path: root/support/TVS/TVS/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'support/TVS/TVS/')
1 files changed, 454 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/support/TVS/TVS/ b/support/TVS/TVS/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..925b480a0d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/support/TVS/TVS/
@@ -0,0 +1,454 @@
+#! /usr/bin/perl -w
+# -*- cperl -*-
+# use diagnostics;
+# This is TVS, system for storing complete source codes for TeX documents
+# Written and maintained by David Antos, xantos (at)
+# Distributed free od charge but without ANY WARRANTY in hope you find
+# it useful. See enclosed General Public License for details.
+# Copyright (c) 2000 David Antos
+# $Author: antos $
+# $Id:,v 1.28 2000/08/16 16:56:41 antos Exp $
+use strict;
+use locale;
+use Getopt::Long;
+use Cwd qw(cwd abs_path);
+use File::Basename;
+use File::Copy;
+use File::Path;
+sub build_patterns {
+# Builds patterns from specified file
+# Input: Filename --- pattern file
+# Pattern list reference
+# Output: Destroys second parameter and fills it up.
+ my ($pattern_file, $patts) = @_;
+ if (not defined($pattern_file) or $pattern_file eq "") {
+ @$patts = ();
+ return;
+ }
+ if (open(PATTERNS, $pattern_file)) {
+ print "\nOpened file \"$pattern_file\"\n" if ($::verbose);
+ print "Building pattern list\n" if ($::verbose);
+ my ($pat);
+ while ($pat = <PATTERNS>) {
+ chomp($pat);
+ ($pat) = split(/[%#]/, $pat); # Erase comments --- they start with # or %
+ next unless (defined($pat)); # Nothing to do
+ # Delete white characters before and after non-white characters
+ $pat =~ s/\s*(.*\S)\s*/$1/;
+ next if ($pat eq ""); # Nothing to do
+ push(@$patts, $pat);
+ print "Found pattern \"$pat\"\n" if ($::verbose >= 2);
+ }
+ close(PATTERNS);
+ }
+ else {
+ @$patts = ();
+ warn "\nWARNING: File \"$pattern_file\" can't be opened.\n";
+ }
+} # build_patterns
+sub parse_tex_log {
+# Finds possible filenames in TeX log file, tests if they are real files.
+# Omits files matching RE in @$ign_patts.
+# Input: Name of TeX logfile (with .log)
+# List of patterns to ignore (reference)
+# Hash to add matching names (ref.)
+# Output: Adds names to %$filenms, keys are filenames,
+# values are filenames too
+ my ($logname, $ign_patts, $filenms) = @_;
+ open(TEXLOG,$logname) or die "\nCan't open logfile \"$logname\"\n";
+ print "\nOpened logfile \"$logname\"\n";
+ my($line, $filename, $oldfn, $pat);
+ while ($line = <TEXLOG>) {
+ chomp($line);
+ # In log, anything between "(" or "<" and end-of-line may be a filename.
+ # Parsing of it is quite stupid because there may be spaces
+ # in filenames. I decided to use real brutal force.
+ # So we go to the first ( or < in line, test the rest, cut the rightmost
+ # character, test, and so on.
+ # Even names ended with ),_,', etc. are tested to be files, but
+ # --- who knows --- what if someone uses them [:-O]?
+ # It's slow but it doesn't need much memory, which can be useful
+ # for DOS/emTeX users. (Sorry, users of _real_ operating systems...)
+ while ($line =~ /[\(\<]/) { # left "(" or "<" in line
+ $line =~ s#^.*?[\(\<]+(.*)$#$1#; # cut to the first left bracket (incl.)
+ $filename = $line;
+ do {
+ print "Testing name: \"$filename\"\n" if ($::verbose >= 2);
+ if (-f $filename) { # it's a real file
+ print "> Found file: \"$filename\"\n" if ($::verbose);
+ $$filenms{$filename} = $filename;
+ # If $filename matches any pattern, then delete it
+ foreach $pat (@$ign_patts) {
+ if ($filename =~ m#$pat$#) {
+ print " ... ignored\n" if ($::verbose);
+ print " ... matches pattern \"$pat\"\n" if ($::verbose>=2);
+ delete($$filenms{$filename});
+ }
+ }
+ # If there is only -, \w, _, \, /, : or .,
+ # it won't be a filename anymore
+ if ($filename =~ /^[-\w_\\\/\.:]*$/) { next BRACKET; }
+ # (This optimalization may be omitted if you think it is unsafe.)
+ }
+ $oldfn = $filename; # remember last
+ $filename =~ s#^(.+).$#$1#; # cut the rightmost character
+ } while($oldfn ne $filename); # while it changes
+ } # while "(" or "<"
+ }
+ close TEXLOG;
+} # parse_tex_log
+sub get_format_name {
+# Gets format name from log, parses first format=this_is_result in file
+# If opt_fmtname was given, returns opt_fmtname
+# Input: Filename (with .log)
+# Output: Format name (returns string) or "" if failed
+ my ($filenm) = @_;
+ my ($line);
+ if ($::opt_fmtname ne "") {
+ print "\nForced format \"$::opt_fmtname\". Make sure this is correct!\n";
+ return $::opt_fmtname;
+ }
+ else {
+ if (not open(TEXLOG, $filenm)) {
+ print "\nCan't open logfile \"$filenm\" to get format name\n";
+ }
+ else {
+ while ($line = <TEXLOG>) {
+ chomp($line);
+ if ($line =~ s#.*format=(\w*).*#$1#) { return $line; };
+ # Success
+ };
+ };
+ };
+ return ""; # Failure
+} # get_format_name
+sub determine_storing_names {
+# Reads keys from hash --- filenames to store.
+# Checks for name conflicts and solves them.
+# Input: Ref. to hash, it's keys are filenames, values equal to keys
+# Ref. to list containing patterns to cut from paths
+# Output: Hash, keys are keeping new names, values original ones
+ my($filenms, $cuts) = @_;
+ my (%storing_names); # New names => orig. (real) names
+ my ($fn);
+ foreach $fn (keys %$filenms) {
+ my ($newfn) = $fn;
+ print "Preparing name for file \"$fn\"\n" if ($::verbose);
+ # Determine new storing name
+ my ($pat);
+ foreach $pat (@$cuts) {
+ $pat =~ s#^(.*[^\\\/])[\\\/]?#$1#; # cut the rightmost / or \
+ print " Checking pattern \"$pat\"\n" if ($::verbose >= 2);
+ # cut filename if starts with $pat, only first pattern is used
+ if ( $newfn =~ m#^$pat[\\\/](.*)# ) {
+ $newfn = $1;
+ print " Pattern matches.\n" if ($::verbose >= 2);
+ last; # exit cycle
+ };
+ }; # foreach $pat
+ # if new name doesn't conflict, add it
+ if (not exists($storing_names{$newfn})) {
+ print "Name \"$newfn\" will be used.\n" if ($::verbose);
+ $storing_names{$newfn} = $fn;
+ }
+ else { # error, name conflicts
+ print "\nError, name \"$newfn\" conflicts.\n";
+ print "Cannot save files \"$fn\"\n";
+ print "and \"$storing_names{$newfn}\"\n";
+ print "with the same name \"$newfn\".\n";
+ print "Please check setting of paths to cut. Shortenning of belonging\n";
+ print "prefix should help. Consult the documentation when in trouble.\n";
+ die "*** Name conflict detected, gave up ***\n";
+ };
+ };
+ return %storing_names;
+} # determine_storing_names
+sub copy_files {
+# Takes keys from hash and copies all files from it to working_dir/prefix
+# Input: Prefix, hash --- keys are filenames
+# Output: None
+ my($prefix, %filenms) = @_;
+ my ($name, $prefname);
+ foreach $name (keys %filenms) {
+ $prefname = $name;
+ # cut leading / or \
+ $prefname =~ s#[\\\/]?(.*)#$1#;
+ $prefname = $prefix.'/'.$prefname;
+ # Prepare directories, umask may be switch in the future
+ mkpath(dirname($prefname), $::verbose, 0700) unless ($::opt_dummy);
+ copy($filenms{$name}, $prefname) unless ($::opt_dummy);
+ print "Copying \"$filenms{$name}\"\n to \"$prefname\"\n" if ($::verbose);
+ };
+} #copy_files
+sub main_pack {
+# Main procedure for packing files
+# Creates tree of source files
+# Input: Filename of TeX source, extension .log is tried
+# Output: None
+# Uses: Variables $main::opt_...
+ my ($source) = @_;
+ my (%filenames); # Keys are filenames to store --- source
+ my (@ignore_patterns); # Patterns to be ignored
+ my (@path_cuts); # Paths to cut
+ if ($::opt_ignore ne "") {
+ print "\nBuilding ignore pattern list\n" if ($::verbose);
+ &build_patterns($::opt_ignore, \@ignore_patterns);
+ }
+ else {
+ @ignore_patterns = ();
+ };
+ if ($::opt_pathcuts ne "") {
+ print "\nBuilding list of paths to cut\n" if ($::verbose);
+ &build_patterns($::opt_pathcuts, \@path_cuts);
+ }
+ else {
+ @path_cuts = ();
+ };
+ # If file $source doesn't exist try dtto.log
+ if (not -f $source) {
+ print "\nFile \"$source\" does not exist, trying \"${source}.log\"\n";
+ $source = "${source}.log";
+ if (not -f $source) { die "File \"$source\" does not exist\n"; }
+ }
+ %filenames=();
+ # Get list of needed files from TeX log
+ &parse_tex_log($source, \@ignore_patterns, \%filenames);
+ %filenames = &determine_storing_names(\%filenames, \@path_cuts);
+ &copy_files("$::opt_output",%filenames);
+ # If format needed, get name
+ if ($::opt_format ne "") {
+ %filenames = (); # Delete all, it is done and copied
+ my ($format_name) = &get_format_name($source);
+ print "\nGot format name \"$format_name\"\n";
+ # Delete last / or \
+ $::opt_format =~ s/^(.*[^\\\/])[\\\/]?/$1/;
+ &parse_tex_log($::opt_format."/".$format_name.'.log',
+ \@ignore_patterns, \%filenames);
+ %filenames = &determine_storing_names(\%filenames, \@path_cuts);
+ &copy_files("$::opt_output"."/FORMAT", %filenames);
+ }; # if format wanted
+ # If font sources needed, get them
+ if ($::opt_dvips ne "") {
+ %filenames = (); # Delete all
+ print "\nGetting font source files from dvips log \"$::opt_dvips\"\n";
+ &parse_tex_log($::opt_dvips, \@ignore_patterns, \%filenames);
+ %filenames = &determine_storing_names(\%filenames, \@path_cuts);
+ &copy_files("$::opt_output"."/FONTS", %filenames);
+ }; # if dvips
+} # main_pack
+# -------------- Help and version info ---------
+sub print_version {
+# Prints version
+# Input, output: none
+ print "\nThis is TVS, TeX Versioning System\n";
+ print 'Version 1.0 ($Id:,v 1.28 2000/08/16 16:56:41 antos Exp $)'.
+ "\n";
+ print "This is free software distributed under General Public License\n";
+ print "but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY\n";
+} # print_version
+sub print_usage {
+# Prints usage info
+# Input, output: none
+ print "\nUsage:\n";
+ print " -h | --help print this help and exit\n\n";
+ print " [options] filename[.log]\n\n";
+ print "where options are:\n";
+ print " -v | --verbose set verbosity level\n";
+ print " --dummy no real work\n";
+ print " -c | --config file set configuration file\n";
+ print " -i | --ignore [file] set ignore pattern file\n";
+ print " -p | --pathcuts [file] set pathcuts patt. file\n";
+ print " -o | --output dir output directory name\n";
+ print " -f | --format [dir] pack format sources\n";
+ print " --fmtname [name] forces format name\n";
+ print " -d | --dvips file pack font sources -- experimental!\n";
+ print "\n";
+ print "Please consult the documentation. Note that packing source codes\n";
+ print "is a delicate and sensitive operation.\n\n";
+} # print_usage
+# ------------------ Parsing config ------------
+sub parse_config_file {
+# Parses config file and sets options with omitted value on command line
+# Input, output: none
+# Changes: Values of %config hash (global in main)
+ # Default name of config file
+ if (not defined($::opt_config)) { $::opt_config = "tvsrc"; };
+ if (not open(CONFIG, $::opt_config)) {
+ warn "\nConfig file \"$::opt_config\" can't be opened.\n";
+ warn "Config file ignored.\n";
+ }
+ else {
+ # Parse config file
+ my ($line, $name, $value);
+ while ($line = <CONFIG>) {
+ chomp($line);
+ # Ignore anything after # or $
+ ($line) = split(/[%#]/, $line); # Erase comments, they start with # or %
+ next unless defined($line);
+ # Delete white chars
+ $line =~ s#\s*(.*\S)\s*#$1#;
+ # Split on first space
+ ($name, $value) = split(/\s/, $line, 2);
+ next unless defined($name);
+ next unless defined($value);
+ # Set values
+ if ($name ne "" and $value ne "") { $::config_file{$name} = $value; };
+ }
+ }
+} # parse_config_file
+# --------------- MAIN PROGRAM -----------------
+# Handles parsing of command line arguments and calls actions.
+# Input: see Getopt command
+# Print header
+# Set option variables
+# Allow write e.g. -vv, allow only full names of options
+# These are global options. They are taken from commandline,
+# if not set (or value omitted), config file is usually tried.
+use vars qw($verbose $opt_help $opt_config $opt_dummy $opt_format);
+use vars qw($opt_fmtname $opt_dvips $opt_ignore $opt_output $opt_pathcuts);
+if (not GetOptions('v|verbose+',\$verbose, # verbosity level
+ 'h|help',\$opt_help, # print help and exit
+ 'c|config=s',\$opt_config, # config file name
+ 'dummy',\$opt_dummy, # do not really copy files
+ 'f|format:s',\$opt_format, # dir with iniTeX logs
+ 'fmtname=s',\$opt_fmtname, # format name (forced)
+ 'd|dvips=s',\$opt_dvips, # dvips log
+ 'i|ignore:s',\$opt_ignore, # file with names to ignore
+ 'p|pathcuts:s',\$opt_pathcuts, # file with paths to cut
+ 'o|output=s',\$opt_output # output directory name
+ )) { &print_usage(); die "*** Wrong options ***" };
+use vars qw($filename); # File --- log of TeX or archive (if -x)
+use vars qw(%config_file); # Content of config file --- global,
+ # used for setting $opt_... only
+# If $verbose undefined, try config file, else set it to 0
+unless (defined($verbose)) {
+ if (exists($config_file{"verbose"})) {
+ $verbose = $config_file{"verbose"}; }
+ else { $verbose = 0; };
+# Print version info if -h or --version (and exit then)
+if (defined($opt_help)) { &print_usage(); exit 0; };
+# If dummy, warn
+if (defined($opt_dummy)) {
+ warn "\n*** WARNING: dummy mode selected ***\n";
+ warn "Nothing will be really done!\n\n";
+else { $opt_dummy = 0; };
+# Check format option
+if (defined($opt_format)){
+ if ($opt_format eq "") {
+ if (exists($config_file{"format"})) {
+ $opt_format = $config_file{"format"}
+ }
+ else {
+ &print_usage();
+ die "*** Format option parameter is not specified ***\n";
+ };
+ };
+else { $opt_format = ""; };
+# Forced format name
+if (not defined($opt_fmtname)) { $opt_fmtname = ""; };
+# Dvips
+if (not defined($opt_dvips)) { $opt_dvips = ""; };
+# Ignore file
+if (defined($opt_ignore)) {
+ if ($opt_ignore eq "") {
+ if (exists($config_file{"ignore"})) {
+ $opt_ignore = $config_file{"ignore"};
+ }
+ else {
+ &print_usage();
+ die "*** Ignore parameter is not specified ***\n";
+ };
+ };
+else { $opt_ignore = ""; };
+# Pathcuts
+if ((not defined($opt_pathcuts)) or ($opt_pathcuts eq "")) {
+ if (exists($config_file{"pathcuts"})) {
+ $opt_pathcuts = $config_file{"pathcuts"};
+ }
+ else { $opt_pathcuts = ""; };
+# Output dir
+unless (defined($opt_output)) {
+ unless (exists($config_file{"output"})) { $opt_output = 'TVS-OUT'; }
+ else { $opt_output = $config_file{"output"} }
+# Set filename
+unless (defined($ARGV[0])) {
+ &print_usage;
+ die "*** Please specify filename ***";
+$filename = $ARGV[0];
+# Allow TVS only to be run in source directory
+my($working_directory) = cwd;
+if ($working_directory ne abs_path(dirname($filename))) {
+ &print_usage;
+ die "*** Please run TVS in the source directory ***";
+print "\nThank you for using TVS and supporting free software\n";