path: root/support/autolatex/pm/AutoLaTeX/Core/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'support/autolatex/pm/AutoLaTeX/Core/')
1 files changed, 1467 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/support/autolatex/pm/AutoLaTeX/Core/ b/support/autolatex/pm/AutoLaTeX/Core/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..79b037da88
--- /dev/null
+++ b/support/autolatex/pm/AutoLaTeX/Core/
@@ -0,0 +1,1467 @@
+# Copyright (C) 1998-15 Stephane Galland <>
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
+# the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
+# Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+=head1 NAME
+ - Utilities
+Provides a set of general purpose utilities.
+To use this library, type C<use AutoLaTeX::Core::Util;>.
+The provided functions are:
+=over 4
+package AutoLaTeX::Core::Util;
+our $VERSION = '38.3';
+@ISA = ('Exporter');
+@EXPORT = qw( &isHash &isArray &removeFromArray &arrayContains &getAutoLaTeXDir
+ &getAutoLaTeXName &getAutoLaTeXDocDir &getAutoLaTeXLaunchingName &getAutoLaTeXVersion
+ &setAutoLaTeXInfo &showManual &printDbg &printErr &formatErr &printWarn &setDebugLevel
+ &getDebugLevel &printDbgFor &dumpDbgFor &arrayIndexOf &printDbgIndent
+ &printDbgUnindent &runCommandOrFail &runSystemCommand &runCommandOrFailFromInput
+ &notifySystemCommandListeners &exitDbg &addSlashes
+ &runCommandRedirectToInternalLogs &countLinesIn
+ &readFileLines &writeFileLines &runCommandOrFailRedirectTo
+ &runCommandSilently &removePathPrefix &trim &trim_ws &formatText
+ &makeMessage &makeMessageLong &secure_unlink &str2language
+ &killSubProcesses &toANSI &toUTF8 &redirectToSTDOUT &redirectToSTDERR
+ &isIgnorableDirectory ) ;
+require 5.014;
+use strict;
+use utf8;
+use File::Spec;
+use File::Path qw(remove_tree);
+use POSIX ":sys_wait_h";
+use Carp;
+use Data::Dumper;
+use AutoLaTeX::Core::IntUtils;
+my $autolatexUseSTDERR = 1;
+my $autoLaTeXName = undef;
+my $autoLaTeXDirectory = undef;
+my $autoLaTeXLaunchingName = undef;
+my $autoLaTeXVersion = "$VERSION or higher";
+my $debugLevel = 0;
+my $dbgIndent = 0;
+my %runningChildren = ();
+my $lastListenerCheck = 0;
+# Array of launched subprocesses
+my %launchedSubProcesses = ();
+sub __print(@) {
+ if ($autolatexUseSTDERR) {
+ print STDOUT (@_);
+ }
+ else {
+ print STDERR (@_);
+ }
+=item B<redirectToSTDOUT()>
+Redirect the verbosing text on the STDOUT in place of STDERR.
+I<Returns:> None.
+sub redirectToSTDOUT() {
+ $autolatexUseSTDERR = 0;
+=item B<redirectToSTDERR()>
+Redirect the verbosing text on the STDERR in place of STDOUT.
+I<Returns:> None.
+sub redirectToSTDERR() {
+ $autolatexUseSTDERR = 1;
+=item B<toANSI(@)>
+Convert the given elements from UTF-8 to ANSI.
+I<Returns:> the array that contains the convertion result.
+sub toANSI(@) {
+ my @result = ();
+ foreach my $e (@_) {
+ if (utf8::is_utf8($e)) {
+ my $ne = "$e";
+ utf8::downgrade($ne);
+ push @result, $ne;
+ }
+ else {
+ push @result, $e;
+ }
+ }
+ if (wantarray) {
+ return @result;
+ }
+ return \@result;
+=item B<toUTF8(@)>
+Convert the given elements from ANSI to UTF8.
+I<Returns:> the array that contains the convertion result.
+sub toUTF8(@) {
+ my @result = ();
+ foreach my $e (@_) {
+ if (utf8::is_utf8($e)) {
+ push @result, $e;
+ }
+ else {
+ my $ne = "$e";
+ utf8::upgrade($ne);
+ push @result, $ne;
+ }
+ }
+ if (wantarray) {
+ return @result;
+ }
+ return \@result;
+=item B<getAutoLaTeXDir()>
+Replies the location of the main AutoLaTeX script.
+This value must be set with a call to setAutoLaTeXInfo().
+I<Returns:> the AutoLaTeX main directory.
+sub getAutoLaTeXDir() {
+ return $autoLaTeXDirectory;
+=item B<getAutoLaTeXDocDir()>
+Replies the location of the documentation of AutoLaTeX.
+I<Returns:> the AutoLaTeX documentation directory.
+sub getAutoLaTeXDocDir() {
+ return File::Spec->catfile(getAutoLaTeXDir(), "doc");
+=item B<getAutoLaTeXName()>
+Replies the base filename of the main AutoLaTeX script.
+This value must be set with a call to setAutoLaTeXInfo().
+I<Returns:> the AutoLaTeX main script filename.
+sub getAutoLaTeXName() {
+ return $autoLaTeXName;
+=item B<getAutoLaTeXLaunchingName()>
+Replies the base filename of the command which permits
+to launch AutoLaTeX. It could differ from the AutoLaTeX name
+due to several links.
+This value must be set with a call to setAutoLaTeXInfo().
+I<Returns:> the AutoLaTeX command name.
+sub getAutoLaTeXLaunchingName() {
+ return $autoLaTeXLaunchingName;
+=item B<getAutoLaTeXVersion()>
+Replies the current version of AutoLaTeX.
+This number is extracted from the VERSION filename if
+it exists.
+This value must be set with a call to setAutoLaTeXInfo().
+I<Returns:> the AutoLaTeX version number.
+sub getAutoLaTeXVersion() {
+ return $autoLaTeXVersion;
+=item B<setAutoLaTeXInfo($$$)>
+Set the information about the main AutoLaTeX script.
+This function should only be could by the AutoLaTeX main script.
+=over 8
+=item * the name of the command typed on the command line.
+=item * the name of the main script.
+=item * the path where the main script is located.
+sub setAutoLaTeXInfo($$$) {
+ $autoLaTeXLaunchingName = "$_[0]";
+ $autoLaTeXName = "$_[1]";
+ $autoLaTeXDirectory = File::Spec->rel2abs("$_[2]");
+ # Detect the version number
+ my $versionFile = File::Spec->catfile($autoLaTeXDirectory,'VERSION');
+ if (-f "$versionFile") {
+ if (-r "$versionFile") {
+ open(*VERSIONFILE, "< $versionFile") or die("$versionFile: $!\n");
+ while (my $line = <VERSIONFILE>) {
+ if ($line =~ /^\s*autolatex\s+(.*?)\s*$/i) {
+ $autoLaTeXVersion = "$1";
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ close(*VERSIONFILE);
+ }
+ else {
+ __print(formatText(_T("No read access to the VERSION file of AutoLaTeX. AutoLaTeX should not be properly installed. Assuming version: {}\n"),$autoLaTeXVersion));
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ __print(formatText(_T("Unable to find the VERSION file of AutoLaTeX. AutoLaTeX should not be properly installed. Assuming version: {}\n"), $autoLaTeXVersion));
+ }
+=item B<showManual(@)>
+Display the manual page extracted from the specified POD file.
+=over 8
+=item * the components of the path to the POD file to use.
+I<Returns:> NEVER RETURN.
+sub showManual(@) {
+ my $pod;
+ # Try to localize
+ my $filename = pop @_;
+ my $ext = '';
+ if ($filename =~ /^(.*)(\.pod)$/i) {
+ $ext = "$2";
+ $filename = "$1";
+ }
+ my $currentLocale = getCurrentLocale();
+ my $currentLang = getCurrentLanguage();
+ {
+ my ($localePod,$localeLang);
+ local *DIR;
+ opendir(*DIR,File::Spec->catfile(@_))
+ or die(_T("no manual page found\n").File::Spec->catfile(@_).": $!\n");
+ while (my $file = readdir(*DIR)) {
+ if (!isIgnorableDirectory($file)) {
+ if ($file =~ /^\Q$filename\E[._\-]\Q$currentLocale$ext\E$/) {
+ $localePod = $file;
+ }
+ if ($file =~ /^\Q$filename\E[._\-]\Q$currentLang$ext\E$/) {
+ $localeLang = $file;
+ }
+ if ($file =~ /^\Q$filename$ext\E$/) {
+ $pod = $file;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ closedir(*DIR);
+ if ($localePod) {
+ $pod = $localePod;
+ }
+ elsif ($localeLang) {
+ $pod = $localeLang;
+ }
+ }
+ # Display the POD
+ if ($pod) {
+ my $pod = File::Spec->catfile(@_, $pod);
+ if ( -r "$pod" ) {
+ use Pod::Perldoc;
+ @ARGV = ( "$pod" );
+ Pod::Perldoc->run();
+ exit(0);
+ }
+ }
+ __print(_T("no manual page found\n"));
+ exit(255);
+=item B<isHash($)>
+Replies if the given value is a reference to a hashtable.
+=over 8
+=item * a variable of scalar type.
+I<Returns:> C<true> if the parameter is a reference to a hashtable, otherwhise C<false>.
+sub isHash($) {
+ return 0 unless defined($_[0]) ;
+ my $r = ref( $_[0] ) ;
+ return ( $r eq "HASH" ) ;
+=item B<isArray($)>
+Replies if the given value is a reference to an array.
+=over 8
+=item * a variable of scalar type.
+I<Returns:> C<true> if the parameter is a reference to an array, otherwhise C<false>.
+sub isArray($) {
+ return 0 unless defined($_[0]) ;
+ my $r = ref( $_[0] ) ;
+ return ( $r eq "ARRAY" ) ;
+=item B<arrayContains(\@$)>
+Replies if an element exists in an array.
+The equality test is based on the C<eq> operator.
+=over 8
+=item * the array in which the search must be done.
+=item * the element to search for.
+I<Returns:> C<true> if the element is inside the array, otherwhise C<false>
+sub arrayContains(\@$) {
+ foreach my $e (@{$_[0]}) {
+ if ($_[1] eq $e) {
+ return 1;
+ }
+ }
+ return 0;
+=item B<arrayIndexOf(\@$)>
+Replies the index of an element in the array.
+The equality test is based on the C<eq> operator.
+=over 8
+=item * the array in which the search must be done.
+=item * the element to search for.
+I<Returns:> the index or C<-1> if the element was not found.
+sub arrayIndexOf(\@$) {
+ for(my $i=0; $i<@{$_[0]}; $i++) {
+ if ($_[1] eq $_[0]->[$i]) {
+ return $i;
+ }
+ }
+ return -1;
+=item B<removeFromArray(\@$)>
+Remove all the occurences of the specified element
+from an array.
+The equality test is based on the C<eq> operator.
+=over 8
+=item * the array.
+=item * the element to remove.
+I<Returns:> the array in which all the elements was removed.
+sub removeFromArray(\@@) {
+ my @tab2 = @_;
+ my $t = shift @tab2;
+ my @tab = ();
+ foreach my $e (@{$t}) {
+ if (!arrayContains(@tab2,$e)) {
+ push @tab, "$e";
+ }
+ }
+ @{$_[0]} = @tab;
+=item B<makeMessageLong(\%@)>
+Cut the given string at the given column.
+I<The supported keys of the first parameter are:>
+=over 8
+=item * limit: is the maximal number of characters per lines.
+=item * indent: is the number of white spaces to add at the beginning of each line.
+=item * prefix_nosplit: is the text to put at the beginning of a line, before any spliting.
+=item * prefix_split: is the text to put at the beginning of a line, after spliting.
+=item * postfix_split: is the text to put at the end of a line, when spliting.
+=item * indent_char: is the character to use as the indentation unit.
+I<Returns:> the given strings, restricted to the given limit for each line.
+sub makeMessageLong(\%@) {
+ my $params = shift;
+ my $limit = $params->{'limit'};
+ my $indent = $params->{'indent'};
+ my $prefix_nosplit = $params->{'prefix_nosplit'} || '';
+ my $prefix_split = $params->{'prefix_split'} || '';
+ my $postfix_split = $params->{'postfix_split'} || '';
+ my $indent_char = $params->{'indent_char'} || ' ';
+ $limit -= $indent;
+ my $indentstr = '';
+ while (length($indentstr)<$indent) {
+ $indentstr .= $indent_char;
+ }
+ my @text = ();
+ my @lines = split(/\n/, join(' ',@_));
+ foreach my $line (@lines) {
+ my @words = split(/\s+/, $line);
+ my $splitted = undef;
+ my $currentLine = '';
+ for(my $i=0; $i<@words; $i++) {
+ my $word = $words[$i];
+ if (!$currentLine) {
+ $currentLine = $prefix_nosplit.$indentstr.$word;
+ }
+ elsif ((length($currentLine)+length($word)+1)>$limit) {
+ $currentLine .= $postfix_split;
+ push @text, $currentLine;
+ $currentLine = $prefix_split.$indentstr.$word;
+ }
+ else {
+ $currentLine .= ' '.$word;
+ }
+ }
+ if ($currentLine) {
+ push @text, $currentLine;
+ }
+ @words = undef;
+ }
+ @lines = undef;
+ return @text;
+=item B<makeMessage($$@)>
+Cut the given string at the given column.
+=over 8
+=item * limit: is the maximal number of characters per lines.
+=item * indent: is the number of white spaces to add at the beginning of each line.
+=item * rest of the parameters: are the strings to output.
+I<Returns:> the given strings, restricted to the given limit for each line.
+sub makeMessage($$@) {
+ my $limit = shift;
+ my $indent = shift;
+ my %params = ( 'limit' => $limit,
+ 'indent' => $indent,
+ 'prefix_nosplit' => '',
+ 'prefix_split' => '...',
+ 'postfix_split' => '...',
+ 'indent_char' => ' ',
+ );
+ return makeMessageLong(%params, @_);
+=item B<setDebugLevel($)>
+Set the debug level. This level is used by L<printDbg>
+to know is a debug message could be displayed.
+sub setDebugLevel($) {
+ $debugLevel = "$_[0]";
+=item B<getDebugLevel()>
+Replies the debug level. This level is used by L<printDbg>
+to know is a debug message could be displayed.
+sub getDebugLevel() {
+ return "$debugLevel";
+=item B<printDbg(@)>
+display a DEBUG message. The parameters will be displayed separated by a space character.
+sub printDbg(@) {
+ printDbgFor(1,@_);
+=item B<printDbgIndent()>
+Indent future DEBUG messages.
+sub printDbgIndent() {
+ $dbgIndent += 4;
+ $dbgIndent = 50 if ($dbgIndent>50);
+=item B<printDbgUnindent()>
+Unindent future DEBUG messages.
+sub printDbgUnindent() {
+ $dbgIndent -= 4;
+ $dbgIndent = 0 if ($dbgIndent<0);
+=item B<printDbgFor($@)>
+display a DEBUG message. The parameters will be displayed separated by a space character.
+sub printDbgFor($@) {
+ my $requestedLevel = shift;
+ if ($debugLevel>=$requestedLevel) {
+ my @text = makeMessage(60,$dbgIndent,@_);
+ foreach my $p (@text) {
+ __print($INTERNAL_MESSAGE_PREFIX, _T("[AutoLaTeX]"), " $p", "\n");
+ }
+ }
+ 1;
+=item B<dumpDbgFor($@)>
+display the internal value of the specified variables.
+sub dumpDbgFor($@) {
+ my $requestedLevel = shift;
+ if ($debugLevel>=$requestedLevel) {
+ use Data::Dumper;
+ my @text = makeMessage(60,$dbgIndent,Dumper(@_));
+ foreach my $p (@text) {
+ __print($INTERNAL_MESSAGE_PREFIX, _T("[AutoLaTeX]"), " $p", "\n");
+ }
+ }
+ 1;
+=item B<formatErr(@)>
+format an error message. The parameters will be displayed separated by a space character.
+sub formatErr(@) {
+ my $errorMessage = '';
+ my @text = makeMessage(55,0,@_);
+ foreach my $p (@text) {
+ $errorMessage .= $INTERNAL_MESSAGE_PREFIX._T("[AutoLaTeX]").' '.formatText("Error: {}","$p")."\n";
+ }
+ return $errorMessage;
+=item B<printErr(@)>
+display an error message and exit. The parameters will be displayed separated by a space character.
+sub printErr(@) {
+ __print(formatErr(@_));
+ exit(255);
+ undef;
+=item B<printWarn(@)>
+display a warning message. The parameters will be displayed separated by a space character.
+sub printWarn(@) {
+ my @text = makeMessage(50,0,@_);
+ foreach my $p (@text) {
+ __print($INTERNAL_MESSAGE_PREFIX, _T("[AutoLaTeX]"), ' ', formatText(_T("Warning: {}"),"$p"), "\n");
+ }
+ 1;
+=item B<runCommandOrFailRedirectTo($@)>
+Run a system command, block and stop the program when the
+command has failed. The standartd output of the command
+is written (in binary mode when possible) into the file
+with the name given as first parameter.
+=over 4
+=item C<file> is the file in which the stdout must be written.
+=item is the command to run.
+I<Returns:> Always C<0>.
+sub runCommandOrFailRedirectTo($@) {
+ my $stdoutfile = shift;
+ printDbgFor(4, formatText(_T("Command line is:\n{}"), join(' ',@_)));
+ my $pid = fork();
+ if ($pid == 0) {
+ # Child process
+ open(STDOUT, '>', "$stdoutfile") or printErr(formatText(_T("Can't redirect STDOUT: {}"), $!));
+ open(STDERR, '>', "autolatex_exec_stderr.log") or printErr(formatText(_T("Can't redirect STDERR: {}"), $!));
+ select STDERR; $| = 1; # make unbuffered
+ select STDOUT; $| = 1; # make unbuffered
+ my @t = toANSI(@_);
+ exec(@t);
+ }
+ elsif (defined($pid)) {
+ # Parent process
+ $launchedSubProcesses{$pid} = $pid;
+ my $kpid = waitpid($pid, 0);
+ delete $launchedSubProcesses{$pid};
+ my $exitcode = $?;
+ my @stdout = ();
+ if ($kpid>0) {
+ local *LOGFILE;
+ if ($exitcode!=0) {
+ open(*LOGFILE, "< autolatex_exec_stderr.log") or printErr(formatText(_T("{}: {}"), "autolatex_exec_stderr.log", $!));
+ while (my $line = <LOGFILE>) {
+ __print($INTERNAL_MESSAGE_PREFIX.$line);
+ }
+ close(*LOGFILE);
+ }
+ }
+ unlink("autolatex_exec_stdout.log");
+ unlink("autolatex_exec_stderr.log");
+ }
+ else {
+ printErr(formatText(_T("Unable to fork for the system command: {}"),join(' ',@_)));
+ }
+ return 0;
+=item B<runCommandRedirectToInternalLogs(@)>
+Run a system command, block. The standard and error
+outputs of the command are written (in binary mode
+when possible) into the internal log files.
+=over 4
+=item is the command to run.
+I<Returns:> The exit code of the command.
+sub runCommandRedirectToInternalLogs(@) {
+ printDbgFor(4, formatText(_T("Command line is:\n{}"), join(' ',@_)));
+ my $pid = fork();
+ unlink("autolatex_exec_stdout.log");
+ unlink("autolatex_exec_stderr.log");
+ if ($pid == 0) {
+ # Child process
+ open(STDOUT, '>', "autolatex_exec_stdout.log") or printErr(formatText(_T("Can't redirect STDOUT: {}"), $!));
+ open(STDERR, '>', "autolatex_exec_stderr.log") or printErr(formatText(_T("Can't redirect STDERR: {}"), $!));
+ select STDERR; $| = 1; # make unbuffered
+ select STDOUT; $| = 1; # make unbuffered
+ my @t = toANSI(@_);
+ exec(@t);
+ }
+ elsif (defined($pid)) {
+ # Parent process
+ $launchedSubProcesses{$pid} = $pid;
+ waitpid($pid, 0);
+ delete $launchedSubProcesses{$pid};
+ my $exitcode = $?;
+ return $exitcode;
+ }
+ else {
+ printErr(formatText(_T("Unable to fork for the system command: {}"),join(' ',@_)));
+ return 255;
+ }
+=item B<runCommandOrFail(@)>
+Run a system command, block and stop the program when the
+command has failed.
+=over 4
+=item is the command to run.
+I<Returns:> If this function is called in an array context, an array of all
+the lines from the stdout is replied.
+If this function is not called in an array context, the exit code 0 is always
+sub runCommandOrFail(@) {
+ printDbgFor(4, formatText(_T("Command line is:\n{}"), join(' ',@_)));
+ my $wantstdout = wantarray;
+ my $pid = fork();
+ if ($pid == 0) {
+ # Child process
+ open(STDOUT, '>', "autolatex_exec_stdout.log") or printErr(formatText(_T("Can't redirect STDOUT: {}"), $!));
+ open(STDERR, '>', "autolatex_exec_stderr.log") or printErr(formatText(_T("Can't redirect STDERR: {}"), $!));
+ select STDERR; $| = 1; # make unbuffered
+ select STDOUT; $| = 1; # make unbuffered
+ my @t = toANSI(@_);
+ exec(@t);
+ }
+ elsif (defined($pid)) {
+ # Parent process
+ $launchedSubProcesses{$pid} = $pid;
+ my $kpid = waitpid($pid, 0);
+ delete $launchedSubProcesses{$pid};
+ my $exitcode = $?;
+ my @stdout = ();
+ if ($kpid>0) {
+ local *LOGFILE;
+ if ($exitcode!=0) {
+ open(*LOGFILE, "< autolatex_exec_stdout.log") or printErr(formatText(_T("{}: {}"), "autolatex_exec_stdout.log", $!));
+ while (my $line = <LOGFILE>) {
+ }
+ close(*LOGFILE);
+ open(*LOGFILE, "< autolatex_exec_stderr.log") or printErr(formatText(_T("{}: {}"), "autolatex_exec_stderr.log", $!));
+ while (my $line = <LOGFILE>) {
+ __print($INTERNAL_MESSAGE_PREFIX.$line);
+ }
+ close(*LOGFILE);
+ @_ = map { '\''.addSlashes($_).'\''; } @_;
+ confess("\$ ", join(' ', @_));
+ }
+ elsif ($wantstdout) {
+ @stdout = readFileLines("autolatex_exec_stdout.log");
+ }
+ }
+ unlink("autolatex_exec_stdout.log");
+ unlink("autolatex_exec_stderr.log");
+ if ($wantstdout) {
+ return @stdout;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ printErr(formatText(_T("Unable to fork for the system command: {}"),join(' ',@_)));
+ }
+ return 0;
+=item B<runCommandOrFailFromInput(@)>
+Run a system command with the given text as the standard
+input, block and stop the program when the
+command has failed.
+=over 4
+=item the text to send to the standard input of the command.
+=item is the command to run.
+I<Returns:> If this function is called in an array context, an array of all
+the lines from the stdout is replied.
+If this function is not called in an array context, the exit code 0 is always
+sub runCommandOrFailFromInput($@) {
+ my $input = shift || '';
+ printDbgFor(4, formatText(_T("Command line is:\n{}"), join(' ',@_)));
+ local *INFILE;
+ open(*INFILE, '>') or printErr(formatText(_T("Can't write {}: {}"), '', $!));
+ print INFILE $input;
+ close(*INFILE);
+ my $wantstdout = wantarray;
+ my $pid = fork();
+ if ($pid == 0) {
+ # Child process
+ open(STDIN, '<', "") or printErr(formatText(_T("Can't redirect STDIN: {}"), $!));
+ open(STDOUT, '>', "autolatex_exec_stdout.log") or printErr(formatText(_T("Can't redirect STDOUT: {}"), $!));
+ open(STDERR, '>', "autolatex_exec_stderr.log") or printErr(formatText(_T("Can't redirect STDERR: {}"), $!));
+ select STDERR; $| = 1; # make unbuffered
+ select STDOUT; $| = 1; # make unbuffered
+ my @t = toANSI(@_);
+ exec(@t);
+ }
+ elsif (defined($pid)) {
+ # Parent process
+ $launchedSubProcesses{$pid} = $pid;
+ my $kpid = waitpid($pid, 0);
+ delete $launchedSubProcesses{$pid};
+ my $exitcode = $?;
+ my @stdout = ();
+ if ($kpid>0) {
+ local *LOGFILE;
+ if ($exitcode!=0) {
+ open(*LOGFILE, "< autolatex_exec_stdout.log") or printErr(formatText(_T("{}: {}"), "autolatex_exec_stdout.log", $!));
+ while (my $line = <LOGFILE>) {
+ }
+ close(*LOGFILE);
+ open(*LOGFILE, "< autolatex_exec_stderr.log") or printErr(formatText(_T("{}: {}"), "autolatex_exec_stderr.log", $!));
+ while (my $line = <LOGFILE>) {
+ __print($INTERNAL_MESSAGE_PREFIX.$line);
+ }
+ close(*LOGFILE);
+ @_ = map { '\''.addSlashes($_).'\''; } @_;
+ confess("\$ ", join(' ', @_));
+ }
+ elsif ($wantstdout) {
+ @stdout = readFileLines("autolatex_exec_stdout.log");
+ }
+ }
+ unlink("autolatex_exec_stdout.log");
+ unlink("autolatex_exec_stderr.log");
+ unlink("");
+ if ($wantstdout) {
+ return @stdout;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ printErr(formatText(_T("Unable to fork for the system command: {}"),join(' ',@_)));
+ }
+ return 0;
+=item B<runCommandSilently(@)>
+Run a system command, block and return the exit code.
+The standard outputs are catched and trashed.
+Parameters are
+=over 4
+=item [options] (optional hash ref), if the first parameter is an hash table, it is assumed to be
+additional options to pass to this function.
+=over 4
+=item C<wait> is a boolean flag that is indicating if the caller must wait for the termination of the sub-process.
+=item rest of the parameters are constituting the command to run.
+I<Returns:> If this function is called in an array context, an array of all
+the lines from the stdout is replied.
+If this function is not called in an array context, the exit code 0 is always
+sub runCommandSilently(@) {
+ my $opts = {};
+ if ($_[0] && isHash($_[0])) {
+ $opts = shift;
+ }
+ printDbgFor(4, formatText(_T("Command line is:\n{}"), join(' ',@_)));
+ my $pid = fork();
+ if ($pid == 0) {
+ # Child process
+ if ($opts->{'stdin'}) {
+ open(STDIN, '<', $opts->{'stdin'}) or printErr(formatText(_T("Can't redirect STDIN: {}"), $!));
+ select STDIN; $| = 1; # make unbuffered
+ }
+ open(STDOUT, '>', File::Spec->devnull()) or printErr(formatText(_T("Can't redirect STDOUT: {}"), $!));
+ open(STDERR, '>', File::Spec->devnull()) or printErr(formatText(_T("Can't redirect STDERR: {}"), $!));
+ select STDERR; $| = 1; # make unbuffered
+ select STDOUT; $| = 1; # make unbuffered
+ my @t = toANSI(@_);
+ exec(@t);
+ }
+ elsif (defined($pid)) {
+ # Parent process
+ $launchedSubProcesses{$pid} = $pid;
+ if (!defined($opts->{'wait'}) || $opts->{'wait'}) {
+ waitpid($pid, 0);
+ delete $launchedSubProcesses{$pid};
+ return $?;
+ }
+ else {
+ # Do not wait for the child.
+ return 0;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ printErr(formatText(_T("Unable to fork for the system command: {}"),join(' ',@_)));
+ return 1;
+ }
+=item B<runSystemCommand($@)>
+Run a system command and notify a listener about the terminaison.
+This subroutine does not block the caller.
+=over 4
+=item is the listener which will be notified with a call to C<$self-E<gt>onSystemCommandTerminaison(\@$)>
+sub runSystemCommand($@) {
+ printDbgFor(4, formatText(_T("Command line is:\n{}"), join(' ',@_)));
+ my $listener = shift;
+ my $pid = fork();
+ if ($pid == 0) {
+ # Child process
+ my @t = toANSI(@_);
+ exec(@t);
+ }
+ elsif (defined($pid)) {
+ # Parent process
+ $launchedSubProcesses{$pid} = $pid;
+ $runningChildren{"$pid"} = { 'listener' => $listener,
+ 'command' => \@_,
+ };
+ return 0;
+ }
+ else {
+ printErr(formatText(_T("Unable to fork for the system command: {}"),join(' ',@_)));
+ return 1;
+ }
+=item B<notifySystemCommandListeners()>
+Notifies the listeners on system commands.
+sub notifySystemCommandListeners() {
+ if (%runningChildren) {
+ my $currenttime = time;
+ if ($currenttime>=$lastListenerCheck+1) {
+ $lastListenerCheck = $currenttime;
+ while (my ($pid,$data) = each(%runningChildren)) {
+ my $kid = waitpid($pid, WNOHANG);
+ if ($kid>0) {
+ delete $runningChildren{"$pid"};
+ if (($data->{'listener'})&&($data->{'listener'}->can('onSystemCommandTerminaison'))) {
+ $data->{'listener'}->onSystemCommandTerminaison($data->{'commmand'},$kid);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+=item B<waitForSystemCommandTerminaison()>
+Wait for the termination of asynchronous commands.
+sub waitForSystemCommandTerminaison() {
+ if (%runningChildren) {
+ printDbg(_T("Waiting for system command sub-processes"));
+ printDbgIndent();
+ while (my ($pid,$data) = each(%runningChildren)) {
+ if ($runningChildren{"$pid"}{'command'}) {
+ printDbg(@{$runningChildren{"$pid"}{'command'}});
+ }
+ my $kid = waitpid($pid, 0);
+ delete $runningChildren{"$pid"};
+ delete $launchedSubProcesses{$pid};
+ }
+ printDbgUnindent();
+ }
+ 1;
+=item B<exitDbg(@)>
+Print the content of the parameters and exit.
+sub exitDbg(@) {
+ confess(Dumper(@_));
+=item B<addSlashes($)>
+Protect the special characters \\, ' and " with backslashes.
+sub addSlashes($) {
+ my $text = shift;
+ my $term = "$text";
+ $term =~ s/([\\\'\"])/\\$1/gi;
+ return $term;
+=item B<str2language($)>
+Protect the characters with backslashes in the string to obtain a string that may be put in a source code.
+sub str2language($) {
+ my $text = shift;
+ my $term = "$text";
+ $term =~ s/([\\\'\"\0-\31])/\\$1/gi;
+ return $term;
+=item B<readFileLines($)>
+Read a file and replies the array of the lines (if called in array context),
+or all the lines inside a single string (if called in scalar context).
+sub readFileLines($) {
+ local *FILE;
+ if (wantarray) {
+ my @lines = ();
+ open(*FILE, "<".$_[0]) or printErr("$_[0]: $!");
+ while (my $line = <FILE>) {
+ push @lines, $line;
+ }
+ close(*FILE);
+ return @lines;
+ }
+ else {
+ my $lines = '';
+ open(*FILE, "<".$_[0]) or printErr("$_[0]: $!");
+ while (my $line = <FILE>) {
+ $lines .= $line;
+ }
+ close(*FILE);
+ return $lines;
+ }
+=item B<writeFileLines($@)>
+Write the lines in the array inside the specified file.
+=over 4
+=item I<file> is the name of the file to write.
+=item the rest of the parameters are the lines to write.
+sub writeFileLines($@) {
+ my $file = shift;
+ local *FILE;
+ open(*FILE, ">$file") or printErr("$file: $!");
+ foreach my $l (@_) {
+ confess('undefined value') unless (defined($l));
+ print FILE $l;
+ }
+ close(*FILE);
+=item B<removePathPrefix($$)>
+Remove the given prefix from a path.
+=over 4
+=item I<prefix> is the path to remove.
+=item I<path> is the path from which the prefix should be removed.
+sub removePathPrefix($$) {
+ my $prefix = shift;
+ my $path = shift;
+ my @dir1 = File::Spec->splitdir($prefix);
+ my @dir2 = File::Spec->splitdir($path);
+ while (@dir1 && @dir2 && $dir1[0] eq $dir2[0]) {
+ shift @dir1;
+ shift @dir2;
+ }
+ return File::Spec->catdir(@dir2);
+=item B<trim($)>
+Remove the trailing spaces (including white spaces, tabulations, carriage-returns, new-lines...).
+=over 4
+=item I<str> the string to parse.
+sub trim($) {
+ my $str = $_[0] || '';
+ my $s = "$str";
+ $s =~ s/^\s+//s;
+ $s =~ s/\s+$//s;
+ return $s;
+=item B<trim_ws($)>
+Remove the trailing white spaces (and only the white spaces).
+=over 4
+=item I<str> the string to parse.
+sub trim_ws($) {
+ my $str = $_[0] || '';
+ my $s = "$str";
+ $s =~ s/^ //s;
+ $s =~ s/ $//s;
+ return $s;
+=item B<formatText($@)>
+Replies the string after substitutions.
+The substrings C<$0>, C<$1>, C<$2>... will be substituted by
+the corresponding values passed in parameters after the message id.
+The substrings C<${0}>, C<${1}>, C<${2}>... will be substituted by
+the corresponding values passed in parameters after the message id.
+The substrings C<#0>, C<#1>, C<#2>... will be substituted by
+the corresponding values passed in parameters after the message id.
+The substrings C<#{0}>, C<#{1}>, C<#{2}>... will be substituted by
+the corresponding values passed in parameters after the message id.
+The substrings C<{}> will be replaced by the value passed in parameters
+that corresponds to the C<{}>, e.g. the first C<{}> will be replaced by the
+first value, the second C<{}> by the second value...
+=over 4
+=item the id of the string
+=item the list of substitution values.
+I<Returns:> the localized string.
+sub formatText($@) {
+ my $msg = shift;
+ if (@_) {
+ for(my $i=0; $i<@_; $i++) {
+ $msg =~ s/[\$\#]\Q{$i}\E/$_[$i]/g;
+ $msg =~ s/[\$\#]\Q$i\E/$_[$i]/g;
+ }
+ my $i=0;
+ $msg =~ s/\Q{}\E/my $v;if ($i<@_) {$v=$_[$i]||'';$i++;} else {$v="{}";}"$v";/eg;
+ }
+ return $msg;
+=item B<secure_unlink(@)>
+Remove the specifiec files or the directories.
+This function invokes remove_tree or unlink according
+to the type of the file to remove.
+sub secure_unlink(@) {
+ foreach my $file (@_) {
+ if (-d "$file") {
+ remove_tree("$file");
+ }
+ else {
+ unlink("$file");
+ }
+ }
+=item B<countLinesIn($)>
+Count the lines in the given text.
+sub countLinesIn($) {
+ my $c = 1;
+ if ($_[0]) {
+ while ($_[0] =~ /[\n\r]/sg) {
+ $c++;
+ }
+ }
+ return $c;
+=item B<killSubProcesses()>
+Kill all the subprocesses launched by one of the running functions above.
+sub killSubProcesses() {
+ my @pids = keys %launchedSubProcesses;
+ %launchedSubProcesses = ();
+ kill 9, @pids;
+=item B<isIgnorableDirectory($)>
+Replies if the given directory name is for directories to ignore.
+sub isIgnorableDirectory($) {
+ my $file = shift || return 1;
+ return $file eq File::Spec->curdir() || $file eq File::Spec->updir()
+ || $file eq ".git" || $file eq ".svn" || $file eq ".cvs";
+END {
+ waitForSystemCommandTerminaison();
+To report bugs, provide feedback, suggest new features, etc. visit the AutoLaTeX Project management page at <> or send email to the author at L<>.
+=head1 LICENSE
+S<GNU Public License (GPL)>
+S<Copyright (c) 1998-15 Stéphane Galland E<lt>galland@arakhne.orgE<gt>>
+=head1 SEE ALSO