path: root/obsolete/macros/latex209/contrib/springer/ljour/ljour1.doc
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+% ljour1.doc
+% LJour1 1.0: LaTeX style file for journals with one column layout
+% User's guide
+% (c) Springer-Verlag HD
+% use format file cljour1 !!
+\journalname{Springer technical documentation}
+\newcommand{\ljour}{{\em LJour1\/}}
+\newcommand{\BibTeX}{{\sc Bib}\TeX}
+ \thesection.\hskip\betweenumberspace\fi #1}}}
+\def\@sect#1#2#3#4#5#6[#7]#8{\ifnum #2>\c@secnumdepth
+ \let\@svsec\@empty\else
+ \refstepcounter{#1}\edef\@svsec{\csname the#1%
+ \endcsname.\hskip\betweenumberspace\ignorespaces}\fi % LsD
+ \@tempskipa #5\relax
+ \ifdim \@tempskipa>\z@
+ \begingroup #6\relax
+ \@hangfrom{\hskip #3\relax\@svsec}{%
+ \raggedright%
+ \hyphenpenalty \@M%
+ \interlinepenalty \@M #8\par}%
+ \endgroup
+ \csname #1mark\endcsname{#7}\addcontentsline
+ {toc}{#1}{\ifnum #2>\c@secnumdepth \else
+ \protect\numberline{\csname the#1\endcsname.}\fi
+ #7}\else
+ \def\@svsechd{#6\hskip #3\relax
+ \@svsec #8\hskip\aftertext\ignorespaces% LsD
+ \csname #1mark\endcsname
+ {#7}\addcontentsline
+ {toc}{#1}{\ifnum #2>\c@secnumdepth \else
+ \protect\numberline{\csname the#1\endcsname.}\fi
+ #7}}\fi
+ \@xsect{#5}}
+\def\l@section#1#2{\addpenalty{\@secpenalty} \addvspace{0.5em plus 1pt}
+\@tempdima 1.5em \begingroup
+ \parindent \z@ \rightskip \@pnumwidth
+ \parfillskip -\@pnumwidth
+ \bf \leavevmode #1\hfil \hbox to\@pnumwidth{\hss #2}\par
+ \endgroup}
+\setcounter{tocdepth}{2}% Only two levels of sections in the toc
+\headnote{Springer-Verlag technical information}
+\title {LJour1: Springer's \LaTeX{} style file\\
+for journals with one-column layout
+User's guide}
+\titlerunning{LJour1: User's guide}
+\authorrunning{LJour1: User's guide}
+\date{version 1.0}
+\markboth{LJour1: User's guide}{LJour1: User's guide}
+This user's guide for the \LaTeX{} style file {\it LJour1\/} as well as
+the macro package itself have been developed by Springer-Verlag
+Heidelberg as a free service to authors and editors preparing articles
+for Springer journals.
+This user's guide and the macros may be copied and passed on to other
+Springer authors, but may not be sold or placed on any mailserver other
+than the one maintained by Springer-Verlag. Our macro packages may not
+be incorporated into other \TeX{} macro packages, and \LaTeX{} style
+files may not be used commercially, unless permission has been granted
+by Springer-Verlag.
+For all questions regarding the macro packages please write to
+New Technologies / Product Development
+Tiergartenstrasse 17
+D-69121 Heidelberg
+Fax number: x49 6221 487\,648
+E-mail: {\tt}
+Mailserver: {\tt}
+Please address all questions regarding typography, handling etc. to the
+editors or to the production department which is in charge of your
+This macro package is available via mailserver. To obtain a copy,
+send an e-mail message to {\tt} containing
+the line\\
+{\tt send /tex/latex/}
+\section{Introduction} \label{intro}
+This is the user's guide for our style files for journals with
+single-column layout. It is used with the document preparation system
+\LaTeX, a macro package for the typesetting program \TeX{}.
+The program \TeX, which was developed by Donald E. Knuth at Stanford
+University, represents the state of the art in computer typesetting. The
+facts that it handles almost every typesetting problem, that it runs on
+almost any computer and that it is public domain software are the
+reasons why it is now one of the most widely used typesetting programs
+in the scientific community. In almost every country \TeX\ user groups
+have been founded. These and the international user group TUG can help
+you if you have any questions concerning \LaTeX{} that your local \TeX
+pert cannot answer.\end{petit}
+If you do not have \TeX{} and \LaTeX{} installed in your computer, you
+can obtain a copy for VAX computers from the company Maria
+Code\footnote{Address: Maria Code, DP Services, 1371 Sydney Drive,
+Sunnyvale, CA 94087, USA}. Installation may involve quite a bit of work.
+Commercial implementations are therefore available from a number of
+software houses, e.g. PC\TeX\footnote{PC\TeX\ is a trademark of Personal
+\TeX\ Inc.} from Personal \TeX, Inc. The \TeX\ user groups will provide
+you with the necessary information.
+In this user's guide we chiefly explain the Springer macros and some of
+the Springer layout conventions. A number of books are available with
+information concerning the program itself\footnote{For instance L.
+Lamport: {\it \LaTeX, A Document Preparation System\/} (Addison-Wesley
+Publ. Co.) 0-201-15790-X}.
+\noindent\fbox{\parbox{11.8cm}{ As this macro package may be used for
+articles for a number of journals, it contains macros for textual
+elements that may not appear in your journal. Please refer to the demo
+files or a recent copy of your journal for further details.
+\hfill\break\indent This documentation also includes rules for proper
+styling, e.g. capitalization and abbreviation of words, but in any case,
+we ask you to read the {\it Instructions for Authors\/} printed in every
+issue of the journals, where additional information not covered by this
+manual is given.}}
+\section{\TeX nical background information}
+\subsection{Springer style files}
+As \LaTeX\ has become more and more {\it the\/} typesetting program for
+mathematical and scientific publications containing formulas and other
+complicated elements (from the typesetting point of view), we encourage
+authors to submit their contributions in the form of a \LaTeX (or \TeX)
+input file using our macros.
+In order that these manuscripts are uniformly prepared in the layout
+used by the particular journal, Springer provides macro packages or
+style files containing macros that can be used to achieve the desired
+result. Here you will find all the macros that are necessary to specify
+the textual elements that may appear in your text. If you feel that we
+have missed something important, we would be very grateful for
+your suggestions.
+Formulas and straight text are typed using the standard \LaTeX\
+\subsection{Using PostScript fonts}
+Some of the journals covered by this macro package are phototypeset
+using the PostScript\footnote{PostScript is a trademark of Adobe.} Times
+(PS) fonts. As use of PostScript fonts results in a slightly different
+page make-up from Computer Modern (CM) fonts, we provide the possibility
+to use our macros with either CM or PS fonts. Provided you have a
+PostScript printer, you can make a \TeX-PS printout showing you the page
+make-up as it will appear in the journal.
+Please note that to preview dvi files using PS fonts requires either
+special drivers such as {\em DVIWINDOW\/}\footnote{Available from Y\&Y.}
+or {\em Ghostscript\/} or pixel fonts that simulate the PS fonts on your
+If, for technical reasons, you are not able to use the PS fonts, it is
+also possible to use our macro package together with the ordinary CM
+fonts. Note, however, that in this case we will have to rerun your file
+with PS fonts and correct for bad line breaks, making it necessary for
+you to check it again once you receive the proofs from the printer. The
+additional time required for these procedures plus the additional costs
+involved mean that preferably files \TeX ed with PS fonts should be
+submitted. All this, of course, does not apply to camera-ready journals.
+See Sect.~\ref{format} for information on how to build up a \TeX\
+format file including our macros and either the CM or PS fonts.
+\subsection{Why format files?}\label{why}
+As our macro package requires a lot of fonts in addition to those
+preloaded by \LaTeX, it will normally not work if used via the
+\verb|\documentstyle| statement. It is therefore necessary to create a
+new so-called format file with our package. This is done by submitting a
+set of macro definitions to a program called \verb|initex|. This program
+processes the definitions, the font specifications, and the original
+\LaTeX{} macros and stores all of them in ``compiled" form in a format
+file. This process does not produce any output, in the way that an
+ordinary run of \TeX\ does, but speeds things up for all subsequent runs
+you make, using \LaTeX{} in combination with our macros and font
+For technical details, please see Sect. \ref{format}.
+\subsection{Hardware and software requirements}
+As we are striving to meet all of the needs of authors typing a
+manuscript using our format, the style file has developed into an object
+that requires a certain amount of disk storage capacity and memory
+space. In some installations of \TeX\ you may have to increase the
+amount of memory that is allocated. Please refer to the documentation of
+your \TeX\ installation for details.
+\subsubsection{\TeX\ and \LaTeX\ version}
+We have developed this style file with PC\TeX\ based on \TeX\ version
+3.0 through 3.14, \LaTeX\ 2.09 and the New Font Selection Scheme (NFSS)
+vers. 1. Using it with other versions or implementations may cause
+difficulties. If you run into problems, please contact us and we will
+try to help.
+\paragraph*{Warning:} PC\TeX{} 2.9 contains a bug that will cause
+failure of the initex run!
+The following files have to be present on your system, as they will be
+read in when the format file is created:
+\item {\tt latex.tex} as of March 25, 1992 or later
+\item {\tt lplain.tex}
+\item {\tt art10.sty}
+\item {\tt article.sty}
+\item {\tt hyphen.tex} or another hyphenation file
+\item the NFSS. If you don't have this set of files, you can get it from
+any \TeX{} file server or from Springer-Verlag NTP department on
+All other files come with the macro package {\em LJour1}.
+We have included access to the AMS\footnote{American Mathematical
+Society} symbol fonts and the AMS Euler fonts in our macro package.
+These fonts contain many symbols used by mathematicians and are now
+available on a public domain basis, provided the publication where they
+are used mentions their use. You can order them on DOS diskettes if
+The tfm and pixel files of the fonts used by the style files must be
+present on your installation. For your convenience we have listed below
+the fonts used by this package. Either the CM or the PS list applies.
+{\offinterlineskip \tabskip = 0pt
+#\enspace \hfill &
+\vrule width 0.2pt# &
+\hfill\enspace#\enspace \hfill &
+\vrule width 0.2pt# &
+\hfill\enspace#\enspace \hfill &
+\vrule width 0.2pt# &
+\hfill\enspace#\enspace \hfill &
+\vrule width 0.2pt# &
+\hfill\enspace#\enspace \hfill &
+\vrule width 0.2pt# &
+\hfill\enspace#\enspace \hfill &
+\vrule width 0.2pt# &
+\hfill\enspace#\hfill \cr
+\noalign{\hrule height 0.2pt}
+&&&&&&&&&&&& \cr
+\noalign{\vskip -6pt}
+{\bf CM fonts} && 5\ts pt && 6\ts pt && 7\ts pt && 8\ts pt && 10\ts pt && 14.4\ts pt \cr
+&&&&&&&&&&&& \cr
+\noalign{\vskip -6pt\hrule height 0.2pt}
+&&&&&&&&&&&& \cr
+\noalign{\vskip -6pt}
+ cmr && $\times$ && $\times$ && $\times$ && $\times$ && $\times$ && --- \cr
+ && && && && &&5/700 && \cr
+ && && && && &&5/1000 && \cr
+&&&&&&&&&&&& \cr
+\noalign{\vskip -6pt\hrule height 0.2pt}
+&&&&&&&&&&&& \cr
+\noalign{\vskip -6pt}
+cmbx && $\times$ && $\times$ && $\times$ && $\times$ && $\times$ &&
+&&&&&&&&&&&& \cr
+\noalign{\vskip -6pt\hrule height 0.2pt}
+&&&&&&&&&&&& \cr
+\noalign{\vskip -6pt}
+cmmi && $\times$ && $\times$ && $\times$ && $\times$ && $\times$ && --- \cr
+&&&&&&&&&&&& \cr
+\noalign{\vskip -6pt\hrule height 0.2pt}
+&&&&&&&&&&&& \cr
+\noalign{\vskip -6pt}
+cmsy && $\times$ && $\times$ && $\times$ && $\times$ && $\times$ && --- \cr
+&&&&&&&&&&&& \cr
+\noalign{\vskip -6pt\hrule height 0.2pt}
+&&&&&&&&&&&& \cr
+\noalign{\vskip -6pt}
+cmmib && --- && 10/640 && 10/700 && 10/833 && $\times$ && 10/1440 \cr
+&&&&&&&&&&&& \cr
+\noalign{\vskip -6pt\hrule height 0.2pt}
+&&&&&&&&&&&& \cr
+\noalign{\vskip -6pt}
+cmti && --- && --- && --- && $\times$ && $\times$ && 10/1440 \cr
+&&&&&&&&&&&& \cr
+\noalign{\vskip -6pt\hrule height 0.2pt}
+&&&&&&&&&&&& \cr
+\noalign{\vskip -6pt}
+cmtt && --- && --- && --- && $\times$ && $\times$ && ---\cr
+&&&&&&&&&&&& \cr
+\noalign{\vskip -6pt\hrule height 0.2pt}
+&&&&&&&&&&&& \cr
+\noalign{\vskip -6pt}
+cmbsy && --- && --- && --- && 10/833 && $\times$ && 10/1440\cr
+&&&&&&&&&&&& \cr
+\noalign{\vskip -6pt\hrule height 0.2pt}
+&&&&&&&&&&&& \cr
+\noalign{\vskip -6pt}
+cmex && --- && --- && --- && --- && $\times$ && ---\cr
+&&&&&&&&&&&& \cr
+\noalign{\vskip -6pt\hrule height 0.2pt}
+&&&&&&&&&&&& \cr
+\noalign{\vskip -6pt}
+cmbxti && --- && --- && --- && --- && --- && 10/1440\cr
+&&&&&&&&&&&& \cr
+\noalign{\vskip -6pt\hrule height 0.2pt}
+&&&&&&&&&&&& \cr
+\noalign{\vskip -6pt}
+msam && $\times$ && $\times$ && $\times$ && $\times$ && $\times$ && 10/1440\cr
+&&&&&&&&&&&& \cr
+\noalign{\vskip -6pt\hrule height 0.2pt}
+&&&&&&&&&&&& \cr
+\noalign{\vskip -6pt}
+msbm && $\times$ && $\times$ && $\times$ && $\times$ && $\times$ && 10/1440\cr
+&&&&&&&&&&&& \cr
+\noalign{\vskip -6pt\hrule height 0.2pt}
+&&&&&&&&&&&& \cr
+\noalign{\vskip -6pt}
+eufm && $\times$ && $\times$ && $\times$ && $\times$ && $\times$ && 10/1440\cr
+&&&&&&&&&&&& \cr
+\noalign{\vskip -6pt\hrule height 0.2pt}
+&&&&&&&&&&&& \cr
+\noalign{\vskip -6pt}
+cmcsc && 10/500 && 10/600 && 10/700 && 10/800 && $\times$ && 10/1440\cr
+&&&&&&&&&&&& \cr
+\noalign{\vskip -6pt\hrule height 0.2pt}
+&&&&&&&&&&&& \cr
+\noalign{\vskip -6pt}
+cmss && 8/625 && 8/750 && 8/875 && 8 && $\times$ && 10/1440\cr
+&&&&&&&&&&&& \cr
+\noalign{\hrule }}}}
+\smallskip\noindent $^*$ cmbx10 scaled 1440
+Using the PS fonts can be a bit tricky if you have never done it before.
+In the standard PS fonts the characters are arranged slightly
+differently from CM fonts, and you may run into trouble when trying to
+print accented letters. It is therefore necessary to work with a set of
+PS fonts that have their character positions remapped according to
+\TeX{} conventions. Also the names given to the PS fonts are not the
+same on all installations. At our site, the following naming conventions
+(as used by ArborText) apply, {\tt PSM} indicating that the fonts have
+been remapped for \TeX{}.
+\begin{description}[\tt PSMTIMBI]
+\item[\tt PSMTIMR] Times-Roman
+\item[\tt PSMTIMB] Times-Bold
+\item[\tt PSMTIMI] Times-Italic
+\item[\tt PSMTIMBI] Times-Italic-Bold
+\item[\tt PSMCOU] Courier
+\item[\tt PSMHLV] Helvetica
+\noindent If the fonts have different names on your system, you will
+unfortunately have to use the CM fonts unless you are able to edit the
+file named {\tt fontdef.tex} to include the correct names. Note that
+more fonts are defined in this file than the ones mentioned above, but
+they are not needed for {\em LJour1}.
+{\offinterlineskip \tabskip = 0pt{\halign{\strut
+#\enspace \hfill &
+\vrule width 0.2pt# &
+\hfill\enspace#\enspace \hfill &
+\vrule width 0.2pt# &
+\hfill\enspace#\enspace \hfill &
+\vrule width 0.2pt# &
+\hfill\enspace#\enspace \hfill &
+\vrule width 0.2pt# &
+\hfill\enspace#\enspace \hfill &
+\vrule width 0.2pt# &
+\hfill\enspace#\enspace \hfill &
+\vrule width 0.2pt# &
+\hfill\enspace#\hfill \cr
+&&&&&&&&&&&& \cr
+\noalign{\vskip -6pt}
+{\bf PS fonts} && at 5\ts pt && at 6\ts pt && at 7\ts pt && at 8\ts pt && at
+10\ts pt
+&& at 14\ts pt
+&&&&&&&&&&&& \cr
+\noalign{\vskip -6pt\hrule height 0.2pt}
+&&&&&&&&&&&& \cr
+\noalign{\vskip -6pt}
+ psmtimr && $\times$ && $\times$ && $\times$ && $\times$ && $\times$
+--- \cr
+&&&&&&&&&&&& \cr
+\noalign{\vskip -6pt\hrule height 0.2pt}
+&&&&&&&&&&&& \cr
+\noalign{\vskip -6pt}
+psmtimb && $\times$ && $\times$ && $\times$ && $\times$ &&
+&&&&&&&&&&&& \cr
+\noalign{\vskip -6pt\hrule height 0.2pt}
+&&&&&&&&&&&& \cr
+\noalign{\vskip -6pt}
+cmmi && $\times$ && $\times$ && $\times$ && $\times$ && $\times$ &&
+--- \cr
+&&&&&&&&&&&& \cr
+\noalign{\vskip -6pt\hrule height 0.2pt}
+&&&&&&&&&&&& \cr
+\noalign{\vskip -6pt}
+cmsy && $\times$ && $\times$ && $\times$ && $\times$ && $\times$ &&
+--- \cr
+&&&&&&&&&&&& \cr
+\noalign{\vskip -6pt\hrule height 0.2pt}
+&&&&&&&&&&&& \cr
+\noalign{\vskip -6pt}
+cmmib && --- && $\times$ && $\times$ && $\times$ && $\times$ &&
+$\times$ \cr
+&&&&&&&&&&&& \cr
+\noalign{\vskip -6pt\hrule height 0.2pt}
+&&&&&&&&&&&& \cr
+\noalign{\vskip -6pt}
+psmtimi && --- && --- && --- && $\times$ && $\times$ && $\times$\cr
+&&&&&&&&&&&& \cr
+\noalign{\vskip -6pt\hrule height 0.2pt}
+&&&&&&&&&&&& \cr
+\noalign{\vskip -6pt}
+psmcou && --- && --- && --- && $\times$ && $\times$ && ---\cr
+&&&&&&&&&&&& \cr
+\noalign{\vskip -6pt\hrule height 0.2pt}
+&&&&&&&&&&&& \cr
+\noalign{\vskip -6pt}
+cmbsy && --- && --- && --- && $\times$ && $\times$ && $\times$\cr
+&&&&&&&&&&&& \cr
+\noalign{\vskip -6pt\hrule height 0.2pt}
+&&&&&&&&&&&& \cr
+\noalign{\vskip -6pt}
+cmex && --- && --- && --- && --- && $\times$ && ---\cr
+&&&&&&&&&&&& \cr
+\noalign{\vskip -6pt\hrule height 0.2pt}
+&&&&&&&&&&&& \cr
+\noalign{\vskip -6pt}
+psmtimbi && --- && --- && --- && --- && --- && $\times$\cr
+&&&&&&&&&&&& \cr
+\noalign{\vskip -6pt\hrule height 0.2pt}
+&&&&&&&&&&&& \cr
+\noalign{\vskip -6pt}
+msam && $\times$ && $\times$ && $\times$ && $\times$ && $\times$ &&
+&&&&&&&&&&&& \cr
+\noalign{\vskip -6pt\hrule height 0.2pt}
+&&&&&&&&&&&& \cr
+\noalign{\vskip -6pt}
+msbm && $\times$ && $\times$ && $\times$ && $\times$ && $\times$ &&
+&&&&&&&&&&&& \cr
+\noalign{\vskip -6pt\hrule height 0.2pt}
+&&&&&&&&&&&& \cr
+\noalign{\vskip -6pt}
+eufm && $\times$ && $\times$ && $\times$ && $\times$ && $\times$ &&
+$\times$ \cr
+&&&&&&&&&&&& \cr
+\noalign{\vskip -6pt\hrule height 0.2pt}
+&&&&&&&&&&&& \cr
+\noalign{\vskip -6pt}
+cmcsc && $\times$ && $\times$ && $\times$ && $\times$ && $\times$ &&
+&&&&&&&&&&&& \cr
+\noalign{\vskip -6pt\hrule height 0.2pt}
+&&&&&&&&&&&& \cr
+\noalign{\vskip -6pt}
+psmhlv && $\times$ && $\times$ && $\times$ && $\times$ && $\times$ &&
+&&&&&&&&&&&& \cr
+\noalign{\hrule }}}}
+\section{Creating format files}
+The package comes with the following files
+\begin{description}[\tt mmmmmmmmmm.mmm]
+\item[\tt] General information on the package
+\item[\tt cljour1.ini] \verb|.ini| file for a format file using
+ CM fonts
+\item[\tt pljour1.ini] \verb|.ini| file for a format file using
+ PS fonts
+\item[\tt flplain.tex] Macro file
+\item[\tt ljour1.mac] Macro file
+\item[\tt fontdef.tex] Font definitions (NFSS)
+\item[\tt preload.tex] Copy of {\tt preload.min} (NFSS)
+\item[\tt xxxlfont.sty] Copy of {\tt oldlfont.sty} (NFSS)
+\item[\tt amsfont.sty] Macro file defining AMS fonts
+\item[\tt amssymb.sty] Style option defining AMS symbols
+\item[\tt ljour1.doc] \LaTeX\ source of the user's guide
+\item[\tt ljour1.ref] ``Reference card" listing all commands available
+\item[\tt *.dem] Various demo files for different journals
+\noindent For reasons that are explained in Sect.~\ref{why} our macros
+must be used as a format file and not merely via a \verb|\documentstyle|
+\paragraph*{Creating a format file} is done using the program
+1. Create a directory called {\tt ljour1} and copy all files from the
+package except the style options into this directory. The style option
+file has to be transfered into a directory that \TeX{} searches for
+input files.
+2. Decide for which language you want to create a format file and, for a
+language other than English, edit the file \verb|cljour1.ini| or
+\verb|pljour1.ini| so that it includes the correct hyphenation patterns.
+Ask your \TeX pert for the correct file name or consult the
+documentation of your \TeX\ implementation. English hyphenation patterns
+are the default setting.
+3. Make sure that all fonts required are on your hard disk. If
+necessary, install the NFSS and any fonts that are missing.
+4. Before creating a PS format file, check and if necessary correct the
+names of the PS fonts in the file {\tt fontdef.tex}.
+5. Run \verb|initex| with the file \verb|cljour1.ini| or
+\verb|pljour1.ini|. The exact syntax of this command depends on the
+implementation. If necessary increase the amount of font and/or main
+memory allocated by \TeX{}.
+After \verb|initex| has successfully completed its task, you will have a
+format file called \verb|cljour1.fmt| if you requested CM fonts and
+\verb|pljour1.fmt| if you requested PS fonts.
+6. You will want to create both a CM and a PS format file, the first
+for previewing and the second for the final run.
+7. After you have completed both format files you can remove the
+following files from your hard disk:\newline
+{\tt pljour1.ini}, {\tt cljour1.ini}, {\tt ljour1.mac}
+{\tt flplain.tex}\newline
+{\tt fontdef.tex}, {\tt preload.tex},
+{\tt xxxlfont.sty}, {\tt amsfont.sty}.
+\subsection*{3.1. Installing the fonts}
+For DOS installations you can have the program \verb|finstall| (to be
+found on the AMS fonts diskettes only, not in the macro package
+itself) install the AMS fonts for you. In all other cases you must copy
+the files from diskettes into the appropriate directories yourself.
+Do not forget that, in general, the printer or screen driver must be
+instructed how to find the additional pixel files. Most of the drivers
+have a configuration file that contains the names of the fonts available
+to the printer. The names of these fonts have to be added to this file.
+Please refer to your driver manual. The names normally given to the
+pixel files by the installation program are \\
+\verb|\pctex\pixel\pk|{\it nnn}\verb|\<fontname>.pk|, where {\it nnn\/} is
+a three-digit number indicating the size of the font.
+\section{Using the style file}
+The {\it LJour1\/} style is an adaptation of the \LaTeX{} {\it
+article\/} style. Therefore you may use all {\it article\/} style
+commands to prepare your manuscript. This style creates a number of
+macros and redefines others. This may sometimes involve a change in
+Although all style specifications are already incorporated in the format
+file, the \verb|\documentstyle| command has to be entered as usual. This
+is done to prevent mismatching format file and style specifications.
+The top of your article file must thus contain the lines
+\verb|\documentstyle{cljour1}| or \verb|\documentstyle{pljour1}|\\
+\verb|<any macro definitions you wish to make>|\\
+To create the DVI file you must then use a command similar to\\
+\verb|tex &cljour1 <filename>|\\
+\verb|tex &pljour1 <filename>|\\
+Make sure that format file name and specified document style are the
+\subsection{Style options}
+As style options can substantially change the layout of an article, we
+suggest that you use them with caution. The style options treated below,
+however, are suitable for our macro package. If you need other style
+options, you must include them on the diskette when you finally submit
+your file.
+\subsubsection{Style options {\tt referee} and {\tt footinfo}}
+When first submitting your paper to the editor, please make a referee
+version printed in double line spacing. This is done with the style
+option {\tt referee}. Send this printout to the editor, but do not
+include the diskette at this stage. When the paper has been accepted and
+you have incorporated all necessary changes in your file, please remove
+the style option and create the final printout.
+Using style option \verb|footinfo| will generate footlines such as the
+one shown here:
+\hbox to \hsize{\small\tt\noindent
+Page: 11\hfill job:ljour1\hfill macro: cljour1\hfill date/time: 2-Mar-1993/12:41}
+If you want to use both options, you must type \verb|referee| before
+\subsubsection{Style option {\tt leqno}}
+In the default setting, equation numbers are positioned at the right
+margin of the page. If your journal usually has them at the left margin,
+please use the style option \verb|leqno|.
+\subsubsection{Style option {\tt bibay}}
+Use this option if you want to reference by author's name and year of
+\subsubsection{Style options {\tt deutsch}, {\tt german} and {\tt
+Some of our macros insert fixed phrases, such as {\it Theorem\/} or {\it
+Lemma\/}, into your text. In the default setting, these words are in
+English. If you publish a text in French or German, you can translate
+these words into the respective languages by including the option
+\verb|deutsch| or \verb|francais| respectively at the top of the file.
+Usually you will then also include an option like \verb|german| to ease
+input of accented letters etc.
+\subsubsection{Style option {\tt amssymb}}
+This option allows you to use the large number of special AMS symbols.
+Note, however, that this may cause your \TeX\ to run out of pool, i.e.
+the capacity for characters in names of control sequences.
+\subsection{The preamble}
+At the top of your file, a few commands must be entered to set things up
+correctly for the journal for which you are preparing an article.
+\subsubsection{Name of the journal} Specify the name of the journal with
+the command \\ \verb|\journalname{<name of journal>}|
+\subsubsection{Summary or Abstract?}
+In the default setting, the summary of your article will be prefixed
+with the run-in heading {\it Summary}. If, however, your journal uses
+{\it Abstract}, include the command
+\verb|\renewcommand{\abstractname}{Abstract.}| \\
+If no run-in heading is to be printed at all, type\\
+\subsubsection{Heading to the subject classification}
+This heading may be changed with the command \\
+\verb|\renewcommand{\subclassname}{{\it <heading>.}}|
+\subsection{Articles already coded with \TeX{} but without
+the \ljour{} style file}
+\TeX\ files submitted for publication but not using our style file will
+have to be adapted and rerun with our macro package and fonts, thus
+causing a delay in publication.
+\subsection{Words of advice}
+If your text or your own macros contain layout commands such as
+\verb|\vspace| or \verb|\newpage|, these should be taken out. (There may
+be exceptional occasions on which some of them can be used, but then
+only with the PS fonts.)
+Also, unless your article will be reproduced from your camera-ready
+pages, please do not use any ``exotic" fonts that might not be available
+at our typesetters' installation.
+Please do not change or override our macro definitions. If you submit a
+file that does not meet our layout requirements, in most cases your
+article will
+have to be typeset in the conventional way.
+\subsection{Sending the file to Springer-Verlag}
+Once your article has been accepted for publication and you have
+completed your work using this style file, please rerun it twice without
+the style option \verb|referee| and submit your own printout of the
+final version {\it together with the diskette\/} containing your \TeX\
+input (source) file and all style options you used {\em Please make sure
+that the text in the file and the printout is identical.\/} The
+following diskettes are acceptable:
+\item{}5.25$''$ diskette MS-DOS
+\item{}3.5$''$ diskette MS-DOS or Macintosh
+\noindent {\it Please indicate clearly whether the diskette is in DOS or
+in Macintosh format.\/}
+\section{Editorial and stylistic conventions}
+\subsection{General considerations}
+If you have any reservations concerning your proficiency in English,
+please have your manuscript checked by a native speaker of English
+before you submit it.
+The main title, subtitle, and all headings should not be capitalized,
+except, of course, for the first word and any words which are always
+capitalized, such as proper names. Abbreviations and symbols should be
+typeset as in the text. Displayed titles have no end punctuation, but
+run-in headings do.
+\item[a)] The following should always be capitalized:
+Abbreviations and expressions in the text, such as Fig(s)., Table(s),
+Eq(s)., Sect(s)., Chap(s)., Paper, and Theorem, {\em when used with
+numbers}, e.g. Fig.\ts 3, Table 1, Paper III, Theorem 2.\\
+Please follow the special rules in Sect.~\ref{ed:math} for referring
+to equations.
+\item[b)] The following should {\it not\/} be capitalized
+\item The words figures(s), table(s), equation(s), section(s),
+ chapter(s), paper, theorem(s) in the text when used without an
+ accompanying number.
+\item Figure legends and table captions except for names, certain
+ abbreviations, and the first word.
+\subsection{Abbreviation of words}\label{ed:math}
+\item[a)] The following {\it should\/} be abbreviated when they appear
+in running text followed by a number {\it unless\/} they come at the
+beginning of a sentence:
+\item[]Chap., Fig., Eq.; e.g. The results are depicted in Fig.\ts 5.
+Figure 9 reveals that $\ldots$\\
+{\it Please note:\/} Equations should be referred to by the abbreviation
+Eq. and the respective number in parentheses, e.g. Eq.\ts (14).\\
+However, when the reference comes at the beginning of a sentence, the
+unabbreviated word Equation should be used, e.g. Equation (14) shows
+that $\ldots$ However, Eq.\ts (15) makes it clear that $\ldots$
+\item[b)]If abbreviations of names or concepts are used throughout the
+text, they should be explained at first mention, e.g. plurisubharmonic
+(PSH) functions, strong optimization (SOPT) problem. If these names are
+also used in the summary or abstract, they should be explained there as
+\subsection{Foreign words and phrases}
+Foreign words that have not come into general use should be italicized.
+If a word or phrase or its abbreviation can be found in the main body of
+{\it Webster's\/} (and this also applies to British usage), it and its
+abbreviation are considered to be in general use and are not italicized.
+For example, et al., cf., e.g., a priori, in situ, and bremsstrahlung
+should appear in roman.
+Punctuation of equations will be dealt with in Sect.~\ref{math}.
+Not only headings, but also figure legends and table captions should
+have no end punctuation.
+\subsection{Fine tuning of the text}
+The following should be used to improve the readability of the text:
+\begin{description}[\tt \char"20--\char"20]
+\item[\tt\char92,] a thin space, e.g. in numbers with more than 5
+ digits; a line division will not be made following
+ this space.
+\item[\tt-] hyphen; one stroke, {\it no\/} space at either end.
+\item[\tt--] en-dash; two strokes, {\it no\/} space at either
+ end. Please note: in \LaTeX, \verb|---| gives an
+ em-dash ``---"; Springer does not use this, but
+ rather the shorter en-dash {\it with\/} spaces, i.e.
+\item[\tt \char"20--\char"20]
+ space, two strokes, for an en-dash, space $\to $
+ ``Springer em-dash".
+ minus, in the text {\it only\/}.
+\item[\tt\char"7E] tilde between parts of names or between numbers and
+ units, producing a hard space
+Their use is best explained in the following example.
+\paragraph{Sample input}
+20\,000~km, 1\,000\,000~s, NGC 468\,324
+1950--1985, pp.~11--21
+this -- written on a computer -- is now printed
+signal-to-noise ratio, early-type, metal-poor,
+$-30$~K, $-5^{\circ}$C
+Dr.~h.c.~Rockefeller-Smith and Prof.~Dr.~Mallory
+\paragraph{Sample output}\leavevmode
+20\,000~km, 1\,000\,000~s, NGC 468\,324 \\
+1950--1985, pp.~11--21 \\
+this -- written on a computer -- is now printed \\
+signal-to-noise ratio, early-type, metal-poor, non-relativistic\\
+$-30$~K, $-5^{\circ}$C \\
+Dr.~h.c.~Rockefeller-Smith and Prof.~Dr.~Mallory
+\section{General rules for coding mathematics}
+For mathematical expressions and tables please use standard \LaTeX.
+If there are long equations in the text that extend beyond the type area
+(12.2 cm), insert an \verb|\linebreak[0]| where the equation can be
+divided. Please refer to your \LaTeX{} documentation on how to typeset
+displayed equations.
+Remember to check your journal to see whether equation numbers
+have to be set at left or the right margin and include the style option
+\verb|leqno| where necessary.
+If you wish to start a new paragraph immediately after a displayed
+equation, insert a blank line to produce the required indentation. If
+there is no new paragraph, either do not insert a blank line, or insert
+a blank line and type \verb|\noindent| before continuing the text.
+If you want to structure the source text for better readability please
+use blank lines beginning with a percentage sign (\verb|%|) at such
+Please punctuate a displayed equation in the same way as any other
+written statement. Note, however, that any punctuation should be within
+or immediately after the displayed equation, never after the equation
+number. Please insert \verb|\;| before the punctuation sign to supply a
+little extra space.
+Note that the size of the parentheses or other delimiter symbols used in
+equations should ideally match the height of the formulas being
+enclosed. This is automatically taken care of by the following \LaTeX\
+commands, e.g. \verb|\left(| or \verb|\left[| and \verb|\right)| or
+\verb|\right]| (see {\it\LaTeX{} user's guide \& reference manual\/} p.
+\subsection*{6.1. Italic and roman in math mode}
+In math mode \LaTeX\ treats all letters as though they were mathematical
+or physical variables; hence they are typeset in italics. However, for
+certain components of equations this would be incorrect and therefore
+coding in roman is required. The following elements of an equation
+should be set in roman by using the command \verb|{\rm ...}|.
+\item[a)]Text. Since \LaTeX\ ignores interword spaces in math mode, use
+the sequence \verb|\mbox{\rm <text>}| to typeset more than one word.
+\item[b)]Subscripts and superscripts where these are merely labels and
+not in themselves variables, e.g. $T_{\rm eff}$ not $T_{eff}$, $T_{\rm
+K}$ not $T_K$ (K = Kelvin), $m_{\rm e}$ not $m_e$ (e = electron).
+However, do not use roman if the sub-/superscripts represent variables,
+e.g. $\sum^n_{i=1} a_i$.
+\item[c)]Please ensure that {\it abbreviations\/} such as Ord, Var, GL,
+SL, Hom, Aut, Ker, sgn, const. etc. and {\it physical units\/} (e.g. pc,
+erg, s$^{-1}$, K, W, m$^{-2}$, Hz$^{-1}$) in math mode are always set in
+roman type. On p. 171 of the \LaTeX{} manual and further pages
+referenced there, you will find common math
+functions to be used in math mode such as \verb|\sin|, \verb|\cos|,
+\verb|\exp|, \verb|\log|.
+\item[d)]``e" used as ``exponential function", and ``i" used as
+``imaginary unity". Here we provide the macros \verb|\E| and
+\verb|\I|.\\ e.g. \verb|$d z/d x = \E^x+\I x$| yields $d z/d x = \E^x +
+\I x$.
+\item[e)]Chemical symbols and formulas should be set in roman, e.g. Fe
+not $Fe$, H$_2$O not $H_2O$, H$\alpha $ not $H\alpha $.
+\section{Special fonts and symbols}
+Use the following commands to switch to other typefaces.
+\begin{description}[Special roman]
+\item[Vectors] Vectors are typed using the command\\
+\verb|\vec{<symbol>}|. \\
+yields $\vec A \times \vec B\times\vec{\Omega}$\\
+or \verb|$\vec{A}^T \otimes\vec{\hat D}$|
+yields $\vec A^T\otimes \vec{\hat D}$
+\item[Tensors] Ordinary second-order tensors (without indices)
+are typed with the command \verb|\tens{<symbol>}|.\\
+Example: \verb|$\tens{A}$| yields $\tens{A}$
+\item[Gothic] The command \verb|\frak{<symbol>}| requests
+$\frak{fraktur}$ or $\frak{gothic}$ letters.
+\item[Script] Use the command \verb|{\cal <symbol>}| to
+type script symbols ${\cal ABC}$, which will be replaced by a more
+elegant font during phototypesetting.
+\item[Sans serif] If no tensors are needed, use the
+command \verb|{\sf <symbol>}| to get sans serif letters. Note the
+different syntax.\\
+Example: \verb|{\sf A}| yields {\sf A}.
+\item[Special roman] Use the command \verb|{\Bbb <symbol>}|
+to get special roman letters from the AMS font.
+Example: \verb|{$\Bbb R$}| yields $\Bbb R$.
+\item[AMS symbols] Further symbols from the AMS {\it msam\/} and {\it
+msbm\/} fonts may be accessed via the usual commands as listed in the
+AMS-\TeX\ guide.\footnote{Note that you then have to use the style
+option {\tt amssymb} or define the necessary commands in the preamble.}
+Please note that \verb|\frak|, \verb|\tens|, \verb|\vec|, \verb|\Bbb|
+and \verb|\cal| may only be used in math mode and that some symbols are
+not available in the size necessary for the main title. These symbols
+are set in text size and will be stripped in later after
+\section{The head of an article}
+\subsection{A template for the beginning of an article}
+\journalname{<name of journal>}
+<further material for the preamble>
+\title{<your title>}
+\titlerunning{<short form of title>}
+\subtitle{your subtitle>}
+\author{<name of first author> \and <name of second author> ... }
+\authorrunning{<names of first author> et al.}
+\institute{<name and address of first institute> \and
+<name of second...>}
+\mail{<name of corresponding author>}
+The \verb|.dem| files demonstrate a rather complicated case for the
+head of an article.
+If your paper is intended for a particular section of the journal, e.g.
+{\it Research article\/}, the section heading should be inserted in the
+form \verb|\headnote{<text>}|. This element is optional.
+\subsection{The title}
+For the title and subtitle of your article there are the following two
+\verb|\title{<your title>}|\\
+\verb|\subtitle{<your subtitle>}| (optional)
+Use \verb|\\| to split a long \verb|\title| or \verb|\subtitle|.
+\subsection{Name(s) of the author(s)}
+The preferred form for each name is: initial(s) of the forename(s)
+followed by the family name. Use the command
+\verb|\author{<author's name>}|.
+If there is more than one author the order is optional. The names must
+be separated by the command \verb|\and|.
+If the authors have different affiliations, each name has to be
+followed by
+Numbers referring to different addresses should be attached to each
+author. If there is more than one \verb|\inst| to an author, please
+separate them by \verb|\fnmsep|.
+If there are three or more authors, the running title should be changed
+as described in the next subsection.
+\subsection{Changing the running heads}
+Normally the running heads are produced automatically by the command
+\verb|\maketitle| using the contents of \verb|\title| and
+\verb|\author|. If the result is too long for the page header (running
+head) our macro will produce an error message and you will be asked to
+supply a shorter version. This is done using the
+\smallskip\noindent \verb|\titlerunning{<text>}|\\
+\verb|\authorrunning{<name of first author> et al.}|
+These commands must be entered before \verb|\maketitle|.
+Addresses are set with the command \verb|\institute|. If there is more
+than one address, the entries are numbered automatically with
+\verb|\and|, in the order in which you type them. Please make sure that
+the numbers match those placed next to to the authors' names.
+\institute{<name of the first institute>
+\and <name of the second institute> ...}
+(Unlike usual \LaTeX{}, in our style the \verb|\and| command is also
+used within the \verb|\institute| command.)
+\subsection{Footnotes to the title block}
+If footnotes to the title or subtitle are needed, use the command
+\verb|\thanks{<text of footnote>}|
+\medskip \noindent instead of the ordinary footnote command. These
+footnotes are marked by asterisks ($\star$). If you need more than one
+consecutive footnote, use \verb|\fnmsep| to typeset the comma separating
+the asterisks.
+This macro is also used if you have to give the present address of an
+author to be typeset like a footnote at the bottom of the page.
+\noindent{\it Example:}
+\verb|R. Muller\thanks{{\it Present address:\/} Malibu, CA}|
+If you wish to dedicate your article to somebody, you can do so by
+specifying \verb|\dedication{<dedication>}|
+Although the dates of receipt and acceptance of your manuscript will be
+fixed by the editors and inserted by the publisher, please make the
+following input: \verb|\date{Received: <date> / Accepted: <date>}|
+The date is inserted later, usually in the format {\tt day month year}.
+{\em Examples:}
+\verb|\date{Received: 2 June 1988 / Accepted: 22 September 1988}|\\
+\verb|\date{Received: 4 December 1990 / Accepted: 19 March 1991}|
+\subsection{Typesetting the title block}
+After having entered the commands described so far in this section,
+please enter the command\\
+\verb|\maketitle| \\
+This command will format the complete title of your article. If you
+leave it out, no title will be printed.
+Type the abstract/summary using the syntax
+<text of your abstract (summary)>
+The word {\it Summary\/} (or whatever has been defined with
+\verb|\abstractname|) is automatically provided by the macros.
+Summaries should only have one paragraph.
+\subsection{Key words or subject classification}
+Here you have the syntax\\
+\verb|\subclass{<Classifications>}| or \\
+\verb|\keywords{<keyword> -- <keyword> -- <keyword> ...}| \\
+(whichever applies to your journal). Please refer to the demo file or a
+recent issue of the journal to establish which of the two applies to
+your article.
+\subsection{Translation of title and summary}
+If your article is not written in English, you may wish or be required
+to give a translation of title, summary and keywords. In this case,
+please insert
+\transtitle{<title in English>}
+\begin{transsummary} <English translation of summary>
+\transkey {<key words in English>}
+\subsection{Differences between journals}\label{diff:jour}
+Not all the features described in Sect.\,\ref{top} may apply to your
+journal. Some may be obligatory, others only optional or even not
+allowed. Please check the demo file for your journal or a recent printed
+issue if you are not sure what to use.
+For rules on capitalization and punctuation see Sect.~\ref{ed:heads}.
+Typeset headings using the following commands:
+If a long title of order 1 through 3 has to be divided please use the
+command \verb|\\|.
+\paragraph{Remark:} Please avoid using footnotes in headings.
+Footnotes should have end punctuation. Footnotes within the text should
+be coded: \\
+\verb|\footnote{<text>}| ({\it no\/} blank before \verb|\footnote|)
+Simple lists are done using:
+\item <first item>
+\item <second item>
+\item <first item of sublist>
+\item <last item of main list>
+For enumerated lists please code:
+\item <first item>
+\item <second item>
+\item ...
+\item <first item of sublist>
+\item <last item of main list>
+For descriptions, use the description environment (see \LaTeX{} book p.
+26 f.). We have enhanced this environment by an optional parameter,
+which lets you specify the largest item label to appear within the
+list. If you code
+\item[<label1>] <text1>
+\item[<label2>] <text2>
+the texts of all items are indented by the width of \verb|<largelabel>|
+and the item labels are typeset flush left within this space. Note: The
+optional parameter will work only two levels deep.
+\paragraph{Sample input}
+\begin{description}[Fact 2.4.(S).]
+\item[Fact 2.1.]
+A non-t.t. $U$-rank 1 type which is isolated among non-algebraics
+has infinite multiplicity.
+\item[Fact 2.2.]
+Let $A \subseteq B$, $S(A)\not\in p \subseteq q \in S(B)$. Suppose
+$p$ and $q$ are non-t.t. and $U$-rank 1.
+\item[Fact 2.3.]
+Let $p \in S(A)$ be an isolated and non-t.t. $U$-rank 1 type. If
+$\models p$, then $p$ has infinitely many solated and
+non-algebraic extensions over $Aa$.
+\item[Fact 2.4.(S).]
+Let every $b \in \bar b$ have $U$-rank 1 and suppose the weakly
+minimal type $t(a/\bar b)$ which ${\rm dnf} /\emptyset$ is not
+isolated (and thus of finite multiplicity).
+\paragraph{Sample output}
+\begin{description}[Fact 2.4.(S).]
+\item[Fact 2.1.]
+A non-t.t. $U$-rank 1 type which is isolated among non-algebraics has
+infinite multiplicity.
+\item[Fact 2.2.]
+Let $A \subseteq B$, $S(A)\not\in p \subseteq q \in S(B)$. Suppose $p$
+and $q$ are non-t.t. and $U$-rank 1. Further, let mult $(q) = \infty$.
+\item[Fact 2.3.]
+Let $p \in S(A)$ be an isolated and non-t.t. $U$-rank 1 type. If
+$\models p$, then $p$ has infinitely many solated and non-algebraic
+extensions over $Aa$.
+\item[Fact 2.4.(S).]
+Let every $b \in \bar b$ have $U$-rank 1 and suppose the weakly minimal
+type $t(a/\bar b)$ which ${\rm dnf} /\emptyset$ is not isolated (and
+thus of finite multiplicity).
+\section{Paragraphs in small print}
+The syntax \verb|\begin{petit} <text> \end{petit}| is used for
+paragraphs in small print (petit), employed for passages in the text
+that the reader may disregard upon first reading or for exercises.
+\section{Mini-environments such as lemmas and theorems}
+To typeset things such as definitions, examples, and theorems
+a number of predefined environments are available:
+{\it claim\/}, {\it conjecture\/}, {\it corollary\/},
+{\it definition\/}, {\it example\/}, {\it exercise\/}, {\it lemma\/},
+{\it note\/}, {\it problem\/}, {\it property\/}, {\it proposition\/},
+{\it question\/}, {\it solution\/}, {\it theorem\/}, {\it proof\/}
+and {\it remark\/}.
+The words ``{\bf Theorem}", ``{\bf Lemma}", ``{\bf Corollary}",
+``{\bf Definition}", ``{\bf Pro\-posi\-tion}" etc. are printed in
+{\bf boldface}, followed by the formulation in {\it italics}. The words
+``{\it Proof\/}", ``{\it Remark\/}", ``{\it Example\/}" etc. are printed
+in {\it italics\/} with the formulation in ordinary (roman) typeface.
+These environments have the following syntax:
+\begin{<name of environment>}[<optional material>]
+<text for that environment>
+\end{<name of environment>}
+Note that the labeling as well as the counting is done by \LaTeX. The
+fonts for the label and the text are predefined. In our style unlike
+standard \LaTeX{} these fonts may however vary from one environment to
+another. The optional material typed in angular brackets is appended to
+the label directly after the numbering. In this case no colon is set
+after the number, but after the optional material. Please refer also to
+the \LaTeX{} book p. 58 f.
+\paragraph{Sample input}
+\begin{conjecture}[L. Breiman] There is no such thing as a free
+lunch. \end{conjecture}
+\paragraph{Sample output}
+\begin{conjecture}[L. Breiman] There is no such thing as a free lunch.
+When using the style options \verb|deutsch| or \verb|francais| the
+captions for these predefined environments are translated into the
+respective language.
+\subsection*{13.1 Defining your own environments}
+We have changed the syntax of the commands \verb|\newtheorem|
+and \verb|\newtheorem*| used to define additional environments.
+\verb|\newtheorem| can be used in two ways.
+\subsubsection*{13.1.1 Method 1}
+This defines a new environment \verb|<env_nam>| which prints the caption
+\verb|<caption>| in the font \verb|<cap_font>| and the text itself in
+the font \verb|<body_font>|. The environment is numbered beginning anew
+with every new section unless you specify something else with the
+optional parameter \verb|<within>|.
+\paragraph{Example} \leavevmode\\
+\noindent defines a new environment called \verb|joke| which prints the
+caption {\bf Joke} in boldface and the text in roman. The jokes are
+numbered starting from 1 at the beginning of every subsection with the
+number of the subsection preceding the number of the joke e.g. 7.2.1 for
+the first joke in subsection 7.2.
+\subsubsection*{13.1.2. Method 2}
+Sometimes you will want to create an environment that shares its counter
+with another environment, say {\it main theorem\/} to be numbered like a
+{\it theorem\/}. In this case, use the syntax
+Here the environment with which the new environment should share its
+counter is specified with the optional argument \verb|[<num_like>]|.
+\paragraph{Sample input}
+\newtheorem{mainth}[theorem]{Main theorem}{\bf}{\it}
+\begin{theorem} The early bird gets the worm. \end{theorem}
+\begin{mainth} The early worm gets eaten. \end{mainth}
+\paragraph{Sample output}
+\newtheorem{mainth}[theorem]{Main theorem}{\bf}{\it}
+\begin{theorem} The early bird gets the worm. \end{theorem}
+\begin{mainth} The early worm gets eaten. \end{mainth}
+\subsubsection*{13.1.3. Unnumbered environments}
+If you wish to have an unnumbered environment, please
+use the syntax \\
+\subsubsection*{13.1.4. Articles in a language other than English}
+Please note that unlike the headings of the predefined environments
+those of your newly defined environments will not be automatically
+translated when you switch to another language using the document style
+options \verb|[...deutsch...]| or \verb|[...francais...]|. You will have
+to define new environments with translated captions or change the
+English captions with:\\
+\verb|\renewcommand{<env_nam>name}{<translated caption>}|
+{\it Example:\/} \verb|\renewcommand{counterexamplename}{Gegenbeispiel}|
+\section{Listings of computer programs}
+Authors sometimes wish to include portions of program listings or
+mention program commands in their articles. These are normally set in
+typewriter font. Printing a short command string of just a few words
+inside a paragraph is done with the command \verb@\verb|<text>|@.
+Everything between the two vertical lines \verb@|...|@ is printed in
+typewriter font. If the text itself contains the character ``\verb@|@'',
+any other character that is not part of the text may be used as
+delimiter instead. Thus \verb@\verb|$a+b$|@ produces \verb|$a+b$| and
+\verb,\verb@|$a+b$|@, produces \verb@|$a+b$|@.
+Please do not use \verb|\verb*| as this command might not work properly
+with PS fonts.
+For small portions of a program where the line breaks should be
+preserved, please use the {\tt verbatim} environment. Again, please do
+not use the environment {\tt verbatim*}.
+The final positions of figures and tables should be fixed when the text
+is complete.
+Figure coding should be inserted as a separate paragraph near the place
+where the figure is first mentioned in the text. If you are not
+satisfied with the position \LaTeX{} chooses for the figure, try moving
+its input a little towards the top of the file. The figures will be
+numbered sequentially using arabic numerals. If your figure is narrower
+than the width of the text, please do not try to fill the empty space
+with text.
+{\it The figures\/} (line drawings, halftones or combinations of the
+two) {\it should not be pasted into your laser printer output.\/} They
+should be enclosed separately in camera-ready form (original artwork,
+glossy prints, photographs and/or slides). Computer-drawn figures are
+acceptable provided they are of comparable quality. Lines and curves
+must be smooth. The lettering should be suitable for reproduction, and
+after reduction the capital letters should be at least 1.8\ts mm and not
+more than 2.5\ts mm in height. Check that lines and other details are
+uniformly black and that the lettering on figures is clearly legible.
+To leave the desired amount of space for the height of each figure,
+please use the coding given below. To generate the necessary amount of
+white space for the figure, you can choose between the commands
+\verb|\vspace <height>| and \verb|\picplace{<height>}|, the latter
+drawing a frame of the height you specified. The necessary
+additional empty space above (at least 1\ts cm) and below (at least
+0.5\ts cm) the figure will be inserted automatically.
+See also Sect. 3.5.1 on p.59 in the \LaTeX{} manual.
+{\it Important:\/} The figure, including the legend, must not exceed
+19.6\ts cm in height. Longer figures will be swallowed by \LaTeX{}
+without warning.
+\subsection{One figure}
+\caption[]{<text of figure legend>}
+\end{figure}\end{verbatim}} %end of scope for \samepage
+\paragraph{Sample input}
+\caption[]{This is a figure legend}
+\caption[]{This is a figure legend}
+\subsection{Two figures side by side}
+If you have two figures that you want to insert side by side and their
+total width does not exceed that of the type area (12.2 cm), then please
+\firstcaption{<legend of first figure>}
+\secondcaption{<legend of second figure>}
+where \verb|<height>| is the height of the taller figure.
+\paragraph{Sample input}
+\picplace{1 cm}
+\firstcaption{Snowman in Iceland}
+\secondcaption{Lemon ice-cream on a white tablecloth}
+\picplace{1 cm}
+\firstcaption{Snowman in Iceland}
+\secondcaption{Lemon ice-cream on a white tablecloth}
+\subsection{Two figures side by side with legends one below the other}
+If the amount of text in the legends of two figures (to be placed side
+by side) greatly differs, please use the following coding:
+\paragraph{Sample input}
+\picplace{1 cm}
+\caption{Legend of first figure}
+\caption {This is the extremely long legend of the second figure
+and should therefore be typeset using the full width of the type
+area. For typographical and aesthetic reasons it would be
+unacceptable if these legends were set next to one another in two
+columns, with a 2-line legend for the first figure and a 16-line
+legend for the second. Therefore we suggest that the legends for
+the two figures should be placed one below the other. It is not
+necessary to place the figure numbers below or beside the two
+figures because it should be clear that the left one is the first
+figure and the right one the second}
+\picplace{1 cm}
+\caption{Legend of first figure}
+\caption {This is the extremely long legend of the second figure and
+should therefore be typeset using the full width of the type area. For
+typographical and aesthetic reasons it would be unacceptable if these
+legends were set next to one another in two columns, with a 2-line
+legend for the first figure and a 16-line legend for the second.
+Therefore we suggest that the legends for the two figures should be
+placed one below the other. It is not necessary to place the figure
+numbers below or beside the two figures because it should be clear that
+the left one is the first figure and the right one the second}
+Table captions should be treated in the same way as figure legends,
+except that the table captions appear {\em above\/} the tables. The
+tables are also numbered sequentially (using arabic numerals).
+Table columns should be set flush left. Vertical lines are normally not
+necessary and should only be inserted in exceptional cases for the sake
+of clarity.
+For further information you will find a complete description of the
+table and tabular environment on p.\,63 f. and p.\,182 of the \LaTeX{}
+{\it Important:\/} The height of each table, including the caption, must
+not exceed 19.6~cm. Tables exceeding this limit will be swallowed by
+\subsection{Tables coded with \LaTeX}
+Use the following standard syntax:
+\paragraph{Sample input}
+\caption[ ]{Critical $N$ values}
+$\Msun$ & $beta_{0}$ & $T_{\rm c6}$ & $\gamma$ &
+$N_{\rm crit}^{\rm L}$ & $N_{\rm crit}^{\rm Te}$\\
+ 30 & 0.82 & 38.4 & 35.7 & 154 & 320 \\
+ 60 & 0.67 & 42.1 & 34.7 & 138 & 340 \\
+120 & 0.52 & 45.1 & 34.0 & 124 & 370 \\
+\caption[ ]{Critical $N$ values}
+$\Msun$ & $\beta_{0}$ & $T_{\rm c6}$ & $\gamma$ & $N_{\rm crit}^{\rm L}$
+ & $N_{\rm crit}^{\rm Te}$\\
+ 30 & 0.82 & 38.4 & 35.7 & 154 & 320 \\
+ 60 & 0.67 & 42.1 & 34.7 & 138 & 340 \\
+120 & 0.52 & 45.1 & 34.0 & 124 & 370 \\
+\subsection{Tables not coded with \LaTeX}
+If you do not wish to code your table using \LaTeX\ but prefer to have
+it reproduced separately, proceed as for figures and use the following
+\caption[]{<text of caption>}
+\picplace{<height> cm}
+\paragraph{Sample input}
+\caption[]{Example of a table not coded with \LaTeX}
+\picplace{1 cm}
+\caption[]{Example of a table not coded with \LaTeX}
+\picplace{1 cm}
+The command
+\begin{acknowledgement}We thank A.\,Einstein for many helpful
+will print
+\begin{acknowledgement}We thank A.\,Einstein for many helpful
+If you enter the command \verb|\appendix|, the following sections will
+be numbered with capital letters.
+There are three reference systems available; only one, of course, should
+be used. Please refer to the {\it Instructions for Authors\/} as to
+which version is used in your journal. With each system (by author and
+year, by number only, or by letter or letter and number) a reference
+list, preferably headed ``References" and containing all citations
+appearing in the text, should be included at the end of your article.
+Please refer to p.\,72 ff. and p.\,187 ff. of the \LaTeX{} manual for
+overall information on the reference environment. We have added a new
+mandatory argument to the bibliography environment, namely the title of
+the reference section.
+Begin your bibliography with the command
+where \verb|<title>| is something like {\tt References} and
+\verb|<label>| is the widest label (number or letter combination) to be
+used in the reference list. This argument is necessary to adjust the
+amount of indentation for wide labels. In the default setting the
+standard indentation for paragraphs is used.
+\subsection{References by number or by letter and number}
+Using standard \LaTeX{} syntax, references are cited in the text either
+by numbers or by the author's initials plus a sequence number where
+necessary. This number or letter/number combination is enclosed in
+square brackets, e.g. [1], [2], [BG], [GP\,1]. See p.\,72 ff. of the
+\LaTeX{} manual for details.
+The reference list is then either organized alphabetically or sorted
+according to the sequence of the citation in the text (the latter
+applies to citation by number only).
+\subsection{Author-year system}
+If you want to reference by author's name and year of publication, you
+have to use the style option \verb|bibay|. This changes the syntax of
+the command \verb|\bibitem|.
+References are cited in the text by name and year in parentheses, e.g.
+(Smith 1970, 1980), (Ekeland et al. 1985, Theorem 2), (Jones and Jaffe
+1986; Farrow 1988, Chap.\, 2), or with only the year in parentheses if
+the name is part of the sentence, e.g. Ekeland et al. (1985, Sect.\,
+2.1). The reference list should contain all citations that appear in the
+text, ordered alphabetically by surname (with initials following). If
+there are several works by the same author(s) the references should be
+listed in the appropriate order as indicated below:
+\item[a)] One author: chronologically;
+\item[b)] Author and one co-author: alphabetically by coauthor, then
+\item[c)] Author and more than one co-author: chronologically.
+If there are several works by the same author(s) in the same year,
+they should be distinguished by the use of ``a",
+``b" etc., e.g. (Smith 1982a), (Ekeland et al. 1982b).
+Your bibliography entries must have the following structure:
+\verb|\bibitem{}{<key>}{<citation>} <bibliographic entry>|,
+where \verb|<key>| is the key used when citing in the text with
+\verb|\cite|. The argument of the third pair of braces,
+\verb|<citation>|, is the text that is to be printed in the text, when a
+publication is cited. The braces around the citation text are printed
+automatically. Please note that \LaTeX will not break a line inside the
+citation string and that the first pair of braces is obligatory.
+\paragraph{Sample input}
+This is implicit in the recent work of \cite{ar} and the results
+are also discussed in \cite{le}. Consider as an example the
+theorem stated in \cite{dir}. We refer now to the hypothesis
+given in \cite{rh}. Extensions of the theorems are also
+interesting (Arnold 1968).
+\bibitem {}{ar}{Arnold (1968)} Arnold V.I. (1968): Singularities
+ of smooth mappings. Usp. Mat. Nauk {\bf 23}, 3--44 (Russian).
+ [English transl.: Russ. Math. Surv. {\bf 23} (1968) 1--43]
+\bibitem {}{dir}{Lerch et al. (1983)} Dirac, P.A.M. (1950): On
+ generalized Hamiltonian dynamics. Can. J. Math {\bf 2}(2),
+ 129--148
+\bibitem {}{gro}{Gr\"otschel et al. (1988)} Gr\"otschel, M.,
+ Lov\'asz, L., Schrijver, A. (1988): Geometric algorithms and
+ combinatorial optimization. (Algorithms and Combinatorics,
+ vol.\, 2) Springer, Berlin Heidelberg New York
+\bibitem {}{le}{Lerche, Klosko et al. (1983)}Lerch, F.J., Klosko,
+ S.M., Patel, G.B. (1983): A refined gravity model from LAGEOS
+ (GEM-L2). NASA, Tech. Memo TM 84986
+\bibitem {}{rh}{Rham (1931)}Rham G. de (1931): Sur l'analysis
+ situs de vari\'et\'es \'a $n$ dimensions. J. Math. Pure Appl.
+ {\bf 10}, 115--200
+\noindent{\it Sample output}
+This is implicit in the recent work of \cite{ar} and the results are
+also discussed in \cite{le}. Consider as an example the theorem stated
+in \cite{dir}. We refer now to the hypothesis given in \cite{rh}.
+Extensions of the theorems are also interesting (Arnold 1968).
+\bibitem {}{ar}{Arnold (1968)} Arnold V.I. (1968): Singularities of
+ smooth mappings. Usp. Mat. Nauk {\bf 23}, 3--44 (Russian). [English
+ transl.: Russ. Math. Surv. {\bf 23} (1968) 1--43]
+\bibitem {}{dir}{Lerch et al. (1983)} Dirac, P.A.M. (1950): On
+ generalized Hamiltonian dynamics. Can. J. Math {\bf 2}(2), 129--148
+\bibitem {}{gro}{Gr\"otschel et al. (1988)} Gr\"otschel, M., Lov\'asz,
+ L., Schrijver, A. (1988): Geometric algorithms and combinatorial
+ optimization. (Algorithms and Combinatorics, vol.\, 2) Springer,
+ Berlin Heidelberg New York
+\bibitem {}{le}{Lerche, Klosko et al. (1983)}Lerch, F.J., Klosko, S.M.,
+ Patel, G.B. (1983): A refined gravity model from LAGEOS (GEM-L2).
+ NASA, Tech. Memo TM 84986
+\bibitem {}{rh}{Rham (1931)}Rham G. de (1931): Sur l'analysis situs de
+ vari\'et\'es \'a $n$ dimensions. J. Math. Pure Appl. {\bf 10},
+ 115--200
+\section{Example of an article\label{exs}}
+For a number of journals there are demo files ending with {\tt .dem}.
+Please \LaTeX\ them with the format file you created to get an example
+of an article typed with our style file. You might find it helpful to
+examine the input to see how certain more complicated things are done.
+\section{Reference card\label{r:card}}
+If you have received this macro package directly from us on diskettes,
+you also received a reference card listing all commands we created.
+The \LaTeX\ file for this command list is the file \verb|ljour1.ref|.