path: root/macros/xetex/latex/bidi/bidi-doc-latex-basics.ltx
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1 files changed, 1 insertions, 6 deletions
diff --git a/macros/xetex/latex/bidi/bidi-doc-latex-basics.ltx b/macros/xetex/latex/bidi/bidi-doc-latex-basics.ltx
index 09d98a40b1..0b9517d600 100644
--- a/macros/xetex/latex/bidi/bidi-doc-latex-basics.ltx
+++ b/macros/xetex/latex/bidi/bidi-doc-latex-basics.ltx
@@ -76,17 +76,12 @@ There is also \texttt{extrafootnotefeatures} option that allows footnotes to be
\item \Lcs{normalfootnotes} typesets footnotes in Standard \LaTeX{} format.
\item \Lcs{twocolumnfootnotes} to \Lcs{tencolumnfootnotes}, typeset footnotes in two-columns to ten-columns, respectively.
-\item \Lcs{RTLcolumnfootnotes} typesets footnotes columns RTL (first column on the RHS and each next column to the left of the previous column) and \Lcs{LTRcolumnfootnotes} typesets footnotes columns LTR (first column on the LHS and each next column to the right of the previous column). \Lcs{LTRcolumnfootnotes} is active by default.
\item \Lcs{paragraphfootnotes} typesets footnotes in paragraph format.
-\item \Lcs{setLTRparagraphfootnotes} makes footnotes run from left to right. This comand is active by default.
-\item \Lcs{setRTLparagraphfootnotes} makes footnotes run from right to left.
Please note that when using \texttt{extrafootnotefeatures} option, the footnote rule will be as wide as the text width and \Lcs{autofootnoterule}, \Lcs{rightfootnoterule}, \Lcs{leftfootnoterule}, and \Lcs{textwidthfootnoterule} commands have no effects.