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Diffstat (limited to 'obsolete/language/manju')
42 files changed, 10663 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/obsolete/language/manju/manjutex/COPYING b/obsolete/language/manju/manjutex/COPYING new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..a43ea2126f --- /dev/null +++ b/obsolete/language/manju/manjutex/COPYING @@ -0,0 +1,339 @@ + GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE + Version 2, June 1991 + + Copyright (C) 1989, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc. + 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA + Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies + of this license document, but changing it is not allowed. + + Preamble + + The licenses for most software are designed to take away your +freedom to share and change it. By contrast, the GNU General Public +License is intended to guarantee your freedom to share and change free +software--to make sure the software is free for all its users. This +General Public License applies to most of the Free Software +Foundation's software and to any other program whose authors commit to +using it. (Some other Free Software Foundation software is covered by +the GNU Library General Public License instead.) You can apply it to +your programs, too. + + When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not +price. Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you +have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for +this service if you wish), that you receive source code or can get it +if you want it, that you can change the software or use pieces of it +in new free programs; and that you know you can do these things. + + To protect your rights, we need to make restrictions that forbid +anyone to deny you these rights or to ask you to surrender the rights. +These restrictions translate to certain responsibilities for you if you +distribute copies of the software, or if you modify it. + + For example, if you distribute copies of such a program, whether +gratis or for a fee, you must give the recipients all the rights that +you have. You must make sure that they, too, receive or can get the +source code. And you must show them these terms so they know their +rights. + + We protect your rights with two steps: (1) copyright the software, and +(2) offer you this license which gives you legal permission to copy, +distribute and/or modify the software. + + Also, for each author's protection and ours, we want to make certain +that everyone understands that there is no warranty for this free +software. If the software is modified by someone else and passed on, we +want its recipients to know that what they have is not the original, so +that any problems introduced by others will not reflect on the original +authors' reputations. + + Finally, any free program is threatened constantly by software +patents. We wish to avoid the danger that redistributors of a free +program will individually obtain patent licenses, in effect making the +program proprietary. To prevent this, we have made it clear that any +patent must be licensed for everyone's free use or not licensed at all. + + The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and +modification follow. + + GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE + TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR COPYING, DISTRIBUTION AND MODIFICATION + + 0. This License applies to any program or other work which contains +a notice placed by the copyright holder saying it may be distributed +under the terms of this General Public License. The "Program", below, +refers to any such program or work, and a "work based on the Program" +means either the Program or any derivative work under copyright law: +that is to say, a work containing the Program or a portion of it, +either verbatim or with modifications and/or translated into another +language. (Hereinafter, translation is included without limitation in +the term "modification".) Each licensee is addressed as "you". + +Activities other than copying, distribution and modification are not +covered by this License; they are outside its scope. The act of +running the Program is not restricted, and the output from the Program +is covered only if its contents constitute a work based on the +Program (independent of having been made by running the Program). +Whether that is true depends on what the Program does. + + 1. You may copy and distribute verbatim copies of the Program's +source code as you receive it, in any medium, provided that you +conspicuously and appropriately publish on each copy an appropriate +copyright notice and disclaimer of warranty; keep intact all the +notices that refer to this License and to the absence of any warranty; +and give any other recipients of the Program a copy of this License +along with the Program. + +You may charge a fee for the physical act of transferring a copy, and +you may at your option offer warranty protection in exchange for a fee. + + 2. You may modify your copy or copies of the Program or any portion +of it, thus forming a work based on the Program, and copy and +distribute such modifications or work under the terms of Section 1 +above, provided that you also meet all of these conditions: + + a) You must cause the modified files to carry prominent notices + stating that you changed the files and the date of any change. + + b) You must cause any work that you distribute or publish, that in + whole or in part contains or is derived from the Program or any + part thereof, to be licensed as a whole at no charge to all third + parties under the terms of this License. + + c) If the modified program normally reads commands interactively + when run, you must cause it, when started running for such + interactive use in the most ordinary way, to print or display an + announcement including an appropriate copyright notice and a + notice that there is no warranty (or else, saying that you provide + a warranty) and that users may redistribute the program under + these conditions, and telling the user how to view a copy of this + License. (Exception: if the Program itself is interactive but + does not normally print such an announcement, your work based on + the Program is not required to print an announcement.) + +These requirements apply to the modified work as a whole. If +identifiable sections of that work are not derived from the Program, +and can be reasonably considered independent and separate works in +themselves, then this License, and its terms, do not apply to those +sections when you distribute them as separate works. But when you +distribute the same sections as part of a whole which is a work based +on the Program, the distribution of the whole must be on the terms of +this License, whose permissions for other licensees extend to the +entire whole, and thus to each and every part regardless of who wrote it. + +Thus, it is not the intent of this section to claim rights or contest +your rights to work written entirely by you; rather, the intent is to +exercise the right to control the distribution of derivative or +collective works based on the Program. + +In addition, mere aggregation of another work not based on the Program +with the Program (or with a work based on the Program) on a volume of +a storage or distribution medium does not bring the other work under +the scope of this License. + + 3. You may copy and distribute the Program (or a work based on it, +under Section 2) in object code or executable form under the terms of +Sections 1 and 2 above provided that you also do one of the following: + + a) Accompany it with the complete corresponding machine-readable + source code, which must be distributed under the terms of Sections + 1 and 2 above on a medium customarily used for software interchange; or, + + b) Accompany it with a written offer, valid for at least three + years, to give any third party, for a charge no more than your + cost of physically performing source distribution, a complete + machine-readable copy of the corresponding source code, to be + distributed under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above on a medium + customarily used for software interchange; or, + + c) Accompany it with the information you received as to the offer + to distribute corresponding source code. (This alternative is + allowed only for noncommercial distribution and only if you + received the program in object code or executable form with such + an offer, in accord with Subsection b above.) + +The source code for a work means the preferred form of the work for +making modifications to it. For an executable work, complete source +code means all the source code for all modules it contains, plus any +associated interface definition files, plus the scripts used to +control compilation and installation of the executable. However, as a +special exception, the source code distributed need not include +anything that is normally distributed (in either source or binary +form) with the major components (compiler, kernel, and so on) of the +operating system on which the executable runs, unless that component +itself accompanies the executable. + +If distribution of executable or object code is made by offering +access to copy from a designated place, then offering equivalent +access to copy the source code from the same place counts as +distribution of the source code, even though third parties are not +compelled to copy the source along with the object code. + + 4. You may not copy, modify, sublicense, or distribute the Program +except as expressly provided under this License. Any attempt +otherwise to copy, modify, sublicense or distribute the Program is +void, and will automatically terminate your rights under this License. +However, parties who have received copies, or rights, from you under +this License will not have their licenses terminated so long as such +parties remain in full compliance. + + 5. You are not required to accept this License, since you have not +signed it. However, nothing else grants you permission to modify or +distribute the Program or its derivative works. These actions are +prohibited by law if you do not accept this License. Therefore, by +modifying or distributing the Program (or any work based on the +Program), you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so, and +all its terms and conditions for copying, distributing or modifying +the Program or works based on it. + + 6. Each time you redistribute the Program (or any work based on the +Program), the recipient automatically receives a license from the +original licensor to copy, distribute or modify the Program subject to +these terms and conditions. You may not impose any further +restrictions on the recipients' exercise of the rights granted herein. +You are not responsible for enforcing compliance by third parties to +this License. + + 7. If, as a consequence of a court judgment or allegation of patent +infringement or for any other reason (not limited to patent issues), +conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or +otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not +excuse you from the conditions of this License. If you cannot +distribute so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this +License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you +may not distribute the Program at all. For example, if a patent +license would not permit royalty-free redistribution of the Program by +all those who receive copies directly or indirectly through you, then +the only way you could satisfy both it and this License would be to +refrain entirely from distribution of the Program. + +If any portion of this section is held invalid or unenforceable under +any particular circumstance, the balance of the section is intended to +apply and the section as a whole is intended to apply in other +circumstances. + +It is not the purpose of this section to induce you to infringe any +patents or other property right claims or to contest validity of any +such claims; this section has the sole purpose of protecting the +integrity of the free software distribution system, which is +implemented by public license practices. Many people have made +generous contributions to the wide range of software distributed +through that system in reliance on consistent application of that +system; it is up to the author/donor to decide if he or she is willing +to distribute software through any other system and a licensee cannot +impose that choice. + +This section is intended to make thoroughly clear what is believed to +be a consequence of the rest of this License. + + 8. If the distribution and/or use of the Program is restricted in +certain countries either by patents or by copyrighted interfaces, the +original copyright holder who places the Program under this License +may add an explicit geographical distribution limitation excluding +those countries, so that distribution is permitted only in or among +countries not thus excluded. In such case, this License incorporates +the limitation as if written in the body of this License. + + 9. The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions +of the General Public License from time to time. Such new versions will +be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to +address new problems or concerns. + +Each version is given a distinguishing version number. If the Program +specifies a version number of this License which applies to it and "any +later version", you have the option of following the terms and conditions +either of that version or of any later version published by the Free +Software Foundation. If the Program does not specify a version number of +this License, you may choose any version ever published by the Free Software +Foundation. + + 10. If you wish to incorporate parts of the Program into other free +programs whose distribution conditions are different, write to the author +to ask for permission. For software which is copyrighted by the Free +Software Foundation, write to the Free Software Foundation; we sometimes +make exceptions for this. Our decision will be guided by the two goals +of preserving the free status of all derivatives of our free software and +of promoting the sharing and reuse of software generally. + + NO WARRANTY + + 11. BECAUSE THE PROGRAM IS LICENSED FREE OF CHARGE, THERE IS NO WARRANTY +FOR THE PROGRAM, TO THE EXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW. EXCEPT WHEN +OTHERWISE STATED IN WRITING THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND/OR OTHER PARTIES +PROVIDE THE PROGRAM "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED +OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF +MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. THE ENTIRE RISK AS +TO THE QUALITY AND PERFORMANCE OF THE PROGRAM IS WITH YOU. SHOULD THE +PROGRAM PROVE DEFECTIVE, YOU ASSUME THE COST OF ALL NECESSARY SERVICING, +REPAIR OR CORRECTION. + + 12. IN NO EVENT UNLESS REQUIRED BY APPLICABLE LAW OR AGREED TO IN WRITING +WILL ANY COPYRIGHT HOLDER, OR ANY OTHER PARTY WHO MAY MODIFY AND/OR +REDISTRIBUTE THE PROGRAM AS PERMITTED ABOVE, BE LIABLE TO YOU FOR DAMAGES, +INCLUDING ANY GENERAL, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES ARISING +OUT OF THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE THE PROGRAM (INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED +TO LOSS OF DATA OR DATA BEING RENDERED INACCURATE OR LOSSES SUSTAINED BY +YOU OR THIRD PARTIES OR A FAILURE OF THE PROGRAM TO OPERATE WITH ANY OTHER +PROGRAMS), EVEN IF SUCH HOLDER OR OTHER PARTY HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE +POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. + + END OF TERMS AND CONDITIONS + + Appendix: How to Apply These Terms to Your New Programs + + If you develop a new program, and you want it to be of the greatest +possible use to the public, the best way to achieve this is to make it +free software which everyone can redistribute and change under these terms. + + To do so, attach the following notices to the program. It is safest +to attach them to the start of each source file to most effectively +convey the exclusion of warranty; and each file should have at least +the "copyright" line and a pointer to where the full notice is found. + + <one line to give the program's name and a brief idea of what it does.> + Copyright (C) 19yy <name of author> + + This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or + (at your option) any later version. + + This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + GNU General Public License for more details. + + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software + Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. + +Also add information on how to contact you by electronic and paper mail. + +If the program is interactive, make it output a short notice like this +when it starts in an interactive mode: + + Gnomovision version 69, Copyright (C) 19yy name of author + Gnomovision comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `show w'. + This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it + under certain conditions; type `show c' for details. + +The hypothetical commands `show w' and `show c' should show the appropriate +parts of the General Public License. Of course, the commands you use may +be called something other than `show w' and `show c'; they could even be +mouse-clicks or menu items--whatever suits your program. + +You should also get your employer (if you work as a programmer) or your +school, if any, to sign a "copyright disclaimer" for the program, if +necessary. Here is a sample; alter the names: + + Yoyodyne, Inc., hereby disclaims all copyright interest in the program + `Gnomovision' (which makes passes at compilers) written by James Hacker. + + <signature of Ty Coon>, 1 April 1989 + Ty Coon, President of Vice + +This General Public License does not permit incorporating your program into +proprietary programs. If your program is a subroutine library, you may +consider it more useful to permit linking proprietary applications with the +library. If this is what you want to do, use the GNU Library General +Public License instead of this License. diff --git a/obsolete/language/manju/manjutex/EMTEX b/obsolete/language/manju/manjutex/EMTEX new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..3245d86009 --- /dev/null +++ b/obsolete/language/manju/manjutex/EMTEX @@ -0,0 +1,25 @@ +REM This is the installation batch file skeleton for emtex +REM users. Please check this file carefully whether it +REM matches your system before you commit any changes. +REM +REM How to proceed: +REM +REM 1. Check for your drives and paths. +REM 2. Correct the following md and copy statements where +REM necessary. +REM 3. Rename this file from EMTEX to EMTEX.BAT +REM 4. Execute EMTEX.BAT + +ECHO Creating following directories: + +md \emtex\texinput\manjutex +md \emtex\mfinput\manjutex +md \emtex\tfm\manjutex +md \emtex\doc\manjutex + +ECHO Copying contents into newly created directories: + +copy texinput\*.* \emtex\texinput\manjutex\ +copy mfinput\*.* \emtex\mfinput\manjutex\ +copy tfm\*.* \emtex\tfm\manjutex\ +copy doc\*.* \emtex\doc\manjutex\ diff --git a/obsolete/language/manju/manjutex/FILES b/obsolete/language/manju/manjutex/FILES new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..84fae18479 --- /dev/null +++ b/obsolete/language/manju/manjutex/FILES @@ -0,0 +1,56 @@ +.: +COPYING +EMTEX +FILES +HISTORY +INSTALL +MIKTEX +README +doc +mfinput +texinput +tfm + +./doc: +manjutex.dvi +manjutex.ps +manjutex.tex + +./mfinput: +bthhsb.mf +bthhsm.mf +bthhwb.mf +bthhwm.mf +bthvsb.mf +bthvsm.mf +bthvwb.mf +bthvwm.mf +macodes.mf +maglyphs.mf +mantrlig.mf +mbatoms.mf +mbcodes.mf +mbglyphs.mf +mbnums.mf +mbparmb.mf +mbparmm.mf +mbparms.mf +mbpunc.mf + +./texinput: +diagnose.sty +lmabthh.fd +lmabthv.fd +lmaenc.def +manju.sty +manju.tex + +./tfm: +bthhsb.tfm +bthhsm.tfm +bthhwb.tfm +bthhwm.tfm +bthvsb.tfm +bthvsm.tfm +bthvwb.tfm +bthvwm.tfm diff --git a/obsolete/language/manju/manjutex/HISTORY b/obsolete/language/manju/manjutex/HISTORY new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..4da0c020aa --- /dev/null +++ b/obsolete/language/manju/manjutex/HISTORY @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ +Changes in ManjuTeX + +2001-03-31: Version 0.2 + + - First Public Version of ManjuTeX + + Glyphs stable, retransliteration engine stable, + code positions most certainly stable diff --git a/obsolete/language/manju/manjutex/INSTALL b/obsolete/language/manju/manjutex/INSTALL new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..78cba849c8 --- /dev/null +++ b/obsolete/language/manju/manjutex/INSTALL @@ -0,0 +1,128 @@ + Title: ManjuTeX + Version: 0.1 + Author: Oliver Corff + Copyright: Ulaanbaatar, Berlin, Beijing 2001 + Date: March 31, 2001 + (Timestamp: April 1, 2001) + Archive Name: manjutex.zip + Description: Manju for LaTeX + System Requirements: LaTeX2e (with vertical typesetting support), + LaTeX209, plain TeX (fonts only) + Fonts in Cork encoding (T1) are + required for the LaTeX2e installation; + they are considered to be an integral + part of any up-to-date LaTeX2e installation. + + Legal Notes: See end of this document + + +0. Introduction + +ManjuTeX (Manju for TeX) is a package which provides Manju to the +(La)TeX user community. + + +1. Installation + +Unpack the archive manjutex.zip in some temporary directory. + +teTeX users can proceed to section 1.2, MikTeX users should read +section 1.3. + + +1.1 emtex + +If you are an emtex user, read and follow the instructions in the +file EMTEX. + +Get the graphics package and the rotating packages as well as +GhostScript if you want to print portions of vertical Manju. + +The latex packages can be found at CTAN (both in the Internet and +on CD-ROM) under + + macros/latex/packages/graphics + macros/latex/contrib/supported/rotating + +GhostScript versions can be found at CTAN, too, in the +/support/ghostscript/gnu subdirectory. + + +1.2 teTeX (and other TeX systems based on the TeX Directory Structure) + +Create subdirectories, either in your main TeX installation, or +in any local tree, with the following structure: + + mkdir $TEXMF/tex/latex/manjutex/ + mkdir $TEXMF/fonts/source/public/mfinput/manjutex/ + mkdir $TEXMF/fonts/tfm/manjutex/ + mkdir $TEXMF/doc/manjutex/ + +Copy the appropriate contents into the newly created directories: + + cp $TMP/texinput/* $TEXMF/tex/latex/manjutex/ + cp $TMP/mfinput/* $TEXMF/fonts/source/public/mfinput/manjutex/ + cp $TMP/tfm/mls/* $TEXMF/fonts/tfm/manjutex/ + cp $TMP/doc/* $TEXMF/doc/manjutex/ + +Rehash the file name database by executing texhash. + +There is no need to procure the graphics and rotating packages +externally since they are provided with teTeX. + +GhostScript and GhostView are also regularly found on UNIX and +notably Linux systems so there should be full-fledged off-the-shelf +support for the vertical text capsules offered by ManjuTeX. + + +1.3 MikTeX + +Read and follow the instructions in the file MIKTEX. + +Get the graphics package and the rotating packages as well as +GhostScript if you want to print portions of vertical Mongolian. + +The latex packages can be found at CTAN (both in the Internet and +on CD-ROM) under + + macros/latex/packages/graphics + macros/latex/contrib/supported/rotating + +GhostScript versions can be found at CTAN, too, in the +/support/ghostscript/gnu subdirectory. + + +2. Running ManjuTeX + +ManjuTeX is now ready for use. It is activated by stating + +\usepackage{manjutex} + +in the preamble of your document. + + +4. Legal Notes + +This software is put under the GNU Public Licence. + +Academical institutions and users are kindly requested to +submit offprints of articles (or title pages thereof) typeset +with ManjuTeX. + +The author cannot accept any responsability for the usability +and/or fitness of this software package for any particular +purpose. + +If you ever happen to modify any of the files, then that file +MUST be renamed prior to redistribution. Please contact the author +(e-mail: corff@zedat.fu-berlin.de) if you discover bugs, deficiencies +etc. + +Thank you for using ManjuTeX! + + Ulaanbaatar, Beijing, Berlin, Shenyang, + March 2001 + + Oliver Corff + corff@zedat.fu-berlin.de + corff@arvis.ac.mn diff --git a/obsolete/language/manju/manjutex/MIKTEX b/obsolete/language/manju/manjutex/MIKTEX new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..5a74090e10 --- /dev/null +++ b/obsolete/language/manju/manjutex/MIKTEX @@ -0,0 +1,33 @@ +REM This is the installation batch file skeleton for MikTeX +REM users. Please check this file carefully whether it +REM matches your system before you commit any changes. +REM +REM How to proceed: +REM +REM 1. Check for your drives and paths. +REM 2. Correct the following md and copy statements where +REM necessary. +REM 3. Rename this file from MIKTEX to MIKTEX.BAT +REM 4. Execute MIKTEX.BAT + +ECHO Creating following directories: + +md \localtexmf\texinput\manjutex +md \localtexmf\mfinput\manjutex +md \localtexmf\tfm\manjutex +md \localtexmf\doc\manjutex + +ECHO Copying contents into newly created directories: + +copy texinput\*.* \localtexmf\tex\latex\manjutex\ +copy mfinput\*.* \localtexmf\fonts\source\manjutex\ +copy tfm\*.* \localtexmf\fonts\tfm\manjutex\ +copy doc\*.* \localtexmf\doc\manjutex\ + +ECHO Remake file database: + +cd \texmf\miktex\config +configure -u +cd \temp\manjutex + +ECHO Everything should be installed now! diff --git a/obsolete/language/manju/manjutex/README b/obsolete/language/manju/manjutex/README new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..28b10a1d9c --- /dev/null +++ b/obsolete/language/manju/manjutex/README @@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ +Package name: ManjuTeX (Manju for TeX) +Package authors: Oliver Corff and Dorjpalam Dorj (Mongolian glyphs) +Version/Release: 0.2 + +Features: + +ManjuTeX provides an environment for writing Manju in TeX and +LaTeX2e documents. + +Installation: + +emtex users: Read and follow instructions in EMTEX + +MikTeX users: Read and follow instructions in MIKTEX + +tetex users: Installation notes are contained in INSTALL + + +NOTA BENE: + +The documentation contains Tibetan characters. Please make sure +that the cTibTeX system is available at your site. + +OC, March 2001 diff --git a/obsolete/language/manju/manjutex/doc/manjutex.dvi b/obsolete/language/manju/manjutex/doc/manjutex.dvi Binary files differnew file mode 100644 index 0000000000..cff3f60713 --- /dev/null +++ b/obsolete/language/manju/manjutex/doc/manjutex.dvi diff --git a/obsolete/language/manju/manjutex/doc/manjutex.ps b/obsolete/language/manju/manjutex/doc/manjutex.ps new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..ce0518a938 --- /dev/null +++ b/obsolete/language/manju/manjutex/doc/manjutex.ps @@ -0,0 +1,2792 @@ +%!PS-Adobe-2.0 +%%Creator: dvips(k) 5.86 Copyright 1999 Radical Eye Software +%%Title: manjutex.dvi +%%Pages: 7 +%%PageOrder: Ascend +%%BoundingBox: 0 0 596 842 +%%EndComments +%DVIPSWebPage: (www.radicaleye.com) +%DVIPSCommandLine: dvips -o manjutex.ps manjutex.dvi +%DVIPSParameters: dpi=600, compressed +%DVIPSSource: TeX output 2001.03.31:1828 +%%BeginProcSet: texc.pro +%! +/TeXDict 300 dict def TeXDict begin/N{def}def/B{bind def}N/S{exch}N/X{S +N}B/A{dup}B/TR{translate}N/isls false N/vsize 11 72 mul N/hsize 8.5 72 +mul N/landplus90{false}def/@rigin{isls{[0 landplus90{1 -1}{-1 1}ifelse 0 +0 0]concat}if 72 Resolution div 72 VResolution div neg scale isls{ +landplus90{VResolution 72 div vsize mul 0 exch}{Resolution -72 div hsize +mul 0}ifelse TR}if Resolution VResolution vsize -72 div 1 add mul TR[ +matrix currentmatrix{A A round sub abs 0.00001 lt{round}if}forall round +exch round exch]setmatrix}N/@landscape{/isls true N}B/@manualfeed{ +statusdict/manualfeed true put}B/@copies{/#copies X}B/FMat[1 0 0 -1 0 0] +N/FBB[0 0 0 0]N/nn 0 N/IEn 0 N/ctr 0 N/df-tail{/nn 8 dict N nn begin +/FontType 3 N/FontMatrix fntrx N/FontBBox FBB N string/base X array +/BitMaps X/BuildChar{CharBuilder}N/Encoding IEn N end A{/foo setfont}2 +array copy cvx N load 0 nn put/ctr 0 N[}B/sf 0 N/df{/sf 1 N/fntrx FMat N +df-tail}B/dfs{div/sf X/fntrx[sf 0 0 sf neg 0 0]N df-tail}B/E{pop nn A +definefont 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+15FCDBFF80167016E08216FC82827115008383A283A28315E3D800079038E03FFC160716 +00173E171E4B130617024992CAFCA55B5DA35BA292CCFC5BA3495AA25AA2485BA25A5C5A +A2485B5AA2485BB5FC5C123F6C5B1207000190CDFC6C7E133E130E>76 +187 132 282 72 163 D E +%EndDVIPSBitmapFont +end +%%EndProlog +%%BeginSetup +%%Feature: *Resolution 600dpi +TeXDict begin +%%PaperSize: A4 + +%%EndSetup +%%Page: 1 1 +1 0 bop 1733 772 a + gsave currentpoint currentpoint translate 270 neg rotate neg exch +neg exch translate + 1733 772 a 45 w Fx(Maaj\226)2089 772 +y + currentpoint grestore moveto + 2089 772 a 1977 772 a + gsave currentpoint currentpoint translate 270 neg rotate neg exch +neg exch translate + 1977 772 a 45 w Fx(La\232a|\243)2368 +772 y + currentpoint grestore moveto + 2368 772 a 1453 1354 a Fw(ManjuT)-11 b(eX)45 b(0.2)783 +1619 y(A)g(Manju)f(Script)i(P)l(ac)l(k)-7 b(age)46 b(for)g(L)2508 +1589 y Fv(A)2561 1619 y Fw(T)2636 1650 y(E)2711 1619 +y(X)20 b(2)2899 1641 y Fu(")1623 1871 y Fv(Oliv)m(er)32 +b(Cor\033)1560 2074 y(April)f(1st,)i(2001)1694 2409 y +Ft(Abstract)734 2561 y Fs(ManjuT)1015 2579 y(E)1061 2561 +y(X)19 b(is)e(a)h(pac)n(k)-5 b(age)17 b(o\033ering)f(Manju)j(supp)r +(ort)f(for)g(T)2580 2579 y(E)2626 2561 y(X)h(and)f(L)2881 +2544 y Fr(A)2918 2561 y Fs(T)2964 2579 y(E)3010 2561 +y(X)12 b(2)3126 2573 y Fq(")3169 2561 y Fs(.)609 2660 +y(This)17 b(pac)n(k)-5 b(age)17 b(is)g(founded)i(on)f(MonT)1786 +2678 y(E)1832 2660 y(X)h(and)f(will)d(\034nally)i(merge)f(with)i(MonT) +3080 2678 y(E)3126 2660 y(X)609 2760 y(in)34 b(order)f(to)h(pro)n(vide) +e(all)g(Mongolian)f(writings.)55 b(In)34 b(con)n(trast)f(to)h(the)h +(Mon-)609 2860 y(golian)22 b(Script)i(of)i(early)d(MonT)1599 +2877 y(E)1645 2860 y(X)i(v)n(ersions,)e(the)j(complete)d +(retransliteration)609 2959 y(pro)r(cess)h(whic)n(h)g(generates)f +(Manju)j(writing)c(out)j(of)g(romanized)d(input)j(is)f(built)609 +3059 y(on)41 b(the)g(ligature)d(functionalit)n(y)g(of)j(T)1866 +3077 y(E)1912 3059 y(X)h(and)f(Metafon)n(t,)j(th)n(us)d(e\033ectiv)n +(ely)609 3158 y(eliminating)23 b(the)28 b(need)f(for)g(installing)c(an) +n(y)k(external)f(prepro)r(cessor.)382 3445 y Fp(Con)l(ten)l(ts)382 +3648 y Fo(1)83 b(In)m(tro)s(duction)2230 b(2)382 3851 +y(2)83 b(Installation)2290 b(2)382 4055 y(3)83 b(User)35 +b(Commands)2046 b(3)517 4168 y Fn(3.1)93 b(Using)29 b(ManjuT)1285 +4187 y(E)1336 4168 y(X)h(with)g(T)1690 4187 y(E)1740 +4168 y(X)79 b(.)45 b(.)h(.)f(.)h(.)g(.)f(.)h(.)f(.)h(.)g(.)f(.)h(.)f(.) +h(.)f(.)h(.)g(.)f(.)143 b(3)517 4281 y(3.2)93 b(Using)29 +b(ManjuT)1285 4300 y(E)1336 4281 y(X)h(with)g(L)1663 +4264 y Fm(A)1703 4281 y Fn(T)1753 4300 y(E)1803 4281 +y(X)14 b(2)1930 4295 y Fl(")2028 4281 y Fn(.)45 b(.)h(.)g(.)f(.)h(.)f +(.)h(.)g(.)f(.)h(.)f(.)h(.)f(.)h(.)g(.)f(.)143 b(3)725 +4393 y(3.2.1)105 b(V)-8 b(ertical)29 b(T)-8 b(ext)31 +b(Capsules)47 b(.)f(.)f(.)h(.)g(.)f(.)h(.)f(.)h(.)g(.)f(.)h(.)f(.)h(.)f +(.)h(.)g(.)f(.)143 b(4)382 4597 y Fo(4)83 b(Character)36 +b(Set)f(and)g(Romanization)1305 b(4)517 4710 y Fn(4.1)93 +b(Basic)30 b(Character)i(Set)91 b(.)46 b(.)g(.)f(.)h(.)f(.)h(.)f(.)h(.) +g(.)f(.)h(.)f(.)h(.)g(.)f(.)h(.)f(.)h(.)f(.)h(.)g(.)f(.)143 +b(4)517 4823 y(4.2)93 b(Extended)32 b(Character)g(Set)68 +b(.)45 b(.)h(.)f(.)h(.)f(.)h(.)g(.)f(.)h(.)f(.)h(.)g(.)f(.)h(.)f(.)h(.) +f(.)h(.)g(.)f(.)143 b(5)517 4935 y(4.3)93 b(Tib)s(etan)30 +b(T)-8 b(ransliteration)30 b(Character)i(Set)78 b(.)46 +b(.)f(.)h(.)g(.)f(.)h(.)f(.)h(.)f(.)h(.)g(.)f(.)143 b(5)517 +5048 y(4.4)93 b(Sp)s(ecial)29 b(Characters)74 b(.)45 +b(.)h(.)g(.)f(.)h(.)f(.)h(.)f(.)h(.)g(.)f(.)h(.)f(.)h(.)g(.)f(.)h(.)f +(.)h(.)f(.)h(.)g(.)f(.)143 b(6)382 5252 y Fo(5)83 b(Outlo)s(ok)36 +b(and)e(Desiderata)1716 b(7)1854 5652 y Fn(1)p eop +%%Page: 2 2 +2 1 bop 382 548 a Fp(1)131 b(In)l(tro)t(duction)382 751 +y Fn(As)27 b(long)g(as)g(a)h(full-\035edged)f(supp)s(ort)h(of)f(all)f +(Mongolian-based)h(languages)h(and)g(writ-)382 864 y(ing)35 +b(systems)e(\(Mongolian,)j(Manju,)h(T)-8 b(o)s(d,)37 +b(Sib)s(e)e(as)g(w)m(ell)f(as)h(v)-5 b(arious)35 b(transcription)382 +977 y(systems)26 b(for)i(Tib)s(etan,)g(Sanskrit)f(and)i(Chinese,)f +(also)f(kno)m(wn)i(as)f(Galig)e(or)i(Ali)e(Gali\))382 +1090 y(is)h(not)j(a)m(v)-5 b(ailable)27 b(for)i(the)g(T)1342 +1109 y(E)1392 1090 y(X)g(and)g(L)1686 1073 y Fm(A)1726 +1090 y Fn(T)1776 1109 y(E)1827 1090 y(X)14 b(2)1954 1104 +y Fl(")2028 1090 y Fn(comm)m(unit)m(y)-8 b(,)29 b(the)h(author)f +(considered)382 1202 y(it)37 b(useful)g(to)h(prepare)h(a)f(stand-alone) +g(Manju)g(pac)m(k)-5 b(age)39 b(whic)m(h)g(can)f(b)s(e)g(used)g(with) +382 1315 y(T)432 1335 y(E)482 1315 y(X)h(and)h(L)797 +1299 y Fm(A)837 1315 y Fn(T)887 1335 y(E)938 1315 y(X)14 +b(2)1065 1329 y Fl(")1111 1315 y Fn(.)67 b(The)40 b(pac)m(k)-5 +b(age)41 b(comes)d(in)h(t)m(w)m(o)i(v)-5 b(arieties:)56 +b(while)38 b(T)3016 1335 y(E)3067 1315 y(X)h(users)382 +1428 y(can)32 b(access)g(the)g(Manju)f(fon)m(ts,)i(L)1534 +1411 y Fm(A)1574 1428 y Fn(T)1624 1448 y(E)1674 1428 +y(X)14 b(2)1801 1442 y Fl(")1879 1428 y Fn(users)31 b(enjo)m(y)h(the)g +(additional)e(privilege)g(of)382 1541 y(b)s(eing)d(able)g(to)g(t)m(yp)s +(eset)h(v)m(ertical)f(capsules)f(of)h(Manju)h(text.)39 +b(Users)27 b(of)g(b)s(oth)h(comm)m(u-)382 1654 y(nities)33 +b(nev)m(er)k(ha)m(v)m(e)f(to)f(b)s(other)h(with)f(enco)s(ding)g(issues) +f(or)h(external)g(prepro)s(cessors.)382 1767 y(Manju)k(is)e(t)m(yp)s +(ed)j(in)e(a)h(fairly)e(standard)j(romanization)e(and)h(is)f(con)m(v)m +(erted)j(to)e(the)382 1880 y(presen)m(tation)31 b(form)f(automatically) +-8 b(.)382 2166 y Fp(2)131 b(Installation)382 2369 y +Fn(Installation)23 b(of)i(this)f(soft)m(w)m(are)j(pac)m(k)-5 +b(age)26 b(is)e(straigh)m(tforw)m(ard:)40 b(The)25 b(installation)e +(pro-)382 2482 y(cedure)31 b(dep)s(ends)g(on)g(the)f(nature)i(of)e(the) +h(actual)f(T)2166 2502 y(E)2216 2482 y(X)g(system.)40 +b(The)31 b(directory)f(tree)382 2595 y(of)42 b(e.)15 +b(g.,)47 b(teT)-8 b(eX)43 b(is)e(di\033eren)m(t)i(from)f(the)h(em)m +(tex)g(tree;)49 b(hence)44 b(the)f(source)g(arc)m(hiv)m(e)382 +2708 y Fk(manjutex.zip)f Fn(features)h(the)g(follo)m(wing)e(sub)s +(directories)g(the)i(con)m(ten)m(ts)h(of)e(whic)m(h)382 +2821 y(has)30 b(to)h(b)s(e)f(placed)g(in)m(to)g(appropriate)h(branc)m +(hes)h(of)e(the)h(T)2412 2840 y(E)2462 2821 y(X)f(installation:)518 +3009 y Fj(\017)46 b Fk(mfinput)38 b Fn(holds)g(the)h(complete)e +(Metafon)m(t)j(sources)e(for)g(the)h(Tib)s(etan)f(fon)m(ts.)609 +3121 y(The)47 b(suggested)f(path)g(for)g(em)m(tex)g(users)f(is)g +Fk(\\emtex\\mfinput\\manju)p Fn(;)53 b(for)609 3234 y(teT)-8 +b(eX)25 b(users)f Fk($TEXMF/fonts/source/public/manju)f +Fn(is)g(a)h(suitable)f(c)m(hoice.)518 3422 y Fj(\017)46 +b Fk(tfm)23 b Fn(holds)g(all)f(necessary)i(fon)m(t)g(metrics)e +(\034les.)37 b(The)24 b(suggested)g(path)g(for)g(em)m(tex)609 +3535 y(users)c(is)f Fk(\\emtex\\tfm\\manju)p Fn(;)k(for)d(teT)-8 +b(eX)21 b(users)f Fk($TEXMF/fonts/tfm/public/manju)609 +3648 y Fn(is)29 b(a)h(suitable)f(c)m(hoice.)518 3835 +y Fj(\017)46 b Fk(texinput)31 b Fn(holds)g(all)e(st)m(yle)i(\034les,)g +(fon)m(t)h(enco)s(ding)f(de\034nitions)f(etc.)44 b(whic)m(h)32 +b(are)609 3948 y(read)44 b(b)m(y)f(T)1011 3968 y(E)1061 +3948 y(X)f(and)i(L)1383 3931 y Fm(A)1423 3948 y Fn(T)1473 +3968 y(E)1523 3948 y(X)14 b(2)1650 3962 y Fl(")1696 3948 +y Fn(.)78 b(The)43 b(suggested)h(path)f(for)g(em)m(tex)f(users)h(is)609 +4061 y Fk(\\emtex\\texinput\\manju)p Fn(;)k(for)41 b(teT)-8 +b(eX)42 b(users)f Fk($TEXMF/tex/latex/manju)609 4174 +y Fn(is)29 b(a)h(suitable)f(c)m(hoice.)518 4362 y Fj(\017)46 +b Fk(doc)28 b Fn(con)m(tains)h(the)g(do)s(cumen)m(tation)g(\(the)g(do)s +(cumen)m(t)g(whic)m(h)g(y)m(ou)g(are)f(reading)609 4475 +y(righ)m(t)35 b(no)m(w\).)57 b(It)34 b(can)i(b)s(e)f(placed)g(in)f +Fk(\\emtex\\doc\\manju)h Fn(\(for)g(em)m(tex)g(users\))609 +4588 y(or)c Fk($TEXMF/doc/latex/manju)e Fn(\(for)i(teT)-8 +b(eX)31 b(users\).)523 4775 y(It)38 b(ma)m(y)g(b)s(ecome)g(necessary)g +(to)h(rehash)g(the)f(directory)h(database)g(of)f(the)h(T)3253 +4795 y(E)3303 4775 y(X)382 4888 y(system.)68 b(When)41 +b(in)e(doubt,)44 b(consult)c(y)m(our)g(system)f(administrator)g(or)h +(lo)s(cal)f(T)3253 4908 y(E)3303 4888 y(X)382 5001 y(wizard.)g(On)28 +b(teT)-8 b(eX)29 b(systems,)d(the)i(command)f Fk(texhash)h +Fn(will)d(p)s(erform)i(this)f(service.)1854 5652 y(2)p +eop +%%Page: 3 3 +3 2 bop 382 548 a Fp(3)131 b(User)44 b(Commands)382 751 +y Fn(ManjuT)688 770 y(E)738 751 y(X)d(pro)m(vides)f(the)h(common)f +(command)g Fk(\\bth)h Fn(\(as)f(in)80 b Fi(\312\205\341\201)41 +b Fh(bithe)7 b Fn(\))41 b(to)382 885 y(switc)m(h)30 b(to)h(Manju)g(mo)s +(de.)40 b(A)31 b(Manju)f(fon)m(t)h(is)f(selected)g(and)h(the)g(Latin)g +(input)f(is)f(au-)382 998 y(tomatically)g(in)m(terpreted)34 +b(as)d(transliterated)h(Manju.)46 b(The)33 b(transliteration)e(closely) +382 1111 y(follo)m(ws)e(Hauer's)h(system)f(and)i(is)e(presen)m(ted)i +(in)f(the)h(next)f(section.)382 1354 y Fg(3.1)112 b(Using)38 +b(ManjuT)1331 1376 y(E)1392 1354 y(X)f(with)h(T)1829 +1376 y(E)1888 1354 y(X)382 1526 y Fn(If)29 b(y)m(ou)i(only)e(use)i(L) +1021 1509 y Fm(A)1061 1526 y Fn(T)1111 1545 y(E)1161 +1526 y(X)14 b(2)1288 1540 y Fl(")1364 1526 y Fn(then)31 +b(y)m(ou)g(can)g(safely)d(skip)h(reading)i(this)e(paragraph.)523 +1639 y(Near)i(the)g(b)s(eginning)f(of)g(y)m(our)h(T)1672 +1658 y(E)1723 1639 y(X)f(do)s(cumen)m(t)h(\(or)g(b)s(efore)g(y)m(our)g +(\034rst)g(instance)382 1752 y(of)f(Manju)g(text\))h(y)m(ou)f(ha)m(v)m +(e)i(to)e(input)g(the)h(Manju)f(macros)g(b)m(y)h(sa)m(ying)382 +1936 y Fk(\\input)47 b(manju)382 2121 y Fn(whic)m(h)31 +b(will)e(pro)m(vide)i(a)h(size)e(selection)g(command,)h +Fk(msize)p Fn(,)g(and)h(the)f(fon)m(t)h(switc)m(hing)382 +2234 y(command)e Fk(\\bth)p Fn(.)523 2347 y(A)g(complete)g(Manju)g(T) +1339 2366 y(E)1389 2347 y(X)g(do)s(cumen)m(t)h(could)f(lo)s(ok)f(lik)m +(e)g(this:)382 2580 y(This)g(is)g(Manju:)382 2693 y Fi(Maaj\226)46 +b(\312\205\341\201)2035 2580 y Fk(\\input)h(manju)2035 +2693 y(\\msize)2035 2806 y(This)g(is)g(Manju:\\\\)2035 +2919 y({\\bth)g(manju)g(bithe})2035 3032 y(\\bye)523 +3249 y Fn(In)22 b(e\033ect,)i(three)f(di\033eren)m(t)g(fon)m(t)g(sizes) +e(can)i(b)s(e)f(selected)g(using)f Fk(msize)h Fn(\(10)h(p)s(oin)m +(ts\),)382 3362 y Fk(msizei)30 b Fn(\(11)h(p)s(oin)m(ts\))e(and)i +Fk(msizeii)f Fn(\(12)h(p)s(oin)m(ts\).)523 3475 y(The)e(commands)e(to)i +(toggle)f(b)s(et)m(w)m(een)i(Manju)e(writing)g(and)h(Computer)f(Mo)s +(dern)382 3588 y(are)43 b Fk(\\bth)g Fn(and)g Fk(\\tenrm)p +Fn(,)i(resp)s(ectiv)m(ely)-8 b(.)77 b(Please)43 b(note)g(that)g +Fk(\\tenrm)g Fn(is)e(rede\034ned)382 3700 y(b)m(y)e(ManjuT)822 +3720 y(E)873 3700 y(X)f(to)i(the)f(e\033ect)h(that)f(the)h(size)e +(selection)g(command)h(o)m(v)m(errides)g(the)382 3813 +y(10)30 b(p)s(oin)m(t)g(size)g(of)g Fk(\\tenrm)1295 3780 +y Fm(1)1334 3813 y Fn(.)382 4056 y Fg(3.2)112 b(Using)38 +b(ManjuT)1331 4078 y(E)1392 4056 y(X)f(with)h(L)1797 +4033 y Ff(A)1841 4056 y Fg(T)1900 4078 y(E)1960 4056 +y(X)16 b(2)2117 4071 y Fe(")382 4228 y Fn(L)405 4211 +y Fm(A)445 4228 y Fn(T)495 4247 y(E)546 4228 y(X)e(2)673 +4242 y Fl(")749 4228 y Fn(users)30 b(activ)-5 b(ate)30 +b(the)g(Manju)h(pac)m(k)-5 b(age)31 b(b)m(y)g(sa)m(ying)382 +4413 y Fk(\\usepackage{manju})382 4597 y Fn(in)c(the)i(pream)m(ble)f +(of)g(the)g(do)s(cumen)m(t.)41 b(The)28 b(fon)m(t)h(selection)e +(command)h(is)f Fk(\\bth)p Fn(.)39 b(The)382 4710 y(size)29 +b(is)g(set)h(through)i(the)e(NFSS)h(system.)523 4823 +y(A)f(Manju)g(do)s(cumen)m(t)h(could)f(con)m(tain)h(the)g(follo)m(wing) +d(co)s(de)j(snipp)s(et:)382 5056 y(This)e(is)g(Manju:)382 +5169 y Fi(Maaj\226)46 b(\312\205\341\201)2035 5056 y +Fk(This)h(is)g(Manju:\\\\)2035 5169 y({\\bth)g(manju)g(bithe})p +382 5318 1196 4 v 486 5371 a Fd(1)520 5403 y Fc(This)26 +b(`feature')h(w)n(as)g(tak)n(en)e(from)g(the)h(Tib)r(etan)g(pac)n(k)l +(age.)1854 5652 y Fn(3)p eop +%%Page: 4 4 +4 3 bop 382 548 a Fo(3.2.1)103 b(V)-9 b(ertical)38 b(T)-9 +b(ext)36 b(Capsules)382 720 y Fn(With)31 b(P)m(ostScript)i(supp)s(ort)f +(it)g(b)s(ecomes)f(p)s(ossible)f(to)i(t)m(yp)s(eset)g(v)m(ertical)g +(capsules)f(of)382 832 y(Manju)21 b(text.)37 b(Simply)19 +b(issue)h(the)i(command)e Fk(\\mabosoo{})p Fn(,)j(include)d(a)h(text)h +(argumen)m(t)382 945 y(and)31 b(see)f(ho)m(w)h(it)f(w)m(orks:)446 +1070 y + gsave currentpoint currentpoint translate 270 neg rotate neg exch +neg exch translate + 446 1070 a 30 w Fi(Maaj\226)673 1070 y + currentpoint grestore moveto + 673 1070 +a 600 1070 a + gsave currentpoint currentpoint translate 270 neg rotate neg exch +neg exch translate + 600 1070 a 30 w Fi(\312\205\341\201)895 +1070 y + currentpoint grestore moveto + 895 1070 a 721 1158 a Fn(is)f Fh(manju)j(bithe)p +Fn(.)733 b Fk(\\mabosoo{manju}\\mabosoo{bithe})2035 1271 +y(is)47 b(\\textit{manju)g(bithe}.)382 1618 y Fp(4)131 +b(Character)44 b(Set)g(and)g(Romanization)382 1821 y +Fn(Giv)m(en)27 b(b)m(y)g(dictionary)g(order,)h(the)g(system)e(pro)m +(vides)h(the)g(follo)m(wing)f(basic)h(c)m(haracter)382 +1934 y(set:)382 2177 y Fg(4.1)112 b(Basic)38 b(Character)f(Set)448 +2323 y Fn(Manju)99 b(Input)i(Latin)p 1382 2357 4 113 +v 99 w(Manju)f(Input)g(Latin)p 2367 2357 V 100 w(Manju)g(Input)g(Latin) +p 398 2360 2957 4 v 562 2360 a + gsave currentpoint currentpoint translate 270 neg rotate neg exch +neg exch translate + 562 2360 a 30 w Fi(E\200)661 +2360 y + currentpoint grestore moveto + 661 2360 a 890 2448 a Fn(a)255 b(a)p 1382 2482 +4 122 v 1548 2360 a + gsave currentpoint currentpoint translate 270 neg rotate neg exch +neg exch translate + 1548 2360 a 30 w Fi(H)1638 2360 y + currentpoint grestore moveto + +1638 2360 a 1873 2448 a Fn(h)250 b(h)p 2367 2482 4 122 +v 2533 2360 a + gsave currentpoint currentpoint translate 270 neg rotate neg exch +neg exch translate + 2533 2360 a 30 w Fi(c)2616 2360 y + currentpoint grestore moveto + 2616 +2360 a 2864 2448 a Fn(c)260 b(c)562 2482 y + gsave currentpoint currentpoint translate 270 neg rotate neg exch +neg exch translate + 562 2482 a +30 w Fi(E\201)661 2482 y + currentpoint grestore moveto + 661 2482 a 893 2570 a Fn(e)f(e)p +1382 2604 4 122 v 1548 2482 a + gsave currentpoint currentpoint translate 270 neg rotate neg exch +neg exch translate + 1548 2482 a 30 w Fi(\211)1654 +2482 y + currentpoint grestore moveto + 1654 2482 a 1873 2570 a Fn(b)250 b(b)p 2367 2604 +4 122 v 2533 2482 a + gsave currentpoint currentpoint translate 270 neg rotate neg exch +neg exch translate + 2533 2482 a 30 w Fi(\210)2609 2482 +y + currentpoint grestore moveto + 2609 2482 a 2870 2570 a Fn(j)272 b(j)562 2604 y + gsave currentpoint currentpoint translate 270 neg rotate neg exch +neg exch translate + 562 +2604 a 30 w Fi(E\210)676 2604 y + currentpoint grestore moveto + 676 2604 a 900 2692 a +Fn(i)i(i)p 1382 2726 4 122 v 1548 2604 a + gsave currentpoint currentpoint translate 270 neg rotate neg exch +neg exch translate + 1548 2604 a +30 w Fi(p)1631 2604 y + currentpoint grestore moveto + 1631 2604 a 1873 2692 a Fn(p)250 +b(p)p 2367 2726 4 122 v 2533 2604 a + gsave currentpoint currentpoint translate 270 neg rotate neg exch +neg exch translate + 2533 2604 a 30 w +Fi(y)2598 2604 y + currentpoint grestore moveto + 2598 2604 a 2860 2692 a Fn(y)i(y)562 +2726 y + gsave currentpoint currentpoint translate 270 neg rotate neg exch +neg exch translate + 562 2726 a 30 w Fi(Eo\377)676 2726 y + currentpoint grestore moveto + 676 2726 +a 890 2814 a Fn(o)j(o)p 1382 2848 4 122 v 1548 2726 a + gsave currentpoint currentpoint translate 270 neg rotate neg exch +neg exch translate + +1548 2726 a 30 w Fi(S)1638 2726 y + currentpoint grestore moveto + 1638 2726 a 1880 2814 +a Fn(s)264 b(s)p 2367 2848 4 122 v 2533 2726 a + gsave currentpoint currentpoint translate 270 neg rotate neg exch +neg exch translate + 2533 2726 +a 30 w Fi(\244)2609 2726 y + currentpoint grestore moveto + 2609 2726 a 2847 2814 a Fn(k')242 +b(k')562 2848 y + gsave currentpoint currentpoint translate 270 neg rotate neg exch +neg exch translate + 562 2848 a 30 w Fi(Eu\377)676 2848 y + currentpoint grestore moveto + +676 2848 a 888 2936 a Fn(u)249 b(u)p 1382 2970 4 122 +v 1548 2848 a + gsave currentpoint currentpoint translate 270 neg rotate neg exch +neg exch translate + 1548 2848 a 30 w Fi(\240)1638 2848 y + currentpoint grestore moveto + 1638 +2848 a 1868 2936 a Fn(s')266 b(\262)p 2367 2970 4 122 +v 2533 2848 a + gsave currentpoint currentpoint translate 270 neg rotate neg exch +neg exch translate + 2533 2848 a 30 w Fi(\242)2609 2848 y + currentpoint grestore moveto + 2609 +2848 a 2849 2936 a Fn(g')245 b(g')562 2970 y + gsave currentpoint currentpoint translate 270 neg rotate neg exch +neg exch translate + 562 2970 +a 30 w Fi(E\227)706 2970 y + currentpoint grestore moveto + 706 2970 a 889 3058 a Fn(v)268 +b(\011)-48 b(u)p 1382 3114 4 144 v 1548 2970 a + gsave currentpoint currentpoint translate 270 neg rotate neg exch +neg exch translate + 1548 2970 +a 30 w Fi(T)1646 2970 y + currentpoint grestore moveto + 1646 2970 a 1881 3058 a Fn(t)265 +b(t)p 2367 3114 4 144 v 2533 2970 a + gsave currentpoint currentpoint translate 270 neg rotate neg exch +neg exch translate + 2533 2970 a 30 w +Fi(\243)2609 2970 y + currentpoint grestore moveto + 2609 2970 a 2846 3058 a Fn(h')240 +b(h')562 3114 y + gsave currentpoint currentpoint translate 270 neg rotate neg exch +neg exch translate + 562 3114 a 30 w Fi(N)623 3114 y + currentpoint grestore moveto + 623 3114 +a 888 3202 a Fn(n)249 b(n)p 1382 3236 4 122 v 1548 3114 +a + gsave currentpoint currentpoint translate 270 neg rotate neg exch +neg exch translate + 1548 3114 a 30 w Fi(D)1646 3114 y + currentpoint grestore moveto + 1646 3114 a 1873 +3202 a Fn(d)h(d)p 2367 3236 4 122 v 2533 3114 a + gsave currentpoint currentpoint translate 270 neg rotate neg exch +neg exch translate + 2533 +3114 a 30 w Fi(r\202)2639 3114 y + currentpoint grestore moveto + 2639 3114 a 2866 3202 +a Fn(r)265 b(r)562 3236 y + gsave currentpoint currentpoint translate 270 neg rotate neg exch +neg exch translate + 562 3236 a 30 w Fi(K)653 3236 +y + currentpoint grestore moveto + 653 3236 a 889 3324 a Fn(k)252 b(k)p 1382 3358 4 122 +v 1548 3236 a + gsave currentpoint currentpoint translate 270 neg rotate neg exch +neg exch translate + 1548 3236 a 30 w Fi(L)1608 3236 y + currentpoint grestore moveto + 1608 +3236 a 1886 3324 a Fn(l)274 b(l)p 2367 3358 4 122 v 2533 +3236 a + gsave currentpoint currentpoint translate 270 neg rotate neg exch +neg exch translate + 2533 3236 a 30 w Fi(F)2632 3236 y + currentpoint grestore moveto + 2632 3236 a +2870 3324 a Fn(f)e(f)562 3358 y + gsave currentpoint currentpoint translate 270 neg rotate neg exch +neg exch translate + 562 3358 a 30 w Fi(G)653 +3358 y + currentpoint grestore moveto + 653 3358 a 890 3446 a Fn(g)255 b(g)p 1382 3479 +4 122 v 1548 3358 a + gsave currentpoint currentpoint translate 270 neg rotate neg exch +neg exch translate + 1548 3358 a 30 w Fi(M)1608 3358 y + currentpoint grestore moveto + +1608 3358 a 1861 3446 a Fn(m)223 b(m)p 2367 3479 4 122 +v 2533 3358 a + gsave currentpoint currentpoint translate 270 neg rotate neg exch +neg exch translate + 2533 3358 a 30 w Fi(w)2609 3358 y + currentpoint grestore moveto + 2609 +3358 a 2851 3446 a Fn(w)235 b(w)523 3650 y(While)47 b(the)j(input)f +(metho)s(d)f(for)h(the)h(ma)5 b(jorit)m(y)47 b(of)i(c)m(haracters)i +(matc)m(hes)e(the)382 3763 y(transliteration)42 b(con)m(v)m(en)m +(tions,)48 b(some)42 b(letters)h(require)f(a)h(sligh)m(tly)e +(di\033eren)m(t)j(treat-)382 3876 y(men)m(t:)493 4063 +y(1.)i(Although)22 b(the)h(diph)m(tong)1583 3975 y + gsave currentpoint currentpoint translate 270 neg rotate neg exch +neg exch translate + 1583 +3975 a 30 w Fi(aii\377)1711 3975 y + currentpoint grestore moveto + 1711 3975 a 1696 4063 +a Fn(is)d(usually)h(rendered)i(as)f Fh(ai)p Fn(,)i(it)d(m)m(ust)h(b)s +(e)g(en)m(tered)609 4176 y(as)30 b Fk(aii)g Fn(in)g(order)h(to)f(pro)s +(duce)h(the)g(desired)f(e\033ect.)493 4364 y(2.)46 b(The)g(v)m(o)m(w)m +(el)g(whic)m(h)f(is)f(con)m(v)m(en)m(tionally)h(rendered)h(as)f +Fh(\373)52 b Fn(or)47 b Fh(\011)-47 b(u)2961 4276 y + gsave currentpoint currentpoint translate 270 neg rotate neg exch +neg exch translate + 2961 +4276 a 31 w Fi(E\227)3105 4276 y + currentpoint grestore moveto + 3105 4276 a 3097 4364 +a Fn(can)46 b(b)s(e)609 4491 y(en)m(tered)e(as)e Fk(v)g +Fn(or)h(as)f Fk(\\={u})g Fn(due)h(to)f(the)h(fact)f(that)h(a)f(c)m +(haracter)j Fh(\373)k Fn(is)41 b(not)609 4604 y(readily)29 +b(a)m(v)-5 b(ailable)29 b(on)h(most)g(systems.)493 4792 +y(3.)46 b(The)30 b(consonan)m(t)h Fh(\262)1360 4704 y + gsave currentpoint currentpoint translate 270 neg rotate neg exch +neg exch translate + +1360 4704 a 30 w Fi(\240)1450 4704 y + currentpoint grestore moveto + 1450 4704 a 1480 +4792 a Fn(can)e(b)s(e)g(en)m(tered)i(as)e Fk(s')p Fn(or)h(as)f +Fk(\\v{s})p Fn(,)g(but)h(not)g(as)f(*)p Fk(sh)609 4905 +y Fn(as)23 b(to)h(a)m(v)m(oid)f(undesired)h(mergers)f(of)g +Fh(s)30 b Fn(and)24 b Fh(h)30 b Fn(lik)m(e)22 b(in)h +Fh(ishun)2748 4817 y + gsave currentpoint currentpoint translate 270 neg rotate neg exch +neg exch translate + 2748 4817 a 30 w Fi(Eis\344\200)3013 +4817 y + currentpoint grestore moveto + 3013 4817 a 2862 4905 a Fn(whic)m(h)h(should)609 +5178 y(not)31 b(b)s(e)f(*)p Fh(i\262un)1202 5090 y + gsave currentpoint currentpoint translate 270 neg rotate neg exch +neg exch translate + 1202 +5090 a 31 w Fi(Ei\237u\200)1441 5090 y + currentpoint grestore moveto + 1441 5090 a 1293 +5178 a Fn(!)1854 5652 y(4)p eop +%%Page: 5 5 +5 4 bop 382 548 a Fg(4.2)112 b(Extended)38 b(Character)f(Set)382 +720 y Fn(The)31 b(follo)m(wing)d(sp)s(ecial)h(c)m(haracters)j(listed)c +(in)i(ma)5 b(jor)29 b(dictionaries)g(are)i(pro)m(vided:)1433 +899 y(Manju)100 b(Input)g(Latin)1548 933 y + gsave currentpoint currentpoint translate 270 neg rotate neg exch +neg exch translate + 1548 933 a +30 w Fi(\255)1669 933 y + currentpoint grestore moveto + 1669 933 a 1857 1021 a Fn(sy)215 +b(sy)1548 1055 y + gsave currentpoint currentpoint translate 270 neg rotate neg exch +neg exch translate + 1548 1055 a 30 w Fi(\256)1631 1055 y + currentpoint grestore moveto + +1631 1055 a 1854 1143 a Fn(cy)d(cy)1548 1177 y + gsave currentpoint currentpoint translate 270 neg rotate neg exch +neg exch translate + 1548 1177 +a 30 w Fi(\252)1612 1177 y + currentpoint grestore moveto + 1612 1177 a 1872 1265 a Fn(j')235 +b(jy)1548 1299 y + gsave currentpoint currentpoint translate 270 neg rotate neg exch +neg exch translate + 1548 1299 a 30 w Fi(\246)1638 1299 y + currentpoint grestore moveto + +1638 1299 a 1853 1387 a Fn(dz)210 b(dz)1548 1421 y + gsave currentpoint currentpoint translate 270 neg rotate neg exch +neg exch translate + 1548 +1421 a 30 w Fi(\262)1638 1421 y + currentpoint grestore moveto + 1638 1421 a 1838 1509 +a Fn(tsh)179 b(tsh)1548 1543 y + gsave currentpoint currentpoint translate 270 neg rotate neg exch +neg exch translate + 1548 1543 a 30 w Fi(\264)1669 +1543 y + currentpoint grestore moveto + 1669 1543 a 1815 1631 a Fn(tsh)m(y)134 b(tsh)m(y)1548 +1665 y + gsave currentpoint currentpoint translate 270 neg rotate neg exch +neg exch translate + 1548 1665 a 30 w Fi(\270)1608 1665 y + currentpoint grestore moveto + 1608 1665 +a 1861 1753 a Fn(zr)224 b(zr)523 1932 y(Please)20 b(note)h(that)g(due)g +(to)g(in)m(ternal)f(limitations)d(of)j(the)h(retransliteration)e +(engine,)382 2045 y Fh(jy)555 1957 y + gsave currentpoint currentpoint translate 270 neg rotate neg exch +neg exch translate + 555 1957 a 30 w +Fi(\252)619 1957 y + currentpoint grestore moveto + 619 1957 a 676 2045 a Fn(has)30 b(to)h(b)s(e)f(en)m +(tered)i(as)e Fk(j')p Fn(.)382 2289 y Fg(4.3)112 b(Tib)s(etan)38 +b(T)-9 b(ransliteration)38 b(Character)g(Set)382 2460 +y Fn(Besides)26 b(these)i(c)m(haracters,)i(an)e(additional)f(small)e +(set)i(of)h(sp)s(ecial)d(c)m(haracters)30 b(is)c(pro-)382 +2573 y(vided)g(for)h(rendering)g(Tib)s(etan)f(transliterations)g(as)g +(giv)m(en)h(in)f(the)h(P)m(en)m(taglot)i(dictio-)382 +2686 y(nary:)1433 2891 y(Manju)100 b(Input)g(Latin)1548 +2924 y + gsave currentpoint currentpoint translate 270 neg rotate neg exch +neg exch translate + 1548 2924 a 30 w Fi(Z)1638 2924 y + currentpoint grestore moveto + 1638 2924 a +1878 3013 a Fn(z)260 b(z)1548 3046 y + gsave currentpoint currentpoint translate 270 neg rotate neg exch +neg exch translate + 1548 3046 a 30 w +Fi(\266)1638 3046 y + currentpoint grestore moveto + 1638 3046 a 1853 3134 a Fn(zh)210 +b(zh)1548 3168 y + gsave currentpoint currentpoint translate 270 neg rotate neg exch +neg exch translate + 1548 3168 a 30 w Fi(\260)1638 3168 y + currentpoint grestore moveto + +1638 3168 a 1863 3256 a Fn(ts)229 b(ts)1548 3290 y + gsave currentpoint currentpoint translate 270 neg rotate neg exch +neg exch translate + 1548 +3290 a 30 w Fi(\272)1608 3290 y + currentpoint grestore moveto + 1608 3290 a 1838 3378 +a Fn(ng')180 b(ng')1548 3412 y + gsave currentpoint currentpoint translate 270 neg rotate neg exch +neg exch translate + 1548 3412 a 30 w Fi(\275)1608 +3412 y + currentpoint grestore moveto + 1608 3412 a 1873 3500 a Fn(l')249 b(l')1548 3534 +y + gsave currentpoint currentpoint translate 270 neg rotate neg exch +neg exch translate + 1548 3534 a 30 w Fi(P)1631 3534 y + currentpoint grestore moveto + 1631 3534 a 1861 +3622 a Fn(p')224 b(p')1548 3656 y + gsave currentpoint currentpoint translate 270 neg rotate neg exch +neg exch translate + 1548 3656 a 30 w Fi(\236)1631 +3656 y + currentpoint grestore moveto + 1631 3656 a 1868 3744 a Fn(t')240 b(t')523 3948 +y(It)42 b(b)s(ecomes)g(th)m(us)h(p)s(ossible)e(to)i(sp)s(ell)d(out)j +(the)g(Tib)s(etan)f(alphab)s(et)h(in)f(Manju)382 4061 +y(writing,)26 b(as)h(used)f(in)g(the)h(P)m(en)m(taglot)i(dictionary)c +(for)i(Tib)s(etan)f(and)h(Uigh)m(ur)g(translit-)382 4174 +y(erations:)1854 5652 y(5)p eop +%%Page: 6 6 +6 5 bop 876 545 a Fb(kx,)1184 457 y + gsave currentpoint currentpoint translate 270 neg rotate neg exch +neg exch translate + 1184 457 a 30 w Fi(\330\201)1316 +457 y + currentpoint grestore moveto + 1316 457 a 1340 603 4 147 v 1421 545 a Fb(\226x,)1759 +457 y + gsave currentpoint currentpoint translate 270 neg rotate neg exch +neg exch translate + 1759 457 a 30 w Fi(\350\201)1891 457 y + currentpoint grestore moveto + 1891 457 +a 1915 603 4 147 v 1972 545 a Fb(gx,)2270 457 y + gsave currentpoint currentpoint translate 270 neg rotate neg exch +neg exch translate + 2270 +457 a 31 w Fi(G\200)2392 457 y + currentpoint grestore moveto + 2392 457 a 2410 603 4 +147 v 2480 545 a Fb(\254x,)2782 457 y + gsave currentpoint currentpoint translate 270 neg rotate neg exch +neg exch translate + 2782 457 a 30 w +Fi(\272\200)2873 457 y + currentpoint grestore moveto + 2873 457 a 887 682 a Fk(ka)146 +b(g'a)p 1340 716 4 113 v 147 w(kha)g(k'a)p 1915 716 V +147 w(ga)153 b(ga)p 2410 716 V 130 w(nga)100 b(ng'a)p +813 719 2126 4 v 879 807 a Fb(cx,)1184 719 y + gsave currentpoint currentpoint translate 270 neg rotate neg exch +neg exch translate + 1184 719 +a 30 w Fi(iiy\200)1347 719 y + currentpoint grestore moveto + 1347 719 a 1340 882 4 163 +v 1423 807 a Fb(\204x,)1759 719 y + gsave currentpoint currentpoint translate 270 neg rotate neg exch +neg exch translate + 1759 719 a 30 w Fi(ci\200)1907 +719 y + currentpoint grestore moveto + 1907 719 a 1915 882 4 163 v 1987 807 a Fb(jx,)2270 +719 y + gsave currentpoint currentpoint translate 270 neg rotate neg exch +neg exch translate + 2270 719 a 31 w Fi(i\200)2365 719 y + currentpoint grestore moveto + 2365 719 a +2410 882 4 163 v 2481 807 a Fb(\257x,)2782 719 y + gsave currentpoint currentpoint translate 270 neg rotate neg exch +neg exch translate + 2782 +719 a 30 w Fi(Niy\200)2941 719 y + currentpoint grestore moveto + 2941 719 a 887 961 a +Fk(ca)123 b(jiya)p 1340 995 4 113 v 123 w(cha)146 b(cia)p +1915 995 V 147 w(ja)153 b(ja)p 2410 995 V 130 w(nya)100 +b(niya)p 813 998 2126 4 v 888 1086 a Fb(tx,)1184 998 +y + gsave currentpoint currentpoint translate 270 neg rotate neg exch +neg exch translate + 1184 998 a 30 w Fi(\236\200)1297 998 y + currentpoint grestore moveto + 1297 998 a 1340 +1152 4 155 v 1435 1086 a Fb(\346x,)1759 998 y + gsave currentpoint currentpoint translate 270 neg rotate neg exch +neg exch translate + 1759 998 +a 30 w Fi(T\200)1888 998 y + currentpoint grestore moveto + 1888 998 a 1915 1152 4 155 +v 1980 1086 a Fb(dx,)2270 998 y + gsave currentpoint currentpoint translate 270 neg rotate neg exch +neg exch translate + 2270 998 a 31 w Fi(D\200)2399 +998 y + currentpoint grestore moveto + 2399 998 a 2410 1152 4 155 v 2481 1086 a Fb(nx,)2782 +998 y + gsave currentpoint currentpoint translate 270 neg rotate neg exch +neg exch translate + 2782 998 a 30 w Fi(N\200)2873 998 y + currentpoint grestore moveto + 2873 998 a +887 1231 a Fk(ta)146 b(t'a)p 1340 1265 4 113 v 147 w(tha)170 +b(ta)p 1915 1265 V 170 w(da)153 b(da)p 2410 1265 V 153 +w(na)171 b(na)p 813 1269 2126 4 v 874 1357 a Fb(px,)1184 +1269 y + gsave currentpoint currentpoint translate 270 neg rotate neg exch +neg exch translate + 1184 1269 a 30 w Fi(\310\201)1316 1269 y + currentpoint grestore moveto + 1316 +1269 a 1340 1401 4 133 v 1426 1357 a Fb(\261x,)1759 1269 +y + gsave currentpoint currentpoint translate 270 neg rotate neg exch +neg exch translate + 1759 1269 a 30 w Fi(\320\201)1891 1269 y + currentpoint grestore moveto + 1891 1269 +a 1915 1401 4 133 v 1980 1357 a Fb(bx,)2270 1269 y + gsave currentpoint currentpoint translate 270 neg rotate neg exch +neg exch translate + 2270 +1269 a 31 w Fi(w\200)2376 1269 y + currentpoint grestore moveto + 2376 1269 a 2410 1401 +4 133 v 2470 1357 a Fb(mx,)2782 1269 y + gsave currentpoint currentpoint translate 270 neg rotate neg exch +neg exch translate + 2782 1269 a 30 +w Fi(M\200)2873 1269 y + currentpoint grestore moveto + 2873 1269 a 887 1480 a Fk(pa)f(ba)p +1340 1514 4 113 v 170 w(pha)g(pa)p 1915 1514 V 170 w(ba)153 +b(wa)p 2410 1514 V 153 w(ma)171 b(ma)p 813 1517 2126 +4 v 874 1605 a Fb(\352x,)1184 1517 y + gsave currentpoint currentpoint translate 270 neg rotate neg exch +neg exch translate + 1184 1517 a 30 w +Fi(\260\200)1305 1517 y + currentpoint grestore moveto + 1305 1517 a 1340 1664 4 147 v +1423 1605 a Fb(\353x,)1759 1517 y + gsave currentpoint currentpoint translate 270 neg rotate neg exch +neg exch translate + 1759 1517 a 30 w Fi(\262\200)1880 +1517 y + currentpoint grestore moveto + 1880 1517 a 1915 1664 4 147 v 1982 1605 a Fb(\214x,)2270 +1517 y + gsave currentpoint currentpoint translate 270 neg rotate neg exch +neg exch translate + 2270 1517 a 31 w Fi(\246\200)2392 1517 y + currentpoint grestore moveto + 2392 +1517 a 2410 1664 4 147 v 2466 1605 a Fb(wx,)2782 1517 +y + gsave currentpoint currentpoint translate 270 neg rotate neg exch +neg exch translate + 2782 1517 a 30 w Fi(w\200)2888 1517 y + currentpoint grestore moveto + 2888 1517 a 863 +1743 a Fk(tsa)123 b(tsa)p 1340 1776 4 113 v 123 w(tsha)100 +b(tsha)p 1915 1776 V 99 w(dza)107 b(dza)p 2410 1776 V +129 w(wa)171 b(wa)p 813 1780 2126 4 v 878 1868 a Fb(\361x,)1184 +1780 y + gsave currentpoint currentpoint translate 270 neg rotate neg exch +neg exch translate + 1184 1780 a 30 w Fi(\266\200)1305 1780 y + currentpoint grestore moveto + 1305 +1780 a 1340 1926 4 147 v 1434 1868 a Fb(zx,)1759 1780 +y + gsave currentpoint currentpoint translate 270 neg rotate neg exch +neg exch translate + 1759 1780 a 30 w Fi(Z\200)1880 1780 y + currentpoint grestore moveto + 1880 1780 a 1915 +1926 4 147 v 1974 1868 a Fb(',)2270 1780 y + gsave currentpoint currentpoint translate 270 neg rotate neg exch +neg exch translate + 2270 1780 +a 31 w Fi(E\200)2369 1780 y + currentpoint grestore moveto + 2369 1780 a 2410 1926 4 147 +v 2462 1868 a Fb(yx,)2782 1780 y + gsave currentpoint currentpoint translate 270 neg rotate neg exch +neg exch translate + 2782 1780 a 30 w Fi(y\200)2876 +1780 y + currentpoint grestore moveto + 2876 1780 a 863 2005 a Fk(zha)123 b(zha)p 1340 +2039 4 113 v 170 w(za)194 b(za)p 1915 2039 V 193 w(')177 +b(ea)p 2410 2039 V 153 w(ya)171 b(ya)p 813 2042 2126 +4 v 874 2130 a Fb(rx,)1184 2042 y + gsave currentpoint currentpoint translate 270 neg rotate neg exch +neg exch translate + 1184 2042 a 30 w Fi(r\200)1290 +2042 y + currentpoint grestore moveto + 1290 2042 a 1340 2189 4 147 v 1424 2130 a Fb(lx,)1759 +2042 y + gsave currentpoint currentpoint translate 270 neg rotate neg exch +neg exch translate + 1759 2042 a 30 w Fi(L\200)1850 2042 y + currentpoint grestore moveto + 1850 2042 +a 1915 2189 4 147 v 1970 2130 a Fb(\321x,)2270 2042 y + gsave currentpoint currentpoint translate 270 neg rotate neg exch +neg exch translate + +2270 2042 a 31 w Fi(\240\200)2392 2042 y + currentpoint grestore moveto + 2392 2042 a +2410 2189 4 147 v 2467 2130 a Fb(sx,)2782 2042 y + gsave currentpoint currentpoint translate 270 neg rotate neg exch +neg exch translate + 2782 +2042 a 30 w Fi(S\200)2903 2042 y + currentpoint grestore moveto + 2903 2042 a 887 2268 +a Fk(ra)f(ra)p 1340 2302 4 113 v 193 w(la)194 b(la)p +1915 2302 V 146 w(sha)107 b(s'a)p 2410 2302 V 129 w(sa)171 +b(sa)p 813 2305 2126 4 v 878 2393 a Fb(hx,)1184 2305 +y + gsave currentpoint currentpoint translate 270 neg rotate neg exch +neg exch translate + 1184 2305 a 30 w Fi(H|\200)1335 2305 y + currentpoint grestore moveto + 1335 2305 a +1340 2456 4 152 v 1407 2393 a Fb(a,)1759 2305 y + gsave currentpoint currentpoint translate 270 neg rotate neg exch +neg exch translate + 1759 +2305 a 30 w Fi(E\200)1857 2305 y + currentpoint grestore moveto + 1857 2305 a 1915 2456 +4 152 v 2284 2305 a + gsave currentpoint currentpoint translate 270 neg rotate neg exch +neg exch translate + 2284 2305 a 2284 2305 a + currentpoint grestore moveto + 2284 2305 +a 2410 2456 4 152 v 2796 2305 a + gsave currentpoint currentpoint translate 270 neg rotate neg exch +neg exch translate + 2796 2305 a 2796 2305 +a + currentpoint grestore moveto + 2796 2305 a 887 2535 a Fk(ha)146 b(h|a)p 1340 2569 +4 113 v 194 w(a)240 b(a)p 1915 2569 V 2410 2569 V 523 +2740 a Fn(Besides)29 b(these)i(basic)e(represen)m(tations,)j(certain)e +(deviations)f(exist:)493 2927 y(1.)46 b Fb(\254x,)36 +b Fh(nga)991 2839 y + gsave currentpoint currentpoint translate 270 neg rotate neg exch +neg exch translate + 991 2839 a 30 w Fi(\272\200)1082 +2839 y + currentpoint grestore moveto + 1082 2839 a 1117 2927 a Fn(is)e(used)i(for)f(Tib)s(etan)g +(initials)d(and)j(subscripts;)i(\034nals)e(are)h(ex-)609 +3040 y(pressed)31 b(as)1101 2952 y + gsave currentpoint currentpoint translate 270 neg rotate neg exch +neg exch translate + 1101 2952 a 30 w Fi(\216)1226 +2952 y + currentpoint grestore moveto + 1226 2952 a 493 3248 a Fn(2.)46 b(While)38 b Fb(hx,)j +Fh(ha)1237 3160 y + gsave currentpoint currentpoint translate 270 neg rotate neg exch +neg exch translate + 1237 3160 a 30 w Fi(H|\200)1388 3160 +y + currentpoint grestore moveto + 1388 3160 a 1367 3248 a Fn(is)e(used)h(for)g(Tib)s(etan)g(initial)c +Fb(hx,)p Fn(,)43 b(a)d(di\033eren)m(t)h(form)e(is)609 +3408 y(tak)m(en)31 b(for)f(subscripted)h Fh(ha)p Fn(,)f(as)g(in)f +Fb(\243x,)i Fh(lha)2204 3320 y + gsave currentpoint currentpoint translate 270 neg rotate neg exch +neg exch translate + 2204 3320 a 30 w Fi(\275|\200)2325 +3320 y + currentpoint grestore moveto + 2325 3320 a 2295 3408 a Fn(.)382 3685 y Fg(4.4)112 +b(Sp)s(ecial)39 b(Characters)382 3857 y Fn(ManjuT)688 +3877 y(E)738 3857 y(X)e(and)g(its)f(progenitor)i(MonT)1830 +3877 y(E)1880 3857 y(X)f(share)g(the)g(complete)g(set)g(of)f(n)m(um)m +(b)s(ers)382 3970 y(and)22 b(punctuation)h(marks)d(as)i(w)m(ell)e(as)i +(a)g(few)f(sp)s(ecial)f(c)m(haracters)j(used)f(for)g(in\035uencing)382 +4083 y(the)31 b(presen)m(tation)g(of)f(the)h(writing.)523 +4196 y(Pro)m(vided)k(a)f(w)m(ord)h(should)e(end)i(with)e(a)h +(non-\034nal)h(glyph)e(shap)s(e)h(then)g(the)h(En-)382 +4309 y(vironmen)m(t)f(Mark)m(er)1199 4221 y + gsave currentpoint currentpoint translate 270 neg rotate neg exch +neg exch translate + 1199 4221 +a 30 w Fi(*\377)1320 4221 y + currentpoint grestore moveto + 1320 4221 a 1324 4309 a Fn(is)e(used)i +(whic)m(h)h(is)d(en)m(tered)k(as)e(an)g(asterisque)f +Fk(*)p Fn(.)52 b(This)33 b(is)382 4438 y(helpful)e(for)g(writing)h +(abbreviated)g(w)m(ords)h(or)f(marking)f(non-\034nal)i(v)m(o)m(w)m +(els,)g(lik)m(e)3280 4350 y + gsave currentpoint currentpoint translate 270 neg rotate neg exch +neg exch translate + 3280 4350 a 30 w Fi(Eo\377)3393 +4350 y + currentpoint grestore moveto + 3393 4350 a 382 4551 a Fn(whic)m(h)e(is)d(en)m(tered)k(as)e +Fk(o*)p Fn(.)523 4664 y(Whenev)m(er)38 b(the)f(plethora)g(of)g +(diacritics)e(used)i(in)f(Manju)h(writing)f(causes)g(ugly)382 +4777 y(clashes)g(b)s(et)m(w)m(een)i(adjacen)m(t)g(letters,)g(then)f +(the)h(`bac)m(kb)s(one')f(\(mong.)60 b Fh(nirugu)7 b +Fn(\),)39 b(en-)382 4890 y(tered)c(as)g Fk(|)p Fn(,)h(can)f(b)s(e)f +(used)h(to)g(stretc)m(h)h(the)f(distance)g(b)s(et)m(w)m(een)h(clashing) +e(letter)g(ele-)382 5003 y(men)m(ts,)f(lik)m(e)e(in)1014 +4914 y + gsave currentpoint currentpoint translate 270 neg rotate neg exch +neg exch translate + 1014 4914 a 30 w Fi(H|\200)1165 4914 y + currentpoint grestore moveto + 1165 4914 +a 1137 5003 a Fn(whic)m(h)i(should)f(b)s(e)h(en)m(tered)h +Fk(h|a)e Fn(rather)i(than)f Fk(ha)g Fn(resulting)e(in)446 +5074 y + gsave currentpoint currentpoint translate 270 neg rotate neg exch +neg exch translate + 446 5074 a 30 w Fi(H\200)567 5074 y + currentpoint grestore moveto + 567 5074 a +536 5162 a Fn(.)1854 5652 y(6)p eop +%%Page: 7 7 +7 6 bop 382 548 a Fp(5)131 b(Outlo)t(ok)44 b(and)g(Desiderata)382 +751 y Fn(Unfortunately)-8 b(,)42 b(some)c(co)s(de)h(p)s(ositions)e(in)h +(the)i(Metafon)m(t)g(sources)f(of)f(ManjuT)3252 770 y(E)3303 +751 y(X)382 864 y(ha)m(v)m(en't)46 b(b)s(een)f(frozen)g(y)m(et)f(whic)m +(h)h(implies)c(that)k(do)s(cumen)m(ts)g(con)m(taining)g(Manju)382 +977 y(text)30 b(should)g(b)s(e)g(recompiled)f(once)i(a)f(new)h(v)m +(ersion)f(of)g(this)f(soft)m(w)m(are)j(is)d(issued.)523 +1090 y(In)40 b(addition,)h(the)f(author)h(is)e(not)h(happ)m(y)h(y)m(et) +f(with)f(some)h(of)f(the)h(in)m(teraction)382 1202 y(p)s(erformed)31 +b(b)m(y)g(certain)g(glyph)f(com)m(binations.)42 b(This)30 +b(will)f(ha)m(v)m(e)j(to)f(b)s(e)g(re\034ned)h(de\034-)382 +1315 y(nitely!)523 1428 y(With)47 b Fa(\012)p Fn(mega)h(lurking)f +(around,)53 b(ManjuT)2080 1448 y(E)2131 1428 y(X)47 b(should)h +(actually)f(b)s(e)h(obsolete)382 1541 y(w)m(ork.)h(A)33 +b(uni\034ed)f(enco)s(ding)h(comprising)e(all)h(Mongolian)g(writings)f +(has)i(b)s(een)g(in)m(te-)382 1654 y(grated)c(in)m(to)f(Unico)s(de)f +(3.0)h(and)g(ISO)g(10646.)41 b(The)28 b(author)h(needed)g(a)f(quic)m(k) +f(solution)382 1767 y(for)34 b(ongoing)g(lexicographical)e(w)m(ork)j +(\(the)f(P)m(en)m(taglot)i(database,)g(that)f(is\))e(and)h(will)382 +1880 y(merge)k(ManjuT)962 1900 y(E)1012 1880 y(X)g(with)f(the)i +(existing)d(MonT)2065 1900 y(E)2116 1880 y(X)h(system)g(later.)63 +b(A)m(t)38 b(that)h(p)s(oin)m(t,)382 1993 y(there)31 +b(will)d(also)h(b)s(e)h(full-featured)f Fa(\012)p Fn(mega)h(supp)s +(ort.)523 2106 y(An)m(yw)m(a)m(y)-8 b(,)27 b(whatev)m(er)e(the)g +(mistak)m(es)d(and)i(the)h(shortcomings)e(are)h(that)h(ha)m(v)m(e)g +(crept)382 2219 y(in)m(to)30 b(this)g(Manju)g(system,)f(I)g(can)i(only) +f(kindly)e(ask)h(y)m(ou)i(to)g(blame)e(me.)2426 2543 +y Fh(Now)i(go)g(forth)g(and)g(cr)-5 b(e)g(ate)2426 2656 +y(b)g(e)g(autiful)34 b(Manju)e(text!)2426 2769 y(Oliver)37 +b(Cor\033,)g(Shenyang,)2426 2882 y(April)32 b(1st,)g(2001)1854 +5652 y Fn(7)p eop +%%Trailer +end +userdict /end-hook known{end-hook}if +%%EOF diff --git a/obsolete/language/manju/manjutex/doc/manjutex.tex b/obsolete/language/manju/manjutex/doc/manjutex.tex new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..24e387a89a --- /dev/null +++ b/obsolete/language/manju/manjutex/doc/manjutex.tex @@ -0,0 +1,334 @@ +\documentclass[a4paper,11pt]{article} +\usepackage{manju} +\usepackage{ctib} + +\newcommand\exa{\nopagebreak \begin{flushleft}\smallskip \nopagebreak + \begin{minipage}[t]{6cm}\sloppy} +\newcommand\exb{\end{minipage}\kern 1cm\begin{minipage}[t]{8cm}\sloppy } +\newcommand\exc{\end{minipage}\kern -3cm \smallskip\end{flushleft}} + +\title{\mabosoo{manju}\mabosoo{late|h'}\\[0.35cm] + ManjuTeX 0.2\\[0.35cm] + A Manju Script Package for \LaTeXe} +\author{Oliver Corff} +\date{April 1st, 2001} +\begin{document} +\maketitle +\begin{abstract} + Manju\TeX\ is a package offering Manju support for \TeX\ and + \LaTeXe. This package is founded on Mon\TeX\ and will + finally merge with Mon\TeX\ in order to provide all + Mongolian writings. In contrast to the Mongolian Script + of early Mon\TeX\ versions, the complete retransliteration + process which generates Manju writing out of romanized input is + built on the ligature functionality of \TeX\ and Metafont, thus + effectively eliminating the need for installing any external + preprocessor. +\end{abstract} +\tableofcontents + +\section{Introduction} + +As long as a full-fledged support of all Mongolian-based languages +and writing systems (Mongolian, Manju, Tod, Sibe as well as various +transcription systems for Tibetan, Sanskrit and Chinese, also known +as Galig or Ali Gali) is not available for the \TeX\ and \LaTeXe\ +community, the author considered it useful to prepare a stand-alone +Manju package which can be used with \TeX\ and \LaTeXe. The package +comes in two varieties: while \TeX\ users can access the Manju +fonts, \LaTeXe\ users enjoy the additional privilege of being able +to typeset vertical capsules of Manju text. Users of both +communities never have to bother with encoding issues or external +preprocessors. Manju is typed in a fairly standard romanization and +is converted to the presentation form automatically. + + +\section{Installation\label{Installation}} + +Installation of this software package is straightforward: +The installation procedure depends on the nature of the actual +\TeX\ system. The directory tree of e.\,g., teTeX is different +from the emtex tree; hence the source archive \texttt{manjutex.zip} +features the following subdirectories the contents of which has to be +placed into appropriate branches of the \TeX\ installation: +\begin{itemize} + \item \texttt{mfinput} holds the complete Metafont sources + for the Tibetan fonts. The suggested path for emtex + users is \verb"\emtex\mfinput\manju"; for teTeX users + \verb"$TEXMF/fonts/source/public/manju" is a suitable + choice. + \item \texttt{tfm} holds all necessary font metrics files. + The suggested path for emtex users is \verb"\emtex\tfm\manju"; + for teTeX users \verb"$TEXMF/fonts/tfm/public/manju" + is a suitable choice. + \item \texttt{texinput} holds all style files, font encoding + definitions etc. which are read by \TeX\ and \LaTeXe. + The suggested path for emtex users is + \verb"\emtex\texinput\manju"; for teTeX users + \verb"$TEXMF/tex/latex/manju" is a suitable choice. + \item \texttt{doc} contains the documentation (the document + which you are reading right now). It can be placed + in \verb"\emtex\doc\manju" (for emtex users) or + \verb"$TEXMF/doc/latex/manju" (for teTeX users). +\end{itemize} + +It may become necessary to rehash the directory database of the +\TeX\ system. When in doubt, consult your system administrator or +local \TeX\ wizard. +On teTeX systems, the command \texttt{texhash} will perform this service. + + +\section{User Commands\label{UserCommands}} + +Manju\TeX\ provides the common command +\verb|\bth| (as in {\bth bithe} \textit{bithe}) to switch to +Manju mode. A Manju font is selected and the Latin input is +automatically interpreted as transliterated Manju. The +transliteration closely follows Hauer's system and is presented in +the next section. + +\subsection{Using \ManjuTeX\ with \TeX} + +If you only use \LaTeXe\ then you can safely skip reading this +paragraph. + +Near the beginning of your \TeX\ document (or before your first +instance of Manju text) you have to input the Manju macros by saying +\begin{verbatim} + \input manju +\end{verbatim} +which will provide a size selection command, \verb*-msize-, and the +font switching command \verb*-\bth-. + +A complete Manju \TeX\ document could look like this: + +\exa + This is Manju:\\ + {\bth manju bithe} +\exb + \begin{verbatim} + \input manju + \msize + This is Manju:\\ + {\bth manju bithe} + \bye + \end{verbatim} +\exc + +In effect, three different font sizes can be selected using +\verb*-msize- (10~points), +\verb*-msizei- (11~points) and +\verb*-msizeii- (12~points). + +The commands to toggle between Manju writing and Computer Modern +are \verb*-\bth- and \verb*-\tenrm-, respectively. Please note that +\verb*-\tenrm- is redefined by \ManjuTeX\ to the effect that the size +selection command overrides the 10~point size of \verb*-\tenrm-% + \footnote{This `feature' was taken from the Tibetan + package.}. + +\subsection{Using \ManjuTeX\ with \LaTeXe} + +\LaTeXe\ users activate the Manju package by saying +\begin{verbatim} + \usepackage{manju} +\end{verbatim} +in the preamble of the document. The font selection command is +\verb*-\bth-. The size is set through the NFSS system. + +A Manju document could contain the following code snippet: + +\exa + This is Manju:\\ + {\bth manju bithe} +\exb + \begin{verbatim} + This is Manju:\\ + {\bth manju bithe} + \end{verbatim} +\exc + +\subsubsection{Vertical Text Capsules} + +With PostScript support it becomes possible to typeset vertical +capsules of Manju text. Simply issue the command \verb*-\mabosoo{}-, +include a text argument and see how it works: +\exa + \mabosoo{manju}\mabosoo{bithe} + is \textit{manju bithe}. +\exb + \begin{verbatim} + \mabosoo{manju}\mabosoo{bithe} + is \textit{manju bithe}. + \end{verbatim} +\exc + +\section{Character Set and Romanization} +Given by dictionary order, the system provides the following basic +character set: + +\subsection{Basic Character Set} +\newcommand{\ManjuEntry}[3]{\mabosoo{#1}& #2 & #3 } +\begin{center} +\begin{tabular}{ccc|ccc|ccc} +Manju&Input&Latin&Manju&Input&Latin&Manju&Input&Latin\\ +\hline +\ManjuEntry{a}{a}{a} & \ManjuEntry{h}{h}{h} & \ManjuEntry{c}{c}{c} \\ +\ManjuEntry{e}{e}{e} & \ManjuEntry{b}{b}{b} & \ManjuEntry{j}{j}{j} \\ +\ManjuEntry{i}{i}{i} & \ManjuEntry{p}{p}{p} & \ManjuEntry{y}{y}{y} \\ +\ManjuEntry{o*}{o}{o} & \ManjuEntry{s}{s}{s} & \ManjuEntry{k'}{k'}{k'}\\ +\ManjuEntry{u*}{u}{u} & \ManjuEntry{s'}{s'}{\v s}& \ManjuEntry{g'}{g'}{g'}\\ +\ManjuEntry{v}{v}{\={u}}& \ManjuEntry{t}{t}{t} & \ManjuEntry{h'}{h'}{h'}\\ +\ManjuEntry{n}{n}{n} & \ManjuEntry{d}{d}{d} & \ManjuEntry{r}{r}{r} \\ +\ManjuEntry{k}{k}{k} & \ManjuEntry{l}{l}{l} & \ManjuEntry{f}{f}{f} \\ +\ManjuEntry{g}{g}{g} & \ManjuEntry{m}{m}{m} & \ManjuEntry{w}{w}{w} \\ +\end{tabular} +\end{center} + +While the input method for the majority of characters matches the +transliteration conventions, some letters require a slightly +different treatment: +\begin{enumerate} + \item Although the diphtong \mabosoo{*aii*} is + usually rendered as \textit{ai}, it must be entered + as \texttt{aii} in order to produce the desired + effect. + \item The vowel which is conventionally rendered as \textit{\^u} + or \textit{\=u} \mabosoo{v} can be entered as \texttt{v} + or as \verb|\={u}| due to the fact that a character + \textit{\^u} is not readily available on most systems. + \item The consonant \textit{\v s} \mabosoo{s'} can be entered as + \texttt{s'}or as \verb|\v{s}|, but not as *\texttt{sh} + as to avoid undesired mergers of \textit{s} and \textit{h} + like in \textit{ishun} \mabosoo{ishun} which should not be + *\textit{i\v{s}un} \mabosoo{is'un}! +\end{enumerate} + +\subsection{Extended Character Set} +The following special characters listed in major dictionaries are +provided: +\begin{center} +\begin{tabular}{ccc} +Manju & Input &Latin\\ +\ManjuEntry{sy}{sy}{sy} \\ +\ManjuEntry{cy}{cy}{cy} \\ +\ManjuEntry{j'}{j'}{jy} \\ +\ManjuEntry{dz}{dz}{dz} \\ +\ManjuEntry{tsh}{tsh}{tsh} \\ +\ManjuEntry{tshy}{tshy}{tshy} \\ +\ManjuEntry{zr}{zr}{zr} \\ +\end{tabular} +\end{center} + +Please note that due to internal limitations of the retransliteration +engine, \textit{jy} \mabosoo{j'} has to be entered as \texttt{j'}. + +\subsection{Tibetan Transliteration Character Set} +Besides these characters, an additional small set of special characters +is provided for rendering Tibetan transliterations as given in the +Pentaglot dictionary: + +\begin{center} +\begin{tabular}{ccc} +Manju & Input &Latin \\ +\ManjuEntry{z}{z}{z} \\ +\ManjuEntry{zh}{zh}{zh} \\ +\ManjuEntry{ts}{ts}{ts} \\ +\ManjuEntry{ng'}{ng'}{ng'} \\ +\ManjuEntry{l'}{l'}{l'} \\ +\ManjuEntry{p'}{p'}{p'} \\ +\ManjuEntry{t'}{t'}{t'} \\ +\end{tabular} +\end{center} + +It becomes thus possible to spell out the Tibetan alphabet in +Manju writing, as used in the Pentaglot dictionary for Tibetan +and Uighur transliterations: + +\newcommand{\MT}[2]{{\tib #1} \textit{#1} \mabosoo{#2}} + +\newcommand{\ManjuTibetan}[8]{% + \tib #1 & \mabosoo{#2}& + \tib #3 & \mabosoo{#4}& + \tib #5 & \mabosoo{#6}& + \tib #7 & \mabosoo{#8}\\ + \tt #1 & \tt #2 & + \tt #3 & \tt #4 & + \tt #5 & \tt #6 & + \tt #7 & \tt #8\\ + } + +\begin{center} +\begin{tabular}{cc|cc|cc|cc} +\ManjuTibetan{ka}{g'a} {kha}{k'a} {ga}{ga} {nga}{ng'a} +\hline +\ManjuTibetan{ca}{jiya} {cha}{cia} {ja}{ja} {nya}{niya} +\hline +\ManjuTibetan{ta}{t'a} {tha}{ta} {da}{da} {na}{na} +\hline +\ManjuTibetan{pa}{ba} {pha}{pa} {ba}{wa} {ma}{ma} +\hline +\ManjuTibetan{tsa}{tsa} {tsha}{tsha} {dza}{dza} {wa}{wa} +\hline +\ManjuTibetan{zha}{zha} {za}{za} {'}{ea} {ya}{ya} +\hline +\ManjuTibetan{ra}{ra} {la}{la} {sha}{s'a} {sa}{sa} +\hline +\ManjuTibetan{ha}{h|a} {a}{a} {}{} {}{} +\end{tabular} +\end{center} + +Besides these basic representations, certain deviations exist: +\begin{enumerate} + \item \MT{nga}{ng'a} is used for Tibetan initials and subscripts; + finals are expressed as \mabosoo{*ng} + \item While \MT{ha}{h|a} is used for Tibetan initial + {\tib ha}, + a different form is taken for subscripted + \textit{ha}, as in \MT{lha}{l'|a}. +\end{enumerate} + +\subsection{Special Characters} + +Manju\TeX\ and its progenitor Mon\TeX\ share the complete +set of numbers and punctuation marks as well as a few special +characters used for influencing the presentation of the writing. + +Provided a word should end with a non-final glyph shape then the Environment +Marker \mabosoo{**} is used which is entered as an asterisque +\verb-*-. This is helpful for writing abbreviated words or marking +non-final vowels, like \mabosoo{o*} which is entered as \verb-o*-. + +Whenever the plethora of diacritics used in Manju writing causes +ugly clashes between adjacent letters, then the `backbone' (mong. +\textit{nirugu}), entered as \verb'|', can be used to stretch the +distance between clashing letter elements, like in \mabosoo{h|a} +which should be entered \verb-h|a- rather than \verb-ha- resulting +in \mabosoo{ha}. + +\section{Outlook and Desiderata} + +Unfortunately, some code positions in the Metafont sources of +\ManjuTeX\ haven't +been frozen yet which implies that documents containing Manju text +should be recompiled once a new version of this software is issued. + +In addition, the author is not happy yet with some of the +interaction performed by certain glyph combinations. This will have +to be refined definitely! + +With $\Omega$mega lurking around, \ManjuTeX\ should actually be obsolete +work. A unified encoding comprising all Mongolian writings has been +integrated into Unicode 3.0 and ISO 10646. The author needed a quick +solution for ongoing lexicographical work (the Pentaglot database, +that is) and will merge \ManjuTeX\ with the existing Mon\TeX\ system +later. At that point, there will also be full-featured $\Omega$mega +support. + +Anyway, whatever the mistakes and the shortcomings are that have +crept into this Manju system, I can only kindly ask you to blame me. + +\vspace{1cm} +\hfill\parbox{4cm}{\it Now go forth and create beautiful Manju text!\\ + Oliver Corff, Shenyang, April 1st, 2001} +\end{document} diff --git a/obsolete/language/manju/manjutex/mfinput/bthhsb.mf b/obsolete/language/manju/manjutex/mfinput/bthhsb.mf new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..5ba78ad14c --- /dev/null +++ b/obsolete/language/manju/manjutex/mfinput/bthhsb.mf @@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +% File: bthhsb.mf +% Author: Oliver Corff and Dorjpalam Dorj +% Date: March 1st, 2001 +% Version: 0.8 +% Copyright: Ulaanbaatar, Beijing, Berlin +% +% Description: Local Manju Script in Ligature Mode (Encoding: LMA) +% Manju Bithe Horizontal Steel Bold Font Definition +% +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +input mbparmb.mf; % Load Bold Weight Parameters +input mbatoms.mf; % Load Atoms +style:=steel; % Defines titem and suul shapes, etc. +writing:=Bithe; % This one is going to be Manju Bithe +LR:=true; % This is a Horizontal Font +input mbcodes.mf; % Load Common Encoding Vectors +input macodes.mf; % Load Manju Encoding Vectors +input mantrlig.mf; % Load Manju Transliteration Ligatures +input mbpunc.mf; % Oh yes, we build punctuation +input mbnums.mf; % Oh yes, we build digits +input mbglyphs.mf; % Oh yes, we build common glyphs +input maglyphs.mf; % And we build Manju glyphs +end. diff --git a/obsolete/language/manju/manjutex/mfinput/bthhsm.mf b/obsolete/language/manju/manjutex/mfinput/bthhsm.mf new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..62fbde35d8 --- /dev/null +++ b/obsolete/language/manju/manjutex/mfinput/bthhsm.mf @@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +% File: bthhsm.mf +% Author: Oliver Corff and Dorjpalam Dorj +% Date: March 1st, 2001 +% Version: 0.8 +% Copyright: Ulaanbaatar, Beijing, Berlin +% +% Description: Local Manju Script in Ligature Mode (Encoding: LMA) +% Manju Bithe Horizontal Steel Medium Font Definition +% +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +input mbparmm.mf; % Load Medium Weight Parameters +input mbatoms.mf; % Load Atoms +style:=steel; % Defines titem and suul shapes, etc. +writing:=Bithe; % This one is going to be Manju Bithe +LR:=true; % This is a Horizontal Font +input mbcodes.mf; % Load Common Encoding Vectors +input macodes.mf; % Load Manju Encoding Vectors +input mantrlig.mf; % Load Manju Transliteration Ligatures +input mbpunc.mf; % Oh yes, we build punctuation +input mbnums.mf; % Oh yes, we build digits +input mbglyphs.mf; % Oh yes, we build common glyphs +input maglyphs.mf; % And we build Manju glyphs +end. diff --git a/obsolete/language/manju/manjutex/mfinput/bthhwb.mf b/obsolete/language/manju/manjutex/mfinput/bthhwb.mf new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..d907a4aba0 --- /dev/null +++ b/obsolete/language/manju/manjutex/mfinput/bthhwb.mf @@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +% File: bthhwb.mf +% Author: Oliver Corff and Dorjpalam Dorj +% Date: March 1st, 2001 +% Version: 0.8 +% Copyright: Ulaanbaatar, Beijing, Berlin +% +% Description: Local Manju Script in Ligature Mode (Encoding: LMA) +% Manju Bithe Horizontal Wood Bold Font Definition +% +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +input mbparmb.mf; % Load Bold Weight Parameters +input mbatoms.mf; % Load Atoms +style:=wood; % Defines titem and suul shapes, etc. +writing:=Bithe; % This one is going to be Manju Bithe +LR:=true; % This is a Horizontal Font +input mbcodes.mf; % Load Common Encoding Vectors +input macodes.mf; % Load Manju Encoding Vectors +input mantrlig.mf; % Load Manju Transliteration Ligatures +input mbpunc.mf; % Oh yes, we build punctuation +input mbnums.mf; % Oh yes, we build digits +input mbglyphs.mf; % Oh yes, we build common glyphs +input maglyphs.mf; % And we build Manju glyphs +end. diff --git a/obsolete/language/manju/manjutex/mfinput/bthhwm.mf b/obsolete/language/manju/manjutex/mfinput/bthhwm.mf new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..8180ef50ef --- /dev/null +++ b/obsolete/language/manju/manjutex/mfinput/bthhwm.mf @@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +% File: bthhwm.mf +% Author: Oliver Corff and Dorjpalam Dorj +% Date: March 1st, 2001 +% Version: 0.8 +% Copyright: Ulaanbaatar, Beijing, Berlin +% +% Description: Local Manju Script in Ligature Mode (Encoding: LMA) +% Manju Bithe Horizontal Wood Medium Font Definition +% +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +input mbparmm.mf; % Load Medium Weight Parameters +input mbatoms.mf; % Load Atoms +style:=wood; % Defines titem and suul shapes, etc. +writing:=Bithe; % This one is going to be Manju Bithe +LR:=true; % This is a Horizontal Font +input mbcodes.mf; % Load Common Encoding Vectors +input macodes.mf; % Load Manju Encoding Vectors +input mantrlig.mf; % Load Manju Transliteration Ligatures +input mbpunc.mf; % Oh yes, we build punctuation +input mbnums.mf; % Oh yes, we build digits +input mbglyphs.mf; % Oh yes, we build common glyphs +input maglyphs.mf; % And we build Manju glyphs +end. diff --git a/obsolete/language/manju/manjutex/mfinput/bthvsb.mf b/obsolete/language/manju/manjutex/mfinput/bthvsb.mf new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..87148a0842 --- /dev/null +++ b/obsolete/language/manju/manjutex/mfinput/bthvsb.mf @@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +% File: bthvsb.mf +% Author: Oliver Corff and Dorjpalam Dorj +% Date: March 1st, 2001 +% Version: 0.8 +% Copyright: Ulaanbaatar, Beijing, Berlin +% +% Description: Local Manju Script in Ligature Mode (Encoding: LMA) +% Manju Bithe Vertical Steel Bold Font Definition +% +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +input mbparmb.mf; % Load Bold Weight Parameters +input mbatoms.mf; % Load Atoms +style:=steel; % Defines titem and suul shapes, etc. +writing:=Bithe; % This one is going to be Manju Bithe +LR:=false; % This is a Vertical Font +input mbcodes.mf; % Load Common Encoding Vectors +input macodes.mf; % Load Manju Encoding Vectors +input mantrlig.mf; % Load Manju Transliteration Ligatures +input mbpunc.mf; % Oh yes, we build punctuation +input mbnums.mf; % Oh yes, we build digits +input mbglyphs.mf; % Oh yes, we build common glyphs +input maglyphs.mf; % And we build Manju glyphs +end. diff --git a/obsolete/language/manju/manjutex/mfinput/bthvsm.mf b/obsolete/language/manju/manjutex/mfinput/bthvsm.mf new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..5864e74be5 --- /dev/null +++ b/obsolete/language/manju/manjutex/mfinput/bthvsm.mf @@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +% File: bthvsm.mf +% Author: Oliver Corff and Dorjpalam Dorj +% Date: March 1st, 2001 +% Version: 0.8 +% Copyright: Ulaanbaatar, Beijing, Berlin +% +% Description: Local Manju Script in Ligature Mode (Encoding: LMA) +% Manju Bithe Vertical Steel Medium Font Definition +% +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +input mbparmm.mf; % Load Medium Weight Parameters +input mbatoms.mf; % Load Atoms +style:=steel; % Defines titem and suul shapes, etc. +writing:=Bithe; % This one is going to be Manju Bithe +LR:=false; % This is a Vertical Font +input mbcodes.mf; % Load Common Encoding Vectors +input macodes.mf; % Load Manju Encoding Vectors +input mantrlig.mf; % Load Manju Transliteration Ligatures +input mbpunc.mf; % Oh yes, we build punctuation +input mbnums.mf; % Oh yes, we build digits +input mbglyphs.mf; % Oh yes, we build common glyphs +input maglyphs.mf; % And we build Manju glyphs +end. diff --git a/obsolete/language/manju/manjutex/mfinput/bthvwb.mf b/obsolete/language/manju/manjutex/mfinput/bthvwb.mf new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..6302bad9d8 --- /dev/null +++ b/obsolete/language/manju/manjutex/mfinput/bthvwb.mf @@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +% File: bthvwb.mf +% Author: Oliver Corff and Dorjpalam Dorj +% Date: March 1st, 2001 +% Version: 0.8 +% Copyright: Ulaanbaatar, Beijing, Berlin +% +% Description: Local Manju Script in Ligature Mode (Encoding: LMA) +% Manju Bithe Vertical Wood Bold Font Definition +% +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +input mbparmb.mf; % Load Bold Weight Parameters +input mbatoms.mf; % Load Atoms +style:=wood; % Defines titem and suul shapes, etc. +writing:=Bithe; % This one is going to be Manju Bithe +LR:=false; % This is a Vertical Font +input mbcodes.mf; % Load Common Encoding Vectors +input macodes.mf; % Load Manju Encoding Vectors +input mantrlig.mf; % Load Manju Transliteration Ligatures +input mbpunc.mf; % Oh yes, we build punctuation +input mbnums.mf; % Oh yes, we build digits +input mbglyphs.mf; % Oh yes, we build common glyphs +input maglyphs.mf; % And we build Manju glyphs +end. diff --git a/obsolete/language/manju/manjutex/mfinput/bthvwm.mf b/obsolete/language/manju/manjutex/mfinput/bthvwm.mf new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..90d3dfc50d --- /dev/null +++ b/obsolete/language/manju/manjutex/mfinput/bthvwm.mf @@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +% File: bthvwm.mf +% Author: Oliver Corff and Dorjpalam Dorj +% Date: March 1st, 2001 +% Version: 0.8 +% Copyright: Ulaanbaatar, Beijing, Berlin +% +% Description: Local Manju Script in Ligature Mode (Encoding: LMA) +% Manju Bithe Vertical Wood Medium Font Definition +% +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +input mbparmm.mf; % Load Medium Weight Parameters +input mbatoms.mf; % Load Atoms +style:=wood; % Defines titem and suul shapes, etc. +writing:=Bithe; % This one is going to be Manju Bithe +LR:=false; % This is a Vertical Font +input mbcodes.mf; % Load Common Encoding Vectors +input macodes.mf; % Load Manju Encoding Vectors +input mantrlig.mf; % Load Manju Transliteration Ligatures +input mbpunc.mf; % Oh yes, we build punctuation +input mbnums.mf; % Oh yes, we build digits +input mbglyphs.mf; % Oh yes, we build common glyphs +input maglyphs.mf; % And we build Manju glyphs +end. diff --git a/obsolete/language/manju/manjutex/mfinput/macodes.mf b/obsolete/language/manju/manjutex/mfinput/macodes.mf new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..9ab8dfab26 --- /dev/null +++ b/obsolete/language/manju/manjutex/mfinput/macodes.mf @@ -0,0 +1,158 @@ +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +% File: macodes.mf +% Author: Oliver Corff +% Date: April 1st, 2001 +% Version: 0.8 +% Copyright: Ulaanbaatar, Beijing, Berlin +% +% Description: Local Manju Script in Ligature Mode (LMA) +% Manju Code Slots +% +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +% +% Beginning of macodes.mf +% +MANJU_A := 97; MONG_SHUD := MANJU_A;% "a" +MANJU_B := 98; MONG_NUMTGEDES := MANJU_B;% "b" +MANJU_C := 99; MONG_SEREEEWER := MANJU_C;% "c" +MANJU_D :=100; % "d" +MANJU_E :=101; % "e" +MANJU_F :=102; % "f" +MANJU_G :=103; % "g" +MANJU_H :=104; % "h" +MANJU_I :=105; MONG_SHILBE := MANJU_I;% "i" +MANJU_J :=106; MONG_BOSOOSHILBE := MANJU_J;% "j" +MANJU_K :=107; MONG_DUNDX := MANJU_K;% "k" +MANJU_L :=108; MONG_LEWER := MANJU_L;% "l" +MANJU_M :=109; MONG_MEWER := MANJU_M;% "m" +MANJU_N :=110; MONG_CEGTEISHUD := MANJU_N;% "n" +MANJU_O :=111; MONG_GEDES := MANJU_O;% "o" +MANJU_P :=112; % "p" +MANJU_R :=114; MONG_ERWEELJINSHILBE := MANJU_R;% "r" +MANJU_S :=115; MONG_ZAWJ := MANJU_S;% "s" +MANJU_T :=116; % "t" +MANJU_U :=117; % "u" +MANJU_W :=119; MONG_MATGARSHILBE := MANJU_W;% "w" +MANJU_Y :=121; MONG_ETGERSHILBE := MANJU_Y;% "y" +MANJU_UU :=118; % "v" +% +MANJU_Z :=122; % "z" +MANJU_DERIBUNZ := 90; % " Z-" +% +MANJU_NG := MONG_DUNDNG; % 134 "ng" +% +MANJU_DERIBUND := 68; % " D-" +MANJU_DERIBUNE := 69; % " E-" +MANJU_DERIBUNF := 70; % " F-" +MANJU_DERIBUNGA := 71; % " G-" +MANJU_DERIBUNHA := 72; % " H-" +MANJU_DERIBUNKA := 75; MONG_XEWTEEQIX := MANJU_DERIBUNKA;% " K-" +MANJU_DERIBUNL := 76; % " L-" +MANJU_DERIBUNM := 77; % " M-" +MANJU_DERIBUNN := 78; % " N-" +MANJU_DERIBUNS := 83; % " S-" +MANJU_DERIBUNT := 84; % " T-" +% +MANJU_DUBENA := MONG_SUUL; % 128 "-a " +MANJU_DUBENE :=149; % "-e " +MANJU_DUBENI := MONG_ADAGI; % 136 "-i " +MANJU_DUBENO := MONG_ADAGU; % 135 "-u " +MANJU_DUBENU :=150; % "-u " +MANJU_DUBENUU :=151; % "-uu " +MANJU_DUBENB := MONG_ADAGB; % 137 "-b " +MANJU_DUBENNG := MONG_ADAGNG; % 142 "ng" +MANJU_DUBENK :=152; % "" +MANJU_DUBENL := MONG_SUULIINLEWER; % 143 "-l " +MANJU_DUBENM := MONG_SUULIINMEWER; % 146 "-l " +MANJU_DUBENS := MONG_ADAGS; % 139 "-l " +MANJU_DUBENT := MONG_ADAGD; % 139 "-l " +% +MANJU_VARK :=153; MONG_DUNDG := MANJU_VARK; % "kC" +MANJU_VART := MONG_DUNDD; % 133 "tC" +% +MANJU_TE :=154; % "te" +MANJU_DERIBUNTE :=155; % " Te-" +MANJU_DE :=156; % "de" +MANJU_DERIBUNDE :=157; % " De-" +MANJU_TIBT :=158; +MANJU_SH :=159; % "sh" +MANJU_DERIBUNSH :=160; % " sh-" +MANJU_DUBENSH :=161; % "-sh " +MANJU_GH :=162; % "" +MANJU_HH :=163; % "" +MANJU_KH :=164; MONG_QAGT := MANJU_KH; % "" +% +MANJU_DZ :=165; % "" +MANJU_DERIBUNDZ :=166; % "" +MANJU_DZI :=167; % "" +MANJU_DERIBUNDZI :=168; % "" +% +MANJU_JY :=169; % "" +MANJU_DERIBUNJY :=170; % "" +% +MANJU_SY :=172; % "" +MANJU_DERIBUNSY :=173; % "" +% +MANJU_CY :=174; % "" +% +MANJU_TS :=175; % "" +MANJU_DERIBUNTS :=176; % "" +% +MANJU_TSH :=177; % "" +MANJU_DERIBUNTSH :=178; % "" +% +MANJU_TSHY :=179; % "" +MANJU_DERIBUNTSHY :=180; % "" +% +MANJU_ZH :=181; % "" +MANJU_DERIBUNZH :=182; % "" +% +MANJU_ZR :=183; % "" +MANJU_DERIBUNZR :=184; % "" +% +MANJU_NGA :=185; % "" +MANJU_DERIBUNNGA :=186; % "" +% +MANJU_LH :=188; % "" +MANJU_DERIBUNLH :=189; % "" +MANJU_HIGHLH :=190; % "" +MANJU_HIGHDERIBUNLH :=191; % "" +% +MANJU_TIBP := 80; MONG_NUMTDELBENQIX := MANJU_TIBP; % "p'" +% +MANJU_BA :=200; MONG_LIGBA := MANJU_BA; % "ba" +MANJU_BE :=201; % "be" +MANJU_BI :=202; MONG_LIGBI := MANJU_BI; % "bi" +MANJU_BO :=203; MONG_LIGBU := MANJU_BO; % "bo" +MANJU_BU :=204; % "bu" +MANJU_BUU :=205; % "buu" +% +MANJU_PA :=208; % "" +MANJU_PE :=209; % "" +MANJU_PI :=210; % "" +MANJU_PO :=211; % "" +MANJU_PU :=212; % "" +% +MANJU_GHA :=216; % "" +MANJU_GE :=217; % "ge" +MANJU_GI :=218; % "ge" +MANJU_GHO :=219; % "" +MANJU_GU :=220; % "gu" +% +MANJU_HHA :=224; % "" +MANJU_HE :=225; % "he" +MANJU_HI :=226; % "hi" +MANJU_HHO :=227; % "" +MANJU_HU :=228; % "hu" +% +MANJU_KHA :=232; MONG_LIGKHA:= MANJU_KHA; % "" +MANJU_KE :=233; MONG_LIGKA := MANJU_KE; +MANJU_KI :=234; MONG_LIGKI := MANJU_KI; +MANJU_KHO :=235; MONG_LIGKHU:= MANJU_KHO; % "" +MANJU_KU :=236; MONG_LIGKU := MANJU_KU; +% +MANJU_TIBPA :=240; MONG_LIGPA := MANJU_TIBPA; % "p'a" +MANJU_TIBPE :=241; +MANJU_TIBPI :=242; MONG_LIGPI := MANJU_TIBPI; % "p'a" +MANJU_TIBPO :=243; MONG_LIGPU := MANJU_TIBPO; % "p'a" +MANJU_TIBPU :=244; diff --git a/obsolete/language/manju/manjutex/mfinput/maglyphs.mf b/obsolete/language/manju/manjutex/mfinput/maglyphs.mf new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..b85524df22 --- /dev/null +++ b/obsolete/language/manju/manjutex/mfinput/maglyphs.mf @@ -0,0 +1,639 @@ +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +% File: maglyphs.mf +% Author: Oliver Corff +% Date: April 1st, 2001 +% Version: 0.8 +% Copyright: Ulaanbaatar, Beijing, Berlin +% +% Description: Local Manju Script (LMA) +% Manju Bithe Glyph Definitions +% +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +beginchar(MONG_TASLAL,tewidth#,height#,depth#); + "Manju Taslal temdeg"; + manjudusal(2/4tewidth,Centerline,3thin,2thick); +endchar; +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +beginchar(MONG_FULLSTOP,bawidth#,height#,depth#); + "Manju Full Stop"; + manjudusal(5/16bawidth,Centerline,3thin,2thick); + ManjuDusal(11/16bawidth,Centerline,3thin,2thick); +endchar; +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +beginchar(MANJU_E,shudwidth#,height#,depth#); + "The shud"; + shud(0); + dusal (1/2w,underinner+thin,2thick,1thick); +endchar; +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +beginchar(MANJU_DUBENE,shudwidth#,height#,depth#); + "The Manju glyph e in final position"; + suul; + dusal (12/12w,underinner+thin,2thick,1thick); +endchar; +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +beginchar(MANJU_U,gedeswidth#,height#,depth#); + "Manju u, dotted gedes"; + nuruu(w,0); + z1r=(w-bearing,nuruuleft); + z2r=(1/2[x1,x3],gedesouter); + z3r=(bearing,nuruuleft); + penpos1(thin,0); + penpos2(gedesouter-gedesinner,90); + penpos3(thin,180); + penstroke (z1e{up}..z2e..{down}z3e) ifrotated; + penlabels(1,2,3); + dusal (1/2gedeswidth,underinner+thin,2thick,1thick); +endchar; +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +beginchar(MANJU_DUBENU,eswidth#,height#,depth#); + "Manju Letter final u"; + nuruu(w,w-numtaigedeswidth); + + z1r=(w-1/2bearing,nuruuleft); + z2r=(1/2[x1,x3],gedesouter); + z3r=(w-numtaigedeswidth,nuruuleft); + penpos1(thin,0); + penpos2(gedesouter-gedesinner,90); + penpos3(thin,180); + penstroke (z1e{up}..z2e..{down}z3e) ifrotated; + + z4 =(x1,nuruuright); + z5r=(1/2[x4,x6],underouter); + z6r=(0,nuruuright); % nuruuright was Centerline + penpos4(thin,0); + penpos5(underinner-underouter,-90); + penpos6(1/4thin,-180); + penstroke (z4e{down}..z5e..{up}z6e) ifrotated; + penlabels(1,2,3,4,5,6); + dusal (17/36w,1.6underouter,2thick,1thick); +endchar; +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +beginchar(MANJU_UU,gedeswidth#+shilbewidth#,height#,depth#); + "Manju ^u"; + nuruu(w,0); + z1r=(w-bearing,nuruuleft); + z2r=(1/2[x1,x3],gedesouter); + z3r=(bearing+shilbewidth,nuruuleft); + penpos1(thin,0); + penpos2(gedesouter-gedesinner,90); + penpos3(thin,180); + penstroke (z1e{up}..z2e..{down}z3e) ifrotated; + z4r=(shilbewidth,nuruuleft); + z5r=(+3thin,shilbeheight); + penpos4(2thin,0); + penpos5(4thin,60); + penstroke (z4e--z5e) ifrotated; + penlabels(1,2,3,4,5); +endchar; +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +beginchar(MANJU_DUBENUU,gedeswidth#+shudwidth#,height#,depth#); + "Manju ^u, final form"; + nuruu(w,shudwidth); + z1r=(w-bearing,nuruuleft); + z2r=(1/2[x1,x3],gedesouter); + z3r=(bearing+shudwidth,nuruuleft); + penpos1(thin,0); + penpos2(gedesouter-gedesinner,90); + penpos3(thin,180); + penstroke (z1e{up}..z2e..{down}z3e) ifrotated; + z4=(shudwidth,Centerline); + z5=(1/2shudwidth,Centerline); + z6=(0,nuruuleft+thin); + penpos4(nuruuwidth,90); + penpos5(14/16nuruuwidth,80); + penpos6(epsilon,45); + penstroke (z4e---z5e..z6e) ifrotated; + penlabels(1,2,3,4,5,6); +endchar; +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +beginchar(MANJU_DERIBUNGA,tewidth#,height#,depth#); + "The Manju letter initial ga"; + xewteeqix; + dusal(-1/2shudwidth,underinner+thin,2thick,1thick) +endchar; +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +beginchar(MANJU_DERIBUNHA,tewidth#,height#,depth#); + "The Manju letter initial ha"; + xewteeqix; + dugui(-1/2shudwidth,underinner,1.5thick) +endchar; +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +beginchar(MANJU_G,2shudwidth#,height#,depth#); + "Manju medial g"; + shud(0); + shud(shudwidth); + dusal(shudwidth,underinner+thin,2thick,1thick) +endchar; +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +beginchar(MANJU_H,2shudwidth#,height#,depth#); + "Manju medial ha"; + shud(0); + shud(shudwidth); + dugui(shudwidth,underinner,1.5thick) +endchar; +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +beginchar(MANJU_GE,bawidth#,height#,depth#); + "A Ligature: GE"; + ligka; + dusal (21/36w,1.65underouter,2thick,1thick); +endchar; +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +beginchar(MANJU_HE,bawidth#,height#,depth#); + "A Ligature: HE"; + ligka; + dugui (21/36w,1.9underouter,1.5thick); +endchar; +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +beginchar(MANJU_GI,biwidth#,height#,depth#); + "A Manju Ligature: GI"; + ligki; + dusal (22/36w,1.65underouter,2thick,1thick); +endchar; +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +beginchar(MANJU_HI,biwidth#,height#,depth#); + "A Manju Ligature: HI"; + ligki; + dugui (22/36w,1.9underouter,1.5thick); +endchar; +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +beginchar(MANJU_GU,bawidth#,height#,depth#); + "A Ligature: GU"; + ligku; + dusal (18/36w,1.65underouter,2thick,1thick); +endchar; +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +beginchar(MANJU_HU,bawidth#,height#,depth#); + "A Ligature: HU"; + ligku; + dugui (18/36w,1.9underouter,1.5thick); +endchar; +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +beginchar(MANJU_GH,gedeswidth#,height#,depth#); + "Manju letter GH"; + qagt; + dusal (15/36w,1.65underouter,2thick,1thick); +endchar; +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +beginchar(MANJU_GHA,bawidth#,height#,depth#); + "A Ligature: GHA"; + ligkha; + dusal (15/36w,1.65underouter,2thick,1thick); +endchar; +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +beginchar(MANJU_GHO,bawidth#,height#,depth#); + "A Ligature: GHO"; + ligkhu; + dusal (19/36w,1.65underouter,2thick,1thick); +endchar; +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +beginchar(MANJU_HH,gedeswidth#,height#,depth#); + "Manju letter HH"; + qagt; + dugui (21/36w,1.9underouter,1.5thick); +endchar; +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +beginchar(MANJU_HHA,bawidth#,height#,depth#); + "A Ligature: HHA"; + ligkha; + dugui (21/36w,1.9underouter,1.5thick); +endchar; +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +beginchar(MANJU_HHO,bawidth#,height#,depth#); + "A Ligature: HHO"; + ligkhu; + dugui (18/36w,1.9underouter,1.5thick); +endchar; +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +beginchar(MANJU_DUBENK,2shudwidth#,height#,depth#); + "Final k"; + shud(shudwidth); + bagaodoisuul; + dusal(9/12shudwidth,gedesouter,3thin,2thick); + dusal(3/12shudwidth,gedesouter,3thin,2thick); +endchar; +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +beginchar(MANJU_BE,bawidth#,height#,depth#); + "A Manju Ligature: BE"; + ligba; + dusal (21/36w,1.65underouter,2thick,1thick); +endchar; +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +beginchar(MANJU_BU,2numtaigedeswidth#,height#,depth#); + "A Ligature: BU"; + ligbu(0); + dusal (1/2w,1.65underouter,2thick,1thick); +endchar; +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +beginchar(MANJU_BUU,2numtaigedeswidth#+shilbewidth#,height#,depth#); + "A Ligature: BUU"; + ligbu(shilbewidth); + nuruu(shilbewidth,0); + z11r=(shilbewidth,nuruuleft); + z12r=(+3thin,shilbeheight); + penpos11(2thin,0); + penpos12(4thin,60); + penstroke (z11e--z12e) ifrotated; + penlabels(1,2,3,4,5,11,12); +endchar; +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +beginchar(MANJU_D,eswidth#,height#,depth#); + "Manju letter de"; + roundgedestshilbe; + dusal(1/2shudwidth,underinner+thin,2thick,1thick) +endchar; +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +beginchar(MANJU_T,eswidth#,height#,depth#); + "Manju letter te"; + roundgedestshilbe; +endchar; +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +beginchar(MANJU_DERIBUND,cewidth#,height#,depth#); + "Manju Letter initial D"; + deribun_ta; + dusal(1/2shudwidth,underinner+thin,2thick,1thick) +endchar; +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +beginchar(MANJU_DERIBUNT,cewidth#,height#,depth#); + "Manju letter initial t"; + deribun_ta; +endchar; +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +beginchar(MANJU_DE,eswidth#,height#,depth#); + "Manju letter de"; + manju_te; + dusal(1/2shudwidth,underinner+thin,2thick,1thick) +endchar; +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +beginchar(MANJU_TE,eswidth#,height#,depth#); + "Manju letter te"; + manju_te; +endchar; +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +beginchar(MANJU_DERIBUNDE,cewidth#,height#,depth#); + "Letter De"; + deribun_te; + dusal(-1/4shudwidth,underinner+thin,2thick,1thick) +endchar; +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +beginchar(MANJU_DERIBUNTE,cewidth#,height#,depth#); + "Manju initial letter Te"; + deribun_te; + penlabels(1,2,3,4); +endchar; +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +beginchar(MANJU_TIBT,eswidth#,height#,depth#); + "Manju initial letter Te"; + nuruu(w,0); + z1r=(w-1/2bearing,nuruuleft); + z2 =(07/16w,orxicouter); + penpos1(2thin,0); + penpos2(2thin,45); + penstroke (z1e--z2e) ifrotated; + z3r=z2; + z4r=(bearing,7/12[y1,y2]); + + penpos3(2thin,115 ); + penpos4(2thin,210); + + z5 =(6/16w,3/12[y1,y2]); + z6 =(x1-2u,nuruuleft); + + penpos5(1.5thin,230); + penpos6(1.5thin,180); + penstroke (z3e{dir 205}..tension 2.5..z4e..tension 2.5.. + z5e..tension infinity..z6e) + ifrotated; + penlabels(1,2,3,4,5,6); +endchar; +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +beginchar(MANJU_SH,tewidth#,height#,depth#); + "Manju letter `sh'"; + zawj; + manju_sh_stroke; +endchar; +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +beginchar(MANJU_DERIBUNSH,tewidth#,height#,depth#); + "Manju letter `sh' in initial position"; + exenzawj; + manju_sh_stroke; +endchar; +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +beginchar(MANJU_DUBENSH,tewidth#,height#,depth#); + "Manju letter `sh' in final position"; + suulzawj; + manju_sh_stroke; +endchar; +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +beginchar(MANJU_DZ,tewidth#,height#,depth#); + "Manju letter `dz'"; + zawj; + manju_dz_stroke; +endchar; +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +beginchar(MANJU_DERIBUNDZ,tewidth#,height#,depth#); + "Manju letter `dz' in initial position"; + exenzawj; + manju_dz_stroke; +endchar; +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +beginchar(MANJU_DZI,tewidth#,height#,depth#); + "Manju ligature `dzi'"; + manju_si; + manju_dz_stroke; +endchar; +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +beginchar(MANJU_DERIBUNDZI,tewidth#,height#,depth#); + "Manju letter `dzi' in initial position"; + manju_deribun_si; + manju_dz_stroke; +endchar; +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +beginchar(MANJU_TS,tewidth#,height#,depth#); + "Manju letter `ts'"; + zawj; + manju_dz_stroke; + dugui(3/5tewidth,1.1suulouter,1.5thick) +endchar; +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +beginchar(MANJU_DERIBUNTS,tewidth#,height#,depth#); + "Manju letter `ts' in initial position"; + exenzawj; + manju_dz_stroke; + dugui(3/5tewidth,1.1suulouter,1.5thick) +endchar; +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +beginchar(MANJU_TSH,tewidth#,height#,depth#); + "Manju letter `tsh'"; + zawj; + manju_dz_stroke; + manju_tsh_stroke; + tsh_picture:=currentpicture; +endchar; +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +beginchar(MANJU_DERIBUNTSH,tewidth#,height#,depth#); + "Manju letter `tsh' in initial position"; + exenzawj; + manju_dz_stroke; + manju_tsh_stroke; + deribuntsh_picture:=currentpicture; +endchar; +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +beginchar(MANJU_TSHY,shudwidth#+tewidth#,height#,depth#); + "Manju letter `tshy'"; + currentpicture:= tsh_picture shifted + if LR: (0,0) else: (shudwidth,0) fi; + sy_nuruu(shudwidth,0); +% manju_dz_stroke; +% manju_tsh_stroke; +endchar; +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +beginchar(MANJU_DERIBUNTSHY,shudwidth#+tewidth#,height#,depth#); + "Manju letter `tshy' in initial position"; + currentpicture:= deribuntsh_picture shifted + if LR: (0,0) else: (shudwidth,0) fi; + sy_nuruu(shudwidth,0); +% manju_dz_stroke; +% manju_tsh_stroke; +endchar; +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +beginchar(MANJU_Z,tewidth#,height#,depth#); + "Manju letter `z'"; + zawj; + dugui(3/5tewidth,suulouter,1.5thick) +endchar; +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +beginchar(MANJU_DERIBUNZ,tewidth#,height#,depth#); + "Manju letter `z' in initial position"; + exenzawj; + dugui(3/5tewidth,suulouter,1.5thick) +endchar; +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +beginchar(MANJU_ZH,tewidth#,height#,depth#); + "Manju letter `zh'"; + zawj; + manju_sh_stroke; + dugui(3/5tewidth,suulouter,1.5thick) +endchar; +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +beginchar(MANJU_DERIBUNZH,tewidth#,height#,depth#); + "Manju letter `zh' in initial position"; + exenzawj; + manju_sh_stroke; + dugui(3/5tewidth,suulouter,1.5thick) +endchar; +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +beginchar(MANJU_NGA,shudwidth#,height#,depth#); + "Manju (Tibetan) letter `ng'"; + shud(0); + dugui(1/2shudwidth,yashilbeheight,1.5thick) +endchar; +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +beginchar(MANJU_DERIBUNNGA,shudwidth#,height#,depth#); + "Manju (Tibetan) letter `ng' in initial position"; + titem; + dugui(1/2shudwidth,yashilbeheight,1.5thick) +endchar; +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +beginchar(MANJU_JY,eswidth#,height#,depth#); + "Manju letter jy; bosoo_shilbe with circle"; + bosoo_shilbe; + dugui(1/2eswidth,underinner,1.5thick) +endchar; +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +beginchar(MANJU_DERIBUNJY,shilbewidth#,height#,depth#); + "Manju letter jy; shilbe with circle"; + shilbe(0); + dugui(1/2shilbewidth,underinner,1.5thick) +endchar; +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +beginchar(MANJU_CY,eswidth#,height#,depth#); + "Manju letter cy"; + seree_ewer; + dugui(1/2eswidth,underinner,1.5thick) +endchar; +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +beginchar(MANJU_SY,tewidth#+shudwidth#,height#,depth#); + "Manju letter sy"; + currentpicture:= zawjpicture shifted + if LR: (0,0) else: (shudwidth,0) fi; + sy_nuruu(shudwidth,0); +endchar; +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +beginchar(MANJU_DERIBUNSY,tewidth#+shudwidth#,height#,depth#); + "Manju initial letter sy"; + currentpicture:= exenzawjpicture shifted + if LR: (0,0) else: (shudwidth,0) fi; + sy_nuruu(shudwidth,0); +endchar; +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +beginchar(MANJU_ZR,shudwidth#,height#,depth#); + "Manju letter zr"; + nuruu(shudwidth,0); + z1 =(1/2shudwidth,gedesinner); + z2 =(1/2shudwidth,underinner); + penpos1(2.5thin,-15); + penpos2(2.5thin,-15); + penstroke (z1e--z2e) ifrotated; +endchar; +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +beginchar(MANJU_DERIBUNZR,shudwidth#,height#,depth#); + "Manju initial letter zr"; + nuruu(1/2shudwidth,0); + z1r=(1/2shudwidth,gedesinner); + z2r=(1/2shudwidth,underinner); + penpos1(2.5thin,-15); + penpos2(2.5thin,-15); + penstroke (z1e--z2e) ifrotated; +endchar; +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +beginchar(MANJU_LH,shudwidth#,height#,depth#); + "The Manju Tibetan letter lh"; + shud(0); + l_ewer(1/2shudwidth); + dugui(-1/2shudwidth,underinner,1.5thick) +endchar; +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +if style=wood: exenlwidth#:=numtaigedeswidth#+shudwidth# fi; +if style=steel: exenlwidth#:=shudwidth# fi; + +beginchar(MANJU_DERIBUNLH,shudwidth#,height#,depth#); + "The Manju Tibetan letter initial lh"; + if style=wood: + titem_stroke(shudwidth); + shud(0); + l_ewer(1/2shudwidth); + fi; + if style=steel: + titem; + l_ewer(1/2shudwidth); + fi; + dugui(-1/2shudwidth,underinner,1.5thick) +endchar; +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +beginchar(MANJU_HIGHLH,shudwidth#,height#,depth#); + "The Manju Tibetan letter lh"; + shud(0); + l_ewer(1/2shudwidth); + dugui(-1/2shudwidth,underouter,1.5thick) +endchar; +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +if style=wood: exenlwidth#:=numtaigedeswidth#+shudwidth# fi; +if style=steel: exenlwidth#:=shudwidth# fi; + +beginchar(MANJU_HIGHDERIBUNLH,shudwidth#,height#,depth#); + "The Manju Tibetan letter initial lh"; + if style=wood: + titem_stroke(shudwidth); + shud(0); + l_ewer(1/2shudwidth); + fi; + if style=steel: + titem; + l_ewer(1/2shudwidth); + fi; + dugui(-1/2shudwidth,underouter,1.5thick) +endchar; +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +beginchar(MANJU_F,cewidth#,height#,depth#); + "Manju letter f"; + nuruu(cewidth,0); + z1 =(1/8gedeswidth,gedesinner); + z2r=(3/8gedeswidth,yashilbeheight); + z3 =(7/8gedeswidth-1/4bearing,nuruuleft); % was 8/8gedeswidth + penpos1(epsilon,+135); + penpos2(3.75thin,+90); + penpos3(1.50thin,0); + z4 =(10/8gedeswidth,underinner-thin); % was 11/8 + z5 =(12/8gedeswidth,underinner); % was 13/8 + penpos4(3.25thin, 90); + penpos5( epsilon,+135); + penstroke (z1e..tension 2.50..z2e..tension 3.5..z3e + ..tension 3.5..z4e..tension 1.75..z5e) ifrotated; + penlabels(1,2,3,4,5); +endchar; +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +beginchar(MANJU_DERIBUNF,cewidth#,height#,depth#); + "Manju letter initial f"; + nuruu(gedeswidth+1/3bearing,0); + z1 =(1/8gedeswidth,gedesinner); + z2r=(3/8gedeswidth,yashilbeheight); + z3 =(gedeswidth-1/4bearing,nuruuleft); + penpos1(epsilon,+135); + penpos2(3.75thin,+90); + penpos3(1.50thin,0); + z4 =(11/8gedeswidth,underinner); + z5 =(13/8gedeswidth,underinner+thin); + penpos4(3.25thin, 90); + penpos5( epsilon,+135); + penstroke (z1e..tension 2.50..z2e..tension 3.5..z3e + ..tension 3.5..z4e..tension 1.75..z5e) ifrotated; + penlabels(1,2,3,4,5); +endchar; +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +beginchar(MANJU_P,eswidth#,height#,depth#); + "Manju letter `p'"; + nuruu(eswidth,eswidth-numtaigedeswidth); + + z1r=(eswidth-1/2bearing,nuruuleft); + z2r=(1/2[x1,x3],gedesouter); + z3r=(eswidth-numtaigedeswidth,nuruuleft); + penpos1(thin,0); + penpos2(gedesouter-gedesinner,90); + penpos3(thin,180); + penstroke (z1e{up}..z2e..{down}z3e) ifrotated; + + z4 =(x1,nuruuright); + z5r=(1/4[x4,x8],underouter); + z6 =(1/2[x4,x8],0); + z7l=(3/4[x4,x8],underouter); + z8l=(0,Centerline); + penpos4(thin,0); + penpos5(underinner-underouter,-90); + penpos6(1/4thin,-180); + penpos7(3/4(underinner-underouter),-270); + penpos8(1/2thin, 0); + penstroke (z4e{down}..z5e..{up}z6e) ifrotated; + penstroke (z6e{down}..z7e..tension 1.2..{up}z8e) ifrotated; + penlabels(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8); +endchar; +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +beginchar(MANJU_PA,bawidth#,height#,depth#); + "Manju ligature `pa'"; + manju_pa; +endchar; +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +beginchar(MANJU_PE,bawidth#,height#,depth#); + "Manju ligature `pe'"; + manju_pa; + dusal (22/36bawidth,1.85underouter,2thick,1thick); +endchar; +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +beginchar(MANJU_PI,biwidth#,height#,depth#); + "Manju ligature `pi'"; + manju_pi; +endchar; +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +beginchar(MANJU_PO,bawidth#,height#,depth#); + "Manju ligature `po'"; + manju_po; +endchar; +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +beginchar(MANJU_PU,bawidth#,height#,depth#); + "Manju ligature `pu'"; + manju_po; + dusal (1/2w,1.65underouter,2thick,1thick); +endchar; +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +beginchar(MANJU_TIBPE,bawidth#,height#,depth#); + "Manju ligature p'e"; + ligmongpa; + dusal (1/2w,1.65underouter,2thick,1thick); +endchar; +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +beginchar(MANJU_TIBPU,bawidth#,height#,depth#); + "Manju ligature p'u"; + ligmongpu; + dusal (1/2w,1.65underouter,2thick,1thick); +endchar; +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% diff --git a/obsolete/language/manju/manjutex/mfinput/mantrlig.mf b/obsolete/language/manju/manjutex/mfinput/mantrlig.mf new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..36c82e0957 --- /dev/null +++ b/obsolete/language/manju/manjutex/mfinput/mantrlig.mf @@ -0,0 +1,2605 @@ +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +% File: mantrlig.mf +% Author: Oliver Corff +% Date: April 1st, 2001 +% Version: 0.8 +% Copyright: Ulaanbaatar, Beijing, Berlin +% +% Description: Local Manju Script (LMA) +% Manju Bithe Retransliteration Engine +% +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +ligtable MONG_ENV: % "*" + % + % vowels + % + MANJU_A =: MANJU_A , % "" + MANJU_E =: MANJU_E , % "" + MANJU_I =: MANJU_I , % "" + MANJU_O =: MANJU_O , % "" + MANJU_U =: MANJU_U , % "" + MANJU_UU =: MANJU_UU , % "" + % + % consonants + % + MANJU_B =: MANJU_B , % "" + MANJU_C =: MANJU_C , % "" + MANJU_D =: MANJU_D , % "" + MANJU_F =: MANJU_F , % "" + MANJU_G =: MANJU_G , % "" + MANJU_H =: MANJU_H , % "" + MANJU_J =: MANJU_J , % "" + MANJU_K =: MANJU_K , % "" + MANJU_L =: MANJU_L , % "" + MANJU_M =: MANJU_M , % "" + MANJU_N =: MANJU_N , % "" + MANJU_P =: MANJU_P , % "" + MANJU_R =: MANJU_R , % "" + MANJU_S =: MANJU_S , % "" + MANJU_T =: MANJU_T , % "" + MANJU_W =: MANJU_W , % "" + MANJU_Y =: MANJU_Y , % "" + MANJU_Z =: MANJU_Z , % "" + % + % boundaries + % + MONG_BNDRY =: MONG_BNDRY , % "" + MONG_ZERO =: MONG_ZERO , % "" + MONG_ONE =: MONG_ONE , % "" + MONG_TWO =: MONG_TWO , % "" + MONG_THREE =: MONG_THREE , % "" + MONG_FOUR =: MONG_FOUR , % "" + MONG_FIVE =: MONG_FIVE , % "" + MONG_SIX =: MONG_SIX , % "" + MONG_SEVEN =: MONG_SEVEN , % "" + MONG_EIGHT =: MONG_EIGHT , % "" + MONG_NINE =: MONG_NINE , % "" + MONG_LT =: MONG_LT , % "" + MONG_GT =: MONG_GT , % "" + MONG_LGU =: MONG_LGU , % "" + MONG_RGU =: MONG_RGU , % "" + MONG_OPAREN =: MONG_OPAREN , % "" + MONG_CPAREN =: MONG_CPAREN , % "" + MONG_DORWOLJIN =: MONG_DORWOLJIN, % "" + MONG_FULLSTOP =: MONG_FULLSTOP , % "" + MONG_COLON =: MONG_COLON , % "" + MONG_ELLIPSIS =: MONG_ELLIPSIS , % "" + MONG_EXCLAMATION =: MONG_EXCLAMATION, % "" + MONG_QUESTION =: MONG_QUESTION, % "" + MONG_QUESTEXCLAM =: MONG_QUESTEXCLAM, % "" + MONG_EXCLAMQUEST =: MONG_EXCLAMQUEST, % "" + MONG_TASLAL =: MONG_TASLAL , % "" + MONG_MSP =: MONG_MSP , % "" + MONG_MVS =: MONG_MVS , % "" + MONG_NCEG =: MONG_NCEG , % "" + MONG_GCEG =: MONG_GCEG , % "" + MONG_TITEMSTROKE =: MONG_TITEMSTROKE; % "" +% +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +ligtable ||: % "" + MANJU_A =:| MANJU_DERIBUNE, % "" + MANJU_I =:| MANJU_DERIBUNE, % "" + MANJU_O =:| MANJU_DERIBUNE, % "" + MANJU_U =:| MANJU_DERIBUNE, % "" + MANJU_UU =:| MANJU_DERIBUNE, % "" + MANJU_D =: MANJU_DERIBUND, % "" + MANJU_E =: MANJU_DERIBUNE, % "" + MANJU_F =: MANJU_DERIBUNF, % "" + MANJU_G =: MANJU_DERIBUNGA, % "" + MANJU_H =: MANJU_DERIBUNHA, % "" + MANJU_J =: MANJU_I, % "" + MANJU_K =: MANJU_DERIBUNKA, % "" + MANJU_L =: MANJU_DERIBUNL, % "" + MANJU_M =: MANJU_DERIBUNM, % "" + MANJU_N =: MANJU_DERIBUNN, % "" + MANJU_S =: MANJU_DERIBUNS, % "" + MANJU_T =: MANJU_DERIBUNT, % "" + MANJU_Z =: MANJU_DERIBUNZ; % "" +% +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +ligtable MONG_ZERO: % "0" + MANJU_A =:| MANJU_DERIBUNE, % "" + MANJU_I =:| MANJU_DERIBUNE, % "" + MANJU_O =:| MANJU_DERIBUNE, % "" + MANJU_U =:| MANJU_DERIBUNE, % "" + MANJU_UU =:| MANJU_DERIBUNE, % "" + MANJU_D =: MANJU_DERIBUND, % "" + MANJU_E =: MANJU_DERIBUNE, % "" + MANJU_F =: MANJU_DERIBUNF, % "" + MANJU_G =: MANJU_DERIBUNGA, % "" + MANJU_H =: MANJU_DERIBUNHA, % "" + MANJU_J =: MANJU_I, % "" + MANJU_K =: MANJU_DERIBUNKA, % "" + MANJU_L =: MANJU_DERIBUNL, % "" + MANJU_M =: MANJU_DERIBUNM, % "" + MANJU_N =: MANJU_DERIBUNN, % "" + MANJU_S =: MANJU_DERIBUNS, % "" + MANJU_T =: MANJU_DERIBUNT, % "" + MANJU_Z =: MANJU_DERIBUNZ; % "" +% +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +ligtable MONG_ONE: % "1" + MANJU_A =:| MANJU_DERIBUNE, % "" + MANJU_I =:| MANJU_DERIBUNE, % "" + MANJU_O =:| MANJU_DERIBUNE, % "" + MANJU_U =:| MANJU_DERIBUNE, % "" + MANJU_UU =:| MANJU_DERIBUNE, % "" + MANJU_D =: MANJU_DERIBUND, % "" + MANJU_E =: MANJU_DERIBUNE, % "" + MANJU_F =: MANJU_DERIBUNF, % "" + MANJU_G =: MANJU_DERIBUNGA, % "" + MANJU_H =: MANJU_DERIBUNHA, % "" + MANJU_J =: MANJU_I, % "" + MANJU_K =: MANJU_DERIBUNKA, % "" + MANJU_L =: MANJU_DERIBUNL, % "" + MANJU_M =: MANJU_DERIBUNM, % "" + MANJU_N =: MANJU_DERIBUNN, % "" + MANJU_S =: MANJU_DERIBUNS, % "" + MANJU_T =: MANJU_DERIBUNT, % "" + MANJU_Z =: MANJU_DERIBUNZ; % "" +% +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +ligtable MONG_TWO: % "2" + MANJU_A =:| MANJU_DERIBUNE, % "" + MANJU_I =:| MANJU_DERIBUNE, % "" + MANJU_O =:| MANJU_DERIBUNE, % "" + MANJU_U =:| MANJU_DERIBUNE, % "" + MANJU_UU =:| MANJU_DERIBUNE, % "" + MANJU_D =: MANJU_DERIBUND, % "" + MANJU_E =: MANJU_DERIBUNE, % "" + MANJU_F =: MANJU_DERIBUNF, % "" + MANJU_G =: MANJU_DERIBUNGA, % "" + MANJU_H =: MANJU_DERIBUNHA, % "" + MANJU_J =: MANJU_I, % "" + MANJU_K =: MANJU_DERIBUNKA, % "" + MANJU_L =: MANJU_DERIBUNL, % "" + MANJU_M =: MANJU_DERIBUNM, % "" + MANJU_N =: MANJU_DERIBUNN, % "" + MANJU_S =: MANJU_DERIBUNS, % "" + MANJU_T =: MANJU_DERIBUNT, % "" + MANJU_Z =: MANJU_DERIBUNZ; % "" +% +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +ligtable MONG_THREE: % "3" + MANJU_A =:| MANJU_DERIBUNE, % "" + MANJU_I =:| MANJU_DERIBUNE, % "" + MANJU_O =:| MANJU_DERIBUNE, % "" + MANJU_U =:| MANJU_DERIBUNE, % "" + MANJU_UU =:| MANJU_DERIBUNE, % "" + MANJU_D =: MANJU_DERIBUND, % "" + MANJU_E =: MANJU_DERIBUNE, % "" + MANJU_F =: MANJU_DERIBUNF, % "" + MANJU_G =: MANJU_DERIBUNGA, % "" + MANJU_H =: MANJU_DERIBUNHA, % "" + MANJU_J =: MANJU_I, % "" + MANJU_K =: MANJU_DERIBUNKA, % "" + MANJU_L =: MANJU_DERIBUNL, % "" + MANJU_M =: MANJU_DERIBUNM, % "" + MANJU_N =: MANJU_DERIBUNN, % "" + MANJU_S =: MANJU_DERIBUNS, % "" + MANJU_T =: MANJU_DERIBUNT, % "" + MANJU_Z =: MANJU_DERIBUNZ; % "" +% +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +ligtable MONG_FOUR: % "4" + MANJU_A =:| MANJU_DERIBUNE, % "" + MANJU_I =:| MANJU_DERIBUNE, % "" + MANJU_O =:| MANJU_DERIBUNE, % "" + MANJU_U =:| MANJU_DERIBUNE, % "" + MANJU_UU =:| MANJU_DERIBUNE, % "" + MANJU_D =: MANJU_DERIBUND, % "" + MANJU_E =: MANJU_DERIBUNE, % "" + MANJU_F =: MANJU_DERIBUNF, % "" + MANJU_G =: MANJU_DERIBUNGA, % "" + MANJU_H =: MANJU_DERIBUNHA, % "" + MANJU_J =: MANJU_I, % "" + MANJU_K =: MANJU_DERIBUNKA, % "" + MANJU_L =: MANJU_DERIBUNL, % "" + MANJU_M =: MANJU_DERIBUNM, % "" + MANJU_N =: MANJU_DERIBUNN, % "" + MANJU_S =: MANJU_DERIBUNS, % "" + MANJU_T =: MANJU_DERIBUNT, % "" + MANJU_Z =: MANJU_DERIBUNZ; % "" +% +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +ligtable MONG_FIVE: % "5" + MANJU_A =:| MANJU_DERIBUNE, % "" + MANJU_I =:| MANJU_DERIBUNE, % "" + MANJU_O =:| MANJU_DERIBUNE, % "" + MANJU_U =:| MANJU_DERIBUNE, % "" + MANJU_UU =:| MANJU_DERIBUNE, % "" + MANJU_D =: MANJU_DERIBUND, % "" + MANJU_E =: MANJU_DERIBUNE, % "" + MANJU_F =: MANJU_DERIBUNF, % "" + MANJU_G =: MANJU_DERIBUNGA, % "" + MANJU_H =: MANJU_DERIBUNHA, % "" + MANJU_J =: MANJU_I, % "" + MANJU_K =: MANJU_DERIBUNKA, % "" + MANJU_L =: MANJU_DERIBUNL, % "" + MANJU_M =: MANJU_DERIBUNM, % "" + MANJU_N =: MANJU_DERIBUNN, % "" + MANJU_S =: MANJU_DERIBUNS, % "" + MANJU_T =: MANJU_DERIBUNT, % "" + MANJU_Z =: MANJU_DERIBUNZ; % "" +% +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +ligtable MONG_SIX: % "6" + MANJU_A =:| MANJU_DERIBUNE, % "" + MANJU_I =:| MANJU_DERIBUNE, % "" + MANJU_O =:| MANJU_DERIBUNE, % "" + MANJU_U =:| MANJU_DERIBUNE, % "" + MANJU_UU =:| MANJU_DERIBUNE, % "" + MANJU_D =: MANJU_DERIBUND, % "" + MANJU_E =: MANJU_DERIBUNE, % "" + MANJU_F =: MANJU_DERIBUNF, % "" + MANJU_G =: MANJU_DERIBUNGA, % "" + MANJU_H =: MANJU_DERIBUNHA, % "" + MANJU_J =: MANJU_I, % "" + MANJU_K =: MANJU_DERIBUNKA, % "" + MANJU_L =: MANJU_DERIBUNL, % "" + MANJU_M =: MANJU_DERIBUNM, % "" + MANJU_N =: MANJU_DERIBUNN, % "" + MANJU_S =: MANJU_DERIBUNS, % "" + MANJU_T =: MANJU_DERIBUNT, % "" + MANJU_Z =: MANJU_DERIBUNZ; % "" +% +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +ligtable MONG_SEVEN: % "7" + MANJU_A =:| MANJU_DERIBUNE, % "" + MANJU_I =:| MANJU_DERIBUNE, % "" + MANJU_O =:| MANJU_DERIBUNE, % "" + MANJU_U =:| MANJU_DERIBUNE, % "" + MANJU_UU =:| MANJU_DERIBUNE, % "" + MANJU_D =: MANJU_DERIBUND, % "" + MANJU_E =: MANJU_DERIBUNE, % "" + MANJU_F =: MANJU_DERIBUNF, % "" + MANJU_G =: MANJU_DERIBUNGA, % "" + MANJU_H =: MANJU_DERIBUNHA, % "" + MANJU_J =: MANJU_I, % "" + MANJU_K =: MANJU_DERIBUNKA, % "" + MANJU_L =: MANJU_DERIBUNL, % "" + MANJU_M =: MANJU_DERIBUNM, % "" + MANJU_N =: MANJU_DERIBUNN, % "" + MANJU_S =: MANJU_DERIBUNS, % "" + MANJU_T =: MANJU_DERIBUNT, % "" + MANJU_Z =: MANJU_DERIBUNZ; % "" +% +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +ligtable MONG_EIGHT: % "" + MANJU_A =:| MANJU_DERIBUNE, % "" + MANJU_I =:| MANJU_DERIBUNE, % "" + MANJU_O =:| MANJU_DERIBUNE, % "" + MANJU_U =:| MANJU_DERIBUNE, % "" + MANJU_UU =:| MANJU_DERIBUNE, % "" + MANJU_D =: MANJU_DERIBUND, % "" + MANJU_E =: MANJU_DERIBUNE, % "" + MANJU_F =: MANJU_DERIBUNF, % "" + MANJU_G =: MANJU_DERIBUNGA, % "" + MANJU_H =: MANJU_DERIBUNHA, % "" + MANJU_J =: MANJU_I, % "" + MANJU_K =: MANJU_DERIBUNKA, % "" + MANJU_L =: MANJU_DERIBUNL, % "" + MANJU_M =: MANJU_DERIBUNM, % "" + MANJU_N =: MANJU_DERIBUNN, % "" + MANJU_S =: MANJU_DERIBUNS, % "" + MANJU_T =: MANJU_DERIBUNT, % "" + MANJU_Z =: MANJU_DERIBUNZ; % "" +% +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +ligtable MONG_NINE: % "" + MANJU_A =:| MANJU_DERIBUNE, % "" + MANJU_I =:| MANJU_DERIBUNE, % "" + MANJU_O =:| MANJU_DERIBUNE, % "" + MANJU_U =:| MANJU_DERIBUNE, % "" + MANJU_UU =:| MANJU_DERIBUNE, % "" + MANJU_D =: MANJU_DERIBUND, % "" + MANJU_E =: MANJU_DERIBUNE, % "" + MANJU_F =: MANJU_DERIBUNF, % "" + MANJU_G =: MANJU_DERIBUNGA, % "" + MANJU_H =: MANJU_DERIBUNHA, % "" + MANJU_J =: MANJU_I, % "" + MANJU_K =: MANJU_DERIBUNKA, % "" + MANJU_L =: MANJU_DERIBUNL, % "" + MANJU_M =: MANJU_DERIBUNM, % "" + MANJU_N =: MANJU_DERIBUNN, % "" + MANJU_S =: MANJU_DERIBUNS, % "" + MANJU_T =: MANJU_DERIBUNT, % "" + MANJU_Z =: MANJU_DERIBUNZ; % "" +% +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +ligtable MONG_LT: % "" + MANJU_A =:| MANJU_DERIBUNE, % "" + MANJU_I =:| MANJU_DERIBUNE, % "" + MANJU_O =:| MANJU_DERIBUNE, % "" + MANJU_U =:| MANJU_DERIBUNE, % "" + MANJU_UU =:| MANJU_DERIBUNE, % "" + MANJU_D =: MANJU_DERIBUND, % "" + MANJU_E =: MANJU_DERIBUNE, % "" + MANJU_F =: MANJU_DERIBUNF, % "" + MANJU_G =: MANJU_DERIBUNGA, % "" + MANJU_H =: MANJU_DERIBUNHA, % "" + MANJU_J =: MANJU_I, % "" + MANJU_K =: MANJU_DERIBUNKA, % "" + MANJU_L =: MANJU_DERIBUNL, % "" + MANJU_M =: MANJU_DERIBUNM, % "" + MANJU_N =: MANJU_DERIBUNN, % "" + MANJU_S =: MANJU_DERIBUNS, % "" + MANJU_T =: MANJU_DERIBUNT, % "" + MANJU_Z =: MANJU_DERIBUNZ; % "" +% +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +ligtable MONG_GT: % "" + MANJU_A =:| MANJU_DERIBUNE, % "" + MANJU_I =:| MANJU_DERIBUNE, % "" + MANJU_O =:| MANJU_DERIBUNE, % "" + MANJU_U =:| MANJU_DERIBUNE, % "" + MANJU_UU =:| MANJU_DERIBUNE, % "" + MANJU_D =: MANJU_DERIBUND, % "" + MANJU_E =: MANJU_DERIBUNE, % "" + MANJU_F =: MANJU_DERIBUNF, % "" + MANJU_G =: MANJU_DERIBUNGA, % "" + MANJU_H =: MANJU_DERIBUNHA, % "" + MANJU_J =: MANJU_I, % "" + MANJU_K =: MANJU_DERIBUNKA, % "" + MANJU_L =: MANJU_DERIBUNL, % "" + MANJU_M =: MANJU_DERIBUNM, % "" + MANJU_N =: MANJU_DERIBUNN, % "" + MANJU_S =: MANJU_DERIBUNS, % "" + MANJU_T =: MANJU_DERIBUNT, % "" + MANJU_Z =: MANJU_DERIBUNZ; % "" +% +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +ligtable MONG_LGU: % "" + MANJU_A =:| MANJU_DERIBUNE, % "" + MANJU_I =:| MANJU_DERIBUNE, % "" + MANJU_O =:| MANJU_DERIBUNE, % "" + MANJU_U =:| MANJU_DERIBUNE, % "" + MANJU_UU =:| MANJU_DERIBUNE, % "" + MANJU_D =: MANJU_DERIBUND, % "" + MANJU_E =: MANJU_DERIBUNE, % "" + MANJU_F =: MANJU_DERIBUNF, % "" + MANJU_G =: MANJU_DERIBUNGA, % "" + MANJU_H =: MANJU_DERIBUNHA, % "" + MANJU_J =: MANJU_I, % "" + MANJU_K =: MANJU_DERIBUNKA, % "" + MANJU_L =: MANJU_DERIBUNL, % "" + MANJU_M =: MANJU_DERIBUNM, % "" + MANJU_N =: MANJU_DERIBUNN, % "" + MANJU_S =: MANJU_DERIBUNS, % "" + MANJU_T =: MANJU_DERIBUNT, % "" + MANJU_Z =: MANJU_DERIBUNZ; % "" +% +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +ligtable MONG_RGU: % "" + MANJU_A =:| MANJU_DERIBUNE, % "" + MANJU_I =:| MANJU_DERIBUNE, % "" + MANJU_O =:| MANJU_DERIBUNE, % "" + MANJU_U =:| MANJU_DERIBUNE, % "" + MANJU_UU =:| MANJU_DERIBUNE, % "" + MANJU_D =: MANJU_DERIBUND, % "" + MANJU_E =: MANJU_DERIBUNE, % "" + MANJU_F =: MANJU_DERIBUNF, % "" + MANJU_G =: MANJU_DERIBUNGA, % "" + MANJU_H =: MANJU_DERIBUNHA, % "" + MANJU_J =: MANJU_I, % "" + MANJU_K =: MANJU_DERIBUNKA, % "" + MANJU_L =: MANJU_DERIBUNL, % "" + MANJU_M =: MANJU_DERIBUNM, % "" + MANJU_N =: MANJU_DERIBUNN, % "" + MANJU_S =: MANJU_DERIBUNS, % "" + MANJU_T =: MANJU_DERIBUNT, % "" + MANJU_Z =: MANJU_DERIBUNZ; % "" +% +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +ligtable MONG_OPAREN: % "" + MANJU_A =:| MANJU_DERIBUNE, % "" + MANJU_I =:| MANJU_DERIBUNE, % "" + MANJU_O =:| MANJU_DERIBUNE, % "" + MANJU_U =:| MANJU_DERIBUNE, % "" + MANJU_UU =:| MANJU_DERIBUNE, % "" + MANJU_D =: MANJU_DERIBUND, % "" + MANJU_E =: MANJU_DERIBUNE, % "" + MANJU_F =: MANJU_DERIBUNF, % "" + MANJU_G =: MANJU_DERIBUNGA, % "" + MANJU_H =: MANJU_DERIBUNHA, % "" + MANJU_J =: MANJU_I, % "" + MANJU_K =: MANJU_DERIBUNKA, % "" + MANJU_L =: MANJU_DERIBUNL, % "" + MANJU_M =: MANJU_DERIBUNM, % "" + MANJU_N =: MANJU_DERIBUNN, % "" + MANJU_S =: MANJU_DERIBUNS, % "" + MANJU_T =: MANJU_DERIBUNT, % "" + MANJU_Z =: MANJU_DERIBUNZ; % "" +% +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +ligtable MONG_CPAREN: % "" + MANJU_A =:| MANJU_DERIBUNE, % "" + MANJU_I =:| MANJU_DERIBUNE, % "" + MANJU_O =:| MANJU_DERIBUNE, % "" + MANJU_U =:| MANJU_DERIBUNE, % "" + MANJU_UU =:| MANJU_DERIBUNE, % "" + MANJU_D =: MANJU_DERIBUND, % "" + MANJU_E =: MANJU_DERIBUNE, % "" + MANJU_F =: MANJU_DERIBUNF, % "" + MANJU_G =: MANJU_DERIBUNGA, % "" + MANJU_H =: MANJU_DERIBUNHA, % "" + MANJU_J =: MANJU_I, % "" + MANJU_K =: MANJU_DERIBUNKA, % "" + MANJU_L =: MANJU_DERIBUNL, % "" + MANJU_M =: MANJU_DERIBUNM, % "" + MANJU_N =: MANJU_DERIBUNN, % "" + MANJU_S =: MANJU_DERIBUNS, % "" + MANJU_T =: MANJU_DERIBUNT, % "" + MANJU_Z =: MANJU_DERIBUNZ; % "" +% +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +ligtable MONG_DORWOLJIN: % "" + MANJU_A =:| MANJU_DERIBUNE, % "" + MANJU_I =:| MANJU_DERIBUNE, % "" + MANJU_O =:| MANJU_DERIBUNE, % "" + MANJU_U =:| MANJU_DERIBUNE, % "" + MANJU_UU =:| MANJU_DERIBUNE, % "" + MANJU_D =: MANJU_DERIBUND, % "" + MANJU_E =: MANJU_DERIBUNE, % "" + MANJU_F =: MANJU_DERIBUNF, % "" + MANJU_G =: MANJU_DERIBUNGA, % "" + MANJU_H =: MANJU_DERIBUNHA, % "" + MANJU_J =: MANJU_I, % "" + MANJU_K =: MANJU_DERIBUNKA, % "" + MANJU_L =: MANJU_DERIBUNL, % "" + MANJU_M =: MANJU_DERIBUNM, % "" + MANJU_N =: MANJU_DERIBUNN, % "" + MANJU_S =: MANJU_DERIBUNS, % "" + MANJU_T =: MANJU_DERIBUNT, % "" + MANJU_Z =: MANJU_DERIBUNZ; % "" +% +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +ligtable MONG_FULLSTOP: % "" + MANJU_A =:| MANJU_DERIBUNE, % "" + MANJU_I =:| MANJU_DERIBUNE, % "" + MANJU_O =:| MANJU_DERIBUNE, % "" + MANJU_U =:| MANJU_DERIBUNE, % "" + MANJU_UU =:| MANJU_DERIBUNE, % "" + MANJU_D =: MANJU_DERIBUND, % "" + MANJU_E =: MANJU_DERIBUNE, % "" + MANJU_F =: MANJU_DERIBUNF, % "" + MANJU_G =: MANJU_DERIBUNGA, % "" + MANJU_H =: MANJU_DERIBUNHA, % "" + MANJU_J =: MANJU_I, % "" + MANJU_K =: MANJU_DERIBUNKA, % "" + MANJU_L =: MANJU_DERIBUNL, % "" + MANJU_M =: MANJU_DERIBUNM, % "" + MANJU_N =: MANJU_DERIBUNN, % "" + MANJU_S =: MANJU_DERIBUNS, % "" + MANJU_T =: MANJU_DERIBUNT, % "" + MANJU_Z =: MANJU_DERIBUNZ; % "" +% +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +ligtable MONG_COLON: % "" + MANJU_A =:| MANJU_DERIBUNE, % "" + MANJU_I =:| MANJU_DERIBUNE, % "" + MANJU_O =:| MANJU_DERIBUNE, % "" + MANJU_U =:| MANJU_DERIBUNE, % "" + MANJU_UU =:| MANJU_DERIBUNE, % "" + MANJU_D =: MANJU_DERIBUND, % "" + MANJU_E =: MANJU_DERIBUNE, % "" + MANJU_F =: MANJU_DERIBUNF, % "" + MANJU_G =: MANJU_DERIBUNGA, % "" + MANJU_H =: MANJU_DERIBUNHA, % "" + MANJU_J =: MANJU_I, % "" + MANJU_K =: MANJU_DERIBUNKA, % "" + MANJU_L =: MANJU_DERIBUNL, % "" + MANJU_M =: MANJU_DERIBUNM, % "" + MANJU_N =: MANJU_DERIBUNN, % "" + MANJU_S =: MANJU_DERIBUNS, % "" + MANJU_T =: MANJU_DERIBUNT, % "" + MANJU_Z =: MANJU_DERIBUNZ; % "" +% +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +ligtable MONG_ELLIPSIS: % "" + MANJU_A =:| MANJU_DERIBUNE, % "" + MANJU_I =:| MANJU_DERIBUNE, % "" + MANJU_O =:| MANJU_DERIBUNE, % "" + MANJU_U =:| MANJU_DERIBUNE, % "" + MANJU_UU =:| MANJU_DERIBUNE, % "" + MANJU_D =: MANJU_DERIBUND, % "" + MANJU_E =: MANJU_DERIBUNE, % "" + MANJU_F =: MANJU_DERIBUNF, % "" + MANJU_G =: MANJU_DERIBUNGA, % "" + MANJU_H =: MANJU_DERIBUNHA, % "" + MANJU_J =: MANJU_I, % "" + MANJU_K =: MANJU_DERIBUNKA, % "" + MANJU_L =: MANJU_DERIBUNL, % "" + MANJU_M =: MANJU_DERIBUNM, % "" + MANJU_N =: MANJU_DERIBUNN, % "" + MANJU_S =: MANJU_DERIBUNS, % "" + MANJU_T =: MANJU_DERIBUNT, % "" + MANJU_Z =: MANJU_DERIBUNZ; % "" +% +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +ligtable MONG_EXCLAMATION: % "!" + MANJU_A =:| MANJU_DERIBUNE, % "" + MANJU_I =:| MANJU_DERIBUNE, % "" + MANJU_O =:| MANJU_DERIBUNE, % "" + MANJU_U =:| MANJU_DERIBUNE, % "" + MANJU_UU =:| MANJU_DERIBUNE, % "" + MANJU_D =: MANJU_DERIBUND, % "" + MANJU_E =: MANJU_DERIBUNE, % "" + MANJU_F =: MANJU_DERIBUNF, % "" + MANJU_G =: MANJU_DERIBUNGA, % "" + MANJU_H =: MANJU_DERIBUNHA, % "" + MANJU_J =: MANJU_I, % "" + MANJU_K =: MANJU_DERIBUNKA, % "" + MANJU_L =: MANJU_DERIBUNL, % "" + MANJU_M =: MANJU_DERIBUNM, % "" + MANJU_N =: MANJU_DERIBUNN, % "" + MANJU_S =: MANJU_DERIBUNS, % "" + MANJU_T =: MANJU_DERIBUNT, % "" + MANJU_Z =: MANJU_DERIBUNZ; % "" +% +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +ligtable MONG_QUESTION: % "?" + MANJU_A =:| MANJU_DERIBUNE, % "" + MANJU_I =:| MANJU_DERIBUNE, % "" + MANJU_O =:| MANJU_DERIBUNE, % "" + MANJU_U =:| MANJU_DERIBUNE, % "" + MANJU_UU =:| MANJU_DERIBUNE, % "" + MANJU_D =: MANJU_DERIBUND, % "" + MANJU_E =: MANJU_DERIBUNE, % "" + MANJU_F =: MANJU_DERIBUNF, % "" + MANJU_G =: MANJU_DERIBUNGA, % "" + MANJU_H =: MANJU_DERIBUNHA, % "" + MANJU_J =: MANJU_I, % "" + MANJU_K =: MANJU_DERIBUNKA, % "" + MANJU_L =: MANJU_DERIBUNL, % "" + MANJU_M =: MANJU_DERIBUNM, % "" + MANJU_N =: MANJU_DERIBUNN, % "" + MANJU_S =: MANJU_DERIBUNS, % "" + MANJU_T =: MANJU_DERIBUNT, % "" + MANJU_Z =: MANJU_DERIBUNZ; % "" +% +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +ligtable MONG_QUESTEXCLAM: % "?!" + MANJU_A =:| MANJU_DERIBUNE, % "" + MANJU_I =:| MANJU_DERIBUNE, % "" + MANJU_O =:| MANJU_DERIBUNE, % "" + MANJU_U =:| MANJU_DERIBUNE, % "" + MANJU_UU =:| MANJU_DERIBUNE, % "" + MANJU_D =: MANJU_DERIBUND, % "" + MANJU_E =: MANJU_DERIBUNE, % "" + MANJU_F =: MANJU_DERIBUNF, % "" + MANJU_G =: MANJU_DERIBUNGA, % "" + MANJU_H =: MANJU_DERIBUNHA, % "" + MANJU_J =: MANJU_I, % "" + MANJU_K =: MANJU_DERIBUNKA, % "" + MANJU_L =: MANJU_DERIBUNL, % "" + MANJU_M =: MANJU_DERIBUNM, % "" + MANJU_N =: MANJU_DERIBUNN, % "" + MANJU_S =: MANJU_DERIBUNS, % "" + MANJU_T =: MANJU_DERIBUNT, % "" + MANJU_Z =: MANJU_DERIBUNZ; % "" +% +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +ligtable MONG_EXCLAMQUEST: % "!?" + MANJU_A =:| MANJU_DERIBUNE, % "" + MANJU_I =:| MANJU_DERIBUNE, % "" + MANJU_O =:| MANJU_DERIBUNE, % "" + MANJU_U =:| MANJU_DERIBUNE, % "" + MANJU_UU =:| MANJU_DERIBUNE, % "" + MANJU_D =: MANJU_DERIBUND, % "" + MANJU_E =: MANJU_DERIBUNE, % "" + MANJU_F =: MANJU_DERIBUNF, % "" + MANJU_G =: MANJU_DERIBUNGA, % "" + MANJU_H =: MANJU_DERIBUNHA, % "" + MANJU_J =: MANJU_I, % "" + MANJU_K =: MANJU_DERIBUNKA, % "" + MANJU_L =: MANJU_DERIBUNL, % "" + MANJU_M =: MANJU_DERIBUNM, % "" + MANJU_N =: MANJU_DERIBUNN, % "" + MANJU_S =: MANJU_DERIBUNS, % "" + MANJU_T =: MANJU_DERIBUNT, % "" + MANJU_Z =: MANJU_DERIBUNZ; % "" +% +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +ligtable MONG_TASLAL: % "" + MANJU_A =:| MANJU_DERIBUNE, % "" + MANJU_I =:| MANJU_DERIBUNE, % "" + MANJU_O =:| MANJU_DERIBUNE, % "" + MANJU_U =:| MANJU_DERIBUNE, % "" + MANJU_UU =:| MANJU_DERIBUNE, % "" + MANJU_D =: MANJU_DERIBUND, % "" + MANJU_E =: MANJU_DERIBUNE, % "" + MANJU_F =: MANJU_DERIBUNF, % "" + MANJU_G =: MANJU_DERIBUNGA, % "" + MANJU_H =: MANJU_DERIBUNHA, % "" + MANJU_J =: MANJU_I, % "" + MANJU_K =: MANJU_DERIBUNKA, % "" + MANJU_L =: MANJU_DERIBUNL, % "" + MANJU_M =: MANJU_DERIBUNM, % "" + MANJU_N =: MANJU_DERIBUNN, % "" + MANJU_S =: MANJU_DERIBUNS, % "" + MANJU_T =: MANJU_DERIBUNT, % "" + MANJU_Z =: MANJU_DERIBUNZ; % "" +% +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +ligtable MONG_MSP: % "" + MANJU_A =:| MANJU_DERIBUNE, % "" + MANJU_I =:| MANJU_DERIBUNE, % "" + MANJU_O =:| MANJU_DERIBUNE, % "" + MANJU_U =:| MANJU_DERIBUNE, % "" + MANJU_UU =:| MANJU_DERIBUNE, % "" + MANJU_D =: MANJU_DERIBUND, % "" + MANJU_E =: MANJU_DERIBUNE, % "" + MANJU_F =: MANJU_DERIBUNF, % "" + MANJU_G =: MANJU_DERIBUNGA, % "" + MANJU_H =: MANJU_DERIBUNHA, % "" + MANJU_J =: MANJU_I, % "" + MANJU_K =: MANJU_DERIBUNKA, % "" + MANJU_L =: MANJU_DERIBUNL, % "" + MANJU_M =: MANJU_DERIBUNM, % "" + MANJU_N =: MANJU_DERIBUNN, % "" + MANJU_S =: MANJU_DERIBUNS, % "" + MANJU_T =: MANJU_DERIBUNT, % "" + MANJU_Z =: MANJU_DERIBUNZ; % "" +% +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +ligtable MONG_MVS: % "" + MANJU_A =:| MANJU_DERIBUNE, % "" + MANJU_I =:| MANJU_DERIBUNE, % "" + MANJU_O =:| MANJU_DERIBUNE, % "" + MANJU_U =:| MANJU_DERIBUNE, % "" + MANJU_UU =:| MANJU_DERIBUNE, % "" + 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MANJU_DERIBUNM, % "" + MANJU_N =: MANJU_DERIBUNN, % "" + MANJU_S =: MANJU_DERIBUNS, % "" + MANJU_T =: MANJU_DERIBUNT, % "" + MANJU_Z =: MANJU_DERIBUNZ; % "" +% +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +ligtable MONG_GCEG: % "=" + MANJU_A =:| MANJU_DERIBUNE, % "" + MANJU_I =:| MANJU_DERIBUNE, % "" + MANJU_O =:| MANJU_DERIBUNE, % "" + MANJU_U =:| MANJU_DERIBUNE, % "" + MANJU_UU =:| MANJU_DERIBUNE, % "" + MANJU_D =: MANJU_DERIBUND, % "" + MANJU_E =: MANJU_DERIBUNE, % "" + MANJU_F =: MANJU_DERIBUNF, % "" + MANJU_G =: MANJU_DERIBUNGA, % "" + MANJU_H =: MANJU_DERIBUNHA, % "" + MANJU_J =: MANJU_I, % "" + MANJU_K =: MANJU_DERIBUNKA, % "" + MANJU_L =: MANJU_DERIBUNL, % "" + MANJU_M =: MANJU_DERIBUNM, % "" + MANJU_N =: MANJU_DERIBUNN, % "" + MANJU_S =: MANJU_DERIBUNS, % "" + MANJU_T =: MANJU_DERIBUNT, % "" + MANJU_Z =: MANJU_DERIBUNZ; % "" +% +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +ligtable MONG_TITEMSTROKE: % "" + MANJU_A =:| MANJU_DERIBUNE, % "" + MANJU_I =:| MANJU_DERIBUNE, % "" + MANJU_O =:| MANJU_DERIBUNE, % "" + MANJU_U =:| MANJU_DERIBUNE, % "" + MANJU_UU =:| MANJU_DERIBUNE, % "" + MANJU_D =: MANJU_DERIBUND, % "" + MANJU_E =: MANJU_DERIBUNE, % "" + MANJU_F =: MANJU_DERIBUNF, % "" + MANJU_G =: MANJU_DERIBUNGA, % "" + MANJU_H =: MANJU_DERIBUNHA, % "" + MANJU_J =: MANJU_I, % "" + MANJU_K =: MANJU_DERIBUNKA, % "" + MANJU_L =: MANJU_DERIBUNL, % "" + MANJU_M =: MANJU_DERIBUNM, % "" + MANJU_N =: MANJU_DERIBUNN, % "" + MANJU_S =: MANJU_DERIBUNS, % "" + MANJU_T =: MANJU_DERIBUNT, % "" + MANJU_Z =: MANJU_DERIBUNZ; % "" +% +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +ligtable MONG_ORXIC: % "a" + MONG_NCEG kern ispace#; % +% +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +ligtable MANJU_A: % "a" + % + % final a + % + MONG_BNDRY =:| MANJU_DUBENA , % "" + MONG_ZERO =:| MANJU_DUBENA , % "" + MONG_ONE =:| MANJU_DUBENA , % "" + MONG_TWO =:| MANJU_DUBENA , % "" + MONG_THREE =:| MANJU_DUBENA , % "" + MONG_FOUR =:| MANJU_DUBENA , % "" + MONG_FIVE =:| MANJU_DUBENA , % "" + MONG_SIX =:| MANJU_DUBENA , % "" + MONG_SEVEN =:| MANJU_DUBENA , % "" + MONG_EIGHT =:| MANJU_DUBENA , % "" + MONG_NINE =:| MANJU_DUBENA , % "" + MONG_LT =:| MANJU_DUBENA , % "" + MONG_GT =:| MANJU_DUBENA , % "" + MONG_LGU =:| MANJU_DUBENA , % "" + MONG_RGU =:| MANJU_DUBENA , % "" + MONG_OPAREN =:| MANJU_DUBENA , % "" + MONG_CPAREN =:| MANJU_DUBENA , % "" + MONG_DORWOLJIN =:| MANJU_DUBENA , % "" + MONG_FULLSTOP =:| MANJU_DUBENA , % "" + MONG_COLON =:| MANJU_DUBENA , % "" + MONG_ELLIPSIS =:| MANJU_DUBENA , % "" + MONG_EXCLAMATION =:| MANJU_DUBENA , % "" + MONG_QUESTION =:| MANJU_DUBENA , % "" + MONG_QUESTEXCLAM =:| MANJU_DUBENA , % "" + MONG_EXCLAMQUEST =:| MANJU_DUBENA , % "" + MONG_TASLAL =:| MANJU_DUBENA , % "" + MONG_MSP =:| MANJU_DUBENA , % "" + MONG_MVS =:| MANJU_DUBENA , % "" + MONG_NCEG =:| MANJU_DUBENA , % "" + MONG_GCEG =:| MANJU_DUBENA , % "" + MONG_TITEMSTROKE =:| MANJU_DUBENA ; % "" +% +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +ligtable MANJU_B: % "b" + MANJU_A =: MANJU_BA , % "ba" + MANJU_E =: MANJU_BE , % "be" + MANJU_I =: MANJU_BI , % "bi" + MANJU_O =: MANJU_BO , % "bo" + MANJU_U =: MANJU_BU , % "bu" + MANJU_UU =: MANJU_BUU , % "buu" + % + % final b + % + MONG_BNDRY =:| MANJU_DUBENB , % "" + MONG_ZERO =:| MANJU_DUBENB , % "" + MONG_ONE =:| MANJU_DUBENB , % "" + MONG_TWO =:| MANJU_DUBENB , % "" + MONG_THREE =:| MANJU_DUBENB , % "" + MONG_FOUR =:| MANJU_DUBENB , % "" + MONG_FIVE =:| MANJU_DUBENB , % "" + MONG_SIX =:| MANJU_DUBENB , % "" + MONG_SEVEN =:| MANJU_DUBENB , % "" + MONG_EIGHT =:| MANJU_DUBENB , % "" + MONG_NINE =:| MANJU_DUBENB , % "" + MONG_LT =:| MANJU_DUBENB , % "" + MONG_GT =:| MANJU_DUBENB , % "" + MONG_LGU =:| MANJU_DUBENB , % "" + MONG_RGU =:| MANJU_DUBENB , % "" + MONG_OPAREN =:| MANJU_DUBENB , % "" + MONG_CPAREN =:| MANJU_DUBENB , % "" + MONG_DORWOLJIN =:| MANJU_DUBENB , % "" + MONG_FULLSTOP =:| MANJU_DUBENB , % "" + MONG_COLON =:| MANJU_DUBENB , % "" + MONG_ELLIPSIS =:| MANJU_DUBENB , % "" + MONG_EXCLAMATION =:| MANJU_DUBENB , % "" + MONG_QUESTION =:| MANJU_DUBENB , % "" + MONG_QUESTEXCLAM =:| MANJU_DUBENB , % "" + MONG_EXCLAMQUEST =:| MANJU_DUBENB , % "" + MONG_TASLAL =:| MANJU_DUBENB , % "" + MONG_MSP =:| MANJU_DUBENB , % "" + MONG_MVS =:| MANJU_DUBENB , % "" + MONG_NCEG =:| MANJU_DUBENB , % "" + MONG_GCEG =:| MANJU_DUBENB , % "" + MONG_TITEMSTROKE =:| MANJU_DUBENB ; % "" +% +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +ligtable MANJU_DUBENB: % "a" + MONG_NCEG kern 1.2ispace#; % +% +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +ligtable MANJU_C: % "c" + MANJU_Y =: MANJU_CY ; % "cy" +% +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +ligtable MANJU_D: % "d" + % + % vowel allographs + % + MANJU_E =:| MANJU_DE , % "" + MANJU_U =:| MANJU_DE , % "" + MANJU_UU =:| MANJU_DE , % "" + % + % consonant cases + % + MANJU_Z =: MANJU_DZ ; % "" +% +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +ligtable MANJU_DERIBUND: % " d-" + % + % vowel allographs + % + MANJU_E =:| MANJU_DERIBUNDE , % "" + MANJU_U =:| MANJU_DERIBUNDE , % "" + MANJU_UU =:| MANJU_DERIBUNDE , % "" + % + % consonant cases + % + MANJU_Z =: MANJU_DERIBUNDZ ; % "" +% +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +ligtable MANJU_DE: % "de" + % + % vowel allographs + % + MANJU_E |=: MANJU_A , % "" + MANJU_U |=: MANJU_O ; % "" +% +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +ligtable MANJU_DERIBUNDE: % " de-" + % + % vowel allographs + % + MANJU_E |=: MANJU_A , % "" + MANJU_U |=: MANJU_O ; % "" +% +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +ligtable MANJU_E: % "e" + % + % final e + % + MONG_BNDRY =:| MANJU_DUBENE , % "" + MONG_ZERO =:| MANJU_DUBENE , % "" + MONG_ONE =:| MANJU_DUBENE , % "" + MONG_TWO =:| MANJU_DUBENE , % "" + MONG_THREE =:| MANJU_DUBENE , % "" + MONG_FOUR =:| MANJU_DUBENE , % "" + MONG_FIVE =:| MANJU_DUBENE , % "" + MONG_SIX =:| MANJU_DUBENE , % "" + MONG_SEVEN =:| MANJU_DUBENE , % "" + MONG_EIGHT =:| MANJU_DUBENE , % "" + MONG_NINE =:| MANJU_DUBENE , % "" + MONG_LT =:| MANJU_DUBENE , % "" + MONG_GT =:| MANJU_DUBENE , % "" + MONG_LGU =:| MANJU_DUBENE , % "" + MONG_RGU =:| MANJU_DUBENE , % "" + MONG_OPAREN =:| MANJU_DUBENE , % "" + MONG_CPAREN =:| MANJU_DUBENE , % "" + MONG_DORWOLJIN =:| MANJU_DUBENE , % "" + MONG_FULLSTOP =:| MANJU_DUBENE , % "" + MONG_COLON =:| MANJU_DUBENE , % "" + MONG_ELLIPSIS =:| MANJU_DUBENE , % "" + MONG_EXCLAMATION =:| MANJU_DUBENE , % "" + MONG_QUESTION =:| MANJU_DUBENE , % "" + MONG_QUESTEXCLAM =:| MANJU_DUBENE , % "" + MONG_EXCLAMQUEST =:| MANJU_DUBENE , % "" + MONG_TASLAL =:| MANJU_DUBENE , % "" + MONG_MSP =:| MANJU_DUBENE , % "" + MONG_MVS =:| MANJU_DUBENE , % "" + MONG_NCEG =:| MANJU_DUBENE , % "" + MONG_GCEG =:| MANJU_DUBENE , % "" + MONG_TITEMSTROKE =:| MANJU_DUBENE ; % "" +% +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +ligtable MANJU_DERIBUNE: % " e-" + % + % isolated e + % + MONG_BNDRY |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_ZERO |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_ONE |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_TWO |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_THREE |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_FOUR |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_FIVE |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_SIX |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_SEVEN |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_EIGHT |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_NINE |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_LT |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_GT |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_LGU |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_RGU |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_OPAREN |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_CPAREN |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_DORWOLJIN |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_FULLSTOP |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_COLON |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_ELLIPSIS |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_EXCLAMATION |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_QUESTION |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_QUESTEXCLAM |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_EXCLAMQUEST |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_TASLAL |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_MSP |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_MVS |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_NCEG |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_GCEG |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_TITEMSTROKE |=:| MONG_ORXIC ; % "" +% +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +ligtable MANJU_DUBENE: % "a" + MONG_NCEG kern ispace#; % +% +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +ligtable MANJU_F: % "f" + % + % allograph selection + % + MANJU_I =:| MANJU_W , % "" + MANJU_O =:| MANJU_W , % "" + MANJU_U =:| MANJU_W , % "" + MANJU_UU =:| MANJU_W ; % "" +% +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +ligtable MANJU_DERIBUNF: % " f-" + % + % allograph selection + % + MANJU_I =:| MANJU_W , % "" + MANJU_O =:| MANJU_W , % "" + MANJU_U =:| MANJU_W , % "" + MANJU_UU =:| MANJU_W ; % "" +% +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +ligtable MANJU_G: % "g" + % + % vowel ligatures + % + MANJU_E =: MANJU_GE , % "" + MANJU_I =: MANJU_GI , % "" + MANJU_U =: MANJU_GU , % "" + % + % combined case + % + MANJU_H =: MANJU_GH , % "gh" + MONG_FVS1 =: MANJU_GH ; % "gh" +% +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +ligtable MANJU_DERIBUNGA: % " ga-" + % + % vowel ligatures + % + MANJU_E =: MANJU_GE , % "" + MANJU_I =: MANJU_GI , % "" + MANJU_U =: MANJU_GU , % "" + % + % combined case + % + MANJU_H =: MANJU_GH , % "gh" + MONG_FVS1 =: MANJU_GH ; % "gh" +% +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +ligtable MANJU_H: % "h" + % + % vowel ligatures + % + MANJU_E =: MANJU_HE , % "" + MANJU_I =: MANJU_HI , % "" + MANJU_U =: MANJU_HU , % "" + % + % combined case + % + MANJU_H =: MANJU_HH , % "hh" + MONG_FVS1 =: MANJU_HH ; % "hh" +% +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +ligtable MANJU_DERIBUNHA: % " ha-" + % + % vowel ligatures + % + MANJU_E =: MANJU_HE , % "" + MANJU_I =: MANJU_HI , % "" + MANJU_U =: MANJU_HU , % "" + % + % combined case + % + MANJU_H =: MANJU_HH , % "hh" + MONG_FVS1 =: MANJU_HH ; % "hh" +% +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +ligtable MANJU_I: % "i" + % + % combined case + % + MONG_FVS1 =: MANJU_DERIBUNJY , % "jy" + % + % non-combined case + % +% MONG_ENV =: MANJU_I , % "j-y" + % + % final i + % + MONG_BNDRY =:| MANJU_DUBENI , % "" + MONG_ZERO =:| MANJU_DUBENI , % "" + MONG_ONE =:| MANJU_DUBENI , % "" + MONG_TWO =:| MANJU_DUBENI , % "" + MONG_THREE =:| MANJU_DUBENI , % "" + MONG_FOUR =:| MANJU_DUBENI , % "" + MONG_FIVE =:| MANJU_DUBENI , % "" + MONG_SIX =:| MANJU_DUBENI , % "" + MONG_SEVEN =:| MANJU_DUBENI , % "" + MONG_EIGHT =:| MANJU_DUBENI , % "" + MONG_NINE =:| MANJU_DUBENI , % "" + MONG_LT =:| MANJU_DUBENI , % "" + MONG_GT =:| MANJU_DUBENI , % "" + MONG_LGU =:| MANJU_DUBENI , % "" + MONG_RGU =:| MANJU_DUBENI , % "" + MONG_OPAREN =:| MANJU_DUBENI , % "" + MONG_CPAREN =:| MANJU_DUBENI , % "" + MONG_DORWOLJIN =:| MANJU_DUBENI , % "" + MONG_FULLSTOP =:| MANJU_DUBENI , % "" + MONG_COLON =:| MANJU_DUBENI , % "" + MONG_ELLIPSIS =:| MANJU_DUBENI , % "" + MONG_EXCLAMATION =:| MANJU_DUBENI , % "" + MONG_QUESTION =:| MANJU_DUBENI , % "" + MONG_QUESTEXCLAM =:| MANJU_DUBENI , % "" + MONG_EXCLAMQUEST =:| MANJU_DUBENI , % "" + MONG_TASLAL =:| MANJU_DUBENI , % "" + MONG_MSP =:| MANJU_DUBENI , % "" + MONG_MVS =:| MANJU_DUBENI , % "" + MONG_NCEG =:| MANJU_DUBENI , % "" + MONG_GCEG =:| MANJU_DUBENI , % "" + MONG_TITEMSTROKE =:| MANJU_DUBENI ; % "" +% +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +ligtable MANJU_DUBENI: % "a" + MONG_NCEG kern ispace#; % +% +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +ligtable MANJU_J: % "j" + MONG_FVS1 =: MANJU_JY , % "jy" + MANJU_Y =: MANJU_JY ; % "cy" +% +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +ligtable MANJU_K: % "k" + % + % vowel ligatures + % + MANJU_E =: MANJU_KE , % "" + MANJU_I =: MANJU_KI , % "" + MANJU_U =: MANJU_KU , % "" + % + % combined case + % + MANJU_H =: MANJU_KH , % "kh" + MONG_FVS1 =: MANJU_KH , % "kh" + % + % consonant cases + % + MANJU_B =:| MANJU_VARK , % "" + MANJU_C =:| MANJU_VARK , % "" + MANJU_D =:| MANJU_VARK , % "" + MANJU_F =:| MANJU_VARK , % "" + MANJU_G =:| MANJU_VARK , % "" + MANJU_J =:| MANJU_VARK , % "" + MANJU_K =:| MANJU_VARK , % "" + MANJU_L =:| MANJU_VARK , % "" + MANJU_M =:| MANJU_VARK , % "" + MANJU_N =:| MANJU_VARK , % "" + MANJU_P =:| MANJU_VARK , % "" + MANJU_R =:| MANJU_VARK , % "" + MANJU_S =:| MANJU_VARK , % "" + MANJU_T =:| MANJU_VARK , % "" + MANJU_W =:| MANJU_VARK , % "" + MANJU_Y =:| MANJU_VARK , % "" + MANJU_Z =:| MANJU_VARK , % "" + % + % final k + % + MONG_BNDRY =:| MANJU_DUBENK , % "" + MONG_ZERO =:| MANJU_DUBENK , % "" + MONG_ONE =:| MANJU_DUBENK , % "" + MONG_TWO =:| MANJU_DUBENK , % "" + MONG_THREE =:| MANJU_DUBENK , % "" + MONG_FOUR =:| MANJU_DUBENK , % "" + MONG_FIVE =:| MANJU_DUBENK , % "" + MONG_SIX =:| MANJU_DUBENK , % "" + MONG_SEVEN =:| MANJU_DUBENK , % "" + MONG_EIGHT =:| MANJU_DUBENK , % "" + MONG_NINE =:| MANJU_DUBENK , % "" + MONG_LT =:| MANJU_DUBENK , % "" + MONG_GT =:| MANJU_DUBENK , % "" + MONG_LGU =:| MANJU_DUBENK , % "" + MONG_RGU =:| MANJU_DUBENK , % "" + MONG_OPAREN =:| MANJU_DUBENK , % "" + MONG_CPAREN =:| MANJU_DUBENK , % "" + MONG_DORWOLJIN =:| MANJU_DUBENK , % "" + MONG_FULLSTOP =:| MANJU_DUBENK , % "" + MONG_COLON =:| MANJU_DUBENK , % "" + MONG_ELLIPSIS =:| MANJU_DUBENK , % "" + MONG_EXCLAMATION =:| MANJU_DUBENK , % "" + MONG_QUESTION =:| MANJU_DUBENK , % "" + MONG_QUESTEXCLAM =:| MANJU_DUBENK , % "" + MONG_EXCLAMQUEST =:| MANJU_DUBENK , % "" + MONG_TASLAL =:| MANJU_DUBENK , % "" + MONG_MSP =:| MANJU_DUBENK , % "" + MONG_MVS =:| MANJU_DUBENK , % "" + MONG_NCEG =:| MANJU_DUBENK , % "" + MONG_GCEG =:| MANJU_DUBENK , % "" + MONG_TITEMSTROKE =:| MANJU_DUBENK ; % "" +% +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +ligtable MANJU_DERIBUNKA: % " ka-" + MANJU_E =: MANJU_KE , % "" + MANJU_I =: MANJU_KI , % "" + MANJU_U =: MANJU_KU , % "" + % + % combined case + % + MANJU_H =: MANJU_KH , % "kh" + MONG_FVS1 =: MANJU_KH ; % "kh" +% +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +ligtable MANJU_DUBENK: % "k -" + MONG_NCEG kern ispace#; % +% +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +ligtable MANJU_L: % "l" + % + % combined case + % + MONG_FVS1 =: MANJU_LH , % "lh" + % + % final l + % + MONG_BNDRY =:| MANJU_DUBENL , % "" + MONG_ZERO =:| MANJU_DUBENL , % "" + MONG_ONE =:| MANJU_DUBENL , % "" + MONG_TWO =:| MANJU_DUBENL , % "" + MONG_THREE =:| MANJU_DUBENL , % "" + MONG_FOUR =:| MANJU_DUBENL , % "" + MONG_FIVE =:| MANJU_DUBENL , % "" + MONG_SIX =:| MANJU_DUBENL , % "" + MONG_SEVEN =:| MANJU_DUBENL , % "" + MONG_EIGHT =:| MANJU_DUBENL , % "" + MONG_NINE =:| MANJU_DUBENL , % "" + MONG_LT =:| MANJU_DUBENL , % "" + MONG_GT =:| MANJU_DUBENL , % "" + MONG_LGU =:| MANJU_DUBENL , % "" + MONG_RGU =:| MANJU_DUBENL , % "" + MONG_OPAREN =:| MANJU_DUBENL , % "" + MONG_CPAREN =:| MANJU_DUBENL , % "" + MONG_DORWOLJIN =:| MANJU_DUBENL , % "" + MONG_FULLSTOP =:| MANJU_DUBENL , % "" + MONG_COLON =:| MANJU_DUBENL , % "" + MONG_ELLIPSIS =:| MANJU_DUBENL , % "" + MONG_EXCLAMATION =:| MANJU_DUBENL , % "" + MONG_QUESTION =:| MANJU_DUBENL , % "" + MONG_QUESTEXCLAM =:| MANJU_DUBENL , % "" + MONG_EXCLAMQUEST =:| MANJU_DUBENL , % "" + MONG_TASLAL =:| MANJU_DUBENL , % "" + MONG_MSP =:| MANJU_DUBENL , % "" + MONG_MVS =:| MANJU_DUBENL , % "" + MONG_NCEG =:| MANJU_DUBENL , % "" + MONG_GCEG =:| MANJU_DUBENL , % "" + MONG_TITEMSTROKE =:| MANJU_DUBENL ; % "" +% +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +ligtable MANJU_DERIBUNL: % " l-" + % + % combined case + % + MONG_FVS1 =: MANJU_DERIBUNLH ; % " lh" +% +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +ligtable MANJU_DUBENL: % "k -" + MONG_NCEG kern ispace#; % +% +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +ligtable MANJU_M: % "m" + % + % final m + % + MONG_BNDRY =:| MANJU_DUBENM , % "" + MONG_ZERO =:| MANJU_DUBENM , % "" + MONG_ONE =:| MANJU_DUBENM , % "" + MONG_TWO =:| MANJU_DUBENM , % "" + MONG_THREE =:| MANJU_DUBENM , % "" + MONG_FOUR =:| MANJU_DUBENM , % "" + MONG_FIVE =:| MANJU_DUBENM , % "" + MONG_SIX =:| MANJU_DUBENM , % "" + MONG_SEVEN =:| MANJU_DUBENM , % "" + MONG_EIGHT =:| MANJU_DUBENM , % "" + MONG_NINE =:| MANJU_DUBENM , % "" + MONG_LT =:| MANJU_DUBENM , % "" + MONG_GT =:| MANJU_DUBENM , % "" + MONG_LGU =:| MANJU_DUBENM , % "" + MONG_RGU =:| MANJU_DUBENM , % "" + MONG_OPAREN =:| MANJU_DUBENM , % "" + MONG_CPAREN =:| MANJU_DUBENM , % "" + MONG_DORWOLJIN =:| MANJU_DUBENM , % "" + MONG_FULLSTOP =:| MANJU_DUBENM , % "" + MONG_COLON =:| MANJU_DUBENM , % "" + MONG_ELLIPSIS =:| MANJU_DUBENM , % "" + MONG_EXCLAMATION =:| MANJU_DUBENM , % "" + MONG_QUESTION =:| MANJU_DUBENM , % "" + MONG_QUESTEXCLAM =:| MANJU_DUBENM , % "" + MONG_EXCLAMQUEST =:| MANJU_DUBENM , % "" + MONG_TASLAL =:| MANJU_DUBENM , % "" + MONG_MSP =:| MANJU_DUBENM , % "" + MONG_MVS =:| MANJU_DUBENM , % "" + MONG_NCEG =:| MANJU_DUBENM , % "" + MONG_GCEG =:| MANJU_DUBENM , % "" + MONG_TITEMSTROKE =:| MANJU_DUBENM ; % "" +% +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +% ligtable MANJU_DERIBUNM: % " m-" +% +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +ligtable MANJU_DUBENM: % "k -" + MONG_NCEG kern ispace#; % +% +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +ligtable MANJU_N: % "n" + % + % consonant cases + % + MANJU_B =:| MANJU_A , % "" + MANJU_C =:| MANJU_A , % "" + MANJU_D =:| MANJU_A , % "" + MANJU_F =:| MANJU_A , % "" + MANJU_H =:| MANJU_A , % "" + MANJU_J =:| MANJU_A , % "" + MANJU_K =:| MANJU_A , % "" + MANJU_L =:| MANJU_A , % "" + MANJU_M =:| MANJU_A , % "" + MANJU_N =:| MANJU_A , % "" + MANJU_P =:| MANJU_A , % "" + MANJU_R =:| MANJU_A , % "" + MANJU_S =:| MANJU_A , % "" + MANJU_T =:| MANJU_A , % "" + MANJU_W =:| MANJU_A , % "" + MANJU_Y =:| MANJU_A , % "" + MANJU_Z =:| MANJU_A , % "" + % + % combined cases + % + MANJU_G =: MANJU_NG , % "ng" + % + % final n + % + MONG_BNDRY =:| MANJU_DUBENA , % "" + MONG_ZERO =:| MANJU_DUBENA , % "" + MONG_ONE =:| MANJU_DUBENA , % "" + MONG_TWO =:| MANJU_DUBENA , % "" + MONG_THREE =:| MANJU_DUBENA , % "" + MONG_FOUR =:| MANJU_DUBENA , % "" + MONG_FIVE =:| MANJU_DUBENA , % "" + MONG_SIX =:| MANJU_DUBENA , % "" + MONG_SEVEN =:| MANJU_DUBENA , % "" + MONG_EIGHT =:| MANJU_DUBENA , % "" + MONG_NINE =:| MANJU_DUBENA , % "" + MONG_LT =:| MANJU_DUBENA , % "" + MONG_GT =:| MANJU_DUBENA , % "" + MONG_LGU =:| MANJU_DUBENA , % "" + MONG_RGU =:| MANJU_DUBENA , % "" + MONG_OPAREN =:| MANJU_DUBENA , % "" + MONG_CPAREN =:| MANJU_DUBENA , % "" + MONG_DORWOLJIN =:| MANJU_DUBENA , % "" + MONG_FULLSTOP =:| MANJU_DUBENA , % "" + MONG_COLON =:| MANJU_DUBENA , % "" + MONG_ELLIPSIS =:| MANJU_DUBENA , % "" + MONG_EXCLAMATION =:| MANJU_DUBENA , % "" + MONG_QUESTION =:| MANJU_DUBENA , % "" + MONG_QUESTEXCLAM =:| MANJU_DUBENA , % "" + MONG_EXCLAMQUEST =:| MANJU_DUBENA , % "" + MONG_TASLAL =:| MANJU_DUBENA , % "" + MONG_MSP =:| MANJU_DUBENA , % "" + MONG_MVS =:| MANJU_DUBENA , % "" + MONG_NCEG =:| MANJU_DUBENA , % "" + MONG_GCEG =:| MANJU_DUBENA , % "" + MONG_TITEMSTROKE =:| MANJU_DUBENA ; % "" +% +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +ligtable MANJU_DERIBUNN: % " n-" + MANJU_G =: MANJU_DERIBUNNGA ; % " nga" +% +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +ligtable MANJU_DUBENA: % "a" + MONG_NCEG kern ispace#; % +% +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +ligtable MANJU_O: % "o" + % + % final o + % + MONG_BNDRY =:| MANJU_DUBENO , % "" + MONG_ZERO =:| MANJU_DUBENO , % "" + MONG_ONE =:| MANJU_DUBENO , % "" + MONG_TWO =:| MANJU_DUBENO , % "" + MONG_THREE =:| MANJU_DUBENO , % "" + MONG_FOUR =:| MANJU_DUBENO , % "" + MONG_FIVE =:| MANJU_DUBENO , % "" + MONG_SIX =:| MANJU_DUBENO , % "" + MONG_SEVEN =:| MANJU_DUBENO , % "" + MONG_EIGHT =:| MANJU_DUBENO , % "" + MONG_NINE =:| MANJU_DUBENO , % "" + MONG_LT =:| MANJU_DUBENO , % "" + MONG_GT =:| MANJU_DUBENO , % "" + MONG_LGU =:| MANJU_DUBENO , % "" + MONG_RGU =:| MANJU_DUBENO , % "" + MONG_OPAREN =:| MANJU_DUBENO , % "" + MONG_CPAREN =:| MANJU_DUBENO , % "" + MONG_DORWOLJIN =:| MANJU_DUBENO , % "" + MONG_FULLSTOP =:| MANJU_DUBENO , % "" + MONG_COLON =:| MANJU_DUBENO , % "" + MONG_ELLIPSIS =:| MANJU_DUBENO , % "" + MONG_EXCLAMATION =:| MANJU_DUBENO , % "" + MONG_QUESTION =:| MANJU_DUBENO , % "" + MONG_QUESTEXCLAM =:| MANJU_DUBENO , % "" + MONG_EXCLAMQUEST =:| MANJU_DUBENO , % "" + MONG_TASLAL =:| MANJU_DUBENO , % "" + MONG_MSP =:| MANJU_DUBENO , % "" + MONG_MVS =:| MANJU_DUBENO , % "" + MONG_NCEG =:| MANJU_DUBENO , % "" + MONG_GCEG =:| MANJU_DUBENO , % "" + MONG_TITEMSTROKE =:| MANJU_DUBENO ; % "" +% +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +ligtable MANJU_DUBENO: % "k -" + MONG_NCEG kern ispace#; % +% +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +ligtable MANJU_P: % "p" + MANJU_A =: MANJU_PA , % "" + MANJU_E =: MANJU_PE , % "" + MANJU_I =: MANJU_PI , % "" + MANJU_O =: MANJU_PO , % "" + MANJU_U =: MANJU_PU , % "" + % + % combined case + % + MONG_FVS1 =: MANJU_TIBP ; % "p'" +% +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +ligtable MANJU_R: % "r" + % + % final r + % + MONG_BNDRY |=:| MONG_BIODOISUUL , % "" + MONG_ZERO |=:| MONG_BIODOISUUL , % "" + MONG_ONE |=:| MONG_BIODOISUUL , % "" + MONG_TWO |=:| MONG_BIODOISUUL , % "" + MONG_THREE |=:| MONG_BIODOISUUL , % "" + MONG_FOUR |=:| MONG_BIODOISUUL , % "" + MONG_FIVE |=:| MONG_BIODOISUUL , % "" + MONG_SIX |=:| MONG_BIODOISUUL , % "" + MONG_SEVEN |=:| MONG_BIODOISUUL , % "" + MONG_EIGHT |=:| MONG_BIODOISUUL , % "" + MONG_NINE |=:| MONG_BIODOISUUL , % "" + MONG_LT |=:| MONG_BIODOISUUL , % "" + MONG_GT |=:| MONG_BIODOISUUL , % "" + MONG_LGU |=:| MONG_BIODOISUUL , % "" + MONG_RGU |=:| MONG_BIODOISUUL , % "" + MONG_OPAREN |=:| MONG_BIODOISUUL , % "" + MONG_CPAREN |=:| MONG_BIODOISUUL , % "" + MONG_DORWOLJIN |=:| MONG_BIODOISUUL , % "" + MONG_FULLSTOP |=:| MONG_BIODOISUUL , % "" + MONG_COLON |=:| MONG_BIODOISUUL , % "" + MONG_ELLIPSIS |=:| MONG_BIODOISUUL , % "" + MONG_EXCLAMATION |=:| MONG_BIODOISUUL , % "" + MONG_QUESTION |=:| MONG_BIODOISUUL , % "" + MONG_QUESTEXCLAM |=:| MONG_BIODOISUUL , % "" + MONG_EXCLAMQUEST |=:| MONG_BIODOISUUL , % "" + MONG_TASLAL |=:| MONG_BIODOISUUL , % "" + MONG_MSP |=:| MONG_BIODOISUUL , % "" + MONG_MVS |=:| MONG_BIODOISUUL , % "" + MONG_NCEG |=:| MONG_BIODOISUUL , % "" + MONG_GCEG |=:| MONG_BIODOISUUL , % "" + MONG_TITEMSTROKE |=:| MONG_BIODOISUUL ; % "" +% +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +ligtable MANJU_S: % "s" + % + % combined cases + % + MONG_FVS1 =: MANJU_SH , % "sh" + MANJU_Y =: MANJU_SY , % "cy" + % + % final s + % + MONG_BNDRY =:| MANJU_DUBENS , % "" + MONG_ZERO =:| MANJU_DUBENS , % "" + MONG_ONE =:| MANJU_DUBENS , % "" + MONG_TWO =:| MANJU_DUBENS , % "" + MONG_THREE =:| MANJU_DUBENS , % "" + MONG_FOUR =:| MANJU_DUBENS , % "" + MONG_FIVE =:| MANJU_DUBENS , % "" + MONG_SIX =:| MANJU_DUBENS , % "" + MONG_SEVEN =:| MANJU_DUBENS , % "" + MONG_EIGHT =:| MANJU_DUBENS , % "" + MONG_NINE =:| MANJU_DUBENS , % "" + MONG_LT =:| MANJU_DUBENS , % "" + MONG_GT =:| MANJU_DUBENS , % "" + MONG_LGU =:| MANJU_DUBENS , % "" + MONG_RGU =:| MANJU_DUBENS , % "" + MONG_OPAREN =:| MANJU_DUBENS , % "" + MONG_CPAREN =:| MANJU_DUBENS , % "" + MONG_DORWOLJIN =:| MANJU_DUBENS , % "" + MONG_FULLSTOP =:| MANJU_DUBENS , % "" + MONG_COLON =:| MANJU_DUBENS , % "" + MONG_ELLIPSIS =:| MANJU_DUBENS , % "" + MONG_EXCLAMATION =:| MANJU_DUBENS , % "" + MONG_QUESTION =:| MANJU_DUBENS , % "" + MONG_QUESTEXCLAM =:| MANJU_DUBENS , % "" + MONG_EXCLAMQUEST =:| MANJU_DUBENS , % "" + MONG_TASLAL =:| MANJU_DUBENS , % "" + MONG_MSP =:| MANJU_DUBENS , % "" + MONG_MVS =:| MANJU_DUBENS , % "" + MONG_NCEG =:| MANJU_DUBENS , % "" + MONG_GCEG =:| MANJU_DUBENS , % "" + MONG_TITEMSTROKE =:| MANJU_DUBENS ; % "" +% +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +ligtable MANJU_DERIBUNS: % " s-" + MONG_FVS1 =: MANJU_DERIBUNSH , % "sh" + MANJU_Y =: MANJU_DERIBUNSY ; % " sy" +% +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +ligtable MANJU_DUBENS: % "k -" + MONG_NCEG kern ispace#; % +% +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +ligtable MANJU_T: % "t" + % + % vowel allographs + % + MANJU_E =:| MANJU_TE , % "" + MANJU_U =:| MANJU_TE , % "" + MANJU_UU =:| MANJU_TE , % "" + % + % consonant cases + % + MANJU_B =:| MANJU_VART , % "" + MANJU_C =:| MANJU_VART , % "" + MANJU_D =:| MANJU_VART , % "" + MANJU_F =:| MANJU_VART , % "" + MANJU_G =:| MANJU_VART , % "" + MANJU_H =:| MANJU_VART , % "" + MANJU_J =:| MANJU_VART , % "" + MANJU_K =:| MANJU_VART , % "" + MANJU_L =:| MANJU_VART , % "" + MANJU_M =:| MANJU_VART , % "" + MANJU_N =:| MANJU_VART , % "" + MANJU_P =:| MANJU_VART , % "" + MANJU_R =:| MANJU_VART , % "" + MANJU_T =:| MANJU_VART , % "" + MANJU_W =:| MANJU_VART , % "" + MANJU_Y =:| MANJU_VART , % "" + MANJU_Z =:| MANJU_VART , % "" + % + % combined cases + % + MANJU_S =: MANJU_TS, % "ts" + MONG_FVS1 =: MANJU_TIBT , % "t" + % + % final s + % + MONG_BNDRY =:| MANJU_DUBENT , % "" + MONG_ZERO =:| MANJU_DUBENT , % "" + MONG_ONE =:| MANJU_DUBENT , % "" + MONG_TWO =:| MANJU_DUBENT , % "" + MONG_THREE =:| MANJU_DUBENT , % "" + MONG_FOUR =:| MANJU_DUBENT , % "" + MONG_FIVE =:| MANJU_DUBENT , % "" + MONG_SIX =:| MANJU_DUBENT , % "" + MONG_SEVEN =:| MANJU_DUBENT , % "" + MONG_EIGHT =:| MANJU_DUBENT , % "" + MONG_NINE =:| MANJU_DUBENT , % "" + MONG_LT =:| MANJU_DUBENT , % "" + MONG_GT =:| MANJU_DUBENT , % "" + MONG_LGU =:| MANJU_DUBENT , % "" + MONG_RGU =:| MANJU_DUBENT , % "" + MONG_OPAREN =:| MANJU_DUBENT , % "" + MONG_CPAREN =:| MANJU_DUBENT , % "" + MONG_DORWOLJIN =:| MANJU_DUBENT , % "" + MONG_FULLSTOP =:| MANJU_DUBENT , % "" + MONG_COLON =:| MANJU_DUBENT , % "" + MONG_ELLIPSIS =:| MANJU_DUBENT , % "" + MONG_EXCLAMATION =:| MANJU_DUBENT , % "" + MONG_QUESTION =:| MANJU_DUBENT , % "" + MONG_QUESTEXCLAM =:| MANJU_DUBENT , % "" + MONG_EXCLAMQUEST =:| MANJU_DUBENT , % "" + MONG_TASLAL =:| MANJU_DUBENT , % "" + MONG_MSP =:| MANJU_DUBENT , % "" + MONG_MVS =:| MANJU_DUBENT , % "" + MONG_NCEG =:| MANJU_DUBENT , % "" + MONG_GCEG =:| MANJU_DUBENT , % "" + MONG_TITEMSTROKE =:| MANJU_DUBENT ; % "" +% +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +ligtable MANJU_DERIBUNT: % " t-" + % + % vowel allographs + % + MANJU_E =:| MANJU_DERIBUNTE , % "" + MANJU_U =:| MANJU_DERIBUNTE , % "" + MANJU_UU =:| MANJU_DERIBUNTE , % "" + MANJU_S =: MANJU_DERIBUNTS , % " ts-" + % + % combined case + % + MONG_FVS1 =: MANJU_TIBT ; % "t" +% +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +ligtable MANJU_TE: % "te" + % + % vowel allographs + % + MANJU_E |=: MANJU_A , % "" + MANJU_U |=: MANJU_O ; % "" +% +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +ligtable MANJU_DERIBUNTE: % " te-" + % + % vowel allographs + % + MANJU_E |=: MANJU_A , % "" + MANJU_U |=: MANJU_O ; % "" +% +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +ligtable MANJU_DUBENT: % "k -" + MONG_NCEG kern ispace#; % +% +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +ligtable MANJU_U: % "u" + % + % final u + % + MONG_BNDRY =:| MANJU_DUBENU , % "" + MONG_ZERO =:| MANJU_DUBENU , % "" + MONG_ONE =:| MANJU_DUBENU , % "" + MONG_TWO =:| MANJU_DUBENU , % "" + MONG_THREE =:| MANJU_DUBENU , % "" + MONG_FOUR =:| MANJU_DUBENU , % "" + MONG_FIVE =:| MANJU_DUBENU , % "" + MONG_SIX =:| MANJU_DUBENU , % "" + MONG_SEVEN =:| MANJU_DUBENU , % "" + MONG_EIGHT =:| MANJU_DUBENU , % "" + MONG_NINE =:| MANJU_DUBENU , % "" + MONG_LT =:| MANJU_DUBENU , % "" + MONG_GT =:| MANJU_DUBENU , % "" + MONG_LGU =:| MANJU_DUBENU , % "" + MONG_RGU =:| MANJU_DUBENU , % "" + MONG_OPAREN =:| MANJU_DUBENU , % "" + MONG_CPAREN =:| MANJU_DUBENU , % "" + MONG_DORWOLJIN =:| MANJU_DUBENU , % "" + MONG_FULLSTOP =:| MANJU_DUBENU , % "" + MONG_COLON =:| MANJU_DUBENU , % "" + MONG_ELLIPSIS =:| MANJU_DUBENU , % "" + MONG_EXCLAMATION =:| MANJU_DUBENU , % "" + MONG_QUESTION =:| MANJU_DUBENU , % "" + MONG_QUESTEXCLAM =:| MANJU_DUBENU , % "" + MONG_EXCLAMQUEST =:| MANJU_DUBENU , % "" + MONG_TASLAL =:| MANJU_DUBENU , % "" + MONG_MSP =:| MANJU_DUBENU , % "" + MONG_MVS =:| MANJU_DUBENU , % "" + MONG_NCEG =:| MANJU_DUBENU , % "" + MONG_GCEG =:| MANJU_DUBENU , % "" + MONG_TITEMSTROKE =:| MANJU_DUBENU ; % "" +% +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +ligtable MANJU_DUBENU: % "k -" + MONG_NCEG kern ispace#; % +% +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +ligtable MANJU_UU: % "uu" + % + % final uu + % + MONG_BNDRY =:| MANJU_DUBENUU , % "" + MONG_ZERO =:| MANJU_DUBENUU , % "" + MONG_ONE =:| MANJU_DUBENUU , % "" + MONG_TWO =:| MANJU_DUBENUU , % "" + MONG_THREE =:| MANJU_DUBENUU , % "" + MONG_FOUR =:| MANJU_DUBENUU , % "" + MONG_FIVE =:| MANJU_DUBENUU , % "" + MONG_SIX =:| MANJU_DUBENUU , % "" + MONG_SEVEN =:| MANJU_DUBENUU , % "" + MONG_EIGHT =:| MANJU_DUBENUU , % "" + MONG_NINE =:| MANJU_DUBENUU , % "" + MONG_LT =:| MANJU_DUBENUU , % "" + MONG_GT =:| MANJU_DUBENUU , % "" + MONG_LGU =:| MANJU_DUBENUU , % "" + MONG_RGU =:| MANJU_DUBENUU , % "" + MONG_OPAREN =:| MANJU_DUBENUU , % "" + MONG_CPAREN =:| MANJU_DUBENUU , % "" + MONG_DORWOLJIN =:| MANJU_DUBENUU , % "" + MONG_FULLSTOP =:| MANJU_DUBENUU , % "" + MONG_COLON =:| MANJU_DUBENUU , % "" + MONG_ELLIPSIS =:| MANJU_DUBENUU , % "" + MONG_EXCLAMATION =:| MANJU_DUBENUU , % "" + MONG_QUESTION =:| MANJU_DUBENUU , % "" + MONG_QUESTEXCLAM =:| MANJU_DUBENUU , % "" + MONG_EXCLAMQUEST =:| MANJU_DUBENUU , % "" + MONG_TASLAL =:| MANJU_DUBENUU , % "" + MONG_MSP =:| MANJU_DUBENUU , % "" + MONG_MVS =:| MANJU_DUBENUU , % "" + MONG_NCEG =:| MANJU_DUBENUU , % "" + MONG_GCEG =:| MANJU_DUBENUU , % "" + MONG_TITEMSTROKE =:| MANJU_DUBENUU ; % "" +% +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +ligtable MANJU_DUBENUU: % "k -" + MONG_NCEG kern ispace#; % +% +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +ligtable MANJU_NG: % "ng" + % + % combined case + % + MONG_FVS1 =: MANJU_NGA , % "ng'" + % + % final ng + % + MONG_BNDRY =: MANJU_DUBENNG , % "" + MONG_ZERO =: MANJU_DUBENNG , % "" + MONG_ONE =: MANJU_DUBENNG , % "" + MONG_TWO =: MANJU_DUBENNG , % "" + MONG_THREE =: MANJU_DUBENNG , % "" + MONG_FOUR =: MANJU_DUBENNG , % "" + MONG_FIVE =: MANJU_DUBENNG , % "" + MONG_SIX =: MANJU_DUBENNG , % "" + MONG_SEVEN =: MANJU_DUBENNG , % "" + MONG_EIGHT =: MANJU_DUBENNG , % "" + MONG_NINE =: MANJU_DUBENNG , % "" + MONG_LT =: MANJU_DUBENNG , % "" + MONG_GT =: MANJU_DUBENNG , % "" + MONG_LGU =: MANJU_DUBENNG , % "" + MONG_RGU =: MANJU_DUBENNG , % "" + MONG_OPAREN =: MANJU_DUBENNG , % "" + MONG_CPAREN =: MANJU_DUBENNG , % "" + MONG_DORWOLJIN =: MANJU_DUBENNG , % "" + MONG_FULLSTOP =: MANJU_DUBENNG , % "" + MONG_COLON =: MANJU_DUBENNG , % "" + MONG_ELLIPSIS =: MANJU_DUBENNG , % "" + MONG_EXCLAMATION =: MANJU_DUBENNG , % "" + MONG_QUESTION =: MANJU_DUBENNG , % "" + MONG_QUESTEXCLAM =: MANJU_DUBENNG , % "" + MONG_EXCLAMQUEST =: MANJU_DUBENNG , % "" + MONG_TASLAL =: MANJU_DUBENNG , % "" + MONG_MSP =: MANJU_DUBENNG , % "" + MONG_MVS =: MANJU_DUBENNG , % "" + MONG_NCEG =: MANJU_DUBENNG , % "" + MONG_GCEG =: MANJU_DUBENNG , % "" + MONG_TITEMSTROKE =: MANJU_DUBENNG ; % "" +% +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +ligtable MANJU_DUBENNG: % "k -" + MONG_NCEG kern ispace#; % +% +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +ligtable MANJU_SH: % "sh" + % + % final sh + % + MONG_BNDRY =:| MANJU_DUBENSH , % "" + MONG_ZERO =:| MANJU_DUBENSH , % "" + MONG_ONE =:| MANJU_DUBENSH , % "" + MONG_TWO =:| MANJU_DUBENSH , % "" + MONG_THREE =:| MANJU_DUBENSH , % "" + MONG_FOUR =:| MANJU_DUBENSH , % "" + MONG_FIVE =:| MANJU_DUBENSH , % "" + MONG_SIX =:| MANJU_DUBENSH , % "" + MONG_SEVEN =:| MANJU_DUBENSH , % "" + MONG_EIGHT =:| MANJU_DUBENSH , % "" + MONG_NINE =:| MANJU_DUBENSH , % "" + MONG_LT =:| MANJU_DUBENSH , % "" + MONG_GT =:| MANJU_DUBENSH , % "" + MONG_LGU =:| MANJU_DUBENSH , % "" + MONG_RGU =:| MANJU_DUBENSH , % "" + MONG_OPAREN =:| MANJU_DUBENSH , % "" + MONG_CPAREN =:| MANJU_DUBENSH , % "" + MONG_DORWOLJIN =:| MANJU_DUBENSH , % "" + MONG_FULLSTOP =:| MANJU_DUBENSH , % "" + MONG_COLON =:| MANJU_DUBENSH , % "" + MONG_ELLIPSIS =:| MANJU_DUBENSH , % "" + MONG_EXCLAMATION =:| MANJU_DUBENSH , % "" + MONG_QUESTION =:| MANJU_DUBENSH , % "" + MONG_QUESTEXCLAM =:| MANJU_DUBENSH , % "" + MONG_EXCLAMQUEST =:| MANJU_DUBENSH , % "" + MONG_TASLAL =:| MANJU_DUBENSH , % "" + MONG_MSP =:| MANJU_DUBENSH , % "" + MONG_MVS =:| MANJU_DUBENSH , % "" + MONG_NCEG =:| MANJU_DUBENSH , % "" + MONG_GCEG =:| MANJU_DUBENSH , % "" + MONG_TITEMSTROKE =:| MANJU_DUBENSH ; % "" +% +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +% ligtable MANJU_DERIBUNSH: % " sh-" +% +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +ligtable MANJU_DUBENSH: % "k -" + MONG_NCEG kern ispace#; % +% +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +ligtable MANJU_DZ: % "dz" + MANJU_I =: MANJU_DZI ; % "" +% +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +ligtable MANJU_DERIBUNDZ: % " dz-" + MANJU_I =: MANJU_DERIBUNDZI ; % "" +% +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +ligtable MANJU_DZI: % "dzi " + % + % final dzi + % + MONG_BNDRY |=:| MONG_BIODOISUUL , % "" + MONG_ZERO |=:| MONG_BIODOISUUL , % "" + MONG_ONE |=:| MONG_BIODOISUUL , % "" + MONG_TWO |=:| MONG_BIODOISUUL , % "" + MONG_THREE |=:| MONG_BIODOISUUL , % "" + MONG_FOUR |=:| MONG_BIODOISUUL , % "" + MONG_FIVE |=:| MONG_BIODOISUUL , % "" + MONG_SIX |=:| MONG_BIODOISUUL , % "" + MONG_SEVEN |=:| MONG_BIODOISUUL , % "" + MONG_EIGHT |=:| MONG_BIODOISUUL , % "" + MONG_NINE |=:| MONG_BIODOISUUL , % "" + MONG_LT |=:| MONG_BIODOISUUL , % "" + MONG_GT |=:| MONG_BIODOISUUL , % "" + MONG_LGU |=:| MONG_BIODOISUUL , % "" + MONG_RGU |=:| MONG_BIODOISUUL , % "" + MONG_OPAREN |=:| MONG_BIODOISUUL , % "" + MONG_CPAREN |=:| MONG_BIODOISUUL , % "" + MONG_DORWOLJIN |=:| MONG_BIODOISUUL , % "" + MONG_FULLSTOP |=:| MONG_BIODOISUUL , % "" + MONG_COLON |=:| MONG_BIODOISUUL , % "" + MONG_ELLIPSIS |=:| MONG_BIODOISUUL , % "" + MONG_EXCLAMATION |=:| MONG_BIODOISUUL , % "" + MONG_QUESTION |=:| MONG_BIODOISUUL , % "" + MONG_QUESTEXCLAM |=:| MONG_BIODOISUUL , % "" + MONG_EXCLAMQUEST |=:| MONG_BIODOISUUL , % "" + MONG_TASLAL |=:| MONG_BIODOISUUL , % "" + MONG_MSP |=:| MONG_BIODOISUUL , % "" + MONG_MVS |=:| MONG_BIODOISUUL , % "" + MONG_NCEG |=:| MONG_BIODOISUUL , % "" + MONG_GCEG |=:| MONG_BIODOISUUL , % "" + MONG_TITEMSTROKE |=:| MONG_BIODOISUUL ; % "" +% +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +ligtable MANJU_DERIBUNDZI: % " dzi " + % + % final dzi + % + MONG_BNDRY |=:| MONG_BIODOISUUL , % "" + MONG_ZERO |=:| MONG_BIODOISUUL , % "" + MONG_ONE |=:| MONG_BIODOISUUL , % "" + MONG_TWO |=:| MONG_BIODOISUUL , % "" + MONG_THREE |=:| MONG_BIODOISUUL , % "" + MONG_FOUR |=:| MONG_BIODOISUUL , % "" + MONG_FIVE |=:| MONG_BIODOISUUL , % "" + MONG_SIX |=:| MONG_BIODOISUUL , % "" + MONG_SEVEN |=:| MONG_BIODOISUUL , % "" + MONG_EIGHT |=:| MONG_BIODOISUUL , % "" + MONG_NINE |=:| MONG_BIODOISUUL , % "" + MONG_LT |=:| MONG_BIODOISUUL , % "" + MONG_GT |=:| MONG_BIODOISUUL , % "" + MONG_LGU |=:| MONG_BIODOISUUL , % "" + MONG_RGU |=:| MONG_BIODOISUUL , % "" + MONG_OPAREN |=:| MONG_BIODOISUUL , % "" + MONG_CPAREN |=:| MONG_BIODOISUUL , % "" + MONG_DORWOLJIN |=:| MONG_BIODOISUUL , % "" + MONG_FULLSTOP |=:| MONG_BIODOISUUL , % "" + MONG_COLON |=:| MONG_BIODOISUUL , % "" + MONG_ELLIPSIS |=:| MONG_BIODOISUUL , % "" + MONG_EXCLAMATION |=:| MONG_BIODOISUUL , % "" + MONG_QUESTION |=:| MONG_BIODOISUUL , % "" + MONG_QUESTEXCLAM |=:| MONG_BIODOISUUL , % "" + MONG_EXCLAMQUEST |=:| MONG_BIODOISUUL , % "" + MONG_TASLAL |=:| MONG_BIODOISUUL , % "" + MONG_MSP |=:| MONG_BIODOISUUL , % "" + MONG_MVS |=:| MONG_BIODOISUUL , % "" + MONG_NCEG |=:| MONG_BIODOISUUL , % "" + MONG_GCEG |=:| MONG_BIODOISUUL , % "" + MONG_TITEMSTROKE |=:| MONG_BIODOISUUL ; % "" +% +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +% ligtable MANJU_JY: % "jy" +% +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +% ligtable MANJU_DERIBUNJY: % " jy-" +% +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +% ligtable MANJU_SY: % "sy" +% +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +% ligtable MANJU_DERIBUNSY: % " sy-" +% +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +ligtable MANJU_TS: % "ts" + MANJU_H =: MANJU_TSH ; % " tsh" +% +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +ligtable MANJU_DERIBUNTS: % " ts-" + MANJU_H =: MANJU_DERIBUNTSH ; % " tsh" +% +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +ligtable MANJU_TSH: % "tsh" + MANJU_Y =: MANJU_TSHY ; % "tshy" +% +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +ligtable MANJU_DERIBUNTSH: % " tsh-" + MANJU_Y =: MANJU_DERIBUNTSHY ; % "" +% +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +ligtable MANJU_Z: % "z" + MANJU_H =: MANJU_ZH , % "" + MANJU_R =: MANJU_ZR ; % "" +% +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +ligtable MANJU_DERIBUNZ: % " z-" + MANJU_H =: MANJU_DERIBUNZH , % "" + MANJU_R =: MANJU_DERIBUNZR ; % "" +% +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +ligtable MANJU_DERIBUNNGA: % " nga-" + MONG_FVS1 =: MANJU_DERIBUNNGA ; % "" +% +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +ligtable MANJU_LH: % "lh" + MANJU_E =:| MANJU_HIGHLH , % "" + MANJU_U =:| MANJU_HIGHLH ; % "" +% +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +ligtable MANJU_DERIBUNLH: % " lh-" + MANJU_E =:| MANJU_HIGHDERIBUNLH ,% "" + MANJU_U =:| MANJU_HIGHDERIBUNLH ;% "" +% +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +% ligtable MANJU_CY: % "cy" +% +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +ligtable MANJU_GH: % "gh" + MANJU_A =: MANJU_GHA , % "" + MANJU_O =: MANJU_GHO ; % "" +% +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +ligtable MANJU_HH: % "hh" + MANJU_A =: MANJU_HHA , % "" + MANJU_O =: MANJU_HHO ; % "" +% +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +ligtable MANJU_KH: % "kh" + MANJU_A =: MANJU_KHA , % "" + MANJU_O =: MANJU_KHO ; % "" +% +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +ligtable MANJU_BA: % "ba" + % + % final ba + % + MONG_BNDRY |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_ZERO |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_ONE |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_TWO |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_THREE |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_FOUR |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_FIVE |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_SIX |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_SEVEN |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_EIGHT |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_NINE |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_LT |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_GT |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_LGU |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_RGU |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_OPAREN |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_CPAREN |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_DORWOLJIN |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_FULLSTOP |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_COLON |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_ELLIPSIS |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_EXCLAMATION |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_QUESTION |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_QUESTEXCLAM |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_EXCLAMQUEST |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_TASLAL |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_MSP |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_MVS |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_NCEG |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_GCEG |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_TITEMSTROKE |=:| MONG_ORXIC ; % "" +% +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +ligtable MANJU_BE: % "be" + % + % final be + % + MONG_BNDRY |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_ZERO |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_ONE |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_TWO |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_THREE |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_FOUR |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_FIVE |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_SIX |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_SEVEN |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_EIGHT |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_NINE |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_LT |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_GT |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_LGU |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_RGU |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_OPAREN |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_CPAREN |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_DORWOLJIN |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_FULLSTOP |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_COLON |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_ELLIPSIS |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_EXCLAMATION |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_QUESTION |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_QUESTEXCLAM |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_EXCLAMQUEST |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_TASLAL |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_MSP |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_MVS |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_NCEG |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_GCEG |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_TITEMSTROKE |=:| MONG_ORXIC ; % "" +% +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +ligtable MANJU_BI: % "bi" + % + % final bi + % + MONG_BNDRY |=:| MONG_BIODOISUUL , % "" + MONG_ZERO |=:| MONG_BIODOISUUL , % "" + MONG_ONE |=:| MONG_BIODOISUUL , % "" + MONG_TWO |=:| MONG_BIODOISUUL , % "" + MONG_THREE |=:| MONG_BIODOISUUL , % "" + MONG_FOUR |=:| MONG_BIODOISUUL , % "" + MONG_FIVE |=:| MONG_BIODOISUUL , % "" + MONG_SIX |=:| MONG_BIODOISUUL , % "" + MONG_SEVEN |=:| MONG_BIODOISUUL , % "" + MONG_EIGHT |=:| MONG_BIODOISUUL , % "" + MONG_NINE |=:| MONG_BIODOISUUL , % "" + MONG_LT |=:| MONG_BIODOISUUL , % "" + MONG_GT |=:| MONG_BIODOISUUL , % "" + MONG_LGU |=:| MONG_BIODOISUUL , % "" + MONG_RGU |=:| MONG_BIODOISUUL , % "" + MONG_OPAREN |=:| MONG_BIODOISUUL , % "" + MONG_CPAREN |=:| MONG_BIODOISUUL , % "" + MONG_DORWOLJIN |=:| MONG_BIODOISUUL , % "" + MONG_FULLSTOP |=:| MONG_BIODOISUUL , % "" + MONG_COLON |=:| MONG_BIODOISUUL , % "" + MONG_ELLIPSIS |=:| MONG_BIODOISUUL , % "" + MONG_EXCLAMATION |=:| MONG_BIODOISUUL , % "" + MONG_QUESTION |=:| MONG_BIODOISUUL , % "" + MONG_QUESTEXCLAM |=:| MONG_BIODOISUUL , % "" + MONG_EXCLAMQUEST |=:| MONG_BIODOISUUL , % "" + MONG_TASLAL |=:| MONG_BIODOISUUL , % "" + MONG_MSP |=:| MONG_BIODOISUUL , % "" + MONG_MVS |=:| MONG_BIODOISUUL , % "" + MONG_NCEG |=:| MONG_BIODOISUUL , % "" + MONG_GCEG |=:| MONG_BIODOISUUL , % "" + MONG_TITEMSTROKE |=:| MONG_BIODOISUUL ; % "" +% +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +% ligtable MANJU_BO: % "bo" +% +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +% ligtable MANJU_BU: % "bu" +% +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +% ligtable MANJU_BUU: % "bu" +% +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +ligtable MANJU_GE: % "ge" + % + % final ge + % + MONG_BNDRY |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_ZERO |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_ONE |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_TWO |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_THREE |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_FOUR |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_FIVE |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_SIX |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_SEVEN |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_EIGHT |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_NINE |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_LT |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_GT |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_LGU |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_RGU |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_OPAREN |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_CPAREN |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_DORWOLJIN |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_FULLSTOP |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_COLON |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_ELLIPSIS |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_EXCLAMATION |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_QUESTION |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_QUESTEXCLAM |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_EXCLAMQUEST |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_TASLAL |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_MSP |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_MVS |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_NCEG |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_GCEG |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_TITEMSTROKE |=:| MONG_ORXIC ; % "" +% +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +ligtable MANJU_GI: % "gi" + % + % final gi + % + MONG_BNDRY |=:| MONG_BIODOISUUL , % "" + MONG_ZERO |=:| MONG_BIODOISUUL , % "" + MONG_ONE |=:| MONG_BIODOISUUL , % "" + MONG_TWO |=:| MONG_BIODOISUUL , % "" + MONG_THREE |=:| MONG_BIODOISUUL , % "" + MONG_FOUR |=:| MONG_BIODOISUUL , % "" + MONG_FIVE |=:| MONG_BIODOISUUL , % "" + MONG_SIX |=:| MONG_BIODOISUUL , % "" + MONG_SEVEN |=:| MONG_BIODOISUUL , % "" + MONG_EIGHT |=:| MONG_BIODOISUUL , % "" + MONG_NINE |=:| MONG_BIODOISUUL , % "" + MONG_LT |=:| MONG_BIODOISUUL , % "" + MONG_GT |=:| MONG_BIODOISUUL , % "" + MONG_LGU |=:| MONG_BIODOISUUL , % "" + MONG_RGU |=:| MONG_BIODOISUUL , % "" + MONG_OPAREN |=:| MONG_BIODOISUUL , % "" + MONG_CPAREN |=:| MONG_BIODOISUUL , % "" + MONG_DORWOLJIN |=:| MONG_BIODOISUUL , % "" + MONG_FULLSTOP |=:| MONG_BIODOISUUL , % "" + MONG_COLON |=:| MONG_BIODOISUUL , % "" + MONG_ELLIPSIS |=:| MONG_BIODOISUUL , % "" + MONG_EXCLAMATION |=:| MONG_BIODOISUUL , % "" + MONG_QUESTION |=:| MONG_BIODOISUUL , % "" + MONG_QUESTEXCLAM |=:| MONG_BIODOISUUL , % "" + MONG_EXCLAMQUEST |=:| MONG_BIODOISUUL , % "" + MONG_TASLAL |=:| MONG_BIODOISUUL , % "" + MONG_MSP |=:| MONG_BIODOISUUL , % "" + MONG_MVS |=:| MONG_BIODOISUUL , % "" + MONG_NCEG |=:| MONG_BIODOISUUL , % "" + MONG_GCEG |=:| MONG_BIODOISUUL , % "" + MONG_TITEMSTROKE |=:| MONG_BIODOISUUL ; % "" +% +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +% ligtable MANJU_GU: % "gu" +% +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +ligtable MANJU_HE: % "he" + % + % final he + % + MONG_BNDRY |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_ZERO |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_ONE |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_TWO |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_THREE |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_FOUR |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_FIVE |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_SIX |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_SEVEN |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_EIGHT |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_NINE |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_LT |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_GT |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_LGU |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_RGU |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_OPAREN |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_CPAREN |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_DORWOLJIN |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_FULLSTOP |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_COLON |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_ELLIPSIS |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_EXCLAMATION |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_QUESTION |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_QUESTEXCLAM |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_EXCLAMQUEST |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_TASLAL |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_MSP |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_MVS |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_NCEG |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_GCEG |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_TITEMSTROKE |=:| MONG_ORXIC ; % "" +% +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +ligtable MANJU_HI: % "hi" + % + % final hi + % + MONG_BNDRY |=:| MONG_BIODOISUUL , % "" + MONG_ZERO |=:| MONG_BIODOISUUL , % "" + MONG_ONE |=:| MONG_BIODOISUUL , % "" + MONG_TWO |=:| MONG_BIODOISUUL , % "" + MONG_THREE |=:| MONG_BIODOISUUL , % "" + MONG_FOUR |=:| MONG_BIODOISUUL , % "" + MONG_FIVE |=:| MONG_BIODOISUUL , % "" + MONG_SIX |=:| MONG_BIODOISUUL , % "" + MONG_SEVEN |=:| MONG_BIODOISUUL , % "" + MONG_EIGHT |=:| MONG_BIODOISUUL , % "" + MONG_NINE |=:| MONG_BIODOISUUL , % "" + MONG_LT |=:| MONG_BIODOISUUL , % "" + MONG_GT |=:| MONG_BIODOISUUL , % "" + MONG_LGU |=:| MONG_BIODOISUUL , % "" + MONG_RGU |=:| MONG_BIODOISUUL , % "" + MONG_OPAREN |=:| MONG_BIODOISUUL , % "" + MONG_CPAREN |=:| MONG_BIODOISUUL , % "" + MONG_DORWOLJIN |=:| MONG_BIODOISUUL , % "" + MONG_FULLSTOP |=:| MONG_BIODOISUUL , % "" + MONG_COLON |=:| MONG_BIODOISUUL , % "" + MONG_ELLIPSIS |=:| MONG_BIODOISUUL , % "" + MONG_EXCLAMATION |=:| MONG_BIODOISUUL , % "" + MONG_QUESTION |=:| MONG_BIODOISUUL , % "" + MONG_QUESTEXCLAM |=:| MONG_BIODOISUUL , % "" + MONG_EXCLAMQUEST |=:| MONG_BIODOISUUL , % "" + MONG_TASLAL |=:| MONG_BIODOISUUL , % "" + MONG_MSP |=:| MONG_BIODOISUUL , % "" + MONG_MVS |=:| MONG_BIODOISUUL , % "" + MONG_NCEG |=:| MONG_BIODOISUUL , % "" + MONG_GCEG |=:| MONG_BIODOISUUL , % "" + MONG_TITEMSTROKE |=:| MONG_BIODOISUUL ; % "" +% +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +% ligtable MANJU_HU: % "hu" +% +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +ligtable MANJU_KE: % "ke" + % + % final ke + % + MONG_BNDRY |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_ZERO |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_ONE |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_TWO |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_THREE |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_FOUR |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_FIVE |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_SIX |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_SEVEN |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_EIGHT |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_NINE |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_LT |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_GT |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_LGU |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_RGU |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_OPAREN |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_CPAREN |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_DORWOLJIN |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_FULLSTOP |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_COLON |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_ELLIPSIS |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_EXCLAMATION |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_QUESTION |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_QUESTEXCLAM |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_EXCLAMQUEST |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_TASLAL |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_MSP |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_MVS |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_NCEG |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_GCEG |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_TITEMSTROKE |=:| MONG_ORXIC ; % "" +% +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +ligtable MANJU_KI: % "ki" + % + % final ki + % + MONG_BNDRY |=:| MONG_BIODOISUUL , % "" + MONG_ZERO |=:| MONG_BIODOISUUL , % "" + MONG_ONE |=:| MONG_BIODOISUUL , % "" + MONG_TWO |=:| MONG_BIODOISUUL , % "" + MONG_THREE |=:| MONG_BIODOISUUL , % "" + MONG_FOUR |=:| MONG_BIODOISUUL , % "" + MONG_FIVE |=:| MONG_BIODOISUUL , % "" + MONG_SIX |=:| MONG_BIODOISUUL , % "" + MONG_SEVEN |=:| MONG_BIODOISUUL , % "" + MONG_EIGHT |=:| MONG_BIODOISUUL , % "" + MONG_NINE |=:| MONG_BIODOISUUL , % "" + MONG_LT |=:| MONG_BIODOISUUL , % "" + MONG_GT |=:| MONG_BIODOISUUL , % "" + MONG_LGU |=:| MONG_BIODOISUUL , % "" + MONG_RGU |=:| MONG_BIODOISUUL , % "" + MONG_OPAREN |=:| MONG_BIODOISUUL , % "" + MONG_CPAREN |=:| MONG_BIODOISUUL , % "" + MONG_DORWOLJIN |=:| MONG_BIODOISUUL , % "" + MONG_FULLSTOP |=:| MONG_BIODOISUUL , % "" + MONG_COLON |=:| MONG_BIODOISUUL , % "" + MONG_ELLIPSIS |=:| MONG_BIODOISUUL , % "" + MONG_EXCLAMATION |=:| MONG_BIODOISUUL , % "" + MONG_QUESTION |=:| MONG_BIODOISUUL , % "" + MONG_QUESTEXCLAM |=:| MONG_BIODOISUUL , % "" + MONG_EXCLAMQUEST |=:| MONG_BIODOISUUL , % "" + MONG_TASLAL |=:| MONG_BIODOISUUL , % "" + MONG_MSP |=:| MONG_BIODOISUUL , % "" + MONG_MVS |=:| MONG_BIODOISUUL , % "" + MONG_NCEG |=:| MONG_BIODOISUUL , % "" + MONG_GCEG |=:| MONG_BIODOISUUL , % "" + MONG_TITEMSTROKE |=:| MONG_BIODOISUUL ; % "" +% +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +% ligtable MANJU_KU: % "ku" +% +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +ligtable MANJU_GHA: % "gha" + % + % final gha + % + MONG_BNDRY |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_ZERO |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_ONE |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_TWO |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_THREE |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_FOUR |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_FIVE |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_SIX |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_SEVEN |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_EIGHT |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_NINE |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_LT |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_GT |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_LGU |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_RGU |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_OPAREN |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_CPAREN |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_DORWOLJIN |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_FULLSTOP |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_COLON |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_ELLIPSIS |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_EXCLAMATION |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_QUESTION |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_QUESTEXCLAM |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_EXCLAMQUEST |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_TASLAL |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_MSP |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_MVS |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_NCEG |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_GCEG |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_TITEMSTROKE |=:| MONG_ORXIC ; % "" +% +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +% ligtable MANJU_GHO: % "gho" +% +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +ligtable MANJU_HHA: % "hha" + % + % final hha + % + MONG_BNDRY |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_ZERO |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_ONE |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_TWO |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_THREE |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_FOUR |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_FIVE |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_SIX |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_SEVEN |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_EIGHT |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_NINE |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_LT |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_GT |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_LGU |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_RGU |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_OPAREN |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_CPAREN |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_DORWOLJIN |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_FULLSTOP |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_COLON |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_ELLIPSIS |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_EXCLAMATION |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_QUESTION |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_QUESTEXCLAM |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_EXCLAMQUEST |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_TASLAL |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_MSP |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_MVS |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_NCEG |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_GCEG |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_TITEMSTROKE |=:| MONG_ORXIC ; % "" +% +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +% ligtable MANJU_HHO: % "hho" +% +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +ligtable MANJU_KHA: % "kha" + % + % final kha + % + MONG_BNDRY |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_ZERO |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_ONE |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_TWO |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_THREE |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_FOUR |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_FIVE |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_SIX |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_SEVEN |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_EIGHT |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_NINE |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_LT |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_GT |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_LGU |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_RGU |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_OPAREN |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_CPAREN |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_DORWOLJIN |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_FULLSTOP |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_COLON |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_ELLIPSIS |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_EXCLAMATION |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_QUESTION |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_QUESTEXCLAM |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_EXCLAMQUEST |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_TASLAL |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_MSP |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_MVS |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_NCEG |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_GCEG |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_TITEMSTROKE |=:| MONG_ORXIC ; % "" +% +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +% ligtable MANJU_KHO: % "kho" +% +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +ligtable MANJU_PA: % "pa" + % + % final pa + % + MONG_BNDRY |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_ZERO |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_ONE |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_TWO |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_THREE |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_FOUR |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_FIVE |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_SIX |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_SEVEN |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_EIGHT |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_NINE |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_LT |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_GT |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_LGU |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_RGU |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_OPAREN |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_CPAREN |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_DORWOLJIN |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_FULLSTOP |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_COLON |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_ELLIPSIS |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_EXCLAMATION |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_QUESTION |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_QUESTEXCLAM |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_EXCLAMQUEST |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_TASLAL |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_MSP |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_MVS |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_NCEG |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_GCEG |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_TITEMSTROKE |=:| MONG_ORXIC ; % "" +% +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +ligtable MANJU_PE: % "pe" + % + % final pe + % + MONG_BNDRY |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_ZERO |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_ONE |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_TWO |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_THREE |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_FOUR |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_FIVE |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_SIX |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_SEVEN |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_EIGHT |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_NINE |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_LT |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_GT |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_LGU |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_RGU |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_OPAREN |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_CPAREN |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_DORWOLJIN |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_FULLSTOP |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_COLON |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_ELLIPSIS |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_EXCLAMATION |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_QUESTION |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_QUESTEXCLAM |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_EXCLAMQUEST |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_TASLAL |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_MSP |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_MVS |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_NCEG |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_GCEG |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_TITEMSTROKE |=:| MONG_ORXIC ; % "" +% +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +ligtable MANJU_PI: % "pi" + % + % final pi + % + MONG_BNDRY |=:| MONG_BIODOISUUL , % "" + MONG_ZERO |=:| MONG_BIODOISUUL , % "" + MONG_ONE |=:| MONG_BIODOISUUL , % "" + MONG_TWO |=:| MONG_BIODOISUUL , % "" + MONG_THREE |=:| MONG_BIODOISUUL , % "" + MONG_FOUR |=:| MONG_BIODOISUUL , % "" + MONG_FIVE |=:| MONG_BIODOISUUL , % "" + MONG_SIX |=:| MONG_BIODOISUUL , % "" + MONG_SEVEN |=:| MONG_BIODOISUUL , % "" + MONG_EIGHT |=:| MONG_BIODOISUUL , % "" + MONG_NINE |=:| MONG_BIODOISUUL , % "" + MONG_LT |=:| MONG_BIODOISUUL , % "" + MONG_GT |=:| MONG_BIODOISUUL , % "" + MONG_LGU |=:| MONG_BIODOISUUL , % "" + MONG_RGU |=:| MONG_BIODOISUUL , % "" + MONG_OPAREN |=:| MONG_BIODOISUUL , % "" + MONG_CPAREN |=:| MONG_BIODOISUUL , % "" + MONG_DORWOLJIN |=:| MONG_BIODOISUUL , % "" + MONG_FULLSTOP |=:| MONG_BIODOISUUL , % "" + MONG_COLON |=:| MONG_BIODOISUUL , % "" + MONG_ELLIPSIS |=:| MONG_BIODOISUUL , % "" + MONG_EXCLAMATION |=:| MONG_BIODOISUUL , % "" + MONG_QUESTION |=:| MONG_BIODOISUUL , % "" + MONG_QUESTEXCLAM |=:| MONG_BIODOISUUL , % "" + MONG_EXCLAMQUEST |=:| MONG_BIODOISUUL , % "" + MONG_TASLAL |=:| MONG_BIODOISUUL , % "" + MONG_MSP |=:| MONG_BIODOISUUL , % "" + MONG_MVS |=:| MONG_BIODOISUUL , % "" + MONG_NCEG |=:| MONG_BIODOISUUL , % "" + MONG_GCEG |=:| MONG_BIODOISUUL , % "" + MONG_TITEMSTROKE |=:| MONG_BIODOISUUL ; % "" +% +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +% ligtable MANJU_PO: % "po" +% +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +% ligtable MANJU_PU: % "pu" +% +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +ligtable MANJU_TIBP: % "p'" + MANJU_A =: MANJU_TIBPA , % "p'a" + MANJU_E =: MANJU_TIBPE , % "p'e" + MANJU_I =: MANJU_TIBPI , % "p'i" + MANJU_O =: MANJU_TIBPO , % "p'o" + MANJU_U =: MANJU_TIBPU ; % "p'u" +% +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +ligtable MANJU_TIBPA: % "p'a" + % + % final p'a + % + MONG_BNDRY |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_ZERO |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_ONE |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_TWO |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_THREE |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_FOUR |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_FIVE |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_SIX |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_SEVEN |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_EIGHT |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_NINE |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_LT |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_GT |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_LGU |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_RGU |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_OPAREN |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_CPAREN |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_DORWOLJIN |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_FULLSTOP |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_COLON |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_ELLIPSIS |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_EXCLAMATION |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_QUESTION |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_QUESTEXCLAM |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_EXCLAMQUEST |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_TASLAL |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_MSP |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_MVS |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_NCEG |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_GCEG |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_TITEMSTROKE |=:| MONG_ORXIC ; % "" +% +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +ligtable MANJU_TIBPE: % "p'e" + % + % final p'e + % + MONG_BNDRY |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_ZERO |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_ONE |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_TWO |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_THREE |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_FOUR |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_FIVE |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_SIX |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_SEVEN |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_EIGHT |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_NINE |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_LT |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_GT |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_LGU |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_RGU |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_OPAREN |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_CPAREN |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_DORWOLJIN |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_FULLSTOP |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_COLON |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_ELLIPSIS |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_EXCLAMATION |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_QUESTION |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_QUESTEXCLAM |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_EXCLAMQUEST |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_TASLAL |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_MSP |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_MVS |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_NCEG |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_GCEG |=:| MONG_ORXIC , % "" + MONG_TITEMSTROKE |=:| MONG_ORXIC ; % "" +% +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +ligtable MANJU_TIBPI: % "p'i" + % + % final p'i + % + MONG_BNDRY |=:| MONG_BIODOISUUL , % "" + MONG_ZERO |=:| MONG_BIODOISUUL , % "" + MONG_ONE |=:| MONG_BIODOISUUL , % "" + MONG_TWO |=:| MONG_BIODOISUUL , % "" + MONG_THREE |=:| MONG_BIODOISUUL , % "" + MONG_FOUR |=:| MONG_BIODOISUUL , % "" + MONG_FIVE |=:| MONG_BIODOISUUL , % "" + MONG_SIX |=:| MONG_BIODOISUUL , % "" + MONG_SEVEN |=:| MONG_BIODOISUUL , % "" + MONG_EIGHT |=:| MONG_BIODOISUUL , % "" + MONG_NINE |=:| MONG_BIODOISUUL , % "" + MONG_LT |=:| MONG_BIODOISUUL , % "" + MONG_GT |=:| MONG_BIODOISUUL , % "" + MONG_LGU |=:| MONG_BIODOISUUL , % "" + MONG_RGU |=:| MONG_BIODOISUUL , % "" + MONG_OPAREN |=:| MONG_BIODOISUUL , % "" + MONG_CPAREN |=:| MONG_BIODOISUUL , % "" + MONG_DORWOLJIN |=:| MONG_BIODOISUUL , % "" + MONG_FULLSTOP |=:| MONG_BIODOISUUL , % "" + MONG_COLON |=:| MONG_BIODOISUUL , % "" + MONG_ELLIPSIS |=:| MONG_BIODOISUUL , % "" + MONG_EXCLAMATION |=:| MONG_BIODOISUUL , % "" + MONG_QUESTION |=:| MONG_BIODOISUUL , % "" + MONG_QUESTEXCLAM |=:| MONG_BIODOISUUL , % "" + MONG_EXCLAMQUEST |=:| MONG_BIODOISUUL , % "" + MONG_TASLAL |=:| MONG_BIODOISUUL , % "" + MONG_MSP |=:| MONG_BIODOISUUL , % "" + MONG_MVS |=:| MONG_BIODOISUUL , % "" + MONG_NCEG |=:| MONG_BIODOISUUL , % "" + MONG_GCEG |=:| MONG_BIODOISUUL , % "" + MONG_TITEMSTROKE |=:| MONG_BIODOISUUL ; % "" +% +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +ligtable MONG_BIODOISUUL: % "k -" + MONG_NCEG kern ispace#; % +% +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +% ligtable MANJU_TIBPO: % "p'o" +% +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +% ligtable MANJU_TIBPU: % "p'u" +% +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +% ligtable MANJU_TIBPUU: % "p'uu" +% +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% diff --git a/obsolete/language/manju/manjutex/mfinput/mbatoms.mf b/obsolete/language/manju/manjutex/mfinput/mbatoms.mf new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..d81b7a73ea --- /dev/null +++ b/obsolete/language/manju/manjutex/mfinput/mbatoms.mf @@ -0,0 +1,1328 @@ +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +% File: mbatoms.mf +% Author: Oliver Corff and Dorjpalam Dorj +% Date: April 1st, 2001 +% Version: 0.8 +% Copyright: Ulaanbaatar, Beijing, Berlin +% +% Description: Local Mongolian Script (LMS) +% Mongol Bicig, Manju Bithe Font Atoms Definition +% +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +% +% First we decide our identity: +% + writing:=0; + Bicig:=1; + Bithe:=2; + +% Then we decide our style: +% + style:=0; + steel:=1; + wood:=2; +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +% Some bizarre rotating equipment gets installed: + % pair Centerpoint; + boolean LR; + +def ifrotated = % Our rotating mechanism + if LR: rotatedaround ((w/2,.5[h,-d]),180) fi +enddef; + +% Yet we cannot deny that we still use the picture gimmick... +% + picture zawjpicture, exenzawjpicture, + deribuntsh_picture, tsh_picture; + +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +def numberpath = % Theoretical number shape; a slanted ellipsis + % pair z[]; + path trial; + z1=(2/6numberwidth,gedesinner); + z2=(numberwidth-3thin,underinner+thin); + z3=(4/6numberwidth,underinner); + z4=(2thin,gedesinner-thin); + trial= (z1..tension 1.2..z2..tension 1.2..z3..tension + 1.2..z4..tension 1.2..cycle); + penlabels (1,2,3,4); +enddef; +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +def nuruu (expr exen,suul) = % Manai nirugu! + numeric x[]; numeric y[]; + z1=(exen,nuruuleft); + z2=(x1,nuruuright); + z3=(suul,y2); + z4=(x3,y1); + fill (z1--z2--z3--z4--cycle) ifrotated; + penlabels(1,2,3,4); + numeric x[]; numeric y[]; +enddef; +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +def shud (expr x_offset) = % Manai shud! + numeric x[]; numeric y[]; + nuruu(shudwidth+x_offset,x_offset); + z1=(x_offset+shudwidth-bearing,Centerline+1/2nuruuwidth); + z2=(x_offset+bearing,y1); + z3=(1/2[x1,x2],shudheight); + fill (z1--z2--z3--cycle) ifrotated; + penlabels(1,2,3); + numeric x[]; numeric y[]; +enddef; +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +def shud_atom (expr exen, suul) = % Manai shud! + numeric x[]; numeric y[]; + z1=(exen,Centerline+1/2nuruuwidth); + z2=(suul,y1); + z3=(1/2[x1,x2],shudheight); + fill (z1--z2--z3--cycle) ifrotated; + penlabels(1,2,3); + numeric x[]; numeric y[]; +enddef; +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +def dusal (expr posx, posy, xdim, ydim) = % Manai dusal! + "The dusal, used for n, s, g, etc."; + numeric x[]; numeric y[]; + z1=(posx,posy-1/2ydim); + z2=(posx-1/2xdim,posy); + z3=(posx,posy+1/2ydim); + z4=(posx+1/2xdim,posy); + fill (z1--z2--z3--z4--cycle) ifrotated; + penlabels(1,2,3,4); + numeric x[]; numeric y[]; +enddef; +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +def manjudusal (expr posx, posy, xdim, ydim) = % Manju dusal! + "The Manju dusal"; + numeric x[]; numeric y[]; + z1l=(posx+1/2xdim,posy+1/2ydim); + z2 =(posx-1/2xdim,posy); + z3l=(x1,posy-1/2ydim); + penpos1(1/4xdim,135); + penpos2(4/4xdim,180); + penpos3(1/4xdim,225); + penstroke(z1e..tension 2..z2e..tension 2..z3e) ifrotated; + penlabels(1,2,3); + numeric x[]; numeric y[]; +enddef; +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +def ManjuDusal (expr posx, posy, xdim, ydim) = % Manju dusal! + "The Manju dusal"; + numeric x[]; numeric y[]; + z4l=(posx+1/2xdim,posy+1/2ydim); + z5 =(posx-1/2xdim,posy); + z6l=(x4,posy-1/2ydim); + penpos4(1/4xdim,135); + penpos5(4/4xdim,180); + penpos6(1/4xdim,225); + penstroke(z4e..tension 2..z5e..tension 2..z6e) ifrotated; + penlabels(4,5,6); + numeric x[]; numeric y[]; +enddef; +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +def cegteishud (expr posx) = + shud(posx); + dusal (posx+1/2shudwidth,yashilbeheight,3thin,2thick); +enddef; +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +def titem = + numeric x[]; numeric y[]; + z1=(0,nuruuleft); + z2=(bearing,y1); + z3=(1/2shudwidth,shudheight); + z4=(shudwidth-bearing,nuruuright); + z5=(shudwidth+bearing,y4); + z6=(8/12shudwidth,nuruuright-1thick); + z7=(1/2shudwidth,nuruuright); + z8=(0,nuruuright); + penlabels(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8); + fill (z1--z2--z3..tension infinity.. + z4..z5&z5{down}..z6..tension 2..z7--z8--cycle) + ifrotated; + numeric x[]; numeric y[]; +enddef; +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +def titem_stroke (expr xpos) = + numeric x[]; numeric y[]; + z1=(xpos+numtaigedeswidth,Centerline); + z2=(xpos,Centerline); + penpos1(nuruuwidth*1.15,80); + penpos2(nuruuwidth,90); + penlabels(1,2); + penstroke (z1e..z2e) ifrotated; + numeric x[]; numeric y[]; +enddef; +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +def cegteititem = + titem; + dusal (1/2shudwidth,yashilbeheight,3thin,2thick); +enddef; +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +def dugui (expr posx, posy, diameter) = % Manzu dugui! + "The dugui, used for h, nga, etc."; + numeric x[]; numeric y[]; + z1=(posx,posy-1/2diameter); + z3=(posx,posy+1/2diameter); + pickup pencircle scaled 1.25 thin; + draw (z1..z3..cycle) ifrotated; + penlabels(1,3); + numeric x[]; numeric y[]; +enddef; +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +def suul = + if style=steel: + z1=(shudwidth,nuruuleft); + z2=(shudwidth-bearing,y1); + z3=(1/2shudwidth,shudheight); + z4=(-bearing,underouter); + z5=(bearing,suulouter); + x6=(9/16shudwidth); + z6-z7=whatever*(z2-z3); + z7=(3/4shudwidth,nuruuright); + z8=(x1,nuruuright); + fill (z1--z2--z3..z4--z5{up}---z6--z7--z8--cycle) ifrotated; + penlabels(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8); + fi; + if style=wood: + nuruu(shudwidth,2/4shudwidth); + z1r=(shudwidth-bearing,gedesouter); + z2 =(x1-thin,Centerline); + z3 =(0,suulouter); + penpos1(thick,15); + penpos2(2/3thick,0); + penpos3(1/2thin,0); + penstroke (z1e..z2e..z3e) ifrotated; + penlabels(1,2,3); + fi; +enddef; +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +def bagaodoisuul = + if style=steel: + z1=(shudwidth,nuruuleft); + z2=(shudwidth-bearing,y1); + z3=(1/2shudwidth,shudheight); + z4=(-bearing,underinner); + z5=(bearing,underouter); + x6=(9/16shudwidth); + z6-z7=whatever*(z2-z3); + z7=(3/4shudwidth,nuruuright); + z8=(x1,nuruuright); + fill (z1--z2--z3..z4--z5{up}---z6--z7--z8--cycle) ifrotated; + penlabels(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8); + fi; + if style=wood: + nuruu(shudwidth,2/4shudwidth); + z1r=(shudwidth-bearing,gedesinner); + z2 =(x1-thin,Centerline); + z3 =(0,underouter); + penpos1(thick,15); + penpos2(2/3thick,0); + penpos3(1/2thin,0); + penstroke (z1e..z2e..z3e) ifrotated; + penlabels(1,2,3); + fi; +enddef; +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +def gedes (expr x_offset) = + numeric x[]; numeric y[]; + nuruu(x_offset+gedeswidth,x_offset); + z11r=(x_offset+gedeswidth-bearing,nuruuleft); + z12r=(1/2[x11,x13],gedesouter); + z13r=(x_offset+bearing,nuruuleft); + penpos11(thin,0); + penpos12(gedesouter-gedesinner,90); + penpos13(thin,180); + penstroke (z11e{up}..z12e..{down}z13e) ifrotated; + penlabels(11,12,13); + numeric x[]; numeric y[]; +enddef; +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +def shilbe (expr x_offset) = + numeric x[]; numeric y[]; + nuruu(shilbewidth+x_offset,x_offset); + z21r=(shilbewidth+x_offset,nuruuleft); + z22r=(+3thin+x_offset,shilbeheight); + penpos21(2thin,0); + penpos22(4thin,60); + penstroke (z21e--z22e) ifrotated; + penlabels(21,22); + numeric x[]; numeric y[]; +enddef; +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +def bosoo_shilbe = + nuruu(eswidth,0); + z1r=(eswidth,gedesouter+1/2thin); + z2r=(5/6eswidth,shudheight+1/2thin); + z3r=(3/12eswidth,shudheight-1/2thin); + z4 =(bearing,Centerline); +% z4r=(bearing,Centerline); + penpos1(gedesouter-gedesinner,85); + penpos2(gedesouter-gedesinner,85); + penpos3(gedesouter-gedesinner,100); + penpos4(nuruuleft-nuruuright,100); + penstroke (z1e..z2e---z3e--z4e) ifrotated; + penlabels(1,2,3,4); +enddef; +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +def orxic (expr x_offset) = + numeric x[]; numeric y[]; + if style=wood: + z31=(x_offset+orxicwidth,Centerline); + z32=(x_offset+5/8orxicwidth,Centerline); + z33=(x_offset+1/9orxicwidth,Centerline+thick); + z34=(x_offset+2/9orxicwidth,orxicouter-thick); + z35r=(x_offset+1/9orxicwidth,orxicouter); + z36r=(x_offset+0,orxicouter); + penpos31(nuruuwidth,90); + penpos32(nuruuwidth,90); + penpos33(nuruuwidth,67); + penpos34(nuruuwidth,67); + penpos35(nuruuwidth,90); + penpos36(nuruuwidth,90); + penstroke (z31e---z32e.. + tension 1.2..z33e.. + tension 1.5..z34e.. + tension 1.5..z35e---z36e) ifrotated; + fi; + if style=steel: + z31 =( orxicwidth,Centerline); + z32 =(9/12orxicwidth,Centerline); + z33r=(5/24gedeswidth,orxicouter); + penpos31(nuruuwidth,-90); + penpos32(nuruuwidth,-90); + penpos33(2/3thick,120); + penstroke + (z31e---z32e{left}..tension 2.5..{right}z33e) + ifrotated; + fi; + penlabels(31,32,33,34,35,36); + numeric x[]; numeric y[]; +enddef; +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +def seree_ewer = + nuruu(eswidth,0); + z41r=(5/6eswidth,gedesouter); + z42r=(4/6eswidth,shudheight); + z43r=(5/4bearing,shudheight); + z44 =(bearing,Centerline); + penpos41(gedesouter-gedesinner,85); + penpos42(gedesouter-gedesinner,85); + penpos43(gedesouter-gedesinner,100); + penpos44(nuruuleft-nuruuright,100); + penstroke (z41e..z42e---z43e--z44e) ifrotated; + penlabels(41,42,43,44); +enddef; +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +def l_ewer (expr x_offset) = + numeric x[]; numeric y[]; + z51r=(x_offset,nuruuright); + z52r=(x51,-0.8thick+underinner+1.5thin); + z53r=(x51+1.5thin,-0.8thick+underinner); + z54r=(x51+1.5shudwidth,-0.8thick+underinner); + penpos51(1.75thin,0); + penpos52(2.25thin,0); + penpos53(underinner-underouter,+90); + penpos54(epsilon,+90); + penstroke (z51e---z52e{down}..{right}z53e---z54e) ifrotated; + penlabels(51,52,53,54); + numeric x[]; numeric y[]; +enddef; +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +def high_l_ewer (expr x_offset) = + numeric x[]; numeric y[]; + z61r=(x_offset,nuruuright); + z62r=(x61, underouter-2.5thin+1.5thin); + z63r=(x61+1.5thin, underouter-2.5thin); + z64r=(x_offset+1.5shudwidth, underouter-2.5thin); + penpos61(thin,0); + penpos62(2.25thin,0); + penpos63(underinner-underouter,+90); + penpos64(epsilon,+90); + penstroke (z61e---z62e{down}..{right}z63e---z64e) ifrotated; + penlabels(61,62,63,64); + numeric x[]; numeric y[]; +enddef; +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +def m_ewer (expr x_offset) = + numeric x[]; numeric y[]; + z71 =(x_offset+5/16shudwidth,Centerline); + z72r=(x_offset+1/16shudwidth,underinner-1.65thin); + z73 =(x_offset-10/12shudwidth,y72); + + penpos71(underinner-underouter,+95); + penpos72(underinner-underouter,+95); + penpos73(underinner-underouter,+75); + + penstroke (z71e--z72e--z73e) ifrotated; + penlabels(71,72,73); + numeric x[]; numeric y[]; +enddef; +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +def baganum = + nuruu(numtaigedeswidth,numtaigedeswidth-bearing); + z81l=(1/2numtaigedeswidth,gedesinner); + z82r=(numtaigedeswidth-1/2bearing,nuruuleft); + penpos81(4thin,60); + penpos82(2thin,0); + + z84 =(x82,nuruuright); + z85r=(1/2[x84,x86],sdepth); + z86r=(0,nuruuleft); + penpos84(2thin,0); + penpos85(underinner-underouter,-90); + penpos86(1/2thin,-180); + + penstroke (z81e..z82e...z84e{down}..z85e..{up}z86e) ifrotated; + penlabels(81,82,83,84,85,86); +enddef; +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +def f_flag (expr f_anfang, f_ende) = + z91l=(f_ende,gedesouter); + penpos91(1/2thin,90); + z92 =(1/6[x91,x94],shilbeheight); + penpos92(2thin,90); + z93 =(5/6[x91,x94],shilbeheight); + penpos93(2thin,90); + z94r=(f_anfang,yashilbeheight); + penpos94(1/2thin,90); + penstroke (z91e{up}..z92e..z93e..{up}z94e) ifrotated; +enddef; +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +def adagu = + nuruu(eswidth,eswidth-numtaigedeswidth); + + z1r=(eswidth-1/2bearing,nuruuleft); + z2r=(1/2[x1,x3],gedesouter); + z3r=(eswidth-numtaigedeswidth,nuruuleft); + penpos1(thin,0); + penpos2(gedesouter-gedesinner,90); + penpos3(thin,180); + penstroke (z1e{up}..z2e..{down}z3e) ifrotated; + + z4 =(x1,nuruuright); + z5r=(1/2[x4,x6],underouter); + z6r=(0,nuruuright); % nuruuright was Centerline + penpos4(thin,0); + penpos5(underinner-underouter,-90); + penpos6(1/4thin,-180); + penstroke (z4e{down}..z5e..{up}z6e) ifrotated; + penlabels(1,2,3,4,5,6); +enddef; +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +def xewteeqix = + nuruu(2bearing,0); + z1=(tewidth,Centerline); + z2=(tewidth-bearing-4thin,gedesinner); + + penpos1(nuruuwidth,90); + penpos2(thin,45); + + z3r=(tewidth-1/2bearing-0thin,Centerline); + z4r=(1/2[x3,x5],underouter); + z5r=(bearing,Centerline); + z6=(bearing+2thin,gedesinner); + + penpos3(3thin,-45); + penpos4(underinner-underouter,-90); + penpos5(2thin,-180); + penpos6(thin,-215); + + penstroke (z1e{left}..{up}z2e) ifrotated; + penstroke (z3e{down}..z4e..z5e..z6e) ifrotated; + penlabels(1,2,3,4,5,6); +enddef; +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +def modgedestshilbe = + nuruu(eswidth,0); + z1r=(eswidth-1/2bearing,nuruuleft); + z2 =(07/16eswidth,orxicouter); + penpos1(2thin,0); + penpos2(2thin,45); + penstroke (z1e--z2e) ifrotated; + z3r=z2; + z4r=(bearing,5/12[y1,y2]); + + penpos3(2thin,115 ); + penpos4(2thin,210); + + z5 =(6/16eswidth,3/12[y1,y2]); + z6 =(x1-2u,nuruuleft); + + penpos5(1.5thin,235); + penpos6(1.75thin,180); + penstroke (z3e{dir 205}..tension 1.4..z4e..tension 1.4..z5e..z6e) + ifrotated; + penlabels(1,2,3,4,5,6); +enddef; +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +def roundgedestshilbe = + nuruu(eswidth,0); + z1r=(eswidth-1/2bearing,nuruuleft); + z2 =(09/16eswidth,shilbeheight); + + penpos1(2thin,0); + penpos2(2thin,angle(z2-z1)-90); + + z3 =3.5[z2r,z2l]; + penpos3(2thin,angle(z2-z1)+90); + + penstroke (z1e--z2e) ifrotated; + penstroke (z2e..z3e..cycle) ifrotated; + penlabels(1,2,3,4,5,6); +enddef; +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +def manju_te = + nuruu(eswidth,0); + z1r=(eswidth-1/2bearing,nuruuleft); + z2 =(05/16eswidth,orxicouter); + penpos1(2thin,0); + penpos2(2thin,45); + penstroke (z1e--z2e) ifrotated; + z3r=1/10[z2l,z1l]; + z4 =6/10[z2l,z1l]; + penpos3(2thin,angle(z2r-z1r)); + penpos4(2thin,angle(z1r-z2r)); + penstroke (z3e..{dir 25}z4e) ifrotated; + penlabels(1,2,3,4,5,6); +enddef; +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +def deribun_ta = + nuruu(shudwidth,0); + shud_atom(1/2gedeswidth,bearing); + z1 =(shudwidth,Centerline); + z2r=(2/6[x1,x3],nuruuleft+2thin); + z4l=(3/6[x1,x3],nuruuright-3thin); + z3r=(cewidth,Centerline); + z5l=(cewidth,Centerline); + penpos1(nuruuwidth,90); + penpos2(2thin, 90); + penpos3(2thin, 0); + penpos4(2thin, 90); + penpos5(2thin,180); + penstroke (z1e..tension 1.4..z2e..tension 1.2..z3e) ifrotated; + penstroke (z1e{down}..tension 1.0..z4e..tension 1.1..z5e) ifrotated; +enddef; +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +def deribun_te = + nuruu(cewidth,0); + shud_atom(1/2gedeswidth,bearing); + z1r=(cewidth,nuruuright-thick); + z2r=(1/3cewidth,underouter); + z3r=(bearing,nuruuright); + z4r=(1/2cewidth,nuruuright); + penpos1(thick,0); + penpos2(underinner-underouter,-90); + penpos3(2thin,-180); + penpos4(thin,0); + penstroke (z1e{dir 160}..tension 1.2..z4e) ifrotated; + penstroke (z1e..tension 2..z2e..{up}z3e) ifrotated; +enddef; +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +def manju_si = + z1=(tewidth-bearing,nuruuleft); + z2=(1/2[x1,x3],shudheight); + z3=(x1-shudwidth+2bearing,y1); + y4=nuruuright-1thin; + z4=whatever[z2,z3]; + + y5=nuruuleft; + z4-z5=whatever * (z2-z1); + y6=nuruuleft; + z5-z6=whatever * (z2-z3); + + y7=sdepth; + z4-z7=whatever * (z1-z2); + y8=nuruuright; + z7-z8=whatever * (z2-z3); + y9=underouter; + z7-z9=whatever * (z7-z8); + y10=nuruuright; + z10-z9=whatever* (z1-z2); + z11=(x6,nuruuright); + fill (z11--z10--z9--z1--z2--z4--z5--z6--cycle) ifrotated; + penlabels(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11); + nuruu(tewidth,tewidth-thick); + nuruu(16/36tewidth,0); + z21r=(16/36tewidth,nuruuleft); + z22r=(+3thin,shilbeheight); + penpos21(2thin,0); + penpos22(4thin,60); + penstroke (z21e--z22e) ifrotated; +enddef; +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +def manju_deribun_si = + z1=(tewidth-bearing,nuruuleft); + z2=(1/2[x1,x3],shudheight); + z3=(x1-shudwidth+2bearing,y1); + y4=nuruuright-1thin; + z4=whatever[z2,z3]; + + y5=nuruuleft; + z4-z5=whatever * (z2-z1); + y6=nuruuleft; + z5-z6=whatever * (z2-z3); + + y7=sdepth; + z4-z7=whatever * (z1-z2); + y8=nuruuright; + z7-z8=whatever * (z2-z3); + y9=underouter; + z7-z9=whatever * (z7-z8); + y10=nuruuright; + z10-z9=whatever* (z1-z2); + z11=(x6,nuruuright); + fill (z11--z10--z9--z1--z2--z4--z5--z6--cycle) ifrotated; + penlabels(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11); +% nuruu(tewidth,tewidth-thick); + nuruu(16/36tewidth,0); + z21r=(16/36tewidth,nuruuleft); + z22r=(+3thin,shilbeheight); + penpos21(2thin,0); + penpos22(4thin,60); + penstroke (z21e--z22e) ifrotated; +enddef; +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +def zawj = + nuruu(tewidth,tewidth-thick); + nuruu(1/3tewidth,0); + z1=(tewidth-bearing,nuruuleft); + z2=(1/2[x1,x3],shudheight); + z3=(x1-shudwidth+2bearing,y1); + y4=nuruuright-1thin; + z4=whatever[z2,z3]; + + y5=shudheight; + z4-z5=whatever * (z2-z1); + y6=nuruuleft; + z5-z6=whatever * (z2-z3); + + y7=sdepth; + z4-z7=whatever * (z1-z2); + y8=nuruuright; + z7-z8=whatever * (z2-z3); + y9=underouter; + z7-z9=whatever * (z7-z8); + y10=nuruuright; + z10-z9=whatever* (z1-z2); + z11=(x6,nuruuright); + fill (z11--z10--z9--z1--z2--z4--z5--z6--cycle) ifrotated; + penlabels(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11); + zawjpicture:=currentpicture; +enddef; +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +def qagt = + nuruu(gedeswidth,gedeswidth-bearing); + if writing=Bithe: + z1 =(w-1/16shudwidth,shudheight-thin); + penpos1(2.5thin,-30); + z2r=(gedeswidth-bearing,nuruuleft); + fi; + if writing=Bicig: + z1l=(1/3gedeswidth,shudheight); + penpos1(4thin,60); + z2r=(gedeswidth-1/2bearing,nuruuleft); + fi; + + penpos2(2thin,0); + + z4 =(x2,nuruuright); + z5r=(1/2[x4,x6],underouter); + z6r=(0,Centerline); + penpos4(2thin,0); + penpos5(underinner-underouter,-90); + penpos6(1/2thin,-180); + + penstroke (z1e..z2e...z4e{down}..z5e..{up}z6e) ifrotated; + penlabels(1,2,3,4,5,6); + z11=(gedeswidth,Centerline); + z12=(gedeswidth-3/4thick,Centerline); + z13=(gedeswidth-1.75thick,nuruuleft+thin); + penpos11(nuruuwidth,90); + penpos12(14/16nuruuwidth,80); + penpos13(epsilon,45); + penstroke (z11e---z12e..z13e) ifrotated; + penlabels(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,11,12,13); +enddef; +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +def exenzawj = + % nuruu(tewidth,tewidth-thick); + nuruu(1/3tewidth,0); + z1=(tewidth-bearing,nuruuleft); + z2=(1/2[x1,x3],shudheight); + z3=(x1-shudwidth+2bearing,y1); + y4=nuruuright-1thin; + z4=whatever[z2,z3]; + + y5=shudheight; + z4-z5=whatever * (z2-z1); + y6=nuruuleft; + z5-z6=whatever * (z2-z3); + + y7=sdepth; + z4-z7=whatever * (z1-z2); + y8=nuruuright; + z7-z8=whatever * (z2-z3); + y9=underouter; + z7-z9=whatever * (z7-z8); + y10=nuruuright; + z10-z9=whatever* (z1-z2); + z11=(x6,nuruuright); + fill (z11--z10--z9--z1--z2--z4--z5--z6--cycle) ifrotated; + penlabels(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11); + exenzawjpicture:=currentpicture; +enddef; +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +def suulzawj = + nuruu(tewidth,tewidth-thick); + z1=(tewidth-bearing,nuruuleft); + z2=(1/2[x1,x3],shudheight); + z3=(x1-shudwidth+2bearing,y1); + y4=nuruuright-1thin; + z4=whatever[z2,z3]; + + y5=shudheight; + z4-z5=whatever * (z2-z1); + % y6=nuruuleft; + % z5-z6=whatever * (z2-z3); + z6=(0,underouter); + + y7=sdepth; + z4-z7=whatever * (z1-z2); + y8=nuruuright; + z7-z8=whatever * (z2-z3); + y9=underouter; + z7-z9=whatever * (z7-z8); + y10=nuruuright; + z10-z9=whatever* (z1-z2); + z11=(x6,nuruuright); + + % pickup pencircle scaled 1/4thin; + fill (z10--z9--z1--z2--z4--z5..z6{z3-z2}&z6{z2-z6}..z10--cycle) + ifrotated; + penlabels(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11); +enddef; +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +def manju_sh_stroke = + z19l=(29/36tewidth,shudheight); + z20l=(10/36tewidth,shilbeheight); + penpos19(7/9thick,75); + penpos20(6/9thin,60); + penstroke (z19e{left}..tension 2.5..{up}z20e) ifrotated; + penlabels(19,20); +enddef; +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +def manju_dz_stroke = + z31l=( tewidth,underouter); + z32l=(1/6tewidth,underouter); + penpos31(2thin,-75); + penpos32(2thin,-75); + penstroke (z31e..z32e) ifrotated; + penlabels(31,32); +enddef; +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +def sy_nuruu(expr xbegin,xend) = + nuruu(xbegin,xend); + z1 =(xbegin, 5/6 underinner); + z2 =(1/2[xbegin,xend],3/4gedesinner); + z3 =(xend, y1); + z4 =(xend+10/4thin, underinner); + z5 =(x2,Centerline); + z6 =(xbegin-10/4thin,y4); + fill (z1--z2--z3--z4--z5--z6--cycle) ifrotated; + penlabels(1,2,3,4,5,6); +enddef; +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +def manju_tsh_stroke = + x33=x34=1/2[x31,x32]; + y33=y31; + y34=suulouter-0.80thick; + penpos33(2thin,-25); + penpos34(2thin,-25); + penstroke (z33e--z34e) ifrotated; + penlabels(33,34); +enddef; +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +def ligba = + nuruu(secAwidth,0); + nuruu(bawidth,bawidth-numtaigedeswidth); + shud_atom(secAwidth,bearing); + + z1r=(bawidth-1/2bearing,nuruuleft); + z2r=(1/2[x1,x3],gedesouter); + z3r=(bawidth-numtaigedeswidth,nuruuleft); + penpos1(thin,0); + penpos2(gedesouter-gedesinner,90); + penpos3(thin,180); + penstroke (z1e{up}..z2e..{down}z3e) ifrotated; + + z4 =(x1,nuruuright); + z5r=(1/2[x4,x6],underouter); + z6l=(secAwidth,nuruuright); + penpos4(thin,0); + penpos5(underinner-underouter,-90); + penpos6(2thin,-180); + penstroke (z4e{down}..z5e..{up}z6e) ifrotated; + + z7=(1/2[secAwidth,bearing],shudheight); + z8=(secAwidth,nuruuleft); + z9=(x8,nuruuright); + unfill (z7--z8--z9--cycle) ifrotated; + penlabels(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9); +enddef; +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +def ligbu (expr xpos) = + tntgw:=2numtaigedeswidth; + nuruu(tntgw+xpos,xpos); + z1r=(xpos+tntgw/2-1,nuruuleft); + z2r=(1/2[x1,x3],gedesouter); + z3r=(xpos+1/2bearing,nuruuleft); + penpos1(thin,0); + penpos2(gedesouter-gedesinner,90); + penpos3(thin,180); + + z4r=(xpos+tntgw-1/2bearing,nuruuleft); + z5r=(1/2[x4,x6],gedesouter); + z6r=(xpos+tntgw/2+1,nuruuleft); + penpos4(thin,0); + penpos5(gedesouter-gedesinner,90); + penpos6(thin,180); + + z7 =(x3,nuruuright); + z8l=(1/2[x7,x9],underouter); + z9 =(x4,nuruuright); + penpos7(thin,0); + penpos8(gedesouter-gedesinner,90); + penpos9(thin,180); + + penstroke (z1e{up}..z2e..{down}z3e) ifrotated; + penstroke (z4e{up}..z5e..{down}z6e) ifrotated; + penstroke (z7e{down}..z8e..{up}z9e) ifrotated; + + penlabels(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9); +enddef; +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +def ligmongpa = + nuruu(secAwidth,0); + nuruu(bawidth,bawidth-numtaigedeswidth); + shud_atom(secAwidth,bearing); + +% z1r=(bawidth-1/2bearing,nuruuleft); + z1r=(bawidth-1/2bearing,gedesouter+thin); + z2r=(1/3[x1,x4],gedesouter); + z3r=(7/12[x1,x4],gedesouter); + z4r=(bawidth-numtaigedeswidth,nuruuleft); + penpos1(thin,180); + penpos2(gedesouter-gedesinner,90); + penpos3(gedesouter-gedesinner,90); + penpos4(thin,180); + penstroke (z1e..z2e..z3e..{down}z4e) ifrotated; + + z5r=(x1,nuruuright); + z6r=(1/2[x5,x7],underouter); + z7l=(secAwidth,nuruuright); + penpos5(thin,0); + penpos6(underinner-underouter,-90); + penpos7(2thin,-180); + penstroke (z5e{down}..z6e..{up}z7e) ifrotated; + + z8=(1/2[secAwidth,bearing],shudheight); + z9=(secAwidth,nuruuleft); + z10=(x9,nuruuright); + unfill (z10--z8--z9--cycle) ifrotated; + penlabels(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10); +enddef; +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +def ligmongpu = + nuruu(w,0); + z1r=(w-1/2bearing,gedesouter+thin); + z2r=(1/3[x1,x4],gedesouter); + z3r=(7/12[x1,x4],gedesouter); + z4r=(w/2+1,nuruuleft); + penpos1(thin,180); + penpos2(gedesouter-gedesinner,90); + penpos3(gedesouter-gedesinner,90); + penpos4(thin,180); + penstroke (z1e..z2e..z3e..{down}z4e) ifrotated; + + z5r=(w-1/2bearing,nuruuright); + z6r=(w/2,underouter); + z7r=(1/2bearing,y5); + penpos5(thin,0); + penpos6(underinner-underouter,-90); + penpos7(thin,-180); + penstroke (z5e{down}..z6e..z7e{up}) ifrotated; + z8 =(x7,nuruuleft); + z9r=(1/2[x8,x10],gedesouter); + z10r=(w/2-1,y8); + penpos8(thin,180); + penpos9(gedesouter-gedesinner,90); + penpos10(thin,0); + penstroke (z8e{up}..z9e..{down}z10e) ifrotated; +enddef; +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +def liggha = + nuruu(secAwidth,0); + shud_atom(secAwidth,bearing); + nuruu(bawidth,bawidth-bearing); + z1l=(bawidth-gedeswidth+5thin,shudheight-thin); + z2r=(bawidth-1/2bearing,nuruuleft); + penpos1(4thin,60); + penpos2(2thin,0); + + z4 =(x2,nuruuright); + z5r=(1/2[x4,x6],underouter); + z6l=(secAwidth,nuruuright); + penpos4(2thin,0); + penpos5(underinner-underouter,-90); + penpos6(2thin,-180); + + penstroke (z1e..z2e...z4e{down}..z5e..{up}z6e) ifrotated; + + z7=(1/2[secAwidth,bearing],shudheight); + z8=(secAwidth,nuruuleft); + z9=(x8,nuruuright); + unfill (z7--z8--z9--cycle) ifrotated; + + z10r=(bawidth,gedesouter+thin); + z11 =(x10-2thin,shudheight-5thin); + penpos10(1.5thin,0); + penpos11(2thin,-45); + penstroke (z10e..z11e) ifrotated; + + penlabels(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9); +enddef; +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +def ligkha = + nuruu(secAwidth,0); + shud_atom(secAwidth,bearing); + % Variant, more Manju-like + if writing=Bithe: + z1 =(w-1/16shudwidth,shudheight-thin); + penpos1(2.5thin,-30); + z2r=(bawidth-bearing,nuruuleft); + fi; + if writing=Bicig: + z1l=(bawidth-gedeswidth+5thin,shudheight); + penpos1(4thin,60); + z2r=(bawidth-1/2bearing,nuruuleft); + fi; + + penpos2(2thin,0); + + z4 =(x2,nuruuright); + z5r=(1/2[x4,x6],underouter); + z6l=(secAwidth,nuruuright); + penpos4(2thin,0); + penpos5(underinner-underouter,-90); + penpos6(2thin,-180); + + penstroke (z1e..z2e...z4e{down}..z5e..{up}z6e) ifrotated; + + z7=(1/2[secAwidth,bearing],shudheight); + z8=(secAwidth,nuruuleft); + z9=(x8,nuruuright); + unfill (z7--z8--z9--cycle) ifrotated; + + z11=(bawidth,Centerline); + z12=(bawidth-3/4thick,Centerline); + z13=(bawidth-1.5thick,nuruuleft+thin); + penpos11(nuruuwidth,90); + penpos12(14/16nuruuwidth,80); + penpos13(epsilon,45); + penstroke (z11e---z12e..z13e) ifrotated; + penlabels(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,11,12,13); +enddef; +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +def ligkhi = + nuruu(shilbewidth-2thin,0); + nuruu(biwidth,biwidth-bearing); + if writing=Bithe: + z1 =(w+1/4shudwidth,shudheight-thin); + penpos1(2.5thin,-30); + fi; + if writing=Bicig: + z1l=(biwidth-gedeswidth+5thin,shudheight); + penpos1(4thin,60); + fi; + z2r=(biwidth-1/2bearing,nuruuleft); + penpos2(2thin,0); + + z4 =(x2,nuruuright); + z5r=(1/2[x4,x6],underouter); + z6l=(shilbewidth,nuruuright); + z7l=(3thin,shilbeheight); + penpos4(2thin,0); + penpos5(underinner-underouter,-90); + penpos6(2thin,-180); + penpos7(4thin,-120); + penstroke (z1e..z2e...z4e{down}..z5e..{up}z6e..tension + infinity..z7e) ifrotated; + + z11=(biwidth,Centerline); + z12=(biwidth-3/4thick,Centerline); + z13=(biwidth-1.5thick,nuruuleft+thin); + penpos11(nuruuwidth,90); + penpos12(14/16nuruuwidth,80); + penpos13(epsilon,45); + penstroke (z11e---z12e..z13e) ifrotated; + + penlabels(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9); +enddef; +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +def ligkhu = + % Variant, more Manju-like + if writing=Bithe: + z1 =(w-1/16shudwidth,shudheight-thin); + penpos1(2.5thin,-30); + z2r=(bawidth-bearing,nuruuleft); + fi; + if writing=Bicig: + z1l=(bawidth-gedeswidth+5thin,shudheight); + penpos1(4thin,60); + z2r=(bawidth-1/2bearing,nuruuleft); + fi; + + penpos2(2thin,0); + + z4 =(x2,nuruuright); + z5r=(1/2[x4,x6],underouter); + z6r=(1/2bearing,nuruuright); + penpos4(2thin,0); + penpos5(underinner-underouter,-90); + penpos6(thin,-180); + + penstroke (z1e..z2e...z4e{down}..z5e..{up}z6e) ifrotated; + + z7=(bawidth,Centerline); + z8=(bawidth-3/4thick,Centerline); + z9=(bawidth-1.5thick,nuruuleft+thin); + penpos7(nuruuwidth,90); + penpos8(14/16nuruuwidth,80); + penpos9(epsilon,45); + penstroke (z7e---z8e..z9e) ifrotated; + + nuruu(0,numtaigedeswidth); + z11r=(numtaigedeswidth,nuruuleft); + z12r=(1/2[x11,x13],gedesouter); + z13r=(1/2bearing,nuruuleft); + penpos11(thin,0); + penpos12(gedesouter-gedesinner,90); + penpos13(thin,180); + penstroke (z11e{up}..z12e..{down}z13e) ifrotated; + + penlabels(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,11,12,13); +enddef; +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +def manju_pa = + nuruu(secAwidth,0); + nuruu(bawidth,bawidth-numtaigedeswidth); + shud_atom(secAwidth,bearing); + + z1r=(bawidth-1/2bearing,nuruuleft); + z2r=(1/2[x1,x3],gedesouter); + z3r=(bawidth-numtaigedeswidth,nuruuleft); + penpos1(thin,0); + penpos2(gedesouter-gedesinner,90); + penpos3(thin,180); + penstroke (z1e{up}..z2e..{down}z3e) ifrotated; + + z4 =(x1,nuruuright); + z5r=(1/2[x4,x6],underouter); + z6 =(1/2[x4,x8],0); + z7l=(1/2[x6,x8],underouter); + z8r=(secAwidth,nuruuright); + penpos4(thin,0); + penpos5(underinner-underouter,-90); + penpos6(1/2thin,-180); + penpos7(3/4(underinner-underouter),-270); + penpos8(2thin, 0); + penstroke (z4e{down}..z5e..{up}z6e) ifrotated; + penstroke (z6e{down}..z7e..tension 1.4..{up}z8e) ifrotated; + + z10=(1/2[secAwidth,bearing],shudheight); + z11=(secAwidth,nuruuleft); + z12=(x11,nuruuright); + penlabels(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12); + unfill (z10--z11--z12--cycle) ifrotated; +enddef; +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +def manju_pi = + nuruu(shilbewidth-2thin,0); + nuruu(biwidth,biwidth-numtaigedeswidth); + + z1r=(biwidth-1/2bearing,nuruuleft); + z2r=(1/2[x1,x3],gedesouter); + z3r=(biwidth-numtaigedeswidth,nuruuleft); + penpos1(thin,0); + penpos2(gedesouter-gedesinner,90); + penpos3(thin,180); + penstroke (z1e{up}..z2e..{down}z3e) ifrotated; + + z4 =(x1,nuruuright); + z5r=(1/2[x4,x6],underouter); + z6 =(1/2[x4,x8],0); + z7l=(1/2[x6,x8],underouter); + z8r=(shilbewidth,nuruuright); + z9r=(3thin,shilbeheight); + penpos4(thin,0); + penpos5(underinner-underouter,-90); + penpos6(1/2thin,-180); + penpos7(3/4(underinner-underouter),-270); + penpos8(2thin, 0); + penpos9(4thin, 30); + penstroke (z4e{down}..z5e..{up}z6e) ifrotated; + penstroke (z6e{down}..z7e..tension 1.4..{up}z8e..tension infinity..z9e) ifrotated; + + penlabels(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9); +enddef; +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +def manju_po = + nuruu(w,0); + z1l=(w/2+1,nuruuleft); + z2l=(1/2[x1,x3],gedesouter); + z3l=(w-1/2bearing,nuruuleft); + penpos1(thin,0); + penpos2(gedesouter-gedesinner,-90); + penpos3(thin,-180); + + z4l=(1/2bearing,nuruuleft); + z5l=(1/2[x4,x6],gedesouter); + z6l=(w/2-1,nuruuleft); + penpos4(thin,0); + penpos5(gedesouter-gedesinner,-90); + penpos6(thin,-180); + + z7 =(x3,nuruuright); + z8l =(1/2[x7,x9],underouter); + z9 =(1/2[x7,x11],0); + z10r=(1/2[x9,x11],underouter); + z11 =(x4,nuruuright); + penpos7(thin,-180); + penpos8(gedesouter-gedesinner,-270); + penpos9(1/2thin, 0); + penpos10(gedesouter-gedesinner,-90); + penpos11(thin,180); + + penstroke (z1e{up}..z2e..{down}z3e) ifrotated; + penstroke (z4e{up}..z5e..{down}z6e) ifrotated; + penstroke (z7e{down}..z8e..{up}z9e) ifrotated; + penstroke (z9e{down}..z10e..z11e{up}) ifrotated; + + penlabels(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11); +enddef; +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +def ligka = + nuruu(secAwidth,0); + nuruu(bawidth,bawidth-bearing); + shud_atom(secAwidth,bearing); + z1l=(bawidth-gedeswidth+5thin,shudheight-thin); + z2r=(bawidth-1/2bearing,nuruuleft); + penpos1(4thin,60); + penpos2(2thin,0); + + z4 =(x2,nuruuright); + z5r=(1/2[x4,x6],underouter); + z6l=(secAwidth,nuruuright); + penpos4(2thin,0); + penpos5(underinner-underouter,-90); + penpos6(2thin,-180); + + penstroke (z1e..z2e...z4e{down}..z5e..{up}z6e) ifrotated; + + z7=(1/2[secAwidth,bearing],shudheight); + z8=(secAwidth,nuruuleft); + z9=(x8,nuruuright); + unfill (z7--z8--z9--cycle) ifrotated; + penlabels(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9); +enddef; +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +def ligki = + nuruu(shilbewidth-thin,0); + nuruu(biwidth,biwidth-bearing); + z1l=(biwidth-gedeswidth+5thin,shudheight-thin); + z2r=(biwidth-1/2bearing,nuruuleft); + penpos1(4thin,60); + penpos2(2thin,0); + + z4 =(x2,nuruuright); + z5r=(1/2[x4,x6],underouter); + z6l=(shilbewidth,nuruuright); + z7l=(3thin,shilbeheight); + penpos4(2thin,0); + penpos5(underinner-underouter,-90); + penpos6(2thin,-180); + penpos7(4thin,-120); + + penstroke (z1e..z2e...z4e{down}..z5e..{up}z6e.. + tension infinity..z7e) ifrotated; + + penlabels(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9); +enddef; +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +def ligku = + nuruu(numtaigedeswidth,0); + nuruu(bawidth,bawidth-bearing); + z1r=(bawidth-4thin,shudheight+thin); + z2r=(bawidth-1/2bearing,nuruuleft); + penpos1(4thin,60); + penpos2(2thin,0); + + z4 =(x2,nuruuright); + z5r=(1/2[x4,x6],underouter); + z6r=(1/2bearing,nuruuright); + penpos4(2thin,0); + penpos5(underinner-underouter,-90); + penpos6(thin,-180); + + penstroke (z1e..z2e...z4e{down}..z5e..{up}z6e) ifrotated; + + z11r=(numtaigedeswidth,nuruuleft); + z12r=(1/2[x11,x13],gedesouter); + z13r=(1/2bearing,nuruuleft); + penpos11(thin,0); + penpos12(gedesouter-gedesinner,90); + penpos13(thin,180); + penstroke (z11e{up}..z12e..{down}z13e) ifrotated; + penlabels(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13); +enddef; +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +def Exclam (expr vpos) = + "Exclamation mark"; + z6=(numberwidth-3thin,vpos); + penpos6(3.5thin,90); + z7=(3/4gedeswidth,vpos); + penpos7(2thin,90); + pickup pencircle scaled 3.5 thin; + drawdot (z6) ifrotated; + pickup pencircle scaled 2 thin; + drawdot (z7) ifrotated; + z8=(thick,vpos); + pickup pencircle scaled 3.5 thin; + drawdot (z8) ifrotated; + penstroke (z6e..z7e) ifrotated; + penlabels(6,7,8); +enddef; +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +def Quest (expr vpos) = % Our Question Mark + numeric x[]; numeric y[]; + radius:=1.15thick; + z1=(numberwidth-radius-2thin,vpos+1.25thick); + penpos1(2.5thin,90); + z2=(numberwidth-2thin,vpos); + penpos2(2thin,0); + z3=(x1,vpos-radius); + penpos3(2.5thin,-90); + z4=(6/8gedeswidth,vpos); + penpos4(2.25thin,-90); + z5=(thick,vpos); + + pickup pencircle scaled 2.5thin; + drawdot (z1) ifrotated; + pickup pencircle scaled 2.0thin; + drawdot (z4) ifrotated; + pickup pencircle scaled 3.5thin; + drawdot (z5) ifrotated; + penstroke (z1e{right}..z2e{down}..z3e{left}..z4e{left}) ifrotated; + penlabels(1,2,3,4,5); + numeric x[]; numeric y[]; +enddef; +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +def SpezRahmen = % Useful for all these special characters +pickup pencircle scaled thin; + draw ((1thin,orxicouter+thin)-- + (2gedeswidth-1thin,orxicouter+thin)-- + (2gedeswidth-1thin,suulouter-thin)-- + (1thin,suulouter-thin)--cycle) + ifrotated; +enddef; +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +def F (expr startp, width) = + numeric x[]; numeric y[]; + z1=(latinbottomline,startp); + z2=(latintopline,y1); + z3=(x2,width); + z4=(3/5[latinbottomline,latintopline],y1); + z5=(x4,3/4[startp,width]); + pickup pencircle scaled 1.5thin; + draw (z1--z2--z3) ifrotated; + draw (z4--z5) ifrotated; + penlabels (1,2,3,4,5); + numeric x[]; numeric y[]; +enddef; +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +def M (expr startp, width) = + numeric x[]; numeric y[]; + z1=(latinbottomline,startp); + z2=(latintopline,y1); + z3=(1/3[latinbottomline,latintopline],1/2[startp,width]); + z4=(x2,width); + z5=(x1,y4); + pickup pencircle scaled 1.5thin; + draw (z1--z2--z3--z4--z5) ifrotated; + penlabels (1,2,3,4,5); + numeric x[]; numeric y[]; +enddef; +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +def P (expr startp, width) = + numeric x[]; numeric y[]; + z1=(latinbottomline,startp); + z2=(latintopline,y1); + z3=(1/2[x2,x4],width); + z4=(3/5[latinbottomline,latintopline],y1); + pickup pencircle scaled 1.5thin; + draw (z1--z2) ifrotated; + draw (z2{down}..z3..{up}z4) ifrotated; + penlabels (1,2,3,4); + numeric x[]; numeric y[]; +enddef; +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +def S (expr startp, width) = + numeric x[]; numeric y[]; + z1=(latintopline-thin,5/6[startp,width]); + z2=(latintopline,1/2[startp,width]); + z3=(3/4[latinbottomline,latintopline],startp); + z4=(1/2[latintopline,latinbottomline],y2); + z5=(1/4[latinbottomline,latintopline],width); + z6=(latinbottomline,y2); + z7=(latinbottomline+thin,1/6[startp,width]); + pickup pencircle scaled 1.5thin; + draw (z1..{up}z2..z3..z4..z5..{up}z6..z7) ifrotated; + penlabels (1,2,3,4,5,6,7); + numeric x[]; numeric y[]; +enddef; +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +def V (expr startp, width) = + numeric x[]; numeric y[]; + z1=(latintopline,startp); + z2=(latinbottomline,1/2[startp,width]); + z3=(x1,width); + pickup pencircle scaled 1.5thin; + draw (z1--z2--z3) ifrotated; + penlabels (1,2,3,4,5); + numeric x[]; numeric y[]; +enddef; +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +def eins (expr startp, width) = + numeric x[]; numeric y[]; + z1=(latintopline-2thin,startp); + z2=(latintopline,2/3[startp,width]); + z3=(latinbottomline,y2); + pickup pencircle scaled 1.5thin; + draw (z1--z2--z3) ifrotated; + penlabels (1,2,3,4,5); + numeric x[]; numeric y[]; +enddef; +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +def zwei (expr startp, width) = + numeric x[]; numeric y[]; + z1=(latintopline-2thin,startp); + z2=(latintopline,1/2[startp,width]); + z3=(1/2[latintopline,latinbottomline],y2); + z4=(latinbottomline,startp); + z5=(x4,width); + pickup pencircle scaled 1.5thin; + draw (z1..{down}z2..z3..{left}z4--z5) ifrotated; + penlabels (1,2,3,4,5); + numeric x[]; numeric y[]; +enddef; +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% diff --git a/obsolete/language/manju/manjutex/mfinput/mbcodes.mf b/obsolete/language/manju/manjutex/mfinput/mbcodes.mf new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..d1c392741c --- /dev/null +++ b/obsolete/language/manju/manjutex/mfinput/mbcodes.mf @@ -0,0 +1,139 @@ +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +% File: mbcodes.mf +% Author: Oliver Corff and Dorjpalam Dorj +% Date: April 1st, 2001 +% Version: 0.8 +% Copyright: Ulaanbaatar, Beijing, Berlin +% +% Description: Local Mongolian Script in Ligature Mode (LM[LA]) +% Common Code Slots +% +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +% +% Mongolian Specials +% +MONG_BNDRY := 255; % For detecting finals +% MONG_SPACE := 37; % For building suffix morphemes +% MONG_VOWSEP := 38; % For building floating vowels +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +% +% Mongolian Digits +% +MONG_ZERO := 48; % "0" +MONG_ONE := 49; % "1" +MONG_TWO := 50; % "2" +MONG_THREE := 51; % "3" +MONG_FOUR := 52; % "4" +MONG_FIVE := 53; % "5" +MONG_SIX := 54; % "6" +MONG_SEVEN := 55; % "7" +MONG_EIGHT := 56; % "8" +MONG_NINE := 57; % "9" +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +% +% Mongolian Punctuation +% +MONG_LT := 60; % "<" +MONG_GT := 62; % ">" +MONG_LGU := 171; % "<<" +MONG_RGU := 187; % ">>" +MONG_DORWOLJIN := 59; % ";" +MONG_OPAREN := 40; % "(" +MONG_CPAREN := 41; % ")" +MONG_MSP := 32; % " " +MONG_EXCLAMATION := 33; % "!" +MONG_QUESTION := 63; % "?" +MONG_QUESTEXCLAM := 35; % "?!" +MONG_EXCLAMQUEST := 36; % "!?" +MONG_NIRUGU := 124; % "|" +MONG_FVS1 := 39; % "'" +MONG_FVS2 := 34; % '"' +MONG_ENV := 42; % "*" +MONG_TASLAL := 44; % "," +MONG_MVS := 43; % "+" +MONG_FULLSTOP := 46; % "." +MONG_COLON := 58; % ":" +MONG_ELLIPSIS := 47; % "...." +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +% +% Mongolian Atoms +% +MONG_TITEMSTROKE := 64; % "@" +MONG_TITEM := 69; % "E" +MONG_SHUD := 97; % "a" +MONG_GEDES := 117; % "u" +MONG_SHILBE := 105; % "i" +MONG_CEGTEISHUD := 110; % "n" +MONG_LEWER := 108; % "l" +MONG_MEWER := 109; % "m" +MONG_DUNDG := 103; % "g" +MONG_DUNDX := 120; % "x" +MONG_NUMTAIGEDES := 98; % "b" +MONG_BURUUXARSANGEDES := 116; % "t" +MONG_GEDESTEISHILBE := 100; % "d" +MONG_ERWEELJINSHILBE := 114; % "r" +MONG_BOSOOSHILBE := 122; % "z" +MONG_ETGERSHILBE := 121; % "y" +MONG_ZAWJ := 115; % "s" +MONG_SEREEEWER := 99; % "c" +MONG_MATGARSHILBE := 118; % "v" +MONG_QAGT := 75; % "K, or kh: Kapital" +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +% +% Mongolian Atomic Dots and Tails +% +MONG_NCEG := 45; % "-" +MONG_GCEG := 61; % "=" +MONG_SUUL := 128; % "e, n" +MONG_ORXIC := 129; % "E" +MONG_BIODOISUUL := 130; % "Y" +MONG_BAGODOISUUL := 131; % "G" +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +% +% Mongolian Allographs und Composites +% +MONG_EXENL := 76; % " l-" +MONG_EXENM := 77; % " m-" +MONG_EXENN := 78; % " n-" +MONG_EXENS := 83; % " s-" +MONG_XEWTEEQIX := 88; % " x-" +% +MONG_BAGANUM := 132; % "k before consonants" +MONG_DUNDD := 133; % "d[C]" +MONG_DUNDNG := 134; % "ng" +% +MONG_ADAGU := 135; % "final o, u" +MONG_ADAGI := 136; % "final i, y" +MONG_ADAGB := 137; % "b" +MONG_ADAGS := 138; % "s" +MONG_ADAGD := 139; % "d" +MONG_ADAGX := 140; % "x" +MONG_ADAGK := 141; % "k" +MONG_ADAGNG := 142; % "ng" +MONG_SUULIINLEWER := 143; % "final l" +MONG_TERTIARYLEWER := 144; % "l after rounded" +MONG_HIGHLEWER := 145; % "l after rounded, farther away" +MONG_SUULIINMEWER := 146; % "final m" +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +% +% Mongolian Graphical Ligatures +% +MONG_LIGLL := 147; % "ll" +MONG_LIGML := 148; % "ml" +% +MONG_LIGBA := 200; % "ba" +MONG_LIGBI := 202; % "bi" +MONG_LIGBU := 204; % "bu" +MONG_LIGBN := 206; % "bn" +MONG_LIGBL := 207; % "bl" +% +MONG_LIGKA := 224; % "ka" +MONG_LIGKI := 226; % "ki" +MONG_LIGKU := 228; % "ku" +% +MONG_LIGKHA := 232; % "ka" +MONG_LIGKHU := 236; % "ku" +% +% +% End of mbcodes.mf +% diff --git a/obsolete/language/manju/manjutex/mfinput/mbglyphs.mf b/obsolete/language/manju/manjutex/mfinput/mbglyphs.mf new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..ea183cdfc9 --- /dev/null +++ b/obsolete/language/manju/manjutex/mfinput/mbglyphs.mf @@ -0,0 +1,672 @@ +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +% File: mbglyphs.mf +% Author: Oliver Corff and Dorjpalam Dorj +% Date: April 1st, 2001 +% Version: 0.8 +% Copyright: Ulaanbaatar, Beijing, Berlin +% +% Description: Local Mongolian Script (LMS) +% Mongol Bicig Modyn Bar Glyph Definition +% +% Common Glyphs for Mongol and Manju +% +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +beginchar(MONG_TITEMSTROKE,numtaigedeswidth#,height#,depth#); + "The titem"; + titem_stroke(0); +endchar; +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +beginchar(MONG_TITEM,numtaigedeswidth#,height#,depth#); + "The titem"; + if style=steel: + titem; + fi; + if style=wood: + titem_stroke(shudwidth); + shud(0) + fi; +endchar; +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +beginchar(MONG_SHUD,shudwidth#,height#,depth#); + "The shud"; + shud(0); +endchar; +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +beginchar(MONG_SHILBE,shilbewidth#,height#,depth#); + "Shilbe"; + shilbe(0); +endchar; +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +beginchar(MONG_GEDES,gedeswidth#,height#,depth#); + "gedes"; + gedes(0); +endchar; +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +beginchar(MONG_ADAGU,eswidth#,height#,depth#); + "Letter final o, u"; + adagu; +endchar; +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +beginchar(MONG_CEGTEISHUD,shudwidth#,height#,depth#); + "dusaltai shud"; + shud(0); + dusal (1/2shudwidth,yashilbeheight,3thin,2thick); +endchar; +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +if style=wood: exennwidth#:=numtaigedeswidth#+shudwidth# fi; +if style=steel: exennwidth#:=shudwidth# fi; + +beginchar(MONG_EXENN,exennwidth#,height#,depth#); + "Initial titemtei, cegtei shud"; + if style=wood: + titem_stroke(shudwidth); + cegteishud(0) + fi; + if style=steel: + cegteititem; + fi; +endchar; +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +beginchar(MONG_LEWER,shudwidth#,height#,depth#); + "The glyph l in non-final position"; + shud(0); + l_ewer(1/2shudwidth); +endchar; +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +if style=wood: exenlwidth#:=numtaigedeswidth#+shudwidth# fi; +if style=steel: exenlwidth#:=shudwidth# fi; + +beginchar(MONG_EXENL,exenlwidth#,height#,depth#); + "Initial l"; + if style=wood: + titem_stroke(shudwidth); + shud(0); + l_ewer(1/2shudwidth); + fi; + if style=steel: + titem; + l_ewer(1/2shudwidth); + fi; +endchar; +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +beginchar(MONG_SUULIINLEWER,eswidth#,height#,depth#); + "The glyph L in final position"; + z1=(shudwidth+6.00thin,nuruuleft); + z2=(shudwidth-bearing,y1); + z3=(1/2shudwidth,gedesouter); + z4=(bearing,nuruuleft); + %z5=(,underinner); + z5=(7/16shudwidth-2.25thin,underinner+thin); + z6=(7/16shudwidth+thin,underouter); + z7=(shudwidth+1/2gedeswidth,underinner); + z8=(7/16shudwidth+thin,underinner); + z9=(7/16shudwidth,underinner+thin); + x10=(9/16shudwidth); + z10-z11=whatever*(z2-z3); + z11=(3/4shudwidth,nuruuright); + z12=(x1,nuruuright); + % pickup pencircle scaled .25 thin; + fill (z1--z2--z3--z5{down}..{right}z6---z7& + z7---z8{left}..{up}z9---z10--z11--z12--cycle) ifrotated; + penlabels(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12); +endchar; +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +beginchar(MONG_TERTIARYLEWER,numtaigedeswidth#,height#,depth#); + "The glyph L in blam-a"; + nuruu(secAwidth,0); + shud_atom(secAwidth,bearing); + %penstroke (z1e{up}..z2e..{down}z3e) ifrotated; + + z5r=(numtaigedeswidth,underouter); + z6l=(secAwidth,nuruuright); + penpos4(thin,0); + penpos5(underinner-underouter,-90); + penpos6(2thin,-180); + penstroke (z5e{left}..{up}z6e) ifrotated; + + z7=(1/2[secAwidth,bearing],shudheight); + z8=(secAwidth,nuruuleft); + z9=(x8,nuruuright); + unfill (z7--z8--z9--cycle) ifrotated; + + z11r=(1/3shudwidth,nuruuright); + z12r=(1/3shudwidth,-0.8thick+underouter+1.5thin); + z13r=(x11+1.5thin,-0.8thick+underouter); + z14r=(2/3shudwidth+gedeswidth,-0.8thick+underouter); + penpos11(thin,0); + penpos12(2.25thin,0); + penpos13(underinner-underouter,+90); + penpos14(epsilon,+90); + penstroke (z11e---z12e{down}..{right}z13e---z14e) ifrotated; + penlabels(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14); +endchar; +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +beginchar(MONG_HIGHLEWER,shudwidth#,height#,depth#); + "The glyph l in non-final position, raised for 'b's friends"; + shud(0); + z1r=(1/2shudwidth,nuruuright); + z2r=(1/2shudwidth,underouter+0.5thin); + z3r=(x1+1.5thin,underouter-thin); + z4r=(shudwidth+shudwidth,underouter-thin); +% z4r=(shudwidth+gedeswidth,underouter-thin); + penpos1(1.75thin,0); + penpos2(2.25thin,0); + penpos3(underinner-underouter,+90); + penpos4(epsilon,+90); + penstroke (z1e---z2e{down}..{right}z3e---z4e) ifrotated; + penlabels(1,2,3,4); +endchar; +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +beginchar(MONG_MEWER,shudwidth#,height#,depth#); + "The glyph m in non-final position"; + shud(0); + m_ewer(1/2shudwidth); +endchar; +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +if style=wood: exenmwidth#:=numtaigedeswidth#+shudwidth# fi; +if style=steel: exenmwidth#:=shudwidth# fi; + +beginchar(MONG_EXENM,exenmwidth#,height#,depth#); + "Initial m"; + if style=wood: + titem_stroke(shudwidth); + shud(0); + m_ewer(2/12shudwidth); + fi; + if style=steel: + titem; + m_ewer(2/12shudwidth); + fi; +endchar; +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +beginchar(MONG_SUULIINMEWER,eswidth#,height#,depth#); + "The glyph m in final position"; + nuruu(eswidth,23/24gedeswidth); + z1r=(gedeswidth-5thin,gedesouter); + z2 =(x1-thin,Centerline); + z3 =(0,underouter); + penpos1(thick,15); + penpos2(2/3thick,0); + penpos3(1/2thin,0); + penstroke (z1e..z2e..z3e) ifrotated; + penlabels(1,2,3); + + z4r=(x1r,gedesouter); + z5 =(eswidth-2thin,Centerline); + z6r=(14/16shudwidth,underouter); + z7 =(7/16shudwidth,underinner+thin); + penpos4(1/2thin,30); + penpos5(1.25thin,0); + penpos6(underouter-underinner, 90); + penpos7(epsilon, 135); + penstroke (z4e{dir -45}..tension 1.25..z5e + ..tension 1.25..z6e..tension 1.25..z7e) ifrotated; + penlabels(4,5,6,7); +endchar; +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +beginchar(MONG_LIGLL,2shudwidth#,height#,depth#); + "A Ligature: ll"; + shud(0); + shud(shudwidth); + + z1r=(3/2shudwidth,nuruuright); + z2r=(3/2shudwidth,underinner+1.5thin); + z3r=(x1+1.5thin,underinner); + z4r=(2shudwidth+gedeswidth,underinner); + penpos1(1.75thin,0); + penpos2(2.25thin,0); + penpos3(underinner-underouter,+90); + penpos4(epsilon,+90); + penstroke (z1e---z2e{down}..{right}z3e---z4e) ifrotated; + penlabels(1,2,3,4); + + z11r=(1/2shudwidth,nuruuright); + z12r=(1/2shudwidth,underouter+0.5thin); + z13r=(x11+1.5thin,underouter-thin); + z14r=(shudwidth+gedeswidth,underouter-thin); + penpos11(1.75thin,0); + penpos12(2.25thin,0); + penpos13(underinner-underouter,+90); + penpos14(epsilon,+90); + penstroke (z11e---z12e{down}..{right}z13e---z14e) ifrotated; + penlabels(11,12,13,14); +endchar; +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +beginchar(MONG_LIGML,2shudwidth#,height#,depth#); + "A Ligature: ml"; + shud(0); + shud(shudwidth); + + z1=(10/16shudwidth+shudwidth,Centerline); + z2r=(6/16shudwidth+shudwidth,underinner+1.5thin); + z3 =(6/16shudwidth,y2); + + penpos1(0.8thick,+95); + penpos2(0.8thick,+95); + penpos3(0.8thick,+75); + + penstroke (z1e--z2e--z3e) ifrotated; + penlabels(1,2,3); + + z11l=(x3l,y3l); + z12r=(x11r,underouter+0.5thin); + z13r=(x11+1.5thin,underouter-1.5thin); + z14r=(shudwidth+gedeswidth,y13r); + penpos11(1.75thin,0); + penpos12(2.25thin,0); + penpos13(underinner-underouter,+90); + penpos14(epsilon,+90); + penstroke (z11e---z12e{down}..{right}z13e---z14e) ifrotated; + penlabels(11,12,13,14); +endchar; +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +beginchar(MONG_XEWTEEQIX,tewidth#,height#,depth#); + "The letter initial x"; + xewteeqix; +endchar; +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +beginchar(MONG_DUNDG,2shudwidth#,height#,depth#); + "Medial g"; + cegteishud(0); + cegteishud(shudwidth); +endchar; +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +beginchar(MONG_DUNDX,2shudwidth#,height#,depth#); + "Medial x"; + shud(0); + shud(shudwidth); +endchar; +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +beginchar(MONG_ADAGX,2shudwidth#,height#,depth#); + "Final g"; + shud(shudwidth); + bagaodoisuul; +endchar; +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +beginchar(MONG_DUNDNG,shudwidth#+numtaigedeswidth#,height#,depth#); + "Medial ng"; + shud(numtaigedeswidth); + baganum; +endchar; +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +beginchar(MONG_ADAGNG,shudwidth#+shilbewidth#+orxicwidth#,height#,depth#); + "Final ng"; + shud(orxicwidth+shilbewidth); + shilbe(orxicwidth); + orxic(0); +endchar; +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +beginchar(MONG_LIGKA,bawidth#,height#,depth#); + "A Ligature: KA"; + ligka; +endchar; +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +beginchar(MONG_LIGKI,biwidth#,height#,depth#); + "A Ligature: KI"; + ligki; +endchar; +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +beginchar(MONG_LIGKU,bawidth#,height#,depth#); + "A Ligature: KU"; + ligku; +endchar; +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +beginchar(MONG_ADAGI,gedeswidth#,height#,depth#); + "Vowel I in final position"; + nuruu(gedeswidth,gedeswidth-bearing); + z1l=(1/3gedeswidth,shudheight); + z2r=(gedeswidth-1/2bearing,nuruuleft); + penpos1(4thin,60); + penpos2(2thin,0); + + z4 =(x2,nuruuright); + z5r=(1/2[x4,x6],underouter); + z6r=(0,nuruuright); % nuruuright was Centerline + penpos4(2thin,0); + penpos5(underinner-underouter,-90); + penpos6(epsilon,-180); + + penstroke (z1e...z2e...z4e{down}..z5e..{up}z6e) ifrotated; + penlabels(1,2,3,4,5,6); +endchar; +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +beginchar(MONG_QAGT,gedeswidth#,height#,depth#); + "Letter kh"; + qagt; +endchar; +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +beginchar(MONG_NUMTDELBENQIX,eswidth#,height#,depth#); + "Letter p"; + nuruu(eswidth,eswidth-numtaigedeswidth); + + z1r=(eswidth-1/2bearing,gedesouter+thin); + z2r=(1/3[x1,x4],gedesouter); + z3r=(7/12[x1,x4],gedesouter); + z4r=(eswidth-numtaigedeswidth,nuruuleft); + penpos1(thin,180); + penpos2(gedesouter-gedesinner,90); + penpos3(gedesouter-gedesinner,90); + penpos4(thin,180); + penstroke (z1e..z2e..z3e..{down}z4e) ifrotated; + + z5r=(x1,nuruuright); + z6r=(1/2[x5,x7],underouter); + z7r=(0,Centerline); + penpos5(thin,0); + penpos6(underinner-underouter,-90); + penpos7(1/4thin,-180); + penstroke (z5e{down}..z6e..{up}z7e) ifrotated; + penlabels(1,2,3,4,5,6,7); +endchar; +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +beginchar(MONG_BAGANUM,numtaigedeswidth#,height#,depth#); + "Smaller version of female g"; + baganum; +endchar; +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +beginchar(MONG_ADAGK,shilbewidth#+orxicwidth#,height#,depth#); + "Final k"; + shilbe(orxicwidth); + orxic(0); +endchar; +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +beginchar(MONG_NUMTAIGEDES,eswidth#,height#,depth#); + "Letter b, or final u"; + nuruu(eswidth,eswidth-numtaigedeswidth); + + z1r=(eswidth-1/2bearing,nuruuleft); + z2r=(1/2[x1,x3],gedesouter); + z3r=(eswidth-numtaigedeswidth,nuruuleft); + penpos1(thin,0); + penpos2(gedesouter-gedesinner,90); + penpos3(thin,180); + penstroke (z1e{up}..z2e..{down}z3e) ifrotated; + + z4 =(x1,nuruuright); + z5r=(1/2[x4,x6],underouter); + z6r=(0,Centerline); + penpos4(thin,0); + penpos5(underinner-underouter,-90); + penpos6(1/4thin,-180); + penstroke (z4e{down}..z5e..{up}z6e) ifrotated; + penlabels(1,2,3,4,5,6); +endchar; +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +beginchar(MONG_ADAGB,gedeswidth#+orxicwidth#,height#,depth#); + "Final b"; + if style=wood: + gedes(orxicwidth); + orxic(0); + fi; + if style=steel: + nuruu(numtaigedeswidth+numtaigedeswidth,numtaigedeswidth); + z1r=(2numtaigedeswidth-1/2bearing,nuruuleft); + z2r=(1/2[x1,x3],gedesouter); + z3r=(numtaigedeswidth,nuruuleft); + penpos1(thin,0); + penpos2(gedesouter-gedesinner,90); + penpos3(thin,180); + penstroke (z1e{up}..z2e..{down}z3e) ifrotated; + + z4 =(x1,nuruuright); + z5r=(x3r+thin,underouter); + z6r=(0,nuruuright); + z7r=(5/24gedeswidth,orxicouter); + penpos4(thin,0); + penpos5(underinner-underouter,-90); + penpos6(epsilon,-180); + penpos7(2/3thick,120); + penstroke + (z4e{down}..{left}z5e{left}..tension 2.5..{right}z7e) + ifrotated; + penlabels(1,2,3,4,5); + fi; +endchar; +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +if style=steel: buruuxarsangedeswidth#:=cewidth# fi; +if style=wood: buruuxarsangedeswidth#:=tewidth# fi; + +beginchar(MONG_BURUUXARSANGEDES,buruuxarsangedeswidth#,height#,depth#); + "Letter t"; + if style=steel: + deribun_ta; + fi; + if style=wood: + nuruu(tewidth,0); + shud_atom(1/2gedeswidth,bearing); + z1r=(tewidth,nuruuright); + z2r=(1/3tewidth,underouter); + z3r=(bearing,nuruuright); + penpos1(thin,0); + penpos2(underinner-underouter,-90); + penpos3(2thin,-180); + penstroke (z1e..tension 2..z2e..{up}z3e) ifrotated; + penlabels(1,2,3); + fi; +endchar; +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +beginchar(MONG_GEDESTEISHILBE,eswidth#,height#,depth#); + "Letter d"; + if style=steel: + roundgedestshilbe; + fi; + if style=wood: + modgedestshilbe; + fi; +endchar; +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +beginchar(MONG_DUNDD,gedeswidth#+shudwidth#,height#,depth#); + "Medial d before consonants"; + shud(0); + gedes(shudwidth); +endchar; +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +beginchar(MONG_ADAGD,gedeswidth#+shudwidth#,height#,depth#); + "Final d"; + suul; + gedes(shudwidth); +endchar; +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +beginchar(MONG_ERWEELJINSHILBE,gedeswidth#,height#,depth#); + "Letter 'r' in first and medial position"; + nuruu(gedeswidth,0); + z1=(gedeswidth-1/2bearing,nuruuleft); + z2=(gedeswidth-5thin,shilbeheight); + z3=(0,shilbeheight-thin); + z4=(x2-0.5thin,shilbeheight-5thin); + z5=(gedeswidth-3thin,nuruuleft); + fill (z1{dir 100}..z2 & z2{dir 225}..{dir 105}z3 & + z3{down}..{dir 45}z4 & z4..{dir -80}z5&z5--cycle) ifrotated; + penlabels(1,2,3,4,5); +endchar; +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +beginchar(MONG_BOSOOSHILBE,eswidth#,height#,depth#); + "Letter z"; + bosoo_shilbe; +endchar; +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +beginchar(MONG_EXENS,tewidth#,height#,depth#); + "Letter `s' in initial position"; + exenzawj; +endchar; +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +beginchar(MONG_ZAWJ,tewidth#,height#,depth#); + "Letter `s' in medial position"; + zawj; +endchar; +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +beginchar(MONG_ADAGS,tewidth#,height#,depth#); + "Letter `s' in final position "; + suulzawj; +endchar; +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +beginchar(MONG_SEREEEWER,eswidth#,height#,depth#); + "Letter c"; + seree_ewer; +endchar; +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +beginchar(MONG_ETGERSHILBE,shudwidth#+thin#,height#,depth#); + "Letter ya"; + nuruu(shudwidth+thin,0); + z1r=(shudwidth+thin-1/4bearing,nuruuleft); + z2 =(1/8shudwidth+thin,gedesouter); + z3 =(5/8shudwidth+thin,yashilbeheight); + penpos1(thin,0); + penpos2(3.5thin,+15); + penpos3(epsilon,15); + penstroke (z1e..tension 2.5..z2e..tension 1.25..z3e) ifrotated; + penlabels(1,2,3); +endchar; +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +beginchar(MONG_MATGARSHILBE,gedeswidth#,height#,depth#); + "Letter va"; + nuruu(gedeswidth,0); + z1r=(gedeswidth-1/4bearing,nuruuleft); + z2r=(3/8gedeswidth,yashilbeheight); + z3 =(1/8gedeswidth,gedesinner); + penpos1(thin,0); + penpos2(3.75thin,+90); + penpos3(epsilon,+135); + penstroke (z1e{dir 105}..tension 3.5..z2e..tension 2.50..z3e) ifrotated; + penlabels(1,2,3); +endchar; +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +beginchar(MONG_SUUL,shudwidth#,height#,depth#); + "The suul"; + suul; +endchar; +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +beginchar(MONG_ORXIC,orxicwidth#,height#,depth#); + "The orxic"; + orxic(0); +endchar; +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +beginchar(MONG_BAGODOISUUL,shudwidth#,height#,depth#); + "The gamma suul"; + bagaodoisuul; +endchar; +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +beginchar(MONG_BIODOISUUL,shudwidth#,height#,depth#); + "Little tail following certain letters"; + z1=(shudwidth,Centerline); + z2=(1/2shudwidth,Centerline); + z3=(0,nuruuleft+thin); + penpos1(nuruuwidth,90); + penpos2(14/16nuruuwidth,80); + penpos3(epsilon,45); + penstroke (z1e---z2e..z3e) ifrotated; + penlabels(1,2,3); +endchar; +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +beginchar(MONG_NCEG,secAwidth#,height#,depth#); + "The n= dot"; + dusal(1/2secAwidth,gedesouter,3thin,2thick); +endchar; +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +beginchar(MONG_GCEG,shudwidth#,height#,depth#); + "The g= dots"; + dusal(9/12shudwidth,gedesouter,3thin,2thick); + dusal(3/12shudwidth,gedesouter,3thin,2thick); +endchar; +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +% +% Some commonly used graphical ligatures without added semantic value +% +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +beginchar(MONG_LIGBA,bawidth#,height#,depth#); + "A Ligature: BA"; + ligba; +endchar; +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +beginchar(MONG_LIGBI,biwidth#,height#,depth#); + "A Ligature: BI"; + nuruu(shilbewidth-thin,0); + nuruu(biwidth,biwidth-numtaigedeswidth); + + z1r=(biwidth-1/2bearing,nuruuleft); + z2r=(1/2[x1,x3],gedesouter); + z3r=(biwidth-numtaigedeswidth,nuruuleft); + penpos1(thin,0); + penpos2(gedesouter-gedesinner,90); + penpos3(thin,180); + penstroke (z1e{up}..z2e..{down}z3e) ifrotated; + + z4 =(x1,nuruuright); + z5r=(1/2[x4,x6],underouter); + z6l=(shilbewidth,nuruuright); + z7l=(3thin,shilbeheight); + penpos4(thin,0); + penpos5(underinner-underouter,-90); + penpos6(2thin,-180); + penpos7(4thin,-120); + penstroke (z4e{down}..z5e..{up}z6e..tension infinity..z7e) ifrotated; + + penlabels(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9); +endchar; +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +beginchar(MONG_LIGBU,2numtaigedeswidth#,height#,depth#); + "A Ligature: BU"; + ligbu(0); +endchar; +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +beginchar(MONG_LIGBN,bawidth#,height#,depth#); + "A Ligature: BN"; + ligba; + dusal (x7,yashilbeheight,3thin,2thick); +endchar; +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +beginchar(MONG_LIGBL,bawidth#,height#,depth#); + "A Ligature: BL"; + ligba; + high_l_ewer(2.5thin); +endchar; +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +beginchar(MONG_LIGPA,bawidth#,height#,depth#); + "A Ligature, PA"; + ligmongpa; +endchar; +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +beginchar(MONG_LIGPI,biwidth#,height#,depth#); + "A Ligature: PI"; + nuruu(shilbewidth-thin,0); + nuruu(biwidth,biwidth-numtaigedeswidth); + +% z1r=(biwidth-1/2bearing,nuruuleft); + z1r=(biwidth-1/2bearing,gedesouter+thin); + z2r=(1/3[x1,x4],gedesouter); + z3r=(7/12[x1,x4],gedesouter); + z4r=(biwidth-numtaigedeswidth,nuruuleft); + penpos1(thin,180); + penpos2(gedesouter-gedesinner,90); + penpos3(gedesouter-gedesinner,90); + penpos4(thin,180); + penstroke (z1e..z2e..z3e..{down}z4e) ifrotated; + + z5r=(x1,nuruuright); + z6r=(1/2[x5,x7],underouter); + z7l=(shilbewidth,nuruuright); + z8l=(3thin,shilbeheight); + penpos5(thin,0); + penpos6(underinner-underouter,-90); + penpos7(2thin,-180); + penpos8(4thin,-120); + penstroke (z5e{down}..z6e..{up}z7e..tension infinity..z8e) ifrotated; + + penlabels(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10); +endchar; +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +beginchar(MONG_LIGPU,2numtaigedeswidth#,height#,depth#); + "A Ligature: PU"; + ligmongpu; +endchar; +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +beginchar(MONG_LIGKHA,bawidth#,height#,depth#); + "A Ligature: KHA"; + ligkha; +endchar; +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +beginchar(MONG_LIGKHU,bawidth#,height#,depth#); + "A Ligature: KHU"; + ligkhu; +endchar; +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% diff --git a/obsolete/language/manju/manjutex/mfinput/mbnums.mf b/obsolete/language/manju/manjutex/mfinput/mbnums.mf new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..acb1b44839 --- /dev/null +++ b/obsolete/language/manju/manjutex/mfinput/mbnums.mf @@ -0,0 +1,371 @@ +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +% File: mbglyphs.mf +% Author: Oliver Corff and Dorjpalam Dorj +% Date: April 1st, 2001 +% Version: 0.8 +% Copyright: Ulaanbaatar, Beijing, Berlin +% +% Description: Local Mongolian Script (LMS) +% Mongol Bicig Modyn Bar Glyph Definition +% +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +beginchar(MONG_ZERO,numberwidth#+bearing#,height#,depth#); + "The Number 0"; + pair dz[]; + numberpath; + z11r= point 0.20 of trial; + dz11= direction 0.20 of trial; + penpos11(2thin,angle dz11+90); + + z12r= point 0.75 of trial; + dz12= direction 0.75 of trial; + penpos12(thin,angle dz12+90); + + z13r= point 2.20 of trial; + dz13= direction 2.20 of trial; + penpos13(2thin,angle dz13+90); + + z14r= point 2.8 of trial; + dz14= direction 2.8 of trial; + penpos14(1thin, angle dz14+90); + + penstroke (z11e{dz11}..{dz12}z12e.. + z13e{dz13}..z14e{dz14}..cycle) ifrotated; + + penlabels(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15); +endchar; +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +beginchar(MONG_ONE,numberwidth#+bearing#,height#,depth#); + "The Number 1"; + pair dz[]; + numberpath; + + z11r= point 0.20 of trial; + dz11= direction 0.20 of trial; + penpos11(4thin,angle dz11+90); + + z12r= point 0.75 of trial; + penpos12(thin,0); + + z13r= point 2.00 of trial; + dz13= direction 2.00 of trial; + penpos13(2thin,angle dz13+90); + + z14r= point 2.8 of trial; + dz14= direction 2.8 of trial; + penpos14(2thin, angle dz14+90); + + z15r= point 4.00 of trial; + dz15= direction 4.00 of trial; + penpos15(1/2thin, angle dz15+90); + + pickup pencircle scaled 4 thin; + drawdot (z11) ifrotated; + + penstroke (z11e{dz11}..z12e{down}..{dz13}z13e + ..{dz14}z14e..{dz15}z15e) ifrotated; + + penlabels(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15); +endchar; +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +beginchar(MONG_TWO,numberwidth#+bearing#,height#,depth#); + "The Number 2"; + pair dz[]; + numberpath; + z11=(bearing,gedesinner); + penpos11(3thin,+90); + + z12r= point 0.75 of trial; + dz12= direction 0.75 of trial; + penpos12(1thin,angle dz12+90); + + z13r= point 1.80 of trial; + dz13= direction 1.80 of trial; + penpos13(2thin,angle dz13+90); + + z14r= (bearing,Centerline); + dz14= direction 0.75 of trial; + penpos14(2thin, -90); + + z15l= (0,Centerline+4thin); + dz15= direction 0.75 of trial; + penpos15(1/2thin, -180); + + z16l= (bearing,Centerline+2thin); + dz16= direction 0.75 of trial; + penpos16(2thin, -180); + + z17l= (bearing,underinner+thin); + penpos17(2thin, 180); + + z18l= (bearing+1/12bawidth,underinner); + penpos18(1/2thin,180); + + pickup pencircle scaled 3thin; + drawdot (z11) ifrotated; + penstroke (z11e{right}..z12e{dz12}..z13e{dz13}.. + tension 1.2..z14e) ifrotated; + penstroke (z15e--z16e--z17e--z18e) ifrotated; + penlabels(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18); +endchar; +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +beginchar(MONG_THREE,numberwidth#+bearing#,height#,depth#); + "The Number 3"; + pair dz[]; + numberpath; + + z9 =(thin+bearing,gedesinner); + dz9= direction -0.10 of trial; + penpos9(0.75thin,angle dz9+90); + + z10r=(numberwidth-bearing,Centerline-thin); + dz10= direction 0.90 of trial; + penpos10(3thin,angle dz10+90); + + z11=(1/3numberwidth,nuruuleft+thin); + dz11= direction 2.40 of trial; + penpos11(1/2thin, angle dz11+90); + + z12r= (5/6numberwidth,nuruuright+thin); + %dz12= direction 0.75 of trial; + penpos12(2thin,30); + + z13r= point 1.60 of trial; + dz13= direction 1.60 of trial; + penpos13(3thin,angle dz13+90); + + z14r= (2thin+bearing,Centerline); + dz14= direction 0.75 of trial; + penpos14(2thin, -90); + + z15l= (bearing,Centerline+4thin); + dz15= direction 0.75 of trial; + penpos15(1/2thin, 0); + + z16l= (bearing,Centerline+2thin); + dz16= direction 0.75 of trial; + penpos16(2thin, 0); + + z17l= (bearing,underinner+thin); + penpos17(2thin, 0); + + z18l= (bearing+1/12numberwidth,underinner); + penpos18(1/2thin,0); + + penstroke (z9e{dz9}..tension 1.4..z10e..tension 1.2..{dz11}z11e) + ifrotated; + penstroke (z12e..z13e{dz13}..tension 1.2..z14e) ifrotated; + penstroke (z15e--z16e--z17e--z18e) ifrotated; + penlabels(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18); +endchar; +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +beginchar(MONG_FOUR,numberwidth#+bearing#,height#,depth#); + "The Number 4"; + pair dz[]; + numberpath; + z11=(bawidth,underinner); + penpos11(3thin,-90); + + z12r= point 2.80 of trial; + dz12= direction 2.80 of trial; + penpos12(2thin,angle dz12+90); + + z13r= point 0.10 of trial; + dz13= direction 0.10 of trial; + penpos13(1thin,angle dz13+90); + + z14r= point 0.75 of trial; + dz14= direction 0.75 of trial; + penpos14(1thin, angle dz14+90); + + pickup pencircle scaled 3thin; + drawdot (z11) ifrotated; + penstroke (z11e{left}..z12e{dz12}..z13e{dz13}..z14e{dz14}) ifrotated; + pickup pencircle scaled thin; + drawdot (z14) ifrotated; + penlabels(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18); +endchar; +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +beginchar(MONG_FIVE,numberwidth#+bearing#,height#,depth#); + "The Number 5"; + pair dz[]; + numberpath; + + z11= point -0.10 of trial; + dz11=direction -0.10 of trial; + penpos11(3thin,angle dz11+90); + pickup pencircle scaled 2.5thin; + drawdot (z11) ifrotated; + + z12= point 2.9 of trial; + dz12=direction 2.8 of trial; + penpos12(2thin,angle dz12+90); + + z13= point 0.8 of trial; + penpos13(thin,-90); + + z14r= z13; + penpos14(3thin,90); + z15r= (thick,Centerline); + penpos15(3thin,90); + + z16r= (0,nuruuright); + penpos16(thin,90); + + penstroke (z11e..tension 1.5..z12e{down}.. + tension 3..z13e{dir -30}) ifrotated; + penstroke (z14e---z15e..z16e) ifrotated; + penlabels(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18); +endchar; +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +beginchar(MONG_SIX,numberwidth#+bearing#,height#,depth#); + "The Number 6"; + numberpath; + pair dz[]; + % pickup pencircle scaled .25thin; + % draw trial; + + z11r=point 2.40 of trial; + dz11=direction 2.40 of trial; + penpos11(2thin,angle dz11+90); + + z12r=point 2.90 of trial; + dz12=direction 2.90 of trial; + penpos12(2thin,angle dz12+90); + + z13 =point 0.23 of trial; + dz13=direction 0.23 of trial; + penpos13(2thin,angle dz13+90); + % pickup pencircle scaled 5thin; drawdot z13; + + z14r=point 0.85 of trial; + dz14=direction 0.85 of trial; + penpos14(3thin,angle dz14+90); + pickup pencircle scaled 3thin; drawdot (z14) ifrotated; + + z15=(z11..z13) intersectionpoint (z12..z14); + penpos15(thin,angle dz11-90); + + z16=(3/4[x12,x14],nuruuright); + penpos16(3thin,90); + z17= z15; + penpos17(thin,60); + + penstroke (z15e{dz13}..z11e{dz11}..z12e{dz12} + ..z13e{dz13}..z14e{dz14}) ifrotated; + penstroke (z16e{left}..z17e) ifrotated; + penlabels(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17); +endchar; +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +beginchar(MONG_SEVEN,numberwidth#+bearing#,height#,depth#); + "The Number 7"; + pair dz[]; + path findcenter; + numberpath; + % pickup pencircle scaled 0.25thin; + % draw trial; + + z11l=point -0.6 of trial; + dz11= direction -0.6 of trial; + penpos11(3thin,angle dz11-90); + + z12l= point 0.45 of trial; + dz12= direction 0.45 of trial; + penpos12(1.5thin,angle dz12-90); + + z13 = (w/2,.5[h,-d]); % "Centerpoint" + + z14r= point 2.5 of trial; + dz14=-direction 2.5 of trial; + penpos14(2thin,angle dz14-90); + + z15r= point 2.1 of trial; + dz15=-direction 2.1 of trial; + penpos15(2.25thin,angle dz15-90); + + z16r= point 0.8 of trial; + dz16=-direction 0.8 of trial; + penpos16(1.5thin,angle dz16-90); + + findcenter = z11{dz11}..z12{dz12}..tension 1.1..z13.. + {dz14}z14..{dz15}z15..{dz16}z16; + dz13=-direction 3 of findcenter; + penpos13(2thin,angle dz13-90); + + pickup pencircle scaled 3thin; drawdot (z11) ifrotated; + pickup pencircle scaled 1.5thin; drawdot (z16) ifrotated; + + penstroke (z11e{dz11}..z12e{dz12}..tension 1.1..z13e{dz13}.. + {dz14}z14e..{dz15}z15e..{dz16}z16e) ifrotated; + penlabels(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16); +endchar; +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +beginchar(MONG_EIGHT,numberwidth#+bearing#,height#,depth#); + "The Number 8"; + pair dz[]; + numberpath; + pickup pencircle scaled 1/2thin; + + z13 = point 0.8 of trial; + penpos13(3thin,90); + + z14 = (bearing,gedesinner-thin); + penpos14(thin,75); + + z15 = (bearing,gedesinner); + dz15= direction 0.75 of trial; + penpos15(1/2thin, -180); + + z16 = (bearing,gedesinner-2thin); + dz16= direction 0.75 of trial; + penpos16(2thin, -180); + + z17 = (bearing,underinner+thin); + penpos17(2thin, 180); + + z18 = (bearing+1/12bawidth,underinner); + penpos18(1/2thin,180); + + pickup pencircle scaled 3thin; + drawdot (z13) ifrotated; + penstroke (z13e{dir 165}..z14e) ifrotated; + penstroke (z15e--z16e--z17e--z18e) ifrotated; + penlabels(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18); +endchar; +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +beginchar(MONG_NINE,numberwidth#+bearing#,height#,depth#); + "The Number 9"; + numberpath; + pair dz[]; + + z11r=point 2.40 of trial; + dz11=direction 2.40 of trial; + penpos11(1/2thin,angle dz11+90); + + z12r=point 2.85 of trial; + dz12=direction 2.85 of trial; + penpos12(2thin,angle dz12+90); + + z13 =point 0.23 of trial; + dz13=direction 0.23 of trial; + penpos13(2thin,angle dz13+90); + + z14r=point 0.9 of trial; + dz14=direction 0.9 of trial; + penpos14(3thin,angle dz14+90); + + z15=(z11..z13) intersectionpoint (z12..z14); + penpos15(1/2thin,angle dz12+90); + + z16=point 2.2 of trial; + dz16=direction 2.2 of trial; + penpos16(2thin,angle dz16); + z17= z15; + penpos17(epsilon,30); + + penstroke (z11e{dz11}..z12e{dz12} + ..z13e{dz13}..z14e{dz14}..tension 1.5..z15e) ifrotated; + penstroke (z16e{up}..z17e) ifrotated; + penlabels(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17); +endchar; +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% diff --git a/obsolete/language/manju/manjutex/mfinput/mbparmb.mf b/obsolete/language/manju/manjutex/mfinput/mbparmb.mf new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..7e127f2e40 --- /dev/null +++ b/obsolete/language/manju/manjutex/mfinput/mbparmb.mf @@ -0,0 +1,100 @@ +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +% File: mbparmb.mf +% Author: Oliver Corff and Dorjpalam Dorj +% Date: April 1st, 2001 +% Version: 0.8 +% Copyright: Ulaanbaatar, Beijing, Berlin +% +% Description: Local Mongolian Script (LMS) +% Mongol Bicig Modyn Bar Bold Font Parameter Definition +% +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +mode_setup; + mg:=1; + width#:=mg*8pt#; + height#:=mg*12pt#; + depth#:=mg*7.2pt#; + + % Some 'standard' character sizes ... + % From small to big ... + secAwidth#:=3/8width#; + shudwidth#:=4/8width#; + shilbewidth#:=4.5/8width#; + numtaigedeswidth#:=5/8width#; + gedeswidth#:=6/8width#; orxicwidth#:=6/8width#; + eswidth#:=7/8width#; + tewidth#:=8/8width#; + cewidth#:=9/8width#; + bawidth#:=numtaigedeswidth#+shudwidth#+1/16width#; + biwidth#:=eswidth#+shilbewidth#; + numberwidth#:=12/8width#; + + % character features; ... see description in the Black Book + Centerline#:=1/2(height#-depth#); + u#:=1pt#; + ispace#:=5pt#; + bearing#:=mg*0.75pt#; + thin#:=mg*0.50pt#; + medium#:=mg*1pt#; + thick#:=mg*2pt#; + nuruuwidth#:=mg*2.0pt#; + nuruuleft#:=Centerline#+1/2nuruuwidth#; + nuruuright#:=Centerline#-1/2nuruuwidth#; + orxicouter#:=nuruuleft#+mg*8.00pt#; + yashilbeheight#:=nuruuleft#+mg*7.00pt#; + shilbeheight#:=nuruuleft#+mg*6pt#; + gedesouter#:=nuruuleft#+mg*5.00pt#; + shudheight#:=nuruuleft#+mg*4.00pt#; + gedesinner#:=nuruuleft#+mg*3.00pt#; + underinner#:=nuruuright#-mg*3.00pt#; + sdepth#:=nuruuright#-mg*4.00pt#; + underouter#:=nuruuright#-mg*5.00pt#; + suulouter#:=nuruuright#-mg*8.00pt#; + latintopline#:=2gedeswidth#-4thin#; + latinbottomline#:=4thin#; + + define_pixels(u,bearing, + width,height,depth, + thin, medium, thick, + shudheight, + yashilbeheight, + shilbeheight, + sdepth, + secAwidth, + shudwidth, + numtaigedeswidth, + gedeswidth, + shilbewidth, + orxicwidth, + eswidth, + tewidth, + cewidth, + bawidth, + biwidth, + numberwidth, + nuruuwidth, + nuruuleft, + nuruuright, + Centerline, + gedesinner,gedesouter, + underinner,underouter, + orxicouter,suulouter, + latintopline,latinbottomline); + + define_blacker_pixels(thin,medium,thick); + + + font_size 12pt#; + + font_normal_space gedeswidth#; + font_x_height gedesouter#; + font_quad gedeswidth#; + font_extra_space gedeswidth#; + font_normal_stretch 1.5gedeswidth#; + font_normal_shrink 1thin#; + + boundarychar := 255; + + screen_rows := 500; +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +% File mbparmb.mf ends here. diff --git a/obsolete/language/manju/manjutex/mfinput/mbparmm.mf b/obsolete/language/manju/manjutex/mfinput/mbparmm.mf new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..0d05166d58 --- /dev/null +++ b/obsolete/language/manju/manjutex/mfinput/mbparmm.mf @@ -0,0 +1,100 @@ +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +% File: mbparmm.mf +% Author: Oliver Corff and Dorjpalam Dorj +% Date: April 1st, 2001 +% Version: 0.8 +% Copyright: Ulaanbaatar, Beijing, Berlin +% +% Description: Local Mongolian Script (LMS) +% Mongol Bicig Modyn Bar Medium Font Parameter Definition +% +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +mode_setup; + mg:=1; + width#:=mg*8pt#; + height#:=mg*12pt#; + depth#:=mg*8.4pt#; + + % Some 'standard' character sizes ... + % From small to big ... + secAwidth#:=3/8width#; + shudwidth#:=4/8width#; + shilbewidth#:=4.5/8width#; + numtaigedeswidth#:=5/8width#; + gedeswidth#:=6/8width#; orxicwidth#:=4/8width#; + eswidth#:=7/8width#; + tewidth#:=8/8width#; + cewidth#:=9/8width#; + bawidth#:=numtaigedeswidth#+shudwidth#+1/16width#; + biwidth#:=eswidth#+shilbewidth#; + numberwidth#:=12/8width#; + + % character features; ... see description in the Black Book + Centerline#:=1/2(height#-depth#); + u#:=1pt#; + ispace#:=mg*5pt#; + bearing#:=mg*0.75pt#; + thin#:=mg*0.50pt#; + medium#:=mg*1pt#; + thick#:=mg*2pt#; + nuruuwidth#:=mg*1.500pt#; + nuruuleft#:=Centerline#+1/2nuruuwidth#; + nuruuright#:=Centerline#-1/2nuruuwidth#; + orxicouter#:=nuruuleft#+mg*8.00pt#; + yashilbeheight#:=nuruuleft#+mg*7.00pt#; + shilbeheight#:=nuruuleft#+mg*6pt#; + gedesouter#:=nuruuleft#+mg*5.00pt#; + shudheight#:=nuruuleft#+mg*4.00pt#; + gedesinner#:=nuruuleft#+mg*3.00pt#; + underinner#:=nuruuright#-mg*3.00pt#; + sdepth#:=nuruuright#-mg*4.00pt#; + underouter#:=nuruuright#-mg*5.00pt#; + suulouter#:=nuruuright#-mg*8.00pt#; + latintopline#:=2gedeswidth#-4thin#; + latinbottomline#:=4thin#; + + define_pixels(u,bearing, + width,height,depth, + thin, medium, thick, + shudheight, + yashilbeheight, + shilbeheight, + sdepth, + secAwidth, + shudwidth, + numtaigedeswidth, + gedeswidth, + shilbewidth, + orxicwidth, + eswidth, + tewidth, + cewidth, + bawidth, + biwidth, + numberwidth, + nuruuwidth, + nuruuleft, + nuruuright, + Centerline, + gedesinner,gedesouter, + underinner,underouter, + orxicouter,suulouter, + exennwidth, + latintopline,latinbottomline); + + define_blacker_pixels(thin,medium,thick); + + font_size 12pt#; + + font_normal_space gedeswidth#; + font_x_height gedesouter#; + font_quad gedeswidth#; + font_extra_space gedeswidth#; + font_normal_stretch 1.5gedeswidth#; + font_normal_shrink 1thin#; + + boundarychar := 255; + + screen_rows := 500; +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +% File mbparmm.mf ends here. diff --git a/obsolete/language/manju/manjutex/mfinput/mbparms.mf b/obsolete/language/manju/manjutex/mfinput/mbparms.mf new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..0d05166d58 --- /dev/null +++ b/obsolete/language/manju/manjutex/mfinput/mbparms.mf @@ -0,0 +1,100 @@ +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +% File: mbparmm.mf +% Author: Oliver Corff and Dorjpalam Dorj +% Date: April 1st, 2001 +% Version: 0.8 +% Copyright: Ulaanbaatar, Beijing, Berlin +% +% Description: Local Mongolian Script (LMS) +% Mongol Bicig Modyn Bar Medium Font Parameter Definition +% +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +mode_setup; + mg:=1; + width#:=mg*8pt#; + height#:=mg*12pt#; + depth#:=mg*8.4pt#; + + % Some 'standard' character sizes ... + % From small to big ... + secAwidth#:=3/8width#; + shudwidth#:=4/8width#; + shilbewidth#:=4.5/8width#; + numtaigedeswidth#:=5/8width#; + gedeswidth#:=6/8width#; orxicwidth#:=4/8width#; + eswidth#:=7/8width#; + tewidth#:=8/8width#; + cewidth#:=9/8width#; + bawidth#:=numtaigedeswidth#+shudwidth#+1/16width#; + biwidth#:=eswidth#+shilbewidth#; + numberwidth#:=12/8width#; + + % character features; ... see description in the Black Book + Centerline#:=1/2(height#-depth#); + u#:=1pt#; + ispace#:=mg*5pt#; + bearing#:=mg*0.75pt#; + thin#:=mg*0.50pt#; + medium#:=mg*1pt#; + thick#:=mg*2pt#; + nuruuwidth#:=mg*1.500pt#; + nuruuleft#:=Centerline#+1/2nuruuwidth#; + nuruuright#:=Centerline#-1/2nuruuwidth#; + orxicouter#:=nuruuleft#+mg*8.00pt#; + yashilbeheight#:=nuruuleft#+mg*7.00pt#; + shilbeheight#:=nuruuleft#+mg*6pt#; + gedesouter#:=nuruuleft#+mg*5.00pt#; + shudheight#:=nuruuleft#+mg*4.00pt#; + gedesinner#:=nuruuleft#+mg*3.00pt#; + underinner#:=nuruuright#-mg*3.00pt#; + sdepth#:=nuruuright#-mg*4.00pt#; + underouter#:=nuruuright#-mg*5.00pt#; + suulouter#:=nuruuright#-mg*8.00pt#; + latintopline#:=2gedeswidth#-4thin#; + latinbottomline#:=4thin#; + + define_pixels(u,bearing, + width,height,depth, + thin, medium, thick, + shudheight, + yashilbeheight, + shilbeheight, + sdepth, + secAwidth, + shudwidth, + numtaigedeswidth, + gedeswidth, + shilbewidth, + orxicwidth, + eswidth, + tewidth, + cewidth, + bawidth, + biwidth, + numberwidth, + nuruuwidth, + nuruuleft, + nuruuright, + Centerline, + gedesinner,gedesouter, + underinner,underouter, + orxicouter,suulouter, + exennwidth, + latintopline,latinbottomline); + + define_blacker_pixels(thin,medium,thick); + + font_size 12pt#; + + font_normal_space gedeswidth#; + font_x_height gedesouter#; + font_quad gedeswidth#; + font_extra_space gedeswidth#; + font_normal_stretch 1.5gedeswidth#; + font_normal_shrink 1thin#; + + boundarychar := 255; + + screen_rows := 500; +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +% File mbparmm.mf ends here. diff --git a/obsolete/language/manju/manjutex/mfinput/mbpunc.mf b/obsolete/language/manju/manjutex/mfinput/mbpunc.mf new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..36c635f819 --- /dev/null +++ b/obsolete/language/manju/manjutex/mfinput/mbpunc.mf @@ -0,0 +1,227 @@ +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +% File: mbgpunc.mf +% Author: Oliver Corff and Dorjpalam Dorj +% Date: April 1st, 2001 +% Version: 0.8 +% Copyright: Ulaanbaatar, Beijing, Berlin +% +% Description: Local Mongolian Script (LMS) +% Mongol Bicig Modyn Bar Punctuation Definition +% +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +beginchar(MONG_BNDRY,0,0,0); + "Mongolian Boundary"; +endchar; +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +beginchar(MONG_MSP,2gedeswidth#,height#,depth#); + "Mongolian Space Symbol"; + M (shilbeheight+0.5thin,gedesinner-thin); + S (nuruuleft+2thin,nuruuright-2thin); + P (underinner+0.5thin,underouter-2thin); + SpezRahmen; +endchar; +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +beginchar(MONG_EXCLAMATION,2tewidth#,height#,depth#); + "Exclamation Mark"; + Exclam(Centerline); +endchar; +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +beginchar(MONG_QUESTEXCLAM,2tewidth#,height#,depth#); + "Question - Exclamation Mark"; + Quest (nuruuleft+1/2thick); + Exclam (nuruuright-1.25thick); +endchar; +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +beginchar(MONG_EXCLAMQUEST,2tewidth#,height#,depth#); + "Exclamation - Question Ligature"; + Exclam (nuruuleft+1.0thick); + Quest (nuruuright-0.75thick); +endchar; +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +beginchar(MONG_FVS1,2gedeswidth#,height#,depth#); + "Form Variant Selector 1"; + F(shilbeheight,gedesinner+thin); + V(nuruuleft+4thin,nuruuright+2thin); + S(nuruuright+0thin,underinner-thin); + eins(underinner-2thin,underouter-3thin); + SpezRahmen; +endchar; +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +beginchar(MONG_FVS2,2gedeswidth#,height#,depth#); + "Form Variant Selector 2"; + F(shilbeheight,gedesinner+thin); + V(nuruuleft+4.5thin,nuruuright+3thin); + S(nuruuright+1thin,underinner+thin); + zwei(underinner-1thin,underouter-3thin); + SpezRahmen; +endchar; +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +beginchar(MONG_OPAREN,gedeswidth#,height#,depth#); + "Mongolian Opening Parenthesis"; + z1l=(bearing,orxicouter); + z2r=(gedeswidth-bearing,Centerline); + z3 =(x1,suulouter); + penpos1(thin,0); + penpos2(2.5thin,0); + penpos3(thin,0); + penstroke (z1e..z2e..z3e) ifrotated; + penlabels(1,2,3); +endchar; +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +beginchar(MONG_CPAREN,gedeswidth#,height#,depth#); + "Mongolian Closing Parenthesis"; + z1r=(gedeswidth-bearing,orxicouter); + z2l=(bearing,Centerline); + z3 =(x1,suulouter); + penpos1(thin,0); + penpos2(2.5thin,0); + penpos3(thin,0); + penstroke (z1e..z2e..z3e) ifrotated; + penlabels(1,2,3); +endchar; +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +beginchar(MONG_ENV,2gedeswidth#,height#,depth#); + "Mongolian Environment Marker"; + z1 =(1.5thick,Centerline); + z2 =(w/2,.5[h,-d]); % "Centerpoint" + z3 =(2gedeswidth-1.5thick,y1); + + penpos1(3.0thin,90); + penpos2(0.5thin,90); + penpos3(3.0thin,90); + + pickup pencircle scaled 3.0 thin; + roffset:=0; + % roffset:=30; + % for r = 0,45,90,135: % This list for 8-pointed stars + for r = 0,60,120: % This list for 6-pointed stars + penstroke (z1e--z2e--z3e) rotatedabout (z2,r+roffset); + drawdot (z1) rotatedabout (z2,r+roffset); + drawdot (z3) rotatedabout (z2,r+roffset); + endfor; + penlabels(1,2,3); + SpezRahmen; +endchar; +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +beginchar(MONG_MVS,2gedeswidth#,height#,depth#); + "Mongolian Vowel Separator"; + M (shilbeheight,gedesinner-thin); + V (nuruuleft+2thin,nuruuright-2thin); + S (underinner+1thin,underouter-2thin); + SpezRahmen; +endchar; +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +beginchar(MONG_TASLAL,tewidth#,height#,depth#); + "Taslal temdeg"; + dusal(2/4tewidth,Centerline,5thin,3thick); +endchar; +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +beginchar(MONG_FULLSTOP,bawidth#,height#,depth#); + "Mongolian Full Stop"; + dusal(1/4bawidth,Centerline,5thin,3thick); + dusal(3/4bawidth,Centerline,5thin,3thick); +endchar; +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +beginchar(MONG_ELLIPSIS,2gedeswidth#,height#,depth#); + "Ellipsis"; + + dusal(1/5*2gedeswidth,Centerline,3thin,2thick); + dusal(2/5*2gedeswidth,Centerline,3thin,2thick); + dusal(3/5*2gedeswidth,Centerline,3thin,2thick); + dusal(4/5*2gedeswidth,Centerline,3thin,2thick); +endchar; +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +beginchar(MONG_COLON,tewidth#,height#,depth#); + "Mongolian Colon"; + pickup pencircle scaled 3.5 thin; + drawdot (1/2tewidth,nuruuleft+thick) ifrotated; + drawdot (1/2tewidth,nuruuright-thick) ifrotated; +endchar; +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +beginchar(MONG_DORWOLJIN,bawidth#,height#,depth#); + "Dorwoljin"; + dusal(1/2bawidth,gedesinner,5thin,3thick); + dusal(1/4bawidth,Centerline,5thin,3thick); + dusal(3/4bawidth,Centerline,5thin,3thick); + dusal(1/2bawidth,underinner,5thin,3thick); +endchar; +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +beginchar(MONG_LT,gedeswidth#,height#,depth#); + "Mongolian Less Than"; + pair dz[]; + z1l=(bearing,gedesouter); + z2r=(gedeswidth-bearing,Centerline); + z3 =(x1,underouter); + penpos1(thin,0); + penpos2(3.0thin,0); + penpos3(thin,0); + z4 =(x2,y3); + dz1=(z4-z1); + z5 =(x2,y1); + dz3=(z3-z5); + penstroke (z1e{dz1}..z2e&z2e..{dz3}z3e) ifrotated; + penlabels(1,2,3,4,5); +endchar; +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +beginchar(MONG_GT,gedeswidth#,height#,depth#); + "Mongolian Greater Than"; + pair dz[]; + z1r=(gedeswidth-bearing,gedesouter); + z2l=(bearing,Centerline); + z3 =(x1,underouter); + penpos1(thin,0); + penpos2(3.0thin,0); + penpos3(thin,0); + z4 =(x2,y3); + dz1=(z4-z1); + z5 =(x2,y1); + dz3=(z3-z5); + penstroke (z1e{dz1}..z2e&z2e..{dz3}z3e) ifrotated; + penlabels(1,2,3,4,5); +endchar; +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +beginchar(MONG_QUESTION,2tewidth#,height#,depth#); + "Question Mark"; + Quest(Centerline); +endchar; +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +beginchar(MONG_NIRUGU,shudwidth#,height#,depth#); + "Mongolian NIRUGU"; + nuruu(shudwidth,0); +endchar; +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +beginchar(MONG_LGU,tewidth#,height#,depth#); + pair dz[]; + z1l=(tewidth-gedeswidth+bearing,gedesouter); penpos1(thin,30); + z2r=(tewidth-bearing,Centerline); penpos2(3.0thin,0); + z3 =(x1,underouter); penpos3(thin,-30); + z4 =(x2,y3); dz1=(z4-z1); + z5 =(x2,y1); dz3=(z3-z5); + z6l=(bearing,y1-thin); penpos6(thin,+30); + z7r=(x6+5/8gedeswidth,y2); penpos7(3.0thin,0); + z8 =(x6,y3+thin); penpos8(thin,-30); + + penstroke (z1e{dz1}..tension 1.2..z2e& + z2e..tension 1.2..{dz3}z3e) ifrotated; + penstroke (z6e{dz1}..tension 1.2..z7e& + z7e..tension 1.2..{dz3}z8e) ifrotated; + penlabels(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10); +endchar; +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +beginchar(MONG_RGU,tewidth#,height#,depth#); + pair dz[]; + z1r=(gedeswidth-bearing,gedesouter); penpos1(thin,-30); + z2l=(bearing,Centerline); penpos2(3.0thin,0); + z3 =(x1,underouter); penpos3(thin,30); + z4 =(x2,y3); dz1=(z4-z1); + z5 =(x2,y1); dz3=(z3-z5); + z6r=(tewidth-bearing,y1-thin); penpos6(thin,-30); + z7l=(x6-5/8gedeswidth,y2); penpos7(3.0thin,0); + z8 =(x6,y3+thin); penpos8(thin,30); + penstroke (z1e{dz1}..tension 1.2..z2e& + z2e..tension 1.2..{dz3}z3e) ifrotated; + penstroke (z6e{dz1}..tension 1.2..z7e& + z7e..tension 1.2..{dz3}z8e) ifrotated; + penlabels(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10); +endchar; +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% diff --git a/obsolete/language/manju/manjutex/texinput/lmabthh.fd b/obsolete/language/manju/manjutex/texinput/lmabthh.fd new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..58243fd7cf --- /dev/null +++ b/obsolete/language/manju/manjutex/texinput/lmabthh.fd @@ -0,0 +1,32 @@ +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +% File: lmabthlh.fd +% Author: Oliver Corff +% Date: April 1st, 2001 +% Version: 0.2 +% Copyright: Ulaanbaatar, Beijing, Berlin +% +% Description: Local Mongolian Script (LMA) +% Manju Bithe Horizontal Font Definition +% +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +% ------------------- identification ------------------- +\ProvidesFile{lmabthh.fd} + [2001/04/01 v0.2 Bithe Horizontal font definitions] + +\DeclareFontFamily{LMA}{bthh}{% + %\def\v##1{\expandafter\ifx\csname #1\endcsname\s s'\else\orgv#1 \fi} + %\def\=#1{\expandafter\ifx\csname ##1\endcsname\u v\else\orgd##1 \fi} + \hyphenchar\font-1 } + +\DeclareFontShape{LMA}{bthh}{m}{n}% Medium Weight + { <-> bthhsm }{} + +\DeclareFontShape{LMA}{bthh}{b}{n}% Bold Weight + { <-> bthhb }{} + +\DeclareFontShape{LMA}{bthh}{bx}{n}% Bold Extended + { <-> sub*bthh/b/n }{} + +\endinput +%% +%% End of file `lmabthh.fd'. diff --git a/obsolete/language/manju/manjutex/texinput/lmabthv.fd b/obsolete/language/manju/manjutex/texinput/lmabthv.fd new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..c327108e95 --- /dev/null +++ b/obsolete/language/manju/manjutex/texinput/lmabthv.fd @@ -0,0 +1,32 @@ +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +% File: lmabthlv.fd +% Author: Oliver Corff +% Date: April 1st, 2001 +% Version: 0.2 +% Copyright: Ulaanbaatar, Beijing, Berlin +% +% Description: Local Mongolian Script (LMA) +% Manju Bithe Vertical Font Definition +% +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +% ------------------- identification ------------------- +\ProvidesFile{lmabthv.fd} + [2001/04/01 v0.2 Bithe Vertical font definitions] + +\DeclareFontFamily{LMA}{bthv}{% + \def\v#1{\expandafter\ifx\csname #1\endcsname\s s'\else\orgv#1 \fi} + \def\=#1{\expandafter\ifx\csname #1\endcsname\u v\else\orgd#1 \fi} + \hyphenchar\font-1 } + +\DeclareFontShape{LMA}{bthv}{m}{n}% Medium Weight + { <-> bthvm }{} + +\DeclareFontShape{LMA}{bthlv}{b}{n}% Bold Weight + { <-> bthvb }{} + +\DeclareFontShape{LMA}{bthlv}{bx}{n}% Bold Extended + { <-> sub*bthv/b/n }{} + +\endinput +%% +%% End of file `lmabthv.fd'. diff --git a/obsolete/language/manju/manjutex/texinput/lmaenc.def b/obsolete/language/manju/manjutex/texinput/lmaenc.def new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..872c18ef71 --- /dev/null +++ b/obsolete/language/manju/manjutex/texinput/lmaenc.def @@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +% File: lmaenc.def +% Author: Oliver Corff +% Date: April 1st, 2001 +% Version: 0.2 +% Copyright: Ulaanbaatar, Beijing, Berlin +% +% Description: Local Manju Bithe Encoding Definition +% +% +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +% ------------------- identification ------------------- +% +\ProvidesFile{lmaenc.def} + [2001/04/01 v0.2 Manju Language Support LigBithe Encoding] +% +% + +\DeclareFontEncoding{LMA}{}{} + +\DeclareErrorFont{LMA}{\ifRtoL bthv\else bthh\fi}{m}{n}{10} +\DeclareFontSubstitution{LMA}{\ifRtoL bthv\else bthh\fi}{m}{n} +% +\endinput diff --git a/obsolete/language/manju/manjutex/texinput/manju.sty b/obsolete/language/manju/manjutex/texinput/manju.sty new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..496a310d3c --- /dev/null +++ b/obsolete/language/manju/manjutex/texinput/manju.sty @@ -0,0 +1,153 @@ +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +% File: manju.sty +% Author: Oliver Corff +% Date: April 1st, 2001 +% Version: 0.2 +% Copyright: Ulaanbaatar, Beijing, Berlin +% +% Description: The manju style file providing access to all +% commands necessary for writing Manju. +% +% +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +% ------------------- identification ------------------- +% +\ifx\VersionDate\undefined + \newcommand{\VersionDate}{2001/04/01} +\fi +% +\NeedsTeXFormat{LaTeX2e} +\ProvidesPackage{manju}[\VersionDate\ Manju for LaTeX2e] +% +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +% ------------------- initial code ------------------- +% +\let\orgv\v +\let\orgd\= +% +{\gdef\@sv#1{\expandafter\ifx\csname #1\endcsname\s s'\else\orgv#1 \fi}} +{\gdef\@sd#1{\expandafter\ifx\csname #1\endcsname\u v\else\orgd#1 \fi}} +% +% +% One variable needed later: +% +\newif\ifRtoL +% +\ifx\SetDocumentEncodingNeutral\undefined + \newcommand{\SetDocumentEncodingNeutral}{% + \renewcommand{\encodingdefault}{T1} + \fontencoding{T1}\selectfont + % \DeclareErrorFont{T1}{cmr}{m}{n}{10} + } +\fi +% +\newcommand{\SetDocumentEncodingLigBithe}{% + \renewcommand{\encodingdefault}{LMA} + \fontencoding{LMA} + \fontfamily{\ifRtoL bthv\else bthh\fi}\selectfont + %\DeclareErrorFont{LMA}{bthhsm}{m}{n}{10} + } +% +% +% Finally we define the captions: +% +%\input bithe.def % Future provision! +% +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +% ------------------- declaration of options ------------------- +% +\DeclareOption{english}{\captionsenglish\language0 } + %\renewcommand{\today}{\EnglishToday}} +\DeclareOption{bithe}{%\SetBithe + %\captionsbithe + %\renewcommand{\today}{\BitheToday} + } +% +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +% ------------------- execution of options ------------------- +% +\ProcessOptions +% +\RequirePackage[LMA,T1]{fontenc} +% +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +% ------------------- package loading ------------------- +% +\RequirePackage{diagnose} +% +\ifx\c@PostScriptAvailable\undefined + \PackageDiagnostics{rotating.sty} + {PostScriptAvailable} + {PostScript Support Available!} + {No Vertical Text without PostScript Support!} +\fi +% +\ifnum\thePostScriptAvailable=1 + \RequirePackage{rotating} +\fi +% +% +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +% ------------------- main code ------------------- +% +% \ManjuTeX creates the ManjuTeX logo +% +\newcommand{\ManjuTeX}{Manju\TeX} +% +% +% Language switching commands; influence both +% document conventions and document encoding +% +\renewcommand{\selectlanguage}[1]{% + \ifthenelse{\equal{#1}{bithe}}{% + \SetDocumentEncodingBithe + \captionsbithe}{} + \ifthenelse{\equal{#1}{english}}{% + \SetDocumentEncodingNeutral + \language0 + \captionsenglish}{} +} +% +\newcommand{\bthh}{ + \fontencoding{LMA}\fontfamily{bthh}\selectfont + } +\newcommand{\bthv}{ + \fontencoding{LMA}\fontfamily{bthv}\selectfont + } +% +\newcommand{\bth}{% + \let\v\@sv \let\=\@sd + \ifRtoL \bthv \else \bthh \fi } +% +% +% Some definitions for writing transliterated +% texts, useful mainly in Latin enviroments: +% +\DeclareTextCommand{\UU}{T1}{\={U}} +\DeclareTextCommand{\uu}{T1}{\={u}} +\DeclareTextCommand{\sh}{T1}{\char"0B2 } +\DeclareTextCommand{\Sh}{T1}{\char"092 } +% +% +% PostScript detection; necessary for user-friendly +% execution of vertical capsules +% +% \c@PostScriptAvailable=0 % Package testing +\ifx\bosoo\undefined +\ifthenelse{\value{PostScriptAvailable}=1}{% + \newcommand{\bosoo}[1]{% + \raisebox{2.25ex}{% + \begin{turn}{270}% + #1% + \end{turn}}}} + {\newcommand{\bosoo}[1]{#1}} +\fi +% +\newcommand{\mabosoo}[1]{\bosoo{{\bth #1}}} +% +% In any case, start with a clean document environment! +% +\SetDocumentEncodingNeutral +% \setlanguage=255 +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +% The \packagename\ package ends here. diff --git a/obsolete/language/manju/manjutex/texinput/manju.tex b/obsolete/language/manju/manjutex/texinput/manju.tex new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..0ea76c5ff5 --- /dev/null +++ b/obsolete/language/manju/manjutex/texinput/manju.tex @@ -0,0 +1,52 @@ +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +% File: manju.tex +% Author: Oliver Corff +% Date: April 1st, 2001 +% Version: 0.2 +% Copyright: Ulaanbaatar, Beijing, Berlin +% +% Description: The manju.tex file providing access to the basic +% commands necessary for using Manju writing. +% +% +% ------------------- initial code ------------------- +% +\font\manjuzero=bthhsm scaled\magstep0 +\font\tenrmzero=cmr10 scaled\magstep0 + +\font\manjuone=bthhsm scaled\magstep1 +\font\tenrmone=cmr10 scaled\magstep1 + +\font\manjutwo=bthhsm scaled\magstep2 +\font\tenrmtwo=cmr10 scaled\magstep2 + +\def\msize{% + \def\manju{\manjuzero}% + \def\tenrm{\tenrmzero}} + +\def\msizei{% + \def\manju{\manjuone}% + \def\tenrm{\tenrmone}} + +\def\msizeii{% + \def\manju{\manjutwo}% + \def\tenrm{\tenrmtwo}} + +\def\bth{\manju} + +\let\orgv\v +\let\orgd\= +% +{\gdef\@sv#1{\expandafter\ifx\csname #1\endcsname\s s'\else\orgv#1 \fi}} +{\gdef\@sd#1{\expandafter\ifx\csname #1\endcsname\u v\else\orgd#1 \fi}} +% +\def\ManjuTeX{Manju\TeX} +% +% +\def\UU{\={U}} +\def\uu{\={u}} +\def\sh{\v{s}} +\def\Sh{\v{S}} +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +% ManjuTeX's manju.tex ends here. + diff --git a/obsolete/language/manju/manjutex/tfm/bthhsb.tfm b/obsolete/language/manju/manjutex/tfm/bthhsb.tfm Binary files differnew file mode 100644 index 0000000000..2e8589c90f --- /dev/null +++ b/obsolete/language/manju/manjutex/tfm/bthhsb.tfm diff --git a/obsolete/language/manju/manjutex/tfm/bthhsm.tfm b/obsolete/language/manju/manjutex/tfm/bthhsm.tfm Binary files differnew file mode 100644 index 0000000000..87579645f9 --- /dev/null +++ b/obsolete/language/manju/manjutex/tfm/bthhsm.tfm diff --git a/obsolete/language/manju/manjutex/tfm/bthhwb.tfm b/obsolete/language/manju/manjutex/tfm/bthhwb.tfm Binary files differnew file mode 100644 index 0000000000..45f029d01f --- /dev/null +++ b/obsolete/language/manju/manjutex/tfm/bthhwb.tfm diff --git a/obsolete/language/manju/manjutex/tfm/bthhwm.tfm b/obsolete/language/manju/manjutex/tfm/bthhwm.tfm Binary files differnew file mode 100644 index 0000000000..180654a99a --- /dev/null +++ b/obsolete/language/manju/manjutex/tfm/bthhwm.tfm diff --git a/obsolete/language/manju/manjutex/tfm/bthvsb.tfm b/obsolete/language/manju/manjutex/tfm/bthvsb.tfm Binary files differnew file mode 100644 index 0000000000..2e8589c90f --- /dev/null +++ b/obsolete/language/manju/manjutex/tfm/bthvsb.tfm diff --git a/obsolete/language/manju/manjutex/tfm/bthvsm.tfm b/obsolete/language/manju/manjutex/tfm/bthvsm.tfm Binary files differnew file mode 100644 index 0000000000..87579645f9 --- /dev/null +++ b/obsolete/language/manju/manjutex/tfm/bthvsm.tfm diff --git a/obsolete/language/manju/manjutex/tfm/bthvwb.tfm b/obsolete/language/manju/manjutex/tfm/bthvwb.tfm Binary files differnew file mode 100644 index 0000000000..45f029d01f --- /dev/null +++ b/obsolete/language/manju/manjutex/tfm/bthvwb.tfm diff --git a/obsolete/language/manju/manjutex/tfm/bthvwm.tfm b/obsolete/language/manju/manjutex/tfm/bthvwm.tfm Binary files differnew file mode 100644 index 0000000000..180654a99a --- /dev/null +++ b/obsolete/language/manju/manjutex/tfm/bthvwm.tfm |