path: root/obsolete/macros/latex209/contrib/ml/logos.sty
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Diffstat (limited to 'obsolete/macros/latex209/contrib/ml/logos.sty')
1 files changed, 109 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/latex209/contrib/ml/logos.sty b/obsolete/macros/latex209/contrib/ml/logos.sty
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..be509486b7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/latex209/contrib/ml/logos.sty
@@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
+% File : logos.sty
+% Author : Hans Stoks with ideas from Johannes Braams (
+% Date : 8-apr-1991
+% Version: 1.0
+% Purpose: Defines a new version of the LaTeX-logo and others for use
+% with the new font-selectionscheme by Mittelbach and Schoepf
+% Works with LaTeX 2.09 with (FMi & RS)
+% With the new fontselection it becomes possible to ask for the
+% current size of the current font. Thus it becomes possible to
+% select the letter A from a font two steps smaller than the current
+% font instead of a \sc A.
+% The advantage is that \LaTeX now also works with \it, \bf and the like.
+% With 6-point we also chose 5-point for the letter a since no 4-point
+% font is available.
+ <5>manfnt at4.82pt%
+ <6>manfnt at5.79pt%
+ <7>manfnt at6.94pt%
+ <8>manfnt at8.33pt%
+ <9>manfnt at9pt%
+ <10>manfnt%
+ <11>manfnt at10.95pt%
+ <12>manfnt at12pt%
+ <14>manfnt at14.4pt%
+ <17>manfnt at17.28pt%
+ <20>manfnt at20.74pt
+ <25>manfnt at24.88pt%
+ <30>manfnt}{}%
+ <5>cmdunh10 at4.82pt%
+ <6>cmdunh10 at5.79pt%
+ <7>cmdunh10 at6.94pt%
+ <8>cmdunh10 at8.33pt%
+ <9>cmdunh10 at9pt%
+ <10>cmdunh10%
+ <11>cmdunh10 at10.95pt%
+ <12>cmdunh10 at12pt%
+ <14>cmdunh10 at14.4pt%
+ <17>cmdunh10 at17.28pt%
+ <20>cmdunh10 at20.74pt
+ <25>cmdunh10 at24.88pt%
+ <30>cmdunh10}{}%
+\gdef\@makefnmark{\raise 1ex\hbox{\scriptsize\@thefnmark}}
+{\family{manual}\selectfont META\-FONT}\else%
+{\family{manual}\selectfont META\-FONT}\else%
+{\family{manual}\selectfont opqr\-stuq}\else%
+{\family{manual}\selectfont hijk\-lmnj}\else%
+{\family{manual}\selectfont META\-FONT}\else%
+{\family{manual}\selectfont META\-FONT}\else%
+{\family{manual}\selectfont META\-FONT}\else%
+{\family{manual}\selectfont META\-FONT}\else%
+{\family{manual}\selectfont META\-FONT}\else%
+{\family{manual}\selectfont META\-FONT}\else%
+{\family{manual}\selectfont META\-FONT}\else%
+{\family{manual}\selectfont{\vbox to30pt{}()*+,-.*}}%
+\gdef\BibTeX{{\rm B\kern-.05em{\sc i\kern-.025emb}\kern-.08em\TeX}}
+L\kern-.36em\raise.3ex\hbox{\protect\smaller A}\kern-.15em
+ T\kern-.1667em\lower.7ex\hbox{E}\kern-.125emX}}
+\gdef\MF{\@ifundefined{selectfont}{{\small\sf META}\-{\small\sf FONT}}%
+ {\Metafont}}%{{\protect\smaller\sf META}\-{\protect\smaller\sf FONT}}
+\gdef\WEB{{\tt WEB}}%
+ {{\sf\small ST{\Large\rm\ital{\kern-.1em\t{}\kern-.1667em e}}GON}}%
+ {{\protect\smaller\sf
+ST{\LARGE\rm\ital{\protect\smaller\kern-.1em\t{}\kern-.1667em e}}GON}}}%
+ {de Volks\-krant}%
+ {{\family{dunhill}\selectfont\protect\smaller de Volks\-krant}}}%