path: root/macros/xetex/plain/do-it-yourself-tex/TEXT-SAMPLES/GENEALOGICAL-TEXTS/presentation-symbols.tex
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1 files changed, 182 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/macros/xetex/plain/do-it-yourself-tex/TEXT-SAMPLES/GENEALOGICAL-TEXTS/presentation-symbols.tex b/macros/xetex/plain/do-it-yourself-tex/TEXT-SAMPLES/GENEALOGICAL-TEXTS/presentation-symbols.tex
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index 0000000000..695601b6af
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/xetex/plain/do-it-yourself-tex/TEXT-SAMPLES/GENEALOGICAL-TEXTS/presentation-symbols.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,182 @@
+% [presentation-symbols.tex]
+% The heading material has been removed for clarity.
+% notice the use of \llap to put the definition term (e.g. "dates") off to the left.
+% notice, around line 40) the use of the macro \ancestors#1#2#3 from [macros.mac]
+% notice the use of \[ -- \] and \(--\) from [format_XETEX.mac] to leave a little space
+% between the [ ] and the enclosed text.
+% notice the use of \sni (smallskip + noindent), \mni etc for spacing between certain portions
+% of the text
+ {\rm % 12.5pt
+\vskip -20pt\nin
+ \centerline{\bfsixteen Presentation and Symbols}
+{\leftskip = 70pt
+\llap{\hbox to \leftskip{terminology\hfill}}
+If we consider the person called Solomon \ml, then:
+The expression \lq given name\rq\ refers to Solomon. An equivalent expression is \lq personal name\rq.
+The expression \lq family name\rq\ refers to \ml.
+\item{}Note that a person can have several given names and because of the 1808 name changes they might also
+have a \lq former name\rq\ or perhaps even several former names.
+The expression \lq name\rq\ refers to the combination, Solomon \ml.
+\llap{\hbox to \leftskip{presentation\hfill}}
+\kern -3pt Each ancestor appears at least once in a \lq presentation\rq\ form. This is illustrated by
+the main entry for
+Solomon \ml\ (see below for the symbols and abbreviations used):
+ \mni
+\ancestor{\bffourteen Solomon \ml\star\former{Solomon Hirtzel}} {111\|12\fsl
+112\|12}{ 1804.04.15 \[25 Germinal XII\], \dau\tiret 1865.11.08, \dau\ \[AN, 1808,\th AM,\th AD,\th S\]}
+ {\it Solomon Hirtzel\/} is the former, in this case the pre-1808, name of Solomon \ml.
+The names are followed by his identification number, birth and death dates\fsl places and a list of the
+documents that
+are available.
+Note that women are always referred to by their pre-marriage names. The spelling of names has been
+ standardized in the text e.g.\ Mantel\Th\EAA\kern-6pt Mandel; L\ae vi\Th\EAA\kern-6ptL\ae vy;
+Solomon\gl, etc.\gl. For an AM taken from \[Fraen-mar\] I have kept the original spelling.
+\llap{\hbox to \leftskip{dates\hfill}}Dates are given in the format:
+e.g.\ {1811.03.19} for March 19, 1811.
+\item{} Note also that numbers less than 10 are written with a 0 before
+the number, i.e.\ the above date is {\it not\/} written as {\tt 1811.3.19}\gl. [This format provides a means
+of listing the files in a directory of the DVD in the correct chronological order].
+% explanation too long . I put the rest after \bye
+Often it is not clear, or not indicated, if the date on a document is the actual date of an event (e.g.\ AD)
+or the date when the event was reported. Thus dates indicated may be off by a few days.
+Starting on September 22, 1792 [\th 01 vend\ae miaire of year I\th] until January 01, 1806 [\th 11
+niv\co se of year
+the French Republican calendar was in effect.\HTML\ If a document was written in the period covered by the
+calendar then the date corresponding to the usual calendar is listed first, followed by the Republican date
+in square brackets. For conversions and more information:
+\item{}{\tteleven\kern -3pt\web}\break
+{\tteleven calendrier\unl v.php}
+\llap{\hbox to \leftskip{\star\hfill}}There is a special section devoted to this person.
+\llap{\hbox to \leftskip{ca.\hfill}}Circa, used when an educated guess can be made concerning
+a date. E.g.\ the age of a deceased person might appear on the death certificate, without the actual year of
+birth being given. The estimated date of birth is obtained by subtraction, but this might be off by one or
+more years.
+% handbook, p. 497 , before and after e.g.
+\llap{\hbox to \leftskip{b. \hfill}}Before the date, e.g.\ b.\gl 1808 is used when the person is not listed
+the change of name registers of 1808 (\gl [1808]\th, [Katz-1808]\gl) and there is reason to believe that they
+were no longer alive. This information should be used with caution, because the person may have changed
+% handbook, p. 497 , before and after e.g.
+\llap{\hbox to \leftskip{a. \hfill}}After the date, e.g.\ a.\gl 1784 is used when the person is not listed in
+the census of 1784 (\gl [1784]\gl) and there is reason to believe that they had not yet been born. This
+information should be used with caution, because of the great variation in names between 1784 and 1808, etc.
+% handbook, p. 497 , before and after e.g.
+\llap{\hbox to \leftskip{*\hfill}}No information, used, e.g., when a first or last name
+or a date is missing.
+\llap{\hbox to \leftskip{ ?,\Th ??,\Th ???\hfill}}These indicate respectively, \lq not absolutely
+certain\rq, \lq educated guess\rq, \lq wild guess\rq. These are not employed on the charts or on the list of
+all the ancestors.
+% o.k. with 1 arrow here, but if put at end it prints almost the entire cmsy10 table!
+\llap{\hbox to \leftskip{ !,\Th !!,\Th !!!\hfill}}These indicate respectively,
+\lq does not seem right\rq, \lq hard to believe\rq, \lq truly unbelievable\rq. These reflect such
+things as disparate ages of children, etc.\gl.
+% skip I do not think that I use for descendants
+% with the arrows it separated the (previously longer) sentence with a large gap.
+%\llap{\hbox to \leftskip{\SEA\Th\NA\kern -4pt\EA\hfill}}
+%\llap{\hbox to \leftskip{\EA\Th\EAA\hfill}}Used in lists to indicate descendants.
+%\raise 1truept\hbox{\kern -3pt Arrows point to another location
+%on the page.}
+\llap{\hbox to \leftskip{\bften DVD\hfill}}The AN, AM, AD that are mentioned in the text
+appear on the accompanying DVD. The symbol\ DVD\ is used with other documents, images etc.\ to
+indicate that they too appear on the DVD.
+\llap{\hbox to \leftskip{\bften HTML\hfill}}Used to indicate that a topic can be accessed on the DVD from
+HTML page:\Th
+% I changed to lc. to match web sites
+{\ttten symbols\unl sources\unl references\unl etc.html}\gl.
+\llap{\hbox to \leftskip{\web\hfill}}Used with long web addresses to indicate that the
+address is continued on the next line.
+\llap{\hbox to \leftskip{\square\hfill}}Information, e.g.\ from a web page, which I was unable to verify via
+documents, texts, etc.\gl. %
+% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% KEEP THIS ENDING!!! % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+\vfill\eject % do not want extra page
+ } % ends \rm
+ \par} % ends \hsize
+ \bye