}\ics{glsabbrvfont}\marg{\ics{the}\ics{glsshorttok}}\cs{space}
+ \ics{glsxtrparen}\marg{\ics{glslongfont}\marg{\cs{the}\ics{glslongtok}}}\comment{}
+(The long form is still shown before the short form on the first use
+of \cs{gls} in the document. The switch in the above code only
+affects how the term is displayed in the glossary.)
+This redefinition must be done before the abbreviations are defined
+as it's expanded when the \field{name} field is set. (Note the need
+to protect commands that shouldn't be expanded.) If I decide not to change
+the \field{name} format in this way, I would then need to use
+I also decided to make use of the custom command \csfmt{abbrvtag}
+that marks up the letters in the \field{long} field used to obtain
+the abbreviation. As with the abbreviation style, this must be
+done before the abbreviations are defined:
+If you accidentally place it after \gls{GlsXtrLoadResources}, you'll
+encounter an error on the second \LaTeX\ run (but not the first).
+This is because \ics{GlsXtrEnableInitialTagging} requires that the
+supplied command (\csfmt{abbrvtag} in this case) be undefined. On
+the first \LaTeX\ it's undefined, but on the second it picks up
+the \atentry{preamble} definition, which is now in the resource file.
+The tagging format is governed by \ics{glsxtrtagfont} which
+underlines its argument by default. I've redefined it to also
+convert the letter to \idx{uppercase}:
+Note that in the \code{mathml} case, the first tag consists of more
+than one letter:
+\field{long}=\marg{\cmd{abbrvtag}\marg{m\cs{NoCaseChange}\marg{ath}}ematical }\idx{stringconcat}markuplang
+Here \ics{NoCaseChange} prevents \ics{MakeTextUppercase}
+from applying the case change.
+The default \csopt{selection} criteria includes entries that have
+been indexed and any cross-references. Some of the
+\field{description} fields include \ics{glsxtrshort}, which \bibgls\ picks
+up and the referenced entry is included in the dependency list.
+However, I don't want any indexing
+performed by commands occurring in the glossary. This can be dealt
+with in one of two ways: either switch the format to \encap{glsignore}
+or suppress the indexing by changing the default options with
+\ics{GlsXtrSetDefaultGlsOpts}. In this case I decided to turn the
+records into ignored records:
+This means that some of the entries won't have location lists, so
+I've defined a \idx{postdescriptionhook} that inserts a \idx{full-stop} after the
+\field{description} if there's no location otherwise it inserts a
+ \cs{glsxtrifhasfield}\marg{\field{location}}\marg{\cs{glscurrententrylabel}}\comment{}
+ \marg{,}\comment{}
+ \marg{.}\comment{}
+I've used \csopt{loc-suffix} to append a \idx{full-stop} after the
+location lists. This doesn't affect the entries that haven't been
+I decided to convert the first letter of the \field{name} field to
+\idx{uppercase}. Since the \field{name} is implicitly set for
+abbreviations based on the style, I've decided to implement this
+through the \catattr{glossname} attribute rather than using
+If this line causes an error when the glossary is displayed that goes
+away if it's commented out, make sure you have at least version 2.06
+of \sty{mfirstuc}. For most of the entries, this doesn't make a
+difference as they already start with a capital. It's only the
+\code{markdown} entry that's actually affected.
+The description case change is dealt with by \bibgls\ instead:
+This works better than the \catattr{glossdesc} attribute as \bibgls\ can
+convert commands like \ics{glstext} into \ics{Glstext} which
+\ics{makefirstuc} can't do. (Although in this particular example,
+there's no difference as both instances of \cs{glstext} already
+produce \idx{uppercase} text.)
+The complete document code is listed below. The document build is:
+pdflatex sample-markuplanguages
+bib2gls --group sample-markuplanguages
+pdflatex sample-markuplanguages
+The resulting document is shown in \figureref{fig:sample-markuplanguages.pdf}.
+ \frame{\includegraphics[height=.9\textheight]{../examples/sample-markuplanguages.pdf}}%
+This example uses \exfile{usergroups.bib}. This requires \XeLaTeX\
+or \LuaLaTeX\ as the \ext{bib} file includes \idx{non-ASCII} labels.
+The entries include fields in different languages, the main one
+being English. If an entry has a non-English \field{name} or
+\field{long} field, it also includes the custom field
+\fieldfmt{translation} that provides an (approximate) translation.
+If this field is present, the language is given by the first element
+of the custom \fieldfmt{language} field.
+In this case, I'm providing keys for the custom
+\fieldfmt{language} and \fieldfmt{translation} fields, and, for a bit
+of variety from the other examples, I'm ignoring the custom
+\fieldfmt{identifier} field. The custom keys are provided with
+The \ext{bib} file includes abbreviations. Remember that the
+abbreviation style must be set before the resource file is loaded:
+For this example, I'm explicitly setting the \field{category} field
+to \code{tug}:
+Some of the fields end with a \idx{full-stop}. This isn't a problem with
+the \field{long} field as the first use follows the long form with
+the short form in parentheses, but it will be a problem on
+subsequent use if the \field{short} field ends with a \idx{full-stop}.
+This means I need to check for end-of-sentence punctuation
+for the \field{short} field. It's also a good idea to do this for
+the \field{name} field for the non-abbreviations.
+It's now possible to discard a \idx{full-stop} that follows
+ \ics{ifglshasshort}\marg{\cs{glslabel}}\comment{}
+ \marg{\comment{}
+ \cs{glsxtrifwasfirstuse}\marg{}\comment{}
+ \marg{\comment{}
+ \cs{GlsXtrIfFieldUndef}\marg{\fielddisp{fieldendpunc}{shortendpunc}}\marg{\cs{glslabel}}\marg{\idx{param}2}\marg{\idx{param}1}\comment{}
+ }\comment{}
+ }\comment{}
+ \marg{\comment{}
+ \cs{GlsXtrIfFieldUndef}\marg{\fielddisp{fieldendpunc}{nameendpunc}}\marg{\cs{glslabel}}\marg{\idx{param}2}\marg{\idx{param}1}\comment{}
+ }\comment{}
+This first tests if the entry that's just been referenced has a
+\field{short} field. If it has, then the next test is to check if
+that was the first use for that entry. If it was, nothing is done.
+If it wasn't, then \cs{GlsXtrIfFieldUndef} is used to determine
+if \fielddisp{fieldendpunc}{shortendpunc} has been set. If it has
+been set then the period discard function is performed. If the
+entry doesn't have a \field{short} field, then the
+\fielddisp{fieldendpunc}{nameendpunc} field needs checking instead.
+Since the document requires \XeLaTeX\ or \LuaLaTeX\ and has some
+\idx{non-ASCII} characters, it needs \sty{fontspec} and an
+appropriate font. In this case I've chosen \qt{Linux Libertine O}.
+If you don't have it installed, you'll need to change it.
+\setmainfont{Linux Libertine O}
+Since it's a multilingual document I also need \sty{polyglossia}
+with the main language set to \code{english}:
+Now comes the difficult bit. The document needs to determine what
+other languages need to be loaded. The \sty{tracklang} package
+provides a convenient interface when dealing with language tags.
+This is automatically loaded by \styfmt{glossaries} but I've loaded
+it here explicitly as a reminder:
+Once the \hyperref[sec:resourcesets]{resource file} has been loaded, I need to
+iterate over all the defined entries and check if the \fieldfmt{translation}
+field has been set. If it has, then the first language tag in the
+\fieldfmt{language} field will supply the language, but this needs to be
+converted from the \idx{IETF} language tag to a language name recognised by
+Iterating over all entries can be done with \ics{forglsentries}
+but remember that no entries will be defined before \bibgls\ has
+been run, so this does nothing on the first \LaTeX\ run.
+ \cs{glsxtrifhasfield}\marg{translation}\marg{\cmd{thislabel}}\comment{}
+ \marg{\comment{}
+ \comment{requires glossaries-extra v1.24}
+ \cs{glsxtrforcsvfield}\marg{\cmd{thislabel}}\marg{language}\marg{\cmd{addfirstlang}}\comment{}
+ }\comment{}
+ \marg{}\comment{}
+Within the outer (\cs{forglsentries}) loop, there's a check
+for the \fieldfmt{translation} field using \ics{glsxtrifhasfield}.
+If it's present, then the first element of the \fieldfmt{language}
+field is required. The simplest way to get this is to use
+\ics{glsxtrforcsvfield} which iterates over all elements of the
+given field (\fieldfmt{language} in this case) and break out of the
+loop (with \ics{glsxtrendfor}) once the language has been found.
+The \idx{handler} function (\csfmt{addfirstlang}) is defined so that it
+adds the given language tag as a tracked language using
+\ics{TrackLocale}. This command sets
+\ics{TrackLangLastTrackedDialect} to the associated
+(\sty{tracklang}) dialect label for convenience. This dialect label
+can then be converted to the root language label using
+\ics{TrackedLanguageFromDialect}. If this language is supported
+by \sty{polyglossia}, then there should be a file called
+Some of the entries use the same language, so it's necessary to
+check if the language has already been defined before loading it.
+There's also a problem in that the language file should not be
+loaded in a scoped context, but both \ics{glsxtrforcsvfield}
+and the unstarred \ics{glsxtrifhasfield} add implicit grouping.
+To solve both problems, an internal \sty{etoolbox} list is
+and \ics{xifinlist} is used to first check if the language label is
+already in the list before adding it. Since this part of the code is
+scoped, the global \ics{listxadd} is used to add the language label
+to the list.
+Next the \field{useri} field is set to
+which is the name of the control sequence used with
+\sty{polyglossia} to switch language for a short block of text. This means that
+\gls{glsxtrentryfmt}\margm{text} can be used to format \meta{text}
+in the relevant language. Finally, \ics{glsxtrendfor} is used to
+break out of the loop.
+ \cs{TrackLocale}\marg{\idx{param}1}\comment{}
+ \ics{edef}\cmd{thislanguage}\marg{\comment{}
+ \cs{TrackedLanguageFromDialect}\cs{TrackLangLastTrackedDialect}}\comment{}
+ \ics{IfFileExists}\marg{gloss-\cmd{thislanguage}.ldf}\comment{}
+ \marg{\comment{}
+ \ics{xifinlist}\marg{\cmd{thislanguage}}\marg{\cmd{langlist}}\marg{}\comment{}
+ \marg{\ics{listxadd}\marg{\cmd{langlist}}\marg{\cmd{thislanguage}}}\comment{}
+ \ics{xGlsXtrSetField}\marg{\cmd{thislabel}}\marg{\field{useri}}\marg{\encapdisp{textlanguage}{text\cmd{thislanguage}}}\comment{}
+ \ics{glsxtrendfor}
+ }\comment{}
+ \marg{}\comment{}
+Once the \ics{forglsentries} loop has found the appropriate
+languages, it's now necessary to iterate over the internal list
+\csfmt{langlist} and set the language:
+The \abbrstyle{long-short-user} style now needs to be adjusted
+to ensure that it picks up the appropriate language change.
+By default this style checks the \field{useri} field, so this needs
+to be changed to \fieldfmt{translation} by redefining
+The command that governs the format of the parenthetical material
+(\ics{glsxtruserparen}) also needs adjusting. I've changed the
+space before the parenthesis to \ics{} because some of the
+long fields end with a \idx{full-stop} and this corrects the
+spacing. The \fieldfmt{translation} field is in English,
+so this needs to be encapsulated with \icsdisp{textlanguage}{textenglish}
+in case the surrounding text is in a different language.
+ \cs{}
+ \cs{glsxtrparen}\marg{\idx{param}1\comment{}
+ \cs{ifglshasfield}\marg{\cs{glsxtruserfield}}\marg{\idx{param}2}\marg{,
+ \csdisp{textlanguage}{textenglish}\marg{\cs{glscurrentfieldvalue}}}\marg{}}\comment{}
+Next I've defined a convenient command for use in the \catattr{textformat}
+attributes for the custom \code{tug} category:
+ \cs{glsxtrentryfmt}\marg{\cs{glslabel}}\marg{\idx{param}1}\comment{}
+This uses \gls{glsxtrentryfmt} to encapsulate the given text
+in the appropriate language command (if provided). When this is set
+as the \catattr{textformat} attribute, it will be used instead of
+\ics{glstextformat}, which means that the entry label can be
+referenced with \cs{glslabel}.
+There's a similar command for use in the \catattr{glossnamefont}
+attribute. This is used in the glossary, so the label is referenced
+with \cs{glscurrententrylabel}:
+ \cs{glsxtrentryfmt}\marg{\cs{glscurrententrylabel}}\marg{\idx{param}1}\comment{}
+The attributes can now be set to the relevant control sequence name:
+The document uses the \glostyle{bookindex} style, which is set in
+the package options:
+ \styopt{nostyles},
+ \styopt[bookindex]{stylemods},
+ \styopt[bookindex]{style}
+The \glostyle{bookindex} style ignores the \field{description} field, so I've
+provided a \idx{postnamehook} to append it in parentheses (with the
+translation, if provided):
+ \ics{ifglshasdesc}\marg{\cs{glscurrententrylabel}}\comment{}
+ \marg{\cs{}(\cs{glossentrydesc}\marg{\cs{glscurrententrylabel}}\comment{}
+ \cs{glsxtrifhasfield}\marg{translation}\marg{\cs{glscurrententrylabel}}\comment{}
+ \marg{, \csdisp{textlanguage}{textenglish}\marg{\cs{glscurrentfieldvalue}}}\comment{}
+ \marg{}\comment{}
+ )}\comment{}
+ \marg{\comment{}
+ \cs{glsxtrifhasfield}\marg{translation}\marg{\cs{glscurrententrylabel}}\comment{}
+ \marg{\cs{}(\csdisp{textlanguage}{textenglish}\marg{\cs{glscurrentfieldvalue}})}\comment{}
+ \marg{}\comment{}
+ }\comment{}
+Remember that this hook is included within the \field{name} font
+(provided by the \catattr{glossnamefont} attribute in this case)
+so \csdisp{textlanguage}{textenglish} is again used to switch the language to
+English for the translation.
+The complete document code is listed below. The document build is:
+xelatex sample-usergroups
+bib2gls --group sample-usergroups
+xelatex sample-usergroups
+xelatex sample-usergroups
+The two pages of the document are shown in
+\figureref{fig:sample-usergroups.pdf}. Since the entries have all
+been referenced on page~1, the location lists are all simply~\qt{1}.
+\setmainfont{Linux Libertine O}
+\usepackage[record,% use bib2gls
+ nostyles,% don't load default styles
+ stylemods={bookindex},
+ style={bookindex}
+ src={usergroups}, % data in usergroups.bib
+ check-end-punctuation={name,short},
+ category=tug
+ \ifglshasshort{\glslabel}%
+ {%
+ \glsxtrifwasfirstuse{}%
+ {%
+ \GlsXtrIfFieldUndef{shortendpunc}{\glslabel}{#2}{#1}%
+ }%
+ }%
+ {%
+ \GlsXtrIfFieldUndef{nameendpunc}{\glslabel}{#2}{#1}%
+ }%
+ \TrackLocale{#1}%
+ \edef\thislanguage{%
+ \TrackedLanguageFromDialect\TrackLangLastTrackedDialect}%
+ \IfFileExists{gloss-\thislanguage.ldf}%
+ {%
+ \xifinlist{\thislanguage}{\langlist}{}%
+ {\listxadd{\langlist}{\thislanguage}}%
+ \xGlsXtrSetField{\thislabel}{useri}{text\thislanguage}%
+ \glsxtrendfor
+ }%
+ {}%
+ \glsxtrifhasfield{translation}{\thislabel}%
+ {%
+ % requires glossaries-extra v1.24
+ \glsxtrforcsvfield{\thislabel}{language}{\addfirstlang}%
+ }%
+ {}%
+ \
+ \glsxtrparen{#1%
+ \ifglshasfield{\glsxtruserfield}{#2}{,
+ \textenglish{\glscurrentfieldvalue}}{}}%
+ \glsxtrentryfmt{\glslabel}{#1}%
+ \glsxtrentryfmt{\glscurrententrylabel}{#1}%
+ \ifglshasdesc{\glscurrententrylabel}%
+ {\ (\glossentrydesc{\glscurrententrylabel}%
+ \glsxtrifhasfield{translation}{\glscurrententrylabel}%
+ {, \textenglish{\glscurrentfieldvalue}}%
+ {}%
+ )}%
+ {%
+ \glsxtrifhasfield{translation}{\glscurrententrylabel}%
+ {\ (\textenglish{\glscurrentfieldvalue})}%
+ {}%
+ }%
+\section{First Use}
+\gls{TUG}. \gls{bgTeX}. \gls{latex-br}. \gls{CTeX}.
+\gls{CSTUG}. \gls{DANTE}. \gls{DKTUG}. \gls{EUG}.
+\gls{CervanTeX}. \gls{TirantloTeX}. \gls{GUTenberg}.
+\gls{UKTUG}. \gls{|\greekmono ɛϕτ|}. \gls{MaTeX}. \gls{ITALIC}.
+\gls{ÍsTeX}. \gls{GuIT}. \gls{KTS}. \gls{LTVG}.
+\gls{mxTeX}. \gls{NTG}. \gls{NTUG}. \gls{GUST}. \gls{GUTpt}.
+\gls{VietTUG}. \gls{LUGSA}.
+\section{Next Use}
+\gls{TUG}. \gls{bgTeX}. \gls{latex-br}. \gls{CTeX}.
+\gls{CSTUG}. \gls{DANTE}. \gls{DKTUG}. \gls{EUG}.
+\gls{CervanTeX}. \gls{TirantloTeX}. \gls{GUTenberg}.
+\gls{UKTUG}. \gls{|\greekmono ɛϕτ|}. \gls{MaTeX}. \gls{ITALIC}.
+\gls{ÍsTeX}. \gls{GuIT}. \gls{KTS}. \gls{LTVG}.
+\gls{mxTeX}. \gls{NTG}. \gls{NTUG}. \gls{GUST}. \gls{GUTpt}.
+\gls{VietTUG}. \gls{LUGSA}.
+This example uses \exfile{bacteria.bib},
+\exfile{markuplanguages.bib}, \exfile{vegetables.bib}, \exfile{minerals.bib},
+\exfile{animals.bib}, \exfile{chemicalformula.bib},
+\exfile{baseunits.bib} and \exfile{derivedunits.bib}.
+Since there's one or more UTF-8 character, the document requires
+UTF-8 support:
+The aim of this example document is to have a separate glossary
+(without number lists) for each type of data (bacteria, markup
+languages, vegetables, minerals, animals, chemical formula, base
+units and derived units) and also an
+index listing all referenced entries with number lists as well as
+aliased entries that haven't explicitly been used but the
+cross-reference term as been indexed. This requires:
+\csopt[recorded and deps and see]{selection}
+to ensure the aliased entries are selected.
+Since I don't need the default \code{main} glossary (I'm providing
+my own custom glossaries) I've used the \styopt{nomain} option to
+suppress its automatic creation, but I do want the \code{index}
+glossary so I've used the \styopt{index} package option. As with the
+other examples, I've used \styopt{nostyles} to suppress the creation
+of the default styles and used \styopt{stylemods} to load the
+particular style packages that I need and use
+\sty{glossaries-extra-stylemods} to patch them. The index needs to
+be in an unnumbered chapter, which is the default for book-like
+styles, but I want the other glossaries in unnumbered sections so
+I've used the \styopt{section} option. I just need to remember to
+switch this before displaying the index:
+\cmd{usepackage}\oarg{\styopt{record},\comment{use bib2gls}
+ \styopt{section},\comment{use \ics{section*} for glossary headings}
+ \styopt{postdot},\comment{insert dot after descriptions in glossaries}
+ \styopt{nomain},\comment{don't create 'main' glossary}
+ \styopt{index},\comment{create 'index' glossary}
+ \styopt{nostyles},\comment{don't load default styles}
+\comment{load and patch required style packages:}
+ \styopt[list,mcols,tree,bookindex]{stylemods}
+The remaining glossaries need defining:
+\cs{newglossary*}\marg{markuplanguage}\marg{Markup Languages}
+\cs{newglossary*}\marg{chemical}\marg{Chemical Formula}
+\cs{newglossary*}\marg{baseunit}\marg{SI Units}
+\cs{newglossary*}\marg{derivedunit}\marg{Derived Units}
+As with \exfile{sample-bacteria.tex} and \exfile{sample-markuplanguages.tex}
+I need to set the abbreviation styles before the abbreviations are
+Unlike the \exfile{sample-markuplanguages.tex} example, I'm not interested
+in tagging the initials in this case, but I still want to change the
+way the \field{name} field is set with the
+\abbrstyle{long-short-desc} abbreviation style:
+ \cs{protect}\cs{glsabbrvfont}\marg{\cs{the}\cs{glsshorttok}}\cs{space}
+ \cs{glsxtrparen}\marg{\cs{glslongfont}\marg{\cs{the}\cs{glslongtok}}}\comment{}
+Remember that this also needs to be set before the abbreviations are
+defined. The \catattr{textformat} and \catattr{glossnamefont}
+attributes may be set after definition:
+The description font also needs to be set since this will contain
+the long form:
+The \code{markuplanguage} glossary contains descriptions and some
+long names, so it's better suited to the \glostyle{altlist} style,
+in which case the descriptions would look better if they started
+with a capital letter:
+Remember that the \glostyle{altlist} style uses the
+\env{description} environment, which is governed by the document
+class (and may be modified by list-related packages). In this case,
+one of the KOMA-Script classes is used, so the list items are
+typeset in sans-serif.
+There are various ways of dealing with the duplicated data in the
+index, such as using the \csopt{secondary} option or having a
+separate resource set with a copy \csopt{action}. In this case, I've
+decided to use a dual entry system. Since the entries aren't defined
+using any dual types, I've used \csopt{entry-type-aliases} to
+make \bibgls\ treat them as though they were, and I also need to
+alias the custom \atentryfmt{chemical}, \atentryfmt{unit} and
+\atentryfmt{measurement} entry types:
+ abbreviation=dualindexabbreviation,
+ entry=dualindexentry,
+ symbol=dualindexsymbol,
+ unit=dualindexsymbol,
+ measurement=dualindexsymbol,
+ chemical=dualindexsymbol
+ ]{entry-type-aliases}
+Note that I haven't aliased the \atentry{index} types as I only want
+these in the index and not replicated in a separate glossary.
+The primary entries for the \atentry{dualindexabbreviation} type
+ignore the short form. It would be useful to store it. This could be
+done by copying the \field{short} field with
+\csopt{replicate-fields}. For example,
+\csopt[\field{short}=\field{symbol}]{replicate-fields}. However, this will cause the
+\field{symbol} field to be set for both the primary and dual
+entries, which will cause an unwanted duplication if the dual
+entries are displayed using a glossary style that shows the
+\field{symbol} field. Another field (such as \field{user1}) could be
+used instead or \gls{bibglsnewdualindexabbreviation} could be
+defined before \gls{GlsXtrLoadResources}:
+ \cs{longnewglossaryentry*}\marg{\idx{param}1}\marg{\comment{}
+ \field{name}=\marg{\cs{protect}\gls{bibglsuselongfont}\marg{\idx{param}4}\marg{\cs{glscategory}\marg{\idx{param}2}}},\comment{}
+ \field{symbol}=\marg{\cs{protect}\gls{bibglsuseabbrvfont}\marg{\idx{param}5}\marg{\cs{glscategory}\marg{\idx{param}2}}},\comment{}
+ \field{category}=\marg{index},\idx{param}3}\marg{}\comment{}
+However, this will affect all \atentry{dualindexabbreviation} entry
+types, but it's not necessary for the bacteria abbreviations.
+Instead it's simpler to just keep a record of the dual label so that
+the short form can be obtained from the dual entry:
+By default, the \atentry{dualindexabbreviation} entry type falls back on the
+\field{short} field if the \field{name} is omitted. In this case I
+want it to fall back on the \field{long} field instead.
+Remember that the sort fallback for abbreviations is still \field{short} (but can be
+changed with \csopt{abbreviation-sort-fallback}), but I've changed
+the sort fallback for symbols:
+I also need to alias the custom fields (especially for those in the
+\exfile{chemicalformula.bib}, \exfile{baseunits.bib} and
+\exfile{derivedunits.bib} files):
+ \fieldfmt{identifier}=\field{category},
+ \fieldfmt{formula}=\field{symbol},
+ \fieldfmt{chemicalname}=\field{name},
+ \fieldfmt{unitname}=\field{name},
+ \fieldfmt{unitsymbol}=\field{symbol},
+ \fieldfmt{measurement}=\field{description}
+There's a slight problem here. This ensures that the entries defined
+in \exfile{chemicalformula.bib} have a \field{name} and
+\field{symbol} field, which are swapped round for the dual
+(according to the default \csopt{dual-indexsymbol-map}) but these
+entries don't have a \field{description} field. Since I'd like to
+use the \glostyle{mcolalttreegroup} style, this will end up with
+the odd appearance of the formula (stored in the \field{name} field for the
+dual) followed by the chemical name (stored in the \field{symbol}
+field for the dual) in parenthesis. This is the default \meta{name}
+(\meta{symbol}) \meta{description} format for the style. I've fixed
+this by locally redefining \ics{glsxtralttreeSymbolDescLocation} for
+just that glossary:
+ \cs{renewcommand}\cs{glsxtralttreeSymbolDescLocation}[2]\marg{\comment{}
+ \ics{glossentrysymbol}\marg{\idx{param}1}\cs{glspostdescription}\ics{glsxtrAltTreePar}
+ }\comment{}
+ \cs{renewcommand}*\marg{\cs{glstreenamefmt}}[1]\marg{\idx{param}1}\comment{}
+ \cs{renewcommand}*\marg{\cs{glstreegroupheaderfmt}}[1]\marg{\cs{textbf}\marg{\idx{param}1}}\comment{}
+I've also redefined \cs{glstreenamefmt} to prevent the names
+appearing in bold, which means I also need to redefine
+\cs{glstreegroupheaderfmt} to keep the headers bold.
+All the \atentryfmt{dualindex\meta{type}} entry types provide a primary
+entry that behaves like \atentry{index}. The secondary behaves like
+\atentryfmt{\meta{type}}. This means that the primaries are
+conveniently gathered together with all the unaliased \atentry{index}
+entries, so the primary entry type needs to be set to \code{index}:
+The dual entry type depends on the entry's category. Since I've
+defined my custom glossaries with a label that matches the
+custom \fieldfmt{identifier} field, I can both alias this custom field
+to the \field{category} field and also set \csopt{dual-type} so that
+it matches the category:
+\csopt[same as category]{dual-type}
+The primary entries (in the \code{index} glossary) need to be sorted
+alphabetically, and since the document is in English I'm sorting
+according to that language (identified by the language code
+\code{en}), but I also want to make sure that all the primary
+entries are sorted by the \field{name} field to avoid discrepancies
+in the fallback value for the \field{sort} field:
+With \csopt[long]{abbreviation-name-fallback} now set,
+this means that \emph{Coxiella burnetii} comes after
+\emph{Clostridium tetani} in the index. I haven't changed the sort
+field for the dual entries, so in that case the
+\csopt{abbreviation-sort-fallback} and \csopt{symbol-sort-fallback}
+settings will be used with the duals. This means that
+\emph{C.\ burnetii} is between \emph{C.\ botulinum} and \emph{C.\
+perfringens} rather than after \emph{C.\ tetani}.
+I'd like to sort the dual entries according to a letter-number rule
+(as for the above \exfile{sample-chemical.tex} and \exfile{sample-units3.tex}
+but this would order \qt{b\'ilinite} after \qt{biotite} in the
+\code{minerals} glossary, so instead I'm also using the English sort
+rule for the duals, but with the numbers padded:
+This method doesn't work as well as the method used in
+\exfile{sample-chemical.tex} as it doesn't separate the capitals,
+digits and \idx!{lowercase} characters in the way that can be achieved with the
+letter-number methods. An improvement can be made by changing the
+break-points. I could use \csopt[upper-upper]{dual-break-at} but
+this would put \qt{seal} before \qt{sea lion} in the \code{animal}
+glossary, so instead I've used:
+This now puts \qt{sea lion} before \qt{seal}. Unfortunately the word
+break points will cause a break at the markers used to indicate
+positive and negative numbers that are inserted with
+\csopt{dual-sort-number-pad}, so these need to be changed to
+something that won't cause them to be discarded:
+The document loads \sty{hyperref} which means that all the \cs{gls}
+references will create hyperlinks. Since the primaries are in the
+index, the default prefixes mean that, for example,
+\code{\cs{gls}\marg{svg}} links to the \qt{scalable vector graphics} item in
+the index rather than to the abbreviation \qt{SVG} in the
+\code{markuplanguage} glossary. There are two alternatives: change
+\code{\cs{gls}\marg{svg}} to \code{\cs{gls}\marg{dual.svg}} or change the
+default prefixes, which is the more convenient approach and is the one used
+Now \code{\cs{gls}\marg{svg}} refers to the dual abbreviation \qt{SVG} and
+\code{\cs{gls}\marg{idx.svg}} refers to the primary entry \qt{scalable vector
+graphics}. Unfortunately this means that the records created with
+\code{\cs{gls}\marg{svg}} now refer to the dual abbreviation and will end up
+being displayed in the glossary instead of the index. This can be
+fixed with:
+Which transfers the dual entry locations to the corresponding
+The other problem is the cross-references in the \field{description}
+fields. Since the labels don't start with \qt{\idprefix{dual}} \bibgls\
+will assume they refer to the primary entries, which means that
+\qt{\idprefixfmt{idx}} (the value of \csopt{label-prefix}) will be
+inserted. This means that they'll link to the index rather than the
+glossary entry. It also means that the cross-references where the
+dual is an abbreviation won't behave like an abbreviation as the
+reference is to the primary (non-abbreviation) entry. This can be
+fixed by setting \csopt{cs-label-prefix} to the same value as
+The index is displayed using the \glostyle{bookindex} style. This
+doesn't show the description or symbol by default, but it would be
+useful to include the symbol in parentheses after the name. This can
+be done by redefining \ics{glsxtrbookindexname}:
+ \cs{glossentryname}\marg{\idx{param}1}\comment{}
+ \cs{ifglshassymbol}\marg{\idx{param}1}\marg{\cs{space}(\cs{glossentrysymbol}\marg{\idx{param}1})}\marg{}\comment{}
+However the chemical forumlae look a little odd in parentheses
+(especially those that contain parenthetical parts) but this can be
+fixed by adding a category check:
+ \cs{glossentryname}\marg{\idx{param}1}\comment{}
+ \cs{ifglshassymbol}\marg{\idx{param}1}\comment{}
+ \marg{\comment{}
+ \cs{glsifcategory}\marg{\idx{param}1}\marg{chemical}\comment{}
+ \marg{, \cs{glossentrysymbol}\marg{\idx{param}1}}\comment{}
+ \marg{\cs{space}(\cs{glossentrysymbol}\marg{\idx{param}1})}\comment{}
+ }\comment{}
+ \marg{}\comment{}
+Unfortunately \ics{glossentrysymbol} doesn't pick up the
+\catattr{glossnamefont} attribute, so if the short form of the
+abbreviations is saved in the \field{symbol} field, using one of the
+methods discussed above, then the custom \csfmt{bacteriafont} won't
+be applied. A simple solution is to use \ics{glossentrynameother}
+ \cs{glossentryname}\marg{\idx{param}1}\comment{}
+ \cs{ifglshassymbol}\marg{\idx{param}1}\comment{}
+ \marg{\comment{}
+ \cs{glsifcategory}\marg{\idx{param}1}\marg{chemical}\comment{}
+ \marg{, \cs{glossentrysymbol}\marg{\idx{param}1}}\comment{}
+ \marg{\cs{space}(\cs{glossentrynameother}\marg{\idx{param}1}\marg{\field{symbol}})}\comment{}
+ }\comment{}
+ \marg{}\comment{}
+However, since I decided not to store the short form in the
+\field{symbol} field and just saved the dual entry label instead, I
+need to lookup the short form from the dual entry:
+ \cs{glossentryname}\marg{\idx{param}1}\comment{}
+ \cs{ifglshassymbol}\marg{\idx{param}1}\comment{}
+ \marg{\comment{}
+ \cs{glsifcategory}\marg{\idx{param}1}\marg{chemical}\comment{}
+ \marg{, \ics{glossentrysymbol}\marg{\idx{param}1}}\comment{}
+ \marg{\cs{space}(\ics{glossentrynameother}\marg{\idx{param}1}\marg{\field{symbol}})}\comment{}
+ }\comment{}
+ \marg{\comment{}
+ \cs{glsifcategory}\marg{\idx{param}1}\marg{markuplanguage}\comment{}
+ \marg{\comment{}
+ \cs{glsxtrifhasfield}\marg{\field{short}}\marg{\cs{glsxtrusefield}\marg{\idx{param}1}\marg{\field{dual}}}\comment{}
+ \marg{\cs{space}(\cs{glscurrentfieldvalue})}\comment{}
+ \marg{}\comment{}
+ }\comment{}
+ \marg{}\comment{}
+ }\comment{}
+Not all of the markup languages are abbreviations so this uses
+\ics{glsxtrifhasfield} to check if the \field{short} field is set.
+The dual entry's label is easily obtained because \csopt{dual-field}
+has provided the \fieldfmt{dual} internal field and set it to the
+corresponding label.
+It's sometimes useful for the index to include a reference to the
+term's definition. This can be done by making use of
+\idx{glsextrapostnamehook}, which can be redefined before the
+glossaries to automatically record each entry:
+This needs to be redefined to ignore its argument before the index,
+to avoid the redundant index record:
+Remember that if any records are added within a glossary, an extra
+\LaTeX\ and \bibgls\ call are required to ensure that the location list
+is correct, so the document build is:
+pdflatex sample-multi1
+bib2gls --group sample-multi1
+pdflatex sample-multi1
+bib2gls --group sample-multi1
+pdflatex sample-multi1
+The complete document code is listed below.
+The resulting document is shown in \figureref{fig:sample-multi1.pdf}
+and \figureref{fig:sample-multi1.pdf2}.
+{\caption{\filefmt{sample-multi1.pdf} (pages~1 to~4)}}
+{\caption{\filefmt{sample-multi1.pdf} (pages~5 to 8)}}
+This example is an alternative approach to
+\exfile{sample-multi1.tex}. Instead of using dual entry types to
+define entries that appear in both a glossary and the index, this
+example makes use of \csopt{record-label-prefix} to reselect the
+recorded entries for the index. This is more complicated but it
+allows the entries that have natural word ordering to use a locale
+sort method while the entries that are symbolic can use one of the
+letter-number sort methods.
+This document uses some additional \ext{bib} files to the previous
+example, so it has extra glossaries, which all need to be defined:
+\cs{newglossary*}\marg{markuplanguage}\marg{Markup Languages}
+\cs{newglossary*}\marg{chemical}\marg{Chemical Formula}
+\cs{newglossary*}\marg{baseunit}\marg{SI Units}
+\cs{newglossary*}\marg{mediacontrol}\marg{Media Control Symbols}
+\cs{newglossary*}\marg{information}\marg{Information Symbols}
+\cs{newglossary*}\marg{weather}\marg{Weather Symbols}
+Note that this is a total of 15~glossaries (including the
+\code{index}). With the basic \ics{cs.makeglossaries} method, this would
+require 16 write registers (including the write register used to
+create the indexing style file), and a total of $15\times3 + 1 = 46$
+associated files. (This doesn't include the standard \ext{aux} file
+and the \ext{out} file created by \sty{hyperref}.) With \bibgls, no
+additional write registers are required and the number of associated
+\bibgls\ files is equal to the number of resource commands plus the
+transcript file (in this example, $9+1=10$).
+Since this document requires \exfile{people.bib}, \exfile{books.bib}
+and \exfile{films.bib} it also requires the files that
+supply the definitions of the custom commands
+(\exfile{no-interpret-preamble.bib} and either
+\exfile{interpret-preamble.bib} or \exfile{interpret-preamble2.bib})
+to ensure the custom commands are provided both for the document and
+for \bibgls's interpreter.
+The first resource set to be loaded simply reads
+\exfile{no-interpret-preamble.bib} with the preamble interpreter
+switched off:
+ \csopt[no-interpret-preamble]{src},
+ \csopt[false]{interpret-preamble}
+This ensures that \LaTeX\ can pick up the provided commands and
+prevents them from being added to the interpreter.
+The \exfile{people.bib} file is the next to be loaded with
+\exfile{interpret-preamble.bib}. This is loaded separately from the
+other resources as this needs the \field{name} field to be copied to
+\field{first} (if not already set), as in the
+\exfile{sample-people.tex} file. By having a separate resource set,
+this setting doesn't affect the other entries. I've also converted
+the date fields so that I can customise the format in the document.
+ \csopt[interpret-preamble,people]{src},
+ \csopt[
+ \fieldfmt{identifier}=\field{category},
+ \fieldfmt{born}=\field{user1},
+ \fieldfmt{died}=\field{user2},
+ \fieldfmt{othername}=\field{user3}
+ ]{field-aliases},
+ \csopt[\field{name}=\marg{\field{first}}]{replicate-fields},
+ \csopt[person]{type},
+ \csopt[false]{save-locations}
+ \csopt[\field{user1},\field{user2}]{date-fields},
+ \csopt[d MMM y G]{date-field-format}
+As with the \exfile{sample-people.tex} document, I need to use the
+\longarg{break-space} switch to convert the \idx{nbspchar} to a
+normal breakable space so that it matches the given format. I've
+loaded the \sty{datetime2} package:\footnote{The
+\styoptfmt{en-GB} option to \sty{datetime2} also requires that
+\styfmt{datetime2-english} must be installed.}
+so that I can use \ics{DTMdisplaydate} to adjust the formatting:
+This needs to go before the \idx{resourceset} is loaded. Note that
+the \styoptfmt{en-GB} option identifies the document locale as
+\code{en-GB} (since there are no language packages loaded).
+Note that unlike \exfile{sample-people.tex} which had
+\csopt[people]{category}, this document obtains the \field{category} field
+from the custom \fieldfmt{identifier} field, which in this case
+has the value \code{person}. This means that the category hooks from
+\exfile{sample-people.tex} need to be renamed to reflect the
+different category label:
+ \cs{glsxtrifwasfirstuse}
+ \marg{\comment{}
+ \cs{ifglshasfield}\marg{\field{user3}}\marg{\cs{glslabel}}\comment{}
+ \marg{\cs{space}(\cs{glscurrentfieldvalue})}\comment{}
+ \marg{}\comment{}
+ }\comment{}
+ \marg{}\comment{}
+ \cs{ifglshasfield}\marg{\field{user3}}\marg{\cs{glscurrententrylabel}}\comment{}
+ \marg{\cs{space}(\cs{glscurrentfieldvalue})}\comment{}
+ \marg{}\comment{}
+ \cs{ifglshasfield}\marg{\field{user1}}\marg{\cs{glscurrententrylabel}}
+ \marg{\comment{born}
+ \cs{space}(\cs{glscurrentfieldvalue}\cs{comma}-{}-\cs{comma}\comment{}
+ \cs{ifglshasfield}\marg{\field{user2}}\marg{\cs{glscurrententrylabel}}
+ \marg{\comment{died}
+ \cs{glscurrentfieldvalue}
+ }\comment{}
+ \marg{}\comment{}
+ )\comment{}
+ }\comment{}
+ \marg{}\comment{}
+The other \ext{bib} files that require locale sorting can now be
+loaded, but remember that the abbreviation style settings must be
+set first since this resource set includes abbreviations:
+ \cs{protect}\cs{glsabbrvfont}\marg{\cs{the}\cs{glsshorttok}}\cs{space}
+ \glsxtrparen{\glslongfont{\the\glslongtok}}%
+Now the resource set can be loaded:
+ \csopt[bacteria,markuplanguages,vegetables,
+ minerals,animals,books,films]{src},
+ \csopt[\fieldfmt{identifier}=\field{category}]{field-aliases},
+ \csopt[same as category]{type},
+ \csopt[false]{save-locations}
+The semantic markup command and attributes are as for
+Similarly for the books:
+(as for \exfile{sample-media.tex}) and for films:
+Next come the chemical formulae:
+ \csopt[chemicalformula]{src},
+ \csopt[chemical=symbol]{entry-type-aliases},
+ \csopt[
+ \fieldfmt{identifier}=\field{category},
+ \fieldfmt{formula}=\field{name},
+ \fieldfmt{chemicalname}=\field{description}
+ ]{field-aliases},
+ \csopt[chemical]{type},
+ \csopt{set-widest},
+ \csopt[letternumber-case]{sort},
+ \csopt[\field{name}]{symbol-sort-fallback},
+ \csopt[false]{save-locations}
+and the \idxpl{SIunit}, which are now combined into a single
+ \csopt[baseunits,derivedunits]{src},
+ \csopt[\fieldfmt{measurement}=\field{symbol},\fieldfmt{unit}=\field{symbol}]{entry-type-aliases},
+ \csopt[
+ \fieldfmt{unitname}=\field{description},
+ \fieldfmt{unitsymbol}=\field{symbol},
+ \fieldfmt{measurement}=\field{name}
+ ]{field-aliases},
+ \csopt[measurement]{category},
+ \csopt[measurement]{type},
+ \csopt{set-widest},
+ \csopt[\field{name}]{symbol-sort-fallback},
+ \csopt[false]{save-locations}
+Here the \field{name} field is obtained from the custom
+\fieldfmt{measurement} field. Since this contains a word, the
+default locale sort is appropriate. I've locally redefined
+\ics{glsxtralttreeSymbolDescLocation} to place the symbol in
+parentheses after the description:
+ \cs{renewcommand}\marg{\cs{glsxtralttreeSymbolDescLocation}}[2]\marg{\comment{}
+ \cs{glossentrydesc}\marg{\idx{param}1}\comment{}
+ \cs{ifglshassymbol}\marg{\idx{param}1}\marg{\cs{space}(\cs{glossentrysymbol}\marg{\idx{param}1})}\marg{}\comment{}
+ \cs{glspostdescription}
+ \cs{glsxtrAltTreePar}
+ }\comment{}
+The base units are replicated in the \code{baseunit} glossary, this
+time with the \field{name} field obtained from the custom
+\fieldfmt{unitsymbol} field. This means that I need to find a way to
+prevent duplicate labels. The simplest method is to use
+ \csopt[baseunits]{src},
+ \csopt[unit=symbol]{entry-type-aliases},
+ \csopt[
+ \fieldfmt{unitname}=\field{description},
+ \fieldfmt{unitsymbol}=\field{name}
+ ]{field-aliases},
+ \csopt[measurement]{category},
+ \csopt[baseunit]{type},
+ \csopt[.copy]{duplicate-label-suffix},
+ \csopt[\field{name}]{symbol-sort-fallback},
+ \csopt[false]{save-locations}
+I can't use \csopt{set-widest} here as it won't pick up the modified
+label and will instead use the label from the original entry.
+Instead I've used \cs{glsFindWidestTopLevelName} to find it:
+ \cs{glsFindWidestTopLevelName}\oarg{baseunit}\comment{}
+The text symbols from \exfile{miscsymbols.bib} are all loaded in a
+single \idx{resourceset}, where the \field{type} field can be
+obtained from the \field{category}, which in turns is obtained from
+the custom \fieldfmt{identifier} field. Since \bibgls\ doesn't
+recognise any of the symbol commands, I'm sorting according to the
+\field{description} field. (Even if \bibgls\ could determine a
+Unicode value for each of the symbols, sorting by the description
+makes more sense in this case.)
+ \csopt[miscsymbols]{src},
+ \csopt[
+ \fieldfmt{identifier}=\field{category},
+ \fieldfmt{icon}=\field{name},
+ \fieldfmt{icondescription}=\field{description}
+ ]{field-aliases},
+ \csopt[icon=symbol]{entry-type-aliases},
+ \csopt[same as category]{type},
+ \csopt[\field{description}]{sort-field},
+ \csopt[false]{save-locations},
+ \csopt{set-widest}
+Finally, all recorded and cross-referenced terms are needed for the
+index. This includes entries that have already been defined in the
+earlier \idxpl{resourceset} (so a guard against duplicates is
+necessary) but it also includes entries from the \exfile{terms.bib}
+file that haven't yet been dealt with. I'd like the index to start
+with a \idx{symbolgroup} containing the icons from
+\exfile{miscsymbols.bib}. This needs to be dealt with separately from
+the rest of the index to keep them together in a single group:
+ \csopt[miscsymbols]{src},
+ \csopt[recorded no deps]{selection},
+ \csopt[.copy]{duplicate-label-suffix},
+ \csopt[icon=index]{entry-type-aliases},
+ \csopt[
+ \fieldfmt{identifier}=\field{category},
+ \fieldfmt{icondescription}=\field{symbol},
+ \fieldfmt{icon}=\field{name}
+ ]{field-aliases},
+ \csopt[index]{type},
+ \csopt[\field{symbol}]{sort-field},
+ \csopt[glssymbols]{group}
+Since I know that there are no parents or cross-references in this
+set of entries I've used \csopt[recorded no deps]{selection} to skip
+the dependency checks. In this \idx{resourceset}, the \field{name}
+field has the symbol command (obtained from the custom
+\fieldfmt{icon} field), and the \field{symbol} field has the symbol
+description (obtained from the custom \fieldfmt{icondescription}
+field), which is used as the sort field. I've set the \field{group}
+label to \code{glssymbols}, which keeps all these entries in a
+single group and the title will be obtained from
+Before loading the final \idx{resourceset} \ics{glsxtrlongshortdescname} needs
+to be changed
+so that the abbreviations using the \abbrstyle{long-short-desc}
+style (that is, the abbreviations with the \field{category} set to
+\code{markuplanguage}) have the \field{name} field set to
+\meta{long} (\meta{short}):
+ \cs{protect}\cs{glslongfont}\marg{\cs{the}\cs{glslongtok}}\cs{space}
+ \cs{glsxtrparen}\marg{\cs{glsabbrvfont}\marg{\cs{the}\cs{glsshorttok}}}\comment{}
+The \abbrstyle{long-only-short-only} style has a similar command,
+but it was only introduced to \sty{glossaries-extra} version 1.25:
+ \cs{protect}\cs{glsabbrvonlyfont}\marg{\cs{the}\cs{glslongtok}}\comment{}
+The abbreviations all need to be sorted according to the long form:
+The custom entry types and fields again need to be aliased
+ chemical=index,
+ measurement=entry,
+ unit=dualentry,
+ icon=index
+ \fieldfmt{identifier}=\field{category},
+ \fieldfmt{formula}=\field{symbol},
+ \fieldfmt{chemicalname}=\field{name},
+ \fieldfmt{unitname}=\field{description},
+ \fieldfmt{unitsymbol}=\field{symbol},
+ \fieldfmt{measurement}=\field{name},
+ \fieldfmt{icon}=\field{symbol},
+ \fieldfmt{icondescription}=\field{name}
+ ]{field-aliases}
+The chemical formulae and icons are now defined using
+\atentry{index} with the \field{name} field set to a word form
+(chemical name and icon description). This means
+they're appropriate for alphabetical sorting. (Both \atentry{entry}
+and \atentry{symbol} require the \field{description} field, which is
+why I've aliased \atentryfmt{chemical} and \atentryfmt{icon}
+to \atentry{index} here.) The custom \atentryfmt{measurement} entry
+type has a \field{description} field (obtained from
+\fieldfmt{unitname}), so that's aliased to \atentry{entry} as again
+the \field{name} field is suitable for alphabetical sorting.
+I've aliased \atentryfmt{unit} to \atentry{dualentry}
+rather than \atentry{symbol} as I want both the unit name and the
+measurement in the index and I've combined their location lists:
+Both primary and dual entries need to go in the \code{index}
+All \ext{bib} files used in the previous \idxpl{resourceset} are needed
+as well as the \exfile{terms.bib} file:
+ animals,chemicalformula,baseunits,derivedunits,people,
+ films,books,miscsymbols]{src}
+but this time I also want to select entries that haven't been
+recorded but have a cross-reference to a recorded entry:
+\csopt{selection}[recorded and deps and see]
+Again it's necessary to provide a way to avoid duplicate entry
+labels, which can be done with
+as above. However, this will cause the cross-references (from the
+\field{alias} fields) to link to the glossary rather than the index.
+This may or may not confuse the reader. For consistency, it may be
+more suitable to have the cross-reference in the index link to the
+aliased entry in the index rather than in the glossary. I've
+therefore instead used:
+ \csopt[idx.]{label-prefix},
+ \csopt[idx.]{record-label-prefix},
+This means that the entries defined in \exfile{terms.bib} need to be
+referenced with this prefix.
+All instances of \cs{gls} will link to the original entry, so all
+entries except for those in the \exfile{terms.bib} file will link to
+the relevant glossary. Those in the \exfile{terms.bib} file will
+link to the index. It's possible to disable the hyperlinks for those
+entries, but the reader may find it useful to jump to the index to
+look up other locations for that entry in the document.
+To deal with the identical book and film titles, I'm again using the
+\field{category} to resolve identical sort values:
+For the people who have a \field{first} field, I've decided that
+this would be more appropriate for the index as it's more compact
+than the \field{name}, so here I've done the reverse to earlier and copied the
+\field{first} field (if supplied) into the \field{name} field, but
+since the \field{name} field is already provided the override
+setting needs to be on:
+As with \exfile{sample-people.tex} I've provided some custom
+commands to make it easier to locally redefine \gls{sortname} and
+\cs{newcommand}*\marg{\cmd{swaptwo}}[2]\marg{\idx{param}2, \idx{param}1}
+\cs{newcommand}*\marg{\cmd{swapthree}}[3]\marg{\idx{param}2 \idx{param}3, \idx{param}1}
+I've redefined \ics{glsxtrbookindexname} in a similar manner to
+\exfile{sample-multi1.tex} but it has some modifications:
+ \cs{glossentryname}\marg{\idx{param}1}\comment{}
+ \cs{ifglshassymbol}\marg{\idx{param}1}\comment{}
+ \marg{\comment{}
+ \cs{glsifcategory}\marg{\idx{param}1}\marg{chemical}\comment{}
+ \marg{, \cs{glossentrysymbol}\marg{\idx{param}1}}\comment{}
+ \marg{\cs{space}(\cs{glossentrynameother}\marg{\idx{param}1}\marg{\field{symbol}})}\comment{}
+ }\comment{}
+ \marg{\comment{}
+ \cs{glsifcategory}\marg{\idx{param}1}\marg{film}\comment{}
+ \marg{\cs{}(film)}\comment{}
+ \marg{}\comment{}
+ }\comment{}
+This appends \qt{(film)} to film names. I've chosen this method
+rather than using the \idx{postnamehook} as I only want this in the
+index and not in the list of films.
+For some of the entries that are referenced in the document, I've
+appended information in parentheses:
+\cs{gls}\marg{Al2SO43} (\ics{glsdesc}\marg{Al2SO43})
+This is all right for odd instances, but if this always needs to be done
+on first use, then it's better to use the \idx{postlinkhook}, which
+is what I've done for the icons for comparison:
+ \ics{glsxtrpostlinkAddDescOnFirstUse}
+ \cs{glsxtrpostlinkAddDescOnFirstUse}
+ \cs{glsxtrpostlinkAddDescOnFirstUse}
+I've also provided some custom commands to make it easier to reference
+entries without worrying about the prefixes:
+As with \exfile{sample-multi1.tex}, it would be useful to include
+the page where the entries are defined in their corresponding lists.
+Again this can be done by redefining the general purpose
+non-category post-name hook \ics{glsextrapostnamehook}:
+ \cs{glsadd}\oarg{\glsaddopt[\encap{hyperbf}]{format}}\marg{\idx{param}1}\comment{}
+This needs resetting before the index, since it's redundant to
+record an entry in the index. This will require an extra
+\bibgls+\LaTeX\ system call as this code can't be performed until
+the glossaries have been created.
+The complete document code is listed below. The document build is:
+pdflatex sample-multi2
+bib2gls --group --break-space sample-multi2
+pdflatex sample-multi2
+bib2gls --group --break-space sample-multi2
+pdflatex sample-multi2
+The resulting document is shown in \figureref{fig:sample-multi2.pdf},
+\figureref{fig:sample-multi2.pdf2} and \figureref{fig:sample-multi2.pdf3}.
+{\caption{\filefmt{sample-multi2.pdf} (pages~1 to~4)}}
+{\caption{\filefmt{sample-multi2.pdf} (pages~5 to 8)}}
+{\caption{\filefmt{sample-multi2.pdf} (pages~9 and 12)}}
+ \glsifcategory{#1}{command}%
+ {%
+ \glsxtrifhasfield{useri}{#1}%
+ {\glossentrynameother{#1}{useri}}%
+ {\glossentryname{#1}}%
+ }%
+ {\glossentryname{#1}}%
+ \glsxtrifhasfield{location}{#1}%
+ {\nobreak\cleaders\hbox to .44em{\hss\textcolor{lightgray}{.}\hss}\hfill}%
+ {\glsxtrprelocation}%
+ \glsxtrifhasfield*{progenitor}{#1}{\printunsrtglossaryskipentry}{}%
diff --git a/support/bib2gls/src/convertgls2bib.pod b/support/bib2gls/src/convertgls2bib.pod
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d5617dc00e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/support/bib2gls/src/convertgls2bib.pod
@@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+B<convertgls2bib> [I<option>]+ I<auxfile>
+Converts a B<.tex> file containing glossary definitions using
+commands like B<\newglossaryentry> and B<\newacronym> to
+a B<.bib> file in the format required for B<bib2gls>.
+=head1 OPTIONS
+=over 4
+=item B<--help> or B<-h>
+Display help message and exit.
+=item B<--version> or B<-v>
+Display version information and exit.
+=item B<--silent>
+Suppress all messages except for errors.
+=item B<--verbose>
+Display messages.
+=item B<--debug>
+Display debugging messages.
+=item B<--texenc> I<name>
+Set the character encoding to I<name> for the input B<.tex> files.
+=item B<--bibenc> I<name>
+Set the character encoding to I<name> for the output B<.bib> files.
+=item B<--ignore-sort>
+Ignore the B<sort> field (default).
+=item B<--no-ignore-sort>
+Don't ignore the B<sort> field.
+=item B<--space-sub> I<value>
+Substitute spaces in labels with I<value>.
+=item B<--locale> I<lang tag>
+Use the language resource files associated with the given language
+tag I<lang tag>. If there isn't an appropriate file, the B<en>
+(English) file will be used.
+=head1 REQUIRES
+Java 7 and a TeX distribution.
+=head1 LICENSE
+License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later
+This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it.
+There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law.
+The bib2gls manual:
+ texdoc bib2gls
+The glossaries-extra manual:
+ texdoc glossaries-extra
+The glossaries manual:
+ texdoc glossaries
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Nicola L. C. Talbot,