path: root/obsolete/support/png2pdf/DOCU/fbt/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'obsolete/support/png2pdf/DOCU/fbt/')
1 files changed, 95 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/obsolete/support/png2pdf/DOCU/fbt/ b/obsolete/support/png2pdf/DOCU/fbt/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a991aac87d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/support/png2pdf/DOCU/fbt/
@@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
+use Posix;
+my $px = "128px";
+my $width = 1000;
+my $wh = $width / 2;
+my $factor = 0.75;
+my $c1 = "#7F7FFF"; # color of circles
+my $c2 = "#7F7FFF"; # color of short pointer
+my $c3 = "#7F7FFF"; # color of long pointer
+my $w1 = 30; # width of short pointer
+my $w2 = 20; # width of long pointer
+my $f1 = 0.8; # end of white filled, end of circles
+my $r2 = 30; # point radius;
+# radius where the points are on
+my $r1 = POSIX::floor($f1 * $wh - $r2);
+my $r3 = 290; # length of long pointer
+$r3 = $factor * ($r1 - $r2);
+my $r4 = 179; # length of short pointer
+$r4 = $factor * $factor * $r3;
+my $pi = 3.1415926;
+my $i; my $alpha; my $x; my $y;
+print "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"iso-8859-1\" standalone=\"no\"?>\n";
+print "";
+print "<svg width=\"$px\" height=\"$px\" viewBox=\"0 0 $width $width\"\n";
+print "xmlns=\"\">\n";
+print "<title>5 before 12</title>\n";
+print "<desc>Analog clock image</desc>\n";
+print "<defs>\n";
+print "<style type=\"text/css\"><![CDATA[\n";
+print ".A {\n"; # circle
+print "fill: $c1;\n";
+print "}\n";
+print ".B {\n"; # short pointer
+print "fill: $c2;\n";
+print "stroke: $c2;\n";
+print "stroke-linecap: round;\n";
+print "stroke-width: $w1;\n";
+print "}\n";
+print ".C {\n"; # long pointer
+print "fill: $c2;\n";
+print "stroke: $c2;\n";
+print "stroke-linecap: round;\n";
+print "stroke-width: $w2;\n";
+print "}\n";
+print "]]></style>\n";
+print "<radialGradient id=\"MyGradient\" gradientUnits=\"userSpaceOnUse\"\n";
+print "cx=\"500\" cy=\"500\" r=\"500\">\n";
+print "<stop offset=\"0\" stop-color=\"white\" stop-opacity=\"1\" />\n";
+print "<stop offset=\"0.5\" stop-color=\"white\" stop-opacity=\"1\" />\n";
+print "<stop offset=\"1\" stop-color=\"white\" stop-opacity=\"0\" />\n";
+print "</radialGradient>\n";
+print "<mask id=\"MyMask\" maskUnits=\"userSpaceOnUse\"\n";
+print "x=\"0\" y=\"0\" width=\"1000\" height=\"1000\">\n";
+print "<rect x=\"0\" y=\"0\" width=\"1000\" height=\"1000\" fill=\"url(#MyGradient)\"\n";
+print "/>\n";
+print "</mask>\n";
+print "</defs>\n";
+print "<rect x=\"0\" y=\"0\" width=\"1000\" height=\"1000\" fill=\"white\"";
+print " mask=\"url(#MyMask)\" />\n";
+# 5-minute-circles
+for($i = 0; $i < 12; $i++) {
+ $alpha = 2.0 * $pi * $i / 12.0;
+ $x = $wh + $r1 * cos($alpha);
+ $y = $wh + $r1 * sin($alpha);
+ $x = 0.1 * POSIX::floor(10.0 * $x + 0.5);
+ $y = 0.1 * POSIX::floor(10.0 * $y + 0.5);
+ print "<circle cx=\"$x\" cy=\"$y\" r=\"$r2\" class=\"A\"/>\n";
+# short pointer
+$alpha = 0.0 - ((1.0 / 2.0 + 1.0 / 72.0) * $pi);
+$x = $wh + $r4 * cos($alpha);
+$y = $wh + $r4 * sin($alpha);
+$x = 0.1 * POSIX::floor(10.0 * $x + 0.5);
+$y = 0.1 * POSIX::floor(10.0 * $y + 0.5);
+print "<line x1=\"$wh\" y1=\"$wh\" x2=\"$x\" y2=\"$y\" class=\"B\"/>\n";
+# long pointer
+$alpha = -2.0 * $pi / 3.0;
+$x = $wh + $r3 * cos($alpha);
+$y = $wh + $r3 * sin($alpha);
+$x = 0.1 * POSIX::floor(10.0 * $x + 0.5);
+$y = 0.1 * POSIX::floor(10.0 * $y + 0.5);
+print "<line x1=\"$wh\" y1=\"$wh\" x2=\"$x\" y2=\"$y\" class=\"C\"/>\n";
+print "</svg>\n";