path: root/macros/xetex/latex/na-border
diff options
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11 files changed, 1158 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/macros/xetex/latex/na-border/README.txt b/macros/xetex/latex/na-border/README.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a0af528b4c
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+++ b/macros/xetex/latex/na-border/README.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+************* README file for na-border **********************
+ The
+ na-border
+ package
+ v0.1
+ 08/07/2018
+This program can be redistributed and/or modified under the terms
+of the LaTeX Project Public License Distributed from CTAN
+archives in directory macros/latex/base/lppl.txt.
+********************* ENGLISH *****************************
+This package use to draw border in page with font CornPop-ttf.
+This font is provided to you by – the largest online
+repository of free fonts for Windows and Mac.
+This package made compatible with the Arabic language and french language (via XeLaTeX/polyglossia).
+The documentation of the package is in the ZIP file or under the
+directory /doc/ in Arabic language.
+Thanks to use na-border .sty.
+************* Fichier README pour na-border **********************
+********************** FRANCAIS *******************************
+Cette extension est pour dessiner bordure de page avec
+ CornPop-ttf font qui est un Police gratuite trouvée dans le lien :
+Cette extension est utilisable XeLaTeX/polyglossia
+pour écrire des documents en arabe et latin .
+L'extension peut étre redistribuÃée et/ou modifiée sous les termes
+de la licence LaTeX Project Public (voir macros/latex/base/lppl.txt).
+La documentation de l'extension se trouve dans le fichier ZIP ou
+dans dans le répertoire /doc/.
+Merci d'utiliser na-border.sty.
diff --git a/macros/xetex/latex/na-border/doc/codenote.tex b/macros/xetex/latex/na-border/doc/codenote.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c7ea1387c5
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+++ b/macros/xetex/latex/na-border/doc/codenote.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,177 @@
+ \def\DrawMajorGrid{
+ \path[clip,rounded corners=10pt]
+ ([xshift=-30pt,yshift=20pt]Notebook.north west) rectangle
+ ([xshift=30pt,yshift=-20pt]Notebook.south east);
+ \draw[\MajorGridColor,opacity=0.3]
+ ([xshift=30pt,yshift=-20pt]Notebook.south east) grid[step=10mm]
+ ([xshift=-30pt,yshift=20pt]Notebook.north west);
+ }
+ \def\DrawMajorGrid{\relax}
+ \def\DrawMinorGrid{
+ \path[clip,rounded corners=10pt]
+ ([xshift=-30pt,yshift=20pt]Notebook.north west) rectangle
+ ([xshift=30pt,yshift=-20pt]Notebook.south east);
+ \draw[\MinorGridColor,opacity=0.3]
+ ([xshift=30pt,yshift=-20pt]Notebook.south east) grid[step=1mm]
+ ([xshift=-30pt,yshift=20pt]Notebook.north west);
+ }
+ \def\DrawMinorGrid{\relax}
+ \ifcase\nr\relax
+ \def\SpiralPosition{
+ ([xshift=9pt,yshift=7pt-\SpiralOffset-\Valor*\SpiralSpace]Notebook.north west)
+ }
+ \def\RotateAngle{0}
+ \or
+ \def\SpiralPosition{
+ ([xshift=-9pt,yshift=-3pt-\SpiralOffset-\Valor*\SpiralSpace]Notebook.north east)
+ }
+ \def\RotateAngle{180}
+ \def\ShadowXshift{-0.5ex}
+ \def\ShadowYshift{-0.5ex}
+ \or
+ \def\SpiralPosition{
+ ([yshift=-19pt,xshift=4pt+\SpiralOffset+\Valor*\SpiralSpace]Notebook.north west)
+ }
+ \def\RotateAngle{270}
+ \fi
+ nbcolorbg=white,
+ minorgrid=false,
+ majorgrid=false,
+ minorgridcolor=black!20,
+ majorgridcolor=black!60,
+ spiralposition=left,
+ spiralspace=0.5in
+ }
+ \draw[rotate=\RotateAngle,
+ draw=black,
+ left color=black!70,
+ right color=black!60,
+ middle color=gray!40
+ ]
+ (-1.1,-0.35) rectangle ++(10pt,10pt);
+ \draw[
+ rotate=\RotateAngle,
+ double=gray!60,
+ double distance=1pt,
+ ]
+ (-1,-0.2) arc (40:-250:10pt and 2pt);
+ \draw[
+ rotate=\RotateAngle,
+ double=gray!60,
+ double distance=1pt,
+ ]
+ (-1,-0.05) arc (40:-250:10pt and 2pt);
+ }
+ \draw[rotate=\RotateAngle,
+ draw=black,
+ left color=black!70,
+ right color=black!60,
+ middle color=gray!40
+ ]
+ (-1,-0.18) circle(0.175);
+ \draw[
+ rotate=\RotateAngle,
+ double=gray!60,
+ double distance=1pt,
+ ]
+ (-1,-0.2) arc (40:-250:10pt and 2pt);
+ \draw[
+ rotate=\RotateAngle,
+ double=gray!60,
+ double distance=1pt,
+ ]
+ (-1,-0.05) arc (40:-250:10pt and 2pt);
+ }
+\newcommand{\naamNotebook}[2][]% #1 = options (optional), #2 = contents, preferably in the form of a \parbox
+ \savebox{\NotebookBox}{#2}%
+ \setkeys{educnotebook}{#1}%
+ \ifnum\RotateAngle=270\relax
+ \dimen0=\dimexpr \wd\NotebookBox\relax
+ \else
+ \dimen0=\dimexpr \ht\NotebookBox+\dp\NotebookBox\relax
+ \fi
+ \dimen1=\SpiralSpace\relax
+ \def\SpiralNumber{\the\numexpr \dimen0/\dimen1 - 1\relax}%
+ \dimen2=\dimexpr \dimen0 - \SpiralNumber\dimen1\relax
+ \def\SpiralOffset{\the\dimexpr 0.5\dimen2\relax}%
+ \par\noindent\tikz{
+ \node (Notebook) [inner sep=0pt] {\usebox\NotebookBox};
+ \begin{scope}[on background layer]
+ \shade[rounded corners=5pt,ball color=LightSkyBlue,drop shadow={shadow xshift=\ShadowXshift, shadow yshift=\ShadowYshift}]
+ ([xshift=-0.7cm,yshift=20pt]Notebook.north west) rectangle
+ ([xshift=30pt,yshift=-20pt]Notebook.south east);
+ \begin{scope}%clipping
+ \DrawMajorGrid
+ \DrawMinorGrid
+ \end{scope}
+ \foreach \Valor in {0,1,...,\SpiralNumber}
+ \pic at \SpiralPosition {spiral};
+ \end{scope}
+ }\par
+\newcommand{\nNotebook}[2][]% #1 = options (optional), #2 = contents, preferably in the form of a \parbox
+ \savebox{\NotebookBox}{#2}%
+ \setkeys{educnotebook}{#1}%
+ \ifnum\RotateAngle=270\relax
+ \dimen0=\dimexpr \wd\NotebookBox\relax
+ \else
+ \dimen0=\dimexpr \ht\NotebookBox+\dp\NotebookBox\relax
+ \fi
+ \dimen1=\SpiralSpace\relax
+ \def\SpiralNumber{\the\numexpr \dimen0/\dimen1 - 1\relax}%
+ \dimen2=\dimexpr \dimen0 - \SpiralNumber\dimen1\relax
+ \def\SpiralOffset{\the\dimexpr 0.5\dimen2\relax}%
+ \par\noindent\tikz{
+ \node (Notebook) [inner sep=0pt] {\usebox\NotebookBox};
+ \begin{scope}[on background layer]
+ \draw[rounded corners=4pt,pattern=crosshatch dots light steel blue,drop shadow]
+ ([xshift=-0.3cm,yshift=20pt]Notebook.north west) rectangle
+ ([xshift=10pt,yshift=-20pt]Notebook.south east);
+ \begin{scope}%clipping
+ \DrawMajorGrid
+ \DrawMinorGrid
+ \end{scope}
+ \foreach \Valor in {0,1,...,\SpiralNumber}
+ \pic at \SpiralPosition {spirale};
+ \end{scope}
+ }\par
+\egroup} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/macros/xetex/latex/na-border/doc/lisandsections.tex b/macros/xetex/latex/na-border/doc/lisandsections.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..689a691f5e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/xetex/latex/na-border/doc/lisandsections.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,174 @@
+ language=[LaTeX]TeX,escapeinside={*}{*},
+ texcsstyle=*\color{red!40!black},
+ frame=none,
+ rulesepcolor=\color{blue},
+ rulecolor=\color{blue},
+ framexleftmargin=10pt ,
+, AtBeginDocument,arabicfon,lyfont},
+morekeywords={begin, end, draw,fill,tcbuselibrary,
+filldraw,shadedraw,shade,usetikzlibrary,foreach,clip,plot ,grid,rectangle,cycle,circle,path,pgfmathsetmacro
+\newfontfamily\arabicfont[Script=Arabic,Scale=1.4]{DecoType Naskh}
+\leter[Script=Arabic,Scale=1.5]{Mcs Book Title 3}
+\bantise[Script=Arabic,Scale=2]{Mcs Letter Word 5}
+\newfontfamily\arabicfonttt{Latin Modern Mono}
+\newfontfamily\arabicfontttt[Scale=2]{Latin Modern Mono}
+\newfontfamily\not[Script=Arabic,Scale=1.5]{Aref Ruqaa}
+\newfontfamily\fontislam[Script=Arabic,Scale=5]{AGA Islamic Phrases}
+drop fuzzy shadow,
+listing only,
+listing options={language={[LaTeX]TeX},escapeinside={*}{*},
+bordertitle,uline,bf,XeLaTeX,textfrench,underline,ztotpages,cfoot,rfoot,lfoot,chead,lhead,rhead, AtBeginDocument,def ,Nline,Nplot,arabicfon,usetikzlibrary,setotherlanguage,lyfont,arabicfontsf,arabicfont},
+morekeywords={begin,end,draw,fill}, % you can add what you need
+% fontes section
+\def\sectiontitle@font{\not \selectfont}
+\def\subsectiontitle@font{\waalidfontta \selectfont}
+% Espace entre le numéro de section et le titre
+ \bfseries\Large
+ \color{NavyBlue}
+ \sectiontitle@font
+\node (numsec) {\sectiontitle@font\thesection};
+\fill[rounded corners=4pt,fill=NavyBlue!40] ($(numsec.north west)+(2pt,-2pt)$) -- ($(numsec.north east)+(+2mm,-3mm)+(2pt,-2pt)$) -- ($(numsec.south east)+(2pt,-2pt)$) -- ($(numsec.south west)+(-1mm,-2mm)+(2pt,-2pt)$) -- cycle;
+\shadedraw[rounded corners=4pt,shading=ball,ball color=NavyBlue] (numsec.north west) -- ($(numsec.north east)+(+2mm,-3mm)$) -- (numsec.south east) -- ($(numsec.south west)+(-1mm,-2mm)$) -- cycle;
+\node[white] at (numsec) {\not \thesection};
+\node [above right,anchor= east] (titre) at ($(numsec.west)+(-.4,-.2)$) {\large\bfseries \textarabic{\not #1}};
+\node [yscale=-0.7, scope fading=south, opacity=0.4, above] at ($(titre.south)+(0,0.3)$) {\large\bfseries \textarabic{\not #1}};
+ \bfseries
+ \color{DarkOrchid2}
+ \subsectiontitle@font
+\node (numsubsec) { \subsectiontitle@font\RL{\thesubsection}};
+\fill[rounded corners=2pt,fill=DarkOrchid2!40] ($(numsubsec.north west)+(2pt,-2pt)$) -- ($(numsubsec.north east)+(1mm,0mm)+(2pt,-2pt)$) -- ($(numsubsec.south east)+(2pt,-2pt)$) -- ($(numsubsec.south west)+(-1mm,0)+(2pt,-2pt)$) -- cycle;
+\fill[rounded corners=2pt,fill=DarkOrchid2] (numsubsec.north west) -- ($(numsubsec.north east)+(1mm,0mm)$) -- (numsubsec.south east) -- ($(numsubsec.south west)+(-1mm,0)$) -- cycle;
+\node[Tomato4] at (numsec) {\waalidfontta \RL{\thesubsection}};
+\node [above right,anchor= east] (titre) at ($(numsec.west)+(-.4,-.2)$) {\large\bfseries \textarabic{\nk #1}};
+\node [yscale=-0.8, scope fading=south, opacity=0.4, above] at ($(titre.south)+(0,0.3)$) {\large\bfseries \textarabic{\nk #1}};
+\tcbset{arc,arc is angular}
+\newcommand{\page}{\newpage \fancyfoot[L]{{
+ \naams{\textbf{0\thepage}}}}
+ \fancyfoot[C]{}
+ \fancyfoot[R]{} \rhead{} \chead{} \parindent 0pt \renewcommand{\footrulewidth}{1.4pt} }\renewcommand{\headrulewidth}{1.5pt}
+\hrule width\headwidth height\headrulewidth }}
+\hrule width\headwidth height\headrulewidth }}
+ %\section*{\contentsname}%
+ \@mkboth{%
+ \MakeUppercase\contentsname}{\MakeUppercase\contentsname}%
+ \@starttoc{toc}%
+\begin{tikzpicture}[inner sep=3pt]
+yscale=-1,scope fading=south,
+notitle ,
+sharp corners,
+drop fuzzy shadow,
+ inside node=frame, raised color=brown!70!black}},
+#1} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/macros/xetex/latex/na-border/doc/na-border.pdf b/macros/xetex/latex/na-border/doc/na-border.pdf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..923561964c
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Binary files differ
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9cdf50914f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/xetex/latex/na-border/doc/na-border.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,561 @@
+% compiler avec XeLaTeX
+\resizebox {!}{1.4cm}{\textcolor{white}{\large\bidicontour{black}{الحزمة
+ \texttt{na-border}}}}
+ \resizebox {!}{0.7cm}{\textcolor{blue}{\large\bidicontour{red}{
+\textfrench{\texttt{version 0.1}}}}}
+\author{\textarabic{لرسم إطارات مزخرفة للصفحات}}
+\date{\bf $08$/$07$/$2018$}
+ \draw[decorate,decoration={text along path,text={|\color{blue!50!black}|$ na-border. package - na-border-$ ||}, text align={fit to path stretching spaces}}] (0.2\paperwidth , -0.11\paperheight ) circle (1.15);
+\node (A) at (0.2\paperwidth , -0.11\paperheight )[magenta] {ناعم محمد};
+\draw[blue!50!black] (0.2\paperwidth , -0.11\paperheight ) circle (0.8);
+\draw[blue!50!black] (0.2\paperwidth , -0.11\paperheight ) circle (1.3);
+ \end{tikzpicture}}
+\begin{tcolorbox}[breakable,enhanced jigsaw,title={ \tikz{
+ \draw (0,0) node {\resizebox {!}{0.5cm}{\contour{black}{ \color{white}{\leter h}}}}}},
+ colback=yellow!10!white,colframe=red!50!black,
+ interior style={fill overzoom image=goldshade.png,fill image opacity=0.25},
+ colbacktitle=yellow!10!white, coltitle=red!56!black,
+ enlargepage flexible=\baselineskip,pad at break*=3mm,
+ watermark color=blue!35!red!25,
+ watermark text={\bfseries\Large \leter h},
+ attach boxed title to top center={yshift=-0.25mm-\tcboxedtitleheight/2,yshifttext=2mm-\tcboxedtitleheight/2},
+ boxed title style={enhanced,boxrule=0.5mm,
+ frame code={ \path[tcb fill frame] ([xshift=-4mm]frame.west) -- (frame.north west)
+ -- (frame.north east) -- ([xshift=4mm]frame.east)
+ -- (frame.south east) -- (frame.south west) -- cycle; },
+ interior code={ \path[tcb fill interior] ([xshift=-2mm]interior.west)
+ -- (interior.north west) -- (interior.north east)
+ -- ([xshift=2mm]interior.east) -- (interior.south east) -- (interior.south west)
+ -- cycle;} },
+ drop fuzzy shadow]
+\small \tableofcontents
+ \rhead{\resizebox {!}{0.8cm}{\naams{
+ $\thepage$}}}
+ $\thepage$}}
+\centerline{\fontislam 4}
+h_dh .hzmT jdydT tsmY \texttt{na-border}
+'an^s-'at"aN lrsm 'i.tArAt mzxrfT lil.sf.hAt
+, .hy_t ymkn 'istxdAm h_dh al-'i.tArAt fy ktAbT 'ihdA' 'aw lktAbT .sf.hT wAjhT m_dkrT , ktAb , 'aw mjlT , w qd tm al-'i`tmAd `lY al.hzmT \texttt{tikz} w alx.t \texttt{CornPop.ttf} ; x.t mn nw` \texttt{ttf} , b.hy_t lAbd mn t_tbyth `lY alwyndwz l-'an al-'i.tArAt klhA t`tmd `lyh .\\
+tjdwn rfqT h_dA aldlyl alx.t \texttt{CornPop.ttf} al_dy yjb 'awlA t_tbyth `lY alwyndwz 'in lm ykn m_tbtA .
+\section{كيفية استخدام الحزمة }
+l-'istxdAm al.hzmT \texttt{na-border}
+'awl ^sy' nktb m` al.hzm fy dbAjT alw_tyqT
+\LR{\verb# \usepackage{na-border} #} , kmA yjb t_tbyt alx.t \texttt{CornPop.ttf} `lY alwyndwz l-'an kl alzxArf tat`lq bh ; alx.t tjdh m` h_dA aldlyl fy nfs almjld mA`lyk 'ilA alnnqr `lyh mrtyn _tm nanqr
+`lY \texttt{installer} ftatm `mlyT t_tbyt alx.t b^sl bsy.t jdA .\\
+l-'istxdAm al.hzmT \texttt{na-border} nqwm bnsx almlf {\color{blue}\texttt{na-border.sty}} mn 'imtdAd \texttt{sty}
+w n.d`h fy almlf ( 'ay \texttt{dossier}) al_dy n`Alj fyh .\\
+\underline{ملاحظة مهمة :}\\
+al.hzmT t`ml fq.t `nd astxdAm al.hzmT
+\texttt{polyglossia} w alm`AljT b--- :\texttt{XeLaTeX} swA'aA kAnt alal.gT alr'iysyyT hy al`rbyT 'aw l.gT lAtynyT 'axrY bm`nY 'annh ymkn 'istxdAm h_dh al-'i.tArAt lktAbT .sf.hT mqdmT m_dkrT bAlal.gT alalAtynyT b^skl `Ady jdA w lys al`rbyT fq.t .w fy kll al.hAlAt lAbd 'an nktb b`d al.hzmT \texttt{polyglossia}
+al-'amr almbyn fy al-'i.tAr al-'azrq almbyyn 'adnAh
+wh_dA al-'amr mhm jdA fbdwnh lA t`ml al.hzmT
+\section{الشكل العام لتعليمة رسم الإطارات}
+lrsm al-'i.tArAt nktb dAxl alws.t
+\texttt{document} alt`lymT alttAlyyT
+\naborder{*\textarabic{\nk نكتب هنا لون الإطار
+ }*}{*\textarabic{\nk نكتب هنا الحرف اللاتيني الذي يمثل الزخرفة
+ }*}
+$\triangleleft$ fy mkAn lwn al-'i.tArAt n.d` alalwn al_dy fyh m_tl (\texttt{red} 'a.hmr ) , (\texttt{blue} 'azrq ) , (\texttt{brown} bny) \\ ,
+(\texttt{green} 'ax.dr) , (\texttt{yellow} ' ) ,
+(\texttt{pink} wrdy) , (\texttt{lime} 'ax.dr fAt.h) w hk_dA , al-'alwAn mt`dadT w k_tyrT fy altAk 'axtr alalwn al_dy tryd (t_dkyr : al.hzmT \LR{\verb# \usepackage[svgnames,dvipsnames,x11names]{xcolor} #}) taty.h lk astxdAm `dad hA'il mn al-'alwAn.\\
+$\triangleleft$ fy al.hA.zntyn al_tAnytyn nktb al.hrf alalAtyny al_dy ym_tl alzxrfT m_tl (\textfrench{a,b,c,d,f,g,h,i,k,l,m,o,p,q,r,E,......}) , fkll .hrf lAtyny ym_tl zxrfT m`yynT .
+\underline{مثال أول}:
+lw nktb m_tlA :
+\end{boxlis} b`d alm`AljT `lY :
+mA `lyk al-'An 'ilA 'an t.gyyr fy alalwn alsAbq (\texttt{blue}) w tktb alalwn al_dy tryd w t.gyr fy al.hrf alalAtyny \texttt{f} w tktb .hrfA 'Axr ltlA.h.z alfrq ( `lY zxrfT jdydT) .
+\section{الشكل العام لتعليمة رسم إطار العنوان }
+ymkn 'ay.dA bAl.hzmT \texttt{na-border} rsm
+'i.tAr l`nwAn m`yyn k`nwAn m_tlA m_dkrT w al^skl al`Am lt`lymT al`nwAn hy :
+\bordertitle{*\textarabic{\nk لون أعلى الإطار
+ }*}{*\textarabic{\nk لون أسفل الإطار
+ }*} {*\textarabic{\nk نص العنوان
+ }*}
+\underline{مثال أول :}
+lw nktb m_tlA :
+\bordertitle{lime}{white}{*\textarabic{\nk متتاليات فيبوناتشي
+ }*}
+\end{boxlis} `lY :\\
+\bordertitle{lime}{white}{\textarabic{ متتاليات فيبوناتشي
+ }}\\
+ \underline{مثال ثاني :}
+ ltkbyr al`nwAn m_tlA nst`yn bAlt`lymT
+ \LR{\verb# \resizebox #}
+ fm_tlA lw nktb :
+ \begin{boxlis}
+\bordertitle{lime}{white}{\resizebox{!}{1.5cm}{*\textarabic{\nk متتاليات فيبوناتشي
+ }*}}
+\end{boxlis} `lY :\\
+\bordertitle{pink}{white}{\resizebox{!}{1.5cm}{\textarabic{ متتاليات فيبوناتشي
+ }}}\\
+ fymA yx.s alalwn al`lwy lil-'i.tAr w alalwn alsfly ymkn t.gyayrhmA kmA tryd .gyr fq.t fy al.hA.dntyn alsAbqtyn almwjwdtyn fy t`lymT al`nwAn .
+\underline{مثال ثالث :}
+fy b`.d al.hAlAt ykwn al`nwAn .twyl nw`A mA w bAltAly al-'i.tAr yt`dY 'ab`Ad alwrqT l.hl h_dA alm^skl nst`yn bAlws.t \texttt{minipage}
+w h_dA alm_tAl yw.d.h _dlk flw nktb :
+ \resizebox {16cm}{1.8cm}{*\textarabic{\nk المتتاليات في الفضاء الحقيقي }*}\\
+ \resizebox {16cm}{1.8cm}{*\textarabic{\nk و في فضاءات مترية و طبولوجية }*}
+ \end{minipage}}
+ `lY :\\
+ \bordertitle{blue!20}{white}{\begin{minipage}{16cm}
+ \resizebox {16cm}{1.8cm}{ \textarabic{ المتتاليات في الفضاء الحقيقي }}\\
+ \resizebox {16cm}{1.8cm}{\textarabic{ و في فضاءات مترية و طبولوجية }}
+ \end{minipage}}
+\subsection{أمثلة متنوعة }
+\underline{مثال عن واجهة مذكرة}
+\newfontfamily\not[Script=Arabic,Scale=1.5]{Aref Ruqaa}
+\\*\textarabic{\nk وزارة التعليم العالي والبحث العلمي}*
+\\*\textarabic{\nk المدرسة العليا للأساتذة}*
+\\*\textarabic{\nk $-$ القبة القديمة $-$ (الجزائر)}*
+*\textarabic{\nk قسم الرياضيات}*
+\textbf{Minist\`{e}re de l'Enseignement
+Sup\'{e}rieur \\
+et de la Recherche Scientifique \\
+\'{E}cole Normale Sup\'{e}rieure \\
+-Vieux Kouba - (Alger) }\\
+\textsf{D\'{e}partement de Math\'{e}matiques}
+ \vskip1cm
+ \centerline{\textarabic{\not *\textarabic{ \nk
+ مذكرة تخرج لنيل شهادة أستاذ التعليم المتوسط }*}}
+ \centerline{\textarabic{\not *\textarabic{\nk
+ تحت عنوان :}*}}
+ \resizebox {16cm}{1.5cm}{*\textarabic{\nk المتتاليات في الفضاء الحقيقي }*}\\
+ \resizebox {16cm}{1.5cm}{*\textarabic{\nk و في فضاءات مترية و طبولوجية }*}
+ \end{minipage}}
+*\textarabic{\nk من إعداد الطالب :}*\\
+*\textarabic{\nk إسم الطالب}*
+*\textarabic{\nk تحت إشراف الأستاذ :}* \\
+*\textarabic{\nk إسم الأستاذ هنا }*
+*\textarabic{\nk إسم الأستاذ }*
+*\textarabic{\nk استاذ بالمدرسة العليا للأساتذة}*
+*\textarabic{\nk مشرفا}*
+*\textarabic{\nk إسم الأستاذ }*
+*\textarabic{\nk استاذ بالمدرسة العليا للأساتذة}*
+*\textarabic{\nk ممتحنا}*
+\centerline{*\textarabic{\nk السنة الجامعية:$2018/2017$}*}
+\centerline{*\textarabic{\nk دفعة جوان :
+\end{boxlis} b`d alm`AljT bAstxdAm \texttt{XeLaTeX}
+`lY al.sf.hT almwAlyyT
+وزارة التعليم العالي والبحث العلمي\\
+المدرسة العليا للأساتذة\\
+$-$ القبة القديمة $-$ (الجزائر)\\
+قسم الرياضيات
+\textbf{Minist\`{e}re de l'Enseignement
+Sup\'{e}rieur \\
+et de la Recherche Scientifique \\
+\'{E}cole Normale Sup\'{e}rieure \\
+-Vieux Kouba - (Alger) }\\
+\textsf{D\'{e}partement de Math\'{e}matiques}
+ \vskip1cm
+ \centerline{\not
+ مذكرة تخرج لنيل شهادة أستاذ التعليم المتوسط }
+ \centerline{\not
+ تحت عنوان :}
+ \vskip0.3cm
+ \bordertitle{blue!20}{white}{\begin{minipage}{16cm}
+ \resizebox {16cm}{1.8cm}{ \textarabic{ المتتاليات في الفضاء الحقيقي }}\\
+ \resizebox {16cm}{1.8cm}{\textarabic{ و في فضاءات مترية و طبولوجية }}
+ \end{minipage}}
+ \vskip0.4cm
+من إعداد الطالب :\\
+إسم الطالب
+تحت إشراف الأستاذ :\\
+إسم الأستاذ هنا
+إسم الأستاذ
+استاذ بالمدرسة العليا للأساتذة
+إسم الأستاذ
+استاذ بالمدرسة العليا للأساتذة
+السنة الجامعية:$2018/2017$}
+\centerline{دفعة جوان :
+\underline{مثال أخر عن واجهة مذكرة تخرج}\\
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+\\*\textarabic{\nk وزارة التعليم العالي والبحث العلمي}*
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+\\*\textarabic{\nk $-$ القبة القديمة $-$ (الجزائر)}*
+*\textarabic{\nk قسم الرياضيات}*
+\textbf{Minist\`{e}re de l'Enseignement
+Sup\'{e}rieur \\
+et de la Recherche Scientifique \\
+\'{E}cole Normale Sup\'{e}rieure \\
+-Vieux Kouba - (Alger) }\\
+\textsf{D\'{e}partement de Math\'{e}matiques}
+ \vskip1cm
+ \centerline{\textarabic{\not *\textarabic{ \nk
+ مذكرة تخرج لنيل شهادة أستاذ التعليم المتوسط }*}}
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+ تحت عنوان :}*}}
+ \resizebox {16cm}{1.5cm}{*\textarabic{\nk فضاءات لوبيغ و فضاءات سوبولاف }*}}
+*\textarabic{\nk من إعداد الطالب :}*\\
+*\textarabic{\nk إسم الطالب}*
+*\textarabic{\nk تحت إشراف الأستاذ :}* \\
+*\textarabic{\nk إسم الأستاذ هنا }*
+*\textarabic{\nk إسم الأستاذ }*
+*\textarabic{\nk استاذ بالمدرسة العليا للأساتذة}*
+*\textarabic{\nk مشرفا}*
+*\textarabic{\nk إسم الأستاذ }*
+*\textarabic{\nk استاذ بالمدرسة العليا للأساتذة}*
+*\textarabic{\nk ممتحنا}*
+\centerline{*\textarabic{\nk السنة الجامعية:$2018/2017$}*}
+\centerline{*\textarabic{\nk دفعة جوان :
+\end{boxlis} b`d alm`AljT bAstxdAm \texttt{XeLaTeX}
+`lY al.sf.hT almwAlyyT
+وزارة التعليم العالي والبحث العلمي\\
+المدرسة العليا للأساتذة\\
+$-$ القبة القديمة $-$ (الجزائر)\\
+قسم الرياضيات
+\textbf{Minist\`{e}re de l'Enseignement
+Sup\'{e}rieur \\
+et de la Recherche Scientifique \\
+\'{E}cole Normale Sup\'{e}rieure \\
+-Vieux Kouba - (Alger) }\\
+\textsf{D\'{e}partement de Math\'{e}matiques}
+ \vskip1cm
+ \centerline{\not
+ مذكرة تخرج لنيل شهادة أستاذ التعليم المتوسط }
+ \centerline{\not
+ تحت عنوان :}
+ \vskip0.3cm
+ \bordertitle{red!20}{lime!45}{
+ \resizebox {16cm}{1.8cm}{ \textarabic{ فضاءات لوبيغ و فضاءات سوبولاف }}}
+ \vskip0.4cm
+من إعداد الطالب :\\
+إسم الطالب
+تحت إشراف الأستاذ :\\
+إسم الأستاذ هنا
+إسم الأستاذ
+استاذ بالمدرسة العليا للأساتذة
+إسم الأستاذ
+استاذ بالمدرسة العليا للأساتذة
+السنة الجامعية:$2018/2017$}
+\centerline{دفعة جوان :
+\underline{مثال أخر عن واجهة مذكرة تخرج باللغة الفرنسية}\\
+\newfontfamily\not[Script=Arabic,Scale=1.5]{Aref Ruqaa}
+République Algérienne démocratique et Populaire\\
+Ministère de l'enseignement supérieur et de la recherche scientifique
+\underline{\Large MEMOIRE DE MASTER}
+ \resizebox {16cm}{1.8cm}{ LE TITRE DU MEMOIRE}}
+\underline{ Présenté par:}\\[3mm]
+Nom et prénom
+\underline{ Enquadré par:}\\[3mm]
+\hfill Nom \& Prénoms
+Promotion: mois \& année}
+\end{boxlis} b`d alm`AljT bAstxdAm \texttt{XeLaTeX}
+`lY al.sf.hT almwAlyyT
+République Algérienne démocratique et Populaire\\
+Ministère de l'enseignement supérieur et de la recherche scientifique
+\underline{\Large MEMOIRE DE MASTER}
+ \resizebox {16cm}{1.8cm}{ LE TITRE DU MEMOIRE}}
+\underline{ Présenté par:}\\[3mm]
+Nom et prénom
+\underline{ Enquadré par:}\\[3mm]
+\hfill Nom \& Prénoms
+Promotion: mois \& année}
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+This font is provided to you by – the largest online
+repository of free fonts for Windows and Mac.
+How to install this font on your computer?
+For Windows 7 / Vista users:
+- Right-click the font file(s) and choose "Install".
+For users of the previous Windows versions:
+- Copy the included file(s) into a default Windows font folder
+For Mac users:
+Mac OS X 10.3 or above (including the FontBook)
+- Double-click the font file and hit "Install font" button at
+ the bottom of the preview.
+Mac OS X
+- Either copy the font file(s) to /Library/Fonts (for all users),
+ or to /Users/Your_username/Library/Fonts (for you only).
+Mac OS 9 or earlier
+- You have to convert the font file(s) you have downloaded.
+ Drag the font suitcases into the System folder. The system
+ will propose you to add them to the Fonts folder.
+For Linux users:
+- Copy the font file(s) to /USR/SHARE/FONTS
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+\rhead{ }
+\chead{ }
+أكتب هنا
+icrire ici bon courage \\
+\centerline{\bordertitle{yellow}{white}{memoire de mathémathéqiue}}
+icrire ici bon courage \\
+\centerline{\bordertitle{yellow}{white}{memoire de mathémathéqiue}}
+icrire ici bon courage \\
+\centerline{\bordertitle{yellow}{white}{memoire de mathémathéqiue}}
+icrire ici bon courage \\
+\centerline{\bordertitle{yellow}{white}{memoire de mathémathéqiue}}
+اكتب هنا
+\end{document} \ No newline at end of file
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