path: root/support/autolatex/README
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+ autolatex - compile TeX documents
+ autolatex [options] target [target ...]
+ AutoLaTeX is a tool for managing small to large sized LaTeX documents.
+ The user can easily perform all required steps to do such tasks as:
+ preview the document, or produce a PDF file. AutoLaTeX will keep track
+ of files that have changed and how to run the various programs that are
+ needed to produce the output. One of the best feature of AutoLaTeX is to
+ provide translator rules (aka. translators) to automatically generate
+ the figures which will be included into the PDF.
+ As a quick example, consider a project, which has a single LaTeX file
+ mydoc.tex, as its input. Without AutoLaTeX, to produce a .pdf file you
+ might use the following sequence of commands:
+ F<pdflatex mydoc.tex>
+ F<bibtex mydoc.tex>
+ F<pdflatex mydoc.tex>
+ F<pdflatex mydoc.tex>
+ F<pdflatex mydoc.tex>
+ The triple invocation of LaTeX is to ensure that all references have
+ been properly resolved and any page layout changes due to inserting the
+ references have been accounted for. The sequence of commands isn't
+ horrible, but it still is several commands. To use AutoLaTeX for this
+ project, you would use one of the following the command lines:
+ F<autolatex -f mydoc.tex>
+ F<autolatex>
+ For documents, which may need to run programs to create the PDF versions
+ of the drawings, which are included into the PDF document, or run
+ BibTeX/Biber to generate bibliographies, the generation of the .pdf (or
+ other) files becomes increasingly complicated to run manually. With
+ AutoLaTeX, such operations are still very simple: you have nothing to
+ do. AutoLaTeX is calling the translators for you. Each translator is
+ able to convert an picture source file (eps, svg, Gnuplot...) into a PDF
+ or PNG file.
+ Hopefully this introduction has provided an adequate example for how
+ AutoLaTeX can simplify the management of LaTeX-based documents. The
+ AutoLaTeX system is simple enough for small projects and powerful enough
+ for large projects. The remainder of this manual will provide complete
+ documentation on the use of AutoLaTeX as well as configuration and
+ installation instructions.
+ AutoLaTeX provides several graphical user interfaces. See the section
+ below for details.
+ AutoLaTeX provides a fixed set of targets, the arguments to pass to
+ AutoLaTeX to run a module, for all projects. The default target is all.
+ If the specified target is not recognized by AutoLaTeX, a program name
+ "autolatex-target" (where "target" is replaced by the given target
+ string) is searched on your system, and launched. For example,
+ "autolatex config" permits to launch the graphical user interface for
+ configuring AutoLaTeX. This interface is supported by the program
+ "autolatex-config", which is provided in the AutoLaTeX distribution.
+ The targets provided by AutoLaTeX are:
+ all Same as view, except that the viewer is launched only if the
+ configuration or the CLI is enabling the viewer.
+ biblio
+ Performs all processing that permits to generate the bibliography
+ (bibtex, biber...)
+ clean
+ Cleans the current working directory by removing all LaTeX temp
+ files and other temp files created during processing of the project.
+ cleanall
+ Same as clean. In addition, emacs ~ files and other backup files are
+ removed. The generated figures and the produced PDF are also
+ removed.
+ commit
+ Commit the changes into a SCM system (CVS, SVN, GIT).
+ gen_doc
+ Performs all processing required to produce the file .pdf/.dvi/.ps
+ for the project.
+ images
+ Performs the automatic generation of the figures.
+ init
+ Create an empty LaTeX document that is following a standard folder
+ structure supported by AutoLaTeX.
+ makeflat
+ Create a version of the document inside the subdirectory
+ 'flat_version' in which there is a single TeX file, and all the
+ other files are inside the same directory of the TeX file. This
+ action is helpful to create a version of the document that may be
+ directly upload on online publication sites (such as Elsevier). This
+ action use the CLI option --biblio to determine if the bibliography
+ must be put in a BibTeX file or inline inside the TeX file (default
+ is inline).
+ If you do not want to output the flat version in a subdirectory
+ named 'flat_version', you could set the output directory or the
+ output basename.
+ To change the output path for the flat version, you could use the
+ CLI option:
+ --set makeflat.output=*path*
+ To change only the basename of the output path for the flat version,
+ you must use the CLI option:
+ --set makeflat.basename=*name*
+ makeglossaries
+ Performs all processing that permits to generate the glossaries
+ (makeglossaries).
+ makeindex
+ Performs all processing that permits to generate the index
+ (makeindex).
+ showimages
+ Display the filenames of the figures.
+ showimagemap
+ Display the filenames of the figures, and for each of them, the
+ selected translator.
+ showpath
+ Show the value of the environment variable PATH
+ update
+ Update the local copy with the changes from a SCM system (CVS, SVN,
+ GIT).
+ view
+ Same as gen_doc. In addition launch the document viewer.
+ --[no]auto
+ Enable or disable the auto generation of the figures.
+ --[no]asyncview
+ Enable or disable the asynchronous launching of the viewer. If the
+ viewer is launched asynchonously, AutoLaTeX does not wait for its
+ termination before stopping its execution. If the viewer is launched
+ synchonously, AutoLaTeX waits for its termination before stopping
+ its execution.
+ --[no]biblio
+ Enable or disable the call to the bibliography tool (BibTeX,
+ Biber...)
+ --continuous[=sleep_duration]
+ --nocontinuous
+ Do not stop AutoLaTeX, and continually do the action(s) given as
+ parameter(s). This option causes AutoLaTeX to infinitely loop. It
+ has the same effect as the following script (in bash): while 1 do
+ autolatex "$@" sleep sleep_duration done
+ The value sleep_duration permits to add some waiting time between
+ two loop of AutoLaTeX. If it is not given, 0 is assumed. The
+ --continuous option force the option --asyncview to be set.
+ With a good viewer the display will be automatically updated. (Under
+ some but not all versions of UNIX/Linux "gv -watch" does this for
+ Postscript files; this can be set by a configuration variable.) Many
+ other previewers will need a manual update.
+ Important note: the acroread program on MS-Windows locks the PDF
+ file, and prevents new versions being written, so it is a bad idea
+ to use acroread to view PDF files in continuous mode.
+ --createconfig[=type]
+ Do not compile the LaTeX document, but create a configuration file.
+ The created configuration file depends on the type value. If the
+ type is equal to project, AutoLaTeX will create the configuration
+ file dedicated to a project. Otherwhise it will create the
+ configuration file for the user level. The project configuration
+ file is path/to/project/.autolatex_project.cfg on Unix platforms,
+ and path\to\project\autolatex_project.cfg on other platforms. The
+ default user configuration file is $HOME/.autolatex on Unix
+ platforms, C:\Documents and Settings\User\Local Settings\Application
+ Data\autolatex.conf on Windows platforms, and $HOME/autolatex.conf
+ on other plateforms.
+ --createist
+ Create a default MakeIndex style file into the project directory.
+ The created file will be named ''. If a file with this
+ name already is existing, it will be overwritten.
+ --debug
+ Run AutoLaTeX in debug mode. The verbose level is 5, and all the
+ warnings in the Perl code are assumed to be errors.
+ --defaultist
+ Allow AutoLaTeX to use MakeIndex with the default style (ist file).
+ The default style is provided by AutoLaTeX.
+ The options --index and --noindex also permit to change the behavior
+ of AutoLaTeX against MakeIndex.
+ --directory=directory
+ Specify a directory in which a LaTeX document to compile is located.
+ You could specify this option for each directory in which you have a
+ LaTeX document to treat.
+ --dvi
+ Do the compilation to produce a DVI or a XDV document.
+ --exclude=name
+ Avoid AutoLaTeX to load the translator called name. See bellow for
+ the available translators.
+ The option --include permits to include a translator; and the option
+ -I permits to specify where to find translator scripts.
+ -f=file
+ --file=file
+ Specify the main LaTeX file to compile. If this option is not
+ specified, AutoLaTeX will search for a TeX file in the current
+ directory.
+ --file-line-warning
+ Enable or disable the extended format for warnings. This format add
+ the filename and the line number where the warning is occuring,
+ before the warning message by itself.
+ --fixconfig[=file]
+ Fix the syntax of a configuration file. If the file is not specified
+ on the command line, AutoLaTeX will try to fix the project
+ configuration, or the user configuration if no project configuration
+ file was found.
+ --gloss
+ Allow AutoLaTeX to use MakeGlossaries.
+ The option --nogloss permits to change the behavior of AutoLaTeX
+ against MakeGlossaries
+ -?
+ --help
+ Display this manual.
+ -I=paths
+ Notify AutoLaTeX that it could find translator scripts inside the
+ specified directories. The specified path could be a list of paths
+ separated by the operating system's path separator (':' on Unix, ';'
+ for Windows for example).
+ The option --exclude permits to exclude a translator; and the option
+ --include permits to exclude a translator.
+ --imgdirectory=directory
+ Specify a directy inside which AutoLaTeX will find the pictures
+ which must be processed by the translators. Each time this option is
+ put on the command line, a directory is added inside the list of the
+ directories to explore.
+ --include=name
+ Force AutoLaTeX to load the translator called name. See bellow for
+ the available translators.
+ The option --exclude permits to exclude a translator; and the option
+ -I permits to specify where to find translator scripts.
+ --index[=style_file]
+ Allow AutoLaTeX to use MakeIndex.
+ If this option was specified with a value, the style_file value will
+ be assumed to be an .ist file to pass to MakeIndex.
+ If this option was specified without a value, AutoLaTeX will use
+ MakeIndex and tries to detect a MakeIndex style file (.ist file)
+ inside the project directory. If no project's .ist file was found,
+ AutoLaTeX will not pass a style to MakeIndex.
+ The options --defaultist and --noindex also permit to change the
+ behavior of AutoLaTeX against MakeIndex
+ --latex
+ Use the historical LaTeX command: latex.
+ --lualatex
+ Use the LaTeX command: lualatex.
+ --nogloss
+ Avoid AutoLaTeX to use MakeGloassaries.
+ The option --gloss also permits to change the behavior of AutoLaTeX
+ against MakeGlossaries.
+ --noindex
+ Avoid AutoLaTeX to use MakeIndex.
+ The options --index and --defaultist also permit to change the
+ behavior of AutoLaTeX against MakeIndex.
+ --pdf
+ Do the compilation to produce a PDF document.
+ --pdflatex
+ Use the LaTeX command: pdflatex.
+ --postcompilationruns[=n]
+ Defines the minimal number of times the LaTeX tool (usually
+ pdflatex) is launched at the last AutoLaTeX running stage. The
+ default value is 1.
+ This command line option enables you to force AutoLaTeX to run the
+ LaTeX tool more than once time for fixing some LaTeX issues in
+ references.
+ --progress[=n]
+ Enable or disable the progression indicator. The value of the
+ parameter permits to determine what is the character that will be
+ print out at the end of the lines. By default, the carriage-return
+ character "\r" is used. If you specify a value equals to ""n"", the
+ new-line character "\n" will be used.
+ --ps
+ Do the compilation to produce a Postscript document, when possible.
+ -q
+ --quiet
+ AutoLaTeX should be not verbose (see -v for changing the verbose
+ level).
+ --search-project-from=file
+ When this option is specified, AutoLaTeX is searching a project
+ configuration file (usually .autolatex_project.cfg on Unix
+ platforms) in the directory of the specified file or in one of its
+ ancestors. When the project configuration file was found, AutoLaTeX
+ assumes that the building directory is the directory where the
+ configuration file is located.
+ --set [translator.]name=value
+ Set the internal value of AutoLaTeX named name with the specified
+ value. Internal values are limited and corresponds to the "set"
+ directives from the configuration file syntax.
+ If translator is given, it is the name of the translator for which
+ the value must ve overridden. If translator is not given then
+ "generation" is the default prefix.
+ --stderr
+ Prefer to output the messages on the standard error output.
+ --stdout
+ Prefer to output the messages on the standard output.
+ --[no]synctex
+ Enable or disable the generation of the output file with SyncTeX.
+ SyncTeX is a system that is permitting to link a viewer and the TeX
+ editor. When you click in one, the other software is highlighting
+ the corresponding line.
+ -v Each time this option was specified, AutoLaTeX is more verbose. Note
+ that 1) if you put 5 times the -v option on the command line,
+ AutoLaTeX will consider the Perl warnings as errors; 2) if you put 6
+ times the -v option on the command line, AutoLaTeX is stopping
+ immediately, and is displaying the current configuration in memory.
+ --version
+ Display the version of AutoLaTeX.
+ --view[=file]
+ --noview
+ Enable or disable the document viewer at the end of the compilation.
+ The path of the document viewer could be specify with file. If not
+ specified, AutoLaTeX will check for the tools acroread, kpdf,
+ evince, gv, and xpdf.
+ -W
+ --Wall
+ --Wnone
+ Select the warnings that should be output: --Wall for all, --Wnone
+ for none, and -W to increment the output level. -W is the default
+ configuration used by AutoLaTeX.
+ --xelatex
+ Use the LaTeX command: xelatex.
+ A translator is used to convert a source figure into a target figure
+ which is supported by LaTeX. This converter is an external program (eg.
+ epstopdf) or an internal Perl script.
+ Each supported translator is described inside a .transdef file. This
+ file contains the definition of the variables for the shell command line
+ to launch or the Perl code to use. To create a new translator, we
+ recommend to copy/paste an existing .transdef file and change its
+ content. Even if you excluded a translator from the the command line, it
+ is automatically included by AutoLaTeX when it is invoked by an included
+ translator.
+ The provided translators are:
+ Astah/Jude (asta) to Portable Document Format (pdf)
+ Name: astah2pdf
+ Use external converter: astah-uml, astah-pro
+ Use translator: svg2pdf
+ Input format: .asta .jude .juth
+ Output format: .pdf
+ Asymptote (asy) to Portable Document Format (pdf)
+ Name: asy2pdf
+ Use external converter: asy
+ Use translator: eps2pdf
+ Input format: .asy
+ Output format: .pdf
+ Astah/Jude (asta) to Portable Network Graphic (png)
+ Name: astah2png
+ Use external converter: astah-com, astah-uml, astah-pro
+ Use translator:
+ Input format: .asta .jude .juth
+ Output format: .png
+ C/C++ Source Code (.cpp, .c, .hpp, .h) to TeX Source Code (tex): TeXify
+ variante
+ Name: cpp2tex_texify
+ Use external converter: texifyc++
+ Use translator:
+ Input format: .cpp, .c, .hpp, .h, .c++, .h++
+ Output format: .tex
+ Compressed Bitmap to Uncompressed Bitmap
+ based on zcat tool. This translator assumes that input files are
+ compressed. The input filename extensions is '.gz'. This translator
+ permits to store in the project compressed figures as raw material
+ for the LaTeX compiler. The bitmaps are uncompressed in a file with
+ the same name as the source, except that the '.gz' was removed from
+ the name.
+ Name: imggz2img
+ Use external converter: zcat
+ Use translator:
+ Input format: XXX.gz
+ Output format: XXX
+ Diagram Editor (dia) to Portable Document Format (pdf)
+ Name: dia2pdf
+ Use external converter: dia
+ Use translator: eps2pdf
+ Input format: .dia
+ Output format: .pdf
+ Diagram Editor (dia) to TeX embedded in Portable Document Format
+ (pdf+tex)
+ PDF part:
+ Name: dia2pdf+tex
+ Use external converter: dia
+ Use translator:
+ Input format: .dia_tex .diat .dia+tex .diatex .tex.dia +tex.dia
+ Output format: .pdf
+ TeX part:
+ Name: dia2pdf+tex
+ Use external converter: dia
+ Use translator:
+ Input format: .dia_tex .diat .dia+tex .diatex .tex.dia +tex.dia
+ Output format: .pdftex_t
+ Dot Graphviz (dot) to Portable Document Format (pdf)
+ Name: dot2pdf
+ Use external converter: dot
+ Use translator:
+ Input format: .dot
+ Output format: .pdf
+ Dot Graphviz (dot) to Portable Network Graphic (png)
+ Name: dot2png
+ Use external converter: dot
+ Use translator:
+ Input format: .dot
+ Output format: .png
+ Dot Graphviz (dot) to TeX (tex)
+ Name: dot2tex
+ Use external converter: dot
+ Use translator:
+ Input format: .dot
+ Output format: .tex
+ Encapsuled PostScript (eps) to Portable Document Format (pdf)
+ Name: eps2pdf_epstopdf
+ Use external converter: epstopdf
+ Use translator:
+ Input format: .eps
+ Output format: .pdf
+ Encapsuled PostScript (eps) to Portable Document Format (pdf)
+ Name: eps2pdf_ps2pdf
+ Use external converter: ps2pdf
+ Use translator:
+ Input format: .eps
+ Output format: .pdf
+ XFig document (fig) to Portable Document Format (pdf)
+ Name: fig2pdf
+ Use external converter: fig2dev
+ Use translator:
+ Input format: .fig
+ Output format: .pdf
+ XFig document (fig) to TeX embedded in Portable Document Format
+ (pdf+tex)
+ PDF part:
+ Name: fig2pdf+tex
+ Use external converter: fig2dev
+ Use translator:
+ Input format: .figt .fig_tex .figtex .fig+tex .tex.fig +tex.fig
+ Output format: .pdf
+ TeX part:
+ Name: fig2pdf+tex
+ Use external converter: fig2dev
+ Use translator:
+ Input format: .figt .fig_tex .figtex .fig+tex .tex.fig +tex.fig
+ Output format: .pdftex_t
+ GeoGebra (ggb) to Portable Document Format (pdf)
+ Name: ggb2pdf
+ Use external converter: geogebra
+ Use translator:
+ Input format: .ggb
+ Output format: .pdf
+ Graph Layout Engine (gle) to Portable Document Format (pdf)
+ Name: gle2pdf
+ Use external converter: gle
+ Use translator:
+ Input format: .gle
+ Output format: .pdf
+ Graph Layout Engine (gle) to Portable Network Graphic (png)
+ Name: gle2png
+ Use external converter: gle
+ Use translator:
+ Input format: .gle
+ Output format: .png
+ Graph eXchange Language (gxl) to Portable Document Format (pdf)
+ Name: gxl2pdf
+ Use external converter: gxl2dot
+ Use translator: dot2pdf
+ Input format: .gxl
+ Output format: .pdf
+ Graph eXchange Language (gxl) to Portable Network Graphic (png)
+ Name: gxl2png
+ Use external converter: gxl2dot
+ Use translator: dot2png
+ Input format: .gxl
+ Output format: .png
+ Java Source Code (java) to TeX Source Code (tex): TeXify variante
+ Name: java2tex_texify
+ Use external converter: texifyjava
+ Use translator:
+ Input format: .java
+ Output format: .tex
+ Lisp Script (lisp) to TeX Source Code (tex): TeXify variante
+ Name: lisp2tex_texify
+ Use external converter: texifylisp
+ Use translator:
+ Input format: .lisp
+ Output format: .tex
+ MatLab Script (m) to TeX Source Code (tex): TeXify variante
+ Name: matlab2tex_texify
+ Use external converter: texifymatlab
+ Use translator:
+ Input format: .m
+ Output format: .tex
+ ML Script (ml) to TeX Source Code (tex): TeXify variante
+ Name: ml2tex_texify
+ Use external converter: texifyml
+ Use translator:
+ Input format: .ml
+ Output format: .tex
+ Perl Script (perl) to TeX Source Code (tex): TeXify variante
+ Name: perl2tex_texify
+ Use external converter: texifyperl
+ Use translator:
+ Input format: .perl .pl
+ Output format: .tex
+ Gnuplot (plot) to Portable Document Format (pdf)
+ Name: plot2pdf
+ Use external converter: gnuplot
+ Use translator: eps2pdf
+ Input format: .plot .gnu
+ Output format: .pdf
+ Gnuplot (plot) to TeX embedded in Portable Document Format (pdf+tex)
+ PDF part:
+ Name: plot2pdf+tex
+ Use external converter: gnuplot
+ Use translator: eps2pdf
+ Input format: .plott .plot_tex .plottex .plot+tex .tex.plot
+ +tex.plot .gnut .gnu_tex .gnutex .gnu+tex .tex.gnu +tex.gnu
+ Output format: .pdf
+ TeX part:
+ Name: plot2pdf+tex
+ Use external converter: gnuplot
+ Use translator:
+ Input format: .plott .plot_tex .plottex .plot+tex .tex.plot
+ +tex.plot .gnut .gnu_tex .gnutex .gnu+tex .tex.gnu +tex.gnu
+ Output format: .pdftex_t
+ Python Source Code (py) to TeX Source Code (tex): TeXify variante
+ Name: python2tex_texify
+ Use external converter: texifypython
+ Use translator:
+ Input format: .py
+ Output format: .tex
+ Ruby Source Code (rb) to TeX Source Code (tex): TeXify variante
+ Name: ruby2tex_texify
+ Use external converter: texifyruby
+ Use translator:
+ Input format: .rb
+ Output format: .tex
+ SQL Script (sql) to TeX Source Code (tex): TeXify variante
+ Name: sql2tex_texify
+ Use external converter: texifysql
+ Use translator:
+ Input format: .sql
+ Output format: .tex
+ Scalable Vector Graphic (svg) to Portable Document Format (pdf):
+ Inkscape variante
+ Name: svg2pdf_inkscape
+ Use external converter: inkscape
+ Use translator:
+ Input format: .svg
+ Output format: .pdf
+ Scalable Vector Graphic (svg) to Portable Document Format (pdf): rsvg2
+ variante
+ Name: svg2pdf_rsvg
+ Use external converter: rsvg-convert
+ Use translator:
+ Input format: .svg
+ Output format: .pdf
+ Scalable Vector Graphic (svg) to TeX embedded in Portable Document
+ Format (pdf+tex)
+ PDF part:
+ Name: svg2pdf+tex_inkscape
+ Use external converter: inkscape
+ Use translator:
+ Input format: .svgt .svg_t .svgtex .svg+tex .tex.svg +tex.svg
+ Output format: .pdf
+ TeX part:
+ Name: svg2pdf+tex_inkscape
+ Use external converter: inkscape
+ Use translator:
+ Input format: .svgt .svg_t .svgtex .svg+tex .tex.svg +tex.svg
+ Output format: .pdftex_t
+ Scalable Vector Graphic (svg) to Portable Network Graphic (png):
+ Inkscape variante
+ Name: svg2png_inkscape
+ Use external converter: inkscape
+ Use translator:
+ Input format: .svg
+ Output format: .png
+ Scalable Vector Graphic (svg) to Portable Network Graphic (png): rsvg2
+ variante
+ Name: svg2png_rsvg
+ Use external converter: rsvg-convert
+ Use translator:
+ Input format: .svg
+ Output format: .png
+ Scalable Vector Graphic with layers (svg) to Beamer Overlays
+ Name: svg2pdf+layers_inkscape
+ Use external converter: inkscape
+ Use translator:
+ Input format: .svgl .svg_l .svglayers .svg+layers .layers.svg
+ +layers.svg
+ Output format: .pdftex_t .pdf
+ Scalable Vector Graphic with layers (svg) to TeX embedded in Beamer
+ Overlays
+ PDF part:
+ Name: svg2pdf+layers+tex_inkscape
+ Use external converter: inkscape
+ Use translator:
+ Input format: .svglt .svg_lt .svglayerstex .svgtexlayers
+ .svg+layers+tex .svg+tex+layers .layers.tex.svg .tex.layers.svg
+ +layers+tex.svg +tex+layers.svg
+ Output format: .pdf
+ TeX part:
+ Name: svg2pdf+layers+tex_inkscape
+ Use external converter: inkscape
+ Use translator:
+ Input format: .svglt .svg_lt .svglayerstex .svgtexlayers
+ .svg+layers+tex .svg+tex+layers .layers.tex.svg .tex.layers.svg
+ +layers+tex.svg +tex+layers.svg
+ Output format: .pdftex_t
+ PGF/TikZ (tikz) to Portable Document Format (pdf)
+ Name: tikz2pdf
+ Use external converter: pdflatex
+ Use translator:
+ Input format: .tikz
+ Output format: .pdf
+ Gimp (xcf) to Portable Document Format (pdf)
+ Name: xcf2pdf
+ Use external converter: convert
+ Use translator:
+ Input format: .xcf
+ Output format: .pdf
+ Gimp (xcf) to Portable Network Graphic (png)
+ Name: xcf2png
+ Use external converter: convert
+ Use translator:
+ Input format: .xcf
+ Output format: .png
+ UML Metadata Interchange (xmi) to Portable Document Format (pdf):
+ Umbrello variante
+ Name: xmi2pdf_umbrello
+ Use external converter: umbrello
+ Use translator: eps2pdf
+ Input format: .xmi
+ Output format: .pdf
+ UML Metadata Interchange (xmi) to Portable Document Format (pdf):
+ uml2svg variante
+ Name: xmi2pdf_uml2svg
+ Use external converter: uml2svg
+ Use translator: svg2pdf
+ Input format: .xmi
+ Output format: .pdf
+ UML Metadata Interchange (xmi) to Portable Document Format (pdf):
+ xmi2svg variante
+ Name: xmi2pdf_xmi2svg
+ Use external converter: xmi2svg
+ Use translator: svg2pdf
+ Input format: .xmi
+ Output format: .pdf
+ Visio Binary Draw (vsd) to Portable Document Format (pdf)
+ Name: vsd2pdf
+ Use external converter: inkscape
+ Use translator:
+ Input format: .vsd .vdx .vsdx
+ Output format: .pdf
+ AutoLaTeX provides a LaTeX style called autolatex.sty. It provides the
+ following functions:
+ \includegraphicswtex[options]{filename}
+ include a figure with combined TeX macros. The filename must have
+ one of the following extensions: .pdftex_t, .pdftex_t, .pstex_t,
+ .pdf_tex, .ps_tex. The options must one of: width=XX, or height=XX;
+ where XX is a length.
+ \includefigurewtex[options]{filename}
+ same as \includegraphicswtex.
+ \includeanimatedfigure[options]{filename}
+ include the layers of a figure in a Beamer presentation. The
+ different layers are assumed to be in separate PDF files. The figure
+ is then a TeX file that is including the PDF files inside a
+ Beamer-compatible environment. The filename must have one of the
+ following extensions: .pdftex_t, .pdftex_t, .pstex_t, .pdf_tex,
+ .ps_tex. The options must one of: width=XX, or height=XX; where XX
+ is a length.
+ By default, a layer is replacing the previous layer when it is
+ displayed. You could change the overlay specification by adding the
+ string "spec" in the title of the layer in your SVG editor. The spec
+ part is the specification of the slide numbers on which the layer
+ should appear in Beamer. For example, 2 means 'only on the slide 2';
+ 6- means 'from slide 6 to the end'.
+ \includeanimatedfigurewtex[options]{filename}
+ include the layers of a figure combined with TeX macros in a Beamer
+ presentation. The different layers are assumed to be in separate PDF
+ files. The figure is then a TeX file that is including the PDF files
+ inside a Beamer-compatible environment. The filename must have one
+ of the following extensions: .pdftex_t, .pdftex_t, .pstex_t,
+ .pdf_tex, .ps_tex. The options must one of: width=XX, or height=XX;
+ where XX is a length.
+ By default, a layer is replacing the previous layer when it is
+ displayed. You could change the overlay specification by adding the
+ string "spec" in the title of the layer in your SVG editor. The spec
+ part is the specification of the slide numbers on which the layer
+ should appear in Beamer. For example, 2 means 'only on the slide 2';
+ 6- means 'from slide 6 to the end'.
+ \DeclareGraphicsExtensionsWtex{extensions}
+ permits to define the filename extensions that are used by
+ \includegraphicswtex to find the figure files.
+ \graphicspath{{path1},{path2}...}
+ is the macros from the TeX package 'graphicx.sty'. It permits to
+ define the search paths for the figures.
+ Location of the Configuration Files
+ The configuration files used by AutoLaTex could be a several places:
+ * System Configuration (for all users): inside the directory where
+ AutoLaTeX was installed (usually /usr/lib/autolatex on Unix
+ systems).
+ * User Configuration: two cases: the configuration directory named
+ $HOME/.autolatex on Unix, or C:\Documents and Settings\<user>\Local
+ Settings\Application Data\autolatex on Windows exists; or not.
+ In the first case, the configuration file is stored inside the
+ directory and is named autolatex.conf.
+ In the second case, the configuration file is inside the user
+ directory and is named $HOME/.autolatex on Unix, and C:\Documents
+ and Settings\<user>\Local Settings\Application Data\autolatex.conf
+ on Windows.
+ * Project Configuration: the configuration file in the same directory
+ as the main TeX file of the project. It is named
+ .autolatex_project.cfg on Unix and autolatex_project.cfg on Windows.
+ Syntax of the Configuration Files
+ The configuration files respect a syntax similar to the Windows .ini
+ files.
+ A comment starts with the characters '#' or ';' and it finishes at the
+ end of the line.
+ Each configuration directive must be inside a configuration section. A
+ configuration section is declared by its name between brackets. Example:
+ [mysection]
+ Each directive must be declared as: directive name = value
+ Several section names are reserved by AutoLaTeX, the others are assumed
+ to be the configuration for the translators.
+ [Viewer] section
+ This section permits to configure the viewer used by AutoLaTeX. The
+ recognized directives are:
+ *view* : Indicates if AutoLaTeX must launch a viewer after LaTeX
+ compilation. Accepted values: yes or no.
+ *viewer* : Is the path or the command line of the viewer to launch.
+ Accepted value: any command line.
+ [Generation] section
+ This section permits to configure the generation process used by
+ AutoLaTeX. The recognized directives are:
+ *main file* : specifies the basename of the main TeX file to compile.
+ This option is available only inside the project's configuration file.
+ *generate images* : indicates if AutoLaTeX automatically generates the
+ figures. Accepted values: yes or no
+ *image directory* : Specify the directories inside which AutoLaTeX will
+ find the pictures which must be processed by the translators. The
+ different paths are separated by the path-separator character (':' on
+ Unix, ';' on Windows).
+ *generation type* : indicates the type of generation. Accepted values:
+ pdf - generate a PDF document
+ dvi - generate a DVI or a XDV document
+ ps - generate a PS document
+ *tex compiler* : indicates the TeX compiler to use. Accepted values:
+ latex - use latex
+ pdflatex - use pdflatex
+ xelatex - use xelatex
+ lualatex - use lualatex
+ *synctex* : indicates if the output document may be produced with
+ SyncTeX, or not.
+ *makeindex style* : specifies the style that must be used by MakeIndex.
+ This is a list of values separated by comas, in the preference order.
+ The values should be:
+ <filename> - if a filename was specified, AutoLaTeX assumes that it
+ is the .ist file;
+ @system - AutoLaTeX uses the system default .ist file (in AutoLaTeX
+ distribution);
+ @detect - AutoLaTeX will tries to find a .ist file in the project's
+ directory. If none was found, AutoLaTeX will not pass a style to
+ makeindex;
+ @none - AutoLaTeX assumes that no .ist file must be passed to
+ MakeIndex;
+ <empty> - AutoLaTeX assumes that no .ist file must be passed to
+ MakeIndex.
+ If the list contains more than one value, AutoLaTeX will do the
+ corresponding behaviors in turn.
+ *translator include path* : specifies additional directories from which
+ translator scripts could be loaded. This is a list of paths separated by
+ comas or the path separator of your operating system (: on Unix, ; on
+ Windows). If a path contains a coma character, you must enclose it in
+ quotes.
+ *latex_cmd* : specifies the LaTeX tool command line. Accepted value: any
+ command line.
+ *bibtex_cmd* : specifies the BibTeX tool command line. Accepted value:
+ any command line.
+ *biber_cmd* : specifies the Biber tool command line. Accepted value: any
+ command line.
+ *makeglossaries_cmd* : specifies the MakeGlossaries tool command line.
+ Accepted value: any command line.
+ *makeindex_cmd* : specifies the MakeIndex tool command line. Accepted
+ value: any command line.
+ *dvi2ps_cmd* : specifies the dvips tool command line. Accepted value:
+ any command line.
+ *latex_flags* : specifies the options to pass to the LaTeX tool.
+ Accepted value: any command line.
+ *bibtex_flags* : specifies the options to pass to the BibTeX tool.
+ Accepted value: any command line.
+ *biber_flags* : specifies the options to pass to the Biber tool.
+ Accepted value: any command line.
+ *makeglossaries_flags* : specifies the options to pass to the
+ MakeGlossaries tool. Accepted value: any command line.
+ *makeindex_flags* : specifies the options to pass to the MakeIndex tool.
+ Accepted value: any command line.
+ *dvi2ps_flags* : specifies the options to pass to the dvips tool.
+ Accepted value: any command line.
+ [Clean] section
+ This section permits to configure the cleaning features of AutoLaTeX
+ (targets clean and cleanall). The recognized directives are:
+ *files to clean* : is a list of files to remove when the target 'clean'
+ is invoked. Shell wildcards are allowed.
+ *files to desintegrate* : is a list of files to remove when the target
+ 'cleanall' is invoked. Shell wildcards are allowed.
+ [Scm] section
+ This section permits to configure the SCM support of AutoLaTeX (CVS, SVN
+ or others). The recognized directives are:
+ *scm commit* : specifies the command line to use when commit the
+ changes.
+ *scm update* : specified the command line to use when update the local
+ copy.
+ Translator section
+ A translator section has the same name as the translator it configures.
+ The recognized directives are:
+ *include module* : indicates if the translator should be loaded by
+ default. Accepted values: yes or no.
+ *files to convert* : indicates a list of files that must be converter
+ this this translator. The files are separated by the path separator
+ given by the operating systems (':' on Unix, ';' on Windows).
+ A graphical user interface is available since version 5.0 to configure
+ and launch AutoLaTeX process.
+ The available user interfaces are:
+ Gedit 3:
+ This is the *official* and up-to-date UI of AutoLaTeX. A plugin for
+ the lightweight editor Gedit 3 <> is
+ provided. You could launch AutoLaTeX and configure it through the
+ differents provided panels.
+ Standalone Gtk 3 Frontend:
+ This front end is based on the Gtk3 library. It provides the same
+ configuration windows as the Gedit 3 plugin. Indeed, both of them
+ are using the same background API based on Gtk3.
+ Sublime Text with LaTeXTools:
+ Since 2014, AutoLaTeX is integrated as one of the builders of the
+ LaTeXTools plugin <> for
+ Sublime Text. You could launch AutoLaTeX through the building tools
+ of Sublime Text. Until now, it is not possible to configure
+ AutoLaTeX through Sublime Text.
+ Kile:
+ There is no specific plugin for Kile. To use AutoLaTeX in this
+ editor, you must add a build tool from the "Configure Kile" dialog
+ box, or inside the kilerc file in the configuration directory of KDE
+ (usually: "$HOME/.kde/share/config/kilerc"). We recommend the
+ following configuration to launch AutoLaTeX in Kile (it is a copy of
+ the content of the file kilerc):
+ ...
+ [Tool/AutoLaTeX/Default]
+ class=Compile
+ close=no
+ command=autolatex
+ menu=Compile
+ options=-v --synctex --noview --search-project-from '%source' all
+ state=Editor
+ type=Process
+ ...
+ TeXmaker:
+ There is no specific plugin for TeXmaker. To use AutoLaTeX in this
+ editor, you must add a build tool inside the "Configure TeXmaker"
+ dialog box, or inside the texmaker.ini file in the configuration
+ directory of TeXMaker (usually: "$HOME/.config/xm1/texmaker.ini").
+ We recommend the following configuration to launch AutoLaTeX in
+ TeXmaker (it is a copy of the content of the file texmaker.ini):
+ ...
+ [texmaker]
+ ...
+ Tools\Userquick=autolatex -v --synctex --noview --search-project-from %.tex
+ ...
+ TeXworks:
+ There is no specific plugin for TeXworks. To use AutoLaTeX in this
+ editor, you must add a composition tool from the "Preferences"
+ dialog box, or inside the tools.ini file in the configuration
+ directory of TeXworks (usually:
+ "$HOME/.TeXWorks/configuration/tools.ini"). We recommend the
+ following configuration to launch AutoLaTeX in TeXworks (it is a
+ copy of the content of the file tools.ini):
+ ...
+ [012]
+ name=AutoLaTeX
+ program=autolatex
+ arguments=-v, --synctex, --noview, --search-project-from, $fullname, all
+ showPdf=true
+ ...
+ The following graphical user interfaces are still provided, but they are
+ deprecated:
+ Gedit 2:
+ A plugin for the lightweight editor Gedit 2.
+ Sublime Text 2:
+ A plugin for the editor Sublime Text 2
+ <>.
+ Standalone Gtk 2 Frontend:
+ A collection of configuration windows written in Perl and based on
+ Gtk 2.
+ To report bugs, provide feedback, suggest new features, etc. (in
+ prefered order): a) visit the developer site on GitHub
+ <>, b) visit the
+ AutoLaTeX main page <>, or c) send
+ email to the main author at
+ AutoLaTeX may be directly used from any directory where it is
+ uncompressed. But you may want to compile and install the additional
+ files (manual...)
+ To configure and install AutoLaTeX, you may need GNU make.
+ You need to install the package Compress::Zlib to compile and install
+ AutoLaTeX. This package is not required for the execution of AutoLaTeX.
+ In addition, to compile AutoLaTeX, you need to install the 'msgfmt'
+ command which is a part of 'gettext'.
+ To use AutoLaTeX, you will require:
+ latex. The development of AutoLaTeX was done using the TeX Live
+ distribution.
+ Either Perl version 5.004 or higher.
+ Several Perl packages usually installed in your Perl distribution:
+ Config::Simple, Locale::gettext, Spec::File...
+ Installation of AutoLaTeX consists of launching the Makefile.PL script
+ to generate a Makefile that permits to compile and install AutoLaTeX.
+ The basic commands are:
+ cd path_to_autoloader_sources/
+ perl ./Makefile.PL --prefix=/usr
+ make
+ make install
+ make clean
+ The file "INSTALL" gives more details on the installation, and it
+ provides other ways to compile/install AutoLaTeX.
+ GNU Public License (GPL)
+ Copyright (c) 1998-2016 Stephane GALLAND <>
+ This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+ under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+ <> as published by the Free Software
+ Foundation <>; either version 2 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+ WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+ with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
+ Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
+ 02111-1307, USA.
+ GNU Free Documentation License (FDL)
+ Copyright (c) 1998-2016 Stephane Galland <>.
+ Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document
+ under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License
+ <>, Version 1.2 or any later version
+ published by the Free Software Foundation <>; with
+ the Invariant Sections being AUTOLATEX LICENSE and MANUAL COPYRIGHT, no
+ Front-Cover Texts, and no Back-Cover Texts. A copy of the license is
+ included in the file name GNU Free Documentation License.txt.
+ pdflatex, latex, bibtex, biber, epstopdf, fig2dev, gnuplot, inkscape,
+ umbrello, zcat, texify