path: root/macros/plain/formats/texsis/styles/umich.txs
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'macros/plain/formats/texsis/styles/umich.txs')
1 files changed, 185 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/macros/plain/formats/texsis/styles/umich.txs b/macros/plain/formats/texsis/styles/umich.txs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e174e4a419
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/plain/formats/texsis/styles/umich.txs
@@ -0,0 +1,185 @@
+%% file: umich.txs (TeXsis version 2.18)
+% @(#) $ID: Revision: 1.0 Date: 2000/03/10 Author: myers $
+% This is a collection of TeXsis macros customized for use at the
+% University of Michigan. Basically it is the TXSsite.tex file for U-M.
+% There is at present no definition of \thesis that meets the
+% requirements of the Rackham Graduate School, but we hope to add one
+% soon. If someone writes one, please send it to us!
+% Change name to your own institution or site here:
+\message{University of Michigan Physics Department}
+% @(#) Last Updated: -EAM 10Mar2000
+\ATunlock % make @ a letter here
+% \ORGANIZATION is the name of the issuing organization, which appears
+% at the top of the title page, or on a \Memo. You can also change it
+% before you call \titlepage. \banner is called by \preprint when it
+% makes the title page.
+\def\ORGANIZATION{{\def\LC##1{{\fourteenpoint\bf ##1}}%
+ \twelvepoint\bf \LC{T}HE \LC{U}NIVERSITY OF \LC{M}ICHIGAN}}
+\def\banner{\vskip 0pt %
+ \line{\hfill \hbox{\vbox{\baselineskip=\normalbaselineskip
+ \hbox{\hfil \@DOCcode}\hbox{\hfil \@PUBdate}}}}%
+ \vskip 1.0cm}%
+% \@DOCcode is the document code that appears in the upper right
+% part of the title page of a \preprint. It starts out at its default
+% value, and is changed by calling \pubcode{<code>} before you call
+% \titlepage. If you don't use anything you'll get \TeXsis.
+% Similarly, \@PUBdate is the publication date, set by \pubdate.
+% \letterhead{phone} is for copying onto letterhead stationary.
+% It just puts on the date and a phone number (if given).
+\def\letterhead#1{% letterhead for copying onto stationary
+ \def\PhoneNumber{#1}%
+ \emsg{Positioning date/phone for University of Michigan letterhead.}%
+ \begingroup % this header stuff is local
+ \parskip=0pt \parindent=0pt %
+ \null\vskip 0.6in % skip down to date line
+ \line{\hfill \hbox to 5in{\tensl \today\hfill}}% Today's Date
+ \line{\tenss \hfill (734)
+ \ifx\PhoneNumber\empty 764-4437\else \PhoneNumber\fi}%
+ \ifx\Email\undefined\else\line{\hfill \tt \Email}\fi
+ \vskip 10pt plus 1fil
+ \endgroup}
+% \UMletterhead{phone} is a facsimile of the University of Michigan
+% stationary. If \Email is defined it is included under the phone number.
+\def\UMletterhead#1{% Facsimile of UM letterhead
+ \def\PhoneNumber{#1}%
+ \begingroup % make these these things local
+ \null\vskip -27pt % masthead up a bit to match real thing
+ \UMmasthead % UM seal and name
+ \line{\hfill \hbox to 5in{\tensl \today\hfill}}% Today's Date
+ \line{\tenss \hfill (734)
+ \ifx\PhoneNumber\empty 764-4437\else \PhoneNumber\fi}%
+ \ifx\Email\undefined\else\line{\hfill \tt \Email}\fi
+ \vskip 10pt plus 1fil
+ \endgroup}
+\def\UMmasthead{\line{\llap{\UMseal\hskip -35pt}\hfill
+ \hbox{\vbox{\hsize=13.99cm \def\LC##1{{\twentyfourpoint\bf ##1}}%
+ \line{\hfill \twentypoint\bf \LC{T}HE \LC{U}NIVERSITY OF \LC{M}ICHIGAN}%
+ \vskip 0.85cm
+ \line{\tenss DEPARTMENT OF PHYSICS \hfill 2477 Randall Laboratory}%
+ \line{\tenss \hfill Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1120}%
+ }}}}%
+% \UMmemo uses UMmasthead for a memorandum.
+\def\UMmemo{% letterhead for copying onto stationary
+ \MemoFormat
+%% \hoffset=0.5in \hsize=6.0in
+ \centerline{\vbox to 0pt{\vss
+ \hbox{\twelvess M E M O R A N D U M}%
+ \vskip 24pt}}%
+ \UMmasthead
+ \ifx\Email\undefined\else\line{\hfill \tt \Email}\fi
+ \ifx\@today\today\relax\else\emsg{Memo is dated \today}\fi
+ \vskip 0.5cm}%
+% \UMfaxmemo is for a memo using UM fax-imilie letterhead
+% to be sent via fax machine. It leaves a blank for the total
+% pages in the fax.
+\def\FaxNumber{(734) 763-2213} % Particle Theory group Fax
+\def\PhoneNumber{763-9698} % Particle Theory group phone
+\def\UMfaxmemo{% memorandum on UM letterhead facsimile
+ \MemoFormat
+ \hoffset=0.25in \hsize=6.0in
+ \centerline{\vbox to 0pt{\vss
+ \hbox{\twelvess\quad F A X\qquad M E M O R A N D U M}%
+ \vskip 24pt}}%
+ \UMmasthead
+ \ifx\@today\today\relax\else\emsg{Fax Memo is dated \today}\fi
+ \vskip 0.35cm
+ {\let\tenrm=\tenss \faxline}
+ \line{\tenss \hfill Telephone: (734)
+ \ifx\PhoneNumber\undefined 764-4437\else \PhoneNumber \fi}%
+ \ifx\Email\undefined\else\line{\hfill \tt \Email}\fi
+ \vskip 0.5cm}%
+% \LandscapeSpecial turns on landscape mode on the laser printer.
+% How this is done is very site dependent. Uncomment the version
+% that works for you, or insert your own if these don't work.
+%%% 1) This is how dv2ips does it, and you need to have
+%%% accesable to the filter program
+% 2) This is how dvips (Rokicki's version 5.484) does it:
+% Rokicki's dvips will do manual feed if you use 'dvips -m'
+\def\manualfeed{\emsg{\@comment MANUAL FEED MODE SELECTED!}%
+ \special{@manualfeed}}
+% Envelope position for HP LaserJet 4 printer "monojet"
+% (all the way to the left - change to match your own printer)
+ %% \emsg{Envelope offset for NeXT printer (centered).}%
+ %% \EnvlVoffset=1.25in % This is for NeXT printers
+ \emsg{Envelope offset for HP printer (all the way to the left).}%
+ \EnvlVoffset=3.4in
+% Mailing Labels: you may have to change these depending on your
+% printer and the kind of labels you use.
+% This is for the standard 3 across the page labels, either size
+\fullHsize=8.5in % hsize for page
+\fullVsize=11.1in % vsize for page
+\lblHsize=7.15cm % width of standard label
+\lblVoffset=-1.2cm % shift down this much
+\lblHoffset=-1.8cm % shift over this much
+\def\bigLabels{% size for big labels (1.5" x 2.75", 21 per page)
+ \lblVsize=1.5in
+ \lblVoffset=-1.2cm
+ \fullVsize=11.0in}
+\def\smallLabels{% size for small labels (1.0" x 2.75", 33 per page)
+ \lblVsize=1.0in
+ \lblVoffset=-0.875in
+ \fullVsize=11.15in}
+\bigLabels % <- default (more general)
+% ---------
+% >>> EOF umich.txs <<<