path: root/support/bib2gls/bib2gls-en.xml
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'support/bib2gls/bib2gls-en.xml')
1 files changed, 110 insertions, 205 deletions
diff --git a/support/bib2gls/bib2gls-en.xml b/support/bib2gls/bib2gls-en.xml
index 42846f9f2d..fd204ffdfa 100644
--- a/support/bib2gls/bib2gls-en.xml
+++ b/support/bib2gls/bib2gls-en.xml
@@ -3,180 +3,81 @@
<comment>English language file for bib2gls</comment>
-<entry key="about.version">{0} version {1} ({2})</entry>
+<entry key="about.version">{0} {1} ({2})</entry>
<entry key="about.license">License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later &lt;;
This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it.
There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law.</entry>
<entry key="about.library.version">Bundled with {0} version {1} ({2})</entry>
-<entry key="syntax.usage">Usage: {0} [&lt;option&gt;]+ &lt;aux file&gt;</entry>
-<entry key="">Helper application for the glossaries-extra package.
-See the manual for further details.</entry>
+<entry key="syntax.usage">Usage: {0} [&lt;option&gt;+] &lt;aux file&gt;</entry>
+<entry key="">Helper application for the glossaries-extra package.
+The aux file should either be in the current directory or in the directory
+specified by {0}. Bib files can either be relative to the directory the aux
+file is in or in a location that can be found by kpsewhich.</entry>
+<entry key="syntax.furtherinfo">Resources</entry>
+<entry key="syntax.tutorial">{0} tutorial: {1}</entry>
+<entry key="syntax.userguide">{0} documentation: {1}</entry>
+<entry key="syntax.ctan">{0} package page: {1}</entry>
+<entry key="syntax.home">{0} home page: {1}</entry>
+<entry key="syntax.faq">{0} FAQ: {1}</entry>
<entry key="">(Use --help or -h for help.)</entry>
-<entry key="syntax.options">Options:</entry>
-<entry key="syntax.version">{0} (or {1}) Display version and exit.</entry>
-<entry key="">{0} (or {1}) Display this help message and exit.</entry>
-<entry key="syntax.debug">{0} [&lt;n&gt;] Switch on debug mode (optionally with the given level).</entry>
-<entry key="syntax.nodebug">{0} Switch off debug mode. (Default.)</entry>
-<entry key="syntax.nodebug">{0} Switch off debug mode. (Default.)
- Synonym: {1}</entry>
-<entry key="syntax.verbose">{0} Switch on verbose mode.</entry>
-<entry key="syntax.noverbose">{0} Switch off verbose mode. (Default.)
- Some messages are displayed.
- Synonym: {1}</entry>
-<entry key="syntax.silent">{0} Only display error messages.</entry>
-<entry key="syntax.locale">{0} &lt;lang&gt; (or {1} &lt;lang&gt;)
- Use language resource file for &lt;lang&gt;.
- Also sets default document language.</entry>
-<entry key="syntax.log">{0} &lt;file&gt; (or {1} &lt;file&gt;)
- Set transcript file name.</entry>
-<entry key="syntax.dir">{0} &lt;directory&gt; (or {1} &lt;directory&gt;)
- Files relative to &lt;directory&gt;.
- (This doesn''t change the current working
- directory.)</entry>
-<entry key="syntax.interpret">{0} Switch on interpret mode (default).</entry>
-<entry key="">{0} Switch off interpret mode.</entry>
-<entry key="">{0} Interpret tilde character as normal space.</entry>
-<entry key="">{0} Interpret tilde character as a non-breaking space
- (default).</entry>
+<entry key="syntax.options.common">Common options:</entry>
+<entry key="syntax.options.files">File options:</entry>
+<entry key="syntax.options.interpreter">Interpreter options:</entry>
+<entry key="syntax.options.records">Record options:</entry>
+<entry key="syntax.options.bib">Bib file options:</entry>
+<entry key="syntax.options.fields">Field options:</entry>
+<entry key="syntax.options.other">Other options:</entry>
+<entry key="syntax.version">{1}, {0} Display version and exit.</entry>
+<entry key="">{1}, {0} Display this help message and exit.</entry>
+<entry key="syntax.debug">{0} [&lt;n&gt;] Debug mode.</entry>
+<entry key="syntax.verbose">{0} Verbose mode.</entry>
+<entry key="syntax.silent">{1}, {2}, {0} Only display error messages.</entry>
+<entry key="">{1}, {0} Add ''group'' field to entries.</entry>
+<entry key="syntax.locale">{1}, {0} &lt;lang&gt; Use language resource file for &lt;lang&gt; and identify this as the default document language.</entry>
+<entry key="syntax.log">{1}, {0} &lt;file&gt; Set transcript file name.</entry>
+<entry key="syntax.dir">{1}, {0} &lt;directory&gt; Files relative to &lt;directory&gt;.</entry>
+<entry key="syntax.tex.encoding">{0} &lt;name&gt; Set the character encoding for the output files.</entry>
+<entry key="syntax.interpret">{0} Enable interpreter.</entry>
+<entry key="">{0} Interpret tilde character as normal space.</entry>
+<entry key="syntax.packages">{1}, {0} &lt;list&gt; Instruct interpreter to assume the listed packages have been used in the document. (The packages must be known by the interpreter.)</entry>
+<entry key="syntax.ignore.packages">{1}, {0} &lt;list&gt; Don''t check the log file for the listed packages.</entry>
+<entry key="syntax.custom.packages">{0} &lt;list&gt; Instruct the interpreter to parse the listed packages.</entry>
+<entry key="syntax.list.known.packages">{0} List the packages known to the interpreter and exit.</entry>
+<entry key="">{0} Text superscripts or subscripts will use Unicode superscript or subscript characters if possible.</entry>
+<entry key="syntax.force.cross.resource.refs">{1}, {0} Force cross-resource referencing mode on.</entry>
<entry key="">{0} Treat \citation as an ignored record.</entry>
-<entry key="">{0} Don''t treat \citation as an ignored record (default).</entry>
-<entry key="syntax.collapse.same.location.range">{0} Collapse explicit location ranges with coincident end-points (default).</entry>
-<entry key="">{0} Don''t collapse explicit location ranges with coincident end-points.</entry>
+<entry key="syntax.collapse.same.location.range">{0} Collapse explicit location ranges with coincident end-points.</entry>
<entry key="syntax.retain.formats">{0} Retain non-identical locations with the given formats even if a partial match exists.</entry>
-<entry key="">{0} Don''t override normal location merging rules (default).</entry>
-<entry key="syntax.merge.wrglossary.records">{0}
- Merge wrglossary counter records (default).</entry>
-<entry key="">{0}
- Don''t merge wrglossary counter records.</entry>
-<entry key="syntax.force.cross.resource.refs">{0} (or {1})
- Force cross-resource referencing mode on.</entry>
-<entry key="">{0}
- Don''t force cross-resource referencing mode on
- (default).</entry>
-<entry key="syntax.warn.non.bib.fields">{0}
- Warn if internal non-bib fields are found in .bib file.</entry>
-<entry key="">{0}
- Don''t warn if internal non-bib fields are found in .bib file.</entry>
-<entry key="syntax.warn.unknown.entry.types">{0}
- Warn if unknown entry types are found in .bib file.</entry>
-<entry key="">{0}
- Don''t warn if unknown entry types are found in .bib file.</entry>
-<entry key="syntax.merge.nameref.on">{0} &lt;rule&gt;
- Rule for merging locations with record=nameref
- (requires glossaries-extra version 1.37+).
- &lt;rule&gt; may be one of: ''hcounter'', ''href'', ''title''
- or ''location''.</entry>
-<entry key="">{0}
- Text superscripts or subscripts will use Unicode
- superscript or subscript characters if possible
- (default).</entry>
-<entry key="">{0}
- Text superscripts or subscripts won''t use Unicode
- superscript or subscript characters.</entry>
-<entry key="syntax.mfirstuc">{0} &lt;fields&gt;|"all" (or {1} &lt;fields&gt;|"all")
- Insert an empty group if fields start
- with certain problematic commands
- to protect against case-changing commands
- like \Gls.
- The default is to do this for all fields.
- To do this for only a subset of fields,
- set &lt;fields&gt; to a comma-separated
- list of fields (e.g. 'name,short,long').
- The keyword 'all' indicates all fields.</entry>
-<entry key="">{0}
- Switch off the auto-insertion of an empty
- group for all fields.</entry>
-<entry key="">{0}
- Switch off the auto-insertion of an empty
- group for math-shift ($).</entry>
-<entry key="syntax.math.mfirstuc">{0}
- Switch on the auto-insertion of an empty
- group for math-shift ($).
- This option will be overriden by
- {1}</entry>
-<entry key="syntax.check.shortcuts">{0} &lt;option&gt;
- Check for the shortcut commands when
- searching for dependencies.
- Permitted values of &lt;option&gt;:
- ''ac'', ''acronyms'' (or ''acro''),
- ''abbreviations'' (or ''abbr''),
- ''all'' (or ''true''),
- ''none'' (or ''false'')</entry>
-<entry key="syntax.check.nested">{0} &lt;list&gt;|"none"
- Check each field listed in &lt;list&gt;
- for potentially problematic nested link
- text. (Default list: name, text, plural,
- first, firstplural, short, shortplural,
- long, longplural, symbol).
- If "none", disable check.</entry>
-<entry key="syntax.nocheck.nested">{0}
- Don''t check for potentially problematic
- nested link text. (Equivalent to
- {1} "none")</entry>
-<entry key="">{0} &lt;key&gt;:&lt;value&gt;[,&lt;key&gt;:&lt;value&gt;]* (or {1} &lt;key&gt;:&lt;value&gt;[,&lt;key&gt;:&lt;value&gt;]*)
- Set location format mappings.</entry>
-<entry key="">{0} or {1}
- Add ''group'' field to entries.</entry>
-<entry key="">{0}
- Don''t add ''group'' field to entries (default).</entry>
-<entry key="syntax.record.count">{0} or {1}
- Add record count fields to entries.</entry>
-<entry key="">{0}
- Don''t add record count fields to entries.
- (Automatically implements {1})</entry>
-<entry key="syntax.record.count.unit">{0} or {1}
- Add unit record count fields to entries.
- (Automatically implements {2})</entry>
-<entry key="">{0}
- Don''t add unit record count fields to entries.</entry>
-<entry key="syntax.trim.fields">{0}
- Trim leading and trailing spaces from fields.</entry>
-<entry key="">{0}
- Don''t trim leading and trailing spaces from fields
- (default).</entry>
-<entry key="syntax.trim.only.fields">{0} &lt;list&gt;
- Only trim leading and trailing spaces from listed fields.
- (Cumulative.)</entry>
-<entry key="syntax.trim.except.fields">{0} &lt;list&gt;
- Trim leading and trailing spaces from all fields except those listed.
- (Cumulative.)</entry>
-<entry key="syntax.expand.fields">{0}
- Don''t write \glsnoexpandfields to the .glstex file.</entry>
-<entry key="">{0}
- Write \glsnoexpandfields to the .glstex file (default).</entry>
-<entry key="syntax.tex.encoding">{0} &lt;name&gt;
- Set the character encoding for the output files.</entry>
-<entry key="syntax.packages">{0} &lt;list&gt; or {1} &lt;list&gt;
- Instruct interpreter to assume the listed
- packages have been used in the document.
- (The packages must be known by the interpreter.)</entry>
-<entry key="syntax.ignore.packages">{0} &lt;list&gt; or {1} &lt;list&gt;
- Don''t check the log file for the listed
- packages.</entry>
-<entry key="syntax.custom.packages">{0} &lt;list&gt;
- Instruct the interpreter to parse
- the listed packages.</entry>
-<entry key="syntax.list.known.packages">{0}
- List the packages known to the interpreter.</entry>
-<entry key="syntax.provide.glossaries">{0}
- Define any unknown glossaries with
- \provideignoredglossary*.</entry>
-<entry key="">{0}
- Don''t define unknown glossaries with
- \provideignoredglossary* except in certain situations
- (default).</entry>
+<entry key="syntax.merge.wrglossary.records">{0} Merge wrglossary counter records.</entry>
+<entry key="syntax.merge.nameref.on">{0} &lt;rule&gt; Rule for merging locations with record=nameref. &lt;rule&gt; may be one of: ''hcounter'', ''href'', ''title'' or ''location''.</entry>
+<entry key="">{1}, {0} &lt;key&gt;:&lt;value&gt;[,&lt;key&gt;:&lt;value&gt;]* Set location format mappings.</entry>
+<entry key="syntax.record.count">{1}, {0} Add record count fields to entries.</entry>
+<entry key="syntax.record.count.unit">{1}, {0} Add unit record count fields to entries.</entry>
+<entry key="syntax.warn.non.bib.fields">{0} Warn if internal non-bib fields are found in bib file.</entry>
+<entry key="syntax.warn.unknown.entry.types">{0} Warn if unknown entry types are found in bib file.</entry>
+<entry key="syntax.mfirstuc">{1}, {0} &lt;fields&gt;|"all" Insert an empty group if fields start with certain problematic commands to protect against case-changing commands like \Gls.</entry>
+<entry key="syntax.math.mfirstuc">{0} Switch on the auto-insertion of an empty group for math-shift ($).</entry>
+<entry key="syntax.check.shortcuts">{0} &lt;option&gt; Check for the shortcut commands when searching for dependencies. Permitted values of &lt;option&gt;: ''ac'', ''acronyms'' (or ''acro''), ''abbreviations'' (or ''abbr''), ''all'' (or ''true''), ''none'' (or ''false'')</entry>
+<entry key="syntax.check.nested">{0} &lt;list&gt;|"none" Check each field listed in &lt;list&gt; for potentially problematic nested link text.</entry>
+<entry key="syntax.trim.fields">{0} Trim leading and trailing spaces from fields.</entry>
+<entry key="syntax.trim.only.fields">{0} &lt;list&gt; Only trim leading and trailing spaces from listed fields. (Cumulative.)</entry>
+<entry key="syntax.trim.except.fields">{0} &lt;list&gt; Trim leading and trailing spaces from all fields except those listed. (Cumulative.)</entry>
+<entry key="syntax.expand.fields">{0} Allow field expansion to occur when LaTeX inputs the glstex file.</entry>
+<entry key="syntax.provide.glossaries">{0} Define any unknown glossaries with \provideignoredglossary*.</entry>
<entry key="message.reading">Reading {0}</entry>
<entry key="message.writing">Writing {0}</entry>
@@ -187,7 +88,9 @@ See the manual for further details.</entry>
<entry key="message.copying">Copying {0} -&gt; {1}</entry>
<entry key="message.moving">Moving {0} -&gt; {1}</entry>
<entry key="message.crossref.found">Entry {0}: found cross-reference ({1}): {2}</entry>
+<entry key="message.compoundcrossref.found">Entry {0}: found compound cross-reference ({1}): {2}</entry>
<entry key="">Entry {0} cross-referenced by {1}</entry>
+<entry key="">Compound entry {0} cross-referenced by {1}</entry>
<entry key="message.checking.crossrefs">Checking cross-references for: {0}</entry>
<entry key="message.crossref.tail">Cross-reference tail for ''{0}'': {1}</entry>
<entry key="message.custom.dep.found">Entry {0}: found custom ''{1}'' dependency ({2}): {3}</entry>
@@ -208,6 +111,7 @@ See the manual for further details.</entry>
<entry key="message.selecting.entry.dep">Selecting entry {0} (is dependency).</entry>
<entry key="message.selecting.entry">Selecting entry {0}.</entry>
<entry key="message.selecting.entry.before">Selecting entry {0} (selected before).</entry>
+<entry key="message.selecting.entry.record.mgls">Selecting entry {0} (mgls ref {1}).</entry>
<entry key="message.datetime.field.check">Checking entry {0} field {1} for date/time data (date:{2}, time:{3}).</entry>
<entry key="message.field.notset">Field {0} not set for entry {1}</entry>
<entry key="message.selection.mode">Selection mode: {0}</entry>
@@ -328,6 +232,8 @@ Defaulting to: {0}.
<entry key="message.append.prefix.nbsp.match">Append nbsp for prefix field ''{0}'': matched ''{1}'' in ''{2}'' (pattern ''{3}'')</entry>
<entry key="">{0}: No group ID for entry {1}</entry>
<entry key="">{0}: No group found for {1}</entry>
+<entry key="message.compoundset.found">Found compound entry set ''{0}''</entry>
+<entry key="message.mgls.found">Found mgls ref ''{0}''</entry>
<entry key="">Page</entry>
<entry key="tag.pages">Pages</entry>
@@ -430,6 +336,8 @@ Aliased entries must be in the same resource set as their target entries with op
<entry key="warning.multi_supp_unsupported">Multiple supplemental locations not supported with glossaries-extra {1}. Restricting selection to just {0}. Update to at least glossaries-extra version {2} to support multiple supplementary sources.</entry>
<entry key="warning.unknown_entry">Unknown entry: {0}</entry>
<entry key="warning.unknown_entry_in_current_resource">Unknown entry ''{0}'' in current resource set: {1}</entry>
+<entry key="warning.unknown_compound_label">Unknown compound entry ''{0}''.</entry>
+<entry key="warning.unknown_compound_label.in_entry">Unknown compound entry ''{0}'' referenced in entry ''{1}''.</entry>
<entry key="error.title">Error: {0}</entry>
<entry key="">The 'alias' field can't be mapped.</entry>
@@ -445,7 +353,7 @@ Have you used the glossaries-extra.sty ''record'' option?
Have you indexed your entries using commands like \gls?</entry>
<entry key="">Missing \{0} in aux file (make sure glossaries-extra.sty is at least {1}).</entry>
<entry key="">Only one aux file permitted.</entry>
-<entry key="">Aux file not supplied. Syntax: bib2gls [&lt;options&gt;] &lt;aux file&gt;</entry>
+<entry key="">Aux file not supplied. {0}</entry>
<entry key="error.file.not.found">File not found: {0}</entry>
<entry key="error.missing.src">File not found: {0}
(Did you forget to use the ''src'' key?)</entry>
@@ -518,6 +426,7 @@ Use {1} {0} instead.</entry>
<entry key="error.option.requires.interpreter">Interpreter needed for setting {0}</entry>
<entry key="error.sort.requires.switch">Sort method ''{0}'' requires {1} switch.</entry>
<entry key="error.selected_before.none_selected">Selection setting ''{0}'' requires previous selections from other resource sets.</entry>
+<entry key="error.duplicate.compoundset">Duplicate compound set: {0}</entry>
The following messages are used by convertgls2bib
@@ -530,48 +439,44 @@ Use {1} for help.</entry>
<entry key="gls2bib.toomany.arg">Too many arguments.
Use {0} for help.</entry>
<entry key="gls2bib.missing.tex.arg">Missing &lt;tex file&gt;.
-Syntax: {0}
Use {1} for help.</entry>
<entry key="gls2bib.missing.bib.arg">Missing &lt;bib file&gt;
-Syntax: {0}
Use {1} for help.</entry>
-<entry key="gls2bib.syntax">{0} [&lt;options&gt;] &lt;tex file&gt; &lt;bib file&gt;</entry>
-<entry key="gls2bib.syntax.options">Options:</entry>
-<entry key="gls2bib.syntax.options.general">General:</entry>
-<entry key="gls2bib.syntax.options.locale">Encoding and Localisation:</entry>
-<entry key="gls2bib.syntax.options.filter">Filtering:</entry>
-<entry key="">Output Files:</entry>
-<entry key="gls2bib.syntax.options.adjust">Adjustments:</entry>
-<entry key="gls2bib.syntax.version">{0} (or {1}) Display version information</entry>
-<entry key="">{0} (or {1}) Display help</entry>
-<entry key="gls2bib.syntax.texenc">{0} &lt;encoding&gt; .tex file encoding</entry>
-<entry key="gls2bib.syntax.bibenc">{0} &lt;encoding&gt; .bib file encoding</entry>
-<entry key="gls2bib.syntax.ignore-sort">{0} Ignore sort field (default)</entry>
-<entry key="">{0} Don''t ignore sort field</entry>
-<entry key="gls2bib.syntax.ignore-type">{0} Omit type field</entry>
-<entry key="">{0} Don''t omit type field (default)</entry>
-<entry key="gls2bib.syntax.split-on-type">{0} or {1} Split entries into separate files according to type field</entry>
-<entry key="">{0} Don''t split entries according to type field (default)</entry>
-<entry key="gls2bib.syntax.ignore-category">{0} Omit category field</entry>
-<entry key="">{0} Don''t omit category field (default)</entry>
-<entry key="gls2bib.syntax.split-on-category">{0} or {1} Split entries into separate files according to category field</entry>
-<entry key="">{0} Don''t split entries according to category field (default)</entry>
-<entry key="gls2bib.syntax.ignore-fields">{0} &lt;list&gt; or {1} &lt;list&gt;
- Ignore the fields contained in the comma-separated &lt;list&gt;</entry>
-<entry key="gls2bib.syntax.overwrite">{0} Overwrite files (default unless {1} or {2})</entry>
-<entry key="">{0} Don''t overwrite files</entry>
-<entry key="gls2bib.syntax.preamble-only">{0} or {1} Only parse the preamble</entry>
-<entry key="">{0} Parse the entire document (default).</entry>
-<entry key="">{0} &lt;val&gt; or {1} &lt;val&gt; Substitute spaces in labels with &lt;val&gt;</entry>
-<entry key="gls2bib.syntax.index-conversion">{0} or {1} Convert @entry to @index if no description.</entry>
-<entry key="">{0} Don''t convert @entry to @index.</entry>
-<entry key="gls2bib.syntax.absorb-see">{0} Absorb \glssee and \glsxtrindexseealso into the data (default).</entry>
-<entry key="">{0} Don''t absorb \glssee and \glsxtrindexseealso into the data.</entry>
-<entry key="gls2bib.syntax.locale">{0} &lt;iso tag&gt; Use language resource file given by &lt;iso tag&gt; for messages.</entry>
-<entry key="gls2bib.syntax.silent">{0} Suppress messages.</entry>
-<entry key="gls2bib.syntax.verbose">{0} Normal messages.</entry>
-<entry key="gls2bib.syntax.debug">{0} Debug mode.</entry>
+<entry key="gls2bib.syntax">Usage: {0} [&lt;options&gt;] &lt;tex file&gt; &lt;bib file&gt;</entry>
+<entry key="">Parse LaTeX source code and convert glossary entry definitions (provided by glossaries.sty and glossaries-extra.sty) to bib format suitable for {0}.</entry>
+<entry key="gls2bib.syntax.options.general">General options:</entry>
+<entry key="gls2bib.syntax.options.locale">Encoding and localisation options:</entry>
+<entry key="gls2bib.syntax.options.filter">Filtering options:</entry>
+<entry key="">Output file options:</entry>
+<entry key="gls2bib.syntax.options.adjust">Adjustment options:</entry>
+<entry key="">{1}, {0} Display help.</entry>
+<entry key="gls2bib.syntax.version">{1}, {0} Display version information.</entry>
+<entry key="gls2bib.syntax.silent">{1}, {2}, {0} Suppress messages.</entry>
+<entry key="gls2bib.syntax.verbose">{0} Normal messages.</entry>
+<entry key="gls2bib.syntax.debug">{0} Debug mode.</entry>
+<entry key="gls2bib.syntax.texenc">{0} &lt;encoding&gt; .tex file encoding.</entry>
+<entry key="gls2bib.syntax.bibenc">{0} &lt;encoding&gt; .bib file encoding.</entry>
+<entry key="gls2bib.syntax.locale">{0} &lt;iso tag&gt; Use language resource file given by &lt;iso tag&gt; for messages.</entry>
+<entry key="gls2bib.syntax.ignore-category">{0} Omit category field.</entry>
+<entry key="gls2bib.syntax.ignore-type">{0} Omit type field.</entry>
+<entry key="gls2bib.syntax.ignore-sort">{0} Omit sort field.</entry>
+<entry key="gls2bib.syntax.ignore-fields">{1}, {0} &lt;list&gt; Ignore the fields contained in the comma-separated &lt;list&gt;.</entry>
+<entry key="gls2bib.syntax.preamble-only">{1}, {0} Only parse the document preamble.</entry>
+<entry key="gls2bib.syntax.split-on-type">{1}, {0} Split entries into separate files according to type field.</entry>
+<entry key="gls2bib.syntax.split-on-category">{1}, {0} Split entries into separate files according to category field.</entry>
+<entry key="gls2bib.syntax.overwrite">{0} Overwrite existing files.</entry>
+<entry key="">{1}, {0} &lt;val&gt; Substitute spaces in labels with &lt;val&gt;.</entry>
+<entry key="gls2bib.syntax.index-conversion">{1}, {0} Convert @entry to @index if no description.</entry>
+<entry key="gls2bib.syntax.absorb-see">{0} Absorb \glssee and \glsxtrindexseealso into the data.</entry>
<entry key="gls2bib.override.newdualentry">Overriding default definition of \newdualentry with custom
definition. (Change \newcommand to \providecommand if you want