path: root/obsolete/macros/latex209/contrib/springer/llncs/llncs.sty
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'obsolete/macros/latex209/contrib/springer/llncs/llncs.sty')
1 files changed, 754 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/latex209/contrib/springer/llncs/llncs.sty b/obsolete/macros/latex209/contrib/springer/llncs/llncs.sty
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..672c693a9e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/latex209/contrib/springer/llncs/llncs.sty
@@ -0,0 +1,754 @@
+% LLNCS DOCUMENT STYLE -- version 1.1
+% for LaTeX version 2.09
+% This style file is an adaptation of
+% the original LaTeX article.sty, by:
+% Frank Holzwarth, Springer-Verlag Heidelberg,
+% Tiergartenstrasse 17, D-6900 Heidelberg.
+\typeout{Document Style `llncs', <version 1.1>}
+ {\arabic{enumi}.}{\settowidth\labelwidth{#1.}\leftmargin\labelwidth
+ \advance\leftmargin\labelsep
+ \usecounter{enumi}}
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+ \write\@auxout{\string\bibcite{##2}{##1}}}\fi\ignorespaces}}%
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+ {#7}\addcontentsline
+ {toc}{#1}{\ifnum #2>\c@secnumdepth \else
+ \protect\numberline{\csname the#1\endcsname}\fi
+ #7}}\fi
+ \@xsect{#5}}
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+\bf #2\markboth{}{}\par } \nobreak \vskip 3ex \@afterheading }
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+ \huge \bf
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+ -4pt}{-0.5em plus -.22em minus -0.1em}{\normalsize\it}}
+\def\subparagraph#1{\typeout{LLNCS Warning: You should not use
+\protect\subparagraph \space in this style.}\vskip0.5cm
+You should not use $\backslash${\tt subparagraph} in this
+ \setcounter{section}{0}
+ \setcounter{subsection}{0}
+ \def\thesection{\Alph{section}}}
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+\def\thesubsubsection {\thesubsection.\arabic{subsubsection}}
+\def\theparagraph {\thesubsubsection.\arabic{paragraph}}
+\def\@tocrmarg {2.55em}
+\def\tableofcontents{\section*{Table of Contents}
+ \@starttoc{toc}}
+ \addvspace{2.25em plus 1pt} \begingroup
+ \@tempdima 3em \parindent \z@ \rightskip \@pnumwidth \parfillskip
+ {\Large \bf \leavevmode #1\hfil \hbox to\@pnumwidth{\hss #2}}\par
+ \nobreak \endgroup}
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+ {\leftskip #2\relax \rightskip \@tocrmarg \parfillskip -\rightskip
+ \parindent #2\relax\@afterindenttrue
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+ \leavevmode
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+ -\leftskip
+{\bf#4}\nobreak\leaders\hbox{$\m@th \mkern \@dotsep mu.\mkern \@dotsep
+ mu$}\hfill \nobreak \hbox to\@pnumwidth{\hfil\rm #5}\par}\fi}
+\def\listoffigures{\section*{List of Figures\markboth
+ {List of Figures}{List of Figures}}\@starttoc{lof}}
+\def\listoftables{\section*{List of Tables\markboth
+ {List of Tables}{List of Tables}}\@starttoc{lot}}
+\columnseprule \z@
+\columnsep 35pt\twocolumn[\section*{Index}]
+ \markboth{Index}{Index}\thispagestyle{plain}\parindent\z@
+ \parskip\z@ plus .3pt\relax\let\item\@idxitem}
+\def\@idxitem{\par\hangindent 40pt}
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+ \advance\@tempdima-1em\parshape \@ne 1em\@tempdima}\par
+ \parindent 1em\noindent \hbox to \z@{\hss$^{\@thefnmark}$\ }#1}
+ \vskip 10pt
+ \setbox\@tempboxa\hbox{{\bf #1} #2}
+ \ifdim \wd\@tempboxa >\hsize \unhbox\@tempboxa\par \else \hbox
+ \fi\vskip5pt}
+ ext@#1\endcsname}{#1}{\protect\numberline{\csname
+ the#1\endcsname}{\ignorespaces #2}}\par
+ \begingroup
+ \@parboxrestore
+ \@makecaption{\csname fnum@#1\endcsname}{\ignorespaces #3}\par
+ \endgroup}
+\def\fnum@table{Table \thetable.}
+% LaTeX does not provide a command to enter the authors institute
+% addresses. The \institute command is defined here.
+ \begingroup
+ \parskip=\z@
+ \parindent=\z@
+ \setcounter{@inst}{1}%
+ \def\and{\par\stepcounter{@inst}%
+ \noindent$^{\the@inst}$\enspace\ignorespaces}%
+ \setbox0=\vbox{\def\thanks##1{}\@institute}%
+ \ifnum\c@@inst=1\relax
+ \else
+ \setcounter{footnote}{\c@@inst}%
+ \setcounter{@inst}{1}%
+ \noindent$^{\the@inst}$\enspace
+ \fi
+ \ignorespaces
+ \@institute\par
+ \endgroup}
+ \or \dagger\or \ddagger\or
+ \mathchar "278\or \mathchar "27B\or \|\or **\or \dagger\dagger
+ \or \ddagger\ddagger\else\@ctrerr\fi\relax}
+ \begingroup
+ \parindent=\z@
+ \def\thefootnote{\fnsymbol{footnote}}
+ \if@twocolumn
+ \twocolumn[\@maketitle]
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+ \endgroup
+ \let\maketitle\relax
+ \let\@maketitle\relax
+ \gdef\@thanks{}\gdef\@author{}\gdef\@title{}\gdef\@subtitle{}%
+ \let\thanks\relax}
+ \begin{center}%
+ {\LARGE \bf\boldmath
+ \pretolerance=10000
+ \@title \par}\vskip .8cm
+\if!\@subtitle!\else {\Large \bf\boldmath
+ \vskip -.65cm
+ \pretolerance=10000
+ \@subtitle \par}\vskip .8cm\fi
+{\normalsize\rm\lineskip .5em
+ {\small\rm\institutename}
+ \end{center}%
+ }
+% Define `abstract' environment
+\list{}{\advance\topsep by0.35cm\relax\small\rm
+ \leftmargin=1cm
+ \labelwidth=\z@
+ \listparindent=\z@
+ \itemindent\listparindent
+ \rightmargin\leftmargin}\item[\hskip\labelsep\bf Abstract.]}
+\def\@oddhead{\hbox{}\small\rm\rightmark \hfil\thepage}%
+\leftmark\hbox {}}%
+ January\or February\or March\or April\or May\or June\or
+ July\or August\or September\or October\or November\or December\fi
+ \space\number\day, \number\year}
+\ps@headings \pagenumbering{arabic} \onecolumn
+% new environments and theorems
+% borrowed form the LTMP-style of Springer-Verlag
+% designed by Dr. Christoph Ender
+% define the new theorem like environments
+% define a new style of environments where it is possible to define
+% the font % used as the theorem name and the fontfamily for the text.
+% \newstytheorem{name}{thefont}{txtfont}{Text}[Counter]
+% \newstytheorem{name}{thefont}{txtfont}[oldname]{Text}
+% #1 - name of theorem
+% #2 - theorem font
+% #3 - text font
+% #1 - name of theorem
+% #2 - theorem font
+% #3 - text font
+% #4 - text string of thorem name
+% #1 - name of theorem
+% #2 - theorem font
+% #3 - text font
+% #4 - text string of thorem name
+% #5 - add theorem counter to reset list of another counter
+\@ifdefinable\csname #1\endcsname
+\expandafter\xdef\csname the#1\endcsname{\@thmcounter{#1}}%
+% #1 - name of theorem
+% #2 - theorem font
+% #3 - text font
+% #4 - text string of thorem name
+\def\che@ynthm#1#2#3#4{\expandafter\@ifdefinable\csname #1\endcsname
+\expandafter\xdef\csname the#1\endcsname{\@thmcounter{#1}}%
+% change oldthm if oldname in specification is '*'
+% then don't use a counter
+% #1 - countername
+% #2 - theorem font
+% #3 - text font
+% #4 - counter used
+% #5 - string containing theorem name to print
+\def\@@othm@#1#2#3#4#5{\if *#4{\global\@namedef{the#1}{\relax}
+{\global\@namedef{the#1}{\@nameuse{the#4}}% define the counter
+% new defs for theorem environment che 17-MAR-1989
+% it improves the option possible
+% #1 - countername = theorem name
+% #2 - string containing theorem name to print
+% #3 - theorem font
+% #4 - text font
+\@ifnextchar *{\@bthm{#1}{#2}{#3}{#4}}%
+% \begin{thm}(A.1)[test] results in:
+% \end{thm} thm A.1 (test) ....
+% #1 - theorem
+% #2 - string of theorem name
+% #3 - font for theorem name and label
+% #4 - Text font
+% #5 - is the new label
+% #6 - optional string
+% \begin{thm}*[xytest] results in:
+% \end{thm} thm (xytest) ....
+% #1 - theorem
+% #2 - string of theorem name
+% #3 - font for theorem name and label
+% #4 - Text font
+% #5 - optional string
+\def\@bxthm#1#2#3#4{\if !#1!\relax\else\@@locthmlab{#1}{}\fi
+% define local label
+% if no number or a user specified label occured
+\def\@@locthmlab#1#2{\expandafter\def\csname the#1\endcsname{#2}
+\edef\@currentlabel{\csname p@#1\endcsname\csname the#1\endcsname}%
+% #1 - counter = theorem name
+% #2 - string with name
+% #3 - font for theorem name and label
+% #4 - font for text
+ {#1}\@ifnextchar[{\che@ythm{#1}{#2}{#3}{#4}}{%
+ \che@xthm{#1}{#2}{#3}{#4}}}
+ the#1\endcsname}{#5}{#3}{#4}\ignorespaces}
+% #1 - name of theorem
+% #2 - label string
+% #3 - font for name and lable
+% #4 - text fomt
+#3#1\ts #2.]}
+% #1 - name of theorem
+% #2 - label string
+% #3 - additonal text
+% #4 - font for name and lable
+% #5 - text fomt
+\item[\hskip\labelsep#4#1\ts #2\ #3.]}
+\def\fuh@opargbegintheorem#1#2#3{\it \trivlist
+ \item[\hskip \labelsep{\bf #1\ #2\ (#3).}]}
+#2#1 #4.]}
+\def\getsto{\mathrel{\mathchoice {\vcenter{\offinterlineskip
+\def\lid{\mathrel{\mathchoice {\vcenter{\offinterlineskip\halign{\hfil
+\def\gid{\mathrel{\mathchoice {\vcenter{\offinterlineskip\halign{\hfil
+\def\grole{\mathrel{\mathchoice {\vcenter{\offinterlineskip
+\def\bbbr{{\rm I\!R}} %reelle Zahlen
+\def\bbbm{{\rm I\!M}}
+\def\bbbn{{\rm I\!N}} %natuerliche Zahlen
+\def\bbbf{{\rm I\!F}}
+\def\bbbh{{\rm I\!H}}
+\def\bbbk{{\rm I\!K}}
+\def\bbbp{{\rm I\!P}}
+\def\bbbone{{\mathchoice {\rm 1\mskip-4mu l} {\rm 1\mskip-4mu l}
+{\rm 1\mskip-4.5mu l} {\rm 1\mskip-5mu l}}}
+\def\bbbc{{\mathchoice {\setbox0=\hbox{$\displaystyle\rm C$}\hbox{\hbox
+to0pt{\kern0.4\wd0\vrule height0.9\ht0\hss}\box0}}
+{\setbox0=\hbox{$\textstyle\rm C$}\hbox{\hbox
+to0pt{\kern0.4\wd0\vrule height0.9\ht0\hss}\box0}}
+{\setbox0=\hbox{$\scriptstyle\rm C$}\hbox{\hbox
+to0pt{\kern0.4\wd0\vrule height0.9\ht0\hss}\box0}}
+{\setbox0=\hbox{$\scriptscriptstyle\rm C$}\hbox{\hbox
+to0pt{\kern0.4\wd0\vrule height0.9\ht0\hss}\box0}}}}
+\def\bbbq{{\mathchoice {\setbox0=\hbox{$\displaystyle\rm
+0.15\ht0\hbox to0pt{\kern0.4\wd0\vrule height0.8\ht0\hss}\box0}}
+{\setbox0=\hbox{$\textstyle\rm Q$}\hbox{\raise
+0.15\ht0\hbox to0pt{\kern0.4\wd0\vrule height0.8\ht0\hss}\box0}}
+{\setbox0=\hbox{$\scriptstyle\rm Q$}\hbox{\raise
+0.15\ht0\hbox to0pt{\kern0.4\wd0\vrule height0.7\ht0\hss}\box0}}
+{\setbox0=\hbox{$\scriptscriptstyle\rm Q$}\hbox{\raise
+0.15\ht0\hbox to0pt{\kern0.4\wd0\vrule height0.7\ht0\hss}\box0}}}}
+\def\bbbt{{\mathchoice {\setbox0=\hbox{$\displaystyle\rm
+T$}\hbox{\hbox to0pt{\kern0.3\wd0\vrule height0.9\ht0\hss}\box0}}
+{\setbox0=\hbox{$\textstyle\rm T$}\hbox{\hbox
+to0pt{\kern0.3\wd0\vrule height0.9\ht0\hss}\box0}}
+{\setbox0=\hbox{$\scriptstyle\rm T$}\hbox{\hbox
+to0pt{\kern0.3\wd0\vrule height0.9\ht0\hss}\box0}}
+{\setbox0=\hbox{$\scriptscriptstyle\rm T$}\hbox{\hbox
+to0pt{\kern0.3\wd0\vrule height0.9\ht0\hss}\box0}}}}
+{\setbox0=\hbox{$\displaystyle \rm S$}\hbox{\raise0.5\ht0\hbox
+to0pt{\kern0.35\wd0\vrule height0.45\ht0\hss}\hbox
+to0pt{\kern0.55\wd0\vrule height0.5\ht0\hss}\box0}}
+{\setbox0=\hbox{$\textstyle \rm S$}\hbox{\raise0.5\ht0\hbox
+to0pt{\kern0.35\wd0\vrule height0.45\ht0\hss}\hbox
+to0pt{\kern0.55\wd0\vrule height0.5\ht0\hss}\box0}}
+{\setbox0=\hbox{$\scriptstyle \rm S$}\hbox{\raise0.5\ht0\hbox
+to0pt{\kern0.35\wd0\vrule height0.45\ht0\hss}\raise0.05\ht0\hbox
+to0pt{\kern0.5\wd0\vrule height0.45\ht0\hss}\box0}}
+{\setbox0=\hbox{$\scriptscriptstyle\rm S$}\hbox{\raise0.5\ht0\hbox
+to0pt{\kern0.4\wd0\vrule height0.45\ht0\hss}\raise0.05\ht0\hbox
+to0pt{\kern0.55\wd0\vrule height0.45\ht0\hss}\box0}}}}
+\def\bbbz{{\mathchoice {\hbox{$\sf\textstyle Z\kern-0.4em Z$}}
+{\hbox{$\sf\textstyle Z\kern-0.4em Z$}}
+{\hbox{$\sf\scriptstyle Z\kern-0.3em Z$}}
+{\hbox{$\sf\scriptscriptstyle Z\kern-0.2em Z$}}}}
+\def\typeset{\vfill\small\noindent This article was processed using
+the \LaTeX\ macro package with LLNCS style\par}
+\if@filesw \immediate\closeout\@mainaux
+\def\global\@namedef##1##2{}\def\newlabel{\@testdef r}%
+\def\bibcite{\@testdef b}\@tempswafalse\makeatletter\input \jobname.aux
+\if@tempswa \@warning{Label(s) may have changed. Rerun to get
+cross-references right}\fi\fi\endgroup\deadcycles\z@\@@end}
+ \ No newline at end of file