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+% MANUAL.TEX -- User input guide for AAS WGAS LaTeX macros.
+\textwidth 7.3in
+\hoffset=-0.4in % This centers the extra wide page
+\voffset=-0.4in % This is because the printer I use prints too low...
+\title{The WGAS \LaTeX\ Macros\\
+ for Manuscript Preparation}
+\author{Chris Biemesderfer}
+\affil{National Optical Astronomy Observatories}
+\author{Bob Hanisch}
+\affil{Space Telescope Science Institute}
+The AAS Working Group on Astronomical Software (WGAS)
+has developed a \LaTeX\ macro package to assist authors in
+preparing manuscripts for articles that
+are intended for submission to the AAS-affiliated journals.
+% This sentence is not intended to exclude other journals
+% or other societies from engaging in dialogue with us about
+% electronic publishing issues, or, for that matter, using
+% these macros for their own authors. However, that is as
+% much as I can state officially and publically today.
+It is important that the markup used by authors in computer
+manuscripts (called {\sl compuscripts}) be consistent and
+standardized so that compuscripts might be widely accepted
+by the journals, and perhaps even become part of the normal
+production procedures.
+This guide contains basic instructions for creating
+compuscripts using the WGAS macros, which function
+as substyles to the standard \LaTeX\ {\tt article} style.
+Authors are expected to be familiar with the editorial
+requirements of the journals so that they can make
+appropriate submissions, as well as to have at least
+a rudimentary knowledge of \TeX.
+It is unrealistic for us to provide a tutorial
+on \TeX, hence we warn readers who are unfamiliar with
+\TeX\ that they will need additional sources of information.
+These are listed in the {\it References} section.
+\section{General preparation instructions}
+Computer manuscripts must include all the necessary components,
+e.g., a title, author names and their affiliations,
+an abstract, a main body, tables, etc., in the proper
+order according to the editorial requirements of the journal.
+It is the author's responsibility to ensure that the article
+conforms to all editorial specifications regarding content and
+organization, mathematical formul\ae, chemical names, etc.
+In the sections that follow, we review some essential procedures
+that must be followed when preparing \TeX\ input.
+\subsection{Running text}
+Printing is different from typewriting, and \TeX\ is different
+from other word processing tools. This section consists of
+reminders (admonitions) about things that require special
+attention so that \TeX\ can format the input properly.
+The ends of words and sentences are marked by white space, and
+it doesn't matter how many spaces are typed; one is as good as 100.
+\TeX\ treats the end of a line in the input file as a space.
+Paragraphs are separated by blank lines.
+Don't hyphenate words in the input file;
+\TeX\ takes care of hyphenation automatically.
+Continue to hyphenate modifiers within a line of text, e.g.,
+``author-prepared copy.''
+Quotation marks should be typed as pairs of opening and
+closing single quotes, e.g., {\tt ``quoted text''};
+don't use double quotes ({\tt "bad form"}).
+Do not underline.
+In printing, text is emphasized by changing the type style,
+usually to {\sl slanted\/} or {\it italic\/} type.
+A number of common characters are interpreted as commands,
+and these must be entered specially, by preceding them with
+a backslash (\verb"\"): \$ \& \% \# \{ and \} must be typed
+\verb"\$" \verb"\&" \verb"\%" \verb"\#" \verb"\{" and \verb"\}".
+Authors should refrain from adding vertical or horizontal space.
+Concentrate on the content of the document and identifying its
+components with the structural markup commands.
+Authors should avoid the use of any \LaTeX\ command definitions
+that create markup commands not described in this guide.
+Mathematical expressions that are part of the running text are
+delimited by a single dollar sign (\$),
+e.g., \verb"$\pi r^2$" yields $\pi r^2$.
+To get the appropriately sized superscript or subscript in the
+roman font, use the \verb"\rm" command, e.g.,
+\verb"$J_{\rm HF}(t)$" produces $J_{\rm HF}(t)$.
+Displayed equations can be delimited in several ways.
+The most concise markup is bracket the equation between
+\verb"\[" and \verb"\]" commands,
+which is equivalent to placing the formula in a {\tt displaymath}
+environment. These markup commands will produce
+{\sl unnumbered} equations.
+Numbered equations can be typeset by typing the formula in
+an {\tt equation} environment.
+A series of related equations that need vertical alignment,
+e.g., a derivation where alignment is wanted on the equal sign (=),
+can be typeset in an {\tt eqnarray} environment.
+While it is possible for authors to assign their own equation numbers,
+it is easier to let \LaTeX\ number them automatically.
+By default, \LaTeX\ will number equations sequentially from the
+beginning of the paper to the end.
+It is sometimes appropriate for equation numbering sequences
+to carry through sections of the paper only.
+Equations can be numbered ({\it sec-eqn}) by placing the command
+\verb"\mathwithsecnums" in the preamble of the document.
+Tables are notoriously difficult to compose,
+and great care and patience are usually required
+before tabular information can be typeset satisfactorily.
+Tables should be placed in a separate {\tt table} environments,
+i.e., the tabular material must be enclosed within
+\verb"\begin{table}" and \verb"\end{table}" commands.
+Tables should have a title or caption and the correct
+number of descriptive column headings.
+A single horizontal rule should be set after the column headings
+with the \verb"\tableline" command.
+Do not insert any other horizontal or vertical
+lines in the body of the table.
+Notes in tables should be marked by
+corresponding text should appear in a
+\verb"\tablenotetext" command.
+Cross-referencing equations, tables, and figures
+in text depends upon the use of ``tags'', which
+are defined by the user. The \verb"\label" command is used
+to define cross-reference tags for \LaTeX; \verb"\ref" is used to
+refer to them. Tags are simply text strings that
+serve to label equations, tables, and figures, so that
+they may be referred to symbolically in the text.
+References to page numbers should {\sl not} be made.
+\LaTeX\ keeps track of autonumbered counters and cross-reference
+information by maintaining an auxiliary file in the same working
+directory as the source file. The auxiliary file will have an
+extension of {\tt .aux}. This file should not be deleted, since
+subsequent \LaTeX\ processing uses the auxiliary data to resolve
+references, etc.
+The auxiliary file mechanism makes it necessary to run \LaTeX\
+on a given source file more than once to
+ensure that the cross-reference information has been properly resolved.
+This is most evident when changes are made that affect the number
+or the placement of equations, tables, and the like.
+\LaTeX\ will typically issue a warning message that advises
+the user to ``rerun to get cross-references right'',
+in which case, run \LaTeX\ again.
+If the error message appears after two successive \LaTeX\ runs,
+it is likely that a reference has been made to an undefined label.
+\subsection{Alternate style options}
+Editors prefer a large typeface with
+adequate space between typed lines for technical editing marks and
+wide margins for editor and author comments.
+The use of the {\tt aasms} substyle will produce
+double-spaced, full-width output by default.
+Authors may prefer a denser form of output for distribution
+to colleagues who are primarily interested in reading the paper, as
+opposed to copy editing it. The \verb"\tightenlines" command
+can be inserted in the document preamble when the {\tt aasms}
+substyle is used; its effect is to reduce
+the vertical spacing in the text.
+For institutional purposes, it may be preferable for preprints
+to be set in two columns, have running heads, etc.
+The {\tt aaspp} substyle may be used instead to produce
+two-column pages.
+\section{Command descriptions}
+This section describes all the commands in the WGAS \LaTeX\ macro
+package that an author might enter in a manuscript (or preprint).
+In the interest of completeness, all the structural markup that
+is needed to identify components is discussed, including those
+commands that are standard \LaTeX\ instructions.
+The commands will be described in roughly the same order as they
+would appear in a compuscript.
+The reader will probably find it helpful to examine the
+sample papers (\verb"sample1.tex" and \verb"sample2.tex") as well.
+Most documents processed with a formatter have a collection of
+commands at the beginning of the file that establish settings
+for global parameters; this initialization section is sometimes
+called the {\sl preamble}. In \LaTeX\ compuscripts, the
+preamble is that portion of the file before the
+\verb"\begin{document}" command.
+The first piece of markup in the compuscript must declare the
+overall style of the document.
+The \verb"\documentstyle" command must appear first in any
+\LaTeX\ file, and this one specifies the main style to be
+the \LaTeX\ {\tt article} style using twelve point fonts,
+with modifications and additions for the {\tt aasms} substyle.
+It is preferable to use fonts at twelve points to prevent
+illegibility due to exceedingly long lines
+(too many characters on a line make it hard to read).
+The {\tt aasms} substyle will issue a warning message
+if the font size is smaller than twelve points; the file will
+still be processed.
+Tightening the vertical spacing
+in the text results in output that is more attractive for distribution
+to colleagues who are primarily interested in reading the paper, as
+opposed to copy editing it. Authors may include~a
+declaration in the preamble to direct \LaTeX\ to produce
+a somewhat denser manuscript.
+If the authors prefer not to insert this markup directly,
+the same effect can be achieved with the \verb"tighten"
+document substyle.
+Double-spaced output for referees and
+copy editors is the main objective of this style, hence
+the double-spacing occurs by default.
+Neither the \verb"\tightenlines" command nor the \verb"tighten"
+substyle should be used for manuscripts
+submitted to the editorial office for scientific review.
+\subsubsection*{Two-column format}
+We acknowledge that people would probably be happier with this macro package
+if they could produce two-column pages that look like the {\it Ap.J}\null.
+However, that is not the primary goal of this project at the present
+time; besides, this is easier said than done.
+Our solution is to provide format options within the preprint styles
+themselves so that output format can be changed.
+For instance, within the {\tt aasms} substyle is
+\verb"\tightenlines", which effectively turns off the double-spacing.
+The primary motivation behind this idea is to provide some
+definitions that permit institutions to distribute ``pretty'' preprints
+with this package. (Of course, we make the glaring assumption that we
+can determine what someone else will think is pretty.)
+The {\tt aaspp} substyle has the principle function of setting
+up two-column output.
+Although it is quite obvious, it is important to remember
+that text lines are considerably shorter when two of them are typeset
+side by side on a page. Long equations, wide tables and figures, and
+the like, may not typeset in this format without some adjustments.
+It is our opinion that great effort to adapt copy and markup for
+two-column pages may be counterproductive.
+Remember that the main
+goal of this package at this point is to produce ``correct'' draft
+(or referee) format pages;
+it is the responsibility of the editors and publishers to
+produce publication format papers for the journals.
+The {\tt aaspp} substyle does not
+impose a format for the article's front matter,
+although there is often merit in setting the title, author, abstract,
+and keyword material on a separate page at full text width.
+The author may supply the
+\verb"\twocolumn" command wherever desired.
+Note that the two-column format begins at the point \verb"\twocolumn"
+appears in the text, and if that point is before the front-matter,
+it will be typeset in two-column mode along with the rest of the paper.
+For purposes of producing ``pretty'' output, it is probably desirable
+to put this command after the abstract and keywords, just before the
+body of the paper.
+If \verb"\twocolumn" is not specified explicitly in {\tt aaspp}
+style documents, the introductory material of the paper will be set
+in one-column mode; the first \verb"\section" command (presumably
+demarcating the beginning of the main body of the article) will
+engage the two-column mode.
+\subsubsection*{Slug line data}
+Journal and article identification information is established by the
+editorial staff. The following macros could be used by personnel at the
+editorial office to record slug-line data and would be included
+in the manuscript preamble.
+For preprints and submitted manuscripts in draft/referee format, etc.,
+the slug-line information is irrelevant and in those kinds of style,
+the data are never used.
+There are no commands in these styles that typeset the information,
+hence there is no real reason to include slug-line markup in manuscripts.
+\subsection*{Starting the main body}
+None of the markup that appears in the preamble actually typesets
+anything; the preamble is only a control section.
+The author must include a
+command to identify the beginning of the main textual
+portion of the compuscript.
+\subsection*{Title, byline, abstract, etc.}
+Title and author identification are by way of standard \LaTeX\ commands
+\verb"\title" and \verb"\author", although the macros themselves are
+somewhat different.
+The information is typeset by these macros in this style, rather than
+simply being buffered for later use, as in standard \LaTeX.
+The authors' principal affiliation is specified with
+a separate macro \verb"\affil".
+Each \verb"\author" command
+should be followed by a corresponding \verb"\affil" (or address).
+\verb"\title{LUCID TEXT}"\\
+The \verb"\affil" command provides the only opportunity
+to give the author's full postal address,
+and that is what is anticipated for {\small ADDRESS}.
+The address can be broken over several lines by using the
+\LaTeX\ \verb"\\" command to indicate the line breaks.
+Usually, however, postal information will fit on one line.
+Authors often have affiliations in addition to their principal employer,
+and these are specified with the \verb"\altaffilmark"
+and \verb"\altaffiltext" commands.
+These behave like the \verb"\footnotemark"
+and \verb"\footnotetext" commands of \LaTeX.
+\verb"\altaffilmark" is appended to author's names in the \verb"\author"
+lists, and generates superscript identification numbers.
+The text for the individual alternate affiliations is generated by the
+\verb"\altaffiltext" command.
+\verb"\altaffilmark{TAG NUMBER(S)}"\\
+\verb"\altaffiltext{NUMERICAL TAG}{TEXT}"
+It is up to the author to make sure that the \verb"\altaffilmark" numbers
+attached to authors' names correspond to the correct alternate affiliation,
+i.e., that {\small TAG NUMBER == NUMERICAL TAG} for
+corresponding {\small TEXT}.
+The typesetting performed by all of the title and byline commands
+is appropriate for the top of the first text page of the manuscript
+(as opposed to a title page).
+The paper abstract should be enclosed in an {\tt abstract} environment.
+{\it abstract text\/}\\
+The {\tt aasms} style will print a pair of horizontal rules before the
+abstract. These are present so that the editorial staff can enter the
+``received'' and ``accepted'' dates for the paper. The author should
+not include \verb"\received" and \verb"\accepted" commands in the
+manuscript, since these dates are not usually known at submission time.
+The {\tt aaspp} style does not print the rules or the dates.
+Keywords, subject headings, etc., are accommodated
+as a single piece of text.
+The \verb"\keywords" command indents if necessary and supplies
+the proper leading text (``Keywords:'', ``Subject headings:'', etc.).
+The author should supply keywords delimited by commas.
+The \LaTeX\ {\tt article} environment supports three levels of
+sectioning. (Actually, it supports more, but these are the
+relevant ones.)
+Note that these commands delimit sections by marking the
+{\sl beginning\/} of each section;
+there are not separate commands to identify the {\sl ends}.
+In addition, WGAS compuscript styles support an
+\verb"\acknowledgments" section.
+In the WGAS substyles, acknowledgments are set off from the
+concluding main body text simply by vertical space
+(no heading or type size change).
+For use in producing output for specific journals,
+this macro might generate text saying ``Acknowledg[e]ments''.
+Citations may be called out either explicitly by the author without
+any markup, or the \LaTeX\ \verb"\cite" command may be used.
+The {\small TAG} must correspond to a {\small TAG} given in
+a \verb"\bibitem" command in the {\tt thebibliography} environment
+(see below).
+Displayed equations can be typeset in many ways using the standard
+displayed math environments of \LaTeX;
+these three are probably of greatest use.
+The {\tt displaymath} environment will break out a single,
+unnumbered formula. The equation will appear the same if it
+is set in an {\tt equation} environment, and it will be
+autonumbered by \LaTeX.
+In order to set several formul\ae\ in which vertical alignment
+is required, use the {\tt eqnarray} environment.
+Sometimes it is appropriate to number equations by section,
+rather than sequentially through the whole paper.
+When this is required,
+should be specified in the document preamble.
+As is the case with tightening the interline spacing
+(\verb"\tightenlines", above), authors need not insert
+the extra markup command in the text.
+The same effect can be achieved with the \verb"mathsec"
+document substyle.
+Citation management can be complex, and systems have been
+developed to assist authors in preparing bibliographies.
+The program that manages references within the \TeX\ family
+is called BIB\TeX, and it is designed to work in conjunction
+with the citation and reference list capabilities of \LaTeX.
+References and citations can be handled in several ways with
+the WGAS macro package. It is possible to use the semantics
+of \LaTeX's {\tt thebibliography} environment,
+marking citations with \verb"\cite" and associating references
+with them via \verb"\bibitem". The \verb"\cite"-\verb"\bibitem"
+mechanism associates citations and references symbolically
+while maintaining proper citation syntax within the paper.
+The author must create the citation label for each reference
+in proper journal format in the \verb"\bibitem" command.
+\verb"\bibitem[LABEL]{TAG} \reference" {\it bibliographic data\/}\\
+\verb" ."\\
+\verb" ."\\
+where {\small LABEL} must adhere to journal standards, e.g., ``Abt 1986''.
+For the time being, there
+is no compelling reason to force an implementation based on BIB\TeX,
+although it should be possible to build reference lists with
+BIB\TeX\ if authors choose.
+(It is also possible to define a bibliographic style for BIB\TeX\ so
+that citations and reference lists are formatted correctly automatically.)
+It is not necessary to use the {\tt thebibliography} environment.
+Many authors are comfortable with the standard
+process of entering citations in the proper format directly
+in the body of an article, and then organizing the reference
+list themselves.
+There is also a {\tt references} environment that simply sets off
+the list of references and adjusts spacing parameters.
+\verb"\reference" {\it bibliographic data\/}\\
+\verb" ."\\
+\verb" ."\\
+It is not possible to use \verb"\bibitem"s
+within the {\tt references} environment,
+nor will \verb"\cite" commands work properly in the main body.
+Observe that the {\it bibliographic data\/} supplied by the author must
+conform to the standards of the journal. We have elected not to burden
+authors with tedious \LaTeX\ commands which would require many curly braces
+to delimit the bibliographic fields because many of the journals we have
+targeted in this project have agreed to reduce typographic overhead (bolding,
+italicizing, etc.) in reference lists (Abt 1990);
+in any event, these macros can be expanded to whatever abbreviations are
+desired by the various editor(s).
+It is the responsibility of the author to get these fields in the proper
+order with the correct punctuation; the information will be typeset as is,
+i.e., in roman with no size or style changes.
+\subsubsection*{Abbreviations for journals}
+There are macros for many of the oft-referenced journals so that authors
+may use the \LaTeX\ names rather than having to look up a particular journal's
+specific abbreviation. In principle, all the journals should be using the
+same abbreviations, too, but it is fair to anticipate some changes in the
+specific abbreviations before a set is finally settled on. As long as
+these macros are kept up to date, authors need not be concerned about
+such editorial changes.
+\verb"\aj" & Astronomical Journal\\
+\verb"\araa" & Annual Review of Astronomy\\
+ & \hspace*{1em} and Astrophysics\\
+\verb"\apj" & Astrophysical Journal\\
+\verb"\apjl" & \rule[.5ex]{2em}{.4pt}, Letters to the Editor\\
+\verb"\apjs" & \rule[.5ex]{2em}{.4pt}, Supplement Series\\
+\verb"\applopt" & Applied Optics\\
+\verb"\apss" & Astrophysics and Space Science\\
+\verb"\aap" & Astronomy and Astrophysics\\
+\verb"\aaps" & \rule[.5ex]{2em}{.4pt}, Supplement Series\\
+\verb"\azh" & Astronomicheskii Zhurnal\\
+\verb"\baas" & Bulletin of the AAS\\
+\verb"\jrasc" & Journal of the RAS of Canada\\
+\verb"\memras" & Memoirs of the RAS\\
+\verb"\mnras" & Monthly Notices of the RAS\\
+\verb"\pra" & Physical Review A: General Physics\\
+\verb"\prb" & Physical Review B: Solid State\\
+\verb"\prc" & Physical Review C:\\
+\verb"\prd" & Physical Review D:\\
+\verb"\prl" & Physical Review Letters\\
+\verb"\pasp" & Publications of the ASP\\
+\verb"\pasj" & Publications of the ASJ\\
+\verb"\qjras" & Quarterly Journal of the RAS\\
+\verb"\skytel" & Sky and Telescope\\
+\verb"\sovast" & Soviet Astronomy\\
+\verb"\ssr" & Space Science Reviews\\
+\verb"\zap" & Zeitschrift f\"ur Astrophysik\\
+\subsection*{Tables and figures}
+Tables should appear in {\tt table} environments.
+There should be only one table per environment, and for many
+journals, only one table per page.
+The {\tt table} environment encloses not only the tabular
+material but also any title (caption) or footnote information
+associated with the table.
+Tabular information is typeset within \LaTeX's
+{\tt tabular} environment.
+\verb"\begin{tabular}{"{\it cols\/}\verb"}"\\
+where {\it cols\/} specifies the formatting for each column.
+There is a \verb"\tableline" command for use in {\tt tabular}
+This command produces the horizontal rule(s) between the column headings
+and the body of the table.
+Authors are discouraged from using any \verb"\hlines" themselves,
+and are typically forbidden from using vertical rules by editors.
+Titles or captions for tables are indicated with
+Tables will be identified with arabic numerals, e.g., ``Table 2'';
+the identifying text, including the number, is generated automatically
+by \verb"\caption" within the \verb"table" environment.
+Footnotes for tables are usually identified by lower case letters
+rather than numbers.
+Marking and assigning associated text is achieved with
+the \verb"\tablenotemark" and \verb"\tablenotetext"
+commands, in which the note identifier is required
+(cf. \verb"\altaffilmark" and \verb"\altaffiltext").
+The \verb"\tablenotetext" {\sl must} be specified before
+the enclosing \verb"\end{table}", since the text of
+notes to tables are displayed by that command.
+\verb"\tablenotemark{TAG LETTER(S)}"\\
+\verb"\tablenotetext{ALPHA TAG}{TEXT}"
+Note that {\small TAG LETTER == ALPHA TAG} for corresponding {\small TEXT}.
+It is the responsibility of the author to get the correspondence correct.
+The table footnotes are coupled to the table in which they occur, rather
+than being associated with a particular page, and they are printed with
+the table (relatively close to the caption) instead of appearing at the
+extreme bottom of the page. This is done to ensure that the notes wind
+up on the same page as the table, since tables are floats and can migrate
+from one page to another.
+At the present time, there is no universal way to include
+non-textual data in compuscripts, even if they are graphical
+images produced digitally. This situation will surely change,
+but it is not addressed by this version of the WGAS macro package.
+Figures must still be submitted with manuscripts in the usual
+way, and only the figure captions need to be generated with the
+text of the paper. They can be typeset in the traditional way
+without using any markup, or they can be produced within an
+otherwise empty {\tt figure} environment.
+When the {\tt figure} environment is used, the figure identification,
+e.g., ``Figure 1'', is generated automatically by \verb"\caption".
+It is usually acceptable for several figure captions to appear
+on the same page.
+Footnotes are {\sl not} supported for figures.
+Here are some handy things people tend to work out for themselves anyway.
+Many of the definitions come from the {\it A\&A\/} package (Springer 1989);
+some are contributions from individuals.
+You can go berserk making these up,
+especially when you start getting into the composite ones. We have
+tried to select a tractable number that were useful, and somewhat
+difficult to get right because fussy kerning or some such is required.
+\verb"\deg" & \deg &
+\verb"\sq" & \sq \\
+\verb"\sun" & \sun &
+\verb"\earth" & \earth \\
+\verb"\arcmin" & \arcmin &
+\verb"\arcsec" & \arcsec \\
+\verb"\fd" & \fd &
+\verb"\fh" & \fh \\
+\verb"\fm" & \fm &
+\verb"\fs" & \fs \\
+\verb"\fdg" & \fdg &
+\verb"\farcm" & \farcm \\
+\verb"\farcs" & \farcs &
+\verb"\fp" & \fp \\
+\verb"\micron" & \micron & \\[.8ex]
+\verb"\onehalf" & \onehalf &
+\verb"\ubvr" & \ubvr \\
+\verb"\onethird" & \onethird &
+\verb"\ub" & \ub \\
+\verb"\twothirds" & \twothirds &
+\verb"\bv" & \bv \\
+\verb"\onequarter" & \onequarter &
+\verb"\vr" & \vr \\
+\verb"\threequarters" & \threequarters &
+\verb"\ur" & \ur \\[.8ex]
+\verb"$\la$" & $\la$ &
+\verb"$\ga$" & $\ga$ \\
+Most of these commands can be used in running text as well as when
+setting mathematical expressions.
+\verb"\la" and \verb"\ga" can only be used in math mode,
+which is sensible since they are relations.
+It is possible to use \verb"\earth" and \verb"\sun" as subscripts,
+e.g., \verb"$1.4 M_{\sun}$" yields $1.4 M_{\sun}$.
+\subsection*{Concluding the file}
+The last thing in a \LaTeX\ file should be the
+command, which appears after all the back matter of the paper.
+This command directs \LaTeX\ to perform assorted termination
+activities and finish processing.
+\section{Additional documentation}
+The preceding detailed explanation of the markup commands in this
+package has certain merit, but many authors will prefer to examine
+the sample papers that are included with the style files.
+The purely instructional examples are named \verb"sample1.tex"
+and \verb"sample2.tex". The file \verb"sample1.tex" is a paper prepared
+with the WGAS macros utilizing a {\sl minimal\/} amount of markup.
+A more ``complete'' paper requiring nearly all of the capabilities
+of the package is provided as \verb"sample2.tex";
+this file is annotated with comments that describe
+the purpose of most of the markup.
+We have also included in the distribution the source files for our
+AAS posters, marked up as they would be for submission;
+they are called \verb"paper1.tex" and \verb"paper2.tex".
+This user guide (\verb"manual.tex")
+is also marked up with the WGAS macro package,
+although it is not exemplary as a scientific paper.
+A number of the markup commands described in the preceding
+sections are standard \LaTeX\ macros, and the reader who is
+unfamiliar with their syntax is referred to the \LaTeX\
+manual (Lamport 1985) for details. A cribsheet listing all
+the \LaTeX\ commands (and some pertinent plain \TeX\ commands)
+with short descriptions of each is published by the \TeX\ Users
+Group (Botway and Biemesderfer 1989).
+Authors who wish to know the ins and outs of \TeX\ itself
+should read the {\it\TeX book} (Knuth 1984), probably more than once.
+There is a good deal of information about typography in general
+in this source. Many details of mathematical typography are
+discussed in a book by Swanson (1971).
+The goals and objectives of this project have changed somewhat
+since we first wrote on the this subject
+(Biemesderfer and Hanisch 1989).
+A discussion of some of the issues surrounding standardized
+markup for compuscripts has been presented elsewhere
+(Hanisch and Biemesderfer 1990).
+\reference Abt, H. 1990, \apj, 357, 1 (editorial)
+\reference Biemesderfer, C. and Hanisch R. 1989, \baas, 21, 780
+\reference Botway, L. and Biemesderfer, C. 1989,
+ {\it \LaTeX\ Command Summary}, Providence: \TeX\ Users Group
+\reference Hanisch, R. and Biemesderfer, C. 1990, \baas, 22, 829
+\reference Knuth, D. 1984, {\it The \TeX book}, Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley
+\reference Lamport, L. 1985,
+ {\it \LaTeX: A Document Preparation System\/}, Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley
+\reference Springer-Verlag. 1989,
+ {\it Springer-Verlag \TeX\ AA macro package 1989},
+ Springer: Heidelberg
+\reference Springer-Verlag. 1990,
+ {\it Springer-Verlag \LaTeX\ AA macro package 1990},
+ Springer: Heidelberg
+\reference Swanson, E. 1971, {\it Mathematics Into Type}