path: root/macros/xetex/plain/unimath-plain-xetex/doc/unimath-plain-xetex-doc.tex
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Diffstat (limited to 'macros/xetex/plain/unimath-plain-xetex/doc/unimath-plain-xetex-doc.tex')
1 files changed, 202 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/macros/xetex/plain/unimath-plain-xetex/doc/unimath-plain-xetex-doc.tex b/macros/xetex/plain/unimath-plain-xetex/doc/unimath-plain-xetex-doc.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5140d0a2b5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/xetex/plain/unimath-plain-xetex/doc/unimath-plain-xetex-doc.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,202 @@
+%% The document of unimath-plain-xetex
+%% ******************************************************
+%% * This work may be distributed and/or modified under *
+%% * the conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License *
+%% * *
+%% * either version 1.3c of this license or any later *
+%% * version. *
+%% ******************************************************
+\def\sansfontname{Fira Sans Book}
+\def\monofontname{Source Code Pro}
+\def\mathfontname{Erewhon Math}
+\input unimath-plain-xetex
+ T\kern-.1667em\lower.5ex\hbox{E}\kern-.125emX}
+\def\latex{L\kern-.24em{\setbox0=\hbox{T}\vbox to \ht0{\hbox{\sevenrm A}\vss}}%
+ \kern-.12em\TeX}
+\def\biggskip{\vskip24pt plus 8pt minus 4pt}
+\def\pkg#1{{\tensf #1}}
+%\catcode`\@=11 \@sizeat{40pt}\the\sf@size \catcode`\@=12
+\font\hugesans="\sansfontname" at 35pt
+ \catcode`\\=12 \catcode`\{=12 \catcode`\}=12 \catcode`\$=12
+ \catcode`\&=12 \catcode`\#=12 \catcode`\%=12 \catcode`\~=12
+ \catcode`\_=12 \catcode`\^=12 \obeyspaces \obeylines \tt}
+\outer\def\begintt{$$\let\par=\endgraf \ttverbatim \parskip=0pt
+ \catcode`\|=0 \rightskip-2pc \ttfinish}
+{\catcode`\|=0 |catcode`|\=12 % | is temporary escape character
+ |obeylines % end of line is active
+ |gdef|ttfinish#1^^M#2\endtt{#1|vbox{#2}|endgroup$$}}
+{\obeylines \gdef"{\ttverbatim \spaceskip.5em \let^^M=\ \let"=\endgroup}}
+ \leavevmode
+ \setbox0\hbox{{#3}}%
+ \setbox1\hbox{%
+ \special{pdf:btrans}%
+ \special{x:scale #1 #2}%
+ \hbox to 0pt{\copy0\hss}%
+ \special{pdf:etrans}%
+ }%
+ \ht1#2\ht0
+ \dp1#2\dp0
+ \hbox to#1\wd0{\box1\kern#1\wd0\hss}%
+ \advance\seccnt1\relax\noindent{\twelvebf%
+ \hbox to 0pt{\hss\twentybf\the\seccnt\kern12pt}#1}%
+ \par\medskip\penalty1000}
+% title
+\centerline{\twentyrm The
+ \scalehbox{0.5}{0.5}{%
+ \special{pdf:code q 1 Tr}%
+ {\hugesans\umpx}%
+ \special{pdf:code Q}}
+ package}
+\centerline{Zhang Tingxuan}
+\centerline{2022/11/06\quad Version 0.0β}
+\centerline{\bf Abstract}
+{\sf\umpx} package provides OpenType math font support in {\it plain \tex\/}
+format. The {\sf\umpx} package needs \xetex.
+\section{How to use this package?}
+Please notice again that you're using {\it plain\/} format but not
+\latex\ format. If you are using \latex\ format, please use
+\pkg{unicode-math} package instead.
+In your document, write
+\input unimath-plain-xetex
+Then compile your document with "xetex", you can get OpenType math support
+in your document. The package will set the math font ``Latin Modern Math''
+with ``Latin Modern'' text fonts in default. To change the font, you can
+define some names before loading the package. For example,
+\def\mainfontname{TeX Gyre Termes}
+\def\sansfontname{TeX Gyre Heros}
+\def\monofontname{TeX Gyre Cursors}
+\def\mathfontname{TeX Gyre Termes Math}
+\input unimath-plain-xetex
+Your text fonts will be set in the first 3 lines and your math font will
+be set in the fourth line.
+Currently, the package supports only font family names to use, if
+you want to use the file names, you can revise the code in
+\section{Text font commands}
+The package provides text font commands in the format of
+such as "\tensfbfit", "\twelvebf", etc. The packages provides
+font commands in size of 5\,pt, 7\,pt, 9\,pt, 10\,pt, 12\,pt and 20\,pt,
+such as "\fiverm", "\sevensf", "\twelvett", etc.
+Take ten point as an example,
+ \halign{ \hfil#\hfil \cr
+ {\twelverm Serif} \cr
+ \vbox{\openup-8pt\halign{#&\quad#&\quad#\cr
+ & Upright & {\tenit Italic} \cr
+ Medium & "\tenrm" & "\tenit" \cr
+ {\tenbf Bold} & "\tenbf" & "\tenbfit" \cr}} \cr
+ {\twelvesf Sans} \cr
+ \vbox{\openup-8pt\halign{#&\quad#&\quad#\cr
+ & {\tensf Upright} & {\tensfit Italic} \cr
+ {\tensf Medium} & "\tensf" & "\tensfit" \cr
+ {\tensfbf Bold} & "\tensfbf" & "\tensfbfit" \cr}} \cr
+ {\twelvett Typewritter} \cr
+ \vbox{\openup-8pt\halign{#&\quad#&\quad#\cr
+ & {\tentt Upright} & {\tenttit Italic} \cr
+ {\tentt Medium} & "\tentt" & "\tenttit" \cr
+ {\tenttbf Bold} & "\tenttbf" & "\tenttbfit" \cr}} \cr}}$$
+The font commands can be used as those provided in "plain.tex", for example,
+"{\tenbfit ABC}" yields {\tenbfit ABC}.
+But if you would't like to remember that many commands, you can write
+after loading the package. For example, if you write
+the \<family>-\<series>-\<shape> order of "\ten"\<some> commands
+can be write randomly: writing "\tenbfsfit" is the same as "\tensfbfit".
+You can also get more text font commands through the "\genfontcmd" command:
+For example,
+will make commands like "\fortyfourrm" and "\verytinysfbfit" available.
+\section{Math font commands}
+%Traditional plain \tex\ uses "\fam" mechanism to change the font of letters
+%and numbers in math mode. But using the "\fam" mechanism to change the face
+%of a math symbol in an OpenType math font is almost impossible. For example,
+%the roman ``${\rm A}$'' is encoded U+0041, but the italic math ``$A$'' is
+%encoded U+1D434.But this problem can be solved through redefining the math
+You can input math formulae just like using traditional plain \tex. But
+OpenType math font is loaded. For example, "$a{\bf0}={\bf0}$" yields
+$a{\bf0}={\bf0}$. Available math font commands are listed below:
+\rm, \bf, \it, \bfit,\sf, \sfbf, \sfit, \sfbfit,
+\tt, \cal, \calbf, \bb, \bbit, \frak, \frakbf
+The \<family>-\<series>-\<shape> order of these commands allows being random;
+"cal" can be replaced by "scr".
+This package uses "unicode-math-symbols.tex" to generate math symbol commands,
+the source file can be found in \pkg{unicode-math} package. To find all of
+the math symbol commands, you can execute
+texdoc unimath-symbols
+in Terminal.
+You can also input Unicode math characters in your document's source file.
+For example, "$∫_a^b y\,dx$" yields $∫_a^b y\,dx$ and "$$∫_a^b y\,dx.$$" yields
+$$∫_a^b y\,dx.$$
+\bye \ No newline at end of file