path: root/macros/xetex/plain/do-it-yourself-tex/do-it-yourself-tex.tex
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'macros/xetex/plain/do-it-yourself-tex/do-it-yourself-tex.tex')
1 files changed, 314 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/macros/xetex/plain/do-it-yourself-tex/do-it-yourself-tex.tex b/macros/xetex/plain/do-it-yourself-tex/do-it-yourself-tex.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..170054fa40
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/xetex/plain/do-it-yourself-tex/do-it-yourself-tex.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,314 @@
+% [do_it_yourself_tex.tex]
+% version of 2019.03.17
+%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% XETEX INPUTS %%%%%%%%%%%%%
+% See [FORM_PLAIN.tex ] and the top of each macro file for
+% a discussion of the following
+\input format_XETEX.mac
+\input unicode_latin.mac
+\input macros.mac
+\input ancestors.mac
+\input additional.mac
+\input petr_olsak.mac
+\input my_fonts.mac
+\input pstricks
+\input epsf
+\input color
+%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% END XETEX INPUTS %%%%%%%%%%%%%
+%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% VARIOUS COMMANDS %%%%%%%%%%%%%
+\topglue 0pt
+\topskip 18pt
+\tracingoutput = 0 % file - minimum information ( =1 for full)
+\tracingonline = 0 % screen - minimum information ( =1 for full
+%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% END VARIOUS COMMANDS %%%%%%%%%%%%%
+%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% DIMENSIONS %%%%%%%%%%%%%
+\pdfpageheight=11truein % !!
+\pdfpagewidth= 8.5truein %!!
+\vsize = 8.50 in %!!
+{\hsize = 5.94 in %!!
+\voffset = 0.5 truecm %!!
+\hoffset = 0.70truecm %!!
+\baselineskip = 14pt % default = 12pt
+%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% END DIMENSIONS %%%%%%%%%%%%%
+%%%%%%%%%%% FOOTER & HEADER %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+% =======> 3 CHANGES TO MAKE <=========
+ \nopagenumbers
+ % in final versions
+ \pageno = 1 % 3 CHANGES TO MAKE
+ % this footer puts a page number in bold at the bottom of each page, EXCEPT FIRST
+ \ifnum \pageno = 1 % do nothing <== keep with false #
+ \else
+ {\centreline{\bf \folio}} % centerline closes here for page #
+ \fi % this matches \ifnum
+ }
+ %
+ \centreline{ % CAN NOT PUT \centreline AFTER ELSE, FOULS UP!
+ \ifnum \pageno = 1 % do nothing <== keep with false #
+ \else
+ {\bfthirteen Do It Yourself Tex}
+%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% END FOOTER AND HEADER %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% TEXT STARTS % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+ {\rm % !! 12.5pt I like a larger font, defined in [my_fonts.mac]
+{\verysmall . } % !! 0.1pt used to move text up via \vskip -20pt\nin !!
+\vskip -20pt\nin % \nin = \noindent, see [format_XETEX.mac]
+\centreline{\bftwenty Do It Yourself Tex} % \bftwenty is defined in [my_fonts.mac]
+\centreline{\rmfifteen March 17, 2019} % \centreline is defined in [format_XETEX.mac]
+\mni % \mni = \medskip\noindent
+\centreline{\rmfifteen Roger Herz-Fischler}
+\mni % unicode designation of ~
+\centreline{\ttten\char"007E rhfischl/}
+\vskip 15pt\nin
+{\baselineskip = 11pt
+\centreline{C'est assez qu'ont ait vu par là qu'il ne faut point}
+\hbox to 4.8truecm{} Agir chacun de même sort.
+\hskip 5.6truecm{} \tiret La Fontaine \gl\fnotemark{1}
+\par} % end of quote
+\fnotetext{{\it Fables\/}, \lq L'Ane chargé d'éponges et l'ane chargé de sel\rq}
+\vskip 20pt\nin
+\centreline{\bffourteen Abstract}
+This package consists of a collection of annotated and {\it easily modified\/} forms and macro files, together with concrete examples which are intended to illustrate how {\it plain\/} Xe\TeX\ can be employed to typeset even quite complicated
+documents. Various files illustrate how to directly use fonts of a specified type and size, how to find Unicode glyphs
+and how to call them for use, how to import images, use colour etc.\gl . Unicode tables of fonts and special glyphs \(arrows, geometric shapes \dots\) are included and an {\tt HTML} page provides direct links to font sources and further Unicode information.
+A special section deals with right to left texts and the setting up of a unicode definition file which permits
+the input of a pointed \(i.e. with the inclusion of vowel symbols\) text from a Latin keyboard.
+\vskip 15pt\nin
+\centreline{\bffourteen Contents}
+\item{1.} Raison d'\ce tre
+\item{2.} Fonts and Unicode
+\itemitem{} Sources for Fonts and Unicode \({\tt HTML}\)
+\item{3.} Forms and macro files
+\itemitem{} Images, colour and marginal notes
+\item{4.} Text Samples
+\itemitem{} Octave \(programming\) manual
+\itemitem{} Genealogical texts
+\itemitem{} Canadian aboriginal syllabics
+Further examples are available at the above web site\]
+\item{5.} Right to Left Texts
+\itemitem{} Texts in Hebrew, Arabic and ancient semitic scripts
+\vfill\eject % avoid splitting "shell"
+\item{6.} Shell files
+\itemitem{} These include {\tt photos2eps}, {\tt reduce}, {\tt bak} and {\tt del} to
+quickly perform certain batch operations.
+\vskip 18pt\nin
+\centreline{\bffourteen Raison d'\ce tre}
+I started off using plain \TeX\ in the 1980s and over the years I developed forms, shortcuts,
+font and font size definitions for use in my research books, teaching manuals, genealogical books etc.
+In particular I would vary the font and the font sizes from text to text and even within a text. As an
+example, the present section headings are set in 14 point Libertine Roman Bold which is called by the command
+\bsl bffourteen. This
+is defined in the macro file \[my\unl fonts.mac\] as:
+\centreline{ \bsl font\bsl bffourteen = \[\dots \fsl MY-FONTS\fsl LinLibertineRB.otf\] at 14.0 pt}
+This definition leads to the unique directory MY-FONTS where I keep my fonts and also states the desired point size.
+As the need for a new font or font size arose, a simple copy and paste and a few changes sufficed to create the
+new definition.
+The last paragraph illustrates some of the shortcuts that appear in the macro file \[format\unl XETEX.mac\]. Notice
+that where it reads \lq \[my\unl fonts.mac\]\rq\
+there is a little space \(in fact \bsl gl\) between the [\TH \] and \lq my\unl fonts.mac\rq\ and also
+before and after the underscore. Instead
+of writing the spacing commands I defined \bsl[, \bsl ] and \bsl unl. Further I defined \bsl bsl so that I could quickly
+typeset the commands themselves.
+At one point, I told myself that I should learn La\TeX, but I became frustrated by the commands needed to change fonts and font sizes as well as spacings etc. It is obvious that there are some wonderful La\TeX\ packages; however even for importing images \(see Section 3\) I found that I could do it myself by writing simple shortcuts that I could quickly modify during trials and for different
+It was only last year that I came across Petr Olšák's {\it OPmac\tiret macros for plain\TeX\/} and from it I learned how
+to create notes in the margin and a better way of creating tables. His manual inspired me to make my small contribution to
+the world of plain \TeX\ in the hope that it would prove useful.
+My pedagogical philosophy \(see e.g.\ the {\tt Octave} manual in the {\it Text Samples\/} di\-rec\-to\-ry\) has always been to aim for
+clarity by avoiding
+the most general form of a command and by providing real examples. To this effect I have often made the commands visible in the
+PDF output\tiret see \[images\unl colour\unl marginal-notes.pdf\]\tiret and by annotating other commands in the \TeX\ file.
+%\vskip 15pt\nin
+\centreline{\bffourteen Fonts and Unicode}
+ Xe\TeX\ was created by Jonathan Kew in the 1990s with the idea of using Unicode based fonts. Thus, in order to facilate
+ the use of Xe\TeX, and to avoid a great deal of searching by users,
+ the directory {\tt FONTS+UNICODE} contains an {\tt HTML} page entitled {\it Sources\_for\ Fonts and Unicode.html\/}\th
+ which has direct links to various sites dealing with Unicode and sources of fonts. In addition there are two sub-directories; one
+ with tables for a selection of fonts and the other some Unicode tables \(e.g. arrows\) which I generated.
+ \mni
+ Xe\TeX, which works without the necessity of further manipulation of classical Tex documents,
+in turn has a further advantage as stated in connection with the CTAN package \lq xetex\rq:\Th \lq Xe\TeX’s im­me­di­ate out­put is an
+ex­tended vari­ant of DVI for­mat, which is or­di­nar­ily pro­cessed by a tightly bound pro­ces­sor (called xd­vipdfmx),
+that pro­duces PDF\rq, i.e. if you type: xetex file\unl 01.tex, you obtain: file\unl 01.pdf.
+ \mni
+Because of these advantages it is assumed in the following discussions that plain Xe\TeX\ is being used.
+ %
+\vskip 15pt\nin
+\centreline{\bffourteen Forms and Macro Files}
+\[N.B. Because I work with so many \TeX\ files, often at the same time, I did not want to use the extension \lq tex\rq\ for what
+I refer to as macro files. I decided to use the extension \lq mac\rq. This, of course, can be changed to suit
+the user's taste.\]
+This directory contains the following macro files; additional information is given at the top of each file.
+\item{} \[format\unl XETEX.mac\]. This contains a collection of shortcuts for spacings, special symbols, etc.\
+that I created over the years, e.g instead of repeatedly typing \bsl medskip\bsl noindent, I only have to type \bsl mni.
+\item{} \[unicode\unl latin.mac\]. These provide for the entry of
+ French and German accented letters without switching keyboards;
+ e.g.\ typing \bsl ge will produce the \lq e-grave\rq\ letter \ge\gl. The same can be done
+ for other languages as the file \[unicode\unl hebrew.mac\]
+\item{} \[macros.mac\]. These are macros with a specified text, e.g.
+\itemitem{} Typing
+\bsl infobox\lbr This is an information box\rbr\ produces:
+\infobox{This is an information box}
+\vskip -8pt\nin
+\item{} \[ancestors.mac\]. This is included to suggest how one can save a great deal of
+ typing by using
+ abbreviations for repeated items.
+ \mni
+\item{} \[additional.mac\]. This contains \bsl printdate and \bsl raggedleft \(for right to left texts\).
+\item{} \[petr\unl olsak.mac\]. This is a {\it verbatim\/} copy of
+Petr Olšák's {\it OPmac\tiret macros for plain\TeX\/}\tiret used here with his permission\tiret
+which was renamed to clearly indicate
+the author. The directory also contains a copy of his manual, again with the title changed.
+\item{} \[my\unl fonts.mac\]. This contains all the font definitions, e.g.\ \bsl bftwenty
+In addition the directory contains the following forms and texts.
+\item{}\[FORM\unl PLAIN.tex\]. This is an easily modifiable \lq good to go\rq\ form with all the inputs and dimensions
+present and in addition contains a sub-form for headers and numbering.
+\item{} \[letter\unl form.tex\]. This letter form has a provision for automatically adding\tiret via PSTRICKS\tiret
+your signature.
+\item{}\[images-colour-marginal-notes.tex\]. This illustrates how to use PSTRICKS to import and rotate images,
+ how to add marginal notes,
+ using \[petr\unl olsak.mac\], and colour using \bsl color.
+\item{}\[two-columns.tex]. There is also a multi-column command in \[petr\unl olsak.mac\].
+\item{} \[calling\unl glyphs.tex\]. This explains how to find glyphs and how to call them for use.
+\item{} \[font\unl size.tex\] . This explains how do find the actual point values associated with a font at a given
+nominal value
+A sub-directory contains the forms and macro files for right to left languages.
+\vskip 15pt\nin
+\centreline{\bffourteen Text Samples}
+This directory contains illustrative excerpts, with both the \TeX\ and the corresponding PDF files, in three
+very different areas: a programming manual; a genealogical book and names written in Canadian aboriginal syllabics.
+\vskip 15pt\nin
+\centreline{\bffourteen Right to Left Texts}
+A special, again with a ready to use form and the macro files
+in this directory, illustrates the use of the bi-directional command \bsl bidi.
+This section contains the following illustrative texts:
+\itemitem{} A Biblical text with both coded and imported Hebrew and the use of marginal notes to indicate the verse numbers and
+also to signal a special feature in the text. In addition it illustrates how one
+switches from a right to left text to a left to right text.
+\itemitem{} A discussion of a fragment from the {\it Dead Sea Scrolls\/}. This file includes two imported
+images and the same text set\tiret via the importation of the Biblical text from a web source\tiret
+in four different fonts: \lq square\rq\ letters \(i.e.\ the present day forms\), two different ancient
+semitic letters and Samaritan \(still in use\).
+\itemitem{} A sample Arabic text with an imported portion of the {\it Quran\/} and the use
+of \[petr\unl olsak.mac\] to create a table.
+ % KEEP THIS ENDING!!! had when needed headers
+ } % ends roman
+ \par} % ends \hsize
+ \bye
+%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% FORMS %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+ \centreline{\epsfxsize = 6.5truein\epsfbox{*.eps}}
+\vskip 4 truept
+ \centreline{}
+\vskip 0.7cm\nin