path: root/macros/plain/formats/texsis/styles/BostonU.txs
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'macros/plain/formats/texsis/styles/BostonU.txs')
1 files changed, 138 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/macros/plain/formats/texsis/styles/BostonU.txs b/macros/plain/formats/texsis/styles/BostonU.txs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7f499cdde5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/plain/formats/texsis/styles/BostonU.txs
@@ -0,0 +1,138 @@
+% file: TXSsite.tex TeXsis version 2.13
+% Universtiy of Texas at Austin, 12 October, 1989 -- Eric Myers
+% - modified from the BU site info, and there are still things to be fixed...
+% The definitions below are for site dependent information
+% for such things as name of organization, Preprint code numbers,
+% letterhead, etc...
+\message{Site dependent info.}
+%% \def\TeXsisLib{TEXSIS_LIB:} % VMS TeXsis Library
+%% \def\TXSpatches{TEXSIS_LIB:TXSpatch.tex} % VMS patches
+%% \def\TeXsisLib{/usr/local/lib/tex/} % UNIX TeXsis library
+%% \def\TXSpatches{/usr/local/lib/tex/TXSpatch.tex} % UNIX patches
+% \ORGANIZATION is the name of the issuing organization, which appears at
+% the top of the title page, or on a Memo.
+% You can change it before you call \titlepage.
+\def\ORGANIZATION{{\bf University of Texas at Austin}}
+% \@DOCcode is the document code that appears in the upper right
+% part of the title page of a \preprint. It starts out at its default
+% value, and is changed by calling \pubcode{<code>} before you call
+% \titlepage.
+%%%\def\@DOCcode{UT-PHY\hbox to 1.5cm{\hss}}
+% \banner produces a banner across the top of the title page for
+% a \preprint. Customize this however you like.
+\def\banner{\vskip 0pt %
+ \line{{\ninepoint\@PUBdate \hfil %
+ \hfil \@DOCcode}}% %
+ \vskip 1.0cm %
+} %
+\def\@PUBdate{\uppercase{\today}} % default is today
+% \UTletterhead{<phone number>} is UT letterhead facimile.
+ \begingroup % make these these things local
+ \parskip=0pt \parindent=0pt
+ \vbox to 0pt{%
+ \leftline{\tenpoint DEPARTMENT OF PHYSICS}%
+ \vskip 10pt
+ \leftline{\twelvepoint THE UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS AT AUSTIN}%
+ \vskip 10pt
+ \hrule\hss}
+ \vskip 10pt
+ \leftline{\nineit Center for Relativity $\cdot$
+ Austin, Texas 78712-1081 $\cdot$
+ (512)471-\ifx#1\relax\relax 1103 \else #1 \fi}%
+ \vskip 10pt
+ \line{\hfill\today}% % today's date
+ \vskip 10pt plus 1fil
+ \endgroup}
+% \letterhead{phone} is for copying onto letterhead. Just puts on date
+% and phone number.
+\def\letterhead#1{% letterhead for copying onto BU stationary
+ \begingroup % anchor, make these things local
+ \parskip=0pt \parindent=0pt %
+ \hbox{\ }%
+ \vskip 1.3cm % skip to below phone numbers
+ \ifx#1\relax\relax\else % if #1 exists, use as phone #
+ {\tenit (512) 471-{#1}}%
+ \vskip 10pt
+ \fi
+ \line{\hfill\today}% % today's date
+ \vskip 10pt plus 1fil
+ \endgroup}
+% Mailing Lables: you may have to change these depending on your
+% printer and the kind of lables you use.
+\lblHsize=7.32cm % width of standard label
+\lblVsize=2.54cm % height of standard label
+\fullHsize=8.5in % hsize for page
+\fullVsize=11.0in % vsize for page
+% \thesis gives proper format for BU theses
+ \texsis % initialize TeXsis
+ \contentsswitchtrue % *do* print table of contents
+ \hoffset=0.5in % for binding margin 1.5in
+ \hsize=6.0in % gives 1in right margin
+ \voffset=0.4in % makes 1.5in top margin
+ \vsize=8.5in % makes 1.0in bottom margin
+ \headline={{\hss\HeadText\hss}}% % headline is just text
+ \def\HeadText{\relax}% % but starts out empty
+ \footline={{\hss\FootText\hss}}% % footline is also centered text,
+ \def\FootText{{\ \tenrm\folio\ }}% % with ``page # ''
+ \def\Tbf{\sixteenpoint\bf}% % Chapter Titles in 16pt bold
+ \def\tbf{\twelvepoint\bf}% % Section titles in 12pt bold
+ \twelvepoint % 12pt type for most of doc
+ \doublespaced % double spacing
+ \easyparenson % auto-sizing of parens
+ \quoteon % auto quote matching
+ \def\titlepage{%
+ \pageno=-1 % start on page i for title
+ \def\FootText{{\tenrm\ \folio\ }}% -- page # --
+ \def\HeadText{\relax}% % no numbers on title page
+ } %
+ \def\abstract{% % as usual but no "ABSTRACT" title
+ \bigskip\bigskip\medskip % skip down some
+ \begingroup\doublespaced\narrower\narrower
+ }
+ \def\endtitlepage{\vfil\eject % end title page
+ \def\HeadText{{\tenrm \ \folio\ }}% % page numbers at top
+ \def\FootText{\relax}% % nothing at bottom
+ \doublespaced\pageno=1
+ }
+}% end of \BUthesis
+\def\thesis{\BUthesis} % \thesis is BU thesis format
+% >>> EOF TXSsite.tex <<<