path: root/support/arara/source/src/test/kotlin/org/islandoftex/arara/utils/ExecutionTest.kt
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'support/arara/source/src/test/kotlin/org/islandoftex/arara/utils/ExecutionTest.kt')
1 files changed, 139 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/support/arara/source/src/test/kotlin/org/islandoftex/arara/utils/ExecutionTest.kt b/support/arara/source/src/test/kotlin/org/islandoftex/arara/utils/ExecutionTest.kt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a0cc52145a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/support/arara/source/src/test/kotlin/org/islandoftex/arara/utils/ExecutionTest.kt
@@ -0,0 +1,139 @@
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
+package org.islandoftex.arara.utils
+import io.kotlintest.DoNotParallelize
+import io.kotlintest.matchers.string.shouldContain
+import io.kotlintest.matchers.string.shouldNotContain
+import io.kotlintest.shouldBe
+import io.kotlintest.shouldNotBe
+import io.kotlintest.shouldThrow
+import io.kotlintest.specs.ShouldSpec
+import java.nio.file.Paths
+import kotlin.time.ExperimentalTime
+import org.islandoftex.arara.Arara
+import org.islandoftex.arara.configuration.AraraSpec
+import org.islandoftex.arara.configuration.Configuration
+import org.islandoftex.arara.filehandling.FileSearchingUtils
+import org.islandoftex.arara.model.AraraException
+import org.islandoftex.arara.model.Extractor
+import org.islandoftex.arara.model.Interpreter
+import org.islandoftex.arara.ruleset.DirectiveUtils
+class ExecutionTest : ShouldSpec({
+ fun getPathForTest(name: String): String = "src/test/resources/executiontests/$name"
+ fun outputForTest(testName: String, fileName: String = "$testName.tex"):
+ String {
+ val sysout = System.out
+ val output = ByteArrayOutputStream()
+ try {
+ System.setOut(PrintStream(output))
+ Arara.config[AraraSpec.Execution.workingDirectory] =
+ Paths.get(getPathForTest(testName))
+ Configuration.load()
+ Arara.config[AraraSpec.Execution.verbose] = true
+ FileSearchingUtils.discoverFile(fileName)
+ val directives = DirectiveUtils.process(Extractor.extract(
+ File("${getPathForTest(testName)}/$fileName")))
+ Interpreter(directives).execute()
+ return output.toByteArray().toString(Charsets.UTF_8)
+ } catch (ex: Exception) {
+ throw ex
+ } finally {
+ System.setOut(sysout)
+ output.close()
+ }
+ }
+ should("be able to store variables sessions") {
+ outputForTest("sessions") shouldContain "MeowQuack"
+ }
+ should("honor falsy existence test") {
+ val file = File(getPathForTest("conditionals") + "/conditionals.quack")
+ if (file.exists()) file.delete()
+ val output = outputForTest("conditionals")
+ output shouldContain "QuackOne"
+ output shouldContain "QuackFour"
+ output shouldNotContain "QuackTwo"
+ output shouldNotContain "QuackThree"
+ }
+ should("honor truthy existence (falsy contains) test") {
+ val file = File(getPathForTest("conditionals") + "/conditionals.quack")
+ file.writeText("Meow")
+ val output = outputForTest("conditionals")
+ file.delete()
+ output shouldContain "QuackOne"
+ output shouldContain "QuackFour"
+ output shouldContain "QuackTwo"
+ output shouldNotContain "QuackThree"
+ }
+ should("honor truthy contains test") {
+ val file = File(getPathForTest("conditionals") + "/conditionals.quack")
+ file.writeText("Duck")
+ val output = outputForTest("conditionals")
+ file.delete()
+ output shouldContain "QuackOne"
+ output shouldContain "QuackFour"
+ output shouldContain "QuackTwo"
+ output shouldContain "QuackThree"
+ }
+ should("track changes") {
+ val file = File(getPathForTest("changes") + "/arara.yaml")
+ if (file.exists()) file.delete()
+ outputForTest("changes") shouldContain "QuackOne"
+ outputForTest("changes") shouldNotContain "QuackOne"
+ }
+ should("gracefully halt on halt rule") {
+ val output = outputForTest("halt")
+ output shouldContain "QuackOne"
+ output shouldNotContain "QuackTwo"
+ CommonUtils.exitStatus shouldBe 0
+ }
+ should("forcefully halt on halt error rule") {
+ val output = outputForTest("halt-error")
+ output shouldContain "QuackOne"
+ output shouldNotContain "QuackTwo"
+ CommonUtils.exitStatus shouldNotBe 0
+ }
+ should("fail on invalid config") {
+ val exception = shouldThrow<AraraException> {
+ outputForTest("invalid-config")
+ }
+ exception.message shouldContain "could not parse the configuration"
+ }
+ should("read foreign extension") {
+ val output = outputForTest("foreign-extension", "")
+ output shouldContain "QuackOne"
+ }
+ should("fail on unknown extension") {
+ shouldThrow<AraraException> {
+ outputForTest("foreign-extension", "foreign-extension.xy")
+ }
+ }
+ should("accept empty pattern on known extension") {
+ val output = outputForTest("known-extension")
+ output shouldContain "QuackOne"
+ }
+ should("execute option-less directives") {
+ val output = outputForTest("simple-directive")
+ output shouldContain "The echoer"
+ output shouldContain "SUCCESS"
+ }
+ should("execute directive with options") {
+ val output = outputForTest("directive-with-options")
+ output shouldContain "The echoer"
+ output shouldContain "batchmode"
+ output shouldContain "SUCCESS"
+ output shouldNotContain "FAILURE"
+ }