path: root/obsolete/macros/latex/contrib/yt4pdf/yt4pdf.sty
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'obsolete/macros/latex/contrib/yt4pdf/yt4pdf.sty')
1 files changed, 346 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/latex/contrib/yt4pdf/yt4pdf.sty b/obsolete/macros/latex/contrib/yt4pdf/yt4pdf.sty
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7bed0d2499
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/latex/contrib/yt4pdf/yt4pdf.sty
@@ -0,0 +1,346 @@
+%% This is file `yt4pdf.sty',
+%% generated with the docstrip utility.
+%% The original source files were:
+%% yt4pdf.dtx (with options: `copyright,package')
+%% yt4pdf.sty package, 2010-09-10 %%
+%% Copyright (C) 2010 D. P. Story %%
+%% %%
+%% %%
+%% This program can redistributed and/or modified under %%
+%% the terms of the LaTeX Project Public License %%
+%% Distributed from CTAN archives in directory %%
+%% macros/latex/base/lppl.txt; either version 1 of the %%
+%% License, or (at your option) any later version. %%
+ [2016/10/04 v1.1 yt4pdf: Play You Tube videos in PDF, Acrobat Distiller only (dps)]
+\newcommand{\ytFolder}{C:/Users/Public/Documents/My TeX Files/%
+\def\yt@namegdef#1{\expandafter\gdef\csname #1\endcsname}
+\def\yt@namexdef#1{\expandafter\xdef\csname #1\endcsname}
+ \@ifundefined{#2@ytrmname}{\yt@namegdef{#2@ytrmname}{#1}}%
+ {\PackageError{yt2pdf}{The name `#2' is already defined
+ for\MessageBreak this \string\ytRmAnnot}{Choose a unique
+ name for this \string\ytRmAnnot, one different from `#2'.}}%
+ \setkeys*{ytRmAnnot}{#1}\gdef\ytCurrRMAName{#2}%
+ \ifx\ytrmannot@play\@empty\else
+ \makebox[0pt][l]{\pushButton[\BC{}\BG{}\S{S}
+ \AA{\AAPageOpen{aebStartPlayer(\thisNamedRMA(#2),%
+ "\ytrmannot@play",true);}\AAPageClose{aebCancelWait(false);}}
+ ]{btnRmAnnot#2}{1bp}{1bp}}\let\ytrmannot@load\@empty\fi
+ \ifx\ytrmannot@load\@empty
+ \else\makebox[0pt][l]{\pushButton[\BC{}\BG{}\S{S}
+ \AA{\AAPageOpen{aebStartPlayer(\thisNamedRMA(#2),%
+ "\ytrmannot@load",false);}\AAPageClose{aebCancelWait(false);}}
+ ]{btnRmAnnot#2}{1bp}{1bp}}\fi
+ \rmAnnot[\XKV@rm,name=#2,enabled=onclick]{#3}{#4}{ytSWF}%
+ \endgroup
+ \ifx\argi\@empty\gdef\ytCurrRMAName{#2}\else
+ \gdef\ytCurrRMAName{[#1]#2}\fi
+\ytBtnPresets{\BC{.5 0 0}\S{S}\textFont{HeBo}\autoCenter{n}}
+ \def\yt@rm{this.getAnnotRichMedia(#1,"#2")}}
+ \expandafter\oyt@RMA\ytCurrRMAName\@nil%
+ \pushButton[\CA{\ytStrPAUSE}\presets{\yt@Presets}#1
+ \A{\JS{ytPlayToggle(\yt@rm);}}]{playToggle}{#2}{#3}%
+ \expandafter\oyt@RMA\ytCurrRMAName\@nil%
+ \pushButton[\CA{\ytStrStopLoading}\presets{\yt@Presets}#1
+ \A{\JS{\yt@rm.callAS("stopVideo");}}]{vidStop}{#2}{#3}%
+ \expandafter\oyt@RMA\ytCurrRMAName\@nil%
+ \pushButton[\CA{\ytStrMUTE}\presets{\yt@Presets}#1
+ \A{\JS{ytMuteToggle(\yt@rm);}}]{muteToggle}{#2}{#3}%
+ \expandafter\oyt@RMA\ytCurrRMAName\@nil%
+ \pushButton[\CA{\ytStrREWIND}\presets{\yt@Presets}#1
+ \A{\JS{ytRewind(\yt@rm);}}]{ytRewind}{#2}{#3}%
+ \expandafter\oyt@RMA\ytCurrRMAName\@nil%
+ \pushButton[\CA{\ytStrLoadVideo}\presets{\yt@Presets}#1
+ \A{\JS{ytSelect(\yt@rm,"#2");}}]{selectVid}{#3}{#4}%
+ \expandafter\oyt@RMA\ytCurrRMAName\@nil%
+ \pushButton[\CA{\ytStrWatchOnWeb}\presets{\yt@Presets}#1
+ \A{\JS{ytOpenWeb(\yt@rm);}}]{playOnWeb}{#2}{#3}%
+ {\def\yt@lnk@play{true}\yt@@vId}}
+ \oyt@RMA#1\@nil\setLink[\presets{\yt@vIdPresets}
+ \A{\JS{aebStartPlayer(\yt@rm,"#2",\yt@lnk@play);}}]{#3}}
+ \ytPlayList@i}
+ \@makeother\_\@makeother\-
+ \yt@declarePlayList}
+ \gdef#1{#2}\egroup}
+\newcount\ytListCnt \ytListCnt=0
+ \def\yt@argi{#1}\ifx\yt@argi\@empty\global\advance\ytListCnt1\relax
+ \gdef\yt@BaseName{\yt@CurrRMAName\the\ytListCnt}\else
+ \gdef\yt@BaseName{\yt@CurrRMAName#1}\fi
+ \expandafter\oyt@RMA\ytCurrRMAName\@nil%
+ \comboBox[\DV{\yt@pl@def}\V{\yt@pl@def}
+ \presets{\yt@ComboListPresets}#1]{ytSelect\yt@BaseName}
+ {#2}{#3}{\yt@pl@pl}%
+ \expandafter\oyt@RMA\ytCurrRMAName\@nil%
+ \pushButton[\CA{\ytStrPLAY}\presets{\yt@ComboBtnPresets}#1
+ \A{\JS{var f=this.getField("ytSelect\yt@BaseName");\r
+ aebStartPlayer(\yt@rm,f.value,!event.shift);
+ }}]{ytSelectBtn\yt@BaseName}{#2}{#3}%
+\newcommand{\ytPopupMenuData}[1]{{\toks0={// yt4pdf: Begin popup menu data^^J}%
+ \@tfor\yt@menu:=#1\do{%
+ \toks2=\expandafter{\yt@menu}%
+ \edef\@tmp@exp{\the\toks0\the\toks2^^J}%
+ \toks0=\expandafter{\@tmp@exp}%
+ }\xdef\ytPopupData{\the\toks0// End of popup menu data}%
+\def\ytPopupData{// No popup menu data defined}%
+\newcommand{\ytStrStopLoading}{Stop Loading}
+\newcommand{\ytStrLoadVideo}{Load Video}
+\newcommand{\ytStrWatchOnWeb}{Watch on YouTube}
+\newcommand{\ytRespQues}{Enter the YouTube Video ID}
+\newcommand{\ytRespTitle}{Load a Video}
+\newcommand{\ytStrErrorVideoNotFound}{Error: Video not found}
+\newcommand{\ytStrErrorNoEmbed}{Error: This video does not allow
+ embedded playback \r\r Would you like to view this video
+ on the web?}
+\newcommand{\ytStrConnecTimedOut}{Connection timed out, try again.}
+\begin{newsegment}{yt4PDF: YouTube for PDF JavaScript}
+ Document-level script for YouTube player
+ Document-level script for the PDFtube embedded YouTube player
+ ***************************************************************
+ Functions to be called by buttons or links on the PDF
+ in each case, "rm" is the RichMedia annot containing the player
+ All these are optional and can be renamed or edited as required
+ ***********************************************************
+// toggle play/pause (button labels updated by event functions)
+function ytPlayToggle(rm) {
+ var ps = rm.callAS("getPlayerState");
+ rm.callAS((ps == 1)? "pauseVideo" : "playVideo");
+// toggle mute (have to update button labels ourselves)
+function ytMuteToggle(rm) {
+ var im = rm.callAS("isMuted");
+ if (im) {
+ rm.callAS("unMute");
+ } else {
+ rm.callAS("mute");
+ }
+// Ask the user for the ID number of a new video, and play it
+function ytSelect(rm,vID) {
+ var rsp = app.response({
+ cQuestion: "\ytRespQues",
+ cTitle: "\ytRespTitle",
+ cDefault: vID,
+ cLabel: "\ytRespLabel"});
+ if (rsp !=null && rsp != "")
+ aebStartPlayer(rm,rsp,true); // dps
+// open the video's YouTube page in the web browser
+function ytOpenWeb(rm) {
+ var link = rm.callAS("getVideoUrl");
+ if (link != null) {
+ app.launchURL(link,true);
+ rm.activated = false;
+ }
+// rewind (seek to zero)
+function ytRewind(rm) { rm.callAS("seekTo",0); }
+ ************************************************************
+ Functions called by the player itself, in response to events
+ as the events are "external", the annot is not the target.
+ These functions must exist and match the names in the SWF.
+ ***********************************************************
+function ytPlayerReady() {
+ // this is the place to load your default video - for example...
+ console.println("<YT> Player loaded and ready");
+ // this.getAnnotsRichMedia(this.pageNum)[0].callAS("loadVideoById",
+ // "eNzrn8-JFSE",0);
+ aebStartPlayer.isPlayerReady=true; // dps
+function ytStateChange(st) {
+ // Possible values are unstarted (-1), ended (0), playing (1),
+ // paused (2), buffering (3), video cued (5)
+ var lbl = "";
+ console.println("<YT> State changed to " + st);
+ if (st == 0) lbl = "\ytStrREPLAY";
+ else if (st == 1) lbl = "\ytStrPAUSE";
+ else if (st == 3) lbl = "\ytStrBuffering";
+ else if (st == 2 || st == 5) lbl = "\ytStrPLAY";
+ if (lbl) this.getField("playToggle").buttonSetCaption(lbl);
+function ytPlaybackQualityChange(str) {
+ // Possible values are "small", "medium", "large" and "hd720"
+ console.println("<YT> Quality changed to " + str);
+function ytProgress(q) {
+ // q has four properties that you can use to update form fields,
+ // such as...
+ //this.getField("currentTime").value = q.CurrentTime;
+ //this.getField("Duration").value = q.Duration;
+ //this.getField("BytesLoaded").value = q.BytesLoaded;
+ //this.getField("BytesTotal").value = q.BytesTotal;
+function ytError(err) {
+ // Video cannot be played
+ console.println("<YT> ERROR code " + err + " received");
+ if (err == 100)
+ app.alert("\ytStrErrorVideoNotFound", 0, 0, "YouTube");
+ else {
+ var resp=app.alert("\ytStrErrorNoEmbed", 1, 3, "YouTube");
+ if (resp==4) {
+ aebCancelWait(false);
+ ytOpenWeb(aebStartPlayer.annot);
+ }
+ }
+ We start the player if the annot is activated, if not,
+ we set annot.activated=true, and wait for the widget to say it
+ is ready. When ready, ytPlayerReady() sets
+ aebStartPlayer.isPlayerReady=true
+function aebStartPlayer(rm,Id,bPlay) {
+ aebStartPlayer.annot=rm;
+ if (aebStartPlayer.annot.activated)
+ aebStartPlayer.annot.callAS(%
+ else {
+ aebCancelWait(false);
+ aebStartPlayer.annot.activated=true;
+ aebStartPlayer.isPlayerReady=false;
+ aebStartPlayer.twait=app.setInterval(%
+"aebCancelWait(true)", 10000);
+ }
+ If the player is ready, we start the video, and clear
+ the setInterval, otherwise, we wait.
+function aebWait4Ready(Id,bPlay) {
+ if (aebStartPlayer.isPlayerReady) {
+ aebCancelWait(false);
+ aebStartPlayer.annot.callAS(%
+ }
+function aebCancelWait(bNotify) {
+ var twait=aebStartPlayer.twait;
+ if (!=null)
+ try { app.clearTimeOut(; } catch(e) {};
+ if (aebStartPlayer.twait!=null)
+ try { app.clearInterval(aebStartPlayer.twait); } catch(e) {}
+ aebStartPlayer.twait=null;
+ if ( bNotify && twait!=null ) app.alert("\ytStrConnecTimedOut");
+\begin{newsegment}{Popup Menu Data and JS}
+var aChoice;
+function ytProcessMenu(aMenu) {
+ var cChoice = \popUpMenu(aMenu);
+ if ( cChoice != null ) {
+ aChoice=eval(cChoice);
+ if (aChoice[1]=="") return null;
+ var thisChoice=aChoice[0];
+ if (ytProcessMenu.nChoice==undefined) {
+ ytProcessMenu.nChoice=thisChoice;
+ eval("aMenu"+ytProcessMenu.nChoice).bMarked=true;
+ } else {
+ eval("aMenu"+ytProcessMenu.nChoice).bMarked=false;
+ var oldnChoice=ytProcessMenu.nChoice;
+ ytProcessMenu.nChoice=thisChoice;
+ eval("aMenu"+ytProcessMenu.nChoice).bMarked=(oldnChoice==ytProcessMenu.nChoice)?false:true;
+ }
+ return aChoice;
+ } else return null;
+function ytPopupMenu(rmaName,ytmenu) {
+ var aChoice=ytProcessMenu(ytmenu);
+ var rm=this.getAnnotRichMedia(this.pageNum,rmaName);
+ if (aChoice!=null) {
+ if (ytProcessMenu.lastDescrip==undefined) {
+ aebStartPlayer(rm,aChoice[1],!event.shift);
+ } else {
+ if (ytProcessMenu.lastDescrip!=aChoice[1]) {
+ aebStartPlayer(rm,aChoice[1],!event.shift);
+ }
+ }
+ ytProcessMenu.lastDescrip=aChoice[1];
+ }
+%% End of file `yt4pdf.sty'.