path: root/obsolete/macros/generic
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4 files changed, 2036 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/generic/diagrams/barr/diagdoc.tex b/obsolete/macros/generic/diagrams/barr/diagdoc.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5dd69eb2c5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/generic/diagrams/barr/diagdoc.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,422 @@
+\input diagram
+\textheight=9in \topmargin=0pt\headheight=0pt\headsep=0pt
+\textwidth=6.5in \oddsidemargin=0pt
+{\catcode`\ =13\global\let =\ \catcode`\^^M=13
+\catcode`\ =13
+All commercial rights reserved. May be freely distributed
+and used with the following exceptions:\\
+1. No commercial use without explicit permission.\\
+2. It may not be distributed without this notice.
+\def\\{{\tt \char 92}}
+\section*{The diagram macros}
+The file diagram includes a number of macros for drawing commutative
+diagrams in special shapes as well as more flexible macros to paste
+together more complicated diagrams.
+In general, there are two kinds of macros. The first kind has the
+following form
+{\tt \\shape\-name[shape\_\-parameters]} and is intended to be used in
+the following way:
+This will create a shape with the given parameters. It operates by
+building its own picture environment.
+The second kind of procedure must be used inside a picture environment
+and allows the user to put a diagram of a given size and shape at a
+given place. The usual way in which this is used is:
+\putshape1<optional parameters>(x1,y1)[shape_parameters1]
+\putshape(xn,yn)<optional parameters>[shape_parametersn]
+Here is an example of the first kind of macro. I will have to explain a
+few details before giving examples of the second. The code
+produces the diagram
+and the code
+produces the diagram
+The reason for the shape name will be explained later.
+If an arrow label extends especially high or low, the space
+automatically expands to match. For example,
+will get the diagram
+and so on.
+Before going on, I will explain about the parameters. Any shape will
+have one or two parameters for height and/or length as well as one
+parameter for each arrow in the diagram. These are in addition to the
+parameters used in the actual procedures. For example, the procedure
+gives the square:
+The meaning is as follows. The first four parameters refer to four
+arrows in linguistic order (top, left, right, bottom). A negative
+number gives a backward arrow, while a zero causes it to be omitted. A
+parameter with an absolute value of 1 is ordinary, while 2 gives an
+arrow with a tail (monomorphism) and 3 a double headed arrow
+(epimorphism). The last two parameters determine the width and height,
+respectively, in units of 0.01 em (an em is the width of an M, the
+widest letter in a font). It should be noted that it is not
+possible to give only some of the optional parameters; either all
+must be given or none is.
+Here are the shapes. We have already seen the shape {\tt \\square}.
+There are eight different triangles, all isoceles right triangles in
+different orientations. The names all have the form {\tt
+\\xtriangle}, where x is the letter that most closely resembles the
+actual shape of the triangle.
+Here are the names, followed by a sample of each one:
+\item{\tt \\btriangle}\samepage
+\item{\tt \\dtriangle}\samepage
+\item{\tt \\ptriangle}\samepage
+\item{\tt \\qtriangle}\samepage
+\item{\tt \\Atriangle}\samepage
+\item{\tt \\Vtriangle}\samepage
+\item{\tt \\Ctriangle}\samepage
+\item{\tt \\Dtriangle}\samepage
+In addition, there are two special diagrams that come up often enough to
+be worth having a special macros for.
+\item{\tt \\Atrianglepair}\samepage
+\item{\tt \\Vtrianglepair}\samepage
+Finally, there is one special shape that is probably not used by very
+many mathematicians. Still I have it and the user might as well share
+Notice what happens if the first parameter is empty:
+This takes care of the simple procedures. The remaining procedures are
+there as building blocks for more complicated diagrams.
+These take the form
+{\tt \\putshape(xpos,ypos)[shape\_parameters]}
+shape is one of the 11 shapes (excluding {\tt \\recurse}) described
+and the parms are as described there. The parameters {\tt xpos} and
+{\tt ypos} are the offsets from the lower left corner of the picture
+measured in umits of .01 em in the usual \LaTeX\ fashion.
+There is one
+more shape which is simply an arrow with an attached label. This is
+called {\tt \\putmorphism} and it is used with the syntax
+Here the parameters {\tt xpos} and
+{\tt ypos} are as above. The slope is {\tt rise/run} where {\tt rise}
+and {\tt run} are two numbers that give the slope in accordance with the
+\LaTeX\ rules. That is rise and run must have no common divisor and
+must not exceed 4 in absolute value. In addition, these procedures are
+defined so that rise must not be positive and if it is zero, then run
+must be positive. In other words, all arrows must go in the linguistic
+direction, downwards or to the right. Arrows can be made to go in the
+reverse direction as explained below.
+The next three parameters are the node that appears first (in linguistic
+order), the one that appears second and the arrow label. The next
+paramater is the distance in the sense of \LaTeX\ between the centers of
+the nodes. This means it is the horizontal component of the distance,
+unless that is negative, in which case it is the vertical distance. The
+second parameter is the code for the arrowtype, an integer between -3
+and 3 with the same meaning as explained above. Using negative values
+of this parameter allows one to draw an arrow that goes upwards or left.
+Note, however, that node1 is always the node that is above or to the
+left of node2. The last parameter should have the value a,b,l,r or m.
+The values a and b are used only for horizontal arrows and direct the
+arrow label to be placed above or below the arrow. The values l and r
+are used for all other arrows and direct the label to be left or right
+of the arrow. Finally, a vertical arrow only can be given the parameter
+m, in which case the arrow will be gapped and the label placed in the
+middle of the gap.
+In general, the simple macros are designed to be used as indicated
+either in the display
+environment or in one of the others, usually
+The \\putshape macros must be used inside a picture environment that is
+normally placed inside a display or similar environment. The
+reference point for the positioning parameters is determined as the
+lower left corner of the smallest rectangle with sides parallel to the
+coordinate axes that includes the center points of all nodes on its
+border. This rectangle will be degenerate in the case of a horizontal
+or vertical morphism. The reference point may either be on or outside
+the actual figure. For example, in the case of the btriangle, it is the
+center of the lower left node, while for a qtriangle it is outside the
+triangle itself being the fourth corner of the enclosing square.
+The macros are made so that they fit together well. That is why all
+distances are from node centers to node centers. If a vertex is part of
+two shapes, it is probably best not to repeat it, since it is
+conceivable that round-off errors will cause its two appearances to be
+slightly offset. It can either be omitted or, since the width is used
+to determine the amount to shorten horizontal arrows, replaced by {\tt
+\\phantom} versions. Both methods are illustrated in the example given
+at the end.
+A somewhat baroque (but taken from an actual text) example illustrates
+most of these points.
+ T']{700}1a
+ \phantom{TT'}`T\sigma]{700}1b
+ \phantom{TT'T'}`TT'\sigma]{700}1a
+ \phantom{TT'}`T\mu']{700}1a
+ TT'T\eta'`\sigma T``T'T\eta']
+ \phantom{T'T'}`T'\sigma]{700}1b
+\putmorphism(700,700)(0,-1)[``\sigma TT']{700}1m
+\putmorphism(1400,700)(0,-1)[``\sigma T']{700}1m
+which produces
+ T']{700}1a
+ \phantom{TT'}`T\sigma]{700}1b
+ \phantom{TT'T'}`TT'\sigma]{700}1a
+ \phantom{TT'}`T\mu']{700}1a
+ TT'T\eta'`\sigma T``T'T\eta']
+ \phantom{T'T'}`T'\sigma]{700}1b
+\putmorphism(700,700)(0,-1)[``\sigma TT']{700}1m
+\putmorphism(1400,700)(0,-1)[``\sigma T']{700}1m
+Here is a page of samples of the results from the various
+{\tt\\putshapes}. The code
+produces the diagram:
+Added: For horizontal and vertical lines only, arrow parameters of
+$\pm4$, $\pm5$ and $\pm6$ will give dashed lines.
+Here is a double cube:
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/generic/diagrams/barr/diagram.tex b/obsolete/macros/generic/diagrams/barr/diagram.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2a322759d3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/generic/diagrams/barr/diagram.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,1048 @@
+% This should appear in a file named diagram.tex
+% Copyright 1988,1989 Michael Barr
+% Department of Mathematics and Statistics
+% McGill University
+% 805 Sherbrooke St., W
+% Montreal, Quebec, Canada
+% H3P 1S4
+% All commercial rights reserved. May be freely distributed
+% and used with the following exceptions:
+% 1. No commercial use without explicit permission.
+% 2. It may not be used by any employee of a telephone
+% company.
+% 3. It may not be distributed without this notice.
+% Last revised 91-05-04
+% Ascii character test:
+% 32: 33: ! 34: " 35: # 36: $ 37: % 38: & 39: '
+% 40: ( 41: ) 42: * 43: + 44: , 45: - 46: . 47: /
+% 48: 0 49: 1 50: 2 51: 3 52: 4 53: 5 54: 6 55: 7
+% 56: 8 57: 9 58: : 59: ; 60: < 61: = 62: > 63: ?
+% 64: @ 65: A 66: B 67: C 68: D 69: E 70: F 71: G
+% 72: H 73: I 74: J 75: K 76: L 77: M 78: N 79: O
+% 80: P 81: Q 82: R 83: S 84: T 85: U 86: V 87: W
+% 88: X 89: Y 90: Z 91: [ 92: \ 93: ] 94: ^ 95: _
+% 96: ` 97: a 98: b 99: c 100: d 101: e 102: f 103: g
+% 104: h 105: i 106: j 107: k 108: l 109: m 110: n 111: o
+% 112: p 113: q 114: r 115: s 116: t 117: u 118: v 119: w
+% 120: x 121: y 122: z 123: { 124: | 125: } 126: ~
+\def\diagram{\m@th\leftwidth=\z@ \rightwidth=\z@ \topheight=\z@
+\botheight=\z@ \setbox\@picbox\hbox\bgroup}
+\ht\@picbox\topheight\unitlength \dp\@picbox\botheight\unitlength
+\newcount\wideness \newcount\leftwidth \newcount\rightwidth
+\newcount\highness \newcount\topheight \newcount\botheight
+\def\ratchet#1#2{\ifnum#1<#2 \global #1=#2 \fi}
+\horsize{\wideness}{#3} \divide\wideness by 2
+{\advance\wideness by #1 \ratchet{\rightwidth}{\wideness}}
+{\advance\wideness by -#1 \ratchet{\leftwidth}{\wideness}}
+\vertsize{\highness}{#3} \divide\highness by 2
+{\advance\highness by #2 \ratchet{\topheight}{\highness}}
+{\advance\highness by -#2 \ratchet{\botheight}{\highness}}
+{\advance\wideness by #1 \ratchet{\rightwidth}{\wideness}}
+\vertsize{\highness}{#3} \divide\highness by 2
+{\advance\highness by #2 \ratchet{\topheight}{\highness}}
+{\advance\highness by -#2 \ratchet{\botheight}{\highness}}
+{\advance\wideness by -#1 \ratchet{\leftwidth}{\wideness}}
+\vertsize{\highness}{#3} \divide\highness by 2
+{\advance\highness by #2 \ratchet{\topheight}{\highness}}
+{\advance\highness by -#2 \ratchet{\botheight}{\highness}}
+\def\adjust[#1]{} % For compatibility
+\newcount \coefa
+\newcount \coefb
+\newcount \coefc
+\setbox\@ne\hbox{\m@th$#2$}\ifnum\w@dth<\wd\@ne \w@dth=\wd\@ne \fi
+\advance\w@dth by 1.2em}
+%The definitions below look more elaborate than they need to be.
+%The reason is that an empty asscript will still cause extra vertical
+%spacing and the only way to avoid ugly extra space seems to be using
+%some such method as this.
+\mathop{\hbox to \w@dth{\rightarrowfill}}\limits
+\ifx\n@one\empty\else ^{\box\z@}\fi
+\ifx\n@two\empty\else _{\box\@ne}\fi}}
+\mathop{\hbox to \w@dth{\leftarrowfill}}\limits
+\ifx\n@one\empty\else ^{\box\z@}\fi
+\ifx\n@two\empty\else _{\box\@ne}\fi}}
+ \hbox to \w@dth{\rightarrowfill}%
+ \hbox to \w@dth{\rightarrowfill}}%
+ }\limits
+\ifx\n@one\empty\else ^{\box\z@}\fi
+\ifx\n@two\empty\else _{\box\@ne}\fi}}
+\def\tw@@^#1{\@ifnextchar _{\two@^{#1}}{\two@^{#1}_{}}}
+\def\two{\@ifnextchar ^{\tw@@}{\tw@@^{}}}
+\mathop{\vcenter{\hbox to \w@dth{\rightarrowfill}\kern-1.7ex
+ \hbox to \w@dth{\leftarrowfill}}%
+ }\limits
+\ifx\n@one\empty\else ^{\box\z@}\fi
+\ifx\n@two\empty\else _{\box\@ne}\fi}}
+\def\t@fr@^#1{\@ifnextchar_ {\tofr@^{#1}}{\tofr@^{#1}_{}}}
+\def\tofro{\@ifnextchar^ {\t@fr@}{\t@fr@^{}}}
+\def\epi{\mathop{\mathchar"221\mkern -12mu\mathchar"221}\limits}
+\def\leftepi{\mathop{\mathchar"220\mkern -12mu\mathchar"220}\limits}
+\def\mon{\mathop{\m@th\hbox to
+ 14.6\P@{\lasyb\char'51\hskip-2.1\P@$\arrext$\hss
+$\mathord\rightarrow$}}\limits} % width of \epi
+\def\leftmono{\mathrel{\m@th\hbox to
+}}\limits} % width of \epi
+\mathchardef\arrext="0200 % amr minus for arrow extension (see \into)
+\def\settypes(#1,#2,#3){\arrowtypea#1 \arrowtypeb#2 \arrowtypec#3}
+ \def\tokena{#1}\def\tokenb{#2}\def\tokenc{#3}\def\tokend{#4}}
+\arrowtypea #1
+\arrowtypeb #2
+\arrowtypec #3
+\arrowtyped #4
+\width #5
+\height #6
+\def\setpos(#1,#2){\xpos=#1 \ypos#2}
+\arrowtypea #1
+\arrowtypeb #2
+\arrowtypec #3
+\arrowtyped #4
+\arrowtypee #5
+\width #6
+\height #6
+\def\resetparms{\settripairparms[1`1`1`1`1;500]\width 500}%default values%
+\arrowlength #3
+\advance \arrowlength by-30
+\divide #1 by\unitlength
+\advance #1 by\tempdimen
+\divide #1 by\unitlength
+\ifnum \arrowtype<0
+ \ifnum \run=0
+ \advance \ypos by-\arrowlength
+ \else
+ \tempcounta \arrowlength
+ \multiply \tempcounta by\rise
+ \divide \tempcounta by\run
+ \ifnum\run>0
+ \advance \xpos by\arrowlength
+ \advance \ypos by\tempcounta
+ \else
+ \advance \xpos by-\arrowlength
+ \advance \ypos by-\tempcounta
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \multiply \arrowtype by-1
+ \multiply \rise by-1
+ \multiply \run by-1
+\ifcase \arrowtype
+\or \put(\xpos,\ypos){\vector(\run,\rise){\arrowlength}}%
+\or \put(\xpos,\ypos){\mvector(\run,\rise)\arrowlength}%
+\or \put(\xpos,\ypos){\evector(\run,\rise){\arrowlength}}%
+\xpos #1
+\ypos #2
+\arrowtype #4
+\halflength #3
+\arrowlength #3
+\gap 140
+\advance \halflength by-\gap
+\divide \halflength by2
+ \ifcase \arrowtype
+ \or \put(\xpos,\ypos){\line(0,-1){\halflength}}%
+ \advance\ypos by-\halflength
+ \advance\ypos by-\gap
+ \put(\xpos,\ypos){\vector(0,-1){\halflength}}%
+ \or \put(\xpos,\ypos){\line(0,-1)\halflength}%
+ \put(\xpos,\ypos){\vector(0,-1)3}%
+ \advance\ypos by-\halflength
+ \advance\ypos by-\gap
+ \put(\xpos,\ypos){\vector(0,-1){\halflength}}%
+ \or \put(\xpos,\ypos){\line(0,-1)\halflength}%
+ \advance\ypos by-\halflength
+ \advance\ypos by-\gap
+ \put(\xpos,\ypos){\evector(0,-1){\halflength}}%
+ \fi
+\else \arrowtype=-\arrowtype
+ \ifcase\arrowtype
+ \or \advance \ypos by-\arrowlength
+ \put(\xpos,\ypos){\line(0,1){\halflength}}%
+ \advance\ypos by\halflength
+ \advance\ypos by\gap
+ \put(\xpos,\ypos){\vector(0,1){\halflength}}%
+ \or \advance \ypos by-\arrowlength
+ \put(\xpos,\ypos){\line(0,1)\halflength}%
+ \put(\xpos,\ypos){\vector(0,1)3}%
+ \advance\ypos by\halflength
+ \advance\ypos by\gap
+ \put(\xpos,\ypos){\vector(0,1){\halflength}}%
+ \or \advance \ypos by-\arrowlength
+ \put(\xpos,\ypos){\line(0,1)\halflength}%
+ \advance\ypos by\halflength
+ \advance\ypos by\gap
+ \put(\xpos,\ypos){\evector(0,1){\halflength}}%
+ \fi
+\run #2
+\rise #3
+ \puthmorphism(#1)[#4`#5`#6]{#7}{#8}#9%
+ \putvmorphism(#1)[#4`#5`#6]{#7}{#8}#9%
+\arrowlength #7
+\arrowtype #8
+ \coefa=1
+ \coefa=-1
+ \coefb=0
+ \coefc=-1
+ \coefb=\coefa
+ \coefc=1
+ \arrowtype=-\arrowtype
+\multiply \width by\run
+\divide \width by\rise
+\ifnum \width<0 \width=-\width\fi
+\advance\width by60
+\if l#9 \width=-\width\fi
+\putbox(\xpos,\ypos){#4}% %node 1
+{\multiply \coefa by\arrowlength% %node 2
+\advance\xpos by\coefa
+\multiply \coefa by\rise
+\divide \coefa by\run
+\advance \ypos by\coefa
+\putbox(\xpos,\ypos){#5} }%
+{\multiply \coefa by\arrowlength% %label
+\divide \coefa by2
+\advance \xpos by\coefa
+\advance \xpos by\width
+\multiply \coefa by\rise
+\divide \coefa by\run
+\advance \ypos by\coefa
+\if l#9%
+ \putrbox(\xpos,\ypos){#6}%
+\else\if r#9%
+ \putlbox(\xpos,\ypos){#6}%
+\fi\fi }%
+{\multiply \rise by-\coefc% %arrow
+\multiply \run by-\coefc
+\multiply \coefb by\arrowlength
+\advance \xpos by\coefb
+\multiply \coefb by\rise
+\divide \coefb by\run
+\advance \ypos by\coefb
+\multiply \coefc by70
+\advance \ypos by\coefc
+\multiply \coefc by\run
+\divide \coefc by\rise
+\advance \xpos by\coefc
+\multiply \coefa by140
+\multiply \coefa by\run
+\divide \coefa by\rise
+\advance \arrowlength by\coefa
+\or \put(\xpos,\ypos){\vector(\run,\rise){\arrowlength}}%
+\or \put(\xpos,\ypos){\mvector(\run,\rise){\arrowlength}}%
+\or \put(\xpos,\ypos){\evector(\run,\rise){\arrowlength}}%
+\newcount\numbdashes \newcount\lengthdash \newcount\increment
+\def\howmanydashes{% Actually returns both number and length
+\numbdashes=\arrowlength \lengthdash=40
+\divide\numbdashes by \lengthdash
+\divide\lengthdash by \numbdashes
+%This futzing around is to minimize round-off error.
+\multiply\lengthdash by 3
+\divide\lengthdash by 5
+\ifnum#3=0 \putdashhvector(#1){#4}#5
+\arrowlength=#3 \howmanydashes
+{\vrule height .4pt width \lengthdash\unitlength}
+\arrowtype=#4 \xpos=#1
+\ifnum\arrowtype<0 \advance\arrowtype by 7 \fi
+\or \advance\xpos by 10
+ \put(\xpos,#2){\vector(-1,0){\lengthdash}}
+ \advance\xpos by 40
+ \put(\xpos,#2){\vector(-1,0){\lengthdash}}
+\or \advance \xpos by 10
+ \put(\xpos,#2){\vector(-1,0){\lengthdash}}
+ \advance\xpos by \arrowlength
+ \advance\xpos by -50
+ \put(\xpos,#2){\vector(-1,0){\lengthdash}}
+\or \advance\xpos by 10
+ \put(\xpos,#2){\vector(-1,0){\lengthdash}}
+\or \advance\xpos by \arrowlength
+ \advance\xpos by -\lengthdash
+ \put(\xpos,#2){\vector(1,0){\lengthdash}}
+\or {\advance\xpos by 10
+ \put(\xpos,#2){\vector(1,0){\lengthdash}}}
+ \advance\xpos by \arrowlength
+ \advance\xpos by -\lengthdash
+ \put(\xpos,#2){\vector(1,0){\lengthdash}}
+\or \advance\xpos by \arrowlength
+ \advance\xpos by -\lengthdash
+ \put(\xpos,#2){\vector(1,0){\lengthdash}}
+ \advance\xpos by -40
+ \put(\xpos,#2){\vector(1,0){\lengthdash}}
+ \fi
+\arrowlength=#3 \howmanydashes
+\ypos=#2 \advance\ypos by -\arrowlength
+ {\vrule width .4pt height \lengthdash\unitlength}
+\arrowtype=#4 \ypos=#2
+\ifnum\arrowtype<0 \advance\arrowtype by 7 \fi
+\or \advance\ypos by \arrowlength \advance\ypos by -40
+ \put(#1,\ypos){\vector(0,1){\lengthdash}}
+ \advance\ypos by -40
+ \put(#1,\ypos){\vector(0,1){\lengthdash}}
+\or \advance\ypos by 10
+ \put(#1,\ypos){\vector(0,1){\lengthdash}}
+ \advance\ypos by \arrowlength \advance\ypos by -40
+ \put(#1,\ypos){\vector(0,1){\lengthdash}}
+\or \advance\ypos by \arrowlength \advance\ypos by -40
+ \put(#1,\ypos){\vector(0,1){\lengthdash}}
+\or \advance\ypos by 10
+ \put(#1,\ypos){\vector(0,-1){\lengthdash}}
+\or \advance\ypos by 10
+ \put(#1,\ypos){\vector(0,-1){\lengthdash}}
+ \advance\ypos by \arrowlength \advance\ypos by -40
+ \put(#1,\ypos){\vector(0,-1){\lengthdash}}
+\or \advance\ypos by 10
+ \put(#1,\ypos){\vector(0,-1){\lengthdash}}
+ \advance\ypos by 40
+ \put(#1,\ypos){\vector(0,-1){\lengthdash}}
+\xpos #1
+\ypos #2
+\width #6
+\arrowlength #6
+{\advance \xpos by\arrowlength
+\divide \tempcounta by2
+\divide \tempcountb by2
+\advance \tempcounta by30
+\advance \tempcountb by30
+\advance \xpos by\tempcounta
+\advance \arrowlength by-\tempcounta
+\advance \arrowlength by-\tempcountb
+\divide \arrowlength by2
+\advance \xpos by\arrowlength
+\divide\tempcounta by2
+\advance \tempcounta by20
+\if a#8 %
+ \advance \ypos by\tempcounta
+ \putbox(\xpos,\ypos){#5}%
+ \advance \ypos by-\tempcounta
+ \putbox(\xpos,\ypos){#5}%
+\xpos #1
+\ypos #2
+\arrowlength #6
+\arrowtype #7
+{\advance \ypos by-\arrowlength
+{\advance\arrowlength by-140
+\advance \ypos by-70
+ \if m#8%
+ \putsplitvector(\xpos,\ypos)\arrowlength\arrowtype
+ \else
+ \putvector(\xpos,\ypos)(0,-1)\arrowlength\arrowtype
+ \fi
+ \putvector(\xpos,\ypos)(0,-1)\arrowlength\arrowtype
+ \divide \arrowlength by2
+ \advance\ypos by-\arrowlength
+ \if l#8%
+ \advance \xpos by-40
+ \putrbox(\xpos,\ypos){#5}%
+ \else\if r#8%
+ \advance \xpos by40
+ \putlbox(\xpos,\ypos){#5}%
+ \else
+ \putbox(\xpos,\ypos){#5}%
+ \fi\fi
+\advance\ypos by \height
+\advance\xpos by \width
+\def\putsquare{\@ifnextchar <{\putsquarep}{\putsquarep%
+ <\arrowtypea`\arrowtypeb`\arrowtypec`\arrowtyped;\width`\height>}}
+\def\square{\@ifnextchar< {\squarep}{\squarep
+ <\arrowtypea`\arrowtypeb`\arrowtypec`\arrowtyped;\width`\height>}}
+ % #6
+\def\squarep<#1>[#2`#3`#4`#5;#6`#7`#8`#9]{{% % #2------>#3
+\setsqparms[#1]% % | |
+\diagram% % | |
+\putsquarep<\arrowtypea`\arrowtypeb`\arrowtypec`% % #7| |#8
+\arrowtyped;\width`\height>% % | |
+(0,0)[#2`#3`#4`{#5};#6`#7`#8`{#9}]% % | |
+\enddiagram% % v v
+}} % #4------>#5
+ % #9
+\xpos=#2 \ypos=#3
+\advance\ypos by \height
+\advance\xpos by\height
+\def\putptriangle{\@ifnextchar <{\putptrianglep}{\putptrianglep
+ <\arrowtypea`\arrowtypeb`\arrowtypec;\height>}}
+\def\ptriangle{\@ifnextchar <{\ptrianglep}{\ptrianglep
+ <\arrowtypea`\arrowtypeb`\arrowtypec;\height>}}
+ % #5
+\def\ptrianglep<#1>[#2`#3`#4;#5`#6`#7]{{%% % #2----->#3
+\settriparms[#1]% % | /
+\diagram% % | /
+\putptrianglep<\arrowtypea`\arrowtypeb`% % #6| /#7
+\arrowtypec;\height>% % | /
+(0,0)[#2`#3`#4;#5`#6`{#7}]% % | /
+\enddiagram%% % v v
+}} % #4
+\xpos=#2 \ypos=#3
+\advance\ypos by\height
+\advance\xpos by\height
+\def\putqtriangle{\@ifnextchar <{\putqtrianglep}{\putqtrianglep
+ <\arrowtypea`\arrowtypeb`\arrowtypec;\height>}}
+\def\qtriangle{\@ifnextchar <{\qtrianglep}{\qtrianglep
+ <\arrowtypea`\arrowtypeb`\arrowtypec;\height>}}
+ % #5
+\def\qtrianglep<#1>[#2`#3`#4;#5`#6`#7]{{%% % #2----->#3
+\settriparms[#1]% % \ |
+\width=\height % \ |
+\diagram% % #6\ |#7
+\putqtrianglep<\arrowtypea`\arrowtypeb`% % \ |
+\arrowtypec;\height>% % \ |
+(0,0)[#2`#3`#4;#5`#6`{#7}]% % v v
+\enddiagram%% % #4
+\xpos=#2 \ypos=#3
+\advance\xpos by \height \advance\ypos by\height
+\def\putdtriangle{\@ifnextchar <{\putdtrianglep}{\putdtrianglep
+ <\arrowtypea`\arrowtypeb`\arrowtypec;\height>}}
+\def\dtriangle{\@ifnextchar <{\dtrianglep}{\dtrianglep
+ <\arrowtypea`\arrowtypeb`\arrowtypec;\height>}}
+ % #2
+\def\dtrianglep<#1>[#2`#3`#4;#5`#6`#7]{{%% % / |
+\settriparms[#1]% % / |
+\width=\height % #5/ |#6
+\diagram% % / |
+\putdtrianglep<\arrowtypea`\arrowtypeb`% % / |
+\arrowtypec;\height>% % v v
+(0,0)[#2`#3`#4;#5`#6`{#7}]% % #3----->#4
+\enddiagram%% % #7
+\xpos=#2 \ypos=#3
+\advance\ypos by\height
+\def\putbtriangle{\@ifnextchar <{\putbtrianglep}{\putbtrianglep
+ <\arrowtypea`\arrowtypeb`\arrowtypec;\height>}}
+\def\btriangle{\@ifnextchar <{\btrianglep}{\btrianglep
+ <\arrowtypea`\arrowtypeb`\arrowtypec;\height>}}
+ % #2
+\def\btrianglep<#1>[#2`#3`#4;#5`#6`#7]{{%% % | \
+\settriparms[#1]% % | \
+\width=\height % #5| \#6
+\diagram% % | \
+\putbtrianglep<\arrowtypea`\arrowtypeb`% % | \
+\arrowtypec;\height>% % v v
+(0,0)[#2`#3`#4;#5`#6`{#7}]% % #3----->#4
+\enddiagram%% % #7
+\xpos=#2 \ypos=#3
+{\multiply \height by2
+\advance\xpos by\height \advance\ypos by\height
+\def\putAtriangle{\@ifnextchar <{\putAtrianglep}{\putAtrianglep
+ <\arrowtypea`\arrowtypeb`\arrowtypec;\height>}}
+\def\Atriangle{\@ifnextchar <{\Atrianglep}{\Atrianglep
+ <\arrowtypea`\arrowtypeb`\arrowtypec;\height>}}
+ % #2
+\def\Atrianglep<#1>[#2`#3`#4;#5`#6`#7]{{%% % / \
+\settriparms[#1]% % / \
+\width=\height % #5/ \#6
+\diagram% % / \
+\putAtrianglep<\arrowtypea`\arrowtypeb`% % / \
+\arrowtypec;\height>% % v v
+(0,0)[#2`#3`#4;#5`#6`{#7}]% % #3------------>#4
+\enddiagram%% % #7
+\advance\xpos by\height
+\advance\ypos by\height
+\def\putAtrianglepair{\@ifnextchar <{\putAtrianglepairp}{\putAtrianglepairp%
+ <\arrowtypea`\arrowtypeb`\arrowtypec`\arrowtyped`\arrowtypee;\height>}}
+\def\Atrianglepair{\@ifnextchar <{\Atrianglepairp}{\Atrianglepairp%
+ <\arrowtypea`\arrowtypeb`\arrowtypec`\arrowtyped`\arrowtypee;\height>}}
+\def\Atrianglepairp<#1>[#2;#3`#4`#5`#6`#7]{{% % #2a
+\settripairparms[#1]% % / | \
+\settokens`#2`% % / | \
+\width=\height % #3/ #4 \#5
+\diagram% % / | \
+\putAtrianglepairp % / | \
+<\arrowtypea`\arrowtypeb`\arrowtypec`% % v v v
+\arrowtyped`\arrowtypee;\height>% % #2b---->#2c---->#2d
+(0,0)[{#2};#3`#4`#5`#6`{#7}]% % #6 #7
+\xpos=#2 \ypos=#3
+\advance\ypos by\height
+{\multiply\height by2
+\advance\xpos by\height
+\advance\xpos by\height
+\def\putVtriangle{\@ifnextchar <{\putVtrianglep}{\putVtrianglep
+ <\arrowtypea`\arrowtypeb`\arrowtypec;\height>}}
+\def\Vtriangle{\@ifnextchar <{\Vtrianglep}{\Vtrianglep
+ <\arrowtypea`\arrowtypeb`\arrowtypec;\height>}}
+ % #5
+\def\Vtrianglep<#1>[#2`#3`#4;#5`#6`#7]{{%% % #2------------->#3
+\settriparms[#1]% % \ /
+\width=\height % \ /
+\diagram% % #6\ /#7
+\putVtrianglep<\arrowtypea`\arrowtypeb`% % \ /
+\arrowtypec;\height>% % \ /
+(0,0)[#2`#3`#4;#5`#6`{#7}]% % v v
+\enddiagram%% % #4
+\advance\ypos by\height
+\advance\xpos by\height
+\advance\xpos by\height
+\def\putVtrianglepair{\@ifnextchar <{\putVtrianglepairp}{\putVtrianglepairp%
+ <\arrowtypea`\arrowtypeb`\arrowtypec`\arrowtyped`\arrowtypee;\height>}}
+\def\Vtrianglepair{\@ifnextchar <{\Vtrianglepairp}{\Vtrianglepairp%
+ <\arrowtypea`\arrowtypeb`\arrowtypec`\arrowtyped`\arrowtypee;\height>}}
+ % #3 #4
+\def\Vtrianglepairp<#1>[#2;#3`#4`#5`#6`#7]{{% % #2a---->#2b---->#2c
+\settripairparms[#1]% % \ | /
+\settokens`#2`% % \ | /
+\diagram% % #5\ #6 /#7
+\putVtrianglepairp % \ | /
+<\arrowtypea`\arrowtypeb`\arrowtypec`% % \ | /
+\arrowtyped`\arrowtypee;\height>% % v v v
+(0,0)[{#2};#3`#4`#5`#6`{#7}]% % #2d
+\xpos=#2 \ypos=#3
+\advance\ypos by\height
+\advance\xpos by\height
+\advance\ypos by\height
+{\multiply\height by 2
+\def\putCtriangle{\@ifnextchar <{\putCtrianglep}{\putCtrianglep
+ <\arrowtypea`\arrowtypeb`\arrowtypec;\height>}}
+\def\Ctriangle{\@ifnextchar <{\Ctrianglep}{\Ctrianglep
+ <\arrowtypea`\arrowtypeb`\arrowtypec;\height>}}
+ % #2
+\def\Ctrianglep<#1>[#2`#3`#4;#5`#6`#7]{{%% % / |
+\settriparms[#1]% % #5/ |
+\width=\height % / |
+\diagram% % v |
+\putCtrianglep<\arrowtypea`\arrowtypeb`% % #3 |#6
+\arrowtypec;\height>% % \ |
+(0,0)[#2`#3`#4;#5`#6`{#7}]% % #7\ |
+\enddiagram%% % \ |
+}} % v v
+ % #4
+\xpos=#2 \ypos=#3
+\advance\xpos by\height \advance\ypos by\height
+\advance\xpos by-\height \advance\ypos by\height
+{\multiply\height by 2
+\def\putDtriangle{\@ifnextchar <{\putDtrianglep}{\putDtrianglep
+ <\arrowtypea`\arrowtypeb`\arrowtypec;\height>}}
+\def\Dtriangle{\@ifnextchar <{\Dtrianglep}{\Dtrianglep
+ <\arrowtypea`\arrowtypeb`\arrowtypec;\height>}}
+ % #2
+\def\Dtrianglep<#1>[#2`#3`#4;#5`#6`#7]{{%% % | \
+\settriparms[#1]% % | \#6
+\width=\height % | \
+\diagram% % | v
+\putDtrianglep<\arrowtypea`\arrowtypeb`% % #5| #3
+\arrowtypec;\height>% % | /
+(0,0)[#2`#3`#4;#5`#6`{#7}]% % | /#7
+\enddiagram%% % | /
+}} % v v
+ % #4
+\def\setrecparms[#1`#2]{\width=#1 \height=#2}%
+% #4
+% #3b<-------#3a x #3b
+% ^ | |
+% / | |
+% #5/ | |
+% / | |
+% / | |
+% / | |
+% #3c |#6 |#3a x #5
+% \ | |
+% \ | |
+% #8\ | |
+% \ | |
+% \ | |
+% v v v
+% #3d<-------#3a x #3d
+% #8
+\width=#1 \height=#2
+ \savebox{\tempboxa}{\hbox{$\tokenb$}}%
+ \savebox{\tempboxb}{\hbox{$\tokend$}}%
+ \savebox{\tempboxc}{\hbox{$#6$}}%
+ \savebox{\tempboxa}{\hbox{$\hbox{$\tokena$}\times\hbox{$\tokenb$}$}}%
+ \savebox{\tempboxb}{\hbox{$\hbox{$\tokena$}\times\hbox{$\tokend$}$}}%
+ \savebox{\tempboxc}{\hbox{$\hbox{$\tokena$}\times\hbox{$#6$}$}}%
+\divide\ypos by 2
+\advance\xpos by \width
+\advance\ypos by \width
+\def\recurse{\@ifnextchar <{\recursep}{\recursep<\width`\height>}}
+% 1 and 2 are position, 3 and 4 are the nodes, 5 and 6 the labels,
+% 7 the distance between node centers and 8 & 9 are the arrow types.
+% #5
+% #3 ===========> #4
+% #6
+\advance\ypos by 20
+\advance\ypos by -40
+% 1 and 2 are position, 3 and 4 are the nodes, 5 and 6 the labels,
+% 7 the distance between node centers and 8 & 9 are the arrow types.
+% #3
+% ||
+% ||
+% #5 || #6
+% ||
+% ||
+% vv
+% #4
+\advance\xpos by -20
+\advance\xpos by 40
+% #1 is (\xpos,\ypos), the next 6 are the nodes and arrow labels
+% #8 is the distance between each pair of nodes and #9 is the pos of #7
+% either a (above) or b (below)
+% #5 #7
+% #2 ===========> #3 --------> #4
+% #6
+\advance\xpos by #8
+% #1 is (\xpos,\ypos), the next 6 are the nodes and arrow labels
+% #8 is the distance between each pair of nodes and #9 is the pos of #7
+% either l (left) or r (right)
+% #2
+% | |
+% | |
+% #5 | | #6
+% | |
+% | |
+% v v
+% #3
+% |
+% |
+% #7 |
+% |
+% v
+% #4
+\advance\ypos by -#8
+% Use: \putthreehmorphisms(xpos,ypos)[lnode`rnode;toplabel`midlabel%
+% botlabel]{distance}(toparrowtype,midarrowtype,botarrowtype){position}
+\setpos(#1) \settypes(#8)
+\if a#9 %
+ \vertsize{\tempcounta}{#5}%
+ \vertsize{\tempcountb}{#6}%
+ \ifnum \tempcounta<\tempcountb \tempcounta=\tempcountb \fi
+ \vertsize{\tempcounta}{#4}%
+ \vertsize{\tempcountb}{#5}%
+ \ifnum \tempcounta<\tempcountb \tempcounta=\tempcountb \fi
+\advance \tempcounta by 60
+\advance\ypos by \tempcounta
+\advance\ypos by -\tempcounta \advance\ypos by -\tempcounta
+\def\hex{\@ifnextchar <{\hexp}{\hexp<1000`400>}}
+\yext=#2 \advance \yext by #2
+\xext=#1 \advance\xext by \yext
+\xext=#1 \yext=#2 \advance \yext by #2
+\advance \xext by #2
+%\putvmorphism(500,1700)[`\vdots`]{400}1a \putvmorphism(500,1300)[``]{400}1a
+%\putvmorphism(1500,1700)[`\vdots`]{400}1a \putvmorphism(1500,1300)[``]{400}1a
+%\putvmorphism(2200,1700)[`\vdots`]{400}1a \putvmorphism(2200,1300)[``]{400}1a
+%\putvmorphism(500,1700)[`\vdots`]{400}{-1}a \putvmorphism(500,1300)[``]{400}{-1}a
+%\putvmorphism(1500,1700)[`\vdots`]{400}{-1}a \putvmorphism(1500,1300)[``]{400}{-1}a
+%\putvmorphism(2000,1700)[`\vdots`]{400}{-1}a \putvmorphism(2000,1300)[``]{400}{-1}a
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/generic/proofs/taylor/boxproof-old.tex b/obsolete/macros/generic/proofs/taylor/boxproof-old.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e42924bb08
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/generic/proofs/taylor/boxproof-old.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,142 @@
+% mangletex (11 May 1992) run at 19:39 BST Monday 29 June 1992
+\message{<Paul Taylor's Proof Boxes, 29 June 1992>}%%
+%% There is now a PROTOTYPE proof-box macro mackage for TRIAL only.
+%% The syntax and implementation may change.
+%% It is "boxproof.tex" in the TeX system (so just "\input boxproof").
+%% There are some examples in ~pt/utilities/misctex/proofboxeg.tex and
+%% proofboxeg1.tex.
+%% Syntax as follows:
+%% each line is of the form
+%% <all/exists_variables> <latex_label> \: <formula> \= <reason> \\
+%% where
+%% <all/exists_variables> is something like "x,y" - its for variables
+%% declared at the beginning of all-intro and exists-elim boxes
+%% <latex_label> is a command "\label{fred}" which defines "fred" to
+%% be the label text, which may be used anywhere as "\ref{fred}"
+%% - see LaTeX book.
+%% <formula> is the proposition being asserted
+%% <reason> is "\intro\land(\ref{john},\ref{mary})"
+%%% note that the parts are separated by "\:", "\=" and "\\"; these correspond
+%% to "let identifier = expression : type" in a declarative language.
+%% Proof boxes are "wrapped up" as follows:
+%% the whole proof in "\begin{proofbox}...\end{proofbox}"
+%% single-column boxes (all-intro, implies-intro, exists-elim) in "\[...\]"
+%% double-column boxes are of two kinds:
+%% separate (and-intro) "\(...\*...\)"
+%% stuck together (or-elim) "\(...\+...\)"
+%%% At the moment you may only have pairs of parallel boxes, and the width is
+%%% split in two; later there will be options for mutiple boxes and adjustable
+%% widths.
+%% Comments please.
+%% WARNING: this is for temporary use only at the moment.
+\catcode`\@=11 \let\plaint@bplus\+\let\+\relax\newcount\prooflineinbox
+\proofboxformulawidth=15em \proofboxrulebreadth=.03em \proofboxrulespace=.2em
+\proofboxsurround=.5em \proofboxlefttabskip=1em \proofboxrighttabskip=1em plus
+1 fil \proofboxbaselineskip=1.8em \proofboxmargin=5em \proofboxintercol=3em
+\def\proofboxleftside{\leaders\hrule width\proofboxrulebreadth\vfill}\def
+\proofboxrightside{\leaders\hrule width\proofboxrulebreadth\vfill}\def
+\proofboxorseparator{\leaders\hrule width\proofboxrulebreadth\vfill}\def
+\proofboxtopside{\leaders\vrule height\proofboxrulebreadth depth\z@\hfill}%
+\def\proofboxbottomside{\leaders\vrule height\proofboxrulebreadth depth\z@
+\ifleftmostproofbox\setbox0=\hbox{\hss\the\scriptfont1 #1}\ifdim\wd0<%
+\prooflinenowidth\setbox0=\hbox to\prooflinenowidth{\unhbox0}\fi\box0 \fi}}%
+\def\proofboxnonumbers{\def\proofboxmakelabel##1{}} \def\proofbox{\global
+\prooflinetotal=0 \ifvmode\else\vtop\fi\bgroup\let\[\intofullpr@@fbox\let\(%
+\intofullpr@@fbox\proofboxesacross=1 \pr@@fb@x}\let\pr@@fb@x\csname\let
+ex \unvbox9 \vskip1ex \egroup}\def\intofullpr@@fbox{\pr@@ffirst\pr@@fb@x}\def
+\proofboxformulawidth-\proofboxsurround\divide\proofboxformulawidth2 \pr@@fb@x
+\proofboxformulawidth2 \let\*\orpr@@fmore\let\+\orpr@@fmore\let\]\orpr@@flast
+\proofboxformulawidth-\proofboxsurround\divide\proofboxformulawidth2 \let\*%
+\pr@@fboxhadjust-\dimen8 \advance\pr@@fboxhadjust-2\dimen2 \pr@@fb@x}\def
+\proofboxintercol\advance\pr@@fboxhadjust-\dimen8 \advance\pr@@fboxhadjust-2%
+\dimen2 \pr@@fb@x}\def\la@ket{r}\def\andpr@@flast{\endpr@@fb@x\z@\z@
+\pr@@fboxhadjust-\dimen6 \ifdim\pr@@fboxhadjust<\proofboxsurround
+\pr@@fboxhadjust=\proofboxsurround\fi\hrule width\pr@@fboxhadjust height\z@
+\enclosingproofline{\theproofline}%% its line label
+\proofboxesacross=1 \let\+\orpr@@ffirst\let\*\andpr@@ffirst\let\)%
+\endpr@@ffirst#1{\setbox0=\vbox{#1}\global\advance\dimen6\wd0 \advance\dimen6%
+\proofboxsurround\hskip\dimen6 plus 1fil \global\count@=\pr@@flinetotal&\omit
+\setbox8=\hbox\bgroup\pr@@flinetotal=\count@\hskip-\dimen6 \pr@@flinemax=%
+\lastbox\global\dimen9=\ht5 \global\advance\dimen9\dp5\global\advance\dimen9%
+\ht4\global\advance\dimen9\dp4\global\dimen4=\ht1 \global\advance\dimen4\dp1%
+\dimen2\kern-\dimen8 \global\prooflinetotal=\pr@@flinemax\egroup\dimen0=\dp8
+\advance\dimen0-\dimen4 \vtop{\setbox0=\null\ht0=\dimen4 \dp0=-\dimen4 \box0%
+\dimen8 plus 1 fil \cr}\def\putpr@@fedge#1{\span\omit\span\omit\span\omit
+\span\omit\setbox0=\vbox{#1}\global\dimen2=\wd0 \unvbox0\vfil\cr}\def
+\la@displ{e}\def\putpr@@forsep#1{&\multispan3 \setbox0=\vbox{#1}\global\dimen
+2=\wd0 \unvbox0 &\vfil\cr\noalign{\kern-\dimen2}}\def\putpr@@f{\hbox to\dimen
+5{\proofboxtopside}&\advance\dimen4\proofboxrulespace\vskip\dimen4 plus 1fil&%
+\vskip-\dimen4 \unvbox9 \vskip-\dimen9&\advance\dimen9\proofboxrulespace
+\vskip\dimen9 plus 1 fil&\hbox to\dimen5{\proofboxbottomside}\cr}\ifnum
+\nointerlineskip\global\prooflineinbox=0 \baselineskip=\proofboxbaselineskip
+\tabskip=\z@\let\\\pr@@fboxcr\halign\bgroup\hskip\proofboxrulespace plus 1fil%
+\let\(\la@math\let\[\la@displ\global\advance\prooflineinbox1 \global\advance
+\prooflinetotal1 \edef\@currentlabel{\theproofline}$##\proofboxmakelabel
+\hskip\proofboxrulespace plus1fil \cr}\def\endpr@@fb@x#1#2{\crcr\omit\hskip#1
+plus 1 fil&\omit\hskip\proofboxformulawidth plus 1fil&\omit\hskip#2 plus 1fil%
+\cr\egroup\setbox0=\lastbox\unskip\global\dimen5=\wd0 \setbox0=\hbox{\unhbox0%
+\lastbox\global\dimen9=\dp0 \nointerlineskip\pr@@fytb{\box0}\egroup\global
+\dimen4=\ht9 }\inproofboxfalse\leftmostproofboxtrue\let\la@bra\(\let\la@ket\)%
+\la@ket}\let\+\plaint@bplus\catcode`\@=12 \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/generic/proofs/taylor/boxproof.tex b/obsolete/macros/generic/proofs/taylor/boxproof.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d95d0a58c1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/generic/proofs/taylor/boxproof.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,424 @@
+% mangletex (11 May 1992) run at 22:09 GMT Monday 08 November 1993
+%%\title {\TeX\ macros for proof boxes}
+%%\author {Paul Taylor\\
+%% Department of Computing,\\
+%% Imperial College,\\
+%% London SW7 2BZ\\
+%% +44 71 589 5111 {\em ext.} 5057\\
+%% {\tt<>}}
+%%\date{8 November 1993}
+%% % to get the provisional user documentation do
+%% % grep ^%% boxproof.tex | sed 's/^%*//' > boxproof-manual.tex
+%%\input boxproof.tex
+%%{\escapechar-1 \xdef\bra{\string\{}\xdef\ket{\string\}}}
+%% \subsection{Introduction}
+%% The proof
+%% \(\"1"\:\alpha\leftrightarrow\psi(x,\top)\=\\
+%% \:\Some\beta.\psi(x,\beta)\=\mathsf{total}\\
+%% \[\exists\beta\kern-1em\:\psi(x,\beta)\\
+%% \(\:\beta\=\\
+%% \:\beta=\top\=(*)\\
+%% \:\psi(x,\!\top)\=\mathsf{subs}\\
+%% \:\alpha\=\elim\leftrightarrow(\ref{1})\\
+%% \*\:\alpha\=\\
+%% \:\psi(x,\!\top)\=\elim\leftrightarrow(\ref{1})\\
+%% \:\beta=\top\=\mathsf{func}\\
+%% \:\beta\=(*)\\
+%% \)\:\alpha=\beta\=\intro\leftrightarrow\\
+%% \:\psi(x,\alpha)\=\mathsf{subs}\\
+%% \] \:\psi(x,\alpha)\=\elim\exists\\
+%% \* \:\psi(x,\alpha)\=\\
+%% \(\:\alpha\=\\
+%% \:\alpha=\top\=(*)\\
+%% \:\phi(x,\!\top)\=\mathsf{subs}\\
+%% \*\:\psi(x,\!\top)\=\\
+%% \:\alpha=\top\=\mathsf{func}\\
+%% \:\alpha\=(*)\\
+%% \)\:\alpha\leftrightarrow\psi(x,\!\top)\=\intro\leftrightarrow\\
+%%% \) \:\psi(x,\alpha)\leftrightarrow(\alpha\leftrightarrow\psi(x,\!\top))
+%% \=\intro\leftrightarrow\\
+%% is produced by
+%% \(\"1"\:\alpha\leftrightarrow\psi(x,\top)\\
+%% \:\Some\beta.\psi(x,\beta) \=\mathsf{total}\\
+%% \[\exists\beta\kern-1em\:\psi(x,\beta)\\
+%% \(\:\beta\\
+%% \:\beta=\top \=(*)\\
+%% \:\psi(x,\!\top) \=\mathsf{subs}\\
+%% \:\alpha \=\elim\leftrightarrow(\ref{1})\\
+%% \*\:\alpha\\
+%% \:\psi(x,\!\top) \=\elim\leftrightarrow(\ref{1})\\
+%% \:\beta=\top \=\mathsf{func}\\
+%% \:\beta\=(*)\\
+%% \)\:\alpha=\beta \=\intro\leftrightarrow\\
+%% \:\psi(x,\alpha) \=\mathsf{subs}\\
+%% \] \:\psi(x,\alpha) \=\elim\exists\\
+%% \* \:\psi(x,\alpha)\\
+%% \(\:\alpha\\
+%% \:\alpha=\top \=(*)\\
+%% \:\phi(x,\!\top) \=\mathsf{subs}\\
+%% \*\:\psi(x,\!\top)\\
+%% \:\alpha=\top \=\mathsf{func}\\
+%% \:\alpha \=(*)\\
+%% \)\:\alpha\leftrightarrow\psi(x,\!\top) \=\intro\leftrightarrow\\
+%% \) \:\psi(x,\alpha)\leftrightarrow
+%% (\alpha\leftrightarrow\psi(x,\!\top)) \=\intro\leftrightarrow\\
+%% Syntax as follows:
+%% each line is of the form
+%% \begin{center}
+%% \meta{variables}
+%% \meta{name}
+%% \verb/\:/ \meta{formula}
+%% \verb/\=/ \meta{reason}
+%% \verb/\-/ \meta{use}
+%% \verb/\\/
+%% \end{center}
+%% where
+%% \begin{itemize}
+%% \item \meta{variables} is something like ``$x,y$'' ---
+%% it's for variables declared at the beginning of $\intro\forall$- and
+%% $\elim\exists$-boxes.
+%% \item \meta{name} is a command \verb/\label{fred}/ which
+%% defines \verb/fred/ to be the label text, which may be used anywhere
+%% as \verb/\ref{fred}/ --- see {\em The \LaTeX book.}
+%% Local labels are also available, using \macrowitharg\lbl{name}
+%% or \verb/\"/\meta{name}\verb/"/; these obey the scoping rules of
+%% the boxes.
+%% You may also refer to the previous line as \verb/\ref{-}/.
+%% \item \meta{formula} is the proposition being asserted.
+%% \item \meta{reason} is \verb/\intro\land(\ref{john},\ref{mary})/
+%% or \verb/\elim\forall(\ref{jim})/.
+%% \item \meta{use} is provided for linear logic, to record the step
+%%% which uses this one. How this accords with theory I don't yet know.
+%% \end{itemize}
+%% Note that the parts are separated by \verb/\:/, \verb/\=/ and \verb/\\/;
+%% these correspond to
+%% \begin{center}
+%% {\bf let } \meta{name} = \meta{expression} : \meta{type}
+%% \end{center}
+%% in a declarative language.
+%% The \verb/\:/, \verb/\=/ and \verb/\-/ fields are optional and may occur
+%% in any order. If any of them is repeated the last is taken.
+%% If none of them is present the \meta{variables} field is also ignored.
+%% Proof {\em boxes\/} are ``wrapped up'' as follows:
+%% \begin{itemize}
+%%% \item the whole proof in \verb/\begin{proofbox}/...\verb/\end{proofbox}/;
+%%% \item single-column boxes ($\intro\forall$, $\intro\imp$, $\elim\exists$),
+%% in \verb/\[/...\verb/\]/.
+%% \item multiple-column boxes are of two kinds:
+%% \begin{itemize}
+%%% \item separate ($\intro\land$) boxes: \verb/\(/...\verb/\*/...\verb/\)/.
+%% \item stuck together ($\elim\lor$) boxes:
+%% \verb/\(/...\verb/\+/...\verb/\)/.
+%% \end{itemize}
+%% \end{itemize}
+%% You may put more than two columns in \verb/\(/...\verb/\)/ and even mix
+%% the \verb/\+/ and \verb/\*/ separators.
+%% The whole proof is enclosed in \verb/\proofbox/...\verb/\endproofbox/
+%% or \verb/\begin{proofbox}/...\verb/\end{proofbox}/, but the \LaTeX\
+%% environment form {\em must not\/} be used for nested boxes.
+%% If the proof occurs in paragraph mode (ie in vertical or
+%% unrestricted horizontal mode) then it is set as a display, using the
+%% full width of the page. Otherwise it uses only the required width.
+%% A lot of the internals are potentially configurable, but there is not
+%% yet a user interface suitable for doing this. This will be provided
+%% in the next version.
+%% This is a {\em prototype\/} proof-box macro package;
+%% the syntax and implementation may change.
+%% It is {\tt boxproof.tex} in the \TeX\ system
+%% (so just \verb/\input boxproof/).
+%% There are some examples in
+%% \verb+~pt/utilities/proofs/proofboxeg.tex+ and
+%% \verb+proofboxeg1.tex+.
+%% The prototype version was begun on 2 August 1991, the new one on
+%% 4 June 1993.
+\message{<Paul Taylor's Proof Boxes, 8 November 1993>}\edef\proofboxrestoreat
+%% The following are user-settable dimensions.
+\newdimen\prooflinenowidth\prooflinenowidth1em \newdimen\proofboxfullwidth
+\newdimen\proofboxleftmargin\proofboxleftmargin3em \newdimen
+\newdimen\proofboxseparation\proofboxseparation.2em \newdimen
+\proofboxbaselineskip\proofboxbaselineskip4ex %%
+%% The following are user-accessible numbers.
+%% These boxes receive the fields of the proof steps.
+%% They are used in \verb/\proofboxmakeleftcolumn/ {\em etc}.
+%% The left-most switch is used by
+%%% \verb/\proofboxmakelabel/ to suppress the label in all but the first column.
+%% On the outside it is true.
+%% The following are obsolete: they are only included for reverse
+%% compatibility with the prototype version.
+%% \subsection{Redefinable macros}
+%% WARNING: most of these commands will be hidden and replaced with
+%% optional arguments to \verb/\proofbox/ in a future version.
+%% Do not rely on them.
+%% We provide three different ways of numbering the lines of the proof:
+%% \begin{itemize}
+%% \item \verb/\runningproofline/: a global running sequence (default),
+%% \item \verb/\nestedproofline/: a hierarchical system with dots,
+%% \item \verb/\nestedproofline/: a fully hierarchical system which
+%% also includes the column number
+%% (\verb/\proof@columns/) as a letter (ASCII quote plus number).
+%% \end{itemize}
+%% \verb/\theproofline/ is the default.
+%% The macro \verb/\proofboxmakelabel#1/ is used to print the line label.
+%% We only put it in the leftmost box.
+%% It is printed in small non-ranging Arabic numerals
+%% ({\the\scriptfont1 0123456789}).
+%% Right-justify it in \verb/\prooflinenowidth/ if it will fit,
+%% otherwise let it stick out on the right, {\em i.e.}~left-justify it.
+\scriptfont\@ne#1}\ifdim\wd\z@<\prooflinenowidth\setbox\z@\hbox to%
+%% Kill the numbers altogether with \verb/\proofboxnonumbers/.
+%% How to make the left column of the proof box:
+%% use the variables field, a space if necessary and the line label.
+%% How to make the middle column of the proof box:
+%% left justify the formula field.
+%% How to make the right column of the proof box:
+%% use the reason and use fields.
+%% Make the four edges of a rectangular box and the separator
+%% between \verb/\+/ columns.
+\def\proofboxleftside{\leaders\hrule width\proofboxrulebreadth\vfill}\def
+\proofboxrightside{\leaders\hrule width\proofboxrulebreadth\vfill}\def
+\proofboxorseparator{\leaders\hrule width\proofboxrulebreadth\vfill}\def
+\proofboxtopside{\leaders\vrule height\proofboxrulebreadth depth\z@\hfill}%
+\def\proofboxbottomside{\leaders\vrule height\proofboxrulebreadth depth\z@
+%% Use dotted lines: \verb/\dottedproofbox/.
+\def\dottedproofbox{\def\proofboxleftside{\leaders\pb@F\vfill} \def
+\proofboxrightside{\leaders\pb@F\vfill} \def\proofboxorseparator{\leaders
+\pb@F\vfill} \def\proofboxtopside{\leaders\pb@F\hfill}\def\proofboxbottomside
+}\def\pb@F{\vbox to 5pt{\vss\hbox to 5pt{\hss.\hss}\vss}}%%
+%% Leave the boxes open at the bottom: \verb/\openproofbox/
+\def\openproofbox{\def\proofboxbottomside{\hfill}} %%
+%% \subsection{Miscellaneous logical notations}
+%% Print the names of the introduction and elimination rules, for example:
+%% \begin{quote}
+%% \verb/\elim\forall/ $\elim\forall$ \qquad
+%% \verb/\intro\land/ $\intro\land$ \qquad
+%% \end{quote}
+\def\intro#1{{{#1}{\cal I}}}\def\elim#1{{{#1}{\cal E}}}%%
+%% Recall that in \TeX\ the logical connectives and quantifiers are called
+%% \begin{center}
+%% \verb/\lor/ $\lor$\quad
+%% \verb/\land/ $\land$\quad
+%% \verb/\lnot/ $\lnot$\quad
+%% \verb/\forall/ $\forall$\quad
+%% \verb/\exists/ $\exists$
+%% \end{center}
+%% The following provide macros for the \verb/\implies/ {\em relation\/}
+%% and for the binary {\em operation\/} which yields the abstract
+%% \verb/\implic/ation between formulae.
+%% The point is that \TeX\ spaces them and breaks the lines differently:
+%% \begin{center}
+%% \verb/A\implies B/ $A\implies B$\quad{\em versus\/}\quad
+%% \verb/A\implic B/ $A\implic B$
+%% \end{center}
+%% There are forward and reverse, single and Double versions.
+\mathchardef\implies="3221 \mathchardef\impliedby="3220 \mathchardef\Implies=%
+"3229 \mathchardef\Impliedby="3228 \mathchardef\implic="2221 \mathchardef
+\implicby="2220 \mathchardef\Implic="2229 \mathchardef\Implicby="2228 \let
+%% Handle the spacing after a variable (and optionally its type)
+%% bound by a quantifier symbol. For example
+%% \begin{quote}
+%% \verb/\All x:X. \phi(x)/\quad prints as\quad $\All x:X.\phi(x)$\quad
+%% instead of\quad $\forall x:X.\phi(x)$
+%% \end{quote}
+3}\ifx\next\empty{.}\mkern1mu \else\mkern1mu{\colon}\mkern1mu{#3}\mkern.5mu{.%
+}\mkern3mu \fi}}%
+%% We provide some commonly used forms; \verb/\iota/ ($\iota$) is Russell's
+%% description operator and should really be inverted.
+%% There are several notations for substitution.
+%% After writing $a[x:=b]$ throughout my book I~thought I~might change to
+%% $[b/x]^*a$.
+%% This macro reads the source in the first form and prints in the second.
+%% If you use it you can, like me, defer the decision about
+%% which notation to use until the final stages, doing
+%% \begin{quote}
+%% \verb/\renewcommand{\Subst}{\plainsubstitution}/
+%% \end{quote}
+%% if you finally decide on making substitution act on the right.
+%% This is already an improvement on the literal text, because it
+%% automatically enlarges the brackets according to the text inside.
+%% \verb/\Subst/ itself is (following my book)
+%% defined in terms of the action of a context morphism (\verb/\CtxtMor/)
+%% on a term. Again you can do
+%% \begin{quote}
+%% \verb/\renewcommand{\CtxtMor}{\plaincontextmorphism}/
+%% \end{quote}
+%% for something simpler.
+%% This macro interprets its argument as a comma-separated list
+%% of items in the form $x:=b$, which it switches to $b/x$.
+#2}/\fi{#1} }}\def\pb@K{[]}\def\Subst{\swappingsubstitution}\def\CtxtMor{%
+%% The simple versions.
+\year\multiply\count@12 \advance\count@\month\ifnum\count@> 23966 \message{%
+because this one has expired and will no longer work!}\endinput\fi%%
+\kern-\displayindent\hbox to\hsize\bgroup\proofboxfullwidth\hsize\aftergroup$%
+\aftergroup$}\def\pb@c{\errmessage{Box proofs: \string\+, \string\*, \string
+\) and \string\] may not be used at the top level}}\def\pb@d{\errmessage{Box
+proofs: enclose \string\+ and \string\* in \string\(\string\), not \string\[%
+\string\]}}\def\pb@e#1#2{\errmessage{Box proofs: \string#1 closed by \string#%
+{$\egroup}\def\pb@y#1{\aftergroup\pb@z\expandafter\aftergroup\csname r@#1%
+\pb@AA#1{\aftergroup\pb@z\aftergroup#1}\expandafter\def\csname r@-\endcsname{%
+\thr@@\dimendef\pb@EA=4 \dimendef\pb@FA=5 \dimendef\pb@GA=6 \chardef\pb@HA=9
+\unkern\hbox to\pb@T{\unhbox\@ne}\hbox to\pb@GA{\unhbox\tw@}\hbox to\pb@U{%
+\pb@PA{\pb@GA\wd\pb@L\advance\pb@GA\pb@BA\pb@OA}\def\pb@QA#1{\setbox#1\hbox to%
+\wd\pb@L{\unhbox#1}\wd#1\z@\box#1\relax}\def\pb@RA{\setbox\@ne\vbox to\pb@EA{%
+%% \end{document}
+% \fi