path: root/macros
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+Public Domain Software
+abntexto is a LaTeX class for the elaboration of academic works according to the guidelines of the Associação Brasileira de Normas Técnicas (ABNT). \ No newline at end of file
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Binary files differ
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index 0000000000..2038eed5d1
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+\usepackage[matchlowercase]{tgheros} \renewcommand\familydefault\sfdefault
+\usepackage{lipsum} \def\lip{\lipsum[1][1-2]}
+% ================================================
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+% ================================================
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+ \adef\^^I{\space\space\space\space}\adef\^^M{\par\leavevmode}%
+ \startverb
+{\catcode`\|=0 \catcode`\\=12
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+ \parindent=0pt
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+ {\verbfont{#1}}%
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+ \hbox{{\color{graybar}\kern1.5cm\vrule width1pt}\box0}%
+% ================================================
+\def\me{o autor.}
+{\centering \LARGE\sffamily\bfseries
+ abntexto\\[0.4em] \Large\itshape\mdseries
+ Classe para {\upshape\LaTeX}\\[2em] \normalfont\large
+ Elayson\\[1ex]
+ \href{}{}\\[2.5ex]
+ \today\par}
+{\centering \large\ttfamily 1.0.0-alpha\par}
+O \cls{abntexto} é uma classe do \LaTeX\ criada para facilitar a utilização das normas da Associação Brasileira de Normas Técnicas (ABNT) em trabalhos acadêmicos (monografias, dissertações, teses).
+Este \emph{não} é um manual sobre \LaTeX\ (ou \TeX, a ferramenta que o constitui) nem tampouco uma descrição detalhada sobre as normas ABNT. Para aprender sobre \LaTeX\ leia \href{}{\LaTeXe\ Via Exemplos} ou \href{}{\LaTeXe: An unofficial reference manual}, disponível também em francês. Além disso, também se pode ler \href{}{\TeX\ by Topic} para aprender sobre o sistema \TeX.
+Já existe uma classe para aplicação das normas ABNT cujo nome é \cls{abntex2}. Mas, diferente desta, o \cls{abntexto} não depende do \cls{memoir}, uma classe de código-fonte e manual extensos e que implementa funções as quais, em sua maioria, não são pertinentes a um documento que use as diretrizes da ABNT.
+As normas ABNT as quais o \cls{abntexto} se propõe a seguir são aquelas em vigor até o momento da criação deste manual.
+\section{Chamando a classe}
+Digite as linhas em \ref{vb:início} e use \cls{abntexto}.
+\legend{verb}{Início} \src\me
+\usepackage[brazil]{babel} |% para obter os padrões de hifenização corretos
+\usepackage{newtxtext} |% fontes New TX, com estilo times
+ Texto
+\section{Fonte tipográfica}
+O tamanho da fonte é 12\,pt de imediato e pode ser configurado com o comando \cs\setfontsize\arg\ sendo que 12\,pt é a única opção disponível. Mas, se você deseja outro tamanho de fonte, crie-o usando \cs\fontsizedef\cc{size}\cc{defs}. Além disso, com os seletores de tamanho \cs\normalsize\ e \cs\small\ que configuram 12\,pt e 10\,pt, nessa ordem, é possível mudar o tamanho da fonte no corpo do documento.
+O espaçamento é de um e meio e pode ser alterado para dois com \cs\spacing\ccval{2}, por exemplo. Os atalhos \cs\singlesp, \cs\onehalfsp\ e \cs\doublesp\ estão disponíveis. Note que o espaçamento simples não tem o mesmo valor que o espaçamento um, portanto, \cs\singlesp\ é diferente de \cs\spacing\ccval{1}! Os atalhos \cs\onehalfsp\ e \cs\doublesp\ tem o mesmo significado de \cs\spacing\ccval{1.5} e \cs\spacing\ccval{2}.
+A folha é A4 por padrão e as margens esquerda e direita são de 3\,cm, 2\,cm para páginas ímpares e de 2\,cm, 3\,cm para páginas pares, respectivamente. Além disso, as margens superior e inferior têm, nessa ordem, 3\,cm, 2\,cm para todo o documento. Todas essas medidas podem ser alteradas com a macro \cs\paper\ que deve ser usada assim: \cs\paper\ccval{left=0cm,right=0cm,top=0cm,botttom=0cm}.
+Além das chaves anteriores também existe \cs{twoside} que é booleana, ou seja, aceita os valores \cs{true} ou \cs{false} e serve para ativar o modo de impressão em duas folhas aonde as medidas das margens horizontais se invertem nas páginas pares. Ao não informar um valor para \cs{twoside} subentende-se que seja \cs{true}, portanto \cs\paper\ccval{twoside} equivale a \cs\paper\ccval{twoside=true} e esse princípio também se aplica a outras chaves booleanas.
+Os comandos que mudam a fonte das entradas no ToC (Table of Contents, em inglês) são \cs\tocifont, \cs\tociifont, \dots, \cs\tocvfont\ (ver \ref{vb:contents}).
+\legend{verb}{Aparência do sumário} \src\me
+ \maketoc
+ \section{Título}
+ \subsection{Título}
+A personalização das macros de seção (\cs\section, \cs\subsection\ etc.) é análoga a personalização do sumário e deve ser feita com \cs\sectionfont, \cs\subsectionfont, etc. como exemplificado em \ref{vb:sec}.
+Também há como alterar o espaço vertical acima e abaixo das seções usando \cs\sectionspaces, \cs\subsectionspaces, etc. Por exemplo, \cs\sectionspaces\ccval{2ex}\ccval{1cm} insere um espaço de 2ex acima de \cs\section\ e 1cm abaixo.
+\legend{verb}{Aparência das seções} \src\me
+ \maketoc
+ \section{Texto}
+ \subsection{Texto}
+ \subsubsection{Texto}
+Use o ambiente \cs{topics} para criar alíneas. Ele dispõe de dois níveis sendo que o segundo usa um travessão como marcador conforme o exemplo em \ref{vb:topics}. Naturalmente o uso de \cs\label\ é permitido.
+\legend{verb}{Alíneas} \src\me
+ \item \label{alínea:x} 1
+ \begin{topics}
+ \item x
+ \item y
+ \item z
+ \end{topics}
+ \item \label{alínea:y} 2
+ \item 3
+\section{Áreas de legenda}
+Use \cs\place\ para inserir áreas de legenda como mostrado em \ref{vb:place}. Mas existem condições: \cs\place\ deve vir por último e \cs\label\ precisa estar depois de \cs\legend. Além disso, existe a possibilidade de alterar o espaço vertical acima e abaixo de uma área de legenda com \cs\placespaces\cc{aboveskip}\cc{belowskip}.
+\legend{verb}{Áreas de legenda} \src\me
+ \legend{figure}{Um título}
+ \src{\texttt{}. Acesso em 01 jan. 2020.}
+ \label{fig:teste}
+ \place{\includegraphics[width=0.4\linewidth]{example-image}}
+ Ver \ref{fig:teste}.
+\section{Formatação de {\ttfamily\protect\textbackslash cite} e referências}
+Até o momento esta classe não possui macros para formatação de \cs\cite\ e referências. Utilize \cs{\usepackage\{abnt2cite\}} ou \cs{\usepackage[style=abnt]\{biblatex\}}.
+Para inserir aspas em citações diretas use \cs\qt\cc{texto}. Mas, se tratando de citações diretas com mais de três linhas, alterne para \cs\quote\ccval{enquoted text \cs\cite\cc{key}}.
+Em progresso\dots
diff --git a/macros/latex/contrib/abntexto/abntexto.cls b/macros/latex/contrib/abntexto/abntexto.cls
new file mode 100644
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+%! Public Domain Software
+%! 2022-09-25
+%! 1.0.0-alpha
+%! Elayson
+% !=======================================================
+% Identificação do formato |TeX| e da classe. Apenas o pacote |pkg=keyval= é carregado nesta classe.
+% |bcode !------------------------------------------------
+\ProvidesClass{abntexto}[2022-09-25 1.0.0-alpha Preparation of works in ABNT standards]
+% |ecode !------------------------------------------------
+% Macros auxiliares e sistema |dest=<key|eq val>=.
+ \def\tnba@csstring#1{\expandafter\tnba@csstringA\string#1//}
+ \def\tnba@csstringA#1#2//{#2}
+ \let\tnba@csstring=\csstring
+% Definição do sistema |dest=keyval= e de um comando de |dest=debug=.
+% |bcode !------------------------------------------------
+\def\tnba@key{\define@key{\tnba@keyprefix @\tnba@keyfamily}}
+\def\tnba@setkeys{\setkeys{\tnba@keyprefix @\tnba@keyfamily}}
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+\def\advancecount#1{\global\advance#1by1 }
+\def\tnba@addto#1#2{\expandafter\def\expandafter#1\expandafter {#1#2}}
+% |ecode !------------------------------------------------
+% |sec FONTES
+% !================================================
+\tnba@inputfonts{Latin Modern}{\usepackage{amssymb,lmodern,bm}}
+\def\fonts#1{\ifcsname tnba@fonts@#1\endcsname
+ \csname tnba@fonts@#1\endcsname \else
+ \tnba@error{Fonte *#1* desconhecida}\relax \fi
+% Apenas o tamanho 12|,pt está definido. Defina outros usando |cs=fontsizedef=|metac=size=|metac=defs=.
+% |bcode !------------------------------------------------
+\def\setfontsize#1{\ifcsname tnba@fontsize@#1\endcsname
+ \def\tnba@setfontsizehook{\csname tnba@fontsize@#1\endcsname} \else
+ \let\normalsize=\relax
+ \tnba@error{Tamanho de fonte *#1* desconhecido}{}\relax \fi
+% |ecode !------------------------------------------------
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+ \tnba@spacing{#1}\fi \ignorespaces
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+% ================================================
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+% ================================================
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+% \noindentfirst
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+% \noindentfirst
+ \nobreak \vskip\sectionbelow
+% \addcontentsline{toc}{section}{\hbox to\extlabelwidth{}\maybeuctoc{#1}}%
+% ================================================
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+ \smartbelowskip{\vskip\baselineskip}%
+% ================================================
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+ \def\@currentlabel{alínea~\@alph\topicscount )}%
+ \kern\dimexpr-\parindent-\topicslabelwidth\relax
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+ \ignorespaces
+\def\topicslabeli{\@alph\topicscount )}
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+ \let\item=\topicsitem
+ \tnba@addto\@esphack\ignorespaces
+% |sec TABELAS
+% ! ================================================
+% ================================================
+% \ifdim\wd0>\hsize
+% #1~—~#2\par \else
+% \global\@minipagefalse \hbox to\hsize{\hss\box0\hss}%
+% \fi
+% \vskip10pt
+% \legendplacedef{<type>}{<name>}{<ref-font>}{<file-extension>}
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+ \@namedef{ext@#1}{#4}
+ \@namedef{l@#1}{\extline{#4}{1}}
+ \expandafter\edef\csname the#1\endcsname{\expandafter\noexpand\the\csname c@#1\endcsname}
+% \tnba@key{pos}{\@namedef{fps@#1}{##1}}
+% \@nameedef{ftype@#1}{\the\numexpr\tnba@lastplacenum+1}
+% \@namedef{fnum@#1}{\csname #1name\endcsname ~\csname the#1\csname}
+\def\tnba@makelegend{\advancecount{\csname c@\tnba@savedplace\endcsname}%
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+ }}\useprev
+ \ifdim\lastskip<0pt \else
+ \ifnum\lastpenalty=11333 \vskip-\placeabovespace \else
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+ \the\expandafter\numexpr\csname c@#1\endcsname+1}%
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+% |sec ?
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+ \extfile{toc}\newpage
+% |ecode !------------------------------------------------
diff --git a/macros/latex/contrib/jobname-suffix/ b/macros/latex/contrib/jobname-suffix/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8e35de3524
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/latex/contrib/jobname-suffix/
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+# jobname-suffix
+LaTeX package to achieve different outputs based on the filename
+### Compiling
+#### Running tests
+Run tests with
+l3build check
+To override a test's output (for example if you changed the test), run
+l3build save jobname-suffix-001
+## Missing `l3build`
+If your system does not have `l3build` installed into the system path,
+you may need to access it directly. For example, on my system it is located
+at `/usr/share/texmf-dist/scripts/l3build/l3build.lua` and can be
+directly invoked.
diff --git a/macros/latex/contrib/jobname-suffix/jobname-suffix.pdf b/macros/latex/contrib/jobname-suffix/jobname-suffix.pdf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6693efda38
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/latex/contrib/jobname-suffix/jobname-suffix.pdf
Binary files differ
diff --git a/macros/latex/contrib/jobname-suffix/jobname-suffix.sty b/macros/latex/contrib/jobname-suffix/jobname-suffix.sty
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d57014ff96
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/latex/contrib/jobname-suffix/jobname-suffix.sty
@@ -0,0 +1,134 @@
+\ProvidesExplPackage{jobname-suffix}{2022/09/17}{1.0}{Compile differently based on the filename}
+% Variants
+\cs_generate_variant:Nn \str_set:Nn {Ne}
+\cs_generate_variant:Nn \str_if_eq:nnTF {nfTF}
+% Messages
+\msg_new:nnn {jobname-suffix} {initial-data} {
+ \\
+ (jobname-suffix)\ \ \ Found~jobname~~`#1'~~with~suffix~~`#2'
+ \\
+\msg_new:nnn {jobname-suffix} {override} {
+ \\
+ (jobname-suffix)\ \ \ Overriding~suffix~with~`#1'
+ \\
+\msg_new:nnn {jobname-suffix} {test} {
+ \\
+ (jobname-suffix)\ \ \ Testing~`#1'~==~`#2'
+ \\
+\msg_new:nnn {jobname-suffix} {condition} {
+ \\
+ (jobname-suffix)\ \ \ Condition~is~`#1'
+ \\
+\str_new:N \g__suffix_str
+\str_new:N \g__jobname_str
+\str_new:N \g__split_char_str
+\str_set:Nn \g__split_char_str {-}
+\seq_new:N \l__suffix_list_seq
+\str_new:N \l__suffix_list_str
+\int_new:N \l__slice_pos_int
+% Slice #1 at the char indicated by #2 and store the result in #3
+\cs_new_protected:Nn \__slice_at_char:NNN {
+ \int_set:Nn \l__slice_pos_int {1}
+ \str_map_inline:Nn #1 {
+ \int_incr:N \l__slice_pos_int
+ \str_if_eq:VnTF {#2} {##1} {
+ \str_map_break:
+ }{}
+ }
+ \str_set:Nx #3 {\str_range:Nnn #1 {\l__slice_pos_int}{\c_max_int}}
+% If the string starts with a quote, trim it off.
+\cs_new:Nn \__trim_quotes:N {
+ \str_if_eq:nfTF {"} { \str_range:Nnn #1 {1}{1}} {
+ \str_range:Nnn #1 {2}{-1+\str_count:N #1}
+ }{
+ #1
+ }
+% The jobname will be surrounded by quotes if there are any spaces in it,
+% so we first trim it if needed.
+\str_set:Nx \g__jobname_str { \__trim_quotes:N \c_sys_jobname_str }
+% Find the suffix string. The result will be stored in the last argument
+\__slice_at_char:NNN \g__jobname_str \g__split_char_str \g__suffix_str
+\msg_term:nnxx {jobname-suffix} {initial-data} {\g__jobname_str} {\g__suffix_str}
+% User-facing commands and environments
+% Optional arg is a comma-separate list of suffixes. If any of the listed
+% suffixes match the jobname's suffix, the true contiditon is executed. Otherwise
+% the false condition is executed.
+\NewDocumentCommand{\IfSuffixTF}{ o +m +m }{
+ %\msg_term:nnxx {jobname-suffix} {test} {#1} {\g__suffix_str}
+ \IfNoValueTF {#1} {
+ %\msg_term:nnx {jobname-suffix} {condition} {FALSE}
+ #3
+ }{
+ % We want to do string-based comparisons, so we must first
+ % cast our argument list as a string (otherwise, \seq_* operations
+ % won't work properly).
+ \str_set:Nn \l__suffix_list_str {#1}
+ \seq_set_split:NnV \l__suffix_list_seq {,} {\l__suffix_list_str}
+ \seq_if_in:NVTF \l__suffix_list_seq {\g__suffix_str} {
+ %\msg_term:nnx {jobname-suffix} {condition} {TRUE}
+ #2
+ } {
+ %\msg_term:nnx {jobname-suffix} {condition} {FALSE}
+ #3
+ }
+ }
+\NewDocumentCommand{\IfSuffixT}{ o +m }{
+ \IfSuffixTF[#1]{#2}{}
+\NewDocumentCommand{\IfSuffixF}{ o +m }{
+ \IfSuffixTF[#1]{}{#2}
+\NewDocumentEnvironment{IfSuffix}{ o +b }{
+ \IfSuffixT[#1]{#2}
+\NewDocumentCommand{\OverrideSuffix}{ m }{
+ \str_set:Nn \g__suffix_str {#1}
+ \msg_term:nnx {jobname-suffix} {override} {\g__suffix_str}
+ \str_use:N \g__suffix_str
diff --git a/macros/latex/contrib/jobname-suffix/jobname-suffix.tex b/macros/latex/contrib/jobname-suffix/jobname-suffix.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0ae054b602
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/latex/contrib/jobname-suffix/jobname-suffix.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,229 @@
+%% pig.dtx
+%% Copyright 2022 Jason Siefken
+% This work may be distributed and/or modified under the
+% conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3
+% of this license or (at your option) any later version.
+% The latest version of this license is in
+% and version 1.3 or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX
+% version 2005/12/01 or later.
+% This work has the LPPL maintenance status `maintained'.
+% The Current Maintainer of this work is Jason Siefken
+% This work consists of the files jobname-suffix.sty and docs/jobname-suffix.tex
+ language=[LaTeX]{TeX},
+ texcsstyle=*\color{blue},
+ commentstyle={\color{green!50!black}\itshape},
+ basicstyle=\ttfamily,
+ moretexcs={IfSuffixT,IfSuffixF,IfSuffixTF,OverrideSuffix,JobnameSuffix,solution}, % user command highlight
+ frame=single,
+ \pkg{jobname-suffix}\\
+ Compile different content based on the file name%
+ Jason Siefken%
+ \thanks{%
+ Please file an issues/comments to \url{}
+ }
+\date{Released \today}
+ \noindent\texttt{\itshape #1:}
+ \vspace{-1cm}
+ \maketitle
+ \tableofcontents
+ \begin{abstract}
+ \pkg{jobname-suffix} allows one to compile a document differently depending
+ on the document's file name (internally called the \texttt{jobname} in \TeX).
+ This allows one to have one source file and multiple links to this source file (either
+ as symbolic links, or as different files referencing the original via an \cs{input}
+ command) that are each compile differently. For example, an exam might have an
+ \file{exam-student.tex} and an \file{exam-instructor.tex} which both reference the
+ same source code but where the instructor version includes solutions and the student
+ version does not.
+ \end{abstract}
+ \begin{documentation}
+ \section{Introduction}
+ \pkg{jobname-suffix} by default allows you to reference the part of a file name (technically the \cs{jobname})
+ that comes after the first ``\texttt{-}'' character and use that information to control what \LaTeX{} produces.
+ Consider the following example: you have three files \file{exam.tex}, \file{exam-student.tex}, and \file{exam-instructor.tex}.
+ The files \file{exam-student.tex} and \file{exam-instructor.tex} are either symbolic links to \file{exam.tex} (if your operating
+ system supports symbolic links) or use \cs{input}\Arg{exam.tex file path} to include the contents of \file{exam.tex}.
+ \fileshow{exam-student.tex \textnormal{and} exam-instructor.tex}
+ \begin{lstlisting}
+ \end{lstlisting}
+ \fileshow{exam.tex}
+ \begin{lstlisting}
+ % Instructors get solutions emboldened
+ \renewcommand{\solution}[1]{\textbf{#1}}
+ % Students don't see solutions at all
+ \renewcommand{\solution}[1]{}
+ \begin{enumerate}
+ \item First question
+ \solution{First answer}
+ \item Second question
+ \solution{Second answer}
+ \end{enumerate}
+ \end{lstlisting}
+ \noindent Then, compiling via
+ \noindent\texttt{> lualatex exam-instructor.tex}
+ \noindent\texttt{> lualatex exam-student.tex}
+ \noindent will produce two pdfs: one with solutions and one without.
+ \section{Usage}
+ \subsection{Variables}
+ \begin{variable}{\JobnameSuffix}
+ The computed suffix of the filename (\cs{jobname}). This is normally the part of the file name after the first ``\texttt{-}''
+ character and before the file extension. For example,
+ \file{file-a.tex} has a \cs{JobnameSuffix} of ``\texttt{a}'',
+ \file{file-a-b.tex} has a \cs{JobnameSuffix} of ``\texttt{a-b}'',
+ and \file{file.tex} has a \cs{JobnameSuffix} of consisting of the empty string.
+ \end{variable}
+ \subsection{Commands}
+ \begin{function}{\IfSuffixTF, \IfSuffixT, \IfSuffixF}
+ \begin{syntax}
+ \cs{IfSuffixTF}\oarg{suffixes}\marg{true condition}\marg{false condition}
+ \cs{IfSuffixT}\oarg{suffixes}\marg{true condition}
+ \cs{IfSuffixF}\oarg{suffixes}\marg{false condition}
+ \end{syntax}
+ The argument \meta{suffixes} is a comma-separated list of all suffixes you wish to test against.
+ \end{function}
+ \begin{function}{\OverrideSuffix}
+ \begin{syntax}
+ \cs{OverrideSuffix}\marg{suffix}
+ \end{syntax}
+ Override \cs{JobnameSuffix} to be the suffix specified by \meta{suffix} instead.
+ \end{function}
+ \subsection{Environments}
+ \DescribeEnv{IfSuffix}
+ The \env{IfSuffix} environment accepts an optional argument \oarg{suffixes} and will display its contents (unmodified)
+ if \cs{JobnameSuffix} is among the comma-separated list \meta{suffixes}. Unfortunately this environment cannot contain
+ \env{verbatim} contents.
+ \section{Compiling}
+ \pkg{jobname-suffix} works by reading the \cs{jobname} macro that is part of standard \TeX. By default, this is
+ set to the file name without the file extension. You can affect the jobname in one of two ways:
+ \begin{enumerate}
+ \item The name of your file.
+ \item By supplying the \texttt{-jobname} option during compilation. For example, the following two
+ commands would both result in compiling with a \cs{jobname} of \texttt{exam-student}.
+ \noindent\texttt{> lualatex -jobname exam-instructor exam.tex}
+ \noindent\texttt{> lualatex exam-instructor.tex}
+ \end{enumerate}
+ \section{Tips}
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item
+ For performance reasons, it is best to \cs{IfSuffixTF} to define/redefine commands in your document preamble
+ rather than to use them in your document body/macro bodies. For example, do
+ % Instructors get solutions emboldened
+ \renewcommand{\solution}[1]{\textbf{#1}}
+ \solution{Some Text}
+instead of
+ \IfSuffixTF[instructor]{%
+ % Instructors get solutions emboldened
+ \textbf{#1}%
+ }{%
+ #1%
+ }
+ \solution{Some Text}
+ \item
+ To match the case when you have ``no suffix'' (i.e., when the suffix is the empty string because ``\texttt{-}'' did not appear in
+ the filename), use \cs{IfSuffix[]} with an empty argument list\footnote{
+ If you omit the optional argument, \cs{IfSuffixT} will never be true (not even if \cs{JobnameSuffix} is the empty string).
+ }.
+ \end{itemize}
+ \section{Installation}
+ For manual installation, the package is available from
+ \href{}{{CTAN}}.
+ The package requires \LaTeX3 support as provided in the \pkg{l3kernel} and
+ \pkg{l3packages} bundles. Both of these are included in \TeX{} Live and
+ MiK\TeX{}, or are again available in ready-to-install form from {CTAN}.
+ \end{documentation}
+ \PrintIndex
diff --git a/macros/latex/contrib/lettrine/ b/macros/latex/contrib/lettrine/
index 73d10c6773..f62a7c20c6 100644
--- a/macros/latex/contrib/lettrine/
+++ b/macros/latex/contrib/lettrine/
@@ -31,9 +31,9 @@ Installation
This bundle is included in most TeX distributions, but if you need
to install it by yourself
-1. run lualatex on lettrine.dtx to get the documentation (lettrine.pdf),
+1. run lualatex on lettrine.dtx to get the documentation (lettrine.pdf);
2. run luatex on lettrine.ins to strip the comments and create
- lettrine.sty and lettrine.cfg
+ lettrine.sty and lettrine.cfg;
3. run luatex on contrib.dtx to produce the *.cfl files.
Files lettrine.sty, lettrine.cfg, lettrine-*.sty and *.cfl go to to
@@ -46,5 +46,5 @@ Files *.dtx, *.ins go to a source directory, typically
-Copyright 1999--2020 Daniel Flipo
+Copyright 1999--2022 Daniel Flipo
E-mail: daniel (dot) flipo (at) free (dot) fr
diff --git a/macros/latex/contrib/lettrine/doc/W.pdf b/macros/latex/contrib/lettrine/doc/W.pdf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5fd9502f08
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/latex/contrib/lettrine/doc/W.pdf
Binary files differ
diff --git a/macros/latex/contrib/lettrine/doc/demo-de.pdf b/macros/latex/contrib/lettrine/doc/demo-de.pdf
deleted file mode 100644
index 3c7102a898..0000000000
--- a/macros/latex/contrib/lettrine/doc/demo-de.pdf
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/macros/latex/contrib/lettrine/doc/demo-fr.pdf b/macros/latex/contrib/lettrine/doc/demo-fr.pdf
deleted file mode 100644
index dc30880860..0000000000
--- a/macros/latex/contrib/lettrine/doc/demo-fr.pdf
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f27982ed41
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/latex/contrib/lettrine/doc/lettrine-demo-de.pdf
Binary files differ
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index 204841e854..204841e854 100644
--- a/macros/latex/contrib/lettrine/doc/demo-de.tex
+++ b/macros/latex/contrib/lettrine/doc/lettrine-demo-de.tex
diff --git a/macros/latex/contrib/lettrine/doc/lettrine-demo-fr.pdf b/macros/latex/contrib/lettrine/doc/lettrine-demo-fr.pdf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0d311f197b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/latex/contrib/lettrine/doc/lettrine-demo-fr.pdf
Binary files differ
diff --git a/macros/latex/contrib/lettrine/doc/demo-fr.tex b/macros/latex/contrib/lettrine/doc/lettrine-demo-fr.tex
index 21e525ed06..21e525ed06 100644
--- a/macros/latex/contrib/lettrine/doc/demo-fr.tex
+++ b/macros/latex/contrib/lettrine/doc/lettrine-demo-fr.tex
diff --git a/macros/latex/contrib/lettrine/doc/demo-lua.pdf b/macros/latex/contrib/lettrine/doc/lettrine-demo-lua.pdf
index f0e6257e6e..e8c19c69d4 100644
--- a/macros/latex/contrib/lettrine/doc/demo-lua.pdf
+++ b/macros/latex/contrib/lettrine/doc/lettrine-demo-lua.pdf
Binary files differ
diff --git a/macros/latex/contrib/lettrine/doc/demo-lua.tex b/macros/latex/contrib/lettrine/doc/lettrine-demo-lua.tex
index 4492ade68e..4492ade68e 100644
--- a/macros/latex/contrib/lettrine/doc/demo-lua.tex
+++ b/macros/latex/contrib/lettrine/doc/lettrine-demo-lua.tex
diff --git a/macros/latex/contrib/lettrine/doc/lettrine.pdf b/macros/latex/contrib/lettrine/doc/lettrine.pdf
index 5660e16e1b..6870682712 100644
--- a/macros/latex/contrib/lettrine/doc/lettrine.pdf
+++ b/macros/latex/contrib/lettrine/doc/lettrine.pdf
Binary files differ
diff --git a/macros/latex/contrib/lettrine/lettrine.dtx b/macros/latex/contrib/lettrine/lettrine.dtx
index c357e97aba..65f301e6af 100644
--- a/macros/latex/contrib/lettrine/lettrine.dtx
+++ b/macros/latex/contrib/lettrine/lettrine.dtx
@@ -1,8 +1,6 @@
-% \CheckSum{650}
% \iffalse meta-comment
-% Copyright © 1999-2020 Daniel Flipo.
+% Copyright © 1999-2022 Daniel Flipo.
% This program can be distributed and/or modified under the terms
% of the LaTeX Project Public License either version 1.3c of this
@@ -26,7 +24,7 @@
- [2020-03-14 v2.23 (Daniel Flipo)]
+ [2022-09-25 v2.30 (Daniel Flipo)]
% Lettrine package for LaTeX version 2e
@@ -36,6 +34,8 @@
% Please report errors to: daniel (dot) flipo (at) free (dot) fr
+\DeclareDocumentMetadata{pdfstandard=A-2b, lang=en-US}
@@ -48,7 +48,10 @@
+\hypersetup{pdftitle={Lettrine User’s Guide},
+ pdfauthor={Daniel FLIPO},
+ colorlinks
+ }
@@ -92,15 +95,16 @@
% \changes{v2.23}{2020/03/14}{Documentation cleanup.}
-% Adding |\usepackage{lettrine}| in the preamble of a document
+% Adding |\usepackage{lettrine}| in the preamble of a document
% defines the command |\lettrine|, the simplest use of which is
% |\lettrine{|\meta{letter}|}{|\meta{text}|}|.
% It produces a dropped capital \meta{letter} (2 lines high),
% followed by \meta{text} typeset in small caps, and the rest
% of the paragraph is wrapped around the dropped capital.
-% Various parameters are provided to control the size and layout
-% of the dropped capital and match the requirements described
+% The |\lettrine[|\meta{options}|]{|\meta{letter}|}{|\meta{text}|}|
+% command accepts various optional arguments to control the size and
+% layout of the dropped capital and match the requirements described
% in the books
% \begin{itemize}
% \item ``Lexique des règles typographiques en usage à
@@ -149,7 +153,7 @@
% \changes{v1.6}{2004/05/22}{Add a flag to switch to
% images in eps or pdf format. Suggested by Bill Jetzer.}
-% \item \lopt{image=true} will force |\lettrine| to replace the letter
+% \item \lopt{image[=true]} will force |\lettrine| to replace the letter
% normally used as dropped capital by an image in eps format (latex)
% or in pdf, jpg, etc.\ format (pdflatex, xelatex, lualatex);
% this requires the |graphicx| package to be loaded in the preamble.
@@ -163,13 +167,13 @@
% \changes{v1.8}{2015/02/06}{Added two keyval options:
% `grid’ (true/false) and `novskip’ to override \cs{DiscardVskip}.}
-% \item \lopt{grid=true} will force the vertical skip added above the
+% \item \lopt{grid[=true]} will force the vertical skip added above the
% paragraph starting with |\lettrine| to be rounded up to an integer
% number of |\baselineskip|. This option is meant for grid
% typesetting.
% \item \lopt{novskip=}\meta{dimen} overrides |\DiscardVskip|
% (default=0.2pt). In some cases (see options \lopt{lraise},
-% \lopt{loversize} or accentuated dropped capitals,\dots) the top of
+% \lopt{loversize} or accentuated dropped capitals,…) the top of
% the dropped capital will raise above the top of following text
% (usually in small caps), this will trigger a corresponding vertical
% skip above the paragraph starting with |\lettrine|, \emph{only if}
@@ -180,7 +184,7 @@
% \changes{v1.9}{2015/08/31}{New keyval option: `realheight’
% (true/false) and new global flag \cs{ifLettrineRealHeight}.}
-% \item \lopt{realheight=true} will compute the default height of the
+% \item \lopt{realheight[=true]} will compute the default height of the
% initial so that the top of it is exactly aligned with the top of
% the text entered as second mandatory argument of |\lettrine|
% taking possible accents into account. Otherwise, the default
@@ -212,7 +216,7 @@
% \lopt{refstring=}\meta{string} to override \cs{LettrineTestString}
% locally.} is meant for fancy initials with
% irregular heights (i.e.\ taken in fonts like Yinit (OpenType),
-% \file{cfr-initials},\dots). \lopt{refstring} forces the
+% \file{cfr-initials},…). \lopt{refstring} forces the
% |\fontsize| computations to be run on the initial given as
% |\lettrine|’s first mandatory argument instead of the reference
% string |\LettrineTestString|. In most cases, this option should
@@ -224,7 +228,7 @@
% Example: |\lettrine[lines=4, lraise=0.1, nindent=0em, |%
% |slope=-.5em]%|\\
% \mbox{}\phantom{\tt Example: lettrine}%
-% |{V}{oici} un exemple |\dots
+% |{V}{oici} un exemple |…
% Coloured initials are possible in conjonction with package
% \file{color}, examples: \\
@@ -237,46 +241,54 @@
% Three dimensions, |\LettrineWidth|, |\LettrineHeight| and
% |\LettrineDepth|, store the final size of the initial.
-% Once \file{lettrine.sty} will be installed (run \texttt{lualatex}
-% on \file{lettrine.ins} to extract it), compile \file{demo-fr.tex}
-% and \file{demo-lua.tex} print the resulting PDFs to see the
+% Have a look at files \file{demo-fr.tex} and \file{demo-lua.tex}
+% and at the resulting PDFs in the \file{doc} folder to see the
% possible usage of these parameters.
% \changes{v1.9}{2015/08/31}{New customisable string
% \cs{LettrineSecondString} to tune the initial’s height.}
-% The default settings can be customized either in a config file
-% \file{lettrine.cfg} (for a global usage), or on a per document
-% basis, in the preamble of each document. The following list
-% shows the syntax to set them and their default values:
+% Starting with version~2.30, the default settings can be
+% specified as options passed to the \pkg{lettrine} \emph{package}.
+% These options are the same as those of the |\lettrine| command%
+% \footnote{With one exception: \lopt{refstring} is available only
+% for the \cs{lettrine} command.}:
+% f.i. |\usepackage[lines=3]{lettrine}| will set the default to three
+% lines of text. Options passed to the \pkg{lettrine} package override
+% the defaults set in the \file{lettrine.cfg} file (see below) and will
+% be overriden by options passed to the |\lettrine| command.
+% The default settings can be customized in a config file
+% \file{lettrine.cfg} for a global usage. The following list shows
+% the syntax to set them and their default values:
% \begin{itemize}
% \item |\setcounter{DefaultLines}{2}|,
% \item |\setcounter{DefaultDepth}{0}|,
% \item |\renewcommand*{\DefaultLoversize}{0}|,
% \item |\renewcommand*{\DefaultLraise}{0}|,
% \item |\renewcommand*{\DefaultLhang}{0}|,
-% \item |\LettrineImagefalse|,
-% \item |\LettrineOnGridfalse|,
-% \item |\LettrineRealHeightfalse|,
-% \item |\LettrineSelfReffalse|,
% \item |\setlength{\DefaultFindent}{0pt}|,
% \item |\setlength{\DefaultNindent}{0.5em}|,
% \item |\setlength{\DefaultSlope}{0pt}|.
-% \item |\setlength{\DiscardVskip}{0.2pt}|.
+% \item |\setlength{\DiscardVskip}{0.2pt}|,
+% \item |\LettrineImagefalse|,
+% \item |\LettrineOnGridfalse|,
+% \item |\LettrineRealHeightfalse|.
% \end{itemize}
% Instead of giving optional parameters to the |\lettrine| command,
-% it is possible, from version 1.5, to set them on a per character
+% it is possible to set them on a per character
% basis in a second config file (suggested by Pascal Kockaert):
-% |\renewcommand{\DefaultOptionsFile}{|\textit{filename}|}|
+% |\renewcommand{\DefaultOptionsFile}{|\meta{filename}|}|
% in the preamble (or anywhere in the document) will
-% force each call to |\lettrine| to read the file \textit{filename}.
-% See examples of such config files in the subdirectory
-% \file{contrib}.
+% force each call to |\lettrine| to read the file \meta{filename}.
+% Alternatively, |\usepackage[optionsfile=|\meta{filename}|]{lettrine}|
+% produces the same effect.
+% See examples of such config files in the subdirectory \file{contrib}.
% The dimensional parameters \lopt{findent}, \lopt{nindent} and
-% \lopt{slope}, can be set in \textit{filename} relative to
-% |\LettrineWidth| if needed. The settings read from this file
+% \lopt{slope}, can be set relative to |\LettrineWidth| if needed,
+% \emph{in \meta{filename} only}. The settings read from this file
% will be overridden by the optional arguments eventually given to
% |\lettrine|.
@@ -299,13 +311,13 @@
% low-level font interface (see LaTeX Companion, p.187--192),
% the |\selectfont| command is issued by |\LettrineFont|:\\
% |\renewcommand{\LettrineFontHook}{\fontfamily{ppl}|\ignorespaces
-% |\fontseries{bx}}%|\\
-% | \fontshape{sl}}|,\\
+% |\fontseries{bx}%|\\
+% | \fontshape{sl}}|\\
% selects Palatino bold expanded slanted for the dropped capital.
% With LuaLaTeX or XeLaTeX changing the lettrine’s font is
% even easier, simply use the |\fontspec| command:\\
-% |\renewcommand{\LettrineFontHook}{\fontspec{LinLibertine_I.otf}|\\
+% |\renewcommand{\LettrineFontHook}{\fontspec{LinLibertine_I.otf}}|\\
% will switch to Linux Libertine Initials.
% |\LettrineFontHook| can also be used to change the colour of
@@ -346,7 +358,7 @@
% hyphenation).
% You can also consider using one of the standard PostScript fonts
-% (Palatino, Times, Utopia\dots), or any OpenType font, they are
+% (Palatino, Times, Utopia…), or any OpenType font, they are
% fully scalable too!
% \newpage{}
@@ -419,10 +431,10 @@
% \end{macrocode}
% This package only runs with LaTeX and requires files
-% \file{keyval.sty} and \file{minifp.sty}.
+% \file{xkeyval.sty} and \file{minifp.sty}.
% \begin{macrocode}
% \end{macrocode}
% Default initializations: define the necessary counters, lengths,
@@ -442,8 +454,7 @@
% \changes{v2.1}{2018/08/14}{Newif \cs{ifLettrineVone} and
% new option `Vone’ (removed in v2.2, rollback prefered).}
-% \changes{v2.1}{2018/08/14}{New option `refstring’ and newif
-% \cs{ifLettrineSelfRef}.}
+% \changes{v2.1}{2018/08/14}{New option `refstring’.}
% \begin{macrocode}
@@ -464,9 +475,44 @@
% \end{macrocode}
+% Load a local config file if present in LaTeX’s search path.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ {\typeout{Loading lettrine.cfg}}
+ {\typeout{lettrine.cfg not found, using default values}}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \changes{v2.30}{2022/09/23}{Added global options to package
+% \pkg{lettrine}.}
+% Global package options enable to override the default values given
+% above to generic parameters. These may be overriden again by
+% options passed to the |\lettrine[]{}{}| command.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \renewcommand*{\DefaultLhang}{#1}\fi}
+ \renewcommand*{\DefaultLoversize}{#1}\fi}
+ \renewcommand*{\DefaultLraise}{#1}}
+ \setlength{\DefaultFindent}{#1}}
+ \setlength{\DefaultNindent}{#1}}
+\DeclareOptionX{image}[true]{\csname LettrineImage#1\endcsname}
+\DeclareOptionX{grid}[true]{\csname LettrineOnGrid#1\endcsname}
+\DeclareOptionX{realheight}[true]{\csname LettrineRealHeight#1\endcsname}
+ \renewcommand*{\DefaultOptionsFile}{#1}\fi}
+% \end{macrocode}
% Then let’s define the necessary internal counters, lengths,
% and commands.
@@ -653,10 +699,11 @@
% \changes{v2.22}{2018/09/14}{Warn if \cs{fontsize} computation fails
% due to division by 0.}
-% When optional argument \lopt{selfref} is \lopt{true} the initial
-% itself is taken as reference to compute |\fontsize|, this can be
-% handy when working with fancy fonts (i.e.\ cfr-initials, Yinit).
-% In most cases, the default is a better choice.
+% The conditional |\ifL@selfref| is set to \lopt{true} by |\lettrine|
+% option \lopt{refstring}, then the initial itself is taken as
+% reference to compute |\fontsize|, this can be handy when working
+% with fancy fonts (i.e.\ cfr-initials, Yinit). In most cases, the
+% default is a better choice.
% \begin{macrocode}
@@ -700,10 +747,10 @@
% \begin{macro}{\LettrineImage}
% The following definition is for use with dropped capitals defined
% as images: EPS, PDF, JPG, PNG files (see examples in demo-fr.tex).
-% Its use requires the |graphicx| package to be loaded in the
-% preamble with |\usepackage{graphicx}|. The required size is
-% computed just as in the standard case, |\includegraphics|
-% prints the image at this size.
+% Its requires the |graphicx| package to be loaded in the
+% preamble with |\usepackage{graphicx}|. The image’s height is
+% computed just as in the standard case and passed to
+% |\includegraphics|.
% \changes{v1.6}{2004/05/22}{Added \cs{LettrineFontHook}
% to \cs{LettrineFontEPS}. This is needed for color options.}
@@ -731,7 +778,7 @@
% \end{macrocode}
% \end{macro}
-% Set up keyval initializations.
+% Set up keyval initializations for the |\lettrine| command.
% \begin{macrocode}
@@ -797,7 +844,6 @@
- \ifLettrineSelfRef\L@selfreftrue\else\L@selfreffalse\fi
% \end{macrocode}
% The final initial size depends on the height of |\L@tbox|; the
@@ -831,7 +877,7 @@
% |\DefaultOptionsFile|), do this inside a group, and define a
% global command |\l@LOKeys| which will expand to the list of
% options given by |\LettrineOptionsFor| for the current initial
-% (defined by |#2|)\dots
+% (defined by |#2|)…
% \begin{macrocode}
@@ -1005,7 +1051,7 @@
% \changes{v1.1}{1999/08/18}{Add \cs{rightmargin} to
% \cs{L@Pindent} for \cs{Lettrine} to work properly in quote,
-% quotation, abstract environments\dots{} but do not change
+% quotation, abstract environments… but do not change
% \cs{linewidth} which is set by these environments.}
% \changes{v1.4}{2002/10/26}{\cs{lettrine} still didn’t
@@ -1017,7 +1063,7 @@
% \changes{v2.22}{2019/04/04}{\cs{@totalleftmargin} is the correct
% indentation for quote, quotation and abstract environments.}
-% This is for quotation, quote, abstract\dots{} environments:
+% This is for quotation, quote, abstract… environments:
% |\linewidth| is set by these environments, all we have to do
% is to shift our text left by |\@totalleftmargin|.
% \begin{macrocode}
@@ -1080,12 +1126,6 @@
% \end{macrocode}
-% Load a local config file if present in LaTeX’s search path.
-% \begin{macrocode}
- {\typeout{Loading lettrine.cfg}}
- {\typeout{lettrine.cfg not found, using default values}}
-% \end{macrocode}
% \iffalse
% \fi
@@ -1123,7 +1163,6 @@
%% Theses are *commands* (value=string, only height matters):
@@ -1137,30 +1176,6 @@
% \fi
-% \iffalse
-% \fi
-%% \CharacterTable
-%% {Upper-case \A\B\C\D\E\F\G\H\I\J\K\L\M\N\O\P\Q\R\S\T\U\V\W\X\Y\Z
-%% Lower-case \a\b\c\d\e\f\g\h\i\j\k\l\m\n\o\p\q\r\s\t\u\v\w\x\y\z
-%% Digits \0\1\2\3\4\5\6\7\8\9
-%% Exclamation \! Double quote \" Hash (number) \#
-%% Dollar \$ Percent \% Ampersand \&
-%% Acute accent \' Left paren \( Right paren \)
-%% Asterisk \* Plus \+ Comma \,
-%% Minus \- Point \. Solidus \/
-%% Colon \: Semicolon \; Less than \<
-%% Equals \= Greater than \> Question mark \?
-%% Commercial at \@ Left bracket \[ Backslash \\
-%% Right bracket \] Circumflex \^ Underscore \_
-%% Grave accent \` Left brace \{ Vertical bar \|
-%% Right brace \} Tilde \~}
-% \iffalse
-% \fi
% \Finale
diff --git a/macros/latex/contrib/lettrine/lettrine.ins b/macros/latex/contrib/lettrine/lettrine.ins
index 8c605c8aad..4c0c40bc7b 100644
--- a/macros/latex/contrib/lettrine/lettrine.ins
+++ b/macros/latex/contrib/lettrine/lettrine.ins
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-%% Copyright (C) 1999-2020 Daniel Flipo.
+%% Copyright (C) 1999-2022 Daniel Flipo.
%% This file will generate fast loadable files and documentation
%% driver files from the doc files in this package when run through
diff --git a/macros/latex/contrib/semantex/ b/macros/latex/contrib/semantex/
index 85732053e6..44c5fb7ac0 100644
--- a/macros/latex/contrib/semantex/
+++ b/macros/latex/contrib/semantex/
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ Released under the LaTeX Project Public License v1.3c or later
-Copyright (C) 2021 by Sebastian Ørsted <>
+Copyright (C) 2022 by Sebastian Ørsted <>
The package is loaded via \usepackage{semantex}
diff --git a/macros/latex/contrib/semantex/semantex.pdf b/macros/latex/contrib/semantex/semantex.pdf
index 2ed542a06f..4e50ebe1d4 100644
--- a/macros/latex/contrib/semantex/semantex.pdf
+++ b/macros/latex/contrib/semantex/semantex.pdf
Binary files differ
diff --git a/macros/latex/contrib/semantex/semantex.sty b/macros/latex/contrib/semantex/semantex.sty
index 8cdbecc789..ed347ffb6a 100644
--- a/macros/latex/contrib/semantex/semantex.sty
+++ b/macros/latex/contrib/semantex/semantex.sty
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
% %
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
% %
\cs_set_eq:NN \semantex_keyval_parse:NNn \keyval_parse:NNn
\cs_set:Npn \semantex_singlekey_parse:Nn#1#2 { \clist_map_function:nN { #2 } #1 }
@@ -148,7 +148,7 @@
-\cs_new_protected:Npn\semantex_declare_simple_class:N#1 % new simple-type class
+\cs_new_protected:Npn\semantex_define_simple_class:N#1 % new simple-type class
% #1 = class name
@@ -167,49 +167,84 @@
- \exp_args:Nc\DeclareDocumentCommand{__semantex_declare_object_of_\semantex_class_to_register:N #1:Nw}{mgO{}}
+ \cs_set_protected:cpn { __semantex_define_object_of_\semantex_class_to_register:N #1:N } ##1
- % the command for creating a new object of class #1
- % ##1 = command name, with backslash
+ % create the object with name ##1
+ \DeclareDocumentCommand{##1}{}
+ {
+ \semantex_write_original_source_to_semtex_file:n { ##1 }
+ \semantex_render_object:Nn ##1 { }
+ }
+ }
+ \exp_args:Nc\DeclareDocumentCommand{__semantex_new_object_of_\semantex_class_to_register:N #1:Nw}{mgO{}}
+ {
+ % declare object of class #1
+ % ##1 = object name
% ##2 = symbol
% ##3 = options
- \semantex_declare_object:NNn #1 ##1 {
+ \semantex_new_object_and_do:NNnn #1 ##1 {
\semantex_object_set_symbol:Nn ##1 { ##2 }
\semantex_object_set_keys:Nn ##1 { ##3 }
+ {
+ \use:c { __semantex_define_object_of_\semantex_class_to_register:N #1:N } ##1
+ }
- \semantex_declare_object:NNn #1 ##1 {
+ \semantex_new_object_and_do:NNnn #1 ##1 {
\semantex_object_set_keys:Nn ##1 { ##3 }
+ {
+ \use:c { __semantex_define_object_of_\semantex_class_to_register:N #1:N } ##1
+ }
- % create the object with name ##1
- \DeclareDocumentCommand{##1}{}
+ }
+ \exp_args:Nc\DeclareDocumentCommand{__semantex_declare_object_of_\semantex_class_to_register:N #1:Nw}{mgO{}}
+ {
+ % new object of class #1
+ % ##1 = object name
+ % ##2 = symbol
+ % ##3 = options
+ \IfValueTF{##2}
- % the actual \##1 command
- \semantex_write_original_source_to_semtex_file:n { ##1 }
- \semantex_render_object:Nn ##1 { }
+ \semantex_declare_object_and_do:NNnn #1 ##1 {
+ \semantex_object_set_symbol:Nn ##1 { ##2 }
+ \semantex_object_set_keys:Nn ##1 { ##3 }
+ }
+ {
+ \use:c { __semantex_define_object_of_\semantex_class_to_register:N #1:N } ##1
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ \semantex_declare_object_and_do:NNnn #1 ##1 {
+ \semantex_object_set_keys:Nn ##1 { ##3 }
+ }
+ {
+ \use:c { __semantex_define_object_of_\semantex_class_to_register:N #1:N } ##1
+ }
-\NewDocumentCommand\DeclareSimpleClass{ m O{} }
+\NewDocumentCommand\NewSimpleClass { m O{} }
- \semantex_declare_class:Nn { #1 } { \semantex_class_set_keys:Nn #1 { #2 } }
- \semantex_declare_simple_class:N #1
+ \semantex_new_class_and_do:NNnn #1 \DeclareSimpleClass { \semantex_class_set_keys:Nn #1 { #2 } }
+ {
+ \semantex_define_simple_class:N #1
+ }
-\NewDocumentCommand\NewSimpleClass { m O{} }
+\NewDocumentCommand\DeclareSimpleClass{ m O{} }
- \semantex_new_class_and_do:NNnn #1 \DeclareSimpleClass { \semantex_class_set_keys:Nn #1 { #2 } }
+ \semantex_declare_class_and_do:Nnn { #1 } { \semantex_class_set_keys:Nn #1 { #2 } }
- \semantex_declare_simple_class:N #1
+ \semantex_define_simple_class:N #1
-\cs_new_protected:Npn\semantex_declare_symbol_class:N #1 % new symbol-type class
+\cs_new_protected:Npn\semantex_define_symbol_class:N #1 % new symbol-type class
% #1 = class name
@@ -251,59 +286,94 @@
- \exp_args:Nc\DeclareDocumentCommand{__semantex_declare_object_of_\semantex_class_to_register:N #1:Nw}{mgO{}}
+ \cs_set_protected:cpn { __semantex_define_object_of_\semantex_class_to_register:N #1:N } ##1
- % the command for creating a new object of class #1
- % ##1 = command name, with backslash
+ % create the object with name ##1
+ \DeclareDocumentCommand{##1}{o}
+ {
+ \IfValueTF { ####1 }
+ {
+ \semantex_write_original_source_to_semtex_file:n { ##1 [ ####1 ] }
+ \semantex_render_object:Nn ##1 {
+ \semantex_object_do_output:N ##1
+ \semantex_object_set_keys:Nn ##1 { ####1 }
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ \semantex_write_original_source_to_semtex_file:n { ##1 }
+ \semantex_render_object:Nn ##1 { }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ \exp_args:Nc\DeclareDocumentCommand{__semantex_new_object_of_\semantex_class_to_register:N #1:Nw}{mgO{}}
+ {
+ % new object of class #1
+ % ##1 = object name
% ##2 = symbol
% ##3 = options
- \semantex_declare_object:NNn #1 ##1 {
+ \semantex_new_object_and_do:NNnn #1 ##1 {
\semantex_object_set_symbol:Nn ##1 { ##2 }
\semantex_object_set_keys:Nn ##1 { ##3 }
+ {
+ \use:c { __semantex_define_object_of_\semantex_class_to_register:N #1:N } ##1
+ }
- \semantex_declare_object:NNn #1 ##1 {
+ \semantex_new_object:NNnn #1 ##1 {
\semantex_object_set_keys:Nn ##1 { ##3 }
+ {
+ \use:c { __semantex_define_object_of_\semantex_class_to_register:N #1:N } ##1
+ }
- % create the object with name ##1
- \DeclareDocumentCommand{##1}{o}
+ }
+ \exp_args:Nc\DeclareDocumentCommand{__semantex_declare_object_of_\semantex_class_to_register:N #1:Nw}{mgO{}}
+ {
+ % declare object of class #1
+ % ##1 = object name
+ % ##2 = symbol
+ % ##3 = options
+ \IfValueTF{##2}
- % the actual \##1 command
- \IfValueTF { ####1 }
+ \semantex_declare_object_and_do:NNnn #1 ##1 {
+ \semantex_object_set_symbol:Nn ##1 { ##2 }
+ \semantex_object_set_keys:Nn ##1 { ##3 }
+ }
- \semantex_write_original_source_to_semtex_file:n { ##1 [ ####1 ] }
- \semantex_render_object:Nn ##1 {
- \semantex_object_do_output:N ##1
- \semantex_object_set_keys:Nn ##1 { ####1 }
- }
+ \use:c { __semantex_define_object_of_\semantex_class_to_register:N #1:N } ##1
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ \semantex_declare_object:NNnn #1 ##1 {
+ \semantex_object_set_keys:Nn ##1 { ##3 }
- \semantex_write_original_source_to_semtex_file:n { ##1 }
- \semantex_render_object:Nn ##1 { }
+ \use:c { __semantex_define_object_of_\semantex_class_to_register:N #1:N } ##1
-\NewDocumentCommand\DeclareSymbolClass{ m O{} }
+\NewDocumentCommand\NewSymbolClass { m O{} }
- \semantex_declare_class:Nn { #1 } { \semantex_class_set_keys:Nn #1 { #2 } }
- \semantex_declare_symbol_class:N #1
+ \semantex_new_class_and_do:NNnn #1 \DeclareSymbolClass { \semantex_class_set_keys:Nn #1 { #2 } }
+ {
+ \semantex_define_symbol_class:N #1
+ }
-\NewDocumentCommand\NewSymbolClass { m O{} }
+\NewDocumentCommand\DeclareSymbolClass{ m O{} }
- \semantex_new_class_and_do:NNnn #1 \DeclareSymbolClass { \semantex_class_set_keys:Nn #1 { #2 } }
+ \semantex_declare_class_and_do:Nnn { #1 } { \semantex_class_set_keys:Nn #1 { #2 } }
- \semantex_declare_symbol_class:N #1
+ \semantex_define_symbol_class:N #1
-\cs_new_protected:Npn\semantex_declare_variable_class:N#1 % new variable-type class
+\cs_new_protected:Npn\semantex_define_variable_class:N#1 % new variable-type class
% #1 = class name
@@ -392,27 +462,11 @@
- \exp_args:Nc\DeclareDocumentCommand{__semantex_declare_object_of_\semantex_class_to_register:N #1:Nw}{mgO{}}
+ \cs_set_protected:cpn { __semantex_define_object_of_\semantex_class_to_register:N #1:N } ##1
- % the command for creating a new object of class #1
- % ##1 = command name, with backslash
- % ##2 = symbol
- % ##3 = options
- \IfValueTF{##2}
- {
- \semantex_declare_object:NNn #1 ##1 {
- \semantex_object_set_symbol:Nn ##1 { ##2 }
- \semantex_object_set_keys:Nn ##1 { ##3 }
- }
- }
- {
- \semantex_declare_object:NNn #1 ##1 {
- \semantex_object_set_keys:Nn ##1 { ##3 }
- }
- }
% creates the object with name ##1
- \DeclareDocumentCommand{##1}{og}{
- % the actual \##1 command
+ \DeclareDocumentCommand{##1}{og}
+ {
@@ -459,19 +513,71 @@
+ \exp_args:Nc\DeclareDocumentCommand{__semantex_new_object_of_\semantex_class_to_register:N #1:Nw}{mgO{}}
+ {
+ % new object of class #1
+ % ##1 = object name
+ % ##2 = symbol
+ % ##3 = options
+ \IfValueTF{##2}
+ {
+ \semantex_new_object_and_do:NNnn #1 ##1 {
+ \semantex_object_set_symbol:Nn ##1 { ##2 }
+ \semantex_object_set_keys:Nn ##1 { ##3 }
+ }
+ {
+ \use:c { __semantex_define_object_of_\semantex_class_to_register:N #1:N } ##1
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ \semantex_new_object_and_do:NNnn #1 ##1 {
+ \semantex_object_set_keys:Nn ##1 { ##3 }
+ }
+ {
+ \use:c { __semantex_define_object_of_\semantex_class_to_register:N #1:N } ##1
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ \exp_args:Nc\DeclareDocumentCommand{__semantex_declare_object_of_\semantex_class_to_register:N #1:Nw}{mgO{}}
+ {
+ % declare object of class #1
+ % ##1 = object name
+ % ##2 = symbol
+ % ##3 = options
+ \IfValueTF{##2}
+ {
+ \semantex_declare_object_and_do:NNnn #1 ##1 {
+ \semantex_object_set_symbol:Nn ##1 { ##2 }
+ \semantex_object_set_keys:Nn ##1 { ##3 }
+ }
+ {
+ \use:c { __semantex_define_object_of_\semantex_class_to_register:N #1:N } ##1
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ \semantex_declare_object_and_do:NNnn #1 ##1 {
+ \semantex_object_set_keys:Nn ##1 { ##3 }
+ }
+ {
+ \use:c { __semantex_define_object_of_\semantex_class_to_register:N #1:N } ##1
+ }
+ }
+ }
-\NewDocumentCommand\DeclareVariableClass{ m O{} }
+\NewDocumentCommand\NewVariableClass { m O{} }
- \semantex_declare_class:Nn { #1 } { \semantex_class_set_keys:Nn #1 { #2 } }
- \semantex_declare_variable_class:N #1
+ \semantex_new_class_and_do:NNnn #1 \DeclareVariableClass { \semantex_class_set_keys:Nn #1 { #2 } }
+ {
+ \semantex_define_variable_class:N #1
+ }
-\NewDocumentCommand\NewVariableClass { m O{} }
+\NewDocumentCommand\DeclareVariableClass{ m O{} }
- \semantex_new_class_and_do:NNnn #1 \DeclareVariableClass { \semantex_class_set_keys:Nn #1 { #2 } }
+ \semantex_declare_class_and_do:Nnn { #1 } { \semantex_class_set_keys:Nn #1 { #2 } }
- \semantex_declare_variable_class:N #1
+ \semantex_define_variable_class:N #1
@@ -511,31 +617,36 @@
\tl_set:Nx \g_semantex_class_SemantexBaseObject_register_tl { \semantex_class_to_register:N \SemantexBaseObject }
-\DeclareDocumentCommand\DeclareObject { m m }
+\DeclareDocumentCommand\NewObject { m m }
- % #1 = name of object
+ % #1 = name of class
+ % #2 = name of object
\semantex_class_if_exist:NTF #1
- \use:c { __semantex_declare_object_of_\semantex_class_to_register:N #1:Nw } #2
+ \use:c { __semantex_new_object_of_\semantex_class_to_register:N #1:Nw } #2
- \msg_error:nnn { semantex } { created_object_of_unknown_class } { #1 }
+ \msg_error:nnxx { semantex } { created_object_of_unknown_class } { \token_to_str:N #1 } { \token_to_str:N #2 }
-\DeclareDocumentCommand\NewObject { m m }
+\DeclareDocumentCommand\DeclareObject { m m }
- \cs_if_exist:NTF #2
+ % #1 = name of class
+ % #2 = name of object
+ \semantex_class_if_exist:NTF #1
- \msg_error:nnn { semantex } { created_object_with_already_defined_name } { #2 }
+ \use:c { __semantex_declare_object_of_\semantex_class_to_register:N #1:Nw } #2
- \DeclareObject #1 #2
+ \msg_error:nnxx { semantex } { created_object_of_unknown_class } { \token_to_str:N #1 } { \token_to_str:N #2 }
\DeclareDocumentCommand\UseClassInCommand { mo }
+ % #1 = name of class
+ % #2 = options to pass to class
\semantex_class_if_exist:NTF #1
\IfValueTF { #2 }
@@ -550,7 +661,7 @@
- \msg_error:nnn { semantex } { used_unknown_class } { #1 }
+ \msg_error:nnx { semantex } { used_unknown_class } { \token_to_str:N #1 }
@@ -595,14 +706,31 @@
\cs_generate_variant:Nn \semantex_new_register:nn { xn }
-\cs_new_protected:Npn \semantex_declare_class:Nn#1#2
+\cs_new_protected:Npn \semantex_new_class_and_do:NNnn#1#2#3#4
+ % create a new class
+ % #1 = name of class
+ % #2 = name of \Declare...Class variant of command, for error messages
+ % #3 = standard keyval setup
+ % #4 = code to execute if successful
+ \cs_if_exist:NTF #1
+ {
+ \msg_error:nnxx { semantex } { created_class_with_already_defined_name } { \token_to_str:N #1 } { \token_to_str:N #2 }
+ }
+ {
+ \semantex_declare_class_and_do:Nnn #1 { #3 } { #4 }
+ }
+\cs_new_protected:Npn \semantex_declare_class_and_do:Nnn#1#2#3
% create a new class
% #1 = name of class
% #2 = standard keyval setup
+ % #3 = code to execute if succesful
\semantex_class_if_exist:NTF #1
- \msg_error:nnn { semantex } { class_already_defined } { #1 }
+ \msg_error:nnx { semantex } { class_already_defined } { \token_to_str:N #1 }
\semantex_add_to_list_of_classes:N #1
@@ -610,35 +738,36 @@
\semantex_new_register:xn { \semantex_class_to_associated_object_register:N #1 } {
\semantex_object_associated_to_class_set_class:Nn #1 { #1 }
+ #3
-\cs_new_protected:Npn \semantex_new_class_and_do:NNnn#1#2#3#4
+\cs_set_protected:Npn \semantex_new_object_and_do:NNnn#1#2#3#4
- % create a new class
+ % create a new object
% #1 = name of class
- % #2 = name of \Declare...Class variant of command, for error messages
+ % #2 = name of object
% #3 = standard keyval setup
% #4 = code to execute if successful
- \cs_if_exist:NTF #1
+ \cs_if_exist:NTF #2
- \msg_error:nnnn { semantex } { created_class_with_already_defined_name } { #1 } { #2 }
+ \msg_error:nnx { semantex } { created_object_with_already_defined_name } { \token_to_str:N #2 }
- \semantex_declare_class:Nn #1 { #3 }
- #4
+ \semantex_declare_object_and_do:NNnn #1 #2 { #3 } { #4 }
-\cs_set_protected:Npn \semantex_declare_object:NNn#1#2#3
+\cs_set_protected:Npn \semantex_declare_object_and_do:NNnn#1#2#3#4
% create a new object
% #1 = name of class
% #2 = name of object
% #3 = standard keyval setup
+ % #4 = code to execute if successful
\semantex_object_if_exist:NTF #2
- \msg_error:nnn { semantex } { object_already_defined } { #2 }
+ \msg_error:nnx { semantex } { object_already_defined } { \token_to_str:N #2 }
\semantex_add_to_list_of_objects:N #2
@@ -647,6 +776,7 @@
\semantex_object_set_class:Nn #2 { #1 }
+ #4
@@ -1623,7 +1753,7 @@
\tl_set:cx { g__semantex_data_tl_#1_parent } { \semantex_class_to_register:N #2 }
- \semantex_msg_error:nnnn { #1 } { class_not_found } { parent } { #2 }
+ \semantex_msg_error:nnnx { #1 } { class_not_found } { parent } { \token_to_str:N #2 }
@@ -1636,7 +1766,7 @@
\tl_set:cx { g__semantex_data_tl_#1_parent } { \semantex_class_to_register:N #2 }
- \semantex_msg_error:nnnn { #1 } { class_not_found } { class } { #2 }
+ \semantex_msg_error:nnnx { #1 } { class_not_found } { class } { \token_to_str:N #2 }
@@ -1649,7 +1779,7 @@
\tl_set:cx { g__semantex_data_tl_#1_parent } { \semantex_object_to_register:N #2 }
- \semantex_msg_error:nnnn { #1 } { object_not_found } { copy } { #2 }
+ \semantex_msg_error:nnnx { #1 } { object_not_found } { copy } { \token_to_str:N #2 }
@@ -6004,7 +6134,7 @@
\semantex_data_tl_set:nnx { #1 } { output } { \semantex_class_to_register:N #2 }
- \semantex_msg_error:nnnn { #1 } { class_not_found } { output } { #2 }
+ \semantex_msg_error:nnnx { #1 } { class_not_found } { output } { \token_to_str:N #2 }
@@ -6273,11 +6403,11 @@
-\msg_new:nnnn { semantex } { semantex_setup_key_not_found } { Unknown~key~#1~passed~to~\token_to_str:N\SemantexSetup~on~line~\msg_line_number: } {}
+\msg_new:nnnn { semantex } { semantex_setup_key_not_found } { Unknown~key~#1~passed~to~\token_to_str:N\SemantexSetup\ on~line~\msg_line_number: } {}
-\msg_new:nnnn { semantex } { semantex_setup_key_value_not_found } { Unknown~value~#2~passed~to~key~#1~in~\token_to_str:N\SemantexSetup~on~line~\msg_line_number: } {}
+\msg_new:nnnn { semantex } { semantex_setup_key_value_not_found } { Unknown~value~#2~passed~to~key~#1~in~\token_to_str:N\SemantexSetup\ on~line~\msg_line_number: } {}
-\msg_new:nnnn { semantex } { valuekey_not_found } { Unknown~key~#2~passed~to~#1~on~line~\msg_line_number: } {}
+\msg_new:nnnn { semantex } { valuekey_not_found } { Unknown~key~#2~passed~to~#1~on~line~\msg_line_number: } {}
\msg_new:nnnn { semantex } { arg_valuekey_not_found } { Unknown~argument~key~#2~passed~to~#1~on~line~\msg_line_number: } {}
@@ -6303,21 +6433,21 @@
\msg_new:nnnn { semantex } { object_not_found } { You~set~#1~as~#2~of~unknown~object~#3~on~line~\msg_line_number: } {}
-\msg_new:nnnn { semantex } { created_object_of_unknown_class } { Unknown~class~#1~declared~as~class~of~#2~on~line~\msg_line_number: } {}
+\msg_new:nnnn { semantex } { created_object_of_unknown_class } { Unknown~class~#1~declared~as~class~of~object~#2~on~line~\msg_line_number: } {}
-\msg_new:nnnn { semantex } { created_object_with_already_defined_name } { Command~#1~already~defined;~you~can~use~\token_to_str:N\DeclareObject~to~override~existing~commands. } {}
+\msg_new:nnnn { semantex } { created_object_with_already_defined_name } { Command~#1~already~defined;~you~can~use~\token_to_str:N\DeclareObject\ to~override~existing~commands. } {}
-\msg_new:nnnn { semantex } { created_class_with_already_defined_name } { Command~#1~already~defined;~you~can~use~\token_to_str:N #2~to~override~existing~commands. } {}
+\msg_new:nnnn { semantex } { created_class_with_already_defined_name } { Command~#1~already~defined;~you~can~use~#2~to~override~existing~commands. } {}
-\msg_new:nnnn { semantex } { used_unknown_class } { Unknown~class~#1~received~by~\token_to_str:N\UseClassInCommand~on~line~\msg_line_number: } {}
+\msg_new:nnnn { semantex } { used_unknown_class } { Unknown~class~#1~received~by~\token_to_str:N\UseClassInCommand\ on~line~\msg_line_number: } {}
\msg_new:nnnn { semantex } { setup_unknown_class } { You~tried~setting~up~an~unknown~#1~on~line~\msg_line_number: } {}
\msg_new:nnnn { semantex } { setup_unknown_object } { You~tried~setting~up~an~unknown~#1~on~line~\msg_line_number: } {}
-\msg_new:nnnn { semantex } { created_a_SemantexBaseObject } { Never~create~objects~of~class~\token_to_str:N\SemantexBaseObject;~create~a~new~class~yourself~instead.~You~created~the~object~#1 on~line~\msg_line_number: } {}
+\msg_new:nnnn { semantex } { created_a_SemantexBaseObject } { Never~create~objects~of~class~\token_to_str:N\SemantexBaseObject;~create~a~new~class~yourself~instead.~You~created~the~object~#1~on~line~\msg_line_number: } {}
-\msg_new:nnnn { semantex } { SemantexThis_in_input_stream } { The~command~\token_to_str:N\SemantexThis~was~found~outside~a~class~or~object~on~line~\msg_line_number:;~did~you~forget~to~use~set~keys~x={...}? } {}
+\msg_new:nnnn { semantex } { SemantexThis_in_input_stream } { The~command~\token_to_str:N\SemantexThis\ was~found~outside~a~class~or~object~on~line~\msg_line_number:;~did~you~forget~to~use~set~keys~x={...}? } {}
\msg_new:nnnn { semantex } { generic_error } { #2~#1~on~line~\msg_line_number: } {}
@@ -6352,6 +6482,8 @@
+\cs_generate_variant:Nn \semantex_msg_error:nn { xn }
\cs_new_protected:Npn \semantex_msg_error:nnn#1#2#3
\semantex_error_output_format:xN { #1 } \l__semantex_msg_error_nnnn_temp_tl
@@ -6361,7 +6493,7 @@
} { #3 }
-\cs_generate_variant:Nn \semantex_msg_error:nnn { nnx }
+\cs_generate_variant:Nn \semantex_msg_error:nnn { nnx, xnx }
\cs_new_protected:Npn \semantex_msg_error:nnnn#1#2#3#4
@@ -6372,6 +6504,8 @@
} { #3 } { #4 }
+\cs_generate_variant:Nn \semantex_msg_error:nnnn { xnxx, xnnx, nnnx , nnxx }
\semantex_msg_error:nnnn { #1 } { key_value_not_found } { #2 } { #3 }
@@ -8683,12 +8817,19 @@
\cs_set_eq:cc { __semantex_old_version_of_semantex_declare_object_of_\g_semantex_class_SemantexBaseObject_register_tl :Nw } { __semantex_declare_object_of_\g_semantex_class_SemantexBaseObject_register_tl :Nw }
-\cs_set_protected:Npn \__semantex_declare_object_of_class_SemantexBaseObject:Nw#1
+\cs_set_protected:cpn { __semantex_declare_object_of_\g_semantex_class_SemantexBaseObject_register_tl :Nw } #1
- \msg_error:nnn { semantex } { created_a_SemantexBaseObject } { #1 }
+ \msg_error:nnx { semantex } { created_a_SemantexBaseObject } { \token_to_str:N #1 }
\use:c { __semantex_old_version_of_semantex_declare_object_of_\g_semantex_class_SemantexBaseObject_register_tl :Nw } #1
+\cs_set_eq:cc { __semantex_old_version_of_semantex_new_object_of_\g_semantex_class_SemantexBaseObject_register_tl :Nw } { __semantex_new_object_of_\g_semantex_class_SemantexBaseObject_register_tl :Nw }
+\cs_set_protected:cpn { __semantex_new_object_of_\g_semantex_class_SemantexBaseObject_register_tl :Nw } #1
+ \msg_error:nnx { semantex } { created_a_SemantexBaseObject } { \token_to_str:N #1 }
+ \use:c { __semantex_old_version_of_semantex_new_object_of_\g_semantex_class_SemantexBaseObject_register_tl :Nw } #1
diff --git a/macros/latex/contrib/semantex/semantex.tex b/macros/latex/contrib/semantex/semantex.tex
index a377e0f217..bd932ca3be 100644
--- a/macros/latex/contrib/semantex/semantex.tex
+++ b/macros/latex/contrib/semantex/semantex.tex
@@ -5749,19 +5749,35 @@ In other words, it determines which arguments an object of that class
can take. The syntax for creating new objects
also varies.
+Each class has a \lstinline!\New...! as well as a \lstinline!\Declare...! variant, the difference being
+that the \lstinline!\New...! variant raises an error if the command name is already taken.
+Both variants will raise an error if a \semantex{} class with the same name already exists.
+Allowing you to override existing \semantex{} definitions would require fundamental changes
+to the system which would slow it down significantly.
+Similarly, you can use both of the commands \lstinline!\NewObject! and \lstinline!\DeclareObject!
+to define objects, the difference being that \lstinline!\NewObject! raises an error
+if the command name is already taken.
+Both commands will raise an error if a \semantex{} object with the same name already exists.
+Allowing you to override existing \semantex{} definitions would require fundamental changes
+to the system which would slow it down significantly.
The current implementation has the following
class types:
\item \lstinline!Variable!:
- A new class is declared with the
+ A new class is defined with the
+ \DeclareVariableClass{@\usercommand\<Class\>@}[@\<options\>@]
A new object is declared by
+ \DeclareObject@\usercommand\<Class\>@@\usercommand\<object\>@{@\<symbol\>@}[@\<options\>@]
The syntax for this object is
@@ -5771,11 +5787,13 @@ class types:
A new class is declared with the
- \NewSimpleClass@\usercommand\<Class\>@[@\<options\>@]
+ \NewSymbolClass@\usercommand\<Class\>@[@\<options\>@]
+ \DeclareSymbolClass@\usercommand\<Class\>@[@\<options\>@]
A new object is declared by
+ \DeclareObject@\usercommand\<Class\>@@\usercommand\<object\>@{@\<symbol\>@}[@\<options\>@]
The syntax for this object is
@@ -5786,10 +5804,12 @@ class types:
+ \DeclareSimpleClass@\usercommand\<Class\>@[@\<options\>@]
A new object is declared by
+ \DeclareObject@\usercommand\<Class\>@@\usercommand\<object\>@{@\<symbol\>@}[@\<options\>@]
The syntax for this object is
diff --git a/macros/latex/contrib/semantex/stripsemantex.sty b/macros/latex/contrib/semantex/stripsemantex.sty
index 1dd814689c..cdd6947469 100644
--- a/macros/latex/contrib/semantex/stripsemantex.sty
+++ b/macros/latex/contrib/semantex/stripsemantex.sty
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
% %
diff --git a/macros/latex/contrib/wargame/ b/macros/latex/contrib/wargame/
index e5fd92458c..a66da25247 100644
--- a/macros/latex/contrib/wargame/
+++ b/macros/latex/contrib/wargame/
@@ -1,42 +1,48 @@
# A package to make Hex'n'Counter wargames in LaTeX
-## Version 0.2
-This package can help make classic [Hex'n'Counter wargames][1] using
-LaTeX. The package provide tools for generating
+## Version 0.2.1
-- Hex maps and boards
-- Counters (called _chits_ since TeX have already taken _counters_)
- for units, markers, and so on
-- Counter sheets
-- Order of Battle charts
-- Illustrations in the rules using the defined maps and counters
+This package can help make classic [Hex'n'Counter
+wargames]( using LaTeX. The
+package provide tools for generating
-The result will often be a PDF (or set of PDFs) that contain
-everything one will need for a game (rules, charts, boards, counter
+- Hex maps and boards
+- Counters (called *chits* since TeX have already taken *counters*)
+ for units, markers, and so on
+- Counter sheets
+- Order of Battle charts
+- Illustrations in the rules using the defined maps and counters
-- The package uses [NATO App6](#NATO-App6) symbology for units.
-- The package uses [TikZ][2] for most things.
-- The package support exporting the game to a
- [VASSAL](#VASSAL-support) module
+The result will often be a PDF (or set of PDFs) that contain everything
+one will need for a game (rules, charts, boards, counter sheets).
-## Sources
+- The package uses [NATO App6](#nato-app6 "Section below") symbology
+ for units.
+- The package uses [TikZ]( for most
+ things.
+- The package support exporting the game to a
+ [VASSAL](#vassal-support%20'Section%20below') module
-The sources of the package are kept at [GitLab][3]
+## Sources
-## CTAN
+The sources of the package are kept at
-The package is available from [CTAN][4] in the directory
-`/macros/latex/contrib/wargame`. As of this writing, the package has
-not hit any of the major distributions (e.g., [TeXLive][5]).
+## CTAN
-If you get the sources (`wargame.ins`, all `.dtx` and `.py`) files,
-then to install do
+The package is available from
+[CTAN]( in the
+directory `/macros/latex/contrib/wargame`. As of this writing, the
+package has not hit any of the major distributions (e.g.,
- latex wargame.ins
+If you get the sources (`wargame.ins`, all `.dtx` and `.py`) files, then
+to install do
+ latex wargame.ins
pdflatex beach
pdflatex city
- pdflatex light_woods
+ pdflatex light_woods
pdflatex mountains
pdflatex rough
pdflatex swamp
@@ -47,224 +53,213 @@ then to install do
(You need to use `pdflatex`, `xelatex`, or `lualatex` - plain `latex`
with DVI output will not work)
-Then copy the relevant files to your TeX tree (e.g., `~/texmf/`)
+Then copy the relevant files to your TeX tree (e.g., `~/texmf/`) as
mkdir ~/texmf/tex/latex/wargame
- cp tikzlibrary*.tex ~/texmf/tex/latex/wargame/
- cp wargame.sty ~/texmf/tex/latex/wargame/
- cp wgexpor.sty ~/texmf/tex/latex/wargame/
+ cp tikzlibrary*.tex ~/texmf/tex/latex/wargame/
+ cp wargame.sty ~/texmf/tex/latex/wargame/
+ cp wgexpor.sty ~/texmf/tex/latex/wargame/
cp city.pdf ~/texmf/tex/latex/wargame/
- cp light_woods.pdf ~/texmf/tex/latex/wargame/
+ cp light_woods.pdf ~/texmf/tex/latex/wargame/
cp mountains.pdf ~/texmf/tex/latex/wargame/
cp rough.pdf ~/texmf/tex/latex/wargame/
cp swamp.pdf ~/texmf/tex/latex/wargame/
cp town.pdf ~/texmf/tex/latex/wargame/
cp village.pdf ~/texmf/tex/latex/wargame/
cp woods.pdf ~/texmf/tex/latex/wargame/
- cp ~/texmf/tex/latex/wargame/
- cp ~/texmf/tex/latex/wargame/
-To generate the documentation, after having done the above, do
- pdflatex wargame.dtx
- makeindex -s gind -o wargame.ind wargame.idx
- pdflatex wargame.dtx
- pdflatex wargame.dtx
- pdflatex symbols.tex
- pdflatex compat.tex
- pdflatex compat.tex
+ cp ~/texmf/tex/latex/wargame/
+ cp ~/texmf/tex/latex/wargame/
+To generate the documentation, after having done the above, do
+ pdflatex wargame.dtx
+ makeindex -s gind -o wargame.ind wargame.idx
+ pdflatex wargame.dtx
+ pdflatex wargame.dtx
+ pdflatex symbols.tex
+ pdflatex compat.tex
+ pdflatex compat.tex
(You need to use `pdflatex`, `xelatex`, or `lualatex` - plain `latex`
with DVI output will not work)
-You can install these into your TeX tree with (e.g., `~/texmf/`)
+You can install these into your TeX tree with (e.g., `~/texmf/`)
- mkdir -p ~/texmf/doc/latex/wargame/
+ mkdir -p ~/texmf/doc/latex/wargame/
cp wargame.pdf ~/texmf/doc/latex/wargame/
- cp ~/texmf/doc/latex/wargame/
- cp ~/texmf/doc/latex/wargame/
-If you want to generate the tutorial document, do
- cd tutorial
- pdflatex game
- pdflatex game
+ cp ~/texmf/doc/latex/wargame/
+ cp ~/texmf/doc/latex/wargame/
+If you want to generate the tutorial document, do
+ cd tutorial
+ pdflatex game
+ pdflatex game
If you also want to make the tutorial VASSAL module, do (also in
-`tutorial`), do
- pdflatex export.tex
- ../ export.pdf export.json -o Game.vmod \
- -d "Example module from LaTeX PnP game" \
- -t "LaTeX wargame tutorial" -v 0.1 \
- -p
-## Download from GitLab
-- [Zip file of package and support files][]
-- [Browse content of package][browse]
-- [Documentation][wargame.pdf]
-- [Tutorial][tutorial.pdf] (and associated VASSAL [module][Game.vmod])
-- [Table of symbols][symbols.pdf]
-- [Compatibility][compat.pdf]
-To install, get the ([zip file][]) and unzip into your
-TeX tree, for example
- mkdir -p ~/texmf
- (cd ~/texmf && unzip ../
-on Un*x like systems.
-## Tutorial
-See the [tutorial](tutorial/ page for more.
-## Examples
-Below are some print'n'play board wargames made with this package.
-These are not original games but rather revamps of existing games.
-All credits goes to the original authors of these games.
- - Eastern Front
- - [Battle for Moscow][bfm_tex]
- - [Hell's Gate][hellsgate_tex] (private)
- - [Unternehmung 25][unternehmung_tex] (private)
- - Western Front
- - [D-Day][dday_tex] (Avalon Hill classic)
- - [Paul Koenig's Market Garden][pkmg_tex]
- - [Paul Koenig's D-Day][pkdday_tex]
- - Pacific theatre
- - [First Blood][firstblood_tex] (Avalon Hill International
- Kriegspiel Association classic)
- - [Malaya][malaya_tex] (private)
- - Africa
- - [Afrika Korps][afrikakorps_tex] (Avalon Hill classic)
- - [Battles of El Alamein][boel_tex] (private)
-- Modern/Speculative
- - [Strike Force One][sfo_tex]
- - [Kriegspiel][kriegspiel_tex] (Avalon Hill classic)
+`tutorial`), do
+ pdflatex export.tex
+ ../ export.pdf export.json -o Game.vmod \
+ -d "Example module from LaTeX PnP game" \
+ -t "LaTeX wargame tutorial" -v 0.1 \
+ -p
+## Download from GitLab
+- [Zip file of package and support
+ files](
+- [Browse content of
+ package](
+- [Documentation](
+- [Tutorial](
+ (and associated VASSAL
+ [module](
+- [Table of
+ symbols](
+- [Compatibility](
+To install, get the ([zip
+and unzip into your TeX tree, for example
+ mkdir -p ~/texmf
+ (cd ~/texmf && unzip ../
+on Un\*x like systems.
+## Tutorial
+See the [tutorial](tutorial/ "Link works on GitLab only") page
+for more
+if you browse from CTAN).
+## Examples
+Below are some print'n'play board wargames made with this package. These
+are not original games but rather revamps of existing games. All credits
+goes to the original authors of these games.
+ - Eastern Front
+ - [Battle for Moscow](
+ - [Hell's Gate](
+ (private)
+ - [Unternehmung
+ 25](
+ (private)
+ - Western Front
+ - [D-Day]( (Avalon
+ Hill classic)
+ - [Paul Koenig's Market
+ Garden](
+ - [Paul Koenig's
+ D-Day](
+ - Pacific theatre
+ - [First
+ Blood](
+ (Avalon Hill International Kriegspiel Association classic)
+ - [Malaya](
+ (private)
+ - Africa
+ - [Afrika
+ Korps](
+ (Avalon Hill classic)
+ - [Battles of El
+ Alamein]( (private)
+- Modern/Speculative
+ - [Strike Force One](
+ - [Kriegspiel](
+ (Avalon Hill classic)
## VASSAL support
-The packages has the script [``](utils/ to
-generate a draft [VASSAL][5] module from the defined charts, boards,
-counters, OOBs, and so on. More about this is given in the
+The packages has the script [``](utils/ to generate a
+draft [VASSAL]( module from the defined charts,
+boards, counters, OOBs, and so on. More about this is given in the
The script will generate a first draft of a module, which then can be
-edited in the VASSAL editor for the final thing.
+edited in the VASSAL editor for the final thing.
Alternatively, one can provide a Python script to do more on the
generated module, such as defining starting positions, fixing grid
-layouts, and so on. Using such a patch script, one can get an
-(almost) final module. This means, that even if one makes changes to
-the original content, it is easy to remake the module without much
-need for the VASSAL editor.
-An example of this is given in the [Battle for Moscow][bfm_tex]
-project, and of course in the [tutorial](tutorial/)
-## NATO App6
-The package supports
-- All air, equipment, installation, land, sea surface, sub surface,
- and space command symbols, including amplifiers and modifiers
-- All friendly, hostile, neutral, and unknown faction frame.
- Undecided faction frames can be made by specifying `dashed` line
- styles.
-- Some, but very few, other kinds of symbology.
-Here are some references for more information on the NATO App6
-symbology standard.
-- The [Wikipedia page][6] on NATO Joint Military Symbology
-- The [NATO page][7]. If this does not work for you, then try to go
- to the [standards page][8] and put in and write in `SYMBOLOGY` in
- the _Document Title Contains Words_ field and press _Start_.
-- Other LaTeX package for making NATO symbology [XMilSymb][9]
+layouts, and so on. Using such a patch script, one can get an (almost)
+final module. This means, that even if one makes changes to the original
+content, it is easy to remake the module without much need for the
+VASSAL editor.
+An example of this is given in the [Battle for
+Moscow]( project, and of course
+in the [tutorial](tutorial/ "Link works on GitLab only")
+## NATO App6
+The package supports
+- All air, equipment, installation, land, sea surface, sub surface,
+ and space command symbols, including amplifiers and modifiers
+- All friendly, hostile, neutral, and unknown faction frame. Undecided
+ faction frames can be made by specifying `dashed` line styles.
+- Some, but very few, other kinds of symbology.
+Here are some references for more information on the NATO App6 symbology
+- The [Wikipedia
+ page](
+ on NATO Joint Military Symbology
+- The [NATO
+ page](
+ If this does not work for you, then try to go to the [standards
+ page]( and put in and
+ write in `SYMBOLOGY` in the *Document Title Contains Words* field
+ and press *Start*.
+- Other LaTeX package for making NATO symbology
+ [XMilSymb](
## Copyright and license
-(c) 2022 Christian Holm Christensen
+(c) 2022 Christian Holm Christensen
-This work is licensed under the Creative Commons
-Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License (CC-BY-SA-4.0). To
-view a copy of this license, visit [CC][10] or send a letter to
-Creative Commons, PO Box 1866, Mountain View, CA 94042, USA.
+This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike
+4.0 International License (CC-BY-SA-4.0). To view a copy of this
+license, visit [CC]( or
+send a letter to Creative Commons, PO Box 1866, Mountain View, CA 94042,
-### Some comments on copyright
+### Some comments on copyright
-_Caveat_: I am not a lawyer.
+*Caveat*: I am not a lawyer.
-Note that this license applies to the `wargame` package as such. What
-you generate using the package is _not_ required to be licensed
-according to the _ShareAlike_ clause of CC-BY-SA-4.0. That is, you
-can license your materials _any way you want_.
+Note that this license applies to the `wargame` package as such. What
+you generate using the package is *not* required to be licensed
+according to the *ShareAlike* clause of CC-BY-SA-4.0. That is, you can
+license your materials *any way you want*.
-However, that copyright rights on games is not as prohibitive as you
-may think (see [this thread on BGG][11]). What you _can_ copyright is
-original, artistic expression. That is, the copyrighted work must not
-be a copy of something else (originality) and must be some form of
-expression. One _cannot_ copyright ideas, only their expression in so
-far as it is _artistic_ (i.e., not a trivial expression that anyone
-knowledgeable within the field can do with rudimentary effort).
+However, that copyright rights on games is not as prohibitive as you may
+think (see [this thread on
+BGG]( What you *can*
+copyright is original, artistic expression. That is, the copyrighted
+work must not be a copy of something else (originality) and must be some
+form of expression. One *cannot* copyright ideas, only their expression
+in so far as it is *artistic* (i.e., not a trivial expression that
+anyone knowledgeable within the field can do with rudimentary effort).
-So you _can not_ copyright your game mechanics, for example, only how
-you described them. You _can not_ copyright a title (but you may be
-able to claim trademark on it). You _can_ copyright the wording of
-the rules, the graphics that you use, and so on.
+So you *can not* copyright your game mechanics, for example, only how
+you described them. You *can not* copyright a title (but you may be able
+to claim trademark on it). You *can* copyright the wording of the rules,
+the graphics that you use, and so on.
-This also means, that you are essentially free to make your own
-version of previously published game, _as long as_
+This also means, that you are essentially free to make your own version
+of previously published game, *as long as*
-- you do not copy existing text
-- you do not copy existing graphics
-- you respect any kind of trademark claims
+- you do not copy existing text
+- you do not copy existing graphics
+- you respect any kind of trademark claims
However, it is advisable to contact the copyright holders of the
-previously published game to avoid [SNAFU][12]. If in doubt, seek
-professional help.
+previously published game to avoid
+[SNAFU]( If in doubt, seek
+professional help.
diff --git a/macros/latex/contrib/wargame/doc/ b/macros/latex/contrib/wargame/doc/
index e5fd92458c..a66da25247 100644
--- a/macros/latex/contrib/wargame/doc/
+++ b/macros/latex/contrib/wargame/doc/
@@ -1,42 +1,48 @@
# A package to make Hex'n'Counter wargames in LaTeX
-## Version 0.2
-This package can help make classic [Hex'n'Counter wargames][1] using
-LaTeX. The package provide tools for generating
+## Version 0.2.1
-- Hex maps and boards
-- Counters (called _chits_ since TeX have already taken _counters_)
- for units, markers, and so on
-- Counter sheets
-- Order of Battle charts
-- Illustrations in the rules using the defined maps and counters
+This package can help make classic [Hex'n'Counter
+wargames]( using LaTeX. The
+package provide tools for generating
-The result will often be a PDF (or set of PDFs) that contain
-everything one will need for a game (rules, charts, boards, counter
+- Hex maps and boards
+- Counters (called *chits* since TeX have already taken *counters*)
+ for units, markers, and so on
+- Counter sheets
+- Order of Battle charts
+- Illustrations in the rules using the defined maps and counters
-- The package uses [NATO App6](#NATO-App6) symbology for units.
-- The package uses [TikZ][2] for most things.
-- The package support exporting the game to a
- [VASSAL](#VASSAL-support) module
+The result will often be a PDF (or set of PDFs) that contain everything
+one will need for a game (rules, charts, boards, counter sheets).
-## Sources
+- The package uses [NATO App6](#nato-app6 "Section below") symbology
+ for units.
+- The package uses [TikZ]( for most
+ things.
+- The package support exporting the game to a
+ [VASSAL](#vassal-support%20'Section%20below') module
-The sources of the package are kept at [GitLab][3]
+## Sources
-## CTAN
+The sources of the package are kept at
-The package is available from [CTAN][4] in the directory
-`/macros/latex/contrib/wargame`. As of this writing, the package has
-not hit any of the major distributions (e.g., [TeXLive][5]).
+## CTAN
-If you get the sources (`wargame.ins`, all `.dtx` and `.py`) files,
-then to install do
+The package is available from
+[CTAN]( in the
+directory `/macros/latex/contrib/wargame`. As of this writing, the
+package has not hit any of the major distributions (e.g.,
- latex wargame.ins
+If you get the sources (`wargame.ins`, all `.dtx` and `.py`) files, then
+to install do
+ latex wargame.ins
pdflatex beach
pdflatex city
- pdflatex light_woods
+ pdflatex light_woods
pdflatex mountains
pdflatex rough
pdflatex swamp
@@ -47,224 +53,213 @@ then to install do
(You need to use `pdflatex`, `xelatex`, or `lualatex` - plain `latex`
with DVI output will not work)
-Then copy the relevant files to your TeX tree (e.g., `~/texmf/`)
+Then copy the relevant files to your TeX tree (e.g., `~/texmf/`) as
mkdir ~/texmf/tex/latex/wargame
- cp tikzlibrary*.tex ~/texmf/tex/latex/wargame/
- cp wargame.sty ~/texmf/tex/latex/wargame/
- cp wgexpor.sty ~/texmf/tex/latex/wargame/
+ cp tikzlibrary*.tex ~/texmf/tex/latex/wargame/
+ cp wargame.sty ~/texmf/tex/latex/wargame/
+ cp wgexpor.sty ~/texmf/tex/latex/wargame/
cp city.pdf ~/texmf/tex/latex/wargame/
- cp light_woods.pdf ~/texmf/tex/latex/wargame/
+ cp light_woods.pdf ~/texmf/tex/latex/wargame/
cp mountains.pdf ~/texmf/tex/latex/wargame/
cp rough.pdf ~/texmf/tex/latex/wargame/
cp swamp.pdf ~/texmf/tex/latex/wargame/
cp town.pdf ~/texmf/tex/latex/wargame/
cp village.pdf ~/texmf/tex/latex/wargame/
cp woods.pdf ~/texmf/tex/latex/wargame/
- cp ~/texmf/tex/latex/wargame/
- cp ~/texmf/tex/latex/wargame/
-To generate the documentation, after having done the above, do
- pdflatex wargame.dtx
- makeindex -s gind -o wargame.ind wargame.idx
- pdflatex wargame.dtx
- pdflatex wargame.dtx
- pdflatex symbols.tex
- pdflatex compat.tex
- pdflatex compat.tex
+ cp ~/texmf/tex/latex/wargame/
+ cp ~/texmf/tex/latex/wargame/
+To generate the documentation, after having done the above, do
+ pdflatex wargame.dtx
+ makeindex -s gind -o wargame.ind wargame.idx
+ pdflatex wargame.dtx
+ pdflatex wargame.dtx
+ pdflatex symbols.tex
+ pdflatex compat.tex
+ pdflatex compat.tex
(You need to use `pdflatex`, `xelatex`, or `lualatex` - plain `latex`
with DVI output will not work)
-You can install these into your TeX tree with (e.g., `~/texmf/`)
+You can install these into your TeX tree with (e.g., `~/texmf/`)
- mkdir -p ~/texmf/doc/latex/wargame/
+ mkdir -p ~/texmf/doc/latex/wargame/
cp wargame.pdf ~/texmf/doc/latex/wargame/
- cp ~/texmf/doc/latex/wargame/
- cp ~/texmf/doc/latex/wargame/
-If you want to generate the tutorial document, do
- cd tutorial
- pdflatex game
- pdflatex game
+ cp ~/texmf/doc/latex/wargame/
+ cp ~/texmf/doc/latex/wargame/
+If you want to generate the tutorial document, do
+ cd tutorial
+ pdflatex game
+ pdflatex game
If you also want to make the tutorial VASSAL module, do (also in
-`tutorial`), do
- pdflatex export.tex
- ../ export.pdf export.json -o Game.vmod \
- -d "Example module from LaTeX PnP game" \
- -t "LaTeX wargame tutorial" -v 0.1 \
- -p
-## Download from GitLab
-- [Zip file of package and support files][]
-- [Browse content of package][browse]
-- [Documentation][wargame.pdf]
-- [Tutorial][tutorial.pdf] (and associated VASSAL [module][Game.vmod])
-- [Table of symbols][symbols.pdf]
-- [Compatibility][compat.pdf]
-To install, get the ([zip file][]) and unzip into your
-TeX tree, for example
- mkdir -p ~/texmf
- (cd ~/texmf && unzip ../
-on Un*x like systems.
-## Tutorial
-See the [tutorial](tutorial/ page for more.
-## Examples
-Below are some print'n'play board wargames made with this package.
-These are not original games but rather revamps of existing games.
-All credits goes to the original authors of these games.
- - Eastern Front
- - [Battle for Moscow][bfm_tex]
- - [Hell's Gate][hellsgate_tex] (private)
- - [Unternehmung 25][unternehmung_tex] (private)
- - Western Front
- - [D-Day][dday_tex] (Avalon Hill classic)
- - [Paul Koenig's Market Garden][pkmg_tex]
- - [Paul Koenig's D-Day][pkdday_tex]
- - Pacific theatre
- - [First Blood][firstblood_tex] (Avalon Hill International
- Kriegspiel Association classic)
- - [Malaya][malaya_tex] (private)
- - Africa
- - [Afrika Korps][afrikakorps_tex] (Avalon Hill classic)
- - [Battles of El Alamein][boel_tex] (private)
-- Modern/Speculative
- - [Strike Force One][sfo_tex]
- - [Kriegspiel][kriegspiel_tex] (Avalon Hill classic)
+`tutorial`), do
+ pdflatex export.tex
+ ../ export.pdf export.json -o Game.vmod \
+ -d "Example module from LaTeX PnP game" \
+ -t "LaTeX wargame tutorial" -v 0.1 \
+ -p
+## Download from GitLab
+- [Zip file of package and support
+ files](
+- [Browse content of
+ package](
+- [Documentation](
+- [Tutorial](
+ (and associated VASSAL
+ [module](
+- [Table of
+ symbols](
+- [Compatibility](
+To install, get the ([zip
+and unzip into your TeX tree, for example
+ mkdir -p ~/texmf
+ (cd ~/texmf && unzip ../
+on Un\*x like systems.
+## Tutorial
+See the [tutorial](tutorial/ "Link works on GitLab only") page
+for more
+if you browse from CTAN).
+## Examples
+Below are some print'n'play board wargames made with this package. These
+are not original games but rather revamps of existing games. All credits
+goes to the original authors of these games.
+ - Eastern Front
+ - [Battle for Moscow](
+ - [Hell's Gate](
+ (private)
+ - [Unternehmung
+ 25](
+ (private)
+ - Western Front
+ - [D-Day]( (Avalon
+ Hill classic)
+ - [Paul Koenig's Market
+ Garden](
+ - [Paul Koenig's
+ D-Day](
+ - Pacific theatre
+ - [First
+ Blood](
+ (Avalon Hill International Kriegspiel Association classic)
+ - [Malaya](
+ (private)
+ - Africa
+ - [Afrika
+ Korps](
+ (Avalon Hill classic)
+ - [Battles of El
+ Alamein]( (private)
+- Modern/Speculative
+ - [Strike Force One](
+ - [Kriegspiel](
+ (Avalon Hill classic)
## VASSAL support
-The packages has the script [``](utils/ to
-generate a draft [VASSAL][5] module from the defined charts, boards,
-counters, OOBs, and so on. More about this is given in the
+The packages has the script [``](utils/ to generate a
+draft [VASSAL]( module from the defined charts,
+boards, counters, OOBs, and so on. More about this is given in the
The script will generate a first draft of a module, which then can be
-edited in the VASSAL editor for the final thing.
+edited in the VASSAL editor for the final thing.
Alternatively, one can provide a Python script to do more on the
generated module, such as defining starting positions, fixing grid
-layouts, and so on. Using such a patch script, one can get an
-(almost) final module. This means, that even if one makes changes to
-the original content, it is easy to remake the module without much
-need for the VASSAL editor.
-An example of this is given in the [Battle for Moscow][bfm_tex]
-project, and of course in the [tutorial](tutorial/)
-## NATO App6
-The package supports
-- All air, equipment, installation, land, sea surface, sub surface,
- and space command symbols, including amplifiers and modifiers
-- All friendly, hostile, neutral, and unknown faction frame.
- Undecided faction frames can be made by specifying `dashed` line
- styles.
-- Some, but very few, other kinds of symbology.
-Here are some references for more information on the NATO App6
-symbology standard.
-- The [Wikipedia page][6] on NATO Joint Military Symbology
-- The [NATO page][7]. If this does not work for you, then try to go
- to the [standards page][8] and put in and write in `SYMBOLOGY` in
- the _Document Title Contains Words_ field and press _Start_.
-- Other LaTeX package for making NATO symbology [XMilSymb][9]
+layouts, and so on. Using such a patch script, one can get an (almost)
+final module. This means, that even if one makes changes to the original
+content, it is easy to remake the module without much need for the
+VASSAL editor.
+An example of this is given in the [Battle for
+Moscow]( project, and of course
+in the [tutorial](tutorial/ "Link works on GitLab only")
+## NATO App6
+The package supports
+- All air, equipment, installation, land, sea surface, sub surface,
+ and space command symbols, including amplifiers and modifiers
+- All friendly, hostile, neutral, and unknown faction frame. Undecided
+ faction frames can be made by specifying `dashed` line styles.
+- Some, but very few, other kinds of symbology.
+Here are some references for more information on the NATO App6 symbology
+- The [Wikipedia
+ page](
+ on NATO Joint Military Symbology
+- The [NATO
+ page](
+ If this does not work for you, then try to go to the [standards
+ page]( and put in and
+ write in `SYMBOLOGY` in the *Document Title Contains Words* field
+ and press *Start*.
+- Other LaTeX package for making NATO symbology
+ [XMilSymb](
## Copyright and license
-(c) 2022 Christian Holm Christensen
+(c) 2022 Christian Holm Christensen
-This work is licensed under the Creative Commons
-Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License (CC-BY-SA-4.0). To
-view a copy of this license, visit [CC][10] or send a letter to
-Creative Commons, PO Box 1866, Mountain View, CA 94042, USA.
+This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike
+4.0 International License (CC-BY-SA-4.0). To view a copy of this
+license, visit [CC]( or
+send a letter to Creative Commons, PO Box 1866, Mountain View, CA 94042,
-### Some comments on copyright
+### Some comments on copyright
-_Caveat_: I am not a lawyer.
+*Caveat*: I am not a lawyer.
-Note that this license applies to the `wargame` package as such. What
-you generate using the package is _not_ required to be licensed
-according to the _ShareAlike_ clause of CC-BY-SA-4.0. That is, you
-can license your materials _any way you want_.
+Note that this license applies to the `wargame` package as such. What
+you generate using the package is *not* required to be licensed
+according to the *ShareAlike* clause of CC-BY-SA-4.0. That is, you can
+license your materials *any way you want*.
-However, that copyright rights on games is not as prohibitive as you
-may think (see [this thread on BGG][11]). What you _can_ copyright is
-original, artistic expression. That is, the copyrighted work must not
-be a copy of something else (originality) and must be some form of
-expression. One _cannot_ copyright ideas, only their expression in so
-far as it is _artistic_ (i.e., not a trivial expression that anyone
-knowledgeable within the field can do with rudimentary effort).
+However, that copyright rights on games is not as prohibitive as you may
+think (see [this thread on
+BGG]( What you *can*
+copyright is original, artistic expression. That is, the copyrighted
+work must not be a copy of something else (originality) and must be some
+form of expression. One *cannot* copyright ideas, only their expression
+in so far as it is *artistic* (i.e., not a trivial expression that
+anyone knowledgeable within the field can do with rudimentary effort).
-So you _can not_ copyright your game mechanics, for example, only how
-you described them. You _can not_ copyright a title (but you may be
-able to claim trademark on it). You _can_ copyright the wording of
-the rules, the graphics that you use, and so on.
+So you *can not* copyright your game mechanics, for example, only how
+you described them. You *can not* copyright a title (but you may be able
+to claim trademark on it). You *can* copyright the wording of the rules,
+the graphics that you use, and so on.
-This also means, that you are essentially free to make your own
-version of previously published game, _as long as_
+This also means, that you are essentially free to make your own version
+of previously published game, *as long as*
-- you do not copy existing text
-- you do not copy existing graphics
-- you respect any kind of trademark claims
+- you do not copy existing text
+- you do not copy existing graphics
+- you respect any kind of trademark claims
However, it is advisable to contact the copyright holders of the
-previously published game to avoid [SNAFU][12]. If in doubt, seek
-professional help.
+previously published game to avoid
+[SNAFU]( If in doubt, seek
+professional help.
diff --git a/macros/latex/contrib/wargame/doc/compat.pdf b/macros/latex/contrib/wargame/doc/compat.pdf
index 02dbab19cd..3e9956c6d7 100644
--- a/macros/latex/contrib/wargame/doc/compat.pdf
+++ b/macros/latex/contrib/wargame/doc/compat.pdf
Binary files differ
diff --git a/macros/latex/contrib/wargame/doc/symbols.pdf b/macros/latex/contrib/wargame/doc/symbols.pdf
index 0f0ace1efb..20dcb7101b 100644
--- a/macros/latex/contrib/wargame/doc/symbols.pdf
+++ b/macros/latex/contrib/wargame/doc/symbols.pdf
Binary files differ
diff --git a/macros/latex/contrib/wargame/doc/wargame.pdf b/macros/latex/contrib/wargame/doc/wargame.pdf
index aeb06a386d..a030c938f4 100644
--- a/macros/latex/contrib/wargame/doc/wargame.pdf
+++ b/macros/latex/contrib/wargame/doc/wargame.pdf
Binary files differ
diff --git a/macros/latex/contrib/wargame/source/Makefile b/macros/latex/contrib/wargame/source/Makefile
index 656439e408..bfb4db8e27 100644
--- a/macros/latex/contrib/wargame/source/Makefile
+++ b/macros/latex/contrib/wargame/source/Makefile
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
NAME := wargame
-VERSION := 0.2
+VERSION := 0.2.1
LATEX_FLAGS := -interaction=nonstopmode \
-file-line-error \
--synctex=15 \
@@ -273,7 +273,7 @@ logo.png:logo.pdf
@echo "Versioned"
$(MUTE)$(SED) 's/^# \(.*\)/# \1\n## Version $(VERSION)/' \
- < $< > $@
+ < $< | pandoc --to markdown > $@
ctandir: all tutorial/game.pdf
@echo "Preparing CTAN directory"
@@ -286,7 +286,7 @@ ctandir: all tutorial/game.pdf
$(MUTE)$(MAKE) distdir distsdir:=tmp/$(srcdir) $(REDIR)
$(MUTE)mkdir -p $(ctandir)/$(NAME)
$(MUTE)cp tmp/$(docdir)/ $(ctandir)/$(NAME)/
- #$(MUTE)(cd tmp && zip -q -r ../$(ctandir)/$(NAME) *)
+ $(MUTE)(cd tmp && zip -q -r ../$(ctandir)/$(NAME) *)
$(MUTE)(cd tmp && cp -a $(docdir) ../$(ctandir)/$(NAME)/doc)
$(MUTE)(cd tmp && cp -a $(srcdir) ../$(ctandir)/$(NAME)/source)
$(MUTE) rm -rf tmp
@@ -317,7 +317,7 @@ docker:
apt update
- apt install -y poppler-utils python3-pil \
+ apt install -y poppler-utils python3-pil pandoc \
libwww-mechanize-perl libfile-copy-recursive-perl
diff --git a/macros/latex/contrib/wargame/source/hex/core.dtx b/macros/latex/contrib/wargame/source/hex/core.dtx
index 1847ad42c8..ee04290955 100644
--- a/macros/latex/contrib/wargame/source/hex/core.dtx
+++ b/macros/latex/contrib/wargame/source/hex/core.dtx
@@ -62,6 +62,7 @@
% \end{macrocode}
% \iffalse
diff --git a/macros/latex/contrib/wargame/source/util/core.dtx b/macros/latex/contrib/wargame/source/util/core.dtx
index a3c656a2b3..506cb19ece 100644
--- a/macros/latex/contrib/wargame/source/util/core.dtx
+++ b/macros/latex/contrib/wargame/source/util/core.dtx
@@ -766,7 +766,7 @@
\chit@dbg{2}{chits to make images of `#2'}%
\foreach[count=\ti from 0] \t/\x in #2{%
\ifx\t\empty\else% Ignore empty rows
- \message{^^JSubcategory: `\x' (default `#1')}
+ \chit@dbg{5}{^^JSubcategory: `\x' (default `#1')}
\ifx\t\x\def\x{#1}\fi% Take sub-category or default
\foreach \u/\m in \t{%
\ifx\u\empty\else% Ignore empty cells
@@ -812,7 +812,7 @@
\foreach[count=\ti from 0] \t/\x in #2{%
\ifx\t\empty\else% Ignore empty rows
- \message{^^JSubcategory: `\x' (default `#1')}
+ \chit@dbg{5}{^^JSubcategory: `\x' (default `#1')}
\ifx\t\x\def\x{#1}\fi% Take sub-category or default
\foreach \u/\m in \t{%
\ifx\u\empty\else% Ignore empty cells
@@ -981,15 +981,37 @@
% \end{macrocode}
% \begin{macrocode}
+ \pgfpointanchor{#1}{#2}%
+ \pgfgetlastxy\tmp@x\tmp@y%
+ \pt@to@cm{\tmp@x}\edef\tmp@x{\pgfmathresult}
+ \pt@to@cm{\tmp@y}\edef\tmp@y{\pgfmathresult}
+ \pgfpointanchor{#1}{#2}%
+ \pgfgetlastxy\tmp@x\tmp@y%
+ \pgfpointtransformed{\pgfpoint{\tmp@x}{\tmp@y}}
+ \pgf@xa=\pgf@x
+ \pgf@ya=\pgf@y
+ \pt@to@cm{\the\pgf@xa}\edef\tmp@x{\pgfmathresult}
+ \pt@to@cm{\the\pgf@ya}\edef\tmp@y{\pgfmathresult}
- \pgfpointanchor{#1}{south west}%
- \pgfgetlastxy\tmp@llx\tmp@lly%
- \pgfpointanchor{#1}{north east}%
- \pgfgetlastxy\tmp@urx\tmp@ury%
- \pt@to@cm{\tmp@llx}\edef\llx{\pgfmathresult}
- \pt@to@cm{\tmp@lly}\edef\lly{\pgfmathresult}
- \pt@to@cm{\tmp@urx}\edef\urx{\pgfmathresult}
- \pt@to@cm{\tmp@ury}\edef\ury{\pgfmathresult}}
+ % \pgfpointanchor{#1}{south west}%
+ % \pgfgetlastxy\tmp@llx\tmp@lly%
+ % \pgfpointanchor{#1}{north east}%
+ % \pgfgetlastxy\tmp@urx\tmp@ury%
+ % \pt@to@cm{\tmp@llx}\edef\llx{\pgfmathresult}
+ % \pt@to@cm{\tmp@lly}\edef\lly{\pgfmathresult}
+ % \pt@to@cm{\tmp@urx}\edef\urx{\pgfmathresult}
+ % \pt@to@cm{\tmp@ury}\edef\ury{\pgfmathresult}
+ \mk@get@anchor{#1}{south west}
+ \edef\llx{\tmp@x}
+ \edef\lly{\tmp@y}
+ \mk@get@anchor{#1}{north east}
+ \edef\urx{\tmp@x}
+ \edef\ury{\tmp@y}
% \end{macrocode}
% \begin{macrocode}
@@ -1011,26 +1033,35 @@
\mk@w{ \mk@i "upper right": [\urx,\ury],}
% \pgftransforminvert
- \pgfpointanchor{#1}{south west}%
- \pgfgetlastxy\tmp@llx\tmp@lly%
- \pgfpointtransformed{\pgfpoint{\tmp@llx}{\tmp@lly}}
- \pgf@xa=\pgf@x
- \pgf@ya=\pgf@y
- %
- \pgfpointanchor{#1}{north east}%
- \pgfgetlastxy\tmp@urx\tmp@ury%
- \pgfgetlastxy\tmp@llx\tmp@lly%
- \pgfpointtransformed{\pgfpoint{\tmp@urx}{\tmp@ury}}
- \pgf@xb=\pgf@x
- \pgf@yb=\pgf@y
- \pt@to@cm{\the\pgf@xa}\edef\llx{\pgfmathresult}
- \pt@to@cm{\the\pgf@ya}\edef\lly{\pgfmathresult}
- \pt@to@cm{\the\pgf@xb}\edef\urx{\pgfmathresult}
- \pt@to@cm{\the\pgf@yb}\edef\ury{\pgfmathresult}x
- \mk@w{ \mk@i "global lower left": [\llx,\lly],}
- \mk@w{ \mk@i "global upper right": [\urx,\ury]}
+ % \pgfpointanchor{#1}{south west}%
+ % \pgfgetlastxy\tmp@llx\tmp@lly%
+ % \pgfpointtransformed{\pgfpoint{\tmp@llx}{\tmp@lly}}
+ % \pgf@xa=\pgf@x
+ % \pgf@ya=\pgf@y
+ % %
+ % \pgfpointanchor{#1}{north east}%
+ % \pgfgetlastxy\tmp@urx\tmp@ury%
+ % \pgfgetlastxy\tmp@llx\tmp@lly%
+ % \pgfpointtransformed{\pgfpoint{\tmp@urx}{\tmp@ury}}
+ % \pgf@xb=\pgf@x
+ % \pgf@yb=\pgf@y
+ % \pt@to@cm{\the\pgf@xa}\edef\llx{\pgfmathresult}
+ % \pt@to@cm{\the\pgf@ya}\edef\lly{\pgfmathresult}
+ % \pt@to@cm{\the\pgf@xb}\edef\urx{\pgfmathresult}
+ % \pt@to@cm{\the\pgf@yb}\edef\ury{\pgfmathresult}x
+ \mk@get@global@anchor{#1}{south west}
+ \mk@w{ \mk@i "global lower left": [\tmp@x,\tmp@y],}
+ \mk@get@global@anchor{#1}{north east}
+ \mk@w{ \mk@i "global upper right": [\tmp@x,\tmp@y]}
+ \hex@dbg{10}{^^JMarking `#2' with `#1' - start}
+ \coordinate[transform shape] (tmp) at (#2) {};
+ \mk@get@anchor{tmp}{center}
+ \hex@dbg{3}{^^JMarking `#2' with `#1' - `\tmp@x',\tmp@y'}
+ \tikzset{zone point={#1}{\tmp@x}{\tmp@y}}
% \end{macrocode}
% For the key \texttt{zone path} to work, we need to be able to record
@@ -1079,6 +1110,7 @@
+ \let\markpos\mk@pos%
% \end{macrocode}
@@ -1103,7 +1135,6 @@
%% Everything is made into centimeters
\mk@w{ \mk@i "units": "cm",}
- \message{^^Jlabel: \meaning\mk@label}
\@ifundefined{mk@label}{}{\mk@w{ \mk@i "labels": "\mk@label",}}
%% Write out coordinate options as "coords" object
\mk@w{ \mk@i"coords": \@lbchar}%
@@ -1180,8 +1211,6 @@
% point - f.ex. in a node - and outputs that
% \begin{macrocode}
zone point/.code n args={3}{
- \advance\mk@point1
- \global\mk@point=\mk@point
\pgf@xa=##2 cm
\pgf@ya=##3 cm
@@ -1190,10 +1219,18 @@
+ \advance\mk@point1
+ \global\mk@point=\mk@point
\mk@w{ \mk@i "point\the\mk@point": \@lbchar "name": "##1", "type": "point", "coords": [\px,\py]
\@rbchar, }
%\message{^^JZone point \the\mk@point\space ##1: ##2,##3 -> \px,\py}
+ zone global point/.code n args={3}{
+ \advance\mk@point1
+ \global\mk@point=\mk@point
+ \mk@w{ \mk@i "point\the\mk@point": \@lbchar "name": "##1", "type": "point", "coords": [\px,\py]
+ \@rbchar, }
+ },
% \end{macrocode}
% The \texttt{zone path} style is a bit more simple, but only because
diff --git a/macros/latex/contrib/wargame/source/utils/ b/macros/latex/contrib/wargame/source/utils/
index b60cbb0fc5..d62c9e5f77 100755
--- a/macros/latex/contrib/wargame/source/utils/
+++ b/macros/latex/contrib/wargame/source/utils/
@@ -287,6 +287,31 @@ def get_game(doc):
return doc.getElementsByTagName('')[0]
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
+def get_globalproperties(doc,one=True):
+ return get_asone(doc,MODULE+'properties.GlobalProperties',one)
+# --------------------------------------------------------------------
+def get_globalproperty(doc,asdict=True):
+ '''A little confusing - this returns a dictionary'''
+ return get_asdict(doc,MODULE+'properties.GlobalProperty','name',asdict)
+# --------------------------------------------------------------------
+def get_turntrack(doc,asdict=True):
+ return get_asdict(doc,MODULE+'turn.TurnTracker','name',asdict)
+# --------------------------------------------------------------------
+def get_turncounter(doc,asdict=True):
+ return get_asdict(doc,MODULE+'turn.CounterTurnLevel','property',asdict)
+# --------------------------------------------------------------------
+def get_turnlist(doc,asdict=True):
+ return get_asdict(doc,MODULE+'turn.ListTurnLevel','property',asdict)
+# --------------------------------------------------------------------
+def get_turnhotkey(doc,asdict=True):
+ return get_asdict(doc,MODULE+'turn.TurnGlobalHotkey','hotkey',asdict)
+# --------------------------------------------------------------------
def get_documentation(doc,one=True):
return get_asone(doc,MODULE+'Documentation',one)
@@ -356,6 +381,10 @@ def get_pieces(doc,asdict=True):
return get_asdict(doc,WIDGET+'PieceSlot','entryName',asdict)
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
+def get_prototypecontainer(doc,one=True):
+ return get_asone(doc,MODULE+'PrototypesContainer',one)
+# --------------------------------------------------------------------
def get_prototypes(doc,asdict=True):
return get_asdict(doc,MODULE+'PrototypeDefinition', 'name',asdict)
@@ -444,9 +473,14 @@ def dicts_to_piece(traits):
# ====================================================================
-# Key encoding
+# Key encoding
+SHIFT = 65
CTRL = 130
ALT = 520
+NONE = '\ue004'
def key(let,mod=CTRL):
'''Encode a key sequence
@@ -510,10 +544,143 @@ def add_basiccommandencoder(root,doc):
return add_node(root,doc,MODULE+'BasicCommandEncoder')
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
-def add_globalproperties(root,elem):
- return add_node(root,elem,MODULE+'properties.GlobalProperties')
+def add_globalproperties(root,elem,*props,**named):
+ gp = add_node(root,elem,MODULE+'properties.GlobalProperties')
+ # Add elements where each is a dict with _at least_
+ # "{'name':NAME, 'initialValue':VALUE}"
+ for p in props:
+ add_globalproperty(root,gp,**p)
+ # Add elements where each is a named dict with _at least_
+ # "{'initialValue':VALUE}"
+ for n, p in named:
+ add_globalproperty(root,gp,name=n,**p)
+ return gp
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
+def add_globalproperty(root,elem,name,initialValue,
+ isNumeric = False,
+ min = "null",
+ max = "null",
+ wrap = False,
+ description = ""):
+ return add_node(root,elem,MODULE+'properties.GlobalProperty',
+ name = name,
+ initialValue = initialValue,
+ isNumeric = isNumeric,
+ min = min,
+ max = max,
+ wrap = wrap,
+ description = description)
+# --------------------------------------------------------------------
+def add_turntrack(root, elem, name,
+ buttonText = 'Turn',
+ hotkey = '',
+ icon = '',
+ length = -1,
+ lengthStyle = 'Maximum',
+ nexthotkey = key('T',ALT),
+ plusButtonSize = 22,
+ prevhotkey = key('T',ALT_SHIFT),
+ reportFormat = '<$PlayerId$> Turn updated from $oldTurn$ to $newTurn$',
+ turnButtonHeight = 22,
+ turnFormat = None,
+ counter = None,
+ phases = None):
+ levels = (counter if counter is not None else
+ phases if phases is not None else None)
+ if levels is not None:
+ lvl = 1
+ lvls = [f'$level{lvl}$']
+ sub = levels
+ while True:
+ sub = sub.get('counter',sub.get('phases',None))
+ if sub is None:
+ break
+ lvl += 1
+ lvls.append(f'$level{lvl}$')
+ turnFormat = ' '.join(lvls)
+ if turnFormat is None:
+ turnFormat = '$level1$ $level2$ $level3$ $level4$'
+ t = add_node(root, elem, MODULE+'turn.TurnTracker',
+ name = name,
+ buttonText = buttonText,
+ hotkey = hotkey,
+ icon = icon,
+ length = length,
+ lengthStyle = lengthStyle,
+ nexthotkey = nexthotkey,
+ plusButtonSize = plusButtonSize,
+ prevhotkey = prevhotkey,
+ reportFormat = reportFormat,
+ turnButtonHeight = turnButtonHeight,
+ turnFormat = turnFormat)
+ add_turnlevel(root, t, counter=counter, phases=phases)
+ return t
+# --------------------------------------------------------------------
+def add_turnlevel(root,parent,counter=None,phases=None):
+ f,s = ((add_turncounter,counter) if counter is not None else
+ (add_turnlist,phases) if phases is not None else (None,None))
+ if f is None: return parent
+ subcounter = s.pop('counter',None)
+ subphases = s.pop('phases',None)
+ sub = f(root,parent,**s)
+ return add_turnlevel(root,sub,counter=subcounter,phases=subphases)
+# --------------------------------------------------------------------
+def add_turncounter(root,elem,property,
+ incr = 1,
+ loop = False,
+ loopLimit = -1,
+ turnFormat = "$value$"):
+ c = add_node(root,elem,MODULE+"turn.CounterTurnLevel",
+ property = property,
+ incr = incr,
+ loop = loop,
+ loopLimit = loopLimit,
+ turnFormat = turnFormat)
+ return c
+# --------------------------------------------------------------------
+def add_turnlist(root,elem,property,names,
+ configFirst = False,
+ configList = False,
+ turnFormat = '$value$'):
+ c = add_node(root,elem,MODULE+"turn.ListTurnLevel",
+ property = property,
+ list = ','.join([str(p) for p in names]),
+ configFirst = configFirst,
+ configList = configList,
+ turnFormat = turnFormat)
+ return c
+# --------------------------------------------------------------------
+def add_turnhotkey(root,elem,
+ hotkey,
+ match = '{phase=="first"}',
+ reportFormat = '{PlayerName}',
+ name = ''):
+ return add_node(root,elem,MODULE+'turn.TurnGlobalHotkey',
+ hotkey = hotkey,
+ match = match,
+ reportFormat = reportFormat,
+ name = name)
+# --------------------------------------------------------------------
def add_translatable(root,elem):
return add_node(root,elem,MODULE+'properties.GlobalTranslatableMessages')
@@ -888,7 +1055,7 @@ def add_squarenumbering(root,grid,
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
def add_regiongrid(root,zone,snapto=True,fontsize=9,visible=True):
- print(f'Make region grid visible: {visible}')
+ # print(f'Make region grid visible: {visible}')
return add_node(root,zone,PICKER+'board.RegionGrid',
fontsize = fontsize,
snapto = snapto,
@@ -916,8 +1083,8 @@ def get_region_piece(root,grid,name,alsoPiece=True,piece=None,verbose=False):
# Find the piece by searching from the top of the tree
piece = get_pieces(root,root).get(name,None)
- if piece is None:
- print(list(get_pieces(root,root).keys()))
+ # if piece is None:
+ # print(list(get_pieces(root,root).keys()))
if verbose:
print(f' Possible piece for region {name}: {piece}')
return piece, map
@@ -965,7 +1132,7 @@ def add_region(root,grid,name,originx,originy,gpid,
if verbose:
print(f' Add piece {name} to region')
_, gpid = add_atstart(root,map,name,piece,
- location = name,
+ location = nam,
useGridLocation = True,
owningBoard = map.getAttribute('mapName'),
x = 0,
@@ -1310,6 +1477,7 @@ def add_prototype(root,elem,name,code,description=''):
name = name,
description = description)
+ return d
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
def add_piecewindow(root,elem,name,
@@ -1694,7 +1862,7 @@ def delete_trait(name = 'Delete', key = key('D')):
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
def sendto_trait(mapName,
- name = 'Eliminate',
+ name = '',
key = key('E'),
restoreName = 'Restore',
restoreKey = key('R'),
@@ -1704,7 +1872,7 @@ def sendto_trait(mapName,
yidx = 0,
xoff = 1,
yoff = 1,
- description = 'Eliminate this unit',
+ description = '',
destination = 'L',
zone = '',
region = '',
@@ -1857,6 +2025,15 @@ def add_proto(typ,state):
return add_piece(typ,state)
+# --------------------------------------------------------------------
+def add_proto_code(decs):
+ typs = [d[0] for d in decs]
+ stts = [d[1] for d in decs]
+ typ = enc_parts(*typs)
+ stt = enc_parts(*stts)
+ return add_proto(typ,stt)
# ====================================================================
# Below specific to the export app
@@ -1960,12 +2137,13 @@ def proto_body(family):
cmd : str
The command to add the piece
- # Dummy image
+ # Dummy image
decs = [ report_trait(key('E'),key('R'),key('M')),
- sendto_trait('DeadMap',family+' pool'),
+ sendto_trait('DeadMap',family+' pool','Eliminate',key('E'),
+ 'Restore',key('R'),description="Eliminate unit"),
basic_trait('','','') ]
typs = [d[0] for d in decs]
@@ -1974,7 +2152,8 @@ def proto_body(family):
stt = enc_parts(*stts)
return add_proto(typ,stt)
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
def add_splash(root,doc,categories,title='',verbose=False):
'''Add an about page
@@ -2486,8 +2665,8 @@ def get_picture_info(picture,name,width,height,verbose):
return HEX_WIDTH,HEX_HEIGHT,1,1,False,f
# Get picture bounding box
- pll = picture['lower left']
- pur = picture['upper right']
+ tll = picture['lower left']
+ tur = picture['upper right']
# Get picture transformation
pa = picture['xx']
pb = picture['xy']
@@ -2497,11 +2676,10 @@ def get_picture_info(picture,name,width,height,verbose):
pdx = picture['dx']
pdy = picture['dy']
# Define picture global transformation
- #pr = lambda x,y: (pa * x + pb * y, pc * x + pd * y)
pr = lambda x,y: (pa * x + pc * y, pb * x + pd * y)
# Globally transform (rotate) picture bounding box
- pll = pr(*pll)
- pur = pr(*pur)
+ pll = pr(*tll)
+ pur = pr(*tur)
# Calculate widht, height, and scaling factors
pw = pur[0] - pll[0]
ph = pur[1] - pll[1]
@@ -3203,6 +3381,16 @@ def create_build(info,
centerOnMove = 'Use Preferences Setting',
nonOwnerUnmaskable = 'Use Preferences Setting',
playerIdFormat = '$playerName$')
+ # Add global properties
+ gp = add_globalproperties(root,game)
+ # Add a turn tracker
+ tt = add_turntrack(root,game,'Turn',counter={
+ 'property': 'Turn',
+ 'phases': {
+ 'property': 'Phase',
+ 'names': sides }})
+ add_globalproperty(root,gp,'TurnTracker.defaultDocked',True)
# Add all pieces to the module (including prototypes)
gpid = add_counters(root,game,categories,
@@ -3330,7 +3518,9 @@ def create_vmod(vmodname,
# Store the name of the image file in catalogue
i['filename'] = i['name'].replace(' ','_') + '.png'
- vmod.writestr('images/'+i['filename'],i['img'])
+ imgfn = 'images/'+i['filename']
+ if imgfn not in vmod.namelist():
+ vmod.writestr(imgfn,i['img'])
# Categorize - assume counter
typ = i.get('category','counter')
diff --git a/macros/luatex/latex/luatruthtable/luatruthtable.sty b/macros/luatex/latex/luatruthtable/luatruthtable.sty
index 1b940c48c9..7f57bbe254 100644
--- a/macros/luatex/latex/luatruthtable/luatruthtable.sty
+++ b/macros/luatex/latex/luatruthtable/luatruthtable.sty
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
% luaset package
-% version 1.0
+% version 1.1
% Licensed under LaTeX Project Public License v1.3c or later. The complete license text is available at
%Authors: Chetan Shirore and Dr. Ajit Kumar
@@ -42,14 +42,18 @@ end
local tmp1 = {}
local logand = {}
+local v1 = 0
local and_mt= {
__mul = function(a,b)
if b==logand then
- tmp1[1]=a
+ v1 = v1 + 1
+ tmp1[v1]=a
return tmp1
elseif a == tmp1 then
- return _and(tmp1[1], b)
+ local w1 = _and(tmp1[v1], b)
+ v1 = v1 - 1
+ return w1
@@ -65,14 +69,18 @@ end
local tmp2 = {}
local logor = {}
+local v2 = 0
local or_mt= {
__mul = function(a,b)
if b==logor then
- tmp2[1]=a
+ v2 = v2 + 1
+ tmp2[v2] = a
return tmp2
elseif a == tmp2 then
- return _or(tmp2[1], b)
+ local w2 = _or(tmp2[v2], b)
+ v2 = v2 - 1
+ return w2
@@ -88,14 +96,18 @@ end
local tmp3 = {}
local imp = {}
+local v3 = 0
local imp_mt= {
__mul = function(a,b)
if b==imp then
- tmp3[1]=a
+ v3 = v3 + 1
+ tmp3[v3]=a
return tmp3
elseif a == tmp3 then
- return _imp(tmp3[1], b)
+ local w3 = _imp(tmp3[v3], b)
+ v3 = v3 - 1
+ return w3
@@ -111,14 +123,18 @@ end
local tmp4 = {}
local iff = {}
+local v4 = 0
local iff_mt= {
__mul = function(a,b)
if b==iff then
- tmp4[1]=a
+ v4 = v4 + 1
+ tmp4[v4]=a
return tmp4
elseif a == tmp4 then
- return _iff(tmp4[1], b)
+ local w4 = _iff(tmp4[v4], b)
+ v4 = v4 - 1
+ return w4
@@ -134,14 +150,18 @@ end
local tmp5 = {}
local logxor = {}
+local v5 = 0
local xor_mt= {
__mul = function(a,b)
if b==logxor then
- tmp5[1]=a
+ v5 = v5 + 1
+ tmp5[v5]=a
return tmp5
elseif a == tmp5 then
- return _xor(tmp5[1], b)
+ local w5 = _xor(tmp5[v5], b)
+ v5 = v5 - 1
+ return w5
@@ -157,14 +177,18 @@ end
local tmp6 = {}
local lognand = {}
+local v6 = 0
local nand_mt= {
__mul = function(a,b)
if b==lognand then
- tmp6[1]=a
+ v6 = v6 + 1
+ tmp6[v6]=a
return tmp6
elseif a == tmp6 then
- return _nand(tmp6[1], b)
+ local w6 = _nand(tmp6[v6], b)
+ v6 = v6 - 1
+ return w6
@@ -180,14 +204,18 @@ end
local tmp7 = {}
local lognor = {}
+local v7 = 0
local nor_mt= {
__mul = function(a,b)
if b==lognor then
- tmp7[1]=a
+ v7 = v7 + 1
+ tmp7[v7]=a
return tmp7
elseif a == tmp7 then
- return _nor(tmp7[1], b)
+ local w7 = _nor(tmp7[v7], b)
+ v7 = v7 - 1
+ return w7
@@ -203,14 +231,18 @@ end
local tmp8 = {}
local logxnor = {}
+local v8 = 0
local xnor_mt= {
__mul = function(a,b)
if b==logxnor then
- tmp8[1]=a
+ v8 = v8 + 1
+ tmp8[v8]=a
return tmp8
elseif a == tmp8 then
- return _xnor(tmp8[1], b)
+ local w8 = _xnor(tmp8[v8], b)
+ v8 = v8 - 1
+ return w8