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-\chapter{Layout Parameters}\label{LayoutParameters}
- Most layout parameters are set by \musixtex\ to reasonable default values.
-However, some projects will require altering one or more of them. In this
-section we discuss the most important parameters and how to change them.
- \section{List of layout parameters}
- In the following, the indication ``\nochange'' does not mean that this
-parameter cannot be changed at all, but that it should not be modified
-directly, e.g,.~by saying something like \verb|\Interligne=14pt|. In other
-words, changes in these parameters must be accomplished only by more
-comprehensive macros which not only revise them but at the same time perform
-other necessary related changes. Even though you cannot \ital{change} these,
-you may \ital{refer} to them in your coding if that proves useful.
- \item[\keyindex{Interligne} :]vertical distance between the bottoms of
-consecutive staff lines of the current instrument, taking no account of a
-possible alteration by \keyindex{setsize}; \nochange.
- \item[\keyindex{internote} :]vertical spacing between notes one scale
-step apart in the current instrument, taking account of a possible alteration
-by \keyindex{setsize}; \nochange.
-Note that each distinct instrument may have a different
-\verb|\internote| (see Chapter~\ref{staffspacing}).
- \item[\keyindex{Internote} :]vertical spacing between notes one scale
-step apart in any instrument whose \keyindex{setsize} has the default
-value \keyindex{normalvalue} ($1.0$), equal to \verb|0.5\Interligne|; \nochange.
-\item[\keyindex{staffbotmarg} :]margin below the first (lowest) staff of the
-first (lowest) instrument. Changes are recognized at the next system.
-Default is \verb|3\Interligne|.
- \item[\keyindex{stafftopmarg} :]margin above the last (uppermost) staff of
-last (uppermost) instrument. Changes are recognized at the next system.
-Default is \verb|3\Interligne|.
- \item[\keyindex{interbeam} :]vertical distance between beams; \nochange.
-\item[\keyindex{interstaff} :]a very important macro with a single numerical
-argument representing the factor that multiplies \verb|2\internote| to give the
-distance between the bottom of one staff and the bottom of the next one. In
-fact the macro redefines the parameter \verb|\interfacteur|. Default is 9.
-\verb|\interstaff| applies to all the
-instruments; to set the inter-staff spacing for a single instrument,
-use \keyindex{setinterstaff}\itbrace{n}\itbrace{m},
-$n$ is the instrument and $m$ is the replacement factor for that instrument.
-Note that
-after you have used \keyindex{setinterstaff},
-you cannot reset the distances for that instrument with
-\keyindex{interstaff}; you must subsequently use
-\keyindex{setinterstaff} for that purpose.
-\item[\keyindex{interportee} :]distance between the bottom of one staff and
-the bottom of the next one. It is always reset to
-2 times \keyindex{internote} times the \keyindex{interfacteur} for the current
-instrument at the next system.
-Therefore, trying to change \verb|\interportee| will have no effect. Change
-\verb|\interstaff| or use \keyindex{setinterstaff} instead.
-\item[\keyindex{interinstrument} :]additional vertical distance between
-two consecutive instruments. This means that the distance between the lowest
-line of the previous instrument and the lowest line of the top staff of the current
-instrument is \verb|\interportee+\interinstrument|. The
-default value of \verb|\interinstrument| is zero, but sometimes you
-may want additional space between distinct instruments. This is a general
-dimension register. As usual in \TeX, it can be set using a command such as
-\verb|\interinstrument=10pt| or \verb|\interinstrument=6\internote|. Its
-value can be overridden for the space above any particular instrument
-with the macro \keyindex{setinterinstrument}\itbrace{n}\itbrace{s}, where
-$n$ is the instrument and $s$ is the replacement value of the space to
-be added. The \verb|\setinterinstrument| macro may be useful in some vocal
-scores to provide vertical space for lyrics.
-Note that
-after you have used \keyindex{setinterinstrument},
-you cannot reset the distances for that instrument with
-\keyindex{interinstrument}; you must subsequently use
-\keyindex{setinterinstrument} for that purpose.
- \item[\keyindex{systemheight} :]distance from the bottom of the
-lowest staff to the top of the highest one. This is the length of any
-vertical lines such as repeats that span the full height of a system;
- In addition, when handling notes of a given staff of a given instrument, the
-following dimensions are available (note these are not true registers, but
-\ital{equivalenced symbols} through a \verb|\def|):
- \item[\keyindex{altplancher} :]altitude of the lowest line of the lowest
-instrument; \nochange.
- \item[\keyindex{altitude} :]altitude of the lowest line of the lowest
-staff of the current instrument; \nochange.
- \item[\keyindex{altportee} :]altitude of the lowest line of the current
-staff; \nochange.
- %??? Next perhaps will change to steps of \verb|\internote|.
- \item[\keyindex{stemfactor} :]parameter defining the length of stems on
-half, quarter, and beamed eighth notes, in units of \verb|\interbeam|.
-Normally a stem has the length of one octave,
-i.e.,~\verb|3.5|\keyindex{Interligne}. However, this is not correct for small or tiny
-note sizes. Therefore, stem length is defined as a multiple of the
-dimension \keyindex{interbeam}, which is chosen because it is automatically
-redefined as a
-different multiple of \keyindex{Interligne} whenever note size is changed. For
-example, with \verb|\normalmusicsize| when \verb|\setsize| is
-\verb|\normalvalue|, \verb|\interbeam| is \verb|0.75|\keyindex{Interligne}. This
-legislates a default value for \keyindex{stemfactor} of $4.66$ ($=3.5/0.75$).
-To change stem length, it is easiest to use e.g.,~\keyindex{stemlength}\verb|{3.5}|, which simply redefines \verb|\stemfactor|.
-Subsequently, \verb|\stemfactor| will not automatically be reset to the default,
-but keep in mind that if it is changed
-inside a notes group, the change will only be effective within that notes group.
- \section{A convenient macro for changing layout parameters}
-Of the parameters just described that can be changed, many should only be
-changed between the end of one system and the beginning of the next. The
-command sequence \verb|\def\atnextline{|\ital{any control sequence}\verb|}|
-may be useful for this purpose. It will cause \ital{any control sequence} to
-be inserted right before the next new line is begun, provided the line break
-is not initiated by a \verb|\startpiece|. Thus this will work with
-automatically generated line breaks, with those forced by \verb|\alaligne|, and
-with those forced by explicit use of \verb|\endpiece| or \verb|\stoppiece|
-followed by \verb|\contpiece|. (Note, however, that in the latter case it
-would be just as convenient to enter the parameter changes explicitly as well.)
-The control sequence will only be executed once,
-after which \verb|\atnextline| is redefined as \verb|\empty|.
- \section{Changing the number of lines per staff}\label{stafflinenumber}
-Naturally, the default number of lines per staff is five. But you may want a
-different number in some or all staves, for example for gregorian music,
-percussion music, guitar tablature, or early baroque keyboard music. To do so,
-use the command \keyindex{setlines}\itbrace{n}\itbrace{m}~where $n$ is the
-instrument number and $m$ is the number of lines.
- \section{Resetting normal layout parameters}
-The general size can only be changed with one of the commands
-\keyindex{normalmusicsize}, \keyindex{largemusicsize}, or
-\keyindex{Largemusicsize}. Beyond that, the command
-\keyindex{resetlayout} will reset the following key layout parameters
-to their default values: \keyindex{staffbotmarg} (\verb|3\Interligne|),
-\keyindex{stafftopmarg} (\verb|3\Interligne|), \keyindex{interstaff} ($9$),
- number of lines per staff for all instruments ($5$); and will reset all clef
-symbols to standard clef symbols.
- \section{Split and Shortened Systems}
-It is sometimes desirable to typeset a ``shortened'' system or to split
-a system into left and right segments, as in the following (extracted from a
-Geminiani \emph{concerto grosso}):
-\hbox to\hsize\bgroup\vbox\bgroup\hsize=1.7in
-\Notes\qa G\sk&\ibu1i{-1}\qb1i\qb1{.g}&\ca d\qa g&\ca n\itieu3n\qa n&\ca g\ds\en
-\znotes&&&&\lcn{q}{\bf D.S. al\kern3ex}\coda p\en
-\znotes&&&&\coda o\en
-\NOtes\qa{.G}&\qa{.k}&\qa{.d}&\qa n&\qa g\en
-\notes\sk\sk\qs\cca N&\sk\sk\qs\cca i&\sk\sk\qs\cca k&\qs\ibbl3p{-2}\qb3{p}\qb3{o}\tql3n&\qp\sk\sk\sk\en
-\NOtes\qa{.M}&\qa{.h}&\qa{.k}&\qa o&\ha k\en
-\Notes\sk&\sk&\sk&\itieu3r\qa r&\sk\en
-\notes\qs\cca M&\qs\cca h&\qs\cca k&\sk\sk&\sk\sk\en
-\NOtes\wh L\sk&\qa{g}\qa{g}&\ha{l}\sk&\ttie3\ha r\sk&\ha{g}\sk\en
-\NOTes\sk&\ha j&\ha{n}&\tr s\ha q&\ha{n}\en
-This was coded as follows:
-\hbox to\hsize\bgroup\vbox\bgroup\hsize=1.7in % specify length of left segment
-\Notes\qa G\sk&\ibu1i{-1}\qb1i\qb1{.g}
- &\ca d\qa g&\ca n\itieu3n\qa n&\ca g\ds\en
- &\sk\sk&\sk\sk\ttie3&\ds\sk\en
-\znotes&&&&\lcn{q}{\bf D.S. al\kern3ex}\coda p\en
-\egroup\hfill\vbox\bgroup\hsize=3.7in % specify length of right segment
-\znotes&&&&\coda o\en
-\NOtes\qa{.G}&\qa{.k}&\qa{.d}&\qa n&\qa g\en
-\notes\sk\sk\qs\cca N&\sk\sk\qs\cca i
- &\sk\sk\qs\cca k
- &\qs\ibbl3p{-2}\qb3{p}\qb3{o}\tql3n
- &\qp\sk\sk\sk\en
-\NOtes\qa{.M}&\qa{.h}&\qa{.k}&\qa o&\ha k\en
-\Notes\sk&\sk&\sk&\itieu3r\qa r&\sk\en
-\notes\qs\cca M&\qs\cca h&\qs\cca k
- &\sk\sk&\sk\sk\en
-\NOtes\wh L\sk&\qa{g}\qa{g}&\ha{l}\sk
- &\ttie3\ha r\sk&\ha{g}\sk\en
-\NOTes\sk&\ha j&\ha{n}&\tr s\ha q&\ha{n}\en
-\egroup\egroup % close open \bgroups