path: root/obsolete/macros/texmuse/Program/
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Diffstat (limited to 'obsolete/macros/texmuse/Program/')
1 files changed, 405 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/texmuse/Program/ b/obsolete/macros/texmuse/Program/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..653cb73c3a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/texmuse/Program/
@@ -0,0 +1,405 @@
+font_size 20pt#;
+bassdepth#:=140/108pt#; % depth of bass-clef below baseline = depth of comma in cmr
+interline#:=140/36pt#; % inter line space in staff = depth of descenders in cmr
+framingspace#:=9/32interline#; % calculated from the bass-clef
+long_axis#=1.5interline#-line_thick#; % long axis in note-heads ellipse.
+notehead_angle=26; % the angle of rotation of the notehead ellipse.
+curve_sidebar=round 10/36pt;
+special_space#=1/9interline#; % I used to use line_thick for some spaces, but it does not
+% work when line_thick is changed. So, special_space is
+% equal to the value of line_thick I used then.
+staff_h#=3interline#; % staff height
+museangle=75; % angle for musecircles
+% Font-dimens:
+% Width of different types of character
+numeric widths[];
+def musecircle(suffix i,j,k,l) = % center, edge, suffixes for new points. k=+, l=-
+ numeric museradius, anglefrom;
+ museradius=abs(length (z.i-z.j));
+ anglefrom=angle (z.j-z.i);
+ z.k-z.i=museradius*dir(anglefrom+museangle);
+ z.l-z.i=museradius*dir(anglefrom-museangle);
+ fill fullcircle scaled 2museradius shifted z.i
+ enddef;
+def note_head =
+ fullcircle xscaled long_axis yscaled short_axis rotated notehead_angle
+ enddef;
+def put_rest_unit(expr base, width) =
+ if known x.circlecenter:
+ else:
+ x.circlecenter=x.circlebottom=-small_rests_radius;
+ y.circlecenter=y.circlebottom+small_rests_radius=y.restpoint-line_thick=1.5interline;
+ x.restpoint-small_rests_radius=x.restbottom=0;
+ y.restbottom:=1/2line_thick;
+ numeric rests_angle;
+ rests_angle=angle(z.restpoint-z.restbottom);
+ penpos.restpoint(small_rests_radius,rests_angle);
+ z.circlebottom.l=z.circlebottom;
+ z.circlebottom.r=z.circlepoint;
+ z.restright.l=z.restpoint.l; z.restright.r=z.restpoint.r shifted(1/2line_thick,0);
+ penpos.restbottom(width,0);
+ fi
+ musecircle(circlecenter,circlebottom,circlepoint,secondcirclepoint) shifted base;
+ penstroke (z.circlebottom.e{right}..z.restpoint.e--z.restright.e--z.restbottom.e)%
+ shifted base;
+ enddef;
+def regular_note_head =
+ note_axis[index] := max(note_axis[index],1/2regular_width);
+ width[index] := max(width[index],1/2regular_width);
+ stem_point[index][instr_] := (stem_dir[index][instr_]*(xpart(directionpoint up of (note_head))-.5line_thick),
+ stem_dir[index][instr_]*ypart(directionpoint up of (note_head)));
+ fill note_head
+ enddef;
+picture half_notehead;
+begingroup; save x, y;
+ clearit;
+ path p[];
+ p1=fullcircle xscaled long_axis yscaled .7long_axis;
+ numeric t[];
+ forsuffixes s=1,2,3,4:
+ z.s=directionpoint dir(90+s*90) of p1;
+ endfor;
+ z5=z1+7/24short_axis*down; z6=z2+line_thick*right;
+ z7=z3+7/24short_axis*up; z8=z4+line_thick*left;
+ p2=(superellipse(z8,z5,z6,z7,.8)) rotated notehead_angle;
+ fill p1 rotated notehead_angle;
+ unfill p2;
+ cullit;
+half_notehead := currentpicture; clearit;
+def half_note_head =
+ note_axis[index] := max(note_axis[index],1/2regular_width);
+ width[index] := max(width[index],1/2regular_width);
+ stem_point[index][instr_] := (stem_dir[index][instr_]*(xpart(directionpoint up of (note_head))-.5line_thick),
+ stem_dir[index][instr_]*ypart(directionpoint up of (note_head)));
+ addto currentpicture also half_notehead
+ enddef;
+vardef whole_test(expr scale) =
+ ypart(directionpoint left of p)-%
+ ypart(directionpoint left of (p scaled scale rotated (90+notehead_angle)))%
+ <line_thick enddef;
+picture whole_notehead;
+ path p;
+ p=fullcircle xscaled (1.5interline+line_thick) yscaled (interline+1/2line_thick);
+ numeric true_scale;
+ true_scale=solve whole_test(1,0);
+ fill p; unfill p scaled true_scale rotated (90+notehead_angle);
+ whole_notehead=currentpicture; clearit;
+def whole_note =
+ note_axis[index] := max(note_axis[index],1.5interline+1/2line_thick);
+ width[index] := max(note_axis[index],1.5interline+1/2line_thick);
+ stem_point[index][instr_] := (stem_dir[index][instr_]*1.5interline,
+ stem_dir[index][instr_]*.5interline);
+ addto currentpicture also whole_notehead
+ enddef;
+picture rest_[];
+ pickup penrazor xscaled line_thick rotated 90;
+ draw (-1/regular_width, 2interline)--(1/2regular_width, 2interline);
+ pickup penrazor xscaled 1/2interline rotated 90;
+ draw (-1/horizontal_axis, 1.75interline)--(1/2horizontal_axis, 1.75interline);
+rest_[-2]:=currentpicture; clearit; rest_width[-2]:= 1/2regular_width + framingspace;
+ draw (-1/2horizontal_axis, 1.25interline)--(1/2horizontal_axis, 1.25interline);
+ pickup penrazor xscaled line_thick rotated 90;
+ draw (-1/2regular_width, interline)--(1/2regular_width, interline);
+rest_[-1]:=currentpicture; clearit; rest_width[-1]:= 1/2regular_width + framingspace;
+ z1=(.65short_axis,line_thick);
+ z2=(x1,2interline-.5line_thick);
+ z3=(0,interline-.5line_thick);
+ path p[];
+ p1=z2{z3-z2}..{down}z3..{z1-z3}z1;
+ z4=point .2 of p1;
+ y5=interline+.5line_thick;
+ vardef tooleft(expr x) =
+ length((x,y5)-z3)>.5interline enddef;
+ x5=solve tooleft(-short_axis,short_axis);
+ z6-z4=z5-z3;
+ x7r-x5=x5+.75short_axis;
+ z7r-z2=whatever*(z5-z1);
+ penpos7(line_thick,90+angle(z7r-z4));
+ penpos1(-1.5line_thick,90+angle(z1-z5));
+ fill z7l--z4{z3-z2}..{down}z3..{z1l-z3}z1l--z1r---z5{z6-z5}..{up}z6..{z7r-z6}z7r--cycle;
+ z8=(-line_thick/2,-.5interline);
+ penpos8(line_thick,90+angle(z1-z5));
+ z9l=(-.65short_axis,y1);
+ penpos9(-.4interline,angle(z5-z3));
+ penstroke z1e{z5-z1l}..z9e{down}..{z1l-z5}z8e;
+ cullit;
+rest_[0]:=currentpicture; clearit; rest_width[0] := 1/2regular_width + framingspace;
+begingroup; save x,y;
+ z0=(3/2small_rests_radius,0);
+ put_rest_unit(z0, line_thick);
+rest_[1] := currentpicture; clearit; rest_width[1] := 3/2small_rests_radius + framingspace;
+begingroup; save x,y;
+ x0-1/2(5small_rests_radius+framingspace)=1/2(5small_rests_radius+framingspace)-x1=%
+ 1/2cosd(rests_angle)/sind(rests_angle)*interline;
+ y0=0; y1=-interline;
+ put_rest_unit(z0, 1/3line_thick);
+ put_rest_unit(z1, line_thick);
+rest_[2] := currentpicture shifted(-2small_rests_radius,0);
+clearit; rest_width[2] := 2small_rests_radius + 2framingspace;
+%transform u;
+%xpart u=0;
+%xxpart u=1;
+%xypart u=0;
+%ypart u=0;
+%yxpart u=sind(17)/cosd(17);
+%yypart u=1;
+%vardef higher(expr y) =
+% ypart((bot (short_axis-line_thick,y)) transformed u)>interline enddef;
+picture sharp;
+ save x, y;
+ transform t;
+ (0, .5interline) transformed t = (0,.5interline);
+ (0, 1) transformed t = (0, 1);
+ (horizontal_axis, .5interline) transformed t = (horizontal_axis, .8interline);
+ pickup penrazor xscaled .3interline rotated 90;
+ z1 = (-1/2horizontal_axis, .5interline); z2 = (1/2horizontal_axis, .5interline);
+ draw (z1--z2) transformed t;
+ pickup penrazor xscaled line_thick;
+ ypart(z3 transformed t) = 1.5interline;
+ x3=x2-.35interline;
+ draw (z3--(x3, -y3)) transformed t;
+ addto currentpicture also currentpicture rotatedabout ((0,0),180);
+sharp := (currentpicture shifted (-1/2horizontal_axis,0));
+picture natural;
+ save x, y;
+ transform t;
+ (0, .5interline) transformed t = (0,.5interline);
+ (0, 1) transformed t = (0, 1);
+ (horizontal_axis, .5interline) transformed t = (horizontal_axis, .8interline);
+ z1 = (-1/2horizontal_axis, .5interline); z2 = (1/2horizontal_axis, .5interline);
+% draw (z1--z2) transformed t;
+ ypart(z3 transformed t) = 1.5interline;
+ x3 = x2-.35interline;
+ pickup penrazor xscaled .3interline rotated 90;
+ z4 = (z1--z2) intersectionpoint (z3--(x3,-y3));
+ draw ((-x4, y4)--(x4+1/2line_thick, y4)) transformed t;
+ pickup penrazor xscaled line_thick;
+ draw (z4--(x3, -y3)) transformed t;
+ addto currentpicture also currentpicture rotatedabout ((0,0),180);
+natural := (currentpicture shifted (.15interline-1/2horizontal_axis,0));
+picture flat;
+ save x, y;
+ numeric scratch_angle; scratch_angle=25;
+ penpos1(line_thick,-90);
+ x1=1/2framingspace+line_thick; y1=-1/2line_thick;
+ penpos2(6/14interline,1/2scratch_angle);
+ y2r-y1r=1/2interline+sind(scratch_angle)/cosd(scratch_angle)*(long_axis-line_thick-2framingspace);
+ x2r=long_axis-line_thick-1/2framingspace;
+ penpos3(line_thick,90+scratch_angle);
+ x3=1/2[x2l,x1]; y3=interline+1/2sind(scratch_angle)/cosd(scratch_angle)*(x3-x1);
+ penpos4(2/7interline,90);
+ x4=x1;
+ y4r=interline-1/2sind(scratch_angle)/cosd(scratch_angle)*(x3-x1);
+ penstroke z1e{dir scratch_angle}..z2e{up}..z3e{dir (180+scratch_angle)}..z4e;
+ pickup penrazor scaled line_thick;
+ draw (x1-1/2line_thick, y1r)--(x1-1/2line_thick,2interline+line_thick);
+flat := (currentpicture shifted (-horizontal_axis,-1/2interline));
+picture treble_clef;
+picture small_treble_clef;
+save x,y,u;
+ u:=1/10staff_h; % bottom circle radius
+ numeric edgeshift, scratchangle, scratchdistance;
+ edgeshift:=1/4interline;
+ path p[];
+ z10l=(framingspace,edgeshift);
+ penpos10(2line_thick,0);
+ y1=-2interline;
+ z2-z1=1.2u*dir-135;
+ trebleaxis = x1+u;
+ z3=(trebleaxis,-2.5interline); z4l=(x1+3u,y1);
+ z5l=(trebleaxis,2.5interline);
+ z17=(x10r+2u+interline,line_thick); % treble center
+ x17-x5l=x4l-x17;
+ z4r-z4l=whatever*(z17-z4l) rotated 90;
+ penpos4(line_thick,angle(z17-z4l)+90);
+ z5r-z5l=z4r-z4l;
+ penpos3(line_thick,90);
+ musecircle(1,2,15,16);
+ z2l=z2; z2r=z15;
+ penstroke z2e..{right}z3e..{up}z4e{z17-z4l}..z5e;
+ scratchangle=-45;
+ z8l=z5r; penpos8(1/2interline,scratchangle);
+ z9l=(1/2[x5r,x10],2interline); penpos9(1/2interline,scratchangle);
+ z11=(trebleaxis,-interline); penpos11(line_thick,90);
+ z13l=(x17,interline+line_thick); penpos13(1/2interline,-90);
+ penstroke z8e..{z9-z8}z9e..z10e..z11e{right};
+ p1=(x11,y11-1/2special_space){right}..{left}z13l; p2=fullcircle rotated -90 scaled 2interline shifted z17;
+ pickup pencircle scaled .1pt;
+ numeric t,v;
+ (t,v)=p1 intersectiontimes p2;
+ z12=p1 intersectionpoint p2; penpos12(line_thick,angle direction v of p2 + 90);
+ penstroke z11e{right}..z12e..{left}z13e;
+% point 14, the end of the central ball, is as far from 17 as it is from the curve downthere.
+% And that distance should be the one called scratchdistance.
+ z18=point 1/3 of (z9r{z9-z8}..{down}z10r); % to get the distance between the ball and the stem
+ scratchdistance=length(z18-z17)-interline;
+ p3=fullcircle scaled 4scratchdistance shifted z17;
+ p4=z10r{down}..z11r{right};
+ z19=p3 intersectionpoint p4; z14=1/2[z19,z17];
+ treblewidth = x14;
+ numeric t,v; (t,v)=p3 intersectiontimes p4;
+ penpos14(.5line_thick, angle direction v of p4+90);
+ penstroke z13e{left}..{direction v of p4}z14e;
+% crown
+ z6l=(xpart(p1 intersectionpoint (z4l--z5l)),4interline); penpos6(1/2interline,95);
+ pair interpoint;
+ interpoint=(whatever,3.1interline);
+ interpoint-z5r=whatever*(z5l-z4l);
+ fill z5l{z5l-z4l}..{right}z6l--z6r{z8l-z5l}..{down}interpoint..{z4l-z5l}z5r--cycle;
+ x7l-x17=x17-x5r; y7l=3.6interline; penpos7(2special_space,-30);
+ fill z6l{right}..{down}z7l..tension1.6..z8l--z8r..{up}z7r..{curl2}z6r--cycle;
+treble_clef:=currentpicture; clearit;
+save x,y,u;
+ u:=1/10staff_h; % bottom circle radius
+ numeric edgeshift, scratchangle, scratchdistance;
+ edgeshift:=0/4interline;
+ path p[];
+ z10l=(1framingspace,edgeshift);
+ penpos10(1.7line_thick,0);
+ y1=-1.5interline;
+ z2-z1=u*dir-155;
+ trebleaxis:=x1+.85u;
+ z3=(trebleaxis,-2interline); z4l=(x1+2.5u,y1);
+ z5l=(trebleaxis,2.2interline);
+ z17=(x10r+1.2u+interline,0); % treble center
+ x17-x5l=x4l-x17;
+ z4r-z4l=whatever*(z17-z4l) rotated 90;
+ penpos4(line_thick,angle(z17-z4l)+90);
+ z5r-z5l=z4r-z4l;
+ penpos3(line_thick,90);
+ musecircle(1,2,15,16);
+ z2l=z2; z2r=z15;
+ penstroke z2e..{right}z3e..{up}z4e{z17-z4l}..z5e;
+ scratchangle=-45;
+ z8l=z5r; penpos8(2/5interline,scratchangle);
+ z9l=(1/2[x5r,x10],1.7interline); penpos9(2/5interline,scratchangle);
+ z11=(trebleaxis,-.85interline); penpos11(line_thick,90);
+ z13l=(x17,.85interline); penpos13(2/5interline,-90);
+ penstroke z8e..{z9-z8}z9e..z10e..z11e{right};
+ p1=z11l{right}..{left}z13l; p2=fullcircle rotated -90 scaled 1.8interline shifted z17;
+ x12 = x17; y12=y11; penpos12(line_thick, 90);
+ penstroke z11e..z12e{right}..{left}z13e;
+ z18=point 1/3 of (z9r{z9-z8}..{down}z10r); % to get the distance between the ball and the stem
+ scratchdistance=length(z18-z17)-.8interline;
+ p3=fullcircle scaled 4scratchdistance shifted z17;
+ p4=z10r{down}..z11r{right};
+ z19=p3 intersectionpoint p4; z14=1/2[z19,z17];
+ numeric t,v; (t,v)=p3 intersectiontimes p4;
+ penpos14(.5line_thick, angle direction v of p4+90);
+ penstroke z13e{left}..{direction v of p4}z14e;
+ z6l=(xpart(p1 intersectionpoint (z4l--z5l)),3.5interline); penpos6(2/5interline,95);
+ pair interpoint;
+ interpoint=(whatever,2.8interline);
+ interpoint-z5r=whatever*(z5l-z4l);
+ fill z5l{z5l-z4l}..{right}z6l--z6r{z8l-z5l}..{down}interpoint..{z4l-z5l}z5r--cycle;
+ x7l-x17=x17-x5r; y7l=3.2interline; penpos7(1.7special_space,-30);
+ fill z6l{right}..{down}z7l..tension1.6..z8l--z8r..{up}z7r..{curl2}z6r--cycle;
+small_treble_clef:=currentpicture; clearit;
+picture bass_clef, small_bass_clef;
+save x, y, u;
+ u=1/16staff_h;
+ y1=y4r=2interline;
+ x1=3u; z2-z1=2u*dir190;
+ musecircle(1,2,7,6);
+ scratchradius=x1-x2;
+ bassaxis=scratchradius/2;
+ penpos3(line_thick,-100);
+ penpos4(1.4scratchradius,170);
+ x5=0; y5=-bassdepth;
+ x4r=x1+3.1scratchradius;
+ y3l=staff_h; x3r=1/2[x4r,x1];
+ basswidth = x4l - bassaxis;
+ pickup pencircle scaled .1pt;
+ fill z2{dir100}..{right}z3l..{down}z4l..{dir-170}z5%
+ --(x5,y5+1){dir10}..{up}z4r..{left}z3r..{down}z6..cycle;
+ fill fullcircle scaled scratchradius %
+ shifted (staff_h-framingspace-.5scratchradius, 2.5interline);
+ fill fullcircle scaled scratchradius %
+ shifted (staff_h-framingspace-.5scratchradius, 1.5interline);
+bass_clef:=currentpicture; clearit;
+save x, y, u;
+ u:=1/6interline;
+ y1=y4r=2interline;
+ x1=3u; z2-z1=2u*dir190;
+ musecircle(1,2,7,6);
+ scratchradius:=x1-x2;
+ penpos3(line_thick,-100);
+ penpos4(1.4scratchradius,170);
+ x5=0; y5=0;
+ x4r=x1+3.1scratchradius;
+ y3l=2.9interline; x3r=1/2[x4r,x1];
+ pickup pencircle scaled .1pt;
+ fill z2{dir100}..{right}z3l..{down}z4l..{dir-170}z5%
+ --(x5,y5+1){dir10}..{up}z4r..{left}z3r..{down}z6..cycle;
+ fill fullcircle scaled scratchradius %
+ shifted (2.75interline-framingspace-.5scratchradius, 2.5interline);
+ fill fullcircle scaled scratchradius %
+ shifted (2.75interline-framingspace-.5scratchradius, 1.5interline);
+small_bass_clef:=currentpicture; clearit;
+def universal_flag(expr flag_height,stemmed_length,extreme_shift_ratio,collision_angle) =
+ path q[];
+ q1=note_head;
+ numeric flag_time;
+ pair flag_top, flag_extreme, flag_bottom, flag_middle;
+ pair extremel, extremer;
+ flag_extreme=(extreme_shift_ratio*short_axis)*dir(notehead_angle+90);
+ flag_top=(xpart(directionpoint up of q1)-1/2line_thick,ypart(flag_extreme)+flag_height);
+ flag_extreme=1/2[extremel,extremer];
+ extremer=extremel+(.5special_space,0) rotated notehead_angle;
+ flag_top-flag_bottom=(0,stemmed_length-1/2line_thick);
+ q2=extremer{dir(90+notehead_angle)}..%
+ {dir(collision_angle)}flag_bottom-(1/2line_thick,0)--flag_bottom-(7/16line_thick,0);
+ flag_time=directiontime dir(90-notehead_angle) of q2;
+ flag_middle-directionpoint dir(90-notehead_angle) of q2= %
+ line_thick*dir(180-notehead_angle);
+ q3=extremel{dir(90+notehead_angle)}..{dir(90-notehead_angle)}flag_middle%
+ ..{dir(88)}flag_top-(1/2line_thick,0)--flag_top-(7/16line_thick,0);
+ fill (q2--reverse q3--cycle)
+def eighth_flag(expr notehead_center) =
+ universal_flag(3interline-line_thick,interline,1/2,10) shifted(notehead_center)