path: root/macros/mtex/metafont/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'macros/mtex/metafont/')
1 files changed, 71 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/macros/mtex/metafont/ b/macros/mtex/metafont/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..fbbef58249
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/mtex/metafont/
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+% this is
+% hier evtl. mode fuer gewuenschten output setzen
+% AGFA P400 mode: for devices that print 406 pixels per inch
+% mode_def agfa =
+% proofing:=0;
+% fontmaking:=1;
+% tracingtitles:=0;
+% pixels_per_inch:=406;
+% blacker:=0.65;
+% fillin:=0;
+% o_correction:=1;
+% enddef;
+% localfont:=agfa;
+% mode:=agfa;
+% low resolution music fonts are not very nice - but you need something...
+ mode_def atari =
+ proofing:=0;
+ fontmaking:=1;
+ tracingtitles:=0;
+ pixels_per_inch:=96;
+ blacker:=1.0;
+ fillin:=0;
+ o_correction:=1;
+ enddef;
+ localfont:=atari;
+ mode:=atari;
+ mode_setup;
+%mode_def ibm = % ibm mode: for the IBM3820
+% proofing:=0; % no, we're not making proofs
+% fontmaking:=1; % yes, we are making a font
+% tracingtitles:=0; % no, don't show titles in the log
+% pixels_per_inch:=240;
+% blacker:=.78; % (this value is conjectural)
+% fillin:=0.25; % (ditto)
+% o_correction:=.5; % (ditto)
+% enddef;
+nhh#:=1/4designsize; %noteheadheight
+nhw#:=1.2nhh#; %noteheadwidth
+beamht#:=0.6nhh#; %Balkenst"arke
+nhh:=nhh#*pt; %noteheadheight *pt
+nhw:=nhw#*pt; %noteheadwidth *pt
+thinwidth := 0.1pt;
+beamht := beamht#*pt;
+s := 10thinwidth;
+S := 1/16designsize;
+%pair constants
+pair ne,se,sw,nw; %northeast,southeast,southwest,northwest
+ne = up+right; se = down+right; sw = down+left; nw = up+left;
+def clear =
+ numeric x[],y[],x[]l,y[]l,x[]r,y[]r,dx[],dy[];
+ pair sh[];
+pickup pencircle scaled (0.1pt);
+def penstrike text t =
+ forsuffixes e = l,r: path_.e:=t; endfor
+ if cycle path_.l: cyclestroke_
+ else: filldraw path_.l -- reverse path_.r -- cycle fi enddef;