path: root/macros/text1/macros/flexcol.tex
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+++ b/macros/text1/macros/flexcol.tex
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+% This work is protected as an unpublished work under
+% U.S. copyright laws.
+% Copyright 1987, by Washington State University.
+% All rights reserved.
+% Last updated on 7/1/89
+\global\output{\flex*ut{\unvbox255}} % FLEXCOL normal output routine
+\gdef\flex*ut#1{% FLEXIBLE OUTPUT, flex*ut
+ \boxmaxdepth=\maxdepth
+ \shipout\vbox{
+ \offinterlineskip % butt boxes together
+ \if*title % Do nothing if this is a title page
+ \else\makeheadline\fi % makeheadline redefined in TEXT1
+ \vbox to\*txth{ % page height equals single column text height
+ \ifvoid\topins % no top insert present
+ \else\unvbox\topins\fi % place top insert before main text
+ #1 % insert the main information
+ \ifvoid\footins % no foot insert present
+ \else\vskip\skip\footins % skip to footnote position
+ \footnoterule % print footnote rule
+ \unvbox\footins\fi % place foot insert after main text and rule
+ \makefootline} % end vbox to *txth
+ } % end vbox with running heads, if any
+ \if*title\notitlepage\fi % reset vsize for a normal page
+ \if\*pcount>0\*blkpg\fi % call for empty page macro, TEXT1
+ \*ncfalse
+ \advancepageno} % End flex*ut, flexible output macro
+\gdef\*adjp#1{% ADJUST PAGE MACRO, height of inserts lost during output call, this macro
+ \global\advance#1 by-\topskip % restores these values to the output routines
+ \ifvoid\topins % compensate for topskip
+ \else % if no insert present do nothing else
+ \global\advance#1 by-\ht\topins % routine restores those values
+ \global\advance#1 by-\dp\topins % to the new output routines.
+ \global\advance#1 by-\skip\topins
+ \global\advance#1 by\dp\strutbox % fine tune split
+ \fi
+ \ifvoid\footins % do nothing if no footinsert present
+ \else % else compensate for skips when footins present
+ \global\advance#1 by-\ht\footins %
+ \global\advance#1 by-\dp\footins %
+ \global\advance#1 by-\skip\footins %
+ \global\advance#1 by\dp\strutbox % fine tune split
+ \fi}% END *adjp, adjust page macro
+% \*balctest is called whenever leaving 2 or 3 column formatting
+\gdef\*balctest{% TEST REMAINING TEXT DEPTH text for more than one page of remaining text
+ \setbox0=\vbox{\unvbox255} % height box255 always=vsize
+ \dimen9=\ht0 % find height of material in box255
+ \advance\dimen9 by\topskip % account for top of page topskip
+ \if*dbl \advance\dimen9 by\splittopskip % second column splittopskip
+ \else\advance\dimen9 by2\splittopskip % second and third columns
+ \fi % end accounting for topskips for splitting routines
+ \setbox255=\vbox{\unvbox0}
+ \ifdim\dimen9>\vsize % too much material for one page
+ \if*dbl\expandafter\global\output={\*balc}\*twcout %
+ \else\expandafter\global\output={\*balc}\*thcout %
+ \fi % use normal output before using balance columns routine
+ \else % less than one full page of text remaining
+ \*balc % use balance columns routine
+ \fi}% END, *balctest, test for output routine to balance columns
+\gdef\*flextwc{\par% BEGIN FLEX METHOD OF TWO COLUMNS
+ \goodbreak
+ \if*dbl\e*flextwc\fi % end any active two column format
+ \if*tpl\e*flexthc\else % if previous material in threecolumns call
+ \vskip\the\*mskb\fi % end threecolumns, else skipbefore.
+ \def\*balc{% BALANCECOLUMNS, TWO COLUMNS---beginning
+ \*badj % check for binding adjust
+ \splittopskip=\topskip % splittopskip equals topskip
+ \setbox0=\vbox{\unvbox255} % release unbalanced page material
+ \dimen0=\ht0 % prepare to find equal height dimension
+ \divide\dimen0 by2 % split dimension for two columns
+ \advance\dimen0 by-\baselineskip % back up one line
+ \ifdim\dimen0<\baselineskip % check split depth
+ \dimen0=\topskip % account for the topskip
+ \advance\dimen0 by\baselineskip % account for one line
+ \fi
+ {\vbadness=10000 % prevents underfull box message during loop
+ \loop \global\setbox3=\copy0 % routine.
+ \global\setbox1=\vsplit3 to\dimen0 %
+ \ifdim\ht3>\dimen0 % if column longer...
+ \global\advance\dimen0 by1pt %
+ \repeat} % end balancing loop
+ \setbox0=\vbox to\dimen0{\unvbox1} %
+ \setbox2=\vbox to\dimen0{\dimen2=\dp3 %
+ \unvbox3 \kern-\dimen2 \vfill} %
+ \ifvoid2 \setbox2=\vbox to\dimen0{\null\vfill}\fi %
+ \*pgsofar % format text accummulated so far
+ \global\output={\*dbl-error} % error message if balance fails
+ \dimen@=\*txth % return vsize to single page size
+ \*adjp\dimen@ % adjust vsize for any remaining inserts
+ \global\vsize=\dimen@ % adjusted vsize
+ }% END, *balc, balancecolumns macro, twocolumns
+ \def\*pgsofar{% PAGESOFAR, format for two columns
+ \unvbox\*ppage % boxes two column material
+ \D=\the\*twcgut \D=.5\D % half gutter skip on either side of rule
+ \wd0=\hsize \wd2=\hsize % set text box width securely
+ \hbox to\*txtw{\box0\hskip\D\vrule width\the\*clrw
+ \hskip\D\box2\hfil} % set boxes and rules
+ }% END, *pgsofar, pagesofar output macro
+ \def\*twcout{% TWO COLUMN OUTPUT, normal output routine
+ \splittopskip=\topskip
+ \splitmaxdepth=\maxdepth
+ \*badj % check for binding adjust
+ \dimen@=\vsize % total text depth for two column out routine
+ \divide\dimen@ by2 % set splitting dimension
+ \*adjp\dimen@ % adjust page size for inserts
+ \setbox0=\vsplit255 to\dimen@ % split boxes to proper height
+ \setbox2=\vsplit255 to\dimen@
+ \flex*ut\*pgsofar % output current page
+ \unvbox255 % release extra text material gathered
+ \*bigch=2\*txth % allow vsize changes from cpt*vsize
+ \global\vsize=\*bigch % reset vsize to two column format
+ \penalty\outputpenalty}% END *twcout, two columns output routine
+% Harvey 12/06/85
+% This method will fail if a topinsert or footinsert is added to
+% the page after the new column call. The box and glue are set
+% at the newcolumn call accounting for inserts active then only
+ \def\newcolumn{\par % NEWCOLUMN, Flexible method, two columns
+ \D=.5\vsize % depth of one column
+ \ifdim\pagetotal>\D % determine which column is current
+ \D=\pagegoal % second column, depth > .5\vsize
+ \advance\D by-\pagetotal
+ \advance\D by-\topskip % account for topskip of 1st column
+ \advance\D by-\splittopskip % splittopskip of 2d column
+ \advance\D by-\dp\strutbox % account for character depth
+ \else % first column, depth equals half the vsize
+ \advance\D by-\pagetotal % subtract current page depth
+ \advance\D by-\topskip % subtract topskip form page depth
+ \advance\D by-\dp\strutbox % account for character depth
+ \fi
+ \vbox to\D{\vfill} % blank box to fill column
+ \*nctrue
+ \goodbreak}% END, newcolumn macro for two columns
+ \let\nc=\newcolumn % set two column definition of newcolumn
+ \begingroup % BEGIN TWOCOLUMNS---set-up
+ \global\*dbltrue % double columns active
+ \brokenpenalty=0 % If these penalties are set to zero the text
+ \clubpenalty=0 % will be formatted properly. If the are in force
+ \widowpenalty=0 % uneven columns may result. The penalties will be
+ \hyphenpenalty=0 % honored in either page or vsplit modes.
+ \exhyphenpenalty=0
+ \tolerance=6400 % raise tolerance for short column material
+ \hbadness=6400 % warning message given at 6400
+ \*bigch=2\*txth % initialize two column page height
+ \dimen@=\*txth % set dimen@ to current page height
+ \advance\dimen@ by-\pagetotal % subtract current page depth
+ \*adjp\dimen@ % adjust page depth for inserts
+ \vsize=2\dimen@ % set vsize equal to twice the remaining depth
+ \output={\global\setbox\*ppage=\vbox{\unvbox255}}\eject
+ \output={\*twcout} % output partial page and set output
+ \hsize=\the\*twcw % to twocolumnout, set new hsize for column
+ \topskip=12pt plus4pt % glue for vsplitting mechanism
+ }% END, *flextwc, flexible two column---set-up
+ \if*nc \vfill\eject\fi % When we've done a \nc dump the page before balancing
+ \output={\*balctest}\eject % test for too much text for balancing
+ \global\output={\flex*ut{\unvbox255}} % output page
+ \global\*dblfalse % change two column indicator to false
+ \global\vsize=\*txth % reset page size to single column height
+ \global\hsize=\*txtw % reset page width to single column width
+ \dimen@=\vsize % prepare to include current inserts
+ \*adjp\dimen@ % adjust for topskip and inserts
+ \global\pagegoal=\dimen@ % adjust pagegoal for current inserts
+ \penalty-500
+ \vskip\the\*mska
+ }% END e*flextwc, TWO COLUMNS termination routine
+ \goodbreak
+ \if*tpl\e*flexthc\fi % end any active triple columns
+ \if*dbl\e*flextwc\else % if previous material is in twocolumns, end
+ \vskip\the\*mskb\fi % twocolumns, else skipbefore
+ \def\*balc{% BALANCECOLUMNS, THREECOLUMNS---beginning
+ \*badj % check for binding adjust
+ \splittopskip=\topskip % split dimension for 3col
+ \setbox0=\vbox{\unvbox255}
+ \dimen0=\ht0 % prepare to find equal height dimension
+ \divide\dimen0 by3 % split dimension for each column
+ \advance\dimen0 by-\baselineskip % back-up one baselineskip
+ \ifdim\dimen0<\baselineskip % check split depth
+ \dimen0=\topskip % account for the topskip
+ \advance\dimen0 by\baselineskip % account for one line
+ \fi
+ {\vbadness=10000
+ \loop \global\setbox5=\copy0 % begin vsplit loop for balancing
+ \global\setbox3=\vsplit5 to\dimen0
+ \global\setbox4=\vsplit5 to\dimen0
+ \ifdim\ht5>\dimen0 \global\advance\dimen0 by1pt
+ \repeat} % end balancing loop
+ \setbox0=\vbox to\dimen0{\unvbox3} % first column
+ \setbox1=\vbox to\dimen0{\unvbox4} % second column
+ \ifvoid1 \setbox1=\vbox to\dimen0{\line{\hfil}\vfill}\fi
+ \setbox2=\vbox to\dimen0{\dimen2=\dp5\unvbox5\kern-\dimen2 \vfill}
+ \ifvoid2 \setbox2=\vbox to\dimen0{\line{\hfil}\vfill}\fi
+ \*pgsofar
+ \global\output={\*tpl-error} % error message if loop fails
+ \vsize=\*txth % reset page size to single column
+ \dimen@=\vsize % return vsize to single page vsize
+ \*adjp\dimen@ % adjust for topskip and inserts
+ \global\vsize=\dimen@ % new vsize accounts for current inserts
+ }% END, *balc, balance columns, threecolumns
+ \def\*pgsofar{\unvbox\*ppage % boxes three column material
+ \D=\the\*thcgut \D=.5\D % half gutter for each side of rule
+ \wd0=\hsize \wd1=\hsize \wd2=\hsize % set text box width securely
+ \hbox to\*txtw{\box0\hskip\D\vrule width\the\*clrw
+ \hskip\D\box1\hskip\D\vrule width\the\*clrw
+ \hskip\D\box2\hfil} % set boxes and rules
+ }% End *pgsofar, page-so-far macro
+ \def\*thcout{% THREE COLUMNS OUT, normal output routine for threecolumns
+ \splittopskip=\topskip
+ \splitmaxdepth=\maxdepth
+ \*badj % check for binding adjust
+ \dimen@=\vsize % total text depth for three column out routine
+ \divide\dimen@ by3 % set splitting dimension
+ \*adjp\dimen@ % adjust for topskip and inserts
+ \setbox0=\vsplit255 to\dimen@ % split boxes to proper height
+ \setbox1=\vsplit255 to\dimen@ %
+ \setbox2=\vsplit255 to\dimen@ %
+ \flex*ut\*pgsofar % send material to output routine
+ \unvbox255 % release any extra material gathered
+ \*bigch=3\*txth % allow vsize changes from cpt*vsize
+ \global\vsize=\*bigch % reset vsize for three column format
+ \penalty\outputpenalty}% END *thcout, normal output penalty set
+% Harvey 12/19/85
+% This routine has no way to compensate for inserts following the
+% new column call and will produce an overfull vbox message while
+% output active. It may also produce and underfull vbox message
+% if there is no stretchable glue in the column.
+ \def\newcolumn{\par % new column, three columns
+ \ifdim\pagetotal>.66666\vsize % you are in the third column
+ \D=\pagegoal % work from pagegoal for third column
+ \advance\D by-\topskip % account for topskip in 1st column
+ \advance\D by-2\splittopskip % splittopskip in columns 2 and 3
+ \advance\D by-\pagetotal % subtract current pagetotal
+ \advance\D by-\dp\strutbox % account for character depth
+ \else\ifdim\pagetotal>.3\vsize % you are in the second column
+ \D=.66666\vsize % column goal is 2/3 vsize
+ \advance\D by-\topskip % account topskip in 1st column
+ \advance\D by-\splittopskip % splittopskip in column 2
+ \advance\D by-\pagetotal % compensate for text
+ \advance\D by-\dp\strutbox % account for character depth
+ \else % you are in the first column
+ \D=.33333\vsize % goal is 1/3 vsize in first column
+ \advance\D by-\topskip % account for splittopskip
+ \advance\D by-\pagetotal % compensate for text
+ \advance\D by-\dp\strutbox % account for character depth
+ \fi\fi % end column determination and fil
+ \vbox to\D{\vfill}
+ \*nctrue
+ \goodbreak}% END, newcolumn for three columns
+ \let\nc=\newcolumn % set new column definition to three columns
+ \global\*tpltrue % set three column indicator on
+ \brokenpenalty=0 % These penalties should be zero in multicolumn
+ \clubpenalty=0 % modes that use the vsplit method of paging,
+ \widowpenalty=0 % the paging methods would honor the penalties.
+ \hyphenpenalty=0 % is erratic columns.
+ \exhyphenpenalty=0 %
+ \tolerance=9600 % raise tolerance for short columns
+ \hbadness=9600 % warnings issued at badness of 9600
+ \*bigch=3\*txth % initialize three column height
+ \dimen@=\*txth % set dimen@ to current page height
+ \advance\dimen@ by-\pagetotal % subtract current page depth
+ \*adjp\dimen@ % adjust page for topskip and inserts
+ \vsize=3\dimen@ % set vsize to 3 times remaining single column depth
+ \output={\global\setbox\*ppage=\vbox{\unvbox255}}\eject
+ \output={\*thcout} % output partial page and set output
+ \hsize=\the\*thcw % to threecolumnout, set new hsize for column
+ \topskip=12pt plus4pt % glue for the vsplitting mechanism
+ }% END *flexthc, three columns set-up
+ \if*nc \vfill\eject\fi % When we've done a \nc dump the page before balancing
+ \output={\*balctest}\eject % balance remaining three column material
+ \global\output={\flex*ut{\unvbox255}} % shipout page
+ \global\*tplfalse % end three column indicator
+ \global\vsize=\*txth % reset vsize to single column height
+ \global\hsize=\*txtw % reset hsize to single column width
+ \dimen@=\vsize % prepare to include current inserts
+ \*adjp\dimen@ % adjust for topskip and inserts
+ \global\pagegoal=\dimen@ % reset pagegoal to include inserts
+ \penalty-500
+ \vskip\the\*mska}% END E*flexthc, three columns termination macro
+\gdef\onecolumn{\if*dbl\e*flextwc\fi % end double column formatting
+ \if*tpl\e*flexthc\fi
+ \global\output={\*mkpg}
+ }% end triple column formatting
+ \errmessage{ Double columns can't be balanced on page \the\pageno . %
+ Please type h for help. }%
+ \flex*ut{\unvbox255}}
+ \errmessage{ Triple columns can't be balanced on page \the\pageno . %
+ Please type h for help. }%
+ \flex*ut{\unvbox255}}%